COMICS Blowout SALE; comics OVERSTOCK, Clearance & Starter SETS & LOTS FOR SALE;



(C) MISC COMICS: (Non-Marvel & Non-DC): Clearance SETS SALE;


>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.

They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;


If you see items that interest you, PLEASE;

(1) REQUEST Condition, Price & Confirmation of availability;

(2) IMPORTANT; State PREFERRED Condition; (A) Highest Available Grade; (B) Middle Grade; (C) Lowest grade, cheapest copy;

(3) List up to a MAXIMUM of 30 items that interest you [Pulling, Grading & Pricing items from our GIANT Inventory in our 8000 Square

Foot warehouse, can be EXTREMELY Time Consuming; (So please; Try to send Serious Inquiries & START with your MOST WANTED Items)

IF you make a purchase from the Original 30 or Less item Quoted, we will be very HAPPY to Quote MORE items;

(4) SEND YOUR WANT LIST BY EMAIL to = (Our most efficient method of replying to Quotes);

OR, you can PHONE Us at = 1-204-346-3674 [ We usually CANNOT give an INSTANT & On the Spot Quote, thus EMAIL is usually better]

(5) Once we get your WANT LIST, based on our IN STOCK Inventory Lists, we will be VERY happy to respond with what is in stock,

As Soon As Possible; WE USUALLY REPLY to Inquires in 1-3 DAYS. (Bigger Requests & Time-Consuming Inquires, take longer to respond to);

NOTE; All Items Related to this Category ARE ALREADY LISTED = If you do NOT see it Listed, Then it is NOT in Stock; 

(6) PLEASE; Be Sure to let us know which STATE / PROVINCE and COUNTRY the items will ship to,  so that we can quote Postage.

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 [ IF your Servers SPAM FILTER Blocks our EMAIL Reply, we can still then answer you by Snail Mail and/or Phone ];


Our Mailing Address;


Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD

BOX 21986





Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686


To see our HOME PAGE (includes HUGE Inventory of about 160+ Categories of ITEMS IN STOCK);

>> The WORLD’S BIGGEST SELECTION, on the entire Internet, on MANY ITEMS;

Please GO TO =



Note; All Listed Prices are in USA FUNDS;

(Or, you can pay in CANADIAN FUNDS, but adding the Current Exchange Rate to the Prices);


>> [ Because these are Heavily Discounted, Store CREDIT is NOT accepted on these SALE LOTS];

>>> We do NOT include PLASTIC BAGS and BACKING BOARDS with our Bargain Clearance Sets, so that we can keep set prices as Low as Possible & as Competitive as Possible; Sets are placed on one Large Plastic Bag & are Well Packed for shipping, so they will arrive in same condition as when they leave our Warehouse. [If you want to pay extra for Bags & Boards we are happy to oblige & add them; But take note that this often means a 2nd Package is required to USA or Overseas & Postage Costs could potentially cost DOUBLE; Comic Backing Boards especially add to both the SIZE and the WEIGHT of a Parcel];


ABOMINATIONS 1996-1997 Marvel Sequel to Hulk Future Imperfect She-Hulk #1-3 VFNM = $15.00

 Sequel to the Hulk: Future Imperfect mini-series. Includes;  Abomination /Future Imperfect, Betty-6,  Captain Agarn, Char, Chira, Cyberslik, Janis Jones, Kaspin, Librito, Mok the War Dog, Po, Shulk /Future Imperfect She-Hulk, Sleek, Unit, etc.; 130 Grams;



World War II storyline with RED SKULL & the NAZI'S; Fabian Nicieza-s; Kevin Maguire-c/a; SQUAREBOUND GIANTS; Mini / Limited Series


Adventures of CYCLOPS & PHOENIX Marvel 1994 Scott Lobdell-s  Gene Ha-a #1-4 VF = $15.00


ADVENTURES OF THE THING 1992 Ben Grimm BYRNE Miller PEREZ Ghost Rider #1-4 VF = $15.00

Mini / Limited Series ** SET of # 1-4; (Byrne-a, Miller-a, Perez-a; Ghost Rider app);


AGENT X (Marvel Comics 2002-2003) Taskmaster DEADPOOL Gail Simone #1-14 VF = $39.00


AGENTS OF ATLAS Marvel Comics 2006-2007 SHIELD VENUS Namora 1950's Team #1-6 VF = $25.00

#1 (10/2006; FIRST PRINTING; AGENTS OF ATLAS is a 1950's Team with SPY, SPACEMAN, GODDESS, ROBOT & GORILLA; GCD =  Characters: Agents of Atlas [Jimmy Woo; Venus (flashback); Marvel Boy; Human Robot; Gorilla Man]; Yellow Claw (flashback); Fritz Voltzmann (flashback); Dum Dum Dugan; Agent Derek Khanata; Jann of the Jungle (flashback); Suwan (flashback); President Eisenhower (flashback)  Synopsis: S.H.I.E.L.D. uncovers the existence of a superhero group that operated covertly in the 1950's, headed by Jimmy Woo. When Jimmy Woo is seriously injured the group reforms and breaks into S.H.I.E.L.D. and removes Jimmy; AGENTS OF ATLAS in The Golden History; Jeff Parker story; Leonard Kirk & Kris Justice art; Tom Coker cover);


AGENTS OF ATLAS 2009 VENUS Woo NAMORA Marvel Boy Gorilla Man #1abc, 2ab,3-11 VF+

AGENTS OF ATLAS (Marvel Comics; 2009 Second Limited Series)

#-A(1st Printing), #1-B(1st Printing Variant), #1-C(2nd Printing Variant)

#2-A(1st Printing), #2-B(2nd Printing Variant)

and #3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

V2 #1(4/2009; 52 Pages; Regular TEAM (Human Robot, Venus, Jimmy Woo, Namora, Marvel Boy & Gorilla Man) Cover by ART ADAMS;

Dark Reign Tie-In; Return of AGENTS OF ATLAS (Human Robot, Venus, Jimmy Woo, Namora, Marvel Boy & Gorilla Man) is a 1950's Team of HEROES in the 21st Century;

Agents of Atlas in First Contact, 23 story by Jeff Parker, with Art by Benton Jew and Carlo Pagulayan;

Appearances by; NORMAN OSBORN, Sentry, Man-Mountain Marko, Jason & Arnett);

GCD Synopsis; Man-Mountain Marko leads a government team (answering to Norman Osborn) to confiscate weapons being created by Atlas. The team stops them. Osborn retaliates and destroys an Atlas base. Venus comes after Osborn and Sentry. Osborn recaps the story of the Agents of Atlas. They make a deal, which includes Marko getting a tour of the Atlas base. Marko figures out it's all a trap, at which point Mr. Lao eats him. A deal finalized with Osborn, and the team celebrates. But why is the son of the Mandarin nearby? *** WOLVERINE Agent of Atlas, 12 page Backup story by Jeff Parker story, with Art by Benton Jew; Story of the Agent of Atlas first meeting with LOGAN aka WOLVERINE in the Jungles of 1958 CUBA; Appearances by; Che Guevara & Fidel Castro;

800 Grams;

Set of Volume-2 #1abc, 2ab, 3-11 (2009 Marvel Limited Series) VF+ = $29.00


AIR RAIDERS (1987-1988 Marvel Star Comics) KELLEY JONES Hasbro Toys #1-5 FN/VF = $39.00


ALF Marvel comics Annual 1-3 Holiday Special 1,2 Spring 1 TPB V.1 X-Men TMNT VF = $39.00

ALF Marvel comics Annual 1-3 Holiday Special 1,2 Spring Special 1 X-Men TMNT VF

 ALF {stands for = Alien Life Form} (Marvel Comics Pub; Based on TV series; 1988-1992) = LOT of SEVEN GIANT Comics as Listed Below;

ALF ANNUAL #1(1988; Mount Rushmore-c; Rocky & Bullwinkle app);

ALF ANNUAL #2(Sienkiewicz-c; Interview with a Vampire satire);

ALF ANNUAL #3(TMNT - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Spoof)

ALF HOLIDAY SPECIAL #1(1988; 68 Page Giant; Christmas-c);

ALF HOLIDAY SPECIAL #2(1989; 68 Page Giant; X-Men & Dark Pheonix parody-c/s)

ALF SPRING SPECIAL #1(Spring/1989; 68 Page Giant; Invisible Man parody);

ALF #NN (April 1990; TPB - TRADE PAPERBACK; PHOTO Cover, Collects Alf #1-3 in this One Volume)

625 Grams


ALIAS 2001 Marvel Max JESSICA JONES Avengers Luke Cage NETFLIX TV #2-10 VF = $45.00

ALIAS (Marvel MAX Comics Pub; 2001-2004; featuring Jessica Jones; Parental Advisory – Explicit Contents for Mature & Adult readers; Brian Michael Bendis (of Ultimate Spider-Man fame) stories; ART by Michael Gaydos (of CROW fame) in all; ** see also The PULSE for 2nd Series) >>>> Jessica Jones is being developed by DISNEY for a new TV show on NETFLIX & could potentially become RED HOT [If Popular enough, it could move to a MOVIE or Mainstream TV; This is a well written and Popular series]; **** [ Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones(Alias & Pulse) Live-Action TV Series Coming to NETFLIX; Huge, interconnected Marvel TV show launch begins in 2015 Leading Into The DEFENDERS Mini-Series];

>>> [Jessica Jones , the Super-Heroine Alcoholic Private investigator of superhuman cases; #2 = Luke Cage appears; #7,8 = 2 pages Sienkiewicz art in each];

**** SET of #2-10 VF, 8.0 or Better = $45.00;


ALIAS 2001 Marvel Max ORIGIN JESSICA JONES Avengers SPIDER-WOMAN TV #11-28 VF = $59.00

ALIAS (Marvel MAX Comics Pub; 2001-2004; featuring Jessica Jones; Parental Advisory – Explicit Contents for Mature & Adult readers; Brian Michael Bendis (of Ultimate Spider-Man fame) stories; ART by Michael Gaydos (of CROW fame) in all; ** see also The PULSE for 2nd Series) >>>> Jessica Jones is being developed by DISNEY for a new TV show on NETFLIX & could potentially become RED HOT [If Popular enough, it could move to a MOVIE or Mainstream TV; This is a well written and Popular series]; **** [ Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones(Alias & Pulse) Live-Action TV Series Coming to NETFLIX; Huge, interconnected Marvel TV show launch begins in 2015 Leading Into The DEFENDERS Mini-Series];

>>> [Jessica Jones , the Super-Heroine Alcoholic Private investigator of superhuman cases; #15 = Luke Cage appears; #16-21 = UNDERNEATH storyline Parts 1-6 with SPIDER-WOMAN; #22,23 = The Secret ORIGIN of Jessica Walters; #24-28 = PURPLE storyline Parts 1-5, AVENGERS appear]; 

**** SET of #11-28 VF, 8.0 or Better = $59.00;


ALIEN LEGION 1984-1987 Marvel Epic 1st series FUTURE Live-Action MOVIE? 1-20 VF = $49.00

film script.  In development - FUTURE Live-Action MOVIE? Sci-Fi Military Comic Series, created by Carl Potts; Stroman Farmer



ALIEN LEGION 1987-1990 Marvel Epic 2nd series FUTURE Live-Action MOVIE? #1-18 VF = $35.00

Wikipedia = During the 2013 San Diego Comic Con Titan Comics announced a new Alien Legion series ... Derek Haas and Michael Brandt collaborating on a live-action film script.  In development - FUTURE Live-Action MOVIE? Sci-Fi Military Comic Series, created by Carl Potts; Stroman Farmer


ALIEN LEGION Grimrod One Planet at a Time On the Edge Tenants of Hell MOVIE? VF ($39.00)

LOT of 9 different ALIEN LEGION comics;

ALIEN LEGION - Grimrod  #1

ALIEN LEGION - One Planet at a Time #1-3

ALIEN LEGION - On the Edge #1-3

ALIEN LEGION - Tenants of Hell #1,2

There was once MOVIE in Development

Price for the LOT = VF


ALPHA FLIGHT 1983-1994 #1-20 1st PUCK Guardian Sasquatch Wolverine JOHN BYRNE VF average (varied FN to VF+) BUT #2(VGFN), 5(VGFN), 9(VGFN), 10(FN) = $79.00;

weight = 890 grams


ALPHA FLIGHT (34=Lady Deathstrike) BYRNE Wolverine Hulk Avengers #21-32,34-40 VF = $49.00;


ALPHA FLIGHT (1983-1994 Marvel; #51= 1st JIM LEE); Wolverine Portacio #41-60 FN/VF average (grades varied from FN to VF+, except #42(GVG), 45(VGFN) = $65.00

weight = 840 grams

ALPHA FLIGHT (Marvel Pub; 1983-1994 Vintage Original Comics X-Men Spin-Off Series);

WOLVERINE app;  CANADA's First Super-Hero TEAM; 

*** Highlights INCLUDE;     CANADA's First Super-Hero TEAM; Based on the Group 1st introduced in X-MEN #120, 121; 

Created by JOHN BYRNE; Jim Lee-a=51, 53, 55-62, 64; Jim Lee-c=53, 87-90;  Whilce Portacio-a=39-47, 49-54;

Highlights;   #43(Sentinals); #44-46(Sasquatch-c/s);  #50(52 Page GIANT; Loki-c/s);   #51(Jim Lee’s 1st work at Marvel; Wolverine cameo; 1st Lee Wolverine; Portacio-a); 

#52-53(Wolverine;  Jim Lee-a on Wolverine; Portacio-a);  #53(Jim Lee/Portacio-a);  #55-60(Jim Lee-a); #60(7/1988);


ALPHA FLIGHT (1983-1994; Marvel Comics) #61-80 VF = $69.00;   940 Grams


ALPHA FLIGHT 1983-1994 Marvel Spider-Man Wolverine Avengers Galactus #81-97,99,100 VF = $59.00;


ALPHA FLIGHT (1983-1994; Marvel Comics) #103-105,107-120 VF set SALE = $49.00 (790 grams)


ALPHA FLIGHT 1997-1999 Wolverine 1st HONEY LEMON Big Hero Six V2 #1-16,18-20 VF = $69.00

#8, 9 = Wolverine/ Weapon X; #12 = DEATH of Sasquatch;

#16 = 1st Cameo App of HONEY LEMON (Later of BIG HERO SIX)


ALPHA FLIGHT SPECIAL Marvel Comic 1991 Avengers Galactus Guice Nicieza #1-4 VF = $29.00

Jackson Guice-c, Fabian Nicieza-s, Michael Bair/Chris Ivy-a; 200 Grams


AMAZING ADVENTURES 1970-76 1st series; KILLRAVEN War of the Worlds Craig Russell 18-39

** (Grades vary from VG/FN to FN/VF) Except #24(G/VG), 26(VG) 1010 Grams

Average Grade is FINE = $135.00


AMAZING HIGH ADVENTURE 1984-1986 Sienkiewicz Severin Williamson Bolton #1-5 VF = $22.00

[all are 52 page GIANTS; Marvel comics Pub]


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 253-256,258,261,262,264 Hobgoblin Black Costume 1st ROSE PUMA = $69.00

(weight = 350 grams)

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#253 (6/1984;  First appearance of Richard Fisk the original ROSE partial cover & Story;  Richard Fisk, the ROSE is the son of Wilson Fisk the KINGPIN;  Richard Fisk later became a Vigilante called the Blood Rose; Richard Fisk was eventually shot dead by his own mother, Vanessa (wife of Kingpin); SECOND issue in series with Spider-Man in Alien Symbiote BLACK Costume that later becomes VENOM; Tom DeFalco story; Rick Leonardi & Bill Anderson art; Rick Leonardi cover; FN/VF)

#254(Jack O'Lantern; FN/VF), 255(1st Black Fox; FN/VF), 256(1st app PUMA; FN/VF),

#258(VG/FN), 261(4-Part HOBGOBLIN Story; VG/FN)

#262 (FN/VF),  264 (VF+)


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #266-274 = $59.00

(weight = 400 grams)

#266(VF+, 267(VGFN), 268(VF), 269(GVG),

270(VG), 271(GVG), 272(VF) 273(VF), 274(VF)


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963-1998) Punisher Moon Knight Darkhawk #351-359,367-370

VF+ average (varied from VF to VF/NM) = $89.00

weight = 600 grams

#351,352=Nova of New Warriors app;  #353-358= Round Robin Sidekicks Revenge 6-Part-s; 353=Darkhawk & Punisher app. 354=Nova, Night Thrasher, Darkhawk & Moon Knight app. 357,358-Punisher, Darkhawk, Moon Knight, Night Thrasher; 358=3-part Gatefold-c; 359,=Cardiac; 366=Red Skull, Peter Parker's parents-c/s; 367= Captain America, Solo & Hawkeye; 368-370=Spider-Slayers;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963-1998) Cardiac VENOM Vulture HULK #371-377, 381-390

VF+ average (varied from VF to VF/NM) = $99.00

weight = 850 grams


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963-1998) CARNAGE Dr Octopus Scarlet #395-399,401-409

VF+ average (varied from VF to VF/NM) = $85.00

weight = 660 grams


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2003-2004 Marvel LOKI Ezekiel Straczynski Romita #500-508 VF+  = $69.00

500 Grams


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2004-2005 Marvel Straczynski Deodato New Avengers #512-520 VF  = $59.00

550 Grams


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #17-27 MILLER Punisher 1st female Captain Marvel VF = US$75.00

#17 = Kingpin; #18 = Scorpion, Wedding of J. Jonah Jameson;

#20 = Origin Iron Man of 2020;

#21 = Mary Jame Watson & Peter Parker WEDDING;

#22 = 1st Speedball, Evolutionary war;

#23 = Atlantis Attacks; #24 = Ant-Man; #

#25 = 1st VENOM SOLO story; #

#26 = New warrior app, VENOM SOLO story;

#27 = 1st Annex]


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2nd Series) Octopus Doom Mary Jane #41-51,52-58 (Aka #482-499) VF = $69.00

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN FAMILY (MARVEL Comics 2008-2009) #1-8 VF = $99.00 960 Grams;

AMAZING X-MEN 1995 Age of APOCALYPSE Magneto Andy Kubert Fabian Nicieza #1-4 VF = $19.00


AMERICAN DREAM (2008) Avengers Shannon Carter Female Captain America #1-5 VF = $16.00

First solo Series for Shannon Carter (Female Captain America)

#5 = Next Generation AVENGERS appear


A-NEXT #1-11 Avengers Loki Speedball Jubilee Defenders HOPE PYM Ant-Man Movie VF = $49.00

A-NEXT (1998-1999; Marvel Comics Pub) [the MC2 Marvel Universe NEXT / Second Generation of AVENGERS; Tom DeFalco-s; Ron Frenz & Brett Breeding-a;  the Founding Members of A-NEXT include; J2, Mainframe, STINGER (Dr. Cassandra Lang is the daughter of the second Ant-Man, Scott Lang)., and Thunderstrike]  *** the ANT-MAN Big Screen FILM/MOVIE was released on July 17, 2015;

#1 (10/1998; First appearance of A-Next the New  Avengers Team & Begins;  Founding Members of A-NEXT include; J2, Mainframe, STINGER (Dr. Cassandra Lang is the daughter of the second Ant-Man, Scott Lang)., and Thunderstrike; Also Includes appearance of; Jolt, Jubilee, Loki,  Speedball, Thor, Tyrus the Terrible);

#2, #3 (Defenders appear);

#4(First Appearance of AMERICAN DREAM-c/s = aka Shannon Carter the female Captain America);

#5 (Doctor Doom appears);  #6;

#7 [4/1999; "After the Fall" = Last Days of the Original Avengers;  Partial Origin of Mainframe;  First Shadowed Cameo appearance of HOPE PYM the RED QUEEN; Evangeline Lilly played HOPE VAN DYNE aka HOPE PYM in the July 2015 ANT-MAN Movie; Hope Pym is the daughter of Hank Pym (Ant-Man & Yellowjacket) and Janet Van Dyne (Wasp), and twin to Henry Pym, Jr (aka Big Man)]

#8, 9

#10 [7/1999; First 1 panel pictured Cameo appearance, Second Cameo appearance overall of HOPE PYM the RED QUEEN; Evangeline Lilly played HOPE VAN DYNE aka HOPE PYM in the July 2015 ANT-MAN Movie; Hope Pym is the daughter of Hank Pym (Ant-Man & Yellowjacket) and Janet Van Dyne (Wasp), and twin to Henry Pym, Jr (aka Big Man)];

#11 (8/1999);


ANNIE Marvel Comics Movie Adaptation 1982 Aileen Quinn Finney Burnett #1,2 VF = $9.00

ANNIHILATION CONQUEST QUASAR 2008 Phyla-Vell daughter of Captain Marvel #1-4 VF =$19.00


ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST STARLORD (2007 Marvel) Guardians of the Galaxy #1-4 VF = $19.00


ASTONISHING X-MEN 1995 Age APOCALYPSE Sabretooth Blink Magneto Holocaust #1-4 VF = $16.00


A-TEAM 1984 Marvel Comics NBC TV Hannibal Smith Murdock BA Baracus Mr. T #1-3 VF = $19.00; (1984; Mini / Limited Series)


ATOMIC AGE 1990-1991 Marvel Al Williamson art 1950's Sci-Fi & Aliens-s #1-4 VF = $15.00; [Mini / Limited Series; Square-bound Giants]


AVENGERS Ultron Tigra Ghost Rider Yellowjacket Silver Surfer  PEREZ #200-220 VF = $99.00

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub 1963-1996)  #200-220 VF = $99.00

VF PEREZ Ultron Tigra Ghost Rider Yellowjacket Silver Surfer 

*** Condition of THIS SET is VERY FINE, 8.0 (Average Grade) and MANY are BETTER;


AVENGERS (1963-1996) Eternals Monica Origin Nebula Guardians #241-256,258-260 VF = $65.00



AVENGERS 1963-96 X-Factor Secret Wars Yellowjacket Kang Ant-Man Wasp #261-266, 268-280

VF, except #264(VG), 271(FN), 272(VGFN), 280(water-stain, VG) = $75.00 

(WEIGHT = 830 grams)


AVENGERS 1963-1996 Zeus Olympus Inferno new Team Namor Machine Man #281-300 VF+ = $89.00

[#300 = GIANT with New AVENGERS Team] (weight = 830 grams)


AVENGERS 1963-1996 QUASAR returns Firelord Spider-Man Nebula BYRNE-s #301-320 VF = $69.00  weight = 860 grams



AVENGERS 1963-1996 Alpha Flight 1st RAGE Dr Doom Collector Inhumans #321-340 VF = $69.00  weight = 920 grams



AVENGERS (1963-1996) New Warriors Galactic Storm Kree Reaper Vision #341-360 VF, except #346 (VG) = $55.00 


AVENGERS 1963-96 X-MEN Black Knight VISION Scarlet Witch Thunderstrike #361-380 VF, except #375(FNVF), 376(FN) = $89.00  weight = 1077 grams


AVENGERS ANNUAL Defenders Surfer Evolutionary Atlantis Kang FF Terminus 11-22 VF= $26.00


AVENGERS (3rd Series 1998-2004) PEREZ Squadron Supreme ULTRON #1-20 (416-435) VF = $59.00



AVENGERS 3rd Series1998-2004 PEREZ Spider-Man ULTRON #21-40 (436-455) VF = $49.00


AVENGERS 3rd Series 1998-2004 Invaders Avalon She-Hulk Red Zone #61-84 (476-499) VF= $69.00; 

*** Condition of THIS SET is VERY FINE, 8.0 (Average Grade) and MANY are BETTER


AVENGERS: CELESTIAL QUEST 2001-2002 THANOS Celestial Madonna MANTIS Set #1-8 VF

(Marvel Comic Pub; Mini / Limited Series; 11/2001-2002; #1,2, 7 = have THANOS covers; THANOS and MANTIS the Celestial Madonna)

SET #1-8 VF = $35.00


AVENGERS: EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES Marvel Comics 2005 V1 #1-8 VF = $24.00; 

*** Condition of THIS SET is VERY FINE, 8.0 (Average Grade) and MANY are BETTER


AVENGERS/ THUNDERBOLTS Marvel Comics 2004 Kurt Busiek Fabian Nicieza #1-6 VF = $18.00; 

*** Condition of THIS SET is VERY FINE, 8.0 (Average Grade) and MANY are BETTER


AVENGERS; UNITED THEY STAND 1999-2000 Marvel Ty Templeton ANIMATED Set #1-7 VF = $18.00; 

*** Condition of THIS SET is VERY FINE, 8.0 (Average Grade) and MANY are BETTER


AVENGERS vs ATLAS 2010 Ms Marvel Wolverine Woo Gorilla Man Venus Namora #1-4

GVC Notes these Characters appear; Growing Man, M-11 (Human Robot), Crystalloids, Lava Men;

Agents of Atlas [Jimmy Woo, Gorilla Man, Venus, Namora, Uranian],

Avengers [Spider-Man, Captain America, Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel, Wolverine, Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Giant Man]

Set #1-4 (2010 Marvel Limited Series) VF/NM = $19.00


Avengers West Coast 1989-1994 Torch Scarlet Witch Magneto JOHN BYRNE #48-70 VF = ASK

Avengers West Coast 1989-1994 Marvel Spider-Man Woman Wolverine Ultron #71-90 VF = ASK

BALDER THE BRAVE (1985/1986; Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1-4; *** (character from THOR; Simonson art) VF = $15.00;


BARBIE (Marvel Comics 1991-1996; Mattel Dolls Toys) Low Print #1-20 ; VF, except #2(FN) Set $119.00  weight = 850 grams


BARBIE FASHION (Marvel Comics 1991-1996; Mattel Dolls) Low Print #21-40

Very Fine ( 8.0 ), except #34(FN), 39(VGFN), 40(FN)Set = $115.00;

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (Marvel Comics 1979-1981) Glen Larson TV Series #1-23

FN/VF average = $ask.00 ; (weight = 1000 grams)

BATTLE TIDE (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 12/1992-3/1993; Wolverine app in all) ** SET of #1-4; ** (WOLVERINE, Psylocke, & Dark Angel); VF = $15.00;

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (1985; Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1-4; *** (DAZZLER & the BEAST from X-MEN; Sienkiewicz covers on all) VF = $15.00;


BEFORE THE FANTASTIC FOUR 2000-2001 Ben Grimm Logan Reed Richards Storms #1-3 VF

LOT of THREE Limited Series = 9 Different Comics in Total (Marvel Comics 2000-2001);

BEN GRIMM and LOGAN #1-3 (Thing and WOLVERINE)




Condition = VF

Price for Lot = $18.00;


BISHOP the LAST X-MAN (1999-2001 Marvel comics) X-MEN Kith Trilogy #1-14 VF = $39.00 **  800 Grams

BIZARRE ADVENTURES #25,26,27,28,29 Kull X-MEN Miller Elektra Stephan King

GRADE = FN/VF average = $59.00 for the Lot;

(Marvel B&W Magazine; formerly "Marvel Preview"; 3/1981-2/1983; 68 pages; Painted covers on most; ALL-NEW material in all issues; All published with NO COMIC CODE APPROVAL; Mature Themes, with more SEX and VIOLENCE stories)

#25 (FIRST issue in Series; 3/1981; LETHAL LADIES issue; BLACK WIDOW =Ralph Macchio-s & PAUL GULACY-a; LADY DAEMON = Claremont-s & Michael GOLDEN/ Terry Austin-a; DAUGHTERS OF THE DRAGON = Martial arts, Claremont-s & MARSHALL ROGERS-a);

#26 (2nd issue in Series; 5/1981; Robert E. Howard's KULL the Barbarian issue; Superb NEW art by JOHN BOLTON; "DEMON in a Silvered Glass" = When KULL was KING is a 56 page EPIC; Semi-Nude Girls);

#27 [3rd issue in this Series; 7/1981; "Secret Lives of the X-MEN" issue; Contains 3 great ALL-NEW SOLO X-Men stories; (1) PHEONIX = Claremont-s & John BUSCEMA/Klaus Janson art!, (2) ICEMAN = Mary Jo Duffy-s & GEORGE PEREZ / Alcala art, (3) NIGHTCRAWLER = Duffy/Layton-s & Cockrum/Villamonte-a!!! Wolverine cameo app; one of the very few times Xmen app in B&W]

#28 [4th issue in Series; 10/1981; "UNLIKELY HEROES" issue; Contains; (1) ELEKTRA = 10 pages by FRANK MILLER ; (2) SHADOW HUNTER = 20 pages of NEAL ADAMS; (3) Huntsmaster = Great Archie Goodwin-s, with Michael GOLDEN-a; (4) CONSCIENCE OF THE KING = Mary Jo Duffy-s, with WENDY PINI (of Elfquest fame) art, features TRITON of the INHUMANS = 8 pages; (5) BUCKY BIZARRE = Steve Skeates & Steve Smallwood! Painted cover by LARKIN];

#29 [5th issue in Series; 12/1981; "HORROR" issue; Cover Feature & story = "LAWNMOWER MAN" 21 page adaption of the STEPHEN KING novel = TRUE 1st printing THUS, of this COMICS adaption of the KING story; WALT SIMONSON-c/a; *** ALSO Features; Greenberg the VAMPIRE = DeMatteis-s & Steve Leialoha-a; MIRROR MIRROR = Bruce Jones-s, BUSCEMA -a; BUCKY BIZARRE by Skeates & Smallwood)]

BIZARRE ADVENTURES 1982 #30,31,32,33,34 Miller Violence THOR Horror Howard Duck

FN/VF Average (Varied from FN to VF) Price for the LOT = $59.00

500 grams;

(Marvel B&W Magazine; formerly "Marvel Preview"; 3/1981-2/1983; 68 pages; Painted covers on most; ALL-NEW material in all issues; All published with NO COMIC CODE APPROVAL; Mature Themes, with more SEX and VIOLENCE stories)

#30 [6th issue in Series; 2/1982; Science Fiction & Fantasy "TOMORROW" issue; (1) 2nd app of PARADOX = Vosburg-s & JOE JUSKO art! (2) 1st App SILHOUETTE = Peter Gillis-s & GENE DAY-a; (3) "Honor" = Steve Skeates, JOHN BUSCEMA, Bob Wiacek; (4) Bucky Bizarre = Skeates& Smallwood, with "apologies to H.G. Wells" & Bo Derek & Ronald Reagan parody; FN/VF, 7.0];

#31 [7th issue in Series; 4/1982; "VIOLENCE" issue; Jusko Painted-c; (1) 1st app of The PHILISTINE, 8 pages = Dennis O'Neil-s & FRANK MILLER Art; (2) Dr Deth = Larry Hama-s/a; (3) 1st app The HANGMAN = Gruenwald-s & SIENKIEWICZ-a; (4) "Violence wears many faces" = 2 pages JOHN BYRNE; (5) Recondo Rabbit by Larry Hama; (6) WAR story = DeFalco-s & TRIMPE-a; (7) FROG monster-s, Bissette-a;! (8) Bucky Bizarre; FN/VF, 7.0];

#32 [8th issue in Series; 4/1982; "THOR & other Gods" issue; Jusko THOR Painted cover; (1) THOR in "Sea of Destiny" = 14 pages of GREAT new JOHN BOLTON-a; (2) Demon's Bridge = Drunken Gods & Martial Arts by Larry Hama-s/a; (3) Funny Animal & Gods-s by DeFalco & Smallwood; (4) "STREAK" = Horse Racing & gambling, Ann Nocenti-s & nice LaRoque-a (Wood-like); (5) "The Prophet" = Gruenwald-s & MAYERIK, story & art about UFO's Gods & celestials; (6) "G-D" (god) = HUMOR story, Al Milgrom-s/a = GOD, DEVIL, Heaven, Earth, Hell & video game; (7) Bucky Bizarre = Skeates & Smallwood; FN, 6.0];

#33 [9th issue in Series; 12/1982; HORROR "FRIGHT" issue; (1) Tales of the ZOMBIE = Last Simon Garth ZOMBIE story, by Moench & Simons; (2) Vault of Evil: SLAYRIDE = WOLF-s by Bruce Jones, w Bob Hall-a; (3) Haunt of Horror- "Survivor" = NUDE Female GHOST story; (4) TOMB OF DRACULA = 25 pages, Steve Perry-s, with WILD art by BISSETTE; (5) Bucky Bizarre = Skeates & Smallwood; One of the VERY few Marvel mags with a PHOTO COVER; FN/VF, 7.0];

#34 (Only 52 page issue; Last of 10 issues in Series;2/1983; The ONLY color comic issue in the series; Special "X-MAS" Issue; Many people missed this last issue, because of the sudden format change; Joe JUSKO Skull/Skeleton Painted cover art; (1) Son of Santa, by Gruenwald & Kupperberg! =SANTA & replacement app; (2) HOWARD THE DUCK = Steve Grant-s & PAUL SMITH-a; (3) DR DETH, VIOLENT-s, by Larry Hama & Bob Camp; (4) SLAY BELLS = HORROR story, where child tried to KILL Santa, with art by Michael Carlin (style is a cross between Kurtzman& Frank Miller), Strange & Cool; (5) "SANTA bites the Big Apple" = great SANTA humor story by Milgrom; (6) Bucky Bizarre = SCARCER LAST ISSUE in this series; VF, 8.0];


BLACK GOLIATH 1976 Bill Foster African American Hero ANT-MAN Movie #1-5 FN/VF

Average Grade is FN/VF = $69.00 *(250 Grams)

BLACK KNIGHT (1990; Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1-4 VF = $25.00;

BLACK PANTHER PANTHER'S PREY (1991; Mini / Limited Series; 52 pages; Prestige format Square-bound) ** SET of #1-4 VF = $18.00;


BLADE RUNNER (Marvel Comics 1982 Limited Series) SET of #1,2 Movie Adaptation (WILLIAMSON art) NM, 9.4 = $79.00;

#1 (10/1982; Adaption of classic 1982 MOVIE with HARRISON FORD as Rick Deckard the Blade Runner cover & story; Leon, Dave Holden, Captain Bryant, Gaff, Roy Batty, Dr. Eldon Tyrell, Rachel, Hannibal Chew, J. F. Sebastian, Pris, & Zhora appear; Archie Goodwin story;  AL WILLIAMSON & Carlos Garzon cover & art; NM, 9.4);

#2 (11/1982; HARRISON FORD as Rick Deckard the Blade Runner cover & story; Roy Batty, Hannibal Chew, Gaff, Pris Stratton & Rachael appear; Brent Anderson cover; Archie Goodwin story;  AL WILLIAMSON, Carlos Garzon, Dan Green & Ralph Reese art; NM, 9.4); 


Blade the Vampire Hunter 1994-5 Dracula Deacon Morbius Drake Hannibal King #1-10

Low Print and SCARCE Series (560 Grams)

Set of #1-10 = $179

Blade: The Vampire-Hunter (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1994-1995)

#1 (7/1994; Foil-stamped cover; Midnight Sons Logo; The RETURN of DRACULA; Ian Edginton story; Art by Doug Wheatley and Chris Ivy. FN/VF, 7.0);

#2 (8/1994; Midnight Sons Logo; DRACULA vs BLADE Battle cover and story; VF, 8.0);

#3 (9/1994; Midnight Sons Logo; DRACULA vs BLADE Battle cover and story; 3/8” Tear and 2” Crease at top of Back cover, thus FN, 6.0);

#4 (10/1994; Part-1 of 2-Part Story; Voodoo Queen, Marie Laveau; FN/VF, 7.0);

#5 (11/1994; NIGHT TERROR vs BLADE Battle cover and story; Part-2 of 2-Part Story; Varnae, the first lord of the vampires, Night Terror and Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau; VF, 8.0);

#6 (12/1994; GLORY, Blade’s Ex-Lover cover and story; VF, 8.0);

#7 (1/1995; DEACON FROST cover and story; Deacon Frost, the vampire who started it all for Blade by killing his mother, is back! FN/VF, 7.0);

#8 (2/1995; MORBIUS vs BLADE Battle cover and story; Professor John Carik aka Bible John appears; Frank Drake and Hannibal King are alive and in agony; Bible John appears; FN/VF, 7.0);

#9 (3/1995; Professor John Carik aka Bible John, Hannibal King, Frank Drake, Julia Suarez, Mariella Suarez, Crossbow, Marie Laveau, Vampz; Multiple indents to bottom left cover corner, VG, 4.0);

#10 (4/1995; Low Print and scarce Last issue; DRACULA cover and story; DRACULA WINS! EVERYBODY DIES! THE END! Terry Kavanagh story; Art by Doug Wheatley and Steve Moncuse; VG/FN, 5.0);


BLOOD AND GLORY (1992; Mini / Limited Series; Deluxe Square-bound) ** SET of #1-3; (Punisher & Captain America); VF = $15.00;

THE BOOK OF LOST SOULS (Marvel ICON 2005-2006) Michael Straczynski Doran #1-6 VF= $14.00;

BOZZ CHRONICLES (Marvel EPIC; 1985/1986; Mini / Limited Series); Set #1-6 VF = $12.00;

by David Michelinie & Bret Blevins (Logan / Wolverine Look-Alike in the 19th Century);

BROTHERHOOD (Marvel comics 2001-2002) Dark Side Mutant War Kent Williams #1-9 VF Set = $18.00

M107-16 [Dark Side of the MUTANT WAR; the Brotherhood declares WAR on Humanity; Sean Phillips-s; Kent Williams-a; 1,3= Bill Sienkiewicz-c; #4= Barry Windsor-Smith-c];

BRUTE FORCE (1990; Mini / Limited Series; Animal Super-Heroes; Delbi & DeCarlo art) ** SET of #1-4 VF = $19.00;

BUCKAROO BANZAI Movie Adaptation (1984/85; Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1,2 VF = $8.00;

BULLWINKLE & ROCKY (1987-1989 Marvel Star) Dudley Do-Right Boris Natasha #1-9

 VF Average (Except #3 is FN) = $59.00  ** (400 Grams)

CABLE 1993-2002 Son Goblin Baby Nathan Thibert Omega Red Stryfe 1st WEASEL #1-20

CABLE (Marvel comics; 1993-2002; Original on-Going SOLO Series)

#1-17 VF average

#18-20 FN average

Price for Lot = $59.00

 (weight = 1140 grams)

Highlights; (1 = Classic SOLO Series for CABLE, the Leader of the X-FORCE begins;

1-4 = Thibert art; 3 = FIRST appearance of WEASEL; 6-8 = Revelation that Baby Nathan is CABLE, True Origin of Cable & Stryfe;

9 = Omega Red; 14 = Son of Green Goblin; 16 = Phalanx Covenant; 20 = Legion Quest)


CABLE 1993-2002 Marvel Apocalypse X-Man Mr Sinister Weapon X Onslaught #21-40 VF


CABLE (Marvel comics; 1993-2002; Original on-Going SOLO Series) #21-40 VF = $44.00

Highlights; (21= Return from Age of Apocalypse; 24 = Grizzly Dies; 28 = vs Sugarman; Mr Sinister appears;

30 = X-MAN-c/s, Exodus appears; 31 = vs X-MAN; 32-33 = POST appears; 33-35 = Onslaught;

34 = Apocalypse appears; 38 = Weapon X, Psycho Man, Micronauts)

CABLE 1993-2002 BISHOP Madelyne Pryor APOCALYPSE Domino Black Panther #41-60 VF


CABLE (Marvel comics; 1993-2002; Original on-Going SOLO Series) #41-60 VF = $44.00

Highlights; (41 = BISHOP-c/s; 42=Marrow-c/s; 44= Madelyne Pryor; 45-47= Operation Zero Tolerance;

50 = Giant, Madelyne Pryor & Harbinger of APOCALYPSE; 51 = 1st CASEY story; 53 = Lair of APOCALYPSE'

54 = BLACK PANTHER & KLAW; 55 = DOMINO-c/s; 59-60 = Nemesis Contract);

CABLE 1993-2002 SHEILD Stryfe Avengers Caliban X-Force Liefeld ORIGIN #61-74 VF


CABLE (Marvel comics; 1993-2002; Original on-Going SOLO Series) #61-74 VF = $39.00

Highlights; (61 = SHIELD story; 62 = Nick Fury-c/s; 63 = Stryfe-c/s; 64 = ORIGIN issue; Who is Nathan Summers?

67,68 = Avengers-c/s; 71,73 = ROB LIEFELD art; 73= Cable & X-Force reunited, Return of Caliban

CABLE 1993-2002 Marvel
APOCALYPSE the Twelve AGES of Rob Liefeld #75-80 VF


CABLE (Marvel comics; 1993-2002; Original on-Going SOLO Series) #75-80 VF = $35.00

Highlights; (75 = Rob Liefeld art; 75,76= APOCALYPSE the Twelve; 77=Ages of Apocalypse];

CABLE 1993-2002 Marvel Dream's Edge #81-90 VF


CABLE (Marvel comics; 1993-2002; Original on-Going SOLO Series) #81-90 VF = $29.00

Highlights; (83 = Domino-c/s; 85 = Fall of Clan Askani; #87, 88 = "Dream's Edge" = KEY issues; 87 = MYSTIQUE-c/s)

CABLE 1993-2002 Marvel comics #91-107 VF


CABLE (Marvel comics; 1993-2002; Original on-Going SOLO Series) #91-107 VF = $44.00

Highlights; (91 = Dean Koontz endorsement; 91-95 = Dark Sisterhood Saga; 97 = Tischman-s & Kordey-c/a begins;

98-100 = Techno-Organic Virus storyline; 100 = Anniversary GIANT; 101-103 =Skopje, Macedonia Ethnic Cleansing storyline;

104-107 = DARKO MACAN; 101-107 = LOW PRINT; 107 = scarcer LAST issue);

CABLE & DEADPOOL 2004-2008 Domino Taskmaster WOLVERINE Kazar #33-37, 39-49 VF/NM


CABLE & DEADPOOL (Marvel Comics Pub; 2004-2008) #33-37, 39-49  (Lot of 16 Different issues) VF/NM = US$99.00

Highlights; (FABIAN NICIEZA stories in all; REILLY BROWN art in Most;

33-34 = Domino Principle; 33= Liefeld cover; 36 = Taskmaster; 37 = Rhino; #43, 44 = WOLVERINE; 45 = Captain America; 46 = Fantastic Four;

47=Doctor Strange; 48=Brother Voodoo; 49=Ka-Zar & Zabu); 

CABLE BLOOD AND METAL (1992; Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1,2 VF = $12.00;

CAGE 1992-1993 Marvel Luke Power Man Punisher Hulk WC Avengers Iron Fist 1-20 VF


CAGE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1992-1993) Complete SET of #1-20 VF = $35.00

Highlights; (#1 = All-New SOLO Series for Luke Cage Power Man Begins;

3-4 = Punisher; 5-8 = Evil & the Cure; 7-8 = West Coast Avengers; 7,9, 12 =Danny Rand IRON FIST appears;

9-10 = Rhino & HULK appears; 15,16 = For Love nor Money; 15 =Silver Sable & Terror Inc; 17 = Infinity Crusade;

#18-20 = the Dark storyline with Bogeyman; 20 = Scarcer LAST issue, Dakota North & Fantastic Four appear;

CAGE 1992-1993 Marvel Luke Power Man Punisher Hulk WC Avengers Iron Fist 1-17 VF


CAGE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1992-1993) LOT of #1-17 VF = $25.00

Highlights; (#1 = All-New SOLO Series for Luke Cage Power Man Begins;

3-4 = Punisher; 5-8 = Evil & the Cure; 7-8 = West Coast Avengers; 7,9, 12 =Danny Rand IRON FIST appears;

9-10 = Rhino & HULK appears; 15,16 = For Love nor Money; 15 =Silver Sable & Terror Inc; 17 = Infinity Crusade;


CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968-1996) Union Jack Baron Blood Miller Origin BYRNE #247-255

For the Lot = $59.00  (weight = 400 grams)

CAPTAIN AMERICA (Marvel Comics Pub; 1968-1996);

#247 (7/1980; BARON STRUCKER cover and story; ORIGIN of CAPTAIN AMERICA is Retold; FIRST 2 panel Cameo appearance (Not Named) of Bernadette " Bernie" Rosenthal (aka Bernie America), girlfriend of Steve Rogers in her early years and Long-Time Marvel Universe Supporting Character; ** Appearances by; Nick Fury, Dum Dum Dugan, S.H.I.E.L.D., Josh Cooper and Mike Farrel; Early appearance of Starr Saxon as Machinesmith (formerly Mr Fear); DEATH of Baron Strucker robot; Cap heads to S.H.I.E.L.D. looking for info on his true origins and all is revealed as he uncovers his old WWII footlocker which also contains his triangular shield; ** JOHN BYRNE cover and art BEGINS; JOHN BYRNE and Roger Stern story; JOHN BYRNE and Joe Rubinstein cover and art; FN);

#248 (8/1980; DRAGON MAN cover and story; FIRST FULL appearance of Bernadette " Bernie" Rosenthal (aka Bernie America), girlfriend of Steve Rogers in her early years & Long-Time Marvel Universe Supporting Character; Early appearance of Starr Saxon as Machinesmith (formerly Mr Fear);  ** Appearances by; Nick Fury, Dum Dum Dugan, Gaffer, Josh Cooper, Mike Farrel, Baron Strucker robot; JOHN BYRNE and Roger Stern story; JOHN BYRNE and Joe Rubinstein cover and art; G/VG);

#249 (9/1980; Part-3 of 3-Part Storyline; Machinesmith, Spider-Man Robot, Thing Robot and Magneto Robot cover and story; DRAGON MAN appearance; DEATH of Starr Saxon as Machinesmith (formerly Mr Fear); ** Appearances by; Bernie Rosenthal, Josh Cooper and Mike Farrel; Roger Stern and JOHN BYRNE story; Joe Rubenstein and JOHN BYRNE cover and art; FN);

#250 (10/1980; CAPTAIN AMERICA for President cover and story; CAPTAIN AMERICA vs Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan; ** Appearances by; Dr. Strange, Daredevil, Nick Fury, Spider-Man, Avengers, Beast, Iron Man, Vision, and the Wasp, Samuel T. Underwood, Josh Cooper, Bernie Rosenthal, Mike Farrel, Edwin Jarvis, J. Jonah Jameson, Joe Robertson;  Roger McKenzie and Don Perlin plot;  Roger Stern story; JOHN BYRNE and Joe Rubinstein art; FN/VF)

#251 (11/1980; Ryker's Island Prison Break storyline;  Batroc the Leaper and Mister Hyde cover and Part-1 of 2-Part story; First appearance of Monique; ** Appearances by; Bernie Rosenthal, D. A. Blake Tower, **Cameo Flashback Appearances by; Sub-Mariner,  Red Skull, Falcon, Sharon Carter, The Avengers (Thor, Iron Man,  Giant-Man and Wasp); Roger Stern story; JOHN BYRNE and Joe Rubinstein art; VG/FN);

#252 (12/1980; Batroc the Leaper and Mister Hyde cover and Part-2 of 2-Part story; Second appearance of Monique; Life and Times of Captain America backup story, with Spider-Man, Avengers, Falcon, Hitler & cameos; Roger Stern story; JOHN BYRNE and Joe Rubinstein art; Al Milgrom and Joe Rubinstein cover; VF);

#253 (1/1981; Early appearance of BARON BLOOD cover and story; FIRST brief appearance of Joseph Joey Chapman the new UNION JACK III;  Jacqueline Falsworth aka Spitfire and Lord Falsworth aka original Union Jack-1 of World War-I appear;   Appearances by; Joey Chapman, Kenneth Crichton (Spitfire's son), Bernie Rosenthal, Edwin Jarvis; Cameos by Adolph Hitler and the Invaders; Captain America in Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot / Tomb of Blood; Roger Stern and JOHN BYRNE story; JOHN BYRNE and Joe Rubenstein art; VG);

#254 (2/1981; Captain America vs BARON BLOOD Battle cover and story; DEATH of John Falsworth aka BARON BLOOD FIRST FULL appearance of Joseph Joey Chapman the new UNION JACK III, cover and story; Jacqueline Falsworth Crichton aka SPITFIRE & Kenneth Crichton appear;  Dracula and Invaders flashback appearances; Captain America in Blood on the Moors / ...To Battle Baron Blood; Roger Stern story; JOHN BYRNE & Joe Rubinstein cover & art; FN/VF);

#255 (3/1981; Special 40th ANNIVERSARY issue; ORIGIN of Captain America Retold in Detail; Classic Captain America and Bucky, Living Legend vs NAZI’s COVER with Captain America's FLAG SHIELD by FRANK MILLER and Joe Rubinstein; Roger Stern story; Captain America in The Living Legend; ** Appearances by; General Phillips, Agent R, Abraham Erskine, Dr. Anderson, Heinz Kruger, Bucky Barnes, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Sgt. Duffy; ** Cameo Appearances by; Red Skull, Nazis, Adolf Hitler, Baron Zemo, Master Man, Warrior Woman,  Baron Blood,  and Avengers; JOHN BYRNE and Joe Rubinstein art; VF);


CAPTAIN AMERICA 1968-1996 Marvel Gruenwald Neary Super Patriot D-Man #311-320;322;324-330 VF = SOLD OUT

CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968-1996; Marvel comics pub);

Highlights include;

#311 (11/1985; Mad Thinker’s Awesome Android-c/s;

#312 (12/1985; FIRST appearance of FLAG SMASHER-c/s; Bushmaster and Diamondback; Paul NEARY-c/a;

#313(Serpent Society and Modok; Neary /Al Williamson-a; John Byrne/Al Williamson-c);

#328(1st app & Origin of D-Man/ Demolition Man);

#330(6/1987; Mike ZECK-c);


CAPTAIN AMERICA 1968-1996 Steve Rogers Bloodstone Zemo Viper

#341-353, 355-358 

[Highlights include; #341 = CAPTAIN AMERICA vs IRON MAN; #342 = CAPTAIN AMERICA vs VIPER and Serpent Squad; #344 = RONALD REAGAN cameo as Snake Man; #350 = RETURN of Steve Rogers as the Original CAPTAIN AMERICA in Original Costume; #351 = NICK FURY appears;  #357 = BLOODSTONE Hunt; #358 = BARON ZEMO;

VERY FINE, 8.0 = except #356(FN 6.0) PRICE for the LOT = SOLD OUT


CAPTAIN AMERICA 1968-96 Magneto Red Skull BULLSEYE Streets of Poison #361-380 , GRADES = #363(FN), otherwise = VF = $69.00

CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968-1996; Marvel comics pub);

Highlights include;

#365,366 = Acts of Vengeance; #367 = Magneto vs Red Skull; #372-378 = Streets of Poison;

#374 = BULLSEYE appears; #375 = DAREDEVIL appears; #376 = BLACK WIDOW appears;

#377 = BULLSEYE vs CROSSBONES; Red Skull appears; #379 = QUASAR appears; #380 = Serpent Society;



CAPTAIN AMERICA 1968-96 Red Skull JACK O'LANTERN Thor Galactic Storm #381-400 VF = $69.00

weight = 1000 grams

CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968-1996; Marvel comics pub);

Highlights include;

#381-382 = Serpent Society; #386 = US AGENT appears;

#383 = 68 Page Square-Bound Giant; 50th Anniversary; RED SKULL appears; JIM LEE cover;

#387-389 = RED SKULL Back Up Stories; #394-396 = RED SKULL appears;

#395-397 Eric Masterson THOR appears;

#396 = FIRST appearance of New JACK O'LANTERN;

#398-400 = Operation Galactic Storm;

#400 = 84 Page GIANT;



CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968-1996) MAN-WOLF Wolverine JACK O'LANTERN Cable #401-420 VF = $59.00

CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968-1996; Marvel comics pub);

Highlights include;

#401 = Operation Galactic Storm epilogue;

#402-407 = MAN-WOLF Storyline with WOLVERINE;

#406 = CABLE and Shatterstar Cameo; #407 = CAPWOLF vs CABLE-c/s; #408 = INFINITY WAR X-Over; FALCON Backup-s;

#405-410 = New JACK O'LANTERN; #409,419 = RED SKULL; #409-410 = CROSSBONES;


weight = 835 grams.



CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968-1996) Fighting Chance Namor AMERICOP Jack Flag #421-440 VF average = $69.00

CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968-1996; Marvel comics pub);

Highlights include;

#423 = CAPTAIN AMERICA vs NAMOR; #425 = 52 Page GIANT;

#425-437 = Fighting Chance storyline; #438 Fighting Chance epilogue;

#428 = 1st AMERICOP; #431 = 1st FREE SPIRIT; #434 = 1st JACK FLAG;


weight = 915 grams



CAPTAIN AMERICA ANNUAL #5(1981), 6,7,9,10,11,12,13(1994) Nomad Red Skull VF = $45.00

** Includes; #5(1981), #6(1982), #7(1983); #9(1990; Nomad Backup); #10(1991; ORIGIN Retold);

#11(1992; FALCON Solo story); #12(1993; Bagged with Card); #13(1994; RED SKULL)

weight = 600 grams


CAPTAIN AMERICA 1996-1997 #1-13 Heroes Reborn CABLE Red Skull Crossbones LIEFELD

VF Average (Except #6,7 = FN) = $35.00 for the Lot (775 Grams);


CAPTAIN AMERICA Sentinel of Liberty 1998-99 Invaders 8= 1st Falcon as CAP #1-12

VF Average = $35.00 for the Lot (720 Grams);


CAPTAIN AMERICA 1998-2002 #1-25 Nightmare Nick Fury RED SKULL Korvac Sgt Fury VF = $79.00;

CAPTAIN AMERICA (Marvel Comics; 1998-2002; 3rd Series; Volume-3)

** Highlights;

#1 =  Return of Steve Rogers as Captain America; Mark Waid stories; Ron Garney art;

#1-3  = Heroes Return;

#3 = Returns to Old Shield; #4 = HAWKEYE Appears; #5 = THOR Appears;

#6-7 = Skrulls; #7 = ANDY KUBERT cover & art Begins; #8 = Kree;

#9 = First appearance of CAPTAIN AMERICA’s New Shield;

#12 = Battles NIGHTMARE-c/s; RED SKULL Backup story;


#18 = CAPTAIN AMERICA vs KORVAC in the Future;

#19 = RED SKULL Returns; 

#20, 21 = SGT. FURY Backup Story painted by EVANS;  #22 = KLAW-c/s;

#24 = Crossbones & Absorbing Man;

#25 = CAPTAIN AMERICA and FALCON vs HATEMONGER; Nick Fury appears;.



CAPTAIN AMERICA 1998-2002 Ka-Zar Hatemonger N.Fury Red Skull Protocide #26-50 VF = $59.00;

CAPTAIN AMERICA (Marvel Comics; 1998-2002; 3rd Series; Volume-3)

** Highlights;

#26, 27 =  Hatemonger, Nick Fury & Falcon appear;

#28 = Thor and Nick Fury, Savage Land;  #29-31 = Ka-Zar & Savage Land;

#28-31 = Search for Sharon Carter S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 13 storyline;

#30-31 = Count Nefaria;

#32 = Sgt. Fury and the Howling Commandos-c/s;. ORWWAY art;

#33 = DAN JURGENS story & Art begins; Falcon & US AGENT appear;

#33-38 = vs Protocide;

#34 = Falcon and Jake Olsen / THOR;

#36  = Maximum Security; #41 = Batroc the Leaper;

#41, 46 = RED SKULL;

#42-43 = Crimson Dynamo, Nick Fury;  #44 = Taskmaster;

#45-48 = AMERICA LOST storyline with Red Skull, Iron Man, Sub-Mariner, Nick Fury, and the Avengers.;

#48 = Hatemonger;  #49 = Falcon  Sharon Carter;

#50 (2/2002; GIANT; LAST issue; Absorbing Man; Dead Men Running preview);


CAPTAIN AMERICA 2002-2004 Cassaday John Ney Rieber JAE LEE GIBBONS WEEKS 1-20 VF = $49.00;

CAPTAIN AMERICA (Marvel Comics; 2002-2004; 4th Series; Volume-4)


CAPTAIN AMERICA 2005-2011 Winter Soldier Crossbones Brubaker 2-5,7-13,15-20 FNVF = $65.00;

CAPTAIN AMERICA (Marvel Comics; 2005-2011; 5th Series; Volume-5; Ed Brubaker) 

** Highlights; Winter Soldier & Crossbones appearances


CAPTAIN AMERICA 2011-2012 Brubaker McNiven Shattered Heroes #1-16 VF/NM

CAPTAIN AMERICA (Marvel Comics; 2011-2012) #1-16 VF/NM = $39.00


CAPTAIN BRITAIN 1976-1977 Scarce UK Marvel Spider-Man FF Nick Fury MOVIE #29,31-39

CONDITION = FN/VF except #39(VG/FN) = $109.00

CAPTAIN BRITAIN (1976-1977; Marvel Comics International UK; Great Britain/United Kingdom; First series; Weekly; Magazine Size);

** Part Color/ Part B&W; ORIGINAL ALL-NEW Material CAPTAIN BRITAIN stories in ALL issues; These were Originally meant for Sale only in the UK, and had only LIMITED Distribution in USA and Canada)

** CAPTAIN BRITAIN and the BLACK KNIGHT Movie in Works From Marvel and Director Guy Ritchie?

** Could Marvel’s Captain Britain be headed to the big screen?

** CAPTAIN BRITAIN Teaser in AVENGERS: ENDGAME Movie; While Captain America and Iron Man are in 1970 to recover the Tesseract and Pym Particles from a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility in New Jersey, Steve finds himself hiding in the office of his former flame and current S.H.I.E.L.D. director, Peggy Carter. Steve is then surprised by Peggy herself, as she walks into an adjoining room with an associate, informing him that an operative named Braddock hasn't checked in. While the figure remains unseen, it is potentially an Easter egg referencing Captain Britain's civilian alter ego, Brian Braddock.

*** Captain Britain is #79 on IGN's 2014 Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;

*** Captain Britain is #34 on IGN's Top 50 AVENGERS of All-Time List;  (One of the Most Under-Rated & Overlooked AVENGERS and Marvel Characters of all-Time)

*** Brian Braddock aka CAPTAIN BRITAIN'S Team affiliations includes; EXCALIBUR (an X-Men Spinoff MUTANTS series), Secret Avengers, MI-13,Excalibur, Captain Britain Corps, Knights of Pendragon, Hellfire Club, New Excalibur, & Illuminati;


 #29 (April 27/1977; Captain Britain vs Lord Hawk in Lonely & the Hunted, All-New UK Only Material cover & story = Gary Friedrich story, with John BUSCEMA and Fred Kida art; Spider-Man and Human Torch Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four vs SILVER SURFER-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page BATMAN Corgi ad; Nick Fury, Agent of SHEILD-r Backup Story)

#31 (May 11/1977; Captain Britain in Hostage of the Hawk, All-New UK Only Material cover & story, vs Lord Hawk = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art; Spider-Man and INHUMANS with Black Bolt Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; Nick Fury, Agent of SHEILD-r Backup Story = JIM STERANKO story & art, with Sinnott inks);

#32 (May 18/1977; Captain Britain in Only the Strong Survive All-New UK Only Material cover & story, vs Lord Hawk = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art; NICK FURY Pin-Up page by STERANKO; Silver Surfer & Thing cameo on text page; Spider-Man and INHUMANS with Black Bolt Team-Up-r Back-Up story, with KANG the Conqueror appearance, & Avengers cameo; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Roy Thomas story & Frank Springer art);

#33 (May 25/1977; ORIGIN of CAPTAIN BRITAIN in A HERO REBORN with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, with MORE DETAILS on His ORIGIN  = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art;  SPIDER-MAN and Marvel Super-Hero Battles Pin-Up page; Spider-Man and the WEREWOLF Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Roy Thomas story & Frank Springer art; FIRST appearance of MARVELON the Super-Villain, on Captain Britain FUN Page by Owen McCarron; New UK Only art Howard the Duck Pinup on Back cover);

#34 (June 1/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Menace of the Mind Monster with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, with MORE DETAILS on His ORIGIN  = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art; Spider-Man and the WEREWOLF Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Roy Thomas story & Frank Springer art; Captain Britain FUN Page by Owen McCarron; New UK Only art CAPTAIN AMERICA Pinup on Back cover;

#35 (June 8/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in That Camelot Might Live with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, with MORE DETAILS on His ORIGIN  = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Tom Palmer art; Spider-Man and the WEREWOLF Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four with Doctor Doom-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story;  Ben Grimm the THING FUN Page = by Owen McCarron);

#36 (June 15/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in God-War with All-New UK Only Material cover & story = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art; Pablo Marcos cover art; Spider-Man and the Grey Gargoyle-r Back-Up story = Gil Kane art; ORIGIN of Fantastic Four with MOLE MAN-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = JIM STERANKO story & Art, with Tartaglione inks;  Captain Britain FUN Page = by Owen McCarron);

#37 (June 22/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs the Highwayman in the Highwayman came Riding Riding...., with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, FIRST appearance of Highwayman & Munipulator = Len Wein story, with Ron Wilson & Pablo Marcos art; Pablo Marcos cover; Dracula illustration on Text page & Dracula Lives Ad on Back-c; Spider-Man and the Grey Gargoyle-r Back-Up story, with Captain America & Nick Fury = Gil Kane art; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = JIM STERANKO story & Art, with Tartaglione inks;  Captain Britain FUN Page = by Owen McCarron);

#38 (June 29/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs the Highwayman in the Deadly Duel, with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, Second appearance of Highwayman & Munipulator = Budiansky & Lawrence story, with Ron Wilson & Pablo Marcos art; Pablo Marcos cover; CONAN Ad on Back-c; Spider-Man and with Captain America vs Grey Gargoyle-r Back-Up story = Gil Kane art; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Thomas & Goodwin story & Frank Springer Art;  Captain Britain FUN 1/2 Page = by Owen McCarron?);

#39 (July 6/1977; Low Print & Scarcer LAST issue; CAPTAIN BRITAIN Continues into Super-Spider-Man with CAPTAIN BRITAIN #231-247 UK Marvel Comics; CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs in a Superhero Gone Mad, with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, Third appearance of Highwayman & Munipulator = Budiansky & Lawrence story, with Ron Wilson & Pablo Marcos art;  CONAN Ad on Back-c; Mister Fantastic / Reed Richards Pin-Up Page = JACK KIRBY Art?? Invisible Woman / Sue Richards Pin-Up Page = JACK KIRBY Art?? Johnny Storm the Human Torch Pin-Up Page; Ben Grimm the Thing Pin-Up Page;  Fantastic Four vs Mole Man-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Thomas & Goodwin story & Frank Springer Art;  Captain Britain FUN 1/2 Page = by Owen McCarron? );


CAPTAIN CONFEDERACY (1991/1992; EPIC Marvel Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1-4 VF = $15.00;


CAPTAIN JUSTICE (1988; Mini / Limited Series; Based on the "Once a Hero" TV Series) ** SET of #1, 2 VF = $8.00;


CAPTAIN MARVEL 1968-1979 DRAX Ronan AVENGERS Black Bolt Nitro Thor #41-49,51-62

VF Average (varied FN/VF to VF+) = $159.00

CAPTAIN MARVEL 2000-2002 Surfer Skrull HULK Maximum Security THANOS #0,1-20 VFNM = $59.00;


CAPTAIN MARVEL 2000-2002 Peter David Spider-Man 2099 Time Flies #21-23,24-34 VF+ = $45.00;


CAPTAIN MARVEL Limited Series 2008 Secret Invasion MS MARVEL #3(2PV) #1-5 VF 

(#1,2,4,5  FIRST Printings) (#3 = Second Printing VARIANT) VF PRICE = $20.00

weight = 330 grams


CAPTAIN SAVAGE (1968-1970 Marvel War comics) Ayers Severin Sgt Fury #1-19 VG/FN = $175.00


CAPT. SAVAGE and his Leatherneck Raiders (Marvel Comics Pub; 1968-1970; & his Battlefield Raiders = #9-19; See SGT FURY #10 for First appearance of Capt Savage);

#1 [1/1968; ORIGIN of Capt. Savage and the Leatherneck Raiders; FIRST appearance of Leatherneck Raiders (Sgt. Sam Yates /Yakkety, Jacques LaRocque / Frenchy, Jay Little Bear,  Lee Baker, Roy Stone / Blarney;  Sgt. Fury and the Howling Commandoes cameo; Ayers/Shores-c/a);

#2 (3/1968; early appearance of Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker aka Supreme HYDRA-c/s; ORIGIN of HYDRA-c/s; First appearance of Sgt. Morita; First appearance of Samurai Squad; Ayers/Shores-c/a; ** Baron von Strucker is the Arch-Enemy of Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. and will be Appearing in the AVENGERS-2 Age of ULTON MOVIE)

#3 (5/1968; early appearance of Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker aka Supreme HYDRA-c/s; Two against HYRDA-c/s; 2nd appearance of Sgt. Morita; 2nd appearance of Samurai Squad; Ayers/Shores-c/a; ** Baron von Strucker is the Arch-Enemy of Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. and will be Appearing in the AVENGERS-2 Age of ULTON MOVIE);

#4 (7/1968; early appearance of Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker aka Supreme HYDRA-c/s; ORIGIN of HYDRA; 3rd appearance of Sgt. Morita; 3rd appearance of Samurai Squad; Ayers/Shores-c/a; ** Baron von Strucker is the Arch-Enemy of Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. and will be Appearing in the AVENGERS-2 Age of ULTON MOVIE;  ASK)

#7 [10/1968; Pre-THING (of Fantastic Four) Ben Grimm story; Ayers/Shores-]; #11 (Sgt Fury appears); #19 (3/1970; Scarcer LAST issue; Severin-c; Ayers/Severin-a);


CASANOVA LUXURIA GULA AVARITIA (Marvel Icon) Matt Fraction Volume-1,2,3 #1-4 VF = $39.00

CASANOVA - Volume 1 - LUXURIA Marvel Comics 2010 #1-4 VF

CASANOVA - Volume 2 - GULA Marvel Comics 2011 #1-4 VF

CASANOVA - Volume 3 - AVARITIA Marvel Comics 2011 #1-4 VF


CHAMBER OF DARKNESS 1969-70 Buscema ADAMS Barry Smith CONAN Wrightson #1-8; Annual #1 = $149.00

(weight = 470 grams)

#1(FNVF), 2(FN/VF), 3(VG/FN), 4(G/VG), 5(VG+), 6(FN), 7(GVG), 8(FNVF), SPECIAL #1 (VGFN)

CHAMBER OF DARKNESS (Marvel Comics Pub; 1969/1970 )

#1(10/1969; John Buscema, Tom Sutton & Don Heck-a; John Romita-c,);

#2(12/1969; Neal ADAMS script; M.Severin-a; Trimpe, Heck, Shores-a; John Romita-c);

#3(2/1970; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Edgar Allan Poe's Tell Tale Heart = Palmer-a; John Buscema-c/a);

#4 (4/1970; All-New Stories & Art; The Sword and the Sorcerers = 7 pages CONAN THE BARBARIAN Tryout story by Roy Thomas with BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH art First appearance of Starr the Slayer; Trull, Morro & Len Carson appear; ** The Man Who Owned the World = 7 Page story by Denny O'Neil , with TOM SUTTON art; The MONSTER = 7 Page Story with JACK KIRBY & John Verpoorten art; Bill Everett & Marie Severin cover );

#5(6/1970;  H.P. Lovecraft's Music of Erich Zann = Johnny Craig-a; Jack KIRBY-a; Reinman-a; Kirby/Everett-c);

#6(8/1970; Sal Buscema, Syd Shores, Ayers-a; Merlin's Black Magic = Steve DITKO-a);

#7(10/1970; early WRIGHTSON-c & 7 pages-a; 1st WRIGHTSON work at Marvel; Gargoyle-c/s; Abominable Snowman-s Steve DITKO, Tom Sutton & Jack KIRBY-a);

#8(12/1970; early WRIGHTSON-c;  Bill Everett/Adkins-a; Steve DITKO-a);

Annual #1

*** SET of #1-8; Annual #1  = $149.00


CHAMPIONS 1975-1978 Ghost Rider Black Widow Iceman Angel JOHN BYRNE #1-17 FN/VF, except #1 (Fingerprint smudges thus VG/FN) = $149.00


CHUCK NORRIS Karate Kommandos Marvel/Star Animated TV CARTOON Ditko #1,2,3,4 FNVF

CHUCK NORRIS (1987; TV Cartoon; Marvel/Star Pub)  * SET of #1-4 FNVF = $69.00;

(#1-3=  Uncommon issues; STEVE DITKO art) (#4= LOW Print Run) 


CLANDESTINE 1994-1995 Marvel Spider-Man Capt Britain Surfer #1-12 Preview #NN VF = $35.00

[Alan Davis-s/a; Mark Farmer inks; #3= Silver Surfer; #5 = Spider-Man, Hulk, Thing, Thor & Captain America-c; ; #6= Spider-Man battle-c/s; #10 = Captain Britain-c/s; plus Bonus; Preview Issue (Promotional /Giveaway) #NN


CLASSIC X-MEN 1986-1990 GS1,94-114-r ART ADAMS Austin Williamson BOLTON #1-20 VF = $99.00

REPRINTS of Giant Size X-Men #1 and Uncanny X-Men #94-114; NEW Cover Art by; ART ADAMS, Terry Austin, Al Williamson ; NEW Back-Up Stories by JOHN BOLTON; weight = 850 grams


CLASSIC X-MEN (Marvel 1986-1990) New JOHN BOLTON Jim Lee #21-40 FN/VF = $49.00

New JOHN BOLTON Backup stories in #21-28, 30-35; New JIM LEE Backup stories in #39;


Clive Barker's HARROWERS Raiders of Abyss  1993-1994 Razorline Marvel Epic #1-6

VF = $35.00 for the Lot (360 Grams)


Clive Barker HOKUM & HEX Superhero 1993-1994 Razorline Epic Marvel comic #1-9 VF = $35.00

(Marvel / EPIC Comics Pub; Limited Series) Super-Heroes from the Mind of Clive Barker


Clive Barker HYPERKIND (1993 Marvel Epic Razorline Comics) #1-9 Unleashed #1 VF = $45.00 (500 grams)

(Marvel / EPIC Comics Pub; Limited Series) Super-Heroes from the Mind of Clive Barker


Clive Barker's NIGHT BREED 1990-1993 Marvel EPIC Comics RAWHIDE REX #1-10 , VF, except #5 (VGFN) = $49.00

(weight = 642 grams)


Clive Barker PINHEAD (1993-1994 Marvel Epic comics) Chichester Carrasco #1-5 VF

D.G. Chichester, Dario Carrasco and Jim Sanders III; ** Horror comics set #1-5 VF = $39.00


CLOAK & DAGGER (1983-1984) #1-4 and (1985-1987) #1-11 Marvel TV Series VF = $49.00

CLOAK and DAGGER (1983-1984; MARVEL Comics Pub; Mini / LIMITED SERIES; The Original RUNAWAYS series);

#1 (10/1983; FIRST Cloak and Dagger SOLO Series BEGINS; The Priest; Father Francis Xavier Delgado & Detective Brigid O'Rielly appear; Bill Mantlo story; Rick Leonardi & Terry Austin cover & art; Sketched by Ed Hannigan);

#2 (11/1983; Bellyful of Blues; Father Francis Xavier Delgado & Detective Brigid O'Rielly appear; Bill Mantlo story; Rick Leonardi & Terry Austin cover & art)

#3 (12/1983; Dark is My Love, and Deadly; Father Francis Xavier Delgado, Detective Brigid O'Rielly, Barney, Vic, the Damned, Slide, Duane Hellman aka Psycho-Killer appear; Bill Mantlo story; Rick Leonardi & Terry Austin cover & art)

#4 (1/1984; Origin of Cloak and Dagger; True Confessions; Father Francis Xavier Delgado, Detective Brigid O'Rielly Vic, Melissa Bowen, Rob Daltry, Phillip Carlisle, Mr & Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Laker, Jo-Jo / Chickenhawks & Simon Marshall appear; Death of Billy; Bill Mantlo story; Rick Leonardi & Terry Austin cover & art;


CLOAK and DAGGER (1985-1987; MARVEL Comics Pub; FIRST ON-GOING Series; Second Series; The Original RUNAWAYS series);

#1 (7/1985; FIRST ON-GOING Series for Cloak and Dagger BEGINS; Father Francis Xavier Delgado, Detective Brigid O'Rielly, Jo-Jo /Chickenhawks, Simon Marshall, Pornbroker, Meatball, Scuz appear; Bill Mantlo story; Rick Leonardi & Terry Austin cover & art; Sketched by Ed Hannigan;

and #2 thru #11


Wikipedia = Marvel's Cloak & Dagger, or simply Cloak & Dagger, is an upcoming American cable television series created for Freeform by Joe Pokaski, based on the Marvel Comics characters of the same name. It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing continuity with the films and other television series of the franchise. The series is produced by ABC Signature Studios and Marvel Television, with Pokaski serving as showrunner.

The series stars Olivia Holt and Aubrey Joseph as Tandy Bowen / Dagger and Tyrone Johnson / Cloak, two teenagers who acquire superpowers and form a romantic relationship. A television series featuring Cloak and Dagger entered development for ABC Family in July 2011. In April 2016, Cloak & Dagger received a series order for Freeform, the new name of ABC Family, and by that August, Pokaski had joined the series as showrunner and executive producer. Holt and Joseph were cast in January 2017, with Andrea Roth, Gloria Reuben, Miles Mussenden, Carl Lundstedt, James Saito, and J.D. Evermore also starring in the series. Filming for the series takes place in New Orleans.

The series, consisting of 10 episodes, will premiere in 2018.


CODENAME: GENETIX (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 2-5/1993; 1-4=Wolverine-c/s; 3,4=Kazar); ** SET of #1-4 VF = $15.00;

COMET MAN (1986; Marvel Mini / Limited Series, based on MOVIE; Bill Sienkiewicz covers)  ** SET of #1-6; = HULK, She-Hulk & Fantastic Four app; Kelly Jones art; 

CONDITION = #1-4(VF), #5(1/4" tear, thus FN), #6(VG/FN) = $12.00


CONAN (1995-1996 Marvel Comics Limited Series)  Low Print RUNE Zombies  #1-11 CONDITION = VF ; PRICE = SOLD OUT


CONAN THE ADVENTURER (1994-1995 Marvel REH) Roy Thomas Kayanan #1-14 VF Average

Uncommon Set, Lower Print Run and getting Scarcer; 640 Grams

VERY FINE Average (Varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $59.00 for the Lot


CONAN the BARBARIAN (Marvel Comics; 1st Series;1970-1993; REH) #101-120

FINE Average (varied VG/FN to FN/VF) = $69.00 for the Lot (900 Grams)


CONAN the BARBARIAN (Marvel Comics 1st Series 1970-1993 REH) #121-140 VF average

VF Average (varied from FN/VF to VF+)  = $69.00 **(865 Grams)


CONAN the BARBARIAN (Marvel Comics 1st Series 1970-1993 REH) #141-160 VF average

VF Average (varied from FN/VF to VF+)  = $69.00 **(865 Grams)


CONAN the BARBARIAN (Marvel Comics 1st Series 1970-1993 REH) #161-180 FN average

FN Average (varied from VG/FN to FN/VF) = $59.00 **(865 Grams)

CONAN the BARBARIAN (Marvel Comics; 1st Series;1970-1993; REH) #201-215 FN/VF average (Varied from VGFN to VF) = $59.00 weight = 630 grams

CONAN THE BARBARIAN MOVIE SPECIAL (1982; Mini / Limited Series) Movie Adaptation; ** SET of #1,2 (BUSCEMA art) 

CONAN THE DESTROYER (1985; Mini / Limited Series) Movie Adaptation; ** SET of #1,2 

FOUR Comic LOT in VERY FINE, 8.0 = $15.00;


CONAN THE KING (Marvel Comics 1980-1989; REH; Giants) Mike Kaluta #21-40 VF+

VF+ Average (varied from VF to VF/NM)  = $69.00 ** (1210 Grams)

CONAN THE KING (Marvel Comics 1980-1989 REH Giants) LOW PRINT #41-55 VF average 

VF Average (varied from FN/VF to VF+)  = $69.00 ** (920 Grams)


CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS II 2 (1999) Psylocke Rogue Ms Marvel Black Panther #1-5 VF/NM = $19.95;


COPS: THE JOB (1992; Marvel Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1-4 JUSKO-s; GOLDEN-c; VF = $15.00;


COYOTE (1983-1986; Marvel EPIC; #11-14 = Early TODD McFARLANE art) #1-10,12-16 VF average, Grades varied from FN/VF to VF+ = $59.00


CRASH RYAN 1984-1985; Marvel EPIC Comic Limited Series Ron Harris MOVIE? #1-4 VF

CRASH RYAN (1984-1985; Marvel EPIC Mini / Limited Series, Baxter Paper)

VARIETY Reports; Producer Ryan Heppe has acquired movie rights to the 1984 Marvel Comics series “Crash Ryan” created by Ron Harris,

** SET of #1-4; Comic Book MOVIE is in Development; VF set = $15.00;



= $69.00 **(290 Grams)


#16(GD), 17(G/VG), 18(VG), 19(FA/G, 2 Hole Punches in cover), 20(VG), 21(GD)

READING COPY LOT = $35.00 ** (290 Grams)


CREATURES on the LOOSE 1971-1975 THONGOR Lin Carter Gerber Fox Mayerik #22-29 VG average

FN average (VG/FN to FN/VF) = $39.00 ** (380 Grams)

CREATURES on the LOOSE 1971-1975 THONGOR Lin Carter Gerber Fox Mayerik #22-29 FN average

VG average (G/VG to VG/FN) = $29.00 ** (380 Grams)


THE CREW 2003-2004 Jim Rhodes WAR MACHINE Origin 1st Josiah Bradley MCU 1-7 VF+

 THE CREW  (Marvel Comics 2003-2004) Jim Rhodes WAR MACHINE 

(#1 = 1st Josiah Bradley MCU; #5 = Origin Josiah Bradley MCU  #1-7 VF+ = $99.00;


CRIMSON DYNAMO (Marvel Epic Comics 2003-2004) Iron Man  J.J. Miller #1-6 VF+ = $19.95;

(weight = 330 grams)


CYBERSPACE 3000 UK Marvel Comics 1993-1994 GALACTUS Surfer THANOS Warlock 1-8 VF = $24.00;

DAKOTA NORTH Investigations (Marvel Comics 1986-1987) 1st appearance #1-5 VF

VF Average = $39.00; (225 grams)

DAKOTA NORTH Investigations (Marvel Comics Pub; 1986-1987; Limited Series)

#1 [6/1986; ** First appearance of DAKOTA NORTH;  ** DAKOTA NORTH is a SEXY Private Detective REDHEAD WOMAN, Her Agency has small branches in New York, Rome, Tokyo and Paris. ** DAKOTA NORTH is an above average athlete, Dakota North is skilled in several forms of hand-to-hand combat, and is an excellent markswoman. She speaks passable French, Japanese and Italian, and is familiar with other, unspecified, languages. She is also proficient in driving high-end CARS and MOTORCYCLES; ** Supporting Characters: First appearance of Mad Dog; First appearance of Amos Culhane;  First appearance of Ricky North;  First appearance of Samuel J. North; ** Antagonists: First appearance of Cleo Vanderlip;  First appearance of Anna Stasio; First appearance of Otto Shanks; ** DAKOTA NORTH in Design for Dying; ** Some Fans are Speculating she might appear in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) in the DAREDEVIL, LUKE CAGE or Jessica Jones TV Series; (Or in a Captain Marvel related Movie); ** Dakota North later Joined the Marvel Comics Mainstream Universe; ** Dakota North later Joined the Marvel Universe and she has appeared in; Web of Spider-Man #37, Power Pack #46, Marvel Super-Heroes #3, CAGE (Power Man; 1992-1993) #1-4, 6,8,10,15,19,20, Black Panther #31-33(2001), New Avengers #29; Dakota North later a part of the supporting cast of Daredevil starting with #82(4/2006), and in Captain Marvel (2012-2013); Martha Thomases story; Tony Salmons cover and art;

#2(8/1986);  #3(10/1986); #4(12/1986); #5(2/1987);



DAMAGE CONTROL (Marvel Comics 1989-1991) Volume-1 (#1-4); V2 ( #1-4 ) V3 (#1-3 )

Volume 1 #1-4 (VF); Volume 2 #1-4 (VF); Volume 3 #1-3 (FN/VF) = $39.00

DAMAGE CONTROL (Volume-1; Mini / Limited Series; 5-8/1989; Marvel);  SET of Volume-1 #1-4; 

#1 (5/1989; Dwayne McDuffie story; Ernie Colon & Bob Wiacek art;  Includes appearances of; Avengers, Black Knight, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Thor, Thunderball;  *** CBR = ABC TV (and Marvel Television, both of which are owned by Disney) has ordered a TV Pilot script for DAMAGE CONTROL; This will be Marvel's first LIVE-ACTION Comedy series is in the works at ABC TV, an adaptation of the DAMAGE CONTROL is being developed for a TV series for the network by Ben Karlin. (writer for The Daily Show, the Colbert Report and Modern Family);  The concept in both the comics and the prospective TV series involves a construction company that cleans up the collateral damage caused by superhero-related incidents. There have been four "Damage Control" miniseries in Marvel history, from 1989-2008;

#2 = Doctor Doom; #3 = Iron man; #4= Inferno story with WOLVERINE;


DAMAGE CONTROL (Volume-2; Mini / Limited Series; 12/1989-2/1990; Marvel);  SET of Volume-2 #1-4 (Acts of Vengeance Crossover; #1= Capt America, Wrecking Crew, Thor; #2= PUNISHER; #3= She-Hulk; 4=Nick Fury, SHIELD, Capt America, Thor, Punisher);


DAMAGE CONTROL (Volume-3; Mini / Limited Series; 6-8/1991; Marvel);  SET of Volume-3 #1-3; VF; #1 = Spider-Man; #2=New Warriors;  #3 = The MOVIE;


*** All Three SETS = ELEVEN Different Comic in TOTAL Volume 1 #1-4 (VF); Volume 2 #1-4 (VF); Volume 3 #1-3 (FN/VF)= $39.00 for the Lot


DAREDEVIL 1964-1998 ELEKTRA Black Widow Punisher Frank MILLER 181-191 VF+

= $139.00 (510 grams)

DAREDEVIL (Marvel Comics pub; 1964-1998; First Series); 

#181 (4/1982; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page GIANT;  BULLSEYE vs ELEKTRA Battle & DEATH of ELEKTRA cover & story; Élodie Yung played ELEKTRA in the Netflix Daredevil TV Series in Season-2;  Élodie Yung again played ELEKTRA in the Fall 2017 Netflix  DEFENDERS TV Series; ** ELEKTRA was ranked #22 in Comics Buyer's Guide's '100 Sexiest Women in Comics' List; ** IGN's Lists BULLSEYE as the #20 on the Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; ; Jennifer Garner played ELEKTRA in the 2003 DAREDEVIL and in the 2005 ELEKTRA Movie; Colin Farrell played BULLSEYE in the 2003 DAREDEVIL Movie; ** Wilson Bethel plays Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter aka BULLSEYE, his Marvel Cinematic Universe Debut, in the Netflix TV Series DAREDEVIL, in Season Three;  KINGPIN appears; FRANK CASTLE aka PUNISHER Cameo; Classic FRANK MILLER cover & story; Classic FRANK MILLER & Klaus Janson art; ** Netflix and Marvel have officially announced a PUNISHER Netflix TV Miniseries is in development, starring JON BERNTHAL (He will reprise his role as Frank Castle aka PUNISHER from Netflix TV’s DAREDEVIL in Season Two);  Jeph Loeb as Executive Producer/Head of Marvel Television; Featuring Steve Lightfoot as Showrunner and writer);

#182 (5/1982; Tombstone and Grave for ELEKTRA cover; FRANK MILLER script; Punisher appears; Drug story);

#183 (6/1982; Classic PUNISHER vs DAREDEVIL Battle cover and story; FRANK MILLER script; DRUG story);

#184 (7/1982; DAREDEVIL Pointing GUN Cover - No More Mister Nice Guy! FRANK MILLER script; Punisher appears; DRUG story);

#185 (8/1982; FRANK MILLER script); 

#186 (9/1982; FRANK MILLER script);

#187 (10/1982; FRANK MILLER script; FIRST appearance of Natasha Romanova as the NEW BLACK WIDOW);

#188 (11/1982; ** Classic First cover appearance of Natasha Romanova the BLACK WIDOW in new Costume vs Daredevil battle cover and story; ** First FULL appearance of the CHASTE (Ancient order of NINJA in opposition to the HAND); ** First FULL appearances of Stone, Shaft and Claw (Members of the CHASTE mentored by STICK); ** Death of Kirigi (assassin of The Hand); ** Wilson Fisk the KINGPIN appears; ** Appearances by; Ivan Petrovich, Stick, Heather Glenn, Foggy Nelson, Becky Blake; ** DAREDEVIL in the Widow's Bite; ** Black Widow is dying of poison she got in a fight with the Hand and is desperately trying to find DD to help; Matt is recovering his hyper senses in an isolation chamber under the watchful eye of Stick and his ninja. ** TOUGH in HIGH GRADE Due to the BLACK Cover Colors; FRANK MILLER Cover and Story; KLAUS JANSON Art);

#189 (12/1982; FRANK MILLER script; DEATH of STICK)

#190 (1/1983; FIRST PRINTING; 52 page Giant; Daredevil in Resurrection, featuring the RETURN? of ELEKTRA cover & story; FRANK MILLER story; Kingpin, Stick, Ninja Assassins, Black Widow, Stone & the Hand appear; Classic FRANK MILLER story;  Classic FRANK MILLER and Klaus Janson cover; Klaus Janson art);

#191 (2/1983; LAST FRANK MILLER script in this Story Arch);


DAREDEVIL (1964-1998) Bullseye LADY DEATHSTRIKE Wolverine H. Ellison #192-210  VF average (varied FN/VF to VF+)  except #203 (VG/FN)  = $79.00

DAREDEVIL (Marvel Comics pub; 1964-1998; First Series)

#192 (3/1983; Denny O’Neil story; Klaus Janson art); #193 (4/1983; Denny O’Neil story; Klaus Janson art); #194 (5/1983; Denny O’Neil story; Klaus Janson art);

#195 (6/1983; Denny O’Neil story; Klaus Janson art); #196 (7/1983; WOLVERINE-c/s);

#197 (8/1983; BULLSEYE cover & story; First appearance of Yuriko Oyama who later becomes LADY DEATHSTRIKE in Alpha Flight #33, Barry Windsor-Smith designed her Cyborg appearance; LADY DEATHSTRIKE was ranked as #78 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time List; LADY DEATHSTRIKE is Best known as a WOLVERINE and X-MEN Villain;  LADY DEATHSTRIKE’s Team affiliations includes; Sisterhood of Mutants, Reavers & Thunderbolts; Kelly Hu played Lady Deathstrike in the X2: X-Men United 2003 MOVIE;  Bill Sienkiewicz cover; Denny O’Neil story; Art by; William Johnson, MIKE MIGNOLA, Larry Hama & Klaus Janson)

#198 (9/1983; Denny O’Neil story; William Johnson & Danny Bulandi art); #199 (10/1983; Denny O’Neil story; William Johnson & Danny Bulandi art);

#200 (11/1983; DAREDEVIL vs BULLSEYE Battle cover & story; BLACK WIDOW and KINGPIN appear; Denny O’Neil story; Art by; William Johnson & Danny Bulandi; JOHN BYRNE and TERRY AUSTIN Cover);

#201 (12/1983; BLACK WIDOW Cover & Story; #202 (1/1984; #203 (2/1984; FIRST Appearance of TRUMP cover & story; JOHN BYRNE Cover;

#204 (3/1984; 1st appearance of Crossbow-c/s; #205 (4/1984; Woman in BONDAGE-c/s; 1st appearance of Gael (Irish Republican Army Hitman)

#206 (5/1984; KINGPIN-c/s; #207 (6/1984; KINGPIN-c/s;

#208 (7/1984; HARLAN ELLISON story; Daredevil in Deadliest Night of my Life; #209 (9/1984; HARLAN ELLISON story; Death of Johnny Squarejohn



DAREDEVIL1964-1998 Inferno Bullet Shotgun Inhumans Ultron Mephisto #261-269,271-280

VF = $59.00 **(820 Grams)

DAREDEVIL 1964-1998 Mephisto Typhoid Ghost Rider Bullseye PUNISHER #281-300 VF = $49.00

DAREDEVIL 1964-1998 Owl Tombstone Nomad Punisher Calypso #301-309,311-318 VF  = $49.00

DAREDEVIL 1964-1998 ELEKTRA Silver Sable VENOM Morbius Gambit Kingpin 319-340 VF = $59.00

DAREDEVIL 1964-1998 Marvel Edge KINGPIN Punisher BULLSEYE #341-344,346-360 Low Print

VF (Except #354,356 = FN+) = $99.00  (915 grams)


DAREDEVIL ANNUAL  #5(1989; Mis-numbered as #4), 6,7,8,9(1993) VF = $19.00

(1967-1994; 1st Series; King Size Special) ** SET of #5-9 (Note; #5 is actually mis-numbered as #4, and was published in 1989)


DAREDEVIL (1998-2011 Marvel Knights Volume-2) #16-30 (#396-410) VF = $49.00


DAREDEVIL the Man Without Fear (1993-1994) Miller Romita Jr Williamson #1-5

#1(VGFN), #2(FN/VF), #3(VF), #4(VF), #5(VG) #1-5 Set = $14.95 (375 grams)


DARK ANGEL (UK/British Marvel; 1992/1993; formerly Hell's Angel = needed to be Re-Titled, due to legal problems with the motorcycle gang);** SET of #6-13; (6=Excalibur; 8=Psylocke; #9-12= WOLVERINE & X-MEN app); *VF = $35.00;

DARK CRYSTAL (1983; Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1,2 = Movie Adaptation, from the Jim Henson & Frank Oz film; VF = $8.00;

DARKHAWK (1991-1995) VENOM Tombstone Hobgoblin Punisher Ghost Rider #1-25 VF = $79.00

DARKHOLD 1992-1994 Midnight Sons Modred SABERTOOTH Punisher Ghost Rider 1-11 VF+

Lot of #1-11 VF+ = $39.00

weight = 725 grams

DARKHOLD: Pages from the Book of Sins (1992-1994)

#1 (Factory Sealed in Polybag with Bonus Poster)

 ** Rise of the Midnight Sons storyline;

 (3= Re-intro MODRED the Mystic; 4= Sabertooth-c/s;

 5=Punisher & Ghost Rider app; 11=Black Parchment Cover. Midnight Massacre Part 3;


DARKHOLD 1992-1994 Midnight Sons Modred SABERTOOTH Punisher Ghost Rider #1-9 VF+

Lot of #1-9 VF+ = $32.00

weight = 725 grams

DARKHOLD: Pages from the Book of Sins (1992-1994)

#1 (Factory Sealed in Polybag with Bonus Poster)

 ** Rise of the Midnight Sons storyline;

 (3= Re-intro MODRED the Mystic; 4= Sabertooth-c/s;

 5=Punisher & Ghost Rider app; 11=Black Parchment Cover. Midnight Massacre Part 3;

DAZZLER (1981-1986) X-MEN Galactus Dr Doom She-HULK Spider-Woman Terrax #1-20 VF except #16(FN), #19(FN) = $69.00 (860 grams)

DAZZLER (1981-1986) Rogue Mystique X-Men Wolverine Michael Jackson #21-42 VF average, (varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $69.00 (weight = 970 grams)


DEADLY FOES SPIDER-MAN 1991 Punisher Kingpin Shocker Beetle Boomerang Rhino #1-4

Set of #1-4 (Sinister Six) VF+ = $9.00 (180 grams)

DEADPOOL (Marvel 1997-2002) #41-43,45-50 Silent issue 1st Kid Deadpool VF/NM = $125.00;

DEADPOOL (Marvel; 2008-2012) Spider-Man Ghost Rider Secret Avengers #21-30 VF/NM = US$69.00;

DEADPOOL (Marvel 2013-2015 3rd Series) #1-10 1st Printings NM 9.4 average = $59.00

DEADPOOL TEAM-UP 2010 Machine Man Satana Captain Britain Ghost Rider #889-899 VF = US$45.00;

DEATHLOK 1991-1994 Forge Dr Doom X-Men Punisher Ghost Rider Infinity War 1-26 VF = $69.00

DEATHLOK 1991-1994 Forge Dr Doom X-Men Punisher Ghost Rider Infinity War 1-20 VF = $49.00

DEATHLOK (Marvel 1999-2000) Jon Casey Leo Manco (#4 = intro CLOWN) #1-11 VF = $36.00;

DEATH'S HEAD II (UK Marvel 1992-1993) V2 X-MEN Mys-Tech Wars Origin #1-9 VF = $29.00;


DEFENDERS 1972-86 Squadron Sinister Magneto Luke Cage WRECKING CREW #12-17,18-20

#12(2/1974; HULK vs TITAN-c; RETURN of Xemnu the Titan-c/s; Dr Strange & Valkerie in BONDAGE-c; FN/VF);

#13(5/1974; Gil Kane-c; Defenders vs the Squadron Sinister Battle-c/s; Nighthawk app; VG/FN);

#14(7/1974; Defenders vs Nebulon Battle-c/s; Squadron Sinister app; Nighthawk joins Defenders; VG/FN); 

#15(9/1974; Magneto & Brotherhood of Evil Mutants-c/s; Professor X - Xavier app; VG);

#16(10/1974; Gil Kane-c; Magneto & Brotherhood of Evil Mutants-c/s; Professor X - Xavier app; Writing on back cover, VG/FN);

#17(11/1974; Luke Cage Power Man-c/s; vs WRECKING CREW = Wrecker, Thunderball, Bulldozer & Piledriver; VG/FN);

#18(12/1974; Gil Kane-c; Luke Cage Power Man-c/s; vs WRECKING CREW = Wrecker, Thunderball, Bulldozer & Piledriver; FN);

#19(1/1975; Gil Kane-c; Luke Cage Power Man-c/s; vs WRECKING CREW = Wrecker, Thunderball, Bulldozer & Piledriver; FN);

#20(2/1975; Romita-c; Ben Grimm the Thing & Defenders vs Nameless Ones & Van Nyborg Battle-c/s; X-Over with Marvel Two-In-One #7;  VG/FN);

Price for the LOT = $99.00;  ** 410 Grams


DEFENDERS 1972-1986 #21-30 Starhawk Guardians of Galaxy

#21(3/1975; Gil Kane-c; vs Headmen; FN/VF);

#22(4/1975; Gil Kane-c; vs Sons of the Serpent-c/s; FN);

#23(5/1975; Gil Kane-c; vs Sons of the Serpent-c/s; Yellowjacket app; VG/FN);

#24(6/1975; Gil Kane-c; Daredevil, Luke Cage Power Man & Son of Satan vs Sons of the Serpent-c/s; VG/FN);

#25(7/1975; Gil Kane-c; Daredevil, Luke Cage Power Man & Son of Satan vs Sons of the Serpent-c/s; FN);

#26(8/1975, 1st cameo appearance of Starhawk; 4th appearance of the Guardians of the Galaxy; Kane/Romita-c; Sal Buscema/Colletta-a; VG/FN);

#27(9/1975, 2nd cameo appearance of Starhawk; 5th appearance of the Guardians of the Galaxy; Kane/Romita-c; Buscema/Colletta-a; FN);

#28(10/1975, 1st FULL appearance of Starhawk; 6th appearance of the Guardians of the Galaxy; Wilson/Giacoia-c; Buscema/Giacoia-a; VG/FN);

#29(11/1975, 2nd FULL appearance of Starhawk, who Joins the Guadians; 7th appearance of the Guardians of the Galaxy; Sal Buscema/Colletta-a; precedes Marvel Presents #3; VG/FN);

#30(12/1975; Gold Diggers of Fear; vs Tapping Tommy; FN/VF);

Price for the LOT = $99.00;  ** 450 Grams;


DEFENDERS #31-50 Nighthawk Headmen Nebulon Moon Knight Luke Cage Rhino Hellcat

LOT of #31-50 Condition Varies from VG/FN to FN/VF, average Grade is FINE = $69.00

DEFENDERS (1972-1986) Silver Surfer Son of Satan New Team Netflix TV #101-125

VF average ( grades vary from FN/VF to VF/NM ) PRICE = $75.00


DEFENDERS (1972-1986) Secret Wars X-Factor Anel Iceman Gargoyle Valkerie #126-152

Lot of #126-152  VF average ( grades varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $89.00 

** 1200 Grams;

DEFENDERS OF THE EARTH (1987; Marvel STAR pub; TV Cartoon); ** SET of #1-4; Phantom, Mandrake the Magician, Flash Gordon app; VF = $25.00;

DENNIS THE MENACE (1981-1982; Marvel comics) Spider-Man parody #1-13 VF set = US$99.00

DEVIL DINOSAUR (1978 Marvel Comics) 1st Moon-Boy classic JACK KIRBY #1-9

#1(FN/VF), 2(FN), 3(FN/VF), 4(FN), 5(VG/FN), 6(FN+), 7(FN/VF), 8(VG/FN), 9(FN) = $99.00

(weight = 385 grams)

DIGITEK (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 12/1992-3/1993; the Ultimate Computer Warrior); ** SET of #1-4 (#3 = DEATHLOK app); VF = $15.00;

DINO RIDERS (1989; Based on TOYS; Mini / Limited Series); ** SET of #1-3 VF = $18.00;


DOC SAVAGE 1972-1974 Marvel Color comics from PULPS (2,3 STERANKO-c) Readers 1-8

DOC SAVAGE (1972-1974; Marvel Color Comic Adaptions of Kenneth Robeson Pulps & Novels)

SET of #1-8; (#2,3 = STERANKO covers)

#1(Water-Damaged, FA/G), #2(Water Damaged, GVG), 3(Water -Damaged, GVG), 4(FA/GD)

#5(G/VG), 6(G/VG), 7(G/VG), 8(G/VG)

Reading Copy SET of #1-8 as above = $59.00;  (weight = 385 grams)


DOC SAVAGE (Marvel Magazine 1975-1977) ELY Buscema DeZuniga Barr Movie #1-7 VG/FN = $69.00

(745 grams)

DOC SAVAGE  (Marvel B&W Comics Magazine; 8/1975-1977)

[Based on Kenneth Robeson Pulps & Paperbacks; Featuring; Doc Savage, Monk, Ham, Renny, Long Tom, & Johnny];

>>> Dwayne (the Rock) Johnson confirmed he will play DOC SAVAGE in the upcoming DOC SAVAGE Movie / Film by Shane Black, for a Sony Pictures adaptation; Black is working on the script with co-writers Anthony Bagarozzi and Charles Mondry.  CBR =- Doc was physically and mentally trained from birth by his father and a team of scientists to become the perfect human specimen with a genius level intellect. His heightened senses are beyond comprehension. He can even identify a woman's perfume from half a mile away. He is literally the master of everything. Doc Savage debuted in 1933 in the PULPS, moved on to Radio, Books, Comic Books (Street & Smith, Gold Key, Marvel, DC comics, and DC's First Wave, Dark Horse & Dynamite) and the 1975 Movie starring Ron Ely;

#1 (8/1975; John Buscema & Tony DeZuniga art; Ron Ely PHOTO cover from the Movie; Doom On Thunder Isle);

#2 (10/1975; Ken Barr painted-c; “Hell-Reapers At the Heart of Paradise”; DeZuniga art; Mad Viking);

#3 (1/1976; Ken Barr painted-c; "The Inferno Scheme" = Buscema & DeZuniga-a; MONK-s = A Most Singular Writ of Habeas Corpus; Rico Rival-a);

#4 (4/1976; Barr painted-c; Ghost-Pirates From the Beyond; M.Severin & DeZuniga-a; Demon Reaver);

#5 (7/1976; The Earth-Wreckers; Pat Savage & Iron Mask app; DeZuniga-a; Barr painted-c);

#6 (10/1976; Barr painted-c; The Sky Stealers; DeZuniga-a; Horus, Anubis, & Osiris app; Lower Print issue);

#7 (1/1977; Barr painted-c; The Mayan Mutations; Val Mayerik & DeZuniga-a; Lower Print issue);

DOCTOR STRANGE 1974-1987 Dagger Defenders Dormammu  Eternity COLAN BRUNNER #2-10

#2(VG), 3(FA/G), 4(FN/VF), 5(FN/VF), 6(FN/VF), 7(FN), 8(VG), 9(VG/FN), 10(FN)

Lot of #2-10  = $99.00 (405 grams)


DOCTOR STRANGE 1974-1987 DRACULA Dormammu  Eternity COLAN #11-20 

Lot of #11-20   = $79.00 (435 Grams)

DOCTOR STRANGE (1974-1987 Marvel comics) Sub-Mariner Origin #21-30

Lot of #21-40  = $79.00 (425 grams)

DOCTOR STRANGE 1974-1987  Man-Thing DRACULA Blade Hannibal King Lilith #41-62 

VF Average (Varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $119.00  ** 950 Grams

DOCTOR STRANGE (1974-1987) Black Knight Secret Wars Beyonder Cloak #63-80

VF average (varied from FNVF to VF+) (EXCEPT #64 = VG; #71 = G/VG; #73 = VG) = $99.00 (weight = 800 grams)

DOCTOR STRANGE CLASSICS (1984; Baxter Paper); ** SET of #1-4; DITKO art in all; New BYRNE covers on all; ASK

DOCTOR STRANGE Sorcerer Supreme 1988-1996 MORBIUS, HOBGOBLIN #11-20 VF = $59.00

weight = 445 grams

DOCTOR STRANGE Sorcerer Supreme 1988-1996 Infinity Gauntlet Warlock #21-40 VF+ = $99.00

weight = 915 grams

DOCTOR STRANGE Sorcerer Supreme 1988-1996 Infinity War Crusade #41-43,45-48,50-60 #60 (FN) otherwise set is VF = $69.00

DOCTOR STRANGE Sorcerer Supreme 1988-1996 #61-80 MORBIUS DR DOOM Lower Print VF = $59.00

DOCTOR STRANGE Sorcerer Supreme (1988-1996)  Mordo Birth of CHTHON #82-90 Low Print VF = $119.00;

DOCTOR WHO 1984-1986 Marvel USA Color Comics Steve Moore Gibbons Wagner #1-10 VF = $49.00 (Direct sales only; Baxter Paper);

DOCTOR WHO (1984-1986; Marvel USA Pub; COLOR comics; Direct sales only; Baxter Paper); SET of #11-23 VF/NM set (all LOW PRINT RUNS and SCARCE, HIGH DEMAND issues) = $125.00;

DOMINATION FACTOR: AVENGERS #1-4 FANTASTIC FOUR #1-4 Marvel 1999 (8 comics) VF = $20.00;
DOMINATION FACTOR: THE AVENGERS (Marvel Comics 1999) Inside Numbers #1-4
(aka Cover Numbers #1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 4.8)
DOMINATION FACTOR: FANTASTIC FOUR (Marvel Comics 1999) Inside Numbers #1-4
(aka Cover Numbers #1.1, 2.3, 3.5, 4.7)
Set of 8 Different Comics as above VF = $20.00

DOOM 2099 (Marvel comics 1993-1996) Fantastic Four Hammer Savage Land #1-20 VF = $79.00

DOOM 2099 Marvel comics 1993-1996 #1-20 VF set SALE (John Francis Moore-s; Pat Broderick-a; #1=Metallic Foil stamped cover; #6= Fantastic Four app; #14= Fall of The Hammer X-Over-s; #17= Peter David-s; #19= Savage Land-s) ; **895 Grams

DOUBLE DRAGON (1991 Marvel Comics Limited Series) Based on VIDEO Games #1-6 VF = $59.00

D.P. 7 (1986-1989 Marvel Comics) New Alternate Universe Gruenwald #1-20 VF = $35.00
D.P. 7   (Displaced Paranormals; Marvel comics pub; New Universe;1986-1989);
>> With; Antibody, Mastodon, Scuzz, Lenore, Wompus & Glitter; Created by Mark Gruenwald & Paul Ryan;
>>> Early Alternate Universe / Multiverse (Precedes Ultraverse, Valiant Universe, Image universe & others);
D.P. 7 1986-1989 New Alternate Universe Gruenwald #21-32, Annual #1 LOW Print VF = $35.00
D.P. 7   (Displaced Paranormals; Marvel comics pub; New Universe; 1986-1989);
>> With; Antibody, Mastodon, Scuzz, Lenore, Wompus & Glitter; Created by Mark Gruenwald & Paul Ryan;
>>> Early Alternate Universe / Multiverse (Precedes Ultraverse, Valiant Universe, Image universe & others);

DRAGONSLAYER (1981; Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1,2 = Paramount / WALT DISNEY Movie Adaptation VF = $8.00;

DREADSTAR (Marvel Epic Comics 1982-1986) Classic JIM STARLIN UPC NBC TV #1-26, & ANNUAL #1 VF average (grades varied from FN/VF to VF/NM) = $69.00

**** DREADSTAR;  According to Variety (2015 Update), Writer-artist JIM STARLIN'S cosmic adventure DREADSTAR, (the classic 1980's Space / Opera Odyssey) which was previously announced as a film project, has now been set up as a TV SERIES, for Universal Cable Productions (UPC) a division of NBC Universal from Benderspink, with JIM STARLIN as an executive producer and writer. One of JIM STARLIN'S MASTERPIECES = Has Explosive Potential as a Big Screen Movie Sci-Fi Series; [See EPIC ILLUSTARTED #3 for the FIRST appearance of VANATH DREADSTAR in the METAMORPHOSIS ODYSSEY Classic CULT series = JIM STARLIN story & art; VANCE becomes one with the DREADSTAR SWORD];

EARTH X Marvel #0, 1-12(1999) #X 2000 WIZARD SE 1997 Thor Avengers Spider-man VF = $39.00;
EARTH X (Marvel comics; 1999-2000); #0, 1-12(1999) EARTH X #X (2000)
EARTH X #NN (WIZARD Special edition  1997) Alternate Thor, Avengers, Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, FF appear VF

ELEKTRA (Marvel Comics 1996-1998) LOGAN Dr Strange Milligan Deodato #1-19, -1 VF

Lot of (Minus 1) and 1-19 VF = $69.00; (weight = 1100 grams)

ELEKTRA (Marvel Knights 2001-2004) Bendis Silver Samurai Rucka #1-20 VF = $49.00;
ELEKTRA Marvel Knights 2001-2004 HORN Rodi Florea Chen Cummings Lower Print #21-32 

VF = $45.00; ** 680 Grams

ELEKTRA ASSASSIN (Limited Series 1986-1987) Frank Miller Sienkiewicz #1-8 FN/VF = $39.00 ** 510  Grams;

ELFQUEST (Marvel Epic Comics; 1985-1988) Wendy Richard PINI #1-19

Lot of #1-19 FN/VF average (Varied from FN to VF)

 [except; #4(G/VG), 9(FN), 12 (Writing and Rubber Stamp on cover thus GOOD), 13(VG), 14(VG), 16(VG)]

LOT of #1-19 as above = $39.00 ** 855 Grams

ELFQUEST (Marvel Epic Comics 1985-1988) Wendy Richard PINI Lower Print #21-32 VF average (varied FNVF to VF+) = $39.00

weight = 510 grams

ELSEWHERE PRINCE (1990 Marvel EPIC Comic Airtight Garage Series) MOEBIUS #1-6 VF = $35.00


EPIC ILLUSTRATED (Marvel Slick Color Magazine; 1980-1986); ** SET of #1-9 VERY FINE // PRICE = = ASK);

(#1-9 = METAMORPHOSIS ODYSSEY Classic CULT series = JIM STALIN story & art; #1 = First appearance of Dreadstar's SWORD; #3 = FIRST appearance of VANATH DREADSTAR; #3 = VANCE becomes one with the DREADSTAR SWORD; Hollywood Reporter says that DREADSTAR, Jim Starlin’s 1980s Space / Opera Odyssey will be a Big Screen MOVIE, possibly a Film Series; Potentially by Benderspink producer J.C. Spink; One of JIM STARLIN'S MASTERPIECES = Has Exposive Poterntial as a Big Screen Movie Sci-Fi Series);


EPIC ILLUSTRATED (Marvel Slick Color Magazine; 1980-1986); ** SET of #10-20; *** Heavy 200 Grams each WEIGHT for Postage Purposes; *** (10 different comics; Current Overstreet Comic Price Guide Value in NM-, is $80.00; *** THIS SET is in VF or Better) #14(10/1982; Messiah by Jim / James Starlin); #15 (12/1982; First Vanath DREADSTAR Solo Story = JIM STARLIN story & art); SALE PRICE = Only US$69.00 for the Lot;


EPIC ILLUSTRATED (Marvel Slick Color Magazine; 1980-1986); ** SET of #21-34 VF set Sale (#21-30= Uncommon; #31-34= Low Print & Scarcer);

*** Heavy 200 Grams each WEIGHT for Postage Purposes;

*** VF = US$175.00 for the Lot;


THE ETERNAL 2003-2004 Marvel MAX Austen Walker Coleby Eternals Celestials 1-6 FN/VF = $29.00

THE ETERNAL (Marvel MAX; 2003-2004; Limited Series) #1 (8/2003; A Gift from the Gods Part-1; Ikaeden the Eternal and Jeska cover and story; Ikaeden and Kurassus of the ETERNAL appear; Appearances by; Jekkarta and Jeska; Chuck Austen story; Kev Walker and Simon Colby cover and art);


ETERNALS (1985-1986 Marvel Limited Series) Simonson Gillis WC Avengers VOLUME 2 #1-12   = $79.00


(weight = 600 grams)
EXCALIBUR 1988-1998 Capt. Britain Nightcrawler Shadowcat Phoenix Meggan #1-20 VF = $79.00

weight = 900 grams
EXCALIBUR (Marvel Pub; 1988-1998 Vintage Original Comics X-Men Spin-Off Series);
Captain Britain, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat / Kitty Pryde, Phoenix & Meggan; classic Alan Davis
* Highlights INCLUDE;
>>> #1-14(Wraparound Covers); Chris Claremont-s=1-24; Alan Davis & Paul Neary-c/a=1-7,9,12-17; 8=Ron im-c/a; Marshall Rogers & Terry Austin-c/a=10,11;
#1(10/1988; Nightcrawler, Shadowcat / Kitty Pryde, Captain Britain, Phoenix & Meggan begin);
 #2(Warwolf); #3(Capt Britain vs Juggernaut-c/s);
#5(Archade-c/s); #6-7(INFERNO); #8(Mayhem in Manhattan);
#10(Capt Britain vs Hauptmann Englande-c/s); #11(Pheonix-c/s);
#12-25(Classic 14-Part "Cross-Time Caper" Saga);
 #14(30+ Heroes Wraparound-c; HULK, Galactus app; many characters cameo);
#16(Warlord-c/s = John Carter parody);
#19(X-MEN Swiped characters-c/s); #20(Capt Britain vs Pheonix-c/s);
EXCALIBUR 1988-1998 Capt. Britain Nightcrawler Shadowcat Phoenix Meggan #21-40 VF = $59.00

weight = 900 grams
EXCALIBUR (Marvel Pub; 1988-1998 Vintage Original Comics X-Men Spin-Off Series);
Captain Britain, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat / Kitty Pryde, Phoenix & Meggan;
* Highlights INCLUDE;
Chris Claremont-s=21-24; Alan Davis & Paul Neary-c/a=23,24; ,26=Ron im-c/a; Steve Lightle-c=32-34;
#21(1st app Crusader X);
 #22(Capt Britain vs Crusader X-c/s; Iron Man); #23(Death of KITTY PRYDE);
#24(John Byrne app. in story); #25(Galactus & Pheonix);
#26(Black Queen);
#27(Barry Windsor-Smith & Bill Sienkiewicz-a; meets Nth MAN-c/s)
#28(Mermaid-c); #29(Night of the PHEONIX);
#30(Capt Britain vs Meggan-c/s; Dt Strange app);
#31(Nightcrawler-c; Vega-Men app);
#32-34(3-Part Girl's School from Heck); #36(Outlaws);
#37-39(3-Part Promethium Exchange with Dr. Doom & Iron Man); #38(Avengers
West Coast);
EXCALIBUR 1988-1998 Capt. Britain Nightcrawler Shadowcat Phoenix Meggan #41-60 VF = $59.00

weight = 965 grams
EXCALIBUR (Marvel Pub; 1988-1998 Vintage Original Comics X-Men Spin-Off Series);
Captain Britain, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat / Kitty Pryde, Phoenix & Meggan; #41-60
* Highlights INCLUDE;
 >>> Alan Davis & Mark Farmer-c/a=42-50; Alan Davis & Mark Farmer-c=51,52,54,56;
#41(X-Men & Wolverine-c/s.; Cable cameo);
#45(the N-MEN); #46(Crisis of Infinite Identities); #47(CHESS Thme-c/s);
#48(Toward the Future);
#49(Beginning of the End; Adams c-swipe);
#50(56 Page GIANT; with Two Outer-covers; Winner Loses All);
#51(New Look, New Logo, New Spieces);
#52(Prof X vs X-MEN & Wolverine-c/s);
 #53(Spider-Man-c/s); #56(Psylocke); #57(X-Men & Wolverine-c/s);
#58(X-Men, Wolverine, Gambit, Cyclops);
#59(Excalibur II = Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther);
#60(Braddock of the Jungle);
EXCALIBUR (1988-1998) Captain Britain Phoenix X-Terminator Starjammers #61-80 VF = $49.00
EXCALIBUR (Marvel Pub; 1988-1998 Vintage Original Comics X-Men Spin-Off Series);
#61-80 VF  = $39.00
* Highlights INCLUDE;
#61(Return of Phoenix-c/s);
#62(Warpies on the Warpath);
#68(8/1993; Starjammers-c/s);

EXCALIBUR (1988-1998) Phalanx Covenant Soul Sword Onslaught X-Man #81-100 VF = $59.00

(weight = 1180 grams)

EXCALIBUR (1988-1998 Marvel) X-MEN Captain Britain Meggan #101-124 Low Print VF

VF = $89.00 (1265 grams)


EXCALIBUR Air Apparent Mojo Mayhem Possession Sword Drawn Crossing X-MEN #1's VF
EXCALIBUR  Specials 5 Different INCLUDES;
 (A) EXCALIBUR AIR APPARENT (One Shot Square-bound) #1(12/1991)
(B) EXCALIBUR MOJO MAYHEM (One Shot, Square-bound) #1(12/1989)
(C) EXCALIBUR THE POSSESSION (One Shot) #1(7/1991)
(D) EXCALIBUR (THE SWORD IS DRAWN) (One Shot, Special Edition Square-bound) #1(1987-1988)
(E) EXCALIBUR XX CROSSING (One Shot Special Edition) #1(5/1992; EXCALIBUR vs X-MEN)
*** ( 5 different comics; $18.40 Original Cover Price) VF Lot = $29.00;

EXILES 2001-2008 #61-80 Sabretooth Blink Maestro House of M Squadron Supreme VF = $45.00;

The FALCON (1983/1984; Mini / Limited Series) ** SET of #1-4; Captain America's partner; Ronald Reagan appears; (1=Paul Smith-c/a); VF = $35.00;


FALLEN ANGELS (1987) New Mutants Warlock Madrox Siryn Moon-Boy Magneto #1-8 VF = $22.00;
A MULTIPLE MAN Film / MOVIE starring James Franco is being developed by 20th Century Fox, with Allan Heinberg is writing; Simon Kinberg will be producer; Eric Dane played Multiple Man in 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand; 

FANTASTIC FOUR (1961-1996) Klaw GA Torch Diablo Namor Dr. Doom #181-200 

VF Average (Varied from FN/VF to VF) = $189.00 ** 890 Grams

FANTASTIC FOUR 1961-1996 BYRNE Galactus Spinx 1st Nova Corps & Terrax #201-220 = $149.00

GRADES; #201(FN/VF), 202(VF+), 203(FN), 204(VG), #205(VGFN), 206(VGFN), 207(VF), 208(VF), 209(VG), 210(VG/FN), 211(G/VG), 212(FN), 213(VF), 214(VF), 215(FN/VF), 216(VF), 217 (VF), 218(VF), 219(FN), 220 (FN/VF)





#204 (3/1979; FIRST Cameo appearance of NOVA CORPS; FIRST appearance of Queen Adora of XANDAR; FIRST appearance of XANDAR; Fantastic Four vs the SKRULLS Cover & story;  Marv Wolfman story, Keith Pollard & Joe Sinnott art, Al Milgrom & Joe Sinnott cover);

#205 (4/1979; First FULL appearance of NOVA CORPS; Xandarian/Skrulls War);

#206 (5/1979; NOVA and SPINX appear; Continued from Nova #25);

#207 (6/1979; Human Torch vs Spider-Man battle-c/s);

#208 (7/1979; NOVA and the New CHAMPIONS appear = Comet, Crimebuster, Diamondhead, Powerhouse; SPHINX appears);

#209 (8/1979; First appearance of HERBIE the ROBOT; FIRST JOHN BYRNE art in Fantastic Four);

#210 (9/1979; GALACTUS Appears)

#211 [10/1979; FIRST appearance of TERRAX the Tamer (aka Tyros the Terrible); GALACTUS appears; TERRAX becomes the New HERALD of GALACTUS; ** TERRAX from the Species Birjan, has Team affiliations; Heralds of Galactus, Offenders, Legion of the Unliving; Marv Wolfman-s;  JOHN BYRNE-c/a)

#212 (11/1979;  GALACTUS vs SPHINX Battle-c/s; ORIGIN of the SPHINX; Watcher cameo;  Marv Wolfman-s;  JOHN BYRNE-a; Simonson-c);

#213(12/1979; GALACTUS vs SPHINX Battle; Early appearance of TERRAX; JOHN BYRNE-c/a);

#214(1/1980; HUMAN TORCH-c/s; JOHN BYRNE-c/a);

#215(2/1980; BLASTAAR-c/s; 1st app FUTURIST; JOHN BYRNE-c/a);

#216(3/1980; BLASTAAR; 2nd app FUTURIST; JOHN BYRNE-c/a);

#217(4/1980; Early appearance of DAZZLER-c/s; HERBIE the ROBOT is Destroyed; JOHN BYRNE-c/a);



#220(7/1980; FIRST John Byrne STORY on FF; ORIFIN of FF; AVENGERS and Vindicator appear; JOHN BYRNE-c/a)

FANTASTIC FOUR (1961-1996) Sienkicwicz Thor Avengers Negative Zone #221-231 = $39.00

GRADES = #221(VF), 222(FN/VF), 223(FN/VF), 224(FN/VF), 225(VF), 226(FN/VF), 227(FN/VF), 228(FN), 229( FN/VF), 230(VG), 231(FN/VF)
#221(JOHN BYRNE-c/a;
#222(Agatha Harkness & Gabriel the Devil Hunter;
#223(Sienkiewicz-c/s; Salem Seven-c/s;
#224(Sienkiewicz-a; Space Gods-c/s;
#225(THOR and ODIN app;
#226(Sienkiewicz-c/a; 1st app Samurai Destroyer-c/s; 9);
#227, 228
#229(1st Ebon Seeker;);
#230(1st Ebon Seeker; FF vs Ebon Seeker; AVENGERS app;
#231( 1st STYGORR of the Negative Zone;


FANTASTIC FOUR 1961-1996 #232-243,244-250 Frankie Raye Inhumans Terrax Galactus

VF average (grades varied from FN/VF to VF+; Except #243,244 = VG/FN) = $149.00  ** 830 Grams

FANTASTIC FOUR (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1961-1996);

#232 (7/1981; First ELEMENTALS OF DOOM (The embodiment of the four elements: Air, Water, Fire and Earth. They are summoned through the power of the ancient Tailsmans of Power). FIRST Full JOHN BYRNE Story and Art, and classic BYRNE Run BEGINS; FF vs DIABLO cover and story; Doctor Strange Cameo; Re-Intro Frankie Raye; John Byrne story and art; John Byrne and Terry Austin cover)

#233(8/1981; BYRNE-c/a);

#234(9/1981; BYRNE-c/a);

#235(10/1981; EGO, The Living Planet-c/s;  BYRNE-c/a);

#236(11/1981; BYRNE-c/a; 20th Anniversary issue; 68 page Giant);

#237(12/1981; BYRNE-c/a);

#238 (1/1982; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of FRANKIE RAYE with FLAME / PLASMA POWERS and JOINS the Fantastic Four; FRANKIE RAYE later becomes NOVA the Herald of GALACTUS, in Fantastic Four #244; ** FRANKIE RAYE is rumored to be the Girl Friend of JOHNNY STORM in the Upcoming First MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIE, where GALACTUS Might appear, and give her the Power Cosmic to Become NOVA; ** FRANKIE RAYE first appeared in Fantastic Four #164 (11/1975) and was an FF Supporting Character for over Five Years; Sue Richards / Invisible Woman Pinup; JOHN BYRNE story; JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin cover & art);

#239(2/1982; Frankie Raye-c/s; BYRNE-c/a)

#240(3/1982; Inhumans-c/s; BYRNE-c/a);

#241(4/1982; BLACK PANTHER; BYRNE-c/a);

#242(5/1982; FF vs TERRAX; Thor, Iron Man & Daredevil cameos; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a);

#243 (6/1982; Classic GALACTUS cover by JOHN BYRNE; Galactus, Terrax, Dr. Strange appearances; Avengers appear (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor & Wasp); Spider-Man and Daredevil cameo. Frankie Raye appears (She Later becomes the new female NOVA, a Herald of GALACTUS); Frankie Raye was played by Beau Garrett in the 2007 film Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. John Byrne story, cover and art);

#244 (7/1982; FRANKIE RAYE becomes NOVA the Herald of GALACTUS in this issue; GALACTUS appears; ** FRANKIE RAYE is rumored to be the Girl Friend of JOHNNY STORM in the Upcoming First MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIE, where GALACTUS Might appear, and give her the Power Cosmic to Become NOVA; FRANKIE RAYE first appeared in Fantastic Four #164 (11/1975) and was an FF Supporting Character for over Five Years;  JOHN BYRNE story, cover & art; NEWSSTAND Edition;

#245 (8/1982; FIRST appearance of AVATAR aka Adult Franklin Richards; JOHN BYRNE-c/a);

#246 (9/1982; DOCTOR DOOM appears; John Byrne story, cover and art);

#247 (10/1982; Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom vs Prince Zorba; FIRST appearance of Kristoff Vernard (aka Kristoff von Doom) later becomes the New DOCTOR DOOM in Fantastic Four #278; Kristoff served as heir to Doctor Doom, occasional ruler of Latveria, a probationary member of the Fantastic Four, and temporal adventurer alongside Nathaniel Richards. This Land Is Mine; Doctor Victor Von Doom and Prince Zorba battle to death for control of Latveria; DEATH of Prince Zorba; John Byrne story, cover and art;

#248 (11/1982; INHUMANS-c/s; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a);

#249 (12/1983; GLADIATOR-c/s; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a);

#250 (1/1983; GIANT; X-FACTOR-c/s; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a);


FANTASTIC FOUR 1961-1996 JOHN BYRNE Galactus Dr Doom Surfer She-Hulk #251-270

VF+ average (grades varied from VF to VF/NM) = $149.00 ** 860 Grams

FANTASTIC FOUR (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1961-1996);

#251 (2/1983; FIRST Appearance of Sharon Selleck; NEGATIVE ZONE-c/s; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a;

#252 (3/1983; Annihilus and Negative Zone; Comic reads Sideways; with Bonus insert Lakeside Skin TATOOZ intact; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a;

#253 (4/1983; Annihilus and Negative Zone; BYRNE-s/c/a; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a;

#254 (5/1983; First JOHN BYRNE Art on Jennifer Walters aka SHE-HULK; ** Jennifer Walters aka SHE-HULK Later Joins the FANTASTIC FOUR Team in FF #265; ** Pre-Dates John Byrne’s classic Sensational She Hulk #1 from 5/1989 by Six Years;  ** FIRST appearance of Taranith Gestal cover and story (Alien Deity, worshipped as a God)

** FIRST appearance of Mantracora and The Mantracorians (a  Race of humanoids that exist on the planet Mantracora in the Negative Zone. They worshiped a Deity known as Taranith Gestal); ** Appearances by; WASP and ANNIHILUS);

#255 (6/1983; John BYRNE-c/a; Daredevil, Anniihlus, Negative Zone; N);

#256 (7/1983; John BYRNE-c/a; Anniihlus, Negative Zone; );

#257 (8/1983; GALACTUS and Frankie Raye NOVA-c/s; Death of Anelle; Skrull throne-world destroyed by Galactus);

#258 (9/1983; Origin of Terrax the Tamer; Fantastic Four do not appear; DOCTOR DOOM cover and story);

#259 (10/1983; DOCTOR DOOM cover and story);

#260 (11/1983; Death of Tyros the Terrible; Death of Terrax; Continued in Alpha Flight #4; DOCTOR DOOM cover and story);

#261 (12/1983; WATCHER-c/s; Search and Trial Reed Richards; Appearances by; Scarlet Witch, Namor, Marrina, Silver Surfer, Lilandra, Galactus);

#262 (1/1984; ** ORIGIN OF GALACTUS;  ** Fantastic Four in The Trial of Reed Richards cover and story; ** Appearances by; John Byrne, Galactus, Watcher, Eternity, Odin, Gladiator, Frankie Raye aka Nova and Lilandra; ** JOHN BYRNE story, cover & art;

#263 (2/1984);

#264 (3/1984; MOLE MAN appear; Homage to the Fantastic Four #1 cover);

#265 (4/1984; FIRST PRINTING; **  Jennifer Walters aka SHE-HULK joins the Fantastic Four cover & story; ** Fantastic Four in The House That Reed Built, with Robots H.U.B.E.R.T. & Roberta, and Trapster; ** Fantastic Four in Home Are the Heroes; ** Appearances by; Edwin Jarvis, Alicia Masters, & Franklin Richards; ** Appearances by;  The Avengers (Scarlet Witch, Mockingbird, Vision, Iron Man, Starfox); ** JOHN BYRNE story, cover & art);

#266 (5/1984; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of Mary Brown aka KARISMA);

#267 (6/1984;  DOCTOR OCTOPUS);

#268 (7/1984; Origin of SHE-HULK Retold; Classic MASQUE of DR DOOM Painted cover by Elliot R. Brown; FF vs a remote-operated mask of Doctor Doom; First appearance of; Alice Winchell and Alma Chalmers; Appearances by; Otto Octavius aka Doctor Octopus, Bruce Banner, Michael Morbius, Walter Langkowski, Danny Winchell, Dr. Lanning, Hulk;

John Byrne story and art);

#269 (8/1984; FIRST Cameo Appearance of TERMINUS);

#270 (9/1984; First FULL Appearance of TERMINUS Cover and story; JOHN BYRNE Story cover and art);

FANTASTIC FOUR (1961-1996) BYRNE Malice Dr Doom X-Factor Beyonder #271, 274-290 VF = $69.00
271= Gormuu; 274(4the app Spider-Man in Alien Black costume);
278-279=Doctor Doom; 280-281= Malice Mistress of HATE;
282,285,288=Secret Wars II;
286(X-Men, Pheonix & 2nd app X-Factor);
288=Doctor Doom vs Beyonder; 290=Annihilus;

FANTASTIC FOUR 1961-1996 Byrne She-Hulk Hitler Barry Smith Diablo #291-310 VF = $59.00

weight = 900 grams

#291-293 = JOHN BYRNE;  // #291(SHE-HULK cover swiped from Action #1);
#292=Nick Fury & HITLER;  // #293(8/1986; West Coast Avengers; LAST Byrne issue);
#296 (GIANT; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a)  // #300(3/1987; Anniversary issue);
#305-307 DIABLO  // #307 MS MARVEL // #308, 309 FASAUD
FANTASTIC FOUR 1961-1996 Black Panther Ms Marvel Hulk Doom Kang Surfer Ultron #311-333 VF = $59.00
#311 Black Panther  // #312 Fall of the Mutants DR DOOM X-Factor
#318-320 DR DOOM // #320 THING vs HULK Battle
#321 MS MARVEL vs SHE-HULK  // #322, 323 INFERNO
#324 Mantis an KANG // #325 SILVER SURFER
#326-328 FRIGHTFUL FOUR  // #329 MOLE MAN
#330 DR DOOM // #331 ULTRON

VF average (grades varied from FN/VF to VF+, except # 341 = Fine) = $79.00  ** 920 Grams

FANTASTIC FOUR (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1961-1996);

featuring The Original FRANKLINVERSE (12/1989 to 8/1991) Continuity EVENT;

The Marvel Universe unconsciously controlled by Franklin Richards;  WALT SIMONSON Art; FRANKLINVERSE is part of HUGE new SECRET WARS crossover event;

#347(12/1990; FRANKLINVERSE Replacement FANTASTIC FOUR TEAM = SPIDER-MAN, Wolverine, Grey HULK & Ghost Rider-c/s; Art Adams-c/a);

#348(FRANKLINVERSE Replacement FANTASTIC FOUR TEAM = SPIDER-MAN, Wolverine, Grey HULK & Ghost Rider-c/s; Art Adams-c/a; Skrulls & Mole-Man appear);

#349(FRANKLINVERSE Replacement FANTASTIC FOUR TEAM = SPIDER-MAN, Wolverine, Grey HULK & Ghost Rider-c/s; Art Adams-c/a; Skrulls & Mole-Man appear);

FANTASTIC FOUR 1961-1996 New Warriors Dr Doom SpiderMan INFINITY WAR #356-370 VF = $45.00;

FANTASTIC FOUR 1961-1996 Defenders Huntra Skrulls Avengers Galactus #371-390 VF = $59.00;

FANTASTIC FOUR 1961-1996 Galactus Wolverine Antman Watcher LOW PRINT #391-405 VF average (vared from FN/VF to VF+) = $69.00


FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL Dr Doom Inhumans Avengers Guardians Galaxy Kang #15-26 VF = $39.00;

FANTASTIC FOUR (1998-2011) Heroes Return For Hire Surfer 1st AYESHA V3 #1-25 VF = $49.00;

FANTASTIC FOUR 2099 Spider-Man DOOM 1996 Kesel Raab Thiebert WiIliamson #1-8 VF

#1-8 VF = $35.00  ** 420 Grams

FANTASTIC FOUR UNLIMITED 1993-1995 Inhumans Hulk Namor Antman Hulk Doom #1-12

SET of #1-12 VF (Except #12 is FN) = $49.00  ** 1360 Grams

FANTASTIC FOUR UNPLUGGED (1995-1996 Marvel) Mike Lackey Hector Oliveira #1-6 VF = $19.00;

FANTASTIC FOUR vs X-MEN (1987 Limited Series) WOLVERINE Dr Doom Austin #1-4

Set of #1-4 FN/VF = $16.95; (235 grams)


FANTASY MASTERPIECES (2nd Series; Volume- 2, 12/1979-1981; all Giants)

Reprints the classic 1960s SILVER SURFER #1-14 by Stan Lee and John Buscema

 (#8-14 have Warlock by Jim Starlin  from Strange Tales #178-181 and Warlock #9-11) #1-14 FN/VF, 7.0 set = $89.00


FEAR (Marvel 1970-1975; 24=BLADE) MOVIE Gerber MORBIUS The Living Vampire #20-31 = $119.00

#20 (2/1974; MORBIUS The Living Vampire BEGINS; MOVIE in Production; VG/FN)

#23 (G/VG); #24 (BLADE the Vampire Slayer-c/s; VG/FN); #20-22, 24-31 VG/FN average (Grades vary from VG to FN);


FIRESTAR (1986; Mini / Limited Series); SET of #1-4; Character from Spider-Man TV series; ** Includes; (#1=X-Men & New Mutants; 2=Wolverine-c; Art Adams-a; 3= Art Adams/Sienkiewicz-c; 4=Barry Windsor-Smith cover; White Queen appears); VF = $24.00;

FISH POLICE 1992-93 Marvel Comics Hairballs Steve Moncuse Tom Vincent TV #1-6 VF

#1-6 VF average = $39.00  ** 260 Grams

FOOL KILLER 1990-1991 #1-10 1st Kurt Gerhardt Violent CULT Classic AMC TV CBM VF = $39.00
FOOLKILLER (Marvel Comics Pub Mini / Limited Series; 1990-1991; Steve Gerber stories; The Most Violent & BRUTAL Anti-Hero at Marvel since the Punisher; CULT CLASSIC Series; Art by J.J. Birch & Tony DeZuniga)
≫> FOOLKILLER = [the comic featured on AMC’s Comic Book Men, as a seller
brought in original artwork for Walt Flanagan to exclaim, ”The most overlooked underrated under appreciated comic that Marvel has ever published.
Speculators are Buying up Key First appearances];
#1 (10/1990; Mad as in Angry; FIRST appearance of Kurt Gerhardt as the 3rd FOOLKILLER);
#2 (11/1990; First KILL - the Calling; Spider-Man & Defenders cameo);
#3 (12/1990; Thrill of the KILL);
#4 (1/1991; Point of No Return - Crisis of Confidence); #5 (2/1991; BODY COUNT);
#6 (4/1991; Where Angels Fear to Tread - Fool’s Paradise); #7 (5/1991; Tears of Torment - Who the Fools Are);
#8 (7/1991; 42 Days; SPIDER-MAN-c/s);
#9 (9/1991; Dead End - Feast of Fools);
#10 (10/1991; LAST issue; the Final Fool - Fools Rush-In);

Further Adventures of INDIANA JONES 1983-1986 Marvel Comics Byrne Austin 1-13 VF, except #8(GD, creasing & tape repair), #9(FN), 12(FN/VF)= $49.00 (560 grams)

FURY 2001-2002 Marvel MAX comic Nick SHEILD TV Ennis Robertson Palmiotti #1-6 VF = $15.00;

GARGOYLE (1985; Mini / Limited Series); SET of #1-4; Character from Defenders; #1= Nice BERNI WRIGHTSON cover; VF = $15.00;

GENERATION X (1994-2001 Marvel) Emma Frost Bishop Omega Red Onslaught #1-20 VF = $59.00

GENERATION X  (1994-2001 Marvel) Howard the Duck Black Tom Nightmare #21-40 VF = $45.00

GENERATION X 1994-2001 Marvel Jubilee Emma Frost X-Man War of Mutants #41-60 VF = $69.00


GHOST RIDER 1973-1981 Bounty Hunter DEATH-RACE Johnny Blaze Night Rider 31-50 FN Average (grades varied from VG/FN to FNVF) , except #41(GD, creasing), #44(GVG, stain) = $89.00;

GHOST RIDER (Marvel Comics Pub; 1973-1981; 1st Series of Super-Hero, JOHNNY BLAZE on Motorcycle);
** Highlights INCLUDE;
#31(Bounty Hunter-c/s); #32(Origin Bounty Hunter-c/s); #33(Death Riders from Beyond); #34(Demon Within); #35(4/1979; Classic DEATH-RACE-c/s; JIM STARLIN-a); #36(Demon in Denver); #37(High Road to HELL); #38( Girl in BONDAGE-c; 10/1979;CULT of Doom); #39( NM, 9.4 = $16); #39(Into the Abyss); #40(1/1980; Death in the Nuclear Family; Nuclear explosion-c); #41(Man who was the Ghost Rider); #42(the Lonesome DEATH of Johnny Blaze); #43-44(Ghost Rider vs Johnny Blaze-c/s); #45(to Banish a Ghost); #46( Loser - End of a Champion); #47( the Demon within); #48(Wind of the Undead); #49(Wrath of the Manitou); #50( 52 page GIANT; 11/1980; Night Rider-c/s;;


GHOST RIDER 1973-81 ORB Werewolf Night Scarecrow Kronos Johnny Blaze #51-66

#51(FNVF), 52(VF), 53(VF), 54(FN/VF), 55(VG), 56(VG), 57(FN), 58(FN), 59(VGFN), 60(VG), 61(VGFN), 62(FNVF), 63(VG), 64(FN), 65(VGFN), 66(FN) = $69.00  ** 700 Grams


GHOST RIDER (Marvel Comics Pub; 1973-1981; 1st Series of Super-Hero, JOHNNY BLAZE on Motorcycle);

** Highlights INCLUDE;

#51(Clem, Diesel of Doom-c/s); #52(SIRENS of Kronos);#53(She-Witch of Doom); #54(vs ORB-c/s); #55( 4/1981; WEREWOLF BY NIGHT & SCARECROW-c/s); #56(Night Rider-c/s; vs Moondark); #57(the Apparation); #58(Enforcer); #59(Moondark, Water Wizard, Water Demon); #60(Black Juju-c/s); #61( Water Wizard); #62(Arabian Knight); #63(SKULL-c); #64(Azmodeus); #65(Skulls-c; Lair of the Lone Shark); #66(Wind-Witch);


GHOST RIDER (1973-1981) Origin DEATH Johnny Blaze Centurious Steel Wind #71-81

CONDITION = FN average (grades varied from VG/FN to FN/VF);

PRICE = $59.00;

GHOST RIDER (Marvel Comics Pub; 1973-1981; 1st Series of Super-Hero, JOHNNY BLAZE on Motorcycle);

** Highlights INCLUDE;

#71(Adam Henderson); #72(Blaze helpless; GR Enraged; Quentin Carnival in flames); #73(Circus of Crime); #74(Centurians); #75(1st app Steel Wind-c/s); #76(Johnny Blaze vs Ghost Rider battle-c/s); #77(ORIGIN of the Demon within Johnny Blaze); #78(Nightmare); #79(Murder by Man-Cycle); #80(Eater of Souls; Roxanne Simpson);#81 (6/1983; LOW Print & Scarcer LAST issue;  DEATH of Johnny Blaze the GHOST RIDER cover & story; DEATH of Centurious; J.M. DeMatteis story; Budiansky, Bulanadi & Dzuban art; Bob Budiansky & Dave Simons art);


GHOST RIDER 1990-1998 1st Ketch Kingpin Punisher Hobgoblin Mephisto V2 #2-10 VF

GHOST RIDER (Marvel Comics Pub; Volume-2; 1990-1998; 2nd Series of Super-Hero on Motorcycle; the new Danny Ketch Ghost Rider);

Volume-2 #2-10 VF = $99.00 ** 410 grams

GHOST RIDER (Marvel Comics Pub; Volume-2; 1990-1998);

#2 (6/1990; ** FIRST appearance of the new BLACKOUT, a Half-Demon Villain in the MCU (later a Member of the LILIN); ** (See Nova #19 for the Original Blackout); **BLACKOUT rumored to be a Major Villain in the MIDNIGHT SONS Live-Action MCU Movie in Development;  ** Blackout was played by Johnny Whitworth in the 2011 film Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance; ** SECOND Appearance of  DEATHWATCH; ** SECOND Appearance of Danny Ketch as the new GHOST RIDER (Second Series of the Super-Natural Anti-Hero on Motorcycle); ** Second appearance of the Cypress Pool Jokers (Paulie, Ralphie, Johnny, Angel, JD); ** First appearance of Eldon Lambert (Kingpin Henchman) ** First appearances and DEATHS of Detective Frank Lorretti,  Alicia Lorretti, Anthony Lorretti, Mr. D'Amato, Mrs. D'Amato; ** Ghost Rider in Do Be Afraid of the Dark; Howard Mackie story;  Javier Saltares and Mark Texeira art;  Javier Saltares cover);

#3 (7/1990; BLACKOUT vs GHOST RIDER Battle cover and story; ** First COVER appearance and SECOND appearance of the new BLACKOUT, a Half-Demon Villain in the MCU (later a Member of the LILIN);  ** (See Nova #19 for the Original Blackout);  ** BLACKOUT rumored to be a Major Villain in the MIDNIGHT SONS Live-Action MCU Movie in Development;  ** Blackout was played by Johnny Whitworth in the 2011 film Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance; ** THIRD Appearance of Stephen Lords aka  DEATHWATCH;

** Appearance by Wilson Fisk aka KINGPIN and the ARRANGER; ** THIRD Appearance of Danny Ketch as the new GHOST RIDER (Second Series of the Super-Natural Anti-Hero on Motorcycle) ** Third appearance of the Cypress Pool Jokers (Paulie, Ralphie, Johnny, Angel, JD); ** First appearance of DEATH NINJA; ** First appearance and DEATH of Detective McDermott; Howard Mackie story;  Javier Saltares and Mark Texeira art;  Javier Saltares cover);

#4 (8/1990; Ghost Rider vs Mr Hyde battle-c/s);

#5 (9/1990; Frank Castle the PUNISHER vs Danny Ketch GHOST RIDER First  Meeting and Battle cover and Part-1 of 2-Part story; ** Danny Ketch GHOST RIDER is Possessed by Noble Kale, in Getting Paid;  ** First appearance of Linda Wei; ** Appearances by; Stacy Dolan, Mrs. Ketch, Ultimatum,  Flag-Smasher; Howard Mackie story;  Javier Saltares and Mark Texeira art; Classic JIM LEE cover);

#6 (10/1990; Frank Castle the PUNISHER and Danny Ketch GHOST RIDER Meeting and Battle cover and Part-2 of 2-Part story);

#7 (11/1990; Ghost Rider vs Scarecrow battle-c/s);

#8 (12/1990; Living Nightmare-c/s);

#9 (1/1991; Ghost Rider vs X-Factor-c/s; Morlocks appear);

#10 (2/1991; Re-intro Johnny Blaze on Last page)


MIDNIGHT SONS MCU Movie in Development;  *** A new supernatural Avengers team has been reported for the MCU! This team will be the Midnight sons team from the comics consisting of character like Blade, Doctor Strange, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and more. This team will take on villains like Mephisto and Shuma Gorath in the MCU. BLACKOUT is Expected to be a Major VILLAIN; Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will address darker heroes and darker villains including some demons and monsters that will start a supernatural side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Supernatural Avengers Midnight Sons will start to form as a part of Marvels Phase 4 lineup;


GHOST RIDER 1990-1998 1st Ketch Kingpin Punisher Hobgoblin Mephisto V2 # 11-20 VF

GHOST RIDER (Marvel Comics Pub; Volume-2; 1990-1998; 2nd Series of Super-Hero on Motorcycle; the new Danny Ketch Ghost Rider);

Volume-2 #11-20 VF = $69.00 ** (480 grams)

#11 (3/1991; NIGHTMARE);

#12-13(Dr. Strange; 13 = Painted cover);

#14(Johnny Blaze vs. Ghost Rider; origin Johnny Blaze the 1st Ghost Rider);

#15(Glow in the Dark cover);

#16-17(Spider-Man and Hobgoblin-c/s);

#18(Painted-c); #19(Mephisto); #20(Kodiak);


MIDNIGHT SONS MCU Movie in Development;  *** A new supernatural Avengers team has been reported for the MCU! This team will be the Midnight sons team from the comics consisting of character like Blade, Doctor Strange, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and more. This team will take on villains like Mephisto and Shuma Gorath in the MCU. BLACKOUT is Expected to be a Major VILLAIN; Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will address darker heroes and darker villains including some demons and monsters that will start a supernatural side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Supernatural Avengers Midnight Sons will start to form as a part of Marvels Phase 4 lineup;


GHOST RIDER 1990-1998 X-Men Wolverine Midnight Sons Massacre Nightmare #21-35 VF

GHOST RIDER (Marvel Comics Pub; Volume-2; 1990-1998; 2nd Series of Super-Hero on Motorcycle; the new Danny Ketch Ghost Rider);

Volume-2 #21-35 VF = $79.00 ** 775 Grams

#21(Snowblinded); #23(Death Watch); #24(Death Duel);

#25(52 page Giant; Pop-Up centerfold); #26-27(X-Men & Wolverine-c/s);

#28(Polybagged with poster; Rise of the Midnight Sons);

#29(Wolverine vs Ghost Rider Battle-c/s); #30(Nightmare);

#31(52 Pages; Polybagged with poster; Rise of the Midnight Sons);

#32(Dr. Strange & Johnny Blaze app); #33(vs Madcap); #34(Williamson-a); #35(vs Heart Attack);


MIDNIGHT SONS MCU Movie in Development;  *** A new supernatural Avengers team has been reported for the MCU! This team will be the Midnight sons team from the comics consisting of character like Blade, Doctor Strange, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and more. This team will take on villains like Mephisto and Shuma Gorath in the MCU. BLACKOUT is Expected to be a Major VILLAIN; Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will address darker heroes and darker villains including some demons and monsters that will start a supernatural side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Supernatural Avengers Midnight Sons will start to form as a part of Marvels Phase 4 lineup;


GHOST RIDER (1990-1998) Lilith Siege of Darkness Spider-Man Hulk V2 #41-50 VF

GHOST RIDER (Marvel Comics Pub; Volume-2; 1990-1998; 2nd Series of Super-Hero on Motorcycle; the new Danny Ketch Ghost Rider);

Volume-2 #41-50 VF = $69.00

*** Highlights INCLUDE;

GHOST RIDER (Volume-2; 1990-1998; 2nd Series of Super-Hero on Motorcycle; the new Danny Ketch Ghost Rider); #41(Lilith & Centurious); #41-43(Road to Vengeance-s; Neon ink-c); #43(16 pg. insert on Siege of Darkness); #44-45(Siege of Darkness; 44=Spot varnish-c); Midnight Sons imprint #44 -50; #46(1st app new Ghost Rider); #48(Spider-Man-c/s); #49(bound-in trading cards; Hulk-c/s);
#50(6/1994; 52 page Giant; Collectors Ed. die cut red foil-c);


GHOST RIDER 1990-1998 Blackout Werewolf Hyde Wolverine Punisher Gambit #51-59 VF

GHOST RIDER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1990-1998; Volume-2)      

#51 (7/1994; MIDNIGHT SONS);

#52 (8/1994; MIDNIGHT SONS);


#54 (10/1994; Ghost Rider vs BLACKOUT Battle cover and story);

#55 (11/1994; Ghost Rider and WEREWOLF BY NIGHT vs MR HYDE); 

#56 (12/1994; Turk, Snare, Agent-X);

#57 (1/1995; Ghost Rider on the Road with WOLVERINE cover and story);

#58 (2/1995; BETRAYALS Part One);

#59 (3/1995; BETRAYALS Part Two);

** Volume-2 #51-59 VF = $79.00 for the LOT


GHOST RIDER BLAZE Spirits of Vengeance 1992-94 MEPHISTO Midnight Sons VENOM 1-10

 Lot of #1-10 VF+ Average (Except #2 = FN); = $39.00 (490 grams)

Superb art by ANDY KUBERT;

GHOST RIDER & BLAZE Spirits of Vengeance (Marvel Comics Pub; 1992-1994)

#1 (1992; Rise of the Midnight Sons; Factory Sealed in Polybag with Bonus Poster);

#2 (Steel Vengeance, Danny Ketch and Johnny Blaze);  #3(LILITH); #4(Deathwatch, Hag, Troll)

#5-6(VENOM & Spider-Man);

#7 (Steel Vengeance, Steel Wind and MEPHISTO); 

#8 (Danny Ketch and Johnny Blaze vs MEPHISTO); 

#9-10 (Carnival of Death)


GIANT-SIZE MASTER OF KUNG FU Marvel 1974-1975 #1-4 Shang-Chi 

Set of #1-4 = $69.00 

GIANT-SIZE MASTER OF KUNG FU (Marvel comics pub; 1974-1975; NEW and Reprint Material in all)

#1 (9/1974; SHANG CHI in Death Masque cover and 24 page story; vs FU MANCHU and his Cult Assassins; EARLY appearance of DuCharme (Chinese Woman) aka Agent D; FIRST appearance of the Council of Seven, Si-Fan's Elite Warriors; Appearances by; Morton and Jack; Shaolin Temple Boxing, 2 pages with Iron Fist appearance; Shang Chi in Reflections in a Rippled Pool; Doug Moench story, Paul Gulacy, Craig Russell, Frank McLaughlin and Ron Wilson art; First appearance of Yellow Claw, classic reprint of #1 from 1956 by Joe Maneely, with Jimmy Woo appearance);

#2 (12/1974; SHANG CHI in The Devil-Doctor's Triumph cover and 40 page story; vs FU MANCHU; FIRST appearance of Sandra Chen, a martial arts school instructress; Appearances by;  Chris, Peko, Ducharme, Sir Denis Nayland Smith, Black Jack, Professor Chen; Doug Moench story, Paul Gulacy and Jack Abel art, Al Milgrom cover; 2 x Yellow Claw stories, classic reprint of #1 from 1956 by Joe Maneely, with Jimmy Woo appearance);

#3 (3/1975; SHANG CHI in Fires of Rebirth cover and 40 page story; vs FU MANCHU; FIRST appearance of Clive Reston, an agent of MI-6 and an ally to Denis Nayland Smith and Shang-Chi; FIRST appearance of Shadow Stalker, martial artist who was taught by Sifu Chow and would become Fu Manchu's favorite assassin; FIRST appearance of Doctor James Petrie, a colleague of British MI-6 special agent, Sir Denis Nayland Smith; Appearances by; Sir Denis Nayland Smith, Black Jack Tarr; Doug Moench story, Paul Gulacy & Vince Colletta art, Gil Kane & Joe Sinnott cover; 2 x Yellow Claw stories, classic reprint of #2 from 1956 by JACK KIRBY, with Jimmy Woo appearance);

#4 (6/1975; LAST ISSUE; FIRST appearance of TIGER-CLAW, granted the position of Si-Fan lodge master by Fu Manchu; FIRST appearance of Rufus T. Hackstabber, a Taxi-Driver and an homage to comedian Groucho Marx; ** SHANG-CHI vs TIGER-CLAW Battle, in Why a Tiger-Claw cover and 40 page story;  Appearances by; Fu Manchu, Johnny, Ducharme, Sir Denis Nayland Smith, Dr. Petrie, Black Jack Tarr; Yellow Claw #2 reprints from 1956 by JACK KIRBY; Doug Moench story, Keith Pollard & Sal Trapani art, Gil Kane & Dan Adkins cover);


G.I. JOE A Real American Hero (1982-1994 Marvel Comics) #51-70 FN average

** FINE Average (Condition varies from VG/FN to FN/VF) = $69.00 for the LOT;   


G.I. JOE A Real American Hero (1982-1994 Marvel Comics) #51-70 VF average

** $159.00 for the LOT;   


G.I. JOE A Real American Hero (1982-1994 Marvel Comics) #71-85

FN/VF average (Varied from FN to VF; ** except #78 = VG) = $75.00  ** 630 Grams


G.I.JOE SPECIAL MISSIONS (Marvel Comics 1986-1988) #1-14 VF average (varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $79.00


G.I.JOE SPECIAL MISSIONS (Marvel Comics 1986-1988) #15-28 Lower Print VF = $125.00


G.I.JOE YEARBOOK (1983-1988 Marvel comics) Mike Golden art #1-4 VF = $35.00;


GODZILLA King of Monsters 1977-1979 Marvel Comics 1st MCU SHIELD Jimmy Woo #1-8,10-18

price = $199.00

#1(FNVF), 2(VF), 3(creased, GD) 4(VF) 5(VF), 6(VF), 7(FNVF), 8(FNVF), 10(VF), 11(VF), 12(FNVF), 13(FNVF)14(FN), 15(FNVF), 16(FNVF), 17(VF), 18(FNVF)

(weight = 746 grams)


GODZILLA (...King of Monsters); (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979; based on the TOHO Productions Movies; Arguably the #1 Greatest Movie Monster of All-Time);

Wikipedia = GODZILLA is a giant monster originating from a series of tokusatsu films of the same name from Japan. It first appeared in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon, appearing in numerous media including video games, novels, comic books, television shows, 28 films produced by Toho and two Hollywood films. The character is commonly alluded to by the title King of the Monsters, a phrase first used in Godzilla, King of the Monsters!, the Americanized version of Honda's original 1954 film.

#1 (8/1977; FIRST American Newsstand and First Marvel appearance of GODZILLA in Comics, as he enters the MARVEL UNIVERSE; Nick Fury, Dum Dum Dugan & Jimmy Woo of S.H.I.E.L.D. appear; GODZILLA Pin-Ups by Dave Cockrum; Doug Moench story; Herb Trimpe & Jim Mooney art; Herb Trimpe cover; 

#2 (9/1977; SEATTLE Under Siege cover & story; Dum-Dum Dugan of SHEILD appears; Herb Trimpe, Giacoia, & George Tuska-a;

#3 (10/1977; GODZILLA vs the CHAMPIONS Battle cover & story; Hercules, Black Widow, Ice Man, and the Angel appear; SAN FRANCISCO Quakes; Herb Trimpe & Tony DeZuniga-a; 

#4 (11/1977; GODZILLA vs BATRAGON Battle cover & story; First appearance of BATRAGON & Dr. Demonicus; Tom Sutton & Tony DeZuniga-a;

#5 (12/1977; Isle of living Demons; Dr. Demonicus appears; Tom Sutton and Klaus Janson-a;

#6 (1/1978; Monster Enslaved; S.H.I.E.L.D. appears; Herb Trimpe-a; 

#7 (2/1978; FIRST appearance of RED RONIN cover & story; GODZILLA vs RED RONIN Battle cover & story; Herb Trimpe and Fred Kida-a; 

#8 (3/1978; Second appearance of RED RONIN cover & story; GODZILLA vs RED RONIN Battle cover & story; Herb Trimpe art; 

#10 (5/1978; First appearance of YETRIGAR the Big Foot cover and story; GODZILLA vs YETRIGAR Battle cover & story; Herb Trimpe and Fred Kida-a;

#11 (6/1978; Battle of the Behemoths: GODZILLA vs YETRIGAR & RED RONIN in the Grand Canyon Battle cover & story; Herb Trimpe and Fred Kida art; 

#12 (7/1978; GODZILLA in SPACE Cover; Mega-Monsters from Beyond = Part-1 of 3-Part story; Godzilla vs Beta-Beast on the Moon; Herb Trimpe and Fred Kida art

#13 (8/1978; GODZILLA vs MEGA MONSTERS Battle cover & story; Mega-Monsters from Beyond = Part-2 of 3-Part story; RED RONIN, Rhiahn, Krollar & Triax; Herb Trimpe and Fred Kida art;

#14 (9/1978; Siege of the Super-Beasts; Mega-Monsters from Beyond = Part-3 of 3-Part story; Dum-Dum and SHEILD appears; Super-Beasts & RED RONIN appear; Herb Trimpe and Fred Kida art;

#15 (10/1978; GODZILLA in STAMPEDE, Roam on the Range cover & story; Herb Trimpe and Dan Green art; 

#16 (11/1978; GODZILLA in Jaws of Fear; The Great GODZILLA Roundup story; Herb Trimpe and Dan Green art;

#17 (12/1978; Dum-Dum Dugan of SHEILD cover & story; Hank Pym as Giant Man, WASP, & S.H.I.E.L.D. appear; Hank Pym SHRINKS Godzilla to Small Size; Herb Trimpe and Dan Green art; ;

#18 (1/1979; Shrunken Godzilla fights RATS in the Sewers of New York-c/s; Dum-Dum Dugan of SHEILD-c/s; Herb Trimpe and Dan Green-a;


GREEN GOBLIN 1995-1996 Marvel comics Rhino Scarlet Spider-Man Daredevil #1-13 VF, except #7 (FN) = $39.00

(#10-13 = Low Print & Scarcer)


GROO the WANDERER (Epic Marvel Comics; 1985-1995; Sergio Aragones) #1-20 FN/VF = $99.00


GROO the WANDERER (Epic Marvel Comics; 1985-1995; Sergio Aragones) #61-80 VF = $79.00

weight = 870 grams

GROO the WANDERER (1985-1995 Epic Marvel) Sergio Aragones LOW PRINT #81-90 VF = $49.00



** VF Average (Condition varies from FN/VF to VF/NM) = $119.00 for the LOT;   **905 Grams;

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (Marvel Comics Pub; 1990-1995; FIRST Ongoing Solo SERIES Under Their Own Title)

#1 (6/1990; ** First On-Going SOLO series Begins; Quest for the Shield: Part-1 of 6-Part Storyline; ** Lance Astro is the future Version of the New Warriors character and is a future member of the Avengers; ** Charlie 27,  Martinex, Nikki, Major Vance Astro, Yondu, Centauri IV, Aleta, and Starhawk Begins in the cosmos of the 31st Century; 

** FIRST appearance of TASERFACE;  ** FIRST appearance of STARK;  The Guardians begin their quest for Captain America's shield; Flashback appearances of; Captain America, Thing, Badoon, Korvac, Spider-Man, Moondragon, Adam Warlock, Her, Vance Astrovik; Flashback appearances of; Defenders (Dr. Strange; Nighthawk; Hulk; Valkyrie); 

Flashback appearances of; Avengers (Thor, Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Vision, Wonder Man, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Hercules, Yellowjacket)

JIM VALENTINO story;  JIM VALENTINO cover; JIM VALENTINO and Steve Montano art);

#2 (7/1990; Mike Zeck cover); 

#3 (8/1990;

#4 (9/1990; FIRELORD-c/s)

#5 (10/1990; vs FORCE-c/s; Todd McFarlane cover;

#6 (11/1990; vs FORCE-c/s;

#7 (12/1990; George Perez cover; First appearance of Malevolence-c/s; Fate of MARTINEX; Secret od STARHAWK;

#8 (1/1991; First appearance of RANCOR (Future Female Descendent of Wolverine) and Her Followers; 2nd app Malevolence; Yondu goes Mad;

#9 (2/1991; First COVER appearance of RANCOR (Future Descendent of Wolverine); World of Mutants part-1 of 3-Parts story; Second appearance of RANCOR; Rob Liefeld and Valentino cover);

#10 (3/1991; World of Mutants part-2 of 3-Parts story; JIM LEE and Valentino cover

#11 (4/1991; PHOENIX of the 31st Century-c/s; World of Mutants part-3 of 3-Parts story;

#12 (5/1991; FIRELORD and OVERKILL-c/s;

#13 (6/1991;  Guardians of the Galaxy in Spirit of Vengeance: Part 1 of 2-Part storyline; ** FIRST appearance of Spirit of Vengeance of the 31st Century cover & story; ** This is the Original COSMIC GHOST RIDER of the Future, 27 YEARS Before the Cosmic Ghost Rider in THANOS #13 from 2018; **This Spirit of Vengeance is a Future Descendent of the Bronze-Copper Age GHOST RIDER; ** Guardians vs Spirit of Vengeance Battle story; The Guardians of the Galaxy team includes; Charlie-27, Martinex, Nikki, Yondu, Vance Astro, Starkhawk & Aleta; ** Appearances by; Replica, Interface, & Malevolence; Jim Valentino story; Jim Valentino and Steve Montano & art)

#14 (7/1991; Second appearance of future Spirit of Vengeance of the 31st Century cover and story aka the Future Descendent of GHOST RIDER);

#15 (8/1991; Power of PROTEGE-c/s; JIM STARLIN and Jim Valentino Cover;

#16 (9/1991; 52 Page GIANT; JIM STARLIN and Jim Valentino Cover;

#17 (10/1991; Homecoming; First appearance of The PUNISHERS, the 31st Century Gang Part-1 of 4-Part storyline;

#18 (11/1991; The PUNISHERS, the 31st Century Gang Part-2 of 4-Part storyline;

#19 (12/1991; TALON-c/s; The PUNISHERS, the 31st Century Gang Part-3 of 4-Part storyline;

#20 (1/19921; Vance Astro is MAJOR VICTORY; The PUNISHERS, the 31st Century Gang Part-4 of 4-Part storyline;


GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 1990-1995 Starhawk Surfer Galactus Infinity War 21-40 VF = $69.00

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (Marvel Comics Pub; 1990-1995; First Ongoing Solo Series);

Set of #21-40 VF or Better = $59.00 

Highlights Include;

#22 = Re-Intro Starhawk; 

#24,25= Silver Surfer; 

#25 = Galactus;

26 = Origin; 

#27, 28 = Infinity War;

 #27 = Inhumans;


GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Beyonder Starhawk Drax Silver Surfer #41-59 Low Print VF

** VF+ Average (varies from VF to VF/NM) = $119.00 for the LOT;   **870 Grams;


HAVOK and WOLVERINE MELTDOWN (1989 Marvel Comics Limited Series Giants) #1-4 VF = $19.00;


HAWKEYE  Limited Series (Marvel  Comics 1983)  MOCKINGBIRD  Gruenwald #1-4 VF = $35.00

(Marvel Pub; Limited / Mini Series; 9-12/1983; First Solo Series for HAWKEYE, a Popular member of the AVENGERS; Gruenwald-s; Barbara "Bobbi" Morse aka the MOCKINGBIRD becomes a Partner for HAWKEYE & later they get Married; *** Barbara Morse Team affiliations include; Avengers, Great Lakes Avengers, Legion of the Unliving, S.H.I.E.L.D., New Avengers, Secret Avengers, West Coast Avengers, World Counter-terrorism Agency, and as a Partner & Wife to Hawkeye; """ MOCKINGBIRD is RUMORED to be added to the AGENT OF SHIELD TV series Cast);

#1(9/1983; MOCKINGBIRD begins-c/s; ORIGIN Hawkeye);

#2(ORIGIN of Dr. Barbara "Bobbi" Morse of SHEILD as HUNTRESS and MOCKINGBIRD);

#3(ORIGIN of Mockingbird-c/s);

#4(12/1983; Spider-Man, FF, Avengers & Daredevil appear on Funeral-c; Hawkeye &Mockingbird elope);


HAWKEYE (Marvel Comics 2003 Limited Series) Fabian Nicieza Dave Sharpe #1-8 VF = $18.00;


HELL'S ANGEL 1992-1993 UK Marvel ORIGIN 1st Female Hero X-MEN Wolverine #1-5 VF = $25.00

HELL'S ANGEL (1992-1993; Marvel-UK British series; #6 up Re-Titled "Dark Angel", due to copyright legal problems with the Hell's Angels motorcycle gang/club);

This SET has been known to occasionally fetch record prices of $50-$100 and on eBay, as a Hell's Angels collectible;

SET of #1-5; Includes; X-MEN with Wolverine; 

#1 = FIRST appearance and ORIGIN of Shevaun Haldane aka HELL'S ANGEL (Female Super-Heroine) later DARK ANGEL.


HERALDS (Marvel Limited Series 2010) She-Hulk Emma Frost Hellcat Photon #1-5 VF = $19.00


HERCULES Prince of Power 1982 #1-4 1984 V2 #1-4 Marvel Limited Series LAYTON VF, except Volume1 #2(FNVF), Volume2 #4(FN) = $25.00 (weight = 350 grams)

HERCULES (9-12/1982; First Mini / Limited Series); SET of Volume-1 #1-4; Includes; BOB LAYTON art;


HERCULES (3-6/1984; Second Mini / Limited Series); SET of Volume-2 #1-4; Includes; Bob LAYTON art;

8 Comics in Total VF = $25.00



Lot of 7 different x One-Shot Special issue #1's in VF or Better = $25.00









HERO FOR HIRE 1972-1973 LUKE CAGE Mace Black Mariah DR DOOM Stilletto 2-10,12-16

HERO FOR HIRE (1972-1973; Marvel comics Pub; LUKE CAGE; Title later changes to "Power Man"; nice Billy Graham art);

#2 (8/1972; FIRST appearance of Doctor CLAIR TEMPLE; CLAIRE TEMPLE will be  Returning to MCU; ** Rosario Dawson played Claire Temple (aka a Composite Version of NIGHT NURSE) in 10 episodes of LUKE CAGE Netflix TV Series Season 1 and 2; Claire Temple (aka NIGHT NURSE) also appears in the, DAREDEVIL Season 1-2, JESSICA JONES and DEFENDERS Netflix TV Series; Rosario Dawson's character was intended to be NIGHT NURSE before potential MOVIE plans required a name change; Marvel had plans for [original "Night Nurse"] Linda Carter in the movies, so you shifted over to Claire Temple;  Second appearance of Willis Stryker aka Diamondback; *** Erik LaRay Harvey played  Willis Stryker aka Diamondback in 7 Episodes of LUKE CAGE Netflix TV Series Season-1; George Tuska & Billy Graham art; FN);

#3 (10/1972; First appearance of MACE cover & story; George Tuska & Billy Graham art; VG/FN);

#4 (12/1972; First appearance of PHIL FOX of the Bugle; Phantom of 42nd Street cover & story; Billy Graham cover & art; VG+);

#5 [1/1973; First appearance of BLACK MARIAH cover and Story; Alfre Woodard played Mariah Dillard aka BLACK MARIAH in MOST Episodes of LUKE CAGE Netflix TV Series Season One and Two;  (Alfre Woodard credits include; State of Affairs, 12 Years a Slave, True Blood & Black Panther);  Steve Englehart story; George Tuska & Billy Graham art; Billy Graham cover; SCARCER in HIGH GRADE due to the BLACK COLORS on the Cover;  VG/FN);

#6 (2/1973; Assassin in Armor cover & story; Billy Graham cover & art; VG/FN);

#7 (3/1973; ATOMIC BOMB Explosion cover; Jingle Bombs; Christmas Theme story; George Tuska & Billy Graham art; FN+);

#8 (4/1973; vs ANDROIDS cover & story; DOCTOR DOOM appears; George Tuska & Billy Graham art; One inch Piece out at top  edge of cover, G/VG);

#9 (5/1973; DOCTOR DOOM vs LUKE CAGE Battle cover & story; FANTASTIC FOUR appears; George Tuska & Billy Graham art;  VG+);

#10 (6/1973; First appearance of MR. DEATH cover & story; George Tuska & Billy Graham art; VG/FN);

#12 (8/1973; First appearance of Curtis Carr aka CHEMISTRO cover & story; (Super Villain armed with an alchemy gun. Luke Cage's Arch-Enemy) George Tuska & Billy Graham art; VG/FN);

#13 (9/1973; First appearance of LION-FANG cover & story; SPIDER-MAN Cameo; Billy Graham cover & art; VG/FN);

#14 (10/1973; vs BIG BEN DONOVAN cover & story; RETRIBUTION story Part-1 of 2-Parts = Billy Graham & Steve Englehart story, Billy Graham art; ORIGIN of LUKE CAGE is Retold; DEATH OF PHIL FOX; Mrs. Frank Jenks cover & appearance; Appearances by; Big Ben Donovan, Flea, Billy Bob Rackham, Shades, Comanche; FN);

#15 (11/1973; CAGE GOES WILD cover & story; RETRIBUTION story Part-2 of 2-Parts = Billy Graham & Steve Englehart story, Billy Graham art; ORIGIN of LUKE CAGE is Retold; Appearances by; Claire Temple, Flea, Billy Bob Rackham, Shades, Comanche; Namor the Sub-Mariner backup story reprint of #35 from 1954 by Bill Everett; VG);

#16 (12/1973; LAST ISSUE before Title change; First appearance of STILLETTO cover & story; DEATH of Rackham; Billy Graham cover & art; VG+);

** LOT of #2-10, 12-16 (as Above) = $159.00  ** 660 Grams


HEROES FOR HIRE 1997-99 Iron Fist WOLVERINE Punisher DEADPOOL #1-19 ANNUAL'98 VF = $59.00;

HEROES FOR HIRE (Marvel Comics 1997-1999)


#1 (7/1997;  First appearance of the New HEROES FOR HIRE Team =  [Iron Fist, new female White Tiger, Hercules, Hulk, Luke Cage, Black Knight];

HEROES FOR HIRE vs U-Foes [Vector, Ironclad, Vapor & X-Ray];  Jim Hammond & Master of the World appear);

#4 IRON FIST vs POWER MAN Battle-c/s

#7 = Thunderbolts appear;  #9 = PUNISHER-c/s;

#10,11 = DEADPOOL cover & stories;

#11 = SILVER SABLE-c/s

#13 = ANT-MAN-c/s

#15, 17 = SHE-HULK-c/s;

#18, 19 = WOLVERINE cover & stories;

HEROES FOR HIRE / QUICSILVER '98 (#NN = #1; 1998 Giant ANNUAL) = The Siege of Wundagore


HERO Warrior of the Mystic Realms (1990 Marvel comics) #1-6 Purcell Micheline VF

Set of #1-6 VF = $15.00;  ** 285 Grams;

HERO Warrior of the Mystic Realms (1990 Marvel comic Limited Series)

#1 = Portacio inks; Steve Purcell art; David Micheline stories


HOWARD THE DUCK 1976-1986 Marvel Brunner Colan Frankenstein Spider-Man #1-10 condition = #1(FN+), #2-10(VF) = $99.00 (425 grams)

HOWARD THE DUCK (Marvel Comics; 1976-1986; Color Comics)

#1 (1/1976; Spider-Man-c/s; Frank BRUNNER-c/a; Steve Gerber-s; Overstreet States “LOW DISTRIBUTION;  HOT KEY ISSUE;  In the GUARDIANS of the GALAXY Movie, HOWARD THE DUCK can be spotted the first time when Benicio del Toro as the Collector appears on screen. HOWARD THE DUCK also pops up more prominently in the movie's End-Credits' scene, again with The Collector. Many Fans are already Speculating there will be a HOWARD THE DUCK MOVIE in the Future; a New HOWARD the Duck Comic Book Series is in the Works);

#2(3/1976; 1st app Turnip-Man-c/s; Frank BRUNNER-c/a; Jim Starlin layouts; 1st app of the KIDNEY LADY;

#3 (5/1976 Master of Quack Fu = Shang-Chi satire; John Buscema-a; Buckler-c;

#4 (7/1976; The Sleep of the Just; 1st app the Sleeper-c/s; Gene COLAN-c/a; Letters page announces HTD for President with Berni Wrightson art for the campaign button;

#5 (9/1976; 1st app Man-Mountain Klout = WRESTLING-c/s; Kidney Lady app; Gene COLAN-c/a; HTD Presidential Campaign Bulletin on Letter page

#6 (11/1976; Gene COLAN-c/a; 1st app Incredible Cookie Creature = Frankenstein parody-s;

#7 (12/1976; Gene COLAN-c/a; 2nd app Incredible Cookie Creature = Frankenstein parody-s;

#8 (1/1977; Howard the Duck for President-c/s; Gene COLAN-c/a; Dr Strange cameo; Walter Cronkite, Gerald Ford & Jimmy Carter app;

#9 (2/1977; Gene COLAN-c/a; 1st app LE BEAVER-c/s; 1st app of Sgt Preston Dudley of the RCMP;

#10 (3/1977;  Out of the Egg = partial Birth/Origin of HTD; SPIDER-MAN-c/s; Dr Strange, Kidney Lady, Le Beaver, Turnip-Man & Omega cameo; Gene COLAN-c/a;


HOWARD THE DUCK (1976-1986) 1st 2nd KISS Simmons Frehley Stanley Criss #11-20 VF = $89.00

HOWARD THE DUCK (Marvel Comics; 1976-1986; Color Comics)


#11 (4/1977; Quack-Up; Gene COLAN-c/a; HTD vs KIDNEY LAD-c/s;

#12 [5/1977; FIRST Cameo appearance of the Rock Band KISS (Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Peter Criss and Ace Frehley) in COMICS = Full Last Page Cameo; Mind-Mush; Duck's Head Soup; Kidney Lady appears; Steve Gerber story; Gene COLAN cover & art;

#13 [6/1977; FIRST FULL appearance of the Rock Band KISS (Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Peter Criss and Ace Frehley) in COMICS = 3 page appearance; Rock, Roll Over, and Writhe; Omen of an Exorcist; Hellstrom / Son of Satan appears; Steve Gerber story; Gene COLAN cover & art;

#14 (7/1977; A Duck Possessed = SON of SATAN Parody-c/s; SON of SATAN app; Gene COLAN-c/a

#15 (8/1977; Gene COLAN-c/a; 1st app od DR.BONG-c/s;

#16 (9/1977; Deadline Doom: Dr Bong cameo; Zen and the Art of Comic Book Writing: a Communique From Colorado; Steve Gerber-s; ART by; Alan Weiss, Hannigan/Wiacek, Dave Cockrum, Tom Palmer, John Buscema, Dick Giordano, & Nasser/Terry Austin; Unique Issue = Consists of Splash Page, followed by eight sets of 2-Page Illustrations with TEXT;

#17 (10/1977; ORIGIN of DR BONG; Feather vs Fangs from Hell; Gerber-s; Gene COLAN-c/a;

#18 (HOWARD THE HUMAN storyline; DR BONG appears; Steve Gerber-s; Gene COLAN-c/a;

#19 (HOWARD THE HUMAN storyline; Steve Gerber-s; Gene COLAN-c/a;

#20 (1/1978; Howard vs SUDD, The Scrubbing Bubble that Walked Like a Man


HOWARD THE DUCK (1976-1986) STAR WARS Man-Thing IRON DUCK #21-30 Annual #1

VF, except #29(FN) = $69.00

(weight = 500 grams)

#21 = Sinister SOOFI

#22, 23 = STAR WARS Parody/Spoof with MAN-THING

#24 = The Night After You Saved the Universe?

#25-27 = RINGMASTER and The Circus of Crime; Gene COLAN-c/a;

#28 = Cooking with Gas

#29 = Help Stamp Out Ducks

#30 = 1st appearance of IRON DUCK;  IRON DUCK vs Doctor Bong battle;

ANNUAL #1 (1977; THEIF of BAGMOM; The 1002nd Arabian Night? Steve Berber-s; Val Mayerick-a;


HOWARD THE DUCK (Marvel MAX Limited Series 2002) Gerber Winslade Fabry #1-6 VF = $14.00;


Howard the Duck B&W Magazine 1979-1981 COLAN Dracula KISS Man-Thing #1-9 FN/VF = $59.00 (960 gram)

HOWARD THE DUCK [Marvel Pub; B&W Magazine; 68 pages; 10/1979-3/1981 series; "Trapped in a world he never made"; ALL-NEW stories & art; NO Comics Code; Mature audiences; Great Humor & Parody series; Howard was a HUGE CULT HIT upon original release, but is now nearly forgotten; Give them a try; These mags are NOT stocked by MOST comic stores & are getting SCARCER];

#1 (10/1979; Art by; Gene Colan, Mike Golden, Klaus Janson; >> FEATURES; The Macabre Mr Chicken, Jackpot the One-Armed Bandit, Charismatic Chair-Thing, & Pro Rata Cosmic Accountant, Kidney Lady & NUDITY panel);

#2 (12/1979; Art by; Gene Colan, Klaus Janson; Val Mayerick cover art; >> FEATURES; Female NUDITY & Shower pages, Swords & Sorcery, SF & Rockets, Pro Rata Cosmic Accountant);

#3 (2/1980; Art by; Gene Colan, Dave Simmons, Jerry Bingham, Joe Rubinsrein! JACK DAVIS cover art; CHRISTMAS ISSUE; SANTA Cover & Appearance! FEATURES;Flashback to Duck World, Santa, Reindeer', Elves, Live Toys, Lizard monsters & MORE);

#4 (3/1980; Art by; Gene Colan, Dave Simmons, John Buscema, Klaus Janson; John POUND cover art; PLAYBOY Parody Cover & Nude Female Duck "Duckmate" Centerfold;"Maltese Cockroach" = Sherlock Holmes & Maltese Falcon Parody story; Truman Capote parody interview; "Dreadcliff Cuckoos" = Horror story, with short appearances of of; KISS, Beatles, John Lennon, Elvis & Devo; Hitler appears);

#5 (5/1980; Art by; Gene Colan, Dave Simmons, Michael GOLDEN, Bob McLeod; Collage cover; >> FEATURES; DRACULA Appearance & Parody story, Female NUDITY#6 (7/1980; Art by; Michael GOLDEN = 51 Pages; John POUND cover art; >> FEATURES; Return to DUCKWORLD, Female (Bev) NUDITY panels, gangsters & more; 1st App Street People backup story;

#7 (9/1980; Art by; GENE COLAN, Alfredo Alcala; John POUND Painted cover art; MAN-THING Cover & 46 page App Story; Full Page Pinup Gallery, with NEW Art by;Marie Severin, JOHN BYRNE (Mummy), Marshall Rogers, Walt Simonson & Howard Chaykin; 2nd app Street People backup story);

#8 [11/1980; Art by; GENE COLAN, Dave Simons, MARSHALL ROGERS; John POUND Painted cover art; >> FEATURES; The Grey Panther (Geriatric caper); Ducktective Comics = Marshall Rogers art with BATMAN Parody, with Duckman & Duckgirl Superheroes, COVER & STORY = 26 pages; DAVE SIM (Cerebus the Aardvark fame) = One page Comic strip on inside front cover];

#9 [3/1981; LAST Issue in this series; Art by; GENE COLAN, Dave Simons, Richard Villamonte, Marie Severin; John POUND Painted cover art; >> FEATURES; Mardi Grasin New Olreans, Voodoo, Voodoo Dolls, Zombies, Duck Deity, Female (Bev) Nudity & Bath panels, Detective story parody];


HOWARD THE DUCK: The MOVIE (1986/1987; Mini / Limited Series); SET of Volume-1 #1-3 VF = $10.00;


HULK Magazine 1980-81 MOON KNIGHT Dominic Fortune TV FERRIGNO #19-27 FN/VF = $79.00;

(1100 grams)

HULK (Marvel Comics Pub; 1978-1981  COLOR Magazine Series; formerly Rampaging Hulk);

#20 = MOON KNIGHT story, with classic Bill Sienkiewicz art;

Dominic Fortune stories in #21-24, with great Howard CHAYKIN art;

Alfredo Alcala art = #19,20,22,24-27; JOHN BUSCEMA (art= #23, cover= #26); GENE COLAN art= #19,24-27; John Severin art = #19; WALT SIMONSON (art= #27, cover= #23); LOU FERRIGNO INTERVIEW, re TV series in #24; HULK TV PHOTO Article in #20; JOE JUSKO art = (cover= #20,25,27; Inside cover= #22; Jusko/with John Buscema cover = #26); NUDITY in #21; Brent Anderson art in #23; SHADOW cameo's = #25;

VERY Undervalued issues, already 37+ Years Old;

HULK Magazine #19-27 (9 different issues from 2/1980 to 6/1981)


HUMAN FLY 1977-79 Spider-Man Ghost Rider Daredevil WHITE TIGER Copperhead #1-19

FN/VF Average (varied from FN to VF; except #19 = VG/FN)  = $59.00  ** 820 Grams

HUMAN FLY (Marvel Comics Pub; 1977-1979); 

The Eisenberg-Fisher Productions MOVIE is a Long Time in development, based on Real-Life Stuntman Joe Ramacieri

Also the basis for the 1977-1979 Marvel Comics Series;

#1 (9/1977; Origin and first appearance of the HUMAN FLY; SPIDER-MAN Appears;

#2 (10/1977; First Human Fly Team-Up with GHOST RIDER cover and story;

#3, 4(Terry AUSTIN cover), 5-7;

#8 (4/1978; WHITE TIGER and Copperhead cover and story;

#9 (5/1978; /1978; WHITE TIGER and DAREDEVIL cover and story; JOHN BYRNE and Terry Austin cover;


#19 (3/1979; Lower Print & Scarcer LAST issue; Bob Layton cover);


HUMAN TORCH 1974-1975 Johnny Storm GA Jim Hammond Strange Tales-R LEE KIRBY #1-8

SET of #1-8 VG/FN Average (Varied from VG to FN) = $69.00 for the LOT

Weight = 350 Grams;


HUMAN TORCH (Marvel Comics Pub; 9/1974 - 11/1975; #1-5,8=Kirby art; Reprints HT from Strange Tales 101-108, with Golden Age Human Torch backup's; All-New Cover art on all issue; First Human Torch title since GA; Human Torch is a Founding member of Fantastic Four);

#1 (9/1974; Human Torch / Jim Hammond vs Human Torch / Johnny Storm BATTLE All-New Cover Art by John Romita & Joe Sinnott; FIRST Even SOLO TITLE for Johnny Storm, the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four; First HUMAN TORCH Solo Title since the Golden Age; Reprints HUMAN TORCH First SA Solo Story from Strange Tales #101 originally from October 1962, with Partial New Framing Sequence, Fantastic Four cameo = Story by Stan Lee & Larry Lieber with Art by Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers; Human Torch vs Charles Stanton aka theDestroyer; *** 8 page Back-Up story is a Reprint of Human Torch #33 from 11/1948 with Jim Hammond the Golden Age Human Torch in Horror Hotel = Steve Douglas & Al Gabrieleart; TOUGH to Find in STRICT HIGH GRADE due to the BLACK Colors on the Cover;

#2 (11/1974; All-New Cover Art by John Romita & Larry Lieber; Reprints HUMAN TORCH Story from Strange Tales #102 from 11/1962, with FIRST appearance of the WIZARD = = Story by Stan Lee & Larry Lieber with Art by Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers; *** 7 page Back-Up story is a Reprint of Human Torch #30 from 5/1948 with Jim Hammond the Golden Age Human Torch in The Hyena Strikes= Alex Schomburg art;

#3 (1/1975; All-New cover art by Ron Wilson & Frank Giacoia; Reprints HUMAN TORCH vs ZEMU story from Strange Tales #103 from 12/1962, with FIRST appearances of Valeria, Phineas & Theos = Story by Stan Lee & Larry Lieber with Art by Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers; *** 7 page Back-Up story is a Reprint of Sub-Mariner #23 from Summer/1947 with Jim Hammond the Golden Age Human Torch in Reptile's Revenge = Allen Bellman art; Reptile resembles the Spider-Man villain The Lizard;

#4 (3/1975; All-New cover art by Ron Wilson, Marie Severin & Frank Giacoia; Reprints HUMAN TORCH Meets Paste-Pot Pete story from Strange Tales #104 from 1/1963, with FIRST appearance of Paste-Pot Pete = Story by Stan Lee & Larry Lieber with Art by Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers; *** 6 page Back-Up story is a Reprint of HUMAN TORCH #38 from 8/1954 with Jim Hammond the Golden Age Human Torch in The World's End (Intro & Death of Professor Marko & Gorodok) = Hank Chapman story, Ernie Bache  & Dick Ayers art;

#5 (5/1975; All-New cover art by Gil Kane and Al Milgrom; Reprints The Return of the Wizard! story from Strange Tales #105 from 2/1963; Stan Lee and Larry Lieber, story, with Jack Kirby, and Dick Ayers art; Jim Hammond the Original Human Torch in KOREA; Dick Ayers and Ernie Bache art; The Torch and Toro vs Communists in North Korea with Atomic Cannon);

#6 (7/1975; All-New cover art by Gil Kane & Vince Colletta; Reprints HUMAN TORCH story with FANTASTIC FOUR Cover & appearance  from Strange Tales #106 from 3/1963, with First appearance of Carl Zante the World's Greatest Acrobat = Story by Stan Lee & Larry Lieber with Art by Dick Ayers; *** 5 page Back-Up story is a Reprint of HUMAN TORCH #38 from 8/1954 with Jim Hammond the Golden Age Human Torch in Flame On = Hank Chapman story, Ernie Bache  & Dick Ayers art;

#7 (7/1975; All-New cover art by Ron Wilson and Frank Giacoia;  Reprints Johnny Storm the HUMAN TORCH vs Namor the Sub-Mariner Battle cover & story  from Strange Tales #107 from 4/1963, with Fantastic Four cameo = Story by Stan Lee & Larry Lieber with Art by Dick Ayers; *** 5 page Back-Up story is a Reprint of Sub-Mariner #35 from 8/1954 with Jim Hammond the Golden Age Human Torch in Fugitive at Large (vs Comrade Rak & Communist spies) = Hank Chapman story, Ernie Bache  & Dick Ayers art;

#8 (11/1975; Scarcer LAST ISSUE; All-New cover art by Ron Wilson , Frank Giacoia & John Tartaglione;  Reprints Johnny Storm the HUMAN TORCH in Painter of 1000 Perils cover & story  from Strange Tales #108 from 5/1963, with Fantastic Four cover & cameo = Story by Stan Lee & Robert Bernstein  with Art by JACK KIRBY & Dick Ayers; *** 5 page Back-Up story is a Reprint of Marvel Super-Heroes #16 from 9/1968 with Jim Hammond the Golden Age Human Torch in The Un-Human (First appearance of the Creature from the Red Planet) = STAN LEE story, Ernie Bache  & Dick Ayers art;



HUMAN TORCH (2003-2004 Marvel FF) Karl Kesel Skottie Young Thing Namorita #1-12

FN/VF Average (Varied from FN to VF+) = $29.00 for the Lot

Karl Kesel stories; Skottie Young art; 675 Grams;

#1-6(Burn = Parts 1 thru 6);

#7-10(A Plague of Locysts = Parts 1 thru 4);

#11(Namorita app);

#12(Ben Grimm the Thing-c/s; vs Dragon Man)


ICEMAN 1984-1985 Limited Series Zeck X-Men Champions Defenders #1-4 FN/VF = $17.95

Set of #1-4 FN/VF = $17.95 ** 190 grams

ICEMAN Limited Series (Marvel Comics Pub; Limited  Series; 1984-1985);

** First Solo Series for this charter member of the Original X-MEN; MIKE ZECK Covers on All);

** In ALL-NEW X-MEN #40 from June 2015, Robert "Bobby" Drake aka ICEMAN Comes Out and is Revealed to be GAY !!!

#1 (12/1984; White Light & the Idiot cover & appearance;  Marge Smith aka Mirage, William Drake & Madeline Drake appear; VILLAINS appearing = Oblivion, the Idiot, & White Light; J.M. DeMatteis story; Al Kupperberg & Mike Gustovich art; MIKE ZECK and John Beatty cover;

#2(2/1985; vs KALI-c/s);

#3(4/1985; DEFENDERS, Ghost Rider, CHAMPIONS & the Original X-MEN Appear)

#4(6/1985; LAST issue; SKULLS Cover; OBLIVION);


INCREDIBLE HERCULES (2008-2010) Secret Invasion Love War Dark Reign #113-141 VF = $59.00; (1580 grams)


INCREDIBLE HERCULES (2008-2010) Secret Invasion Love War Dark Reign #113-130 VF = $39.00;


INCREDIBLE HULK 1968-1999 ABOMINATION Doc Samson MAN-THING Trimpe #183-199

VG/FN Average Condition (Varies from VG to FN+) = $189.00;  ** 760 Grams

INCREDIBLE HULK (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1968-1999);

#183 (1/1975; Return of the LIVING DYNAMO-c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe-a;

#184 (2/1975; The LIVING SHADOW-c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe-a;

#185 (3/1975; DEATHKNELL-c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe-a;

#186 (4/1975; HULK vs DEVASTATOR Battle-c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe-a;

#187 (5/1975; GREMELIN and his Super-Soldiers-c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe & Joe Staton-a;

#188 (6/1975; GREMELIN and his Super-Soldiers-c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe & Joe Staton-a;

#189 (7/1975; HULK vs MOLE MAN -c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe & Joe Staton-a;

#190 (8/1975; Toad Men and GLORIAN-c/s;  Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe & Marie Severin-a;

#191 (9/1975; Shaper & Toad Men-c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe & Joe Staton-a;

#192 (10/1975; The Lurker Beneath Loch Fear-c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe & Joe Staton-a;

#193 (11/1975; HULK vs DOC SAMSON Battle-c/s; Len Wein-s; Herb Trimpe & Joe Staton-a;

#194 (12/1975; HULK vs The LOCUST and his Army of Giant Insects Battle-c/s; Len Wein-s; Joe Staton & Sal Buscema-a;

#195 (1/1976; HULK vs The ABOMINATION Battle-c/s; Len Wein-s; Joe Staton & Sal Buscema-a;

#196 (2/1976; HULK Teamed-Up with ABOMINATION, with DOC SAMSON-c/s; Len Wein-s; Joe Staton & Sal Buscema-a;

#197 (3/1976; HULK in And Man-Thing makes Three; HULK vs MAN-THING Battle Cover and Story; HULK vs the COLLECTOR Cover and Story; Classic BERNI WRIGHTSON cover; Appearances by; Doc Samson, Glob, Captain Horatio Cutlass, Betty Talbot & Clay Quartermain; Len Wein story; Sal Buscema & Joe Staton art;

#198 (4/1976; HULK Teamed-Up with MAN-THING-c/s; Len Wein-s; Joe Staton & Sal Buscema-a;

#199 (5/1976; HULK vs SHEILD and DOC SAMSON Battle-c/s; Len Wein-s; Joe Staton & Sal Buscema-a;


INCREDIBLE HULK 1968-99 THOR 3-D Man Surfer 1st U-FOES SABRA Soviet SS #241-260

VF Average (Varied from FN/VF to VF+; Except #250(VG/FN), 255(GD, Reading copy), 256(VG) = $149.00;

(weight = 830 grams)

INCREDIBLE HULK (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1968-1999);

#241 (11/1979; HULK vs Tyrannus;

#242 (12/1979; HULK vs Tyrannus battle-c/s;

#243 (1/1980; Goldbug appears; Gammenon of the Celestials appears;

#244 (2/1980; IT LIVES!

#245 (3/1980; When the HULK comes RAGING;

#246 (4/1980; Hulk vs Captain Marvel battle-c/s; MANDROID app;

#247 (5/1980; Hulk vs Captain Marvel battle-c/s; Mandroid-c/s;

#248 (6/1980; The Gardner-c/s; Mike GOLDEN cover;

#249 (7/1980; Hulk vs Jack Frost & Blizzaro battle-c/s; STEVE DITKO-c/a;

#250 (8/1980; Square-Bound 52 page Giant; ** HULK vs SILVER SURFER Battle cover and story; First CAMEO appearance of the Soviet Super-Soldiers (Darkstar, Crimson Dynamo, Vanguard, Ursa Major) ** First Cameo Appearance of Ruth Bat-Seraph aka SABRA, the heroine of ISRAEL cover and story;  (See #256 for 1st Full Appearance SABRA)

** SABRA is a Human-Mutant; SABRA’s Team Affiliations includes; Mossda, and X-Corporation; Ruth was the first superhuman agent to serve with the Mossad the Israeli secret service;  Shira Haas will play SABRA in the Captain America: New World Order Movie; In the September 2022 D23 Expo, Disney announced that Israeli actress Shira Haas would be joining the MCU as Sabra in Captain America: New World Order. Beyond her status as a Mutant, the character is significant for her close ties with the Israeli government, actually working for the Mossad in the comics. Fans were quick to note the controversial nature of the character's inclusion, with the move seeming to show Marvel taking a step into the touchy arena of the Israel/Palestine conflict. First CAMEO appearance of Abdul Qamar aka the Arabian Knight (Continuity Error; See #257 for 1st Full Appearance Arabian Knight); First appearance of Arabian Knight's Flying Carpet; First CAMEO appearance of Collective Man (Han, Chang, Lin, Sun, and Ho Tao-Yu) First appearance of Claire Mundy; First appearance of Mary Beth Mundy;  ** Cameo Appearances by; Galactus, Fantastic Four, Sub-Mariner, Captain Britain, Red Guardian. ** HULK in The Monster;

Bill Mantlo story;  Sal Buscema art; Al Milgrom cover;

#251 (9/1980; 3-D MAN-c/s; Mike GOLDEN cover;

#252 (10/1980; Hulk vs Changlings-c/s; Woodgod & Doc Samson appear;

#253(11/1980;  Hulk & Doc Samson vs Changlings-c/s; Woodgod appears;

#254 (12/1980; FIRST appearance of the U-FOES cover & story (Evil versions of the Fantastic Four);

#255 (1/1981; HULK vs THOR Battle cover & story; Bill Mantlo story; Sal Buscema art;

#256 (2/1981; ** First FULL Appearance of Ruth Bat-Seraph aka SABRA, the heroine of ISRAEL cover and story; ** SABRA is a Human-Mutant; ** SABRA’s Team Affiliations includes; Mossda, and X-Corporation; ** Ruth Bat-Seraph aka SABRA was the first superhuman agent to serve with the Mossad the Israeli secret service; ** FIRST Appearance and DEATH of SAHAD; ** Appearances by; Rick Jones, Betty Ross, General Ross, Glenn Talbot, Doc Samson, Fred Sloan, Doctor Maxwell, Captain Bowman, Lieutenant Perrywinkle; ** HULK in Power in the Promised Land! ** Power and Peril in the PROMISED LAND. Bill Mantlo story; Sal Buscema art; John Romita Jr. and Al Milgrom cover;

Shira Haas will play SABRA in the Captain America: New World Order Movie; In the September 2022 D23 Expo, Disney announced that Israeli actress Shira Haas would be joining the MCU as Sabra in Captain America: New World Order. Beyond her status as a Mutant, the character is significant for her close ties with the Israeli government, actually working for the Mossad in the comics. Fans were quick to note the controversial nature of the character's inclusion, with the move seeming to show Marvel taking a step into the touchy arena of the Israel/Palestine conflict);

#257 (3/1981; FIRST appearance of Arabian Knight cover & story;

#258 (4/1981; FRANK MILLER cover; Soviet Super Soldiers-c/s;

#259 (5/1981; Soviet Super Soldiers-c/s;

#260 (6/1981; War Wagon-c/s; Sunset of a Samurai;


INCREDIBLE HULK 1968-1999 Fixit KEOWN Iron Man Werewolf Abomination #351-370 VF = $79.00;

INCREDIBLE HULK 1968-99 Keown Infinity Gauntlet Abomination Pantheon #371-390 VF = $79.00;

INCREDIBLE HULK 1968-1999 X-Factor Punisher U-Foes Red Skull Madman #391-410 VF = $49.00;

INCREDIBLE HULK 1968-1999 Pantheon She-Hulk Surfer Man-Thing Trauma #411-430 VF = $69.00;


INCREDIBLE HULK 1968-1999 Punisher She-Hulk Abomination #432-440,442-448,450 VF average (varied from FN/VF TO VF+) = $79.00;

LOWER Print Run and Scarcer issues;

HIGHLIGHTS Includes;  

#444 (8/1996; HULK vs CABLE and STORM Battle-c/s; ONSLAUGHT X-Over;

#445 (9/1996; ONSLAUGHT X-Over; AVENGERS appear; Continued from Uncanny X-Men #336;

#447 (11/1996; MIKE DEODATO cover and Art Begins;

#450 (2/1997; Giant Anniversary issue; THUNDERBOLTS Appear; Two Stories; HEROES REBORN Versions of HULK, Dr Strange, Mr Fantastic & Iron Man;


INCREDIBLE HULK (1968-1999) Surfer Abomination Apocalypse Wolverine #451-474 VF = $99.00;

LOWER Print Run and Scarcer issues;


#453 (HULK vs Heroes Reborn HULK-c/s;

#454 (7/1997; HULK vs WOLVERINE Battle-c/s;  Ka-Zar appears; Andy Kubert-c/a;

#456 (9/1997; ORIGIN and First Brief appearance of HULK as WAR HULK; APOCALYPSE Enlists & Remakes HULK as WAR HULK, the Horseman of Apocalypse; JUGGERNAUT appears;

#457 (10/1997; First FULL appearance of HULK as WAR HULK the Horseman of Apocalypse vs JUGGERNAUT Battle cover & story; APOCALYPSE appears;

#458 (Mr Hyde;

#459 (Abomination-c/s;

#460 (Bruce Banner is back;

#464 (5/1998; HULK vs SILVER SURFER Battle-c/s;

#466 (7/1998; DEATH of BETTY ROSS nee BANNER;

#468(Casey-s/Pulido-a begins;


#470(Circus of Crime-c/s;

#473(Watcher-c/s; Abomination is Revealed as Betty’s Killer;

#474 (3/1999; Scarcer LAST issue; Abomination appears; INCREDIBLE HULK #1 HOMAGE Covers;


INCREDIBLE HULK ANNUAL Abomination Defenders She-Hulk (Marvel, 1980 - 1994) #9-20 VF = $59.00;


INCREDIBLE HULK (2000-2008) Abomination Maximum Security V2 #12-30 (486-504) VF = $69.00


INCREDIBLE HULK (2000-2008) Bruce Jones Romita Jr Weeks V2 #31-50 (505-524) VF = $59.00


INCREDIBLE HULK 2000-08 Abomination Absorbing Man Deodato V2 #51-70 (525-544) VF = $49.00


INFINITY CRUSADE (1993 Limited Series) JIM STARLIN Ron Lim THANOS Movie #1-6 VF = $59.00

INFINITY CRUSADE (Marvel Comics Pub; 6-11/1993; Mini / Limited Series, all 52 Page Giants; Jim STARLIN-s & Ron Lim-a) 


INFINITY WAR 1992 Marvel Limited Series JIM STARLIN Ron Lim THANOS Movie #1-6 VF/NM = $79.00

INFINITY WAR (6-11/1992; Mini / Limited Series, all 52 Page Giants; Jim STARLIN-s & Ron Lim-a; THANOS-s in all)


INHUMANS (1975-1977 Marvel) Buckler KIRBY Gil Kane PEREZ Hulk Blastaar #1-12 FN = $89.00

INHUMANS (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1975-1977);

INHUMANS Made its DEBUT as a MOVIE in September 2017 in IMAX theaters, as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe;

INHUMANS will then become an 8 Episode TV SERIES an ABC Television on October 5/2017;

#1 (10/1975; Black Bolt & Inhumans vs Blastaar the Living Bomb-c/s; Doug Moench story; George PEREZ art; Gil KANE & Giacoia cover;

#2(Buckler-c; Star-Slaves; Kaptroids;

#3(2/1976; Buckler-c; First appearance of Shatterstar-c/s;

#4(4/1976; Panic in New York; George PEREZ art; Buckler-c; Second appearance of Shatterstar-c/s;

#5(6/1976; vs Maximus-c/s; Buckler-c; Gil KANE-a; Inhumans Enslaved = in Chains / Bondage-c/s;

#6(8/1976; Gil KANE-a; Bedlam in Great Refuge; Black Bolt goes Wild; VF


#8(12/1976; vs Demon Foes; Gil KANE-c; George PEREZ art;

#9(2/1977; new Pollard-c; Jack KIRBY-r; vs Mor-Tog-c/s;

#10(4/1977; Isle of the Asteroid Web; Hannigan & Esposito-c; Keith POLLARD-a;

#11(6/1977; vs the Pursuer-c/s; Keith POLLARD & Mooney-a;

#12(8/1977; Scarcer LAST issue; Inhumans vs Incredible HULK Battle-c/s; Keith POLLARD-a;

#1-12 FINE, 6.0 Average condition set = $ 89.00


INHUMANS (Marvel 2003-2004) Sean McKeever Matthew Clark TV Movie V6 #1-12 VF = $45.00

INHUMANS Made its DEBUT as a MOVIE in September 2017 in IMAX theaters, as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe;

INHUMANS will then become an 8 Episode TV SERIES an ABC Television on October 5/2017;

Sean McKeever-s; Matthew Clark-a; #1-3(Lunar = Parts 1-3);

 #4-6(Culture Shock = Parts 1-3);

#9-12(No Matter the Cost = Parts 1-4);


INTERFACE 1989-1991 Epic Marvel ESPERS Hudnall Paul Johnson Painted-c/a #1-8 ( #1-7 =VF, #8 =FN) = $19.95;


INVADERS 1975-1979 Sub-Mariner Captain America Baron Blood Union Jack #1-10 VGFN = $99.00;


INVADERS #11-20 Spitfire Master Man Crusaders Warrior Woman Destroyer Union Jack

INVADERS (Marvel Comics Pub; 1975-1979);

#11 (12/1976; BLUE BULLET cover and  story; JACK KIRBY cover; FN/VF);

#12 (1/1977; Jacqueline Falsworth becomes SPITFIRE in this issues; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of SPITFIRE, Female Super-Heroine cover and story; FIRST appearance of Johann Goldstein aka the BLUE BULLET;  FIRST appearance of Jacob Goldstein aka the GOLEM; INVADERS Golden Age Team Lineup includes; Captain America, Bucky, Human Torch, Toro, Sub-Mariner; Roy Thomas story; Frank Robbins and Frank Springer art; JACK KIRBY and Joe Sinnott cover; FN);

#13 (2/1977; The GOLEM Strikes cover and  story; FN);

#14 (3/1977; THE CRUSADERS cover and  story; FN/VF);

#15 (4/1977; INVADERS vs CRUSADERS Battle cover and  story; FN/VF);

#16 (5/1977; Early appearance of Wilhelm Lohmer aka MASTER MAN cover and story; First appearance of Frieda Ratsel disguised as Julia; The Short, Happy Life of Major Victory; First appearance of William Joseph "Biljo" White; Pvt. Stan Lee appears; ADOLF HITLER cameo; JACK KIRBY Cover;  Roy Thomas story; Jim Mooney and Frank Springer art; FN/VF);

#17 (6/1977; First appearance of Julia Frieda Koenig Lohmer as the WARRIOR WOMAN cover and story; NAZI Woman with WHIP GGA cover by GIL KANE; The Making of Warrior Woman, 1942! ADOLF HITLER appears; Roy Thomas story; Frank Robbins and Frank Springer art; FN);

#18 (7/1977; Re-Introducing the Mighty DESTROYER after 3 Decades cover and story; SECOND appearance of Julia Frieda Koenig Lohmer as the WARRIOR WOMAN; FN+);

#19 (8/1977; ADOLPH HITLER Cover and story;  FN/VF);

#20 (9/1977; HOT KEY ISSUE! ** Classic INVADERS TEAM Cover! ** FIRST full appearance of UNION JACK II;  ** Brian Falsworth becomes Union Jack-II; Brian Falsworth is the son of James Montgomery Falsworth; James Montgomery Falsworth aka UNION JACK I appears; **J.J. Feild played James Montgomery Falsworth in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Captain America: The First Avenger MOVIE, as a member of the Howling Commandoes. ** Invaders in the Battle of Berlin;  ** Thomas Raymond aka TORO is injured; ** ADOLPH HITLER appearance;   ** Appearances by; Steve Rogers aka Captain America, Jim Hammond  aka Human Torch, Namor, the Sub-Mariner, James Buchanan Barnes aka BUCKY, Jacqueline Falsworth aka SPITFIRE, Thomas Raymond aka TORO; ** Villains include; Willie Lohmer aka Master Man, Frieda Ratsel aka Warrior Woman, the Nazis, Adolf Hitler and Dyna-Mite (aka Robert Aubrey the Destroyer); ** ORIGIN of Prince Namor McKenzie, the Sub-Mariner backup story by BILL EVERETT, 1939 Reprint from Motion Pictures Funnies #1 and Marvel Mystery #1 (First appearances of NAMOR McKenzie aka the SUB-MARINER, Princess Fen, DORMA, Thakkor the Holy One); ** Golden Age Captain America, Human Torch & Sub-Mariner in all; vs NAZI's in WWII in Most issues; Roy Thomas story; Gil Kane cover; Frank Robbins and Frank Springer art; Gil Kane and Frank Giacoia cover; FN);

LOT of #11-20 (as above) = $129.00;


INVADERS (1975-1979) TORO Golden Girl Nazi Axis Scarab Bucky Origin #21-30 VF, except #26(FN) = $79.00 weight = 435 grams.


INVADERS 1975-1979 Frankenstein U-Man Destroyer Whizzer Baron Blood THOR #31-41

VF Average (varied from FN/VF to VF+; Except #41 is VG) = $89.00 **  500 grams

INVADERS (Marvel Comics Pub; 1975-1979);

#31(8/1978; vs Nazi FRANKENSTEIN-c/s; V

#32(9/1978; THOR & HITLER-c/s; Jack KIRBY-c;

#33 (10/1978; THOR vs NAMOR the SUB-MARINER first Chronological chronological Battle cover and story; ADOLPH HITLE appears;  JACK KIRBY cover; Roy Thomas story; Alam Kupperberg and Frank Springer art;

#34(Manitoba; 11/1978; Union Jack gains new Power; Union Jack vs Mighty Destroyer-c/s; Mighty Destroyer joins;

#34(11/1978; Union Jack gains new Power; Union Jack vs Mighty Destroyer-c/s; Mighty Destroyer joins;

#35(12/1978; 1st app Iron Cross; LIBERTY LEGION-c/s; WHIZZER-c/s;

#36(1/1979; Iron Cross-c/s;

#37(2/1979; LIBERTY LEGION & Iron Cross; U-Man & Lady Lotus-c/s;

#38(3/1979; U-MAN-c/s; Return of the Kid Commandos;

#39(4/1979; Kid Commandos vs Meranno-c/s;

#40 (5/1979; Invaders vs BARON BLOOD the Nazi Vampire cover and story; Letter from Kurt Busiek; Roy Thomas and Don Glut story; Alan Kupperberg and Chic Stone art; Dave Cockrum cover;

#41 (9/1979; 52 page Square-bound GIANT; Invaders vs Super-Axis with BARON BLOOD the Nazi Vampire cover and story; Lower Print and scarcer LAST issue; Don Glut story; Alan Kupperberg and Chic Stone art; Al Milgrom cover;


IRON MAN (1968-1996) Red Ghost KIRBY Blood Bros Freak Ultimo Sunfire #81-99 GRADES = VF+ average (varied from VF to VFNM) = $249.00

IRON MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1968-1996);

#81(12/1975;Firebrand & Black Lama;

#82(1/1976; Red Ghost's Super Apes-c/a; 1st app Michael O'Brien;

#83(Red Ghost & Super Apes-c/s; KIRBY-c;

#84(Freak; Walking Bomb;

#85(4/1986; Freak-c/s;

#86(5/1986; 1st app Blizzard, formerly Jack Frost;

#87(Origin & 2nd app Blizzard;

#88(7/1976; Blood Brothers; early THANOS app; ; >>> Josh Brolin will play THANOS in both the Avengers: Age of Ultron and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 MOVIES;

#89(8/1976; Blood Brothers & DAREDEVIL-c/s;

#90(9/1976; Controller -c/s; Jack KIRBY-c


#92(11/1976; Jack KIRBY-c; Melter-c/s; Return of Original Armor;

#93(12/1976;  Jack KIRBY-c;  Commander Kraken-c/s;

#94(1/1977; Jack KIRBY-c; Commander Kraken-c/s;

#95(Jack KIRBY-c; Ultimo-c/s; 

#96(1st app new Guardsman; Ultimo app;


#98(Sunfire-c/s; Guardsman app;

#99(Mandarin & Sunfire;


IRON MAN 1968-1996 Marvel #151-161, 163-169 VF average set SALE = $99.00 (770 grams)

IRON MAN 1968-1996 Marvel #171-191 VF = $79.00


IRON MAN 1968-1996 Spider-Woman FIRST GHOST Ant-Man Wasp Movie #201-219, 220 VF = $79.00


#219 (6/1987; FIRST appearance of GHOST cover & Story; Part-1 of 3-Part Storyline; GHOST will appear in the ANT-MAN and WASP Movie;

#220 (7/1987; GHOST and SPYMASTER cover & Story; SECOND appearance of GHOST cover & Story; Part-2 of 3-Part Storyline; GHOST will appear in the ANT-MAN and WASP Movie;


IRON MAN 1968-1996 Marvel #221-240 set SALE = $79.00

#228(VG/FN), 230(FN), 232(FN), 234(FN/VF) otherwise set is VF


IRON MAN 1968-1996 DOCTOR DOOM Mandarin HULK Crimson Dynamo ARMOR WARS #241-260

** 860 Grams; ** VF Average (Varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $89.00 for the Lot


IRON MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1968-1996);

#241 (4/1989; MANDARIN);

#242 (5/1989; vs MANDARIN Battle-c/s);

#243 (6/1989; Tony Stark SHOT-c/s);

#244 (7/1989; 52 Page Giant; Yesterday and Tomorrow - Past and Present);

#245 (8/1989; Dreadnaught);

#246 (9/1989; Heavy Mettle);

#247 (10/1989; Gray HULK and Iron Man Team-Up vs MAGGIA);

#248 (11/1989; Footsteps; Freedom?);

#249 (Mid November/1989; DOCTOR DOOM vs IRON MAN Battle cover and story; Iron Man in The Doctor's Passion; When Armors CLASH! Appearances; by Erica Sondheim Garrison Quint, and Rhodey of Stark Enterprises; Appearances by; Rae LaCoste, Platoon Robots, Roderick Withers, Dr. Hamlin, Dr. Grundling, Mrs. Fruitbagel AIM, and HYDRA; David Michelinie and Bob Layton story; Bob Layton cover and art);

#250 (12/1989; 52 page GIANT Anniversary issue; First DOCTOR DOOM and IRON MAN Team-Up, in 2093 AD with MERLIN to Save CAMELOT cover and story; FIRST appearance of MERLIN the Magician of Earth-8912; FIRST appearance of King Arthur Pendragon of Earth-8912, reincarnated in a baby in the year 2076, appearance at age 17 in 2093 AD; Tony Stark aka IRON MAN and Victor von Doom both of Earth-616 aka Prime Earth cover and story; FIRST appearance of Andros Stark aka IRON MAN of Earth-8912; FIRST appearance of Doctor Doom of Earth-8912; ACTS OF VENGEANCE Crossover storyline; Iron Man in Recurring Knightmare; LAST Michelinie and Layton issue; David Michelinie and Bob Layton story; Bob Layton cover and art);

#251 (Mid December/1989; vs WRECKER battle-c/s);

#252 (1/1990; vs CHEMISTRO battle-c/s; Acts of Vengeance);

#253 (2/1990; Carnival of Death);

#254 (3/1990; vs SANTA CLAUS battle-c/s; Ho-Ho Homicide!);

#255 (4/1990; Crimson Dynamo vs Devastator; Iron Man vs Freaky Quincy);

#256 (5/1990; Soliloquy in Silence);

#257 (6/1990; vs SAMURAI STEEL battle-c/s);

#258 (7/1990; ARMOR WARS II);

#259 (8/1990; MANDARIN; ARMOR WARS II);

#260 (9/1990; LASER, MANDARIN; Fin Fang Foom cameo; ARMOR WARS II);


IRON MAN 1968-1996 Marvel #261-280 VF = $59.00;

IRON MAN 1968-1996 Marvel #287-300 VF = $49.00;

IRON MAN #307-320 War Machine MANDARIN Black Widow Titanium Man Crimson Dynamo

#307-320 VF average = $69.00 for the LOT ** 720 Grams

IRON MAN 1968-1996 Hawkeye WAR MACHINE Tony Stark ONSLAUGHT  Low Print #321-332

#321-326, 329, 330 are VF average

#327,328,331,332 are all FN

 ** $79.00 for the LOT ** 720 Grams

IRON MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1968-1996; Original Series);

#321-324 (Low Print Run);

#325 (2/1996; 52 Page GIANT; IRON MAN vs IRON MAN Battle-c/s;  Low Print Run;

#326 (3/1996; The Second Coming of Tony Stark; First Sign;  PAINTED Cover; Low Print Run;

#327 (4/1996; Tony Stark on ICE; Low Print Run;

#328 (5/1996; Tony Stark; Heart of ICE; Low Print Run;

#329 (7/1996; Tony Stark on a Date with Disaster; Low Print Run;

#330 (7/1996; WAR MACHINE and STOCKPILE; Low Print Run;

#331 (8/1996; IRON SIEGE; Low Print Run;

#332 (9/1996; Low Print and Scarcer LAST issue; ONSLAUGHT Crossover; Sentinals, Black Panther and Quicksilver cover and story;

IRON MAN ANNUAL (Marvel) #8-15 VF set SALE = $35.00

IRON MAN: ENTER THE MANDARIN Marvel Comics (November/2007; Mini) #1-6 VF = $ASK.00; M-178

IRON MAN Volume-2 1996-1997 #1-13(aka #333 thru #345) VF = $29.00
Heroes Reborn. Jim Lee, Scott Lobdell, Whilce Portacio
Volume-2 #1(11/1996; Equivalent to #333); Volume-2 #2-12; Volume-2 #13(11/1997; Equivalent to #345);

IRON MAN Marvel Comics 1998 #1-20 VF = $ASK.00;

IRON MAN Marvel Comics 1998 #21-40 VF = $ASK.00;

JAMES BOND JR. 1992 Marvel Comics Nephew of OO7 TV Animated Cartoon #1-12 VF

Set of #1-12 VF Average (Varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $99.00  ** 520 Grams;

JOHN CARTER, WARLORD OF MARS 1977-1979 Marvel Comics Edgar Rice Burroughs #1-17

#1-17 FN/VF average (Except; #13 = VG/FN) = $79.00 for the Lot ** 740 Grams;

JOHN CARTER, WARLORD OF MARS 1977-1979 Marvel ERB #18 Miller #19-28, Annual #1-3

JOHN CARTER, WARLORD OF MARS (1977-1979; Marvel Comics; Edgar Rice Burroughs)

#18 early Frank Miller art, 19-28 and Annual #1,2 FN/VF average (Varied from FN to VF) = $79.00;

JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY (Marvel Comics 1996-1998) #503-521, minus 1 VF = $59.00 (Lost Gods, Wrecker, Spider-Man, Red Norvell, Loki, Asgard, Shang-Chi, Black Widow, Hanibal King)

J2 Marvel Comics 1998 #1-12 VF = $ASK.00;

JUNGLE ACTION Marvel Comics 1972 #1-10 (VG/FN) = $ASK.00;

JUNGLE ACTION 1972-1976 Marvel #11-24 BLACK PANTHER VG/FN = $99.00

JUSTICE 1986-1989 Marvel New Universe #1-20 VF set = $39.00

JUSTICE (1986-1989 Marvel New Universe Comics) #21-32 Low Print VF = $39.00

KAZAR Marvel Comics 1997 #0,1-20; & Annual 1997 VF = $ASK.00;

KA-ZAR Lord of the Hidden Jungle 1974-1977 #1-20 FN/VF = $79.00

KA-ZAR THE SAVAGE 1981-1984 Marvel GGA SHANNA Kraven Brent Anderson-a #1-20 VF = $39.00

[EXCELLENT series, with GREAT Early art by BRENT ANDERSON in #1-15,18,19! Nice RON FRENZ art = #16,20! Great BRUCE JONES stories in all! SHANNA the She-Devil appears in all, with nice GGA (Good Girl art), Sexy skimpy costume, etc! #20= Kraven-c/s! #11 up = NO COMICS Code, Direct-Only distribution issues! VERY NICE SERIES]

KA-ZAR THE SAVAGE 1981-1984 Marvel GGA SHANNA B.Jones Brent Anderson #21-34 VF = $39.00

[Great BRUCE JONES stories in all; SHANNA the She-Devil appears in all, with nice Good Girl art, Sexy skimpy costume, etc! #11 up = NO COMICS Code, Direct-Only distribution issues! VERY NICE SERIES]

KICKERS INC. Marvel Comics 1986 #1-12 VF = $ASK.00;

KING CONAN 1980-1983 Marvel Comics Robert E. Howard John Buscema Nebres 1-20 VF = $59.00

1227 grams

3/1980 to 1982; Marvel Pub; Giant Size 52 pages, color comics) Based on the classic Robert E. Howard characters! Great Roy Thomas stories! Great JOHN BUSCEMA covers & art in all! #4= Death of Thoth Amon! ALL-NEW comics! Lots of good reading!



10 Copy Lot of KING CONAN #1 vs THOTH-AMON 1980 1st Son of Conan DIRECT VF+

LOT of TEN Copies of KING CONAN #1 (3/1980) for INVESTORS or DEALERS;

Regular DIRECT EDITIONS with BLACK DIAMOND Around Number and Price, and Spider-Man Face in UPC Box;

Current Retail Value in Condition in Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide #52 for the Lot is $135.00

Weight of Lot is 625 Grams;

VF+, 8.5 Average condition = Only $59.00 for the Lot


KING CONAN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1980-1989; all GIANTS)

#1 (3/1980; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page Square-Bound Giant;

King Conan of Aquilonia, Solo Series BEGINS;

FIRST appearance of CONN aka Conan II or Prince Conan, the Son of eldest son of Conan, the Cimmerian king of Aquilonia, and of Queen Zenobia (Later becomes King Conan II of Aquilonia)

FIRST appearance of Nenaunir;

FIRST appearance and Death of Kamoinen;

FIRST appearance and Death of Pra-Eun;

FIRST appearance of White Stag aka Louhi (aka Avatar of the White Hand, Death Goddess, Witch Woman);

FIRST appearance of the White Hand of Hyperborea (Villains);

THOTH-AMON appears (Wizard and long-time enemy of Conan)

FIRST appearance of King Nenaunir, Great Shaman, Prophet and High Priest of Damballah;

Appearances by; Thoth-Amon, Prospero, Witchmen of Hyperborea, Sir Valens, Euric, Aquilonian Army

Queen Zenobia flashback appearance;

BELIT cameo in recap;

KING CONAN vs THOTH-AMON cover and story;

KING CONAN in The Witch of the Mists;

Adapted from The Witch of the Mists by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter;

Face to Face With Thoth-Amon!

Roy Thomas story;

John Buscema and Ernie Chan cover and art;




10 Copy Lot of KING CONAN #1 vs THOTH-AMON 1980 1st Son of Conan NEWSSTAND VF+

LOT of TEN Copies of KING CONAN #1 (3/1980) for INVESTORS or DEALERS;

NEWSSTAND EDITIONS with “cc” (for Curtis Circulation) under Price, and BARCODE in UPC Box;

Current Retail Value in Condition in Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide #52 for the Lot is $135.00

Weight of Lot is 625 Grams;

VF+, 8.5 Average condition = Only $59.00 for the Lot


KING CONAN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1980-1989; all GIANTS)

#1 (3/1980; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page Square-Bound Giant;

King Conan of Aquilonia, Solo Series BEGINS;

FIRST appearance of CONN aka Conan II or Prince Conan, the Son of eldest son of Conan, the Cimmerian king of Aquilonia, and of Queen Zenobia (Later becomes King Conan II of Aquilonia)

FIRST appearance of Nenaunir;

FIRST appearance and Death of Kamoinen;

FIRST appearance and Death of Pra-Eun;

FIRST appearance of White Stag aka Louhi (aka Avatar of the White Hand, Death Goddess, Witch Woman);

FIRST appearance of the White Hand of Hyperborea (Villains);

THOTH-AMON appears (Wizard and long-time enemy of Conan)

FIRST appearance of King Nenaunir, Great Shaman, Prophet and High Priest of Damballah;

Appearances by; Thoth-Amon, Prospero, Witchmen of Hyperborea, Sir Valens, Euric, Aquilonian Army

Queen Zenobia flashback appearance;

BELIT cameo in recap;

KING CONAN vs THOTH-AMON cover and story;

KING CONAN in The Witch of the Mists;

Adapted from The Witch of the Mists by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter;

Face to Face With Thoth-Amon!

Roy Thomas story;

John Buscema and Ernie Chan cover and art;




10 Copy Lot of KING CONAN #1 vs THOTH-AMON 1980 1st Son of Conan DIRECT FN/VF

LOT of TEN Copies of KING CONAN #1 (3/1980) for INVESTORS or DEALERS;

Regular DIRECT EDITIONS with BLACK DIAMOND Around Number and Price, and Spider-Man Face in UPC Box;

Current Retail Value in Condition in Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide #52 for the Lot is $85.00

Weight of Lot is 625 Grams;

FN/VF, 7.0 Average condition = Only $39.00 for the Lot


KING CONAN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1980-1989; all GIANTS)

#1 (3/1980; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page Square-Bound Giant;

King Conan of Aquilonia, Solo Series BEGINS;

FIRST appearance of CONN aka Conan II or Prince Conan, the Son of eldest son of Conan, the Cimmerian king of Aquilonia, and of Queen Zenobia (Later becomes King Conan II of Aquilonia)

FIRST appearance of Nenaunir;

FIRST appearance and Death of Kamoinen;

FIRST appearance and Death of Pra-Eun;

FIRST appearance of White Stag aka Louhi (aka Avatar of the White Hand, Death Goddess, Witch Woman);

FIRST appearance of the White Hand of Hyperborea (Villains);

THOTH-AMON appears (Wizard and long-time enemy of Conan)

FIRST appearance of King Nenaunir, Great Shaman, Prophet and High Priest of Damballah;

Appearances by; Thoth-Amon, Prospero, Witchmen of Hyperborea, Sir Valens, Euric, Aquilonian Army

Queen Zenobia flashback appearance;

BELIT cameo in recap;

KING CONAN vs THOTH-AMON cover and story;

KING CONAN in The Witch of the Mists;

Adapted from The Witch of the Mists by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter;

Face to Face With Thoth-Amon!

Roy Thomas story;

John Buscema and Ernie Chan cover and art;




10 Copy Lot of KING CONAN #1 vs THOTH-AMON 1980 1st Son of Conan NEWSSTAND FN/VF

LOT of TEN Copies of KING CONAN #1 (3/1980) for INVESTORS or DEALERS;

NEWSSTAND EDITIONS with “cc” (for Curtis Circulation) under Price, and BARCODE in UPC Box;

Current Retail Value in Condition in Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide #52 for the Lot is $85.00

Weight of Lot is 625 Grams;

FN/VF, 7.0 Average condition = Only $39.00 for the Lot


KING CONAN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1980-1989; all GIANTS)

#1 (3/1980; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page Square-Bound Giant;

King Conan of Aquilonia, Solo Series BEGINS;

FIRST appearance of CONN aka Conan II or Prince Conan, the Son of eldest son of Conan, the Cimmerian king of Aquilonia, and of Queen Zenobia (Later becomes King Conan II of Aquilonia)

FIRST appearance of Nenaunir;

FIRST appearance and Death of Kamoinen;

FIRST appearance and Death of Pra-Eun;

FIRST appearance of White Stag aka Louhi (aka Avatar of the White Hand, Death Goddess, Witch Woman);

FIRST appearance of the White Hand of Hyperborea (Villains);

THOTH-AMON appears (Wizard and long-time enemy of Conan)

FIRST appearance of King Nenaunir, Great Shaman, Prophet and High Priest of Damballah;

Appearances by; Thoth-Amon, Prospero, Witchmen of Hyperborea, Sir Valens, Euric, Aquilonian Army

Queen Zenobia flashback appearance;

BELIT cameo in recap;

KING CONAN vs THOTH-AMON cover and story;

KING CONAN in The Witch of the Mists;

Adapted from The Witch of the Mists by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter;

Face to Face With Thoth-Amon!

Roy Thomas story;

John Buscema and Ernie Chan cover and art;


KINGPIN Marvel Comics 2003 #1-7 VF = $ASK.00;

KITTY PRYDE and WOLVERINE (Marvel Comics; 1984; Mini Limited Series) #1-6 (VF) = $29.00;

KNIGHTS OF PENDRAGON Marvel Comics 1990 #1-18 VF = $ASK.00;

KULL the CONQUEROR DESTROYER 1971-1978 Marvel REH Severin #1-15 FINE average  (Condition Varies from VG/FN TO VF PRICE = $119.00

KULL the CONQUEROR / DESTROYER 1971-1978 Marvel #16-29 FN/VF = $59.00

KULL THE CONQUEROR Volume-3 1983-1985 Marvel #1-10 VF (except #10 FN) = $39.00

LAWDOG (Marvel / Epic Comics) 1993 #1-10 VF = $ASK.00;

LI'L PALS (1972-1973; Marvel comics pub); #1-5 Scarce (Complete set) = US$75.00

** One of the Most difficult of all Bronze Age Marvel sets to Complete (Only rarely offered as Complete on eBay);

*** Features Reprints of Scarce 1950's Marvel/Atlas Comics, with New Cover Art;

#1(9/1972; Monkey & the Bear; Coo-Coo Cat; Buck Duck; Ed Win-1; Howie Post-a; G/VG);

#2(11/1972; Monkey & the Bear; Montgomery Duck; Meat-Head Wiggins; Buck Duck; Ed Win-a; Howie Post-a; VG+);

#3(1/1973; Montgomery Duck; Meat-Head Wiggins; Buck Duck; Ed Win-a; VG/FN);

#4(3/1973; 4 x Buck Duck-s; Silly Seal & Ziggy Pig; Krazy Krow; VG);

#5(5/1973; SCARCE LAST issue; Buck Duck; Super Rabbit; Funny Bunny, Awful Oscar, Dotty; Silly Seal & Ziggy Pig; Krazy Krow; Howie Post-a; G/VG);

LOGANS RUN 1977 Marvel Comics Gulacy Kane PEREZ Sutton THANOS Solo Zeck #1-7 FN/VF

 = $89.00 for the LOT  (Weight 320 Grams)


LOGAN'S RUN (Marvel Comics Pub; Based on the classic the MGM Movie & Sci-Fi Novels; 1-7/1977);

** The Remake of LOGAN'S RUN, the CULT Classic 1976 Sci-Fi movie is in Production, with Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Days of Future Past) will be Writer-producer, with Joel Silver as producer; Ryan Gosling might star as LOGAN, as of 2018, the film was still in pre-production;

** Based on the Classic LOGAN'S RUN Novel by William Francis Nolan (1928–2021) 

** LOGAN'S RUN is a classic 1976 MGM Science Fiction Action MOVIE, directed by Michael Anderson, starring; Michael York, Jenny Agutter, Richard Jordan, Roscoe Lee Browne, Farrah Fawcett, and Peter Ustinov; The FILM won a Special Academy Award for its visual effects and six Saturn Awards, including Best Science Fiction Film.

** LOGAN'S RUN, the spin-off TV SERIES aired in 1977-1978 on CBS for 14 episodes;

#1 (1/1977; Movie Adaption; Part-1 of 5-Parts; Gerry Conway story; Gerry Conway story; GEORGE PEREZ and Klaus Janson art; GEORGE PEREZ and Al Milgrom cover); 
#2 (2/1977; Movie Adaption; Part-2 of 5-Parts; Gerry Conway story; Gerry Conway story; Early GEORGE PEREZ cover and art); 
#3 (3/1977; Movie Adaption; Part-3 of 5-Parts; Gerry Conway story; Gerry Conway story; Early GEORGE PEREZ cover and art);

#4 (4/1977; Movie Adaption; Part-4 of 5-Parts; Gerry Conway story; Gerry Conway story; Early GEORGE PEREZ cover and art);

#5 (5/1977; Movie Adaption; Conclusion, Part-5 of 5-Parts; Gerry Conway story; Gerry Conway story; Early GEORGE PEREZ cover and art);

#6 (6/1977; First THANOS Solo story, 5 page backup by Scott Edelman and MIKE ZECK; ** Classic PAUL GULACY cover; ** New Logan’s Run story based on Novel with John Warner story, Tom Sutton and Terry Austin art; Josh Brolin played THANOS in the Avengers: INFINITY WAR #1 and #2 Movies and the Guardians of the Galaxy-2 MOVIE); 
#7 (7/1977; LAST issue; New story based on Novel; Tom Sutton art);

LONGSHOT Marvel Comics 1985 #1-6 VF = $ASK.00;


MACHINE MAN (1978) JACK KIRBY Ditko Alpha Flight Jack O'Lantern #1-19 VF average (grades varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $149.00

[MACHINE MAN complete JACK KIRBY issue set of #1 thru #19 (1978-1981; Marvel Pub; Color comics) Great & Wild Science Fiction & Fantasy series, with story, cover & art by JACK "KING" KIRBY! BUY this set for the AWESOME & dynamic KIRBY art versions of Robots, machinery, etc, as ONLY KIRBY can do it; CLASSIC series, a MUST for all KIRBY fans; #10-19 = Steve DITKO art];


MACHINE MAN (1978) JACK KIRBY Ditko #1-17 VF average (grades varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $99.00

[MACHINE MAN set of #1 thru #17 (1978-1981; Marvel Pub; Color comics) Great & Wild Science Fiction & Fantasy series, with story, cover & art by JACK "KING" KIRBY! BUY this set for the AWESOME & dynamic KIRBY art versions of Robots, machinery, etc, as ONLY KIRBY can do it; CLASSIC series, a MUST for all KIRBY fans; #10-17 = Steve DITKO art];


MAN FROM ATLANTIS Marvel Comics 1978 #1-7 VF+ = $39.00; (360 grams)


MAN-THING 1974-1975 1st Ted Sallis TITLE Original FOOLKILLER MCU D+TV PLOOG 2-10

MAN-THING (1974-1975 Marvel Horror  comics) #2-10 = $89.00 for the Lot

#2(GVG), 3(G/VG), 4(VG), 5(FN), 6(VG+), 7(VGFN), 8(GVG), 9(GVG) 10(VG); Marvel value stamps intact.

  ** 400 Grams


MAN-THING (MARVEL Comic Pub; Volume-1; First Series; 1/1974 thru 10/1975);

** (MAN-THING); Conan Stevens Plays Dr. Theodore (Ted) Sallis aka MAN-THING in the 10/2022 WEREWOLF BY NIGHT TV Special (Carey Jones motion-captures the swamp monster Ted / Man-Thing, with the special's editor Jeffrey Ford providing additional vocalizations);

** (MAN-THING); Conan Stevens first played Dr. Theodore (Ted) Sallis aka MAN-THING in the 2005 MAN-THING (Lions Gate Films/ Artisan) was Directed by Brett Leonard, had a Steve Gerber & Hans Rodionoff story, 97 minute Live Action Movie, Starring; Jack Thompson, Matthew Le Nevez, and Steve Bastoni;

** (MAN-THING); R.L. STINE (famed Goosebumps author) wrote a five-issue MAN-THING to debut in March 2017, in his comic book writing debut. The new Limited Series will feature German Peralta art with Tyler Crook covers; In Man-Thing #1 the MAN-THING heads to Marvel Studios' hometown of Burbank, California, to find out why he hasn't had a major motion picture.

** FOOLKILLER = [the comic featured on AMC’s Comic Book Men, as a seller brought in original artwork for Walt Flanagan to exclaim, ”The most overlooked underrated underappreciated comic that Marvel has ever published. Speculators are Buying up Key First appearances]; ** Omega the Unknown #1-10 (1976-77; Steve Gerber / Jim Mooney) was RANKED at #10 in the TOP TEN 1970's Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin;

#2 (2/1974; Man-Thing in Nowhere to Go but Down; FIRST appearance of RICHARD RORY; Man-Thing vs THEY, the Skull-Crushers; STEVE GERBER story; Val Mayerik and Sal Trapani art; JIM STARLIN, Giacoia and Marie Severin cover; 

#3 (3/1974; FIRST appearance of Ross G. Everbest aka the Original FOOLKILLER; Created by writer Steve Gerber; Steve Gerber story; Val Mayerik and Jack Abel art;

#4 (4/1974; ORIGIN, DEATH and LAST appearance of Ross G. Everbest aka the Original FOOLKILLER; Letter from Joey Cavalieri; Steve Gerber story; Val Mayerik and Jack Abel art; Gil Kane and Tom Palmer cover;

#5 (5/1974; Night of the Laughing Dead; MIKE PLOOG cover and art BEGINS; Steve Gerber story; Mike Ploog and Frank Chiaramonte art; Mike Ploog cover;

#6 (6/1974; The SOUL-SLAYERS Strike! Man-Thing in, And When I Died…; Steve Gerber story; Mike Ploog and Frank Chiaramonte art; Mike Ploog cover;

#7 (7/1974; A Monster Stalks the Swamp! Man-Thing in The Old Die Young! Steve Gerber story; Mike Ploog art; Ron Wilson and Frank Giacoia cover;

#8 (8/1974; Man into Monster and Death Must Follow; Man-Thing in the Gift of Death;  Steve Gerber story; Mike Ploog cover and art;

#9 (9/1974; Man-Thing in Deathwatch! Steve Gerber story; Mike Ploog and Frank Chiaramonte art; Mike Ploog cover;  

#10 (10/1974; Man-Thing in Nobody Dies Forever! Steve Gerber and Mike Ploog story; Mike Ploog and Frank Chiaramonte art; Gil Kane and Tom Palmer cover; 


MAN-THING 1974-1975 Marvel #11-22

#11(VGFN), 12(VGFN), 13(VGFN), 14(FN+), 15(VG), 16(VG), 17(FNVF), 18(FN+), 19(VG), 20(FN), 21(VG), 22(VGFN); Marvel value stamps intact.** 525 Grams

Price = $99.00

MAN-THING (1979-1981) Ted Sallis Dr Strange Kowalski DEATH Mordo MCU TV V2 #1-11

Complete Set of V2 #1-11 VF Average (Varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $69.00 for the Lot; ** 475 Grams;


MAN-THING (MARVEL Comic Pub; Volume-2; Second Series; 1979-1981);

** (MAN-THING); Conan Stevens Plays Dr. Theodore (Ted) Sallis aka MAN-THING in the 10/2022 WEREWOLF BY NIGHT TV Special (Carey Jones motion-captures the swamp monster Ted / Man-Thing, with the special's editor Jeffrey Ford providing additional vocalizations);

** (MAN-THING); Conan Stevens first played Dr. Theodore (Ted) Sallis aka MAN-THING in the 2005 MAN-THING (Lions Gate Films/ Artisan) was Directed by Brett Leonard, had a Steve Gerber & Hans Rodionoff story, 97 minute Live Action Movie, Starring; Jack Thompson, Matthew Le Nevez, and Steve Bastoni;

** (MAN-THING); R.L. STINE (famed Goosebumps author) wrote a five-issue MAN-THING to debut in March 2017, in his comic book writing debut. The new Limited Series will feature German Peralta art with Tyler Crook covers; In Man-Thing #1 the MAN-THING heads to Marvel Studios' hometown of Burbank, California, to find out why he hasn't had a major motion picture. 

** Notes from GCD;

#1 (11/1979; New Solo Title for Dr. Ted Sallis aka MAN-THING Begins; Regeneration and Rebirth;  Dr. Oheimer attempts to restore Ted Sallis' intelligence while the Origin of the Man-Thing is retold; ** Appearances by; Dr. Oheimer, Ellen Brandt, Henry Peter Gyrich, Smathers, Mrs. Franklin, Ned, Jimmy, Davis, Williams;  Michael Fleisher story, Jim Mooney & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#2 (1/1980; Himalayan Nightmare! ** Appearances by; Dr. Schectman, Frederick, Russell Simpson, Elaine Simpson, Roger Grafton; Michael Fleisher story, Jim Mooney & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#3 (3/1980; Woman in BONDAGE cover; The Gong of Doom! ** Appearances by; Elaine Simpson, Roger Grafton, Hiram Swenson, Corey; Michael Fleisher story, Jim Mooney & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#4 (5/1980; Mordo and Man-Thing.../ Death-Knell; Doctor Strange and Baron Mordo cover and story; ** Appearances by; Elaine Simpson, Lord Julian Phyffe aka Azrael, Madeleine de St. Germain; FIRST appearance of Sheriff John Daltry; Jaxon Story continued in Doctor Strange #41; Chris Claremont story, Don Perlin & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#5 (7/1980; Who Knows Fear / And This Girl Is Terrified! ** First appearance by Barbie Bannister; A young girl fights pirates and drug runners; SECOND appearance of Sheriff John Daltry; Chris Claremont story, Don Perlin & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#6 (9/1980; Fraternity Rites! THIRD appearance of Sheriff John Daltry; College kids try to kill the Man-Thing as a fraternity stunt; ** Appearances by; Chris Claremont story, Don Perlin & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#7 (11/1980; What Ever Happened to Captain Fate? / Pirates from the Sky! 4th appearance of Sheriff John Daltry; ** Second appearance by Barbie Bannister;  Captain Fate and his ghost pirates attack airplanes over Florida. ** Appearances by; Chris Claremont story, Don Perlin & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#8 (1/1981; Red Sails, Burning! / Captain Fate's Revenge!  Sherriff Daltry is cursed to take Captain Fate's place on his ghost ship. 5th appearance of Sheriff John Daltry ** Third appearance by Barbie Bannister;  ** Appearances by; Captain Fate and Khordes; Chris Claremont story, Don Perlin & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#9 (3/1981; The Echo of Pain! / Save the Life of My Child; Man-Thing rescues a Baby; Man-Thing in My Soul to Keep!, 5 page Backup story; ** Appearances by; Dickie McKenzie story, Larry Hama & Danny Bulanadi art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#10 (5/1981; Came the Dark Man, Walkin', Walkin' / Swampfire! Return of John Kowalski aka DEATH from the 1970's War Is Hell series, Part-1 of 2-Part story; John Kowalski offers to help save Sheriff Daltry but at the expense of Barbara's soul. ** Appearances by; Jennifer Kale, Barbara Bannister, Sheriff Daltry and Khordes;  Chris Claremont story, Don Perlin & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;

#11 (7/1981; LAST issue; Hell's Gate! Return of John Kowalski aka DEATH from the 1970's War Is Hell series, Part-2 of 2-Part story; ** Appearances by; Jennifer Kale, Barbara Bannister, Sheriff Daltry, Khordes, Thog the Netherspawn, Doctor Strange, Dakihm the Enchanter and MARVEL STAFF (Chris Claremont, Jim Shooter, Louise Jones, Danny Fingeroth); ** Chris Claremont becomes the Man-Thing temporarily. John Kowalski and Barbara journey to Sominus to rescue Sheriff Daltry; Chris Claremont story, Val Mayerik & Bob Wiacek art, Bob Wiacek cover;


MAN-THING Marvel Comics 1997 #1-8 VF = $ASK.00;

MARC SPECTOR: MOON KNIGHT (Marvel Comics 1989) #5-25 Set Sale VF = $139.00 weight = 960 grams

MARC SPECTOR: MOON KNIGHT (Marvel Comics 1989) #26-50 Set Sale VF+ average ( FN/VF to VF/NM or Better = $169.00

MARK HAZZARD MERC 1986-1987 Marvel New Universe #1-12, Annual #1 FN/VF = $39.00

MARSHALL LAW Marvel Comics 1987 #1-6 VF = $ASK.00;



MARVEL ADVENTURES Marvel Comics 1997 #1-18 VF = $ASK.00;



MARVEL AGE 1983-1994 Promo comics X-Men Micronauts Star Wars #1-20 FN/VF = $129.00

MARVEL AGE the Official Marvel News Magazine (Marvel Pub; Published from 1983-1994; Vintage Original USA Color Series - Comics PROMO mag);

 **** NEWS, Previews, Reviews, Interviews, Unpublished ART, Letters, Editorials, Coming Attractions, Marvel ARTIST Profiles, Behind the Scenes & MORE; *** MOST issues feature NEW Cover ART; Virtually ALL the Major Marvel Characters of the PERIOD appeared on a Cover and/or inside, with Popular charcters inside most issues; New ART on MANY BACK covers also; *** ARTISTS; JohnBYRNE-c/a=2,14 Fred HEMBECK original comic strips (most 2 pages)= 14-20; Walt SIMONSON-c/a=1; Bill Sienkiewicz-c=16; Jim STARLIN-c/a=13; Berni WRIGHTSON-a=12; Mike ZECK-c=12,20;


#1(4/1983; Simonson-c; Saga of Crystar-c/s);

#2(ALPHA FLIGHT Preview-c/s; John BYRNE-c; Kull & Red Sonja);

#3(MICRONAUTS-c/s; GUICE-c; Butch Guice interview; Dreadstar & Coyote);

#4(Hercules Machine Man & Spider-Man-c; Layton-c; Bob Layton interview; Star Wars Return of the Jedi);

#5(8/1983; Daredevil & Elektra-c; Klaus Janson interview; future of Daredevil; making of Hobgoblin);

#6(Cloak & Dagger; Leonardi-c; Hawkeye by Mark Gruenwald; Simonson on Thor; illyana & Storm);

#7(X-MEN & Micronauts-c/s; GUICE-c; Machine Man, Falcon, Dazzler, HULK);

#8(Stan Lee & Jim Shooter cover & Interviews; Marvel Universe expanded; Golden Age Greats revisited; new talent = Rod Whigham);

#9(Super-Boxers-c/s; Jack of Hearts, Sub-Mariner, Capt AMerica, Moon Knight);

#10(1/1984; Star Wars-c/s; Louise Jones, Mary Jo Duffy & Ann Nocenti Interviews; Elektra Saga; Futurians; Power Man & Iron Fist; Beauty & the Beast = Dazzler & Beast; Alien Legion);

#11(Kitty Pryde & Wolverine-c/s; Bob Layton on Hercules; Coyote; Peter B. Gillis on New Defenders; Generic Comic; Tarzan; Milgrom-c);

#12(SECRET WARS-c/s; classic Mike ZECK-c; 17 superheroes on Cover with Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine & X-Men; Black costume Spider-man preview = 2 months before 1st app; Heartburst; A -Team; EPIC illustrated preview; Frankenstein GN = 3 pages WRIGHTSON-a);

#13(Dreadstar-c/s; Jim Starlin-c/a; Conan the Barbarian, Conan the King & Savage Sword of Conan; How to Color Comics the Marvel Way; Marvel in 1961);

#14(Fantastic Four-c; John Byrne cover, art & Interview; FF strip by Hembeck; Doug Moench on Six From Sirius; Power Pack; new direction for Spider-Man; Marvel in 1962);

#15(cartoon-c of Archie Goodwin; Archie Goodwin interview re Epic Illustrated; Larry Hama on G.I. Joe; Marvel Fanfare; Marvel in 1963);

#16(New Mutants-c/s; Sienkiewicz-c; X-Men & Wolverine; Starriors; Chris Claremont & Sal Buscema interviews; Marvel in 1964);

#17(Muppets-c/s; Warren Kremer-c; Transformers; John Romita Jr interview; Secret Wars; Marvel of 1965);

#18( Iron Man/Hulk/Questprobe-c/s; Marvel Super Heroes Role Playing Game; Denny O'Neil interview; New Talent = Kyle Baker; Marvel of 1966 with Spider-Man; Iron Man strip by Hembeck; )

#19(Star Comics characters & Black Costume Spider-Man-c; origin of Star Comics; Avengers/JLA team-up; Fraggle Rock; Tom DeFalco interview; Marvel of 1966 with Spider-Man);

#20(Mike ZECK-c; Secret Wars-c/s; Jim Shooter; Peter B. Gillis on Black Panther; Hama on G.I. JOE; Marvel of 1966 with Thor);

 VF average (varied FN/VF to VF+)  Note; #12(FN/VF, 7.0)  = $129.00 for the LOT;

 ** Weight = 755 Grams;



MARVEL AGE 1983-94 PROMO Conan ROM Groo MOTU X-Men X-Factor Spider-Man #21-40 VF

MARVEL AGE the Official Marvel News Magazine (Marvel Pub; Published from 1983-1994; Vintage Original USA Color Series - Comics PROMO mag);

 **** NEWS, Previews, Reviews, Interviews, Unpublished ART, Letters, Editorials , Coming Attractions, Marvel ARTIST Profiles, Behind the Scenes & MORE; *** MOST issues feature NEW Cover ART; Virtually ALL the Major Marvel Characters of the PERIOD appeared on a Cover and/or inside, with Popular charcters inside most issues; New ART on MANY BACK covers also; *** ARTISTS; Sergio  ARAGONES-c/a=24 John BYRNE-c/a= 30,37; Fred HEMBECK original comic strips (most 2 pages)= 21,23-40; Mike KALUTA-c=26;

Frank MILLER-a=36; John Romita Sr-c=22; Bill Sienkiewicz-c=23,28;


#21(Void Indigo-c/s; Val Mayerik-c; Sisterhood of Steel; J.M. DeMatteis interview re Moonshadow; Marvel of 1966 = Dr Strange);

#22(Sol Brodsky-c & remembered by; Stan Lee, Stan Goldberg, Mike Esposito, Dick Giordano, Roy Thomas, John Romita Sr. & others; John Romita Sr-c; Ice Man Mini-serioes; Marvel of 1966 = Dr Strange); #23(ROM Spaceknight-c/s; Bill Mantlo & Mike Carlin on Rom; Sienkiewicz painted-c; Marvel of 1966 = Fantastic Four);

#24(GROO the Wandrerer-c/s; Sergio ARAGONES-c/a; Web of Spider-Man; Mark Gruenwald interview re Official Handbook Marvel Universe; Marvel of 1966 = Fantastic Four);

#25(Cloak and Dagger/Gargoyle/Rocket Racoon-c/s; Bill Mantlo Interview; Marvel of 1966 = Fantastic Four);

#26(KALUTA-c/a; Starstruck-c/s; Handbook of the Conan Universe; Conan strip by Hembeck; Charles Vess on Raven Banner; Sectaurs; Marvel of 1967);

#27(Secret Wars II-c/s; Jim Shooter interview; Star Wars; Black Dragon; New Talent = Kelley Jones; Planet Terry; Marvel of 1967);

#28(Sienkiewicz painted-c; Ralph Macchio on Rawhide Kid; Bill Sienkiewicz interview; Wendy & Richard Pini on Elfquest; Life of Captain Marvel = Starlin-a; Dazzler, Ewoks; Marvel of 1968);

#29(Vision/Scarlet Witch & West Coast Avengers-c; Steve Englehart Interview; Ann Nocenti on Longshot; Rick Veitch on The One; Mark Gruenwald on Squadron Supreme; Sword of Solomon Kane; Strawberry Shortcake; Marcel of 1968);

#30(9/1985; BYRNE-c; 16 Heroes-c; Mutant Report; Walt Simonson on Balder & Karnilla; Peter Gillis on Eternals; Living Monolith; Marvel of 1968);

#31(Nightcrawler-c/s; Dave Cockrum-c; John Byrne interview & art; Byrne on HULK; Mutant Report; Thundercats; Bill Mantlo on Alpha Flight; Iron Man #200; Savage Tales; Marvel of 1969);

#32(X-Men and Alpha Flight-c/s; Bozz Chronicles; Chris Claremont & Paul Smith on Uncanny X-Men #200; Art Adams-a; Berni Wrightson, Jim Shooter and Chris Claremont re Heroes For Hope with X-Men; Eternals; Paul Smith-c; Marvel of 1969; Misty; Marvel Saga; Capt America strip by Hembeck);

#33(X-Factor & X-Men-c; Layton/Guice-c; interviews re Spider-Man conference; Mike Zeck on Punisher limited series; X-Factor article; Marvel of 1969; 1pg on BYRNE; Cyclops strip by Hembeck);

#34(1/1986; G.I. JOE-c/s; Six From Sirius II with GULACY-a; Larry Hama interview; Marvel of 1970; Namor strip by Hembeck; Getalong Gang);

#35(Marvel Staff Bullpen-c; A Day in the Life of Marvel Comics = 19 Page Article; Firestar);

#36(Daredevil-c; Christmas issue. 6pg Frank MILLER Interview with art; Mazzucchelli-c; Ms Marvel strip by Hembeck; Marvel of 1970);

#37(Marvel's 25th Anniversary issue; BYRNE-c; Young Astronauts; strip about JACK KIRBY by Hembeck; Marvel in 1970);

#38(5/1986; HE-MAN, Masters of the Universe-c/s = 1st app at Marvel; John Romita Jr. & Dan Green interview; Doctor Who; Human Torch strip by Hembeck);

#39(X-FACTOR-c/s; Layton-c; Marvel Saga, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Official Marvel Index series; Heathcliff);

#40(G.I. Joe Special Missions-c/s; Dakota North; Peter Porker; Herb Trimpe-c; Dazzler; Romance at Marvel);

 VF  = $99.00  for the LOT

** Weight = 885 Grams;



MARVEL AGE 1983-1994 Promo GI Joe X-Men Surfer Groo Punisher Spider-Man 42-60 VF = $99.00

MARVEL AGE the Official Marvel News Magazine (Marvel Pub; Published from 1983-1994; Vintage Original USA Color Series - Comics PROMO mag);

 **** NEWS, Previews, Reviews, Interviews, Unpublished ART, Letters, Editorials, Coming Attractions, Marvel ARTIST Profiles, Behind the Scenes & MORE; *** MOST issues feature NEW Cover ART; Virtually ALL the Major Marvel Characters of the PERIOD appeared on a Cover and/or inside, with Popular charcters inside most issues; New ART on MANY BACK covers also; *** ARTISTS; Russ Heath-c=56; Fred HEMBECK original comic strips (most 2 pages)= 42-57,59-60; Todd McFarlane-a=51; ;Marshall Rogers-c=52; Sienkiewicz back-c=54; Featuring; ** MARVEL AGE CALENDAR with Cartoons by RON ZALME in 75% of the issues from #42-60; STAN LEE's Soap Box = #42-60(Most);


#42(Steelgrip Starkey-c/s; Stan Lee; Wolverine; Hugga Bunch);

#43(Howard the Duck-c; Labyrinth; X-Factor; Madballs);

#44(New Universe preview-c/s; TRANSFORMERS Universe);

#45(Mephisto vs everyone-c/s; Strikeforce Morituri; Defenders of the Erath; Inhumanoids; Dracula; Popples);

#46(Fantastic Four vs X-Men-c/s; Austin-c; Comet Man; Animax);

#47(New Universe-c/s; Werner Roth's X-Men; Chuck Norris);

#48(X-Men vs Avengers-c/s; Fallen Angels; Alien Legion; FF vs X-Men strip by Hembeck; New Universe);

#49(GROO the Wandrerer-c/s; Sergio ARAGONES-c/a; The 'NAM; HULK strip by Hembeck);

#50(New Universe-c/s; Marvel Try-Out with Spider-Man; FF & Spider-Man strip by Hembeck);

#51(6/1987; PUNISHER-c/s; new direction Incredible Hulk with Todd McFarlane; Conan Saga; Punisher strip by Hembeck; Flintstone Kids)

;#52(Silver Surfer-c & Special issue; Marshall Rogers-c);

#53(Girls of Marvel Swimsuits-c; Transformers: Headmasters; Emperor Doom; Keith Giffen on Video Jack; Silverhawks);

#54(Spider-Man issue; Spider-Man/ Peter Parker & Mary Jane Wedding preview-c/s; John Romita Sr-c; Bill Sienkiewicz painted back-c);

#55(Iron Man-c/s; Marvel Fanfare = Warriors Three; Moebius);

#56(G.I. JOE preview-c/s = Meet the new Joes; Mark Gruenwald interview re Hawkeye; Alien Legion; Bullwinkle & Rocky; Russ Heath-c);

#57(Captain America, Spider-Man & Hulk-c; Mark Gruenwald on Captain America; Blood a Tale; Captain Justice; Air Raiders);

#58(FALL of the MUTANTS-c/s; John BYRNE on Star Brand; Marshal Law; Spellbound; Doug Murray interview re the 'NAM);

#59(New Universe-c/s. Ralph Macchio interview; ** John Byrne, Mark Gruenwald, Peter David on New Universe; Wolfpack; Visionaires);

#60(Excalibur preview-c/s; Alan Davis & Neary-c; Sledge Hammer; new Fantastic Four; Alf);

 VF  = $99.00  for the LOT

 ** Weight = 775 Grams;


MARVEL AGE 1983-1994 Promo comics #61-80 set SALE = $89.00

(weight = 820 grams)

#61(VF+, 62(FNVF), 63(VF), 64(VFNM), 65(VFNM), 66(VGFN), 67(FNVF), 68(Tape stain, VG), 69(FNVF), 70(VGFN), 71(FNVF), 72(VF), 73(FNVF), 74(VF), 75(VGFN), 76(FNVF), 77(VGFN), 78(VF), 79(FNVF) 80(FNVF)

the Official Marvel News Magazine (Marvel Pub; Published from 1983-1994; Vintage Original USA Color Series - Comics PROMO mag); ** Complete Consecutive issue RUN; **** NEWS, Previews, Reviews, Interviews, Unpublished ART, Letters, Editioials, Coming Attractions, Marvel ARTIST Profiles, Behind the Scenes & MORE; *** MOST issues feature NEW Cover ART; Virtually ALL the Major Marvel Characters of the PERIOD appeared on a Cover and/or inside, with Popular charcters inside most issues; New ART on MANY BACK covers also; *** ARTISTS; SergioARAGONES-c/a=61,73; John BYRNE-c/a=70,76; Russ Heath-c=63; Fred HEMBECK original comic strips (most 2 pages)= 61-80; Jim LEE-c=67; Walt SIMONSON-c/a=80; Featuring; ** STAN LEE's Soap Box = #61-80(Most);

#61(4/1988; GROO the Wandrerer-c/s; Sergio ARAGONES-c/a; Christmas issue spotlighting Marvel's Graphic Novels; Marvel Masterworks); #62(Shadow Line Saga preview-c/s;. Denys Cowan & Bill Sienkiewicz-c; Walt Simonson interview); #63(Animated X-Men-c/s; Russ Heath-c; Black Panther; Nick Fury vs Sheild); #64(Evolutionary War Annuals-c/s; Spider-Man, Silver Surfer & Wolverine app on cover; Akira; Ron Frenz interview); #65(Wolverine,Man-Thing, Shang-Chi & Hercules-c; Bob Layton cover, art & Interview; Wolverine in Marvel Comics Presents; What The?; Jack KIRBY's Heroes & Villians); #66(Special STRANGE issue = Dr Strange, Strange Tales, Something Strange & Speedball; Excalibur, Cloak & Dagger; John Bolton-c); #67(JIM LEE-c; Wolverine/ Punisher/ Sub-Mariner-c/s; Champions, Willow, Incal); #68(Havok and Wolverine-c/s; Muth & Williams-c; Last American, Light & Darkness War, Elvira, Semper Fi); #69(Inhumans-c/s; Blevins-c; Marc Silvestri interview; Stray Toasters by Bill Sienkiewicz; Count Duckula; Roger Rabbit); #70(West Coast Avengers with She-Hulk bikini-c; . John BYRNE cover, art & interview; Inferno; Solarman); #71(Silver Surfer-c/s by Moebius-c/a; Arthur Adams interview; Death's Head); #72(Punisher Dolph Lundgren movie PHOTO-c & Article; Dino-Riders; Graphic Novels, Posters, Trade Paperbacks); #73(GROO the Wandrerer-c/s; Sergio ARAGONES-c/a; She-Hulk Preview by John BYRNE; Damage Control); #74(Moon Knight-c & 5 page Preview; John BYRNE on Avengers; Ax & Arena GN; the War); #75(Doctor Strange-c & 5 page preview; Jackson Guice-c/a; What If, What The); #76(She-Hulk Swimsuit-c; John BYRNE-c; Atlantis Attacks annuals; Nth Man preview; Spider-Man & Kull GN's); #77( Nick Fury & Sheild-c & Preview; Wolverine Saga; Indiana Jones; Punisher mag); #78(Quasar-c & 5 page Preview; Bob Harras interview; Dr Doom & Dr Strange GN; Shadowmasters); #79(Wolverine & Nick Fury-c & 5pg Preview; Chaykin-c); #80(11/1989; Fantastic Four-c; Walt Simonson cover, art & interview; Elektra GN; BYRNE on Wolverine; Destroyer; Punisher; G.I. JOE & Origin of Snake Eyes);


MARVEL AGE (1983 - 1994) Marvel Comics #81-100 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL AGE (1983 - 1994)Marvel Comics #101-120 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL AGE (1983 - 1994)Marvel Comics #121-140 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL AGE: FANTASTIC FOUR Marvel Comics 2004 #1-12 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL APES Marvel Comics 2008 #0,1-4 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL BOY Marvel Comics 2000 #1-6 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL CHILLERS Marvel Comics 1975 #1-7 (VG/FN) = $ASK.00;

MARVEL CLASSICS Marvel Comics 1976 #1-20 FN-VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL CLASSICS Marvel Comics 1976 #21-35 FN-VF = $ASK.00;


MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS 1988-1995 Havok Wolverine Jim Lee #21-40 VF = $ASK.00 (#26,27 = 1st & 2nd app of Eric Savin COLDBLOOD)

MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988-1995) #41-60 VF set SALE = $ASK.00

MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988-1995) #61-71 VF set SALE = $ASK.00
MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988-1995) #85-92 WOLVERINE VF = $79.00

weight = 380 grams


MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988-1995) #117-122 (VENOM front) // GHOST RIDER (backcover) VF+, 8.5 set SALE = $99.00, (weight = 275 grams)

MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988-1995) #117-122 (VENOM front) // GHOST RIDER (backcover) VF, 8.0 set SALE = $89.00

MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988-1995) Marvel Comics #131-150 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988-1995) Marvel Comics #151-170 Low Print VF = $ASK.00


Marvel Double Feature (1973-1977) Captain America Iron Man KIRBY #1-21 FN+ 6.5

MARVEL DOUBLE FEATURE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1973-1977); 

#1 [12/1973; IRON MAN and CAPTAIN AMERICA Reprints from Tales of Suspense BEGINS, Cover & Stories; New Cover Art by JACK KIRBY, John Romita, & Dick Ayers; >> Iron Man in The Other Iron Man (Tales of Suspense #84 Reprint)  vs Mandarin = STAN LEE story, with GENE COLAN & Frank Giacoia art; >> Captain America  in If a Hostage Should Die (Tales of Suspense #77 Reprint)  in World War II with Peggy Carter = STAN LEE story, with JACK KIRBY, John Romita & Frank Giacoia (as Frank Ray) art]; FN/VF];

#2(FN/VF); #3(VF+); #4(VF-); #5(VF+); #6(FN);

#7(VF); #8(FN/VF $); #9(FN+); #10(FN+); #11(VG/FN);

#12(FN/VF); #13(FN+); #14(FN/VF); #15(FN); #16(FN+);

#17(FN+); #18(FN+); #19(VG); #20(FN/VF); #21(FN/VF);

SET of #1-21 (Grades vary from VG to VF+, as Above) Average Grade is FINE+, 6.5 = US$99.00


MARVEL FANFARE (1982-1992) Spider-Man X-Men Hulk Man-Thing Black Widow #1-20 VF = $69.00

MARVEL FANFARE (1982-1992) Doctor Strange, Hulk Iron Man Moon Knight #21-40 VF = $59.00

MARVEL FANFARE Marvel Comics 1996 #1-6 VF = $ASK.00;

Marvel Feature 1975-1976 Marvel comics #1-7 RED SONJA VF = $69.00;

[Conan Related; RED SONJA She-Devil with a Sword complete Comic set of #1 thru #7 from 11/1975 to 11/1976; the FIRST Solo RED SONJA series; Pre-Dates Red Sonja #1; ALL-NEW stories & art, based on the Classic Robert E. Howard characters; CLASSIC art by Frank THORNE in #2-7; #1= Giordano art! Swords & Sorcery, GOOD GIRL ART, Action & Violence, Bondage panels, Barbarians & MORE; Awesome Series, a MUST for any TRUE fan; #7 = Red Sonja battles CONAN cover & story]

MARVEL FUN and GAMES 1979-1980; Games, Puzzles SET of #1-13 [#5 = FN condition; #1-4, 6-13 = VF] = $69.00;

MARVEL KNIGHTS Marvel Comics 2000 #1-15 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL KNIGHTS 4 Marvel Comics (April/2004) #1-15 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL KNIGHTS 4 Marvel Comics (April/2004) #16-30 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDER-MAN Marvel Comics #1-22 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL LEGACY: 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's HANDBOOK Marvel Comics 2006 (4 different) VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL PREMIERE (Marvel Comics 1972-1981) DR STRANGE Brunner #4,6-9 

condition = FN, except #4(FNVF, one inch piece magic tape over staples, thus VGFN) = $129.00;

(weight = 256 grams)

MARVEL PREMIERE (Marvel Comics 1972-1981) IRON FIST #16-25 =

condition = #16(VF), 17(FN/VF),18(FN/VF), 19(VG/FN), 20(FN), 21(VGFN), 22(FN), 23(FN), 24(FN), 25(VGFN) = $199.00; (460 grams)

MARVEL PREMIERE (Marvel Comics 1972-1981) IRON FIST #16-25 =

condition = #16(FN), 17(VG+), 18(VG),, 19(VG), 20(G/VG), 21(VG+), 22(VG+), 23(VG), 24(VG/FN), 25(VG/FN) (Marvel value stamp in all, intact) = $139.00; (460 grams)

MARVEL PREMIERE 1972-1981 Marvel Comics #31-46 (Solomon Kane, 3-D Man, Weirdworld, Torpedo, Paladin, Jack of Hearts, Man-Wolf, 1st Solo Falcon) VF = $69.00;

MARVEL PRESENTS Marvel Comics 1975 #1-12 (VG/FN) = $ASK.00;

MARVEL PREVIEWS Marvel Comics 2003 #1-10 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL PREVIEWS Marvel Comics 2003 #11-20 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL SAGA (1985-1987) Williamson FF Spider-Man Hulk X-Men Avengers Surfer #1-20 VF average (FNVF to VF+) = $49.00

(weight = 870 grams)

MARVEL SELECETS: FANTASTIC FOUR Marvel Comics 2000 #1-6 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL SELECTS: SPIDER-MAN Marvel Comics 2000 #1-6 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL'S GREATEST COMICS 1969-1981 Fantastic Four #76-96 VF = $49.00


#1(FN+), 2(FN), 3(FN(, 4(VGFN), 5(FNVF), 6(FN), 7(FN), 8(VGFN),

9(VGFN), 10(FNVF), 11(FN), 12(FN), 13(GD), 14(GD),

15(VGFN), 16iFN+), 17(FN), 18(FNVF), 19(FNVF) ; PRICE = $125.00


MARVEL SPOTLIGHT 1971-1977 #12-24 SON OF SATAN VG/FN = $89.00

MARVEL SPOTLIGHT 1979-1981 V2 #1-11 STAR-LORD Captain Marvel Universe DITKO MILLER FN/VF = $89.00

MARVEL SPOTLIGHT (Marvel Comics Pub; Series-2 / Volume-2; 7/1979-1981; TRY-OUT Series)

#1 (7/1979; Captain Marvel-c/s);

#2 (9/1979; Captain Marvel-c/s; Drax the Destroyer; FRANK MILLER cover);

#3 (11/1979; Captain Marvel-c/s; Eon-c/s; X-Men & Inhumans cameo)

#4 (1/1980; Captain Marvel-c/s);

#5 (3/1980; FIRST appearance of DRAGON LORD-c/s; STEVE DITKO art; FRANK MILLER cover);

#6 (5/1980; ORIGIN of STARLORD cover & story;  FIRST Comic Book appearance of STAR-LORD cover & story, Seventh appearance overall (He Previously only appeared in B&W Magazines); Bill Sienkiewicz cover; Tom Sutton art; STAR-LORD Later becomes the TEAM LEADER of the New Guardians of the Galaxy = Basis for the Blockbuster Marvel/Disney 2014 MOVIE);

#7 (7/1980; Eighth appearance of STAR-LORD cover & story; Tom Sutton art; FRANK MILLER cover; STAR-LORD Later becomes the TEAM LEADER of the New Guardians of the Galaxy = Basis for the Blockbuster Marvel/Disney 8/2014 MOVIE)

#8 (9/1980; Captain Marvel-c/s; FRANK MILLER cover);

#9 (11/1980; Captain Universe-c/s; Mister E-c/s);

#10 (1/1981; Captain Universe-c/s; DITKO-c/a; Double Jeopardy);

#11 (3/1981; LAST issue; Captain Universe-c/s; DITKO-c/a; Claws of the Cat)

MARVEL SUPER ACTION (Marvel Comics 1977-1981) Captain America #1-13 VF = $109.00 for the Lot; (575 Grams)


MARVEL SUPER ACTION (Marvel Comics 1977-1981) Avengers #14-37 VF Average (Varied FN/VF to VF+) 1040 Grams = $129.00 for the Lot;

MARVEL SUPER-HEROES Marvel Comics 1967 #32-50 (VG/FN) = $ASK.00;

MARVEL SUPER HEROES 1967-1982 HULK #71-90 FN/VF = $49.00

MARVEL SUPER HEROES 1967-1982 HULK #91-105 VF = $45.00


MARVEL TALES 1964-1984 Spider-Man #51-70 FN/VF set SALE = ASK

MARVEL TALES 1964-1984 Spider-Man #71-90 FN/VF set SALE = ASK

MARVEL TALES 1964-1984 Spider-Man #91-110 VF set SALE = ASK

MARVEL TALES 1964-1984 Spider-Man #111-130 FN/VF = $59.00

MARVEL TALES (1964-1984) Spider-Man Marvel Comics #151-170 (FN/VF) = $69.00;
MARVEL TALES (1964-1984) Low Print; Spider-Man; (#221-222 = PUNISHER-c/s) #201-222 FN/VF = $69.00
MARVEL TALES (1964-1984) Low Print; Spider-Man #241-260 VF = $79.00;
MARVEL TALES (1964-1984) Low Print; Spider-Man #261-280 VF = $99.00;

MARVEL TEAM-UP 1972-1985 Spider-Man #21-40 VG/FN = $79.00;

MARVEL TEAM-UP 1972-1985 Spider-Man #41-60 BYRNE FN = $79.00;

Amazing Spider-Man appears in almost Every issue (Essentially a Spider-Man TEAM-UP series) #51(11/1976; Iron Man); #52(Capt America; 12/1976); #53(1/1977; 1st John BYRNE art on X-Men; Spider-Man, HULK and Woodgod-c/s); #54(Spider-Man & HULK; John BYRNE art); #55(WARLOCK-c/s; BYRNE-a); #56(4/1977; Spider-Man & DAREDEVIL, Electro); #57(Black Widow); #58(GHOST RIDER-c/s); #59(Yellowjacket & Wasp; BYRNE-a); #60(Wasp; BYRNE-c/a);

MARVEL TEAM-UP 1972-1985 Spider-Man #61-80 BYRNE FN = $69.00;

Amazing Spider-Man appears in almost Every issue (Essentially a Spider-Man TEAM-UP series) ***** Terry Austin-a-79; John Byrne-a= 61-70, 75, 79; John Byrne-c=68, 70, 72, 75, 76, 79; ***** #61(BYRNE-a; Human Torch, Super-Skrull; Thing, FF & Tigra); #62(BYRNE-a; Ms Marvel & Super-Skrull); #63(BYRNE-a; Iron Fist); #64(Iron Fist, Daughter of the Dragon, Steel Dragon; BYRNE-a); #65(1/1978; Spider-Man & Captain Britain = 1st USA appearance; JOHN BYRNE art); #66(2/1978; 2nd USA App of CAPTAIN BRITAIN; 1st appearance ARCADE; JOHN BYRNE art; Murder World-c/s); #67(3/1978; Spider-Man & TIGRA, Kraven the Hunter; JOHN BYRNE art); #68(BYRNE-c/a; Man-Thing;#69(Spider-Man & Havok; BYRNE art; #70(THOR; Byrne-a); #71(Falcon; VG/FN); #72(BYRNE-c; Iron Man); #73(Spider-Man & Daredevil, Owl); #74(10/1978; John Belushi, Aykroyd, Curtain, Murray, Radner, Saturday Night Live & the Not Ready for Prime Time Players-c/s); #75(Power Man; BYRNE art); #76(BYRNE-c; Dr Strange); #77(1/1979; Ms Marvel); #78(Wonder Man); #79(BYRNE-c/a; RED SONJA); #80(Dr Strange & Clea);

MARVEL TEAM-UP 1972-1985 Spider-Man #81-94, 96-100 FN/VF = $79.00;

Amazing Spider-Man appears in almost Every issue (Essentially a Spider-Man TEAM-UP series) ***** Terry Austin-c= 96; John Byrne-a=100; Frank MILLER-a=100; Frank MILLER-c=95, 99, 100; Simonson-c-99, >> #81(Spider-Man & SATANA; BYRNE art; VG/FN); #82(Black Widow); #83(Black Widow, Nick Fury); #84(Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu); #85(Shang-Chi, Nick Fury, Black Widow); #86(Guardians of the Galaxy); #87(Black Panther; VG/FN); #88(Invisible Girl of FF fame); #89(NIGHTCRAWLER of X-Men); #90(2/1980; BEAST of X-Men); #91(GHOST RIDER-c/s); #92(Hawkeye); #93(5/1980; WEREWOLF by Night & Scarecrow / Tatterdemalion); #94(Shroud); #95(MILLER-c; 1st app Mockingbird-c/s); #96(Howard the Duck-c/s); #97(HULK & Spider-Woman-c/s); #98(Black Widow); #99(Simonson/MILLER-c; Machine Man & Sandman); #100(52 page GIANT; 12/1980; Spider-Man & Fantastic Four-c/s; Frank MILLER-c/a; 1st Karma; 2pg app X-Men; Storm & Black Panther Solo-s with BYRNE-a);

MARVEL TEAM-UP 1972-1985 Spider-Man #101-120 VF = $69.00;

Amazing Spider-Man appears in almost Every issue (Essentially a Spider-Man TEAM-UP series) Terry Austin-c= 101, 112; Steve Ditko-a=101; Frank MILLER-c=102, 106; ****** #101(Nighthawk); #102(MILLER-c; Doc Samson & Rhino); #103(Ant-Man; Early app of Taskmaster-c/s); #104(HULK, Ka-Zar, Modok & Dinosaurs); #105(5/1981; HULK, Power Man & Iron Fist); #106(MILLER-c; Capt America); #107(She-Hulk); #108(Paladin); #109(Dazzler); #110(Iron Man); #111(Defenders with Hulk, & Devil-Slayer); #112(King KULL); #113(Quasar); #114(ZECK-c); #115(THOR); #116(;Valkyrie & Thor); #117(5/1982; Spider-Man & Wolverine-c/s); #118(Professor X); #119(Gargoyle) #120(Dominic Fortune);

MARVEL TEAM-UP 1972-1985 Spider-Man #121-140 Various Grades Set = $69.00

(#131 (Fine; otherwise the others are Very Fine Condition)

Amazing Spider-Man appears in almost Every issue (Essentially a Spider-Man TEAM-UP series) ***** John Byrne-c=129, 133; **** #121(Human Torch, Speed Demon); #122(Man-Thing); #123(Daredevil, Solarr) #124(Beast); #125(Tigra, Dr Strange, Scarlet Witch); #126(HULK & Powerman, Son of Satan); #127( Watcher); #128(Capt. America; Spider-Man/Capt. America photo-c); #129(BYRNE-c; Vision); #130(Vision & Scarlet Witch); #131(Frogman, White Rabbitt); #132(Mr. Fantastic); #133(Fantastic Four, Dr Doom); #134(Jack of Hearts); #135(Kitty Pryde; X-Men cameo); #136(Wonder Man, Mauler) #137(Aunt May& Franklin Richards vs GALACTUS); #138(Sandman); #139(Nick Fury); #140(Black Widow; );

MARVEL TEAM-UP 1972-1985 Spider-Man #142-150 FN/VF = $59.00;

weight = 415 grams

Amazing Spider-Man appears in almost Every issue (Essentially a Spider-Man TEAM-UP series) *****#142(female Capt. Marvel); #143(Starfox); #144(Moon Knight); #145(Iron Man); #146(Nomad); #147(Human Torch; Spider-Man back to old costume); #148(Thor); #149(Cannonball); #150(Scarcer LAST issue; 2/1985; 52 page Giant; Spider-Man & X-MEN-c/s; Barry Windsor Smith-c); **** This seems to be an incredible Under-Valued Series, when you compare prices to the similar vintage issues of Amazing Spider-Man;


MARVEL TEAM-UP Marvel Comics 1997 #1-11 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL: THE LOST GENERATION Marvel Comics 2000 #1-12 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE 1974-1983 Ben Grimm THING Marvel Comics #1-20 (VG/FN) = $159.00;

MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE 1974-1983 Ben Grimm THING Marvel Comics #1-20 (FN/VF) = $249.00;

MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE 1974-1983 Ben Grimm THING #21-40 FN/VF = $79.00;

MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE 1974-1983 Ben Grimm THING #41-60 FN/VF = $89.00;

MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE 1974-1983 AYESHA Ben Grimm THING #61-80 VF = $79.00;

MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1974-1983; Ben Grimm the THING of Fantastic Four Team-Up series);

#61 (3/1980; PARAGON / HER / AYESHA will appear in the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY TWO Movie;  FIRST appearance of KISMET as HER cover & story;  The Coming of HER, Part-1 of 3-Part cover & story; See Incredible Hulk Annual #6 for First Paragon; STARHAWK cover & story; George PEREZ cover; 28th of 30 sequential original appearances of a GUARDIANS of the GALAXY related comic; Moondragon appears; Cameos of Hulk, Doctor Strange, and THANOS; Mark Gruenwald story;  Jerry Bingham and Gene Day art)

#62 (4/1980; PARAGON / HER / AYESHA will appear in the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY TWO Movie;  Second appearance of KISMET as HER cover & story;  The Coming of HER, Part-2 of 3-Part cover & story; See Incredible Hulk Annual #6 for First Paragon; MOONDRAGON cover & story; George PEREZ cover; Starhawk appears; THANOS & Warlock cameo);

#63 (5/1980; PARAGON / HER / AYESHA will appear in the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY TWO Movie;  Third appearance of KISMET as HER cover & story;  The Coming of HER, Part-2 of 3-Part cover & story; See Incredible Hulk Annual #6 for First Paragon; STARHAWK & MOONDRAGON cover & story; George PEREZ cover; Warlock revived shortly)

#64 (George PEREZ-c/a; Stingray-c/s; Serpant Crown Affair);

#65 (George PEREZ-c/a; Triton-c/s; Serpant Crown Affair);

#66 (George PEREZ-c; Scarlet Witch; Serpant Crown Affair);

#67(Hyperion); #68(10/1980; Angel);

#69(11/1980; 29th of 30 sequential original appearances of a Guardians of the Galaxy related comic)

#70(PEREZ-c; Yancy Street Gang; FF app);  #71(1st app Maelstrom; Mr Fantastic-c/s);

#72(Inhumans); #73(Quasar);

#74(4/1981; Puppet Master; Christmas issue);

#75(5/1981; 52 page Giant; Avengers, Annihilus. Blastaar, Negative Zone);

#76(Giant-Man, ICEMAN, Ringmaster); #77(Man-Thing-c/s; Sgt Fury in WWII X-Over);

#78(Wonder Man;); #79(Blue Diamond & 1st app Star-Dancer-c/s);

#80(Ghost Rider, Death Race-c/s);


MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE 1974-1983 Ben Grimm THING #81-100 VF average ( varied FN/VF to VF+) = $79.00; weight = 865 grams

MARVEL UNIVERSE Marvel Comics 1998 #1-7 VF = $ASK.00;

MARVEL VISION 1996-1998 Giant PROMO comics #1-15 VF = $49.00

MARVEL VISION 1996-1998 Giant PROMO comics #16-30 VF = $49.00

MARVEL ZOMBIES (2006 Marvel Comics) ROBERT KIRKMAN Phillips SUYDAM #1-5 VF

CONDITION = #1 (3rd printing; VF) #2 (1st Printing; VF); #3 (1st Printing; VF/NM); #4 (1st Printing; VF/NM); #5 (1st Printing; VF+); PRICE = $49.00

MARVEL ZOMBIES (2015 Marvel Comics) BATTLEWORLD Secret Wars #1-4 VF/NM= $20.00

MARVEL ZOMBIES 5 (2010 Marvel Comics) Morbius Machine Man Howard Duck #1-4 VF/NM = $20.00

MASTER OF KUNG FU 1974-1983 Marvel comics #51-70 classic Paul GULACY Zeck FN/VF = $ASK.00

MASTER OF KUNG FU 1974-1983 Marvel #71-90 FN/VF = $59.00

MASTER OF KUNG FU 1974-1983 Marvel #91-110 FN/VF = $59.00

MASTER OF KUNG FU 1974-1983 Marvel #111-125 VF = $79.00 (Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); Includes #125(1983; GIANT; Scarce LAST issue)

MAVERICK 1997-1998 Marvel Comics #1-12 Sabretooth Wolverine Omega Red VF = $29.00;
#3(Alpha Flight); #4(Wolverine-c/s); #5(Blob-c/s); #6-7(Sabretooth-c/s); #11-12(Omega Red);


Maximum Carnage 1993 Spider-Man Venom Carnage Part 1-14 VF+ = $119.00

**** One of the Best Remembered Marvel Crossover events of the 1990's & still highly in Demand, Featuring; Venom, Carnage, Cloak & Dagger, Black Cat, Shriek, Carrion, Demogoblin, Doppelganger, Deathlok, Firestar, Iron Fist, Captain America, Nightwatch, Morbius etc;

Maximum Carnage Part-1 of 14 = Spider-Man Unlimited (1993 1st Series) #1 May 1993 // Maximum Carnage Part-2 of 14 = Web of Spider-Man #101

Maximum Carnage Part-3 of 14 = Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #378 June 1993 // Maximum Carnage: Part-4 of 14 = Spider-Man #35

Maximum Carnage: Part-5 of 14 = Spectacular Spider-Man (1976-1998 1st Series) #201. // Maximum Carnage Part-6 of 14 = Web of Spider-Man #102

Maximum Carnage Part-7 of 14 = Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #379 // Maximum Carnage Part-8 of 14 = Spider-Man #36

Maximum Carnage: Part-9 of 14 = Spectacular Spider-Man (1976-1998 1st Series) #202. // Maximum Carnage: Part-10 of 14 = Web of Spider-Man #103

Maximum Carnage: Part-11 of 14 = Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #380 // Maximum Carnage: Part-12 of 14 = Spider-Man #37

Maximum Carnage: Part-13 of 14 = Spectacular Spider-Man (1976-1998 1st Series) #203. // Maximum Carnage: Part-14 of 14 = Spider-Man Unlimited (1993 1st Series) #2


MICRONAUTS 1979-1984 Marvel #1-7,9-20 Man-Thing Captain Universe Ant-Man GOLDEN

Comics grade from Fine to Very Fine thus; FN/VF = (7.0) FINE / VERY FINE AVERAGE;

MICRONAUTS (Marvel Comics Pub; 1979-1984; First Series; Based on the MEGO Toys; Michael GOLDEN-a=1-12; Michael GOLDEN-c=2-20 );

***** [ J.J. ABRAMS producing a MICRONAUTS Movie??? Screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (G.I. Joe: Retaliation and Zombieland) written a couple of Drafts for Screen Adaptions of MICRONAUTS (based on the comic book and toy franchise) and it's in the Paramount system now, for a possible MICRONAUTS Big Screen MOVIE / FILM Adaption; The project has been set-up for some time at J.J. ABRAMS' Bad Robot production company and Paramount Pictures. They have developed it with Bad Robot, and it's probably not what you might imagine a MICRONAUTS Movie to be] *****

*** Highlights INCLUDE;

#1 (1/1979; FIRST appearance of the MICRONAUTS and BARON KARZA in comics; Michael GOLDEN-a; FN/VF, 7.0);

#2-6;  #7(Man-Thing-c/s);

#8 (8/1979 First appearance of CAPTAIN UNIVERSE-c/s; Michael GOLDEN-c/a; = NOT INCLUDED);

#9 = 1st app Cilcia; #10-12; #13= 1st app Jasmine;

#15= Death Microtron; #15-17= Fantastic Four appear;

#18, 19; #20(ANT-MAN-c/s);

Michael GOLDEN-a=1-12; Michael GOLDEN-c=2-20; Neal Adams cover inks=7;. Howard Chaykin a=13-18;

Set of #1-7,9-20 Comics grade from Fine to Very Fine thus; FN/VF = (7.0) FINE / VERY FINE AVERAGE; = only $119.00


MICRONAUTS 1979-1984 Marvel comic Dr Strange X-Men Microverse Karza #21-40 FN/VF  = US$79.00

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); 1st Series; Based on the MEGO Toys;

*** Highlights INCLUDE;

#21(Microverse series begins); #25(Origin Baron Karza); #25-29(Nick Fury / Sheild app); #27(Death of Biotron)

#34(Dr. Strange app) #35(Double size; origin Microverse; intro Death Squad; Dr. Strange app);

#37(Nightcrawler app.; X-Men cameo); #38(DIRECT ONLY issues begin); #40(Fantastic Four)



MICRONAUTS 1979-1984 Marvel comics #41-59 + Annual #1,2 Butch Guice Ditko VF, except #54(FN), #58(FN/VF) = $89.00

weight = 996 grams

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); 1st Series; Based on the MEGO Toys;

*** Highlights INCLUDE;

#48(Early Guice-a begins); #57(52 page Giant); #59(8/1984; Scarcer LAST issue; Golden painted-c);

Annual #1(12/1979; Ditko-c/a); #2(10/1980; Ditko-c/a); *


MICRONAUTS {the New Voyages} (Marvel; 1984-1986) Vol-2 #1-20 FN/VF = $69.00


MICRONAUTS SPECIAL EDITION (1983-1984; Baxter Golden Captain Universe; 440 grams) #1-5 VF PRICE = $29.00

MIDNIGHT MASSACRE Marvel Comics #(5 different) VF = $ASK.00;

THE MIGHTY AVENGERS Marvel Comics 2007 #1-20 VF = $ASK.00;

THE MIGHTY AVENGERS Marvel Comics 2007 #21-35 VF = $ASK.00;



MIGHTY MOUSE 1990-1991 Marvel Comics #1-10 Batman Crisis parody Perez-c; VF = $75.00

Marie Severin art; #1(Dark Might Returns; Batman: Dark Knight Returns cover swipe/parody); #2(vs the Glove; Mighty Mouse Chronology) #3(12/1990; 1st app Bat-Bat = Batman parody; Prince Samor the Sub-Plotter = Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner spoof) #4-5(Mices on Infinite Earths Part-1 and Part-2; George Perez covers; Crisis on Infinite Earths spoof) #6(vs the Cow; Spider-Man cover swipe) #7(Mices on Infinite Earths aftermath) #7-9 (Bat-Bat = Batman parody); #10(7/1991; LAST issue; Late Night with David Udderman = David Letterman parody)


MOON KNIGHT (1980-1984) Bushman Midnight Man SIENKIEWICZ  Origin MILLER #1-10 FN/VF average = $199.00

weight = 430 grams

MOON KNIGHT [Marvel Comics Pub; 1980-1984; First Series; Classic Bill Sienkiewicz Art in all, & Covers on Most]

** (MOON KNIGHT);  In January 2017, director James Gunn (Guardians of Galaxy) pitched a MOON KNIGHT Film/Movie to Marvel Studios;

#1 (11/1980; FIRST PRINTING; MOON KNIGHT Finally gets his Own SOLO Title; ORIGIN of MOON KNIGHT Part One;  Moon Knight vs BUSHMAN; FIRST Appearance of Raoul Bushman aka the BUSHMAN; HOT Key issue;  PeeltheOrange's sources, say there might be a full NETFLIX TV series in 2018 of Marc Spector MOON KNIGHT with Bushman as the main villain;  Doug Moench story;  Classic Bill Sienkiewicz Covers & art begins);

#2 (12/1980; Moon Knight in the SLASHER / How Many More Must Die; Moon Knight vs the Skid-Row Slasher; GCD Notes appearances by; Jean-Paul Duchamp / Frenchie, Gena Landers, Bertrand Crawley, Reno Eddie, Samuels, Marlene Alraune, Jeremiah, Ray Landers, Ricky Landers; Doug Moench story; Bill Sienkiewicz & Frank Springer art; Bill Sienkiewicz cover);

#3 (1/1981; Moon Knight in Midnight Means Murder; FIRST appearance of Anton Mogart aka the MIDNIGHT MAN cover & story; GCD Notes appearances by; Marlene Alraune, Nedda, Samuels, Jean-Paul Duchamp / Frenchie, Gena Landers & Bertrand Crawley; Doug Moench story; Bill Sienkiewicz cover & art);

#4 (2/1981; ORIGIN of MOON KNIGHT, with some new Details; Second appearance of Anton Mogart aka the MIDNIGHT MAN cover & story; Moon Knight in A Committee of 5; FIRST appearance of the Committee of 5 cover & story = Boom-Boom, Razor, Ice, Dragon & Bull; Werewolf by Night flashback; GCD Notes appearances by; Jean-Paul Duchamp / Frenchie, Marlene Alraune, Gena Landers, Bertrand Crawley, Ray Landers, Ricky Landers, Samuels; Doug Moench story; Bill Sienkiewicz & Klaus Janson art; Bill Sienkiewicz cover;  ASK)

#5 (3/1981; Haunted House / Ghost Story; GCD Notes appearances by; Jean-Paul Duchamp / Frenchie, Edward Redditch, John Creach & Frankie Parkins; Doug Moench story; Bill Sienkiewicz & Klaus Janson art; GRAVEYARD Cover by Bill Sienkiewicz);

#6 (4/1981; Moon Knight in White Angels; VOODOO cover & story; GCD Notes appearances by; Samuels, Marlene Alraune, Gena Landers, Bertrand Crawley, Ray Landers, Ricky Landers, Jean-Paul Duchamp / Frenchie, Joshua Mendossi, Le Ange Blanc, Papa Doc aka Vidal; Doug Moench story; Bill Sienkiewicz & Klaus Janson art; EARL NOREM painted cover; ASK);

#7 (5/1981; Moon Kings – Hallucinogen Drugs Story; First appearance of the Moon Kings; GCD Notes appearances by; Bertrand Crawley, Simon, Fox, Marlene Alraune, Gena Landers, Jean-Paul Duchamp / Frenchie; Doug Moench story; Bill Sienkiewicz & Klaus Janson art; Bill Sienkiewicz cover; ASK);

#8 (6/1981; Moon Knight in Night of the Wolves; Moon Kings – Hallucinogen Drugs Story; Second appearance of the Moon Kings; GCD Notes appearances by; Bertrand Crawley, Simon; Fox, Marlene Alraune & Jean-Paul Duchamp / Frenchie; Doug Moench story; Bill Sienkiewicz & Frank Giacoia art; Bill Sienkiewicz cover; ASK)

#9 (7/1981; Third appearance of Anton Mogart aka the MIDNIGHT MAN cover & story; Second appearance of BUSHMAN; Moon Knight in Vengeance in Reprise; Appearances by; Marlene Alraune, Jean-Paul Duchamp / Frenchie; Samuels, Nedd; FRANK MILLER cover; Doug Moench story; Bill Sienkiewicz art);

#10 (8/1981; ORIGIN of MOON KNIGHT;  Fourth & LAST appearance of Anton Mogart aka the MIDNIGHT MAN cover & story; Third appearance of BUSHMAN cover & story; GCD Notes appearances by; Samuels, Marlene Alraune, Jean-Paul Duchamp / Frenchie, Gena Landers, Bertrand Crawley, Ray Landers, Ricky Landers & Nedda; Doug Moench story; Bill Sienkiewicz cover & art);


MOON KNIGHT (1980-1984) Bushman Midnight Man SIENKIEWICZ  Origin MILLER #11-20 GRADE = #11(VF), 12(FNVF), 13(FNVF), 14(FNVF), 15(FN), 16(FNVF), 17(VG), 18(VGFN), 19(FN), 20(VGFN) = $129.00

weight = 430 grams


MOON KNIGHT (1980-1984) Bushman Midnight Man SIENKIEWICZ  Origin MILLER #21-24,26-28,30-35 GRADE = #21(VF), 22(FN), 23(VFNM), 24(FNVF), 26(VF), 27(VF+), 28(VG), 30(FN), 31(FN), 32(VF), 33(VGFN), 34(VF), 35(FNVF)= $159.00

weight = 620 grams


MOON KNIGHT (2006-2009 Marvel) Huston David FINCH Miki D'Armata #1,2,3,4,5 VF/NM = $25.00

MOON KNIGHT (2016-2017 Marvel) Lemire Smallwood Bellaire 1st Printings #1,2 NM = $15.00

MOON KNIGHT HIGH STRANGERS (1999) VOLUME 2 #1-4 VF/NM = $39.00 weight = 225 grams

MOON KNIGHT RESURRECTION WAR (1998) VOLUME 2 #1-4 VF+ = $39.00 weight = 275 grams

MOON KNIGHT FIST OF KHONSHU (1985 Marvel Limited Series Volume-2) #1-6 VF+ = $ask.00;

MOONSHADOW  (MARVEL / EPIC; 1985-1987) J.M. DeMatteis-s; Jon J. Muth & Kent Williams-a; #1-12 VF = $49.00;
MOONSHADOW  (MARVEL / EPIC; 1985-1987) J.M. DeMatteis-s; Jon J. Muth & Kent Williams-a; #1-12 FN/VF = $39.00

MORBIUS the LIVING VAMPIRE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1992-1995) #1-10 Ghost Rider VF+ set SALE = $89.00
#1(52 page Giant; Polybagged with bonus poster; Ghost Rider & Johnny Blaze app; Rise of the Midnight Sons X-Over); #3-4(Spider-Man-c/s); #9(Dr Strange);

MORBIUS the LIVING VAMPIRE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1992-1995) #1-28 Ghost Rider VF set SALE = $199.00 [#1(52 page Giant; Polybagged with bonus poster; Ghost Rider & Johnny Blaze app; Rise of the Midnight Sons X-Over); #3-4(Spider-Man-c/s); #9(Dr Strange); #11(Nightstalkers); #12(Black Parchment Cover. Midnight Massacre X-Over); #15(Ghost Rider & Dr Strange); #16(Spot Varnish-c); #16-17(Siege of Darkness); #18-19(Deathlok); #21-23(Dance of the Hunter; Spider-Man app);*** #13-28 = all LOW PRINT RUNS and SCARCER issues];

MOTORMOUTH Marvel Comics 1992 #1-12 VF = $ASK.00;

MS. MARVEL May/2006 #25-50 VF set = $ASK.00

MUTANT MISADVENTURES of CLOAK and DAGGER 1988-1991 #1-19 VF = $59.00

MUTANT X Marvel Comics 1998 #1-20 VF = $ASK.00;

MUTANT X Marvel Comics 1998 #21-32 VF = $ASK.00;

MUTIES Marvel Comics 2002 #1-6 VF = $ASK.00;

the 'NAM 1986-1993 Marvel Comics VIETNAM #1-20 VF set SALE = $99.00

The 'NAM #1-20 (Marvel Pub; Published from 1986-1993 Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); VIETNAM WAR comics as experienced by American Soldiers, vs the Godless COMMIES, in progressive Real Time; *** ARTISTS; Mike GOLDEN Art= 1-11,13; GOLDEN-c=1-13; John Beatty-c= 15,16,18,19; Bob CAMP-c=14-17,20; John SEVERIN-a=12; Wayne Vansant-a = Most #13-20; Writers; Doug Murray-s= 1-20; *** Highlights INCLUDE; #1(First Patrol; early 1966 leaving for War); #5(Humpin' the Boonies); #6(Monsoon); #7(assorted FLAGS-c; an LZ in the Iron Triangle); #8(In the Underground - near Chu Chi August 12/1966); #9(1st app Fudd Verzyl, Tunnel Rat); #10(Guerrilla Action - October 1966 before National Day); #12(January 1967 = Aftermath of Operation CEDAR FALLS, the Village of BEN SUC is about to disappear from the face of the Earth); #13(2/1967; on Road to Tansonnhut Air Base); #14(Fatigue Dity); #15(4/1967; Mortar Attack has 23rd Infantry at Red Alert); #17(June 1967 - the Big Red One takes on Three Vietcong Battalions); #18(July 1967 - Base Hospital at Chu Chi); #19(Milk Rin - 1967 China Sea);

NAMOR the Sub-Mariner 1990-1995 #1-20 John BYRNE VF = $39.00 (Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics);

NAMOR the Sub-Mariner 1990-1995 #21-40 Jae LEE VF = $49.00 (Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics);

NAMOR the Sub-Mariner 1990-1995 #41-62 Low Print VF = $79.00 (Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); #62(Scarce LAST issue)

NAMOR Marvel Comics 2003 #1-12 VF = $ASK.00;

NEW AVENGERS January/2005-2010 Marvel Comics #1-10 VF set Sale = $ASK.00

NEW AVENGERS 2005-2010 Marvel Comics #21-40 VF = $59.00
BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS stories; #21-26(Civil War); #21-22(New Avengers: Dissasembled); #26(return of Hawkeye and the Scarlet Witch); #27-31(Yu-a, Ronin & ELEKTRA app); #33-37(Hood app); #34(Wolverine); #35(Tigra); #36(Wolverine & Spider-Woman); #39-40(Secret Invasion);

NEW AVENGERS 2005-2010 Marvel Comics #41-60 VF = $59.00
BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS stories; #41-47(Secret Invasion); #49-54(Dark Reign); #51-54(Who is the New Sorcerer Supreme with Dr Strange, Wolverine, Spider-Man & Spider-Woman); #54(Brother Voodoo becomes Sorercer Supreme); #56(Wrecking Crew); #58-60(Spider-Man & Spider-Woman-c/s);


NEW MUTANTS Silver Samurai Marvel 1st Magma Magik #1-15, 17-20, Annual #1,3-5 VF = $89.00

 (Marvel Comics Pub; 1983-1991; 1st Series);  >>> ARTISTS; Bill Sienkiewicz-a= 18-20; Bill Sienkiewicz--c=17-20; Walt Simonson-c=11; 

Highlights INCLUDE; #2=Sentinals-c/s; #3,4=Ties into X-Men #167; #5-6 = SILVER SAMURAI and Team America; #7 = 1st ACE; #8=1st MAGMA & Castro; 13=Kitty Pryde app; #14 = FIRST appearance of Illyana Rasputin as MAGIK; #18=Intro. new Warlock;


NEW MUTANTS Sienkiewicz Secret Wars Magneto Magik (25,26 1st LEGION) #21-40 VF average grade except = #24 & #25 (FN/VF); #26 (VG/FN); #30 (FN/VF); = $79.00  

 (Marvel Comics Pub; 1983-1991; 1st Series);  >>> ARTISTS; Art Adams-c=39; Bill Sienkiewicz-a= 21-31, 35-38; Bill Sienkiewicz--c=21-31, 35, 37; Barry Windsor-Smith-c=36, 40; 

Highlights INCLUDE; #21(52 page Giant; origin new Warlock); 23-25=Cloak & Dagger app;

#25, 26 = FIRST Cameo & FULL appearance of David Charles Haller aka LEGION, the mutant son of Professor Charles Xavier and Gabrielle Haller; 

30, 36, 37= Secret Wars II; 34= Magik-c/s; 35=Magneto as new headmaster; 39=White Queen-c/s; 40= Captain America vs Magneto-c/s, Avengers app;


NEW MUTANTS 1983-1991 Marvel Comics #21-24,27-40 VF = $59.00  

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); >>> ARTISTS; Art Adams-c=39; Bill Sienkiewicz-a= 21-31, 35-38; Bill Sienkiewicz--c=21-31, 35, 37; Barry Windsor-Smith-c=36, 40; Highlights INCLUDE; #21(52 page Giant; origin new Warlock); 23-25=Cloak & Dagger app; 30, 36, 37= Secret Wars II; 34= Magik-c/s; 35=Magneto as new headmaster; 39=White Queen-c/s; 40= Capt America vs Magneto-c/s, Avengers app;


NEW MUTANTS Fall of The Mutants LEGION Starjammers Barry Windsor-Smith #41-61 VF = $59.00

 (Marvel Comics Pub; 1983-1991; 1st Series);  >>> ARTISTS; Bill Sienkiewicz--c= 52; 43=Portacio inks; Barry Windsor-Smith-c=36, 40-48; 

Highlights INCLUDE; #41= Mirage vs Death-c/s; 44= LEGION-c/s; 46= New X-MEN-c/s; 48=Sentinals-c/s;

#50(52 page Giant; Return of Xavier; Starjammers app); #51= Professor X & Starjammers; 58(pull-out mutant registration form);

 #59-61= Fall of The Mutants series; . 60(52 page Giant);


NEW MUTANTS Williamson Wolverine X-Terminators Magik X-Factor Magneto #62-85 VF = $59.00

 (Marvel Comics Pub; 1983-1991; 1st Series);  

>>> ARTISTS; Williamson-a= 69, 71-73, 78-80, 82, 83; Williamson-c=69, 72, 73, 78; 

Highlights INCLUDE; #63=X-Men & Wolverine clones; 68=Intro Spyder-c/s; 71-73= Inferno-s; 72-74= X-Terminators app;

#73(52 page Giant; conclusion of MAGIK illyana Saga - Darkchilde NO more); 74=Gosamyr; 75= MAGNETO battles the Black King-c/s;

 #76(X-Factor & X-Terminator; Namor the Sub-Mariner app); 77=Valkyrie; 81= Magma & Hercules-c/s;.#84,85= Acts of Vengeance; 85=Liefeld-c begin;


NEW THUNDERBOLTS 2005-2006 Marvel Comics #1-18 Avengers House of M Spider-Man (FN/VF )set Sale = $ASK.00
Fabian Nicieza & Kurt Busiek-s; Tom Grummett & Gary Erskine-a; / #1-2(AVENGERS Disassembled); #3(Spider-Man, Fathom 5 & Baron Strucker) #4(Wolverine & Baron Strucker); #9(Namor); #10-12(HOUSE of M/ Purple Reign) #13-14(vs NEW AVENGERS, with; Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Cage, Spider-Woman) #16(the new Squadron Sinister) #18(LAST issue; Return of MOONSTONE);

NEW WARRIORS 1990-1996 Marvel comics #1-25 VF = $59.00

NEW WARRIORS 1990-1996 Marvel comics #26-50 VF = $59.00

NEW WARRIORS Marvel Comics 1999 #1-10 VF = $ASK.00;

NEW WARRIORS Marvel Comics 2007 #1-20 VF = $ASK.00;

NFL SUPERPRO 1991-1992 Marvel Football comics Spider-Man #1-12 VF = $24.00; #1 = Spider-Man-c/app; #12(Low Print & Scarce LAST issue);

NICK FURY AGENT OF SHIELD 1989-1993 #1-25 VF = $69.00;

NICK FURY AGENT OF SHIELD 1989-1993 #26-47 Wolverine Butch Guice VF = $59.00; [Deathlok, Sgt Fury, Wolverine, Fantastic Four, etc; Butch Guice art];

NIGHTMASK 1986-1987 Marvel New Universe #1-12 VF = $35.00

NIGHTSTALKERS 1992-1994 Ghost Rider Morbius Blade Punisher #1-10 VF = $29.00

NIGHTSTALKERS 1992-1994 Ghost Rider Morbius Blade Punisher #1-18 VF = $59.00 [1= Hannibal King, Blade, & Frank Drake in Rise of the Midnight Sons; 5-6= Punisher-c/s; 7= Ghost Rider-c/s; 8= Hannibal King vs Morbius battle-c/s; 9= Morbius-c/s; 10 = Black Parchment Cover, Midnight Massacre; 11= Midnight Massacre aftermath; 14,15= Siege of Darkness; 15-17 = BLADE-c/s; 18 = Scarcer LAST issue];

NIGHT THRASHER (1993-1995 Marvel) 1st Tantrum Gideon #1-10 VF = $29.00

NOMAD 1992-1994 Deadpool Punisher Daredevil Gambit Red Wolf Man-Thing V2 #1-25 VF = $49.00


NOVA 1976-1979 #1-25 Thor SPHINX Spider-Man Yellow Claw New Champions

FN/VF Average, grades varied from FN to VF ( except #1(FN); #2(VG) #25(VGFN) = $275.00

NOVA (First Series; Marvel Comics Pub; 1976-1979; the Original Richard Rider superhero; Member of; New Champions, New Warriors & Secret Defenders; NOVA has fought Galactus alongside Silver Surfer; NOVA has fought THANOS with the Guardians of the Galaxy; NOVA has placed 98th on IGN's List of Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All Time; In Marvel Comics Premier Hardcover Restructure a Clue was Dropped that NOVA might be part of Phase II of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and might get his own MOVIE in the Future);

#1 (9/1976; Origin & First appearance of Richard Rider as NOVA-c/s; Uncommon in High grade due to the BLACK cover; First appearance of the Alien Zorr; Wolfman-s; John Buscema-a);

#2(10/1976; First appearance of Powerhouse & the Condor-c/s; Wolfman-s; Buscema/Sinnott-a);

#3(11/1976; First appearance of Diamondhead; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Palmer-a);

#4(12/1976; NOVA vs THOR Battle-c/s; First appearance of the Corruptor; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Palmer-a; JACK KIRBY-c);

#5(1/1977; NOVA vs Tyrannus-c/s; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Palmer-a; JACK KIRBY-c; Stan Lee & the Marvel Bullpen appear);

#6(2/1977; NOVA vs Powerhouse, Diamondhead, & Condor-c/s; FIRST appearance of Anath-Na Mut aka the SPHINX; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Giacoia-a);

#7(3/1977; War in Space; ORIGIN and Second appearance of Anath-Na Mut aka the SPHINX; First appearance of Megaman; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Giacoia-a; JACK KIRBY-c);

#8(4/1977; Origin of Megaman; Centurion's appear; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Giacoia-a);

#9(5/1977; vs Megaman; Wolfman-s; Art by Sal Buscema/Giacoia-a);

#10(6/1977; THIRD appearance of Anath-Na Mut aka the SPHINX; Firefly, Diamondhead, Powerhouse & Condor appear; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Giacoia-a);

#11(7/1977; NOVA vs SPHINX Battle-c/s; Diamondhead, Powerhouse & Condor appear; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Giacoia-a);

#12(8/1976; NOVA vs SPIDER-MAN Battle-c/s, crossover with Amazing Spider-Man 171; First appearance of Jason Dean aka Photon; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Giacoia/Romita-a);

#13(9/1977; Nova vs Sandman-c/s; First appearance of Frank Moore the original Crime Buster-c/s; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Sinnott-a);

#14(10/1977; Nova vs Sandman; Wolfman-s; Sal Buscema/Giordano-a);

#15(11/1977; Second appearance of Frank Moore the original Crime Buster-c/s; NICK FURY appears; NOVA vs Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, & Hulk; Wolfman-s; Infantino/Palmer-a);

#16(12/1977; Nova vs YELLOW CLAW-c/s; NICK FURY appears; Wolfman-s; Infantino/Palmer-a);

#17(1/1978; Nova vs YELLOW CLAW-c/s; MISSLE Flying toward Washington D.C.; NICK FURY appears; Wolfman-s; Infantino/Palmer-a);

#18(3/1978; Nova & Nick Fury vs YELLOW CLAW-c/s; Wolfman-s; Infantino/the Tribe-a);

#19(5/1978; Fisrt  appearance of Marcus Daniels aka BLACKOUT-c/s; Wally West aka Kid Flash cameo; Wolfman-s; Infantino/Palmer-a);

#20(7/1978; First Full appearance of the Inner Circle; First appearance of Project X the Robot Sherlock Holmes; Wolfman-s; Infantino/Hunt-a);

#21(9/1978; vs the Corruptor; First appearance of Harris Moore, becomes the Comet in #22; Richard Rider reveals his Nova identity; Wolfman-s; John Buscema/Rubinstein-a);

#22(11/1978;; Diamondhead appears; First appearance of Harris Moore as the Comet-c/s; Robot Sherlock Holmes appears; Cockrum-c);

#23(12/1979; Second appearance of Harris Moore as the Comet; Comet, Diamondhead & Dr. Sun-c/s; Origin of Dr. Sun, from Tomb of Dracula; Robot Sherlock Holmes appears; Dracula & SPHINX cameo; Wolfman-s; Infantino-a);

#24 [3/1979; FIRST appearance of the NEW CHAMPIONS, they later become the Champions of Xandar (Comet, Crimebuster, Nova-Prime, Powerhouse, Protector) in Fantastic Four #208; SPHINX, Crime Buster, Comet appear; Origin of Powerhouse; Wolfman-s; Infantino/Esposito-a];

#25 [5/1979; Uncommon LAST issue; SECOND appearance of the NEW CHAMPIONS; SPHINX, Comet, Diamondhead, Skulls, Crime-Buster, Powerhouse & the SKRULLS,; Story Crossover with Fantastic Four #204-209 & Rom #24; Wolfman-s; Infantino/Janson-a];


NOVA Marvel Comics 1999 #1-7 VF = $ASK.00;


NOVA 2007-2010 #1-7, 9-15 Annihilation Conquest Galactus Silver Surfer VF+ = $79.00

(#2,3 = the Initiative; #2 = Iron Man; #4-6 = Annihilation Conquest #13-25 = Galactus & Silver Surfer)


NOVA 2007-2010 #16-35 Annual #1 Secret Invasion War Realm Kings VF+ = $69.00


OFFICIAL HANDBOOK of the MARVEL UNIVERSE 1983-1984 #1-15 VF = $59.00


OFFICIAL HANDBOOK of the MARVEL UNIVERSE DELUXE EDITION (1985-1988 Comics) #1-20 VF set = $99.00

OFFICIAL HANDBOOK of the MARVEL UNIVERSE MASTER EDITION 1985-1988 Marvel Comics #1-9 (Sealed) VF = $ASK.00;


OFFICIAL MARVEL INDEX TO THE AVENGERS (1987-1988 Squarebound Giants) #1-6 VF = $35.00 weight = 650 grams


OFFICIAL MARVEL INDEX TO THE X-MEN #1-7 (1987-1988 Squarebound Giants) #1-7 FN/VF = $39.00


OMEGA THE UNKNOWN 1976-1977 #1-10 Hulk Electro 1st FOOLKILLER AMC TV CBM FN/VF = $75.00;

OMEGA THE UNKNOWN (1976-1977; Marvel Comics Pub; Steve GERBER Stories & Jim MOONEY Art in All; Wikipedia = Despite its short run, it has remained as a CULT CLASSIC due to its intriguing characters and unusual storytelling; There is a connection between the laconic superhero Omega and the strangely analytical 12 Year Old boy named James-Michael Starling; **** In 2010, Comics Bulletin ranked Gerber and Mooney's run on Omega the Unknown tenth on its list of the TOP TEN 1970s Marvel’s)

> FOOLKILLER = [the comic featured on AMC’s Comic Book Men, as a seller brought in original artwork for Walt Flanagan to exclaim, ”The most overlooked underrated underappreciated comic that Marvel has ever published. Speculator's are Buying up Key First appearances];

#1 (3/1976; FIRST appearance of OMEGA the Unknown);

#2 (5/1976; Omega vs the Incredible HULK BATTLE-c/s)

#3 (7/1976; Omega vs the ELECTRO Battle-c/s)

#4 (9/1976; vs El Gato-c/s);


#6 (1/1977; vs the Wrench-c/s);

#7 (3/1977; vs Blockbuster-c/s);

#8 (5/1977; Omega vs NITRO-c/s; FIRST Cameo app Gregory P. Salinger as the 2nd FOOLKILLER in a one-panel cameo by Roger Stern)

#9 (7/1977; First FULL app Gregory P. Salinger as the 2nd FOOLKILLER by Steve Gerber)

#10 (10/1977; vs Desert Demon-c/s; Scarcer LAST issue);


ONYX OVERLORD 1992-93 Marvel EPIC Comics Airtight Garage Series MOEBIUS #1-4 VF = $33.00

the ORDER 2007-2008 Marvel Comics #1-10 Tony Stark INITIATIVE Superheroes VF = $29.00
MATT FRACTION-s; BARRY KITSON-c/a; Tony Stark's 50 State INITIATIVE / Stark brand Superheroes

OUTLAW KID 1970-1975 Marvel Comics #21-30 VG/FN = $69.00

ORIGINAL GHOST RIDER RIDES AGAIN Marvel Comics 1991 #1-7 VF = $ASK.00;

OVER THE EDGE Marvel Comics 1995 #1-10 VF = $ASK.00;


PENDRAGON, KNIGHTS OF UK Marvel 1992-1993 #1-15 Iron Man Spider-Man Mys-Tech Death Head II VF = $49.00;

[UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 2nd Series; 7/1992-9/1993; 1-4= Iron Man; 6-9=Spider-Man; 12=Mys-Tech; 13-5=Death Head II]

PETER PARKER SPIDER-MAN 1999-2003 Marvel Comics #1-10 VENOM VF set = $ASK.00
#2(Thor) #3(Ice Man) #5-6(John BYRNE-c) #6(Kingpin) #7(Blade) #8(return of Norman Osborn); #9-10(VENOM)

PETER PARKER SPIDER-MAN 1999-2003 Marvel Comics #11-20 VF set = $ASK.00

#11(Avengers) #12( Sinister Six) #13(Carnage) #14(Hulk) #15(Dr Doom) #16-17(VENOM & Sinister Six) #17(Kraven) #18(Green Goblin) #19(death of Mary Jane?)

PETER PARKER SPIDER-MAN 1999-2003 Marvel Comics #21-30 Green Goblin Mary Jane VF set = $ASK.00
#21(Human Torch) #23-24(Maximum Security) #25(Green Goblin) #29(Mary Jane Returns);

PETER PARKER SPIDER-MAN 1999-2003 Marvel Comics #31-40 Human Torch Dr. Octopus VF set = $ASK.00

#30-32(Fushion); #37(Human Torch) #39-40(Dr. Octopus)

PETER PARKER SPIDER-MAN 1999-2003 Marvel Comics #41-57 Green Goblin Sandman VF set = $ASK.00
#41(Dr. Octopus); #44-47(return of Green Goblin); #51-52(Shocker and Hydro-Man); #53-55(Rules of the Game) #56-57(Sam Keith-s; Sandman) #57(8/2003; Scarcer LAST issue);


PIRATES OF DARK WATER (1991-1992 Marvel Comics Hanna-Barbera) #1-9 VF = $99.00
(#6-9 = Low Print Runs & SCARCER; #9 = superb Charles VESS cover art)



PIRATES OF DARK WATER (1991-1992 Marvel Comics Hanna-Barbera) #1-8 VF = $79.00
(#6-8 = Low Print Runs & SCARCER)


Planet of Symbiotes 1995 Spider-Man Clone VENOM Part 1-5 VF+ = $75.00
Part-1 = Amazing Spider-Man Super Special #1(1995); Part-2 = Spider-Man Super Special #1(7/1995); Part-3 = Venom Super Special #1(8/1995); Part-4 = Spectacular Spider-Man Super Special #1(9/1995); Part-5 = Web of Spider-Man Super Special #1(1995); *** Classic Clone Saga Special with Spider-Man's clone as the Scarlet Spider, True Origin of Venom, Lizard, Electro, Shriek, etc; These Super Special's are surprisingly uncommon (Most Dealkers are Sold Out) & the set of 5 is thus difficult to assemble.

PLANET TERRY 1985-86 Star/Marvel Comics #1-12 Warren Kremer Manak Colletta FN/VF  = $49.00

POWER LINE Marvel Comics 1988 #1-8 VF = $ASK.00;

POWER MAN & IRON FIST 1974-1986 X-Men Sabretooth #51-70 FN/VF set SALE = $79.00

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); (LUKE CAGE); ARTISTS; Frank MILLER-a= #68; Frank MILLER-c = #66-68,70; #51 (6/1979)= Early NEW X-MEN Cover & Story; #66 = 2nd app SABERTOOTH

POWER MAN & IRON FIST 1974-1986 Sabretooth #71-90 FN/VF = $69.00

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); (LUKE CAGE); #78, 84= 3rd & 4th app SABERTOOTH; >>>> ARTISTS; Frank MILLER-a= #76; Frank MILLER-c = #71-74,80; Denys COWAN art= #80-84,86-90; Frank Miller cover inks=80; PAINTED cover = #75; ** Highlights INCLUDE; #80(4/1982; Montenegro-c/s); #81(Return of Boris & Ninotchka); #82(Black Tiger); #83(Warhawk); #84(Constrictor & 4th app SABRETOOTH-c/s); #85(Mole Man-c/s); #86(Golden Eye); #87(MOON KNIGHT app); #88(Schimitar & Black Mariah); #90(Unus-c/s);

POWER MAN & IRON FIST 1974-1986 LUKE CAGE #91-110 FN/VF = $99.00

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); (LUKE CAGE); John BYRNE Covers = #102,104,106,107; Ernie CHAN art= #94-100; Denys COWAN art= #92.93; PAINTED cover = #100; ** WRITERS; Kurt BUSIEK stories = #90,92-100,102,105; *** Highlights INCLUDE; #92(Hammerhead-c/s); #93-96(Chemistro); #97(Fera-c/s); #98(Shades & Comanche); #99(Fera & El Aguila-c/s); #100(52 Page Giant; Origib of K'un L'un); #101(Caesar Cicero); #102(Scarlet-c/s); #103-104(Doombringer-c/s); #105(Firefly & Crime Buster); #106(Whirlwind-c/s); #107(Zeno Saturn, Hammer of Judgment); #108(Slime Street); #109(Reaper-c/s); #110(Wedding issue);

POWER MAN & IRON FIST (1974-1986 LUKE CAGE) #111-125 FN/VF = $69.00 (Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); (LUKE CAGE); John BYRNE Covers = #112-116; LOWER PRINT Run & SCARCER High Numbered issues;


POWER PACK 1984-1991 Cloak Dagger Wolverine Spider-Man X-Men Beta Ray Bill #2-20 = $59.00


Includes; Cloak & Dagger, Wolverine, Spider-Man, X-Men, Beta Ray Bill, New Mutants, Dragon Man, Warriors Three  



POWER PACK 1984-1991 Wolverine Sabretooth #21-40 VF = $49.00

Includes; #27(Mutant Massacre; Wolverine & Sabretooth app); #29(Spider-Man & Hobgoblin app)



POWER PACK 1984-1991 Marvel Comics #41-62 Punisher = $89.00


Includes; #46(Punisher app) #61-62 = LOWER Print & Scarcer issues;

POWERS (Marvel/ Icon Comics; Volume 2) 2004 #1-15 VF = $ASK.00;

POWERS (Marvel/ Icon Comics; Volume 2) 2004 #16-30; ANNUAL 2008 VF = $ASK.00;

POWERS (Marvel/ Icon Comics; Volume 3) 2009 #1-10 VF = $ASK.00;

PROFESSOR XAVIER and the X-MEN 1995-1996 Marvel comics #1-18 VF Average (Varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $49.00

PSI FORCE 1986-1989 Marvel New Universe #1-20 Williamson-a VF = $49.00

PSI FORCE (1986-1989 Marvel New Universe) #21-32, Annual #1 LOW Print FN/VF = $49.00

the PULSE (2004-2006 Marvel Comics) JESSICA JONES Netflix TV #1-14 VF = $49.00 

[Brian Michael Bendis-s; Mark Bagley-a; #1-5(THIN AIR with Spider-Man, Vulture, Green Goblin)  #6-9(SECRET WAR with WOLVERINE & Luke Cage); #10-13( HOUSE OF M and NEW AVENGERS) #14(LAST issue; Luke Cage & New Avengers) *** Condition of THIS SET is VERY FINE, 8.0 (Average Grade) and MANY are BETTER];

PUNISHER MAGAZINE Marvel 1989-1990 #1-8 Uncommon FN/VF = $89.00; 



PUNISHER #2, 4-10 Marvel Comics UK British Magazines 1989 New Covers NAM Scarce VF = $119.00


PUNISHER (Marvel Comics UK Ltd; UK / British magazines; #2 has 48 pages; #3-10 each has 40 pages including covers);

#2 (August 12/1989; MIKE ZECK Painted Cover; ROBOCOP Backup Story);

#4 (Partial MIKE ZECK Painted Cover; The 'NAM Backup story, with Michael Golden art);

#5 (MIKE ZECK Painted Cover; The 'NAM Backup story, with Michael Golden art; Bonus FREDDY KRUGER Sticker still attached to cover);

#6 (MIKE ZECK Painted Cover; The 'NAM Backup story, with Michael Golden art);

#7 (STAZ New UK Only Cover art; The 'NAM Backup story, with Michael Golden art);

#8 (New UK Only Painted Cover art; The 'NAM Backup story, with Michael Golden art; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on BACK cover);

#9 (New UK Only Painted Cover art; The 'NAM Backup story, with Michael Golden art);

#10 (October 7/1989; Painted Cover; The 'NAM Backup story, with Michael Golden art; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on cover);


Lot Weight = 590 Grams;


PUNISHER #11-20 Marvel Comics UK British magazines 1989 New Cover Art Scarce VF = $119.00


PUNISHER (Marvel Comics UK Ltd; UK / British magazines; #11-15 = 40 Pages; #16-20 = 32 Pages)

#11 (October 14/1989; New UK Only Painted Cover);

#12 (New UK Only Cover art);

#13 (New UK Only Painted Cover-a; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on upper left cover);

#14 (New UK Only Cover art; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on BACK cover);

#15 (New UK Only Painted Cover-a; Daredevil vs Punisher battle cover; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on Title Logo border);

#16 (New UK Only Painted Cover art; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on “P” in Title on cover);

#17 (Kev O'Neill New UK Only Cover art; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on “P” in Title on cover);

#18 (New UK Only Painted Cover art; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on lower right cover);

#19 (New UK Only Painted Cover art by Chiodo);

#20 (December 16/1989; DAREDEVIL Bursting thru Punisher Logo cover);


PUNISHER 1987-1995 Marvel Portacio Daredevil Kingpin Netflix TV #1-10 VG/FN

PUNISHER  (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1987-1995 First On-Going Series; Original USA Color Comics); 

ARTISTS: Portacio/Williams-c/a=8-10; *** Highlights INCLUDE; 

#1(7/1987); #8(Portacio/Williams-c/a begins); #9(Scarcer, low distribution; Ninja-c/s);  #10(Punisher vs Daredevil-c/s);

SET of #1-10  [VG/FN, 5.0 Average Grade] = $69.00 for the Lot; 


PUNISHER 1987-1995 Marvel Portacio Daredevil Kingpin Netflix TV #2-20 

PUNISHER  (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1987-1995 First On-Going Series; Original USA Color Comics); 

ARTISTS: Portacio/Williams-c/a=8-10; *** Highlights INCLUDE; 

#1(7/1987); #8(Portacio/Williams-c/a begins); #9(Scarcer, low distribution; Ninja-c/s);  #10(Punisher vs Daredevil-c/s);

ARTISTS: Eric Larsen-c/a=21-25; Russ Heath-a=26, 27; Heath-c=26, 27; Williamson-a=25, 

*** Highlights INCLUDE; #1(7/1987); #21(Boxing-c/s); #22(Ninja Training Camp); #24(1st app Shadowmasters);

#25(52 page Giant; 2nd app Shadowmasters); #28-29(Doctor Doom, Kingpin / Acts of Vengeance); #30(Holy War);

#31(Biker Bloodbath); #33-34(Reavers); #35-40(6-Part Jigsaw Puzzle with Jigsaw app);

SET of #2-20  [VF average grade; grades varied from FN/VF to VF+ )  = $99.00 for the Lot; 


PUNISHER 1987-1995 Marvel JIGSAW Dr Doom Larsen Heath Netflix TV #21-40 VF 8.0

PUNISHER  (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1987-1995 First On-Going Series; Original USA Color Comics); 

ARTISTS: Eric Larsen-c/a=21-25; Russ Heath-a=26, 27; Heath-c=26, 27; Williamson-a=25, 

*** Highlights INCLUDE; #1(7/1987); #21(Boxing-c/s); #22(Ninja Training Camp); #24(1st app Shadowmasters);

#25(52 page Giant; 2nd app Shadowmasters); #28-29(Doctor Doom, Kingpin / Acts of Vengeance); #30(Holy War);

#31(Biker Bloodbath); #33-34(Reavers); #35-40(6-Part Jigsaw Puzzle with Jigsaw app);

VERY FINE, 8.0 = $49.00; 


PUNISHER 1987-1995 Marvel BLACK Skin Desert Storm Luke Cage Netflix TV #41-60 VF

PUNISHER  (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1987-1995 First On-Going Series; Original USA Color Comics); 

ARTISTS: Austin-c=47, 48; Michael Golden-c=50; Quesada-c=56; Williamson-a=60; 

*** Highlights INCLUDE; #1(7/1987); #43(Offensive Driving issue - Mexico's Slaughter-Bahn); #47-48(Desert Storm);

 #50(52 page Giant); #51(Chinatown); #52(Maternity War); #53-59(7-Part Punisher the FINAL DAYS);

#57(Photo-c; comes with Two Covers); #58(Painted-c);

#59(Punisher injured & has skin grafts with BLACK skin);

#60(Luke Cage / Power Man; Punisher with BLACK SKIN Storyline);

VERY FINE, 8.0 = $49.00; 


PUNISHER 1987-1995 Marvel BLACK Skin Eurohit Luke Cage Netflix TV #61-80 VF

PUNISHER  (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1987-1995 First On-Going Series; Original USA Color Comics); 

ARTISTS: Quesada-c=62; Williamson-a=61-62i, 64-70, 74, Williamson-c=62, 65-68;

 *** Highlights INCLUDE; #61-62(Luke Cage; Punisher with BLACK SKIN Storyline); #62(Punisher white skin returns); #64-70(7-Part "Eurohit"-s);

 #68-70(Tarantula-c/s); #73-75(3-Part "Police Action"-s #75(2/1993; 52 page Giant; Embossed Black-c with silver foil);

VERY FINE, 8.0 = $59.00; 


PUNISHER 1987-1995 Marvel comics #81-99 Low Print & SCARCE issues VF = $119.00;

PUNISHER (Marvel Comics 1995-1997) #1-16 VF = $ASK.00;

PUNISHER (Marvel KNIGHTS Comics 2001-2004) #1-20 VF = $ASK.00;

PUNISHER Marvel Comics 2001 #21-37 VF = $ASK.00;

PUNISHER 2014-2015 Marvel All-New NOW Edmondson Gerads #1-20, Annual #1 VF/NM = $49.00 for the LOT

PUNISHER: ARMORY Marvel Comics (1990-1994; low print) #1-9 VF = $99.00;

PUNISHER 2099 Marvel Comics 1993 #1-20 VF = $ASK.00;

PUNISHER 2099 Marvel Comics 1993 #21-34 VF = $ASK.00;

PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL 1988-1995 #1-20 WOLVERINE Jim Lee VF = $99.00;

PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL 1988-1995 Marvel Comics #21-40 VF = $59.00

PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL 1988-1995 Marvel comics #41-60 VF = $59.00;

PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL 1988-1995 Marvel #61-78 LOW Print Runs & Scarcer VF set SALE = $99.00;

PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL Marvel Comics 2006 #10-26 VF = $ASK.00;

PUNISHER WAR ZONE 1992-1995 Marvel Comics #1-20 VF = $69.00;

PUNISHER WAR ZONE 1992-1995 Marvel Comics #21-41 VF set SALE = $99.00 (#31-41 = LOW Print & Scarcer)

QUASAR 1989-1994; Marvel Comics #1-25 VF = $75.00

QUASAR 1989-1994 Marvel Thanos Infinity X-Men Avengers Watcher Punisher 26-50 VF = $99.00

QUICKSILVER 1997-1998 Marvel Comics #1-13 Magneto VF = $29.00 (#11-13 = LOW PRINT)

RAMPAGING HULK Marvel Comics 1998 #1-6 VF = $29.00;(weight = 345 grams)

Rampaging HULK 1977-1978 X-Men Man-Thing Avengers Bloodstone Namor Starlin #1-9 magazines GRADE = VG/FN average (varied from VG to FINE) set SALE = $159.00

(870 GRAMS)

#1 (1/1977; Krylorian Conspiracy" = Moench-s, with Walt Simonson & Alcala art = 38 pgs, with ORIGIN Hulk, Gargoyle, UFO Invasion & Alien story; Bloodstone story by John
Warner, with JOHN BUSCEMA & Rudy Nebres art = 19 pages; Ken Barr-c);

#2 (4/1977; Origin New & Old X-Men; ** "And then...The X-MEN" = Moench-s, with Walt Simonson & Alcala art = 33 pgs, with ORIGINAL "OLD" X-MEN TEAM, the Gargoyle, & Alien story; Bloodstone story by John Warner, with Bob Brown & Rudy Nebres art = 17 pages; Ken Barr cover art; "X-MEN X-POSE" = New text article by Ralph Macchio, with EARLY NEW X-MEN & illustrtions by Cockrum = 5 pages);

#3 (6/1977; "Return of the Metal Master" = Moench-s, with Walt Simonson & Alcala art = 32 pages, with the Metal Master, the Gargoyle, & Alien / Krylorian story; Bloodstone story
by John Warner, with Sal Buscema & Rudy Nebres art = 21 page story, with a IRON MAN appearance X-Over; Norem Cover art);

#4 (8/1977; "Trial by Sorcery" = Moench script, with JIM STARLIN plot & pencils & ALEX NINO inks & finishing = 30 page story; HULK pinup from FF Annual #1 by KIRBY;
Gallery of Villians = New art & Bio's, by Keith Giffen & David Kraft = 5 pages; Bloodstone story by John Warner, with Val Mayerik & Sonny Trinidad art = 18 page story, with an IRON MAN cameo appearance; Nice JIM STARLIN cover art);

#5 (10/1977; "LO! The Sub-Mariner strikes!" = Moench script, with Keith Pollard pencils & Alcala inks & finishing = 35 page HULK vs SUB-MARINER Battle cover & story, Part-1 of 2; HULK pinup from TTA #67 by KIRBY; Bloodstone story by John Warner, with Val Mayerik & Bob Wiacek art = 19 page story; Nice JIM STARLIN cover art;

#6 (12/1977; "Duel in the dark depths!" = Moench script, with Keith Pollard & Tony DeZuniga art = 36 page HULK vs SUB-MARINER Battle cover & story, Part-2 of 2; Bloodstone story by John Warner, with Kupperberg & Trinidad art = 18 page story; Ken Barr cover art);

#7 (2/1978; "Night of the Soul Stealer / Wraith!" = Moench script, with Keith Pollard & Jim Mooney = 32 page story, with woman in BONDAGE panels; New MAN-THING SOLO story
"Among the great divide" = Steve Gerber story with JIM STARLIN & Wiacek art = 24 page story; JIM STARLIN cover art);

#8 (4/1978; "A Gathering of Doom!" = Moench script, with Herb Trimpe & Alcala art = 32 page story, with UFO's, Alien invaders, Original AVENGERS Team, with Ant Man, IRON
MAN, THOR, set in the 1960's story; KEN BARR cover art; Hulk vs Thor Pinup by Terry Austin; Gallery of Villains = NEW Bio's & ART by David Kraft & GEORGE PEREZ = 5 pages, with Silver Surfer; Bloodstone = Steve Gerber story, with Kupperberg, Santiago & Mesina art = 19 pages);

#9 [6/1978; "To Avenge the Earth!" = Moench script, with Sal Buscema & Mesina art = 32 page story, with final showdown Krylorian Conspiracy (UFO's, Alien invaders), Original
AVENGERS Team, with Ant Man, Wasp, IRON MAN, THOR, set in the 1960's story; Includes HULK BATTLES, versus; Iron Man, Thor & AVENGERS; ** NOREM cover art; ** SHANNA the She-Devil Art Pinup Portfolio = NICE Good Girl Art by Tony de Zuniga = 4 pages; SHANNA Solo story = Steve Gerber story, with Tony DeZuniga art = 18 pages, of VERY SEXY Good Girl Art, includes Bondage, VERY skimpy clothing & more; LAST ISSUE in B&W series, before title change];


Rampaging HULK 1977-1978 X-Men Man-Thing Avengers Bloodstone Namor Starlin #1-9 magazines GRADE = G/VG average (Varied from GOOD to Very Good) set SALE = $119.00

(870 grams)

#1 (1/1977; Krylorian Conspiracy" = Moench-s, with Walt Simonson & Alcala art = 38 pgs, with ORIGIN Hulk, Gargoyle, UFO Invasion & Alien story; Bloodstone story by John
Warner, with JOHN BUSCEMA & Rudy Nebres art = 19 pages; Ken Barr-c);

#2 (4/1977; Origin New & Old X-Men; ** "And then...The X-MEN" = Moench-s, with Walt Simonson & Alcala art = 33 pgs, with ORIGINAL "OLD" X-MEN TEAM, the Gargoyle, & Alien story; Bloodstone story by John Warner, with Bob Brown & Rudy Nebres art = 17 pages; Ken Barr cover art; "X-MEN X-POSE" = New text article by Ralph Macchio, with EARLY NEW X-MEN & illustrtions by Cockrum = 5 pages);

#3 (6/1977; "Return of the Metal Master" = Moench-s, with Walt Simonson & Alcala art = 32 pages, with the Metal Master, the Gargoyle, & Alien / Krylorian story; Bloodstone story
by John Warner, with Sal Buscema & Rudy Nebres art = 21 page story, with a IRON MAN appearance X-Over; Norem Cover art);

#4 (8/1977; "Trial by Sorcery" = Moench script, with JIM STARLIN plot & pencils & ALEX NINO inks & finishing = 30 page story; HULK pinup from FF Annual #1 by KIRBY;
Gallery of Villians = New art & Bio's, by Keith Giffen & David Kraft = 5 pages; Bloodstone story by John Warner, with Val Mayerik & Sonny Trinidad art = 18 page story, with an IRON MAN cameo appearance; Nice JIM STARLIN cover art);

#5 (10/1977; "LO! The Sub-Mariner strikes!" = Moench script, with Keith Pollard pencils & Alcala inks & finishing = 35 page HULK vs SUB-MARINER Battle cover & story, Part-1 of 2; HULK pinup from TTA #67 by KIRBY; Bloodstone story by John Warner, with Val Mayerik & Bob Wiacek art = 19 page story; Nice JIM STARLIN cover art;

#6 (12/1977; "Duel in the dark depths!" = Moench script, with Keith Pollard & Tony DeZuniga art = 36 page HULK vs SUB-MARINER Battle cover & story, Part-2 of 2; Bloodstone story by John Warner, with Kupperberg & Trinidad art = 18 page story; Ken Barr cover art);

#7 (2/1978; "Night of the Soul Stealer / Wraith!" = Moench script, with Keith Pollard & Jim Mooney = 32 page story, with woman in BONDAGE panels; New MAN-THING SOLO story
"Among the great divide" = Steve Gerber story with JIM STARLIN & Wiacek art = 24 page story; JIM STARLIN cover art);

#8 (4/1978; "A Gathering of Doom!" = Moench script, with Herb Trimpe & Alcala art = 32 page story, with UFO's, Alien invaders, Original AVENGERS Team, with Ant Man, IRON
MAN, THOR, set in the 1960's story; KEN BARR cover art; Hulk vs Thor Pinup by Terry Austin; Gallery of Villains = NEW Bio's & ART by David Kraft & GEORGE PEREZ = 5 pages, with Silver Surfer; Bloodstone = Steve Gerber story, with Kupperberg, Santiago & Mesina art = 19 pages);

#9 [6/1978; "To Avenge the Earth!" = Moench script, with Sal Buscema & Mesina art = 32 page story, with final showdown Krylorian Conspiracy (UFO's, Alien invaders), Original
AVENGERS Team, with Ant Man, Wasp, IRON MAN, THOR, set in the 1960's story; Includes HULK BATTLES, versus; Iron Man, Thor & AVENGERS; ** NOREM cover art; ** SHANNA the She-Devil Art Pinup Portfolio = NICE Good Girl Art by Tony de Zuniga = 4 pages; SHANNA Solo story = Steve Gerber story, with Tony DeZuniga art = 18 pages, of VERY SEXY Good Girl Art, includes Bondage, VERY skimpy clothing & more; LAST ISSUE in B&W series, before title change];

RAVAGE 2099 Marvel comics 1992-1995 #1-20 VF = $59.00

RAWHIDE KID 1960-1979 Marvel Western Comics #111-130 VG/FN = $99.00

RED SONJA 1977-1979 Marvel Comics V1 #1-15 VF = $149.00 [Volume-1; 1st Series; 1/1977 thru 5/1979; Marvel; classic GGA {Good Girl Art} by Frank Thorne];

RED SONJA V2 #1-2, V3 #1-13, Movie #1-2 Marvel Comics VF= $79.00;
RED SONJA, She-Devil with a Sword (Marvel; 2-3/1983; 2nd Series; Limited / Mini Series; based on the Robert E. Howard characters; Volume-2);

Volume-2 #1(2/1983; Skeleton-c); Volume-2 #2(3/1983);

RED SONJA, She-Devil with a Sword (Marvel; 3rd Series, Volume- 3; 8/1983-1986; based on the Robert E. Howard characters);
Volume-3 #1-4 (all are 52 page GIANTS); Volume-3 #5(1/1985; Broderick-c/a; vs Octopus-c);

Volume-3 #6(2/1985; Broderick-c/a); Volume-3 #7(3/1985; Nebres-c) Volume-3 #8-12, 13(51986);

RED SONJA – The MOVIE (Marvel; 11-12/1985; Limited / Mini Series; based on the Robert E. Howard characters); #1(11/1985; Conan-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $3); #2(12/1985);

RED WOLF 1972-1973 Marvel Western Comics #1-9 VG/FN = $69.00

REN and STIMPY SHOW 1992-1996 Marvel Comics #1-25 VF = $99.00
REN and STIMPY SHOW 1992-1996 Marvel Comics #26-44 Low Print VF = $125.00

RINGO KID 1970-1976 Marvel Western Comics #1-15 VG/FN = $119.00

RISE OF THE MIDNIGHT SONS Marvel Comics #6 Different Issues - VF = $ASK.00;

ROBOCOP 1990-1992 Marvel Comics #1-23 = $59.00


ROM the Spaceknight 1979-1986 Marvel comics #1-15 FN average ( varied VG TO FN/VF) = $115.00 weight = 664 grams

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); *** Based on the Parker Brothers famous Toys; ALL-NEW original Comics Stories, a MUST for fans of these Classic toys; Bill Manlo stories & Sal Buscema art in early issues; Great Michael GOLDEN cover art on #7-12; #3= Terry Austin-c; FRANK MILLER cover pencils on #3, & possibly #2; *** Highlights INCLUDE; #1 = Origin & 1st app ROM in comics; #2=Lethal Laserium; #3= Firefall & the Wraith Horde; #13= Saga of the Space Knights begins; #4=Firefall; #5= Doctor Strange; #6= Hell Hound of the Black Nebula; #7=DEATH of Rom? #8= Deathwing; #9= Serpentyne; #10=Washington; #12=Jack of Hearts; #13= Plunderer; #14= Thinker & awesome android; #15= Wedding of Brandy Clark & Steve Jackson;


ROM the Spaceknight 1979-1986 Marvel comics #16-30 FN average (varied VG to FN/VF) = $79.00 weight = 660 grams

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); *** Based on the Parker Brothers famous Toys; ALL-NEW original Comics Stories, a MUST for fans of these Classic toys; Bill Manlo stories & Sal Buscema art in early issues; Great Michael GOLDEN cover art on #19; #16= Watchwraith; #18= Simonson /Austin cover; #17,18= FRANK MILLER cover pencils; #17,18 = NEW X-MEN, with WOLVERINE cover & story; #19= X-Men cameo, Space Phantom-c/s; #20= Star Warriors; #21,22,28,30= Torpedo; #22= Ravaging Rocketeers; #23= Powerman & Ironfist app, short app FANTASTIC FOUR; #24= NOVA & the New Champions, Skrulls; #25= GIANT Double-Size issue, with 2 ROM's;#26,27= GALACTUS cover & story; #28,29= Death & funeral Starshine; #29= Moleman; #30= Silver Spiders;



ROM the Spaceknight (1979-1986 Marvel comics) #31-45 FN/VF average (Varied FN to VF) = $79.00 weight = 665 grams

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); *** Based on the Parker Brothers famous Toys; ALL-NEW original Comics Stories, a MUST for fans of these Classic toys; *** Highlights INCLUDE;#31,32= Brothergood of Evil Mutants; #32= X-MEN cameo; #33= Hound of Hell; #34,35= NAMOR the SUB-MARINER; #36= Wraiths; #38,39= Shang Chi, Master of Kung Fu, Egypt Mummy story with Gene Day cover art; Torpedo app in several assorted issue; #41,42= Doctor Strange app; 41=Severin-a; #43= Starshine begins again; ROM becomes HUMAN; #44,45= Gremlin; #45= Super Soviet Soldiers;


ROM the Spaceknight (1979-1986 Marvel comics) #46-60 FN average (Varied VG to VF) = $79.00 weight = 660 grams

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); *** Based on the Parker Brothers famous Toys; ALL-NEW original Comics Stories, a MUST for fans of these Classic toys; *** Highlights INCLUDE;

Bill Sienkiewicz cover art=46, 47,52-54,68,71, Annual#2-3; #47-49= Dire Wraiths; #50(52 page GIANT; Skrulls app, Zeck cover art; 6 Pages of new art Pinups, by Richard Konkle; 1 page Rom & Brandy parody, with Terry Austin art);#51-=Starshine; 56-57=Alpha Flight; 57=Sasquatch; 56-57=BYRNE-c; 58=Antman-c/s; 59-60= Steve DITKO art; Guice-c=55,58,


ROM the Spaceknight 1979-1986 Marvel comics #61-75 FN/VF, except #61(GVG), 65 (Water damaged FA/GD), #73(VGFN), 75(FN) = $89.00

weight = 650 grams

(Marvel Pub – Original USA Color Comics); *** Based on the Parker Brothers famous Toys; ALL-NEW original Comics Stories, a MUST for fans of these Classic toys; *** Highlights INCLUDE; #61-75= Steve DITKO art; 61(GUICE art; Wraith Realm-c/s); Guice-c=70; 65=West Coast Avengers & Beta Ray Bill app; Craig RUSSELL art=64,65,67,69,71,75; 65-66= X-MEN app; 72= Secret Wars II; 74=JOHN BYRNE-c/a; #75(2/1986; Lower Print Run & SCARCER LAST issue); #70-75 = LOWER Print & Scarcer issues;


SAGA OF CRYSTAR the CRYSTAL WARRIOR 1983-1985 Marvel Comics Remco #1-11 VF set SALE = $ASK.00

(weight = 550 grams)

[1983-1985; Marvel Comics; Remco TOY Tie-In) #1=Baxter Paper; #3 = Dr Strange app; #6 = Nightcrawler of X-MEN appears; #11 = Alpha Flight app; #3-11 = great Mike / Michael GOLDEN cover art]
SAGA of the SUB-MARINER 1988-1989 Marvel Comics #1-12 VF = $29.00 (Marvel Comics Mini / Limited Series; #9 = Original X-MEN appear)

ST. GEORGE: A SHADOW SAGA Marvel Comics 1988 #1-8 VF = $ASK.00;

Savage SHE-HULK (Marvel comics 1980-1982) Origin 1st Jennifer Walters #2-25

VF average grades varied from FN/VF to VF+) Except #24(VGFN), 25(FN)

 Price For the LOT  = $299.00 (1040 grams)

SAVAGE SHE-HULK (Marvel Comics Pub; 1980-1982);

** One of the Most Important FEMALE Super-Heroines of the Bronze Age; Created by STAN LEE;

** Wikipedia = "She-Hulk has been a member of the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, Heroes for Hire, the Defenders, Fantastic Force, and S.H.I.E.L.D. A highly skilledlawyer, she has served as legal counsel to various superheroes on numerous occasions);


#6 (7/1980; She-Hulk vs IRON MAN battle cover & story);


#8 (She-Hulk vs MAN-THING battle cover & story; Classic MIKE GOLDEN cover art);

#9 (Classic MIKE GOLDEN cover art);

#10 (She-Hulk vs Ultima, Girl-Fight cover & story; Classic MIKE GOLDEN cover art);

#11 (Classic MIKE GOLDEN cover art);

#12 (1/1981; MORBIUS app; Gemini-c/s);

#13 (MAN-WOLF-c/s; Hellcat app);

#14 (MAN-WOLF & Hellcat-c/s);

#15 (Fame, Dahlia & diabetes-s);

#16 (Zapping of the She-Hulk; Zapper app);


#18 (7/1981; Grappler-c/s);

#19 (Designer Genes);

#20 (To Stay the She-Hulk);

#21 (She-Hulk vs Seeker in Arena-c/s);

#22 (Radius-c/s = GD/VG);

#23 (12/1981; Shade's assassin Torque-c/s; Terry Austin & Vosburg = GGGA / GREEN GOOD GIRL Art Cover);

#24 (1/1982; Day the Planet Screamed-c/s; Terry Austin & Vosburg = GGGA / GREEN GOOD GIRL Art Cover);;

#25 (2/1982; Double-Size GIANT, SCARCER LAST issue; Terry Austin & Vosburg = GGGA / GREEN GOOD GIRL Art Cover);


SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN (1974-1995 Marvel Comic B&W Magazines)

#31-40 FN/VF set Sale = $89.00 for the Lot

#41-50 FN/VF set Sale = SOLD OUT

#51-60 FN/VF set Sale = $69.00 for the Lot

#61-70 FN/VF set Sale = $69 00 for the Lot

#71-80 FN/VF set Sale = $69.00 for the Lot

#81-90 FN/VF set Sale = $69.00 for the Lot

#91-100 FN/VF set Sale = $69.00 for the Lot

#101-110 FN/VF set Sale = $59.00 for the Lot

#111-120 FN/VF set Sale = $59.00 for the Lot

#121-130 FN/VF set Sale = $59.00 for the Lot

#131-140 Varied from FN thru VF (FN/VF) average $59.00 for the Lot

#141-150 FN/VF set Sale = $59.00 for the Lot

#151-160 FN/VF set Sale = $59.00 for the Lot

#161-170 FN/VF set Sale = $59.00 for the Lot

#171-180 FN/VF set Sale = $59.00 for the Lot

#181-190 FN/VF set Sale = $69.00 for the Lot

#191-200 FN/VF set Sale = $69.00 for the Lot

#201-210 FN/VF set Sale = $79.00 for the Lot


SECRET AVENGERS Marvel Comics 2010 #1-10 VF = $ASK.00;

SECRET AVENGERS Marvel Comics July/2010 #1-21; 12.1; 21.1; VF = $ASK.00;

SECRET DEFENDERS 1993-1995 #1-25 Thanos Deadpool Hulk Wolverine Silver Surfer VF = $89.00
(#15-25 = LOW PRINT runs & SCARCER issues); /// #1[1st app new Team, the SECRET DEFENDERS with Darkhawk, Dr. Strange, Nomad (Jack Monroe), Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter), & Wolverine]; #4(Punisher, Sleepwalker, Namorita); #5(Roadkill, Namorita, Sleepwalker, Punisher); #6-7(Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, Captain America); #9-10(New SECRET DEFENDERS team = Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Thunderstrike, & War Machine); #11(Northstar, Nova, HULK); #12-13(THANOS); 14(Dr. Druid, Silver Surfer); #15-17(DEADPOOL, Dr. Druid, Luke Cage Power Man, Shadowoman, & Malachi); #18(Giant Man, Iron Fist); #19(X-MEN, Archangel, Cadaver, Iceman, Giant-Man, Iron Fist, Dr. Druid, Shadowoman, Swarm); #23(Deathlok, Drax, Cloak & Dagger); #24(Secret Defenders vs Defenders battle, with HULK & Silver Surfer); #25(Scarcer LAST issue)

SECRET INVASION Marvel Comics 2008 #1-8 VF = $29.00;

SECRET WARS II 1985-1986 Marvel Comics #1-9 VF = $59.00

SECRET WARS II (Marvel Comics Pub ; 1985-1986; 2nd Limited / Mini Series; *** X-MEN, SPIDER-MAN and Many Major Heroes & TEAMS appear in this Big Crossover EVENT) =

SECTAURS Marvel Comics 1985 #1-8 VF = $ASK.00;

SEMPER FI 1988-1989 Marvel Marine Corps WAR Comics #1-9 Kubert John Severin FN/VF set, except #6(VGFN) = $49.00
Art by Andy Kubert John Severin; [#7,8,9 = Low Print Runs & SCARCER issues] Marine Corps WAR Comics

Sensational SPIDER-MAN Marvel Comics 1996 #0,1-20 VF = $ASK.00;

Sensational SPIDER-MAN Marvel Comics 1996 #21-33; ANNUAL 1996; VF = $ASK.00;

SENTINEL 2003-2004 Marvel Comics #1-12 ROBOT Sean McKeever Udon VF = $29.00
Sci-Fi series about a Teenage Boy & his Giant SENTINEL ROBOT.
Sean McKeever-s; Udon-a; #1-6 = SALVAGE; #7-9 = NO HERO; #10-12 = AWAKENING;

SGT. FURY His Howling Commandos (Marvel WAR Comics; 1963-1981) #131-150 VG = $ASK.00

Shadowline Saga: A CRITICAL MASS 1990; Epic Marvel Comics #1-7 VF = $25.00

(Mini / Limited Series; Cover price $4.95 each; 68 page Prestige Format Squarebound Giants; #7= 84 Pages; Dr Zero, Powerline & St George)

SHE-HULK (2014 ; Marvel)Soule, Pulido, Vicente #1 – 7 VF/NM $ASK.00

SHOGUN WARRIORS (1979-1980 Marvel Comics)  #1-20 VF average (Varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $149.00 weight = 850 grams

[Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); Manga Japanese Animation ROBOT Toys; ** Complete Consecutive issue SET of #1-20 (the complete 2/1979 thru 9/1980 run); SHOGUN WARRIORS, Complete Set of #1 thru #20 (2/79-9/80; Marvel Pub; Color Comics) GIANT ROBOT'S "Invincible Guardians of World Freedom"; >>> With 1st appearances, in comics, of; Combatra (Hiromi Pro/Toei), Dangard Ace (Reiji Matusumoto/TOEI Animation), Raydeen (Tohokushinsha), based on the Classic JAPANESE Animation characters, and the USA Mattel Inc TOYS; >> INCLUDES; #1-14,16-20 = Doug Moench stories, Herb TRIMPE art; #1 = UFO story; #2, 3 = Lord Maurkon & Elementals of Evil, with Rok-Korr; #4,5 = MECH-Monster; #6 = Shogun vs Shogun; #7,8 = Cerberus; #9 = Starchild; #10,11 = Five Heads of Doom; #11=AUSTIN cover; #12, 13 = Meteor & Moon Menace; #12=SIMONSON cover; #14, 16 = Doctor Demonicus; #15 = renegade Raydeen; #17 = Juggernaut; #18 = Megatron, Chaos wars; #19, 20= Fantastic Four covers & appearances; #20(9/1980; LAST issue); >>> Giant Robots, Cool battles & GREAT FUN series; (If you love Godzilla or Transformers, you will likely LOVE this series); *** This is the Complete Consecutive issue Run of 20 different comics];

SIEGE OF DARKNESS Marvel Comics # 18 Various issues; VF = $ASK.00;

SILVER SABLE and the Wild Pack 1992-1995 #1-22 VF set SALE = $79.00 (950 grams)

SILVER SURFER (Marvel comics pub; 1987-1998) #1-20 VF = $119.00;

SILVER SURFER (Marvel comics pub; 1987-1998) #61-80 VF = $99.00;

SILVER SURFER Marvel Comics 2003 #1-12 VF = $ASK.00;

SISTERHOOD OF STEEL Marvel Comics 1984 #1-8 VF = $ASK.00;

1602:MARVEL 1602 Marvel Comics 2003 #1-8 VF = $ASK.00;

SLEEPWALKER 1991-1994 Spider-Man Infinity Gauntlet SECRET WARS 1st app 1-20 VF = $75.00

SLEEPWALKER (1991-1994; Marvel Comics Pub; BRET BLEVINS art in Most issues; Bob Budiansky-s);

#1(6/1991; First appearance of the Original SLEEPWALKER, a member of the Sleepwalker Race & Continuity; Rick Sheridan is the Host of Sleepwalker Dreams; Bob Budiansky-s; Bret Blevins-c/a; SLEEPWALKER is an early Part of the HUGE new 2015 SECRET WARS crossover event; #2= 1st Appearance of 8-Ball-c/s; #3= X-Men, Avengers & Fantastic Four cover & cameo; #4= Al Williamson inks; #5= Sleepwalker vs Spider-Manbattle-c/s; #6= Spider-Man-c/s; #5,6 = Kingpin appears; #7 = Infinity Gauntlet; #8 = Sleepwalker vs Deathlok battle-c/s; #9= Lullaby-c/s; #10; #11= Ghost Rider-c/s; #12 = Sleepwalker vs Nightmare battle-c/s; #13, 14= 1st Appearance of Spectra; #13-16 = Color Blindness; #14= Quesada-c/a; 14= 1st app Spectra; #15= the New Fantastic Four?-c/s; #17= Darkhawk & Spider-Man app; #18= Infinity War, Williamson cover; #19 = Die-Cut MASK cover; #20 = 1/1993);

SLINGERS 1998-1999 Marvel Comics #1-12 VF = $22.00

SOLDIER X 2002-2003 Marvel Comics #1-12 VF = $22.00

SOLO AVENGERS (1987-1989 Marvel) Black Widow Moon Knight HAWKEYE Jim Lee 1-20 VF = $49.00

SON OF SATAN Marvel Comics 1975 #1-8 VF = $ASK.00;

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #1-10 FN/VF set SALE = US$99.00 

* Complete Consecutive issue Run; > Spider-Man is Marvel's #1 All-Time MOST important Single Character; *** ARTISTS; Ross ANDRU-a=6; Paul GULACY-c=8; Mooney-a=7; George PEREZ-c=10; ** INCLUDES; #1(12/1976; Origin Spider-Man; Return of Tarantula-c/s); #2(Tarantula & KRAVEN the Hunter-c/s); #3(2/1977; 1st app Lightmaster); #4(Vulture-c/s); #5(Hitman & Vulture-c/s); #6(5/1977; Human Torch-c/app); #6-8(Morbius the Living Vampire-c/s); #8(Paul GULACY-c); #9(White Tiger); #10(George PEREZ-c; White Tiger);

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #11-20 FN/VF = US$69.00

** Complete Consecutive issue Run; > Spider-Man is Marvel's #1 All-Time MOST important Single Character; *** ARTISTS; John BYRNE-c=17; Mooney-a=11; ** INCLUDES; #11(Medusa-c/s); #12(11/1977; Brother Poer & Sister Sun-c/s); #13-15(Razorback-c/s); #14(Hate-Monger-c/s); #16(Beetle-c/s); #17(BYRNE-c; Angel & Iceman from Champions app); #18(Ice Man & Angel of Champions, former X-Men-c/s); #19(Enforcers); #20(Lightmaster; 7/1978); ** Most are UN-READ Original Warehouse copies, with minor shelfwear;

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #41-60 VF = $79.00

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #101-106.108-120 Sabretooth VF = US$59.00

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #121-140 VF = US$59.00

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #141-160 (Punisher, Tombstone, Inferno, Carrion, Puma, Elektro, Cosmic Spidy) VF = $69.00

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #161-180 (Hobgoblin, Puma, Carrion, Beetle, Knight & Fogg, Avengers, Outlaws, Dr Octopus, Corona, Vermin, Green Goblin) = $69.00

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #181-200 Green Goblin VF = $59.00

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #201-220 Venom Carnage VF = $59.00

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (1976-1998 Peter Parker) #221-240 VF = $59.00

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Pub; 1976-1998); #241-260 (Low Print & Scarcer) VF = $79.00

Spectacular SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL 1976-1998 Peter Parker #1-14 VF = $45.00;

SPIDER-GIRL 1998-2006 Marvel Comics #0, 1-20 Spider-Man VENOM Kaine Green Goblin VF = $99.00 weight = 1120 grams

Tom DeFalco-s; Pat Olliffe & Al Williamson-a; // #3( Fantastic Four) #4(Dragon King); #5(VENOM); #6(1st Ladyhawk); #7(Daredevil, Nova); #9(1st Killerwatt; Spider-Man, & Daredevil) #10(Spider-Man) #11(Spider-Girl vs Spider-Man); #13(American Dream, J2, Stinger, Mainframe); #14(Kaine); #15(Kaine, Mayday Parker); #16(Stinger & Ladyhawk); #17(Spider-Man & Kaine); #18(Buzz & Raptor); #20(Green Goblin);

SPIDER-GIRL 1998-2006 Marvel Comics #21-40 New Spider-Man Green Goblin Canis VF = $69.00

weight = 940 grams

Tom DeFalco-s; Pat Olliffe & Al Williamson-a; // #21(Earthshaker, Golden Goblin, Ladyhawk); #22(Darkdevil, Buzz & Funny Face); #23(Ladyhawk, Darkdevil); #24(Iron Fist & Dragonfist); #25(52 page Giant; Savage Six, Mayday, Mr. Abnormal, Killerwatt, Dragon King, Sabreclaw, Raptor & Funny Face); #27(Green Goblin); #29(Nova); #30(New Avengers & Buzz); #32(Steel Spider, American Dream); #33(Spider-Girl vs Spider-Man battle-c/s); #34(Fantastic Five = Psi-Lord, Human Torch, Thing, Lyja & Big Brain; Mr. Nobody app); #35(Canis); #36(Canis & Kingpin); #37(Green Goblin, Kingpin, Canis; Mayday meets daughter of Black Cat); #38-39( Funny Face, Crazy Eight, & Green Goblin); #40(Death of New Spider-Man = Jessica Drew's son);

SPIDER-MAN ADVENTURES Marvel 1994-1996 Animated VENOM #8 gvg;  #1-7, 9,10-15 VF = $59.00

SPIDER-MAN ADVENTURES 1994-1996 Scorpion Octopus Hobgoblin Kraven #1-7, 11-15 VF = $49.00

SPIDER-MAN: CHAPTER ONE 1998-1999 Marvel Comics #0,1-12 VF = $29.00


SPIDER-MAN CLASSICS (1993-1994 Marvel Comics)  #1-8 VF = $29.00

Reprints include; Amazing Fantasy #15; Strange Tales 115 ; and Amazing Spider-Man #1-15; classic STEVE DITKO art

Chameleon Vulture Sandman Dr Doom lizard Fantastic Four Electro Kraven Green Goblin Kraven Enforcers Dr Octopus Mysterio 


SPIDER-MAN CLASSICS (1993-1994 Marvel Comics)  #1-9,11-16 FN/VF = $59.00

Reprints include; Amazing Fantasy #15; Strange Tales 115 ; and Amazing Spider-Man #1-15; classic STEVE DITKO art

Chameleon Vulture Sandman Dr Doom lizard Fantastic Four Electro Kraven Green Goblin Kraven Enforcers Dr Octopus Mysterio 

SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics 1990-1998) Classic Todd McFarlane #1-20 VF+ Lot = $149.00 (960 grams)

(Marvel Pub; 8/1990-11/1998 series; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); TODD McFARLANE Series; ** Complete Consecutive Run; >> Marvel's #1 All-Time MOST important Single Character; This is the Series that Blew artist TODD McFARLANE's popularity into the Stratosphere (He then went on the create SPAWN & McFarlane Toys); >>> ARTISTS; TODD McFARLANE-a= 1-16; McFARLANE-c=1-14; Erik LARSEN-c/a= 15, 18-20; 17=Leonardi/Williamson-c/a; Highlights INCLUDE; #1(Polybagged edition with Spider-Man face in UPC area; Green cover; #1-5= "Torment" withy LIZARD; #6,7=Ghost Rider & Hobgoblin app; #8-=Wolverine cameo; #9-12= "Perceptions" with Wolverine storyline; #10-11=Wendigo-c/s; #13-14=Morbius app, Spidey in black costume.;. 15=BEAST- c/s. 16=X-Force-c/s, Liefeld-a continues in X-Force #4; reads sideways; Juggernaut app; 17-Thanos=c/s; 18-Ghost Rider-c/s; 18-23= 6-Part Revenge of the Sinister Six-s; #19-HULK & Hobgoblin-c/app; 20= HULK, Nova & Solo; 

SPIDER-MAN 1990-1998 #21-40 Venom Carnage VF/NM = $59.00; (Marvel Pub; 8/1990-11/1998 series; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); *** Complete Consecutive Run; >> Marvel's #1 All-Time MOST important Single Character; >>> ARTISTS; Erik LARSEN-c/a= 21-23; Marshall ROGERS & Keith Williams-c/a= 27, 28; Highlights INCLUDE; #21-23= 6-Part Revenge of the Sinister Six-s; #19-HULK & Hobgoblin-c/app; 20= HULK, Nova & Solo; 20-22= Deathlok; 22,23-Ghost Rider, HULK, Hobgoblin; #23-Wrap-around gatefold-c; 24=Infinity War, Demogoblin & Hobgoblin-c/s; 24= Infinity War, Demogoblin new costume & battles Hobgoblin-c/s; . 25=Excalibur-c/s, Spider-Pheonix; 26(52 page Giant; Silver hologram on-c; Gatefold Spidy/Silver Surfer/Capt America poster by Ron Lim; Origin of Spider-Man); 27-28= Something about a GUN; 29-31= Return of the Mad Dog Ward; #32-34=Punisher-c/s; 35-37=Maximum Carnage X-over, with VENOM. Carnage, Hobgoblin, Shriek & Doppleganger; 38-40= 3-Part "Light the Night) with Electro=c/s; 

SPIDER-MAN 1990-1998 #41-60 VF/NM = $59.00; (Marvel Pub; 8/1990-11/1998 series; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); *** Complete Consecutive Run; >> Marvel's #1 All-Time MOST important Single Character; >>> Jae Lee-c/a=41-43. Highlights INCLUDE; 41-43=Iron Fist-c/s (Jae Lee-c/a); 42=Intro Platoon; 44=Hobgoblin; 46(Polybagged edition; Animation-style Print). #46-49 = 4-Part Beware the RAGE of a Desparate Man-s, with Demogoblin, Hobgoblin & Son of Kraven; #49= Intro Coldheart-c/s; #50(Collectors edition holographic-c; Grim Hunter, son of Kraven);

SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Pub; 1990-1998) #61-80 (#67 = Carnage) VF/NM = $69.00; (Marvel Pub; 8/1990-11/1998 series; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); ** Complete Consecutive Run; >> Marvel's #1 All-Time MOST important Single Character;

SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Pub; 1990-1998) #81-98 (Low Print & Scarcer issues; #98 = Scarce LAST issue) VF+ = $99.00; (Marvel Pub; 8/1990-11/1998 series; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); ** Complete Consecutive Run; >> Marvel's #1 All-Time MOST important Single Character; #81-97 = all LOW PRINT Runs & SCARCER issues; #98(Scarce LAST issue);

SPIDER-MAN: CHAPTER ONE 1998-1999 Octopus Kraven Goblin  Mysterio BYRNE #0,1-12

JOHN BYRNE Sandman Octopus Kraven Green Goblin Giant-Man Daredevil Electro Mysterio Human Torch Fantastic Four Vulture Lizard ** VERY FINE = $29.00 for the LOT

SPIDER-MAN COLLECTIBLE SERIES = Complete Set of #1-24 (New York Post Weekly Sunday newspaper inserts. --- Color Promotional / Giveaway Comics; 16 pages; News America Marketing Pub; Volume 1 thru 24 Reprints Amazing Fantasy #15 and Amazing Spider-Man #1-11; Series alternates Classic SA Covers, with New Modern Art versions of SA covers; Thin & Fragile thus SCARCE in better than VF);

>>>> (SET-A); #1(VF+); #2(VF+); #3(VF+); #4(VF+); #5(VF+); #6(VF); #7(VF); #8(FN/VF); #9(FN/VF); #10(VF); #11(VF); #12(VF); #13(FN/VF); #14(VF); #15(FN/VF); #16(FN/VF); #17(FN/VF); #18(VF); #19(FN/VF); #20(FN); #21(VG); #22(VF); #23(FN/VF); #24(VF); *** Complete Set of #1-24 = $79.00;

>>>> (SET-B); #1(VF); #2(VF); #3(VF); #4(VF); #5(FN/VF); #6(VF); #7(FN/VF); #8(FN/VF); #9(FN/VF); #10(FN/VF); #11(FN/VF); #12(FN/VF); #13(VG/FN); #14(FN/VF); #15(VG); #16(FN/VF); #17(FN/VF); #18(VF); #19(FN); #20(VG/FN); #21(VG); #22(VG); #23(VG/FN); #24(VG); *** Complete Set of #1-24 = $59.00;

>>>> (SET-C); #1(VF); #2(VF); #3(VF); #4(VF); #5(FN/VF); #6(VF); #7(FN/VF); #8(FN/VF); #9(FN/VF); #10(FN/VF); #11(FN/VF); #12(FN/VF); #13(VG/FN); #14(FN/VF); #15(VG); #16(FN/VF); #17(FN/VF); #18(VF); #19(FN); #20(VG/FN); #21(VG); #22(VG); #23(VG/FN); #24(VG);  *** Complete Set of #1-24 = US$59.00


SPIDER-MAN'S TANGLED WEB Marvel Comics 2001 #1-22 VF = $ASK.00;

SPIDER-MAN THE MANGA Marvel Comics 1997 #1-20 LOW PRINT VF = $89.00;

SPIDER-MAN TEAM-UP Marvel Comics 1995 #1-7 VF = $ASK.00;

SPIDER-MAN 2099 Marvel 1992-1996 #1-25 VF = $69.00;Rick Leonardi / Al Williamson art; Peter David stories;

SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED Marvel Comics 1993 #1-10 VF = $ASK.00;

SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED Marvel Comics 1993 #11-22 VF = $ASK.00;


SPIDER-WOMAN 1978-1983 Marvel ORIGIN Bondage Shroud Werewolf Spider-Man #1-25
VF average grade (Varied from FN/ VF to VF+ ) = $199.00

SPIDER-WOMAN (1978-1983; Marvel Comics Pub; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series; Jessica Drew);

#1 (4/1978; New complete ORIGIN of Jessica Drew as SPIDER-WOMAN with New Mask & First Solo series Begins; One of the Most Important Female Super-Heroines of the Entire BRONZE AGE of Comics; According to PeeltheOrange's sources, there might be a full NETFLIX TV series in 2018 of Jessica Drew SPIDER-WOMAN with Madame HYDRA as the main villain; A VERY Under-Valued KEY issue);

#2 (5/1978; First modern appearance of MORGAN LE FAY, the Witch Queen, & the Half-Faerie half-sister of the mythic ARTHUR; First Return since her appearance in the 1955 Black Knight Atlas series)

#3 (Brother Grimm-c/s); #4 (Spider-Woman in BONDAGE cover; Spider-Woman vs HANGMAN; BONDAGE Panels inside);

#5 (Spider-Woman vs HANGMAN; BONDAGE Panels inside);#6 (WEREWOLF by NIGHT cover & story; Spider-Woman in BONDAGE cover; Morgan Le Fay);

#7; #8 (Spider-Woman in BONDAGE cover & BONDAGE Panels inside); #9 (the Needle);

#10 (1/1979; FIRST appearance of Skein / Sybil Dvorak as GYPSY MOTH, later becomes SYBARITE; Her Team affiliations includes; Masters of Evil, Night Shift, Thunderbolts & Women Warriors); #11-12 (Brothers Grimm-c/s);

#13-15 (The SHROUD); #16 (KEKRA Priestess of Darkness); #17, 18

#19 (WEREWOLF by NIGHT and the Enforcer-c/s); #20 (SPIDER-MAN vs SPIDER-WOMAN battle cover & story);

#21 (Bounty Hunter); #22 (Severin-c; Killer Clown-c/s); #23 (Gamesman);#24; #25 (4/1980)

*** Condition of THIS SET is VERY FINE, 8.0 (Average Grade) and MANY are BETTER;

** Most are UN-READ Original Warehouse copies, Nearly New, minor shelfwear

** Complete Consecutive Run;

*** One of the Very Few successful Female Super-Heroes, that managed to last a notable amount of time;

>>> ARTISTS; Carmine INFANTINO=1-19; Layton-c=19; Sienkiewicz-c=16; Frank SPRINGER=20-22; Steve LEIALOHA-a= 25;

STORIES; Marv Wolfman-s=1-8; Mark Gruenwald-s=9-20; Michael FLEISHER-s=21-25;


SPIDER-WOMAN (1978-1983 Marvel comics)

Byrne Miller X-Men Tigra Kingpin 26-50 Death Jessica Drew

#26-50 FNVF set SALE = $139.00;

(Marvel Pub; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series; Jessica Drew); ** Complete Consecutive Run; *** One of the Very Few successful Female Super-Heroes, that managed to last a notable amount of time; >>> ARTISTS; BYRNE-c=26; Frank MILLER-c=32; Frank SPRINGER= 29; Steve LEIALOHA-a= 25,26,28,30-46; Brian Postman-a=47-50; STORIES; Michael FLEISHER-s=25-32; Chris CLAREMONT= 34-46; Ann Nocenti= 47-50; Highlights INCLUDE; #26(Grinder; BYRNE-c); #27-29(Enforcer-c/s); #28-29(Spider-Man-c/s); #30(vs the FLY); #31(Hornet-c/s); #32(WEREWOLF BY NIGHT-c/s; Frank MILLER-c; Partial PHOTO-c with Universal Monsters); #34(Hammer & Anvil); #35(brink of Madness); #36(Wanderer); #37-38(New X-MEN crossover; Juggernaut-c/s); #37(1st app Siryn of X-Force, Origin retold; Austin-a; Nick Fury app); #39(Death Stroke; Lingerie panels); #40(Flying Tiger-c/s); #41(Morgan Le Fay; Dragon-c/s; King Arthur & Lancelot app); #42-43(Judas Man); #44(Viper app); #45(Impossible Man app; Spider-Man parody-c/app); #46(KINGPIN & Mandroids); #47(Daddy Longlegs); #48(Gypsy Moth-c/s); #49(TIGRA-c/s; Werewolf cameo); #50(6/1983; LAST issue; DEATH of Spider-Woman; PHOTO cover; 52 page Giant; Morgan Le Fay app; Werewolf, Tigra & Many cameoes);


SPIDER-WOMAN 1999-2000 Marvel Comics #1-18 John Byrne Bart Sears Flesh & Bones VF = $79.00
John Byrne-s; Bart Sears-a; Mattie Franklin; #2(Doctor Octopus) #4(Evil sisters = Flesh and Bones); #5-6(Shadowcaster); #7(Cluster); #9(Spider-Man, Flesh and Bones) #10(Rhino); #11(Exomorph, Madame Web); #13(Werewolf-c/s); #14(Nighteyes); #15(Itch & Scratch, Captain America); #16(origin of Flesh and Bones); #17(Flesh and Bones, Itch and Scratch); #18(Scarcer LAST issue);

SPITFIRE Marvel Comics 1986 #1-9 VF = $ASK.00;

SQUADRON SUPREME 1985-1986 Marvel Comics #1-12 VF = $49.00

STALKERS Marvel Comics 1990 #1-12 VF = $ASK.00;

 STAR BRAND (1986-1989 Marvel New Universe) Shooter Williamson #1-10 = $25.00

CONDITION = #1(VG), #2-10 (FN)

>>> #1-10 = Have BLACK edges on Cover, thus TOUGHER in HIGH Grades; #1,2,4,5 (Jim Shooter-s; Al Williamson & John Romita Jr. Art); #3(Jim Shooter-s); #7(Jim Shooter & Roy Thomas-s; John Romita Jr. Art); #8, 9(Giffen-a; Nightmask app), 10(To Russia with Nukes);

STAR BRAND 1986-1989 Marvel New Universe JOHN BYRNE #11-19 Annual #1 = $49.00

CONDITION = FN/VF average except #18 (VGFN);

(Marvel; "New Universe"; 1986-1989);>>> Early Alternate Universe / Multiverse (Precedes Ultraverse, Valiant Universe, Image universe & others); >> #16-19 = Overstreet States "LOW PRINT"; (Note; #11-15 are also Uncommon); >>> #12(3/1988; John BYRNE-s/c/a; Phony X-MEN & Wolverine-c/app; Marvel Staff at Comic Con-s; PITT X-Over Begins); #11-19(1988-1989; John BYRNE-s/a); #19(5/1989; John BYRNE-s/a; Scarcer LAST issue); ANNUAL #1


STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE 1996-1998 Marvel Comics #1-15 VF = $35.00

STAR TREK 1980-1981 Marvel #1-18 VF = $75.00; (4/1980-6/1981; Marvel Pub; Color Comics) #1-3 = An Original, made for comics Adaption of the Star Trek Movie #1. #4 up = ALL-NEW, made for comics stories, featuring Capt Kirk, Spock & the Original Crew of Star Trek! GREAT series & a MUST for any true Star Trek fan! #15-17 = LOW print & Scarcer; #18(Scarce LAST issue); ** MANY are UN-READ Original Warehouse copies, Nearly New, minor shelfwear; ***

STAR TREK VOYAGER November/1996 Marvel/ Paramount Comics #1-15 VF = $ASK.00

STAR WARS (1977-1986 Marvel Comics) Williamson Darth Vader #44-59

VF average grades varied from (FNVF to VF+) = $179.00 (700 grams)

STAR WARS (1977-1986 Marvel Comics) Darth Vader #61-67, 69-80 VF = $199.00 (815 grams)

DARTH VADER covers = #63, 74, 76, 80

STAR WARS (1977-1986 Marvel Comics) Low Print #91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100 = $99.00;

#91(1/1985), 92(GIANT; Darth Vader cover), 93, 94 (VERY FINE or Better)

#95 (5/1995; Creasing at upper & Lower right cover Corners, VG/FN);

#96 (6/1995; Nine Inch Crease from upper middle cover to lower right cover, VG);

#97, 98, 99, 100(10/1985; GIANT) (VERY FINE or Better)

STAR WARS: DARK EMPIRE II Dark Horse 1994-1995 Luke Leia BOBA FETT Dorman #1-6


STAR WARS: DARK EMPIRE II (Dark Horse Pub., 1994-1995; Limited Series);

#1 (12/1994; 1st Printing; Operation Shadow Hand; ** Luke Skywalker cover and appearance; ** Appearances by; Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Mon Mothma; DAVE DORMAN Painted cover; Tom Veitch Story; Cam Kennedy art; NM-, 9.2);

#2 (1/1995; 1st Printing; Duel on Nar Shaddaa; ** BOBA FETT and Chewbacca cover and appearance; ** Appearance by Han Solo; DAVE DORMAN Painted cover; Tom Veitch Story; Cam Kennedy art; Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition; VF, 8.0);

#3 (2/1995; 1st Printing; World of the Ancient Sith; ** Luke Skywalker cover and appearance; DAVE DORMAN Painted cover; Tom Veitch Story; Cam Kennedy art; NM-, 9.2);

#4 (3/1995; 1st Printing; Battle on Byss; ** BOBA FETT and HAN SOLO cover and story; ** Appearances by; Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker; DAVE DORMAN Painted cover; Tom Veitch Story; Cam Kennedy art; VF/NM, 9.0);

#5 (4/1995; 1st Printing; The Galaxy Weapon; ** R2-D2, C-3PO, Lando Calrissian cover and appearance; ** Appearances by; BOBA FETT, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker;  DAVE DORMAN Painted cover; Tom Veitch Story; Cam Kennedy art; VF/NM, 9.0);

#6 (5/1995; 1st Printing; Hand of Darkness; FIRST Comics appearance of Anakin Solo; Leia gives birth to her third child, Anakin Solo; ** Classic STAR WARS CAST Cover with Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa Solo, Chewbacca, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, R2-D2 and C-3PO cover and appearance; ** Appearances by; Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo, Anakin Solo, Mon Mothma, Winter, Vima-Da-Boda, Kam Solusar, Jem Ysanna, Rayf Ysanna, General Ackbar, Empatojayos Brand, Palpatine (clone); DAVE DORMAN Painted cover; Tom Veitch Story; Cam Kennedy art; NM-, 9.2);

*** BUY the SET of #1-6 VF/NM Average (Varied VF, 8.0 to NM-, 9.2) = $49.00 for the LOT 

** 415 Grams; 

STRANGE TALES 1987-1988 Marvel Comics V2 #1-19 Cloak & Dagger Dr Strange VF = $59.00

STRIKEFORCE: MORITURI Marvel Comics 1986 #1-15 VF = $35.00;

STRIKEFORCE: MORITURI Marvel Comics 1986 #16-31 VF = $49.00;

SUPERNATURAL THRILLERS 1972-73 IT Invisible Man REH Jekyll Hyde Horseman #1-4,6

SUPERNATURAL THRILLERS (Marvel Comics pub; 1972-1975);

#1 (12/1972; IT, the Thing that wouldn't Die-c/s by Theodore Sturgeon; STERANKO-c; Roy Thomas-s; Marie Severin & Giacoia-a;

#2 (2/1973; Jim Steranko cover; The Invisible Man, adapted from the novel H. G. Wells, Ron Goulart story adaptation,  Dan Adkins and Val Mayerik art; Jim Steranko cover;

#3 (4/1973; Robert E Howard's Valley of the Worm; Roy Thomas and Gerry Conway story; Gil Kane-c/a; 

#4 (6/1973; Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde-c/s; Ron Goulart-s; Mortimer-a;

#6 (11/1973; The Headless Horseman Rides Again! Story by Gary Friedrich; George Tuska and Jack Abel art;

LOT of #1-4,6 all VERY GOOD/FINE = $59.00

weight = 240 grams


SUPERNATURAL THRILLERS 1973-1975 N'Kantu The LIVING MUMMY set Gerber #5, 7,8-15

#5 (8/1973; FIRST appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY; LIVING MUMMY Team affiliations includes; S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Paranormal Containment Unit, Shock Troop, Legion of Monsters; Steve Gerber story; Rich Buckler art;

#6 (NOT INCLUDED, is a NON Living Mummy issue);

#7 (6/1974; ** SECOND appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY cover & story;  Steve Gerber story; Val Mayerik art; John Romita cover;

#8 (8/1974; ** THIRD appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY cover & story; ** N'Kantu the LIVING MUMMY in He Stalks Two Worlds/ Power Times Four;  ** FIRST appearance of The ELEMENTALS (Hydron, lord of the waters; Magnum, master of the earth; Hellfire, wielder of flame; and Zephyr, mistress of the winds); ** A Variation of the ELEMENTALS will appear in the Spider-Man Far From Home MOVIE which Debuts on July 02/2019; ** The ELEMENTALS also appear in Supernatural Thrillers #9-15, as the Major Villains for the LIVING MUMMY Series; Wikipedia Notes; ** The Elementals are four extradimensional humanoids who became immortals with power over natural forces and who ruled a kingdom on Earth before the rise of the original Atlantis; ** In the Comics; The Elementals were later returned to Earth and pursued Zephyr and the Scarab. MS. MARVEL arrived and fought the Elementals, defeating them one by one; ** The various ELEMENTALS that feature in the Spider-Man: Far From Home (Homecoming Sequel) might have been brought into this universe by the events of Avengers: Endgame MOVIE, caused by the Heroes traveling Back in Time; Tony Isabella story; Val Mayerik art;  Larry Lieber & Tom Palmer cover; ** The Marvel Value Stamp (often Missing) is INTACT;

#9 (11/1974; 4th appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY-c/s; Mayerick-a;

#10 (12/1974; 5th appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY-c/s; Mayerick-a;

#11 (2/1975; 6th appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY-c/s; Mayerick-a; BRUNNER-c;

#12 (4/1975; 7th appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY-c/s; Mayerick-a;

#13 (6/1975; 8th appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY-c/s; Mayerick-a;

#14 (8/1975; 9th appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY-c/s; Mayerick-a;

#15 (10/1975; LAST issue; 10th appearance of N'Kantu, THE LIVING MUMMY-c/s; Sutton-a;

** SET of #5, 7-15

CONDITION = #5(VG), 7(FN/VF), 8(VG), 9(FN/VF), 10(VF), 11(FNVF), 12(VF), 13(FN), 14(FN+), 15(FN) Marvel Value stamps all intact = $179.00 for the Lot (460 grams)


Super Spider-Man & CAPTAIN BRITAIN (1977) #231-241,244-249 (17 different scarce issues - #242-243 NOT included) VF = $99.00

[Marvel Comics Group of Great Britain / United Kingdom; Originally Listed as "NOT to be sold in USA of Canada" = Thus SCARCE to RARE in Both Canada & USA; 36 pages including covers; Magazine sized 8" x 11" Size; B&W with Color covers] >>> [Many issues have UK-ONLY Cover Art, some lifted from interior Art Panels]


SUPER-VILLIAN TEAM-UP Marvel Comics 2007 #1-5 VF = $ASK.00;

SUPREME POWER 2003-2005 Marvel MAX Comics #1-18 J. Michael Straczynski VF/NM = $39.00
J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI-s; GARY FRANK-c/a; >> Series with New Superheroes includes; Whizzer, Hyperion, Nighthawkm, Amphibian, Doctor Spectrum, Blur, Princess Zarda Power Princess; (#13-17 = THE SQUADRON 5-Part story); #18(Scarcer LAST issue);

SWORDS OF THE SWASHBUCKLERS 1985-1987 Epic Marvel Comics #1-12 Butch Guice VF = $22.00

TALES of G.I. JOE 1988-1989 Marvel Comics #1-15 FN Average (grades varied from VG/FN to FN/VF) = $59.00 (Reprints G.I.Joe, A Real American Hero #1-15; ** #11-15 = Lower Print Runs & Scarcer)

TALES TO ASTONISH 1979-1981 Marvel Comics #1-14 Sub-Mariner VF = $49.00 (Reprints Silver Age Sub-Mariner #1-14)

TARZAN Lord of the Jungle 1977-1979 ERB Marvel #1-16 VF = $69.00

(June/1977 thru Oct/1979; Marvel Pub; Original Color Comics) Great Series, based on the ERB / Edgar Rice Burroughs classic's; PLUS ALL-NEW stories & art made for comics; Neal Adams cover= #11,12! Alcala art= #9,10; John BUSCEMA art = #1-18; #2= Origin Tarzan; #1-6,8,10,11= Jewels of Opar adaption; #9= Young Tarzan; #12-14= Adaption of Jungle Tales of Tarzan! Slaves & Pellucidar = #15-23, & 24(epilogue); #25-29= ALL-New stories; Fantastic series, a MUST for any fan of Tarzan, or ERB!

TARZAN Lord of the Jungle 1977-1979 ERB Marvel #17-29, Annual #1-3 VF $69.00

(June/1977 thru Oct/1979; Marvel Pub; Original Color Comics) Great Series, based on the ERB / Edgar Rice Burroughs classic's; PLUS ALL-NEW stories & art made for comics; Neal Adams cover= #11,12! Alcala art= #9,10; John BUSCEMA art = #1-18; #2= Origin Tarzan; #1-6,8,10,11= Jewels of Opar adaption; #9= Young Tarzan; #12-14= Adaption of Jungle Tales of Tarzan! Slaves & Pellucidar = #15-23, & 24(epilogue); #25-29= ALL-New stories; Plus ANNUAL #1(1977), 2(1978) and #3(1979); Fantastic series, a MUST for any fan of Tarzan, or ERB;

TEAM AMERICA 1982-1983 Marvel Ideal Motorcycle Toy Comics #1-12 VF = $29.00 (#9=Iron Man; #11= Ghost Rider; #12 = LAST issue, Giant)

Ted McKeever's METROPOL 1991-1992 Epic #1-12 Mignola VF = $33.00


TEKWORLD 1992-1994 Epic Marvel #1-24 William Shatner VF = $49.00

TERROR INC 1992-1993 #1-13 Punisher Wolverine Ghost Rider VF+ set SALE = $39.00 [Marvel Comics Pub; #6,7=Punisher; #9,10= Wolverine; #13=Ghost Rider]


THANOS Marvel Comics 2003 #1-12 VF = $ASK.00;


THING (1983-1986; Marvel Comics) Marvel Comics #1-20 VF = $75.00;


THING (1983-1986; Marvel Comics) #21-36 LOW PRINT all VF, except #34(VG/FN), 35(FNVF),36(FN/VF) = $79.00

(weight = 870 grams)

[ Ben Grimm of the Fantastic Four; BYRNE-c= #36; #21-22 = Rocky Grimm, Space Ranger = John BYRNE-s; #23= Fantastic Four app; #24 = Thing vs RHINO Battle-c/s; #28 = 1st appearance of D-Man(Demolition Dunphy); #26-32 = Vance Astro (Justice) app; #30 = Secret Wars II X-Over; #31 = Devil Dinosaur-c/s; #33= Battle of the Sexes; #34= Sphinx-c/s; #34,35 = D-Man app; #35= 1st app of Sharon Ventura as new Ms. Marvel-c/s; #36 = Ms. Marvel vs She-Hulk battle-c/s; #31-36 = LOW PRINT & Scarcer]


THOR (Marvel comics 1966-1996) #301-320 Marvel comics VF = $99.00;

THOR (1966-1996) BETA RAY BILL Simonson MALEKITH Accursed Dark Elf #338-360 VF = $89.00

THOR 1966-1996 #361-370, 372-380 BETA RAY BILL Simonson VF = $69.00;

THOR (Marvel comics 1966-1996) #381-389, 391-400 FN average (VGFN TO VF, except #383(VGFN), 384(VGFN) = $79.00; weight = 896 grams

THOR (Marvel comics 1966-1996) #401-420 Marvel New Warriors VF = $89.00; [#411= First Cameo App of New Warriors; #412= First Full App of New Warriors]

THOR (Marvel comics 1966-1996) #421-440 Marvel comics VF = $59.00;

THOR (Marvel comics 1966-1996) #441-460 Marvel comics VF = $59.00;

THOR 1966-1996 #461-480 Marvel comics VF = $69.00;

THOR 1966-1996 #481-502 Marvel LOW PRINT VF = $89.00;

THOR 1998; 2nd series; Marvel Comics #1-20VF = $ASK.00;

THOR 1998; 2nd series; Marvel Comics #21-40 VF = $ASK.00;

THOR 1998; 2nd series; Marvel Comics #41-60 VF = $ASK.00;

THOR 1998; 2nd series; Marvel Comics #61-75 VF = $ASK.00;

THUNDERBOLTS (1997-2006 Marvel Comics) #0, -1, 1-20 Kurt Busiek / Mark Bagley VF = $ASK.00; 

THUNDERBOLTS (1997-2006 Marvel Comics) #21-40 VF = $ASK.00; Nicieza Busiek Bagley

THUNDERBOLTS (1997-2006 Marvel) Hulk Sandman Iron Man X-51 Archangel #26-40 VF = $ASK.00;

THUNDERBOLTS (1997-2006 Marvel Comics) Avengers Dr Doom Capt America #41-60 VF = $ASK.00;

THUNDERBOLTS (1997-2006 Marvel Comics) #61-80 VF = $ASK.00;

THUNDERBOLTS (1997-2006 Marvel Comics) #101-120 VF = $ASK.00;

THUNDERBOLTS (1997-2006 Marvel Comics) #121-140 VF = $ASK.00;

THUNDERBOLTS (1997-2006 Marvel Comics) #141-160 VF = $ASK.00;

THUNDERCATS (STAR Comics / MARVEL Comics Pub; Original USA Series; 1985-1988);

#2-15 grade = VF average (varied from FN/VF to VF+) = $119.00

*** (THUNDERCATS MOVIE); In March 2021, it was announced that Warner Bros. was actively developing a Live-Action Thundercats film with Adam Wingard set to direct the film, with a screenplay by Wingard and Simon Barrett, and Roy Lee and Dan Lin serving as producers.

** Based on the very popular TV Cartoon & Toys; Based on the Animated Television Cartoon TV series;

**GCD: Feline-Human Hybrids flee their planet just before it is destroyed and land on Third Earth, where they battle Evil Mutants; The Lorimar-Telepictures / Warner Bros Animated Series was created by Tobin "Ted" Wolf and animated by Japanese animation studio Pacific Animation Corporation; *** Originally distributed by Rankin-Bass Productions;

***  THREE Television series; ThunderCats (1985–89), ThunderCats (2011–12),  ThunderCats Roar (2020);

** Two Video games; ThunderCats (1987) and ThunderCats (2012);

*** Comics Mostly Read by Children, thus SCARCE in Strict VF, 8.0 or Higher Grades;

THUNDERCATS Members including; Cheetara, Jaga, Lion-O, Panthro, Tygra, Wilykat and Wilykit cover and story; FIRST Appearance of Snarf & Mumm-Ra cover and story; David Michelinie story adaption; Based on the teleplay by Leonard Starr for the animated series episode EXODUS;


THUNDERSTRIKE 1993-1995 Marvel comics #1-15 VF = $49.00 [#2= Juggernaut; #4= Capt America; #4,6= Spider-Man];

TOMB OF DRACULA 1972-1979 Marvel color comics GENE COLAN #51-70 FN/VF = $179.00

TOMB OF DRACULA (Marvel Comics Pub; 1991; US$4.95 Original Cover Price; Square-Bound Prestige Format)  SET of #1-4 (Day of Blood! Night of Redeption! Parts 1-4; Marv Wolfman-s; Gene Colan & Al Williamson art; Gene Colan painted covers). VF = $22.00


TOMB OF DRACULA (Marvel B&W Illustrated Comics Magazine; 1979-1980) Complete SET of Issues #1 Thru #6. 


(645 grams)


*** TOMB OF DRACULA (1979-1980 B&W Comics Magazine) Stephen King #1-6 Complete set SALE TOMB OF DRACULA B&W Comics Magazine (10/1979-8/1980; Marvel Pub; B&W Comics magazine; 68 pages; ALL-NEW material; ALL with NO Comics Code = Aimed at a more Mature audience! All with nice GOTHIC STYLE covers); >>>> #1 [ 10/1979; Bob Larkin Painted "LINGERIE" cover; DRACULA in "Black Genesis" = Marv Wolfman -s, COLAN art = 43 page story; Nudity; "The Newest DRACULA" = Article about Frank Langella & earlier Dracula s, with photo s! Plus "Love at First Bite" article on the George Hamilton movie, with photo s! "Legend: According to the Movies" Part-1 = How to find & destroy a Vampire, with Movie s article & Photo s]; >>>> #2 [ 12/1979; Bob Larkin Painted-c; 36pg DRACULA Comic story = "Dimensional Man" = Marv Wolfman story, with STEVE DITKO art; (Bondage panels); "DRACULA director John Badham, The Making of the movie" = Article with photo s; Plus "NOSFERATU, The Vampyre" article on the 1922 & 1979 movies, with photo s; Dracula comics story = "Court of the Dead" = Marv Wolfman-s with John Romita, Robbins & Tartaglione art = 15 pages]; >>>> #3 [2/1980; Great Gothic Bob Larkin Painted See-Through LINGERIE Nightgown Good Girl Art cover; DRACULA Comic-s = "And out of order will come Chaos" = 36pgs Marv Wolfman-s, with GENE COLAN & Tom Palmer-a; "BLOODLINE: A Probable Outline of the career of Count Vlad DRACULA" = 6pg Article by PETER GILLIS, from 1430-1972, with illustrations; "Metamorphosis of a Vampire" article on LILITH, Queen of the Undead, with 2 near Full pages of sketches, of Early art by FRANK MILLER; 14pg Dracula comics story = "Soul of an Artist" = Marv Wolfman-s with Gene Colan & Palmer-a, in illustrated Graphic panels with text format ]; >>>> #4 [ 4/1980; Great Gothic Colan & Palmer-c; 37pg DRACULA Comic-s = "ANGELICA" = Roger McKenzie-s, with GENE COLAN & Tom Palmer-a; >>> "The Dark Beyond the Door: Walking nervously into STEPHEN KING S World" = Article by Freff, with photo s & INTERVIEW, Part 1 of 2 parts = 4 pages! (Concludes in issue #5) ]; >>>> #5 [6/1980) Great Gothic Chaykin-c; 15pg DRACULA Comic-s = "Sanctuary" = Roger McKenzie-s, with GENE COLAN & Dave Simons-a; (NUDITY & Death by Impalement); "LILITH, Daughter of Death" comic-s, with DRACULA appearing = 25pgs Gene COLAN & Palmer-a;(Lots of Nudity panels); 13pg Dracula comics-s "Pavane for an UNDEAD Princess" = PETER GILLIS-s, with JOHN BUSCEMA & Bob McLeod-a;>>"The Dark Beyond the Door, Part-2: Smack in the middle of STEPHEN KING S World" = Article by Freff, with photo s & INTERVIEW, Part 2 of 2 parts = 4 pages (Begins in issue #4) ]; >>>> #6 [ 8/1980; Great Gothic Chaykin-c, of Girl with bleeding bite holes from neck, in Dracula s arm; DRACULA Comic story = "A House Divided" = 30pgs Shooter-s, with GENE COLAN & Dave Simons-a, set during CIVIL WAR, with Black Slaves; 14pg LILITH in "Violets for a VAMPIRE" comic-s, *** BILL SIENKIEWICZ; (With of Nudity & Lingerie panels); "Vampires around the World" = 4pg Article by Tom Rogers, with illustrations by Marie Severin; "Chelsea Quinn Yarbro: An alternate reality" 4 page Vampire article by Lora BYRNE; One page review of STEPHEN KING S Dead Zone book, by Gil Fitzgerald, with 1 photo; LAST ISSUE in this series ];*** Decent Middle Grade Examples with Moderate Handling & Shelf Rubbing Wear; Size: 8"x11".


THE TORCH Marvel/Dynamite Comics November/2009 #1-8; VF = $ASK.00; M-178


TRANSFORMERS (Marvel; 1984 – 1991) #5-20

GRADES = FN/VF average (grades varied from FN to VF) PRICE = $119.00


TRANSFORMERS (Marvel; 1984 – 1991) #21 -- 30  

#21 (VG/FN); 22(VG/FN); 23(FN/VF); 24 (FN); 25(FN/VF); 26(FN/VF); 27 (GD/VG); 28 (FN/VF); 29 (FN) 30 (FN) PRICE = $49.00


TRANSFORMERS: GENERATION 2 Marvel Comics #1-9 VF = $ASK.00;

THE TWELVE Marvel Comics 2008 #0,1/2,1-12; SPEARHEAD #1; VF = $ASK.00;

2001: A Space Odyssey (1976-1977 Marvel comics) MACHINE MAN Kirby #1-10

2001: A Space Odyssey (Marvel Comics Pub; 1976-1977)

#1(12/1976; VF+, 8.5); #2(1/1977; VF,8.0); #3(2/1977; VF+,8.5);#4(3/1977; VF+,8.5); #5(4/1977; VF,8.0);#6(5/1977; FN/VF,7.0); #7(6/1977; FN, 6.0);

#8(7/1977; 1st appearance of MACHINE MAN; VGFN, 5.0); 

#9(8/1977; 2nd appearance of MACHINE MAN; FNVF, 7.0); 

#10(9/1977; LAST issue; 3rd appearance of MACHINE MAN; VGFN, 5.0); 

Set of #1-10 = $149.00 for the LOT

(weight = 448 grams)

2099 UNLIMITED Marvel Comics 1993 #1-10 VF = $ASK.00;

ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR 2004-2009 Marvel Comics #1-10 VF+ = $39.00

ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR 2004-2009 Marvel Comics #31-40 VF = $29.00

ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR 2004-2009 Marvel Comics #41-50 VF = $29.00

ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR Marvel Comics 2004-2009 #51-60 VF = $35.00;

ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP 2001-2002 Marvel Comics #1-16 VF = $49.00

ULTIMATE SIX Marvel Comics 2003 #1-7 VF = $ASK.00;

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 2000-2009 Marvel Comics #11-20 VF = $ASK.00

Ultimate Spider-Man (2000-2009) Bendis Kraven ULTIMATE VENOM Green Goblin #21-40

** Includes;  Six-Part ULTIMATE Green Goblin Storyline in #22-27; Six-Part ULTIMATE VENOM Storyline in #33-38;

VF Average (varied from FN/VF to VF/NM) Weight is 1225 Grams = $79.00 for the Lot;

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 2000-2009 Marvel Comics #41-60 Dr Octopus VF = $49.00
ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 2000-2009 Marvel Comics #61-80 CARNAGE VF = $49.00

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 2000-2009 Marvel Comics #81-100 VF = $ASK.00;

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 2000-2009 Marvel Comics #101-120 VF = $ASK.00;

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 2000-2009 Marvel Comics #121-133 VF = $ASK.00

ULTIMATES Marvel Comics 2002 #1-13 VF = $ASK.00;

ULTIMATES 2 Marvel Comics 2005-2007 #1-13 VF = $39.00

ULTIMATE X-MEN Marvel Comics 2001 #21-40 VF = $ASK.00;

ULTIMATE X-MEN Marvel Comics 2001 #41-60 VF = $ASK.00;

UNCANNY ORIGINS 1996-1997 Marvel comics X-MEN #1-14 VF = $49.00 [#1= Cyclops; #2=Quicksilver; #3 = Archangel; #4= Firelord; #5= Hulk; #6= Beast; #7 = VENOM; #8= Nightcrawler; #9= Storm; #10= Black Cat; #11= Black Knight; #12= Doctor Strange; #13= Daredevil; #14= Iron Fist]

UNIVERSE X Marvel Comics 2000 #0,1-12 VF = $ASK.00;

UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION #1-6 Annual #1 B&W Marvel Magazine VG/FN Set = $69.00

#1 (84 pages; Squarebound; Exclusive INTERVIEW with RAY BRADBURY; All-New "Day of the Triffids"; = Kelly Freas Painted UFO Cover , plus 15 page Story adaption; All-New BOB SHAW's "SLOW GLASS" adaption, Colan-a; Maroto pinup-a;! NEAL ADAMS = 8 pages-s/a; FLASH GORDON Parody = 4 pages FRANK BRUNNER-s/a; "Savage World" = Wally Wood story & Al Williamson/Krenkel/Torres/FRAZETTA art = 8 pgs, with A-Bomb panels; Interview with KELLY FREAS = 4 pages with art MIKE KALUTA = 5pgs story/art = Giant

Ant horror/SF-s; 1/1975);

#2 (84 pages Squarebound; Classic FLAG-c, by Kaluta; Alex Nino pinup; "SLOW GLASS" adaption, based on BOB SHAW with FRANK BRUNNER art, All-New "WAR-TOY"-c/s, with PEREZ art = 15 pages in total; INTERVIEW with ALFRED BESTER; ADAM..AND NO EVE", adapted from ALFRED BESTER, by O'Neil-s & Robbins/Mooney-a; KALUTA = 4pgs story/art; SF Fans & Hugo awards = by Don Thompson, with photo's of Harlan Ellison & Kelly Freas. "Specimen" = Bruce Jones-s/a= 6pgs; Conclusion of all-New Adaption "DAY

OF THE TRIFFIDS"; Conway-s/Rival-a = 22 pages);

#3 ( 84 pages Squarebound, Michael Whelan Painted cover; Frontpiece pinup by Morrow; BOB SHAW's "SLOW GLASS" concept in New Comics adaption titled "Star-Magi" = Colan art; "OCCUPATION FORCE" adaption of FRANK HERBERT = Conway-s & George Perez/Klaus Janson art; "NOT LONG BEFORE THE END" = Adaption of LARRY NIVEN, with Moench-s & Alcazar art; "Sandworms & Saviors" = Interview with FRANK HERBERT, Author of DUNE; Bruce Jones-s/a; "REPENT, HARLEQUIN! SAID THE TICKTOCKMAN"

= Adapts HARLAN ELLISON-s, with Roy Thomas-s & wild art by ALEX NINO = 17 pgs);

#4 (84 pages, Squarebound, BRUNNER-c; Robert L. Kline pinup; "An Official Inquiry" = based on BOB SHAW's "SLOW GLASS"; "ENCHANTED VILLAGE" = adapts A.E. VAN VOGT-s; "THE DREAMING KIND" = INTERVIEW with A.E. VAN VOGT; "A VISION OF VENUS" = Adapts OTIS ADELBERT KLINE, with TIM CONRAD story & art = 5 pgs; ROBERT SILVERBERG's "GOOD NEWS FROM THE VATICAN" = Conway-s & Gonzales art; "Encounter at War" = Strnad story, with RICHARD CORBEN art = 13 pgs; Nice SF story /art by Bruce Jones = 8pgs);

#5 (76 pages; Chaykin frontpiece; BOB SHAW's "SLOW GLASS" = Roy Thomas story & Gene Colan art; Nice SF story by Bruce Jones, with Morrow-a; "Paradise Found" = 14pgs; "The Many Many Worlds of Larry Niven" = INTERVIEW with LARRY NIVEN (author of Ringworld,etc); "ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS" = Adapts LARRY NIVEN, story/art by Howard CHAYKIN = 10 pgs; KALUTA text illo; DRUG STORY "ADDICT" = Glut-s /Redondo-a = 9pgs; Nice SF story/art by John Allison = 10pgs);

#6 (76 pages; BRUNNER-c; BOB SHAW's "SLOW GLASS" adaption, Roy Thomas-s, Gene Colan-a; "BEHOLD THE MAN"-c/s, based on MICHAEL MOORCOCK Classic, with Doug Moench story & art by ALEX NINO = 23 pages; "THRU A GLASS SLOWLY" = an original about (and by) SF author BOB SHAW;

Bruce Jones = 7pgs story/art; GOD & HELL "Mind Games"-s/a by John Allison; Witchcraft/UFO/Alien story "Visitation" = Glut-s/Yandoc-a);

Annual #1 (100 pages; Nice DON NEWTON Painted color cover; Rick Bryant frontpiece; "A MARTIAN ODYSSEY" = Adapts STANLEY WEINBAUM = Glut-s/Yandoc-a = 13 pgs; "LAST HORIZON" = INTERVIEW with THEODORE STURGEON; SF story by Bruce Jones, with ALEX NINO-a; SF/giant Lizard story by B.

Jones with Alcazar-a; UFO/Alien Lizard story & art by Bruce Jones; SF/Alien story= B.Jones-s & Redondo-a; ARCHIE GOODWIN-s/a in "SINNER"; FREDERIC BROWN's Classic "ARENA" = Adaption, Conway-s & John Buscema/Dick Giordano-a; "Threads" = Alien Invasion-s by Warrick, with Gonzales-a; Michael Kaluta text illos);

ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR (MARVEL PUB.; 2006) #31 - 40 FN/VF = $29.00 weight = 610 grams

ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR (MARVEL PUB.; 2006) #41 - 50 VF = $35.00 weight = 560 grams

ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR (MARVEL PUB.; 2006) #51 - 60 VF = $39.00 weight = 550 grams

UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Pub.; 1997) #1-12, minus 1 VF Price = $49.00 weight = 600 grams

UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Pub.; 1997) #13 - 25, ANNUAL 1996 & 1997 VF Price = $59.00 weight = 677 grams

U.S. 1 (1983-1984; Marvel comics) Motorcycle Truck Comics Golden #1-12 FN/VF, except #2 (VGFN), 10(VGFN), 11(VG) = $29.00

weight = 538 grams

[1983-1984; Marvel Comics; Motorcycle & Truck themes; #1= 1st app of U.S. 1 & the Highwayman; #2= Sienkiewiz-c; #3-12= Mike GOLDEN-c; 7,8= Painted-c; 1,2= Herb Trimpe-a; #3-11= Springer/Esposito-a; #12= Steve DITKO-a];

VISION & the SCARLET WITCH 1982-83 Reaper Magneto Wonder Man WandaVision #1-4 VF

SET of #1-4 VF, 8.0 = $44.00


VISION and the SCARLET WITCH (Volume-1; Marvel Pub; Limited Series; 1982-1983; First Solo SERIES for these AVENGERS members; Quicksilver, VISION and Scarlet Witch appeared in AVENGERS: The Age of Ultron Movie in 2015);

#1 (11/1982; Vision and Scarlet Witch vs Samhain cover and story; Night of the Living Druid / Trick or Treat; ** GCD Lists these Character appearances; Edwin Jarvis, Robert Frank (the Whizzer), Jack O'Lantern, Goblin, Ghost (Holly LaDonna), Samhain, Avengers (Captain America Hawkeye, Iron Man, Thor & Wonder Man);

** GCD Lists these Character Flashback appearances;  Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Magneto, Quicksilver), Dredmund Druid (aka Dredmund Cromwell), Agatha Harkness,  GA Human Torch (Jim Hammond), Ultron, X-MEN (Beast, Cyclops, Iceman); Bill Mantlo story with Rick Leonardi, Ian Akin & Brian Garvey art;

Rick Leonardi and Jack Abel cover);

#2 (12/1982; WHIZZER cover and  story; Nuklo and Future Man appear);

#3 (1/1983; Wonder Man and Grim Reaper cover and  story; Avengers appear);

#4 (2/1983; Magneto and Quicksilver cover and  story; Wanda aka Scarlet Witch learns that MAGNETO is her FATHER);


** The WANDAVISION (Vision and Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch) the Highly Rated TV Series DEBUTED on January 15/2021 in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Disney Plus Streaming Television Network, starring Elisabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany, with Jac Schaeffer as writer and showrunner; WandaVision features the return of Elizabeth Olsen as the Scarlet Witch and Paul Bettany as Vision. ** VISION and the SCARLET WITCH are the main characters in the WANDAVISION TV Series; ** VISION and the SCARLET WITCH are Long-Time members of the AVENGERS; The series also introduces Teyonah Parris as the grown-up Monica Rambeau. Randall Park returns as Agent Jimmy Woo (from Thor and Ant-Man movies); Kat Dennings returns as Darcy Lewis from Thor and Ant-Man movies); Kathryn Hahn Plays AGATHA HARKNESS; Evan Peters plays Pietro Maximoff aka QUICKSILVER; Shane Berengue plays Tactical S.W.O.R.D. Agent; (Since S.W.O.R.D. appears, rumor has it might lead to the debut of SPIDER-WOMAN in the MCU);  WONDERMAN is Expected to DUBUT in this TV Series; Rumor has it THE X-MEN might make their MCU DUBUT in this TV Series; ** The DARKHOLD appears in the WandaVision TV Series;




VISION & the SCARLET WITCH 1985-86 AVENGERS Reaper Salem WandaVision #1-11

SET of #1-11 #1(VG/FN), 2(VG/FN), 3(FN), #4-11(VF) = $99.00


VISION and the SCARLET WITCH (Volume-2; Marvel Pub; Limited MAXI Series; 1985-1986; Second Solo SERIES for these AVENGERS members; Quicksilver, VISION and Scarlet Witch appeared in AVENGERS: The Age of Ultron Movie in 2015);

#1 (10/1985; ORIGIN RETOLD; Lovers and Zombies; Avengers West Coast Crossover; 52 page GIANT; AVENGERS, Black Talon and His Zombies, Nekra and Grim Reaper appear; Steve Englehart story; Richard Howell cover & art);

#2 (11/1985; West Coast Avengers Crossover)

#3 (12/1985; Salem Seven Witches);

#4 (1/1986; Mutant Romance Tales - Scarlet Witch is Pregnant);

#5 (2/1986; All Hallow's Eve - Halloween in New Jersey story; Samhain the Druid and Agatha Harkness);

#6 (3/1986; AVENGERS (Captain America, Sub-Mariner, Wasp), Crystal, Doctor Strange, Quicksilver, Magneto appear);

#7 (4/1986; Captain America, Sub-Mariner & Guardsman appear);

#8 (5/1986; Power Man and Quicksilver cover and  story; Crystal appears);

#9 (6/1986; Enchantress cover and  story; New Orleans Mardi Gras-s);

#10 (7/1986; Inhumans cover and  story);

#11 (8/1986; Black Costume Spider-Man cover and  story);

#12 (9/1986; LAST issue; 52 page GIANT) = IS NOT INCLUDED


** The WANDAVISION (Vision and Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch) the Highly Rated TV Series DEBUTED on January 15/2021 in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Disney Plus Streaming Television Network, starring Elisabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany, with Jac Schaeffer as writer and showrunner; WandaVision features the return of Elizabeth Olsen as the Scarlet Witch and Paul Bettany as Vision. ** VISION and the SCARLET WITCH are the main characters in the WANDAVISION TV Series; ** VISION and the SCARLET WITCH are Long-Time members of the AVENGERS; The series also introduces Teyonah Parris as the grown-up Monica Rambeau. Randall Park returns as Agent Jimmy Woo (from Thor and Ant-Man movies); Kat Dennings returns as Darcy Lewis from Thor and Ant-Man movies); Kathryn Hahn Plays AGATHA HARKNESS; Evan Peters plays Pietro Maximoff aka QUICKSILVER; Shane Berengue plays Tactical S.W.O.R.D. Agent; (Since S.W.O.R.D. appears, rumor has it might lead to the debut of SPIDER-WOMAN in the MCU);  WONDERMAN is Expected to DUBUT in this TV Series; Rumor has it THE X-MEN might make their MCU DUBUT in this TV Series; ** The DARKHOLD appears in the WandaVision TV Series;


VISION and the SCARLET WITCH Wanda 1982-1983 #1-4 1985-1986 #1-11 Lot = $159.00

(Marvel Limited Series 1982-1983 #1-4  = VF

(Marvel Limited Series 1985-1986 #1-11

Volume 2 #3 (VG/FN) otherwise the rest are VF;

(Marvel Limited Series 1985-1986 #12 = NOT INCLUDED

VISION and the SCARLET WITCH are the main characters in the WANDAVISION TV Series

VISION and the SCARLET WITCH are members of the Avengers

VISION and the SCARLET WITCH (1982-1983; Marvel comics; Mini / Limited Series; 1st Series - Volume-1)

#1-4 (#3= Blood Brothers, Avengers & Grim Reaper; #4= Magneto & Inhumans-c/s)

VISION and the SCARLET WITCH (1985-1986; Marvel Comics; Mini / Limited Series; 2nd Series; Volume-2)

#1-11 (#1= Zombies of Black Talon, Nekra, Grim Raper; #3= West Coast Avengers;

#6= Crystal & Quicksilver, Magneto, Dr Strange & Avengers; #7= Capt America, Sub-Mariner;

#8, Power Man, Crystal & Quicksilver; #9= Enchantress; #10= Inhumans;

#11= Black costume Spider-Man;


WALLY the WIZARD 1985-1986 Star Marvel Comics #1-12 Bob Bolling-a VF = $59.00

WARHEADS 1992-1993 UK Marvel comics #1-14 VF = $44.00
WARHEADS (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 6/1992-8/1993) #1-14 (1=Wolverine; 2=SHEILD; 3=Iron Man; 4=X-Force; 5=Cable; 7=Deaths Head; 8=Silver Surfer, Wolverine & X-Men cameo; 9=Wolverine; 10=Dr Strange; 11=Mys-Teck; 14=Zombies)


WARLOCK Marvel Comics 1999 #1-9 VF = $ASK.00;

WARLOCK INFINITY WATCH 1992-1995 Marvel Comics THANOS Starlin #1-20 VF = $79.00

(1992-1995; Marvel Comics Pub); #1-20(Sequel to Infinity Gauntlet series; Jim STARLIN-s; #2= Moondragon returns; #7= Magnus returns; #8,9= THANOS vs Gamora battle-c/s; #10- Thanos-c/s; #13= HULK)

WARLOCK INFINITY WATCH 1992-1995 STARLIN #21-42 LOW print VF = $99.00

(1992-1995; Marvel Comics Pub); #21-42 (Sequel to Infinity Gauntlet series; Jim STARLIN-s; #21= Drax vs Thor; #25= 52 page Giant, Thor & Thanos app; #31= LOW Print Runs & Scarcer issues)

WARLOCK SPECIAL EDITION (Marvel 1982-1983) #1-6 THANOS Jim Starlin VF = $35.00

(1982-1983; Marvel Comics; Slick Baxter Paper; DIRECT sale only series; all Giants) #1-6 (Reprints classic THANOS WAR SAGA issues by Jim STARLIN, from Strange Tales #178-181, Warlock #9-15, Avengers Annual #2 and Marvel Two in One Annual #2);

WCW: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING (4/1992-3/1993; Marvel Comics) (PHOTO covers on All) #1-12 VF = $49.00; [#1 (Lex Luger), 2(Lex Luger &  Ron Simmons), 3(Bruise Cruise), 4(Sting), 5, 6(Cactus), 7(Paul E. Dangerously & Dangerous Alliance, Missy Hyatt, Ron Simmons & Cactus Jack), 8(Sting), 9(Steiner Brothers), #10(Sting & Johnny B. Badd), 11(Sting & the Ghoul), 12(LAST issue, LOW Print & Scarce) ];

WEAPON X Marvel Comics 2002 #1-15 VF = $ASK.00;

Web of Spider-Man #1-10 Black costume Vess Byrne Vulture  Octopus Kingpin Hulk

Web of Spider-Man (Marvel Comics Pub; 1985-2010);

(VESS Cover = #1, 8; Black Costume Spider-Man = #1, 7-10; #3-6 = John Byrne covers; Vulturions = #1,2; Vulture = #3; Doctor Octopus #4,5; Kingpin & Secret Wars II = #6; HULK vs Spider-Man Battle = #7; Dominic Fortune = #10)

#1-10 FN/VF to VF = $119.00 for the LOT

WEB OF SPIDER-MAN Marvel Comics 1985 #1-20 VF = $ASK.00;

WEB OF SPIDER-MAN Marvel Comics 1985 #21-40 VF = $ASK.00;

WEB OF SPIDER-MAN Marvel Comics 1985 #41-60 VF = $ASK.00;

WEB OF SPIDER-MAN Marvel Comics 1985 #61-80 VF = $ASK.00;

WEB OF SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics 1985-2001) #81-96 VENOM VF = $ASK.00;


WEB OF SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1985-1995; Replaces Marvel Team-Up)
#97 (2/1993; 
Part-1 of 4-Part Storyline;  FIRST Cameo (One Panel, Half Page) appearance DR. KEVIN TRENCH, becomes NIGHTWATCH in Web of Spider-Man #99;  In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Universe; ** Appearance by; BLOOD ROSE, Alfredo Morelli as Richard Fisk Foreigner, Richard & Mary Parker; Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Joe Rubinstein art; Derek Yaniger cover);

#98 (3/1993; Part-2 of 4-Part Storyline;  FIRST FULL Three Page appearance DR. KEVIN TRENCH, becomes NIGHTWATCH in Web of Spider-Man #99;  In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Universe; ** vs Cyber-Hunters cover & story; Appearances by; BLOOD ROSE, Alfredo Morelli as Richard Fisk & Foreigner; ** Spider-Doppelganger & Deathspawn cameos;Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Don Hudson art; Derek Yaniger cover);

#99 (4/1993; Part-3 of 4-Part Storyline;  FIRST Cameo appearance of NIGHTWATCH in COSTUME; Kevin Trench from issue #97, becomes NIGHTWATCH in this issue;  In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man UniverseFIRST appearance of the New ENFORCERS (VANISHER, BLITZ, EEL, Dragon Man, Super-Adaptoid & Dreadnought); FIRST appearance of BLITZ cover & story; ** Appearances by; Richard Fisk aka BLOOD ROSE, Alfredo Morelli aka Gauntlet, Richard & Mary Parker & Foreigner; Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Joe Rubinstein art; Derek Yaniger cover);

#100 (5/1993; Part-4 of 4-Part Storyline; GREEN FOIL Cover; Anniversary issue; ** FIRST appearance of Spider-Man in SPIDER-ARMOR cover & story; ** FIRST appearance of TANGLE;  ** FIRST Cameo appearance of THERMITE; ** Appearances by; Nightwatch, Blood Rose, Gauntlet the New ENFORCERS (Vanisher, Eel, Blitz, Dragon Man, Super-Adaptoid, Dreadnought, Plant-Man, Tangle, Thermite Mentallo, Fixer, Mister Fear, & Controller);  Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Joe Rubinstein art; Derek Yaniger cover; *** ORIGIN of NIGHTWATCH = 11 Page SOLO Back-Up Story by Terry Kavanagh with Derek Yaniger art; First appearance & Death of Ashley Croix;  FIRST FULL appearance of Kevin Trench as NIGHTWATCH in COSTUME; In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Universe);

** SET OF WEB OF SPIDER-MAN 1st Kevin Trench NIGHTWATCH 1993 Spike Lee Movie #97,98,99,100 NM- 9.2 = $69.00

** SET OF WEB OF SPIDER-MAN 1st Kevin Trench NIGHTWATCH 1993 Spike Lee Movie #97,98,99,100 VF/NM 9.0 = $55.00

** SET OF WEB OF SPIDER-MAN 1st Kevin Trench NIGHTWATCH 1993 Spike Lee Movie #97,98,99,100 VF+ 8.5 = $45.00


WEB OF SPIDER-MAN Marvel Comics 1985 #101-129 VF = $ASK.00;

WEB OF SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL Marvel Comics 1985 #1-10 VF = $ASK.00;


WEBSPINNERS Tales of SPIDER-MAN 1999-2000 Marvel Comics #1-18 Carnage VF = $49.00
Art by; Michael Zulli art; John Romita Sr, Keith Giffen, Bart Sears, Rurick Tyler etc; // #4-5(Silver Surfer); #7-8(Sandman) #11(Chameleon); #13-14(vs CARNAGE in the Negative Zone); #15-16(Vulture); #17( Silver Sable) #17-18(Spider-Man in Black Costume) #18(Rhino, Beetle, Speed Demon & Doctor Octopus; Scarcer LAST issue);

West Coast Avengers 1984 #1-4, 1985 1-10 Master Pandemonium Tigra MOCKINGBIRD VF = $79.00 (#4  = 1st Master Pandemonium = WandaVision) 

West Coast Avengers (1985-1989 ) Tigra Hellcat Moon Knight Wonder Man Son of Satan Hawkeye Iron Man Graviton and more  #11-30 VF = $49.00


West Coast Avengers 1985-1989 Moon Knight Dr Doom Ant Man Vision BYRNE #31-41 VF = $35.00



WHAT IF? (1977-1984; Marvel; Original Series) #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

PRICE = $125.00 for the LOT

#1(One Inch water stain, VGFN), 2(VF),3(VF), 4(FN), 5(FN), 6(VGFN), 7(FN), 8(FNVF), 9(VF)

(weight = 567 grams)

WHAT IF? (FIRST Series; Marvel Pub; 1977-1984; all GIANTS)

#1(Spider-Man joins Fantastic Four); #2(HULK; Galactus & Fantastic Four app); #3(6/1977; Original AVENGERS with Hulk; Gil Kane-c/a); #4(INVADERS); #5(Captain America, Red Skull);#6(Fantastic Four); #7(2/1978; Spider-Man; 1st app Betty Brant as the Original Spider-Girl); #8(Daredevil-c/s Spider-Man app); #9(Avengers of the 1950's = Venus, Marvel Boy, Human Robot & 3-D Man-s with Origins; KIRBY-c);


WHAT IF? 1977-1984; Marvel Original Series #11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 FN

#11-20 FN average (varied from VGFN to FNVF) = $79.00 for the LOT

weight - 645 grams

WHAT IF? (FIRST Series; Marvel Pub; 1977-1984; all GIANTS)

#11(Marvel bullpen as the Fantastic Four; KIRBY-c/a); #12(HULK); #13(What If CONAN the Barbarian Walked the Earth Today); #14(SGT FURY fought WW2 in Outer Space); #15(7/1979; NOVA-c/s; With; Fantastic Four, Peter Parker, Dr Doom, Red Skull, Kingpin-c/app; Walt Simonson and George PEREZ art)

#16(Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu; pencils by Hoberg, inks by Bill Wray & Dave Steven); #17(GHOST RIDER, Spider-Woman, Captain Marvel & Son of Satan); #18(12/1979; Dr Strange disciple of Dormammu; Gillis-s; Sutton-a); #19(Spider-Man-c/s; Daredevil app) #20(Avengers & Kree-Skrull War);


WHAT IF? 1977-1984 Namor FF Doom Hulk Spider-Man Thor Avengers X-Men DD #21-30 , VF = $119.00 (625 grams)

WHAT IF? (FIRST Series; Marvel Pub; 1977-1984; all GIANTS)

#21(6/1980; Sub-Mariner Married Invisible Girl; Fantastic Four; Spider-Man cameo); #22(Origin Dr Doom; Mephisto); #23(Hulk the Barbarian); #24(What If Gwen Stacy Had Lived; Spider-Man & Green Goblin-c/s); #25(THOR & the AVENGERS Battle the Gods); #26(Captain America elected president; part BYRNE plot; MAN-THING backup-s); #27(7/1981; Frank MILLER-c; PHEONIX had not died; X-MEN & Wolverine-c/s;Galactus & Sentinals app; KREE-s); #28(Frank Miller-c/a; Daredevil agent of SHIELD; Sutton-a; GHOST RIDER-s); #29(Original AVENGERS with Hilk-c/s = Spider-Man, FF & X-Men-c/cameo; Black Bolt & Eternals-s; Sub-Mariner-s); #30(12/1981; Spider-Man's Clone Survived; Kingpin app; Inhumans-s);


WHAT IF? (1977-1984 Marvel) V1 #31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44 FN/VF

#31-44 FN/VF average (varied from FN to VF) = $135.00 for the LOT

WHAT IF? (FIRST Series; Marvel Pub; 1977-1984; all GIANTS)

#31(WOLVERINE killed HULK-c/s; X-Men & Magneto app); #32(AVENGERS & Korvac; BYRNE-a; Galactus app); #33(Dazzler & Galactus; Iron Man & King Arthur); #34(HUMOR issue = Spider-Man, Wolverine, X-Men, FF, Avengers, DD & MOST Major Heroes app; Hembeck, Frank Miller & many others-a; ayton-c/a); #35(Daredevil & Elektra; Frank Miller-a; Death of Yellow Jacket-s = Avengers app); #36(Fantastic Four; BYRNE-a); #37(Beast; Thing; Old X-Men & Silver Surfer); #38(Daredevil, Vision & Scarlet Witch, Captain America-c/s; Red Skull, Kingpin app); #39(6/1983; THOR vs CONAN Battle-c/s); #40(Manitoba ; Doctor Strange; Guice-a); #41(Sub-Mariner); #42(Invisible Girl Died; Fantastic Four & Sub-Mariner); #43(CONAN in 20the Century; Sienkiewicz-a) #44(Captain America; Sienkiewicz-c);


WHAT IF? 1989-1998 Wolverine Punisher Spider-Man Avengers V2 #1-20 FN/VF = $89.00

WOLFPACK 1988-1989 Marvel Comics #1-12 VF = $22.00

WOLVERINE 1988-2003 Marvel Comics #1-9,11-20 VF Lot = US$109.00;

(Marvel Comics Pub; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); ** Complete Consecutive Run; >> Probably the #1 MOST important Single Character to Emerge in Marvel's BRONZE AGE (1970's); WOLVERINE is also of of Marvel's MOST Collectible Characters; >>> ARTISTS; John BUSCEMA-a=1-16; John Buscema-c=1-10; John BYRNE-a=17-20; John BYRNE-c=1(back), 17-20; 9=Gene Colan-c/a; 6=McFarlane back-c; Al Williamson-a=1, 3-8; Al Williamson-c=1, 3-6; *** Highlights INCLUDE; #4= Intro Roughouse & Bloodsport; 7,8=HULK-c/s; #10=1st classic Wolverine vs Sabretooth Battle (before Wolverine had his claws); #11=New costume; #11-16= 6-Part GEHENNA Stonr Affair-s; 15= VAMPIRE-c/s; #17= JohnByrne-c/a begins; #18=Roughouse-c/s; #19=20= Acts of Vengeance X-Over; 19,20=Tiger Shark-c/s; ** MOST are UN-READ Original Warehouse copies, Nearly New, minor shelfwear; ***

WOLVERINE 1988-2003 Marvel Comics #21-40 VF = $69.00;

(Marvel Comics Pub; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); ** Complete Consecutive Run; >> Probably the #1 MOST important Single Character to Emerge in Marvel's BRONZE AGE (1970's); WOLVERINE is also of of Marvel's MOST Collectible Characters; >>> ARTISTS; John BUSCEMA-a=1-16,25,27; John Buscema-c=1-10; John BYRNE-a=17-23; John BYRNE-c=1(back), 17-23; 9=Gene Colan-c/a; Andy Kubert-c/a=51; Jim Lee-c=24, 25, 27; 6=McFarlane back-c. Silvestri-a=31-43, 45, 46, 48-50, 52, 53, 55-57; Silvestri-c=31-43, 45, 46, 48-50, 52, 53, 55-57; Al Williamson-a=1, 3-8; Al Williamson-c=1, 3-6; *** Highlights INCLUDE; SABRETOOTH Stories (& Covers on most) = #41,42,45,46,48,49,51, 60-64; #4= Intro Roughouse & Bloodsport; 7,8=HULK-c/s; #10=1st classic Wolverine vs Sabretooth Battle (before Wolverine had his claws); #11=New costume; #11-16= 6-Part GEHENNA Stonr Affair-s; 15= VAMPIRE-c/s; #17= JohnByrne-c/a begins; #18=Roughouse-c/s; #19=20= Acts of Vengeance X-Over; 19,20=Tiger Shark-c/s; #25=Origin Details; #27-30 = 4-Part LAZARUS Project-s; #32= Yakuza & Jean Grey; #35-37 = 3-Part Blood and Claws-s, with Lady Deathstrike; #41= Cable-c & Cameo; #42=Cable & Nick Fury app.; #45=Lady Deathstrike & the Hunter from Darkness; #48-50= 3-Part Weapon-X sequel; #50(64 page Giant; Die cut-c; Wolverine in old yellow costume; Forge, Cyclops, Jubilee, Jean Grey & Nick Fury); #51-53= 3-Part Crunch Conundrum; #54(Shatterstar from X-Force app); #55(Gambit, Jubilee, Sunfire-c/s); #55-57,73=Gambit app; 57=Mariko Yashida dies; #58,59=Terror Inc; #65=X-Men-c; #69-71= Savage Land; #72= Sentinals-c/s; ** MOST are UN-READ Original Warehouse copies, Nearly New, minor shelfwear; ***

WOLVERINE 1988-2003 Marvel Comics #41-60 VF = $59.00;

(Marvel Comics Pub; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); ** Complete Consecutive Run; >> Probably the #1 MOST important Single Character to Emerge in Marvel's BRONZE AGE (1970's); WOLVERINE is also of of Marvel's MOST Collectible Characters; >>> ARTISTS; John BUSCEMA-a=1-16,25,27; John Buscema-c=1-10; John BYRNE-a=17-23; John BYRNE-c=1(back), 17-23; 9=Gene Colan-c/a; Andy Kubert-c/a=51; Jim Lee-c=24, 25, 27; 6=McFarlane back-c. Silvestri-a=31-43, 45, 46, 48-50, 52, 53, 55-57; Silvestri-c=31-43, 45, 46, 48-50, 52, 53, 55-57; Al Williamson-a=1, 3-8; Al Williamson-c=1, 3-6; *** Highlights INCLUDE; SABRETOOTH Stories (& Covers on most) = #41,42,45,46,48,49,51, 60-64; #4= Intro Roughouse & Bloodsport; 7,8=HULK-c/s; #10=1st classic Wolverine vs Sabretooth Battle (before Wolverine had his claws); #11=New costume; #11-16= 6-Part GEHENNA Stonr Affair-s; 15= VAMPIRE-c/s; #17= JohnByrne-c/a begins; #18=Roughouse-c/s; #19=20= Acts of Vengeance X-Over; 19,20=Tiger Shark-c/s; #25=Origin Details; #27-30 = 4-Part LAZARUS Project-s; #32= Yakuza & Jean Grey; #35-37 = 3-Part Blood and Claws-s, with Lady Deathstrike; #41= Cable-c & Cameo; #42=Cable & Nick Fury app.; #45=Lady Deathstrike & the Hunter from Darkness; #48-50= 3-Part Weapon-X sequel; #50(64 page Giant; Die cut-c; Wolverine in old yellow costume; Forge, Cyclops, Jubilee, Jean Grey & Nick Fury); #51-53= 3-Part Crunch Conundrum; #54(Shatterstar from X-Force app); #55(Gambit, Jubilee, Sunfire-c/s); #55-57,73=Gambit app; 57=Mariko Yashida dies; #58,59=Terror Inc; #65=X-Men-c; #69-71= Savage Land; #72= Sentinals-c/s; ** MOST are UN-READ Original Warehouse copies, Nearly New, minor shelfwear; ***

WOLVERINE 1988-2003 Marvel Comics #61-80 VF = $59.00;

(Marvel Comics Pub; Vintage Original USA Color Comic Series); ** Complete Consecutive Run; >> Probably the #1 MOST important Single Character to Emerge in Marvel's BRONZE AGE (1970's); WOLVERINE is also of of Marvel's MOST Collectible Characters;

WOLVERINE 1988-2003 Marvel Comics #101-120 VF = $59.00
WOLVERINE (1988-2003 Marvel Comics) #121-144 VF = $69.00

Wolverine 1988-2003 Marvel Comics #151-170 Scarcer VF = $69.00 [Lower Print & Scarcer issues];
Wolverine 1988-2003 Marvel Comics #171-189 Scarcer VF = $159.00 [Lower Print & Scarcer issues];

WOLVERINE 2003-2010 Lucy Coyote Crossing Ribic Rucka Robertson SABRETOOTH #1-20

(1165 Grams);  VF = $59.00

WOLVERINE (2003-2010) #21-35 Daredevil FF X-Men SHEILD House of M Elektra VF = $49.00



WOLVERINE 2010-2013 #66-72, Giant-Size #1 OLD MAN LOGAN all 1st Print VF Average

#66 (8/2008; FIRST PRINTING of the Regular Edition; First appearance of OLD MAN LOGAN and Storyline Begins; MARK MILLAR story; STEVE MCNIVEN & Dexter Vines cover & art; overall VF, but with a Crease at bottom right cover corner, thus FN/VF, 7.0);

PLUS; SET of #67-72 OLD MAN LOGAN Storyline (all 1st Printings) Condition Varies from VF to VF+ and VF/NM (Average Grade is VF+)  

and Wolverine Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1 (9/2009) 1st Printing; FN/VF, 7.0 CONDITION; Average Grade VF (Condition Varies from FN/VF to VF/NM) PRICE = $79.00 for the Lot;

WOLVERINE: ORIGINS (Marvel 2006-2010; #8 = VARIANT) Set-A #1-9, Annual #1 VF = $29.00;

WOLVERINE: ORIGINS (Marvel 2006-2010; #7,8,9 = VARIANT) Set-B #1-9, Annual #1 VF = $32.00

WOLVERINE: ORIGINS 2006-2010 Cyber Weapon XI Daken Romulus #31-50 VF = $49.00;


WONDER MAN 1991-1994 Marvel Comics #1-20 Avengers VF = $35.00
WONDER MAN 1991-1994 Marvel Comics #21-29 Annual 1,2 all FVF = $49.00 (weight = 591 grams)

WORLD WAR HULK Marvel Comics August/2007 #1-5, Prologue; VF = $ASK.00; M-178

X-FACTOR (1986-1998 Marvel) CABLE Apocalypse Sabretooth Angel #1-4, 7-22 VF = $99.00

(Marvel Pub; 2/1986-9/1998; Vintage Original Comics) *** Highlights INCLUDE;

#1(52 page Giant; X-Over with F.F. #286; return of original X-Men as X-Factor; Guice/Layton-a; 2nd appearance of Baby Nathan aka CABLE);

#2(vs Tower-c/s); #4(Frenzy); #8(Freedom Force);

#10(Sabretooth app = 1st app. in an X-Men comic); #12(Boom-Boom); #13(Baby Nathan flashback; Pheonix-c)

#14(Cyclops vs Master Mold; Sentinals); #15(1st wingless Angel); #19(Apocalypse);  


X-FACTOR (1986-1998 Marvel) with 4,5,23,24 CABLE Apocalypse Sabretooth Archangel #1-25 VF

X-FACTOR (Marvel Pub; 1986-1998; FIRST Series; Return of the Original X-MEN now as X-Factor, including; Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Ice Man, Jean Grey/Marvel Girl);

*** Highlights INCLUDE;

#1 (2/1986; 52 page Giant; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of the X-FACTOR TEAM = Return of the Original X-MEN now as X-Factor, including; Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Ice Man, Jean Grey/Marvel Girl; FIRST Appearances of Rusty and Cameron Hodge; RETURN of Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl and PHOENIX: Part 3 of 3-Part story - Crossover with Avengers #263 & Fantastic Four #286; CABLE appears as Baby Nathan;  Bob Layton story; Jackson Guice, Bob Layton & Joe Rubinstein art; Walt Simonson cover;

#2(vs Tower-c/s); #4(Frenzy);

#5 (6/1986; FIRST PRINTING; ** First brief 2 page appearance of APOCALYPSE; ** X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; ** Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; ** FIRST appearance of STINGER and TIMESHADOW; ** TOWER, FRENZY, ARTIE and RUSTY appearance; ** Bob Layton story; ** Jackson Guice & Joe Rubinstein art; ** Ron Frenz & Joe Rubinstein cover;

#6 (July/1986; FIRST PRINTING; ** First FULL appearance of En Sabah Nur aka APOCALYPSE cover & story; ** X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; ** Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; ** The Alliance of Evil appears with Tower, Stinger & Timeshadow; ** Louise Simonson story; ** Jackson Guice & Bob McLeod art; ** Ron Drenz & Joe Rubinstein cover; 

#8(Freedom Force);

#10(Sabretooth app = 1st app. in an X-Men comic); #12(Boom-Boom); #13(Baby Nathan flashback; Pheonix-c)

#14(Cyclops vs Master Mold; Sentinals); #15(1st wingless Angel); #19(Apocalypse); 

#23 (12/1987; First brief 6 panel on 2 page appearance of Warren Worthington as the ARCHANGEL aka First appearance of DEATH, the Fourth Horseman of APOCALYPSE; 3 panel cameo appearance of APOCALYPSE; Simonson-c/a;

#24 (1/1988; First FULL appearance of Warren Worthington as the ARCHANGEL aka First FULL appearance of DEATH, the Fourth Horseman of APOCALYPSE; Classic the FALL OF THE MUTANTS crossover; ORIGIN of APOCALYPSE; Death, Famine, Pestilence & War the Four HORSEMAN of APOCALYPSE appear; Simonson-c/a;

#1-25 (Inclu