ACG – American Comics Group Pub; (Michel / LaSalle Pub / B&I Pub / Scope / Creston Pub); ...


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ACG – American Comics Group Pub; (Michel / LaSalle Pub / B&I Pub / Creston Pub)


#11(Canadian Ed; FA/G $19)#18(4/1951; GD+ $44):#26(overall G/VG, but 25% of Splash page out = $15):

#26(G/VG $42):#38(FA, coverless $8);

#52 (2/1954; Pre-code; 3-D EFFECT issue; Vampire in “The Year of the Bat” by Harry Lazarus-c/a; Skeletons; FA/G = $42);

#95(FN/VF $29); #97(6/1958;VF- $35), #98(MERMAID-c/s);


#116(Williamson-a; G $12);

#120, 121, 123-125,127-130,134-136,141-145,147-149,151-174;

BLAZING WEST (ACG Pub., Jan-Feb/49) -

#3,7,11, 15

#19(USA ed; 9-10/1951; Bantam Buckaroo-s; Hooded Horseman-c/s; Whitney-c; FA/G, ¼ page missing $8);

Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub (ACG; Atomic Commandos in Action)

#5(3-4/1955; Landau-a; 2 page 3-D EFFECT story; A-BOMB Explosion panel; Magic Tape repairs inside spine to cover, 2 small pieces out of cover = FAIR+ = $29.00)


CONFESSIONS OF THE LOVELORN (ACG Comics Pub.; 1954-1960; formerly LOVELORN)

#61, 63 = ASK;

#77(G/VG, 3.0 = $24.00);

#78(FN/VF, 7.0 = $69.00; Another Copy=ASK);

#81(FA, 1.0 = $10.00);

#90(VG, 4.0 = $35.00);

#94(overall VG, but bottom 15% of Cover Gone, thus FA, 1.0 = $5);

#95(VG/FN, 5.0 = $39.00);

#97(VG, 4.0 = $30.00);

#98(VG/FN, 5.0 = $39.00);

#104(VG, 4.0 = $30.00);

#106(Painted cover; ASK),

#111(GD, 2.0 = $16.00);

COOKIE -- the Funniest Kid in Town; (ACG Pub.; 4/1946 thru 8-9/1955; Teen-Age Humor)

#10(Music Band-c; 1/1948; Thanksgiving/Turkey/Football-s; Pickles-s; Hartley-a; Christmas/Santa-s; Kid Sister-s; Debbie-s; FN+ $34);

#16(Bowling-c; Cookie gets spanking panels; Humphrey Bogart cameo; Girl Friend-s; Pickles-s; Hartley-a; Kid Sister-s; VG $20);

#17(Hockey-c; Boxing-s; Howdy Hail drag racing-s; Circus-s; Pickles-s; Hartley-a; G+ $14);

#38, #39(G/VG=$10; VGFN=$17), #44,45,48,54;

FORBIDDEN WORLDS (ACG Pub.; 1951-1967)

#8(8/1952; Werewolf/Vampire/Ghost-s; Zombie-c/s; Lazarus-a; Ghost-s; Demon-s; Pre-Code; overall G, but with heavy Tape & Stain on outside of Spine, Tape at Right edge of BACK cover, 5 AD pages missing, all 5 Comics Stories are complete. thus FAIR = $16);

#9(A-Bomb Explosion-s; VG/FN $105);

#38(VG, but Missing the first page $7); #47; #53(4/1957; FA/G, centerfold missing, 2 of 3 stories complete $6);


#70(G/VG $19); #73 (12/1958; FIRST appearance of HERBIE; SOLD OUT);

#75(G/VG $19); #77, #80,#81,86(Flying Saucer-c), 87,89, 90,91(10/1960; Shrinking Man-c/s), 92;

#94 (3/1961; SECOND appearance of HERBIE; SOLD OUT);



#103,#104(VG/FN $15); #105(FA/G $4); #106; #107(VG/FN $15);

#108(11-12/1962; an who painted destiny-c/s; Space Sissy-s); #109,

#110 (3-4/1963; THIRD appearance of HERBIE; 10 page HERBIE story = SOLD OUT);

111, 112;

#113(Delta-R machine, affect animals-s; Buried by Time; SATAN-c/s);

