>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & ready to sell.
They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;
If you see items that interest you, PLEASE;
(1) REQUEST Condition, Price & Confirmation of availability;
(2) State preferred Condition; (A) Highest Available Grade; (B) Middle Grade; (C) Lowest grade, cheapest copy;
(3) List up to a MAXIMUM of 50 items that interest you [Pulling, Grading & Pricing for the GINAT Inventory in our 8000 Square
Foot warehouse, can be EXTREMELY Time Consuming; (So please; Try to send Serious Inquiries & ask for MOST WANTED Items]
If you list MORE than 50 items, we will begin at the top of the list & stop at the 50th Item; Unfortunately most people who ask for more
than 50 items, do not buy anything & they end to to be just “window shopping;
(On 50 items quotes we spend 30-120 Minutes of Labor & another 15-60 Minutes putting it all back if they buy nothing)
IF you make a purchase from the Original 50 or Less item Quotes, we will be very HAPPY to Quote MORE items];
(4) SEND your WANT LIST by EMAIL to = (Our Most Efficient Method of replying with Quotes;
OR, you can PHONE Us at = 1-204-346-3674 [ We usually CANNOT give an INSTANT & On the Spot Quote, thus EMAIL is usually better]
(5) Once we get your WANT LIST, based on our IN STOCK Inventory Lists, we will be VERY happy to respond with what is in stock,
As Soon As Possible; WE USUALLY REPLY to Inquires in 1-3 DAYS. (Perhaps Longer for BIG & Time-Consuming Inquires);
(6) PLEASE; Be Sure to let us know which COUNTRY you live in [USA, Canada, Overseas, etc] so we can quote Postage.
(7) MANY Customers have SPAM FILTERS that BLOCK our EMAIL REPLIES, thus it is always a GOOD IDEA to enclose your
Complete MAILING ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER (and FAX number) along with your Inquiries.
[IF your Server REJECTS our EMAIL Replies, we can then answer you by Snail Mail, Phone or Fax]
THANK YOU ! ..... Doug Sulipa
(5) GEAR -
(6) GQ = ( Gentlemen's Quarterly ) -
(7) KING -
(8) MAXIM -
(10) STUN -
(11) TO THE EDGE -
2003 (#5; September/October; Brandy Dahl; Water-Stain, VG = $12.00)
2005 (#17 July; Dara Brooke; FN/VF = $20.00)
2005 (#19; October; Christina Lindley; VG/FN = $14.00)
2006 (#23; March; Jennifer Nicole Lee; FN = $16.00)
2008 (#42; May; Kellie Maines; FN = $16.00)
2008 (#43; June; Desiree Starr; FN/VF = $16.00)
2008 (#44; July; Kristia Knowles; VG/FN = $12.00)
2008 (#45; September; Jennifer Nicole Lee; FN+ = $15.00)
2008 (#46; October; Lucy Pinde; VG/FN = $12.00)
2008 (#47; December; Hannah Owens; VG/FN = $12.00)
2009 (#48; January; Coco; VG/FN = $12.00)
2009 (June; Justene Jaro)
2012 (Spring; Suelyn Medeiros)
AMERICAN CURVES – Lingerie Special 2009 (Summer; Mandy Blank)
AMERICAN CURVES – Wet and Wild Special 2008 (Summer; Erin Ellington and Summer Sabers; VG/FN = $14.00)
BIKINI (Raygun Media Inc Pub.)
1999 (January; Star Trek's Jeri Ryan); (February; Rebecca Gayheart);
BLACK BOOK (Bkacl Book Media Corp.)
2005 (Fall; Tilda Swinton);
BLACK MEN (Starline Pub.)
2002; August; (the SEX issue; Free A.K.A. Marchie Wright; Weight = 190 Grams; G/VG, Coupons Clipped out of 6 pages inside = $2.00);
2002; October; (Murder Inc's delicious dynamic duo Ashanti/ Charli Baltimore; Weight = 195 Grams; Writing on BACK cover, minor pen marks on several pages inside, VG = $5.00);
BLACK MEN – Swimsuit Extra 2006 (Melyssa Ford)
1994(August, Bill Cosby);
1999(February, John Travolta);
2012 (March); (April); (August 11); (October); (Christmas);
2013 (January);
CIGARS INTERNATIONAL (Cigars International)
2012 (October); (November); (Christmas);
CHILL (The Beer Store Pub.)
2003 (December 2004 January; Volume 1 #3; Mike Weir/ Tiger Woods);
COMPLEX (Complex Media Inc.)
2013 (February/March; Front Cover Rihanna; Back Cover Kid Cudi)
1991(February; Josh Holloway); (December, Sherilyn Fenn);
1993 (June; Drew Barrymore); (December; Uma Thurman);
1994 (February; U2's Bono/ Edge); (March, Ethan Hawke); (April; Morrissey); (May, Patricia Arquette); (June, Beastie Boys); (July; Bjork/ Scott Weiland); (September; Woody Harrelson); (October; Heather Locklear); (November, Sly Stallone); (December, Madonna);
1995 (May; Traci Lords/ 3rd Annual Sex Issue); (September; Matt Dillon);
1996 (Janaury (Jean Claude Van-Damme);(February, Juliette Lewis & G. Tarantino); (March, Coolio); (April; Mark Wahlberg); (May; Pam Anderson/ The Sex Issue); (September ER's Noah Wyle); (November: Jenny McCarthy); (December; Chris Cornell);
1997 (January; Skeet Ulrich); (February; Tim Roth/ Drew Barrymore); (May; Tyra Banks/ The Sex Issue); (July; Jewel/ Jakob Dylan); (August/ John Cusack); (October; Alyssa Milano/ Yasmine Bleeth/ Peta Wilson/ Carmen Electra/ Garcele Beauvais/ Jeri Ryan/ Melissa Joan Hart/ Jamie Luner/ Double Gatefold);
1998 (February, Bridget Fonda); (March; Heather Graham); (June; Gillian Anderson); (July; Ben Affleck); (Auguct; Cameron Diaz); (September; Matt Damon); (October, Pam Anderson); (November; Keri Russell;);
1999 (February; Elizabeth Hurley); (March;Denise Richards); (April, Alyssa Milano); (May; Catherine Zeta-Jones); (June, Jon Stewart); (July; Bai Ling/ Frederique Van Der Wal/ Musetta Vander/ Sofia Eng); (Angust; Leelee Sobieski); (September, Rebecca Gayheart); (October; Milla Jovovich); (December; Mena Suvari);
2000 (February; Virginie Ledoyen); (March, Liberty Ross); (April; Cerys Matthews); (May; James King); (October; Robert Downey Jr.); (November; Jim Carrey);
2001 (May; Ewan McGregor); (November; Bono);
2003 (March; Owen Wilson); (September; Ashton Kutcher); (October; Justin Timberlake);
2005 (March; Kevin Federine);
DETOUR (Detour Inc. Pub.)
