(A) CRACKED - Comics Parody Magazines IN-STOCK;

(B) CRACKED - Giants & Specials IN-STOCK;

(C) SICK - Comics Parody Magazines IN-STOCK;

(D) SICK Magazine = Artist & Contents info = INDEX, NOT in stock list!


>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.

They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;


If you see items that interest you, PLEASE;

(1) REQUEST Condition, Price & Confirmation of availability;

(2) IMPORTANT; State PREFERRED Condition; (A) Highest Available Grade; (B) Middle Grade; (C) Lowest grade, cheapest copy;

(3) List up to a MAXIMUM of 30 items that interest you [Pulling, Grading & Pricing items from our GIANT Inventory in our 8000 Square

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IF you make a purchase from the Original 30 or Less item Quoted, we will be very HAPPY to Quote MORE items;

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(5) Once we get your WANT LIST, based on our IN STOCK Inventory Lists, we will be VERY happy to respond with what is in stock,

As Soon As Possible; WE USUALLY REPLY to Inquires in 1-3 DAYS. (Bigger Requests & Time-Consuming Inquires, take longer to respond to);

NOTE; All Items Related to this Category ARE ALREADY LISTED = If you do NOT see it Listed, Then it is NOT in Stock; 

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Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD

BOX 21986




Email; dsulipa@gmail.com

Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

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To see our HOME PAGE (includes HUGE Inventory of about 160+ Categories of ITEMS IN STOCK);

>> The WORLD’S BIGGEST SELECTION, on the entire Internet, on MANY ITEMS;

Please GO TO = http://dougcomicworld.com/

(A) CRACKED - Comics Parody Magazines;

CRACKED (MAIN SERIES; 1958 to Present; MAJOR Magazines / Candar/ DELL Pub - Comics Parody, Satire, Spoof Humour magazines);

#1 (3/1958; SCARCE Original edition; Everett-c; Intro the Host of series - janitor Sylvester P. Smythe; ** Art by; Severin, Reinman, Russ Heath, Maneely, Burgos, Orehek & Al Williamson; Gunsmoke parody; $64,000 Question Parody; Jayne Mansfield parody; SOLD OUT);

#2 (5/1958; American Bandstand; Frankenstein; SUPERMAN Parody; Bridge on the River Kwai; FIRST John SEVERIN Art on Cover on the Series; Art by; Bill Ward, John Severin, Russ Heath, Bill Everett, Carl Burgos, Joe Maneely; FIRST Shut-Ups and First Bonus Cut-Outs; SCARCE; GOOD, 2.0 = $35.00);

#3 (7/1958; Baseball, Jack Parr; Marx Bros parody ad; Bill Ward as McCartney, John Severin, Russ Heath, Bill Everett, Carl Burgos, Joe Maneely, Bailey, Shores, Reinman-a; = SOLD OUT

#4 (9/1958; BEACH Cover with Elvis Presley cameo by John Severin; ART by; Bill Ward as McCartney, John Severin, Bill Everett, Carl Burgos, Joe Maneely, Bernard Bailey, Syd Shores, Paul Reinman; Writers include; Bill Ward, Jerry Siegal; Holltwoodization of Sopheeya Luring; French Forlorn Legion; Saturday Night Dance; After the Sack Look; Best Selling Records of the Year; O.K.K.O. Corral = TV Western spoof, with Cameos of Characters from Lone Ranger, Wagon Train, Gunsmoke, Wyatt Earp, Have Gun will Travel, Maverick, John Wayne and More; ASK);

#5 (10/1958; Have Gun will Travel by Bill Ward as McCarthey; " 'enry 'iggins of Scotland Yard" by John Severin; Jack Davis, Bill Everett, Carl Burgos, Joe Maneely, Bailey, Shores, Bill Elder, Al Jaffee-a;; SOLD OUT)

#9 (May/1959; Off Our Rocket Special Issue SOLD OUT);

#12 (January/1959; puzzle cover SOLD OUT);
#13(3/1960; Bat Masterson; Russian magazines, Wild Record albums; Jack Davis, John Severin, Russ Heath, Vic Martin, Don Oeheck & Bill Ward-a; SOLD OUT)

#15 (8/1960; Poker Card Game-c/s; Hollywood Life stories; John Severin-c/a; Jack Davis-a; SOLD OUT);

#16 (10/1960; Untouchables; Readers Digest parody; John Severin-a; Jack Davis-c/a; G/VG, 3.0 = $18.00);

#17 (12/1960; Rudyard Kipling; Sequels to Bestsellers; Fine Art captions; John Severin-c/a; Jack Davis-a; Chic Stone-a; SOLD OUT);

#18(2/1961; Cracked calendar; Jack Parr show; Cameoes by Elvis, JFK, Hitler & Marilyn Monroe; Shooting of Dan McGrew; John Severin-c/a; Jack Davis-a; SOLD OUT);

#19 (4/1961; Russian TV shows; Political record albums; TV figures; Tattoos; Creamation of Sam McGee; Ancient Rome; Don Swanson-a; John Severin-c/a;

#20 (7/1961; Comedians play Shakespeare; Politacal figure TV shows; Kin Arthur's round Table; Paul Revere; John Severin-c/a;

#21(9/1961; Sylvester P. Smythe as the Abominable Snowman-c; the Year 1930; TV Shut-Ups; Rejected Cracked pages & covers; Great Lovers of History; Neurotic magazine; John Severin-c/a; Don Swanson-a; Gallery of new Artists; Charge of San Juan Hill;SOLD OUT);

#22(11/1961; Russian ads; Optimist; Poets read Cracked; the Year 1917; Enemies of Fiction; Gunfight at the OK Corral; Sherlock Holmes & Moriarity cameo; John Severin-c/a; Don Swanson-a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a;SOLD OUT);

#24(4//1962; Madison Avenue Crime; Advance of Civilization; Boysplay magazine; Hollywood miscasting; John Severin-c/a; Shotgun Slade - TV parody; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; Bill Everett-a;SOLD OUT);

#27(11/1962; 5th Anniversary issue; TV Cowboys; Jack Parr; Teenage Russia; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; SOLD OUT);

#29(5/1963; Tarzan, Ugly Campaign, Mother Goose, College ads, Real Detective; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; SOLD OUT);

#33(12/1963-1/1964; Monsters; Ad agency; JFK & First Family; TARZAN around the World; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; SOLD OUT);

#34 (2/1964; Steve Allen-c/s; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; Don Orehek-a; Fairy Tales; John F Kennedy;Rock N Roll Museum; Monsters; G/VG, 3.0 = $12.00);

#35(4/1964; Bullfighting-c; TV strike; Cassius Clay vs Sonny Liston; Cosa Nostra; Swordsman; Transylvania insurance Co; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; SOLD OUT);

#36 (6/1964; Transylvania TV; Sylvester P. Smythe for President; New York Mets baseball; Civil War facts; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; Don Orehek-a; SOLD OUT);

#38 (8/1964; History Home Movies; Bob Hope & Bing Crosby; Channel Femi-9; the LONE RANGER; Painted-c; John Severin-a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; Don Orehek-a; SOLD OUT);

#39(9/1964; WESTERN Cover with John Wayne, Wyatt Earp, Hopalong Cassidy, Lone Ranger, Matt Dillon etc; Vacation Guide to Outer Space; Sky Fighters of WW-I; How the West was Won - Movie parody; New York Mets baseball; Usufing USA; Judo; Cannibal chuckles; Monster mirth; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; Don Orehek-a; Charles Rodrigues-a; SOLD OUT);

#40 (11/1964; Transylvanian Teen Scene; the Big war; SNOB University; Coney Island; Martian writes home from Earth; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward as Bill McCarthey-a; Don Orehek-a; Jack Davis-a; SOLD OUT);

#41(1/1965; John Severin-c/a; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; SOLD OUT);

#42(3/1965; John Severin-c/a; 5 page BEATLES Parody-s; Scenes for Horror Movies; Sherlock Holmes parody cameos; Ice Hockey-s; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges-a; SOLD OUT );

#43(5/1965; John Severin-c/a; MONSTERS PARTY Cover & 2 page story, includes; the Munsters, Addams Family, Frankenstein & Bride, Mummy, Dracula, Werewolf, Hunchback, Creature, Phantom of Opera, etc; Monsters in Everything-s with cameos of Munsters, Addams Family, Bewitched & Beatles; Famous Stars-s with cameooes of J.Gleason, E.Taylor, S.Liston, W.Disney, B.Bardot, B.Karloff etc; 1pg Lone Ranger & Tonto comic strip; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; SOLD OUT );

#45(8/1965; John Severin-c/a; foot of Green Giant-c; Cut-Out Insult Cards back-c; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; TV & Comics Parody-s with 1/3 page Comic Strips of Perry Mason, Lloyd Bridges, Bonanza, Ben Casey, Superman, Blondie, Flash Gordon & Dick Tracy; SOLD OUT);

#46(9/1965; John Severin-c/a; Bill WARD /McCartney-a; Mr Clean & White Knight in Armour-c; Cut-Out Cracked Sign back-c; Rivals of Man from UNCLE parody-s with Matt Dillon, Mr Novak, Lassie; World War One; 2 page BEATLES app; John Wayne cameo; SOLD OUT );

#47(11/1965; John Severin-c/a; Spies & Secret Agents cover includes; James Bond, Man from UNCLE, Herman Munster, Charlie Chan, Dick Tracy, Danger Man, Sherlock Holmes, Saint & others; Chinese Calendar back-c; 4pg SOUPY SALES-s; Baseball-s; Bill WARD /McCartney-a; VF=$24; VG/FN=$12; VG=$10);

#48(12/1965; John Severin-c/a; Infinity-c; Dave Clark Five photo pinup inside front-c; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Cameos of John Wayne, Boris Karloff, Sean Connery; Skiing, Smoking, TV Wrestlers; SOLD OUT);

#49(1/1966; John Severin-c/a; Find the Mistakes-c; MUNSTERS photo pinup inside front-c; TV Sports, Sky Diving, Palmistry; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED (MAIN SERIES; 1958 to Present; MAJOR Magazines / Candar/ DELL Pub - Comics Parody, Satire, Spoof Humour magazines);

#51(4/1966; John Severin-c/a; Board Game back-c; BEATLES photo pinup inside front-c; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges, Don Orehek-a; Cameos of Paul McCartney, Pete Noone, Kick Jagger, Dave Clark, Freddie Garrity, Eric Burden & Three Stooges; Martians-s; Blondie & Dagwood parody-s; SOLD OUT);

#52(6/1966; John Severin-c/a; Bill WARD /McCartney-a; 1pg MUNSTERS parody with 5 Photo's; Flipsides-s with Vampire; Baseball-s; 1/3 page Comic Strip TV parodies of Hullabaloo, Ben Casey, Perry Mason, Flipper; 3pg Barbie & Ken spoof; SOLD OUT););

#53 (7/1966; John Severin-c/a; Sylvester Smythe as Superhero-c; Cut-Out "Camp" Record Labels back-c; Dapperman = Superhero spoof-s with Batman, Superman & FF parody cameoes; Baseball-s; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges, Don Orehek-a; G/VG, 3.0 = $12.00);

#54(8/1966; John Severin-c/a; Graveyard Horror cover includes; Vampire, Werewolf, Witch, Devil, Mummies, Vulture etc; Cut-Out Tickets back-c; David McCallum cameo; Night Clubs, Baseball; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges, Don Orehek-a; SOLD OUT);

#55(9/1966; John Severin-c/a; Boy Scout-c; Crime Stopper BAT-Stickers on Back-c; Laurel & Hardy; Translvania; 3pg TARZAN spoof; Don Orehek-a; Bill WARD-a; SOLD OUT);

#56(11/1966; John Severin-c/a; Dartboard back-c; Don Orehek-a; Bill WARD-a; 1/4 pg Addams Family Photo; 4 page JAMES BOND 007 spoof-s; SOLD OUT );

#57(12/1966; John Severin-c/a; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges, Don Orehek-a; 4 page ROLLING STONES parody-s; California; Celebrity Spoof-s = Cameoes of Sean Connery, Davis McCallum, Sonny & Cher, Hefner, Cassius Clay etc; 3pg TARZAN spoof-s; SOLD OUT);

#58(2/1967; John Severin-c/a; TARZAN cover; 5 page MAN FROM UNCLE Parody-s; Torture devices; ESP; Camp Comic Heroland centerfold with cameoes of Superman, Batman, Capt Marvel, Mandrake, Buck Rogers, Popeye, Wonder Woman, Dick Tracy, Archie etc; SOLD OUT);

#59(4/1967; John Severin-c/a; Lion Tamer/Circus cover; Cut-Out Car Window Smile Signs back-c; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges-a; Super-Heroes around the World-s; Monsters in the News-s; 2pgs Laurel & Hardy photo's; Football, Basketball; Custom Cars parody with 1/2 page appearances of Munsters, Samantha of Bewitched, Tarzan, Frank Sinatra, Beatles; 2pg Tarzan spoof; G/VG=$7);

#63(9/1967; John Severin-c/a; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges, Don Orehek-a; Metroplis the Slave-s; Old Star Roles, 1pg Spoofs each of Tarzan, Lassie, Liz Taylor, Andy Hardy; SOLD OUT);

#66 (1/68) SOLD OUT);

#67(3/1968; John Severin-c/a; Hippie-s; Annie get your Spacesuit; Laurel & Hardy; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; SOLD OUT);

#68(5/1968; John Severin-c/a; Rocketship on Moon-c; Cut-Out Mini-Posters back-c; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges, Don Orehek-a; 1/2 page Parody appearances of Frank Sinatra, Charlie Brown, Phillis Diller, Einstein; Flying Saucers; Political Bubble Gum Cards SOLD OUT);

#69(7/1968; John Severin-c/a; Cut-Out Headlines "stickers" back-c; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges, Don Orehek-a; Sports Primer; Cemetery; Born Losers; Automated devices; 1/3 page parody comic trips each of Little Orphan Annie, Batman, Rex Morgan, Superman, Blondie; Peanuts cameo; SOLD OUT );

#70(8/1968; John Severin-c/a; Fireman-c; Cut-Out 1968 Campaign Buttons back-c; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; Charles Rodriges, Don Orehek-a; 5 page Snow White & Parody-s with ELVIS Presley, Dean Martin, Woody Allen, Robert Mitchum, Vince Edwards, Sylvester Smythe as the 7 Dwarfs; Celebrity Flower Power with cameos of John Wayne, Liz Taylor, Don Knotts, Don Adams & Bonanza; Showbizville with cameos of Ricard Burton, Mickey Dolenz, Ronald Reagan, Nixon, LBJ; Jack Warden in NYPD TV Spoof-s; SOLD OUT);

#72(10/1968; John Severin-c/a; Sylvester Smythe for President cover includes; Ronald Reagan, Frankenstein, Nixon etc; ALICE COOPER Photo Back-c; Charles Rodriges-a; Planets of the Creatures = 6 page POTA / Planet of the Apes spoof; 1/3 page each PHOTO spoofs of Batman, Flash Gordon, Superman, Tarzan, Dick tracy & Phantom; SOLD OUT);

#79(9/1969; John Severin-c/a; Cowboy & Indians-c; TV's Laugh-In Photo back-c; Bill WARD-a; Charles Rodriges-a; Lee Marvin & Toshiro Mifune in 5 page Hell in the Pacific Movie spoof; Hippies Coloring Book; Celebrity Ad cameoes including Jame Fonda, Tiny Tim, Dean Martin, John Wayne etc; 2 pags SAGEBRUSH comics by Severin; 3pgs Sci-Fi Movie photo's; Western spoof with Cameos by Dan Blocker, John Wayne, James Arness, Ronald Reagan, Lone Ranger, Richard Boone, etc; FN/VF=$15; FN=$12; VG/FN=$10);

#81= SOLD OUT); ;

#83(3/1970; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward-a; Bob Taylor-a; Charles Rodrigues-a; TV's Ghost and Mrs Muir parody; Sagebrush-s; Woodstock; Cowboys; Pop Art Tag Poster on inside covers; SOLD OUT);
#88(10/1970; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward-a; Bob Taylor-a; Charles Rodrigues-a; Armpit mag; Mets Baseball; 2000 AD Celebrities; Santa Victoria movie spoof; TV's Make a Deal satire; Laurel & Hardy; Sagebrush-s; KARATE Mag Flip Back-c; Crack in Wall Poster on inside covers; SOLD OUT);
#96(10/1971; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward-a; Bob Taylor-a; Charles Rodrigues-a; Pro Football; Movie Western photo's; Comic Strip Hero hangups; Giant Thumbprint Poster on inside covers; SOLD OUT);
#99(3/1972; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward-a; Bob Taylor-a; Charles Rodrigues-a; Non-Violence issue; Nixon & Agnew; Hambuger King; WILLARD - Rats Horror Movie spoof; Laurel & Hardy; Sagebrush-s; Johnny Dick Griffson show; Non-Violence Poster on inside covers; FIRST appearance of NANNY DICKERING, the second most important character in Cracked Magazine- created by John Severin & later made famous for Sexy GGA / Good Girl Art by BILL WARD; = SOLD OUT);
#100(5/1972; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward-a; Bob Taylor-a; Charles Rodrigues-a; Charlton Heston in OMEGA MAN movie satire; Monsters photo's; Hollywood; '72 Political Pins; Hippies dictionary; MOD Army; NIXON in Red China & Chou; Pollution Poster on inside covers; SOLD OUT);

#101(7/1972; John Severin-c/a; HAPPY FACE / Sad Face-c; Bill WARD as McCartney-a; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED (MAIN SERIES; 1958 to Present; MAJOR Magazines / Candar/ DELL Pub - Comics Parody, Satire, Spoof Humour magazines);

#102(8/1972; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward-a; Bob Taylor-a; Charles Rodrigues-a; John Wayne cameo; TV Private Eyes - Cannon, Ironside, Columbo, Maxwell Smart etc; Politics; Gene Hackman in French Connection movie spoof; Monsters photos; 4pg Comics Strips spoof - Dick Tracy, Tarzan, Superman, Batman etc; Run for Your Life Poster on inside covers; SOLD OUT);
#107(3/1973; John Severin-c/a; Vic Martin, John Langton, Bernard Baily, Charles Rodrigues-a; The Candidate movie parody with Robert Redford. "The Partridge Family TV spoof; = SOLD OUT );.
#108(5/1973; Chicken Soup-c; John Severin-c/a; Vic Martin, Don Orehek, Bernard Baily, Charles Rodrigues-a; Raquel Welch in Kansas City Bomber movie spoof; Vampires of the World; Las Vegas; Archie Bunker; Complaint Box Poster on inside covers; SOLD OUT);
#109(7/1973; John Severin-c/a; Vic Martin, Don Orehek, Bernard Baily, Charles Rodrigues-a; Dick Van Dyke Show TV parody; Desert Island; Nixon; Pollution Poster on inside covers; All in the Family - Archie Bunker; Sagebrush-s) SOLD OUT);
#110(8/1973; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Bernard Baily, Charles Rodrigues, Russ Heath-a; Columbo TV parody; SOLD OUT);
#112(10/1973; David Carradine in TV's KUNG FU parody-c/s; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Bernard Baily, Charles Rodrigues, Vic Martin-a; Hospital King; SOLD OUT);;
#113(11/1973; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Bernard Baily, Charles Rodrigues-a; 5pg TARZAN spoof; Dan Coyote Man from La Rancha; TV King; );

#115(3/1974; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Bernard Baily, Charles Rodrigues-a; TV's M.A.S.H. cover & parody-s; Liberation Queen; );
#116(5/1974; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Bernard Baily, Charles Rodrigues-a; White House-c & Poster; BILLY JACK movie spoof; Hitler & nazi's; Housing King; Live & Let Die James Bond 007 movie Parody; );
#117(7/1974; John Severin-c/a; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Bernard Baily, Charles Rodrigues, Russ Heath-a; Cannon TV Parody-c/s; High Plains Drifter / Clint Eastwood movie parody;
Sexy GGA / Good Girl Art by BILL WARD art begins on NANNY DICKERING the Investigative Reporter who does interviews, she is the second most important character in Cracked Magazine;)
#118(8/1974; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Bill Ward, Bernard Baily, and Charles Rodrigues-a; The Sting / Paul Newman, Robert Redford movie parody-c/s; Happy Days TV parody; SOLD OUT)
#119(9/1974; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward, Bernard Baily-a;. David Carradine in TV's KUNG FU spoof-c/s; Serpico movie parody; SOLD OUT);
#121(11/1974; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward, Bernard Baily-a; Three Musketeers movie parody-c/s; American Graffiti movie parody. David Carradine/Kung Fu & Six Million Dollar Man cover cameo); .
#122(1/1975; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward-a; Kojak TV parody-c/s; Papillon movie parody);
#123(3/1975; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward-a; Planet of the Apes-c/s; Chinatown Jack Nicholson movie parody; Bizarre Far-Out Four = Six Million Dollar Man, Henry Kissinger, Billy Jack, & Kwai Chang Caine; IRON-ON on Inside Back-c);
#124(5/1975; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward-a; The Godfather, Part 2-c/s; Great Gatsby Robert Redford movie parody);
#125(7/1975; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward-a; Earthquake movie parody-c/s);
#126(8/1975; Art by John Severin, Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward-a; The Towering Inferno-c/s; Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express movie parody
#127(9/1975; #123(1975; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward-a; Star Trek TV parody-c/s; Airport 1975 movie parody);
#128(10/1975; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward-a;. Capone movie parody-c/s; Police Woman TV parody);
#129(11/1975; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward-a; Jaws movie parody-c/s; Streets of San Francisco TV parody);
#130(1/1976; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward-a;. Good Times TV parody-c/s; The French Connection II movie parody);
#131(3/1976; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward, Bob Taylor-a; The Godfather/Jaws-c/s; If Hit Movies Were Combined = Love Story/Bambi; The Wizard of Oz/The Exorcist; Lassie/Young Frankenstein; Bonny and Clyde/Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid/Murder on the Orient Express/Capone/The Three Musketeers; Hawaii 5-0 TV & movie parodies);
#132(5/1976; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward, Bob Taylor-a; Baretta TV parody-c/s; Three Days of the Condor Robert Redford movie parody); #133(7/1976; John Severin-c/a; Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward, Bob Taylor, Vic Martin-a; Space: 1999 TV spoof; Welcome Back, Kotter TV parody);
#134(8/1976; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward, Bob Taylor-a; FONZ-c; Happy Days TV spoof; Starsky and Hutch TV parody);
#135(9/1976; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Charles Rodrigues, Bill Ward, Bob Taylor-a; The Bionic Woman TV parody-c/s; Happy Days/Godfather parody);
#136(10/1976; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Bill Ward, Vic Martin-a; Laverne and Shirley TV parody-c/s; Fonz app on Cover;The Bad News Bears movie parody);
#137(11/1976; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Bill Ward, Bill DuBay-a; Welcome Back Kotter TV parody-c/s; Fonz Iron-On on inside Back-c);
#138(12/1976; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand-a; Ford vs Carter fight; Mel Brooks Silent Movie; Outdoors King);
#139(1/1976; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand-a; Barney Miller-c/s; Wide World of Sports TV parody);
#140(3/1977; John Severin-c/a; Don Orehek, Bill Ward, Sururi Gumen, Howard Nostrand-a; King Kong movie parody-c/s; The Blue Knight TV parody);
#141(5/1977; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, and Howard Nostrand. Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man movie parody-c/s; Farrah Fawcett & Charlie's Angels TV parody; King Kong, Big Foot)

#142(7/1977; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Howard Nostrand; "M*A*S*H TV Spoof-c/s; One Day at a Time TV parody; King Kong; Basketball; Evening News with Walter Cronkite, Barbara Walters, Fonz, Travolta, Dan Rather, David Brinkley; King Kong Poster)

#143(8/1977; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Howard Nostrand, Warren Sattler; Rocky movie spoof-c/s; Silver Streak movie parody; King Kong interview)

#144(9/1977; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Howard Nostrand, Warren Sattler; Happy Days TV spoof-c/s; Baa Baa Black Sheep TV parody; Skateboards; Commercials in TV shows; George Harrison of Beatles spoof back-c; Bonus Sign stickers);

#145(10/1977; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Howard Nostrand, & Warren Sattler. Laverne and Shirley with Rocky & Fonz TV spoof-c/s; Airport '77 movie parody; Skateboards, Summer Camp, Babysitting & Soccer; Bonus postcards still included);

#146(11/1977; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Howard Nostrand, & Warren Sattler. Star Wars movie spoof-c/s; The Deep movie parody; Bonus Insert Cracked covers stickers still intact);

#147(12/1977; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Warren Sattler, Howard Nostrand, & Don Orehek. Star Wars II Parody with Spock app; Super-Heroes; What's Happening TV parody; Kojak & Farrrah Fawcett photo's; Tarzan's Son back-c; Bonus postcards still intact);

#148(1/1978; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Warren Sattler, and Don Orehek; classic Darth Vader, R2D2, Aliens & Wookie Star Wars-c & inside cover poster; Star Wars movie parody-s; Roger Moore as James Bond 007 Spy Who Loved Me movie parody; TV shows of Future; Hobo King interview);

#149(3/1978; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Warren Sattler, & Don Orehek. Star Wars & Six Million Dollar Bionic Man spoof-c/s; Wrestling King; Santa's Workshop; Jerry Dumpy interviews BARETTA, Farrah Fawcett & Lee Majors; Star Wars characters in TV/Movies, with Waltons, Wizard of Oz, & Rocky; the BLOB with Steve McQueen);

#150(5/1978; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Warren Sattler, & Don Orehek; Close Encounters of the Third Kind movie spoof-c/s; Paddleball, Cowtown, Hospitals, Souvenir King, Martial Arts; TV's Good Times parody; Jimmy Carter's Family with Spoofs of; Charlie's Angels, Welvome Back Kotter, Man from Atlantis);

CRACKED (MAIN SERIES; 1958 to Present; MAJOR Magazines / Candar/ DELL Pub - Comics Parody, Satire, Spoof Humour magazines);

#151(7/1978; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Devils app on cover; Charlie's Angels TV parody-c/s; TV Guide spoof; World of Food; Detective handbook; Lassie, Woody Allen & R2D2 app; Frankenstein on TV satire with; Waltons, Six Million Dollar Man, Laverne & Shirley, Happy Days & Good Times; Airline King);

#152(8/1978; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler. Star Wars & Close Encounters of the Third Kind movie spoof-c/s; Skateboard King; 3 pages with 15 Photo's os Stars; State Pen; Super-Hero Ads; Gary Cooper in HIGH NOON Western movie parody SOLD OUT););

#153(9/1978; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Fonz, Happy Days& Close Encounters of the Third Kind-c/s; Pets, Fishing, Sagebrush, Astronomers, Almanac, History; Rock N Roll King; Brother Billy for Prez, with Jimmy Carter; Eight is Enough TV parody);

#154(10/1978; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler. JAWS II-c/s; Skateboard, over 65 ads, Travel, Sports of Future, Publicity King; TV's Richard Dawson in Family Feud parody; Odd Jobs for STAR WARS stars; TIME mag spoof; With Jaws T-Shirt Iron-On on inside Back-c);

#155(11/1978; Star Wars; Fantasy Island parody; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, and Warren Sattler; Jaws, Darth Vader & R2D2 of Star Wars, Alien from Close Encounters, Fonz of Happy Days, Good Times, Travolta, Steve Martin, Rocky, & Godfather = Greatest Sequel ever made spoof-c/s; Barbecue, Garbage King, Summer, UFO's, DRACULA, Parents, Vermin; Fantasy Island TV parody; with Bonus Star Wars & Jaws Amity Beach postcards intact);

#156(12/1978; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, Val Mayerik, & Warren Sattler; Grease parody with John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John-c/s; Olympics, Sailing, UFO, Appliances, Psychic Queen; Three's Company TV spoof);

#157(1/1979; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, Val Mayerik, & Warren Sattler; Warren Beatty in Heaven Can Wait parody-c/s; Apartment King, Family Tree, Nile style, Answering machines & Mummy; Snappy Insults to Stupid Statements; Adventures of the Masked Bandito; With T-Shirt Iron-On on inside Back cover; Fonz & Happy Days TV spoof strip on Back-c);

#158(3/1979; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, Val Mayerik, & Warren Sattler; Edward Asner in Lou Grant TV parody; Mork and Mindy with Robin Williams TV spoof-c/s; Health Nut King, Self-Lovers, Phones of Future, Big Cats of Big Top, Fad Diets, Horseback Riding, Villian, Dentist, Phobias, Digest mags);

#159(5/1979; John Severin-c/a; Battlestar Galactica parody-c/s; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; M*A*S*H TV Spoof; Hospitals, Songs of Childhood, Sagebrush, Acting, Acronyms, Cartoon King, Clone ads);

#160(7/1979; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Lyin beat = Tiger Beat magazine parody with Shaun Cassidy, Peter Criss of Kiss, etc; Superman the movie spoof-c/s; Airline fares, Roller skating, Stop Light, Hot & Cold weather, Emergency, Ads of Future, IQ King, Racing; Super-Heroes of the Future - Spider-Man, Hulk etc spoofs);

#161(8/1979; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Mork and Mindy TV parody with Robin Williams; Gary Coleman of Diff'rent Strokes plays other TV parts Spoof, including = Hulk, Superman, Godfather & John Wayne western; Robin Williams & Gary Coleman-c; Teenagers, Fashion King, IFO's, Last words of Hang-Ups, Poloroid Cameras; SUPER MS Magazine - Female super-Heroes; Greatest TV show ever made with Mork & Mindy, Laverne & Shirley, Alan Alda of MASH, Fantasy Island, Odd Couple, Battlestar Galactica, Archie Bunker, Don Rickles & Fonz; Tarzan spoof on back-c);

#162(9/1979; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Gary Coleman Diff'rent Strokes TV Spoof-c/s; Work Fun, Overweight Americans, Psychiatric King, College Bulletin Board, Housing, Sagebrush, Golf Course, Relativity of Time, Musclebound; 7 page SHERLOCK HOLMES spoof);

#163(10/1979; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Mork and Mindy with Robin Williams TV Parody-c/s = Gary Coleman app; *** Bonus insert postcards of Mork & Transylvania are still intact; Sci-Fi TV Guide, Spending Habits, North Woods, Memory, Manners, Rock N Roll, Wedding King, Adults drive kids nuts; 5 page Super-Heroes spoof);

#164(11/1979; John Severin-c/a; ALIEN the Movie spoof-c/s; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Disco, Auntie Dinger ad, Gambling, Economizing, Ambition, Baseball, Marriage, Going too far, Plastic Surgeon, 10 Little Drivers; MORK in other TV & Movies, includes = Star Trek, King Kong & Sherlock Holmes);

#165(12/1979; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Frank Langella, Laurence Olivier and Donald Pleasence in DRACULA movie spoof; Frank Langella as Dracula-c; Wrestling back-c; Pets, Professions, waiting Lines, Game Show King, Wheater forecasting, theiving Sheik, Overdoing It, Miracle Workers, Battery; Sports illustrated mag spoof);

#166(1/1980; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Roger Moore in Moonraker - James Bond 007 parody; Laverne & Shirley with Lennie & Squiggy TV parody-c/s; Roller Disco King, Vampires, Fortune Telling, Tijuana Mexico, Advertising, Truth you never hear; Specialized TV stations; JIMMY CARTER Mask in inside front & back covers);.

#167(3/1980; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler. Robin Williams as MORK-c; MORK in other TV & Movies = Fantasy Island, Hawaii 5-0, Star Wars, Famly Feud & Dracula; Celebrity Nightmares with Energy Superman, Farrah Fawcett, Dracula, Robin Williams, Travolta, Miss Piggy, Chewbacca; Conservation King, Auto history, Test Tube products, Xmas Cards, WWII G.I. Donut Boy, Gym, Career Dreams);.

#168(5/1980; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; M*A*S*H TV parody-c/s; Chicken Killer, Ice Skating, Ads of Tomorrow Energy Crisis, make Money in Spare time, Heralth spa, Monsters, Holiday Gifts; Schools based on TV; Nanny Dickering interviews MORK as Orkan King);.

#169(7/1980; John Severin-c/a; Star Trek the movie Parody-c/s; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Look at '80's, Snow Skiing Mountain, Restaurant owners, Mini Autos, Swordsman, Animal Celebrities, Panhandlers; Nanny Dickering interviews Trekker King - William Shatner / Star Trek spoof; Billy Pluckett Story - spoof based on Billy Clyde Puckett in football Movie Semi-Tough);

#170(8/1980; John Severin-c/a; Dukes of Hazard TV Parody-c/s; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Nuclear power King, Fad Freaks, Random Samplings, New York City, Sugerless Gum ad, Schooling, Cheerful, Situations; STAR TREK Logic; White Shadow - TV Basketball series parody);

#171(9/1980; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Gary Coleman Diff'rent Stokes TV parody-c/s; Running, Idiot Idi5oms, Medicine Man, Space Age ads, Inflation Beating King, Kinbg Arthur, Mergers of Future, Detectors of Future, Auto optional equipment; T-Shirt Iron-On on inside Back-c);

#172(10/1980; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Howard Nostrand, Don Orehek, Catherine Severin, & Warren Sattler; Dukes of Hazard meets Chips TV parodies-c/s; Fantasies; Jimmy Carter Telethon for Energy with Dolly Parton; Fishing creek, Outer Space, Politician denials, Penal Code, Women equal; Loser the Mag for Deadbeats; T-Shirt Iron-On on inside Back-c);

#173(11/1980; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Catherine Severin, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler. Darth Vader & Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back-c; Star Wars Poster on 2 inside Covers; What If RONALD REAGAN became President?; Facts, Vacations, Goverment Spending, Multi-Cinema King, Games, Beach, oldest Jokes, Big City Office);

#174(12/1980; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Catherine Severin, Don Orehek, Val Mayerik, & Warren Sattler. Darth Vader & Star Wars Empire Strikes Back-c; Star Wars charaters in other Movies = with Parories of Gone with the Wind, Godfather, Lone Ranger & Ads; School Elections, By-Laws, Disc Jockeys, Electronic Video Games, Racquetball, Dumb instruments, Party; Masters of Evil - Horror Movie photo's; That's Incredible - TV Spoof);

#175(1/1981; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Catherine Severin, Don Orehek, Val Mayerik, & Warren Sattler; M*A*S*H TV Parody-c/s; Salesman, Economy, Mail Order catalog, Metric System, Coward, Silver Lining, Ideal Kid company, Headlines, Politicians, Time Saving King);

#176(3/1981; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Val Mayerik, & Warren Sattler; Barney Miller TV Parody-c/s; Mobster movies, Horoscopes, Soap Opera Awards, Grooming, Morbad News, Astrological Dictionary, Too Much TV, Magazines attarct subscribers of Future, Great Chicago Heist, Book Publishing King);

#177(5/1981; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, John Langton, Don Orehek, Catherine Severin, Val Mayerik, and Warren Sattler; Incredible Hulk TV parody-c/s; Things Go Right, Dumb Answers, Opposite Sex, Prto Sports, Job, Presidential History, Pro School ads, Never Rent Apartment; My Bodyguard - Movie spoof);

#178(7/1981; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Bill Dubay, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Gary Coleman & Diff'rent Strokes-c/s; Vacation King, Newspaper Good News, Staying in Shape, Cracked Movie, Hollywood Set, How Businesses operate, Baby Pictures, Superstitions, No Frills);

#179(8/1981; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; The Dukes of Hazard meets Robin Williams as Popeye - TV & Movie parodies-c/s; Barroom Encounters, Baseball, Not Bad as it Sounds, Sodium Nitrate, Insurance King, Gift Catalog, Epitaphs, Travel ads, Personality Profile Comparisons. Garbage Problem; Bonus Insert INSULT cards are intact);

#180(9/1981; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Val Mayerik, Bill Dubay, Charles Rodrigues; Western wraparound cover = Find the Mistakes; Incredible Shrinking Woman - Movie parody; Pets, Knock-Knock Jokes, Unpopular, Hollywood takes over Washington with Ronald Reagan, Gift Cataloge, Comedy King, Conserving Water, Press mistakes, Moving; Classic Movie Sequels with King Kong, Airplane, Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind);

#181(10/1981; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Catherine Severin, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Greatest American Hero TV parody-c/s; J.R. Ewing Family album - Dallas TV spoof; Facts of Life TV spoof; Golf Guide, Electronic Video Game room, Word Play, Jobs, Do without, Handy Hints, Video King, Good Old Days, Guide to Golf; T-Shirt Iron-On on inside Back-c);

#182(11/1981; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Catherine Severin, Don Orehek, & Charles Rodriguez, Val Mayerik, and Warren Sattler. M*A*S*H TV parody-c/s; Shirt Iron-On on inside Back-c; ALICE - TV spoof, with James Garner app; Dull vs Exciting, Tennis, Inventions, Hypocondria; J.R. Catalogue for Super Rich, Midwest Restaurant, Sagebrush;

#183(12/1981; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, & Charles Rodriguez, & Warren Sattler; Christopher Reeve in SUPERMAN the Movie-c/s; Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark movie spoof; Cracked Movie II; One of those Days, TV Ratings King, Jock Stae University, Medical Maladies, Super-Heroes, Telephones);

#184(1/1982; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Charlies Rodrigues, Bill Dubay, & Warren Sattler. Gary Coleman in Diff'rent Stokes-c/s; STAR TREK = 7 page Movie Spoof; Video Games, Excuses, Jay Walk, Dentists, Merchandising Parties, Parent-Teacher, Cartoon Showcase, TV Addicts, Football Owner King, Sagebrush);

#185(3/1982; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Charles Rodriguez, Catherine Severin, & Warren Sattler; Dukes of Hazard TV parody-c/s; the JEFFERSONS TV Spoof; Airports, Press Mistakes, Cartoon Showcase, In Trouble If, Magazine King, Psychiatrist, Aviation, Barometer);

#186(5/1982; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Charles Rodriguez, & Warren Sattler. Barney Miller TV Psrody-c/s; Three's Company - TV Spoof; Soap Opera King, Predictions of Future, Ronald Reagan, Video Games, Collision Courses, TV Ads tell Truth, Upper vs Middle Class, Teacher Types, Cartoon Showcase);

#187(7/1982; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Catherine Severin, & Warren Sattler; Love Boat TV parody-c/s; Too Close for Comfort - TV spoof; Good vs Bad Date, Ski Resport King, Celebrity Garbage, Video College, Relatives, Really Thinking, Collison Courses)

#188(8/1982; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Lee Majors in Fall Guy TV parody; Game Show King; Worry When, Gullible, World Today, T-Shirts, World Records, Vending Machines, Banking, Chores, Department store);

#189(9/1982; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Fonz & Happy Days TV Parody-c/s; Relief is, Spoiled Pets, Teen dating, Translator & the Duel, Cracked Movie III, Spell Outs, Goverment & Money, Moments in History, Press mistakes)

#190(10/1982; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; The End of M*A*S*H TV Parody-c/s; Kids vs Adults, Costumed Heroes, Windsurfing, Uses for TV's, How Hot, Gardening, Author Meant, Police Squad, Special Effects King, Sagebrush, Monents in History; Jeff Keare Cartoon showcase)

#191(11/1982; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Ron Zalme, & Warren Sattler; Magnum P.I. & Stallone as Rocky cover; Tom Selleck as Magnum P.I. TV Parody; ANNIE Movie spoof; All-Star TV story); .
#192(01/1983; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Ron Zalme, & Warren Sattler; Sidney Sheldon's Hart to Hart TV parody Starring Robert Wagner & Stefanie Powers; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial cover & Spoof story; Stallone as Rocky Scrapbook-s);
#193(03/1983; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Ron Zalme, & Warren Sattler; David Hasselhoff in Knight Rider-c/s; Strikes / Sports illustrated spoof; Ronald Reagan-a);

#194(05/1983; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Ron Zalme, & Warren Sattler; Farwell to TV's M*A*S*H cover & Story; 3-D HORROR Shows; Comic Strips bt Ronald Reagan = Dick Tracy, Mary Worth, Hagar, Garfield, Little Orphan Annie, Beetle Bailey, Peanuts, Blondie & Momma);

#195(07/1983; John Severin-c/a; Art by; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial meets Gary Coleman of Diff'rent Strokes parody cover & Story; Cracked Movie IV);
#196(08/1983; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek. David Hasselhoff of Knight Rider meets the Dukes of Hazard TV Parody-c/s; Dustin Hoffman as Tootsie movie spoof);
#197(09/1983; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Bob Taylor, and Warren Sattler; TV's LOVE BOAT meets Mr T & A-Team-c/s; Gerald McRaney, Jameson Parker in Simon and Simon TV spoof = SOLD OUT);
#198(10/1983; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Jaws 3-D-c/s movie spoof; TV Sports parody; Lone Ranger satire-s; Lee Majors as Fall Guy TV parody = SOLD OUT);

#199 (11/1983; John Severin-c/a; Art by; STAR WARS: Return of the JEDI movie Parody-c/s - Darth Vader app; Jabba the Hut-c; SOLD OUT)

#200(12/1983; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler. War Games movie spoof-c/s = film stas Matthew Broderick, Ally Sheedy & Dabney Coleman; 3-D TV; Spoof on Star Wars creator GEORGE LUCAS; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED (MAIN SERIES; 1958 to Present; MAJOR Magazines / Candar/ DELL Pub - Comics Parody, Satire, Spoof Humour magazines);

#201(01/1984; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; A-Team & Mr. T cover; SOLD OUT);

#202(03/1984; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek. David Hasselhoff of Knight Rider meets Mr. Smith was a talking orangutan TV parody; Family Ties TV Spoof, with Michael J. Fox; Paul Newman app);
#203(05/1984; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Howard Nostrand, & Warren Sattler. Mr. T of A-Team-c/s TV Parody; After M*A*S*H TV spoof-s; 3-D King-s);
#204(07/1984; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Howard Nostrand, & Warren Sattler; Tom Selleck as Magnum P.I. TV parody; Whats Wrong with this Cover-c; Gary Colman = TV Spoof; Cat Gifts = Cartoon & Comic Cats; Mr. T & A-Team TV Parody;
#205(08/1984; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Howard Nostrand, & Warren Sattler; Gary Coleman vs Webster-c; Webster TV spoof with Emmanuel Lewis; TV Shows Combined = A-Team & Webster, Knight Rider & After M*A*S*H, Lottery & Dynasty, 60 Minutes & Dukes of Hazzard, Dallas & Diff'rent Strokes; 1pg GODZILLA Comic strip; Three Musketeers movie spoof; Rock N Roll King-s = 2 panel KISS app;
#206(09/1984; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Orehek, Vic Martin, & Warren Sattler; Michael Jackson meets Mr. T & A-Team-c/s; Future Insect Monster Movies
#207(10/1984; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Orehek, Howard Nostrand, & Warren Sattler; What if Michael Jackson Starred in.... cover & Story, includes; E.T., Star Trek, A-Team, with Cameos of Jesse Jackson, Boy George, Richard Pryor, Webster etc; Michael Jackson in the Making of Thriller parody-s; 2-Page "I Love Jackson 5" Poster on inside covers);
#208(11/1984; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Orehek, Charles Rodriguez, & Warren Sattler; Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom-c/s = Movie spoof; Lee Majors in FALL GUY TV Parody-s);
#209(01/1985; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; Gremlins = movie Spoof; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock movie parody; Michael Jackson, Boy George & Gremlins-c;
#210(03/1985; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler; A-Team & Mr. T-c/s = TV Parody);
#211(05/1985; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Orehek, & Warren Sattler. Cracked Movie V - Crime Busters-c/s with Mr. T & A-Team, Don Johnson, Magnum P.I., Cagney & Lacy, McCloud etc = TV Spoof; Super-Heroes parody);
#212(07/1985; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Orehek, Bob Tyler, & Warren Sattler. Simon & Simon TV parody starring Gerald McRaney & Jameson Parker - Prince from Purple Rain app; Tom Selleck as Magnum P.I.-c/s = TV parody; 6-Panel / 1 page John Wayne comics spoof; Bill Cosby Show = - TV Spoof);
#213(08/1985; Art by Vic Martin, & Aron Laikin; Reat Big MONSTERS Issue; Boy George & Monsters-c by Murad Gumen; Monster Movie Spoofs = Dracula with Richard Pryor, Frankenstein with Burt Reynolds, Wolfman with Dustin Hoffman, Godzilla with Mr T; Boy George of Culture Club spoof-s; 2-page Cracked Billion Dollar Board Game centerfold;
#214(09/1985; Prince, Michael Jackson, Boy George & Billy Idol cover by Aron Laikin; Hollywood Nursery Rhymes with; Betty Davis, Jack Nicholson, Barbera Striesand, etc; Monster Movies from Video Games; TV CARTOONS spoof with; Smurfs, Mr T, Popeye, Scooby Doo, Bugs Bunny, Flintsones, Voltron, Pacma, Spider-Man, Fat Albert
#215(10/1985; Wrestling Mr. T, vs Hulk Hogan vs Cyndi Lauper cover by Aron Laikin-c; Wrestling parody; Super-Heroes spoof;

#216(11/1985; Art by John Severin, Daniel Clowes; Don Johnson in Miami Vice TV parody; Circus-c by Aron Laikin; Final Episodes of Comic Strips parody-s, includes: Archie, Dick Tracy, Blondie, Beetle Bailey, Peanuts, Nancy, Dennis the Menace etc; the JAMES BOND 007 Movies = parody-s);

#217(01/1986; Art by John Severin, Vic Martin, Warren Sattler; Halley's Comet-c/s; Rambo: First Blood Part II movie spoof; Mad Max II: Beyond Thunderdome = movie parody; Alien TV - Parody story with: Bill Cosby, Webster, Gilligan's Island, Cyndi Lauper, Beverly hills Cop; E.T. spoof-s; Monsters picnic; Frankenstein satire; BILL COSBY SHOW meets A-TEAM = parody-s; Sylvester P. Smythe SOLD OUT););

#218(03/1986; John Severin-c/a; Steve Ditko, Daniel Clowes, Vic Martin, & Don Orehek; Stallone as ROCKY vs Lundgren as Drago cover; Back to the Future - Movie parody; Super-Hero Spoofs, includes; Iron Man, Daredevil, Plastic Man, Thing & Clark Kent; G.I. JOE a Real America Hero = parody-s SOLD OUT););

#219(05/1986; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Bill Wray, Steve Ditko, & Vic Martin; Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charles Bronson, Sylvester Stallone & Chuck Norris cover; Commando movie parody with Arnold Schwarzenegger; 3pg Godzilla comics parody; Rocky spoof);
#220(07/1986; John Severin-c/a; Ronald Reagan, Ed McMahon, Sherlock Holmes, Tony Danza & Sylvester Stallone Wraparound FLIP cover by Severin; Art by; Daniel Clowes, Steve Ditko, Mike Esposito, Vic Martin, Don Orehek & Bill Wray. FIRST Peter Bagge Story in Cracked; Rocky IV movie spoof - Stallone as ROCKY vs Lundgren as Drago; Chales Bronson in Death Wish 3 movie satire; Who's the Boss TV parody with Tony Danza, Alyssa Milano & Judith Light
#221(08/1986; John Severin-c/a; Monsters & Horror issue; Art by: Steve Ditko, Marie Severin, Vic Martin, Stan Goldberg, Mike Esposito, Don Orehek, & Bill Wray; HAUNTED HOUSE Cover with STEPHEN KING; Rock Rattle & Moan parody-s with Billy Idol, Cyndi Lauper, Twisted Sister & James Brown; Monster Jokes; Chuck Woolery in Love Connection TV spoof; Peter Bagge-s; Poltergeist movie spoof; Gorbachev in America; Cracked interviews STEPHEN KING 5 page satire-s =

#222(09/1986; John Severin-c/a; Art by: Steve Ditko, Marie Severin, Vic Martin, Stan Goldberg, Mike Esposito, Don Orehek, & Bill Wray; Cover features; Transformers, Twisted Sister, Blob, Tony Danza, Ronald Reagan etc; Cracked Movie VI with Blob, Sagebrush, Tony Danza etc; Golden Girls TV parody; Cracked interviews Steven Spielberg parody; Wheel of Fortune TV satire with Vanna White & Twisted Sister; Charlie Chaplin, Our Gang & Three Stooges spoofs; Transformers vs Voltron parody-s; Ronald Reagan parody-s & back-c; ZZ Slop vs Space Pirates parody-s with ZZ Top, Motley Crew, Ric Ocasek of Cars & Pat Benatar SOLD OUT););

#223(10/1986; Statue of Libery parody-c by Bill Wray; Art by: John Severin, Bill Ward, Don Orehek, Vic Martin, Steve Ditko; Miami Vice TV parody with Don Johnson; Sci-Fi Rockers; WrestleMania spoof; Statue of Libery parody-s);

#224(11/1986; Billy Idol back-c by Bill Wray; Art by: Bill Ward, John Severin, Don Orehek, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, Bill Wray, Howard Nostrand; Peter Bagge-s; Bill Cosby Show TV parody; Dracula 2086; Ugly Family; Ninja - parody mag; Rock Stars; Garbage Pail Kids spoof);

#225(01/1987; Arnold Schwarzenegger & Sylvester Stallone Wraparound cover by Bill Wray; Art by: John Severin, Steve Ditko, Bill Wray, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, Don Orehek; 1st app Canine the Barbarian = Dog as CONAN Parody-s; Sylvester Stallone in Cobra - movie parody; USA SuperForce = Super-Heroes parody-s with: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Capt Marvel, Flash, Hulk, Cyclops, Archie etc; Ugly Family board Game centerfold; G.I. JOE a Real American Hero spoof-s; Arnold Schwarzenegger in Raw Deal movie spoof; Brooke Sheilds as Glamour Queen parody-s; Tarzan spoof-s);

#226(03/1987; 29th anniversary issue. John Severin-c/a; Art by: Steve Ditko, Don Orehek, Bill Wray, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, Vic Martin; Peter Bagge-s; Moonlighting TV satire with Bruce Willis; Aliens movie spoof with Sigourney Weaver; Family Ties TV parody with Michael J. Fox; Thundercats spoof by Ditko);

#227(04/1987; Russian / Cold War issue; John Severin-c/a; Art by: Steve Ditko, Vic Martin, Don Orehek, & Bill Wray; Russian TV spoof with: Dolph Lundgren, Cosby Show, Miami Vice, Wheel of Fortune, Family Ties; Transformers vs Decepticons parody-s; Ronald Reagan parody-s; Barbie & Ken spoof; Russian comic strips; Gorbachev parody);

#228(07/1987; John Severin-c/a; Art by: Gray Morrow, Don Orehek, Vic Martin, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, Bill Wray; Peter Bagge-s; Star Trek IV-c/s movie spoof; Equalizer TV spoof with Edward Woodward; Sylvester as Cosby back-c; Pee-Wee Herman Playhouse - TV spoof; ALF - TV Parody; Gross is Great; Crocadile Cundee movie spoof; Max Headroom satire);

#229(08/1987; John Severin-c/a; Monsters/Horror issue; Monsters-c with Cosby, Michael J Fox & Freddie Kruger; Art by: Steve Ditko, Gray Morrow, Don Orehek, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie; Night Court TV parody; Transylvanian TV with Cosby, Golden Girls; G.I. JOE a Real American Hero spoof; Ugly Family meets the Transformers spoof; Super-Heroes centerfold with Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Spider-Man, Dr Doom, FF etc; Monster Babies Horror Tales; Fangoria - mag spoof; Madballs satire; Grossout King; Sylvester as Alf back-c; SOLD OUT);

#230(09/1987; John Severin-c/a; Art by: Don Orehek, Vic Martin, Marie Severin, & Bill Wray; Peter Bagge-s; Growing Pains TV spoof; Murder, She Wrote TV satire; the Monkees TV parody; Cosby, Elvis, Gumby; SOLD OUT);

#231(10/1987; Art by; John Severin, Steve Ditko, Vic Martin, Walter Brogan, & Don Orehek; Hollywood Squares TV Spoof-c/s; Perfect Strangers TV Parody; Canine the Barkbarian-s = Conan the Barkbarian spoof; Bob Fingerman-c; Vanna White interview / Wheel of Fortune TV Parody SOLD OUT););

#232(11/1987; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, Walter Brogan, & Don Orehek; TV Parodies of; Magnum P.I., Alf, Cheers, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Max Headroom, David Letterman, Ugly Family in Dragnet, Bill Cosby, Scooby Doo, Michael J Fox, Vanna White; Garbage Pails Kids back-c spoof)

#233(01/1988; John Severin-c/a; Movie parodies of; Robocop, Predator, Inner Space, Beverly Hills Cop II, Untouchables, Superman, Predator/Terminator & James Bond; Oprah Winfrey spoof = Peter Bagge-s & Bill Wray-a; Satires of; Bon Jovis vs Bruce Springsteen, Beastie Boys; Smythe as Pee-Wee Herman spoof back-c);

#234(03/1988; John Severin-c/a; FIRST Art by DON MARTIN in Cracked Magazine; Art by; Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, Don Orehek; Parodies of; Sledge Hammer, Adam West as Batman with Joker, Robocop, Clint Eastwood; Ugly Family-s; Super Sylvester the Cracked Crusader; Spoof of Dick Briefer's Frankenstein);

#235(05/1988; Art by; John Severin, Don Martin, Bill Wray, Dick Ayers, Vic Martin, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie; & Don Orehek; Peter Bagge-s; Parodies of ; Different World, Perry Mason, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Dolly Parton, ALF, Spuds MacKenzie & Superman; Ugly Family-s; Canine the Barkbarian; FIRST Cracked Cover by DON MARTIN);

#236(07/1988; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Martin, Bill Wray, Don Orehek, Walter Brogan, Vic Martin; Movie spoof of Leonard Part 6 starring Bill Cosby; Spoofs of; Lone Ranger, Disney's Duck Tales, Gilligan's Island, My Two Dads, Twilight Zone; Arnold Schwartzenegger, Madonna & Sly Stallone-c; Teenage Movie Monsters = SOLD OUT));

#237(08/1988; 30th anniversary issue; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Martin, Don Orehek, Vic Martin, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, & Walter Brogan; Canine the Barbarian; Spoofs of; Robocop II, Head of the Class, Olympics 1988, Ron Rover; Ugly Family-s)

#238(09/1988; Art by; John Severin, Don Martin, Gray Morrow, Walter Brogan, Don Orehek, Vic Martin, & Bill Wray; Spoofs of; G.I. JOE, Cheers, Olympics, Rock Stars, Star Trek; RAMBO III Movie parody-c/s)

#239(10/1988; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Martin, Vic Martin, Walter Brogan, Don Orehek, Pat Boyette, & Bill Wray; Peter Bagge-s; Parodies of; Beetlejuice, Married With Children, 20/20, Mike Tyson, Robin Hood & Wonder Years; Monster Olympics; Beetlejuice-c/s SOLD OUT););

#240(11/1988; Art by; John Severin, Don Martin, Vic Martin, Don Orehek, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, Walter Brogan, Henry Boltinoff, Pat Boyette, & Bill Wray. Peter Bagge-s; Parodies of; Full House, Crocadile Dundee, Garbage Pail Kids, Freddy Kruger, Rock Star Cars; Canine the Barkbarian-s; Ugly Family-s; Monsterdom; Don Martin-c);

#241(12/1988; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Martin, Gray Morrow, Pat Boyette, Henry Boltinoff, Walter Brogan, Don Orehek, & Bill Wray. Parodies of; Stallone in Rambo III, Big, Arnold Schwartzenegger in Red Heat, Crocodile Dundee II, Morton Downey Jr., Who Framed Roger Rabbit; Dirty Harry spoof back-c);

#242(01/1989; Art by; John Severin, Don Martin, Bill Ward, Vic Martin, Pat Boyette, Dick Ayers, Don Orehek, & Bill Wray; Parodies of; 21 Jump Street, Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry in Dead Pool, Double Dare, Eddie Murphy in Coming to America, Edward Koch; Walter Brogan-c/a; Cracked Movie VIII );

#243(03/1989; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Martin, Pat Boyette, Walter Brogan, Kurt Schaffenberger, Henry Boltinoff, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, Dick Ayers, Bill Wray, & Don Orehek; Parodies of; Young Guns movie, Scrooge, DC's Flash, MTV's Remote Control, Baseball Cards, Superman, X-MEN the Movie, Superheroes, It's a Wonderful Life; Canine the Barkbarian; Santa/Christmas-c; Smythe as Aerosmith back-c; Ugly Family-s SOLD OUT););

#244(05/1989; Elvis Presley issue; Art by; John Severin, Don Martin, Walter Brogan, Pat Boyette, Bill Wray, Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie, Don Orehek, & Bill Ward; Parodies of; Roseanne, La Bamba, Yoko Ono, Alien Nation; Elvis Presley cover spoof by Don Martin; Ugly Family-s);

#245(07/1989; TOONS issue; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Martin, Walter Brogan, Bill Wray, Henry Boltinoff, Pat Boyette, & Don Orehek. Parodies of; Platoon, Schwartzenegger in Twins, Dennis the Menace, Star Wars, Comic Strips, Geraldo Rivera Tabloid TV, Roger Rabbitt; Smthe in Guns N Roses back-c SOLD OUT););

#246(08/1989; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Martin, Bill Ward, Walter Brogan, Bill Wray, Pat Boyette, Vic Martin, Henry Boltinoff, & Don Orehek. Parodies of; Beauty & the Beast, Star Trek the Next Generation, ALF, Gone With the Wind, Dinosaurs Attack, Nostradamus, TV Sports, Bettie Page);

#247(09/1989; Art by; John Severin, Don Martin, Bill Ward, Henry Bontinoff, Vic Martin, Don Orehek, Bill Wray, Pat Boyette, & Walter Brogan; Peter Bagge-s; Parodies of; Columbo, Guillotine, Current Affair, Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper, Spuds MacKenzie & Star Trek; Win Lose or Draw; Spider-Man, Batman & Hulk cameoes; Don Martin-c; SOLD OUT);

#248(10/1989; special BATMAN issue; Art by; John Severin, Don Martin, Vic Martin, Pat Boyette, Walter Brogan, Don Orehek, & Bill Wray. Parodies of; BATMAN, Married With Children, Dinosaurs Attack, ComicCon, Wiseguy; BATMAN-c by Tyler)

#249(11/1989; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Martin, Vic Martin, Gray Morrow, Don Orehek, Pat Boyette, Henry Boltinoff, Walter Brogan, & Bill Wray; Parodies of Batman the Movie, Ghost Busters, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade-c;s Spoofs of; Star Trek V, Arena Rock Shows, Woodstock)

#250(12/1989; Anniversary issue; John Severin-c/a; Art by; Don Martin, Walter Brogan, Vic Martin, Don Orehek, Bill Wray, Bill Ward, Henry Boltinoff, Pat Boyette; Parodies of; Batman & Joker, Baseball Cards, Tales From the Crypt, Ghostbusters II; Superswine-s);

CRACKED (MAIN SERIES; 1958 to Present; MAJOR Magazines / Candar/ DELL Pub - Comics Parody, Satire, Spoof Humour magazines);

#253,254-260,262,265,270, 274,275,279, 283, 288,289, 297 = ASK;


#330 (11/1998; Jerry Springer and the Simpsons cover; G/VG, 3.0 = $4.00) 

#334-337,348 = ASK;

CRACKED Magazine VOLUME-2; #1 (9-10/2006; Tom Cruise Photo-c; NM, 9.4 = $24.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);

(B) CRACKED - Giants & Specials ;



#2(1965/66); #5(1969/70); #8(1972); #9; #10(1974); #11(Winter/1976);

#12(Winter/1977); #13(Fall/1978); #14(Fall/1979); #NN(#15; Fall/1980);

#16(Fall/1981); #17(Fall/1982);

#19(Fall/1984);#20(Fall/1985); #21(Fall-Winter/1986; LAST issue)


#1(Summer/1987), #3(Summer 1989); #4(Summer 1990);

#6 (Summer/92);#7(WINTER 1993);

#10(Summer 1996; Wrestling Special); #11(Summer 1997);



>>> [ #24-62,64 =Are All NOT Numbered; We have assigned numbers, as listed below ];

#1(SHUT-UPS; 2/1972); #2(SHUT-UPS); #3(Cracked Special);

#4-9, 10(10/1975);

#11-19, 20(11/1977);

#21, 22, 23(5/1978);

1978;#NN(July; #24);#NN(September; #25);#NN(November; #26); #NN(December; #27);

1979; #NN(February; #28); #NN(May; #29);#NN(July; #30);#NN(September; #31); #NN(November; #32); #NN(December; #33);

1980; #NN(February; #34); #NN(May; #35);#NN(July; #36);#NN(September; #37); #NN(November; #38); #NN(December; #39);

1981; #NN(February; #40); #NN(May; #41);#NN(July; #42);#NN(September; #43);#NN(November; #44); #NN(December; #45);

1982; #NN(February; #46); #NN(May; #47);#NN(July; #48);#NN(September; #49); #NN(November; #50); #NN(December; #51);

1983; #NN(February; #52); #NN(May; #53 = SOLD OUT);#NN(September; #54); #NN(November; #55); #NN(December; #56);

1984; #NN(February; #57); #NN(May; #58); #NN(July; #59; SOLD OUT); #NN(November; #60; Michael Jackson special issue);

1985; #NN(February; #61);#62(Numbering on cover; 9/1985; Michael Jackson & Mr T cover; SOLD OUT)

#NN(November; #63); #64(Numbering Resumes on cover; 12/1985);

1986 (February; May; September; November)

#65-68, 70(4/1987), 71(7/1987), 72(9/1987);

*** 1988 thru 1994 issues are LOW PRINT and SCARCER;

1987 (April #70; Reprints Cracked #1; SOLD OUT)

1988; #73 (1/1988; First 100 Page issue;  GLOBE Pub; MONSTER PARTY issue; ** Cracked interviews STEPHEN KINK, 5 page STEPHEN KING comics parody; ** Frankenstein, story and art by Dick Briefer (10 Pages New and Reprint comics);

** GRUMBLINS - GREMLINS, 7 page parody comics story; ** Earthshake - Earthquake, 6 page parody comics story; ** KING KUNG - King Kong, 7 page parody comics story; ** [If HIT Movies were Combined comics story; Godfather and Jaws; Wizard of Oz and Exorcist; Lassie and Young Frankenstein; My Fair Lady and King Kong; Dracula and Snow White]; ** Parodies of Aliens, Werewolves, King Kong, Vampires, and more; ** Monster shut-ups; 2 pages of Monster Paper-Dolls; ** BLACK Movie Monsters;  ** Future INSECT Monster Movies; ** 3-D Horror Shows; ** Cover Depicts; Sylvester P. Smythe in Chair, with Ghost images of Freddy Kruger, King Kong, Frankenstein, Werewolf;   ** Uggly Family back cover by Dan Clowes as Stosh Gillespie);

1988; #74(4/1988), 75(7/1988; SOLD OUT), 76(9/1988; Michael Jackson –c);

1989;  #77(1/1989), 78(4/1989), 79(7/1989), 80(9/1989);

1990;  #81(1/1990), 82(4/1990; SOLD OUT), 83 (SOLD OUT) 84(9/1990);

1991: #85(1/1991); #86(4/1991): #87(7/1991);  #88(9/1991);

1992: #89(1/1992; SOLD OUT), #90(4/1992; STAR TREK cover; Low Print Run; SOLD OUT); #91(7/1992; Parody of Walt Disney’s Beauty and the Beast-c/s; Low Print Run) #92(9/1992);

1993: #93(1/1993; Goes to School-c; Parody of Stallone & Schwarzenegger; Low Print Run; Bonus Insert Bookmarks are Intact)

1993; #94(4/1993); #95(7/1993; Disney’s ALADDIN-c; Bonus Insert Wanted Posters are Intact; Low Print Run; VG/FN, 5.0 = $6.00) 

#96(9/1993; Ray Charles-c; Batman; 90210; Wayne's World; VG, 4.0 = $6.00);

1994: #97(1/1994; BONUS INSERT Magazine CRACKED #1 Reprint; VF = $12.00)

 1994: #97(1/1994; NO Bonus insert = ASK)

1994: #98(4/1994);  #99(7/1994): #100(9/1994);

*** 1995 thru 2000 issues are LOW PRINT and SCARCE;

1995: #101(1/1995), #102(4/1995); #103(7/1995);  #104(9/1995);

1996: #105(1/1996), #106(4/1996); #107(7/1996; SOLD OUT);  #108(9/1996);

1997: #109(1/1997), #110(4/1997); #111(7/1997);  #112(9/1997);

1998: #113(1/1998), #114(4/1998); #115(7/1998; SOLD OUT );  #116(9/1998);

1999: #117(1/1999; SOLD OUT), #118(4/1999); #119(SOLD OUT); #120(9/1999; SOLD OUT);

2000; #121(1/2000), #122(4/2000); 

2000; #123(Spring/2000; SOLD OUT);  #124(Summer/2000; SOLD OUT);

2000; #125 (Fall/2000; LOW PRINT and SCARCE LAST issue; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED DIGEST (5 issue Series; 148 Pages); (Scarce Five issue Series; Globe communications);

#1 (10/1986; 148 Pages; Uncommon; ASK);

Cracked Digest II (#2; 1/1987; 148 Pages; Monster Party; Low Print & Scarce; ASK);

Cracked Digest III (#3; 4/1987; TV Satires; Star Trek, Cosby; Low Print & Scarce; VG, 4.0 = $22.00);

Cracked Digest lV (#4; 7/1987; The Cracked Book of Shut Ups; Low Print & Scarce; FN, 6.0 = $29.00);

Cracked Digest V (#5; 10/1987; Laugh Special; Low print & RARE; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED GUIDE to the MOVIES (NBM Pub); #NN(2001; Trade Paperback);

EXTRA SPECIAL CRACKED (1976-1986; MAJOR / Candar/ DELL Pub); -

#1(Spring/1976); #2(Spring-Summer/1977); #3(Winter/1979);



FOR MONSTERS ONLY {Cracked's...} (11/1965-6/1972; Major Magazines Pub ) -

Volume-1 #1(11/1965), 2,3,

Volume-1 #6(1/1969; Life Story of Lionel Atwill; Colossus of New York; John Carradine – Master Villain; FRANKENSTEIN ’68 the Secret Files of Marc Vangoro = 16 Page Comics-s;  SOLD OUT)

Volume-1 #7(4/1969; Karloff, Cushing, Lugosi; Hunchbach of Notre Dame;  Vampire Hunt ’69 the Secret Files of Marc Vangoro, Master of Horror = 16 Page Comics-s; VG-, 3.5 = $14.00; another copy available = ask);

Volume-1 #8 (7/1969; Fantasy Films of the Forties; Dwight Frye, the Mighty Midget of Menace; Jekyll and Hyde ’69 the Secret Files of Marc Goro, Master of Horror = 14 Page Comics-s);

Volume-1 #9(9/1971; Trog; House of Dark Shadows; Blood of Dracula; Blood Thirst; Jeff Jones-c?);

#NN (#10; LAST issue; 6/1972; Cry of the Banshee; Scream & Scream Again; Gray Morrow painted-c);

GIANT CRACKED [ 1965-1989; #13-42 all are NOT Numbered; We have assigned numbers, as listed below; MAJOR / Candar/ DELL Pub]; -

#1(1965; SOLD OUT);  #2(1966; SOLD OUT); #3(1967; SOLD OUT); #4(1968; SOLD OUT); #5(1969; SOLD OUT);

#6 (1970); #7(1971); #8(1972), #9(1973), #10(1974), #11(1975), #12(Summer 1976), #NN(9/1977; #13);

#NN(1/1978; #14); #NN(3/1978; #15); #NN(5/1978; #16); #NN(7/1978; #17);(#NN (11/1978);

#NN(11/1978; #18); #NN(3/1979; #19); #NN(7/1979; #20); #NN(10/1979; #21);

#NN(12/1979; #22); #NN(3/1980; #23); #NN(7/1980; #24); #NN(10/1980; #25);

#NN(12/1980; #26); #NN(3/1981; #27); #NN(7/1981; #28); #NN(10/1981; #29)

;#NN(12/1981; #30); #31(3/1982); #NN(7/82; #32), #NN(10/1982; #33); #NN(12/1982; #34);

#NN(7/1983; #35); #NN(10/1983; #36); #NN(12/1983; #37); #NN(3/1984; #38);

#NN(7/1984; EXIST???); #NN(10/1984; #39); #NN(3/1985; #40);

#NN(7/1985; #41); #NN(10/1985; #42); #43(3/1986; Number Resumes on Cover);

#44(7/1986); #45(10/1986); #46(1/1987); #47(Winter/1988);

#48 (Winter/1989; LAST issue);


KING-SIZED CRACKED (1967-1986; MAJOR / Candar/ DELL Pub); -

#1(1967; SOLD OUT);#6(1972), #8(1974), #9(1975),

#10(1976), #11(Summer-Fall/1977), #12(Fall/1978); #13(Summer/1979);

#14(Summer/1980); #15(Summer/1981); #16(Summer/1982); #17(Summer/1983 = SOLD OUT);

#18(Summer/1984); #20(Summer/1986);


#1,2,5,6,8,9,10,12, 13,18,19,21;

#22 (Winter 1993; Back to School issue; Freddy  Krueger cover; SOLD OUT)

#23,26, 35,36;

CRACKED PARTY PACK (1988-1990); - #4(1990);


#1 (Summer/1993; Star Trek: The Next Generation-c; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine);

#2 (Fall/1993; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/90210-c);

#3 (Spring/1994; Seaquest, Star Trek Blueprints, Quark's Bar);




#1(Summer/1991); #2(Summer/1992; DON MARTIN issue);#4(Summer/1994); #5(1995/Summer); #8 (Summer 1998; Low Print; Cover depicts = Small Soldiers, Wolverine, Toy Story, TMNT, Darth Vader & Spawn);


SUPER CRACKED - (First Series; 1968-1984; MAJOR / Candar/ DELL Pub); -

#2; #6(1973); #7(1974); #8(Spring/1975); #9(Spring/1976); #10(Spring/1977);

#11(Summer/1978); #12(Spring/1979); #13(Spring/1980); #14(Fall/1980); (Fall/1981);

#15(Winter/1981); #16(Fall/1981); #17(Spring/1982); #18(Fall/1982);

#19(Winter/1983); #20(Spring/1983; SOLD OUT); #21(Summer/1983);

#22(Fall/1983); ##23(Summer/1984; Mis-Numbered inside as #24; SCARCE); (Summer/1984);

#24(Fall/1984; correctly numbered as #24 inside; ASK); (Winter/1984);

#25(Winter/1985); #26(Spring/1985); #27(SOLD OUT); #28(Fall/1985);

#29(Winter/1986); #30(Spring/1986); #31(Summer/1986); #32(Fall/1986; LAST issue);


#1(Summer/1987; 100 Pages); #2(Summer/1988) #3(Winter/1989) #4 (Winter/ 1990/91);

CRACKED SUPER (VOLUME-2; Formerly SUPER CRACKED Volume-2; 1987-1998) -

#1(Summer/1987); #5(Winter/1991-92); #7(Summer/1993); #8(Winter/ 1994/95); #9(Summer 1995); #10(Winter/ 1995/96);

#12 (Winter/1996-97; Low Print Run; 100 Pages; X-MEN Parody cover & 4 page color story; 9 pages of TMNT Parodies; Six Million Dollar Man spoof; Family Ties, Batman, Super-Heroes, Dennis the Menace, Dick Tracy, Lone Ranger;  Nancy Dickering interviews the JOKER; VG/FN = $10.00);

#13(Summer/1997; Superman, Batman & Lois Lane cover; 4 page Color Zombie Superman Comics spoof inside); #14[Winter/1997-98; SPAWN cover; Human Torch Back-c; 84 pages; 2-Sided Color Poster at centerfold still intact = (1) Spawn; (2) Batgirl vs Poison Ivy, with Batman & Bane; FN/VF=$9];

#14[Winter/1997-98; SPAWN cover; Human Torch Back-c; 84 pages; SOLD OUT ];

#16(Summer 1999; Hercules & Xena);

3-D CRACKED CLASSICS (3-D Zone #19, 1989) - #NN;

CRACKED (UK / British Regular Series) - #3;

CRACKED (Humor/Parody/Spoof Cartoons/Comics from the Mad-Imitator magazine -- Robert C. Sproul Publisher);

CRACKED -- Completely Cracked (ACE Star Books #T-136; 1962; Severin-c; RARE Title; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED - "Cracked Again" (ACE Books #M-146; 1965; Severin-c; SCARCE Title; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED – "Cracked Reader” (ACE Star Books #K-111T; 1960; Severin-c; SCARCE Title;; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED - "Get Me Cracked" (DELL Books #3033; 1973; Severin-c; Uncommon Title; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED - "Half-Cracked" (DELL Books #3377; 1974; Gogos-c; Uncommon Title; SCARCE in High Grade);

CRACKED – "It's a Cracked World” (DELL Books #5004; 1975; Gogos-c; SCARCE Title; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED – "More Cracked” (ACE Star Books #T-135; 1961; Severin-c; ; SOLD OUT);

CRACKED - "Your Cracked" (DELL Books #6156; 1975; Gogos-c);

MONSTERS ATTACK! (September/1989) - #2;

(C) SICK - Comics Parody Magazines IN-STOCK;



SICK magazine [1960-1980; Black & White Comics Parody & Satire Magazine; Feature/Headline/Crestwood/Hewfred/Pyramid Pub; #109 up published by CHARLTON comics]


Volume-1 #1 (August/1960; Jack Parr photo on-c; Untouchables-s, Ben Hur movie in Photo's Story; Simon-c/a; Torres-a; SCARCE; VG/FN, 5.0 = $75.00;another copy available);

Volume-1 #2 (October/1960; Sherlock Holmes-s, Lenny Bruce-s, Elvis Presley-s, Electric Chair cover; Paper Dolls page; Powell-a; Simon-a; Torres-a; Morey-c; FN=$42);

Volume-1 #3 (December/1960; Hitler in Photo's Story, Jack Parr-s, Lenny Bruce/Nixon/Newhart-s,Khruschev-c; Paper Dolls page; Powell-a; Simon-a; Torres-a; Morey-c; FN = $39; G/VG = $19);

Volume-1 #4 (February/1961; Bob Newhart-s, Russia Commies-s, Castro-s, Alamo in Photo's Story w 4pgs John Wayne; Powell-a; Torres-a; Elvis & Groucho cameo on cover; Morey-c; SOLD OUT);

Volume-1 #5 (April/1961;JFK & Castro-c, Sherlock Holmes-s, Hitler-s, P.Newman/Exodus in Photo's Story, Elvis Photo Pinup Page; Powell-a; Torres-a; Morey-c; SOLD OUT);

Volume-1 #6 (June/1961; Chicago Baseball scandal-s, JFK-s, Ricky Nelson in Photo's Story, Candid Camera-s, 3pgs Marilyn Monroe in Photo's Story; Powell-a; Alfred E. Newman cameo on front & back covers; Morey-c; SOLD OUT);



Volume-2 #1 (Whole #7; August/1961; fronts of Monkey Astonauts on Moon-c; backs of Monkey Astonauts on Moon on back-c; Saga of Buffalo Bill, with Abe Lincoln-s; TV Preacher; Sick-iatry; Mein-Sick = Hitler comics-s; Hitler photo-s; PLAYBOY parody-s; Liz Taylor Photo Pinup Page, Marlon Brando in Photo Story; History Lesson = General MaCarthur, Hannibal, Paul Revere, Custer's Last Stand; the Surgeons-s; Bill Gelband-s; TV Commercials = Don Perlin-a; 2 x Powell-a; E. Morey-c/a; Sickniks= Howard Ostwind-s; Bernie Kahn-s;  G = $14.00);

Volume-2 #1 (Whole #7; August/1961; Hitler-s, Liz Taylor Photo Pinup Page, M.Brando in Photo's Story;Perlin-a; Powell-c/a; Monkey Astonauts on Moon-c; Morey-c; Nice VG copy, but Title Off = 2/3 Cover, first 2 page cut but still intact = $9);

Volume-2 #2 (Whole #8; September/1961; Dick Clark-s; 10=1pg Candid Camera-s, Untouchables-c, Peyton Place; Jack Parr-s; Morey-c; VG/FN = $30; VG = $23; G/VG = $18);

Volume-2 #3(Whole #9; November/1961; Cover depicts Marilyn Monroe, Castro & JFK; Kingston Trio parody; Valentino JFK Parody; Powell-a; Morey-c; FN = $39);
Volume-2 #4 (Whole #10; December/1961;UNTOUCHABLES-c; Young Doctors Photo Story = Dick Clark,Eddie Albert& Ben Gazzara;Powell-a; Morey-c; Simon-a; Jack Parr Parody; King Kong; Candid Camera; FN/VF = $49; FN = $39;);

Volume-2 #5 (Whole #11; February/1962; Nixon-c, JFK-s, Lone Ranger-s; Morey-c; FN = $39);

Volume-2 #6 (Whole #12; March/1962; Beatnik-c & 8 page pull-out section; Powell-c; Torres-a; FN/VF = $49; VG/FN = $29);

Volume-2 #7 (Whole #13; June/1962; Spring Cleaning Issue; Amelia Earhart; Peace Corps; Dean Rusk on TV; 2/3 Page Rat Pack; Torres-a; Judgement at Nuremberg Photo parody; How the JAPS lost the war; Morey-c; FN/VF = $49.00);

Volume-2 #8 (Whole #14; August/1962; Liz Taylor Photo Pinup Page, JFK-s, Dobie Gillis-s, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin in Photo's Story, Castro-s; Jackie Kennedy; Ayers-a; Powell-a; Tuska-a; Morey-c; FN, writing on back cover = $30);

Volume-2 #8 (Whole #14; August/1962; Liz Taylor Photo Pinup Page, JFK-s, Dobie Gillis-s, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin in Photo's Story, Castro-s; Jackie Kennedy; Ayers-a; Powell-a; Tuska-a; Morey-c; VG/FN = $29; VG = $22);



Volume-3 #2 (Whole#16; October/1962; Ben Casey & Frankenstein-c/s, Hitler in Photo's Story, New Breed-s; Jack Davis-c/a; Powell-a; VG/FN=$20);

Volume-3 #3 (Whole#17; 1962; SOLD OUT);

Volume-3 #4 (Whole#18; SOLD OUT);

Volume-3 #5 (Whole#19; March/1963; {3/63, numbered V4#5 inside, should say V3#5}, Nixon back-c/s,F.Sinatra in Photo's Story, Charlie Chan-s; Jack Davis-c/a; Davis Back-c;Ayers-a; SOLD OUT);

Volume-3 #6 (Whole#20;1963; 1st HUCKLEBERRY FINK-c, Lawrence of Arabia in Photo's Story;Ayers-a; Jack Davis-c/a;; Powell-a; ; Simon-a; SOLD OUT);

Volume-3 #7 (Whole#21; 1963; SOLD OUT);

Volume-3 #8 (Whole #22; August/1963; Cassius Clay vs Liston-s; 1st Civil War Blackouts/Pvt Bo Reargard w Jack Davis-a; Davis-c; ; Powell-a; Huckleberry Fick-c; Simon-a; Tuska-a; SOLD OUT);



Volume-4 #1 (Whole #23; September/1963; Smokey the Bear-c; Civil War Blackouts/Pvt Bo Reargard w Jack Davis-a; Davis-c; Davis Back-c;Smokey Bear-c, Tarzan-s; Huckleberry Fick-c; Simon-a; VG = $16);

Volume-4 #2 (Whole #24; November/1963; Civil War Blackouts/Pvt Bo Reargard w Jack Davis-a; Davis-c; Goldwater & Jack Paar-s, Castro-s; Powell-a; Torres-a; VG/FN= $20; VG = $16; FA/G = $7);

Volume-4 #3 (Whole #25; Civil War Blackouts/Pvt Bo Reargard w Jack Davis-a;Davis-c Frankenstein-c,Cleopatra/Liz Taylor-s, Steve reeves in Photo's Story; Huckleberry Fick-c; Powell-a; SOLD OUT);

Volume-4 #4 (Whole #26; February/1964; Civil War Blackouts/Pvt Bo Reargard w Jack Davis-a;DavisBack-c;Photo-c, JAMES BOND-s, HITLER-s; Torres-a; FN = $25; VG = $16);

Volume-4 #5 (Whole #27; March/1964; RACE ISSUE = Indianapolis; Civil War Blackouts/Pvt Bo Reargard w Jack Davis-a; Davis-c; Davis Back-c; Huckleberry Fick-c on Most #27 & UP; Liz Taylor Richard /Burton Photo Pinup Page, Frank Sinatra/ Ursula Andress / Anita Ekberg/ Dean Martin in Photo's Story, Tarzan-s; Powell-a; Torres-a; VG = $16);

Volume-4 #6 (Whole #28; 1964; BEN CASEY cover by JACK DAVIS; The DEFENDERS TV Parody; G/VG = $12.00)

Volume-4 #7 (Whole #29; 1964; Beatles cover by Jack Davis; Torres-a; VG = $20);

Volume-4 #8 (Whole #30; August/1964, Beatles Photo Pinup Page, James Bond-4pg in Photo's Story, 1/2pg = Pogo, Flintstones, Joe Palooka; Jack Davis-c; Torres-a; SOLD OUT);

#31 (September/1964; Pink Panther movie in Photo's Story, Burke's Law-s; Jack Davis-c; Powell-a; Torres-a; Tuska-a; G/VG = $12; G = $10);

#32 (November/1964; Jack Davis cover; Drag Goons-c; Thanksgiving Issue; Davis Back-c; The Adventures of Huckleberry Fink-c/s;Ian Fleming-s, Tarzan-s, LBJ-s; Powell-a; Torres-a; 633 squadron parody; Morrow-a;  FN = $24.00)

#32 (November/1964; Nice FN copy, but Title Off = 2/3 Cover, first page cut but still intact = $7);

#33 (December/1964; Ringo Starr photo-c, Hard Days Night parody-s, Beatles Photo Pinup Page; SOLD OUT);

#34 (February/1965; 2pgs Beatles-s & 1/2pg Photo Pinup Page, Ben Casey-s, Indy 500-s, Flip-c; Jack Davis cover; Powell-a; Simon-a; Torres-a; FA/G = $8)

#35 (March/1965; Valentine Issue; Love Thy Neighobor, Love Thine Enemies, Love Me; Jack Davis Art; Beatles cameo, Jack Davis cover; Three Stooges parody-s, NY Giants-s; Powell-a; Sparling-a; Torres-a; SOLD OUT);

#36 (1965; Jack Davis cover; Powell-a; Simon-a; Torres-a; Walter Cronkite parody; Invitation to a Gunfighter movie parody; BEATLES Cameo on Splash Page; SOLD OUT);

#37 (June/1965; PLAYBOY Special Parody issue "Playbore"-c/s; James Bond Photo Pinup Page, Peyton Place-s; Titanic cameo as stamp; Dean Martin & Ray Walston Photo story; Powell-a; Simon-a; Sparling-a; Torres-a; SOLD OUT);

#38 (August/1965; Addams Family-s=4pgs, Flip-c w Mother mag, Whipping & Bondage panel; Powell-a; Simon-c; Torres-a; FN=$24; VG/FN=$20; G/VG=$12);

#39 (September/1965; Optical illusion issue;Westerns-s, Elizabeth Montgomery in Johnny Cool PhS, Beat mag-s; Simon-a; Sparling-a; Torres-a; VG/FN=$20; VG=$16);

#40 (November/1965, Bing Crosby/Bob Hope-s, Tarzan-s, Goldwater-s, 1-1/2pgs Beatles parody-s;V.C.Martin-c; 1pg Beatles Parody; Simon-a; Sparling-a; Torres-a; FN/VF=$30; VG/FN=$20; VG=$16);

#41 (December/1965;Sports illustrated mag special parody issue-c/s, Dracula-s; Powell-a; Simon-c/a;Sparling-a; Torres-a; Tuska-a; SOLD OUT);

#42 (February/1966; Fighting American-c = Revised from Simon/Kirby-c; Semi-Nude GGA-s=4pgs Sparling-a; James Bond/Connery/ Andress in Photo's Story; 13pgs super heroes parodies; FF, JLA & other swipes! Beatles cameo; Profile on Bob Powell; Jack Davis-a; Powell-a; Simon-a; Sparling-a;Torres-a; Tuska-a; SOLD OUT);

#43 (March/1966; 1st app Sneaker set & begins by Sparling, J.Garner/J.Andrews in Photo's Story; Sparling-c/a; Torres-a; Tuska-a; SOLD OUT);

#44 (May/1966; Simon-c; Cover= Mr Clean, Jolly Green Giant, Smokey Bear, Charlie Brown, Capt Crunch, etc; Brand-X adversising issue; Sneaker Set-s = Beatles Hair swipe parody by Sparling; Peter Sellers photo's; SOLD OUT);

#45 (June/1966; #45 has #44 on-c & #45 inside; #45 is dated6/66, Sick Hobby Issue; Sneaker Set-s by Sparling; TV Westerns-s, Comicman/Comicboy = {Batman/Robin parody}-s, Beatles cameo; Dracula cameo; Simon-c/a; Sparling-a; Torres-a; Tuska-a; SOLD OUT);

#46 (August/1966; Hells Angels-s,NY Mets-s, 1st Teenman superhero-s, nudity panels; Sneaker Set-sby Sparling; Teenman-s; Surfing-c; Don Adams & Peter O'Toole Photo parody; Sparling-a;Taylor-c;Torres-a; Tuska-a; VG = $14; VG minus = $12; G/VG=$10);

#47 (September/1966; UFO/Space Alien-c/s, 10th Victim in Photo's Story, 1/3 page each of Gunsmoke, Lucy, Addams family, etc, Liz taylor Photo Pinup Page; Sneaker Set-s by Sparling; Teenman-s; Simon-c;Sparling-a; Torres-a; VG/FN = $18; G/VG = $10);

#48 (11/1966; Halloween & Monsters-c by Bob Taylor; Dick van Dyke parody-s = Torres-a; Career Limericks; Look Who's Talking; Helicopter Traffic Reports = Powell-a; Peace Corps mag; TV Ad Parodies = Peyton Place, Munsters, Batman, Ben Casey, Bonanza; New Age of Comics = Torres-a; Bob Taylor cartoons & profile; SOLD OUT);

#49 (December/1966; Hillbillies-c; Job Corps = Men's Adv mag parody issue, 5 whipped Girls & nudity page, Surf-cartoons; Teenman-s by Elliott; Powell-a; Taylor-c; Torres-a; SOLD OUT);

#50 (February/1967; Special MOD issue-c/s, F-Troop-s, Flip-c w 1967 Calendar w Bob Taylor-a; Teenman-s;Taylor-c; Torres-a; FN = $22; VG/FN = $18);

#51 (March/1967; Motorcycle-c/s, Ed Sullivan-s, 2pg Granny of Beverly Hillbillies app & death-s, Get Smart 6pg-s, 1/3pg Batman strip; Teenman-s; Taylor-c; Torres-a; SOLD OUT);

#52 (May/1967; Tattoos-c; LBJ-s, Dr Kildare/Chamberlain in Photo's Story, Mens Adv Mag spoof w GGA; PTA; Vietnam; Teenman-s; Simon-c; Torres-a; FN = $20);

#53 (1967; Beatles cameox2, Hot Rods-c/s, Nudity panels, Time Tunnel 6pg-s;Taylor-c; Torres-a; SOLD OUT);

#54 (August/1967;great Monkees cover byTaylor; Skindivers Guide; Teen Buyers Guide; Inventors Guide SOLD OUT);

#55 (1967; Nudity panel, Underground/Psychedelic Culture special- c/s, RFK-s;Taylor-c; Torres-a; Tuska-a; SOLD OUT);

#56 (November/1967; Alfred E Newman-c, Inventors issue, 1/3pg cameo app=Beatles, Rolling Stones, Monkees, etc; Simon-c; VG but BACK cover missing = $6)

#57 (December/1967; Powell-a; Simon-c; Bob Taylor-a; Bonus Color Insert Centrefold intact = Hot Rod decorating Kit; ½ page Dan DeCarlo-a, plus 4 panel cartoon at back; Barefoot in the Park movie parody; LBJ-s; FN = $20);

#58 (February/1968; Hippie issue-c/s;Taylor-c; SOLD OUT);

#59 (March/1968; Hippie section, cutout doll, Hippie News mag, Flower Children;Rock Bands;Taylor-a; Simon-c; SOLD OUT);

#60 (May/1968; TV Daniel Boone-s; Paper Dolls page; Violence in TV Commercials; Superman cameo; In the Heat of the Night Sidney Poiter photo's; SOLD OUT);

#61 (1968; SOLD OUT);

#62 (August/1968; Bikers/Motorcycle -c; 101 Hippie jokes-s with Taylor-a; Wiseman-c; Elke Sommer & Bob Crane photo's; SOLD OUT);

#63 (November/1968; Tiny Tim-c & Evolution of Man poster, Monkees-s, Mens Adv mag parody-s; Stark-c; VG/FN = $16);

#64 (December/1968; Flip-c; Rodrigues-a; Stark-c; Merv Griffin/Johnny Carson/Joey Bishop parody-s; Rod Steiger & Lee Remick photo's; FN/VF = $25; FN = $20; VG/FN = $16);

#65 (February/1969; New Year's issue; COVER Depicts =John Wayne, Sophie Loren, Barbra Streisand,Marlon Brando, Guru Mahareeshee, Sammy Davis Jr., Twiggy, Tiny Tim, Rowan & Martin, Cassius Clay;** Johnny Carson-s; Mannix-s; Rodrigues-a; Stark-c; FN/VF = $25; VG/FN = $16);

#66 (March/1969;Hippie-s, Mod Squad-s, Flip-c, Frank Sinatra / Dean Martin-s; Joe Simon cover art;“Superb Second Class” What the Airline Ads Don't show You About Economy Flights; Extra Special Parody “A High School Yearbook for Now, Baby!; Cuba or Bust!; Rodrigues-a; Simon-c; FN/VF=$25; FN=$20; VG/FN=$16; VG=$13);

#67 = SOLD OUT

#68 (June/1969; BEATLES & Alfred E Newman appear in Garbage Truckon Cover; Spring Cleaning Issue; “Keep Your City Clean”; What to Wear at Sit-Ins and Riots; College Stupidity Exams; Ironside /Raymond Burr & Charlie Chanparody; Rodrigues-a;Graduate / Dustin Hoffman photo's; Wiseman-c; FN=$20; VG/FN=$16; VG=$13; G/VG=$10);

#69 (August/1969; Beatles cameox2, Peter Sellers in Photo's Story; Joe Simon cover art; “When Teens take over the country; Show Biz Opportunity; Be the camp entertainer; bonus Comedyroutine; Grandenetti-a; Rodrigues-a; Simon-c; Sparling-a; VF=$30; FN/VF=$25);

#70 (1969; John Lennon & Yoko Lennon cover "British Gothic" & 1/2pg inside; Tiny Tim Photo Pinup Page, 1pg Superman, TV's It Takes a theif-s; Bouche cover art; “Hippest Harvest;Back-to-Nature youth Movement; Bouche-c; Grandenetti-a; Rodrigues-a; Sparling-a; SOLD OUT

#71 (November/1969; Flip-c, Clint Eastwood-s, Don Adams-s; Welcome Back to School cover, “Students Protest Guide”; Success Secrets of Sickest TV Show”; Orehek-c; Ayers-a; Rodrigues-a; Sparling-a; VF=$30; FN/VF=$25;VG/FN=$16);

#72 (December/1969; Chistmas Special issue; Very Sick Trick Hang-Up, “Angel in the Mirror”; Squint your eyes... see the fate of the Easy riders;Giant = 88 Pages including covers; 2pgs Superman, Superheroes-s,Tarzan-s; Jack Davis-a; Davis Back-c; Powell-a; Rodrigues-a; Stark-c; Torres-a; Sherlock Holmes cameo;

Santa-c; >> BONUS; Hells Angles SKULL Slick Color centerfold Poster insert still intact; Bonus Cut-out and paper Ties intact; FN/VF=$25; FN = $20; VG=$13);

#73 = SOLD OUT

#74 (March/1970; Cover depicts "Supermouth"= Cassius Clay, Spiro Agnew, Joe Namath & others as superheroes-c/s, Easy Rider parody-s, Ghost & Mrs Muir-s; Grandenetti-c; Sparling-a;= SOLD OUT;

#75 (May/1970;Sports Car issue; Drag Race Car-c; Hiawatha; Shack-Ins World; Orehek-a; Me Bratalie; Simon-c; Sparling-a; G/VG=$10);

#76 (June/1970; Nixon-s, Marcus Welby-s; Uphill Racer/ Robert Redford parody; Robin Hood-s; TV in Vietnam-s; Grandenetti-c; Rodrigues-a; Sparling-a;SOLD OUT

#77 = SOLD OUT;

#78 (September/1970; Ma Barker-s, Courship of Eddies Father-s, Abbie Hoffman-s; Orehek-c; Grandenetti-a; Sparling-a; SOLD OUT);

#79 (1970;  SOLD OUT)

#80 (11/1970; SOLD OUT);

#81 (February/1971; Woody Allen in Photo's Story; Francho-c; Simon-a; Sparling-a; SOLD OUT);

#82,83,84 = SOLD OUT

#85 (August/1971; Monster Mag parody-s, Nixon-s, Ringo & John Lennon cameo;Nude Orphan Annie centerfold;Sparling-c/a; SOLD OUT);

#86 (September/1971; John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Tiny Tim & others-c; Lugoze-c; Love Story movie in Photo's Story, Uncle Sam pinup, Ed Sullivan pinup centerfold;Costanza-a; Sparling-a; SOLD OUT);

#86 (September/1971;Love Story movie in Photo's Story, Uncle Sam pinup, Ed Sullivan pinup centerfold;Costanza-a; Sparling-a; COVERLESS, rest is VG+ = $3);

#87 (1971; Jack Davis-a;Simon-a  SOLD OUT);

#88 (February/1972; Klute in Photo's Story, Nixon paper dolls page;Secret Sick Papers; Travel Guide for Masochists; Naked Santa centerfold; Gypsies-s;Klute photo's; Lugose-a; AlanHewetson-s; Sparling-a; SOLD OUT);

#89 = SOLD OUT

#90 (June/1973; Simon-c; SPORTS-c (Hockey.Golf,Baseball,Skiing); Comic Strips charcters; Hoss of Bonanza Nude centerfold; School for Superheroes; Sparling-a; 4 pages JOHN WAYNE with Photo's; = SOLD OUT

#91 (1972; Simon-c) = SOLD OUT

#92 (December/1972; Lily Tomlin profile in Photo's Story, Hospital / George C. Scott parody; Archie Bunker pinup-cf, Nixon in Photo's Story; Costanza-a; Simon-c; Sparling-a; SOLD OUT);

#93 (March/1973; Woody Allen Photo pinup-cf , Godfather in Photo's Story; Costanza-a; Simon-c; Sparling-a; SOLD OUT);

#94 (June/1973; Marlon Brando as Godfather painted-c by Simon; Bridget Loves Bernie back-c; Edward Sorel cartoons; Totie Fields nude centerfold cartoon; Super Fly; SOLD OUT);

#95 (9/1973; Spirit of '76 FLAG painted-c by Simon; 1776 Movie parody-s; Henry Kissinger nude centerfold cartoon; Sick Dolls; Groucho Marx; VG/FN = $15)

#96 (December/1973; Mummy-s, Dracula/Frankenstein app, Watergate board game=Monopoly swipe; KUNG FU Painted-c by Simon; Kung Fu in Photo's Story, TV's Colombo-s; back-c; Nixon on Mt Rushmore back-c; Art Buchwald; FN/VF=$22; VG=$12; G/VG=$9);

#97 (3/1974 Calendar inside-c, Charlie Brown nude centerfold pinup cartoon with Snoopy; Adam-12 TV Parody-s, Movie Monster-s, Superman-s; Rube Goldberg; Simon-c; FN $18);

#98 (6/1974; TV's Medical Center parody; Gerald Ford nude centerfold cartoon; Westworld parody back-c; red pen writing on Crossword pages; 2001: a Space Odyssey movie spoof; SOLD OUT);

#99 (August/1974; Devil/Excorsist-c; 1pg Johnny Carson; Movie Spoof “The Exor-sick”, Bonus cutoutsLoony Labelsin color;Kite Contest winners; Racy Humor: Streaking; Bil Keane-s; Simon-c/a; FN = $18; VG/FN=$15);

#100 (October/1974; Serpico movie parody; Howard Cosell-s; Jaques Cousteau spoof; Pickle jokes; Streakers; Grandenetti-a; Simon-c; FN/VF=$25)

#101 (December/1974; Three Musketeers-s, Dick Tracy-s , Lets make a Deal-s; Grandenetti-a; Simon-c; Simon back-c; FN/VF=$18; VG=$10; G/VG=$8);

#102 (February/1975; Santa-s, Lil Abner-s,Young Frankenstein-s;Cosell centerfold; Carlos Dzib-a;Grandenetti-a; Simon-c; FN=$15; VG/FN=$12);

#103(April/1975; Kojak-s, Popeye-s, Evel Knieval-s, Excorsist-s; Dismal Land/Disneyland parody-s;Grandenetti-a; Simon-c/a; VF=$22; VG/FN=$12);

#104 (June/1975; Muhammad Ali-c/s, Billy Jack-s, Chico & the Man-s; Grandenetti-a; Simon-c/a; VG $10)

#105 (August; Towering Inferno-c/s; Peanuts/Snoopy-s, Rhoda- s, Monsters-s; Wild Kingdom-s; Grandenetti-a; Simon-c/a; Sparling-a; VG/FN=$12; G/VG=$8);

#106 (October; Cher-c/s, Great Waldo Pepper-s, Mary Tyler Moore-s; Grandenetti-a; Simon-c/a; Sparling-a; FN/VF=$18; FA/G=$6);

#107 (December/1975; Jaws-c/s, Little Orphan Annie-s, Telly Savalas pinup-cf, King Kong-s,Frankenstein-s; Grandenetti-a; Simon-c/a; Sparling-a; SOLD OUT);

#108 (February/1976;LAST Pyramid Pub;Pink Panther-c/s, Police Woman-s, Archie parody-s, Jesus/X-mas; Grandenetti-a; Simon-a; Simon back-c; Sparling-a; FN/VF=$18; VG/FN=$12; G/VG=$8; G=$7);

#109(April/1976;FIRST Charlton Pub;Robert Redford / Dunaway-s, Barney Miller-s, Adam&Eve-s w nudity,Mafia-s,Charlton cover gags; Grandenetti-a; Mafia awards; Don Heck-a;Roberge-c; Sparling-a; FN =$15; VG=$10; G/VG=$8);

#110 (June/1976; Welcome Back Kotter-s, Hindenburg-s, McDonalds-s; Ayers-a; Grandenetti-a; Don Heck-a; Norem-c; Sparling-a; VF=$22; FN/VF=$18; FA/G=$6);

#111 (August/1976; Target-c; Sonny&Cher-s, Johnny Carson-s, TV's Movin' On-s, Cuckoos Nest-s;Grandenetti-a; Norem-c; Sparling-a; VF=$22; FA/G=$6);

#112 (October/1976; King Kong-c/s, Bad New Bears in Photo's Story, Don Adams-s, Fonz-s,Redford/Hoffman-s; Ayers-a; Grandenetti-c/a; FN=$15; VG=$10; G=$8);

#113 (December/1976; Buffalo Bill & Indians-c/s, Tattoos-s, Fonz-s, Lets make a Deal-s, nudity panel, John Wayne in Photo's Story; Ayers-a; Grandenetti-c/a; SOLD OUT);

#114 (March/1977; Gator-s, Swat-s, Jack Webb in Photo's Story, Welcome Back Kotter-s; Ayers-a;Grandenetti-c/a; SOLD OUT);

#115 (June/1977; 5pgs Charlie's Angels / Farrah Fawcett Majors-s, Jimmy Carter-c, Mary Hartman-s,Popeye-s, Welcome Back Kotter-s, Rocky-s, Starskey & Hutch-s; Kupperberg-a; Sparling-c/a; Sparling back-c; FN=$15; VG/FN=$12; VG=$10; G/VG=$8);

#116 (August/1977; Baretta-s, Laverne &Shirley-s, Barney Miller-s, Clint Eastwood-s, Steisand-s; Kupperberg-a; Sparling-c/a; Sparling back-c; VF=$22; VG/FN=$12; VG=$10; G=$8);

#117 (October/1977; Six Million Dollar Man-s=7pgs, Bionic Woman-s=5pgs, & both= part-c, Art Carney & Lily Tomlin-s, Cher D'Flower begins by Sparling; nudity panels; TV Talk Shows; Movie Parodies= Network & Late Show; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; FN/VF=$18; VG=$10; G/VG=$8; FA/G=$6);

#118 (December/1977; Star Wars-s=5pgs; 27 pages of TV; TV Viloence-c/s, Baretta-s, Kojak-s, Starsky & Hutch, Waltons, Donny & Marie Osmond, Popeye-s; Cher D'Flower-s with lots of nudity bySparling; Manak-a; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; FN/VF=$18; FN=$15; G/VG=$8);

#119 (February/1978; Movie Parodies= CPO Sharkey-s/ Don Rickles, Deep-s; TV= Rhoda-s, MASH-s,TV's Fish-s; Farrah Fawcett Photo Pinup Page; Cher D'Flower-s with lots of nudity by Sparling;1st Eye-Balling page by Golly; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; SOLD OUT);

#120 (April/1978; Cover & Stories on = Three's Company / Sommers-s, Carter Country-s, TV's Soap-s, Star Trek-s, Archie Bunker-s; **1st app Ego-Man; James Bond-s; Manak-a; Cher D'Flower-s with lots of nudity by Sparling; Eye-Balling page by Golly; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c = SOLD OUT);

#121 (June/1978; Cover & Stories on = One Day at a Time, Cher, On our Own, Alice; specialize =Love Boat-s, SOLD OUT);

#122 (August/1978; Monsters-c/s, Darth Vader-s, Woody Allen-s, Police Woman-s, Newhart-s, Wonder Woman-s, UFO back-c; Cher D'Flower-s with lots of nudity by Sparling; Plan X from Planet Nerd with Darth Vader; Woody Allen, Goodbye Girl, Don Rickles; 3rd app Ego-Man-s; Manak-a; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; VG=$10; G/VG=$8);

#123 (October/1978; Jaws-II-c/s, Lou Grant-s, Odd Couple-s, Coma-s; Cher D'Flower-s with lots of nudity by Sparling; 4th app Ego-Man-s; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; = SOLD OUT);

#124 (December/1978; 5th & Last app &Death of Ego-Man, Fantasy Island-s, Hardy Boys & Nancy Drew-s, Jaws-s; Jimmy Carter back-c; Cher D'Flower-s with lots of nudity by Sparling; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; SOLD OUT);

#125 (February/1979; Thanksgiving-c; Pink Panther-s, 1pg Elvis, TV Game Shows-s, Project UFO-s, Rockford Files-s, Quincy-c; Cher D'Flower-s with lots ofnudity by Sparling; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; SOLD OUT);

#126 (April/1979; SICK 1979 SPECIAL; 68 Pages; Giant-r; Battlestar Galactica-c/s; Kojak-s, Wonder Woman-s, James Bond-s, Love Boat-s, One day at a time-s; Star Wars-s; Eye-Balling page by Golly; Sparling-c/a; Sparling back-c; SOLD OUT);

#127 (1979; Mork & Mindy-s, Mickey Mouse-s, Lord of the Rings-s,Taxi-s, Maverick in Photo's Story; Cher D'Flower by Sparling; Eye-Balling page by Golly; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; SOLD OUT);

#128 (1979; Superman movie-c/s; TV's Pzaz; Disco Mania; Invasion of the Body Snatchers; Mr Spock app; Cher D'Flower by Sparling; Eye-Balling page by Golly; Sparling-c; LOW PRINT RUN & Scarcer Issue SOLD OUT )

#129 (October/1979; China Syndrome-s, Ropers-s, Diff'rent Strokes-s, Johnny Carson-s; Cher D'Flower by Sparling; Eye-Balling page by Golly; CAMP board Game centerfold; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; LOW PRINT RUN & Scarcer Issue; SOLD OUT )

#130 (December/1979; Alien Movie-s, TV's WKRP in Cincinnati / Loni Anderson-s,Mummy in Photo's Story,Jimmy Carter-s; Cher D'Flower-by Sparling; Go for Broke board Game centerfold; Eye-Balling page by Golly; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; LOW PRINT RUN & Scarcer Issue; SOLD OUT);

#131 (February; SICK 1980 SPECIAL; New wraparound cover& story of Star Wars, Star Trek & Flash Gordon, 68pgs, Battlestar Galactica-s, Superman-s; China Syndrome, Ropers, Coma, Lou Grant, Odd Couple, Different Strokes, Pink Panther, Fantasy Island; Eye-Balling page by Golly; Sparling-c/a; Sparling back-c; 68 page Giant; LOW PRINT RUN & Scarcer Issue; NM, 9.4 = $79.00; NM-, 9.2 - $59.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);

#132 (April/1980; Post-Election Blues, Ford/Carter/Reagan-c/s; Archie Bunker-s, Benson-s, Apocalypse Now-s; Cher D'Flower by Sparling; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; LOW PRINT RUN & Scarcer Issue; NM-, 9.2 - $59.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00; VF, 8.0 = $29.00;  FN/VF, 7.0 = $24.00);

#133 (June/1980;Star Trek-s, Trapper John-s; Mother Goose; many Superheroes page; TV'sChips-s; Cher D'Flower by Sparling; Ratings Game board Game centerfold; Sparling-c; Sparling back-c; LOW PRINT RUN & Scarcer Issue;  NM-, 9.2 - $59.00);

#134 (Fall/1980; SCARCE LAST Issue; "Sick Special" ; Scarce 68pgs Giant; New Star Wars-c, WKRP-s, Mork & Mindy-s, Taxi-s, MASH-s, movie Alien-s; Eye-Balling page by Golly; Sparling-c/a; Sparling back-c; LOW PRINT RUN & Scarcer Issue; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);

SICK ANNUAL (84 Pages)

*** ["7th ANNUAL YEARBOOK (1967) " = Actually this is Annual #1] = SOLD OUT

*** ["BIRTHDAY ANNUAL (1967)" = Actually this is Annual #2] SOLD OUT

BIG SICK LAFF-IN = Third Annual Edition 1968, Psychedelic posters, 84pgs , inside covers =Briefer-a Frankenstein poster; Briefer-a; Taylor-c; Torres-a; National Geographic-s; Huntlet-Brinkley; McGee-Ryan; SOLD OUT);

Great Big Fat Annual SICK (1969; Actually this is Annual #4; Karate, Sports, Speedways; Torres-a; Jack Davis-a; Nikita Khrushchev story; Dick Van Dyke-s; Sparling-a Color poster at centerfold is present; SOLD OUT)

9th Year Annual; (1969; Actually this is Annual #5; Color centerfold; The Love Dartboard-c & centerfoldwith Ringo Starr, Tiny Tim & Mia Farrow; FLIP-c; 88 pages including covers & insert centerfold; Playboy parody; 1pg James Bond Connery photo's; Sparling-a; 2pgs Future Movie Roles for the BEATLES; Surfing-s; Torres-a;

Walter Cronkite; Foreign Western Movies; FN/VF = $30.00)

10th Anniversary Birthday Annual; (1970; 88 pages; GET SMART parody; HITLER-s; Ayers-a; TV story with Gunsmoke, Perry Mason, Defenders; ** Addams Family-s; Munsters cameo; Castro app; Torres-a; Bonus Color Insert Centerfold is intact; = SOLD OUT

11th Year Annual (1971; SCARCE; SOLD OUT)

12th Year Annual (1972; 84 pages; ;Grandenetti-a; Simon-a; SOLD OUT)

13th Year Annual (1973; 84 Pages; Frankenstein/Werewolf/Dracula Monsters-c; Nixon-s; Nude Baby Nixon centerfold; HIPPIE Song Sheet; Mafia News; Cereal Boxes parody; Sports, Newspapers,Slobs, Exams, Hamlet, Mother Goose; Undertaker;Costanza-a; ; Hewetson-s; Simon-c/a; Sparling-a; FN = $22.00;  VG = $15.00);

14th Year Annual (1974; 84 pages; HITLER in Photo's Story, nude John Wayne pinup centerfold, Jonathan Livingston Seagull; Archir Bunker in Photo's Story; Alan Hewetson-s; American Indian-s; Monster Movie Mags-s; Medical Game Show-s; Simon-c; Sparling-a; G/VG=$12);


SICK ANNUAL #2,3,4 (1980) = EXIST??? NOT in Stock! [Probably the SAME as the 1979-1980 "Specials" #126,131,134 or the SICK SPECIAL #1,2 from 1980 n Overstreet; I do NOT think these exist as "ANNUALS"!]



#1(1980; Buck Rogers-c/s, Kramer vs Kramer-s, MASH-s, Steve Martin-s, New & Reprint-s; Eye-Balling page by Golly; Sparling-a; Sparling back-c; NM-, 9.2 - $59.00);

#2(1980; Wraparound Star Wars: ESB-c & 8pg-s, Associates-s, Charlie's Angels / Farrah Fawcett -5pg-s,Rockford Files-s, Rocky-s, New & Reprint-s; Sparling-a; Sparling back-c; SOLD OUT);


SICK 1975 YEARBOOK #NN(1975; 84 Pages; Paul Revere-c; Kojak-s, Postcards & Certificates insert, Lil Abner-s, Mummy-s, with Dracula & Frankenstein; Santa-s; Costanza-a; Grandenetti-a; Simon-c; Postcards / LicenseInsert intact; Euell Gibbons; Day of the Dolphin; VF = $36; VG = $18; FA/G = $10);

  1. SICK Magazine = Artist & Contents info = INDEX, NOT in stock list!

SICK Magazine = CAMEO (Short Appearance of One Panel to One Page) Appearances index;

*** This section, is NOT an IN-Stock List, but an INFORMATION index!!!

SICK PARODY CAMEO's = (list at bottom in small print to save space)

Alfred E. Newman = 6-c,9-back-c,16, 56-c, 81,92;

Alley Oop=115,Special #2;


Batman = 107,113,114,133;

Beatles = 35, 42, 43(Ringo), 45, 46(Harrison), 53, 55(Ringo), 64, 69, 85(Ringo & J.Lennon),,Annual#14(Ringo);



Capt America=101;

Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali=34,92,106,113, 118,132;

Charlie Brown=31,36,60,103,108,109,113, 114,115,133,Special #2;

Charlie Chan=130(1pg);


Clint Eastwood=112;

David Cassidy=101;

Dick Tracy 100(back-c),Special #2;

Elvis Presley=2,101;

Evel Knieval=101,105;

Farrah Fawcett=133;



Frankenstein=2,50,114; Groucho Marx=4-c,53,103(x2),123;


Hank Aaron=101;


Hulk=,Special #2;

Jackie Gleason =20,42,43,66, 74,85,93,99,117,Annual#14;

James Bond=43;

Jerry Lewis=20,43;

JFK= 3--5,7,8,11,16,20,22,23,24,25;

John Wayne=46,88(x2),107,111,Ann#12-c,14; KKK=127;

Laurel & Hardy=1,100,127;

Lucille Ball=3,47,74;

Marilyn Monroe=1,14,100;



Nixon=many early issues;


Popeye=100,109,124,Special #2;

Reagan = 88,100,127, 132,133,Ann#12-c;

Ronald McDonald=121;


Sherlock Holmes=1,9,22;

Shirley Temple=20,101;



Spock {S.Trek}=86,99,120-c,124 ;

Star Trek=120-c;

Superman = 60,63,70,72,101,108,109,113,114;

Tarzan=2,3,11,25,113, 1975 Yearbook;

Turok=126(part back-c);

Vincent Price=3,23;

Wonder Woman=101,113,133;



Good 'N' SICK (Allan Gascoigne, Don Orehek, Jack Sparling, Bob Heit, Joe Catalano, John Langton, Bob Powell, Vic Martin, Joe Simon);

How SICK Can You Get? (1974);

Incurably SICK (1962);

SICK of the Crop (1975);


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( 7 ); PERSONAL or Business CHECKS; [We accept CHECKS drawn on USA & CANADA Banks ONLY; YOUR NAME or your Company name MUST be Printed on the CHECK (generic Counter Checks are NOT accepted); *** $75.00 or LESS, we ship immediately; Canada CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 3-4 weeks to CLEAR, before we will ship; USA CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 6-8 WEEKS to CLEAR, before we will ship; NO Exceptions, due to many BAD experiences;



>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986


Email; dsulipa@gmail.com

Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at;  1-204-392-6686

Website; www.dougcomicworld.com

ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com

SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;

ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;



Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit;  SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);  

Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

