POLITICS - Mass Market Paperbacks & Hardcovers (Socialism, Democracy, Communism, Capitalism, Terrorism, Labour, Parties, Politicians, History, Government, Nationalism, Revolution, etc) for sale -


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POLITICS - Mass Market Paperbacks & Hardcovers(Socialism, Democracy, Communism, Capitalism, Terrorism, Labour, Parties, Politicians, History, Government, Nationalism, Revolution, etc) for sale ;

ABRAMS, MARK/ ROSE, RICHARD - Must Labour Lose? (Can the British labour party ever hope to return to power after fourth straight loss in 1959, pub. 1960);

ANGELL, NORMAN – Why Freedom Matters (The full meaning of the Political and intellectual freedom for which we fight for in World War Two; Pub. 1940);

ALLEN, GARY – None dare Call It Conspiracy (How socialism is a plot to enslave the world supported and directed by the worlds wealthiest people & corporations; Pub. 1972);

AMALRIK, ANDREI – Will the Societ Union Surviv Until 1984? (On the future war between China & Soviet Union & the not so distant collapse of the USSR; Pub. 1970.);

APTHEKER, HERBERT – The Nature of Democracy, Freedom and Revolution (The origins of the Bourgeois concepts of democracy & freedom in their historical development,; Pub. 1967);

ATHOLL, DUCHESS OF – Searchlight on Spain (Examines the rights and wrongs of the Spanish civil war of the 1930's; Pub. 1967.);

AUER, J. JEFFERY – Essentials of Parliamentary Procedure (An aid in conducting meeting democraticall; Pub. 1959);

BAGEHOT, WALTER – The English Constitution (With comparisionns to the Untied States governemtn; Pub. 1867);

BAILEY, BERNADINE – The Captive Nations: Our First Line of Defense! (The facts concerning the struggle behind the iron curtain in the satellite countries & Russia; Pub. 1969 with photos.);

BANFIELD, EDWARDS C./ WILSON, JAMES Q. - City Politics (Study of politics in the American City; Pub. 1963);

BARNES, LEONARD – Soviet Light on the Colonies (Paramount need for international collaboration if a New World order is to emerge after World War Two; Pub. 1944);

BARTH, ALAN – The Loyalty of Free Men (Story of the conflict that divides America as it fights the Communist threat to freedom; Pub. 1951.);

BATON, FRANCES M. - The Question of Government Spending (Public needs & private wants; Pub. 1960);

BAYARD, JAMES – The Real Story on Cuba (Is America gambling its life with Russia over Cuba? Pub 1963);

BEAULIEU, PAUL (ed.) - Ed Schreyer a Social Democrat in Power (Selected speeches and intervies of Premier Schreyer of Manitoba; Pub. 1977 with photos.);

BELL, DANIEL/ KRISTOL, IRVING (eds.) - Capitalism Today (Twelve scholars examine the facts and myths; Pub. 1971);

BERNSTEIN, CARL/ WOODWARD, BOB – All the President's Men (Uncover the Nixon Watergate coverup; Pub.1974 with photos.);

BLAU, PETER M. - Bureaucracy in Modern Society (The study of the structure and dynamics of bureaucray; Pub. 1956);

BLONDEL, J. - Voters,k Parties, and Leaders (The social fabric of British politics; Pub. 1963);

BODANSKY, YOSSEF – Target the West: Terrorism in the World Today (The full story of who declared a holy war against the west; Pub. 1993 with photos.);

BOYD, ANDREW – United Nations: Pieth, Myth, and Truth (Informative account of the U.N.'s political history; Pub. 1962);

BRANT, IRVING – The Bill of Rights its Origin and Meaning (A study of the constitution and the amendments from their roots in english common law to the decisions of the present supreme court; Pub. 1965);

BRESLIN, JIMMY – How the Good Guys Finaly: Notes From an Impeachment Summer (A warm and funny book about the impeachment of President Nixon; Pub. 1975);

BROGAN, D.W. - Politics in America (Analysis of the paradoxes between ideas and practices in American Government; Pub. 1954);

BROWN, JR., SAM W. - Storefront Organizing (A complete manuel for citizen actions, from community work to political campaigns; Pub. 1972);

BROWN, SUSAN LOVE/ KEATING, KARL/ MELLINGER, DAVID/ POST, PATREA/ SMITH, STUART/ TUDOR, CATRIONA – The Incredible Bread Machine (For the free market; 1966);

BRYCE, JAMES – The American Commonwealth Volume 1 (National Government, State Government, the part system; Pub. 1959);

BURNHAM, JAMES – The Machiavellians (The systematic exposition of the theories of Machiavelli; Pub. 1943);

CAMPBELL, G.A. - The Civil service in Britain (A detailed explanation of the system of the civil service and of the way in which the administrative work of the Government is divided among its departments; Pub. 1955);

CANADA THE CHALLENGE OF CONFRONTATION: BOXED SET OF SIX BOOKS AND EACH VOLUME AVAILABLE SINGULARY (Book 1 – British Columbia, the Great Divide; Book 2 – The Prairies, Alienation and Anger; Book 3 – Ontario, the Linchpin; Book 4 – Coast to Coast, Canada to a Summary; Book 5 – Quebec, the Threat of Seperation; Book 6 – The Atlantic Provinces, the Struggle for Survival; Pub. 1969);

