
>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.

They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;


If you see items that interest you, PLEASE;

(1) REQUEST Condition, Price & Confirmation of availability;

(2) IMPORTANT; State PREFERRED Condition; (A) Highest Available Grade; (B) Middle Grade; (C) Lowest grade, cheapest copy;

(3) List up to a MAXIMUM of 30 items that interest you [Pulling, Grading & Pricing items from our GIANT Inventory in our 8000 Square

Foot warehouse, can be EXTREMELY Time Consuming; (So please; Try to send Serious Inquiries & START with your MOST WANTED Items)

IF you make a purchase from the Original 30 or Less item Quoted, we will be very HAPPY to Quote MORE items;

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(5) Once we get your WANT LIST, based on our IN STOCK Inventory Lists, we will be VERY happy to respond with what is in stock,

As Soon As Possible; WE USUALLY REPLY to Inquires in 1-3 DAYS. (Bigger Requests & Time-Consuming Inquires, take longer to respond to);

NOTE; All Items Related to this Category ARE ALREADY LISTED = If you do NOT see it Listed, Then it is NOT in Stock; 

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 [ IF your Servers SPAM FILTER Blocks our EMAIL Reply, we can still then answer you by Snail Mail and/or Phone ];


Our Mailing Address;


Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD

BOX 21986




Email; dsulipa@gmail.com

Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686


To see our HOME PAGE (includes HUGE Inventory of about 160+ Categories of ITEMS IN STOCK);

>> The WORLD’S BIGGEST SELECTION, on the entire Internet, on MANY ITEMS;

Please GO TO = http://dougcomicworld.com/


(1) KING Pub. COMICS -


(3) TOP COMICS (K.K. Pub.) -


(1) KING Pub. Comics -

BEETLE BAILEY (King Comics Pub; See also; Dell, Gold Key & Charlton) - #54(8/1966), 55-63,65,

BEETLE BAILEY – COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-02(1977; with Blondie & Popeye app); #R-13(1977; Little King app);

BLONDIE (King Comics Pub; See also; Harvey & Charlton) #164(8/66), 165-175,

BLONDIE - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-03(1973; Beetle Bailey app); #R-11(1977; Hi & Lois app);

FLASH GORDON (King Comics Pub; See also; Dell, Gold Key & Charlton) - #1(1966), 2-11,

FLASH GORDON - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-16(Mandrake app);

HAGAR THE HORRIBLE - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-09(1977; Boner’s Ark app);

JUNGLE JIM (King Comics Pub; See also; Dell, & Charlton) - #5(12/67);

MANDRAKE THE MAGICIAN (KING Comics Pub; 1966-1967);

Sacha Baron Cohen will play Mandrake the Magician (an illusionist and escape artist) in the Live-Action MOVIE adaptation of the classic King Feature Syndicate comic strip, with director Etan Cohen, from a script by David Peoples, Janet Peoples and Tom Wheeler. Charles Roven and Andy Horowitz will produce the film, while Alan Glazer and Rocky Shepard will serve as EPs. Cate Adams and Jesse Ehrman will oversee for Warner Bros. 

#1 (9/1966; Mandrake in Menace of the City Jungle = Dick Wood-s, Don Heck & André LeBlanc-a; Mandrake in The Flying Phantom = Dick Wood-s; Werner Roth & André LeBlanc-a; Meet the Man — Lee Falk = 1 page Text article biography on Lee Falk, creator of Mandrake the Magician and the Phantom; PHANTOM in SOS Phantom Backup story = Bill Lignante-a; Don Heck & Mike Peppe-c;

#2 (11/1966; Mandrake in Specter from Space = Dick Wood-s, André LeBlanc-a; Mandrake in The Phantom Casino = André LeBlanc-a; André LeBlanc-c;  PHANTOM in The Pirate Raiders Backup story = Bill Lignante-a;

#3 (1/1967; Mandrake in Doomsday Man = Dick Wood-s, André LeBlanc-a; Mandrake in The Terror of the Haunted Desert = Dick Wood-s, André LeBlanc-a; André LeBlanc-c;  PHANTOM in The Magic Ivory Cage Backup story = Bill Lignante-a;

#4 (3/1967; Mandrake in The Black Wizard = André LeBlanc-a; André LeBlanc-c;  Mandrake in Doomsday Man = Gary Poole-s, André LeBlanc-a;  GIRL PHANTOM Backup story = Bill Lignante-a, Dick Wood-s;