1995 (July/August; Cindy Crawford/ William Baldwin); (October; Juliette Lewis); (Deceember; Jeff Bridges);
EDGE (Hands Media);
2001 (August; Christa Campbell);
1940 (july);
1943 (March, June);
1946 (July (Swimsuit cover), August (beach cover),December (382 page, Santa cover);
1947; (Holiday (Watching TV cover) May (Paul Gallico; Henry Barn cover), August (Making out in front sit of car), December (Christmas issue),
1948 (October (Good Hunting guide); (December; Holiday Issue);
1949 (Holiday; January (Vacation Guide Issue); (April); (September; Back to Campus, Perfectionist by Al Moore; Brass Monkey by WM Francis; The Key by J.C. Lynch)
1950 ( August; Famous Night Club Battles; drink digest) (November, Televison supplement, John Crosby; Ray Bradbury);
1951 (January; Holiday issue); (February Old Fashioned Man; Cancer in Men by H. Ross; Secret of Love have American Girls Forgotten? By Betty South); (March; Travel Bluebook; James A. Michener, South Pacific) (November, Ray Bradbury);
1954(March, Ray Bradbury);(September);
1955(February); (May; Lollobrigida photo cover); (October) (November);
1956(March); (April, Marchilyn Monroe); May; June; July; (#272; JAYNE MANSFIELD Aldous Huxley, Paul Gallico, Goddard Lieberson; Arlene Dahl; Fathers Day; VG, 4.0 = $20.00); (December, Paul Gallico);
1957 - January; (#278; Aldous Huxley, Paul Gallico, Jean Helion, John Morrissey, Jazz section; VG/FN, 5.0 = $24.00);
March; (#280; Aldous Huxley, Paul Gallico, Janet Lake, Diana van der Vlis, River's End by Anthony C West; THORNTON WILDER; G/VG, 3.0 = $16.00);
April (#281; PREVIEW THE AGE OF ROOSEVELT; Aldous Huxley, Paul Gallico, Theodore Pratt; SOPHIA LOREN. AL CAPP. JULIE NEWMAR; VG, 4.0 = $16.00); (May);
June; (#283; JAZZ is too good for Americans by Dizzy Gillespie; TRIAL OF ARTHUR MILLER by JOHN STEINBECK; G/VG, 3.0 = $24.00);
1957 - (October); (November); (December);
1958(January); (February);(June); (July); (October); (December);
1959 (February);(April); (May); (July); (August); (September); (October);
1960(January); (September); (November);
1961 (January); (April); June; (#354; Nancy Kovack, Pipe Smoking, How To Tell A Celebrity; Social Climbing & How by GORE VIDAL; G/VG, 3.0 = $14.00); (September);
1962(January); (February);(March); (April); (May); (July); (October);
1963 (February); (March); May; (#354; Depressed in California; JOHN WAYNE; Giaconda; Gay Talese; URSULA ANDRESS; Bernard Malamud; Rona Jaffe; VG, 4.0 = $18.00); (July);l
1964 (February);(May); (June); (August);
1965 (April); (May); (August); (September); (November); (December);
1966 - February; (#387; ANN-MARGRET & WOODY ALLEN cover; LONDON, PARIS, MUNICH, ROME; Gay Talese; Magritte Art; Brando; VG/FN, 5.0 = $24.00);
March; (#388; Partial Richard Nixon puzzle cover; I Can’t Imagine Tomorrow by Tennessee Williams; Angie Dickinson; Judson Memorial Church; VG/FN, 5.0 = $18.00);
1966 - (May, W. Burroughs); (June); (July); (August, Patterson/ ALI ); (October);
1967 (February); (Apri, Kennedy's); (December)
1968(February); (March); (October);
1969 (April);
1970(June; October, Hemingway);
1973(February; Steve McQueen and Ali McGraw); (October; 40th Anniversary; 542 pages); (November) (December);
1974(March); (October); (November);
1977(January); (March; Jimmy Carter); (June, JFK cover);
1977 JULY (Volume 87 #6; Whole # 523; COVER: It is still okay to admire JOHN F. KENNEDY? Cover photographed by Art Rickerby/Black Star; ( A ) ARTICLES: KENNEDY WITHOUT END, AMEN By TOM WICKER; Savage Skulls ... Jon Bradshaw. The Incredible Paintings of FRANK FRAZETTA, 13 Page interview, with FRAZETTA Art, interviewed by Donald Newlove. CHARLESTON! CHARLESTON! By ALBERT GOLDMAN; ( B ) SPECIAL SECTION: DON'T GET MAD, GET EVEN: The Sweet Grapes of Wrath ... Dan Greenburg. The Voodoo Vendetta ... Gloria Emerson. Dial R for Revenge ... John Berendt. Justice at the Bar ... Robert Crichton. A Maître d' Meets His Nemesis ... D. Keith Mano. The Case of the Vengeful Twins ... Merrill Pollack. Vengeance on $5 a Day ... Susan Braudy. ( C ) FEATURES: Burp! ... Craig Claiborne, Gael Greene, Roy Andries de Groot, Mimi Sheraton, Milton Glaser. Gifts for the Old Man. David Levine's Vanity Fair. ( D ) POTABLES: Introducing the Cryo-Cocktail; Bringing Back the Café Cocktail. ( E ) FICTION:DOG IN THE ALLEY, CHILD IN THE SKY By JOHN IRVING; ( F ) FASHION: Esquire Predicts; Summer Stuff. ( G ) DEPARTMENTS: The Coast: John Gregory Dunne -- Quintana. The Language: John Simon -- No help for teachers of English. Sports: Roy Blount Jr. -- Ali's doctor: The greatest, in his own way. Backstage with Esquire -- The view from within. Grits: Harry Crews -- The hawk is flying. Media: Nora Ephron --- How politicians eat reporters for breakfast. Money: Andrew Tobias --- If I'm so smart, how come I'm not rich?. The Sound and the Fury --- Letters from our readers. Books: Alfred Kazin --- Women are not all alike. Getting Away: Stephen Birnbaum - Acapulco. What the snobs are missing; Poetry. Rubbing Wear to covers, VERY GOOD, 4.0 = $20.00; VERY GOOD minus, 3.5 = $18.00);
1978 (January); (March 14; Clint Eastwood); (May 23); (October 24); (November 7);
1979 (July 3); (October);
1980 (August);
1981(January, Brooke Shields); (April); (June); (September); (December);
1982(January, Bo Derek); (April); (June); (September); (October); (December);
1983(May); (October); (November); (December; Golden 50th Anniversary; 50 Who Made a Difference; 618 pages);
1984 (March);(June); (July); (August); (November); (December);
1985 (February); (March); (April); (June); (July); (August); (November); (December);
1986 (May);(July, 2 different cover);
1988 (February); (March); (April); (May); (June); (July); (August); (September); (October); (November); (December);
1989 (February); (July); (August, Madonna cover); (December);
1990 (October); (December);
1994; (November; O. J. SIMPSON cover; Return of the Varga Girl; Amber Smith);
1995 (November);
1997(March); (November, Cameron Diaz); (December; Rovert DeNiro cover)
2003(November; Britney Spears);
FAST LANE (Fast Lane Inc. Pub.)
1987 (June; Volume 1 #2; Jay Leno); (August; Volume 1 #4; Chris Elliott); (September; Volume 1 #5; Dennis Franz);
(4) FHM = ( FOR HIM MAGAZINE ) - (EMAP U.S.A. Pub.)
