(Assorted, DC Comics Related, MARVEL, Walt Disney); FOR SALE
(A) Assorted FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS, DIGESTS & Magazines (90% are French);
( B ) See our DC Comics Listing for our = DC Related FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS (90% are French) COMICS = Approx 500 Assorted issues IN STOCK
( C ) Listed on our MARVEL COMICS Site in Section (D) FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS (95% are French) COMICS (Approx 2000 in stock)
(D) WALT DISNEY FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS (French, Italy, Netherlands, etc); COMICS = Approx 500 Assorted issues IN STOCK
(E) See our ARCHIE COMICS Site Related FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS ( French); COMICS = Approx 700 Assorted issues IN STOCK
>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.
They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;
If you see items that interest you, PLEASE;
(1) REQUEST Condition, Price & Confirmation of availability;
(2) IMPORTANT; State PREFERRED Condition; (A) Highest Available Grade; (B) Middle Grade; (C) Lowest grade, cheapest copy;
(3) List up to a MAXIMUM of 30 items that interest you [Pulling, Grading & Pricing items from our GIANT Inventory in our 8000 Square
Foot warehouse, can be EXTREMELY Time Consuming; (So please; Try to send Serious Inquiries & START with your MOST WANTED Items)
IF you make a purchase from the Original 30 or Less item Quoted, we will be very HAPPY to Quote MORE items;
(4) SEND YOUR WANT LIST BY EMAIL to = (Our most efficient method of replying to Quotes);
OR, you can PHONE Us at = 1-204-346-3674 [ We usually CANNOT give an INSTANT & On the Spot Quote, thus EMAIL is usually better]
(5) Once we get your WANT LIST, based on our IN STOCK Inventory Lists, we will be VERY happy to respond with what is in stock,
As Soon As Possible; WE USUALLY REPLY to Inquires in 1-3 DAYS. (Bigger Requests & Time-Consuming Inquires, take longer to respond to);
NOTE; All Items Related to this Category ARE ALREADY LISTED = If you do NOT see it Listed, Then it is NOT in Stock;
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[ IF your Servers SPAM FILTER Blocks our EMAIL Reply, we can still then answer you by Snail Mail and/or Phone ];
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Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986
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TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686
To see our HOME PAGE (includes HUGE Inventory of about 160+ Categories of ITEMS IN STOCK);
>> The WORLD’S BIGGEST SELECTION, on the entire Internet, on MANY ITEMS;
Please GO TO =
(Assorted, DC Comics Related, MARVEL, Walt Disney);
(A) Assorted FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS, DIGESTS & Magazines (90% are French);
( B ) See our DC Comics Listing for our = DC Related FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS (90% are French) COMICS = Approx 500 Assorted issues IN STOCK (but NOT catalogued); = Send your (Serious) WANT LISTS;
( C ) Listed on our MARVEL COMICS Site in Section (D) FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS (95% are French) COMICS (Approx 2000 in stock)
(D) WALT DISNEY FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS (French, Italy, Netherlands, etc); COMICS = Approx 500 Assorted issues IN STOCK (but NOT catalogued); = Send your (Serious) WANT LISTS;
(E) ARCHIE Related FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS ( French); COMICS = Approx 700 Assorted issues IN STOCK (but NOT catalogued); = Send your (Serious) WANT LISTS;
(A) Assorted FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS, DIGESTS & Magazines (90% are French) COMICS;
AGENT SECRET X-13 DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B & W; 68 pages; WWII Espionage Adventures) -
#65(1963; La Grotte Maudite);
#82 (Le Tresor Grec);
#92 (Sous-Marin “Nourrice”);
#95 (Tonnerre Sur Les Sables),
#151 (1967; Le Train Des Condamnes),
#159 (L'oasis),
#210 (1968; La Derniere Course),
#218 (Requiem Pour Un Espion),
#219 (U-105 Ne Repond Plus),
#224 (Le Train De Berlin),
#233 (Le Plateau Des Glieres);
AGENT SPECIAL DIGEST (EDI Europ Pub.; French Language B and W; 64 pages; Spy Espionage) -
#18 (1967; Un Cri Dans La Nuit);
#69 (128 pages);
AGUILA SOLITARIA (Ediciones Latinoamercanas Pub.; Mexico; Western Story); #21 (1970; VG/FN = $8.00);
AKIM DIGEST (MON JOURNAL Pub/ Editions Aventures Et Voyages; French Language; Printed in Paris France, Sold in Europe, Canada, etc; B&W; 100 Pages; Jungle Action with Adventure and or Humor Back-up Stories); -
#25(1960; Sulky Le Gorille; FA/G = $10);
#43(Le Depart De Gunar; FA/G = $6);
#141(1965; L'Homme De Fer; VG/FN = $6);
#142(Ming La Folle; G/VG = $4);
#156(1/1966; La Vallee Des Fleurs Rouges; FN/VF = $8);
#157(Lutte Sans Merci; VG = $5);
#158 (Le Mysterieusx Sorcier; G/VG = $4);
#159(Lumiere Dans La Nuit; VG/FN = $6);
#161(Le Piege Se Referme; VG/FN = $6);
#168(Le Mystere Du Volcan Eteint; VG/FN = $6);
#181(January 15/1967; Le Defi; G = $3);
#190 (1967; Drole D'Histoire; FN/VF = $8);
#191(L'Affaire Se Corse; FN/VF = $8);
#195 (Lutte Sur La Falaise; VF = $9);
#196(Le Souterrain De La Mort; FN/VF = $8);
#198 (La Revolte Des Simiotis; FN/VF = $8);
#204(L'Imposteur; VG/FN = $5);
#205(Duel Dans Les Airs; FN/VF = $7);
#210(Le Sceptre De Zakanga; VG/FN = $5);
#211(La Vallee De La Mort; FN = $6);
#212 (Le Temple Des Ombres; VF = $8);
#214(Le Mur Invisible; FN/VF = $7);
#215(L'Ile Des Meduses; FN = $6);
#216 (La Flotte Du Seigneur-De-La-Jungle; VG/FN = $5);
#217(Matumbo, L'Homme – Leopard; VG/FN = $5);
#218(Matumbo, L'Homme – Leopard Part 2; VG = $4);
#219(Matumbo, L'Homme – Leopard Part 3; FN/VF = $7);
#221(Raganar Le Tigre Du engale; G/VG = $3);
#223(Drole De Corrida!; FN/VF = $7);
#224(Le Marecage; VG/FN = $5);
#226 (Piege Mortel; VG/FN = $5);
#231(Le Maitre Des Vautours; VF = $8);
#232 (Le Retour D'Akim; FN/VF = $7);
#235(Les Tambours De La Mort; VF = $8);
#236(1969; Les Canons De Soula; G = $3);
#244(La Fleche Diabolique; VG = $4);
#246 (Le Lac Aux Murenes; VG/FN = $5);
#248(La Fabuleuse Rangon; FN = $6);
#250(La Patrouille Oubliee; FN = $6);
#251 (Les Irreductibles; FN = $5);
#253(1970; Le Piege De Feu; FN/VF = $6);
#254(Le Retour Des Etrangleurs; G/VG = $3);
#255(La Mort En Face; FN = $5);
#256(La Mort Sur Foret; VG/FN = $4);
#257(Duel Merci!; G/VG = $3);
#258(Le Puits De La Bete; VG = $3.50);
#260(Le Trouisieme Voleur; FN = $5);
#261(6/1970; Le Remede Mortel; FN = $5);
#262(La Foret Des Lianes – Vampires; FN = $7);
#264(Seul Contre Tour; VG = $3.50);
#267(Ni Fleurs Ni Couronnes Pour Akim; FN = $5);
#268(Cinq Fleches Pour Akim; VG/FN = $4);
#269(1970; Le Grand Cirque; VF=$7; VG=$3.50);
#270(Les Chauves Souris Noires; FN/VF=$6; G/VG=$3);
#271(La Loi De La Jungle; VG/FN = $4);
#274(1/1971; Le Navire Qui Vole; VG = $3.50);
#277(La Loi De La Jungle; VG = $3.50);
#281(L'Artillerie De La Jungle A'La Rescousse; VG = $3.50);
#285(1971; Le Cirque Des Ombres Blanches; VG/FN = $4);
#288(Le Cargo De La Mort; FN = $5);
#289(L'Historique Exploit De Zig; FN = $5);
#291(September 15/1971; La Cavalerie De la Jungle; VG/FN = $4);
#293(Le Lac Fantome; G/VG = $3);
#294(Le Mystere De La Vallee Du Couchant; FN = $5);
#295(Une Montagne De Bananes Roses; VG/FN = $4);
#299(January 15/1972; Cette Chere Petite Kali; VG = $3.50);
#302(L'ile Des Esclaves; FN=$5; G=$2.50);
#303(Pique et Pique et Patapam; FN/VF = $6);
#304(1972; L'Homme A'La Cagoule Noire; VG = $4);
#305(Le Defi; G = $2.50);
#309(L'Ours Volant; VG/FN=$4; G/VG=$3);
#320(December 1/1972; Les Voleurs Volesw; VG/FN = $4);
#330(La Pyramide Verte; FN = $5);
#345(1973; Barbouze Partie; FN = $5);
#348(Les Demons Des Tenebres; Vampire Bats-c; FN = $5);
#355(1974; Le Cataclysme; VG = $3.50);
#356(1974; Une Certaine Sonia Ascot; FN = $5);
#368 (December 1/1974; Le Feu Eternel; VG/FN = $4);
AKIM-COLOR DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; Printed in Paris France, Sold in Europe, Canada, etc; FULL COLOR; Jungle Action With Adventure and or Humor Back-Up Stories; 100 Pages Including Covers);
#40(1971; L'Entreprise Heroique; G/VG = $3.50);
#43(Le Defi Des Aigles; FN/VF = $7);
#44(Attaque Nocturne; FN/VF = $7);
#45(Zig Mene Le Jeu; VG = $4);
#47(Le Tresor Des Pharaons; G/VG = $3.50);
#48(11/1971; L'Abdication De Bajan; VG = $4);
#51(2/1972; Le Pari De Bill Parkin; VG/FN = $5);
#65(1973; La Grande Idole; VG = $4);
#75(Le Secret De Monseigneur; VG/FN = $5);
#76(L'Etrange Passager De La Fusee; G = $3);
#80(1974; La Perilleuse Mission De Jim; VG/FN = $5);
#84(11/1974; Operation Piege; VG/FN = $5);
#86(La Panthere De Granit; VG/FN = $5);
#90(1975; La Foret Piegee; VG = $4);
ALIWAN KOMIKS MAGASIN (Graphic Arts Services Inc. Pub.; Manila: Color);#43 (1981; G/VG = $4.00);
AMIGO DIGEST (Transports Presse Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Compilation of Various Genres) - #26(1967); #30;
ANGELIQUE DIGEST – (Les Edition De Poche Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Adults Only – Nudity; Wenzel one page Cartoons throughout; one story only per book); -
#7 (Le Long Couteau );
ANOUK DIGEST – Jeunesse and Vacances Pub.; French Language; B&W; 168 Pages including covers; Compilation) - #35 (1971);
APACHES DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 166 pages including covers; Western; one main story of “Madok Le Temeraire” with Back-up Stories); -
#44 (1971; Freres Ennemis);
#45 (Le Mort Vivant);
#46 (Grand Raid au Fort Denver);
#47 (Le Supreme Combat);
#49 (La Grande Revolte);
ARCHIE DIGEST (Jeunesse and Vacances Pub.; French Language; B&W; 166 pages including Covers; Robot Hero Main Story with Back-up Stories) -
#14 (1971; Une Bataille... Electronique);
#17(Terreur en Arctique);
ARDAN (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; Adventure; B&W 36 pages);
#58 (1956; Tim L'Audace “Heureux Denouement”);
#76 (1958; Tim L'Audace “Le Crocodile Blanc”);
#79 (1958; Tim L'Audace “Bataille Pour L'or Noir”);
#81 (1958; Tim 'L'Audace “Aux Prises Avec Les Negriers”);
#89 (1959; Tim L'Audace “La Secte Secrete”);
AS DE COEUR DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 84 pages including covers; romance) -
#2 (1962; Entre L'Amour et La Violence);
ATOLL DIGEST (Jeunesse and Vacances Pub.; French Language; B&W; 100 pages including Covers; Robots Achie Main Story with Various Genres Back-up Stories) -
#14 (1968; aux Mains de L'Ennemi);
#43 (1970; un Fabulaux Traineau),
#46 (Le Mille Jayaux);
#47 (Drole de Safari!);
#48(le Tigre de Kirbu);
#50(un Film a Grand Spectacle);
#54(Plus Fort que la Magic);
#55(1971; et les Extraterrest Res);
#58(Contre la Marechaussee);
#60(Retour en Notre Siecle);
#62(1972; la Victoire Des Nordiques);
#63(L'ile Aux Mille Secrets);
#64 (La Jungle en Folie);
#65(une Bataille) Memorable);
#67(D'un Camp a L'autre);
ATOME KID DIGEST (Collection Cosmos Pub. ; Science Fiction; B&W; 132 pages including covers; french language); -
#4 (1971; Seul Contre Les “Robot”);
ATOMOS DIGEST (Comics Poctet Pub.; French Language; B&W; 196 pages; Horror Compliation; Adults only); -
#2 (1969; Madame Atomos Seme La Terreur);
#15 (La Tenebreuse Madama Atonoms);
AUDAX (Artima Pub.; French Language; Western; B&W; 36 pages);
#26 (1954; Bill Tornade “BILL ! Tout Va Recommencer...”);
#69 (1958; Chico Juarez “En Route Pour Mexico”);
#70 (1958; Chico Juarez “Rio Grande”);
#72 (1958; Chico Juarez “L'Heritage de Chico”);
#74 (1959; Chico Juarez “Paradis-City”);
#75 (1959; Chico Juarez “La Loi Du Plus Audacieux”);
#81 (1959; Chico Juarez “Le Tombeau D'un Bandit”);
#84 (1959; Chico Juarez “Le Secret du Colporteur”);
#96 (1960; Chico Juarez “Evasion Manquee”);
AUTOCHAT ET MIMIMOTO (Editions Williams France Pub.; French Language; Hanna-Barbera);
#3 (1973; “Diabolo le Magnifique);
AVENTURA (Organizacion Editorial Novaro Pub.; Mexico; Western);
#217 (1962; Bat Masterson);
#433 (1966; Rex Allen);
#459 (1966; El Deste Salvaje);
AVENTURAS DE ANICETO ((Sayrols de Publicaciones; Mexico; Humor); #345 (1974; VG/FN = $6.00);
AVENTURAS DE CAPULINA (Sayrols de Publicaciones; Mexice; Humor);
#562 (1973; “El Estrudioso” ; VG/FN = $6.00);
#712 (1976; “Fuera Compromisos !” ; FA/G = $3.00);
LES AVENTURES DU DOCTEUR DOLITTLE (Editions Williams France; French; Color 32 pages);
#4 (1973; “Avec L'Incorrigible Chichi”);
#6 (1973; “Avec les Aventures de Chichi”);
AVENTURES FICTION (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; Science Fiction);
#13 (1959; “Les Pecheurs de L'espace”);
#16 (1959; “Le Terrien Nain de Jupiter”);
AVENTURES FILM (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 36 pages; Western);
#20 (1953; “Le Dictateur de Santamala”);
#27 (1954; Tex-Bill “Trafic dans la Sierra”);
#32 (1954; Tex-Bill “Chasse aux Coupables”);
#41 (1955; Tex-Bill “Le Ranch des Esclaves”);
#42 (1955; Tex-Bill “L'Embuscade du Canyon Rouge”);
#46 (1956; Tex-Bill “La Revanche de Tex-Bill”);
#54 (1956; Tex-Bill “Le Ranch Perdu”);
#75 (1958; Tex-Bill “La Fete au Village”);
#79 (1959; Tex-Bill “La Piste Interdite”);
#87 (1959; Tex-Bill “La Passe du Diable”);
BACCARA DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Lanuage; B&W; 132 pages; Romace Compliation Photo Stories & Artwok Stories); -
#4 (1964; Photo Cover Couple on Beach);
BAGHERA LA PANTHERE NOIRE {Black Panther} (B&W COMICS DIGEST with Color Covers; ; Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 116 pages including covers; NUDITY in all including covers; Criminals, Crimes, Gangland, Mafia Themes; one story per issue; Strictly ADULTS ONLY; Most have Cents Price Stickers on Cover over European Prices); -
#9 (11/1977; Ramdame Chez les Vioques; GGA/ Good Girl Art; NUDE BLONDE Woman on Cover; Woman in Mask & Martial Arts story; Woman Masturbation panels; VG/FN = $12.00);
#17 (8/1978; Il S'en Faut D'un Poil! ; GGA/ Good Girl Art; BLONDE Woman in Swimsuit, One Breast revealed on Cover, about to push Man in Bondage with Brick into Ocean; Nude Woman in Shower Panels; Injury to the Eyes Panels; Lingerie & Sex panels; Woman Masturbation panels; Girl Fight panels; FN+ = $15.00);
#21 (12/1978; Il ne Tombe Pas Que Des Nefles! ; GGA/ Good Girl Art; Topless NUDE BLONDE Woman with Shotgun & Leather Boots on Cover; Masked Topless Girl with Whip & Nude Girl Gang storyline; Girl in Bondage panels; Decapitated Man’s Head panels; Lesbians Kissing panel; Man Hanged to Death panels; FN = $12.00);
#24 (3/1979; Massacre a Indianapolis; GGA/ Good Girl Art; Topless NUDE BLONDE Woman in Lingerie at Car Racing Track on Cover; Masquerade Party, Car Racing, Sex & Nudity; FN = $12.00);
