BUSINESS and FINANCE - Mass Market Paperbacks ( Money, Power, Jobs, Economy & Economics,Success, Management, Salesmen, Stock Market, Entrepreneur, Careers, Investments, Monetary Crisis, Marketing, Strategy, Ethics,Profits, Benefits, Fraud, Inflation, Recession, Taxes, Insurance, Automation, Executives, Analysis, Productivity, Capitalism, Wages,Wealth, Traders, Wall Street, Banks, Currency, Corporations, Buying & Selling, Consumers, etc) For Sale


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BOX 21986





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BUSINESS and FINANCE - Mass Market Paperbacks ( Money, Power, Jobs, Economy & Economics,Success, Management, Salesmen, Stock Market, Entrepreneur, Careers, Investments, Monetary Crisis, Marketing, Strategy, Ethics,Profits, Benefits, Fraud, Inflation, Recession, Taxes, Insurance, Automation, Executives, Analysis, Productivity, Capitalism, Wages,Wealth, Traders, Wall Street, Banks, Currency, Corporations, Buying & Selling, Consumers, etc) For Sale



ANDERSON, GEORGE – Money Making Businesses You Can Start for 500 or Less;

ANGEL, DR. JUVENAL L. - The Complete Resume Book and Job-Getter's Guide;

ANOTHER POCKETFUL OF LISTS - 120 More Shortcuts to Success; (1981; Life Insurance Marketing & Reasearc Association Inc Pub;

Hartford, Conn, USA; ** The Primary Source of everything that's worth knowing in the Insurance Business; Prospecting, Selling, Servicing,

Managing, Training, Motivating, getting better; VERY RARE = ZERO copies listed on ANY of the Top-11 Bookseller Websites; VG/FN = $25.00);

ANTELLE, YVONNE – Honest Ed Welcomes You;

ARLEN, MICHAEL J. - Thirty Seconds;

BARBER, WILLIAM J. - A History of Economic Thought;

BATTERSBY, ALBERT – Mathematics in Management;

BAZELON, DAVID T. - The Paper Economy;

BERTON, PIERRE – The Big Sell;

BHAGWATI, JAGISH/ ECKAUS, RICHARD S. (eds.) - Foreign Aid; *** (eds.) International Trade;



BIRD, CAROLINE – Everything a Woman Needs to Know to Get Paid What She's Worth ... in the 1980's;

BLACK, HILLEL – Buy Now, Pay later;

BLUMENTHAL, LASSOR – Great Sales by Today's Great Salesmen;

BOAS, MAX/ CHAIN, STEVE – Big Mac: The Unauthorized Story of McDonald's

BREWIS, T.H. - Growth and the Canadian Economy;

BRIEN, MIMI – Moneywise;

BROWN, DEAVER – The Entrepreneur's Guide;

BROWN, GAVIN – Careers For Boys;

BROWN, J.J. - Life Insurance – Benefit or Fraud?


BROWN, WILFRED – Exploration in management;

BROWNE, HARRY/ COXON, TERRY – Inflation Proofing Your Investments; *** New Profits from the Monetary Crisis; *** You Can Profit From a Monetary Crisis;

BUCKINGHAM, WALTER – Automation: its impact on Busniess and People;

BURG, ROBERT – The Buyer's Guide to nearly Everything;

BURGER, CHESTER – Survival in the Executive Jungle;

BURNETT, JOHN – A History of the Cost of Living;

BURNHAM, JAMES – The Managerial Revolution;

BURSK, EDWARD C. - Modern Marketing Strtegy;




CARROLL, JOCK – The Death of the Toronto Telegram;

CARSBERG, B.V./ EDEY, H.C. (eds.) - Modern Financial Management;

CASEWIT, CURTIS W. - Overseas Jobs; the Ten Best Countries;

CASEY, DOUGLAS R. - Crisis Investing; *** Strategic Investing;

THE CHEAP BOOK: The Moneysworth Consumer Encyclopedia;

CHILDS, MARQUIS W./ CATET, DOUGLASS – Ethics in a Business Society;

CIPOLLA, CARLO M. - The Economic History of World Population;

CLARKE, WILLIAM M. - The City in the World Economy;