CARPENTER, JOHN – Extremisn U.S.A. (Radical political movements on the right and left including their party platforms; Pub. 1964 with photos.);

CHAI, CH'U/ CHAI, WINBERG – The Changing Society of China (Social, Political, and cultural survey of China from its past to the present; Pub. 1962);

CHESTER, LEWIS/ McCRYSTAL, CAL/ ARIS, STEPHEN/ SHAWCROSS, WILLIAM – Watergate (The full inside story by the London Sunday Times writers; Pub. 1973 with photos);

CHILDS, MARQUIS W. - Sweden: the Middle Way (The story fo a constructive compromise between socialism and capitalism; Pub. 1948);

CHODOS, ROBERT/ AUF DER MAUR, NICK (eds.) - Quebec: a Chronicle 1968 – 1972 (Account of the development of a militant opposition in Quebec; Pub. 1972);

CLARK, GERALD – Canada: the Uneasy Neighbour (The political manoeuvers and the social and economic pressures which shape Canada's future; Pub. 1965);

CROZIER, BRIAN – South-East Asia in Turmoil (Soviet, Chinese, American, British, and French policies and where they went wrong; Pub. 1965);

CURTIS, MICHAEL (ed.) - The Great Political Theories from Burke, Rousseau and Kant to Modern Times (The significant political thought of the last three centuries; Pub. 1960's);

D/EAUCLAIR, MARGARET – What Pierre Trudeau has Done for Canada (About 150 empty pages; Pub. 1970's);

DESBARATS, PETER – The State of Quebes (The revolution that is going on in Quebec and it's effect on Canada's nationalism; Pub. 1965);

DE TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS – Democracy in America (The classic study of the American way of life; Pub. 1835);

DIEFENBAKER, JOHN G. - Quotations from Chairman Diefenbaker (With dates and places of quotations; Pub. 1968); *** Those Things We Treasure (A selection of speeches on freedom and in defense of our parliamentary heritage in Canada.; Pub. 1972);

DOBB, FRED C. - The Golden Age of B.S. (His answer to the Canadian establishment; Pub.1976);

DONNER, FRANK J. - The Un-Americans (Fully Documented account of the house committee on Un-American activities and their abuse of power, Pub. 1961);

DORMAN, MICHAEL – The Second Man (The changing role of the Vice Presidency from John Adams to Spiro Agnew; Pub. 1968.);

DOUGLAS, WILLIAM O. - America Challenged (Dissent from complacency,mediocrity, illusion towards liberty; Pub. 1960.);

DUFF, CHARLES – Six days to Shake an Empire (The Irish Rebellion of 1916, the events and factors; Pub. 1966);

DUFF, S. GRANT – Europe and the Czechs (The strategic importance to Hitler to this area of Europe; Pub. 1968; With dustjacket.);

DUMONT, RENE – False Start in Africa (The economic problems of the newly independent nations of former french West Africa; Pub. 1966);

EDELMAN, MAURICE – France: the Birth of the Fourth Republic (The French political situation in North Africa during the Second World War; Pub. 1944); *** How Russia Prepared: U.S.S.R. Beyond the Urals (A study of ten years of Soviet Union economic policies; Pub. 1942.);

ELLIOTT, FLORENCE – A Dictionary of Politics (A guide to modern politics; Pub. 1957.);

EPSTEIN, BENJAMIN R./ FORSTER, ARNOLD – The Radical Right (Report on the John Birch society and its allies; Pub. 1966);

ETZIONI, AMITAI – The Hard Way to Peace (Between disarmament and arms build up their is a middle ground; Pub. 1962.);

EULAU, HEINZ – The Behavioral Persuasion in Politics (Didactic approach to political behavior; Pub. 1964);

FEINBERG, RICHARD E. - The Triumph of Allende: Chile's Legal Revolution (The anatomy of the first electoral Marxist victory in our hemisphere and its consequences; Pub. 1972);

FENNO JR., RICHARD F. - The President's Cabinet (Analysis of it's membership, it's strength, and its weaknesses from Wilson to Eisenhower; Pub. 1959.);

FISCHER, LOUIS – Fifty Years of Soviet Communism (Political story of modern Russia; Pub. 1968);

FITZGERALD, C.P. - The Birth of Communist China (The significance of the Chinese Revolution; Pub. 1952) *** Mao Tse-Tung and China (From a state of Anarchy to a unified nation and superpower; Pub. 1976.);

FORMAN, JAMES D. - Fascism (The meaning and experience of Reactionary Revolution; Pub. 1976);

FORSEY, EUGENE – Freedom and Order (Canadian Senator's collected essays on a wide range of political topics in Canada's past and present; Pub. 1974); *** The Royal Power of Dissolution of Parliament in the British Commonwealth (The constitutional principles; Pub. 1943);

FOTHERINGHAM, ALLAN – Birds of a feather (Politicans and the Press; Pub. 1989) *** Look Ma... No Hands (An affectionate look at the Canadian Tories; Pub. 1983); *** Malice in Blunderland (Political commentary, a Narchis wit, and assessment of Canadian politics; 1982);