2000 (March-Apr, Rachael Leigh Cook); (May-June, Shania Twain); (July-August, Alicia Silverstone); (September; Dominique Swain); (October; Carmen Electra); (November; Jessica Simpson); (December, Shannen Doherty);
2001(Jan-February, Alyssa Milano); (March, Tiffany Thiessen); (Apr, Shannon Elizabeth); (May, Leslie Bibb); (June, Halle Berry); (July-August, Girls of Sci-fi); (September, Anna Kournikova); (October, Nikki Cox); (November, Rock Chics); (December, Adriana Catano & Kelly Monaco);
2002(Jan-February, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos); (March, Jennifer Lopez); (April; Beth Ostrosky); (May; Paris Hilton/ Nicky Hilton); (June; Jennifer Love Hewitt); (July; Catherine Bell); (August; Pam Anderson); (November; Alyssa Milano); (December; Ali Landry);
2003 (Jan-February; Brooke Burke/ Sex Issue); (March; Baywatch's Babes/ Pam Anderson/ Carmen Electra/ Yasmine Bleeth/ Angelica Bridges/ Brande Roderick/ Stacy Kamano/ Geena Lee Nolan/ Alexandra Paul/ Nicole Eggert/ Double Gatefold Cover); (April; Kim Cattrall); (May; Leeann Tweeden); (June; The Girls of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”); (July; Taryn Manning); (August; Carmen Elektra); (September; Tara Reid); (October; Jenny McCarthy); (November; Halle Berry); (December; Kristanna Loken);
2004 (January; Neve Campbell); (February; Winter X games Girls; Jamie Little/ Tara Dakides/ Gretchen Bleiler); (March; Paris Hilton); (April; Jamie-Lynn Discala); (May; Pamela Anderson); (July; Anna Nicole Smith);(August; Beth Ostrosky); (Septeber; Logan Tom/ Amanda Beard/ Haley Cope/ Jenny Adams/ Amy Acuff); (November; katherine Heigl); (December; Leeann Tweeden);
2005 (June; BethOstrosky);
2006 (Jan-Feb: Kristanna Loken); (October; Janet Jackson);
2007 (Jan-Feb; Vida Guerra);
CALENDER 2001 (Ali Landry)
FHM COLLECTIONS 2003/2004 (Autumn/Winter)
GIRLS OF FHM (Adriana Sklenarikova);
Hometoen Honeys (2003);
100 Sexiest Women in the World – 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003;
Young Rich and Single – 2002;
FHM (For Him Magazine; U.K. Editions; EMAP Metro Pub.)
1998 (January; Melanie Sykes); (June ; Neve Campbell); (November; Caprice);
1999 (January; Lisa Faulkner); (March; Rebecca Romijn);
2002 (October; Paulina Rubio);
FUEL (Youth Culture Inc.)
2000 (December; Limp Bizkit);
2001 (May-June; BMXtremists);
2002 (April; Choclair); (June; Summer's Best Ride); (November; Coldplay):
2003 (March; Hockey Special); (Spring; Amare Stoudemire); (Summer; Linkin Park);
2006 (April; Famke Janssen); (May-June; Why Soccer Rules the World);
(5) GEAR (Bob Guccione Jr. Pub.)
1998(November-December; Volume 1 #2; Baby Spice A.K.A. Emma Bunton);
2000 March (3rd year; Seventh Heaven's Jessica Biel cover; Also includes Monica Bellucci, Kirk Douglas, Fred Durst, Moby, Craig Kilborn, Don Cheadle, Dan Patrick, Tony Hawk, Robin Ventura, Peter Krause, etc; FN = $20.00) (April; Catherine McCord); (July/August; Aurora Robles); (September; Jamie Pressly); (October; Malia Jones);
2001 (October; Amanda Marcum);
2002 (Spring; Volume 1 #1); (Fall; Traci Bingham);
2003 (Winter; Jenna Jameson);
2000 (#17; comedian Margaret Cho cover & article; Ramen Ranking; Bruce Lee Museum; Chinese Jamaica; Byron Lee; Phil Chen; Bob Markey Museum; David Pajo; Daniel Wu; Dolemite; Sago Stealing; Food Tour; Nobukaza Takemura; Anpanman; Chen Kaige; pages 65-68 "Eat Bugs" section is missing, rest is VG/FN = $4.00);
(6) GQ = ( Gentlemen's Quarterly ) -
1971; APRIL (WEDDING cover & Issue; Hair the Fallout; Bags, straight from the shoulder; Denim/Overalls; Iggy Stooge; Pietro Tosi; Weight=400 Grams; Condition = Very Good; Price = $12.00);
1975-1976 Winter (Living it Up, How to party; DISCO Nightclub cover; Weight=400 Grams; Rubbing wear to covers, interior still nice, still a Decent Good to Very Good; Price = $9.00);
1981; (September); (December);
1982; (January); (February); (April); (July); (August); (September); (November); (December);
1983; (January); (February); (April); (May); (July); (September);
1984; (June); (October); (November); (December);
1985; (January);(July); (November);
1986; (February);
1987; (January; Huey Lewis); (March); (Fall);
1988; (February); (July); (August); (September);
1989; (September); (October);
1990; (March); (April); (December);
1991; (February); (July);
1992; (March);
1993; (July); (August); (November);
1994; (February); (March); (April); (May); (October);
1995 (November; Sharon Stone);
1996; (January; JOHN TRAVOLTA cover); (August); (September); (December);
1997; (January); (March); (April); (May); (July; Matthew McConaughey);
1998; (November); (December);
1999; (January); (May);
2002; (March; Toby Maguire and Zhang Ziyi); (June; Chris Rock): (July; Jude Law); (August; Vin Diesel); (November; Denzel Washington, Hugh Grant and Ralph Lauren);
2004; (September; Justin Timberlake); (December; Tom Cruise);
2005; (May; Rio Ferdinand);
2006; (February; Heath Ledger); (May; Tom Cruise); (August; Justin Timberlake); (September; Clive Owen); (December; Josh Hartnett); (November; Dwyane Wade); (December; Jay-Z);
2007; (February; Jake Gyllenhaal); (March; Christian Bale); (May; Stephen Colbert); (June; Jessica Alba); (July; Rosario Dawson; Special Cars and Girls Issue); (August; Matt Damon); (September; President Barack Obama);
HEAT (Heat magazine Inc. Pub.)
2003 (Volume 1 #2; Dean Gunnarson); December (Santa Claus);
INSIDE EDGE (S.H. Eliot Pub.)
1993 (Volume 1 #1; Steve Roy/ Amy Zazzaro/ Jennie Glennon);
(7) KING (Harris Pub. Inc.)
2002(Winter; Volume 1 #1; Leila Arcieri);
2003 (March/April; Destiny's KellyRowland); (May/ June; Lil' Kim);
2005 (May; G-Unit's Olivia); (July/August; Regina Hall); (September; Remy Ma);
2006 (December; VH1's Flavor of Love Girls);
2007/2008 (Dec-Jan; Angel Melaku);
LATE (UK; IPC Magazines Pub.); 1991 (Volume 1 #1; Pernille Holmboe);
LOADED (UK; IPC Magazines Pub.) 1999 (March; Pam Anderson);
2001 (July; Shannen Doherty:
2003 (February; Nikki Sanderson); (April; Rachel Hunter);
LOWRIDER PRESENTS GIRLS (Source Interlink Media)
2009 (Sept-Oct; Somaya Reece); (Nov-Dec; Rosa Acosta);
M (Fairchild Pub.) 1986 (November; the New Russia);
(8) MAXIM (Dennis Maxim Inc.)
