ADULT & SEX Related Mass Market Paperbacks (FICTION and NON-Fiction) INVENTORY FOR SALE;

SLEEZE / ADULT Mass Market Paperbacks (vintage novels, Sexy Fiction, Sex related Non-Fiction; GGA = Good Girl Art covers on many; Erotic, Seduction, Bad Girls, Heterosexual, Bi-Sexual, Homosexual, Lesbian, Gay, Lust, Prostitution, Adultery, Mistress, Stud, Orgy, Nymphomaniac, Swapping, Sensual, Exotic, etc; Mostly 1950's thru 1970's) in Stock FOR SALE --


>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.

They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;


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(A) ADULT / SEX / SLEEZE = (FICTION paperbacks);

(B) ADULT / SEX = (NON-FICTION paperbacks);

ADULT & SEX Related Mass Market Paperbacks (FICTION and NON-Fiction) INVENTORY FOR SALE;

SLEEZE / ADULT Mass Market Paperbacks (vintage novels, Sexy Fiction, Sex related Non-Fiction; GGA = Good Girl Art covers on many; Erotic, Seduction, Bad Girls, Heterosexual, Bi-Sexual, Homosexual, Lesbian, Gay, Lust, Prostitution, Adultery, Mistress, Stud, Orgy, Nymphomaniac, Swapping, Sensual, Exotic, etc; Mostly 1950's thru 1970's) in Stock FOR SALE --

ADULT / SEX / SLEEZE = Mass Market FICTION paperbacks = In Stock

---- A -----

ABBY, ALAIN - LIBIDO BEACH (Avon # G-1110; 1962) Lesbians: Modern Isle of LESBOS - a Sun-Drenched SODOM just an hour from Manhattan; BINGER Nude Blonde Girl GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover;

(Avon # G-1110; 1962; Printed in Canada; Lesbian; PBO: Paperback Original, True First Ed; 159 Pages; The Modern Isle of LESBOS - a Sun-Drenched SODOM just an hour from Manhattan, LIBIDO BEACH, where Love has Many Faces; BINGER Nude Blonde Girl GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover; Overall FN+ Near New, but with 2-1/2” Crease at upper Left corner of CACK Cover thus,  VG/FN = $39.00);

ABELIN, DOMINIQUE - "Act of the Flesh" ( Berkley Medallion ; F738; 1963);

ACKWORTH, ROBERT C. - "The Moments Between" (Hillman Books #354; 1959);

ADAM MEN'S MAGAZINE: THE BEST OF ADAM (Holloway House HH-106; 1964; 3rd Print);

ADAMS, ALICE - "Careless Love" (Signet T3175; 1967);

ADAMS, ANDY – Sucking Daughters (Publishers Consultants #OES-137; 1981; Photo cover)

ADDAMS, KAY (Pseudonym of Orrie Hitt);

- "The Autobiography of Kay Addams" - as Told to Orrie Hitt (Novel Book 6026; 1962);

**** THREE STRANGE WOMEN. ( Beacon Book # B-358 ); Vintage LESBIAN Fiction. Book Description: Beacon Books, Canada, 1960. Soft Cover. GGA - Good Girl Art Painted Cover. (illustrator). PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" Tall. 154 pages. "'Maybe you've met a girl like Norma - body made for love, lips designed for kisses, flesh fashioned for the touch of caressing hands.. a vision of lovely womanhood, promising and teasing and disturbing .. Maybe you've run into someone like Susan - dainty, soft, yet a tempest of passion - a girl wanting only your love, the joy of ecstasy with marriage or without it.. a girl lusting to be your slave, bear your children.. Maybe you've even known a woman like Gail - and paid for the privilege. In the girlie magazines, in the ads and catalogs, you've seen you tasted her exquisite kisses, feasted on her voluptuous beauty lying suppliant in your arms.. But you're pretty bad if you were able to guess Norma's depravity - understand Susan's evil - read Gail's warped mind. Gail herself would pay for your lips to burn on hers, pay for your body .. if you were a girl! Preferably a girl like Norma. Or maybe Susan. Here is the unvarnished truth about small-time models, bush-league beauties - the beds they make, the pictures they pose, the men they please, the unnatural affections which so often corrupt them!" ADULT's ONLY; >>> Scarce; Mass Market Paperback. G/VG=$10; G=$8); ***** "Three Strange Women" (Beacon Signal Sixty; 1964; 2nd Paperback ed; Lesbian; Painted cover; VG=$10);

ADLON, ARTHUR (Pseudonym of Keith Ayling)

- "Adam's Women" (Beacon Signal B561F; 1962); "For Sin's Sake" (Domino Books 72-757; 1964); **** “Girl Trap” (Softcover Library; B830X; 1965); **** “Her Sister's Husband” (Domino Books 72-698; 1963); **** “The Hot Kiss of Youth” (Beacon Signal Sixty B667X; 1963); **** LOVE KITTEN (Chariot CB 188; 1961) Handsome Playboy and his Young Step-Mother; WAGNER Girl GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover;(Chariot CB 188; 1961; USA; PBO: Paperback Original, True First Ed; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; 160 Pages; WAGNER Girl GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover; Can a Young Woman's Body Restore a Husband's Fading Youth? He hated her guts because she was his Father's wife. G/VG = $13.00); **** “Neglected Wives” (Beacon B472F; 1962); ***** “Passion Nurse” (Chariot 171; 1961); **** “The Place” (Softcover Library B945X; 1966); **** “Shared Lover” (Beacon Signal B516F; 1962); **** “She Who Strays...” (Beacon Signal B602F; 1963; Lesbian ); **** “Strange Seduction” (Beacon Signal B564F; 1962; Lesbian ); **** “Virgin Nurse” (pseudonym of Carlson Wade) (Chariot 155; 1960; PBO; GGA/Good Girl Art Painted cover; RARE; Near FN $25); ***** “Virgin Nurse” (pseudonym of Carlson Wade)(Chariot 206; 1962; PBO; GGA/Good Girl Art Painted cover; SCARCE; VG=$16; G/VG=$12); **** “The Wife Sharers” (Beacon Signal B612F; 1963);

AGAR, BRIAN - “Have Love, Will Share” (Monarch Books 195; 1961);

ALDEN, TROY - “I am a Nympho” (Monarch MB 523; PBO; 1962; photo cover; VG/FN = $18; plus another copy = ASK);

ALLAN, JACK - “Good Time Girl” (Newstand Library U148; 1960); **** “Love is a Gentle Whip” (Newstand Library U155; 1961; Copyright by George McKenna);

ALLAN, NICK – The End Zone (Brandon 1064; 1967; Photo cover );

ALLEN, CURT - “G-String Girl” (Bee-Line 236; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “The Sins of Wanda” (Bee-Line 214; 1967; Photo cover );

ALLEN, DONNA – Hard Up Wife (Greenleaf LCS60005; 1980; Photo cover)

ALLEN, ERIC - “Like Wild” (Monarch Books 345; 1963); **** “Louisa” (Monarch Books 420; 1964);

ALLEN, JOHANNES – It's a Swinging Life (Signet P3817; 1969)

ALLYN, LOWE - “The Tigress” (Merit Book 6M405; 1963; Photo cover);

ALPERT, HOLLIS - “The Summer Lovers”; **** “The Alter of Venus” (Pendulum 012; 1967);

ALTH, MAX - “The Wicked and the Warded” (Berkley G-161; 1955);

ALVAREZ, A. - “Hers” (Dell 5052; 1976/ May);

AMBLER, DAIL - “The Virgin Collector” (New English Library 00715 4; 1971);

AMMONS, PAT - “Faithful to None” (Beacon B483F; 1962);

ANDERSON, EDWARD - “Hungry Men” (Lion Library LL51; 1955);

ANDERSON, M. - “Her Mother's Husband” (Newstand Library U134);

ANDERTON, BEN - “Innocence and Passion” (Imperial 778; 1966); **** Love Peeper" (Kozy Book K177; 1963; GGA/Good Girl Art Painted cover, of peeping Tom gazing in at nude Girl; VG $12); **** Naked Nurse” (Chariot 216; 1962; PBO; NICE GGA/Good Girl Art Painted cover, of nude blonde girl covering breasts with black negligee; RARE; VG+ $29); **** “Sin Cove” (Kozy Book K163; 1962); **** “Wild Oats” (Chariot 178; 1961);

ANDREWS, DAVID - “Bordertown Lust” (Bedside Book 238; 1962); **** Lust on Leave” (Bedside Book 1243; 1963; Sgt Rocky Ball & erotic sex in Japan/Orient; VG/FN=$15; FA/G=$6);

ANONYMOUS - “Autobiography of a Louse Vol. II” (Belmont B 12-1000; 1969); **** “Coercion” (Gilt Edge GE 112; 1968); **** “Flesh Games; Memoirs of a Scroundrel” (Midwood 37-262; 1969); **** “Her” (Bantam 10669-4; Various); **** “I am Desire” (Belmont B50-721; 1963); **** “The Indiscreet Confessions of a nice Girl” (Lion 30; March, 1950); **** “Laura Middleton” (Star Book; 1984; Victorian Era); **** “Madame Solario” (Ace 51500); **** “A Man with a Maid” (Grove Press B-181; November/1969); **** “A Man with a Maid Book 3” (Taurus Press #TP 212; ADULT Paperback; 1969; the long suppressed Sequel to England's underground Classic; GGA = Good Girl Art PHOTO cover; First American Publication; Un-Read Copy with minor shelfwear, FN+ Near New = $45.00);

**** “Me” (Bantam 0272-1; September/1976); **** “Mom and Me” (Ram Classic RC 508; 1968; Painted Cover; Very Rare; VG $33) **** “Romance of Lust” (Grove Press Z-1028; 1968); **** “The Romance of Violette” (Tower 44-845; 1967); *** Venus School Mistress (Grove Press B-499; 1984; Photo cover)

ANTHONY, ROCK - “By Her Body Betrayed” (Midwood F244; 1963); **** The Girl Downstairs” (Midwood #F228; 1962; PBO; GGA/Good Girl Art Painted cover, by Giac; FN=$14; Near FN=$12); **** The Girl Downstairs” (Midwood #33-703; 1966; 2nd Paperback printing; GGA/Good Girl Art PHOTO cover; VG/FN, but 9 x name/address Rubber stamps inside $7);

ARANA, RIC - “House of the Seven Sins” (Tiger PP198; 1970);

ARNALDA, JEAN - Fausto's Keyhole” (Popular Library SP202; 1963; Sexual obsession; VG+, but light 2" crease at bottom right cover, thus G/VG $5);

ARNOLD, ROD - “Sex Mates” (Spartan Line SL137; 1966);

ARNOLD, WILLIAM - “The Naked Canvas”/ COOPER, MORTON - “French Maid” (Lancer Books 72-629);

ARTHUR, WALLACE - “The Eleven Loves of Doctor Hill” (Triumph Novel TNC321; 1968 );

ARTHUR, WILLIAM - “The Private Pleasures of Mary Linton” (Beacon B 166 ); **** “Sinner Take All” (Derby 2; 1949; Canadian);

ASKED HUGHG – Sentences to Sex (Beeline BL5981; 1985; Photo cover)

AUGUST, JEREMY - “Four Bed Wildcat” (Brandon House 1947; 1966); **** “Night School” (Midwood 33-786; 1967); **** “Novice Sex Queen” (Brandon House 2062; 1968; Photo cover );

AUSTIN, WILLIAM A. - “Commit the Sins” ( Newstand Library U165; 1961);


AVALDA, WINIFRED – Thrilling Threesome (Liverpool #LC2506; 1989; Photo cover

AVERY, ANDERSON - “Adulteress” (Monarch 274; 1962);

AYME, MARCEL - “The Grand Seduction” (Sphere; 1969);

---- B ----

BABIES IN HEAT – YUPPIE HOOKER (Star Dist. BH-129; 1996; Photo cover)

BA, LANH - “The Secret Diary of Ho Chiminh's Daughter” (Lancer 78-613; 1968);

BAKER, DENYS VAL - “Bizarre Loves (Belmont B60-067; 1967); **** “A Journey With Love” (Crest Book 122; 1956); **** “The Strange and the Damned” (Pyramid R-955; 1964); **** “Strange Possession” (Pyramid x-1165; 1965);

BAKER, DOROTHY - “Trio” (Avon G-1118; Lesbian ); **** “Trio” (Avon S173; Lesbian );

BAKER, PETER - “Cruise” (Pan; 1978; Photo cover );

BAKER, TRUDY/ JONES, RACHEL - “Coffee Tea or Me? (Bantam Books; Various); **** “Get Away from it All” (Bantam Books; Various); **** “Lay it On the Line” (Bantam Books; Various); **** “Round-The World Diary” (Bantam Books; Various);

BALMER, JON - “Lusting Women” (Beacon B403; 1961);

BALMER, JOHN - “No Time for Virgins”/ BRUCE, ROBERT - “For Stags Only” (Midwood 34-887; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “Seductress”/ BLACK, LAWRENCE - “Sudden Affair” (Midwood 34-782; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “Squeeze Play” (Beacon B4414; 1961);

BALT, JON - “The Weekend Group” (Softcover Library B892X; 1965); **** “The Wife Next Door” (Softcover Library B1008X; 1967);

BANNON, ANN - I am a Women” (Gold Medal #D-833; 1959; Lesbian / Photo cover; Greenwich Villiage); PBO (Near FN = US$50; VG=$22) ***Journey to a Women” (Gold Medal S977; 1960; Lesbian );

BANYON, IAN - “Three-Dollar Mile” (Challenge CB 203; 1966);

BARCLAY, PAT - “Buy Canadian” (Pocket Books 80208; 1976; Photo cover );

BARGI, LORRAINE - “Secret Affair” (Softcover Library B982X; 1966);

BARRETT, RAINA - “First Your Money, Then Your Cloths” (Signet W 5785; 1974; Photo cover; Biography; with 8-pages Pictures);

BARRON, HUGH - “Doll Baby” (Pyramid T-1581; 1967; Photo cover); ***** “The Goddess Game” (New English Library 2891; 1971; Photo cover ); **** “Tilt” (Pyramid T-1690; 1968; Photo cover );

BARRY, JOHN - “Chastisement” (Brandon House 990; 1996);

BARRY, KEN - “The Bigamist” (Beacon Signal B597F; 1963); **** “Executive Boudoir” (Beacon B488F; 1962); **** “The Golden Girls” (Beacon B474F; 1962);

BARSTOW, CRAIG - “Lady of the Line” (Kozy Book K138; 1961); **** “Virgin of Spare Rib Hill” (Kozy Book K119; 1960);

BARTDORF, STEVE - “Broads Make the Odds” (France F13; 1962; Photo cover );

BARTELL, DAN - “Strange Lovers” (Beacon Signal Sixty B727X; 1964);

BARTELL, DON - “Street of Lust” (No. Pub.; No Date);

BARTON, KEN - “Wild Cargo” (Marnet Books MB315; 1960);

BEATTY JR., JEROME - “The Girls We Leave Behind” (Macfadden Books 50-217; 1964);

BECK, CHARLES - “The Bed at the Top” (Softcover Library; Various); **** “The Wife Traders” (Beacon; Various; Award Books A412X; Photo cover );

BELL, AARON - “Frenchie” (Kozy Book K171; 1962; PBO; GGA/Good Girl Art Painted cover, of Blonde Girl in black LINGERIE cover, with Eiffel Tower in background ; RARE); **** “The Girl Who Invented Sex” (Kozy Book K183; 1963);

BELL, ROBERT - “Roadwork” (Leisure Books LB697; 1979; Photo cover );

BELLMORE, DON - “Sinner's Delight” (Nightstand NB1792; 1966);

BENNERR, ADRIAN - “My Lovely Adele” (Avon G-1101; 1962; LVB ; Photo cover );

BERGER, SHERRY - “Lori's Lesson” (Tower M60139);

BERGMAN, OTTO - “Restless Desire” (Royal House RH 2011; 1968);

BERKEY, BEN - “The Girl with the Golden G-String” (Kozy Book; 1962); **** - Madame” (Kozy Book K161; 1962);

BESSIE, OSCAR - “Runaway” (Softcover Library B1039X; 1967);

BEST, HARRY - “Swapping Kathy for Norma” (Deluxx Editin XE-825; 1983; Nude Photo cover );

BEST OF ADAM ( THE) (Holloway House HH-106; 1962; Photo cover)

BETTIS, CONNIE – A Close Family (Pleasure Books 40388; 1979; Photo cover)

BIZARRE WOMEN – Born to be Booted (Star Dist. BW-224; 1995; Photo cover) *** Hot Little Thing (Star Dist. BW-232; 1996; Photo cover);

BLACK, BRIAN (Pseudonym of Robert L. Trimnell) - “Eve Without Adam” (Beacon Signal Sixty B692X; 1964); **** “High Fever” (Softcover Library B918X; 1966); **** “The Husband Trader” (Softcover Library B877X; 1965);**** “Nina” (Beacon Signal Sixty B745X; 1964; GGA/Good Girl Art Painted cover by BARTON, PBO/Paperback Original); **** “Off-Campus Apartment” (Softcover Library B970X; 1966 ); **** “The Pack” (Softcover Library S95288; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “The Sorority” (Softcover Library B944X; 1966 ); **** “Vacation Affairs” (Softcover Library ; B907X; 1965);

BLACKEYES, SADIE - “lovely Lisette” (Collectors Pub. 21206; 1968);

BLACKWELL, KEN - “Warm Summer's Shame” (Midwood 33-745; 1966);

BLAINE, JUD - “The Fling” (Softcover Library B909X; 1966 ); **** “The Wife Exchange” (Beacon/ Softcover Library B807X; 1965); **** “The Wife Exchange” (Award Books A402X; 1968; Photo cover );

BLAKE, ALFRED - “The Bed and I!” (Intimate Edition 702; 1962); **** “Faithful for 8 Hours” (Beacon Signal B596F; 1963);

BLAKE, ANDREW - “Love Hostess (Beacon Signal B664F; 1963); **** TOPLESS” (Belmont B75-225; 1969; Wraparound PHOTO cover; Case History Report of Women who enjoy exposing their NUDE bodies to the male view; Elena = Actress & Seductress; Roberta = Nude photographers Model; Donna = Go-Go Girl in Topless Bikini; RARE Title);

BLAKE, ROGER - “Berlin Bed Rooms” (Epic Books 148; 1962); **** “Caper at Canaveral!” (Intimate Edition 724; 1963);

BLAKE, S.P. - Ultrimate Oralism (Stag Books STG-331; 1980; Photo cover);

BLAKE, STEVE - “The Sexperts” (Merit Book 7M810; 1965; Photo cover; Photo's throughout Book);

BLAKE, WALKER E. - “The Loved and the Lost” (Monarch 279; 1962);

BLANCHONT, PHILIPPE - (translated from French). “Confessions of a Ski Instructor” (PEC Giant/ Export; San Diefgo CA; #1128; 1967; Nude Blonde Girl painted cover; RARE; FA/G $12);

BLAND, MARGOT - “The Madame of Marrakech” (Mayflower 5138-8; 1968; Photo cover );

BLEDSOE, ROBERT - Love is Fun” (Kozy Book K153; 1962; PBO?; Blonde Girl in Swimsuit cover; VG $9);

**** Tropic of Scorpio” (Kozy Book K175; 1962; G = $10);

BLIGH, NORMAN - A Harlot in Town” (Newstand Library 119; 1950 ; VG minus = $20);

**** “Remembered Moment” (Macfadden 75-382; 1970);

BLIGHT, LESLIE - “Love and Idleness” (Four Square 282; 1961);

BLUE, WIN - “Society Orgy” (Merit Book 549; 1962);

BODIN, PAUL -“The Sign of Eros” (Berkley G-13; 1955; Lesbian ; Photo cover ); “The Sign of Eros” (BRK / MDL Y580; 1961); **** “A Woman's Destiny” (Avon V2410; 1971); **** “A Young Woman” (Fawcett Crest T1380; 1970);

BOLIN, GARY - “Carnival Sex” (France F31; 1963; Photo cover );

BOLTIN, Wm. - “Witch on Wheels” (Beacon B128; 1952; Photo cover );

BONDAGE VISION – The Bitch Must Pay (Star Dist.BV-126; 1995; Photo cover)

BONNE, MONA – Seductive Young Sisters (Incest Series; Surey books RX623; 1981; Photo cover)

BORDEN, BILL - “Oriental Lust” (Selected Adult Library SAL 562; 1969);

BORTELL, ERIC - “A Trace of Sin” (Regal Novel RN 1132; 1967);

BOSTOCK, WILLIAM - “The Lovemakers” (Dell 5060; 1972);

BOUND BEAUTIES – Love Hurts (Star Dist. BD-214;1996;; Photo cover)

BOURNE, EVELYN - “The Anatomy of a Love Affair” (Pyramid R-1218;1965);

BOWDLER, ROGER - “The Bawd's Footman” (Dell 0929; 1973); **** “In the Flesh” (Dell 4368; 1974); **** “Sense and Sensuality” (Dell 7987; 1973); **** “Sense and Sensuality” (Sphere 18007; 1972);

BOX, SYDNEY - “The Golden Girls” (Sphere 18198; 1973);

BOYD, FRANK - “The Flesh Peddlars” Monarch 133; 1959; Cover/art Maguire);

BOYD, RICHARD - “The Operators” (TNC Fiction 341; 1969);

BOYLAN, BRIAN RICHARD - “Infidelity” (Dell 4053; 1972; Photo cover );

BRADBOCK, JOSEPH - “The Bridal Bed” (MacFadden 50-135; 1962);

BRADLEY, DIRK - “Adventures of a Bedroom Commando” (MacFadden 60-256; 1966);

Bradley, Matt (Byline sometimes Matthew Bradley. Pseudonym of Peter T. Scott)

- “Balzac '64” (Jade Book 205; 1963; illustrated; VG+ = $14);

BRANCH, FLORENZ - “Flesh Pots” (Century Book 93; 1945);

BRANDON RALPH - “Asylum ... or Hell!” (Intimate Edition 718; 1963);

BRENNAN, ALICE - “An Acre of Love” (Priory Books 1124; No Date; Photo cover ); **** “The Snows of Summer” (Midwood 136; 1961);

BRENT, KAREN - “Nurse's Night” (Bentley Library; BLE-127; 1974);

BRETONNE, RESTIF - “Pleasure's and Follies Vol. I” (PEC G501; 1967);

BRILL, LEE - “The Bedroom Game” (Softcover Library ; B866X; 1965); **** ”Country Club” ( Beacon Signal ; B594F; 1963); **** “The Skin-Tight Sheath” (Softcover Library B893X; Various);

BRISTOE, A.L. - “The Bedroom Game” (Lancer 75-031; 1968);

BRITAIN, SLOAN (aka Britton Sloan) “Sex Incorporated”/ MALLOY, DICK -”Swinging Stewardess” / CORGAN, GRANT – “Married Nympho” (Midwood 37-191; 1969; Photo cover ); **** “The Sex Zone” (Midwood 34-929; Photo cover ); **** “Strumpet's Jungle/ Rubel-Any Man's Playman” (Dollar Double 951; 1962);

BROOKE, DINAH - “Love Life of a Cheltenham Lady” (New English Library 012557; 1972; Photo cover );

BROOKS, BARBARA (Pseudonym William Coons);  --

HELLCAT (Midwood 32-410; 1964); REDHEAD Woman with HEADLIGHTS (Big Breasts) GGA Painted cover

(Midwood 32-410; 1964; Printed in Canada; 156 Pages; PBO: Paperback Original, True First Ed; There's one in every town, a GIRL from the wrong side of the tracks who'd do ANYTHING for money! ** REDHEAD Woman with HEADLIGHTS (Big Breasts) GGA Painted cover; Minor Wrinkles, Minor Edge-wear, FINE, = $42.00); ***

A SHAMELESS NEED. ( Midwood Book 32-451 ); Shocking Story of a LESBIAN Love Triangle; (Midwood Books., Canada, 1965; PHOTO Cover! . PBO: Paperback Original, True First Ed; 156 pages; “The scented gown was a sensuous reminder of what had happened the previous night .. and of what she wanted to happen again and again and again! Kim.. the tormented one, torn between love for a young girl and lust for an evil woman .. ‘I hate you .. but I need you.’ Connie .. the senual one, exerting an old power over a girl she’d once corrupted to the core . ‘No one else can make you feel this way.’ Joyce .. the desperate one, erasing deep-rooted inhibitions in order to keep the woman she loved .. ‘Tell me what she does and I’ll do it, too.’; Inventory #5813-2;  VG = $24.00); - “And When She Was Bad”/ HART, JAY - “Strangers for Lovers” (Midwood 34-447; 1965; Lesbian ; Photo cover ); **** “Taboo” (Midwood 32-525; 1965; Lesbian ; Photo cover );

BROWN, BETH - “For Men Only” (Belmont; 1968); **** “The Profession of Marie Simone” (Belmont L92-554; 1962);

BROWNE, GERALD A. - “It’s All Zoo” (Ballantine 02008; 1970);

BROWNE, NEWTON - “Secret Intimacies” (Europa Novel 102; 1968);

BRUCE, ROBERT - “Pictures of Marcia” (Midwood 33-744; 1966; Photo cover );

BRUTON, RICK - “Her Most Intimate Desires” (Novel Book 6N247; 1964; Photo cover );

BUNYAN, PAT - ..The Big Blues” (Newstand Library U103; 1958);

BROWN, WENZELL - “Bedeviled” (Monarch MB510; 1961; Cover Art by Bob Maguire; Sexual Aberrants Who Make Themselves

Available to Prospective Killers; 6 x True Crime stories; PBO; VG+ = $9; plus another copy = ASK);

BURGESS, ANN MARIE & MICHAEL - “The Girl Market” (Monarch MB 539; 1963; photo cover ;Around the World Report on Prostitution & White Slavery, with Case histories. PHOTO Front & Back Covers. (illustrator). PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" Tall. 156 page. "A revealing report on prostitution around the world. Does white slavery exist today? 'Yes' say police officials, immigration authorities and physicians in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. In a few countries, actual slavery - involuntary servitude for the purpose of prostiuition - still exists. However, in more than 95 per cent of the world, women who sell themselves do so of their own free will. But, it is the contention of many scientists and psychologists that these women are also trapped - just as surely as if they were slaves - by their own neurotic natures. Their bonds may by invisible, but they are as real as the chains that were once the symbols of human slavery. Here, then is a fascinating, personalized study of such women whose illness enslaves them in a life of prostitution - in Paris, London, Amsterdam, New York and Hon Kong - and whose real life stories are revealed in these pages for the first time." *** This book is part of an Original Owner Collection, of 2000+ Mass Market Paperbacks. Most of the books in this Collection have a UN-READ appearance, many obviously have NOT been read. Most still have Much or Most of the Original Cover Gloss. This is an exceptional condition example, and is SCARCE in this condition. Perfect for the discriminating Collector. ***. Mass Market Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # 5846-1; AS NEW = $20; plus another copy = ASK);

BURGESS, MICHAEL - “Just this Once” (Midwood; 32-420; 1964); **** “Love Theif” (Midwood 32-439; 1965; Photo cover ); **** “Playgirl” (Midwood F388; 1964; Photo cover );

BURKE, FERN - “The Jebson Kids” (Softcover Library B936X; 1966); **** “Women Who Cheat” (Beacon Signal Sixty B781X; 1964);

BURNETT, STAN & SEEGER, ALAN - “Prostitution Around the World” (Monarch MB532; 1963; PBO. Cover by George Fried; Case history studies; A Fascinating Case-History Study of the World's Oldest Profession = prostitutes and prostitution in times ancient and modern; FN+, Near New = $13; plus another copy = ASK);

BURNS, VINCENT G. - “Female Convict” (Pyramid G549; 1960); **** “Inside a Woman's Prison”;

BUTLER, LINDA - “Wild Wives” (Novel Book 6022; 1962; Photo cover );

---- C ----

CAIRO, JON - “Posh” (Avon S327; 1968; Photo cover );

CALDWELL, J. - “Backstage Stud” (Pendulum 0-190; 1970; Photo cover ; Photo Illustrations);

CALDWELL, WARREN G. - “Her Father's Daughter” (Vanguard 102; 1966);

CALLAGHAN, JULIEN - “Passion's Mistress” (Travellers Pocket Library 101; 1949);

CALVANO, TONY - “The Beauty Merchants” (Evening Reader ER 1237; 1966);

(CALVIN, TONY) - “Call Boy” (Ember Book EB 907; 1963); **** “Cult of Shame” (Ember Book EB 928; No date); **** “Lust Holiday” (Evening reader ER 1222; 1966); **** “Summer Lust” (Sundown Reader SR 559; 1965);

CAMISSO, GIOVANNI - “Loves of the Orient” (Belmont L92-578; 1964);

CAMP, LON - “The Experiment” (Softcover Library B924X; 1966);

CAMPBELL, MYRA - “Orgy School for Girls” (Crusader Classics 9518; 1969);

CANARY, GLENN - “The Damned and the Innocent” (Monarch 486; 1964); **** “The Sadist” (Monarch 280; 1962);

CARCO, FRANCIS - “Only a Woman”(Berkley 369; 1965; Lesbian );

CARLSON, GEORGE - “Too Many Women” (Emkay 14-119; No Date; Photo cover );

CARLYLE, RICHARD - “A Man and Three Maids” (Triumph; TNC/ 203; 1967);

CARMICHAEL, K.C. - The Snake and the Womb” (Brandon House 2050; 1968; Photo cover ; Men on the Hollywood Casting couch; Homosexual); VG = US$18.00;

CARR, ANGELA - “The Millionaire's Playground” (Star EL1025; 1975);

CARR, JAY - “Crack-up in Suburbia” (Monarch MB522; 1962; PBO; Cover art by Tom Miller, Sexual Mores & Moral of Ex-Urbanites; Case Histories of Morality in Decline; FN+ with moderate spine slant thus near FN = $10);

CARR, JAY -Crack-Up In Suburbia” (Monarch MB522; 1962); **** “Episode in a Town” (Softcover Library B927X; 1966); **** “Love Fever” (Beacon B411; 1961); **** “The Motel” (Beacon; B455F; 1961); **** “Suburban Lovers” (Monarch 288; 1962); **** “Unnatural Wife” (Beacon Signal B509F; 1962; Lesbian ); **** “Vacation Girls” (Softcover Library B1011X; 1967); **** “Weekend” (Beacon B431Y; 1961);

CARR, REGGIE - “Return of a Cheat” (Mercury 104; 1966);

CARR, THOMAS - “The Company She Kept” (Reed Nightstand Book; 4043; 1974);

CARRUTHERS, MARGARET - “His Best Friend's Wife” (Beacon B402; 1961);

CARSON, ROBERT - “The Cage of Love” (Monarch 160; 1960);

CARSON, DAVE - “Sex III” (Beacon B445F; 1961; Lesbian ); **** “Sex III” (Beacon Signal / SX B715X; 1964; Lesbian );

CARTER, ALEX - “The Affair” (Softcover Library B876X; 1965); **** “Boy Lover” (Softcover Library B919X; 1966); **** “Boy Lover” *Beacon Signal B591F; 1961 ); **** “Call-Girl Wives” (Softcover Library S75120; 1965); **** “The Games She Played” (Softcover Library B925X; 1966); **** “High School Jungle” (Beacon Signal B508F; 1962); **** “High School Jungle” (Softcover Library B859X; 1965);**** “Love too Soon” (Softcover Library B961X; 1966); **** “Nice Girls Finish Last” (Beacon Signal Sixty B703X; 1964); **** “Traded Wives” (Beacon Signal Sixty B711X; 1964); **** “Velvet Jackpot” (Softcover Library; B905X; 1965);

CARTER, JESSE LEE - Tami” (Beacon B341; 1960; GGA/Good Girl Art Painted cover; She saw no reason for a girl to segregate her charms..A novel of passions that crashed the color barrier);

CARVER, JOHN - “The Fair Young Wives” (SF/ LBRY B911X; 1966); **** “The Sex Twist” (BC; SGNL B559F; 1962); **** “Spoiled darling” (Softcover Library ; UK; 139; 1970; Photo cover; Nude Woman); **** “That Motorcycle Boy” (Softcover Library B921X; 1966); **** ”Undress Rehearsal” (Softcover Library B850X; 1965); **** “Weekend partners” (Softcover Library B946X; 1966); **** “The Wife and the Wanton” (Softcover Library B1055S; 1967 );

CARYL, WARREN'Riot Night in Cedarville” (Monarch 496; 1965); **** Whirlpool of Thunder” (Newstand Library U174; 1961; Robert BONFILS NUDE Dead Girl in Swamp GGA Painted-c; FN+ $15);

CASSEL, LUCAS J. - “Hot Weekend” (Midwood 35-952; 1968; Photo cover ); **** “Teen Model” (Midwood 33-743; 1966; Photo cover );

CASSIDY, JAMES - “Too Good to Be True” (Mayfair House Classic 1041; 1969);

CASTLE, MORT - “A 'Trick' Named Terri” (Beeline 363N; 1969; Photo cover );

CASTLEMAN, CHARLES - “Season of Sin”/ NELSON, CONNIE - “Daytime Lovers” (Midwood 34-609; 1966);

CHANCE, MAL – “A Taste of Longing” (Midwood 33-717; 1966; Photo cover );

