HIGHER GRADED COMICS, KEY issues, Investment Quality Comics and the MANITOBA COLLECTION = U thru Z: (RAW and Un-Slabbed) COMICS, MAGAZINES and & Related items = FOR SALE;
Note; All Listed Prices are in USA FUNDS;
(Or, you can pay in CANADIAN FUNDS, but adding the Current Exchange Rate to the Prices);
Below is a LIST of "MANITOBA Collection" and other HIGH GRADE Comics & items in stock, including the Newest arrivals!
Prices in USA funds, plus Postage.
We have the items listed below graded, priced & READY to sell .
Very STRICT GRADING (with CGC range strictness in mind);
>>> Satisfaction Guaranteed. >>> Mail Order since 1971
>>> SEE the COMIC & Magazine Condition GRADING GUIDE (further down in this eMail if required);
We take; Visa, MC, Amex, Paypal, MO, etc>>> (NOTE; Complete Address & Ordering info listed below, please SCROLL down this page to see ALL this info);
Thanks for looking!....DOUG
>> VERY IMPORTANT; We have been Bombarded with Requests for all the MARVEL and DC Comics Red-Hot FILM / MOVIE Related KEY Issues;
>>> As a General Rule of Thumb: The Second a new Comics Related TV Series or Big Screen Movie, or other Major Event is announced, the Prices on the Most Important KEY issues becomes VOID, until updated to the New Market values;
*** Thus ALL prices are Subject to Chance without Notice (but mainly & especially applies to Comics & Items that Skyrocket in Value Overnight on eBay);
*** We Reserve the Right to DECLINE a Purchase Request at OLD Prices Listed on our Website, whenever we deem it Warranted;
*** We also reserve the Right to LIMIT the Purchase to ONE Copy of any RED HOT items, whenever Warranted;
GO TO OUR WEBSITE Please GO TO = http://dougcomicworld.com/
and check out = Customer Comments & Praise for Comic World doc
>> Our WEB PAGE; [with HUGE Inventory of COMICS, Magazines, Books & other Collectibles IN STOCK; WORLD'S BIGGEST Selection, on the Entire INTERNET, for MANY items! If you see items of interest, ASK for current Availability, Price & Condition ]Please GO TO = http://dougcomicworld.com/
= [ Bookmark this page];
Very STRICT GRADING (with CGC range strictness in mind); Satisfaction Guaranteed. Mail Order since 1971; SEE the COMIC & Magazine Condition GRADING GUIDE (further down in this eMail if required); We take; Visa, MC, Amex, Paypal, MO, etc . Prices in USA Funds, Plus Postage (as listed further down in this eMail); >>> (NOTE; Complete Address & Ordering info listed below, please SCROLL down this page to see ALL this info);
Let me know if you want anything! Thank You! ....DOUG SULIPA
I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 42 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972; See Overstreet #32-42 on pages 9 & 10 to confirm}; >> Read my Annual MARKET REPORTS; (in the Overstreet 2013-2014 Edition Annual #43, my Market Report on pages 138-142, and see our AD on page 194; Overstreet Advisor status = page 9 & 1123);(in the Overstreet 2012-2013 Edition Annual #42, my Market Report on pages 132 thru 140, and see our AD on page 188 & 250; Overstreet Advisor status = page 9 & 1155); (in the Overstreet 2011 Annual #41, my Market Report on pages 128 thru 138, and see our AD on page 184 & 236; Overstreet Advisor status = page 9 & 1107); And MY REPORTS in; Overstreet 2010 Annual #40, pages 112 thru 125, and see our AD on page 174; Overstreet Advisor status = page 9 & 1106; Overstreet 2009 Annual #39, pages 121 thru 134, and see our AD on page 182; Overstreet Advisor status = page 9 & 1106); (Overstreet 2008 Annual #38, pages 116-128) (Overstreet 2007 Annual #37, pages 107-118) (Overstreet 2006 Annual #36, pages 108-125) (Overstreet 2005 Annual #35, pages 94-109) (Overstreet 2004 Annual #34, pages 89-100) (Overstreet 2003 Annual #33, pages 86-95)(Overstreet 2002 Annual #32, pages 72-81)(Overstreet 2001 Annual #31 on pages 64-75); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986
Email; dsulipa@gmail.com
Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674
TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686
To see our HOME PAGE (includes HUGE Inventory of about 160+ Categories of ITEMS IN STOCK);
>> The WORLD’S BIGGEST SELECTION, on the entire Internet, on MANY ITEMS;
Please GO TO = http://dougcomicworld.com/
>> We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2004, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2004 ]
[250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 Vinyl Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [8,000 VHS Movies] [10,000 POSTERS; Movie (50's-90's), Video store (1980's & 90's) & chain store types (70's-early 90's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [HOCKEY CARDS, most 1951/2-1993] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com >>> SEND YOUR WANT LISTS! [Please limit to SERIOUS WANTS & limit the number of items, to 50 or less most wanted items! Filling want lists takes time! We reply ASAP! Thank You]! **** ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed! >>> MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 25,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 250,000 completed Mail Orders!