#5 (5/1967; Mandrake in Cape Cod Caper = Gary Poole-s, Ray Bailey-a; Mandrake in The Fear Mongers = Gary Poole-s, Ray Bailey-a;  Flying Saucer & Aliens cover & story; Fred Fredericks-c; Brick Bradford with Saturn Sadie backup story = Paul Norris-s/a;

#6 (7/1967; Mandrake in Incredible Space Menace = with Lothar,  Dargo, Felix, Ralph, Professor Beldon & Narda = Gary Poole-s, Ray Bailey-a; Meet the Man — Lee Falk = 1 page Text article biography on Lee Falk, creator of Mandrake the Magician and the Phantom;  Brick Bradford with Saturn Sadie backup story = Paul Norris-s/a; Ray Bailey/Fred Fredericks-c;

#7 (8/1967; Mandrake in Jungle Drums - Part-1 & The Return of King Lothar - Part-2, with Lothar, Narda, Besa the Sorcerer & Wambesi tribe = Gary Poole-s; Brick Bradford with Saturn Sadie backup story = Paul Norris-s/a; Fred Fredericks-c;

#8 (9/1967; Mandrake in Telltale Doll = Giovanni Fiorentini-s, Salvatore Stizza as S. Totty art; Graet Battle of History: Pharsalus The Triumph of Caesar = 4 pages of JEFF JONES art; Fred Fredericks-c;

#9 (10/1967; Mandrake in Terror from Outer Space = Giovanni Fiorentini & Gary Poole-s, Domenico Mirabella-a; Brick Bradford backup story = Paul Norris-s/a; Fred Fredericks-c;

#10 (11/1967; LAST issue in series; Mandrake in Haunting of Hawk Inn = Gary Poole-s, Ray Bailey-a; Rip Kirby story in Object Matri-Money = Fred Dickenson & Gary Poole-s, 14 pages of Alex Raymond  art; Brick Bradford backup story = Paul Norris-s/a; Fred Fredericks-c;

Measurement and Geometry #M-01(68 page Giant; 1979; King Comics Pub.; Promo / Giveaway Color Comics; New Material Stories; POPEYE & TIGER-c/s; Also Contains Stories of; Hi & Lois, Blondie, Hagar the Horrible; 2 x POPEYE-s; 2 x QUINCY-a; SCARCE; VG/FN = $12);

the PHANTOM (King Comics Pub; See also; Gold Key, Charlton, & DC) - #18(9/66), 19-27,

the PHANTOM - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-06(1977 Reprint; Girl Phantom & Mandrake app)

#R-15(1977 the Genius app),

POPEYE (King Comics Pub; See also; Dell, Gold Key & Charlton) - #81,82(10/66), 84-90,92

POPEYE - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-07(1973; Little King app),#R-12(1977; Swee’Pea, Wimpy & Brutus app);

POPEYE AND... ; (1972-1973; King Comics Pub.; Careers Series -- 36 pages; Promo / Giveaway Color Comics; New Material Stories by Joe Gill; Art by George Wildman) -

#E-1(Health Careers, 1972),

#E-2(Environmental Careers, 1973),

#E-3(Communications and Media Careers, 1972),

#E-4(Transportation Careers, 1972),

#E-5(Construction Careers, 1972),

#E-6(Consumer and Homemaking career, 1972),

#E-7(Manufacturing Careers, 1972),

#E-8(Hospitality and Recreation Careers, 1972),

#E-9(Marketing and Distribution Careers, 1973),

#E-10 (Business and Office Careers, 1973),

#E-11 (Public Service Careers, 1972; POPEYE as a FIREMMAn on Fire Truck cover; VF = $12.00),

#E-12(Personal Service Careers, 1972),

#E-13(Marine Science Careers, 1973),

#E-14(Fine Arts and Humanities careers, 1973),

#E-15(Agri-Business-Natural Resources Careers, 1972),

PRINCE VALIANT - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-08(1973; Flash Gordon app); #R-08(1977 Reprint; Flash Gordon app);

QUINCY - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-05(1973; Henry app), #R-14(1977; Hagar's son Hamlet app);

REDEYE - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-10(1977; Tiger app);

TIGER - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-01(1973; Quincy app);

TIM TYLER’S LUCK - COMICS READING LIBRARY (King Promo/Giveaway Color Comics) - #R-04(1973; Felix the Cat app);


See Warren, Skywald & Misc. Horror = for B&W Comic Mags.