#114 (9/1962; First HERBIE cover; 4th appearance of HERBIE; 14 page HERBIE story; Editors List of Top 20 ACG Stories)
#115(Man with Wings western-c/s; Magic by thought-s; Predictions-s; FN/VF, but cover detached at top staple, thus FN- = $16);

#116 (11/1963; FIFTH appearance of HERBIE in HERBIE Goes to the Devil story;  Second HERBIE cover; “Miss Baylor” parody of Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra cover and Two Page ** Appearances by; Herbie the Fat Fury, SATAN, Frankenstein and Dracula appear; Story by Shane O’Shea, with Ogden Whitney art; ** G/VG, 3.0 = $14.00);

#116 (11/1963; FIFTH appearance of HERBIE in HERBIE Goes to the Devil story;  Second HERBIE cover; “Miss Baylor” parody of Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra cover and Two Page ** Appearances by; Herbie the Fat Fury, SATAN, Frankenstein and Dracula appear; Story by Shane O’Shea, with Ogden Whitney art; ** Magic Tape repairs inside Spine to cover, and along Left edge of inside front cover, GOOD, 2.0 = $10.00);

#116 (11/1963; FIFTH appearance of HERBIE in HERBIE Goes to the Devil story;  Second HERBIE cover; “Miss Baylor” parody of Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra cover and Two Page ** Appearances by; Herbie the Fat Fury, SATAN, Frankenstein and Dracula appear; Story by Shane O’Shea, with Ogden Whitney art; FA/G, 1.5 Reading copy = $8.00); 

#118,119(VG $13); #120, 121, 122;

#123(10/1964; Ghost in the Wooden Indian Planet-c/s; Schaffenberger-c; HERBIE 1 page cameo Comic strip; Girl became Queen SF-s; Wonderful Witch-s);

#124(Magic Agent app);

*** Magicman app in #125-141;
#125(1-2/1965; 1st app & Origin Magicman-c/s, has power of Black magic; Magic Agent app; HERBIE 1 page cameo Comic strip; No Good Boy SF-s);
#126(Magicman-c/s; HERBIE 1 page cameo Comic strip);
#127(Magicman-c/s; Seller of Dolls-s);
#128(7/1965; Magicman meets Merlin the Magician-c/s; 2xHorror backups-s);

#129-132, 133(Origin & 1st app Dragonia), 134, 135, 136(Nemesis app), 137(Ditko-a), 138(2nd app Dragonia; Ditko-a);

#139, 140(Mark Midnight app by DITK), 141-144, 145(8/1967);

FUNNY FILMS -- Laff Packed "Movie" Cartoons (ACG Pub; 1949-1954; Blunderbunny, Whoo-Doodit,

Puss & Boots, Alkali Ike; #23-29=Hector the Specter);

#4, #13(G/VG $14); #20(Bowling with Bomb-c; FN=$24); #21(1-2/1953; Suit of Armour-c; VG+ = $17);

#26(11-12/1953; Swami-c; VG/FN = $18); #26(Swami-c; FA/G=$6);

GASP! (ACG Pub., 1967)

#1 (3/1967; Richard Hughes story; Chic Stone and Sal Trapani art; Kurt Schaffenberger cover);

#2 (5/1967; Richard Hughes; Sal Trapani, Bob Jenney and Dick Beck art; Edvard Moritz painted cover);

#3 (6/1967; Richard Hughes and Adam Barr stories; Sal Trapani, Citron and Costanza art; Edvard Moritz painted cover);

#4 (8/1967; LAST Issue; Richard Hughes stories; Sal Trapani art; Kurt Schaffenberger cover);

Giggle Comics (1-63=Creston Pub; #64 up =ACG Pub; Spencer Spook & Witch Hazel in most);

#19,21,23,30,34,40,47(Halloween issue);

#50, 54,56,57,60(Thanksgiving-c; VG $15);

#62,#64(rodent chewed FA/G $8); 68,77,81,87, 93(Skunk-c; VG/FN $24); #94,95,78,

HA HA COMICS (1-80=Creston Pub/Scope mag; #81 up =ACG Pub; 10/1943 thru 1/1955) -

