Anthropology, People & Places Paperback Non-Fiction For Sale;


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Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD

BOX 21986





Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686


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Anthropology, People & Places Paperback Non-Fiction For Sale;

[People, Cities & Countries of the World; Civilization, Atlas, Culture, Travel, Tourism, Society];


ACKERLEY, J.R. - Hindoo Holiday;

ADAMS, RUTH (ed.) - Contemporary China;

ALEXANDER, HORACE – India Since Cripps;

ALLAND jr., ALEXANDER – Evolution and Human Behavior; *** Human Diverssity;

ALLEN, ROBERT THOMAS – When Toronto was For Kids;

AMAMOO, J.G. - The New Ghana;

AMORY, CLEVELAND (ed.) - Boston; theOfficial Bicentennial Guidebook;

ASBURY, HERBERT – The French Quarter;

ASCOLI, MAX (ed.) - The Reporter Reader;

ATIYAH, EDWARD – The Reporter Reader;


ATLAS; Collins Pocket Atlas;

ATLAS; The New Hammond-Dell World Atlas;

ATLAS; The New Hammond-Dell World Atlas;

ATLAS; The New Rand McNally Pocket World Atlas;

ATLAS; Rand McNally Pocket World Atlas;

AUSTIN, DENNIS – West Africa and the Commonwealth;

BACON'S UP to Date Atlas and Guide to London;

BALDWIN, EARL – On England;

BANKS, F.R. - The Penhuin Guide to London;

BARNETT, LINCOLN – The Treasure of Our Tongue;

BARZINI, LUIGI – From Caesar to the Mafia; *** The Italians;

BAUER, CARL – Oberammergau and its Surroundings;

BEATY, DAVID – The Complete Skytraveller;

BELL, CLIVE – Civilization;

BEMELMANS, LUDWIG – The Donkey Inside;

BENEDICT, RUTH – Patterns of Culture;


Berlin for Young People (1984);


BERRILL, N.J. - Man's Emerging Mind;

BERTON, PIERRE – My Country;

BINYON, MICHAEL – Life in Russia;

BLACK, MAX – The Labyrinth of Language;

BLIXEN, KAREN – Out of Africa;

BLUNDEN, EDMUND – Undertones of War;

BONHAM-CARTER, VICTOR – The English Village;

BORER, MARY CATHCART – A Visitor's Guide to Britiain;

BOTT, ALAN – Eastern Flights;

BOVEY, WILFRID – The French Canadians Today;

BRENAN, GERALD – South From Granada;

BULLEN, FRANK T. - The Cruise of the “Cachalot”;


CAEN, HERB – Baghdad by theBay;


CANADA; THE Pocket Canada;

CANADA; The Canadian Pocket Encycopedia 1961 (17th Edition); **** The Canadian Pocket Encycopedia 1962 (18th Edition); **** The Canadian Pocket Encycopedia 1963-64 (19th Edition); **** The Canadian Pocket Encycopedia 1964-65 (20th Edition); ****The Canadian Pocket Encycopedia 1966-67 (22nd Edition);


CARRIGHAR, SALLY – Moonlight At Midday;

CASEY, GAVIN/ MAYMAN, TED – The Mile That Milas Touched: The Story of Kalgoorlie from 1893 to 1968;

CHAI, CH'U/ CHAI, WINBERG – The Changing Society of China;

CHAPMAN, F. SPENCER – Watkin's Last Expedition;


CHERRY-GARRARD, APSLEY – The Worst Journey in the World;

CHILDE, V. GORDON – Man Makes Himself;

CLOUTIER, EUGENE – No Passport; a Discovery of Canada;

CODY, MORRILL – Hemingway's Paris;

COLLARD, EDGAR A. - Montreal; the Days That are No More;

COLLIS, MAURICE – Siamese White;

COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE (ed.) - America in Perspective;

COMMITTEE OF CONCERNED Asian Scholars – China! Inside the People's Republic;

A CONSPECTUS OF Canada Centennial Year 1967;

COPELAND, WENDI – Women Goiing Places; a Practical Travel Planner;

DANA, RICHARD HENRY – Two Years Before the Mast;

DARLING, F. FRASER/ BOYD, J. MORTON – The Highlands and Islands;

DAVID-NEEL, ALEXANDRA – With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet;

DEAN, VERA MICHAELES – The Nature of the Non-Western World;