CHARON, BART - “Wives for Rent” (Straying Wives SW-120; 1984);

CHASE, NORMAN - “Virgin Territory” (E.L. Pub. E-7; 1969);

CHESSMAN, ROBERT - “Boulevard Girl” (Chariot CB117; 1960; Photo cover); **** “Love Plan” (Chariot CB173; 1960; Photo cover);

CHILLETTE, LANCE - “Climax!” (No Pub.; No Date; Photos Inside);

CHORIER, NICOLAS - “The Dialogues of Luisa Sigea” (Brandon House 935; 1965);

CHRISTIAN, PAULA - **** LOVE IS WHERE YOU FIND IT (Avon G-1091; 1961); LESBIAN; GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover;(Avon G-1091; 1961; PBO Paperback Original 1st Ed; Printed in Canada; 160 Pages; LESBIAN; A Frank and ADULT Novel about one Woman's Love for Another! "Completely counter-clockwise comparison/contrast to Paula Christian's Another Kind Of Love, which has a much happier, more healthy ending not typically found in LESBIAN pulp fiction; RARE TITLE; Near Fine = $49.00);

CHRISTIAN, PETRA - “In the Club” (New English Library 26280; 1975; Photo cover ); **** “The New Drifters” (New English Library 010813; 1972; Photo cover );

CHRISTOPHER, BEN - “Strange Embrace” (Beacon B487F; 1962; Lesbian );

CLAPTON, PATRICIA - “Toy” (Signet T4390; 1971); **** “Toy Goes West” (Signet Q5528; 1973; Photo cover ); **** “Truffles for Toy” ( Signet T4677; 1971; Photo cover );

CLARK, DORINE - “Model's Ball” (late late Book LL207; 1967);

CLAWSON, R.T. - “My Lover is Black” (Novel Book 6N257; 1964);

CLAY, PAUL - “The Housewarming” (Softcover Library B958X; 1966 ); **** “Kit” (Softcover Library B1030; 1967);

CLAYTON, GEORGE - “Sex and Divorce” (Macfadden - Bartell 125-103; 1971);

CLEMENTS, MARK - “The Boss's Daughter” (Midwood 32-534; 1965); **** ”Holiday Weekend” (Midwood 32-434; 1965); **** “Love or Lust” (Midwood F354; 1965; Photo cover ); **** “Out of Control” (Midwood 32-452); **** “The Roommates” (Midwood 32-414; 1964; Photo cover ; Lesbian );**** “Wayward Wife” (Midwood 32-466; 1965; Photo cover );

CLEVE, JOHN – Oversexed Shana (Beeline OB113-R1975; Photo cover)

CLUBB, STACEY - “Girl High” (Softcover Library B995X; 1966; Photo cover );

COBERLY, V.J. - “By Passion Obsessed” (Monarch 206; 1961);

COLBY, ROBERT - “Beautiful But Bad” (Monarch 282; 1962); **** “Beautiful But Bad” (Five Star Paperback; 1973); **** “Executive Wife” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-311; 1970; Photo cover ); **** “The Faster She Runs” (Monarch 379; 1963); **** “Lament for Julie” (Monarch 488; 1964);

COLE, KATH/ BAIN, DONNA - “Girlpower” (Gold Medal M2489; 1971; Cover/art Wenzel & inside illustrations);

COLE, LANE - “An Odd Affair” (Triumph TNC 324; 1968);

COLEMAN, LONNIE - “SAM” (Pyramid F-711; March/1962; RARE in this Pyramid Paperback edition; Painted Cover of effeminate Hand with Cigarette in long Cigarette Holder; classic vintage Homosexual / Gay fiction novel about; Sam, Toby, & Walter, with Addie);

COLLETON, JOHN (pseudonym of Robert W. Marks)- *** Between Cloris and Amy (Signet E7116; 1976; Nude under sheet GGA / Good Girl Art Photo cover; also includes; Ducessa Colonna, Caterina, Jennifer, Lady Cholmondeley, Alicia; Lesbian; VG+ = $14.00); **** “The Enjoyment of Amy” (Pocket Book 81730; Various; Photo cover );**** “The Naked Countess of Liechtenstein” (Pocket Book Various; Various; Photo cover ); **** “On or About the First Day of June” (Signet J8046; 1978; Photo cover ); **** “The Pleasures of Cloris” (Signet Various; Various; Photo cover ); **** “The Trembling of a Leaf” (Pocket Books Various; Various; Photo cover ); **** “Up in Mamie's Diary” (Signet Various; Various; Photo cover );

COLLIER, MAX -Man Crazy (Midwood 32-568; 1965; Photo cover ); **** “The Mark of a Man” (Midwood F263; 1963); **** “The Sleek and the Sensual” (Midwood 32-497;1965; Photo cover );

COLLINS, A.J. - “The Wild Wants” (Beacon B473K; 1962);

COLLYER, MARTIN - Lora” (Lancer 72-658; 1963; LINGERIE PHOTO cover); **** “Up in Valerie's Room” (Lancer 73-414; 1963);

COLLYER, NELL - “By Sex Obsessed” (Award Books A321S; 1968; Photo cover );

COLTON, JAMES - “Strange Marriage” (Paperback Library 54-371; 1966; Photo cover ; Homosexual);

COLWIN, LAURIE - “Shine on, Bright and Dangerous Object” (Ballantine 25105; 1976; Photo cover );

CONE, SHEBY - “Adventures of a French Captain” (E.L. Pub. L-47; 1969); **** “Real Swinging Broad” (Vibra Book III; 1969);

CONNOR, CLARK - “Perverted Affair” (Merit Book 552; 1962; Photo cover ); **** “Wicked Wench!” (Merit Book 605; 1962; Photo cover );

CONNOR, JULIE - “The House of Fancy” (Belmont B75-230; 1969; Photo cover );

CONROY, JIM - “Fever” (Midwood 33-766; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “Voyeur” (Midwood 34-939; 1967);

CONWAY, BUD - “Double Portions” (Chelsea Library 304; 1969);

COOK, WILL - “We Burn Like Fire” (Monarch 130; 1959);

CORGAN, GRANT - The Honeymoon Habit” (Midwood F326; 1963; Paul RADER Very Sexy Girl in Lingerie in Bed GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; Canadian simultaneous PBO Edition; near FN = $14.00); **** “The Honeymoon Habit” (Midwood 33-656; 1966; Photo cover ); **** “If a Man Answers” (Midwood 32-839; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “Sin-Suburban Style”/ PETERSON, RHODA - “The Games Wives Play” (Midwood 34-582; 1966; Photo cover inside Illustrations); **** “The Spice of Life” (Midwood F350; 1964); **** “Swing Shift” (Midwood F384; 1964);

COUCH, RAY L. - “Feel of Fortune” (Beeline BL 5498-R; 1978; Photo cover );

COULTER, ADAM (James T. Smith) - “four to go-go-go!” (Boudoir 1042; 1963); **** Insane Desire (Novel Book 5040) (Novel Book 5040; April/1961; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Woman in LINGERIE GGA Good-Girl-Art illustrated cover;Strictly Adults Only! (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; RARE Title in ANY Grade); 128 Pages; Front End-Page missing, story NOT affected;Moderate Slanted Spine, ¾” x 1-3/4” Rubbed Area on cover, VG Minus = $19.00;

**** LESBIAN TRIANGLE (PEC N-112; 1965; PBO)NUDE Girl and Girl in LINGERIE GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover; (PEC N-112; 1965; PBO Paperback Original 1st Ed; Printed in El Cajon, California, USA; Lesbian; 156 Pages; Mark Kellino's TRIAL Marriage to Hollywood fabulous Sex Symbol BRITT SAXON; BRITT used Mark as a FRONT for Her UNATURAL DESIRES!  CAROLE the Sex-Bomb across the Hall. NUDE Girl and Girl in LINGERIE GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover;  RARE TITLE; One Inch Tear to back cover and last few pages, Creasing to Covers, GOOD = $39.00); ; **** “Naked Greed” (Merit Book 686; 1963); CRAIG, BRENT - “The Sex Epidemic” (Classics Library 34; 1968);

CRAIG, D.W. - “Insatiable Desire” (New Chariot Library CB-1627; 1963); **** “Naked party” (Chariot CB-201; 1962; Photo cover ); **** “Never Too Young” (Midwood 32-469; 1965; Photo cover ); **** “None But the Wicked” (Midwood F249; 1963); **** “Take Me!” (Raven Book RB708; 1963; Lesbian );

CRAIGIN, ELISABETH - Either is Love” (LION Books #LB-122; 2nd Print from 1956; New York, USA; GGA / Good Girl Art Painted Cover by David Stone; Lesbians Cover & Theme; Near FN = $18.00); 

CRAVEN CO-ED (Hot & Horny series; Star Dist. HH-128; 1999; Photo cover);

CREBILLON, FILS - “The Sofa” (Belmont B95-108; 1968);

CROFT-COOKE, RUPERT - “Wolf from the Door” (Mayflower 583; 1971);

CROWE, E.B. - “Days of Passion, Nights of Love” (Novel Book GN281; 1964; Photo cover );

CROWLEY, LIZ - “I Sell Love” (Monarch MB508; 1960; Photo cover );

CUM SQUIRT SHOWERS (Bedside Reader #131; Teaser Pub; Photo cover)

CUOMO, GEORGE - “Jack Be Nimble” (Macfadden 50-207; 1964);

CURTIS, BRAD - “A Female Female” (Midwood 33-670; 1966); **** “For Services Rendered” (Midwood F356; 1964); **** “The Golden Greed” (Midwood 32-580; 1965; Photo cover );**** “Live and Let Live” (Midwood 32-598; 1966); **** “The Love Goddess” (Midwood 32-536; 1965; Photo cover ); **** “Man-Tamer” (Midwood F385; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “Man Trap” (Midwood F313; 1963); **** “Name Your Pleasure” (Midwood 33-881; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “Pleasure Play” (Midwood 32-806; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “Private Property” (Midwood 32-425; 1964); **** “Thrill Crazy” (Midwood 33-716; 1966; Photo cover ); **** “Too Young, Too Wild” (Midwood 32-627; 1966);

CURTIS, PAUL - “Deadly Deceit” (Newstand Library U178; 1961);

CUTHBERT, CLIFTON - “The Shame of Mary Quinn” (Pyramid G413; 1959; Photo cover ; Incest);

CUTTER, NICHOLAS - “Rogue Women” (Collectors Pub.; 1967);

---- D ----

DAIMLER, HARRIET/ CRANNACH, HENRY - “The Pleasure Thieves” (Collectors Pub.; 1967);

DANE, PETER - “The Swingers” (Dell 8435; 1969; Photo cover );

DANIELS, PAUL (Pseudonym of Paul W. FAIRMAN, 1916-1977) - “Debbie” (Monarch 554; 1965; GGA/Good Girl Art Painted cover by DeSOTO, PBO/Paperback Original); **** “Jealous” (Monarch 422; 1964); **** Pattern for Destruction” (Monarch 394; 1963);

DARE, WILL - “Web of Women” (Beacon Signal B656F; 1963);

DARVIN, PIERRE - “The Love Clinic” (Berkley Medallion Y717; 1963; Photo cover );

DAVID, JAY (Ed.) - “Sex and the Single Stewardess” (Playboy Press 16321; 1976);

DAVIDSON, JOHN - “Never in her Arms” (Anchor WL106; 1965);

DAVIS, JAMES P. - “The Love Generation” (PEC Special 14; 1967);

DAVIS, R.H. - “The Romances of Blanche La Mare” (Venus Library V-1090-T; 1972);

DAY, MAX - “Bachelor in Suburbia” (Beacon Signal B547F; 1962);

DAY, ROCK – Vicky Performs (Interlude Series; ; Photo cover)

DEAS, GARRETT W. - “Hell is a Woman” (Beacon B412; 1961; nice LINGERIE - GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover, by Jack Thurston; Overall nice Near FN copy, but with 1-3/4" Crease at bottom right cover corner, thus still nice VG = $10);

DE FONT,SIMON - “Sensuous Voyage” (Private Edition Classic PE 518; 1969);

DE FOREST, BARRY - “Play Girl” (Beacon B327; 1960);

DE GRUNDY, MAX – Dr. Sexy (Warner 76-356; 1974; Photo cover );

DE LA BRETONNE, RESTIF - “Pleasures and Follies of a Good Natured Libertine” (International Classics; 1967 Over 20 Photos);

DE LA GARBIA, ULLREGA(Translated by D. Pendran Charlvia) - The Private Life of an Oversexed Wife (Bee-Line OB 526Z; New York, NY, USA;  First English Language Paperback Edition; The ORPHEUS Series; 1968; RARE; G/VG = $18.00);

DEL PIOMBO, AKBAR - “Cosimo's Wife” (TRUL/ CMP6/ SR TC-202; 1967);

DEMARCO, CARL - “Evil Desire” (Playtime 748-8; 1965); **** SUZANNE (Midwood 33-768; 1967) The Third Book in the BODY BEAUTIFUL Series, takes us Behind the Scenes in the World of HIGH FASHION. LINGERIE GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover;  (Midwood 33-768; 1967; PBO Paperback Original 1st Ed; GGA/Good Girl Art LINGERIE Painted cover; 154 Pages; The Third Book in the BODY BEAUTIFUL Series, takes us Behind the Scenes in the World of HIGH FASHION. Creasing to Covers, GOOD = $12.00); **** "Woman on a String” (Midwood 33-808; 1967; 4th book in the Body Beautiful series; PBO; Rare; G/VG $10);

DEMARCO, J. - “Class Re-Union” (E.I. Pub. L-46; 1969);

DEMARIS, O. - “Chip's Girls” (Beacon B428B; 1961);

DE MONBRON, FOUGERET - “The Amorous Adventures of Margot”/ “The Scarlet Sofa” (Brandon House 2030; 1967);

DE MUSSET, ALFRED - “Gamiani or Two Nights of Excess” (Award Books A349N; 1968);

DENBY, CHAD - After Hours (with) PITMAN, DANA - Working Girl (2 Novels in one Book)  (Midwood 34-724; 1966; PBO; 218 pages; Printed in Canada; PHOTO cover; Weight = 155 Grams;  Near FN = $12.00);

DENFIELD, GORDEN - “The Love Quartet” (Crusader Classics 11295; 1968);

DENHAM, ALICE - “Amo” (Berkley Medallion D2954; 1975; Sexual Memoir written as a Novel; Sex object with the Phi Beta Kappa Key; Has cover note "An evening with AMO"; But the official title on spine & Title page is just "AMO"; VG/FN = $7); ***** “Coming Together” (Lancer 74-990; 1969; Photo cover );

DENNIS, JOHN - “Sex Avengers” (Chevron 106; 1967);

DENTON, JOHN - “Sexpot Senoritas” (Boudouir Limited Edition 1005; 1962);

DENZER, PETER W. - “I'm No Good” (Popular Library 744; 1956; Youth in Revolt); **** “Lust to Live” (Monarch 409; 1964); **** “The Practice of Passion” (Monarch 500; 1965); **** “The Rape of Lucia” (Monarch 344; 1963);

DESANKO, DONNA – Let's Go Lust! (Beeline LL0573-M; 1982; Photo cover)

DE SEGONZAC, EDOUARD - “Catherine and Co. (Macfadden 60-269; 1967);

DESMOND, ROBERT - “An Adult's Story” ( The Travellers Companion Series TC-213; 1967);

DEUTSCH, DEBORAH - “The Flaming Heart” (Swan CCN 109; 1966; Photo cover ; Homosexual);

DEVEREAUX, CAPTAIN CHARLES - “Venus in India” (Holloway House HH-138; 1969);

DEVLIN, BARRY - “Cheating Wives” (Beacon B252; 1955; Photo cover ); “Cheating Wives” (Beacon Signal Sixty B740X; 1964); **** “Night of the Lash” (Beacon B283; 1959); **** “Song of the Whip” (Beacon B295; 1960; cover/art Maguire);

DEVLIN, GEORGE – Bad Girl in Town (Midwood 60896; 1977; Photo cover)“Girl in the Red Bikini” (Midwood 60565; 1975; Photo cover; Nude);

DEVON, JOSEPH - “We Poor Sinners” (Saber SA-56; 1964);

DIANE AND BRENDA - “Thumbing!” (Pinnable 00298; 1974);

DICKSON, RUTH - “Married men Make the Best Lovers” (Paperback Library 54-698; 1968; Photo cover );

DIKES, MICKEY - “Sarabande for a Bitch” (Brandon House”; 1967);

DISPALDO, A.R. - “Quarry Road” (Macfadden 60-426; 1969);

DIXON, ARNOLD - “Private Poll” (Wee Hours WH 539; 1967);

DIXON, BURTON - “The Pain Recorder” (Pompeii Press PP 7010; 1968);

DIXON, H. VERNOR - “The Pleasure Seekers” (Monarch 298; 1963);

DIXON ROSIE - “Gym Mistress” (Futura; 1977);

DOBBS JIM - “Chateau Venus” (Ophelia Press OPH – 205; 1970);

DOBIN. JEROME - “Make Sex Your Hobby” (Ace 51610; 1975; Photo cover );

DODGE, PAUL - Sudden Hunger” (Midwood / Tower #F239; 1963; Paul RADER Garters & Stockings from behind Lingerie GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; Canadian simultaneous PBO Edition; Virgin Too Long - Beyond all Decency; Very RARE Title; G/VG = $22.00);

DONALDS, RICHARD - “Not Since Eve” (Midwood F317; 1963; Photo cover ); **** “Something Special” (Midwood F258; 1963); **** “Talent Scout” (After Hours AH 120; 1965);

DONALDS, ROGER - “Summer Tramp” (Chariot CB – 1613; 1962; Photo cover; Photo Back Cover);

DONALDSON, WILLIAM - “Both the Ladies and the Gentlemen” (Futura; 1977; Autobiography);

DONISTHORPE, G. SHEILA - “Loviest of Friends” (Berkley Medallion Y611; 1962; Photo cover ; Lesbian );

Donner, James (Pseudonym of Don James) - “Women in Trouble” (Monarch MB501; 1959; PBO; Cover art by Maguire; Case Histories; Victim of RAPE - the truth about abortion in America; FN+, Near New = $22; plus another copy = ASK);

DONNER, WILLIAM - “Craving Temptress” (Candlelight CB110; 1964; Photo cover );

DONOVAN, CURT - “The Lusting Hours” (Beacon B437Y; 1961); **** “The Smoothie” (Softcover Library B916X; 1966); **** “Witch With Blue Eyes” (Beacon Signal B504F; 1961);

DOREN, MICHAEL – Rich Bitch (Midwood 61499; 1980; Photo cover)

DORIAN, ELAINE - “The Country Club Set” (Beacon Signal B560F; 1962); **** Double Trouble” (Beacon Signal B548F; 1962; GGA/Good Girl Art Lingerie Cover by Darcy; Jerry Williams kept One Wife in Town & the other hidden in the Suburbs; VG+ = $10.00); **** “The Infidelity Game” (Beacon Signal B499F; 1961); **** Second-Time Woman” (Beacon B479F; 1962); **** “Suburban Affair” (Beacon Signal B512F; 1962);

DOUGHERTY, RICHARD - “Duggan” (Permabook M4285; 1963);

DOUGLAS, DEAN “Wild Weekend” (Nigh Shadow NS 306; 1967);

DRAPER, JESS - *** His For the Taking” (Midwood / Tower #F367; 1964; Mistress, Lesbian & Bi-Sexual; Paul RADER Sexy Blonde Girl GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; Canadian simultaneous PBO Edition; VG = $12.00);

DUBREUIL, LINDA - “Kept Men” (Leisure Books; 341 DK; 1976; Photo cover ); **** “The Sex Clinic” (Leisure Books 3070K; 1975; Photo cover );

DUCHAMP, LAURA (pseudonym of March Hastings and Sally M Singer)- “A Big Girl Now”/ JAMESON, JOHN - “Up For Sale” (Midwood 34-802; 1967; Photo cover );**** “Goodbye, Darling” (Midwood F391; 1964);**** “The Other Extreme” (Midwood 32-419; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “Test in Temptation”/ RANDALL, BLAKE - “Cool and Collected” (Midwood 34-725); **** “Thank you, Call Again” (Midwood 32-413; 1964); **** “Wild and Wicked” (Midwood 32-549; 1965);

DUNCAN, KATHLEEN - “Dorita” (Svea Book 31; Copenhagen; 1969; Explicit erotic novel.; TEXT cover; Very RARE; VG/FN = $33);

DUNCAN, THOMAS - “Virgo Descending” (Avon S203; 1966);

DUPERRAULT, DOUG - “Bed of Fear” (Stanley Library SL-74; 1959; Photo cover ); **** “Bed of Fear” (Macfadden 75-284; 1969);

DURAND, LISELOTTE - “Beware Au Pair” (Four Square 1744; 1967; Photo cover );

DYER, WALTER - “Don't Bet on Blondes” (Midwood F242; 1963); **** “Skin Deep” (Midwood Y153; 1962);

---- E ----

EDEN, MARK – Pom Pom Pussy (Beeline 1971; Photo cover)

EDWARDS, JAKE - “Demon Mona” (Chevron 109; 1967; GGA / Good Girl Art painted-c; Bondage. Lingerie & Whip-c; RARE; Creased Covers, FA/G = $15);

EGRI, NEIL - “Strange Fire” (France F54; 1963; Photo cover);

E.K. - “Regine or Love in the Antilles” (Holloway House BH507; 1972; Photo cover );

ELBERT, JOYCE - “The Crazy Ladies” (Signet; Various; Photo cover ); **** “Druck in Madrid” (Signet W5657; 1973; Photo cover ); **** “Getting Rid of Richard” (Signet Y5421; 1973; Photo cover ); **** “The Goddess Hangup” (Signet Y5045; 1972; Photo cover ); **** “A Martini on the Other Table” (Bantam J2583; 1963; Photo cover); **** “Return of the Crazy Ladies” (Signet; Various Photo cover ); **** “The Three of Us” (Signet W5972; Various; Photo cover ); **** “A Very Cagey Lady” (Signet E9240; 1980; Photo cover );

ELDER, PHILIP - “The Sex Plan” (Midwood F245; 1963);

ELIAT, HELENE - “Arena of Love” (Lion 53; 1951; Belmont 90-262; 1962);

ELLIOTT, BEN - “Weekend Wife” (Beacon B4234; 1961; Softcover Library; B931X; 1966 );

ELLIOT, BRUCE - “A Passion for Wealth/ DUCHAMP, LAURA - “Too Rich to Care” (Midwood 34-738; 1966); **** “A Woman” (Midwood 71; 1961 );

ELLIOTT, DON - “The Lady from Soho” (Reed Nightstand 4008; 1974);

ELLIS, JOAN [aka; Julie Ellis ].- “After Class” (Midwood F360; 1964); **** “Already Taken”/ WORDEN, DOROTHY - “First Try” (Midwood 34-681; 1966); **** “Apartment to Share”/ HAMLAND, ERIC - “Change of Pace” (Midwood 34-783; 1967); ****“Country Girl” ( Midwood 32-579; 1965 ); **** “Don't Tell Anyone” (Midwood 32-566; 1966; Photo cover ); **** “Everything Nice” (Midwood 32-826; 1967; Photo cover); **** “Her First Mistake” (Midwood 34-799; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “Her Own Apartment”/ HARMON, JACKSON - “Kitty Breaks Loose” (Midwood 34-708; 1966; Photo cover ); **** “High School Hellion”/ BROOKS, BARBARA - “Campus Cat Pack” (Midwood S349; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “High School Hellion”/ The Dangerous Age” (Midwood 34-633; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “Hold Me Tight” (Midwood F279; 1963); *** “The Hunger and the Hate” (Midwood F107; 1961); **** “Let's Play House” (Midwood; 32-836; 1967 ); **** “No Men Allowed” (Midwood 32-456; 1965; Photo cover ; Lesbian );; **** “Once Too Often” (Midwood F257; 1963 ); **** “Open House” (Midwood 32-464; 1965); **** “Open House” (Star Books No date); **** “Pretty Please” (Midwood 32-509; 1965; Photo cover ); ***** “Sooner of Later” (Midwood 32-520; 1965); **** “The Strange Compulsion of Laura M.” (Midwood 157; 1962); **** “Talk of the Town” (Midwood 32-396; 1964); **** “Teenage Tornado”/ NELSON, CONNIEApprentice Sinner” (Midwood 34-650; 1966; Illustrated); **** “Temporary Secretary” (Midwood 32-535; 1965)*

ELLIS, JOAN - “The Stitch” (Midwood 34-490; 1965; Photo cover ); **** “The Searchers” (Beacon Signal B599F; 1963); ***** “A Woman's Touch” (Midwood 33-728; 1966);

ELLIS, ROYSTON - “The Flesh Game” (Avon V222; 1968; Photo cover ); ****

ELLSWORTH, HENRY - “The College Male” (Monarch MB548; 1964; PBO; PHOTO cover; a Penetrating Study of the Morals and Manners; Case Histories of Alcohol & Sex on Campus);

EMERSON, JILL (Pseudonym of Lawrence Block) - “I Am Curious” (Thirty; Berkley Medallion ; Z1818; 1970; Photo cover ); **** Enough of Sorrow” (Midwood 32-550; 1965; PBO / Paperback Original; Lesbians GGA/ Good Girl Art PHOTO cover; Lesbianism; PHOTO Winner of the 1965 Midwood Award For Literary Excellence; VERY RARE Title;  VG minus = $49.00); **** “Warm and Willing”; Midwood 32-402; 1964; Photo cover; Lesbian );

EMMETT, HOWARD P. - “Payola” (New Library 018466; 1973; Photo cover );

EMMANUELLE - “Tight End” (Pleasure Books 40174; 1976; Photo cover );

ENGLISH, ARNOLD - “Resort Secretary” (Midwood F227; 1962);

EVANS, ALLEN - “The Sexual Adventurers” (Tiger Books PP101; 1968);

EVANS, ELLEN - “Massage Parlor Girl” (Belmont/ Tower 50696; 1974; Photo cover ) **** “Teenage Street Girl” (Belmont/ Tower 50813; 1975; Photo cover );

EVANS, HARRIS - “The Lovely Agony” (Popular Library SP151; 1962; Lesbian );

EVENS, HODGE - “The Lash of Lust” (Beacon B427B; 1961); **** “Sherry” (Beacon B393; 1961); **** “Two Faces of Passion” (Beacon B443Y; 1961);

EVANS, LIN - “Line-Up” (Midwood 35-244; 1969; Photo cover ); *** “The Nylon Trap” (Midwood 33-785; 1967 );

EVANS, SCOTT - “Door to Door Sex” (Playtime 737-S; 1965); **** “Stud Party” (Playtime 772-S; 1966);

EXECUTIVE BROAD (Ram Book RB103; No Date );

EXOTIC VISION – Virgin Cheerleader (Star Dist.EV-140; 1995; Photo cover )

EXPOSE! (Star Dist. EX-117; 1983; Photo cover Bondage );

---- F ----

FABIAN, JOEL - “Intrigue” (After Hours AH150; 1966);

FANCHON, LISA - “Girls Wanted” ( Beacon Signal Sixty B744X; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “The Women He Had” (Domino Books 82-111; 1966; Photo cover );

FARMER, ARTHUR - “Sin Ship” (Private Editins PE 300; 1962 );

FARRIS, MARK - “Two Faces of Desire” (Tigress Books TB2064-M; 1983; Photo cover );

FAYE, SHEILA - “Hold That Pose” (Midwood 32-412; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “Switch Partners” (Midwood F344; 1963 );

FELLINI, FLORENCE - “Debauched Virgins” (Ferandi Classics 102; No date);

FIELDS, VIN - **** “The Come On” (Midwood F305; 1963; Photo cover ); **** “The Highest Bidder” (Midwood 32-468; 1965); **** “Man on the Make” (Domino Books 82-115; 1966; Photo cover ); ***** “Problem Child”/

FIGHTING FEMALES – Battling Barmaids (Star Dist.FF-102; 1997; Photo cover)

FINN, JOHN P. - Judy's Stud Collection (Beeline BL5956-C; 1985; 1st New Reprint Edition by this Publisher; New York, NY, USA;  GGA / Good Girl Art PHOTO cover; RARE; Creasing to Covers, G/VG = $18.00);

FISHER, LOUIS - “Wild Party” (Novel Book 5011; 1960);

FLANAGAN - “Intimate Secrets of a Magazine Writer” (Everest; 1975; Photo cover );

FLEMMING, RON - “A Blinding Lust” (Crusader Classic 11195; 1968); **** “Love Her Gently” (Crusader Classic 2195; No Date);

FLEMMING, TOM - “Bordello Queen” (Boudoir Limited Edition 1026; 1963);

FLETCHER, BEN - “The Eager Flesh” (Magenta M113; 1965);

FLETCHER, JACK - “One Too Many” (First Niter FN252; 1967);

FLORA, FLETCHER - “The Brass Bed” (Lion Library LL87; 1956; Photo cover ); **** “Strange Sisters” (Pyramid F-699; 1962; Lesbian ); **** “Whisper of Love” (Pyramid 617; 1959; Photo cover; Lesbian );

FLOWERS, MICHAEL – Room Mating (Beeline; LL0593-M; 1982; Photo cover)

FONTAINE, S.R. - “The Speed Set” (Midwood 32-616; 1966);

FORD, MARGUERITE - “The Weekend” (Pyramid T-1768; Photo cover );

FORD, MARSHALL - “Memoirs of a Sensual Youth” (Dell 5558; 1970; Photo cover); **** “Send Photos State Preferences” (Dell 8285; 1974; Photo cover );

FOSTER, BRAD – Her Sexy Secrets (Beeline; LL0679-A; 1984; Photo cover)

FOX, EDWARD S. - “Thus a Boy Becomes a Man” (Belmont 90-290; 1964);

FOX, OGDEN - “Hamburg After Dark” (Macfadden 75-216; 1968; Photo cover );

FRANK WILLIAM F. - “Syndicate City” (Bedside Book 1245; 1963);

FRANKLIN, DONALD - Spotlight Sex” (PEC G1118; 1966);

FREDERICKS, DENNIS - “Hotel Orgy” (Beeline 304N; 1968; Photo cover );

FRIEDMAN, STUART - “Damned are the Meek” (Monarch 407; 1964);

FULTON, JAY - “Perverted Urge” (Merit Book 520; 1961);

FURLOUGH, JOHN - Cult-Priest’s Daughter (Beacon Signal / Universal Publishing; B496F; 1961; Canada; PBO / Paperback Original; GGA / Good Girl Art PAINTED cover by DARCY; VG minus = $15.00); **** “Half Girl, Half Woman” (Beacon B467F; 1962); **** “Tarnished” (Beacon Signal Sixty B721X; 1964 ); **** “Vicious Virgin” (Brandon House 1140; 1967; Photo cover ); **** Yesterday's Virgin ( Beacon Signal B543F; 1962; Kitty left all her Morals Behind, she went with her Boyfriend and Two Love-Hungry Girls to a  Cabin in the woods; Goodreads; Backwoods hunk Hart Bestrow has his hands full with amorous women, violent hillbillies, and sneaky city folks all closing in on a buried treasure and a dark family history. Topless Blonde Girl smoking Cigarette painted cover);

---- G ----

GAFFNEY, EUGENIE - “Remember Me?” (Midwood F390; 1964);

GAGE, RUSSELL - “No Price to High” (Midwood 34-666; Photo cover );

GALIA, S. - “Nymph in Paris” (Star; 1984; Photo cover );

GALORE, KITTY - “Diary of a Sex Kitten” (Venice VB 362; 1968 );

GALUS, HENRY S. - “The Impact of Women” (Monarch MB 549; 1964; Social Problems and Responsibilities; PBO. Photo cover; G/VG = $4);

GARDNER, LELAND - “Vietnam, Underside” (PEC Special 03; 1966 );

GARON, JAY/ WILSON, MORGAN - “Erotica Exotica” (Belmont L92 568; 1963); “Forbidden” Prose and Poetry;

GARRETT, CASEY - “Forbidden Passion (Beeline BL3067; No date);

GARSON, MORGANA - “Summer Heat” (Softcover Library B886X; 1965);

GEBLER, ERNEST - “The Love Investigator” (Popular Library G567; 1962);

GEIS, RICHARD E. - “Bedroom Blacklist” (Brandon House 1010; 1966; Photo cover); **** “The Saturday Night Party” (Beacon Signal B582F; 1963); **** “Whistle Them Willing” (Playtime 673; 1964);

GENELL, LIZ - “The Sins of Leslie” (Brandon House 1122; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “The Wayward Bride” (Brandon House 1121; 1967);

GEORGE, IRVING - “Madison Avenue Nympho” (Intimate Edition 703; 1962);

GERALD, LEE - “The Orgy Starts at Nine” (Paperback Library 64-760; 1971; Photo cover );

GERWIN, WALTER - “The Beds I Lie On” (Uptown Book 704; 1962);

GESSON, MATT - “Affairs of Clio” (Chariot CB 181; 1961; Photo cover );

GIBBS, CARLTON - “Behind Respectable Doors” (Softcover Library B902X; 1965 ); **** “Girl in a Cage” (Beacon Signal B527F; 1962); **** “Love Jungle” (Softcover Library B992X; 1966); **** “The Night Lovers” (Beacon Signal Sixty B681X; 1963); **** “Suburbia After Dark” (Softcover Library B890X; 1965 ); **** “TroubledTown” (Beacon B478F; 1962); **** “Weekday Widows” (Softcover Library B949X; 1966);