FREMANTLE, ANNE (ed.) Communism: Basic Writings (The major voices from the beginnings to the present day; Pub. 1970.); Mao Tse-Tung: an Anthology of His Writings (Basic political, military, and philosophical writings; Pub. 1962.); *** This Little Band of Prophets: the British Fabians (A history of the Fabians and their impact on the social and political climate of the twentieth century; Pub. 1959);

From Madrid to Vienna (Follow up report of the Soviet committee for European security and cooperation on the Helsinki final act; Pub. 1986.);

GARRATT, G.T. - Mussolini's Roman Empire (What he's done, is doing, and intends to do to the Mediterranea.; Pub. 1938, with dustjacket.);

GARSON, BARBARA – MacBird! (Ingenious political satire in play form. Pub. 1967);

GEORGE, G.J. - They Betrayed Czechoslovakia (How France and Great Britain turned their backs. Pub. 1938 with dustjacket.);

GOLDMAN, ERIC F. - Rendezvous with Destiny (A history of modern American reform; Pub. 1952);

GOLDWATER, SENATOR BARRY – The Conscience of a Conservative (Calls for a new approach to domestic problems and cold war strategy; Pub. 1960); *** The Conscience of a Majority (The cause of our current problems; Pb 1970); *** Why Not Victory? (Challenges the U.S. To take the offensive in dealing with the world wide communist threat; Pub. 1963);

GOODSPEED, D.J. - The Conspirators (A study of the coup d'etat; Pub. 1962);

GRAHAM, RON – One-Eyed Kings (Promise an dillusions in Canadian politics; Pub. 1986);

GRANT, GEORGE – Lament for a Nation (The defeat of Canadian nationalism in the face of American culture; Pub. 1965); *** The Gray Report: A Citizen's Guide (The question of foreign ownership in Canada; Pub. 1971);

GREENE, FELIX – China (The Communist China Americans are not allowed to know; Pub. 1962); *** The Enemy ( What every American should know about imperialism; Pub.1970);

GRIGORIAN, LEVON- Soviet Society (A historical survey of economic and social structure; Pub. No date);

GRIGORYEV, VLADIMIR – The Soviet Union: Facts, Problems: Appraisals Volume 1; 1987 (Entering the 21st century; Pub. 1987);

GROVE, GENE – Inside the John Birch Society (Here is a confidential undercover report; Pub. 1961);

GUNTHER, JOHN – Inside Europe Today (How the political, Social, Economic, and Intellectual Europe has changed since 1936 to 1961; Pub. 1962); ***Meet Soviet Russia: Leaders, Politics, Problems (Not only its military and economic structure, but its educational system, the arts, science and technology; Pub. 1962);

HALDEMAN, H.R. (with DIMONA, JOSEPH) – The Ends of Power (New insights and facts about the Watergate scandal and the Nixon administration; Pub. 1978);

HAMILTON, WILLIE – My Queen and I (A British member of government strip away the myth, sentiment, and secrecy which surround the monarchy; Pub. 1975);

HANSON, A.H./ WALLES, MALCOLM – Governing Britain (A guide book to political institutions; Pub. 1970);

HARRINGTON, MICHAEL – Socialism (America's foremost socialist, surveys, chronicles and explains the movement; Pub. 1972);

HEARST, JR., WILLIAM RANDOLPH/ CONSIDINE, BOB/ CONNIFF, FRANK – Khrushchev and the Russian Challenge (How can the United States and the communist world co-exist?; Pub. 1961);

HEIDEN, KONRAD – One Man Against Europe (An authority on Hitler and his policy; Pub. 1939 with dustjacket);

HEILBRONER, ROBERT L./ BERNSTEIN, PETER L. - A Primer on Goverment Spending (To help American's understand debt, deficits, unbalanced budgets, Pub. 1963);

HELLER, DEANE & DAVID – The Berlin Crisis: Prelude to World War Three (Previous crisis, an appraisal of Russia's armed forces compared to the allies might, and life to West and East Berlin; Pub. 1961);

HELLER, FRANCIS H. - The Presidency (A modern perspectice of the oppice an dexpectations of the American people; Pub. 1960);

HELMS, U.S. SENATOR JESSE - “When Free Men Shall Stand” (A sobering look at the supertaxing, superspending and superbureaucracy in Washington; Pub. 1976);

HICKEL, WALTER J. - Who Owns America? (An environmental message to the government from the people who see big business and big govenment as removed; Pub. 1972);

HO CHI MINH – On Revolution: Selected Writings 1920 – 1966 (Written in prison, exile and battle, this is the political bible followd by half the world; Pub. 1967); *** Prison Diary (A helpful guide to understanding what makes North Vietnam tick and why Ho Chi Minh is the mainspring; Pub. 1968);

HOFSTADTER, RICHARD – The Age of Reform (Progress and reform in American political thought from the founding fathers to Franklin D. Roosevelt; Pub. 1948);

HOGBEN, LANCELOT – Interglossa (A draft for a democratic world order, being an attempt to apply semantic principles to language design; Pub. 1943);

HOGG, QUINTIN – The Case for Conservatism (The faith and policies of the british conservative party; Pub. 1947);

HOLMES, JOHN W. - Canada: a Middle Aged Power (Challenges confronting Canada's foreign policy; Pub. 1976);