The MANITOBA COLLECTION: COMICS, Magazine, Fanzine & Book collection (a Pedigree Quality collection); This collection was assembled by Collector & personal friend GEORGE BADALI (I have been Friends with George since 1970); The collection contained well over 50,000 comics; George Bought NEW comics from 1964-1969 & Finished his Runs with Used Comics from Local Second Hand Stores; From 1970-1973 he Bought only Hand Selected NEW Comics; BUT, Most Notable are the Comics he bought NEW from 1974 thru about 1985, in my Winnipeg Manitoba Retail Stores. The Comics from the 1974-1985 period, He purchased on DAY ONE of Their Release as Brand New Comics, and immediately Stored them UN-READ for 31-42 Years. Most are NOTABLE for their amazing FULL Original Cover Gloss & Colors, WHITE pages & near perfect spines & 4 corners; He bought virtually everything published by ALL Publishers in this period, many in multiples of 2-5 or more copies of each, especially issue #1's (Which he bought from 10 to 50 copies each); All were hand selected out of the BEST available copies, on the first day of release. It was normal practice for George to spend 6 to 10 hours each & every New Release Comic Day, scrutinizing every copy in stock. He normally had about 50-200 copies of each Marvel Super-Hero Comic to choose from. He normally had about 25-100 copies of each DC Super-Hero Comic to choose from. He normally had about 10-20 copies of each MISC Non-Superhero, or Non Marvel/DC Comic to choose from. He was my single best New Comics customer, for this entire period. The comics were checked inside & outside, front cover & Back cover, spine & all corners, inside spine & at centerfold, then flipping thru all pages. He disliked Factory Flaws & tried his best to avoid them, whenever possible. One of the main reasons some do not grade higher, is if he had to choose between a Factory Flaw vs a Hairline Crease or Stress Line, he FIRST avoided the Factory Flaws above all. It turns our that CGC now allows factory flaws on very high grade copies, but punishes for tiny Hairline Crease or Stress Lines. We have Graded these RAW comics, with VERY STRICT grading standards. Having submitted & Sold WELL OVER 6000 Comics to CGC, we can safely say they are as close to CGC standards as possible, usually within ONE CGC interval either way. We have sold over 10,000 well over 10,000 Comics from this Collection to Date, so far to 100’s of VERY happy buyers, with a RETURN RATE of only about 1 in every 1000 Comics Sold. [From 2002-2013 we Sold 95% of the Comics from this Collection RAW and 5% as CGC Graded; From 2013-2016 we have sent in over 3000 Comics from this Collection to CGC with Spectacular Results]; *** These are RAW (Un-Slabbed, NON CGC Graded copies). This collection has FAR too many comics, & the CGC costs are far too EXPENSIVE, to CGC Grade & Slab MOST of the LOWER priced, Non-Key items. But we still GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Any item you do not like, as long as returned in condition received, is returnable, if you let us know & return within 7 days of Receipt. All RAW (Un-Slabbed, NON CGC Graded copies) MANITOBA COLLECTION items = Come with a Signed & Numbered Certificate of Authenticity; While CGC Does NOT recognize the Collection (Because it is 95% BRONZE AGE, with Very Little Silver Age), it was Arguably the #1 Single GREATEST BRONZE AGE Collection Ever assembled in Comic Collecting History; We do NOT issue Certificates for items we have sent to CGC for Grading; [ RAW Collectibles are NOT an Authentic ITEMS from the “Manitoba” collection, unless they have the Signed & Numbered Certificate ] >>> NOTE; Issues Listed, that are NOT marked “Manitoba”, in our On-Line Listings, are NOT from that collection!
>>> We have also Listed just 1000's of the NICE copies from our REGULAR Inventory BELOW & will add MORE soon!
*** ALL PRICES IN USA FUNDS, unless otherwise noted;
>>>(Canadians may pay, if desired, in Canadian funds, by adding CURRENT exchange to the USA funds price);
MANITOBA Collection (Pedigree Quality) “U” thru “Z” and other HIGH GRADE "Investment Quality" ("Raw" & Un-Slabbed) Comics & Related items = FOR SALE;
UFO and ALIEN COMIX (Warren Pub; B&W mag; 84 pages; $2.00-c; Squarebound; One-Shot; 1/78)
#1 (Bermejo-a, Durnona-a, Salvador-a, Sanchez-a, J.Severin-a, Torrents-a, Toth-a; 2xPie-s; VF, 8.0 = $16.00);
UFO FLYING SAUCERS (Gold Key Comics Pub; 1968-1977 )
#1 (10/1968; 68 page GIANT; Painted Covers Begin; Getting SCARCE; VG, 4.0 = $49.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $39.00);
#5 (2/1975; VF+, 8.5 = $22.00);
#11 (8/1976; FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00);
#12 (11/1976; VF-, 7.5 = $16.00);
Marvel Comics)
*** The August 7, 2015 FANTASTIC FOUR FILM / MOVIE is Based on MARK MILLAR’S Ultimate Fantastic Four Series; *** [MARK MILLAR is the Creator of KICK-ASS and HIT-GIRL fame & his known for his early work on AUTHORITY beginning on issue #12; Mark Millar has already seen FIVE of his Series Made into Major FIMS / MOVIES = Ultimate Fantastic Four, Civil War, The Secret Service, Wanted, and Kick-Ass, now adding JUPITERS LEGACY and CHRONONAUTS makes it SEVEN Movies to Date]; *** The FANTASTIC FOUR #1 Re-Boot MOVIE/FILM currently in post-production is scheduled to hit Big-Screen Theatre's on August 07, 2015 [Director: Josh Trank / Simon Kinberg (screenplay); *** STARRING; Kate Mar as Sue Storm / Invisible Woman, Miles Teller as Reed Richards / Mr. Fantastic, Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm / The Thing, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm / Human Torch & Toby Kebbell as Victor von Doom / Doctor Doom]; and the Fantastic Four 2 MOVIE/FILM has been announced for 2017 ***
#1 (2/2004; FIRST Printing; ** FIRST appearance of the Ultimate Reed Richards aka Mister Fantastic; ** Ultimate Reed Richards becomes the Earth-1610 Super-Villain the MAKER in Ultimate Fallout #4 from 8/2011; ** MAKER later becomes part of the regular Marvel Universe (Earth 616 Prime), serving as an enemy and evil foil to his parallel universe counterpart; ** Ultimate Reed Richards / MAKER Team affiliations includes; W.H.I.S.P.E.R., Ultimate Fantastic Four & Children of Tomorrow; The New MAKER with a Xenomorph Skull Helmet (aka Ultimate Reed Richards) is now appearing in the 2019 VENOM Series; The First New Re-Imagining of the BIRTH of The FANTASTIC FOUR = Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, Susan Storm & Ben Grimm in the Marvel’s ULTIMATE Universe; BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS & MARK MILLAR story; ADAM KUBERT art; BRYAN HITCH cover; ASK);
Ultimate Spider-Man (Marvel Pub; October / 2000 to Present);
#2(Spider-Man on Car-c, by Bagley; NM/MT, 9.8 = $125);
#2(Spider-Man on Car-c, by Bagley; NM, 9.4 = $70); #2(Spider-Man on Car-c, by Bagley; NM-, 9.2 = $50);
#3(NM+, 9.6 = $90); #3(NM, 9.4 = $60); #3(NM-, 9.2 = $45); #4(Death of Uncle Ben; NM+, 9.6 = $90);
#4(Death of Uncle Ben; NM, 9.4 = $60); #4(Death of Uncle Ben; NM-, 9.2 = $45); #4(Death of Uncle Ben; VF/NM, 9.0 = $30);
#5(Scarcer issue; NM, 9.4 = $100);
#6(Green Goblin; NM, 9.4 = $60); #6(Green Goblin; NM-, 9.2 = $45); #6(Green Goblin; VF/NM, 9.0 = $30);
#6(Green Goblin; NM+, 9.6 = $90); #7(Green Goblin; NM, 9.4 = $48);
#7(Green Goblin; NM-, 9.2 = $36); #7(Green Goblin; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24); #7(Green Goblin; VF, 8.0 = $18);
#8(NM-, 9.2 = $17); #8(VF/NM, 9.0 = $12); #9(NM, 9.4 = $22); #9(NM-, 9.2 = $17); #9(VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#10(NM, 9.4 = $20); #10(NM-, 9.2 = $15); #10(VF/NM, 9.0 = $10); #10(VF+, 8.5 = $8);
ULTIMATE X-MEN (February / 2001 to Present)
#1(NM-, 9.2 = $30); #1(VF/NM, 9.0 = $20); #2(NM, 9.4 = $30); #2(NM-, 9.2 = $22);
#3(NM, 9.4 = $26); #3(VF/NM, 9.0 = $14); #4(NM+, 9.6 = $29); #4(NM, 9.4 = $19);
#4(NM-, 9.2 = $14); #4(VF/NM, 9.0 = $10); #5(NM+, 9.6 = $29); #5(NM, 9.4 = $19);
#5(NM-, 9.2 = $14); #5(VF/NM, 9.0 = $10); #6(NM+, 9.6 = $29); #6(NM-, 9.2 = $14);
#6(VF/NM, 9.0 = $10); #7(NM, 9.4 = $16); #7(NM-, 9.2 = $12); #8(NM, 9.4 = $16);
#8(VF/NM, 9.0 = $8); #9(NM+, 9.6 = $18); #9(NM-, 9.2 = $9); #9(VF/NM, 9.0 = $6);
#10(VF/NM, 9.0 = $6); #10(VF+, 8.5 = $5);
UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL (MARVEL Comics Pub; 2015; Wolverine, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Thanos: There’s one hero that’s beaten them all—and now she’s got her own ongoing series)
#1 (3/2015; Ryan North-s Erica Henderson-c/a; Regular Cover; 1st Print; ASK);
#1 (3/2015; 1:25 Variant Cover by ART ADAMS; Ryan North-s Erica Henderson-a; ASK);
#2 (4/2015; Ryan North-s Erica Henderson-c/a; Regular Cover; 1st Print; ASK);
UNCANNY ORIGINS (Marvel Comics Pub; 1996-1997)
#7 (3/1997; VENOM in ORIGINAL SIN; Classic ORIGIN of EDDIE BROCK aka VENOM Cover & Story (in ANIMATED Cartoon Style); The DEADLY DEBUT of Spider-Man’s Nastiest Nemesis; Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson appear; ANNE WEYING aka SHE-VENOM (the BRIDE of VENOM) appears; Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat Cameo; Bob Budansky story; Dave Hoover & Bill Anderson cover & art; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
Uncanny Tales (1973-1975; Marvel Pub);
#1 (Crandall-a; Decapitation panel; Pre-Code-r; VF+, 8.5 = $37); #3(VF, 8.0 = $20); #4(VF+, 8.5 = $23);
#10(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 =$45);
Comics Pub; 1963 to Present; Volume-1; Original / First Marvel
series; #1-141 = see X-MEN);
PRINT RUNS [According
to; Standard Catalog of Comic Books, 4th Edition, Krause pub, 2005,
by Maggie Thompson & John Miller] #94-96 = 119,231 Copies each
Printed // #97-102 = 116,992 Copies each Printed // #103-108 =
123,725 Copies each Printed // #109-116 = 115,260 Copies each Printed
// #117-128 = 171,091 Copies each Printed // #129-140 = 191,927
Copies each Printed // #141-152 = 259,007 Copies Printed // #153-164
= 313,225 Copies Printed // #284-295 = 731, 425 Copies Printed //
X-Men (Chris
Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED
at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's
Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin;
#142(2/1981; FIRST
issue Officially Re-Titled as UNCANNY X-MEN; classic
John BYRNE & Terry Austin-c/a; Days of Future Past: Part-2 of
2-Parts in this Post Apocalyptic storyline, alternate future
Earth known as Earth-811; Basis
for the 2014 X-MEN: Days of Future Past MOVIE; Second
appearance of of FUTURE X-MEN, New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants &
Rachel Summers/Pheonix II; Sentinals-c/s; SHOCK ending, Deaths of
future Wolverine, Storm & Colossus; VF+, 8.5 = $69.00; FN/VF, 7.0
= $32.00; FN+, 6.5 = $28.00)
#143(3/1981; Kitty Pryde Christmas-c/s; Last JOHN BYRNE-c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $78; NM, 9.4 = $52; NM-, 9.2 = $39; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26);
#144 (1981; Man-Thing; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00; VF, 8.0 = $12.00);
#145 (5/1981; Doctor Doom and Storm-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00);
#146 (6/1981; X-Men vs Murder-World and Arcade-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $27.00);