#1 (10/1943; World War-II anthropomorphic Funny Animals; Pete Parrot, Rookie Policeman; Pat the Potato Bug;  Leroy and Buster; Young Hippo; Pete Kitten's Victory Drive; The Dogtown Detective; Ralph Rooster; Corn-Ona-Cub; Overall Good+, but center 20 Pages are missing, all Listed stories are complete = $22.00); #9,21,24,26,30,32,36,37,39,40,41,43,47-49,50,54,57,58,59,62,66,68,70,73,76, 78,80,84-88,91,92, 93(VG $20); #94(FN+ $32);

HERBIE (ACG Comics Pub; 1964-1967);

#1 (3-4/1964; Fidel Castro and Sonny Liston, appearance; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#2 (6-7/1964; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#3 (8/1964; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#4 (9/1964; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#5 (10-11/1964; 10 page Beatles parody story; Dean Martin and, Frank Sinatra appearance; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#6 (12/1964-1/1965;       Ava Gardner and Gregory Peck cameo; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#7 (2/1965; Former President Harry S. Truman & Nikita Khrushchev appearance; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#8 (3/1965; ORIGIN and FIRST Full appearance of HERBIE as the FAT FURY; President Lyndon Johnson appearance; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art; ASK);

#8 (3/1965; ORIGIN and FIRST Full appearance of HERBIE as the FAT FURY; Coverless, otherwise nice VF = $5.00);

#9 (4-5/1965; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#10 (6-7/1965; Fat Fury appearance; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#11 (8/1965; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#12 (9/1965; Fat Fury appearance; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#13 (10-11/1965; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#14 (12/1965-1/1966; Nemesis and Magicman appearance; Fat Fury appearance; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#15 (2/1966; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#16 (3/1966; Fat Fury appearance; President Lyndon Johnson and, Richard Burton appearance; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#17 (4-5/1966; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney art; Kurt Schaffenberger cover);

#18 (6-7/1966; Appearances by; President Lyndon Johnson, Herbert, Humphrey, Governor Rockefeller, Charles DeGaulle & Queen Elizabeth; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#19 (8/1966; Letter from Marv Wolfman; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney art; Kurt Schaffenberger cover);

#20 (9/1966; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney art; Kurt Schaffenberger cover);

#21 (10-11/1966; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

#22 (12/1966-1/1967; Fat Fury appearance; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney art; Kurt Schaffenberger cover);

#23 (2/1967; LAST issue; Richard Hughes story; Ogden Whitney cover and art);

HERBIE #8 (Origin & First app of the FAT FURY; 3/1965; Coverless, otherwise nice VF = $5.00);


(ACG Pub.ACG Pub;; 1-2/1952 thru 1-2/1954; First Series; Hooded Horseman story in all)

Volume-1 #22(3-4/1952; 2nd issue in 1st series; Train-c; Bantam Buckaroo-s; Hanging panels; Injun Jones-s; Jim Bowie-s; FA/G $10);

Volume-1 #24(7-8/1952; 4th issue in 1st series; Bantam Buckaroo-s; Injun Jones-s; Border Bandits-s; G/VG=$17; or G=$12);

Volume-1 #24(7-8/1952; 4th issue in 1st series; Bantam Buckaroo-s; Injun Jones-s; Border Bandits-s; FA/G, centerfold missing $4; ; another copy available = ask);

Volume-1 #25(9-10/1952; 5th issue in 1st series; Cowboy Sahib riding TIGER-c, on cover only; Lost Gold Mine-s; Bantam Buckaroo-s; Injun Jones-s; Hooded Horseman ID Revealed; VG/FN=$27; or G/VG=$17; another copy available = ASK);

Volume-1 #26 (11-12/1952; 6th issue in 1st series; BONDAGE-c; Injun Jones-s; Origin & 1st Full app Cowboy Sahib-c/s, by Leonard Strarr; VG=$28);

Volume-1 #27 (1-2/1953; 7th & LAST issue in 1st series; Cowboy Sahib-c/s; by Leonard Strarr?; Injun Jones-s; VG=$23);

HOODED HORSEMAN (ACG Pub; formerly Out of the Night; 12/1954 thru 8-9/1955; Second Series; Hooded Horseman story in all)

Volume-2 #18(11-12/1954; First issue in 2nd series; Bondage panels; Whitney-a; Cowboy Sahib-s; Johnny Injun-s; Flash miracle Dog-s; VG+ $27);

Volume-2 #22(8-9/1955; 5th & LAST issue in 2nd series; Whitney-a; Cowboy Sahib-s; Johnny Injun-s; Flash miracle Dog-s; FA/G=$8);

THE KILROYS (ACG Pub., June-July/1947-1955 ) -

# 28,39,43,46;

LOVELORN (ACG Pub.; 1949-1954; Title changes to CONFESSIONS OF THE LOVELORN #52 up)


MAGIC AGENT (ACG Pub., Jan-Feb/62) - #1-3;

MIDNIGHT MYSTERY (ACG Pub., Jan-Feb/61) - #2,5-7;

MY ROMANTIC ADVENTURES (ACG Pub; #49-67 says "MY ROMANTIC ADVENTURES" on COVER only; #68 up = Title officially changes to "MY ROMANTIC ADVENTURES")

#75(overall FN, but 8% of cover off at upper right thus FA/G $6);

#87; #133(FN+, but ¾ cover/ title off $4);

OPERATION PERIL (ACG Comics Pub.; 1950-1953)

#2 (12/1951-1/1952; 52 pages; WAR Cover by Ogden Whitney; Ogden Whitney art; Danny Danger; Typhoon Tyler; Time Travelers sci-fi story; Leonard Starr art; John Wesley Hardin-s; G/VG, 3.0 = $39.00);

#3 (2-3/1951; 52 pages; WAR Cover by Ogden Whitney; Ogden Whitney art; The Thing that Talked, Amazon Horror story with Ghosts, Curse, Shrunken Heads;  Danny Danger; Typhoon Tyler; Time Travelers sci-fi story; VG/FN, 5.0 = $69.00);

#6 (8-9/1951; 52 pages; T-REX DINOSAUR vs TANK and Soldiers Sci-Fi cover; Danny Danger; Typhoon Tyler; Time Travelers sci-fi story; BLACKBEARD the Pirate Peril; FAIR, 1,0 reading copy = $29.00);

#13 (11/1952; WAR Stories issue; FN, 6.0 = $36.00);


#68 up = Title officially changes to "MY ROMANTIC ADVENTURES") (ACG Pub.)


#15(7-8/1951; 52 pages; Tennis-c; Hollywood Heartbreak; Beauty & the Brute; Do-Good Girl);

#19(3/1952; 52 pages; I Tried to Play the Love Market);

#22, 26,27,34,36,38, 42,56, 72;133;

SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE (ACG Pub.; 1951-1953; #1-3= 52 pages; #11-13= Becomes a WAR comic)

#2(Whitney-c; Pirates-c; Shelley-a);

#4(9-10/1951; Foreign Legion-c; G $15;another copy available = ask );

#6 (1-2/1952; Woman in Bondage, Snake & Oriental Menace cover; Captain Crossbones-s; Ogden Whitney-c/a; VF-, 7.5 = $72.00);


#10(WAR-c; Whitney-a; FAIR, centerfold missing; 2 of 4 stories are complete; $3);

#10(WAR-c; Whitney-a; another copy = ASK);

#11(WAR-c; Whitney-a; 11-12/1952);


#5(April-May/50), 7,9,

#10(2-3/1951; Whitney-c/a; Starr-a; Arctic/ Polar Bear-s; Western-s; Jonathan Kent Espionage Ace-s; Trieste-s; Woman in Bondage panels; 52 pages; VG/FN $42);