HOOK, SIDNEY – Marx and the Marxists: the Ambiguous Legacy (Chief issues which have divided Markist from Non-Marxists, and Marxists from each other; Pub. 1955); *** Political Power and Personal Freedom (A rigorous, challenging examination the assumptions underlying the world's major political ideas and systems; Pub. 1959);

HOOVER, J. EDGAR – Masters of Deceit (What the communist bosses are doing to bring America to its knees; Pub. 1958); *** On Communism (The director of the F.B.I. Latest appraisal of the communist menace confronting the American people; Pub. 1969);

HOWRAD, PETER – Design for Dedication (About America and the world problems and how they can be solved; Pub. 1964);

HUGHES, EMMET JOHN – America the Vincible (A study of America's role in world affairs; Pub. 1959);

HUMPHREY, HUBERT H. - The Cause is Manknid (The vice-president's liberal program for modern America; Pub. 1965);

HUNT, R.N. CAREW – The Theory and Practice of Communism (Marxism and its Russian consequences; Pub. 1950);

ILYIN, STANISLAV – Election Procedures in the U.S.S.R. (The Mechanism of the Soviet electoral system; Pub. 1986);

THE INDOCHINA STORY (Everything you must know about the United States involvement in Vietman, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, by the committee of concerned Asian scholars; Pub. 1970);

JACKSON, W. ERIC – Local Government in England and Wales (The history, structure, finances and working of loval government systems; Pub. 1945);

JAMES, DANIEL – Cuba the First Soviet Satellite in the Americas (Castro's Betrayal of Cuban Revolutionaries, his sellout to the communists, and his threat to latin America and the United States; Pub. 1961);

JAWORSKI, LEON – The Right and the Power (The prosecution of Watergate from start to finish; Pub. 1977);

JENNINGS, SIR IVOR – The Queen's Govenment (The British democracy, the monarchy, parliment, the cabinet, and the political and legal systems behind them; Pub. 1954);

JOHNSON, PRESIDENT LYNDON B. - A Time for Action (Speeches and writings from 1953 to his first state of the union address in January 1964; Pub. 1964 with photos);

JOHNSON, S.C. - The Penguin Political Atlas (Drawn and compiled by the author; Pub. 1940);

JONES, ELWYN – The Attack from Within (The Modern technique of aggression in modern Europe; Pub. 1939 with dustjacket.);

KAUFMAN, RICHARD F. - The War Profiteers (The challenge to military industial power in American politics Pub. 1970);

KEANE, RICHARD (ed.) - German – What Next? (Being an examination of the German menace in so far as it affects Great Britain; Pub. 1939);

KENNAN, GEORGE F. - American Diplomacy 1900 – 1950 (Strengths and weaknesses and the challenge of Soviet power; Pub. 1951); *** Russia and the West: Under Lenin and Stalin (History of the Diplomatic relations between the U.S.S.R. N and the Western powers from the Russian Revolution to the end of World War Two; Pub. 1960); *** Soviet Foreign Policy 1917 – 1941 (Conducted with enegy, resourcefulness and often with brutal and effective tactical realism; Pub. 1960);

KHRUSHCHEV, NIKITA – Documents of the 22nd Congress of the CPSU Volume 1 (The world situation; the construstion of communism in the U.S.S.R.; The role of the Communist party; Pub. 1961); *** Documents of the 22nd Congress of the CPSU Volume 2 (Report on the program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; Pub. 1961); *** Kjrushchev's “Mein Kampf” (Authentic Soviet blueprint for wolrd conquest; background by Harrison E. Salisbury; Pub. 1961);

KIRSCHNER, ALLEN & LINDA (eds.) Blessed are the Peacemakers (The voices of peace Isiah to Bob Dylan; Pub. 1971);

KISSINGER, HENRY A. - Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy (United States postwar diplomatic and military struggle with communism; Pub. 1958); **** The Trouble Partnership (A re-appraisal of the Atlantic alliance; Pub. 1966);

KRAVCHENKO, VICTOR – I Choose Freedom (The personal and political life of a soviet offical; Pub. 1946);

KUTZ, MYER – Rockefeller Power (Can America afford a Rockefeller in the White House; Pub. 1974);

KWAVNICK, DAVID – The Tremblay Report (An undertanding of thehistory, social outllook, and political objectives of French Canada; Pub. 1973);

LACOUTURE, JEAN – Ho Chi Minh (Political leaders of the twentieth century; Pub. 1967);

LAIRD, MELVIN (ed.) - Republican Papers (Leading house republicans and academic experts define the problems and offer solutios for the domestic crisis facing today's America; Pub. 1968);

LAPIERRE, LAURIER – If You Love this Country (Facts and feelings on the Impact of free trade on Canada; Pub. 1987);

LAPP, RALPH – The Weapons Culture (The spread of America's miltary establishment and it's impact on society; Pub. 1968);

LAQUEUR, WALTER (ed.) - The Israel – Arab Reader (A documentary history of the Middle East conflict; Pub. 1969);

LASKI, HAROLD J. - Liberty in the Modern State (Euroipe democrate ideal in upheaval in the 1930's Pub. 1937);

LASKY, VICTOR – The Ugly Russian (Expose of Communism's Diplomatic blundering; Pub. 1965);