#147 (7/1981; Rogue, Storm and Doctor Doom; NM+, 9.6 = $79; NM, 9.4 = $54.00; NM-, 9.2 = $27);
#148 (8/1981; X-MEN in Cry, Mutant; FIRST appearance of CALIBAN; CALIBAN was played by Tómas Lemarquis in X-Men: Apocalypse 2016 MOVIE; CALIBAN was played by Stephen Merchant in LOGAN (Wolverine) 2017 MOVIE; CALIBAN Team affiliations includes; X-Force, X-Men, The 198, Horsemen of Apocalypse, X-Factor & Morlocks; Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman, Alison Blaire aka DAZZLER, STORM and KITTY PRYDE cover & story; Early Appearances of Spider-Woman and Dazzler; According to PeeltheOrange's sources, there might be a full NETFLIX TV series in 2018 of Jessica Drew SPIDER-WOMAN with Madame HYDRA as the main villain; Chris Claremont story; Dave Cockrum & Joe Rubinstein art; Dave Cockrum cover; VF+, 8.5 = $18.00);
#149( 9/1981; Magneto cameo; And the Dead Shall Bury the Living! NM, 9.4 = $36; NM-, 9.2 = $27; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00);
#150(10/1981; vs MAGNETO-c/s; 52 Page Giant; NM-, 9.2 = $27; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18; VF, 8.0 = $12);
#151 (11/1981;Kitty leaves-c/s; Sentinels app; NM, 9.4 = $32.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
#152(12/1981; Manitoba; The Hellfire Gambit; Storm vs Emma Frost Girl-Battle-c/s; NM+, 9.6 = $42; NM, 9.4 = $21);
#153(1/1982; Kitty Pryde-c; Kitty's Fairy Tale; Jean Grey/Phoenix app; NM+, 9.6 = $42);
#154(2/1982; Corsair of Starjammers-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $21);
#155 [3/1982; FIRST appearance of the BROOD; The BROOD are Rumored to DEBUT Soon in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) in the THOR: Love and Thunder MOVIE; The SPACE SHARKS will appear in the THOR Movie, thus it is expected the BROOD will also appear as the MAJOR VILLAIN; The BROOD are a fictional race of insectoid, parasitic, extraterrestrial beings; BROOD's Place of origin is Sleazeworld; The Brood were ranked at #4 in WatchMojo's list of Top 10 Alien Races in comics; CORSAIR (of Starjammers) and TIGRA cover and story; Starjammers appearance; ** Appearances by; Shi'ar, Lord Chancellor Araki, Lord Samedar, Deathbird; ** Cameo Appearances by Kitty as Darth Vader, Lilandra, Gladiator, Starbolt and Edwin Jarvis; X-Men in First Blood; Chris Claremont story; Dave Cockrum and Bob Wiacek cover and art; NM, 9.4 = $32.00; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00; VF+, 8.5 = $13.00; VF, 8.0 = $10.00];
#156 (4/1982; Enter-- The Starjammers! Starjammers cover and story; ** ORIGIN of CYCLOPS; ** ORIGIN of CORSAIR; ** Flashback Origin of Havok; ** Appearances of; Tigra, Deathbird, Brood, Lilandra, Lord Samedar, Lord Chancellor Araki; Chris Claremont story, Dave Cockrum & Bob Wiacek cover & art; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
#157(Manitoba; 5/1982; Pheonix Reborn-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
#158 (6/1982; FIRST appearance of ROGUE in the X-MEN Title; ** ROGUE vs WOLVERINE Battle cover and Story; ** ROGUE is Expected to be the main Villain in the MARVELS: CAPTAIN MARVEL-2 Movie; MYSTIQUE, Starjammers and CAROL DANVERS Appear; Chris Claremont-s; Dave Cockrum & Bob Wiacek art; Dave Cockrum-c; ASK);
#159 (7/1982; ASK)
#160 (8/1982; ** FIRST appearance of the Adult Illyana Nikolievna Rasputin aka MAGIK; ** X-MEN vs S'YM = Swipe of Dave Sim's CEREBUS the Aardvark; ** Chris Claremont story; Brent Anderson & Bob Wiacek cover & art; VF+, 8.5 = $11.00; VF, 8.0 = $9.00);
#161(Manitoba; 9/1982; Origin MAGNETO-c/s; NM, 9.4 = $28; VF, 8.0 = $10.00);
#162 (10/1982; WOLVERINE vs the BROOD (Early appearance) cover and story; ** FIRST appearance of the SPACE SHARKS (aka Starsharks); ** Variety stated that the SPACE SHARKS will appear in the THOR: Love and Thunder MOVIE, thus it is expected the BROOD will also appear as the MAJOR VILLAIN; Marvel Database notes; ** SPACE SHARKS, are commonly enslaved by the BROOD empire for use as Spaceships and are used a Weaponry and technological enhancements when transformed by the BROOD; ** Space Sharks Base of Operations Mobile; Pegasus System; formerly Orbit around Sleazeworld; Orbit around Gorr's world, Earth-14412; SPACE SHARKS are used a Weaponry and technological enhancements when transformed by the BROOD; Classic Early WOLVERINE SOLO cover and story; FIRST appearance of BROOD on a Cover; The BROOD are Rumored to DEBUT Soon in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe); ** Appearances by; Carol Danvers, Lilandra, Mariko Yashida, Fang (death, becomes Brood), Brood Queen and Deathbird; WOLVERINE in Beyond the Farthest Star; Chris Claremont story; Dave Cockrum and Bob Wiacek cover and art; NM/MT, 9.8 = $119.00; NM, 9.4 = $59.00; NM-, 9.2 = $45.00; VF, 8.0 = $20.00);
#163 [11/1982; Origin of BINARY cover & story; CAROL DANVEL (aka MS MARVEL) and WOLVERINE appear; Chris Claremont-s; Dave Cockrum & Bob Wiacek cover & art; ASK];
#164 [2/1982; FIRST Printing; ** FIRST appearance of CAROL DANVERS (aka MS.MARVEL) as BINARY cover & story; ** CAROL DANVERS Becomes BINARY in this issue; ** Brie Larson will play CAPTAIN MARVEL (CAROL DANVERS formerly Ms. Marvel) will be a Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of March 8, 2019; ** Brie Larson will play CAPTAIN MARVEL (aka Carol Danvers aka MS MARVEL) THE MAJOR PLAYER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part-2 SEQUEL with a release date of May 3, 2019; BROOD appears; Chris Claremont story; Regular DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box; SOLD OUT];
#164 [2/1982; FIRST Printing; ** FIRST appearance of CAROL DANVERS (aka MS.MARVEL) as BINARY cover & story; ** CAROL DANVERS Becomes BINARY in this issue; ** Brie Larson will play CAPTAIN MARVEL (CAROL DANVERS formerly Ms. Marvel) will be a Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of March 8, 2019; ** Brie Larson will play CAPTAIN MARVEL (aka Carol Danvers aka S MARVEL) THE MAJOR PLAYER in the AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part-2 SEQUEL with a release date of May 3, 2019; BROOD appears; Chris Claremont story; Dave Cockrum & Bob Wiacek cover & art; SCARCER CANADIAN Newsstand 75 Cents Cover Price VARIANT Edition with BARCODE in UPC Box; VG/FN, 5.0 = $19.00];
#165(Manitoba; 1/1983; Transfigurations; Paul Smith-c/a begins; NM-, 9.2 = $27);
#166(2/1983; 52 Page GIANT; 2nd Paul Smith-a; BINARY app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#167(3/1983; New Mutants app = Same month as #1; 1st meeting with X-Men; Starjammers app; NM, 9.4 = $24);
#168 [4/1983; TRUE FIRST appearance of the ADULT MADELYNE PRYOR (Madelyne "Maddie" Jennifer Pryor-Summers) aka Anodyne, Goblin Queen, Black Rook, Red Queen; MADELYNE PRYOR'S Team affiliations includes; X-Men, Hellfire Club, Hellfire Cult, & Sisterhood of Mutants; See Avengers Annual #10 for the 1st appearance of the Original young MADELYNE PRYOR Prototype; LOCKHEED appears; Chris Claremont story; PAUL SMITH & Bob Wiacek art; PAUL SMITH cover; NM, 9.4 = $39.00; VF, 8.0 = $14.00];
#169(5/1983; FIRST appearance of The MORLOCKS including; Callisto, Masque, PLAGUE (becomes PESTILENCE, one of the Four Horsemen of APOCALYPSE in X-Factor #15) ; NM-, 9.2 = $20.00];
#170(Manitoba; 6/1983; Storm vs Callisto battle-c/s; Paul Smith-c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $36);
#171 (7/1983; ROGUE Joins the X-MEN; ** ROGUE is Expected to be the main Villain in the MARVELS: CAPTAIN MARVEL-2 Movie; Walt Simonson-c/a; ASK);
#172(Wolverine & Mariko wedding, continued from the 1982 Mini-Series & Related to the the 2013 WOLVERINE Movie) = ASK
#173(Wolverine & Mariko wedding, continued from the 1982 Mini-Series & Related to the the 2013 WOLVERINE Movie) = ASK
#174(10/1983; Romances; Dark Phoenix cameo; the SILVER SAMURAI appears = main Villain in the 2013 WOLVERINE Movie; Viper also appear; Paul Smith-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $24;
NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#175(11/1983; 52 page GIANT; Dark PHEONIX Returns-c/s; 20th Anniversary; Last Paul Smith-a issue; 1st John Romita Jr.-a issue; NM, 9.4 = $32; NM-, 9.2 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
UNCANNY X-MEN (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1963 to Present; Volume-1; Original / First Marvel series; #1-141 = see X-MEN);
#176(Manitoba; 12/1983; CYCLOPS-c/s; John Romita Jr-a; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#177(Manitoba; 1/1984; WOLVERINE-c; MYSTIQUE app; John Romita Jr-a; NM+, 9.6 = $30; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#178(Manitoba; 2/1984; Blob, Pyro, & Avalanche app; MYSTIQUE app; John Romita Jr-a; Calllisto cameo; NM, 9.4 = $20; NM-, 9.2 = $15);
#179(Manitoba; 3/1984; Callisto & Kitty app; John Romita Jr-a; NM+, 9.6 = $30; NM, 9.4 = $20);
4/1984; Secret Wars X-Over; 1st Cypher; Storm-c/s; John Romita Jr-a;
NM, 9.4 = $20; NM-, 9.2 = $15);
#181(5/1984; SUNFIRE app;
Dragon-c/s; X-Men in Tokyo; John Romita Jr-a; NM-, 9.2 = $15; VF+,
8.5 = $8);
#182 (6/1984; ASK)
#183(7/1984; Colossus vs Juggernaut-c/s; John Romita Jr-a; NM-, 9.2 = $15; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#184 (8/1984; X-MEN in The Past of Future Days; FIRST appearance of Jonathon Silvercloud aka FORGE, a Human Mutant; FORGE later becomes a Member of X-FACTOR; FORGE Team affiliations includes; United States Army, X-Men, X-Corporation & X-Force; Valerie Cooper and Raven Darkholme (Mystique), Rachel Summers & SELENE psychic-vampire appearances; Chris Claremont story; John Romita Jr & Dan Green cover & art; ASK)
#185(Manitoba; 9/1984; ROGUE vs STORM-c/s; Forge & Mystique app; John Romita Jr-a; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#186(10/1984; 52 page GIANT; Storm & Forge-c/s; Barry Windsor-Smith & Terry Austin-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#187(Manitoba; 11/1984; Dire Wraiths-c/s; John Romita Jr-a; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#188(12/1984; Legacy of the Lost; John Romita Jr-a; NM+, 9.6 = $30; NM, 9.4 = $20; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#189(1/1985; Lady Selene, new Black Queen of Hellfire Club, with Rachel & Magma-c/s; John Romita Jr-a; NM, 9.4 = $20; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#190(Manitoba; 2/1985; Spider-Man & Avengers X-Over; NM+, 9.6 = $30);
#191 (3/1985; ASK);
#192 (4/1985; ASK);
#193 (5/1985; 52 Page GIANT; First appearance of James Proudstar as WARPATH in Costume; WARPATH appeared in the new X-Men Days of Future Past MOVIE; THE GIFTED is a Highly RATED new X-Men & Mutant Based FOX TV Series, it Debuted on October 2, 2017 from 20th Century Fox; Stephen Moyer and Amy Acker are playing The Gifted's husband-wife couple Reed and Caitlin Strucker; Natalie Alyn Lind and Percy Hynes White will play their children Lauren and Andy; Emma Dumont plays POLARIS; Jamie Chung plays BLINK; Blair Redford plays John Proudstar aka THUNDERBIRD; Sean Teale plays Eclipse/Marco Diaz. ** First Marvel Universe continuity appearance of Angelica "Angel" Jones aka FIRESTAR; First comic appearance of Angelica "Angel" Jones aka FIRESTAR (in the Marvel Animated Cartoon Universe) was in Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends #1 (12/1981); FIRESTAR is a Human Mutant, her Team affiliations include; Avengers, Hellions, New Warriors, The 198, X-Men & Young Allies (Heroic Age); RACHEL SUMMERS JOINS the X-MEN; 100th Anniversary of New X-Men issue; First appearance of the HELLIONS; Chris Claremont story; John Romita Jr & Dan Green Cover & Art; NM, 9.4 = $24.00; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00; VF+, 8.5 = $10.00);