GIBBS, HARRY - “Three Women” (Midwood 32-565; 1965);

GILBERT, ANGELA - “Love is for Everybody” (Gold Star IL7-39; 1964 );

GILL, ELISBETH - “Wayward Nymph” (Zenith ZB-27; 1959); **** “Youth Sinner” (Zenith ZB-21; 1959);

GILL, WARREN - “Daddy's Girl” [Pompell Press #PP 7062; San Diego, California, USA, 1970. Soft Cover. PBO /Paperback Original; 174 pages. Vintage Porn/Sleeze Strictly ADULTS ONLY; ". That's what happens when a couple of LITTLE BOYS get with a REAL WOMAN. Don't know the difference between a WOMAN and a GIRL yet, do you?" RARE title. G/VG = $24]

GILLIAN - “Girls in Love” (All Star Classics TWI-79; 1964; Photo cover; Photo Illustrated in Color);

GLANVILLE, BRIAN - “The Artist Type” (Pan Books; 1967; Photo cover );

GLASER, ALFRED - “Creature of Sin” ( Newstand Library u145; 1960 );

GLENN, DAVID - “The Baby Oil Girls” (Vixen Reader VR-415; 1975);

GLENN, JAMES - “Damned!” (Merit Book 506; 1960);

GOFF, Jr., JERRY M. - “Eager Female” (Merit Book 6M418; 1963; Photo cover ); **** “Eager Women” (Merit Book 651; 1963); **** “Everything – But Love!” (Merit Book 534; 1961); **** “Exchange Lovers” (Merit Book 606; 1962); **** “Fantastic Seducer” (Merit Book 6M417; 1963); **** “The Genuine Wanton” (Merit Book 6M433; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “Love Me Now!” (Merit Book 611; 1962); **** “Shocking Now!” (Merit Book 611; 1962); **** “Shocking Desire!” (Merit Book 6M445; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “Thrill Crazy” (Merit Book 615; 1962); **** “Tropic of Carla” (Merit Book 636; 1962; Photo cover ); **** “Untamed Female” (Merit Book 684; 1963 );

GOLD, R.C. - “Bedroom Beat” (Beacon Signal B502; 1961 ); **** For Lydia” (Beacon Signal B566F; 1963); **** “The Teenage Trap” (Midwood P377; 1964; Photo cover );

GOOCH, MARY SHOMETTE - The Lusting Breed (Beacon B187; 1958); **** The Tainted Rosary (Fabian Books Z-139; 1960);

GOODE, R.N. - Nurse on the Make (Sexual Fantasies; Photo cover)

GOODMAN, EMILY/ HEIL, JANE - “Diary of a Modern American Girl” (Zebra Books; 1974; Photo cover Autobiography);

GORDON, JOSEPH - “Passion Island” (Beacon B410; 1961);

GORDON, RAY - “House of Lust” (New English Library; 1995; Photo cover );

GRAHAM, FRANK - "Head over Heels" / COMSTOCK, J.C. "Teen with Talent" (Midwood 34-774; 1967; GGA = Good Girl Art Painted cover by "R"; Teenage Girl & the experiences that made them Women; ** RARE; G/VG = $25.00)

GRAHAM, JAMES - “Gentleman's Relish” (Tandem; 1968);

GRANT, RICHARD - Office Wife (Beacon B335; 1960; Printed in Canada; PBO; 155 Pages; GGA Sexy Lingerie Leg Stockings Painted cover; G/VG = $16.00)

GRANT, URSULA - “Boss Lady” (Midwood 32-563; 1965); **** “Campus Queen” (Midwood 33-682; 1966); **** “Paint Her Scarlet” (Midwood 33-652; 1966);

GRANTLAND, SCOTT - “The Bamboo Beast” (Pompeii Press; 1968);

GRAPE, OLIVER - “Crumpet Voluntary” (Futura; 1974; Photo cover );

GRAY, ADRIAN - “The Young Doctors” (Signet T4959; 1972; Photo cover );

GREASE, MONKEY - “Gay” (No Date; Illustrated Homosexual);

GREEN, IAN - “Faces of Lust” (Beeline OB 548Z; 1969); **** “I Lost it in Antigua” ( Berkley Medallion Z2012; 1971; Photo cover );

GREENBURG, DAN - “Chewsday” (Pyramid T-2026; 1969);

GREENE, JAY - “Rough Trade” (Tower #45-168; 1969; PBO; Color PHOTO front & back covers, both depicting Blonde Man, nude from Waist up; vintage Homosexual / Gay fiction; SCARCE; creasing to covers, thus G = $19);

GREENE, PHILIP L. - “The Jane Castle Manuscript” (Dell 4183; 1972);

GREENSHADE, TED - “He Learned About Women...” (Newstand Library 26A; 1950);

GREGGSEN, DALE - “Dark Triangle” (Domino Books 72-794; 1965; Photo cover; Lesbian ); **** “Sin and Sin Again” (Domino Books 82-113; 1966; Photo cover );

GREGORY, DAVID - “Man-Minded” (Softcover Library B935X; 1966 );

GREGORY, PAUL - “Like a Tigress at Bay” (Beacon Signal B517; 1962); **** “The Office Couch” (Beacon Signal B498F); **** “Naked Lens” (Beacon B459F; 1961); **** The Price was Perversity (Beacon Signal B557; 1962) LESBIAN ;

LINGERIE GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover; (Beacon Signal B557; 1962; PBO Paperback Original 1st Ed; Printed in Canada; 154 pages; LESBIAN; MARCIA offered BELLE a Strange Arrangement on Terms she Couldn't Resist! A Penetrating Novel that Reveals WHY and HOW some Women Embrace ABNORMAL LOVE. An explosive story of a woman who wanted stardom badly enough to enter the shadowland of the deviates; Trash pulp fiction with lesbian characters by and for straight men. RARE TITLE; Creasing to covers, G/VG = $39.00);

GRIFFIN, C.F. - “Not Without Love” (Panther 1124, 1960);

GROSSMAN, ALFRED - “The Do-Gooders” (Panther 03356; 1970; Photo cover );

GUALT, OWEN - “Passion Island” (Kozy Book K126; 1961);

GUILD, LEO - “The Studio” (Holloway House HH-168; 1969; Photo cover );

GURNEY, DAVID - “The “F” Certificate” (Pocket Books 77082; 1969);

---- H ----

HADLEY, ROBERT - “School Tease” (Midwood 34-961; 1968);

HADRIAN, PHILIP - “The Party Lovers” (Monarch 278; 1962);

HAINES, TRUMAN - “No Escape From the Flesh Pad” (Shield Book SB104; 1965; Photo cover );

HALE, LAURA - Lessons in Lust (Beacon B436Y; 1961; GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; Jasmine was Jailbait & a Teen-Aged TRAMP; PBO: Paperback Original; VG/FN = $14.00);

*** “The Zipper Girls”(Beacon B482F; 1962);

HALES, CAROL- “Such is My Beloved” (Berkley G-95; 1953; Photo cover; Lesbian );

HALEY, CONRAD - “The Belly Button Bug” (Spotlight 322; 1968);

HALL, BABETTE - “The Professor and the Co-ed” (Belmont 90-280; 1963); (Belmont B50-786; No Date);

HALL, RADCLYFFE - “The Well of Loneliness” ( Lesbian );

HAMILTON, GREG (pen name used by Ron Singer, brother of Sally Singer aka March Hastings) - “Another Kind of Love” (Midwood F351; 1964; Photo cover; Lesbian );**** “Baby Sister” (Midwood 33-829; 1967; Photo cover ); **** “Follow the Leader” (Midwood 32-423; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “Free and Easy (Midwood 32-599; 1966); **** “The Lady Awaits” (Midwood 32-512; 1965); **** “Little Girl Lost” (Midwood 32-449; 1965; Photo cover ); **** “Restless” (Midwood F266; 1963); **** “That Kind of Wife” (Midwood” F372; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “Town Tease” (Midwood 33-668; 1966; Photo cover );

HAMILTON, WALLACE - “Coming Out” (Signet E7425; 1977; Homosexual );

HAMPTON, STELLA - “Dark Quarters” (Fabian Books Z117; 1958);

HANDERS, JERRY - “Shame Run Wild” (Bell Book BB101; 1964 );

HANDERS, TERRY - “Twisted Mistress” (Candlelight CB108; 1964);

HANLON, E.S. - “Waking Up” (Signet Q 4880; 1972; Photo cover );

HANSON, LYDIA - Ring for Service” (Wizard 410; 1967; GGA-c; G/VG $16);

HARA, GIL - “Love as You Are” (Softcover Library B937X; 1966 );

HARDING, KENNETH - “Night Riders Into Sadism” (Paddle Book PB-110; 1971; Photo cover Bondage);

HARDING, KENNETH - “Sisters of Satan” (Satan Press SP309; 1969; Photo cover depicts; NUDE Woman in BONDAGE in Bed, being HIT on BUTT by Wooden Stick;

Passions of vengeance bind two sisters in cruel sexual conflict -- Sibling SEX Rivalry; VERY RARE; overall VG+, but sticker Residue area on cover thus G/VG = $49);

HARDING, MATT - “All Woman” (Beacon B365; 1960); **** “Fly Girl” (Beacon B4334; 1961; Macfadden-Bartell 75 329; 1970); **** “Las Vegas Madam” (Domino Books 72-728; 1964); **** “Man Trap” (Beacon B360; 1960); **** “The Mattress Game” (Beacon B-400; 1961); **** “Men on her Mind” (Beacon B480F; 1962); **** “The Near-Nudes” (Beacon Signal B572F; 1963); **** “Nurse or Woman” (Softcover Library B1016X; 1967 ); **** “The Nylon Net” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-319; 1970); **** “The Office Game” (Beacon B4774; 1961); **** “Overtime” (Late Late Book LL203; 1967); **** “The Sex Bums” ( Softcover Library B880X; 1965 ); **** “The Wild Summer” (Beacon Signal B642F; 1963); **** “Young Widow” (Beacon B345; 1960);

THE HAREM OMNIBUS - “A Night in a Moorish Harem”/ “The Lustful Turk” (Holloway House HH-144; 1967);

HARING, DON - “Hot Hands”/FIELDS, VIN - “Wild Teen” (Midwood 35-999; 1968);

HARKINS, STERLING - “Deviate '69” (Barclay House7035; 1969);

HARLAND, TOM - “Insatiable” (Softcover Library B858X; 1965); **** “Love Camp on Wheels” (Beacon Signal B670F; 1963); **** “S as in Sex” (Beacon Signal; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “The Torris Widow” (Beacon Signal B616F; 1963);

HARLEY, MICHAEL - “Man for Hire” (Kozy Book K146; 1961);

HARMON, JANE - “W.I.T.C.H.” (New English Library; 1971);

HARMON, JACKSON - “Night Spot” (Midwood 33-699; 1966); **** “A Taste of Shame” (Midwood 32-795; 1967);

HARON, LEE - “Bedtime Lessons/ Anxious to Please” (Midwood 35-188; 1968; Photo cover );

HARPER, LADY - “Queenie” (Collectors; 1967; TEXT cover; Complete & Unexpurgated; First American printing; VG= $15);

HARRIS, FRANK G. - **** “Look Through Any Window” (Private Edition #PE-443; Canoga Park, CA, USA; 1967; PBO / Paperback Original; Sex Addicts, Lesbianism & Wife Swapping in American Marriages; VERY RARE Title; VERY RARE Title; Small scar from partly removed price tag, Good+ = $29.00);

**** “The Two-Way Swinger” (Brandon House #2053; North Hollywood, CA, USA; 1967; Lesbian; PBO / Paperback Original; Lesbians GGA/ Good Girl Art Painted cover; Lesbianism; VERY RARE Title; G/VG = $29.00);

HARRIS, RUTH – 'The Fun City Girls” (Dell 2764; 1972); **** “The Rich and the Beautiful” (Bantam 12811-6; 1979; Photo cover );

HARRIS, VICTOR - “Sex in Nero's Rome” (France 1065; 1963; Photo cover );

HARRIS, WALTER - “Droop” (Star Books; 1974; Photo cover );

HARRISON, TIMOTHY - “Hot Summer” (Beacon B485; 1962);

HARRISON, WHIT - “Any Woman He Wanted” (Beacon B392: 1961); **** “Strip the Town Naked” (Beacon B350; 1960); **** “A Woman Possessed” (Beason B4164; 1961);

HART, BRAD - “Bella Vista's Wives” (Beacon Signal B569F; 1963 ); **** “The Thrill Makes” (Beacon Signal; B500F; 1961 );

HART, JAY - “Miss Dream Girl” (Midwood 32-437; 1965);

HARVEY, JAMES - The Game is Sex” (Phantom Books 59; 1966; GGA-c; VG $25); **** “Stag Model” (Midwood Y138; 1961; Photo cover );

HASKELL, FRANK - “Hotel Doctor” (Belmont 91-245; 1962);

Hastings, March (pen name of Leonard Levinson;  (pseudonym of Sally M. Singer, born 1930; aka Laura DuChamp)  )

- “Agai and Agai (Midwood F255; 1963); **** “March-Again and Again” (Midwood 34-978; 1968); **** “Anybody's Girl” (Midwood 33-870; 1967; Lesbian ); **** “The Boys and Brigham Dee” (Tower 45-182; No date; Homosexual); *** “Crack-up” (Newstand Library U152; 1961); **** “The Drifter” (Midwood 32-442; 1962; Photo cover ); **** “Obsessed” (Newstand Library U109; 1959); **** A Rage Within (Midwood-Tower Books #F250; NY, USA 1963; PBO / Paperback Original; NUDE Woman GGA / Good Girl Art painted cover by Paul RADER; Nymphomania; Three Men Made Her Three Different Women; Moderate Creasing to cover, thus VG minus = $8.00); **** “Savage Surrender” (Midwood F201; 1962); **** “Shame” (Beacon B198; 1958); **** “The Soft Way” (Midwood F240; 1963); **** THELMA LEDGE (Belmont B95-1015; 1969) LESBIAN Erotica LGBTQ Adult Fiction PHOTO cover of Topless Nude Woman and Close-Up on Woman's Face;  (Belmont B95-1015; 1969; PBO; Paperback Original, 1st Ed; PHOTO cover of Topless Nude Woman and Close-Up on Woman's Face; LESBIAN Erotica Adult Fiction Novel - VERY RARE;186 Pages; Sally M. Singer is an American writer who penned lesbian pulp fiction from the late 1950s through the mid-1970s. (her Partner was InaJane Rossman)** Back Cover: I am lying in the bed of Thomas Melborne with my blonde tresses smoothed out upon silken pillows. Yes, I am the mistress of the greatest advertising impresario in the United States, London and Athens. I am Thelma Ledge. I was not always Thelma Ledge. Thomas never knew the shocking secret i guarded from the world. Now, after years of hiding the strange truth, i have discovered that Thomas needs more than a woman. perhaps i am the only person in the world who could satisfy all of Thomas' needs. I am more than a woman. I am more than a man. I am Thelma Ledge.Factory Indentation lines on back cover, Minor Edge-Wear, near FINE = $149.00);**** The 3rd Theme” (Newstand Library U157; 1961; PBO / Paperback Original; BONFILS GGA/ Good Girl Art Painted cover; Lesbianism; overall VG+, but minor tape mark at bottom of spine, thus VG = $9.00)

HAUNT, TOM - “Sin Teacher” (Imperial Book 758; 1966); **** “Wanton Sex-Star” (Gaslight Book 127; 1964);

HAVEMANN, ERNEST - “Men, Women and Marriage” (Monarch MB546; 1963; Analysis of Love and Sex in Modern Society; 1st Paperback Ed; near FN = $10);

HAWKINS, BRUCE A. - “Jupiter's Passion” (PresseDe L'Amour PDL 104; 1970 );

HAYES, REESE - “Long December” (Fabian Book Z-115; 1958);

HEALY, DAN – Non-Professional Stud (Pussycat Press; PP-132; Photo cover)

HEARST, MIKE - “Primitive Passion” (Novel Book 5054; 1961; Photo cover );

HEIL, JANE - “Diary of a Modern American Girl” (Pinnacle; 1976; Photo cover );

HENRY, MIKE - “That Blonde Girl” / GRAHAM, FRANK - “Campus Knockout” (Midwood 34-756; 1967);

HERBERT, IVOR - “The Filly” (Corgi; 1979; Photo cover );

HERBERTSON, BILL - “Sex Gamblers” (Regal Novels RN1137; 1967);

HERON, JOSEPH - “So Strange Our Love” (Newstand Library U159; 1961);

HICKERSON, CLAYTON - “Diploma of Passion” (Newstand Library U142; 1960);

HINER, PHIL - “Whose Man? (Softcover Library B968; 1966);

HITT, ORRIE (Also Writes as; Kay Addams & Nicky Weaver);

The Color of Lust (Domino Lancer Books 72-707; 1964; VG/FN = $24; Another Copy= ASK);

Dirt Farm (Beacon B4154; 1961; VG/FN = $10; Another Copy= ASK);

Four Women (Beacon B429Y; 1961;GGA - Good Girl Art Painted cover; VG = $12; Another Copy= ASK);

Frigid Wife (Beacon B488F; 1961; GGA - Good Girl Art Painted cover; G/VG = $9; Another Copy= ASK);

From Door to Door (Beacon B304; 1960; GGA - Good Girl Art Painted cover; G/VG = $10; Another Copy= ASK);

Ladies' Man (Beacon BB 146; 1957; GGA - Good Girl Art Photo cover ; VG = $10; Another Copy= ASK);

The Lady is a Lush (Beacon B342; 1960; GGA - Good Girl Art Painted cover; FN+, near new = $22; Another Copy= ASK);

Lonely Flesh (Chariot CB-163; 1960; GGA - Good Girl Art Painted "Breasts" cover; Photo Back cover ; VG = $25; Another Copy= ASK);

Love Princess (Saber SA-5; 1958; Girl Nude behind towel in washroom cover; VG = $8);

Love Thief (Beacon B462F; 1962; Lingerie GGA - Good Girl Art Painted cover; Nymphomaniac; VG+ = $18; Another Copy= ASK);

Never Cheat Alone (Beacon B338; 1960; 1" Writing on cover, VG+ = $15);

The Passion Hunters (Domino Lancer Books 72-712; 1964; FN+, near new = $15);

Passion Pool (Domino Books 72-703; 1964; GGA - Good Girl Art Painted cover; VG/FN = $14; Another Copy= ASK);

Sexurbia County (Beacon B356; 1960; Robert Maguire GGA - Good Girl Art Painted cover; VG = $14; Another Copy= ASK);

Sin Doll (Beacon Signal B655F; 1963; Bi-Sexual & Lesbian; VG/FN = $14);

Suburban Wife (Beacon B164; 1958; Lingerie GGA - Good Girl Art Photo cover; VG/FN = $17);

Summer of Sin (Beacon B422; 1961; Beacon Signal Sixty B735X; 1964; G/VG = $6; Another Copy= ASK);

Tawney (Beacon B261; 1959; G/VG = $13);

Too Hot to Handle (Beacon B250; 1959; Beacon Signal B643F; 1963; Lingerie GGA - Good Girl Art Painted cover; G = $6; Another Copy= ASK);

Virgins No More (Beacon B451Y; 1961; VG = $13; Another Copy= ASK);

HOCHSTEIN, PETER - “Erotic Legacy” (Dell 2377; 1970; Photo cover );

HOFFMAN, BARBARA – “Little Girls for Sale” (Classics Library 31; 1968);

HOFFMAN, FRANCIS – Teenage Stud Service (Young and Hot Series; Publisher's Consultants #YH-115; 1981; Photo cover)

HOFFMAN, MARTIN - “On the Brink” (Kiowa Classic 112; 1969);

HOLBROOK, JEAN - “Honky-tonk Girl”/ NELSON, CONNIE - “The Boiling Point” (Midwood 34-626; 1966);

HOLLAND, DELL - “Sin Town” (Bedside Book 1233; 1962);

HOLLANDER, XAVIERA – “Madame L'Ambassadrice” (Granada 1983; Photo cover );

HOLLERAN, ANDREW - “Dancer from Dance” (Bantam 12323-8; 1979; Photo cover Homosexual );

HOLLIDAY, DON - “Orgy Night” (Leisure Book LB 618; 1963); **** “Torment” (Midwood F109; 1961);

HOLLY, MARIAN – Laid-Over Lover (Beeline #LL0687-A; 1984; Photo cover)

HOLM, MORGAN - “I,a Sailor” (Dell 3956; 1969; Photo cover );

HOLM, NINA - “I,a Prostitute” (Dell 3981; 1971; Photo cover );

HOLM, SIV - “I, a Woman” (Dell 3492; 1967; Photo cover ); **** '2' I a Woman, Part Two (Dell 2902; 1969; Photo cover );

HOLM, STIIG - “I, a Lover” (Dell 3953; 1968; Photo cover );

HOLM, SUSANNE - “I, Susanne” (Dell 1095; 1972; Photo cover );

HOLM, TINE - “I, a Teenager” (Dell 3973; 1971; Photo cover );

HOLMES, LARRY W. - “Evil Seed” (Beeline OB 509; 1968);

HOLMES, RICK - “Love Under Capricorn” (Monarch 346; 1963; Cover art Maguire); **** “Man Crazy” (Beacon B471F; 1962); **** “Tropic of Cleo” (Monarch 262; 1962);

HOWARD, MEL - “Call Me Anytime” (Midwood 34-726; 1966);

HOWARD, MUNROE - “Call Her Dynamite” (Dell 0961; 1970; Photo cover );

HUBBARD, RICHARD - “The Quicksand Box” (Signet Q4452;1970; Photo cover );

HUGHES, LUDWELL - “Surprise Party” (Midwood 32-552; 1965);

HUGHES, SUSANNA - “Stephanie's Revenge” (Nexus; 1993; Photo cover );

HUMP IN THE NIGHT (Star Dist. SW-104; 1997; Photo cover)

HUNT, WILBUR L. - “Martial Confidences” (Pendulum 020/ 1967);

Hunter, Anson (Arthur Orrmont) -- “King of the Free Lovers” (Monarch MA325; 1962; True Story of Charlatan & his Teen-Age Brides; true story of John Humphrey Noyes who had a harem of more than 100 wives, ranging in age from 15 to 45. GGA cover = Two nude Under blankets GIRLS in Bed; PBO; Bob / Robert Maguire cover art. G/VG = $10);

HUNTER, WAYNE - “Love Me Quick” (Softcover Library S95152; 1970; Photo cover );

HYTES, JASON - “Come One – ComeAll” (Midwood F197; 1962); **** “Immoral”/ KEMP, KIMBERLEY - “Forbidden” (Midwood S338; 1964; Photo cover ); **** “Jailbait” (Midwood 32-485; 1965; Photo cover ); **** “Never Enough” (Midwood F237; 1963); **** “Never Enough” ( Midwood 34-830; 1967); **** “One for the Road” (Midwood 32-471; 1965; Photo cover ); **** “One Last Fling” (Midwood F368; 1964; Photo cover ); **** Over-Exposed” (Midwood 32-555; 10/1965; 2nd ed; Painted Swimsuit cover; Young Models, Trick Dressing Room Mirror & Blackmail racket); **** “Overtime Affair” (Midwood 32-404; 1964; Photo cover ); “Secret Session” (Midwood 32-527; 1965); **** “Sex Session” (Midwood 32-527; 1965); **** “Sex Before Six” (Midwood 32-428; 1964; Photo cover )**** “The Street Walker” (Midwood F375; 1964);

**** Swing Low Sweet Sinner (Midwood-Tower; #F246; NY, USA 1963; PBO / Paperback Original; Marjorie Swung in Both Directions, with Men and Women; Bi-Sexual / Lesbians;  GGA / Good Girl Art painted cover; Moderate Creasing to cover, thus G/VG = $19.00);

**** “The Teaser” (Midwood F269; 1963); **** “This is Elaine” (Midwood F229; 1963); **** “This is Elaine” (Midwood 33-780; 1966); **** “A Time of Torment” (Tower 43-793; 1967; Photo cover); ***** “Without Shame” (Midwood F254; 1963);

---- I ----

ILONKA - “Sex Cage” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-345; 1970; Photo cover ; Lesbian );

IMMORTALIA (Parthena Press P-89; 1969);

I.O.U. Sex” (Moonglow Reader MR 1023; No Date);

IVAN, DAN - “Do You Want It” (Interlude 60482; No Date; Photo cover );

IVERSEN, WILLIAM - “The Pious Pornographers” (Macfadden-Bartell 60-195; 1964);

---- J ----

JACOBS, LEE - Fires of Lust” (Carousel Books 502; 1962; Photo cover ; VG = $18);

JACKSON, NORMAN - “Fanny Hell” (Lancer 73-749; 1968; Photo cover);

JACKSON, SANDY - “The Wildest Party” (Award Books A165X; 1966);

JACOBSEN, ELMER – All the Senator's Girls (Hollywood Adult Library HAL-1001; 1993; Photo cover)


**** “Cunning Wench” {also known as = Irresistible} (Merit Book 532; 1961; Photo cover & different Photo back cover; Irresistible Cunning Wench with a fantastic obsession, uses her lovely body the most wanton weapon of seduction possible; PBO - Paperback Original; RARE Title; G/VG = $20);

**** “Provoked Seduction” (Merit Book 601; 1961; Painted cover; PBO - Paperback Original; RARE Title; G/VG = $18);

**** “Rebel Mistress” (Merit Book 528; 1961; Photo cover; Love starved bandit-Queen; Wanton completely insatiable She-Animal; PBO - Paperback Original; SCARCE Title; VG = $12);

JAMES, AL - “Weak and Wicked” (Midwood Y127; 1961);

JAMES, DON / Foreword By John L Butler - “The Power of Marital Love” (Monarch MB506; 1960; PBO; GGA cover = Good Girl Art Cover by Bob / Robert Maguire; Complete guide to sexual fulfillment in marriage);

JAMES, DON / foreword by STRANGE, Dr. Frank B. - “The Sexual Side of Life” (Monarch MB502; 1960; The Truth about Love and Sex in Modern Society with Case Histories; PBO; PHOTO cover of the statue "The KISS" by Rodin; VG/FN = $9);

JAMES, DON - “Beyond All Passion” (Monarch 475; 1965); **** “Dark Hunger” (Monarch 343; 1963); **** “Hollywood Starlet” (Monarch 258; 1962); **** “The Pitchmen” (Monarch 358; 1963); **** “The Pitchmen” (Macfadden-Bartell 60-394; 1969);

JAMES, NEAL - “Cheaters' Paradise” (Beacon Signal B661F; 1963); **** “Her Student Lover” (Softcover Library B1010X; 1967);

JAMES, ROGER - “On the Make” (Beeline 224; 1967; Photo cover );

JAMES, STUART - “Bucks County Report” (Midwood F77; 1961); **** “Frisco Flat” (Monarch 153; 1960);

JAMES, TERRY - “The Professor's Wife” (Beacon Signal B505F; 1962 ); **** “Woman's Doctor (Beacon Signal B553f; 1962);

JAMESON, AMBER – Sweet Punishment (Chimera; 1997; Photo cover)

JEFFREY, MILDRED MESURAC - “Daughter, Oh My Daughter!” (Tower 44-721; 1964);

JENNIFER - “Book Five” (Dell 04158; 1982; Photo cover ); **** “Book Eight” (Dell 04388; 1983; Photo cover );

JENSEN, PETER - “The Reluctant Niece” (Liverpool 608-T; 1968);

JERIGON, DIMITRI - “A Loss of Innocence” (Liverpool RWS 278; 1974);

JOHN, STEPHEN - “After the Fetish” (Berkley Medallion Z2166; 1972; Photo cover );

JOHNS COLIN - “7 Days to Love” (Beacon Signal/ B608F; 1963 );

JOHNSON, KAY - “The Corrupted” (Softcover Library B973X; 1966);

JOHNSON, MATT - “The Black Boy's White Lovers” (Vixen Reaer VR-416; 1975);

JOHNSTON, BILL - BOLDEST VIRGIN (TABOO - Novel Book # 6N287); (TABOO - Novel Book 6N287; 1964; Chicago, Illinois, USA; GGA {Good Girl Art} PHOTO Cover; (illustrator). PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 127 pages.Strictly Adults Only!  (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; RARE Title in ANY Grade);"She raised herself in that fantastic position then - it made me think of an exhibition I saw in the service once - only those people were doing it for money, and she did it for pleasure. Seller Inventory # 19579-1; Cover creasing; tape residue to bottom of covers & spine;; spine slant; 1/4" paper tear to mid spine of front cover, GOOD+ = $19.00

JONES, LYMAN – Little Teaser (Sutton House Pub.; SHR113; Photo cover)

JORDAN, GAIL - “Tough Doll” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-347; 1970; Photo cover );

JORDAN, J.J. - The Rapers! (Novel Book 6015)  (Novel Book 6015; May/1962; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed.Robert Bonfils Topless Nude Woman in LINGERIE GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover;Strictly Adults Only! 160 Pages;  VG Minus = $36.00; **** Wildest Ecstasy  (Taboo - Novel Book 6N283)

 (TABOO - Novel Book 6N283; 1961; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed.Topless under Jacket GGA Good-Girl-Art PHOTO cover;Strictly Adults Only! (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; RARE Title in ANY Grade)128 pages; Seller Inventory # 20823-1 Creasing to covers, FA/G, Reading copy = $14.00

JOYCE, CARLTON - “Coeds Three” (Monarch 463; 1964); **** “Coed Three” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-294; 1970); **** “Fraternity Row” (Monarch 366; 1963; cover art Tom Miller);

---- K ----

KADOR, PERRY - “Jet-Set Sex Stud” (Spartan Line SL126; 1966);

KANE, KEN - “Passion Pact” (Gaslight Book GL 116; 1964);

KANE, LUIGI - “Rape Italian Style” (Selected Adult Library SAL 553; 1969);

KANE, SID - “Thrill Girls” (Epic Book 116; 1961);

KANNEPOLIS, ANDREAS - “To the Limits of Lust” (Satyr SB209; 1969);

KANTO, PETER – The World Where Sex was Born (Modern Classic; Grafton Pub; 1989; Photo cover)

KANTOR, HAL - “Child Bride” (Pad Library PL534; 1966);

KARL, DON - “Up Jumped Passion” (Playtime 643-S; 1963);

KEEFAUVER, JOHN D. - “Tormented Virgin” (Epic Book 126; 1962);

KEEFE, LYNN - “How Did a Nice Girl Like You Get into this Business?” (Paperback Library 52-272; 1964); **** “How Did a Nice Girl Like You Get into this Business?” ( Paperback Library 64-299; 1970; Photo cover );

KEEFE, MILES - “Hidden Charm” (Dragon Edition DE 164; 1967);

KELLEY, THOMAS - “The Circle” (Taurus Press 206; 1969; Photo cover );

KELSEY, ROY - “Affair on Board” (Newstand Library U154; 1961 );

KEMP, KIMBERLY (Pseudonym of Gilbert Fox who also wrote as Dallas Mayo & Paul V. Russo)

**** “Draw the Binds”/ GRAHAM, FRANK - “Surprise, Surprise” (Midwood 34-737; 1966; Photo cover ); **** The Houseguest” (Midwood F381; 1964; Lesbianism; PBO / Paperback Original; Paul RADER Lesbians, with Nude thru LINGERIE Girl GGA/ Good Girl Art Painted cover; RARE; VG/FN = $35.00);

KENDRICKS, JAMES - “Beyond Our Pleasure” (Monarch 392; 1962); **** “Beyond our Pleasure” (Monarch 123; 1959); **** “Love me Tonight” (Monarch 295; 1963; cover art Earl Mayan);

KENNEDY, ADAM - “Maggie D.” (Pocket Book 78664; 1974; Photo cover );

KENNY, GLENN – Three Cheers for Sex! (Beeline LL0665-A; 1983; Photo cover)

KENSINGTON, LADIES EROTICA SOCIETY - “Ladies Own Erotica” (Pocket Book 60710-3; 1986);

KENT, NIAL - “The Divided Path” (Pyramid X-452; 1959; Homosexual);

KENTON, MAXWELL - “Candy” (Various; various);

KESLEY, MORTON - “The Sin-Dependants” (Regal Novel RN-1141; 1967);

KESSLER, JAMES - “The Black Phallus” (TNC Fiction TNC 339; 1969);

KEVIN, LLOYD - “Her Cheating Heart” (Monarch 286; 1962);

KEYES, PETER - “By Sex Possessed” (Brandon House 1025; 1966; Photo cover );

KING, JORDAN - “Joy Girls” (Boudoir 102; 1962);

KING, LES - “Chase of Passion” (Coach Volume CV104; 1964);

KING, NORMAN -“Goodbye Innocence”/ MICHAEL, LINDA - “Big City Campus” (Midwood 34635; 1966; Illustrated); **** “Hide and Seek” (Midwood 32-617; 1966);

KING, VERONICA - Stud Power (Midwood 37-305; Canada; 1969; 1st New Edition by Publisher;RARE; Creasing, Writing & Wear to Covers, GOOD minus = $18.00);

