IW & Super Pub. In-Stock COMICS Price List FOR SALE -


>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.

They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;


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NOTE; All Items Related to this Category ARE ALREADY LISTED = If you do NOT see it Listed, Then it is NOT in Stock; 

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Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD

BOX 21986




Email; dsulipa@gmail.com

Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686


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>>> IW Pub. and SUPER Reprints FOR SALE;

** [ NOTE; all were published with NO Comics Code & MANY contain Pre-Code material;

Almost all were printed in the 1958 thru 1964 period ];

ALGIE (LITTLE) (Super Comics Pub.) - #15(1964; Teenage humor; SOLD OUT);

APACHE (I.W. Pub.) #1 (Severin-c?; Not Dated, but circa 1958/60;);

THE AVENGER (I.W.Pub.) - #9(Ayers-a; 1964; Origin;);;

BATTLE STORIES (Super Comics Pub.) -

#10(1963; US Tank Commandos-r; Kinstler-a;);

#12(Monty Hall of the US Marines-r; Mel Keefer-a; Canarsie-s {Crime}; );

#15 (1964; American Air Forces-r; Doomed Patrol, Mike Battles, Jet Powers; Powell-a; Bolle-a; );

#16 (Old Ironsides-s; Yellow Commies-s; );

#16 (Old Ironsides-s; Yellow Commies-s; );

#18 (US Fighting Air Force-r; Paratroopers-s; Commies-s; Korea-s; SOLD OUT);



#7(1958; Marvel/Timely All Suprise-r; Grenet-c; Super Rabbit-s; Krazy Krow-s; Silly Seal & Ziggy Pig-s;);

THE BLACK KNIGHT (Super Comics 1963) - #11(Girl burning at stake & in BONDAGE Splash Page; Nice GGA) ;

BLAZING SIX GUNS (I.W. Pub; 1960? thru 1964) -

#8 (Avon's Blazing Six Guns-r; Kinstler GGA-c; Death of Sundance Kid-s; Billy the Kid app; Utah Kid-s; );

#10 (Severin-c; Swift Arrow & Brave Rider-s; The Rider-s);

#15 (Silver Kid Western-r; Geronimo app; Apache Wikiups-s;);

#16 (Buffalo Bill-c/s; Swift Deer & Russian Bear-s; Grey Wolf-s; Manny Stallman-a; Wildey-r; Severin-c; );

#17( SOLD OUT);

#18 (Straight Arrow-c/s; Poker Game-s; Red Hawk-s; Fred Meagher-a; Powell-a; Severin-c);


#8 (circa late 1950's; Dan DeCarlo art;); #10; #18;


#8 (IW Pub; Reprints Quality issue #23; 1963; Pirates-c/s; CRANDALL art; Captain daring, Spanish Main, Eric FortuneBlack Roger; GGA; SOLD OUT);

#12 (Pirates; Super Comics Pub; 1964; Black Roger-s; Crandall-a; Captain Daring-s; GGA; Spanish Main-s; Witchcraft-s;);


#9 (Neddy, the Bear-s with Al Fago-a; Spunky, the Kangaroo-s; Bill & Koo, birds-s; Spanking panel; Tick Tack & Toe, kittens-s; JCA-a; SOLD OUT);

CANDY (Super Comics) #16; #17;

CASPER CAT (Super Comics Inc.) = #7; #14 (1963);

COWBOYS 'N' INJUNS (I.W.Pub.) - #7 (Jesse Jimmy-s; Tom-Tom Jungle Boy-s; Nightmare Noonan-s; Koko & Kola-s; Punchy Creampuff Cowpuncher-s; SOLD OUT);

DANGER (Super Comics Pub.) -

#12 (Black Dwarf-c/s; Nemo in Adventureland-s; Prehistoric Pete-s);

#15 [Spy Cases #26{#1 in Atlas/Marvel series}-r; Iron Curtain-s with GGA; FBI-s; Russian Commies-s; );

#16(Yankee Girl-c/s;Young Americans-s; Johnny Rebel-s; Monkeyshines-s; Life of Riley-s; );