BLAZING SIX-GUNS (Skywald Pub., 2/71) - #1,2;

THE BRAVADOS (Skywald Pub., 8/71) - #1;

BUTCH CASSIDY (Skywald Pub., 6/71) - #1-3;

THE HEAP (Skywald Pub., 9/71) - #1;

JUNGLE ADVENTURE (Skywald Pub.,3/71) - #1-3;

THE SUNDANCE KID (Skywald Pub.,6/71) - #1,2;

TENDER LOVE STORIES (Skywald Pub., 2/71) - #1-4;

WILD WESTERN ACTION (Skywald Pub., 3/71) - #1-3;

(3) TOP COMICS (K.K. Pub.) -

(KK Publications / Gold Key; all JULY 1967; Originally SOLD ONLY in Polybagged PRE-PACKS);

>>>> SEE ALSO the WALT DISNEY issues listed in the WALT DISNEY Section of our Website;

DAFFY DUCK (Top Comics; 7/1967; Warner Bros/Looney Tunes) - #1;

THE FLINTSTONES (Top Comics; 7/1967; Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon) - #1-3;

FLIPPER (Top Comics; TV - Photo-c) - #1;

JETSONS (Top Comics; 7/1967; Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon) - #1;

LASSIE (Top Comics; TV - Photo-c) - #1;

PORKY PIG (Top Comics; 7/1967; Warner Bros/Looney Tunes) - #1, 2;

TOM & JERRY (Top Comics; 7/1967) - #1, 2;

TOP CAT - (Top Comics; 7/1967; Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon) - #1,2;

TWEETY & SYLVESTER (Top Comics; 7/1967; Warner Bros/Looney Tunes) - #1, 2;

WOODY WOODPECKER (Top Comics; 7/1967; Walter Lantz) - #1,2,4;

YOGI BEAR (Top Comics; 7/1967; Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon) - #1,2;

"TOPS COMICS" (K.K./Gold Key pub; July/1967) sealed 5 comic Pre-Pack (Snow White, Daffy Duck, Super Goof, Lassie & Zorro; Bag has some shelfwear, but is still nice; Comics inside bag appear to be VF/NM average = US$69.00);


DYNAMO (1966-1967; Tower Comic Pub; 68 page Giants; 1-3= Square-bound; Member of the Thunder Agents);

#1 (8/1966; REED CRANDALL/WALLY WOOD-a; Steve DITKO/Wally WOOD-a; NoMan & Lightning cameo);

#2 (10/1966; WALLY WOOD-c/a; Adkins/Wood-a; TUSKA-a);

#3 (WALLY WOOD-c/a; TUSKA-a;

#4 (6/1967; WALLY WOOD-c/a; DITKO-a? LAST issue);

Fight the Enemy (1966-1967; Tower Comics Pub; all 68 page Square-bound Giants);

#1 (8/1966; Lucky-7 and Secret Agent Mike Manly series' Begin);

#2 (10/1966; Lucky-7-s; GREEN BERETS-s; Secret Agent Mike Manly-s; First BORIS VALLEJO Comic; Al McWilliams-a);

#3 (3/1967; Zack Fight of the GREEN BERETS-s; Pearl Harbour-s; Secret Agent Mike Manly-s; Lucky-7-s; ½ Page WALLY WOOD-a; Al McWilliams-a; Bolle-a; LAST issue);

NOMAN ( Tower Comic Pub; 68 page Giants; Member of the Thunder Agents); #1(11/1966), 2;

TEEN-IN (Tower Comic Pub; 1968-1969; TIPPY TEEN and Friends)

#NN (#1; Summer 1968; Square-Bound 52 page Giant; Tippy Teen cover and appearance; Animals and Cowsills text features; Herman's Hermits photo back cover. Has 3 Full Page B&W Photos of; Sonny and Cher, Donovan, and Herman's Hermits;