BANGA L'AS DE LA JUNGLE DIGEST (Editions des Remparts Pub.; French Language; B&W; 96 pages; Western & Jungle Stories);
#20(La Royaute Supreme);
#23(Une Expedition Dangereuse);
#28(Terrible Menace);
#30(1964; La Proie Tombee Du Ciel);
#32(Feux D'Artifice);
#34(Le Pont Sur L'Abime);
#56(1966; L'Horreur Tombee du Ciel...);
#60(Les Chercheurs de Diamants);
BANGA TOUT EN COULEURS DIGEST (Editions des Remparts Pub.; French Language; Color; 68 pages including covers; Western & Jungle Stories); -
#6(1968; De L'or Dans Les Buissons);
BANKO (Editions des Remparts Pub.; French Language; B&W; 36 pages Western);
#11 (1956; “La Salamandre D'Or”);
#24 (1957; “L'Enfer de L'Or”);
#26 (1957; “L'Etoile du Sheriff”);
#28 (1957; “Le Fleuve Infernal”);
#29 (1958; “Le Mustang Noir”);
#30 (1958; “La Lune de Sang”);
BARACUDA DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 128 pages; Espionage Pub.; one complete story entire issue); -
#4(1968; L'Heure “H”);;
#7(Rayon Laser);
BATTLER BRITTON DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 64 Pages; WWII Stories; One Story complete each issue); -
#86 (1963; Objestif Manique);
#172(1966; Le Tunnel Des Sables);
#208 (Le Talisman);
#253(1970; Sans Controle);
BEEP BEEP ROAD RUNNER (Editions Heritage Pub.; French Language; 32 pages);
#1 (1977); #4 (1977);
BENGALI AKIM SPECIAL DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 162 Pages; Jungle Action First Story; Various Back-up Stories); -
#44(1971; L'Anneau du Pouvoir);
#54(Les Demons Des Profondeurs);
BENJIE (Williams France Pub.; French LanguageColor; 32 Pages; Humor);
#3 (1973; “Adherez au Benjie-Club”);
#5 (1973; “Bricolez vos Gadgets avec Benjie !”);
BESSIE (Semic Press; Stockholm; Swedish; B&W; 32 pages Including Covers; Western);
#11 (1974; “Bessie & Banditerna”);
BIG BOSS DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 68 pages including Covers; Science Ficiton Compilation; First Story Title Listed); -
#65(1962; Les Etrangers Qui Me Compromettaient);
BIG BOSS DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Science Fiction Compilation; first story title listed) -
#3(1967; Les Pinces de la Mer);
#7(Les Disparus de L'Espace);
#8(Le Tunnel Spatial);
#17(La Dame de la Lune);
BIG BOY DIGEST (Artima Puib.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Espionage; Western; Science Ficiton Compilation; First Story title listed); -
#7(1957;; Une Etrange Chasse a L'HOmme);
#9(J'ai Ete un Super-Flic);
#13(J'ai Voyage a L'interieur de la Terre);
#16(Le Zoo Human);
#19(1958; L'Homme Dragon);
BILL TORNADE DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Western Story compilation); -
#48(1964; I'Enlevement de Bob Garrett);
#79(1968; Le Fantome a L'ace);
BILLY BIS DIGEST (Jeunesse et Vacances Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 100 pages including covers; Western, Espionage Compilation); -
#2(1972; Un Parfum Revelateur);
BISON NOIR AJAX (Editions M.C.L. Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 100 pages including covers; Fantasy, Western Compilation); -
#5(1970); Ajax);
BLEK {Les Albums de GRAND...} Comics DIGEST (Editions LUG / L.U.G. Pub.; FULL COLOR; French Language; Printed in Lyon France, Sold in Europe, Canada, etc; B&W & Color; 68 Pages including covers; Western, American Frontier; ** The main chartacter Blek le Roc, is a comics character fighting in American independence war, created in Italy by the studio EsseGesse consisted of Giovanni Sinchetto, Dario Guzzon and Pietro Sartoris in 1954 for the Italian publisher Dardo; Lug published the whole adventures of Blek in France; BIGNOT Painted Cover on Most);
#181(1/1971; VG $4); #183(VG $4); #184(VG/FN $5); #185(VG/FN $5); #186(VG $4); #187(VG $4); #188(VG $4); #189(VG/FN $5); #190(VG/FN $5); #191(6/1971; VG/FN $5); #192(VG/FN $5); #193(VG $4); #194(VG/FN $5); #195(VG $4); #245(9/1973; VG/FN $5); #246(VG $4); #247(FN $6); #248(FN $6); #249(FN $6); #250(12/1973; FN $5); #254(FN $5); #256(FN/VF $6); #257(FN/VF $6); #259(FN $5); #260(FN/VF $6); #261(5/1974; FN $5); #265(FN/VF $6); #266(VG $4); #267(FN/VF $6); #272(11/1974; FN/VF $6); #275(FN $5); #279(2/1975; FN $5);
BLONDIE (Semic Pub. Stockholm; Swedish; 52 pages Including Covers);
#5 (1974);
BLONDIE & CO. (Semic Pub. Stockholm; Swedish; 48 pages);
#3 (1973);
BLONDINETTE (Editions Heritage Pub.; French Language; B&W);
#2 (1968); #3; 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14(1970). 16, 18, 21, 27/28(1972), 37/38(1978), 39/40, Comicorara #1065 (Issues #5,7,9,10);
BOB COLT (Editions Des Remparts; French Language; B&W; Western);
#5 (1958; “La Revanche du Peau-Rouge”);
BONANZA GEANT (Societe Anonyme Generale D'Editions; French Language; 84 pages Including Covers; Television Western);
#32 (1968); #35 (1969);
BON APPETIT ! (Editions Scaramouche; French Language; B&W);
#NN (1992);
BORIS KARLOFF CONTES MYSTERIEUX (Gold Key Pub.; French Language; B&W);
#40 (1972), #41(1972), #46 (1973);
BRACCIO DI FERRO DIGEST (Grafica Editoriale Metro Pub. (Italian Language Color Comics; 68 pages including covers; Popeye & Puzzles, Games) -
#23(1975; La Piu Bella Del Far-West; Popeye in Plane Cover);
BRIK DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages changes to 164 pages; #152 and on; pirates, western, espionage, science fiction, compilation; First Story title listed); -
#119(1970; La Baie Des Requins);
#135(La Fille Des Bohemins);
#152(1971; Fishboy S.O.S. Au Fond Des Eaux);
#153 (Fishboy le Monstre de Fer);
#154(Fishboy L'Homme Noir);
#155(Fishboyles Grottes De la Mort);
#156 (Fishboy);
#158(Fishboy le Plongeon vers L'inconnu!);
BRIK DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 164 Pages including covers; Pirates, Fantasy, Adventure Compilation); -
#162(1973; Fishboy Toujours plus Fort);
#165 (Fishboy la Princess Maudite);
BRISEBOIS ET COMPAGNIE Editions Heritage Pub.; French Language; B&W; Humor);
#2 (1976);
BRONCO DIGEST (Intergrafica Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 128 pages; western; Jungle Action; Espionage; Compilations); -
#30(1967; Corswak un Bateau Disparait);
#32(Corsak L'Orang-Outang Blanc);
#34 (Corsak La Princesse Kalia);
#36(Corsak Le Chasseur de Primes);
#37(Corsak Baaille em Mer);
#40(1968; Jed Puma le Chacal de Little Rock);
#41(Jed puma Les Trafiquants D'armes);
#45(Fargo Jim la Fin de Pablo),
#46(1969; Fargo Jim Piste Tragique);
#54(Rama L'Apache);
#55(Rama L'Apache),
#56(Flag des Neiges);
BUCK JOHN DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 64 pages; Western Compilation) -
#155 Le Canon De Leslie,
#343 Compagnies Rivales);
#392 (le Fanfaron);
BUFFALO (Semic Pub. Stockholm; Swedish; B&W; 52 pages Including Covers; Western);
#12 (1974; “Buffalo Bill och Hasttjuvarna”);
BUFFALO BILL (MACC Division Historietas; Mexican; Color; Western);
#12 (1974; “Trampa Para Cheyenne Ben” ; VG/FN = $8.00);
BUGS BUNNY (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W);
#3 (1975), 4, 6, 23 (1980), 25;
BUG'S BUNNY DIGEST (Diffusion Rabelais Pub.; French Language;; color & B&W; 98 pages; Various Looney Tune & Warner Borhters Cartoon Characters) -
#57(1961;p Porty Pig Cover; Bunny Perd La Boule);
BUSTER (Semic Pub. Stockholm; Swedish; B&W; 52 pages Including Covers; Humor);
#21 (1974; “Antligen ! En Ishockey-Serie”);
CALIMERO (Editions Williams France Pub.; French Language; Color; Humor);
#5 (1973; “Calimero et ses Amis dans de Nouvelles Aventures”);
CANYON DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Western, War, Compilatons ); -
#5(1968; Le Federe);
#13(Les Bandits de la Frontiere);
#16(Le Dresseur de Chevaux);
#19(1970; les Rivaur de Santa Cruz);
#25(Le Faux Coupable);
CAPITAINE COURAGE DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Science Ficiton; War; Espionage; Western; Compilations) -
#11(1967; La Tyerre Des Mille Feur);
#13(La Montagne Qui Bouge);
#22(1969; Le Tremblement De Terre);
#25(La Tempete);
#28(Combat Dans L'Arene);
CAPTAIN ACTION (Aredit Pub.; French Language; Color ; Pop Magazine);
#2 (1971);
CAP'TAIN SWING! DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Western and Puma Noir Strories in All) -
#57 (1971; La Mort aux Portes de Green Falls);
#59(le Massacre de Wata-Wata);
#61(Le Disparu de San Juan);
#63(La Sorciere D'Endor);
#64(L'Assassin Mysterieux);
#67(1972; le Diabolique Lord Charles);
#70(La Tragedie de L'Avant-Poste No.7);
#77(La Canaille des Canaille); #78(Le Fils Du Pendu);
#81(1973; La Mort Dans L'Ombre);
#83(Le Tsar Des Caraibes);
#85(Ni Fleurs Ni Couronnes);
#94(1974; La Veuve);
CARABINA SLIM DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 132 pages inlcuding covers; Western; Action; Adventure; Sports) -
#49(1971; Les Angel de la Mort);
#58(Duels Dans la Nuit);
CARRE VERT DIGEST (Editions Belle France Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 96 pages; Adults Only; Nudity-Sexual Context) -
#6(Miss Amour-Curtis et Miss... Amour);
CASPER, LE GENTIL FANTOME (Editions Heritage; French Language; 32 pages Color);
#2 1978); #4
CATHY DIGEST (Collection Primevere/ Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 100 pages including covers; Young Girl Action Adventure) -
#112(1972; Le Cxavalier Mysterieux);
#117(Le Totem Pourpre);
C'EST CA, LA VIE ! (Editions Scaramouche Pub.; French Language; B&W; Humor);
#NN (1992);
CHARLOT (Editions Williams France; French Language; Color; Humor);
#4 (1973), #7 (1973);
LE CHAT FELIX (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W; Humor);
#2 (1975), 6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 35 (1978);
CHERI (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W; Romance Stories);
#9 (1970), #10;
CHERIE DIGEST (Aredit Pub; French Language;; B&W; 132 Pages Including Covers; Romance Stories); -
#16(1970; Baby Jane a Disparu);
CHEYENNE KID (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W; Western);
#9 (1969; “Coeur-De-Fer Doit Mourir !”); #14 (1970);
#1035 Comicorama (Issues #6,7,10,12);
CHEYENNE KID (Editions PS/Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W; Western);
#1 (1969); #3;
CHEYENNE KID (Les Productions Sword In Stone; French Language; B&W; Western);
#1 (1989); #2
CHOC DIGEST (Artima Digest; French Language;; B&W; 68 pages including Covers; War, Misc.; Back-up Stories) -
#40(1963; Le Soldat Inconnu);
#57(1964; Le Saboteur du Week-end);
CINE FLASH DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Romance Stories) -
#47(1974; La Seduisante Juliette en Voyage);
CLAPOTIS DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 100 pages including covers; Young Girl Adventure Stories) -
#11(1966; La Bonne Formula);
#13(Le Grand Jour);
#14(Gigi Sur La Planete Lore);
#15(La Destinee De Marie Blanche);
#26(1967; Le Pommier De Nella);
#27(Puck Detective);
#28(Puck Face a L'Aventure);
#29(Puck Continue...);
#34(Puck et le Leopard);
#35(Egeborg en Peril!);
#36(1968; Puck Fait du Cinema);
#37(Titabou au Mas Des Flamants Roses);
#38(Titabou au Mas Des Flamants Roses Part 2);
#39 Puck Retrouve Son Pere);
#44(Pauvre Puck!);
#79(1972; L'orchidee Bleue);
#84(Mary et le Radjah); #Special 132 pages(1968; Titabou Joue Aux Pirates);
COMMANDO DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 68 pages including covers; War; One Complet Story most issues, Some with Various Back-up Stories); -
#71(1964; Arme Secrete);
#74(Prisonniers des Touaregs);
#86(1965; Le Naufrage);
#127(1967; Mission en Laponie);
#144(un Homme Insaisissable);
#146(Une Nuit Dramatique);
#166(1969; Le Solday Inconnu);
#177(Le Tabk Hante);
COMMANDO 5 (Les Productions Sword In Stone Pub.; French Language; B&W; Action);
#1 (1989); #2 (1990);
CONTES FEEROTIQUES DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 116 Pages including covers; Adults Only-Nudity, Lesbians; GGA; Beastiality) -
#27(1977; La Grosse Bertha);
CONTES LIBERTINS DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 212 pages inlcuding covers; Adults Only; Voilence; Action; Adventure) -
#3(Nude Cover; No Nudity inside; Les Escrocs);
CONTES MALICIEUX DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 124 pages; Adults Only; Nudity in all Most with Nude GGA Covers; Erotic Fantasy Set in the age of Chivalry); -
#1(1974; Blanche-Neige); #3(Les Horreurs du Marais);
#4(Serpent a Minettes);
#5(Enlevee par le Centaure);
#6(La De Couverte de L'Amour);
#7(Le Coeur du Roi Kurt);
#8(1975; Requiem Pour Les Nains);
#9(Trente Centimetres et le Pouce!);
#10(L'Enfant De L'Amour);
#11(Le Retour de Belinda);
#12(Le Chatiment de Naga);
#13(Abalcu L'Alchimiste);
#16(Le Sacrifice De Blanche-Neige);
#39(1977; L'art et le Maniere de S'en Servir);
#70(1980; Loup, Y es Tu?);
CONTES SATYRIQUES DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 226 pages; Adults Only – Nudity, Sexuality, Erotic Fantasy; Set in Age of Chivalry) -
#32(1977; Les Dossiers du Mecreant; Nude Cover);
CONTES X DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 212 pages including covers; Action Adventure) -
#4 (Menage A Trois; Nude Cover);
#11(Pardon; Papa!; Nude Cover);
COPLAN DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 164 Pages; Action Adventure) -
#9(1971; Attaque Invisibile);
CORAIL DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Romance Compilation) -
#31(1969; La Delinquante);
#48(L'Amour Viendra; Photo Cover);
COSMOS DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Science Fiction) -
#3(Mytho Planete Fabuleuse; 1968);
DAGO DIGEST (Intergratica Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 128 pages; Western with Various Back-Up Stories) -
#7(1965; Cent Dago Plus Un!);
DAKOTA DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 48 Pages; Western with Back-UP Story) -
#23(Tony Sheriff “La Fleche Brisee”);
#35(Barry La Foudre; 68 Pages);
DANIEL BOONE (Editions Des Remparts; French Language; Color; TV Western);
#2 (1973; Photo Back Cover);
DANIEL EL TRAVIESO (DENNIS THE MENACE) DIGEST (Hall Syndicate Inc. Pub.; Spanish Language Color; 32 pages; Mini Comic; 5 ¼ x 3 ½ inches) -
#2(1975; El Senor Wilson Se Refresca);
DARNA KOMIKS (Atlas Pub. Co. Inc.; Printed in the Philippines; Color); #802 (1984; Writing on cover; G/VG = $4.00);
DAUPHIN NOIR DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 68 Pages including covers; Swachbucklers with War, Western Buck-up Stories); -
#9(1969; Le Grand Plongeon);
#11(La Fin D'Itikula);
#13(Une Aide Inattendue);
#23(1970; Dauphin Noir S'en Va...);
DENNIS (DENNIS THE MENACE) (Semic Pub. Stockholm; Swedish; Color; Humor);
#10 (1974);
DENNIS & CO. (DENNIS THE MENACE) (Semic Pub. Stockholm; Swedish; Color 48 pages; Humor);
#3 (1974);
DENNIS LA MALICE (DENNIS THE MENACE) (Transports Presse; French Language; Color; Humor);
#44 (1970); 45, 47, 48, 50, 57 (1972), 58, 60, 65 (1973), 72;
DENNIS LA MALICE (DENNIS THE MENACE) DIGEST (Editions de L'Occidnet Pub.; French Language; Color & B&W; 132 Pages; Monstly Dennis with Various Back-up Storis) -
#30(1976; Chantons, Chantons Noel!);
#38(Une Crise D'Ecolite!);
DIABOLIK DIGEST (Astorina Pub.; Italian Language; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Espionage/ Adventure/ Masked Avenger) –
Volume 12 #1(1972; Il Crimine Non Ha Confini);
Volume 26 #7(1987; Schiava Della Droga);
Volume 26#8(Stessa Sorte Per 1 Due Avversari);
#217(Tragico Equivoco);
#218(Invincible Crimnale);
DIABOLIK DIGEST (Editions de L'Occident; French Language;; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Espionage/ Adventure/ Masked Avenger) -
#56(1974; Derriere la Porte Close);
DICK & DOOF (Williams Pub.; Swedish; Color with Bozo the Clown back-up Story);
#137 (1973); #151,#161;
DJINGA JUNGLE DIGEST (Tele-Serie Pub ; French Language;; B&W; 96 pages; Jungle Action with Science Fiction Back-up Story) –
#37 (1966; La Piste du Sel);
DOMINGOS ALEGRES (Revista Aprobada Pub.; Mexican; Color; Dell Comics Western);
#259 (1959; “Castorcito” ; Cover from Little Beaver Four Color #612; FN/VF = $12.00);
#442 (1962; Cover from Laramie Four Color #1223; G/VG = $10.00);
DUEL DIGEST (Les Editions de Poche Pub.; French Language;Photo Panel Comic; 196 Pages including Covers; with Nude Models Sections) -
#8(1970; L'Inutile Sacrifice);
DYNAMIC TONI-CYCLONE (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; Action Stories);
#26 (1954; “Le Mystere des Avions Perdus”);
#70 (1958; “A Nous, La Liberte !”);
#76 (1959; “Prisonniers de la Jungle”);
EF POPCOMIX DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub. ; French Language;; B&W; 116 pages including covers; Adults only; nudity in all an dmost covers; GGA; Various Genres Erotica) -
#21(1977; Jean Nedeux... Comme Papa);
#25(Magne-Toi L'Pot!);
#29(L'Avoir Occulte);
#30(Loubar's Trio);
#32(Les Barboseux);
#35(1979; A Tue et a Toi);
EL CONEJO DE LA SUERTE (Revista Aprobada; Mexican; Color; Warner Bros. Cartoons);
#328 (1970); #457 (1975); #3-31 (1978);
EL GUERRERO DEL ANTIFAZ (Edival S.A.; Spanish; Color; Fantasy);
#NN (1977);
El Hombre Enmascarado; {Lee Falk's the Phantom} (Editions Vertice; Barcelona, Spain; Spanish Language B&W Comic);
#41 (1974; 44 pages, VG $9);
EL LLANERO SOLITARIO (Revista Aprobada; Mexican; Color; Gold Key “Lone Ranger”);
#166 (1967); ##333 (1975);
ELVIFRANCE EF DIGEST (Editions Elvifrance Pub.; Paris, France; FRENCH Language; BANDE DESSINEE ADULTE; B&W; Various Genres; strictly Adults Only);
*** La Colomnie (Thriller; Nudity);
*** Controle Total (Science Fiction; Nudity);
*** Le Crane Qui Rit (Horror; Nudity);
*** La Croqueuse de Diamants (Fantasy; Nudity; Nude Cover);
*** Le Dernier Tango a San Francisco (Thriller; Nudity);
*** Epidemie Meurtrier (Horror; Nudity; Nude Cover with Zombie);
*** Le Gang des Marseillais (Thriller; Nudity; Nude Cover);
*** Laisse Beton (Thriller; Nudity);
*** L'Heresie (Horror; Nudity; Nude Cover);
*** L'Homme Qui Vient Des Tenebres (Horror; Nudity; Nude Cover);
*** L'Ombre De Dieeu (Horror; Nudity);
*** Moricaho L'Indien Blond (Horror; Nudity);
*** Mourir Pour L'art (Horror; Nudity; Nude Cover);
*** Les Mystere Des Tetes Coupees (Horror; Nudity);
*** Noel De Sang (Horrorl Nudity);
*** Par Amour De La Mort (Thriller; Nudity; Nude Cover);
*** La Politique De L'Autruche (Thriller; Nudity);
*** La Resurrection du Golem (Horror; Nudity);
*** Une Nuit au Cimetiere (Horror; Nudity);
*** Votez Pour Lewis! (Thriller; Nudity);
ELVIFRANCE EF N.M.P.P. DIGEST (Editions Elvifrance Pub.; Paris, France; 1976-1987 Era; FRENCH Language B&W COMICS in DIGEST Format, often translations from Italian Comics; BANDE DESSINEE ADULTE; B&W; 192-228 pages including covers; Various Genres; strictly Adults Only; Average Weight for Postage = 125 Grams each);
*** LES AVENTURES DE GIACOMO CASANOVA (Satires #8; 9/1979; Historical Erotica; Nudity; Nude Cover; 228 pages; FN = $12);
*** Les Amants Tragiques (#43; Historical Fantasy Horror; Nudity; Bloody Sword thru Nude Man & Woman-c; 228 pages; VG/FN = $12);
*** Les Anges Existent (#78; Thriller; Nudity; 196 Pages; FN/VF = $12);
*** Anu Fil D'Une Legende (#88; Fantasy; Nudity; Undesea NUDE Man & Woman with Fins & Green Hair Cover; 196 Pages; VG = $12);
*** Bergerade (#4; Thriller; Nudity; Sexy Blonde Woman in Panties & Torn shirt BONDAGE Rope around Neck on all Fours, with suggestive Foreign Man having Sex with Sheep from behind LURID Cover; 228 Pages; FN/VF = $20);
*** Le Bourreau de Bronze (#60; Historical; Nudity; Blonde Woman in BONDAGE in Chains in Dungeon, Men with WHIP and Axe LURID GGA / Good Girl Cover; 212 Pages; 1/4" piece torn off bottom edge of page 207/208 mostly in border, rest is VG/FN = $13);
*** Cauchemar en Coree (#64; War; Nudity; Soldiers in Battle & Nude Woman kissing Man Cover; 212 Pages; FN/VF = $14);
*** Cauchemar Sur L'Arizona (#42; Science Fiction Horror UFO Alien Monsters; Nudity; Nude Woman threatened by Aliens in Desert GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 228 Pages; VG = $16);
*** Ce Cher Papa! (#7; Crime Thriller; Nudity; Nude Cover; 228 Pages; FN = $12);
*** Les Cercueils Flottants (#31; Thriller; Nudity; 212 Pages; Tractors in Action-c; G/VG = $8);
*** Les Chats (#125; Thriller Escaped Convict; Nudity; 192 Pages; Convict manhandling Busty Blonde Girl in torn Clothing-c; Bondage & Torture Panels inside; FN = $15);
*** Diagnostic Infaillible (Satires #61; Thriller; Nudity; Two Topless Nude Nurses & HYPO Needle Lurid GGA / Good Girl Art cover; LESBIANS Panels; Indians app; VG/FN = $16);
*** La Divine Comedie (Satires #2; 12/1978; Historical Adult Fantasy Fairy Tale; Nudity; Devils/Demons & 4 Nude Women Wild GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 228 Pages; FN = $18);
*** Elle Etait Pourtant Riche... (#14; Thriller; Nudity; Terrified Blonde Girl falling off Bridge as LEGS show when Dress lifts in Wind-c; 228 Pages; VG/FN = $12);
*** En dodo... Majeur (#9; Romance & Symphony Musician; Nudity; Nude Woman in bed, with LEGS, Stocking & Garder Belt GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 100 Pages; VG/FN = $12);
*** Enigme Temporelle (#122; Science Fiction-s with Time Machine & Aliens; Nudity; Nude BONDAGE Cover of Woman Chained to Wall, while a Man Gropes another Topless Woman's Breasts LURID GGA / Good Girl Art cover; BONDAGE and TORTURE Panels; 192 Pages; FN = $19);
*** La Fabrique D'Emotions (#140; 1987; Science Ficiton; Nudity; Screaming NUDE Woman in BONDAGE in Computer Room threatened by Man in Skeleton Costume LURID GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 160 Pages; VG = $14);
*** Faut Pas Abuser! (#93; 1986; 3 x Thriller stories; Nudity; Graphic Sex; approx 192 Pages; VG/FN = $10);
*** Le Geneur (#9; Thriller; Nudity; Nude Topless Woman & Man with Gun to his Head Cover; 228 Pages; VG/FN = $12);
*** Le Grand Maxudian (#44; Circus Horror; Nudity; Nude Topless Woman & Acrobat with Knives cover; Bondage & Lesbians panels; 228 Pages; FN = $14);
*** La Grotte Aux Totems (#133; 1986; Science Fiction; Nudity, BONDAGE, Torture & items in Anus Panels; NUDE Blonde Woman in BONDAGE to Totem Pole, as Indian Woman is about to shoot Bow & Arrrow GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 196 Pages; FN = $18);
*** Homo Erectus (#27; 1985; 2 stories = Adventure & Historical; Nudity; Apeman in Bondage & Woman's Breast exposed cover; Woman Burned Alive at Stake panels; Bondage panels; 196 Pages; FN = $14);
*** Les Jouets Vivants (#68; 3 x Science Fiction & Horror stories; Nudity; Bondage panels; Hanging Panel; Shrunken Girl in Pinball machine-c/s; 212 Pages; FN = $14);
*** Les Jumeaux D'Argolide (#120; Ancient Greece Historical-s; Graphic Sex & Nudity; Gladiators; Orgy panels; Violent with Decapitation panels; Conjoined Nude Men in BONDAGE being Whipped with Welts by Topless Sexy Woman Superb LURID GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 192 Pages; VG/FN = $20);
*** L'Americain (#122; 1986; 19th Century Middle East Adventure; Nudity; 10+ pages of Woman in Bondage getting Whipped & Tortured; Man's hands on Woman's Nude Butt, as she make love to Man underneath cover 192 Pages; VG = $15);
*** L'Enfer Des Reves Interdits (#57; Science Fiction; Nudity; Blonde Woman in Lingerie dreaming Fantasy Dream Wild GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 228 Pages; G/VG = $12);
*** L'Espion Qui Fait Boum! (#60; 1985; 2 stories - Thriller & Horror; Nudity; Man in Bondage Cove, as Woman in Lingerie approaches; Female & Male Werewolves story; 192 Pages; G/VG = $12);
*** Le Loup Noir (#54; Horror; Nudity; Nude Woman in BONDAGE cover with WEREWOLF GGA / Good Girl Art cover; Werewolf-s; 228 Pages; VG/FN = $14);
*** L'Ultime Victoire (#85; Thriller; Nudity; sexy Woman in LINGERIE with Breasts showing kills Man with Gun GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 196 Pages; near FN = $12);
*** La Machine a Rever (#39; Thriller; Nudity; 4 pages of Nude Homosexual Gay Men in Bed; Scientist Looks under dress of sleeping Girl in Bondage with Lingerie & Breasts showing GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 192 Pages; VG = $14);
*** Le Marais de L'Horreur (#56; 2 x Zombies Horror stories; Nudity; Zombies-c; 228 Pages; Page 3-4 is Missing, rest is overall VG, but 1" x 1" piece missing off upper right cover thus G = $6)
*** Mort Instantanee (#62; Horror; Nudity; 212 Pages; Sexy Blonde Woman whose reflection shows a Skelton-c; FN=$14; G/VG = $9);
*** On Meurt Dans Le Rue (#1; Thriller; Nudity; 228 Pages; VG/FN=$14; VG=$12);
*** Le Parrain Se Venge (#61; Thriller; Nudity; Woman in LINGERIE & Bank Robbery-c; 212 Pages; VG = $10);
*** Pour Vaincre Les Snokors (#120; Science Fiction/Horror; Nudity; Scared Sexy Blonde Girl in Torn Dress & Claw Hand of Creature GGA / Good Girl Art cover; Grl has Sex with Hairy Ape-Like Alien creature pages; 196 Pages; FN = $18);
*** Resignation (#99; Western Horror; Nudity; Topless Nude Blonde Girl & Decapitated Girtls Head trampled by Horse LURID Cover; Pitchfork thru Chest & Violence panels; 196 Pages; VG/FN = $15);
*** La Retraite Des Cadres (Satires #13; Historical Fantasy Adult Fairy Tale; Nudity; Nude Lesbians Pages; NUDE Woman in BONDAGE Chains, Knight & Monster GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 212 Pages; FN = $18);
*** La Revanche Des Sioux (#119; Science Fiction & Indians Western; Nudity; Robot, with Indian Chief attacking Woman in Torn Clothing GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 192 Pages; FN+ = $16);
*** Rouge Sang (#79; Thriller; Nudity; Woman's Mouth & LIPS & Skull Lipstick cover; 196 Pages; VG/FN = $12);
*** Sans Dessus Dessous (#19; Thriller; Nudity; Topless Nude Cover Women in Lingerie Fighting GGA / Good Girl Art cover; Women Karate Women Fighting pages; 196 Pages; VG = $14);
*** Le Scoope (#101; Thriller; Nudity; Sexy Nude Woman Posing for Camera Cover; Boys with Nude Girls in Showers panels; 196 Pages; overall VG/FN, but with Hole punched thru book at upper Right Corner, thus call it G/VG = $10);
*** S.O.S. Terre an 3479 (#81; Science Fiction; Nudity; Terrified Girl in LINGERIE abducted in Spacehip by Aliens GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 196 Pages; FN = $16);
*** Le Tresor du Pharaon (#36; 1985; Aztec Horror adventure; Nudity; Woman in Bikini-c; 196 Pages; G/VG = $10);
*** Tristan et Iseut (#57; Historical Fantasy; Nudity; Sexy Blonde Woman in see-thru Dress & Man fighting 2-Headed Dragon GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 228 Pages; VG/FN = $14);
*** Une Femme Amoureuse (#86; Adventure in Japan; Nudity; Samarai app; Sexy & Busty Japanese woman sitting on Man & playing Guitar-like instrument GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 196 Pages; VG = $12);
*** Un Petit Monde Archaique (#22; 2 x Thrillers = Medical Emergency & Police;p;; Nudity; 212 Pages; FN/VF = $12);
*** Von Trenk (#52; Historical Romance & Adventure; Nudity; Swashbucklers & Busty Girl with Sexy Stockings Legs GGA / Good Girl Art cover; 228 Pages; overall FN, but Tear with small piece out of Title page, thus G/VG = $9);
EMERIC DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 168 pages; Issues 10 and 11 of “Cathy” Bound in cover) -
ENGARDE! DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub; French Language; B&W; 164 pages including covers; Sword & Sorcery with various genres of back-up stories); -
#34 (1971; Nikos Prince de Rhodes L'Infernal Tournoi);
#35(Nikos Prince de Rhodes la Derniere Epreuve);
#38(Kolos Trahison Sur Toute la Ligne);
#40(Kolos L'Infernale Lachesis);
#41(Kolos L'Arme Secrete);
#43(Kolo L'Infernale Lachesis);
#46(1974; Kolo Le Roi Des Elephants);
ESPESYAL KOMIKS (Atlas Pub. Co. Inc.; Philippines; Color; Romance); #1115 (1984; VG/FN, but 1" piece off Back cover, thus VG minus = $4.00);
FAMILJEN FLINTA (Semic Press; Swedish; B&W; Hanna-Barbera (The Flintstones”);
#5 (1974);
FANTASIA DIGEST (Les Editions de Poche Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 128 pages; War Stories); -
#11(le Chasseur Solitaire);
FANTOMAS DIGEST (Organization Editorial Novaro Pub.; Mexican Language Color; 32 Pages; Superhero) -
#2-262 (1976; Los Mil Tuneles Del Dr. Panico; FN/VF = $9.00);
#2-263 (El Virus Microvampirico; FN/VF = $9.00);
#2-269 (6 Sellos De Correo Y una Dama en Peligro; FN/VF = $9.00);
Fantomen {Lee Falk's the Phantom} (Stockholm; Finland / Sweden; Foreign Language B&W Comic);
#10 (1975; 68 pages, plus Color Foldout Poster at center; Manus = Janne Lundstrom; Tecking = Jamie Vallve; G/VG $7);
Le FANTOME {Lee Falk's the Phantom} ( EH - Editions Heritage; QUEBEC, Canada; French Language B&W Comics; 36 pages; 7" x 10-1/2" size)
#2,4,5,8,17-20,23, 24(1972)
Falk's the Phantom}
des Remparts; Lyon, France; French Language color Comics; Smaller
6" x 8" DIGEST Size;
#1-302= 36 Pages = Weight
= 40 Grams each;
*** #307 up = 60 Pages = Weight
= 60 Grams each;)
G $10); #15(Trimestre/1963; VG $14); #21(FA/G $8); #30(VG $12);
#50(4/1965; G/VG $10);
#53-55, 57-60, 61(9/1965), 62-77, 79-87, 89-99; #100(23-7-66; FN/VF $18);
#101, 102, 104-113, 121-123, 127-133, 137-149; #150(8-7-67; FN=$10; VG=$8);
#151, 153-157, 159-199; #200(22-6-68; FN/VF $16);
#201-235, 237-249; #250(28-6-69; FN/VF=$12; VG/FN=$8);
#251-255, 258, 264, 265, 269, 271, 278, 284, 286, 288, 290-292, 299-301;
#302(27-6-70; Last 36 Page issue; G/VG $6); #307(1-8-70; 60 Page issue; FA/G $4);
#317, 323-332, 334, 336, 337, 339-344;
#346(1-5-71; FA/G $4); #347; #348(15-5-71; VG/FN $8);
Falk's the Phantom}
des Remparts; Lyon, France; French Language color Comics; Larger