CLEMENT, WALLACE – The Canadian Corporate Elite; an Analysis of Economic Power;

COBLEIGH, IRA U. - Happiness is a Stock That Doubles in a Year; *** Guide to Success in the Stock Market;

COCKSHUTT, H.J.B. - The Service of a Solicitor;

COHEN, B.J. - Balance of Payments Policy;

COHEN, PETER – The Gospel According to the Harvard Business School;

COLDWIN, ROBERT A./ NELSON, CHARLES A. (eds.) - Toward the Librerally Educated Executive;

COLE, G.D.H. - Practical Economics;

COLEMAN, VERNON – The Medicine Men; a Shattering Analysis of he Drugs Industry;

CONN, CHARLES PAUL – The Possible Dream; *** The Uncommon Freedom; *** The Winner's Circle;

CONNELLY, PATRICIA – Last Hired First Fired: Women and the Canadian Work Force;

COPPOLINO, DR. CARL A./ COPPOLINO, DR. CARMELA M. - The Billion Dollar Hangover;

COX, EDWARD F./ FELLMETH ROBERT C. / SCHULZ, JOHN E. - The Nader report on the federal Trade Commission;

CROCKER, OLGA L./ CHARNEY, CYRIL/ CHIU, JOHNNY SIK LEUNG – Quality Circles: a Guide to Participation and Productivity;

CUNNINGHAM, LYDA SUE – How to Become a Nurse;

CURLEY, CHARLES – The Coming Profit in Gold;

DACEY, NORMAN F. - What's Wrong With Your Life Insurance;

DALE, ERNEST/ MICHELON, L.C. - Modern Management Methods;

DANIERE, ANDRE – Higher Education in the American Economy;

DARVAS, NICOLAS – How I Made 2,000,000 in the Stock market;

DAUGHEN, JOSEPH R./ BINZEN, PETER – The Wreck of the Penn Central;

DAVIDSON, JAMES DALE – the Plague of the Black Debt;

DIGHT, JANET – Breaking the Secretary Barrier;

DONALDSON, PETER – Guide to the British Economy;

DORMAN, MICHAEL – Vesco: the Infernal Money Making Machine;

DRUCKER, PETER F. - The Concept of the Corporation;

DRUMMOND, WALTER – How to Spend Money;

EASTO, LARRY – How to Succeed in Your Home Business;

ECONOMICS: The Penguin Dictionary of Economics;

EHRLICH, PAUL R./ EHRLICH, ANNE H. - The End of Affluence;

EINZIG, PAUL – How Money is Managed;

ELIAS, CHRISTOHER – Fleecing the Lambs;

EMERY, F.E. (ed.) - Systems Thinking;

ENGEL, LOUIS – How to Buy Stocks;

ENGLER, ROBERT – The Brotherhood of Oil: Energy Policy and Public Interest;

EVANS, A.J. - Why Not Prosperity?;

FALK, ROGER – The Business of Management;


FELLMETH, ROBERT – The Interstate Commerce Omission;

FERGUSION, T.M. - Income Tax Savings;

FORTUNE MAGAZINE EDITORS – Consumerism: Things Ralph nader Never Told You; *** 100 Stories of Business Success;

FOSTER, PETER – The Blue-Eyed Sheiks: the Canadian Oil Establishment;

FOXWORTH, JO – Boss lady;

FRASER, RONALD (ed.) - Work: Twenty Personal Accounts;

FRANCOIS, WILLIAM – Automation: Industrialization Comes of Age;

FRANK, WILLIAM W./ LAPP, CHARLES L. - How to Outsell the Born Saleman;

FRIEDMAN, IRVING S. - Inflation: a World Wide Disaster;

FRIEDRICH, OTTO – Decline and Fall: the Death Struggle of the Saturday Evening Post;

GALBRITH, JOHN KENNETH – The Affluent Society; *** with SALINGER, NICOLE – Almost Everyone's Guide to Economics; *** Economics and the art of Controversy; *** Economics and the Public Purpose; *** Economics Peace and Laughter; *** The Liberal Hour; *** Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went;

THE GARBARE BOOK; How to Save Energy and Money by Throwing out Less;