Interviews and Photos with Jim Morrison, Eric Clapton and others; ( A) Tippy Teen in Beach Ball Up, 7 page comics story; ( B ) The Music Explosion, 1 page Text article by Jamie Lyons; The Music Explosion was an American music group best known for a 1967 Top 10 hit, "Little Bit O'Soul." Lead singer Jamie Lyons died in 2006 at age 57. Black and white photo of The Music Explosion accompanies the article. ( C ) Secret Family Feuds of the Cowsills, 1 page Text Article; The Cowsills are an American performing family who were the inspiration for the fictional Partridge Family on TV. The band was signed by MGM records in 1967, and the band's first album included the hit single "The Rain, The Park and Other Things." Black and white photo of the Cowsills accompanies the article. ( D ) Go-Go, in Go Going Gone, 6 page comics story; ( E ) Tune in on Teens, 2 page Text Article; ( F ) Just a Second, 5 page Comics story; ( G ) Eric Burdon and the Animals, 1 page Text Article with Photo; Eric Burdon was frontman for the group The Animals, an English music group of the 1960s best known for their hit "The House of the Rising Sun." Black and white photo accompanies the article. ( H ) Scientifically Yours, , 6 page comics story; ( I ) The Girl That I Marry, 2 page Text Article with Photos; Peter Noone (from band Herman's Hermits); Bill Cowsill (from band The Cowsills); Mickey Dolenz (from band The Monkees); Dino Danelli (from band The Young Rascals); Davy Jones (from band The Monkees); Eric Clapton (from band The Cream); Tim Buckley; Jim Morrison (from band The Doors); Top recording stars speak out about the girl of their dreams. How well do you measure up? Black and white photo head shots accompany article. ( J ) Teens Ask Tippy, 2 pages of Letters; ( K )  Doodles by Jeannemarie Volk, 2 pages of Fashioned for Fall; Notes from GCD; ( L ) Dream Love, 9 page Comics story with art by Chic Stone; GGA Cover art probably by Samm Schwartz);

#NN (#2; Spring/1969; Square-Bound 68 page Giant);

#3 (Summer 1969; Square-Bound 52 page Giant; Peace and Love Psychedelic cover);

#4 (Fall/1969; Square-Bound 52 page Giant;  Psychedelic cover);

T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS // THUNDER AGENTS (Tower Comics Pub; 1965-1969; 1-16 = 68 page GIANTS; 17-20 = 52 Pages; ** Includes art by; WOOD, Gil Kane, Crandall & Ditko)

#1(11/1965; First appearance and ORIGIN of DYNAMO, NOMAN, MENTHOR and the THUNDER SQUAD; First appearance of IRON MAIDEN; Reed CRANDALL-a; TUSKA-a; WALLY WOOD-c/a; ASK);

#2(1/1966; Death of Egghead; A-Bomb Blast panel; WALLY WOOD-c/a; DYNAMO-c/s;

#3(3/1966; DYNAMO vs MENTHOR-c/s; WALLY WOOD-c/a;

#4(4/1966; Guy Gilbert Becomes LIGHTNING & Joins THUNDER SQUAD; DYNAMO-c/s; ORIGIN of THUNDER; Second appearance of IRON MAIDEN-c/s; Reed CRANDALL-a; WALLY WOOD-c/a;

#5(WALLY WOOD-c/a;

#6(7/1966; WALLY WOOD-c/a; Steve DITKO-a; Sekowsky-a;

#7(8/1966; DEATH OF MENTHOR; NOMAN-c; WALLY WOOD-c/a; Steve DITKO-a; TUSKA-a);

#8(9/1966; First appearance and ORIGIN of the RAVEN; DYNAMO and OVERLORD-c/s; WALLY WOOD-c/a; TUSKA-a;

#9(10/1966; NOMAN vs TARANTULA-c/s; WALLY WOOD-c/a; WHITNEY-a);

#10(11/1966; DYNAMO-c/s; WALLY WOOD-c/a; TUSKA-a; WHITNEY-a);

#11(3/1967; WALLY WOOD-c/a);

#12(4/1967; WALLY WOOD/ Steve DITKO-c/a);

#13(6/1967; UNDERSEA AGENT appears; WALLY WOOD-c/i; Steve DITKO-a?; TUSKA-a; WHITNEY-a; Reinman-a;

#14(7/1967; RAVEN-c/s; Gil Kane-c; WALLY WOOD-i; Steve DITKO-a; TUSKA-a;



#17(12/1967; WALLY WOOD-i; TUSKA-a; WHITNEY-c/a;

#18(9/1968; DYNAMO-c/s; Reed CRANDALL-c/a; WALLY WOOD/ Steve DITKO-a; WHITNEY-a);

#19(11/1968; WALLY WOOD-a; TUSKA-a);

#20(11/1969; LAST issue; Collectors Edition - all Reprints; WALLY WOOD-a; Reed CRANDALL-a;


TIPPY TEEN (Tower Comic Pub; All Giants; 11/1965-10/1969);