1997 Volume-1 #2 (Summer/1997; RARE, Low Print run; Jill Hennessy; waterstain on back = VG = $39.00); (September/October #3; Carmen Electra); (Nov-Dec; Geena lee Nolin);
1998(#5; Jan-February, Famke Janssen); (#6; March, Alyssa Milano); (#7; April; Natasha Henstridge); (June, Rebecca Romijn); (#10; July-August, Catherine Zeta Jones); (September, Christina Applegate); (October, Rebecca Gayheart); (November, Jennifer Esposito); (December, Yasmine Bleeth);
1999(Jan-February, Bridget Fonda); (March, Rose McGowan); (Apr, Lucy Lawless); (May, Caprice); (June, Shannen Doherty); (July-August, Michelle Williams); (September, Pam Anderson); (October, Melissa John Hart); (November, Jennifer Love Hewitt); (December, Lara Flynn Boyle);
2000(Jan, Shannon Elizabeth); (February, Kim Smith); (March, Jenny McCarthy); (Apr, Jody Lyn O-Keefe); (May, Kristy Swanson); (June, Katherine Heigl);(July, X-Men Babes); (August, Coyote Ugly Babes); (September, Kirsten Dunst); (October, Jessica Alba); (November, 4 different covers #1(Yamila), #2(Magdalena); #3(Kim Smith); #4(Michelle Behennah);(December, Tara Reid);
2001(Jan, Laura Prepon);(February, Denise Pichards); (March, Monica Potter); (Apr,Ali Larter); (May, Eliza Dushku); (June, Swimsuit Issue); (July, Brittany Murphy); (August, Helena Bonham Carter); (September, Jamie-Lynn Sigler); (October, Jolene Blalock); (November, Jules Asner); (Jamie Pressly);
2002 (Jan, Jessica Simpson); (February, Swimsuit Issue); (March, Tara Reid); (Apr, Leonor Varela); (May; Kelly Hu); (June; Jeri Ryan); (May; Shakira); (August; Beyonce Knowles); (September; Lucy Lui);(October; Elisha Cuthbert); (November; Rebecca Romijn-Stamos); (December; Carmen Electra/ Josie and the Pussycat's); (December; Christine Applegate/ Josie and the Pussycat's);
2003 (January; Christina Aguilera); (February; Genella Frenoy/ Special Bikini Issue); (March; Brooke Burns); (April; Rachel Perry/ Special Canadial Issue); (May; Monica Bellucci); (June; Shania Twain); (July; Cameron Diaz/ Lucy/ Drew Barrymore); (August; Anna Kournikova); (September; Mariah Carey); (October; Gina Gershon); (November; Jessica Alba); (December; Shannon Elizabeth);
2004 (January; Michelle Branch); (February; Swimsuit Issue; Paige Butcher); (March; Elisha Cuthbert); (April; Paris Hilton); (May; Josie Maran); (June; Jessica Simpson); (July; Kim Smith); (August; Anna Kournikova); (September; Milla Jovovich); (October; Avril Lavigne); (November; laura Prepon);
2005 (January; Eva Longoria); (February; Swimsuit Issue; Brooke Burns); (March; Jennifer Love Hewitt); (April; Sara Foster); (May; Brittany Murphy); (June; Vanessa Marcil); (July; Kim Smith); (August; Nicky Hilton); (September; Kelly Monaco); (October; Vanessa Minnillo); (November; Nicollette Sheridan); (December; Cindy Crawford);
2006 – (January; Haylie Duff); (April; 100 Issue); (May; Jamie Lynn Sigler); (September; Eva Longoria); (November; Sophia Bush, Hilarie Burton and Danneel Harris; 2007 NBA Preview); (December; Angelina Jolie);
2007 (January; Lacey Chabert); (February; Eva Mendes); (April; Fergie); (June; Sarah Silverman); (July; Megan Fox); (September; Lindsay Lohan); (October; Erica Durance); (November; Eva Mendes);
2008 (January; Mischa Barton); (February; Heidi Montag); (March; Avril Lavigne); (April; Jaime King); (May; Elisha Cuthbert); (June; Shannon Elizabeth); (September; Anna Kournikova);
2009; January(#133; Hilary Duff); March(#135; Eliza Dushku); April(#136; Malin Akerman of Watchmen); May(#137; Jennifer Love Hewitt); June(#138; Moon Bloodgood); July(#139; Olivia Wilde); August(#140; Joanna Krupa); September(#141; Milla Jovovich); October(#142; Audrina Partridge); November(#143; Battlestar Galactica Girls Tracia Helfer & Grace Park); December(#144; Twilight's Ashley Greene/ flip cover/ with another Ashley Greene photo on revese side);
2010; January(#145; Wet & Wild - Olivia Munn); Fevruary(#146; Amanda Bynes); March(#147; Kaley Cuoco); April(#148; Alice Eve); May(#149; Arianny Celeste); June(#150; Selita Ebanks); July(#151; Nicole Scherzinger); August(#152; Dania Ramirez); September(#153; Lindsay Lohan); October(#154; Anna Kournikova in 3-D with Glasses); December(#156; Cobie Smulders);
2011; January(#157; Katy Perry); June(#162; Cameron Diaz/ Flip cover with/ Hot 100 - the Most Beautiful Women);
2012 April(#172; Jennifer Love Hewitt); June(#174; Adrianne Palicki);
MAXIM CANADA (Dennis Maxim Inc.)