GAYLER, MARJORIE – Operation Hotel

GELLERMAN, SAUL W. - the Uses of Psychology in Management;


GETTY, J. PAUL – How tobe a Successful Executive; *** How to Be Rich;

GIBNEY, FRANK – The Operators;

GILDER, GEORGE – Wealth and Poverty;

GONICK, CY – Inflation and Wage Controls;

GOODMAN, GEORGE – The Wheeler Dealers;

GORDON, WILLIAM J.J. - Synectics;

GREIFF, DR. BARRIE S./ MUNTER, DR PRESTON K. - Tradeoffs; Executive, Family and Organizational Life;

GROSS, MARTIN L. - The Brain Watchers;

GUTMAN, WALTER K. - The Young Executives;

HACKER, ANDREW – The Corporation Take-Over;

HAKUTA, KEN – How To Create Your Own Fad And Make a Million Dollars;

HALCOMB, RUTH – Money and the Working MS.;

HALF, ROBER T- The Robert Half Way to Get Hired in Today's Job Market;

HANDY, CHARLES – Gods of Management;

HANSEN, ALVIN H. - America's Role in the World Economy;

HAPGOOD, DAVID – The Screwing of the Average Man;

HARMER, RUTH MULVEY – The High Cost of Dying;

HAROLDSEN,MARK O. - How to Wake Up the Financial Genius Inside You;

HARRAGAN, BETTY LEHAN – Games Mother Never Taught You;

HARRISON, BETTE KRISSELL – The Garage Sale Handbook;

HAWKEN, PAUL – The Next Economy;

HAZARD, C.C. - Confessions of a Wall Street Insider;

HAZARD, JOHN W. - Chooing Tomorrow's Growth Stocks Today;

HAZLITT, HENRY – Economic's in One Lesson;

HEILBRONER, ROBERT L. - In the Name of Profit;

HELLYER, PAUL – Exit Inflation;

HENNIG, MARGARET/ JARIM, ANNE – The Managerial Woman;

HARZBERG, FREDERICK – Work and the nature of man;

HESSION, CHARLES H. - John Kenneth Galbraith and his Critics;

HILL, NAPOLEON – Think and Grow Rich;

HOUGHTON, R.W. (ed.) - Public Finance;

HOW I MADE A MILLION: 22 Millionaires Tell;

HOW TO RUN A BUSINESS: Department of Trade and Commerce;

HUTKA, ED. - Boom or Busted; Family Dollars and Sense;

JACKSON, TOM – Guerrilla Tactics in the Job Market;

JANEWAY, ELIOT – What Shall I Do With My Money?;

JAY, MARGARET – How Rich Can we Get?

JOHNSON, JOANNA – Working at Home;

JOHNSON, DR. SPENCE/ WILSON, LARRY – The One Minute Sales Person;

JOHNSTON, DONALD J. - Fiscalmity: How to Survive Canada's Tax Chaos;

JONES, AUBREY – The new Inflation;

KAINS, M.G. - Five Acres and Indepence;

KAMM, JACOB O. - Making Profits in the Stock Market;

KARR, DAVID – Fight for Control;

KELLER, JAMES – Careers that Change Your World;

KENNEDY, MARILYN MOATS – Salary Strategies;

KENTON JRS., WALTER S. - How Life Insurance Companies Rob You and What You Can Do About It;

KIAM, VICTOR – Going for It!;

KITTLER, GLENN D. - The Peace Corps;

KLASS, ALAN – There's Golds in them Thar Pills;

KNOX, SUSAN – The Energy Crisis Survival Kit;

KROSNEY, HERBERY & MARY STEWART – Careers an Opportunities in International Service;

LEE, BETTY – Insurance, the Magic of Averages;

LEMBECK, RUTH – Teenage Jobs;

LETERMAN, ELMER G. - The New Art of Selling;

LEVINE, SOL – Your Future in Electronic Engineering;

LEVINSON, HARY – The Exceptional Engineering;

LEVINSON, HARRY – The Exceptional Executive; a Psychological Conception;

LEVY, HERTA HESS – What Every Woman Should Know About Investing Her Money;