KINSEY, JONES, BRIAN - “Lay Down Your Life for Another” (New English Library; 1971; Photo cover );

KIRBY, MARK - “Harling College” (Beacon B384; 1961); **** “Harling College” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-339; 1970);

KITTERING, TED - “Night Game Girls” (Midwood 61045; 1978; photo cover );

KNIGHT, MALCOLM - “Perverted nymph” (Merit Book 640; 1962; photo cover );

KORNGOLD, PETER - “The Amorous Adventures of a Very Male nurse” (Dominion Fact Book TNC 133; 1968);

KOSLOFF, MYRON - “Two for Two” (Unique Book UB114; 1967);

KRAMER, GERALD- “Apartment Party” (Midwood 32-742; 1966); **** “Come Be My Slave” (Midwood 32-601; 1966); **** “Coming of Age”/ BROOKS, BARBARA - “Handle with Care” (Midwood 34-532; 1965; photo cover Illustrated); **** “Penthouse Party” (Midwood 32-467; 1965); **** “The Wrong Kind”/ MOORE, AMANDA - “Never Ask Why” (Midwood 34-491; 1965; photo cover Illustrated by Victor Olson);

KRAMER, LARRY - “Faggots” (Various; Various Homosexual);

KRAMER, SAMUEL - The Incest Club” (Star FPL-73; 1971; PHOTO cover; Very Rare; Waterdamage & Creased Covers thus FA/G, reading copy = $20)

LAFERTY, MYRNA - “A Passion for Cruelty” (Wee Hours WH 566; 1968);

LAKE, LESTER - “Bimbo” (Nite Lite NL 208; 1965); **** “Love Kitten” (All Star 520; 1962);

LANE, JERRY - “Call Box” (Playtime 658; 1964);

LANE, WANDA - “The Sporting Parlor”/ GLASER, ALFRED B. - “Platinum Blonde” (Dollar Double 952; 1960);

LANGLEY, STEVE - “The Mini Minx” (Late Hour Library L721; 1967);

LASHER, DAVID – Her Special Delivery (Beelin BL3005-C; 1986; Photo cover)

LAUREN, BILL - “Burn, Blonde, Burn!” (Boudoir 1013; 1962); **** “Fun Girl” (Merit Book 6M443; 1964; photo cover ); **** ....On the Prowl” (Merit Book 6M457; 1964); **** “Orgy Office” (Pillar Book PB820; No date);*** Perverted Lover (Merit Book #558; 1962; May/1962; PBO, Paperback Original=; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; A Lush Nympho gets her kicks Teasing Men; 128 pages; RARE Title; ZERO Copies Listed on the Top-5 Bookseller Websites, at Time of Listing; NOT Listed in the Holroyd Paperback Guide; Near FINE = $24.00); *** Perverted Lover (Merit Book #558; 1962; May/1962; PBO, Paperback Original=; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; A Lush Nympho gets her kicks Teasing Men; 128 pages; RARE Title; ZERO Copies Listed on the Top-5 Bookseller Websites, at Time of Listing; NOT Listed in the Holroyd Paperback Guide;  Horizontal Crease in cover, Appears VG, but has GLUE and SCOTCH TAPE Repairs to Binding in several spots inside, thus FA/G, reading copy = $13.00);

**** “Tangled Seduction” (Merit Book 608; 1962); **** “Wild Pursuit” (Merit Book 518; 1961);

LAURIE, VINCE - All-Night Affairs (Beeline 3098; No date; Circa 1980’s; SUZIE the BED-HOPPING BIMBETTE; 1st New Edition by Publisher; Busty Blonde GIRL in SEXY Lingerie GGA / Good Girl Art PHOTO cover; RARE; VG/FN = $24.00);  *** “Tough-Lovin' Gal” (Beeline 0713; 1984; PBO; GGA - Good Girl Art Swimsuit PHOTO cover; Campus Playmates - Three Horny Co-Eds; Angie, Madeline, Linda & Basketball coach; FN+, near New = $25);

LA VALLE, PIERRE - “In the Jaws of Fate” (Collector's Edition CE114; 1968);

LAWRENCE, DAVID - “Impatient” (Midwood F374; 1964);

LAWRENCE, WILLIAM - “End of Innocence” (Belmont 92-619; 1965; Lesbian );

LAYNE, JAMES - “Lend Me Your Wife” (Beacon B413F; 1961); **** “Borrowed Lover” (Beacon Signal B538F; 1962); **** “Company Woman” (Beacon B490F; 1962; Beacon Signal SixtyB785X ; 1964 ); **** “Her Young Lover” (Beacon Signal B645F; 1963); **** “Her Young Lover” ( Softcover Library B988X; 1966); **** “That Lambert Girl” (Beacon Signal Sixty B753X; 1964 );**** “The Party Game” (Beacon Signal B571F; 11963 ); **** “Sex Maplewood Lane” (Softcover Library B812X; 1965); **** “The Six-Weekers” (Beacon B484F; 1962); **** “The Swap Set” (Softcover Library B1017X; 1967; photo cover );

LeCHANCE, A.N. - A Woman of Position (TWN Pub.; TWN-3075; Photo cover);

LEE, ERIC - “Amoral Wife” (Softcover Library B928X; 1966; photo cover );

LEE, MARJORIE --"The Lion House" (Fawcett CREST #S413; 1959; SCARCE in this 1st Paperback Printing; Canada; Vintage LESBIAN fiction; GGA Painted Cover by Bob/Robert McGinnis; VG/FN = $27.00);
**** “Two Women” (Major Books 3180; 1978; Lesbian ; photo cover );

LEE, STEVE - “Anything Goes!” (Merit Book GM431; 1964; photo cover ); **** “Uninhibited Females” (Merit Book GM438; 1964; photo cover );

LEFILS, CREBILLONL - “A Lady of Quality” (Brandon House 903; 1964);

LEGGET, ERIC - Escape to Eroticism  (Novel Book 6N244)  (Novel Book 6N244; 1964; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. GGA {Good Girl Art} PHOTO Cover.Strictly Adults Only! (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; RARE Title in ANY Grade) 127 pages.Every stud-blooded male in town knew who she was. But only one knew the shocking secret of her unspeakable demands - and even he was astounded by the crushing moral consequences of her."Seller Inventory # 19576-1; This is a reading copy. Heavy Cover creasing; Several pages, and interior covers have store stamps, GOOD = $11.00;

LEIKAM, WILLIAM C. - “Run for the Waves” (Flagship Book 854; 1968; photo cover );

LE NISMOIS J. - “The Voluptuous Army” (Pendulum 026; 1968);

LESTER, LANCE - “Clint Wins His Letter” (Pleasure Reader PR254; 1970; Homosexual);

LESTER, LEWIS- “Philanderer's Women” (Beacon B318; 1960);

LEVY, OWEN - “A Brother's Touch” (Pinnacle 41-536-2; 1982; Homosexual);

LEWIS, STEPHEN - “Teenage Hookers” (Ace 80189; 1974; photo cover );

LEWIS, WALT - “Lust Man” (Domino 84-703; 1966; photo cover );

LNKLETTER, EVE - “B-Girl Decoy” (Fabian Books Z-146; 1961);

LITTLE DARLINGS – All Trussed Up (Star Dist.LD-159; 1996; Photo cover)

LITTLE, JAY - “Maybe – Tomorrow” (Paperback Library 54-710; 1965; Homosexual); **** “Somewhere Between the Two” (Paperback Library 54-831; 1965; Homosexual);

LOCKE, ROBERT DONALD - “The Reckless Lovers” (Monarch 209; 1961);

LOCKLEAR, EDMOND - “Route 301, South (Softcover Library B908X; 1966 );

LOGAN, RICHARD - “Shores' Women” (Novel Book 60102; 1963; photo cover );

LOGANO, ROCK - “Carrie Corrupted” (Midwood F209; 1962);

LONG, JACKIE – Coming Together (Beeline; LL0911; Photo cover)

LOPEZ, RAMON - “Hot Trick” (Tudor Book 102; 1969);

LORD, ALEX - “Giant Orgy” (Novel Book 5064; 1961; photo cover );

LORD, KIRBY - “Reaped Loves” (Kozy Book K137; 1961);

LORD, SHELDON .(Pseudonym of Lawrence Block) - “Husband Lover” (Beacon B469F; 1962); **** “Older Women” (Beacon Signal B552F; 1962 ); **** “Outcast” (Softcover Library B1018X; 1967); **** “Pads are for Passion” (Beacon B387; 1961); **** “Sex is a Woman (Beacon Signal SixtyB704X; 1964); **** “The Sex Shuffle” (Beacon Signal SixtyB757X; 1964); **** “69 Barrow Street” (Midwood F103; 1959; Lesbian; Painted cover by Radar; 2nd Printing by Publisher);**** “69 Barrow Street” (Midwood 33-857; 1967; Lesbian; Painted cover by Radar = Different than cover on F103 ); RARE with This Cover by Radar; Near FN = US$30.00 ;**** “A Strange Kind of Love (Midwood 33-885; 1967; 2nd Printing; Paul RADER GGA/ Good Girl Art Painted cover; Scarce; Price sticker on cover, otherwise near FN = $29.00); *

LOREN, FRANCIS -“Nest of Summer Widows” (Beacon Signal B528F; 1962); **** “Sun, Sex and Frenzy” (Beacon Signal B555F; 1962);

LORRAINE, LOUIS - “Blonde Dynamite” (Beacon B458F; 1961); **** “The Cheating Game” (Softcover Library B940X; 1966); **** “The Cheating Game” (Beacon B404; 1961); “Commuter Widow” (Softcover Library B814X; 1965); **** “The Empty Bed” (Beacon Signal B567F; 1963); **** “Season for Sin” (Beacon Signal B614F; 1963); **** “The Split-Level Game” (Beacon Signal B495F; 1961); **** “That Summer in Rome” (Beacon Signal B520F; 1962); **** “Wives and Lovers” (Beacon B476; 1962);

LOUIS, ORT - “The Pleasure and the Pain” (Midwood F241; 1963);

THE LOVE PAGODA (Brandon House 931; 1967);

LOW, GLENN - “The Barn” (Beacon B4384; 1961); **** “The Barn” ( Softcover Library B903X; 1965); ****Love Hungry Women  (TABOO - Novel Book 6N271)(TABOO - Novel Book 6N271; 1964; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed.  GGA {Good Girl Art} PHOTO Cover.Take innocent but passionate females, add rape and fast-action, stir with violent emotions, and you have the explosive formula for Love Hungry Women! Strictly Adults Only! 128 Pages; Creasing to covers, G/VG = $19.00; **** “Reckless Virgin” (Beacon B420B; 1961); **** “Reckless Virgin” (Beacon B420B; 1961); **** “Reckless Virgin” (Softcover Library B817X; 1965);

LOWENKOPF, SHELLY - The City of Hoke” (Kozy Book K139; 1961; GGA / Good Girl Art painted Cover; overall near FN, but with 1x1-1/2" Paper Pull area on cover, thus G/VG = $10) **** “The Love of the Lion” (Kozy Book K149; 1962);

LUCAS, RICK -“Dreamboat” (Berkley G228; 1959; photo cover ); *** “Restless Women” (Beacon B303; 1960);

LUCCHESI, ALDO *** the Tour” (Belmont/ Tower 50867; 1969; photo cover );

LURIE, MILTON - “Angry Fires” (Pad Library IMP 787; 1967);

THE LUSTFUL TURK (Canyon Books PLX 201; 1967);

LYNCH, BEN - “Payment for Pleasure” (Magenta M117; 1965);

LYNN, DAVID - “One Man's harem” (Pleasure Reader PR146; 1967);

LYNN, JACK - “The Passion Pit” (Novel Book 5027; 1961); **** 3 Passionate Sisters  (Novel Book 6023) (LESBIAN)  (Novel Book 6023; July/1962; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. GGA {Good Girl Art} PHOTO Cover. 160 pages;Three 43-23-33, 23 year old triplets who looked exactly alike outside - but inside one was going wild for men , one for women, and one for incredible Torture Orgies! But which was which?

Strictly Adults Only! (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; RARE Title in ANY Grade) Seller Inventory # 19574-1; Moderate Cover creasing & spine slant, VG/FN = $27.00; **** with Tokey Wedge -  THEY WERE TOO MUCH (Novel Book # 6N238); LESBIAN Love Story.  (Novel Book 6N238; 1963; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. GGA {Good Girl Art} PHOTO Cover. Lesbian;Strictly Adults Only! (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; RARE Title in ANY Grade)Two unconventional young demales who hungered for forbidden thrills - and found them! But also found.Seller Inventory # 19577-1; Cover scuffing, pen to front cover; cover creasing, pen to front end page, staining to front cover, Good+ = $27.00;**** “Women on the Loose” (Novel Book 5038; 1961);

LYTTON, W.B. - “Stranger in my Bed” (All Star AS101; 1966);

---- M ----

MACBRIAN, JAMES (Pseudonym of Dave Foley) - “The Revolt of Abbe Lee” (Monarch 429; 1964; Cover Art Todd Miller);

MAGUIRE, CONN - “The Reefs of Eden” (Pyramid N-2086; 1968; photo cover );

MAIKET, WILLIE – Search & Seduce (Beeline LL0797-C; 1986; Photo cover

MALLET-JORIS, FRANCOISE - “The Loving and the Daring” (Popular Library Eagle Books EB84; 1957; Lesbian );

MALLOY, DIRK - “Bad Penny/ ROBERTS, TOM - “Naughty Teen” (Midwood 34-800; 1967; photo cover ); **** “Co-Ed With Class”/ NELSON, CONNIE - “Out for Kicks” (Midwood 34-709; 1966); **** “Office Favorite” (Midwood 33-751; 1966); **** “Wives Play Too”/ CASSEL, LUCAS J. - “New Woman Around” (Midwood 34-723; 1966; photo cover );

MALLOY, FRED - “Strumpet's Seed” (Beacon B218; 1959);

MANN, MARCIA – Good Enough to Eat (Stag Books; STG-312; 1980; Photo cover)

MANNING, BRUCE - “Off Limits” (Beacon B344; 1960);

MANNING, JANE - “City Hotel” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-302; 1970; photo cover );

MANNIX, EDWARD - “A Journal of Love” (Pocket Book 75124; 1966);

MANSFIELD, ALLAN - “Every Girl on Call (Reed Nightstand 4041; 1974; PAINTED Cover; 1st Edition by Publisher; Copyright by Greenleaf Classics; San Diego, CA, USA; Wantonness Hookers at an ARMY POST; SCARCE; One inch Paper-Pull from removed Price Tag at upper left cover corner, G/VG = $17.00);

MARCH, KIM - “Bachelor Nurse” (Beacon Signal B493F; 1961);

MARCHAL, LUCIE (Translated to English by Virgilia Peterson) **** “The Mesh” (Bantam Giant #A1923; 1959; 5th Printing; Canada; B&W GGA photo cover of 2 Women; Classic French Award winning novel of Vintage LESBIAN fiction; VG/FN $12.00);

MARCOUX, MARCIA - “Image of an Angel” (Brandon House 1128; 1967);

MARCUS, FRANK - “The Killing of Sister George” (Bantam S4487; 1969);

MARK, EDWINA - “The Odd Ones” (Berkley G245; 1959; Lesbian );

MARKS, STEFEN – Torture Center Terror (Red Devil Books RDB-110; 1977; Photo cover)

MARLIN, JEFFREY - “French Lessons” (Dell 2750; 1971; photo cover );

MARMOR, ARNOLD - **** “Flesh Trap” (Twilight Reader TR103; 1963); ****”Love Addiction” (Merit Book 6M442; 1964; photo cover ); **** “Wanton Affair” (Merit Book 662; 1963; photo cover );

MARSHALL, BILL -Madison Avenue Madness” (Wee Hours WH560; 1968);

MARSHALL, EDWARD - “Down Payment” (After Hours AH 133; 1966);

MARTELL, DAVID - “Old Enough” (Midwood F339; 1963; photo cover); **** “Old Enough” (Midwood 33-686; 1966);

MARTIN, DELLA -Twilight Girl” (Beacon B390; 1961; Early lesbian novel. The savage story of a pretty teen-ager enticed into forbidden practices by older girls! GGA Painted-c; near FN = $45);

MARTIN, EDGAR A. - “Portrait of Torment” (Newstand Library U163; 1961);

MARTIN, FRED - “Hired Lover” (Midwood 13; 1959);

MARTIN, JOE - “Seagoing Sexpot” (Pillow Book 106; 1962);

MARTIN, KAY - “The Divorcees” (Pyramid F-750; 1962); **** “Nymph in Suburbia” (Belmont 90-274; 1963); **** “On Easy Terms” (Berkley Medallion G460; 1960); **** “Payment in Sin” (Hillman Book 190; 1961); **** “Payment in Sin” (Manfadden-Bartell 50-201; 1964); **** “Payment in Sin” (Macfadden-Bartell 60-362; 1968; photo cover ); **** “SuburbanWife” (Avon T-495; 1961);**** “A Taste of Love” (Macfadden-Bartell 60-324; 1968; photo cover );;

MARTIN, SAMMI - “Lydia Lets Loose” (Pleasure Books 40116; 1976);

MASCHKE, T.A. - “Sex is Like Money” (Newstand Library U167; 1961);

MASON, JOYCE - “Lust's What the Doctor Ordered” (Beeline; 1984);

MASSART, PHILIPPE - “The Love Expert” (Berkley Medallion Y671; 1962; photo cover );

MATTEN, DOUGLAS – Knocking on Passion's Door (Beeline LL0721-A; 1984; Photo cover)

MATTY, BART - “Next Stop, Shame” (Midwood 33-715; 1966);

MAXWELL, BOB - “Tangled Passions” (Playtime 632; 1963);

MAXWELL, J. MALCOLM - “Honeymoon Hotel” (Domino Books 72-924; 1965; photo cover );

MAY, FRED - “Three-and-a-Half Women” (Private Edition PE 372; 1966);

MAY, JONATHAN - “Confessions of an Astronaut” (Sphere; 1979; photo cover ); **** “Confessions of a Gasman” (Sphere; 1979; photo cover );

MAYO, DALLAS - “All Together Now” (Midwood 32-578; 1965 ); **** “House of Sin” (Midwood 122; 1961; Lesbian ); **** “Scandal” (Midwood Y158; 1962);

McCALLIN, EDWARD - “Fraternity Pet” (Midwood 34-956; 1968);

McCOLLUM, R.R. - “One of Those Cruises” (Beacon B4174; 1961);

McCORD, CARTER - “Ask Me No Questions” (Midwood 32-482; 1965); **** “Queen of Hearts” (Midwood 32-551; 1965);

McCOY, DEAN (Pseudonym of Dudley Dean McGaughy; also writes as Jackson Cole, Dudley Dean, Owen Dudley, Dean Owen, etc.)Beach Binge” (Beacon Signal B580F; 1963); **** "Cheating Wife” (Softcover Library B829X; 1965; PHOTO Swimsuit GGA - Good Girl Art cover; PBO; Near FN = $18); **** "Commuting Wife” (Softcover Library B1012X; 1967; 2nd Printing; Painted Lingerie GGA - Good Girl Art cover; FN+, nearly New = $15); **** “The Development” (Beacon B414F; 1961); **** “Double Up” (Beacon B4354; 1961); **** “The Friendship Club” (Softcover Library B932X; 1966); **** “The Friendship Club” (Beacon Signal; B598F; 1963); **** “Group Sex” (Softcover Library B906X; 1965); **** “Love Hunters” (Softcover Library B978; 1966); **** “The Love Pool (Beacon Signal Sixty B751X; 1964); **** “The Night it Happened” (Beacon Signal B642F; 1963); **** “No Empty Bed For Her” (Beacon Signal B550F; 1962 ); **** "Sexbound” (Beacon B460F; 1961; Painted Lingerie GGA - Good Girl Art cover; VG/FN = $12); **** "The Sex Rebellion of Marva Kent” (Softcover Library 115; UK/British; 1970; Nude PHOTO GGA - Good Girl Art cover;G/VG = $12) **** “The Unattached” (Softcover Library B938X; 1966);

McCOY, JOHN - “Pleasant – Love for a Stranger” (Avon T-350; 1959; photo cover );

McCOY, ROY - “Merchants of Venus” (Brandon House 1065l 1967; photo cover );

MCDOW, JOE - “Primitive Passions” (Macfadden – Bartell 75-239; 1969);

McGEE, GEORGE - “Desire Under the Sun” (Midwood F97; 1961);

McGUIRE, SHELAGH - “A Room at Polly's Place” (Softcover Library B1024X; 1967);

McKNIGHT, EVANS - “She Made Her Bed” (Beacon B324; 1960);

McTIERNAN, RAND - Her Forbidden Brother” (Beeline #OB1197-R; 1976; PHOTO cover; Very Rare; Creased Covers thus FA/G, reading copy = $20)

M DE F - “The Gay Year” (Lancer 74-846; 1965; Homosexual);

MELINE, FRANK - “The Fare Sex” (France F5; 1962; photo cover ); **** “Las Vegas Call Girl” (France F1; 1962; photo cover Gatefold);

MENCER, DOROTHY - “Into Each Life” (Paragon Books P153; 1961);

MENNEN, TD - “Lust Lane (Herald Reader HR102; 1964);

MERRICK, GORDON - “The Lord Won't Mind” (Avon 36772; 1971; Homosexual); **** “Now Let's Talk About Music” (Avon; 1981; Homosexual);

MICHAELS, BART - “Just Your Body, Baby” (Domino Books 72-727; 1964);

MICHAELS, REA - “Gilda: Passion Unleashed” (Domino Books 72-705; 1964); **** “Lust Queen” (Domino Books 72-714; 1964; Lesbian ); **** “Lust Queen” (Domino Books 72-972; 1965; photo cover ; Lesbian ); **** “Naked in the Night” (Domino Books 82-103; 1965; photo cover ; Lesbian );

MILES, RICHARD - “Sisters of Evil and Lust” (Europa Book 804; 1967); **** “Two-Way Women” (Bell Ringer Book 508; 1964; Lesbian );

MILES, WILLIAM E. - “The College Female” (Monarch MB540; 1963; PBO; PHOTO cover; a report of the morals, manners and social attitudes = Drinking, dating, sororities, cheating in exams, vocational choices, morals, money and marriage; FN+, Near New = $15; plus another copy = ASK);

MILES, WILLIAM E. - “Damn It!” (Regency RB 310; 1963; PBO; a journal of the people who think your immoral; Blue-Noses, Seld-Made censorship; VG minus = $8);

MILHAUS, MARTIN - “Swapoon” (PEC Giant G-1200; 1970);

MILITAR MEN/ “Used Boys” (Star Dist.; 1984; photo cover Photo Illustrated Homosexual);

MILTON, HORACE - “Touch Me Gently” (E.L. Pub. MDC-7; 1969);

MONGUS, HUGH - “Sporting Her Desires”/ BUILT, LEE - “Coaching His Caresses” (Beeline; 1983; photo cover );

MONK, JAMES - “Hotrod Gang bang” (Supreme Library SL502; 1971);

MONTCLAIR, DWARD - “The Seduction of Gigi” (Tigress Books TB 2001; 1981);

MONTE, JILL - “Thrill Clinic” (Softcover Library B913X; 1966); *** “A World Divided” (Domino Books 72-749; 1964; Lesbian );

MONTGOMERY, HERB - “The Procurers” (Merit Book 6M448; 1964**** “Seductive Temptress” (Merit Book 635; 1962; photo cover ); **** “Urgent Desire!” (Merit Book 6M413; 1963); **** “Wild Lovers” (Merit Book 629; 1962);

MOODY, MARK - “Lesbo Nympho” (New Chariot Library 7C-902; 1963; Lesbian );

MOON, DEXTER - “Swap Meat” (Command Books 148; No Date; Illustrated);

MOORE, AMANDA - “Teach Me” (Midwood 32-838; 1967);

MOORE, WILLIAM - “Heat Spell” (Midwood 32-587; 1966);**** “Not So Innocent”/ ELLIS, JOAN - “Sugar and Spice” (Midwood 34-562;1965; Illustrated);

MORAN, ALLAN - “The Wife Spoilers” (Beacon B489F; 1962);

MOREAU, LISA - “Everybody's Girl” (Monarch 266; 1962; photo cover );

MORGAN, CLAIRE (pseudonym of Patricia Highsmith) **** “The Price of Salt” (Bantam 1148; 1953;  First Bantam printing; Lesbians GGA/ Good Girl Art Painted cover; SCARCE; ASK); **** “The Price of Salt” (Bantam Giant A1831; 1958; photo cover ; Lesbian );

MORGAN, JASON - “The Bored Young Wives” (Softcover Library B969X; 1966); **** “The Scandal Set” (Beacon Signal SixtyB702X; 1964);

MORRIS, WILL - “Marine Stud” (Classic Pub. SAL 551; 1969);

Morse, Benjamin (pseudonym of Lawrence Block) - “Adolescent Sexual Behavior” (Monarch 436; 1964; PHOTO cover; a Study of Teenage Moral and Social Behavior & Taboos;

PHOTO Cover! (illustrator). PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" Tall. 141 pgs. (50 cent cover price). "Adolescence has always been a trying time. It is a period during which the individual is tested by society. It is a time for the teen-ager to attempt an understanding of himself and the world around him. This is as it should be. In any area of human activity, sexual or otherwise, growth cannot come of its own accord; it comes only through the response to challenge, through trial and error. Today's pell-mell rush toward early early sexuality,however, puts the teen-ager under enormous pressure, dreating new and unusual problems. What are these probblems? What makes or breaks a teen-agers? What is 'normal'? What is 'abnormal'? Here is a close examination of the multitudinous aspects of adolescent sexual behavior: the beginnings of sexual awareness, the structrure of the dating pattern, the development of sexual relationship promiscuity - and adjustment to maturity." *** INCLUDES; Sexual awareness, High School dating patterns, Autoeroticism & Adolescence, development of sexual relationships, problems of the female & male adolescent, going steady, Teen-Age Pregnancy & Marriage, promiscuity, Sin Cults & Sex clubs, failures in adjustment; VG/FN = $18; plus another copy = ASK);

Morse, Benjamin (pseudonym of Lawrence Block) - “The Sexually Promiscuous Female” (Monarch 535; 1962; Hugh Bell Photo Cover. (illustrator). PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" Tall. 158 pgs. (50 cent cover price). "Who is the promiscuous female? What sort of life does she lead? Who are her friends? Is she capable of a genuine emotional involvement? Here is a book which examines her problems - nymphomania, frigidity, repressed lesbianism, social rebellion, sexual compensation - and tries to give some insight into the problems of the girl who is trapped by her own emotional failings. Through penetrating case histories taken from his private files, Dr. Morse examines the lives of many promiscuous women and explains how and why they became the social outcasts and psychological misfits they are - and what can be done to halt the rising trend of indiscriminate sexual activity among today's females." VG/FN = $20; plus another copy = ASK);

MOUDY, WALTER F. - “The Ninth Commandment” (Brandon House 1045; 1966; photo cover );

MOURA, JONI/ SUTHERLAND, JACKIE - “If It Moves, Kiss!” (Fawcett Gold Medal M2741; 1973; Cover art & Illustrations by Bill Wenzel); **** “Tender, Loving Care” (Fawcett Crest M1416; 1969; Cover art & Illustration by Bill Wenzel);

MULESKO, ANGELO – Kathy Keeps 'em Coming (Beeline LL0567-M; 1982; Photo cover)

MULL, HERB - “Strange Struggle” (Kozy Book K178; 1963; Lesbian );

MULLER, IRMA - “Never Again” (Unique Book UB 119; 1967);

MUNROE, VAL - “Sex Fever” (Softcover Library B848X; 1965);

MYERS, BARRY - “Agnes and the Boys” (Research Classic RC912; 1968);

MYERS, GEORGE - “Lay-Away” (Midwood M-195; 1971; photo cover );

---- N ----

NAPIER, DOMINIQUE - “House Party” (Beacon B439F; 1961); **** Never Love a Man” [Beacon Signal B511F; 1962; PBO / Paperback Original; Lesbianism; DARCY (Pseudonym of Ernest Chiriacka) Lesbians GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; VG/FN = $89.00];

NASH, NORMAN - “London After Dark” (Macfadden-Bartell 60-259; 1966; photo cover );

NAYLOR, ANTHONY - “Girl in Trouble” (Beacon Signal SixtyB717X; 1964; photo cover); **** “Sex Kitten” (Softcover Library U.K.; 1970; photo cover ); **** “The Sex Kitten Grows Up” (Softcover Library B872X; 1965);

NEITZEL, NEAL - “Hot-Blooded Blonde” (Merit Book 529; 1961; photo cover );

NELSON, CONNIE - “On Call”/ CURTIS, BRAD - “The Pick-Up” (Midwood 34-518; 1965; photo cover Illustrated); **** “Reckless Wife” (Midwood 33-684; 1966; photo cover ); **** ”Runaway”/ HANEY/CLEMENT - “Now or Never” (Midwood 34-533; 1965; photo cover Illustrated by Paul Rader); **** “Two-Timer/ HARRIS, FRANK - “The Mate Exchange” (Midwood 34-476; 1965; photo cover ; Illustrated); **** “Woman Aflame” (Midwood 32-438; 1965; photo cover );

NEMEC, JACK - Easy Sue  (Novel Book 5069)  (Novel Book 5069; December/1961; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Lingerie GGA {Good Girl Art} PHOTO Cover. EASY SUE the FANTASTIC FEMALE!  She was Big and she was a NYMPHO all the Way! How did she manage to sleep with every guy over 6 feet in the carnival, and still manage to brag about her Purity?Men's Digest: A Shocking Story of Passion and Suspense, in that order! 128 Pages; Strictly Adults Only! VG = $24.00);

NEMEC, JOHN - “Marriage on the Rocks” (Midwood P345; 1963; photo cover );

NEWBURY, WILL - “Call Boy” (Monarch 226; 1961); **** “Tourist Trap” (Midwood 32-453; 1965);

NEWLAND, N.M. - “Pick-Up” (Chariot CB-200; 1961);

NEWTON, BILL - “Dr. Sexanna Blasts Off” (Series 70 S7-108; 1969);

NIGHT HEAT – A Victim of Leather (Star Dist.; NT-169; 1996; Photo cover)

NIZE, VAN - “Education in Passion” (Anchor WL 118; 1965);

NOBLE, JACK - “Dack Hungers” (All Star AS 529; 1963; photo cover );

NORTH, KEVIN - “Bed Tramps” (Merit Book 619; 1962; photo cover ); **** “Cotton Tramps” (Playtime 620; 1962); **** “Passion Pit” (Playtime 709-S; 1964); **** “Payoff for Passion” (Gaslight Book 107; 1964); **** “Road Show” (Playtime 627; 1963); **** “School of Desire” (Playtime 633; 1963); **** “The Timber Tramps” (Playtime 640; 1963);

NORTH, STEPHEN - “Further Adventures of Taffy” (Beeline 319N; 1968);

NORTIC, MAX - “Total Awareness” (Midwood 38-337; 1969; photo cover );

NOVAK, STEVE - “Greek had a Sex For It” (Frane F55; 1963; photo cover );

---- O ----

O'BANNON, BRIAN - “Instant Love” (Beacon Signal B652F; 1963); **** “Women on Fire” (Midwood F362; 1964; photo cover );

O'BRIAN, MARY – 69 Ways to Make Mary Merry! (Beeline BL-3118-6; ; Photo cover)

OCEE, JAY - “Women in Sports” (Pleasure Books 40444; 1979; photo cover );

O'DAIR, STAN - “Shame Sluts” (Boudoir 1017; 1962);

O'HARA, NOEL - “A Time to Love” (Chariot 119; 1960);

OLIVE, HARRY - “The Darkness of Love” (Monarch 131; 1959);

OLIVER, RALPH - Big Blondes (Novel Book 60108)  (Novel Book 60108; 1963; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Strictly Adults Only! GGA {Good Girl Art} PAINTED Cover.