2011; June/Summer(#1; April Rose; VF $12);
MAXIM HOT 100 (Magazine INSERTS);
2000/2001 (Cameron Richardson; Weight = 110 Grams; FN = $5.00);
2001 (Computer Generated Aki; Weight = 125 Grams; FN = $5.00);
2002(Weight = 110 Grams; VG/FN = $5.00);
2003(Weight = 110 Grams; VF = $5.00);
2004(Weight = 110 Grams; VG/FN = $4.00);
2005(Weight = 115 Grams; VF = $5.00);
(Maxim Insert Special); BEST OF MAXIM #1 (Susan Ward); #2 (Victoria Silvstedt);
(Maxim Insert Special); BOOK OF BIG PICTURES (Amber Smith);
(Maxim Insert Special); CALENDAR - 2000;
(Maxim Insert Special);CAMPUS CUTIES - the Hottest College Girls in America – 2009;
(Maxim Insert Special); 50 SEXIEST WOMEN IN THE WORLD (1999);
(Maxim Insert Special); HOMETOWN HOTTIES :2003; 2005;
(Maxim Insert Special); POOL PARTY SWIMSUIT SPECIAL – 2006;
(Maxim Insert Special); UNCUT 2001 CALENDAR (Leslie Bibb);
2001 (Volume 1 #1 June-July; Janet Jackson); (Volume 1 #2 (Gwen Stefani); (Volume 1 #3 November; DMX);
2002 (#4 January/February; Alicia Keys); (#5 Feb-Mar; Kid Rock); (#6 April-May; Shakira); (#7 June-July; The Osbournes); (#8 August; Emi8nem); (#9 September; Fold-out Cover with Mandy Moore); (#9 September; Fold-out Cover With Paulina Rubio); (#10 October; Pink); (#11 November; LeAnn Rimes); (#12 December; Christina Aguilera);
2003 (#13 January/February; Mariah Carey); (#14 March; Shakira); (#15 April; Eminem): (#16 May; The White Stripes); (#17 June-July; Jewel); (#18 August; Beyonce); (#19 September; Radiohead's Thom Yorke); (#21 November; Pink); (#22 December; Christina Aguilera);
2004 (#23 January-February; Britney Spears); (#24 March; Jessica Simpson); (#26 May; Courtney Love); Title Changes to “BLENDER” with Next Issue (#27 June-July; Janet Jackson); (#30 October; Hilary Duff); (#32 December; Gwen Stefani);
2005 (#34 March; Mariah Carey); (#38 July; Shakira); (#42 November; Natalie Portman); (#43 December; Ashlee Simpson);
2006 (#44 January-February; Kelly Clarkson); (#45 March; The Black Eyed Peas); (#47 May; Christina Milian); (#49 July; The Pussycat Dolls); (#51 September; Paris Hilton); (#52 October; Beyonce); (#53 November; Christina Aguilera)
2007 (#59 June; Avril Lavigne); (#64 November; Nicole Scherzinger);
2008 (#66 January-February; Woman of the Year is Fergie); (#67 March; Britney Spears); (#68 April; Taylor Swift); (#69 May; Alicia Keys); (#71 July; Leona Lewis); (#74 October; The Pussycat Dolls); (#75 November; Katy Perry); (#76 December-January 2009; 1001 Greatest Songs to Download);
2009 (#77 February; Fall Out Boy); (#78 March; T.I. Last Interview before Jail);
MAXIM (UK; Dennis Pub.) 2002 (April; Adriana Karembeu);
2003 (February; Paulina Rubio);
MEN'S JOURNAL (Straight Arrow Pub.Inc. Pub.)
1993 (July/ August; Summer in America);(September; Glacier National Park);
2002 (September; 1957 Mercedes Benz 300 SL Gullwing Coupe);
2003 (March; Bruce Willis);
MEN'S LIFE (Murdock Pub.)
1990 (October/ November; Volume 1 #1);
MEN'S STYLE (Men's Style Pub. Inc.)
1996 (MarchGraphic Design by Tommy Hilfiger);
MGF (Men's Guide to Fashion (MGF Pub.)
1989 (July/ August; Todd Sachs);
NEW MAN (Strang Communications)
1997 (September; Football Player Pastor Reggie White);
2006 (May-June; Superman);
NOTORIOUS (Notorious Partners Pub.)
1997 (Volume 1 #1; Eva Herzigova/ Tico Torres);
PEACE (Peace Magazine)
\2005 (#75; Front Cover Chris Bosh; Back Cover Faith Evans);
2012 (Spring/Summer)
PLATINUM (Platinum Pub. Inc.)
1983 (June; Volume 1 #4; Christie Brinkley); (July; Volume 1 #5; Elena Statheros);]
P.O.V. (B.Y.O.B. / Freedom Ventures Inc. Pub.);
1997 (August; KISS);
1999 (October; Anna Kournikova); (November; Debra Messing);
QUEST (Quest Pub.)
1972 (November; Volume 1 #3);
RAZOR (Razor Magazine Pub.)
2000 (Volume 1 #1 Fall; Imogen Bailey);
2001 (Winter; Amber Smith; back cover Paula Trickey); (Augsut/ September; Ali Landry);
SMOKE (Lockwood Pub. Inc.)
2000-2001 (Winter; Shannen Doherty);
SMOOTH (Star Media)
#17(Kenya Moore);
#33(Layla El);
SMOOTH GIRL (Star Media)
2004 (Fall; Ki Toy Johnson and Esther Baxter);
2007 (Summer; Maliah); (Fall; Ophilia);
1996 (July; Louise Nurding);
(9) STUFF FOR MEN (Dennis Stuff Inc. Pub.)
1998(#1; November-December, Heidi Klum);
1999(#2, Daniela Pestova); (#3, Adriana Karembeu); (#4; Alyssa Milano); (#5, Jamie Pressly);
2000(#6, Alicia Witt); (#7, Natasha Henstridge); (#8, Lucy Lawless); (#9, Lacy Chabert); (#10, Melissa Brown); (#11, Ali Landry); (#12, Krista Allen); (#13, Tori Spelling);
2001(#14, Mila Kunis); (#15, Amanda Detmer); (#16, Brittany Daniel); (#17, Destiny's Child); (#18, Marchisa Coughlan); (#19, Jamie Pressly); (#20, Amber Brkich); (#21, Willa Ford); (#22, Jennifer Lopez); (#23, Pam Anderson); (#24, Brooke Burke); (#25, Alyssa Milano);
2002 (#26, Chler Leigh & Mia Kirshner); (#27, Leah Remini); (#28, Sheryl Crow); (#29; Kylie Minogue); (#30; Sofia Vergara); (#31; Elisabeth Rohm); (#32; Izabella Scorupco); (#33; Carmen Electra); (#34; Daisy Fuentes); (#35; Paulina Rubio); (#36; Holly Marie Combs); (#37; Natasha Henstridge);
2003 - (#38; Lisa Dergan); (#39; Krista Allen); (#40; Victoria Silvstedt); (#41; Miller Lite Girl's; Kitana Baker/ Tanya Ballinger); (#42; Tyra Banks); (#43; Pam Anderson); (#44; Kelly Hu); (#45 Brooks Burke); (#46; Daisy Fuentes); (#47; Catherine Bell); (#48; Carmen Electra); (#49; Krista Allen);
2004 (#50; Brooke Burke); (#51; Tara Reid); (#52 Carmen Electra); (#53; Pam Anderson); (#54; Bonnie Somerville);(#55; Maris Menounos); (#56 Nicole Richie); (#57; Amber Brkich); (#58; Jolene Blalock); (#59 Kelly Carlson) (#60 Nicky Hilton); (#61; Nikki Cox);
2005 (#63; Natassia Malthe); #64; Brooke Burke); (#65 Tricia Helfer); (#66 Poppy Montgomery); (#67 Stacy Keibler); (#68 Sofia Vergara); (#69 the Girls of “Wedding Chashers”); (#70 Kelly Carlson); (#71 Paris Hilton); (#72 Bonnie Somerville); (#73 Mila Kunis);
2006 (#82 September; Ivanka Trump); (#83 October; Yunjin Kim); (#85 December; Autumn Reeser);
2007 (#86 January; Victoria Pratt); (#87 February; Dominique Swain); (#88 March; Ana Hickmann):
STUFF FOR MEN (Dennis Stuff Inc. Pub.) INSERTS: -
THE BEST OF STUFF (2004; Alyssa Milano);
Calendar 2001/2002
Calendar 2003;
The Elite List (Catherine Zeta-Jones;
Hollywood's Most Wanted;
Hottest Girls of Summer;
100 Sexiest Women in the World 2000
100 SEXIEST WOMEN ONLINE (Eva Longoria);
101 Sexiest Women in the World 2001
102 Sexiest Women in the World 2002
103 Sexiest Women in the World 200
125 Sexiest Women in the Year 2003
PAMMY FROM A TO Z (Pamela Anderson);
Top Ten Video Game Goddesses 2004
Uncut and Uncencored (Brooke Burke)
WET SUITS (2003);
STUFF (Haymarket Magazines U.K.)
2002 (March; Hayley Hunt);
(10) STUN (Celebrity Worldwide Inc. Pub.)
2002(February, Jamie Bergman);(May, Cindy Ambuehl);
2003 (May/June; Gena Lee Nolan);
SWING (Swing Inc. Pub.)
1997 (January; Most Powerful People in Their 20's);
1998 (July/August; Gleena Neece);
TALKIES (Belgium?; Christian Moeyaert Pub.)
1992 (#32; Madonna);
1995 (Mei/Juni);
THOMPSON AND CO. INC. (Thompson and Co. Inc.)
2012 (March); (July); (September); September 11); (October); (December 11);
2013 (January);
TORO (Toro Pub. Inc.)
2003 (Winter; Melissa Auf Der Maur); (April/May; Sam Roberts); (August/September; Ryan Gosling); (October/ November; Estella Warren);
2004 (April; Jessica Pare);
2001(June-July, Gena Lee Nolan);
TO THE MAXX (H and S Media)
2001 (March/April; Cindy Margolis);
1998/99 (Winter; Sandra & Larissa in Bikinis);
1999 (March/ April; Tara);
2000 (Spring; Jennifer Hill); (Summer; Gena Lee Nolin); (Fall; Pamela Anderson); (Winter; Cindy Margolis);
2002 (Winter; Salma Hayek);
2004 (Summer; Beyonce); (Fall; Emmanuelle);
2006 (Winter; Paris Hilton);
2004 (February; Jim Morrison);
VARSITY (The Parents Institute Inc.)
1948 (May; World's Fastest Human Mel Patton); (August; Brookly Dodgers Catcher Bruce Edwards)
1949 (August; Lee Norris and Don Philips); (October; The Inspiring Story of Levi Jackson – Captain of the Yale Football Team);
1950 September; Mystery Novelette “Blood Money” by Dashiell Hammett);
VERGE (Times Mirrors Magazines)
1997 (Winter; Star Trek's Sexy Borg Jeri Ryan);
VICE MAGAZINE (Vice Magazine Inc.)
Volume 11 #5 (The Party Issue);
ZOOMER (Zoomer Media Limited) -
2010 - June (Volume 26 #4);
(1) >>> For SCANS of items priced US$0.01 to $19.99, we charge US$3.00 to defer some of the Costs of our Time & Effort.
*** $3.00 to by paid before scan is sent. [Additional Scans, in SAME email; add an extra $1.00 per extra scan];
** We accept VISA, American Express & MASTERCARD; -- OR -- Payments using PAYPAL are to be made to =
*** Items priced at $5.00 or LESS, NO credit applied, even if purchased;
*** Items priced at $5.25 to $10.00, we will give $1.50 credit toward that first item, (and $1 per extra item)
if you purchase the item(s);
*** Items priced at $10.25 to $19.99, we will give full $3.00 credit toward that item, (and $1 per extra item) if you
purchase the item(s);
(2) >>> For SCANS of items priced US$20.00 and UP = FIRST 1 to 3 SCANS are FREE, after that, please send
US$1.00 Per Scan; IF you buy the items, you can have future Free Scans; [ If you use up your 3 Free Scans
& do NOT buy items, FUTURE scans will cost $3.00 for First Scan & $1.00 Per Additional Scan in any price range];
** We accept VISA, American Express & MASTERCARD; -- OR -- Payments using PAYPAL are to be made to =
(3) >>> If you have NO intention of Buying the item, but would still like a SCAN;
PLEASE, kindly inform us UP FRONT if you are ONLY interested in a SCAN. We will be happy to oblige for a small &
very reasonable fee, to cover some of our costs. Hopefully this will REDUCE the 100's of requests we get, from those
who like to treat us as a Library, rather than a business that needs to make a profit. We do NOT mind helping out those
that NEED scans, but PLEASE be FAIR to us too. THEN you will ALSO be more fair to the REAL BUYERS that actually
want to make a purchase. We charge US$3.00 to defer some of the Costs of our Time & Effort.
*** $3.00 to by paid before scan is sent. [Additional Scans, in SAME email; add an extra US$1.00 per extra scan];
** We accept VISA, American Express & MASTERCARD; -- OR -- Payments using PAYPAL are to be made to =
WHY do we Charge for SCANS?
Unfortunately, customers massively abuse this Privilege. About 85-90% of people who ask for scans of items under
$20.00, seemingly having pre-determined they are not going to buy the item. It seems they want a FREE image at our time & expense. Items priced over $20.00 do much better, as buyers are usually more serious & about 50-65% of items selling.
[Even more strangely, about 85% of items that we normally quote, sell without need of a Scan];
We need to cover PART of the Labour Costs. [Employee #1 reads email, then needs to PRINT & take the email to our warehouse, one block over; Employee #2 take the inquiry & goes into our 8000 sqaure foot warehouse to pull item off it's shelf; Employee #2 needs to physically deliver the item one block over, back to our Computer Offices; Employee #3 makes the Scan, then forwards it to Employee #1 via email; Employee #1 must Write an email about the item, add the Scan to the email & send it; IF (and usually WHEN), the item is NOT purchased, Employee #1 must then make the return trip with item, back to our Warehouse one block over; Employee #2 must then goes BACK into our 8000 sqaure foot warehouse to physically replace the item back on it's shelf; >>> This Process takes 10-20 minutes of our time. Even at $3.00 per item, we often lose both time & money making Scans. The $3.00 shows that you have a More Serious interest in the item & that you UNDERSTAND that you will be using up some of our time & that you are KIND enough to at least contribute to our COSTS for this Privilege; NATURALLY, if you turn out to be a Serious Buyer, we will return some or ALL of the small fees for making scans; Thus it remains more of a Privilege & NON-PROFIT (if not money losing) Service to our customers. Thank You kindly, for your Understanding on this matter. We like to & do spend our TIME giving our actual Customers, the BEST SERVICE possible.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Mail Order since 1971; >>> STRICT Condition Grading;
SEE the COMIC & Magazine Condition GRADING GUIDE (further down on this page if required);
We take; Visa, MC, Amex, Paypal, MO, etc. Prices in USA Funds, Plus Postage (as listed further down in this eMail);
>>> (NOTE; Complete Address & Ordering info listed below, please SCROLL down this page to see ALL this info);
Send to & make payment to;
Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986
R5G 1B5
(Phone; 1-204-346-3674) (FAX; 1-204-346-1632)
*** ALL PRICES IN USA FUNDS, unless noted;
>>>(Canadian's may pay, if desired, in Canadian funds, by adding CURRENT exchange to the USA funds price);
>>>IMPORTANT: With your payment please include; FULL NAME, Complete Mailing ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER (if we put on outside of parcel, it might arrive quicker), AMOUNT of Money you are sending, WHAT you are ORDERING.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> WE ACCEPT payment by; (1) We gladly accept DIRECT payment by VISA, American Express & Mastercard; >>For CREDIT CARDS, we highly recommend sending information, split in to 2 or 3 separate E-Mail's, for safety! (This is very fast & easy; 1000's of previous customers have paid in this way for many years. This is the most common & safe method our customers use to make payments); For example; Send first 8 digits in email #1, second 8 digits in email #2 and send Expiry Date in email #2 or #3; Send your shipping address, & phone number. Do not forget expiry date; PLEASE, Double check the numbers before sending (it is very easy to make a single digit error);
OR you can Phone/Fax the information to us; Our FAX Line is secure & private;