LEWIS, DAVID – Louder Voices; The Corporate Welfare Bums;

LEWIS, JAMES – The Consumer's Fight-back Books

LIEBLING, A.J. - The press;

LOW, ALBERT – Zen and Creative Management;

LOWELL, VERNON W. - Airline Safety is a Myth;

LUNDBERG, FERINAND – The Rich and the Super-Rich;

LYON, JIM – Dome; the Rise and fall of the House That Jack Built;

MACCOBY, MICHAEL – The Gamesman;

MACINNIS, LYMAN – What You Should Know About Your Personal Finances;

MALSA, EDWARD/ CHORON, SANDRA – Everybody's Investment Book;

MANFIELD, HAROLD – Vision: The Story of Boeing;

MARGOLIUS, SIDNEY – The Innocent Consumer vs. The Exploiters; *** Your Money's Worth;

MASON, EDWARD S. (ed.) - The Corporation in Modern Society;

MAXWELL, RHONDA – Super Shopping and You;

MAYER, MARTIN – Madison Avenue, U.S.A. ; *** The Money Bazaars: Understanding the Banking Revolution Around Us;

MAYO, LUCY GRAVES – You can be an Executive Secretary;

McCORMICK, CHARLES P. - The Power of People;

McRAE, T.W. (ed.) - Management Information Systems;

McQUEEN, ROD – The Moneyspinners;

MILLER, MERLE/ RHODERS, EVAN – Only You, Dick Daring! Or How to Write One Television Script and Make 50,000,000;

MILTON, MARK – Free for Housewives;

MISHAN, E.J. - The Cost of Economic Growth;

MITFORD, JESSICA – The American Way of Death;

MOORE, W.G. - The World's Wealth;


MOYNAHAN, BRIAN – Airport International;

MURPHY, JOHN D. (ed) – Secrets of Successful Selling;

MUSASHI, MIYAMOTO – The Book of Five Rings; The Real Art of Japanese Management;

MYRDAL, GUNNAR – Beyond the Welfare State; *** Challenge to Affluence;

NEAL, CHARLES – Sense with Dollars;

NELSON, PAULA – The Joy of Money;

NELSON, WALTER HENRY – The Great Discount Delusion;

NEUFELD, E.P. - Money and Banking in Canada;

NEWMAN, PETER C. - The Acquistors; *** The Canadian Establishment; *** The Establishment Man;

NICKRSON, WILLIAM – How I Turned 1,000 into a million in Real Estate in my Spare Time; *** How to Make a Fortune Today;





OWEN GEOFFREY – Industry in the U.S.A.;


PARKINSON, C. NORTHCOTE – The law and the Profits; *** Parkinson's law;

PAYER, CHERYL – The Debt Trap; The IMF and the Third World;

PAYNE, RICHARD A. - How to get a Better Job Quicker;


PEN, J. - Modern Economics;

PETERSEN, CLARENCE – The Bantam Story; Twenty-Five years of Paperback Publishing;

PHILLIPS, PAUL – Regional Disparities; *** with PHILLIPS, ERIN – Women and Work; Inequality in the Labour Market;


POOR, RIVA (ed) – 4 Days, 40 Hours;

PORTER, SYLVIA – How to Get More for Your Money;

PORTH, PAT – The Retailing Experience;

POWELL, ANTHONY – A Buyer's Marker;

QUOIST, MICHEL – Meaning of Success (Fides Dome Book #D-43; 1970 printing; Lay Spirituality for the thinking young person; GOOD, reading copy = $4.00); *** Meaning of Success (Fides Dome Book #D-43; 1968 printing; Lay Spirituality for the thinking young person; Very Good+ = $7.00);

RADIN, MAX – The law and You;

RANDALL, CLARENCE B. - The Folklore of Management;

RICHARDSON, HARRY W. - Elements of Regional Economics;

RIFENBARK, RICHARD K./ JOHNSON, DAVID – How to Beat the Salary trap;


ROBINSON, JOAN – Economic Philosophy;

RODELL, JOHN S. - To Avoid Alimony; a Survival Kit for Men;

ROSENBERG, JR. CLAUDE N. - Stock Market Primer;


