(Black Holes, Comets, Einstein, Planets, Science, Space Travel, Stars, the Universe) For Sale;


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Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD

BOX 21986





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(Black Holes, Comets, Einstein, Planets, Science, Space Travel, Stars, the Universe) For Sale;

ADLER, IRVING - Seeing the Earth from Space (Signet Science Library P2050; Illustrations by Ruth Adler; 8-pages of Photos; 6-page Table of Satellites Placed in Orbit);

*** The Stars; Steppingstones into Space (Signet Ks364; Illustrations by Ruth Adler; 8-pages of Photos);

ARMITAGE, ANGUS - The World of Copernicus (The Life and Work of the Astronomer); (Mentor MD65); (Signet P2370);

BARNETT, LINCOLN - The Universe and Dr. Einstein (A Clear Explanation of Einstein's Theories); (Mentor M71); (Mentor MD231); (Mentor MP435); (Bantam Science and Mathematics HA 4202; Revised Edition with a Foreword by Albert Einstein);

BELL, JOSEPH N. - Man into Orbit (The True Story of the Astronauts); (Avon G-1075; 1961 with Photos and Diagrams);

BERGAUST, ERIK / BELLER, WILLIAM - Satellite ! (From Satellites to Space Platforms to the Moon and Beyond) (Bantam A1765; November 1957);

BERNHARD, HUBERT J. / BENNETT, DOROTHY A. / RICE, HUGH S. - New Handbook of the Heavens (with Photographs, Illustrations and Charts); (Mentor M52); (Mentor MD114); (Mentor Ms114); (Signet Science Library P2123); (Signet Science Library Q3647);

BERNSTEIN, JEREMY - Einstein (Albert Einstein and the Central Issues of Modern Physics); (Fontana 3048L; 1980 Fifth Edition);

BERRY, ADRIAN - The Iron Sun (Crossing the Universe Through Black Holes); (Coronet 23231 5; 1979);

BONDI, HERMANN - Relativity and Common Sense; A New Approach to Einstein (Doubleday Anchor Science Study Series S 36; Illustrated; 1964);

*** The Universe at Large; Views of Cosmology (Doubleday Anchor Science Study Series S 14; Illustrated; 1960);

BROMS, ALLAN - Our Emerging Universe (The Creation and Evolution of the Universe, the Solar System and the Planet Earth); (Dell Laurel Edition 6753; March 1964);

CAIDIN, MARTIN - Man into Space (Pyramid PR35; 1961; 16-pages of Photographs);

CLARK, JAY - Constellations (Western Pub. Co. Inc. 1969; Illustrated);

CLARKE, ARTHUR C. - The Exploration of Space (Pelican/Penguin Books A434; 1958; with Illustrations and Photos); (Cardinal/Pocket Books C-1365; 1954; with Illustrations and Photos)

COLEMAN, JAMES A. - Relativity for the Layman (Pelican/Penguin Books A442; 1959; Illustrated by the Author);

COOPER, HENRY S.F. JR. - A House in Space (The Skylab Experiments); (Bantam 11381-X; 1978; with Photos);

CROWTHER, J.G. - An Outline of the Universe Volume 1 (Pelican/Penguin Books A21; 1938; with Illustrations and Photos; With or Without Dustjacket);

*** An Outline of the Universe Volume 2 (Pelican/Penguin Books A22; 1938; with Illustrations and Photos; With or Without Dustjacket);

de KAY, JAMES T. - Stargazers (The Story of the Stars and the Men Who Unlocked Their Secrets); (MacFadden Booka 50-504S; 1963; Illustrated by the Author);

EDDINGTON, SIR ARTHUR - The Expanding Universe (Pelican/Penguin Books A70; 1940; with 2 Plates; with Dustjacket);

FIRSOFF, V.A. - The World of Mars (Oliver and Boyd 35; 1969; with Illustations and Photos);

GAMOW, GEORGE - The Birth and Death of the Sun (Stellar Evolution and Subatomic Energy); (Mentor with Various Printings; with Illustrations and Photos);

*** The Creation of the Universe (Various Publishers and Printings; with Illustrations and Photos);

GARDNER, MARTIN - Relativity for the Million (Pocket Books 95011; 1965; Illustrated by Anthony Ravielli);

*** Space Puzzles; Curious Questions and Answers about the Solar System (Archway/Pocket Books 29549; 1972; with Illustrations and Photos);

GOLDEN, FREDERIC - Quasars, Pulsars, and Black Holes (Pocket Books 80947; 1977; with Photos);

GOODAVAGE, JOSEPH F. - The Comet Kohoutek (Pinnacle Books 523-00248-095; 1973);

GOODWIN, HAROLD LELAND - The Science Book  of Space Travel (Cardinal/Pocket Books C-207; 1956; Illustrated by Jack Coggins);

GRIBBEN, jOHN - Timewarps (Sphere Books; 1979; with Illustrations and Photos);

GRIBBEN, JOHN R. / PLAGEMANN, STEPHEN H. - The Jupiter Effect (The Planet as Triggers of Earthquakes; Foreword by Isaac Asimov); (Vintage/Random House 394-72221-3; 1976; Illustrated); (Fontana Collins 4419; 1977; Illustrated);

*** The Jupiter Effect Reconsidered (Vintage/Random House; 1982; Illustrated);

HARGREAVES, F.J. - The Size of the Universe (Pelican/Penguin Books A193; 1948; with Photos);

HOLMES, CAPTAIN DAVID C. (U.S.N.) - The Search for Life on Other Worlds (Bantam Science and Mathematics SA2; 1967);

HONEGGER, GOTTFRIED / van de KAMP, PETER - Space; The Architecture of the Universe (Visual/Dell Books VY1; 1962; with Illustrations and Photos);

HOYLE, FRED - Frontiers of Astronomy (Revolutionary New View of the Universe); (Mentor/New American Library MD200; 1957; with Illustrations and Photos);

*** The Nature of the Universe (Mentor/New American Library MD125; Third Printing 1958; with Photos); (Pelican/Penguin Books A609; 1968; with Photos);

JASTROW, ROBERT - Red Giants and White Dwarfs (Man's Descent from the Stars); (Signet Science Book; Revised Includes Results of Moon Landings and Mars Flights; with Illustrations and Photos);

JEANS, SIR JAMES - The Mysterious Universe (Pelican/Penguin Books A10; February 1938; with 2 Plates; with Dust Jacket); (Pelican/Penguin Books A10; October 1938; with 2 Plates);

JONES, SIR HAROLD SPENCER - Life on Other Worlds (Mentor; Various Printings; with Photos); (Hodder and Stoughton 360; 1959 Revised Edition; with Photos);

KING, H.C. - Exploration of the Universe (Signet Science Library T2601; 1964; with Illustrations and Photos);

LEONARD, JONATHAN NORTON - Flight into Space (The Facts about Space Exploration); (Various Publishers and Printings);

LEWIS, RICHARD S. - Appointment on the Moon (The Full Story of Americans in Space from Explorer 1 to the Lunar Landing - and Beyond); (Ballantine Books; 1969; with Illustrations and Photos);

LEY, WILLY - Missles, Moonprobes, and Megaparsecs ( Signet Science Library P2445; 1964; Illustrated);

*** Ranger to the Moon (America's Ranger 7 Rocket to the Moon); (Signet Science Library P2668; 1965; with Illustrations and Photos);

*** Rockets, Missles, and Men in Space (Revised and Up to the Minute); (SignetW3889; 1969; with Illustrations and Photos);

*** Satellites, Rockets and Outer Space (Signet Key Book KS360; 1958; with Photos); ); (Signet Science Library P2218; Various Printings and Dates; Newlt Revised with Illustrations and Photos);

LEY, WILLY / von BRAUN, WERNHER - Project Mars; A Master Blueprint for Man's First Exploration Trip to Mars (Badger Books SS4; 1961; with 21 Black and White Paintings by Chesly Bonestell and Photos);

LOVELL, A.C.B. - The Individual and the Universe (Nontechnical Survey of Advances in Astronomy); (Mentor/New American Library MD330; 1961; with Photos);

MACVEY, JOHN W. - How We Will Reach the Stars (Collier Books 09345; 1969);

MARSHACK, ALEXANDER - The World in Space (The Story of the International Geophysical Year); (Dell/Laurel Edition LB 111; 1958; with Illustrations and Photos);

MATTERSDORF, LEO - A Key to the Heavens (Insight into Astronomy); (Fawcett/Premier Book s27; 1956);

MAYALL, R. NEWTON / MAYALL, MARGARET / WYCKOFF, JEROME - The Sky Observer's Guide; A Golden Guide (Golden Press; 1971; with Illustrations and Photos);

MOORE, PATRICK - The New Look of the Universe (Zenith Books/Hodder and Stoughton; 1966; Illustrated);

*** The New Observer's Book of Astronomy (Frederick Warne N7; 1983 Revised Format; with Illustrations and Photos);

*** The Worlds Around Us (Account About Each of the Planets); (Collier Books AS91Y; 1961; Illustrated);

NEWTON, H.W. - The Face of the Sun (Study of the Surface of the Sun); Pelican/Penguin Books A422; 1958; with Photos);

NICOLSON, IAIN - Exploring the Planets; Knowledge Though Color (Bantam BooksR6842; 1973; with Color Illustrations and Photos);

NOURSE, ALAN E. - Nine Planets; The Worlds of Science - Astronomy (Pyramid Books; 1965 Third Printing; Illustrated with Paintings by Mel Hunter);

O'NEILL, GERALD K. - The High Frontier; Human Colonies in Space (Bantam Books; 1978; Illustrated with 60 Drawings by Donald Davis);

OVENDEN, MICHAEL W. - Life in the Universe; A Scientific Discussion (Doubleday Anchor Science Study Series S 23; 1962);

POWERS, ROBERT M. - The World's First Spaceship; Shuttle (Warner Books; 1980; with Illustrations and Photos);

RUSSELL, BERTRAND - The ABC of Relativity (Explanation of Einstein's Theories); (Mentor/New American Library MD258);

RYAN, PETER - The Invasion of the Moon 1969; The Story of Apollo 11 (Penguin Books; 1969; with Illustrations and Photos);

SAGAN, CARL - The Cosmic Connection; An Extraterrestrial Perspective (Life Beyond Earth); (Dell 3301; 1975; with Illustrations and Photos);

SCIAMA, D.W. - The Unity of the Universe (History of Cosmology); (Doubleday/Anchor Book A247; 1959; with Illustrations and Photos);

SHAPLEY, HARLOW - Beyond the Observatory (Charles Scribner's Sons; 1967);

SIMONS, LT. COL. DAVID G. / SCHANCHE, DON. A. - Man High (102,000 Feet into Space for 32 Hours); (Avon Books F-108; 1960);

SMART, W.M. - The Origin of the Earth (What is Known and Thought of the Origin of the Earth and the Planets); (Pelican/Penguin Books A339; 1955; with Photos); (Pelican/Penguin Books A339; 1959 Revised Edition; with Photos);

STINE, G. HARRY - Earth Satellites and the Race for Space Superiority (Ace Books D-239; 1957);

STONELEY, JACK / LAWTON, A.T. - CETI; Communication with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (Warner Books 88-008; 1976);

*** Is Anyone Out There ? (Radio Signals from Space); (Warner Books 76-574; 1974; with Illustrations);

TAYLOR, JOHN - Black Holes; The End of the Universe ? (Fontana/Collins 3509; Varios Printings and Dates);

VIORST, JUDITH - Projects; Space (Space Exploration by the United States); (Washington Square Press W-300; 1962; with Illustrations and Photos);

WEINBERG, STEVEN - The First Three Minutes; A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe (Fontana/Collins 4899; 1981 Third Printing; with Photos);

WILFORD,JOHN NOBLE - We Reach the Moon (The New York Time's Story of Man's Greatest Adventure); (Bantam BooksQZ 4844; Various Printings; with Illustrations and Photos);

WYLER, ROSE / AMES, GERALD - Exploring Other Worlds (Golden Press 7712; 1968; with Color Illustrations);

ZIM, HERBERT S. / BAKER, ROBERT H. - Stars (A Guide to the Constellations, Sun, Moon, Planets and other Features of the Heavens); (Golden Press 24493; 1962; with 150 Paintings in Color); (Golden Press 24493-1; 1975 Revisede Edition; with 150 Paintings in Color);


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>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986



Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at;  1-204-392-6686


ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =

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Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

