CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines

= Titles beginning with Letters "A" thru "B"


BELOW is Part-1 of 9 –Parts of Our Current List of 7000+ CGC Graded Comics IN STOCK (including New Arrivals) =

** [BUY Items DIRECT from our Website (NOT thru eBay or ComicLink) and you can Take a 10% DISCOUNT OFF Listed Prices] **


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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 41 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972; See Overstreet #32-42 on pages 9 & 10 to confirm}; >> Read my Annual MARKET REPORTS; (in the Overstreet 2013-2014 Edition Annual #43, my Market Report on pages 138-142, and see our AD on page 194; Overstreet Advisor status = page 9 & 1123);(in the Overstreet 2012-2013 Edition Annual #42, my Market Report on pages 132 thru 140, and see our AD on page 188 & 250; Overstreet Advisor status = page 9 & 1155); (in the Overstreet 2011 Annual #41, my Market Report on pages 128 thru 138, and see our AD on page 184 & 236; Overstreet Advisor status = page 9 & 1107); And MY REPORTS in; Overstreet 2010 Annual #40, pages 112 thru 125, and see our AD on page 174; Overstreet Advisor status = page 9 & 1106; Overstreet 2009 Annual #39, pages 121 thru 134, and see our AD on page 182; Overstreet Adviser status = page 9 & 1106); (Overstreet 2008 Annual #38, pages 116-128) (Overstreet 2007 Annual #37, pages 107-118) (Overstreet 2006 Annual #36, pages 108-125) (Overstreet 2005 Annual #35, pages 94-109) (Overstreet 2004 Annual #34, pages 89-100) (Overstreet 2003 Annual #33, pages 86-95)(Overstreet 2002 Annual #32, pages 72-81)(Overstreet 2001 Annual #31 on pages 64-75); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.


*** We do NOT accept returns for CGC graded comic books as there is no question of grade or authenticity.
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NOTE; Since the Purpose of CGC is to Eliminate the Question of Grading & you thus should know what you are getting, CGC Graded Comics are NOT Returnable.

(NOTE; More Ordering info is below, beneath Items listed, please SCROLL down this page to see ALL info)!

CGC (Certified Guaranty Company) Professionally Graded & Slabbed COMICS = IN Stock & FOR SALE;

CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines

= Titles beginning with Letters "A" thru "B"


BELOW is Part-1 of 9 –Parts of Our Current List of 7000+ CGC Graded Comics IN STOCK (including New Arrivals) =

** [BUY Items DIRECT from our Website (NOT thru eBay or ComicLink) and you can Take a 10% DISCOUNT OFF Listed Prices] **




ACTION COMICS #1 ORIGIN 1st SUPERMAN 1976 10¢ Sleeping Bag Promo REPRINT CGC 9.6


#1 (1976; REPRINTS the Complete ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of SUPERMAN cover and story;

By Siegel & Shuster, from ACTION Comics #1 Originally Published in 1938;

The Original Comic is considered by Most People to be the NUMBER ONE Most Important Comic Book of ALL-TIME;

With 10 Cents Price on Cover (Looks MORE LIKE the ORIGINAL)

Promotional Giveaway with Paper Newsprint covers;

16 pages including covers; Full Color; 

** This is the FRONT COVER VARIANT with the 10¢ Price still on the Front Cover;


** According to the CGC Census (at Time of Listing); This is the is the Among the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples So far Graded by CGC;

This 10¢ Sleeping Bag VARIANT is TWICE as SCARCE than the SAFEGUARD Promo Variant with FREE (NO Price) on the Cover (CGC Has So Far Graded 466 Examples of the Safeguard Edition;  CGC Has So Far Graded only 234 examples of the 10¢ Sleeping Bag edition)

*** Current Values of the 1938 Original #1 are now in the Stratosphere (even for VERY LOW Grade Examples); With this much more affordable 1975 FORTY SEVEN YEAR OLD REPRINT, you can own a HIGH GRADE Investment Quality example, without Breaking your Bank Account;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $499.00;


ACTION Comics 297 Mon-El Supergirl FIRST FULL app GENERAL ZOD 1963 CGC VF+ 8.5 = $359.00

ACTION Comics #297 (DC Comics Pub; 2/1963; FIRST FULL appearance of GENERAL ZOD in 13 page Supergirl story with Lex Luthor = ZOD appears in 18 Panels, this is also an early appearance of the Phantom Zone with Lesla-Lar, Jax-Ur, Kru-El, Lena Thorul & Mon-El appearances; GENERAL ZOD is #30 on IGN's on Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

SUPERMAN the Movie #1, the Film introduced General ZOD to the Film Media & General Public; Terence Stamp plays the Phantom Zone Criminal/Villian General Dru-ZOD; General ZOD as he went on to appear in Superman-II in 1980; a Ruby-Spears Superman Animated episode in 1988 had ZOD; Callum Blue played General ZOD in 23 episodes of TV's SMALLVILLE from 2009-2011. Michael Shannon played General ZOD in the 2013 Man of Steel Movie #1; First & second 2-Panel cameo appearance of General ZOD were in Adventure #283, 293; First FULL appearances of General ZOD was in Action Comics #297; CGC, VF+, 8.5 with Off-WHITE to WHITE Pages = $299.00); Cover SCAN =

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ACTION Comics #297 (DC Comics Pub; 2/1963; FIRST FULL appearance of GENERAL ZOD in 13 page Supergirl story with Lex Luthor = ZOD appears in 18 Panels, this is also an early appearance of the Phantom Zone with Lesla-Lar, Jax-Ur, Kru-El, Lena Thorul & Mon-El appearances; GENERAL ZOD is #30 on IGN's on Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

SUPERMAN the Movie #1, the Film introduced General ZOD to the Film Media & General Public; Terence Stamp plays the Phantom Zone Criminal/Villian General Dru-ZOD; General ZOD as he went on to appear in Superman-II in 1980; a Ruby-Spears Superman Animated episode in 1988 had ZOD; Callum Blue playedGeneral ZOD in 23 episodes of TV's SMALLVILLE from 2009-2011. Michael Shannon played General ZOD in the 2013 Man of Steel Movie #1; First & second 2-Panel cameo appearance of General ZOD were in Adventure #283, 293; First FULL appearances of General ZOD was in Action Comics #297; CGC, VF, 8.0 with Light-Tan to Off-WHITE Pages = $249.00); Cover SCAN =


Action Comics #484 Superman weds Lois Lane 1978 RARE 3-D Doll VARIANT CGC 9.6

ACTION Comics (DC Comics Pub; SUPERMAN appears in all; 1938-2011)


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $399.00;



Action Comics #484 Superman weds Lois Lane 1978 RARE 3-D Doll VARIANT CGC 9.2

ACTION Comics (DC Comics Pub; SUPERMAN appears in all; 1938-2011)


** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;

Action Comics # 500 Origin Life Story Superman 1979 Giant Supergirl Luthor CGC 9.8 = $299


Action Comics 500 Origin Life Story Superman 1979 Giant Supergirl Luthor CGC 9.8

** Minor One Inch Factory Sealing CRACK at Bottom Edge of CGC Holder;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $275.00;

---------------- --------------------

Action Comics 500 Origin Life Story Superman 1979 Giant Supergirl Luthor CGC 9.6

** Older CGC Holder;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;


ACTION COMICS #552 Animal Man Rip Hunter RICK FLAGG Suicide Squad CGC NM/MT 9.8

ACTION Comics (DC Comics Pub; SUPERMAN appears in all; 1938-2011)

#552 (2/1984; FIRST appearance of the original Pre-Crisis FORGOTTEN HEROES Team,

Led by Immortal Man, The TEAM includes; ANIMAL MAN, Cave Carson, Congo Bill aka Congorilla, Dolphin,


*** Arthur Darvill will play RIP HUNTER Time Master in the CW Network TV’s upcoming Spin-Off of Arrow and The Flash;

• the SUICIDE SQUAD Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE directed by David Ayer is scheduled for release in 2016;

*** Action #552 is from 2/1984 and PRE-DATES LEGENDS #1(11/1986; First Amanda Waller) and #3(1/1987First Copper Age Suicide Squad) by 19 and 21 Months;

VERY UNDER-VALUED early Copper Age KEY issue;

*** According to the May 16, 2015 CGC Census, this is among the HIGHEST GRADED Examples so Far Graded by CGC;

>>> CGC: MN/MT, 9.8 with WHITE Pages = $119.00);

-- 00227-19 (front) // 00227-20 (back)



ACTION COMICS #552 Animal Man Rip Hunter RICK FLAGG Suicide Squad CGC NM+ 9.6

ACTION Comics (DC Comics Pub; SUPERMAN appears in all; 1938-2011)

#552 (2/1984; FIRST appearance of the original Pre-Crisis FORGOTTEN HEROES Team,

Led by Immortal Man, The TEAM includes; ANIMAL MAN, Cave Carson, Congo Bill aka Congorilla, Dolphin,


*** Arthur Darvill will play RIP HUNTER Time Master in the CW Network TV’s upcoming Spin-Off of Arrow and The Flash;

• the SUICIDE SQUAD Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE directed by David Ayer is scheduled for release in 2016;

*** Action #552 is from 2/1984 and PRE-DATES LEGENDS #1(11/1986; First Amanda Waller) and #3(1/1987First Copper Age Suicide Squad) by 19 and 21 Months;

VERY UNDER-VALUED early Copper Age KEY issue;

*** According to the November 07, 2015 CGC Census, this is among the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples so Far Graded by CGC;

>>>CGC: NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6 with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


ACTION COMICS #553 Animal Man Rip Hunter RICK FLAGG Suicide Squad CGC NM+ 9.6 

ACTION Comics (DC Comics Pub)

#553 (3/1984; SECOND appearance of the original Pre-Crisis FORGOTTEN HEROES Team,

Led by Immortal Man, The TEAM includes; ANIMAL MAN, Cave Carson, Congo Bill aka Congorilla, Dane Dorrance, Dolphin,


*** Arthur Darvill will play RIP HUNTER Time Master in the CW Network TV’s upcoming Spin-Off of Arrow and The Flash;

• the SUICIDE SQUAD Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE directed by David Ayer is scheduled for release in 2016;

*** Action #553 is from 3/1984 and PRE-DATES LEGENDS #1(11/1986; First Amanda Waller) and #3(1/1987First Copper Age Suicide Squad) by 20 and 22 Months;

VERY UNDER-VALUED early Copper Age KEY issue;

Forgotten Heroes vs VANDAL SAVAGE;  Vandal Savage is #36 on IGN's #36 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; ≫ Casper Crump will play VANDAL SAVAGE, the Main Villain in CW Network TV's LEGENDS OF TOMORROW; This is the character's LIVE ACTION Debut in the TV or Movie  Universe (called by name, excluding the alternate and differently named take on him in TV's SMALLVILLE)

>>> CGC: NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6 with WHITE Pages = $79.00;

 White pages  CGC 9.6  00122-26 (front) /// 00122-27 (back)


Action Comics #1050 ALEX ROSS 2023 1-Homage Luthor Metallo JLA Nightwing CGC 9.8

** Minor Factory Sealing CRACK at Top Edge of CGC Holder;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $85.00;


Advanced Dungeons & Dragons #1 1st DC Comic RPG 1988 D&D TSR FILM coming CGC 9.8

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS (DC Comics Pub; 1988-1991);

#1 (12/1988; FIRST PRINTING;

Based on the Fantasy-Supernatural, Sword and Sorcery TSR Role Playing Game - RPG;

FIRST appearance of Cybriana;

FIRST appearance of Onyx;

FIRST appearance of Timoth Eyesbright;

FIRST appearance of Vajra Valmeyjar;

FIRST appearance of Priam Agrivar;

FIRST appearance of Luna;

FIRST appearance of Jalma;

FIRST appearance of Pern;

FIRST appearance of Imgig Zu (Antagonist);

FIRST appearance of Kilili (Antagonist);

Cover depicts; Onyx, Cybriana, Timoth Eyesbright, Vajra Valmeyjar, Priam Agrivar, Imgig Zu (as shadow);

DC Database Synopsis;

Onyx and Timoth save Cybriana from an assault by the minions of Imgig Zu, but Cybriana's hands have been turned to crystal so the three set out to Waterdeep in order to seek the help of the paladin Priam Agrivar. Once there, they meet up with Vajra who informs them that Agrivar has become a drunken beggar after his hands had been exposed to a blast from the Staff of Withering.

Michael Fleisher story;

Jan Duursema cover and art;


** The Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Live-Action MOVIE Debuts in Theatres on March 31, 2023, Directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein;

** The Film Stars; Chris Pine as Edgin, Michelle Rodriguez as Holga, Regé-Jean Page as Xenk, Justice Smith as Simon, Sophia Lillis as Doric, Hugh Grant as Forge, Sophia Eleni as Valxina Tabaxi, Chloe Coleman, Jason Wong, Daisy Head;          

IMDB;  ** A charming thief and a band of unlikely adventurers embark on an epic quest to retrieve a lost relic, but things go dangerously awry when they run afoul of the wrong people.  ** Based on the Fantasy-Supernatural, Sword and Sorcery TSR Role Playing Game - RPG;    


** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $259.00;


Adventure Comics 467 Origin PLASTIC MAN 1980 1st new STARMAN Begin DITKO CGC 9.8

ADVENTURE COMICS (DC Comics Pub; 1938-1983)

#467 (1/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $259.00;



Adventure Comics 467 Origin PLASTIC MAN 1980 1st new STARMAN Begin DITKO CGC 9.8

ADVENTURE COMICS (DC Comics Pub; 1938-1983)

#467 (1/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $249.00;



Adventure Comics 467 Origin PLASTIC MAN 1980 1st new STARMAN Begin DITKO CGC 9.6

ADVENTURE COMICS (DC Comics Pub; 1938-1983)

#467 (1/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


Adventures into Darkness #11 SKULL-c Roussos 1953 Sekowsky Cardy Celardo CGC 4.0

ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS (Standard - Better/Visual Pub; 1952-1954)

#11 (9/1953; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY GOOD, 4.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $435.00;



Adventures of Bob Hope #1 Batman 1950 Fitzgerald Oksner Mortimer Lampert CGC 2.0

THE ADVENTURES OF BOB HOPE (DC Comics Pub; 1950-1968)

#1 (2-3/1950; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; GOOD, 2,0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $325.00;


Adventures of the FLY #1 ORIGIN 1st Full FLY & SPIDER SPRY 1959 KIRBY CGC 4.5 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $399.00;


Adventures of the FLY #1 ORIGIN 1st Full FLY & SPIDER SPRY 1959 KIRBY CGC 4.5

THE ADVENTURES OF THE FLY (Archie Comics Pub; 1959-1965)

#1 (8/1959; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN and FIRST FULL appearance of Tommy Troy aka THE FLY;

** First SOLO Title for Tommy Troy aka THE FLY;

** THE FLY had Two Brief Two Page appearance each in Double Life of Private Strong (1959) #1(6/59) and #2(8/59)

** THE FLY inspired the creation of Marvel’s SPIDER-MAN;

** DC COMICS Revived the ARCHIE SUPER-HEROES in 1991 under the DC IMPACT LOGO;

** The FLY vs SPIDER SPRY battle cover and story (Later becomes the SPIDER in #10);

** FIRST appearance of SPIDER SPRY;

** The Strange New World of the Fly;

** The Fly Discovers His Buzz Gun;

** The Fly in Come into My Parlor;

** The FLY in  Magic Eye;

** Gentle Art of Jiu Jitsu;

** Private Lancelot Strong aka SHEILD in the Search, 2 page backup story; 

** MLJ and Archie Super-Heroes; #1-6 say THE FLY in Indicia; First Series;

For issues #31 and up., the title changes to FLYMAN;

JACK KIRBY and Joe Simon story;

George Tuska art;

JACK KIRBY and Joe Simon cover and art;

** CGC;  VERY GOOD+, 4.5, with Cream to Off-WHITE Pages = $399.00;


Adventures of the FLY #1 ORIGIN 1st Full FLY & SPIDER SPRY 1959 KIRBY CGC 3.5  with Cream to Off-WHITE Pages = $299.00;


Adventures on Planet of the Apes #1 Adapts original Movie 1975 Marvel CGC 9.4

ADVENTURES ON THE PLANET OF THE APES (Marvel Pub - Full COLOR Comic Series; 1975-1976);

#1 (10/1975;

Original PLANET OF THE APES Part-1 of 6-part MOVIE Adaptation BEGINS, First time in Full Color;

George Taylor appears;

DEATH of Dodge, Landon and Stewart;

Rich Buckler and JIM STARLIN cover;

Mike Ploog and George Tuska art;

** Reprints the Planet of the Apes Marvel B&W Magazine, for the First Time in Comic Book Format and First Time in FULL COLOR;


** In 2019, Disney acquired the entertainment assets of 21st Century Fox including 20th Century Fox, including PLANET OF THE APES.

That year, Disney announced further PLANET OF THE APES sequels to the 2011 reboot series are in production, including;

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes officially announced a 2024 DEBUT date!!

** The films have grossed a total of over US$2 BILLION worldwide, against a combined budget of $567.5 million.

** Franchise tie-ins include books, comics, video games and toys.

** Planet of the Apes has received particular attention among film critics for its treatment of racial issues. Cinema and cultural analysts have also explored its Cold War and animal rights themes. The series has influenced subsequent films, media, and art, as well as popular culture and political discourse.

** Original Movie series; ; Planet of the Apes (1968),  Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970), Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971), Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972), Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973);

** Remake Movie series; Planet of the Apes (2001 by Tim Burton)

** Reboot Movie series; • Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014),  War for the Planet of the Apes (2017),  Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024);** Television series; Planet of the Apes (1974; Live-Action),  Return to the Planet of the Apes (1975–1976; Animated series)** Video game; Planet of the Apes (2001), Revenge of the Apes (2003), Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier (2017), Crisis on the Planet of the Apes VR (2018);

The franchise is based on French author Pierre Boulle's 1963 novel La Planète des singes, translated into English as Planet of the Apes or Monkey Planet.

Notes from Wikipedia;


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;


AFTERLIFE With Archie #3 PHANTOM VARIANT cover Francavilla ZOMBIES CGC NM/MT 9.8

AFTERLIFE With ARCHIE (Archie Comics Pub; 2013-2016);

 #3 (2/2014; FIRST PRINTING;

Escape from Riverdale, Part 3;

Scarcer PHANTOM VARIANT Graveyard cover by Francesco Francavilla;

ZOMBIES Apocalypse storyline;

Roberto Aguirre Sacasa story;

Francesco Francavilla and Jack Morelli art;

00255-1 (front) // 00225-2 (back)

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $139.00;


Air Raiders #1 1st Comics appear Marvel Star 1987 Airlandia HASBRO TOYS CGC 9.6

AIR RAIDERS (the Power is in the Air) (Marvel Star Comics Pub; 1987-1988)

#1 (11/1987; FIRST PRINTING;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $85.00;



Air Raiders #1 1st Comics appear Marvel Star 1987 Airlandia HASBRO TOYS CGC 9.6

AIR RAIDERS (the Power is in the Air) (Marvel Star Comics Pub; 1987-1988)

#1 (11/1987; FIRST PRINTING;

** Regular DIRECT Edition with STAR LOGO in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;



Air Raiders #1 1st Comics appear Marvel Star 1987 Airlandia HASBRO TOYS CGC 9.4

AIR RAIDERS (the Power is in the Air) (Marvel Star Comics Pub; 1987-1988)

#1 (11/1987; FIRST PRINTING;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



Air Raiders #1 1st Comics appear Marvel Star 1987 Airlandia HASBRO TOYS CGC 9.0

AIR RAIDERS (the Power is in the Air) (Marvel Star Comics Pub; 1987-1988)

#1 (11/1987; FIRST PRINTING;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;



Air Raiders #1 1st Comics appear Marvel Star 1987 Airlandia HASBRO TOYS CGC 8.5

AIR RAIDERS (the Power is in the Air) (Marvel Star Comics Pub; 1987-1988)

#1 (11/1987; FIRST PRINTING;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $39.00;


AKIRA #1 1st USA comic 1st Kaneda,Tetsuo Marvel Epic 1988 FILM reboot TV CGC 9.0

AKIRA (Epic Marvel; 1988-1995);

#1 (9/1988; FIRST PRINTING with $3.50 Original Cover Price;

FIRST American appearance of Kaneda and Tetsuo;

Chapter 1: The Highway;

FIRST full COLOR printing;

MDB Synopsis;

**  It's 1992, thirty-eight years after a devastatingly powerful new bomb exploded over Tokyo and triggered WW III. Now, the young, rebellious Kaneda nearly runs over a child with his motorcycle, a child with the face of an old man and powers beyond physical science!

Wikipedia Notes;

** On July 4, 2019, Bandai Namco Entertainment announced an AKIRA anime TELEVISION series to be made by Sunrise.

** The manga is also famous for spawning the seminal 1988 cyberpunk anime film adaptation of the same name and the greater franchise.

** The 1988 AKIRA MOVIE is regarded by many critics as a landmark anime film: one that influenced much of the art in the anime world that followed its release.

** Akira was instrumental in the surge in popularity of manga outside Japan, especially in the United States and France. The manga won several awards, including the Kodansha Manga Award, a Harvey Award, and four Eisner Awards.

Classic Manga, with Katsuhiro Otomo story, cover and art;

Katsuhiro Otomo and Steve Oliff cover;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $85.00;



AKIRA #1 1st USA comic 1st Kaneda,Tetsuo Marvel Epic 1988 FILM reboot TV CGC 8.0

AKIRA (Epic Marvel; 1988-1995);

#1 (9/1988; FIRST PRINTING with $3.50 Original Cover Price;

FIRST American appearance of Kaneda and Tetsuo;

Chapter 1: The Highway;

FIRST full COLOR printing;

MDB Synopsis;

**  It's 1992, thirty-eight years after a devastatingly powerful new bomb exploded over Tokyo and triggered WW III. Now, the young, rebellious Kaneda nearly runs over a child with his motorcycle, a child with the face of an old man and powers beyond physical science!

Wikipedia Notes;

** On July 4, 2019, Bandai Namco Entertainment announced an AKIRA anime TELEVISION series to be made by Sunrise.

** The manga is also famous for spawning the seminal 1988 cyberpunk anime film adaptation of the same name and the greater franchise.

** The 1988 AKIRA MOVIE is regarded by many critics as a landmark anime film: one that influenced much of the art in the anime world that followed its release.

** Akira was instrumental in the surge in popularity of manga outside Japan, especially in the United States and France. The manga won several awards, including the Kodansha Manga Award, a Harvey Award, and four Eisner Awards.

Classic Manga, with Katsuhiro Otomo story, cover and art;

Katsuhiro Otomo and Steve Oliff cover;

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;


Aladdin #0 Wonderful Lamp 1993 BETTY PAGE Marcus Boas GGA Conquest Press CGC 8.0

ALADDIN (Conquest Press Pub);

#0 [2/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

Low Print and SCARCE;

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages = $109.00;


ALBEDO Anthropomorphics The Prototype #0 BLADE RUNNER 4th Print 1986 CGC NM+ 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages  = $129.00;



ALBEDO Anthropomorphics The Prototype #0 BLADE RUNNER 4th Print 1986 CGC NM 9.4

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages  = $99.00;


All-American Men of War #90 Lichtenstein 5x Pop-Art Opened Fire Bratatat CGC 6.5

ALL AMERICAN MEN OF WAR (DC Comics Pub; 1952-1966);

#90 [3-4/1962; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with Off-White to WHITE


ALL-STAR COMICS #58 1st JSA Return SuperSquad WOOD-a 1976 1st POWER GIRL CGC 6.5

ALL-STAR COMICS (DC Comics Pub; 1976-1978);

#58 (1-2/1976; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of Kara Zor-L aka POWER GIRL cover and Story; 

** POWER GIRL was ranked #9 in Comics Buyer's Guide's 100 Sexiest Women in Comics List.

** First Return of Title since 1951; 

** FIRST Return Bronze Age Series of JSA / Justice Society of America as the SUPER SQUAD, later becomes the All-Star Squadron series in 1981;

** Includes these Golden Age Earth-2 characters, Dr. Fate, Dr. Mid-Nite, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Robin, Star Spangled Kid, Wildcat; 

** POWER GIRL Team affiliations includes; Justice Society of America, Justice League, Infinity Inc, Birds of Prey, Suicide Squad, Sovereign Seven;

** POWER GIRL Partnerships includes; Helena Wayne the Huntress, Superman of Earth-Two, Atlee aka Terra & Harley Quinn;

** JSA aka Justice Society of America and JLA Related Spin-Off Series;

Mike GRELL cover; 

Ric Estrada and WALLY WOOD art; 

Gerry Conway story; 

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with WHITE Pages = $179.00;



ALL-STAR COMICS #58 1st JSA Return SuperSquad WOOD-a 1976 1st POWER GIRL CGC 6.5

ALL-STAR COMICS (DC Comics Pub; 1976-1978);

#58 (1-2/1976; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of Kara Zor-L aka POWER GIRL cover and Story; 

** POWER GIRL was ranked #9 in Comics Buyer's Guide's 100 Sexiest Women in Comics List.

** First Return of Title since 1951; 

** FIRST Return Bronze Age Series of JSA / Justice Society of America as the SUPER SQUAD, later becomes the All-Star Squadron series in 1981;

** Includes these Golden Age Earth-2 characters, Dr. Fate, Dr. Mid-Nite, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Robin, Star Spangled Kid, Wildcat; 

** POWER GIRL Team affiliations includes; Justice Society of America, Justice League, Infinity Inc, Birds of Prey, Suicide Squad, Sovereign Seven;

** POWER GIRL Partnerships includes; Helena Wayne the Huntress, Superman of Earth-Two, Atlee aka Terra & Harley Quinn;

** JSA aka Justice Society of America and JLA Related Spin-Off Series;

Mike GRELL cover; 

Ric Estrada and WALLY WOOD art; 

Gerry Conway story; 

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with WHITE Pages = $174.00;



ALL-STAR COMICS #58 1st JSA Return SuperSquad WOOD-a 1976 1st POWER GIRL CGC 6.0

ALL-STAR COMICS (DC Comics Pub; 1976-1978);

#58 (1-2/1976; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of Kara Zor-L aka POWER GIRL cover and Story; 

** POWER GIRL was ranked #9 in Comics Buyer's Guide's 100 Sexiest Women in Comics List.

** First Return of Title since 1951; 

** FIRST Return Bronze Age Series of JSA / Justice Society of America as the SUPER SQUAD, later becomes the All-Star Squadron series in 1981;

** Includes these Golden Age Earth-2 characters, Dr. Fate, Dr. Mid-Nite, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Robin, Star Spangled Kid, Wildcat; 

** POWER GIRL Team affiliations includes; Justice Society of America, Justice League, Infinity Inc, Birds of Prey, Suicide Squad, Sovereign Seven;

** POWER GIRL Partnerships includes; Helena Wayne the Huntress, Superman of Earth-Two, Atlee aka Terra & Harley Quinn;

** JSA aka Justice Society of America and JLA Related Spin-Off Series;

Mike GRELL cover; 

Ric Estrada and WALLY WOOD art; 

Gerry Conway story; 

** CGC; FINE, 6.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $159.00;


ALL-STAR COMICS 69 ORIGIN 1st HUNTRESS 1977 TV Arrow Birds of Prey Movie CGC 9.4

ALL-STAR COMICS (DC Comics Pub; 1976-1978; JSA / Justice Society of America & JLA Related Spin-Off Series);

#69 (11-12/1977; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Appearance and ORIGIN of Helena Wayne the new Bronze Age HUNTRESS, of Earth-Two, released on the same day as DC Super-Stars #17 from 12/1977;

** Mary Elizabeth Winstead will play Helena Bertinelli aka HUNTRESS in the The BIRDS OF PREY Movie that will Debut on February 7, 2020

** The Helena Wayne HUNTRESS is now one of the most important DC Super-Heroines of the 1970's, the daughter of the Batman and Catwoman of Earth-Two; ** HUNTRESS Joins the JSA in All Star Comics #72;

** In the Post CRISIS era, Helena Rosa Bertinelli becomes the new Copper Age Huntress in Huntress #1 from 4/1989 & becomes a Member of the BIRDS OF PREY;

**  Jessica De Gouw appears as Helena Bertinelli The HUNTRESS in 2012-2014 Episodes of TV's the ARROW;

** Paul Levitz story;

** Joe Staton & Bob Layton art;

** Al Milgrom & Jack Abel cover;


The BIRDS OF PREY (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) MOVIE, directed by Cathy Yan, will Debut on February 7, 2020;

BIRDS OF PREY (Black Canary, Cassandra Cain, HARLEY QUINN, Renee Montoya and HUNTRESS)

** Margot Robbie will play Dr. Harleen Quinzel aka HARLEY QUINN;

** Jurnee Smolett-Bell will play Dinah Laurel aka BLACK CANARY;

** Mary Elizabeth Winstead will play Helena Bertinelli aka HUNTRESS;

**CASSANDRA CAIN (Vigilante Martial Artist, aka BATGIRL);

** RENEE MONTOYA (Lesbian Detective for Gotham City Police);

** Rumor has it that BARBARA GORDON is already The ORACLE for this MOVIE;

** Roman Sionis aka BLACK MASK (Underground Crime Boss) will be the Main Villain in the Upcoming BIRDS OF PREY MOVIE;

The R-RATED GANG Film is centered around a revolving group of female heroes and villains, will be produced by Kroll & Co Entertainment’s Sue Kroll and Clubhouse Pictures’ Bryan Unkeless; Margot Robbie is set to reprise her role as HARLEY QUINN from Suicide Squad plus co-produce the film.  Cathy Yan is set to direct (first Asian woman to direct a DC film);  Christina Hodson wrote the “Birds of Prey” spinoff for Warner Bros. and DC Films (Hodson is also writing “Batgirl” for DC)


00259-801 (back) // 00259-802 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $159.00;


ALL-STAR SQUADRON (DC Comics Pub; 1981-1987);

#23 (7/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** Origin and FIRST appearance of Will Everett aka AMAZING MAN cover and story;

** AMAZING MAN is a BLACK African-American Villain and Super-Hero;

** AMAZING MAN was created by Roy Thomas as a tribute to Bill Everett's Amazing-Man, a character he created for Centaur in the Golden Age of Comics;

** VILLAINS appearing includes; Amazing-Man, Terrence Kurtzberger aka Cyclotron, Jake Simmons aka Deathbolt, Dolores Winters aka Ultra-Humanite;

** All-Star Squadron Team Line-Up appearing includes; Commander Steel, Firebrand, Liberty Belle, Johnny Quick, Robotman;

** Justice Society of America Team Line-Up appearing includes; The Atom, Doctor Fate, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Superman;

** Appearances by; Inza Cramer (later becomes the Female Doctor Fate) and Gernsback the Robot;

** When Fate Thy Measure Takes...!

Roy Thomas story;

 Jerry Ordway and Mike Machlan art;

 Jerry Ordway cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $85.00;



ALL-STAR SQUADRON (DC Comics Pub; 1981-1987);

#23 (7/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** Origin and FIRST appearance of Will Everett aka AMAZING MAN cover and story;

** AMAZING MAN is a BLACK African-American Villain and Super-Hero;

** AMAZING MAN was created by Roy Thomas as a tribute to Bill Everett's Amazing-Man, a character he created for Centaur in the Golden Age of Comics;

** VILLAINS appearing includes; Amazing-Man, Terrence Kurtzberger aka Cyclotron, Jake Simmons aka Deathbolt, Dolores Winters aka Ultra-Humanite;

** All-Star Squadron Team Line-Up appearing includes; Commander Steel, Firebrand, Liberty Belle, Johnny Quick, Robotman;

** Justice Society of America Team Line-Up appearing includes; The Atom, Doctor Fate, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Superman;

** Appearances by; Inza Cramer (later becomes the Female Doctor Fate) and Gernsback the Robot;

** When Fate Thy Measure Takes...!

Roy Thomas story;

 Jerry Ordway and Mike Machlan art;

 Jerry Ordway cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $59.00;


ALL-STAR SQUADRON #25 1st Infinity Inc ATOM SMASHER Black Adam Film 1983 CGC 9.6

ALL-STAR SQUADRON (DC Comics Pub; 1981-1987);

#25 [9/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearance of INFINITY INC; (Fury, NUKLON, Northwind, Brainewave Jr, Jade, Obsidian, & Silver Scarab);


FIRST appearance of Albert Rothstein aka NUKLON (Later becomes ATOM SMASHER in JSA Secret Files and Origins #1 from 8/1999);  

Former WWE Superstar Adam Edge Copeland played the Atom Smasher in CW Network TV's the FLASH in Season-Two;


*** The BLACK ADAM Big-Screen FILM starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, is officially standalone MOVIE set to be released in 2021.

* The film is set to be joined by multiple members of the Justice Society of America (rumored characters include; Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Doctor Fate)

** Noah Centineo will be playing Albert Rothstein aka ATOM SMASHER in The BLACK ADAM Big-Screen MOVIE.


** (ATOM SMASHER is a Member of the JSA, Infinity, Inc. and Justice League);

** Albert Rothstein first made his appearance in 1983's All-Star Squadron #25; Albert Rothstein’s godfather is Al Pratt, the first iteration of The Atom, while his grandfather is the villainous Cyclotron. Through his grandfather, Albert gained multiple metahuman powers, including super-strength, and the ability to alter his body's size and density. Initially assuming the superhero name of Nuklon, Albert served as a member of Infinity, Inc. and the Justice League; Given Albert and Adam's surprisingly strong friendship in the comics, it will certainly be interesting to see how the pair interact with each other in the Black Adam movie. ** Noah Centineo's casting will probably only get more intriguing once Atom Smasher's fellow JSA teammates are also cast.

Roy Thomas story;

Jerry Ordway & Mike Machlan art;

Jerry Ordway cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE pages = $89.00;


with WHITE pages, Direct Edition = $399.00;


with WHITE pages, Newsstand Edition = $199.00;



ALL-STAR SQUADRON (DC Comics Pub; 1981-1987);

#47 (7/1985; FIRST PRINTING;

** The SECRET ORIGIN of Kent Nelson aka DOCTOR FATE cover and story;

** Pierce Brosnan will play DOCTOR FATE in the BLACK ADAM Live-Action DC Universe MOVIE that will DEBUT on July 29/2022

*** All-Star Squadron Team Line-Up includes; Amazing Man, Doctor Fate, Firebrand, Hourman, Robotman, Starman, Tarantula;

** Flashback appearances by; Inza Cramer, Lords of Order, Nabu, Wotan;

** First Full TODD McFARLANE ART Comic;

Roy Thomas story;

** TODD McFARLANE, Mike Clark and Vince Colletta art;

** TODD McFARLANE, Tony DeZuniga and Gaspar Saladino cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $175.00;




ALL-STAR SQUADRON (DC Comics Pub; 1981-1987);

#47 (7/1985; FIRST PRINTING;

** The SECRET ORIGIN of Kent Nelson aka DOCTOR FATE cover and story;

** Pierce Brosnan will play DOCTOR FATE in the BLACK ADAM Live-Action DC Universe MOVIE that will DEBUT on July 29/2022

*** All-Star Squadron Team Line-Up includes; Amazing Man, Doctor Fate, Firebrand, Hourman, Robotman, Starman, Tarantula;

** Flashback appearances by; Inza Cramer, Lords of Order, Nabu, Wotan;

** First Full TODD McFARLANE ART Comic;

Roy Thomas story;

** TODD McFARLANE, Mike Clark and Vince Colletta art;

** TODD McFARLANE, Tony DeZuniga and Gaspar Saladino cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $169.00;




ALL-STAR SQUADRON (DC Comics Pub; 1981-1987);

#47 (7/1985; FIRST PRINTING;

** The SECRET ORIGIN of Kent Nelson aka DOCTOR FATE cover and story;

** Pierce Brosnan will play DOCTOR FATE in the BLACK ADAM Live-Action DC Universe MOVIE that will DEBUT on July 29/2022

*** All-Star Squadron Team Line-Up includes; Amazing Man, Doctor Fate, Firebrand, Hourman, Robotman, Starman, Tarantula;

** Flashback appearances by; Inza Cramer, Lords of Order, Nabu, Wotan;

** First Full TODD McFARLANE ART Comic;

Roy Thomas story;

** TODD McFARLANE, Mike Clark and Vince Colletta art;

** TODD McFARLANE, Tony DeZuniga and Gaspar Saladino cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $164.00;


 with WHITE pages = $129.00;



ALL-STAR SQUADRON (DC Comics Pub; 1981-1987);

#47 (7/1985; FIRST PRINTING;

** The SECRET ORIGIN of Kent Nelson aka DOCTOR FATE cover and story;

** Pierce Brosnan will play DOCTOR FATE in the BLACK ADAM Live-Action DC Universe MOVIE that will DEBUT on July 29/2022

*** All-Star Squadron Team Line-Up includes; Amazing Man, Doctor Fate, Firebrand, Hourman, Robotman, Starman, Tarantula;

** Flashback appearances by; Inza Cramer, Lords of Order, Nabu, Wotan;

** First Full TODD McFARLANE ART Comic;

Roy Thomas story;

** TODD McFARLANE, Mike Clark and Vince Colletta art;

** TODD McFARLANE, Tony DeZuniga and Gaspar Saladino cover;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $90.00;


ALL-STAR SQUADRON 47 ORIGIN DR FATE Black Adam 1985 1st full  McFARLANE CGC 8.5 with WHITE pages , Newsstand Edition = $99.00;


All-Out War #1 DC 1979 1st Viking Commando,Force 3,Black Eagle Squadron CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages  = $149.00;



All-Out War #1 DC 1979 1st Viking Commando,Force 3,Black Eagle Squadron CGC 9.0

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages  = $59.00;


ALPHA FLIGHT 1 ORIGIN Xmen 1983 1st Marrina PUCK Beta Gamma Tundra BYRNE CGC 9.2

ALPHA FLIGHT (Marvel Comics Pub; 1983-1994)

#1 (8/1983; 52 page GIANT; FIRST PRINTING;


** Spinoff series from X-Men, CANADA’S Premier Super-Hero Team ALPHA FLIGHT gets their own Series;

** FIRST Appearance of Eugene Milton Judd aka PUCK

** PUCK’s Team Affiliations include; Alpha Flight, Beta Flight, Gamma Flight and X-FORCE;

** FIRST Appearance of MARRINA Smallwood;

** MARRINA’s Team Affiliations include; Alpha Flight, Beta Flight, and AVENGERS;

** FIRST Appearance of TUNDRA (member of the pantheon of Great Beasts);

** First cameo appearance of BETA FLIGHT;

** FIRST appearance of Roger Bochs aka BOX (of BETA FLIGHT)

** FIRST appearance of Gardner Monroe aka FLASHBACK  (of BETA FLIGHT)

** FIRST Cameo appearance of GAMMA FLIGHT;

** FIRST appearance of Lillian Crawley aka DIAMOND LIL (of GAMMA FLIGHT)

** FIRST appearance of Madison Jeffries (of GAMMA FLIGHT)

** FIRST appearance of Alec Thorne aka SMART ALEC (of GAMMA FLIGHT)

** FIRST appearance of Kyle Gibney aka WILD CHILD (of GAMMA FLIGHT)

** ALPHA FLIGHT Team Members appearing includes;  Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier), Marrina (Marrina Smallwood), Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier), Puck (Eugene Judd), Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski), Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen), Snowbird (Narya), Vindicator (James MacDonald Hudson);

** Aurora and Northstar are TWINS;

** WOLVERINE and Nightcrawler cameo;

** Appearances by; Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Heather Hudson, Department H, Gary Cody, Angelique, Francois LaPierre,  Georges La Pieere, Jacqueline,

Mary, Sister Anne, Thomas Crossman;

** Alpha Flight in TUNDRA!


JOHN BYRNE and Terry Austin cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $39.00;


ALPHA FLIGHT #33 1st Yuriko as LADY DEATHSTRIKE 1986 X-MEN Wolverine CGC NMM 9.8

ALPHA FLIGHT (Marvel Comics pub; 1983-1994);

#33 (4/1986; FIRST PRINTING;

** First cameo appearance of Yuriko Oyama as LADY DEATHSTRIKE;

** Lady Deathstrike is #78 on IGN's 2014 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** James Howlett aka LOGAN aka WOLVERINE cover and story;

** ALPHA FLIGHT Team Lineup includes; Aurora, Box, Northstar, Puck, Snowbird, Heather Hudson aka Vindicator;

** Appearances by; ATTUMA, Marrina, Madison Jeffries, Corporal Doug Thompson;

** X-MEN cameo Team Lineup includes; Colossus, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine;

** ALPHA FLIGHT in A Friend in Need, Part-1 of 2-Part story;

Bill Mantlo story;

 Sal Buscema and Gerry Talaoc art;

Mike Mignola cover;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;


ALPHA FLIGHT #33 1st Yuriko as LADY DEATHSTRIKE 1986 X-MEN Wolverine CGC NM+ 9.6

ALPHA FLIGHT (Marvel Comics pub; 1983-1994);

#33 (4/1986; FIRST PRINTING;

** First cameo appearance of Yuriko Oyama as LADY DEATHSTRIKE;

** Lady Deathstrike is #78 on IGN's 2014 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** James Howlett aka LOGAN aka WOLVERINE cover and story;

** ALPHA FLIGHT Team Lineup includes; Aurora, Box, Northstar, Puck, Snowbird, Heather Hudson aka Vindicator;

** Appearances by; ATTUMA, Marrina, Madison Jeffries, Corporal Doug Thompson;

** X-MEN cameo Team Lineup includes; Colossus, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine;

** ALPHA FLIGHT in A Friend in Need, Part-1 of 2-Part story;

Bill Mantlo story;

 Sal Buscema and Gerry Talaoc art;

Mike Mignola cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;


ALPHA FLIGHT #33, CGC 9.6 NM+   $54  


ALPHA FLIGHT #33 1st Yuriko as LADY DEATHSTRIKE 1986 X-MEN Wolverine CGC NM 9.4

ALPHA FLIGHT (Marvel Comics pub; 1983-1994);

#33 (4/1986; FIRST PRINTING;

** First cameo appearance of Yuriko Oyama as LADY DEATHSTRIKE;

** Lady Deathstrike is #78 on IGN's 2014 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** James Howlett aka LOGAN aka WOLVERINE cover and story;

** ALPHA FLIGHT Team Lineup includes; Aurora, Box, Northstar, Puck, Snowbird, Heather Hudson aka Vindicator;

** Appearances by; ATTUMA, Marrina, Madison Jeffries, Corporal Doug Thompson;

** X-MEN cameo Team Lineup includes; Colossus, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine;

** ALPHA FLIGHT in A Friend in Need, Part-1 of 2-Part story;

Bill Mantlo story;

 Sal Buscema and Gerry Talaoc art;

Mike Mignola cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $35.00;


ALPHA FLIGHT #33 1st Yuriko as LADY DEATHSTRIKE 1986 X-MEN Wolverine CGC NM- 9.2

ALPHA FLIGHT (Marvel Comics pub; 1983-1994);

#33 (4/1986; FIRST PRINTING;

** First cameo appearance of Yuriko Oyama as LADY DEATHSTRIKE;

** Lady Deathstrike is #78 on IGN's 2014 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** James Howlett aka LOGAN aka WOLVERINE cover and story;

** ALPHA FLIGHT Team Lineup includes; Aurora, Box, Northstar, Puck, Snowbird, Heather Hudson aka Vindicator;

** Appearances by; ATTUMA, Marrina, Madison Jeffries, Corporal Doug Thompson;

** X-MEN cameo Team Lineup includes; Colossus, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine;

** ALPHA FLIGHT in A Friend in Need, Part-1 of 2-Part story;

Bill Mantlo story;

 Sal Buscema and Gerry Talaoc art;

Mike Mignola cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $29.00;



ALPHA FLIGHT 33 1st Yuriko as LADY DEATHSTRIKE 1986 X-MEN Wolverine CGC VFNM 9.0

ALPHA FLIGHT (Marvel Comics pub; 1983-1994);

#33 (4/1986; FIRST PRINTING;

** First cameo appearance of Yuriko Oyama as LADY DEATHSTRIKE;

** Lady Deathstrike is #78 on IGN's 2014 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** James Howlett aka LOGAN aka WOLVERINE cover and story;

** ALPHA FLIGHT Team Lineup includes; Aurora, Box, Northstar, Puck, Snowbird, Heather Hudson aka Vindicator;

** Appearances by; ATTUMA, Marrina, Madison Jeffries, Corporal Doug Thompson;

** X-MEN cameo Team Lineup includes; Colossus, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine;

** ALPHA FLIGHT in A Friend in Need, Part-1 of 2-Part story;

Bill Mantlo story;

 Sal Buscema and Gerry Talaoc art;

Mike Mignola cover;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $25.00;


ALPHA FLIGHT V2 #16 1st Cameo HONEY LEMON Disney Pixar BIG HERO SIX 1998 CGC 8.5

ALPHA FLIGHT (1997-1999; 2nd series; Volume-2)

#16 (11/1998; FIRST PRINTING;

First Cameo appearance of HONEY LEMON later of BIG HERO SIX;

FIRST appearance of any Member of the BIG HERO SIX Team;  


Steve Seagle story;

Duncan Rouleau & Aaron Sowd cover & art;

>>>  BIG HERO 6 was BIG HIT MOVIE  ($657.8 million USD Box Office) released in 11/2014 by Walt Disney Pixar as an Animated Cartoon Movie with the Voice Talents of Jamie Chung, Genesis Rodriguez, Damon Wayans Jr.; 

The classic Walt Disney Animated Cartoon Movie WON the Academy Awards OSCAR for Best Animated Feature;

>>> CBR = BIG HERO 6 is in Development as a Disney XD TELEVISION series; Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley are adapting the film as a Disney XD series. Picking up where the movie left off, the series will follow Hiro, Baymax and their friends Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Fred and Go Go as they defend their city from scientifically enhanced villains. All the while, Hiro will face the challenges of being San Fransokyo Institute of Technology's newest prodigy and all the social hurdles that entails.

00251-135 (front) // 00251-136 (back)

*** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $39.00;

Amazing Adventures #1 1979 Reprint X-MEN #1 Magneto Stan Lee Jack Kirby CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;


Amazing Adventures #1 1979 Reprint X-MEN #1 Magneto Stan Lee Jack Kirby CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $189.00;


Amazing Adventures #11 1st BRAND CORP, Mutated Furry BEAST of X-Men 1972 CGC 7.0

AMAZING ADVENTURES (Marvel Comics pub; 1970-1976)

 #11 (3/1972; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Appearance of Hank McCoy (of X-MEN fame), as the Mutated BEAST with FUR Cover, Story and SERIES BEGINS;

** FIRST appearance of the BRAND CORPORATION;

** The BRAND CORP are Allies with Roxxon Oil Company;

** The BRAND CORPORATION is the science and research branch of the nefarious Roxxon Corporation (Genetics, Robotics & Interdimensional exploration; They have created multiple Superhuman Operatives for Roxxon Oil).

** The BRAND CORPORATION is Affiliated with Cybertek in TV's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.;

** The BRAND CORP are Enemies with Stark Industries;

** FIRST appearance and DEATH of Professor Carl Maddicks cover & appearance;

** X-MEN appear in Flashback (Professor X, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman & Angel);

** FIRST appearance of Mr. Grant;

** FIRST appearance of Linda Donaldson aka Agent 9 (Number Nine of Secret Empire);

** FIRST appearance and DEATH of Bennie;

** BEAST in LO, a Beast is Born;

** TOUGH Early BRONZE AGE Key issue in High Grade, due to the BLACK COLORS on the Cover;

Tom Sutton and Syd Shores art;

Gil Kane and Bill Everett cover;

CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $189.00;


Amazing Adventures #11 1st BRAND CORP, Mutated Furry BEAST of X-Men 1972 CGC 5.5

** CGC; 5.5, with WHITE Pages = $159.00;


Amazing Adventures #11 1st BRAND CORP, Mutated Furry BEAST of X-Men 1972 CGC 4.5

AMAZING ADVENTURES (Marvel Comics pub; 1970-1976)

 #11 (3/1972; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Appearance of Hank McCoy (of X-MEN fame), as the Mutated BEAST with FUR Cover, Story and SERIES BEGINS;

** FIRST appearance of the BRAND CORPORATION;

** The BRAND CORP are Allies with Roxxon Oil Company;

** The BRAND CORPORATION is the science and research branch of the nefarious Roxxon Corporation (Genetics, Robotics & Interdimensional exploration; They have created multiple Superhuman Operatives for Roxxon Oil).

** The BRAND CORPORATION is Affiliated with Cybertek in TV's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.;

** The BRAND CORP are Enemies with Stark Industries;

** FIRST appearance and DEATH of Professor Carl Maddicks cover & appearance;

** X-MEN appear in Flashback (Professor X, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman & Angel);

** FIRST appearance of Mr. Grant;

** FIRST appearance of Linda Donaldson aka Agent 9 (Number Nine of Secret Empire);

** FIRST appearance and DEATH of Bennie;

** BEAST in LO, a Beast is Born;

** TOUGH Early BRONZE AGE Key issue in High Grade, due to the BLACK COLORS on the Cover;

Tom Sutton and Syd Shores art;

Gil Kane and Bill Everett cover;

CGC; VERY GOOD PLUS, 4.5, with Off-WHITE Pages = $129.00;


Amazing Fantasy #1 1st Ana ARANA Mexico Puerto Rico FILM 2004 SpiderGirl CGC 9.8

AMAZING FANTASY (Marvel Comics Pub; 2004-2006; Volume-2)

#1 [8/2004; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



Amazing Fantasy #1 1st Ana ARANA Mexico Puerto Rico FILM 2004 SpiderGirl CGC 9.6

AMAZING FANTASY (Marvel Comics Pub; 2004-2006; Volume-2)

#1 [8/2004; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;



Amazing Fantasy #1 1st Ana ARANA Mexico Puerto Rico FILM 2004 SpiderGirl CGC 9.0

AMAZING FANTASY (Marvel Comics Pub; 2004-2006; Volume-2)

#1 [8/2004; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $35.00;



Amazing Fantasy #16 1st DEATH'S HEAD 3.0 vs AIM 2006 Mechanoids PALADIN CGC 9.8

AMAZING FANTASY (Marvel Comics Pub; 2004-2006; Volume-2)

#16 (2/2006; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



Amazing Fantasy #16 1st DEATH'S HEAD 3.0 vs AIM 2006 Mechanoids PALADIN CGC 9.6

AMAZING FANTASY (Marvel Comics Pub; 2004-2006; Volume-2)

#16 (2/2006; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Amazing Fantasy #16 1st DEATH'S HEAD 3.0 vs AIM 2006 Mechanoids PALADIN CGC 9.4

AMAZING FANTASY (Marvel Comics Pub; 2004-2006; Volume-2)

#16 (2/2006; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;


Amazing Heroes #107 Eastman Laird TMNT cover&article 1986 XENOZOIC Tales CGC 9.2

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages  = $109.00;



Amazing Heroes #107 Eastman Laird TMNT cover&article 1986 XENOZOIC Tales CGC 9.0

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages  = $89.00;



Amazing Heroes #107 Eastman Laird TMNT cover&article 1986 XENOZOIC Tales CGC 8.0

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages  = $69.00;



Amazing Heroes #131 1st VENOM in print 1987 Pre-Spider-Man 300 McFARLANE CGC 9.0

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages  = $169.00;



Amazing Heroes #131 1st VENOM in print 1987 Pre-Spider-Man 300 McFARLANE CGC 8.5

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages  = $115.00;



Amazing Heroes #131 1st VENOM in print 1987 Pre-Spider-Man 300 McFARLANE CGC 8.0

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages  = $99.00;


Amazing Heroes #179 McFARLANE cover Pre-Dates Spider-Man #1 1990 KISS CGC 9.6

AMAZING HEROES (Magazine Fanzine; Fantagraphics Pub; 1981-1998);

#179 (5/1990; FIRST PRINTING;


** Pre-Dates SPIDER-MAN #1 by McFARLANE from 8/1990 by THREE MONTHS;

** Interview with TODD McFARLANE;

** Rock 'n Roll Part I: KISS (Peter Criss, Ace Frehley, Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley), the band's comics history;

** Rock 'n Roll Part II: A Comics Revolution - interviews with Revolutionary Comics' Todd Loren and cartoonist Ace Backwords;

** DC preview feature.

** Perspective - on George Reeves;

** Newsline and Coming Distractions;

** Don Rosa's Cover Gallery - all the times Clark Kent has blown his Secret Identity;

** Backstage - script reviews of Captain America, Elektra;

** Cartoon Corner - morning cereal cartoons;

** Small Press World - British comics;

** Infernal Gall; Comics in Review;

** Amazing Readers; The Cartoonist; Strom's Index.

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $299.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-GIRL #1-C Sketch Variant 1st May Parker SOLO Series 2006 CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-GIRL (Marvel Comics Pub; 2006-2009);

#1-C (12/2006; FIRST PRINTING; Variant B&W SKETCH Cover by RON FRENZ;

** First SOLO series for May "Mayday" Parker the Daughter of Spider-Man begins;

** Appearances by Roderick Kingsley the original Hobgoblin and the Black Tarantula;

** Appearances by; Caitlan Lieber, Mona Carlo, Charlie Kurkle, Jimmy Yama, Wes Westin, Gene Thompson, Davida Kirby, Courtney Duran, Simone DeSantos, Felicity Hardy, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson-Parker and Benjamin Richard Parker;

** Whatever Happened to the Daughter of Spider-Man? Part 1;

Tom DeFalco story;

Ron Frenz and Sal Buscema art;


Wikipedia notes; Spider-Girl (May "Mayday" Parker) is a superheroine in Marvel Comics' MC2 universe. The character was created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz as the teenage daughter of Peter Parker (Spider-Man) and Mary Jane Watson, and first appeared in What If (vol. 2) #105 (February 1998). She later acquired her own ongoing comic book, Spider-Girl, written by DeFalco and drawn by Frenz and Pat Olliffe, which was the longest-running superhero book with a lead female character ever published by Marvel before being relaunched as The Amazing Spider-Girl, and later The Spectacular Spider-Girl. Peter and Mary Jane named their daughter after his Aunt May.


00262-47 (front) // (00262-48 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;



Amazing Spider-Man V3 #1 1st Cindy Moon SILK Menagerie 2014 WHITE RABBIT CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN  (Marvel Comics Pub; Volume-3; 2014-2015; Third Series)

V3 #1-A (6/2014; FIRST PRINTING; 96 Pages  including covers;

REGULAR Edition with Humberto Ramos cover;

Third Series for PETER PARKER the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Begins;

Spider-Man in Lucky to Be Alive;

AVENGERS and Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman appear;

TRUE First appearance of CINDY MOON aka SILK UN-NAMED in Cameo Flashback (Verified by Marvel Database and Wikipedia);


Lorina Dodson aka the WHITE RABBIT;

FIRST appearance of the Menagerie (an Animal-themed criminal team created by White Rabbit);

FIRST appearance Panda-Mania (member of White Rabbit's Menagerie)

Mrs. Fluffy Lumpkins aka HIPPO

SKEIN (aka Sybil Dvorak the Gypsy Moth)

Early appearance of Anna Maria Marconi  (Girlfriend to Dr Octopus)

** Backup Stories;

Max Dillon aka ELECTRO in Recapturing That Old Spark (5 Page Story);

Felicia Hardy aka the BLACK CAT in Crossed Paths (5 Page story)

Spider-Man 2099 in Homecoming, Sort Of (5 Page story)

Scarlet Spider in Kaine (5 Page story)

Spider-Man in Learning to Crawl: Amazing Reality (8 Page story)

Bonus Book; INHUMAN #1 from 6/2014, Twenty Page PREVIEW Comic included with MEDUSA and BLACK BOLT ;

Stories by; Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Christopher Yost, Joe Caramagna and Peter David.

Art by; Humberto Ramos, Javier Rodriguez, Will Sliney, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Chris Eliopoulos, David Baldeon, Ramon Perez and Victor Olazaba;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #5 1st GOBLIN KING 2014 1st SILK Cover 2nd Cindy Moon CGC 9.8

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN  (Marvel Comics Pub; Volume-3; 2014-2015; Third Series)

Volume-3 #5 (10/2014; FIRST PRINTING;

** Phil Urich becomes the GOBLIN KING;

** SECOND appearance of CINDY MOON aka SILK;

** First COVER appearance of CINDY MOON aka SILK;

** Black Cat, Electro, Eel and Mister Negative appearance;

Dan Slott story;

Stephanie Hans cover;

Humberto Ramos and Victor Olazaba art;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $95.00 


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #67 vs Quentin Beck MYSTERIO 1968 1st Randy Robertson CGC 9.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#67 (12/1968; FIRST PRINTING;

** Quentin Beck aka MYSTERIO cover and story;

** Jake Gyllenhaal played Quentin Beck aka MYSTERIO, making his Live-Action MCU MOVIE (Marvel Cinematic Universe teamed with Sony) DEBUT in Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

** Jake Gyllenhaal next played Quentin Beck aka MYSTERIO in the Live-Action MCU MOVIE (Marvel Cinematic Universe teamed with Sony) Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

**  First appearance Randy Robertson, Son of Robbie Robertson, early regular BLACK African-American character;

** Appearances by; Aunt May, Anna Watson, J. Jonah Jameson, Joe Robertson, Betty Brant, Ned Leeds, Gwen Stacy, George Stacy, Dr. Bromwell;

** SPIDER-MAN in To Squash A Spider!

STAN LEE story;


JOHN ROMITA SR and Jim Mooney art;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $299.00;

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #68 CGC 9.2 with White Pages $449.00


AMAZING SPIDERMAN 78 ORIGIN 1st Hobie Brown PROWLER Film 1969 UK Variant CGC 6.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#78 [11/1969; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of Hobart (Hobie) Brown aka the Anti-Hero The PROWLER cover and story;

** PROWLER (aka Spider-Punk) is one of the First BLACK Anti-Heroes and Villains;

** The Ultimate incarnation (Ultimate Spider-Man #1 11/2011) of Prowler is Aaron Davis, the uncle of Miles Morales and the brother of Jefferson Davis;

**Both Hobie Brown and Aaron Davis have appeared in several media adaptations outside of comics, including films, animated series, and video games.

** Aaron Davis in particular is portrayed by Donald Glover in the live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

** Aaron Davis is voiced by Mahershala Ali in the animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018).

** Both actors make cameo appearances in the animated film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023).

** Hobie Brown's Team affiliations includes; Defenders, The Outlaws, Wild Pack, Parker Industries; 

** Hobie Brown has had a Partnership with Spider-Man;

** Mahershala Ali  voiced Aaron Davis incarnation of The PROWLER in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (as a VILLIAN working for KINGPIN, and the Uncle of Miles Morales);

** PROWLER appears in Multiple Marvel Animated Cartoons over the many Years;

**  Spider-Man in The Night of the Prowler;

** Appearances by; Gwen Stacy, Flash Thompson, J. Jonah Jameson and Robbie Robertson;

STAN LEE story;

John Buscema and Jim Mooney art;

John Romita cover;

** Scarce UK Cover Price (1/-) VARIANT Edition;

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $249.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #97 GREEN GOBLIN Battle 1971 DRUGS NO CC Harry Osborn CGC 7.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#97 (6/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $149.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #97 GREEN GOBLIN Battle 1971 DRUGS NO CC Harry Osborn CGC 6.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#97 (6/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #97 GREEN GOBLIN Battle 1971 DRUGS NO CC Harry Osborn CGC 6.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#97 (6/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE, 6.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $106.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #97 GREEN GOBLIN Battle 1971 DRUGS NO CC Harry Osborn CGC 5.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#97 (6/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #99 vs Turpo 1971 Gwen Stacy Johnny Carson Ed McMahon CGC 9.2

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#99 (8/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $365.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #102 Six-Arms 1971 LIZARD 1st Origin 2nd app MORBIUS CGC 5.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#102 (11/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #102 Six-Arms 1971 LIZARD 1st Origin 2nd app MORBIUS CGC 5.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#102 (11/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $89.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #102 Six-Arms 1971 LIZARD 1st Origin 2nd app MORBIUS CGC 4.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#102 (11/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY GOOD PLUS, 4.5, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;




L’ETONNANT SPIDER-MAN (EH - Editions Heritage Pub; 1969-1987);

#113/114 (12/1980;

** RARE Canadian FRENCH LANGUAGE VARIANT Edition of the American AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #210 and #210 that was printed only 0-1 months earlier in 11/1980 for #210 and 12/1980 for #211;

** First appearance Cassandra Webb aka MADAME WEB cover and story;

** Spider-Man in The prophecy of Madame Web!

** Appearances by; Rupert M. Dockery, Debbie Whitman, J. Jonah Jameson;

** Daily Globe (competing newspaper to Daily Bugle) and Staff appear including; K. J. Clayton, Barney Bushkin, Mike Mullaney, April Maye, Belinda Bell (First appearance)

Denny O'Neil story;

JOHN ROMITA Jr and Joe Sinnott art;

 JOHN ROMITA Jr and Al Milgrom cover;


** The MADAME WEB Spider-Verse Big Screen Live-Action MOVIE in the Works; ** Sony Pictures has hired Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless (Morbius) to pen a Madame Web movie set in the Spider-Man universe; ** Cassandra Webb, aka MADAME WEB is a Human Mutant, has clairvoyant, precognitive powers, she is traditionally depicted as an older woman (though there have been younger incarnations of the character) with myasthenia gravis, a long-term neuromuscular disease that requires Webb be connected to a life support system that looks like a spider web (hence the moniker); ** MADAME WEB is the grandmother of, Charlotte Witter, the fourth SPIDER-WOMAN; ** MADAME WEB has appeared in the Spider-Man animated series, as well as multiple Spider-Man video games;


** According to the CGC Census (at Time of Listing); This is the ONE and the ONLY, SINGLE HIGHEST GRADED Example So Far Graded by CGC of this FRENCH VARIANT    [Only TWO examples have so far been Graded; As compared to 2402 copies of the regular American Edition)

** CGC; VERY GOOD-, 3.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $115.00;




L’ETONNANT SPIDER-MAN (EH - Editions Heritage Pub; 1969-1987);

#113/114 (12/1980;

** RARE Canadian FRENCH LANGUAGE VARIANT Edition of the American AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #210 and #210 that was printed only 0-1 months earlier in 11/1980 for #210 and 12/1980 for #211;

** First appearance Cassandra Webb aka MADAME WEB cover and story;

** Spider-Man in The prophecy of Madame Web!

** Appearances by; Rupert M. Dockery, Debbie Whitman, J. Jonah Jameson;

** Daily Globe (competing newspaper to Daily Bugle) and Staff appear including; K. J. Clayton, Barney Bushkin, Mike Mullaney, April Maye, Belinda Bell (First appearance)

Denny O'Neil story;

JOHN ROMITA Jr and Joe Sinnott art;

 JOHN ROMITA Jr and Al Milgrom cover;


** The MADAME WEB Spider-Verse Big Screen Live-Action MOVIE in the Works; ** Sony Pictures has hired Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless (Morbius) to pen a Madame Web movie set in the Spider-Man universe; ** Cassandra Webb, aka MADAME WEB is a Human Mutant, has clairvoyant, precognitive powers, she is traditionally depicted as an older woman (though there have been younger incarnations of the character) with myasthenia gravis, a long-term neuromuscular disease that requires Webb be connected to a life support system that looks like a spider web (hence the moniker); ** MADAME WEB is the grandmother of, Charlotte Witter, the fourth SPIDER-WOMAN; ** MADAME WEB has appeared in the Spider-Man animated series, as well as multiple Spider-Man video games;


** According to the CGC Census (at Time of Listing); This is the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Example So Far Graded by CGC of this FRENCH VARIANT  [Only TWO examples have so far been Graded; As compared to 2402 copies of the regular American Edition)

** CGC; G/VG, 3.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $99.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #118 vs Smasher and Disruptor 1972 Mr Thaxton Romita CGC 8.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#118 (3/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $119.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #124 1st MAN-WOLF John Jameson Film 1973 1st Godstone CGC 7.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#124 (9/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $190.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #124 1st MAN-WOLF John Jameson Film 1973 1st Godstone CGC 7.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#124 (9/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $170.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #124 1st MAN-WOLF John Jameson Film 1973 1st Godstone CGC 3.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#124 (9/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY GOOD-, 3.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $69.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #125 ORIGIN 2nd MAN-WOLF 1973 1st ROSS ANDRU-p title CGC 7.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#125 (10/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #125 ORIGIN 2nd MAN-WOLF 1973 1st ROSS ANDRU-p title CGC 7.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#125 (10/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #125 ORIGIN 2nd MAN-WOLF 1973 1st ROSS ANDRU-p title CGC 6.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#125 (10/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #125 ORIGIN 2nd MAN-WOLF 1973 1st ROSS ANDRU-p title CGC 6.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#125 (10/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE, 6.0, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



Amazing SpiderMan 134 1st TARANTULA 1974 Harry Osborn 2nd cameo PUNISHER CGC 7.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#134 (7/1974;  FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $129.00;



Amazing SpiderMan #135 Origin TARANTULA 1974 H. Osborn 2nd Full PUNISHER CGC 8.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#135 (8/1974; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages = $209.00;



Amazing SpiderMan #135 Origin TARANTULA 1974 H. Osborn 2nd Full PUNISHER CGC 7.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#135 (8/1974; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $159.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #149 1st SPIDEY CLONE 1975 Origin Gwen Stacy Jackal CGC 5.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#149 (10/1975; FIRST PRINTING;

First appearance of BEN REILLY as PETER PARKER aka SPIDER-MAN CLONE cover and story Begins;


** Peter Parker's Clone returns as Benjamin "Ben" Reilly in Spider-Man #51 (10/1994);

** Ben Reilly becomes Scarlet Spider in Web of Spider-Man #118 (11/1994);

** Ben Reilly becomes Spider-Man in Sensational Spider-Man #0 (1/1996);

** Ben Reilly becomes the Jackal in The Clone Conspiracy #3 (12/2016);

** Ben Reilly becomes Spider-Carnage during the Web of Carnage storyline;

ORIGIN of the GWEN STACY Clone and Clone storyline continues,

Jackal tells of how Miles Warren cloned Gwen Stacy to bring her back into his life;

wen Stacy clone returns later in Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8;

ORIGIN and DEATH of the JACKAL cover & story;

Jackal at Shea Stadium in Queens; 

Tarantula cameo;

GIL KANE and Frank Giacoia cover;

Gerry Conway story;

Ross Andru, Mike Esposito and Dave Hunt art;

** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $109.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #149 1st SPIDEY CLONE 1975 Origin Gwen Stacy Jackal CGC 4.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#149 (10/1975; FIRST PRINTING;

First appearance of BEN REILLY as PETER PARKER aka SPIDER-MAN CLONE cover and story Begins;


** Peter Parker's Clone returns as Benjamin "Ben" Reilly in Spider-Man #51 (10/1994);

** Ben Reilly becomes Scarlet Spider in Web of Spider-Man #118 (11/1994);

** Ben Reilly becomes Spider-Man in Sensational Spider-Man #0 (1/1996);

** Ben Reilly becomes the Jackal in The Clone Conspiracy #3 (12/2016);

** Ben Reilly becomes Spider-Carnage during the Web of Carnage storyline;

ORIGIN of the GWEN STACY Clone and Clone storyline continues,

Jackal tells of how Miles Warren cloned Gwen Stacy to bring her back into his life;

wen Stacy clone returns later in Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8;

ORIGIN and DEATH of the JACKAL cover & story;

Jackal at Shea Stadium in Queens; 

Tarantula cameo;

GIL KANE and Frank Giacoia cover;

Gerry Conway story;

Ross Andru, Mike Esposito and Dave Hunt art;

** CGC; VERY GOOD PLUS, 4.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $99.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #195 1st ORIGIN 2nd app BLACK CAT 1979 Death Aunt May CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#195 (8/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** First-Time ORIGIN and SECOND appearance of FELICIA HARDY aka the BLACK CAT cover and Story;

** BLACK CAT’s Team affiliations includes; Heroes for Hire, Defenders, A-Force, Black Cat's Gang;

** BLACK CAT’s Partnerships includes; Spider-Man and Puma;

** Felicity Jones played Felicia Hardy In The Amazing Spider-Man 2 MOVIE;

** Sony Pictures is announced the SILVER and BLACK MOVIE, a BLACK CAT and SILVER SABLE Big Screen Adult-Oriented Live-Action FILM without Spider-Man (Delayed since 2017);

** BLACK CAT was Ranked #24 on IGN’s List of Spider-Man's greatest Enemies!

** Spider-man in Nine Lives Has the Black Cat!

** Featuring the SHOCKING Telegram revealing the DEATH of AUNT MAY;

** Appearances by; Aunt May, Harry Osborn, Flash Thompson, Ned Leeds, Betty Brant, Boris Korpse, Bruno Grainger, Walter Hardy  (Death), Lydia Hardy (1st appearance), Dr. Reinhardt (Quentin Beck);

Marv Wolman story;

Keith Pollard art;

Al Milgrom cover;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number and Price;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $109.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 Anniversary MYSTERIO Cameo CGC 9.8

** Regular DIRECT Edition with BLACK DIAMOND around Price and SLASH thru BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $349.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 MYSTERIO Cameo Newsstand CGC 9.6

** Minor One Inch Factory Sealing CRACK at Bottom Edge of CGC Holder;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number and Price;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 Anniversary MYSTERIO Cameo CGC 9.6

** Regular DIRECT Edition with BLACK DIAMOND around Price and SLASH thru BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $115.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 Anniversary MYSTERIO Cameo CGC 9.4

** Regular DIRECT Edition with BLACK DIAMOND around Price and SLASH thru BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 Anniversary MYSTERIO Cameo CGC 9.4

** Minor One Inch Factory Sealing CRACK at Bottom Edge of CGC Holder;

** Regular DIRECT Edition with BLACK DIAMOND around Price and SLASH thru BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $85.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 Anniversary MYSTERIO Cameo CGC 9.4

** Regular DIRECT Edition with BLACK DIAMOND around Price and SLASH thru BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $89.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 MYSTERIO Cameo Newsstand CGC 9.4

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number and Price;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 MYSTERIO Cameo Newsstand CGC 9.4

** Minor One Inch Factory Sealing CRACK at Bottom Edge of CGC Holder;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number and Price;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 Anniversary MYSTERIO Cameo CGC 9.2

** Regular DIRECT Edition with BLACK DIAMOND around Price and SLASH thru BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #200 vs Burglar ORIGIN 1980 Anniversary MYSTERIO Cameo CGC 9.2

** Regular DIRECT Edition with BLACK DIAMOND around Price and SLASH thru BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $69.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #203 FRANK MILLER 1980 2nd cover DAZZLER Taylor Swift CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#203 (4/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box at lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages  = $115.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #203 FRANK MILLER 1980 2nd cover DAZZLER Taylor Swift CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#203 (4/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box at lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages  = $99.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #203 FRANK MILLER 1980 2nd cover DAZZLER Taylor Swift CGC 9.2

** Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box at lower Left Cover Corner;

** Minor Factory Sealing CRACK, at Lower Left Edge of CGC Holder;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#209 (10/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of CALYPSO EZILI, BLACK Female Villain, Voodoo Priestess of Haitian nationality.

** Ariana DeBose will play the CALYPSO in the live-action The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  Marvel Movie, which will DEBUT on January 13, 2023, is part of Sony's Spider-Man Universe.

** CALYPSO utilizes magic potions, and the occasional lover and partner of Kraven the Hunter.

** CALYPSO was a psychopathic woman who was associated with Sergei Kravinoff, aka Kraven the Hunter.

** CALYPSO seemed to enjoy driving Kraven into fits of rage and furthering his hatred of Spider-Man, which ultimately led to Kraven's suicide.

** KRAVEN the HUNTER cover and story;

** SPIDER-WOMAN Appears;

To Salvage my Honor!

Denny O'Neil story;

Alan Weiss cover and art;


The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  (Spider-Man Spinoff) Marvel Movie by Sony will DEBUT on January 13, 2023;

** Starring; Aaron Taylor-Johnson will play Sergei Kravinoff aka KRAVEN THE HUNTER;

** Ariana DeBose (of West Side Story fame) joins the cast of Sony's Kraven the Hunter movie,  she will play CALYPSO.

** Russell Crowe will play a Major Character in the Film.

J.C. Chandor is directing the film from a screenplay by Art Marcum & Matt Holloway and Richard Wenk. Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach are producing.

Russian immigrant Sergei Kravinoff is on a mission to prove that he is the greatest hunter in the world.

Richard Wenk stated that the film will be inspired by Kraven's Last Hunt (one of the Greatest Marvel Stories of the 1980’s)

Marc Webb confirmed that KRAVEN THE HUNTER will appear as a member in The Sinister Six film;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER is one of Spider-Man's frequent enemies, Squirrel Girl's frequent allies, and the half-brother of Dmitri Smerdyakov, better known as the Chameleon.

KRAVEN THE HUNTER was ranked #53 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All-Time List;


** Regular DIRECT Edition with Black Diamond around Date and Price, with SPIDER-MAN FACE in UPC Box at lower left cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $125.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #209 Origin 1st CALYPSO Movie KRAVEN THE HUNTER 1980 CGC 9.4 with WHITE Pages = $79.00; (Newsstand edition)


with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $74.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#209 (10/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of CALYPSO EZILI, BLACK Female Villain, Voodoo Priestess of Haitian nationality.

** Ariana DeBose will play the CALYPSO in the live-action The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  Marvel Movie, which will DEBUT on January 13, 2023, is part of Sony's Spider-Man Universe.

** CALYPSO utilizes magic potions, and the occasional lover and partner of Kraven the Hunter.

** CALYPSO was a psychopathic woman who was associated with Sergei Kravinoff, aka Kraven the Hunter.

** CALYPSO seemed to enjoy driving Kraven into fits of rage and furthering his hatred of Spider-Man, which ultimately led to Kraven's suicide.

** KRAVEN the HUNTER cover and story;

** SPIDER-WOMAN Appears;

To Salvage my Honor!

Denny O'Neil story;

Alan Weiss cover and art;


The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  (Spider-Man Spinoff) Marvel Movie by Sony will DEBUT on January 13, 2023;

** Starring; Aaron Taylor-Johnson will play Sergei Kravinoff aka KRAVEN THE HUNTER;

** Ariana DeBose (of West Side Story fame) joins the cast of Sony's Kraven the Hunter movie,  she will play CALYPSO.

** Russell Crowe will play a Major Character in the Film.

J.C. Chandor is directing the film from a screenplay by Art Marcum & Matt Holloway and Richard Wenk. Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach are producing.

Russian immigrant Sergei Kravinoff is on a mission to prove that he is the greatest hunter in the world.

Richard Wenk stated that the film will be inspired by Kraven's Last Hunt (one of the Greatest Marvel Stories of the 1980’s)

Marc Webb confirmed that KRAVEN THE HUNTER will appear as a member in The Sinister Six film;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER is one of Spider-Man's frequent enemies, Squirrel Girl's frequent allies, and the half-brother of Dmitri Smerdyakov, better known as the Chameleon.

KRAVEN THE HUNTER was ranked #53 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All-Time List;


** Regular DIRECT Edition with Black Diamond around Date and Price, with SPIDER-MAN FACE in UPC Box at lower left cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $55.00;




AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#209 (10/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BAR-CODE in UPC Box at lower left cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.2, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $59.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#209 (10/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of CALYPSO EZILI, BLACK Female Villain, Voodoo Priestess of Haitian nationality.

** Ariana DeBose will play the CALYPSO in the live-action The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  Marvel Movie, which will DEBUT on January 13, 2023, is part of Sony's Spider-Man Universe.

** CALYPSO utilizes magic potions, and the occasional lover and partner of Kraven the Hunter.

** CALYPSO was a psychopathic woman who was associated with Sergei Kravinoff, aka Kraven the Hunter.

** CALYPSO seemed to enjoy driving Kraven into fits of rage and furthering his hatred of Spider-Man, which ultimately led to Kraven's suicide.

** KRAVEN the HUNTER cover and story;

** SPIDER-WOMAN Appears;

To Salvage my Honor!

Denny O'Neil story;

Alan Weiss cover and art;


The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  (Spider-Man Spinoff) Marvel Movie by Sony will DEBUT on January 13, 2023;

** Starring; Aaron Taylor-Johnson will play Sergei Kravinoff aka KRAVEN THE HUNTER;

** Ariana DeBose (of West Side Story fame) joins the cast of Sony's Kraven the Hunter movie,  she will play CALYPSO.

** Russell Crowe will play a Major Character in the Film.

J.C. Chandor is directing the film from a screenplay by Art Marcum & Matt Holloway and Richard Wenk. Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach are producing.

Russian immigrant Sergei Kravinoff is on a mission to prove that he is the greatest hunter in the world.

Richard Wenk stated that the film will be inspired by Kraven's Last Hunt (one of the Greatest Marvel Stories of the 1980’s)

Marc Webb confirmed that KRAVEN THE HUNTER will appear as a member in The Sinister Six film;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER is one of Spider-Man's frequent enemies, Squirrel Girl's frequent allies, and the half-brother of Dmitri Smerdyakov, better known as the Chameleon.

KRAVEN THE HUNTER was ranked #53 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All-Time List;


** Regular DIRECT Edition with Black Diamond around Date and Price, with SPIDER-MAN FACE in UPC Box at lower left cover;

** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $36.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #216 2nd Cassandra Webb aka MADAME WEB 1981 Sony FILM CGC 9.8 with White Pages = $179.00


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #216 2nd Cassandra Webb aka MADAME WEB 1981 Sony FILM CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#216 (5/1981; FIRST PRINTING;

Second appearance of Cassandra Webb aka MADAME WEB cover and story;

First appearance of Biff Rifkin (Debra Whitman's old flame)

First appearance of Barney Wicker (Congressional candidate);

Appearances by; Debra Whitman, Aunt May, Nathan Lubensky and  J. Jonah Jameson;

SPIDER-MAN in Marathon;

Dennis O'Neil story;

John Romita Jr. and Allen Milgrom cover

John Romita Jr and Jim Mooney art;


** The MADAME WEB Spider-Verse Big Screen Live-Action MOVIE in the Works; ** Sony Pictures has hired Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless (Morbius) to pen a Madame Web movie set in the Spider-Man universe; ** Cassandra Webb, aka MADAME WEB is a Human Mutant, has clairvoyant, precognitive powers, she is traditionally depicted as an older woman (though there have been younger incarnations of the character) with myasthenia gravis, a long-term neuromuscular disease that requires Webb be connected to a life support system that looks like a spider web (hence the moniker); ** MADAME WEB is the grandmother of, Charlotte Witter, the fourth SPIDER-WOMAN; ** MADAME WEB has appeared in the Spider-Man animated series, as well as multiple Spider-Man video games;


** Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #216 2nd Cassandra Webb aka MADAME WEB 1981 Sony FILM CGC 9.4

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#216 (5/1981; FIRST PRINTING;

** Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #216 2nd Cassandra Webb aka MADAME WEB 1981 Sony FILM CGC 9.2 with White Pages = $55.00


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #216 2nd Cassandra Webb aka MADAME WEB 1981 Sony FILM CGC 9.2 with White pages minor crack to holder = $45.00


Amazing Spider-Man #229 vs JUGGERNAUT battle 1982 3rd MADAME WEB Movie CGC 9.8

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#229 (6/1982; FIRST PRTINTING;

*** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $319.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #229 vs JUGGERNAUT battle 1982 3rd MADAME WEB Movie CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#229 (6/1982; FIRST PRTINTING;

*** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #230 vs JUGGERNAUT battle 1982 4th MADAME WEB Movie CGC 9.0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#230 (7/1982; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $55.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #239 vs HOBGOBLIN 1st Battle 2nd Appearance 1983 CGC NM 9.6 with WHITE Pages = $115.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #239 vs HOBGOBLIN 1st Battle 2nd Appearance 1983 CGC NM 9.4

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#239 (4/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $94.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #239 vs HOBGOBLIN 1st Battle 2nd Appearance 1983 CGC NM- 9.2

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#239 (4/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $65.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#257 (10/1984; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST cameo appearance Ned Leeds as HOBGOBLIN in Half page Panel;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

Second appearance of Thomas Fireheart aka THE PUMA cover and story; 

Spider-Man vs PUMA Battle cover and story;

Appearances by; Black Cat, Rose, Arranger and Kingpin;

Mary Jane Watson reveals she knows Spider-Man’s Identity as Peter Parker;

Tom DeFalco story;

on Frenz and Joe Rubinstein cover and art;


** HOBGOBLIN is #57 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

** NED LEEDS appeared as HOBGOBLIN in Less than 10 Comics between Amazing Spider-Man #237(10/1984) and #289(6/1987),  as yet is one of the Best Remembered Spider-Man SHOCKING Storylines of the 1980’s Decade;

** [Ned Leeds already appeared as the teenager in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and is set to reprise his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)];

** Marvel incorporating the multiverse into Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE, makes it possible for Ned Leeds (played by Jacob Batalon) to become the HOBGOBLIN in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe);


00400-8143 (front)/// 00400-8144 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $369.00;




AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#257 (10/1984; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST cameo appearance Ned Leeds as HOBGOBLIN in Half page Panel;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

Second appearance of Thomas Fireheart aka THE PUMA cover and story; 

Spider-Man vs PUMA Battle cover and story;

Appearances by; Black Cat, Rose, Arranger and Kingpin;

Mary Jane Watson reveals she knows Spider-Man’s Identity as Peter Parker;

Tom DeFalco story;

on Frenz and Joe Rubinstein cover and art;


** HOBGOBLIN is #57 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

** NED LEEDS appeared as HOBGOBLIN in Less than 10 Comics between Amazing Spider-Man #237(10/1984) and #289(6/1987),  as yet is one of the Best Remembered Spider-Man SHOCKING Storylines of the 1980’s Decade;

** [Ned Leeds already appeared as the teenager in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and is set to reprise his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)];

** Marvel incorporating the multiverse into Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE, makes it possible for Ned Leeds (played by Jacob Batalon) to become the HOBGOBLIN in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe);


00400-8145 (front)/// 00400-8146 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $359.00;




AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#257 (10/1984; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST cameo appearance Ned Leeds as HOBGOBLIN in Half page Panel;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

Second appearance of Thomas Fireheart aka THE PUMA cover and story; 

Spider-Man vs PUMA Battle cover and story;

Appearances by; Black Cat, Rose, Arranger and Kingpin;

Mary Jane Watson reveals she knows Spider-Man’s Identity as Peter Parker;

Tom DeFalco story;

on Frenz and Joe Rubinstein cover and art;


** HOBGOBLIN is #57 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

** NED LEEDS appeared as HOBGOBLIN in Less than 10 Comics between Amazing Spider-Man #237(10/1984) and #289(6/1987),  as yet is one of the Best Remembered Spider-Man SHOCKING Storylines of the 1980’s Decade;

** [Ned Leeds already appeared as the teenager in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and is set to reprise his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)];

** Marvel incorporating the multiverse into Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE, makes it possible for Ned Leeds (played by Jacob Batalon) to become the HOBGOBLIN in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe);


00400-8151 (front)/// 00400-8152 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $179.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #261 vs Original HOBGOBLIN Battle MCU? 1985 Rose VESS CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#261 (2/1985; FIRST PRINTING;

Classic Roderick Kingsley the original HOBGOBLIN vs Spider-Man BATTLE cover and story;

Appearances by; Harry Osborn, Liz Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, ROSE;

Classic cover by CHARLES VESS; 

Tom DeFalco story;

Ron Frenz and Joe Rubinstein art ;


** HOBGOBLIN is #57 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

** NED LEEDS appeared as HOBGOBLIN in Less than 10 Comics between Amazing Spider-Man #257(10/1984; 1st cameo Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin) and #284(1/1987; 1st FULL Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin) and  #289(6/1987; DEATH of Ned Leeds aka Hobgoblin),  as yet is one of the Best Remembered Spider-Man SHOCKING Storylines of the 1980’s Decade;

** [Ned Leeds already appeared as the teenager in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and is set to reprise his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)];

** Marvel incorporating the multiverse into Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE, makes it possible for Ned Leeds (played by Jacob Batalon) to become the HOBGOBLIN in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe);


00400-8161 (front)/// 00400-8162 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $179.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #261 vs Original HOBGOBLIN Battle MCU? 1985 Rose VESS CGC 9.4

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#261 (2/1985; FIRST PRINTING;

Classic Roderick Kingsley the original HOBGOBLIN vs Spider-Man BATTLE cover and story;

Appearances by; Harry Osborn, Liz Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, ROSE;

Classic cover by CHARLES VESS; 

Tom DeFalco story;

Ron Frenz and Joe Rubinstein art ;


** HOBGOBLIN is #57 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

** NED LEEDS appeared as HOBGOBLIN in Less than 10 Comics between Amazing Spider-Man #257(10/1984; 1st cameo Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin) and #284(1/1987; 1st FULL Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin) and  #289(6/1987; DEATH of Ned Leeds aka Hobgoblin),  as yet is one of the Best Remembered Spider-Man SHOCKING Storylines of the 1980’s Decade;

** [Ned Leeds already appeared as the teenager in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and is set to reprise his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)];

** Marvel incorporating the multiverse into Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE, makes it possible for Ned Leeds (played by Jacob Batalon) to become the HOBGOBLIN in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe);


00400-8163 (front)/// 00400-8164 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 263 1st Normie Osborn aka RED GREEN GOBLIN Venom 1985 CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#263 (4/1985; ** FIRST PRINTING;

** Birth & FIRST appearance of  Norman Harold "Normie" Osborn; 

** Normie Osborn later becomes GREEN GOBLIN;

** Normie Osborn later becomes VENOM;

** Normie Osborn is tied in with the new RED GOBLIN villain that appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #798;

** Wikipedia Notes; Normie Osborn is the grandson of Norman Osborn and the son of Harry Osborn, the first and second Green Goblin, respectively; As Harry Osborn and Peter Parker were best friends, he is also Spider-Man's godson;

**  Normie Osborn Team affiliations includes; New Warriors & Alchemax;

**  Spider-Man in The Spectacular Spider-Kid = Story by Tom DeFalco, with Ron Frenz, Brett Breeding & John Beatty art;

** Spider-Man in Black Alien Venom Costume cover & story;

** Ollie Osnick the Spectacular Spider-Kid cover & story;  cover & story;

**Cameo appearances by Liz (Allan) Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, & Black Cat;

** Tom DeFalco story;

** Ron Frenz & Brett Breeding art;

** Ron Frenz & Joe Rubinstein cover;

00253-5 (front) // 00253-6 (back)

*** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $240.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 276 Death of FLY 1986 HOBGOBLIN Rose Canadian Variant CGC 9.4

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#276 (5/1986; FIRST PRINTING;

HOBGOBLIN cover and story;

Death of the FLY;

Hobgoblin and Scourge appearance;

ROSE cameo;

Tom DeFalco story;

Ron Frenz and Brett Breeding art;

Tom Morgan and Joe Rubinstein cover;


** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand 95 Cents Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH or Image) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number & Price;

** This is Considered a TYPE 1-A Newsstand VARIANT (see Overstreet Guide to Grading Comics Sixth Edition from 2021 for the Definitive 43 page Comics Variant Encyclopedia by Jon McClure; HUGE VARIANT Article  Recognized by OVERSTREET since Guide #40);

 PRINTED Simultaneously in the USA on the Same Presses as the Regular DIRECT Edition, but Sold ONLY in Another Country, NOT Distributed in the USA;

** These are HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE VARIANTS, and CGC Examples Routinely Sell for 150% to 400% of the Prices that Standard USA Printing Bring ; 

** CGC and CBCS now BOTH Decided to OFFICIALLY Start Recognizing these as “CANADIAN VARIANTS” and NOW Mark then thus on Current LABELS;  

** (Most Canadian VARIANTS are Approx. 50 to 100 SCARCER in HIGH GRADE than the Regular Dual Priced DIRECT editions);

** For MORE INFO, Do an Internet Search for = "  The Canadian Price Variant Price Guide " ;


** HOBGOBLIN is #57 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

** NED LEEDS appeared as HOBGOBLIN in Less than 10 Comics between Amazing Spider-Man #257(10/1984; 1st cameo Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin) and #284(1/1987; 1st FULL Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin) and  #289(6/1987; DEATH of Ned Leeds aka Hobgoblin),  as yet is one of the Best Remembered Spider-Man SHOCKING Storylines of the 1980’s Decade;

** [Ned Leeds already appeared as the teenager in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and is set to reprise his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)];

** Marvel incorporating the multiverse into Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE, makes it possible for Ned Leeds (played by Jacob Batalon) to become the HOBGOBLIN in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe);


00262-1881 (front) // 00262-1882 (Back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #284 MCU? 1st FULL Ned Leeds HOBGOBLIN & Battle 1987 CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#284 (1/1987; FIRST PRINTING;

GANG WAR Storyline Part-1;

** FIRST FULL appearance of Ned Leeds as the new HOBGOBLIN, partial cover and FIRST Battle with Spider-Man;

** Ned Leeds aka Hobgoblin, Jason Macendale aka Jack O'Lantern, Rose, Hammerhead cover and story;

** Appearances by; Lance Bannon, Ben Urich, J. Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson, Kathryn Cushing, Betty Leeds, Ned Leeds, Aunt May Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Flash Thompson, Blue Boys Gang, Arranger, Silvermane, Daniel Kingsley (villain);

Cameo appearances of; Kingpin, Daredevil, Punisher;

Tom DeFalco story;

Ron Frenz and Joe Rubinstein cover and art;


** HOBGOBLIN is #57 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

** It is Rumored that NED LEEDS Will finally become HOBGOBLIN in the Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE which DEBUTS on December 17/2021 (if NOT in this Film, Ned Leeds is still expected to Eventually becomes HOBGOBLIN in the MCU); 

** NED LEEDS appeared as HOBGOBLIN in Less than 10 Comics between Amazing Spider-Man #257(10/1984; 1st cameo Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin) and #284(1/1987; 1st FULL Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin) and  #289(6/1987; DEATH of Ned Leeds aka Hobgoblin),  as yet is one of the Best Remembered Spider-Man SHOCKING Storylines of the 1980’s Decade;

** [Ned Leeds already appeared as the teenager in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and is set to reprise his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)];

** Marvel incorporating the multiverse into Spider-Man: No Way Home MOVIE, makes it possible for Ned Leeds (played by Jacob Batalon) to become the HOBGOBLIN in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe);


00400-8169 (front)/// 00400-8170 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #294 Last Hunt 1987 VERMIN Classic ZECK Death KRAVEN CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#294 (11/1987; FIRST PRINTING;

** Classic KRAVEN LAST HUNT (aka Fearful Symmetry) cover & story, Part-5 of 6-Parts: Thunder; 

** Story tells the FINAL BATTLE between KRAVEN the Hunter and Spider-Man, Considered to be One of the greatest Spider-Man stories of All-Time;

** DEATH of KRAVEN the Hunter, KRAVEN Commits SUICIDE by using a Shotgun in his Mouth; 

** Edward Whelan aka VERMIN vs SPIDER-MAN Battle, VERMIN defeats SPIDER-MAN;

J.M. DeMatteis story;

Classic MIKE ZECK and Bob McLeod cover and art;


The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  (Spider-Man Spinoff) Marvel Movie by Sony will DEBUT on January 13, 2023;

** Starring; Aaron Taylor-Johnson will play Sergei Kravinoff aka KRAVEN THE HUNTER;

** Ariana DeBose (of West Side Story fame) joins the cast of Sony's Kraven the Hunter movie,  expected to play CALYPSO.

** Russell Crowe will play a Major Character in the Film.

J.C. Chandor is directing the film from a screenplay by Art Marcum & Matt Holloway and Richard Wenk. Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach are producing.

Russian immigrant Sergei Kravinoff is on a mission to prove that he is the greatest hunter in the world.

Richard Wenk stated that the film will be inspired by Kraven's Last Hunt (one of the Greatest Marvel Stories of the 1980’s)

Marc Webb confirmed that KRAVEN THE HUNTER will appear as a member in The Sinister Six film;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER is one of Spider-Man's frequent enemies, Squirrel Girl's frequent allies, and the half-brother of Dmitri Smerdyakov, better known as the Chameleon.

KRAVEN THE HUNTER was ranked #53 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All-Time List;


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #304 Prowler Black Fox 1988 1st Ginny&Caesar MCFARLANE CGC 9.2

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;

Amazing Spider-Man #313 vs LIZARD Battle 1989 Inferno TODD MCFARLANE CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $175.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #313 vs LIZARD Battle 1989 Inferno TODD MCFARLANE CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $169.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #315 vs Hydro-Man 1989 Eddie Brock as VENOM McFarlane CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $169.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #316 1st FULL VENOM Cover & Battle 1989 MCFARLANE CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $565.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #317 Eddie Brock as VENOM 1989 Grimm THING MCFARLANE CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;


Amazing Spider-Man #317 Eddie Brock as VENOM 1989 Grimm THING MCFARLANE CGC 9.4

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $59.00;

Amazing Spider-Man #317 CGC 9.2 = $49



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#328 (1/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** Classic COSMIC Spider-Man vs GRAY HULK Battle cover by TODD McFARLANE;

** Todd McFarlane The Amazing Spider-Man #328 Cover Original Art Sold at Heritage Auctions on July 26, 2012 for $657,250.00 includes Buyer's Premium;

** Appearances by; INCREDIBLE HULK (Bruce Banner as the GRAY HULK), Sebastian Shaw aka the BLACK KING, Mary Jane Watson Parker, Flash Thompson;

** Last TODD McFARLANE art issue;

** Spider-Man with COSMIC Powers, Possessed by Captain Universe;

** Spider-Man in Shaw's Gambit;

** Part of the Acts of Vengeance event;

** First and only appearances of; Amber, Fritz, Hans, Stan and Steve;

** David Michelinie story;

** TODD McFARLANE cover and art;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#328 (1/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** Classic COSMIC Spider-Man vs GRAY HULK Battle cover by TODD McFARLANE;

** Todd McFarlane The Amazing Spider-Man #328 Cover Original Art Sold at Heritage Auctions on July 26, 2012 for $657,250.00 includes Buyer's Premium;

** Appearances by; INCREDIBLE HULK (Bruce Banner as the GRAY HULK), Sebastian Shaw aka the BLACK KING, Mary Jane Watson Parker, Flash Thompson;

** Last TODD McFARLANE art issue;

** Spider-Man with COSMIC Powers, Possessed by Captain Universe;

** Spider-Man in Shaw's Gambit;

** Part of the Acts of Vengeance event;

** First and only appearances of; Amber, Fritz, Hans, Stan and Steve;

** David Michelinie story;

** TODD McFARLANE cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;




AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#328 (1/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** Classic COSMIC Spider-Man vs GRAY HULK Battle cover by TODD McFARLANE;

** Todd McFarlane The Amazing Spider-Man #328 Cover Original Art Sold at Heritage Auctions on July 26, 2012 for $657,250.00 includes Buyer's Premium;

** Appearances by; INCREDIBLE HULK (Bruce Banner as the GRAY HULK), Sebastian Shaw aka the BLACK KING, Mary Jane Watson Parker, Flash Thompson;

** Last TODD McFARLANE art issue;

** Spider-Man with COSMIC Powers, Possessed by Captain Universe;

** Spider-Man in Shaw's Gambit;

** Part of the Acts of Vengeance event;

** First and only appearances of; Amber, Fritz, Hans, Stan and Steve;

** David Michelinie story;

** TODD McFARLANE cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #365 1st Miguel O'Hara 2099 Verse Movie 1992 HOLOGRAM CGC 9.2

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original / First Series; 1963-1998);

#365 [8/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

** BLACK cover with Reflective HOLOGRAM Sticker on cover, an Homage to the Amazing Fantasy #15 Cover; 

** Preview FIRST Appearance of Miguel O'Hara aka SPIDER-MAN 2099 = Peter David story, Rick Leonardi & Al Williamson art; 

** Miguel O'Hara is the first LATINO character to assume the identity of Spider-Man; 

** Spider-Man 2099 appears in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, voiced by Oscar Isaac. (Fans Speculate he might appear in Spider-Verse Movie #2); He makes an appearance in the film's post-credits scene, along with his A.I. Lyla, where he learns from her about the events that have transpired during the film. He then decides to use his new device he has been working on: a watch that allows him to travel to different dimensions on a whim. He decides to use it to "go back to the beginning" (Earth-67), which is revealed to be a universe based on the 1967 Spider-Man cartoon and immediately gets into an argument with that universe's Spider-Man, the style and topic of the argument referencing a popular meme.

** 84 page Giant including covers; 30th Anniversary issue; 

** LIZARD Story by David Michelinie, with Mark Bagley art; 

** J. Jonah Jameson in How I Created Spider-Man story by David Michelinie, with Aaron Lopresti art; 

** Gwen Stacy story by Stan Lee and  DeFalco, with  John Romita Sr. art;  

** Prowler story by DeFalco, with Tod Smith & Andrew Pepoy art; 

** Foldout Pinup poster of Spider-Man vs VENOM and CARNAGE, with Bagley art;

 ** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $72.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 328 Classic COSMIC Spider-Man vs GRAY HULK  McFARLANE CGC 9.0  with WHITE Pages = $49.00


Amazing Spider-Man #406 1st Carolyn Trainer new Female DR OCTOPUS 1995 CGC 9.8

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#406 (10/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $169.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #406 1st Carolyn Trainer new Female DR OCTOPUS 1995 CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#406 (10/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;



Amazing Spider-Man #406 1st Female DR OCTOPUS 1995 NEWSSTAND Qualified CGC 9.4

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1998);

#406 (10/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC: Qualified GREEN Label; Marvel Overpower Trading cards are Missing - Incomplete.

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $29.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #441 LAST 1998 1st Mattie Franklin 3rd Spider-Woman CGC 9.6

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (MARVEL Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1998);

#441 (11/1998;

** Low Print & Scarcer LAST issue;

** First FULL appearance of Martha "Mattie" Franklin, Later becomes the 3rd Spider-Woman;

** The Final Chapter Part-1 of 4-Part Storyline;


Rafael Kayanan & Bud LaRosa art;


00258-345 (front) // 00258-346 (back)

00258-347 (front) // 00258-348 (back)

CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;





#637-B (10/2010;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE = $299.00;





#637-B (10/2010;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE = $179.00;


Amazing SpiderMan Annual #10 ORIGIN 1st original HUMAN FLY 1976 Gil Kane CGC 9.4

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1964-1994);  

#10 (1976; FIRST PRINTING;

** 52 Page Giant Including Covers;

** FIRST All-New Story issue since 1968;

** FIRST appearance and ORIGIN of Richard Deacon the Original Marvel HUMAN FLY aka The FLY, a Villain, cover and story;

** HUMAN FLY Team affiliations includes; Savage Six and Sinister Sixteen;

** This Version of the HUMAN FLY precedes the Super-Hero Version by over a Year; 

** FIRST appearance and Death of Harlan Stillwell (brother of Farley Stillwell, the scientist best known for transforming MacGargan into the Scorpion.);

** Appearances by; J. Jonah Jameson, Joe Robertson;

** Spider-Man in Step Into My Parlor..., Said The Spider To The Fly!

Len Wein plot;

Bill Mantlo story;

Gil Kane, Frank Giacoia and Mike Esposito art; 

Gil Kane and John Romita cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $109.00;



Amazing SpiderMan Annual #10 ORIGIN 1st original HUMAN FLY 1976 Gil Kane CGC 8.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1964-1994);  

#10 (1976; FIRST PRINTING;

** 52 Page Giant Including Covers;

** FIRST All-New Story issue since 1968;

** FIRST appearance and ORIGIN of Richard Deacon the Original Marvel HUMAN FLY aka The FLY, a Villain, cover and story;

** HUMAN FLY Team affiliations includes; Savage Six and Sinister Sixteen;

** This Version of the HUMAN FLY precedes the Super-Hero Version by over a Year; 

** FIRST appearance and Death of Harlan Stillwell (brother of Farley Stillwell, the scientist best known for transforming MacGargan into the Scorpion.);

** Appearances by; J. Jonah Jameson, Joe Robertson;

** Spider-Man in Step Into My Parlor..., Said The Spider To The Fly!

Len Wein plot;

Bill Mantlo story;

Gil Kane, Frank Giacoia and Mike Esposito art; 

Gil Kane and John Romita cover;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #16 Monica Rambeau CAPTAIN MARVEL TV Movie #16 CGC 9.4 with WHITE = $119.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1964-1994);  

#16 (1982; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page Giant;

*** First appearance and ORIGIN of Monica Rambeau, as she becomes the new Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL cover and story;

** Akira Akbar played young Monica Rambeau in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Captain Marvel MOVIE from 2019, opposite Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) Brie Larson;

** Teyonah Parris played the adult version of Monica Rambeau in the television miniseries WandaVision (2021)

** Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau  The Marvels MCU Movie (2023).

** Monica Rambeau, the first WOMAN to use the name CAPTAIN MARVEL;

 *** Monica Rambeau is currently appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum;

*** Monica Rambeau Later became a Member of the AVENGERS, she has often worked with Carol Danvers;

*** Monica Rambeau other Aliases includes; Pulsar, Lady-of-Light, Daystar, Photon, Sceptre, & Monica Marvel;

*** AVENGERS and Ben Grimm the THING cover and appearance;

Roger Stern Story;

JOHN ROMITA JR and SR cover and art;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1964-1994);  

#16 (1982; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page Giant;

*** First appearance and ORIGIN of Monica Rambeau, as she becomes the new Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL cover and story;

** Akira Akbar played young Monica Rambeau in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Captain Marvel MOVIE from 2019, opposite Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) Brie Larson;

** Teyonah Parris played the adult version of Monica Rambeau in the television miniseries WandaVision (2021)

** Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau  The Marvels MCU Movie (2023).

** Monica Rambeau, the first WOMAN to use the name CAPTAIN MARVEL;

 *** Monica Rambeau is currently appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum;

*** Monica Rambeau Later became a Member of the AVENGERS, she has often worked with Carol Danvers;

*** Monica Rambeau other Aliases includes; Pulsar, Lady-of-Light, Daystar, Photon, Sceptre, & Monica Marvel;

*** AVENGERS and Ben Grimm the THING cover and appearance;

Roger Stern Story;

JOHN ROMITA JR and SR cover and art;


** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand $1.25 Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH or Image) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number & Price;

** This is Considered a TYPE 1-A Newsstand VARIANT (See the Overstreet Grading Guide Sixth Edition, for the 43 Page Official VARIANT Article; Recognized by OVERSTREET since Guide #40 with the Definitive McClure VARIANT Article), PRINTED Simultaneously in the USA on the Same Presses as the Regular DIRECT Edition, but Sold ONLY in Another Country, NOT Distributed in the USA;

** These are HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE VARIANTS, and CGC Examples Routinely Sell for 150% to 500% of the Prices that Standard USA Printing Bring ; 

** CGC and CBCS now BOTH Decided to OFFICIALLY Start Recognizing these as “CANADIAN VARIANTS” and NOW Mark then thus on Current LABELS;  

** (Most Canadian VARIANTS are Approx. 50 to 100 SCARCER in HIGH GRADE than the Regular Dual Priced DIRECT editions);

** For MORE INFO, Do an Internet Search for = " The 2020 Price Guide for 1980’s - 1990's ARCHIE, DC, Gladstone, MARVEL and Modern Newsstand Canadian Cover Price Variants (Type 1A)" ;

** Also View multiple Videos on YouTube on CPV Canadian Price Variant Comic Books


** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $139.00;



AMAZING SPIDERMAN ANNUAL 16 Monica Rambeau TV Movie Canadian VARIANT #16 CGC 7.5

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1964-1994);  

#16 (1982; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page Giant;

*** First appearance and ORIGIN of Monica Rambeau, as she becomes the new Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL cover and story;

** Akira Akbar played young Monica Rambeau in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Captain Marvel MOVIE from 2019, opposite Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) Brie Larson;

** Teyonah Parris played the adult version of Monica Rambeau in the television miniseries WandaVision (2021)

** Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau  The Marvels MCU Movie (2023).

** Monica Rambeau, the first WOMAN to use the name CAPTAIN MARVEL;

 *** Monica Rambeau is currently appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum;

*** Monica Rambeau Later became a Member of the AVENGERS, she has often worked with Carol Danvers;

*** Monica Rambeau other Aliases includes; Pulsar, Lady-of-Light, Daystar, Photon, Sceptre, & Monica Marvel;

*** AVENGERS and Ben Grimm the THING cover and appearance;

Roger Stern Story;

JOHN ROMITA JR and SR cover and art;


** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand $1.00 Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH or Image) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number & Price;

** This is Considered a TYPE 1-A Newsstand VARIANT (See the Overstreet Grading Guide Sixth Edition, for the 43 Page Official VARIANT Article; Recognized by OVERSTREET since Guide #40 with the Definitive McClure VARIANT Article), PRINTED Simultaneously in the USA on the Same Presses as the Regular DIRECT Edition, but Sold ONLY in Another Country, NOT Distributed in the USA;

** These are HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE VARIANTS, and CGC Examples Routinely Sell for 150% to 500% of the Prices that Standard USA Printing Bring ; 

** CGC and CBCS now BOTH Decided to OFFICIALLY Start Recognizing these as “CANADIAN VARIANTS” and NOW Mark then thus on Current LABELS;  

** (Most Canadian VARIANTS are Approx. 50 to 100 SCARCER in HIGH GRADE than the Regular Dual Priced DIRECT editions);

** For MORE INFO, Do an Internet Search for = " The 2020 Price Guide for 1980’s - 1990's ARCHIE, DC, Gladstone, MARVEL and Modern Newsstand Canadian Cover Price Variants (Type 1A)" ;

** Also View multiple Videos on YouTube on CPV Canadian Price Variant Comic Books


** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $109.00;


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #22 High Evolutionary Daredevil 1st SPEEDBALL CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $142.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #22 High Evolutionary Daredevil 1st SPEEDBALL CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #22 High Evolutionary Daredevil 1st SPEEDBALL CGC 9.4

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $56.00;


American Library NN #1 Thirty Seconds over Tokyo 1943 Adapts Book Movie CGC 5.0

American Library (David McKay Publishing)

#NN (#1; FIRST PRINTING; 1943;

** CGC; VG/FN, 5.0, with Cream to Off-WHITE Pages = $349.00;


AMERICA’S BEST TV #1 Marvel 1967 Spider-Man Fantastic Four George Jungle CGC 9.6

AMERICA’S BEST TV COMICS (Marvel Comics pub);

#NN (#1; One-Shot; 68 Page Square-Bound Giant;

Amazing Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, King Kong, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Journey to the Center of the Earth and George of the Jungle cover & stories;

Giant Newsstand Comic (25 Cents cover Price) Used to Promote the ABC 1967-1968 TV Animated Cartoon Season;

Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott cover;  Paul Reimnan, John Tartaglione &, George Tuska art;

** GCD Notes =

( A ) Amazing Spider-Man in The Birth of a Super-Hero (Spider-Man #42 reprint) = 10 Page STAN LEE story with ROHN ROMITA art;

( B ) Casper the Friendly Ghost in The Flying Horse = 10 Page story with Warren Kremer art;

( C ) Fantastic Four in Prisoners of the Pharaoh vs Pharaoh Rama-Tut aka KANG (FF #19 reprint) = 10 Page STAN LEE story with JACK KIRBY and Dick Ayers art;

( D ) FIRST Comics appearance of GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE (Pre-Dates the Gold Key comic by about 2 Years) based on the JAY WARD TV Animated Cartoon;

FIRST appearance of = George of the Jungle, Ursula & Shep;

George of the Jungle (in Shep's Burial Ground)  = 10 Page story with BILL EVERETT art;

( E ) FIRST Comics appearance of Journey to the Center of the Earth based on the Filmation 20th Century Fox TV Animated Cartoon

FIRST appearance of = Dr. Lindenbrook, Cindy, Alec & Lars; FIRST appearance of Villains =  Count Sacknussem  & Torg;

Journey to the Center of the Earth (in The People of the Styx) = 10 Page story with Paul Reinman art;

( F ) FIRST Marvel Comics appearance of KING KONG SHOW based on the American/Japanese anime series produced by Videocraft International and Toei Animation TV Cartoon;

FIRST appearance of = King Kong, Bobby Bond, Mr. Bond, Miss Bond  & P. T. Bunkum;

King Kong (Joins the Circus) = 10 Page story with John Verpoorten, Sol Brodsky & Frank Giacoia art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS,  9.6, with Off-WHITE Pages = $499.00;


AMERICA’S BEST TV #1 Marvel 1967 Spider-Man Fantastic Four George Jungle CGC 8.5 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $175.00;


Americomics Special #1 Blue Beetle Capt Atom Nightshade Question AC 1983 CGC 9.6


#1 (8/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearance of the Sentinels of Justice TEAM cover and 25 page story;


Published in the Time Period between when the Characters Transfer Ownership from CHARLTON Comics to DC COMICS;

GCD Notes;

** Appearances by; Sentinels of Justice [Blue Beetle [Ted Kord]; Captain Atom [Allen Adam]; Nightshade [Eve Eden]; The Question [Vic Sage]]; The Banshee (villain); The Fiery-Icer (villain); Ironarms; Jonathan Barrington Collingsworth Jr. [The Manipulator] (main villain); Hartford; Tracy (lab assistant); Captain Fisher; The Mayor; Dr. Rockwell; Madmen (thugs); unnamed "shrouded figure" (behind-the-scenes villain);

** Details the histories of the 4 Sentinels of Justice characters and their history at Charlton Comics. Includes covers of Captain Atom (Charlton, 1965 series) #85 (March 1967), Blue Beetle (Charlton, 1967 series) #1 (June 1967) and Mysterious Suspense (Charlton, 1968 series) #1 (October 1968).

** Characters (C) Charlton Publications, used with permission. Story was meant to be continued, but the purchase of these characters by DC Comics prevented it from being done. Nightshade has a new costume that appears in this issue only.

** Blue Beetle last in Americomics (AC, 1983 series) #3, next in Crisis on Infinite Earths (DC Comics, 1985 series) #1. Captain Atom last in Charlton Bullseye (Charlton, 1981 series) #7, next in Crisis on Infinite Earths (DC Comics, 1985 series) #6. Nightshade last in Charlton Bullseye (Charlton, 1981 series) #7, next in Crisis on Infinite Earths (DC Comics, 1985 series) #6. The Question last in Charlton Bullseye (Charlton, 1981 series) #1, next in Crisis on Infinite Earths (DC Comics, 1985 series) #6. The Banshee last in Charlton Bullseye (CPL/GANG Publications, 1975 series) #5, next in Crisis on Infinite Earths (DC Comics, 1985 series) #9. The Madmen last in Blue Beetle (Charlton, 1967 series) #3, next in Blue Beetle (DC Comics, 1986 series) #3. Fiery-Icer last in Captain Atom (Charlton, 1965 series) #87. Ironarms last in Captain Atom (Charlton, 1965 series) #84.

** Pin-ups by Bob McLeod, Bill Black, Jim Sanders III and June Brigman;

Dan St. John story;

Greg Guller and Matt Feazell art;

Greg Guler and John Beatty cover;

** According to the CGC Census (at Time of Listing); This is among the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples so Far Graded by CGC (Only FIVE Exist in 9.6; Only FOUR Exist in 9.8); 

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


AMETHYST Princess of Gemworld Limited Series #1 Animated TV 1983 Mishkin CGC 9.8

AMETHYST, Princess of Gemworld (DC Comics Pub; 1983-1984; First Series; Limited Maxi Series; HIGHLY RATED and Fondly remembered Series by Many Fans)

#1 (May 1983; FIRST PRINTING;

First Series Begins for AMETHYST Princess of Gemworld;

Second overall appearance of AMETHYST;  See LEGION of Super-Heroes #298 for FIRST Appearance; 

** The Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld Animated Cartoon TV Series had 7 Episodes in Season-One from 1-3/2013 with Sophie Oda as the voice of Amethyst;

Regular 60 cent Cover Price USA Edition;

** Dan Mishkin & Gary Cohn story;

ERNIE COLON Cover & Art;

00253-13 (front) // 00253-14 (back)

>> CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;


AMETHYST Princess of Gemworld Limited Series #1 Animated TV 1983 Mishkin CGC 9.6

AMETHYST, Princess of Gemworld (DC Comics Pub; 1983-1984; First Series; Limited Maxi Series; HIGHLY RATED and Fondly remembered Series by Many Fans)

#1 (May 1983; FIRST PRINTING;

First Series Begins for AMETHYST Princess of Gemworld;

Second overall appearance of AMETHYST;  See LEGION of Super-Heroes #298 for FIRST Appearance; 

** The Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld Animated Cartoon TV Series had 7 Episodes in Season-One from 1-3/2013 with Sophie Oda as the voice of Amethyst;

Regular 60 cent Cover Price USA Edition;

** Dan Mishkin & Gary Cohn story;

ERNIE COLON Cover & Art;

00253-15 (front) // 00253-16 (back)

>> CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;


A-NEXT #12 1st full HOPE PYM as Red Queen Revengers ANT-MAN Movie CGC NM 9.4

A-NEXT (1998-1999; Marvel Comics Pub) [the MC2 Marvel Universe NEXT / Second Generation of AVENGERS; Tom DeFalco-s; Ron Frenz & Brett Breeding-a; the Founding Members of A-NEXT include; J2, Mainframe, STINGER (Dr. Cassandra Lang is the daughter of the second Ant-Man, Scott Lang)., and Thunderstrike]

#12 [9/1999; First FULL appearance & First Cover appearance of HOPE PYM the RED QUEEN; Evangeline Lilly will play HOPE VAN DYNE aka HOPE PYM in the ANT-MAN Movie, Debuting in Big-Screen Theatre’s on July 15/2015; The Role of Hope Van Dyne in the Movie is not yet known; HOPE PYM is the daughter of Hank Pym (Ant-Man & Yellowjacket) and Janet Van Dyne (Wasp), and twin to Henry Pym, Jr (aka Big Man); *** Last issue; First appearance of the REVENGERS = Big Man, Ion Man, Killerwatt, RED QUEEN and Sabreclaw; Scott Lang aka the new ANT-MAN appears;

>>>CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4 with WHITE Pages = $75.00


ANTHRO #1 Stone-Age Caveman 1st Solo Series 2nd app DC 1968 Howie Post CGC 9.0

ANTHRO (DC Comics Pub; 1968-1969);

#1 (7-8/1968; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



ANTHRO #1 Stone-Age Caveman 1st Solo Series 2nd app DC 1968 Howie Post CGC 8.5

ANTHRO (DC Comics Pub; 1968-1969);

#1 (7-8/1968; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



ANTHRO #1 Stone-Age Caveman 1st Solo Series 2nd app DC 1968 Howie Post CGC 8.0

ANTHRO (DC Comics Pub; 1968-1969);

#1 (7-8/1968; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


Antiquities War on World of Magic the Gathering #1 1995 Armada comic MCU CGC 9.6

ANTIQUITIES WAR ON THE WORLD OF MAGIC: THE GATHERING (Armada / Valiant Pub; Limited Comics Series);

 #1 (11/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

Cover Depicts; Surreal picture of giant bird head and skeleton;

Genre: fantasy-supernatural; sword and sorcery;

GCD Synopsis: This is the story of Urza and Mishra, archaeologists on the world of Magic, who found a great treasure and fought over it.

MCS; The greatest, most spectacular magical war in the history of Magic: The Gathering starts here! Adapted from the events depicted in the "Antiquities" expansion of the Magic: The Gathering card game, this series introduces readers to Urza and Mishra, two brothers destined for tragedy! This stunning first installment tells the stories of the Mightstone and the Weakstone, and the origin of an enmity so sweeping that millions of lives were lost while mecha-magical monstrosities were brought forth from the fires of hatred in a war that lasted decades!

Jerry Prosser story;

Paul Smith and Tom Ryder art;

George Pratt painted cover;


MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and HASBRO Related NEWS:


Wizards of the Coast Announcement on October 23, 2023

A collaboration years in the making is underway.

** MARVEL COMICS and HASBRO Team Up to Bring Marvel Characters and Stories to MAGIC: THE GATHERING

The multi-year, multi-set deal expands Marvel and Hasbro's relationship through the best-selling card game.

** The first Tentpole Magic set based on MARVEL'S fan-favorite characters and epic stories will appear globally in 2025, with additional all-new exciting sets for multi-generational fans to collect and play.

A Magic: The Gathering - MARVEL Logo has been Designed!

** Hasbro will continue to bring new ways for consumers to express their Marvel fandom through Magic: The Gathering’s collection of Universes Beyond crossover products. “We are extremely proud to collaborate with Marvel to bring its iconic characters to fans around the world in new ways,” said Cynthia Williams, President of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro Digital Gaming. “These tentpole sets will build on the tradition of incorporating beloved fan-favorite characters and elements from world-class brands into Magic: The Gathering.”

** “Trading cards have always been a part of Marvel’s DNA, so this collaboration takes that experience to a whole new level,” said Dan Buckley, President of Marvel Comics and Franchise. “With the depth that our storytelling and characters bring to the table, we can’t wait for fans to see how the Marvel Universe translates seamlessly into gameplay within these Magic: The Gathering products and sets for years to come.”

** Titans of entertainment found in stores worldwide, MAGIC: THE GATHERING —one of the world's most popular trading card games—and MARVEL COMICS —one of the world's most prominent character-based entertainment companies—are collaborating to share fan-favorite Super Heroes, villains, and more through amazing tabletop gameplay.

** This Universes Beyond collaboration is coming soon, and you're invited to join in: sign up below to get the latest news.

** MAGIC: THE GATHERING is the original collectible card game, and its rewarding and strategic gameplay, compelling characters, and fantastic Multiverse have entertained and delighted fans for more than 30 years. With more than 50 million fans to date, Magic is a worldwide phenomenon published in more than 150 countries.

** Choose how you build—then play—your own customized deck of creatures, powerful allies, and mighty spells to claim victory. One? Three? More? However many other players are in your game, it's up to you to pick your path to winning. Whether you're sharing your latest strategies or picking up a ready-to-play deck, there's always something new for you with MAGIC: THE GATHERING —and the best time to join is today. Across in-person tabletop games, online with your computer, or through your mobile phone or tablet, there are so many other players you'll never play the same game twice. Jump in and start playing Magic now!


** According to the CGC Census (at Time of Listing): This is Among the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples so Far Graded by CGC (Only 3 Exist in 9.6; Only 2 Exist in 9.8)   

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Antiquities War on World of Magic the Gathering #1 1995 Armada comic MCU CGC 9.4

ANTIQUITIES WAR ON THE WORLD OF MAGIC: THE GATHERING (Armada / Valiant Pub; Limited Comics Series);

 #1 (11/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

Cover Depicts; Surreal picture of giant bird head and skeleton;

Genre: fantasy-supernatural; sword and sorcery;

GCD Synopsis: This is the story of Urza and Mishra, archaeologists on the world of Magic, who found a great treasure and fought over it.

MCS; The greatest, most spectacular magical war in the history of Magic: The Gathering starts here! Adapted from the events depicted in the "Antiquities" expansion of the Magic: The Gathering card game, this series introduces readers to Urza and Mishra, two brothers destined for tragedy! This stunning first installment tells the stories of the Mightstone and the Weakstone, and the origin of an enmity so sweeping that millions of lives were lost while mecha-magical monstrosities were brought forth from the fires of hatred in a war that lasted decades!

Jerry Prosser story;

Paul Smith and Tom Ryder art;

George Pratt painted cover;


MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and HASBRO Related NEWS:


Wizards of the Coast Announcement on October 23, 2023

A collaboration years in the making is underway.

** MARVEL COMICS and HASBRO Team Up to Bring Marvel Characters and Stories to MAGIC: THE GATHERING

The multi-year, multi-set deal expands Marvel and Hasbro's relationship through the best-selling card game.

** The first Tentpole Magic set based on MARVEL'S fan-favorite characters and epic stories will appear globally in 2025, with additional all-new exciting sets for multi-generational fans to collect and play.

A Magic: The Gathering - MARVEL Logo has been Designed!

** Hasbro will continue to bring new ways for consumers to express their Marvel fandom through Magic: The Gathering’s collection of Universes Beyond crossover products. “We are extremely proud to collaborate with Marvel to bring its iconic characters to fans around the world in new ways,” said Cynthia Williams, President of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro Digital Gaming. “These tentpole sets will build on the tradition of incorporating beloved fan-favorite characters and elements from world-class brands into Magic: The Gathering.”

** “Trading cards have always been a part of Marvel’s DNA, so this collaboration takes that experience to a whole new level,” said Dan Buckley, President of Marvel Comics and Franchise. “With the depth that our storytelling and characters bring to the table, we can’t wait for fans to see how the Marvel Universe translates seamlessly into gameplay within these Magic: The Gathering products and sets for years to come.”

** Titans of entertainment found in stores worldwide, MAGIC: THE GATHERING —one of the world's most popular trading card games—and MARVEL COMICS —one of the world's most prominent character-based entertainment companies—are collaborating to share fan-favorite Super Heroes, villains, and more through amazing tabletop gameplay.

** This Universes Beyond collaboration is coming soon, and you're invited to join in: sign up below to get the latest news.

** MAGIC: THE GATHERING is the original collectible card game, and its rewarding and strategic gameplay, compelling characters, and fantastic Multiverse have entertained and delighted fans for more than 30 years. With more than 50 million fans to date, Magic is a worldwide phenomenon published in more than 150 countries.

** Choose how you build—then play—your own customized deck of creatures, powerful allies, and mighty spells to claim victory. One? Three? More? However many other players are in your game, it's up to you to pick your path to winning. Whether you're sharing your latest strategies or picking up a ready-to-play deck, there's always something new for you with MAGIC: THE GATHERING —and the best time to join is today. Across in-person tabletop games, online with your computer, or through your mobile phone or tablet, there are so many other players you'll never play the same game twice. Jump in and start playing Magic now!


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;



A-1 Comics #6 1946 Texas Slim Dirty Dalton Corsair Dragon Mr In-Between CGC 9.2

A-1 Comics (ME - Magazine Enterprises, Compix)

#6 (1946; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Pages; Golden Age Comic;

Texas Slim, Dirty Dalton and The Corsair cover;

Cover depicts Men Walking the Plank with SHARK awaiting;

( A ) Texas Slim and Dirty Dalton

Let's watch th' train come in.

10 pages of story and art by Ferd Johnson;

Texas Slim and Dirty Dalton

( B ) The Corsair, Plays Host to a GHOST!

8 page story, art by Chas. M. Quinlan;

( C ) George and the Dragon

Gee! Uncle Denny is sending me a pet...

Appearances by; George (Soda Jerk) and Mickey (girlfriend)

8 pages of story and art by Macphail;

( D ) Carter Mason in They call him Mr. In-Between;

8 page story, art by Vernon Henkel;

( E ) Tugboat Tim, in All aboard folks!

Appearances by; Tugboat Tim; Captain Crumm; Miss Scarlet; Captain Flugle

5 page story, art by Mike Senich;

( F ) Tommy Tinker, 8 page story;

( G ) Sheriff Shudders, One page Western Humor comic story;

Yep, she made me so dag nabbed mad;

** CGC Census shows; This is the SECOND HIGHEST Example So Far Graded by CGC (Only ONE better example exists)

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $249.00;  


Arabian Nights on World of Magic the Gathering #1 1995 Armada comic MCU CGC 9.6

ARABIAN NIGHTS ON THE WORLD OF MAGIC: THE GATHERING (Armada / Valiant Pub; Limited Comics Series);

#1 (12/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

** According to the CGC Census (at Time of Listing): This is Among the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples so Far Graded by CGC (Only 4 Exist in 9.6; Only 3 Exist in 9.8)   

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



Arabian Nights on World of Magic the Gathering #1 1995 Armada comic MCU CGC 9.4

ARABIAN NIGHTS ON THE WORLD OF MAGIC: THE GATHERING (Armada / Valiant Pub; Limited Comics Series);

#1 (12/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


ARANA Heart of Spider #1-A Anya Latin Hispanic GIRL Hero 1st Print 2005 CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $115.00;



ARANA Heart of Spider #1 VARIANT 2005 Latin Hispanic GIRL Hero 1st Print CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;



ARANA Heart of Spider #1 VARIANT 2005 Latin Hispanic GIRL Hero 1st Print CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;


Archer & Armstrong 1 Barry Windsor-Smith VALIANT 1992 Frank Miller MOVIE CGC 9.6

ARCHER& ARMSTRONG (Valiant Comics Pub; 1992-1994);

#1 (8/1992;

Sony Pictures has a ARCHER & ARMSTRONG MOVIE in Development, Scripted by J. Michael Straczynski.

First ARCHER & ARMSTRONG Solo Series Begins;

ETERNAL WARRIOR appears; UNITY Crossover storyline;

Barry Windsor-Smith and Boy Layton cover & art;


Jim Shooter story;

≫ CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;

Archie Comics #11 MLJ Sahle Vigoda 1944 Betty Veronica Jughead 1st ALICE CGC 4.0

** CGC; VERY GOOD, 4.0, with Off-WHITE Pages = $599.00;



Archie Comics #16 1st F.Croonatra Lamour Shorty Curly Piffle Kitzel 1945 CGC 4.5

** CGC; VERY GOOD PLUS, 4.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $475.00;


ARCHIE #441 dates CHERYL BLOSSOM Classic Sexy GGA cover 1995 Dan DeCARLO CGC 9.8

ARCHIE (Archie Comics pub; 1942/1943 to Date; MAIN Series);

#441 (11/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;


Archie Giant Series Magazine #479 SABRINA 1979 Zelda Hilda Dan DeCarlo CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



Archie Giant Series Magazine #479 SABRINA 1979 Zelda Hilda Dan DeCarlo CGC 9.4

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Archie Giant Series Magazine #479 SABRINA 1979 Zelda Hilda Dan DeCarlo CGC 9.2

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;


Archie Giant Series Magazine 610 JOSIE Pussycats GGA ET Parody Newsstand CGC 9.6

ARCHIE GIANT SERIES MAGAZINE (Archie Comics Pub; 1954-1992);

#610 (9/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Archie Giant Series Magazine 610 JOSIE Pussycats GGA ET Parody Newsstand CGC 9.6

ARCHIE GIANT SERIES MAGAZINE (Archie Comics Pub; 1954-1992);

#610 (9/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $89.00;



Archie Giant Series Magazine #610 JOSIE Pussycats Swimsuit GGA ET Parody CGC 9.4

ARCHIE GIANT SERIES MAGAZINE (Archie Comics Pub; 1954-1992);

#610 (9/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** Regular DIRECT Edition with GREGG SUCHOW Staff of the Month Salute and Image in UPC Box at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $75.00;



Archie Meets Batman ‘66 #1-B DEREK CHARM TV Adam West vs Penguin Joker CGC 9.6

Archie Meets Batman ’66 (Archie Comics and DC Comics Pub; 2018-2019 Limited Series);

#1-B (9/2018; FIRST PRINTING;

VARIANT Cover by DEREK CHARM, depicting Battle between Batman, Archie Andrews, Penguin and Joker!

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;


Archie Meets Batman ‘66 #1-C Francavilla 2018 TV Adam West in Batmobile CGC 9.6

Archie Meets Batman ’66 (Archie Comics and DC Comics Pub; 2018-2019 Limited Series);

#1-C (9/2018; FIRST PRINTING;

VARIANT Cover by Francesco Francavilla, depicting Archie Andrews and ADAM WEST TV Version of BATMAN in BATMOBILE!

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



Archie Meets Batman ‘66 #1-D SANDY JARELL 2018 Groovy Mod Betty Veronica CGC 9.8

Archie Meets Batman ’66 (Archie Comics and DC Comics Pub; 2018-2019 Limited Series);

#1-D (9/2018; FIRST PRINTING;

VARIANT Cover by SANDY JARELL, depicting ADAM WEST Version of BATMAN  doing his BAT-DANCE with the Groovy Mod 1966 versions of Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



Archie Meets Batman ‘66 #1-E D.PARENT 2018 TV Adam West Andrews as ROBIN CGC 9.4

Archie Meets Batman ’66 (Archie Comics and DC Comics Pub; 2018-2019 Limited Series);

#1-E (9/2018; FIRST PRINTING;

VARIANT Cover by DAN PARENT, depicting ADAM WEST TV Version of BATMAN with Archie Andrews as ROBIN!

** Minor Factory Sealing CRACK at Bottom Middle edge of CGC Holder;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;



Archie Meets Batman ‘66 #1-F TEMPLETON 2018 TV Adam West Batmobile Race CGC 9.6

Archie Meets Batman ’66 (Archie Comics and DC Comics Pub; 2018-2019 Limited Series);

#1-F (9/2018; FIRST PRINTING;

VARIANT Cover by TY TEMPLETON, depicting ADAM WEST Version of BATMAN  and ROBIN in BATMOBILE about to DRAG RACE with Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones in RED CONVERTIBLE with Veronica Lodge as Flag-Girl!

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;


ARCHIE’S GIRLS, BETTY AND VERONICA #1 1st SOLO series 1950 Vigoda Frese RARE CGC 1.8

Archie's Girls BETTY AND VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);

#1(1950; Circa JULY; FIRST PRINTING;


Betty and Veronica manipulate Jughead, Archie and Reggie Marionettes cover;

RARE due to High Demand and Low Supply;

The HOLY GRAIL and Most Wanted Comic for many Archie Collectors;

** Betty and Veronica in Circus Daze, 6 page story;

Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Oscar The Clown (Betty's uncle); traffic police officer

** Betty and Veronica in The Rainmaker, 7 page story;

Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Archie Andrews; Fred Andrews; Jughead Jones

** Betty and Veronica in What's Cookin'? , 6 page story;

Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Archie Andrews; Jughead Jones; Miss Grundy; Mr. Weatherbee; Veronica Lodge

** Betty and Veronica in Poor Little Rich Girl! , 6 page story;

Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Archie Andrews; Jughead Jones; Jenkins the butler; Marie the maid

** Betty and Veronica in You Can't Win! , 3 page story;

Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Archie Andrews; Gypsy Rose

Notes are from GCD;

Bill Vigoda cover

George Frese art;

 1-1/2" x 1" Piece off cover at upper right cover corner

** CGC; GOOD Minus, 1.8, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $429.00;


Archie's Girls, Betty & Veronica #5 PonyTail 1951 Vigoda DECARLO Edwards CGC 5.0

Archie's Girls, BETTY AND VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);


** CGC; VG/FN, 5.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $295.00;


Archie's Girls, Betty & Veronica #5 PonyTail 1951 Vigoda DECARLO Edwards CGC 3.0

Archie's Girls, BETTY AND VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);


** CGC; 3.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $195.00;


Archie's Girls Betty & Veronica #6 Scarce 1952 1st full 22 pages DeCARLO CGC 5.0

Archie's Girls, BETTY AND VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);

#6 (9/1952, GCD Date; FIRST PRINTING;

First full DAN DeCARLO 22 pages of art issue at Archie comics;

FOURTH appearance of BETTY COOPER with a PONY-TAIL Hairstyle;


Controversial AD depicting 3 Stereotyped Racist Black African Men about to cook White Man in Bondage, AD for Wilbur comics

( A ) Betty and Veronica in Off the Record, 5 page story, with art by DAN DECARLO;

** Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Archie Andrews; Pop Tate;

** Synopsis; Betty records Veronica ranting about their new teacher, and Betty then tricks Archie into believing Veronica was talking about him.

( B ) Betty and Veronica in Poise and Girls, 3 page story, with art by DAN DECARLO;

** Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Archie Andrews;

** Synopsis; Veronica is about to give up boys, but then she meets the new boy.

( C ) Betty and Veronica in Stage As Sweet At You Are, 6 page story, with Pencil and INK art by DAN DECARLO;

Previously cited as DeCarlo's first work on an Archie title, although his pencils have been identified in earlier Archie stories.

** Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Jughead Jones; Miss Grundy; Archie Andrews; Pop Tate;

** Synopsis; Betty and Veronica both try out for the school play to be near Archie. Veronica maneuvers Betty so she tries out for the less glamorous role. But Veronica didn't read far enough into the play and the tables are turned on her.

( D ) Betty and Veronica in Present for Pop, 3 page story, with art by DAN DECARLO;

** Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Mrs. Cooper; Mr. Cooper;

** Synopsis; Betty needs to find a practical present for her dad.

( E ) Betty and Veronica in Change Your Partners, 5 page story, with art by DAN DECARLO;

** Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Archie Andrews; Jughead Jones; Reggie Mantle;

** Synopsis; Veronica lets Betty do all the preparations for the up-coming dance, then shoves Betty aside so Archie can take her.

( F ) Betty and Veronica in Sundae Punch!! , 5 page story, with art by DAN DECARLO;

** Appearances by; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Archie Andrews; Jughead Jones; Pop Tate;

** Synopsis; Betty's plan to "accidentally" spill ice cream on Veronica's dress so she can canvass with Archie backfires when Pop gives Veronica a skimpy waitress uniform that draws crowds to the Chok'lit Shop.

SCARCE due to High Demand and Low Supply;

Bill Vigoda cover;

Notes from GCD;

** Older CGC Label;

** CGC; VG/FN, 5.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $399.00;



Archie's Girls, Betty & Veronica #9 Scarce 1953 Risque Make Out w Betty CGC 4.0

Archie's Girls, BETTY AND VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);

#9 (Summer 1953; FIRST PRINTING;

( A ) Betty and Veronica in Red, White and Glue, 6 page story;

** Appearances by; Archie Andrews; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Jughead Jones;

** Synopsis; Archie tries to give Betty a permanent wave using a bottled solution at home so her hair can be ready in time for their date that night.

( B ) SUZIE in Right and Wrong, 1 page story;

( C ) WILBUR and Veronica in No Admittance, 1 page story;

** Appearances by; Wilbur Wilkin; Laurie Lake; Linda Moore;

** Synopsis; Wilbur argues that the U.S. will never have a female president.

( D ) Betty and Veronica in Sitting on Top of This Whirl, 7 page story;

** Appearances by; Archie Andrews; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Jughead Jones; Damon; Runyon;

** Synopsis; Betty tries to earn money babysitting two terrible twin boys so she can afford a new dress

( E ) Betty and Veronica in A Case of Miscasting, 3 page story;

** Appearances by; Archie Andrews; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Reggie Mantle;

** Synopsis; Archie promises the part of Cleopatra to both Betty and Veronica.

( F ) Betty and Veronica in Wise Guise, 4 page story;

** Appearances by; Archie Andrews; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Reggie Mantle;

** Synopsis; Reggie suggests that he dress up as Archie and Make Out with Betty to make Veronica jealous;

** “to MAKE OUT” is very Early Risque SEXUAL innuendo Suggestion in an Archie Comic;

SCARCE due to High Demand and Low Supply;

Notes from GCD;

Artists are NOT Identified, Possible Early DAN DeCARLO art??? at Archie comics;

** CGC; VERY GOOD, 4.0, with Off-WHITE Pages = $299.00;


Archie's Girls BETTY & VERONICA #118 ORIGIN 1st Betty as SUPER-TEEN 1965 CGC 7.0

Archie's Girls BETTY and VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);

#118 (10/1965; FIRST PRINTING;

( A ) Betty and Veronica in Just Imagine, 6 page story;

ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of Betty Cooper as SUPER-TEEN cover and Story

Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews appear;

GCD Synopsis;

Betty Cooper imagines that she's SUPER-TEEN, a being with superpowers who will protect Archie from the forces of evil and beat up Veronica. In real life, she settles for kidnapping Archie and tying him up.

( B ) Betty and Veronica in Rule One 5 page story;

( C ) Betty and Veronica in Vacation Blues, 5 page story;

( D ) Betty and Veronica in Photogenius, 6 page story;

Very Under-Valued Major Silver Age Archie KEY issue;

Frank Doyle stories;

DAN DECARLO and Vince DeCarlo art;

Superheroine, Sci-Fi, Aliens and Robot cover by Bob White and Marty Epp;

** CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $159.00



Archie's Girls BETTY & VERONICA #118 ORIGIN 1st Betty as SUPER-TEEN 1965 CGC 6.5

Archie's Girls BETTY and VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);

#118 (10/1965; FIRST PRINTING;

( A ) Betty and Veronica in Just Imagine, 6 page story;

ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of Betty Cooper as SUPER-TEEN cover and Story

Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews appear;

GCD Synopsis;

Betty Cooper imagines that she's SUPER-TEEN, a being with superpowers who will protect Archie from the forces of evil and beat up Veronica. In real life, she settles for kidnapping Archie and tying him up.

( B ) Betty and Veronica in Rule One 5 page story;

( C ) Betty and Veronica in Vacation Blues, 5 page story;

( D ) Betty and Veronica in Photogenius, 6 page story;

Very Under-Valued Major Silver Age Archie KEY issue;

Frank Doyle stories;

DAN DECARLO and Vince DeCarlo art;

Superheroine, Sci-Fi, Aliens and Robot cover by Bob White and Marty Epp;

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with WHITE Pages = $129.00


Archie's Girls Betty & Veronica #322 Archie 1st meets CHERYL BLOSSOM CPV CGC 9.0

Archie's Girls BETTY AND VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);

#322 (2/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


Archie's Girls, Betty & Veronica #328 Innuendo 1984 19th CHERYL BLOSSOM CGC 9.4

Archie's Girls BETTY AND VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);

#328 (2/1984; FIRST PRINTING;

** USA NEWSSTAND Solo 60 Cents cover price Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;



Archie's Girls, Betty & Veronica #328 Innuendo 1984 19th CHERYL BLOSSOM CGC 8.5

Archie's Girls BETTY AND VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);

#328 (2/1984; FIRST PRINTING;

** USA NEWSSTAND Solo 60 Cents cover price Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left cover Corner;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Archie's Girls, Betty & Veronica #328 Innuendo 1984 19th CHERYL BLOSSOM CGC 8.0

Archie's Girls BETTY AND VERONICA (ARCHIE Comics Pub; 1950-1987);

#328 (2/1984; FIRST PRINTING;

** USA NEWSSTAND Solo 60 Cents cover price Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left cover Corner;

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


Archie's Girls, Betty and Veronica #328 (2/1984; Fifth appearance of CHERYL BLOSSOM in Title, in Hot Stuff = 5 page-s; Cheerleaders-c; Archie Comics Pub;

CGC, VF/NM, 9.0 with Off-WHITE to WHITE Pages = $119.00); Cover SCAN =


Archie’s Madhouse #27 1st SABRINA-c DeCarlo 1963 Creature Black Lagoon CGC 4.5

ARCHIE’S MADHOUSE (Archie Comics Pub; 1959-1982)

#27 (8/1963; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance on a COMIC COVER of SABRINA Spellman the Teen-Age Witch; Classic DAN DeCARLO cover;

** ( A ) Captain Sprocket in Mr. Fix-It Of The Space World, Flying Saucers and Aliens,

7 page story with art by Joe Edwards;

** ( B ) Hilda the Witch (host) and Professor Transistor in Ocean Commotion,

GILL-MONSTER or SEA-MONSTER (Creature from Black Lagoon swipe) appears,

in 7 page story, with art by Joe Edwards;

** ( AC ) Hilda the Witch and Shirley in Bewitched, Bothered and Hilda,

5 page story, Hilda participates in a WITCH Beauty Contest, where the goal is to be the UGLIEST!

with art by Joe Edwards;

** ( D ) Six Fix, 2 page story with the Jovians from Jupiter,

art by Joe Edwards;

** ( E ) Lester Cool and Chester Square in Do You Play It Cool Like Bess? .. Or Do You Act Square Like Tess? ,

 2 page story with art by Joe Edwards;

Notes from GCD;

Joe Edwards and Samm Schwartz art;


** [GPA Shows; a CGC 7.0 example sold for $680 in November 2021; a CGC 4.5 example sold for $221 in March 2023]

** CGC; VERY GOOD PLUS, 4.5, with WHITE Pages = $229.00;



Archie’s Madhouse #27 1st SABRINA-c DeCarlo 1963 Creature Black Lagoon CGC 4.5

ARCHIE’S MADHOUSE (Archie Comics Pub; 1959-1982)

#27 (8/1963; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance on a COMIC COVER of SABRINA Spellman the Teen-Age Witch; Classic DAN DeCARLO cover;

** ( A ) Captain Sprocket in Mr. Fix-It Of The Space World, Flying Saucers and Aliens,

7 page story with art by Joe Edwards;

** ( B ) Hilda the Witch (host) and Professor Transistor in Ocean Commotion,

GILL-MONSTER or SEA-MONSTER (Creature from Black Lagoon swipe) appears,

in 7 page story, with art by Joe Edwards;

** ( AC ) Hilda the Witch and Shirley in Bewitched, Bothered and Hilda,

5 page story, Hilda participates in a WITCH Beauty Contest, where the goal is to be the UGLIEST!

with art by Joe Edwards;

** ( D ) Six Fix, 2 page story with the Jovians from Jupiter,

art by Joe Edwards;

** ( E ) Lester Cool and Chester Square in Do You Play It Cool Like Bess? .. Or Do You Act Square Like Tess? ,

 2 page story with art by Joe Edwards;

Notes from GCD;

Joe Edwards and Samm Schwartz art;


** [GPA Shows; a CGC 7.0 example sold for $680 in November 2021; a CGC 4.5 example sold for $221 in March 2023]

** CGC; VERY GOOD PLUS, 4.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $219.00;



Archie’s Madhouse Annual #3 Origin SABRINA DeCarlo 1965-6 Sci-Fi VARIANT CGC 6.0

ARCHIE’S MADHOUSE ANNUAL (Archie Comics Pub; 1962-1969)

#3 (1965-1966; First Collected Edition Thus;

** Four Armed GREEN MONSTERS confronting President at White House Sci-Fi MONSTERS cover;

( 1 ) Look how Sabrina turns boys into toys!, Monster Section Featuring Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch

( 2 ) Presenting Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch

** ORIGIN and FIRST of SABRINA Spellman the Teen-Age Witch, reprinted from Archie’s Madhouse #22;

Appearances by; Sabrina; Salem; Della; Archie Andrews (cameo); Betty Cooper (cameo)

** Synopsis; Meet Sabrina, a sexy teen witch who lives a typical teen-age life -- except that her job is to hex her fellow teens. She introduces us to the rules of witchery: witches can't cry, can't sink when they're in the water, and if they ever fall in love, they lose their powers.

** 5 Page story by George Gladir, with art by DAN DeCARLO and Rudy Lapick;

** First appearance of SABRINA, her cat SALEM, and DELLA the Head Witch.

** Much of this early version of Sabrina appears to be based on the play "Bell, Book and Candle" and the film version, starring Kim Novak. The rule about witches losing their powers if they fall in love and the inability of witches to cry (both of which were dropped in subsequent versions of Sabrina) were used in "Bell, Book and Candle," and Sabrina's cat Salem is similar to Pyewacket, the witch's familiar in "Bell, Book and Candle."

** In the COMICS V10 #5, George Gladir states that SABRINA was named after a woman he remembered from his teens who he later found out was actually named Sabra not SABRINA. He also states that he wrote all SABRINA and Hilda stories until SABRINA went to Saturday morning animation in 1969.

3. Scare Your Fellow Monsters

( 4 ) Snowboy, 5 page story;

** Appearances by; Hilda the Witch (host); Art Tick; Abe Ominable; Dagmar;

** Synopsis; A living snowman gets the cold shoulder from all the other teens until he falls in love with a warm-blooded girl

5. Hexy Pin-Ups

6. Go for Laughs and Adventures - Around the World with Archie

( 7 ) SABRINA SPELLMAN the Teen-Age Witch in Witch Pitch, SIX Page story with art by DAN DECARLO;

** Appearances by; Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch; Della the Head Witch; Salem (cat); Donald; Spots (leopard); Coach Richards;

** Synopsis; Della assigns Sabrina to put a hex on her school's hockey team. However, Sabrina notices one of the team's players is cute and unconsciously helps him score goals. Della is upset and decides to take the job of making the team lose the state championship herself. However, once Della sees the school's handsome coach, she changes her mind.

8. Prize Size

9. Monster Ads

10. The Act

( 11 ) Whether you like to do your space traveling in a rocket... /  Outer Space Section, 5 page story;

Bob Weber would give anything to be a successful science fiction writer, and he gets his wish when an alien from Venus drops by his house.

12. Have Typewriter Will Travel!

13. Space Sports

14. The Thought Machine, 5 page story;

** Synopsis; A professor entertains space travelers with a thought machine that converts energy into matter. The thought machine was invented long ago and the population eventually became so bored that it lost its will to live. The professor is the last one on the planet and when he gets bored his thought items disappear, leading to a twist ending.

15. Animals From Outer Space

16. The Law of Attraction

17. Bombs Away

18. Cats 'n' chicks, let me introduce...  / Teen-Age Section

( 19 ) Les Cool and Ches Square in The Time of Your Life Machine, 7 page story, with art by DAN DECARLO;

Chester Square and Lester Cool go back to 562 A.D. to learn how King Arthur and his knights really lived.

20. Boys Are Such Funny Creatures!

21. Girls Are So Illogical!

22. And believe me - We teachers often have trouble trying to figure out both boys and girls!!

23. Big Rig - Les Cool and Ches Square

24. The Romances of Marcia the Mermaid, 6 page story with DAN DECARLO art;

** Marcia Mermaid; Mark the Shark; Father Neptune; Max the Lifeguard; Scuba Dooba;

** Synopsis; The tale of Marcia, a mermaid who constantly falls in love with human teenage boy;

25. Name Game - Les n' Ches

** Notes from GCD;

Stories by;  George Gladir

Art by DAN DeCARLO, Rudy Lapick, Joe Edwards, Orlando Busino, Bob White;

** Scarcer CANADIAN VARIANT, 35 cents now 25 Cents cover Price;  

** CGC; FINE, 6.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $299.00;



Archie’s Madhouse Annual #3 Origin SABRINA DeCarlo 1965-6 Sci-Fi MONSTER CGC 5.0

ARCHIE’S MADHOUSE ANNUAL (Archie Comics Pub; 1962-1969)

#3 (1965-1966; First Collected Edition Thus;

** Four Armed GREEN MONSTERS confronting President at White House Sci-Fi MONSTERS cover;

( 1 ) Look how Sabrina turns boys into toys!, Monster Section Featuring Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch

( 2 ) Presenting Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch

** ORIGIN and FIRST of SABRINA Spellman the Teen-Age Witch, reprinted from Archie’s Madhouse #22;

Appearances by; Sabrina; Salem; Della; Archie Andrews (cameo); Betty Cooper (cameo)

** Synopsis; Meet Sabrina, a sexy teen witch who lives a typical teen-age life -- except that her job is to hex her fellow teens. She introduces us to the rules of witchery: witches can't cry, can't sink when they're in the water, and if they ever fall in love, they lose their powers.

** 5 Page story by George Gladir, with art by DAN DeCARLO and Rudy Lapick;

** First appearance of SABRINA, her cat SALEM, and DELLA the Head Witch.

** Much of this early version of Sabrina appears to be based on the play "Bell, Book and Candle" and the film version, starring Kim Novak. The rule about witches losing their powers if they fall in love and the inability of witches to cry (both of which were dropped in subsequent versions of Sabrina) were used in "Bell, Book and Candle," and Sabrina's cat Salem is similar to Pyewacket, the witch's familiar in "Bell, Book and Candle."

** In the COMICS V10 #5, George Gladir states that SABRINA was named after a woman he remembered from his teens who he later found out was actually named Sabra not SABRINA. He also states that he wrote all SABRINA and Hilda stories until SABRINA went to Saturday morning animation in 1969.

3. Scare Your Fellow Monsters

( 4 ) Snowboy, 5 page story;

** Appearances by; Hilda the Witch (host); Art Tick; Abe Ominable; Dagmar;

** Synopsis; A living snowman gets the cold shoulder from all the other teens until he falls in love with a warm-blooded girl

5. Hexy Pin-Ups

6. Go for Laughs and Adventures - Around the World with Archie

( 7 ) SABRINA SPELLMAN the Teen-Age Witch in Witch Pitch, SIX Page story with art by DAN DECARLO;

** Appearances by; Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch; Della the Head Witch; Salem (cat); Donald; Spots (leopard); Coach Richards;

** Synopsis; Della assigns Sabrina to put a hex on her school's hockey team. However, Sabrina notices one of the team's players is cute and unconsciously helps him score goals. Della is upset and decides to take the job of making the team lose the state championship herself. However, once Della sees the school's handsome coach, she changes her mind.

8. Prize Size

9. Monster Ads

10. The Act

( 11 ) Whether you like to do your space traveling in a rocket... /  Outer Space Section, 5 page story;

Bob Weber would give anything to be a successful science fiction writer, and he gets his wish when an alien from Venus drops by his house.

12. Have Typewriter Will Travel!

13. Space Sports

14. The Thought Machine, 5 page story;

** Synopsis; A professor entertains space travelers with a thought machine that converts energy into matter. The thought machine was invented long ago and the population eventually became so bored that it lost its will to live. The professor is the last one on the planet and when he gets bored his thought items disappear, leading to a twist ending.

15. Animals From Outer Space

16. The Law of Attraction

17. Bombs Away

18. Cats 'n' chicks, let me introduce...  / Teen-Age Section

( 19 ) Les Cool and Ches Square in The Time of Your Life Machine, 7 page story, with art by DAN DECARLO;

Chester Square and Lester Cool go back to 562 A.D. to learn how King Arthur and his knights really lived.

20. Boys Are Such Funny Creatures!

21. Girls Are So Illogical!

22. And believe me - We teachers often have trouble trying to figure out both boys and girls!!

23. Big Rig - Les Cool and Ches Square

24. The Romances of Marcia the Mermaid, 6 page story with DAN DECARLO art;

** Marcia Mermaid; Mark the Shark; Father Neptune; Max the Lifeguard; Scuba Dooba;

** Synopsis; The tale of Marcia, a mermaid who constantly falls in love with human teenage boy;

25. Name Game - Les n' Ches

** Notes from GCD;

Stories by;  George Gladir

Art by DAN DeCARLO, Rudy Lapick, Joe Edwards, Orlando Busino, Bob White;

** CGC; VG/FN, 5.0, with WHITE Pages = $219.00;


Archie’s Pals ‘N’ Gals #23 1st JOSIE Melody Pepper Ms Finch DECARLO 1962 CGC 2.5

ARCHIE'S PALS 'N' GALS (Archie Comics Pub; 1952-1953 thru 9/1991)

#23 (Winter 1962; FIRST PRINTING;

68 Page Square-Bound GIANT;

( A ) JOSIE in Tongue Twister, 6 page story;

** FIRST appearance of JOSIE James,

** FIRST appearance of Melody Jones, Pepper and Miss Finch;

** Synopsis; Pepper suggests Melody study for her Spanish test by playing a Spanish language instruction record while she sleeps;

Story by Frank Doyle;

Art by; DAN DECARLO and Vincent DeCarlo;

( B ) Archie in Temptation, 6 page story;

Archie Andrews; Reggie Mantle; Veronica Lodge;  

** AVANTI  Special, Reggie drives up in his Uncle's new 1963 Avanti, Part-1 of 2-Part story;

** Synopsis; Veronica throws Archie over for Reggie because Reggie is driving around in his uncle's brand new Avanti, and Archie's none too pleased.

( C ) Archie in Wheel and Deal, 5 page story;

Archie Andrews; Reggie Mantle; Veronica Lodge; Jughead Jones; Betty Cooper; Uncle George;

Synopsis: With some help from Jughead, Archie figures out how to get the Avanti away from Reggie.

( D ) Betty and Veronica in Admiration Society, 6 page story;

( E ) Betty Cooper Pin Up by Dan DeCarlo

( F ) Banned in Boston, Veronica Pin Up by Dan DeCarlo

** Veronica models a Risque BIKINI for Betty.

( G ) Archie in What Makes Archie Run? , 6 page story;

( H ) Archie in To Be Renounced, 6 page story;

( I ) Archie in The Big Lie, 6 page story;

( J ) Reggie Mantle in The Weak Spot, 6 page story;

( K ) Betty Cooper NUDE in TOWEL Risque Pin Up by Dan DeCarlo

Betty gets dragged out of a hot bath by a false alarm.

Josette DeCarlo [as Josie Dumont] script;

Notes from GCD;

Very Under-Valued, MAJOR Silver Age KEY issue, SCARCE due to HIGH DEMAND and LOW Supply;

Samm Schwartz cover and art;

Stories by Frank Doyle, George Gladir;

Art by; DAN DECARLO, Harry Lucey, Rudy Lapick, Vincent DeCarlo;

** CGC; GOOD PLUS, 2.5, Off-White to WHITE Pages = $299.00;



Archie’s Pal ‘N’ Gals #29 BEATLES Beetlemania DECARLO Swimsuit Restored CGC 6.5

ARCHIE'S PALS 'N' GALS (Archie Comics Pub; 1952-1953 thru 9/1991);

#29 (Summer/1964; FIRST PRINTING;

68 Page Square-Bound GIANT;

( A ) Archie in BEETLEMANIA, 

22 page story by Frank Doyle;

Art by Samm Schwartz and Marty Epp;

Archie Gang characters as BEATLES COVER and PARODY story;

** Appearances by; Archie Andrews; Reggie Mantle; Jughead Jones; Moose Mason; Veronica Lodge; Betty Cooper; Midge Klump; Mr. Weatherbee; Hiram Lodge; Mary Andrews;

Synopsis; In order to get the attention of the girls away from The BEATLES and back onto them, Archie, Reggie, Jughead and Moose don BEATLE wigs and BEATLE-style suits and play at the dance looking for Archie. But their act catches on, rocketing the boys to more fame and demand than they're equipped to handle;

** Caricature of Ed Sullivan (as Ed Sulliman) on page 10.


Betty and Veronica in SWIMSUITS cover by Samm Schwartz;

Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones cover;


( B ) Betty and Veronica in Tie Score, 4 page story;

( C ) Archie Andrews in Who Is Sylvia?, 5 page story;

** Archie Andrews; Veronica Lodge; Sylvia Carter; Reggie Mantle

** Synopsis; Archie makes the mistake of guessing another girl's name when Veronica plays peek-a-boo with him. But her jealousy really ratchets up when a girl actually named Sylvia shows up 68 Page Square-Bound GIANT;

( D ) Reggie Mantle in The Culprit, 6 page story;

( E ) Archie Andrews in Miss-Taken, 8 page story

( F ) Betty and Veronica in Spellbound, 6 page story,  art by DAN DECARLO;

( G ) Betty and Veronica Pin-Up, art by DAN DECARLO;

( H ) Betty and Veronica in A Girls Guide To Lifeguards, 2 page story, art by DAN DECARLO;

Notes from GCD;

Samm Schwartz cover;

Stories by; Frank Doyle, George Gladir, Joe Edwards;

Art by; Samm Schwartz, Marty Epp, Joe Edwards, Bill Vigoda, Bob White, DAN DECARLO, Rudy Lapick;

** CGC; Slight Restoration (Purple Label); Slight C-1; Restoration includes Spine Split Sealed;

** CGC; Apparent FINE PLUS, 6.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Archie’s Pal 'N' Gals #29 BEATLES Beetlemania DECARLO 1964 Swimsuits CPV CGC 6.0

ARCHIE'S PALS 'N' GALS (Archie Comics Pub; 1952-1953 thru 9/1991);

#29 (Summer/1964; FIRST PRINTING;

68 Page Square-Bound GIANT;

( A ) Archie in BEETLEMANIA, 

22 page story by Frank Doyle;

Art by Samm Schwartz and Marty Epp;

Archie Gang characters as BEATLES COVER and PARODY story;

** Appearances by; Archie Andrews; Reggie Mantle; Jughead Jones; Moose Mason; Veronica Lodge; Betty Cooper; Midge Klump; Mr. Weatherbee; Hiram Lodge; Mary Andrews;

Synopsis; In order to get the attention of the girls away from The BEATLES and back onto them, Archie, Reggie, Jughead and Moose don BEATLE wigs and BEATLE-style suits and play at the dance looking for Archie. But their act catches on, rocketing the boys to more fame and demand than they're equipped to handle;

** Caricature of Ed Sullivan (as Ed Sulliman) on page 10.


Betty and Veronica in SWIMSUITS cover by Samm Schwartz;

Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones cover;


( B ) Betty and Veronica in Tie Score, 4 page story;

( C ) Archie Andrews in Who Is Sylvia?, 5 page story;

** Archie Andrews; Veronica Lodge; Sylvia Carter; Reggie Mantle

** Synopsis; Archie makes the mistake of guessing another girl's name when Veronica plays peek-a-boo with him. But her jealousy really ratchets up when a girl actually named Sylvia shows up 68 Page Square-Bound GIANT;

( D ) Reggie Mantle in The Culprit, 6 page story;

( E ) Archie Andrews in Miss-Taken, 8 page story

( F ) Betty and Veronica in Spellbound, 6 page story,  art by DAN DECARLO;

( G ) Betty and Veronica Pin-Up, art by DAN DECARLO;

( H ) Betty and Veronica in A Girls Guide To Lifeguards, 2 page story, art by DAN DECARLO;

Notes from GCD;

Samm Schwartz cover;

Stories by; Frank Doyle, George Gladir, Joe Edwards;

Art by; Samm Schwartz, Marty Epp, Joe Edwards, Bill Vigoda, Bob White, DAN DECARLO, Rudy Lapick;

** Scarce 35 Cents Canadian Cover Price VARIANT;

** CGC; FINE, 6.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $179.00;


Archie's Pal N Gals (Archie Comics Pub) #161 (11/1982; FIRST PRINTING; 

FIRST SOLO Story & Third overall appearance CHERYL BLOSSOM in Snob Hill, 11 page story;

Cheryl Blossom Pinup;

Second appearance of Jason Blossom; 

Archie in DRAG cover;

CONTROVERSIAL Hidden SEXUAL and Sexual Innuendo Scenes HIDDEN in Busy BORDER Images;

First appearance of CHERYL BLOSSOM in this Title;

CGC, VF/NM, 9.0 with Off-WHITE to WHITE Pages = $169.00;


Archie vs Predator #1 Betty Veronica Swimsuit 2015 Sabrina meets Hellboy CGC 9.8

ARCHIE VS. PREDATOR (Archie Comics and Dark Horse Comics Pub; 2015 Limited Series);

#1 (4/2015; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



Archie vs Predator #1 Betty Veronica Swimsuit 2015 Sabrina meets Hellboy CGC 9.6

ARCHIE VS. PREDATOR (Archie Comics and Dark Horse Comics Pub; 2015 Limited Series);

#1 (4/2015; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



Archie vs Predator #1-A POWELL Jughead decapitated 2015 Sabrina Hellboy CGC 9.8

ARCHIE VS. PREDATOR (Archie Comics and Dark Horse Comics Pub; 2015 Limited Series);

#1-A (4/2015; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


Archie at Riverdale High #89 (12/1982; 4th appearance of CHERYL BLOSSOM in The Virtuos Villian = 11 page-s; First appearance of CHERYL BLOSSOM in this Title; Archie Comics Pub; HIGHEST GRADED Example So Far Graded by CGC; NM+, 9.6 with WHITE Pages = $199.00); Cover SCAN =

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Archie at Riverdale High #103 (Archie Comics Pub; 6/1985; EARLY appearance of CHERYL BLOSSOM in Divide and Conquer = 12 page-s; President RONALD REAGAN appears;{Only ONE Copy in 9.8 exists} At time of Listing this is the one of only Two SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples, so far Graded by CGC; *** CGC, NEAR MINT+, 9.6 with Off-White WHITE Pages = $109.00);

Cover Scan =


Astonishing Tales #1 KA-ZAR KRAVEN 1970 DR DOOM Doomsman RAMONA Rudolfo CGC 8.0

ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976); 

#1 (8/1970; FIRST PRINTING;

** KA-ZAR Series Begins;

KA-ZAR vs KRAVEN THE HUNTER battle cover and story;

KA-ZAR in the Power of KA-ZAR; President Richard NIXON Cameo;


JACK KIRBY Art and Sam Grainger art;

** DOCTOR DOOM Series Begins (FIRST Marvel VILLAIN Solo Series);

DOCTOR DOOM in Unto You is Born, the Doomsman;

FIRST appearance of the Doomsman;

FIRST appearance of Prince Rudolfo;

FIRST appearance of RAMONA;

** Cameo Appearances of; Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Richard M. Nixon;

Doombot appears;

Roy Thomas story;


Marie Severin and Bill EVERETT cover;


The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  (Spider-Man Spinoff) Marvel Movie by Sony will DEBUT on October 06, 2023;

** Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays Sergei Kravinoff aka KRAVEN THE HUNTER;

** Ariana DeBose (of West Side Story fame) plays CALYPSO Ezili in the Movie (She is a Voodoo priestess who utilizes magic potions, and the occasional lover and partner of Kraven the Hunter)

** RUSSELL CROWE plays the FATHER of Sergei and Dmitri in the Film.

** Fred Hechinger plays Dmitri Smerdyakov aka the Chameleon (Brother of KRAVEN)

Christopher Abbott plays the Foreigner

Alessandro Nivola as Aleksei Sytsevich plays the RHINO;

Fred Hechinger as Dmitri, and Levi Miller as young Sergei.

J.C. Chandor (A Most Violent Year) is directing the film from a screenplay by Art Marcum and Matt Holloway and Richard Wenk. Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach are producing.

Russian immigrant Sergei Kravinoff is on a mission to prove that he is the greatest hunter in the world.

Richard Wenk stated that the film will be inspired by Kraven's Last Hunt (one of the Greatest Marvel Stories of the 1980’s)

Marc Webb confirmed that KRAVEN THE HUNTER will appear as a member in The Sinister Six film;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER is one of Spider-Man's frequent enemies;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER was ranked #53 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All-Time List;


** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



Astonishing Tales #1 KA-ZAR KRAVEN 1970 DR DOOM Doomsman RAMONA Rudolfo CGC 7.5

ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976); 

#1 (8/1970; FIRST PRINTING;

** KA-ZAR Series Begins;

KA-ZAR vs KRAVEN THE HUNTER battle cover and story;

KA-ZAR in the Power of KA-ZAR; President Richard NIXON Cameo;


JACK KIRBY Art and Sam Grainger art;

** DOCTOR DOOM Series Begins (FIRST Marvel VILLAIN Solo Series);

DOCTOR DOOM in Unto You is Born, the Doomsman;

FIRST appearance of the Doomsman;

FIRST appearance of Prince Rudolfo;

FIRST appearance of RAMONA;

** Cameo Appearances of; Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Richard M. Nixon;

Doombot appears;

Roy Thomas story;


Marie Severin and Bill EVERETT cover;


The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  (Spider-Man Spinoff) Marvel Movie by Sony will DEBUT on October 06, 2023;

** Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays Sergei Kravinoff aka KRAVEN THE HUNTER;

** Ariana DeBose (of West Side Story fame) plays CALYPSO Ezili in the Movie (She is a Voodoo priestess who utilizes magic potions, and the occasional lover and partner of Kraven the Hunter)

** RUSSELL CROWE plays the FATHER of Sergei and Dmitri in the Film.

** Fred Hechinger plays Dmitri Smerdyakov aka the Chameleon (Brother of KRAVEN)

Christopher Abbott plays the Foreigner

Alessandro Nivola as Aleksei Sytsevich plays the RHINO;

Fred Hechinger as Dmitri, and Levi Miller as young Sergei.

J.C. Chandor (A Most Violent Year) is directing the film from a screenplay by Art Marcum and Matt Holloway and Richard Wenk. Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach are producing.

Russian immigrant Sergei Kravinoff is on a mission to prove that he is the greatest hunter in the world.

Richard Wenk stated that the film will be inspired by Kraven's Last Hunt (one of the Greatest Marvel Stories of the 1980’s)

Marc Webb confirmed that KRAVEN THE HUNTER will appear as a member in The Sinister Six film;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER is one of Spider-Man's frequent enemies;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER was ranked #53 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All-Time List;


** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



Astonishing Tales #1 KA-ZAR KRAVEN 1970 DR DOOM Doomsman RAMONA Rudolfo CGC 6.5

ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976); 

#1 (8/1970; FIRST PRINTING;

** KA-ZAR Series Begins;

KA-ZAR vs KRAVEN THE HUNTER battle cover and story;

KA-ZAR in the Power of KA-ZAR; President Richard NIXON Cameo;


JACK KIRBY Art and Sam Grainger art;

** DOCTOR DOOM Series Begins (FIRST Marvel VILLAIN Solo Series);

DOCTOR DOOM in Unto You is Born, the Doomsman;

FIRST appearance of the Doomsman;

FIRST appearance of Prince Rudolfo;

FIRST appearance of RAMONA;

** Cameo Appearances of; Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Richard M. Nixon;

Doombot appears;

Roy Thomas story;


Marie Severin and Bill EVERETT cover;


The KRAVEN THE HUNTER  (Spider-Man Spinoff) Marvel Movie by Sony will DEBUT on October 06, 2023;

** Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays Sergei Kravinoff aka KRAVEN THE HUNTER;

** Ariana DeBose (of West Side Story fame) plays CALYPSO Ezili in the Movie (She is a Voodoo priestess who utilizes magic potions, and the occasional lover and partner of Kraven the Hunter)

** RUSSELL CROWE plays the FATHER of Sergei and Dmitri in the Film.

** Fred Hechinger plays Dmitri Smerdyakov aka the Chameleon (Brother of KRAVEN)

Christopher Abbott plays the Foreigner

Alessandro Nivola as Aleksei Sytsevich plays the RHINO;

Fred Hechinger as Dmitri, and Levi Miller as young Sergei.

J.C. Chandor (A Most Violent Year) is directing the film from a screenplay by Art Marcum and Matt Holloway and Richard Wenk. Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach are producing.

Russian immigrant Sergei Kravinoff is on a mission to prove that he is the greatest hunter in the world.

Richard Wenk stated that the film will be inspired by Kraven's Last Hunt (one of the Greatest Marvel Stories of the 1980’s)

Marc Webb confirmed that KRAVEN THE HUNTER will appear as a member in The Sinister Six film;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER is one of Spider-Man's frequent enemies;

KRAVEN THE HUNTER was ranked #53 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All-Time List;


** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $59.00; 


ASTONISHING TALES #6 Bobbi Morse MOCKINGBIRD 1971 Black Panther Dr Doom CGC 9.2

ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976); 

#6 [June/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

( A )

** Kevin Plunder aka KA-ZAR and ZABU in Ware the Winds of Death;

** Brief FIRST appearance of Dr. Barbara BOBBI MORSE as an unnamed Brunette Girl in the KA-ZAR story; 

** NINE Years Later Barbara BOBBI Morse becomes MOCKINGBIRD  in Marvel Team-Up #95; 

** Adrianne Palicki played Bobbi Morse aka MOCKINGBIRD, debuted in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe, in Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series in Season-2; 

** MARVEL’S MOST WANTED the new ABC TV Series was in Production but got Cancelled (a Spinoff of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) with Adrianne Palicki playing Bobbi Morse aka MOCKINGBIRD and her partner Nick Blood as LANCE HUNTER, with executive producer Jeffrey Bell, series writer Paul Zbyszewski and executive producer and Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb. 

** MOCKINGBIRD was listed as #48 on IGN's Top 50 Avengers;

** Barbara Morse Team affiliations include; Avengers, Great Lakes Avengers, Legion of the Un-Living, S.H.I.E.L.D., New Avengers, Secret Avengers, West Coast Avengers, World Counter-terrorism Agency, and as a Partner & Wife to Hawkeye;  

** FIRST appearance of DAMON the Man-God (Villain);

** FIRST appearance of Lelania (believed dead by her lover Damon);

** Early Appearance of CHIEF TONGAH (tribal leader of the Fall People and long-time friend and ally to Ka-Zar);

** FIRST appearance of Tatia (Tongah's sister, Member of the Fall People Tribe);

** FIRST appearance of Emuel (Tongah's brother, Member of the Fall People Tribe)

Gerry Conway story; 

ART by; BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH and Bill Everett;

 ( B )

** DOCTOR Victor Von DOOM and T'Challa the BLACK PANTHER in The Tentacles of the Tyrant!

** DOCTOR DOOM, Through means of torture, learns of the existence of Vibranium and the secret nation of Wakana located in Africa.

** DOCTOR DOOM travels to Wakanda to steal Vibranium.

** T'Challa the BLACK PANTHER storyline continues from Avengers #58.

Larry Leiber story;  

ART by; George Tuska and Mike Esposito; 

Cover by; John Buscema, Frank Giacoia and Morrie Kuramoto;

CGC: NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $229.00;



ASTONISHING TALES #6 Bobbi Morse MOCKINGBIRD 1971 Black Panther Dr Doom CGC 9.0

ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976); 

#6 [June/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

( A )

** Kevin Plunder aka KA-ZAR and ZABU in Ware the Winds of Death;

** Brief FIRST appearance of Dr. Barbara BOBBI MORSE as an unnamed Brunette Girl in the KA-ZAR story; 

** NINE Years Later Barbara BOBBI Morse becomes MOCKINGBIRD  in Marvel Team-Up #95; 

** Adrianne Palicki played Bobbi Morse aka MOCKINGBIRD, debuted in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe, in Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series in Season-2; 

** MARVEL’S MOST WANTED the new ABC TV Series was in Production but got Cancelled (a Spinoff of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) with Adrianne Palicki playing Bobbi Morse aka MOCKINGBIRD and her partner Nick Blood as LANCE HUNTER, with executive producer Jeffrey Bell, series writer Paul Zbyszewski and executive producer and Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb. 

** MOCKINGBIRD was listed as #48 on IGN's Top 50 Avengers;

** Barbara Morse Team affiliations include; Avengers, Great Lakes Avengers, Legion of the Un-Living, S.H.I.E.L.D., New Avengers, Secret Avengers, West Coast Avengers, World Counter-terrorism Agency, and as a Partner & Wife to Hawkeye;  

** FIRST appearance of DAMON the Man-God (Villain);

** FIRST appearance of Lelania (believed dead by her lover Damon);

** Early Appearance of CHIEF TONGAH (tribal leader of the Fall People and long-time friend and ally to Ka-Zar);

** FIRST appearance of Tatia (Tongah's sister, Member of the Fall People Tribe);

** FIRST appearance of Emuel (Tongah's brother, Member of the Fall People Tribe)

Gerry Conway story; 

ART by; BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH and Bill Everett;

 ( B )

** DOCTOR Victor Von DOOM and T'Challa the BLACK PANTHER in The Tentacles of the Tyrant!

** DOCTOR DOOM, Through means of torture, learns of the existence of Vibranium and the secret nation of Wakana located in Africa.

** DOCTOR DOOM travels to Wakanda to steal Vibranium.

** T'Challa the BLACK PANTHER storyline continues from Avengers #58.

Larry Leiber story;  

ART by; George Tuska and Mike Esposito; 

Cover by; John Buscema, Frank Giacoia and Morrie Kuramoto;

CGC: VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $159.00;


ASTONISHING TALES #6 Bobbi Morse MOCKINGBIRD 1971 Black Panther Dr Doom CGC 6.5 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $69.00;


Astonishing Tales #8 MOCKINGBIRD Damian Link Gemini 1971 DR DOOM Ka-Zar CGC 9.0

ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976);

#8 (10-1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;



Astonishing Tales #8 MOCKINGBIRD Damian Link Gemini 1971 DR DOOM Ka-Zar CGC 8.5

ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976);

#8 (10-1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Astonishing Tales #8 MOCKINGBIRD Damian Link Gemini 1971 DR DOOM Ka-Zar CGC 7.5

ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976);

#8 (10-1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;



ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976); 

#25 (8/1974; FIRST PRINTING;

** First appearance of the Original Luther Manning aka DEATHLOK the Demolisher cover and Story; 

** J. August Richards played Mike Peterson aka DEATHLOK, debuted in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe, in the Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series;

** According to PeeltheOrange's sources, there might be a full NETFLIX TV series in Future of DEATHLOK with FIXER as the main villain;  

** FIRST appearance of MAJOR SIMON RYKER (a CYBORG);

** FIRST appearance of Earth-7484;

** FIRST appearance of Nina Ferry;

** Death of Curtis Giles;

** Julian Biggs is destroyed;)

** DEATHLOK Is He Man -- or Machine -- or Monster ;

** DEATHLOK in A Cold Knight's Frenzy;

** GCD Synopsis; Deathlok is shown to be a cybernetic organism with a human mind that has the ability to override its internal computer. Deathlok has a flashback showing that his old army buddy Major Simon Ryker is responsible for his creation. The conclusion of the story reveals that Simon Ryker is also a cyborg.

** Luther Manning aka DEATHLOK in Mindlock... x 3 (Two Page Text article)

** Luther Manning aka DEATHLOK (Two Page Backup Humor Comics story; After the writer and artist keep throwing discarded ideas for a new character in the waste basket, Deathlok rises from it), featuring GEORGE PEREZ's first work at MARVEL with 2 pages art;

** Includes Marvel Value Stamp #68 featuring Daimon Hellstrom aka Son of Satan;

Rich Buckler and Doug Moench Story;

Rich Buckler and Klaus Janson cover and art; 

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $269.00;




ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976); 

#25 (8/1974; FIRST PRINTING;

** First appearance of the Original Luther Manning aka DEATHLOK the Demolisher cover and Story; 

** J. August Richards played Mike Peterson aka DEATHLOK, debuted in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe, in the Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series;

** According to PeeltheOrange's sources, there might be a full NETFLIX TV series in Future of DEATHLOK with FIXER as the main villain;  

** FIRST appearance of MAJOR SIMON RYKER (a CYBORG);

** FIRST appearance of Earth-7484;

** FIRST appearance of Nina Ferry;

** Death of Curtis Giles;

** Julian Biggs is destroyed;)

** DEATHLOK Is He Man -- or Machine -- or Monster ;

** DEATHLOK in A Cold Knight's Frenzy;

** GCD Synopsis; Deathlok is shown to be a cybernetic organism with a human mind that has the ability to override its internal computer. Deathlok has a flashback showing that his old army buddy Major Simon Ryker is responsible for his creation. The conclusion of the story reveals that Simon Ryker is also a cyborg.

** Luther Manning aka DEATHLOK in Mindlock... x 3 (Two Page Text article)

** Luther Manning aka DEATHLOK (Two Page Backup Humor Comics story; After the writer and artist keep throwing discarded ideas for a new character in the waste basket, Deathlok rises from it), featuring GEORGE PEREZ's first work at MARVEL with 2 pages art;

** Includes Marvel Value Stamp #68 featuring Daimon Hellstrom aka Son of Satan;

Rich Buckler and Doug Moench Story;

Rich Buckler and Klaus Janson cover and art; 

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $165.00;



ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976); 

#25 (8/1974; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; 6.5, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



ASTONISHING TALES (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1976); 

#25 (8/1974; FIRST PRINTING;

** Scarce UK British 7P Cover Price VARIANT, with Marvel All-Colour Comics Banner at Top of Cover;

** First appearance of the Original Luther Manning aka DEATHLOK the Demolisher cover and Story; 

** J. August Richards played Mike Peterson aka DEATHLOK, debuted in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe, in the Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series;

** According to PeeltheOrange's sources, there might be a full NETFLIX TV series in Future of DEATHLOK with FIXER as the main villain;  

** FIRST appearance of MAJOR SIMON RYKER (a CYBORG);

** FIRST appearance of Earth-7484;

** FIRST appearance of Nina Ferry;

** Death of Curtis Giles;

** Julian Biggs is destroyed;)

** DEATHLOK Is He Man -- or Machine -- or Monster ;

** DEATHLOK in A Cold Knight's Frenzy;

** GCD Synopsis; Deathlok is shown to be a cybernetic organism with a human mind that has the ability to override its internal computer. Deathlok has a flashback showing that his old army buddy Major Simon Ryker is responsible for his creation. The conclusion of the story reveals that Simon Ryker is also a cyborg.

** Luther Manning aka DEATHLOK in Mindlock... x 3 (Two Page Text article)

** Luther Manning aka DEATHLOK (Two Page Backup Humor Comics story; After the writer and artist keep throwing discarded ideas for a new character in the waste basket, Deathlok rises from it), featuring GEORGE PEREZ's first work at MARVEL with 2 pages art;

** Includes Marvel Value Stamp #68 featuring Daimon Hellstrom aka Son of Satan;

Rich Buckler and Doug Moench Story;

Rich Buckler and Klaus Janson cover and art; 

** Scarce UK British 7P Cover Price VARIANT, with Marvel All-Colour Comics Banner at Top of Cover;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;


ASTRO COMICS 5 NN 1975 Promo HARVEY Casper Richie Rich Audrey WENDY CGC NMMT 9.8

ASTRO COMICS (American Airlines; Color Promotional Giveaway Comics; 1968-1970, 1973, 1975-1979; at least 21 variations exist);

1975 (#5-A; VARIANT with One x PINK/RED DOT at upper Right Cover Corner;

Casper, Richie Rich, Little Audrey on cover;

3 x Wendy stories & 1 Casper story inside;

First story inside = Wendy in “Dr Frankenspook”;

>>00208-13 (front) // 00208-14 (back)

>>>CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $99.00;


ASTRO COMICS #6 NN 1976 Promo HARVEY Casper Richie Rich Stumbo Wendy CGC NM+ 9.6

ASTRO COMICS (American Airlines; Color Promotional Giveaway Comics; 1968-1970, 1973, 1975-1979; at least 21 variations exist);

1976 (#6; Casper, Richie Rich, Little Audrey on cover;

all Richie Rich & Casper stories;

First story inside = “Heads I win, Tails you Lose”;

Wendy& Stumbo appear;

>>00208-17 (front) // 00208-18 (back)

>>>CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $75.00;


A-TEAM #1 Marvel TV Movie 1984 1st BA Baracus, Hannibal,Murdock,Face,Amy CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $179.00;



A-TEAM #2 Marvel TV Movie 1984 BA Baracus, Hannibal, Murdock, Face, Amy CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



A-TEAM #2 Marvel TV Movie 1984 BA Baracus, Hannibal, Murdock, Face, Amy CGC 9.8

** Minor One Inch Factory Sealing CRACK at Lower Right Edge of CGC Holder;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $136.00;



A-TEAM #2 Marvel TV Movie 1984 BA Baracus, Hannibal, Murdock, Face, Amy CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $68.00;



A-TEAM #3 Marvel TV Movie 1984 BA Baracus, Hannibal, Murdock, Face, Amy CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;



A-TEAM #3 Marvel TV Movie 1984 BA Baracus, Hannibal, Murdock, Face, Amy CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $189.00;



A-TEAM #3 Marvel TV Movie 1984 BA Baracus, Hannibal, Murdock, Face, Amy CGC 9.4

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;


Atom-Age Combat #5 Buck Vinson Alien BUG Monster UFO 1953 Pre-Code SciFi CGC 5.5

ATOM-AGE COMBAT (St John Pub; 1952-1953; Original Series);


** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with Off-WHITE Pages = $299.00;



Atomic Attack #6 World War III 1953 PW Riot At Koje Carrabott Krenkel CGC 2.5

ATOMIC ATTACK! (Youthful Magazines; 1953; Sci-Fi and WAR comics)


** CGC; GOOD PLUS, 2.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $175.00;



Atomic Attack #7 Pre-Code Sci-Fi 1953 A-Bomb Carrabotta Goldfarb Napoli CGC 6.5

ATOMIC ATTACK! (Youthful Magazines; 1953; Sci-Fi and WAR comics)


** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with Cream to Off-WHITE Pages = $349.00;



AURORA COMIC SCENES (AURORA and MARVEL Pub; Instruction Booklet that have with the Model Kit)

#184–140 (1974;

INCREDIBLE HULK vs HYDRA cover & comics story

Len Wein story

Herb Trimpe art

>>>CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $189.00;


AVATAR #1 Talbat Midnight Mysta Helm 1st DC Comic RPG 1991 D&D TSR FILM CGC 9.6

AVATAR (1991; DC Comics Limited Series);

#1 (2/1991; FIRST PRINTING;

100 Page Square-Bound GIANT;

** Appearances by; Talbat, Midnight, Mysta, Helm, AO, Trannus Kialton, Brehhan Mueller, Caitlan Moonsong, Kelemvor, Myrmeen, Marek, Thurbrand, Zehla, Cyric, Bane, Myrkul, Adon, Sune;

The Avatar Trilogy, Part One: Shadowdale;

Based on Based on the Forgotten Realms, book series and the Fantasy-Supernatural TSR Role Playing Game - RPG;

Barbara Kesel story;

Dameon Willich,, Monika Livingston and Tom Romano art;

Dameon Willich cover;


** The Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Live-Action MOVIE Debuts in Theatres on March 31, 2023, Directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein;

** The Film Stars; Chris Pine as Edgin, Michelle Rodriguez as Holga, Regé-Jean Page as Xenk, Justice Smith as Simon, Sophia Lillis as Doric, Hugh Grant as Forge, Sophia Eleni as Valxina Tabaxi, Chloe Coleman, Jason Wong, Daisy Head;          

IMDB;  ** A charming thief and a band of unlikely adventurers embark on an epic quest to retrieve a lost relic, but things go dangerously awry when they run afoul of the wrong people.  ** Based on the Fantasy-Supernatural, Sword and Sorcery TSR Role Playing Game - RPG;    


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



AVATAR #1 Talbat Midnight Mysta Helm 1st DC Comic RPG 1991 D&D TSR FILM CGC 9.4

AVATAR (1991; DC Comics Limited Series);

#1 (2/1991; FIRST PRINTING;

100 Page Square-Bound GIANT;

** Appearances by; Talbat, Midnight, Mysta, Helm, AO, Trannus Kialton, Brehhan Mueller, Caitlan Moonsong, Kelemvor, Myrmeen, Marek, Thurbrand, Zehla, Cyric, Bane, Myrkul, Adon, Sune;

The Avatar Trilogy, Part One: Shadowdale;

Based on Based on the Forgotten Realms, book series and the Fantasy-Supernatural TSR Role Playing Game - RPG;

Barbara Kesel story;

Dameon Willich,, Monika Livingston and Tom Romano art;

Dameon Willich cover;


** The Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Live-Action MOVIE Debuts in Theatres on March 31, 2023, Directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein;

** The Film Stars; Chris Pine as Edgin, Michelle Rodriguez as Holga, Regé-Jean Page as Xenk, Justice Smith as Simon, Sophia Lillis as Doric, Hugh Grant as Forge, Sophia Eleni as Valxina Tabaxi, Chloe Coleman, Jason Wong, Daisy Head;          

IMDB;  ** A charming thief and a band of unlikely adventurers embark on an epic quest to retrieve a lost relic, but things go dangerously awry when they run afoul of the wrong people.  ** Based on the Fantasy-Supernatural, Sword and Sorcery TSR Role Playing Game - RPG;    


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


Avengers #6 1st BARON ZEMO Masters of Evil MCU Movie 1964 Stan Lee KIRBY CGC 6.5

AVENGERS (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1996); 

#6 (7/1964; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $429.00;


Avengers 7 THOR Battle 1964 ZEMO Enchantress Executioner Odin Loki KIRBY CGC 6.5

AVENGERS (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1996); 

#7 (8/1964; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $379.00;


AVENGERS #9 Origin 1st Death WONDER MAN MCU 1964 Stan Lee JACK KIRBY CGC FN- 5.5

AVENGERS (MARVEL Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#9 (10/1964; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance Partial Origin and DEATH of Simon Williams aka WONDER MAN cover and story;

** WONDER MAN Returns in the 1970's and Re-Joins the Avengers;

** Wonder Man was ranked #38 in IGN's list of The Top 50 Avengers;

** Simon Williams aka WONDER MAN Team affiliations Includes; Avengers, Williams Innovations, Defenders, Force Works, S.H.I.E.L.D., Lethal Legion, Masters of Evil, Legion of the Unliving, Revengers;

** James Gunn acknowledged the WONDER MAN could appear in future installments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise;

**  Appearances of; Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Giant-Man, the Wasp, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Teen Brigade, Willie Bishop, Jane Foster; 

** AVENGERS vs the Masters of Evil (Baron Heinrich ZEMO, Skurge the Executioner, Amora the Enchantress);

** Bucky cameo;

** Avengers in The Coming of the Wonder Man;

** STAN LEE story;

** JACK KIRBY and Chic Stone cover;

** Don Heck and Dick Ayers art; 

** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with Off- WHITE Pages  = $429.00;


AVENGERS #9 Masters of Evil 1964 Origin 1st Death WONDER MAN MCU KIRBY CGC 4.5

AVENGERS (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1996); 

#9 (10/1964; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY GOOD PLUS, 4.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $272.00;


Avengers #19 1st SWORDSMAN MCU 1965 ORIGIN Clint Barton HAWKEYE Kirby-c CGC 5.5

AVENGERS (MARVEL Comics Pub; Original Series; 1963-1996); 

#19 (8/1965; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with Off-WHITE Pages = $77.00;


AVENGERS #40 Welcome Home Star Wars Variant 1:20 Larroca-c DEATH NAMOR CGC 9.8

AVENGERS (MARVEL Comics Pub; 2013-2016+; 5th Series)

#40-B (3/2015; "Welcome Home Star Wars" Connecting Variant Cover

Limited 1:20 Retailer Incentive Variant Cover;

Spider-Woman& Black Widow Variant Cover by Salvador Larroca;

Jonathan Hickman-s; Stefano Caselli-a;

New SECRET WARS Crossover story;

*** BLACK PANTHER and  BLACK BOLT Team-Up to KILL Namor the SUB- MARINER = see Squadron Supreme V4 #1;

>>> CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;

00224-350 (front) /// 00224-351 (Back)


AVENGERS #57 1st VISION MCU Movie TV 1968 1st full ULTON-5 Black Panther CGC 3.0

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#57 (10/1968; FIRST PRINTING;

** First appearance of the Silver Age VISION cover and story;  

** PAUL BETTANY played VISION in AVENGERS: Age of ULTON 2015 MCU Movie

** PAUL BETTANY played VISION in Captain America Civil War 2016 MCY Movie;


** PAUL BETTANY played VISION in the WANDAVISION MCU 2021 TV Series; 

** PAUL BETTANY voiced VISION and JARVIS in the WHAT IF Animated MCU 2021 TV Series; 

** First actual FULL appearance of the ULTRON-5 on Seven pages, with partial ORIGIN (Avengers #54-55 were both Cameo Appearances); 

** James Spader was the Voice of ULTRON,  the Main Villain in the AVENGERS-2: Age of ULTON Movie;

** EARLY appearance of BLACK PANTHER in Title;

** Appearances by; Hawkeye, Goliath, Black Panther, Wasp, Black Widow; 

** Avengers in Behold... the Vision;

Roy Thomas story;

John Buscema and George Klein cover and art;

** CGC; G/VG, 3.0, with Off-WHITE Pages = $210.00;



** CGC; 9.2, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $299.00;



#69 (10/1969; FIRST PRINTING;

** Part-1 of 3-Part storyline; 

** FIRST Brief Cameo appearance of the SQUADRON SINISTER of Earth-616 in a One Panel Cameo (Prototype for SQUADRON SUPREME of the Earth-712 with Hyperion, Nighthawk, Doctor Spectrum); 

** FIRST appearance of En Dwi Gast aka the GRANDMASTER,  one of the ageless Elders of the Marvel Universe; 

** FIRST short appearance of Kyle Richmond aka NIGHTHAWK; *

** GRANDMASTER appeared in the THOR: Ragnarok MOVIE; Jeff Goldblum played GRANDMASTER in the FILM (the Collector's brother, a Cosmic Being  & an Elder of the Marvel Universe);

** The Grandmaster introduced a brand-new team called the Squadron Sinister: based on characters from DC Comics Justice League; (Hyperion aka Superman, Nighthawk aka Batman, Doctor Spectrum aka Green Lantern and Whizzer aka Flash);

** In this Grandmaster vs KANG THE CONQUEROR Game, the Squadron Sinister battles the Avengers, with the stakes being the fate of Earth itself;

** Avengers vs KANG the Conqueror and the Uncanny Growing Man cover and story;

** Avengers in Let the Game Begin;

** Appearances by; Captain America, Black Panther, Thor, Goliath, Yellowjacket, Wasp, Vision, Tony Stark, Kang the Conqueror, Ravonna and Dr. Jose Santini; 

Roy Thomas story;

Sal Buscema and Sam Grainger cover and art;

** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;




#69 (10/1969; FIRST PRINTING;

** Part-1 of 3-Part storyline; 

** FIRST Brief Cameo appearance of the SQUADRON SINISTER of Earth-616 in a One Panel Cameo (Prototype for SQUADRON SUPREME of the Earth-712 with Hyperion, Nighthawk, Doctor Spectrum); 

** FIRST appearance of En Dwi Gast aka the GRANDMASTER,  one of the ageless Elders of the Marvel Universe; 

** FIRST short appearance of Kyle Richmond aka NIGHTHAWK; *

** GRANDMASTER appeared in the THOR: Ragnarok MOVIE; Jeff Goldblum played GRANDMASTER in the FILM (the Collector's brother, a Cosmic Being  & an Elder of the Marvel Universe);

** The Grandmaster introduced a brand-new team called the Squadron Sinister: based on characters from DC Comics Justice League; (Hyperion aka Superman, Nighthawk aka Batman, Doctor Spectrum aka Green Lantern and Whizzer aka Flash);

** In this Grandmaster vs KANG THE CONQUEROR Game, the Squadron Sinister battles the Avengers, with the stakes being the fate of Earth itself;

** Avengers vs KANG the Conqueror and the Uncanny Growing Man cover and story;

** Avengers in Let the Game Begin;

** Appearances by; Captain America, Black Panther, Thor, Goliath, Yellowjacket, Wasp, Vision, Tony Stark, Kang the Conqueror, Ravonna and Dr. Jose Santini; 

Roy Thomas story;

Sal Buscema and Sam Grainger cover and art;

** CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $109.00;


Avengers #70 Origin 1st SQUADRON SINISTER aka SUPREME Full NIGHTHAWK 1969 CGC 9.2 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $399.00;


Avengers #70 Origin 1st SQUADRON SINISTER aka SUPREME Full NIGHTHAWK 1969 CGC 6.0

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#70 (11/1969; FIRST PRINTING;

** First FULL appearance and ORIGIN of the SQUADRON SINISTER of Earth-616 cover and story;

** FIRST Full appearance of Doctor Spectrum, Hyperion, Nighthawk and Whizzer of the SQUADRON SINISTER of Earth-616 Universe;

** Prototype for SQUADRON SUPREME of the Earth-712; 

** First Full appearance NIGHTHAWK cover and story;

** SQUADRON SINISTER vs AVENGERS Battle cover and story;

** SECOND appearance of En Dwi Gast aka the GRANDMASTER,  one of the ageless Elders of the Marvel Universe;

** Jeff Goldblum played GRANDMASTER in the 2017 THOR: RAGNAROK Movie;

** Appearances by; Captain America, Giant-Man, Iron Man, Thor, BLACK KNIGHT, KANG the Conqueror, Goliath, Yellowjacket, Black Panther, Vision, Thor, Growing Man and Grandmaster;

** Avengers in When Strikes the Squadron Sinister;

Roy Thomas story;

Sal Buscema and Sam Grainger cover and art;

** CGC; FINE, 6.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $119.00;


Avengers #70 Origin 1st SQUADRON SINISTER aka SUPREME Full NIGHTHAWK 1969 CGC 5.5 with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


AVENGERS #80 1st William Talltrees RED WOLF Native American Hero 1970 CGC 8.5

AVENGERS (Marvel Pub; 1st Series; 1963-1996); 

#80 [9/1970; FIRST PRINTING; 

** First appearance of William Talltrees (a Marine from Vietnam War) as Marvel's First version of RED WOLF;

** RED WOLF is one of MARVEL’S First Native American Heroes, He has mystical powers and have a trusted Wolf Cub companion named LOBO; 

** William Talltrees was born in modern times, a Cheyenne tribal leader, who found the ceremonial garb of RED WOLF, Owayodata granting him superhuman powers.

** RED WOLF fought with AVENGERS in 1970's NYC;

** The William Talltrees RED WOLF Later was involved with; Tigra, Super-Skrull, the Rangers (Phantom Rider III, Firebird, Texas Twister, Shooting Star), Hulk, Rick Defenders, West Coast Avengers, Doctor Strange and Black Crow; 

** In a Spin-Off Series from the Major 2015 SECRET WARS EVENT;

** The Re-Boot RED WOLF #1(12/2015) Ongoing Series from an Alternate Universe of Earth-51920 (Nathan Edmondson story with  Dalibor Talajic art) features hero named RED WOLF, the Cheyenne who crossed the desert and stood up to Mayor Wilson Fisk and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the fallen Sheriff Steve Rogers. But that’s all in the past. Following the events of Secret Wars, he’ll find his boots firmly transplanted into the Marvel Universe, In a world chock full of super powered heroes and villains;  The tale of how Red Wolf won the West begins in 1872;

Roy Thomas story;

John Buscema and Tom Palmer cover and art; 

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $179.00


AVENGERS #80 1st William Talltrees RED WOLF Native American Hero 1970 CGC 8.5 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $169.00;


AVENGERS #80 1st William Talltrees RED WOLF Native American Hero 1970 CGC 7.0 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $99.00;

AVENGERS #80 1st William Talltrees RED WOLF Native American Hero 1970 CGC 6.5 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $75.00;


AVENGERS 83 Widow Wasp Medusa Valkyrie Scarlet Witch 1970 1st LIBERATORS  CGC 8.5 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $199.00;


AVENGERS 83 Widow Wasp Medusa Valkyrie Scarlet Witch 1970 1st LIBERATORS CGC 8.0 

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#83 (12/1970; FIRST PRINTING;

** First appearance of the LADY LIBERATORS [Female Super-Heroes Team: Black Widow, Wasp, Medusa of the Inhumans, Valkyrie & Scarlet Witch] cover & story;

** Valkyrie says on cover = "All Right, Girls -- That Finishes Off These Male Chauvinist Pigs";

** The LADY LIBERATORS vs the Male AVENGERS Battle cover & story;

** MASTERS OF EVIL (Klaw, Melter, Radioactive Man & Whirlwind) appear;

**  RUTLAND, Vermont Halloween Crossover story;

** FIRST appearance of Marvel's Original VALKYRIE , based on the Norse Mythological figure Brynhildr;

** An Asgardian by birth, Valkyrie, also known by her real name Brunnhilde, was selected by Odin to lead the Valkyrior;

** The later Barbara Norris version of VALKYRIE later become a long time Member of the Defenders; 

** Tessa Thompson played VALKYRIE in the 11/2017 THOR: RAGNAROK Movie;

** The INHUMANS with MEDUSA was a an Imax MOVIE and an 8-Episode TV SERIES; 

** Scarlett Johansson has Played BLACK WIDOW in Multiple MARVEL MOVIES; 

** Appearance by Amora the Enchantress; 

** Appearances by; Black Panther, Goliath, Quicksilver;

** Cameo Appearances by;  Executioner, Yellow Jacket, Roy Thomas, Tom Fagan dressed as Nighthawk; 

** Avengers in Come on in, the Revolution's Fine;

** RED HOT KEY ISSUE (Scarce due to HIGH DEMAND and Low Supply);

Roy Thomas story;

John Buscema and Tom Palmer cover and art;

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $149.00; 


AVENGERS #144 Origin 1st HELLCAT Patsy Walker Jessica Jones Netflix TV CBCS 9.6

AVENGERS (MARVEL Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#144 (2/1976; FIRST PRINTING; 

** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of Patsy Walker as HELLCAT cover & story;


** Rachael Taylor plays Patricia "Trish" (Patsy) Walker aka HELLCAT in the JESSICA JONES TV Series Season One and Two on Netflix;

** Squadron Supreme appears; 

Steve Englehart story;

George PEREZ & Esposito art;

Gil Kane & Giacoia cover;

00256-501 (front) // 00256-502 (back)

** CBCS; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $349.00;



AVENGERS #181 John Byrne 1st SCOTT LANG aka ANT-MAN MOVIE 1979 Perez CGC VF+ 8.5

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#181 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of SCOTT LANG one month before Marvel Premiere #47, where he becomes the new ANT-MAN; 

** NEW Avengers TEAM Lineup; Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Vision, Falcon and Beast cover and story; 

** Guardians of the Galaxy Cameo and 27th of 30 sequential original appearances;

JOHN BYRNE and Gene Day art;

Classic GEORGE PEREZ cover;


*** ANT-MAN and the WASP (Movie #2) which DEBUTED on July 06/2018 had a Worldwide Gross of $471,931,699.0 in the first FIFTY DAYS!!! Evangeline Lilly played Hope Van Dyne (daughter of Hank Pym) and will DEBUT as the WASP in a new Costume for Movie #2;  ** The MOVIE included the ORIGIN of the WASP storyline;  WASP will also appear in the AVENGERS Movie #4; Michelle Pfeiffer played Janet Van Dyne (the Original WASP) in Ant-Man and the Wasp Movie; The sequel, directed by Ant-Man’s Peyton Reed.  Paul Rudd played Scott Lang / Ant-Man;  Michael Douglas played Dr. Hank Pym (the Original Ant-Man) ;Laurence Fishburne played Bill Foster aka Black Goliath in the ANT-MAN an WASP Movie; Actress Hannah John-Kamen played the villain The GHOST in the ANT-MAN and WASP Movie; Walton Goggins played the villain Sonny Burch; Randall Park played Jimmy Woo (Agents of Atlas & Agent of SHEILD);

*** the ANT-MAN (Movie #1) Big Screen FILM / MOVIE was a BIG HIT and was Released on July 17, 2015 with a Worldwide gross of $454,653,000 in the first 90 Days; Michael Douglas played the Hank Pym the Original Ant-Man and Paul Rudd played Scott Lang the new ANT-MAN, with Corey Stoll playing Darren Cross aka YELLOWJACKET in the Film; Hayley Atwell played PEGGY CARTER; Evangeline Lilly played Hope Van Dyne aka the RED QUEEN (daughter of Hank Pym);


** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



AVENGERS #181 John Byrne 1st SCOTT LANG aka ANT-MAN MOVIE 1979 Perez CGC VF+ 8.5

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#181 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of SCOTT LANG one month before Marvel Premiere #47, where he becomes the new ANT-MAN; 

** NEW Avengers TEAM Lineup; Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Vision, Falcon and Beast cover and story; 

** Guardians of the Galaxy Cameo and 27th of 30 sequential original appearances;

JOHN BYRNE and Gene Day art;

Classic GEORGE PEREZ cover;


*** ANT-MAN and the WASP (Movie #2) which DEBUTED on July 06/2018 had a Worldwide Gross of $471,931,699.0 in the first FIFTY DAYS!!! Evangeline Lilly played Hope Van Dyne (daughter of Hank Pym) and will DEBUT as the WASP in a new Costume for Movie #2;  ** The MOVIE included the ORIGIN of the WASP storyline;  WASP will also appear in the AVENGERS Movie #4; Michelle Pfeiffer played Janet Van Dyne (the Original WASP) in Ant-Man and the Wasp Movie; The sequel, directed by Ant-Man’s Peyton Reed.  Paul Rudd played Scott Lang / Ant-Man;  Michael Douglas played Dr. Hank Pym (the Original Ant-Man) ;Laurence Fishburne played Bill Foster aka Black Goliath in the ANT-MAN an WASP Movie; Actress Hannah John-Kamen played the villain The GHOST in the ANT-MAN and WASP Movie; Walton Goggins played the villain Sonny Burch; Randall Park played Jimmy Woo (Agents of Atlas & Agent of SHEILD);

*** the ANT-MAN (Movie #1) Big Screen FILM / MOVIE was a BIG HIT and was Released on July 17, 2015 with a Worldwide gross of $454,653,000 in the first 90 Days; Michael Douglas played the Hank Pym the Original Ant-Man and Paul Rudd played Scott Lang the new ANT-MAN, with Corey Stoll playing Darren Cross aka YELLOWJACKET in the Film; Hayley Atwell played PEGGY CARTER; Evangeline Lilly played Hope Van Dyne aka the RED QUEEN (daughter of Hank Pym);


** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $114.00;



AVENGERS #181 John Byrne 1st SCOTT LANG aka ANT-MAN MOVIE 1979 Perez CGC VF 8.0

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#181 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of SCOTT LANG one month before Marvel Premiere #47, where he becomes the new ANT-MAN; 

** NEW Avengers TEAM Lineup; Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Vision, Falcon and Beast cover and story; 

** Guardians of the Galaxy Cameo and 27th of 30 sequential original appearances;

JOHN BYRNE and Gene Day art;

Classic GEORGE PEREZ cover;


*** ANT-MAN and the WASP (Movie #2) which DEBUTED on July 06/2018 had a Worldwide Gross of $471,931,699.0 in the first FIFTY DAYS!!! Evangeline Lilly played Hope Van Dyne (daughter of Hank Pym) and will DEBUT as the WASP in a new Costume for Movie #2;  ** The MOVIE included the ORIGIN of the WASP storyline;  WASP will also appear in the AVENGERS Movie #4; Michelle Pfeiffer played Janet Van Dyne (the Original WASP) in Ant-Man and the Wasp Movie; The sequel, directed by Ant-Man’s Peyton Reed.  Paul Rudd played Scott Lang / Ant-Man;  Michael Douglas played Dr. Hank Pym (the Original Ant-Man) ;Laurence Fishburne played Bill Foster aka Black Goliath in the ANT-MAN an WASP Movie; Actress Hannah John-Kamen played the villain The GHOST in the ANT-MAN and WASP Movie; Walton Goggins played the villain Sonny Burch; Randall Park played Jimmy Woo (Agents of Atlas & Agent of SHEILD);

*** the ANT-MAN (Movie #1) Big Screen FILM / MOVIE was a BIG HIT and was Released on July 17, 2015 with a Worldwide gross of $454,653,000 in the first 90 Days; Michael Douglas played the Hank Pym the Original Ant-Man and Paul Rudd played Scott Lang the new ANT-MAN, with Corey Stoll playing Darren Cross aka YELLOWJACKET in the Film; Hayley Atwell played PEGGY CARTER; Evangeline Lilly played Hope Van Dyne aka the RED QUEEN (daughter of Hank Pym);


** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $99.95;



AVENGERS #181 John Byrne 1st SCOTT LANG aka ANT-MAN MOVIE 1979 Perez CGC VF- 7.5

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#181 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of SCOTT LANG one month before Marvel Premiere #47, where he becomes the new ANT-MAN; 

** NEW Avengers TEAM Lineup; Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Vision, Falcon and Beast cover and story; 

** Guardians of the Galaxy Cameo and 27th of 30 sequential original appearances;

JOHN BYRNE and Gene Day art;

Classic GEORGE PEREZ cover;


*** ANT-MAN and the WASP (Movie #2) which DEBUTED on July 06/2018 had a Worldwide Gross of $471,931,699.0 in the first FIFTY DAYS!!! Evangeline Lilly played Hope Van Dyne (daughter of Hank Pym) and will DEBUT as the WASP in a new Costume for Movie #2;  ** The MOVIE included the ORIGIN of the WASP storyline;  WASP will also appear in the AVENGERS Movie #4; Michelle Pfeiffer played Janet Van Dyne (the Original WASP) in Ant-Man and the Wasp Movie; The sequel, directed by Ant-Man’s Peyton Reed.  Paul Rudd played Scott Lang / Ant-Man;  Michael Douglas played Dr. Hank Pym (the Original Ant-Man) ;Laurence Fishburne played Bill Foster aka Black Goliath in the ANT-MAN an WASP Movie; Actress Hannah John-Kamen played the villain The GHOST in the ANT-MAN and WASP Movie; Walton Goggins played the villain Sonny Burch; Randall Park played Jimmy Woo (Agents of Atlas & Agent of SHEILD);

*** the ANT-MAN (Movie #1) Big Screen FILM / MOVIE was a BIG HIT and was Released on July 17, 2015 with a Worldwide gross of $454,653,000 in the first 90 Days; Michael Douglas played the Hank Pym the Original Ant-Man and Paul Rudd played Scott Lang the new ANT-MAN, with Corey Stoll playing Darren Cross aka YELLOWJACKET in the Film; Hayley Atwell played PEGGY CARTER; Evangeline Lilly played Hope Van Dyne aka the RED QUEEN (daughter of Hank Pym);


** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;


AVENGERS #185 Origin Quicksilver WANDA Scarlet Witch 1979 MODRED BYRNE CGC 9.0

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#185 (7/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** Origin of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch cover and Story, Part-1 of 2-Part story;

** Return of MODRED the Mystic;

** Taylor-Johnson played Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver and Elizabeth Olsen played Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, In the May 2015 AVENGERS-2: Age of ULTRON Movie;

** Elizabeth Olsen played Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, in the WandaVision TV Series;

** Avengers in The Yesterday Quest;

** Appearances by; Beast,  Captain America, Falcon, Hawkeye, Jocasta, Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel, Jocasta, Redwing, Vision, Wasp,  Django Maximoff, Edwin Jarvis, Modred the Mystic;

** Cameo and Flashback Appearances by; Bova, Mayra Maximoff Whizzer, Miss America  and Toad;

Mark Gruenwald and Steven Grant story;

JOHN BYRNE and Dan Green art;

GEORGE PEREZ and Terry Austin cover;

*** NEWSSTAND Edition, with cc for Curtis Circulation under Price on cover, NO Slash thru BARCODE at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



AVENGERS #185 Origin Quicksilver WANDA Scarlet Witch 1979 MODRED BYRNE CGC 8.5

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#185 (7/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** Origin of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch cover and Story, Part-1 of 2-Part story;

** Return of MODRED the Mystic;

** Taylor-Johnson played Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver and Elizabeth Olsen played Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, In the May 2015 AVENGERS-2: Age of ULTRON Movie;

** Elizabeth Olsen played Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, in the WandaVision TV Series;

** Avengers in The Yesterday Quest;

** Appearances by; Beast,  Captain America, Falcon, Hawkeye, Jocasta, Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel, Jocasta, Redwing, Vision, Wasp,  Django Maximoff, Edwin Jarvis, Modred the Mystic;

** Cameo and Flashback Appearances by; Bova, Mayra Maximoff Whizzer, Miss America  and Toad;

Mark Gruenwald and Steven Grant story;

JOHN BYRNE and Dan Green art;

GEORGE PEREZ and Terry Austin cover;

*** NEWSSTAND Edition, with cc for Curtis Circulation under Price on cover, NO Slash thru BARCODE at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



AVENGERS #185 Origin Quicksilver WANDA Scarlet Witch 1979 MODRED BYRNE CGC 8.0

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#185 (7/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** Origin of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch cover and Story, Part-1 of 2-Part story;

** Return of MODRED the Mystic;

** Taylor-Johnson played Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver and Elizabeth Olsen played Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, In the May 2015 AVENGERS-2: Age of ULTRON Movie;

** Elizabeth Olsen played Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, in the WandaVision TV Series;

** Avengers in The Yesterday Quest;

** Appearances by; Beast,  Captain America, Falcon, Hawkeye, Jocasta, Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel, Jocasta, Redwing, Vision, Wasp,  Django Maximoff, Edwin Jarvis, Modred the Mystic;

** Cameo and Flashback Appearances by; Bova, Mayra Maximoff Whizzer, Miss America  and Toad;

Mark Gruenwald and Steven Grant story;

JOHN BYRNE and Dan Green art;

GEORGE PEREZ and Terry Austin cover;

*** NEWSSTAND Edition, with cc for Curtis Circulation under Price on cover, NO Slash thru BARCODE at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



AVENGERS #186 1st CHTHON Magda 1979 Orig Quicksilver WANDA Scarlet Witch CGC 9.6

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#186 (8/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST TRUE appearance of "THE OTHER” as CHTHON;

** CHTHON the God of Chaos, was created by Marvel Comics as one of the Elder Gods, the first gods of Earth.

** Inspired by AUGUST DERLETH and H.P. LOVECRAFT storylines and  characters. 

** CHTHON’s first appearance was in the form of "THE OTHER", his elemental host, in Marvel Chillers #1(1975).

** It would be several years later in 1979, when he would FIRST appeared as CHTHON in issue #186 of the Avengers comic.

The DARKHOLD appears in the WANDAVISION TV Series;


ORIGIN of QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH cover and Story, Part-2 of 2-Part story; 

Elizabeth Olsen plays Wanda Maximoff aks Scarlet Witch in WANDAVISION TV Series and in the MCU Movies;

In the May 2015 AVENGERS-2: Age of ULTRON Movie Taylor-Johnson played Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver;


FIRST appearance and DEATH of MAGDA Lehnsherr (aka Magda Eisenhardt) 

MAGDA Eisenhardt married Erik Lehnsherr aka MAGNETO, to become MAGDA Lehnsherr;

MAGDA was portrayed as WIFE of MAGNETO  and the MOTHER of Anya and the twins Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.

However, more recently, it was hinted that Magda was not truly the twins' mother.

Magda Eisenhardt appears in the movie X-Men Apocalypse, played by actress Carolina Bartczak;


AVENGERS in the Nights of Wundagore!

The DARKHOLD Book, Scarlet Witch and MODRED the Mystic cover and story; 

** AVENGERS Appearing include;  Beast, Captain America, Falcon, Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Wasp;

**Appearances by;  Bova, Chthon, Django Maximoff, Edwin Jarvis, Henry Peter Gyrich;

** Flashback Appearances by;  High Evolutionary, Jonathan Drew, Magda, Modred the Mystic, Robert Frank aka the Whizzer

** Flashback DEATH of Madeline Joyce Frank aka Miss America;


Mark Gruenwald, Steven and Michelinie Grant story; 

JOHN BYRNE and Dan Green art;

GEORGE PEREZ and Terry Austin cover;

*** Early Regular DIRECT Edition with BLACK DIAMOND around #186 and price, with Slash thru BARCODE at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $449.00;



AVENGERS #186 1st CHTHON Magda 1979 Orig Quicksilver WANDA Scarlet Witch CGC 9.4

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#186 (8/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST TRUE appearance of "THE OTHER” as CHTHON;

** CHTHON the God of Chaos, was created by Marvel Comics as one of the Elder Gods, the first gods of Earth.

** Inspired by AUGUST DERLETH and H.P. LOVECRAFT storylines and  characters. 

** CHTHON’s first appearance was in the form of "THE OTHER", his elemental host, in Marvel Chillers #1(1975).

** It would be several years later in 1979, when he would FIRST appeared as CHTHON in issue #186 of the Avengers comic.

The DARKHOLD appears in the WANDAVISION TV Series;


ORIGIN of QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH cover and Story, Part-2 of 2-Part story; 

Elizabeth Olsen plays Wanda Maximoff aks Scarlet Witch in WANDAVISION TV Series and in the MCU Movies;

In the May 2015 AVENGERS-2: Age of ULTRON Movie Taylor-Johnson played Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver;


FIRST appearance and DEATH of MAGDA Lehnsherr (aka Magda Eisenhardt) 

MAGDA Eisenhardt married Erik Lehnsherr aka MAGNETO, to become MAGDA Lehnsherr;

MAGDA was portrayed as WIFE of MAGNETO  and the MOTHER of Anya and the twins Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.

However, more recently, it was hinted that Magda was not truly the twins' mother.

Magda Eisenhardt appears in the movie X-Men Apocalypse, played by actress Carolina Bartczak;


AVENGERS in the Nights of Wundagore!

The DARKHOLD Book, Scarlet Witch and MODRED the Mystic cover and story; 

** AVENGERS Appearing include;  Beast, Captain America, Falcon, Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Wasp;

**Appearances by;  Bova, Chthon, Django Maximoff, Edwin Jarvis, Henry Peter Gyrich;

** Flashback Appearances by;  High Evolutionary, Jonathan Drew, Magda, Modred the Mystic, Robert Frank aka the Whizzer

** Flashback DEATH of Madeline Joyce Frank aka Miss America;


Mark Gruenwald, Steven and Michelinie Grant story; 

JOHN BYRNE and Dan Green art;

GEORGE PEREZ and Terry Austin cover;

*** Direct Edition, with cc for Curtis Circulation under Price on cover, Slash thru BARCODE at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $299.00;



AVENGERS #186 1st CHTHON Magda 1979 Orig Quicksilver WANDA Scarlet Witch CGC 9.2

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#186 (8/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST TRUE appearance of "THE OTHER” as CHTHON;

** CHTHON the God of Chaos, was created by Marvel Comics as one of the Elder Gods, the first gods of Earth.

** Inspired by AUGUST DERLETH and H.P. LOVECRAFT storylines and  characters. 

** CHTHON’s first appearance was in the form of "THE OTHER", his elemental host, in Marvel Chillers #1(1975).

** It would be several years later in 1979, when he would FIRST appeared as CHTHON in issue #186 of the Avengers comic.

The DARKHOLD appears in the WANDAVISION TV Series;


ORIGIN of QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH cover and Story, Part-2 of 2-Part story; 

Elizabeth Olsen plays Wanda Maximoff aks Scarlet Witch in WANDAVISION TV Series and in the MCU Movies;

In the May 2015 AVENGERS-2: Age of ULTRON Movie Taylor-Johnson played Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver;


FIRST appearance and DEATH of MAGDA Lehnsherr (aka Magda Eisenhardt) 

MAGDA Eisenhardt married Erik Lehnsherr aka MAGNETO, to become MAGDA Lehnsherr;

MAGDA was portrayed as WIFE of MAGNETO  and the MOTHER of Anya and the twins Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.

However, more recently, it was hinted that Magda was not truly the twins' mother.

Magda Eisenhardt appears in the movie X-Men Apocalypse, played by actress Carolina Bartczak;


AVENGERS in the Nights of Wundagore!

The DARKHOLD Book, Scarlet Witch and MODRED the Mystic cover and story; 

** AVENGERS Appearing include;  Beast, Captain America, Falcon, Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Wasp;

**Appearances by;  Bova, Chthon, Django Maximoff, Edwin Jarvis, Henry Peter Gyrich;

** Flashback Appearances by;  High Evolutionary, Jonathan Drew, Magda, Modred the Mystic, Robert Frank aka the Whizzer

** Flashback DEATH of Madeline Joyce Frank aka Miss America;


Mark Gruenwald, Steven and Michelinie Grant story; 

JOHN BYRNE and Dan Green art;

GEORGE PEREZ and Terry Austin cover;

*** NEWSSTAND Edition, with cc for Curtis Circulation under Price on cover, NO Slash thru BARCODE at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $235.00;


AVENGERS 227 Monica Rambeau Joins 1983 CAPT MARVEL MOVIE MCU WandaVision CGC 9.8

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#227 (1/1983; FIRST PRINTING; 

** Monica Rambeau aka the Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL joins the AVENGERS.


** Akira Akbar played young Monica Rambeau in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Captain Marvel MOVIE from 2019, opposite Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) Brie Larson;

** Teyonah Parris played the adult version of Monica Rambeau in the television miniseries WandaVision (2021)

** Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau  The Marvels MCU Movie (2023).

** Monica Rambeau, the first WOMAN to use the name CAPTAIN MARVEL;

 *** Monica Rambeau is currently appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum;

*** Monica Rambeau Later became a Member of the AVENGERS, she has often worked with Carol Danvers;

*** Monica Rambeau other Aliases includes; Pulsar, Lady-of-Light, Daystar, Photon, Sceptre, & Monica Marvel;

*** AVENGERS and Ben Grimm the THING cover and appearance;


** Recaps history of, Ant-Man & Wasp with the Avengers.

** Wikipedia Notes;

** Appearances by; Captain America, Henry Pym as Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Egghead, Thor, Henry Peter Gyrich, Mr. Fantastic, the Plant-Man, the Invisible Girl, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents & Wizard;

** Appearance by; the Guardians of the Galaxy [Charlie-27; Martinex; Nikki; Starhawk; Yondu]; 

** Flashback Cameo's by Henry Pym [Origin as Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket in flashbacks]

** Flashback Cameo's by Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel, Mar-Vell  as Captain Marvel;

** Flashback Cameo Appearances by; the Beast, Black Panther, Black Widow, Falcon, Hawkeye, Hercules, Hulk, Jocasta, Moondragon, Quicksilver,  Tigra, Vision, Wonder Man, Elfqueen, Ultron;

** UNDER-VALUED Late Bronze Age KEY issue;

Roger Stern story;

Sal Buscema and Brett Breeding art;

Brett Breeding cover;

*** Early Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC BOX at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $219.00;



AVENGERS 227 Monica Rambeau Joins 1983 CAPT MARVEL MOVIE MCU WandaVision CGC 9.8

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#227 (1/1983; FIRST PRINTING; 

** Monica Rambeau aka the Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL joins the AVENGERS.


** Akira Akbar played young Monica Rambeau in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Captain Marvel MOVIE from 2019, opposite Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) Brie Larson;

** Teyonah Parris played the adult version of Monica Rambeau in the television miniseries WandaVision (2021)

** Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau  The Marvels MCU Movie (2023).

** Monica Rambeau, the first WOMAN to use the name CAPTAIN MARVEL;

 *** Monica Rambeau is currently appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum;

*** Monica Rambeau Later became a Member of the AVENGERS, she has often worked with Carol Danvers;

*** Monica Rambeau other Aliases includes; Pulsar, Lady-of-Light, Daystar, Photon, Sceptre, & Monica Marvel;

*** AVENGERS and Ben Grimm the THING cover and appearance;


** Recaps history of, Ant-Man & Wasp with the Avengers.

** Wikipedia Notes;

** Appearances by; Captain America, Henry Pym as Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Egghead, Thor, Henry Peter Gyrich, Mr. Fantastic, the Plant-Man, the Invisible Girl, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents & Wizard;

** Appearance by; the Guardians of the Galaxy [Charlie-27; Martinex; Nikki; Starhawk; Yondu]; 

** Flashback Cameo's by Henry Pym [Origin as Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket in flashbacks]

** Flashback Cameo's by Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel, Mar-Vell  as Captain Marvel;

** Flashback Cameo Appearances by; the Beast, Black Panther, Black Widow, Falcon, Hawkeye, Hercules, Hulk, Jocasta, Moondragon, Quicksilver,  Tigra, Vision, Wonder Man, Elfqueen, Ultron;

** UNDER-VALUED Late Bronze Age KEY issue;

Roger Stern story;

Sal Buscema and Brett Breeding art;

Brett Breeding cover;

*** USA NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC BOX at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $239.00;



AVENGERS 227 Monica Rambeau Joins 1983 CAPT MARVEL MOVIE MCU WandaVision CGC 9.6

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#227 (1/1983; FIRST PRINTING; 

** Monica Rambeau aka the Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL joins the AVENGERS.


** Akira Akbar played young Monica Rambeau in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Captain Marvel MOVIE from 2019, opposite Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) Brie Larson;

** Teyonah Parris played the adult version of Monica Rambeau in the television miniseries WandaVision (2021)

** Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau  The Marvels MCU Movie (2023).

** Monica Rambeau, the first WOMAN to use the name CAPTAIN MARVEL;

 *** Monica Rambeau is currently appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum;

*** Monica Rambeau Later became a Member of the AVENGERS, she has often worked with Carol Danvers;

*** Monica Rambeau other Aliases includes; Pulsar, Lady-of-Light, Daystar, Photon, Sceptre, & Monica Marvel;

*** AVENGERS and Ben Grimm the THING cover and appearance;


** Recaps history of, Ant-Man & Wasp with the Avengers.

** Wikipedia Notes;

** Appearances by; Captain America, Henry Pym as Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Egghead, Thor, Henry Peter Gyrich, Mr. Fantastic, the Plant-Man, the Invisible Girl, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents & Wizard;

** Appearance by; the Guardians of the Galaxy [Charlie-27; Martinex; Nikki; Starhawk; Yondu]; 

** Flashback Cameo's by Henry Pym [Origin as Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket in flashbacks]

** Flashback Cameo's by Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel, Mar-Vell  as Captain Marvel;

** Flashback Cameo Appearances by; the Beast, Black Panther, Black Widow, Falcon, Hawkeye, Hercules, Hulk, Jocasta, Moondragon, Quicksilver,  Tigra, Vision, Wonder Man, Elfqueen, Ultron;

** UNDER-VALUED Late Bronze Age KEY issue;

Roger Stern story;

Sal Buscema and Brett Breeding art;

Brett Breeding cover;

*** Early Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC BOX at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $122.00;



AVENGERS 227 Monica Rambeau Joins 1983 CAPT MARVEL MOVIE MCU WandaVision CGC 9.6

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#227 (1/1983; FIRST PRINTING; 

** Monica Rambeau aka the Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL joins the AVENGERS.


** Akira Akbar played young Monica Rambeau in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Captain Marvel MOVIE from 2019, opposite Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) Brie Larson;

** Teyonah Parris played the adult version of Monica Rambeau in the television miniseries WandaVision (2021)

** Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau  The Marvels MCU Movie (2023).

** Monica Rambeau, the first WOMAN to use the name CAPTAIN MARVEL;

 *** Monica Rambeau is currently appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum;

*** Monica Rambeau Later became a Member of the AVENGERS, she has often worked with Carol Danvers;

*** Monica Rambeau other Aliases includes; Pulsar, Lady-of-Light, Daystar, Photon, Sceptre, & Monica Marvel;

*** AVENGERS and Ben Grimm the THING cover and appearance;


** Recaps history of, Ant-Man & Wasp with the Avengers.

** Wikipedia Notes;

** Appearances by; Captain America, Henry Pym as Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Egghead, Thor, Henry Peter Gyrich, Mr. Fantastic, the Plant-Man, the Invisible Girl, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents & Wizard;

** Appearance by; the Guardians of the Galaxy [Charlie-27; Martinex; Nikki; Starhawk; Yondu]; 

** Flashback Cameo's by Henry Pym [Origin as Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket in flashbacks]

** Flashback Cameo's by Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel, Mar-Vell  as Captain Marvel;

** Flashback Cameo Appearances by; the Beast, Black Panther, Black Widow, Falcon, Hawkeye, Hercules, Hulk, Jocasta, Moondragon, Quicksilver,  Tigra, Vision, Wonder Man, Elfqueen, Ultron;

** UNDER-VALUED Late Bronze Age KEY issue;

Roger Stern story;

Sal Buscema and Brett Breeding art;

Brett Breeding cover;

*** Early Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC BOX at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $119.00;



AVENGERS 227 Monica Rambeau Joins 1983 CAPT MARVEL MOVIE MCU WandaVision CGC 9.6

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#227 (1/1983; FIRST PRINTING; 

** Monica Rambeau aka the Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL joins the AVENGERS.


** Akira Akbar played young Monica Rambeau in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Captain Marvel MOVIE from 2019, opposite Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) Brie Larson;

** Teyonah Parris played the adult version of Monica Rambeau in the television miniseries WandaVision (2021)

** Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau  The Marvels MCU Movie (2023).

** Monica Rambeau, the first WOMAN to use the name CAPTAIN MARVEL;

 *** Monica Rambeau is currently appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum;

*** Monica Rambeau Later became a Member of the AVENGERS, she has often worked with Carol Danvers;

*** Monica Rambeau other Aliases includes; Pulsar, Lady-of-Light, Daystar, Photon, Sceptre, & Monica Marvel;

*** AVENGERS and Ben Grimm the THING cover and appearance;


** Recaps history of, Ant-Man & Wasp with the Avengers.

** Wikipedia Notes;

** Appearances by; Captain America, Henry Pym as Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Egghead, Thor, Henry Peter Gyrich, Mr. Fantastic, the Plant-Man, the Invisible Girl, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents & Wizard;

** Appearance by; the Guardians of the Galaxy [Charlie-27; Martinex; Nikki; Starhawk; Yondu]; 

** Flashback Cameo's by Henry Pym [Origin as Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket in flashbacks]

** Flashback Cameo's by Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel, Mar-Vell  as Captain Marvel;

** Flashback Cameo Appearances by; the Beast, Black Panther, Black Widow, Falcon, Hawkeye, Hercules, Hulk, Jocasta, Moondragon, Quicksilver,  Tigra, Vision, Wonder Man, Elfqueen, Ultron;

** UNDER-VALUED Late Bronze Age KEY issue;

Roger Stern story;

Sal Buscema and Brett Breeding art;

Brett Breeding cover;

*** USA NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC BOX at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $139.00;



AVENGERS 227 Monica Rambeau Joins 1983 CAPT MARVEL MOVIE MCU WandaVision CGC 9.4

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#227 (1/1983; FIRST PRINTING; 

** Monica Rambeau aka the Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL joins the AVENGERS.


** Akira Akbar played young Monica Rambeau in the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Captain Marvel MOVIE from 2019, opposite Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) Brie Larson;

** Teyonah Parris played the adult version of Monica Rambeau in the television miniseries WandaVision (2021)

** Teyonah Parris will play Monica Rambeau  The Marvels MCU Movie (2023).

** Monica Rambeau, the first WOMAN to use the name CAPTAIN MARVEL;

 *** Monica Rambeau is currently appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum;

*** Monica Rambeau Later became a Member of the AVENGERS, she has often worked with Carol Danvers;

*** Monica Rambeau other Aliases includes; Pulsar, Lady-of-Light, Daystar, Photon, Sceptre, & Monica Marvel;

*** AVENGERS and Ben Grimm the THING cover and appearance;


** Recaps history of, Ant-Man & Wasp with the Avengers.

** Wikipedia Notes;

** Appearances by; Captain America, Henry Pym as Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Egghead, Thor, Henry Peter Gyrich, Mr. Fantastic, the Plant-Man, the Invisible Girl, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents & Wizard;

** Appearance by; the Guardians of the Galaxy [Charlie-27; Martinex; Nikki; Starhawk; Yondu]; 

** Flashback Cameo's by Henry Pym [Origin as Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket in flashbacks]

** Flashback Cameo's by Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel, Mar-Vell  as Captain Marvel;

** Flashback Cameo Appearances by; the Beast, Black Panther, Black Widow, Falcon, Hawkeye, Hercules, Hulk, Jocasta, Moondragon, Quicksilver,  Tigra, Vision, Wonder Man, Elfqueen, Ultron;

** UNDER-VALUED Late Bronze Age KEY issue;

Roger Stern story;

Sal Buscema and Brett Breeding art;

Brett Breeding cover;

*** Early Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC BOX at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $72.00;


AVENGERS #229 HAWKEYE kills EGGHEAD Ant-Man Movie Villain? 3/1983 CGC NMMT 9.8 = $109.00

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#229 [3/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

Henry Pym's (Ant-Mman) Last Stand;


EGGHEAD is Rumored to be a Future Marvel Movie Villain;

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott art;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $109.00;


AVENGERS #232 1st STARFOX Joins Team MCU 1983 Eros Titan THANOS' brother CGC 9.8

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#232 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** EROS of Titan becomes STARFOX in this issue, and joins the AVENGERS;

** Harry Styles played a cameo appearance of STARFOX in the mid-credits scene the MCU Movie ETERNALS which DEBUTED in November 2021; 

** Thus is expected AVENGERS will make his first FULL Appearance in a Future MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe MOVIE (Possibly AVENGERS SECRWET WARS or Guardians of the Galaxy Volume-3)

** STARFOX was member of the ETERNALS;

** STARFOX affiliated with the Dark Guardians;

** First appearance of EROS of TITAN was in Iron Man #55;

** EROS aka STARFOX was born on Titan where he is the son of Mentor.

** Where EROS serves as the superhero STARFOX, he is opposed by his mad brother THANOS;

** Appearances by; The Beast, Captain America, Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Hercules, Jim Rhodes aka Iron Man, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Thor, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man, Plant-Man;

** Avengers in From Titan With Love... Starfox!

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art;

** Regular DIRECT EDITION with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box  at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $165.00;



AVENGERS #232 1st STARFOX Joins Team MCU 1983 THANOS' brother  Newsstand CGC 9.6

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#232 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** EROS of Titan becomes STARFOX in this issue, and joins the AVENGERS;

** Harry Styles played a cameo appearance of STARFOX in the mid-credits scene the MCU Movie ETERNALS which DEBUTED in November 2021; 

** Thus is expected AVENGERS will make his first FULL Appearance in a Future MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe MOVIE (Possibly AVENGERS SECRWET WARS or Guardians of the Galaxy Volume-3)

** STARFOX was member of the ETERNALS;

** STARFOX affiliated with the Dark Guardians;

** First appearance of EROS of TITAN was in Iron Man #55;

** EROS aka STARFOX was born on Titan where he is the son of Mentor.

** Where EROS serves as the superhero STARFOX, he is opposed by his mad brother THANOS;

** Appearances by; The Beast, Captain America, Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Hercules, Jim Rhodes aka Iron Man, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Thor, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man, Plant-Man;

** Avengers in From Titan With Love... Starfox!

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art;

** Scarcer USA 60 Cents NEWSSTAND EDITION with BARCODE in UPC Box  at Lower Left cover corner;                                                                                                                                                                     

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;



AVENGERS #232 1st STARFOX Joins Team MCU 1983 Eros Titan THANOS' brother CGC 9.6

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#232 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** EROS of Titan becomes STARFOX in this issue, and joins the AVENGERS;

** Harry Styles played a cameo appearance of STARFOX in the mid-credits scene the MCU Movie ETERNALS which DEBUTED in November 2021; 

** Thus is expected AVENGERS will make his first FULL Appearance in a Future MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe MOVIE (Possibly AVENGERS SECRWET WARS or Guardians of the Galaxy Volume-3)

** STARFOX was member of the ETERNALS;

** STARFOX affiliated with the Dark Guardians;

** First appearance of EROS of TITAN was in Iron Man #55;

** EROS aka STARFOX was born on Titan where he is the son of Mentor.

** Where EROS serves as the superhero STARFOX, he is opposed by his mad brother THANOS;

** Appearances by; The Beast, Captain America, Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Hercules, Jim Rhodes aka Iron Man, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Thor, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man, Plant-Man;

** Avengers in From Titan With Love... Starfox!

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art;

** Regular DIRECT EDITION with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box  at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;



AVENGERS 232 1st STARFOX Joins Team MCU 1983 EROS Titan Canadian Variant CGC 9.6

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#232 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** EROS of Titan becomes STARFOX in this issue, and joins the AVENGERS;

** Harry Styles played a cameo appearance of STARFOX in the mid-credits scene the MCU Movie ETERNALS which DEBUTED in November 2021; 

** Thus is expected AVENGERS will make his first FULL Appearance in a Future MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe MOVIE (Possibly AVENGERS SECRWET WARS or Guardians of the Galaxy Volume-3)

** STARFOX was member of the ETERNALS;

** STARFOX affiliated with the Dark Guardians;

** First appearance of EROS of TITAN was in Iron Man #55;

** EROS aka STARFOX was born on Titan where he is the son of Mentor.

** Where EROS serves as the superhero STARFOX, he is opposed by his mad brother THANOS;

** Appearances by; The Beast, Captain America, Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Hercules, Jim Rhodes aka Iron Man, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Thor, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man, Plant-Man;

** Avengers in From Titan With Love... Starfox!

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art;


** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH or Image) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number & Price;

** This is Considered a TYPE 1-A Newsstand VARIANT (see Overstreet Guide to Grading Comics Sixth Edition from 2021 for the Definitive 43 page Comics Variant Encyclopedia by Jon McClure; HUGE VARIANT Article  Recognized by OVERSTREET since Guide #40);

 PRINTED Simultaneously in the USA on the Same Presses as the Regular DIRECT Edition, but Sold ONLY in Another Country, NOT Distributed in the USA;

** These are HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE VARIANTS, and CGC Examples Routinely Sell for 150% to 400% of the Prices that Standard USA Printing Bring ; 

** CGC and CBCS now BOTH Decided to OFFICIALLY Start Recognizing these as “CANADIAN VARIANTS” and NOW Mark then thus on Current LABELS;  

** (Most Canadian VARIANTS are Approx. 50 to 100 SCARCER in HIGH GRADE than the Regular Dual Priced DIRECT editions);

** For MORE INFO, Do an Internet Search for "  The Canadian Price Variant Price Guide " ;


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $109.00;



AVENGERS #232 1st STARFOX Joins Team MCU 1983 Eros Titan THANOS' brother CGC 9.4

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#232 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** EROS of Titan becomes STARFOX in this issue, and joins the AVENGERS;

** Harry Styles played a cameo appearance of STARFOX in the mid-credits scene the MCU Movie ETERNALS which DEBUTED in November 2021; 

** Thus is expected AVENGERS will make his first FULL Appearance in a Future MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe MOVIE (Possibly AVENGERS SECRWET WARS or Guardians of the Galaxy Volume-3)

** STARFOX was member of the ETERNALS;

** STARFOX affiliated with the Dark Guardians;

** First appearance of EROS of TITAN was in Iron Man #55;

** EROS aka STARFOX was born on Titan where he is the son of Mentor.

** Where EROS serves as the superhero STARFOX, he is opposed by his mad brother THANOS;

** Appearances by; The Beast, Captain America, Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Hercules, Jim Rhodes aka Iron Man, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Thor, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man, Plant-Man;

** Avengers in From Titan With Love... Starfox!

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art;

** Regular DIRECT EDITION with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box  at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;



AVENGERS #232 1st STARFOX Joins Team MCU 1983 Eros Titan THANOS' brother CGC 9.4

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#232 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** EROS of Titan becomes STARFOX in this issue, and joins the AVENGERS;

** Harry Styles played a cameo appearance of STARFOX in the mid-credits scene the MCU Movie ETERNALS which DEBUTED in November 2021; 

** Thus is expected AVENGERS will make his first FULL Appearance in a Future MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe MOVIE (Possibly AVENGERS SECRWET WARS or Guardians of the Galaxy Volume-3)

** STARFOX was member of the ETERNALS;

** STARFOX affiliated with the Dark Guardians;

** First appearance of EROS of TITAN was in Iron Man #55;

** EROS aka STARFOX was born on Titan where he is the son of Mentor.

** Where EROS serves as the superhero STARFOX, he is opposed by his mad brother THANOS;

** Appearances by; The Beast, Captain America, Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Hercules, Jim Rhodes aka Iron Man, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Thor, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man, Plant-Man;

** Avengers in From Titan With Love... Starfox!

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art;

** Regular DIRECT EDITION with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box  at Lower Left cover corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $44.00;



AVENGERS 232 1st STARFOX Joins Team MCU 1983 EROS Titan Canadian Variant CGC 9.4

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#232 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** EROS of Titan becomes STARFOX in this issue, and joins the AVENGERS;

** Harry Styles played a cameo appearance of STARFOX in the mid-credits scene the MCU Movie ETERNALS which DEBUTED in November 2021; 

** Thus is expected AVENGERS will make his first FULL Appearance in a Future MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe MOVIE (Possibly AVENGERS SECRWET WARS or Guardians of the Galaxy Volume-3)

** STARFOX was member of the ETERNALS;

** STARFOX affiliated with the Dark Guardians;

** First appearance of EROS of TITAN was in Iron Man #55;

** EROS aka STARFOX was born on Titan where he is the son of Mentor.

** Where EROS serves as the superhero STARFOX, he is opposed by his mad brother THANOS;

** Appearances by; The Beast, Captain America, Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Hercules, Jim Rhodes aka Iron Man, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Thor, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man, Plant-Man;

** Avengers in From Titan With Love... Starfox!

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art;


** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH or Image) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number & Price;

** This is Considered a TYPE 1-A Newsstand VARIANT (see Overstreet Guide to Grading Comics Sixth Edition from 2021 for the Definitive 43 page Comics Variant Encyclopedia by Jon McClure; HUGE VARIANT Article  Recognized by OVERSTREET since Guide #40);

 PRINTED Simultaneously in the USA on the Same Presses as the Regular DIRECT Edition, but Sold ONLY in Another Country, NOT Distributed in the USA;

** These are HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE VARIANTS, and CGC Examples Routinely Sell for 150% to 400% of the Prices that Standard USA Printing Bring ; 

** CGC and CBCS now BOTH Decided to OFFICIALLY Start Recognizing these as “CANADIAN VARIANTS” and NOW Mark then thus on Current LABELS;  

** (Most Canadian VARIANTS are Approx. 50 to 100 SCARCER in HIGH GRADE than the Regular Dual Priced DIRECT editions);

** For MORE INFO, Do an Internet Search for "  The Canadian Price Variant Price Guide " ;


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $89.00;


AVENGERS #247 ORIGIN ETERNALS Titan Earth 1984 She-Hulk Rambeau Uni-Mind CGC 9.6

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#247 (9/1984; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN of the ETERNALS, both on Earth and on Titan;

** The AVENGERS Team appearing includes; Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Starfox, Vision and Wasp;

** The ETERNALS appearing in current timeline includes; Domo, Ikaris, Sersi, Sui-San;

** The ETERNALS appearing in flashback includes;  Alars aka Mentor, Chronos, Thena, Uranos, Zuras, all as part of the UNI-MIND;

** Appearance by; Quicksilver, Boca, The Delphans, Maria Rambeau, Frank Rambeau, Lockjaw and Maelstrom;

** Also appearing in flashback;  A Celestial, Magneto, Modred the Mystic and Thanos;

** Avengers in The Ties that Bind;

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $79.00;



AVENGERS #247 ORIGIN ETERNALS Titan Earth 1984 She-Hulk Rambeau Uni-Mind CGC 9.4

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#247 (9/1984; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN of the ETERNALS, both on Earth and on Titan;

** The AVENGERS Team appearing includes; Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Starfox, Vision and Wasp;

** The ETERNALS appearing in current timeline includes; Domo, Ikaris, Sersi, Sui-San;

** The ETERNALS appearing in flashback includes;  Alars aka Mentor, Chronos, Thena, Uranos, Zuras, all as part of the UNI-MIND;

** Appearance by; Quicksilver, Boca, The Delphans, Maria Rambeau, Frank Rambeau, Lockjaw and Maelstrom;

** Also appearing in flashback;  A Celestial, Magneto, Modred the Mystic and Thanos;

** Avengers in The Ties that Bind;

Roger Stern story;

Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;


AVENGERS #259 3rd NEBULA 1985 SKRULLS Firfelord She-Hulk Monica Rambeau CGC 9.8

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996);

#259 (9/1985;

** SKRULLS cover & Story;

** THIRD appearance of NEBULA;

** Appearances by; Monica Rambeau (the Black Female Captain Marvel), Skrulls, She-Hulk, Wyatt Wingfoot, Firelord, Black Knight, Captain America, Hercules, Starfox , Wasp, Edwin Jarvis, Galactus (cameo), Gunthar, Levan, General Zedrao & Governor Gorth;

Avengers in On the Side of the Skrulls / Duty Over All;

Roger Stern story;

 John Buscema & Tom Palmer cover & art;


** The AVENGERS: ENDGAME MOVIE (Infinity War Part-2) will Debut on May 3, 2019 with CAPTAIN MARVEL (Carol Danvers aka MS MARVEL) as the Most Important Character;

**  AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part-1 the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE Debuted on May 4, 2018 with a Worldwide BOX OFFICE GROSS of $2.048+ BILLION DOLLARS ($2,048,710,150.00) in its 20 Week Theatrical Run (The 4th Biggest Domestic and Worldwide GROSS of ALL-TIME);

Joe and Anthony, the Russo Brothers (Directors of Captain America Winter Soldier & Civil War) will Direct; The Writers are Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely (Writers of Captain America Movie #1,2,3, Thor: The Dark World & TV’s Agent Carter);

These MASSIVE Movies are Full of MOST of the Super-Heroes from the Marvel Movie Universe, featuring THANOS as the Main Villain, with the INFINITY JEWELS;


00256-339 (front) // 00256-340 (back)

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $85.00;


AVENGERS #260 ORIGIN 2nd NEBULA = GUARDIANS of the GALAXY Movie 1985 CGC NM+ 9.6 = $75.00

AVENGERS #260 (10/1985; First Time ORIGIN and SECOND FULL appearance of NEBULA; Karen Gillan played NEBULA in the GUARDIANS of the GALAXY 2014 Blockbuster Hit MOVIE; NEBULA is a Female Alien Super-Villain Pirate & Mercenary, enemy of the Avengers and the Silver Surfer, she appeared in Infinity Gauntlet & Annihilation; Secret Wars-II Crossover; John Buscema-a; John BYRNE-c; >>>  CGC, NM+, 9.6 with WHITE Pages= US$75.00);

scan =


*** The Highly anticipated AVENGERS-2: Age of ULTRON Movie will be in Theatre’s on May 01, 2015; It will include; BARON Wolfgang Von STRUCKER, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Heimdall, Jim Rhodes, KLAW, LOKI, Peggy Carter, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, ULTRON, VISON;

*** GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY-2 as one of their Phase-3 Big Screen FILMS/MOVIES with a release date of May 5, 2017;

***  the Guardians of the Galaxy #1 Film / MOVIE was the 10th Marvel Studios film -- and the HIGHEST-GROSSING domestic Movie of 2014;

scan = 00009-88 (front ) /// 00009-89 (back );


AVENGERS #260 ORIGIN 2nd NEBULA = GUARDIANS of the GALAXY Movie 1985 CGC 9.0 = $59.00 (Canadian Edition)


AVENGERS 267 Monica Rambeau Reveals ID 1986 Ravonna 1st COUNCIL of KANGS CGC 9.6

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#267 (5/1986; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Appearance of the COUNCIL of KANGS, including Ravonna Renslayer;

** RETURN of Nathaniel Richards aka KANG the CONQUEROR cover and Story;

** Kang the Conqueror (aka Nathaniel Richards, Pharaoh Rama-Tut,  Iron Lad, Immortus) will have his feature film DEBUT in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) film Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023), played by Jonathan Majors;  ** Many Fans speculate KANG the CONQUEROR is the VILLAIN behind the Scenes of the TVA (TIME VARIANCE AUTHORITY) in the LOKI Disney+ TV Series, potentially to be revealed in Season-Two; 

** KANG was ranked as #65 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time List;

** Judge RAVONNA Renslayer is played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Disney+ LOKI TV Series in Season One;

** Princess RAVONNA Lexus Renslayer aka Terminatrix's Team affiliations includes; The Council of Kangs, Anachronauts;

** Princess RAVONNA Lexus Renslayer aka Terminatrix's was a Partner to KANG the CONQUEROR;

** Avengers in Kang Lives! / Time -- And Time Again!

** COLOSSUS Joins the AVENGERS Team;

** Avengers Lineup; Black Knight, Captain America, Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Hercules, Storm, Namor the Sub-Mariner, and Wasp;

** Characters Appearing in an alternate timeline; Kang posing as Iron Man, President Ronald Reagan, Tony Stark;

** Appearances by; Ravonna Renslayer, Edwin Jarvis, Hulk, Giant-Man and Iron Man;

** Space Phantom cameo;

** GCD Synopsis; KANG plots against the Avengers and his fellow members of the COUNCIL of KANGS.

** Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel,  reveals her secret identity;

** Namor the Sub-Mariner's membership sparks protests.

Roger Stern story;

John Buscema and Tom Palmer cover and art;

 ** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;


AVENGERS 267 Monica Rambeau Reveals ID 1986 Ravonna 1st COUNCIL of KANGS CGC 9.2

AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#267 (5/1986; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Appearance of the COUNCIL of KANGS, including Ravonna Renslayer;

** RETURN of Nathaniel Richards aka KANG the CONQUEROR cover and Story;

** Kang the Conqueror (aka Nathaniel Richards, Pharaoh Rama-Tut,  Iron Lad, Immortus) will have his feature film DEBUT in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) film Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023), played by Jonathan Majors;  ** Many Fans speculate KANG the CONQUEROR is the VILLAIN behind the Scenes of the TVA (TIME VARIANCE AUTHORITY) in the LOKI Disney+ TV Series, potentially to be revealed in Season-Two; 

** KANG was ranked as #65 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time List;

** Judge RAVONNA Renslayer is played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Disney+ LOKI TV Series in Season One;

** Princess RAVONNA Lexus Renslayer aka Terminatrix's Team affiliations includes; The Council of Kangs, Anachronauts;

** Princess RAVONNA Lexus Renslayer aka Terminatrix's was a Partner to KANG the CONQUEROR;

** Avengers in Kang Lives! / Time -- And Time Again!

** COLOSSUS Joins the AVENGERS Team;

** Avengers Lineup; Black Knight, Captain America, Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel, Hercules, Storm, Namor the Sub-Mariner, and Wasp;

** Characters Appearing in an alternate timeline; Kang posing as Iron Man, President Ronald Reagan, Tony Stark;

** Appearances by; Ravonna Renslayer, Edwin Jarvis, Hulk, Giant-Man and Iron Man;

** Space Phantom cameo;

** GCD Synopsis; KANG plots against the Avengers and his fellow members of the COUNCIL of KANGS.

** Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel,  reveals her secret identity;

** Namor the Sub-Mariner's membership sparks protests.

Roger Stern story;

John Buscema and Tom Palmer cover and art;

 ** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; First Series; 1963-1996); 

#346 [4/1992; FIRST PRINTING; 

** First Appearance of STARFORCE, a team of Super-Villains brought together by the Supreme Intelligence, as part of the Operation: Galactic Storm storyline;

** The initial STARFORCE team Included: Captain Atlas, Doctor Minerva, Ronan the Accuser, Supremor, Demon Druid aka Ultimus, Korath the Pursuer & Shatterax;

** STARFORCE will be appearing in the 2019 Carol Danvers as CAPTAIN MARVEL MOVIE (Carol Danvers, Korath, Minn-Erva, Att-Lass, and Bron-Char make up the MOVIE Team, Led by Walter Lawson / Mar-Vell);

** DEATHBIRD Cover & story;

GCD Notes;

** These Avengers appear: Captain America, Hercules, Crystal, Black Knight, Dane Whitman & Sersi;

** Supreme Intelligence & the Kree appear;

* Cal'syee Neramani-Summers aka DEATHBIRD Kills Ael-Dann and Dar-Benn cover & story; DEATHBIRD is part of a segment of the extraterrestrial Shi'ar race that possesses talon-tipped wings. She is the hated sister of the Shi'ar empress Lilandra Neramani, the mother of the Shi'ar warrior, Deathcry, and constantly seeks to usurp her sister's throne. She is also a sister of D'Ken, the first depicted ruler of the Shi'ar.

** Avengers in Assassination;

** Operation: Galactic Storm Part 12 When Deathbird Strikes...The Kree Shall Fall!

Bob Harras story;

Steve Epting & Tom Palmer cover & art;

Regular DIRECT Edition;


** The Carol Danvers as CAPTAIN MARVEL Big Screen FILM/MOVIE Debuted on March 8, 2019, with a Worldwide Box Office of $455 MILLION Dollars in the Opening Weekend (The 6th Highest Grossing Weekend of ALL-TIME, and the #1 Highest Grossing Film with a Female  Lead Character!!!);

** Brie Larson will play CAPTAIN MARVEL (aka Carol Danvers aka MS MARVEL) THE MAJOR PLAYER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part-2 SEQUEL with a release date of May 3, 2019;  

** Wikipedia = Carol Danvers has been labeled Marvel's biggest FEMALE hero, a Feminist Icon and quite possibly mightiest Member of Marvel's AVENGERS;

** The Captain Marvel MOVIE centers on Air Force fighter pilot-turned-alien superhero Carol Danvers, the most powerful woman in the universe, played by Brie Larson, Marvel Studios' first female-led superhero movie; The FILM is the Carol Danvers ORIGIN story is set against the larger backdrop of the KREE-SKRULL WAR, a ripped-from-the-comic-pages story line about warring galactic races;

 ** Carol Danvers was ranked #11 on IGN's Top 50 Avengers of All-Time List;

** Carol Danvers was ranked 29th in Comics Buyer's Guide's 100 Sexiest Women in Comics List;

** Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel) will be included in the Netflix TV Series “JESSICA JONES”;  

** CAROL DANVERS, has also been known as Binary, Warbird, and Captain Marvel at various points in her history;

** Akira Akbar plays a young Monica Rambeau (Later becomes the new Black Female CAPTAIN MARVEL) as a child in the 3/2019 Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel MOVIE, which is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the cinematic debut of this character; Monica Rambeau is expected to have a Larger Role in a Future MARVEL MOVIE; A long-time member of the AVENGERS, Rambeau has often worked with Carol Danvers. She last appeared in The Ultimates using the codename Spectrum).

Gemma Chan plays Doctor Minn-Erva (1st app in Captain Marvel #50);

Lee Pace plays RONAN (1st app in FF #65);

Samuel L. Jackson plays NICK FURY;

Ben Mendelsohn plays TALOS the TAMER (the Movie’s Villain; 1st app in Hulk #418);

Walter Lawson / Mar-Vell, will appear in the film Captain Marvel (2019), played by Jude Law, as a mentor to Carol Danvers.

Djimon Hounsou plays KORATH the PURSUER (1st app in Quasar #32 from 3/1992);

** The MOVIE will be historic for introduction GOOSE the Flerken, the first onscreen appearance of a Flerken (a Race of Aliens that look like House Cats);

** The vast far reaching ETERNALS (ancient space deities) Universe storyline includes; The CELESTIALS, The ETERNALS, The DEVIANTS, The SKRULLS, the KREE, TITAN, THANOS, the Avengers, the Inhumans, City of Mu, City of Atlantis, Marvel's Cosmic Universe, Marvel's Cosmic Beings & Much More;

** THANOS the Mad Titan is himself a Deviant, thus the Eternals storyline might have a Connection to the Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel (Beginning of the Kree/Skrull storyline?), and the AVENGERS ENDGAME Movie #4 (Infinity War Part-2);


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



AVENGERS ACADEMY #1 1st Finesse Mettle Hazmat Reptil Striker Veil 2010 CGC 9.6

AVENGERS ACADEMY (Marvel Comics; 2010-2013; FIRST Series)

#1 (8/2010; FIRST PRINTING; 

** 44 Pages including Covers;

** FIRST appearance of Maddy / Madeline Berry aka VEIL (aka Poison Gas Girl);

** FIRST appearance of Jennifer Takeda aka HAZMAT;

** EARLY appearance of Humberto Lopez aka REPTIL;

** FIRST appearance of Ken Mack aka METTLE;

** FIRST appearance of Jeanne Foucault aka FINESSE;

** Avengers Academy in Permanent Record Part-1;

** HEROIC AGE Cover featuring Reptil, Hazmat, Finesse, Veil, Striker & Mettle;

** Appearance by; Vance Astrovik aka Justice (formerly known as Marvel Boy);

** Appearances by; Striker, Hank Pym, Tigra, Speedball and Quicksilver;

** Flashback Appearances by; Norman Osborn, Magneto and Scarlet Witch;

** Avengers Academy in Meet the New Class, 6 page Character Profile on Finesse, Mettle, Hazmat, Reptil, Veil and Striker; 

Christos Gage story;

Joe Quesada plot;

Mike McKone cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $135.00;



AVENGERS ACADEMY #1 1st Finesse Mettle Hazmat Reptil Striker Veil 2010 CGC 9.4

AVENGERS ACADEMY (Marvel Comics; 2010-2013; FIRST Series)

#1 (8/2010; FIRST PRINTING; 

** 44 Pages including Covers;

** FIRST appearance of Maddy / Madeline Berry aka VEIL (aka Poison Gas Girl);

** FIRST appearance of Jennifer Takeda aka HAZMAT;

** EARLY appearance of Humberto Lopez aka REPTIL;

** FIRST appearance of Ken Mack aka METTLE;

** FIRST appearance of Jeanne Foucault aka FINESSE;

** Avengers Academy in Permanent Record Part-1;

** HEROIC AGE Cover featuring Reptil, Hazmat, Finesse, Veil, Striker & Mettle;

** Appearance by; Vance Astrovik aka Justice (formerly known as Marvel Boy);

** Appearances by; Striker, Hank Pym, Tigra, Speedball and Quicksilver;

** Flashback Appearances by; Norman Osborn, Magneto and Scarlet Witch;

** Avengers Academy in Meet the New Class, 6 page Character Profile on Finesse, Mettle, Hazmat, Reptil, Veil and Striker; 

Christos Gage story;

Joe Quesada plot;

Mike McKone cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



AVENGERS ACADEMY #1 1st Finesse Mettle Hazmat Reptil Striker Veil 2010 CGC 9.2

AVENGERS ACADEMY (Marvel Comics; 2010-2013; FIRST Series)

#1 (8/2010; FIRST PRINTING; 

** 44 Pages including Covers;

** FIRST appearance of Maddy / Madeline Berry aka VEIL (aka Poison Gas Girl);

** FIRST appearance of Jennifer Takeda aka HAZMAT;

** EARLY appearance of Humberto Lopez aka REPTIL;

** FIRST appearance of Ken Mack aka METTLE;

** FIRST appearance of Jeanne Foucault aka FINESSE;

** Avengers Academy in Permanent Record Part-1;

** HEROIC AGE Cover featuring Reptil, Hazmat, Finesse, Veil, Striker & Mettle;

** Appearance by; Vance Astrovik aka Justice (formerly known as Marvel Boy);

** Appearances by; Striker, Hank Pym, Tigra, Speedball and Quicksilver;

** Flashback Appearances by; Norman Osborn, Magneto and Scarlet Witch;

** Avengers Academy in Meet the New Class, 6 page Character Profile on Finesse, Mettle, Hazmat, Reptil, Veil and Striker; 

Christos Gage story;

Joe Quesada plot;

Mike McKone cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


AVENGERS ANNUAL #7 Death of Warlock STARLIN 1977 THANOS Saga Movies CGC NM 9.6

AVENGERS ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1967-1994);

#7 (11/1977; FIRST PRINTING;




** THANOS War Saga Crossover cover and story;

** Appearances by; THANOS, Beast, Captain America, Iron Man, Moondragon, Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch ,Thor, Vision, Mar-Vell aka Captain Marvel, Thanos-Thralls;

** MANY More CAMEO Appearances; 

** Josh Brolin Played THANOS in Multiple AVENGERS and MCU Movies;

** Will Poulter will play ADAM WARLOCK, a MAJOR DEBUT on May 5/2023, in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 MOVIE, and is expected to eventually battle GALACTUS in a future MCU Film!!!

 JIM STARLIN story, cover and art; 

 ** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $295.00;


AVENGERS ANNUAL #7 Death of Warlock STARLIN 1977 THANOS Saga Movies CGC 9.4

AVENGERS ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1967-1994);

#7 (11/1977; FIRST PRINTING;




** THANOS War Saga Crossover cover and story;

** Appearances by; THANOS, Beast, Captain America, Iron Man, Moondragon, Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch ,Thor, Vision, Mar-Vell aka Captain Marvel, Thanos-Thralls;

** MANY More CAMEO Appearances; 

** Josh Brolin Played THANOS in Multiple AVENGERS and MCU Movies;

** Will Poulter will play ADAM WARLOCK, a MAJOR DEBUT on May 5/2023, in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 MOVIE, and is expected to eventually battle GALACTUS in a future MCU Film!!!

 JIM STARLIN story, cover and art; 

** CGC; 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;



AVENGERS ANNUAL #7 Death of Warlock STARLIN 1977 THANOS Saga Movies CGC NM 9.0

AVENGERS ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1967-1994);

#7 (11/1977; FIRST PRINTING;




** THANOS War Saga Crossover cover and story;

** Appearances by; THANOS, Beast, Captain America, Iron Man, Moondragon, Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch ,Thor, Vision, Mar-Vell aka Captain Marvel, Thanos-Thralls;

** MANY More CAMEO Appearances; 

** Josh Brolin Played THANOS in Multiple AVENGERS and MCU Movies;

** Will Poulter will play ADAM WARLOCK, a MAJOR DEBUT on May 5/2023, in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 MOVIE, and is expected to eventually battle GALACTUS in a future MCU Film!!!

 JIM STARLIN story, cover and art; 

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $115.00;



AVENGERS ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1967-1994);

#10 [11/1981; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of Anna Marie aka ROGUE cover and story;

** FIRST appearance of the Original young MADELYNE PRYOR Prototype (see X-Men #168 for 1st True appearance);

** Featuring the RETURN to Earth of Carol Danvers aka MS. MARVEL

** ROGUE was played by Anna Paquin in the X-MEN MOVIE series. 

** In the films, her relationship with Wolverine echoes his relationships with both Shadowcat and Jubilee in the comics, that of a protective surrogate father.

** ROGUE love interest is Iceman, in the Marvel Universe and also in the Ultimate Marvel Universe;

** ROGUE was ranked #1 X-Man on CBR's Top 50 X-Men of All Time for 2008;

** ROGUE was ranked #5 on IGN's Top 25 X-MEN of All-Time List in 2006; 

** ROGUE was ranked #4 IGN's #4 Top Ten X-Babes list for 2006; ROGUE was ranked #3 on Marvel's list of Top Ten Toughest Females for 2009;  

** ROGUE was ranked #10 in CBG / Comics Buyer's Guide's 100 Sexiest Women in Comics List;

** ROGUE'S Team affiliations includes; Avengers Unity Division, X-MEN, XSE, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Xavier Institute, & Jean Grey School;

** Appearances by; Spider-Woman, X-Men, New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants;

Chris Claremont story;

MICHAEL GOLDEN & Armando Gil art;

Al Milgrom cover;

** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $77.00;


Avengers Annual 11 vs DEFENDERS Battle-2 1982 Thor Nebulon Silver Surfer CGC 9.8

AVENGERS ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1967-1994);

#11 (1982; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $XX.00;



Avengers Annual 11 vs DEFENDERS Battle-2 1982 Thor Nebulon Silver Surfer CGC 9.6

AVENGERS ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1967-1994);

#11 (1982; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $72.00;



Avengers Annual 11 vs DEFENDERS Battle-2 1982 Thor Nebulon Silver Surfer CGC 9.6

AVENGERS ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1967-1994);

#11 (1982; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



Avengers Annual #11 DEFENDERS Battle 1982 Silver Surfer Canadian Variant CGC 9.2

AVENGERS ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; 1967-1994);

#11 (1982; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;


AVENGERS WEST COAST #48 1st issue 1989 GLA Scarlet Witch returns BYRNE CGC 9.6

AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#48 (9/1989; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST issue with New Title (formerly West Coast Avengers);

** Return of Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch cover and story;

**Villain Appearances by; Nebula, Gunthar and Immortus;

** GLA Great Lakes Avengers Team Line-up appearing; Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Dinah Soar, Flatman, Doorman, Big Bertha, Mister Immortal;

** Appearances by; Starfox, Ann Raymond, Phineas T. Horton, Mr Randon, That Which Endures;

** First appearance of Ms. Klein;

** First appearance of Murchinson;

** Avengers West Coast Team Line-Up; She-Hulk, Captain America, Vision, Wonder Man, Wasp and Henry Pym;

** JOHN BYRNE Art begins;

** AVENGERS WEST COAST in This Ancient Evil;

JOHN BYRNE story and cover;

JOHN BYRNE and Mike Machlan Art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



AVENGERS WEST COAST #52 ORIGIN of Master Pandemonium Wanda TWIN Children CGC 9.6

AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#52 (12/1989; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN of Master Pandemonium cover and story;

** ORIGIN of Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch's TWIN Children;

** WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story;

** Master Pandemonium reveals the untold secrets of his origin and the shocking truth about Scarlet Witch's children!

** Fragments of a Greater Darkness;

GCD Synopsis;

** The Avengers take on Master Pandemonium, hoping to bring Thomas and William back. Unfortunately, they fail and Agatha takes away her former pupil's memories of her children.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; Doctor Pym, Jim Hammond the GA Human Torch,  Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Tigra, U.S.Agent, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man;

** Appearances by; Agatha Harkness, Ann Raymond Ebony the Cat, Ghaur, Llyra, Master Pandemonium, Mephisto, Thomas Maximoff, William Maximoff; 

John Byrne story, cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;



AVENGERS WEST COAST #52 ORIGIN of Master Pandemonium Wanda TWIN Children CGC 9.4

AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#52 (12/1989; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN of Master Pandemonium cover and story;

** ORIGIN of Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch's TWIN Children;

** WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story;

** Master Pandemonium reveals the untold secrets of his origin and the shocking truth about Scarlet Witch's children!

** Fragments of a Greater Darkness;

GCD Synopsis;

** The Avengers take on Master Pandemonium, hoping to bring Thomas and William back. Unfortunately, they fail and Agatha takes away her former pupil's memories of her children.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; Doctor Pym, Jim Hammond the GA Human Torch,  Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Tigra, U.S.Agent, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man;

** Appearances by; Agatha Harkness, Ann Raymond Ebony the Cat, Ghaur, Llyra, Master Pandemonium, Mephisto, Thomas Maximoff, William Maximoff; 

John Byrne story, cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



AVENGERS WEST COAST #52 ORIGIN of Master Pandemonium Wanda TWIN Children CGC 9.2

AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#52 (12/1989; FIRST PRINTING;

** ORIGIN of Master Pandemonium cover and story;

** ORIGIN of Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch's TWIN Children;

** WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story;

** Master Pandemonium reveals the untold secrets of his origin and the shocking truth about Scarlet Witch's children!

** Fragments of a Greater Darkness;

GCD Synopsis;

** The Avengers take on Master Pandemonium, hoping to bring Thomas and William back. Unfortunately, they fail and Agatha takes away her former pupil's memories of her children.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; Doctor Pym, Jim Hammond the GA Human Torch,  Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Tigra, U.S.Agent, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man;

** Appearances by; Agatha Harkness, Ann Raymond Ebony the Cat, Ghaur, Llyra, Master Pandemonium, Mephisto, Thomas Maximoff, William Maximoff; 

John Byrne story, cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;




AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#56 (3/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** First appearance of Wanda Maximoff as the DARK SCARLET WITCH;

** WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story;

** The Witch is Back! Darker than Scarlet;

** Wanda has gone mad and holds the Avengers captive.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; USAgent, Wasp,  Wonder Man, Iron Man, Doctor Pym, Tigra;

** Appearances by; Agatha Harkness, Jim Hammond the GA Human Torch, Ann Raymond, Immortus, Lockjaw, Quicksilver, Magneto;

John Byrne story and cover;

John Byrne and Paul Ryan art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;




AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#56 (3/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** First appearance of Wanda Maximoff as the DARK SCARLET WITCH;

** WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story;

** The Witch is Back! Darker than Scarlet;

** Wanda has gone mad and holds the Avengers captive.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; USAgent, Wasp,  Wonder Man, Iron Man, Doctor Pym, Tigra;

** Appearances by; Agatha Harkness, Jim Hammond the GA Human Torch, Ann Raymond, Immortus, Lockjaw, Quicksilver, Magneto;

John Byrne story and cover;

John Byrne and Paul Ryan art;

** MINOR One Inch CRACK at bottom Left Edge of CGC Holder;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $109.00;




AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#56 (3/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** First appearance of Wanda Maximoff as the DARK SCARLET WITCH;

** WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story;

** The Witch is Back! Darker than Scarlet;

** Wanda has gone mad and holds the Avengers captive.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; USAgent, Wasp,  Wonder Man, Iron Man, Doctor Pym, Tigra;

** Appearances by; Agatha Harkness, Jim Hammond the GA Human Torch, Ann Raymond, Immortus, Lockjaw, Quicksilver, Magneto;

John Byrne story and cover;

John Byrne and Paul Ryan art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;




AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#56 (3/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** First appearance of Wanda Maximoff as the DARK SCARLET WITCH;

** WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story;

** The Witch is Back! Darker than Scarlet;

** Wanda has gone mad and holds the Avengers captive.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; USAgent, Wasp,  Wonder Man, Iron Man, Doctor Pym, Tigra;

** Appearances by; Agatha Harkness, Jim Hammond the GA Human Torch, Ann Raymond, Immortus, Lockjaw, Quicksilver, Magneto;

John Byrne story and cover;

John Byrne and Paul Ryan art;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;




AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#61 (8/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** First Time Revelation of Wanda Maximoff aka SCARLET WITCH as NEXUS BEING;

** Time Keepers cameo; The Immortus Imperative;

GCD Synopsis;

** The Avengers West Coast fight the Legion of the Unliving and Agatha Harkness discovers that Immortus is behind much of the Avengers' woes.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; Wasp, Iron Man,  USAgent, Doctor Henry Pym, Hawkeye, Wonder Man;

** Appearances by; Lockjaw, Agatha Harkness, Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver,  and Wanda Maximoff aka  Scarlet Witch;

** Legion of the Unliving appears, Including; Thomas Raymond aka TORO, Nathan Garrett aka Black Knight, Arno Stark aka Iron Man, Left-Winger, Right-Winger, Oort the Living Comet, Swordsman, Grim Reaper, Hellhorse; 

Roy and Dann Thomas story;

Paul Ryan and Danny Bulanadi art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;




AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#61 (8/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** First Time Revelation of Wanda Maximoff aka SCARLET WITCH as NEXUS BEING;

** Time Keepers cameo; The Immortus Imperative;

GCD Synopsis;

** The Avengers West Coast fight the Legion of the Unliving and Agatha Harkness discovers that Immortus is behind much of the Avengers' woes.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; Wasp, Iron Man,  USAgent, Doctor Henry Pym, Hawkeye, Wonder Man;

** Appearances by; Lockjaw, Agatha Harkness, Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver,  and Wanda Maximoff aka  Scarlet Witch;

** Legion of the Unliving appears, Including; Thomas Raymond aka TORO, Nathan Garrett aka Black Knight, Arno Stark aka Iron Man, Left-Winger, Right-Winger, Oort the Living Comet, Swordsman, Grim Reaper, Hellhorse; 

Roy and Dann Thomas story;

Paul Ryan and Danny Bulanadi art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;




AVENGERS WEST COAST (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1994)

#61 (8/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** First Time Revelation of Wanda Maximoff aka SCARLET WITCH as NEXUS BEING;

** Time Keepers cameo; The Immortus Imperative;

GCD Synopsis;

** The Avengers West Coast fight the Legion of the Unliving and Agatha Harkness discovers that Immortus is behind much of the Avengers' woes.

** Avengers West Coast Team Lineup; Wasp, Iron Man,  USAgent, Doctor Henry Pym, Hawkeye, Wonder Man;

** Appearances by; Lockjaw, Agatha Harkness, Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver,  and Wanda Maximoff aka  Scarlet Witch;

** Legion of the Unliving appears, Including; Thomas Raymond aka TORO, Nathan Garrett aka Black Knight, Arno Stark aka Iron Man, Left-Winger, Right-Winger, Oort the Living Comet, Swordsman, Grim Reaper, Hellhorse; 

Roy and Dann Thomas story;

Paul Ryan and Danny Bulanadi art;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box;

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;



AVENGERS UNPLUGGED #4 Titania Absorbing Man Wedding 1996 Wrecking Crew CGC 9.8

AVENGERS UNPLUGGED (Marvel Comics Pub; 1995-1996)

#4 (4/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

Marriage of Titania and Absorbing Man cover and story in AINT LOVE GRAND ;

Titania will appear in the SHE-HULK TV Series;

Appearances by; Volcana, Molecule Man, Stilt-Man, Angar, Screaming Mimi, Klaw, Wrecking Crew;

Glenn Herdling story;

John Statema and Scott Koblish art;

John Statema cover;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



AVENGERS UNPLUGGED #5 1st Monica Rambeau as PHOTON 1996 Controller Genis CGC 9.8

AVENGERS UNPLUGGED (Marvel Comics Pub; 1995-1996)

#5 (6/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearance of Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel as PHOTON cover and story;

Genis aka Captain Marvel and Controller appear;

Glenn Herdling story;

M.C. Wyman and Sandu Florea cover and art;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $239.00;


BABYLON 5 #1 first COMIC appear 1995 CW Live Action and Animated REBOOTS CGC 9.8

BABYLON 5 (DC Comics pub)

 #1 (1/1995; FIRST PRINTING;


** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $235.00;



BABYLON 5 #1 first COMIC appear 1995 CW Live Action and Animated REBOOTS CGC 9.6

BABYLON 5 (DC Comics pub)

 #1 (1/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


BACK TO THE FUTURE #1 Harvey comic 1st Marty McFly DOC 1991 Gil Kane CGC NM 9.4 

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#1 (11/1991; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE #1 Harvey comic 1st Marty McFly DOC 1991 Gil Kane CGC NM- 9.2 

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#1 (11/1991; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE #1 Harvey comic 1st Marty McFly DOC 1991 Gil Kane CGC NM- 9.2 

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#1 (11/1991; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $144.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE #1 Harvey comic 1st Marty McFly DOC 1991 Gil Kane CGC VF- 7.5 

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#1 (11/1991; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $85.00;


BACK TO THE FUTURE #1 Harvey 1st Marty McFly DOC 1991 Canadian VARIANT CGC 8.5

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#1 (11/1991; FIRST PRINTING;

** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand $1.50 Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $115.00;


BACK TO THE FUTURE #2 Harvey comic 2nd Marty McFly DOC 1992 Gil Kane CGC NM+ 9.6

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#2 (2/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $165.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE #2 Harvey comic 2nd Marty McFly DOC 1992 Gil Kane CGC NM+ 9.6

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#2 (2/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $159.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE #2 Harvey comic 2nd Marty McFly DOC 1992 Gil Kane CGC NM 9.4

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#2 (2/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE #3 Harvey comic 3rd Marty McFly DOC 1992 Gil Kane CGC NM+ 9.6

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#3 (3/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $165.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE #3 Harvey comic 3rd Marty McFly DOC 1992 Gil Kane CGC NM 9.4

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#3 (3/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE #3 Harvey comic 3rd Marty McFly DOC 1992 Gil Kane CGC NM 9.4

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#3 (3/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE #4 Harvey comic 4th Marty McFly DOC 1992 Gil Kane CGC NM 9.4

BACK TO THE FUTURE (Harvey Comics Pub; 11/1991-6/1992);

#4 (6/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $135.00;




BACK TO THE FUTURE : Forward to the Future (Harvey Comics Pub; 10/1992-2/1993);

#1 (10/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $349.00;




BACK TO THE FUTURE : Forward to the Future (Harvey Comics Pub; 10/1992-2/1993);

#1 (10/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $339.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE FORWARD TO THE FUTURE #1 Harvey comic 1992 Scarce CGC NM+ 9.6

BACK TO THE FUTURE : Forward to the Future (Harvey Comics Pub; 10/1992-2/1993);

#1 (10/1992; FIRST PRINTING; ;

CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;




BACK TO THE FUTURE : Forward to the Future (Harvey Comics Pub; 10/1992-2/1993);

#1 (10/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


BACK TO THE FUTURE FORWARD TO FUTURE #2 Harvey comic 11/1992 Scarce CGC NM 9.4

BACK TO THE FUTURE : Forward to the Future (Harvey Comics Pub; 10/1992-2/1993);

#2 (11/1992; FIRST PRINTING; 

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE FORWARD TO FUTURE #2 Harvey comic 11/1992 Scarce CGC NM 9.4

BACK TO THE FUTURE : Forward to the Future (Harvey Comics Pub; 10/1992-2/1993);

#2 (11/1992; FIRST PRINTING; 

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $124.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE FORWARD TO FUTURE #3 Harvey comic 1993 Scarce CGC NM+ 9.6

BACK TO THE FUTURE : Forward to the Future (Harvey Comics Pub; 10/1992-2/1993);

#3 (2/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $169.00;



BACK TO THE FUTURE FORWARD TO FUTURE #3 Harvey comic 1993 Scarce CGC NM 9.4

BACK TO THE FUTURE : Forward to the Future (Harvey Comics Pub; 10/1992-2/1993);

#3 (2/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $135.00;


Banyon of the High Fortress #1 Miller Pub Co 1988 Sword Sorcery Fantasy CGC 9.4



** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;


BARBARIAN #1 Miller Publishing 1990 Red Valiria SONJA Tribute Ken Moran CGC 9.2

THE BARBARIAN (Miller Publishing Co)

#1 (1990; FIRST PRINTING with $1.85 Original cover price;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



BARBARIAN #1 Miller Publishing 1990 Red Valiria SONJA Tribute Ken Moran CGC 9.0

THE BARBARIAN (Miller Publishing Co)

#1 (1990; FIRST PRINTING with $1.85 Original cover price;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;


BARBARIANS #1 Atlas/Seaboard 1975 1st ANDRAX early IRONJAW Marcos CGC NM+ 9.6

BARBARIANS (Atlas/Seaboard Comics Pub; 1975; One-Shot; SWORD & SORCERY Title);

#1 [6/1975; GCD Notes;

>>>CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


BARBIE #1 Margot Robbie Ryan Gosling MOVIE 1991 1st Marvel appearances CGC 9.6

BARBIE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1991-1996)

#1 (1/1991; FIRST PRINTING; perfect place. Unless you have a full-on existential crisis. Or you're a Ken.


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $72.00;



BARBIE #1 Margot Robbie Ryan Gosling MOVIE 1991 1st Marvel appearances CGC 9.4

BARBIE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1991-1996)

#1 (1/1991; FIRST PRINTING;


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;


Barbie Fashion #1 Margot Robbie Ryan Gosling MOVIE 1991 1st Marvel app CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $185.00;



Barbie Fashion #1 Margot Robbie Ryan Gosling MOVIE 1991 1st Marvel app CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



Barbie Fashion #1 Margot Robbie Ryan Gosling MOVIE 1991 1st Marvel app CGC 9.2

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;


Bartman #1 first Solo Comic Bart Simpson 1993 Bongo Silver-Foil Poster CGC 9.4

BARTMAN (Bongo Comics Pub; 1993-1995)

#1 (12/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



Bartman #1 first Solo Comic Bart Simpson 1993 Bongo Silver-Foil Poster CGC 9.2

BARTMAN (Bongo Comics Pub; 1993-1995)

#1 (12/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $65.00;


Bartman #1 first Solo Comic Bart Simpson 1993 Bongo Scarcer NEWSSTAND CGC 9.0

BARTMAN (Bongo Comics Pub; 1993-1995)

#1 (12/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

Much SCARCER NEWSSTAND Edition, with BARCODE at Lower Right cover

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


BATGIRL #1 1st Print Solo Series Cassandra Cain 2000 Birds of Prey MOVIE CGC 9.6

BATGIRL (DC Comics Pub; 2000-2006) 

#1 (4/2000; FIRST PRINTING;

 ** First BATGIRL Solo Series Begins;

** Cassandra Cain is the first Batgirl to star in her own ongoing Batgirl comic book series, beginning with this issue;

** Cassandra Cain will be introduced on film for the first time in Margot Robbie's untitled Birds of Prey film set in the DC Extended Universe;

**  Cassandra is an Asian character who was replaced as Batgirl by Stephanie Brown in a 2009 storyline;

** Cassandra Cain becomes Black Bat in Batman Inc #6 (5/2011);

** Cassandra Cain becomes Orphan in Batman and Robin Eternal #26 (3/2016);

** Barbara Gordon (the Original Batgirl) aka the ORACLE appears;

Wikipedia Notes;

**  Cassandra's origin story presents her as the daughter of assassins David Cain and Lady Shiva. She was deprived of speech and human contact during her childhood as conditioning to become the world's greatest assassin. Consequently, Cassandra grew up to become an expert martial artist; Cassandra Cain's Team affiliations includes; Batman Family, Young Justice, Justice League Elite, League of Assassins, Titans East, Outsiders, Batman Incorporated, & The Spoiler;

Scott Peterson & Kelley Puckett story;

Damion Scott & Robert Campanella cover & art;

 00258-95 (front) // 00258-96 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $65.00;


BATMAN #35 Early GA Selina Kyle CATWOMAN 1st New Costume 1946 CGC Coverless NG

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; MAIN Series; 1940-2011);

#35 (6-7/1946; FIRST PRINTING; 48 Pages;

** CGC; NG (No Grade); Universal Blue Label (Unrestored); COVERLESS, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $399.00;


Batman #95 1st Balladeer Sam Strong, BAT-TRAIN 1955 Sprang Moldoff Paris CGC 6.0

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940-2011);

#95 (10-11/1955;

** CGC; FINE, 6.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $449.00;


Batman #189 1st SA Jonathan Crane SCARECROW and Fear Toxin TV Movie 1967 CGC 5.5

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Original Series; 1940-2011);

#189 (2/1967; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $475.00;


Batman #244 RA'S AL GHUL Duel NEAL ADAMS classic TALIA 1993 BRAZIL Ed. CGC 9.2

BATMAN  (Editora Nova Sampa; Printed in Brazil);

#2 (1993 Brazilian Language Edition, REPRINTS Batman #244 originally printed in USA in 9/1972;

5-1/4" x 7-1/4" DIGEST Comic Size and Format;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



Batman #244 RA'S AL GHUL Duel NEAL ADAMS classic TALIA 1993 BRAZIL Ed. CGC 9.0

BATMAN  (Editora Nova Sampa; Printed in Brazil);

#2 (1993 Brazilian Language Edition, REPRINTS Batman #244 originally printed in USA in 9/1972;

5-1/4" x 7-1/4" DIGEST Comic Size and Format;

** CGC Census Shows (at Time of Listing); This is among the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples so far Graded by CGC (only 1 Exist in 9.6; only 2 Exist in 9.8; NONE Better)

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


Batman #244 RA'S AL GHUL Duel NEAL ADAMS classic 1972 5th TALIA AL GHUL CGC 5.5

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Original Series; 1940-2011);

#244 (9/1972; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with WHITE Pages = $169.00;


Batman #245 Bruce Wayne Murdered NEAL ADAMS Denny O'Neil 1972 ROBIN Solo CGC 8.0

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Original Main Series; 1940-2011);

#245 (10/1972; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with WHITE Pages = $225.00;


BATMAN #250 1st BATWING Black Batman Prototype 1973 Bondage Executioner CGC 8.5

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Original Main Series; 1940-2011);

#250 (7/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** Batman in The Batman Nobody Knows (Storyline is a Prototype for BATWING;)

** Willie the Horse appears;

In this story, a young African-American boy tells his friends how he imagines Batman to be, and gives him the name "Batwings";

(Story inspired the two versions of BATWING, the first BLACK BATMAN'S);

Frank Robbins story;

Dick Giordano art;

** WOMAN in BONDAGE and Executioner with AXE cover;

** Batman in the Deadly Numbers Game;

Appearances by; Gil Adams, Amos Raven and Anne Boleyn;

Appearances by; George Washington, King Henry VIII, Napoleon Bonaparte and Mary Antoinnette;

Frank Robbins story; Dick Giordano and Irv Novick art;

** ROBIN the Boy Wonder in the Return of the Flying Grayson;



RUMOR is that DC Comics is Planning a BLACK BATMAN, in the summer of 2020 leading into 2021. Not Bruce Wayne, but someone else donning the cowl and cape.

Two Possibilities include;

Black Lightning, who current works with Batman in The Outsiders comic book.

Batwing; originally Congolese pilot David Zavimbe, now son of Lucius Fox, Luke Fox.

** BLACK BATMAN KEY issues include; Batman #250 (7/1973), BATMAN Incorporated #5, Batwing #19, 20;


00262-801 (front) // 00262-802 (back)

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $122.00;


BATMAN #250 1st BATWING Black Batman Prototype 1973 Bondage Executioner CGC 8.5

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Original Main Series; 1940-2011);

#250 (7/1973; FIRST PRINTING;

** Batman in The Batman Nobody Knows (Storyline is a Prototype for BATWING;)

** Willie the Horse appears;

In this story, a young African-American boy tells his friends how he imagines Batman to be, and gives him the name "Batwings";

(Story inspired the two versions of BATWING, the first BLACK BATMAN'S);

Frank Robbins story;

Dick Giordano art;

** WOMAN in BONDAGE and Executioner with AXE cover;

** Batman in the Deadly Numbers Game;

Appearances by; Gil Adams, Amos Raven and Anne Boleyn;

Appearances by; George Washington, King Henry VIII, Napoleon Bonaparte and Mary Antoinnette;

Frank Robbins story; Dick Giordano and Irv Novick art;

** ROBIN the Boy Wonder in the Return of the Flying Grayson;



RUMOR is that DC Comics is Planning a BLACK BATMAN, in the summer of 2020 leading into 2021. Not Bruce Wayne, but someone else donning the cowl and cape.

Two Possibilities include;

Black Lightning, who current works with Batman in The Outsiders comic book.

Batwing; originally Congolese pilot David Zavimbe, now son of Lucius Fox, Luke Fox.

** BLACK BATMAN KEY issues include; Batman #250 (7/1973), BATMAN Incorporated #5, Batwing #19, 20;


00262-803 (front) // 00262-804 (back)

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $118.00;


Batman #306 3rd BLACK SPIDER 1978 Murder of Mrs Batman Whitman CGC 8.5

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940-2011)

#306 (12/1978; FIRST PRINTING;

Scarce WHITMAN VARIANT Edition (RARE in High Grade); 

Jim Aparo cover;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $99.00; 


BATMAN #308 1st TIFFANY FOX Future BATGIRL 1979 Mr Freeze Catwoman CGC NM/MT 9.8

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940-2011)

#308 (2/1979; FIRST PRINTING ;

** First Appearance of TIFFANY FOX the Future BATGIRL;

Tiffany Fox was a part of the League of Batgirls alongside Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown.

Like her other two associates, she worked under the leadership of Barbara Gordon, who was at the time known as 'Bête Noire'.

TIFFANY FOX became part of the DC Mainstream Universe from 2011 to Present;

Tiffany Fox first appeared as part of the New 52 DC Universe in Batwing #22;

** Mister Freeze cover and story;

** Selina Kyle aka Catwoman appearance.

**Appearances by;  Jacob Riker, Lucius Fox, Tiffany Fox, John McVee, Mark Desmond aka Blockbuster, S.T.A.R. Labs;

** Batman in There'll Be a Cold Time in the Old Town Tonight!

Len Wein story;

John Calnan and Dick Giordano art;

Jim Aparo cover;

** According to the CGC Census (at time of Listing); Only 30 examples so far exist in CGC 9.8;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $599.00; 


BATMAN #314 2nd TIM FOX New BLACK BATMAN 1979 Tiffany Two-Face Catwoman CGC 8.5

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Main Series; 1940-2011);

#314 (8/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

TWO-FACE cover and Part-2 of 2-Part story;

** SECOND appearance of TIMOTHY FOX aka the New Batman;

** Tiffany Fox appears (Future BATGIRL) is the Daughter of LUCIUS FOX;

** TIM FOX is the Son of LUCIUS FOX;

* TIMOTHY FOX becomes the FIRST BLACK BATMAN, and the NEW BATMAN in DC's Big 2020 Event, Future State: The Next Batman!!

** TIMOTHY FOX was mentioned in the "Family Ties," the story from 9/2020 Batman: The Joker War Zone anthology;

** TWO-FACE cover and story; BATMAN in Once Beaten, Twice Sly; 

** Appearances by; King Faraday, Selina Kyle aka CATWOMAN, Karlyle Kruggerrand, Gwen, Lucius Fox, Tiffany Fox (Future BATGIRL);

** Len Wein story;

Irv Novick and Frank McLaughlin art;

Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez cover;

** CGC; NMVERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


Batman #317 Ed Nigma RIDDLER 1979 Lucius Fox Selina Kyle 1st G. Falstaff CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;


Batman #332 TALIA Al Ghul 1981 Lazarus Affair First CATWOMAN Solo story CGC 9.4

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages; = $99.00;



Batman #332 TALIA Al Ghul 1981 Lazarus Affair First CATWOMAN Solo story CGC 9.2

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages; = $49.00;


BATMAN #353 JOKER 1982 Masters of Universe PREVIEW 1982 Skeletor He-Man CGC 9.8

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Main Series; 1940-2011);

#353 (11/1982; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page GIANT;

** 16 page Bonus insert of HE-MAN and the Masters of the Universe PREVIEW by Paul Kupperberg and Curt Swan, Pre-Dates DC’s Masters of the Universe #1 by One Month;

** HE-MAN vs SKELETOR Battle, with the Timeless Kingdom of ETERNIA at Stake;

** Tied for SECOND COMICS appearance of Masters of the Universe, preceded by DC Comics Presents #47; 

** MOTU in Fate Is the Killer;

** Appearances by; He-Man, Superman, Man-at-Arms, The Sorceress, Battle Cat, Zodac, Skeletor, Mer-Man and Beast Man;

** Batman vs JOKER Battle in the LAST LAUGH cover and story by Gerry Conway with Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez cover and art;

** BATMAN in BONDAGE cover;

** Batman and Robin in the Sting, 8 page Backup story by Mike Barr with Don Newton art;

** Low Print Run = 108,232 Copies in Pub. Circ. Stmt;


Masters of the Universe: Revelation with HE-MAN, the New Animated Reboot SERIES PREMIERE Debuts on July 23, 2021, Created by Kevin Smith;

The 2021 Series STARS;  ** Chris Wood as He-Man ** Sarah Michelle Gellar as Teela ** Mark Hamill as Skeletor ** Adam Gifford as Vikor ** Dennis Haysbert as King Grayskull ** Jay Tavare as Wundar ** Diedrich Bader as Trap Jaw ** Kevin Conroy as Mer-Man ** Liam Cunningham as Man-At-Arms ** Susan Eisenberg as Sorceress ** Lena Headey as Evil-Lyn ** Phil LaMarr as He-Ro ** Justin Long as Roboto ** Jason Mewes as Stinkor ** Griffin Newman as Orko ** Alan Oppenheimer as Moss Man ** Kevin Michael Richardson as Beast Man ** Henry Rollins as Tri-Klops ** IMDB; The war for Eternia begins again in what may be the final battle between He-Man and Skeletor. A new animated series from writer-director Kevin Smith.


** MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE with HE-MAN might be a Sony's Live-Action reboot film, according to Variety.  Goyer was reported as writing the film back in April 2017 with an eye to direct, Goyer is also said to be remaining on-board as a producer.


** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $295.00; 


BATMAN #355 vs Selina Kyle CATWOMAN 1983 Barbara Gordon Low Print CGC NM+ 9.6

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Main Series; 1940-2011);

#355 (1/1983; Batman vs Selina Kyle the CATWOMAN Battle

in Never Scratch a Cat cover & Gerry story

with Don Newton& Alfredo Alcala art;

Ed Hannigan & Giordano cover;

Barbara Gordon & Vicki Val appear;

*** #357-402 = Lowest Print Runs in the History of this Title (75,303 to 97,741 copies per month);

>>>CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


BATMAN 355 vs Selina Kyle CATWOMAN 1983 Barbara Gordon Batgirl Low Print CGC 8.5

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Main Series; 1940-2011);

#355 (1/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

Batman vs Selina Kyle the CATWOMAN Battle

BATMAN in Never Scratch a Cat cover and story;

** Barbara Gordon (aka Batgirl) and Vicki Val appear;

Gerry Conway story

Don Newton and Alfredo Alcala art;

Ed Hannigan and Giordano cover; 

** #357-402 = Lowest Print Runs in the History of this Title (75,303 to 97,741 copies per month);

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;


Batman #357 1st KILLER CROC & JASON TODD 1983 SIGNATURE Canadian Variant CGC 9.6

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Main Series; 1940-2011);

#357 [3/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** Minor Scuffing to CGC Holder;

** CGC SIGNATURE Series (Yellow Label); Signed by GERRY CONWAY on May 20/2017;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $649.00;


Batman #358 2nd full KILLER CROC, 1st cover 1983 DCU Canadian Variant CGC 9.4

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Main Series; 1940-2011);

#358 (4/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $99.00;


BATMAN #361 1st HARVEY BULLOCK 1983 TV's GOTHAM Man-Bat Jason Todd CGC NM+ 9.6

BATMAN #361 (July 1983; First appearance of the modern HARVEY BULLOCK character; see Detective Comics #441 for first appearance of the Original  Character; Donal Logue is playing Detective Harvey Bullock in the GOTHAM TV Series; *** BATMAN #357-402 = Lowest Print Runs in the History of this Title (75,303 to 97,741 copies per month); Doug Moench-s; Don Newton & Pablo Marcos-a, Hannigan/Giordano-c; MAN-BAT-c/s Jason Todd appears;

>>> CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6 with WHITE Pages = $89.00)


BATMAN #417 vs Superman MOVIE KGBeast 1st Print TV ARROW Starlin Zeck CGC NM 9.4

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940-2011; Main Original Series);

#417  [3/1988; First printing; FIRST appearance of Anatoly Knyazev aka KGBeast or the Beast;

David Nykl plays Anatoly Knyazev in multiple  episodes of CW Network TV’s ARROW;

KGBeast is affiliated with Russia’s KGB, the Black Lantern Corps & briefly as a member of the SUICIDE SQUAD;

KGBeast will be a villain in the BATMAN vs SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice Big-Screen FILM;

(It will include these SUPER VILLIANS; Lex Luthor, DOOMSDAY and Anatoli Knyazev the KGB Beast);

Ten Nights of the Beast Part-1 of 4 parts; JASON TODD appears as Robin;

Jim STARLIN story; Jim Aparo & Mike DeCarlo art; Mike Zeck cover];

>>> CGC: NEAR MINT, 9.4 with WHITE Pages = $75.00;


BATMAN #423 Classic TODD McFARLANE Cover 1988 STARLIN story 1st Print CGC 9.2

** CGC; with WHITE Pages = $269.00;


BATMAN #436 ORIGIN Dick Grayson ROBIN aka Nightwing 1989 1st TIM DRAKE CGC 9.6

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940 to 2011);

#436 [8/1989; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne aka TIM DRAKE (aka Tim Wayne);

** ORIGIN of DICK GRAYSON aka ROBIN cover and story;

** Dick Grayson aka NIGHTWING Cover and appearance;

** TIM DRAKE later becomes the new ROBIN in BATMAN #442 (12/1989);

** Following the events in Batman: Battle for the Cowl,  TIM DRAKE later becomes RED ROBIN in Red Robin #1(8/2009);

** TIM DRAKE's Team Affiliations includes; Batman Family, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Wayne Enterprises, Batman Inc. and Outsiders;

** TIM DRAKE's Partnerships include; Batman, Nightwing, Oracle, Stephanie Brown and Superboy (Conner Kent);

** Tim Drake is #32 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;

**Batman Year 3: Part-1 of 4-Part story; Different Roads;

** Appearances by; NIGHTWING (Dick Grayson) and Alfred Pennyworth;

** Flashback Appearances by; Flying Graysons, John Grayson (Dies in flashback), Mary Grayson (Dies in flashback) and Sister Mary Elizabeth;

** Flashback Appearances by; Tony Zucco (Villain);

** Flashback Appearances by; James Gordon and Mr. Haly;

** FIRST Flashback Appearance of Jack Drake;

** FIRST Flashback Appearance of Janet Drake;

Marv Wolfman story;

Pat Broderick and John Beatty art;


** DIRECT EDITION with Three Creator Names in UPC Box, at lower left cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $122.00;



BATMAN #436 ORIGIN Dick Grayson ROBIN aka Nightwing 1989 1st TIM DRAKE CGC 9.6

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940 to 2011);

#436 [8/1989; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne aka TIM DRAKE (aka Tim Wayne);

** ORIGIN of DICK GRAYSON aka ROBIN cover and story;

** Dick Grayson aka NIGHTWING Cover and appearance;

** TIM DRAKE later becomes the new ROBIN in BATMAN #442 (12/1989);

** Following the events in Batman: Battle for the Cowl,  TIM DRAKE later becomes RED ROBIN in Red Robin #1(8/2009);

** TIM DRAKE's Team Affiliations includes; Batman Family, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Wayne Enterprises, Batman Inc. and Outsiders;

** TIM DRAKE's Partnerships include; Batman, Nightwing, Oracle, Stephanie Brown and Superboy (Conner Kent);

** Tim Drake is #32 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;

**Batman Year 3: Part-1 of 4-Part story; Different Roads;

** Appearances by; NIGHTWING (Dick Grayson) and Alfred Pennyworth;

** Flashback Appearances by; Flying Graysons, John Grayson (Dies in flashback), Mary Grayson (Dies in flashback) and Sister Mary Elizabeth;

** Flashback Appearances by; Tony Zucco (Villain);

** Flashback Appearances by; James Gordon and Mr. Haly;

** FIRST Flashback Appearance of Jack Drake;

** FIRST Flashback Appearance of Janet Drake;

Marv Wolfman story;

Pat Broderick and John Beatty art;


** DIRECT EDITION with Three Creator Names in UPC Box, at lower left cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $115.00;



BATMAN #436 ORIGIN ROBIN aka Nightwing 1989 1st TIM DRAKE Newsstand CGC 9.2

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940 to 2011);

#436 [8/1989; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne aka TIM DRAKE (aka Tim Wayne);

** ORIGIN of DICK GRAYSON aka ROBIN cover and story;

** Dick Grayson aka NIGHTWING Cover and appearance;

** TIM DRAKE later becomes the new ROBIN in BATMAN #442 (12/1989);

** Following the events in Batman: Battle for the Cowl,  TIM DRAKE later becomes RED ROBIN in Red Robin #1(8/2009);

** TIM DRAKE's Team Affiliations includes; Batman Family, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Wayne Enterprises, Batman Inc. and Outsiders;

** TIM DRAKE's Partnerships include; Batman, Nightwing, Oracle, Stephanie Brown and Superboy (Conner Kent);

** Tim Drake is #32 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;

**Batman Year 3: Part-1 of 4-Part story; Different Roads;

** Appearances by; NIGHTWING (Dick Grayson) and Alfred Pennyworth;

** Flashback Appearances by; Flying Graysons, John Grayson (Dies in flashback), Mary Grayson (Dies in flashback) and Sister Mary Elizabeth;

** Flashback Appearances by; Tony Zucco (Villain);

** Flashback Appearances by; James Gordon and Mr. Haly;

** FIRST Flashback Appearance of Jack Drake;

** FIRST Flashback Appearance of Janet Drake;

Marv Wolfman story;

Pat Broderick and John Beatty art;


** Scarcer Newsstand EDITION with Barcode in UPC Box, at lower left cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



BATMAN #436 ORIGIN ROBIN aka Nightwing 1989 1st TIM DRAKE Newsstand CGC 9.0

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940 to 2011);

#436 [8/1989; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne aka TIM DRAKE (aka Tim Wayne);

** ORIGIN of DICK GRAYSON aka ROBIN cover and story;

** Dick Grayson aka NIGHTWING Cover and appearance;

** TIM DRAKE later becomes the new ROBIN in BATMAN #442 (12/1989);

** Following the events in Batman: Battle for the Cowl,  TIM DRAKE later becomes RED ROBIN in Red Robin #1(8/2009);

** TIM DRAKE's Team Affiliations includes; Batman Family, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Wayne Enterprises, Batman Inc. and Outsiders;

** TIM DRAKE's Partnerships include; Batman, Nightwing, Oracle, Stephanie Brown and Superboy (Conner Kent);

** Tim Drake is #32 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;

**Batman Year 3: Part-1 of 4-Part story; Different Roads;

** Appearances by; NIGHTWING (Dick Grayson) and Alfred Pennyworth;

** Flashback Appearances by; Flying Graysons, John Grayson (Dies in flashback), Mary Grayson (Dies in flashback) and Sister Mary Elizabeth;

** Flashback Appearances by; Tony Zucco (Villain);

** Flashback Appearances by; James Gordon and Mr. Haly;

** FIRST Flashback Appearance of Jack Drake;

** FIRST Flashback Appearance of Janet Drake;

Marv Wolfman story;

Pat Broderick and John Beatty art;


** Scarcer Newsstand EDITION with Barcode in UPC Box, at lower left cover;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


BATMAN #492 Platinum Edition KNIGHTFALL 1993 BANE Low Print Scarce CGC NM 9.4

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; Main Series; 1940-2011);

#492 (5/1993; Mad Hatter cover & appearance;

KNIGHTFALL Storyline with Dorrance aka BANE BEGINS = Part One;

This Dealer incentive PLATINUM EDITION is approx.. 100 Times SCARCER than Regular edition;

BANE is #34 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time List;

BANE was Played by Robert Swenson in the 1997 Batman & Robin MOVIE;

BANE was Played by Tom Hardy in the 2012 The Dark Knight Rises MOVIE;

BANE's Team affiliations includes; Suicide Squad, Secret Society of Super Villains, Secret Six, & The League of Assassins;

Sword of Azrael related series, which resulted in BANE breaking Batman's back making it One of the Hottest comics of the 1992-1993 era;


Doug Moench story; Norm Breyfogle art;

≫ CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $99.95;

00227-738 (front) // 00227-739 (back)


BATMAN #569 2nd Cassandra Cain aka BATGIRL 1999 Birds of Prey Movie CGC NM 9.4

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940-2011; Main Original Series); 

BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1940-2011; Main Original Series); 

#569 (9/1999; FIRST PRINTING;

** Batman in NO MAN’S LAND: I cover the Waterfront;

** SECOND appearance of Cassandra Cain (aka Cassandra Wayne) cover & story;

** Cassandra Cain will be introduced on film for the first time in Margot Robbie's untitled Birds of Prey film set in the DC Extended Universe;

** Cassandra Cain becomes Batgirl in Legends of the Dark Knight #120 (8/1999);

** Cassandra Cain was the first Batgirl to star in her own ongoing Batgirl comic book series;

** Cassandra Cain is an Asian character who was replaced as Batgirl by Stephanie Brown in a 2009 storyline;

** Cassandra Cain becomes Black Bat in Batman Inc #6 (5/2011);

** Cassandra Cain becomes Orphan in Batman and Robin Eternal #26 (3/2016);

** Barbara Gordon (the Original Batgirl) aka the ORACLE appears;

** NIGHTWING appears;

Wikipedia Notes;

** Cassandra Cain’s ORIGIN story presents her as the daughter of assassins David Cain and Lady Shiva. She was deprived of speech and human contact during her childhood as conditioning to become the world's greatest assassin. Consequently, Cassandra grew up to become an expert martial artist; Cassandra Cain's Team affiliations includes; Batman Family, Young Justice, Justice League Elite, League of Assassins, Titans East, Outsiders, Batman Incorporated, & The Spoiler;


The BIRDS OF PREY MOVIE with Margot Robbie as HARLEY QUINN will Feature Black Canary (Dinah Laurel), Huntress (Helena Bertinelli), Cassandra Cain (Vigilante Martial Artist, aka BATGIRL), Renee Montoya (Lesbian Detective for Gotham City Police);

The R-RATED GANG Film is centered around a revolving group of female heroes and villains, will be produced by Kroll & Co Entertainment’s Sue Kroll and Clubhouse Pictures’ Bryan Unkeless; Margot Robbie is set to reprise her role as HARLEY QUINN from Suicide Squad plus co-produce the film. 

Cathy Yan is set to direct (first Asian woman to direct a DC film);  Christina Hodson wrote the “Birds of Prey” spinoff for Warner Bros. and DC Films (Hodson is also writing “Batgirl” for DC)

00255-467 (front) // 00255-468 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


Batman Adventures #1 vs PENGUIN TV Animated Cartoon 1992 JOKER Templeton CGC 9.8

BATMAN ADVENTURES (DC Comics Pub; 1992-1995; First Series)

#1 (10/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $139.00;


Batman Adventures #3 Bondage CHAINS vs JOKER 1992 Two Face DC Animated CGC 9.6

BATMAN ADVENTURES (DC Comics Pub; 1992-1995; First Series)

#3 (12/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $72.00;


BATMAN Adventures #28 4th app HARLEY QUINN 1995 JOKER-c/s Suicide Squad CGC 9.6

BATMAN ADVENTURES (DC Comics Pub; 1992-1995; First Series) #28 (1/1995; HARLEY QUINN Cover and Story = Second appearance in this Title, Fourth appearance overall?; UNDER-VALUED Early HARLEY QUINN; JOKER-c/s; Kelly Pluckett-s; Mike Parobeck & Rick Burchett art;

HARLEY QUINN is #45 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List;

MARGOT ROBBIE will play HARLEY QUINN in the 8/2016 SUICIDE SQUAD Movie; >>> CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6 with WHITE Pages = $94.00);

White Pages  00083-49 (Front scan) /// 00083-50 (Back scan)= ASK


Batman Beyond #1 1st HUSH BEYOND 2010 1st Micron Mad Hatter Dick Grayson CGC 9.8

BATMAN BEYOND (DC Comics Pub; Limited Series; Volume-3; Based on Animated Cartoons; 2010-2011)

V3 #1 (8/2010; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;



Batman Beyond #1 1st HUSH BEYOND 2010 1st Micron Mad Hatter Dick Grayson CGC 9.8

BATMAN BEYOND (DC Comics Pub; Limited Series; Volume-3; Based on Animated Cartoons; 2010-2011)

V3 #1 (8/2010; FIRST PRINTING;

** Minor Factory Sealing Crack along bottom edge of CGC Holder;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $189.00;



Batman Beyond #1 1st HUSH BEYOND 2010 1st Micron Mad Hatter Dick Grayson CGC 9.6

BATMAN BEYOND (DC Comics Pub; Limited Series; Volume-3; Based on Animated Cartoons; 2010-2011)

V3 #1 (8/2010; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;


BATMAN: SECRETS #1 Violent BATMAN Beating Bloody JOKER 2006 Sam KEITH CGC 9.8

BATMAN: SECRETS (DC Comics Pub; 2006; Five issue Limited Series) 

#1 (5/2006; FIRST PRINTING;

** Batman in Secrets will Rule;

** Forgotten Classic BATMAN vs JOKER Battle Limited Series;

**DEATH of Deborah Parisi;

** Appearances by; Alfred Pennyworth, Mooley Williams, Hector, Maria, Terry Ammons;

** Classic Violent Cover of BATMAN Beating a Bloody JOKER;

** A Photographer takes a series of pictures showing a fight over a gun, but the one that makes the headlines shows the gun being held to the Joker’s head by a grinning Batman. Now public opinion is crying for Justice for the Joker.

SAM KEITH story, cover and art;


** The JOKER 2019 MOVIE directed by by Todd Phillips and produced by Martin Scorcese, DEBUTED on October 04/2019;

** The JOKER Movie Won the Golden Lion Award for BEST FILM at the 9/2019 Venice Film Festival.

** The Film stars Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck aka the JOKER the Clown Prince of Crime, it explores the early ORIGIN into a mastermind criminal and BATMAN'S most Notorious Arch-Enemy.

**Failed comedian Arthur Fleck encounters violent thugs while wandering the streets of Gotham City dressed as a clown. Disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker,” reads the film’s official synopsis.

** Directed by Todd Phillips; Screenplay by Todd Phillips & Scott Silver; Produced by Martin Scorcese;

** The Film Stars; Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck aka the JOKER, Zazie Beetz as Sophie Dumond,  Robert De Niro as Murray Franklin, Dante Pereira-Olson as Young Bruce Wayne, Brett Cullen as Thomas Wayne, Frances Conroy as Penny Fleck, Douglas Hodge as Alfred Pennyworth; 

** This film is framed as part of an unnamed new banner within Warner Bros' DC Films division that are out-of-continuity with its primary DC Extended Universe stories,  such as Justice League or, in this case, Suicide Squad.


**  Jared Leto is still expected to play the Joker in DC Films' planned Suicide Squad sequel.

** Cameron Monaghan plays Jerome Valeska  & later Jeremiah Valeska (both Television Versions of THE JOKER) in the GOTHAM Fox TV Series Seasons 1-5;

** Heath Ledger played THE JOKER (WON the Academy Award OSCAR for Best Supporting Role Actor) in the classic 2008 DARK KNIGHT Movie by Christopher Nolan, with Christian Bale as Batman;


** The Joker is considered one of, if not the most-recognizable and iconic fictional characters in popular culture (Batman's arguable equal), one of the best comic villains, and one of the greatest villains of all time and fictional characters ever created.

The JOKER was #1 on Wizard magazine's 100 Greatest Villains of All-Time List;

The JOKER was #5 on Wizard magazine's 200 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time List;

The JOKER was #8 on Empire's 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time List (the highest-ranked villain on both lists);

The JOKER was #1 on IGN's 2013 Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All-Time List;

The JOKER was #2 on IGN's 2009 Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All-Time List;

The JOKER was #1 on Wired "Comics' Greatest Supervillain.

The JOKER was named #1 on Complex, CollegeHumor, and WhatCulture greatest comic book villain of all time List;

The JOKER was named greatest Batman villain by Newsarama.


00259-569 (front) // 00259-570 (back)

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $129.00; 



BATMAN: SECRETS #3 Superb Classic JOKER cover by SAM KEITH 2006 Movie CGC 9.8

BATMAN: SECRETS (DC Comics Pub; 2006; Five issue Limited Series) 

#3 (7/2006; FIRST PRINTING;

** Terry Ammons appearance;

** Forgotten Classic BATMAN vs JOKER Battle Limited Series;

** Superb JOKER cover by SAM KEITH;

**A Photographer takes a series of pictures showing a fight over a gun, but the one that makes the headlines shows the gun being held to the Joker’s head by a grinning Batman. Now public opinion is crying for Justice for the Joker.

SAM KEITH story, cover and art;


** The JOKER 2019 MOVIE directed by by Todd Phillips and produced by Martin Scorcese, DEBUTED on October 04/2019;

** The JOKER Movie Won the Golden Lion Award for BEST FILM at the 9/2019 Venice Film Festival.

** The Film stars Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck aka the JOKER the Clown Prince of Crime, it explores the early ORIGIN into a mastermind criminal and BATMAN'S most Notorious Arch-Enemy.

**Failed comedian Arthur Fleck encounters violent thugs while wandering the streets of Gotham City dressed as a clown. Disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker,” reads the film’s official synopsis.

** Directed by Todd Phillips; Screenplay by Todd Phillips & Scott Silver; Produced by Martin Scorcese;

** The Film Stars; Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck aka the JOKER, Zazie Beetz as Sophie Dumond,  Robert De Niro as Murray Franklin, Dante Pereira-Olson as Young Bruce Wayne, Brett Cullen as Thomas Wayne, Frances Conroy as Penny Fleck, Douglas Hodge as Alfred Pennyworth; 

** This film is framed as part of an unnamed new banner within Warner Bros' DC Films division that are out-of-continuity with its primary DC Extended Universe stories,  such as Justice League or, in this case, Suicide Squad.


**  Jared Leto is still expected to play the Joker in DC Films' planned Suicide Squad sequel.

** Cameron Monaghan plays Jerome Valeska  & later Jeremiah Valeska (both Television Versions of THE JOKER) in the GOTHAM Fox TV Series Seasons 1-5;

** Heath Ledger played THE JOKER (WON the Academy Award OSCAR for Best Supporting Role Actor) in the classic 2008 DARK KNIGHT Movie by Christopher Nolan, with Christian Bale as Batman;


** The Joker is considered one of, if not the most-recognizable and iconic fictional characters in popular culture (Batman's arguable equal), one of the best comic villains, and one of the greatest villains of all time and fictional characters ever created.

The JOKER was #1 on Wizard magazine's 100 Greatest Villains of All-Time List;

The JOKER was #5 on Wizard magazine's 200 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time List;

The JOKER was #8 on Empire's 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time List (the highest-ranked villain on both lists);

The JOKER was #1 on IGN's 2013 Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All-Time List;

The JOKER was #2 on IGN's 2009 Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All-Time List;

The JOKER was #1 on Wired "Comics' Greatest Supervillain.

The JOKER was named #1 on Complex, CollegeHumor, and WhatCulture greatest comic book villain of all time List;

The JOKER was named greatest Batman villain by Newsarama.


** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $75.00; 


BATTLE CHASERS Prelude #NN Image Cliffhanger 1998 Sharrieff Madureira CGC NM 9.4

BATTLE CHASERS Prelude (Image/Cliffhanger Pub.)


Another Universe com exclusive;

20 Pages including covers;

PROMOTIONAL PREVUE Comic Pre-Dates #1 from 4/1998 by Two Months;

Munier Sharrieff story;

Joe Madureira and Tom McWeeney art;

Joe Madureira cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;



BATTLE CHASERS Prelude #NN Image Cliffhanger 1998 Sharrieff Madureira CGC NM- 9.2

BATTLE CHASERS Prelude (Image/Cliffhanger Pub.)


Another Universe com exclusive;

20 Pages including covers;

PROMOTIONAL PREVUE Comic Pre-Dates #1 from 4/1998 by Two Months;

Munier Sharrieff story;

Joe Madureira and Tom McWeeney art;

Joe Madureira cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;


BATTLE CHASERS #1 first Gully Red Monika Garrison Knolan Calibretto 1998 CGC 9.6

BATTLE CHASERS (Image/Cliffhanger Pub.)

#1-A (4/1998; FIRST PRINTING;

** Regular Edition with Joe Madureira cover;

** FIRST Appearance of Gully, Red Monika, Garrison, Knolan and Calibretto;

** Cover depicts; Calibretto, Red Monika, Gully, Jarren and Knowlan;

** BATTLE CHASERS in The Most Dangerous Game;

Joe Madureira writes a one page text article about his plans for his first creator-owned series.
Joe Madureira and Munier Sharrieff story;

 Joe Madureira and Tom McWeeney cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



BATTLE CHASERS #1 VARIANT Gully R.Monika Garrison Knolan Calibretto 1998 CGC 9.8

BATTLE CHASERS (Image/Cliffhanger Pub.)

#1-B (4/1998; FIRST PRINTING;

** Travis Charest VARIANT cover;

** FIRST Appearance of Gully, Red Monika, Garrison, Knolan and Calibretto;

** BATTLE CHASERS in The Most Dangerous Game;

Joe Madureira and Munier Sharrieff story;

Joe Madureira and Tom McWeeney art;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



BATTLE CHASERS #1 VARIANT Gully R.Monika Garrison Knolan Calibretto 1998 CGC 9.4

BATTLE CHASERS (Image/Cliffhanger Pub.)

#1-B (4/1998; FIRST PRINTING;

** Travis Charest VARIANT cover;

** FIRST Appearance of Gully, Red Monika, Garrison, Knolan and Calibretto;

** BATTLE CHASERS in The Most Dangerous Game;

Joe Madureira and Munier Sharrieff story;

Joe Madureira and Tom McWeeney art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;


Battle Classics #1 Sgt Rock Johnny Cloud Mlle Marie Robot 1978 DC KUBERT CGC 9.8

BATTLE CLASSICS (DC Comics Pub; 1978 One Shot; 44 Page Giant)

#1 (9-10/1978;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $249.00;



Battle of the Planets #1/2 Wizard Top Cow 2002 ALEX ROSS DF Gold Foil CGC 9.8

Battle of the Planets (Top Cow-Wizard Pub.)

#1/2 (2002; FIRST PRINTING;

Wizard Mail-Away Exclusive.

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



Battle of the Planets #1/2 Wizard Top Cow 2002 ALEX ROSS Mail-Away Promo CGC 9.6

Battle of the Planets (Top Cow-Wizard Pub.)

#1/2 (2002; FIRST PRINTING;

Wizard Mail-Away Exclusive.

ALEX ROSS cover!!

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



Battle of the Planets #1/2 Wizard Top Cow 2002 ALEX ROSS DF Gold Foil CGC 9.4

Battle of the Planets (Top Cow-Wizard Pub.)

#1/2 (2002; FIRST PRINTING;

Wizard Mail-Away Exclusive.

Dynamic Forces Wizard 1/2 Gold Foil Stamp Edition.

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;


Battle of the Planets #3 Gatchaman 1979 TV Animated Gold Key Mortimer CGC 9.6

BATTLE OF THE PLANETS (Gold Key Comics Pub; 1979-1980)

#3 (10/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $239.00;



Battle of the Planets #4 Gatchaman 1979 TV Animated Gold Key Mortimer CGC NM 9.4

BATTLE OF THE PLANETS (Gold Key Comics Pub; 1979-1980)

#4 (12/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $169.00;



Battle of the Planets #5 Gatchaman 1980 TV Animated Gold Key Mortimer CGC 9.2

BATTLE OF THE PLANETS (Gold Key Comics Pub; 1979-1980)

#5 (2/1980; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $115.00;


Battle for a Three Dimensional World #1 Stereon Videora Circe 1982 KIRBY CGC 9.8


#NN (#1; 1982; FIRST PRINTING;

Stereon in Battle for a Three Dimensional World

3-D glasses included;

First appearance of Stereon;

First appearance of Videora;

First appearance of Circe (villain);

Depths of Time; An article on the future of 3-D technology.

Stereon: Master of Time and Space back cover 3-D Pinup by KIRBY;

Ray Zone story;

JACK KIRBY and Mike Thibodeaux cover and art;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



Battle for a Three Dimensional World #1 Stereon Videora Circe 1982 KIRBY CGC 9.6


#NN (#1; 1982; FIRST PRINTING;

Stereon in Battle for a Three Dimensional World

3-D glasses included;

First appearance of Stereon;

First appearance of Videora;

First appearance of Circe (villain);

Depths of Time; An article on the future of 3-D technology.

Stereon: Master of Time and Space back cover 3-D Pinup by KIRBY;

Ray Zone story;

JACK KIRBY and Mike Thibodeaux cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Battle for a Three Dimensional World #1 Stereon Videora Circe 1982 KIRBY CGC 9.4


#NN (#1; 1982; FIRST PRINTING;

Stereon in Battle for a Three Dimensional World

3-D glasses included;

First appearance of Stereon;

First appearance of Videora;

First appearance of Circe (villain);

Depths of Time; An article on the future of 3-D technology.

Stereon: Master of Time and Space back cover 3-D Pinup by KIRBY;

Ray Zone story;

JACK KIRBY and Mike Thibodeaux cover and art;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


Battle of the Planets #1 Gold Key Comics 1979 Gatchaman G-Force TV Anime CGC 9.4

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages; = $349.00;


BATTLE SCARS #6 1st PHIL COULSON 2012 TV's Marvel's Agents of SHIELD CGC NM+ 9.6

BATTLE SCARS  (Marvel Comics Pub; 1-6/2012; Nick Fury, Deadpool & Taskmaster)

#6 (6/2012; First appearance Shield Agent PHIL COULSON in the Marvel Universe continuity;

CHEESE” is Revealed to be PHIL COULSON;

Clark Gregg plays PHIL COULSON in TV's Marvel's Agents of SHIELD;

Marcus Johnson identity revealed to be Nicholas / Nick Fury Jr in this issue;

>>>CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;

00224-15 (front) // 00224-16 (back)

00227-79 (front) // 00227-80 (back)


BATTLESTAR GALACTICA #1 Marvel 1st Comic 18 1st app 1979 TV Movie Reboot CGC 9.8 with WHITE Pages = $184.00


BATTLESTAR GALACTICA #1 Marvel 1st Comic 18 1st app 1979 TV Movie Reboot CGC 9.6


#1 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Comics appearance of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA;

** FIRST Comics appearance of; Captain Apollo, Commander Adama, Lieutenant Starbuck, Lieutenant Athena, Colonel Tigh, Starbuck, Lieutenant Boomer, Serina, Boxey, Daggits, Aeries, Gemons, Capricans, Council of the Twelve (Count Baltar, President Adar, Sire Uri & Sire Anton); Cylons Imperious Leader;

** First appearance and

 DEATHS of President Adar, Zac, Muffit and Ila;

** Battlestar Galactica in ANNIHILATION;

** Adaptation of the first episode of the Glen A. Larson television series, part 1 of 3;

Roger McKenzie story;

Ernie Colon art;

Dave Cockrum and Bob McLeod cover;


** The BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Reboot Movie Will Exist In a "Shared Universe" With Sam Esmail's Upcoming Reboot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  Peacock TV Series!

(Says Simon Kinberg by CARLY LANE, on January 06, 2022);

** A Re-Boot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA MOVIE  has been Announced by Universal with powerhouse producer Michael De Luca and Bluegrass Films producers Scott Stuber and Dylan Clark;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA an Upcoming Peacock series, As of September 17, 2019, NBCUniversal is planning a straight-to-series set in the same continuity as the 2004 Battlestar Galactica series, produced by Sam Esmail as part of their new Peacock streaming service.

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is Based on the Classic Original TV Series 21 Episode TV series created by Glen A. Larson for ABC during 1978-1979 Starring: Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  was revived as a SYFY Channel TV Series, with 4  Seasons and 73 Episodes from 2004-2009, Starring; Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff & Tricia Helfer; s

** Battlestar Galactica: CAPRICA, a prequel series was an 18 Episode TV Series in 2010-2011, Starring; Eric Stoltz, Eai Morales, and Paula Malcomson

** Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome is a prequel to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series, began as a 10-episode online series in conjunction with on November 9, 2012, and also aired as a television film on February 10, 2013 on Syfy

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA has been Adapted into 25 NOVELS over the Years;


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $72.00;



BATTLESTAR GALACTICA #1 Marvel 1st Comic 18 1st app 1979 TV Movie Reboot CGC 9.6


#1 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Comics appearance of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA;

** FIRST Comics appearance of; Captain Apollo, Commander Adama, Lieutenant Starbuck, Lieutenant Athena, Colonel Tigh, Starbuck, Lieutenant Boomer, Serina, Boxey, Daggits, Aeries, Gemons, Capricans, Council of the Twelve (Count Baltar, President Adar, Sire Uri & Sire Anton); Cylons Imperious Leader;

** First appearance and

 DEATHS of President Adar, Zac, Muffit and Ila;

** Battlestar Galactica in ANNIHILATION;

** Adaptation of the first episode of the Glen A. Larson television series, part 1 of 3;

Roger McKenzie story;

Ernie Colon art;

Dave Cockrum and Bob McLeod cover;


** The BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Reboot Movie Will Exist In a "Shared Universe" With Sam Esmail's Upcoming Reboot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  Peacock TV Series!

(Says Simon Kinberg by CARLY LANE, on January 06, 2022);

** A Re-Boot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA MOVIE  has been Announced by Universal with powerhouse producer Michael De Luca and Bluegrass Films producers Scott Stuber and Dylan Clark;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA an Upcoming Peacock series, As of September 17, 2019, NBCUniversal is planning a straight-to-series set in the same continuity as the 2004 Battlestar Galactica series, produced by Sam Esmail as part of their new Peacock streaming service.

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is Based on the Classic Original TV Series 21 Episode TV series created by Glen A. Larson for ABC during 1978-1979 Starring: Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  was revived as a SYFY Channel TV Series, with 4  Seasons and 73 Episodes from 2004-2009, Starring; Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff & Tricia Helfer; s

** Battlestar Galactica: CAPRICA, a prequel series was an 18 Episode TV Series in 2010-2011, Starring; Eric Stoltz, Eai Morales, and Paula Malcomson

** Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome is a prequel to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series, began as a 10-episode online series in conjunction with on November 9, 2012, and also aired as a television film on February 10, 2013 on Syfy

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA has been Adapted into 25 NOVELS over the Years;


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



BATTLESTAR GALACTICA #1 Marvel 1st Comic 18 1st app 1979 TV Movie Reboot CGC 9.4


#1 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Comics appearance of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA;

** FIRST Comics appearance of; Captain Apollo, Commander Adama, Lieutenant Starbuck, Lieutenant Athena, Colonel Tigh, Starbuck, Lieutenant Boomer, Serina, Boxey, Daggits, Aeries, Gemons, Capricans, Council of the Twelve (Count Baltar, President Adar, Sire Uri & Sire Anton); Cylons Imperious Leader;

** First appearance and

 DEATHS of President Adar, Zac, Muffit and Ila;

** Battlestar Galactica in ANNIHILATION;

** Adaptation of the first episode of the Glen A. Larson television series, part 1 of 3;

Roger McKenzie story;

Ernie Colon art;

Dave Cockrum and Bob McLeod cover;


** The BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Reboot Movie Will Exist In a "Shared Universe" With Sam Esmail's Upcoming Reboot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  Peacock TV Series!

(Says Simon Kinberg by CARLY LANE, on January 06, 2022);

** A Re-Boot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA MOVIE  has been Announced by Universal with powerhouse producer Michael De Luca and Bluegrass Films producers Scott Stuber and Dylan Clark;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA an Upcoming Peacock series, As of September 17, 2019, NBCUniversal is planning a straight-to-series set in the same continuity as the 2004 Battlestar Galactica series, produced by Sam Esmail as part of their new Peacock streaming service.

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is Based on the Classic Original TV Series 21 Episode TV series created by Glen A. Larson for ABC during 1978-1979 Starring: Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  was revived as a SYFY Channel TV Series, with 4  Seasons and 73 Episodes from 2004-2009, Starring; Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff & Tricia Helfer; s

** Battlestar Galactica: CAPRICA, a prequel series was an 18 Episode TV Series in 2010-2011, Starring; Eric Stoltz, Eai Morales, and Paula Malcomson

** Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome is a prequel to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series, began as a 10-episode online series in conjunction with on November 9, 2012, and also aired as a television film on February 10, 2013 on Syfy

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA has been Adapted into 25 NOVELS over the Years;


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;



BATTLESTAR GALACTICA #1 Marvel 1st Comic 18 1st app 1979 TV Movie Reboot CGC 9.4


#1 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Comics appearance of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA;

** FIRST Comics appearance of; Captain Apollo, Commander Adama, Lieutenant Starbuck, Lieutenant Athena, Colonel Tigh, Starbuck, Lieutenant Boomer, Serina, Boxey, Daggits, Aeries, Gemons, Capricans, Council of the Twelve (Count Baltar, President Adar, Sire Uri & Sire Anton); Cylons Imperious Leader;

** First appearance and

 DEATHS of President Adar, Zac, Muffit and Ila;

** Battlestar Galactica in ANNIHILATION;

** Adaptation of the first episode of the Glen A. Larson television series, part 1 of 3;

Roger McKenzie story;

Ernie Colon art;

Dave Cockrum and Bob McLeod cover;


** The BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Reboot Movie Will Exist In a "Shared Universe" With Sam Esmail's Upcoming Reboot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  Peacock TV Series!

(Says Simon Kinberg by CARLY LANE, on January 06, 2022);

** A Re-Boot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA MOVIE  has been Announced by Universal with powerhouse producer Michael De Luca and Bluegrass Films producers Scott Stuber and Dylan Clark;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA an Upcoming Peacock series, As of September 17, 2019, NBCUniversal is planning a straight-to-series set in the same continuity as the 2004 Battlestar Galactica series, produced by Sam Esmail as part of their new Peacock streaming service.

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is Based on the Classic Original TV Series 21 Episode TV series created by Glen A. Larson for ABC during 1978-1979 Starring: Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  was revived as a SYFY Channel TV Series, with 4  Seasons and 73 Episodes from 2004-2009, Starring; Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff & Tricia Helfer; s

** Battlestar Galactica: CAPRICA, a prequel series was an 18 Episode TV Series in 2010-2011, Starring; Eric Stoltz, Eai Morales, and Paula Malcomson

** Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome is a prequel to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series, began as a 10-episode online series in conjunction with on November 9, 2012, and also aired as a television film on February 10, 2013 on Syfy

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA has been Adapted into 25 NOVELS over the Years;

**Newsstand edition

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $48.00;


BATTLESTAR GALACTICA #1 Marvel 1st Comic 18 1st app 1979 TV Movie Reboot CGC 7.5


#1 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST Comics appearance of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA;

** FIRST Comics appearance of; Captain Apollo, Commander Adama, Lieutenant Starbuck, Lieutenant Athena, Colonel Tigh, Starbuck, Lieutenant Boomer, Serina, Boxey, Daggits, Aeries, Gemons, Capricans, Council of the Twelve (Count Baltar, President Adar, Sire Uri & Sire Anton); Cylons Imperious Leader;

** First appearance and

 DEATHS of President Adar, Zac, Muffit and Ila;

** Battlestar Galactica in ANNIHILATION;

** Adaptation of the first episode of the Glen A. Larson television series, part 1 of 3;

Roger McKenzie story;

Ernie Colon art;

Dave Cockrum and Bob McLeod cover;


** The BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Reboot Movie Will Exist In a "Shared Universe" With Sam Esmail's Upcoming Reboot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  Peacock TV Series!

(Says Simon Kinberg by CARLY LANE, on January 06, 2022);

** A Re-Boot BATTLESTAR GALACTICA MOVIE  has been Announced by Universal with powerhouse producer Michael De Luca and Bluegrass Films producers Scott Stuber and Dylan Clark;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA an Upcoming Peacock series, As of September 17, 2019, NBCUniversal is planning a straight-to-series set in the same continuity as the 2004 Battlestar Galactica series, produced by Sam Esmail as part of their new Peacock streaming service.

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is Based on the Classic Original TV Series 21 Episode TV series created by Glen A. Larson for ABC during 1978-1979 Starring: Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict;

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA  was revived as a SYFY Channel TV Series, with 4  Seasons and 73 Episodes from 2004-2009, Starring; Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff & Tricia Helfer; s

** Battlestar Galactica: CAPRICA, a prequel series was an 18 Episode TV Series in 2010-2011, Starring; Eric Stoltz, Eai Morales, and Paula Malcomson

** Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome is a prequel to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series, began as a 10-episode online series in conjunction with on November 9, 2012, and also aired as a television film on February 10, 2013 on Syfy

** BATTLESTAR GALACTICA has been Adapted into 25 NOVELS over the Years;


** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $30.00;


BEAUTY AND THE BEAST #1; >>BEAST (of X-Men fame) and DAZZLER Mini series; DR. DOOM appears; Great Bill Sienkiewicz cover; (12/1984; Marvel Pub., Original USA Color Comic); Ann Nocenti (Script); Don Perlin & Kim DeMulder art; *** ( CGC 9.6, NEAR MINT PLUS, with WHITE pages); >>>PRICE = US$39.00; COVER SCAN =


BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD #1 1st in Comics 1994 PUNISHER Devil Dinosaur Moon Boy 9.6

Beavis and Butt-Head (Marvel Comics Pub; 1994-1996; Based on the MTV Animated TV Cartoon Series);

#1 (3/1994; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearance of Beavis and Butt-Head in Comics;

Appearances by; PUNISHER, Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy;

Appearances by; Tom Anderson, Daria Morgendorffer, Maxi-Mart Owner, Stewart Stevenson, David Van Driessen, Coach Bradley Buzzcut, Todd Ianuzzi, Earl;

Beavis and Butthead in: Dental Hygiene Dilemma, Fart One;

Story Locations:  Maxi Mart, Highland High, Burger World;

Mike Lackey story;

Rick Parker cover and art;


Beavis and Butt-Head was a MTV Animated Cartoon Series that Lasted 8 Seasons and 208 episodes from 1993-2011, Created by Mike Judge;


 Beavis and Butt-head's lives revolve around three simple things. (1) Barely attending school, which sucks. They do nothing, they learn squat, they know diddly, they hate the teachers - and, amazingly, they manage to avoid being thrown out. (2) Trying to score with chicks - something we know they'll never achieve. (3) Watching TV. Lots of TV. If something in the real world doesn't relate to what they know from TV, it sucks. They especially enjoy "reviewing" music videos - or just commenting inanely on them. If a video contains heavy rock, scantily-clad babes or anti-authority figures, it's cool - otherwise, it sucks.


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;



BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD #1 1st in Comics 1994 PUNISHER Devil Dinosaur Moon Boy 9.2

Beavis and Butt-Head (Marvel Comics Pub; 1994-1996; Based on the MTV Animated TV Cartoon Series);

#1 (3/1994; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearance of Beavis and Butt-Head in Comics;

Appearances by; PUNISHER, Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy;

Appearances by; Tom Anderson, Daria Morgendorffer, Maxi-Mart Owner, Stewart Stevenson, David Van Driessen, Coach Bradley Buzzcut, Todd Ianuzzi, Earl;

Beavis and Butthead in: Dental Hygiene Dilemma, Fart One;

Story Locations:  Maxi Mart, Highland High, Burger World;

Mike Lackey story;

Rick Parker cover and art;


Beavis and Butt-Head was a MTV Animated Cartoon Series that Lasted 8 Seasons and 208 episodes from 1993-2011, Created by Mike Judge;


 Beavis and Butt-head's lives revolve around three simple things. (1) Barely attending school, which sucks. They do nothing, they learn squat, they know diddly, they hate the teachers - and, amazingly, they manage to avoid being thrown out. (2) Trying to score with chicks - something we know they'll never achieve. (3) Watching TV. Lots of TV. If something in the real world doesn't relate to what they know from TV, it sucks. They especially enjoy "reviewing" music videos - or just commenting inanely on them. If a video contains heavy rock, scantily-clad babes or anti-authority figures, it's cool - otherwise, it sucks.


** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;


Beep Beep, ROAD RUNNER #1 Gold Key Looney Tunes 1966 Wile E. Coyote CGC VF- 7.5

Beep Beep, The ROAD RUNNER (Gold Key Comics Pub; 1966-1980)

#1 (10/1966; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $399.00;


BEETLEJUICE CRIMEBUSTERS ON HAUNT #1 Harvey 1st Donnyjuice Burton Reboot CGC 9.6

BEETLEJUICE - Crimebusters on the Haunt (Harvey Comics Pub; Limited Series; 9-11/1992)

#1 (9/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

The Fourth appearance of BEETLEJUICE in Comics;

BEETLEJUICE in Elliot Mess and the Unwashables, 22 Page story;

First appearance of Beetlejuice's brother, Donnyjuice.

Story continued in the next issue.

Angelo De Cesare story;

Dave Manak cover and art;

Frank Hill and Jorge Pacheco art;


** The 1988 BEETLEJUICE  Movie was a Fantasy Horror Comedy Cult Classic; Directed by Tim Burton, It starred; Michael Keaton,  Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Catherine O'Hara & Winona Ryder;

** Director Tim Burton has Confirmed that production is to begin the BEETLEJUICE 2 Movie in Late 2015;

** Winona Ryder has confirmed she’ll reprise her role as Lydia Deetz.

** Screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith revealed in January that he and Burton had landed on the right approach to the follow-up to the 1988 film, one that excited star Michael Keaton.


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $139.00;



BEETLEJUICE CRIMEBUSTERS ON HAUNT #1 Harvey 1st Donnyjuice Burton Reboot CGC 9.4

BEETLEJUICE - Crimebusters on the Haunt (Harvey Comics Pub; Limited Series; 9-11/1992)

#1 (9/1992; FIRST PRINTING;

The Fourth appearance of BEETLEJUICE in Comics;

BEETLEJUICE in Elliot Mess and the Unwashables, 22 Page story;

First appearance of Beetlejuice's brother, Donnyjuice.

Story continued in the next issue.

Angelo De Cesare story;

Dave Manak cover and art;

Frank Hill and Jorge Pacheco art;


** The 1988 BEETLEJUICE  Movie was a Fantasy Horror Comedy Cult Classic; Directed by Tim Burton, It starred; Michael Keaton,  Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Catherine O'Hara & Winona Ryder;

** Director Tim Burton has Confirmed that production is to begin the BEETLEJUICE 2 Movie in Late 2015;

** Winona Ryder has confirmed she’ll reprise her role as Lydia Deetz.

** Screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith revealed in January that he and Burton had landed on the right approach to the follow-up to the 1988 film, one that excited star Michael Keaton.


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $115.00;



BEETLEJUICE HOLIDAY SPECIAL #1 Harvey Comic 1992 Tim Burton Reboot MOVIE CGC 9.6


#1(2/1992; FIRST PRINTING; One-Shot;

** The Third appearance of BEETLEJUICE in Comics;

** BEETLEJUICE in Get Me to the Church on Slime, 12 page story;

GCD Synopsis;

Beetlejuice is forced into a "shotgum" wedding.

Michael Gallagher story;

Dave Manak, Ken Selig and Jorge Pacheco art;

** BEETLEJUICE in Never a Doll Moment, 8 page story;

GCD Synopsis;

Beetlejuice wants to get Lydia a Barfie doll for Christmas, but he has to fight the Witch Doctor for the last one

** 2 page Activity Pages Can be removed and used as a Christmas card.

Angelo Decesare story;

Howie Post and Ken Selig art;


** The 1988 BEETLEJUICE  Movie was a Fantasy Horror Comedy Cult Classic; Directed by Tim Burton, It starred; Michael Keaton,  Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Catherine O'Hara & Winona Ryder;

** Director Tim Burton has Confirmed that production is to begin the BEETLEJUICE 2 Movie in Late 2015;

** Winona Ryder has confirmed she’ll reprise her role as Lydia Deetz.

** Screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith revealed in January that he and Burton had landed on the right approach to the follow-up to the 1988 film, one that excited star Michael Keaton.


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $139.00;



BEETLEJUICE HOLIDAY SPECIAL #1 Harvey Comic 1992 Tim Burton Reboot MOVIE CGC 9.4


#1(2/1992; FIRST PRINTING; One-Shot;

** The Third appearance of BEETLEJUICE in Comics;

** BEETLEJUICE in Get Me to the Church on Slime, 12 page story;

GCD Synopsis;

Beetlejuice is forced into a "shotgum" wedding.

Michael Gallagher story;

Dave Manak, Ken Selig and Jorge Pacheco art;

** BEETLEJUICE in Never a Doll Moment, 8 page story;

GCD Synopsis;

Beetlejuice wants to get Lydia a Barfie doll for Christmas, but he has to fight the Witch Doctor for the last one

** 2 page Activity Pages Can be removed and used as a Christmas card.

Angelo Decesare story;

Howie Post and Ken Selig art;


** The 1988 BEETLEJUICE  Movie was a Fantasy Horror Comedy Cult Classic; Directed by Tim Burton, It starred; Michael Keaton,  Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Catherine O'Hara & Winona Ryder;

** Director Tim Burton has Confirmed that production is to begin the BEETLEJUICE 2 Movie in Late 2015;

** Winona Ryder has confirmed she’ll reprise her role as Lydia Deetz.

** Screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith revealed in January that he and Burton had landed on the right approach to the follow-up to the 1988 film, one that excited star Michael Keaton.


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $115.00;


BEETLEJUICE IN NEITHERWORLD #1 Harvey Comic 1991 Tim Burton Reboot MOVIE CGC 8.5


#1 (11/1991; FIRST PRINTING; One-Shot;

The SECOND appearance of BEETLEJUICE in Comics;


 Michael Gallagher story;

 Ernie Colon and Dave Manak art);


** The 1988 BEETLEJUICE  Movie was a Fantasy Horror Comedy Cult Classic; Directed by Tim Burton, It starred; Michael Keaton,  Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Catherine O'Hara & Winona Ryder;

** Director Tim Burton has Confirmed that production is to begin the BEETLEJUICE 2 Movie in Late 2015;

** Winona Ryder has confirmed she’ll reprise her role as Lydia Deetz.

** Screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith revealed in January that he and Burton had landed on the right approach to the follow-up to the 1988 film, one that excited star Michael Keaton.


** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



Beowulf #1 GGA 1975 DC 1st Nan-Zee Grendel Dragon-Lord Unferth Swamp-Men CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages; = $139.00;



Beowulf #1 GGA 1975 DC 1st Nan-Zee Grendel Dragon-Lord Unferth Swamp-Men CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages; = $129.00;


Best of Heavy Metal #1 MOEBIUS 1982 Suydam Druillet DEN Richard Corben CGC 9.6

The Best of Heavy Metal: 1977-1979 (HM Communications Pub; 1982-1986)

#NN (FIRST issue; FIRST Collected PRINTING Thus;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $249.00;



Best of Heavy Metal #1 MOEBIUS 1982 Suydam Druillet DEN Richard Corben CGC 9.4

The Best of Heavy Metal: 1977-1979 (HM Communications Pub; 1982-1986)

#NN (FIRST issue; FIRST Collected PRINTING Thus;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $179.00;



Best of Heavy Metal #1 MOEBIUS 1982 Suydam Druillet DEN Richard Corben CGC 9.2

The Best of Heavy Metal: 1977-1979 (HM Communications Pub; 1982-1986)

#NN (FIRST issue; FIRST Collected PRINTING Thus;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



Best of Heavy Metal #1 MOEBIUS 1982 Suydam Druillet DEN Richard Corben CGC 9.0

The Best of Heavy Metal: 1977-1979 (HM Communications Pub; 1982-1986)

#NN (FIRST issue; FIRST Collected PRINTING Thus;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



BETA RAY BILL: GODHUNTER (Marvel Comics Pub; Limited Series)

#1 (8/2009; FIRST PRINTING;

BETA RAY BILL vs GALACTUS cover and story;

First appearance of  I'Thans;

Appearances by; Galactus, Thor and Agent Abigail Brand, Voidian, Lambda-Zero aka Stardust;

Silver Surfer cameo on last page.

BETA RAY BILL in Godhunter, Part One;

BETA RAY BILL will Debut in James Gunn’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Vol. 3 MOVIE, it will DEBUT in May 2023;

Kieron Gillen story;

Kano and Alvaro Lopez art;

Patrick Zircher cover;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;




BETA RAY BILL: GODHUNTER (Marvel Comics Pub; Limited Series)

#1 (8/2009; FIRST PRINTING;

BETA RAY BILL vs GALACTUS cover and story;

First appearance of  I'Thans;

Appearances by; Galactus, Thor and Agent Abigail Brand, Voidian, Lambda-Zero aka Stardust;

Silver Surfer cameo on last page.

BETA RAY BILL in Godhunter, Part One;

BETA RAY BILL will Debut in James Gunn’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Vol. 3 MOVIE, it will DEBUT in May 2023;

Kieron Gillen story;

Kano and Alvaro Lopez art;

Patrick Zircher cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $139.00;




BETA RAY BILL: GODHUNTER (Marvel Comics Pub; Limited Series)

#2 (9/2009; FIRST PRINTING;

BETA RAY BILL vs SILVER SURFER Battle cover and story;

Appearances by; Voidian, Lambda-Zero aka Stardust;

First appearance of  I'Than Prime;

Second appearance of  I'Thans;

BETA RAY BILL in Godhunter, Part Two;

GALACTUS Storyline and Cameo;

BETA RAY BILL will Debut in James Gunn’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Vol. 3 MOVIE, it will DEBUT in May 2023;

Kieron Gillen story;

Kano and Alvaro Lopez art;

Patrick Zircher cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;




BETA RAY BILL: GODHUNTER (Marvel Comics Pub; Limited Series)

#3 (10/2009; FIRST PRINTING;

BETA RAY BILL vs GALACTUS cover and story;

First appearance of Ti Asha Ra;

Appearances by; Galactus, Silver Surfer, Stardust, Voidian, I'Thans and Agent Abigail Brand;

Destruction of  I'Than III;

BETA RAY BILL in Godhunter, Part Three;

BETA RAY BILL will Debut in James Gunn’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Vol. 3 MOVIE, it will DEBUT in May 2023;

Kieron Gillen story;

Kano and Alvaro Lopez art;

Patrick Zircher cover;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $169.00;



BETA RAY BILL: GODHUNTER (Marvel Comics Pub; Limited Series)

#3 (10/2009; FIRST PRINTING;

BETA RAY BILL vs GALACTUS cover and story;

First appearance of Ti Asha Ra;

Appearances by; Galactus, Silver Surfer, Stardust, Voidian, I'Thans and Agent Abigail Brand;

Destruction of  I'Than III;

BETA RAY BILL in Godhunter, Part Three;

BETA RAY BILL will Debut in James Gunn’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Vol. 3 MOVIE, it will DEBUT in May 2023;

Kieron Gillen story;

Kano and Alvaro Lopez art;

Patrick Zircher cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;


Betty Page 3-D Comics #1 GGA Bikini Swimsuit 1991 Hugh Fleming Mullins CGC 9.8

Betty Page 3-D Comics (3-D Zone Comics Pub);

#1 (1991; FIRST PRINTING; One-shot.

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



Betty Page 3-D Comics #1 GGA Bikini Swimsuit 1991 Hugh Fleming Mullins CGC 9.6

Betty Page 3-D Comics (3-D Zone Comics Pub);

#1 (1991; FIRST PRINTING; One-shot.

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Betty Page 3-D Comics #1 GGA Bikini Swimsuit 1991 Hugh Fleming Mullins CGC 9.0

Betty Page 3-D Comics (3-D Zone Comics Pub);

#1 (1991; FIRST PRINTING; One-shot.

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;




#14 (4/1995; FIRST PRINTING;


Classic SEXY “Headlights” (Big Breasts) CHERYL BLOSSOM in Mini-Skirt GGA (Good Girl Art) cover by DAN DeCARLO;

Betty and Veronica in All the Right Angles, 11 page story;

CHERYL BLOSSOM becomes the Geometry TUTOR for ARCHIE, Betty and Veronica are NOT happy;

Betty and Veronica in Clownin' Around, 5 page story;

Betty and Veronica in No Common Scents, 5 page story (CHERYL BLOSSOM appears);

Stories by; Dan Parent and Bill Golliher;

DAN DeCARLO cover and art;

Art by; Dan Parent, Rudy Lapick, Mike Esposito;

** Regular DIRECT Edition with $1.50 Cover Price;

00262-71 (front) // (00262-72 (back) 

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


BEVERLY HILLBILLIES #11 Dell Comics File Copy 1965 TV PHOTO Cover CGC NM 9.4

The BEVERLY HILLBILLIES (DELL Comics Pub; 1963-1971; Dell / Western FILE COPY);

#11 (12/1965;

PHOTO cover of Buddy Ebsen as Jed Clampett & Duke;

The Call of the Jungle; Jungle Jitters; Elephant Walk;

Farm Boy story;  

D.J. Arneson story; Henry Scarpelli art;  

** Based on the Classic TV / Television Situation Comedy which lasted 9 Seasons & 274 episodes, from 1962-1971;

** The TV Series Starred; Buddy Ebsen as Jed Clampett, Irene Ryan as Granny / Daisy Moses, Donna Douglas as  Elly May Clampett, Max Baer Jr. as  Jethro Bodine, Raymond Bailey as Milburn Drysdale & Nancy Kulp as Jane Hathaway;

>> According to the CGC CENSUS (At Time of Listing), This is among the THIRD HIGHEST GRADED Examples So Far Graded by CGC;

#11 ** (FILE Copy); CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $149.00;

>> 00203-39 (front)// 00203-40 (back)


BEVERLY HILLBILLIES #19 Dell File Copy 1969 Reprints #1 TV PHOTO Cover CGC NM 9.4

The BEVERLY HILLBILLIES (DELL Comics Pub; 1963-1971; Dell / Western FILE COPY);

#19 (10/1969;

Reprints cover & story from #1;

Some Neighborly Help;

 PHOTO Cover of Buddy Ebsen as Jed Clampett, Irene Ryan as Granny / Daisy Moses, Donna Douglas as  Elly May Clampett, Max Baer Jr. as  Jethro Bodine;

D.J. Arneson story; Bill Fraccio and Tony Tallarico art;  

** Based on the Classic TV / Television Situation Comedy which lasted 9 Seasons & 274 episodes, from 1962-1971;

** The TV Series Starred; Buddy Ebsen as Jed Clampett, Irene Ryan as Granny / Daisy Moses, Donna Douglas as  Elly May Clampett, Max Baer Jr. as  Jethro Bodine, Raymond Bailey as Milburn Drysdale & Nancy Kulp as Jane Hathaway;

>> According to the CGC CENSUS (At Time of Listing), This is among the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples So Far Graded by CGC;

#19 ** (FILE Copy); CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


Beware #5 WEREWOLF Pre-Code Horror 1953 Goldfarb Gates Fass Kiefer Belfi CGC 6.0

BEWARE (Trojan Magazines Pub)

#5 (9/1953; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FINE, 6.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $749.00;


BIG APPLE COMIX #1 Neal Adams WOOD Severin Williamson 1975 Underground CGC 9.2 with WHITE Pages = $129.00;


BIG APPLE COMIX #1 Neal Adams WOOD Severin Williamson 1975 Underground CGC 9.0

BIG APPLE COMIX (1975; Big Apple Prod; B&W Underground comic; Nudity, Adults Only)

#NN (#1; 9/1975; One-Shot;

FIRST PRINTING with $1.00 Original Cover Price;

Dinosaurs in City cover;

WALLY WOOD & Larry Hama cover;

ART by; NEAL ADAMS, Kirchner, Mike PLOOG, Schwartzberg, John SEVERIN, Steinberg, Herb TRIMPE, Al Weiss, AL WILLIAMSON and WALLY WOOD;

Pinup on BACK cover by Ralph Reese;

Archie Goodwin & Al Weiss stories;

>>>CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;

00219-81 (front) // 00219-82 (back)



BIG APPLE COMIX #1 Neal Adams WOOD Severin Williamson 1975 Underground CGC 8.5

BIG APPLE COMIX (1975; Big Apple Prod; B&W Underground comic; Nudity, Adults Only)

#NN (#1; 9/1975; One-Shot;

FIRST PRINTING with $1.00 Original Cover Price;

Dinosaurs in City cover;

WALLY WOOD & Larry Hama cover;

ART by; NEAL ADAMS, Kirchner, Mike PLOOG, Schwartzberg, John SEVERIN, Steinberg, Herb TRIMPE, Al Weiss, AL WILLIAMSON and WALLY WOOD;

Pinup on BACK cover by Ralph Reese;

Archie Goodwin & Al Weiss stories;

>>>CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;

00219-83 (front) // 00219-84 (back)


BIG HERO 6 #1 Marvel 2008 Walt Disney Pixar Movie 1st Print John Byrne CGC 9.6

BIG HERO 6 Limited Series (Marvel Comics Pub; 2008-2009);

#1 (11/2008; FIRST printing with Regular Cover by DAVID NAKAYAMA;

FIRST Solo Series for the BIG HERO SIX in the Marvel Universe;

*** The 11/2014 Walt Disney Pixar Animated Cartoon Movie with the Voice Talents of Jamie Chung, Genesis Rodriguez, Damon Wayans Jr.;

*** Wikipedia = Big Hero 6 premiered at the 27th Tokyo International Film Festival on October 23, 2014, and at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival on October 31;

it was theatrically released in the Disney Digital 3-D and RealD 3D formats in the United States on November 7, 2014. The film was met with both critical and commercial success, grossing over $657 million worldwide and becoming the highest-grossing animated film of 2014.

*** The classic Walt Disney Animated Cartoon Movie WON the Academy Awards Oscar for Best Animated Feature;

Character Profiles (1-2 pages each); on = Big Hero 6 (Original Team)--Sunfire; Silver Samurai; Go-Go Tomago; Honey Lemon; Hiro Takachiho; Baymax

SUNFIRE 2 Page Profile = Art by JOHN BYRNE & Scot Eaton, & Alan Davis

GCD Notes these Characters appear =  Big Hero 6, Hiro Takachiho, Baymax; Fred (cameo), Wasabi No-Ginger, Honey Lemon, Go-Go Tomago;

GCD Notes GUEST: Furi Wamu;

GCD Notes VILLAINS: Whiplash; Gunsmith; Brute

GCD Synopsis: Big Hero 6 battles a trio of villains who attack Hiro's school; Furi decides to send the team to New York to collect a powerful artifact.


Chris Claremont story;

David Nakayama cover;

David Nakayama & Terry Pallot art;

>>>CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $109.00;


BIKER MICE FROM MARS #1 Marvel Rick Ungar 1st Throttle Modo Vinnie 1993 CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


BIKER MICE FROM MARS #2 Marvel Rick Ungar 1st Charley, Dr Karbunkle 1993 CGC 9.4

BIKER MICE FROM MARS (Marvel Comics Pub; 1993-1994; Limited Series);

#2 (12/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

SECOND Comics appearance of Throttle, Modo and Vinnie, aka the Biker Mice from Mars cover and story;

SECOND Comics appearance of Greasepit and Lawrence Limburger;

FIRST Comics appearance of Charley and Dr. Karbunkle;

Rick Ungar and Bob Forward story;

Rurik Tyler and Gary Fields art;


** Biker Mice from Mars is a Science fiction action Animated Cartoon TV Series created by Rick Ungar from 1993-1996 in USA, Lasted Three Seasons and 65 Episodes;

** Biker Mice from Mars follows three anthropomorphic mice motorcyclists named Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie who escape a war on their home planet Mars before arriving to defend the Earth from the evil that destroyed their homeland (the Plutarkians) and to one day return to Mars. The mice's signature weapons consist of a cestus and a laser (Throttle), a bionic arm (Modo), and flares (Vinnie). Despite the frequent battles, no blood is shown, no firearms are used and many villains are monsters, aliens, and robots.

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $105.00;


BIONIC WOMAN #1 Charlton Comic 1977 TV Lindsay Wagner Jaime Sommers CGC 9.2

The BIONIC WOMAN (Charlton Comics Pub; 1977-1978);

#1 (10/1977;

** FIRST appearance of Jaime Sommers The BIONIC WOMAN in COMICS;

** BIONIC WOMAN in Rico, Come Home;

** BIONIC WOMAN in The Weaker Sex; Oscar Goldman & Dr. Rudy Wells appear;

** Birth of the Bionic Woman = 2 Page Text Article = ORIGIN and History of Jaime Sommers the BIONIC WOMAN from the TV series;

Joe Gill story;

Jack Sparling cover & art

** Spinoff series from Six Million Dollar Man; The TV series Lasted 3 Seasons and 58 episodes from 1976-1978;

Starring; Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Richard Anderson as Oscar Goldman & Martin E. Brooks as Dr. Rudy Wells

>> CGC NM- 9.2 >> with WHITE Pages = $139.00; 


BIRDS OF PREY #76 first Lori Zechlin aka BLACK ALICE 2005 TV Movie CGC VF+ 8.5

BIRDS OF PREY (DC Comics Pub;  1999-2009);

#76 (1/2005; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST appearance of Lori Zechlin aka BLACK ALICE;

** Her Team affiliations includes; Secret Six & Coven of Three;

** BLACK ALICE borrows magical powers of mystical heroes & villains;

Gail Simone story;

Joe Prado & Ed Benes art;

Jason Pearson cover;

(BIRDS OF PREY);  On November 11, 2016, it was announced that screenwriter Christina Hodson has been signed on to pen the screenplay adaptation for Birds of Prey, which will not so much be a Harley Quinn solo spin-off film as originally thought, but an ensemble film of DC Comics' most notorious female heroines and villains.

Margot Robbie is set to reprise her role as Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad plus co-produce the film. In December 2016, it was announced that David Ayer will direct the spin-off film, entitled Gotham City Sirens, from a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet.

The BIRDS OF PREY (Black Canary, Oracle & Huntress) was a TV Series in 2002-2003 with 14 Episodes, Created by Laeta Kalogridis;

00255-37 (front) // 00225-38 (back)

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $45.00;


BIZARRE ADVENTURE #25 BLACK WIDOW 1981 Daughters of Dragon Lady Daemon CGC 9.8

BIZARRE ADVENTURES (Marvel B&W Magazine; 1981-1983);

#25 (3/1981; FIRST PRINTING;

** FIRST issue in Series (Formerly Marvel Preview Magazine);

** Special LETHAL LADIES issue;

** BLACK WIDOW, Daughters of the Dragon (Colleen Wing & Misty Knight), and Lady Daemon GGA, Good Girl Art Painted cover by PAUL GULACY;

** BLACK WIDOW in  I Got the Yo-Yo... You Got the String, 22 page story by Ralph Macchio with PAUL GULACY art;

** LADY DAEMON in By Virtue of Blood, 14 pages story by Chris Claremont with Michael Golden and Terry Austin art;

** DAUGHTERS OF THE DRAGON (Colleen Wing & Misty Knight), vs Angie Freeman, 22 page Martial arts story by Chris Claremont with MARSHALL ROGERS and Bob McLeod art;  DEDATH of Angie Freeman;

** Title Published with NO COMIC CODE APPROVAL, Mature Themes, with more SEX and VIOLENCE stories;


The BLACK WIDOW Solo MOVIE, starring Scarlett Johansson is CONFIRMED, from Marvel Studios is set for a May 1, 2020 release date, Directed by Cate Shortland.

TASKMASTER is Confirmed as the VILLIAN.

Scarlett Johansson will play Natasha Romanoff aka The BLACK WIDOW;

** Black Widow is #74 on IGN's 2014 Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;  

Scarlett Johansson previously played Natasha Romanoff The BLACK WIDOW in Multiple Movies from 2010-2019 (Avengers: Endgame, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Avengers, Iron Man 2)

*** BLACK WIDOW'S Team affiliations includes; S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, Champions, KGB, Marvel Knights, Mighty Avengers, Lady Liberators, Thunderbolts, Secret Avengers, Heroes for Hire;

*** BLACK WIDOW'S Partnerships includes; Daredevil, Hawkeye, Boris Turgenov, Winter Soldier & Captain America;

Tony Masters aka the TASKMASTER (played by Andre Holland) is Expected to be the MAIN VILLAIN in the Scarlett Johansson as BLACK WIDOW Standalone Solo MOVIE begins Pre-Production in June 2019 with a Circa 2021 Debut Date;  

Marvel’s BLACK WIDOW (Scarlett Johansson) wants EMMA WATSON and FLORENCE PUGH to appear (Rumored) in the BLACK WIDOW Movie.

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $249.00;


Bizarre Adventures #34 Death Santa SKULL Jusko 1983 Howard Duck Dr Deth CGC 9.8

BIZARRE ADVENTURES (Marvel Comic Pub; B&W Magazine; 1981-1983);

#34 (2/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $299.00;



Bizarre Adventures #34 Death Santa SKULL Jusko 1983 Howard Duck Dr Deth CGC 9.4


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;


BLACK ADAM #1 1st SOLO DCU Top Villain-16 Dwayne Johnson MOVIE 2007 CGC NM+ 9.6

BLACK ADAM (DC Comics Pub; 2007-2008; From the Pages of 52 and Countdown)

#1-A (10/2007; FIRST PRINTING;

** Regular Doug Mahnke cover Edition;

** Black Adam in the Dark Age;

** Return and First SOLO Series for Teth-Adam aka BLACK ADAM;

** Dwayne (the Rock) Johnson will Play BLACK ADAM in the SHAZAM Spinoff Movie that will DEBUT on July 29/2022;

**  #38 in the Countdown crossover series; 

Johnson Peter J. Tomasi story;

Doug Mahnke cover;

Doug Mahnke, Christian Alamy and Norm Rapmund art;


** The BLACK ADAM Big-Screen DCU FILM starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, is officially standalone MOVIE will DEBUT on July 29/2022;

** Black Adam is #16 on IGN's #16 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List

** BLACK ADAM  is the Arch-Enemy of Captain Marvel (of Shazam) and the Marvel Family;

** The film is set to be joined by multiple members of the Justice Society of America (rumored characters include; Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Doctor Fate)

** Pierce Brosnan will play Doctor Fate in the Movie;

** Sarah Shahi will play Adrianna Tomaz;

** Noah Centineo will be playing Albert Rothstein aka ATOM SMASHER in the MOVIE.


00400-5475 (front) // 00400-5476 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $135.00;



BLACK ADAM #1 1st SOLO DCU Top Villain-16 Dwayne Johnson MOVIE 2007 CGC NM 9.4

BLACK ADAM (DC Comics Pub; 2007-2008; From the Pages of 52 and Countdown)

#1 (10/2007; FIRST PRINTING;

** Regular Doug Mahnke cover Edition;

** Black Adam in the Dark Age;

** Return and First SOLO Series for Teth-Adam aka BLACK ADAM;

** Dwayne (the Rock) Johnson will Play BLACK ADAM in the SHAZAM Spinoff Movie that will DEBUT on July 29/2022;

**  #38 in the Countdown crossover series; 

Johnson Peter J. Tomasi story;

Doug Mahnke cover;

Doug Mahnke, Christian Alamy and Norm Rapmund art;


** The BLACK ADAM Big-Screen DCU FILM starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, is officially standalone MOVIE will DEBUT on July 29/2022;

** Black Adam is #16 on IGN's #16 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List

** BLACK ADAM  is the Arch-Enemy of Captain Marvel (of Shazam) and the Marvel Family;

** The film is set to be joined by multiple members of the Justice Society of America (rumored characters include; Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Doctor Fate)

** Pierce Brosnan will play Doctor Fate in the Movie;

** Sarah Shahi will play Adrianna Tomaz;

** Noah Centineo will be playing Albert Rothstein aka ATOM SMASHER in the MOVIE.


00262-1991 (front) // 00262-1992 (Back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


BLACKHAWK #30 QUALITY Crandall 1950 Spielberg MOVIE Canadian VARIANT CGC FN+ 6.5

BLACKHAWK (Quality / DC Comics Pub; Original Series; 1944-1984); 

#30 (4/1950;

** Vintage Canadian VARIANT Edition, published by BELL FEATURES in Canada;

** Blackhawk in Who Were the 3 and 30? = 13 page story with Reed Crandall art; FIRST appearance of Ola Hesper Number One & Three and Thirty (Villains);

** Chop Chop in Tempest In a Teapot;

** Blackhawk in Menace of the Meteors = 11 Page story with Art by Bill Quackenbush;

FIRST appearance & DEATH of Lo Chien (Villain);

Cover by BILL WARD?

The BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film / MOVIE from DC / Warner Bros will be Produced & Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script.

** According to the CGC Census (at Time of Listing) this is the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Canadian VARIANT so Far Graded by CGC (Only one better copy in 7.5 exists);

*** CGC; FINE+, 6.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $249.00;



Blackhawk #117 Origin 1st MISTER FREEZE Prototype Batman DC Villain 1957 CGC 5.0

BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#117 [10/1957; FIRST PRINTING;

** ( A ) Blackhawk vs The Fantastic MISTER FREEZE cover and story;

** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of DC Comics Prototype Original MISTER FREEZE cover and Story (a MR. FREEZE Robot controlled by Doctor Professor Thurman);

** Professor Thurman was one of the nation's top scientists, and secretly a criminal mastermind.

** This PROTOTYPE STORY was Printed 17 Months Before BATMAN #121 ( the FIRST appearance of the Victor Fries version of MR ZERO aka MISTER FREEZE, the Classic BATMAN VILLIAN);

** FIRST appearance of Thurman's Instant Freeze Icing Machine (It shoots an icy mist which freezes instantaneously upon contact with an object, reaching temperatures of negative 200 degrees Fahrenheit)

 ** FIRST appearance of Mr. Freeze's open-cockpit biplane;

** FIRST appearance of Professor Johnson;

** FIRST appearance of Professor Burns;

** FIRST appearance of Johnson's Anti-Element Ball;

** FIRST appearance of Burns' Mechano-Man;

** FIRST appearance of Aqua-Tank;

** George Sanders, Otto Preminger and Eli Wallach played MISTER FREEZE in the 1960s Live Action BATMAN television series;

** The 1960’s BATMAN TV Series launched MISTER FREEZE as one of the Top BATMAN VILLIANS in the Bat-Verse;

** Arnold Schwarzenegger played MISTER FREEZE in the 1997 Live Action BATMAN and ROBIN Movie; 

** Nathan Darrow played Victor Fries aka MISTER FREEZE in TV's GOTHAM in Season-2;

** MISTER FREEZE is #67 on IGN's list of the Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time List;

( B ) Blackhawk in The Menace of the Dragon Boat

** Blackhawk vs Eric Holboe and his fake Viking pirate crew;

( C ) The Seven Little Blackhawks

vs L.M. Masters, Movie Producer;

** Blackhawk Squadron Team Line-Up includes; Blackhawk, Andre, Chop Chop, Chuck, Hendrickson, Olaf,  Stan;

** The Long Delayed BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film MOVIE from DC Warner Bros will be Produced and Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the Long Delayed BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film;

Dick Dillin and Chuck Cuidera, cover and art;

** CGC; VG/FN, 5.0 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $399.00;


Blackhawk #117 Origin 1st MISTER FREEZE Prototype Batman DC Villain 1957 CGC 4.0

BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#117 [10/1957; FIRST PRINTING;

** ( A ) Blackhawk vs The Fantastic MISTER FREEZE cover and story;

** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of DC Comics Prototype Original MISTER FREEZE cover and Story (a MR. FREEZE Robot controlled by Doctor Professor Thurman);

** Professor Thurman was one of the nation's top scientists, and secretly a criminal mastermind.

** This PROTOTYPE STORY was Printed 17 Months Before BATMAN #121 ( the FIRST appearance of the Victor Fries version of MR ZERO aka MISTER FREEZE, the Classic BATMAN VILLIAN);

** FIRST appearance of Thurman's Instant Freeze Icing Machine (It shoots an icy mist which freezes instantaneously upon contact with an object, reaching temperatures of negative 200 degrees Fahrenheit)

 ** FIRST appearance of Mr. Freeze's open-cockpit biplane;

** FIRST appearance of Professor Johnson;

** FIRST appearance of Professor Burns;

** FIRST appearance of Johnson's Anti-Element Ball;

** FIRST appearance of Burns' Mechano-Man;

** FIRST appearance of Aqua-Tank;

** George Sanders, Otto Preminger and Eli Wallach played MISTER FREEZE in the 1960s Live Action BATMAN television series;

** The 1960’s BATMAN TV Series launched MISTER FREEZE as one of the Top BATMAN VILLIANS in the Bat-Verse;

** Arnold Schwarzenegger played MISTER FREEZE in the 1997 Live Action BATMAN and ROBIN Movie; 

** Nathan Darrow played Victor Fries aka MISTER FREEZE in TV's GOTHAM in Season-2;

** MISTER FREEZE is #67 on IGN's list of the Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time List;

( B ) Blackhawk in The Menace of the Dragon Boat

** Blackhawk vs Eric Holboe and his fake Viking pirate crew;

( C ) The Seven Little Blackhawks

vs L.M. Masters, Movie Producer;

** Blackhawk Squadron Team Line-Up includes; Blackhawk, Andre, Chop Chop, Chuck, Hendrickson, Olaf,  Stan;

** The Long Delayed BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film MOVIE from DC Warner Bros will be Produced and Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the Long Delayed BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film;

Dick Dillin and Chuck Cuidera, cover and art;

** CGC; VERY GOOD, 4.0 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $299.00;



Blackhawk #117 Origin 1st MISTER FREEZE Prototype Batman DC Villain 1957 CGC 2.0

BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#117 [10/1957; FIRST PRINTING;

** ( A ) Blackhawk vs The Fantastic MISTER FREEZE cover and story;

** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of DC Comics Prototype Original MISTER FREEZE cover and Story (a MR. FREEZE Robot controlled by Doctor Professor Thurman);

** Professor Thurman was one of the nation's top scientists, and secretly a criminal mastermind.

** This PROTOTYPE STORY was Printed 17 Months Before BATMAN #121 ( the FIRST appearance of the Victor Fries version of MR ZERO aka MISTER FREEZE, the Classic BATMAN VILLIAN);

** FIRST appearance of Thurman's Instant Freeze Icing Machine (It shoots an icy mist which freezes instantaneously upon contact with an object, reaching temperatures of negative 200 degrees Fahrenheit)

 ** FIRST appearance of Mr. Freeze's open-cockpit biplane;

** FIRST appearance of Professor Johnson;

** FIRST appearance of Professor Burns;

** FIRST appearance of Johnson's Anti-Element Ball;

** FIRST appearance of Burns' Mechano-Man;

** FIRST appearance of Aqua-Tank;

** George Sanders, Otto Preminger and Eli Wallach played MISTER FREEZE in the 1960s Live Action BATMAN television series;

** The 1960’s BATMAN TV Series launched MISTER FREEZE as one of the Top BATMAN VILLIANS in the Bat-Verse;

** Arnold Schwarzenegger played MISTER FREEZE in the 1997 Live Action BATMAN and ROBIN Movie; 

** Nathan Darrow played Victor Fries aka MISTER FREEZE in TV's GOTHAM in Season-2;

** MISTER FREEZE is #67 on IGN's list of the Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time List;

( B ) Blackhawk in The Menace of the Dragon Boat

** Blackhawk vs Eric Holboe and his fake Viking pirate crew;

( C ) The Seven Little Blackhawks

vs L.M. Masters, Movie Producer;

** Blackhawk Squadron Team Line-Up includes; Blackhawk, Andre, Chop Chop, Chuck, Hendrickson, Olaf,  Stan;

** The Long Delayed BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film MOVIE from DC Warner Bros will be Produced and Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the Long Delayed BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film;

Dick Dillin and Chuck Cuidera, cover and art;

** CGC; GOOD, 2.0 with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $199.00;



BLACKHAWK #244 Return DC 1976 New Uniforms KUBERT TEAM-c SPIELBERG Movie CGC 9.6

BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#244 (1-2/1976;

** FIRST Return issue since 1968;

** New Blackhawk Uniforms;

** BLACKHAWK in Death's Right Hand;


** Steve Skeates story;

** George Evans art; **

** The BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film / MOVIE from DC / Warner Bros will be Produced & Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film

00253-37 (front) // 00253-38 (back)

>> CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;


BLACKHAWK #251 ORIGIN Return 1982 Spiegle Black Knights SPIELBERG Movie CGC 9.8

BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#251 (10/1982;

** First Return issue since 1-2/1977;


** BLACKHAWK TEAM in Action cover;



** BLACKHAWKS Return to original uniforms;

** Series reset to World War II;

** BLACKHAWK in A Time to Fight...a Time to Die;

** Mark Evanier story;

**  Dan Spiegle art;

**  Dave Cockrum cover;

** The BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film / MOVIE from DC / Warner Bros will be Produced & Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film

00252-13 (front) // 00252-14 (back)

>> CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



BLACKHAWK #251 ORIGIN Return 1982 Spiegle Black Knights SPIELBERG Movie CGC 9.6

BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#251 (10/1982;

** First Return issue since 1-2/1977;


** BLACKHAWK TEAM in Action cover;



** BLACKHAWKS Return to original uniforms;

** Series reset to World War II;

** BLACKHAWK in A Time to Fight...a Time to Die;

** Mark Evanier story;

**  Dan Spiegle art;

**  Dave Cockrum cover;

** The BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film / MOVIE from DC / Warner Bros will be Produced & Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film

00252-15 (front) // 00252-16 (back)

>> CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;




BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#257 (4/1983;

** BLACKHAWK in Man to Man, Man to Monster;

** Blackhawk Detached Service Diary in They Also Serve...;

** Classic WWII Cover by HOWARD CHAYKIN

** Mark Evanier story;

** Dan Spiegle & John Severin art;

** The BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film / MOVIE from DC / Warner Bros will be Produced & Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film

00252-17 (front) // 00252-18 (back)

>> CGC; NEAR MINT /MINT , 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



BLACKHAWK #258 Death 1983 CHAYKIN Classic FLAG Cover SPIELBERG Movie CGC 9.8

BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#258 (5/1983;

** BLACKHAWK in The Death of Blackhawk Island;



** Mark Evanier story;

** Dan Spiegle art;

** The BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film / MOVIE from DC / Warner Bros will be Produced & Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film

00252-19 (front) // 00252-20 (back)

>> CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



BLACKHAWK #258 Death 1983 CHAYKIN Classic FLAG Cover SPIELBERG Movie CGC 9.6

BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#258 (5/1983;

** BLACKHAWK in The Death of Blackhawk Island;



** Mark Evanier story;

** Dan Spiegle art;

** The BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film / MOVIE from DC / Warner Bros will be Produced & Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film

00252-21 (front) // 00252-22 (back)

>> CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;


BLACKHAWK #273 LAST issue 1984 GIL KANE Evanier Spiegle SPIELBERG Movie CGC 9.8

BLACKHAWK (DC Comics Pub; Formerly Quality Pub; 1944-1984)

#273 (11/1984;

** Scarcer LAST issue;

** BLACKHAWK in No Information Available at Press Time;

** Blackhawk Detached Service Diary in Deserter; 

** Mark Evanier stories;

** Dan Spiegle & Mike Sekowsky art;

**  GIL KANE cover;

** The BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film / MOVIE from DC / Warner Bros will be Produced & Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

** David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the script for the BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film

00252-25 (front) // 00252-26 (back)

>> CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



BLACKHAWK: BLOOD AND IRON (DC Comics Pub; 1987 Limited Series; Prestige Square-Bound 52 page Giant)

#1 (3/1987; FIRST PRINTING;

BLACKHAWK Book One: Blood and Iron;

MATURE storyline with; Alcohol, Gangsters, Nazi Spies, Atomic Bomb; 

RETURN of Janos Prohaska aka Blackhawk;

ppearances by; André Blanc-Dumont; Senator Hightower;

Death of Mayhew;

HOWARD CHAYKIN story, art & Covers;

The BLACKHAWK Live-Action Film / MOVIE from DC / Warner Bros will be Produced & Directed by STEVEN SPIELBERG;

David Koepp (Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) will write the MOVIE script;

00251-211 (front) // 00251-212 (back)

*** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


Black Hood #1 Red Circle Archie 1983 GGA Bondage ALEX TOTH Morrow Wildey CGC 9.8

BLACK HOOD (Red Circle Archie comics Pub; 6-10/1983; ALL-NEW material; Published with NO comics code)

#1 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** Classic Woman in BONDAGE and Black Hood with Blazing Gun on Motorcycle Action cover by ALEX TOTH;

( A ) Crusader Chronicles, one page Text Article;

A brief look at the Black Hood's history. Includes cover image of Black Hood #9 and an illo of Black Hood by Gray Morrow.

( B ) Black Hood in The Mask and the Man,

** Appearances by; Black Hood [Kip Burland]; Black Hood [Matt Burland] (cameo flashback); Phil Martin; Jason Strang [Death-Monger]; Blaine Farrell; Carolyn Farrell (flashback only); "Nails" Garson; Cyrene

** Synopsis; The Black Hood is recruited by the CIA to stop an international criminal from selling classified defense documents to the highest bidder

18 page story by Cary Burkett, with GRAY MORROW art;

( C ) Get On The Stick, Kramer,

6 page story by Marv Channing, with DOUG WILDEY art;

An Ex-MARINE faces his harshest drill sergeant in civilian life.

Marine is the likeness of actor Frank Sutton, who played Sgt. Carter in the Gomer Pyle television series.

( D ) Black Hood in Crime Hits a Sour Note,

** Appearances by; Black Hood [Kip Burland]; Marilyn White (Kip's date); Damian (an associate of Kip's); Dennis Gordon (a ticket manager);

** Synopsis; The Black Hood foils a gang who's kidnapped an entire orchestra;

4 page story by Robin Snyder and Marv Channing, with art by Al McWilliams;

( E ) Black Hood in Secrets of the Dark Avenger, one page with GRAY MORROW art;

A one-page featurette on the weapons produced by Damian, the Black Hood's weaponer.

( F ) Black Hood [Kip Burland], Cyrene and Death-Monger back cover Pinup by GRAY MORROW

Notes from GCD;

*** In 2012 the Archie RED CIRCLE Superhero Line was Revived with the NEW CRUSADERS, and continued in 2013 with the FOX]

** Archie is Revived BLACK HOOD  as a New GRITTIER Adult Version, under the Dark Circle Comics Label in 2015 by Creators Duane Swierczynski (Cable, Birds of Prey, Bloodshot & Judge Dredd) and Michael Gaydos (Alias, The Pulse, 24);

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;



Black Hood #1 Red Circle Archie 1983 GGA Bondage ALEX TOTH Morrow Wildey CGC 9.8

BLACK HOOD (Red Circle Archie comics Pub; 6-10/1983; ALL-NEW material; Published with NO comics code)

#1 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** Classic Woman in BONDAGE and Black Hood with Blazing Gun on Motorcycle Action cover by ALEX TOTH;

( A ) Crusader Chronicles, one page Text Article;

A brief look at the Black Hood's history. Includes cover image of Black Hood #9 and an illo of Black Hood by Gray Morrow.

( B ) Black Hood in The Mask and the Man,

** Appearances by; Black Hood [Kip Burland]; Black Hood [Matt Burland] (cameo flashback); Phil Martin; Jason Strang [Death-Monger]; Blaine Farrell; Carolyn Farrell (flashback only); "Nails" Garson; Cyrene

** Synopsis; The Black Hood is recruited by the CIA to stop an international criminal from selling classified defense documents to the highest bidder

18 page story by Cary Burkett, with GRAY MORROW art;

( C ) Get On The Stick, Kramer,

6 page story by Marv Channing, with DOUG WILDEY art;

An Ex-MARINE faces his harshest drill sergeant in civilian life.

Marine is the likeness of actor Frank Sutton, who played Sgt. Carter in the Gomer Pyle television series.

( D ) Black Hood in Crime Hits a Sour Note,

** Appearances by; Black Hood [Kip Burland]; Marilyn White (Kip's date); Damian (an associate of Kip's); Dennis Gordon (a ticket manager);

** Synopsis; The Black Hood foils a gang who's kidnapped an entire orchestra;

4 page story by Robin Snyder and Marv Channing, with art by Al McWilliams;

( E ) Black Hood in Secrets of the Dark Avenger, one page with GRAY MORROW art;

A one-page featurette on the weapons produced by Damian, the Black Hood's weaponer.

( F ) Black Hood [Kip Burland], Cyrene and Death-Monger back cover Pinup by GRAY MORROW

Notes from GCD;

*** In 2012 the Archie RED CIRCLE Superhero Line was Revived with the NEW CRUSADERS, and continued in 2013 with the FOX]

** Archie is Revived BLACK HOOD  as a New GRITTIER Adult Version, under the Dark Circle Comics Label in 2015 by Creators Duane Swierczynski (Cable, Birds of Prey, Bloodshot & Judge Dredd) and Michael Gaydos (Alias, The Pulse, 24);

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $120.00;



Black Hood #1 Red Circle Archie 1983 GGA Bondage ALEX TOTH Morrow Wildey CGC 9.6

BLACK HOOD (Red Circle Archie comics Pub; 6-10/1983; ALL-NEW material; Published with NO comics code)

#1 (6/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** Classic Woman in BONDAGE and Black Hood with Blazing Gun on Motorcycle Action cover by ALEX TOTH;

( A ) Crusader Chronicles, one page Text Article;

A brief look at the Black Hood's history. Includes cover image of Black Hood #9 and an illo of Black Hood by Gray Morrow.

( B ) Black Hood in The Mask and the Man,

** Appearances by; Black Hood [Kip Burland]; Black Hood [Matt Burland] (cameo flashback); Phil Martin; Jason Strang [Death-Monger]; Blaine Farrell; Carolyn Farrell (flashback only); "Nails" Garson; Cyrene

** Synopsis; The Black Hood is recruited by the CIA to stop an international criminal from selling classified defense documents to the highest bidder

18 page story by Cary Burkett, with GRAY MORROW art;

( C ) Get On The Stick, Kramer,

6 page story by Marv Channing, with DOUG WILDEY art;

An Ex-MARINE faces his harshest drill sergeant in civilian life.

Marine is the likeness of actor Frank Sutton, who played Sgt. Carter in the Gomer Pyle television series.

( D ) Black Hood in Crime Hits a Sour Note,

** Appearances by; Black Hood [Kip Burland]; Marilyn White (Kip's date); Damian (an associate of Kip's); Dennis Gordon (a ticket manager);

** Synopsis; The Black Hood foils a gang who's kidnapped an entire orchestra;

4 page story by Robin Snyder and Marv Channing, with art by Al McWilliams;

( E ) Black Hood in Secrets of the Dark Avenger, one page with GRAY MORROW art;

A one-page featurette on the weapons produced by Damian, the Black Hood's weaponer.

( F ) Black Hood [Kip Burland], Cyrene and Death-Monger back cover Pinup by GRAY MORROW

Notes from GCD;

*** In 2012 the Archie RED CIRCLE Superhero Line was Revived with the NEW CRUSADERS, and continued in 2013 with the FOX]

** Archie is Revived BLACK HOOD  as a New GRITTIER Adult Version, under the Dark Circle Comics Label in 2015 by Creators Duane Swierczynski (Cable, Birds of Prey, Bloodshot & Judge Dredd) and Michael Gaydos (Alias, The Pulse, 24);

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;


BLACK KNIGHT #1 1st app TOBY Version 1953 Woman Bondage Canadian VARIANT CGC 3.5


 #1 (5/1953; SCARCE; PRE-CODE;

FIRST appearance of the TOBY  Version of BLACK KNIGHT;

First BLACK KNIGHT in COMICS (Pre-Dates the Atlas Marvel #1 from 5/1955 by TWO YEARS);

WOMAN in BONDAGE, tied to Stake surrounded by Flames cover and splash page;

** GPA Shows; (CGC 7.5 sold for $7200 in 4/2022; CGC 7.0 sold for $3360 in 6/2022; CGC 5.0 sold for $2500 in 12/2021; CGC 3.5 sold for $3400 in 10/2021);

Black Knight in Human Sacrifice;

Story by Robert Bernstein;

Black Knight in Killers Unseen;

Old Liz, 1 page Text story with 2 illustrations;

Black Knight in Search For the Sheriff;

The Invitation, 1 page cartoon by Mell Lazarus;

Robert Bernstein story;

Ernie Schroeder cover and art;

RARE Canadian Variant Edition by Superior Pub of Toronto, Printed in Canada;

** CGC; VERY GOOD Minus, 3.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $999.00;



BLACK KNIGHT #1 Dane Whitman 1st SOLO MCU Percival 1990 Le Fay Mordred CGC 9.8

BLACK KNIGHT (Marvel Comics Pub; 1990)

#1 (6/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST Modern Solo Title for BLACK KNIGHT, and Series BEGINS;

Sir Percival of Scandia the Original BLACK KNIGHT returns;

Dane Whitman the second BLACK KNIGHT the EBON Avenger returns;

The Antagonists are Morgan Le Fay and Mordred the Mystic;

Appearances by; Captain America, Hawkeye, Victoria Bentley, Catherwood;

AVENGERS, She-Hulk and Doctor Druid Flashback appearances;

The Rebirth of the Black Knight;


At last, the beginning of the resolution of the final fate of the Black Knight and the legendary Ebony Blade can be told! The spirit of the first Black Knight must save the soul of the Avengers' Black Knight from two of his greatest enemies, Mordred, the half-brother of King Arthur, and the witch Morgan Le Fay!

Roy and Dann Thomas story;

Tony DeZuniga art;

Rich Buckler and Tony DeZuniga cover;

** (BLACK KNIGHT);  Kit Harington (Game of Thrones star) played Dane Whitman aka BLACK KNIGHT, the wielder of Marvel's iconic Ebony Blade, in the ETERNALS MOVIE, which debuted on November 5, 2021; This was the Official DEBUT of BLACK KNIGHT in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe);

** CAPTAIN BRITAIN and the BLACK KNIGHT Movie in Works From Marvel with possible Director Guy Ritchie;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



BLACK KNIGHT #1 Dane Whitman 1st SOLO MCU Percival 1990 Le Fay Mordred CGC 9.6

BLACK KNIGHT (Marvel Comics Pub; 1990)

#1 (6/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST Modern Solo Title for BLACK KNIGHT, and Series BEGINS;

Sir Percival of Scandia the Original BLACK KNIGHT returns;

Dane Whitman the second BLACK KNIGHT the EBON Avenger returns;

The Antagonists are Morgan Le Fay and Mordred the Mystic;

Appearances by; Captain America, Hawkeye, Victoria Bentley, Catherwood;

AVENGERS, She-Hulk and Doctor Druid Flashback appearances;

The Rebirth of the Black Knight;


At last, the beginning of the resolution of the final fate of the Black Knight and the legendary Ebony Blade can be told! The spirit of the first Black Knight must save the soul of the Avengers' Black Knight from two of his greatest enemies, Mordred, the half-brother of King Arthur, and the witch Morgan Le Fay!

Roy and Dann Thomas story;

Tony DeZuniga art;

Rich Buckler and Tony DeZuniga cover;

** (BLACK KNIGHT);  Kit Harington (Game of Thrones star) played Dane Whitman aka BLACK KNIGHT, the wielder of Marvel's iconic Ebony Blade, in the ETERNALS MOVIE, which debuted on November 5, 2021; This was the Official DEBUT of BLACK KNIGHT in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe);

** CAPTAIN BRITAIN and the BLACK KNIGHT Movie in Works From Marvel with possible Director Guy Ritchie;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;



Black Magic #8 Demon-c/s Simon KIRBY Pre-Code 1951-1952 Meskin McCarthy CGC 4.5

BLACK MAGIC (Prize Comics Pub; 1950-1961);

#8 (12/1951-1/1952; Volume-2 #2;

** CGC; VERY GOOD PLUS, 4.5, with Off- WHITE Pages = $199.00;



Black Magic #9 Simon & KIRBY Pre-Code 1952 Meskin Roussos Grandenetti CGC FN 6.0

BLACK MAGIC (Prize Comics Pub; 1950-1961);

#9 (2/1952; Volume-2 #3;

** CGC; FINE, 6.0, with Off-WHITE Pages = $249.00;



Black Magic 13 GEEK Prototype Simon KIRBY-c/a 1952 CGC Meskin Draut McCarthy 6.5

BLACK MAGIC (Prize Comics Pub; 1950-1961);

#13 (6/1952; Volume-2 #7;

** CGC; FINE PLUS, 6.5, with Cream to Off-WHITE Pages = $249.00;


BLACK PANTHER #1 vs Captain America Ribic VARIANT cover 2005 CGC NM/MT 9.8

BLACK PANTHER (Marvel Comics Pub; MARVEL KNIGHTS; 2005-2008)

1-B (5/2005; FIRST Printing;

** LIMITED EDITION VARIANT Painted cover of Captain America vs of BLACK PANTHER Battle by Esad Ribic;

** Black Panther in Who Is the Black Panther? 

** Cameo flashback of Black Panther from 5th century, from 19th century, and from 1944, flashback;

** Captain America in 1944, flashback;

** FIRST appearance of Dondi Reese;

** Appearances by Everett K. Ross & Ulysses Klaw;

** FIRST appearance of The Cannibal (not named, villain);  

Reginald Hudlin story;

John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson art

Esad Ribic Painted Cover;

00256-125 (front) // 00256-126 (back)

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $94.00;


BLACK PANTHER #1-B Limited VARIANT 2005 1st Cannibal & Reese 4 x Movies CGC 9.8

BLACK PANTHER (Marvel Comics Pub; MARVEL KNIGHTS; 2005-2008)

1-B (5/2005; FIRST Printing; LIMITED EDITION VARIANT Painted cover of Captain America vs of BLACK PANTHER Battle by Esad Ribic;

Black Panther in Who Is the Black Panther?

Cameo flashback of Black Panther from 5th century, from 19th century, and from 1944, flashback;

Captain America in 1944, flashback;

FIRST appearance of Dondi Reese;

Appearances by Everett K. Ross & Ulysses Klaw;

FIRST appearance of The Cannibal (not named, villain);  

Reginald Hudlin story;

John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson art;

Esad Ribic Painted Cover;

00251-219 (front) // 00251-220 (back)

*** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $115.00;



BLACK PANTHER #1-B Limited VARIANT 2005 1st Cannibal & Reese 4 x Movies NM+ 9.6

BLACK PANTHER (Marvel Comics Pub; MARVEL KNIGHTS; 2005-2008)

1-B (5/2005; FIRST Printing; LIMITED EDITION VARIANT Painted cover of Captain America vs of BLACK PANTHER Battle by Esad Ribic;

Black Panther in Who Is the Black Panther?

Cameo flashback of Black Panther from 5th century, from 19th century, and from 1944, flashback;

Captain America in 1944, flashback;

FIRST appearance of Dondi Reese;

Appearances by Everett K. Ross & Ulysses Klaw;

FIRST appearance of The Cannibal (not named, villain);  

Reginald Hudlin story;

John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson art;

Esad Ribic Painted Cover;

00251-221 (front) // 00251-222 (back)

*** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $72.00;


BLACK PANTHER (Marvel Comics Pub; MARVEL KNIGHTS; 2005-2008)

#1-C (5/2005; FIRST Printing;

LIMITED EDITION VARIANT Painted Version of this cover of BLACK PANTHER by Esad Ribic based on the Original cover by John Romita Jr. & Klaus Janson;

Black Panther in Who Is the Black Panther?

Cameo flashback of Black Panther from 5th century, from 19th century, and from 1944, flashback;

Captain America in 1944, flashback;

FIRST appearance of Dondi Reese;

Appearances by Everett K. Ross & Ulysses Klaw;

FIRST appearance of The Cannibal (not named, villain);  

Reginald Hudlin story;

John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson art;

Esad Ribic Painted Cover;

*** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $150.00;


BLACK PANTHER #1 JACK KIRBY First Marvel Title 1977 comic 5 x MCU Movies CGC 9.2

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979 series; Original First Series);

#1 (1/1977; FIRST PRINTING; 

The FIRST Black Panther Series under his Own Title Begins;

JACK “KING” KIRBY story, cover & art BEGINS;

BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important BLACK Superhero of African descent of ALL-TIME.

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 AVENGERS of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;

King Solomon's Brass Frog the ancient Time Machine storyline Part-1;

FIRST appearance of the COLLECTORS (Abner Little, Princess Zanda, Alfred Queely & Hatch-22/The Six-Million Year Man);

*** RED HOT Major Bronze Age KEY Issue;


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the Live-Action MOVIE #2 will DEBUT on November 11, 2022.

** Letitia Wright plays Shuri,

** Danai Gurira plays Okoye,

** Dominique Thorne plays Riri Williams aka IRONHEART;

** Tenoch Huert, Winston Duke plays M'Baku, Dominique Thorne plays Ironheart, Daniel Kaluuya plays  W'Kabi,

** Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross, Angela Bassett plays  Ramonda, Michaela Coel,

** Florence Kasumba plays Ayo, Isaach de Bankolé, Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia


BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important African descent BLACK Superhero and BLACK Comics Character of ALL-TIME.

** The BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1 did near 1.347 BILLION DOLLARS ($1,346,913,161.00) in the Worldwide BOX OFFICE in its 45 Week Theatrical Run, One of the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL-TIME.  

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 member of Marvel’s AVENGERS Team of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

** BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;


** Chadwick Boseman First played BLACK PANTHER in the 2016 CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Movie; 

** Chadwick Boseman next played in the BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1, which DEBUTED on February 16, 2018; 

** BLACK PANTHER is already the second-fastest grossing movie of all time in North America, (behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens); 

** The BLACK PANTHER Movie #1 broke records for the superhero genre, and is a contender for the 2018 Academy Awards and Oscar Race;

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 4, 2018

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: ENDGAME. the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 3, 2019;

** The BLACK PANTHER #1 February/2018 MOVIE starred; Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther; Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger; Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw; Winston Duke as M'Baku / Man-Ape; Danai Gurira plays Okoye; Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross;  Forest Whitaker plays Zuri; Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia; Daniel Kaluuya plays W'Kabi; Florence Kasumba plays Ayo; Nabiyah Be plays Tilda Johnson aka NIGHTSHADE;


** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


BLACK PANTHER #2 COLLECTORS Abner Zanda Queely Hatch-22 1977 MCU Kirby CGC 9.8

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979 series; Original First Series);

#2 (3/1977; FIRST PRINTING;

Second appearance of the COLLECTORS (Abner Little, Princess Zanda, Alfred Queely and  Hatch-22 aka The Six-Million Year Man); 

King Solomon's Brass Frog the ancient Time Machine storyline Part-2; 

T'Challa the Black Panther in The Six-Million Year Man!


JACK KIRBY and Mike Royer art;

JACK KIRBY and Frank Giacoia cover;


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the Live-Action MOVIE #2 will DEBUT on November 11, 2022.

** Letitia Wright plays Shuri,

** Danai Gurira plays Okoye,

** Dominique Thorne plays Riri Williams aka IRONHEART;

** Tenoch Huert, Winston Duke plays M'Baku, Dominique Thorne plays Ironheart, Daniel Kaluuya plays  W'Kabi,

** Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross, Angela Bassett plays  Ramonda, Michaela Coel,

** Florence Kasumba plays Ayo, Isaach de Bankolé, Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia


BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important African descent BLACK Superhero and BLACK Comics Character of ALL-TIME.

** The BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1 did near 1.347 BILLION DOLLARS ($1,346,913,161.00) in the Worldwide BOX OFFICE in its 45 Week Theatrical Run, One of the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL-TIME.  

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 member of Marvel’s AVENGERS Team of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

** BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;


** Chadwick Boseman First played BLACK PANTHER in the 2016 CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Movie; 

** Chadwick Boseman next played in the BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1, which DEBUTED on February 16, 2018; 

** BLACK PANTHER is already the second-fastest grossing movie of all time in North America, (behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens); 

** The BLACK PANTHER Movie #1 broke records for the superhero genre, and is a contender for the 2018 Academy Awards and Oscar Race;

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 4, 2018

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: ENDGAME. the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 3, 2019;

** The BLACK PANTHER #1 February/2018 MOVIE starred; Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther; Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger; Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw; Winston Duke as M'Baku / Man-Ape; Danai Gurira plays Okoye; Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross;  Forest Whitaker plays Zuri; Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia; Daniel Kaluuya plays W'Kabi; Florence Kasumba plays Ayo; Nabiyah Be plays Tilda Johnson aka NIGHTSHADE;


** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $279.00;



BLACK PANTHER #2 COLLECTORS Abner Zanda Queely Hatch-22 1977 MCU Kirby CGC 9.6

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979 series; Original First Series);

#2 (3/1977; FIRST PRINTING;

Second appearance of the COLLECTORS (Abner Little, Princess Zanda, Alfred Queely and  Hatch-22 aka The Six-Million Year Man); 

King Solomon's Brass Frog the ancient Time Machine storyline Part-2; 

T'Challa the Black Panther in The Six-Million Year Man!


JACK KIRBY and Mike Royer art;

JACK KIRBY and Frank Giacoia cover;


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the Live-Action MOVIE #2 will DEBUT on November 11, 2022.

** Letitia Wright plays Shuri,

** Danai Gurira plays Okoye,

** Dominique Thorne plays Riri Williams aka IRONHEART;

** Tenoch Huert, Winston Duke plays M'Baku, Dominique Thorne plays Ironheart, Daniel Kaluuya plays  W'Kabi,

** Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross, Angela Bassett plays  Ramonda, Michaela Coel,

** Florence Kasumba plays Ayo, Isaach de Bankolé, Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia


BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important African descent BLACK Superhero and BLACK Comics Character of ALL-TIME.

** The BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1 did near 1.347 BILLION DOLLARS ($1,346,913,161.00) in the Worldwide BOX OFFICE in its 45 Week Theatrical Run, One of the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL-TIME.  

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 member of Marvel’s AVENGERS Team of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

** BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;


** Chadwick Boseman First played BLACK PANTHER in the 2016 CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Movie; 

** Chadwick Boseman next played in the BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1, which DEBUTED on February 16, 2018; 

** BLACK PANTHER is already the second-fastest grossing movie of all time in North America, (behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens); 

** The BLACK PANTHER Movie #1 broke records for the superhero genre, and is a contender for the 2018 Academy Awards and Oscar Race;

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 4, 2018

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: ENDGAME. the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 3, 2019;

** The BLACK PANTHER #1 February/2018 MOVIE starred; Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther; Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger; Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw; Winston Duke as M'Baku / Man-Ape; Danai Gurira plays Okoye; Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross;  Forest Whitaker plays Zuri; Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia; Daniel Kaluuya plays W'Kabi; Florence Kasumba plays Ayo; Nabiyah Be plays Tilda Johnson aka NIGHTSHADE;


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;



BLACK PANTHER #2 COLLECTORS Abner Zanda Queely Hatch-22 1977 MCU Kirby CGC 9.4

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979 series; Original First Series);

#2 (3/1977; FIRST PRINTING;

Second appearance of the COLLECTORS (Abner Little, Princess Zanda, Alfred Queely and  Hatch-22 aka The Six-Million Year Man); 

King Solomon's Brass Frog the ancient Time Machine storyline Part-2; 

T'Challa the Black Panther in The Six-Million Year Man!


JACK KIRBY and Mike Royer art;

JACK KIRBY and Frank Giacoia cover;


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the Live-Action MOVIE #2 will DEBUT on November 11, 2022.

** Letitia Wright plays Shuri,

** Danai Gurira plays Okoye,

** Dominique Thorne plays Riri Williams aka IRONHEART;

** Tenoch Huert, Winston Duke plays M'Baku, Dominique Thorne plays Ironheart, Daniel Kaluuya plays  W'Kabi,

** Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross, Angela Bassett plays  Ramonda, Michaela Coel,

** Florence Kasumba plays Ayo, Isaach de Bankolé, Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia


BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important African descent BLACK Superhero and BLACK Comics Character of ALL-TIME.

** The BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1 did near 1.347 BILLION DOLLARS ($1,346,913,161.00) in the Worldwide BOX OFFICE in its 45 Week Theatrical Run, One of the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL-TIME.  

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 member of Marvel’s AVENGERS Team of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

** BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;


** Chadwick Boseman First played BLACK PANTHER in the 2016 CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Movie; 

** Chadwick Boseman next played in the BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1, which DEBUTED on February 16, 2018; 

** BLACK PANTHER is already the second-fastest grossing movie of all time in North America, (behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens); 

** The BLACK PANTHER Movie #1 broke records for the superhero genre, and is a contender for the 2018 Academy Awards and Oscar Race;

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 4, 2018

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: ENDGAME. the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 3, 2019;

** The BLACK PANTHER #1 February/2018 MOVIE starred; Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther; Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger; Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw; Winston Duke as M'Baku / Man-Ape; Danai Gurira plays Okoye; Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross;  Forest Whitaker plays Zuri; Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia; Daniel Kaluuya plays W'Kabi; Florence Kasumba plays Ayo; Nabiyah Be plays Tilda Johnson aka NIGHTSHADE;


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $85.00;


BLACK PANTHER #5 2nd Full SHURI sister T'Challa MCU 2005 1st VSF ZOMBIES CGC 9.8

BLACK PANTHER (Marvel Comics Pub; MARVEL KNIGHTS; 2005-2008)

Volume-4 #5 (8/2005; FIRST PRINTING;

BLACK PANTHER in Who is the Black Panther? Part-Five;

Second FULL Appearance of Princess SHURI the Future Female BLACK PANTHER (#2 was a Flashback Appearance, #4 was First Full Appearance) 

Princess SHURI  eventually succeeds her older brother T'Challa, in 2009 She Officially becomes the Black Panther and the RULER of Wakanda; 

Princess SHURI  will STAR as the New Female BLACK PANTHER in Movie #2; 

First appearance of the Very Special Forces ZOMBIES;

Appearances by; T'Challa aka Black Panther, Princess Shuri, Ramonda,  T'Shan, S'Yan, W'Kabi, Wakandan Army, Wakandan Air Force, Everett K. Ross;

Villain Antagonists Appearances by: Ulysses Klaw, Batroc the Leaper, Igor Stancheck the Radioactive Man, Aleksei Sytsevich aka Rhino, Augustine du Lac aka Black Knight, Aragorn, M'Butu, The Cannibal/female host, Nigandan Army and Klaw's troops;

GCD Synopsis;

The battle for Wakanda continues. The Radioactive Man attempts to destroy Wakanda's Vibranium mound. Klaw takes Ramonda hostage. The Black Panther takes the fight to Niganda and M'Butu. And, the U.S. sends in "Deathloks", military cyborgs created from deceased U.S. soldiers.

Reginald Hudlin story;

John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson art;

Terry and Rachel Dodson cover;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;



BLACK PANTHER #5 2nd Full SHURI sister T'Challa MCU 2005 1st VSF ZOMBIES CGC 9.6

BLACK PANTHER (Marvel Comics Pub; MARVEL KNIGHTS; 2005-2008)

Volume-4 #5 (8/2005; FIRST PRINTING;

BLACK PANTHER in Who is the Black Panther? Part-Five;

Second FULL Appearance of Princess SHURI the Future Female BLACK PANTHER (#2 was a Flashback Appearance, #4 was First Full Appearance) 

Princess SHURI  eventually succeeds her older brother T'Challa, in 2009 She Officially becomes the Black Panther and the RULER of Wakanda; 

Princess SHURI  will STAR as the New Female BLACK PANTHER in Movie #2; 

First appearance of the Very Special Forces ZOMBIES;

Appearances by; T'Challa aka Black Panther, Princess Shuri, Ramonda,  T'Shan, S'Yan, W'Kabi, Wakandan Army, Wakandan Air Force, Everett K. Ross;

Villain Antagonists Appearances by: Ulysses Klaw, Batroc the Leaper, Igor Stancheck the Radioactive Man, Aleksei Sytsevich aka Rhino, Augustine du Lac aka Black Knight, Aragorn, M'Butu, The Cannibal/female host, Nigandan Army and Klaw's troops;

GCD Synopsis;

The battle for Wakanda continues. The Radioactive Man attempts to destroy Wakanda's Vibranium mound. Klaw takes Ramonda hostage. The Black Panther takes the fight to Niganda and M'Butu. And, the U.S. sends in "Deathloks", military cyborgs created from deceased U.S. soldiers.

Reginald Hudlin story;

John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson art;

Terry and Rachel Dodson cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;


Black Panther #7 Origin 1st BASHENGA 1978 1st Itobo, Jiru, P.Tribe KIRBY CGC 9.6

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979; First Series);

#7 (1/1978; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $139.00;


BLACK PANTHER #8 ORIGIN 1978 1st Nick Scarpa, Ishanta, Khanata, Zuni MCU CGC 9.8

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979 series; Original First Series);

#8 (3/1978; FIRST PRINTING;

ORIGIN Details Story of how T'Challa Won the trial by Combat to become the Black Panther, leader of the Panther Cult and Wakanda; 

FIRST appearances of Ishanta;

FIRST appearances of Khanata ;

FIRST appearances of Zuni; 

FIRST appearance of Nick Scarpa;

SECOND appearance of Dr Joshua Itobo (one of the cousins of T'Challa, alias the modern Black Panther and the royal family of Wakanda);

Appearances of; N'Gassi, Dr. Joshua Itobo, Jakarra, Nick Scarpa and Jiru; 

T'Challa the Black Panther in Panthers or Pussycats?


JACK KIRBY and Mike Royer art;

JACK KIRBY and Frank Giacoia cover;


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the Live-Action MOVIE #2 will DEBUT on November 11, 2022.

** Letitia Wright plays Shuri,

** Danai Gurira plays Okoye,

** Dominique Thorne plays Riri Williams aka IRONHEART;

** Tenoch Huert, Winston Duke plays M'Baku, Dominique Thorne plays Ironheart, Daniel Kaluuya plays  W'Kabi,

** Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross, Angela Bassett plays  Ramonda, Michaela Coel,

** Florence Kasumba plays Ayo, Isaach de Bankolé, Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia


BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important African descent BLACK Superhero and BLACK Comics Character of ALL-TIME.

** The BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1 did near 1.347 BILLION DOLLARS ($1,346,913,161.00) in the Worldwide BOX OFFICE in its 45 Week Theatrical Run, One of the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL-TIME.  

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 member of Marvel’s AVENGERS Team of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

** BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;


** Chadwick Boseman First played BLACK PANTHER in the 2016 CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Movie; 

** Chadwick Boseman next played in the BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1, which DEBUTED on February 16, 2018; 

** BLACK PANTHER is already the second-fastest grossing movie of all time in North America, (behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens); 

** The BLACK PANTHER Movie #1 broke records for the superhero genre, and is a contender for the 2018 Academy Awards and Oscar Race;

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 4, 2018

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: ENDGAME. the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 3, 2019;

** The BLACK PANTHER #1 February/2018 MOVIE starred; Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther; Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger; Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw; Winston Duke as M'Baku / Man-Ape; Danai Gurira plays Okoye; Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross;  Forest Whitaker plays Zuri; Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia; Daniel Kaluuya plays W'Kabi; Florence Kasumba plays Ayo; Nabiyah Be plays Tilda Johnson aka NIGHTSHADE;


** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;



BLACK PANTHER #8 ORIGIN 1978 1st Nick Scarpa, Ishanta, Khanata, Zuni MCU CGC 9.6

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979 series; Original First Series);

#8 (3/1978; FIRST PRINTING;

ORIGIN Details Story of how T'Challa Won the trial by Combat to become the Black Panther, leader of the Panther Cult and Wakanda; 

FIRST appearances of Ishanta;

FIRST appearances of Khanata ;

FIRST appearances of Zuni; 

FIRST appearance of Nick Scarpa;

SECOND appearance of Dr Joshua Itobo (one of the cousins of T'Challa, alias the modern Black Panther and the royal family of Wakanda);

Appearances of; N'Gassi, Dr. Joshua Itobo, Jakarra, Nick Scarpa and Jiru; 

T'Challa the Black Panther in Panthers or Pussycats?


JACK KIRBY and Mike Royer art;

JACK KIRBY and Frank Giacoia cover;


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the Live-Action MOVIE #2 will DEBUT on November 11, 2022.

** Letitia Wright plays Shuri,

** Danai Gurira plays Okoye,

** Dominique Thorne plays Riri Williams aka IRONHEART;

** Tenoch Huert, Winston Duke plays M'Baku, Dominique Thorne plays Ironheart, Daniel Kaluuya plays  W'Kabi,

** Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross, Angela Bassett plays  Ramonda, Michaela Coel,

** Florence Kasumba plays Ayo, Isaach de Bankolé, Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia


BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important African descent BLACK Superhero and BLACK Comics Character of ALL-TIME.

** The BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1 did near 1.347 BILLION DOLLARS ($1,346,913,161.00) in the Worldwide BOX OFFICE in its 45 Week Theatrical Run, One of the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL-TIME.  

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 member of Marvel’s AVENGERS Team of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

** BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;


** Chadwick Boseman First played BLACK PANTHER in the 2016 CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Movie; 

** Chadwick Boseman next played in the BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1, which DEBUTED on February 16, 2018; 

** BLACK PANTHER is already the second-fastest grossing movie of all time in North America, (behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens); 

** The BLACK PANTHER Movie #1 broke records for the superhero genre, and is a contender for the 2018 Academy Awards and Oscar Race;

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 4, 2018

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: ENDGAME. the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 3, 2019;

** The BLACK PANTHER #1 February/2018 MOVIE starred; Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther; Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger; Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw; Winston Duke as M'Baku / Man-Ape; Danai Gurira plays Okoye; Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross;  Forest Whitaker plays Zuri; Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia; Daniel Kaluuya plays W'Kabi; Florence Kasumba plays Ayo; Nabiyah Be plays Tilda Johnson aka NIGHTSHADE;


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;


BLACK PANTHER #9 MCU 1978 Itobo Ishanta Khanata Zuni 1st Black Musketeers GC 9.8

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979 series; Original First Series);

#9 [5/1978; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearances of the Black Musketeers Team (Dr. Joshua Itobo, Ishanta, Khanata and Zuni) cover and story;

FIRST appearances of Mister Gerard and SID;

Appearances of; N'Gassi, Jakarra, Jiru and Mr. Gerard; 

SECOND appearance of Nick Scarpa;

T'Challa the Black Panther in Black Musketeers;


JACK KIRBY and Mike Royer art;

JACK KIRBY and Frank Giacoia cover;


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the Live-Action MOVIE #2 will DEBUT on November 11, 2022.

** Letitia Wright plays Shuri,

** Danai Gurira plays Okoye,

** Dominique Thorne plays Riri Williams aka IRONHEART;

** Tenoch Huert, Winston Duke plays M'Baku, Dominique Thorne plays Ironheart, Daniel Kaluuya plays  W'Kabi,

** Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross, Angela Bassett plays  Ramonda, Michaela Coel,

** Florence Kasumba plays Ayo, Isaach de Bankolé, Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia


BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important African descent BLACK Superhero and BLACK Comics Character of ALL-TIME.

** The BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1 did near 1.347 BILLION DOLLARS ($1,346,913,161.00) in the Worldwide BOX OFFICE in its 45 Week Theatrical Run, One of the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL-TIME.  

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 member of Marvel’s AVENGERS Team of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

** BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;


** Chadwick Boseman First played BLACK PANTHER in the 2016 CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Movie; 

** Chadwick Boseman next played in the BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1, which DEBUTED on February 16, 2018; 

** BLACK PANTHER is already the second-fastest grossing movie of all time in North America, (behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens); 

** The BLACK PANTHER Movie #1 broke records for the superhero genre, and is a contender for the 2018 Academy Awards and Oscar Race;

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 4, 2018

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: ENDGAME. the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 3, 2019;

** The BLACK PANTHER #1 February/2018 MOVIE starred; Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther; Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger; Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw; Winston Duke as M'Baku / Man-Ape; Danai Gurira plays Okoye; Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross;  Forest Whitaker plays Zuri; Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia; Daniel Kaluuya plays W'Kabi; Florence Kasumba plays Ayo; Nabiyah Be plays Tilda Johnson aka NIGHTSHADE;


** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $229.00;



BLACK PANTHER #9 MCU 1978 Itobo Ishanta Khanata Zuni 1st Black Musketeers GC 9.0

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979 series; Original First Series);

#9 [5/1978; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearances of the Black Musketeers Team (Dr. Joshua Itobo, Ishanta, Khanata and Zuni) cover and story;

FIRST appearances of Mister Gerard and SID;

Appearances of; N'Gassi, Jakarra, Jiru and Mr. Gerard; 

SECOND appearance of Nick Scarpa;

T'Challa the Black Panther in Black Musketeers;


JACK KIRBY and Mike Royer art;

JACK KIRBY and Frank Giacoia cover;


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the Live-Action MOVIE #2 will DEBUT on November 11, 2022.

** Letitia Wright plays Shuri,

** Danai Gurira plays Okoye,

** Dominique Thorne plays Riri Williams aka IRONHEART;

** Tenoch Huert, Winston Duke plays M'Baku, Dominique Thorne plays Ironheart, Daniel Kaluuya plays  W'Kabi,

** Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross, Angela Bassett plays  Ramonda, Michaela Coel,

** Florence Kasumba plays Ayo, Isaach de Bankolé, Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia


BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important African descent BLACK Superhero and BLACK Comics Character of ALL-TIME.

** The BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1 did near 1.347 BILLION DOLLARS ($1,346,913,161.00) in the Worldwide BOX OFFICE in its 45 Week Theatrical Run, One of the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL-TIME.  

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 member of Marvel’s AVENGERS Team of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

** BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;


** Chadwick Boseman First played BLACK PANTHER in the 2016 CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Movie; 

** Chadwick Boseman next played in the BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1, which DEBUTED on February 16, 2018; 

** BLACK PANTHER is already the second-fastest grossing movie of all time in North America, (behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens); 

** The BLACK PANTHER Movie #1 broke records for the superhero genre, and is a contender for the 2018 Academy Awards and Oscar Race;

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 4, 2018

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: ENDGAME. the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 3, 2019;

** The BLACK PANTHER #1 February/2018 MOVIE starred; Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther; Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger; Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw; Winston Duke as M'Baku / Man-Ape; Danai Gurira plays Okoye; Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross;  Forest Whitaker plays Zuri; Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia; Daniel Kaluuya plays W'Kabi; Florence Kasumba plays Ayo; Nabiyah Be plays Tilda Johnson aka NIGHTSHADE;


** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;



BLACK PANTHER #11 gets Vibranium Psychic Powers 1978 1st Frederick KIBER CGC 9.6

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979 series; Original First Series);

#11 (9/1978; FIRST PRINTING;

Black Panther vs KIBER the Cruel cover and story; 

FIRST appearance of Frederick KIBER cover and story;

Appearances of; Dr. Joshua Itobo, Khanata, and N'Gassi; 

Black Panther gains Psychic Powers from Vibranium; 

T'Challa the Black Panther in Kiber the Cruel;


JACK KIRBY and Mike Royer art;

JACK KIRBY and Joe Sinnott cover;


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the Live-Action MOVIE #2 will DEBUT on November 11, 2022.

** Letitia Wright plays Shuri,

** Danai Gurira plays Okoye,

** Dominique Thorne plays Riri Williams aka IRONHEART;

** Tenoch Huert, Winston Duke plays M'Baku, Dominique Thorne plays Ironheart, Daniel Kaluuya plays  W'Kabi,

** Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross, Angela Bassett plays  Ramonda, Michaela Coel,

** Florence Kasumba plays Ayo, Isaach de Bankolé, Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia


BLACK PANTHER, most would agree, is the #1 Most Important African descent BLACK Superhero and BLACK Comics Character of ALL-TIME.

** The BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1 did near 1.347 BILLION DOLLARS ($1,346,913,161.00) in the Worldwide BOX OFFICE in its 45 Week Theatrical Run, One of the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL-TIME.  

Wikipedia Notes;

Black Panther is ranked #10 on IGN's Top 50 member of Marvel’s AVENGERS Team of ALL-TIME List;

Black Panther is ranked #51 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Books Heroes of ALL-TIME List;

Comics Alliance ranked the Black Panther as #33 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics List;

Black Panther is the first superhero of African descent in mainstream American comics, having debuted years before early African American superheroes such as Marvel Comics' the Falcon (1969), Luke Cage (1972) and Blade (1973), or DC Comics' John Stewart in the role of Green Lantern (1971).

** BLACK PANTHER's Team affiliations includes; Fantastic Four, Avengers, Fantastic Force, Illuminati & Ultimates;


** Chadwick Boseman First played BLACK PANTHER in the 2016 CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Movie; 

** Chadwick Boseman next played in the BLACK PANTHER Big-Screen MOVIE #1, which DEBUTED on February 16, 2018; 

** BLACK PANTHER is already the second-fastest grossing movie of all time in North America, (behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens); 

** The BLACK PANTHER Movie #1 broke records for the superhero genre, and is a contender for the 2018 Academy Awards and Oscar Race;

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 4, 2018

** Chadwick Boseman played BLACK PANTHER in the AVENGERS: ENDGAME. the Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 3, 2019;

** The BLACK PANTHER #1 February/2018 MOVIE starred; Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther; Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger; Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw; Winston Duke as M'Baku / Man-Ape; Danai Gurira plays Okoye; Martin Freeman plays Everett K. Ross;  Forest Whitaker plays Zuri; Lupita Nyong'o plays Nakia; Daniel Kaluuya plays W'Kabi; Florence Kasumba plays Ayo; Nabiyah Be plays Tilda Johnson aka NIGHTSHADE;


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $125.00;


Black Panther #12 vs Uglies 1978 2nd Frederick Kiber 1978 Last KIRBY CGC NM- 9.2

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979; First Series);

#12 (11/1978; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;



Black Panther #13 SKULL 3rd Kiber AVENGERS cameo 1979 Bingham Day Layton CGC 9.8

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979; First Series);

#13 (1/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $175.00;



Black Panther #13 SKULL 3rd Kiber AVENGERS cameo 1979 Bingham Day Layton CGC 9.2

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979; First Series);

#13 (1/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $49.00;



Black Panther #13 SKULL 3rd Kiber AVENGERS cameo 1979 Bingham Day Layton CGC 8.5

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979; First Series);

#13 (1/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $36.00;



Black Panther #14 vs KLAW 1979 AVENGERS 1st Sienkiewicz Pro comic cover CGC 9.6

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979; First Series);

#14 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Black Panther #14 vs KLAW 1979 AVENGERS 1st Sienkiewicz Pro comic cover CGC 9.4

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979; First Series);

#14 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



Black Panther #14 vs KLAW 1979 AVENGERS 1st Sienkiewicz Pro comic cover CGC 9.4

BLACK PANTHER (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1977-1979; First Series);

#14 (3/1979; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $74.00;


BLACK WIDOW & THE MARVEL GIRLS #1 2010 She-Hulk Ms Marvel Spider-Woman CGC 9.8

BLACK WIDOW & THE MARVEL GIRLS (Marvel Comics Pub; 2010; Limited Series);

#1 (2/2010; FIRST PRINTING;

One-Shot Special;

Natasha Romanova as Black Widow-I, Amora the Enchantress, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Wasp and Jessica Drew as Spider-Woman

cover and story;

GCD Notes; While on a mission, Black Widow is experiencing flashbacks to her youth when she was training to become a superspy.

Paul Tobin story;

Salva Espin cover & art;


The BLACK WIDOW Solo MOVIE, starring Scarlett Johansson is CONFIRMED, from Marvel Studios is set for a May 01, 2020 release date, Directed by Cate Shortland.

** Scarlett Johansson will once again play Natasha Romanoff aka The BLACK WIDOW;

** Florence Pugh will play Yelena Belova in the 2020 BLACK WIDOW Movie;

** Andre Holland will play Tony Masters aka the TASKMASTER the Main VILLIAN in the Film.

** Rumor has it that the BLACK WIDOW-2 MOVIE is already in Planning Stages;

** Black Widow is #74 on IGN's 2014 Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;  

Scarlett Johansson previously played Natasha Romanoff The BLACK WIDOW in Multiple Movies from 2010-2019 (Avengers: Endgame, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Avengers, Iron Man 2)

*** BLACK WIDOW'S Team affiliations includes; S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, Champions, KGB, Marvel Knights, Mighty Avengers, Lady Liberators, Thunderbolts, Secret Avengers, Heroes for Hire;

*** BLACK WIDOW'S Partnerships includes; Daredevil, Hawkeye, Boris Turgenov, Winter Soldier & Captain America;

Marvel’s BLACK WIDOW (Scarlett Johansson) wants EMMA WATSON to appear (Rumored) in the BLACK WIDOW Movie.


00260-2273 (front) // 00260-2274 (back)

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $89.00; 


BLACK WIDOW #1 1st BLACK ROSE 2010 Acuna-c/a Barnes Iron Man Wolverine CGC 9.6

BLACK WIDOW (Marvel Comics Pub; 2010-2011; SEVENTH Black Widow Limited Series);

#1-A (6/2010; FIRST PRINTING;

Black Widow, Iron Man and Wolverine cover and story;

FIRST appearance of BLACK ROSE;

Appearances by WOLVERINE, Tony Stark and James Barnes;

Marjorie Liu story;

Daniel Acuna cover and art;


The BLACK WIDOW Solo MOVIE, starring Scarlett Johansson is CONFIRMED, from Marvel Studios is set for a May 01, 2020 release date, Directed by Cate Shortland.

** Scarlett Johansson will once again play Natasha Romanoff aka The BLACK WIDOW;

** Florence Pugh will play Yelena Belova in the 2020 BLACK WIDOW Movie;

** Andre Holland will play Tony Masters aka the TASKMASTER the Main VILLIAN in the Film.

** Rumor has it that the BLACK WIDOW-2 MOVIE is already in Planning Stages;

** Black Widow is #74 on IGN's 2014 Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;  

Scarlett Johansson previously played Natasha Romanoff The BLACK WIDOW in Multiple Movies from 2010-2019 (Avengers: Endgame, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Avengers, Iron Man 2)

*** BLACK WIDOW'S Team affiliations includes; S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, Champions, KGB, Marvel Knights, Mighty Avengers, Lady Liberators, Thunderbolts, Secret Avengers, Heroes for Hire;

*** BLACK WIDOW'S Partnerships includes; Daredevil, Hawkeye, Boris Turgenov, Winter Soldier & Captain America;

Marvel’s BLACK WIDOW (Scarlett Johansson) wants EMMA WATSON to appear (Rumored) in the BLACK WIDOW Movie.


00260-2269 (front) // 00260-2270 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $79.00; 


BLADE RUNNER #1 Harrison Ford 1st Movie 1982 Marvel AL WILLIAMSON CGC NMMT 9.8 ** CGC; NEAR MINT /MINT , 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $399.00; (DIRECT EDITION)


BLADE RUNNER #1 Harrison Ford 1st Movie 1982 Marvel AL WILLIAMSON CGC NM+ 9.6
with WHITE Pages = $124.00;


BLADE RUNNER #1 Harrison Ford 1st Movie 1982 Marvel AL WILLIAMSON CGC NM+ 9.6

BLADE RUNNER (Marvel Comics Pub; 10-11/1982)

#1 (10/1982; FIRST PRINTING;

** Classic Adaption of classic 1982 MOVIE with HARRISON FORD as Rick Deckard the Blade Runner cover and story;

** Appearances by; Leon, Dave Holden, Captain Bryant, Gaff, Roy Batty, Dr. Eldon Tyrell, Rachel, Hannibal Chew, J. F. Sebastian, Pris, and Zhora;

Archie Goodwin story;  

AL WILLIAMSON & Carlos Garzon cover and art;


** The Official Comic Book Adaption of the Sci-Fi Cult Classic 1982 Movie Starring HARRISON FORD & Rutger Hauer, and Daryl Hannah; (The Comic Book Format reprint of Marvel Comics Super Special #22; Adapts the famous Book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick)

** The BLADE RUNNER 2049 (Film #2 the Sequel) MOVIE Debuted on October 06/2017, it was Critically Acclaimed & Highly Rated, Directed by Denis Villeneuve, Starring; Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, Robin Wright, Dave Bautista & Jared Leto;  ** "K" (Ryan Gosling) a young BLADE RUNNER discovers of a long-buried secret leads him to track down former BLADE RUNNER Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), who's been missing for thirty years.


00400-5497 (front) // 00400-5498 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;


BLADE: THE VAMPIRE-HUNTER #2; BLADE vs DRACULA cover & story; (8/1994; Marvel Pub., Original USA Color Comic); Ian Edginton (Script); Doug Wheatley & Chris Ivy art; *** ( CGC 9.6, NEAR MINT PLUS, with WHITE pages); >>> PRICE = $50.00;




BLADE RUNNER #2 Harrison Ford 1st Movie 1982 Marvel AL WILLIAMSON CGC NM+ 9.6

BLADE RUNNER (Marvel Comics Pub; 10-11/1982)

#2 (11/1982; FIRST PRINTING;

Part-2 of 2-Parts Classic Adaption of classic 1982 MOVIE with HARRISON FORD as Rick Deckard the Blade Runner and story;

** Appearances by; Roy Batty, Hannibal Chew, Gaff, Pris Stratton and Rachael;

Brent Anderson cover;

Archie Goodwin story;  

AL WILLIAMSON, Carlos Garzon, Dan Green and Ralph Reese art;


** The Official Comic Book Adaption of the Sci-Fi Cult Classic 1982 Movie Starring HARRISON FORD & Rutger Hauer, and Daryl Hannah; (The Comic Book Format reprint of Marvel Comics Super Special #22; Adapts the famous Book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick)

** The BLADE RUNNER 2049 (Film #2 the Sequel) MOVIE Debuted on October 06/2017, it was Critically Acclaimed & Highly Rated, Directed by Denis Villeneuve, Starring; Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, Robin Wright, Dave Bautista & Jared Leto;  ** "K" (Ryan Gosling) a young BLADE RUNNER discovers of a long-buried secret leads him to track down former BLADE RUNNER Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), who's been missing for thirty years.


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $159.00;



BLADE RUNNER #2 Harrison Ford 1st Movie 1982 Marvel AL WILLIAMSON CGC NM 9.4

BLADE RUNNER (Marvel Comics Pub; 10-11/1982)

#2 (11/1982; FIRST PRINTING;

Part-2 of 2-Parts Classic Adaption of classic 1982 MOVIE with HARRISON FORD as Rick Deckard the Blade Runner and story;

** Appearances by; Roy Batty, Hannibal Chew, Gaff, Pris Stratton and Rachael;

Brent Anderson cover;

Archie Goodwin story;  

AL WILLIAMSON, Carlos Garzon, Dan Green and Ralph Reese art;


** The Official Comic Book Adaption of the Sci-Fi Cult Classic 1982 Movie Starring HARRISON FORD & Rutger Hauer, and Daryl Hannah; (The Comic Book Format reprint of Marvel Comics Super Special #22; Adapts the famous Book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick)

** The BLADE RUNNER 2049 (Film #2 the Sequel) MOVIE Debuted on October 06/2017, it was Critically Acclaimed & Highly Rated, Directed by Denis Villeneuve, Starring; Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, Robin Wright, Dave Bautista & Jared Leto;  ** "K" (Ryan Gosling) a young BLADE RUNNER discovers of a long-buried secret leads him to track down former BLADE RUNNER Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), who's been missing for thirty years.


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;


BLAST #1 Everett-c MIKE KALUTA 1971 POTA Planet of Apes BERNI WRIGHTSON CGC 8.5

BLAST (G&D Pub.; Humor Parody Spoof magazine inspired by National Lampoon and MAD)

#1 (2/1971; FIRST PRINTING; 52 pages;

 ** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $199.00


BLAZING COMBAT #1 Warren 1965 Goodwin FRAZETTA Severin Morrow Crandall CGC 3.0

BLAZING COMBAT (Warren Pub; B&W Magazine; 1965-1966; 68 pages)

#1 (10/1965; FIRST PRINTING;

** Classic FRANK FRAZETTA Painted cover;

( A ) On the Firing Line

1 page Frontispiece by Archie Goodwin and John Severin;

( B ) Viet-Cong!

7 page story by Archie Goodwin with Joe Orlando art;

( C ) Aftermath!

6 page story by Archie Goodwin with Angelo Torres art;

( D ) Flying Tigers!

6 page story by Archie Goodwin with George Evans art;

( E ) Long View!

6 page story by Archie Goodwin with Gray Morrow art;

( F ) Cantigny!

6 page story by Archie Goodwin with Reed Crandall art;

( G ) Combat Quiz

1 page activity by Archie Goodwin with Alex Toth art;

( H ) Mad Anthony!

6 page story by Archie Goodwin with Tex Blaisdell, Jeff Jones (signed as Russ Jones) and Maurice Whitman art;

( I ) Enemy!

7 page story by Archie Goodwin with John Severin art;


** CGC; G/VG, 3.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages  = $299.00


BLIP #1 Marvel 1st MARIO BROS & DONKEY KONG in Comics 1983 Dig Dug CGC 7.5

BLIP the Video Game Magazine (Marvel Pub; in Comics Format; 1982-1983; 36 pages including covers)

#1 (2/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** (Blip #1 in CGC 9.8 sold for $2600 on Nov. 20/2021)

** FIRST Comic Book appearance of MARIO BROS (in 6 Page Story); 

** FIRST Comic Book appearance of DONKEY KONG (in same 6 Page Story); 

** TV Star Matthew Laborteaux PHOTO cover;

** Video Games of the Stars;

** Atari 2600 & other early Video Games;

** Missile Command, Centipede, Pitfall, Arcadia-2001, Dig Dug;

Steve Grant story;

Bob Camp art;

LOWER PRINT RUN and Scarcer Bronze Age Marvel Comics & Video Game Collectible item;

00400-9477 (front) // 00400-9478 (back)

** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


BLIP #2 Marvel Donkey Kong 1983 Spider-Man G.Goblin Stan Lee TRON Pacman CGC 9.8

CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $369.00;



BLIP #2 Marvel Donkey Kong 1983 Spider-Man G.Goblin Stan Lee TRON Pacman CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;


BLIP #3 Marvel 1983 Coleco Venture Frogger Make Trax Mousetrap Dig Dug CGC 9.4

BLIP the Video Game Magazine (Marvel Comics Pub; 1982-1983)

#3 (4/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** Video Variations;

** Video Hall of Fame;

** Colecovision, Players choice;

** Coleco's Venture; Frogger, Make Trax, Mousetrap and Dig Dug;

** VIDEO GAME Magazine in Comic Book Format, by MARVEL COMICS;

** LOWER PRINT RUN and Scarcer Bronze Age Marvel Comics and Video Game Collectible item;

Ron Zamle painted cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



BLIP #3 Marvel 1983 Coleco Venture Frogger Make Trax Mousetrap Dig Dug CGC 9.0

BLIP the Video Game Magazine (Marvel Comics Pub; 1982-1983)

#3 (4/1983; FIRST PRINTING;

** Video Variations;

** Video Hall of Fame;

** Colecovision, Players choice;

** Coleco's Venture; Frogger, Make Trax, Mousetrap and Dig Dug;

** VIDEO GAME Magazine in Comic Book Format, by MARVEL COMICS;

** LOWER PRINT RUN and Scarcer Bronze Age Marvel Comics and Video Game Collectible item;

Ron Zamle painted cover;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $95.00;



BLIP #7 Marvel HULK 1983 Jungle Hunt Kangaroo Dig Dug Millipede Pacman CGC 9.6

BLIP the Video Game Magazine (Marvel Comics Pub; 1982-1983)

#7 (8/1983; FIRST PRINTING;


** Super Pacman, Jungle Hunt, Kangaroo, Dig Dug and Millipede cover and 2 page article;

**SIX pages of INCREDIBLE HULK playing Rubiks Cube and Video Games Comics story with Al Milgrom art;

** Latest from Atari, Coleco;

Ron Zamle cover;

** VIDEO GAME Magazine in Comic Book Format, by MARVEL COMICS;

** LOWER PRINT RUN and Scarcer Bronze Age Marvel Comics and Video Game Collectible item;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $235.00;


BLOOD SYNDICATE #1 1st Meta-Humans Gang 1993 DCU Milestone Dakotaverse CGC 9.8

BLOOD SYNDICATE (DC Milestone Comics; 1993-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)

#1 (4/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearance of the BLOOD SYNDICATE  (Street Gang of Super-Powered Meta-Humans operating out of Paris Island, in Dakota City)

FIRST appearance of Third Rail;

FIRST appearance of Brickhouse;

FIRST appearance of Wise Son;

FIRST appearance of Fade;

FIRST appearance of Holocaust

FIRST appearance of Masquerade;

FIRST appearance of DMZ;

FIRST appearance of Tech-9;

FIRST appearance of Flashback;

First appearance of Rob Chaplik (Journalist);

BLOOD SYNDICATE in America Eats Her Young;

Special COLLECTOR'S Edition with US$2.95 Original Cover Price;

Poly-bag removed.

Dwayne McDuffie and Ivan Velez story;

Trevor Von Eeden and Andrew Pepoy art;

Denys Cowan and Jimmy Palmiotti cover;


** MILESTONE DC COMICS, the BLACK HEROES,  and African-American CREATORS (writers and artists) of DAKOTAVERSE;

** Milestone Generations (Documentary Movie) DEBUTED on HBO TV on July 29/2022;

** Where are the Black superheroes? That question, posed back in 1993, sparked a revolution with the creation of Milestone Media.

This incisive documentary tells the story of four Black creators who changed the face of superhero storytelling.

** Director; Justice A. Whitaker; ** Writers; Evan Narcisse and Justice A. Whitaker; ** Stars; Andrea Brimmer, Lynda Carter (archive footage) and Robin Chaplik

** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK DCU (DC UNIVERSE) MOVIE is in Development;

** FANS expect Many of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Possibly; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi);

** Virgil Hawkins aka STATIC has made numerous appearances in other forms of media.

STATIC is teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang.

STATIC has been a member of the HEROES and later the TEEN TITANS;

STATIC has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

**  Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;

** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the Dakotaverse;

** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi); 


** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;



BLOOD SYNDICATE #1 1st Meta-Humans Gang 1993 DCU Milestone Dakotaverse CGC 9.6

BLOOD SYNDICATE (DC Milestone Comics; 1993-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)

#1 (4/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearance of the BLOOD SYNDICATE  (Street Gang of Super-Powered Meta-Humans operating out of Paris Island, in Dakota City)

FIRST appearance of Third Rail;

FIRST appearance of Brickhouse;

FIRST appearance of Wise Son;

FIRST appearance of Fade;

FIRST appearance of Holocaust

FIRST appearance of Masquerade;

FIRST appearance of DMZ;

FIRST appearance of Tech-9;

FIRST appearance of Flashback;

First appearance of Rob Chaplik (Journalist);

BLOOD SYNDICATE in America Eats Her Young;

Special COLLECTOR'S Edition with US$2.95 Original Cover Price;

Poly-bag removed.

Dwayne McDuffie and Ivan Velez story;

Trevor Von Eeden and Andrew Pepoy art;

Denys Cowan and Jimmy Palmiotti cover;


** MILESTONE DC COMICS, the BLACK HEROES,  and African-American CREATORS (writers and artists) of DAKOTAVERSE;

** Milestone Generations (Documentary Movie) DEBUTED on HBO TV on July 29/2022;

** Where are the Black superheroes? That question, posed back in 1993, sparked a revolution with the creation of Milestone Media.

This incisive documentary tells the story of four Black creators who changed the face of superhero storytelling.

** Director; Justice A. Whitaker; ** Writers; Evan Narcisse and Justice A. Whitaker; ** Stars; Andrea Brimmer, Lynda Carter (archive footage) and Robin Chaplik

** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK DCU (DC UNIVERSE) MOVIE is in Development;

** FANS expect Many of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Possibly; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi);

** Virgil Hawkins aka STATIC has made numerous appearances in other forms of media.

STATIC is teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang.

STATIC has been a member of the HEROES and later the TEEN TITANS;

STATIC has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

**  Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;

** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the Dakotaverse;

** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi); 


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $69.00;



BLOOD SYNDICATE #1 1st Meta-Humans Gang 1993 DCU Milestone Dakotaverse CGC 9.8

BLOOD SYNDICATE (DC Milestone Comics; 1993-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)

#1 (4/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearance of the BLOOD SYNDICATE  (Street Gang of Super-Powered Meta-Humans operating out of Paris Island, in Dakota City)

FIRST appearance of Third Rail;

FIRST appearance of Brickhouse;

FIRST appearance of Wise Son;

FIRST appearance of Fade;

FIRST appearance of Holocaust

FIRST appearance of Masquerade;

FIRST appearance of DMZ;

FIRST appearance of Tech-9;

FIRST appearance of Flashback;

First appearance of Rob Chaplik (Journalist);

BLOOD SYNDICATE in America Eats Her Young;

Scarcer REGULAR Direct Edition with US$1.50 Original Cover Price;

DIFFERENT Cover than Special Edition;

Dwayne McDuffie and Ivan Velez story;

Trevor Von Eeden and Andrew Pepoy art;

Denys Cowan and Jimmy Palmiotti cover;


** MILESTONE DC COMICS, the BLACK HEROES,  and African-American CREATORS (writers and artists) of DAKOTAVERSE;

** Milestone Generations (Documentary Movie) DEBUTED on HBO TV on July 29/2022;

** Where are the Black superheroes? That question, posed back in 1993, sparked a revolution with the creation of Milestone Media.

This incisive documentary tells the story of four Black creators who changed the face of superhero storytelling.

** Director; Justice A. Whitaker; ** Writers; Evan Narcisse and Justice A. Whitaker; ** Stars; Andrea Brimmer, Lynda Carter (archive footage) and Robin Chaplik

** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK DCU (DC UNIVERSE) MOVIE is in Development;

** FANS expect Many of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Possibly; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi);

** Virgil Hawkins aka STATIC has made numerous appearances in other forms of media.

STATIC is teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang.

STATIC has been a member of the HEROES and later the TEEN TITANS;

STATIC has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

**  Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;

** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the Dakotaverse;

** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi); 


** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $189.00;



BLOOD SYNDICATE #1 1st Meta-Humans Gang 1993 DCU Milestone Dakotaverse CGC 9.6

BLOOD SYNDICATE (DC Milestone Comics; 1993-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)

#1 (4/1993; FIRST PRINTING;

FIRST appearance of the BLOOD SYNDICATE  (Street Gang of Super-Powered Meta-Humans operating out of Paris Island, in Dakota City)

FIRST appearance of Third Rail;

FIRST appearance of Brickhouse;

FIRST appearance of Wise Son;

FIRST appearance of Fade;

FIRST appearance of Holocaust

FIRST appearance of Masquerade;

FIRST appearance of DMZ;

FIRST appearance of Tech-9;

FIRST appearance of Flashback;

First appearance of Rob Chaplik (Journalist);

BLOOD SYNDICATE in America Eats Her Young;

Scarcer REGULAR Direct Edition with US$1.50 Original Cover Price;

DIFFERENT Cover than Special Edition;

Dwayne McDuffie and Ivan Velez story;

Trevor Von Eeden and Andrew Pepoy art;

Denys Cowan and Jimmy Palmiotti cover;


** MILESTONE DC COMICS, the BLACK HEROES,  and African-American CREATORS (writers and artists) of DAKOTAVERSE;

** Milestone Generations (Documentary Movie) DEBUTED on HBO TV on July 29/2022;

** Where are the Black superheroes? That question, posed back in 1993, sparked a revolution with the creation of Milestone Media.

This incisive documentary tells the story of four Black creators who changed the face of superhero storytelling.

** Director; Justice A. Whitaker; ** Writers; Evan Narcisse and Justice A. Whitaker; ** Stars; Andrea Brimmer, Lynda Carter (archive footage) and Robin Chaplik

** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK DCU (DC UNIVERSE) MOVIE is in Development;

** FANS expect Many of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Possibly; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi);

** Virgil Hawkins aka STATIC has made numerous appearances in other forms of media.

STATIC is teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang.

STATIC has been a member of the HEROES and later the TEEN TITANS;

STATIC has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

**  Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;

** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the Dakotaverse;

** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi); 


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



BLOOD SYNDICATE #31 SOUL BREAKER 1995 DCU Milestone Dakotaverse SCARCE CGC 9.8

BLOOD SYNDICATE (DC Milestone Comics; 1993-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)

#31 (10/1995; FIRST PRINTING;

BLOOD SYNDICATE is a Street Gang of super-powered meta-humans operating out of Paris Island, in Dakota City;

BLOOD SYNDICATE in Possessions;



D.G. Chichester story;

Elim Mak and Rober Quijano art;

William Rosado cover;


** MILESTONE DC COMICS, the BLACK HEROES,  and African-American CREATORS (writers and artists) of DAKOTAVERSE;

** Milestone Generations (Documentary Movie) DEBUTED on HBO TV on July 29/2022;

** Where are the Black superheroes? That question, posed back in 1993, sparked a revolution with the creation of Milestone Media.

This incisive documentary tells the story of four Black creators who changed the face of superhero storytelling.

** Director; Justice A. Whitaker; ** Writers; Evan Narcisse and Justice A. Whitaker; ** Stars; Andrea Brimmer, Lynda Carter (archive footage) and Robin Chaplik

** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK DCU (DC UNIVERSE) MOVIE is in Development;

** FANS expect Many of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Possibly; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi);

** Virgil Hawkins aka STATIC has made numerous appearances in other forms of media.

STATIC is teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang.

STATIC has been a member of the HEROES and later the TEEN TITANS;

STATIC has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

**  Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;

** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the Dakotaverse;

** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi); 


** According to the CGC CENSUS (at Time of Listing); This is the One and the ONLY Single HIGHEST GRADED Example so far Graded by CGC (Only ONE Exists in 9.8) 

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $195.00;



BLOOD SYNDICATE #32 Milestone Dakotaverse 8 new Famous Gang Bangers 1995 CGC 9.8

BLOOD SYNDICATE (DC Milestone Comics; 1993-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)

#32 (11/1995; FIRST PRINTING;


Eight new Famous Gang Bangers;


D.G. Chichester story;

Denys Cowan and Pat Broderick art;

Howard Chaykin cover;


** MILESTONE DC COMICS, the BLACK HEROES,  and African-American CREATORS (writers and artists) of DAKOTAVERSE;

** Milestone Generations (Documentary Movie) DEBUTED on HBO TV on July 29/2022;

** Where are the Black superheroes? That question, posed back in 1993, sparked a revolution with the creation of Milestone Media.

This incisive documentary tells the story of four Black creators who changed the face of superhero storytelling.

** Director; Justice A. Whitaker; ** Writers; Evan Narcisse and Justice A. Whitaker; ** Stars; Andrea Brimmer, Lynda Carter (archive footage) and Robin Chaplik

** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK DCU (DC UNIVERSE) MOVIE is in Development;

** FANS expect Many of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Possibly; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi);

** Virgil Hawkins aka STATIC has made numerous appearances in other forms of media.

STATIC is teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang.

STATIC has been a member of the HEROES and later the TEEN TITANS;

STATIC has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

**  Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;

** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the Dakotaverse;

** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi); 


** According to the CGC CENSUS (at Time of Listing); This is the One and the ONLY Single HIGHEST GRADED Example so far Graded by CGC (Only ONE Exists in 9.8) 

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $195.00;



BLOOD SYNDICATE #33 KWAI MysticLand 1995 DC Milestone Dakotaverse SCARCE CGC 9.6

BLOOD SYNDICATE (DC Milestone Comics; 1993-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)

#33 (12/1995; FIRST PRINTING;


KWAI returns to the Mystic Land of her Birth;


Ivan Velez Jr. story;

Jeffrey Moore and Rober Quijano art;

Jeffrey Moore cover;


** MILESTONE DC COMICS, the BLACK HEROES,  and African-American CREATORS (writers and artists) of DAKOTAVERSE;

** Milestone Generations (Documentary Movie) DEBUTED on HBO TV on July 29/2022;

** Where are the Black superheroes? That question, posed back in 1993, sparked a revolution with the creation of Milestone Media.

This incisive documentary tells the story of four Black creators who changed the face of superhero storytelling.

** Director; Justice A. Whitaker; ** Writers; Evan Narcisse and Justice A. Whitaker; ** Stars; Andrea Brimmer, Lynda Carter (archive footage) and Robin Chaplik

** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK DCU (DC UNIVERSE) MOVIE is in Development;

** FANS expect Many of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Possibly; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi);

** Virgil Hawkins aka STATIC has made numerous appearances in other forms of media.

STATIC is teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang.

STATIC has been a member of the HEROES and later the TEEN TITANS;

STATIC has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

**  Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;

** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the Dakotaverse;

** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi); 


** According to the CGC CENSUS (at Time of Listing); This is among the HIGHEST GRADED Examples so far Graded by CGC (Only TWO Exists in 9.6; NONE Exist in 9.8) 

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $139.00;



BLOOD SYNDICATE #34 MONKEY’S PAWNS 1996 DCU Milestone Dakotaverse SCARCE CGC 9.6

BLOOD SYNDICATE (DC Milestone Comics; 1993-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)

#34 (1/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

BLOOD SYNDICATE in The Clothes Have No Emperor;



Ivan Velez Jr. story;

Jeffrey Moore and Rober Quijano art;

Jeffrey Moore cover;


** MILESTONE DC COMICS, the BLACK HEROES,  and African-American CREATORS (writers and artists) of DAKOTAVERSE;

** Milestone Generations (Documentary Movie) DEBUTED on HBO TV on July 29/2022;

** Where are the Black superheroes? That question, posed back in 1993, sparked a revolution with the creation of Milestone Media.

This incisive documentary tells the story of four Black creators who changed the face of superhero storytelling.

** Director; Justice A. Whitaker; ** Writers; Evan Narcisse and Justice A. Whitaker; ** Stars; Andrea Brimmer, Lynda Carter (archive footage) and Robin Chaplik

** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK DCU (DC UNIVERSE) MOVIE is in Development;

** FANS expect Many of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Possibly; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi);

** Virgil Hawkins aka STATIC has made numerous appearances in other forms of media.

STATIC is teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang.

STATIC has been a member of the HEROES and later the TEEN TITANS;

STATIC has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

**  Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;

** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the Dakotaverse;

** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi); 


** According to the CGC CENSUS (at Time of Listing); This is the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples so far Graded by CGC (Only ONE Exists in 9.6; Only ONE Exists in 9.8) 

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $135.00;


BLOOD SYNDICATE #35 END SCARCE LAST ISSUE 1996 DCU Milestone Dakotaverse CGC 9.6

BLOOD SYNDICATE (DC Milestone Comics; 1993-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)

#35 (2/1996; FIRST PRINTING;


BLOOD SYNDICATE in The Beginning of the End;


WINNER of Parents CHOICE Honors;

LOW PRINT and RARE, due to High Demand;

Ivan Velez Jr. and Dwayne McDuffie story;

Wilfred Santiago and Caesar art;

Chris Williams cover;


** MILESTONE DC COMICS, the BLACK HEROES,  and African-American CREATORS (writers and artists) of DAKOTAVERSE;

** Milestone Generations (Documentary Movie) DEBUTED on HBO TV on July 29/2022;

** Where are the Black superheroes? That question, posed back in 1993, sparked a revolution with the creation of Milestone Media.

This incisive documentary tells the story of four Black creators who changed the face of superhero storytelling.

** Director; Justice A. Whitaker; ** Writers; Evan Narcisse and Justice A. Whitaker; ** Stars; Andrea Brimmer, Lynda Carter (archive footage) and Robin Chaplik

** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK DCU (DC UNIVERSE) MOVIE is in Development;

** FANS expect Many of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Possibly; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi);

** Virgil Hawkins aka STATIC has made numerous appearances in other forms of media.

STATIC is teenage superhero in Dakota City with electromagnetic powers who gained his powers in the Big Bang.

STATIC has been a member of the HEROES and later the TEEN TITANS;

STATIC has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

**  Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;

** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the Dakotaverse;

** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Blood Syndicate, Deathwish, Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Wise Son, World’s Collide, Xombi); 


** According to the CGC CENSUS (at Time of Listing); This is Among the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Examples so far Graded by CGC (Only THREE Exist in 9.6; Only TWO Exist in 9.8) 

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


BLUE BEETLE #1 TED CORD Begins Squid DCU FILM Modern 1977 QUESTION Ditko CGC 7.5

BLUE BEETLE (1977; MODERN Comics Pub Reprint VARIANT Editions)

#1 (1977 Modern comics REPRINT of the expensive 1967 Charlton Comic; 

( A ) Blue Beetle in Bugs the Squids!, 18 page story;

** The TED CORD aka The BLUE BEETLE Solo Series BEGINS;

** BLUE BEETLE Continued from Backup Series in Captain Atom.

** BLUE BEETLE vs the SQUIDS cover and Story;

** Dan Garrett aka Blue Beetle cameo;

** FIRST Appearance of the SQUID GANG (Joe, Todd Van III and  Pete);

** Appearances by Fisher and Tracey;

STEVE DITKO and Dave C. Glanzman story;

STEVE DITKO cover and art; 


** ( B ) QUESTION in Who is the Question?, 7 page story;

** FIRST appearance of Charles Victor Szasz (Vic Sage) aka The QUESTION and backup SERIES by Steve Ditko BEGINS;

** FIRST Cameo appearance of Aristotle TOT Rodor;

** Appearances by; Fred Pine, Al Kert, Bob Hasel, Nora Lace, Sam Star, Syd Starr, Celia Starr, Lou Dicer, Jim Lark, Nick, Moe and Captain Lash;

The Banshee cameo;

STEVE DITKO story and art; 


The BLUE BEETLE Live-Action Big Screen MOVIE Debut on August 18, 2023 in the DCU (DC Comics Cinematic Universe);

** Based on the 1980’s DC characters, that originated from the CHARLTON comics of the 1960’s;

** Xolo Maridueña (of Cobra Kai) will play Jamie Reyes aka BLUE BEETLE;

** Raoul Max Trujillo will play Conrad Carapax aka Carapax the Indestructible Man (First appeared Blue Beetle #1 from DC Comic in 6/1986);

** Susan Sarandon (Oscar-winning actress) will play Victoria Kord, a villain, and an original character that was created for the movie. This will be Sarandon’s first role in the superhero movie industry. Sarandon’s character, with her last name Kord, so it is possible that she is related to Ted Kord, who donned the mantle of Blue Beetle before Jamie.

** BLUE BEETLE will be directed by Angel Manuel Soto (Charm City Kings) and the screenplay is written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (Miss Bala). 

** The BLUE BEETLE movie also stars George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo, Damián Alcázar, Belissa Escobedo, Bruna Marquezein, Harvey Guillén, and Raoul Max Trujillo.

** The Ted Kord BLUE BEETLE uses his intellect and technology to fight crime;  Although the famous Blue and Gold team-up follows Booster and the Ted Kord version of Blue Beetle, the reports indicates that the movie will feature Jaime Reyes version of the character who the  Blue Beetle legacy during DC's Infinite Crisis and later starred in his own series. 

** The Ted Cord version of BLUE BEETLE Moves from the CHARLTON Universe & into the DC UNIVERES in CRISIS on Infinite Earths #1;

** BLUE BEETLE is KILLED by MAX LORD in Infinite Crisis;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Team affiliations includes; Justice League, L.A.W., and Kord Enterprises;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; Booster Gold & The Question;

** The Jaime Reyes BLUE BEETLE uses a suit of armor and extraordinary powers that both stem from an artifact known as The Scarab.


** CGC; VERY FINE-, 7.5, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



BLUE BEETLE #1 TED CORD Begins Squid DCU FILM Modern 1977 QUESTION Ditko CGC 7.0

BLUE BEETLE (1977; MODERN Comics Pub Reprint VARIANT Editions)

#1 (1977 Modern comics REPRINT of the expensive 1967 Charlton Comic; 

( A ) Blue Beetle in Bugs the Squids!, 18 page story;

** The TED CORD aka The BLUE BEETLE Solo Series BEGINS;

** BLUE BEETLE Continued from Backup Series in Captain Atom.

** BLUE BEETLE vs the SQUIDS cover and Story;

** Dan Garrett aka Blue Beetle cameo;

** FIRST Appearance of the SQUID GANG (Joe, Todd Van III and  Pete);

** Appearances by Fisher and Tracey;

STEVE DITKO and Dave C. Glanzman story;

STEVE DITKO cover and art; 


** ( B ) QUESTION in Who is the Question?, 7 page story;

** FIRST appearance of Charles Victor Szasz (Vic Sage) aka The QUESTION and backup SERIES by Steve Ditko BEGINS;

** FIRST Cameo appearance of Aristotle TOT Rodor;

** Appearances by; Fred Pine, Al Kert, Bob Hasel, Nora Lace, Sam Star, Syd Starr, Celia Starr, Lou Dicer, Jim Lark, Nick, Moe and Captain Lash;

The Banshee cameo;

STEVE DITKO story and art; 


The BLUE BEETLE Live-Action Big Screen MOVIE Debut on August 18, 2023 in the DCU (DC Comics Cinematic Universe);

** Based on the 1980’s DC characters, that originated from the CHARLTON comics of the 1960’s;

** Xolo Maridueña (of Cobra Kai) will play Jamie Reyes aka BLUE BEETLE;

** Raoul Max Trujillo will play Conrad Carapax aka Carapax the Indestructible Man (First appeared Blue Beetle #1 from DC Comic in 6/1986);

** Susan Sarandon (Oscar-winning actress) will play Victoria Kord, a villain, and an original character that was created for the movie. This will be Sarandon’s first role in the superhero movie industry. Sarandon’s character, with her last name Kord, so it is possible that she is related to Ted Kord, who donned the mantle of Blue Beetle before Jamie.

** BLUE BEETLE will be directed by Angel Manuel Soto (Charm City Kings) and the screenplay is written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (Miss Bala). 

** The BLUE BEETLE movie also stars George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo, Damián Alcázar, Belissa Escobedo, Bruna Marquezein, Harvey Guillén, and Raoul Max Trujillo.

** The Ted Kord BLUE BEETLE uses his intellect and technology to fight crime;  Although the famous Blue and Gold team-up follows Booster and the Ted Kord version of Blue Beetle, the reports indicates that the movie will feature Jaime Reyes version of the character who the  Blue Beetle legacy during DC's Infinite Crisis and later starred in his own series. 

** The Ted Cord version of BLUE BEETLE Moves from the CHARLTON Universe & into the DC UNIVERES in CRISIS on Infinite Earths #1;

** BLUE BEETLE is KILLED by MAX LORD in Infinite Crisis;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Team affiliations includes; Justice League, L.A.W., and Kord Enterprises;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; Booster Gold & The Question;

** The Jaime Reyes BLUE BEETLE uses a suit of armor and extraordinary powers that both stem from an artifact known as The Scarab.


** CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with WHITE Pages = $89.00;




BLUE BEETLE #1 TED CORD Begins Squid DCU FILM Modern 1977 QUESTION Ditko CGC 5.5

BLUE BEETLE (1977; MODERN Comics Pub Reprint VARIANT Editions)

#1 (1977 Modern comics REPRINT of the expensive 1967 Charlton Comic; 

( A ) Blue Beetle in Bugs the Squids!, 18 page story;

** The TED CORD aka The BLUE BEETLE Solo Series BEGINS;

** BLUE BEETLE Continued from Backup Series in Captain Atom.

** BLUE BEETLE vs the SQUIDS cover and Story;

** Dan Garrett aka Blue Beetle cameo;

** FIRST Appearance of the SQUID GANG (Joe, Todd Van III and  Pete);

** Appearances by Fisher and Tracey;

STEVE DITKO and Dave C. Glanzman story;

STEVE DITKO cover and art; 


** ( B ) QUESTION in Who is the Question?, 7 page story;

** FIRST appearance of Charles Victor Szasz (Vic Sage) aka The QUESTION and backup SERIES by Steve Ditko BEGINS;

** FIRST Cameo appearance of Aristotle TOT Rodor;

** Appearances by; Fred Pine, Al Kert, Bob Hasel, Nora Lace, Sam Star, Syd Starr, Celia Starr, Lou Dicer, Jim Lark, Nick, Moe and Captain Lash;

The Banshee cameo;

STEVE DITKO story and art; 


The BLUE BEETLE Live-Action Big Screen MOVIE Debut on August 18, 2023 in the DCU (DC Comics Cinematic Universe);

** Based on the 1980’s DC characters, that originated from the CHARLTON comics of the 1960’s;

** Xolo Maridueña (of Cobra Kai) will play Jamie Reyes aka BLUE BEETLE;

** Raoul Max Trujillo will play Conrad Carapax aka Carapax the Indestructible Man (First appeared Blue Beetle #1 from DC Comic in 6/1986);

** Susan Sarandon (Oscar-winning actress) will play Victoria Kord, a villain, and an original character that was created for the movie. This will be Sarandon’s first role in the superhero movie industry. Sarandon’s character, with her last name Kord, so it is possible that she is related to Ted Kord, who donned the mantle of Blue Beetle before Jamie.

** BLUE BEETLE will be directed by Angel Manuel Soto (Charm City Kings) and the screenplay is written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (Miss Bala). 

** The BLUE BEETLE movie also stars George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo, Damián Alcázar, Belissa Escobedo, Bruna Marquezein, Harvey Guillén, and Raoul Max Trujillo.

** The Ted Kord BLUE BEETLE uses his intellect and technology to fight crime;  Although the famous Blue and Gold team-up follows Booster and the Ted Kord version of Blue Beetle, the reports indicates that the movie will feature Jaime Reyes version of the character who the  Blue Beetle legacy during DC's Infinite Crisis and later starred in his own series. 

** The Ted Cord version of BLUE BEETLE Moves from the CHARLTON Universe & into the DC UNIVERES in CRISIS on Infinite Earths #1;

** BLUE BEETLE is KILLED by MAX LORD in Infinite Crisis;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Team affiliations includes; Justice League, L.A.W., and Kord Enterprises;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; Booster Gold & The Question;

** The Jaime Reyes BLUE BEETLE uses a suit of armor and extraordinary powers that both stem from an artifact known as The Scarab.


** CGC; FINE-, 5.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $69.00;

Blue Beetle #1 ORIGIN 1st TED CORD DC series 1986 1st CARAPAX DCU Movie CGC 9.8

BLUE BEETLE (DC Comics Pub; 1986-1988); 

#1 (6/1986; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $145.00;



Blue Beetle #1 ORIGIN 1st TED CORD DC series 1986 1st CARAPAX DCU Movie CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Blue Beetle #1 ORIGIN 1st TED CORD & CARAPAX 1986 Movie Canadian Variant CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



Blue Beetle #1 ORIGIN 1st TED CORD & CARAPAX 1986 Movie Canadian Variant CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $124.00;


BLUE BEETLE 53 vs PRAYING MANTIS 1965 Charlton Dan Garrett DC MOVIE 1965 CGC 8.0

BLUE BEETLE (CHARLTON Comics Pub; 1965-1966; Third Charlton Series; Second Silver Age SOLO series);

Volume-3 #53 (12/1965; FIRST PRINTING;

** FOURTH issue in this 1965 Series;

( A ) Dan Garrett aka the BLUE BEETLE in The People Thieves;

Return and FINAL appearance of Hunter Mann aka the PRAYING MANTIS cover and story (of Earth-4, the Charlton Universe);

FIRST appearance of Diane Howard (of Earth-4, the Charlton Universe)

Joe Gill story;

Tony Tallarico cover and art;

** ( B ) The Pyramids of Giza, 3 page backup story by Joe Gill with Oscar Novelle art;

** According to the CGC Census (at time of Listing), this is among the THIRD HIGHEST GRADED Examples so Far Graded by CGC (Only 3 Examples Exist in 9.2; NONE Exist in 9.8, 9.6, 9.4 or 9.0; Only 1 Example Exists in 8.5; Only 4 Examples Exist in 8.0);


The BLUE BEETLE Live-Action Big Screen MOVIE Debut on August 18, 2023 in the DCU (DC Comics Cinematic Universe);

** Based on the 1980’s DC characters, that originated from the CHARLTON comics of the 1960’s;

** Xolo Maridueña (of Cobra Kai) will play Jamie Reyes aka BLUE BEETLE;

** Raoul Max Trujillo will play Conrad Carapax / Carapax the Indestructible Man (First appeared Blue Beetle #1 from DC Comic in 6/1986);

** Susan Sarandon (Oscar-winning actress) will play Victoria Kord, a villain, and an original character that was created for the movie. This will be Sarandon’s first role in the superhero movie industry. Sarandon’s character, with her last name Kord, so it is possible that she is related to Ted Kord, who donned the mantle of Blue Beetle before Jamie.

** BLUE BEETLE will be directed by Angel Manuel Soto (Charm City Kings) and the screenplay is written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (Miss Bala). 

** The BLUE BEETLE movie also stars George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo, Damián Alcázar, Belissa Escobedo, Bruna Marquezein, Harvey Guillén, and Raoul Max Trujillo.

** The Ted Kord BLUE BEETLE uses his intellect and technology to fight crime;  Although the famous Blue and Gold team-up follows Booster and the Ted Kord version of Blue Beetle, the reports indicates that the movie will feature Jaime Reyes version of the character who the  Blue Beetle legacy during DC's Infinite Crisis and later starred in his own series. 

** The Ted Cord version of BLUE BEETLE Moves from the CHARLTON Universe and into the DC UNIVERES in CRISIS on Infinite Earths #1;

** BLUE BEETLE is KILLED by MAX LORD in Infinite Crisis;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Team affiliations includes; Justice League, L.A.W., and Kord Enterprises;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; Booster Gold & The Question;

** The Jaime Reyes BLUE BEETLE uses a suit of armor and extraordinary powers that both stem from an artifact known as The Scarab.

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; BOOSTER GOLD and The QUESTION;


** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $169.00;



BLUE BEETLE #2 ORIGIN Ted Cord Charlton DC MOVIE 1967 QUESTION Banshee CGC 8.0

BLUE BEETLE (CHARLTON Comics Pub; 1967-1968; TED KORD Blue Beetle; FOURTH Charlton Series; THIRD Silver Age SOLO series);

#2 (8/1967; FIRST PRINTING; 

** ( A ) Ted Cord aka the BLUE BEETLE in The End Is a Beginning, 18 page story;

ORIGIN of the Ted Cord aka BLUE BEETLE;

Apparent DEATH of Dan Garrett the Original BLUE BEETLE;

Origin and relation to previous Blue Beetle told.

Appearances by; Detective Fisher, Tracey;

First appearance and Daeth of Uncle Jarvis Kord in Flashback;

** ( B ) QUESTION vs the BANSHEE, 7 page backup story;

FIRST Full appearance of Max Bine aka the BANSHEE  (of Earth-4, the Charlton Universe);

SECOND appearance of Vic Sage aka The QUESTION (Later Charles Victor Szasz in the DC Comics Universe)

Appearances by; Alex, Al Kert, Celia Starr, Dundo, Fred Pine, Nora Lace, Aristotle Rodor;

STEVE DITKO and D.C. Glanzman stories;

STEVE DITKO cover and art;


The BLUE BEETLE Live-Action Big Screen MOVIE Debut on August 18, 2023 in the DCU (DC Comics Cinematic Universe);

** Based on the 1980’s DC characters, that originated from the CHARLTON comics of the 1960’s;

** Xolo Maridueña (of Cobra Kai) will play Jamie Reyes aka BLUE BEETLE;

** Raoul Max Trujillo will play Conrad Carapax / Carapax the Indestructible Man (First appeared Blue Beetle #1 from DC Comic in 6/1986);

** Susan Sarandon (Oscar-winning actress) will play Victoria Kord, a villain, and an original character that was created for the movie. This will be Sarandon’s first role in the superhero movie industry. Sarandon’s character, with her last name Kord, so it is possible that she is related to Ted Kord, who donned the mantle of Blue Beetle before Jamie.

** BLUE BEETLE will be directed by Angel Manuel Soto (Charm City Kings) and the screenplay is written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (Miss Bala). 

** The BLUE BEETLE movie also stars George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo, Damián Alcázar, Belissa Escobedo, Bruna Marquezein, Harvey Guillén, and Raoul Max Trujillo.

** The Ted Kord BLUE BEETLE uses his intellect and technology to fight crime;  Although the famous Blue and Gold team-up follows Booster and the Ted Kord version of Blue Beetle, the reports indicates that the movie will feature Jaime Reyes version of the character who the  Blue Beetle legacy during DC's Infinite Crisis and later starred in his own series. 

** The Ted Cord version of BLUE BEETLE Moves from the CHARLTON Universe and into the DC UNIVERES in CRISIS on Infinite Earths #1;

** BLUE BEETLE is KILLED by MAX LORD in Infinite Crisis;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Team affiliations includes; Justice League, L.A.W., and Kord Enterprises;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; Booster Gold & The Question;

** The Jaime Reyes BLUE BEETLE uses a suit of armor and extraordinary powers that both stem from an artifact known as The Scarab.

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; BOOSTER GOLD and The QUESTION;


** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $169.00;



BLUE BEETLE #3 Ted Cord Charlton D.Garrett DC MOVIE Madmen 1967 QUESTION CGC 8.5

BLUE BEETLE (CHARLTON Comics Pub; 1967-1968; TED KORD Blue Beetle; FOURTH Charlton Series; THIRD Silver Age SOLO series);

#3 (10/1967; FIRST PRINTING;

** ( A ) Ted Cord aka the BLUE BEETLE in The MADMEN;

Ted Cord aka BLUE BEETLE vs the MADMEN battle cover and story;

FIRST appearance of the MADMEN (Villains)

Dan Garrett the Original BLUE BEETLE appears;

Appearances by; Detective Fisher and Tracey;

FIRST appearances of; Fleeter, Dan Greer, Ike Colar, Professor Loma;

** ( B ) QUESTION in Murder at a Square Construction, 6 page backup story;

THIRD appearance of Vic Sage aka The QUESTION (Later Charles Victor Szasz in the DC Comics Universe)

FIRST appearance of Evers and Mister Crane;

Appearances by; Nora Lace and Syd Starr;

STEVE DITKO and D.C. Glanzman stories;

STEVE DITKO cover and art;


The BLUE BEETLE Live-Action Big Screen MOVIE Debut on August 18, 2023 in the DCU (DC Comics Cinematic Universe);

** Based on the 1980’s DC characters, that originated from the CHARLTON comics of the 1960’s;

** Xolo Maridueña (of Cobra Kai) will play Jamie Reyes aka BLUE BEETLE;

** Raoul Max Trujillo will play Conrad Carapax / Carapax the Indestructible Man (First appeared Blue Beetle #1 from DC Comic in 6/1986);

** Susan Sarandon (Oscar-winning actress) will play Victoria Kord, a villain, and an original character that was created for the movie. This will be Sarandon’s first role in the superhero movie industry. Sarandon’s character, with her last name Kord, so it is possible that she is related to Ted Kord, who donned the mantle of Blue Beetle before Jamie.

** BLUE BEETLE will be directed by Angel Manuel Soto (Charm City Kings) and the screenplay is written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (Miss Bala). 

** The BLUE BEETLE movie also stars George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo, Damián Alcázar, Belissa Escobedo, Bruna Marquezein, Harvey Guillén, and Raoul Max Trujillo.

** The Ted Kord BLUE BEETLE uses his intellect and technology to fight crime;  Although the famous Blue and Gold team-up follows Booster and the Ted Kord version of Blue Beetle, the reports indicates that the movie will feature Jaime Reyes version of the character who the  Blue Beetle legacy during DC's Infinite Crisis and later starred in his own series. 

** The Ted Cord version of BLUE BEETLE Moves from the CHARLTON Universe and into the DC UNIVERES in CRISIS on Infinite Earths #1;

** BLUE BEETLE is KILLED by MAX LORD in Infinite Crisis;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Team affiliations includes; Justice League, L.A.W., and Kord Enterprises;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; Booster Gold & The Question;

** The Jaime Reyes BLUE BEETLE uses a suit of armor and extraordinary powers that both stem from an artifact known as The Scarab.

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; BOOSTER GOLD and The QUESTION;


** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $199.00;



BLUE BEETLE #4 Ted Cord Charlton DC MOVIE 1st Men of Mask 1967 QUESTION CGC 8.0

BLUE BEETLE (CHARLTON Comics Pub; 1967-1968; TED KORD Blue Beetle; FOURTH Charlton Series; THIRD Silver Age SOLO series);

#4 (12/1967; FIRST PRINTING;

** ( A ) Ted Cord aka BLUE BEETLE vs the MEN OF THE MASK cover and 18 page story;

FIRST appearance of the MEN OF THE MASK (Villains)

Dan Garrett the Original BLUE BEETLE appears;

Appearances by; Detective Fisher, Tracey and Sheik Abuta;

FIRST appearance and Death of The Mask

FIRST appearance of Shiek Abuta

FINAL appearance and Death of DAN GREER;

** ( B ) QUESTION in Kill Vic Sage!, 8 page backup story;

FOURTH appearance of Vic Sage aka The QUESTION (Later Charles Victor Szasz in the DC Comics Universe)

Appearances by; Nora Lace, Syd Starr, Al Kert, Captain Lash, Fred Pine, Sam Starr;

FIRST appearances and Death of Arbo and Nat Kat (Villains)

STEVE DITKO, D.C. Glanzman and Steve Skeates stories;

STEVE DITKO cover and art;


The BLUE BEETLE Live-Action Big Screen MOVIE Debut on August 18, 2023 in the DCU (DC Comics Cinematic Universe);

** Based on the 1980’s DC characters, that originated from the CHARLTON comics of the 1960’s;

** Xolo Maridueña (of Cobra Kai) will play Jamie Reyes aka BLUE BEETLE;

** Raoul Max Trujillo will play Conrad Carapax / Carapax the Indestructible Man (First appeared Blue Beetle #1 from DC Comic in 6/1986);

** Susan Sarandon (Oscar-winning actress) will play Victoria Kord, a villain, and an original character that was created for the movie. This will be Sarandon’s first role in the superhero movie industry. Sarandon’s character, with her last name Kord, so it is possible that she is related to Ted Kord, who donned the mantle of Blue Beetle before Jamie.

** BLUE BEETLE will be directed by Angel Manuel Soto (Charm City Kings) and the screenplay is written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (Miss Bala). 

** The BLUE BEETLE movie also stars George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo, Damián Alcázar, Belissa Escobedo, Bruna Marquezein, Harvey Guillén, and Raoul Max Trujillo.

** The Ted Kord BLUE BEETLE uses his intellect and technology to fight crime;  Although the famous Blue and Gold team-up follows Booster and the Ted Kord version of Blue Beetle, the reports indicates that the movie will feature Jaime Reyes version of the character who the  Blue Beetle legacy during DC's Infinite Crisis and later starred in his own series. 

** The Ted Cord version of BLUE BEETLE Moves from the CHARLTON Universe and into the DC UNIVERES in CRISIS on Infinite Earths #1;

** BLUE BEETLE is KILLED by MAX LORD in Infinite Crisis;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Team affiliations includes; Justice League, L.A.W., and Kord Enterprises;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; Booster Gold & The Question;

** The Jaime Reyes BLUE BEETLE uses a suit of armor and extraordinary powers that both stem from an artifact known as The Scarab.

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; BOOSTER GOLD and The QUESTION;


** CGC; VERY FINE, 8.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $179.00;




BLUE BEETLE (CHARLTON Comics Pub; 1967-1968; TED KORD Blue Beetle; FOURTH Charlton Series; THIRD Silver Age SOLO series);

#5 (11/1968; FIRST PRINTING;

LAST issue;

( A ) Ted Cord aka the BLUE BEETLE Faces the Destroyer of Heroes;

Ted Cord aka BLUE BEETLE vs the DESTROYER OF HEROES cover and story;

FIRST appearance of the DESTROYER OF HEROES (Villain)

Vic Sage aka The QUESTION appears;

Appearance by Tracey;

FIRST appearances of; Boris Ebar, Hugo/Our Man, Huck, Kate, Lou;

** ( B ) QUESTION in The Critic backup story;

FIFTH appearance of Vic Sage aka The QUESTION (Later Charles Victor Szasz in the DC Comics Universe)

Appearances by; Aristotle Rodor, Captain Lash, Nora Lace, Syd Starr;

FIRST appearance of BO;

FINAL appearance of Boris Ebar;

STEVE DITKO and D.C. Glanzman stories;

STEVE DITKO cover and art;


The BLUE BEETLE Live-Action Big Screen MOVIE Debut on August 18, 2023 in the DCU (DC Comics Cinematic Universe);

** Based on the 1980’s DC characters, that originated from the CHARLTON comics of the 1960’s;

** Xolo Maridueña (of Cobra Kai) will play Jamie Reyes aka BLUE BEETLE;

** Raoul Max Trujillo will play Conrad Carapax / Carapax the Indestructible Man (First appeared Blue Beetle #1 from DC Comic in 6/1986);

** Susan Sarandon (Oscar-winning actress) will play Victoria Kord, a villain, and an original character that was created for the movie. This will be Sarandon’s first role in the superhero movie industry. Sarandon’s character, with her last name Kord, so it is possible that she is related to Ted Kord, who donned the mantle of Blue Beetle before Jamie.

** BLUE BEETLE will be directed by Angel Manuel Soto (Charm City Kings) and the screenplay is written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (Miss Bala). 

** The BLUE BEETLE movie also stars George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo, Damián Alcázar, Belissa Escobedo, Bruna Marquezein, Harvey Guillén, and Raoul Max Trujillo.

** The Ted Kord BLUE BEETLE uses his intellect and technology to fight crime;  Although the famous Blue and Gold team-up follows Booster and the Ted Kord version of Blue Beetle, the reports indicates that the movie will feature Jaime Reyes version of the character who the  Blue Beetle legacy during DC's Infinite Crisis and later starred in his own series. 

** The Ted Cord version of BLUE BEETLE Moves from the CHARLTON Universe and into the DC UNIVERES in CRISIS on Infinite Earths #1;

** BLUE BEETLE is KILLED by MAX LORD in Infinite Crisis;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Team affiliations includes; Justice League, L.A.W., and Kord Enterprises;

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; Booster Gold & The Question;

** The Jaime Reyes BLUE BEETLE uses a suit of armor and extraordinary powers that both stem from an artifact known as The Scarab.

** BLUE BEETLE's DC Partnerships includes; BOOSTER GOLD and The QUESTION;


** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $199.00;


BODYCOUNT #1 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.8 = $149 


BODYCOUNT #1 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.6

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#1 (2/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

** RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by; Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight, Johnny Woo Woo, Shakkur;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** Synopsis;

The story begins with Casey Jones involved in a knock-down, drag out, no holds barred fist fight inside a building where a card game has erupted in violence. Outside, Midnight runs along a darkened sidewalk, apparently trying to escape someone. Casey is thrown out of a window and lands on Midnight, who reacts by kicking his butt. The gigantic bald man Casey was fighting comes out to get him, and Casey tackles him back inside, where their fight continues. Suddenly a car screeches around the corner and the occupants begins firing at Midnight. She leaps away and hides as she watches men exit the car and draw weapons. The story shifts into a flashback to Hong Kong, where Midnight was a driver for a gang led by Johnny Woo Woo. Casey Jones and Raphael get caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle when a woman tries to leave her crime family.


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;



BODYCOUNT #1 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.4

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#1 (2/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

** RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by; Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight, Johnny Woo Woo, Shakkur;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** Synopsis;

The story begins with Casey Jones involved in a knock-down, drag out, no holds barred fist fight inside a building where a card game has erupted in violence. Outside, Midnight runs along a darkened sidewalk, apparently trying to escape someone. Casey is thrown out of a window and lands on Midnight, who reacts by kicking his butt. The gigantic bald man Casey was fighting comes out to get him, and Casey tackles him back inside, where their fight continues. Suddenly a car screeches around the corner and the occupants begins firing at Midnight. She leaps away and hides as she watches men exit the car and draw weapons. The story shifts into a flashback to Hong Kong, where Midnight was a driver for a gang led by Johnny Woo Woo. Casey Jones and Raphael get caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle when a woman tries to leave her crime family.


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $59.00;



BODYCOUNT #1 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 8.5

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#1 (2/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

** RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by; Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight, Johnny Woo Woo, Shakkur;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** Synopsis;

The story begins with Casey Jones involved in a knock-down, drag out, no holds barred fist fight inside a building where a card game has erupted in violence. Outside, Midnight runs along a darkened sidewalk, apparently trying to escape someone. Casey is thrown out of a window and lands on Midnight, who reacts by kicking his butt. The gigantic bald man Casey was fighting comes out to get him, and Casey tackles him back inside, where their fight continues. Suddenly a car screeches around the corner and the occupants begins firing at Midnight. She leaps away and hides as she watches men exit the car and draw weapons. The story shifts into a flashback to Hong Kong, where Midnight was a driver for a gang led by Johnny Woo Woo. Casey Jones and Raphael get caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle when a woman tries to leave her crime family.


** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $44.00;


BODYCOUNT #2 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.6

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#2 (4/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by; Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight, Detective Choy, Johnny Woo Woo, Shakkur, Agent Bodē, Dong, Courtney, O'Brien;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;



BODYCOUNT #2 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.4

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#2 (4/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by; Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight, Detective Choy, Johnny Woo Woo, Shakkur, Agent Bodē, Dong, Courtney, O'Brien;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



BODYCOUNT #2 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.2

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#2 (4/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by; Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight, Detective Choy, Johnny Woo Woo, Shakkur, Agent Bodē, Dong, Courtney, O'Brien;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** Newsstand Edition

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



BODYCOUNT #2 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.0

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#2 (4/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by; Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight, Detective Choy, Johnny Woo Woo, Shakkur, Agent Bodē, Dong, Courtney, O'Brien;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** Newsstand Edition

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $64.00;



BODYCOUNT #3 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.6

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#3 (5/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by;  Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight, Detective Choy, Johnny Woo Woo, Dong, Courtney, Martin, Mikal;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** Newsstand Edition

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $129.00;


BODYCOUNT #3 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.2

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#3 (5/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by;  Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight, Detective Choy, Johnny Woo Woo, Dong, Courtney, Martin, Mikal;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



BODYCOUNT #4 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.2

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#4 (7/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by;  Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight. Detective Choy, Johnny Woo Woo, Dong, Martin, Agent Bode, Hector, Lee;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;




BODYCOUNT #4 Raphael Casey Jones Image 1996 Eastman Bisley VIOLENT TMNT CGC 9.0

BODYCOUNT (IMAGE Comics Pub; 1996 Limited Series);

#4 (7/1996; FIRST PRINTING;

RAPHAEL of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cover and story;

** Appearances by;  Raphael, Casey Jones, Midnight. Detective Choy, Johnny Woo Woo, Dong, Martin, Agent Bode, Hector, Lee;

KEVIN EASTMAN story and art;

SIMON BISLEY interior art and classic painted Cover;


**The Most Over the Top ULTRA-VIOLENT Blood and GORE TMNT Series of ALL-TIME, ADULTS ONLY;


** Inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the films of John Woo, Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley team up to present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as they spin a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and absurd ultraviolence as Raphael and Casey Jones are swept up in a very convoluted Kevin Eastman plot that leads into a wild Four issue long gunfight. Bisley draws the woman in this with huge bewbs and rock hard nipples in a ripped up shirt and g-string in the middle of a knife fight.

TURTLEpedia Notes;

** Bodycount is relatively remarkable among official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles publications for its extremely violent content. Unlike most of the Mirage continuity, which is chiefly for adult readers but usually also considered appropriate for teenage readers, Bodycount is marketed for adults only.

** Unlike the Image continuity itself, Bodycount is generally regarded to be within the Mirage continuity based on Peter Laird's opinion;


** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $79.00;



BOOKS OF DOOM (Marvel Comics Pub; 2006 Limited Series)

#1 (1/2006; FIRST PRINTING; 52 Page GIANT;


DR DOOM tells the Complete Story of his Life to an Interviewer;

Storyline takes place in Latveria;

MEPHISTO appears;

Zefiro Clan Appears, including; Werner von Doom, Cynthia von Doom, Gustav von Kampen, Boris Karela, Valeria, Sylvana Rosetti;

DR DOOM vs The Baron's Men;

DR DOOM in The Books of Doom: Book 1;

Low Print Run and Scarcer;

Ed Brubaker story;

Pablo Raimondi and Mark Farmer art;

Paolo Rivera painted cover;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $269.00;


BOY COMMANDOS #1  JACK KIRBY Joe Simon 1973 GA DC WWII Classics CGC NM 9.4

BOY COMMANDOS (DC Comics Pub; 1973; Classic Golden Age reprints)

#1 (9-10/1973;

Boy Commandos in The Sphinx Speaks = 12 page story (from Detective Comics #66) by JACK KIRBY, with a JACK KIRBY and JOE SIMON art;

Boy Commandos in Heroes Never Die = 12 page story (Reprints 1942 Boy Commandos #1) by JACK KIRBY, with a JACK KIRBY and JOE SIMON art;

JACK KIRBY, JOE SIMON and Luis Dominguez cover;

00248-63 (front) // 00248-64 (back)

CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



BOY COMMANDOS (DC Comics Pub; 1973; Classic Golden Age reprints)

#1 (9-10/1973;

Boy Commandos in The Sphinx Speaks = 12 page story (from Detective Comics #66) by JACK KIRBY, with a JACK KIRBY and JOE SIMON art;

Boy Commandos in Heroes Never Die = 12 page story (Reprints 1942 Boy Commandos #1) by JACK KIRBY, with a JACK KIRBY and JOE SIMON art;

JACK KIRBY, JOE SIMON and Luis Dominguez cover;

00224-15 (front) // 00224-16 (back)

CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with Off-WHITE Pages = $59.00;


BRAVE AND THE BOLD #30 3rd JUSTICE LEAGUE 1960 1st Amazo Ivo Movies CGC G/VG 3.0

The BRAVE and the BOLD (DC Comics Pub; 1955-1983);

#30 (6-7/1960; THIRD appearance of JUSTICE LEAGUE of AMERICA aka JLA cover & story;

FIRST appearance of AMAZO the Android and Professor Anthony Ivo cover & story;

JLA vs AMAZO and Professor Ivo cover & story;

AMAZO'S Team affiliations includes; Injustice League, Justice League & Secret Society of Super Villains;Professor Anthony Ivos Team affiliations includes; Secret Society of Super Villains;Gardner Fox story;

Mike Sekowsky & Murphy Anderson cover;

Art by; Mike Sekowsky, Bernard Sachs;

>>>CGC; G/VG, 3.0. with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $289.00;

>>00217-19 (front) // 00217-20 (back)


>>>the JUSTICE LEAGUE Part One Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE #1 will Debut on November 17, 2017, directed by Zack Snyder; Willem Dafoe will play STEPPENWOLF the Main Villain in the MOVIE; The FILM Will Star; Henry Cavill as Clark Kent / Superman, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne / Batman, Gal Gadot as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman / Arthur Curry, Amber Heard as Mera, Ezra Miller as Barry Allen / The Flash, Ray Fisher as Victor Stone / Cyborg, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth;

>>>the JUSTICE LEAGUE Part Two Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE #2 directed by Zack Snyder is scheduled for release in 2019;


>>>the JUSTICE LEAGUE Part One Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE #1 will Debut on November 17, 2017, directed by Zack Snyder; Willem Dafoe will play STEPPENWOLF the Main Villain in the MOVIE; The FILM Will Star; Henry Cavill as Clark Kent / Superman, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne / Batman, Gal Gadot as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman / Arthur Curry, Amber Heard as Mera, Ezra Miller as Barry Allen / The Flash, Ray Fisher as Victor Stone / Cyborg, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth;

>>>the JUSTICE LEAGUE Part Two Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE #2 directed by Zack Snyder is scheduled for release in 2019;


Brave and the Bold 93 House Of Mystery CAIN 1970-1971 NEAL ADAMS Variant CGC 9.0

The BRAVE and the BOLD (DC Comics Pub; 1955-1983);

#93 (12/1970-1/1971; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; VF/NM, 9.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $499.00;


Brave and the Bold #129 Batman Green Arrow Joker Two Face Atom 1976 CGC NMMT 9.8

The BRAVE and the BOLD (DC Comics Pub; 1955-1983);

#129 (9/1976; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $369.00;



Brave and the Bold #129 Batman Green Arrow Joker Two Face Atom 1976 CGC NM+ 9.6

The BRAVE and the BOLD (DC Comics Pub; 1955-1983);

#129 (9/1976; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $179.00;


Brave and the Bold #183 Ed Nigma RIDDLER 1982 Chess Nemesis DEATH Batman CGC 9.8

** Regular DIRECT Edition with DC LOGO in UPC Box;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $179.00;


Brave and the Bold #183 Nigma RIDDLER 1982 Chess DEATH Batman Newsstand CGC 9.6

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;



Brave and the Bold #183 Nigma RIDDLER 1982 Chess DEATH Batman Newsstand CGC 9.4

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left cover Corner;

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $75.00;


Brave and the Bold #191 JOKER Kills PENGUIN 1982 Aparo Batman Low Print CGC 9.8

The BRAVE and the BOLD (DC Comics Pub; 1955-1983);

#191 (10/1982; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC, NM/MT, 9.8 with WHITE Pages = $199.00;



Brave and the Bold #191 JOKER Kills PENGUIN 1982 Aparo Batman Low Print CGC 9.6

The BRAVE and the BOLD (DC Comics Pub; 1955-1983);

#191 (10/1982; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $99.00;


Brave and Bold #197 SCARECROW 1982 Origin Earth-2 CATWOMAN weds Batman CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $189.00;



Brave and Bold #197 SCARECROW 1982 Origin Earth-2 CATWOMAN weds Batman CGC 9.8

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $184.00;



Brave and Bold #197 SCARECROW 1982 Origin Earth-2 CATWOMAN weds Batman CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $128.00;


BRAVE and BOLD #200 1st KATANA TV Suicide Squad 1982 Canadian VARIANT CGC 9.6

Brave and the Bold (DC Comics Pub; 1955-1983; Batman Team-Up series)

#200 (7/1982; 68 Page GIANT;


16 page Preview and FIRST appearance of BATMAN and the OUTSIDERS = This includes the FIRST appearance of Tatsu Yamashiro aka KATANA the female Martial Artist & Samurai Warrior. 

KATANA first appeared as a Team Member of the OUTSIDERS, and later was affiliated with Birds of Prey & Justice League;

Devon Aoki (of Sin City fame) played KATANA beginning in the Third Season of TV's the ARROW; 

BATMAN and Golden Age BATMAN cover & story;

Mike Barr story;

Dave Gibbs & Jim Aparo art;

Statement of Ownership shows a VERY LOW Average PRINT RUN at only 93,643 Copies;


** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand $2.00 Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH or Image) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number & Price;

** This is Considered a TYPE 1-A Newsstand VARIANT (Recognized by OVERSTREET since Guide #40 with the Definitive McClure VARIANT Article), PRINTED Simultaneously in the USA on the Same Presses as the Regular DIRECT Edition, but Sold ONLY in Another Country, NOT Distributed in the USA;

** These are HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE VARIANTS, and CGC Examples Routinely Sell for 150% to 400% of the Prices that Standard USA Printing Bring ; 

** CGC and CBCS now BOTH Decided to OFFICIALLY Start Recognizing these as “CANADIAN VARIANTS” and NOW Mark then thus on Current LABELS;  

** (Most Canadian VARIANTS are Approx. 50 to 100 SCARCER in HIGH GRADE than the Regular Dual Priced DIRECT editions);

** For MORE INFO, Do an Internet Search for = " The 2019 Price Guide for 1980’s Marvel & DC Newsstand Canadian Cover Price Variants (Type 1A)" ;

** Also View this Video on YouTube = 50 Most Valuable Canadian Price Variant Comic Books | Variant Comics On The Rise


 00261-591 (front) // 00261-592 (back)

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $225.00;



BRAVE and BOLD #200 1st KATANA TV Suicide Squad 1982 Canadian VARIANT CGC 9.4

Brave and the Bold (DC Comics Pub; 1955-1983; Batman Team-Up series)

#200 (7/1982; 68 Page GIANT;


16 page Preview and FIRST appearance of BATMAN and the OUTSIDERS = This includes the FIRST appearance of Tatsu Yamashiro aka KATANA the female Martial Artist & Samurai Warrior.

KATANA first appeared as a Team Member of the OUTSIDERS, and later was affiliated with Birds of Prey & Justice League;

Devon Aoki (of Sin City fame) played KATANA beginning in the Third Season of TV's the ARROW;

BATMAN and Golden Age BATMAN cover & story;

Mike Barr story;

Dave Gibbs & Jim Aparo art;

Statement of Ownership shows a VERY LOW Average PRINT RUN at only 93,643 Copies;


** LOW PRINT and SCARCER Canadian Newsstand $2.00 Solo Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner;

** Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with BARCODE (NO SLASH or Image) in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner, and “cc” (Curtis Circulation) near Number & Price;

** This is Considered a TYPE 1-A Newsstand VARIANT (Recognized by OVERSTREET since Guide #40 with the Definitive McClure VARIANT Article), PRINTED Simultaneously in the USA on the Same Presses as the Regular DIRECT Edition, but Sold ONLY in Another Country, NOT Distributed in the USA;

** These are HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE VARIANTS, and CGC Examples Routinely Sell for 150% to 400% of the Prices that Standard USA Printing Bring ;

** CGC and CBCS now BOTH Decided to OFFICIALLY Start Recognizing these as “CANADIAN VARIANTS” and NOW Mark then thus on Current LABELS; 

** (Most Canadian VARIANTS are Approx. 50 to 100 SCARCER in HIGH GRADE than the Regular Dual Priced DIRECT editions);

** For MORE INFO, Do an Internet Search for = " The 2019 Price Guide for 1980’s Marvel & DC Newsstand Canadian Cover Price Variants (Type 1A)" ;

** Also View this Video on YouTube = 50 Most Valuable Canadian Price Variant Comic Books | Variant Comics On The Rise


** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $172.00;


Brave New Rock #1 1st GARY BECKS Comic 1990 Trance Techno Dub Electronic CGC 9.8

BRAVE NEW ROCK (Real Time Records/GTB Music; Self-Published Comics Magazine; Alexandria, VA, USA;  8-1/2" x 11"; Color cover; 16 Pages; B&W Inside)

#1 (7/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $199.00;


Brave New Rock #1 1st GARY BECKS Comic 1990 Trance Techno Dub Electronic CGC 9.6

BRAVE NEW ROCK (Real Time Records/GTB Music; Self-Published Comics Magazine; Alexandria, VA, USA;  8-1/2" x 11"; Color cover; 16 Pages; B&W Inside)

#1 (7/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


Brave New Rock #1 1st GARY BECKS Comic 1990 Trance Techno Dub Electronic CGC 9.4

BRAVE NEW ROCK (Real Time Records/GTB Music; Self-Published Comics Magazine; Alexandria, VA, USA;  8-1/2" x 11"; Color cover; 16 Pages; B&W Inside)

#1 (7/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;


Brave New Rock #1 1st GARY BECKS Comic 1990 Trance Techno Dub Electronic CGC 9.2

BRAVE NEW ROCK (Real Time Records/GTB Music; Self-Published Comics Magazine; Alexandria, VA, USA;  8-1/2" x 11"; Color cover; 16 Pages; B&W Inside)

#1 (7/1990; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


Brick Bradford #5 (#1) Sci-Fi 1948 Al Hartley William Ritt Clarence Gray CGC 7.0

BRICK BRADFORD (Standard / Pines Comics Pub)

#5 (7/1948; FIRST PRINTING;

** CGC; FN/VF, 7.0, with Off-White to WHITE Pages = $249.00;





** Satire Spoof Cartoons on PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER and his Brother, Billy Carter;

** Humor and Parody; PEANUT Jokes, BILLY BEER recurring Humor, POLITICAL Satire etc. by Joey Adams

** Cover Depicts; James Earl Carter Jr aka PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER (Born in 1924), William (Billy) Alton Carter (Brother; 1937-1988), Bessie Lillian Gordy Carter (Mother; 1898-1983), Eleanor Rosalynn Carter (Wife; Born in 1927), Amy Lynn Carter (Daughter: Born 1965), and Toastmaster JOEY ADAMS (Comedian: 1911-1999) with Appearances of all inside;

** Appearances by; Egyptian president Anwar SADAT and Israeli prime minister Menachem BEGIN, Ruth Carter Stapleton (American Christian evangelist, Jimmy Carter's youngest sister), Arab Sheiks, Vice President Walter Mondale (1929-2021), President Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger  

** The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Lists this Magazine as SCARCE;

** 68 pages including covers; Square-Bound

Joey Adams Biography;

BOB LARKIN Painted cover;



*** CGC; VERY FINE PLUS, 8.5, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;


BRUCE LEE #1 1st MORTAL KOMBAT Comic Preview 1994 Malibu Reboot Movie CGC 9.6

BRUCE LEE (Malibu Comics Pub; Limited Series)

#1 (7/1994; FIRST PRINTING; 44 Pages;

FIRST appearance of MORTAL KOMBAT in Comics, in 8  page PREVIEW Backup story;

( A ) MORTAL KOMBAT in Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea,  story by Charles Marshall, with Patrick Rolo and Bobby Rae art;

** FIRST Comics Appearance of; SONJA BLADE, LIU KANG, SUB-ZRERO, JOHNNY CAGE, KANO, RAYDEN (One page each BIO / INTRO for Each Chracter);  


Based on the classic Midway VIDEO GAMES, known for its VIOLENCE, one of the Most Famous Video Games of All-Time;

Classic VIDEO GAMES are now Highly Collectible, thus Related items like COMICS are Also up in DEMAND

** The MORTAL KOMBAT Reboot MOVIE set to Debut in 2021;

Directed by Simon McQuoid;     

Based on the video game series created by Ed Boon and John Tobias;

Screenplay by Greg Russo;         

Jessica McNamee will play Sonya Blade;

Hiroyuki Sanada will play Hanzo Hasashi / Scorpion;

Ludi Lin will play Liu Kang;

Mehcad Brooks will play Major Jackson 'Jax' Briggs;

Tadanobu Asano will play Raiden;

Josh Lawson will play Kano;

Chin Han will play Shang Tsung;

Joe Taslim will play Bi-Han / Sub-Zero;

Sisi Stringer will play Mileena;

Elissa Cadwell will play Nitara;

Max Huang will play Kung Lao;

** Mortal Kombat was previously adapted into two major motion pictures, Mortal Kombat (1995), and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997), both developed by Threshold Entertainment, produced by Lawrence Kasanoff and released by New Line Cinema;


( B ) BRUCE LEE in One Inch Punch, 24 page story by Mike Baron, with Val Mayerik, James Sherman art;

Bruce Lee Changed My Life, In the Face of the Dragon 1 page text article by Mike Baron;

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


BRUTE #2 Atlas/Seaboard 1975 Marcos Fleisher 1st Reptile Men TV Movie CGC 9.0

BRUTE (Atlas/ Seaboard Comics Pub; 2-7/1975; Sci-Fi / Horror, Suspense, Superhero Series about a Man-Ape CAVEMAN Monster);

#2 [4/1975; FIRST PRINTING;

Brute in Attack of the Reptile Men;

FIRST appearance of the Reptile Man cover & story;

Mike Fleisher story;

Mike Sekowsky & Pablo Marcos art;

Dick Giordano & Larry Lieber cover;

00259-459 (front) /// 00259-460 (back)

** CGC: VF/NM, 9.0, with WHITE Pages = $49.00; 


BRUTE #3 1st Doomstalker Atlas/Seaboard 1975 STARLIN BRUNNER TV Movie CGC 9.4

BRUTE (Atlas/ Seaboard Comics Pub; 2-7/1975; Sci-Fi / Horror, Suspense, Superhero Series about a Man-Ape CAVEMAN Monster);

#3 [7/1975; FIRST PRINTING;

Lower Print & Scarcer LAST ISSUE;

BRUTE in Live Or Let Die; 

FIRST appearance of Doomstalker cover & story;

The Doomstalker is a cyborg, half-human, half-robot, built by Dr. Rolf Hendrick;

Brute the Caveman vs Doomstalker the Cyborg battle, cover & story;

Gary Friedrich story;

Alan Lee Weiss, Jack Abel, JIM STARLIN & FRANK BRUNNER art;

Pablo Marcos cover;

** According to the CGC Census (At time of Listing); This is among the SECOND HIGHEST GRADED Example so far Graded by CGC (NONE Yet exist in 9.8; Only 10 Examples so Far Exist in 9.6; Only 2 Examples so Far Exist in 9.4);

00259-463 (front) /// 00259-464 (back)

** CGC: NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $85.00; 


Bucky O'Hare #1 Deadeye Duck & Willy 1991 Golden Games Toys Animated TV CGC 9.6

** CGC; NEAR MINT PLUS, 9.6, with WHITE Pages = $149.00;



Bucky O'Hare #1 Deadeye Duck & Willy 1991 Golden Games Toys Animated TV CGC 9.4

** CGC; NEAR MINT, 9.4, with WHITE Pages = $119.00;



Bucky O'Hare #1 Deadeye Duck & Willy 1991 Golden Games Toys Animated TV CGC 9.2

** CGC; NEAR MINT-, 9.2, with WHITE Pages = $99.00;


*** See Also; CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines =

Titles beginning with Letters "C " on our Website;

*** See Also; CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines =

Titles beginning with Letters "D" on our Website;

*** See Also; CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines =

Titles beginning with Letters "E "thru "L" on our Website;

*** See Also; CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines =

Titles beginning with Letters "M "thru "R" on our Website;

*** See Also; CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines =

Titles beginning with Letters "Sa – Ss " on our Website;


*** See Also; CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines =

Titles beginning with Letters "St – Sz " on our Website;

*** See Also; CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines =

Titles beginning with Letters "T "thru "V" on our Website;

*** See Also; CGC Graded & Slabbed Comics & Magazines =

Titles beginning with Letters "U "thru "Z" plus NEW ARRIVALS, on our Website;



>>> WE ACCEPT payment by;

( 1 ); We accept payment thru PAYPAL (the Most Popular Option) = 

( A ) Payments using PAYPAL are to be Sent to 

( B or Provide us the email address Linked to your PAYPAL Account and ASK us to send a PAYPAL INVOICE;

( C ) If you are NEW to PAYPAL, we can send a PAYPAL INVOICE and Get you Started (Simply Provide us the email address you want to use for PAYPAL)

( 2 );  We gladly accept CREDIT CARD Payments { VISA, American Express and Mastercard };

EMAIL Credit Card Info; we highly recommend sending information, split into THREE separate E-Mail's for safety (Number the emails so we reassemble them in correct order) (This is very fast & easy; 1000's of previous customers have paid in this way for many years. This is the most common & safe method our customers use to make payments);
( A ) Send first 8 digits in email #1,

( B ) send second 8 digits in email #2 and

( C ) send EXPIRY DATE, and Security / Validation Code (3 Digit number on the BACK of the Card, if there is one) in email #3;

*** BE SURE to Send your complete SHIPPING address [It is a good idea to include your PHONE number in case problems arise].

*** PLEASE, Double check the numbers before sending (it is very easy to make a single digit error);

>> OR, you can; PHONE it in; ( PHONE; 1-204-346-3674 ); TEXT it in; ( PHONE; 1-204-392-6686 );

( 3 ); MONEY ORDERS, CERTIFIED BANK CHECKS & BANK DRAFTS; [Note; We have a USA Bank Account; THUS we CAN accept USA domestic MONEY ORDER's (7-11, Western union, post office, etc)]; >> For USA buyers = international MO's are NOT required; So do NOT waste money on the extra fees;

** FOREIGN & OVERSEAS orders, MUST send International MONEY ORDERS or BANK DRAFTS only;

( 4 ); WESTERN UNION; They Require that You send the Money in the Currency of the Country it is sent to, thus Convert the USA Funds Total into the current Equivalent in CANADIAN FUNDS; PROVIDE me with your full Name, shipping Address & Local Phone Number; Payment needs to be made to; Doug Sulipa;  Send me via WESTERN UNION Tracking Number Information in TWO emails (for SAFETY);

( 5 ); Bank WIRE TRANSFER (Purchases over $500.00); Faster & Easier to Convert the Total to the Equivalent in CANADIAN FUNDS; ASK for FULL Details;

( 6 ); USA Funds CASH (Maximum of $50.00 for safety; We do NOT accept responsibility for LOST CASH, as we do not know if you actually sent it; But Note that 99.9% does arrives safely; Please send NO money in coins, as it rips envelopes; Many Overseas Customers have successfully sent Larger amounts of CASH by REGISTERED Mail.
( 7 ); PERSONAL or Business CHECKS; [We accept CHECKS drawn on USA & CANADA Banks ONLY; YOUR NAME or your Company name MUST be Printed on the CHECK (generic Counter Checks are NOT accepted); *** $75.00 or LESS, we ship immediately; Canada CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 3-4 weeks to CLEAR, before we will ship; USA CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 6-8 WEEKS to CLEAR, before we will ship; NO Exceptions, due to many BAD experiences;



>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986



Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686


ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREETMARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =

SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;

ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;



Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit; SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those wereCUSTOMER Errors);

Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/18