7" x 10" COMICS Size)
303, 371, 405, 408, 412, 441;
FANTOME SPECIAL, Le {Lee Falk's the Phantom Cover & First story in All} (Editions des Remparts; Lyon, France; French Language Color Comics; 68 pages; 6-3/4" x 9-1/2")
#23,29,30, 33(Mai/1966), 34,35,41,43-46,50,52,54,55,64,66,73,79,81,90,98;
FANTOMES (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W; Charlton Comics; Horror);
#7 (1971), 10, 12 (1973);
FELIX MIT BESSY (Printed in the Netherlands; Pub. ?; Color; Humor);
#160/161/162 (circa 1960's);
FERNSEH ABENTEUER (Neuer Tessloff Verlag; German; Color; “Fury”);
#138 (1961; “Der Trick mit der Roten Lampe”);
FESTIVAL (A Plus; French Language Canadian Publication; B&W; Mainly Charlton Comics Reprints; Western, Horror and Humor Flip-Book);
#NN (No Date circa 1981);
FESTIVAL TAUTINE (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color and B&W; Humor);
#63 (1972); #89 (1974); #90 (1974);
LES 5 AS DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 64 pages; War) -
#21 (1966; Tout Cela... pour Rien!);
#59 (1970; Les Amis des Touaregs);
#62(Sharo le Guerillero);
FIX UND FOXI (IVW; German; Color; Humor);
#? (1962); #? (1972);
FLASH ESPIONNAGE DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 164 pages; Espionage/ Thriller);
#16 (1967; Mission tres Speciale);
FLASH GORDON (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W; King Features; Science Fiction; 1968);
#1,3,4 (1968); #6, 8 (1969), 9, 10, 11 (1969), Comicorama (Issues #3,4,5,6);
FLECHE NOIRE DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language;; B&W; 68 Pages including covers; Western Stories) -
#14 (1969; La Senence);
#32 (1971; Le Pacificateur);
FLINGO DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub; French Language; B&W; 68 pages; Western Stories) -
#5 (1969; La Route Infernale);
#6(Le Bandit);
#11(La Mine D'Argent);
#13(Chacun ses Droits);
#25(1971; or Maudit);
FOX ET CROW (Aredit Pub.; French; Color 36 pages Including Covers; Humor);
#6 (1967; “Anniversaire”);
#16 (circa 1968; “La Vraie Mine D'Or”);
FULGOR (Artima Pub.; French; B&W; Action Adventure);
#25 (1957; “Le Bonnet Ensanglante...”);
GARFIELD (Semic Press; Finland; Color; Humor);
#6 (1988);
GARRY (Fulchiron; French; Color and B&W; 32 pages Including Covers; War);
#175 (1962);
GARRY DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 Pages; War); -
#216 (1970; Dangereux Prelude);
#279 (Le Tresor des Malais; 128 pages);
GASTON LAGAFFE DIGEST (Editions Heritage Montreal Pub.; French Language; B&W; Around 160 Pages; Humour) -
#1(1977; Biographie D'un Gaffeur);
GENE AUTRY (Revista Aprobada; Mexican; Color; 32 pages Including Covers; Western);
#298 (1974);
LE GENTIL FANTOME CASPER (Editions Williams France; French; Color);
#9 (1973); #13 (1973);
GEPPO (Transport Presse; French; Color and B&W; Humor);
Numero Special #8 (1969);
GOLDBOY DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages; Adults Only – Nudity in All; Thriller/ Secret Agent) -
#23(1973; Killer);
#32 (1974; Massages a Las-Vegas; Nude Cover);
#38(Mister Omega; Nude Cover);;
#39(Viva Sada);
#40(Des Grolles en Sapin; Nude Cover);
#44 (1975; Les Grosses Tetes Perdent la Boule; Nude Cover);
#69(1978; Perds pas le Boule; nude cover);
#71(Les Lolos des Lolitas);
#74(Tous des Putes!);
#77(Folies Massacre; Nude Cover);
#80(Show Baise – Ness; Nude Cover);
#85(1979; Tue, Tue, Tupamaros!; Nude Cover);
#90(Chauds Les Marrons... D'INde; Nude Cover);
LES GRANDS CLASSIQUES DE L'EPOUVANTE DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 212 pages including covers; Adults only – Nudity in All; Nude covers on all; Horror); -
#14(1980; Le Monsatere du Diable);
#20(Trois Pas Dans) L'au-Dela);
#42(1982; La Maison de la Mort; Bondage cover);
#72(1985; La Vengeance du Corsaire);
#92(1986; Les Yeux qui Violent la Mort);
GRINGO DIGEST ( S.N.E.C. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 128 pages; Western) -
#17(1970; William Cody);
GUFEO DIGEST (Spanish Periodical and Book Sales Inc. Pub.; Spanish Language; B&W; 64 pages; Adults only – Nudity in all; Nude covers; Adult Humour); -
#66(circa 1990's); 76;
HACKE HACKSPETT (Semic Press; Swedish; Color; “Woody Woodpecker and Andy Panda”; Humor);
#20 (1974);
HALLUCINATIONS DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 196 pages including covers; Horror) -
#3 (1969; Cruaute Mentale);
HARDY (Artima-Tourcoing; French; B&W; Action Adventure);
#9 (1955; “L'ile Aux Requins”);
HELGONET (Semic Press; Swedish; B&W; 52 pages Including Covers; “The Saint”);
#4 (1974; “Helgonet; Jakt Pa Dod Man”);
HERCULES (Les Productions Sword in Stone; French; B&W; Charlton Reprints);
#1 (1989); #2;
HEROES de L'AVENTURE DIGEST {Lee Falk's the Phantom} (Editions des Remparts; Lyon, France; French Language color Comics; Smaller 6" x 8" DIGEST Size; *** 100 Pages = Weight = 110 Grams each);
#19(1/1966; FN $14); #20-24; #42(12/1967), 44,45,51,58,62(12/1969);
ALBUM #6(1965; Contains Bound copies of #16,17,18);
HEROS DE L'AVENTURE NOUVELLE SRIE – HEBDOMADAIRE (Editions Des Remparts; French; Color; Gold Key);
#8 (1972; “Turok”);
#11 (1972; “Daniel Boone”);
LES HEROS DU MYSTERE (Editions des Remparts; French; Action Adventure100 pages);
#6 (1967);
HIWAGA KOMIKS MAGASIN (Atlas Pub. Co. Inc.; Philippines; Color); #1158 (1984; The CHOKER; The MATTIS; Hindi Porno; VG/FN = $8.00);
HORROR DIGEST (Elisa Press Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Horror Stories) -
#3 (1974; Curieux Repos);
HUNK (Les Productions Sword in Stone; French Language; B&W;Humoe);
#1 (1989); #2;
HURLU ET BERLU (Les Presses De La Cite Limitee; French; Color 52 pages Including Covers; “Heckle and Jeckle”);
#4 (1977);
HURRAH ! (Les Publications Periodiques Modernes; French Color 24 pages Including Covers; Western Action Adventure);
#15 (1954; “Pour La Liberte !”);
#17 (1954; “L'Etoile du Sud”);
#22 (1954; “Medaillon Fatal”);
#24 (1954; “Drame dans Larene”);
#30 (1954; “Le Prince des Nomades”);
#47 (1954; “Masque Blanc”);
#48 (1954; “L'Enigmatique John Clarence”);
#51 (1954; “Defile Mille Echos”);
#54 (1954; “La Deesse des Seminoles”);
#55 (1954; “Le Vagabond de la Prairie”);
#57 (1954; “Retour a'la Vil”);
#60 (1954; “Le Valeureux Centurion”);
#61 (1954; “Le Prisonnier de Sandoza”);
#187 (1957; “Le Maharadjah de Hamanpore”);
#217 (1957; “La Bataille de Lepante”);
#219 (1957; “Rollon le Juste”);
INCUBE DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; Numbers below 20 = 100 pages; #21 and up around 200 pages; Adults Only-Nudity in all; All cover nude; Horror stories) -
#1(1982; Vierge Perverse);
#4(Grand Guignol);
#21(1984; Le Joker);
#27(L'annonce de L'echo Tribune);
#28(1985; La Sorciere de Gretna Green);
#29(In Saecula Saeculorum);
#33(La Maison des Ames Mortes);
#42(1986; Obsession Tragique);
#45(Le Doiuzie me coup de Minuit);
#47(la Caserne aux Fantomes);
#59(1987; le Dernnier Chevalier);
#60(le Livre des Supplices);
#61(la Machine Anatomique);
#63(le Sang de la Vierge);
#67(1988; les Dieux de L'espace);
#79(1989; Cartoons Vivants);
#84(le Trou du Diable);
ISABELLE DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; Around 1129 pages; Adult Only – Nudity in all; GGA covers; Female Historical Heroine); -
#31(1971; le Mystere de Versailles);
#33(le Fouet de L'Exil);
#35(1972; Nue sur la Potence; Bondage Torture cover);
#36(la Revolte Furieuse);
#42(L'Etrange Couvent);
#44 (Le Maitre des Tortures);
#47(1973; La Maison de L'OUrs);
#48 (L'Ombre Noire);
#49(A Perdre Haleine);
#51(Perdue Dans la Tourmente);
#52 (le Bal Masque);
#53(le Secret de Jacula);
#93(1977; un Nouveau Tyran);
#96(La Secte des Mendiants);
IVANHOE DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Age of Chivalry with Various Back-up Stories) -
#103(1969; La Derniere Marche);
#132(Le Massacre des Chevaliers);
#133(Le Masque de Cuir);
#134(1971; Chateau Gaillard);
#136(Le Baton de Justice);
#138(Le Meurtre de Reading);
#140(Le Baron des Iles);
#141(Les Rapaces);
#145(L'Honneur des Chevaliers);
#146(1972; le Grande peur de Londres);
#148(Les Hommes de la Frontiere);
#150(Le Roi Maudit);
#151(Clan du Chardon Rouge);
#155(Du Sang Sur le Tresor);
JACKIE (Semic Press; Swedish; Color 52 pages Including Covers; Girls Stories);
#13 (1974);
JACQUES ROGY DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Page including cover; Thriller with Historical back-up story) -
#2(1966; Chasse le Fantome);
JEFF CURTISS DIGEST (EDI Europ Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages; War Stories) -
#8 (1964; Bombardement de Nuit);
JET LOGAN DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; Science Fiction) -
#25 (1970; Mission Lune);
#31(Le Pirate);
JIM LA JUNGLE DIGEST (EDI Europ Pub.; French Language; B&W; 128 Pages; Jungle Advnetures with Western & Archie Comics Back-up Stories) -
#27 (1965; Adventures en 16 Millimetres);
JIM MORGAN DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&WE; 64 pages; Western) -
#2(Entre Deux Feux);
LE JOURNAL DE BIBI FRICOTIN (Transports Presse; French; Color and B&W 68 pages Including Covers);
#50 (1973); #58 (1974);
LES JOURNAL DES PIEDS NICKELES (Les Journal des Pieds Nickeles; French Color and B&W; Humor);
#105 (1974); #120 (1976);
JUDGE DREDD (Aredit Pub.; French; Color);
Album #4 (1985);
JUMBO; AVEC VOS VEDETTES PREFEREES (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color);
Comicorama #148 (1978 Tweety and Sylvester/ Bugs Bunny/ Woody Woodpecker/ Road Runner etc.);
JUNIOR AVENTURES (Editions Des Remparts; Frech Language; B&W);
#66 (1956; “Les Flibustiers de la Tortue”);
#73 (1956; “L'Elephant Vert de L'Ouganda”);
#77 (1957; L'Orpheline Milliardaire”):
JUNIOR ESPIONNAGE (Editions Des Remparts; French Language; B&W);
#68 (1956; “L'Ile Aux Cent Mysteres”);
#70 (1956; “Le Secret de L'Atomixine”);
#75 (1957; “Le Diamant Rouge”);
#77 (1957; “L'Etoile D'Uranus”);
#82 (1957; “L'Etoile D'Argent”);
KALI DIGEST (Jeunesse and Vacances Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Jungle Adventures with Various Adventure Genres Back-up Stories) -
#14 (1967; Nuit de Feu);
#17(L'Enlevement de Zoira);
#72(1972; un Cadeau Empoisonne);
#73(Les Mauvais Genies du Fleuve);
KALIMAN DIGEST (Revista Semanal Pub.; Mexican Language; B&W; 32 pages; Science Fiction; Masked Superhero) - #955(1984); #957;
KALLE KULA (Semic Press; Swedish; Color; Sports);
#9 (1974);
KAMIKAZE DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages; War Stories) -
#1(1976; Le Prodigieux Kiwi);
#28(1980; Adversaires Mais Amis);
#32(le Tigre de Shaolin);
KANKUN EL ULTIMO MAYA DIGEST (Revista Semanual Pub.; Mexican Language; B&W; 32 pages; Adventure) -
#12 (1982; art by Nestor Vargas; VG/FN = $8.00);
KATAN DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Sword and Sorcery with Western; Horror; Science Fiction; War Back-up Stories) -
#14 (1968; Duels de Colosses);
#21(1969; Le Princes des Mendiants);
#30(La Victoire De Viking);
KEBIR DIGEST (Editions S.F.P.I. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Sword and Sorcery) -
#21 (1973; Le Courrier de L'Empereur);
KIKO DIGEST (S.F.P.I. Pub.; French Language; Color and B&W; 132 pages including covers; Funny Animal Humour) -
#12(1971; Mefiez-Vous Des Bavards);
KIT CARSON DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages; Western Stories) -
#329 (1970; Le Vagabond);
#330 (Le Balcon du Diable);
#331(Pour un Cheval...);
#333(Droit de Passage);
#383(1972; Un Homme Bon; 128 pages);
KNASEN (BEETLE BAILEY) (Semic Press Pub.; Swedish; Humor);
#4 (1974; #13 (1995); #14 (1995); #16 (2000; “Censur !”):
KNASEN (BEETLE BAILEY) DIGEST (Semic Press Pub.; Printed in Finland; Swedish; Green & White; 128 Pages; Humour) -
#1(1972; Oslagbar Humor; Beetle Bailey and Sarge Cover);
KORAK TARZAN'S SOHN (Printed in Poland German Language; Color);
#4 (Circa 1969);
KRIMINAL DIGEST (Editoriale Corno Pub.; Italian Language; B&W; 128 Pages; Horror) -
#284(1970; Oroscope);
#289(Lo Scommettitore);
#292(La Vendetta Di Afrodite);
#299(1971; Il Mostro di Lochness);
#303(Le Piante Carnivore);
KRIS LE SHERIF DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Western Stories) -
#51(La Calomnie);
#84(1967; Calamity Jane – La Corde de Chanvre);
KUL MED ASA-NISSE (Semic Press; Swedish; Red and White; Humor);
#3 (!974);
LANCELOT DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 164 pages including covers; Knight of the Round Table with Various Genres back-up stories); -
#86(1971; Erik le Rouge);
#87(Le Table des Brenns);
#91(Les Maitres de la Mort);
#93(1972; la Terre des Malefices);
#94(La Terre Des Inioks);
#100(1974; Le Vegeur de Sligo);
LANCIOSTORY (Lanciostory; Italion; Color 96 pages Including Covers);
#19 (1976);
LAUREL HARDY (Editions Williams France Pub.; Printed in Italy; French; Color; “Bozo the Clown” Back-up Story);
#1 (1973; “Cadeau Surprise!”);
#8 (1973; “Chasseurs de Singes”);
#11 (1973; “La Planche”);
#12 (1974; “Pique-nique”);
LAUREL ET HARDY (Editions Interpresse; French Language; Printed in Poland; Color);
#7 (1967); #9 (1967);
LAUREL ET HARDY (Fratelli Spada; French Language; Printed in Spain; Color);
#11 (1968); #17 (1969); #24 (1970); #29 (1970); #34 (1970); #36 (1970);
LAUREL ET HARDY (Interpresse S.A.; French Language; Printed in Belguim; Color);
#38 (1971); #41 (1972); #43 (1972); #45 (1972); #48 (1972);
LAUREL ET HARDY (Interpresse S.A.; French Language; Printed in Belguim; Color);
#1 (1980); #16 (1981); #24 (1981);
LAWRENCE D'ARABIE (Brodard de Taupin; French; Color);
#NN (1964);
L'INTREPIDE (Nous Deux Editions; French; Color and B&W; 48 pages Including covers; Western/ Adventure/ Humor);
#396 (1957; Back Cover – Errol Flynn);
#411 (1957; Back Cover – Bozon);
L'INTREPIDE HURRAH ! (Mondial Publications; French; Color and B&W; 64 pages Including Covers; Western/ Adventure/ Humor);
#506 (1959); #514, #516, #518, #519, #521, #523, #526, #527, #531, #536 (1960); #539, #541, #544, #547,
#548 (1960; Back Cover – Stade de Reims/ Racing Club de Paris);
#551 (1960; Back Cover – Sporting Club de Toulon/ Racing Club de Strasbourg);
#557 (1960; Back Cover – Roger Riviere);
#565 (1960; Back Cover – Olympian Parry O'Brien);
#571 (1960; Back Cover – Louison Bobet);
#572 (1960; Back Cover – Rugby Players);
#575 (1960); #575;
LILLA FRIDOLF (Semic Press; Swedish; Red and White Colors; Humor);
#21 (1974);
LORENZO Y PEPITA (Revisita Aprobada; Mexico; Color; “Blondie and Dagwood”);
#324 (1970);
LOS AGACHADOS DE RIUS (Pub. ?; Mexico; Color; Humor);
#113 (1973); #122 (1973);
LOVELIFE KOMIKS (Graphic Arts Service, Inc.; Philippines; Color; Girls Stories);
#607 (1984; E.R. Eufronio Reyes CRUZ art; FN = $8.00);
#612 (VG/FN, but 1x2" piece off cover thus G = $3.00); .