#9(Return of the GHOUL-c/s; Blue Bolt #115-r; 3 x Jay DISBROW-a; SOLD OUT);

#12(1964; Phantom Lady-c/s; Bondage panels; superb GGA;Matt BAKER-a; SOLD OUT;

#15[Hooded Menace(KKK-like)-c/s; Ravelli-a; Whipping Panels; Woman Bondage panel; ];

#17[Green Lama-c/s; Raboy-a; 1964; Lieutenant Hercules-s; Rick Masters-s = Mort Lawrence-a; SOLD OUT);

DOGFACE DOOLEY (I.W.Pub.) - #1 (1964; SG cover-a; Army Guys & Gals humor; SOLD OUT);

DOLL MAN (Super Comics Pub.) - #15(1964; Torchy-s; Ross Andru & Esposito-c;); #17;


#1 (Bob Powell-a; Frank W. Bolle-a; GGA; Lingerie panel; Boxing-s; );

#8 (Great Lovers Romance #1-r; 2 x Jon Juan, World's greatest Lover-s, by Siegel & Schomburg; Kinstler-c; Hollywood Girl-s; );

#9 (Kinstler-c; Boxing-c/s; 1 page John Wayne interview & 1 panel FRAZETTA illustration; Dr Anthony King Hollywood Psychiatrist-s; Girl Fight splash page;);

DR. FU MANCHU #1 (IW Enterprises Pub; 1964; Reprints the classic AVON #1 "Mask of Fu Manchu" = 25 pages of WALLY WOOD Art; Sax Rohmer adaption; Flash Harper Ace Photographer backup with Hoillingsworth art; Water-Damaged, FAIAR, 1.0 = $12.00);  


#8(Rip Carson-c/s; GGA, Girl in Bondage panels; Fiction House-r; Kayo Kirby-s {Matt Baker-a?}; Hooks Develin-s; Senorita Rio-s; GGA SOLD OUT) ;


#10(He-Man-s; Heath-c?;) ;

#12(Unpublished Chestler GA material?; ZOR the Mighty -c/s; Thorik the Fearless-s; Impy-s; Gremlins-s; Letkeman-a;);

#16(Dark Shadows #2-r; Witch Doctor-c/s; SOLD OUT);

#17(South Sea Girl-c/s; Old Ironsides-s; GGA; Marty the Mermaid-s;);


#1(Reprints Avon's "City of the Dead"; Hollingsworth-a; GGA, Zombies, Witches, Satan, Voodoo & Slave Trader; UFO cover = SOLD OUT)


#1(circa 1960; Avon #NN-r; Kinstler-c & 20 pgs art; CRIME KING-s, Lawrence/Alascia-a; Daniel Boone vs Indian, Knife Fight-c;);

FIREHAIR - White Daughter of the Sioux (I.W.Pub.) -

#8(Western; Firehair is the Red Headed White daughter of the Sioux Indians; Fiction House's Rangers #57-r; Kinstler-c; Dr Drew horror/mystery-s with classic Grandenetti-a; GGA; Jan of the Jungle-s; SOLD OUT);

FOXHOLE (Super Comics Pub.)


#17 (Monty Hall & US Fighting Marines-c/s; Spike & Bat vs Terrible Turk-s; GGA Harem Girls; );


#1 (No Date, circa 1958; Avon #1-r; "Erotic Spanking in a western comic" to Girl in swimsuit, panel used in SOTI; Waldman-a; "Don't Fence me in" = GGA, by Larsen? );

#9 (Kinstler-c?; GGA; Avon-r?; Girl in Bondage panels; );

GREAT ACTION COMICS (I.W.Pub.) - #1(1958; Captain Truth-c/s; Severin-c?; SOLD OUT)


#1 (Sraight Arrow-r; Red Hawk-r; Powell-a; SOLD OUT);

#2 (Sraight Arrow-r; Fref Meagher-a; Red Hawk-r; Powell-a; SOLD OUT);

GUNFIGHTERS (Super Comics Pub.) -

#12(Renegade at Buffalo Butte; SOLD OUT)

#16(1964; Billy the Kid-c/s; GGA;)

#18 (the Rider-c/s; Swift Arrow-s; Severin-c;)

HUMAN FLY (I.W. Comics Pub) #1(1958; Carl Burgos cover)

INDIAN BRAVES (I.W.Pub.) - #1 (Green Arrowhead-s; John Thunderhead-s; Wild Eagle-s; Swift Elk-s; SOLD OUT);


JUNGLE ADVENTURES (Super Comics; all with NEW cover art)

#15(Tiger Girl-c/s; Kaanga-s; Wambi-s; GGA);

#17 (all Fox's JO-JO-r issue; GGA; Girl in Bondage panels; SOLD OUT);

#18 (Taanda, White Princess of the Jungle, Avon #1-r; Origin White Princess & Capt'n Courage; Louis Ravelli-a; classic GGA;);

KIDDIE KAPERS (SUPER Comics Pub) #14 (1963)

KRAZY KROW (I.W.Pub.; Marvel/Atlas reprints) -

#2 (Fishing-c by Grenet; 1957; Haunted House-s; Doctor-s; Little Lionel-s; SOLD OUT);

#7 (1958; Bowling-c; for Mayor-s; );

LITTLE EVA (I.W.Pub.; St John's reprints) -

#1 (circa 1958/60; );

#6(Short Stuff-s; Little Ike-s; Ghost-s; SOLD OUT);

#7 (carnival-c/s; Short Stuff-s; SOLD OUT)

#8 (Hot-Rod-s; SOLD OUT);

#9 (Clubhouse/Ransom Note-s; );


#14( SOLD OUT);


#1 (1963; Frisky Fables #1-r; Neddy, the Bear-s, with Al Fago-a; Tick Tack Toe, the Kittens-s; JCA-a; Spunky, the Kangaroo-s; Pidgy-s; Dopsy Durvy-s; VG, 1x1-1/2" piece of bottom right cover corner, );


#8 (Reprints Pre-Code Superior #3; New KINSTLER cover; KAMEN-Like Art; Great GGA; );

MALU IN THE LAND OF ADVENTURE (I.W.Pub.) #1(Severin-c; Avon's Slave Girl comics #1-r; Larsen-a; Girls in Bondage panels; classic GGA; = SOLD OUT);


#1(circa 1960; Lumberjacks-s; Nutty Squirrel-s; Harry the Horse-s; Tuffy Bear-s; Aesop fable, the Little Fish; Pete the Peco-s; SOLD OUT);

MASTER DETECTIVE (Super Comics Pub.) -

#17(1964; Criminals on the RUN V4#2, Pre-Code-r; Young King Cole-s; McWilliams-a; );


#9 (circa 1960; Teenage humor; Dave Berg, of MAD fame art; );

#18 (circa 1963; Teenage humor; Dave Berg art; Melody-s with Gill Fox-a; Peggy Dean in Hollywood-s = GGA; SOLD OUT);

MUGGSY MOUSE (Super Comics Pub.) #14;


#9 (No Date; Circa 1958; Reprintts Pre-Code Superior comics; Excellent GGA = KAMEN-Like-c/a; );

MYSTERY TALES (Super Comics Pub.) -

#16 (“Love from a Plant”);

#17(Walking Dead-s; Dice Gambling-c/s; Satan's Wopman Prize-s; Avon's Eerie #17-r;)


PLASTIC MAN (Super Comics)

#18 (1964; Plastic Man by Jack Cole; Candy by Harry Shale; Spirit by Will Eisner; Manhunter by Peter Riss, from Police Comics; Ross Andru and Mike Esposito cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24.00);

POLICE TRAP (Super Comics Pub.) -

#16(1964; Pre-Code, Justice Traps the Guilty-r; Masher-s; BEER Party-s; SOLD OUT)

#18 (Fox's Pre-Code, Inside Crime #3-r;);

PURPLE CLAW (I.W. Comics Pub) #8(1958; Reprints Purple Claw #1 from 1/53)


#9(Avon's Pre-Code, Complete Romance #1/Women to Love #1-r; circa 1960; Nice GGA by Myron Fass; Book-Length 5 chapter, Mystery, Murder & love-s; Chicago Underworld & Gangs-s; );