160 pages. These blondes proved that a bad big woman can beat a bad little woman every time . and they were willing to do it in front of an audience .Seller Inventory # 7024-1; VG minus = $29.00);

THE OLYMPIA READER – Edited by Maurice Girodias (Ballantine 01980; 1970); (Ballantine U8601; 1967);

O'NEILL, SCOTT - “Campus Call Girl” (Gold Star IL7-35; 1964);

ORD, SAM - “Summer Stock Sex Theater” (Boudoir Classic 0015; 1964);

ORENSTEIN, LEO - “The Queers of New York” (Pocket Book 78262; 1972; Lesbian ; Homosexual);

O'ROURKE, JAY - “The Summer Lovers” (Softcover Library B1004X; 1967; photo cover );

ORRMONT, ARTHUR - “Little Mistress” (Avon books #T502; 1961; Canadian printing; GGA/ Good Girl Art - Blonde Girl PHOTO LINGERIE cover; PBO /Paperback Original; Sally, a Teenage Girl in Suburbia USA; "At sixteen she'd learned the law of suburbia--that a sinner is one who gets caught");

ORTH, RICHARD - “The Pad Upstairs” (Softcover Library B908X; 1966);

OSTRO, CHUCK – Jack the Raper (American Edition; T-16; Photo cover)

OWEN, DEAN - “Girl Possessed” (Gold Star 1L7-41; 1964);

OWEN, ROBERT N. - “The Carnal Trap” (Brandon House 1038; 1966); **** “Drifter in Town” (Brandon House 995; 1966; photo cover ); **** “Off-Broadway Casanova” (Brandon House 1000; 1966);

---- P ----

PACKER, VIN - (Marijane Meaker)

The Evil Friendship” (Gold Medal K1346; 1963; photo cover ; Lesbian ); ***** “The Evil Friendship” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-299; 1970; photo cover ; Lesbian ); **** Spring Fire” (Fawcett Gold Medal #222; 2/1952; USA; PBO = Paperback Original, 1st Printing; GGA Painted cover by Barye Phillips; Sorority House storyline, Leda is Queen of Campus; Vintage LESBIAN fiction; FA/G = $15.00);

**** “Spring Fire” (Fawcett Gold Medal #K1290; 1963; USA; 6th Paperback Printing; GGA PHOTO cover; Sorority House storyline, Leda is Queen of Campus; Vintage LESBIAN fiction; G = $10.00);

PAINE, EMORY - “The Rebel” (Midwood 32-521; 1965); **** “Sweet but Sinful” (Midwood 32-615; 1966; photo cover );

PALMER, ADRIENNE - “Dealer's Choice” (Belmont/ Tower 51323; 1978);


the PARISIAN READER - a Collection of All-Time great stories from the French Underground Press (Century Book 33-124; 1970; 220 Pages; Adult Reading; ** ZERO Copies Listed on ANY of the Top-10 Bookseller Websites; VERY RARE; G/VG = $39);

PARKER, MELVIN – His Sister's Sins( Stag Books 292; 1979; Photo cover);

PARKER, PAM - “Vice to the Lovelorn” (Saturn Novel SN 1167; 1967);

PARKS, GOLDEN - “This Bed is Warm” (Brandon House 1076; 1967);

PARRIS, BARNEY - “Michelle, my Belle” (Dell 5606; 1971; photo cover );

PATRICK, LESTER – New Wife's Hunger (Eager Wife Books; ; Publisher's Consultant EW-119; 1982; Photo cover)

PATTON, JERRY - “Satan's Angel” (All Star AS 90; 1966);

PAUL, AUREN - “Fantastic Orgy” (Merit Book 656; 1963; photo cover );

PAULEY, J.H. - “The Women He Used” (SFT/;BRY B1094S; 1968; photo cover );

THE PEARL (Various/ Various; The Underground Erotica of Victorian England; Evergreen Black Cat Edition; 643 pages);

PENDANTER, MARCUS - “Slow Burn” (Midwood 37-314; 1969);

PERKINS, D.M. -“Deep Throat Part II (Dell 3239; 1974);

PETERS, FRITZ - “Finistere” (Lancer 73-456; 1966; photo cover ; Homosexuality); **** “Finistere” (Lancer 74-947; Homosexuality);

PETERS, ROBIN – The 24-Hour Orgy (Beeline BL-3135-6; Photo cover);

PETERS, STACI – Every Man for Anne (Beeline LL0539-M; 19681; Photo cover)

PETERSON, ROY - “The Girl Next Door” (Midwood 33-639; 1966);

PIKE, JASON - “Men in Bondage” (Chelsea Library 305; 1969);

PHILLIPS, NORMAN - “The Dream Peddlars” (Belmont/ Tower 50874; 1970);

PHILLIPS, TOM - “All About Amy” (Monarch 451; 1964; Cover art by Victor Olson); **** “Beyond All Desire” (Monarch 212; 1961; Cover art by Harry Barton);

PICCONE, JUDITH - “The Story of Mia” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-254; 1969; photo cover ; Lesbian );

PLATO, DOMINIC - “Confessions of a Movie Star” (France F64; 1963; photo cover );

POIRET, MAUDE - “Maid in Sweden” (Award Books A839N; photo cover );

POLLINI, FRANCIS - “Dubonnet” (Quartet 704; 1975; photo cover ); **** “Excursion” (Signet T4061; 1969; photo cover ); **** “Night” (Collectors Pub.; 1967);

POOLE, LEWIS - “The Million Dollar Night” (Domino Books 72-772; 1964; photo cover );

POPLIN, ALYSS - “Down on Me” (Midwood M-125-17; 1969; photo cover );

PORTER, GEORGE - “Excess Baggage” (Pad Library PL582; 1967);

POTTER, J.L. - “Jambalya Loverman” (Newstand Library U175; 1961);

PRENTISS, DAWN - “The Underaged, Oversexed Model” (Vixen Reader YR-408; 1975);**** “The Sensual Heiress” (Wizard 409; 1967); **** “Sorority Snob” (Chevron 110; 1967);

PRESTON, LILLIAN - “Lust for Youth” (Softcover Library B798X; 1965);

PRICE, MARJORIE - “A Lesson in Love” (Midwood F383; 1964; photo cover Lesbian ); **** “Anything Goes” (Midwood 32-526; 1965; photo cover; Lesbian );

PRIEST, J.C. (James Clark) - “Private School” (Beacon Signal Sixty B755X; 1964; Lesbians; Emmylou & Rhonda, Adolescent Girls taught each other about love; Wickedness & Vice at a Private School; GGA / Good Girl Art painted Cover of 2 Girls in Bikini / Swimsuits; VG = $20);

PRITCHARD, JANET - “One Hot Night” (Beacon B339; 1960 ); **** “Station-Wagon Wives” (Beacon B293; 1960);

PRUETT, HERBERT - “Lost Virgin” (Beacon Signal B618F; 1963 );

---- Q ----

QUIMME, PETER - “The Pleasure Quest of the R.S.P.' (Dell 7251; 1974; photo cover );

---- R ----

RADWAY, ANN - “Discotheque, Doll” (Brandon House 983;1966);

RAINEY, REX - “The Bad Scene” (Brandon House 1082; 1967; photo cover );

RAND, LOU - Rough Trade” [Original Title = "GAY Detective"] (Paperback Library 54-821; FIRST Time in PAPERBACK; 1965; B&W PHOTO cover depicting 2 Men; vintage Homosexual / Gay fiction; near FN = $12);

RAND, STEVE (pseudonym for Jay Bennett) **** “All Her Vices” (Monarch 193; 1961; Cover art by Marchetti);

RANDALL, RAFAEL - “Passion Pussy” (Luv-In LV 803; 1969; photo cover );

RANDOLPH, GREG - “Rock Me Baby!” (Intimate Edition 707; 1962);

RANDOLPH, MARK - “Unique Mistree” (Merit Book 685; 1963; photo cover );

RATED XXX – The Teacher's Humilation (Star Dist.; 1998; Photo cover); *** Traded & Degraded (Star Dist. RX-120; 1998; Photo cover)

READING, MARK - “End of Innocence”/ SUTTON, LORAINE - “Reckless Virgin” (Midwood 35-238; 1969; photo cover );

REAGE, PAULINE - “The Story of O” (Various; Various);

REBEL, ADAM - “Stable Boy” (Beacon B107; 1954);

REED, MARR P.J. - 'Women Without Men” (Gold Medal K1306; 9/1963; 2nd Print; Lesbian; Helen Yaldo queen of the Inmates at Kennetank Prison & Sadistic Matron; Painted cover);

REED, STACEY – Spring into Passion (Beeline BL5959-C; 1985; Photo cover)

REGEHR, ROBERT - “Cat with the Tongue” (Brandon House 1020; 1966; photo cover );

RENOIR, CONSTANCE - “Quest for Paradise” (Tigress Books TB 2045-M; 1983; photo cover );

REVELLE, G.G.- “Alcoholic Wife” (Beacon B330; 1960);

REVELLI, GEORGE - “Commander Amanda” (Dell 1338; 1970; photo cover ); **** “Resort to War” (Dell 7369; 1972; photo cover );

RHODES, MARVIN - “Career of Sin” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-371; 1970);

RIAND, FRANCOIS - “5 Nights in a Harem” (Pendulum 092; 1968 );

RICHARD, DONNA - “New Love” ( Softcover Library B1027X; 1967 ; photo cover );

RICHARD, LOUIS - “Secret Lusts” (Beacon B475F; 1962); **** “And Sex is the Payoff” ( Beacon Signal B565F; 1962); **** “The Sex Pulse” (Beacon B425F; 1961);

RICHARD, DONNA – 'The Sad Gay Life” (Domino Books 72-742; 1964; photo cover ; Lesbian );

RICHARD, FRANK - “Sex Nut” (France F22; 1962; photo cover Gatefold; Lesbian );

RICHARD, LEE - “The Eager Beavers” (Beacon Signal B628F; 1963 ); **** “Hell Strip” (Gold Medal 495; 1955; Cover Art by Lu Kimmel); **** The Punks (Beacon-Signal Sixty / Export Book Pub #B706X; 1964; Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada; PBO/Paperback Original; Adult Sex book about Teachers & High School Teenagers; GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; SCARCE; Writing on inside front cover, VG+ = $15.00); 

RICHARD, MARK - “Hard Up in Malibu” (Driveshaft Library DS 134; 1983; photo cover Homosexual );

RICHARDS, RICK - “Abnormal” (Midwood F187; 1962);

RICHEY, EDWARD - “Back-Door Virgin” (Marksman M4028; 1975);

RICHMOND, ROE - “The Chaer” (Merit Book 6M481; 1964; photo cover );

RICO, DON - “The Unmarried Ones” (Beacon Signal Sixty B713X; 1964; Lesbian );

RIMEL, DUANE - Carnal Psycho (Novel Book 5052) Fiendish Psycho Killer murders beautiful Women;

 (Novel Book 5052; July/1961; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 160 Pages; GGA {Good Girl Art} illustrated Cover.Fiendish Psycho Killer with a grudge, starts killing the other guy's beautiful Girlfriends; Strictly Adults Only! (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide)Slight Spine Slant, Very Good+ = $18.00;

RIMMER, ROBERT H. - “That Girl from Boston” (Macfadden-Bartell 60-270; 1966);

Rivere, Alec (Pseudonym of Charles Nuetzel) - Wantons of Betrayal” (Scorpion Books 102; LATER Revised

as George Fredrics: “Operation Nightmare”; 1964);

ROBERT, DANIEL - “The Splendors of Passion” (Brandon House 3033; 1968);

ROBERTS, HERB - “Bedrooms are not for Sleeping” (Beacon Signal B562F; 1962 ); **** “The In Group” (Softcover Library B833X; 1965); **** “Love in the Shadows” (Beacon Signal B589F; 1963; Lesbian ); **** “Love-Hungry Women” (Beacon Signal B540F; 1962); **** “Motel Mismates” (Beacon Signal B497F; 1961); **** “Strange Wife” (Beacon Signal SixtyB750X; 1964; Lesbian); **** “Strange Wife” (Softcover Library S75146; 1970; Lesbian );

ROBINSON, ALAN - “Wildcat” (Leisure Book LB 672; 1965 );

ROGET, A.L. “Madame Kozik's Girls” (Domino Books 72-734; 1964); **** “Where the Sin Is” (Domino Books 72-744; 1964);

ROMNEY, G.L. - “Sex Away From Home” (New Chariot Library 7C-905; 1963);

ROSS, ALLEN V. - Bombay After Dark (Macfadden-Bartell; 60-314; 1968; PBO; Printed in Canada; PHOTO cover; 128 Pages; Temple Prostitutes with Drug BHANG, more intensely Erotic than LSD; Sex Show; Mass Orgies in  the Street; STAG Movies featuring INDIA’S top film stars; BOY BROTHELS where Women are the Customers; RARE TITLE; Weight = 80 Grams; FN+, near New = $25.00);

ROSS, COLIN - “The Mistress” (Beacon B196; 1958); **** “New York After Dark” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-228; 1966; photo cover );

ROSS, HAROLD - “My Mistress, My Wife” (BelmontB60-1002; 1969; photo cover );

ROTHSCHILD, RENE - “I Can Handle This Town” (Holloway House; 88-203; 1970; photo cover );

ROYAL, D. - “The Couch” (Tower 45-861; 1967);

ROYCE, LLOYD - “Carnal Playmate” (Merit Book 634; 1962); **** “Invitation to Passion” (Merit Book 698; 1963; photo cover ); **** “Perverted Drives” (Merit Book 6M419; 1963; photo cover );

RUBEL, JAMES - “The Fradulent Broad” ( Newstand Library 102; 1960); **** “The Fraudulent Broad” (Newstand Library U102; 1960); **** “The Wanton One” (Newstand Library U133; 1960);

RUSSO, BILL - “Substitute Wife” (Playtime 619; 1962); **** “Warped Passions” (Boudoir 1022; 1962; photo cover );

RUSSO, PAUL V. - “Corrupt Woman” (Midwwod F379; 1961; photo cover; Lesbian ); *** “Exotic Escapade” (Midwood 32-507; 1965; photo cover ; Lesbian ); **** “Image of Evil” (Midwood F328; 1963; photo cover ); **** Into the Fire” (Midwood 32-435; 1965; Canada; GGA / Good Girl Art LINGERIE Painted Cover; Lesbians Cover & Theme; RARE Title; VG = $59.00);  **** “Jill Harvey” (Midwood 151; 1962); **** “One Flesh” (Midwood 83; 1961; Lesbian ); **** “Pagan” (Midwood F282; 1963; Lesbian ); **** “Soft Shoulders” (Midwood 33-788; 1967; photo cover; Lesbian ); **** “Stag Starlet” (Midwood F88; 1961; photo cover );

RYDER, PHIL - “Naked Need” (Bachelor Book 508; 1966);

---- S ----

SAINT, R.J. - “The Big O” (Manor Books 15153; 1975; photo cover );

ST. CLAIRE, RALPH - “The Man-Eaters” (Viceroy VP-251; 1967; photo cover );

ST. GEORGE, DAVID - “Diamond Doll” (Bedtime Books 969; 1960);

ST, GEORGE, GEORGE - “Love a La Carte” (Tower 42-405; 1964; photo cover Photos from the Movie);


Christina's Awakening (Berkley 05997; 1983; photo cover; RARE; FN $49);

Christina's Desire (Playboy 16888; 1981; photo cover; Uncommon; VG/FN $17);

Christina's Ecstasy (Playboy; 1981; photo cover; SCARCE; VG+ $24);


ST. JOHN, AMANDA - Sweet Sisterly Flesh” (former Title = Lesbian Sisters; Beeline #LL0165-R; 1975; B&W PHOTO cover; Very Rare; Heavily Creased Covers thus FA, reading copy = $18)

ST. JOHN, BURTON - “One Touch of Satan” (Beacon Signal Sixty B712X; 1964); **** “Smoldering Women” (Beacon Signal B585F; 1963);

ST, MICHEL, MORGAN - “Nicole's Safari” (Charter 57394; 1984; photo cover );

SALAZAR, SUSAN - “Double Date” (Night Shadow NS 308; 1967);

SALEM, RANDY-Sex in the Shadows” (Softcover Library B799X; 1965; Lesbianism; PBO / Paperback Original; AL ROSSI Lesbians GGA/ Good Girl Art Painted cover; RARE; VG+ = $29.00);

SAND, ERIC - “The Seduction” ( Softcover Library B800X; 1965; photo cover );

Sanders, W. Franklin (Willeford, Charles)

Whip Hand” (Gold Medal S1087; 1961; Abbett-c; VG = $100);

SANDERSON, DOUGLAS - “Dark Passions Subdue” (Avon AT67; 1953; Homosexual);

SANDESON, MARK - “The Shame Racket” (Regal Novel RN 1136; 1967);

SANTINI, ROSEMARY - “The Girls From M.O.T.H.E.R.” (Lancer 78680; 1971; photo cover );

SARGENT, RICHARD - “There are no Angels” (Kozy Book K112; 1960);

SARTONE, MATT - “3 Willing Females” (Novel Book 5084; 1962; photo cover );

SARVER, STEVE - “The Arrangers” (Softcover Library B889X; 1965); **** “The Part-Timers” (Softcover Library B926X; 1966); **** “Weekend women” (Beacon Signal SixtyB776X; 1964); **** “The Wild Weekend” (Softcver Library B1029X; 1967; photo cover );

SAVAGE, GEORGE - “The Affairs of Laura” (Beacon Signal SixtyB729X; 1964; Cover Art by Maguire); **** “The Deal Makers” (Beacon Signal B521F; 1962); **** “Runaway Wife” (Beacon B442F; 1961); **** “Suburban High School” (Beacon Signal B770X; 1964); **** “Suburban High School” (Beacon Signal B494F; 1961); **** “Toni” (Beacon Signal SixtyB686X; 1963; photo cover);

SAVAGE, J.J. - “Jezebel '69” (Triumph TNC 334; 1969);

SAVAGE, JAMES - “Filth for Sale” (Period M-104; 1961);

SAVAGE, KIM - “Helena's House” (Beacon Signal SixtyB705X; 1964);

SAXON, JOHN - “Kept Woman” (Century Book 108; 1947); **** “Passionate Tigress” (Domino Books 72-673; 1963);

SCHNECK, STEPHEN - “The Nightcleck” (Grove Press 6376; 1966; photo cover );

SCOTT, ARJAY - “The Sex Game”/ PHILLIPS, ARY - “Young and Hot” (Midwood 35-966; 1968; photo cover );

SCOTT, DICK - “Starlet” (Midwood 37-313; 1969);

SCOTT, EVE - “The Strangest Kiss” (Domino Books 82-112; 1966; photo cover; Lesbian );

SEABROOK, LESLIE - “The Wexford Coed” (Signet P3257; photo cover );

THE SEA WOLF; (The Adult Version; Calga Pub. CP 807; 1970);

SEELEY, JR. E.S. - “Passion Club” (Chariot CB 177; 1961); **** “Sorority Sin” (Softcover Library B819X; 1965; Lesbian );

SELLERS, CONNIE - “Private World” (Newstand Library U120; 1959); **** “Willing Women” (Novel Book 5019l; 1961);

SEMPLE, GORDON - “Waterfront Blonde” (Beacon B352; 1960);

SEX BLITZ (All Star 511; 1961; photo cover );

THE SEXUAL DIGEST (Pendulum 081; 1968; Lesbian );

SHAFFER, TERRY - “All About a Tease”/ COMSTOCK, J.C. - “Base in the Woods” (Midwood 34-634; 1966; photo cover Illustrated); **** “For Want of Love”/ WOODS, MERRY - “Woman in Torment” (Midwood 34-662; 1966; photo cover); **** “Young and Restless”/ STEVENS, GUS - “Three Easy Lessons” (Midwood 34-651; 1966; Illustrated);

SHARON, SYLVIA - “From Torment to Rapture” (Lancer 74-831; 1964; photo cover ; Lesbian ); **** “No Barriers” (Domino Books 72-792; 1965); **** “Rapture for Three” (Domino Books 72-931; 1965; photo cover ); **** “The Sins of Tonia” (Domino Books 72-729; 1964; Lesbian ); **** Sweet Torment” (Domino Books 72-718; 1964; photo cover ; Lesbian );

SHAW, ANDREW - “Shame Mates” (Evening Reader ER 719; 1964); **** “Village of Despair” (Leisure Book LB1173; 1966);

SHAW, KENNETH - “Mock Marriage (Midwood 32-537; 1965);

SHAW, WILENE - “The Fear and the Guilt” (Ace S-80; 1954; Lesbian );

SHELDON, ROBERT H. - “The Sex Artists” (Classic Pub. CP527; 1969);

SHERMAN, DAVID - “Four Can Play as Well as Three” (Eros Golddstripe GK-41; No date);

SHERMAN, JOAN - “Backwoods Girl” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-309; 1970; photo cover ); **** “Hideaway” (Macfadden-Bartell 60-455; 1970); **** “Suzy” (Beacon Signal SixtyB739X; UPD Book Export, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 2nd Printing; 1964; Painted cover); **** “Wild Fruit” (Beacon B367; 1960);

SHERWOOD, DANNI - “So Strange a Love” (Midwood F363; 1964; photo cover; Lesbian );

SHIELD, FRANK - “Thursday's Girls” (Playtime S 753; 1965);

SHIPWRECK, MATT - “Hot Bed” (Novel Book 5061; 1961; photo cover );

SHOLE, ANDREW - “Sin Beach” (Pillar Book PB 816; 1963);

SHORT, BETTY - “The Black Night” (Fabian Novel Z112; 1958); **** “High Pillow” (Fabian Novel Z122; 1958);

SHORT, JACKSON - “Getting Shafted”(Dell 2802; 1973; photo cover ); **** “The Au Pair Girls” (Warner 78-266; 1974; photo cover );

SHUBIN, SEYMOUR - “Floating Bedroom” (Beacon Signal B577F; 1963);

SILVER, HY - Bogus Lover (Newsstand Library Magenta Book U136; 4/1960; Pilot Edition; She used her LUST body as Bait in a Deadly Game of Deceit!  192 Pages);

SIMMONS, LAURIE LEE - “Down Home” (Belmont/ Tower BT 50991; 1976);

SIMMS, LARRY - “Lesbo on the Make” (New Chariot Library” 6C638; 1963; photo cover; Lesbian );

SIMON, GEORGE - “Hired Girl” (Chariot CB-1603; 1961); **** Love Tutor” (Beacon Signal B624F; 1963; GGA Painted Lingerie cover; Love-Starved Teacher & High School Boy; SCARCE); ; **** “Sex Off Limits” (Softcover Library B804X; 1965); “Sin Gym” (Chariot CB-1609; 1962; photo cover ); “Wild Bride” (Chariot CB 190; 1961);

SIMPSON, RONALD - “Eve's Apple” (Monarch 468; 1964; Cover Art by Harry Barton);

SINCLAIR, IRVING - Pagan in Silk” (Travelers Pocket Library 104; 1949; G/VG = $14);

SINCLAIR, MARIANNE - “The Corruption of Innocence” (Macfadden 50-191; 1964; Lesbian );

SINGER, NORMAN ***  Curtain of Flesh; **** The Lay of the Land;

SJOMAN, VILGOT - “I am Curious” (Blue; Grove Press B-238; 1970; over 270 photo illustrations);

SKINNER, MICHAEL - “Blondes Don't Give a Damn” (Kozy Books K179; 1963);

SKINNER, MIKE - Flight Into Sin” (Midwood / Tower #F220; 1962; Lesbian & Bi-Sexual; Paul RADER Sexy Busty Blonde Girl in see-thru Negligee Lingerie GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; Canadian simultaneous PBO Edition; Very RARE Title; FA/G = $18.00); **** “Goddess of Trouble” (Novel Book 5043; 1961; photo cover ); **** “The Passionate Virgin” (Midwood F235; 1963);

SKIR, LEO - “Boychick” (Belmont/ Tower 50260; 1972; Homosexual);

SLAVE GIRLS – Daddy's Sex Slave (Star Dist.SG-114; 1995; Photo cover)

SMITH, BEN - “Wanton” (Beacon B323; 1960);

SMITH, GEORGE H. - “The Farmer's Other Daughter” (Novel Book 7505; 1963; photo cover ); **** “The Gorgeous Devil” (Newstand Library 503; 1959); “Sadist on the Loose!” (Novel Book 5012; 1960); **** “Satan's Mate (Newstand Library 507; 1960); **** “Torrid Tramps” (Novel Book 6029; 1962; photo cover ); **** “Virgin Mistress” (Pike Book 203; 1961; photo cover );

SMITH, WALLACE - “Bessie Cotter” (Berkley G-112; 12958; photo cover );

SMYTHE, JOSEPH HILTON - “The Sex Probers” (Beacon Envoy 104F; 1961); **** “The Sex Probers” (Award Books AO1497; 1975; photo cover );

SMYTHE, PETER - The Truth About Baalstone (E.L. Pub.; l-19; 1968; New York, NY, USA; 154 pages; 1st Edition by Publisher; ADULTS ONLY; SCARCE; G/VG = $16.00);

SNAVELY, ADAM - “Bait” (Kozy Book K124; 1961); **** “The Big Flick” (Kozy Book K122; 1961); **** “Love Drive” (Kozy Book K181; 1963); **** “Wine, Women and Love” (Kozy Book K160; 1962);

SOMMERS, HARRIET – Torchy Teacher (Beeline BL-5106-4; photo cover);

SORRELL, PHILLIP – 'Doctors' Women” (Beacon B486F; 1962);

SPAIN, NICHOLAS - “Name Your Vice” (Kozy Book K189; 1963);

SPAIN, VICKI - *** “The Silken Underground” (Domino Books 72-952; 1965; photo cover ; Lesbian );

SPAULDING, MICHAEL - “Anything Under the Sun” (Midwood F355; 1964; photo cover );

SPECKLER, RICHARD H. - “The Doctor's Dictum” (Europa Novel 101; 1968);

SPUDS, JUDD - Naked Outlaw (Luxuries of Lust = Original Title)  (Beeline #LL0899-0; 1986; 1st New Edition by Publisher; Naked Blonde Girl in See-Thru Top & No Bottom, GGA / Good Girl Art PHOTO cover; Sexy Stud on the Wrong Side of the Law; RARE; VG = $19.00); 

STAHL, DONALD - “Hokey” (Ace 34130; 1968);

STANFIELD, J.H. - Corporate Slut (Beeline LL0963-6; photo cover ) *** Sweet Sheets (Liverpool Classic 0090; 1989; photo cover);

STANTON, CARL - “Winners, Losers, and Lovers” (Barclay House 7373; 1973; photo cover );

STANWYCK, LOGAN - “Cherry Willing” (E.LO. Pub.; L-30; 1968);

STARK, JACK - “Killer Passion” (Anchor WL 117; 1965);

STARR, MICHAEL - “Hollywood Stripper” (Night Shadow NS 304; 1966);

STARR, TINA - “Mistress of Desire” (Pleasure Books 43130; 1980; photo cover );

Steele, Brent -- "Strong In the Saddle" (MIdwood #G1397; 1979; Very RARE; ZERO copies Listed on any of the Top-10 Bookseller Websites; Frontier Life wasn't rugged for Gals who knew when to say Yes; Untamed Beauty; Gloria, the only survivor in the Western Wilderness; Raped by an Indian; VG = $22.00).

STEELE, MONTE - “Bachelor Apartment (Playtime 635; 1963); **** “Edge of Evil” (Playtime 622; 1962); **** “Love Champ” (Playtime 664; 1964); **** “Million Dollar Tramp” (Playtime 629; 1963);

STERLING, BONNIE - “Never Trust a Lady with a Round Bed” (Private Editions PE387; 1966);

STEVENS, GUS - “For Love or Money”/ FIELDS, VIN – “Office Tease” (Midwood 35-941; 1967); **** “The Thing About Susan” (Brandon House 985; 1966; photo cover ); **** Virgin Wife (Novel Book 6N234; 1963)

 (Novel Book 6N234; 1963; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. GGA {Good Girl Art} PHOTO Cover.  127 Pages; She was a Highly Sexed, Voluptuous Beauty, who had been left horribly frustrated, and at the same time strangely inhibited; By what unique, secret and shocking way could this young Venus be exploded from her shell of paralyzed over-sensuality? Strictly Adults Only! (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; RARE Title in ANY Grade); Moderate Spine Slant, Very Good = $24.00; **** “Why Play Games?” (Midwood 33-700; 1966);

STEVENS, O.J. - “Untamed Flesh” (All Star AS48; 1965);

STEVENS, TONI - “Forbidden Interlude”/ BROOKS BARBARA - “Just You, Just Me” (Midwood 34-462; 1965; photo cover; Lesbian ; Illustrated ); **** “Rich and Reckless” (Midwood 32-569; 1965);

STEVENS, TRISHA - “Madame Erika's Girls” (Pocket Books 78333; 1973; photo cover );

STEWART, JEFF - “Boudoirs are my Beat” (Pillow Book 104; 1962; photo cover );

STOKES, MANNING - “Girl on a Couch” (Beacon B409F; 1961); **** “Triangle of Sin” (Beacon B276; 1959; Lesbian );

STONE, THOMAS - “Raging Passions” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-385; 1971);

STONEBRAKER, FLORENCE - “Can Love be Wrong?” (Domino Books 72-666; 1963; photo cover ; Lesbian ); **** “Kept Sisters” (Beacon B388; 1961 ); **** “Love Doctor” (Macfadden-Bartell 50-370; 1967); **** “Love Doctor” (Belmont 234; 1961; cover art by Maguire); **** “Lust for Love” (Beacon B321; 1960); **** “Pawn of Love” (Belmont B50-800; 1967); **** “Strange Sinner” (Macfadden-Bartell 60-383; 1969; photo cover ); **** “Who Knows Love?” (Lancer 72-654; 1962; Lesbian );

STOREY, PHILIP - “Fifty Dollar Broad” (Playtime 710-S; 1964);

STORM, CHRISTOPHER - “Young Duke” (Softcover Library B1022; 1967);

STRAND, BUNNY - “The Bedroom Imposter” (Boudoir 1041; 1963);

STRANGE LUST (Private Edition PE 311; 1963; Lesbian );

STREET, HARRY - “The Gilded Lily” (Collectors Pub.; 1967);

STRICK, MARV - “Beatnik Ball” (Pike Books 102; 1961; photo cover );

STRUNK, GORDON B. - “Sexpots in Left Field” (Anchor WL 107; 1965; photo cover );

STUART, CLAY - “His Brother's Wife” (Softcover Library B974X; 1966 );

SUCKIT, MARY - “Yvonne” (Grove Press V-1010; 1970; photo cover );

SWAN, ANTHONY - “Boy and Woman” (Softcover Library B-1007; 1967);

SWANSON, GREGORY - “The Hayloft” (Beacon B320; 1960);

SWENSON, PEGGY(Pseudonym of Richard E. Geis) -“Pleasure Lodge” (Midwood F223; 1962); **** “Sea Nymph” (Midwood F247; 1963);

SWIVEN, JASON - “Pampered Women” (Beacon Signal B558; 1962);

SYDNEY, CYTHIA - “For Love or Money”/ PITMAN, DANA - “Hard to Handle” (Midwood 34-755; 1967; photo cover ); **** 'Give and Take” (Midwood 32-604; 1966; photo cover ); “Lost and Found” / ROOTE, LESLIE - “The Go'Go Girls” (Midwood 34-611; 1966; photo cover Illustrated); **** “The Love Business” (Midwood 33-640; 1966);

---- T ----

TAYLOR, ANN - “Barrel of Bastard” (Brandon House 1007; 1966); **** “In and Out” (Ophelia Press OPH-146; 1969); **** “Sweet Madness” (Brandon House 1083; 1967; photo cover );

TAYLOR, JANICE - “Girls Together” (Olympic Photo – reaer F105; 1968; photo cover ; Lesbian Photo Illustrations);

TAYLOR, R.W. **** “Whiplash” (Gold Star books #1L7-31; USA; 1964; PBO /Paperback Original; GGA/ Good Girl Art - Blonde Girl in Black LINGERIE Painted cover; Syndicate Killers & Local Mob; Hardboiled crime novel & Sex novel; G/VG = $5);

TAYLOR, VALERIE - The Girls in 3-B” (Crest #S290; 1959; Canada; PBO = Paperback Original, 1st Printing; Vintage LESBIAN fiction; LINGERIE & 3 Girls GGA Painted cover; VG/FN = $39);

**** “Strange on Lesbos” (Crest S355; 1960; Lesbian ); **** “Strange on Lesbos” (Crest D1876; No Date ; Lesbian );

TELLIER, ANDRE - “Twilight Men” (Lion Books 24; 1950; Homosexual); **** “Twilight Men” (Pyramid 537; 1957; Homosexual);

TESCH, GERALD - “Never the Same Again” (Pyramid 602; 1959; Homosexual); **** “Never the Same Again” (Pyramid X-342; 1958; Homosexual);

THOMAS, DARIAN – Prison Bimbos (Beeline BL-3161-5; ; photo cover)

THOMAS, ERIC - “Love is a Three Letter Word” (Kozy Book K125; 1961); **** “Psycho Sinner” (Athena Books 113; 1961; photo cover ); **** “Strip for Murder” (Kozy Books K117; 1960);

THOMAS, J.C. - “How They do it in Rio” (Midwood M-125-11; 1969);

THOMAS, LEE - “A Woman’s Game” (Beacon Signal B554F; 1962);

THOMAS, LORETTA HAIG - “No Man’s Land” (Carousel Book 514; 1963; photo cover ; Lesbian );

THOMAS, VIRGINIA - “Speak the Sin Softly” (Travellers Pocket Library 106; 1949);

THOMEY, TEDD - “When the Lusting Began” (Monarch 178; 1960);

THOMPSON, BEN - “Virgins of Veldt” (Kozy Book K168; 1962);

THOMPSON, MIKE - “Don't Touch Me!” (Brandon House 981; 1966);

THORN, TED - “Deviates, Inc” (Boudoir 0016; 1964);

TIERNEY, TOM - “The Photograph” (Softcover Library B917X; 1966; photo cover );

TOD, NICK - “Love on the Rocks” (Kosy Book K186; 1963);

TOREN, HELLER - “Not for Beginners” (Pocket Books 77580; 1972); **** “Strange Games” (Pocket Books 78288; 1973; photo cover );

TORRES, TERESKA - “The Dangerous Games” (Crest S243; 1958; Lesbian ); **** “The Dangerous Games” (Crest S442; 1961; Lesbian ; Cover art by McGinnis); *** “The Golden Cage” (Avon T-448; 1960; photo cover ; Lesbian );

TOTAL SUBMISSION (Macho Books MB-4; 1981; Homosexual );

TOWARD, GEORGE - “Come Sin With Me” (Newstand Library U138; 1960);

TOWNSEND, JACK - “Doll Baby”/ NELSON, CONNIE - “Beach Party” (Midwood 34-677; 1966);

TRAINER, RUSSELL **** “The Jealous Lover” (Classics Library CL-13; 1967); **** “Lonesome Widow” (Beacon Signal b595; 1963); **** “Love Staved” (Midwood F361; 1964; photo cover ); **** “The Male Lolita” (Macfadden-Bartell 75-280; 1969); **** “Too Good to Be True” (Chevron 107; 1967); **** “Trouble-Maker” (Midwood 32-480; 1965); **** “The Warden's Wife” (Beacon Signal B510F; 1962);

TRALINS, BIG BOB - '”Hired Nympho” (Novel Book 5077; 1962; photo cover );

TRAUBE, RUY - “Memoirs of a Beach Boy Lover” (lancer 78-627; 1969);

TRAVIS, JOHN - Bitter Choice (Two-Books-In-One)  MASTERS, NICK - Shadow Love (Midwood 34-832; 1967; 1st Printing; Printed in USA; LESBIAN); RADER Lesbians GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; RARE TITLE; Wrinkles to Front Cover, Rubbing Wear to Back cover, thus VERY GOOD = $59.00;

TRAVIS, BEN - “The Strange Ones” (Beacon B226; 1959; Homosexual ); *** “The Strange Ones” (Softcover Library B899X; 1965; Homosexual);

TRELOS, TONY - “Sophisticated Sinner” (Brandon House 918; 1965);

TREMONT, PHILIP - “Easy Love” (Monarch 242; 1962; Cover art by Harry Barton; Macfadden-Bartell 60403; photo cover );

TREMONT, VICTOR - “Surrender to Passion” (Merit Book 524; 1961; photo cover ); *** “Unconventional Beauty” (Merit Book 687; 1963; photo cover );

TRINIAN, JOHN - “A Game of Flesh” (Domino Books 72-678; 1963); **** “The Savage Breast” (Gold Medal S1104; 1961); **** “The Savage Breast” (Macfadden-Bartell 80-330; 1968; photo cover ); **** “Strange Lovers” (Macfadden-Bartell 60-301; 1967; photo cover ; Lesbian );

TRYON, MARK – 'The Fire That Burns” (Berkley G-220; 1995); **** “The Sinning Lens” (Berkley G-206; 1959; photo cover );

TULARE, AUGUST - “Painful Paradise” (Pompeii Press PP 7007; 1968);

TURNER, MIKKI - “Color it Wild” (PEC HES 104; 1967);

TURNER, ROBERT - “Cheater” (Beacon B432; 1961); **** “Strange Sisters” (Beacon B526F; 1962; Lesbian ); **** “Woman Chaser” (Beacon B464F; 1962);

TYGRE - “Love's Second Chance” (Tigress Books 2039; 1983; photo cover );

TYLER, GREG - “He Kissed Her There” (Uptown Book 700; 1962);

---- U ----

UZZI, JACK - “Taking a Turn for the Nurse”/ KASE, JUSTIN - “Nurse Kate's Playmates” (Beeline DN6623-1; 1982; photo cover );

---- V ----

VAIL, THOMAS - “Forty Dollar Women” (Nite Time 124; No date); **** “Girls in the High Spike Heels” (All Star AS7; 1963; Lesbian ); **** “Sex Store” (Rapture Book RB 405; 1964); **** “Torrid Affair” (Merit Book 547; 1962);

VAILLAND, ROGER - “A Young Trout” (Fontana 1391; 1966; photo cover );

VAN HELLER, MARCUS - “Cruel Lips” (Venus Library V-1039-T; No Date); **** “The House of Borgia” (Carroll and Graf; 1984; photo cover ); **** “Seduction of 'Suzy'; Gypsy Child Virgin” (Collectors; 1967); **** “The Whip Mistress” (Ophelia Press OPH-152; 1969); **** “With Ope Mouth” (Collectors; 1967);

VASSI, MARCO – Tackling the Team (Beeline LL-0261; 1977; photo cover)

VERCORS - “Paths of Love” (Berkley Medallion F579; 1961; photo cover ; Lesbian );

VICKERY, WALT - “Cleopatra's Blonde Se Rival” (France F15; 1962; Cover Art Princeotta);

VILETTI, MARCO - “Cry Rape” (Beacon B454F; 1961);

VILLANOVA, RICHARD - “A Game for Grown-Ups” (Softcover Library B975X; 1966);

VINCENT, GABRIELLE - “Woman Alone” (Beacon Signal B501F; 1961); **** “Woman Alone” (Softcover Library B942X; 1966);

VINCENT, JAY - “The Hostesses (Softcover Library B930X; 1966);

VINCENT, JOAN - “Divorcee (Midwood 32-401; 1964);

VON BLOCK, B.W. - 'Frustrated American” (Lancer 73-417; 1963);

VON BLOCK, BELA - “Only the Best Pieces” (Dell 6745; 1974; photo cover );

VON FALKENSEE, MARGARETE - “Blue Angel Nights” (Nexus; 1993; photo cover );

VON SODA, BERNHARDT - The Beaten and the Hungry” (Pendulum; 1967);

---- W ----

WADD, CHANNY - “God's Little Faker” (Beeline 162; 1967);

WALKER, ADAM - “Carnal Lust” (Merit Book 546; 1962);

WALKER, ENID - SHE-MASTER (Olympic Foto-Reader F-102; 1967; Loaded with pictures; photo cover)

WALL, EVANS – 'Swamp Girl” (Pyramid F-809; 1962); **** “Swamp Girl” (Pyramid G524; 1960); **** “Swamp Girl” (New English Library 009238; 1971); **** “Wedding Night” (Beacon B331; 1960; Lesbian );

WALLACE, WAYNE - “The Reluctant Swinger” (Brandon House 1085; 1967; photo cover );

WALLACE, WOLF - “The Hive” (Softcover Library B948X; 1966);

WALSE, RUTH M. - “Alcoholic Woman” (Beacon B229; 1959);

WALTER, EUGENE - “Love You Good, See You Later” (Macfadden-bartell 60-217; 1965);

WALTERS, HANK - 'Dammit – Don't Touch my Broad!'” (Novel Book 3507; 1960); **** “Take Me!” (Merit Book 616; 1962; photo cover );

WALTON, STEPHEN - “No Transfer” (Signet P3376; 1968; photo cover );

WAND, DELLA - “On the Make” (Newstand Library U149; 1960);

WARD, BARBRA - “The Short Year” (Signet T3621; 1968; photo cover );

WARD, JONATHAN - “Fury” (Kozy Book K118; 1960); **** “Love Under Glass” (Kozy Book K116; 1962);

WARREN, PATRICIA NELL - “The Front Runner” (Bantam X8712; 1975; Homosexual);

WAYNE, GEORGE - “First Timer” (Swap and Swing Library 140; 1984; photo cover );

WEBER, MIKE - “The Passionate Prude” (Playtime 615; 1962);

WEBER, NANCY - $500” (Ace 24050; 1976; photo cover );

WEBSTER, SAM - “My Neighbor's Wife” (Monarch 385; 1963; Cover art Tom Miller); **** “Society Doctor (Monarch 404; 1964; cover art Harry Schaare); **** “Stolen Woman” (Beacon B453F; 1961);
WEISS, JOE - “Another Way of Love” (Domino Books 74-836; 1964; photo cover; Lesbian ); **** “Career Girl” (Midwood 33-789; 1967; photo cover ); **** “Fiery Redhead” (Midwood 34-712; 1966); **** “Gang Girl” (Beacon B372; 1961); **** “How Rouch can it Get?” (Avon 717; 1956; cover art by Marchetti); **** “How Rough Can it Get?” (Avon T-332; 1959; cover art by Milo); **** “Love Peddler” (Beacon BB141; 1957; cover art by Owen Kampen); *** “Passion Blues” (Beacon BB145; 1957; photo cover ); “Perfumed and Powdered” (Midwood 34-810; 1967; photo cover );

WEITZ, RICK - “Alley Cat” (Late Late Book LL211; 1967);

WELDON, REX - “Arouse Me!” (Novel Book 6051; 1962; photo cover );****  Peculiarly Passionate Pair (LESBIAN) (Novel Book 60115)  (Novel Book 60115; 1963; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. GGA {Good Girl Art} PHOTO Cover.  128 Pages;Lesbian's Sandra and Rose; Strictly Adults Only! (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; RARE Title in ANY Grade)Vertical crease in back cover, Blue Crayon writing on several pages inside, thus G/VG = $22.00; **** Perverse Triangle (Novel Book 6N223)  (Novel Book 6N223; 1963; Chicago, Illinois, USA;  PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Lingerie GGA {Good Girl Art} PHOTO Cover.  127 Pages;Man receives a Note accusing him of Rape on the day he had amnesia six months ago. Busty Blonde always waiting whenever he went.Strictly Adults Only! (Scarce; NOT Listed in Holroyd Guide; RARE Title in ANY Grade); Creasing to covers, Good+ = $18.00;**** “The Shy One”: (Brandon House 1046; 1966; photo cover ); **** “Stud for Hire” (Playtime 727-S; 1965); **** “A Wife for the Taking” (Brandon House 1075; 1967; photo cover );

WELLMAN, CATHERINE - “The Unforgiven” (Royal House 2004; 1968);

WELLMAN, DON - “Passion Puppet (Leisure Book LB 602; 1963);

WENZEL, BILL/ WOHL, CORNELIUS - “How to make a Good Airline Stewardess (Fawcett Gold Medal M2645; 1972; cover art & Illustrations by Bill Wenzel);

WEST, BEN - (Pseudonym of James W. Lampp) **** “Girl Wrestler” (Beacon B357; 1960; Lingerie GGA/ Good Girl Art Painted cover; SCARCE; VG but with Mailing Label on cover thus G/VG = $20.00);

WEST, EDWIN - “Young and Innocent” (Monarch 410; 1964; Lesbian ; Cover art by Maguire);

WEST, MARK - “His Boss' Wife” (Beacon B466F; 1962); **** “Object of Lust” ( Softcover Library B941X; 1966 ); **** “Object of Lust” (Beacon B468F; 1962); **** Office Affair (Beacon B4214; 1961; Printed in Canada; PBO; 156 Pages; GGA Sexy Lingerie Leg Stockings Painted cover; VG+ = $16.00)

WEST, PATRICIA – Sexpot Sue (Beeline LL0657-A; 1983; photo cover)

WEST, SUSANNAH - “Daytime in Suburbia” (Midwood 32-450; 1965);

WESTLEY, KIRK - “Innocent Wanton” (Macfadden 75-276; 1969; photo cover ); **** “Man-Chaser” (Macfadden 60-408; 1969); **** “Shanty Boat Girl” (Berkley G260; 1959);

WHELAN, RON - “Brute Passion” (Novel Book 6036; 1962);

WHITE, LEE - “The Satin Prince” (All Star AS91; 1966; Homosexual);

WHITE, ROSS - “Psycho Sinner” (Leisure Book LB 683; 1965);

WHITE, Jr., WM. M. - “Summer Swap” (Beacon Signal B579F; 1963);

WHITMAN, HOWARD -Let's Tell the Truth About Sex” (a Basic Guide for Parents; Monarch MB542; 1963; Sex Education; 1st Pbk Ed);

WHITTEN, ALLEN – Pupil's Oral Exam (Beeline CC3162-R; 1978; photo cover)

WHITTINGTON, HARRY - “Backwoods Shack”/ DUPERRAULT, DOUG -Spot Light on Sin” (Lancer 72-631; 1962);

WILDE, D. GUNTHER - “The Erotic Adventurers” (Belmont B75-228; 1968);

WILLIAMS, J.X. - “The Sindowners” (Companion Book CB544; 1967);

WILLIAMS, LOU - “Call Her Wanton” (Beacon BB149; 1957); **** “Shack Baby” (Beacon B136; 1957);

WILLIAMS, SANDRA - “A Woman's Need” (Beacon B41F; 1962);

WILLIAMS, WRIGHT - “Shock Treatment” (Beacon BB143; 1957; photo cover ); **** “Side Street” (Beacon B391; 1961); **** “Side Street” (Beacon B170; 1958; photo cover );

WILLIE, ENNIS - “Warped Ambitions” (Merit Book 6M480; 1964; photo cover );

WILLOW, PETER - “Special Assignment” (Wee Hours 503; 1966);

WINDHAM, DOUG - “Lisa's Lovers” (Chevron 111; 1967);

WINFIELD, DICK - “How to Make Out on Campus” (Belmont B50-750; 1967);

WINSTON, DAOMA - “Love Her, She's Yours” (Monarch 353; 1963); **** “Love Her, She's Yours (Star Books; No Date); **** “The Moderns” (Pyramid V3528; 1974; photo cover ); **** “The Other Stranger” (Beacon B193; 1958; Cover art by Saul Levine); **** “Pity my Love” (Belmont B50-793; 1967); **** “Tormented Lovers” (Monarch 263; 1962; Cover art by Harry Barton); **** “The Woman He Wanted” (Beacon B118; 1954); **** “The Woman He Wanted” (Beacon B172; 1958);

WINTER, TRUK – Her Pleasure Potion ( Beeline CC3143-R; 1978; photo cover)

WINTERS, DEE- “Offshore Resort” (Beacon Signal B507F; 1962);

WOLFFE, CHARLES X. - 'The Education of Ludia” (Beacon Signal SixtyB672X; 1963);

WOOD, CLEMENT - “Fair Game”(Beacon B178; 1958); **** “Studio Affair” (Beacon BB189; 1958);

WOODS, ELIZABETH - “Yellow Volkswagon” (Pocket Book 77338; 1971);

WOODS, KATHY - “Pavement Princesses” (Fawcett Gold Medal 1-3742-2; 1977; photo cover );

WOODS, MERRY - “Late at Night” (Midwood 32-553; 1965; photo cover ); **** “Small Town Sinner”/ O'BANNON, BRIAN - “Thrill Hungry” (Midwood 34-477; 1965; photo cover Illustrated by Victor Olson ); **** “Sweet Revenge” (Midwood 32-586; 1966); **** “Switch Time” (Midwood 32-600; 1966; photo cover );

Woodward, L.T., M.D. [Pseudonym of Robert Silverberg] - “I Am a Nymphomaniac” (Belmont B75-202; 1965; PHOTO cover; Uncensored case histories; PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" Tall. 157 pgs. (75 cent cover price). "The intimate stories of six women with uncensored case histories. (1) Monica - who never really had a father; (2) Luise - whose overstimulated body could never be satisfied; (3) Carole - who felt she could be popular; (4) Liz - the beautiful model who didn't want to be a lesbian; (5) Lonnie - who hated men, but couldn't even find satisfaction abusing them.; (6) Phyllis - whose terrible secret drove her to the beds of any and every men; Six Women - all with one common bond: an insatiable desire, that knew no bounds, for sexual release. And the sad knowledge that they would never achieve it. A revealing study of women in torment!" G/VG = $16);

Woodward, L.T., M.D. [Pseudonym of Robert Silverberg] . - “Sex Fiend” (Monarch MB511; 1961; Cover art by Maguire;

WORTLEY, RICHARD – Skin Deep in Soho (Panther Modern Society; photo cover; 1970)

WRIGHT Jr., MANN - “The Record Maker” (Brandon House 1061; 1967; photo cover ); **** “The Swinging Singles” (Brandon House 1116; 1967; photo cover );

WYNNE, ANDREW - “Have Heels, Will Travel” (Midwood F237; 1964; photo cover );

---- Y ----

YANKOWSKI, JOHN S. - “The Yankowski Report on Premartial Sex” (Holloway House HH-114; 1965; PBO; Includes 3 Case Histories; Includes; Dating Relationships, Petting, Going Steady, Smoking & Vices, Parents, Discipline, Church & Religion, Siblings, Age & intro to SEX, Race, Gender, Ethnic Origins, etc; Pre-Coital activity, auto-erotic sexual behavior, unusual erotic acts, homosexual behavior, etc; Rare Title; near FN = $19);

YORK, ALIX - “Good Time Girl” (Midwood 32-399; 1964; photo cover ); *** “Home Before Six” (Midwood F387; 1964; photo cover ); **** “The Love Pirate” (Midwood 32-455; 1965; Cover art by Paul Rader); **** “Pleasure Island” (Midwood 32-422; 1964);

YOUNG, SETH - “A Choice of Passions” (Paperback Library 54-647; 1968; Homosexual);

---- Z ----

ZIEGLER, BETTE - “An Affair for Tomorrow” (Jove A4525; 1978; photo cover );

ZILCHE, ADRIAN - “Two Week Orgy” (Playtime 744-S; 1965);

ZIMMERMAN, JESSE - “Nights of Sodom”/ PLYLER, DON M. - “The New Slave Masters” (Novel Book 7N787; 1965; photo cover );

(B) ADULT / SEX = (NON-FICTION paperbacks);

---- A ----

ABBOTT, SIDNEY/LOVE BARBARA - “Sapro Was a Right-On Woman” (Day Book 2308-7; 1978; photo cover ; Lesbian ; A Liberated View );

ABLEMAN, PAUL - “The Sensuous Mouth” (Ace 75890; 1970);

ADULT MOVIES (Pocket Books 46844-8; 1982; Movie Reviews and Selected Biographies of Stars);

ALDEN, TROY - “I am a Nympho” (Monarch MB 523; 1962; photo cover );

ALLEN, CHRIS - “1001 Sex Secrets Every Man Should Know ; Avon 1995 );

AMOROSO, DR. HERNI – Sexual Behavior and Customs of the French” ( Macfadden - Bartell 75-110; 1965 );

AMSTUTZ, H. CLAIR - “Growing up to Love” (Herald Press; 1965 ; photo cover ; a Guide to Sex Education );

ANONYMOUS M.D. - 'Confessions of a Gynecologist” (Bantam T777; 1974; Sexual Problems of Women);

ANONYMOUS - “Streetwalker” (Dell F126; 1961; photo cover ; Autobiography of a London Prostitute );

ANTELLE, YVONNE - 'How to Catch and Hold a Man'” (Pocket Books of Canada 10186; 1966);

ANTHONY, JOHN J. - “Marriage, Sex and Family Problems” (Hillman 21; 1949; photo cover );

ARANA, RIC - “Overseas and Oversexed” (Viceroy 256; 1967); **** “Military Personal Children Overseas” **** “Sex and the Modern Widow” (Viceroy 272; 1967); **** “Sex on the Psycho Ward” (Viceroy 268; 1967);

ARMSTRONG, LOUISE - “Kiss Daddy Goodnight” (Pocket Books 41656; 1979; photo cover ; Speaking Out About Incest);

ASHBEE, HENRY APENCER - “Index of Forbidden Books (Sphere; 1969; photo cover ; a Guide to Underground Victorian Literature);

---- B ----

BACH, DR. GEORGE R. / WYDEN, PETER - “The Intimate Enemy” (NEL 012344; 1972 ; photo cover ;How to Fight Fair in Love and Marriage);

BACH, DR. GEORGE R./ DEUTSCH, RONALD M. - “Pairing” (Avon 17376; 1974; photo cover ;How to Achieve Genuine Intimacy);

BAKER, LANCE & JILL - “We Followed the Swappers” (Late Hour Library 804; 1967; Mate Swapping);

BARBACH, DR. LONNIE - “For Each Other” (Signet AE2802; 1984; Sharing Sexual Itimacy);

BARBER, LYNN - “How to Improve Your man in Bed” (Pocket Books 78866; 1975; a How-To Book); **** “The Penthouse Sexindex” (Bantam B8721; 1975; from Penthouse Magazine);

BARNES, KENNETH C. - “He and She” (Penguin PH78; 1968; photo cover ; Sex Education);

BELLIVEAU, FRED/ RICTER, LIN - “Understanding Human Sexual Inadequacy” (Bantam QZ5959; 1970);

BENDER, CYNTHIA - “Casebook: the Feminie Experience of Orgasm” (Cameo 4010; 1970);

BENJAMIN, DR. HENRY - “The Transsexual Phenomenom” (Ace 82200; 1966; Sex Conversion Aspects);

BENJAMIN, M.D. - “The Folklore of Sex” (Viceboy 214; 1966; Sexual Practices from Ancient to Modern); **** “Sex Before Marriage” (ViceRoy 118; 1964);

BENNER, RALPH & SHIRLEY - “Sex and the Teenager” (Macfadden - Bartell 60-190; 1964);

BERG,DR. LEWIS / STREET, ROBERT – 'Sex: Methods and Manners” (Macfadden 50-120; 1962);

BERNE, DR. ERIC - “Sex in Human Loving” (Pocket Books 78517; 1971);

BIRD, LOIS - “How to Make Your Wife Your Mistress” (Bantam T7638; 1974; photo cover );

BISSHOP, GEORGE - “Sex and the American Housewife” (Viceroy” 113; 1964; Sexual Promiscuity of the American Wife);

BLAKE, ANDREW - “Topless” (Belmont B75-225; 1969; photo cover ; Case Histories of Exhibitionists);

BLAKE, DR.ROGER - **** 'Love Clubs, Inc!” (Century 009; 1966; Orgies); **** “Male Homo Swingers” (Century 33-122); *** “The Prostitutes of Europe” (Classics Library 4; 1965; 29 Case Histories);

BLOCH, DR. IVAN - “Sexual Life in England” (Corgi LG7566; 1967; Comprehensive Survey of English Morals); *** “Odoratus Sexualis” (Brandon House 2010; 1967; Sex and the Sense of Smell);

BOTTEL, HELEN - “Helen Help Us!” (Tempo 5355; 1970; photo cover ; Letters and Answers from Her Syndicated Column);

BOURNE, EVELYN - “The Anatomy of a Love Affair” (Pyramid R-1218; Every Girl's Guide);

BOVET, THEODOR - “A Handbook to Marriage” (Doubleday Dolphin C23; 1960);

BOYLE, LANCE - “The Changing Sexual Deviant” (Triumph TNC 119; 1968; Modern Sexual Perversions);

BRADLEY, MATT – New American Sexual Appetites (Brandon House 968; 1966);

BRADY, SHEILA - “Memoirs of an Ex-Porno Queen” (Pocket Books 78821; 1975);

BRANDDOCK, JOSEPH - “The Bridal Bed” (Corgi CG 1214; 1963; Collection of Customs through the Ages from Courtship to Consumption);

BRANDT, CARL - “A Question of Love” (Newfact Library 1017; 1969; What is Normal Sex?); **** “Is my Wife Faithful?” (Newfact Library 1012; 1969);

BRECHER, RUTH & EDWARD (ed.) “An Analysis of Human Sexual Response” (Signet T3038; 1966); **** “An Analysis of Human Sexual Response” (Signet Y4054; 1966);

BRENTON, MYRON - “The American Male” (Fawcett Crest T1045; 1967; How to Understand Him); **** “Sex Talk” (Fawcett Crest P1925; 1973; a New Way to Sexual Happiness);

BRESLIN, CATHERINE - “The Mistress Condition” (Manor Books 22116; 1976; Female Options in Love ad Sex);

BOOKS, ROBERTS - “Sex Black and White” (Dell 7877; 1971; photo cover ; Inter-Racial Sexual Relationships in America);

BROSS, BARBARA/ GILBEY, JAY – “Complete Sexual Fulfillment” (Signet Q3253; 1968; The Art of Love and Sex);

BROTHERS, DR. JOYCE - “What Every Woman Should Know About Men” (Ballantine 30848; 1983; photo cover );

BROWN, HELEN - “Outrageous Opinions” (Avon V2147; 1966; photo cover ; The Games Men and Women Play ); **** “Sex and the Office” (Various); **** “Sex and the Single Girl” (Various);

BROWN, JEREMY/ ONDAATJE, CHRISTOPHER - “Canadian Book of Sex and Adventure” (Signet YE44; 1980; Photo Illustrated);

BROWN, DR. WALTER C. - “The Single Girl” (Monarch MB 515; 1961; photo cover ; Contemporary Society Problems ; Lesbian , and a Host of Other Problems);

BROWN, WENZELL - “Bedevile D” (Monarch MB510; 1961; Cover Art by Bob Maguire; Sexual Aberrants Who Make Themselves Available to Prospective Killers); **** “The Kept Woman” (Lancer 74-897; 1967; photo cover ; Scientific Survey of this major aspect of America's sexual mores);

BROWNMILLER, SUSAN - “Against Our Will: Men, Woman and Rape” (Bantam; 1976);

BRUNO, MIKE/ WEISS, DAVID B. - “Prostitution U.S.A.” (Holloway House HH-117; 1965; photo cover );

BRYK, FELIX - “Sex and Circumcision” (Brandon House 2028; 1967; Phallic Worship and Mutilation in Men and Women);

BURGESS, ANN MARIE & MICHAEL - “The Girl Market” (Monarch MB 539; 1963; photo cover ; Prostitution Around the World);

BURGESS, PRESTON - “Confessions of a Married Man” (Lancer 74-852; 1966; Revelations of a Bisexual Husband);

BURNETT, STAN/ SEEGER, ALAN - “Prostitution Around the World” (Monarch MB532; 1963; Case history studies);

BURTON, SIR RICHARD - (Edited by Edward Leigh) - The Erotic Traveler (Swan Pub; #CNN-113; Toronto, Ontario Canada; PAINTED Cover by Brown; Exploration of bizarre sex rites and customs; Original & Unexpurgated Edition - illustrated; VG = $10.00);

BUTTERFIELD, DR. OLIVER M. - “Sexual Harmony in Marriage” (Emerson Books Inc.; 1967);

---- C ----

CADWALLADER/ NUDNICK - “The Little Black Book, a Manuel for Bachelors” (Arrow 903; 1966; photo cover ; Illustrated by R. Taylor );

CADY, ALEXANDER - “Hair and the Sex Drive” (Viceroy 357; 1969; Detailed Stories of this Fetish);

CAMPBELL, BEA - “Female Eroto-Mania” (Impact Library IL-104; 1967; The Driven World of the Insatiable Female);

CANFIELD, SHANNON/ STADIEM, WILLIAM - “Shannon Canfield's Passport: The Call Girl's World Travel Guide” (Dell 10288: 1977; photo cover );

CAPRIO, DR. FRANK S./ BRENNER, DONALD R. - “Deviations of Sexual Behavior” (Paperback Library 65-056; 1969; including dramatic case histories);

CAPRIO, DR. FRANK S. - “Sex and Love” (Hillman 177; 1960; A Guide to Sex Health and Love Happiness); **** “The Sexually Adequate Female” (Fawcett Gold Medal; 1966; illustrated by Josephine Terrill); **** “Unfaithful” (Crest Book D449; 1961; Why Married Couples Cheat);

CARLSON, ALLEN - “England's Sex Explosion” (Social Behavior Book 152; 1967; Incursion into the Moral & Environmental Conditions behind Scandalous Behavior);

CARR, JAY - “Crack-up in Suburbia” (Monarch MB522; 1962; cover art by Tom Miller, Sexual Mores & Moral of Ex-Urbanites);

CARR,ROBERT - “Beyond Open Marriage” (Belmont/ Tower 509 16; 1976; photo cover ; Sexual Lifestyles);

CARROL, ROSE - “Sex Life Among Savage People” ( Newstand Library Pocket Edition 124; 1950 );

CHANT, BARRY - “Straight Talk About Sex” (Whitaker; 1977; Cover art by Stephen Graham);

CHARTHAM, ROBERT – 'Advice to Women” (Signet Q5076; 1972; What every Woman Should Know About her Man); **** “Mainly for Wives” (Midwood 32-511; 1964; Guide to Practical Love Making); **** “The Sensuous Couple (Various); **** “Sex and the Over-Fifties” (Brandon Books 6221; 1969); **** “Sex Manners for Advanced Lovers” (NEL2531; 1970; photo cover ; Illustrated); **** “S is for Sex” (Corgi 0-552; 1972; photo cover ; Dictionary of Sexual Terms); ***** “What Turns Women On” (Penthouse/ Ballantine 23775; 1974; When in Doubt, Ask Them);

CHESLER, PHYLLIS - “About Men” (Bantam 12272-X; 1980);

CHESSER, DR. EUSTACE - “Love and the Married Woman” (Signet Q4166; 1971; Marriage Manual for Modern Woman); **** “Love Without Fear” (Various; How to Achieve Sex happiness in marriage); **** “Twentieth Century Woman” (Arrow 194; 1969; photo cover ; Sexual Behavior and Conditioning of Woman Today);

CHOISY, MARYSE - “Psychoanalysis of the Prostitute” (Pyramid R-708; 1962; photo cover );

CHRISTY, RICHARD - “The Sex Doctors” (Triumph TNC 109; 1967; Bizarre case Histories of Predatory Doctors);

CINBERG, DR. BERNARD L. - “For Women Only” (Dell 2678; 1964; Female Health and Well-Being All Aspects);

CALRK, DR. LEMON - “The Enjoyment of Love in marriage” (Crest Book S318; 1959); **** “The Enjoyment of Love in marriage” (Crest Book D645; 1964; a guide Sex as an Expression of Love and Pleasure); **** “101 Intimate Sexual Problems Answered” (Signet T3195; 1967); **** “101 More Intimate Sexual Problems Answered” (Signet T3630; 1968);

CLARKSON, ADRIENNE - “True to you in my Fashion” (New Press; 1972; photo cover ; A woman talks to men about marriage.);

CLAYTON, GEORGE - “Sex and Divorce” (Macfadden - Bartell 125-103; 1971; Marriage Failure Due to Sexual Maladjustment);

CLEUGH, JAMES - “A History of Oriental Orgies” (Dell 3647; 1970; a Guide to Erotic Eastern Practices.);

COFFIN, TRISTRAM - “The Sex Kick” (Avon V2197; 1967; photo cover ; Expose of Way of American Life.);

COLLYER, MARTIN - “Burlesque” (Lancer 74-828; 1964; Photo Illustrated; Story of an Unique American Institution);

COMBS, DR. LESLIE - “Cannibal Perversions” (Edka EK-136; 1967; Human savagery and cannibalism to attain sexual gratification.);

COMFOT, ALEX - “The Koka Shastra” (Ballantine U7009; 1966; East Indian sex manual for married men.); **** “Sex in Society” (Pelican A683; 1964);

COOKE, CHARLES E. / ROSS, ELEANORE - “Sex can be an Art” (Signet Q3347; 1968; Plain talk about sexual hang-ups.);

COUSINS, SHIELA - “To BEG I am Ashamed” (Corgi; 1960; The Biography of a Prostitute.);

COWELL, ROBERT (A.) - “Roberta Cowell's Story” (Lion Library LL50; 1955; photo cover ; Autobiography of a sex change.);

CROSS, DR. HAROLD H.U. - “The Cross report on Perversion (SFT/LBRY B794X; 1964; photo cover ; Sex Survey of Abnormal Behavior, with case Histories.);

CROWLEY, LIZ - “I Sell Love” (Monarch MB 508; 1960; photo cover ; Autobiography of a prostitute.);

CUBER, JOHN F. / HARROFF, PEGGY B. - “Sex and the Significant Americans” (Pelican A881; 1966);

CURB, ROSEMARY/ MANAHAN, NANCY - “Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence (Warner 32659; 1986);

---- D ----

DAIMLER, LISA - “The Underground Society” (Century 015; 1966; Biography of Mate Swapping);

DANIELS, DR. ANNA K. - “It's Never too Late to Love” (Pyramid Royal PR19; 1958; photo cover; Love, Sex and Happiness for mature Women);

DANIELS, RICK - “The Sexual Freaks” (Classics Library 41; 1968; Unique Case Histories fo Bizarre and Insoluble Sex Problems);

DAVIS, CARSON - “Taped Sex Histories” (Private Edition VP266; 1967; Off the Cuff Interviews);

DAVIS, MAXINE - “Sex and the Adolescent” (Perma Book M5028; 1960; Reference for Young Adults and Their Parents.); **** “Sexual Responsibility in Marriage” (Dell 7740; 1963); **** “The Sexual Responsibility of Women” (Perma Book M5009; 1959; photo cover ); **** “Woman's Medical Problems” (Pocket Book 957; 1953; photo cover );

DEAN, NANCY (as told to Jack Powers) - “Twenty Years Behind Red Curtains” (Newstand Library U111; 1959; Biography of a prostitute);

DE BEAUVOIR, SIMONE - “The Second Sex” (Bantam; 1961; photo cover; Woman in her many Dimensions, a Classic);

DE LEEUW, HENDRIK - “Sinful Cities of the Western World” (Pyramid 27; 1951; White slavery & prostitution);

DINGWALL, ERIC JOHN - “The American Woman” (Signet D1591; 1958; a historical study);

DONNER, JAMES - “Women in Trouble” (Monarch MB501; 1959; Cover art by Maguire; the truth about abortion in America.);

DRAPER, ELIZABETH - “Birth Control in the Modern World” (Pelican; 1972);

DUFFY, CLINTON T./ HIRSHBERG, AL - “Sex and Crime” (Pocket Books 75213; 1967; photo cover ; Is sex the motivation behind most crimes? );

DUNCAN, A.J. - “Case Studies of Fetishism” (Viceroy 349; 1969);