DE MENTE, BOYE – Insider's Guide to Rocky Point, Nogales, Guatmas, Mazatlan, :a Paz;

DE mONFREID, HENRY – Hashich; *** Sea Adventures;

DENMARK; Facks About Denmark (1969);

DESBARATS, PETER – The State of Quebec;

DOERFLINGER, FREDERIC – Slow Boat Through Pennine Waters;

DONALD, ELSIE BURCH – London Shopping Guide;

DOUGLAS, NORMAN – Fountains in the Sand; *** Siren Land; *** Together;

DOWER, K. GANDAR – The Spotted Lion;

DUNN, L.C./ DOBZHANSKY, THEODOSIOUS – Heredity, Race and Society;

DU NOUY, LECOMTE – Human Destiny;

DURDIN, TILLMAN – Southeast Asia;

DUTTON, DAVIS/ PILGREEN, TEDI – The Great Family Fun Guide to Arizona;

EDWARDES, MICHAEL – Asia in the Balance;


EPTON, NINA – Love andthe Spanish;

EUTAIL Guide 1974 Edition; How to travel Europe by Train; *** EUTAIL Guide 1975 Edition; How to travel Europe by Train;

EVANS, A.J. - The Escaping Club;

EVANS, GINNY & BETH – The Vancouver Guide Book;

FARRAR, LARSTON D. - Washington Lowdown;

FARRELL, JAMES T. - It Has Come to Pass;

FIRTH, RAYMOND – Human Types;

FLEMING, PETER – Brazilian Adventure;


FODOR'A ModernGuides; Portugal;

FOKKER, ANTHONY – Flying Dutchman;

FORBES, ROSITA – From Red Sea to BlueNile; *** The Secret of the Sahara; Kufara;

FOX, ROBIN – Kinship andMarriage;

FREUCHEN, PETER – Book of theEskimos;

FRIEDMAN, RALPH – Northwest Passages;

FROMMER, ARTHUR – Guide to Honolulu; *** Guide to London 1985 – 1986; *** Guide to Montreal andQuebec; Dollar-Wise; *** Guide to New York; Dollar-Wise; ***

Guide to Rome; *** Surprising Amsterdam;

GABOR, DENNIS – Inventing to Future;

GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH – A China Passage; *** The Scotch;


GARTH, SHERIDAN H./ KAUFMAN, WILLIAM I. - Cook's Pocket Travel Guide to Europe; *** Cook's Pocket Travel Guide to the West Indies;

GELLER, VINCENT – Candid Canaidnd;


GIBB, H.A.A. - The Arabs;

GIRSDANSKY, MICHAEL – The Adventure of Language;

GORDON, JAN & cORA – Two Vagabonds in Serbia And Montenegro;

GREENE, GRAHAM – Journey without Maps; *** The Lawless Roads;

THE GUIDE TO Canada's Capitol; Ottawa;

GUNTHER, JOHN – Inside Europe Today; *** Inside South America; *** Inside U.S.A.;

GUPPY, NICHOLAS – Wai-Wai; Through the Forests North of the Amazon;

HADLEY, LEILA – How to travel with Children in Europe; Vol. 3 France, Spain, Portugal, Italy;

HALIBURTON, GORDON M. - Clansmen of Nova Scotia;

HALL, EDWARD T. - The Hidden Dimension; *** The Silent Language;

HALL, GERRY – Offbeat Canada; 101 Unusual Vacation Adventures;

HALLIBURTON, RICHARD – The Romantic World of Richard Halliburton;

HALLIDAY, FRED – Iran; Dictatorship and Development;

HAMILTON, R.A. (ed.) - Venture to the Aratic;

HARKNETT, TERRY – The Caribbean;

HARRER, HEINRICH – Seven Years in Tibet;

HAYAKAWA, S.I. (ed) – The Use and Misuse of Language;

HARRIOT, JAMES – James Herriot's Yorkshire;

HIVES, FRANK/ LUMLEY, GASCOINE – Ju-Ju and Justice in Nigeria;


HOWE, IRVING/ GERSHMAN, CARL-ISRAEL, The Arabs and the Middle East;

HUBBACK, EVA M. - The Population of Britain;

HUDSON, W.H. - The Purple Land;

HUTCHISON, BRUCE – The Unknown Country; Canada and Her People;

HUXLEY, ALDOUS – Beyond the Mexique Bay;

HUXLEY, JULIAN – Man inthe Modern World;


INDIA TOURIST Informations (Pamphlets 1974);

JAL Guide to the People's Republic of China;


KENI, ANDREA – The Single Girl's Guide to Europe;

KEOWN, IAN M. - KLM's Holland;

KLUCKHOHN, CLYDE – Mirror for Man;

KDYN, DOYLE – Take a Trip According to Doyle!

KOESTLER, ARTHUR – Dialogue With Death;

KONINGSBERGER, HANS – Love and Hate in China;

KORNITZER, LOUIS – Pearls and Men;

KRAUSS, BOB – Here's Hawaii;

KROEBER, A.L. - Style and Civilizations;

LAIRD, CHARLTON – The Miracle of Language;

LAMB, DANA AND GINGER – Quest for the Lost City;

LARA-BRAUD, LORGE (ed.) - Our Claim on the Future;

LAWLOR, ROBERT – The Bicentennial Book 1975-76;

LAWRENCE, D.H. - Etruscan Places;

LEAKEY, RICHARD E./ LEWIN, ROGER – People of the lake;

LEVINE, IRVING R. - Main Street, U.S.S.R.;


LINDBERGH, ANNE MORROW – North to the Orient;


LOCKERBIE, JEANNIE – On Duty in Bangladesh;

LOCKLEY, R.M. - The Channel Islands;


LOMAX, LOUIS E. - Thailand; the War That is, the War that Will Be;

LONDON; The Penguin Guide to London (F.R. Banks);

LONDON; A to Z Atlas of London andSuburbs;

LONDON; Where to buy in London – From Jewels to Jellied Eels;

LONEY, MARTIN – Rhodesia; White Racism and Imperial Response;

LOUW, ERIC H. - The Case for South Africa;

LYALL, ARCHIBALD – The Companion Guide to the South of France;

LYNCH, CHARLES – China One Fourth of the World;

LYONS, JOHN – Chomsky;

MACARTHUR, F.H. - legends of Prince Edward Island;

MADGE, CHARLES/ HARRISSON, TOM – Britain by Mass Observation;

MALINOWSKI, BRONISLAW – Argonauts of the Western Pacific;

MAN and his World 1970 Official Guide;


MATSON, FLOYD W. - The Broken Image; man, Science and Society;

MATTHIESSEN, PETER – Under the Mountain Wall;

McGREGOR, CRAIG – Profile of Australia;

McLAREN, MOREY – The Scots;

MEAD, MARGARET – Coming of age in Samoa; *** (ed.) Cultural Patterns and Technical Change; *** Growing up in New Guinea; *** Male and Female; *** The Mountain Arapesh III; Stream of Events in Alitoa; *** New Lives for Old; Cultural Transformation – Manus, 1928 – 1953; *** People and Places; *** Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies;

MEEKER, ODEN & OLIVIA – New York Herald Tribune European Edition Guide to Europe 1949 – 50;

MEDTA, VED – Portrait of India;

MEXICO; This is Mexico – February 21, 1970;

MEXICO; Amigo – February 22, 1960;

MICHENER, JAMES A. - The Voice of Asia;

MIDDLETON, DREW – The British;

MIKES, GEORGE – How to Scrape Skies;

MILLER, HENRY – The Colossus of Maroussi;

MONCKTON, C.A.W. - Some Experiences of a New Guinea resident Magistrate Volume 1 & Volume 2;

MONTAGU, ASHLEY – The Cultured Man; *** Man; His First Million Years; *** Man in Process;

MOORSE, DONALD – Far Eastern Journal;

MORE, JASPER – The Land of Italy;

MORRIS, JOHN – Traveller from Tokyo;

MORTON, H.V. - In Search of England;

MOWAT, FARLEY – People of the Deer; *** The Snow Walker;

MOWRER, EDGAR – Mowrer in China;

MUIRHEAD, L. RUSSELL (ed.) - Derbyshire;


MYRDAL, JAN – Report from a Chinese Village;

NEHEMKIS, PETER – Latin America; Myth and Reality;

NEWBY, ERIC – A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush;

NICHOLOS, PETER – Italia, Italia;

NICHOLSON, ROBERT – Nicholson's London Guide;

O'FAOLAIN, SEAN – The Irish;

O'HEARN, WALTER – Lady Chatterley, Latterly;

OLIVER, DOUGLER L. - Invitation to Anthropology;

PACK, S.W.C. - Anson's Voyage Round the World;

PALK, DOUGLAS – China the Sleeping Giant;

PALMER, W.T. - Lake District; *** North Wales;

PARES, BERNARD – Russia Its Past and Presnet;

PARIS; Time Off in Paris;


pARKMAN FRANCIS – The Oregon Trail;

PARR, JOHN (ed.) - Speaking of Winnipeg;

PATTERSON, R.M. - Far Pastures;

PEARL, RALPH – Las Vegas is my Beast;

PEI, MARIO – The Story of Language;


PICKTHORN, HELEN – The Student Guide to Britain;

PILKINGTON, ROGER – Waterways in Europe;

PISA; How to Visit the Beauties ot Pisa;

POLAND; Facts and Figures (1960);

POTTER, SIMEON – Language in the Modern World; *** Our Language;

POWELL, S.W. - A So9uth Sea Diary;

PRINGLE, J.M.D. - China Struggles for Unity;

PRYDE, DUNCAN – Nunaga; Ten Years of Eskimo Life;

PURDY, ANTHONY – Inside Monte Carlo;

READ, KENNETH E. - The High Valley;

ROBBINS, SALLIE ANN – See Canada Free;

RODINSON, MAXIME – Israel and the Arabs;

ROMIJN, JAAP/ SCHERER, KEES – Holland; the world in color;

ROSE, W.J. - Poland;

ROTHCHILD, JOHN (ed.) - Latin America; Yesterday and Today;

ROWE, DAVID NELSON – Modern China;

ROWE, PERCY – Travel Guide to Canaada;


RUESCH, HANS – Top of the World;


SANDERS, RONALD – The Downstown Jews;

SAPIR, EDWARD – Language;

SCHONFIELD, HUGH J. - The Suez Canal;


SCOTT, JOHN – China; the Hungry Dragon;

SEGAL, RONALD – The Crisis in

SHEEN, FULTON J. - This is Rome;

SHELTON, JACK – How to Enjoy 1 to 10 Perfect Days in San Francisco;

SIDGWICK, CHRISTOPHER – Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Formentera;

SILLITOE, ALAN – Road to Volgograd;

SMEDTS, MATHIEU – Northern Italy;

SNOW, C. P – The Two Cultures; and a Second Look;

SOUTH African Quiz;

STAMP, L. DUDLEY – Applied Geography; *** Britain's Structure and Scenery;

STARK, FREYA – The Valleys of the Assassins;

STARKIE, WALTER – Spanish Raggle – Taggle;

STEICHEN, EDWARD – The Family of Man;

STEWART, GORDON W. - The Way to Go;

SUGGS, ROBERT C. - The Island Civilizations of Polynesia;


SZYLC, TAD – Latin America;

TANNERBAUM, FRANK – Ten Keys to Latin America;

TELLER, JUDD – The Jews; Biography of a People;


THOMAS JR., LOWELL – Put of this World to Forbidden Tibet;

TING, JAN C. - An American in China;

TRACY, JAN C. - Am American in China;

TRACY, HONOR – Mind You, I've Said Nothing! *** Silk Hats and no Breakfast;


TUCHMAN, BARBARA W. - Notes fromChina;

VALENTINE, VICTOR F./ VALLEE, FRANK G. - Eskimo of the Canadian Arctic;

VAN DEN HAAG, ERNEST – The Jewish Mystique;

VAN DER POST, LAURENS – The Heart of the Hunter; *** Journey into Russia; *** The Lost World of the Kalahari; *** Venture to the Interior;

VENICE; An Artistic and Illustrated Guide Book;

VEZINA, ROGER – Holidays in Old Quebec;


WAGGONER, LELAND T. - You Can See the World in 40 Days;

WALN, NORA – The House of Exile;

WATT, ENA – Scotland;

WELLS, KENNETH McNEILL – Cruising the Rideau Waterway; *** Cruising theTrent-Severn Waterway;

WINBOLT, S.E. - Hampshine and the Isle of Wright; *** Somerset;

YAFFE, JAMES – The American Jews; Portrait of a Split Personality;

YU-TI, JEN – A Concise Geography of China;

ZIM, HERBERT S. - The Rocky Mountains;


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>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986



Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at;  1-204-392-6686


ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =

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Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