#9 (G, centerfold missing);


#1 (circa 1958; ME's Red Mask #52-r; Frank Bolle-ax2; Origin Presto Kid-r; Guardineer-a; ASK ;

#2 (circa 1958; ME's Red Mask #51-r; with three 3-D Effect-s, with Frank Bolle-a; 1st app Presto Kid-r; Ayers-a; SOLD OUT);

#8 (circa 1958; ME's Red Mask #52-r; Frank Bolle-ax2; Origin Presto Kid-r; Guardineer-a; Same contents as IW #1, but new Kinstler-c; SOLD OUT);


#2 (Reprints the Pre-Code AVON #2; 1963/64; Walter T. Johnson GGA; MAN SLAPS Woman across the face TWICE; Manny Stillman GGA; );

#3 ("Heartbreak Alley"; Reprints Pre-Code AVON; Manny Stillman GGA; );

SHARPY FOX (Super Comics Pub.) #14;


#9 (reprints cover of White Princess #3; Reprints Pre-Code Sheena Fiction House #18; classic GGA; Used in POP; );


#2 (circa 1958; Stanmore #1-r; Severin-c; decent VG copy, but 2"x2" piece off front & back covers, thus FA );


#1(circa 1960; Car Race/Kangaroo-c; Peter Cottontail-r; Peter Cottontail-r; Space Salad-s; Flutterby Butterfly-s; )


#1(circa 1960; different from above; Wolf with Baseball Bat-c; Ducktater-s; Buster & Brownie Bear-s; Red Riding Hood spoof-s;) ;

THE SPIRIT (Super Comics Pub.) -

#12 [1964; Menace of the Metal Monsters cover by Joe Simon and Sol Brodsky; ROBOTS cover and story;  Reprints Spirit #17 (Quality)  withThree x 7 page Spirit Section stories from 1944-1945 with LOU FINE art; Two x 4 page Flatfoot Burns stories, Sherlock Holmes parodies, with Al Stahl art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $16.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $9.00]; 


#9 (1958; Pre-Code HORROR and GGA Reprints; ** Creeping Death, 6 pages Jay Disbrow art, reprinted from Spook #28; ** Red Rocket in The Monstrous Madmen, 8 pages of George Appel Art, reprinted from Captain Flight #11 and Spook #28; ** Rulah in Jade of Death, 11 pages with Matt Baker and Iger Shop art, Bondage panels, the Wondrous Jade Ju-Ju GGA Good Girl Art Jungle story, reprinted from Rulah #21 and Spook #28; Low Print and Scarce; FAIR, 1.0, reading copy = $12.00);


#15(1964; Pre-code horror, Dark Mysteries #23-r; Hollingsworth-a; SOLD OUT);

#17(1964; Dead who Walk = Pirate Ghosts-c; Pre-code horror, Dark Mysteries #22-r; Hollingsworth-a; );

#18(Art of Julian Daniels; Devil-Music; Joe KUBERT-a; Zombies-s; Reprints Witchcraft #1;ASK);


#1(Kinstler-c; Wood-a; Krigstein-a; Orlando-a; Davis-a; EC's Incredible Science Fiction #30-r; );

#9(UFO & Vampire Aliens-c/s; Orlando/Wood-a; SOLD OUT);

#15(Heath-a; Colan-a; Rockets battle action cover; );

STRANGE WORLDS (I.W. Comics Pub) #5(1963);

SUPER BRAT (I.W.Pub.) - #7(Basketball-c; Super-powered child menace; 1958; );

SUPER RABBIT (I.W.Pub.; Marvel/Timely-r)

#2(1958; Fat Female-s; Silly Seal & Ziggy Pig-s; Little Lionel-s;);

TEEN-AGE TALK (I.W.Pub; Teenage Humor.) -

#5(Oh Brother-s; Oh Sister-s; Melvin-s; GGA; );

#8 (4 x Hector-s; Ziggy-s; Ben Brown-a; Basketball-s; Soda Jerk-s;);

#9 (Punch comics-r; nice L.B.COLE-c; Baxter-s; Punch & Cutey-s; Billiards/Pool-s; Impy-s with Letkeman-a; SOLD OUT);


#9 (Toby #1-r; Arabian Nightmare-s with Harem Girls; GGA; Lover O'Leary & his Liberty Belles, with Pinup Girls; );

16 (Toby #4-r; Male Marine in DRAG-s; GGA; Mam'selle-s; Lover O'Leary & his Liberty Belles, with Pinup Girls );


#9 (1964; Reprints Pre-Code Young King Cole #14-r; DR. DREW story; Homer K. Beagle Demon Detective = Harvey Fuller art; Hypodermic Needle Panels in 2 different stories; );


#1(Jungle Girl in Bondage-c; New-c; Taanda, White Princess of the Jungle #3-r; Kinstler-a; GGA; Black Death/Rats-s; Ant Invasion-s; Blue Gorilla-s; SOLD OUT);


#1(circa 1958; Cheerie Chick-s; Tuffy Turtle-s; Robin Koo Koo-s; Donald Dogg-s, with Bob Schwartz-a; Leghorn Legends-s; SOLD OUT);


#9 (Kamen-Like art; Korean War-s; Frogmen-s; FN, writing on cover );

#9 (Kamen-Like art; Korean War-s; Frogmen-s; );

U.S. FIGHTING MEN (Super Comics Pub.; Most stories vs Korean Communists)

#10(1963; Avon's With the US Paratroops #10-r; new Severin-c; Whipping /Torture panel; SOLD OUT);

#12 (United States Fighting Air Force-r; Jets vs Commie Tanks-c; );

#15 (Commie POW Camp-c/s; Joe Maneely-a; Reinman-a; R.Q.Sale-a; Russ Heath-a; Atlas/Marvel-r; SOLD OUT);

#16 (United States Fighting Air Force-r; );

#17 (United States Fighting Air Force-r; Commie Brain Wash-s; SOLD OUT);


#1 (circa 1960; Avon's With the US Paratroops #1 reprint; Wally WOOD cover; Mort Lawrence art; SOLD OUT);

#8 (circa 1960; Avon's With the US Paratroops #6-r; Kinstler-c/a; Lawrence-a; Germ Warfare-s; SOLD OUT);

U.S. TANK COMMANDOS (I.W.Pub.) - #1(Avon #1-r; Kinstler-c; Ravelli-a; SOLD OUT);

WACKY DUCK (I.W.Pub.) - #1(1958; Waldo Wolf-s; Little Lionel-s; SOLD OUT); #7;



#7(Toby's Two-Bit, the Wacky Woodpecker #1-r; Ice Hockey-s; Tumbleweed Tim-s; Grenet cover art; SHERLOCK HOLMES cameo on Movie Poster; );

WAMBI THE JUNGLE BOY (I.W.Pub.) - #8(Fiction House's Wambi #12-r; );

WESTERN ACTION (I.W.Pub.) - #7(Avon's Cow Puncher-r; KIT WEST-s, with LARSEN-a; GGA; Gold makes a Ghost Town-s; );

THE WESTERNER (Super Comics Pub.)

#15(1964; Oklaholma Kid-r; )

#17 (Blazing Western #2-r; new Severin-c; Whire Redskin-s; SOLD OUT);

WILD BILL HICKOK (Super Comics Pub.)

#11 (1963; Avon-r; Custer-s; Fighting Parson-s; new Severin-c;);

#12 (Avon #8-r; Girl in Bondage panels; Lingerie/BRA panel; new Severin-c; Mysterious Dave-s;);


#1(circa 1960; Red Top #1-r; Kid Cowboy-s; Singing Cowboy-s; GGA; Lone Vigilante-s; );

ZIGGY PIG (I.W.Pub.) - #7(Timely/Marvel-r; Silly Seal app; Krazy Krow-s; Grenet-c; Creeper & Crawler-s; Sherlock Holmes parody-s; Posty & Lolly-s; SOLD OUT);


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>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986


Email; dsulipa@gmail.com

Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at;  1-204-392-6686

Website; www.dougcomicworld.com

ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com

SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;

ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;



Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit;  SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);  

Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