RUFF, HOWARD J. - How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years; *** Survive and Win in the Inflationary Eigties;

SAALHEIMER, HARRIET – 1000 Valuable Things You Can Get Free in Canada;

SCHUMACHER, E.F. - Small Is Beautiful: Economics as If People Mattered;

SCHWARTZ, HENRY – Hidden Gold in Real Estate;

SEGAL, RONALD – The Decline and Fall of the American Dollar;

SEIBERRT, JOSEPH/ WILLS, GORDON (eds.) - Marketing Research;

SERVAN-SCHREIBER, J.J. - The American Challenge;

SHANKS, MICHAEL – The Innovators; the Economics of Technology;

SHULMAN, MORTON – Anyone Can Make a Million; *** Anyone can Still Make a Million; *** How to Invest Your Money and Profit from Inflation;

SIMONS, BLAINE N. - Games Lawyers Play with Your Money;

SIU, R.G.H. - The Master Manager;

SIZER, MARK – High Finance on a Low Budgt;

SLICHTER, SUMNER H. - Econoimc Growth in the United States;

SLOAN JR., ALFRED P. - My Years with General Motors;

SMALL, MARVIN – How to Make More Money;

SMITH, ADAM – The Money Game; *** Supermoney;

SMITH, JEROME F. - The Coming Currency Collaspe: and What You Can Do About It;

SMITH, RICHARD AUSTIN – Corporations in Crisis;

SOLMAN, PAUL/ FRIEDMAN, THOMAS – Life and Death on the Corporate Battlefield;

SOLOMON, IRVING I./ WEINGART, LAURENCE O. - Management Uses of the Computer;

SORENSEN, CHARLES E. - My Forty Years with Ford;

sOULE, GEORGE – Ideas of the Great Economists; *** Introduction to Economic Science; *** Men, Wages and Employment in the Modern U.S. Economy; *** The New Science of Ecomomics;


STARK, NORMAN – The Formula Book;

STEED, WICKHAM – The press;

STEVENS, MARK – The Inside Story of Bloomingdale's;

STEWART, MICHAEL – Keynes and After;

STEWART, WALTER – Towers of Gold, Feet of Clay; the Canadian Banks;

TALESE, GAY – The Kingdom and the Power;

TARKENTON, FRAN – Playing to Win: Strategies for Business Success;

TARSHIS, BARRY – What it Costs;

TERKEL, STUDS – Working;

THEOBALD, ROBERT (ed.) - The Guaranteed Income; Next Step in Socioeconomic Evolution?;

TILLETT, A./ KEMPNER, T./ WILLS G. (eds.) - Management Thinkers;

TOBIAS, ANDREW – The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need;

TOWNSEND, ROBERT – Up the Organization;

TUGENDHAT, CHRISTOPHER – The Multinationals;

TURNER, E.S. - The Shocking History of Advertising;


URI, PIERRE (ed.) - From Commonwealth to Common Market;

URIS, AUREN – Mastery of Management;

VEBLEN, THORSTEIN – The Theory of the Leisure Class; *** The Theory of Business Enterprise;

VOLKER, ALBERT – How You can Make a Fortune in Canada;

WEBSTER, G.H./ OLIVER, J.M. - The manager's Enviroment; an Economic Approach;

WEDGWOOD, JOSIAH – The Economics of Inheritance;

WEISINGER, MORT – 1001 Valuable Things Free;

WELSCH, LAWRENCE A./ CYERT, RICHARD M. (eds.) - Management decision Making;

WHITNEY, BYRL A. - Whitney's Parliamentary Procedure;

WILLIAMS, GERTRUDE – Economics of Everyday Life;

WILSON, EDMUND – The Cold War and the Income Tax: a Protest;

WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY; a Guide to Current Careers;

WRIGHT, J. PATRICK – On a Clear Day You Can See General Motors;

ZIMMER, HENRY B. - The Canadian Tan and Investment Guide; *** 1983 Canadian Tax and Investment Guide; *** *** with KAUFMAN, V. JEANNE – Reshaping Your Investment Strategies for the1980's;


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>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986



Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at;  1-204-392-6686


ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =

SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;

ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;



Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

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Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