#1 (11/1965; Timmy Teen, GO-GO, Animal, Tommy & Peggy Begin);

#2 (1/1966; Christmas issue);

#3 (3/1966; HERMAN’S HERMITS Cover insert with illustration of Five Members; HERMAN’S HERMITS Star Time illustrated Bio Page inside);

#4 (4/1966; DINO, DESI and BILLY Cover insert with illustration of Three Members; DINO, DESI and BILLY Star Time illustrated Bio Page inside);

#5 (1966; One page BEATLES Pinup; SOLD OUT);

#6 (7/1966; SONNY and CHER Star Time illustrated Bio Page inside);

#7 (8/1966; GIRLS in BIKINI’S and SWIMSUITS cover; TOMMY gets a SPANKING panel; GARY LEWIS Star Time illustrated Bio Page inside);

#8 (9/1966);

#9 (10/1966; Timmy Teen / GIRL in BIKINI SWIMSUIT cover);

#10 (12/1966; ANNIVERSARY issue);

#11 (3/1967; MONSTER on TV Cover);

#12 (4/1967; VALENTINE cover & Valentine Party; SOLD OUT);

#13 (6/1967; Meet the MONKEES illustrated Bio Page inside);

#14 (7/1967; B&W Cover to Color issue; SOLD OUT);

#15 (9/1967; Summer issue; GIRLS in BIKINI’S and SWIMSUITS cover & story; Cheeeleaders story; The MAMAS & the PAPAS illustrated Bio Page inside);

#16 (10/1967; Mod TWIGGY Photo cover with Tippy Teen; LOVIN SPOONFUL illustrated Bio Page inside);

#17 (12/1967; TIPPY Nude in Bubble-bath panel; NOEL HARRISON of Girl from UNCLE illustrated Bio Page inside);

#18 (3/1968; MONKEES Cover insert with PHOTO of Four Members; MONKEES Photo Pinup on Back Cover);

#19 (6/1968; Tippy Teen as Easter Bunny cover; B&W Photo Inside & Back covers includes; Harper's Bizarre, Serendipity Singers & Vanilla Fudge; Meet NEIL DIAMOND; Serendipity Singers Photo Pinup on Back Cover);

#20 (9/1968; Tippy Teen in Bikini Swimsuit on Surfboard cover; B&W Photo Inside & Back covers includes; Jefferson Airplane, the Cowsills, Engelbert Humperdinck; ** PETER NOONE and Harper's Bizarre, articles with Photo's; COWSILLS Photo Pinup on Back Cover);

#21 (11/1968; Girls in Swimsuit & Bikini cover; B&W Photo Inside & Back covers includes; The BYRDS, Spanky & Our Gang, the Treneloes; Girl who Married MIKE NESMITH of the Monkees article; rd cover; B&W Photo Inside & Back covers includes; Jefferson Airplane, the Cowsills, Engelbert Humperdinck; ** PETER NOONE and Harper's Bizarre, articles with Photo's; BYRDS Photo Pinup on Back Cover);

#22 (3/1969; Holiday issue; LEONARD NIMOY aka SPOCK of STAR TREK article; B&W Photo Inside covers includes; Lovin Spoonfull, & Noel Harrison; JIM MORRISON of the Doors PHOTO Pinup on Back cover);

#23 (6/1969; B&W Photo Inside covers includes; FRANK ZAPPA and the Mothers of Invention, Sopwith Camel, Chis Jones talks about Girls; BEATLES Photo Pinup Back cover);

#24 (9/1969; GIRL in BIKINI SWIMSUIT cover; Sajid Khan from India illustrated Bio Page inside);

#25 (10/1969; Scarcer LAST issue; GIRLS in BIKINI and SWIMSUITS cover);



#NN (#1; One-Shot; 11/1969; Tippy Teen in BIKINI Swimsuit cover; with Go-Go, Tommy, Animal, Egghead & Ashley);



TIPPY'S FRIENDS GO-GO AND ANIMAL (Tower Comics Pub; 8/1966-10/1969; all Giants);

#1 (8/1966; 68 page Square-Bound Giant; RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS Bill Medley & Bobby Hatfield illustrated Bio Page inside);

#2 (10/1966; SUPER-ANIMAL Super-Hero Costume Go-Go Party cover);

#3 (3/1967; Let’s have a MONSTER Party = 2 pages);

#4 (6/1967; Let’s have a BEATNIK Party = 2 pages);

#5 (9/1967);

#6 (10/1967; MONKEES Photo cover with Go-Go; SOLD OUT);

 #7 (12/1967; Classic GO-GO as a WITCH Riding a Guitar with Moon in Background cover; SHIPWRECK Party = 2 pages);

#8 (31968; The BEATLES 4 PHOTOS on front cover; The BEATLES 4 Profile Head Shot PHOTOS on  BACK cover; LOVIN SPOONFUL and Noel Harrison Photo Pinups on inside front & back covers; NANCY SINATRA Star time Bio Page inside with PHOTO);

#9 (6/1968; Go-Go as an Indian SQUAW with Guitar and the MONKEES Photo cover; Spanky & Our Gang PHOTO Back cover Pinup; The BYRDS & the Treneloes Photo Pinups on  inside front & back covers; JANIS IAN Bio page with Photo);

#10 (101968; GO-GO / Girl in Swimsuit cover; SOPWITH CAMEL PHOTO Back cover Pinup; JIM MORRISON of the DOORS, and FRANK ZAPPA with the Mothers of Invention Photo Pinups on  inside front & back covers; 1910 FRUITGUM COMPANY Bio page with Photo);

#11 (11/1968; Girls in Swimsuits cover; Serendipity Singers & Vanilla Fudge Photo Pinups on  inside front & back covers;  Jim Morrison & the DOORS Bio page with Photo; Harper's Bizarre PHOTO Back cover Pinup);

#12 (3/1969; B&W PHOTO of SONNY and CHER on BACK cover; B&W PHOTO of DONOVAN on Inside Back cover; B&W PHOTO of HERMAN'S HERMITS on Inside Front cover; VANILLA FUDGE Bio page with Photo);

#13 (6/1969;  Dave Clark Five and Paul Revere and the Raiders B&W Photo Inside front & back covers; B&W PHOTO of MONKEES on BACK cover);

#14 (9/1969;  4 x B&W Style Centre Pinup Pages are intact);

#15 (10/1969; Scarcer LAST issue; 4 x B&W Style Centre Pinup Pages are intact);

UNDERSEA AGENT (1966) #2-6


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( A )  Payments using PAYPAL are to be Sent to dsulipa@gmail.com 

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*** PLEASE, Double check the numbers before sending (it is very easy to make a single digit error); 

>> OR, you can; PHONE it in; ( PHONE; 1-204-346-3674 );  TEXT it in; ( PHONE; 1-204-392-6686 );

( 3 ); MONEY ORDERS, CERTIFIED BANK CHECKS & BANK DRAFTS; [Note; We have a USA Bank Account; THUS we CAN accept USA domestic MONEY ORDER's (7-11, Western union, post office, etc)]; >> For USA buyers = international MO's are NOT required; So do NOT waste money on the extra fees;

** FOREIGN & OVERSEAS orders, MUST send International MONEY ORDERS or BANK DRAFTS only;

( 4 ); WESTERN UNION; They Require that You send the Money in the Currency of the Country it is sent to, thus Convert the USA Funds Total into the current Equivalent in CANADIAN FUNDS; PROVIDE me with your full Name, shipping Address & Local Phone Number;  Payment needs to be made to; Doug Sulipa;  Send me via WESTERN UNION Tracking Number Information in TWO emails (for SAFETY);

( 5 ); Bank WIRE TRANSFER (Purchases over $500.00); Faster & Easier to Convert the Total to the Equivalent in CANADIAN FUNDS; ASK for FULL Details;

( 6 ); USA Funds CASH (Maximum of $50.00 for safety; We do NOT accept responsibility for LOST CASH, as we do not know if you actually sent it; But Note that 99.9% does arrives safely; Please send NO money in coins, as it rips envelopes; Many Overseas Customers have successfully sent Larger amounts of CASH by REGISTERED Mail.
( 7 ); PERSONAL or Business CHECKS; [We accept CHECKS drawn on USA & CANADA Banks ONLY; YOUR NAME or your Company name MUST be Printed on the CHECK (generic Counter Checks are NOT accepted); *** $75.00 or LESS, we ship immediately; Canada CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 3-4 weeks to CLEAR, before we will ship; USA CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 6-8 WEEKS to CLEAR, before we will ship; NO Exceptions, due to many BAD experiences;



>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986


Email; dsulipa@gmail.com

Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at;  1-204-392-6686

Website; www.dougcomicworld.com

ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com

SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;

ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;



Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit;  SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);  

Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