LATTIMORE, OWEN – Ordeal by Slander (One man's fight against the McCarthy communist trials; Pub. 1950);

LEDERER, WILLIAM J. - A Nation of Sheep (American apathy to governmental blundering and political behavior; Pub. 1966);

LEDERMAN, W.R. (ed.) The Courts and the Canadian Constitution (Essays onthe nature and interpretation through the courts and privy council; Pub. 1964);

LEIBZON, B. - Anarchism, Trotskyism (A guide to the basic ideas; Pub. No date.);

LENIN, V.I. - Leninism: The Banner of Liberation and Progress of Nations (The building of socialism in the USSR and its international significance; Pub. 1972); *** Leninism Today (A Collection of Articles; Pub. 1970); *** On the Proletarian Party of a New Type (Communism as Socialism; Pub. 1976); **** On the Socialist Transformation of Agriculture (Communist farming practices; Pub. 1973);

LEVEZQUE, RENE – Quotations from Rene Levesque (Leader of the Quebue independence movement; Pub. 1977);

LEVY, lOUIS – The Truth About France (French political movements in the first half of the twentieth century; Pub. 1941);

LEWIS, W. ARTHUR/ SCOTT, MICHAEL/ WRIGHT, MARTIN / LEGUM, COLIN – Attitude to Africa (A survey of the Main problems should follow in the years to come; Pub. 1951);

LILIENTHAL, DAVID E. - TVA: Decracy on the March (How America can prosper through clear vision of reality; Pub. 1944);

LIMBAUGH, RUSH – The Way Things Ought To Be (Guidebookfor American political common sense; Pub. 1993);

LIPPMANN,WALTER – Pulblic Opinion (Theforce which governs politics and social relations; Pub. 1946); *** ThePublis Philosophy (The challenges facing democratic societies; Pub. 1955); *** U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic (Why the US cannot continue with its current policy; Pub. 1943);

LIATON, ROBERT A. - Politics From Precinct to Presidcy (Behind the scenes of US political processes at the local, state, and national levels; Pub. 1970);

LONSDALE, KATHLEEN – Is Peace Possible? (A quaker scientist discusses problems of peace, freedom and justice in an era of expanding world population and technical development; Pub.1957);

LUBELL, SAMUEL – The Future of American Politics (How and why voting groups are changing their political allegiances; 1951);

LURIE, LEONARD – The Impeachment of Richard Nixon (Why and how to impeach Nixon; 1973);

LYNCH, CHARLES – A Funny Way to Run a Country (Memoirs of a Political voyeur; Pub. 1986); *** You Can't Print That! (Memoirs of a political voyeur; Pub. 1986);

MACHIAVELLI – The Prince (The techiques and strategy of gaining and keeping political control; Pub. Various);

MACKENZIE, KENNETH – The English Parliament (The historical development of parliament describing how and why it has come to work the way it does today; Pub. 1950);

MACKERRAS, COLIN/ HUNTER, NEALE – China Oberved (The current Chinese political power struggle; Pub. 1967);

MAGER, N.H./ KATEL, JACQUES (eds.) - Conquest Without War (In Khrushchev's own words the Soviet intentions andtechniques; Pub. 1961);

MAILER, NORMAN – The Presidential Papers of Norman Mailer (Portrait of the Kennedy years; Pub. 1964);

MANKIEWICZ, FRANK – U.S. Vs Richard M. Nixon: The Final Crisis (The real inside story of Sirica, Cox, Jaworski, Richardson and the men who ended the Nixon era; Pub. 1975);

MAO TSE-TUNG – Quotations from Chairman Mao (The “Little Red Book” of communist China; Pub. 1967);

MARTIN, RALPH G. - Ballots and Bandwagons (Three national conventions in the U.S. - 1912, 1932, and 1956; Pub. 1964);

MARX, KARL/ ENGELS, FRIEDRICH – The Communist Manifesto (Pub. Various);

MARXISM; The Essential Works of (Vairous authors works on communism; Pub. Various);

McCARTHY, SENATOR EUGENE – The Limits of Power (His position on America's most important issues in 1968 and beyond; Pub. 1968);

McDONALD, KENNETH J. (ED.) - Ouch! The Max Awards for 1976 (Examples of Canadian goverment waste; Pub. 1976);

McGINNISS, JOE – The Selling of the President 1968 (The Richard Nixon presidential campaign; Pub. 1969);

McINTOSH, DAVE – Ottawa Unbuttoned or Who's Running This Country Anyway? (How government in Canada is really run behind the scenes; Pub. 1987);

McLAUGHLIN, ANDREW C. - The Confederation and the Constitution 1783 – 1789 (A judicious and persuasive account of the making of our constitution of the U.S..; Pub. 1962);

McQUAIG, LINDA – The Quick and the Dead (Brian Mulroney big business and the seduction of Canada; Pub. 1991);

McRAE, KENNETH (ed.) - Consociational Democracy (Political accommodation in segmented societies; Pub. 1974);

MIERS, EARL SCHENCK – America and its Presidents (A historical sketch of the first thirty five presidents; Pub. 1964);

MILIBAND, RALPH – The Stae in Capitalist Society (The analysis of the Western system of power; Pub. 1969);

MILLER, WARREN – 90 Miles from Home (The truth from inside Castro's Cuba, andit is not what you've been told; Pub. 1961);

MILLS, C. WRIGHT – The Causes of World War Three (This angry book exposes the idiocy of “Bombs for Peace” and proposes a challenging new policy; Pub. 1958); *** Listen, Yankee (The crisis in Cuba and its effect on America; Pub. 1960); *** The Marxists (The basic ideas of leading Marxists; Pub. 1962); *** Power, Politics and People (The authors collected essays from 1939 to 1963; Pub. 1963);

MILOSZ, CZESLAW – The Captive Mind (The moral and psychological consequences of the official philosophy of dialectical materialism; Pub. 1951);

MINIFIE, JAMES M. - Peacemaker or Powdermonkey (Canada's role in a revolutionary world; Pub. 1960);

MOLANDER, EARL A. & ROGER C. (eds.) - What About the Russians and Nuclear War? (The first consise manual on the origins of Soviet nuclear policy; Pub. 1983);

MOWRER, EDGAR – Germany Puts the Clock Back (Account of Hitler's rise to power and of the national-socialist ideology; Pub. 1937 with dustjacket);

MUNVES, JAMES – A Day in the Life of the U.N. (The ideals , the programs, the daily business of the United Nations; Pub. 1970);

MYERS, HUGH BINGHAM – The Quebec Revolution (The power and acceleration which the seperatist gathered in the 1950's and early 1960's; Pub. 1964);

THE NATO HANDBOOK (The North Atlantic treaty organization 1960);

NEUSTADT, RICHARD E. - Presidential Power (Analysis of the function and authority of the presidency and the politics of executive leadership; 1960);

NEWFIELD, JACK – A Prophetic Minority (A probing study of the origins and development of the new left; Pub. 1966);

NEWMAN, PETER C. - Their Turn to Curtsy – Your Turn to Bow (The power, the glory, the men and the issues of Canada's 1972 general election; Pub. 1972); *** True North Not Strong and Free (How Canada has become a nation too weak to defend itself; Pub. 1983);

THE NEW YORK TIMES STAFF – The End of a Presidency (Froom the beginning to the need of the Nixon Watergate scandal; Pub. 1974 with 64 pages of photos.);

NIXON, RICHARD M. - The Challenges We Face (Where Nixon stands of the issues of the early 1960's; Pub. 1960); *** In the Arena (A memoir of victory, defeat and renewal; Pub. 1990 with photos); *** Leaders (Profiles and reminiscences of men who have shaped the modern world; Pub. 1982 with photos); *** The Presidential Transripts (The Complete transcripts of the Nixon tapes, with commentary by the staff of the Washington Post; Pub. 1974); *** The Real War (How to prevent World War Three; Pub. 1980); *** United States Foreign Policy for the 1970's (A new strategy for peace; Pub. 1970);

NORTHCOTT, JIM – Why Labour? (An account of the British labour party principles and policy; Pub. 1964);

O'CALLAGHAN, SEAN – The Easter Lily (The Bloody history and heroes of the I.R.A.; Pub. 1956 with photos);

OUR FRIENDS SPEAK (24th congress of the CPSU; Pub. No date);

OVERSTREET, HARRY & BONARO – What We Must Know About Communism (Its beginning, it's growth, its present status; Pub. 1958);

PADOVER, SAUL K. - The Living U.S. Constitution (Includes text and comprehensive index to the constitution, historic supreme court decisions and portraits of the signers; Pub. 1953);

PEARSON, DREW/ ANDERSON, JACK – The Case Against Congress (A compelling indictment of corruption on the U.S. Capitol Hill; Pub. 1968);

THE PENGUIN HANSARD – Volume 1 from Chamberlain to Churchill (Taken Verbatim from the house of commons official reports of parlimentary debates; Pub. 1940); *** Volume 3 Britian Gathers Strength (Taken Verbatim from house of commons official report of parlimentary debates; Pub. 1941);

PERSKY, STAN – The House (etc.) That Jack Built (Mayor Jack Volrich and Vancouver politics; Pub. 1980);

PHILLIPS, PAUL – Regional Disparities (Why Ontario has no much and the other Canadian provinces can't catch up; Pub. 1978);

THE PRAIRIES; ALIENATION AND ANGER (The challenge of the problems of Canada's prairies; Pub. 1969);

PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES (Sketches of the first 37th presidents; Pub. 1971);

RANSOM, HARRY HOWE – Can American Democracy Survive Cold War? (How government agencies are eroding democratic rights; Pub. 1963);

RATHER, DAN/ GATES, GARY PAUL – The Palace Guard (The story of why the Watergate scandal happened; Pub. 1975 with photos.);

RED RUSSIA AFTER 50 YEARS (The editors of Look Magazine bring a look into Russia; Pub. 1967 with photos);

REUM, WALTER J./ MATTRAN, GERALD C. - Politics from the Inside Up (How to succeed in the world of party politics; Pub. 1966);

RIBICOFF, SENATOR ABRAHAM – The American Medical Machine (A workable health care program for the U.S.; Pub. 1972);

RICHARDSON, H.L. - “Bill: - Slightly to the Right! (A humorous approuach to a conservative dilemma – communications; Pub. 1965);

RIORDON, WILLIAM L. - Plunkitt of Tammany Hall (George Washington Plunkitt's very plain talks on very practical politics; Pub. 1963);

ROBERTS, HENRY L. - Russia and America (Dangers and prospects in U.S. Foreign policy; Pub. 1956);

ROBINSON, JOAN – The Cultural Revolution in China (The Chinese Themselve explain their revolution; Pub. 1969 with photos);

ROHMER, RICHARD – The Green North Mid-Canada (How to develope Canada socially, economically and politically; Pub. 1970);

ROOT AND BRANCH (eds.) - Root and Branch: the Rise of the Workers Movements (A serious and open study of alternatives to both capitalism and state socialism; Pub. 1975);

ROSTOW, W.W. - The Dynamics of Soviet Socity (An expert analysis of the world behind the iron curtain; Pub. 1954);

ROSENBLUTH, GIDEON – The Canadian Economy and Disarmament (The role of defense expenditure in the economy and the problems disarmament would bring; Pub. 1978);

ROSSITER, CLINTON – The American Presidency – The ten roles of the president of the Unided States; Pub. 1956); *** Parties and Politics in America (Analysis of the major American political parties; Pub. 1960);

ROTHSTEIN, ANDREW – Peaceful Coexistence (Nations with each other to mutual benefits; Pub. 1955);

ROWAT, DONALD C. - The Canadian Municipal System (Essays on the improvement of local goverment; Pub. 1969);

RUBINSTEIN, M.I. - Soviet Science and Technique in the Service of Building Communism inthe U.S.S.R. (Pub. 1954);

RUSHER, WILLIAM A. - The Making of the New Majority Party (A blueprint for a complete realignment of the U.S. Political system; Pub. 1975);

RUSSELL, PETER H. - Leading Constitutional Decisions (A study of Canadian constitution and the development of Canadian federalism; Pub. 1965);

SAFIRE, WILLIAM – Before the Fall (An inside view of the pre-Watergate White House; Pub. 1975 with photos);

SALISBURY, HARRISON E. (ed.) - The Soviet Union: The Fifty Years (The New York Times reports on every facet of life in the Soviet Union; Pub. 1967);

SCHEER, ROBERT/ ZEITLIN, MAURICE – Cuba: an American Tragedy (A study of the Political situation in Cuba and how it affects the United States; Pub. 1963);

SCHLESINGER, ARTHER M. - The Imperial Presidency (The road that led to Watergate; Pub. 1973);

SCHREYER, ED. - A Social Democrat in Power (Selected speeches and interviews on the premier of Manitoba; Pub. 1977 with photos);

SCHURMANN, FRANZ/ SCHELL, ORVILLE – Repubilcan China (Nationalism, war, and the rise of communism 1911 to 1949; Pub. 1967);

SCHWARZ, DR. FRED – You Can Trust the Communists (To be communists; The dangers of underestimating or ignoring the communist threat; 1962);

SEGAL, RONALD (ed.); - Sanctions Against South Africa (Paper on the economic, racial, political, legal, and strategia aspects of sanctions against South Africa; Pub. 1964);

SERVAN-SCHREIBER, J.J. - The American Chalklenge (The political implications of foreign investment on the American and European economies; Pub. 1967);

SHAW, BERNARD – The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism, Capitalism, Sovietism and Fascism (Volume 1 & 2; Pub. 1937 with dustjacket);

SHAWCROSS, WILLIAM – Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia (Investigation into the lies and secret treacheries of those White House years; Pub. 1979);

SHONFIELD, ANDREW – British Economic Policy Since the War (A Policy for raising the inherent wealth of Britain; Pub. 1958);

SHULTZ, RICHARD H./ GODSON ROY – Dezinformatsia (The strategy of Soviet disinformation; Pub. 1984);

SIMON, WILLIAM E. - A Time for Action (The former secretary of the treasury tells what we must do to save America; Pub. 1980); *** A Time for Truth (The Former Secretary of the Treasury tells whats happening to America's financial freedoms and how to cure it; Pub. 1978);

SMILEY, DONALD V. - The Canadian Political Nationality (The circumstances under which confederation can or should continue; Pub. 1967); *** (ed.) The Rowell/ Sirois Report Book 1 (Study of Canadian federalism in operation since confederation; Pub. 1963);

SMITH, T.V./ LINDEMAN, EDUARD C. - The Democratic Way of Life (The Role of Democracy and its Practical Applications; Pub. 1951);

SNOW, EDGAR – Red Star Over China (Inside account of Mao Tse-Tung's China; Pub. 1968);

SPAAK, PAUL-HENRI – Why NATO? (The history of NATO from 1949 to 1959; Pub. 1959);

SPEARMAN, DIANA – Democracy in England (A refreshing an durgent appraisal of democracy today, its dilemmas and its prospects; Pub. 1962);

STEBBINS, RICHARD P. - The United States i World Affairs 1959 (Concisely recorded account of growing American responsibilities in the World; Pub. 1960);

STEVENS, EDMUND – This is Russia Uncensored! (The inner secrets of communism in action; Pub. 1950);

STEVENSON, ADLAI – The Stevenson Wit and Wisdom (The wise an dhumorous words of a presidential candidate; Pub. 1965);

STEWART, WALTER – Shrug: Trudeau in Power (A Critique of the Trudeau regime; Pub. 1972);

STINSON, LLODY – Political Warrior (Recollections of a Canadian social democrat; Pub. 1975);

STOESSINGER, JOHN G. - The United Nations and the Superpowers (United States and the Soviet Union interaction at the United Nations; Pub. 1965);

STORMER, JOHN A. - None Dare Call it Treason (On the communist-socialist conspiracy to enslave America; Pub. 1964);

STRONG, C.F. - A History of Modern Political Constitutions (An introduction to the comparative study of their history and existing form; Pub. 1963);

SUSSMAN, BARRY – The Great Cover-Up (Nixon and the scandal of Watergate; Pub. 1974);

SUYIN, HAN – The Morning Deluge Volume 2 (From the long march to liberation, Mao Tse-Tung and the Chinese Revolution; Pub. 1972);

THE SYMONS REPORT (A study of education in Canada; Pub. 1978);

SZULC, TAD – Dominican Diary (On the scene account of the Dominican crisis of 1965; Pub 1965);

TAYLOR, TELFORD – Grand Inquest (The story of congressional investigations; Pub. 1951);

TERHORST, J.F./ ALBERTAZZIE, COL. RALPH – The Flying White House: The Story of Air Force One (The Gossip filled story of the highest office in the United States; Pub. 1979 with photos);

THEIMER, WALTER (ed.) - The Penguin Political Dictionairy (Confined to Political terms and names of the first half of the twentieth century; Pub. 1939);

THOMAS, NORMAN C./ LAMB, KARL A. - Congress Politics and Practice (The policy process in American national government and the role of congress; Pub. 1965);

THOMSON, DAVID (ed.) - Political Ideas (European thinkers of the last five hundred years; Pub. 1966);

TRUDEAU, PIERRE ELLIOTT – Federalism and the French Canadians (His most important essays on the Quebec question; Pub. 1968);

VAHAN, RICHARD – The Truth About the John Birch Society (The inside story of their history and current political aims; Pub. 1962);

VERBRUGGE, MAGNUS – After Capitalism and Socialism: an Overhaul of Democracy (Canada no longer determines her own future, and what we must do to reverse this thrend; Pub. 1974);

WAHL, NICHOLAS – The Fifth Republic (Frnace's nes political system; Pub. 1959);

WARD, BARBARA – Policy for the West (A constructive analysis of the communist challenge and how to meet it; Pub. 1951);

THE WASHINGTON POST – The Fall of a President (The story of Richard Nixon's rise topower and the final crisis that brought him down; Pub. 1974);

WEDGWOOD, JOSIAH C. / NEVINS, ALLAN – Forever Freedom (Faith in freedom and liberty; 1940);

WELDON,T.D. - The Vocabulary of Politics (An enquiry into the use and abuse of language in the making of political theories; Pub. 1953);

WEYL, NATHANIEL – Red Star Over Cuba (Account of how Cuba became a Soviet dictatorship; Pub. 1961);

WHITE, THEODORE H. - Breach of Faith (The fall of Richard Nixon; Pub. 1975); *** The Making of the President 1960 (The Political campaigns; Pub. 1961); *** The Making of the President 1964 (The Political campaigns; Pub. 1965);*** The Making of the President 1968 (The Political campaigns; Pub. 1969);*** The Making of the President 1972 (The Political campaigns; Pub. 1973);*** The White House Transcripts (The Full text of the submission of recorded presidential conversations to the committee on the judiciary of the house of representatives by Riard Nixon; Pub. 1974);

WHITLAM, GOUGH – The Truth of the Matter (The inside story of the Australian politican crisis of 1975; 1979);

WHITNEY, BYRL A. - Whitney's parlimentary Procedure (Rules of procedure for democratic organizations; Pub. 1962);

WIGHAM, ERIC – What's Wrong With the Unions? (British trade union practices; Pub. 1961);

WILLKIE, WENDELL L. - One World (The importance of making the United Nations work; Pub. 1943);

WILLIAMS, RAYMOND (ed.) - May Day Manifesto 1968 (A British socialist alternative to labour govenment policies; Pub. 1968);

WILLS, GARRY – Nixon Agonistes (The Crisis of the self made man; Pub. 1969);

WINT, GUY/ CALVOCORESSI, PETER – Middle East Crisis (The series of events which preceded the crisis in the Middle East, and proposals for future Western policy; Pub. 1957);

WINTER-BERGER, ROBERT N. - The Washington Pay-Off (Expose of how to buy a politician; Pub. 1972);

WONDERS, WILLIAM C. - Canada's Changing North (The major problems and changes of Canada's north; Pub. 1971);

WOODWARD, BOB / BERNSTEIN, CARL – The Final Days (The last days of the Nixon presidency; Pub. 1976);

YOUNG, WAYLAND – The Profumo Affair: Aspects of Conservatism (The Moral, social and polical consequences; Pub. 1963);

YUZYK, SENATOR PAUL – For a Better Canada (A collection of selected speeches; Pub. 1973);

ZILLIACUS, K. - I Choose Peace (Critism of Bristish foreign policy; Pub. 1949);

ZINK, LUBOR J. - Trudeaucracy (A searching and perceptive analysis of Trudeau's politics; 1972);


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