Unknown Worlds (ACG - American Comics Group pub; August/1960 thru August/1967);
#1 (8/1960; Ghost Indian and Train cover and story; Dinosaurs story; Richard Hughes stories, Paul Reinman and Ogden Whitney art; Kurt Schaffenberger cover;
sold out );
#2(Dinosaur-c/s; Whitney-c/a; Moritz-a; Venus-s; Walsh-a; G/VG=$20; FA/G=$11);
#3(Whitney-c/a; Forte-a; Sparling-a; Reinman-a; Costanza-a; Flying Carpet-c/s; Fate-s; Wendigo-s; VG/FN=$27; VG=$22);
#4(Whitney-c/a; Forte-a; Walsh-a; Morey-a; Earth frozen at Noon-s; Biggest man in world-s; Gilroy-s; VG=$22; G/VG=$16);
#5(2/1961; Abe Linvloln cameo; Ghost-c/s; John R.-a; Whitney-c/a; Fat Man's Magic-s; Costanza-a; G/VG=$16; FA/G=$9);
#6(Whitney-c/a; Dual ID Maid-c/s; Worry Wart-s; Forte-a; John R.-a; VG=$20; G/VG=$14; FA/G=$8);
#7(Whitney-c/a; Cave Man vs NAZI-c & Magician-s; Forte-a; Costanza-a; Morey-a; G/VG $14);
#8(Schaffenberger-c; Whitney-a; Walsh-a; John R.-a; Forte-a; Fire Spirit-c/s; Cave Men-s; G/VG=$14; G=$11);
#9(8/1961; Whitney-c/a; Reinman-a; Dinosaur-c/s; Man of Magic-s; John R.-a; Hitler cameo; Doomed Villiage-s; VG=$20);
#10(Schaffenberger-c; Whitney-a; Magic Mutt-s; Crete-s; Costanza-a; Kickey-a; Nazi/Eagle-s; Ghost-s; Civil War-c/s; G/VG=$14; FA/G=$8);
#11(Last 10 cent cover issue; 10-11/1961; Pyramid/Sphinx-c/s; Forte-a; Whitney-c/a; Hickey-a; John R.-a; Mountain Climber/Ghost-s; Walsh-a; FA/G=$8);
#12(Whitney-c; 12 cents cover issues begin; Spook Detective-c/s; Beck/Hamilton-a; Costanza-a; VG=$15; G/VG=$12; FA/G=$6);
#13(Whitney-c/a; 2/1962; Reinman-a; Land of Dreams-c/s; Hickey-a; Grim Reaper app; G/VG=$12; FA/G=$6);
#14(Schaffenberger-c; Molemen invaders-c/s; Visitors to New York; Beck/Hamilton-a; Costanza-a; G/VG=$12);
#14(Schaffenberger-c; Molemen invaders-c/s; Visitors to New York; Beck/Hamilton-a; Costanza-a; FA, 1 page missing, main stories all complete =$4);
#15(Schaffenberger-c; Beck/Hamilton-a; Whitney-a; Bravest man in World-s; SOLD OUT);
#16(Whitney-c/a; Chic Stone-a; Hickey-a; Ghost Story-c/s; Unlucky Horseshoe-s; G/VG=$12; G=$10; PR/FA=$4);
#17(Whitney-c; All-American Ghost-s; Ape God/Cloud Monster-c/s; Abe Lincoln/Civil War-s; Hickey-a; Costanza-a; G/VG=$12; G=$10);
#18(9/1962; Whitney-c/a; Stone-a; Walsh-a; Witch Hunter of Salem-c/s; Saw it with my own eyes; Celestial Journey, with Olympic Gods; G = $8);
#19(Time Travel & Pirates-c/s; Gifts from Spirits-s; Whitney-c/a; Stone-a; Hickey-a; Costanza-a; Forte-a; G/VG=$12);
#20(12/1962-1/1963; Tiger-c; Whitney-c/a; 2 page Herbie Cameo; Time Travel-s; Reinman-a; SOLD OUT);
#21(2/1963; Ghost Girl-s; Unseen City-s; Time Travel & Western-c/s; Stone-a; Reinman-a; Costanza-a; G=$7; FA/G=$5);
#22(Whitney-c/a; Reinman-a; Stone-a; Spectre from Space-s; Invention-s; SOLD OUT);
#23(Curse turns Man to Stone-c/s; Western Gila Gulch Ghost-s; Whitney-a; Perfect Planet-s; Reinman-a; VG=$12; G/VG=$10);
#23(Curse turns Man to Stone-c/s; Western Gila Gulch Ghost-s; Whitney-a; Perfect Planet-s; Reinman-a; G/VG, but centerfold missing, B&W xerox replacement pages included $3);
#24(Anient Witchcraft-c/s; Whitney-a; Reinman-a; Ghost-s; VG=$12; G/VG=$10);
#25(8/1963; Whitney-a; Grizzly Bear/Weird Stick-c/s; Dinosaur/Cave Man-s; Civil War Colonel Ghost-s; Forte-a; Stone-a; G/VG=$10; G=$7; FA/G=$5);
#26(After Life-c/s; Costanza-a; Dreams come True-s; Another Dimension-s; Whitney-a; G/VG=$12; FA/G=$6; FA=$5);
#27(DEVIL-c/s; Pirate/Ghost/Devil-s; Fate-s; Costanza-a; Whitney-a; G/VG=$10; G=$7);
#28(Planet that admired Earth-s; Costanza-a; NAZI Submarine-s; Ghost-s; Hickey-a; VG $12);
#29(Schaffenberger-c; Costanza-a; Whitney-a; Hero among Stars-s; Man the whole town hated-s; Look into Future-s; VG=$12);
#30(3/1964; Schaffenberger-c; DEVIL-c/s; Costanza-a; Green Girl-s; Motel Unit #13-s; VG=$12; G/VG=$10; G=$7);

#31(Schaffenberger-c; EYES-c/s; Stone-a; Unlucky Cat-s; Costanza-a; WWII/Pirates-s; 1 page original Comic AD for Herbie; VG/FN=$15; VG=$12; G/VG=$10);

#32(Schaffenberger-c; Portrait of Priscilla-c/s; Strange Machine-s; Costanza-a; Reinman-a; 1 page original Comic AD for Herbie; VG=$12; G/VG=$10; G=$7);

#33(Schaffenberger-c; Spacemen-c/s; Jenney-a; Grim Reaper/return to life-s; 1 page original Comic AD for Herbie; Jenney Costanza-a; VG/FN=$15; G/VG=$10);

#34(Whitney-c; Space Schnook-s; Toughest guy in the unknown; Stone-a; 1 page original Comic Strip AD for Herbie; Jenney-a; FN=$19; VG/FN=$15; G/VG=$10);

#35(Schaffenberger-c; 1st John Force, Magic Agent story in this title; Leprechaun-c/s; Ashe-a; 1 page original Comic Strip AD for Herbie; UFO/Dogs-s; Costanza-a; VG/FN=$15; VG=$12; G/VG=$10);

#36(Schaffenberger-c; "the People vs Hendricks"-c/s by Johnny Craig = most popular ACG story ever; Reinman-a; 1 page original Comic Strip AD for Herbie; John Force, Magic Agent story; Costanza-a; VG/FN $18);

#37(Schaffenberger-c; Castle/Ghosts-c/s; Ashe-a; 1 page original Comic Strip AD for Herbie; Time Freeze-a; Gizmo Machine-s; Forte-a; G $6);

#38(Schaffenberger-c; Witch-Boy-s; Forte-a; Submarine-s; Ashe-a; Reinman-a; 1 page original Comic Strip AD for Herbie; G/VG=$8; FA/G=$4; Another Copy=ASK);

#39(Schaffenberger-c; Hot Rod/Ghost Car-c/s; Stone-a; 1 page original Comic AD for Herbie; Citron-Hickey-a; G/VG=$8; FA/G=$4; FA=$3);

#40(Schaffenberger-c; Time-c/s; Costanza-a; Stone-a; Frankenstein cameo; VG=$10; G/VG=$8);

#41(8/1965; Schaffenberger-c; Alibi Machine-c/s; Alive or Dead; Anatomy of a Curse-s; Eisman-a; Jenney-a; FN/VF=$22; G/VG=$8);

#42(Schaffenberger-c; Indian/Ghosts-c; Western Ghost Town/Satan-s; Giant Bird-s; Dick Beck-a; Stone-a; Ashe-a; Green Aliens-s; VG=$10; G/VG=$8; G=$6; FA/G=$4; Another Copy=ASK);

#43(Schaffenberger-c; WITCH-c/s; Stone-a;Forte-a; Eisman-a; 2 page Dinosaur app; G/VG=$8);

#44(Schaffenberger-c; Strange Spyglass-s; Flame creatures-c/s; Ashe-a; Costanza-a; Walsh-a; FN/VF=$22; VG=$10; G/VG=$8);

#45(2/1966; Alien/Rocket-c; Alien Race-s; Schaffenberger-c; Eisman-a; Gypsy Magic-s; Jenney-a; Ghosts-a; G=$6; Another Copy=ASK);

#45(2/1966; Alien/Rocket-c; Alien Race-s; Schaffenberger-c; Eisman-a; Gypsy Magic-s; Jenney-a; Ghosts-a; G/VG=$8; VG/FN, but 3/4 cover = Title off =$5);

#46(Schaffenberger-c; Great Goblin Plot-s; Stone-a; Trapani-a; FN/VF=$22; FN=$15; VG/FN=$12; G=$6);

#47 (Treasure of bad Luck Point-c/s, with Pirates, Ghosts, Slaves, Bell Divers; Time Travel/Dinosaur/Cave Men-s; Craig-a; Williamson-a; VF+=$48; G/VG=$10; FA/G=$5);

#48(6-7/1966; John Force, Magic Agent story; Ghost of Edward X -c/s; Schaffenberger-c; Stone-a; FN=$16; G/VG=$8; G=$6; FA/G=$4);

#49(Wahl-c; Time Travel Beam-c/s; Genie-s; DITKO-a; Costanza-a; Baseball-s; Wilhelms-a; Whitney-a; FN=$16; G/VG=$8);

#49(Wahl-c; Time Travel Beam-c/s; Genie-s; DITKO-a; Costanza-a; Baseball-s; Wilhelms-a; Whitney-a; FA, 1/2 letters page missing =$3);

#50(9/1966; Wahl-c; John Force, Magic Agent story; Abe Lincoln brought back to life-c/s; Reinman-a; Ashe-a; DITKO-a; FN=$16; VG=$10; G/VG=$8; G=$6);

#51(Wahl-c; Stone-a; SF Pets-s; Ashe-a; Satan & Wildfire-c/s; VG=$10; G=$6);

#52(John Force, Magic Agent story; Ghost & Castle-c/s; Reinman-a; Wahl-c; Lazarus-a; FN=$16; G=$6; FA/G=$4);

#53(2/1967; Wahl-c; Ghost Girl, Football & Frankenstein app-s; Trapani-a; Pirates-c; Jenney-a; FN=$16; VG=$10; G/VG=$8; FA/G=$4);

#54(Wahl-c; DITKO-a; Ghost Cop-c/s; Reinman-a; John Force, Magic Agent story; FN=$16; VG=$10; G/VG=$8; FA/G=$4);

#55(Wahl-c; Giant Green BUG-c; Costanza/Hickey-a; Satan & Monsters app; McCann-a; VG/FN=$13; G/VG=$8);

#56(Landau-ax2; John Force, Magic Agent story; Living Tree-c; Monsters-s; Moritz-a; FA/G=$4);

#57(8/1967; LAST issue; Indian Chief Ghost-c/s; Moritz-a; Wenzel-a; Princess & Knight-s; Trapini-a; 97-Pound Weakling-s; 20% of page out, FA $3);

#57(8/1967; LAST issue; Indian Chief Ghost-c/s; Moritz-a; Wenzel-a; Princess & Knight-s; Trapini-a; 97-Pound Weakling-s; FN/VF=$24; G/VG=$8; G=$6);

YOUNG HEROES (ACG Pub.; 1955; 3 issue series, starring; Prince Athel, Roger of Sherwood Forest, Frontier Scout & Jeremy Jones of the Queens Navy/Pirates)
#35(2-3/1955; Pre-Code; 1st of 3 issues; Ogden Whitney-a; FA+=$9);
#36(4-5/1955; Pre-Code; 2nd of 3 issues; Ogden Whitney-c/a; VG/FN=$30; Another copy = ask);
#37(6-7/1955; Pre-Code; 3rd of 3 issues; Ogden Whitney-c/a; PIRATE-c; FA/G=$10);

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( 5 ); Bank WIRE TRANSFER (Purchases over $500.00); Faster & Easier to Convert the Total to the Equivalent in CANADIAN FUNDS; ASK for FULL Details;

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( 7 ); PERSONAL or Business CHECKS; [We accept CHECKS drawn on USA & CANADA Banks ONLY; YOUR NAME or your Company name MUST be Printed on the CHECK (generic Counter Checks are NOT accepted); *** $75.00 or LESS, we ship immediately; Canada CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 3-4 weeks to CLEAR, before we will ship; USA CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 6-8 WEEKS to CLEAR, before we will ship; NO Exceptions, due to many BAD experiences;



>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986



Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at;  1-204-392-6686


ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =

SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;

ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;



Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit;  SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);  

Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