#613 (FN/VF = $6.00);
#618 (1984; E.R. Eufronio Reyes CRUZ art; FN/VF = $9.00);
#621 (E.R. Eufronio Reyes CRUZ art; FN/VF = $9.00);
#631 (FN/VF = $6.00);
#643 (FN/VF = $6.00);
#657 (Actress CELIA RODRIGUEZ; E.R. Eufronio Reyes CRUZ art; VG/FN = $5.00);
LUCIFERA DIGEST (Elivipress Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Adults only – Nudity in all; Sword and Sorcery Female Warrior; Lot of Sex and Violence) -
#9(1972; La Tete Coupee de Saladin; Nude cover);
#10(Les Byzantins);
#11(1973; L'Oiseau de Feu);
#12 (Femme Perverse; Whipping Cover);
#13(Les Chevaliers Teutoniques);
#14(Vers la Thuringe; Nude Covers);
#15(Les Tentations du Frene Jena);
#16(Le Sanguinaire; Whipping Cover);
#18(Erotisme Infernal);
#19(1974; Les Sirenes);
#20(Le Saint Graal);
#22(Le Mal Est Mon Bien);
LUCRENCE DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including Covers; Adults Only – Nudity in All; Historical set in the age of the Borgia's); -
#5(1973;; La Prison de la Folie);
#6(Aux Confins de la Mort; Nude cover);
#7(le Cavalier aux Deux Visages; Nude cover);
#7(le Cavalier aux Deux Visages; Nude cover);
#25(1975; Kablas le Magicien);
#26(le Philtre du Peche);
#27(Douce Maitresse);
#37(1976; La Vallee de la Vengeance);
#45(Maitresse Perfide; Nude cover);
#49(1977; La Pretresse de L'Amour);
#57(1978; la Nouvelle Reine; Nude Cover);
MAFIOSO DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 196 pages including covers; Adults only – Nudity in all; Organized Crime – Mafia); -
#7(1983; La Grande Rafle);
#12(Panique a Atlantic-City; Woman Tied to Grate with Rats Chewing on Her Cover);
#13 (Jungle Humaine; Bondage cover);
#27(1984; Dix Millions D'or Pur; Nude Cover);
#33 (1985; Les Maitres – Chanteurs; Nude Cover);
#85 (1990; L'Incorruptible);
MAGHELLA DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Adults Only – Nudity in all; Nude covers on all; Sword and Sorcery Erotic Fantasy); -
#1(1974; Une Vierge ne Fait Pas le Printemps);
#2(La Fille de Mignon);
#3(1975; Nuit au Beurre Noir);
#5(C'est pas Sorcier!);
#6(L'eteignoir Public N.1);
#7(Tout en Rase-Mottes);
#8(La Fee See Prend du Service);
#9(La Poupee qui Glousse);
#13(Chatte Echaudee Craint pas L'eau Froide);
#50(1977; Pique et Colegram);
#56(1978; Zumzob en L'air);
#71(1979; L'amour a la Papa);
#74(Rudolph Balenetino);
MAIN D'ACIER DIGEST (Fleetway/ Gemini Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Science Fiction Thriller/ Espionage) -
#2 (1968; Le Rayon De La Mort);
#17(1969; Danger Magnus);
#28(1971; Une Poigne de Fer);
#32(1972; L'Epouvantail du Lotschberg);
MAMBO DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Romance Stories) -
#15 (1969; Le Soleil du Coeur);
#26(1972; Je Veux Vivre Avec Toi!);
Magician} DIGEST [Editions
des Remparts; Lyon, France; French Language color Comics; Smaller 6"
x 8" DIGEST Size; *** #1-256= 36 Pages = Weight
= 40 Grams each;
#273 up = 60 Pages = Weight
= 60 Grams each;];
#1(July/1962; G $20); #2(8/1962; G/VG $15); #3(9/1962; G $10); #4(10/1962; VG/FN $18); #5(11/1962; VG $15);
#6(12/1962; G/VG $10); #7(1/1963; VG/FN $15); #9(3/1963; VG $12); #10(4/1963; VG/FN $15);
#11(5/1963), 12(6/1963), 14, 15, 25(1963; G/VG $); #51(2/1965; G/VG $); #54, 57-69, 72-75, 76(2/1966; FN $12);
#77-79, 81-93, 95-99; #100(5-1-67; FN $15); #101-107, 109-115, 118-123, 135(October 26/1967);
#136-146, 148; #154(7-3-68; VG $8); #155, 157, 158, 160, 162, 164-166, 170-172, 174-178, 181, 184, 193, 194, 200
#203(13-3-69; VG/FN $8); #204, 206, 208, 211, 212, 220, 225, 226, 228, 245(1/1970), 253; #256(19-3-70; VG $7),
#258, 263; #273(16-7-70; VG $7); #274, 278, 279, 283(September 16/1970), 284-293, 295, 296, 307, 308, 310;
#311(8-4-71; VG $7);
MANDRAKE {The Magician} (Editions des Remparts; Lyon, France; French Language color Comics; Larger 7" x 10" COMICS Size)
#275, 380-382, 384-387, 395-398, 401, 402, 405, 406;
MANDRAKE SPECIAL {The Magician} (Editions des Remparts; Lyon, France; French Language Color Comics; 68 pages; 6-3/4" x 9-1/2")
#1(1963), 2-19, 21-29,31-35, 37-50, 59, 66,68,76, 77(2/1970);
MARCO POLO DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Adventurer with Various Genres Back-up Stories) -
#132 (1971; La Machine Volante);
#135(La Caravane Des Merveilles);
MARJO (Les Productions Sword in Stone; French Language; B&W; Charlton's “My Little Margie”);
#1 (1989);
MAROUF DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; War; WWII) -
#12(1970; Objectif Croydon);
#13(Jungle Humaine; Bondage cover);
#27(1984; Dix Millions D'or Pur; Nude Cover);
#33(1985; Les Maites-Chanteurs; Nude Cover);
#85(1990; L'Incorruptible);
MAGHELLA DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages includiong covers; Adults Only – Nudity in all; Nude covers on all; Sword and Sorcery Erotic Fantasy) -
#1(1974; Une Vierge ne Fait pas le Printemps);
#2(La Fille de Mignon);
#3(1975; Nuit an Beurre Noir);
#5(C'est Pas Sorcier!);
#6(L'Eteignoir Public N.I.);
#7(Tout en Rase-MOttes);
#8(La Fee See Prend du Service);
#9(La Poupee qui Glousse);
#13(Chatte Echaudee Craint pas L'Eau Froide);
#50(1977; Pique et Pique et Colegram);
#56(1978; Zumzob en L'air);
#71(1979; L'amour a la Papa);
#74(Rudolph Balenetino);
MAIN D'ACIER DIGEST (Fleetway/ Gemini Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Science Fiction; Thriller/ Espionage) -
#2(1968; Le Rayon de la Mort);
#17(1969; Danger Magnus);
#28(1971; Une Poigne de Fer);
#32(1972; L'Epouvantail du Lotschberg);
MAMBO DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Romance Stories) -
#15(1969; Le Soleil du Coeur);
#26(1972; Je Veux Vivre Avec Toi!);
MARCO POLO DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages including Covers; Adventurer with Various Genres Back-up Stories) -
#132 (1971; La Machine Volante);
#135(La Caravane Des Merveilles);
MAROUF DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; War; WWII) -
#12(1970; Objectif Croydon);
METEOR DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages; Sciecne Fiction Stories); -
#170(1969; Le Mystere Du Satellite);
METEOR SCIENCE FICTION (Artima-Tourcoing; French Language; B&W);
#20 (1955; “Avatars Sur la Planete 'Sylva'”);
MIKE MAC (Transports Presse; French Language; Color and B&W; Humor);
#4 (1970);
MISSIONS SECRETES (Editions Des Remparts; French Language; B&W; Action Adventure);
#12 (1957; “L'Espion Magnanime”);
#15 (1958; “Operation Carnaval”);
MORTIMER (Elvifrance Pub.; DIGEST; 1973-1974; French Language; Color 132 pages including covers; ADULTS Only- NUDITY in all; Western one story per issue; 105 Grams each);
#1(1973; Le Chasseur de Primes);
#2 (1973; Victor De La Fuent; L'Homme de Lawton; Man grabbing distressed Woman's BREAST GGA Good Girl art painted Cover; Noose around Man's Neck about to be Hanged back cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00);
#4(Le Vengeur);
#6(1974; Un Coin Tranquille Comme un Cimetiere; Nude cover);
#7(L'Aube Froide de Francis Mortimer);
#8(Double Jeu; Nude Cover);
#9(Le Dur de L'Arizona; Nude cover);
#10 (Leve-Toi et Tire; Topless Nude Woman in BONDAGE Tied to Cactus GGA Good Girl art painted Cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18.00);
#11(Pour Une Prime de Plus);
MUNEQUITOS DE PAUL TERRY (Revista Aprobada; Mexico; Color; Humor);
#13 (1954);
MUSTANG DIGEST (Editions L.U.G. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 192 pages; Western with Various Genres Back-up stories); -
#25(1972; Janok-le Comanche Blanc);
MYSTIC (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; Action Adventure);
#15 (1958; “Mr. TV. - Cameras sous L'Eau”);
MYSTIC POLICE DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Police Action) -
#22(1959; Mr TV-Aventures en Californie);
NAVY DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; Naval war stories) -
#119 (1968; Le Corsaire);
#133(Le Duel);
#162(1970; L'ile Tabou);
NEMESIS (Les Productions Sword In Stone; French Language; B&W; Super-Hero);
#1 (1989); #2 (1989);
NEVADA DIGEST (Editions L.U.G. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; Western Stories) -
#265(1969; Miki Le Ranger);
#304(1972; Mike le Ranger-L'apache; 128 pages with various Genres Back-up Stories);
91:an (Rudolf Peterssons ..) (Semic Press; Swedish; Color; Humor);
#20 (1974; 91:an cover and story by Nils Egerbrandt; asa-nisse by Gosta Gummersson; Flygsoldat 113 Bom by Bjarre; Kronblom; War Lilla Stad; 60 Grams; FN, 6.0 = $8.00)
#17 (1981);
OLIVER DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Robin Hood?) -
#91(1962; La Fille du Prevot);
#100(Le Prevot Fait un Somme);
#139(1964; Tonnerre Normand);
#148(La Charite Pour le Prevot);
#178(1966; Le Neveu du Duc);
OSS.117 DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 164 pages including covers; Spy Thriller) -
#11(1967; Les Espions du Piree);
OURAGAN (Artima-Tourcoing; French Language; B&W; Western);
#8 (1955; “L'Esprit du Brazos”);
#27 (1957; “Le Ranch de la Mine Noire”);
OURAGAN DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Western stories with various action Genre Back-up Stories); -
#22(1969; L'Indien Vert);
#25(L'Or du Perroquet);
#26(La Corde au Cou);
OUTRE-TOMBE DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 116 pages; Adults only- Nudity in all; Horror); -
#2(1979; Spiritisme; Nude Cover);
#4(Quand Les Fantomes S'en Melent);
#9(Le Fantome de le Ville Morte);
#14(1980; Concerto D'Outretombe);
#16(La Protegee de la Mer);
PANACHE DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; War stories); -
#63(1964; Le “Roc”);
#75(L'ile Sauvage);
#82(1965; Ligne de Tir);
#106(L'Affaire des Lingots);
#114(1966; Le Brave et le Damne);
#152(un Vrai Commando);
#185(1969; Le Soldat Amateur);
#196(Kelly et le Bandit);
#197(Score Final);
#209(1970; L'imposteur);
LA PANTHERE ROSE (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color 32 pages; “Pink Panther” humor);
#5 (1978); #10 (1979); #14 (1980); #15,
LA PANTHERE ROSE (Mirisch Geoffrey D.F.E.; French Language; Color; “Pink Panther” Humor);
#13 (1976);
PELLEPHANT; LE NOUVEAU JOURNAL DES PETITS (Editions Williams France; French Language; Color; Humor);
#10 (1973);
PETITE LULU (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W; “Little Lulu” Humor);
#3 (1973); Comicorama #1116 (Issues #1,2,3,4);
LE PETIT SHERIFF (E. Desfosses-Neogravure; French Language; B&W; Western with Humor Back-up Stories);
#98 (1954);
PHANTOM DIGEST {Lee Falk's the Phantom} ( BASTEI Comics; German Language Comics; 5”x7” Digest Size; Full Color; 100 Pages; Weight = 85 Grams each)
#6(1979), 13(1982), 21, 23, 25;
PHOTO AVENTURES – HISTOIRE COMPLETE DIGEST (I.G.D.A. Pub.; French Language; 6 B&W Photo Panel per page from Western movies; 64 pages; All have photo front & back covers) -
#7(1962; Le Bandit Fontome; Starring George Houston/ Denis Moore);
#8(Gare au Mexicain; starring John Wayne/ Gail Russel/ Sterling Hayden/ Dick Foran);
#10(L'Esclave des Apaches; starring Barbara Stanwyck/ Joel McCrea/ Earl Holliman/ Edward Andrews);
PIKO MAGAZINE (Sagedition; French Language; Color and B&W; “Woody Woodpecker” with “Andy Panda” Back-up Stories; Humor);
#42 (1970; “L'Illustre Detective”);
PILOT (Semic Press; Swedish; B&W; War/ Action/ Adventure);
#3 (1974);
PILOTE MAGAZINE - #615(June 19, 1971); 617-612,662(July/1972), 666,668,670,678-700(March/1973), 702-740(January 10 1974); 741-760(May 30 1974)
PILOTE MAGAZINE ANNUAL - #6 (November/1974);
PILOTE MENSUEL MAGAZINE - #1(June/1974), 2-8(January/1975), 9-20(January/1976), 21-33(February/1977);
PIMENTINHA (DENNIS THE MENACE) (Hall Syndicate Inc.; Brasil; Color; Humor);
#9 (1979);
PIONEER KOMIKS (Graphics Arts Service, Inc.; Philippines; Color and B&W);
#855 (1984; BORBO-c/s; Vertud; Elizabeta; Maalaala Mo Kaya? Da Killer Katerpillar; Serum; Sinulid Sa Karayom; 45 Grams; FN/VF = $16.00);
PIRATES DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.;French Language; B&W; 164 pages; Various Genres of Adventure Stories) -
#48(1972; Les Crocodiles – La Vallee des Cranes);
PIROUETT DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; Juvenile stories); -
#82(1969; Dangereuse Amitie);
PISTES SAUVAGES DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Western stories) -
#7(1972; Kirbi Flini-Deux Croix, Trois Etoiles);
PLANET (P.S.G. Publishing House; Philippines; Color and B&W; Horror/ Action/ Adventure);
#74 (1971; PHOTO Cover; Lupang Buhay by Pablo S Somez and STEVE GAN; Motilones lili ng Mamamatay by Ruding Mesina; DRAKA by Ruben Yandoc; Bakit by Arenas; Kondesa Alva by Pablo S Somez and Alcabral; Viernes...Alas 3:00 NG Apon by Moises L Agualada; Always in my Heart by Rico Bello Omagap and Carlos Baldorado; Ang Kambal by Rene Rosales and ALEX NINO; 55 Grams; VG/FN, 5.0 = $25.00);
#76 (1971); #77 (1971);
#95 (1971; Kamandag cover by E.R. CRUZ; Kamandag by Santos and Borillo; Anak ng Asuwang by Pablo S Somez and ALFREDO P ALCALA; Barranaca by Edith D Medina and Rev B Arcilla; I’m Waiting for you by Vinegas and Valdez; Ang Kampanerang KUBA by Pablo S Gomez and ALEX NINO; Mr Destiny by Rene Villaroma; Always in my Heart by Omagap and Fernandez; BUNTALA (Sa Maynila), Super-Heroine story by Rene Rosales and Al Cabral; 65 Grams; VG, 4.0 = $20.00);
POINT CHAUD DIGEST (Editions Belle France Pub.; French Language; B&W; 96 pages; Adults only- Nudity; Action Adventure) -
#4(Baba Chez Les Baobabs);
POPEYE (CAP'TAIN PRESENTE) (KFS Opera Mundi Pub.; French Language; Color and B&W; 36 pages Including Covers);
#51 (1970; “L'ile des Invisibles”);
#53 (1970; “Une Guerre Atroce”);
#57 (1971; “Sauve les Baleines !”);
#59 (1971; “Les Collectionneurs”);
#61 (1971; “L'Invasion des Epinardiers”);
#81 (1973; “Vive le Petrole”);
#84 (1973; “Adios, Popeye !”);
#88 (1973; “Roi des Camelots”);
#89 (1973; “Victoire a la Fourchette”);
#92 (1974; “La Chasse au Tresor”);
#94 (1974; “Un Million de Rancon”);
#95 (1974; “Quels Bons Danseurs !”);
POPEYE (CAP'TAIN PRESENTE) DIGEST (KFS Opera Mundi Pub.; French Language; Color & B&W; 132 pages including covers); -
#101(1971; Drole de Chasse-Neige);
#199(1979; La Collection de Diamants);
#201(Ne avec une Chemise);
POPEYE DER SEEMANN (Moewig Comic; German Language; Color; 32 pages Including Covers);
#15 (1969);
POPEYE DIGEST (Editions du chateau Pub.; French Language; color & B&W; 116 pages including covers); -
#11(1985; Les Voleurs des Oeufs);
#13(Memoirs de Fer);
POPEYE LE MARIN (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W);
#9 (1975); #10; #11; #13; #17;
PRINCESSE DIGEST (Edition de Chateaudun Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; young girls adventures) -
#15(1964; Princesse des Sioux);
#17(Sissi-Intrigue a La Cour);
#37(1965; Zanna-Reine de la Jungle);
#38(Sonia Princesses de la Glace);
#39(Alerte au Barrage);
#40 (L'idole de la Glace);
#41(Suspense Pour un Ballet);
#62(1966; le Complot des Princesses);
#71(1967; Bravo Penny);
#72(Sonia la Ballerine);
#73(Le Cavalier au Cheval Noir);
#87(La Princesse et la Ballerine; 132 pages);
#91(Tante Emile – Sur le Sentier de la Guerre; 132 pages; front cover photo of Georgette Lemaire);
PROLO DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 116 pages including covers; Adults only – Nudity; Erotic Adventures) -
#7(1978; P1...P2...P3...; Nude Cover);
RANGERS DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 160 pages; War Stories with Various Action Genres Back-up Stories); -
#21 (1966; Les Hommes Perdus);
#22(Le Pont de San Gandolfo);
#38(1967; La Treve);
RAPACES DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; War one story complete each issue) -
#96(1965; Les Indomptes);
#118(1966; L'Instant de Verite);
#159(1968; Alerte a la Chasse);
#203(1969;; La Limite!);
RAUMAGENT ALPHA (Bastei Comics; German Language; Color; Science Fiction);
#4 (1973; “Uberfall der Kampf-Computer”);
RAY HALCOTAN DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Air Force and War Adventures); -
#32(1963; Soucoupes Volantes);
LE REBELLE DIGEST (Editions de Poche Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Mobster story) -
#1(La Poupee Ensanglantee);
RED CANYON (Artima-Tourcoing; French Language; B&W; Western);
#!19 (1955); #25 (1956);
RINGO DIGEST (Editions S.F.P.I. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 100 Pages including covers; Western stories) -
#2(1971; Jeux Dangereux);
#6(Le Train de la Liberte!);
RIN TIN TIN AT RUSTY (Sagedition; French Language; Color and B&W; 68 pages Including Covers; Western/ Action/ Adventure);
RIN TIN TIN ET RUSTY (Vedettes T.V.; French Language; Color and B&W; Western);
#8 (1960); #68 (1967);
RIPLEY'S CROYEZ-LE OU NON (Whitman Golden Limitee; French Language; B&W);
#34 (1972);
ROBIN DES BOIS (A-Plus Comics/Sword in Stone Productions; French Language; B&W; Robin Hood);
#1 (1991);
ROBIN DES BOIS DIGEST (Jeunesse and Vacances Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Robin Hood and Various Genres of Back-up Stories) -
#33(1967; Les “4 as” - Vingt Jours a Vivre);
#54(1972; Robin Des Bois – la Juntice de Robin);
#57(Robin des Bois – La Tour Prends Garde!);
ROCKY DIGEST (EDI Europ Pub.; French Language; B&W; 100 Pages including covers; War stories with western Back-up story) -
#13(1963; Escale a' Tobrouk);
#16(Les Griffes de la Mort);
ROCKY RIDER DIGEST (Jeunesse and Vacances Pub.; French Language; B&W; 164 pages; Western Stories); -
#5(1972; Le Rapt);
RODEO DIGEST (Editions L.U.G. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 128 pages; Western stories); -
#240(1971; Miki le Ranger);
#316(1977; Tex);
ROMEO DIGEST (Aredit Pub; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Romance) -
#20(1968; Idylle en Sologne);
#26(La Chanteuse et L'amour);
ROSES BLANCHES DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages; Young girl stories) -
#118 1969; Une Jeune Fille a New-York);
SAGA DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 116 pages including covers; Adults only-nudity; Western Erotica) -
#17(1977; a la Maison Blanche);
SALUT LES BIDASSES DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 116 pages; Army Life Humour; One Complete Story per issue; Adult only – Nudity in all); -
#31 (1977; I.N.S. Pere);
#33(Chroniques Z'Alpines; Nude cover);
#37(1978; Rien a foot; nude cover);
#39(au Feu les Pompelards; Nude Cover);
SAM BOT DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Adults only – Nudity and Nudecovers all; Various Erotic Adventures and Situations) -
#1(1973; Ca Me Botte!);
#2(La Famille Trucidos);
#5(Tropique du Cornard);
#6(Vache D'Histoire);
#7(B.O.F. J'Fais Mon Beure!);
#8(on Staille ou on S'Tire?...);
#9(Calcutta, de Lire Sam Bot!);
#10(1974; Chauffe Y'a de la Braise!);
#14(Mystere et Boule de Gomme);
#17(La Race des Saigneurs);
#19(1975; et Qu'ca Saute!);
#21(Elle est Raide, Celle la');
#24(Les Dreilles et la Queue);
#25(La Nouba des Coups Bas);
#26(Plein L'Calcif!);
#29(Orbite or Not to Bit);
#30(Tout va de Travioc);
#31(1976; Monte a' L'Otage!);
#43(1977; Amusez-vous la Bien);
#46(Taille-moi une Plume);
#47(T'as L'Bonjour D'Alfred);
SANDOR DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 96 pages; Pirates with Various Genre Adventure back-up stories); -
#13(La Derniere Chance);
#20(La Dame Des Caraibes);
#21(Pacte D'Honneur; 128 pages);
#30(1967; La Priere de L'Anglais; 128 pages);
#50(1968; Le Dragon Rouge);
SANS PEUR DIGEST (Societe D'Editions Generales Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; Compilation of Various Action Adventure Genres); -
#68(1957; Kid Justice – La Vengeance du Bushman);
SATANAS ET DIABOLO (Williams France; French Language; Color; Hanna-Barbera Humor);
#4 (1973; “Avec C'est le Loup !”);
SATANIX DIGEST (Du Bois de Boulogne Pub.; French Language; B&W; 112 pages; Horror); -
#4(1977; Le Secret de la Guillotine; Nude Cover);
SATARELLA DIGEST (S.P.S. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 128 pages; Adults only – Nudity; Horror; One Complete Story per issue) -
#8(1985; Le Paradis Damne; Nude Cover);
SCOTLAND YARD DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; Police Story; Some with an Action Back-UP story); -
#4(1968; La Cle Perdue);
#7(Le Cheval Drogue);
#8(Momies Vivantes);,
#10(Pleine Lune);
#13(Les 5 Nains);
#19(1969; L'espion Atomiste);
#23(1970; Un Doigt de Verite);
SERGENT GORILLE DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; War stories); -
#1(1971;; Une Poignee de Riz);
#5(Les Chaussettes D'un Commando);
#30(1974;; Une Etrange Mission);
SERIE BLEUE DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 228 pages; Adults only – Nudity and Nude covers all; Horror with Very Graphic Violence) -
#9(Le Cimetiere des Apaches; Calvary Soldier Holding Naked Indian Woman while Another Shoots her in Head cover);
#10(1975; Le Royaume de L'immonde);
#11(Retour de Couperet);
#12(Baby Killer);
#14(Coeur de Sorciere);
#17(Le Diable de la Chandeleur);
SERIE JAUNE DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 228 pages; Adults Only – Nudity and Nudy covers all; Horror with with very Graphic Violence) -
#8(1975; “Empreinte de Satan);
#14(La Secte Infernala);
#16(Entre les Manis du Bourreau);
#20(Odyssee Pour un Sadique);
SERIEMAGASINET (Semic Press; Sweden; B&W 68 pages; Action);
#17 (1974; Kerry Drake “Knarklangarna”);
SERIE-NYTT (Semic Press; Sweden; B&W 52 pages; Adventure);
#15 (1974; “Toomai-elefantpojken Feber”);
SERIE ROUGE DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 228 pages including covers; Adults only – Nudity and Nude covers all – Horror with very graphic violence) -
#10(1975; Le Desert De La Haine);
#14(L'Horrible Repas);
#15(Crimes D'OUtre – Tombe; Woman Chained to Wall Cover);
#16(Soleil Noir);
SERIE VERTE DIGEST (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 228 pages including covers; Adults only – Nudity and Nude covers all; Mafia and Gangland) -
#4(1974; Seul Contre la Mafia);
#7(Echec Au Roj);
#9(Chasse a' Homme);
#11(1975;Les Sept Soeurs);
#16(Super Black);
#17(Au Diable la Chine!);
#22(La Mome Brasero);
#31(Horror; Le Navire des Damnes);
SERPENT (COLLECTION LE) DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 196 pages; including covers; Thrillers; one story complete issue; Brief partial Nudity most issues) -
#34(M. Suzukiet La Ville Fantome/ Jean-Pierre Conty);
#37(1976; Feu Rouge pour Calone/ Alain Page);
#38(T.T.X. 75 a' Agadir);
#44(La Peau du Vicomte/ Fred Noro);
#47(Torpilles Folles/ Serge Laforest;
#49(Petitjean Decroche la Lune/ Jean Caille);
#54(Execution Grenouille/ A. Saint Moore);
SERVICES SPECIAUX DIGEST (S.E.P.P. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 128 pages; Thriller Action Stories); -
#53(Trahision Sous la Menace);
SEXORAMA DIGEST (Campus editions Pub.; French Language; B&W; 112 pages; Adults only – Nudity, Sexualality) -
#2(1979; J'aime le Femme Blanche!; Western Erotica);
#10(Certians les Aiment Garces!; Gangland Erotica);
SEXYMAN DIGEST(Campus Editions Pub.; French Language; B&W; 302 pages; Adults only – Nudity; Historical/ Western/ Action/ Horror Compilation) -
#43(Lady Love – Le Diabolique Comote D'Exford; Nude Cover);
SEXYPOCKET DIGEST(Editions Belle France Pub.; French Language; B&W; 96 pages; Adults only-Nudity; Thriller Action Erotica) -
#10(Chantage Maudit);
SHATANE DIGEST (Elvifance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 116 pages including covers; adults only – nudity and nude covers all; supernatural thriller erotica) -
#19(1978; La Grande Bleue);
#21(a la Chasse aux Grosses Tetes);
SHIRLEY DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 100 pages; Female Action Adventures with various genres of action stories back-ups); -
#16(1973; Shirley en Amazonie);
SHIRLEY DIGEST (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Female action adventures with various genres of action stories back-ups); -
#27(1965; La Baie du Forban);
SIDERAL DIGEST (Aredit pub.; French Language; B&W; 164 pages including covers; Science Fiction stories); -
#14(1971; Hantise Sur le Monde);
#23(1972; Frontieres du Vide);
SIERRA DIGEST (Editions de Poche Pub.; French Language; B&W; 160 pages; Western Stories) -
#9(Les Cent Dollars Maudits);
SIGUR DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 Pages including covers; Sword and Sorcery with Various action genres back-up stories); -
#9(1967; Le Defile des Vautours);
SILBERPFEIL (Bastei- Verlag; Printed in Western Germany; Color; Western);
#186 (1973; “Tinkas gefahrlichste Stunde”);
SILVER COLT DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Western/ War/ Thrilller compilation) -
#3(Le Tresor de la Montagne);
#4(1968; La ragedie de San Francisco);
#5(Le Legionnaire);
#9 (1968; SILVER COLT in De Pari du Texan, WWI Aviation-c/s; La Prediction, Naval War story; 45 Grams; VG, 4.0 = $9.00);
SILVERPILEN (Semic Press; Color; Western);
#21 (1974; “Gula Pilen Pa Sparet”);
SMASH DIGEST (D'Editions Generales Pub.; French Language; B&W; 96 pages; War/ Espionage/ Thriller/ Humour Compilation) -
#22(1965; Tube I...Feu!);
SOREN SPAETTE (A.S. Interpresse; Denmark; Color; “Woody Woodpecker”);
#107 (1973); #108 (1973);
S.O.S. DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; War/ Western/ Thriller Compilation) -
#23(1961; De Guerre en Guerre),
#36(1962; Lache!);
#53(1963; Johnny Speed – Le Prix “Patate”);
#75(1964; Une Mission de Poutine);
#103(1965; Pour la Gloire);
Special Paques (1965; 132 pages; Le Train du General);
SPIDER DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 96 Pages; Action Adventure); -
#14 (1966; 5,000,000 De Dollars);
SPIDERMAN DIGEST (Fleetway/ Gemini Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Science Fiction Hero) -
#13(1969; L'Animateur);
STUPEUR DIGEST (Elisa Presse Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Espionage); -
#3 (1974; La Fin D'un Secret);
SUBMARINO ! (Editores Asociados; Mexico; Color; War);
#8 (1965);
SUPER BOY DIGEST (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; Most are 64 pages otherwise noted; Action/ Science Fiction/ Humour and Other Genres Compilation); -
#82(1956; 100 Pages; Nylon Carter – Fleuve et Nurene de Diamants);
#94(1957; 100 pages; Nulon Carton – Sanders a Dispalu!);
#96(132 pages; Nylon Carton – la Mission D'Arturo Mendoza);
#140(1961; Super Boy – Les Zantas);
#152 (1962; Super Boy- L'Apprenti Sorcier);
#154(Super Boy – Complot Dans L'Ombre);
#158(Super Boy – Chasse aux Requins);
#181 (1964;Super Boy Prisonniers de L'Enfer Vert);
#200 (1966; Super Boy – Panique Dans la Pegre);
#201(Super Boy – Mister Cat);
#226(1968; Super Bay – Dans L'Antre du Demon);
#250(1970; Super Boy – Les Amphibies);
#261(1971; Super Boy – au Coeur du Volcan);
#310(1975; Ultra-Sons);
SUPERGIRL DIGEST (Editions Belle France Pub.; French Language; B&W; 112 pages; Adults Only – Nudity; Female Superhero) -
#6(Infidele Castro);
#8(La Peur au Ventre);
#9(Le Canasson Archikon);
SUPER J DIGEST (Jeunesse and Vacances Pub.; French Language; B&W; 100 pages including covers;Science Fiction Superhero with Various Genres back-up Stories); -
#22(1970; un Univers Aquatique); #29(1971; Les Nomades du Cosmos);
#30(La Reine des Quiros);
#34(Les Demons de la Galaxie Noire);
SUPERSEXY DIGEST (Comedit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 128 pages; Adults only – Nudity; Horror; Action; Pin-ups) -
#1(1977; Franky Stone-Le Monstre du Dr. Stone);
SUPERSTAR KOMIKS MAGAZINE (Affiliated Publications Inc.; Philippines; Various);
#697 (1984; Photo Cover of a Pretty Young Woman; RICO RIVAL Art; VG/FN = $7.00);
SYLVIE DIGEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 100 pages including covers; Romance) -
#165(1972; Une Imagination Debordante);
TANTALE DIGEST (Elisa Presse Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Thriller) -
#2(1974; Retourne en Enfer!);
TAROU DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages; Jungle Action with Various Genres of Action/ Adventure back-up stories) -
#129 (1964; Le Casque de Kiriburu);
#159(1967; Les Naufrageurs de Socorro);
#219(1972; Le Reveil des Cherokees);
#220(L'Homme a 'la Carabine);
TAROU; FILS DE LA JUNGLE (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W 36 pages; Adventure);
#62 (1959; “La Grande Peur de Bali”);
#72 (1959; “La Tribu des Orchidees”);
TARZAN DE LOS MONOS (Revista Aprobada; Mexico; Color 32 pages);
#394 (1974); #414 (1974); #435 (1975);
TARZAN LE SEIGNEUR DE LA JUNGLE (Sagedition; French Language; Printed in Italy; Color and B&W);
#9 (1973; “Face aux Tarribi”);
#44 (1975; “Hommes-Crocodiles Contre3 Amazones”);
#52 (“Prisonniers des Hommes-Singes”);
#53 (“Le Mont des Sorciers”);
#54 (La Bataille Sous L'Orage”);
#55 (“La Reine des Anthropophages”);
Geant #3 (“L'Idole D'Or”);
TARZAN LE SEIGNEUR DE LA JUNGLE (Vedettes T.V.; French Language; Color and B&W);
#10 (1969 ?); #26;
TEMERAIRE (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; War Stories);
#2 (1958; “La Bataille du Cap Gris-Nez”);
#5 (1959; “Pris Dans la Tourmente”);
#8 (1959; “Retraite Mouvementee”);
TEMARAIRE DIGEST (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; War Stories with Western Back-up Stories) -
#72(1964; Tomic Dans – L'Aventure Sous – Mazine);
#119(1969; Tomic Dans – Les Dernieres Minutes);
#136(1971; Les Pas D'un Heros);
TENAX DIGEST (Imeria and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 128 pages; Science Fiction with various action Genre Back-up stories); -
#18(1972; Les Lunettes du Diable); #21(Le Zoo de L'Epouvante);
TERRIFICOLOR (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; Color; 188 pages including covers; Adults Only – Nudity; Horror); -
#1(1974; Peau De Sorciere; Nude Cover);
#5(1975; Sinistrement Votre...);
#6(Oeil De Serpent; Nude Cover);
#8(La Salamandre; Nude Cover);
#11(Les Pupilles de Satan);
#12(Cris et Lamentartions; Nudes Cover);
#14 (Concerto en Mort Majeure),
#23(1976; Les Fantomes du Camp D'Extermination; Nazi Whipping Nude Woman Cover);
#32(1977; Coeur Mecanique; Nude Cover);
#50(1978; L'embaumeur);
TEX (Daim Press; Italian; B&W 116 pages; Western Stories);
#310 (1986; “La Minaccia Invisibile”);
#329 (1988; “Gli Spiriti del Deserto”);
#330 (1988; “Il Fiume Sotterraneo”);
#333 (1988; “La Notte Degli Agguati”);
#339 (1989; “I Diavoli Rossi”);
#340 (1989; “Senza Via Di Scampo”);
#341 (1989; “Terra Violenta”);
#342 (1989; “Polizia Indinana”);
#343 (1989; “West Fork”);
#344 (1989; “Le Rapide Del Red River”);
#346 (1989; “I Predatori Grande Nord”);
#355 (1990; “Alcatraz !”);
#356 (1990; “Il Prigioniero Dell' “Albatros””);
#362 (1990; “Desperados”);
#364 (1991; “Il Medaglione Spagnolo”);
#372 (1991; “Thonga Il Tiranno”);
#384 (1992; “Percorso Infernale”);
#385 (1992; “Furia Rossa”);
#388 (1993; “Il Segreto del Morisco”);
TEX BILL (Artima Pub.; French Language; Printed in France, Sold in Europe, Canada, etc; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Western stories);
#2(1962; La Piste Interdite; G/VG = $10);
#21(1964; L'Embuscade du Canyon Rouge; G/VG = $8);
#59(8/1969; un Concurrent Deloyal; G/VG = $6);
#72(12/1971; a la Poursuite du Coupable; VG/FN = $6);
TEX-TONE (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; Printed in France, Sold in Europe, Canada, etc; B&W; 68 pages; Western Stories);
#175(1964; Les Cavaliers de Boot-Hill; VG/FN = $8);
#213(1966; Trafic Maudit; VF = $12);
#221(1966; Le “Novillo”; VG/FN = $7);
#242(1967; Et Le Geant; FN/VF = $10);
#268(1968; La Raison Du Plus Fort; FN = $8);
#294(1969; Petrole; G/VG = $5);
#305(1970; Felix le Coyote; VG/FN=$6; G/VG=$4);
THIERRY (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Action Adventure); -
#10 (1964; Place au Bulldozer);
#11(Les Bonzes De Kintou);
THRILLING ! (Elifrance; French Language; B&W; 132 Pages including covers; Thriller; Adults Only – Nudity);
#9 (1973; La Voix Qui Tue; Nude Cover);
TIM L'AUDACE (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Action Adventure/ War Stories) -
#41(1965; Menace Sur La Vallee);
TIMMY (Timmy the Timid Ghost; Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; Humour/ Funny Animal Stories) -
#2(1974; il y a Balai... et Balai!);
TINA (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 100 Pages; Young Girl Adventures) -
#12(1968; Le Dernier Acte);
TINTIN MAGAZINE (Editions Du Lombard Pub.) -
27 Annee No. 30 (1972, 31,33,39,41;
29 Annee No. 14 (April 2 1974) 15-51;
30 Annee No. 1 (January 1/ 1975) 2-52;
31 Annee No. 1 (December/30/1975); 2-14;
TINTIN L'HEBDOPTIMISTE (S.A. Periodica Bruxelles Pub.) - #22(Juin/1973), 23-28;
TINTIN SELECTION (Fratelli Spada Pub.; French Language; Color & B&W most 196 pages including cover unless noted; Western/ Action/ Humour/ Horror Compilation) - #3(1969; 260 pages including covers); #5(1970; 260 pages including covers); #6(1970); #11(1971); #12(1971); #13(1971); #14(1972); #15(1972);
TIPI (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 162 pages; Western Stories); -
#13(1970; Peco Bill – Pour Que Justice Soit Faite);
#18 (1972; Bob Jason – Le Tresor du Cerf Blanc);
#19(Silver Scout – Le Complot);
TITI ET SYLVESTRE (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W; “Tweety and Sylvester”);
#15 (1976); #16 (1977); #34 (1978); #37 (1978);
TITI GEANT (TWEETY) (Sagedition; French Language; Color and B&W; Humor with Varios Back-up Stories);
#30 (1976); #41 (1977); #44 (1977); #52 (1978);
TOM & JERRY (S.A.G.E. Pub; French Language; Color and B&W; 68 pages including covers) -
#39(1961; Le Chaton Trop Naif!);
TOM ET JERRY (Euredif; French Language; Color;Humor);
Journal #5 (1984);
TOM TEMPEST (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages; Western Stories with Various Action Genres Back-up Stories); -
#3(1971; Tom Trimphe);
#5(Retour a'Sacramento);
#17(1972; La Verite Eclate);
TOM Y JERRY (Revista Aprobada; Mexico; Color; Humor);
#311 (1971; “Los Dos Mosqueseros”);
TONI CYCLOINE (Artima Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages; Action Adventure) -
#18 (1963; Trafic Clandestin);
TOPSTAR KOMIKS MAGAZINE (Affiliated Publications Inc.; Philippines; Color; Various Genre);
#642 (1984; RICO RIVAL Art; VG = $7.00);
TORO (Editions Brandt Pub.; French Language; B&W; 128 pages; Western; one story complete); -
#1(1968; La Vallee de la Mort);
TOTEM (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 168 pages including covers; Western Stories); -
#6 (1971; Reno Kid – Les Troils Al Hope);
#9(1972; Reno Kid – Des Carabines Pour Les Shoshonis);
LES TRACKERS (Imperia and Co. Pub.; French Language; B&W; 64 pages; Action Adventures); -
#9(1969; Faussaires);
#10(Chasse a L'Homme);
A TRAVERS LE MONDE (Societe d'editions Generales Pub.; French Language; B&W about 60 pages; Western/ Science Fiction/ Humour Compilation); -
#16(1957; Le Fils Du Far-West);
TRIO (Societe Parisienne D'Edition; French Language; Color and B&W; 104 pages Including Covers; Various Genres);
#5 (1976; “Le Nouveau Journal des Pieds Nickeles et de Bibi Fricotin”);
LES TROIS MOUSQUETAIRES (Aredit Pub.; French Language; Color and B&W; Humor);
#36 (1975);
TROPHEE (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 164 pages; Juvinile Stories and Humour); -
#14(1974; Les Totoches – Les Mouchards);
TROTO (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color and B&W; Humor);
#3 (1972); #5; #14 (1974);
TUMAC (Semic Press; Swedish; Color and B&W; 52 pages Including Covers; Action Adventure);
#5 (1984; “Flykten”);
TUROK (Editions des Remparts; French Language; Color);
#1 (1972; “La Montagne en Colere”);
#2 (1973; “Fuite Desesperee”);
TWEETY ET SYLVESTER (Editions Heritage; French Language; B&W; Humor);
#3 (1976); #4; #5; #6; #8; #9; #13 (1977); #14; Comicorama #1111 (Issues #1,2,3,4);
TYPHON (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages; Various Action Genres Compilation) -
#2 (1976; Le Secret Du Tresor Perdu),
#22(1979; Une Rescrue Avec Defenses);
VICK (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&M; 132 Pages; Science Fiction Stories); -
#15(1971; Le Satanique Professeur Droner);
#20(1972; Quatre Pas Dans Les Etoiles);
VIGOR (Artima-Tourcoung; French Language; B&W; War Stories/ Action/ Adventure);
#22 (1955; “La Derniere Chance”);
#49 (1958; “Avec le “Fisheel””);
VIGOR (Aredit Pub.; French Language; B&W; 68 pages including covers; War stories with various action genres back-up stories);
#109 (1963; Les Espions de Palerme);
#138 (1965; Avant Garde a' Saipan);
#152(1966; Le Flair de Mackenzie);
#154(Le Paquet Oublie);
#155(Combattants de L'Ombre);
#158(1967; La Parole de Vigor);
#160(Pour Un Seul Homme);
#192(1972; Le Genie);
#194(Mission en France);
VIVE LA FETE ! (Editions Scaramouche; French Language; B&W);
#NN (1992);
WALLESTEIN (Elvifrance Pub.; French Language; B&W; 116 pages including covers; Adults only-nudity; Horror); -
#3(1977; Scorpion);
#12(1978; L'Inconnue Perverse; Nude Cover);
#27(1979; Espionnage Mortal; Nude Cover);
WEST ROMANCE (Imprimeries Bellecour; French Language; B&W; Western);
#2 (1959; “Laredo Crockett” Le Dernier Ranger);
WHIPII ! (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 164 pages including covers; Western stories) -
#45 (1971; Scotty – La Poursuite Infernale);
#46(Scotty – Les Quatre Duels);
#54 (1973; Konan Joe – Fusil Part Tout Seul);
WOODY LE PIC (WALTER LANTZ) (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color 32 pages; “Woody Woodpecker”);
#6 (1976); #9; #18 (1978); #19; #20
WOODY LE PIQUE BOIS (WALTER LANTZ) (Whitman Golden Limitee; French Language; B&W; “Woody Woodpecker”);
#126 (1973);
WOODY WOODPECKER (WALTER LANTZ) (Sagedition; French Language Printed in Italy; Color and B&W);
#13 (1977);
YANG (Les Productions Sword In Stone; French Language; B&W; Charlton Comics Reprint);
#1 (1989); #2 (1989);
YATACA (Mon Journal Pub.; French Language; B&W; 132 pages including covers; Jungle Action with various Genres Back-up Stories) -
#38 (1971; Des Sardines Qui Valent De L'Or!!),
#45(1972; Le Reprire Invisible);
#48(Les Pantheres De Gurru);
#50(Tete Blanche);
#52(Les Moyens Sauvages);
#53(La Vallee Secrete);
#58(1973; Le Secret de N'Gorongo);
#59(Le Magicien);
#72(1974; Les Negriers);
YOGI LES PIERRAFEU (YOGI BEAR) (Sagedition; French Language; Color and B&W; With Cartoon Back-up Stories);
#46 (1976);
YOWA (Societe Francaise De Presse Pub.; French Language; B&W; 100 pages including covers; Western with Various Action Genres Back-up Stories) -
#1(1958; Les Aventures De Big Yowa);
YUMA [Editions LUG / L.U.G. Pub.; French Language; Printed in France, Sold in Europe, Canada, etc; B&W & Color; 132 Pages including covers; Patrick Wilding is ZAGOR {from its Indian name Za-Gor Te-Nay} a circa 1825-1830 Superhero type Westerm/Horror/Sci-Fi character living in an imaginary forest named Darkwood, Pennsylvania USA; Le Petit Ranger Western stories; Plus Various other Action/Adventure Genres Back-up Stories];
#103(1971; ZAGOR-c/s Episode-29; Le Petit Ranger-s Episode-103; FN = $8);
#104(1971; ZAGOR-c/s Episode-30; Le Petit Ranger-s; FN = $8);
#105(1971; ZAGOR-c/s Episode-31; Le Petit Ranger-s; FN/VF = $9);
#106(1971; ZAGOR-c/s Episode-32; Le Petit Ranger-s Episode-106; VG/FN = $7);
ZEMBLA (Editions LUG / L.U.G. Pub.; French Language; Printed in France, Sold in Europe, Canada, etc; B&W & Color; 132 Pages including covers; ZEMBLA = Jungle Action-c/s; Plus Various other, Western, Action/Adventure Genres Back-up Stories);
#135(6/1971; Le Cercle Magique; VG/FN = $6);
#139(9/1971; Spectacle De Varietes; VG = $5);
#143(11/1971; Le Siege Des Bukavus; G/VG = $4);
#165(1972; Les Prisonniers de Kamandur; Name written in Pen at top of Cover, G/VG $4);
#171(1973; Le Tyran de Cabinda; Name written in Pen at top of Cover, VG/FN $6);
#179 (Les Serpents D'or; Name written in Pen at top of Cover, VG/FN $6);
#180(6/1973; La Perle de Katombo; Name written in Pen at top of Cover, VG/FN $6);
#188(10/1973; Les Crimes de Rasmus; Name written in Pen at top of Cover, VG/FN $6);
ZOOM (Jeunesse et Vacances Pub.; French Language; B&W; 100 pages including covers; Historical action Genres Compilation); -
#12 (1968; Robin Des Bois – L'Espion De Mowbray);
ZORA (Jeunesse et Vacances Pub.; French Language; B&W; 164 pages including covers; Jungle Aqction with Various Action Genres Back-up stories) -
#4(1967; Bonne Chasse, Zora);
ZOR Y LOS INVENCIBLES (Editormex Mexicana; Mexico; Color; 32 pages; Humor);
#77 (1971);
( B ) See our DC Comics Listing for our = DC Related FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS (90% are French) COMICS =
>>> [ EH – Editions Heritage Pub. Comics were published in Quebec, Canada & about 90% were distributed only in that province. The average French Language Editions published by EH – Editions Heritage Comic had a print run of about 8,000 copies, which is only about 3% of the Print Run of the USA comics of the period. Almost all copies sold to READERS in the General Public & NOT to Collector's. Most Collector's bought the USA editions & avoided the Canadian French editions, THUS the Survival Rate of the French comics is MUCH smaller the the USA English counterparts; On average, i would estimate that only 2-10% (160 to 800 copies each) would still exist today. Many of these are NOT in the hands of collectors. They are even SCARCE in Quebec itself. MOST surviving copies are in LOW Grades (FAIR to VG), with strict FN copies being SCARCE on all 1985 & Older titles. >>> MOST other FOREIGN editions were made for Entire Countries, while EH – Editions Heritage published comics mainly for only one of 10 main provinces in One Country. Thus the EH – Editions Heritage comics are among the smallest print run licensed characters comics ever published. ]
Batman - Morte de Robin (Abril pub; Brazil; Color) # 2(2002; Starlin-s; Aparo-a; BATMAN #426 Death in the Family cover by Mignola; VG/FN $19.00)
( C ) Listed on our MARVEL COMICS Site in Section (D) FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS (95% are French) COMICS (Approx 2000 in stock)
>>> [ EH – Editions Heritage Pub. Comics were published in Quebec, Canada & about 90% were distributed only in that province. The average French Language Editions published by EH – Editions Heritage Comic had a print run of about 8,000 copies, which is only about 3% of the Print Run of the USA comics of the period. Almost all copies sold to READERS in the General Public & NOT to Collector's. Most Collector's bought the USA editions & avoided the Canadian French editions, THUS the Survival Rate of the French comics is MUCH smaller the the USA English counterparts; On average, i would estimate that only 2-10% (160 to 800 copies each) would still exist today. Many of these are NOT in the hands of collectors. They are even SCARCE in Quebec itself. MOST surviving copies are in LOW Grades (FAIR to VG), with strict FN copies being SCARCE on all 1985 & Older titles. >>> MOST other FOREIGN editions were made for Entire Countries, while EH – Editions Heritage published comics mainly for only one of 10 main provinces in One Country. Thus the EH – Editions Heritage comics are among the smallest print run licensed characters comics ever published. ]
(D) WALT DISNEY FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMICS (French, Italy, Netherlands, etc); COMICS = Approx 500 Assorted issues IN STOCK
>>> [ EH – Editions Heritage Pub. Comics were published in Quebec, Canada & about 90% were distributed only in that province. The average French Language Editions published by EH – Editions Heritage Comic had a print run of about 8,000 copies, which is only about 3% of the Print Run of the USA comics of the period. Almost all copies sold to READERS in the General Public & NOT to Collector's. Most Collector's bought the USA editions & avoided the Canadian French editions, THUS the Survival Rate of the French comics is MUCH smaller the the USA English counterparts; On average, i would estimate that only 2-10% (160 to 800 copies each) would still exist today. Many of these are NOT in the hands of collectors. They are even SCARCE in Quebec itself. MOST surviving copies are in LOW Grades (FAIR to VG), with strict FN copies being SCARCE on all 1985 & Older titles. >>> MOST other FOREIGN editions were made for Entire Countries, while EH – Editions Heritage published comics mainly for only one of 10 main provinces in One Country. Thus the EH – Editions Heritage comics are among the smallest print run licensed characters comics ever published. ]
Italian Walt Disney Digest -
GLI ALBI TOPOLINO ( Mondadori Pub.)
1964 (Marzo/ 1975). 1065, 1084-1087, 1991-1115 (Marzo/ 1976_, 1117-1119,1121-1123, 1125-1033 (Juglio/ 1976), 1035, 1936, 1138-1042 (Settembre/1976);
TOPOLINO (Mondadori Pub.)
954 (Marzo/1974), 955,959-962,964-972.975.976.978.978.981-983(Settembre/1974), 997,1001,1002,1009 (Marzo/1975), 1018,1020,1027-1031,1036-1074(Giugno/1076), 1076-1086 (Settembre/ 1976), 1202 (Dicembre/1978), 1284 (Luglio/ 1980);
AKU ANKKA (Printed in Finland; Color);
#1 (January/5); #2 (January/13); #3 (January/20); #4 (January27); #5 (February/3); #6 (February/10); #7 (February/17); #8 (February/24); #9 (March/3); #10 (March/10); #11 (March/17); #12 (March/24); #13 (March/31); #14 (April/7); #15 (April/14); #16 (April/21); #17 (April/28); #20 (May/19); #21 (May/26); #22 (June/2); #23 (June 9); #24 (June/16); #25 (June/23); #26 (June/30); #27 (July/7); #28 (July/14); #29 (July/21); #30 (July/28); #31 (August/4); #32 (August/11); #34 (August/25); #35 (September/1); #36 (September/8); #37 (September/15); #38 (September/22); #39 (September/29); #40 (October/6); #41 (October/13); #42 (October/20); #43 (October/27); #44 (November/3); #45 (November/10); #46 (November/17); #47 (November/24); #48 (December/1); #49 (December/8); #50 (December/15); $51 (December/22); #52 (December/29);
#11 (March/19); #24 (June/18);
#6 (February/11); #14 (April/7); #23 (June/9); #31 (August/4); #50 (December/15);
#2 (January/12); #8 (February/23);
ALICE IM WUNDERLAND (Verlagsort Stuttgart; German Language; Color) #NN (circa 1960's);
ANDERS AND & CO. (Printed in Denmark; Color);
#20 (May/18);
#19 (May/8); #32 (August/7); #33 (Aug/14); #34 (August/21);
#27 (July/1); #31 (July/29); #39 (September/23); #41 (October/7); #45 (Nov/4);
#2 (January/6); #36 (September/1); #45 (November/3);
#11 (March/8); #37 (September/6); #42 (October/11);
#13 (March/28); #34 (August/22); #38 (September/19); #39 (September/26); #46 (November/14); #47 (November/21);
#9 (February/27); #21 (May/22); #24 (June/12); #26 (June/26); #37 (September/11); #50 (December/11); #51 (December/18);
#21 (May/21); #45 (November/5); #51 (Decapitated/17);
#4 (January/21);
#27 (June/29); #50 (Decapitated/7);
#3 (January/18); #23 (June/7); #35 (August/30); #36 (September/6);
CHIP ET DALE (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color; 32 pages);
#7 (1980); #8; #10; #11; #12; #13; #17; #25(1983); L'Album du Collectionneur #4018 (Issues #1,2,3); L'Album du Collectionneur #5033 (Issues #13,14,15);
CUENTOS DE WALT DISNEY (Revista Aprobada; Mexico; Color);
#587 (1974); #588 (1974); #589 (1974);
DAISY ET DONALD (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color; 32 pages);
#7 (1978); #10 (1980); #11; #12; #15; #17; #19 (1982); #20; #21;
DISNEYLANDIA (Libro Comic; Mexico; Color); #NN (1974);
DONALD DUCK (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color; 32 pages);
#2 (1980); #4; #7; #8; #10; #11; #12; #13; #14; #16; #17; #18; #19; #20; #21; #26(1983); L'Album du Collectionneur #5035 (Issues #13,14,15);
DONALD DUCK (Netherlands; Color; 24 pages Including Covers);
#19 (1955);
DONALD DUCK (Verlagsort Stuttgart; German; Color);
#? (circa 1950's; “Auf Nordpolfahrt”);
DONALD DUCK (German; Color 68 pages Including Covers);
Heft 26 (1971);
DONALD DUCK (German; Colorl 32 Pages Including Covers);
#26 (June/25);
#23 (June/10); #46 (November/18);
#30 (July/28);
HISTORIETAS DE WALT DISNEY (Revista Aprobada; Mexico; Color);
#533 (1974); #541; #542 (1974);
HUEY DEWEY ET LOUIE LES CASTORS JUNIORS (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color 32 pages);
#6 (1980); #7; #11; #12; #13; #14; #17; #18; #19; #20 (1982); #21; #23; #26; L'Album du Collectionneur #5005 (Issues #4,5,6); L'Album du Collectionneur #5030 (Issues #10,11,12); L'Album du Collectionneur #5036 (Issues #13,14,15);
LE JOURNAL DE MICKEY (Walt Disney Company; French Language; Color 64 pages Including Covers);
#1958 (December/29);
#1966 (February/23); #1985 (July/6); #1999 (October/12); #2021 (December/28);
#2013 (January/18); #2017 (February/15); #2018 (February/22); #2020 (March/8);
KALLE ANKA & C;O (Netherlands; Color 36 pages);
#25 (June/23);
MICKEY MOUSE (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color 32 pages);
#4 (1978); #5 (1980); #7; #9; #10; #11; #12; #13; #14; #18 (1981); #21; #22; #24 (1982); #25; #26;
MICKY MAUS (German Language; Color);
#1 (January); #3 (March); #4 (April); #5 (May);
#52 (December/26);
#11 (March/13);
#30 (July/25);
#23 (June/1);
#7 (February/7); #8 (February/14); #10 (February/28); #11 (March/7); #14 (March/27); #15 (April/4);
#18 (April/29); #30 (July/23);
MICKY VISION (Ehapa; German Language; Color);
#8 (1990);
MNKKN MAYC (First Russian Version Mickey Mouse Magazine; 1990 Limited Issue);
ONCLE PICSOU (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color 32 pages);
#2 (1980); #7; #8; #9; #10; #14; #15; #18; #19; #20 (1982); #23; #24 (1983); #26; L'Albu du Collectionneur #5031 (Issues #10,11,12);
PICSOU MAGAZINE (Edi-Monde, Paris; French Language; Color and B&W 116 pages);
#22 (1973; “Le Mystere de L'Oncle Reincarne”);
#23 (1974; “Captain Picsou et L'Amphore D'Ehal”);
#24 (1974; “Picsou a un Coeur D'Or);
#25 (1974; “Qui Mystifie Miss Tick ?”);
#26 (1974; “Mystere a Rocambulle”);
#27 (1974; “L'Enigme de la Cite Invisible !”);
#28 (1974; “Mon Cadeau !”);
#29 (1974; “Picsou = Epingle = Flairsou”);
#31 (1974; “Picsou est Archi-Extra-Superstitieux”);
#33 (1974; “Picsou Dompte le Dragon”);
#34 (1974; “Chat Suffit Comme Chat !”);
#35 (1975; “Le Castoristorik !”);
#36 (1975; “Jouez Tous au Picoudor”; with 36 Cards);
#37 (1975; “Picsou S'Embarque”);
#39 (1975; “Du Grabuge a Carbon Rock !”);
#40 (1975; “Miss Tick Attaque !”);
#41 (1975; “Picsou Peche au Son”);
#42 (1975; “Les 'Antibarbes' de L'Onc' Picsou – 8 Pages Speciales Jeux Plein Air”);
#43 (1975; “Les Clak' Becs D'Oncle Picsou”);
#44 (1975; “Quand la 'Dollaricelle' Frappe !”);
#45 (1975; “Bataille Pour un 'Balaidor'”);
#46 (1975; “La Bonne Tactique de Tictak”);
#47 (1975; “Picsou... Fou Pas Fou !”);
#48 (1976; “Oncle Picsou est au Parfum !”);
#49 (1976; “Operation 'Avalanche'”);
#52 (1976; Picsou Fait des Etincelles”);
#55 (1976; “Onc' Picsou; Nouvelles Antibarbes !”);
#56 (1976; “La Carte de Zyeuzembois !”);
#57 (1976; “Picsou chez les 'Kosalenvers'”);
#58 (1976; “Le Secret de L'Anneau Magique”);
#59 (1977; “Noel en Or pour Picsou !”);
#60 (1977; “Cadeau ! Oncle Picsou Vous Offre un Poster Dedicace”);
#62 (1977; “Le Mystere des Miroirs Qui Craquent”);
#63 (1977; “Sprinte Qui Peut !);
#64 (1977; “Picsou Reve Sur Mesure”);
#66 (1977; “Attention ! Operation Tresors-Surprises...”);
#68 (1977); #69 (1977); #70 (1977); #93 1979; Super Picsou Geant; 196 pages);
#197 (June 1988); #198 (July 1988); #202 (November 1988); #203 (December 1988); #205 (February 1989); #206 (March 1989); #207 (April 1989); #208 (May 1989); #209 (June 1989); #211 (August 1989); #212 (September 1989); #215 (December 1989); #216 (January 1990); #217 (February 1990); #218 (March 1990); #221 (June 1990); #223 (August 1990); #225 (October 1990); #229 (February 1991); #230 (March 1991); #232 (May 1991); #234 (July 1991);
SUPER GOOF (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color 32 pages);
#3 1980); #4; #5; #6; #7; #9; #10; #11; #12; #14; #16 (1981); #17; #18; #19; #20 (1982); #22; #25 (1983);
SUPER PICSOU GEANT (Edi-Monde,Paris; French Language; Color and B&W; 196 Pages);
#8 (1985); #16 (1986); #87 (1998);
VARIEDADES (Printed in Columbia; Color);
#199 (circa 1968);
VARIEDADES DE WALT DISNEY (Revista Aprobada; Mexico; Color 32 pages);
#64 (1969); #193 (1974); #197 (1974); #198 (1974);
WALT DISNEY'S EKSTRA-HAEFTE (Anders and Co. Pub.; Netherlands; Color 36 pages); #9 (1975);
WALT DISNEY'S SNEHVIDE OG DE SYV DVAERGE (Anders and Co. Pub.; Netherlands; Color);
#NN (August 1951);
WINNIE L'OURSON (Editions Heritage; French Language; Color 32 pages);
#1 (1980); #3; #11 (1981); #12 (1982); #16 (1983);
>>> [ EH – Editions Heritage Pub. Comics were published in Quebec, Canada & about 90% were distributed only in that province. The average French Language Editions published by EH – Editions Heritage Comic had a print run of about 8,000 copies, which is only about 3% of the Print Run of the USA comics of the period. Almost all copies sold to READERS in the General Public & NOT to Collector's. Most Collector's bought the USA editions & avoided the Canadian French editions, THUS the Survival Rate of the French comics is MUCH smaller the the USA English counterparts; On average, i would estimate that only 2-10% (160 to 800 copies each) would still exist today. Many of these are NOT in the hands of collectors. They are even SCARCE in Quebec itself. MOST surviving copies are in LOW Grades (FAIR to VG), with strict FN copies being SCARCE on all 1985 & Older titles. >>> MOST other FOREIGN editions were made for Entire Countries, while EH – Editions Heritage published comics mainly for only one of 10 main provinces in One Country. Thus the EH – Editions Heritage comics are among the smallest print run licensed characters comics ever published. ]
ARCHIE COMICS FRENCH Language (Mostly from the 1970's and 1980's);
LOT-1; ASSORTED Titles; 5 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = FA/G to G/VG, Reading Copies; Weight = 300 Grams) Lot Price = $13.00;
LOT-2; ASSORTED Titles; 10 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = FA/G to G/VG, Reading Copies; Weight = 600 Grams) Lot Price = $25.00;
LOT-3; ASSORTED Titles; 20 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = FA/G to G/VG, Reading Copies; Weight = 1200 Grams) Lot Price = $45.00;
LOT-4; ASSORTED Titles; 50 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = FA/G to G/VG, Reading Copies; Weight = 3000 Grams) Lot Price = $99.00;
LOT-4; ASSORTED Titles; 100 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = FA/G to G/VG, Reading Copies; Weight = 6000 Grams) Lot Price = $195.00;
ARCHIE COMIC DIGESTS FRENCH Language = Regular Single issue size (Mostly from the 1980's and 1990's);
LOT-1; ASSORTED Titles; 5 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = FA/G to G/VG, Reading Copies; Weight = 500 Grams) Lot Price = $18.00;
LOT-2; ASSORTED Titles; 10 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = FA/G to G/VG, Reading Copies; Weight = 1000 Grams) Lot Price = $32.00;
LOT-3; ASSORTED Titles; 20 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = FA/G to G/VG, Reading Copies; Weight = 2000 Grams) Lot Price = $59.00;
LOT-4; ASSORTED Titles; 40 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = FA/G to G/VG, Reading Copies; Weight = 4000 Grams) Lot Price = $109.00;
ARCHIE COMIC DIGESTS FRENCH Language = DOUBLE SIZED issue size (Mostly from the 1980's and 1990's);
LOT-1; ASSORTED Titles; 6 Different issues (Our Choice; Condition = G to VG/FN, Reading Copies; Weight = 900 Grams) Lot Price = $24.00;
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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =
SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;
ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;
Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment
(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit; SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);
Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;
MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa