CHILDREN’S, KID’S & JUVENILE Text Novels / Chapter Books (Hardcover’s & Trade Paperback’s; Many have illustrations) FOR SALE;


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CHILDREN’S, KID’S & JUVENILE Text Novels / Chapter Books (Hardcover’s & Trade Paperback’s; Many have illustrations) FOR SALE;

ACKER, ETHEL F. - Four Hundred Games for School, Home and Playground (F.A. Owen Pub. Co.; 1923; No Dust Jacket);

THE ADELMANS – Sup Facts (illx. Bryan Hendrix; Moby Books Pub.; Trade Paperback );

ADLER, C.S. - Eddie's Blue-Winged Dragon (Avon Camelot; 1990; Trade Paperback);

ADLER, DAVID A. - Cam Jansen and the mystery of the Dinosaur Bones (illx. Susanna Natti; Dell Young Yearling Pub.; 1981; Trade Paperback ); *** Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House (illx. Susanna Natti; Dell Yearling Pub.; 1985; Trade Paperback );

ADVENTURES ALL (Oxford University Press; 1941; Trade Paperback);

ADVENTURES IN SCIENCE BOOK 5 (School Aids and Text, No Date; Trade Paperback);

ADVENTURES IN SCIENCE BOOK 6 (School Aids and Text, No Date; Trade Paperback);

THE ADVENTURES OF ULSSES (Piccolo Adventure Library; 1977; Trade Paperback);

ADVENTURE STORIES FORBOYS (Illustrated by Paul Sharp; Hamlyn; 1977; No Dustjacket);

THE AENEID FOR BOYS AND GIRLS (Retold by Alfred J. Church;illustrated by . Eugene Karlin; MacMillan Pub.; 1962; With Dust Jacket );

AESOP'S FABLES (various; Painted cover; No Dustjacket);

AGLE, NAN HAYDEN – Joe Bean (illx. Velma Ilsley; Seabury Press; 1967; No Dust Jacket);

AIR MYSTERY SERIES: THE HAUNTED HANGER – Powell, Van (Saalfield 3192; 1932; With Dustjacket);

AIR SERVICE BOYS: FLYING FOR VICTORY – Beach, Charles Amory (World Syndicate; 1920; No Dustjacket);

AIR SERVICE BOYS: OVER THE RHINE – Beach, Charles Amory (Saalfield; 1919; No Dustjacket);

ALBERTS, FRANCES JACOBS – A GIFT FOR GENGHIS KHAN (Illustrated by Rafaello Busoni; Whittlesey House; 1961; Painted cover);

ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY – JACK AND JILL (various; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** JIMMY'S CRUISE IN THE PINAFORE (Sampson, Low, Marston and Co; 1891; Painted cover); *** JO'S BOYS (various; Painted cover; No Dustjacket); *** LITTLE MEN (Goldsmith; No Date; No Dustjacket);

ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY – THE STORY OF A BAD BOY (Goldsmith, No Date; No Dustjacket);


ALEXANDER, LLOYD – THE BLACK CAULDRON (Dell Yearling; 1971; Trade Paperback); (Dell Tearling; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** THE BOOK OF THREE (Dell Yearling; 1978; Trade Paperback); *** THE JEDERA ADVENTURE (Dell Yearling; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** THE MARVELOUS MISADVENTURES OF SEBASTIAN (Young Reader Press; 1973; Trade Paperback); *** TARAN WANDERER (Dell Yearling; 1978; Trade Paperback); *** Time Cat (Puffin Books; 1976;; Trade Paperback );

ALGER, jr., HORATIO – Adrift in New York (M.A. Donohue Pub.; No Date; Painted Cover); *** Bob Burton (World Pub.; No Date; With Dust Jacket ); *** BOUND TO RISE (Goldsmith; No Date; Painted cover); *** Cash Boy (Hurst and Co. Pub.; No Date; Painted Cover); **** CHARLIE CODMAN'S CRUISE (Hurst and Co.; No Date; Painted cover); *** Helping Himself (Goldsmith Pub.; No Date; N/dj); *** JED AND THE POOR HOUSE BOY (M.A. Donohue; No Date; Painted cover; Superior Printing Pub.; No Date; Printed Cover); **** Joe's Luck (Goldsmith Pub.; No Date; No Dust Jacket); *** PHIL THE FIDDLER (Hurst and Co. 1908; Painted cover; M.A. Donohue; No Date; With Dust Jacket ); **** Strive and Succewed (M.A. Donohue; NO Date; Painted Cover); *** THE TELEGRAPH BOY (A.L. Burt; No Date; Painted cover); *** TONY THE TRAMP (Hurst and Co; No Date; Painted cover; M.A. Donohue Pub.; No Date; No Dust Jacket); **** Try and Trust (Whitman Pub.; NO Date; Painted Cover);


ALLEN, ERIC – PEPE MORENO (Illustrated by Hazel Cook; Faber and Fabe; No Date; No Dustjacket);

ALLEN, HATTIE BELL – David (Broadman Press Pub.; 1946; Painted Cover);

ALLSTROM, ELIZABETH C. - The Round Window (illx. Jeanyee Wong; Friendship Press Pub.; 1953; Trade Paperback );

ALLT, A.H. - THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR (Then and There Series; illustrated by H. Toothill; Longmans; 1962; Trade Paperback);

ALMEDINGEN, E.M. - LITTLE KATIA (Oxford University Press, 1971; Trade Paperback); *** YOUNG MARK (Oxford University Press; 1967; With Dustjacket);

ALMOST SISTERS; THE SISTERS SCHEME – Makris, Kathryn (Avon Camelot, 1991; Trade Paperback);

AMERICAN BOY ACTION STORIES (Doubleday; 1949; With Dustjacket);

AMERICAN BOY SPORTS ATORIES (Doubleday; 1947; With Dustjacket);

THE AMERICAN GIRL BOOK OF HORSE STORIES (Illustrated by Sam Savitt; Random House; 1963; Painted cover);

AMOSS, HARRY – Canadian Neighbours (illx.; Ryerson Press Pub.; No Date; n/dj);

ANCKARSVARD, KARIN – THE MYSTERIOUS SCHOOLMASTER (Scholastic TX1345; 1968; Trade Paperback); *** THE ROBBER GHOST (Voyager Book AVB49; 1961; Trade Paperback);

ANDERSEN'S FAIRY TALES (various; No Dustjacket; Painted cover; Trade Paperback);


ANDERSON, A.M. - WILD BILL HICKOK (Illustrated by Jack Merryweather; Wheeler; 1953; Painted cover);

ANDERSON, ALAN – FAMOUS TRAIN JOURNEYS NO. 1 FLYING SCOTSMAN (Brockhampton Press; 1949; Painted cover);

ANDERSON, LAVERE – SITTING BULL GREAT SIOUX CHIEF (Dell Yearling; 1976; Trade Paperback);

ANDERSON, MARILYN D. - Bubble Gum Monster (illx. Estella Hickman; Willowsap Sapling Pub.; 1987; Trade Paperback );

ANDREWS, F. EMERSON – FOR CHARLEMAGNE! (Harper and Brothers; 1949; With Dustjacket);

ANDREWS, MICHAEL – THE WARRIOR'S TALE (Dragon Strike; 1993; Trade Paperback);

ANGEL PARK SOCCER STARS #2: DEFENSE! - HUGHES, DEAN (Illustrated by Dennis Lyall; Bullseye Books; 1991; Trade Paperback);

ANGELS UNLIMITED #3: FLYING HIGH – DALTON ANNIE (Avon Pub.; 2003; Trade Paperback );

ANIMAL ARK #2 Pony on the Porch – Baglio, Ben M. (Illx. Shelagh McNicholas; Apple Paperback Pub./ Scholastic Pub.; 1998; Trade Paperback ); *** ANIMAL ARK #3 Puppies in the Pantry – Baglio, Ben M. (Illx. Shelagh McNicholas; Apple Paperback Pub./ Scholastic Pub.; 1998; Trade Paperback );*** ANIMAL ARK #4 Goat in the Garden– Baglio, Ben M. (Illx. Shelagh McNicholas; Apple Paperback Pub./ Scholastic Pub.; 1998; Trade Paperback ); *** ANIMAL ARK SPECIAL #1 The Kitchen Thaty Won First Prize, and Other Animal Stories – Baglio, Ben M. (Illx. Jenny Gregory; Apple Paperback Pub./ Scholastic Pub.; 2000; Trade Paperback );

ANIMAL INN #5; ADOPT-A-PET – VAIL, VIRGINIA (Apple Paperbacks/ Scholastic; 1987; Trade Paperback);

ANIMAL #6; ALL THE WAY HOME – Vail, Virginia (Apple Paperbacks/ Scholastic Pub.; 1987; Trade Paperback );

ANIMAL STORIES TO READ ALOUD (illx. Crosby Newell; Wonder Books Pub.; Trade Paperback );

ANIMORPHS #1; THE INVASION – APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** #2 The Visitor – Applegate, K.A. (Scholastic; 1996; Trade Paperback ); *** #3 – The Encounter (Scholastic Pub.; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** #5; THE PREDATOR - – APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** #10 The Android – Applegate, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1997; Trade Paperback); **** #11 The Forgotten – APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1997; Trade Paperback); *** #12 – The Reaction - – APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1997; Trade Paperback); * *** #13 THE CHANGE– APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1997; Trade Paperback); *** #14 The Unknown – APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1998; Trade Paperback); **** #19 THE DEPARTURE – APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1998; Trade Paperback); *** #32; THE SEPARATION– APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1999; Trade Paperback); *** #NN; THE Hork-Bajir Chronicles – APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1999; Trade Paperback); *** Megamorphs #1; THE Andalite's Gift – APPLEGATE, K.A. ( Scholastic; 1997; Trade Paperback);

APPEL, H.M. - THE SECRET OF THE FLAMBEAU (Goldsmith; 1936; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

APPLETON, VICTOR – THE BIG SNAKE HUNTERS (Children's Press; 1954; Painted cover);

ARABIAN NIGHTS (various; With Dustjacket; Painted cover);

ARABIAN NIGHTS/ AESOP'S FABLES (Companion Library; 1963; Painted cover);

ARASON, STEINGRIMUR – GOLDEN HAIR, THE STORY OF SIGNY'S ICELAND (Illustrated by Gertrude Howe; MacMillan; 1946; No Dustjacket);

ARCHIBALD, JOE – FIGHT TEAM FIGHT (Macrae Smith; 1958; No Dustjacket); *(** POWERBACK (Macrae Smith; 1970; Painted cover); *** TOUCHDOWN GLORY (Westminister Press; 1949; No Dustjacket);

ARKIN, ALAN – THE LEMMING CONDITION (Bantam Skylark; 1977; Trade Paperback);

ARMER, ALBERTA – TROUBLEMAKER (Illustrated by J.C. Kocsis; Collins World; 1974; pct/ cv);

ARMSTONG, RICHARD – The Lost Ship (illx. Edward Osmond; J. M. Dent and Sons Pub.; 1956; No Dust Jacket); *** SABOTAGE AT THE FORGE (Illustrated by L.F. Lupton; J.M. Dent and Sons; 1962; With Dustjacket);

ARMSTONG, WILLIAM H. - Sounder ( Illustrated by James Barkley; Harper Trophy Book; 1972; Trade Paperback);

ARMY BOYS IN FRANCE – RANDALL, HOMER (World Syndicate; 1919; No Dustjacket);

ARNOLD, ELLIOTT – Nose for News (illx. Don Nelson; Peterson Unitext Pub.; Photo Cover);

ARNOLD, ERIC – Jokes You Shouldn't Tell Your Teacher (Aladdin Paperbacks; 1999; Trade Paperback );


ARROW BOOK OF GHOST STORIES – KRAMER, NORA (ed.; Scholastic TX232; 1969; Trade Paperback);

ASHFORD, DAISY – THE YOUNG VISITORS (Chatto and Windus; 1919; No Dustjacket;) (Chatto and Windus; 1963; With Dustjacket) (George H. Doran; 1919; Painted cover);

ASHFORD, JEFFREY – GRAND PRIX UNITED STATES (G.P. Putnam; 1971; Painted cover);

ASHLEY, RUTH – TWILIGHT TALES FOR TINY FOLK (J. Saville; 1928; No Dustjacket);

ASIMOV, ISAAC – Electricity and Man (with photos; US Atomic Energy Commission);

ATKINSON, ELEANOR – GREYFRIARS BOBBY( A.L. Burt; 1912; Painted cover);

ATWATER, RICHARD & FLORENCE – Mr. Popper's Penguins (illx. Robert Lawson various Pub.; Trade Paperback );

AULT, PHIL – Wires West (Illustrated with Photos, Old Prints, & Maps; Dodd, Mead and Co. Pub.; 1974; With Dust Jacket );

AULT, SUSAN/ WORKMAN, BERNARD – Time Remembered 5; Hanoverians and Victorians (illx.; Basil Blackwell Pub.; 1966; Painted Cover);

AVER, JIM – For Teens Only; Straight Talk About Parents; Life; Love (Liguori Pub.; 1985; Trade Paperback );

AVI-The Man Who Was Poe (Avon Camelot, 1989; Trade Paperback); *** SNAIL TALE (Beaver Books; 1973; Trade Paperback); *** “WHO WAS THAT MASKED MAN, ANYWAY?” (Avon Camelot; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** WINDCATCHER (Avon Camelot; 1992; Trade Paperback);

B.B. - BEN THE BULLFINCH ( Illustrated by D.J. Watkins-Pitchford; Red Bison Library; 1968; Painted cover);

BABBIT, NATALIE-KNEEKNOCK RISE (Sunburst; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** TUCK EVERLASTING (Sunburst; 1990; Trade Paperback);

THE BABY-SITTERS CLUB; #1 Kristy's Great Idea – Martin, Ann M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1986; Trade Paperback); *** #3 The Truth About Stacey – Martin, Ann M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1986; Trade Paperback); *** #5 Dawn and the Impossible Three – Martin, Ann M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #7 Claudia and Mean Janine – Martin, Ann M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #8 Boy-Crazy Stacy – Martin, Ann M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #15 LITTLE MISS STONEYBROOK... AND DOWN – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #18 STACEY'S MIRACLE – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #19 CLAUDIA AND THE BAD JOKE – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #21 MALLORY AND THE TROUBLE WITH TWINS – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback);#22 Jessi Ramsey, Pet-Sitter – Martin, Ann M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** *** #23 DAWN ON THE COAST – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #29 MALLORY AND THE MYSTERY DIARY – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #30 POOR MALLORY! – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #40 CLAUDIA AND THE MIDDLE SCHOOL MYSTERY – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #45 KRISTY AND THE BABY PARADE – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #47 MALLORY ON STRIKE – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #49 CLAUDIA AND THE GENIUS OF ELM STREET – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #50 DAWN'S BIG DATE – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); ***#55 JESSI'S GOLD MEDAL – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback);

THE BABY-SISTERS CLUB SITTERS ; #1 STACY AND THE MISSING RIG – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #4 KRISTY AND THE MISSING CHILD – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #7 DAWN AND THE DISAPPEARING DOGS – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); ***#8 JESSI AND THE JEWEL THIEVES – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #13 MARY ANNE AND THE LIBRARY MYSTERY (1994; Trade Paperback); *** #16 CLAUDIA AND THE CLUE INTHE PHOTOGRAPH – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #17 DAWN AND THE HALLOWEEN MYSTERY – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); #20 Mary Anne and the Zoo Mystery – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1995; Trade Paperback); *** #24 MARY ANNE AND THE SILENT WITNESS – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1996; Trade Paperback);

THE BABY-SITTERS CLUB POSTCARD BOOK; with 30 color postcards);


THE BABY-SITTERS CLUB SUPER SPECIAL; #1 BABY-SITTERS ON BOARD! – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #2 BABY-SITTERS' SUMMER VACATION – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #3 BABY-SITTERS' WINTERVACATION – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #5 CALIFORNIA GIRLS! – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #9 STARRING THE BABY-SITTERS CLUB! – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback);

BABY-SITTERS LITTLE SISTER; #1 Karen's Witch – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #2 KAREN'S ROLLER SKATES – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #3 Karen's Worst Day – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #4 Karen's Kittycat Club – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #5 Karen's School Picture – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #6 Karen's Little Sister – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #7 Karen's Birthday – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #8 Karen's Haircut – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #9 Karen's Sleepover – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #10 Karen's Grandmothers – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #11Karen's Prize – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #12 Karen's Ghost – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #13 Karen's Surprise – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #14 Karen's New Year – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #15 Karen's in Love – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #16 KAREN'S GOLDFISH – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #17 Karen's Brothers – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #18 Karen's Home Run – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #19 Karen's Good-Bye – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #20 Karen's Carnival – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #21 Karen's New Teacher – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #22 Karen's Little Witch – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #23 Karen's Doll – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #24 KAREN'S SCHOOL TRIP – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #25 KAREN'S PEN PAL – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #26 Karen's Ducklings – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #27 Karen's Big Joke – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #28 Karen's Tea Party – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #29 Karen's Cartwheel – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #30 KAREN'S KITTEN – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #31 KAREN BULLY – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #32 KAREN'S PUMPKIN PATCH – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #33 Karen's Secret – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #34 Karen's Snow Day – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #36 Karen's Big Lie – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #37 KAREN'S TUBA – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); #38 Karen's Wedding – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #39 Karen's Wedding – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #40 Karen's Newspaper – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #41 Karen's School – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #42 Karen's Pizza Party – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #43 Karen's Toothache – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #44 Karen's Big Weekend – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #45 Karen's Twin – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #46 Karen's Baby-Sitter – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #47 Karen's Kite – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #48 Karen's Two Families – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #49 Karen's Two Families – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #49 Karen's Stepmother – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #50 Karen's Lucky Penny – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #51 Karen's Big Top – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #52 Karen's Mermaid – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #53 Karen's School Bus – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #54 Karen's Candy – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback); ***


BABY-SITTERS LITTLE SISTER SUPER SPECIAL; - #1 Karen's Wish - MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #2 Karen's Plane Trip - MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #3 KAREN MYSTERY – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #4 Karen, Hannie, and Nancy; the Three Musketeers - MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #5 KAREN'S BABY – MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #6 Karen's Campout - MARTIN, ANN M. (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback);

BACON, DOLORES – PICTURES EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW (Illustrated from Great Paintings; Grosset and Dunlop; 1908; Painted cover);

BAGNOLD, ENID – NATIONAL VELVET ( Illustrated by Earle B. Winslow; Juniors Deluxe Edition; No Date; Painted cover);

BAILEY, ARTHUR SCOTT – THE TALE OF SOLOMON OWL ( Illustrated by Harry L. Smith; Grosset and Dunlop; 1917; Painted cover);

BAILEY, CAROLYN SHERWIN – A CANDLE FOR YOUR CAKE ( Illustrated by Margaret Ayer; J.B. Lippincott; 1952; Painted cover);

THE BAILEY CITY MONSTERS - #1 The Monsters Next Door – Jones, Maria Thornton/ Dadey, Debbie (illx. John Steven Gurney; Little Apple Paperbacks Pub.; Trade Paperback );

THE BAILEY SCHOOL KIDS - #NN Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers – Dadey, Debbie/ Jones, Maria Thornton (illx. John Steven Gurney ; Little Apple Paperbacks Pub.; 1995; Trade Paperback );

BAILEY, LINDA – WHO'S GOT GERTIE? AND HOW CAN WE GET HER BACK! (Kids can Press; 1994; Trade Paperback);

BAKER, BETTY – THE DUNDERHEAD WAR (Harper and Row; 1967; Painted cover);

BAKER, CHARLOTTE – SUNRISE ISLAND ( Illustrated by Charlotte Baker; David McKay; 1952; Painted cover);

BAKER, NINA BROWN – HENRY HUDSON ( Illustrated by George Fulton; Alfred A. Knoff; 1960; Painted cover);

BALCH, GLENN –INDIAN PAINT ( Illustrated by Robert Meyers; Comet Books 31, 1949; Trade Paperback);

BALDERSON, MARGARET – WHEN JAYS FLY TO BARBMO ( Illustrated by Victor G. Ambrus; Oxford University Press; 1970; Trade Paperback);

BALDWIN, PATRICIA – SUSAN KENDALL STUDENT NURSE (Victory Press; 1964; Painted cover);

BAMMAN, HENRY/ WHITEHEAD, ROBERT – Hunting Grizzly Bearsillustrated by . William Lackey; Benefic Press Pub.; 1963; Painted Cover );

BANKS, LYNNE REID – THE RETURN OF THE INDIAN ( Illustrated by William Geldart; Avon Camelot; 1987; Trade Paperback);

BANTA, N. MOORE – Kriss Kringle Christmas Book (A. Flanagan Co.; 1932; Trade Paperback );

BARBIE – Adventures With Barbie #1 The Mysterious Dude of Ghost Ranch – St Pierre, Stephanie (Price Stern Sloan Inc.; 1991; Trade Paperback ); **** #2 Dancing the Night Away – St Pierre, Stephanie (Price Stern Sloan Inc.; 1991; Trade Paperback ); **** #3 Wildlife Rescue – St Pierre, Stephanie (Price Stern Sloan Inc.; 1991; Trade Paperback ); **** #4 Soda Shop Surprise Pond – Weyn, Suzanne (Price Stern Sloan Inc.; 1992; Trade Paperback ); **** #5 The Phantom of Shrieking Pond – Weyn, Suzanne (Price Stern Sloan Inc.; 1992; Trade Paperback ); **** #6 Rollerblade Crusade – Weyn, Suzanne (Price Stern Sloan Inc.; 1992; Trade Paperback ); **** #7 Ballet Debut – Weyn, Suzanne (Price Stern Sloan Inc.; 1992; Trade Paperback ); **** #8 Holiday Magic – Weyn, Suzanne (Price Stern Sloan Inc.; 1999; Trade Paperback ); **** Adventures to Read Aloud (illx. Claudine Nankivel; Wonder Books; 1964; Trade Paperback ); *** Barbie and Ken – Lawrence, Cynthia / Maybee, Bette Lou. (illustrated by . Clyde Smith; Random House Pub.; 1963; Painted Cover ); *** Barbie's New York Summer – Lawrence, Cynthia (illx. Clyde Smith; Random House; 1962; With Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Barbie's Secret – Woolvin, Eleanor K. (illustrated by . Robert Patterson; Random House Pub.; 1964; Pained Cover );

BARKAS, NATALIE – THE QUET OF THE BELLAMY JEWELS (Peal Press; No Date; With Dustjacket; Painted cover);

BARKER, SHIRLEY – The Trojan Horse (illx. Fritz Kredel; Random House Pub.; 1959; No Dust Jacket);

BARLOW, STEVE/ SKIDMORE, STEVE – The Lost Diary of Eric Bloodaxe, Viking Warrior (Troll; 1997; Trade Paperback ); *** SKIDMORE, STEVE – The Lost Diary of Julius Caesar's Slave (Troll; 1997; Trade Paperback );

BARNES, MICHAEL – POLICE STORY (Scholastic; 1981; Trade Paperback);

BARR, GEORGE – SHOW TIME FOR YOUNG SCIENTIST; ENTERTAINING WITH SCIENCE (Illustrated Mildred Waltrip; McGraw-Hill; 1965; With Dustjacket);

BARRETT, ETHEL – I'M NO HERO (Regal Venture Book; 1974; Trade Paperback); *** TELL BIBLE STORIES TO CHILDREN VOLUME 2 (Regal Venture Book; 1977; Trade Paperback);

BARRIE, J.M. - PETER PAN (Illustrated Nora S. Unwin; Charles Scribner's Sons; 1951; With Dustjacket); (Scholastic; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** PETER AND WENDY (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

BARSTOW, CHARLES H. - NATTY'S VIOLIN (Frederick Warne; No Date; Painted cover);

BARTLETT, MARGARET FARRINGTON – JOY MONEY (Illustrated By Kelly Oechsli; Duell, Sloan and Pearce; 1965; No Dustjacket);

THE BASKET OF FLOWERS (Blackie and Sons Limited; No Dust Jacket);

BATCHELOR, JULIE FORSYTH/ DE LYS, CLAUDIA – Superstitious? Here's Why! (illx. Erik Blegvad; Scholastic Pub.; 1969; Trade Paperback );

BATEMAN, ROBERT – YOUNG CLIMBER (Constable and Co.; 1959; No Dustjacket);

BATTEN, J.R. - GOLDEN FOOT: THE STORY OF JUDSON OF BURMA (Lutterworth Press; 1960; With Dustjacket);


BAUER, MARION DANE – ON MY HONOR (Clarion Books; 1989; Painted cover);

BAXTER, BETTY – THE UNSEEN ENEMY (Goldsmith; 1938; No Dustjacket);

BAYLEY, VIOLA – WHITE HOLIDAY (Children's Press; No Date; With Dustjacket);

BEACH, REX – GOING SOME (Illustrated Mark Fenderson; A.l. Burt; 1910; Painted cover);

BEAN, LUCY – SUNNY COVE FARM (Blackie and Son; No Date; Painted cover);

BEATTY jr., JEROME – BOB FULTON'S AMAZING SODA-POP STRETCHER (Illustrated Gahan Wilso; Bantam Skylark; 1979; Trade Paperback); *** MATTHEW LOONEY'S VOYAGE TO THE EARTH (Illustrated Gaham Wilson; Avon Camelot; 1972; Trade Paperback);

BEBBINGTON, NICOLAS – The Policeman (ESA Information Bopok; 1953; With Dust Jacket );

BECK, JENNY – A WORLD OF DRAGONS (Illustrated Marianne Wahl; Penumbra Press; 1982; Trade Paperback);

BEDARD, MICHAEL – REDWORK (Lester; 1992; Trade Paperback);

BEHRMAN, CAROL H. - The Lancaster Witch (illx. Bill Dodge; Willowsip Press Pub.; 1993; Trade Paperback );

BELL, CAROLINE & EDDIE – THANK YOU TWICE (Harcourt, Braceand Co. 1941; No Dustjacket);

BELL, GERTRUDE – POSSE TO TWO (Illustrated Carl Kidwell; Cadmus Edition; 1967; Painted cover);

BELL, JOSEPH N. & DAVID H. - PLAY OFF THRILLS (Julian Messner, 1967; With Dustjacket);

BELL, WILLIAM DIXON – THE SACRED SCIMITER (Goldsmith; 1938; No Dustjacket); *** THE SECRET OF TIBIT (Goldsmith; 1938; With Dustjacket); *** TRAILED BY G-MEN (World; 1940; With Dustjacket;

BELLAIRS, JOHN – THE FIGURE IN THE SHADOWS (Illustrated Mercer Mayer: Dell Yearling; 1975; Trade Paperback); *** THE TREASURE OF ALPHEUS WINTERBORN (Illustrated Judith Gwyn Brown; Bantam Skylark; 1980; Trade Paperback);

BELLING, MABEL R. - Mollie the Faithful (Pickering and Inglis; No Dust Jacket);

BENDICK, JEANNE – How Much and How Many (McGraw – Hill Book Co. Pub.; 1947; No Dust Jacket);

BENJAMIN, SARAGAIL KATZMAN – My Dog ate It (Apple Paperback; 1996; Trade Paperback );

BENNETT, C.M. - MUTINY ISLAND (Venture/ Musson Book; 1947; No Dustjacket);

BERGER, MELVIN – STRANGR THAN FICTION; KILLER BUGS (Avon Camelot; 1990; Trade Paperback);

BERGER, PHIL – CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS OF THE NFL (with photos; Random House; 1968; Painted cover);

BERLONI, WILLIAM/ THOMAS, ALLISON – Sandy: the Autobiography of a Star (with Photos; Wanderer Books; 1978; Trade Paperback );

BERNA, PAUL – A HUNDRED MILLION FRANCES (Illustrated Richard Kennedy; The Bodley Head; 1957; With Dustjacket);

BERRILL, JACQUELYN – Wonders of the Wild; Animal Portraits and Private Lives (illustrated by . Jacquelyn Berrill; Dodd, Mead and Co. Pub.; 1955; No Dust Jacket);

BERRY, ERICK – GREEN DOOR TO THE SEA (Viking Press; 1956; No Dustjacket); *** The Land and People of Iceland (with Photos; J.B. Lippincott Co.; With Dust Jacket ); *** NANCY HERSELF (Goldsmith; 1938; No Dustjacket);

BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS (10 to 12 Stories in Each, First Story Listed Only; Nelson Doubledday Inc. Pub.); - #3 (The Pied Piper of Hamelin Town); *** #6 (The Story of Early America); *** #9 (The Boy King Arthur); *** #10 (Lassie Come-Home); *** #14 (Some Adventures of a Brownie); *** #17 (The Magic Fishbone); *** #18 (The Land of Storybooks); *** #19 (Rip Van Winkle ); *** #19A (Flipper to the Rescue ); *** #20 (Babar the King ); *** #21 ( The Winged Horse; Pegasus ); *** #23 (Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves ); *** #25 (The Wonderful Story of Moses ); *** #27 (Robinson Crusoe ); *** #30 (Jason and the Golden Fleece ); *** #31 (Lewis and Clark; Explorers of the Far West); *** #32 The Adventures of Pinocchio); *** #33 (Marco Polo's Travels); *** #35 (America's Glorious Past); *** #38 The Wonderful Tar-Baby and Other Brer Rabbit Stories); *** #42 (Buffalo Bill);

THE BETTY BOOKS; #NN BETTY AND HER CHUMS – BURNETT ALICE HALE (Illustrated Charles F. Lester; Saalfield; 1927; Painted cover); *** #NN BETTY'S CARNIVAL BURNETT, ALICE HALE ((Illustrated Charles F. Lester; Saalfield; 1927; Painted cover); *** #NN Betty's Holiday's – Burnett, Alice Hale (illx. Charles F. Lester; Saalfield; 1927 );

BETZ, BETTY – Your Manners are Showing; The Handbook of Teen-age Know How (Grosset and Dunlap Pub.; 1946; With Dust Jacket );

BETZ, EVA K. - VICTORY DRUMS (Illustrated June Driscoll; St. Anthony Guild Press; 1955; No Dustjacket);

THE BEVERLY GRAY MYSTERY SERIES #NN BEVERLY GRAY'S CAREER – BLANK CHAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1935; No Dustjacket); *** #NN BEVERLY GRAY'S CHALLENGE – BLANK CHAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1945; No Dustjacket); *** #NN BEVERLY GRAY FRESHMAN – BLANK CHAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1934; No Dustjacket); *** #NN BEVERLY GRAY'S ISLAND MYSTERY – BLANK CHAIR (Clover Books G22; 1952; Painted cover); ***#NN BEVERLY GRAY'S ROMANCE – BLANK CHAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1941; With Dustjacket); *** #NN BEVERLY GRAY ON A WORLD CRUISE – BLANK CHAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1936; With Dustjacket);

BEYER, AUDREY WHITE – THE SAPPHIRE PENDANT (Illustrated Robin Jacques; Alfred A. Knopf; 1968; Painted cover);

BEYOND TREASURE VALLEY – BETTS, EMMETT A./ WELCH, CAROLYN M. (ed.; American Book Co.; 1958; Painted cover);

THE BIBLE STORY VOL. 1 TO 10 by Arthur S. Maxwell.

THE BIBLE STORY WITH LIVING PICTURES – Kirby, Ralph (Harper and Brothers Pub.; 1960; No Dust Jacket);

BICE. CLARE – A DOG FOR DAVIE'S HILL (Illustrated Clare Bice; MacMillan; 1956; No Dustjacket); *** The Great Island; a Story of Mystery in Newfoundlan (illustrated by . Clare Bice; MacMillan Pub.; 1954; No Dust Jacket); *** Jory's Cove (Macmillan; 1941; No Dust Jacket);

BIFF BREWSTER MYSTERY ADVENTURE– ADAMS, ANDY ; #NN BRAZILIAN GOLD MINE MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; 1960; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** HAWAIIAN SEA HUNT MYSTERY (#3 in the BIFF BREWSTER MYSTERY ADVENTURE series; Grosset and Dunlap; 1960; First Edition Hardcover With Dust Jacket; Original greenish gray tweed cloth boards/covers; Book = ½” Writing on back endpage, FN+, near New; Dust Jacket = VG/FN, but with small edge tears, and ½” Paper-Pull at upper Left cover, thus VG; Price = $29.00) *** #NN MYSTERY OF THE CHINESE RING (Grosset and Dunlap; 1960; With Dustjacket;)

THE BIG BOOK FOR BOYS (Herbert Strang ed.; Oxford University Press; 1929; Painted Cover);

BIGGLES BOOKS – JOHNS, CAPTAIN W.E. (William Earle); *** BIGGLES AIR DETECTIVE(Dean and Son; 1952; With Dustjacket); *** BIGGLES IN THE CRUISE OF THE CONDOR (Dean and Son; No Date; With Dustjacket); *** *** BIGGLES FOLLOWS ON (Illustrated Stead; Hodder and Stoughton; 1952; With Dustjacket); *** BIGGLES HUNTS BIG GAME (Illustrated Stead; Hodder and Stoughton; 1948; With Dustjacket); *** BIGGLES INVESTIGATES (Illustrated Stead; Hodder and Stoughton; 1964; With Dustjacket); *** BIGGLES AND THE PLANE THAT DISAPPEARED (Illustrated Stead; Hodder and Stoughton; 1963; With Dustjacket); *** BIGGLES SPECIAL CASE (Illustrated Stead; Brockhampton Press; 1963; With Dustjacket);*** BIGGLES AT WORLD'S END (Illustrated Stead; Brockhampton Press; 1959; With Dustjacket);


BILLIE BRADLEY SERIES; #NN BILLIE BRADLEY AT TWIN LAKES – WHEELER, JANET D. (Illustrated Walter S. Roger; Cupples and Leon; 1922; Painted cover);

BILLY BUNTER; #NN BILLY BUNTER AT BUTLIN'S – RICHARD, FRANK (Illustrated C.H. Chapman; Cassell; 1961; With Dustjacket);

BISHOP, CURTIS – THE LITTLE LEAGUE WAY (The Steack Co.; 1957; No Dustjacket);



BLACKMORE, R.D. - LORNA DOONE (Illustrated Colin Gibson; Oxford University Press; 1961; Trade Paperback);

BLAKE, LINDA – LAURA'S SUMMER BALLET (Children's Press; 1968; Painted cover);

BLAKE, SUSAN – Stealing Josh (Fawcett Girls Only; 1990; Painted Cover);

BLATHWAYT, JEAN – JENNY LEADS THE WAY (Lutterworth Press; 1958; With Dustjacket);

BLOSS, JANET ADELE – FIFTH GRADE SECRETS (Illustrated Estella Lee Hickman; Willowisp Press; 1985; Trade Paperback);

BLUME, JUDY – ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT'S ME, MARGARET (Dell Yearling; 1976; Trade Paperback); *** BLUBBER (Dell Yearling; 1983; Trade Paperback); *** FRECKLE JUICE (Illustrated Sonia O. Lisker; various; Trade Paperback); *** FUDGE-O-MANIA (Dell Yearling; 1991; Trade Paperback); **** IGGIE'S HOUSE (Dell Yearling; various; Trade Paperback); *** The One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo (illx. Amy Aitken; Dell Yearling; 1986; Trade Paperback); *** OTHERWISE KNWON AS SHEILA THE GREAT (Dell Yearling; various ; Trade Paperback); *** SUPERFUDGE (E.P. Dutton; 1980; Painted cover); (Dell Yearling; various; Trade Paperback); **** TALES OF A FOURTH GRADE NOTHING (Dell Yearling; various; Trade Paperback); *** THEN AGAIN, MAYBE I WON'T (Dell Yearling; various; Trade Paperback);

BLY, STEPHEN – THE DOG WHO WOULD NOT SMILE (Crossway Books; 1992; Trade Paperback);

BLYTON, ENID – BRER RABBIT (Illustrated, Grace Lodge; Dean and Son; 1963; With Dustjacket); *** CHIMNEY CORNERSTORIES (Dean and Son; 1963; With Dustjacket); *** THE CIRCUS OF ADVENTURE (Illustrated Stuart Tresilian; MacMillan; 1956; With Dustjacket); (Illustrated Stuart Tresilian; MacMillan; 1960; No Dustjacket); *** HAPPY ADVENTURE TALES (Purnell; 1982; Painted cover); *** HAPPY HOURS STORY BOOK (Dean and Son; 1964; No Dustjacket); *** HOLIDAY HOUSE (Armada; 1973; Trade Paperback); *** HURRAH FOR THE CIRCUS! (Dean and Son; 1973; Painted cover); *** THE ISLAND OF ADVENTURE (Illustrated Stuart Tresilian; MacMillan; 19564; No Dustjacket); *** MAGAZINE ANNUAL NO.3 (Evans Brothers; 1956; No Dustjacket); *** MISCHIEF AGAIN! (Photos by Paul Kaye; Harvill Press; 1956; With Dustjacket); *** THE MOUNTAIN OFADVENTURE (Illustrated Stuart Tresilian; MacMillan; 1964; With Dustjacket); *** THE MYSTERY OF THE SPITEFUL LETTERS (Illustrated J. Abbey; Methuen and Co.; 1954; No Dustjacket); *** THE QUEEN ADVENTURE (Illustrated Joyce Johnson; World Distributors; 1952; No Dustjacket); *** THE QUEEN ELIZABETH FAMILY (Illustrated Ruth Gervis; Lutterworth Press; 1952; No Dustjacket); *** THE RILLOBY FAIR MYSTERY (Illustrated Gilbert Dunlop; Collins; 1959; With Dustjacket); (Illustrated Gilbert Dunlop; Collins; 1969; With Dustjacket); *** SUSAN AND THE BIRDS (Illustrated Eileen A. Soper; MacMillan; 1953; Painted cover); *** TOYLAND TALES (Purnell Sunshine Library; 1971; Painted cover); Purnell Sunshine Library; 1971; Painted cover);

THE BOBBSEY TWINS – HOPE, LAURA LEE ; #1 THE BOBBSEY TWINS(Goldsmith; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** #3 AT THE SEASHORE (Goldsmith; No Date Grosset and Dunlap 8005; 1960; painted cover); No Date; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** #4 AT SCHOOL (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** #5 And the Mystery at Snow Lodge (Grosset and Dunlap;8005; 1960; No Dustjacket); *** #6 ON A HOUSEBOAT (Grosset and Dunlap; 1943; No Dustjacket); *** #7 Mystery at Meadowbrook (Grosset and Dunlap; 8007; 1963; No Dustjacket); *** #8 AT HOME (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; No Dustjacket); #9 Search in the Great City (Grosset and Dunlap; 8009; 1960; No Dustjacket); *** #10 ON BLUEBERRY ISLAND (Grosset and Dunlap; 1959; No Dustjacket); *** #11 Mystery on the Deep Blue Sea (Grosset and Dunlap;8011; 1965; No Dustjacket); *** #12 Adventure in Washington (Grosset and Dunlap; 8012; 1963; No Dustjacket); *** #13 IN THE GREAT WEST (Grosset and Dunlap; 1948; No Dustjacket); *** #14 AT CEDAR CAMP (Grosset and Dunlap; 1949; No Dustjacket); (Grosset and Dunlap; 1933; No Dustjacket);*** #16 Camping Out (Grosset and Dunlap; 8016; 1955; No Dustjacket); *** #17 Adventures with Baby May (Grosset and Dunlap; 8017; 1971; No Dustjacket); *** #22 TREASURE HUNTING (Grosset and Dunlap; 1929; No Dustjacket);*** #23 AT SPRUCE LAKE (Grosset and Dunlap; 1930; No Dustjacket); #25 And the Circus Surprise (Grosset and Dunlap; 8027; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** **** #26 ON AN AIRPLANE TRIP (Grosset and Dunlap; 1933 ; No Dustjacket); *** #27 SOLVE A MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; 1934 ; No Dustjacket);**** #28 ON A RANCH (Grosset and Dunlap; 1935; No Dustjacket); #35 IN the Land of Cotton (Grosset and Dunlap; 8035; 1957; No Dustjacket); *** *** #37 ON THE PONY TRAIL (Grosset and Dunlap; 1944; No Dustjacket); *** #43 IN RAINBOW VALLEY (Grosset and Dunlap; 1950 ; No Dustjacket); *** #46 And the Horseshoe Riddle (Grosset and Dunlap; 8046; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** #47 At Big Bear Pond (Grosset and Dunlap; 8047; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** #49 OWN LITTLE FERRYBOAT (Grosset and Dunlap; 1956; No Dustjacket); #50 At Pilgrim Rock (Grosset and Dunlap; 8050; 1970; No Dustjacket); *** #52 At London Tower (Grosset and Dunlap; 8052; 1971; No Dustjacket); *** #55 And the Goldfish Mystery (Grosset and Dunlap; 8055; 1962; No Dustjacket); *** #64 The Red, White and Blue Mystery (Grosset and Dunlap; 8064; 1971; No Dustjacket);

THE BOBBSEY TWINS – HOPE, LAURA LEE ; #1 OF LAKEPORT(Grosset and Dunlap; 8001, 1961; Painted cover); *** #2 ADVENTURE IN THE COUNTRY (Grosset and Dunlap; 8002, 1961; Painted cover); *** #3 THE SECRET AT THE SEASHORE (Grosset and Dunlap; 8003, various; Painted cover); *** #4 MYSTERY AT SCHOOL ( Grosset and Dunlap; 8004, 1962; Painted cover); *** #6 ON A HOUSEBOAT(Grosset and Dunlap; 8006, 1955; Painted cover); *** #8 BIG ADVENTURE AT HOME ( Grosset and Dunlap; 8008, 1960; Painted cover); *** #10 ON BLUEBERRY ISLAND (Grosset and Dunlap; 8010, 1959; Painted cover); *** #13 VISIT TO THE GREAT WEST (Grosset and Dunlap; 8013, 1966; Painted cover); *** #14 AND THE CEDAR CAMP MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; 8014, 1967; Painted cover); *** #19 AND THE FOUR LEAF CLOVER MYSTERY ( Grosset and Dunlap; 8019, 1968; Painted cover); *** #38 AT MYSTERY MANSION ( Grosset and Dunlap; 8038, 1945; Painted cover); *** #43 IN RAINBOW VALLEY (Grosset and Dunlap; 8043, 1950; Painted cover); *** #44 OWN LITTLERAILROAD (Grosset and Dunlap; 8044, 1951; Painted cover); *** #45 ON WHITESAIL HARBOR (Grosset and Dunlap; 8045, 1952; Painted cover); *** #48 ON A BICYCLE TRIP (Grosset and Dunlap; 8048, 1958; Painted cover); *** #49 OWN LITTLE FERRYBOAT (Grosset and Dunlap; 8049, 1956; Painted cover); *** #53 IN THE MYSTERY CAVE (Grosset and Dunlap; 8053, 1960; Painted cover); *** #54 IN VOLCANO LAND (Grosset and Dunlap; 8054, 1961; Painted cover); *** #56 AND THE BIG RIVER MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; 8056, 1963; Painted cover); *** #57 AND THE GREEK HAT MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; 8057, 1964; Painted cover); *** #60 MYSTERY OF THE KING'S PUPPET (Grosset and Dunlap; 8060, 1967; Painted cover); *** #61 AND THE SECRET OF CANDY CASTLE (Grosset and Dunlap; 8061, 1968; Painted cover); *** #66 AND THE TAGALONG GIRAFFE (Grosset and Dunlap; 8001, 1961; Painted cover); *** #68 ON THE SUN-MOON CRUISE (Grosset and Dunlap; 8068, 1975; Painted cover);

THE NEW BOBBSEY TWINS; #16 THE CASE OF THE DISAPPEARING DINOSAUR – HOPE, LAURA LEE (Illustrated Paul Jennis; Minstrel Book; 1990; Trade Paperback);


BODEN, HILDA – FOXES IN THE VALLEY (Collins; 1970; Painted cover);

BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY; #NN BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY – ROCKWOOD, ROY (Clover Books B1; 1926; Painted cover); *** #NN AMONG THE SLAVES (Clover Books B8; 1929; Painted cover); *** #NN TERROR TRAIL (Clover Books B6; 1928; Painted cover);

BOND, MICHAEL – Book of Bears (Puffin Books; 1978; Trade Paperback); *** MORE ABOUT PADDINGTON (Illustrated Peggy Fortnum; Armada Lioin C429; 1976; Trade Paperback); *** PADDINGTON TAKES THE AIR (Illustrated Peggy Fortnum; Armada Lion C745; 1977; Trade Paperback); *** THE TALES OF OLGADA POLGA (Illustrated Hans Helweg; Young Puffin/ Penguin; 1972; Trade Paperback);

BONNER, MARY GRAHAM – MYSTERY OF THE HAUNTED HUT (Illustrated Norman Baer; Scholastic TX167; various; Trade Paperback); *** The Real Book About Journalism (illustrated by . Albert Orbaan; Gardcen City Books Pub.; 1960; With Dust Jacket );

A BOOK OF BOYS' STORIES – BATEMAN, ROBERT/ MARRAT, NICHOLAS (Illustrated Pat Nevin; Hamlyn; 1978; No Dustjacket);

BOOKER, JEAN – Ellen's Secret (Scholastic; 1994; Trade Paperback );

BOSCO, HENRI – The Boy and the River (illx. Lynton Lamb; Oxford University Press; 1958; No Dust Jacket);

BOTHWELL, JEAN – THE THIRTEENTH STONE (Illustrated Margaret Ayer; Harcourt, Brace and Co.; 1946; No Dustjacket);

BOURNE, LAWRENCE R. - COPPERNOB BUCKLAND (Illustrated Savile Lumley; Oxford University Press; No Date; With Dustjacket);

BOWEN, C.E. - Dick and His Donkey (Pickering and Inglis Ltd.; Painted Cover);

BOWEN, WILLIAM – SOLARIO THE TAILOR (MacMillan; 1922; No Dustjacket);

THE BOXCAR CHILDREN - #1 THE BOXCAR CHILDREN – ( Warner, Gertrude Chandler; Illustrated L. Kate Deal; Scholatic; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #3 THE YELLOW HOUSE MYSTERY (Illustrated Mary Gehr; Albert Whitman and Co.; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** #11 Caboose Mystery – Warner, Gertrude Chandler (Illx. David Cunningham; Albert Whitman and Co.; Trade Paperback ); *** #12 Houseboat Mystery – Warner, Gertrude Chandler (Illx. David Cunningham; Albert Whitman and Co.; Trade Paperback ); *** #20 THE HAUNTED CABIN MYSTERY (Illustrated Charles Tang; Scholastic; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #37 THE MYSTERY OF THE LOST VILLAGE (Illustrated Charles Tang; Scholastic; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #44 THE DINOSAUR MYSTERY (Illustrated Charles Tang; Scholastic; 1995; Trade Paperback);

THE BOY ALLIES; #NN IN THE TRENCHES – HAYES, CLAIR W. (A.L. Burt; 1915; Painted cover);

BOYD, CANDY DAWSON – CIRCLE OF GOLD (Apple Paperback, 1984; Trade Paperback);

THE BOYFRIEND CLUB; #3 KAREN'S PERFECT MATCH – QUIN-HARKIN JANET (Rainbow Bridge; 1994;Trade Paperback); *** #5 GINGER'S NEW CRUSH (Rainbow Bridge 1994; Trade Paperback);

THE BOY IN MAVERSACK AND OTHER STORIES – BARTH, DR. CHRISTIAN G./ BLAUL, F. (Lutheran Augustana Book Concern; No Date; Painted cover);

BOYLE, JOYCE – THE STONE COTTAGE MYSTERY (MacMillan; 1969; With Dustjacket);

BOYLSTON, HELEN DORE – SUE BARTON STUDENT NURSE (Little,brown and Co.; No Date; With Dustjacket);

A BOY'S LIFE ABOARD SHIP (Ward, Lock and Co.; No Date; Painted cover);

A BOY'S LIFE BOOK OF BASEBALL STORIES (Winward Books; 1964; Trade Paperback);

BOY'S STORIES OF GREAT MEN-EGERMEIER, ELSIE E. (Warner Press; 1952; Painted cover);

A BOY'S TREASURY OF SEA STORIES (Illustrated Will Nickless; Paul Hamlyn; 1968; With Dustjacket);

BRADEN, JAMES A. - FAR PAST THE FRONTIER (Saalfield; 1936; Painted cover); *** THE LONE INDIAN (Saalfield; 1927; Painted cover);

THE BRAD FORREST ADVENTURE SERIES – MAITLAND, HUGH ; #1 HONG KONG ADVENTURE – MAITLAND, HUGH (Longmans; 1964; With Dustjacket); *** #6 YYUCATAN ADVENTURE (#6 BRAD FORREST ADVENTURE SERIES) (Longmans; 1965; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Hardcover with Textured Pictorial Boards/Cover; Issued without DJ) *** #7 HALIFAX ADVENTURE (#7 BRAD FORREST ADVENTURE SERIES) (Longmans; 1965; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Hardcover with Textured Pictorial Boards/Cover; Issued without DJ);*** #8 LONDON ADVENTURE (Longmans; 1965; Painted cover);

A BRAINS BENTON MYSTERY #3 THE CASE OF THE STOLEN DUMMY (by George Wyatt; Whitman # 1562; year 1961; Hardcover Book; G/VG  = $14.00);
A BRAIN BENTON MYSTERY #4 THE CASE OF THE ROVING ROLLS (by George Wyatt; Whitman # 1563; year 1961; Hardcover Book; VG/FN  = $16.00);
A BRAIN BENTON MYSTERY #5 THE CASE OF THE WALTZING MOUSE (by George Wyatt; Whitman # 1564; year 1961; Hardcover Book; VG/FN = $16.00);
A BRAIN BENTON MYSTERY #6 THE CASE OF THE PAINTED DRAGON (by George Wyatt; Whitman # 1565; year 1961; Hardcover Book; VG/FN = $16.00);

BRANDEIS, MADELINE – The Little Dutch Tuliip Girl (with Photos; Grosset and Dunlap; 1929; painted cover );

BRENNER, BARBARA – MYSTERY OF THE DISAPPEARING DOGS (Illustrated Blanche Sims; Alfred A. Knopf; 1982; Trade Paperback);


BRICKHILL, PAUL – THE GREAT ESCAPE (Hutchinson Bulls-eye; 1982; Trade Paperback);

BRIDWELL, NORMAN – HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR MONSTER (Illustrated Norman Bridwell; Scholastic Lucky Star; 1988; Trade Paperback);

BRIER, HOWARD M. - SKYCRUISER (Illustrated Jo Kotula,; Comet Books 11; 1948; Trade Paperback);

BRIGGS, RAYMOND – THE STRANGE HOUSE (Beaver Books; 1977; Trade Paperback);

THE BRIGHT BOOK FOR BOYS – STRANG, HERBERT (ed.; Oxford University Press; 1954; No Dustjacket);

BRILL, ETHEL C. - MADELEINE TAKES COMMAND (Illustrated Bruce Adams; Blandford Press; No Date; No Dustjacket);

BRINLEY, BERTRAND R. - THE MAD SCIENTISTS' CLUB (Illustrated Charles Geer; Scholastic TX801; various; Trade Paperback);

BRINTON, HENRY/ MOORE, PATRICK – GUNPOWDER TREASON NOVEMBER 5, 1605 (Illustrated Maxine Reilly; Lutterworth Press; 1970; With Dustjacket);

BRISLEY, JOYCE LANKESTER (Story & Art) MARIGOLD IN GODMOTHER'S HOUSE (George G. Harrap and Co.; 1944; First Canadian printing of the 1934 UK Book; 100 pages including Covers; small Paperback sized softcover, with Vinyl Cloth Covers; RARE Title; EX-LIBRARY copy, Creasing to Covers thus FA/G, pages 47-50 are missing, still 96% Complete, a cheap Reading Copy = $9.00)

BROADBENT, ADAH – TEEN-AGE GLAMOR (Illustrated Anna Marie Magagna; Doubleday; 1955; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

BROCKMAN, MARY – WHAT IS SHE LIKE? (Illustrated George Wright; Charles Scribner's Sons; 1936; No Dustjacket);

BRONC BURNETT – McCORMICK, WILFRED; #8 FLYING TACKLE (Grosset and Dunlap; 1949; Painted cover); *** #9 QUICK KICK (Grosset and Dunlap; 1951; With Dustjacket);

BROOKMAN, DENISE CASS – THE TENDER TIME (Macrae Smith; 1958; With Dustjacket);


BROSNAN, JIM – GREAT BASEBALL PITCHERS (With Photos; Random House; 1965; Painted cover);

BROWN, PAMELA – THE OTHER SIDE OFTHE STREET (Brockhampton Press; 1965; With Dustjacket);

BROWN, RUTH ALBERTA – TABITHA'S VACATION (Saalfield; 1913; Painted cover);

BROWN, VINSON – RETURN OF THE INDIAN SPIRIT (Illustrated W. Cameron Johnson; Celestial Arts; 1982; Trade Paperback);

THE BROWNIES – The Brownies at Home – Cox, Palmer (Dover Pub. Inc.; 1968; Trade Paperback );

BUCHAN, SUSAN – The Freedom of the Garden (illx. Hugh Chesterman; Oxford University Press; No Dust Jacket);


BUCYK, JOHNNY – HOCKY IN MY BLOOD (Scholastic Tab Inc 314; 1973; Trade Paperback);

BUDBILL, DAVID – Bones on Black Spruce Mountain (Bantam Skylark; 1984; Trade Paperback );


*** #4 BUDDY AT RAINBOW LAKE (Cupples and Leon; 1930; No Dust Jacket; G/VG = $8.00) 

*** #8 BUDDY ON MYSTERY MOUNTAIN (Cupples and Leon; 1932; No Dust Jacket; G = $8.00) 

BUEHR, WALTER – The French Explorers in America (illx. Walter Buehr; G.P. Putnam's and Sons; 1961; Painted Cover; n/dj); *** Oil, Today's Black Magic (illx. Walter Buehr; William Morrow and Co.; 1957; With Dust Jacket );

BUFFIE, MARGARET – WHO IS FRANCES RAIN? (Kids Can Press; 1987; Trade Paperback);

BUGBEE, EMMA – PEGGY COVERS THE NEWS (Illustrated by Evaline Ness; Comet Books #6; 1948; 1st softcover edition; Digest / Trade Paperback; Uncommon Title; Weight = 165 Grams; Book = VG/FN; Price = $10);

BULLA, CLYDE ROBERT – The Ghost of Windy Hill (illx. Don Bolognese; Scholastic; 1968; Trade Paperback ); *** GHOST TOWN TREASURE (Illustrated Robert Shore; Scholastic; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** John Billington, friend of Squanto (illustrated by . Peter Burchard; Thomas Y. Crowell; 1956; Painted Cover); *** MARCO MOONLIGHT (Illustrated Julia Noonan; Dell Yearling; 1980; Trade Paperback); *** Old Charlie (illustrated by . Paul Galdone; Scholastic; Trade Paperback ); *** SQUANTO FRIEND OF THE PILGRIMS (Illustrated Peter Burchard; Scholastic TX1335; 1971; Trade Paperback);

BUNNER, H.C. - “SHORT SIXES” STORIES TO BE READ WHILE THE CANDLE BURNS (Illustrated C. Jay Taylor/ F. Opper/ S.B. Griffin; Keppler and Schwarzmann; 1891; Painted cover);

BUNNICULA; A RABBIT – Tale of Mystery – Howe, Deborah and James (illustrated by . Alan Daniel; Avon Camelot; 1980; Trade Paperback );

BUNTING, A.E. - High Tide for Labrador (illx. Bernard Garbutt; Golden Gate Junior Book; 1975; With Dust Jacket );

BUNTING, EVE – ICEBERG! (Illustrated Bernard Garbutt; Scholastic; 1979; Trade Paperback);


BURCH, ROBERT – Ida Early Comes Over the Mountain (cover by Richard Williams; Scholastic; 1990; Trade Paperback );

BURGESS, THORNTON W. - THE ADVENTURES OF BOB WHITE (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF BUSTER BEAR (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** THE ADVENTURES OF CHATTERER THE RED SQUIRREL (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF DANNY MEADOW MOUSE (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF GRANDFATHER FROG (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF JERRY MUSKAT (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OFJOHNNY CHUCK (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Little, Brown and Co.; 1924; No Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF LITTLE JOE OTTER (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF OLD MAN COYOTE (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF OLD MAN TOAD (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURESOF OL' MISTAH BUZZARD (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF PADDY THE BEAVER (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket; ); *** THE ADVENTURES OF PETER COTTONTAIL (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** THE ADVENTURES OF POOR MRS. QUACK (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF PRICKLY PORKY (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** THE ADVENTURES OF SAMMY JAY (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket); (Ace Temp; Trade Paperback); *** THE ADVENTURES OF UNC' BILLY POSSUM (Illustrated Harrison Cady; McClelland and Stewart; various; With Dustjacket); *** BILLY MINK (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** BLACKY THE CROW (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** BOWSER THE HOUND (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** THE BURGESS BIRD BOOK FOR SHILDREN (Illustrated Louis Agassiz Fuertes; Little, Brown and Co; 1928; Painted cover); *** BUSTER BEAR'S TWINS (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket); *** HAPPY JACK (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket); *** JERRY MUSKRAT AT HOME (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket); *** LIGHTFOOT THE DEER (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket); *** LITTLE JOE OTTER (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket); *** LONGLEGS THE HERON (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket); *** MOTHER WEST WIND'S NEIGHBORS (Illustrated George Kerrs; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket); (Illustrated Sergio Leone; Wonder Books; 1965; Trade Paperback); *** MRS.PETER RABBIT (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket); *** NATURE STORIES TO READ ALOUD (Illustrated Adrianna Mazza; Wonder Books; 1959; Trade Paperback); *** OLD GRANNY FOX (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket); *** WHITEFOOT THE WOOD MOUSE (Illustrated Harrison Cady; Grosset and Dunlap; various; With Dustjacket);

BURGESS, TREVOR – A Spy at Monk's Court (Hutchinson; 1960; No Dustjacket);

BURLINGAME, ROGER – MOSQUITOES IN THE BIG DITCH; THE STORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL (Illustrated Helen Damrosch Tee-Van; John C. Winston; 1956; No Dustjacket);

BURMAN, BEN LUCIEN – SEVEN STARS FOR CATFISH BEND (Illustrated Alice caddy; Funk and Wagnalls; 1956; With Dustjacket);

BURNETT, FRANCES HODGSON – The Secret Garden (World; 1984; Painted Cover);

BURNFORD, SHIELA- THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY (Illustrated Carl Burger; Little Brown and Co.; 1986; Painted cover);


BURSTEIN, ABRAHAM – THE BOY OF CORDOVA (Illustrated Rueben Leaf; Bloch; 1941; No Dustjacket);

BURT, MARY E. - ed.) PROSE EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW (Grosset and Dunlap; ;1908; Painted cover);

BUTTERWORTH, W.E. - FAST GREEN CAR (W.W. Norton; 1965; With Dustjacket); (Grosset and Dunlap; 11724; No Date;Painted cover);

BYARS, BETSY – THE CYBIL WAR (Apple Paperback; 1981;Trade Paperback); *** GOODBYE, CHICKEN LITTLE (Apple Paperback; 1978; Trade Paperback);*** The Midnight Fox (illx. Ann Grifalconi; Viking Press; 1968; Painted Cover); *** THE PINBALLS (Apple Paperback; 1977; Trade Paperback); *** THE SUMMER OF THE SWAMS (Illustrated Ted Coconis, Avon Came Lot, 1974; Trade Paperback); *** WANT... MUD BLOSSOM (Illustrated Jacqueline Rogers; Dell Yearling; 1983; Trade Paperback); *** THE WINGED COLT OFCASA MIA (Illustrated Richard Cuffari; Avon Camelot; 1975; Trade Paperback);

CAMERON, ELEANOR – STOWAWAY TO THE MUSHROOM PLANET (Illustrated Robert Henneberger; Little, Brown and Co.; 1956; No Dustjacket); *** THE WONDERFUL FLIGHT TO THE MUSHROOM PLANET (Illustrated Robert Henneberger; Scholastic TX913;; various; Trade Paperback);

CAMMIADE, A. - Elizabeth the First (Methuen and Co. Pub.; 1961; With Dust Jacket );

CAMP RUN-A-MUCK #2 Mutilated Monkey Meat – Strasser, Todd (Apple Paperbacks; 1997; Trade Paperback);


CAMPBELL, HOPE – WHY NOT JOIN THE GIRAFFES? (Dell Yearling; 1975; Trade Paperback);

CAMPBELL, CAPTAIN WILLIAM – KNIGHT OF THE NORTH (Bruce Pub.; Co.; 1947; No Dustjacket);

CAMPEY, W.R. - ALWAYS A KNIGHT (R.T.S.; No Date; Painted cover);

CAMPFIRE GIRLS; #NN CHUM - STEWART, JANE L. (Saalfield, 1914;With Dustjacket); *** #NN FIRST COUNCIL FIRE - STEWART, JANE L. (Saalfield, 1914;With Dustjacket); *** #NN HAPPINESS - STEWART, JANE L. (Saalfield, 1914;With Dustjacket); *** #NN IN SUMMER CAMP - STEWART, JANE L. (Saalfield, 1914;With Dustjacket); *** #NN OUTING – Francis, Stella M. (M.A. Donohue; 1918; Painted cover); *** #NN ON STATIONISLAND – PENROSE, MARGARET (Goldsmith; No Date; No Dustjacket);


CANADIAN GIRLS IN TRAINING: A BOOK FOR LEADERS (Ryerson Press; 1922; Trade Paperback);

A CANADIAN HISTORY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS – WEAVER, EMILY P. (With photos; Ryerson Press; 1919; Painted cover);

CANING, VICTOR – PANTHERS' MOON (Hutchinson Bulls-Eye; 1977; Trade Paperback);

CAPPELL, JENNIE – KIBBIE AND CO. (S.W. Partridge and Co.; No Date; Painted cover);

CAPTAIN KIDD'S GOLD (Illustrated Jack Crowe; Raphael Tuck and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);

CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS - #1 The Adventures of Captain Underpants – Pilkey, Dav (Little Apple/ Scholastic Pub.; 1997; Trade Paperback ); *** #2 And the Attack of the Talking Toilets – Pilkey, Dav (Little Apple/ Scholastic Pub.; 1999; Trade Paperback ); *** #3 And the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault on the Equally Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds) – Pilkey, Dav (Little Apple/ Scholastic Pub.; 1999; Trade Paperback ); *** #4 And the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants – Pilkey, Dav (Little Apple/ Scholastic Pub.; 2000; Trade Paperback ); *** #5 And the Wrath of the Wicked Wedge Woman – Pilkey, Dav (Little Apple/ Scholastic Pub.; 2001; Trade Paperback ); *** #6 And the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boys Part 1; the Night of the Nasty Nostril Nuggets – Pilkey, Dav (Little Apple/ Scholastic Pub.; 2003; Trade Paperback ); *** #7 And the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boys Part 2; the revenge of the Ridiculous Robo-Boogers – Pilkey, Dav (Little Apple/ Scholastic Pub.; 2003; Trade Paperback ); *** #NN Extra-Crunchy Book O' Fun – Pilkey, Dav (Little Apple/ Scholastic Pub.; 2001; Trade Paperback ); *** #NN Extra-Crunchy Book O 'Fun #2 – Pilkey, Dav (Little Apple/ Scholastic Pub.; 2001; Trade Paperback );

CARLETON, BARBEE OLIVER – CHESTER JONES (Illustrated Gioia Fiammenghi; Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1963; Painted cover);

CARLSON, NATALIE SAVAGE – Carnival in Paris (illx. Fermin Rocker; Harper and Row Pub.; 1962; With Dust Jacket );

CARMER, CARL – WINDFALL FIDDLE (Illustrated Arthur Conrad; Alfred A. Knopf; 1950; No Dustjacket);

CAROL, BILL J. - FULL COURT PIRATE (Steck-Vaughn; 1965; No Dustjacket);

CARPENTER, HUMPHREY – MR. MAJEIKA (Illustrated Frank Rogers; Puffin Books; 1985; Trade Paperback);

CARROLL, LEWIS – ALICE IN WONDERLAND (various; various; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket; Painted cover; Trade Paperback);

CARTER, DOROTHY – Mistress of the Air (Children's Press; 1954; Painted Cover);

CARTER, RUSSELL GORDON – TEEN-AGE ANIMAL STORIES (Illustrated Richard Osborne; Grosset and Dunlap; 1949; With Dustjacket);

CASE, VOILET AND BILL – Horse Stories (illx. Jesse Zerner; Moby Books; 1979; Trade Paperback );

CASSIDY, JOHN – The Klutz Yo-Yo Book (Klutz Press; 1987; Trade Paperback );

CASTLE, JOHN/ HAILEY, ARTHUR – FLIGHT INTO DANGER (Clarke, Irwin and Co.; 1965; Painted cover);

CATHERALL, ARTHUR – LAPLAND OUTLAW (Illustrated Simon Jeruchim; Lothrop, Lee and Shepard; 1966; Painted cover); *** SHANGHAIED! (Children's Press; 1966; With Dustjacket); (Children's Press; 1968; Painted cover);

CATLING, PATRICK SKENE – THE CHOCOLATE TOUCH (Illustrated Margot Apple; Bantam Skylark; 1981; Trade Paperback);

CAVANNA, BETTY – MYSTERY AT LOVE'S CREEK (William Morror; 1965; Painted cover); *** Petey (illx. Beth & Joe Krush; Westminister Press Pub.; 1973; Painted Cover ); *** PUPPY STAKES (Illustrated Vana Earle; Comet Books 32; 1949; Trade Paperback);

CEBULASH, MEL – The Boatniks; Walt Disney's (with Photos from the Movie; Scholastic; 1970; Trade Paperback ); *** The Love Bug; Walt Disney's (with Photos from the Movie; various; Trade Paperback );

CHADWICK, LESTER – BASEBALL JOE AT YALE (Cupples and Leon; 1913; Painted cover); *** BASEBALL JOE IN THE WORLD SERIES (Cupples and Leon; 1917; Painted cover);

CHANDLER, EDNA WALKER – WATER CRAZY (Duell, Sloan and Pearce; 1962; With Dustjacket);

CHAPMAN, ALLEN – FRED FENTON IN THE LINE (Cupples and Leon; 1913; Painted cover);

CHAPMAN, ELIZABETH – MARADUKE GOES TO SPAIN (Illustrated Eccles Williams; Hodder Stoughton; 1979; With Dustjacket);

CHAPMAN, MARISTAN – GLEN HAZARD COWBOYS (Illustrated James McKell; Grosset and Dunlap; 1940; With Dustjacket); *** MOUNTAIN MYSTERY (Illustrated Edward Shenton; Grosset and Dunlap; 1941; No Dustjacket);

CHASE, MARY – THE WICKED, WICKED LADIES IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE (Illustrated Don Bolognese; Scholastic TX1746; 1971; Trade Paperback);

CHAUNDLER, CHRISTINE – BUNTY OF THE BLACKBIRDS (Nisbet and Co.; 1900; Painted cover); (Collins; No Date; With Dustjacket);

CHENAULT, NELL – Parsifal Rides the Time Wave (illx. Vee Guthrie; Little, Brown and Co.; 1962; Painted Cover);

CHENEY, CORA – SKELETON CAVE (Illustrated Paul Galdone; Scholastic TX150; 1974; Trade Paperback);

CHERRY AMES; #1 STUDENT NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1943; No Dustjacket); *** #2 SENIOR NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1944; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #3 ARMY NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1944; Painted cover); *** #4 CHIEF NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1944; Painted cover); *** #7 PRIVATE DUTY NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1946; Painted cover); *** #8 VISITING NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1947; No Dustjacket); *** #9 CRUISE NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1948; Painted cover); *** #12 MOUNTAINEER NURSE – TATHAM, JULIE (Grosset and Dunlap; 1951; No Dustjacket); *** #16 COUNTRY DOCTOR'S NURSE – TATHAM, JULIE (Grosset and Dunlap; 1955; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #18 DEPARTMENT STORE NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1956; With Dustjacket); *** #19 CAMP NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1957; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #20 At Hilton Hospital – Wells, Helen (Grosset and Dunlap; 1959; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #21 ISLAND NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1960; Painted cover); *** #22 RURAL NURSE – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1961; Painted cover); #26 The Mystery in the Doctor's Office (Grosset and Dunlap; 1966; With Dustjacket; Painted cover);

CHERRY AMES; #2 THE CASE OF THE FORGETFUL PATIENT – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset and Dunlap/ Tempo Books; 1972; Trade Paperback); *** #3 MYSTERY OF ROGUE'S CAVE – WELLS, HELEN (Tempo Books; 1972; Trade Paperback); *** #4 THE CASE OF THE DANGEROUS REMEDY – WELLS, HELEN (Tempo Books; 1972; Trade Paperback);

CHEW, RUTH – WHAT THE WITCH LEFT (Illustrated Ruth Chew; Scholastic TX2301; 1973; Trade Paperback); *** THE WITCH AND THE RING (Illustrated Ruth Chew; Little Apple; 1989; Trade Paperback);

THE CHILDREN'S HOUR WITH ARTHUR – Book One – Maxwell, Arthur S. (with Photos and illustrations; Review & Herald Pub.; 1945; No Dust Jacket); **** Book Three – Maxwell, Arthur S. (with Photos and illustrations; Review & Herald Pub.; 1947; No Dust Jacket); **** Book Four – Maxwell, Arthur S. (with Photos and illustrations; Review & Herald Pub.; 1948; No Dust Jacket);

CHILTON, IRMA – TAKE AWAY THE FLOWERS (Heinemann; 1967; With Dustjacket);

CHIP HILTON SERIES - #1 TOUCHDOWN PASS – BEE, CLAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1948; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #2 CHAMPIONSHIP BALL – BEE, CLAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1948; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #3 STRIKE THREE! – BEE, CLAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1949; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #5 HOOPE CRAZY – BEE, CLAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1959; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #8 DUGOUT JINX – BEE, CLAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1952; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #9 FRESHMAN QUARTERBACK – BEE, CLAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1952; ndj); *** #12 TEN SECONDS TO PLAY! – BEE, CLAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1955; With Dustjacket); *** #13 FOURTH DOWN SHOWDOWN – BEE, CLAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1956; With Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** #16 Pay-Off Pitch – BEE, CLAIR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1958; With Dustjacket; Painted cover);

CHRISTMAS BEDTIME STORIES (Illustrated Jesse Zerner; Illustrated Classics editions; Baronet Books; 1990; Trade Paperback);

THE CHRISTMAS BOOK – (ed) Reeves, James (illustrated by . Raymond Briggs; E.P. Dutton; 1970; No Dust Jacket);

CHRISTMAS; A BOOK OF STORIES OLD AND NEW (ed.) Dalgliesh, Alice (illx. Hildegard Woodward; Charles Scribner's & Sons Pub.; 1962; No Dust Jacket);

CHRISTOPHER, MATT – THE BASKET COUNTS (Illustrated Karen Meyer Swearingen; Little , Brown and Co.; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** CATCH THAT PASS! (Illustrated Harvey Kidder; Little, Brownand Co.; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** FOOTBALL FUGITIVE (Illustrated Larry Johnson; Little, Brown and Co.; 1976; With Dustjacket); *** THE FOX STEAKS HOME (Illustrated Larry Johns; Little, Brown and Co.; 1978; Trade Paperback); *** HOCKEY STORIES BOXED SET-ICE MAGIS/ THE HOCKEY MACHINE/ FACE-OFF (Little< Brown and Co.; 1986; Trade Paperback); *** THEHOCKEY MACHINE (Illustrated Richard Schroeppel; Little, Brown and Co.; 1986; Trade Paperback); *** PRESSURE PLAY (Illustrated Karen Lidbeck; Little, Brown and Co.; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** RED-HOT HIGHTOPS (Illustrated Paul D. Mock; Little, Brown and Co.; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** SOCCER HALFBACK (Illustrated Larry Johnson; Little, Brown and Co.; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** TOO HOT TO HANDLE (Illustrated Foster Caddle; Little Brown and Co; 1965; Painted cover); *** THE YEAR MOM WON THE PENNANT (Illustrated Foster Caddell; Little, Brown and Co.; 1986; Trade Paperback);

CHRISTOPHER COOL TEEN AGENT: #1 X MARKS THE SPY - LANCER, JACK (Grosset and Dunlap; 1967; Painted cover); *** #2 MISSION: MOONFIRE - LANCER, JACK (Grosset and Dunlap; 1967; Painted cover); *** #3 DEPARTMENT OF DANGER - LANCER, JACK (Grosset and Dunlap; 1967; Painted cover); *** #5 HEADS YOU LOSE - LANCER, JACK (Grosset and Dunlap; 1968; Painted cover);

CHUTE, B.J. - SHITE TO THE RIGHT: A COLLECTION OF SPORT STORIES (Macmillan; 1946; No Dustjacket); *** TEEN AGE SPORTS PARADE (Illustrated William B. Rickets; Grosset and Dunlap; 1949; No Dustjacket);

CIRCUS PARADE, STORIES OF THE BIG TOP – (ed.) Fenner, Phyllis R.; (illx. Lee Ames; Alfred A. Knopf Pub.; 1954; Painted Cover);

CLARKE, GEORGE FREDERICK – Noel and Jimmy – Why (illx. Charles Liedl; Brunswick Press; 1959; With Dust Jacket );

CLARK, JOAN – CONNIE CARL AT RAINBOW RANCH (Goldsmith' 1939; With Dustjacket);

CLARKE, MRS. HENRY – Gipsy Dick (illx. R. Tod; Blackie and Sons Ltd. Pub.; Painted Cover );

CLEARY, BEVERY – BEEZUS AND RAMONA (Illustrated Louis Darling; Dell Yearling;1981; Trade Paperback); *** DEAR MR. HENSHAW (Illustrated Paul O. Zelinsky; Dell Yearling; 1984; Trade Paperback); *** ELLEN TEBBITS (Illustrated Louis Darling; Dell Yearling; 1979; Trade Paperback); (Illustrated Louis Darling; Scholastic TX226; 1968; Trade Paperback); *** EMILY'S RUNAWAY IMAGINATION (Illustrated Beth and Joe Kruch; Avon Camelot; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** HENRY AND BEEZUS (Illustrated Louis Darling; Dell Yearling; 1980; Trade Paperback); *** HENRY AND THE CLUBHOUSE (Illustrated Louis Darling; Dell Yearling; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** HENRY AND THE PAPER ROUTE (Illustrated Louis Darling; Dell Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** MITCH AND AMY (Illustrated George Porter; Dell Yearling; 1980; Trade Paperback); *** THE MOUSE AND THE MOTORCYCLE (Illustrated; Dell Yearling; 1984; Trade Paperback); *** MUGGIE MAGGIE (Illustrated Kay Life; Avon Camelot; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** Otis Spofford (illx. Louis Darling; William Morrow and Co. Pub.; 1953; With Dust Jacket ); *** RALPH S. MOUSE (Illustrated Paul O. Zelinsky; William Morrow; 1982; Painted cover); *** (Illustrated Paul O. Zelinsky; Avon Camelot; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** Ramona and Her Mother (illx. Alan Tiegreen; Avon Camelot Pub.; 1990; Trade Paperback ); *** RAMONA THE PEST (Illustrated Louis Darling; Dell Yearling; 1982; Trade Paperback); *** RUNAWAY RALPH (Illustrated Louis Darling; Avon Camelot; 1991; Trade Paperback); (Illustrated Louis Darling; Dell Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** - Socks” (illx. Beatrice Darwin; Dell Yearling Pub.; 1982; Trade Paperback ); *** Clue #13 Revenge of the Mummy – Parker, A.E. (Scholastic; 1996; Trade Paperback );

CLEMENS, SAMUEL – THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN (various); *** THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYERS (various); *** THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER (Illustrated Frank Vaughn; Grosset and Dunlap; 1965; Painted cover); *** TOM SAWYER ABROAD (Illustrated Gerald McCann; Grosset and Dunlap; 1965; Painted cover); *** TOM SAWYER DETECTIVE (Illustrated Gerald McCann; Grosset and Dunlap; 1965; Painted cover); *** TOM SAWYER TO READ ALOUD (Illustrated Jon Nielsen; Wonder Books; 1961; Trade Paperback);

CLEWES, DOROTHY – A GIRL LIKE CATHY (Scholastic TX3175; 1975; Trade Paperback);

CLIFTON, N. ROY – THE CITY BEYOND THE GATE (Illustrated Tibor Kovalik; Scholastic Tab; 1980; Trade Paperback);

CLIMO, SHIRLEY – T.J.'S GHOST (Harper Trophy; 1991; Trade Paperback);

CLUE #2 THE SECRET PASSAGE – Weiner, Eric (Scholastic; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #11 Death by Candlelight – Jacks, Marie (Scholastic; 1995; Trade Paperback);

CLYMER, ELEANOR – THE HORSE IN THE ATTIC (Illustrated Ted Lewin;Dell Yearling; 1985; Trade Paperback); *** THE TROLLEY CAR FAMILY (Illustrated Ursula Koering; David McKay; 1961; No Dustjacket);

CLYMER, SUSAN – SCRAWNY THE CLASSROOM DUCK (Illustrated Stella Ormai; Scholastic; 1991; Trade Paperback);

COATTS, RITA – LISBET LEADS (Rylee Rewards; No Date; No Dustjacket);

COBB, CAPTAIN FRANK – AN AVIATOR'S LUSK (Saalfield; 1927; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** BATTLING THE CLOUDS (Saalfield; 1927; Painted cover); *** DANGEROUS DEEDS (Saalfield; 1927; Painted cover);

CODEMASTER #2 – Miller, Marvin (Scholastic; 1998; Trade Paperback );

CODY, H.A. - THE FRONTIERSMAN (William Briggs; 1912; Painted cover); *** GLEN OF THE HIGH NORTH (McClelland and Stewart; 1920; Painted cover);

COHEN, DANIEL – GREAT GHOSTS (Illustrated David Linn; Apple paperbacks; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** RAILWAY GHOSTS AND HIGHWAY HORRORS (Illustrated Stephen Marchesi; Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback);

COLE, CAROL CASSIDY – DOWNY WINGS AND SHARP EARS (Musson Book Co.; 1944; With Dustjacket);

COLE, DAVID – The Real Book About Trains (illustrated by . David Lyle Millard; Garden City Books; 1951; With Dust Jacket );

COLEMAN, WILLIAM L. - LISTEN TO THE ANIMALS (Bethany Fellowship; 1979; Trade Paperback);

COLLIER, EDMUND – THE STORY OF BUFFALO BILL (Illustrated Nicholas Eggenhofer; Grosset and Dunlap; 1952; Painted cover);

COLLIER, JAMES LINCOLN – THE TEDDY BEAR HABIT (Illustrated Lorenz; Dell Yearling; 1972; Trade Paperback);

COLLINS, FREDA – THE PACK THAT RAN ITSELF (Illustrated Mary Gernat; University of London Press; 1955; No Dustjacket);

COLLINS, ROBERT – The Legend of the Devil's Lode (illustrated by . Douglas Sneyd; Little, Brown and Co.; 1962; With Dust Jacket );


COLVER, ANN – Secret Castle (illustrated by . Vaike Low; Alfred A. Knopf; 1960; Painted Cover);

COLWELL, EILEEN – TIME FOR A STORY (Illustrated Charlotte Hough; Penguin; 1971; Trade Paperback); *** A SECOND STORYTELLER'S CHOICE (Illustrated Prudence Seward; Bodley Head; 1965; With Dustjacket);


CONE, MOLLY – MISMASH AND THE SUBSTITUTE TEACHER (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Scholastic TX2547; 1973; Trade Paperback); *** Mishmash and the Venus Flytrap (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Houghton Mifflin; 1976; painted cover );


CONNIE BLAIR MYSTERY: #NN THE CLUE IN BLUE – ALLEN, BETSY (Grosset and Dunlap; 1948; No Dustjacket); *** #NN – THE SILVER SECRET - ALLEN, BETSY (Grosset and Dunlap; 1956; No Dustjacket);

CONRAD, PAM – PEDRO'S JOURNEY (Illustrated Peter Koeppen; Apple Paperbacks; 1992; Trade Paperback);

CONVERSE, FLORENCE – THE HOUSE OF PRAYER (Illustrated Margaret Ely Webb; J.M. Dent and Sons; 1940; No Dustjacket);

COOK, LYN – THE LITTLE MAGIC FIDDLER (Illustrated Stanley Wyatt; Macmillan; 1951; No Dustjacket); *** PEGEEN AND THE PILGRIM (Illustrated Pat and Bill Wheeler; Macmillan; 1951; Trade Paperback); *** REBEL ON THE TRAIL (Illustrated RuthM. Collins; Macmillan; 1969; Trade Paperback); *** The Road to Kip's Cove (illx. William Wheeler; MacMillan; 1965; With Dust Jacket );

COOK, ROBERT A. - IT'S TOUGH TO BE A TEEN-AGER (Illustrated Robin Jensen; Zondervan; 1970; Trade Paperback);

COOKE, DAVID C. - Who Really Invented the Airplane? (with Photos; G.P. Putnam's Sons; 1964; With Dust Jacket );

COOKE, DONALD E. - POWDER KEG (Illustrated Harve Stein; John C. Winston; 1953; With Dustjacket);

COOKE AND McQUEEN – GIRLS OF SILVER SPUR RANCH (Goldsmith, No Date; No Dustjacket);

COOLIDGE, SUSAN M. - WHAT KATY DID AT SCHOOL (Children's Press; 1965; With Dustjacket); (Bancroft Classics; 1975; Painted cover);

COOMBES, CHARLES – YOUNG READERS RAILROAD STORIES (Illustrated Charles H. Geer; Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; No Dustjacket);

COOPER, ILENE – HOLLYWOOD WARS SEEING RED (Puffin; 1993; Painted cover);

COOPER, JOHN R. - THE FIGHTING SHORTSTOP (Books, Inc.; 1953; Trade Paperback); *** THE SOUTHPAW'S SECRET (Books, Inc.; 1952; Trade Paperback);

COOPER, SUSAN – THE GREY KING (Illustrated Michael Heslop; Aladdin Atheneum; 1975; Trade Paperback);

CORAY, HENRY W. - THE COACH AT WEST MACKENZIE (Moody Press; 1951; Trade Paperback);

CORBETT, SCOTT – THE HANGMAN'S GHOST TRICK (Illustrated Paul Galdone; Apple Paperback; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** THE RED ROOM RIDDLE (Illustrated Geff Gerlach; Dell Yearling; 1978; Trade Paperback);

CORBETT, W.J. - THE BEAR WHO STOOD ON HIS HEAD (Illustrated Martin Ursell; Mammoth; 1989; Trade Paperback);

THE CORDOVA TREASURE (Illustrated J. Voelz; Ralph Tuck and Sons; 1946; Painted cover);

COREN, ALAN – Arthur the Kid (illx. John Astrop; Scholastic; 1984; Trade Paperback );

CORSON, HAZEL W. - Peter and the Big Balloon (illx. William Marsh; Benefic Press; 1962; Painted Cover); **** PETER AND THE MOON TRIP (Illustrated Berthold Tiedemann; Benefic Press; 1963; Painted cover); *** PETER AND THE ROCKET SHIP (Illustrated William James; Benefic Press; 1963; Painted cover); *** PETER AND THE UNLUCKY ROCKET (Illustrated William Marsh; Benefic Press; 1959; Painted cover);

CORY, DAVID – LITTLE JACK RABBIT AND THE BIG BROWN BEAR (Illustrated H.S. Barbour; Grosset and Dunlap; 1921; Painted cover);

COSGROVE, EDMUND – CASEY OF THE CHRONICLE (Clarke, Irwin and Co.; 1972; With Dustjacket); *** THE TERROR OF THE TAR SANDS (Illustrated Don Morrison; Burns and Macfachern; 1968; Trade Paperback); *** WINDIGO WINGS (Burns and Macfachern; 1867; Trade Paperback);

COTTLER, JOSEPH/ JAFFE, HAYM – Heroes of Science (illustrated by . Forrest W. Orr; Ryerson Press; 1945; No Dust Jacket);

COUDRON, JILL M. - Alphabet Puppets (Pitman Learning Inc.; 1979; Trade Paperback );


COVILLE, BRUCE – Book of Aliens (illx. John Pierard; Apple Paperbacks; 1994; Trade Paperback ); *** THE DINOSAUR THAT FOLLOWED ME HOME (Illustrated John Pierard; Minstrel Book; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** MY TEACHER FLUNKED THE PLANET (Illustrated John Pierard; Minstrel Book; 1992; Trade Paperback);


COWEN, FRANCES – THE SECRET OF GRANGE FARM (Children's Press; 1968; Painted cover); ** THE SECRET OF THE LOCH (Children's Press; 1971; Painted cover);

COX, WILLIAM R. - FIVE WERE CHOSEN (Dodd, Mead and Co.; 1964; With Dustjacket);

CRABB, LAWRENCE, J. SR. & JR – THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN AL. SCABBARD #1 (Moody Press; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN AL. SCABBARD #2 (Moody Press; 1981; Trade Paperback);

CRADDOCK, SONIA – THE TV WAR AND ME – (Scholastic; 1986; Trade Paperback);

CRAIG, JOHN – WAGONS WEST (Illustrated Stanley Wyatt; J.M. Dent and Sons; 1955; No Dustjacket);

CRAIG, M. JEAN – Dinosaurs and More Dinosaurs (illx. George Solonevich; Scholastic; 1966; Trade Paperback );

CRAIK, DINAH MARIE MULOCK – The Little Lame Prince/ The Adventures of a Brownie (illx. Lucille Corcos; Grosset and Dunlap; 1948; No Dust Jacket);

CRAMP, MARY/ EDGAR, MAUD C. - ETERNAL YOUTH; ADDRESSES TO GIRLS 1913 – 1930 (Macmillan; 1931; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

CRAMPTON, GERTUDE – Your Own Party Book (illx. Abbi Damerow; Comet Books; 1949; Trade Paperback );

CRANE, EDNA TEMPLE – NEW GIRL AT MERRYWHETHER (Dell Seal Book 1963; Trade Paperback);

CRANE, STEPHEN – THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE (Illustrated Harvey Kidder; Golden Press; 1968; Painted cover);

CRAWFORD, JOHN & DORATHEA – MILESTONE FOR MODERN TEENS (William Morrow and Co.; 1966; With Dustjacket);

CRISP, WILLIAM G. - WHITE GOLD IN THE CASSIAR (Dodd; Mead and Co.; 1955; No Dustjacket);

CROPTON, ANNE ELIOT – THE RAIN-CLOUD PONY (Illustrated Paul Frame; Bantam Skylark; 1980; Trade Paperback);

CROMPTON, RICHMAL – MORE WILLIAM (Illustrated Thomas Henry; George Newnes; 1950; No Dustjacket);

CROSBY, PERCY – SKIPPY (Grosset and Dunlap; 1929; No Dustjacket);

CROSSLEY – HOLLAND, KEVIN – The Sea Stranger (illx. Joanna Troughton; Heinemann; 1973; With Dust Jacket );

CRUME, VIC – THE GHOST THAT CAME ALIVE (Apple Paperback; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** Million Dollar Duck; Walt Disney's (with Photos from the Movie; Scholastic; Trade Paperback ); *** The Mystery in Dracula's Castle; Walt Disney's (with Photos from the Movie; Scholastic; Trade Paperback ); *** The Parent Trap Walt Disney's (with Photos from the Movie; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

CUNNINGHAM, JULIA – DROP DEAR (Illustrated James Spanfeller; Avon Camelot; 1974; Trade Paperback);

CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM – THE STORY OF DANIEL BOONE (Illustrated Wayne Blickenstaff; Scholastic TX662; various);

CURRIER, ISHBEL – Evergreen Island, or, How Growley – Wowley Made Griends (illustrated by . Ishbel Currier; Oberon Press; 1968; Painted Cover );

CYBER ZONE: #2 LOST IN DINO WORLD – BLACK, S.F. (Troll; 1997; Trade Paperback); *** #6 Visitor from the Beyond – Black, S.F. (Troll 1997; Trade Paperback );

DADEY, DEBBIE/ JONES, MARCIA THORNTON – TRIPLET TROUBLE AND THE TALENT SHOW MESS (Illustrated Johnspiers; Little Apple; 1995; Trade Paperback); *** Witches Don't Do Backflips (illx. John Steven Gurney; Little Apple Paperback; 1994; Trade Paperback );

DAHL, ROALD – THE BFG (Illustrated Quentin Blake; Puffin; various; Trade Paperback); *** CHARLIES AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (Illustrated Joseph Schindleman; various; Trade Paperback); *** CHARLIE AND THE GREAT GLASS ELEVATOR (Illustrated Joseph Schindleman;Batam Skylark; *** various; Trade Paperback); **** DANNY THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD (Illustrated Jill Bennett; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback); *** GEORGE'S MARVELOUS MEDICINE (Illustrated Quentin Blake; Bantam Skylark; 1983; Trade Paperback); *** JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH (Illustrated Nancy Ekholm Burkert; Bantam Skylark; 1978; Trade Paperback); *** THE WONDERFUL STORY OF HENRY STORY AND SIX MORE (Bantam Skylark; 1983; Trade Paperback);

DALE OF THE ROYAL MONTED - #2 IN the Northwest – Holliday, Joe (Thomas Allen; 1958; n/dj); *** #3 In the Arctic – Holliday, Joe (Thomas Allen; 1953; photo cover); *** #5 In Newfoundland – Holliday, Joe (Thomas Allen; 1955; With Dust Jacket; n/dj); *** #6 Atlantic Assignment – Holliday, Joe (Thomas Allen; 1956; With Dust Jacket; n/dj); *** #8 Sub Hunt – Holliday, Joe (Thomas Allen; 1958; With Dust Jacket; n/dj); *** #9 Atomic Plot – Holliday, Joe (Thomas Allen; 1959; With Dust Jacket; n/dj); *** #10 Pursuit on the St. Lawrence – Holliday, Joe (Thomas Allen; 1960; n/dj); *** #12 In Hong Kong – Holliday, Joe (Thomas Allen; 1962; With Dust Jacket; n/dj); *** #? Dew Line Duty – Holliday, Joe (Thomas Allen; 1957; n/dj);

DALEY, ARTHUR – INSIDE BASEBALL: A HALF CENTURY OF THE NATIONAL PASTIME (With Photos; Grosset and Dunlap; 1950; No Dustjacket);

DALFLIESH, ALICE – The Courage of Sarah Noble (illustrated by . Leonard Weisgard; Charles Scribner's Sons 1954; No Dust Jacket);

DALY, DONALD F. - Aim for a Job in Building Trades (with Photos; Richards Rosen Press; 1970; Photo Cover );

DALY, SHEILA JOHN – PERSONLITY PLUS! (Illustrated Roy Doty; Dodd, Mead and Co.; 1954; No Dustjacket);

DANA, R.H. - TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST (Children's Press; 1967; Painted cover);

THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #1 THE LIGHT OF THE STUDY LAMP – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1934; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #2 THE SECRET AT LONE TREET COTTAGE – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1934; No Dustjacket); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #4 A THREE-CORNERED MYSTERY – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 9204; No Date; Painted cover); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #5 THE SECRET AT THE HERMITAGE – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1936; No Dustjacket); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #7 THE MYSTERY OF THE LOCKED ROOM – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1938; No Dustjacket); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #10 THE MYSTERIOUS FIREPLACE – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1941; No Dustjacket); *** #14 The Clue in the Ivy – Keene, Carolyn (Grosset and Dunlap; 1952; Painted Cover);*** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #1 THE LIGHT OF THE STUDY LAMP – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1934; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #16 MOUNTAIN PEAK MYSTERY – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1978; Painted cover); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #17 THE GHOST IN THE GALLERY – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1955; Painted cover); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #19 THE WINKING RUBY MYSTERY – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 9219; 1957; Painted cover); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES: #21 THE HAUNTED LAGOON – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 9221; 1959; Painted cover); *** THE DANA GIRLS MYSTERY STORIES:

DANAKAS, JOHN – CURVE BALL (James Lorimer and Co.; 1993; Trade Paperback);

DAN CARTER: #NN AND THE GREAT CARVED FACE – WIRT, MILDRED A. (Cupples and Leon; 1952; No Dustjacket);

DANIELS, JONATHAN – MOSBY GRAY GHOST OF THE CONFEDERACY (Illustrated Albert Orbaan; J.B. Lippincott; 1959; No Dustjacket);

DANK, MILTON – THE DANGEROUS GAME (Laurel leaf; 1980; Painted cover);

DANK, MILTON/ DANK, GLORIA – A UFO has Landed (Delacorte Press; 1983; Painted Cover );

DANNY DUNN: #NN AND THE HOMEWORK MACHINE – WILLIAS, JAY/ ABRASHKIN, RAYMOND (Illustrated Ezra Jack Keats; McGraw Hill; 1958; With Dustjacket); *** #NN INVISIBLE BOY – WILLIAS, JAY/ ABRASHKIN, RAYMOND (Illustrated Anne Mieke; MacDonald; 1974; With Dustjacket);

DARCH, WINIFRED – THE NEW SCHOOL AND HILARY (Oxford University Press; No Date; Painted cover);

DARIOS LOUISE – CHAT ALEXANDRE AU BRESIL (Editions Heritage; No Date; Trade Paperback);


DARLING, LOIS & LOUIS – Turtles (illx.; Young Readers Press; 1969; Trade Paperback );

DAVE, DASHAWAY: #NN AND HIS GIANT AIRSHIP – ROCKWOOD, ROY (Cupples and Leon; 1913; Painted cover);

DAVE, DAWSON: #NN WITH THE AIR CORPS – BOWEN, R. SIDNEY (Saalfield; 1942; No Dustjacket); *** #NN AT CASABLANCA – BOWEN, R. SIDNEY (Saalfield; 1944; No Dustjacket); *** #NN AT DUNKIRK – BOWEN, R. SIDNEY (Saalfield; 1941; No Dustjacket); (Crown; 1941; No Dustjacket); *** #NN FLIGHT LIEUTENANT – BOWEN, R. SIDNEY (Saalfield; 1941; No Dustjacket);*** #NN ON GUADALCANAL – BOWEN, R. SIDNEY (Saalfield; 1943; No Dustjacket);*** #NN ON THE RUSSIAN FRONT – BOWEN, R. SIDNEY (Saalfield; 1946; No Dustjacket);*** #NN WITH THE R.A.F. – BOWEN, R. SIDNEY (Saalfield; 1941; No Dustjacket);

DAVIDSON, MARGARET – Helen Keller's Teacher (illustrated by . Wayne Blickenstaff; Scholastic; 1965; Trade Paperback );

DAVIDSON, MICKIE – HELEN KELLER'S TEACHER (Ilx. Wayne Blickenstaff; Scholastic TX784; various; Trade Paperback);

DAVIES, COLIN – Louis Riel and the New Nation (Book Society of Canada Ltd.; 1980; Trade Paperback );

DAVIS, FANNY MAUDE – WAYS OF LIVING; GRADES 3 AND 4 (Ryerson Press; various; Painted cover);

DAVIS, JULIA – NO OTHER WHITE MEN (Illustrated Richard Powers; Comet Books 30;1949; Trade Paperback);

DAVIS, LAVINIA R. - DONKEY DETECTIVES (Illustrated Jean MacDonald Porter; Doubleday; 1955; With Dustjacket);

DAVIS, ROBERT – PARTNERS OF POWDER HOLE (Illustrated Marshall Davis; Young Readers Press; 1966; Trade Paperback);


DAWLISH, PETER – AZTEC GOLD (Oxford University Press; 1958; With Dustjacket);

DAY, VERONIQUE – LANDSLIDE! (Illustrated Brian Wildsmith; Penguin; 1961; Painted cover);

DEADTIME STORIES; #1 TERROR IN TINY TOWN – CASCONE, A.G. (Troll; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** #4 Ghost Knight (Troll; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** #5 Revenge of the Goblins (Troll; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** #10 Grandpa's Monster Movies (Troll; 1997; Trade Paperback); *** #12 Welcome to the Terror – Go – Round (Troll; 1997; Trade Paperback); *** #16 Night of the Pet Zombies (Troll; 1997; Trade Paperback);

DEAN, GRAHAM M. - AGENT NINE SOLVES HIS CASE (Goldsmith; 1935; With Dustjacket); *** SLIM EVANS AND HIS HORSE LIGHTNING (Goldsmith; 1934; With Dustjacket);

DER BEATLES – ADLER, BILL (Illustrated Ernest Marquez; Wonder Books; various; Painted cover);

DE BANKE, CECILE – MORE TABY MAGIC (Illustrated Noras Unwin; Hutchinson; 1961; No Dustjacket);

DEBBIE AND MIKE – Gift From a Stranger – Phillips, Katherine (C.R. Gibson and Co.; 1959; Trade Paperback ); *** The Lost One (C.R. Gibson and Co.; 1959; Trade Paperback );

DE CHAZEAU, EUNICE – OF HOUSES AND CATS (Random House; 1965; With Dustjacket);

DECKER, DUANE – FAST MAN ON A PIVOT (William Morrow; 1951; No Dustjacket);

DECLEMENTS BARTHE – THE FOURTH GRADE WIZARDS (Puffin Books; 1990; Trade Paperback);

DEED OF GREAT DAY – various AUTHORS (Blackie and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);


DEFOE, DANIEL – ROBINSON CRUSOE/ WYSS, JOHANN – The Swiss Family Robinson (Companion Library Grosset and Dunlap; 1963; Painted Cover );

DEGUERIN, BASIL C. - THE MAN WITH THREE EYES (Children's Press; 1957; Painted cover);

DEGLER, TERI – Everything Your Kids Ever Wanted to Know About Dinosaurs and You Were Afraid They'd Ask (illx. Warren Clark; Western Producer Prairie Books; 1990; Trade Paperback );

DEJONG, MEINDERT – THE HOUSE OF SIXTY FATHERS (Illustrated Maurice Sendak; Dell Yearling; 1973; Trade Paperback); *** JOURNEY FROM PEPPERMINT STREET (Harper Trophy; 1971; Trade Paperback); *** SHADRACH (Illustrated Maurice Sendak; Dell Yearling; 1970; Trade Paperback);

DELACY, ESTELLE A. - Euclid and Geometry (Franklin Watts; 1963; Painted Cover);

DE LA MARE, WALTER – TALES TOLD AGAIN (Illustrated Alan Howard; Faber and Faber; No Date; No Dustjacket);

DE LA RAMEE, LOUISE – THE NURNBERG STOVE (Ills. Frank Boyd; MacMillan; 1952; No Dustjacket);

DELEEUW, ADELE – A HEART FOR BUSINESS (Acorn Books; 1963; Trade Paperback; Weight = 200 Grams; Book = VG; Price = $19); *** (with De Leeuw, Cateau) THE SALTY SKINNERS (Illustrated Arnold Spilka; Little; Brown and Co.; 1964; With Dustjacket); *** A World Explorer James Cook (illustrated by . Nathan Goldstein; Garrard Pub.; 1963; With Dust Jacket );

DELEEUW, CATEAU – A World Explorer Ronald Amundsen (illustrated by . George I. Parrish; Garrard Pub. Co.; 1965; With Dust Jacket );

DELGADO, ALAN – The Hot-Water Bottle Mystery (illx. Edward Lewis; Scholastic; 1974; Trade Paperback );

DELTON, JUDY – PEE WEE SCOUTS; GRUMPY PUMPKINS (Illustrated Alan Tiegreen; Dell Young Yearling; 1988; Trade Paperback);

DEMPSTER, MARIANNA – The Whale Who Needed Glasses (Lancelot Press; 1994; Trade Paperback );

DENNIS, JUNE – A MIKE FOR MARINO (Longmans, Green and Co.; 1952; No Dustjacket);

DENT, PERCY – Tales of Danger (Blackie and Sons; Painted Cover);

DENTYN, WILLIAM – SEASON OF BURNT GRASS (Illustrated Kathryn Cole; Scolastic Tab; 1974; Trade Paperback);

DE SEGUR, COUNTESS – BLOUDINE AND BEAR CUB (Illustrated Roland Pym; Heinemann; 1957; With Dustjacket);

DETJEN, MARY FORD AND ERVIN WINFRED – Your High School Days (illx. John L. Shailer; McGraw – Hill; 1950; No Dust Jacket);

DE VRIES, ANNE – JOURNEY THROUGH THE NIGHT VOLUME 2; THE DARKNESS DEEPENS (Paideia Press; 1978; Painted cover); *** The Poacher (Paideia Press; 1980; Trade Paperback );

DE VRIES, JULIAN – THE STRIKE OUT KING (World;k 1948; Painted cover);

DEWEESE, GENE – THE ADVENTURES OF A TWO MINUTE WEREWOLF (Illustrated Ronald Fritz; Doubleday; 1983; Painted cover); *** BEEPERS FROM OUTER SPACE (G.P. Putnam's Sons; 1985; Painted cover);

DICKENS, CHARLES – STORIES FROM DICKENS (Retold for Boys and Girls by Russell Thorndike; Raphael Tuck and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);

DICKIE, D.J. - THE BOOK OF BOYS AND GIRLS ROUND THE WORLD (J.M. Dent and Sons; 1929; Painted cover);

DICK KENT; #NN FUR TRADER – RICHARDS, MILTON (Saalfield, various; No Dustjacket); *** #NN ON SPECIAL DUTY – RICHARDS, MILTON (Saalfield, 1928; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);*** #NN WITH THE MOUNTED POLICE – RICHARDS, MILTON (Saalfield, 1927; Painted cover);

DICKSON, HELEN – CAPTAIN PEGGY OF THE MAMIE L. (Illustrated Marion Merrill; Thomas Nelson and Sons; No Date; No Dustjacket);

DICKSON, GORDON R. - SECRET UNDER THE SEA (Illustrated Jo Ann Stover; Scholastic TX959; 1973; Trade Paperback);

DIG ALLEN, SPACE EXPLORER: #2 CAPTIVES IN SPACE –GREENE, JOSEPH (Illustrated Walter Dey; Golden Press; 1961; Painted cover);*** – ROBINSON CRUSOE #3 GREENE, JOSEPH (Illustrated Walter Dey; Golden Press; 1961; Painted cover);*** Trappers of Venus #4 – GREENE, JOSEPH (Illustrated Walter Dey; Golden Press; 1961; Painted cover);*** #5 ROBOTS OF SATURN – GREENE, JOSEPH (Illustrated Myron Strauss; Golden Press; 1962; Painted cover);

DIGGS, LUCY – EVERYDAY FRIENDS (Troll; 1987; Trade Paperback);

DILS, TRACEY – Real Life Scary Places (illustrated by . Bob Carter; Willowisp Press; 1996; Trade Paperback );

DOBSON, MILLICENT – HERO THE BIGGEST CAT IN THE WORLD (Illustrated Terry Gorman; Coward-McCann; 1955; No Dustjacket);

DOC SAVAGE: #1 MAN OF BRONZE – ROBESON, KENNETH (Illustrated Ron Villani; Golden Press 2379; various; Painted cover); *** DOC SAVAGE: #2 DEATH IN SILVER – ROBESON, KENNETH (Illustrated Ron Villani; Golden Press 2379; various; Painted cover); *** DOC SAVAGE: #3 THE GHOST LEGION – ROBESON, KENNETH (Illustrated Arnie Kohn; Golden Press 2379; various; Painted cover); *** DOC SAVAGE: #4 QUEST OF QUI – ROBESON, KENNETH (Illustrated Arnie Kohn; Golden Press 2379; various; Painted cover); *** DOC SAVAGE: #5 THE SARGASSO OGRE – ROBESON, KENNETH (Illustrated Arnie Kohn; Golden Press 2379; various; Painted cover); *** DOC SAVAGE: #6 SECRET IN THE SKY – ROBESON, KENNETH (Illustrated Ro Villani & Ben Otero; Golden Press 2379; various; Painted cover);

DODD, ED – MARK TRAIL'S BOOK OF ANIMALS (Scholastic TX165; 1965; Trade Paperback); *** MARK TRAIL'S 2nd BOOK OF ANIMALS (Scholastic TX228; 1962; Trade Paperback);

DODGE, MARY MAPE'S – HANS BRINKER (various; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket; Painted cover);

DOLCH, EDWARD W. & MARGUERITE P. - Stories from Old Egypt (illustrated by . Gordon Laite; Garrard Pub. Co.; 1964; With Dust Jacket );

DONNELLY, JUDY – TRUE LIFE TREASURE HUNTS (Illustrated Charles Robinson; Scholastic; 1987);

DONOVAN, J.B. - BILL SPEED – SPECIAL SQUAD (Kingfisher Books; 1973; Trade Paperback);

DON STURDY: #NN ACROSS THE NORTH POLE – APPLETON, VICTOR (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; 1925; Painted cover); **** #NN IN THE LAND OF VOLCANOES (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; 1925; Painted cover);*** #NN On the Ocean Bottom (illustrated by . Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; 1931; No Dust Jacket); **** #NN IN THE PORT OF LOST SHIPS (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; 1926; Painted cover);**** #NN IN THE TOMBS OF GOLD (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; 1925; Painted cover);**** #NN ION THE DESERT OF MYSTERY (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; 1925; Painted cover);

DON MINSLOW: #NN OF THE NAVY – MARTINEK, FRANK V. (Illustrated F. Warren; Grosset and Dunlap; 1940; No Dustjacket); *** #NN SAVES THE SECRET FORMULA (Grosset and Dunlap; 1941; No Dustjacket);

DORIAN, EDITH – NO MOON ON GRAVEYARD HEAD (Cadmus Books; 1965; Painted cover);

DORME, LESLEY/ ZUSSMAN, MARK – The Grown-up Girl's Guide to Boys (illustrated by . Joel Glassman; Berkley; 1986; Trade Paperback );

DOTY, JEAN SLAUGHTER – WINTER PONY (Illustrated Ted Lewin; Scholastic; 1975; Trade Paperback);

DOWNER,MARION – MY ROOM IS MY HOBBY (Lothrop, Lee and Shepard; 1942; No Dustjacket);

DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN – THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES: BOOK ONE (Illustrated Andrew Glass; Avon Camelot; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES: BOOK THREE (Illustrated Andrew Glass; Avon Camelot; 1981; Trade Paperback);*** THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES: BOOK FOUR (Illustrated Andrew Glass; Avon Camelot; 1981; Trade Paperback);*** CASE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES (Illustrated Joseph Camana; Webster McGraw-Hill; No Date; Trade Paperback);

DOYLE, BRIAN – YOU CAN PICK ME UP AT PEGGY'S COVE (Ground wood Books; 1981; Trade Paperback);

DRAGON SLAYERS ACADEMY #2 Revenge of the Dragon Lady – McMullan, K.H. (illustrated by . Bill Basso; Troll; 1997; Trade Paperback );

DREWSEN, M.E. - HENRIK'S FOREST HOME (Pickering and Inglis; 1951; With Dustjacket);

DU BOIS,WILLIAM PENE – CALL ME BANDICOOT (Harper and Row; 1970; With Dustjacket); *** Peter Graves (illustrated by . William Pene Du Bois; Viking Press; With Dust Jacket ); *** Porko Von Popbutton (illustrated by . William Pene Du Bois; Harper and Row; With Dust Jacket ); *** The 3 Policemen (illustrated by . William Pene Du Bois; Viking Press; 1963; With Dust Jacket ); *** The Twenty-One Balloons (illustrated by . William Pene Du Bois; Viking Press; 1965; No Dust Jacket);

DUFF, DOUGLAS V. - BERENGER'S TOUGHEST CASE (Peal Press; No Date; With Dustjacket); (Abbey Rewards; No Date; Painted cover); *** ON THE WORLD'S ROOF (Peal Press; No Date; With Dustjacket); Abbey Rewards; No Date; Painted cover); *** THE SKY PIRATES (Abbey Rewards; No Date; Painted cover);

DUFF, EMMA LORNE – A CARGO OF STORIES FOR SHILDREN (McClelland and Stewart; 1929; No Dustjacket);

DUNCAN, FRANCES – THE TOOTHPASTE GENIE (Scholastic Tab; 1981; Trade Paperback);

DUNCAN, JANE – CAMERONS ON THE TRAIN (Illustrated Victor Ambrus; MacMillan; 1963; With Dustjacket);

DUNCAN, KATHLEEN M. - NO DOGS ALLOWED (Pickering and Inglis; 1967; With Dustjacket);

DUNCAN, LOIS – WONDER KID MEETS THE EVIL LUNCH SNATCHER (Illustrated Margaret Sanfilippo; Little, Brown and Co.; 1988; Painted cover);

DUNCAN, NORMAN – BILLY TOPSAIL AND COMPANY (Illustrated Stanley Turner; McClelland and Stewart; 1947; No Dustjacket);

DUNN, PHILIPPA – DEVIL'S SHUTE (Illustrated Larry Hall; McLean-Hunter; 1973; Trade Paperback);

DURRELL, LAWRENCE – WHITE EAGLES OVER SERBIA (Faber and Faber; 1962; Trade Paperback);

DU SOE, ROBERT C. - THREE WITHOUT FEAR (Illustrated Ralph Ray Jr.; Longmans, Green and Co.; 1959; Painted cover);

DUTHIE, ERIC (ed.) - STIRRING STORIES FOR BOYS (Odhams Press; No Date; With Dustjacket);

DUVOISIN, ROGER – The Four Corners of the World (illustrated by . Roger Duvoisin; Alfred A. Knopf; 1948; Painted Cover);

DYNAMITE BOOKS: #NN ANIMAL HALL OF FAME – WEBER, BRUCE (Scholastic TX4508; 1979; Trade Paperback); *** #NN COUNT MORBIDA'S MONSTER QUIZ BOOK – LORD SUZANNE (Illustrated Arthur Friedman; Scholastic 1980; Trade Paperback); *** #NN MONSTER HALL OF FAME – RONAN, MARGARET (Scholastic TX4546; 1978; Trade Paperback);

EARLE, OLIVE L. - Praying Mantis (William Morrow; 1969; No Dust Jacket);

EASTWAYS, W.E. - CHRISTINE OF THE FOURTH (Collins, No Date; With Dustjacket);

EGERMEIER, ELSIE E. - GIRL'S STORIES OF GREAT WOMEN (Warner Press; 1930; No Dustjacket);

ELAM, RICHARD M. - SCIENCE FICTION STORIES (Illustrated Victor Prezio; Grosset and Dunlap; 1957; No Dustjacket); *** YOUNG VISITOR TO MARS (Illustrated Charles H. Geer; Grosset and Dunlap; 1953; No Dustjacket);

ELLIS, MEL – SAD SONG OF THE COYOTE (Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1967; With Dustjacket);

ELLISON, NORMAN – ROVING WITH NOMAD (Illustrated C.F. Tunnicliffe; University of London Press; 1949; No Dustjacket);

ELMORE, PATRICIA – SUSANNAH AND THE BLUE HOUSE MYSTERY (Apple Paperback; 1990; Trade Paperback);

EMBLEN, DON & BETTY – THE PALOMINO BOY (Illustrated Lynd Ward; Viking Press; 1949; No Dustjacket);

EMBRY, MARGARET – THE BLUE-NOSED WITCH (Illustrated Carl Rose; Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** KID SISTER (Illustrated Carol Wilde; Scholastic TX1199; 1973; Trade Paperback);

EMERSON, ALICE B. - BETTY GORDON IN WASHINGTON (Cupples and Leon;1920; Painted cover);

ENCYCLOPEDIA BROWN – SOBOL, DONALD J. : #1 BOY DETECTIVE( Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback); *** #2 AND THE CASE OF THE SECRET PITCH (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback);*** #3 FINDS THE CLUES(Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback);*** #4 GETS HIS MAN (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback);*** #5 SOLVES THEM ALL (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback); *** #6 KEEPS THE PEACE (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback);(Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Scholastic; 1985; 1971; Trade Paperback); *** #7 SAVES THE DAY (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback);*** #8 TRACKS THEM DOWN (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback); *** #9 SHOWS THE WAY (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback); *** #10 TAKES THE CASE (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback);*** #11 LENDS A HAND (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback); *** #13 AND THE CASE OF THE MIDNIGHT VISITOR (Illustrated Lillian Brandi; Bantam Skylark; various; Trade Paperback);*** #15 ½ TAKES THE CAKE! (With Andrews, Glenn; Apple Paperbacks; various; Trade Paperback); (Illustrated Ib Ohlsson; Four Winds Press; 1983; With Dustjacket);

ENCYCLOPEDIA BROWN'S Second Record Book of Weird and Wonderful Facts – Sobol, Donald J. (illx. Bruce Degen; Delacorte Press; 1981; Painted Cover );

ENGLISH FAIRY TALES – Retold by Steel, Flora Annie (illustrated by .; Arthur Rackham; MacMillan; 1962; With Dust Jacket );

ENOCK, ESTHER E. - Twelve Brave Boys (Pickering and Inglis; With Dust Jacket );

ENRIGHT, D.J. - BEYOND LAND'S END (Chatto and Windus; 1979; No Dustjacket);

ENRIGHT, ELLIZABETH – GOE AWAY LAKE (Illustrated Beth and Joe Krush; Harcourt, Brace and Co; 1957; With Dustjacket);

EPSTEIN, SAMUEL/ WILLIAMS, BERYL – THE REAL BOOK ABOUT PIRATES (Illustrated Deane Cate; Garden City Books; 1952; With Dustjacket);

ERICKSON, RUSSELL E. - A TOAD FOR TUESDAY (Illustrated Lawrence Di Fiori; Dell Yearling; 1977; Trade Paperback); *** WARTON AND MORTON (Illustrated Lawrence Di Fiori; Dell Yearling; 1980; Trade Paperback);

ERSKINE, J.S. - THE RIGHTFUL KING (Longmans; 1966; Painted cover);

ESTES, ELEANOR – Ginger Pye (Scholastic; 1991; Trade Paperback );

ETCHEMANDY, NANCY – STRANGER FROM THE STARS (Illustrated Teje Etchemandy; Avon Camelot; 1983; Trade Paperback);

ETTRISGE, WILLIAM – SUSAN SUPER SLEUTH (Illustrated Laura Piotrowski; Potlatch; 1979; Trade Paperback);

EVANS, PAULINE RUSH (ed.) - BEST BOOK OF HEROES AND HEROINES (Illustrated Raphael Busoni; Doubleday; 1958; Painted cover);

EVENS, BRAMWELL – OUT WITH ROMANY BY THE SEA; ROMANY OF THE B.B.C. (Illustrated Reg Gammon; University of London Press; 1941; No Dustjacket);

EVSLIN, BERNARD – THE ADVENTURES OF ULYSSES (Illustrated William Hunter; Scholastic TX826; various; Trade Paperback); *** (With Evslin, Dorothy/ Hoopes, Ned) HEROES AND MONSTERS OF GREEK MYTH (Illustrated William Hunter; Scholastic TX892; various; Trade Paperback);

EVSLIN, BERNARD/ EVSLIN, DORTHOY/ HOOPES, NED – The Greek Gods (illustrated by . William Hunter; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

EYRE, KATHERINE WIGMORE – SPURS FOR ANTONIA (Illustrated Decie Merwin; Cadmus Books; 1943; Painted cover);

THE FABULOUS FIVE– HAYNES, BETSY : #1 SEVENTH – GRADE RUMORS (Bantam Skylark; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #2 THE TROUBLE WITH FLIRTING(Bantam Skylark; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #4 HER HONOR, KATIE SHANNON(Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #5 THE BRAGGING WAR (Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #6 THE PARENT WAR – *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #7 THE KISSING DISASTER ( Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #10 PLAYING THE PART (Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #11 HIT AND RUN ( Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #12 KATIE'S DATING TIPS – ( Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #13 THE CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN ( Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #14 SEVENTH GRADE MENACE ( Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #15 MELANIE'S IDENTITY CRISIS ( Bantam Skylark; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** THE FABULOUS FIVE: #18 TEEN TAXI ( Bantam Skylark; 1990; Trade Paperback);

FADIMAN, CLIFTON – The Story of Young King Arthur (illustrated by . Paul Liberovsky; Random House; 1961; No Dust Jacket);

FALKNER, FREDERICK – THE AQUALUNG TWINS AND THE VANISHING PEOPLE (Illustrated Donna Little; Dent; 1957; No Dustjacket);

FAMILY TREASURY OF CHILDREN'S STORIES; BOOK TWO (illustrated by . Donald Sibley; Doubleyday and Co.; 1956; Painted Cover); *** Book Three (illustrated by . Donald Sibley; Doubleyday and Co.; 1956; Painted Cover);

FARAWAY PORTS – Easy Growth in Reading (illustrated by . Armstrong Sperry/ Ellen Segner; Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1957; Painted Cover);

FARJEON, ELEANOR – Grannie Gray; Children's Plays and Games (illustrated by . Peggy Fortnum; Oxford University Press; 1956; No Dust Jacket);

FARLEY, CAROL – MYSTERY IN THE RAVINE (Illustrated Joseph Escourido; Avon Camelot; 1976; Trade Paperback);

FARLEY, WALTER – THE BLACK STALLION (Random House; No Date; Trade Paperback); (Illustrated Keith Ward; Scholastic TX1913; various; Trade Paperback); *** THE BLACK STALLION AND FLAME (Random House; No Date; Trade Paperback);*** THE BLACK STALLION MYSTERY (Random House; No Date; Trade Paperback);*** THE BLACK STALLION REVOLTS (Random House; No Date; Trade Paperback);*** THE BLACK STALLION AND SATAN (Bullseye Books; 1992; Trade Paperback);*** THE BLACK STALLION'S BLOOD BAY COLT (Random House; No Date; Trade Paperback);*** THE BLACK STALLION'S FILLY (Random House; No Date; Trade Paperback);*** THE BLACK STALLION'S FURY (Random House; No Date; Trade Paperback);*** SON OF THE BLACK STALLION (Random House; No Date; Trade Paperback);

FAT ALBERT: - #NN Mister Big Time - LEVY ELIZABETH (Dell Color Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback); **** #NN Mom or Pop - LEVY ELIZABETH (Dell Color Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback); **** #NN The Shuttered Window - LEVY ELIZABETH (Dell Color Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback); **** #NN Spare the Rod - LEVY ELIZABETH (Dell Color Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback); **** #NN TAKE TWO, THEY'RE SMALL – LEVY ELIZABETH (Dell Color Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback);

FAULKNOR, CLIFF – THE WHITE PERIL (Illustrated Gerald Tailfeathers; Little, Brown and Co.; 1966; With Dustjacket);

FAVORITE FAIRY TALES TO READ ALOUD (illustrated by . William Wiesner; Wonder Books; 1965; Trade Paperback );

FAVORITE POEMS TO READ ALOUD (illustrated by . Art Krusz; Wonder Books; 1965l Trade Paperback );

FEAGLES, ANITA – Casey the Utterly Impossible Horse (illustrated by . Dagmar Wiilson; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

FEIL, HILA – THE WINDMILL SUMMER (Illustrated Fred Brenner; Harper and Row; 1972; With Dustjacket);

FELLER, BOB – BOB FELLER'S STRIKEOUT STORY (Grosset and Dunlap; 1947; No Dustjacket); *** PITCHING TO WIN (with photos; Grosset and Dunlap; 1952; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

FELSEN, HENRY GREGOR – TWO AND THE TOWN (Charles Sscribner's and Sons; No Date; Trade Paperback);

FENN, GEORGE MANVILLE – YUSSUF THE GUIDE (A.L. Burt; No Date; Painted cover);

FENNER, PHYLLIS R. - Kick-Off; Stories of Football (Alfred A. Knoff; 1960; No Dust Jacket);

FENTON, EDWARD – US AND THE DUCHESS (Illustrated Reisie Lonette; Do9ubleday; 1950; No Dustjacket);

FIDLER, VERA – CHUCKWAGON OF THE CIRCLE B (Illustrated Doug Stephens; MacMillan; 1957; With Dustjacket);

FIELDS AND FENCES (Allyn and Bacon Inc.; 1967; Painted Cover);

FIFTY FAMOUS FAIRY TALES (Illustrated Robert J. Lee; Golden Press; 1965; Painted cover);

FIGHTING FOUR: #NN MISSION ACCOMPLISHED – CHANNEL, A.R. (Children Press; 1965; With Dustjacket); (Children Press; various; Painted cover);

FILSON, BRENT – THE PUMA (Doubleday; 1970; With Dustjacket);

FINCH, HARDY R. (ed.) - HIGH ADVENTURE (Scholastic; various; Trade Paperback);

FINDING NEW NEIGHBOURS (Ginn and Co.; No Dust Jacket);

FINE, ANNE – BILL'S NEW FROCK (Illustrated Philippe Dupasquier; Mammoth; 1991; Trade Paperback);

FINN, FRANCIS J. - THAT FOOTBALL GAME (Benziger Brothers; 1897; Painted cover);

FISCHMAN, BERNARD – The Man Who Rode His 10-Speed Bicycle to the Moon (illustrated by . Barbara Lanza; Richard Marek; 1979; No Dust Jacket);

FISHER, MYRTHE – JOAN, BETTY AND THE SEAGULL (Illustrated Norman Sutcliffe; Blackie and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);


FITZGERALD, ED. - CHAMPIONS IN SPORTS AND SPIRIT (Illustrated De Wolfe Hotchkiss; Vision Books; 1956; No Dustjacket);

FITZGERALD, PITT L. - YOUNG MAN IN LEATHER (Books Inc.; 1939; With Dustjacket);

FITZHUGH, LOUISE – HARRIET THE SPY (Dell Yearling; 1980; Trade Paperback); (Troll/ Harper Tropher; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** THE LONG SECRET (Dell Yearling; various; Trade Paperback);

FITZHUGH, PERCY KEESE – TOM SLADE MOTOR CYCLE DISPATCH BEARER (Illustrated R. Emmett Owen; Grosset and Dunlap; 1913; No Dustjacket);

THE FLAG OF DISTRESS (Illustrated Jack Crowe; Raphael Tuck and Sons; 1948; Painted cover);

FLEISCHMAN, SID – THE GHOST ON SATURDAY NIGHT (Illustrated Eric Von Schmidt; Scholastic TW3171; 1974; Trade Paperback);

FLEMING, IAN – Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (illustrated by . John Burningham; Pan Books; Trade Paperback );

FLIGHTS NEAR AND FAR; REVISED (Holt, Rinehart and Winston; Painted Cover );

FLOOD, RICHARD T. - PASS THAT PUCK! (Illustrated C.L. Hartman; Houghton Mifflin; 1948; No Dustjacket);

FLORY, JANE – THE GOLDEN VENTURE (Houghton Mifflin; 1976; With Dustjacket);

FOLSOM, FRANKLIN – THE HIDDEN RUIN (Funk and Wagnalls; 1957; With Dustjacket);

FONTES, RON/ KORMAN, JUSTINE – Baby's Day Out (with Photos from the Movie; Troll; 1994; Trade Paperback );

FOOLS AND FUNNY FELLOWS: MORE “TIME TO LAUGH” TALES – FENNER, PYLLIS R. (ed.) (Illustrated Henry C. Pitz; Alfred A. Knopf; 1965; Painted cover);

FOOTE, JOHN TAINTOR – HOFFBEATS: GREAT HORSE STORIES (Illustrated M.C. Weiler; Grosset and Dunlap; 1950; No Dustjacket);

FORBES, ESTHER – JOHNNY TREMAIN (Illustrated Lynd Ward; Dell Yearling; 1983; Trade Paperback);


FOSTER, JAMES H. - LOST IN THE WILDS OF BRAZIL (Saalfield; 1933; With Dustjacket);

FOWLIE, VERN – The Boy from Outer Space and Other Stories (illustrated by . Julie Dale; Catacomb Press; 1980; Trade Paperback );

FOX, PAULA – HOW MANY MILES TO BABYLON? (Apple Paperbacks; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** MAURICE'S ROOM (Illustrated Ingrid Fetz; MacMillan; 1966; No Dustjacket); *** MONKEY ISLAND (Dell Yearling; 1993; Trade Paperback);

FRANCIS, PAMELA – Spanish Conquest in America (illustrated by . FERNADO CORANTE; WHEATON OF EXETER; 1964; With Dust Jacket );

FRASER, CHELSEA CURTIS – BOY'S BOOK OF SEA BATTLES (Falcon Books; 1950; Painted cover);

FREEMAN, IRA M. - All About Electricity (illustrated by . Evelyn Urbanowich; Random House; 1957; With Dust Jacket );

FREEMAN, MAE – A BOOK OF REAL SCIENCE (Illustrated John Moore; Scholastic TW763; 1971; Trade Paperback);

FREEMAN, MAE & IRA – Arrow Book of Space (Scholastic ;1976; Trade Paperback); *** Fun with Chemistry (Scholastic ; 1971; Trade Paperback);

FRIENDLY ANIMAL STORIES TO READ ALOUD – Anderson, lavere (illustrated by . Sergio Leone; Wonder Books; 1964; Trade Paperback);

THE FRIENDSHIP RING - #NN Please, Please, Please – Vail, Rachel (Apple Paperback/ Scholastic; 1998; Trade Paperback );

FRIGHT NIGHT: Creepy Stories, Poems, and Other Scary Stuff (illustrated by . Jeffrey Lindberg; Troll; 1996; Trade Paperback );

FULL HOUSE - #NN Behind the Scenes – Storey, T.R. (Troll; 1993; Trade Paperback ); *** #NN Kiss a Frog, Princess -0 Worth, Bonnie (Parachute Press; 1992; Trade Paperback ); *** #NN That's the Way it Crumbles, Cookie – Weyn, Suzanne (Troll; 1993; Trade Paperback ); *** #NN Way to Go, Chipmunk Cheeks – Worth, Bonnie (Parachute Press; 1991; Trade Paperback );


FULL HOUSE: MICHELLE: #NN HOW TO BE COOL – WEYN, SUZANNE (Minstrel Book; 1997; Trade Paperback);*** #NN LUCKY, LUCKY DAY – O'NEIL LAURA (Minstrel Book; 1995; Trade Paperback);*** #NN MAJOR LEAGUE TROUBLE - O'NEIL LAURA (Minstrel Book; 1996; Trade Paperback);

FULL HOUSE STEPHANIE: - #NN Here Comes the Brand New Me – Carroll, Jacqueline (Parachute Press; 1994; Trade Paperback ); *** #NN No Business Like Show Business – Herman, Gail ( A Minstrel Book; 1998; Trade Paperback ); *** #NN Picture Me Famous – Simon, Lisa (A Minstrel Book; 1995; Trade Paperback ); *** #NN Twin Troubles – Wright, Mary (A Minstrel Book; 1994; Trade Paperback ); *** #NN SUGAR AND SPICE ADVICE – SPEREGEN DEVRA NEWBERGER (Minstrel Book; 1996; Trade Paperback);*** #NN Wish Upon a VCR – Speregen, Devra Newberger (A Minstrel Book; 1996; Trade Paperback );

FURMAN, A.L. (ed.) - EVERYGIRLS ROMANCE STORIES (Lantern Press; 1955; No Dustjacket);

FURY– MILLER, ALBERT G.: #1 STALLION OF BROKEN WHEEL RANCH ( Illustrated James W. Schucker; Grosset and Dunlap; 1959; Painted cover); (Scholastic; 1969; Trade Paperback); *** FURY #2 AND THE MUSTANGS (Illustrated Sam Savitt; Grosset and Dunlap; 1960; Painted cover); *** FURY #3 AND THE WHITE MARE (Grosset and Dunlap;; 1962; Painted cover);

GADD. K.M. - SALLY ANN A TALL SHIP (Illustrated P.A. Jobson; Ginn and Co.; 1960; Painted cover);

GAGNON, CECILE – Alfred Dans Le Metro (French;illustrated by . Cecile Gagnon; Edilions Heritage 1980; Trade Paperback );

GALL, ALICE/CREW, FLEMING – FLAT TAIL (Illustrated W. Langdon Kihn; Henry Z. Walck; 1935; With Dustjacket);

GAMBRELL, ELSIE – ALL BECAUSE OF GINA (Children's Press; 1970; Painted cover);

GAMMON, DAVID – THE SECRET OFSPANIARDS ROCK (Illustrated Arthur Hammond; Little, Brown and Co.; 1963; No Dustjacket);

GAMORAN, MAMIE G. - Days and Ways; The Story of Jewish Holidays and Customs (illustrated by . Bernard Segal; Union of American Hebrew Congregations; 1941; No Dust Jacket);

GARDEN, NANCY – WEREWOLVES (Bantam Skylark; 197l Trade Paperback);

GARDNER, A.J. - THE BIG GREEN (Disney Press; 1995; Trade Paperback);

GARFIELD, JAMES B. - FOLLOW MY LEADER (Illustrated Don Sibley; Scholastic TX561; 1964; Trade Paperback);

GARFIELD, LEON/ BLISHEN, EDWARD – THE GOD BENEATH THE SEA (Illustrated Charles Keeping; Corgi Carousel; 1977; Trade Paperback);

GARIS, HOWARD R. - TEDDY AND THE MYSTERY CAT (Books Inc.; 1937; No Dustjacket); *** UNCLE WIGGILY ON THE FARM (Illustrated Elmer Rache; The Platt and Munk Co.; 1939; Painted cover);

GARIS, LILIAN – THE TOWER SECRET (Grosset and Dunlap; 1933; Painted cover);

GARLICK, PHYLLIS – Conqueror of Darkness; the Story of Helen Keller (Lutterworth Press Pub.; 1963; With Dust Jacket );

GARREAU, GARTH – BAT BOY OF THE GIANTS (Illustrated Richard Powers; Comoet Books 17; 1949; Trade Paperback);

GARST, SHANNON – COWBOY BOOTS (Illustrated Charles Hargens; Abingdon – Cokesbury Press; 1946; No Dustjacket); *** JAMES BOWIE AND HIS FAMOUS KNIFE (Julian Messner; 1967; No Dustjacket);

GARY CARTER'S IRON MASK - #1 Home Run! - Montgomery, Bruce (Troll; 1991; Trade Paperback ); *** #2 Grand Slam - Montgomery, Bruce (Troll; 1991; Trade Paperback );

GEHMAN, RICHARD – THE TALL AMERICAN: THE STORY OF GARY COOPER (Illustrated Albert Micale; Hawthorn Books/ Credo Books; 1963; Painted cover);

GEIS, DARLENE – THE MYSTERY OF THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR (Illustrated Georgia Bloch; John C. Winston; 1957; With Dustjacket);

GELMAN, RITA GOLDEN – BENJI AT WORK (with Photos; Scholastic; 1980; Trade Paperback); *** BENJI (TAKES A DIVE) AT MARINELAND (With Photos; Scholastic; 1981; Trade Paperback);

GELMAN, RITA GOLDEN/ SELIGSON/ MARCIA – UFO Encounters (with Photos; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

GELMAN, STEVE – FOOTBALL FURY (Illustrated Tracy Sugarman; Signal Book; 1962; Painted cover);

GEORGE, JEAN CRAIGHEAD – MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN (Puffin Books; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** THE MOON OF THE ALLIGATORS (Illustrated Adrina Zanazanian; Thomas Y. Crowell; 1969; With Dustjacket);

GERMAN, TONY – TOM PENNY (Illustrated Diana McElroy; Peter Martin Associates; 1979; Trade Paperback);

GERSON, CORINNE – SON FOR A DAY (Illustrated Velma Ilsley; Apple Paperbacks; 1980; Trade Paperback);

GERSTENFELD, SHELDON L. - Zoo Clues (illustrated by . Eldon C. Doty; Puffin Books; 1991; Trade Paperback );

GETZ, DAVID – THIN AIR (Harper Trophy; 1992; Trade Paperback);

GHOST TWINS: #2 THE MYSTERY OF ONE WISH POND-REGAN, DIAN CURTIS (Apple Paperback; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** #3 THE MYSTERY OF WALRUS MOUNTAIN (Apple Paperback; 1995; Trade Paperback);

GHOST WRITER: #NN DIGGING FOR CLUES – KEYISHIAN, AMY/ KEYISHIAN (Illustrated Phil Franke; Bantam; 1994; Trade Paperback);

GHOSTS OF FEAR STREET - #1 Hide and Shriek – Stine, R.L. (Minstrel Book; 1995; Trade Paperback ); *** #3 The Attack of the Aqua Apes – Stine, R.L. (Minstrel Book; 1995; Trade Paperback ); *** #5 Stay Away from the Tree House – Stine, R.L. (Minstrel Book; 1996; Trade Paperback ); *** #8 The Ooze – Stine, R.L. (Minstrel Book; 1996; Trade Paperback ); *** #13 How to be a Vampire – Stine, R.L. (Minstrel Book; 1996; Trade Paperback ); *** #15 Fright Christmas – Stine, R.L. (Minstrel Book; 1996; Trade Paperback ); *** #17 House of a Thousand Screams – Stine, R.L. (Minstrel Book; 1997; Trade Paperback );

GIBSON, KATHARINE – ARROW FLY HOME (Illustrated Ralph Ray; Longmans, Green and Co.; 1954; No Dustjacket);

GIBSON, MARTYN – TONY'S QUEST (Illustrated Valda Eirene; Sifton Praed; 1946; With Dustjacket);

GIFF, PATRICIA REILLY – THE GIFT OF THE PIRATE QUEEN (Illustrated Jenny Rutherford; Dell Yearling; 1983; Trade Paperback); *** Love, From the Fifth-Grade Celebrity (illustrated by . Leslie Morrill; Delacorte Press; 1987; Painted Cover); *** THE SECRET AT THE POLK STREET SCHOOL (Illustrated Blanche Sims; Dell Yearling; 1987; Trade Paperback);

GILDEN, MEL – The Pet of Frankenstein (illustrated by . John Pierard; Avon Camelot; 1988; Trade Paperback );

GILLESPIE, T.H. - ZOO-MAN AGAIN (Illustrated Fullerton, Len; Clarke, Irwin and Co.; 1961; With Dustjacket);


GIPE, GEORGE – GREMLINS (With Photos; Avon Camelot; 1984; Trade Paperback);

GIRION, BARBARA – THE CHICKEN BONE WISH (Illustrated Richard Cuffari; Apple Paperback; 1978; Trade Paperback);

GIRLS' ADVENTURE STORIES – BURKE, J.F. (ed.) (Andrew Dakers, No Date; No Dustjacket);

A BOOK OF GIRLS' STORIES (Golden Pleasure Books; 1964; No Dustjacket);

A GIRL'S TREASURY OF CAREER STORIES (Illustrated Ionicus; Golden Pleasure Books; 1967; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

GODFREY, MARTYN – THE GREAT SCIENCE FAIR DISASTER (Apple Paperback; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** IT ISN'T EASY BEING MS. TEENY WONDERFUL (Scholastic Tab; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** MALL RATS (Oz New Media Inc.; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** THE VANDARIAN INCIDENT (Scholastic; 1981; Trade Paperback);

THE GOLDEN COAT AND OTHER STORIES (Thomas Nelson and Sons; No Dust Jacket);

THE GOLDEN LIBRARY OF KNOWLEDGE – Mathematics – Adler, Irving (illustrated by . Lowell Hess; Golden Press; Painted Cover); *** Planets – Binder, Otto (illustrated by . George Solnevich; Golden Press; Painted Cover); *** Prehistoic Animals – Watson, Jane Werner (illustrated by . George Solnevich; Golden Press; Painted Cover); *** Space Flight – Del Rey, Lester (illustrated by . John Polgreen; Golden Press; Painted Cover); ***The World of Ants – Wheat, G. Collins (with Photos; (illustrated by . Eric Mose; Golden Press; Photo Cover);

THE GOLDEN PHOENIX; EIGHT FRENCH CANADIAN FAIRY TALES (Illustrated Arthur Price; Oxford University Press; 1983; No Dustjacket; With Dust Jacket );

THE GOLDEN STORY BOOK FOR BOYS – STRANG, HERBERT (ed.) (Oxford University Press; 1932; Painted cover);

GOODMAN, BILLY – A KID'S GUIDE TO HOW TO SAVE THE PLANET (Illustrated Paul Meisel; Byron Preiss Book; 1990; Trade Paperback; Painted cover);

GOODSPPED, D.J. - THE GOOD SOLDIER; THE STORY OF ISAAC BROCK (Illustrated Jack Ferguson; MacMillan; 1964; With Dustjacket);

GOODYER, H.J. - SECRET OF THE FOREST (Children's Press; 1970; Painted cover);

GOOSEBUMPS – STINE, R.L.: #1 WELCOME TO DEAD HOUSE (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #2 STAY OUT OF THE BASEMENT ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #3 MONSTER BLOOD ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #4 SAY CHEESE AND DIE! ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #5 THE CURSE OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #6 LET'S GET INVISIBLE! ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #7 Night of the Living Dummy ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #8 THE GIRL WHO CRIED MONSTER ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #9 WELCOME TO CAMP NIGHTMARE (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #10 THE GHOST NEST DOOR ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #11 THE HAUNTED MASK ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #12 BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR... ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #13 PIANO LESSONS CAN BE MURDER ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #14 The Werewolf of Fever Swamp ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #15 YOU CAN'T SCARE ME! ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #16 ONE DAY AT HORRORLAND ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #17 WHY I'M AFRAID OF BEES ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #18 MONSTER BLOOD II (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #19 DEEP TROUBLE (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #20 The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #21 GO EAT WORMS! ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #22 GHOST BEACH ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #23 RETURN OF THE MUMMY ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #24 PHANTOM OF THE AUDITORIUM (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #25 ATTACK OF THE MUTANT (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #26 MY HAIRIEST ADVENTURE (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #27 A NIGHT IN TERROR TOWER ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #28 THE COCKOO CLOCK OF DOOM (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #29 MONSTER BLOOD III ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #30 IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SINK ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #31 NIGHT OF THE LIVING DUMMY II ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #32 THE BARKING GHOST ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #33 THE HORROR AT CAMP JELLYJAM (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #34 REVENGE OF THE LAWN GNOMES ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #35 A SHOCKER ON SHOCK STREET (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #36 THE HAUNTED MASK II ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #37 THE HEADLESS GHOST (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #38 THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN OF PASADENA ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #39 HOW I GOT MY SHRUKEN HEAD(Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #40 NIGHT OF THE LIVING DUMMY III (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #41 BAD HARE DAY(Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #42 EGG MONSTER FROM MARS ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #44 Say Cheese and Die-Again!( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #45 GHOST CAMP (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #46 HOW TO KILL A MONSTER (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #47 LEGEND OF THE LOST LEGEND (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #48 Attack of the Jack-o-Lantern ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #49 Vampire Breath ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #50 Calling all Creeps ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #51 BEWARE, THE SNOWMAN (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #53 Chicken Chicken ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #55 The Blob That ate Everyone ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #56 The Curse of Camp Cold Lake ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #57 My Best Friends is Invisible ( Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #BOXED SET #1-4 (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS: #BOXED SET #9-12 (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS: #BOXED SET #25-28(Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);

GOOSEBUMPS HOLIDAY COLLECTOR'S CAPS BOOK (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback)

GOOSEBUMPS OFFICAL COLLECTOR'S CAPS BOOK (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback)

GOOSEBUMPS: READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #1 ESCAPE FROM THE CARNIVAL OF HORRORS (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #2 TICK TOCK, YOUR'E DEAD! (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #3 TRAPPED IN BAT WING HALL (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #4 THE DEADLY EXPERIMENTS OF DR. EEEK (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #5 NIGHT IN WEREWOLF WOODS (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #6 BEWARRE OF THE PURPLE PEANUT BUTTER (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #7 UNDER THE MAGICIANS SPELL (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #8 THE CURSE OF THE CREEPING COFFIN (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #9 THE KNIGHT IN SCREAMING ARMOR (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #10 DIARY OF A MAD MUMMY (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #11 DEEP IN THE JUNGLE OF DOOM (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); ******** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #13 Scream of the Evil Genie (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #16 Secret Agent Grandma (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #20 Toy Terror: Batteries Included (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #24 Lost in Stinkeye Swamp (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); **** READER BEWARE – YOU CHOOSE THE SCARE! #26 ALONE IN SNAKEBITE CANYON (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);

GOOSEBUMPS SPECIAL EDITION #1 TEN SPOOKY STORIES (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS SPECIAL EDITION #2 TEN SPOOKY STORIES (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS SPECIAL EDITION #3 TEN SPOOKY STORIES (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);

GOOSEBUMPS SERIES 2000 - #1 Cry the Cat (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** #15 Scream School (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** #16 The Mummy Walks (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);

GOOSEBUMPS TV EDITION #2 THE CUCKOO CLOCK OF DOOM (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback); *** GOOSEBUMPS TV EDITION #3 WELCOME TO CAMP NIGHTMARE (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS TV EDITION #4 RETURN OF THE MUMMY (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS TV EDITION #6 MY HAIRIEST ADVENTURE (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS TV EDITION #7 THE HEADLESS GHOST (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS TV EDITION #8 BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);*** GOOSEBUMPS TV EDITION #9 GO EAT WORMS! (Apple Paperback; various; Trade Paperback);

GORDON, SHIRLEY – The Boy Who Wanted a Family (illustrated by . Charles Robinson; Dell Yearling; 1982; Trade Paperback );

GORMLEY, BEATRICE – Fifth Grade Magic (illustrated by . Emily Arnold McCully; Avon Camelot; 1984; Trade Paperback );

GOSCINNY, RENE – Nicholas and the Gang Again – Translated by Bell, Anthea (illustrated by . Sempe; Abelard – Schuman; 1977; With Dust Jacket );

GRAHAM, JANETTE SARGEANT – CHALLENGE OF THE COULEE (Illustrated Sidney Quinn; Longmans, Green and Co; 1954; No Dustjacket);

GRAHAM, ROSEMARY – FLYING O'FLYNN (Illustrated Catriona MacDonald; McClelland and Stewart; 1958; No Dustjacket);


GRANT, KAY – IT'S 'ARD TO STAY CLEAN IN THE COUNTRY (Illustrated Jean Cullen and Anne Drew; William Morrow; 1943; Painted cover);

GRAPHIC STORIES OF SAILORS – (ed.) Yates, M.T. (illustrated by . William Collins and Sons; 1900; P{ainted Cover);

GRAYSON, DAVID – ADVENTURES IN FRIENDSHIP (Illustrated Thomas Fogarty; Grosset and Dunlap; 1910; No Dustjacket);


THE GREAT BOOK OF AEROPLANES – JACKSON, G.G. (Oxford University Press; 1931; Painted cover);

THE GREAT BRAIN: #1 THE GREAT BRAIN – FITZGERALD, JOHN D. (Illustrated Mercer Mayer; Dell Yearling; 1975; Trade Paperback); *** #4 AT THE ACADEMY – FITZGERALD, JOHN D. (Illustrated Mercer Mayer; Dell Yearling; 1978; Trade Paperback);*** #5 Reforms – Fitgerald, John D. (Illustrated Mercer Mayer; Dell Yearling; 1983; Trade Paperback);*** #7 DOES IT AGAIN – FITZGERALD, JOHN D. (Illustrated Mercer Mayer; Dell Yearling; 1978; Trade Paperback);

GREEN, E. EVERETT – WHERE THERE'S A WILL (Hutchinson; No Date; Painted cover);

GREEN, EDWIN – AIR MONSTER (Goldsmith; 1932; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

GREENE, CONSTANCE C. - ASK ANYBODY (Dell Yerling; 1985; Trade Paperback); *** ISABELLE THE ITCH (Illustrated Emily A. McCully; Dell Yearling; 1982; Trade Paperback); *** YOUR OLD PAL, AL (Dell Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback);

GREENWALD, SHEILA – THE SECRET IN MIRANDA'S CLOSET (Dell Yearling; 1989; Trade Paperback);

GREW, DAVID – THE WILD DOG OF EDMONTON (Illustrated Ellen Segner; Grosset and Dunlap; 1946; No Dustjacket);

GRIFFIN, ELIZABETH L. - The Shaggy Dog ( with Photo's from the Movie; Scholoastic; Trade Paperback );

GRIFFIN, SERCOMBE – FETTERS OF FREEDOM (Illustrated Ellis Silas; George G. Harrap; 1937; With Dustjacket);


GROOM, OLIVE L. - THE SCHOOL OF FALSE ECHOES (Illustrated Fred Reeves; Kerr-Cros; 1947; No Dustjacket);

GROSECLOSE; ELGIN – THE SCIMITAR OF SALADIN (Illustrated Alan Moyler; Acorn Books/ MacMillan; 1963; Trade Paperback);

GROVE, HARRIET PYNE – THE S.P. MYSTERY (Saalfield; 1930; With Dustjacket);

GROVES, EDITH LELEAN – THE KINGDOM OF CHILDREN (Illustrated Maude Maclaren; Warwick Bros. And Rutter; 1925; No Dustjacket);

GUEST, JACK A. - OTHER MEN'S GOLD (Illustrated Robert Nichol; Thomas Allen; 1964; With Dustjacket);

GUILLOT, RENE – A BOY AND FIVE HUSKIES (Illustrated Ralph Thompson; Pantheon Books; 1957; Painted cover); *** KPO THE LEOPARD (Illustrated Joan Kiddell – Monroe; Heinemann; 1967; Painted cover); *** MASTER OF THE ELEPHANTS (Illustrated Victor G. Ambrus; Oxford University Press; 1969; With Dustjacket); *** OWORO (Illustrated Joan Kiddell – Monroe; Oxford University Press; 1959; With Dustjacket); *** THE SEA ROBER (Illustrated Neville Dear; Oxford University Press; 1966; With Dustjacket); ** TOM-TOMS IN KOTOKRO (Illustrated A. Douthwaite; Criterion Books; 1957; With Dustjacket);

GUNTHER,JOHN – ALEXANDER THE GREAT (Illustrated Isa Barnett; Random House; 1953; Painted cover); GUTHRIE, LOMAS – THE DIARY OF A SPYCATCHER (Children's Press; 1968; Painted cover);

HAHN, BULA – JET'S ADVENTURES (Illustrated Elizabeth Arthur; Unity School of Christianity; 1940; No Dustjacket);

HAHN, EMILIY – FRANCIE AGAIN (Frank Watts; 1953; With Dustjacket);

HAHN, MARY DOWNING - Stepping on the Cracks (Avon Camelot; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** WAIT TILL HELEN COMES (Avon Camelot; 1987; Trade Paperback);

HAIG-BROWN, RODERICK – MOUNTED POLICE PATROL (Collins; 1957; No Dustjacket); *** STARBUCK VALLEY WINTER (Illustrated Charles Defeo; Collins; 1957; No Dustjacket);

HAINES, DONAL HAMILTON – THE SOUTHPAW (Illustrated Harold Minton; Comet Books 16, 1949; Trade Paperback); (Illustrated Tod Gould; Rinehart and Co.; 1931; No Dustjacket);

HALACY jr. D.S. - The Robots are Here (W.W. Norton; 1965; With Dust Jacket ); *** ROCKET RESCUE (W.W. Norton; 1968; Painted cover);

HALL, LYNN – THE SOMETHING-SPECIAL HORSE (Illustrated Sandy Rabinowitz; Charles Scribner's Sons; 1985; Painted cover);

HALLACK, CECILY – ADVENTURE OF THE AMETHYST (Illustrated Rosemary De Souza; MacMillan; 1937; No Dustjacket);

HALLMAN, MAYNARD – Canadians at Work (Longmans, Greea and Co.; 1950; No Dust Jacket);

HAMILTON, DOROTHY – LAST ONE CHOSEN (Illustrated James L. Converse; Herald Press; 1982; Trade Paperback);

HAMILTON, MARY – THE TIN-LINED TRUNK (Illustrated Ron Berg; Kids Can Press; 1988; Trade Paperback);

HAMILTON, VIRGINIA – SWEET WHISPERS, BROTHER RUSH (Avon Camelot; 1983; Trade Paperback);

HAMPLE, STOO – Silly Joke Book (Random House; 1979; Trade Paperback );

HAMRE, LEIF – OTTER THREE TWO CALLING (Fitzhenry and Whiteside; 1969; Trade Paperback);

HANCOCK, H. IRVING – DAVE DARRIN'S FIRST YEAR AT ANNAPOLIS (Saalfield; 1910; With Dustjacket); *** THE YOUNG ENGINEERS IN MEXICO (Saalfield; 1913; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

THE HAPPY HOLLISTERS – WEST, JERRY: #8 AT CIRCUS ISLAND (Illustrated Helen S. Hamilton; Garden City Books; 1955; With Dustjacket); *** #11 AND THE MERRY-GO-ROUND MYSTERY (Illustrated Helen S. Hamilton; Garden City Books; 1955; With Dustjacket); *** #15 AND THE MYSTERY OF THE TOTEM FACES (Illustrated Helen S. Hamilton; Doubleday; 1957; With Dustjacket);

HARBIN, E.O. - PHUNOLOGY (Abingdon-Cokesbury; 1923; Painted cover);

HARDCASTLE, MICHAEL – REDCAP (Children's Press; 1968; Painted cover);


#1 THE TOWER TREASURE (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various); *** THE HARDY BOYS: #2 THE HOUSE ON THE CLIFF (Grosset and Dunlap; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #3 THE SECRET OF THE OLD MILL (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #4 THE MISSING CHUMS (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #5 HUNTING FOR HIDDEN GOLD (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #6 THE SHORE ROAD MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #7 THE SECRET OF THE CAVES (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #8 THE MYSTERY OF CABIN ISLAND (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #9 THE GREAT AIRPORT MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #10 WHAT HAPPENED AT MIDNIGHT (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #11 WHILE THE CLOCK TICKED (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #12 FOOTPRINTS UNDER THE WINDOW (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #13 THE MARK ON THE DOOR (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #14 THE HIDDEN HARBOR MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #15 THE SINISTER SIGNPOST (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #16 A FIGURE IN HIDING (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #17 THE SECRET WARNING (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #18 THE TWISTED CLAW(Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #19 THE DISAPPEARING FLOOR (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #20 THE MYSTERY OF THE FLYING EXPRESS (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #21 THE CLUE OF THE BROKEN BLADE (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #22 THE FICKERING TORCH (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #23 THE MELTED COINS (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #24 THE SHORT-WAVE MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #25 THE SECRET PANEL (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #26 THE PHANTOM FREIGHTER (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #27 THE SECRET OF SKULL MOUNTAIN (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #28 THE SIGN OF THE CROOKED ARROW (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #29 THE SECRT OF THE LOST TUNNEL (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #30 THE WAILING SIREN MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #31 THE SECRET OF WILDCAT SWAMP (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #32 THE CRISSCROSS SHADOW (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #33 THE YELLOW FEATHER MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #34 THE HOODED HAWK MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #35 THE CLUE IN THE EMBERS (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #36 THE SECRET OF PIRATES HILL (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #37 THE GHOST AT SKELETON ROCK (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #38 THE MYSTERY AT DEVIL'S PAW (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #39 THE MYSTERY OF THE CHINESE JUNK (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #40 MYSTERY OF THE DESERT GIANT (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #41 THE CLUE OF THE SCREECHING OWL (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #42 THE VIKING SYMBOL MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #43 THE MYSTERY OF THE AZTEC WARRIOR (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #44 THE HAUNTED FORT (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #45 THE MYSTERY OF THE SPIRAL BRIDGE (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #46 THE SECRET AGENT ON FLIGHT 101 (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #47 MYSTERY OF THE WHALE TATOO (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #48 THE ARCTIC PATROL MYSTERY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #9 THE BOMBAY BOOMERANG (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various); *** THE HARDY BOYS: #50 DANGER OF VAMPIRE TRAIL(Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #51 THE MASKED MONKEY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #52 THE SHATTERED HELMET (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #53 THE CLUE OF THE HISSING SERPENT (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #54 THE MYSTERIOUS CARAVAN (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #55 THE WITCHMASTER'S KEY (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #56 THE JUNGLE PYRAMID (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #57 THE FIREBIRD ROCKET (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #58 THE STING OF THE SCORPION (Grosset and Dunlap; various; various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #59 NIGHT OF THE WEREWOLF (Illustrated Leslie Morrill; Wanderer Books; 1979; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #61 THE PENTAGON SPY (Illustrated Leslie Morrill; Wanderer Books; 1980; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #64 MYSTERY OF SMUGGLERS COVE (Illustrated Leslie Morrill; Wanderer Books; 1980; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #71 TRACK OF THE ZOMBIE (Illustrated Leslie Morrill; Wanderer Books; 1982; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #74 TIC-TAC-TERROR (Illustrated Leslie Morrill; Wanderer Books; 1982; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #75 TRAPPED AT SEA (Illustrated Denis Orloff; Wanderer Books; 1982; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #78 CAVE-IN (Illustrated Paul Fram; Wanderer Books; 1983; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #79 SKY SABOTAGE (Illustrated Paul Fram; Wanderer Books; 1983; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #80 THE DEMON'S DEN (Illustrated Paul Fram; Wanderer Books; 1984; Trade Paperback)**** THE HARDY BOYS: #93 THE SERPENT'S TOOTH MYSTERY (Illustrated Paul Fram; Wanderer Books; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** THE HARDY BOYS: #99 Dungeon of Doom (Minstrel Books; 1989; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #125 MYSTERY ON MAKATUNK ISLAND (Illustrated Paul Fram; Wanderer Books; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** THE HARDY BOYS: #179 Passport to Danger (Aladdin Books; 2003; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #180 Typhoon Island (Aladdin Books; 2003; Trade Paperback);

*** THE HARDY BOYS: #NN THE HARDY BOYS DETECTIVE HANDBOOK (various);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #NN DETECTIVE LOGIC PUZZLES – WILLIAMS, WAYNE (Tempo Books; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #NN GHOST STORIES – DIXON, FRANKLIN W. (Wanderer Books; No Date; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #NN PUZZLE MYSTERIES – WILLIAM, WAYNE (Tempo Books; 1977; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS: #NN SECRET CODES – MORLEY, EVAN (Tempo Books; 1977; Trade Paperback);*** THE HARDY BOYS AND NANCY DREW MEET DRACULA – LARSON, GLEN A./ SLOAN, MICHAEL (will/ photos; Grosset and Dunlap; 1978; Trade Paperback);

HARRISON, C. WILLIAM – FIND A CAREER IN AUTO MECHANICS (With Photos; G.P. Putnam's Sons; 1964; With Dustjacket);

HARRISON, ERNEST – YOUNG REBELS (Illustrated Patricia Cupples; Anglican Church of Canada; 1967; Trade Paperback);

HART, PHILIP – THE MYSTERIOUS TRAIL (Saalfield; 1936; With Dustjacket);

HART, SUSANNE – LIFE WITH DAKTARI (Campanion Book Club, 1969; With Dustjacket);

HARTMAN, GERTRUDE – Builders of the Old World (illustrated by . Marjorie Quennell; Copp Clark Co. Ltd.; Painted Cover ); *** Machines and the Men Who Made the World of Industry (MacMillan; 1959; With Dust Jacket );

HAWES, LOUISE-NELSON MALONE MEETS THE MAN FROM MUSH-NUT (Illustrated Bert Dodson; Avon Camelot; 1988; Trade Paperback);


HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL – The House of the Seven Gables (Pendulum Press; 1977; Painted Cover); *** TANGLEWOOD TALES (Illustrated Fern Bisel Peat; Saalfield; 1930; Painted cover); (Illustrated Anne Anderson; Collins; No Date; Painted cover); *** A WONDERBOOK (Illustrated Fern Bisel Peat; Saalfield; 1929; No Dustjacket); (Books Inc. 69; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** A WONDER BOOK (Illustrated Dick Cuffari)/ EDWARD LEAR'S NONSENSE BOOKS (Companion Library; 1967; Painted cover);

HAYNES, BETSY – THE AGAINST TAFFY SINCLAIR CLUB (Bantam Skylark; 1982; Trade Paperback); **** The Truth About Taffy Sinclair (Bantam Sklark; 1988; Trade Paperback );

HAYS, WILMA PITCHFORD – TROUBLE AT OTTER CREEK (Illustrated Marilyn Miller; Xerox Education; 1978; Painted cover);

HAYSTEAD, LADD – PREACHER'S KID (Illustrated John Gincano; G.P. Putnam's Son; 1942; Painted cover);

HEADLEY, ELIZABETH – SHE'S MY GIRL! (Grosset and Dunlap; 1949; With Dustjacket);

HEDAYAT, SADEGH – THE BLIND OWL (Picador;1973; Trade Paperback);

HEDGES, SID G. - The Boys and Girls Swim Book (illustrated by . Stphen Lewis; Methuen and Co.Ltd.; );

HEIDE, FLORENCE PARRY – SECRET DREAMER, SECRET DREAMS (J.B. Lippincott; 1978; With Dustjacket); *** TIME FLIES! (Illustrated Marylin Hafner; Bantam Skylark; 1985; Trade Paperback);

HENDERSON, DION – Here is Your Hobby... Hunting (with Photos; G.P., Putnam's Sons; 1963; Painted Cover);

HENDERSON, JAMES (ed.) - THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE (MacMillan; 1967; Painted cover);

HENEGHAN, JAMES – BLUE (Scholastic; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** The Mystery of the Gold Ring (Scholastic; 1995; Trade Paperback );

HENRY, MARGUERITE – BLACK GOLD (Illustrated Wesley Dennis; Checkerboard Press; 1985; Trade Paperback); *** Bright of the Grand Canyon (illustrated by . Wesley Dennis; Rand McNally; With Dust Jacket; Trade Paperback );*** JUSTIN MORGAN HAD A HORSE (Illustrated Wesley Dennis; Scholastic; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** KING OF THE WIND (Scholastic TX1209; 1984; Trade Paperback); *** MISTY OF CHINCOTEAGUE (Illustrated Wesley Dennis; Scholastic TX 1146; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** MUSTANG, WILD SPIRIT OF THE WEST (Illustrated Robert Lougheed; Aladdin Books; 1992; Trade Paperback);SEA STAR (Illustrated Wesley Dennis; Scholastic TX834; 1966; Trade Paperback); *** STORMY, MISTY'S FOAL (Illustrated Wesley Dennis; Scholastic TX1206; various; Trade Paperback);

HENTY, G.A. - SAINT GEORGE FOR ENGLAND (Dean and Son; No Date; Painted cover); *** THE TWO PRISONERS (from A Soldier's Daughter) (Blackie and Sons; Circa 1934; London & Glasgow UK Edition;  Painted cover on the Pictorial illustrated Boards, issued without a DJ; 96 pages; An adventure story set in the North West Frontier of India. First printing by Publisher; Overall Nice example, but with 3” Tear at bottom of seam to spine on cover, 2 “discard” stamps, thus VG minus = $35.00); *** WITH WOLFE IN CANADA Blackie and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);

HERAPATH, THEODORA – JOURNEY INTO DANGER (Illustrated William Wheeler; Scholastic Tab Inc313; 1974; Trade Paperback);

HERNDON,BETTY BOULTON – Adventures in Cactus Land (illustrated by . Betty Boulton Herndon; Caxton Printers; 1953; n/dj);

HEUMAN, WILLIAM – GRIDIRON STRANGER (J.B. Lippincott; 1970; With Dustjacket); *** LEFT END LUISETTI (The Steck Co.; 1958; No Dustjacket); *** WONDER BOY (William Morrow; 1951; No Dustjacket);

HEYLIGER, WILLIAM – THE BIG LEAGUER (Goldsmith; 1936; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** DETECTIVES INC. (Goldsmith; 1935; With Dustjacket); *** FIGHTING BLOOD (Goldsmith; 1936; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); *** THE LOSER'S END (Goldsmith; 1937; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

HICKOK, LORENA A. - THE STORY OF HELEN KELLER (Illustrated Gerald McCann; Scholastic TX187; various; Trade Paperback);

HICKS, CLIFFORD B. - ALVIN'S SECRET CODE (Illustrated Bill Sokol; Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1971; No Dustjacket);

HIGGINS, DOROTHY – RING OF HADES (Illustrated Mae Gerhard; Parent's Magazine Press; 1969; Painted cover);

THE HIGH-FIVES: #NN GOAL MAKER – GORMAN, S.S. (Minstrel Book; 1993; Trade Paperback); *** #NN Grand Slam – Gorman, S.S. (Minstrel Books; 1992; Trade Paperback );

HILDICK, E.W. - THE CASE OF THE FELON'S FIDDLE (Illustrated Lisl Weil; MacMillan; 1982; Painted cover); *** THE CASE OF THE PHANTOM FROG (Illustrated Lisl Weil; MacMillan; 199; With Dustjacket);

HILL, WENTWORTH – THE LAND OF ROMANCE AND ADVETURE (James Nisbet and Co.; 1958; Painted cover);

HILLER, B.B. - BINGO (With Photos; Scholastic; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** HONEY, I BLEW UP THE KID (With Photos; Disney Press; 1992; Trade Paperback);

HILLER, DORIS – LITTLE BIG TOP (Pacemaker Bestseller Book; 1979; Trade Paperback);

HILLYER, V.M. - A CHILD'S GEOGRAPHY OF THE WORLD (Illustrated Mary Sherwood Wright Jones; Appleton – Century – Crofts; 1951; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

HINKLE, THOMAS C. - Black Tiger (Children's Press; 1968; Painted Cover); *** MUSTANG (Grosset and Dunlap; 1942; With Dustjacket); *** SILVER (Illustrated Pers Crowell; Comet Vooks 14, 1949; Trade Paperback);

HOARE, ROBERT J. - THE CHAMPION LIBRARY BOOK 1: ROGER BANNISTER AND DON BRADMAN (With Photos; 1962; Painted cover); *** THE CHAMPION LIBRARY BOOK 2; GENE TUNNEY AND GORDON RICHARDS (With Photos; MacMillan; 1962; Painted cover); *** Messages (illustrated by . Douglas Phillips; Frederick Muller; 1969; Painted Cover );

HOBAN, RUSSELL – THE MOUSE AND HIS CHILD (Illustrated Lillian Hoban; Avon Camelot; 1974; Trade Paperback);

HOBBS, WILL – Kokopelli's Fulte (Avon Camelot; 1997; Trade Paperback );

HODGES, RUSS – BASEBALL COMPLETE (With Photos; Grosset and Dunlap; 1952; No Dustjacket);

HODGMAN, ANN – My Babysitter Bites Again (illustrated by . John Pierard; Minstrel Books; 1993; Trade Paperback );

HOFMAN, OTA – Escape (illx. Alan E. Cober; Alfred A. Knopf; 1970; With Dust Jacket );

HOFSINDE, ROBERT (Gray-Wolf) – INDIANS AT HOME (William Morrow; 1964; Painted cover);

HOLLAND, BARBARA – RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! (Scholastic; 1979; Trade Paperback);

HOLLAND, MARION – THE SECRET HORE (Illustrated Taylor Oughton; Apple Paperbacks; No Date; Trade Paperback);

HOLLAND, RUPERT S. - REFUGEE ROCK (World Syndicate; 1937; With Dustjacket);

HOLLANDER, ZANDER (ed.) - Great Moments in Pro Football (with Photos; Random House; 1969; Photo Cover);

HOLLIS, GERTUDE – THE PEARL FISHERS (Thomas Nelson and Sons; No Date; With Dustjacket);

HOLMAN, LLOYD – The Adventures of Megan and Mark; the Grace Lake Mystery (illustrated by . Prairie Pub. Co.; 1987; Trade Paperback );

HOLMES, EDWARD – The House with Crooked Windows (illx. Michael Whittlesen; Young World Productions; With Dust Jacket );

HOLT, STEPHEN – WILD PALOMINO (Illustrated W.C. Nims; Grosset and Dunlap; 1946; Painted cover);

HONEYCUTT, NATALIE – INVISIBLE LISSA (Avon Camelot; 1986; Trade Paperback);

HONIG, DONALD – JOHNNY LEE (McCall; 1971; With Dustjacket);

HOOKER, FORRESTINE C. - STAR THE STORY OF AN INDIAN PONY (Doubleday, Doran and Co.; 1922; With Dustjacket);

HOOTON, E. MAY – THE WINNING SIDE (Pickering and Inglis; 1958; No Dustjacket);

HOPALONG CASSIDY – MULFORD, CLARENCE C. : #NN THE COMING OF HOPALONG CASSIDY(Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** #NN HOPALONG CASSIDY (A.L. Burt; 1911; Painted cover); (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** #NN HOPALONG CASSIDY – Mulford, Clarence E. (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** #NN AND THE EAGLE'S BROOD (Garden City; 1950; Painted cover); *** #NN PRIVATE WAR (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** #NN RETURNS (Garden City; 1950; Painted cover); (Triangle Books; 1943; No Dustjacket); *** #NN RUSTLER ROUND-UP (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** #NN SEES RED (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket); ** #NN SERVES A WRIT (Sun Dial Press; 1942; With Dustjacket); (Garden City; 1950; Painted cover); *** # NN TAKES CARDS (P.F. Collier and Son; 1937; No Dustjacket);

HOPE, LAURA LEE – BUNNY BROWN AND HIS SISTER SUE (Illustrated Florence England Nosworthy; Grosset and Dunlap; 1916; Painted cover);


HORN, STANLEY F. - THE BOY'S LIFE OF ROBERT E. LEE (With Photos; Harper and Brothers; 1935; No Dustjacket);

HORRIBLE HISTORIES - #NN The Angry Aztecs – Deary, Terry (illustrated by . Martin Brown; Scholastic; 1999; Trade Paperback );

THE HOUSE ON CHERRY STREET - #1 The Haunting – Philbrick, Rodman/ Harnett, Lynn (Scholastic; 1995; Trade Paperback );

HOWARD, LISA – ON STAGE, MISS DOUGLAS (Julian Messner; 1962; No Dustjacket);

HOWE, JAMES – HOWLIDAY INN (Illustrated Lynn Munsinger; Avon Camelot; 1983; Trade Paperback); *** NIGHTY – NIGHTMARE (Illustrated Leslie Morrell; Avon Camelot; Various; Trade Paperback); *** RETURN TO HOWLIDAY INN (Illustrated Alan Daniel; Avon Camelot; 1993; Trade Paperback);

HUBBARD, FREEMAN – THE PHANTOM BRAKEMAN (Illustrated Jerry Robinson; Scholastic TX166; 1961; Trade Paperback);

HUGGAN, ISABEL – THE ELIZABETH STORIES (Viking; 1987; Trade Paperback);

HUGHES, FIELDEN – BILL HOLMES AND THE RED PANTHERS (Spring Books; No Date; With Dustjacket);

HUGHES, MONICA – My Name is Paula Popowich! (illustrated by . Leoung O'Young; James Lorimer and Co.; 1983; Trade Paperback );

HUGHES, TED – THE IRON MAN (Illustrated George Adamson; Faber and Faber; 1983; Trade Paperback);

HUGHES, THOMAS – TOM BROWN AT OXFORD (Mershon; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** TOM BROWN'S SCHOOLDAYS (various);

HUME, ETHEL – Judy of York Hill (illustrated by . Harold Cue; Thomas Allen/ Houghton Mifflin; 1922; n/dj);

HUMPHRIES, HELEN S. - ST. MARGARET'S TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS (Pickering and Inglis; 1964; No Dustjacket);

HUNT, IRENE – UP A ROAD SLOWLY (Ryerson Press; 1966; Painted cover);

HUNT, JOHN – The Ascent of Everest (University of London Press; Painted Cover);

HUNT, JOYCE – EAT YOUR HEART OUT, VICTORIA CHUBB (Apple Paperbacks; 1990; Trade Paperback);

HUNTER, BERNICE THURMAN – THAT SCATTERBRAIN BOOKY (Scholastic Tab; 1987; Trade Paperback);

HUNTER, MOLLIE – THE KELPIE'S PEARLS (Illustrated Charles Keeping; Blackie; 1966; With Dustjacket); *** THOMAS AND THE WARLOCK (Illustrated Charlies Keeping; Blackie; 1967; With Dustjacket);

HURWITZ, JOHANNA – Teacher's Pet (illustrated by . Sheila Hamanaka; Little Apple Paperback; 1989; Trade Paperback );

HUTCHENS, PAUL – MYSTERY AT SUGAR CREEK (Wm. B. Eerdman; 1943; Painted cover); *** Runaway Rescue at Sugar Creek (Sugar Creek Press; 1960; Trade Paperback );

HUTCHINS, HAZEL – THE THREE AND MANY WISHES OF JASON REID (Illustrated Julie Tennent; Viking Kestrel; 1988; Painted cover);

HYDE, MARGARET O. - Exploring Earth and Space (illustrated by . Clifford N. Geary; Whittlesey House; With Dust Jacket ); *** FLIGHT TODAY AND TOMORROW (Illustrated Clifford n. Geary; McGraw-Hill; 1962; No Dustjacket); *** (with Hyde, Edwin) WHERE SPEED IS KING (Illustrated Clifford N. Geary; McGraw-Hill; 1961; With Dustjacket);

INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (With Photos; Random House; 1989; Painted cover);

INGALDSON, VIOLET – COLD ADVENTURE (Illustrated Merle Smith; Copp Clark; 1959; No Dustjacket);

IPSEN, D.C. - Battlesnakes and Scientists (with Photos; Addisonian Press Book; Painted Cover );

IREMONGER, LUCILLE – THE YOUNG TRAVELLER IN THE WEST INDIES (With photos; Phoenix House; 1955; With Dustjacket);

IRWIN, INEZ HAYNES – MAIDA'S LITTLE CAMP (Grosset and Dunlap; 1940; No Dustjacket);

IRVING, ROBERT – HURRICANES AND TWISTERS (With Photos; Illustrated Ruth Adler; Scholastic TX256; 1967; Trade Paperback);

IRVING, WASHINGTON – The Headless Horseman (illustrated by . Mel Klapholz; Science Research Associates; 1976; Trade Paperback ); *** RIP VAN WINKLE (various);

JACKSON, ANITA – '57 T-Bird (Fearon-Pitman Pub.; 1979; Trade Paperback );

JACKSON, C. PAUL – Fullback in the Large League (illustrated by . Frank Kramer; Hastings House Pub.; 1965; With Dust Jacket ); *** PRO FOOTBALL ROOKIE (Illustrated Frank Kramer; Hastings House; 1962; No Dustjacket);

JACKSON, C.V. - Circus Twins – Time for Reading Book 2 (illustrated by . J. Downer; E.J. Arnold and Sons Ltd.; Trade Paperback );

JACKSON, GABRIELLE E. - THREE LITTLE WOMEN AT WORK (John C. Winston; 1913; Painted cover);

JACKSON, JESSE – ANCHOR MAN (Illustrated Doris Spiegel; Harper and Row; 1947; With Dustjacket); (Illustrated Doris Spiegel; Dell Yearling; 1972; Trade Paperback); *** CALL ME CHARLEY (Illustrated Doris Spiegel; Dell Yearling; 1970; Trade Paperback);

JACKSON, ROBERT B. - ROAD RACE ROUND THE WORLD (With Photos; Scholastic TX832; 1969; Trade Paperback);

JACOBS, CAROLINE E. - THE S.W.F. CLUB (Goldsmith; 1912; No Dustjacket);

JACOBS, W.W. - SHIP'S COMPANY (Hodder and Stoughton; No Date; No Dustjacket);

JAMES, ELIZABETH/ BARKIN, CAROL – HOW TO KEEP A SECRET (Illustrated Joel Schick; Dell Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback);

JAMES, S.T. - SON OF THE TRAIL (Illustrated R.C. Roylance; Schofield and Sims; No Date; No Dustjacket);

JANE ALLEN: #NN OF THE SU TEAM – BANCROFT, EDITH (Saalfield; 1917; With Dustjacket);

JANE, MARY C. - THE GHOST ROCK MYSTERY (Illustrated Raymond Abel; J.B. Lippincott; 1956; No Dustjacket); (Scholastic TX334; various; Trade Paperback); *** Mystery at Shadow Pond (illustrated by . Ray Abel; cover by Dom Lupo; Scholastic; 1973; Trade Paperback ); *** MYSTERY BY MOONLIGHT (Illustrated Raymond Abel; Scholastic TX996; 1974; Trade Paperback); *** MYSTERY ON NINE-MILE MARSH (Illustrated Raymond Abel; Scholastic TX1501; 1969; Trade Paperback);

JANES, J. ROBERT – THEFT OF GOLD (Illustrated David Simpson; Scholastic Tab; 1980; Trade Paperback);

JANET HARDY - #NN In Radio City – Wheeler, Ruthe S. (Goldsmith; 1935; No Dust Jacket);


JARRELL, RANDALL – THE ANIMAL FAMILY (Illustrated Maurice Sendak; Dell Yearling; 1974; Trade Paperback);

JEFFERIES, D.E. - THE YOUNG SURVIVORS (Illustrated F.M. Johnson; E.J. Arnold and Son; 1966; With Dustjacket);

JEFFRIES, JEFF – THE FIGHTING MARSHALL (Collins; 1959; With Dustjacket); *** SEVENTH CAVALRY (Children's Press; No Date; With Dustjacket/ No Dustjacket);

JEFFRIES, VIRGINIA MURRILL – KEYS FOR TORI (Illustrated John Gretzer; friendship Press; 1961; Trade Paperback);

JENKINS, ALAN C. - The Winter Sleeper (Antelope Books; 1977; Painted cover);

JENNINGS, PAUL – Eyes Knows (Puffin Books; 1995; Trade Paperback );

JENNY DEAN SCIENCE FICTION MYSTERIES #2 THE MYSTERY OF THE HIDDEN TRAP – CARLSON, DALE (Illustrated Suzanne Richardson; Grosset and Dunlap; 1983; Painted cover);

JEZARD, ALISON – Albert and Henry (illustrated by . Margaret Gordon; Victor Gollancz; 1973; With Dust Jacket );

JILL: #NN AT HAZELMERE – HASTINGS, VALERIE (Children's Press; 1965; With Dustjacket); *** #NN INVESTIGATES– HASTINGS, VALERIE (Children's Press; 1965; With Dustjacket);

JOHNS, CAPT. W.E. - BIGGLES IN THE BALTIC (Illustrated Howard Leigh/ Alfred Sindall; Oxford University Press; 1943; With Dustjacket); *** WORRALS ON THE WAR-PATH (Venture/ Musson Book Co.; 1944; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

JOHNSON, ANNABEL & EDGAR – THE GRIZZLY (Illustrated Gilber Riswold; Fitzhenry and Whiteside; 1969; Trade Paperback);

JOHNSON, EDWIN – THE END OF PROJECT 38 (The Children's Press; various; With Dustjacket); *** FLASHING MOUNTAIN (Children Press; 1964; With Dustjacket);

JOHNSON, MEL – TIPS FOR TEENS (Moody Press; 1973; Trade Paperback);


JOHNSTON, GORDON – More it Happened in Canda (Scholastic-Tab; Various; Trade Paperback );*** Still More It Happened in Canada (Scholastic Tab Inc; Trade Paperback);

JOHNSON, STEPHANIE – Tomatoes and Other Killer Vegtable Jokes and Riddles (illustrated by . Jack White; Tor; 1992; Trade Paperback );

JONATHAN, NORTON HUGHES – DAN HYLAND POLICE REPORTER (Goldsmith; 1936; Hardcover with Dust Jacket; Weight = 305 Grams; DJ = VG; Book = VG/FN; Price = $8);

JONES, DIANA WYNNE – WITCH WEEK (Bullseye Books; 1988; Trade Paperback);

JONES, GRIFFITH – Unsolved Mysteries of the Time and Place and Space (illustrated by . Norman Nodel; Nutmeg Press; 1979; Trade Paperback );

JOURNEY THROUGH BOOKLAND – Sylvester, Charles H. - (Bellows-Reeve Co.; 1922; Painted Cover );

JUDD, ALFRED – AT SCHOOL ON THE OCEAN (Thomas Nelson and Sons; No Date; No Dustjacket);

JUDD, FRANCES K. - THE MURMURING PORTRAIT (Cupples and Leon; 1938; No Dustjacket);

JUDY BOLTON MYSTERY: #1 THE VANISHING SHADOW – SUTTON, MARGARET (Grosset and Dunlap; 1932; No Dustjacket); *** #3 THE INVISIBLE CHIMES – SUTTON, MARGARET (Grosset and Dunlap; 9603; No Date; Painted cover);*** #5 THE GHOST PARADE – SUTTON, MARGARET (Grosset and Dunlap; 1933; No Dustjacket);*** #24 THE FORBIDDEN CHEST – SUTTON, MARGARET (Grosset and Dunlap; 1953; No Dustjacket);

JULIAN, ANANCY R. - The Peculiar Miss Pickett (illx. Donald E. Cooke; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

JUNIOR CLASSICS - #1 ABC Go! (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket); *** #2 Once Upon a Time (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket); *** #3 Magic in the Air (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket); *** #4 Just Around the Corner (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket); *** #5 IN Your Own Backyard (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket); *** #6 Harvest of Holidays (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket); *** #7 Legends of Long Ago (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket); *** #8 Roads to Greatness (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket); *** #9 Call of Adventures (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket); *** #10 Gifts from the Past (Crowell – Collier; No Dust Jacket);

JUNIOR CLASSICS - #1 Fairy Tales and Fables (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . ); *** #2 Stories of Wonder and Magic (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . ); *** #3 Myths and Legends (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . ); *** #4 Hero Tales (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . ); *** #5 Stories That Never Grow Old (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . ); *** #6 Stories About Boys and Girls (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . ); *** #7 The Animal Book (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . ); *** #8 Stories From History (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . ); *** #9 Sport and Adventure (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . ); *** #10 Poetry Reading Guide Indexes (P.F. Collier and Son; n/dj;illustrated by . );

JUNIOR GREAT BOOKS; SET TWO VOLUME TWO; The Decameron, etc. (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET TWO VOLUME Three; Robinson Crusoe. (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET TWO ; Boxed Set Volume 1 to 6 (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** Alcestis/ The Aeneid/ Life of Agricola. (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET Three VOLUME One; Alcestis/ The Aeneid/ Life of Agricola.. (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET Three VOLUME Four; The Rose and The Ring. (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET Three VOLUME Five; The Voyage of the Beagle (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET Three VOLUME Six The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET Three; Boxewd Set Volume 1 to 6 (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET Four VOLUME One; Alcestis/ The Aeneid/ Life of Agricola.. (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET Four VOLUME Two; The Histories/ On Duties (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback ); -**** SET Four VOLUME Six; Pygmalion (The Great Books Foundation; Trade Paperback );

JUST MARY STORIES: #NN JUST MARY GREEN STORIES – GRANNAN, MARY (Illustrated Pat Patience; Thomas Allen; 1951; No Dustjacket); *** #NN NEW JUST MARY STORIES – GRANNAN, MARY (Illustrated Georgette Berkmans; Thomas Allen; various; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

JUPO, FRANK – The Adventure of Light (illustrated by . Frank Jupo; Prentice Hall iNc.; 1958; With Dust Jacket );

JUST FOR SPORTS (J.B. Lippincott; 1943; No Dust Jacket);

KAROLYI, ERNA M. - A SUMMER TO REMEMBER (Cadmus Books; 1949; Painted cover);

KASTNER, ERICH – EMIL AND THE DETECTIVES (Illustrated Walter Trier; Scholastic TX624; 1971; Trade Paperback; With Dust Jacket );*** Lisa and Lottie (illustrated by . Victoria De Larrea; Alfred A. Knopf; 1969; With Dust Jacket );

KATHY MARTIN: #8 SIERRA ADVENTURE – JAMES JOSEPHINE (Illustrated William Plummer; Golden Press; 1964; Painted cover);


KAY, HELEN – A PONY FOR THE WINTER (Illustrated Ingrid Fetz; Scholastic TW615; 1964; Trade Paperback);

KAY, ROSS – THE GO AHEAD BOYS AND THE TREASURE CAVE (Goldsmith, 1916; No Dustjacket);

KAY, TERENCE – Space Volunteers (with photos; Harper and Row; w/ph );

KAYE, MARILYN – REAL HEROES (Avon Camelot; 1994; Trade Paperback);

KAY TRACY MYSTERY: #NN THE CRIMSON BRIER BUSH – JUDD, FRANCES K. (Garden City Books; 1952; With Dustjacket); *** #NN THE DOUBLE DISGUISE – JUDD, FRANCES K. (Books, Inc.; 1952; No Dustjacket); (Lamplight; 1978; Painted cover); *** #NN THE GREEN CAMEO MYSTERY – JUDD, FRANCES K. (Books, Inc.; 1952; No Dustjacket); *** #NN IN THE SUNKEN GARDEN – JUDD, FRANCES K. (Books, Inc.; 1951; No Dustjacket); (Lamplight; 1978; Painted cover); *** #NN THE MANSION OF SECRETS (Books, Inc.; 1951; No Dustjacket); *** #NN THE MURMUTING PORTRAIT (Books, Inc.; 1952; Painted cover); *** #NN THE SACRED FEATHER (Books, Inc.; 1951; No Dustjacket); *** #NN THE SIX FINGERED GLOVE MYSTERY (Lamplight; 1978; Painted cover);

KEDABRA, ABBY (ed.) - NINE WITCH TALES (Illustrated John Fernie; Scholastic TX1308; 1968; Trade Paperback);

KEHOE, ALICE B. - HUNTERS OF THE BURIED YEARS: THE PREHISTORY OF THE PRAIRIE PROVINCES (Illustrated Ralph D. Carson; School Aids and Text Book; No Date; Painted cover);

KELLER, BEVERLY – THE NIGHT THE BABY-SITTER DIDN'T COME (Apple Paperback; 1994; Trade Paperback);

KELSEY, ALICE GEER – BEYOND THE BLUE PACIFIC (Illustrated Margaret Ayer; Friendship Press; 1994; Trade Paperback);

KELSEY, VERA – Six Great Men of Brazil (illustrated by . Stephen J. Voorhies; D.C. Heath and Co.; 1942; No Dust Jacket);

KEMP, GENE – CHARLIE LEWIS PLAYS FOR TIME (Illustrated Vanessa Julian-Ottie; Faber and Faber; 1985; With Dustjacket);

KEMP, PETER – PRESTER JOHN'S TREASURE (Illustrated Peggy Kemp; Copp Clark; 1954; No Dustjacket);

KEN HOLT MYSTERY STORIES: #1 THE SECRET OF SKELETON ISLAND – CAMPBELL, BRUCE (Grosset and Dunlap; 1949; No Dustjacket); (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; Painted cover); *** #5 THE CLUE OF THE COILED COBRA – CAMPBELL, BRUCE (Grosset and Dunlap; 1951; No Dustjacket);

KENT, LOUISE ANDREWS – HE WENT WITH CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (Illustrated Paul Quinn; Houghton Miffin; 1940; No Dustjacket);

KERR, HUGH T. - CHILDREN'S STORY – SERMONS (Fleming H. Revell; 1911; No Dustjacket);

KETTELKAMP, LARRY – Spooky Magic (illustrated by . William Meyerriecks; Scholastic; 1973; Trade Paperback );

THE KHAKI BOYS: #NN AT CAMP STERLING – BATES, CAPT GORDON (Cupples and Leon; 1918; Painted cover);


KILPATRICK, DOROTHY HAMILTON – THE ROMANCE OF PRINCE RAMA AND OTHER INDIAN TALES (Illustrated Edith B. Maclaren; World Friendship Press; 1926; No Dustjacket);

KING, DOROTHY – THE TALE OF SLY TOD AND NOT TOO SMALL (Blackie and Son; No Date; No Dustjacket);

KING, MYRA – GEOGRAPHY GAMES (Educational Pub. Co.; 1919; No Dustjacket);

KING ARTHUR FOR BOYS – GILBERT, HENRY (Illustrated Frances Brundage; Saalfield; No Date; Painted cover);

KING ARTHUR AND HIS KNIGHTS (Goldsmith; No Date; With Dustjacket);

KING ARTHUR AND HIS KNIGHT, THE STORY OF – PYLE, HOWARD (Illustrated Sergio Leone; Grosset and Dunlap 5472; 1965);

KINGSLEY, CHARLES – THE HEROES; GREEK FAIRY TALES (Illustrated Vera Bock; MacMillan; 1954; No Dustjacket); (Illustrated Howard Davie; David McKay; No Date; Painted cover); *** THE WATER BABIES (Illustrated Rosalie K. Fry; J.M. Dent & Sons; 1958; With Dustjacket); (Children's Press; 1974; Painted cover);

KING-SMITH, DICK-HARRIET'S HARE (Illustrated Roger Roth; Trumpet Club Special Editio; 1997; Trade Paperback);

KINSCELLA, HAZEL GERTRUDE – CONRAD'S MAGIC FLIGHT (Illustrated Ruth Mary Hallock; University Pub. Co.; 1939; Painted cover);

KINSEY-WARNOCK, NATALIE – THE CANADA GEESE QUILT (Illustrated Leslie W. Bowman; Dell Yearling; 1992; Trade Paperback);

KIT HUNTER – Show Jumper #NN Royal Command – Grey, Peter (World; No Dust Jacket);

KJELGAARD, JIM – DESERT DOG (Bantam Skylark; 1979; Trade Paperback); *** LION HOUND (Illustrated Jacob Landau; Bantam Skylark; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** SNOW DOG (Bantam Skylark; 1983; Trade Paperback); *** THE STORY OF GERONIMO (Illustrated Charles Banks Wilson; Grosset and Dunlap; 1958; Painted cover);

KLEIN, LEONORE – Arrow Book of Tricks and Projects (illustrated by . William Meyerriecks; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

KLEIN, NORMA – CONFESSIONS OF AN ONLY CHILD (Illustrated Richard Cuffari; Dell Yearling; 1977; Trade Paperback);

KNIGHT, CLAYTON – WE WERE THERE AT THE NORMANDY INVASION (Grosset and Dunlap; 1956; With Dustjacket);

KNIGHT, ISOBEL – The Piper's Cave (Blackie; Trade Paperback );

KNOWLES, JOHN – A SEPARATE PEACE (Book Society of Canada; 1966; Trade Paperback);

KNOX, OLIVE ELSIE – BY PADDLE AND SADDLE (MacMillan; 1945; With Dustjacket); *** THE YOUNG SURVEYOR (Ryerson Press; 1967; With Dustjacket);

KNUDSON, R.R. - MUSCLES! (With Photos; Avon Camelot; 1983; Trade Paperback);

KOEHLER – Pentacoff, Elizabeth – Louise the One and Only (illustrated by . R.W. Alley; Little Rainbow/ Troll; 1995; Trade Paperback );

KOHN, BERNICE – Light You Cannot See (illustrated by . Robert Galster; Prentice – Hall Inc.; 1965; Trade Paperback );


KORMAN, GORDON – #NN THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING AT MACDONALD HALL! (Apple Paperback; 1978; Trade Paperback); (Scholastic Tab; 1980; Trade Paperback); *** #NN THE WAR WITH MR. WIZZLE (Apple Paperback; 1982; Trade Paperback); *** I WANT TO GO HOME! (Apple Paperback; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** WHO IS BUGS POTTER? (Scholastic Tab; 1980; Trade Paperback);

KRAMER, NORA (ed.) - ARROW BOOK OF GHOST STORIES (Illustrated George Wilde; Scholastic TX 232; 1965; Trade Paperback); *** (ed.) THE GHOSTLY HAND AND OTHER HAUNTING STORIES (Illustrated Don Dyan; Scholastic TX2234; 1972; Trade Paperback);

KROPP, PAUL – GANG WAR (Collier MacMillan; 1982; Trade Paperback);

KRUSS, JAMES – THE HAPPY ISLANDS BEHIND THE WINDS (Illustrated Eberhard Binder – Strassfurt: Atheneum; 1966; With Dustjacket);

KUMMER, FREDERIC ARNOLD – Courage Over the Andes (illustrated by . Armstrong Sperry; John C. Winston; 1940; No Dust Jacket);

KUSHNER, MAUREEN – The Funniest Excuse Book Ever (illustrated by . Sanford Huffman; Scholastic; 1999; Trade Paperback );

LAMBERT, R.S.- MUTINY IN THE BAY (Illustrated Joe Rosenthal; MacMillan; 1963; With Dustjacket); *** They Went Exploring (illustrated by . Robert Kunz;Book Society of Canada Ltd; Painted Cover );

LAMPMAN, EVELYN SIBLEY – HALF-BREED (Illustrated Ann Grifalconi; Doubleday; 1967; With Dustjacket); *** THE SHY STEGOSAURUS OF CRICKET CREEK (Illustrated Hubert Buel; Scholastic TX409; various; Trade Paperback);

LANG, ANDREW – CRIMSON FAIRY BOOK (Illustrated Ben Kutcher; Longmans, Green and Co.; 1960; With Dustjacket); *** (ed.) THE LILAC FAIRY BOOK (Illustrated H.J. Ford; Dover; 1968; No Dustjacket);

LANIER, SIDNEY (ed.) - The Boy's King Arthur (illustrated by . N.C. Wyeth; Charles Scribner's Sons; 1933; Painted Cover );

LA PENTA, HELEN – THE CAT THAT OVERCAME (Illustrated Taylor Oughton; Scholastic; 1971; Trade Paperback);

LAROM, HENRY V. - MOUNTAIN PONY: A STORY OF THE WYOMING ROCKIES (Illustrated Ross Santee; Grosset and Dunlap; 1946; Trade Paperback);


LATHAM, JEAN LEE – MAN OF THE MONITOR (Illustrated Leonard Everett Fisher; Harper and Row; 1962; Painted cover);

LATHAM, ROBERT O. - TRAIL MAKER, THE STORY OF DAVID LIVINGSTONE (Lutterworth Press; 1970; With Dustjacket);

LATHROP, GILBERT A. - WHISPERING RAILS (Goldsmith; 1936; With Dustjacket);

LATHROP, WEST – MONKEY AHOY! (Illustrated Nedda Walker; Random House; 1943; No Dustjacket);

LAUBER, PATRICIA – Adventure at Black Rock Cave (illx. Leonard Shortall; Scholastic; Trade Paperback); *** CLARENCE GOES TO TOWN (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Scholastic TX212; 1957; Trade Paperback); *** CLARENCE THE TV DOG (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Scholastic TX100; 1955; Trade Paperback); *** The Friendly Dophins (with Photos; Scholastic; Trade Paperback); *** The Mississippi; Giant at Work (with Photos; Garrard Press; 1961; With Dust Jacket ); *** The Story of Dogs (with Photos; Rando House; No Dust Jacket);

LAVERTY, MAURA – GOLD OF GLANAREE (Illustrated Betty Morgan Bowen; Longmans, Green and Co.; 1948; No Dustjacket);

LAW, CAROL RUSSELL – THE CASE OF THE WEIRD STREET FIREBUG (Illustrated Bill Morrison; Alfred A. Knopf; 1980; Painted cover);

LAWRENCE, JAN – The Revenge of the Substitute Teacher (Apple/ Scholastic; 1998; Trade Paperback );

LAWRENCE, JIM – ESP McGEE AND THE HAUNTED MANSION (Illustrated Larry Ross; Avon Camelot; 19983; Trade Paperback);

LAYCOCK, GEORGE – MYSTERIES, MONSTERS AND UNTOLD SECRETS (Illustrated Ted Hanks; Scholastic; 1978; Trade Paperback);

LEACH, MARIA – THE THING AT THE FOOT OF THE BED (Illustrated Kurt Weth; Dell Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback);

LEE, MUNA – Pioeers of Puerto Rico (illustrated by . Katharine Knight; D.C. Heath and Co.; 1944; Painted Cover);

LEEMING, JOSETH – FUN WITH PUZZLES (Illustrated Aurelius Battaglia; Comet Books 34; 1949; Trade Paperback);

LEESON, URIEL – ORANGES AND U.F.O.'S (Illustrated Affie Mohamed; Scholastic Tab Inc. 322; Virus; Trade Paperback);

LE FEUVE, AMY – JILL'S RED BAG (Lutterworth Press; 1957; With Dustjacket); *** A PUZZLING PAIR (Lutterworth Press; 1966; With Dustjacket);

LEIGHTON, MARGARET – THE SINGING CAVE (Illustrated Manning De V. Lee; Hougton Mifflin; 1945; No Dustjacket);

LEITCH, ADELAIDE – MAINSTREAM (Illustrated J. Merle Smith; Department of Christian Education; 1966; Trade Paperback);

LENETH, ROBIN/ CRANE, BOB – It's O.K. To Say No! (illustrated by . Frank C. Smith; Tor; 1985; Trade Paperback );

L'ENGLE, MADELEINE – A SWIFTLY TILTING PLANT (Dell Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** A WIND IN THE DOOR (Dell Yearling; 1980; Trade Paperback); *** A WRINKLE IN TIME (Ambassador Books; 1962; No Dustjacket); (Dell Yearling; 1980; Trade Paperback);

LENT, HENRY B. - Full Steam Ahead! (illustrated by . Earle Winslow; MacMillan; 1933; No Dust Jacket);


LEOONARD, BURGESS – PHANTOM OF THE FOUL-LINES (J.B. Lippincott; 1952; Painted cover);

LEROE, ELLEN – MONKEY TROUBLE (Minstrel Book; 1994; Trade Paperback);

LEVY, ELIZABETH – DRACULA IS A PAIN IN THE NECK (Illustrated Mordicai Gerstein; Harper Trophy; 1984;Trade Paperback); *** Frankstein Moved in on the Fourth Floor (illustrated by . Mordicao Gerstein; Harper and Row; Painted Cover);

LEWIS, CECIL DAY – THE OTTERBURY INCIDENT (Illustrated Edward Ardizzone; Bodley Head; 1966; With Dustjacket);

LEWITON, MINA – RACHEL AND HERMAN (Illustrated Howard Simon; Franklin Watts; 1957; No Dustjacket);

LIEBERS, ARTHUR (ed.) - SCHOOL DAZE (Scholastic; 1958; Trade Paperback);

LIFE AND ADVENTURE – BATES, J.C./ PIERCE, LORNE (MacMillan Press, various; Painted cover);

LINKLATER, ERIC – THE WIND ON THE MOON (Illustrated Nicolas Bentley; MacmIllan; 1948; No Dustjacket);

LINDA CARLTON: #NN AIR PILOT – LAVETT, EDITH (Saalfield; 1931; With Dustjacket); No Dustjacket); *** #NN OCEAN FLIGHT (Saalfield; 1931; No Dustjacket);

LINDA CRAIG: #NN AND THE CLUE ON THE DESERT TRAIL – SHELDON, ANN (Doubleday; 1962; Painted cover); *** #NN AND THE PALOMINO MYSTERY – SHELDON, ANN (Doubleday; 1962; Painted cover);

LINDQUIST, WILLIS – Burma Boy (illustrated by . Nicolas Mordvinoff; McGraw – Hill Book Co. Inc.; No Dust Jacket);

LIPPINCOTT, JOSEPH WHARTON – Wilderness Champion; the Story of a Great Hound ( J.B. Lippincott; No Dust Jacket);

LIPSCOMB, SUSAN DRAKE/ ZUANICH, MARGARET ANN – Basic Fun; Computer Games, Puzzles, and Problems Children Can Write (Avon Camelot 1982; Trade Paperback);

LISS, HOWARD – BASEBALL'S ZANIEST STARS (with photos; Random House; 1971; Painted cover); *** Strange But True Hockey Stories (with Photos; Random House; Painted Cover);

LITTLE, JANE – SPOOK (Illustrated Suzanne Kesteloo Larsen; Scholastic TX1001; various; Trade Paperback);

LITTLE, JEAN – DIFFERENT DRAGONS (Puffin Books; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** HOME FROM AFAR (Illustrated Jerry Lazare; Little, Brown and Co.; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** LOST AND FOUND (Puffin Books; various; Trade Paperback);

THE LITTLE ONES BUDGET (Blackie and Son; No Date; Painted cover);

LLOYD, NORRIS – Billy Hunts the Unicorn (illustrated by . Robin Lloyd Papish; Hastings House; 1964; No Dust Jacket);

LOFTING, HUGH – Doctor Dolittle's Caravan (illx. Hugh Lofting; J.B. Lippincott; 1954; Painted cover); *** DOCTOR DOOLITTLE'S CIRCUS (J.B. Lippincott; 1954; Painted cover); *** DOCTOR DOOLITTLE'S GARDEN (J.B. Lippincott; 1955; Painted cover); *** DOCTOR DOOLITTLE AND THE GREEN CANARY (J.B. Lippincott; 1950; Painted cover); *** DOCTOR DOOLITTLE IN THE MOON (J.B. Lippincott; No Date; Painted cover); *** Doctor Dolittle's Post Office (illx. Hugh Lofting; J.B. Lippincott; With Dust Jacket ); *** Doctor Dolittle's Return (illx. Hugh Lofting; J.B. Lippincott; Painted over); *** DOCTOR DOOLITTLE'S ZOO (J.B. Lippincott; 1953; Painted cover); *** THE STORY OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE (J.B. Lippincott; 1948; Painted cover; *** THE STORY OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE (Dell Yearling; Trade Paperback );

LOFTUS, MICK -HOW TO BE A DETECTIVE (Illustrated Jeff Burns; Macdonald Educational; 1979; Trade Paperback);

LOMBARDI, VINCE – RUN TO DAYLIGHT! (Grosset and Dunlap; 1967; Painted cover);

LONDON, CAROLYN – Cat-Alog (Moody Press; 1971; Trade Paperback );

LONDON, JACK – THE CALL OF THE WILD (various); *** STORIES FORBOYS (Illustrated C. Richard Schaare; Cupples and Leon; 1936; No Dustjacket);

THE LONE RANGER: #1 THE LONE RANGER – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1936; No Dustjacket); *** #2 AND THE MYSTERY RANCH – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1938; No Dustjacket); (Illustrated Paul Laune; Grosset and Dunlap; 1938; n//dj);*** #3 AND THE GOLD ROBBERY – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1939; No Dustjacket); *** #4 AND THE OUTLAW STRONGHOLD – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1939; No Dustjacket); *** #8 RIDES AGAIN – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1943; No Dustjacket);*** #9 RIDES NORTH – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1946; No Dustjacket);*** #10 AND THE SILVER BULLET – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1948; No Dustjacket);*** #11 ON THE POWDERHORN TRAIL – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1949;No Dustjacket);*** #12 IN WILD HORSE CANYON – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1950; No Dustjacket);*** #15 AND THE BITTER SPIRNG FEUD – STRIKER, FRAN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1953; No Dustjacket);*** *** #NN -- LONE RANGER'S NEW DEPUTY – STRIKER, FRAN (Illustrated Ted Shearer; Simon and Schuster; 1951; No Dustjacket); Smaller Color illustrated Sandpiper Pub Book; [ Condition = G/VG; Price = $6];

LONG, J.C. - MARYLAND ADVENTURE (Illustrated Joseph C. Camana; Jon C. Winston; 1956; No Dustjacket);

THE LONG TRAIL BOYS: #NN AT SWEET WATER RANCH – WILKINS, DALE (Illustrated Elizabeth Pilsbry; John C. Winston; 1923; Painted cover);

LONGSTRETH, T. MORRIS-THE CALGARY CHALLENGERS (Illustrated William Wheeler; MacMillan; 1962; No Dustjacket); *** MICHEL OF IRONWOOD (MacMillan;1963; Trade Paperback);

LOUKI, PIERRE – Un Papa Pas Possible (French;illustrated by . Puig Rosado; Bosdas; 1981; Trade Paperback );

LOVE, I.F. - FOR THE LOVE OF BEJI (Bantam Skylark; 1983; Trade Paperback);

LOWRIE, STUART – THE SEALED KNOT (Illustrated Anne and Catharine McPherson; Copp Clark; 1958; With Dustjacket);

LOWRY, LOIS – ANASTASIA'S CHOSEN CAREER (Dell Yearling; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** NUMBER THE STARS (Dell Yearling; various;Trade Paperback);

LUCK AND PLUCK (D.C. Heath and Co.; 1965; Painted Cover);

THE LUCKY BOYS' BUDGET (Blackie and Son; No Date; Painted cover);

LYNCH, PATRICIA – BROGEEN AND THE BLACK ENCHANTER (Illustrated Christopher Brooker; Burke; 1958; No Dustjacket);

LYONS, DOROTHY – BLUEGRASS CHAMPION (Illustrated Wesley Dennis; Grosset and Dunlap; 1949; Painted cover);

LYONS, R.S. - THE SCHOOL IN THE SKIES (Children's Press; No Date; Painted cover);

MAAS, DOROTHY – The Sugas-Candy Heart (illx. Dorthy Maas; Harcourt, Brace and World; With Dust Jacket );

MABIE, H.W. (ed.) - HEROES EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW (Grosset and Dunlap; 1907; Painted cover);

MACCARONE, GRACE – The Ghost on the Hill (illustrated by . Kelly Oechski; Little Apple/ Scholastic; Trade Paperback ); *** THE HAUNTING OF GRADE THREE (Illustrated Kelly Oechsli; Little Apple/ Scholastic; 1987; Trade Paperback);

MACDONALD, ALAN – Famous Dead People; Al Capone and his Gang (illustrated by . Philip Reeve; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

MACDONALD, GEORGE – AT THE BACK OF THE NORTH WIND (Illustrated Frances Brundage; Saalfield; 1927; Painted cover); THE PRINCESS AND THE GOBLIN (The Golden Books; No Date; Painted cover);

MACDONALD, ZILLAH K. - MYSTERY OF THE PIPER'S GHOST (Illustrated Charles Beck; Scholastic TX102; various; Trade Paperback);

MACFARLAN, ALLAN A. - NEW GAMES FOR 'TWEEN – AGERS (Illustrated Paulette Jumeau; Association Press; 1961; With Dustjacket);

MACGREGOR, ELLEN – MISS PICKERELL GOES TO MARS (Illustrated Paul Galdone; Scholastic TX101; 1970; Trade Paperback); *** MISS PICKERELL GOES UNDERSEA (Illustrated Paul Galdone; Scholastic TX302; 1964; Trade Paperback); *** (with Pantell, Dora) MISS PICKERELL MEETS MR. H.U.M.(Illustrated Charles Geer; McGraw-Hill;1974; With Dustjacket);

MACHETANZ, FREDERICK – Panuck Eskimo Sled Dog (illx. Frederick Machetanz; Chales Scribner's Sons; 1939; With Dust Jacket );

MACKAY, CLAIRE – MINI-BIKE HERO (Illustrated Merle Smith; Scholastic; various; Trade Paperback); *** MINI-BIKE RESCUE (Scholastic Tab; various; Trade Paperback);

MACKINNON, ANDREW – THE MONTY TRIO'S FOURTH ADVENTURE (Illustrated Thomas Henry; Victory Press; 1948; No Dustjacket);

MACKLIN, JOHN – WORLD'S STRANGEST “TRUE” GHOST STORIES (Illustrated Elise Chanowitz; Steerling; 1991; Trade Paperback);

MACLAGAN, DAVID – Adventures into Unknown (illustrated by . David Maclagan; Hurtig; 1972; With Dust Jacket );

MACLACHLAN, PATRICIA – JOURNEY (Dell Yearling; 1991; Trade Paperback);

MALCOLM, JAHNNA N. - SCARED TO DEATH (Apple Paperback; 1992; Trade Paperback);

MACLEOD, JACK M. - Theirs is the Kingdom (illx. Paul V. Lantz; Westminster Press; No Dust Jacket);

MACMILLAN, ANNE – Mountie Patrol ( Longman's Green and Co.; 1960; With Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

MAD SCIENCE #NN What a Blast! - Burkett, Kathy (Scholastic; 2000; Trade Paperback );

MAGGIE MUGGINS; AND BEANY BEAR – Grannan, Mary (illustrated by . Pat Patience; Thomas Allan; 1962; With Dust Jacket ); *** MAGGIE MUGGINS; AND MR. McGARRITY – Grannan, Mary (illustrated by . Pat Patience; Thomas Allan; 1952; Painted Cover );

MAGIC TREE HOUSE - #6 Afternoon on the Amazon – Osborne, Mary Pope (illustrated by . Sal Murdocca; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

MALVERN, GLADYS – PATRIOT'S DAUGHTER (Macrae Smith, 1960; No Dustjacket);

MANES, STEPHEN – THE BOY WHO TURNED INTO A TV SET (Illustrated Michael Bass; Avon Camelot; 1983; Trade Paperback);

MANKOWITZ, WOLF – A KID FOR TWO FARTHINGS (Illustrated James Boswell; Andre Deutsch; 1973; With Dustjacket);

MANN, PEGGY – Now is Now (with Photos; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

MANSELL, C.R. - THE RAGTAIL PATROL (Illustrated Bertram Prance; Adam and Charles Black; 1948; No Dustjacket);

MAPPLE, NELSON – THE CARNE CROSS MYSTERY (Children's Press; 1966; With Dustjacket);

MARCH, CLARICE – DORIS'S HIGH SCHOOL DAYS (Illustrated Harold Copping; Blackie and Son; No Date; Painted cover);

MARKOOSIE – Harpoon of the Hunter (illustrated by . Germaine Arnaktauyok; McGill-Queen's University Press; 1970; With Dust Jacket );

MARKUN, PATRICIA MALONEY – The First Book of the Panama Canal (illustrated by . Lili Rethi; Franklin Watts; 1958; With Dust Jacket );

MARSHALL, H.E. - KINGS AND THINGS (Illustrated Lanta Spurrier; Thomas Nelson and Son; 1958; With Dustjacket);

MARTIN, ANN M. - INSIDE OUT (Apple Paperback; 1984; Trade Paperback); *** Ten Kids, No Pets (Apple Paperback; Trade Paperback );

MARTIN, PATRICIA MILES – TRINA (Illustrated Mac Conner; Scholastic TX1319; 1975; Trade Paperback);

MARTIN, PHILIP L. - SOL LABONTE (MacMillan; 1957; With Dustjacket);

MARINI, TERI – The Secret is Out; True Spy Stories (illx. Leslie Morrill; Avon Camelot; Trade Paperback );

MARY POPPINS – Comes Back – Travers, P.L. (illx. Mary Shepard; Harcourt, Brace & World; No Dust Jacket); *** In the Park – Travers, P.L. (illx. Mary Shepard; Harcourt, Brace & World; No Dust Jacket); *** Opens the Door – Travers, P.L. (illx. Mary Shepard/ Agnes Sims ; Harcourt, Brace & World; No Dust Jacket);

MARZOLLO, JEAN – THE GREEN GHOST OF APPLEVILLE (Illustrated Irene Trivas; Little Apple; 1989; Trade Paperback);

MASEFIELD, JOHN – JIM DAVIS (Illustrated Edwin Megargee; Frederick A. Stokes; No Date; Painted cover); (Grosset and Dunlap; No Date; With Dustjacket);

MASIN, HERMAN L. - HOW TO STAR IN FOOTBALL (With photos; Tab Books TW207; 1959; Trade Paperback);

MAOSN, MIRIAM, E. - Katie Kittenheart (illx. Charles Geer; Scolastic TX 538; Trade Paperback ); *** Miney and the Blessing (illustrated by . Dorothy Bailey Morey; MacMillan; 1961; No Dust Jacket);

MASSEY, CRAIG – THE GOLDEN SEA MYSERY (Zondervan; 1956; Trade Paperback);

MATAS, CAROL – ADVENTURE IN LEGOLAND (Illustrated Mark Teague; Little Apple; 1991; Trade Paperback);

MATTHEWS, ANN – STARRING PUNKY BREWSTER (Illustrated Freya Tanz; Minstrel Book; 1987; Trade Paperback);

MATTHEWS, MORGAN – 102 Goofy Jokes (Watermill Press; 1992; Trade Paperback );

MAUM, EMMETT – OVER THE HURDLES (Falcon Books/ World, 1948; Painted cover);

MAY, BARBARA – THE FIVE CIRCLES (Illustrated Audrey McNaughton; Thomas Allen; 1958; No Dustjacket);

MAY, JULIAN – THERE'S ADVENTURE IN ATOMIS ENERGY (Illustrated Frank C. Murphy; Popular Mechanics Press; 1957; With Dustjacket);

MAY, SOPHIE – LITTLE PRUDY'S CAPTAIN HORACE (Cupples and Leon; No Date; Painted cover);

MAYO, BARBARA – HENRY CLAY (Illustrated Robert Doremus; Children's Book Club; 1947;;

MAZER, NORMA FOX – MRS. FISH, APE, AND ME, THE DUMP QUEEN (Avon Camelot; 1982; Trade Paperback);

MCALISTER, HUGH – THE FLIGHT OF THE SILVER SHIP (Saalfield; 1930; With Dustjacket); *** SEA GOLD (Saalfield; 1931; With Dustjacket); **** STAND BY (Saalfield; 1930; With Dustjacket); *** A VIKING OF THE SKY (Saalfield; 1930; With Dustjacket);

MCARTHUR, NANCY –The Plant that ate Dirty Socks (Avon Camelot; 1988; Trade Paperback ); *** THE RETURN OF THE PLANT THAT ATE DIRTY SOCKS (Avon Camelot; 1990; Trade Paperback);

McCALL, EDITH – Frontiers of America; Pioneers on Early Waterways (illustrated by . Carol Rogers; Children's Press; Painted Cover);

MCCAUGHREAN, GERALDINE – A PACK OF LIES (Oxford University Press; 1988; With Dustjacket);

MCCLOSKEY, ROBERT – Centerburg Tales (Viking Press; No Dust Jacket); *** CENTERBURG TALES: MORE ADVENTURES OF HOMER PRICE (Scholastic; No Date; Trade Paperback);

MCCORMICK, WILFRED – THE AUTOMATIC STRIKE (David McKay; 1960; With Dustjacket); *** BASES LOADED (G.P. Putnam's Sons; 1950; No Dustjacket); *** THE BIG NINTH (G.P. Putnam's Sons; 1958; No Dustjacket); *** THE FIVE MAN BREAK (David McKay; 1962; With Dustjacket); *** Homer Price (Scholastic #TW-325; 6th Print; 12/1968; VG/FN = $5.00);

*** LEGION TOURNEY (Grossett and Dunlap; 1948; No Dustjacket); *** TOUCHDOWN FOR THE ENEMY (Illustrated Francis Chauncy; (G.P. Putnam's Sons; 1965; Painted cover);

McGOVERN, ANN –  TREASURY OF CHRISTMAS STORIES (Scholastic #TX-278; 9th Print; 9/1968;  VG = $4.00);

McGREGOR, R.J. - THE SECRET JUNGLE (Sheldon Press; No Date; Painted cover);

McHARGUE, GEORGESS – Meet the Werewolf (illustrated by . Stephen Gammell; J.B. Lippincott; With Dust Jacket );

McLOONE – Basta, Margo/ Siegel, Alice – The Kids World Almanac (World Almanac Pub.; Painted Cover);

McKINLEY, ROBIN – BEAUTY (Harper Trophy; 1993;; Trade Paperback);

McMEEKIN, ISABEL McLENNAN – KENTUCKY DERBY WINNER (Grosset and Dunlap; 1949; No Dustjacket);

McMURTRY, STAN – THE BUNJEE VENTURE (Scholastic; 1977; Trade Paperback);


McNEILLIE, ANDREW – BUT HIEBOU WAS SPECIAL (Illustrated Donald Watson; Country Life; 1964; With Dustjacket);

McRAE, GARFIELD – A ROOM ON THE RIVER (Queenston House; 1977; With Dustjacket);

McSPADDEN, J. WALKER – BOYS' BOOK OF FAMOUS SOLDIERS (Falcon Books/ World; 1951; Painted cover);

McSWIGAN, MARIE – Snow Treasure (illx. Andre Lablanc; Scholastic TX 152; Trade Paperback );

MEADOWCROFT, ENID LAMONTE – THE STORY OF DAVY CROCKETT (Illustrated C.B. Falls; Grosset and Dunlap; 1952; Painted cover);

MEIGS, CORNELIA – The Covered Bridge (illustrated by . Marguerite De Angeli; MacMillan; With Dust Jacket);

MEL MARTIN BASEBALL STORIES– COOPER, JOHN R. : #NN FIRST BASE JINX (Garden City Books; 1952; No Dustjacket); (Books, Inc.; 1952; Trade Paperback); *** #NN THE PHANTOM HOMER (Books, Inc.; 1952; Trade Paperback); *** #NN THE COLLEGE LEAGUE MYSTERY (Books, Inc.; 1953; Trade Paperback); *** #NN THE MYSTERY AT THE BALL PARK (Books, Inc.; 1952; With Dustjacket);

MENDEL, JO – TELL A TALE OF THE TUCKERS (Illustrated Jackie Atomes; Whitman; 1962; Painted cover);

THE MERCER BOYS; #2 AT WOODCREST – WYCKOFF, CAPWELL (Falcon Books/ World; 1948; Painted cover); *** #4 MYSTERY CASE (Falcon Books/ World; 1948; Painted cover);

MERRILL, JEAN – THE PUSHCART WAR (Illustrated Ronni Solbert; William R. Scott; 1964; Painted cover);

MERSON, A.J. (ed.) - THRILLING TALES OF ACTION (Longmans; Green and Co.; various; No Dustjacket);

MICHAEL, C.D. - Success! Chats About Boys Who Have Won It (illustrated by . S.W. Partridge; Painted Cover );

MILES, BETTY – THE REAL ME (Bullseye Books; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** THE TROUBLE WITH THIRTEEN (Avon Camelot; 1980; Trade Paperback);

MILLER, BASIL – KOKO OF THE AIRWAYS (Zondervan; 1948; Painted cover);

MILLER, EUGENIA – DEADLINE AT SPOOK CABIN (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Scholastic TX229; 1971; Trade Paperback);

MILLER, FRANCIS TREVELYAN – Thomas A. Edison; an Inspiring Story for Boys ( with Photos; John C. Winston; No Dust Jacket);

MILLER, MARVIN – YOU BE THE DETECTIVE II (Illustrated Bob Roper; Scholastic; 1992; Trade Paperback);

MILLER, MARY JANE – FAST FORWARD (Viking; 1993; Painted cover);

MILLER, MURIEL – PETER'S ADVENTURES IN THE OUT-OF-DOORS (Illustrated Viola Thomson; Ryerson Press; 1940; Painted cover);

MILLER, ORLO – the WATER SAVERS: A Story of the South Saskatchewan River Devlopment (Illustrated Pat Gangnon; Ryerson Press; 1962; Hardcover with Dust Jacket; Weight = 350 Grams; EX-LIBRARY Copy; DJ = VG; Book = G/VG; Price = $10);

MILLER, W. WESLEY – RUNAWAY (Illustrated Herb Heidinger; Academic Therapy Pub.; 1984; Trade Paperback);

MILNE, G.P. - THE LONE STAR RIDER (A.L. Burt; 1935; No Dustjacket);

MILNE, J.P. - HARRIET G. AT ST. HILARY'S (Blackie and Son; No Date; Painted cover);

MITCHELL, LUCY SPRAGUE – HERE AND NOW STORY BOOK (Illustrated Hendrik Willem Van Loon/ Christine Price; E.P. Dutton; 1948; Painted cover);

MOCHE, DINAH – More Magic Science Tricks (illustrated by . Robert Rosenblum; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

MONTGOMERY, FRANCES TREGO – BILLY WHISKERS (Illustrated W.H. Fry; Sallfield; 1902; Painted cover); (Illustrated W.H. Fry; Saalifield; 1930; Painted cover);

MONTGOMERY, RUTHERFORD G. - BEAVER WATER (Illustrated Robert Doremus; World; 1956; Painted cover); *** GRAY WOLF (Illustrated Jacob Landau; Comet Books 24,1949; Trade Paperback); *** HUSKY (Illustrated Jacob Landau; Comet Books 20,1949; Trade Paperback); (Illustrated Jacob Landau; Comet Books 24,1949; Trade Paperback); *** KENT BARSTOW SPACE MAN (Duell, Sloan and Pearce; various; No Dustjacket); *** *** KENT BARSTOW SPECIAL AGENT (Duell, Sloan and Pearce; 1959 ; With Dustjacket); *** MIDNIGHT (Illustrated Pers Crowell; Comet Books 26; 1949; Trade Paperback);

MOORE, MARGARET & JOHN TRRAVERS – THE THREE TRIPPS (Illustrated Clotilde Embree Funk; Bobbs – Merrill; 1959; No Dustjacket);

MOOSER, STEPHEN – THE FRIGHT FACE CONTEST (Illustrated George Ulrich; Dell Young Yearling; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** MY HALLOWEEN BOYFRIEND (Illustrated George Ulrich; Dell Young Yearling; 1989; Trade Paperback);

MOORE, PATRICK – Telescopes and Observatories (illx. Clifford Bayly/ Susan Benson; Golden Press; 1966; Trade Paperback );

MOOSER, STEPHEN – Monster Holiday (illx. George Ulrich; Dell Young Yearling; Trade Paperback );

MORLEY, S.S. - THE ART PRIZE (Pickering and Inglis; 1948; With Dustjacket);

MORRESSY, JOHN – THE DROUGHT ON ZIAXII (Illustrated Stanley Skardinski; Scholastic; 1978; Trade Paperback);


MORRISON, DOROTHY NAUFUS – SOMEBODY'S HORSE (Troll Associates; 1987; Trade Paperback);

MOUNTIE BISON'S 1ST FLYING SMIRK BOOK (Illustrated Lesley Dean; Scholastic Tab; Inc. 332; 1976; Trade Paperback);

MOWAT, CLAIRE – The Girl from Away (illustrated by . Malcolm Cullen; Seal Books; 1993; Trade Paperback );

MOWBRAY, JOHN – THE RADIO MYSTERY (Children's Press; No Date; With Dustjacket);

MOZLEY, CHARLES – The First Book of Tales of Ancient Araby (Franklin Watts Inc.; No Dust Jacket);

MUIR, MAIRE – Torridons Surprise (illustrated by . Joseph Acheson; Collins; Painted Cover);

MULLER, ROMEO – THE LITTLE RASCALS (Bantam Skylark; 1981; Trade Paperback);

MULOCK, DINAH MARIA – THE LITTLE LAME PRINCE/ THE ADVENTURES OF A BROWNIE (Illustrated Colleen Browning; Children's Classics; 1955; No Dustjacket);

MURPHY, FRANCES SALOMON – Ready Made Family (illustrated by . Moneta Barnett; Scholastic TX 423; Trade Paperback );

MURPHY, SHIRLEY ROUSSEAU – Elmo Doolan and the Search for the Golden Mouse (illustrated by . Fritz Kredel; Avon Camelot; Trade Paperback );

MY BOOK HOUSE - #3 Up One Pair of Stairs (The Book House for Children; Painted Cover); *** #4 The Treasure Chest (The Book House for Children; Painted Cover); *** #5 Over the Hills (The Book House for Children; Painted Cover); *** #8 Flying Sails (The Book House for Children; Painted Cover); *** #9 The Treasure Chest (The Book House for Children; Painted Cover); *** #10 From the Tower Window (The Book House for Children; Painted Cover); *** #11 In Shining Armow (The Book House for Children; Painted Cover); *** #12 Halls of Fame (The Book House for Children; Painted Cover);

MY GREATEST DAY IN BASEBALL – Babe Ruth, Joe Di Maggio, Dizzy Dean and 44 all Time Greats (Grosset and Dunlap; Painted Cover);

MYLREA, NORA – That Mystery Girl (1954; The Children's Press pub; London,UK; Painted Cover; First Edition; 155 pages; original laminated colour pictorial boards; Weight = 160 Grams; Writing on front endpage; Overall VG, but paper to bottom 1/2 of spine is missing, thus Good = $8.00);

THE MYSTERIOUS TRUNKS (Illustrated Jack Crowe; Raphael Tuck and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);

Myth's Every Child Should Know (illx. Mary Hamilton Fryle; Garden City Pub. Co.; 1914; With Dust Jacket );

MY WORLD AND I (The Ryerson Press; 1946; Painted cover);

NANCY DREW: #1 THE SECRET OF THE OLD CLOCK (various); *** #2 THE HIDDEN STAIRCASE; *** #3 THE BUNGALOW MYSTERY; *** #4 THE MYSTERY AT LILAC INN; ****#5 THE SECRET OF SHADOW RANCH; **** #6 THE SECRET OF RED GATE FARM; ****#7 THE CLUE IN THE DIARY; *****#8 NANCY'S MYSTERIOUS LETTER; *** #9 SIGN OF THE TWISTED CANDLES; ****#10 PASSWORD TO LARKSPUR LANE;****#11 THE CLUE OF THE BROKEN LOCKET;****#12 THE MESSAGE IN THE HOLLOW OAK;****#13 THE MYSTERY OF THE IVORY CHARM;****#14 THE WHISPERING STAUE;****#15 THE HAUNTED BRIDGE;****#16 THE CLUE OF THE TAPPING HEELS;****#17 THE MYSTERY OF THE BRASS BOUND TRUNK; ****#18 THE MYSTERY OF THE MOSSCOVERED MANSION; ****#19 THE QUEST OF THE MISSING MAP;****#20 THE CLUE IN THE JEWEL BOX; ****#21 THE SECRET INTHE OLD ATTIC;****#22 THE CLUE IN THE CRUMBLING WALL;****#23 THE MYSTERY OF THE TOLLING BELL;****#24 THE CLUE IN THE ALBUM;****#25 THE GHOST OF BLACKWOOD HALL; ****#26 THE CLUE OF THE LEANING CHIMNEY;****#27 THE SECRET OF THE WOODEN LADY;****#28 THE CLUE OF THE BLACK KEYS;****#29MYSTERTY AT THE SKI JUMP; ****#30 THE CLUE OF THE VELVET MASK;****#31 THE RINGMASTER'S SECRET;****#32 THE SCARLET SLIPPER MYSTERY; ****#33 THE WITCH TREE SYMBOL; ****#34 THE HIDDEN WINDOW MYSTERY; ****#35 THE HAUNTED SHOWBOAT;****#36 THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN PAVILIOIN; ****#37 THE CLUE IN THE OLD STAGECOACH;****#38 THE MYSTERY OF THE FIRE DRAGON;****#39 THE CLUE OF THE DANCING PUPPET;****#40 THE MOONSTONE CASTLE MYSTERY;****#41 THE CLUE OF THE WHISTLING BAGPIPES;****#42 THE PHANTOM OF PINE HILL; ****#43 THE MYSTERY OF THE 99 STEPS; ****#44 THE CLUE IN THE CROSSWORD CIPHER; ****#45 THE SPIDER SAPPHIRE MYSTERY; ****#46 THE INVISIBLE INTRUDER; ****#47 THE MYSTERIOUS MANNEQUIN; ****#48 THE CROOKED BANNISTER; ****#49 THE SECRET OF MIRROR BAY; ****#50 THE DOUBLE JINX MYSTERY; ****#51 MYSTERY OF THE GLOWING EYE; ****#52 THE SECRET OF THE FORGOTTEN CITY; ****#53 THE SKY PHANTOM; ****#54 THE STRANGE MESSAGE IN THE PARCHMENT; ****#55 MYSTERY OF CROCODILE ISLAND; ****#56 THE THIRTEENTH PEARL; **** #58 The Flying Saucer Mystery (Scholastic; Trade Paperback ); *** #59 The Secret in the Old Lace (Scholastic; Trade Paperback ); *** #60 THE GREEK SYMBOL MYSTERY (Wanderer Books; 1981; Trade Paperback);****#62 THE KACHINA DOLL MYSTERY (Wanderer Books; 1981; Trade Paperback); **** #63 The Twin Dilemma Mystery (Trade Paperback ); *** #64 CAPTIVE WITNESS MYSTERY (Scholastic; 1981; Trade Paperback);****#70 The Broken Anchor (Trade Paperback ); *** #74 The Mysterious Image ( Trade Paperback ); *** #77 THE BLUEBEARD BOOM (Wanderer Books; 1985; Trade Paperback);****#78 THE PHANTOM OF VENICE (Minstrel Books; 1988; Trade Paperback);**** #80 The Case of the Disappearing Diamonds ( Trade Paperback ); *** #84 THE JOKER'S REVENGE (Minstrel Books; 1988; Trade Paperback);****#85 THE SECRET OF SHADY GLEN (Minstrel Books; 1988; Trade Paperback);****#88 THE SEARCH FOR CINDY AUSTIN (Minstrel Books; 1989; Trade Paperback);****#89 THE SECRET AT SEVEN ROCKS (Minstrel Books; 1989; Trade Paperback);****#104 THE MYSTERY OF THE JADE TIGER (Minstrel Books; 1991; Trade Paperback);****#107 THE LEGEND OF MINER'S CREEK (Minstrel Books; 1992; Trade Paperback);*** #116 The Case of the Twin Teddy Bears ( Trade Paperback ); *** #124 The Secret of the Scarlet Hand ( Trade Paperback ); *** #128 The Treasure in the Royal Towel ( Trade Paperback ); *** #132 The Fox Hunt Mystery ( Trade Paperback ); *** #137 In Search of the Black Rose ( Trade Paperback ); *** #138 The Legend of the Lost Gold ( Trade Paperback ); *** #139 The Secret of Candlelight Inn (Trade Paperback ); *** #152 The Key in the Satin Pocket (Trade Paperback ); *** #154 The Legend of the Emerald Lady (Trade Paperback ); *** #159 The Secret of the Fiery Chamber (Trade Paperback); *** #163 The Clues Challenge (Trade Paperback); ****#NN THE BUNGALOW MYSTERY/ THE MYSTERY AT LILAC INN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1960; Painted cover); *** #NN THE MYSTERY OF THE IVORY CHARM/ THE WHISPERING STATUE Grosset and Dunlap; 1960; Painted cover); *** #NN THE SECRET OF MIRROR BAT/ THE DOUBLE JINX MYSTERY Grosset and Dunlap; 1972; Painted cover); *** #NN THE SECRET OF THE OLD CLOCK/ THE HIDDEN STAIRCASE Grosset and Dunlap; 1959; Painted cover); *** #NN CLEVER CROSSWORDS – GERGER, DAWN (Tempo Books; 1977; Trade Paperback); *** #NN COOKBOOK: CLUES TO GOOD BOOKING – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1973; Painted cover); *** #NN DETECTIVE LOGIC PUZZLES – WILLIAMS, WAYNE (Tempo Books; 1977; Trade Paperback); *** NN MYSTERY MAXES – KOZIAKIN, VLADIMIR (Tempo Books; 1977; Trade Paperback); *** #NN MYSTERY MAZES – WILLIAMS, WAYNE (Tempo Books; 1977; Trade Paperback); *** #NN SECRET CODES – MORLEY, EVAN (Tempo Books; 1977; Trade Paperback); *** #NN SECRET SCRAMBLED WORD FINDS – DOHERTY, LINDA (Tempo Books; 1977; Trade Paperback); *** #NN SLEUTH BOOK – KEENE, CAROLYN (Grosset and Dunlap; 1979; Painted cover);

NANCY DREW AND HARDY BOYS – HERZ, PEGGY (Scholastic TX4103; 1977; Trade Paperback);

The Nancy Drew Notebooks #1 The Slumber Party Secret (Trade Paperback );


NAPIER, SIR WILLIAM – BATTLES OF THE PENINSULAR WAR (Hodder and Stoughton; No Date; Painted cover);

NAPOLI, DONNA JO – The Prince of the Pond (illustrated by . Judith Byron Schachner; Dutton Children's Books; 1992; Trade Paperback; Advance Uncorrected Proof );

NASH, BRUCE/ ZULLO, ALLAN – Totally Haunted Kids (Rainbow Bridge; Trade Paperback );

NASH, MARY – Mrs. Coverlet's Magicians (illustrated by . Garrett Price; Scholastic TX 1654; Trade Paperback );

NASH, OGDEN – THE OLD DOG BARKS BACKWARDS (Illustrated Robert Binks; Little, Brown and Co.; 1972; Trade Paperback);

NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY WITH BIRDS (Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback );

NAYLOR, PHYLLIS REYNOLDS – THE FEAR PLACE (Aladdin Paperbacks; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** THE WITCH'S EYE (Illustrated Joe Burleson; Dell Yearling; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** The Witch Returns (illustrated by . Joe Burleson; Dell Yearling; 1993; Trade Paperback );

NEPHEW, WILLIAM/ CHESTER, MICHAEL – Moon Trip; True Adventure in Space (illustrated by . Jerry Robinson; G.P. Putnam's Son; Painted Cover);

NESBIT, E. - THE ENCHANTED CASTLE (Illustrated H.R. Millar; Ernest Benn; 1960; With Dustjacket);

NEVILLE, EMILY CHENEY – BERRIES GOODMAN (Harper and Row; 1965; No Dustjacket); *** IT'S LIKE THIS, CAT (Illustrated Emil Weiss; Harper and Row; 1963; No Dustjacket; With Dust Jacket ); *** THE SEVENTEETH-STREET GANG (Illustrated Emily McCully; Harper Trophy; 1972; Trade Paperback); *** TRAVELER FROM A SMALL KINGDOM (Illustrated George Mocniak; Harper and Row; 1968; With Dustjacket);

NEVINS, DAN – Weird World Mazes (Troll; 1998; Trade Paperback );

NEWCOMB, AMBROSE – THE SKY DETECTIVES (Goldsmith; 1930; No Dustjacket);

NEWCOMB, COVELLE – SILVER SADDLES (Illustrated Addison Burbank; Longmans, Green and Co.; 1961; No Dustjacket);

NEWHOUSER, HAL-PITCHING TO WIN (With photos; Ziff-Davis; 1948; Painted cover);

NEWMAN, ROBERT – THE TWELVE LABOURS OF HERCULES (Illustrated Charles Keeping; Beaver Books; 1976; Trade Paperback);

THE NEW PEEP OF THE DAY (Oxford University Press; 1928; Painted cover);

NIB, NAB AND NOB AND OTHER STORIES (Thomas Nelson and Sons; 1950; No Dustjacket);

NIXON, JOHN LOWERY – MYSTERY OF THE GRINNING IDOL (Illustrated Alvin Smith; Young Reader Press F602; 1969; Trade Paperback); *** Search for the Shadowman (Yearling Book; Trade Paperback );

NOONAN, R.A. - MONSTERVILLE #2 DON'T GO INTO THE GRAVEYARD! (Aladdin Paperbacks; 1995; Trade Paperback);

NORRIS, GUNILLA B. - JOSIE ON HER OWN (Illustrated Charles Robinson; Scholastic TX1871; 1972; Trade Paperback);

NORTH, STERLING – LITTLE RASCAL (Illustrated Carl Burger; Scholastic TX928; 1969; Trade Paperback);

NORTHWEST PASSAGE (Based on the MGM-TV Series; Illustrated Geroge Pollard; Samuel Lowe; 1959; Trade Paperback);

NORTON, CAROL – BOBS, A GIRL DETECTIVE (Saalfield; 1928; With Dustjacket); *** THE PHANTOM TOWN MYSTERY (Saalfield; 1933; No Dustjacket);

NORTON, MARY – BEDKNOB AND BROOMSTICK (Illustrated Erik Blegvad; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; 1971; With Dustjacket); *** THE BORROWERS AFIELD (Illustrated Beth & Joe Krush; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; No Date; Trade Paperback);

NOVAK, BARBARA – THE SECRET (Illustrated Katherine Helmer; Three Trees Press; 1981; Trade Paperback);

OAKESHOTT, R. EWART – A KNIGHT AND HIS CASTLE (Beaver Books; 1976; Trade Paperback);

O'BRIEN, JACK – THE RETURN OF SILVER CHIEF (Illustrated Kurt Wiese; Grosset and Dunlap; 1943; Painted cover); *** SILVER CHIEF TO THE RESCUE (Illustrated Kurt Wiese; John C. Winston; 1937; With Dustjacket); *** VALIANT DOG OF THE TIMBERLINE (Illustrated Kurt Wiese; John C. Winston; 1935; No Dustjacket);

O'BRIEN, ROBERT C. - THE SECRET OF NIMH (With Photos; Apple Paperback; 1982; Trade Paperback);

O'DONOGHUE, BRYAN – The Pattern of Things; Animal Stories of Africa (illustrated by . Edward Standen; Collins; With Dust Jacket );

O'FARRELL, KATHLEEN – THE TYLERS OF TIP STREET (Blackie and Sons; 1966; With Dustjacket);

OFF TO WORK – Functional Basic Reading Series (Stanwix House, Inc.; No Dust Jacket);

OFFIT, SIDNEY – CADET QUARTERBACK (Illustrated Leonard Everett Fisher; St. Martin's Press; 1961; No Dustjacket);

OKE, JANETTE – OLE'S UNENDING DREAM (Bethany House; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** The Prodigal Cat (illustrated by . Brenda Mann; Bethel; Trade Paperback );


OLDFIELD, PAMELA – PARKIN'S STORM (Illustrated Peter Westcott; Grasshopper Book; 1982; With Dustjacket);

OLLIVANT, ALFRED – Bob, Son of Battle (illustrated by . Marguerite Kirmse; Garden City Pub. Co. Inc.; Painted Cover);

OLNEY, ROSS R. (ed.) - Ten Tales Calculated to Give You Shudders (Golden Press; Trade Paperback );

OMAN, CAROLA – FERRY THE FEARLESS (Illustrated Winifred M. Townshend; Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons; No Date; No Dustjacket);

OMINSKY, JOAN B. - The Big Break (illx. Stanton Keeney; Century Communications Inc.; Photo Cover);

ORGEL, DORIS – NEXT-DOOR NEIGHBORS (Illustrated Dale Payson; Harper Trophy; 1979; Trade Paperback);

ORMONDROYD, EDWARD – CASTAWAYS ON LONG AGO (Illustrated Ruth Robbins; Parnassus Press; 1973; With Dustjacket);

ORMSBY, ALAN – Movie Monsters ( with Photos; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

O'ROURKE, FRANK – NEVER COME BACK (A.S. Barnes; 1952; With Dustjacket);

ORR, FRANK – Buck Martin, Take Center Ice; Musson Book Co.; No Dust Jacket);

ORR, MARY McCOMBE – South American Romance (Prairie Book Room; 1963; Trade Paperback );

ORTON, DR. GEORGE W. - BOB HUT SENIOR CAMPER (Whitman; 1924; Painted cover);

OTIS, JAMES – MESSENGER NO.24 (Saalfield; 1899; Painted cover);

OUR NEW FRIENDS – Gray, Williams S./ Arbuthnot, May Hill (illustrated by . Keith Ward; W.J. Gage and Co.; Painted Cover);

OWEN, FRANK (ed.) - TEEN-AGE SPORT STORIES (Illustrated Carl Cobbledick; Grosset and Dunlap; 1947; With Dustjacket);

OXENHAM, ELSIE J. - THE ABBEY GIRLS IN TOWN (Children's Press; 1968; Painted cover);

OXLEY, J. MACDONALD – MAKING HIS WAY (T. Nelson and Sons; 1901; Painted cover);

PACE, MILDRED MASTIN – OLD BONES THE WONDER HORSE (Illustrated Wesley Dennis; Scholastic TX267; 1963; Trade Paperback);

PACKARD, EDWARD – ESP McGEE (Illustrated Larry Ross; Avon Camelot; 1983; Trade Paperback);

PADDOCK, C.L. - LIVES THAT LIFT (Canadian Watchman Press; 1935; Trade Paperback);

PALENSKE, BESS TORIAN/ WILSON, HOWARD E. - THE CHARM STRING (Illustrated Hamilton Greene; American Book Co.; 1943; Painted cover);


PANSY – LINKS IN REBECCA'S LIFE (George Routledge and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);

PARADIS, ADRIAN A. - FROM HIGH SCHOOL TO A JOB (Illustrated Genia; David McKay; 1957; With Dustjacket);

PARISH, PEGGY – AMELIA BEDELIA'S FAMILY ISLAND (Illustrated Lynn Sweat; Avon Camelot; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** MERRY CHRISTMAS, AMELIA BEDELIA (Illustrated Lynn Sweat; Avon Camelot; 1987; Trade Paperback);

PARK, BARBARA – DON'T MAKE ME SMILE (Avon Camelot; 1983; Trade Paperback); *** Maxie, Rosie, and Earl – Partners in Crime (illustrated by . Alexander Strogart; Bullseye Books; Trade Paperback ); *** MY MOTHER GOT MARRIED (AND OTHER DISASTERS) (Bullseye Books; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** SKINNYBONES (Bullseye Books; 1982; Trade Paperback);

PARKER, BERTHA MORRIS – Animals of Yesterday ( Row, Perterson and Co.; Trade Paperback ); *** The Earth a Great Storehouse ( Row, Perterson and Co.; Trade Paperback ); *** Heat ( Row, Perterson and Co.; Trade Paperback ); *** Machines ( Row, Perterson and Co.; Trade Paperback );

PARSONS, TOM – BOYS' BOOK OF OUTBOARD BOATING (With Photos; MacMillan; 1959; With Dustjacket);

PASCAL, FRANCINE – THE HAND-ME-DOWN-KID (Dell Yearling; 1982; Trade Paperback);

PATERSON, KATHERINE – BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA (Illustrated Donna Diamond; Harper Trophy; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** THE GREAT GILLY HOPKINS (Avon Camelot; 1979; Trade Paperback); *** THE MASTER PUPPETEER (Illustrated Haru Wells; Harper; Trophy; 1989);

PATTON, HARRIS – Riding Down (Goldsmith; 1932; With Dust Jacket ); *** YOUNG EAGLES (Goldsmith; 1932; No Dustjacket);

PATTON, WILLOUGHBY – SEA VENTURE (Illustrated William Hutchinson; Longmans, Green and Co.; 1959; No Dustjacket);

PAULSEN, GARY – DUNC GETS TWEAKED (Dell Yearling; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** THE RIVER (Dell Yearling; 1993; Trade Paperback);

PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY #3 THE HAUNTEDHOUSE – HAAS, DOROTHY (Illustrated Jeffrey Lindberg; Little Apple; 1988; Trade Paperback);

PEARCE, Q.L. - Still More Scary Stories for Sleep – Overs (illustrated by . Dwight Been; Lowell House; Trade Paperback );

PEASE, HOWARD – THE GYPSY CARSVAN (Illustrated Harrie Wood; Doubleday; Doran and Co.; 1930; With Dustjacket); *** LONG WHARF (Illustrated Kurt Werth; Comet Books 33, 1949; Trade Paperback); *** THE TATTOOED MAN (Illustrated Ralph Ray Jr.; Comet Books 10, 1948; Trade Paperback);


PECK, RICHARD – BLOSSOM CULP AND THE SLEEP OF DEATH (Dell Yearling; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** GHOSTS I HAVE BEEN (Deel Yearling; 1987; Trade Paperback);

PEGGY LANE THEATER STORIES #1 PEGGY FINDS THE THEATER - HUGHES, VIRGINIA (Illustrated Sergio Leone; Grosset and Dunlap; 1962; Painted cover); *** #6 PEGGY'S LONDON DEBUT - HUGHES, VIRGINIA (Grosset and Dunlap; 1964; Painted cover);

PENNING, ALLAN – FROM CABIN BOY TO MILLIONAIRE (Diamond Press Series; No Date; Painted cover);

PENNY NICHOLS #NN PENNY NICHOLS FINDS A CLUE – CLARK, JOAN (Goldsmith; 1936; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

PEN PALS #10 PALMER AT YOUR SERVICE – WYETH, SHARON DENNIS (Dell Yearling; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #14 THE MYSTERY ABOUT MAXIE (Dell Yearling; 1990; Trade Paperback);

PEOPLE'S FRIEND ANNUAL (1957; No Publisher; No Date; Painted cover); *** PEOPLE'S FRIEND ANNUAL 1965-1966 (No Publisher; No Date; Painted cover); *** PEOPLE'S FRIEND ANNUAL 1967-1968 (No Publisher; No Date; Painted cover); *** PEOPLE'S FRIEND ANNUAL 1968-1969 (No Publisher; No Date; Painted cover);

PERRET, GENE – Funny Comebacks to Rude Remarks (illustrated by . Sanford Hoffman; Sterling Pub. Co.; 1990; Trade Paperback );

PERRIN, BLANCHE CHENERY – BORN TO RACE (Illustrated Sam Savitt; Scholastic TX394; 1968; Trade Paperback); Illustrated Sam Savitt; St. Martin's Press; 1959; No Dustjacket);

PERRY, EARL & WILMA POWERS – Puppets Go to Church ( Baker Book House; Trade Paperback );

PETERS, JIM/ HOARE, BOB – SPIKED SHOES (Illustrated Harold Beards; Cassell; 199; No Dustjacket);

PETERSON, JOHN – THE LITTLES GO EXPLORING (Illustrated Roberta Carter Clark; Scholastic; No Date; Trade Paperback);

PETRIE, SIR CHARLES – GREAT BEGINNINGS IN THE AGE OF QUEEN VICTORIA (Illustrated Jane Dickins; MacMillan; 1967; With Dustjacket);

PEPEVSNER, STELLA – Sister of the Quints ( Clarion Books; Painted Cover );

PETTERSSON, ALAN RUNE – FRANKENSTEIN'S AUNT (Avon Camelot; 1982; Trade Paperback);

PEYTON, K.M. - FLAMBARDS (Illustrated Victor G. Ambrus; Oxford University Press; 1970; Trade Paperback); *** NORTH TO ADVENTURE (Collins; 1970; Painted cover);

PHANTOM VALLEY - #NN Curse of the Claw – Beach, Lynn (Minstrel Book; Trade Paperback ); **** #NN Stranger in the Mirror (Minstrel Book; Trade Paperback );

PHELAN, JOSEPHINE – THE BOLD HEART: THE STORY OF FATHER LACOMBE (Illustrated Jerry Lazare; MacMillan; 1971; With Dustjacket);


PICARD, BARBARA LEONIE – THE GOLDFINCH GARDEN (Illustrated Anne Linton; Criterion Books; 1965; With Dustjacket);

PICKENS, RICHARD – HOW TO PUNT, PASS AND KICK (Illustrated Fran Chauncy; Scholastic TX1918; 1972; Trade Paperback);

PIGOTT, SIR DIGBY – TOMMY'S ADVENTURES IN NATURELAND (Illustrated Alec Carruthers Gould; Witherby and Co.; 1909; Painted cover);

PILKEY, DAV – Ricky Ricotta's Giant Robot (illustrated by . Martin Ontiveros; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

PINKERTON, KATHRENE – HIDDEN HARBOR (Voyager Book AVB46; No Date; Trade Paperback);

PINTO, LT. COL. CRESTE – THE BOYS BOOK OF SECRET AGENTS (Cassell and Co.; 1955; With Dustjacket);


PLAYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS – BY various AUTHORS (W. Foulsham and Co.; No Date; With Dustjacket);

POGUE, WILLIAM R. - How Do You Go to the Bathroom in Space? (Tor Books; Trade Paperback );

POLLANNNA: #NN THE GLAD BOOK – PORTER, ELEANOR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1946; No Dustjacket) *** #NN GROWS UP – PORTER, ELEANOR (Grosset and Dunlap; 1946; No Dustjacket)*** #NN TO READ ALOUD – PORTER, ELEANOR (Wonder Books 2021; 1960; Trade Paperback);

POLOWY, HANNAH – Little Taras; The Story of Taras Shevchenko's Boyhood ( The Ukainian Canadian; 1961; Painted Cover );


POOLE, LYNN – Your Trip Into Spaces (illustrated by . Clifford Geary; Lutterworth Press; No Dust Jacket);

PORTER, DANIEL J. - Cat Got Your Tongue? (illustrated by . Donna Reynolds; Troll Books; Trade Paperback );

POTTER, BRONSON – Isfendiar and the Bears of Mazandaran (illustrated by . David Omar White; Atheneum; 1969; With Dust Jacket );

POTTER, F. SCARLETT – THE HOARD OF THE SEA – WASPS (Ilx. A.G.Walker; Wells Gardner, Darton and Co.; 1899; Painted cover);

POWER, EILEEN AND RHODA – BOYS AND GIRLS OF HISTORY (Cambridge University Press; 1943; No Dustjacket);

POWER, PHYLLIS – UNDER AUSTRALIAN SKIES (Abbey Rewards; No Date; Painted cover);

PRAGER, ANNABELLE – THE SURPRISE PARTY (Illustrated Tomie De. Paola; Dell Yearling; 1980; Trade Paperback);

PRATT, FLETCHER – All About Rockets and Jets (illustrated by . Jack Coggins; Random House; No Dust Jacket);

PRICE, HELEN – THE GROCERY STORE (With Photos; Little Wonder Book 114; 1956; Trade Paperback);

THE PRINCESS ROSEBUD AND OTHER STORIES (Thomas Nelson and Sons; No Dust Jacket);

PRINGLE, LAURENCE – Batman; Exploring the World of Bats (with Photos; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

PRITCHARD, ELIZABETH – THE SCHOOL IN THE HIMALAYAS (Pickering and Inglis; 1961; No Dustjacket);

PROUD PROCESSION – Canadian Parade Reader ( J.M. Dent; No Dust Jacket);

PUSS IN BOOTS AND OTHER STORIES (illustrated by . Gustave Dore; Danelion Library; Painted Cover);

QUEEN JR., ELLERY – THE GREEN TURTLE MYSTERY (Illustrated Melvin Bolden; Comet Books 13, 1949; Trade Paperback); *** The Mystery of the Vanished Victim (illustrated by . Robert Magnumsen; Golden Press; Painted Cover);

QUILLER-COUCH, MABEL – PAUL THE COURAGEOUS (S.W. Partridge; No Date; Painted cover);

RAGZ, M.M. - French Fries Up Your Nose ( Minstrel Book; 1994; Trade Paperback );

RANNEY, AGNES V. - FLASH OF PHANTOM CANYON (Illustrated Mike Strauss; Scholastic TX527;1963;Trade Paperback);

RANSOM, CANDICE F. - BETWEEN TWO WORLDS (Apple Paperback; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** SIXTH GRADE HIGH (Apple paperback; 1991; Trade Paperback);


RATIGAN, ELEANOR – DEEP WAER (Illustrated Reisie Lonette; Lothrop, Lee & Shepard; 1961);

RAZZI, JIM & MARY – THE SHERLUCK BONES MYSTERY DETECTIVE BOOK 2 (Illustrated Ted Enik; Bantam Skylark; 1983; Trade Paperback);

READ, ELFREIDA – MAGIC FOR GRANNY (Illustrated Louise Sheppard; Burns and Maceachern; 1967; Trade Paperback);

READ-ALOUD COWBOY AND INDIAN STORIES (illx. William Wiesner; wonder books 2018; Trade Paperback );

READ ALOUD FUNNY STORIES – Thayer, Jane (illustrated by . Crosby Newell; Wonder Books 2012; Trade Paperback );

READ-ALOUD KINDERGARDER STORIES (illx. Elizabeth Dauber; Wonder Books 2001; Trade Paperback );

READ=ALOUD MOTHER GOOSE (illx. Judy Stang; Wonder Books 2003; Trade Paperback );

READ-ALOUD PETER RABBIT STORIES – Burgess, Thornton W. (illustrated by . Elizabeth Monath; Wonder Books 2008; Trade Paperback );

READ-ALOUD PUPPY STORIES (Illustrated Crosby Newell; Wonder Books; 2004; 1957; Trade Paperback);

READ-ALOUD ROMBER ROOM STORIES (illustrated by . Ann Wolf; Wonder Books 2010; Trade Paperback );

READ-ALOUD STORIES ABOUT CHILDREN IN OTHER LANDS (illustrated by . Erwin Hoffman; Wonder Books 2014; Trade Paperback );

READ-ALOUD STORY TIME – Watts, Mabel (illustrated by . Deirde Stanforth; Wonder Books 2051; Trade Paperback );

READ-ALOUD TRAIN STORIES (Illustrated Art Selden; Wonder Books 2005; 1957; Trade Paperback);

READ ME MORE STORIES (illustrated by . Barbara Cooney; Thomas Y. Crowell; No Dust Jacket);

THE REAL BOOK ABOUT BASEBALL – HOPKINS, LYMAN (Illustrated Bill McHale; Garden City Books; 1958; With Dustjacket);

THE REAL BOOK COWBOYS – GORHAM MICHAEL (Illustrated C.L. Hartman; Garden City Books; 1952; With Dustjacket);

THE REAL BOOK GOLD – COY, HAROLD (Illustrated Harper & Anita Johnson; Garden City Books; 1954; No Dustjacket);

THE REAL BOOK INVENTIONS – EPSTEIN, SAMUEL/ WILLIAMS, BERYL (Illustrated Laszlo Roth; Garden City Books; 1951; No Dustjacket); THE REAL BOOK SPACE TRAVEL – GOODWIN, HAL (Illustrated Clifford Geary; Garden City Books; 1956; With Dustjacket);

THE REAL BOOK ABOUT SUBMARINES – EPSTIEN, SAMUEL/ WILLIAMS, BERYL (Illustrated Manning De V. Lee; Garden City Books; 1954; No Dustjacket);

THE REAL BOOK ABOUT TREASURE HUNTING – BURTON, HAL (Illustrated Jean Michener; Garden City Books; 1953; No Dustjacket);

REASON, JOYCE – SEARCHER FOR GOD: THE STORY OF ISOBEL KUHN (Lutterworth Press; 1964; With Dustjacket);

REANEY,JAMES – THE BOY WITH AN R IN HIS HAND (Illustrated Leo Rampen; MacMillan; 1965; With Dustjacket);

REED, A.W. - LEGENDS OF ROTORUA AND THE HOT LAKES (Illustrated Dennis Turner; A.H. AND A.W. Reed; 1969; Trade Paperback);

REED, GUY/ FOUGASSE – THE LITTLE LESS... (His Majesty's Stationery Office; 1941; Trade Paperback);

REED, TALBOT BAINES – THE COCK-HOUSE AT FELLSGARTH (The Boys' Own Paper, No Date; No Dustjacket);


REEDER, COLONEL RED; -- West Point Series (all SCARCE to RARE);

*** CLINT LANE IN KOREA (West Point Series #6. ; Duell, Sloan and Pearce; RARE; 1961; Weight = 355 Grams; stated 1st Edition; No Dustjacket; Book = Ex-Library copy, G $75);

*** WEST POINT FIRST CLASSMAN (Duell, Sloan and Pearce; Weight = 410 Grams; RARE; 1958; stated 1st Edition; No Dustjacket; Book = Ex-Library copy, G/VG $75);

*** WEST POINT SECOND CLASSMAN (Duell, Sloan and Pearce; Weight = 430 Grams; SCARCE; 1959; with Dust Jacket; *** Ex-Library copy; Book = G; DJ= G $75);


REEKIE, ISABEL M. - RED HORSE OF THE WEST (Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1972; Trade Paperback);

REEVE, JOEL – GOAL AHEAD! (S.G. Phillips; 1967;;

REGAN, DIAN CURTIS – Home for the Howl-IDAYS (Apple Paperbacks; Trade Paperback); *** The Vampire Who Came for Christmas ( Apple Paperbacks; Trade Paperback );

REID, DOROTHY M. - Tales of Nanabozho (illustrated by . Donald Grant; Oxford University Press; 1963; No Dust Jacket);

REID, M.M. - Beyond the Wide World's End (Beaver Books; Trade Paperback );

REIGOT, BETTY POLISAR – A Book About Planets ( with Photos; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

RENFREW RIDES AGAIN – Erskine, Lauire York (Grosset and Dunlap; With Dust Jacket ); *** Of the Royal Mounted – Erskine, Lauire York (Grosset and Dunlap; With Dust Jacket );

RENICK, MARION – The Shining Shooter (illustrated by . Dwight Logan; Charles Scribner's Sons; 1951; With Dust Jacket ); *** Steady, a Baseball Story (illustrated by . Frederick Machetanz; Charles Scribner's Sons; With Dust Jacket );

RESCINITI, ANGELO G. - The Ketchup Kid (illustrated by . Don Robinson; Treetop Tales; Trade Paperback );

REYNOLDS, MARJORIE – A Horse Called Mystery (illustrated by . Wesley Dennis; Harper Trophy Book; Trade Paperback );

RHOADS, DOROTHY – The Corn Grows Ripe (illustrated by . Jean Charlot; Puffin Newberry Library; Trade Paperback );

RICH, LOUISE DICKINSON – The Vikings (illustrated by . Lili Rethi; Franklin Watts; With Dust Jacket );

RICHARDS, LAURA E. - Our Little Feudal Cousin of Long Ago (illustrated by Josephine Bruce; 1935; 3rd Impression; The L.C. Page Co.; Boston, USA; Embossed illustrated Cover; Probably issued thus with NO Dust Jacket; Hardcover with Blue Boards; Little Cousin of Long Ago series; VERY RARE TITLE, with ZERO Copies Listed on Any of the Top-10 Bookseller Websites; Weight = 260 Grams; *** Covers overall G/VG, but an EX-LIBRARY Copy; Overall FA/G interior, but with page 29/30 MISSING incomplete but cheap Reading copy = $18.00);

RICHLER, MORDECAI – Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang (Various);

RICK BRANT SCIENCEAdventure Story #1 The Rocket's Shadow – Blaince, John (Grosset and Dunlap ); *** #2 The Lost City (Grosset and Dunlap ); ***#3 Sea Gold (Grosset and Dunlap ); ***#5 The Whispering Box Mystery (Grosset and Dunlap ); *** #7 Smugglers' Reef (Grosset and Dunlap ); *** #9 Stairway to Danger (Grosset and Dunlap ); *** #10 The Golden Skull (Grosset and Dunlap ); *** #11 The Wailing Octopus (Grosset and Dunlap ); *** #12 The Electronic Mind Reader (Grosset and Dunlap ); *** #18 The Flying Stingaree (#18 in the RICK BRANT SCIENCE ADVENTURE Series; 1963; Grosset and Dunlap book #8818; New York, USA; Intrigued by mysterious UFO sightings, Rick and Scotty battle against a group of crafty spies; Painted cover on the Pictorial illustrated Boards, issued without a DJ);

RIDDELL, J.S. - Face-Off at Center Ice (Steck-Vaughn Co.; 1973; Painted Cover );

RIDGE, ANTONIA – Endless and Co. (illustrated by . A.E. Kennedy; Faber and Faber; No Dust Jacket);

RIEGERT, NORBERT – You Also Serve! (Bruce Pub. Co.; Painted Cover);

RINKOFF, BARBARA – Elbert, the Mind Reader (illustrated by . Paul Galdone; Lothrop, Lee and Shepard; n/dj; Scholastic TX 1276; Trade Paperback );

RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT! CREEPY STUFF (with photos; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

RIVKIN, ANN – Mystery of Disaster Island (illustrated by . Affie Mohammed; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

ROBB, JOHN – Cry Apaches! (The Children's Press; Painted Cover); *** Gun Town Marshal (The Children's Press; Painted Cover); *** Kit Carson, War Scout ( Collins; With Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Rimfire Rider (The Children's Press; Painted Cover);

ROBERTS, CHARLES G.D. - Seven Bears (illx. Ken MacDougall; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

ROBERTS, KEN – Hiccup Champion of the World (Groundwood Book; 1988; Trade Paperback );

ROBERTSON, WILFRID – Coaster's Mate (The Children's Press; Pained Cover); *** Raiders from the Bush (Oxford University Press; Painted Cover); *** Safari (Collins; With Dust Jacket );

ROBIN HOOD – Gilbert, Henry (Various);

ROBINSON, JACKIE/ DUCKETT, ALFRED – Breakthrough to the Big League; The Story of Jackie Robinson (with photos; Harper and Row; Painted Cover);

ROBINGSON, JAN M. - The Christmas Dog (illustrated by . Joan Sandin J.B. Lippincott; Painted Cover);

ROBINSON, JERRY (ed.) - True Classroom Flubs and Fluffs (Scholastic TX1702;Trade Paperback );

ROBINSON, WARREN F. - The 'G' Man's Son (Goldsmith; With Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

RODGERS, MARY – Freaky Friday (Harper and Row; With Dust Jacket );

ROLFE, SHEILA – Amulets and Arrowheads (illustrated by . Joan Greenwood; Burns and Maceachern Ltd.; With Dust Jacket );

ROLT-WHEELRT, FRANCIS – The Boy with the U.S. Life-Saver (Lothrop, Lee and Shepard; 1915; Painted Cover );

ROOP, PETER AND CONNIE (eds.) - I, Colombus; My Journal 1492 – 1493 (illx. Peter E. Hanson; Avon Camelot; 1991; Trade Paperback );

ROSENBLOOM, JOSEPH – Nutty Knock Knocks! (illustrated by . Sandy Hoffman; Sterling Pub. Co.; Trade Paperback );

ROVIN, JEFF – Dino-Mite Dinosaur Jokes (Minstrel Book; Trade Paperback ); *** “I Wish I'd Though of That” (Globe Digests 1995; Trade Paperback ); *** Really Silly Pet Jokes (Globe Digests; 1998; Trade Paperback ); *** Why Do Cowboys Wear High Heels? (Globe Digests; 2000; Trade Paperback );

ROY BLAKELEY'S ROUNDABOUT HIKE – Fitzhugh, Percy Keese (illustrated by . H.S. Barbour; Grosset and Dunlap; No Dust Jacket);

ROY BLAKELEY'S SILVER FOX PATROL – Fitzhugh, Percy Keese (illustrated by . Howard L. Hastings; Grosset and Dunlap; No Dust Jacket);

RUBABOO; STORIES FOR YOUNG CANADA (W.J. Gage; 1962; With Dust Jacket ); *** RUBABOO 4; STORIES FOR YOUNG CANADA (illustrated by Rita Briansky; W.J. Gage; 1965; With Dust Jacket );

RUDEEN, KENNETH – Jackie Robinson (illx. Richard Cuffari; Thomas Y. Crowell; 1971; With Dust Jacket );

RUMSEY, MARIAN – Beaver of Weeping Water (illustrated by . Lydia Rosier; William Morrow and Co.; 1969; With Dust Jacket ); *** Devil's Doorstep (illustrated by . W.T. Mars; William Morrow and Co.; Painted Cover); *** High Country Adventure (illustrated by . Joseph Cellini; Scholastic TX 2029; Trade Paperback );

RUSHMORE, HELEN – Chief Takes Over (illustrated by . Charles Geer; Harcourt, Brace and Co.; Painted Cover);

RUSSELL, ALICE DYAR – Strangers in the Desert (illustrated by . Robert Frankenberg; Comet Books; Trade Paperback );

RUTLEY, C.B. - The Box of St. Bidolph's (Blackie and Son; Painted Cover);

RYLANT, CYNTHIA – A Fine White Dust (Dell Yearling; Trade Paperback );

SABIN, EDWIN L. - Treasure Mountain, or, the Young Prospectors (illustrated by . George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd.; No Dust Jacket);

SACHAR, LOUIS – Marvin Redpost; Kidnapped at Birth? (illustrated by . Neal Hughes; a First Stepping Stone Book; Trade Paperback ); *** Sideways Stories From Wayside School (illustrated by . Julie Brinckloe; Avon Camelot; Trade Paperback ); ** There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathrooom ( Bullseye Book; Trade Paperback ); *** Wayside School is Falling Down (illustrated by . Joel Schick; Avon Camelot; Trade Paperback);

SACHS, MARILYN – AMY MOVES IN (Scholastic TX 1104; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** PETER AND VERONICA (Illustrated Louis Glanzman; Apple Paperback; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** UNDERDOG (Apple Paperback; 1985; Trade Paperback);

THE SADDLE BOYS #NN THE SADDLE BOYS OF THE ROCKIES (Cupples and Leon; 1913; Painted cover);

SAINSBURY JR. NOEL – CRACKER STANTON (Cupples and Leon; 1934; With Dustjacket);

ST. JOHN. WYLLY FOLK – THE CHRISTMAS TREE MYSTERY (Illustrated George Porter; Avon Camelot; 1976; Trade Paperback); *** THE SECRETS OF HIDDEN CREEK (Illustrated Paul Galdone; Avon Camelot; 1976; Trade Paperback); *** THE SECRET OF THE SEVEN CROWS (Illustrated Judith Gwyn Brown; Avon Camelot; 1976; Trade Paperback); *** UNCLE ROBERT'S SECRET (Illustrated Frank Aloise; Avon Camelot; 1977; Trade Paperback);

ST. PIERRE, PAUL – BOSS OF THE NAMKO DRIVE (Ryerson Press; 1969; Painted cover);

ST. PIERRE, STEPHANIE – Spooky Tales to Chill Your Spine ( Watermill Press; Trade Paperback );

SALKEY, PAUL – BOSS OF THE NAMKO DRIVE (Ryerson Press; 1969; Painted cover);

SALKEY, ANDREW – EARTHQUAKE (Illustrated William Papas; Oxford University Press; 1965; No Dustjacket);

SALLY BAXTER GIRL REPORTER #3 ON LOCATION – EDWARDS, SYLVIA (World; No Date; With Dustjacket); *** #6 AFRICAN ALIBI (World; 1960; With Dustjacket);

SALTEN, FELIX – BAMBI (various);

SANCHEZ, GEORGE I. (ed.) - The Day Before Yesterday in America (illustrated by . Lorence Bjorkland; MacMillan Co.; Painted Cover );

SAND, GEORGE X. - IRON-TAIL (Illustrated Ned Smith; Charles Scribner's Sons; 1971; With Dustjacket);

SANDERLIN, OWENITA – MATCH POINT (Illustrated Marilyn Hamann; Golden Press; 1979; Trade Paperback);

SANDOZ, MARI – THE CHRISTMAS OF THE PHONOGRAPH RECORDS (Illustrated James W. Brown; University of Nebraka Press; 1966; Painted cover);

SARGENT, SHIRLEY – STOP THE TYPEWRITERS (Illustrated Prue Theobalds; Abelard – Schuman; 1963; No Dustjacket);

SAUNDERS, MARSHALL – BEAUTIFUL JOE (Grosset and Dunlap; 1920; No Dustjacket);

SAVAGE, ALMA – Holiday in Alaska (illustrated by . Jon Nielsen; D.C. Heath and Co.; Painted Cover);

SAVERY, CONSTANCE – TO THE CITY OF GOLD (Lutterworth Press; 1958; With Dustjacket);

SAVITT, SAM – VICKI AND THE BLACK HORSE (Illustrated Sam Savitt; Scholastic TX3071; 1964; Trade Paperback);

SAWYER, RUTH – Roller Skates (illustrated by . Valenti Angelo; Viking Press; Painted Cover);

SCANLAN, LAWRENCE – Horse Forever ( With Photos; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

SCHAEFER, JACK – OLD RAMON (Illustrated Roger Payne; Beaver Books; 1976; Trade Paperback);

SCHARBACH, ALEXANDER – BOY SAILOR MATTHEW CALBRITH PERRY (Illustrated Paul Laune; Boobs – Merrill; 1955; With Dustjacket);

SCHOLZ, JACKSON – BATTER UP (Illustrated Robert Frankenberg; Comet Books 2, 1948; Trade Paperback); *** FIGHTING COACH (Illustrated Anthony Saris; Comet Books 25, 1949; Trade Paperback);

SCIESZKA, JON – THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE GOOFY (Illustrated Lane Smith; Trumpet Club; 1993; Trade Paperback);

SCHOOL GIRLS' STORIES (McCorquodale and Co.; No Date; Trade Paperback);

SCIENCE SERVICE/ SCIENCE PROGRAM – Archaeology Middle America ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Classical Archaeology ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Crime Detection ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Gravity ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Man in Space ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Medical Discoveries ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Navigation ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Oceans and Oceanography ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Roman Archaeology ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Sound and Hearing ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Space Exploration U.S.A. ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Submarines ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback); *** – Universe ( with Photos; Nelson Doubleday; Trade Paperback);

SCIESZKA, JON – Knights of the Kitchen Table (illustrated by . Lane Smith; Puffin Books; Trade Paperback );

SCHOOL DAZE; JOKES, CARTOONS, RIDDLES – Liebers, Arthur ( ed.) (Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

SCHWARTZ, JULIUS – Through the Magnifying Glass (illx. Jeanne Bendick; Whittlesey House; No Dust Jacket);

SCOTT, JANEY – SARA GAY MODEL GIRL IN MAYFAIR (World; 1961; With Dustjacket);

SCOTT, JOHN M. - What is Science? (illustrated by . Jennifer Perrott; Parents' Magazine Press; Painted Cover);

SCOTT, NANCY – THE CARAVAN MAN (Illustrated Dorothy H. Ralphs; Brown, Son and Ferguson; 1965; Trade Paperback);

SCOTT, SIR WALTER – THE PIRATE (Adam and Charles Black; 1901; No Dustjacket); *** STORIES FROM SCOTT (Retold by Russell Thorndike; Raphael Tuck and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);

SCHWALJE, MARJORY – MR. ANGELO (Illustrated Abner Graboff; Young Readers Press WW524, 1967; Trade Paperback);

SCHWARCZ, GLADYS/ CRUME, VIC – THE HAUNTED HOUSE AND OTHER SPOOKY POEMS AND TALES (Illustrated Gerry Contreras; Scholastic TX1786; 1970; Trade Paperback);

SCRANTO HIGH CHUM #NN AT ICE HOCKEY – FERGUSON, DONALD (World; 1919; With Dustjacket); *** #NN OUT FOR THE PENNANT – FERGUSON, DONALD (World; 1919; No Dustjacket);

SCREAMERS - #NN The Trap Door – Wulffson, Don (Rainbow Bridge; Trade Paperback );

SEABROOKE, BRENDA – THE DRAGON THAT ATE SUMMER (Apple Paperback; 1993; Trade Paperback);

SEAGER, JOAN – THE VENGEANCE OF WOLF (Illustrated Charles Hilder; Scholastic Tab; Inc 344; 1978; Trade Paperback);

SEAL, GABRIEL – ADVENTURING THROUGH FRANCE (Illustrated Hugh Marshall; Macmillan; 1964; With Dustjacket);

SEAMAN, AUGUSTA HUIELL – THE MYSTERY OF THE EMPTY ROOM (Illustrated William Shoyer; Comet Books 19,1949; Trade Paperback); *** THE RIDDLE OF THE LONELY HOUSE (Illustrated Charles Beck; Scholastic TX236; various; Trade Paperback);

THE SEARCH FOR THE GOLDEN PUFFIN (Illustrated Stuart Trotter; Puffin Books; 1991; Trade Paperback);

THE SEASONS PASS; THE HOW AND WHY SCIENCE BOOKS – Frasier, George Willard/ Dolman, Helen/ Van Noy, Kathryne (illustrated by . Guy Brown Wiser; L.W. Singer Co.;p 1938; No Dust Jacket);

THE SECRET OF THE UNICORN QUEEN - #1 Swept Away – Sherman, Josepha ( Fawcett Columbine; Trade Paperback ); *** #2 Sun Blind – Hansen, Gwen ( Fawcett Columbine; Trade Paperback ); *** #3 The Final Test – Perlman, Dory ( Fawcett Columbine; Trade Paperback ); *** #4 Into the Dream – Weyn, Suzanne ( Fawcett Columbine; Trade Paperback ); *** #5 The Dark Gods – Sherman, Josepha ( Fawcett Columbine; Trade Paperback );

SEEDLING SERIES SHORT STORIES INTERNATIONAL – Volume 1 #2; April/1981; **** Volume 4 #16; December/1984;

SEEING STARS – White, W.B. (illustrated by . Ruth C. William; Rand McNally; 1963; Painted Cover );

SELDEN, GEORGE – TUCKER'S COUNTRYSIDE (Illustrated Stuart Trotter; Puffin Books; 1991; Trade Paperback);

SELDEN, GEORGE – TUCKER'S COUNTRYSIDE (Illustrated Garth Williams; Avon Camelot; 1972; Trade Paperback);

SELLAR, EDMUND FRANCIS – The Story of Nelson (illustrated by . Monro S. Orr; T.C. And E.C. Jack Ltd.; Trade Paperback );

SELZNICK, BRIAN – THE HOUDINI BOX (Bullseye books; 1994; Trade Paperback);

SEEN, STEVE – THE DOUBLE DISAPPEARANCE OF WALTER FOZBEK (Illz. Steve Senn; Avon Camelot; 1983; Trade Paperback);

SENSENEY, DAN – SCANLON OF THE SUB SERVICE (Illustrated Ray Johnson; Doubleday; 1963; With Dustjacket);

SEREDY, KATE – THE SINGING TREE (Illustrated Kate Sereday; Dell Yearling; 1972; Trade Paperback);

SERRAILLIER, IAN – THE ADVENTURES OF DICK VARLEY (Illustrated Vera Jarman; William Heinemann; 1956; No Dustjacket); *** THEY RACED FOR TREASURE (Jonathan Cape; Painted cover); *** THE WAY OF DANGER (Illustrated William Stobbs; Oxford University Press; 1962; With Dustjacket);

SETON, ERNEST THOMPSON – KING OF THE GRISSLIES (Illustrated Mort Kunstler; Scholastic TX1467; various; Trade Paperback); *** ROLF IN THE WOODS (Illustrated Ernest Thompson Seton; Doubleday; Page and Co.; 1925; No Dustjacket); *** TWO LITTLE SAVAGES (Illustrated Ernest Thompson Seton; Doubleday; Page and Co.; 1925; No Dustjacket);

SEULING, BARBARA – Robert and the Snake Escape (illustrated by . Paul Brewer; Scolastic; Trade Paperback);

THE SEVENTH TOWER #1 THE FALL – Nix, Garth (Lucas, Books; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

THE SEVEN VOYAGES OF SINBAD (Retold by Gladys Davidson;illustrated by . Irma Wilde; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );


SHACKLETT, JUANITA PURVIA – TIMMY'S TEAM (Illustrated Brinton Turkle; Friendship Press; 1961; Trade Paperback);

SHADOW ZONE #NN The Witches Next Door – Black, J.R. (Bullseye Books; Trade Paperback );

SHAKESPEARE: STORIES FROM SHAKESPEARE – Miller, Daphne ( Little Giant Books/ Oxford University Pres; Painted Cover); *** Tales from Shakespeare – Lamb, Charles and Mary (Bancroft Classic/ Purnell; Painted Cover)

SHARI, LEWIS STORIES TO READ ALOUD (Illustrated Catherine Scholz; Wonder Books 2029; 1961; Trade Paperback);

SHARMAT, MARJORIE WEINMAN – NATE THE GREAT GOES UNDERCOVER (Illustrated Marc Simont; Dell Yearling;Trade Paperback); *** NATE THE GREAT AND THE LOST LIST (Illustrated Marc Simont; Dell Yearling; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** NATE THE GREAT AND THE PHONY CLUE .. (Illustrated Marc Simont; Dell Yearling;Trade Paperback); *** (With Sharmat, Mitchell) THE PIZZA MONSTER (Illustrated Denise Brunkus; Dell Young Yearling; 1990; Trade Paperback); **** RICH MITCH (Illustrated Loretta Lustig; William Morrow and Co.; 1983; Painted cover);

SHAW, JANE – BERNESE ADVENTURE (Children's Press; No Date; With Dustjacket);

SHEA, GEORGE – Big Bad Ernie (Creative Education Inc.; Photo Cover);

SHELLEY, MARY – FRANKENSTEIN (Adapted by Dale Carlson; Golden Press; 1978; Trade Paperback); *** FRANKENSTEIN (Adapted by Larry Weinberg; Random House; 1982; Trade Paperback);

SHERMAN, HAROLD M. - CAPTAIN OF THE ELEVEN (various); *** INTERFERENCE (various); *** OVER THE LINE (various); *** STRIKE HIM OUT (various); *** UNDER THE BASKET (various);

THE SHIRLEY TEMPLE EDITION OF THE LITTLEST REBEL – Peple, Edward ( with Photos from the Movie; Random House; With Dust Jacket );

THE SHIRLEY TEMPLE EDITION OF “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” - Wiggin, Kate Douglas (with Photos from the Movie; Random House; With Dust Jacket );

SHIVERS - #3 Ghost Writer – Spenser, M.D. (Paradise Press; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** #6 THE HAUNTING HOUSE – SPENSER, M.D. (Paradise Press; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** #11 GUESS WHO'S COMING FOR DINNER? (Paradise Press; 1996; Trade Paperback); *** #19 The Thing in Room 601 – Spenser, M.D. (Paradise Press; 1996; Trade Paperback)_; *** #21 A Waking Nightmare – Spenser, M.D. (Paradise Press; 1996; Trade Paperback);

SHORT STORY MAGIC: A Collection of Short Stories for Grade 9 and 10 – Swayze, Beulah (ed) (Ryerson Press; Painted cover);

SHREVE, SUSAN – THE BAD DREAMS OF A GOOD GIRL (Illustrated Diane Degroat; Avon Camelot; 1983; Trade Paperback);

SHULMAN, ALIX – BOSLEY ON THE NUMBER LINE (Illustrated Genia; David McKay; 1970; With Dustjacket);

SHURA, MARY FRANCIS – Gentle Annie; The True Story of a Civil War Nurse ( Apple Paperback; Trade Paperback );

SIAMON, SHARON – A PULI NAMED SANDOR (Illustrated Jock MacRae; Gage; 1981; Trade Paperback); *** Starnge Lake Adventure (illustrated by . David Simpson; Gage Pub. Ltd.; Trade Paperback );

SIBLEY, DAVID – Canada ( with photos; Oliver and Boyd Quest Library; Photo Cover);

SIDNEY, MARGARET – FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS (Illustrated Jean Maclaughlin and Janilee Middlebrooks; John C. Winston; 1953; Painted cover); *** Five Little Peppers and How They Grew (Goldsmith Pub. Co.; No Dust Jacket);


SILVER SOUNDS; SHORT STORIES – Various ( McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd.; 1985; Painted Cover );

SIMISTER, FLORENCE PARKER – THE PEWTER PLATE (Illustrated Lloyd Coe; Cadmus Books; 1957; Painted cover);

SIMON, CHARLIE MAY – SECRET ON THE CONGO (Illustrated Armstrong Sperry; Ginn and Co.; 1955; No Dustjacket);

SIMON, TONY – The Search for Planet X ( with Photos; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

SINGLETON, LINDA JOY – ALMOST TWINS (Illustrated Don Robison; Worthington Press; 1991; Trade Paperback);

SISSON, ROSEMARY ANNE – THE YOUNG SHAKESPEARE (Illustrated Denise Brown; Max Parrish; 1961; No Dustjacket);

SKELETON WARRIUR #1 FLESH AND BONE – COURTNEY, VINCENT (Bullseye Books; 1995; Trade Paperback);

SKULSKY, S. - Legends of King David; Retold for Jewish Youths (illustrated by . A. Luizada; Shulsinger Brothers; Painted Cover);

SKURZYNSKI, GLORIA/ FERGUSON, ALANE – Mystery of the Fire in the Sky (illustrated by . Jeffrey Lindberg; Troll; Trade Paperback );

SKY STRIDERS: Short Stories (Nelson Canada; 1985; Painted Cover);

SLEEPOVER FRIENDS - #2 Starring Stephanie – Saunders, Susan (Apple Paperbacks; Trade Paperback );

SLOTE, ALFRED – MY FATHER, THE COACH (Avon Camelot, 1977; Trade Paperback); *** MY ROBOT BUDDY (Illustrated Joel Schick; Scholastic; 1975; Trade Paperback); *** STRANGER ON THE BALL CLUB (J.B. Libbincott; 1970; With Dustjacket);

SMART, JAMES D. - A PROMISE TO KEEP (Illustrated J.M. Swanson; Westminster Press; 1949; No Dustjacket);

SMITH, ALISON – HELP! THERE'S A CAT WASHING IN HERE (Illustrated Amy Rowen: Bantam Skylark; 1983; Trade Paperback);

SMITH, C.E. - THE LAST OF THE BARONS (Illustrated W. Reid Kellie; T.C. & E.C. Jack; No Date; Trade Paperback);

SMITH, DONA – 2000 and Beyond; Countdown to the Millennium ( Troll; 1998; Trade Paperback );

SMITH, DORIS BUCHANAN – Tough Chauncey ( Puffin Books; Trade Paperback );

SMITH, EUNICE YOUNG – SHOON, WILD PONY OF THE MOORS (Bobbs – Merrills; 1965; Painted cover);

SMITH, F.C. - The First Book of Conservation (illustrated by . Rene Martin Franklin Watts; With Dust Jacket );

SMITH, GUY – THE SEA ADVENTURE (Diamond Press; No Date; Painted cover);

SMITH, IRENE – CHESTER HOUSE WINS THROUGH (Children's Press; 1968; Painted cover);

SMITH, MABELL S.C. - ETHEL MORTON'S ENTERPRISE (World, 1915; No Dustjacket);

SMITH, NANCY WOOLLCOTT – THE GHOSTLY TRIO (Illustrated Charles Beck; Scholastic TX106; various; Trade Paperback);

SMITH, OSWALD J. - THE ADVENTURES OF ANDY McGINNIS (Illustrated Rev. Cyril L. Carden; Marshall, Margan & Scott; 1973; Trade Paperback);

SMITH, ROLAND – Thunder Cave ( Hyperion Books; Trade Paperback );

SMITHELLS, PHILIP – WORLD WITHOUT WAR (J.M. Dent & Sons; 1934; No Dustjacket);

SNELL, ROY J. - DESTINATION UNKNOWN (Goldsmith; 1944; No Dustjacket); *** SECRETS OF RADAR (Goldsmith; 1944; No Dustjacket); *** THE SKI PATROL (Goldsmith; 1944; No Dustjacket); *** WINGS OVER ENGLAND (Illustrated Glen Sheffer; Goldsmith; 1941; With Dustjacket);

SNOOK, BARBARA – Costumes for School Plays (B.T. Batsford; With Dust Jacket );

SNYDER, ZILPHA KEATLY – THE FAMOUS STANLEY KIDNAPPING CASE (Dell Yearling; 1985; Trade Paperback); *** THE HEADLESS CUPID (Illustrated Alton Raible; Dell Yearling; 1985; Trade Paperback);

SOBOL, DONALD J. - SECRET AGENTS FOUR (Illustrated Leonard Shortall; Scholastic TX897; 1972);

SOMMER-BODENBURG, ANGELA – The Vampire in Love (illustrated by . Amelie Glienke; Minstrel Book; Trade Paperback );

SOMMERFELT, AIMEE – MY NAME IS PABLO (Illustrated Hans Normann Dahl; Criterion Books; 1966; Painted cover);

SOMMER-BODENBURG, ANGELA – IF YOU WANT TO SCARE YOUR SELF (Illustrated Helga Spiedd; Scholastic; 1990; Trade Paperback);

SONGS FOR CANADIAN BOYS (Macmillan; various; Trade Paperback);

SORENSEN, VIRGINIA – Plain Girl (illustrated by . Charles Geer; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

SOUTHALL, IVAN – THE CURSE OF CAIN (Illustrated Joan Kiddell – Monroe; St. Martin's Press; 1968; With Dustjacket);

SPEREGEN, DEVRA NEWBERGER – Tales from the Shadows (Waternill Press; 1996; Trade Paperback );

SRAFFORD, BASIL – THE BOY MESSENGER OF THE SUN (Pickering & Inglis; 1963; No Dustjacket); *** Call it Courage (illustrated by . Armstrong Sperry; MacMillan; 1963; Painted Cover); *** The Voyages of Christopher Columbus (illustrated by . Armstrong Sperry; Random House; No Dust Jacket);

SPEARING, JUDITH – GHOSTS WHO WENT TO SCHOOL (Illustrated Marvin Glass; Scholastic TX965; various; Trade Paperback); (Illustrated Marvin Glass; Little Apple; No Date; Trade Paperback);

SPERRY, ARMSTRONG – WAGONS WESTWARD (Illustrated Armstrong Sperry; Comet Books 1,1948; Trade Paperback);

SPICER, STANLEY T. - Play by Play; a Book of Games (illustrated by . William Boyd; Ryerson Press; No Dust Jacket);

SPINE, CHILLERS #2 CREATURE FEATURE – RAZZI, JIM (Illustrated Karin Kretschmann; Grossett & Dunlap; 1990; Trade Paperback);

SPOOKSVILLE - #3 The Haunted Cave – Pike, Christopher ( Minstrel Book; Trade Paperback );

SPOOKY KIDS; Strange But True Tales – Nash, Bruce/ Zullo, Allan ( Rainbow Bridge; Trade Paperback );

SPORTS MYSTERIES #1 THE CASE OF THE MISSING PITCHER – EDWARDS, T.J. (Illustrated Charles Tang; Little Apple; 1995; Trade Paperback); *** #4 THE CASE OF THE BASKETBALL VIDEO – EDWARDS, T.J. (Illustrated Charles Tang; Little Apple; 1995; Trade Paperback);

SPORTS STORIES FOR BOYS (illustrated by . Reg Gray; Hamlyn; With Dust Jacket );

SPOTLIGHT ON THE WILD WEST – Allen, Kenneth ( illlx. G.J. Galsworth/ Michael McGuinness/ Michael Shoebridge; Hamlyn; Painted Cover);

SPRINGER, NANCY – NOT ON A WHITE HORSE (Bullseye Books; 1990; Trade Paperback);

SPYRI, JOHANNA – CORNELLI, HER CHILDHOOD (Illustrated Frances Brundage; Saalfield; various);

STAHL, HILDA – ELIZABETH GAIL AND THE MYSTERY AT THE JOHNSON FARM (Illustrated Kathy Kulin; Windrider Books; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** SADIE ROSE AND THE OUTLAW RUSTLERS (Crossway Books; 1989; Trade Paperback);

STAMPER, J.B. - NIGHT FRIGHTS (Apple Paperbacks; 1993; Trade Paperback);

STANDARD RECITER AND READER (Musson; 1942; Trade Paperback);

STANDISH, BURT L. - The Grip of the Game (illustrated by . Charles L. Wrenn; Barse and Hopkins; 1924; No Dust Jacket); *** LEFTY O' AND BLUE STOCKINGS (Barse and Co.; 1914; Painted cover); *** Lefty O' the Bush (illustrated by . Barse and Hopkins; 1914; No Dust Jacket); *** LEFTY LOCKE, OWNER (Barse and Hopkins; 1925; Painted cover); *** LEGO LAMB, SOUTHPAW (Illustrated Howard L. Hastings; Barse and Co.; 1923; Painted cover);

STANLEY, GEORGE EDWARD – THE CRIMELAB (Illustrated Andrew Glass; Avon Camelot; 1985; Trade Paperback);

STAUNTON, TED – Great Minds Think Alike ( Kids Can Press Ltd.; Trade Paperback );

STEELE, MARY Q. - Wish, Come True (illustrated by . Muriel Batherman; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

STEELE, WILLIAM O. - Andy Jackson's Water Well (illustrated by . Michael Ramus; Harcourt; Brace and Co.; No Dust Jacket); *** DE SOTO CHILD OF THE SUN (Illustrated L.F. Bjorklund; Aladdin Books; 1956; Painted cover); *** FLAMING ARROWS (Illustrated Paul Galdone; Harcourt, Brace and World; 1957; No Dustjacket); *** TRAIL THROUGH DANGER (Illustrated Charles Beck; Harcourt, Brace & World; 1965; Painted cover);

STEIBER, ELLEN – TALES OF THE GROSS AND GRUESOME (Bullseye Books; 1995; Trade Paperback);

STEIG, WILLIAM – ABEL'S ISLAND (Illustrated William Steig; Bantam Skylark; 1963; Trade Paperback);

STEINER, STAN – The Last Horse (illustrated by . Beatien Yazz; MacMillan Co.; No Dust Jacket);

STERLING, DOROTHY – FREEDOM TRAIN: THE STORY OF HARRIET TUBMAN (Scholastic TX1227; 1968; Trade Paperback); *** MYSTERY OF THE EMPTY HOUSE (Illustrated June Goldsborough; Scholastic TX1210; various; Trade Paperback); *** THE STORY OF THE CAVES (Illustrated Winifred Lubell; with photos; Scholastic TX837; 1966; Trade Paperback);

STERRY, ALICE – THE MOORINGS MYSTERY (Abbey Rewards; No Date; Painted cover);

STEVE, KNIGHT FLYING STORY #NN THE PHANTOM FLEET – COPP, TED (Illustrated Paul Laune; Grosset & Dunlap; 1942; With Dustjacket);

STEVENSON, O.J. - COUNTRY LIFE READER (George J. McLeod; 1916; Painted cover);



STEWART, LINDA – Sam the Cat Detective (Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

STINE, R.L. - THE BEAST (Minstrel Book; 1994; Trade Paperback); *** THE BEAST 2 (Minstrel Book; 1995; Trade Paperback);

STOKES, JACK – 107 ¾ Elephant Jokes (illustrated by . Jack Stokes; Doubleday and Co. 1979; No Dust Jacket);

STOLZ, MARY – THE BULLY OF BARKHAM STREET (Illustrated Leonard Shartall; Dell Yearling; 1969; Trade Paperback); *** Siri the Conquistador (illustrated by . Beni Montresor; Harper and Row; With Dust Jacket );

STONE, EUGENIA – Page Bopy of Camelot (illustrated by . Mort Kunstler; Scholastic TX 1043; Trade Paperback );

STORIES ABOUT GIANTS, WITCHES AND DRAGONS TO READ ABOUD – Weigle, Oscar (ed.) (illustrated by . Sergio Leone; Wonder Books; Trade Paperback );

STORIES FOR BOYS – GRIBBLE, LEONARD (ed.; Paul Hamlyn, 1968, No Dustjacket);

STORIES FOR GIRLS, A BATCH OF THE BEST – GREINER, N. GRETCHEN (Ed.) (Illustrated Fred Irvin; Golden Press; 1978; Trade Paperback);

STORIES FOR GIRLS, STILL MORE OF THE BEST – GREINER, N. GRETCHEN (ed.) (Illustrated Jim Conahan; Golden Press; 1979; Trade Paperback);

STORIES FROM JACK AND JILL TO READ ALOUD – Weigle, Oscar ( ed.) (illx. Irma Wilde; Wonder Books; Trade Paperback );

STORIES FROM THE LIFE OF JESUS – Gray, Ruth S. (Warner Press; 1959; Painted Cover );

STORIES OF GIANTS, WITCHES AND DRAGONS – Pellowski, Michael J. (illustrated by . Jesse Zerner; Mobi Books; Trade Paperback );

STORIES OF GREAT BATTLES – Webb, Robert N. (illustrated by . Shannon Stirnweis; Whitman; Painted Cover);

STORIES OF MAGIC AND MYSTERY TO READ ALOUD – Watts, Mabel (illustrated by . Jessica Zemsky; Wonder Books; Trade Paperback );

STORIES OF ROLAND – Marshall, H.E. (illustrated by . L.D. Luard; T.C. And E.C. Jack; Painted Cover );

STORIES OLD AND NEW; LEVEL FOUR (Copp Clark Pub. Co.; Painted Cover );

STORIES TO REMEMBER; Regular Edition ( Lyons and Carnahan; Painted Cover);

A STORY A DAY TO READ ALOUD – Anderson, Lavere (illustrated by . Irma Wilde; Wonder Books; Trade Paperback );

STORY OF CNADA No. 8 Canadian Explorers – Wilbur, J.R.H. (illustrated by . W. Werthman; Beaver Book/ Brunswick Press; Trade Paperback );

THE STORY OF JESUS TOLD IN PICTURES – Pollard, Josephine (illustrated by . Sallfield; 1899; Painted Cover );

STORY PARADE GOLD BOOK; A Collection of Modern Stories for Boys and Girld ( John C. Winston Co.; 1941 );

STRANGE, MATTER #2 THE MIDNIGHT GAME – ENGLE, MARTY M./ BARNES JR., JOHNNY RAY (Montage; 1995; Trade Paperback); *** #4 A PLACE TO HIDE – ENGLE, MARTY M./ BARNES JR., JOHNNY RAY (Montage; 1995; Trade Paperback);

STRASSER, TODD – HELP! I'M TRAPPED IN THE FIRST DAY OF SUMMER CAMP (Apple Paperback; 1997; Trade Paperback);

STRATTON, W.D. - TUTKA OF THE BARREN GRUNDS (Illustrated Norman Pomerantz; Criterion Books; 1963);

STREATFEILD, NOEL – THE CHILDREN OF PRIMROSE LANE (Collins; 1959; With Dustjacket); *** PARTY FROCK (Illustrated Anna Zinkeisen; Collins; 1960; No Dustjacket); *** SKATING SHOES (Illustrated Richard Floethe; Random House; 1951; No Dustjacket);

STRONG, CHARLES S. - THE KING RAM (John Day; 1961; No Dustjacket);

STOVER, MARJORIE FILLEY – When the Dolls Woke (illustrated by . Karen Loccisano; Apple Paperback; Trade Paperback );

STRANGE, HERBERT – Burton of the Flying Corps (illustrated by . C.E. Brock; Hodder and Stoughton; Painted Cover);

STRASSER, TODD – Help! I'm Trapped in Obedience School Again ( Apple Paperback; Trade Paperback ); *** Howl-a-ween Apple Paperback; Trade Paperback ); *** Kidnap Kids ( Troll; Trade Paperback );

STRATTON – PORTER, GENE – Freckles (illustrated by . Ruth Ives; Junior Deluxe Editions; Painted Cover );

STUART, DOROTHY MARGARET – THE YOUNG RIDER THROUGH THE AGES (George G. Harrap and Co.; 1958; No Dustjacket);

STYLES, SHOWELL – MIDSHIPMAN QUINN (Beaver Books; 1976; Trade Paperback); *** TIGER PATROL (Children's Press; 1970; Painted cover);

SUBMARINE BOYS *** NN TRIAL TRIP – DURHAM, VICTOR G. (Saalfield, 1919; Without Dustjacket);


THE SUGAR CREEK GANG #NN FLIES TO CUBA – HUTCHENS, PAUL (Wm. B. Eerdmans; 1951; Painted cover); *** #NN GOES NORTH (Van Kampen Press; 1947; Painted cover);

SUPER-EYE ADVENTURE #NN Shark Attack – Chevat, Richie (illustrated by . Ray Zone/ Chuck Roblin; Byron Preiss; Trade Paperback );

SUPERNATURAL STORIES FOR BOYS (Illustrated Reg Gray; Hamlyn; 1971; With Dustjacket);

SUTCLIFF, ROSEMARY – THE ARMOURER'S HOUSE (Illustrated C. Walter Hodges; Oxford University Press; 1962; With Dustjacket);

SUTTON, FELIX – WE WERE THERE AT PEARL HARBOR (Illustrated Frank Vaughn; Grosset & Dunlap; 1957; With Dustjacket);

SWARTZ, DR. HARRY – Your Body (illustrated by . Ralph E. Ricketts; Whitman; Painted Cover );

SWAYZE, BEULAH GARLAND – FATHER GABRIEL'S CLOAK (Illustrated Douglas Sneyd; Buckskin Books MacMillan; 1962; With Dustjacket);

SWEET, JOHN – BELLAMY COMES BACK (Oxford University Press; 1932; Painted cover);

SWEET VALLEY HIGH #NN The Bodyfriend war – William, Kate (Bantam Books; Painted Cover );

SWEET VALLEY KIDS #( Elizabeth's Super-Selling Lemonade – Pascal, Francine/ Stewart, Molly Mia (illustrated by . Ying-Hwa Hu; Bantam Skylark; Trade Paperback ); *** #40 Robin in the Middle-Pacsal, Francine/ Stewart, Molly Mia (illustrated by . Ying-Hwa Hu; Bantam Skylark; Trade Paperback ); *** #48 LILA'S APRIL FOOL – PASCAL, FRANCINE/ STEWART, MOLY MIA (Illustrated Ying-Hwa Hu; Bantam; 1994; Trade Paperback);


SWEET VALLEY TWINS #1 BEST FRIENDS – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1986; Trade Paperback); *** #2 TEACHER'S PET– PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1986; Trade Paperback); *** #3 THE HAUNTED HOUSE – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1986; Trade Paperback); *** #5 SNEAKING OUT – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #6 THE NEW GIRL – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #7 THREE'S A CROWD – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #9 AGAINST THE RULES – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #10 ONE OF THE GANG – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #12 KEEPING SECRETS – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #13 STRETCHING THE TRUTH – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #14 TUG OF WAR – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1987; Trade Paperback); *** #15 THE OLDER BOY – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #16 SECIBD BEST – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #17 BOYS AGAINST GIRLS – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #18 CENTER OF ATTENTION – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #23 CLAIM TO FAME – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #24 JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #26 TAKING CHARGE – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #27 TEAMWORK – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #28 April Fool! - Pascal, Francine/ Suzanne, Jamie (Bantam Skylark; Trade Paperback ); *** #29 JESSICA'S BAD IDEA – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #31 JESSICA'S ON STAGE – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #32 JESSICA ON STAGE – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1989; Trade Paperback); *** #35 AMY'S PEN PAL – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #36 MARY IS MISSING – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #37 THE WAR BETWEEN THE TWINS – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #47 JESSICA'S NEW LOOK – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1991; Trade Paperback); *** #48 MANDY MILLER NEW LOOK – PASCAL, FRANCINE (All)/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam Skylark; 1991; Trade Paperback);



SWEET VALLEY TWINS TWINS AND FRIENDS #15 THE OLDER BOY – PASCAL, FRANCINE/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam; 1988; Trade Paperback); *** #41 THE TWINS GET CAUGHT – PASCAL, FRANCINE/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam; 1990; Trade Paperback); *** #56 THE WAKEFIELDS STRIKE IT RICH – PASCAL, FRANCINE/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #57 BIG BROTHER'S IN LOVE! – PASCAL, FRANCINE/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #61 JESSICA THE NERD – PASCAL, FRANCINE/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #64 THE CHARM SCHOOL MYSTERY – PASCAL, FRANCINE/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam; 1992; Trade Paperback); *** #67 JESSICA THE THIEF – PASCAL, FRANCINE/ SUZANNE, JAMIE (Bantam; 1993; Trade Paperback);




SWINBURNE, DOREEN – JEAN AT JO'S HOSPITAL (Collins; No Date; Painted cover);

TAIT, GEORGE E. - BREASTPLATE AND BUCHSKIN (Illustrated Vernon Mould; Ryerson; 1954; Painted cover); *** THE UPWARD TRAIL (Illustrated Vernon Mould; Ryerson Press; 1956; Painted cover);

TALES FROM THE TRAVELS OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN – HALE, EDWARD EVERETT (ed.) (Illustrated Gustave Dore; D.C. Heath and C0.; 1901; Painted cover);

TALLANT, ROBERT – EVANGELINE AND THE ACADIANS (Illustrated Corinne Boyd Dillon; Random House; 1957; Painted cover);

TAME, H.W. - TIME TO GROW UP (Illustrated A.R. Whitear and L. Field Marchant; Macmillan; 1966; With Dustjacket);

TARKINGTON, BOOTH – PENROD AND SAM (Illustrated Gordon Grant; Junior Deluxe Editions; No Date; Painted cover);

TARRANT, ELIZABETH – CRISIS AT CARDINAL (Andrew Dakers; No Date; No Dustjacket);

TAYLOR, CORA – JULIA (Western Producer Prairie Books; 1987; Trade Paperback);

TAYLOR, SYDNEY – ALL-OF-A-KIND FAMILY (Illustrated Helen John; Dell Yearling; various; Trade Paperback);

TED SCOTT FLYING STORIES #6 South of the Rio Grande – Dixon Franklin W. (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; No Dustjacket); *** #9 Lone Eagle of the Border – Dixon, Franklin W. (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; No Dustjacket); *** #12 THROUGH THE AIR TO ALASKA – DIXON, FRANKLIN W. (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; 1930; No Dustjacket); *** #17 BRUSHING THE MOUNTAIN TOP – DIXON, FRANKLIN W. (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset and Dunlap; 1934; With Dustjacket);

TENNANT, KYLIE – ALL THE PROUD TRIBESMEN (Illustrated Clem Seale; MacMillan; 1960; No Dustjacket);

TERHUNE, ALBERT PAYSON – COLLIE TO THE RESCUE (Grosset & Dunlap; 1940; No Dustjacket); *** A DOG NAMED CHIPS (Grosset & Dunlap; No Date; Painted cover); *** The Heart of a Dog (illustrated by . Girard Goodenow; Junior Deluxe Editions; Painted Cover);

TERREL, DOROTHY A' BECKET – SISTER IN CHIEF (Illustrated E.S. Hodgson; Cassell & Co.; 1912; Painted cover);

THEISS, LEWIS E. - SKYROAD TO ADVENTURE (W.A. Wilde; 1945; With Dustjacket);

THOMAS, DAVID – TEEN AGE STORIES (Grosset and Dunlap; 1948; No Dustjacket); *** (ed.) TEENAGE STORIES OF THE DIAMOND (Illustrated William B. Ricketts; Grosset and Dunlap; 1950; With Dustjacket);

THOMAS, JANE RESH – The Comeback Dog (illustrated by . Troy Howell; Bantam Skylark; Trade Paperback );

THOMAS, PAUL – THE PROMISE (Illustrated Pat Cupples; Anglican Church of Canada; 1966; Trade Paperback);

THOMASON, MELODY COLLINS – THE MAGIC WITHIN (Scholastic; 1989; Trade Paperback);

THOMPSON, BLANCHE JENNINGS – SILVER PENNIES (Illustrated Winifred Bromhall; MacMillan; 1925; Painted cover);

THORNDYKE, HELEN LOUISE – HONEY BUNCH; HER FIRST LITTLE MYSTERY (Grosset and dunlap; 1935; No Dustjacket); *** Honey Bunch; Just a Little Girl (Grosset and Dunlap; With Dust Jacket );

THORNE, ALICE – THE STORY OF MADAME CURIE (Illustrated Dan Dickas; Scholastic TX252; 1971; Trade Paperback);

THREE MONTHS UNDER THE SNOW (Religious Tract Society; No Date; Painted cover);


THRILLING STORIES OF MYSTERY AND ADVENTURE (Illustrated Kay Wilson; Hamlyn; 1982; Painted cover);

THURSTON, HOWARD – 300 Tricks You Can Do (illustrated by . Ruth McCrea; Comet Books 5; Trade Paperback );

TIDDEMAN, L.E. - THE DOCTOR'S LASS (Blackie and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);

TIP-TOP TALES (illx. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.; Painted Cover );

TITUS, EVE – BASIL OF BAKER STREET (Illustrated Paul Galdone; Minstrel Books; 1988; Trade Paperback);


TODD, ANN/ SLOCUM, ROSALIE – A Time for Swapping (illustrated by . Rosalie Slocum; Oxford University Press; No Dust Jacket);

TOLD TO THE BOYS; Short Stories (Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.; With Dust Jacket );

TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET #1 STAND BY ONE MARS! - ROCKWELL, CAREY (various); ***#2 DANGER IN DEEP SPACE - ROCKWELL, CAREY; **** #3 ON THE TRAIL OF THE SPACE PIRATES; - ROCKWELL, CAREY; **** THE REVOLT ON VENUS (#5 in the TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET Series) (1954; FIRST Edition THUS; Grosset and Dunlap books; New York, USA; 213 Pages; Characters from 1950's Television, Radio, Books, Comic Books, and Comic Strips; Revised Edition by publisher, with Painted cover on the Pictorial illustrated Boards, issued without a DJ); **** THE ROBOT ROCKET (#8 in the TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET Series) (1956; FIRST Edition THUS; LAST Number in this Book Series; Grosset and Dunlap books; New York, USA; Characters from 1950's Television, Radio, Books, Comic Books, and Comic Strips; Revised Edition by publisher, with Painted cover on the Pictorial illustrated Boards, issued without a DJ; illustrations by Louis Glanzman);



TOM SWIFT #1 THE CITY IN THE STARS – APPLETON, VICTOR (All),(Wanderer Books; 1981; Painted cover; Trade Paperback);; *** #2 TERROR ON THE MOONS OF JUPITER – APPLETON, VICTOR (All),(Wanderer Books; 1981; Painted cover; Trade Paperback);; *** #3 THE ALIEN PROBE – APPLETON, VICTOR (All),(Wanderer Books; 1981; Painted cover; Trade Paperback);; *** #4 THE WAR IN OUTER SPACE – APPLETON, VICTOR (All),(Wanderer Books; 1981; Painted cover; Trade Paperback);; *** #7 ARK TWO – APPLETON, VICTOR (All),(Wanderer Books; 1982; Painted cover; Trade Paperback);; *** #9 GATEWAY TO DOOM – APPLETON, VICTOR (All),(Wanderer Books; 1983; Painted cover; Trade Paperback);; *** BOXED GIFT SET OF 1 TO 3 (Trade Paperback);

TOM SWIFT - #1 In the Jungle of Mayas – Appleton II, Victor (illx. Graham Kaye; Grosset and Dunlap; Trade Paperback );*** #3 And the Cosmic Astronauts – Appleton II, Victor (illx. Graham Kaye; Grosset and Dunlap; Trade Paperback );

THE TOTAL BERD; A COMPREHENSIVE HANDBOOK – WILEN, JOAN & LYDIA (with Iron on Transfer, Pioneer; 1984; Trade Paperback);

TOTEM, TIPI AND TUMPLINE; Stories fo Canadian Indians – Fisher, Olive M./ Tyner, Clara L. (illustrated by . Annora Brown; J.M. Dent and Sons; 1955; Painted Cover );

TOWNSEND, ARTHUR H. - ADVENTURES OF THE MEADOW PLACE GANG (William-Frederick Press; 1966; With Dustjacket);

TRACKED THROUGH THE WILDS (Illustrated N. Pollard; Raphael Tuck & Sons; 1948; Painted cover);

TRAVELLING THE WAY; TWO ADVENTURE STORIES ABOUT YOUNG CHRISTIANS “Cleon Makes His Choice” - McGowen, Drusilla/ “The Mysterious Message” Harrison, Ernest (illustrated by . Richard W. Lewis; Anglican Church of Canada; Trade Paperback );

TREASE, GEOFFREY – BENT IS THE BOW (Illustrated Charles Keeping; Thomas Nelson and Sons; 1967; Painted cover);

TREASURES BENEATH THE SEA – Silverberg, Robert (illustrated by . Norman Kenyon; Whitman; Painted Cover);

A TREASURY OF ANIMAL STORIES – Olliver, Jane (ed.) (illustrated by . Annabel Spenceley; Kingfisher Books; Trade Paperback );

A TREASURY OF FAIRY TALES (Coles; 1980; Trade Paperback);

TRENT, MARTHA – PHOEBE MARCHALL SOMEWHERE IN CANADA (Illustrated Charles l. Wrenn; Goldsmith; 1919; No Dustjacket);

TRESSELL, MRS. OSCAR – THREE KERCHIEFS (Wartburg Press; 1955; No Dustjacket);

TREVOR, ELLESTON – MORE ABOUT WUMPUS (Illustrated John McCail; Gerald G. Swan; 1947; No Dustjacket);


TRUE ADVENTURES SERIES; Tales of the Ice – Jerrome, Edward G. (Blackie and Sons; Ltd.; Trade Paperback ); *** Tales of Everest – Jerrome, Edward G. (Blackie and Sons; Ltd.; Trade Paperback );

TUNIS, JOHN R. - ALL-AMERICAN (Illustrated Hans Walleen; Harcourt, Brace & Co.; 1942; No Dustjacket; Painted cover); *** THE DUKE DECIDES (Illustrated James MacDonald; Harcourt, Brace and World; 1939; With Dustjacket);

TURNER, MEGAN WHALEN – Instead of Three Wishes (troll; Trade Paperback );

TURNER, PHILIP – THE GRANGE AT HIGH FORCE (Illustrated William Papas; Oxford University Press; 1965; With Dustjacket);

TURN TO THE SEA; A WHITMAN LEARN ABOUT BOOK – Spilhaus, Athelstan (illustrated by . Bill H. Armstrong; Whitman; Painted Cover );

TWAIN, MARK – HUCKLEBERRY FINN (various); *** TOM SAWYER (various);

TWOHILL, MAGGIE – VALENTINE FRANKENSTEIN (Little Apple Paperback; 1994; Trade Paperback);

ULLMANN, FRANCES – GRIL ALIVE! (Illustrated Kathleen Morrissey; World; 1947; With Dustjacket);



UNCLE JIM'S BIBLE STORIES – JAMES, HARTWELL (A.J. Holman; 1916; Painted cover);


UNCLE REMUS; Old Negro Slave Tales – Harris Joel Chandler ( with 41 Illustrations; George Routledge and Sons; Painted Cover);

THE UNICORN CHRONICLES - #1 Into the Land of the Unicorns – Coville, Bruce (Apple Paperback; Trade Paperback );


UNIVERSAL STUDIOS MONSTERS PRESENTS; DRACULA – TEITELBAUM, MIKE (with poster; Illustrated Art Ruiz; Western; 1992; Trade Paperback);

UNIVERSAL STUDIOS MONSTERS PRESENTS FRANKENSTEIN – TEITELBAUM, MIKE (With poster; Illustrated Art Ruiz; Western; 1992; Trade Paperback);

UNIVERSAL STUDIOS MONSTERS PRESENTS THE MUMMY – TSMITH, PARKER (With poster; Illustrated Art Ruiz; Western; 1992; Trade Paperback);

UNIVERSAL STUDIOS MONSTERS PRESENTS THE WOLF MAN – KORMAN, JUSTINE (With poster; Illustrated Art Ruiz; Western; 1992; Trade Paperback);

UNSTEAD, R.J. - Looking at History Book 2; Middle Ages (illustrated by . A. And C. Black Ltd.; With Dust Jacket ); *** Looking at History Book 3; Tudors and Stuarts (illustrated by . A. And C. Black Ltd.; With Dust Jacket );


VAN COEVERING, JACK – A HIKING WE WILL GO (J.B. Lippincott; 1941; With Dustjacket);

VANDEHULST, W.G. - FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW (Illustrated W.G. Vandehulst Jr.; Paideia Press; No Date; Trade Paperback); *** THE MYSTERY OF OLD ABE (Paideia Press; 1978; Painted cover); *** The Pig Under the Pew (illustrated by . W.G. Vandehulst Jr.; Paideia Press; Trade Paperback );

VANDEHULST JR., WILLEM G. - THE LOST PHOTOGRAPH (Paideia Press; 1979; Trade Paperback);

VAN DER VEER, JUDY – HOLD THE REIN FREE (Illustrated Pers Crowell; Scholastic TX1095; 1971; Trade Paperback);

THE VANISHING REDHEAD (Illustrated Jack Crowe; Raphael Tuck and Sons; 1948l Painted cover);

VAN RIPER JR., GUERNSEY – BABE RUTH, BASEBALL BOY (Illustrated Seymour Fleishman; Bobbs-Merrill; 1959; With Dustjacket); *** RICHARD BYRD, BOY OF THE SOUTH POLE (Illustrated Katharine Sampson; Bobbs-Merrill; 1962; With Dustjacket);

VEGEMORPHS; The Fungus Among Us – Green, Leif E. (Troll; Trade Paperback );

VERNE, JULES – AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS (Dean and Sons; No Date; Painted cover); *** JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH (various); *** 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA (various);

VERRAL, CHARLES SPAIN – ROCKET GENIUS (Illustrated Paul Frame; Scholastic TX752; 1969; Trade Paperback);

VERSTRAETE, LARRY – Mysteries to Time (illustrated by . Ljuba Levstek; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

VICKI BARR FLIGHT STEWARDESS #2 VICI FINDS THE ANSWER – WELLS, HELEN (Grosset & Dunlap; No Date; Painted cover); *** #11 THE GHOST AT THE WATERFALL (Grosset & Dunlap; 1956; Painted cover);

VICKY LORING #1 A CAREER FOR VICKY – KINCADE, WYNN (Illustrated Mel Crawford; Golden Press; 1962; Painted cover);

VIC THE VAMPIRE - #4 Friendly Fangs – Bloom, Hanya (illustrated by . Frank Daniel; Harper; Trade Paperback );

VISTEN, ALBERT – GUNILLA, AN ARCTIC ADVENTURE (Thomas Nelson & Sons; 1964; No Dustjacket);

VINSON, KATHRYN – THE LUCK OF THE GOLDEN CROSS (Illustrated Allan Eitzen; J.B. Lippincott; 1960; No Dustjacket);

VIPONT, ELFRIDA – TERROR BY NIGHT (Hamish Hamilton; 1966; With Dustjacket);

VON HAGEN, V. WOLFGANG – Riches of South America (illx. Paul Kinnear; Clark Copp Co.; Painted Cover);

WAGONER, JEAN BROWN – JESSIE FREMONT GIRL OF CAPITOL HILL (Illustrated Clotilde Embree Funk; Bobbs-Merrill; 1956; No Dustjacket);

WALDMAN, FRANK – THE CHALLENGER (World; 1955; Painted cover);

WALKER, DAVID – DRAGON HILL (Illustrated Ray Keane; Houghton Mifflin; 1962; No Dustjacket);

WALKER, HENRY – Illustrated Baseball Dictionary for Young People (illustrated by . Leonard Kessler; Harvey House Inc.; With Dust Jacket );

WALKER, ROWLAND – THE LIMBO TRAIL (Thomas Nelson and Sons; No Date; Painted cover);

WALLACE, ARCHER – Men who Played the Game (Ryerson Press; Trade Paperback ); *** OVERCOMING HANDICAPS (Musson Book Co.; 1927; No Dustjacket);

WALLACE, BILL – Totally Disgusting! (illustrated by . Leslie Morrill; Mistrel Book; Trade Paperback );

WALLACE, BARBARA – Claudia (illustrated by . Ethel Gold; Scholastic TX 1565; Trade Paperback );

WALLACE, BARBARA BROOKS – The Contest Kid and the Big Prize (illustrated by . Gloria Kamen; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

WALLACE, DILLION – GRIT A-PLENTY (Grosset Dunlap; 1918; Painted cover);

WALLACE, JOHN A. - Getting to Know Egypt, U.A.R. (illustrated by . Haris Petie; Coward McCann, Inc.; With Dust Jacket );

WALLACE, LEW – Ben-Hur (illustrated by . George Pollard; Samuel Lowe Co.; 1959; Painted cover );

WALLACE, ROBERT A. - RUN WITH COURAGE (Illustrated Donald Morrison; United Church Pub. Co.; 1966; Painted cover);

WALSH, H.E. - THE MEDALLION MEN (Illustrated J.E. Dobson; E.J. Arnold & Son; No Date; Painted cover);

WALSH, J.C. - OUR WORLD HAS CHANGED (Illustrated Stella Grier; Ryerson Press; 1938; Painted cover);

WALSH, J.H. - CONQUEST (Longmans, Green & Co.; 1957; No Dustjacket);

WALT DISNEY'S TOMORROWLAND ADVENTURES SERIES BOXED SET – Our Friend the Atom/ Man in Flight/ Man in Space/ Tomorror the Moon/ Mars and Beyond/ Man and Weather Satellites;

WALTCH, LILLA M. - MYSTERY OF THE INCA CAVE (Illustrated Kiyo Komoda; Scholastic TX1617; 1970; Trade Paperback);

WALTER, L. EDNA – JOHN FRANKLIN (Illustrated W.S. Stanley; Newnes Educational Pub.; 1952; Trade Paperback);


WALTERS, HUGH – TONY HALE, SPACE DETECTIVE (Faber and Faber; London, UK; 1973; First Edition; Hardcover with Dust Jacket; First and only edition of one of Hugh Walters' scarcest novels; illustration on DJ by David Knight; Weight = 250 Grams; ISBN #0-571-10271-9; RARE Title; EX-LIBRARY Copy; DJ = VG/FN; Book = G/VG; Price = $149.00);


WANDELMAIER, ROY – SHIPWRECKED ON MYSTERY ISLAND (Illustrated J. Brian Pinkney; Troll; 1985; Trade Paperback);

WARDLAW, LEE – THE EYE AND I (Illustrated Kim Mulkey; Weekly Reader Books; 1990; Painted cover);

WATERS, JOHN F. - Creatures of Darkness (illustrated by . Harriett Springer; Scholastic TX 3410; Trade Paperback );

WAYS OF LIVING; Grades 3 and 4 – Davis, Fanny Maude ( Ryerson Press; Painted Cover);

WEBB, KAYE – I LIKE THIS STORY A TASTE OF FIFTY FAVORITES (Illustrated Anthony Kerins; Puffin; 1986; Trade Paperback);

WEBSTER, FRANK V. - BOB THE CASTAWAY (Cupples and Leon; No Date; Painted cover); *** THE BOYS OF THE WIRELESS (Cupples and Leon; 1912; Painted cover); *** COWBOY DAVE (Cupples and Leon; 1915; Painted cover);

WEBSTER, JEAN – WHEN PATTY WENT TO COLLEGE (Illustrated C.D. Williams; Grosset & Dunlap; 1915; No Dustjacket);

WEIL, ANN – RED SAILS TO CAPRI (Illustrated C.B. Falls; Trool; 1988; Trade Paperback);

WEINBERG, LARRY – Don't Look In the Mirror (Troll; Trade Paperback );

WEIR, LA VADA – MEN! (Illustrated Paul Konsterlie; Creative Education; 1974; Painted cover);

THE WEIRD ZONE - #2 The Incredible Shrinking Kid! - Abbott, Tony (illustrated by . Lori Savastano; Little Apple Paperback; Trade Paperback );

WELCH, RONALD – KNIGHT CRUSADER (Illustrated William Stobbs; Oxford University Press; 1960; Painted cover);

WELLS, CAROLYN – MARJORIE'S BUSY DAYS (Grosset & Dunlap; 1908; With Dustjacket);

THE WEREWOLF CHRONICLES - #3 The Wereing – Philbrick, Rodman/ Harnett, Lynn (Apple Paperback; Trade Paperback );

WESTELL, W. PERSIVAL – FIFTY-TWO NATURE RAMBLES 9With Photos; Religious Tract Society; No Date; Painted cover);

WESTERMAN, J.F.C. - JOHN WENTLEY TAKES CHARGE (Children's Press; No Date; With Dustjacket); *** J.F.C. - John Wentley Wins Through (Children's Press; No Dust Jacket);

WESTERMAN, PERCY F. - CADET ALAN CARR (Blackie & Son; No Date; With Dustjacket); *** THE PIRATE SUBMARINE (Musson; 1945; With Dustjacket); *** SABOTAGE! (Illustrated Ellis Silas; Blackie and Son; No Date; No Dustjacket);

WEYN, SUZANNE – Gracie (with Photos from Movie; Newmarket Press; Trade Paperback );

WHARTON, VIRGINIA – FLAME, SON OF SILVER CLOUD (Dell Seal 2578; 1964; Trade Paperback);

WHEELER, RUTHE S. - JANE, STEWARDESS OF THE AIR LINES (Goldsmith; 1934; Painted cover); *** JANET HARDY IN HOLLYWOOD (Goldsmith; 1935; No Dustjacket);

WHIPPLE, A.B.C. - HERO OF TRAFALGAR: THE STORY OF LORD NELSON (Illustrated William Hofman; E.M. Hale; 1963; Painted cover);

WHIPPLE, GERTRUDE – AIRPLANES AT WORK (Macmillan; 1946; Painted cover);

WHITAKER, ALEXANDRA – DREAM SISTER (Dell Yearling; 1989; Trade Paperback);

WHITE, ANNE TERRY – All About Archaeology (illustrated by . Tom O'Sullivan; Random House; With Dust Jacket );

WHITE, BETTY – TEEN-AGE DANCE ETIQUETTE (Illustrated June Kirkpatrick; David McKay; 1962; With Dustjacket);

WHITE, CONSTANCE M. - SCHOOLGIRL REPORTER (Hutchinson & Co.; No Date; No Dustjacket); *** A SPRITE AT SCHOOL (Hutchinson and Co.; No Date; No Dustjacket);

WHITE, E.B. - CHARLOTTE'S WEB (Illustrated Garth Williams; Harper and Row; 1952; With Dustjacket; (various; Trade Paperback);

WHITE, JAMES EDSON – Best Stories From the Best Book; Bible Companion for the Home (illustrated by . Review and Herald Pub. Assoc.; Painted Cover );

WHITE, JOHN – THE TOWER OF GEBURAH (Inter-Varsity Press; 1978; Trade Paperback);

WHITE, PAUL – JUNGLE DOCTOR ON THE HOP (Illustrated Graham Wade; Paternoster Press; 1957; With Dustjacket; No Dustjacket);

WHITE, PETER GORDON – The Mystery of the Rock (illustrated by . Lee Clifton; United Church Publishing House; Painted Cover );

WHITE, STEWART EDWARD – DANIEL BOONE WILDERNESS SCOUT (Illustrated Henry C. Pitz; Junior Deluxe Editions; No Date; Painted cover);

WIDE OPEN WINDOWS (Copp Clark; 1947; Painted cover);

WIER, ESTER – THE SPACE HUT (Illustrated Wayne Blickenstaff; Scholastic TX1943; 1971; Trade Paperback);

WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS – THE BIRDS CHRISTMAS CAROL (Illustrated Francis E. Hiley; Gay & Hancock; 1913; No Dustjacket); *** REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM (Adam & Charles Black; 1950; No Dustjacket);

WILDE, OSCAR – Fairy Tales (illustrated by . Vera Bock; Peter Pauper Press; Painted Cover);

WILDER, LAURA INGALLS – BY THE SHORES OF SILVER LAKE (Illustrated Garth Williams; Harper Trophy; 1971; Trade Paperback); *** FARMER BOY (Illustrated Helen Sewell; Cadmus Books; 1933; Painted cover); (Illustrated Garth Williams; Harper Trophy; 1971; Trade Paperback); *** THE FIRST FOUR YEARS (Illustrated Garth Williams; Harper Trophy; 1971; Trade Paperback); *** LITTLE HOUSE IN THE BIG WOODS (Illustrated Garth Williams; Harper Trophy; Trade Paperback); *** LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE (various); *** THE LONG WINTE (Illustrated Garth Williams; Harper Trophy; 1971; Trade Paperback); **** ON THE BANKS OF PLUM CREEK (various); *** THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS (Illustrated Garth Williams; Harper Trophy; 1971; Trade Paperback);

WILDES, NEWLIN B. - THE HORSE THAT HAD EVERYTHING (Ilx. Albert Micale; Rand McNally; 1966; Painted cover);

WILDING, JOHN – A SMILE AND A STICK (Lutterworth Press; 1961; Trade Paperback);

WILKES, MARILYN Z. - C.L.U.T.Z. (Illustrated Larry Ross; Dial Press; 1982; Painted cover);

WILLARD, NANCY – THE HIGHEST HIT (Illustrated Emily McCully; Scholastic; 1978; Trade Paperback);

WILLIAM, DAR – Amalee (Apple/ Scholastic; 2006; Trade Paperback );

WILLIAMS, BARBARA – Mitzi and the Terrible Tyrannosaurus Rex (illustrated by . Emily Arnold McCully; E.P. Dutton; Painted Cover);

WILLIAMS, BERT – SWORD OF EGYPT (Illustrated Laszlo Gal; Scholastic; 1980; Trade Paperback);

WILLIAMS, CHARLES – THE ROLLING PIN (Illustrated Abner Gragoff; Abelard-Schuman; 1955; No Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, GARTH – THE ADVENTURES OF BENJAMIN PINK (Illustrated Garth Williams; Dell Yearling; 1976; Trade Paperback);

WILLIAMS, JAY – The Practical Princess and other Liberating Fairy Tales (illustrated by . Ric Schreiter; Scholastic; Trade Paperback );

WILLIAMS, PAUL – The Warrior Knights (illustrated by . Paul Williams; Time Life Books; With Dust Jacket );

WILLIAMS, URSULA MORAY – The Kidnapping of my Grandmother (illustrated by . Mike Jackson; Heinemann; With Dust Jacket );

WILLIAMS-ELLIS, AMABEL – Good Citizens (illustrated by . Wilma Hickson; Gerald Howe Ltd./ Copp Clark Co.; No Dust Jacket);

WILSON, BUDGE – THE WORST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER (Illustrated Stewart Sherwood; Scholastic Tab; 1984; Trade Paperback);

WISON, CLIFFORD – Adventures from the Bay (illustrated by . Lloyd Scott; MacMillan; 1962; No Dust Jacket);

WILSON, ERIC – SUMMER OF DISCOVERY (Collins; 1984; Painted cover);

WILSON, HAZEL – HERBERT (Illustrated John N. Barron; Windward Books; No Date; Trade Paperback);

WILSON, HOLLY – SNOWBOUND IN HIDDEN VALLEY (Illustrated Dorothy Bayley Morse; Scholastic TX238; 1970; Trade Paperback);

THE WIND HAS WINGS; Poems From Canada – Downie, Mary Alice/ Robertson, barbara (eds.) (illx. Elizabeth Cleaver; Oxford University Press; With Dust Jacket );


WINNIE THE POOH, AND RELATED BY A.A. MILNE” *** The Day's Play (Methuen and Co. Ltd.; No Dust Jacket); *** The House at Pooh Corner; (Various) *** Now We Are Six (Various) *** Pooh's Birthday Book (illustrated by . E.H. Shepard; Dell Yearling; Trade Paperback ); *** When We Were Very Young (Various); *** Winnie-the-Pooh (Various); *** The World of Christopher Robin (illustrated by . E.H. Shepard; McClelland and Steward ltd.; No Dust Jacket); *** The World of Pooh (illustrated by . E.H. Shepard; McClelland and Steward ltd.; No Dust Jacket);

WINTHROP, ELIZABETH – THE BATTLE FOR THE CASTLE (Yearling; 1994; Trade Paperback);

WISHBONE CLASSICS - #8 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( retold by Joanne Mattern;illustrated by . Ed Parker; Harper Paperbacks; Trade Paperback );

WITH JACK AND JANET; READING FOR MEANING (illustrated by . Corinne Malvern; Houghton Mifflin Co.; Painted Cover);

WITTING, CLIFFORD – THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PERRAN (Illustrated F. Stocks May; University of London Press; 1948; With Dustjacket);

WIZARD OF OZ, AND RELATED BY L. FRANK BAUM” *** “Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz” (illustrated by . John R. Neill; Copp Clark Co.; Painted Cover ); *** “ - Hidden Valley of Oz” - Cosgrove, Rachel R. (illustrated by . Dirk; The Reilly and Lee Co; Painted cover ); *** The Land of Oz (illustrated by . John R. Neill; Copp Clark Co.; Painted Cover ); *** The Marvelous Land of Oz (illustrated by . John R. Neill; Scholastic TX 962.; Trade Paperback ); *** “ - Ozma of Oz “ (illustrated by . John R. Neill; Scholastic TX 3233.; Trade Paperback ); *** “- Ozma and the Wayward Wand – Berends, Polly (illustrated by . David Rose; Random House; Trade Paperback ); *** “- The Patchwork Girl of Oz” (illustrated by . John R. Neill; Coles.; Trade Paperback ); *** Rinkitink in Oz “ (illustrated by . John R. Neill; Coles.; Trade Paperback ); *** “ - The Scarecrow of Oz” (illustrated by . John R. Neill;Coles .; Trade Paperback ); *** “ - Speedy in Oz – Thompson, Ruth Plumly (illustrated by . John R. Neill; The Reilly and Lee Co.; Painted Cover ); *** “ - Tik-Tok of Oz” (illustrated by . John R. Neill; Coles.; Trade Paperback ); *** “- The Tin Woodman of Oz” (illustrated by . John R. Neill; Coles.; Trade Paperback ); *** “ - The Wizard of Oz” ( Various); *** “The Wizard of Oz/ The Prince and the Pauper” (Companion Library Flip-Book);

WOLKOFF, JUDIE – WALLY (Apple Paperback; 1977; Trade Paperback);

WOOD, ANDREW – DIESEL FLYER (Illustrated Berbard Wragg; Ginn & Co.; 1960; Painted cover);

WOOD, CHRISTINE – GINGER AND THE V.C. (Victory Press; 1969; Painted cover);

WOOD, DANIEL – Kids! Kids! Kids! And Vancouver in the 80's (illustrated by . Bee Walters; Fforbez Pub.; Ltd; Trade Paperback );

WOOD, KERRY – THE MAP-MAKER; THE STORY OF DAVID THOMPSON (Illustrated William Wheeler; MacMillan; 1968; Trade Paperback);


WOODS, SHITLEY E. - Pip, the Adventures of a Deer Mouse (illustrated by . Bruce John Wood; Nimbus Pub.; Trade Paperback );

WOOLLEY, CATHERINE – GINNIE AND THE MYSTERY DOLL (Illustrated Bob Magnusen; Scholastic TX397; various; Trade Paperback); *** GINNIE'S BABY-SITTING BUSINESS (Illustrated Liz Dauber; Scholastic TX1545; various; Trade Paperback);

WORK, R.O. - Mr. Dawson Had an Elephant (illustrated by . Dorothy Maas; Bobbs-Merrill Co.; With Dust Jacket );

WRIGHT, BETY REN – THE DOLLHOUSE MURDERS (Apple Paperback; 1983; Trade Paperback);

WRIGHT, CHRISTOHER – The Merlins (Victory Press; Painted Cover);

WYCKOFF, CAPWELL – IN THE CAMP OF THE BLACK RIDER (Saalfield; 1931; With Dustjacket); *** THE MYSTERY AT LAKE RETREAT (Saalfield; 1931; With Dustjacket); *** THE MYSTERY HUNTERS AT THE HAUNTED LODGE (Saalfield; 1934; With Dustjacket);

WYLER, ROSE/ AMES, GERALD – Spooky Tricks (illustrated by . Talivaldis Stubis; Harper and Row; Painted Cover);

WYNN AND LONNY RACING BOOKS #2 ROAD RACE OF CHAMPIONS – SPEED, ERIC (Grosset & Dunlap; 1975; Painted cover);

WYNNE – Jones, Tim – The Maestro (Groundwood; 195; Trade Paperback ); *** Stephen Fair (Groundwood; 1998; Trade Paperback );


THE X BAR X BOYS #NN ON BIG BISON TRAIL – FERRIS, JAMES CODY (Illustrated Walter S. Rogers; Grosset & Dunlap; 1927; No Dustjacket); *** #NN BRANDING THE WILD HERD (Illustrated J. Clemens Gretta; Grosset & Dunlap; 1934; With Dustjacket); – Ferris, James Cody (illustrated by . J. Clemens Gretta; Grosset and Dunlap; No Dust Jacket);*** #NN IN SMOKY VALLEY (Illustrated J. Clemens Getta; Grosset & Dunlap; 1932; No Dustjacket); *** #NN WITH THE SECRET RANGERS (Illustrated J. Clemens Getta; Grosset & Dunlap; 1936; No Dustjacket);

YAMAMOTO, NEIL – Crazy Classroom Jokes and Riddles ( Tor; Trade Paperback );

YARNELL, DUANE – THROUGH FOREST AND STREAM (Falcon Books/ World; 1949; Painted cover);

YORK, CAROL BEACH – I WILL MAKE YOU DISAPPEAR (Bantam Skylark; 1981; Trade Paperback);

YOSK, ELWY – BILLY AND THE BUBBLESHI (Scholastic Tab; 1982; Trade Paperback);

YOU AND OTHERS – Shacter, Dr. Helen/ Bauer, Dr. W.W. (illustrated by . W.J. Gage and Co. Ltd.; );

YOUNG, CLARENCE – JACK RNAGER'S GUN CLUB (Cupples & Leon; 1910; No Dustjacket);

YOUNG, HELEN – What Difference Does It Make, Danny? (illustrated by . Quentin Blake; Fontana Young Lions; Trade Paperback );

YOUNG FOLKS LIBRARY VOLUME 1 The Story Teller (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 2 The Merry Maker (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 3 Famous Fairy Tales (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 4 Tales of Fantasy (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 6 The Animal Story Book (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 7 School and College Days (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 8 Book of Adventure (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 9 Famous Explorers (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 10 Brave Deeds (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 11 Wonders of Earth, Sea, and Sky (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 12 Famous Travels (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 13 Sea Stories (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 14 A Book of Natural HIstory (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 15 Historic Scenes in Fiction (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 16 Famous Battles by Land and Sea (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 17 Men Who Have Risen (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 18 Book of Patriotism (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 19 Leaders of Men, Or History Told in Biography (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME 20 Famous Poems (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover ); *** VOLUME NN The Key to the Treasure House (illustrated by .; Hall and Locke; Painted Cover );

YOUNG READERS PIONEER STORIES – Furman,A.L. (ed.) (illustrated by . Charles Geer; Grosset and Dunlap; With Dust Jacket );

YOUNG READERS STORIES OF THE DIAMOND – Coombs, Charles (illustrated by . Charles Geer; Grosset and Dunlap; With Dust Jacket );

YOUNG, SCOTT – A BOY AT THE LEAF'S CAMP (Illustrated Doug Sneyd; Little, Brown & Co.; 1964; No Dustjacket); *** THE CLUE OF THE DEAD DUCK (Illustrated Douglas Johnson; Little, Brown & Co.; 1962; No Dustjacket); *** SCRUBS ON SKATES (Illustrated James Ponter; Littles, Brown & Co.; 1952; No Dustjacket);

YOUR OWN JOKE BOOK – Crampton, Gertrude (ed.) (illustrated by . Doug Andersen; Scholastic TX 103; Trade Paperback );

ZABRISKIE, GEORGE A. - SUMMERDOG COMES HOME (With Photos; Avon Camelot; 1980; Trade Paperback);

ZANGER, JACK – BASEBALL SPARK PLUG (Illustrated Francis Chauncy; Signal Book; 1963; Painted cover);

ZAP MONSTERS (illustrated by . Brent Armstrong/ Maritta Tapanainen; Fitzhenry and Whiteshide Ltd.; Trade Paperback );

ZIM, HERERT S. - Codes and Secret Writing ( Scholastic TX 164; Trade Paperback );


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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



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(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit;  SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);  

Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