( PHONE; 1-204-346-3674 ); or ( FAX; 1-204-346-1632 ) ] (2) *** We accept payment thru PAYPAL = **** Payments using PAYPAL are to be made to = (3) MONEY ORDERS or CERTIFIED BANK CHECKS; [Note; We have a USA Bank Account; THUS we CAN accept USA domestic MONEY ORDER's (7-11, Western union, post office, etc)! >>[For USA buyers = international MO's are NOT required! So do not waste money on the extra fees! ] >>[Foreign orders, MUST send International MO's only; Or MO's drawn on a USA or Canada address] (4) CASH (Maximum of $50.00 for safety; We do NOT accept responsibility for "LOST" cash, as we do not know if you actually sent it; But 99.9% does arrives safely; Please send NO money in coins, as it rips envelopes); ( 5 ) PERSONAL or Business CHECKS; [From USA & CANADA ONLY; *** $50.00 or less, we ship immediately; *** Checks from $50.01-$200.00 = (CANADA takes 2 weeks to clear, before we will ship)(USA takes 4 weeks to clear, before we will ship); *** Checks from $201 & up = (Canada takes 3 weeks to clear, before we will ship)(USA takes 6 weeks to clear, before we will ship); eBay Buyers with excellent feedback over +100 we will accept check to $100 without waiting to clear; NO Exceptions, due to bad experiences!];
*** [ It is recommended that you provide your Phone Number {with area code} to put on your parcel, in case Post Office needs to contact you ]***
*** [ USA customers, if you know the 4 digit extention to your ZIP CODE, thus making it 9 digits, please provide it = Your parcel will arrive faster ]***
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> Our WEB PAGE; [with HUGE Inventory of COMICS, Magazines, Books & other Collectibles IN STOCK;
WORLD'S BIGGEST Selection, on the Entire INTERNET, for MANY items! If you see items of interest, ASK for current Availiability, Price & Condition ] =
I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 33 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972; See Overstreet #32-35 on page 9 & 10 to confirm}; >> Read my MARKET REPORTS; (in the New Overstreet 2005 Annual #35, pages 94 thru 109, and see our AD on page 172);
And MY REPORTS in (Overstreet 2004 Annual #34, pages 89-100)(Overstreet 2003 Annual #33, pages 86-95)(Overstreet 2002 Annual #32, pages 72-81)(Overstreet 2001 Annual #31 on pages 64-75);
>>> ( Do not waste money on Global Priority, because to Canada, it is NOT any faster than Airmail )
>> We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2004, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2004 ]
[250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 Vinyl Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [8,000 VHS Movies] [10,000 POSTERS; Movie (50's-90's), Video store (1980's & 90's) & chain store types (70's-early 90's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco,Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [HOCKEY CARDS, most 1951/2-1993] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = >>> SEND YOUR WANT LISTS! [Please limit to SERIOUS WANTS & limit the number of items, to 50 or less most wanted items! Filling want lists takes time! We reply ASAP! Thank You]! **** ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed! >>> MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 25,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 250,000 completed Mail Orders!
Condition Scale, from Best at top, to worst at bottom; >> [Note plus "+" and Minus "-" Grades are not in common use, except on more expensive comics!] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT = (10.0 Mint); Absolutly Flawless in every way. Mostly a fantasy grade. Out of the 30 to 50 BILLION Comics so far Printed, so far only about 1000 Comics in Total grade a strict 10.0 or Perfect Mint; *** [ Imagine that you had 50 hours to pick the Single Best Copy, out of 5000 Copies on the DAY
the item was printed, THAT copy MIGHT approach MINT; But if you could find the Tiniest of Flaws, inside or outside, where "It could be ever so slightly better", then it is NOT Mint. Less than 1 in 5000 collectors, will have a single book in their entire collection that grades MINT; At this time there is ONLY ONE comic in the World, Pre-1980 that is considered MINT; The current market value of a CGC graded 10.0 MT copy, is 50-100 Times Guide 9.2 price]; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT- (9.9) = MINT minus = Virtually FLAWLESS in EVERY Way, inside & outside. Might have only the tiniest of Flaws, almost microscopic in size, & probably not visible to the Human Eye, except to the most trained experts. [ current market value of a CGC 9.9 MT- copy, is 15-50 Times Guide 9.2 price] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NM/MT (9.8) = NEAR MINT to MINT; Only about (1 in 100) to (1 in 1000) Extremely Carefully Hand-Picked still Brand NEW items can attain this Lofty essentially Flawless Grade. Only the tiniest of nearly invisible flaws is allowed. The untrained eye will not be able to see a flaw. [ current market value of a CGC graded 9.8 NM/MT copy, is about 6-20 Times Guide 9.2 price ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NM+ (9.6) = NEAR MINT plus; Superb & Almost Flawless example. BETTER than MOST items when still Brand NEW on the Newsstands; MOST Brand New comics on day of release are not this high in grade. IF you get to hand-pick the BEST copy availiable out of about 50 copies upon day of Release, you will likely have a NM+; [ current market value of a CGC graded 9.6 NM+ copy, is about 4-10 Times Guide 9.2 price] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NM = (9.4 Near Mint); This grade is NO LONGER listed in the Overstreet Annual Guide, due to the scarcity. [9.2 is currently the TOP guide grade] NM copies are almost LIKE NEW, & almost flawless. Most 1976-1985 items are SCARCE in this grade, if Strictly graded. Most 1975 & Older items are RARE in this grade, if Strictly graded. [Most 1975 & Older Non-Marvel/DC Super-Hero comics are VERY RARE in this grade, MANY with NO KNOWN copies in 9.4 condition]; We Rarely use this grade on our regular inventory, even on Original Un-Used Warehouse copies. [Unlike many dealers who incorrectly throw the grade around like they are common. If another dealer is NOT charging a premium for this grade, it is probably not a "True" NM]; Even MANY older Pedigree collection & File copies are not this high in grade [Most older File-Copies are more in the 9.0 condition range];
>>> Essentially in Hand-Picked AS NEW, Never Read, Never handled & immediately Bagged and BOARDED Condition; With only the tinest of Flaws, usually not apparent to the Un-Trained Eye. [About 50% of the BRAND NEW Comics Printed, do not quite Grade STRICT Near Mint, upon the Day they are released. IF you get to pick the BEST copy availiable oot of about 10 copies upon day of Release, you will likely then have a NM ]; **** [ current market value of a CGC graded 9.4 NM Copy, is about 3-6 Times Guide 9.2 price ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NM- (9.2) = Near Mint minus; Currently the HIGHEST grade listed in the Overstreet Annual Guide. This is about the AVERAGE condition for a NON hand-Picked comics that is still Brand-New on day of release. Flaws usually include; 1-2 NON Sharp corners OR 1-2 very tiny STRESS marks on spine or elsewhere on comic. **** [ Current market value of a CGC graded 9.2, NM- Copy, is about 2 to 4 Times Guide 9.2 price ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VF/NM (9.0) Very Fine to Near Mint; >>> This is the condition the average NEW ITEM is in on DAY 2-14 after New Release (after packing, shipping, sorting & NORMAL handling by Distributors, Store Keepers & Customers); Flaws usually include; 1-3 NON Sharp corners OR 1-4 small STRESS marks on spine or elsewhere on comic. Might have a small dinged corner. Might have minor spine kinks. Might have MINOR handling wear or MINOR rubbing or shelfwear. [Often mistaken as NM or NM+ to the untrained eye]; **** [ current market value of a CGC graded 9.0, VF/NM Copy, is about 1.5 to 3 Times Guide 9.2 price ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VF+ (8.5) VERY FINE plus; Basically an overall NM appearance, but with several minor flaws, as described in the 9.0 description. A Scarce "High Grade" for most 1975 & older item's; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VF = (8.0 Very Fine); Nearly AS NEW copy, usually normal minor handling or shelf wear. Most of our Un-Read Original Warehouse copies fall in this catagory, usually with only minor shelf wear. [ This is the AVERAGE grade for an UN-Used condition example, or moderately well cared for, comic & magazine of the 1980-1990 period. Most 1980's Collectors did NOT use STIFF Back-Boards with their comic bags on 1985 & older comics, thus many small flaws have accumulated on MOST copies on the market & even in MOST Original Owner collections]; *** [ Many inexperienced sellers, VERY commonly Mis-Grade FN/VF or VF copies as NM or "Mint" on eBay; Many INCORRECTLY assume if they bought it new & are Original Owner, it has to be "Mint"]; A Scarcer "High Grade" for most 1975 & older item's; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VF- (7.5) VERY FINE minus; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FN/VF = (7.0) FINE to VERY FINE; a Beautiful & WELL Above Average example on most items over 20 years old.The beginning of "Higher Grade" for most items 1975 & older. An Un-Common Grade for most 1975 & older item's; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FN+ = (6.5) FINE+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FN = (6.0 Fine); Above Average condition, for any comic Pre-1973; a NICE example. NO major problems. Nice, Clean, Solid & still very attractive example. Average Used condition for comics & magazines of the 1976-1984 period. Possibly an Un-Read Copy, with light handling, shelfwear, or rubbing wear. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FN- (5.5) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VG/FN (5.0) = VERY GOOD to FINE! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VG+ (4.5); - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VG = (4.0 Very Good); Decent average used condition example. No major flaws. Usually a few Reading Stress Lines, & light edgewear, or minor creasing at corners. Occasionally only a minor amount of Hidden & Non-Obvious Magic Tape repairs usually inside the covers; (Magic Tape is not allowed
on FN or higher grades, unless with specific special mention); AVERAGE Used Condition Copy, still Collectible & still Attractive with Nice Eye Appeal. This is the average condition that 1964-1975 Comics & Magazines are found in! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VG- (3.5); - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G/VG = (3.0) GOOD to VERY GOOD! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G+ (2.5); - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G = (2.0 Good); Well Used, but still COMPLETE, & intact, but not badly abused copy; Great as a still DECENT Reading Copy; Appears to have been Read lovingly several times. Still relatively attractive & NOT De-Faced. NO big chucks out, or NO severe damage. Minor to Moderate amounts of Magic tape Repairs are common & often present in this grade, but should not detract too much from the "Look"
or appeal of the cover. (Defects might include, one or more of the following; Possible Creases to covers, Cover Partly splitting at spine, light to moderate stains, tears in cover at edges, some soiling to covers, bumped corners, cover wrinkles, minor small pieces out, etc); This is the average condition that 1933-1963 Comics, Magazines & other items are found in. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G- (1.8); - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FA/G = (1.5) FAIR to GOOD! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FA = (1.0 Fair); Very Heavily Used & "Beat Up" Copy, but still complete; Cover is no longer attractive & most wear & tear is usually to the covers. Interior is typically much better; (Defects might include, one or more of the following; Writing, creases, rips, Defaced front cover, Stains, Water Damage, heavy tape repairs, fragile covers or pages, cover plit spine, detatched cover, possibly 5-15% of cover missing, etc); Still great as a Cheap Reading Copy! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PR/FA = POOR to FAIR! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PR = (0.5 Poor); Horrible condition, nearly destroyed, usually NOT complete, pieces out, badly defaced, possibly big chunks of cover missing, etc. Special notes & descriptions usually stated. Often has 3 out of 4 stories complete, & might be partly readable. Often useful in repairing other copies.A "filler" copy at best, until a better copy comes alomg.
>> Our WEB PAGE; [with HUGE Inventory of COMICS, Magazines, Books & other Collectibles IN STOCK; WORLD'S BIGGEST Selection, on the Entire INTERNET, for MANY items! If you see items of interest, ASK for current Availiability, Price & Condition ] =
>>SEE our eBay auctions, & superb FEEDBACK as " dwscw " =
Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (We usually get it in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment (except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-3 weeks to ship] *** All Shipments sent by AIRMAIL, unless o/w requested, if if too little shipping costs included; If you prefer CHEAPER Surface mail, on any lot where postage is $5.00 or more, please ask & we will quote; Allow 7 to 14 days for AIRMAIL Parcels to arrive, from day we get your payment; (7-10 days is average) *** SURFACE or "Expedited" MAIL = [In USA allow 2-4 weeks for delivery; Average is 3 weeks] [Canada = allow 1-2 weeks for delivery][Foreign Surface= allow 3-8 weeks for delivery = 4 weeks is average]; ** Expedited Surface Mail is the Least Expensive shipping method to USA for parcels weighing over 1 KG (or 2.2 pounds), it comes with a Tracking Number & FREE insurance; (Allow 10-20 Days for USA Expedited Parcels to arrive); >>All AIRMAIL shipments include INSURANCE, at OUR cost, as we have Private insurance for this purpose. >>>Note; "Priority mail" or "Global Priority" is not an availiable option in Canada, SORRY! >>>[X-Presspost is availiable for USA shipments, for about 50% MORE than the Expedited/Airmail Cost; This may speed your shipment by 1-2 weeks; Xpresspost to USA takes about 6-9 days]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = $30.00 Minimum & up, for smaller or oversized letter parcel, but is availiable upon request. If you have a FED-EX account, we can havve charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number ];
>> I am a strict and accurate grader. I do NOT overgrade or undergrade. I just try to grade as accurately as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit; >>We have been selling by Mail Order since 1971; We are CBG customer service award winners; I am an Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide, Senior Price Advisor, since Guide #2 in 1972, ONE of only 12 advisors to reach the Over 25 Year status; SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED! ** [Return anything you are NOT happy with, within 7 days of the day you receive the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put "Returning Goods to Sender" = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays]; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting) >>> [WE HAVE an eBay 99.98% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 1800 Positive Feedbacks] >> Superb Service for OVER 33 years; For the last 5 years, our average is well UNDER $25.00 in returns, per each $10,000. in Sales (1/4 of One percent) & most of those are Customer Errors!!! >>> MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 25,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 250,000 completed Mail Orders!
THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa