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BOX 21986




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- For Sale

ACE DRUMMOND - Volume 2 (Amazing Exploits in the Skys!!! Flying Aces, Based on the World War I Comic Strip by Eddie Rickenbacker) ( SERIALS Movie / Video Film on DVD; Chapters 7-13); >> Starring; John King, Jean Rogers, Lon CHANEY Jr,Noah Beery, Guy Bates Post, Jackie Morrow, Robert Warwick; >>> Directed by; Ford Beebe; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 135 Minutes; > Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD387; >> US$4.99;

ACT OF WAR (Danger Nucleaire); (1996; Suspense Action Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Nuclear warhead Missles aimed at America;

** STARRING ; Jack Scalia, Douglas H. Arthurs, Ingrid Torrance, Terry Barclay

Description: Nuclear warhead Missles aimed at America; President's palace in the Republic of Bazrakistan of Russia;

*** Stated Running Time = 96 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1997 by Alliance Atlantis; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> DVD = VG+;

Inventory #DVD511; >>US$ 10;

THE ADVENTURES OF FU MANCHU ( 4 x Classic TV Mystery Adventure Episodes / Video Film on DVD of the Oriental Villian & Torturer ); >> Starring; Glen Gordon, Laurette Luez, Lester Matthews, Carla Balenda, Clark Howat, John George

>>> Directed by; Franklin Adreon; 4 x Classic TV Episode / Video Film Originally Released in 1956; B&W; Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD103-1; >> US$4.99;

THE ADVENTURES OF JIM BOWIE (Volume 2; The Adventures with Audubon; Outlaw Kingdom; Jim Bowie Comes Home; The Secessionist) ( 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Scott Forbes, Jeannie Moody, Minerva Urecal, Charles Watts, Marilyn Saris;

>>> Directed by; Lesis R. Foster; 4 x Classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1956; B&W; Stated Running Time = 101 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD388; >> US$4.99;

THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD (Volume 3; The Brothers; The Intruders; Food for Thought; The Deserted Castle); ( 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Greene;

>>> Directed by; 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD390; >> US$4.99;

THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD (Volume 4; Fair Play; The Secret Pool; The Black Five; One Man's Meat);S ( 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Greene

>>> Directed by; 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD388-2; >> US$4.99;

THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD (Volume 5; Will Scarlet; The Rivals; The Miser; Tables Turned) ( 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Greene;

>>> Directed by; 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD389; >> US$4.99;

THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD (Volume 7- Errand of Mercy; Secret Mission; Ransom; Children of the Greenwood) ( 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Greene;

>>> Directed by; 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD104; >> US$4.99;

THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD (Volume 8;The Frightened Tailor; The Path of True Love; Too Many Earls; The May Queen); ( 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Green;

>>> Directed by; 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD391; >> US$4.99;

AFRICA SCREAMS ( Comedy & Adventure Movie / Video Film on DVD with Giant Apes, Cannibals & a Wild Safari ); >> Starring; Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Hillary Brooke, Joe Besser, Frank Buck, Clyde Betty, Max Baer, Shemp Howard;

>>> Directed by; Charles Barton; Comedy & Adventure Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1949; B&W ;Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD105; >> US$4.99;

ALASKA HIGHWAY ( Movie / Video Film on DVD = Bulldozers vs Bullets, tribute to ALCAN Highway ); >> Starring; Richard Arlen, Jean Parker, Ralph Sanford, Bill Henry, Joe Sawyer, Eddie Quillan, Harry Shannon, Edward Earle, Keith Richards;

>>> Directed by; Frnak McDonald; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD226; >> US$4.99;

ALGIERS ( Movie / Video Film on DVD; Mystery /Suspense = Boyer as Master Criminal hiding in the CASBAH ); Hedy Lamarr in her FIRST American Film; >> Starring; Charlies Boyer, Hedy Lamarr, Sigrid Gurie, Peter Lorrie, Gene Lockhart, Joseph Calleia;

>>> Directed by; John Cromwell; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 96 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD386; >> US$4.99;

ALIEN HUNTER (Special Edition); (2003; Science Fiction Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); NASA, Antarctica, South Pole, Cryptologist & SETI.

**STARRING - James Spader, Anthony Crivello, Carl Lewis, Janine Eser, John Lynch, Keir Dullea, Leslie Stefanson, Roy Dotrice;

Description: NASA, Antarctica, South Pole, Cryptologist & SETI. James Spader as a scientist, botanic research in Antarctica. Alien intelligence;

*** Stated Running Time = 92 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by SONY Pictures / Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN; Inventory #DVD512; >>US$ 6.00;

ALL REVVED UP; (1997; Stolen Car Scam & High Octane action Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); John Turturro

** STARRING - John Turturro, Gemma Jones, John Spencer, Joseph Maher, Lili Taylor, Paul Calderon, Richard Bright, Will Patton;

Description: Scam artist, & revenge on the sleazy mechanic; Stolen car ring. High Octane story; *** Stated Running Time = 85 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANAFA in 1997 by Lions Gate Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD513; >>US$ 6.00;

ALL SOULS DAY (2005; Horror ZOMBIES Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Slamdance Film Festival

** STARRING - Danny Trejo, Ellie Cornell, Jeffrey Combs, Marisa Ramirez;

Description: >> Danny Trejo (from Devil's Rejects); Two Lovers in the haunted town of Santa Bonita, Mexico. Ghosts deaths & Zombies. Vargaz Diaz criminal from the 1800's; >>> Official Selections for these Film Festival's; (1) Slamdance; (2) San Francisco Indie Fest; (3) Macabro Festival de Horror en Cine Y Video; *** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Anchor Bay Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD514; >>US$ 10.00;

ALL THE WAY -- Kidnapping of FRANK SINATRA in Sydney, Based on True Story; ( 2003; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 98 Minutes); Dennis Hopper, Melanie Griffith

>>> Starring; Dennis Hopper, Melanie Griffith, Portia De Rossi, Joel Edgerton, Rose Byrne, David Hemmings

Description: TRUE STORY Based on the actual events during Frank Sinatra's 1974 tour stop in Sydney. Tom Burlinson performs Sinatra's vocal parts. Was shown at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival. " >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by First Look Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; Inventory #DVD698; >> US$18.00;

AMERICAN CHOPPER THE SERIES ; FIRE BIKE (2003; Video Film on DVD Disc); Episodes 1 and 2 / Orange County Choppers / Motorcycles / NYC Firefighters;

Description: Discovery Channel Documentary series, Orange County Choppers, a custom motorcycle company located in Rock Tavern, New York. >>> Fire Bike - Episode 1: The boys from Orange County Choppers have some fun in the sun wrangling reptiles at a Florida gator farm. Then it's back to the cold reality of a New York winter where Paul Jr. dreams up a custom chopper to honor New York City's greatest heroes. >>> Fire Bike - Episode 2: Tensions are high and deadlines are tight as Paul Jr. races to complete the Firebike. Father and son square off in a hot-tempered battle to build this motorcycle homage to New York City's firefighters." *** Stated Running Time = 92 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Anchor Bay Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = Very Good; >>> Media/ Disc = Very Good;

Inventory #DVD515; >>US$ 6.00;

AMERICAN EMPIRE ( WESTERN, America Civil War, Texas side of Sabine River - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Dix, Leo Carrillo, Preston Foster, Frances Gifford;

>>> Directed by; William McGann; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942; B&W; Stated Running Time = 81 Minutes; [Richard Dix played Pancho in the CISCO KID TV Series & Movies] >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD106; >> US$4.99;


AMERICAN PIE REVEALED - the Complete Story of all Three Comedies ( 2003; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 3 hrs & 18 Minutes); New & Un-Seen Footage;

>> Starring; Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan, Seann William Scott, Eugene Levy

Description: , "Get the complete story of the American Pie comedies! Dishing out a hilarious ne Pie-style perspective on the wildest, sexiest comedy trilogy of all time, it's an outrageous new American Pie movie experience! Frensh from the set of America Wedding, wht exclusive footage written, produced and filmed by the cast and filmmakers themselves, there are all -new stories, gags and out-of-control antics with Biggs, Hannigan, Scott, Levy & the rest of the American Pie gang. Trust us, you're about to be served up the American Pie you DIDN'T get in the theater!" *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Universal Entertainment; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> COVER = NEW, Factory Sealed; >>> DVD = NEW; Inventory #DVD-722; >> US$15.00;

DVD766 -- THE AMITYVILLE HORROR (1979; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - James Brolin, Margot Kidder, Rod Steiger, Amy Wright, Don Stroud, Helen Shaver, Murray Hamilton
*** Stated Running Time = 119 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by MGM Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; $10.95;


AMON SAGA (Yoshitaka Amano) (1986; Manga / Anime / Animated Cartoon Sword & Sorcery Epic Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

>>> Produced by Yoshitaka Amano

** Description: Mystic City, Emperor Valhiss, AMON SAGA, Princess Lichia; *** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Manga Entertainment; Sony Music Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD516; >>US$ 18.00;

ANGELS DON'T SLEEP HERE ( Mystery Crime Murder Drama - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Dana Ashbrook, Kelly Rutherford, Kari Wuhrer, Robert Patrick, Roy Scheider;

>>> Directed by; Paul Cade; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 2001; Color; Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in USA by Two Left Shoes / VELOCITY; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; Shrinkwrap partly peeled at corners, but Still Sealed; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD392; >> US$4.99;

ANGEL ON MY SHOULDER ( Devil Murder Gangster Comedy Fantasy classic - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Paul Muni, Anne Baxter, Claude Rains Onslow Stevens;

>>> Directed by; Archie Mayo; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1946; B&W; Stated Running Time = 101 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD107-1; >> US$4.99;

ANGEL WARS - GUARDIAN FORCE -- Episode 03 ; Three -- A Lesson in Pride / Mission 3: Grace & Glory (2006; Animated Cartoon Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

** Description: Christian animated action fantasy; Fallen angel named Morg wants to conquer Earth vs group of angels called the Guardian Force; Good and Evil. *** Stated Running Time = 33 Minutes, plus 80 Minutes of BONUS contents; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by EMI Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD518; >>US$ 12.00;

ANGEL WARS - GUARDIAN FORCE (Episode 01; One / #1 -- 2004; Animated Cartoon Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

Description: Christian animated action fantasy; The Guardian Force is a group of angels in the epic battle between good and evil;

Angels = Eli, Swift, Paladin, Arianna, Kira, and Michael vs other fallen angels. Good and Evil. *** Stated Running Time = 33 Minutes, plus 60 Minutes of BONUS contents; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by EMI Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

Inventory #DVD519-1; >>> Picture Cover = FN, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; >>US$ 10.00;

Inventory #DVD519-2; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; >>US$ 10.00;


ANNIE OAKLEY (Volume 1; Mississippi Kid; End of a Gun; Reckless Press; Valley of the Shadows) ( 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Gail Davis, Jimmy Hawkins, Brad Johnson;

>>> Directed by; Frank McDonald, Lewis Allen, George Archainbaud, D. Ross Lederman; Writers include; Sam Peckinpah; 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954 - 1957; B&W; Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD109; >> US$4.99;

ANNIE OAKLEY (Volume 2; Annie and the Silver Ace; Annie and the Lacemake; Flint and Steel; Annie and the Chinese Puzzle) ( 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Gail Davis, Jimmy Hawkins, Brad Johnson;

>>> Directed by; Frank McDonald, Ray Nazarro, George Archainbaud,, D.Ross Lederman; 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954-57; B&W; Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD393; >> US$4.99;

ANNIE OAKLEY (Volume 3; Annie Breaks an Alibi; Annie's Desert Adventure; The Front Trial; Navajo Trail) ( 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Gail Davis, Jimmy Hawkins, Brad Johnson, Lee Van Cleef,Denver Pyle, Kenne Duncan Victor Millan;

>>> Directed by; Ray Nazarro; 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954-57; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD394; >> US$4.99;

ANTIBODY; (2002; Thriller Science Fiction Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Lance Henriksen & Robin Givens / Nuclear Bomb & Detonator chip

** STARRING - Lance Henriksen, Robin Givens, Gaston Pauls, Michael Baldwin, William Zabka;

Description; Terrorist with to a nuclear weapon denotator chip in his body. *** Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Velocity - Anti /DEJ Productions; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc =VG; Inventory #DVD520; >>US$ 6.00;


THE APE ( Cult HORROR Monster classic Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Story by CURT SIODMAK; >> Starring; Boris KARLOFF, Maris Wrixon, Gertrude W. Hoffman, Henry Hall, Gene O'Donnell;

>>> Directed by; William High; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 61 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD229-1; >> US$4.99;

THE APE MAN ( Cult HORROR Monster classic Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on the Creep in the Dark by Karen Brown; >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI, Wallace Ford, Louise Currie, Henry Hall;

>>> Directed by; Willaim Beaudine; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD110-1; >> US$4.99;

ASSASSIN OF YOUTH -- MARIHUANA, a Puff, a Party, a Tragedy. Reefer & Wild-Mad Thrills. ( Marijuana Anti-Drugs Exploitation classic, Hysterical Suspense thriller propoganda Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Dorothy Short, Luana Walters, Arthur Gardner, Earl Dwyer;

>>> Directed by; Elmer Clifton;; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1937; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD234-1; >> US$4.99;

ASSIGNMENT: OUTERSPACE { Outer Space } ( Science Fiction Astronauts MARS - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Rik Von Nutter, Gaby Farinon, Archie Savage, David Montresor, Alain Dijon;

>>> Directed by; Anthony Dawson (Antonio Margheriti); Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1961; Color; Stated Running Time = 79 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD112; >> US$4.99;

ASYLUM OF TERROR ; the Dead don't just walk at night (2003; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Prison for Criminally Insane, Haunted House of Horrors, Serial Killer

** STARRING - Jason Petty, Kerry Wade, Melissa Young & Misty Lewis; Makeup Effects by Garnett Burk & Alan Petty; Direct by George Demick;

>> Music by Some Awful Bridge;

Description: Prison for Criminally Insane, Haunted House of Horrors, Serial Killer. >> Music by Some Awful Bridge; *** Running Time = NOT stated;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by York Entertainment/VVS Films/Maverick/Warner Enterprises; >>> DVD Standard Format ; NO Regional Coding (Playable on DVD Machines Worldwide); >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; Inventory #DVD523; >>US$ 18.00;

ATOM AGE VAMPIRE ( Science Fiction Monster HORROR with Blonde Bombshell Stripper - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Albert Lupo, Susanne Loret, Sergio Fantoni, Franca, Parisi, Andrea, Scotti, Rina Franchetti, Roberto Bertea, Ivo Garrani; >> ENGLISH Language Version;

>>> Directed by; Anton Giulio Majano; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1960; B&W; Stated Running Time = 87 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD113-1; >> US$4.99;

ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES ( Science Fiction Monster HORROR Chiller - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ken Clark, Yvette Vickers, Jan Shephard, Michael Emmet, Tyler McVey, Bruno Ve Sota, Gene Roth, Dan White, George Cisar;

>>> Directed by; Berard L. Kowalski; Executive Producer = ROGER CORMAN; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1959; B&W; Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD397; >> US$4.99;

ATTACK FROM SPACE ( Superhero STARMAN, Extraterrestial Alien Invasion - Science Fiction - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ken Utsui, Sachihiro Ohsawa, Junko Ikeuchi, Minako Yamada, Shoji Nakayama, Ken Hayashi, Minoru Takada & Utako Mitsuya;

>>> Directed by; Teruo Ishii, Akira Mitsuwa & Koreyoshi Akasaka; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1965; B&W; Stated Running Time = 76 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD465; >> US$4.99;

ATTACK OF THE MONSTERS -- (Original Title = Gamera Tai Daikaiju Giron) GAMERA Battles GUIRON; ( Science Fiction Monster HORROR Chiller Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Nobuhiro Kajima, Miyuki Akiyama, Chrystopher Murphy, Yuko Hamada, Eiji Funakoshi, Kon Omura, Edith Hanson;

>>> Directed by; Noriaki Yuasa; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1969; Color; Stated Running Time = 80 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD398; >> US$4.99;

AT WAR WITH THE ARMY ( COMEDY & Military Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; The FIRST Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Team-Up Vehicle Film; Also; Polly Bergen, Mike Kellin Jimmie Dundee, Dickstabile, Tommy Farrell, Frank Hyers, Danny Dayton, William Mendreck, Kenneth Forbes, Paul Livermore, Ty Perry, Jean Ruth, Angela Greene;

>>> Directed by; Hal Walker; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1950; B&W; Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD383; >> US$4.99;

BABES IN TOYLAND; (1997; MGM Kids - Animated Cartoon Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Based on the Victor Herbert story.
>>> Features the voices of; Christopher Plummer, James Belushi, Bronson Pinchot, Catherine Cavadini, Lacey Chabert, Charles Nelson Riley.
Description: Based on the Victor Herbert children classic.

*** Stated Running Time = 74 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by MGM Animation Inc. Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD524; >>US$ 11.00;

THE BABYSITTER'S SEDUCTION -- Lifetime True Stories for Women; (2001; Sexy Suspense Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Keri Russell as 18 Year Old Michelle Winston

** STARRING - Keri Russell, Linda Kelsey, Phylicia Rashad, Stephen Collins, Tobin Bell;

Description: Keri Russell (of TV's FELICITY fame) as slutty 18 Year Old Michelle Winston; *** Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Hearst Entertainment / Sterling; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD525; >>US$ 7.00;

BAD MAN OF DEADWOOD (Roy Roger's Roundup ...) ( WESTERN Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Roy Rogers, George Gabby Hayes, Carol Adams, Henry Brandon, Herbert Rawlinson, Sally Payne, Hal Taliaferro, Jay Novello, Horace Murphy, Monte Blue, Ralf Harolde, Jack Kirk; (Roundup includes; Dale Evans)

>>> Directed by; Joseph Kane; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 63 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in USA by Good Times VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD230; >> US$4.99;

THE BAD PACK ; Bad to the Bone (1998; Action Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Roddy Piper, Robert Davi, Ralf Moeller / Soldiers of Fortune

** STARRING; Ralf Moeller, Robert Davi, Roddy Piper, Larry B. Scott, Shawn Huff, Patrick Dollaghan, Marshall Teague.

*** Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1998 by Lions Gate Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD527; >>US$ 14.00;

BAD RELIGION: THE RIOT ; a Video PUNKumentary (LA Access Video Presents); (2000; Music Concert Video Film on DVD Disc); December 29, 1990 at the El Portal Theater in North Hollywood California; Extended Version with CSUN's Suffer Tour October 15, 1988 at Devonshire Downs;

** Description: December 29, 1990 - My brother Eric just phoned, Get your ass down here and film! NOFX and Pennywise are opening for Bad Religion! Eric (of NOFX) says it's cool." I arrive at the El Portal Theater in N. Hollywood a little before 5:00pm. No hassles from security - they've been expecting us. The theatre is relatively empty... except for the members of Bad Religion. they see us, we all nod our heads. "What's up?" They're ready for their sound check; I start taping. We're the only camera guys in the house - that's how I became the only cameraman to film the Bad Religion Riot of 1990 from first beer bottle thrown to the last... The Fire Marshall's decision to cancel the gig incited an over-capacity crows of 1,000 Bad religion fans into an angry mob. Rocks and beer bottles went flying causing an estimated US$25,000 in damages. Paramedics rescued the injured, firemen hosed the masses, and police "escorted" the diehards. You’ve seen "The Riot" footage when KABC-TV aired it internationally on ABC World News Tonight and when Pennywise used it in their 1995 Epitaph release Pennywise Home Movies. Now you can see it live and uncut in its entirety. Bad Religion: The Riot - a piece of punk rock history. Features: Skateboarding Footage (Previously Unreleased) "I Want To Conquer The World" Live at Hollywood Palladium (Previously Unreleased) Director's Comments Who's Who Section Backstage Photo Shoot "*** Stated Running Time = 55 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2000 by MVD Music Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD526; >>US$ 15.00;

the BARENAKED TRUTH ; the BARENAKED LADIES; (2004; MUSIC Video Film on DVD Disc); with Bonus 25 minute unedited Interview with the Barenaked Ladies;

>>> Description: TRACKS: (1) ONE WEEK (2) PINCH ME (3) BE MY YOKO ONO (4) IF I HAD AUS$1,000,000 (5) BRIAN WILSON (6) THANKS THAT WAS FUN (7) NEW KID (ON THE BLOCK) (8) ENID (9) GRADE 9 (10)WHAT A GOOD BOY (11) I CAN I WILL I DO (12) SHOEBOX (13) ALTERNATIVE GIRLFRIEND (14) FALLING FOR THE FIRST TIME (15) IT'S ALL BEEN DONE (16) OLD APARTMENT (17) IT'S ONLY ME."*** Stated Running Time = 80 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2004 by ATV Music / WB Music / Casablanca Pub. ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD529; >>US$ 20.00;

BARS OF HATE ( Suspense Mystery -- Convicted Murderer awaits execution - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Regis Toomey, Sheila Terry, Snub Pollard, Fuzzy Knight;

>>> Directed by; Al Herman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1937; B&W; Stated Running Time = 55 Minutes; (Snub Pollard was an Original Member of the Keystone Cops) >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD114; >> US$4.99;

THE BAT ( Murder Mystery Monster HORROR Chiller Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; VINCENT PRICE, Agnes Moorehead, Gavin Gordon, John Sutton, Lenita Lane, Darla Hood;

>>> Directed by; Crane Wilbur; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1959; B&W; Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD231-1; >> US$4.99;


BATTLING MARSHAL ( Republic Pictures WESTERN Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; SUNSET CARSON, Al Terry, Patricia Starling, Lee Roberts;

>>> Directed by; Oliver Drake; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1948; B&W; Stated Running Time = 53 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD232; >> US$4.99;

BAYWATCH - HAWAIIAN WEDDING ; Extended Version (2003; TV Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); David Hasselhoff, and Pamela Anderson // includes 10 Minutes of Never-Before-Seen Footage

** STARRING - David Hasselhoff, Pamela Anderson, Carmen Electra, Yasmine Bleeth, Gena Lee Nolin, Nicole Eggert, Alexandra Paul.

*** Stated Running Time = 98 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by 20th Century >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD764; >>US$ 9.00;

BEAT THE DEVIL {John Huston ...} ( Cult Classic Action Spoof Crime Comedy - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Humphrey BOGART, Jennifer Jones, Gina Lollobrigida, Robert Morley, Peter LORRE, Edward Underdown, Ivor Bernard, Bernard Lee, Marco Tulli;

>>> Directed by; John Huston; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; Color; Stated Running Time = 88 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD115-1; >> US$4.99;

BEAST FROM HAUNTED CAVE ( Monster HORROR Chiller Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Michael Forest, Sheila Carol, Frank Wolff, Richard Sinatra, Wally Campo, Chris Robinson;

>>> Directed by; Monte Hellman; Produced by GENE CORMAN; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1959; B&W; Stated Running Time = 75 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD116-1; >> US$4.99;

BEETHOVEN'S 5TH ; Beethoven V (2003; St. Bernard Dog Family Mystery Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); with Dave Thomas & John Larroquette

** STARRING - Dave Thomas, John Larroquette, Faith Ford, Tom Poston, Kathy Griffin, Daveigh Chase, Katherine Helmond, Sammy Kahn, Richard Riehle, Clint Howard;

*** Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2003 by Universal Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = Very Good; Inventory #DVD531; >>US$ 6.00;

BELIEVE ; Young Elisha Cuthbert (1999; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); All the quiet on Earth can't silence the DEAD / Mysterious wailing GHOST of Wickwire House

** STARRING - Elisha Cuthbert, Andrea Martin, Ben Gazzara, Jan Rubes, Ricky Mabe

Description: When you mess with the dead, be prepared to pay the consequences! Ben Stiles loves to scare people. But he's about to get the fright of his life when the mysterious wailing ghost of Wickwire House beckons Ben and his friend Katherine into the eerie world of the supernatural. As he puts his life--and his sanity--on the line to uncover the shocking truth behind the haunting, he finds himself in over his head!"

*** Stated Running Time = 95 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 1999 by Lions Gate Films / Alliance Home Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = Very Good; Inventory #DVD533; >>US$ 6.00;

BELLS OF INNOCENCE (2003; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Chuck Norris / Faith was their only weapon at the Gateway to HELL

** STARRING - Chuck Norris, Marshall Teague, Mike Norris;

*** Stated Running Time = 97 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Good Times / Norris Fim Works; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = VG+; Inventory #DVD532; >>US$ 8.00;

BELPHEGOR - PHANTOM OF THE LOUVRE (Alain Sarde presents; a Jean-Paul Salome Film) (2002; French HORROR Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Undead Mummy, Invisible Evil Force, Egyptologists / French & ENGLISH Languages

** STARRING - Sophie Marceau, Michel Serrault, Frederic Diefenthal, Julie Christie, Jean-Francois Balmer, Lionel Abelanski, Francoise Lepine; With participation of Patachou;

Plus Bonus 55 minute Making of Belphegor; *** Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA by TVA International Distribution / Columbia Tristar. >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Ex-Video Store Copy;

>>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = scuffed playable G/VG;

Inventory #DVD534; >>US$ 12.00;

the BEST OF ALTERNATIVE '80s ; the DVD Collection; (2004; 20TH Century Masters MUSIC Video Film on DVD Disc);

Featuring; Buggles, Soft Cell, Fixx, ABC, Tears for Fears

Description: TRACKS: (1) Video Killed The Radio Star- BUGGLES (2) Tainted Love- SOFT CELL (3) One Thing Leads To Another- THE FIXX (4) Poison Arrow- ABC (5) Everybody Wants To Rule The World- TEARS FOR FEARS " *** Running Time = NOT Stated; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2004 by Universal Music Company / 20TH Century Masters >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD535; >>US$ 15.00;


DVD767 -- BETTY PAGE UNCOVERED - The Queen of Kink (2000; Documentary Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ) Innermost Secrets of the Dark Angel of Erotica are exposed for all to see; Rare Archival Footage, Breathtaking Still scenes, a MUST SEE for the serious fan. Rare High School Class pictures; ** STARRING - Betty Page; "With less nudity than most modern bath soap commercials this video shows Betty;s timeless beauty and charm from 'a more innocent by-gone era when everything erotic was possible, but only in the mind and imagination of the viewer. This video contains approxiately 45 mins of rare & previously unreleased material. It is a truly a collector's item for the discerning fan of erotica." *** Stated Running Time = 45 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2000 by KOCH Vision. >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; $19.95;


THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES ( 8 x Classic TV Episodes; Jed Rescudes Pearl - 1963; Meanwhile back at the Cabin - 1962; Elly's Animals -- 1963; Jed Pays his Income Tax -- 1963; Home for Christmas -- 1962; No Place Like Home -- 1962; Back to Californy -- 1963; The Clampetts Get Psychoanalyzed -- 1963); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring;

>>> 8 x Classic TV Episodes; / Video Film Originally Released in 1962/63; B&W; Running Time NOT stated = Approx 160 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in CANADA by QUALITY VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD383-1; >> US$4.99;

THE BIG CHANCE ( classic 1933 BOXING Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Mickey ROONEY, John Darrow, Merna Kennedy, J. Carrol Naish;

>>> Directed by; Albert Herman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933; B&W; Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD399; >> US$4.99;

BLACK & WHITE; (1999; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Rookie COP & Sexy Female Partner (Gina Gershon) vs SERIAL KILLER** STARRING - Gina Gershon, Ron Silver, Alison Eastwood, Rory Cochrane.*** Stated Running Time = 97 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1999 by Columbia Tristar Home Video >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = Very Good; Inventory #DVD537; >>US$ 7.00;

BLACKBOARDS; (2003; Foreign Drama Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Teachers in Iranian Kurdistan / Cannes Film Festival Grand Jury Prize winner

** STARRING - Bahman Ghobadi, Behnaz Jafari, Rafat Moradi Kleur, Said Mohamadi;

Description: >>> Bonus MAKING OF Documentary; >> Teachers in the Iranian Kurdistan Region; Blackboards as Camouflage, Shelter & Sheoids from Gunfire; >>> KURDISH with ENGLISH Subtitles; *** Stated Running Time = 85 Minutes; (Plus BONUS Run Time = 73 Minutes)

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Wellspring >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> Picture Cover = Very Good; >>> Media/ Disc = Very Good;

Inventory #DVD538; >>US$ 15.00;

BLACK DRAGONS ( Mystery Suspense -- Nazi's, Plastic Surgeon, Japanese Spies, Fanatic Muderers - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); 3rd Film in infamous Monogram 9 series; >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI, CLAYTON MOORE, Joan Barclay, George Pembroke, Robert Frazer, Stanford Jolley, Bernard Gorcey;

>>> Directed by; William Nigh; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942 & B&W; Stated Running Time = 69 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD119; >> US$4.99;

BLACK MAGIC M-66 / M66 - Created by Masamune Shirow & Hiroyuki Kitakubo (2001; Animated Cartoon Manga Anime THRILLER Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

** Created by Masamune Shirow & Hiroyuki Kitakubo

Description: Black Magis M-66 is the exciting futuristile adventure of Sybel, a freelance video journalist who becomes involved in a dangerous military fiasco when two top-secret military android assassins, known as M-66 units, are lost. One of the deadly M-66 units escapes with a mission to eliminate Ferris, the granddaughter of its creator. Time is running out as Sybel faces the deadly M-66 android in an epic battle to save Ferris.."

*** Stated Running Time = 48 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by Manga Entertainment >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD540; >>US$ 18.00;

THE BLACK RAVEN ( Murder Mystery & Gothic Comedy - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; George Zucco, Glenn Strange, Robert Livington, Wanda McKay, I. Stanford Jolley, Noel Madison, Byron Foulger, Robert Middlemass, Charlie Middleton, Jimmy Aubrey;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 65 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD120-1; >> US$4.99;

BLACKWOODS; (2002; Suspense Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Tried, Convicted, Hunted

** STARRING - Patrick Muldoon, Michael Pare, Keegan Connor Tracy, Will Sanderson, Clint Howard, Anthony Harrison

Description: Tragic Accident leaves a young Girl Dead. Family thirsty for Revenge persures Patrick Muldoon into the Blackwoods; *** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Velocity Home Entertainment >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD541; >>US$ 9.00;

BLOOD ON HER HANDS -- Susan Lucci (1997; Made for TV Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

** STARRING - John O'Hurley, Lauren Collins, Philip Casnoff, Susan Lucci;

Description: Susan Lucci (soap opera star) in made-for-TV thriller; *** Stated Running Time = 94 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2006 by Direct Source Special Products / Fremantle Media >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD542; >>US$ 6.00;


BLOOD ON THE SUN ( Japanese Secret Police Action Suspense Movie / Video Film on DVD ); ACADEMY AWARD Winner; >> Starring; James CAGNEY, Sylvia Sidney, Porter Hall, Robert Armstrong, Wallace Ford, Rosemary DeCamp, John Emery, Leonard Strong, John Halloran;

>>> Directed by; Frank Lloyd; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1945; B&W; Stated Running Time = 94 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD121-1; >> US$4.99;

BLOWIN SMOKE (Blowin' / Blowing) ; Freak Talks about Sex (1999; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Offbeat Comedy about Sex and Drugs

** STARRING - Arabella Field, David Kinney, Heather McComb, Josh Hamilton, Steve Zahn, Wayne Federman;

*** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2000 by Avalanche Video / Lions Gate Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> (Shrinkwrap partly peeled at left edge)

>>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD545; >>US$ 10.00;

BLUEBEARD {Edgar G. Ulmer's ...} ( the Nefarious GASTON of 19th Century Paris -- Suspense Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; John Carradine, Jean Parker, Nils Asther, Ludwig Stossel, George Pembroke, Teale Loring, Sonia Sorel, Iris Adrian, Henry Kolker, Emmet Lynn, Patti McCarty, Anne Sterling;

>>> Directed by; Edgar G. Ulmer; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1944; B&W; Stated Running Time = 73 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD122-1; >> US$4.99;

BLUE COLLAR COMEDY TOUR RIDES AGAIN - Bill Engvall, Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Ron White (2004; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

** STARRING - Bill Engvall, Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Ron White;

Description: sequel to the 2003 BLUE COLLAR COMEDY TOUR THE MOVIE; *** Stated Running Time = 106 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Paramount / Viacom - Parallel >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD546; >> US$10.00;

BLUE GENDER -- Volume 5 ( 2002; Animated Cartoon Manga Anime Movie/ Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 62 Minutes); Description: , "FACTORS -- (1) Heresy (2) Set; (3) Calm; Yuji ... What have they done to you? You're telling me I can save the earth with my power? Fine. Then you can use my body however you want. But, Marlene is the only partner I'll work with. No one else!" ** Options = ENGLISH Language, or Original Japanese; *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Funimation Production ; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL SEALED in FACTORY Shrinkwrap; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> COVER = NEW in Factory Shrinkwrap; DVD = NEW; Inventory #DVD-727; >> US$10.95;

BOOGIE BOY; (1998; Action Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

** STARRING - Joan Jett, Traci Lords, Mark Dacascos, Emily Lloyd, Frederic Forrest, Jaimz Woolvett

Description: Cross the line...Pay the price. Action Thriller by writer of "Pulp Fiction" *** Stated Running Time = 104 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 1998 by Lions Gate Films Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD548; >> US$11.00;

BORN TO FIGHT ( classic 1936 BOXING Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Frankie Darro, Jack La Rue, Kane Richmond, Frances Grant;

>>> Directed by; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD123; >> US$4.99


BOWERY AT MIDNIGHT ( Jekyll & Hyde Like Professor -- HORROR Suspense; Muderous Zombie Ghouls; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI, John Archer, Wanda McKay, Tom Neal, Dave O'Brien, Vince Barnett;

>>> Directed by; Wallace W. Fox; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942 in B&W ;Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD126-1; >> US$4.99;

BOY! WHAT A GIRL! -- KINGFISH of Comedy & QUEEN of the Show. ( Black Negro Cast Harlem Musical Comedy Review Movie / Video Film on DVD ); suprise Gene Krupa Drum solo; >> Starring; Tim Moore (George Kingfish Stevens), Betti Mays, Elwood Smith, Duke Williams;

>>> Directed by; Arthur Leonard; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1945; B&W; Stated Running Time = 69 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD237; >> US$4.99;

BOYS OF THE CITY. -- The East Side Kids (2nd adventure in Film series; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Leo Gorcey, Bobby Jordan, Sammy Morrison, Dave O'Brien, George Humbert, Hally Cherster, Frankie Burke, Donald Haines, Vince Barnett, Minerva Urecal, Eugene Francis, Inna Gest, David Gorcey, Dennis Moore, Forrest Taylor, Alden Chase, Jerry Mandy;

>>> Directed by; Joseph H. Lewis; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 68 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD127; >> US$4.99;

THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE ( HORROR of Transplant Surgery & Hideous Monster Mutations - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Herb Evers, Virginia Leith, Leslie Daniel; UNCUT Version (Restores Bloody footage edited out of TV)

>>> Directed by; Joseph Green; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1962; B&W; Stated Running Time = 82 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD401; >> US$4.99;

Bram Stoker's SHADOWBUILDER -- Be Afraid of the Dark (1998; HORROR Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Epic Struggle between Good & Evil

** Based on Bram Stoker; >> STARRING - Andrew Jackson, Kevin Zegers, Michael Rooker, Tony Todd, Leslie Hope, Shawn Thompson

>>>> Based on Bram Stoker story (the creator of the Original DRACULA) = When God Crated Light, the First SHADOW was Born... *** Stated Running Time = 101 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 1998 by Lions Gate Films Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> Picture Cover = VG; >>> Media/ Disc = scuffed playable G/VG; Inventory #DVD544; >>US$ 9.00;

BREATHING FIRE ; the Ultimate Kickboxing Showdown (1991; Martial Arts Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); BROTHERS ; One White ; One Vietnamese - ADMINSTER JUSTICE

** STARRING ; BOLO Yeung, Ed Neil, Jerry Trimble, Jonathan Ke Quan, Eddie Saavedra;

*** Stated Running Time = 86 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1991 by Platinum Disc Corporation; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD765; >>US$ 6.00;

BREED OF THE BORDER ( B Western Cowboy classic, Mexican Border & early cross-country Auto Race - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bob STEELE, Gabby Hayes;

>>> Directed by; Robert N. Bradbury; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933 in B&W; Stated Running Time = 58 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD124; >> US$4.99;

BUDDY ; from Jim HENSON pictures (1997; Family Animal Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); TRUE STORY of Gertrude Trudy” Lintz (Rene Russo)

** STARRING - Rene Russo, Paul Reubens, Alan Cumming, Robbie Coltrane;

Description: TRUE STORY of Gertrude Trudy” Lintz (Rene Russo) & her menagerie of cats, dogs, birds, chimps, and gorilla, trained to wear clothing and behave as humans. Produced by the Jim Henson Company." *** Stated Running Time = 84 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1997 by Columbia Tristar Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD763; >>US$ 8.00;


BUFFALO BILL, JR. (with his feisty Kid Sister CALAMITY) (Volume 1; Fight for Geronimo; Runaway Renegade; Boomer's Blunder; Redskin Gap) ( 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Dick JONES, Nancy Gilbert, Harry Chesshire, Lee Van Cleef, Harry Lauiter, Chief Thunder Cloud;

>>> Directed by; George Archainbaud, Ray Nazarro; 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 98 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD402; >> US$4.99;

BUFFALO BILL, JR. (with his feisty Kid Sister CALAMITY) (Volume 2; The Black Ghost; Grave of the Monsters; Tough Tenderfoot; The Death of Johnny

Ringo) ( 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Dick JONES, Nancy Gilbert, Harry Cheshire, Denver Pyle, Glenn Strange,

Walter Reed, Leo Britt;

>>> Directed by; George Archainbaud, Ray Nazarro; 4 x Classic TV Western Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time =

99 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD238; >> US$4.99;

BULLDOG COURAGE ( WESTERN Cowboy -- 1935 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; TIM McCOY, Joan Woodbury, Paul Fox;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1935 in B&W ;Stated Running Time = 64 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD128; >> US$4.99;

BULLETS AND SADDLES -- RANGE BUSTERS ( WESTERN Cowboy 1943 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ray CRASH Corrigan, Max Terhune, Glenn Strange;

>>> Directed by; Anthony Marshall; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 53 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD133; >> US$5.95;

BILL MURRAY Movies Set (2 DVD's on One Disc) LOOSE SHOES (1981) // with // BYE BYE BABY (1988)

** STARRING - Bill Murray, Bill Cosby, Buddy Hackett, Howard Hesseman, Carol Alt, Brigitte Nielsen;

Description: LOOSE SHOES (1981; approx 84 Minutes) "Loose Shoes features a truly eclectic all-star cast of comedians having a blast in a series of hilarious skits that parody anything from movie trailers, film promos and teasers to special announcements. Nothing is sacred here." = Bill Murray, Buddy Hackett, David Landsberg, Avery Schreiber, Howard Hesseman, John Candy, Jaye P. Morgan /// BYE BYE BABY(1988; 80 Minutes) Pool shark - a pool table. TWO Women in Love with the same Man; Bill Murray, Carol Alt, Jason Connery, Brigette Nielson, Luca Barbareschi *** Running Time NOT stated = approx 164 Minutes in Total; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2002 by Quality Special Products. >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = Very Good;

Inventory #DVD536; >>US$ 8.00;

CALLING BOBCAT (2002; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

** Film by Paul Kermizian; STARRING; Jayce Bartok, Rob King, Wendy Hoopes, Daniel Serafini-Sauli, Michael Arkin, Kristin Griffith, Raphael Nash, Thompson Samantha Buck, Eric Dubowsky

Description: Young Men search the New Jersey suburbs to find Ex-Girlfriend. Party of the Weekend, turns into Crime of the Weekend. *** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by York Entertainment/Asylum/Kaboom; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD550; >>US$ 12.00;

CAMPFIRE STORIES ( 2001-2002; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 95 Minutes); Insane doctors, Indian ghosts, bad drugs, a deranged handyman / Truth or Dare

>>> Starring; Jamie-Lynn Sigler, David Johansen, John Hensley, Abigail Spenser, Joshua Harto, Charlie Day.

Description: , "Two teens on their way to a backwoods party come across a beautiful young woman having car trouble (Jamie-Lynn Sigler - The Sopranos). Their search for help leads them deep into the woods getting more and more lost with every step they take. Then their luck changes when they come across a Forest Ranger. But does their luck change for the better? Ranger Bill (David Johansen) has something special in store for the troubled teens - Campfire Stories. They gather around the fire and listen. Insane doctors, Indian ghosts, bad drugs, a deranged handyman with shiny new shears. And what would a campfire be without a game of Truth or Dare? All that and more awaits anyone brave enough to stay until sunrise... if you live that long!" >>> *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Velocity Home Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format; >> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>>COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD-729; >> US$6.00;


CAMP STORIES (1997; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); JEWISH Summer Camp & Sexual Hijinks

** STARRING - Elliott Gould, Zachary Taylor, Jerry Stiller, Jason Biggs;

Description: Jason Biggs (American Pie), Camp Mohawk, a Jewish summer camp in the Poconos 1950's.

*** Stated Running Time = 1 hr & 43 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Four Point Entertainment / MADACY Home Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD551; >>US$ 12.00;


CAPRICORN ONE (1978; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); HOAX - Astronauts & NASA Flight to Mars. the Mission was a Sham. The Murders were Real.

** STARRING - James Brolin, Karen Black, O.J. Simpson, Sam Waterston, Telly Savalas, Brenda Vaccaro, David Doyle, David Huddleston, Elliott Gould, Hal Holbrook

*** Stated Running Time = 123 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1999 by ARTISAN Home Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD552; >>US$ 8.00;

CAPTAIN GALLANT OF THE FOREIGN LEGION (Volume 1 -- 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes; Spirit of Corps; The Search; Dr. Legionnaire; Legion is Our Home); ( 1955 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Buster Crabbe, Fuzzy Knight, Cullen Crabbe;

>>> Directed by; Jean Yarbrough; 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 94 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD135; >> US$4.99;

CAPTAIN GALLANT OF THE FOREIGN LEGION (Volume 2; 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes; Camel Race; Cuffy's Good Deed; Revenge; the Boy Who Found Christmas) ( 1955 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Buster Crabbe, Fuzzy Knight, Cullen Crabbe;

>>> Directed by; Jean Yarbrough, Marcel Cravenne; 4 x Classic TV Adventure Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 94 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD241; >> US$4.99;

CAPTAIN KIDD -- Adventure on the High Seas ( Swashbuckler PIRATE 1945 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton, John Carradine, Reginlad Owen, Gilbert Roland, John Qualen;

>>> Directed by; Rowlad V. Lee; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1945; B&W; Stated Running Time = 83 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD243; >> US$4.99;

CARMAN the CHAMPION - Boxing Film (2001; Widescreen - Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

** STARRING ; Carman, Michael Nouri, Patricia Manterola, Orlando Leone Jr., Jeremy Williams, Robert Catrini;

*** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Good Times ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE;

Inventory #DVD555; >>US$ 8.00;

CARNIVAL OF SOULS {Herk Harvey's ...} ( Cult Classic HORROR 1962 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Candace Hilligoss, Sidney Berger, Frances Feist;

>>> Directed by; Herk Harvey; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1962; B&W; Stated Running Time = 78 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD136-1; >> US$4.99;

CARNIVAL OF WOLVES (2002; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); the Perfect Crime by Perfect Strangers

** STARRING - Forrest Montgomery, Mike Norris, Stoney Jackson, Toshiya Nagasawa, Sonny Landham, Hoke Howell, Jacov Bresler, Jed Curtis, Don Dowe, Joe Estevez, Hakuryu, Dennis Keiffer, David Michael;

Description: the Perfect Crime by Perfect Strangers = "When you have nothing...like Bob (Mike Norris) fired for over-charging customers, or Kuroda, a saxophone player (Toshiya Nagasawa) fired from an all black jazz band because he's not a "soul brother" or Sergio (Forest Montgomery) fired from Al's bar when a fight breaks out with hi in the middle, or Johnny (Stoney Jackson) a con man who dresses like a priest to collect money for his favorite charity - himself...then you have nothing to lose. When Sergio is attacked at Al's bar, Johnny and Kuroda come to his rescue. The bar owner (Joe Estevez) clears the bar with his shotgun. Later that night these perfect strangers discuss the "American Dream" including a plan to achieve it by robbing a casino owned by the Chinese Triads."

*** Stated Running Time = 108 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Platinum Disc. ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD699; >>US$ 9.00;

THE CAT O' NINE TAILS {Dario Argento presents ...} ( Cult Classic Italian HORROR Thriller 1971 Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Reporter hunts Serial Killer

** Directed by Dario Argento; STARRING - James Franciscus, Karl Malden, Catherine Spaak, Vitorio Congia, Emilio Marghesini, Horst Frank, Pier Paolo Capponi, Rada Rassimov;

*** Stated Running Time = 112 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by PDC Home Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New;

Inventory #DVD554; >>US$ 6.00;

CAUSE FOR ALARM! ( Paranoia Suspense Mystery with Dementia -- 1951 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Loretta Young, Barry Sullivan, Bryce Cowling;

>>> Directed by; Tay Garnett; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1951; B&W; Stated Running Time = 77 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD137; >> US$4.99;

CHICKS, MAN (2001; Dating Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); SAVANNAH Film Festival winner ( Robia La Morte of BUFFY the Vampire Slayer appears)

** STARRING - Aaron Priest, Robia La Morte, Renee Humphry, Krista Gano, Nick Wechsler, Scott Roberts;

Description: "CHICKS MAN takes a fresh look at man's attempt to solve the greatest of mysteries ; women. When Jack (Aaron Priest) is dumped by his girlfriend (RENEE HUMPHRY - MALLRATS) he is determined to brave the turbulent waters of love again. Though afraid of commitment, he makes dates with three gorgeous women including his long time friend (ROBIA LAMORTE - BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER). Trouble is, they're all on the same night."

*** Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Kaboom / Asylum ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

Inventory #DVD557-1;>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; >>US$ 12.00;

Inventory #DVD557-2;>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; >>US$ 12.00;

CHILDSTAR (Child Star; 2005; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 98 Minutes); Sitcom icon & monstrous brat kid, Taylor Burns

>>> Starring; Alan Thicke, Brendan Fehr, Dave Foley, Don McKellar, Eric Stoltz, Gil Bellows, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Mark Rendall

Description: , "Sitcom icon Taylor Burns , the world's most famous child actor, is outsourced to Canada. He has to save the world in The First Son, onaction-comedy blockbuster for summer release. Rick Schiller, experimental filmmaker, is assigned as the 12 year-old's driver. The kid is a monstrous brat, but the job does have its side benefits, liberally provided by Taylor's lonely mom, Suzanne. Rick even seems to making some progress in establishing trust with the lad, when the pressures of work, family and fast approaching adolescence finally becomes too mush for the young star - Taylor runs away, presumably with a girl. The First Son grinds to a halt. The film's producers and Taylor's agents are thrown into a panic. It comes fown to Rick to find Taylor before the press catches wind of the situation and all hell breaks loose." >>> *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2005 by TVA Films; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in NICE New Condition;
>>>COVER = FINE; >>> USED = FINE; Inventory #DVD-730; >> US$12.00;

CHRISTMAS ADVENTURE CLASSICS -- ( 4 x classic TV Episodes; Adventures of Long John Silver = The Orphans Christmas; Annie Oakley = Santa Claus Wears a Gun; Adventures of Robin Hood = The Christmas Goose; Adventures of Scarlet Pimpernel The Christmas Present); ( 1950'S Video Film on DVD );

>>> 4 x classic TV Episodes; / Video Film Originally Released in B&W and COLOR; Stated Running Time = 103 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD141; >> US$5.95;

CITY LIMITS -- Rags to Riches & Back. ( Railroad Company, Train Magnate, Hostile takeover, Rival Tycoons & Hobo's -- 1941 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Frank Albertson, Frank Craven, Lorna Gray, Frank Faylan, Jed Prouty;

>>> Directed by; Jean Yarbrough; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 66 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

the CLAIM -- Milla Jovovich (2000; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); based on Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge

** Based on Thomas Hardy; > STARRING - Milla Jovovich, Peter Mullan, Sarah Polley, Nastassja Kinski, Wes Bentley;

** Stated Running Time = 161 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by MGM / Alliance Atlantis ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD560; >>US$ 6.00;

THE COCAINE FIENDS (Warning! Adults Only!) - White Dust from Hell, Crime Suicide, Prostitution. ( 1935 DRUG Propaganda Cult Classic - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lois January, Noel Madison, Sheila Manners, Dean Benton, Lois Lindsay, Charles Delaney;

>>> Directed by; William A. O'Connor; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1935; B&W; Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD143-1; >> US$4.99;

COLD VENGEANCE (2002; Suspense Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Revenge is Best served Cold.

** STARRING - Christina Cox, Josh Barker, Bryan Genesse, Darren Shahlavi, Paul Coufos;

*** Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2002 by Velocity Home Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New;

Inventory #DVD561; >>US$ 12.00;

COLONEL BLEEP -- Interplanetary Intelligence Agent from Planet FUTURA, with Squeak & Scratch, Dr Destructo & the Black Knight. ( 1957 TV Animated CARTOON Series = 23 Episodes / Video Film on DVD );

>>> Video Film Originally Released in 1957; B&W; Stated Running Time = 113 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD466; >> US$7.89;


COLORADO SUNDOWN ( WESTERN Texas Ranger Cowboy Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring;REX ALLEN, The Arizona Cowboy & Koko, the Miracle Horse of the Movies, Mary Ellen Kay, Slim Pickens, June Vincent, Fred Graham, John Daheim, Louise Beavers, Chester Clute, Clarence Straight, Republic Rhythm Riders;

>>> Directed by; William Witney; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1952; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD144-1; >> US$7.89;

CONFESSIONS OF A VICE BARON -- Memoirs of Lucky Lombardo from Death Row (Adults Only!) Black Market Baby Trade, White Slavery, Young Girls forced into Prostitution; ( 1943 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lloyd Ingrahm, Betty Compson, Lester Dorr, Selmer, Jackson, Noel Madison, Carleton Young, Clara Kimball, Young; >>> Cult Explotation Film;

>>> Directed by; Roy Luby; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 59 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD145; >> US$6.90;

THE CORPSE VANISHES ( 1942 HORROR Cult Classic -- Most Horrific of the infamous Monogram 9 films - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI, Luana Walters, Tristram Coffin, Elizabeth Russell, Angelo Rossitto, Minerva Urecal, Frank Moran, Joan Barclay, Vice Barnett;

>>> Directed by; Wallace W. Fox; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942; B&W; Stated Running Time = 64 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD146; >> US$4.99;

the COVENANT ( 2006; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 97 Minutes); Bad Boy Warlock's on Spencer Academy Campus, decendants of 17th Century Witches

>>> Chace Crawford, Jessica Lucas, Laura Ramsey, Sebastian Stan, Steven Strait, Toby Hemingway;

Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2007 by Sony Pictures; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;
>>>COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD-731; >> US$9.00;

CRASH OF THE MOONS - Rocky Jones, Space Ranger ( 1954 Feature Length 3-Part story from the Classic Science Fiction NBC TV series / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Crane, Sally Mansfield, Scotty Beckett, Robert Lyden, Maurice Cass, Charles Meredith, Patsy Parsons, Harry Lauter, Nan Leslie, John Banner, Rand Brooks, Lane Brandford;

>>> Directed by; Hollingsworth Morse; Video Film Originally Released in 1954; B&W; Stated Running Time = 78 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD382-1; >> US$4.99;

CRITICAL CARE ; James Spader (1997; Comedy Satire Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Doctors, Intensive Care, Health Care & Hospital

** STARRING - James Spader, Albert Brooks, Anne Bancroft, Helen Mirren, Kyra Sedgwick.

*** Stated Running Time = 109 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1999 by Artisan Home Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD563; >>US$ 19.00;

CRYING FREEMAN - ABDUCTION IN CHINATOWN -- Number Three / #3 in series, with 2 Complete Episodes (1988-1993; Animated Cartoon Manga Anime Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Kazuo Koike story & Ryoichi Ikegami

>>> Created by; Ryoich Ikegami & Kazuo Koike; Producers; Tomito Kuriyama & Takehiko Shimazu; Directed by; Shigeyasu Yamauchi;

Description: Based on the classic Japanese comics graphic novel. *** Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by ADV Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> in ENGLISH // and Japanese with English subtitles; >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD564; >>US$ 19.00;

CYNDI LAUPER LIVE... AT LAST (2004; Music Concert Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Live at Town Hall, NYC ; New York City, NY on March 11, 2004.

** STARRING - Cyndi Lauper;

Description: >> Song include; Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, True Colors, I Drove All Night, Walk on By, She Bop, Money Changes Everything, Time after Time, and many others. ." *** Stated Running Time = 112 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Sony Music Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), in Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >> Media/ Disc = Light scuffing VG

Inventory #DVD565; >>US$ 10.00;

DAISY MILLER (1974; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Based on the HENRY JAMES Novella of Victorian High Society of 1878

** (Adapts Henry James); STARRING - Cybill Shepherd, Cloris Leachman, Eileen Brennan, Barry Brown, Mildred Natwick;

*** Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Paramount Home Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

Inventory #DVD566-1; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; >>US$ 8.00;

Inventory #DVD566-2; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; >>US$ 6.00;

DAMAGED LIVES { Edgar G. Ulmer's ... } -- His Life of Debauchery brought Disease to his Wife (Bonus Feature -- short subject on Veneral Disease!!!) ( 1933 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Diane Sinclair, Lyman Williams, Georges Irving; VD & Syphilis Exploitation Film;

>>> Directed by; Edgar G. Ulmer; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933; B&W; Stated Running Time = 53 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD148-1; >> US$4.99;

the DARK HOURS ( 2004; Horror Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 80 Minutes); WINNER of FIVE various Horror Film Festival AWARDS

>>> Kate Greenhouse, Aidan Devine, Gordon Currie, Iris Graham, Dov Tiefenbach

Description: , "Psychiatrist Samantha Goodman is on a winter cabin getaway when an unexpected guest arrives. Harlan Pyne, a former patient an dviolent sexual offender, is convinced that Samantha treated him unethically - and he's come to reap vengeance on Samantha and her family." *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2006 by Maple Pictures / Capri Releasing; >>> DVD Standard Format; >> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times, still in NICE Condition;
>>>COVER = FINE; >>> USED = FINE; DVD-732; >> US$8.00;

DATELINE EUROPE A.K.A. FOREIGN INTRIGUE (Volume I; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Flea Market; Diamond Bullet; Sleepy Village; Bonus -- Foreign Intrigue -- Hall of Justice) ( 1951 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; James Daly, Jerome Thor, Sydna Scott;

>>> 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1951; B&W; Stated Running Time = 104 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD149; >> US$4.99;

DATELINE EUROPE A.K.A. FOREIGN INTRIGUE (Volume 2; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Science Conference; At the Front; Radio Message; Code Room) ( 1951-1953 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jerome Thor, Sydna Scott;

>>> 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1951-53; B&W; Stated Running Time = 104 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD467; >> US$4.99;

DAVEY and GOLIATH - Volume Two / #2 - Learning About Caring for Others; (2005; Kids TV Doll-like figures with animated faces Video Film on DVD Disc); with Halloween Who-Dun-it

>>>> Art & Ruth Clokey, creators;

** Six - 15 minuets classic Episodes - (1) The Zillion Dollas Combo; (2) Good Neighbor; (3) The Wild Goat; (4) Big Apple; (5) Ready or Not; (6) Kum Ba Ya; *** 30 - minute special - Halloween Who-Dun-it; >>> BONUS FEATURES - (a) A Davey & Goliath Trivia Game; (b) A complete guide of all 65 classic episodes & 6 classic specials; (c) Hansne Family Portraits; Description: " By the Creator's of GUMBY and POKEY;

Davey and Goliath, Volume 2: Learning About Caring For Others is a delightful collection of newly restored and enhanced, classic Davey and Goliath episodes. Produced by "Gumby" creators Art Clokey and Ruth Clokey Goodell, Davey and Goliath provide a welcome alternative to other children's programming featuring moral themes that are timeless. Join these quirky, wholesome characters on their adventures as they discover valuable lessons on learning about caring for others!"*** Stated Running Time = 120 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Star Light Film Group. ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; Inventory #DVD499; >>US$ 9.00;

THE DAY THE SKY EXPLODED ( Science Fiction -- First Man in Space, Cataclysmic chain reaction -- 1958 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Madeline Fischer, Fiorella Mari, Ivo Garrani, Darrio Michaelis, Sam Galter, Jean Jacques Delbo;

>>> Directed by; Paolo Heusch; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1958; B&W; Stated Running Time = 82 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD150; >> US$4.99;

DEAD MEN WALK ( HORROR Chiller Thriller Movie -- VAMPIRE & Hunchback Servant / 1943 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; George Zucco, Dwight Frye, Mary Carlisle, Nedrick Young, Fern Emmett, Robert Strange, Hal Price, Sam Flint;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfeld; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 64 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD409-1; >> US$4.99;

DEADWOOD PASS ( WESTERN Cowboy 1933 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Butch Cassidy appears; >> Starring; TOM TYLER, Wally Wales,Lafe McKee, Alice Dahl, Edmund Cobb, Slim Whittaker, Merrill McCormack, Carotta Monti, Buffalo Bill Junior, Duke Lee, Blackie Whiteford, Bill Nestell, Bud Osborne;

>>> Directed by; J.J. McGowan; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933; B&W; Stated Running Time = 59 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD151; >> US$4.99;

THE DEATH KISS ( Murder Mystery Suspense -- Movie Star Murdered -- Killer on Loose; 1933 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI, Edward Van Sloan, Davis Manners, Adrienne Ames, John Wray, Vince Barnett;

>>> Directed by; Phil Rosen; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD152-1; >> US$4.99;

DEAD MEN WALK ( 1943 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; George Zucco, Dwight Frye, Mary Carlisle, Nedrick Young, Fern Emmett, Robert Strange, Hal Prince, Sam Flint; >>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 64 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD153; >> US$4.99;

DEATH VALLEY: THE REVENGE OF BLOODY BILL ( 2004; Horror ZOMBIES Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 88 Minutes); Cult-Classic ZOMBIE Film

>>> Starring; Jeremy Bouvet, Scott Carson, Chelsea Jean, Jeremy Bouvet, Gregory Bastien, Denise Boutte, Matt Marraccini, Steven Glini, Kandis Erickson, Dean N. Arevalo;

>> Description: Civil War Western related Slasher Movie in Modern Day USA; Civil War ZOMBIE criminal William Anderson is "Bloody Bill" (Based on a real person?); ."*** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Fishbone Production; >>> DVD Standard Format ; >> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> USED Condition with Many Scuffs & Scratches; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine. Sold AS-IS at a good price; >>>COVER = FINE; >>> USED = scuffed playable G/VG; Inventory #DVD-734; >> US$12.00;

DEEPLY -- Kirsten Dunst (2001; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Curse, Secret & Sacrifice - Haunted Fishing Island in Nova Scotia

** STARRING - Kirsten Dunst, Alberta Watson, Brent Carver, Julia Brendler, Lynn Redgrave, Peter Donaldson;

Description: There's a Curse on a remote Fishing Island off the coast of Nova Scotia that has Haunted the place since the days of the Vikings; *** Stated Running Time = 102 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Lions Gate Films ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD500; >>US$ 7.00;

DESTROY ALL PLANETS ( 1969 HORROR Science Fiction MONSTER Movie / Video on DVD ); >> Starring; Kojiro Hongo, Toru Takatsuka, Carl Crane (Carl Craig);

>>> Directed by; Kenji Yuasa; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1969; Color; Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD154; >> US$4.99;


DETOUR {Edgar G. Ulmer & Martin Goldsmith} ( 1945 Mystery Suspense Thriller FILM NOIR All-Time Classic, with Femme Fatale - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Tom Neal, Ann Savage, Claude Drake, Edmund MacDonald, Tim Ryan, Esther Howard, Pat Gleason.

>>> Directed by; Edgar G. Ulmer; Screenplay & Novel by; Martin Goldsmith; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1945; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD410-1; >> US$4.99;


DETOUR {Edgar G. Ulmer & Martin Goldsmith} ( 1945 Mystery Suspense Thriller FILM NOIR All-Time Classic, with Femme Fatale - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Tom Neal, Ann Savage, Claude Drake, Edmund MacDonald, Tim Ryan, Esther Howard, Pat Gleason.

>>> Directed by; Edgar G. Ulmer; Screenplay & Novel by; Martin Goldsmith; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1945; B&W; Stated Running Time = 68 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2000 in Chatsworth, California, USA by Image Entertainment / Cornith Films VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD410-2; >> US$4.99;

THE DEVIL BAT ( 1941 Humourous Low Budget --Poverty Row” Cult HORROR Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI, Suzanne Kaaren, Dave O'Brien, Guy Usher, Yolande Mallott, Donald Kerr, Ed Mortimer;

>>> Directed by; Jean Yarborough; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD155-1; >> US$3.96;

THE DEVIL'S SLEEP - Innocent Youth trapped in a Hopped-Up Hell. {Adults Only!} ( 1951 DRUG Exploitation -- Barbiturate Overdoses & Juvenile Delinquent's - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lita Grey Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin's Ex-Wife), William Thomason, Laura Travers, Timothy Farrell;

>>> Directed by; W. Merle Connell; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1951; B&W; Stated Running Time = 73 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD156; >> US$10.95;

DVD773 -- DIABOLIQUE (1996; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Sharon Stone, Chazz Palminteri, Isabelle Adjani, Kathy Bates; *** Stated Running Time = 107 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1997 by Warner Bros Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; $6.75;


DICK TRACY'S DILEMMA ( RKO Film #3; 1947 Based on the Chester Gould Newspaper Comics Strip Detective - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ralph Byrd, Jack Lambert, Jimmy Conlin, Lyle Latell,Ian Keith, Bernadette Hayes, Charles Marsh, Kay Christopher, William B. Davidson, Tony Barrett, Richard Powers;

>>> Directed by; John Rawlins; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1947; B&W; Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD157-1; >> US$4.99;

DICK TRACY MEETS GRUESOME ( RKO Film #4; 1947 Based on the Chester Gould Newspaper Comics Strip Detective - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Robert Byrd, Boris KARLOFF, Anne Gwynne, Edward Ashley, June Clayworth, Lyle latell, Tony Barrett, Skelton Knaggs, Jim Noan, Joseph Crehan, Milton Parsons;

>>> Directed by; John Rawlins; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1947; B&W; Stated Running Time = 65 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD158; >> US$4.99;


DISHONORED LADY - Based on the 1857 Murder murder trial of Madeline Smith (Trial of the Century) ( BAD GIRL tries to turn Good; Murder Mystery Coutroom Trial -- 1947 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Hedy Lamarr, Dennis O'Keefe, John Loder, William Lundigan;

>>> Directed by; Brobert Stevenson; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1947; B&W; Stated Running Time = 79 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD159; >> US$4.99;

DISTRICT 13 (Banlieue 13) (2006; Martial Arts Action Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 86 Minutes); Year 2013 Corrupt police, super cop Damien, Nuclear Bomb & Drug Lord & Martial Arts;

>>> Starring; Tony D'Amario, Bibi Naceri, Cyril Raffaelli, Dany Verissimo, David Belle; ; Story by Luc Besson

Description: Criminals in suburbs "Banlieue 13" Sealed behind a Big Wall in year 2013; Viloent political Classic; Corrupt police, super cop Damien, Nuclear Bomb & Drug Lord & Martial Arts; From the Producers of "Ong Bak" and "The Transporter"; Non-Stop Acrobatic Kung-Fu Apocalypse Madness! EXCELLENT & Recommended Action Flick! >> Language Options = ENGLISH, or Original French; SubTilte Options = English & Spanish;

Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by Alliance Atlantis; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in Average Condition with Light Scuffing; But I watched it & it played Great on my Machine; >>>COVER = FINE; >>> USED = Light scuffing VG; Inventory #DVD-736; >> US$18.00;

DOGVILLE -- Nicole Kidman (2003; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); set in 1930's Great Depression in the Rocky Mountains

** STARRING - Nicole Kidman,Ben Gazzara, John Hurt, Lauren Bacall, Blair Brown, Chloe Sevigny, Harriet Andersson, James Caan, Jean-Marc Barr, Jeremy Davies, Patricia Clarkson, Paul Bettany, Philip Baker Hall, Stellan Skarsgaard, Udo Kier, Zeljko Ivanek;

Description: >>> Official Selection of these FILM FESTIVALS; CANNES, Telluride, Toronto, New York & SUNDANCE; *** Stated Running Time = 177 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Lions Gate Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD569; >>US$ 8.00;

A DOLL IN THE DARK - Billy Drago (1997; Psycho Sexual Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Los Angeles, LAPD / Hollywood Cop & Japanese actress

** STARRING -Billy Drago, Naomi Kawashima, Josh Brauer, Adoni Maropakis, Lisa Rhoden

*** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Platinum Disc; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD570; >>US$ 12.00;

DO NOT CROSS THIS LINE {Sometimes they go TOO FAR} - ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FARCE (2000; CBC-TV Comedy / Video Film on DVD Disc);

** STARRING -Roger Abbott, Don Ferguson, Luba Goy, John Morgan; >> Cameos by Ralph Benmergui, Pamela Wallin ;

Description: "Just how far can Air Farce go in making fun of people and politics? One step over the live, and we hear from our viewers pretty quickly. But not getting close enough to the line isn't any fun. So we do our best to keep out toes on the line, even though the *** line keeps moving! We hope you'll enjoy this, our seventh collection of favorite sketches from our CBC-TV series, where we turn headlines into punchlines. 2000 was a year where a Cuban boy became an international name, Russia got a new leader, the US President's term expired, the Pope visited the Holy Land, and television was flooded with more commercials and more regulations." *** Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2000 by CBC Home Video Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD571; >>US$ 10.00;


DOUBLE CROSS ( 1941 Police Crime Mystery Racketeering - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Kane Richmond, John Miljan, Wynne Gibson (Hard-Boiled BAD Girl Blonde), Pauline Moore, Mary Gordon;

>>> Directed by; Albert Kelley; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 66 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD411; >> US$4.99;

DOUBLE DOWN (2001; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Four young compulsive gamblers & a fixed race

** STARRING - Jason Priestley, Peter Dobson, Kane Picoy, Orien Richman, Alicia Coppola;

Description: "Four young compulsive gamblers come up with a radical plan to get out of debt with a fixed race."

*** Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by Lions Gate Films ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in NICE Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; Inventory #DVD572; >>US$ 9.00;

DRAGNET (Volume 2; Sgt. / Sergeant JOE FRIDAY; 4 x classic LAPD TV Episodes; Infant Jesus missing from Church Manger; Marijuana & Gang of Teenagers; Obscene Books at High School; Merchant Marine Hit & Run Murder Case ) ( 1957 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jack Webb, Ben Alexander, Allene Roberts, Bill Bouchey, Ralph Moody, Martin Milner, Caroline Jones;

>>> Directed by; Jack Webb; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1957; B&W; Stated Running Time = 107 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD412; >> US$4.99;

DRAGNET ( Sgt. / Sergeant JOE FRIDAY; 4 x classic LAPD TV Episodes; Kleptomaniac on Wilshire Boulevard; Hit-and-Run Murder Grandmother & Grandson; Abandoned Baby at Bus Depot; 4 Year Old missing Twins) ( 1953 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jack Webb, Ben Alexander, Virginia Gregg, Paul Williams, Peggy Webber, Kyle, James, Walter Reed;

>>> Directed by; Jack Webb; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1953; B&W; Stated Running Time = 95 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD164-1; >> US$4.99;

DR. JEKYLL and SISTER HYDE (1971; HAMMER Horror Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); based on the Robert Louis Stevenson classic story

>>> Directed by Roy Ward Barker; ** STARRING - Gerald Sim, Martine Beswick, Ralph Bates, Lewis Fiander, Susan Broderick, Dorothy Alison, Ivor Dean, Philip Madoc

>>> COMPLETE and UNCUT with Footage NOT seen in the Original US Release; *** Stated Running Time = 96 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Anchor Bay Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD574; >>US$ 13.00;

DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE {Robert Lewis Stevenson's..; with John Barrymore} ( SILENT 1920 B&W classic HORROR Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Martha Manfield, Sheldon Lewis, Charles Lane, Nita Naldi, George Stevens, Louis Wolheim, Millicent Carewe, Brandon Hurst, Cecil Clovelly, Malcom Dunn;

>>> Directed by; John S. Robertson; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1920; B&W Silent Movie; Stated Running Time = 96 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD161-1; >> US$4.99;

DRUM TAPS ( WESTERN Cowboy 1933 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ken MAYNARD, Dorothy Dix, Charles Stevens, Kermit MAYNARD, Al Bridge, Harry Semels, Slim Whitaker;

>>> Directed by; J.P. McGowan; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933; B&W; Stated Running Time = 57 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD165; >> US$4.99;

DUNGEON OF HARROW {Pat Boyette's Undergrond Classic} -- WOMAN in BONDAGE (Chains) Cover. ( 1962 HORROR, Count DeSade; Degrading, Humiliation, & Indignations -- Masterpiece of TORTURE & Exploitation - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Russ Harvey, Helen Hogan, William McNulty, Michelle Buquor, Maurice Harris, Eunice Grey;

>>> Directed by; Pat Boyette (the Legendary Comic Book artist); Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1962; Color; Stated Running Time = 74 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD166-1; >> US$4.99;

EAST SIDE KIDS ( early film in Bowery Boys series; 1940 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Hally Chester, Donald Haines, dave O'Brien, Leon Ames, Dennis Moore, Joyce Bryant, Harris Berger, Frankie Burke, Vince Barnett, Richard Adams, Maxine Leslie, Robert Fiske, Jack Edwards, James Farley, Alden Chase, Fred Hoose, Eric Burtis, Eddie Brian, Sam Edwards, David Durand, Frank Yaconelli;

>>> Directed by; Bob Hill; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD247; >> US$4.99;

ELEPHANT ; a Film by Gus Van Sant (2003; Made for HBO Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Loosely based on Columbine High School, Massacre by 2 young Social Outcasts

STARRING - A.D. Miles, Alex Frost, Alicia Miles, Bennie Dixon, Brittany Mountain, Carrie Finklea, Elias McConnell, Eric Deulen, John Robinson, Jordan Taylor, Kristen Hicks, Nathan Tyson, Nicole George, Timothy Bottoms;

Description: >>>> ELEPHANT won the Palme D'Or and Best Director at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival." *** Stated Running Time = 80 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by HBO Video Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD575; >>US$ 8.00;

EVERYTHING REMAINS RAW - Busta Rhymes (2004; MUSIC Concert RAP Video Film on DVD Disc); 1ST Ever LIVE feature DVD ; Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix Arizona>>> STARRING - Busta Rhymes and the FLIPMORE Squad Description: "Rap artist Busta Rhymes performs his top hits, live in concert!" *** Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; PS2 & XBOX Compatible; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by DTS / Eagle Rock Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), in Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN; Inventory #DVD577; >>US$ 12.00;

EXILE EXPRESS ( Rushless Spies, Secret Formula, Ellis Island, Public Trial & Deportation -- 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Anna Sten (veteren European Actress), Alan Marshal, Walter Catlett, Jed Prouty, Byron Folger;

>>> Directed by; Otis M. Garrett; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 71 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD167; >> US$4.99;

EXILED TO SHANGHAI ( early TV Newsreel Broadcast cameraman -- 1937 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Wallace Ford, June Travis, Dean Jagger, Jonathan Hale;

>>> Directed by; Nick Grinde; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1937; B&W; Stated Running Time = 53 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD248; >> US$4.99;

A FAMILY OF SPIES ; True Story of John A. Walker Jr. (1990; 3 Hour TV MINI Series Espionage Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Nominated for 2 Golden Globe awards

** STARRING - Lesley Ann Warren, Powers Boothe;

Description: Top Secret Codes, Off-Limit Vaults, KL-47 the US Military's definitive Encoder-Decoder CRYPTO Machine. John Walker Russian SPY.

*** Stated Running Time = 175 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1989 by Hearst Entertainment Inc./Sterling; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD501; >> US$9.00;

THE FATAL HOUR (1940; #4 in Monogram series; KARLOFF as MR. JAMES LEE WONG -- Oriental Detective - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Boris KARLOFF, Grant Withers, Marjorie Reynolds, Jason Robards;

>>> Directed by; William Nigh; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 68 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD169-2; >> US$4.99;

FEAR NO EVIL by Frank LaLoggia (1980; Teen Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Teenage High School, Antichrist /Lucifer vs Gabriel / Archangels vs Devil

>>> Written & Directed by Frank LaLoggia; > Starring; Stefan Arngrim, Elizabeth Hoffman, Kathleen Rowe McAllen;

*** Stated Running Time = 99 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Anchor Bay Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD581; >>US$ 9.00;

FEDERAL MEN -- U.S. TREASURY Department Men in Action. (Volume 2; 1954; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Green Feathers; Iron Curtain; Slippery Eel; Gentlemen Cheat); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Walter Greaza

>>> Directed by; Gerald Mayer, Leigh Jason, William Beaudine; 4 x classic TV Episodes; / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; B&W; Stated Running Time = 104 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD416; >> US$4.99;

FEDERAL MEN -- U.S. TREASURY Department Men in Action. (Volume 3; 1954; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Steady Hand; Tight Squeeze; Leather Bogs; Little Tin Box); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Walter Greaza;

>>> Directed by; William Beaudine, Robert Sloane, Will Jason; 4 x classic TV Episodes; / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; B&W; Stated Running Time = 102 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD248-1; >> US$4.99;

FEDERAL MEN -- U.S. TREASURY Department Men in Action. (Volume 4; 1954; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Man Trap; Princely Pauper; Man Next Door; Man Outside) ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Walter Greaza

>>> Directed by; Leigh Jason, Will Jason; 4 x classic TV Episodes; / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; B&W; Stated Running Time = 103 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD170; >> US$4.99;

FINAL SOLUTION ; Based on a True Story of the last days of Apartheid (2002; PBS Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Cape Town, South Africa in 1993

STARRING - John Kani, Vusi Kunene, Bruce Marchiano, Reghardt Van Den Bergh, Langley Kirkwood, Mpho Lovi

*** Stated Running Time = 106 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Messenger Films / CROWN Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> EX-VIDEO STORE Copy, with Multiple Scuffs & SCRATCHES, but I watched it & it played just fine on my machine. SCARCE on DVD. Sold AS-IS at a good price. >>> Picture Cover = Good; >>> Media/ Disc= Scratched playable GOOD;

Inventory #DVD582; >>US$ 8.00;

THE FIRE NEXT TIME (2005; 3 Hour TV MINI SERIES Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Aftermath of Global Warming in the Year 2017

>> STARRING - Craig T. Nelson, Bonnie Bedelia, Richard Farnsworth, Jurgen Prochnow.

*** Stated Running Time = 193 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Platinum Disc Corporation; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD583; >>US$ 7.00;


FLASH GORDON ( 1954; Based on Alex Raymond's classic Newspaper Comics Srips; 4 x untitled classic TV Episodes; Time Travel & Earth-Threatening Bomb; Battles Half-Man/Half-Lion; Memory Sapping Mad Witch of Neptune - Science Fiction Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Steve Holland, Irene Champlin, Joe Nash;

>>> Directed by; Gunther V. Fritsch; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; B&W; Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD249-1; >> US$4.99;

FLASH GORDON CONQUERS THE UNIVERSE (Volume Two; 1940; Chapters 7 -- 12; Based on Alex Raymond's classic Newspaper Comics Srips) ( Science Fiction SERIALS Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Buster Crabbe, Lee Powel, Beatrice Roberts, Charles B. Middleton, Michael Mark, Ben Taggart, Don Rowan, Frank Shannon, Victor Zimmerman, Shirley deane, Harry Bradley carolyn Hughes, Anne Gwynne, Roland Drew, Edgar Edwards;

>>> Directed by; Ford I. Beebe, Ray Taylor; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 101 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD171; >> US$4.99;

THE FOG ; Special Edition = John Carpenter's / Debra Hill Production (1979-1980; Nocturnal TERROR HORROR Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

>>> Produced by; John Carpenter & Debra Hill >> STARRING - Adrienne Barbeau, Hal Holbrook, Jamie Lee Curtis, Janet Leigh, John Houseman

Description: Antonio Bay, is celebrating the 100th anniversary, a FOG Bank rolls in unlike any other....

*** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by MGM Home Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD584; >>US$ 10.00;

FOG ISLAND ( Mystery Suspense Thriller 1945 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lionel Atwill, George Zucco, Jerome Cowan, Veda Ann Borg, Sharon Douglas;

>>> Directed by; Terry Morse; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1945; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD415; >> US$4.99;

FOLLOW THAT MAN (Volume 1; Detective Mike Barnett = 4 x Hard-Boiled TV Episodes; Petie Larceny; Wire Trappers; Third Rail; Death Takes a Partner) ( 1953-1954 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ralph Bellamy, Margaret Hamilton, Irene Champlin;

>>> Directed by; Edward J. Montagne, William Berke; 4 x Hard-Boiled TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1953-54 B&W; Stated Running Time = 102 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD414; >> US$4.99;

FOLLOW THAT MAN (Volume 3; Detective Mike Barnett = 4 x Hard-Boiled TV Episodes; Murder in the Rough; Murder Mountain; Washington Story; Missing Cadet); ( 1953-1954 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ralph Bellamy

>>> Directed by; Edward J. Montagne, William Berke; 4 x Hard-Boiled TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1953-54; B&W; Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD173; >> US$4.99;

DVD778 -- FOR LOVE OR COUNTRY -- the Arturo Sandoval Story / Cuba to USA Jazz Trumpet Player (2001; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Andy Garcia, Charles S. Dutton, David Paymer, Gloria Estefan, Mia Maestro, Steven Bauer; *** Stated Running Time = 120 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by HBO Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; $4.99;


4 DOGS PLAYING POKER (2000; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

** STARRING - Balthazar Getty, Daniel London, Forest Whitaker, George Lazenby, John Nigel Taylor, Stephen Phillip Jones, Olivia Williams, Stacy Edwards, Tim Curry;

>>> Official Selections at these Film Festivals; Boston, Seattle & Fort Lauderdale. >> Rock Stars turned Actors appear = John Nigel Taylor (of Duran Duran), Stephen Phillip Jones (of Sex Pistols) *** Stated Running Time = 97 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Half Moon / Warner Bros. Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD568; >>US$ 20.00;

FOXY BROWN --- Pam Grier (1974; revenge thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); One of the screen's first action heroines

STARRING - Pam Grier, Peter Brown, Terry Carter, Kathryn Loder, Harry Holcombe;

Description: "She's brown sugar and spice…and if you don't watch it, she'll put you on ice! Delivering a performance worthy of "the Queen of the genre" (Los Angeles Times), Grier portrays one of the screen's first action heroines with humor, sensitivity and steely determination. This electrifying revenge thriller explodes with all the sex appeal and cooler-than-cool attitude of its irresistible leading lady. Foxy Brown (Grier) has found her soul mate in an undercover narcotics investigator, but when he is brutally murdered, she swears vengeance against the crime ring responsible. Posing as a call girl to gain access to the ring's inner circle, Foxy discovers just how high the corruption extends, igniting a blistering war that takes her from the city streets to a remote drug laboratory to a breathtaking mid-air battle behind the controls of an airplane! But the most startling confrontations are yet to come, as she schemes to bring down her boyfriend's killers in ways they never could have imagined ." *** Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Soul Cinema / MGM Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New;

Inventory #DVD586; >>US$ 10.00;

DVD779 -- FRIDA (2002; Movie / Video Film on 2 x DVD Disc Set ); * STARRING - Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas, Alfred Molina, Ashley Judd, Edward Norton, Geoffrey Rush, Mia Maestro, Roger Rees, Valeria Golino; *** Stated Running Time = 123 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2003 by Alliance Atlantis; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; $7.89;


FRONTIER SCOUT = Wild Bill Hickok, as U.S. Marshall in American Civil War ( WESTERN Cowboy 1938 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; George Houston, Al St. John, Dave O'Brien, Jack Ingram, Mantan Moreland;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 59 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD175; >> US$4.99;

FROST: PORTRAIT OF A VAMPIRE (2001; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Gary Busey

STARRING - Gary Busey, Jeff Manzanares, Charles Lister, Karen Bailey, Jeff Coatney, Marc Antonio Pritchett

*** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2003 by TVA Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD693; >>US$ 10.00;

FUGITIVES RUN -- David Hasselhoff (2003; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Washed up RODEO Cowboy & Corporate Indian accused of robbing Bingo Hall.

>>> STARRING - David Hasselhoff, Gordon Tootoosis, Michael Moriarty;

** Stated Running Time = 83 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2005 by Kaboom / Reaction / Astral / Tonto; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD588; >>US$ 18.00;


FUGITIVE VALLEY - the RANGE BUSTERS ( WESTERN 1941 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ray CRASH Corrigan, John DUSTY King, Max Terhune;

>>> Directed by; S.Roy Luby; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD176; >> US$4.99;

FUTURE FEAR (1997; Science Fiction Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Maria Ford Collection ; Flesh Eating Virus, Genetic Scientist, Genocide

>>> STARRING - Jeff Wincott, Maria Ford, Stacy Keach;

Description: "The future of humanity looks bleak. A deadly flesh-eating virus is destroying everything in sight. When genetic scientist John Denniel (Jeff Wincott) discovers a cure, he also uncovers the evil truth; the virus was planted by the diabolical General Wallace (Stacy Keach) as an elaborate governmental plan of genocide. Filled with heart-stopping action and sci-fi special effects, Future Fear will have you gripping your seat until the very end."

*** Stated Running Time = 77 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by New Concorde; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> Picture Cover = FINE; >> Media/ Disc = Light scuffing VG

Inventory #DVD589; >>US$ 10.00;


GABRIELA -- Seidy Lopez (2001; Romantic Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

STARRING - Seidy Lopez, Jaime P. Gomez, Evelina Fernandez, Frank Medrano, Lamont Bentley, Lupe Ontiveros, Stacy Haiduk, Troy Winbush, Zach Galligan;

*** Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuin e LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Kaboom/First Look/ZenPix; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

Inventory #DVD590-1; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; >>US$ 8.00;

Inventory #DVD590-2; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; >>US$ 8.00;

GAMBLING WITH SOULS -- An Authentic EXPOSE of New York's WHITE SLAVE Racket. / illegal Casino, Bordello, Married Men & underage Girls, Gangsters, Prostitution ( 1936 Cult educational Explotation Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Martha Chapin, Wheeler Oakman, Gay Sheridan, Robert Frazer;

>>> Directed by; Elmer Clifton; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 68 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD177-1; >> US$4.99;

DVD782 -- GARAGE DAYS. (2002; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Andy Anderson, Brett Stiller, Chris Sadrinna, Kick Gurry, Marton Csokas, Maya Stange, Pia Miranda, Russell Dykstra, Yvette Duncan; *** Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes; What if you finally got your big break and you just plain sucked? The story of a young garage band in Sydney, Australia trying to make it big.
>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2004 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment;;>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; $6.50;


GASARAKI #4 / Volume Four - FROM THE ASHES (2001; Animated Cartoon Manga Anime Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 2001; Stated Running Time = 75 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 by ADV Films; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN;
Inventory #DVD694; >> US$6.00;

GASARAKI #6 / Volume Six - FIRES OF WAR (2001; Animated Cartoon Manga Anime Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

>> (Contains 3 complete Episodes!) Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 2001; Stated Running Time = 75 Minutes;
>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 by ADV Films; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD695; >>US$ 8.00;

GASARAKI #7 / Volume Seven -- IN THE SPIDER'S WEB (2001; Animated Cartoon Manga Anime Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

>> (Contains 3 complete Episodes); Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 2001; Stated Running Time = 75 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 by ADV Films; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD696; >>US$ 9.00;


GAZ BAR BLUES (2003; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Winner of two JUTRA Awards

>>> STARRING - Serge Theriault, Gilles Renaud, Sebastian Delorme, Danny Gilmore, Maxime Dumontier, Fanny Mallette, Gaston Caron, Gaston Lepage, Daniel Gadous, Claude Legault, Real Bosse;

Description: "A man runs a local gas bar as best as he can while dealing with hold ups, competition from self serve stations and his strained relationships with his two sons. Winner of two JUTRA Awards." >> ENGLISH and FRENCH Language Options; *** Stated Running Time = 110 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2004 by Alliance Atlantis ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; Inventory #DVD591; >>US$ 25.00;


THE GENTLEMAN FROM CALIFORNIA - Ultimate Spanish Gentleman & Bandito's ( WESTERN 1937 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ricardo Cortez, Marjorie Weaver, Katherine DeMille, Maurice Black;

>>> Directed by; Gus Meins; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1937; B&W; Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD250; >> US$4.99;

DVD783 -- GERRY. (2003; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Matt Damon, Casey Affleck; Directed by Gus Van Sant; *** Stated Running Time = 103 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2003 by Film / Moviehouse Entertainment;>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);
>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; $6.50;


GHOSTS ON THE LOOSE - the East Side Kids & Bela Lugoi ( Haunted House Horror COMEDY with NAZI's - 1943 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bobby Jordan, Ava Gardner, Rick Vallin;

>>> Directed by; William Beaudine; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 63 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD178; >> US$4.99;

THE GIANT GILA MONSTER ( Giant Reptile Horror MONSTER Chiller 1959 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Don Sullivan, Fred Graham, Lisa Simone, Shug Fisher, Bob Thompson, Janice Stone, Ken Knox, Gay McLendon, Don Flournoy, Cecil Hunt, Stormy Meadows, Howrad Ware, Pat Reeves, Jan McLendon;

>>> Directed by; Ray Kellogg; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1959; B&W; Stated Running Time = 74 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD179-1; >> US$4.99;

GIRL FROM RIO ( Brazilian Singing Star & Murder Mystery - 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Movita Warren Hull, Kay Linaker, Byron Foulgar;

>>> Directed by; Lambert Hillyer; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD251; >> US$4.99;

GO FISH (2000; Drama Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

>>> STARRING - Ara Celi, Donnie Jarman, George LePorte, Polly LePort, Tyler MacDuff, Mealey, Kristen Shaw;

>>> Ara Celi (Ampata Gutierrez from BUFFY the Vampire Slayer, America Beauty and All my Children) *** Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2004 by Direct Source / Porchlight; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = Very Good; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD592; >>US$ 7.00;


THE GOLD RACKET -- G-MEN / Government Agents vs Gold-Smuggling Killers ( 1937 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Conrad Nagel, Eleanor Hunt, Frank Milan, Fuzzy Knight;

>>> Directed by; Louis J. Gasnier; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1937; B&W; Stated Running Time = 66 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD180; >> US$4.99;



STARRING - Green Day Band, Billie Joe Armstrong, Tre Cool, Mike Dirnt

Description: 18 videos, including those for the extremely popular "Basket Case," "Minority," "Waiting," and "When I Come Around," are included. Tracks: - 1. Longview; 2. Basket Case; 3. When I Come Around; 4. Geek Stink Breath; 5. Stuck With Me; 6. Brain Stew/Jaded; 7. Walking Contradiction; 8. Hitchin' A Ride; 9. Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life); 10. Redundant; 11. Nice Guys Finish Last; 12. Last Ride In; 13. Minority; 14. Warning; 15. Waiting." *** Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Warner Reprise Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in NICE Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD594; >>US$ 12.00;

GREETINGS ; Brian De Palma Film with Robert De Niro (1968; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); New York's HIP Underground, Draft & Vietnam

>>> Brian De Palma; STARRING - Robert De Niro, Gerrit Graham, Allen Garfield, Jonathan Warden;

*** Stated Running Time = 88 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Sigman III / West End Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD595; >>US$ 8.00;

GULLIVER'S TRAVELS (Feature Length Max Fleischer Animated Catroon Classic - 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on the Jonathan Swift Classic Satire Tale. >> Starring; Voices of Jessica Dragonette, Lanny Ross, Dave Fleischer, Max Fleischer;

>>> Film Originally Released in 1939; Color; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD183; >> US$4.99;

GUNFIGHTERS // DOUBLE FEATURE with // THE GUN AND THE PULPIT ( 2 WESTERN Movie's on 1 Disc / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Slim Pickens, Marjoe Gortner, David Huddleston, Art Hindle, Reiner Schoene, Tony Addabbo;

**** GUNFIGHTERS ( Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Art Hindle, Reiner Schoene, Tony Addabbo; >>> Film Originally Released in 1987; Color; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; ***** THE GUN AND THE PULPIT ( Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Slim Pickens, Marjoe Gortner, David Huddleston; >>> Film Originally Released in 1974; Color; Stated Running Time = 74 Minutes; >>>>> [ TOTAL Running Time = 174 Minutes ]; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in CANADA by QUALITY Special Products VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD385; >> US$4.99;

GUNSMOKE RANCH - Three Musquiteers & scam artist Phineus T. Flagg ( WESTERN Cowboy - 1936 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, Bob / Robert Livingston;

>>> Directed by; Joseph Kane; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 53 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD419; >> US$4.99;

GUNSMOKE TRAIL ( WESTERN Cowboy - 1938 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jack Randall, Louise Stanley, Al St. John;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 57 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD252; >> US$4.99;

HARD GUY ( Show Girl & Racketeers Murder Mystery - 1941 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jack Larue, Kane Richmond, Mary Healy, Iris Adrian;

>>> Directed by; Elmer Clifton; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD184; >> US$4.99;

HARMONY TRAIL -- Sheriff of Red Bluff ( WESTERN Cowboy - 1944 - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ken MAYNARD, Eddie Dean Rocky Camron, Max Terhune, Elmer, Glenn Strange, Ruth Roman, Charles King, Hal Price;

>>> Directed by; Robert Emmett; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1944; B&W; Stated Running Time = 54 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD381; >> US$4.99;

The HATBOX MYSTERY (1947) // Thriller Double Feature with // HOLLYWOOD MYSTERY (1934) ( 2 Suspense Movie's on 1 Disc / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Tom Neal, Allen Jenkins, Pamela Blake, Virginia Sale, Frank Albertson, Jose Crespo, John Davidson;

**** HATBOX MYSTERY ( Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Tom Neal, Allen Jenkins, Pamela Blake, Virginia Sale >>> Directed by; Lambert Hillyer; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1947; B&W; Stated Running Time = 43 Minutes; **** HOLLYWOOD MYSTERY ( Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Frank Albertson, Jose Crespo, John Davidson; >>> Directed by; Breezy Eason; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1934; B&W; Stated Running Time = 54 Minutes; ***** [ TOTAL Running Time = 97 Minutes ];

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD185; >> US$4.99;

HAWKEYE and the LAST of the MOHICANS (Volume Two; 4 x TV Episodes; Snake Tattoo; Medicine Man; Scape Goat; The Contest) ( Frontier WESTERN Adventure 1957 TV Series, based on James Fenimore Cooper writings / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lon CHANEY Jr., John Hart;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1957; B&W; Stated Running Time = 102 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD186; >> US$4.99;

THE HEART OF A NATION ( Sweeping Epic of Pastoral Country Life; PARIS = Seized by Nazi's in 1940, & the 1871 Siege of City Lights - 1943 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Michele Morgan, Louis Jouvet, Suzy Prim, Lucien Nat, Renee Devillers, Harry Krimer;

>>> Directed by; Julien Duviver; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 82 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD187; >> US$4.99;

HEAVY ; with LIV TYLER (2005; Drama Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Pete & Dolly's Diner / Cannes Film Festival

** STARRING - Liv Tyler, Shelly Winters, Deborah Harry / Blondie, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Joe Grifasi, Evan Dando; Written & Directed by James Mangold

*** Stated Running Time = 104 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2005 by Lions Gate Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; Inventory #DVD502; >>US$ 20.00;


HI DIDDLE DIDDLE ( Screwball COMEDY - 1943 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Adolphe Menjou, Martha Scott, Pola Negri, Dennis O'Keefe, Billie Burke, Walter Kingsford, Barton Hepburn, Paul Porcasi, Georges Metaxa, June Havoc;

>>> Directed by; Andrew L. Stone; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1943; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD189; >> US$4.99;

HILARY DUFF - ALL ACCESS PASS (2003; Music Video Film on DVD Disc); Behind the Scenes, Video's & MAKING OF, including; Metamorphosis, Yesterday, Why Not, & I Can't Wait


Description:Hilary Duff collection of music videos from her 2003 debut LP Metamorphosis. Along with videos for the songs; "So Yesterday," "Why Not," and "I Can't Wait," Hilary Duff: All-Access Pass features footage shot behind the scenes on the "So Yesterday" and "Why Not" sets as well as recording-studio clips of the making of Metamorphosis and acoustic performances originally taped for Sessions at AOL;

*** Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA by Buena Vista / Hollywood Records; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD600; >>US$ 14.00;


HILLBILLY BLITZKRIEG -- (Based on Cartoon Comics Strip characters = Barney Google & Snuffy Smith) Half-Pint Heroes vs AXIS Spies; ( Screwball COMEDY - 1942 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bud Duncan, Edgar Kennedy, Cliff Nazarro;

>>> Directed by; Roy Mack; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942; B&W; Stated Running Time = 63 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD190; >> US$5.95;

HIS GIRL FRIDAY ( COMEDY Classic, Remale of Front Page - 1940 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy, Gene Lockhart, Helen Mack, Ernest Truex, Clarence Kolb, Porter Hall, Roscoe Karns, Abner Biberman, Cliff Edwrds, John Qualen, Frank Jenks, Billy Gilbert;

>>> Directed by; Howard Hawks; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 92 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD191; >> US$4.99;

HIT THE SADDLE // DOUBLE FEATURE with // CALL OF THE MESQUITEERS ( 2 WESTERN Cowboy Movie's on 1 Disc / 1937-1938 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bob Livingston, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, Rita Hayworth;

**** HIT THE SADDLE Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bob Livingston, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, Rita Hayworth; >>> Directed by; Mack V. Wright; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1937; B&W; **** CALL OF THE MESQUITEERS ( Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bob Livingston, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune; >>> Directed by; John English; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; [ TOTAL Running Time = 102 Minutes ]; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD192; >> US$4.99;

HOLLYWOOD STADIUM MYSTERY ( BOXING & Murder Mystery - 1938 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Neil Hamilton, Evelyn Venable, Reed Hadley, Jimmy Wallington;

>>> Directed by; David Howard; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 53 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD253; >> US$4.99;


THE HOODLUM - Public Enemy Number One. ( Hard-Boiled Mystery Suspense Thriller - 1951 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lawrence Tierney, Allene Roberts, Marhorie Riordan, Edward Tierney;

>>> Directed by; Max Nosseck; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1951; B&W; Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD421; >> US$4.99;

the HOUSE NEXT DOOR (2005; Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

STARRING - A.J. Cook, James Russo, Sean Young, Frederic Forrest, Theresa Russell; >> Directed by Joey Travolta;

*** Approx Running Time = 93 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Imageworks Entertainment / VVS Films; >>> NO Regional Coding (Playable in All Regions on DVD Machines Worldwide); >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >> Media/ Disc = scuffed playable G/VG

Inventory #DVD599; >>US$ 5.00;


HOUSE OF DANGER ( Murder Mystery Suspense - 1934 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Onslow Stenvens, Janet Chandler, James Bush;

>>> Directed by; Charles Hutchinson; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1934; B&W; Stated Running Time = 65 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD194; >> US$4.99;

HOUSE OF THE DEAD - The GAME has just Begun (Uwe Boll's ...) (2003; Horror ZOMBIE Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 90 Minutes); Based on a Video Game

>>> Starring; Clint Howard, Ellie Cornell, Enuka Okuma, Jonathan Cherry, Jürgen Prochnow, Kira Clavell, Ona Grauer, Sonya Salomma, Tyron Leitso, William Sanderson ;

Description: Uwe Boll's HOUSE OF THE DEAD, is based on a video game, GORE effects, & lots of clips from the actual video game; *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2004 by Alliance Atlantis; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in Average Condition with Light Scuffing; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine.
>>>COVER = Very Good; >>> USED = Light scuffing VG; Inventory #DVD-737; >> US$5.00;

HOUSE OF SECRETS ( Mystery Suspense - 1936 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Leslie Fenton, Muriel Evans, Noel Madison, Sidney Blackmer, Morgan Wallace, Holmes Herbert;

>>> Directed by; Roland D. Reed; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 64 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD254; >> US$4.99;

THE HUMAN MONSTER ( 1st British Thriller to get "H" for Horror rating certificate; Mystery Writer & Scotland Yard - 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD; Based on Dark Eyes of London by Edgar Wallace ); >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI, Hugh Williams, Greta Gynt, Wilfred Walter, Edmon Ryan;

>>> Directed by; Walter Summers; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 75 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD381-1; >> US$4.99;

I LOVE YOUR WORK (2003; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 111 Minutes); FAME KILLS - Paranoid Movie Star GRAY EVANS & Obsessed Fans

>>> Starring; Giovanni Ribisi, Christina Ricci, Vince Vaughn, Elvis Costello, Franka Potente, Joshua Jackson, Jason Lee, Marisa Coughlan, Jared Harris;

Description: With appearances by; Vince Vaughn, Elvis Costello; ** "With fame & fortune comes sometimes unwanted attention. Convinced that the 'chance' encounters that he has been having with fans are not all coicidental, he looks to his bodyguard and a video store slerk for help - despite the pretests of those around him. Is he truly paranoid, as they suggest? Or has he found himself in the cross-hairs of an obsessed fan... of someone much cloeser to him?" *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by Think Film / Moviehouse Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Condition;
>>>COVER = FINE; >>> USED = FINE; Inventory #DVD-741; >> US$12.00;

I'M LOSING YOU ; based on the Bruce Wagner bestseller novel (1998; Dying of CANCER & AIDS Drama Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); producer David Cronenberg

>> producer David Cronenberg; Bruce Wagner novel; STARRING - Rosanna Arquette, Andrew McCarthy, Elizabeth Perkins, Frank Langella, Gina Gershon;

Description: Los Angeles, Langella with Lung cancer. Two others are dying of AIDS. Death of a Child. Heartbreaking & Charming;

*** Stated Running Time = Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2003 by Lions Gate Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD602; >>US$ 12.00;

the IN CROWD (2000; Sexy Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Killer at Cliffmont Country Club

>> Produced by James Robinson; Directed by Mary Lambert; STARRING - Susan Ward, Lori Heuring, Matthew Settle, Nathan Bexton.

*** Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2000 by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD603; >>US$ 6.00;

INDESTRUCTIBLE MAN ( HORROR - Electrocuted Murderer brought back to life - 1956 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lon CHANEY, Robert Shayne, Ken Terrell, Casey Adams, Marian Carr;

>>> Directed by; Jack Pollexfen; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1956; B&W; Stated Running Time = 70 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD195-1; >> US$4.99;

INDISCREET -- Gloria Swanson "speaks" ( Romantic Comedy - 1931 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Gloria Swanson, BenLyon, Arthur Lake, Barbara Kent, Moroe Owsley, Maaude Eburne, Henry Kolker, Nella Walker;

>>> Directed by; Leo McCarey; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1931; B&W; Stated Running Time = 75 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD196; >> US$4.99;

IN PURSUIT OF HONOR (1995; HBO Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); True Story of US Cavalry officers attempt to save 400 Horse from execution

STARRING - Don Johnson, Craig Sheffer, Gabrielle Anwar, Rod Steiger;

*** Stated Running Time = 109 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2000 by HBO Home Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD604; >>US$ 6.00;

IN THE LINE OF DUTY: STREET WAR ; Real Stories (1992; Police Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); By; T.S. Cook & Dick Lowry; NYPD ; New York Police, Hard Boiled Drama

>> By; T.S. Cook & Dick Lowry; STARRING - Mario Van Peebles, Michael Boatman, Courtney B. Vance, Peter Boyle, Ray Sharkey, Morris Chestnut;

*** Stated Running Time = 96 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured circa 2002 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada by Carlton America/VSC/Patchett Kaufman; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD606; >>US$ 15.00;

IRISH LUCK ( Whimsical Comedy Whodunit Murder Mystery with Romance -- 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Frankie Darro, Mantan Moreland, Dick Purcell, Lillian Elliot, Dennis Moore;

>>> Directed by; Howard Bretherton; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 51 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD199; >> US$4.99;

the ITALIAN JOB ; Special Collectors edition / Michael Caine, Noel Coward (1969; classic Car Chase Crime CAPER Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Music by Quincy Jones

STARRING - MICHAEL CAINE, Noel Coward, Benny Hill, Raf Vallone, Tony Beckley, Rossano Brazzi & Maggie Blye; > Music by Quincy Jones > Directed by Peter Collinson;

*** Stated Running Time = 99 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Paramount Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD607; >>US$ 8.00;

JESSE JAMES AT BAY = ROY ROGERS, Gabby Hayes, Gale Storm ( 1941 WESTERN Cowboy Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; ROY ROGERS, Gabby Hayes, Gale Storm, Roy Barcroft, Sally Payne, Pierre Watkin, Ivan Miller, Hal Taliaferro, Jack Kirk;

>>> Directed by; Joseph Kane; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD421-1; >> US$4.99;

the JOB -- Daryl Hannah as CJ (2003; Crime Suspense Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); sometimes the best HITMAN is a Woman

STARRING - Daryl Hannah, Alex Rocco, Brad Renfro, Dominique Swain, Eric Mabius;

Description: Ruthless hitwoman named CJ (Daryl Hannah), contacted to perform one FINAL HIT, before she quits. Can she carry out the JOB? *** Stated Running Time = 86 Minutes; >> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Lion Gate Films & Platform Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in Average Condition with Light Scuffing; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine. >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >> Media/ Disc = Light scuffing VG; Inventory #DVD608; >>US$ 8.00;


JOHN WAYNE Special Edition Double Feature; ANGEL & THE BADMAN (Western) // with // JOHN WAYNE ON FILM (Documentry); ( 2 x Movie's on 1 Disc / Video Film on DVD );

****** ANGEL & THE BADMAN (Western) >> Starring; John Wayne, Gail Russell ; **** JOHN WAYNE ON FILM (Documentry); **** Includes Introduction by Tony Curtis and additional BONUS footage of John Wayne; Running Time = NOT stated; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 1999 in Los Angeles, California, USA by Laserlight / Delta VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD422; >> US$4.99;

JOYRIDE -- Benicio Del Toro, Tobey Maguire (1996; Action Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

STARRING - Benicio Del Toro, Tobey Maguire, Amy Hathaway, Wilson Cruz, Adam West, Christina Naify, James Karen; Written & Directed by Quinton Peeples;

*** Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in TORONTO circa 2002 by Lion Gate Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD609; >>US$ 9.00;

JUNIOR G-MEN OF THE AIR -- Dead End Kids (Volume-1; SERIAL; Chapters 1-6 / 1940 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Billy Halop, Huntz Hall, Gabriel Dell, Bernard Punsly, Kenneth Lundy, Kenneth Howell, Roger Daniel, Phillip Terry, Russel Hicks, Cy Kendall, Ben Taggart, Victor Zimmerman, Edgar Edwards, GeneRizzi, Florence Halop, Little Tough Guys;

>>> Directed by; Ford Beebe, John Rawlins; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 120 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD201-1; >> US$4.99;

KANSAS CITY CONFIDENTIAL ( Police & Armored Car Robbery - 1952 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Coleen Gray, Neville Brand, Jack Elam;

>>> Directed by; Phil Karlson; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1952; B&W; Stated Running Time = 98 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD203; >> US$4.99;

KEEPING UP WITH THE STEINS (2006; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 90 Minutes);

>>> Starring; Jami Gertz, Daryl Hannah, Garry Marshall, Doris Roberts, Jeremy Piven, Cheryl Hines, Daryl Sabarra, Larry Miller, Richard Benjamin

Description: , "All hilarity breaks loose in this heartwarming coming-of-age comedy when three generating collide in a crazy family reunion ... & then begin to see that they are much more alike than they'd originally thought!" rather than to look for the creature itself. Shocking, controversial and strangely humorous, the film raises many questions about where reality ends and fiction begins." *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2006 by Miramax Film / Atlantis Alliance.; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>>USED Condition with Light Scuffs; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine. >>>COVER = VG/FN; >>> USED = Light scuffing VG; Inventory #DVD-743; >> US$9.00;

KICKED IN THE HEAD (1997; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

>>> STARRING - James Woods, Kevin Corrigan, Lili Taylor, Linda Fiorentino, Michael Rapaport, Olek Krupa, Burt Young, Lawton Paseka

*** Stated Running Time = 86 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by Seville Pictures / October Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD613; >>US$ 8.00;

the KID & TILLIE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE ; Charlie Chaplin Legend of the Silver Screen (1921 // 1914; 2 Movies / Video Films on 1 DVD Disc; B&W Silent);

** STARRING - Charlie Chaplin; Marie Dressler, Jackie Coogan

>>> Description: (1) THE KID (1921) 60 Minutes; Charlie Chaplin's first full-length film & one of his best. Co-starring five-year-old Jackie Coogan /// (2) TILLIE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE (1914) 73 Minutes; Silent with music track.; >>> Total of 133 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2003 by Quality Special Products; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD503-2; >>US$ 12.00;

KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE {MGM presents Midnite Movies...} ( 1988 Science Fiction HORROR -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Grant Cramer, Suzanna Suzanne Snyder, John Allen Nelson, Royal Dano, John Vernon;

>>> Directed by; Stephen Chiodo; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1988; Color; Stated Running Time = 86 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in Santa Monica, California, USA by MGM Home Entertainment VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD425; >> US$7.90;

THE KILLER SHREWS ( 1959 HORROR Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; James Best, Ingrid Goude, Ken Curtis, Gordon McLendon, Baruch Lumet, Judge Henry Dupree, Alfredo Desoto; >>> Directed by; Ray Kellogg; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1959; B&W; Stated Running Time = 69 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Bookseller Inventory # DVD205-2

KILLERS FROM SPACE - Peter Graves ( 1954 Science Fiction -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Peter Graves, James Seay, Steve Pendleton, Frank Gerstle, John Frederick, Barbara Bestar;

>>> Directed by; W.Lee Wilder; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; B&W; Stated Running Time = 71 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD206-1; >> US$4.99;

KING OF THE LOST WORLD (2005; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

>> based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; > STARRING - Bruce Boxleitner, Rhett Giles, Steve Railsback, Jeff Denton;

>>The EPIC Story that inspired King Kong & Jurassic Park; ** Stated Running Time = 85 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by Kaboom Entertainment /Asylum; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD611; >>US$ 6.00;

KING OF THE PECOS ; the JOHN WAYNE collection (1936; B&W Western Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

STARRING - Cy Kendall, John Wayne, Muriel Evans, Yakima Canutt; > Story Screenplay by Bernard McConville;

Description: Texas during the 1870's, a greedy cattle baron & Boy returns as a young lawyer with a six-shooter & deadly aim. *** Stated Running Time = 56 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in USA by Republic/Artisan/ Alliance Atlantis; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD612; >>US$ 8.00;


KING OF THE ZOMBIES ( 1941 HORROR; Caribbean Island, Mad Scientist, Voodoo, Hypnotism & Zombies -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Dick Purcell, Joan Woodbury, Mantan Moreland, Henry Victor, John Archer, Patricia Stacey;

>>> Directed by; Jean Yarbrough; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes; OSCAR nomination for best Music Score for a dramatic picture; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD207-1; >> US$4.99;

KISS ME, KILL ME -- Umberto Lenzi; with Carrol Baker ( 1969 Italian HORROR Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Carrol Baker, Erika Blanc, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Isabelle De Funes, George Eastman, Horst Frank, Beryl Cunningham, Helga Line;

>>> Directed by; Umberto Lenzi; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1969; Color; Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes; >>> SCARY, KINKY, SEXY, FUNNY and WEIRD: Carrol Baker is a WITCH; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in Walnut, California, USA by DIAMOND Entertainment VIDEO; >>> NOT Factory SEALED but otherwise AS NEW; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD425-1; >> US$4.99;

the KLUTZ (2001; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

>>> STARRING - Claude Michaud, Louise Portal, Guy Provost;

Description: "Have you ever had "one of those days" when nothing seems to go right? Well, imagine how Claude feels-his entire life has been one screwy day after another. Some people attract attention, others attract the opposite sex, all poor Claude can attract is chaos-and plenty of it! Discouraged by his ill luck, Claude is on his way to see his girlfriend when he suddenly finds himself in the middle of a bank robbery. In the wink of an eye Claude becomes public enemy number one with both cops AND robbers hot on his trail! A series of wild and slapstick misadventures follow from the Chinese laundry, into a madcap masquerade, through the middle of town to the hilarious finale in the local cemetery. And for the first time in his life, Claude, the world's most lovable bungler, finds that sometimes things CAN turn out for the best!"

*** Stated Running Time = 87 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Platium Disc ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New;

Inventory #DVD614; >>US$ 6.00;

THE LADY REFUSES ( Aristocrat, London, Flappers, Jazz Age, Sly Satire of Class & Cultural Bad Behavior -- 1931 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Betty Compson, John Darrow, Gilbert Emmry, Margaret Livingston, Ivan Le Bedeff, Edgar Norton, Daphne Pollard;

>>> Directed by; George Archainbaud; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1931; B&W; Stated Running Time = 71 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD209; >> US$4.99;

The LADY SAYS NO ( Romantic COMEDY, Photographer & Bestselling Author -- 1942 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; David NIVEN, Joan Caufield.

>>> Directed by; Frank Ross; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942; B&W; Stated Running Time = 82 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD468; >> US$4.99;

the LAST KISS (2001; Italian Romantic Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Battle of the Sexes

STARRING - Stefano Accorsi, Claudio Santamaria, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Stefania Sandrelli, Marco Cocci, Pierfrancesco Favino, Regina Orioli, Giorgio Pasotti / Script & Directed by Gabriele Muccino;

>> Think Sex in the City ; with Men”; ENGLISH, French & Spanish options; *** Stated Running Time = 115 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2003 by Fandango / Think Film; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD615; >>US$ 10.00;

the LAST SEDUCTION (1998; Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Bad Girl Bridget Gregory (Linda Fiorentino) as the Wicked cold-blooded Femme Fatale

>>> STARRING - Bill Pullman, Linda Fiorentino, Peter Berg, J.T. Walsh, Bill Nunn;

>>> EXCELLENT performance by Fiorentino; *** Stated Running Time = 110 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2002 by Lions Gate Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD616; >>US$ 8.00;


THE LAST TIME I SAW PARIS = Liz / Elizabeth Taylor ( Romantic Classic -- 1954 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on the F. Scott Fitzgerald's Babylon Revisited novel; >> Starring; Liz / Elizabeth Taylor, Van Johnson, Walter Pidgeon, Donna Reed, Eva Gabor, Roger Moore;

>>> Directed by; Randall Duell, Cedric Gibbons; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; Color; Stated Running Time = 116 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Walnut, California, USA by DIAMOND Entertainment VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD210-1; >> US$4.99;

THE LAST TIME I SAW PARIS = Liz / Elizabeth Taylor ( Romantic Classic -- 1954 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on the F. Scott Fitzgerald's Babylon Revisited novel; >> Starring; Liz / Elizabeth Taylor, Van Johnson, Walter Pidgeon, Donna Reed, Eva Gabor, Roger Moore;

>>> Directed by; Randall Duell, Cedric Gibbons; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; Color; Stated Running Time = 116 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD210-2; >> US$4.99;

LEO the LION ; the Original King of the Jungle (Dr. Osamu Tuzuka) Volume One / #1 (1966 TV Animated Manga Anime Cartoon Video Film -- 2 x DVD Disc set); SEQUEL Series to Kimba the White Lion / Japanese Animation = 7 Television Episodes

>>> Animated by Dr. Osamu Tuzuka.

Description: Animated series created by legendary Japan animator Osamu Tuzuka (Creator os Astro Boy). Follows the adventures of Leo and his jungle friends. The award-winning television show prides itself on teaching morals to children while being able to capture an adult audience as well. Great for the whole family." SEQUEL Series to Kimba the White Lion; Leo is actually Kimba, from the previous US release of the anime, grown up to a full adult lion. >> 2 x DVD Disc set with 7 Episodes; First Adventure, Map of Danger, Blue Lion, Leo becomes a Father, the Mighty Gorilla, the Golden Bow, Case of the Moonlight Stone; *** Stated Running Time = 66 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2003 by Palm Beach Entertainment /Front Row; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD619; >>US$ 8.00;

LIFE WITH ELIZABETH = BETTY WHITE (Volume 1; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Oak Tree on Padio & Restaraunt; Annoying Habits; Shpping Spree Taxman & Theif; Picnic with No Bikle or Food ) ( 1952-1955Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Betty White, Del Moore, Jack Narz;

>>> Directed by; Duke Goldstone; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1952-1955; B&W; Stated Running Time =

102 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD213; >> US$4.99;

LIFE WITH FATHER = Liz / Elizabeth Taylor ( Humor & Drama in 1880's New York City -- 1947 classic Movie / Video Film on DVD, based on the Clarence Day masterpiece novel ); >> Starring; William Powell, Irene Dunne, Liz / Elizabeth Taylor, Martin Milner, Edmund Gwenn, Zasu Pitts, Jimmy Lydon, Emma Dunn, Moroni Olsen, Elizabeth Risdon;

>>> Directed by; Michael Curtiz; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1947; Color; Stated Running Time = 118 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD214-1; >> US$4.99;

LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY {David O. Selznick masterpiece} ( New York Boy is heir to Estate in England -- 1936 Movie / Video Film on DVD, based on the Novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett ); >> Starring; Freddie Bartholomew, Dolores Costello Barrymore, C. Aubrey Smith, Mickey ROONEY;

>>> Directed by; John Cromwell; Produced by; David O. Selznick; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD215; >> US$4.99;

THE LITTLE PRINCESS = Shirley Temple ( Queen Victoria & Rich Girl in Victorian London Boarding School -1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Shirley Temple, Richard Greene, Arthur Treacher, Anita Louise, Ian Hunter, Caesar Romero, Mary Nash, Sybil Jason, Miles Mander, Marcia Mae Jones, Beryl Mercer, E.E. Clive;

>>> Directed by; Walter Lang; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; Color; Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD216-1; >> US$3.96;

THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS {Roger Corman} = Jack Nicholson ( Low budget HORROR Comedy classic -- 1960 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jack Nicholson, Jonathan Haze, Jackie Joseph, Mel Welles, Dick Miller.

>>> Directed by; Roger Corman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in ; B&W; Stated Running Time = 73 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in La Crosse, WI, USA by PLATIUM DISC CORP; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD217-1; >> US$3.96;

the LIVING SEA (2004; IMAX Theater Theatre Nature Documentary Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); - Narrator - Meryl Streep; Music ; Sting; Nominated for Academy Award

>> STARRING - Narrator - Meryl Streep; Music - Sting; Produced by Greg MacGillivray & Alec Lorimore; Written by Roger Holzberg & Tim Cahill

Description: The Living Sea (40 min.) // "The Making of 'The Living Sea'" (37 min.), shot in High-Definition Video, takes you behind the scenes." *** Stated Running Time = 77 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in USA by Image Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD620; >>US$ 15.00;

THE LONE RANGER (1949; 4 x classic WESTERN TV Episodes; Legion of Old Timers; Renegades; Old Joe’s Sister; Cannonball McKay) ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; CLAYTON MOORE, Jay Silverheels;

>>> Directed by; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1949; B&W; Stated Running Time = 95 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD380; >> US$4.99;

LONE TIGER (2002; Action Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Martial Arts & Underground Wrestling in Las Vegas

>>> STARRING - Bruce Locke, Richard Lynch, Timothy Bottoms, Robert Z'Dar, Barbara Lee Niven, Matthias Hues, Stoney Jackson;

Description: Underground Wrestling in Las Vegas = "He came to America to avenge his father's death. Skilled in martial arts, he fights the deadly fight. In his fighting world - the loser dies!" *** Stated Running Time = 109 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by PDC Home Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD621; >>US$ 15.00;

LONGSHOT the MOVIE (2000; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); with new music by N'SYNC, O-Town & LFO

** STARRING - Paul Sorvino, Antonio Sabato Jr, Hunter Tylo, Ellen Albertini Dow & Tony DeCamillis // Cameoes by; C-Note, O-Town, members of N'Sync, Britney Spears, Innosense, Take-5, LFO;

*** Stated Running Time = 92 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2001 by Alliance Atlantis; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once, in Brand New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD505; >>US$ 19.00;

National Geographic; Beyond the Movie; the LORD OF THE RINGS - The Fellowship of the Ring -- (2002; TV Documentary Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); origins of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth / behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with filmmakers & historians

>>> National Geographic TV Documentary Based on J.R.R. Tolkien

** Description: Ultimate Companion to the Hollywood Blockbuster; National Geographic embarks on a journey through Myth, Legend, Language & History, to explore how the imaginary world of Middle Earth reflects it's own. (1) Who was JRR Tolkein & how did he create the Mazing world of Middle Earth; (2) Struggle between Good & Evil; (3) Why are the places, heroes & Villians of Middle Earth so familiar?; (4) Who are the real-life Frodos today?; >>SPECIAL FEATURES; Exclusive Footage from the Film; Insightful Interviews with Cast & Filmakers; Provocative Perspectives of Explores, Anthropologists & Archaeologists; >>BONUS FEATURES; The Inkling, Language & Landscape of Middle Earth = Two never-before-seen featurettes & a Photo Gallery; *** Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by National Geographic / Warner Bros/ New Line Cinema; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD506-1; >>US$ 16.00;

National Geographic; Beyond the Movie; the LORD OF THE RINGS - The Fellowship of the Ring -- (2002; TV Documentary Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); origins of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth / behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with filmmakers & historians

>>> National Geographic TV Documentary Based on J.R.R. Tolkien

** Description: Ultimate Companion to the Hollywood Blockbuster; National Geographic embarks on a journey through Myth, Legend, Language & History, to explore how the imaginary world of Middle Earth reflects it's own. (1) Who was JRRTolkein & how did he create the Mazing world of Middle Earth; (2) Struggle between Good & Evil; (3) Why are the places, heroes & Villians of Middle Earth so familiar?; (4) Who are the real-life Frodos today?; >>SPECIAL FEATURES; Exclusive Footage from the Film; Insightful Interviews with Cast & Filmakers; Provocative Perspectives of Explores, Anthropologists & Archaeologists; >>BONUS FEATURES; The Inkling, Language & Landscape of Middle Earth = Two never-before-seen featurettes & a Photo Gallery; *** Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by National Geographic / Warner Bros/ New Line Cinema; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);>>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD506-2; >>US$ 18.00;

THE LORETTA YOUNG SHOW (Volume 1; 1954-1960; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Big Jim; 600 Seconds; Switch Blade, Cayuse); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Loretta Young, Bobby Driscoll, Jeff Morrow, Virginia Christine;

>>> Directed by; Richard Morris, Harry Keller; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954-60; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD219; >> US$4.99;

THE LOST CITY ( 1935 Complete 12 Chapter 236 minute SERIAL -- Video Film on DVD with Science Fiction, Mad Scientist, Paralyizing Guns, Laser Death Rays, Jungle Beasts & Zombies ); >> Starring; WILLIAM ‘Stage’ BOYD, Kane Richmond, Claudia Dell, George Hayes;

>>> Directed by; Harry Revier; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1935; B&W; Stated Running Time = 236 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD220-1; >> US$4.99

LOST IN THE STRATOSPHERE ( Army Pilots compete for Girls --1934 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; William CAGNEY (brother of James Cagney), June Collyer, Eddie Nugent;

>>> Directed by; Melville Brown; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1934; B&W; Stated Running Time = 65 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD378; >> US$5.95;

DVD783 -- the LOST ROOM. (2007; TV Mini-Series = 284 Minutes; Science Fiction / Horror Thriller Movie / Video Film on 2 x DVD Disc Set ); ** STARRING - Chris Bauer, Elle Fanning, Julianna Marguiles, Kevin Pollak, Peter Krause, Roger Bart; *** Stated Running Time = 284 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2007 by Maple / Capri Video.;;>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN; $12.95


LOVERS AND LIARS = Goldie Hawn (Also titled; Travels / Trip with ANITA ) ( American Tourist & Romance in Rome -- 1981 COMEDY Adventure Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Goldie Hawn, Giancarlo Gianni, Laura Betti, Aurore Clement, Andrea Ferreol;

>>> Directed by; Mario Moncelli; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1981; Color; Stated Running Time = 96 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in circa 2000 in USA by Passiona Productions / PMC Corp VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; HOWEVER the Shrinkwrap is torn & starting to come off; Still an UN-PLAYED New Copy. DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD432; >> US$3.96;

MAD DOGS & ENGLISHMEN (1995; UK British Romantic Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); London's decadent young aristocracy

STARRING - Elizabeth Hurley, C. Thomas Howell, Joss Ackland, Claire Bloom, Frederick Treves, Andrew Connolly, Jeremy Brett;

Description: "Mad Dogs and Englishmen is a contemporary romantic thriller set against the background of London's decadent young aristocracy at play. An American motorcycle messenger finds himself caught up in the high society world of exclusive parties, drugs and promiscuity, when he meets a beautiful woman with a dark secret. Their stormy and passionate affair grows into love, in spite of the wealthy young woman's personal struggles and the lies which threaten to consume her. Unbeknownst to them both, a violent plot is unfolding which will lead to a life and death struggle and the ultimate test of their love." >> A Beautiful Woman with a DARK secret. A Young man searching for the Truth. A Dangerous Game that could KILL them both. >> TITLE inspired by the Joe Cocker Album; *** Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in TORONTO, Ontario, Canada in 2000 by Lions Gate Films ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD623; >>US$ 22.00;


THE MAD MONSTER ( Wolf Man inspired Werewolf HORROR Chiller -- 1942 Movie / Video Film on DVD; BANNED in UK by British Censors until 1952 ); >> Starring; George Zucco, Glenn Strange, Johnny Downs, Anne Nagel, Sarah Padden, Gordon Demain;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942; B&W; Stated Running Time = 77 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD221-1; >> US$4.99;

MAKIN BABY (2002; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); multi platinum Rapper = Mystikal

>>> STARRING - Mystikal, Aaron D. Spears, Portia Realer, Shiela Lussier, Kim Hill;

*** Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in by York Entertainment / VVS Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in WELL USED Condition with Many Scuffs & Scratches; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine. Sold AS-IS at a good price; >>> Picture Cover = VG; >> Media/ Disc = scuffed playable GOOD

Inventory #DVD624; >>US$ 3.00;

MANHUNT IN SPACE -- ROCKY JONES, Space Ranger // Bonus of 2 SUPERMAN Animated Episodes; ( 1954; Several first Year TV Episodes edited together as a Feature-Length Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Crane, Sally Mansfield, Henry Brandon, Scotty Beckett;

>>> Directed by; Hollingsworth Morse; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; B&W; Stated Running Time = 89 Minutes; >> Bonus of 2 SUPERMAN Animated Episodes; (1) Terror on the Midway and (2) The Arctic Giant; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD224; >> US$4.99;

MAN OF THE FRONTIER { Original Title = RED RIVER VALLEY } -- GENE AUTRY ( WESTERN Cowboy -- 1936 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; GENE AUTRY, Smilty Burnette, Frances Grant, Boothe Howard, Jack Kennedy, Champion, Sam Flint, George Chesebro, Charles King, Eugene Jackson, Edward Hearn, Frank LaRue, Ken Cooper, Frank Marvin;

>>> Directed by; B. Reeves Eason; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 56 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD377-1; >> US$4.99;

THE MAN ON THE EIFFEL TOWER ( Criminal Genius, Suspense Murder Mystery & Detective in Paris -- 1949 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >>> Based on A Battle of Nerves by Georges Simenon; >> Starring; Charles Laughton, Franchot Tone, Burgess Meredith, Robert Hutton, Jean Wallace, Patricia Roc, Belita;

>>> Directed by; Burgess Mereith; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1949; Color; Stated Running Time = 88 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD226-1; >> US$4.99;

MANOS THE HANDS OF FATE ( Laughable Absurd HORROR Stag Film with Demonic Devil Cult -- 1966 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Tom Neyman, John Reynolds, Diane Mahree, Hal Warren, Stephanie Nielson, Sherry Proctor, Robin Redd, Jackey Neyman; >>> One of the WORST movies of All-Time;

>>> Directed by; Harold P. Warren; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1966; Color; Stated Running Time = 69 Minutes; One of the WORST movies of All-Time; so bad that it is good; Notable as one of the most often requested movies on Comedy Central’s Mystery Science Theatre 3000; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD258-1; >> US$4.99;

THE MANSTER -- Half Man, Half Monster {Also known as; the Split and as The Two Headed Monster) ( HORROR -- 1960 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Peter Dyneley, Jane Hylton, Tetsu Nakamura, Terri Zimmern, Jerry Ito;

>>> Directed by; George P. Breakston, Kenneth G. Crane; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1960; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >>> >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD259-1; >> US$4.99;


MARKED TRAILS -- Bob STEELE & Hoot Gibson (1944 WESTERN Cowboy Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bob STEELE, Hoot Gibson, Veda Ann Borg; >>> Directed by; J.P. McCarthy; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1944; B&W; Stated Running Time = 58 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD260; >> US$4.99;

MARRIED 2 MALCOLM (1998; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Cab Driver, Bigamist, Two Wives, Karaoke championship & Pop Star

>> STARRING ; MARK ADDY, Josie Lawrence, Tracey Wilkinson, Steven Speirs, Freddie Jones, Hywell Bennett;

Description: "Two women, Norma and Natalie, know what it's like to be married to bigamist Malcolm (Mark Addy), unfortunately they know nothing of each other. Amazingly enough, Malcolm manages to be a very loving husband to them both equally, even while juggling his night shifts and overtime as a Blackpool cab driver. Inevitably Malcolm's juggling act is about to go terribly wrong, so he must do whatever it takes to prevent his wives from meeting each other and discovering just how the other half of his life is lived." *** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by TVA Interntional Distribution Inc. ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = VG; >> Media/ Disc = scuffed playable G/VG; Inventory #DVD625; >>US$ 4.00;


MEET CORLISS ARCHER ( 1954-1955; 4 x classic TV Sit-Com COMEDY Episodes; A Date for Doris; Corliss the Cheerleader; The Vase that came for Dinner; Friends Forever; Video Film on DVD; Teenager, her friends & her unwitting Parents ); >> Starring; Ann Baker, Mary Brian, John Eldredge, Bobby Ellis;

>>> Directed by; Herbert Strock, Eddie Davis, Leon Benson; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954-1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 108 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD262; >> US$4.99;

MEET JOHN DOE { Frank CAPRA’s classic } with Gary Cooper & Barbara Stanwyck ( 1941 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward Arnold, Walter Brennen, James Gleason, Spring Byington, Gene Lockhart, Rod La Roque, Irving Bacon, Regis Toomey, Ann Doran, Warren Hymer, Andrew Toombes;

>>> Directed by; Frank Capra; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 123 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD263-1; >> US$3.96;

MESSAGE IN A CELLPHONE ; Cell Phone (2002; Thriller Mystery Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Can 3 Kids crack the Code?

** STARRING - Nick Whitaker, James Laub, Robbi Merrill, Rick Macy, Jan Broberg Felt, Douglas Caputo, Scott Subino, Shannon Engelman, Steve Rippey, Terry Taylor

*** Running Time = NOT Stated; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Kaboom / MTI Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format; Inventory #DVD507; >>US$ 12.00;


MIDNIGHT MANHUNT ( Dead Body & rival Reporters in a Wax Museum -- 1945 Suspense MYSTERY Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; George Zucco, Ann Savage, Leo Gorcey, William Gargan, Paul Hurst, Don Beddoe, Charles Halton, George E. Stone;

>>> Directed by; WilliamC. Thomas Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1945; B&W; Stated Running Time = 63 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD377; >> US$4.99;

MILLENCOLIN ... and the HI-8 ADVENTURES - Sweden's hardcore Punk band (1998-2003; Music Video Film on DVD Disc); Videos, Interviews, Live shows from all around the world.

STARRING - Nikola Sarcevic, Fredrik Larzon, Mathias Farm, Erik Ohlsson;

Description: "This DVD includes: tour filming, five Millencolin videos, interviews, live shows from all around the world, come skateboarding and lots more. Meet the four monkeys filmed during six years on five different continents. Meet their audience and meet the reality of a young unexpecting band being shaped by harsh massive 'get in the van-styled' touring, full-speed-ahead chanting record labels, publishers, booking agents and overwheling fans. Get a close look at success, appreciation, home-sickness and frustion as we welcome you all to the first episode of Millencolin & the Hi-8 adventures, and the bands mysterious world of softcore...." >>> Includes; Intro, the Start, Nosepicker Video, Leona Live, Da Strike, Mr. Clean Live, Story of My Life, USA 1996, Move Your Car, For Monkeys Recording, Warped Tour 1997, Interview, Twenty Two live, Killercrush live, Lozin' Must, Australia 1997, Monkey Boogie Live, skateboarding, South American 1998, La Airhead live, End Credits; >>> DVD BONUS Features; "Kemp" - music video (DVD only); Trailer for the upcoming Movie sequel (DVD only) *** Stated Running Time = 76 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Softcore Pictures/Burning Heart Records/Epitaph; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = VG; Inventory #DVD628; >>US$ 15.00;

the MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL (2001; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Music by U2, script by Bono

>>> STARRING - Mel Gibson, Milla Jovovich, Jimmy Smits, Jeremy Davies, Amanda Plummer, Bud Cort, Gloria Stuart, Peter Stormare; Music by U2 & Brian Eno, script by Bono

*** Stated Running Time = 122 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by Alliance Atlantis ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in USED Condition with Moderate Scuffs & Scratches; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine. >>> Picture Cover = VG; >> Media/ Disc = scuffed playable G/VG

Inventory #DVD629; >>US$ 5.00;


MILLION DOLLAR WEEKEND - Murder, Blonde & Romance ( 1948 Suspense Mystery -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Gene Raymond, Osa Massen (credited as Stephie Paull), Francis Lederer, Robert Warwick,;

>>> Directed by; Gene Raymond; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1948; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD265; >> US$4.99;

the MINUS MAN ; Owen Wilson as a Serial Killer (1999; Psychological Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

STARRING - Owen Wilson, Janeane Garofalo, Dwight Yoakam, Sheryl Crow, Brian Cox, Mercedes Ruehl;

*** Stated Running Time = 111 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in circa 2000 in CANADA in by Think Film ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; Inventory #DVD630; >>US$ 8.00;


MISBEHAVING HUSBANDS { aka DUMMY TROUBLE } ( 1941 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Harry Langdon, Ralph Byrd, Betty Blythe, Luana Walters; >>> Directed by; William Beaudine; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 64 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD266; >> US$4.99;


Miss V from MOSCOW ( Female Soviet Secret Agent as NAZI Spy to infiltrate Gestapo in Paris; WWII WAR -- 1942 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lola Lane, Noel Madison, Howard Banks;

>>> Directed by; Albert Herman; Screenplay by; Arthur St. Clair & Sherman Lowe; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942; B&W; Stated Running Time = 66 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD468-1; >> US$4.99;

MINOTAUR ( 2005; Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; 91 minutes) STARRING - Tom Hardy, Michelle Van Der Water, Tony Todd, Lex Shrapnel, Jonathan Readwin

>>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>>COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN+, Nearly New; MINOTAUR ( 2005; Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; 91 minutes) >>> Starring; Tom Hardy, Michelle Van Der Water, Tony Todd, Lex Shrapnel, Jonathan Readwin
>>> Description: , ; *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2006 by Maple Pictures; >>> DVD Standard Format >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); US$3.95;


THE MONSTER MAKER ( 1944 HORROR Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; J. Carroll Naish, Ralph Morgan, Tala Birell, Wanda McKay, Glenn Strange

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1944; B&W; Stated Running Time = 65 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD264-3; >> US$4.99;

THE MAN FROM TEXAS -- Tex Ritter ( WESTERN Cowboy -- 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; TEX RITTER, Charles B. Wood, Kenne Duncan; >>> Directed by; Albert Herman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 56 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD222; >> US$4.99;

MONSTROSITY THE ATOMIC BRAIN ( Science Fiction Horror, Mad Scientist - 1964 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Frank Gerstle, Marjorie Eaton, Frank Fowler, Erika Peters, Judy Bamber, Lisa Lang;

>>> Directed by; Joseph Mascelli; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1964; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD435; >> US$4.99;

MR. MOTO’S LAST WARNING ( #6 in Police Detective Mystery Suspense series - 1931 Movie / Video Film on DVD, based on the John P. Marquand characters ); Screenplay by Philip MacDonald; >> Starring; Peter LORRE, Ricardo Cortez, George Sanders,John Carradine, Virgina Field, Joan Carol;

>>> Directed by; Norman Foster; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1931; B&W; Stated Running Time = 71 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD265-1; >> US$4.99;

MR. WONG, DETECTIVE -- Boris KARLOFF ( #1 in the classic Oriental Detective Series with Mister James Lee Wong -- 1938 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on the characters created by Hugh Wiley; >> Starring; Boris KARLOFF, Grant Withers, Maxine Jennings, Evelyn Brent;

>>> Directed by; William Nigh; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 70 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD266-1; >> US$4.99;

MR. & MRS. NORTH (Volume 3; Television Detective Series; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Hit man hired to kill Attorney; Pamela hires Butler; Boxer Vince McKay; Novelist Chuck Novack & dead body in pond); ( 1953 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Denning, Barbara Britton, Robert Hutton, Francis DeSales;

>>> Directed by; Ralph Francis Murphy, Lew Landers; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1953; B&W; Stated Running Time = 106 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD268; >> US$4.99;

MR. & MRS. NORTH (Volume 6; Television Detective Series; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Beauty Prize; Dead Man’s Tale; Comic Strip Tease; Reunion); (1953 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Denning, Barbara Britton, Carolyn Jones, Francis DeSales;

>>> Directed by; Ralph Francis Murphy, Paul Landres, Lew Landers; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1953; B&W; Stated Running Time = 106 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD269; >> US$4.99;

MUTINY ; {War of 1812 & Captain James Marshall} (1952; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

STARRING - Angela Lansbury, Mark Stevens, Patric Knowles, Rhys Williams, Steve Richards;

*** Stated Running Time = 76 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by PDC Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD631; >>US$ 5.95;


MUTINY IN THE BIG HOUSE ( True Prison story -- 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on the True Story by Martin Mooney; >> Starring; Charles Bickford, Barton MacLane, Pat Moriarity, Dennis Moore, William Royle, Charley Foy;

>>> Directed by; William Nigh; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 82 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD270; >> US$4.99;

MY FAVORITE BRUNETTE -- Dorothy Lamour, Bob Hope, ( COMEDY -- Action Packed Spoof of Detective Movies -1947 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Dorothy Lamour, Bob Hope, Peter LORRE, Lon CHANEY Jr., John Hoyt, Charles Dingle, Reginald Denny;

>>> Directed by; Elliott Nugent; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1947; B&W; Stated Running Time = 87 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD271; >> US$3.96;

MY MAN GODFREY ( Depression Era Madcap Satire COMEDY, Butler & Wealthy Heiress -- 1936 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; William Powell, Carole Lombard, Alan Mowbray, Jean Dixon, Mischa Auer;

>>> Directed by; Gregory La Cava; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD272; >> US$4.99;

NAPOLEON and SAMANTHA ; Walt Disney (1972; Family Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Mountain Man, Kids with new pet, Major the Lion; Jodie Foster Screen Debut

STARRING - Jodie Foster, Johnny Whitaker, Michael Douglas, Arch Johnson, Henry Jones, Will Geer & Major the Lion;

Description: Johnny Whitaker is 11 Year Old Napolean; Jodie Foster is young Samantha. Michael Douglas is the Mountain Man. Academy Award Nomination for Best Original Dramatic Score." *** Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Anchor Bay / Walt Disney; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD633; >> US$16.00;


NATIONAL LAMPOON'S - BLACK BALL / Blackball - Lawn Bowling (2003; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); with Cast Interviews; > Music by; U2, Queen, Doves & the Who;

** STARRING - VINCE VAUGHN, PAUL KAYE, JAMES CROMWELL, Bernard Cribbins, Alice Evans, Imelda Stauton & Johnny Vegas; > Music by; U2, Queen, Doves & the Who;

Description: Lawn Bowling Comedy; *** Stated Running Time = 97 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2005 by Kaboom Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD528; >>US$ 9.00;


NATIONAL LAMPOON' presents LOST REALITY 2 / Two ; More of the WORST / TV Shows the Networks wouldn't Dare Air (2005; Reality TV / Video Film on DVD Disc);

>>> Created by; The Jay & Tony Show ; Scott Kalvert & Mark Hankey

Description: Reality TV; Returning for this sequel are new episodes of the sketches Money" and "The Amazing Racist." All new sketches include; "Midget Wars," "Dumpster Dinner," and "Beer Goggles." & many MORE; *** Stated Running Time = 77 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Ventura Entertainment / Studio Works; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN; Inventory #DVD622; >>US$ 7.00;


NEON SIGNS (2003; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); high-stakes POKER game, 3 CONS and a KID, they stole their way to LAS VEGAS

STARRING - William Smith, Matt Dotson, Carol Lynley, Barbara McNair;

Description: "A coming-of-age adventure set in the scorching heat of the Arizona desert with new-corner Matt Dotson ( The industry buzz says he's the new Brad Pitt”) as an innocent teenager, who learns how to survive life on the open road from a desperate bunch of crooks played by screen veterans Carol Lynley, Barbara McNair & William Smith. Abandoned by his mother a run down roadside motel Otis (Matt Dotson) sets out on his own with a compass, a bag of Twinkies and dreaming of the Neon life of Las Vegas... He soon encounters, Faith & Grace (Lynley & McNair), two ladies on a cross-country crime spree, and Otis goes along for the ride. The rendezvous with Clyde (Smith), a grizzled Kansas City conman planning one last big score... the rip-off of a high-stakes poker game. Otis learns about like and a certain kind of honor among thieves, but the road trip turns into a game of cross and double cross as his new found friends run out of gas... and time. Blood and bullets fly as Otis comes full circle alone again on the ride of his life." *** Stated Running Time = 86 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Platinum Disc Corp; >>277> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); NOT in the Original Shrinkwrap but STILL SEALED at TOP EDGE; Disc is BRAND NEW, & has Never been Played;

>>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = BRAND NEW, Never Played;

Inventory #DVD634; >>US$ 6.00;

NIGHT COURT USA Volume 3 (Real People -- Real Cases; Early Reality TV enacting true cases from Los Angeles California; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Each Episode features 4 Real Life Cases); ( 1958 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jay Jostyn, Henry Scott;

>>> Directed by; Sandy Howard; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1958; B&W; Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD276; >> US$4.99;

NIGHT COURT USA Volume 4 (Real People -- Real Cases; Early Reality TV enacting true cases from Los Angeles California; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Each Episode features 4 Real Life Cases) ( 1958 Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jay Jostyn, Henry Scott;

>>> Directed by; Sandy Howard; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1958; B&W; Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD436; >> US$4.99;


NIGHT SHADOW --- Where EVIL Lurks... (1990; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Serial Killer / Werewolf

STARRING - Brenda Vance, Dane Chan, Kato Kaelin, Aldo Ray, Orien Richman, Tom Boylan, Mike Hamilton, Jeannette Lewis, Laura Graham, Alta LaFlame, Sally Robinson;

*** Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Platinum Disc Corp; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD635; >>US$ 6.00;

NOTHING SACRED ( Satire & Screwball COMEDY -- 1937 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Carole Lombard, Fredric March, Walter Connolly, Charles Winninger, Sig Rumann, Frank fay, Maxie Rosenbloom, Margaret Hamilton, Hedda Hopper, Monty Woolley, Hattie McDaniel, Olin Howland, John Qualen;

>>> Directed by; William Wellman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1937; Color; Stated Running Time = 77 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD281-1; >> US$4.99;

OKLAHOMA FRONTIER -- Johnny Mack Brown ( WESTERN Cowboy -- 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Johnny Mack Brown, Bob Baker, Fuzzy Knight, Anne Gwynne;

>>> Written & Directed by; Ford Beebe; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 57 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD283; >> US$4.99;

OLD CALIENTE -- Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes ( WESTERN Cowboy -- 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes, Mary Hart, Jack Larue, Katherine DeMille, Frank Puglia, Harry Woods, Paul Marian, Ethel Wales, Merrill McCormick;

>>> Directed by; Joseph Kane; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 53 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD284-1; >> US$3.96;

THE OLD CORRAL -- Roy Rogers, Gene Autry ( WESTERN Cowboy -- 1936 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Hope Manning, Smiley Burnette, Sons of the Pioneers, Lon CHANEY Jr., Oscar & Elmer, Cornelius Keefe, John Bradford, Milburn Morante, Abe Lefton, Merrill McCormick, Charles Sullivan, Buddy Roosevelt, Lynton Brent, Frankie Marvin, Champion;

>>> Directed by; Joseph Kane; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 54 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD285-1; >> US$4.99;

ON THEIR KNEES (2001; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Half-Sisters on cross-country Road Trip with Dead Grandmother in Ice Cream TruckSTARRING - Anais Granofsky, Ingrid Veninger, Maury Chaykin, Clark Johnson, Jackie Burroughs, Jackie Richardson, Julian Richings, Carlo Rota, Peter Stebbings, Maurice Dean Wint.Description: >> Written & Directed by Anais Granofsky; Decent Film with Decent performances by; Anais Granofsky (LUCY of Degrassi Junior High fame), Maury Chaykin (Dances with Wolves & My Cousin Vinny), Clark Johnson (Homicide: Life on the Street & Colors); >>> BEST Canadian Feature” at the Reel World Film Festival. Made on a Tiny Budget of 250,000; *** Stated Running Time = 80 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Telefilm Canada / ThinkFilm; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; Low Print Run & RARE Title; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD636; >>US$ 25.00;

DVD804 -- ONE EYED KING (2004; Irish MOB - Gangster Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Armand Assante, Bruno Kirby, Chazz Palminteri, Connie Britton, Dash Mihok, Jason Gedrick, Jim Breuer, Josh Hopkins, Leo Rossi, William Baldwin; *** Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes;
>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2004 by Velocity - Anti /DEJ Productions;>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);
>>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; $4.99;


THE OVER THE HILL GANG ( 1969 WESTERN COMEDY Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Pat O’Brien, Jack Elam, Chill Wills, Rick / Ricky Nelson, Walter, Brennan, Edgar Buchanan, Gypsy Rose Lee, Andy Devine;

>>> Directed by; Jean Yarbrough; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1969; Color; Stated Running Time = 76 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured circa 2001 in USA by Miracle Pictures VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD437; >> US$3.96;

OXYGEN ... Buried Alive (1998; Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 92 Minutes);

>>> Starring; ADRIEN BRODY, Maura Tierney, James Naughton, Laila Robins, Terry Kinney, Paul Calderon, Dylan Baker, Olek Krupa.

Description: Woman is kidnapped and buried ALIVE in COFFIN with 24 hours of OXYGEN. The Kidnapper (Academy Award winning Best actor ADRIEN BRODY) vs Police detective, Madeline Foster (MAURA TIERNEY) in a race against time. *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Ardustry Home Entertainment.; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;
>>>COVER = FN++, Like New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD-748; >> US$9.00;


PAIN OF SALVATION -- the Orchestra of Eternity. (2005; Original Stage Production Video Film on DVD Disc with, BONUS LIVE CD and a 48 page booklet); Swedish heavy metal PROG rockers


Description: "Swedish heavy metal rockers Pain of Salvation have their roots in an earlier incarnation known as Reality, a band started by prodigy Daniel Gildenlow in 1984, at the age of 11. The group has gone through various personnel changes in the meantime, but the foundation of talent has only been built upon to achieve ever greater heights. Now legendary prog rockers, the band has played with such luminaries as Dream Theater, and headlined at ProgPower USA. The performances documented here took place over the course of several nights, as the band played the material from their record BE before it had even been released. The group's revolutionary incorporation of an orchestra and animated footage helped make these concerts truly spectacular experiences. The song list includes "Animae Partus," "Nauticus," "Vocari Dei," and "Omni." Tracks: - 1. Animae Partus; 2. Deus Nova; 3. Imago; 4. Pluvius Aestivus; 5. Lilium Cruentus; 6. Nauticus; 7. Dea Pecuniae; 8. Vocari Dei; 9. Diffidentia; 10. Nihil Morari; 11. Latertius Valette; 12. Omni; 13. Iter Impius; 14. Matius/Nauticus II; 15. Animae Partus II." >>> DVD Extra's Include; Commentary Track, Religious Fanatic Track, Nine Days (short film), Nihlium Fuckupus, Slideshows, Additional Messages to God, etc. The audio CD includes all Tracks from the DVD. *** Running Time = NOT Stated; Language = ENGLISH; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in GERMANY in 2005 by Inside Out Entertainment / SPV GmbH; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> Region Code-0 = NO Regional Coding (Playable in All Regions on DVD Machines Worldwide); >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >> DVD Disc = Light scuffing VG; >>CD Disc = FINE;

Inventory #DVD639; >>US$ 20.00;


THE PAINTED HILLS - #7 in the MGM LASSIE movie series ( SHEP the Collie Dog in Wild Hills of American Frontier -- 1950 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lassie, Paul Kelly, Bruce Cowling, Gary Gray, Art Smith;

>>> Directed by; Harold F. Kress; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1950; Color ;Stated Running Time = 68 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD289-1; >> US$3.96;

PARADISE CANYON (1935) // John Wayne Double Feature with // RANDY RIDES ALONE (1934) ( 2 x Movie’s on 1 Disc / Video Film on DVD );

>> Starring; JOHN WAYNE, Marion Burns, Yakima Canutt, Tex Palmer, Gordon Clifford, Earl Dwire, Earle Hodgins, Reed Howes, George Gabby Hayes, Tex Palmer, Alberta Vaughn;

**** PARADISE CANYON >> Starring; John Wayne, Marion Burns, Yakima Canutt, Tex Palmer, Gordon Clifford, Earl Dwire, Earle Hodgins, Reed Howes; >>> Directed by; Carl Pierson; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1935; B&W; Stated Running Time = 55 Minutes; **** RANDY RIDES ALONE; >> Starring; John Waynes, Yakima Canutt, Earl Dwire, Georege Gabby Hayes, Tex Palmer, Alberta Vaughn; >>> Directed by; Harry Fraser; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1934; B&W; Stated Running Time = 53 Minutes; *** [TOTAL Running Time = 108 Minutes ] >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured circa 2000 in CANADA by Cascadia Entertainment VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD376; >> US$4.99;

PARANOID -- Jessica ALBA (2000; Psychological Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Young Fashion Model abducted by Weird Family in UK Home

STARRING - Jessica ALBA, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Ewen Bremner, Iain Glen;

Description: Jessica ALBA as fashion model. Mysterious telephone calls. Chloe is stranded in the British House with Weird family who have abducted her and they plan to have a sexual orgy with her & record it on camera. *** Stated Running Time = 94 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2000 by Seville Pictures; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD640; >>US$ 12.00;

PARASITE -- Directed by Andy Froemke (1997; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Mesmerism / Hypnosis, Telepathic Suggestion

>> STARRING - David Gaffney, Julia Matias, Robert Gerard, Marissa Hall, David Akin; Directed by Andy Froemke;

Description: "A supernatural thriller about the world of mesmerism, where strong wills utilize telepathic suggestion and inhibition to feed off those that are weaker." >> Charles Sadler stabs himself in the hand & killing his girlfriend. Dr. John Wilson explores parapsychological cases. Dr. Richard Austin is the skeptic. Paranormal case, Miss Helena Voyich , is a one-legged woman who claims to be capable of mesmerism (very powerful hypnosis dismissed by science in 19th century)

>>> NOT to but confused with the 1982 or 2003 Movies by the same Title. This 1997 Title (Directed by Andy Froemke) is RARE. Great low budget horror film, worth a try.

*** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in 1999 in USA in by DML Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times, still in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN; Inventory #DVD638; >>US$ 18.00;


PAROLED TO DIE -- Bob STEELE ( 1937 WESTERN Cowboy -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Screenpaly by George Plimpton; Story by Harry F. Olmstead; >> Starring; Bob STEELE, Kathleen Elliot, Karl, Hackett, Horace Murphy, Steve Clark, Budd Buster, Sherry Tansey, Frank Ball, Jack C. Smith;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1937; B&W; Stated Running Time = 53 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD291-1; >> US$4.99;

PASSPORT TO DANGER Volume 1 -- Cesar Romero (1954; Diplomatic Courier & International Espionage series; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Rome; Paris; Geneva; Prague) ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Cesar Romero, Donna Martel, Murvyn Vye, Karen Booth, Ted De Corsia, Pamela Duncan;

>>> Directed by; Erle C. Kenton, Frederick Stephani, Sobey Martin; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; B&W; Stated Running Time = 110 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD292; >> US$4.99;

PENNYWISE HOME MOVIES (1993-1995; Music Video Film on DVD Disc ); West Coast pop punk band


Description: Behind-the-scenes footage in HOME MOVIES with the West Coast pop punk band Pennywise. In 1994, the band headed out on a world tour in support of 1993's album UNKNOWN ROAD, featuring "City is Burning. This release is the only existing visual document of that tour. Graphic detail of the band's lifestyle, performance stints. Fletcher Dragge's pranks. The LIVE and UNCENSORED world of Pennywise. LIVE concert footage, Interviews, Band Practice, TOUR Footage & more VOMITING than any Video ever released. >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Zethro Ent / Epitaph; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD641; >>US$ 10.00;

PEP SQUAD (2001; Twisted Black Comedy ; Teenage Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); BAD GIRL, Cheerleader's, Mass Murder, Prom Queen

>> STARRING; Amy Kelly, Brooke Balderson, Adrian Pujoi, Jennifer Dreiling, Summer Makovkin; >> Written & Directed by Steve Balderson;

Description: Cherry is a beautiful redhead teenager who expects to become High School Prom Queen, but she is NOT even nominated. Cherry is ANGRY she was NOT nominated for prom queen, & befins murdering the candidates. The High School Principal is notorious for making passes at Teen-Aged Girls, so 3 Teens KIDNAP him. A Low Budget Teenage Horror Film so Over the Top and HARSH, it is amazing it got made & Released. Surprisingly Decent Acting. Brooke Balderson as the insane Bad Girl CHERRY is self centered, cruel, evil & frightening. Summer Makovkin as the Sexy Julie. Amy Kelly is perhaps the best in this film & is Bizarre, obnoxious & Funny. Nasty jokes, Mass Murder, boundless sick humour. So Bad, it's Good = Destined to be a CULT Camp Classic. *** Stated Running Time = 94 Minutes; SCARCE Title, especially in DVD Format; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Kaboom Entertainment / Asylum; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD642-1; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; >>US$ 16.00;

PEP SQUAD (2001; Twisted Black Comedy ; Teenage Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); BAD GIRL, Cheerleader's, Mass Murder, Prom Queen

>> STARRING; Amy Kelly, Brooke Balderson, Adrian Pujoi, Jennifer Dreiling, Summer Makovkin; >> Written & Directed by Steve Balderson;

Description: Cherry is a beautiful redhead teenager who expects to become High School Prom Queen, but she is NOT even nominated. Cherry is ANGRY she was NOT nominated for prom queen, & befins murdering the candidates. The High School Principal is notorious for making passes at Teen-Aged Girls, so 3 Teens KIDNAP him. A Low Budget Teenage Horror Film so Over the Top and HARSH, it is amazing it got made & Released. Surprisingly Decent Acting. Brooke Balderson as the insane Bad Girl CHERRY is self centered, cruel, evil & frightening. Summer Makovkin as the Sexy Julie. Amy Kelly is perhaps the best in this film & is Bizarre, obnoxious & Funny. Nasty jokes, Mass Murder, boundless sick humour. So Bad, it's Good = Destined to be a CULT Camp Classic. *** Stated Running Time = 94 Minutes; SCARCE Title, especially in DVD Format; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Kaboom Entertainment / Asylum; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times, still in NICE Condition;

Inventory #DVD642-2; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; >>US$ 12.00;

Inventory #DVD642-3; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; >>US$ 12.00;

PERPETRATORS OF THE CRIME - Tori Spelling (2001; Black Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Two Students, Kidnapping, Wrong Girl.

STARRING - Tori Spelling, Danny Strong, Sean Devine, William B. Davis ;

*** Stated Running Time = 86 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by TVA Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD643; >>US$ 9.00;


THE PHANTOM FROM 10,000 LEAGUES ( 1956 Atomic Mutant Sea Monster, Science Fiction HORROR -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Kent Taylor, Cathy Downs, Michael Whalen, Rodney Bell, Phillip Pine, Helene Stanton, Vivi Janiss,Pierce Lyden, Michael Garth;

>>> Directed by; Dan Milner; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1956; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD293-1; >> US$4.99;

PHANTOM OF CHINATOWN (1940; #6 and Fianl Episode in Monogram’s oriental detective MR. WONG series -- Prequel to the 5 previous episodes; 1940 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on characters created by Hugh Wiley; >> Starring; Keye Luke, Grant Withers, Lotus Long;

>>> Directed by; Phil Rosen; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD294; >> US$4.99;

THE PHANTOM CREEPS Volume One & Two -- Bela LUGOSI (1939 SCIENCE FICTION -- the complete SERIAL = Chapters #1-12) ( Set of 2 DVD’s -- Video Film; 127 & 115 = 242 Minutes in Total ); >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI; Robert Kent, Regis Toomey, Dorothy Arnold, Edward Van Slaon, Eddie Acuff, Anthony Averill, Edwin Stanley, Jack C. Smith, Roy Barcroft, Forrest Taylor, Karl Hackett, Robert Blair, Jerry Frank Dora Clement, Hugh Huntley, Charles King;

>>> Directed by; Ford Beebe, Saul A. Goodkind; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; *** Stated Running Time = 127 & 115 = 242 Minutes in Total; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD295; >> US$7.90;

PHANTOM FROM SPACE (serious film noir documentary style UFO & SCIENCE FICTION epic -- 1953 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Noreen Nash, Ted Cooper, Harry Landers, Rudolph Anders, James Seay, Dick Sands, Michael Mark;

>>> Directed by; W. Lee Wilder; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1953; B&W; Stated Running Time = 72 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD297-1; >> US$3.96;

THE PHANTOM PLANET ( 1961 SCIENCE FICTION -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Dean Fredericks, Richard Kiel, Francis X. Bushman, Dolores Faith, Coleen Gray;

>>> Directed by; William Marshall; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1961; B&W; Stated Running Time = 82 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD439-1; >> US$4.99;

THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN ( 1957 classic Children’s Tale & Magical Musical -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Van Johnson, Claude Rains, Lori Nelson, Jim Backus, Kay Starr;

>>> Directed by; Bretaigne Windust; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1957; Color; Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD298-1; >> US$3.96;

PIPPI LONGSTOCKING - PIPPI GOES TO THE FAIR { TeleToon presents ...} (1997; TV Animated Cartoon Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc);

>>> Characters Created by Astrid Lindgren.

Description: "Annika and Tommy introduce Pippi to a local custom, the annual town fair. It is all a bit confusing to Pippi and she has her own unique interpretation for everything she encounters, including the fire breather, snake charmer, card reader, bumper cars and Ferris wheel. When Adolphe, the world strongest man challenges to take on anyone, he is not aware that Pippi Longstocking is in the audience. He regrets the challenge.-Pippi goes to The Fair; -Pippi enters a Horse Show; -Pippi takes a Train Ride; -Pippi enters a Flower Show " >> ENGLISH and FRENCH Language Options; *** Stated Running Time = 88 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by Kaboom / Nelvana / TeleToon; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD644; >>US$ 15.00;

POPSTARS ; the ONE - the OFFICIAL DVD with Christa Borden (2003; Global Television - TV Video Film on DVD Disc, with BONUS Motown Classic Live CD ); Canadian / Canada REALITY TV

>> Produced by Joseph Blasioli; > STARRING; Judges = Erica Ehm, Michael Geddes, & Paul Myers; And with; Christa Borden, Glenn Lewis, Lamont Dozier, The Final 7, Jason Rouse, Choclair, Legend, The One Revealed;

Description: "The Popstars start out as raw beginners and develop into solid performers. Best of the Journey across Canada - Welcome to Toronto Bootcamp and More - In the studio with (1) Motown Legend, (2) Lamont Dozier - (3) Showcase Performances - (4) The Final 7 - (5) The One Revealed."; SPECIAL FEATURE - Profile of Christa Borden, The One; *** Plus never Before Seen footage that includes: Experts advice on being a Popstar including one-ones with Lamont Dozier & Glenn Lewis;" >>> Includes Bonus CD: Motown Classics; The Jusges need to narrow 7000 Auditions down to just 12 contestants. >>> Profile on Christa Borden, the ONE; >> Plus Never Before seen Footage = Experts advice on being a Popstar, One-on-Ones with Lamont Dozier & Glenn Davis; *** Stated Running Time = 292 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Lone Eagle / Global Television / Koch Vision; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> DVD Disc = Minor scuffing VG/FN; CD audio Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD645; >>US$ 19.00;


PORT OF NEW YORK - Yul Brynner (His 1st starring role, as Gentelman Gangster Paul Vicola) ( 1949 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Yul Brynner, Neville Brand, K.T. Stevens, Scott Brady, Richard Rober, Lynnie Carter, John Kellogg, William Challee;

>>> Directed by; Loslo Benedek; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1949; B&W; Stated Running Time = 81 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD375; >> US$3.96;

POST IMPACT -- with Dean Cain (2004; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); new Ice Age, End of the World & Survival

STARRING ; DEAN CAIN, Bettina Zimmermann, Nigel Bennett, Joanna Taylor, John Keogh, Hanns Zischler;

Description: Meteor hits the Earth, planet becomes an frozen wasteland & new ICE AGE. Survivors try a last ditch effort to save Mankind. >> ENGLISH & Spanish Language options; *** Stated Running Time = 95 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2004 by DEJ Productions / Velocity; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >> Media/ Disc = Light scuffing VG; Inventory #DVD646; >>US$ 5.00;

PRETTY PERSUASION. (2005; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 104 Minutes); Sexy & CRUEL Beverly Hills Teenager

>>> Starring; Evan Rachel Wood, James Woods, Ron Livingston, Jane Krakowski, Danny Comden, Elisabeth Harnois, Michael Hitchcock, Adi Schnall.

Description: >> The DEVIL wears a GREY SKIRT and her name is Kimberly Joyce; >> Evan Rachel Wood plays Kimberly Joyce, an insanely intelligent, shockingly CRUEL & sexy beyond her years Beverly Hills Teenager, who will stop at nothing to become FAMOUS. "Revenge knows no mercy.Seeing the world as an orchestra, Kimberly manipulates those around her like the master conductor she believes herself to be. Convincing her two best friends to join her in a devastating campaign of character assassination against their befuddled teacher, Mr Anderson, Kimberly entangles the entire Bevery Hills community in her carefully woven web of seduction and deceit." *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Maple / Capri Video.; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Played only once or twice, in NICE Condition; >>>COVER = FINE; >>> USED = FINE; Inventory #DVD-749; >> US$9.00;




PRIDE OF THE BOWERY -- East Side Kids ( Boys of the Bowery -- 1941 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Leo Gorcey, Bobby Jordan, Sunshine Sammy Morrison, Donald Haines, Bobby Stone, Carleton Young, Kenneth Howell, David Gorcey, Mary Ainslee;

>>> Directed by; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 61 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2001 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD300-1; >> US$4.99;


PRISON NURSE ( Crime Suspense & Typhoid Outbreak -- 1938 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Marian Marsh, Henry Wilcoxon, Ray Mayer, Bernadene Hayes; >>> Directed by; James Cruze; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 57 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD440; >> US$4.99;

PRISON TRAIN ( Crime Boss on Train to Alcatraz Prison -- 1938 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bdorothy Comingore, Clarence Muse, Nestor Paiva, Fred Keating, Faith Bacon, Alexander Leftwich;

>>> Directed by; Gordon Wiles; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 65 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD301-1; >> US$4.99;

PRIVATE SECRETARY Volume 2 - Ann Sothern (1953; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Cat in a Hot Tin File; Dollars and Sense; Old Dogs, New Tricks; That’s No Lady, That’s an Agent); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ann Sothern, Don Porter, Ann Tyrrell;

>>> Directed by; Oscar Rudolph; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1953; B&W; Stated Running Time = 104 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD374; >> US$4.99;

Roxanne: PRIZE PULITZER (2005; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Palm Beach Florida, Super Rich, Cocaine, Marriage & Divorce

STARRING - Courteney Cox, Perry King and Chynna Phillips;

Description: Based on the Autobiography by Roxanne Pulitzer; Divorce between Herbert Pulitzer & his younger wife Roxanne. Sin & scandal of the Super Rich. *** Stated Running Time = 95 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Platinum Disc ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;

Inventory #DVD647; >>US$ 6.00;

DVD808 -- PROM NIGHT II / Two #2 - Hello Mary Lou (1987; HORROR Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Michael Ironside, Wendy Lyon, Justin Louis, Lisa Schrage, Richard Monette;
*** Stated Running Time = 94 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2003 by Alliance Atlantis; ;>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; $15.95;


DVD809 -- PROTOCOL (1984; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Goldie Hawn, Chris Sarandon, Cliff De Young, Ed Begley Jr., Gail Strickland, Kenneth Mars, Kenneth McMillan, Richard Romanus; *** Stated Running Time = 96 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1998 by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment;;>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; $3.96;


THE PUBLIC DEFENDER Volume 1 -- Reed Hadley (1954-1955; 4 x classic CBS TV Episodes, based on True Cases; Living a Lie; Story of Nora Fulton; Anything for a Thrill, They Never Come Back) ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Reed Hadley, Richard Crane, Morris Ankrum, Frankie Darro, George E. Stone, Ann Doran, Robert Horton;

>>> Directed by; Budd Boetticher, Sobey Martin, Harve Foster; Produced by Hal Roach Jr; 4 x classic CBS TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954-55; B&W; Stated Running Time = 101 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD302; >> US$4.99;

THE PUBLIC DEFENDER Volume 2 -- Reed Hadley (1954-1955; 4 x classic CBS TV Episodes, based on True Cases; The Ring, Operation Please, Love and Conscience; In the Line of Duty); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Reed Hadley, Marie Windsor, Joseph Turkel, Ludwig Stossel, Gordon Jones, Dick Foran, James Gleason, Don ‘Red’ Barry;

>>> Directed by; Erle C. Kenton, Harve Foster; Produced by Hal Roach Jr; 4 x classic CBS TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954-55; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD303; >> US$4.99;

THE PUBLIC DEFENDER Volume 3 -- Reed Hadley (1954-1955; 4 x classic CBS TV Episodes, based on True Cases; Wade Foster; The Arsonist; Coal Mine Rage; Defending Diane Collins); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Reed Hadley, Dwayne Hickman, James Lydon, Hugh Beaumont, Ann Doran;

>>> Directed by; Budd Boetticher; Produced by Hal Roach Jr; 4 x classic CBS TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954-55; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD304; >> US$4.99;

PUPHEDZ ; the TATTLE-TALE HEART (2002; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Filmed in Hedz-O-Vision; Includes take on Edgar Allen Poe's Tell-Tale Heart.

>>> STARRING - Woodrow J. Larchbottom III, Douglas "Chip" Fir, Peter Feidwood, Leif Applebaum; Written by Jurgen Heimann, Jim Kurdig & Edgar Allen Poe;

Description: >> Winner of Best Animation” 2002 Los Angels Screamfest Horror Film Festival. *** Stated Running Time = 27 Minutes short version & 34 Minutes Long version; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Elite Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times, still in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN; Inventory #DVD637; >>US$ 6.00;


THE PURPLE VIGILANTES -- Three Mesquiteers (Stoney Brooke, Tucson Smith & Lullaby Joslin) ( 1938 WESTERN Cowboy -- Movie / Video Film on DVD );

>> Starring; Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, Bob Livingston;

>>> Directed by; George Sherman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 50 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD442; >> US$4.99;

RACKET SQUAD Volume 1 -- Reed Hadley as Captain Braddock (1951-1953; 4 x classic TV Episodes, Gritty Crimininal Investigations, from Case Files of US Police Forces; Accidentally on Purpose; The Case of the Hearse Chaser; The Longshot; Desperate Money) ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Reed Hadley, Ray Montgomonery, Billy Halop, Adele Jergens, Jack Larue, Bob Rockwell, Noel Neill, Henry Kulky, Aline Towne, Raymond Hatton, Tim Carey, Frank Gerstle;

>>> Directed by; George Blair, James Tinling, Erle C. Kenton; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1951-53; B&W; Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD373; >> US$4.99;

RACKET SQUAD Volume 2 -- Reed Hadley as Captain Braddock (1951-1953; 4 x classic TV Episodes, Gritty Crimininal Investigations, from Case Files of US Police Forces; His Brother’s Keeper; Two Little Country Girls; Smoke Eater; Anyone Can Be a Sucker); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Reed Hadley, Sam Hearne, James Gleason, Byron Foulger;

>>> Directed by; Howard Bretherton, James Tinling, James Flood; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1950; B&W; Stated Running Time = 104 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD442-1; >> US$4.99;

RAGE AT DAWN -- Randolph Scott ( 1955 WESTERN Cowboy Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on the exploits of the infamous RENO GANG; >> Starring; Randolph Scott, Forrest Tucker, Mala Powers, J. Carrol Naish, Edgar Buchanan;

>>> Directed by; Tim Whelan; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; Color; Stated Running Time = 87 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD305-1; >> US$3.96;

RAINBOW OVER TEXAS -- Roy Rogers ( 1946 WESTERN Cowboy -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Roy Rogers, Trigger, George Gabby Hayes, Dale Evans, Shelson Leonard, Robert Emmett Keane, Gerald Oliver Smith, Minerva Urecal, George J. Lewis, Kenne Duncan, Pierce Lyden, Dick Elliott, Bob Nolan, Sons of the Pioneers;

>>> Directed by; Frank McDonald; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1946; B&W; Stated Running Time = 63 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in USA by GOOD TIMES VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); SCARCER Title;

Inventory #DVD307; >> US$6.90;

RAMAR OF THE JUNGLE Volume 1 / One -- Jon Hall (1952-1954; Adventures in Africa & India; 4 x classic TV Edisodes; Dark Venture; Voice Of the Past; King of the Watus; Lady of the Leopards) ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jon Hall, Ray Montgomery;

>>> 4 x classic TV Edisodes; Video Film Originally Released in 1952-54; B&W; Stated Running Time = 95 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD308-1; >> US$4.99;

RAMAR OF THE JUNGLE Volume 9 / Nine -- Jon Hall (1953; Adventures in Africa & India; 4 x classic TV Edisodes; The Voice in the Sky; The Unknown Terror; The Mystic Pawn; The Road of no Return); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jon Hall, Ray Montgomery;

>>> Directed by; Paul Landres; 4 x classic TV Edisodes; Video Film Originally Released in 1953; B&W; Stated Running Time = 105 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD445; >> US$5.95;

RAMAR OF THE JUNGLE Volume 10 / Ten -- Jon Hall (1953; Adventures in Africa & India; 4 x classic TV Edisodes; Call to Danger; Blind Peril; Drums of Doom; Evil Strangers); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jon Hall, Ray Montgomery;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfeld; 4 x classic TV Edisodes; Video Film Originally Released in 1953; B&W; Stated Running Time = 103 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); SCARCER title;

Inventory #DVD446; >> US$7.90;

THE RANGE FEUD (1931) // John Wayne Double Feature with // SAGEBRUSH TRAIL (1933) ( 2 Movie’s on 1 disc / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; John Wayne, Judy Walton, BUCK JONES, Yakima Canutt, Lane Chandler, Earl Dwire, Henry Hall, Art Mix, Hal Price, Wally Wales, Slim Whitaker;

***** THE RANGE FEUD (misspelled FUED in both front & back covers) = SCARCER John Wayne title; >> Starring; John Wayne, Judy Walton, BUCK JONES; >>> Directed by; Ross Lederman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1931; B&W; Stated Running Time = 58 Minutes; ***** SAGEBRUSH TRAIL >> Starring; John Wayne, Yakima Canutt, Lane Chandler, Earl Dwire, Henry Hall, Art Mix, Hal Price, Wally Wales, Slim Whitaker; >>> Directed by; Armand Schaefer; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933; B&W; Stated Running Time = 54 Minutes; **** [TOTAL Running Time = 112 Minutes];

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured circa 2001 in CANADA by Cascadia Entertainment VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD372; >> US$6.90;

RANGE RIDER Volume 1 / One (Alpha video) -- Jock (Jack) Mahoney ( 1951-1953; 4 x classic TV WESTERN Episodes; Crooked Fork; Outlaw Territory; Shotgun Stage; West of Cheyenne) ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jock (Jack) Mahoney, Dick JONES, Raymond Hatton, Kenne Duncan, Tom Monroe, Minerva Urecal, Jim Bannon, William Fawcett, Harry Lauter, Pamela Blake, Lyle Talbot, House Peters, Jr.;

>>> Directed by; John English, William Berke, George Archainbaud; 4 x classic TV WESTERN Episodes; Video Film Originally Released in 1951-53; B&W; Stated Running Time = 101 Minutes;

>> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD443-1; >> US$4.99;

RANGE RIDER Volume 1 / One (Cascadia video) -- Jock (Jack) Mahoney ( 1951-1952; 4 x classic TV WESTERN Episodes; The Secret of Superstition Peak; The Ghost of Poco Loco; Crooked Fork; Pony Express) ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jock (Jack) Mahoney, Dick JONES

>>> Directed by; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1951-52; B&W; Stated Running Time = Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured circa 2001 in CANADA by Cascadia Entertainment VIDEO;; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD444; >> US$4.99;

RAPID EXCHANGE -- Lance Henriksen, Lorenzo Lamas ( Billion Dollar Midair HEIST Thriller -- 2003 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lance Henriksen, Lorenzo Lamas, Aviva Gale, Matt O’Toole, Wayne Pere, Gaston Pauls;

>>> Directed by; Tripp Reed; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 2003; Color; Stated Running Time = 117 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in USA by Media Entertainment GMBH / DEJ Productions; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; [ Shrinkwrap is partly peeled at top & bottom, but has never been opened] DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);Inventory #DVD446-1; >> US$5.95;

the RATS. (2001; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 104 Minutes); Genetically altered Lab RATS aggressive & HUNGRY in Manhattan

>>> Starring; Vincent Spano, Madchen Amick, Daveigh Chase, Shawn Michael Howard, & Sheila McCarthy.

Description: , "They're coming - thousands of ravenous, blood-thirsty rats - and the terrified occupants of a New York City department store have nowhere to hide. Not only are these genetically altered creatures smarter, stronger and bigger than normal rats, they've also acquired a taste for human flesh. Time is running out for investigator Jack Carver, the only man who can discover how these rocents became violent killers and stop their trail of victims before it's too late..."; >> The Scene where the Girl (Madchen Amick) falls into an entire Public Swimming Pool filled to the top with Live Hungry RATS, will make your Skin CRAWL !!! *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by 20th Century Fox.; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in USED Condition with Moderate Scuffs & Scratches; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine. Sold AS-IS at a good price; >>> Picture Cover = VG; >> Media/ Disc = scuffed playable G/VG Inventory #DVD-750; >> US$4.99;

RELATIVE STRANGERS. (2005; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 86 Minutes); Anger management & White Trash Biological Parents

>>> Neve Campbell, Danny DeVito, Kathy Bates, Ron Livingston, Ed Begley Jr., Edward Herrmann, Christine Baranski

*** Description: , "Dr Richard Clayton (Ron Livingston) has it all: a loving fiancée (Neve Campbell), two wonderful, supportive parents, a successful career as a psychiatrist and a self-help book on anger management climbing the best seller list. Everything in his life is right on course, including a wedding date only a few weeks away. Until one fateful night when his jealous brother tells him the truth about his upbringing...he was adopted. Enter Frank and Agnes Manure (Danny DeVito and Kathy Bates), a rude, crude and offensive pair who embody the term "white trash". Meet the Biological Parents!" *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Canada in 2007 by Peace Arch Films.; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>>COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD-751; >> US$7.89;


REMEDY FOR RICHES ( #4 of 6 DR. CHRISTIAN Films; 1940 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jean Hersholt, Edgar Kennedy, Walter Catlett, Warren Hull; >>> Directed by; Erle C. Kenton; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD309; >> US$4.99;


RIDER OF THE PLAINS -- Tom Cameron (George Houston) ( 1941 WESTERN Cowboy -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; George Houston, Al Fuzzy St. John, Hillary Brooke;

>>> Directed by; Jack Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD310; >> US$4.99;

RIDIN ON {Ridin’ / Riding} -- Tom Tyler ( 1936 WESTERN Cowboy -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Family Feud & all-out Range War; >> Starring; TOM TYLER, Geraldine Greer, Rex Lease;

>>> Directed by; Ira S. Webb; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 58 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD312; >> US$4.99;

ROAD TO BALI -- Bill Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour (1952; Adventure Comedy; #6 in ROAD series; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bill Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, Murvyn Vye, Peter Coe; (Guest Stars; Jane Russell & Humphrey Bogart)

>>> Directed by; Hal Walker; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1952; Color; Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD314-1; >> US$3.96;

ROBOT MONSTER in 2-D {Phil Tucker’s...} ( 1953 SCIENCE FICTION Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Widely considered on of the WORST Films of All-Time; >> Starring; George Nader, Claudia Barrett;

>>> Directed by; Phil Tucker; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1953; B&W; Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2000 in USA by Image Entertainment / Corinth Films; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD447; >> US$4.99;

ROGUE’S {Rogues} GALLERY ( 1944 WWII PRC studio Mystery -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Frank Jenks, Robin Raymond, H.B. Warner; >>> Directed by; Albert Herman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1944; B&W; Stated Running Time = 57 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD316; >> US$4.99;

ROLLERBALL {Original film by Norman Jewison} with James Caan (1975; Science Fiction Violent Future Sports Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

> Produced & Dirtected by by Norman Jewison ; STARRING - James Caan, John Houseman, Maud Adams, John Beck, Moses Gunn, Pamela Hensley, Ralph Richardson, Shane Rimmer;

Description: "The Year is 2018. There are no wars. There is no crime. There is only….the Game. In a world where ruthless corporations reign supreme, this vicious and barbaric "sport" is the only outlet for the pent-up anger and frusterations of the masses. Tuned to their televisions, the people watch "Rollerball": a brutal mutation of football, motocross and hockey. Jonathon E. is the champion player- a man to talented for his own good. The Corporation has taken away the woman Jonathon loves but they can"t take away his soul- even if the diabolical corporate head tells him he better retire…. or suffer the old-fashioned way. With its surrealistic imagery and tense action sequences, Rollerball grips you by the heart- and never lets you go!" *** Stated Running Time = 125 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1998 by MGM Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times, still in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN; Inventory #DVD650; >>US$ 10.00;

the ROOM UPSTAIRS (1987; TV Movie - Video Film on DVD Disc ); Based on the Novel by Norman Levinson.

>> STARRING - Stockard Channing, Sarah Jessica Parker, Linda Hunt, Sam Waterston, Joan Allen, Clancy Brown; >> Based on the Novel by Norman Levinson.

>> Great Stockard Channing performance. Small Early part for younger Sarah Jessica Parker as Mandy Janovic. Early Joan Allen. *** Stated Running Time = 97 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Platinum Disc; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD652; >>US$ 7.00;


ROUGH RIDERS ROUND-UP -- Roy Rogers ( 1939 WESTERN Cowboy Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Roy Rogers, Raymond Hatton, Duncan Renaldo, Mary Hart, Eddie Acuff, William Pawley, Dorothy Sebastian, George Meeker, Guy Usher;

>>> Directed by; Joseph Kane; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 54 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD317-1; >> US$4.99;

ROUTE 666 (2001; Horror Action Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Murdered Chain Gang returns as inmates of the Living Dead for revenge.

STARRING - Lou Diamond Phillips, Lori Petty, Steven Williams, Dale Midkiff, Alex McArthur, Mercedes Colon & L.Q. Jones.

Description: "It's a road few have traveled and even fewer escape! When special agents Jack (Lou Diamond Phillips) and Stephanie (Lori Petty) cut through a condemned, desolate highway known as Route 666 while tracking a suspect, they discover a danger far worse than deadly twists and turns! Years ago, a notorious chain gang was killed in a horrific roadside murder, and the highway still echoes with its brutal legacy. Now, they face a terrifying reality...there's no escape and no way to deny the secret behind the force haunting this bleak wasteland." *** Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by Lions Gate Films >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; Inventory #DVD654; >>US$ 10.95;



R.S.V.P. (2002; Black Comedy Horror Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Serial Killer & Mass Murder

STARRING - Majandra Delfino, Glenn Quinn, Grace Zabriskie, Jason Mewes, Nora Zehetner, Reno Wilson; >> Director Mark Anthony Galluzo;

Description: A Student studying serial killers gets carried away thinking he can stage the Ultimate Mass Murder without being caught. He invites friends to a Party & one by one they disappear. Slasher / Gore film, with black comedy; Audience Award for Best Feature at the Slamdunk Film Festival. Jason Mewes (Clerks) and Majandra Delfino (TV's Roswell) star appear. *** Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Lions Gate Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in USED Condition with Moderate Scuffs & Scratches; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine.Sold AS-IS at a good price; >>> Picture Cover = VG; >> Media/ Disc = scuffed playable G/VG Inventory #DVD655; >>US$ 6.00;


SALLY --- with Rachael Leigh Cook (2002 ; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); She's every Man's Fantasy ; One Man's Reality

STARRING - Rachael Leigh Cook, David Goldsmith, Michael Weston, Sam Coppola;

*** Stated Running Time = 80 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Razor Digital / Creative Light; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD656; >>US$ 12.00;

SCARLET STREET {Fritz Lang’s...} -- Edward G. Robinson ( classic Film Noir Suspense Mystery -- 1945 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Edward G. Robinson, Joaan Bennett, Dan Duryea, Margaret Lindsay, Rosalind Ivan, Jess Barker, Charles Kemper, Anita Sharp-Bolster, Samuel S. Hinds, Vladimir Sokoloff, Arthur Loft, Russell Hicks, Cy Kendall;

>>> Directed by; Fritz Lang; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1945; B&W; Stated Running Time = 103 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD318-1; >> US$4.99;

SECRET FILE USA Volume 1 -- Robert Alda as international American Intelligence Agent Major William Morgan ( 1955; 4 x classic TV Episides; Mission Assassin; Mission Chopin; Mission Firebird; Mission M”); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Robert Alda;

>>> Directed by; Arthur Dreifuss; 4 x classic TV Episides / Video Film Originally Released in 1955; B&W; Stated Running Time = 104 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD321; >> US$4.99;

SECRETS OF A CO-ED {Coed} (1942; D.A. & BAD GIRL Slut Daughter & Gangsters -- Mystery Suspense Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Otto Kruger, Tina Thayer, Rick Vallin, Diana del Rio, Russel Hoyt, Marcia Mae Jones, Geraldine Spreckels, Addison Richards, Herburt Vigran, Patricia Knox, Claire Rochelle;

>>> Directed by; Joseph H. Lewis; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942; B&W; Stated Running Time = 66 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD322; >> US$4.99;

SEDUCING DOCTOR LEWIS (2004 ; Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); depressed Sainte-Marie-La-Mauderne Quebec FISHING village

STARRING - Raymond Bouchard, David Boutin, Benoit Briere, Pierre Collin, Rita Lafontaine, Clemence Derouchers, Lucie Laurier, Bruno Blanchet;

Description: Depressed Quebec fishing village try to convince a young Montreal Doctor to join their community. This was a BIG HIT in French Canada, a classic comedy that crosses the language barrier. >>> Original FRENCH Language with ENGLISH Subtitles; >>> CANNES the Director's Fortnight >>> WINNER Audience Award at Sundance Film Festival. >>> Winner of 7 Jutra Awards; *** Stated Running Time = 1 Hour & 49 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2004 by Alliance Atlantis; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN; >>> Media/ Disc = Light scuffing VG Inventory #DVD657; >>US$ 12.00;


SERIAL KILLING 101 (2004; Suspense Movie / Direct-To-Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 88 Minutes); Casey Noland aspires to be a SERIAL KILLER, while a real on is on a Murder Spree

>>> Starring; Justin Urich, Lisa Loeb, Corey Feldman, Thomas Haden Church;

Description: , "Some things are just meant to go together ... Casey Noland aspires to be a serial killer and Sasha Fitzgerald is his suicidal classmate who would like nothing better than to be his first victim. As Casey and Sasha research the fine points necessary to carry out the perfect killing spree, a real serial killer is terrorizing the city. Is their newfound knowledge enough to find the killer before they become the next victims?" *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Lions Gate Film.; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times,& still in NICE Condition; >>>COVER = VG/FN; >>> USED = FINE; Inventory #DVD-752; >> US$10.00;

the SERPENT'S KISS -- with Ewan McGregor (1997; Historical Fiction Suspense Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

STARRING - Ewan McGregor, Greta Scacchi, Pete Postlethwaite, Richard E. Grant;

*** Stated Running Time = 110 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by MGM Home Entertainment ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD658; >>US$ 22.00;

the SETTLEMENT (1999 ; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Con Men & Russian Mafia

STARRING - John C. Reilly, Kelly McGillis, William Fichtner, Dan Castellaneta, David Rasche;

Description: Jerry and Pat are in the Ghoulish Buisness of making money by buying life insurance policies from the terminally ill. Some are living too long. Russian Mafia get involved. *** Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Platinum Disc; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD659; >>US$ 12.00;

7 DAYS TO LIVE (2001 ; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

STARRING - Amanda Plummer, Sean Pertwee, Nick Brimble, Gina Bellman, Sean Chapman, Eddie Cooper, Chris Barnes, Amanda Walker, Dave Hill, John Higgins

Description: Ellen (Amanda Plummer) and Martin Shaw (Sean Pertwee) move to he country. Cryptic Warnings of Death. House built over Graveyard. *** Stated Running Time = 93 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by Lions Gate Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN; >>> Media/ Disc = VG; Inventory #DVD660; >>US$ 9.00;

7 TIMES LUCKY (2004 ; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Grifters, Con Men & Hit Man.

STARRING - Kevin Pollak, Liane Balaban, Jonas Chernick, James Tolkan, Aleks Paunovic, Laura Jane McDonald, Babz Chula, Gordon Tootoosis;

Description: Worn out Grifter & CON MAN bets bosses Money. Plan includes ripoff's, double crosses & murder. Hit man waiting.

Official selection Sundance Film Festival. *** Stated Running Time = 83 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2005 by Alliance Atlantis ; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), Decent Average Used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN; >> Media/ Disc = Light scuffing VG Inventory #DVD661; >>US$ 10.00;

SHE GODS OF SHARK REEF {Roger Corman} -- Beautiful Maidens ruled by Hideous Stone God ( Shipwrecked on a Hawaii island Adventure Explotation -- 1958 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Don Durant, Bill Cord, Lisa Montell;

>>> Directed by; Roger Corman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1958; Color; Stated Running Time = 63 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD323-1; >> US$4.99;

SHERIFF OF TOMBSTONE -- Roy Rogers Roundup (1941 WESTERN Cowboy - Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Roy Rogers, George Gabby Hayes, Elyse Knox, Sally Payne, Harry Woods, Zeffie Tilbury, Hal Talliaferro, Jay Novello, Jack Ingram;

>>> Directed by; Joseph Kane; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; Color & B&W; Stated Running Time = 63 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in USA by GoodTimes VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD448; >> US$4.99;

SHERLOCK HOLMES -- A STUDY IN SCARLET -- Reginald Owen ( 1933; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); based on Characters by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; >> Starring; Reginald Owen, Warburton Gamble, Anna May Wong, June Clyde, Alan Dinehart, J.M. Kerrigan, Alan Mowbray, John Warburton, Doris Lloyd, Billy Bevan, Wyndham Standing, Tetsu Komai;

>>> Directed by; Edwin L. Marin; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933; B&W; Stated Running Time = 77 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD324; >> US$4.99;

SHERLOCK HOLMES TV CLASSICS Volume 7 -- Ronald Howard (1954; 4 x classic TV Episodes; Impromptu Performace; Jolly Hangman; Shoeless Engineer; Singing Violin); based on Characters by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ronald Howard, Marion Crawford, Archie Duncan;

>>> Directed by; Steve Previn, Jack Gage; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1954; B&W; Stated Running Time = 107 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD449; >> US$4.99;


A SHRIEK IN THE NIGHT -- Ginger Rogers (1933 MYSTERY Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ginger Rogers, Lyle Talbot, Harvey Clark, Purnell Pratt; >>> Directed by; Albert Ray; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933; B&W; Stated Running Time = 67 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD326; >> US$4.99;

SIBLINGS (2005; Black Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

STARRING - Alex Campbell, Sarah Gadon, Samantha Weinstein, Andrew Chalmers, Mathha Burns, Nicholas Campbell, Tom McCamus, Sonja Smits Paul Soles, Sarah Polley; >> director David Weaver

Description: Despicably EVIL Stepparents, Kids kill them, need to dispose of bodies, coverup murders & collect inheritance; *** Stated Running Time = 85 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by TVA Films Inc; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in WELL USED Condition with Many Scuffs & Scratches; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine. Sold AS-IS at a good price; >>> Picture Cover = VG; >> Media/ Disc = scuffed playable GOOD; Inventory #DVD662; >>US$ 5.00;


666 THE CHILD - Unrated Director's Cut (2006, Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD; Approx. 143 Minutes); Devil Demon Child (swipe sequel to OMEN)

>>> Adam Vincent, Boo Boo Stewart, Nora Jesse, Rodney Bowman, Sarah Lieving

Description: , "A jet liner plummets from the sky and crashes into the earth. From the burning embers rise one, lone survivor - a small boy. The shildless couple that adopts him will soon discover he is no helpless child, but rather something very powerful, and something very dark. This small boy is the Beast and with him he carries the Beginning of the End" *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by KaBoom Entertainment.; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Condition;
>>>COVER = FINE; >>> USED= FINE; Inventory #DVD-769; >> US$9.00;


SLAVES IN BONDAGE -- a Labyrinth of Prostitution and Lust ( 1937 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Lona Andre, Donald Reed, Wheeler Oakman, Florence Dudley, Richard Cramer, William Rayale;

>>> Directed by; Elmer Clifton; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1937; B&W; Stated Running Time = 71 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD329; >> US$4.99;

SLIGHTLY HONORABLE ( 1940 Witty Slapstick Murder Mystery Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Pat O’Brien, Broderick Crawford, Edward Arnold, Eve Arden, Claire Dodd;

>>> Directed by; Tay Garnett; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 75 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD330; >> US$4.99;

SO’S YOUR AUNT EMMA aka MEET THE MOB -- Zasu Pitts ( Comedy, Boxing & the Mob -- 1942 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Zasu Pitts, Roger Pryor, Warren Hymer, Douglas Fowley, Jack Mulhall;

>>> Directed by; Jean Yarbrough; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942; B&W; Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD333; >> US$4.99;

DVD813 -- THE SPECIALS (2000; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Rob Lowe, James Gunn, Jamie Kennedy, Thomas Haden Church, John Doe, Jordan Ladd, Judy Greer, Kelly Coffield, Mike Schwartz, Paget Brewster, Sean Gunn *** Stated Running Time = 82 Minutes;
>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by ANCHOR BAY / Studio Canal VIDEO>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; $3.96;


SPEED DEMON (2003; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Demonic Forces on Four Wheels;

STARRING - Collin Stark, Mark Ian Miller, Candace Moon, Trevor Harris, Amber Loy, M.T. Church, Mike Cole, Mick Doss, Greg Carney, Robert Donavan, Jared Edwards.

Description: Hot Rodders invoke Supernatural in their Quest for Speed.Driver in muscle Car hunts the gang down one by one. *** Stated Running Time = 85 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Echo Bridge /Platinum Disc / Rapid Heart; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD664; >>US$ 5.00;


SPOOKS RUN WILD -- the East Side Kids -- Bela LUGOSI ( 1941 Boys form the Bowery HORROR Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bela LUGOSI, Leo Gorcey, Bobby Jordan, Huntz Hall, ‘Sunshine’ Sammy Morrison, Dave O’Brien, David Gorcey, Angelo Rossitto;

>>> Directed by; Phil Rosen; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 65 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD334; >> US$4.99;


SPIRIT OF YOUTH (1938) -- JOE LOUIS // Black Comedian MANTAN MORELAND Double Feature with // LUCKY GHOST (1941) ( 2 x Movie’s on 1 Disc / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Mantan Moreland, Joe Louis, Edna M. Harris, Mae Turner, F.E. Miller, Maceo Bruce Scheffield, Nappie White;

***** SPIRIT OF YOUTH >> Starring; Mantan Moreland, Joe Louis, Edna M. Harris, Mae Turner; >>> Directed by; Harry Frazer; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 66 Minutes; ***** LUCKY GHOST ( Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Mantan Moreland, F.E. Miller, Maceo Bruce Scheffield, Nappie White; >>> Directed by; William X. Crowley (aka. William Beaudine); Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 61 Minutes; ***** [ TOTAL Running Time = 127 Minutes ]; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD336; >> US$4.99;


SPORTS ILLUSTRATED - SWIMSUIT 2004, the 40th Anniversary (2004; Documentary Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc; Approx. 69 Minutes); Anna Kournikovo, Serena Williams

>> Hosted by Melissa Keller & Jake Johannsen; >> Models included - Anna Kournikovo, Serena Williams, Bridget Hall, Marisa Miller, Melissa Keller, Molly Sims, Petra Nemcova, Carolyn Murphy, Frankie Rayder, Fernanda Moto.

Description: , "Celebrates the 40TH anniversary of sport illustrated which has become a cultural phenomenon. Features some of the world's most beautiful women plus the swimsuit 'hall of fame', a once in a lifetime photo shoot." *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by GoodTimes.; >>> DVD Standard Format –>>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED; >> Has a Minor 1" Delete-Cut to Cover on the BACK of the DVD; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> COVER = NEW, Factory Sealed; >>> DVD = NEW; Inventory #DVD-753; >> US$8.00;


STAMPEDE -- Charles Starrett ( 1936 WESTERN Cowboy Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Charles Starrett, Finis Barton, J.P. McGoawn, Le Strange Millman; >>> Directed by; Ford Beebe; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 56 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD337; >> US$4.99;


ST. BENNY THE DIP {Edgar G. Ulmer} -- Dick Haymes ( 1951 COMEDY -- 3 CON MEN in Manhatten -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Dick Haymes, Nina Foch, Roland Young, Freddie Bartholomew;

>>> Directed by; Edgar G. Ulmer; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1951; B&W; Stated Running Time = 82 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD450; >> US$4.99;

ST. ELMO'S FIRE (1985 ; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Georgetown Graduates

STARRING - Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Ally Sheedy, Judd Nelson, Mare Winningham, Andie MacDowell;

*** Stated Running Time = 108 Minutes; >>> Popular Classic story of Seven Georgetown Graduates who face their first Post Graduate Year.

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD665; >>US$ 10.00;


ST. JOHNS {John's} WORT (2003; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); based on the playstation Video Game

STARRING - Koji Ogura, Megumi Okina, Minoru, Reiko Matsuo, Yoichiro Saito;

Description: Game Designer & Girlfriend drive to Old Mansion to film Backgrounds for new Video Game. Dark Halls, Chilling Paintings, Twin Babies. Mummified bodies of 6 young Boys. >> ENGLISH Language Version, Original Japanese Version & optional English Subtitles; *** Stated Running Time = 85 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2005 by Asylum Home Entertainment / Fishbone; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD666; >>US$ 12.00;


STAY HUNGRY (1976; Comedy Drama Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Gym & Bodybuilders / Arnold Schwarzenegger 1st speaking role movie

>> STARRING - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sally Field, Jeff Bridges, Robert Englund, Scatman Crothers

*** Stated Running Time = 102 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by MGM Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD667; >>US$ 7.00;


STEAMBOY ; Director's Cut (2004 ; Animated Cartoon Manga Anime Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

>> Directed by; Katsuhiro Otom; STARRING - Featured voices of ; Anna Paquin, Alfred Molina, Patrick Stewart;

Description: "From the leader in anime and internationally-renowned director of Akira, comes Katsuhiro Otomo's long-awaited epic anime Steamboy. Victorian London is attacked by an army of futuristic mechanized war machines and ony Ray Steam - the young, brave inventor who knows the astonishing secret behind the invading force's incredible power - stands between the city's survival and ultimate destruction. Over 10 years in the making and Katsuhiro Otomo's first feature-length film since Akira, Steamboy is one of the most elaborate animes ever made!" >>> Language Options = ENGLISH, Japanese, French, Spanish & Portugese; *** Stated Running Time = 126 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Sony Pictures / Triumph Films; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times, still in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; Inventory #DVD668; >>US$ 15.00;


STING MOMENT OF TRUTH -- Movie of Power, Pain & Ultimate Truth ( Steve Borden - WRESTLING Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Steve Borden, Donnie Fallgatter, Liz Byler, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair;

>>> Directed by; George King; Running Time = NOT STATED; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured circa 2004? in USA by Dove Canyon / Willowcreek / CNI Distribution; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format -- Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD451; >> US$7.90;

THE STRANGLER OF BLACKMOOR CASTLE {D. Harald Reinl} ( Murder Mystery & Scotland Yard inspector ; 1963 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Karin Dor, Harry Riebauer, Rudolf Ferrau, Hans Nielsen, Dieter Eppler, Hans Reiser, Richard Haussler, Ingmar Zeissero, Walter Giller;

>>> Directed by; D. Harald Reinl; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1963; B&W; Stated Running Time = 87 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD335-1; >> US$4.99;

THE STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS -- Barbara Stanwyck, Kirk Douglas (1946 Mystery Suspense Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Barbara Stanwyck, Kirk Douglas, Van Helflin, Lizabeth Scott, Judith Anderson, Roman Bohnen, Darryl Hickman, Janis Hickamn, Janis Wilson;

>>> Directed by; Lewis Milestone; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1946; B&W; Stated Running Time = 116 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD338-1; >> US$4.99;

TALK RADIO {Oliver Stone} -- Alec Baldwin ( 1988 Suspense Thriller Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Eric Bogosian, Alec Baldwin, Ellen greene, Leslie Hope, John C. McGinley, John Pankow, Michael Wincott;

>>> Directed by; Oliver Stone; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1988; Color; Stated Running Time = 109 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2000 in Universal City, CA, USA by Universal Studios; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD340; >> US$4.99;

TAPE (2001 ; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Based on the Stephen Belber play

STARRING - Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Robert Sean Leonard; Directed by Richard Linklater; Based on the Stephen Belber play

Description: Three people reunite to paly out their unresolved High School Days in Lansing Michigan; Drug Dealer, Fire Fighter & Date Raped girlfriend.

*** Stated Running Time = 86 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in CANADA in 2001 by Lions Gate / Columbia Tristar; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy, Still in NICE Condition. >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >> Media/ Disc = FINE;

Inventory #DVD670; >>US$ 9.00;


TEENAGE ZOMBIES {Grade-Z punishment by Jerry Warren} ( 1959 HORROR Movie / Video Film on DVD );

>> Starring; Don Sullivan, Katherine Victor, Chuck Niles, Bri Murphy;

>>> Directed by; Jerry Warren; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1959; B&W; Stated Running Time = 73 Minutes; SO BAD that it is laughably Good, if you are so inclined to enjoy such flicks. >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD341-1; >> US$4.99;


TERROR BY NIGHT -- Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes ( 1946 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Alan Mowbray, Dennis Hoey, Mary Forbes, Renee, Godfrey;

>>> Directed by; Roy William Neill; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1946; B&W; Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD342; >> US$3.96;

THAT GANG OF MINE ; The East Side Kids (1940 COMEDY Horse Racing Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Leo Gorcey, Bobby Jordan, Sammy Morrison, Dave O’Brien, Clarence Muse, Joyce Bryant, David Gorcey, Donald Haines, Richard Terry, Wilbur Mack, Milton Kibbee;

>>> Directed by; Joseph H. Lewis; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD344; >> US$4.99;

THEY CALL ME TATER SALAD -- RON WHITE (2004 ; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

STARRING - Ron White;

Description: One of stars of the hit film Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie; Stand-Up comedian. Starred in a Comedy Central TV special. *** Stated Running Time = 56 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Image / Parallel Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD672; >>US$ 9.00;


THEY MADE ME A CRIMINAL ; John Garfield & The Dead End Kids ( 1939 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; John Garfield, The Dead End Kids, Ann Sheridan, Claude Rains;

>>> Directed by; Busby Berkeley; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 92 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD345-1; >> US$3.96;

THEY MEET AGAIN (#6 and Final entry in RKO’s DR. CHRISTIAN series; 1941 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jean Hersholt, Neil Hamilton, Dorothy Lovett, Robert Baldwin, Maude Eburne, Anne Bennett, barton Yarborough, Arthur Hoyt, John Dilson, Frank Melton, Leon Tyler, Milton Kibbee, Gus Glassmire;

>>> Directed by; Erle C. Kenton; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1941; B&W; Stated Running Time = 66 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD346; >> US$4.99;

THREE CAME HOME ; Claudette Colbert ( 1950; True Story Woman in Japanese POW Prison Camp ; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Adapted from the book by Agnes Newton Keith; >> Starring; Claudette Colbert, Patric Knowles, Florence Desmond, Sessue Hayakawa;

>>> Directed by; Jean Negulesco; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1950; B&W; Stated Running Time = 106 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD347-1; >> US$4.99;

THE THREE MUSKETEERS ; John Wayne = Set of Volume 1 and Volume 2 (1933; Complete 210 Minute SERIAL Movie Chapters 1-12) ( 2 x Media/ Disc Set Video Film ); Serial Adaption based on the Alexander Dumas book; >> Starring; John Wayne, Lon CHANEY Jr. Raymond Hatton Jack Mulhall, Noah Beery Jr., Francis X. Bushman Jr., Ruth Hall, Yakima Canutt;

>>> Directed by; Colbert Clark & Armand Schaefer; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1933; B&W; Stated Running Time = 114 Minutes and 96 Minutes; **** [TOTAL Running Time = 210 Minutes];

Devil’s Circle, Arab Rebellion & the Foreign Legion; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD370; >> US$14.95;

T2: Extreme DVD ; Terminator Two ; Judgment Day; (1991; Science Fiction Action Movie / Video Film on 2 x DVD Disc Set);

** STARRING - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton; Directed by James Cameron;

Description: 2 x DVD Disc Set; Digitally Restored and Supervised by THX. Optimised for DVD presentation; >>> SPECIAL EDITION = (DISC ONE); Movie plus, containing 16 minutes of Additional Scenes never before seen in Theatres; All new Audio Comentary by James Cameron & William Wisher; >>> (DISC TWO); No Feat but what we Make (Documentary), T2 on the SET, T2 High Definition & MORE; *** Feature Stated Running Time = 152 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Artisan Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap;

Inventory #DVD509; >>US$ 10.00;

THE 39 STEPS (Alfred Hitchcock Classics) ( 1935 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on the John Buchan novel; >> Starring; Robert Donat, Madeleine Carroll, Godrey Tearle, Lucie Mannheim, Peggy Ashcroft, John Laurie, Wylie Watson, Helen Haye, Frank Cellier;

>>> Directed by; Alfred Hitchcock; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1935; B&W; Stated Running Time = 87 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD349; >> US$4.99;

TOMORROW WE LIVE {Edgar G. Ulmer} ; His Hobby was collecting Women. ( Rival Wartime Black Market Gangsters ; 1942 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jean Parker, Ricardo Cortez, William Marshall, Emmett Lynn;

>>> Directed by; Edgar G. Ulmer; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1942; B&W; Stated Running Time = 63 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD454; >> US$4.99;

TORMENTED ; By the SHE GHOST of Haunted Island. ( 1960 Horror Thriller Suspense ; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Richard Carlson, Joe Turkel, Gene Roth, Susan Gordon, Lugene Sanders, Juli Reding;

>>> Directed by; Bert I. Gordon; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1960; B&W; Stated Running Time = 75 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD455; >> US$4.99;

the TRUTH ABOUT JULIET (1997; Comedy Drama Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

STARRING - Spencer Garrett, Michael Marich, Samantha Smith, Karl Wiedergott, Xander Berkeley, Chad Einbinder, Tripp Reed, Marco St John;

Description: "The Truth About Juliet is a comedy about the secrets people hide and the truths that they are willing to live with. Dominic, a pompous agent, has designs on a more satisfying career and lifestyle, which do not necessarily include his girlfriend Juliet. Chaloots, Dominic's best friend since childhood, is a writer who's just secured his first paid writing job. Juliet works in development, reading scripts for a studio. She's in love with Dominic, but tired of his unwillingness to commit. John, an aquaintance of Dominic's and good friend of Chaloots is the exact opposite of Dominic."

*** Stated Running Time = 78 Minutes;

>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Platinum Disc; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played. Does NOT have the Original Shrinkwrap, but still SEALED at TOP Edge; Disc in NEW and Un-Played;

>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = NEW, Un-Played;

Inventory #DVD675; >>US$ 12.00;

2001 MANIACS -- Robert Englund (2004; Horror Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); GORE Fest

STARRING - Robert Englund, Giuseppe Andrews, Lin Shaye, Travis Tritt, Jap Gillespie, Marla Leigh Malcolm;

Description: College kids take Detour into the Southern town of Pleasant Valley, a Civil War Ghost Town, for a celebration of the glory days of Dixie, in this Gore-Fest !

*** Stated Running Time = 87 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by Maple Pictures; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times, still in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN; Inventory #DVD676; >>US$ 9.00;

UNDEAD {by the Spierig brothers} (2003; Horror ZOMBIE Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

STARRING - Felicity Mason, Mungo McKay, Rob Jenkins, Lisa Cunningham, Dirk Hunter, Emma Randall; >> Directed by Michael & Peter the Spierig brothers;

Description: Fangoria Magazine says the Most Inventive ZOMBIE film since Peter Jackson's Brain Dead”; Bizarre Wild Tongue-in-Cheek Walking Dead Science Fiction Horror GORE Fest. If you like Zombie flicks, this one is recommended. *** Stated Running Time = 104 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Maple Pictures; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in Average Condition with Light Scuffing; But I watched it & it played just fine on my Machine. >>> Picture Cover = VG; >> Media/ Disc = Light scuffing VG; Inventory #DVD677; >>US$ 7.00;


UNDER CALIFORNIA STARS ; Roy Rogers ( 1948 WESTERN Cowboy Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Roy Rogers, Andy Devine, Sons of the Pioneers, Trigger, Jane Frazee, George H. Lloyd, Wade Crosby, Michael Chapin, House Peters Jr., Steve Clark, Joseph Garro, Paul Power, John Wald, Bob Nolan;

>>> Directed by; William Witney; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1948; Color; Stated Running Time = 70 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD350-1; >> US$3.96;

UNKNOWN WORLD ( 1951 SCIENCE FICTION Suspense ; Atomic Holocaust & Drilling to Depths of the Earth -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Marilyn Nash, Bruce Kellogg, Jim Bannon, Otto Waldis;

>>> Directed by; Terry O. Morse; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1951; B&W; Stated Running Time = 64 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD351-1; >> US$4.99;

DVD816 -- THE UNSAID (2003; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Andy Garcia, August Schellenberg, Chelsea Field, Linda Cardellini, Sam Bottoms, Teri Polo, Vincent Kartheiser;
*** Stated Running Time = 110 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Universal Entertainment;>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; $6.75;


UP IN THE AIR -- Mantan Moreland & Frankie Darro (1940; Black Man Comedy & Murder Mystery ; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Mantan Moreland, Frankie Darro, Marjorie Reynolds, Gordon Jones, Tristram Coffin, Clyde Dilson, Dick Elliott, John Holland, Carleton Young, Nick Niter, Beverly Bliss, China lee, Adrian Booth, Joy Merchant;

>>> Directed by; Howard P. Bretherton; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1940; B&W; Stated Running Time = 62 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD352; >> US$4.99;

THE VEIL Volume 2 ; Boris KARLOFF (1958; True Occult Horror stories; 4 x classic TV Episodes; The Gloucester Captain; The Doctor; The Crystal Ball; Two Sons); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Boris KARLOFF, Kay Stewart, Tony Travis, Booth Coleman;

>>> Directed by; Frank P. Bibas, George Waggner, Herbert L. Strock; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film Originally Released in 1958; B&W; Stated Running Time = 103 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD353; >> US$4.99;

VINTAGE CHRISTMAS CLASSICS Volume 2 (Collection of 6 x classic 1950’s TV Episodes; Liberace Christmas Show; The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet ; Christmas Tree Lot; Love That Bob = Grandpa’s Christmas Visit; Meet Corliss Archer ; Christmas; Where’s Raymond ; Christmas Spirit; Date With the Angels Christmas Show); ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Liberace, Ozzie & Harriet, Ray Bolger, Gus & Vicki Angel;

>>> Episodes Originally Released in 1950’s; B&W; Stated Running Time = 152 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD355; >> US$4.99;

A WALK IN THE SUN (Lewis Milestone} ; Dana Andrews, Lloyd Bridges ( 1945 WWII Platoon vs NAZI’s; WAR Movie ; Video Film on DVD ); Based on the Book by Harry Brown; >> Starring; Dana Andrews, Richard Conte, Lloyd Bridges, John Ireland, Norman Lloyd, Sterling Holloway;

>>> Directed by; Lewis Milestone; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1945; B&W; Stated Running Time = 117 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD359; >> US$3.96;

WANTED: BABYSITTER (1975; Crime Thriller Drama Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Complex Plot of Extortion, Revenge & Murder.

STARRING - Robert Vaughn, Vic Morrow, Maria Schneider;

Description: "A naive young girl is forcefully kidnapped while babysitting the son of a wealthy movie producer. The girl and the boy are then held hostage by an ex-stuntman and a vengeful movie star." *** Stated Running Time = 110 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Miracle Pictures / PNC Corp; >>> Region Code-0 = NO Regional Coding (Region Free, Playable in All Regions on DVD Machines Worldwide); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD678; >>US$ 4.50;


WARNING FROM SPACE [aka; Unknown Satellite over Tokyo; Mysterious Satellite; Cosmic Man appears in Tokyo; Space Men appears in Tokyo] ( 1956 Japanese Science Fiction, UFO, Meterorites & Alien Invasion ; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Keizo Kawasaki, Toyomi Karita, Bin Yagasawa, Shozo Nanbu, Bontaro Miake, Mieko Nagai, Kiyoko Hirai;

>>> Directed by; Koji Shima; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1956; Color; Stated Running Time = 88 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD360-1; >> US$3.96;

WAR OF THE MONSTERS -- Gamera Vs. Barugon = Giant Beasts Clash (2nd Gamera film; 1966 Japanese Horror MONSTER Science Fiction ; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Kojiro Howjo, Kyoto Enami, Yuzo Hayakawa;

>>> Directed by; Shigeo Tanaka; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1966; Color; Stated Running Time = 89 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD458; >> US$4.99;

the WAR of the ROSES ; Special Edition (1989; Black Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

STARRING - Danny DeVito, Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, G.D. Spradlin;

>>> BONUS; Director's Commentary, DELETED Scenes, Computer sketches, Trailers & TV Spots; >>> ENGLISH and FRENCH Langauge Options; >>> English & Spanish subtitles options; *** Stated Running Time = 116 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by 20th Century Fox; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition;

>>> Picture Cover = FN++, Like New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD681; >>US$ 7.00;


The WASP WOMAN {Roger Corman} ( 1960 Science Fiction Horror Monster Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Susan Cabot, Fred Eisley, Barboura Morris, William Roerick, Michael Mark, Frank Gerstle, BrunoVe Sota, Roy Gordon;

>>> Directed by; Roger Corman; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1960; B&W; Stated Running Time = 73 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD431-3; >> US$3.96;


W.C. FIELDS COLLECTED SHORTS [Fatal Glass of Beer (1933); The Dentist (1932), The Golf Specialist (1930) ]; ( 3 x Movie’s on 1 Disc / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; W.C. FIELDS

>>> Directed by; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in ; B&W; Stated Running Time = 60 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD361; >> US$4.99;

THE WEST SIDE WALTZ ; Shirley MacLaine, Liza Minnelli ( 1995 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Shirley MacLaine, Liza Minnelli, Kathy Bates, Jennifer Grey, Robert Pastorelli;

>>> Directed by; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1995; Color; Stated Running Time = 90 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Fort Mill, SC, USA by Sterling Entertaiment / Allied Communications; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD362; >> US$5.95;

WEST OF NEVADA (1936) // REX BELL Double Feature with // STORMY TRAILS (1936) (2 x WESTERN Cowboy Movie’s on 1 Disc / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Rex Bell, Al St. John, Joan Barclay, Bob Hodges, Lois Wilde, Lane Chandles;

***** WEST OF NEVADA -- >> Starring; Rex Bell, Al St. John, Joan Barclay; >>> Directed by; Robert Hill; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 54 Minutes;

***** STORMY TRAILS - >> Starring; Rex Bell, Bob Hodges, Lois Wilde, Lane Chandles; >>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 58 Minutes; >>> [ TOTAL Running Time = 112 Minutes]; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD363; >> US$4.99;

WHERE THE WEST BEGINS ; Jack Randall, Fuzzy Knight ( 1938 WESTERN Cowboy Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Jack Randall, Fuzzy Knight, Luana Walters, Budd Buster, Dick Alexander;

>>> Directed by; J.P. McGowan; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1938; B&W; Stated Running Time = 55 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2004 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD364; >> US$4.99;

WILDFLOWERS (1999; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Commune Life, Tomboy & Houseboat

>> STARRING - Daryl Hannah, Eric Roberts, Clea DuVall, Irene Bedard, James Gandolfini, Tomas Arana; ** Music of; Santana, Blues Traveler, Jane's Addiction, Big Brother & the Holding Company;
>> Description: "Cally (DuVall) is a seventeen-year-old tomboy who lives with her out-of-touch father (Arana) aboard a houseboat in the California Bay Area. Her life seems trite and mundane until she's graced by a one-time encounter with an extremely exotic woman named Sabine (Hannah). Cally is taken by the mystery and drama that seems to envelop Sabine, and employs a friend (Roberts) to help track her down. Soon Cally finds herself engrossed in a maze of suspense, where at the end of it all lies Sabine's true identity--a secret life Cally was destined to discover. Featuring music by Santana, Blues Traveler, Jane's Addiction, and more." *** Stated Running Time = 98 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2000 by Monarch Home Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);
>>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = FINE; Inventory #DVD680; >>US$ 5.00;


WILD HORSE aka Silver Devil ; HOOT GIBSON {Early Talking Role} (1931 WESTERN Cowboy -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); Based on the Story by Peter B. Kyne; >> Starring; HOOT GIBSON, Alberta Vaughn, Stepin Fetchit, Neal Hart, Edmund Cobb, George Bunny, Edward Peil, Bill Robbins, Joe Rickson, Fred Gilman;

>>> Directed by; Richard Thorpe, Sidney Algier; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1931; B&W; Stated Running Time = 68 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2002 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD365-1; >> US$4.99;

WILD HORSE PHANTOM ; Buster CRABBE ( 1944 WESTERN Cowboy ; Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Buster CRABBE, Al St. John, Kermit MAYNARD, Elaine Morey;

>>> Directed by; Sam Newfield; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1944; B&W; Stated Running Time = 54 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD366; >> US$4.99;

the WITCHES -- JIM HENSON; Based on Book by; Roald DAHL (1989; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

>> Producer; JIM HENSON; Based on Book by; Roald DAHL; Directed by; Nicholas Roeg; STARRING - Anjelica Huston, Mai Zeiterling; Voice Talents of; Rowan Atkinson (Black Adder and Mr. Bean), Brenda Blethyn, & Jane Horrocks;
Description: adapted from the Roald Dahl book; Directed by Nicolas Roeg; Hotel in England, & a secret coven of witches with annual convention. Anjelica Huston is the Grand High Witch.

All children in England are be turned into Mice. Jim Henson's creates the Mice, Witches & special effects, with real mice & animatronic puppets. *** Stated Running Time = 92 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 1999by Warner Bros; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD682; >>US$ 6.00;


the WITNESS; (1999; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc); Wax Museum, Arsonist & Teenage Boy

** STARRING; John Heard, Patrick Thomas, Christopher Heyerdahl, Larry Day, Susan Almgren;
Description: "A teenage boy and his friend unwittingly discover an arsonist's plot to burn a historic museum to the ground. The boys have to step lively in order to stay ahead of the would be arsonist, who is hot on their heels and none too happy about their meddling." *** Stated Running Time = 95 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Toronto, Canada in 1999 by Lion Gate Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);
>>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> COVER = NEW, Factory Sealed; >>> DVD = NEW; Inventory #DVD510; >>US$ 8.00;

WITNESS IN THE WAR ZONE (2002; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Reporter, Lebanon, PLO, Yassin

STARRING - Christopher Walken, Hywell Bennett, Marita Marschall, Arnon Zadok, Amos Lavie, Etta Ankri;
Description: "U.S reporter Don Stevens has been sent out to cover the fighting in Lebanon. Depressed and disillusioned, with his counterpart British journalist colleague Mike, he stays in his hotel until unexpectedly he is promised an interview with a top PLO leader, Yassin. This is a setup. He is duped into interviewing an imposter who claims the PLO are prepared to negotiate peacefully. Outraged by this deception, Stevens becomes determined to find out the truth. In this quest he is helped by a scandinavian doctor, Linda, who it emerges is the real Yassin's estranged girlfriend. Along the way, Stevens is hindered by all around him. The PLO threaten him, the Phalangists arrest him and the Israelis ignore him. Tricked and beaten, he gradually uncovers a murder plot, double agents, the bombing of the Phalangists headquarters and, most terrifying of all, a plan to massacre hundreds of civilians. In a story that takes the lid off events in Lebanon, Don Stevens becomes a reluctant hero, and, in doing so, gets the scoop of a lifetime." *** Stated Running Time = 96 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in Toronto Canada, in 2003 by Platinum Disc; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD683; >>US$ 5.00;

WITNESS TO THE EXECUTION - Special Edition (1994; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Pay-Per-View TV Execution

STARRING - Sean Young, Tim Daly, Alan Fudge, Dee Wallace Stone, George Newbern, Gonzalez Palmier, Len Cariou
Description: "A ruthless television producer goes for the ultimate ratings stunt: she wants to televise the execution of a notorious killer in prime time. There's just one problem: she discovers the man might be innocent." *** Stated Running Time = 92 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by Vidmark Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD684; >>US$ 15.00;


WOMAN ON THE RUN ( San Francisco, Gangland Murder & Police MYSTERY ; 1950 Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Ann Sheridan, Dennis O’Keefe, Ross Elliott, Robert Keith;

>>> Directed by; Norman Foster; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1950; B&W; Stated Running Time = 77 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD367; >> US$4.99;

the WOOL CAP -- Based on the story of GIGOT (2004; Made for TV Drama Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

STARRING - William H. Macy, Catherine O'Hara, Don Rickles, Keke Palmer, Ned Beatty;
Description: "William H. Macy co-writes and stars as a broken man bereft of love, family, and his very voice in a made-for-TV film based on an original story by the legendary Jackie Gleason (THE HONEYMOONERS). Gigot (Macy) is a mute war veteran who lost his vocal cords in a tragic car accident that killed his sister. Wracked by guilt and grief, Gigot cut all ties with his family to live a life of self-imposed exile as the superintendent for a rundown, inner-city tenement. After 28 years of emotional solitude, Gigot's lonely existence is shattered by the arrival of Lou (Keke Palmer), a spunky but troubled 12-year-old whose drug-addict mother has abandoned her. At first wary of each other, the two unlikely roommates forge a genuinely touching bond that blossoms into a father-daughter relationship and prompts Gigot to make amends with his own estranged family. Warm and uplifting without caving in to sentimentality, THE WOOL CAP is a poignant character study of two damaged souls offering each other a shot at healing and redemption. Ned Beatty, Catherine O'Hara, and Don Rickles offer fine supporting roles, and newcomer Palmer displays a knowing maturity that belies her young age, but the film belongs to the always brilliant Macy, who turns in a stellar performance that conveys layers of emotional depth without ever saying a word."
*** Stated Running Time = 91 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Paramount Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;
Inventory #DVD686; >>US$ 10.95;


DVD817 -- YANKS = America GI's in Britain in World War II / D-Day (1979; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); ** STARRING - Richard Gere, Vanessa Redgrave, William Devane, Al Matthews, Annie Ross, Antony Sher, Arlen Dean Snyder, Chick Vennera, Everett McGill, George Harris, Harry Ditson, Jeremy Newson, John Ratzenberger, Lisa Eichhorn, Rachel Roberts, Tom Nolan,
*** Stated Running Time = 139 Minutes;
>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Universal Entertainment;>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);
NEW, Factory Sealed Shrinkwrap; $5.95;


YOUNG BLOOD ; Bob STEELE / Nick the Kid. (1932 WESTERN Cowboy -- Movie / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Bob STEELE; >>> Directed by; Phil Rosen; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1932; B&W; Stated Running Time = 56 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); Inventory #DVD356; >> US$4.99;

YOU ASKED FOR IT Volume 2 ; TV’s All-Time Greatest REQUEST Show ( Believe it or Not Strange & True REALITY stories; 1950-1959; 4 x classic TV Episodes / Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; OUR GANG Cast Reunion, Calypso Joe, Gorgeous George, Buddy Ebsen, Vilma Ebsen, German Oomph Band, Maldo the Escape Artist.

>>> Directed by; Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1950-59; B&W; Stated Running Time = 117 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD463; >> US$4.99;

ZOMBIE HONEYMOON (2006; Horror Comedy Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc );

STARRING - Graham Sibley, Tonya Cornelisse, Tracy Coogan;
Description: "The Jersey Shore proves to be an unhappy honeymoon location for Danny (Graham Sibley) and Denise (Tracy Coogan) when the former inexplicably turns into a zombie in this fun horror romp. Refusing to call off the post-wedding celebrations, Denise demands that they carry on with the honeymoon, while Danny does his best to keep his newly acquired flesh-eating tendencies at bay. Troma fans should find much to love in this surprisingly touching horror-comedy." Official Selection at THREE Film Festivals; *** Stated Running Time = 83 Minutes;
>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by VVS Films Corp.; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);
>> Ex-Video Store copy in still Nice used Condition; >>> Cover = VERY GOOD; >>> USED = VERY GOOD;
Inventory #DVD687; >>US$ 7.00;
ZOMBIEZ (2004; Horror Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Zombies

STARRING - Jakeem Sellers, Raymond Spencer, Randy Clark, and Daniel "Demo" Thomas;
Description: "In this urban-themed horror film, Jenicia Garcia stars as a woman working with a demolition team who has a big surprise waiting for her when she and her colleagues start taking down an old building. As it happens, the building is home to a pack of ravenous zombies, and before long, the woman is the last line of defense against a city-wide invasion of the walking dead. Zombiez also features Jakeem Sellers, Raymond Spencer, Randy Clark, and Daniel "Demo" Thomas." *** Stated Running Time = 83 Minutes;
>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Silver Nitrate Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >> Ex-Video Store copy in still Nice used Condition; >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >>> Media/ Disc = VG/FN;
Inventory #DVD688; >>US$ 10.00;

ZORRO’S FIGHTING LEGION Volume 2 ; Reed Hadley (1939; classic Republic Movie SERIAL; Chapters 7-12) ( Video Film on DVD ); >> Starring; Reed Hadley, Sheila Darcy, William Cason, Leander De Cordova, Edmund Cobb, John Merton, C. Montague Shaw;

>>> Directed by; William Witney & John English; Movie SERIAL / Video Film Originally Released in 1939; B&W; Stated Running Time = 100 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED in Original Shrinkwrap; DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines);

Inventory #DVD464; >> US$3.96;

ZULU (1964; Movie / Video Film on DVD Disc ); Africa Zulu warriors vs British Soldiers // True Story, Narrated by Richard Burton

STARRING; Michael Caine, Jack Hawkins, James Booth, Stanley Baker, Ulla Jacobsson; Narrated by Richard Burton
Description: Introducing Michael Caine; "Based on an actual historic event, this is the story of a group of British soldiers stationed in Africa who are forced to defend their tiny outpost against an attack by powerful Zulu warriors. They are outnumbered 40-1 but are still ready to fight to the finish. Michael Caine is outstanding in Cy Endfield's powerful drama. Narrated by Richard Burton."
*** Stated Running Time = 178 Minutes;
>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by MGM Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);
>>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New;
Inventory #DVD689; >>US$ 9.50;


Alias Final Season-the Complete Fifth Season --(2006 Series / TV Episodes =4 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 724 Minutes)
Starring-Jennifer Garner, Ron Rifkin, Victor Garber ); price: US$31.00
Studio: Buena Vista / Anchor Bay Date: 2006 UPC: 0788867105 PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** *** ALIAS Final Season-The Complete Fifth Season Five / 5; --(2006 Series / TV Episodes =4 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 724 Minutes) Starring-Jennifer Garner, Ron Rifkin, Victor Garber; // >> Exclusive special features from the creative ...


AVATAR the Last Airbender = DVD Collection as a SET of Book One (WATER) Voulume #1, 2 and 3 - One/Two/Three ( 2006; Nickelodeon TV / TELEVISION Animated Manga Cartoon Series ; 3 DVD Discs as a SET; 291 Minutes); AVATAR the Last Airbender = DVD Collection as a SET of Book One (WATER) Voulume #1, 2 and 3 - One/Two/Three ( 2006; Nickelodeon TV / TELEVISION Animated Manga Cartoon Series ; 3 DVD Discs as a SET; 291 Minutes); >>> Excellent Quality Example ENGLISH Langauge Edition 2006 by Paramount Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once, in EXCELLENT Like New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 280 Grams; >>> SLIPCASE BOX = FN+, Nearly New; >>> DVD's = FN+, Nearly New; US$24.90;


BANANAS Comedy -- the Complete First TV SEASON / 1st / #1/ One; ( TV / TELEVISION Series = 14 Episodes 4 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 10 hours;)

>>> Starring; Taylor Mason, Jeff Allen, Anita Renfroe, Paul Aldrich, Nazareth, Bob Nelson, Mike Williams, John Branyan, Leland Klassen, Tim Hawkins, Kenn Kington, Daren Streblow, Ted & Lee;

**** INCLUDES; Disc 1 - Taylor Mason, Taylor Mason 2, bonus Taylor's Attic; Dics 2 - Jeff Allen, Anita Renfroe, Paul Aldrich, Nazareth, Disc 3 - Bob Nelson, Mike Williams, John Branyan, Leland Klassen, Disc 4 - Tim Hawkins, Kenn Kington, Daren Streblow, Ted & Lee.); >>>> Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show;"Bananas is athe 'appeeling' comedy show for the whole family! Bananas TV season 1 contains more than 10 hours of comedy on 4 hilarious DVD's. This impressive collection of talent goes beyond stand-up comedy to include ventriloquists, musicians, songwriters, actors, playwriters and more. With accolades too numerous to count, many of the comedians have made appearances on Comedy Central, PAX, Showtime, VH-1 and the Late Show with David Letterman, and have worked with stars such as Jerry Seinfeld, Carrot Top & Rodney Dangerfield." *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by Guardian Studios; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines);

>>> SET WEIGHT = 325 Grams; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> COVER = NEW, Factory Sealed; >>> DVD = NEW; Inventory #DVD-699; >> US$26.95;


BATTLESTAR GALACTICA - The Complete EPIC SERIES = Complete 1978-1979 Original Series First Season (September 17, 1978 to April 29, 1979 Series = 21 TV Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 1170 Minutes); Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE to FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, bought New & watched only Once) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA - The Complete EPIC SERIES = Complete 1978-1979 Original Series First Season / One / #1 (September 17, 1978 to April 29, 1979 Series = 21 TV Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 1170 Minutes); ***** STARRING; Richard Hatch as Capt. Apollo, Dirk Benedict as Lt. Starbuck. Lorne Greene as Commander Adama, Herb Jefferson Jr as Lt. Boomer, Laurette Spang as Cassiopeia, Terry Carter as Col. Tigh, John Colicos as Baltar, Tony Swartz as Flight Sgt. Jolly, Maren Jensen as Athena, Noah Hathaway as Boxey, David Greenan as Omega, Anne Lockhart, Sarah Rush, Felix Silla, Jonathan Harris; **** *** FEATURING; Episode 1: Saga of a Star World / Episode 2: Lost Planet of the Gods: Part 1/ Episode 3: Lost Planet of the Gods: Part 2 / Episode 4: The Lost Warrior / Episode 5: The Long Patrol / Episode 6: Gun on Ice Planet Zero: Part 1 / Episode 7: Gun on Ice Planet Zero: Part 2 / Episode 8: The Magnificent Warriors / Episode 9: The Young Lords / Episode 10: The Living Legend: Part 1 / Episode 11: The Living Legend: Part 2 / Episode 12: Fire in Space / Episode 13: The War of the Gods: Part 1 / Episode 14: War of the Gods: Part 2 / Episode 15: The Man with Nine Lives / Episode 16: Murder on the Rising Star / Episode 17: Greetings from Earth / Episode 18: Baltar's Escape / Episode 19: Experiment in Terra / Episode 20: Take the Celestra / Episode 21: The Hand of God; ****** Description: "The complete original television series, presented uncut in its original broadcast order!" >> Additional Release Material: Featurettes - 1. "Stu Phillips: Composing the Score" 2. "Inside BATTLESTAR GALACTICA" 3. "Sneak Peek at the new BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Mini-Series" 4. "Remembering BATTLESTAR GALACTICA" Commentary - 1. Pilot Episode - Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, and Herbert Jefferson, Jr. - Stars -- Interview - 1. Glen A. Larson - Creator; Deleted Scenes ; Interactive Features: Scene Access; Interactive Menus >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show, >>> "'" Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Universal Home Video Inc.; >>> DVD Standard Format NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines); >> SET WEIGHT = 505 Grams; Classic the Sci-Fi series;




Battlestar Galactica-the Complete First Season ( 2005 Series = 5 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 756 Minutes); Starring; Edward James Olmos, James Callis, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer; Starring; Edward James Olmos, James Callis, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer; price: US$41.90
Studio: Universal Entertainment; Date: 2005 UPC: 1417054069 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, bought New & watched only Once) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA-The Complete First Season ONE / 1; ( 2005 Series = 5 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 756 Minutes); Starring; Edward James Olmos, James Callis, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer /// >> Exclusive special features from ...
Battlestar Galactica-Season 2.0 // Season Two Episodes #1-10 (One Thru Ten) ( 2005 Series = 3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 438 Minutes);
Starring; Edward James Olmos, James Callis, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer; price: US$30.90
Studio: Universal Entertainment; Date: 2005 UPC: 1417075058 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, bought New & watched only Once) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA-Season 2.0; ( 2005 Series = 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 438 Minutes); Episodes #1-10 (One Thru Ten) Starring; Edward James Olmos, James Callis, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer /// >> Exclusive special ...
Battlestar Galactica-Season 2.5 // Season Episodes #11-20 (Eleven Thru Twenty) Plus Extended Verssion of Pegasus( 2006 Series = 3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 521 Minutes);
Starring; Edward James Olmos, Grace Park, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer; Price: US$33.90
Studio: Universal Entertainment; Date: 2006 UPC: 1417078723 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, bought New & watched only Once) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA-Season 2.5; ( 2006 Series = 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 521 Minutes); Episodes #11-20 (Eleven Thru Twenty) PLUS Extended Verssion of PEGASUS Starring; Edward James Olmos, Grace Park, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer /// ...
Baywatch-the Complete Third Season Three / 3; ( 1993/1994 Series = 5 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 990 Minutes); Starring; Alexandra Paul, David Hasselhoff, Kelly Slater, Nicole Eggert, Pamela Anderson; Starring; Alexandra Paul, David Hasselhoff, Kelly Slater, Nicole Eggert, Pamela Anderson; price: US$27.00
Studio: First Look Home Entertainment; Date: 2007 UPC: 1592417027 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** BAYWATCH-The Complete Third Season THREE / 3; ( 1993/1994 Series = 5 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 990 Minutes); Starring; Alexandra Paul, David Hasselhoff, Kelly Slater, Nicole Eggert, Pamela Anderson /// >> Exclusive special features ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Buffy the Vampire Slayer--Season One ( 1997 Episodes; TV / Television Series = Contains All 13 Season Episodes on 3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; );
Starring; Alyson Hannigan, Anthony Head, Armin Shimerman, Charisma Carpenter, David Boreanaz, Kristine Sutherland, Nicholas... price: US$18.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2002 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> Condition; Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's #1, 2 = FINE+, Nearly New; Disc #3 = minor surface scuffing, still a nice Very Good to Fine; (NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only 2-3 Times) **** BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER--SEASON One--the Complete First / 1st / #1; ( TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 13 Season episodes on 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; ); Starring; Alyson Hannigan, Anthony Head, Armin Shimerman, ...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer-Complete Fifth Season ( 2000/2001 Series = 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 990 Minutes); Introducing Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn; / With Riley Finn (Marc Blucas) / Dracula / Glorificus / Glory (Clare Kramer) Starring; Michelle Trachtenberg, Clare Kramer, Marc Blucas, Alyson Hannigan, Emma Caulfield, Nicholas Brendon, Sarah Michelle... price: US$21.75
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2006 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = 2 Disc's in VG to FINE & 4 Disc's FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER-Complete Fifth Season FIVE / 5; ( 2000/2001 Series = 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 990 Minutes); Introducing Michelle Trachtenberg as DAWN; / with Riley Finn (Marc Blucas) / DRACULA / ...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer--Season Six-- ( 2001-2002 TV / Television Series = Contains All 22 Season Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 990 Minutes);
Starring; Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Michelle Trachtenberg, Amber Benson, Anthony Stewart Head, Charisma... price: US$24.95
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2006 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SLIPCASE BOX = FN+, Nearly New; >>> DVD's = FN+, Nearly New; BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER--SEASON Six--the Complete Six / 6th / #6; ( 2001-2002 TV / TELEVISION Series; Contains all 22 Season episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 990 Minutes); Starring; Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Michelle ...

Charmed-the Complete First Season ( 1998/1999 Series / TV Episodes = 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 972 Minutes); Starring; Alyssa Milano, Holly Marie Combs, Shannen Doherty;
Starring; Alyssa Milano, Holly Marie Combs, Shannen Doherty price: US$19.50
Studio: Paramount Home Entertainment; Date: 2005 UPC: 1415707014 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** CHARMED-The Complete First Season One / 1; ( 1998/1999 Series = 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 972 Minutes); Starring; Alyssa Milano, Holly Marie Combs, Shannen Doherty /// Description: >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind ...

Corner Gas. -the Complete Fourth Season --(2006 Series = 19 Episodes; 3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 435 Minutes);
Starring-Brent Butt, Gabrielle Miller, Fred Ewanuick, Eric Peterson, Janet Wright, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Lorne Cardinal, Nancy... price: US$24.95
Studio: Prarie Pants Productions. Date: 2007 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. >>> Condition; Picture COVER = FINE+, near New; ** Media/ Disc DVD's; Disc-1 = Lighly Scuffed VG; Disc-2 and 3 = VG/FN; *** CORNER GAS. -The Complete Forth Season Four / 4; --2006 Series = 19 Episodes; 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 435 Minutes DVD; Starring-Brent Butt, Gabrielle Miller, Fred Ewanuick, Eric Peterson, Janet Wright, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Lorne Cardinal, Nancy Robertson); // Description: >> Exclusive special features from the creative ...

CRISS ANGEL MINDFREAK-- the Complete SEASON TWO / 2nd / #2 / Second ( 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 7 hours & 42 Minutes PLUS extras); Magic / Magician, illusionist & Escape Artist

>>>> starring Criss Angel; (Guest Stars; Ice Cube, Deborah / Debbie Gibson, Marl McGrath, Carrot Top & Three 6 Mafia)

Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show; "Providing a refreshing twist on the conventions of reality TV, CRISS ANGEL MINDFREAK is an A&E show full of jaw-dropping surprises. Cameras follow Angel as he trains and then executes a series of amazing tricks, most of which leave bystanders and viewers at home scratching their heads in bemused wonder. Whether balancing precariously at the top of a skyscraper or being struck by lightning, Criss seems to defy human logic--and he makes it clear that no camera trickery is involved in these feats. In the 21 episodes contained on this collection Criss demonstrates how the body and the mind are a lot more flexible than we might think, and provides some highly entertaining moments that easily achieve his goal of dragging magic out of the Dark Ages and into the 21st century." Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by A&E Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 300 Grams; >>> COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD-705; >> US$21.90;

CRITTER GITTERS -- the Complete SET of Volume 1 #1,2,3,4 one/ttwo/three/four (1998,1999,2000 = TV / TELEVISION Series = 16 Episodes on 4 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 360 Minutes;NEW Factory Sealed) KIDS Solving Mysteries and Fighting Crime;

>>> Starring; Trevor George-Fowler, David Hampton, Jamie Whipple, Claudia Lopez, Joel Keeler, Eric Fuhrman, Sid Yost, Angel Holiday, Rocky Holiday, Braden McKinley, Stan Hoffman,

Jon Ryckman, Kinsry Silveria, Polly Basillie;

Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show; Episode 1 - "Critter Gitters is a fun and educational live-action children's show about a group of kids who solve mysteries relating to animals while learning about nature, science, geography, and ethics. This volume contains 4 complete half-hour episodes: "Flying Professors," "Cow Pie Bingo," and "Kinetic Catastrophe I & II." Episode 2 - "This volume contains 4 complete half-hour episodes: "Federoco the Frog King," "Dirt, Dogs and Danger," "Coyote Capers," and "Turtlemania." Episode 3 - " This volume contains 4 complete half-hour episodes: "Attack of the Pit Bull," "Piranha Power," "Head in the Sand," and "Man's Best Friend." Episode 4 - "This volume contains 4 complete half-hour episodes: "Bicycle Thieves," "Python in the Pipes," "To Bee or Not to Bee," and "Treasure Hunt." >>>> " Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Alpha Video Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> SET WEIGHT = 525 Grams; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED; >>> COVER = NEW, Factory Sealed; >>> DVD = NEW; Inventory #DVD-700; >> US$25.95;

Deadwood. -the Complete Second Season --(2006 Classic HBO Western Series; TV Episodes / 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 720 Minutes; 12 Episodes);
Starring-Brad Dourif, Ian McShane, Keith Carradine, Molly Parker, Paula Malcolmson, Powers Boothe, Timothy Olyphant, William... price: US$46.95
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2006 UPC: 0783135378
PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** DEADWOOD. -The Complete Second Season Two / 2; --(2006 classic HBO Western Series; TV Episodes / 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 720 Minutes; 12 Episodes); DVD; Starring-Brad Dourif, Ian McShane, Keith Carradine, Molly Parker, Paula Malcolmson, Powers ...
Deadwood. -the Complete Third Season (2007; Classic HBO Western Series; TV Episodes / 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 720 Minutes; 12 Episodes);
Starring-Brad Dourif, Ian McShane, Molly Parker, Paula Malcolmson, Powers Boothe, Timothy Olyphant, William Sanderson price: US$48.95
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2007 UPC: 0783140827 PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** DEADWOOD. -The Complete Third Season / Final-Three/ #3--(2007; classic HBO Western Series; TV Episodes / 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 720 Minutes; 12 Episodes); DVD; Starring-Brad Dourif, Ian McShane, Molly Parker, Paula Malcolmson, Powers Boothe, ...
Degrassi the Next Generation-the Complete First Season 2001 Series Episodes / TV =3 DVD Discs Box Set; 15 Director's Cut Episodes); Starring; Aubrey Graham, Cassie Steele, Christina Schmidt, Jake Goldsbie, Melissa Mcintyre, Miriam McDonald); Starring; Aubrey Graham, Cassie Steele, Christina Schmidt, Jake Goldsbie, Melissa Mcintyre, Miriam McDonald, Ryan Cooley; Price: US$27.00
Studio: Alliance Atlantis Entertainment; Date: 2004 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** DEGRASSI THE NEXT GENERATION-The Complete First Season One / 1; 2001 Series =3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 15 Director's Cut Episodes); Starring; Aubrey Graham, Cassie Steele, Christina Schmidt, Jake Goldsbie, Melissa McIntyre, Miriam McDonald); // ...
Degrassi the Next Generation-the Complete Second Season --2002 Series / TV Episodes = 4 DVD Discs Box Set; 22 Director's Cut Episodes); Starring; Tassie Cameron, Craig Cornell, James Hurst, Sean Jara, Aaron Martin, Yan Moore, Susin Nielsen); Starring; Tassie Cameron, Craig Cornell, James Hurst, Sean Jara, Aaron Martin, Yan Moore, Susin Nielsen, Clare Ross Dunn Price: US$27.00
Studio: Alliance Atlantis Entertainment; Date: 2005 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** DEGRASSI THE NEXT GENERATION-The Complete Second Season Two / 2; --2002 Series =4 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 22 Director's Cut Episodes); Starring; Aaron Martin, James Hurst, Shelley Scarrow, Tassie Cameron, Craig Cornell, James Hurst, Sean Jara, ...
Degrassi Junior High-the Complete Second Season --(1987 Series / TV Episodes =3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 338 Minutes); Starring; Amanda Stepto, Nicole Stoffman, Pat Mastroianni, Stacie Mistysyn); Starring; Amanda Stepto, Nicole Stoffman, Pat Mastroianni, Stacie Mistysyn; price: US$24.00
Studio: Boston America Corp. Date: 2005 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** DEGRASSI JUNIOR HIGH-The Complete Second Season Two / 2; --1987 Series =3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 338 minutes); Starring; Amanda Stepto, Nicole Stoffman, Pat Mastroianni, Stacie Mistysyn) /// Description: >> Exclusive special features from the ...
Degrassi the Next Generation-the Complete Third Season --2003 Series / TV Episodes =3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; ); Starring; Aubrey Graham, Cassie Steele, Jake Goldsbie, Lauren Collins, Miriam McDonald, Shane Kippel, Stacey Farber); Starring; Aubrey Graham, Cassie Steele, Jake Goldsbie, Lauren Collins, Miriam McDonald, Shane Kippel, Stacey Farber price: US$24.00
Studio: Alliance Atlantis Entertainment; Date: 2006 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE; DEGRASSI THE NEXT GENERATION-The Complete Third Season Three / 3; --2003 Series =3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; ); Starring; Aubrey Graham, Cassie Steele, Jake Goldsbie, Lauren Collins, Miriam McDonald, Shane Kippel, Stacey Farber); /// Description: >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show, >>> "'" Authentic 100% ...
Dragnet (Seasons; 5-DVD Disc Set-25 Episode/ Sergeant Joe Friday; Classic Lapd 1952-1958 Season/Seasons TV Episodes; Video Film on 5 DVD Box Set ); Running Time = 11 Hours / 660 Minutes
Starring; Jack Webb, Ben Alexander, Allene Roberts, Bill Bouchey, Ralph Moody, Martin Milner, Caroline Jones; price: US$31.90
Screen format: Full Screen Studio: Madacy Entertainment; Date: 2005 UPC: 0778623378 NEW, Factory Sealed Shrinkwrap. DVD BOX SET DRAGNET = ENGLISH Language; FULL Screen; (Seasons; 5-DVD Disc set-25 Episode/ Sergeant JOE FRIDAY; Classic LAPD 1952-1958 Season/Seasons TV Episodes; Video Film on 5 DVD Box SET ); >> Starring; Jack Webb, Ben Alexander, >>> Directed by; Jack Webb; TV EPISODES Originally Released in 1952-1958; B&W; Stated Running Time = 11 Hours / 660 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2005 in ...

DRAWN TOGETHER Uncensored! -- SEASON ONE TV's First ANIMATED Reality Show. 1st / #1 / First season (2004 Comedy Central 7 x TV Episodes of this Animated Cartoon - 2 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 152 Minutes PLUS extras); Extended Versions of each Episode;

Description: TV's First ANIMATED Reality Show. >> BONUS Material; Audio Commentaries by Cast & Creators, DELETED Scenes, Cencored / Uncensored Game, Never-Before-Seen Segments; Karaoke Sing-Along; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by Paramount / Comedy Central Home Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 200 Grams; >>> COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD-709; >> US$21.90;

Drawn Together--Season Two Uncensored! ( 2005-2006 Comedy Central TV / Television Animated Cartoon Series = 14 Episodes on 2 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 330 Minutes); price: US$19.90
Studio: Paramount Home Entertainment; Date: 2007 Description: CARTOONS-Animated Covers & Art from the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** DRAWN TOGETHER--SEASON Two UNCENSORED! --the Complete Two / 2nd / #2; ( 2005-2006 Comedy Central TV / TELEVISION Animated CARTOON ...

Drawn Together--Season Three Uncensored! - ( 2006-2007 TV / Television Cartoon / Animated Series = 14 Episodes on 2 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 308 Minutes);
Adam Carolla, Jess Harnell, Abbey McBride, Jack Plotnick, Tara Strong, Cree Summer, James Arnold Taylor price: US$19.90
Studio: Paramount Home Entertainment; Date: 2008 Description: CARTOONS-Animated Covers & Art from the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** DRAWN TOGETHER--SEASON Three UNCENSORED! --the Complete Third / 3rd / #3; ( 2006-2007 TV / TELEVISION Cartoon / Animated Series = 14 Episodes on 2 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 308 Minutes); >>> (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign ...
Entourage-the Complete First Season --(2005 HBO Series / TV Episodes =2 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 240 Minutes);
Starring; Adrian Grenier, Debi Mazar, Jeremy Piven, Jerry Ferrara, Kevin Connolly, Kevin Dillon price: US$19.95
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2005 UPC: 0783120990 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** ENTOURAGE-The Complete First Season One / 1; --2005 Series =2 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 240 Minutes ); Starring; Adrian Grenier, Debi Mazar, Jeremy Piven, Jerry Ferrara, Kevin Connolly, Kevin Dillon); /// Description: >> Exclusive special ...

EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND -- the Complete Fourth SEASON Four / 4th / #4; ( TV / TELEVISION Series = 24 Episodes 5 Media/ Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 720 Minutes;) starring Ray Romano, Patricia Heaton, Peter Boyle, Doris Roberts, Brad Garrett; //// PLUS bloopers & deleted scenes; Four Audio commentaries with series creator Phil Rosenthal, Ray Romano, Brad Garrett, Patricia Heaton & writers Lew Schneider & Aaron Shure.); Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show; Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by HBO Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 460 Grams; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD481; >> US$21.90;


FIVE MILE CREEK (Walt Disney) the Complete First Season -- ( 2005; Movie / Video Film; 13 Episodes on 4 DVD Disc; 620 minutes) Australian Gold Rush of the 1860's; Pioneers on a wild Outback Frontier; STARRING - Liz Burch, Louise Caire Clark, Michael Caton, Nicole Kidman, Rod Mullinar; >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; >>> weight = 380 grams. **** FIVE MILE CREEK -- Walt Disney ( 2005; Movie / Video Film on 4 DVD Disc; 620 minutes); STARRING = Liz Burch, Louise Caire Clark, Michael Caton, Nicole Kidman, Rod Mullinar; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Walt Disney / Buena Vista Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); US$31.90


Firefly (Joss Whedon's)-the Complete Series 14 Episodes; (First Season One / 1) ( 2002 Series / TV Episodes = Extended Pilot, Plus 12 One-Hour Episodes; 4 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 675 Minutes); Starring; Adam Baldwin, Alan Tudyk, Gina Torres, Jewel Staite, Morena Baccarin, Nathan Fillion, Ron Glass, Sean Maher, Summer... price: US$31.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2003 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) **FIREFLY (Joss Whedon's)-The Complete Series 14 Episodes; (First Season One / 1) ( 2002 Series = Extended Pilot, Plus 12 one-hour episodes; 4 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 675 Minutes); Starring; Adam Baldwin, Alan Tudyk, Gina Torres, Jewel Staite, ...


G-SPOT-- SEASON One / First / #1; ( 2004 TV Series = 8 Episodes on 2 Media/ Discs; 2 DVD BOX SET; Female Canadian Models & Actors in Hollywood; Lots of SEX & NUDITY); starring; Brigitte Bako, Heather Hanson, Kimberly Huie, Kristen Lehman, Hannah Lochner /// Description: 3 hours & 47 Minutes; PLUS cast interviews; >>>> G-Spot (2005 TV Series) MOVIE CENTRAL; >> A small group of friends help a past her prime actress (Brigitte Bako) attempt to re-ignite her career. >> Brigitte Bako plays "Gigi" an aging actress and aging you know what that means in > Hollywood.....you're over 30. She starts a movie career at around age 19 and does b-movies to support her parents. Gets too far into it to get out and only gets b-movie type roles. Fast forward 13 or 14 years later. Gigi goes back to Canada (her home and native land) and cares for her ailing mother who eventually dies. Goes back to Hollywood and tries to make sense of it all. We see Gigi go on auditions, go on bad dates and along the way meet and get to know her friends. This has a "Hollywood style trash --Sex and the City-- vibration" about it...IE: a girl and her friends whine about sex and their lives and get drunk along the way..The comedy aspect of the show is a little bland and predictable. But I watched pretty much all the episodes in a row and didn't find myself bored at all. So if you miss Sex and the City, love underdog stories and are in need of some serious "girlfriend" time. G-spot is for you. >>>> Brigitte Bako plays Gigi; Heather Hanson plays Stella; Kimberly Huie plays Roxy; Kristin Lehman plays Francesca; Hannah Lochner plays Sasha; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Alliance Atlantis Entertainment; >>> LOW PRINT RUN and ALREADY RARE; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD482; >> US$19.90;

Ghost Stories = Season 1 and 2 (1997-1998 TVseries Episodes / Seasons)-Visits From Beyond the Grave {the Stuff That Screams Are Made of} (40 Episodes on 5 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 20 Hours ) Fox Family Channel *** Series Cast Includes; Rip Torn (As Narrator), Megan Gallacher, M.J. Karmi, Emilie Jo Tisdale & Many Others; price: US$31.90
Studio: Platinum Disc Date: 2004 Used. DVD BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, bought New & watched only ONCE); >>> GHOST STORIES = Season 1 and 2 / First & Second (1997-1998 FOX Family Channel TV Series Episodes / Seasons)-Visits from Beyond the Grave {the Stuff that Screams are made of} (40 Episodes on 5 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 20 Hours ) *** Series Cast includes; Rip Torn (as Narrator), Megan Gallacher, M.J. Karmi, Emilie Jo ...

The Girls Next Door. (Playboy Bunnies & Mansion)-the Complete First Season; --(2005 Series / TV Episodes =3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 336 Minutes)
Starring-Hugh Hefner's Girfriends price: US$18.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2006 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE; >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = Very Good; *** THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR. -The Complete First Season One / 1; --(2005 Series / TV Episodes =3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 336 Minutes) Starring-Hugh Hefner's Girfriends. ); // Description: >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show,

Heroes-Season One ( 2007-Nbc TV / Television Series; 23 Episodes on 7 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 1009 Minutes);
Starring; Adrian Pasdar, Ali Larter, Greg Grunberg, Hayden Panettiere, Jack Coleman, James Kyson Lee, Jimmy Jean-Louis,... price: US$34.90
Studio: Universal Entertainment; Date: 2007 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, bought New & watched only Once) HEROES-SEASON ONE // The Complete First Season / #1 ( 2007 TV / Television Series; 23 Episodes on 7 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 1009 Minutes); Starring; Adrian Pasdar, Ali Larter, Greg Grunberg, Hayden Panettiere, Jack Coleman, James Kyson Lee, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Leonard ...

Jericho. -the Complete First Season--; --(2006/2007 Series / 22 Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 964 Minutes) Nuclear Explosion's in the Usa & Effects to a Small Town in Kansas; Starring-Ashley Scott, Gerald McRaney, Pamela Reed, Skeet Ulrich ); price: US$31.90
Studio: Paramount Home Entertainment; Date: 2007 UPC: 1415730784 PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** JERICHO. -The Complete First Season--One / #1 / 1st; --(2006/2007 Series / 22 Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 964 Minutes) NUCLEAR Explosion's in the USA & Effects to a Small Town in Kansas; Excellent TV Series; >>> "'"Excellent ...

Jericho. -the Complete Second Season--; --(2008 Series / 8 Episodes on 2 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 347 Minutes) Nuclear Explosion's in the Usa & Effects to a Small Town in Kansas;
Starring-Ashley Scott, Gerald McRaney, Pamela Reed, Skeet Ulrich ); price: US$21.90
Studio: Paramount Home Entertainment; Date: 2008 UPC: 1415739846 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** JERICHO. -The Complete Second Season--Two / #2 / 2nd; --(2008 Series / 8 Episodes on 2 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 347 Minutes) NUCLEAR Explosion's in the USA & Effects to a Small Town in Kansas; Excellent TV Series; >>> "'" Excellent Quality ...


KATE & ALLIE -- the Complete First & Second SEASONS -- Season One & Two / 1st & 2nd / #1, 2; ( 1984 - 1985 TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains 6 Episodes from the first Season & all 22 Episodes from the Second Season; PLUS Bonus Episode "Gimme a Break!": Season One "The Second Time Around"; 4 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 11 hours)

>> Starring; Susan Saint James, Jane Curtin; (Producer; Bill Persky); Guests; Kelsey Grammer, Jonathan Brandis, Alan North, John Heard;

Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show; "Emmy Award winners Jane Curtin and Susan Saint James star in Kate & Allie, the beloved and groundbreaking comedy series about new beginnings. Recently divorced Allie Lowell (Curtin) and her two children, Chip (Frederick Koehler) and Jennie (Allison Smith), move from the comfortable suburbs of Connecticut to begin a new life in New York City. They share a house with Allie's best friend, Kate McArdle (Saint James), and her daughter, Emma (Ari Meyers), and together this group forms a new kind of family unit. Kate & Allie: Season One features an exclusive interview with Susan Saint James, a bonus preview episode from Season Two, and a special featurette that takes a look back at television's greatest decade, the eighties. The #1 sitcom during its first year of broadcast, Kate & Allie changed the way we think about families. See how it all began!" Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by Visual Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 250 Grams; >>> COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD-706; >> US$29.90;


Kate & Allie-the Complete Third Season ; (1985-1986 Series / TV Episodes = 3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 552 Minutes); Starring; Susan Saint James (McMillan and Wife) Kate Mcardle;
Starring; Susan Saint James (McMillan And Wife) As Free-Spirited Kate Mcardle And Jane Curtin (3rd Rock From The Sun price: US$29.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2007 UPC: 1417054069 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = Disc One is FINE & Disc 2 and 3 are FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) KATE & ALLIE-The Complete Third Season THREE / 3; (all 23 hilarious unedited episodes from the third season. 1985-1986 Series = 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 552 Minutes); Starring; Susan Saint James (McMillan
Kate & Allie-the Complete Fourth Season (25 X 1986-1987 Unedited TV Episodes; Video Film in 3 X DVD Disc Set); *
Starring-Susan Saint James, Jane Curtin, Ari Meyers, Allison Smith, Frederick Koehler, Paul Hecht, William H. Macy, Wendie... price: US$34.99
Studio: Fremantle Media. Date: 2007 Used. >>> Picture Cover = FINE++, Like New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE++, Like New; (Purchased Brand NEW and watched only ONCE! ! ! ); **** KATE & ALLIE-the COMPLETE FOURTH SEASON (#4 / Four / 4th; 25 x 1986-1987 Unedited TV episodes; Video Film in 3 x DVD Disc Set); ** STARRING Susan Saint James, Jane Curtin, Ari Meyers, Allison Smith, Frederick Koehler, Paul Hecht, William H. Macy, Wendie Malick, Andrea Martin, Ricky Paull Goldin, David Groh, Bill Cobbs, Grant Shaud, David Moscow, Mark ...

MAD ABOUT YOU -- the Complete First SEASON = One / 1st / #1; ( 2002 TV / TELEVISION Sit-Com COMEDY Series = 22 Episodes including the pilot!; 2 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 490 Minutes) the EMMY AWARD winning TV Series

>>> Starring - Anne Ramsay, Helen Hunt, Lisa Kudrow, Nancy Dussault, Paul Dooley, Paul Reiser, Richard Kind, Steven Wright, Tommy Hinkley;

**** Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show; "Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt star as Paul and Jamie Buchman, newlyweds navigating the often-tricky waters of married life in New York City, in this Emmy-winning comedy series which ran from 1992 to 1999." Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2002 by Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 200 Grams; >>> COVER = FN++, Like New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD-707; >> US$19.90;

the MAN SHOW -- Season One Volume Two ( TV Televsion - 12 Episodes on 3 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 246 Minutes);

>>> Starring; Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel;

Description: "Co-hosts Jimmy Kimmell and Adam Carolla offer a tongue-in-cheek glimpse into the masculine psyche in Comedy Central's testosterone-laden THE MAN SHOW. The androcentric series both celebrates and parodies all things male with politically-incorrect humor, skits, and talk-show-style discussions based on fart jokes, beer guzzling, and scantily-clad women bouncing on trampolines--all the while tempering its male-bonding stereotypes with a healthy dose of self-mockery. This collection presents the second half of Season One. >>>>> with BONUS Material; Oprah Jumfrey, Karl Malone on.., Charlton Heston's Penis, Man Show Miracles, Girl Jumping on Trampolines; Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Eagle Rock Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 200 Grams; >>> COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD-708; >> US$19.90;

Monk-Season One // the Complete First Season ( 2002 Series = 4 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 563 Minutes); Obsessive, Compulsive, -Humorous Genius Sleuth / Detective;
Starring; Tony Shaloub, Bitty Schram, Jason Gray-Stanford, Ted Levine price: US$21.90
Studio: Universal Entertainment; Date: 2006 UPC: 0783286104 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, bought New & watched only Once) >>> MONK-SEASON ONE // The Complete First Season / #1 ( 2002 Series = 4 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 563 Minutes); Obsessive, Compulsive, -Humorous Genius Sleuth / Detective; Starring; Tony Shaloub, Bitty Schram, Jason Gray-Stanford, Ted Levine; >> Exclusive special features from the ...

Moral Orel-the Unholy Version-the Complete First Season --(2005 Adult Animated Cartoon Series / TV Episodes =2 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 173 Minutes; 15 Episodes; Adult Swim's First Uncensored DVD); Featuring The Voice Talents Of; Scott Adsit Carolyn Lawrence; Britta Phillips; Jay Johnston; Tigger Stamatopoulos; William... price: US$26.50
Studio: Time Warner Company. Date: 2007 UPC: 078065689X Description: Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** MORAL OREL-the UNHOLY VERSION-The Complete First Season One / 1; --(2005 Adult Animated Cartoon Series / TV Episodes =2 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 173 Minutes; 15 Episodes; Adult Swim's First Uncensored DVD) /// Description: >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind

Newlyweds Nick & Jessica. (MTV's...)-the Complete Second & Third Season --(2004 Series = 3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set With 4th Bonus Disc Newlyweds Retrospective; 437 Minutes DVD; Starring-Jessica Simpson, Nick Lachey; price: US$21.00
Studio: Paramount Pictures Corp. /MTV-Music Television Date: 2005 UPC: 1415711518
Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Near New; *** (Privately Owned, & played carefully only a fewTimes) *** NEWLYWEDS NICK & JESSICA. -The Complete Second & Third Season Two & Three/ 2 &3; --(2004 Series = 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET with 4th Bonus Disc = "Newlyweds Retrospective"; 437 Minutes DVD; Starring-Jessica Simpson, Nick Lachey); // Description: >> Exclusive special features ...

Nip/Tuck-the Complete First Season ( 2003 Series / TV Episodes = Extended Pilot, Plus 12 One-Hour Episodes; 5 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 638 Minutes); Plastic Surgery Comedy Drama
Starring; Dylan Walsh, Joely Richardson, Julian McMahon; price: US$21.00
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2004 UPC: 0790789590 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** Nip/Tuck-The Complete First Season ONE / 1; ( 2003 Series = Extended Pilot, Plus 12 one-hour episodes; 5 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 638 Minutes); Starring; Dylan Walsh, Joely Richardson, Julian McMahon /// Description: >> Exclusive special ...


NORTHERN EXPOSURE - The Complete Third Season (2005; TV Video Film ; 23 Episodes on 3 DVD Disc ; 368 minutes);

>>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; NORTHERN EXPOSURE - The Complete Third Season // 3rd // Three (2005; Video Film on 3 DVD Disc ; 368 minutes); Starring - John Corbett, Barry Corbin, Janine Turner, John Cullum, Cynthia Geary, Elaine Miles, Peg Phillips, Richard Cummings, Doug Ballard, Anthony Edwards, Graham Greene, Rob Morrow; >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Universal Studio; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN++, Like New; >>> weight = 260 grams. US$31.90

ODYSSEY 5 - THE COMPLETE SERIES (2002 Science Fiction TV / TELEVISION Series; all 19 Episodes on 5 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 935 Minutes;)

>>> Starring Peter Weller, Sebastian Roche, Christopher Gorham, Tamara Craig Thomas.

>> Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show; " Earth can be darker than space. Plot Outline After witnessing the destruction of the Earth from orbit, a group of astronauts is sent back in time and given 5 years to prevent the disaster from happening. Plot Synopsis: The astronaut crew of a space shuttle looks on in horror as they witness the violent destruction of the Earth. However, they are given a chance to change humanity's fate when a sympathetic alien sends them five years into the past. Their mission--find out who's responsible for the plot to destroy the planet. Can they deal with their own pasts while saving the world from the mysterious organism known only as "Leviathan?" Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by Sony Pictures Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 350 Grams; >>> COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD-710; >> US$36.95;

Oz-the Complete First Season (1997; Movie / Video Film DVD Disc Set ); *
Starring-Adewale Akinnuoye Agbaje, B.D. Wong, Dean Winters, Eamonn Walker, Ernie Hudson, George Morfogen, Harold Perrineau Jr... price: US$20.95
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2002 Description: Used. >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE to FN+, Nearly New; *** OZ-THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON (#1 / 1st/ One; 8 x HBO TV Episodes; 1997; Movie / Video Film in 3 x DVD Disc Set ); ** STARRING Adewale Akinnuoye Agbaje, B.D. Wong, Dean Winters, Eamonn Walker, Ernie Hudson, George Morfogen, Harold Perrineau Jr., J.K. Simmons, Lauren Velez, Lee Tergesen, Leon, Rita Moreno, Terry Kinney; *** Stated Running Time = 451 Minutes;

Oz-the Complete Third Season --(2003 HBO Series / TV Episodes =3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 480 Minutes; 8 Episodes); the Oswald Correctional Facility / Prison
Starring; Adewale Akinnuoye Agbaje, B.D. Wong, Christopher Meloni, Ernie Hudson, Harold Perrineau Jr., Terry Kinney price: US$21.90
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2003 UPC: 078312385X
Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** OZ-The Complete Third Season Three / 3; --(2003 Series / TV Episodes =3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 480 Minutes; 8 Episodes); the Oswald Correctional Facility / Prison /// Description: >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind ...


PUNK'D -- the Complete First, SEASON with ASHTON KUTCHER = Season One /1st / #1; ( 2003 MTV TV Episodes / TELEVISION Series = 2 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 157 Minutes) PRANKS on Celebrities;

>>> Starring; ASHTON KUTCHER, Dax Shepard, Jason Goldberg; (Guests; Justin Timberlake, Kelly Osbourne, Britney Spears, Pink, Frankie Muniz, Seth Green, etc);

Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show;"Co-created and hosted by Ashton Kutcher (THAT 70S SHOW), MTV's hit television series PUNK'D offers a twist on the CANDID CAMERA style of comedy by pranking well-known celebrities with elaborate gags involving fake arrests, car thefts, home repossessions, and other forms of public humiliation. This collection includes every episode from the series' debut season, which includes prankees Justin Timberlake, Kelly Osbourne, Britney Spears, Pink, Frankie Muniz, Seth Green, and many more."
Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by Paramount Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); ; >>> SET WEIGHT = 275 Grams; >>> BRAND NEW, Never Played, STILL FACTORY SEALED; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> COVER = NEW, Factory Sealed; >>> DVD = NEW; Nearly New; Inventory #DVD-711; >> US$16.95;

PUNK'D -- the Complete Second SEASON with ASHTON KUTCHER = Season Two / 2nd/ #2; ( 2004 MTV TV 8 x Episodes / TELEVISION Series = 2 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 156 Minutes) PRANKS on Celebrities;

>>> Starring; ASHTON KUTCHER, Dax Shepard, Jason Goldberg; (Guests; Hilary Duff; Missy Elliot; Lil' Bow Wow; Tommy Lee; Katie Holmes; Mya; Lara Flynn Boyle; Nick Carter; Rachel Leigh Cook; Travis Barker; Amber Tamblyn; Outkast; Lindsay Lohan; Beyonce; Ashanti; Halle Berry )

>>> Description: Punkd will make you laugh, cry and be glad you're a nobody includes never befoe seen segments. follow the helicopter to deleted scenes interactive menus , punk your friend option and the making of punkd Watch as host Ashton Kutcher lets it fly with merciless pranks and practical jokes on unwitting celebrities like Beyonce, Lindsay Lohan and Halle Berry. This 2 disc set includes the complete second season of Punk'd, as well as deleted scenes and bonus footage. Somewhere amidst the home repossession, redneck in-law houseguests and makeovers from hell, there is a lesson to be learned here; keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and Ashton and the Punk'd crew under surveillance... " Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by Paramount Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 200 Grams; >>> COVER = FN++, Like New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD-712; >> US$16.95;

Quantum Leap. -the Complete First Season --(2004 Sci-Fi Series / TV Episodes =3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 428 Minutes DVD; Starring-Dean Stockwell, Scott Bakula);
Starring-Dean Stockwell, Scott Bakula); price: US$29.90
Studio: Universal Entertainment; Date: 2004 UPC: 0783286139 PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** QUANTUM LEAP. -The Complete First Season One / 1; --2004 Series =3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 428 Minutes DVD; Starring-Dean Stockwell, Scott Bakula); /// >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show, >>> "'" ...


REBA -- the Complete First SEASON = One / 1st / #1; ( 2001-2002 TV / TELEVISION Series = 22 Episodes on 3 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 506 Minutes) Reba MeEntire plays Reba Hart.

>>> : Starring Reba MeEntire, Melissa Peterman, JoAnna Garcia, Steve Howey, Scarlett Pomers, Christopher Rich, Mitch Holleman

Description: ; Popular Country & Western music superstar Reba McIntyre stars in this hit family comedy series; Reba Hart (Reba McIntyre), divorced mother of three. Dentist husband Brock (Christopher Rich) ; -Assistant Barbra Jean (Melissa Peterman). Teenage daughter Cheyenne (JoAnna Garcia); Boyfriend Van (Steve Howey). Reba's daughter Kyra (Scarlett Pomers) Reba's son Jake (Mitch Holleman) ; >>> EPISODES Included are; the PILOT episode, "The Honeymoon's Over or Now What?" "Someone's at the Gyno with Reba," "You Make Me Sick," "The Steaks Are High," "The Man and the Moon," "Tea and Antipathy," "Don't Know Much About History," "When Good Credit Goes Bad," "Meet the Parents," "A Mid-Semester's Night Dream," "Brock's Swan Song," "The Story of a Divorce," "You May Kick the Bride," " Vanny Dearest," "He's Having a Baby," "She Works Hard for Their Money," "Labor of Love," "The King and I," "Up a Treehouse with a Paddle," and "It Ain't Over till the Red-Head Sings." >>>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 325Grams; >>> COVER = FN++, Like New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD-713; >> US$19.90;

REBA -- the Complete Second SEASON = Two / 2nd / #2; ( 2002-2003 TV / TELEVISION Series = 24 Episodes 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 543 Minutes) Reba MeEntire plays Reba Hart.

>>> : Starring Reba MeEntire, Melissa Peterman, JoAnna Garcia, Steve Howey, Scarlett Pomers, Christopher Rich, Mitch Holleman

Description: ; Popular Country & Western music superstar Reba McIntyre stars in this hit family comedy series; Reba Hart (Reba McIntyre), divorced mother of three. Dentist husband Brock (Christopher Rich) ; -Assistant Barbra Jean (Melissa Peterman). Teenage daughter Cheyenne (JoAnna Garcia); Boyfriend Van (Steve Howey). Reba's daughter Kyra (Scarlett Pomers) Reba's son Jake (Mitch Holleman) ; Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2005 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 325 Grams; >>> COVER = FN++, Like New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD-714; >> US$19.90;

REBA -- the Complete Third, SEASON Three / 3rd / #3; ( 2003-2004 TV / TELEVISION Series = 22 Episodes 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 496 Minutes;) Reba MeEntire plays Reba Hart.

>>> : Starring Reba MeEntire, Melissa Peterman, JoAnna Garcia, Steve Howey, Scarlett Pomers, Christopher Rich, Mitch Holleman

Description: ; Popular Country & Western music superstar Reba McIntyre stars in this hit family comedy series; Reba Hart (Reba McIntyre), divorced mother of three. Dentist husband Brock (Christopher Rich) ; -Assistant Barbra Jean (Melissa Peterman). Teenage daughter Cheyenne (JoAnna Garcia); Boyfriend Van (Steve Howey). Reba's daughter Kyra (Scarlett Pomers) Reba's son Jake (Mitch Holleman) ; Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; >>> >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 325 Grams; >>> COVER = FN++, Like New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; ; Inventory #DVD-715; >> US$19.90;

REBA -- the Complete Forth, SEASON Four / 4th / #4; ( 2004-2005 TV / TELEVISION Series = 22 Episodes 3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 484 Minutes;) Reba MeEntire plays Reba Hart.

>>> : Starring Reba MeEntire, Melissa Peterman, JoAnna Garcia, Steve Howey, Scarlett Pomers, Christopher Rich, Mitch Holleman

Description: ; Popular Country & Western music superstar Reba McIntyre stars in this hit family comedy series; Reba Hart (Reba McIntyre), divorced mother of three. Dentist husband Brock (Christopher Rich) ; -Assistant Barbra Jean (Melissa Peterman). Teenage daughter Cheyenne (JoAnna Garcia); Boyfriend Van (Steve Howey). Reba's daughter Kyra (Scarlett Pomers) Reba's son Jake (Mitch Holleman) ; Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2006 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 225 Grams; >>> COVER = FN++, Like New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD-716; >> US$19.90;

Rome-the Complete First Season (2006; 12 X HBO TV Episodes / Video Film in 6 X DVD Disc Set); Featuring Caesar & Cleopatra;
Starring-Ciaran Hinds, David Bamber, Indira Varma, James Purefoy, Kenneth Cranham, Kevin McKidd, Lindsay Duncan, Polly Walker... price: US$51.90
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2006 UPC: 0783135998 >>> Picture Cover = FINE++, Like New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE++, Like New; (Purchased Brand NEW and watched only ONCE! ! ! ); **** ROME-the COMPLETE FIRST SEASON (#1 / One / 1st; 2006; 12 x HBO TV Episodes / Video Film in 6 x DVD Disc Set); Featuring CAESAR & Cleopatra; ** STARRING Ciaran Hinds, David Bamber, Indira Varma, James Purefoy, Kenneth Cranham, Kevin McKidd, Lindsay Duncan, Polly Walker, Ray Stevenson; *** Stated Running Time = 720 Minutes; >>>...

Rome-the Complete Second Season ( 2007; (Hbo TV Series-Video Film; Complete 10 Episodes on 5 X DVD Disc Set; 600 Minutes); >>>> Featuring; Anthony, Octavian Caesar & Cleopatra;
Starring-Ciaran Hinds, David Bamber, Indira Varma, James Purefoy, Kenneth Cranham, Kevin McKidd, Lindsay Duncan, Polly Walker... price: US$47.90
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2007 UPC: 0783150415
Used. >>> Picture Cover = FINE++, Like New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE++, Like New; (Purchased Brand NEW and watched only ONCE! ! ! ); **** ROME-the COMPLETE SECOND SEASON (#2 / Two / 2nd; 2007; (HBO TV Series-Video Film; complete 10 Episodes on 5 x DVD Disc Set; 600 minutes); >>>> Featuring CAESAR & Cleopatra; ** STARRING Ciaran Hinds, David Bamber, Indira Varma, James Purefoy, Kenneth Cranham, Kevin McKidd, Lindsay Duncan, Polly Walker, Ray Stevenson; *** Stated Running Time = 600 Minutes;

Samurai Jack-Season One ( 13 X Cartoon Network TV Animated Cartoons Episodes / Video Film on 2 DVD Disc ); price: US$20.95
Studio: Warner Bros Video; Date: 2004 UPC: 0790786397 Description: USED. >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times, still in NICE Condition; >>> Picture Cover = FINE; >>> Media/ Disc = minor Scuffing VG/FN; **** SAMURAI JACK-SEASON ONE (Complete First / #1 / 1st; 13 x Cartoon Network TV Animated Cartoons Episodes / Video Film on 2 DVD Disc ); *** Stated Running Time = 298 Minutes;


SEINFELD -- SEASONS = ONE & TWO / Season #1&2 plus BONUS Material; (Volume 1; 1989-1991 TV Series = 18 Episodes on 4 Media/ Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 437 Minutes); Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michael Richards, Jason Alexander /// Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show; >> TV GUIDE Calls it "The #1 Show of ALL TIME!"; >>> "(1) How it Began; (2) Notes about Nothing; (3) Inside Looks; (4) In the Vault; (5) 2 versions of pilot episode!; (6) Not that There's Anything Wrong With That; (7) Yada, Yada, Yada; (8) Master of His Domain; (9) Sponsored by Vandelay Industries; (10) Featuring the original (1-2 minutes longer) not seen since their original broadcast runs.... >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2004 by CASTLE ROCK Entertainment / SONY Pictures; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only a few times & Used but still in NICE Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 350 Grams; >>> Picture Cover = VG/FN; >>> DVD's = VG/FN; nventory #DVD473; >> US$24.95;

7th Heaven-the Complete First Season --(1996/97 Series / TV Episodes =6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 999 Minutes)
Starring-Barry Watson, Beverley Mitchell, Catherine Hicks, David Gallagher, Jessica Biel, Mackenzie Rosman, Stephen Collins ); price: US$17.90
Studio: Paramount / Viacom-Parallel Date: 2004 UPC: 1415701571 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = Very Good to FINE; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's #2, 3, 5, 6 = FINE+, Near New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's #1, 4 = Very Good to FINE; *** 7th HEAVEN-The Complete First Season One / 1; --(1996/97 Series / TV Episodes =6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 999 Minutes) Starring-Barry Watson, Beverley Mitchell, Catherine Hicks, David Gallagher, Jessica Biel, Mackenzie Rosman, Stephen Collins; // Description: >> ...

Shark--Season One--( 962 Minutes; 2006-2007 Episodes; TV / Television Series = Contains All 22 Season Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; );
Starring; James Woods, Jeri Ryan, Carlos Gomez, Danielle Panabaker, Samuel Page, Sarah Carter, Sophina Brown; price: US$26.95
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2007 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** **** SHARK--SEASON One--the Complete First / 1st / #1; ( 962 Minutes; 2006-2007 Episodes; TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 22 Season episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; ); Starring; JAMES WOODS, Jeri Ryan, Carlos Gomez, Danielle Panabaker, Samuel Page, Sarah Carter, Sophina ...

SHADOW OF CHINATOWN = TWO Disc SET ( Volume 1 = Chapters 1-8; Volume- 2 = Chapters 9-15; Chinese Gangsters - SERIAL Series Movie / Video Film on DVD; 1936; B&W; 282 Minutes; the Complete 15 chapters ); >>> TWO DVD Discs SET = Volume One & Two; (Beware incomplete or Shortened Versions) **** FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** SHADOW OF CHINATOWN = TWO Disc SET ( Volume 1 = Chapters 1-8; Volume- 2 = Chapters 9-15; Chinese Gangsters - SERIAL Series Movie / Video Film on DVD; 1936; B&W; 282 Minutes; the Complete 15 chapters ); >> Starring; Bela Lugosi, Herman Brix, Joan Barclay, Luana Walters ; >>>Movie / Video Film Originally Released in 1936; B&W; Stated Running Time = 282 Minutes; >> Authentic LEGAL Good Quality Copy (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Knockoff) manufactured in 2003 in Narberth, PA, USA by ALPHA VIDEO; DVD Standard Format -- NTSC Encoded (made to play on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> weight = 230 grams. US$7.90;


The Simple Life-Goes to Camp. -the Complete Fifth Season --(2007 Series / TV Episodes = DVD Disc; 218 Minutes DVD; Starring-Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie);
Starring-Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie; price: US$16.00
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2007 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** SIMPLE LIFE-GOES TO CAMP. -The Complete Fifth Season Five / 5; --2007 Series = 1 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 218 Minutes DVD; Starring-Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie) /// Description: >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show, >>> "'" ...

THE SIMPSONS -- the Complete First SEASON One / 1st / #1; (Matt Groening -- Collector's Edition) ( 1989-1990; Animated TV Cartoon / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 13 Episodes on 3 Media/ Discs in this DVD BOX SET; Approx. 300 Minutes); Description: "Includes the original thirteen episodes from the first season of The Simpsons, including such classic episodes as "Krusty Gets Busted" featuring the first appearance by Sideshow Bob, "There's No Disgrace Like Home" in which Homer tries to get the family to shape up via electroshock therapy, and "Life on the Fast Lane", in which Marge is tempted by a bowling instructor named Jacques. This set also features the original Simpsons shorts seen on The Tracey Ullman show, a never-before-seen lost episode, and more" >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 300 Grams; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD491-1; >> US$16.95;

THE SIMPSONS -- the Complete First SEASON One / 1st / #1; (Matt Groening -- Collector's Edition) ( 1989-1990; Animated TV Cartoon / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 13 Episodes on 3 Media/ Discs in this DVD BOX SET; Approx. 300 Minutes); Description: "Includes the original thirteen episodes from the first season of The Simpsons, including such classic episodes as "Krusty Gets Busted" featuring the first appearance by Sideshow Bob, "There's No Disgrace Like Home" in which Homer tries to get the family to shape up via electroshock therapy, and "Life on the Fast Lane", in which Marge is tempted by a bowling instructor named Jacques. This set also features the original Simpsons shorts seen on The Tracey Ullman show, a never-before-seen lost episode, and more" >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2001 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 300 Grams; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD491-2; >> US$16.95;

Six Feet Under--the Complete Second Season Two/ 2004; TV / Television Series = Contains All 13 Season Episodes on 5 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 564 Minutes);
Starring-Peter Krause, Michael C. Hall, Frances Conroy, Lauren Ambrose, Freddy Rodriguez, Mathew St. Patrick, Rachel Griffths; price: US$31.00
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2004 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. USED. >>> SLIPCASE BOX = VG; >>> DVD's = Light Scratches & Scuffed Up, thus G/VG; (I watched this entire set & they Play Just Fine); SIX FEET UNDER--the Complete second SEASON Two/ 2nd / #2 ( 2004; TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 13 Season episodes on 5 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 564 Minutes); STARRING-Peter Krause, Michael C. Hall, Frances Conroy, Lauren Ambrose, Freddy Rodriguez, Mathew St. Patrick, Rachel Griffths; /// //// SPECIAL ...

Six Feet Under--the Complete Second Season ( 2004; TV / Television Series = Contains All 13 Season Episodes on 5 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 564 Minutes);
Starring-Peter Krause, Michael C. Hall, Frances Conroy, Lauren Ambrose, Freddy Rodriguez, Mathew St. Patrick, Rachel Griffths; price: US$31.90
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2004 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> SLIPCASE BOXES = VERY GOOD; >>> Media/ Disc DVD's = Near FINE; *** SIX FEET UNDER--the Complete second SEASON Two/ 2nd / #2 ( 2004; TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 13 Season episodes on 5 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 564 Minutes); STARRING-Peter Krause, Michael C. Hall, Frances Conroy, Lauren Ambrose, Freddy Rodriguez, Mathew St. Patrick, Rachel Griffths; /// //// SPECIAL Disco 5 Anatomy of a Working Stiff: Life as a Dead Body, 20 ...

Six Feet Under--the Complete Third Season ( 2004; TV / Television Series = Contains All 13 Season Episodes on 5 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 780 Minutes);
Starring-Frances Conroy, Freddy Rodriguez, Lauren Ambrose, Lili Taylor, Michael C. Hall, Peter Krause, Rachel Griffiths,... Price: US$34.90
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2004 UPC: 0783128010 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** SIX FEET UNDER--the Complete SEASON Three/ 3rd / #3 ( 2004; TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 13 Season episodes on 5 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 780 Minutes)STARRING-Frances Conroy, Freddy Rodriguez, Lauren Ambrose, Lili Taylor, Michael C. Hall, Peter Krause, ...

Sliders-Dual Dimension Edition-the Complete First & Second Season --(2004 Series / Sci-Fi TV Episodes =6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 1019 Minutes);
Starring-Cleavant Derricks, Jerry O'Connell, John Rhys-Davies, Sabrina Lloyd; price: US$21.50
Studio: Universal Entertainment; Date: 2004 UPC: 0783277644 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) ***SLIDERS-Dual Dimension Edition-The Complete First & Second Season (Seasons) One & Two / 1 & 2; --(2004 Series / Sci-Fi TV Episodes =6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 1019 Minutes); Starring-Cleavant Derricks, Jerry O'Connell, John Rhys-Davies, Sabrina Lloyd; /// Description: >> ...

Smallville. -the Complete Fourth Season 2004 2005 Series = 22 Episodes; 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 952 Minutes ); Superman When He Was Superboy; With Lex Luthor, Lana Lang & Lois Lane Starring-Tom Welling, Allison Mack, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Sam Jones III, Apples Jensens Ackles, Erica Durance; price: US$20.90
Studio: Warner Bros Video; Date: 2004 UPC: 0790796945 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; ** (Privately Owned, & played carefully only a fewTimes) *SMALLVILLE. -The Complete Fourth Season Four / 4--(2004 2005 Series = 22 Episodes; 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 952 Minutes ); Superman when he was Superboy; with Lex Luthor, Lana Lang & Lois Lane **** Starring-Tom Welling, Allison Mack, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Sam Jones III, ...

Smallville. -the Complete Fifth Season --(2005 Series = 22 Episodes; 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 925 Minutes ); Superman When He Was Superboy; With Lex Luthor, Lana Lang & Lois Lane
Starring-Tom Welling, Allison Mack, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Sam Jones III, Apples Jensens Ackles, Erica Durance; price: US$19.90
Studio: Warner Bros Video; Date: 2006 UPC: 1419826670 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; ** (Privately Owned, & played carefully only a fewTimes) *** SMALLVILLE. -The Complete Fifth Season Five / 5--(2005 Series = 22 Episodes; 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 925 Minutes ); Superman when he was Superboy; with Lex Luthor, Lana Lang & Lois Lane **** Starring-Tom Welling, Allison Mack, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Sam Jones III, ...


South Park-the Complete First Season --(1997-Comedy Central-Animated Cartoon Series / TV Episodes =3 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 310 Minutes); price: US$13.95
Studio: Warner Bros Video; Date: 2002 UPC: 0790771128 Description: CARTOON Cover! Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = Very Good to FINE; *** SOUTH PARK-The Complete First Season One / 1; --(1997-Comedy Central-Animated Cartoon Series / TV Episodes =3 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 310 Minutes) /// Description: >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show, >>> "'" ...
Star Trek Deep Space Nine--Ds9--Season One // the Complete First Season ( 1993; Science Fiction TV / Television Series = 19 Episodes on 5 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 908 Minutes)
Starring; Alexander Siddig, Andrew Robinson, Armin Shimerman, Avery Brooks, Cirroc Lofton, Colm Meaney, Marc Alaimo, Michael... price: US$24.90
Studio: PARAMOUNT VIACON VIDEO Date: 2003 Description: Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> DVD's Discs #1-5 = FN+, Nearly New; >>> SLIPCASE BOX = VG/FN; Complete episodes #1-20 included; *** DISC #6 (Special Features) is MISSING; All Episodes are still COMPLETE; Star Trek DEEP SPACE NINE--DS9--SEASON ONE // the Complete First SEASON / 1st / #1; ( 1993; Science Fiction TV / TELEVISION Series = 19 Episodes on 5 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 908 Minutes) >>> Starring; Alexander Siddig, Andrew Robinson, Armin Shimerman, Avery Brooks, Cirroc Lofton, Colm ...

Supernatural--the Complete First Season; ( 2005; Episodes; TV / Television Series = Contains All 22 Season Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 936 Minutes);
Starring; Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles; price: US$24.95
Studio: Warner Bros Video; Date: 2006 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** SUPERNATURAL--the Complete First SEASON / 1st / #1 / One; ( 2005; Episodes; TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 22 Season episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 936 Minutes); Starring; Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles >>> (NOT a ...

Survivor All-Star--the Complete Season = Outwit Outplay Outlast; ( 2004 TV / Television Series = 7 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 12 Hrs & 53 Minutes); >>> Produced By Mark Burnett & Charlie Parsons Produced By Mark Burnett & Charlie Parsons price: US$21.95
Studio: CASTLE ROCK Entertainment / SONY Pictures; Date: 2004 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. USED. >>> SLIPCASE BOX = FN+, Nearly New; >>> DVD's = FN+, Nearly New; SURVIVOR ALL-STAR--THE COMPLETE SEASON = OUTWIT OUTPLAY OUTLAST; ( 2004 TV / TELEVISION Series = 7 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 12 HRS & 53 Minutes); >>> Produced by Mark Burnett & Charlie Parsons. Description: Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show, >>> "(1) 15 All-Star spisodes plus 2 reunion specials; (2) Exclusive never-seen bonus footage from ...


S.W.A.T. - SWAT -- the Complete First SEASON ( Aaron Spelling ) -- One/ 1st / #1; ( 1975; TV Series = all 13 Season episodes on 3 Media/ Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 564 Minutes); - Steve Forrest, Robert Urich, Rod Perry, Mark Shera, James Coleman; /// SPECIAL FEATURES - Digitally Remastered Audio & Vidio; Episode Selections; Interactive Menus; Trailers; Description: "From producer Aaron Spelling comes one the the toughest, action-packed crime-fighting shows of them all: S.W.A.T. Spun off from 'The Rookies' and fueled by its signature hit theme song, S.W.A.T. chronicled the covert missions of the LAPD's Special Weapons And Tacties unit, an elite five-man force tacking situcations too dangerous for even the police to handle. The show introduced a new breed of hard-as -nails cops to audiences: Lt. Dan 'Hondo' Harrelson ((Steve Forrest) , Officer Jim Street (Robert Urich), Sgt. 'Deacon' Kay (Rod Perry), Officer Dominic Luca (Mark Shera), & Officer T.J. McCabe (James Coleman). Now remastered & on DVD for the first time, relive all those tense showdowns and standoffs during S.W.A.T.'s seasons, as that infamous black van rolls around the mean streets of L.A. delivering justice the hard way." >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in 2003 by Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 300 Grams; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD487; >> US$19.49;

SUPERMAN THE ANIMATED SERIES -- Volume One = 1st / First/ #1; (1996-2000 Animated CARTOON TELEVISION Series = 18 TV Episodes on 2 Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 396 Minutes)

>>> Commentary by; Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Alan Burnett, Dan Riba, & Glen Murakami.

Description: the Man of Steel gets a modern update in SUPERMAN THE ANIMATED SERIES. Clark Kent becomes Superman champion superhero for city of Metropolis.

Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in circa 2005 by Warner Video; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 200 Grams; >>> COVER = FN+, Nearly New; >>> USED= FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD-719; >> US$19.95

That '70s Show-Season One (1998-1999; 25 X TV Episodes / Video Film in 4 X DVD Disc Set);
Starring-Ashton Kutcher, Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Topher Grace; price: US$21.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2004
Description: Used. >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** **** THAT '70s SHOW-SEASON ONE (Complete First / 1st / #1; 1998-1999; 25 x TV Episodes / Video Film in 4 x DVD Disc Set); ** STARRING; Ashton Kutcher, Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Topher Grace; *** Stated Running Time = 575 Minutes; >>> ...
That '70s Show-Season One ; (1998-1999; 25 X TV Episodes / Video Film in 4 X DVD Disc Set);
Starring-Ashton Kutcher, Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Topher Grace; price: US$24.90

Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2004 Description: NEW, Factory Sealed Shrinkwrap. DVD TV Season BOX SET THAT '70s SHOW-SEASON ONE (Complete First / 1st / #1; 1998-1999; 25 x TV Episodes / Video Film in 4 x DVD Disc Set); ** STARRING; Ashton Kutcher, Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Topher Grace; *** Stated Running Time = 575 Minutes; >>> manufactured in USA in 2004 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment;
That '70s {70'S} Show-Season Two (1999-2000; 26 X TV Episodes / Video Film in 4 X DVD Disc Set);
Starring-Ashton Kutcher, Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Topher Grace; price: US$24.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2005 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** THAT '70s SHOW-SEASON TWO (Complete Second/ 2nd / #2; 1999-2000; 26 x TV Episodes / Video Film in 4 x DVD Disc Set); ** STARRING; Ashton Kutcher, Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Topher Grace; *** Stated Running Time = 598 Minutes; >>> ...
That '70s {70'S} Show-Season Three (2000-2001; 25 X TV Episodes / Video Film in 4 X DVD Disc Set; 575 Minutes);
Starring-Ashton Kutcher, Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Topher Grace; price: US$20.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2005 Description: PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's #1, 2, 4 = FINE+, Nearly New; Media/ DVD Disc #3 = VERY GOOD; *** (Privately Owned, & played carefully only a fewTimes) *** THAT '70s {70's} SHOW-SEASON THREE (Complete Three/ 3rd / Third/ #3; 2000-2001; 25 x TV Episodes / Video Film in 4 x DVD Disc Set; 575 minutes); ** STARRING; Ashton Kutcher, Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Topher Grace; *** Stated ...

THUNDERCATS -- SEASON One / First / Volume 1; ( 1980's Animated TV Cartoon / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 33 Season episodes on 6 Media/ Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 759 Minutes); With 3-D Cartoon Cover; /// Description: "A noble band of survivors from the peaceful world of Thunders bravely faces off against vicious mutants intent on destroying them. Make way for exotic creatures, mystrical powers and action-packed battles of good versus evil in the exciting saga of the Thundercats! Th These first-season adventures from Third Earth as their new Home and encounter alien beings galore - some friendly, some looking for a fight! And while they brave their strange surroundings, their young leader Lion-O struggles with his new responsibliities as head of their foundling civilization. Crash with these cats for over 12 hours of classic cartoon thrills!" >>> Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in USA in by Warner Bros. Entertainment; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Disc (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only once or twice, in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 450 Grams; >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ Disc = FN+, Nearly New; Inventory #DVD489; >> US$36.95;

24-Season Four (2005; 24 X TV Episodes / Video Film in 7 X DVD Disc Set);
Starring; Kiefer Sutherland, Arnold Vosloo, Carlos Bernard, Dennis Haysbert, Jonathan Ahdout, Jude Ciccolella, Louis Lombardi... price: US$28.95
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2005 Used. >>> Picture Cover = FN+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE to FN+, Nearly New; *** 24-SEASON FOUR (Complete 4th / #4 / Fourth; 2005; 24 x TV Episodes / Video Film in 7 x DVD Disc Set); ** STARRING; Kiefer Sutherland, Arnold Vosloo, Carlos Bernard, Dennis Haysbert, Jonathan Ahdout, Jude Ciccolella, Louis Lombardi, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Nestor Serrano, Reiko Aylesworth, Roger R. Cross, Shohreh Aghdashloo, William Devane; * ** Stated Running Time = 1052 Minutes; >>> Authentic 100% ...

24. -the Complete Fifth Season --(2006 Series / TV Episodes = 7 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 1048 Minutes DVD; Starring-Gregory Itzin, James Morrison, Jean Smart, Kiefer Sutherland, Kim Raver, Mary Lynn Rajskub); Starring-Gregory Itzin, James Morrison, Jean Smart, Kiefer Sutherland, Kim Raver, Mary Lynn Rajskub; price: US$26.95
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2006 PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** 24. -The Complete Fifth Season Five / 5; --2006 Series = 7 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 1048 Minutes DVD; Starring-Gregory Itzin, James Morrison, Jean Smart, Kiefer Sutherland, Kim Raver, Mary Lynn Rajskub); /// >> Exclusive special features ...
24. -the Complete Season Six--(2007 Series / TV Episodes = 7 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 1050 Minutes DVD);
Starring; Kiefer Sutherland, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Gregory Itzin, Db Woodside, William Devane price: US$25.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2007 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** 24. -The Complete Season Six---06 / 6 / Sixth--(2007 Series / TV Episodes = 7 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 1050 Minutes DVD); /// Description: >> Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show, >>> "'" ...

The Twilight Zone-the Complete Series (Season One/First/ #1 ) / Forest Whitaker ( 2003 Series; TV Series = Containing All 43 Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 16 Hours); Jessica Simpson, Usher, Molly Sims, Shannon Elizabeth, Method Man Host = Forest Whitaker / Starring; Jessica Simpson, Usher, Molly Sims, Shannon Elizabeth, Method Man, Jason Bateman price: US$31.90
Studio: New Line Home Entertainment; Date: 2004 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. NEW/In Factory Shrinkwrap. >>> NEW, Still in Factory SEALED the TWILIGHT ZONE-Season One ( the 2003 Series; TV Series = Containing all 43 Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 16 Hours); Host = Forest Whitaker / STARRING-Jessica Simpson, Usher, Molly Sims, Shannon Elizabeth, Method Man // Exclusive special features from the creative talents behind the show, "The spooky world of THE TWILIGHT ZONE first opened up to viewers in ...

TYRONE POWER COLLECTION (2007) = 5 DVD's in Slipcase Box Set = Captain from Castile (1947) Son of Fury (1942) The Black Rose (1950) Prince of Foxes (1949); Blood and Sand (1941); [ Cinema Classics Collection = Set of 5 Movies / Films in a Handsome Slipcase Box = 592 Minutes]

>>> Starring; TYRONE POWER, Jean Peters, Cesar Romero, Lee J. Cobb, Gene Tierney, George Sanders, Roddy McDowall, John Carradine, Orson Welles, Jack Hawkins, Linda Darnell, Rita Hayworth, Anthony Quinn; >> Produced by Darryl F. Zanuck;

>>> Description:; ***** "(1) Darryl F. Zanuck presents Captain from Castile (1947 141 mins starring Tyronne Power, Jean Peters, Cesar Romero, John Sutton, Lee J. Cobb, Antonio Moreno, Thomas Gomez); ***** (2) Son of Fury - the Story of Benjamin Blake (Produced by Darryl F. Zanuck) (1942; 98 mins.; Throne Power, Gene Tierney, George Sanders Frances Famers, Roddy McDowall, John Carradine Elsa Lanchaester); ***** (3) The Black Rose (1950; 121 mins.; Tyrone Power, Orson Welles, Cecile Aubry, Jack Hawkins); >>> (4) Prince of Foxes (1949, 107 mins.; Tyrone Power, Orson Welles, Wanda Hendrix, Marina Berti, Everett Sloane, Katina Paxinou, Felix Aylmer); ***** (5) Blood and Sand (1941, 125 mins.; Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell, Rita Hayworth, Nazimova, Anthony Quinn, J. Carrol Naish); *** Authentic 100% Genuine LEGAL Excellent Quality Example (NOT a Bootleg; NOT a cheap Foreign Import Knockoff) manufactured in 2007 in USA in by 20th Century Fox; >>> DVD Standard Format ; Region-1 NTSC Encoded (made to play ONLY on USA and CANADA Machines); >>> UN-MARKED, Privately Pre-Owned Set (NOT an Ex-Video Store copy), played only ONCE & in EXCELLENT Nearly New Condition; >>> SET WEIGHT = 450 Grams; >>> COVER = FN++, Like New; >>> USED = FN++, Like New; Inventory #DVD-754; >> US$49.00;

Weeds-Season Two (2006; 283 Minutes; TV Episodes / Video Film in 2 X DVD Disc Set); Starring-Elizabeth Perkins, Justin Kirk, Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco;
Starring-Elizabeth Perkins, Justin Kirk, Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco; price: US$21.90
Studio: Lion Gate Entertainment; Date: 2006 Description: PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. >>> Great Condition; Picture COVER = FINE+, Nearly New; (Privately Owned, & played carefully only a few Times) *** >>> Media/ Disc DVD = Very Good to FINE; *** WEEDS-SEASON TWO (#2 / second / 2nd Complete; 2006; 283 Minutes; TV Episodes / Video Film in 2 x DVD Disc Set); ** STARRING Elizabeth Perkins, Justin Kirk, Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco; *** Stated Running Time = 283 Minutes;
Weeds-Season Three; (2008; 388 Minutes; TV Episodes / Video Film in 3 DVD Disc Set);
Starring-Elizabeth Perkins, Justin Kirk, Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco; price: US$29.90
Studio: Lion Gate Entertainment; Date: 2008 PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. >>> Great Condition; Picture COVER = FINE+, Nearly New; (Privately Owned, & played carefully only a fewTimes) *** >>> Media/ Disc DVD = Very Good to FINE; *** WEEDS-SEASON THREE /#3 / Third / 3rd Complete; (2008; 388 Minutes; TV Episodes / Video Film in 3 DVD Disc Set); ** STARRING Elizabeth Perkins, Justin Kirk, Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco; *** Stated Running Time = 283 Minutes;

The Wire. -the Complete First Season --(2004 HBO Series / TV Episodes = 5 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 775 Minutes)
Starring-Dominic West, Hassan Johnson, Idris Elba, Lance Reddick, Michael K. Williams, Wood Harris ); price: US$39.90
Studio: HBO Home Entertainment; Date: 2004 UPC: 0783127928 PHOTO Cover From TV/Television Series. Used. DVD TV Season BOX SET >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** THE WIRE. -The Complete First Season One / 1; --2004 Series = 5 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 775 Minutes DVD; Starring-Dominic West, Hassan Johnson, Idris Elba, Lance Reddick, Michael K. Williams, Wood Harris );

The X-Files--the Complete First Season-- (1993-94; TV / Television Series = Contains All 24 Season Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 1089 Minutes);
Starring; David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson price: US$35.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2005 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** THE X FILES (X-Files)--the Complete First SEASON--One / 1st / #1 (1993-94; TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 24 Season episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 1089 Minutes); Starring; David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson Exclusive special features from ...
The X Files--the Complete Second Season--(1993-94; TV / Television Series = Contains All 25 Season Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 1124 Minutes);
Starring; David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson price: US$31.90

Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2005 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** THE X FILES (X-Files)--the Complete Second SEASON--Two / 2nd / #2 (1993-94; TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 25 Season episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 1124 Minutes); >>> Starring; David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson Exclusive special features ...
The X Files (X-Files)--the Complete Sixth Season (1998-99; TV / Television Series = Contains All 22 Season Episodes on 6 DVD Discs in This DVD Box Set; 991 Minutes);
Starring; David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson price: US$39.90
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Date: 2005 PHOTO Front & Back Covers From the TV Series. Used. >>> Slipcase BOX and Picture Covers = FINE+, Nearly New; >>> Media/ DVD Disc's = FINE+, Nearly New; (My personal set, NOT Sealed, but Purchased New & watched only Once) *** The X-FILES--the Complete Sixth SEASON Six/ 6th / #6 ( 1998-99; TV / TELEVISION Series = Contains all 22 Season episodes on 6 DVD Discs in this DVD BOX SET; 991 Minutes) Starring; David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson Exclusive special features from the creative ...


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>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
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Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986


Email; dsulipa@gmail.com

Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at;  1-204-392-6686

Website; www.dougcomicworld.com

ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com

SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;

ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;



Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

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Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