DUVALL, EVELYN MILLIS - “Facts of Love and Life for Teen-agers” (Various); **** “Love and the facts of Life” (Association Press; Various; photo cover ; What every teen-ager wants ti know.); / DUVALL, SYLVANUS M. - “Sense and Nonsense About Sex” (Keen-Age Reflection Book; 1962); **** “Why Wait until Marriage?” (Association Press; Various; photo cover );

---- E ----

EASTMANN, A.A. - “The Sex Seekers” (Viceroy 125; 1965; Is there a sexual fifth column in America?);

ECKERT, RALPH G. - “Sex Attitudes in the Home” (Popular Library G224; 1958; Sex Education);

EDWARDES, ALLEN/ MASTERS, R.E.L. - “The Cradle of Erotica” (Lancer 79307; No date; The Definitive Study of Exotic Afro-Asian sexual Behavior.);

EDWARDS, ALLEN - “The Jewel in the Lotus” (Various, a Historical Survey of the Sexual Culture of the east.);

EHRMANN, DR. WINSTON - “Premarital Dating Behavior” (Bantam 52149; 1960; photo cover ; Sex Behavior of American Youth. );

EICHENLAUB, DR. JOHN E. - “The Marriage Art” (Dell 5422; Various; Step by Step Guide to Sexual Joy in Marriage.); **** “New Approaches to Sex in marriage” (Dell 6307; 1968);

EJLERSEN, METTE - “I Accuse!” (Tandem; 1970; The Case for Clitoral Orgasm.);

ELLIS, DR. ALBERT - “The Art and Science of Love” (Various; Sexual Technique in Marriage.); **** “The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Man Hunting” (Dell 4058; 1966); **** / SAGARIN, EDWARD - “Nymphomania” ( Macfadden - Bartell – 75-157; 1965; a study of the oversexed woman.); ***** “Sex Without Guilt” (Hillman 106; 1959; photo cover );

ELLIS, HAVELOCK - “On Life and Sex” (Mentor MD191; 1957; Essays on Love and Virtue); **** “Psychology of Sex” (Mentor; Various); **** “Sex and Marriage” (Pyramid Royal 562; No Date);

ENGLISH, MARY - “How to Marry a Married Man” (Pinnacle P057N; 1971);

ERNST, MORRIS L. - “American Sexual Behavior and the Kinsey Report” (Bantam 227; 1948);

ESKAPA, SHIRLEY – 'Woman vs. Woman (Pan 1985; Wives and Mistresses the facts and Myths);

EVANS, JEAN - “Three Men” (Grove Press/ Black Cat BC-40; 1963; At Odds with Themselves and Society, a Delinquent, Necrophilia and a Homosexual);

EVERETT, MILLARD SPENCER - “The Hygiene of Marriage” (Eton; 1951; a Detailed Consideration of Sex and Marriage);

EXNER, DR. M.J. - “The Sexual Side of Marriage” (Pocket Book 500; Various; Sexual Problems of Marriage);

EYSENCK, H.J./ WILSON, GLENN - “The Psychology of Sex (NEL 51048; 1981; a Lively Look at Sex Today);

---- F ----

FAIRCHILD, J.E. (ED.) “Women, Society and Sex” (Premier Digo; 1962; The role of Women in Modern Society);

FAIRLY, JAMES B. - “Sex and the Doed” (Gold Star IL7-40; 1964; photo cover; Study of the Morals and Attitudes – and Her Prey);

FALLACI, ORIANA - “The Useless Sex” (Four Square 1895; 1967; photo cover; Modern Woman's Thoughts and Fellings);

FAREWELL, NINA - “Every Girl is Entitled to a Husband” (Macfadden - Bartell 75-116; 1964; Illustrated by Roy Doty; Tricks and Traps to get to the alter); **** “The Unfair Sex” (Popular/ Eagle Books G406; Various; Illustrated by Roy Doty; Expose of the Young Male.);

FARRELL, WARREN - “The Liberated Man” (Bantam 12070; 1978; Beyond Masculinity, Freeing Men and their relationships with women.);

FAST, JULIUS - “The Body Language of Sex, Power and Aggression” (Jove Y44443; 1978; photo cover ); ***** “What You Should Know About Human Sexual Response” (Berkley Medallion S1308; 1966); **** / WELLS, DR. HAL - “Bisexual Living” (Pocket Books 80173; 1975; photo cover; Men and Women with a Double Sexual Identity);

FIELDING, WILLIAM J. - “Sex and the Love Life” (Perma M-4019; 1955); **** “15 Sex Queens on Sex” (Novel Book 7N746; 1964; Photo Illustrated; Movie Stars Talk About Sex);

FIRESTONE, SHULAMITH - “The Dialectic of Sex” (Bantam Q5879; 1971; The Case for Feminist Revolution);

FISHER, DR. SEYMOUR - “Understanding the Female Orgasm” (Bantam Y7796; 1973; What Makes a Woman Respond Sexually?);

FLACELIERE, ROBERT - “Love in Ancient Greece” (Macfadden - Bartell 60-170; 1964; Love Customs in and Out of Wedlock);

FOLGER, JOHN - “Black on White” (Viceroy 240; 1967; A study of Miscegenation in America);

FORBERG, FRIEDRICH KARL - “De Figuris Veneris; The Manual of Classic Erotically” (Holloway House HH-137; 1967);

FORD, CLELLAN S. / BEACH, FRANK A. - “Patterns of Sexual Behavior” (Ace K-128S; 1960);

FOUCAUTE, MICHEL - “The History of Sexuality Vol. I: An Introduction” (Vintage V-26; 1978; photo cover);

FRANK, STANLEY – 'The Sexually Active Man” (Pyramid V-2074; 1969);

FRANK L, GEORGE - “The Failure of the Sexual Revolution” (NEL Mentor 23842; 1975; Connection Between Society and Sexuality);

FREEMAN, LUCY - “Search for Love” (Avon G1057; 1959; Problems of Modern Man); **** (ed.) “Troubled Women” (Signet D1925; 1961; photo cover; True Stories of Hidden Fears and Desires); **** / GREENWALD, DR. HAROLD - “Emotional Maturity in Love and Marriage” (Dell 2330; 1963; Examines all aspects of intimacy.);

FRIEDMAN, BETTY - “The Feminine Mystique” (Various);

FRIDAY, NANCY - “Forbidden Flowers” (Pocket Books 78936; 1975; Women's Sexual Fantasies); **** “Men in Love” (Dell 15404; 1981; Men's Sexual Fantasies); **** “My Secret Garden” (Pocket Books 43226; No Date; Women's Sexual Fantasies);

FRIEDMAN, BRUCE J. - “The Rascal's Guide” (Zenith Books ZB-12; 1959; Naught women and How to tame them.);

FROHMANN, D.L. - “Sex and the American Husband” (Viceroy VP-120; 1964; Analysis of American Male as lover);

FRY, MONROE - “Sex Vice and Business” (Ballantine 311K; 1959; Secret Ties between Vice and big business);

---- G ----

GALENA, DR. J.N. - “Sex in Groups” (Tower T-125-26; 1971; Group Sex in Middle Class America);

GALUS, HENRY S. - “Teen-age Bribes” (Monarch MB517; 1961; Cover art by Bob McGuire; Study of Premature Marriage); **** “Unwed Mothers” (Monarch MB524; 1962; Cover art by Bob McGuire; Alarming Rise in America with case histories);

GANTRY, MICHAEL - “Black Woman, White Man” (Dominion the 155; 1969; photo cover Case Histories); **** “Office Orgies and Other Business” (Triumph TNC 121; 1968);

GEDDES, DONALD PORTER/ CURIES, ENID (ed.) “About the Kinsey Report Signet Special 675”; 1948; Sexual Behavior in the Male);

GEDDES, DONALD PORTER (ed) “An Analysis of the Kinsey Reports on Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Female” (Mentor MD 108; 1955);

GILDER, GEORGE F. - “Sexual Suicide” (Bantam Y8522; 1975; Roles of Male and Female in Contemporary Society);

GILLETTE, DR. PAUL J. / DICKS, ROBERT H. (ed.) - “The Encyclopedia of Erotica” (Award A4970; 1969; Definitive Collection of Forbidden Erotic Works.);

GINZBERG, RALPH - “An Unhurried View of Erotic” (Ace K-119; 1960; an Informal and Witty Account);

GITTELSON, NATALIE - “The Erotic Life of the American Wife” (Dell 2344; 1973; a Survey of Her Sexual mores.);

GLASS, DR. ROBERT H./ KASE, DR. NATHAN G. - “Woman's Choice” (Signet T4690; 1971; a guide to Contraception, Fertility, Abortion, and Menopause.);

GLOVER, DR. LELAND E. - “A Sex Life of the Modern Adult” (Belmont L503; 1961; with Case Histories);

GOLDBERG, B.Z. - “The Story of Sex in Religion” (Grove Press/ Black Cat BC-23; 1962; Illustrated);

GOLDBERG, DR. HERB - “The Hazard of Being Male; Surviving the Myth of Masculine Privilege” (Signet E7359; 1977; photo cover );

GORDON, CAROLINE - “Beginner's Guide to Group Sex” (Pocket Books 78665; 1974);

GORDON, GARY - “The Anatomy of Adultery” (Monarch 448; 1964; aspects of adultery, legal, moral and residual.); **** “The Anatomy of Rape” (Monarch K70; 1963; a Comprehensive Study, Forcible, Statutory and Imagined.); **** “The Law and the Marriage Bed” (Monarch 472; 1965; photo cover ); *** “Sex in Business” (Monarch MB550; 1964; photo cover ); **** “Sins of our Cities” (Monarch MB525; 1962; Cover art by Rafael M. Desoto; Ever Increasing Lawlessness in Society);

GORDON, DR.RICHARD E./ GORDON KATHERINE K./ GUNTHER, MAX - “The Split Level Trap” (Various; Case History Survey of Moral, Social and Sexual Behavior in the Suburbs);

GOULD, LAWRENCE - “Your Most Intimate Problems” (Avon 200; 1949; Questions and Answers about sex, marriage and personality);

GRAHAM, LEE - “If you are a Woman” (Popular Library 692; 1954; photo cover ; The Facts of life about Women);

GRAHAM, LESTER - “No More Morals: The Sexual Revolution” (Pyramid V2440; 1971; Scenes from Around the World);

GRANT, DR. WILSON W. - “Love and Sex: What It's All About” (Zondervan Books; 1974; photo cover ; A Christian Viewpoint);

GRAY, FRANK - “Scoremanship” (Bantam N4749; 1969; New Approach to Success with Women);

GRAYSON, NORM - “The Sexual Psychopath” (Dominion TNC 153; 1969; How to Identify These Personalities, Case Histories);

GREENE, GAEL - “Sex and the College Girl” (Dell 7754; 1964; 602 Girls were interviewed from 102 school.);

GREENWALD, DR. HAROLD - “The Call Girl” (Ballantine; Various; a social and Psychoanalytic Study.); **** / KRICH, ARON - “The Prostitute in Literature” (Ballantine F399K; 1960);

GREENWALD, DR. JERRY - “Creative Intimacy” (Pyramid M4253; 1977; How to Break the Patterns that Poison your Relationships.);

GREER, GERMAINE – The Female Eunuch (Paladin1971);

GRUNGRUNWALD, HENRY ANATOLE - “Sex in America” (Bantam S2895; 1964; What are the Facts About Today's Sexual Revolution?);

GUIDE TO SEXULOGY; ILLUSTRATED (Paperback Library 55-901; 1965; Most complete book of sexual information ever compiled; by the editors of sexology magazine.);

GUNTHER, MAX-VIRILITY 8 (Playboy Press 16291; 1975; photo cover ; In Defense of the American Male);

GUTTMACHER, DR. ALAN F. - “Babies by Choice or by Chance” (Avon G1065; 1961; Legal and Illegal aspect of Birth Control and other aspects of conception.); **** “The Complete Book of Birth Control” (Ballantine U2136; 1966);

---- H ----

HALDA, FRANZ - “Sex til Seventy and After” (Official Health Pub.; Toronto; 1950; Complete Guide to a Lifetime of Sexual achievement and Happiness.);

HALL, SUSAN - “Gentleman of Leisure” (Signet J5524; 1973; photo cover Photo Illustration's of Silky the pimp and his women.); **** “Ladies of the Night” (Pocket Books 78733; 1974; photo cover ; Hundreds of photo illustrations of the sexual underworld.); **** “The Handful of Birth Control” (Harvard Medical Research/ RAF ; 1967; Medical Information for the Layman.);

HANLEY, JACK - “Let's Make Mary” (Hillman 120; 1959; Guide to Seduction in 8 Easy Steps);

HARKEL, ROBERT - “The Picture Book of Sexual Love” (Pent-R Books; 1972; photo cover ; Over 160 Photographs);

HARRIS, J. EDWARD - “Portrait of a Lover” (Lancer 79304; 1969; photo cover ; A Sensuous memoir);

HARRIS, SARA / FREEMAN, LUCY - “The Lords of Hell” (Dell 5038; 1967; photo cover ; Story of a Negro Procurer and a Southern White Prostitute from Taped Interviews);

HARRIS, SARA - “Nobody Cries for Me” (Signet S1613; Various; photo cover ; The Story of a Prostitute); **** “They Sell Sex” (Crest Book S352; 1960; The Call Girl and Big Business);

HARVEY, WILL - “How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress” (Pocket Books 78571; 1972); **** “How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress” (NEL 1973; photo cover );

HASTINGS, DR. DONALD W. - “Sexual Expression in Marriage” (Bantam Q3407; 1967; photo cover; a Modern Illustrated Guide);

HAYS, H.R. - “The Dangerous Sex: The Myth of Feminine Evil” (Pocket Books 75103; 1965); **** “The Dangerous Sex: The Myth of Feminine Evil” (Pocket Books 78192; 1972);

HELLER, JONATHAN - “Strange Bedfellows” (Viceroy 265; 1967; a bizarre study of the sexually deranged, Wite Case studies);

HENRIQUES, DR. FERNANDO - “Love in Action: The Sociology of Sex” (Dell X16; 1962);

HERNTON, CALVIN C. - “Sex and Racism in America” (Grove Press/ Black Cat B-306-Z; 1966; photo cover);

HILLIARD, DR. MARION - “A Woman Doctor Looks at Love and Life” (Perma Book M4144; 1960);

HINKEL, IDA (as told to Madeline Unger) “Hooker” (Dell 3766; 1974; photo cover; Autobiography of a Prostitute.);

HIRSCH, DR. EDWIN W. - “Modern Sex Life” (Various); **** “The Power to Love” (Pyramid X-727; 1962; Analysis of Sex in Society, Emphasis on Problems and Fears.);

HIRSCH, PHIL (ed.) - “The Cursed” (Pyramid R-1204; 1965; Sexual Cravings Outside the Law, Discussed by Doctors); **** (ed.); “The Worlds Greatest Lovers” (Pyramid T-2130; 1970; photo cover; Historical and Contemporary Lovers);

HITE, SHERE - “The Hite Report” (Various; a Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality); **** “The Hite report on Male Sexuality” (Ballantine 32954; 1985; How Men Feel About Love, Sex & Relationships.); **** “Women and Love” (St. Martin's Press; 1989; a Cultural Revolution in Progress);

HOFFMAN, BARBARA - “Adolescent Sexual Practices” (Classics Library 19, 1967; Sex Problems Faced by Todays Teens);

HOLLANDER, XAVIERA - “The Happy Hooker” (Various; Autobiography of a Prostitute.); **** “Letters to the Happy Hooker” (Various; Questions and Answers about sexual practices.); **** “Xavier's Fantastic Sex” (Various Advice); **** “Xavier's Goes Wild” (Various; Continuing Adventures); **** “Xavier!” (Various; Continuing Adventures);

HOLT, ARAM - “The Holland Experiment” (Dominion TNC 140; 1968; Socio-Sexual Happenings of the Sixties.);

THE HORN BOOK (Brandon House 2039; 1967; a girl's guide to the knowledge of good and evil; first published in 1889);

HORNEY, DR. KAREN - “Feminine Psychology” (Norton Library N686; 1973; Women's Psychosexual development);

HOROS, CAROL V. - 'Vaginal Health” (Dell 09368; 1981);

HORTON, THOMAS D. - 'What Men Don't Like About Women” (Newstand Library 47; 1949; 174 facts that will shock women – please men.);

HOWARD, PETER - “Sex and the Oriental” (Goldstar IL7-67; 1965; photo cover; Modern Day Morality in the East);

Hoyer, Niels (Editor) - MAN INTO WOMAN - An Authentic Record of the First Sex Change. (Inspiration for the 2015 Movie The Danish Girl starring Eddie Redmayne,  Alicia Vikander, Amber Heard);  True Story of the Miraculous Transformation of the Danish Painter Einar Wegener into Lili Elbe

Painted Front and Back Covers.  224 pages. 1953; Popular Library #SP100; Complete and Unabridged; (The Original Hardcover was printed in 1923) ** This almost unbelievable book deals with the outstanding biological phenomenon of a man who changed his sex. ** The American film The Danish Girl (2015), inspired by the 2000 book of the same name, was based on Elbe's life story. Cisgender actor Eddie Redmayne was controversially cast in the role of Elbe. ** Lili Ilse Elvenes, better known as Lili Elbe, was a Danish transgender woman and one of the first identifiable recipients of sex reassignment surgery. Elbe was born Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (1882-1931) and was a successful artist under that name. She also presented as Lili (sometimes spelled Lily) and was publicly introduced as Einar's sister. After transitioning, however, she made a legal name change to Lili Ilse Elvenes and stopped painting. It is highly likely that Elbe was an intersex person.

HUNT, MORTON - “The Affair” (Signet Y4548; 1971; 80 Unfaithful Wives and Husbands Reveal Their Secrets); **** “The Natural History of Love” (Grove Press/ Black Cat BC-31; 1962; from the early Greeks to the present day.);

HUNTER, KAREN - “The House of Love” (Various; an adult autobiography.);

HURWOOD, BERNHARDT J. - “The Bisexuals” (Fawcett Gold Medal P3074; photo cover ; Secret World Where Men and Women Swing Both Ways.);

HYDE, MONTGOMERY - “A History of Pornography” (Dell 3611; 1966);

---- I ----

IGNOTO, BARBARA - “Confessions of a Part-Time Call Girl” (Dell 11436; 1986; photo cover; Autobiography of a Prostitute.);

IVERSEN, WILLIAM - “Venus U.S.A.” (Pocket Books 77080; 1970; photo cover; Sexual attitudes and Fantasies of American Women as Portrayed in Modern Magazines.);

---- J ----

J” - THE SENSUOUS WOMAN (Various; a step by step program to release woman's own sexuality.);

JAMES, DON - “The Power of Marital Love” (Monarch MB506; 1960; Cover art by Maguire; Complete guide to sexual fulfillment in marriage.); ***** “The Sexual Side of Life” (Monarch MB502; 1960; The Truth about Love and Sex in Modern Society with Case Histories.);

JAY, KARLA/ YOUNG, ALLEN (eds.) - “After You're Out” (Pyramid Y4263; 1977; photo cover ; Personal experience of gay men and lesbian women); **** (eds.) “Lavender Culture” (Jove Book K4462; 1979; The voices of outspoken lesbians and gay men.);

JENRETTE, RITA - “My Capitol Secrets” (Bantam 20190-5; 1981; photo cover; Photo Illustrations; ex-congressman's wife tells all);

JOHNSON, DONALD - “The Nudists” (Outdoor America; 1959; True Inside Account of Startling Social Movement.);

JOHNSON, ERIC W. - “V.D.” (Bantam QP8433; 1974; straight talk about venereal disease.);

JUNKE, N. (ed.)- “Sex and Love Today” (Gold Star; 1971; Up to date study of sex and love problems and answers.);

---- K ----

K, MR. AND MRS. - “The Couple” (Berkley Medallion 22007; 1971; a couple account of their experience in the masters and Johnson sex clinic.);

THE KAMA SUTRAOF VATSYAYANA” (Various; Oriental Manual on the art and techniques of love.);

KANTROWITZ, ARNIE - “Under the Rainbow: Growing Up Gay” (Pocket Books 81965; 1978; an Autobiography);

KAREN, X. - (ed. By Carson Davis) - “Diary of a Shrike” (Classic CP502; 1968; a Pervert's Autobiography.);

KATZ, JONATHAN - “Gay American History” (Avon 40550; 1978; Lesbians and gay men in US history);

KAYY, DR. W.H. - “The Gay Geniuses” (Marvin Miller; 1965; photo cover; Photo Illustrations; Famous Homosexuals and what made them that way.); **** “We Can't All Be Sane!” (Collectors Pub.; 1965; Autobiography of a doctor.);

KELLY, DR.G. LOMBARD - “Auto-Eroticism in the Female” (Socio Texts; No date; Illustrated; Female in Married Men and Women; Pocket Books 825; 1958);

KESSLER, ROBERT - “Sexual Specialties: From Around the World” (Southwick 3962; 1983; photo cover; Photo Illustrations);

KEVIN, PETER (ed.) - “Five Women” (Newfact Library 1051; 1969; Factual Accounts of Sexual Variations.);

KEYL, DR. ANNE - “VD” (Anansi; 1972; The people to people disease.);

KENNEDY, JOY - “The Neurotic Women's Guide to Non-Fulfillment”(Popular Library 08600; 1977; How Not to get a Man);

KILPATRICK, JAMES JACKSON - “The Smut Peddlars” (Avon V-2044; 1960; The true story of the Pornography racket);

KINSEY, ALFRED C. - “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female” (Pocket Books 99700; 1967; This is the 'Kinsey Report');

KLAF, DR. FRANKLIN S. / HURWOOD, BERNHARDT J. - “A Psychiatrist Looks at Erotica” (Ace K 193; 1964);

KLEIN, DR. LEO - “Normal and Abnormal Sex-Ways” (Belmont L92-552; 1962; case histories.);

KONRAAD, WILLIAM - “Someone You May Know” (Book Company of America 0113; 1965; A Heterosexual Looks at Homosexuality.);

KORNFELD, ROBERT - “Unusual Sex Drives...” (Original Social Behavior SB153; 1967; Youth's Drives for Strange Thrills);

KRICH, A.M. (ed.) - “The Anatomy of Love” (Dell LC141; 1960; a collection of brilliant essays.); **** (ed.) “Men” (Dell First Edition D15; 1954; The Variety and Meaning of Their Sexual Experience.); **** (ed.) “Women” (Dell First Edition D3; 1953; The Variety and Meaning of their sexual experience.);

KRONHAUSEN, DR. EBERHARD & PHYLLIS - “Pornography and the Law” (Various; The Psychology of Erotic Realism and Hard Core.); **** “Sex Histories of American College Men” (Various; The Cultural & Psychological influences on sexual development.); **** “The Sexually Responsive Woman” (Ballantine U7035; 1965; Exact Nature of Woman's Sexuality); **** “Walter the English Casanova; author of 'My Secret Life” (Ballantine U8006; 1967; Analysis of the man who wrote the Victorian diary.);

---- L ----

LADAS, ALICE KAHN/ WHIPPLE, BEVERLY/ PERRY, JOHN D. - “The G Spot” (Dell 13040; 1983; And other recent discoveries about Human Sexuality.);

LANDERS, ANN - “Talks to Teen-agers About Sex” (Various);

LANE, BARBARA (with Stephen Lewis) Housewife Hookers (Ace; 1973);

LANGDON-DAVIES, JOHN - “Seeds of Life” (Signet KS 345; 1957; The Story of sex from Amoeba to Man.);

LARRY “THE SILVER FOX” - “Beyond Xaviera” (Pinnacle; 1975; photo cover ; Sexual Autobiography ); **** “My Life with Xaviera 'The Happy Hooker'” (Warner Books 78-424; 1974; photo cover; Autobiography);

LAUERSEN, DR. NIELS/ STUKANE, EILEEN - “Listen to your Body” (Berkley 06404; 1983; photo cover; A Gynecologist answers Women's most intimate questions.);

LAUR, RICHARD - “Fetish” (Viceroy 228; 1968; a Medico-Legal casebook of Sexual Fetishism and Crime.);

LAWRENCE, JODI - “The Search for the Perfect Orgasm” (Signet W5903; 1974; The Ultimate Guide.);

LAWRENCE, JULIE - “Blondes Don't Have All the Fun” (Paperback Library 54-597; 1967; photo cover; Autobiography);

LAWTON, DR. S.U. - “Sexual Conduct of the Teen-Ager” (Berkley G-2; 1955; a Shocking Study of Modern Youth);

LEATHEM, HARVEY T. (as told to Hugh Jones) “The Sex Revolution” (Century Book 034; 1967; The Latest Results of the Sexual Rebellion.); **** (as told to Hugh Jones) “Sex for One” (Viceroy 219; 1960's; a study of Auto-Erotic Practices);

LEE, JAKE - “ABS's of Sex” (France Elite E1; 1962; Everything You Need to Know.); **** “A Man's Guide to the Sexual Scene” (France E-5; 1963; a Collection of Current Sex Advertisements.);

LEE, RAY - “A Pictorial History of Hollywood Nudity” (Merit Book 7M808; 1964; Lots of Photo Illustrations);

LEGMAN, G. - “Rationale of the Dirty Joke: an Analysis of Sexual Humor” (Grove Press/ Evergreen Black Cat B-335-A; 1971);

LEIGH, MICHAEL - “The Velvet Underground” (Various; photo cover ; A Documentary of the Sexual Corruption of the 1960's.);

LEVY, HOWARD - “Orient Sex Manners” (NEL 010821; 1972; photo cover ; A guide to the bizarre sexual morality of the East.);

LEWIN, DR. S.A./ GILMORE, DR. JOHN - “Sex After 40” (Dell 761; 1954; A Hopeful Guide.);

LEWINSOHN, DR. RICHARD - “A History of Sexual Customs” (Various; Western man's Sexual History.);

LEWIS, STEPHEN - “Male Sexual Fantasies” (Ace 51632; 1974); **** “Massage: the Loving Touch” (Pinnacle 00135; 1975; photo cover Photo Illustrated); **** “Sex Among the Singles” (Ace 75975; 1973; photo cover; New Liberated Morality);

LISWOOD, DR. REBECCA - “A Marriage Doctor Speaks Her Mind About Sex” (Ace K-153; 1961);


LOBELL, JOHN AND MIMI - “John and Mimi: a Free Marriage” (Bantam T7640; 1973; photo cover Autobiography);

LONDON, DR. LOUIS S. - “Abnormal Sexual Behavior” (Lancer 78-607; 1968; Twenty-Three Case Studies in Sexual Pathology.);

LOOMIS, DR. FREDERIC - “Consultation Room” (Pocket Book 654; Various; Frank & Lucid Accounts of Marital & Obstetrical Problems.);

LORAND, DR. RHODA - “Love, Sex and the Teenager” (Popular Library 60-2123; 1965);

LOVELACE, LINDA - “Linside Linda lovelace” (Pinnacle; 1973; photo cover Photo Illustrated with centerfold; Autobiography); **** “The Intimate Diary of Linda Lovelace” (Pinnacle; 1974; photo cover with Centerfold; Biography); **** “Ordeal” (Berkley 04749; 1981; Biography);

LOWEN, DR. ALEXANDER - “Love and Orgasm” (Various; a Revolutionary guide to Sexual Fulfillment.); **** “Pleasure” (Lancer; 1970; Increase Sensory awareness through Bio-energetics.);

LUNDIN, DR. JOHN PHILIP - “Mistresses” (Lancer 75-025; 1967; photo cover ; Sexual Memoirs.); **** “Woman” (Lancer 75-008; 1965; photo cover ; Autobiography);

---- M ----

M” - “The Sensuous Man” (Dell; Various; Learn how to become Madeleine – Madeleine an Autobiography; Pyramid 30; 1952); **** “The Sensuous Man” (Pyramid 30; 1952); **** “The Sensuous Man” (Pyramid G627; 1961; a girl's own story of a life of vice.);

MAGNUS, HUGH - “Transvestism” (Award Books A519S; 1969; Men Who Dress as Women with Case Histories.);

MAILER, NORMAN - “The Prisoner of Sex” (Signet Y4822; 1971; a Sexual Memoir);

MALLORY, DR. ROBERT/ IRWIN, THEODORE - “Modern Birth Control” (Paperback Library S-111; 1961);

MANNERS, DORINE - “Sin Street” (Pyramid F-843; 1963; photo cover; Ripping the Veil Off Modern Bordellos.);

MANTEGAZZA, PAOLO - “The Sexual Relations of Mankind” (Brandon House 2002; 1966; Over 500 illustrations);

MARCHAND, HENRY L. - “The Sexual History of France” (Tower 45-926; 1968; a detailed search);

MARCUS, STEVEN - “The Other Victorians” (Bantam Q3471; 1967; a study of Sexuality and Pornography in Victorian England.);

MARGOLIS, HERBERT F. / RUBENSTEIN, PAUL M. - “The Groupsex Tapes” (Paperback Library 68825; 1972; 98 Participants in Revolutionary release of Secual Inhibitions.);

MARLOWE, KENNETH - “Mr Madam, Confessions of a Male Madam (Swan CCN 105; 1965; an Adult Autobiography);

MARRIAGE AND SEX (Fawcett; 1949; What Every Woman Should Know by the Editors of 'Today's Woman');

MARSHALL, DR. JOHN - “Preparing for Marriage” (Helicon Press; 1962; Learning the Ins and Outs);

MARTIN, KAY - “The Bachelor Girl” (Macfadden 50-163; 1963; a Guide to a More Successful Social and Sex Life.);

MASRY, YOURREF E; - “Daughters of Sin: The Sexual Tragedy of Arab Women” (Macfadden 50-188; 1963);

MASTERS, WILLIAM H./ JOHNSON, VIRGINIA E. - “The Pleasure Bond” (Bantam Y2200; 1976; a New Look at Sexuality);

MASTERTON, GRAHAM - “How to Drive Your Man Wild in Bed” (Signet W6832; 1976' photo cover; New Erotic Techniques);

MAY, ROLLO - “Love and Will” (Dell 5027; 1974; a New approach to the crisis in Sex, Love and Morality.);

MAYER, DR. KEN/ PIZER, HANK - “The Aids Fact Book” (Bantam 23870; 1983);

McKNIGHT, GERALD - “The English at Love” (Four Square 1800; 1967; photo cover illustrated by Roy Dewar; The habits and hazards of the British in Bed.);

McMANUS, VIRGINIA - “Not for Love” (Dell F159; 1961); **** “Not for Love” (Dell 6400; 1964; autobiography of School teacher who became a Prostitute.);

McPARTLAND, JOHN - “Sex in our Changing World” (Berkley BG-128; 1958; Our Shifting Attitudes Towards Sexual Conduct.);

MEAD, MARGARET - “Male and Female” (Various; a Study of the Sexes in a Changing World.);

MEAD, SHEPHERD - “How to Succeed with Women without Really Trying” (Ballantine F576; Various);

MELICK, WELDON DOUGLAS - “Sexual Appetites on Campus Vol. I: Women” (Award Books A293S; 1968; Coed on the sexual rebellion.); **** “Sexual Appetites on Campus Vol. II: Men” (Award Book A292S; 1968; Male students on the sexual rebellion.);

MENZEL, CAROL - “Women's Sexual Behavior” (Official Health Pub.; No Date; Truth Revealed by facts.);

MILES, DR. HERBERT J. - 'Sexual Happiness in marriage” (Pyramid T-2051; 1969; Zondervan Books; 1967; a Christian Interpretation of Sexual Adjustment in Marriage.); **** “Sexual Understanding Before Marriage” (Zondervan Books; 1973; a Christian Point of View.);

MILES, WILLIAM E. - “The College Female” (Monarch MB540; 1963; photo cover ; a report of the morals, manners and social attitudes.); *** “Damn It!” (Regency RB 310; 1963; a journal of the people who think your immoral; censorship);

MILLER, HENRY - “The World of Sex” (Greenleaf Classic 110; 1965);

MILLETT, KATE - “The Prostitution Papers: a Candid Dialogue” (Avon 15636; 1973; a clinical report on prostitution); **** “Sita” (Ballantine 27362; 1978; Lesbian autobiography);

MILNER, MICHAEL - “Sex on Celluloid” (Macfadden - Bartell 75-141; 1964; photo cover); **** “Sex on Celluloid” ((Macfadden - Bartell 95-123; 1969; photo cover; both fully photo illustrated; the history of pornographic movies.);

MINNERY, TOM (ed.) (Contribtors = Charles Calson, James Dobson, C. Everett Koop) Pornography a Human Tragedy (Living Books; 1987);

MITSUKO, IOLANA - “Honolulu Madam” (Holloway House BH427; 1969; photo cover; Autobiography of a High-Priced Call Girl);

MOLL, DR. ALBERT - “Libido Sexualis” (Brandon House 2008; 1966; Evolution and Analysis of the Sex Instinct.);

MONK, MARIA - “The Confessions Unmasked” (Gargoyle Press GP114; 1969); **** “The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk” (Bilife; 1967);

MONTAGU, ASHLEY - “The Natural Superiority of Women” (Collier; 1977; Classic Challenge to Male Chauvinism); **** “Touching” (Perennial Library; 1972; photo cover; The Human Significance of the Skin);

MOODY, ALEXANDER - “The Gay World” (Lance 75-046; 1968; photo cover; Homosexual Autobiography);

MOORE, ROBIN - “The Making of the Happy Hooker” (Signet W5662; 1973; The inside story of Xaviera “The Happy Hooker”);

MORALES, LEWIS - “Sex Drives and Financial Success” (Newfact Library NL1006; 1969);

MORGAN, MARABEL - “The Total Woman” (Various; How to Make Your Marriage Come Alive.);

MORGENSTERN, MICHAEL - “How to Make Love to a Woman” (Ballantine; 1983; photo cover );

MORHAIM, VICTORIA - “Casebook: Nymphomania” (Dell #1113; 1964; Four fascinating, disturbing Revealing Psychiatric Case Histories, preceded by an Introduction from Dr. Albert Ellis. CONTENTS: Angelique Adams, Lois Love, Adelaide Engle, and Mary Fisher Huston. 288 pages; VG/FN = $5.00); **** MORHAIM, VICTORIA - “Casebook: Nymphomania” (Dell #1113; 1964; Four fascinating, disturbing Revealing Psychiatric Case Histories, preceded by an Introduction from Dr. Albert Ellis. CONTENTS: Angelique Adams, Lois Love, Adelaide Engle, and Mary Fisher Huston. 288 pages; G/VG = $3.00);

MORRIS DESMOND - “Intimate Behavior” (Bantam Y7500; 1973; Why loving means touching);

MORRISON, MAJBRITT - “Jungle West II” (Award Books A271S); 1967; photo cover; Autobiography of a prostitute.);

MORSE, DR. BENJAMINE - “Adolescent Sexual Behavior” (Monarch 436; 1964; photo cover; a Study of Teenage Moral and Social Behavior & Taboos.); **** “The Lesbian” (Monarch MB513; 1961; a Frank study); **** “Sexual Behavior of the American College Girl” (Lancer 74-822; 1963; photo cover ; A Major New Study); **** “The Sexual Deviate” (Lancer 74-813; 1963; Every form of Sexual abnormality is studied in 158 pages.); **** “The Sexual Revolution” (Monarch MB531; 1962; The Changing World of Sex and Love.); **** “The Sexually Promiscuous Female” (Monarch 535; 1962; photo cover );

MORTIMER, LEE - “Women Confidential” (Paperback Library Silver Edition S-112; 1961; a Report on scandalous women in America and Abroad.);

MORTON, A.H. - - “Marriage Roulette: The World of the Swapper” (Challenge VP224; People who embrace adultery as a way of life.);

MORTON, R.S. - “Venereal Diseases” (Pelican A819; 1966);

MOZES, DR. EUGENE B. - “Crime and Passion” (Moonarch MB505; 1960; Cover art by Maguire; the sexual side of crime in contemporary life.);

MUNTZ, CHARLES Z. - “The Taste of Loving” (RAM Classic RC 547; 1969; photo cover; The Act of Oralism);

MURTAGH, JUDGE JOHN M. - “Cast the First Stone” (Cardinal C-286; 1959; photo cover; The world of prostitution); **** “Who Live in Shadow” (Belmont 205; 1959; Drug Addicts and Prostitution);

---- N ----

NAIMER, ROBERT A. - “Merchants of Pleasure (Challenge VP 216; 1966; 'Sensual Peruaders' in Big Business);

NAISMITH, GRACE - “Private and Personal” (Pocket Books 75223; 1967; Women's facts of life book);

NEVILLE, MYLES - “The Pervert!” (Merit Book 602; 1961; Autobiography);

NEVINS, M.D. - “Sex Behavior of the American Business Man” (Viceroy VP-112; 1964); **** “The Sexually Obsessed” (Viceroy VP-126; 1965; sexually obsessed who have changed history.);

NYTRATE, EMILE - “Underground Ads” (Pocket Book 77254; 1971);

---- O ----

O'BRIEN, BARBARA - “Martinis, Manhattan's of Me?” (Zebra 8468; 1974; photo cover ; Bartenders Sexual Autobiography);

O'CONNER, LOIS - “The Bare Facts: Candid Confessions of a Stripper” (Macfadden - Bartell 50-208; 1964; photo cover ; Autobiography);

O'HARA, DR. RALPH C. - “The Divorcee” (Monarch MB519; 1962; cover art by Maguire; case histories);

OLIVETTI, WOODROW - “Hollywood Swings: a Sexual Expose of the Movie Industry” (Classics Library SI; 1968);

OLIVIA - “Olivia” (Berkley G-74; 1957; Cover art by Maguire; Lesbian autobiography);

O'NEILL, NENA & GEORGE - “Open Marriage” (Avon 14084; 1973; a new life style for couples.);

O'NEILL, SCOTT - “Sex in the Service” (Gold Star IL7-66; 1965; photo cover ; Sexual behavior of our servicemen);

OTTO, DR. HERBERT A. - “More Joy in Marriage” (Pocket Books 78049; 1971; photo cover ; Techniques for Revitalizing a dull marriage);

---- P ----

PACKAGE, VANCE - “The Sexual Wilderness” (Pocket Books 78010; 1970; photo cover; Contemporary Upheaval in Relationships);

PALLENBERG, CORRADO - “The Art of Seduction” (Pyramid R-814; 1963; illustrated by John Huehnergarth);

PAMELA – Instructions to my Lover (Pinnacle; 1975; photo cover ; a woman's instructions to men);

PARCA, GABRIELLA (ed.) “Italian Women Confess” (Avon S149; 1963; photo cover ; Dilemma of modern Italian women);

PARKER, DR. ELIZABETH - “The Seven Ages of Women” (Bantam N2571; 1963; a famous Gynecologist's Frank & Intimate discussion of woman's mind, sexual life.);

PARKER, DR. ELLIOT - “The Uncapped Female” (Impact Library IL 350; 1969; Females on vacation gone wild);

PARKER, JON - “Deadliest Sex Act” (Classic Adult Library CAL 317; 1970; Child Molestation);

PARTRIDGE, BURGO - “A History of Orgies” (Avon G1062; 1960; Exaggerated form of sexual activity);

PATCHEN KENNETH - “Memoirs of a Shy Pornographer” (City Lights Book CL 100; 1958; photo cover ; Autobiography?);

PAULSEN, WILLIAM - “Orgasm” (Viceroy VP248; 1967; Man's);

PECK, DR. JOSEPH H. - “All About Men” (Perma Book M4140; 1959; Practical Advice); **** “Life with Women and How to Survive It” (Pocket Books M5053; 1962; Married males survival kit.);

PELRINE, ELEANOR WRIGHT - “Abortion in Canada” (New Press; 1972; photo cover; A Straight Forward Approach);

PEMBERTON, LOIS - “The Stork Didn't Bring You” (Lion Library LL26; 1955; Sex Education);

PENNEY, ALEXANDRA - “How to Make Love to a Man” (Dell 13529; 1982); **** “How to Make Love to Each Other” (Berkley 07042; 1984);

THE PERFUMED GARDEN OF THE SHAYKH NEFZAWI” (Various; The Classic Arabian Treatise on Physical Love.);

PETERSON, JOYCE/ MERCER, MARILYN - “Adultery for Adults” (Bantam N4740; 1970; a Very Strange Advice Book.);

PHILLIPS, ARY CALDWELL (Translated & Edited) “Memoirs of a Harem Girl” (Tower 44-949; 1968; The story of Aisha.);

PHILLIPS, DR. DEBORA/ JUDD, ROBERT - “Sexual Confidence” (Bantam 20280; 1982; a step by step guide.);

PIETROPINTO, DR. ANTHONY/ SIMENAUER, JACQUELINE - “Beyond the Male Myth” (Signet E8076; 1978; What Women want to Know about men's sexuality.);

PLOSCOWE, MORRIS - “Sex and the Law” (Ace A-2; 1962; Newly revised & Enlarged.);

PODOLSKY, DR. EDWARD/ WADE, CARLSON - “Encyclopedia Erotica Sexualia” (Stewart Gordon VP 244; 1967; The study of sexual practices normal & abnormal.);

POITMAN, JAMES - “The Male Ego” (Viceroy VP220; 1966; A searching New Study of the American Male's Status as a Lover.);

POWEROY, DR. WARDELL B. - “Boys and Sex” (Dell 30817; 1979; Every phase of boys developing sexuality.);

PORTNOY, DR. LOUIS/ SALTMAN, JULES - “Fertility in Marriage” (Signet 881; 1951; a Guide for the Childless.);

PRENDERGAST, CECIL - “Cecil Prendergast” (Gilt Edge GE 101; 1967; Sado – Masochist autobiography);

---- R ----

RAYNER, CLAIRE - “People in Love” (Signet Q4330; 1970; a Modern Guide to sex in marriage.);

READE, MARK - “The Exotic Erotics” (Venice Book VB353; 1968; Guide Tour of Oriental Joy Spots.);

REICH, WILHELM - “The Function of the Orgasm” (Bantam Q3568; 1967; Sex-economic problems of Biological Energy.);

REID, JOHN - “The Best Little Boy in the World” (Ballantine 28276; 1979; Coming to Terms with Being Gay);

REIK, DR. THEODOR - “Masochism in Sex and Society” (Grove Press/ Black Cat BD-13; 1962; photo cover; a continuation of Freud's work.);

REIT, ANN/ WARNER, LUCILLE - “Your A to Z Guide to the Opposite Sex” (Scholastic; 1979; Teenage Advice);

REUBEN, DR. DAVID - “Any Woman Can!” (Bantam; Various; Love and Sexual Fulfillment); **** “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex” (Bantam Y5570; 1971; But were afraid to ask);

REYNOLDS, R.H. - “Campus Mouth Masters” (Impact Library IL-427; 1969; photo cover ; Casebook of female campus oral sex.);

RICHMOND, FIONA - “Fiona” (Club Paperback 0104; 1976; photo cover ; Autobiography of a Former Stewardess);

RIES, ESTELLE H. - “The Lonely Sex” (Belmont L92-542; 1962; Analyzing the problems of the unmarried woman.);

RIMMER, ROBERT H. - “The Harrad Letters to” (Various; Sexual Revolution Still Strong.); **** “You and I ... Searching for Tomorrow” (Signet Y4578; 1971; Letters from the Sexual Underground);

RIORDAN, JUDSON - “Peeping Tom” (Venice Book VB 313; 1967; Insidious Spread of Voyeurism in Today's Culture.);

RISELEY, JERRY - “When Sex is Illegal” (Brandon House 1079; 1967; No adult is safe from Archaic Laws.);

ROBBINS, BURCH - “The Fourth Sex” (Viceroy VP-233; 1967; The Bisexual a misfit even among the gay Set.); **** “Sex Sinners on Trial” (Brandon House 1034; 1966; Famous Sex trials of recent history.);

ROBBINS, JHAN & JUNE - “An Analysis of Human Sexual Inadequacy” (Signet W6928; 1970); **** “The Anatomy of a Prostitute” (Signet W6028; 1974; biography of a prostitute);

ROBERTIELLO, DR. RICHARD C. - “Voyage from Lesbos” (Avon T-397; 1960; The Psychoanalysis of a Female Homosexual.);

ROBIE, DR. W.F. - “The Art of Love” (Swan CCN 1964; How to achieve and maintain complete sexual happiness.); **** “The Hidden Joys of Love” (Belmont 95-101; 1964; Intimate guide to sexual fulfillment.); **** “The Pleasure of Love” (Paperback Library 55-954; 1967; Medical Approach to complete sexual satisfaction.); **** “The Rapture of Love” (Belmont B95-103; 1965; photo cover; Complete Happiness & Sexual Fulfillment.); **** “Rational Sex Ethics: Volumes One and Two” (Brandon House 2003; 1966; Illustrated by Heinrich Kley); **** “Sex Histories” (Brandon House 970; 1966; Insure a more meaningful sex life.);

ROBINSON, JILL - “Bed/ Time/ Story” (Fawcett Crest X2540; 1975; photo cover ; Autobiography);

ROBINSON, DR. MARIE N. - “The Power of Sexual Surrender” (Signet P2100; 1962; photo cover; Sexual frigidity in women.);

ROBINSON, DR. WILLIAM J. - “Medical Sex Dictionary” (Eugenics Book K103; 1958);

RODGERS, DR. R.S. - “Sex and Law in Canada” (Policy Press; 1962);

ROEBURT, JOHN - “Sex Life and the Criminal Law” (Belmont L92-560; 1963); **** “The Wicked and the Banned” (Macfadded 60-147; 1963; Censors Hunt for Sex and Sin);

ROGERS, JAMES C. - “Sex Outcast” (Brandon House 976; 1966; The Homosexual Mystique);

ROGET, MARIE & HECTOR - “Swingers Guide or the Single Girl” (Holloway House HH-156; 1968; Key to the New Morality);

ROMANET, JEAN JEROME - “Women A to Z” (Macfadden - Bartell 60-160; 1964; Illustrated by Tom Keogh; a Dictionary of sorts.);

ROSENBAUM, DR. JEAN - “Is Your Volkswagen a Sex Symbol?” (Bantam T7686; 1973; Understand your hidden self.);

ROSENBERGEN, DR. JOSEPH R. - “The Teenage Sex Revolt” (Brandon House 1155; 1968; photo cover; a detailed report.);

ROSENFELD, JOSEPH R. - “The Orgiastic Near East” (Viceroy VP274; 1968; Sexual Behavior of Today's Arab World.);

ROSSITER, DR. FREDERICK M. - “The Torch of Life” (Eugenics Book K101; 1952; a key to sex harmony in marriage.);

ROTSLER, WILLIAM - “Contemporary Erotic Cinema” (Penthouse/ Ballantine 23433; 1973; Photo Illustrated; a movie guide.);

ROY, RUSTUM & DELLA - “Honest Sex” (Signet Y5194; 1972; The sex lives of Mister and Misses America.);

ROYAL, D. - “The Sex Revolutionary” (Belmont B75-210; 1967; Biography of female hippie.);

RUBEN, WILLIAM - “Grotesque Sex Crimes” (Tower 43-849; 1967; Case histories of the sexually obsessed psychopath.);

RUBIN, DR. ISADORE - “Sexual Life After Sixty” (Signet T3156; 1967);

RUBIN, THEODORE ISAAC - “Sweet Daddy” (Ballantine F704; 1963; photo cover ; The story of a pimp.);

---- S ----

SAFFORD, DR. HERNY BARNARD - “The Intimate Problems of Women” (Pyramid Royal 513; 1957; photo cover ); “The Intimate Problems of Women” ( Icon G2; 1962); **** “Tell Me, Doctor” (Pyramid Giant 505; 1956; photo cover); **** “Tell Me, Doctor” (Pyramid Royal RL4; 1960; Frank Facts about Women Problems);

SAKOL, JEANNIE - “The Inept Seducer or Bad Intentions are Not Enough” (Wolfe Pub.; UK; 1967); **** “What About Teen-age Marriage?” (Avon G-1169; 1961; photo cover ; Problems, hopes and dreams of the young.);

SANDS, MELISSA - “The Mistress' Survival Manual” (Berkley 03835; 1978; How to get or give up Your Married Man.);

SARI, FERENC - “High Fashion Sex” (Newfact Library NL 1014; 1969; Elegant Models Who Are Sexually Sick);

SAXON, GTANT TRACY - “The Happy Hustler: My Own Story” (Warner 59-691; 1975; photo cover; A Stud for Hire's Autobiography.);

SCHOFIELD, MICHAEL - “The Sexual Behaviour of Your People” (Pelican A971; 1968; photo cover );

SCHUMAKER, ELLEN/ NOBUNUGA, TOMI - “Shindai: The Art of Japanese Bed Fighting” (Dell 7826; 1966; photo cover Photo illustrations.);

SCHWALBERG, CAROL - “Doing It” (Dell 2070; 1973; Or how to give the perfect orgy);

SCHWARTZ, FRANCIE  (Born 1944)  -BODY COUNT (Pyramid V3332; 1974) Sexual Autobiography of FRANCIE, Queen of the Groupies (Paul McCartney's live-in girlfriend, backup singer on the White Album) PHOTO Cover; Pyramid V3332; 1974; 1st Paperback Printing, 1st Ed; 160 Pages; Printed in Canada; VERY RARE in this Paperback Edition; ** PHOTO Cover; Sexual Autobiography of Queen of the Groupies; ** Francie Schwartz (born 1944) is an American scriptwriter and the former girlfriend, during the late 1960s, of Paul McCartney, who referred to her as “Franny”. She was present at the creation (and, in a few cases, contributed) to tracks that later ended up on "The White Album." ** Goodreads; Notorious autobiography of Francie Schwartz, first published by Rolling Stone's Straight Arrow Books in 1972. Most controversial for Chapter 8, entitled, "Don't Cry, I'm a ....", which details her spring and summer with Paul McCartney and the Beatles, as Paul's live-in girlfriend, backup singer on the White Album, and assistant Apple publicist under and around the late Derek Taylor. Also noted for its lack of explicit sexual detail, this book tells what living the 60's media myth was really like. From L.A.'s rock publicity circuit to New York's East side bar scene and ad agency maelstrom, to London in '68 and back! A survivor's story. Scuffing, Wrinkles and Creases to cover, thus G/VG = $249.00;

SCHWARZ, OSWALD - “The Psychology of Sex” (Pelican/ Various; The Role of Sexual Instinct in the Lives of Child and Adult.);

SCHWENDA, ISTVAN/ lEUCHNER, THOMAS - “The Pictorial Guide to Sexual Intercourse” (Pent-R Books; 1970; photo cover Over 100 full color full page photographs; oblong shape.);

SCOTT, GEORGE RYLEY - “Curious Customs of Sex and Marriage” (Ace H-2; 1960; How man had Married and Mated in History.);

SCOTT, VALERIE X. (as told to Herbert Lee) - “Surrogate Wife” (Dell 7578; 1971; The Story of a masters and Johnson sexual therapist and her nine cases.);

SEILER, DR. PAULA - “The New Handbook of Modern Birth Control” (Dell 6327; 1963);

SELIGSON, MARCIA - “Options” (Charter 63690-X; 1978; a personal expedition through the sexual frontier.);

SHAIN, MERLE - “Some Men are More Perfect Than Others” (Bantam 20082; 1981);

SHAPIRO, DR. HOWARD I. - “The Birth Control Book” (Avon 56986; 1982; a complete guide for men and women.);

SHEDD, CHARLIE W. - “Letters to Philip on How to Treat a Woman” (Spire Books; 1975);

SHELDON, SUSANNA - “Susie's Girls” (Leisure Books 8439; 1975; photo cover; Autobiography from Housewife to high paid prostitut3e.);

SHERFEY, DR. MARY JANE - “The Nature and Evolution of Female Sexuality” (Vintage V-806; 1973; Anthropology/ Sociology);

SHERMAN, ALLAN - “The Rape of the A.P.E.” (Playboy Press 16453; 1975; The Official History of the Sexual Revolution.);

SHERRY, MADAM (as told to Robert Tralins) - “Pleasure Was my Business” (Paperback Library 52-204; 1965; photo cover; Biography of a call house madam.);

SHIFF, DR. NATHAN A. - “Diary of a Nymph” ((Lancer/ Various; photo cover; Actual case History of a Nymphomaniac taken from her diary.);

SILLS, JENNIFER - “Massage Parlor” (Ace 52110; 1973; photo cover; “Autobiography of a Massage Parlor Madam.);

SIMBEAUX, L.L. - “Heterosexual Analism” (RAM Classic 572; 1969; a study of anal eroticism.);

SIMONS, G.L. - “The Phallic Mystique” (Pinnacle 00217; 1973; Penetrating view of man is most taboo ridden secret.);

SIMPSON, RUTH - “From the Closet to the Courts” (Penguin; 1977; What it means to be lesbian in todays society.);

SMITH, ANGEL - “Isn't it Time You Did Something Kinky?'” (Warner 78-883; 1975; photo cover; Wide world of erotic discovery.);

SPRAGUE, DR. W.D. - “Patterns of Adultery” (Lancer 74-833; 1964; photo cover ; a marriage counselor's casebook.); **** “Sex Behavior of the American Housewife” (Midwood F91; 1961); **** “Sex and the Secretary” (Lancer 72-745; 1964; photo cover ); **** “Sex Rebellion in the Sixities” (Lancer 73-440; 1965; Societys' Secret Deviations and Vices.);

SPRINGER, EDWARD (ed.) - “The Penthouse Letters: The Sexual State of the Nation” (Warner 82-185; 1977; photo cover; Uncensored letters to penthouse magazine.);

STACEY, JIM - “The Sins of Perversion” (Triumph TNC 114; 1968; Shocking Cases of Guilt Ridden Sexual Deviates.);

STANTON, ELAINE - “Divorcee a Go-Go” (Holloway House HH 162; 1968; Advice and examples by a swinging divorcee.);

STARR, BILLIE JO - “The I Hate Sex Book” (Manor Books 125-126; 1972; photo cover; Marriage manual from the woman's point of view.);

STEARN, JESS - “The Sixth Man” (Macfadden 60-106; photo cover 1963; one out of every six men is homosexual.);

STEIGER, BRAD - Sex and Satanism” (Ace 75958; 1969; photo cover; Erotica and the Black Mass; VG with Diagonal Crease in BACK cover thus Good+ = $35);

STEKEL, WILHELM - “Patterns of Psychosexual Infantilism” (Washington Square Press W-1422; 1966); **** “Sadism and Masochism” (Evergreen Black Cat BC-85; 1965; Vol. I); **** “Sadism and Masochism” (Washington Square Press 48650; 1968; Vol. I & II);

STEWART, AMANDA - “Sex Therapist: My Story” (Ace 75985; photo cover; Autobiography);

STORR, ANTHONY - “Sexual Deviation” (Pelican; 1970; accounts of common types of sexual behavior.);

STREET, ROBERT - “Modern Sex Techniques” (Lancer 71311; 1966; photo cover; Realistic guide to total sexual satisfaction.);

SU-LING - “The Nine Holes of Jade” (Holloway House HH-143; 1967; photo cover; Biography of a Hong Kong Call Girl.);

SULLIVAN, EDWARD S. - “Hollywood, Sin Capitol of the World!” (Pike Book 209; 1962; Shocking History of Vice, Crime and Corruption.);

SWANSON, H.L. - “Premarital Sex Practices” (Dominion TNC-148; 1969; Today's Single People Their Bizarre Sex Standards.);

SWANSON, SUSIE - “Call Me... Anytime!” (Zebra 140; 1975; photo cover ; Autobiography);

SWEENEY, III, DR. WILLIAM J. - “Woman's Doctor” (Popular Library 08271; 1973; A year in the life of an obstetrician Gynecologist.);

SWINGERS DIRECTORY: NEW NATIONWIDE LISTING (Star Dist.; No Date; photo cover; Lots of Photos.);

SZEDENIK, ALEX M. - “Psycho-Sexual Problems” (Gold Star IL7-23; 1964; Complete with Clinical records.);

---- T ----

TABOR, PAULINE - “Pauline's” (Fawcett Crest P1842; 1972; Memoirs of a “Happy Hooker.”);

TABORI, PAUL - “Secret and Forbidden” (Signet Y4516; 1971; Photo illustrated: the moral history of the passions of mankind.); **** “Taken in Adultery” (Pyramid X-717; 1962; a short history of female's infidelity, it's rewards and punishments.);

TARNOWSKY, PROF., BENJAMIN - “Pederasty in Europe” (Brandon House 2015; 1967; Anthropological, legal and medical studies on.);

TASHMAN, DR. HARRY F. - “The Marriage Bed” (Ace K-145; 1959; An Analyst's Casebook.);

TAYLOR, E.B. - “Sex and Marriage Problems” (Hillman 7; 1948; From the files of A Psychoanalyst.);

TAYLOR, G. RATTRAY - “Sex in History” (Ballantine S 367K; 1960; Society's changing Attitudes to Sex Throughout the Ages.);

TEITELBAUM, MICHAEL S. - “Sex Differences” (Anchor Press; 1976; Social and Biological Perspectives.);

TERROT, CHARLES - “Traffic in Innocents” (Bantam F2201; 1961; White slavery in Europe.);

THIRLEBY, ASHLEY - “Tantra: the Key to Sexual Power and Pleasure” (Dell 18538; 1978; photo cover; a modern step-by-step guide.);

THOMPSON, DODD - “I am Curious (Sexual)” (Century Books 0102; 1969; The real truth about abnormal sexual practices.); **** “Sex Rackets” (Century Books 041; 1967; Exposing a Billion Dollar Market of Suckers.);

THORNE, EDWARD – Girls Who Said Yes (Ballantine; 1973);

THORP, RODERICK/ BLAKE, ROBERT - “Wives: a Frank Investigation” (Sphere; 1973; photo cover; Women's sexuality);

TOBIN, KAY/ WICKER, RANDY - “The Gay Crusaders” (paperback Library 66-691; 1972; photo cover ; Homosexual and Lesbian Sexual Revolution);

TOWER, BARNES - “While Their Husbands Slept” (Dominion Books TNC 142; 1968; Cheating women in contempory society.);

TRAEGART, JEAN - “The Journal of Jean Traegart” (RAM Classic RC 534; 1969; photo cover; Autobiography of a prostitute);

TRAUBE, RUY - “The Seduction Art” (Belmont B75-209; 1967; photo cover; It's Delights and Dangers.); **** Sex Cultists” (Oracle Books 88-602; 1969; PBO; Case Histories; VG/FN = $39); **** “Sex Fun and Games” (Belmont B95-107; 1968; Intimate guide book for married couples.);

TRIMBLE, DR. JOHN - “5,000 Adult Sex Words and Phrases” (Brandon House 960; 1966);

THE TRUTH ABOUT THE PILL (A Sun Series; January/1969; Odhams U.K.);

TUMPSON, HELEN - “The Sensuous Divorcee” (Dell 1389; 1974);

---- V ----

VALENSIN, DR. GEORGES - “The French Art of Sexual Love” (Berkley Medallion S1336; 1966; Practical and informative); **** “Sex Manners for Single Girls” (NEL 2584; 1969; photo cover); **** “The Sexual Life of the Young French Girl” (Berkley S1375; 1967; How to for Teenagers.);

VAN DALEN, LINDA - “My Life and Lovers Part II” (Leisure Books 382DK; 1976; photo cover; Autobiography);

VANE, VAL - “Sex and Sadism” (Viceroy VP250; 1967; First Person Experiences.);

VASSI, MARCO (ed.) - “The Wonderful World of Penthouse Sex” (Warner 32025; 1983; A manifesto for the erotically liberated.);

VD BLUES (Avon 15156; 1973; Entire script of the television series.);

VESTLEY, NORMAN - Swinging Marriages (Viceroy VP 255; 1967; PBO / Paperback Original; Canoga Park, CA, USA;  Sexpot Wife's who force spouses into perversion; SCARCE; VG/FN = $22.00);

VINELAS, ESTRELLA MARINA - “Cuban Madan (Paperback Library 65-101; 1969; Autobiography of Woman who ran Cuban white slave ring.);

VOGLIOTTI, GABRIEL R. - “The Girls of Nevada” (Fawcett Crest C2595; 1975; photo cover ; Account of Legal and Illegal prostitution.);

VON CLEEF, MONIQUE - “The House of Pain” (Bantam Y8087; 1975; photo cover; The secret life of the queen of Humiliation.);

---- W ----

WADE, CARLSON - “The Lonely Sex” (Imperial Book 717; 1965; Classified sex ads lead to perversion.); **** “Male Homosexuality ... Case Studies” (Imperial Book 713; 1965); **** “The Orgy in America” (Specialty Book 7N783; 1965; an Expert's Documented Expose.); **** “Sexual Behavior of the Lesbian” (Imperial Book 703; 1965); ***The Troubled Sex (Beacon Envoy E105F; 1961; (intro by Edward Podolsky M.D.) - ); LESBIANISM - The Problem of 5,000,000 Women .. (LGBTQ Adult Non-Fiction) Lingerie GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted Cover;(Beacon Envoy E105F; 1961; PBO; Paperback Original 1st Ed; Printed in Canada; 192 Pages; VERY RARE TITLE;The Troubled Sex: A Frank and Penetrating Study of Habits and Practices Among Lesbians - Their Causes, Cures and Clinical Histories;VERY GOOD Minus = $49.00

WALKER, ALEXANDER - “Sex in the Movies” (Pelican; 1968; photo cover; Photo Illustrated);

WALKER, BENJAMIN - “Sex and the Supernatural” (Harrow Books HW 7043; 1973; Sexuality in religion and Magic.);

WALKER, BROOKS R. - “The New Immorality” (Curtis Books; 1968; A reply and a supplement to the Kinsey report.);

WALKER, KENNETH - “The Physiology of Sex” (Various; /FLETCHER, PETER - “Sex and Society” (Pelican A332; 1955);

WALTON, ALAN HULL - “Aphrodisiacs: From Legend to Prescription” (Paperback Library 54-221; 1963);

WARLAND, J. WENDEL - “Modern Martial Sex” (Venice Book VB 512; 1971; New Sexual Techniques That Enhance Marriages.);

WARREN, JOHN T. - “Age f the Wife Swappers” (Lancer 72-102; 1966; photo cover ; The second sexual revolution.);

WEBER, ERIC - “How to Pick Up Girls” (Bantam Q7010; 1974; photo cover );

WEST, D.J. - “Homosexuality” (Pelican 1974; Classic exposition of the problems of homosexuality.);


WHELAN, DR. STANLEY/ COCHRAN, RACHEL – 'The Art of Erotic Massage” (Signet Y6401; 1972; Photo illustrations.);

WHITMAN, HOWARD - “Let's Tell the Truth About Sex” (a Basic Guide for Parents; Monarch MB542; 1963; Sex Education);

WILDE, D. GUNTHER - “Deviation: a Study of Abnormal Love” (Macfadden - Bartell 75-177; 1966);

WILLIAMS, JEFFREY - “The Nymphomaniac' (Midwood 32-498; 1965; photo cover; A Serious Study of the Tormented Female.); *** “The Unfaithful Wife” (Midwood 32-540; 1965; photo cover; A startling portrait.);

WILSON, E.M. / SEWELL, V.N.R. - “Let's Tell It Like It Is” (Macfadden - Bartell 95-127; 1970; A sex guide for young adults.);

WILSON, JOHN HAROLD - “The Private Life of Mr. Pepys” (Dell F141; 1961; Biography);

WILSON, DR. J.B./ MEYERS, EVERETT - “Exchange Wives” (Wive Swapping; Counterpoint/ K and G Pub.; 1966; photo cover.); **** “Wife Swapping: A Complete 8 Year Survey of Morals in North America” (Counterpoint WS9500N; 1968);

WINICK, CHARLES/ KINSIE, PAUL M. - “The Lively Commerce: Prostitution in the United States” (Signet Y5205; 1972; photo cover );

WINSKI, NORM - “Sex Behavior of the American Bachelor” (Viceroy VP 123; 1965); **** “The Sex Urge” (Viceroy VF 119; 1965; photo cover; Various Vices);

WINTERS, JOANNIE - “House of Joy” (Paperback Library 54-846; 1965; photo cover; An adult autobiography of a call girl.);

WITTELS, DR. FRITZ - “The Sex Habits of American Women” (Eton/ Avon; Various; with illustrations);

WOLFE, LINDA - “Women and Sex in the 80's: the Cosmo Report” (Bantam 22685; 1982);

WOLFF, HERMANN K. - “Compulsive Desire” (Holloway House HH-128; 1966; Examination of compulsive sexual behavior.);

WOLSEY, SERGE G. - “Call House Madam” (Paperback Library 54-576; 1967; photo cover; Biography of call house Madam Beverly Davis.);

WOMAN'S BODY: An Owner's Manuel (Bantam; 1978; illustrated);

WOOD, JOAN - “The casting Couch and Me” (Pocket Books 80443; 1976; photo cover; Uninhibited memoirs of a young actress.);

WOODWARD, DR. L.T. - “I Am a Nymphomaniac” (Belmont B75-202; 1965; photo cover; Uncensored case histories.); **** “Masochism” (Monarch MB547; 1965; Case histories); **** “Sadism” (Lancer 74-835; 1964); **** “Sex and the Divorced Woman” (Lancer 73-424; 1964; photo cover); **** “Sex Fiend” (Monarch MB511; 1961; Cover art by Maguire); **** “Sex and Hypnosis” (Monarch MB516; 1961; photo cover); **** “Sex in our Schools” (Monarch MB521; 1962; Cover art by Maguire); **** “Sophisticated Sex Techniques in Marriage” (Lancer 75-019; 1967); **** “Virgin Wives” (Monarch MB530; 1962);

WORTLEY, RICHARD - “Skin Deep in Soho” (Panther 586; 1970; photo cover; A revealing look at London's Square Mile of sin, with photo illustrations.);

WYDEN, PETER & BARBARA - “Growing up Straight” (Signet Y4076; 1969; What Every Parent Should Know about Homosexuality.);

WYLIE, EVAN McLEOD - “All about Voluntary Sterilization” (Berkley Medallion 03558; 1977; Drastic Birth Control.);

---- Y ----

YANKOWSKI, JOHN S. - “The Yankowski Report on Premartial Sex” (Holloway House HH-114; 1965);

---- Z ----

ZILBERGELD, DR. BERNIE - “Male Sexuality” (Bantam 23091; 1981; A guide to Sexual Fulfillment.);


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BOX 21986



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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =

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MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