#194 (6/1985; FIRST appearance of Andrea von Strucker and Andreas von Strucker, who Later become FENRIS in X-Men #200; THE GIFTED is a new X-Men Based FOX Television Series for the 2017-2018 TV Season; NEWaRAMA = Stephen Moyer and Amy Acker are playing The Gifted's husband-wife couple Reed and Caitlin Strucker, with Natalie Alyn Lind and Percy Hynes White a their children Lauren and Andy, respectively; Jamie Chung and Emma Dumont were previously confirmed as playing Blink and Polaris, respectively, and now Blair Redford has been confirmed as Thunderbird/John Proudstar and Sean Teale as Eclipse/Marco Diaz. Wikipedia = Andrea von Strucker and Andreas von Strucker are the German twin children of supervillain Baron von Strucker of HYDRA and the half-siblings of Werner von Strucker; Baron Wolfgang von Strucker indoctrinated his children in the beliefs of white supremacy, Nazism and the Fourth Reich. In adulthood, the twins became the supervillains known as " FENRIS " and led the Fenris terrorist organization; FENRIS are Human Mutants, & have Team affiliations with Thunderbolts & Assembly of Evil; Andrea von Strucker (as Viper) appeared in the 1998 film Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., played by Sandra Hess; Rogue, Sentinel Nimrod & Juggernaut cover & story; Illyana Rasputin aka MAGIK appears; First appearances of Kramer & Simone; Chris Claremont story; John Romita Jr & Steve Leialoha cover & art; ASK)
#195(Manitoba; 7/1985; WOLVERINE & Power Pack-c/s; John Romita Jr-a; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#196(Manitoba; 8/1985; Secret Wars II -c/s; John Romita Jr-a; NM-, 9.2 = $15);
#197(Manitoba; 9/1985; Doctor Doom & Arcade-c/app; John Romita Jr-a; NM+, 9.6 = $30);
#199 (11/1985; PHEONIX is BORN AGAIN cover & story; Spiral, Blob, Pyro,& Mystique appear; Chris Claremont story; JOHN ROMITA JR and Dan Green art; NM, 9.4 = $20.00;
NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#200 (12/1985; 52 Page GIANT; FIRST appearance of FENRIS = Andrea von Strucker and Andreas von Strucker from issue #194, become FENRIS in this issue; Andrea Strucker & Andreas Strucker as Fenris, Magneto, Cyclops, Colossus, Wolverine & Rogue cover & story; THE GIFTED is a new X-Men Based FOX Television Series for the 2017-2018 TV Season; NEWaRAMA = Stephen Moyer and Amy Acker are playing The Gifted's husband-wife couple Reed and Caitlin Strucker, with Natalie Alyn Lind and Percy Hynes White a their children Lauren and Andy, respectively; Jamie Chung and Emma Dumont were previously confirmed as playing Blink and Polaris, respectively, and now Blair Redford has been confirmed as Thunderbird/John Proudstar and Sean Teale as Eclipse/Marco Diaz. Wikipedia = Andrea von Strucker and Andreas von Strucker are the German twin children of supervillain Baron von Strucker of HYDRA and the half-siblings of Werner von Strucker; Baron Wolfgang von Strucker indoctrinated his children in the beliefs of white supremacy, Nazism and the Fourth Reich. In adulthood, the twins became the supervillains known as " FENRIS " and led the Fenris terrorist organization; FENRIS are Human Mutants, & have Team affiliations with Thunderbolts & Assembly of Evil; Andrea von Strucker (as Viper) appeared in the 1998 film Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., played by Sandra Hess; STARJAMMERS (with Carol Danvers as BINARY) and LILANDRA appear; GCD = Cyclops and Storm return to the X-MEN team; Fenris disrupts the Trial of Magneto; Maddie goes into labor; Xavier is injured and taken into space; Magneto joins the X-Men; Chris Claremont story; John Romita Jr & Dan Green cover & art; ASK);
UNCANNY X-MEN (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1963 to Present; Volume-1; Original / First Marvel series; #1-141 = see X-MEN);
(Uncanny) X-MEN = PRINT RUNS [According to; Standard Catalog of Comic Books, 4th Edition, Krause pub, 2005, by Maggie Thompson & John Miller] #94-96 = 119,231 Copies each Printed // #97-102 = 116,992 Copies each Printed // #103-108 = 123,725 Copies each Printed // #109-116 = 115,260 Copies each Printed // #117-128 = 171,091 Copies each Printed // #129-140 = 191,927 Copies each Printed // #141-152 = 259,007 Copies Printed // #153-164 = 313,225 Copies Printed // #284-295 = 731, 425 Copies Printed //
>>> X-Men (Chris Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin;
#201 (1/1986; “DUAL”; STORM vs CYCLOPS Battle-c/s = Who will Lead Them? Starjammers and Binary appear; STORM Becomes LEADER of the X-Men Team; The TRUE First appearance of Baby Nathan Summers who will grow up to become CABLE = Over FOUR YEARS (FIFTY MONTHS) Before His First full appearance in New MUTANTS #87; VERY Overlooked & Undervalued Copper Age KEY Issue; >>> Great FIRST Whilce Portacio Cover & Art on X-Men, as a guest artist; Nice STORM vs Cyclops Battle Cover;With story/script by Chris Claremont; ART by Rick Leonard & Whilce Portacio; The X-FORCE Movie is Confirmed as a Future Marvel MOVIE; Mark Millar says they will probably to go back to the beginning, likely the CABLE and DEADPOOL era of X-FORCE; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00; VF+, 8.5 = $30.00);
#205 (5/1986; WOLVERINE SOLO-c/s; 1st App. Reese, Cole, & Macon of the Reavers; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
#210 (10/1986; MUTANT MASSACRE Begins cover & story, Part-1 of 4-Part Storyline; FIRST cameo appearance of the MARAUDERS, a team of Mutant supervillains originally led by Mister Sinister; FIRST appearance of these MARAUDERS Team Members; Philippa Sontag aka Arclight, Michael Baer aka Blockbuster, Kodiak Noatak aka Harpoon, MALICE, Janos Questad aka Riptide, John Greycrow aka Scalphunter, Kim Il Sung aka Scrambler; Other Teams Members of the Original MARAUDERS Team are; Mister Sinister, Robbie aka Prism, Vertigo and SABRETOOTH; Chris Claremont story; John Romita Jr & Wiacek cover; John Romita Jr, & Dan Green art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28.00);
#211 (11/1986; MUTANT MASSACRE Part-2 of the classic 4-Part storyline; FIRST FULL appearance of the MARAUDERS, a team of Mutant supervillains originally led by Mister Sinister; FIRST FULL appearance of these MARAUDERS Team Members; Philippa Sontag aka Arclight, Michael Baer aka Blockbuster, Kodiak Noatak aka Harpoon, MALICE, Janos Questad aka Riptide, John Greycrow aka Scalphunter, Kim Il Sung aka Scrambler; Other Teams Members of the Original MARAUDERS Team are; Mister Sinister, Robbie aka Prism, Vertigo and SABRETOOTH; Chris Claremont story; John Romita Jr & Wiacek cover; John Romita Jr, Blevins & Al Williamson art; Barry Windsor-Smith Anniversary Border; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28.00);
#212 (12/1986; MUTANT MASSACRE Part-3 of the classic 4-Part storyline; WOLVERINE cover; WOLVERINE vs SABRETOOTH Battle story – Round One; Chris Claremont story; Rick Leonardi & Dan Green art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $34.00);
#213 (1/1987; MUTANT MASSACRE Part-4 of the classic 4-Part storyline; Part-4 the Conclusion to the classic 4-Part MUTANT MASSACRE storyline; 11th appearance of SABRETOOTH; Second appearance of SABRETOOTH the main Uncanny X-MEN title; Alan Davis & Paul Neary cover & art; PSYLOCKE Joins the X-Men; Olivia Munn will play Betsy Braddock aka PSYLOCKE in 20th Century Fox’s The X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 27, 2016; ; Chris Claremont story; Alan Davis & Paul Neary cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $34.00);
#222(10/1987; Wolverine vs Sabretooth Battle-c/s; X-Men vs Mauraders; NM, 9.4 = $59.00);
#224(12/1987; Rogue, Mystique, Storm & Forge; Silvestri & Green-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#234(9/1988; Brood Demon WOLVERINE-c/s; Conclusion of BROOD Storyline; Silvestri & Green-c/a; Dark destiny of Madelyne Pryor; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#240 (1/1989; Sabretooth, Mister Sinister, N'Astirh, Goblin Queen & Mauraders cover & story; INFERNO Storyline Begins - Part-1; Chris Claremont story; Marc Silvestri & Dan Green cover & art; VF+, 8.5 = $8.00)
#244 (5/1989; First appearance of Jubilation Lee aka JUBILEE; Lana Condor will play JUBUILEE in a Bigger Role in the new X-Men: Apocalypse MOVIE; Jubilee previously appeared in limited cameo roles in past X-Men films, played by Katrina Florece; Four Girls vs the M Squad; Silvestri & Green-c/a; SOLD OUT);
#248 (9/1989; First Printing with RED Background to Upper Cover; First JIM LEE Art on X-Men; LONGSHOT Leaves the X-Men; Chris Claremont-s; JIM LEE and Dan Green-c/a; Nanny, Orphan Maker, Donald Pierce, the Reavers & the Children of the Atom; NM-, 9.2 = $45; VF+, 8.5 = $23; VF, 8.0 = $19);
#251(11/1989; injured WOLVERINE on Cross-c/s; Reavers, Donald Pierce the White King, Lady Deathstrike; Silvestri & Green-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $5.00);
#255(Mid December/1989; First appearance of Matsuo Tsurayaba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#256 (12/1989; Marvel Comics Pub; FIRST appearance of Betty Braddock as MANDARIN’S Asian Purple Haired NEW PSYLOCKE Ninja Assassin cover & story; JIM LEE cover & Art Begins; Acts of Vengeance crossover; Olivia Munn played Betsy Braddock aka PSYLOCKE in 20th Century Fox’s 5/2016 X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Big Screen FILM/MOVIE; NM, 9.4 = $59.00; NM-, 9.2 = $44.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $29.00);
#257(1/1990; Acts of Vengeance; Second appearance of Lady Mandarin; Second JIM LEE-c/a on X-Men; NM-, 9.2 = $21; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00);
UNCANNY X-MEN (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1963 to Present; Volume-1; Original / First Marvel series; #1-141 = see X-MEN);
(Uncanny) X-MEN = PRINT RUNS [According to; Standard Catalog of Comic Books, 4th Edition, Krause pub, 2005, by Maggie Thompson & John Miller] #94-96 = 119,231 Copies each Printed // #97-102 = 116,992 Copies each Printed // #103-108 = 123,725 Copies each Printed // #109-116 = 115,260 Copies each Printed // #117-128 = 171,091 Copies each Printed // #129-140 = 191,927 Copies each Printed // #141-152 = 259,007 Copies Printed // #153-164 = 313,225 Copies Printed // #284-295 = 731, 425 Copies Printed //
>>> X-Men (Chris Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin;
#282 (11/1991; Scarcer SECOND Printing with GOLD Background on Cover; FIRST appearance of BISHOP = cover & one page brief appearance; Whilce Portacio & Art Thibert cover & art; JOHN BYRNE story; VF+, 8.5 = $7.00);
#299 (2/1993; Players and Pawns; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#300 (3/1993; 68 page Giant; Holo-Grafx FOIL Cover; Magneto appears; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#317(10/1994; First appearance BLINK, who will be appearing in new X-Men Days of Future Past MOVIE; FOIL Enhanced Cover VARIANT; Generation Next Part-3; NM, 9.4 = $22.00);
#317(10/1994; First appearance BLINK, who will be appearing in new X-Men Days of Future Past MOVIE; FOIL Enhanced Cover VARIANT; Generation Next Part-3; NM-, 9.2 = $17.00);
#317(10/1994; First appearance BLINK, who will be appearing in new X-Men Days of Future Past MOVIE; FOIL Enhanced Cover VARIANT; Generation Next Part-3; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#317(10/1994; First appearance BLINK, who will be appearing in new X-Men Days of Future Past MOVIE; FOIL Enhanced Cover VARIANT; Generation Next Part-3; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#318-A [11/1994; DIRECT Edition, with $1.95 Original Cover Price = Deluxe edition with glossy paper; FIRST appearance of GENERATION X in the Phalanx Covenant storyline; Prelude to the Generation X Ongoing series; Professor Xavier selects Banshee & White Queen to run the Generation X; Jubilee leaves the X-Men for the new Generation X team; Scott Lobdell-s; Joe Madureira & Terry Austin-c; Roger Cruz and Tim Townsend-a; Wikipedia = The 1996 GENERATION X the Fox Network TV MOVIE (by Marvel Entertainment), featured Banshee and Emma Frost as the headmasters of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and M, Skin, Mondo, Jubilee and two new characters, Buff and Refrax, as students; ASK];
#318-B [11/1994; Newsstand Edition, with $1.50 Original Cover Price; FIRST appearance of GENERATION X in the Phalanx Covenant storyline; Prelude to the Generation X Ongoing series; Professor Xavier selects Banshee & White Queen to run the Generation X; Jubilee leaves the X-Men for the new Generation X team; Scott Lobdell-s; Joe Madureira & Terry Austin-c; Roger Cruz and Tim Townsend-a; Wikipedia = The 1996 GENERATION X the Fox Network TV MOVIE (by Marvel Entertainment), featured Banshee and Emma Frost as the headmasters of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and M, Skin, Mondo, Jubilee and two new characters, Buff and Refrax, as students; ASK];
#456 (4/2005; FIRST appearance of RAINA; ** Raina is a mutant from the Saurid Race, Citizen of Hauk'ka, she resides in the Savage Land with the rest of her people;
Ruth Negga has so far played RAINA in 17 episodes of Marvel's Agents of SHEILD TV Series in 2013-2015; It is unclear if this is the same character; Some speculate that Raina will eventually become TIGRA; Wolverine-c/s; CHRIS CLAREMONT-s; ALAN DAVIS-c/a);
Uncanny X-Men Annual (Marvel);
#12 (1988; Evolutionary War; X-BABIES and High Evolutionary-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#13 (1989; Atlantis Attacks; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
the UNCANNY X-MEN PORTFOLIO (Set One) by John Byrne, Fastner & Larson (PXC-1154; 4 x Full Color Plates/Prints; all-new art; 11" x 14"; Set One; YELLOW Cover; 1980; Marvel Comics Pub.; VF+, 8.5, Still in Factory Sealed Shrinkwrap; SCARCE = $29.00);
UNCENSORED MOUSE (Eternity Pub; 1989; Contains Unauthorized Walt Disney Mickey Mouse reprints; Classic Collection of Complete & Uncut / Uncensored Floyd Gottfredson Comic Strips from the 1930's RACIST African Black People Sterotyping & Violence; 44 pages including covers; getting Scarcer; Threat of DISNEY Lawsuit caused series to be Canceled);
#1(4/1989; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20); #1(4/1989; VF+, 8.5 = $16) #1(4/1989; VF, 8.0 = $12);
#2(4/1989; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10); #2(4/1989; FN, 6.0 = $8);
#1 (5/2015; 52 pages; Regular Cover; 1st Print; ASK);
#1 (5/2015; 52 pages; Variant Cover; 1st Print; ASK);
Uncle Scrooge (Walt Disney)
#158 (11/1978; Gold Key pub; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#172 (1/1980; Whitman Variant Edition; BARKS-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25);
#187 (8/1981; Whitman pub; BARKS-a; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
Uncle Scrooge (Gladstone)
#219(7/1987; Scrooge vs Flintheart Glomgold - Son of the Son-c/s; 1st Pro work by Don ROSA-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25);
UNCLE SCROOGE (Dell, Gold Key and Whitman comics Pub): VARIANTS;
#21 (3-5/1958; Scarce 15 Cents Cover Price VARIANT; FN, 6.0 = $75.00);
#75 (Gold Key; 6/1968; The Battle of Marathon! SCARCE Canadian 15 cent Cover Price VARIANT edition; FN/VF, 7.0 = $57.00)
#96 (12/1972; Uncle Scrooge in The Thrifty Spendthrift; Gyro Gearloose back-up story; Phil De Lara art; SCARCE WHITMAN VARIANT edition; 15 Cents cover price; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00)
#97 (2/1972; That’s No Fable, 18 pages story and art by CARL BARKS; CARL BARKS cover; SCARCE WHITMAN VARIANT edition; 15 Cents cover price; VF+, 8.5 = $79.00)
#99 (Gold Key; 6/1972; The Case of the Sticky Money, 20 pages story and art by CARL BARKS; SCARCE Canadian 20 cent Cover Price VARIANT edition; FN/VF, 7.0 = $48.00)
#100 (8/1972; Pipeline to Danger, 17 pages story and art by CARL BARKS; CARL BARKS cover; SCARCE WHITMAN VARIANT edition; 15 Cents cover price; VF/NM, 9.0 = $99.00; VF-, 7.5 = $39.00)
#101 (Gold Key; 9/1972; Wispy Willie, 10 pages story and art by CARL BARKS; Old Demon Tooth, 10 pages story and art by CARL BARKS; CARL BARKS cover; SCARCE Canadian 20 cent Cover Price VARIANT edition; FN+, 6.5 = $25.00)
#102 (Gold Key; 11/1972; A Spicy Tale, 18 pages story and art by CARL BARKS; CARL BARKS cover; SCARCE Canadian 20 cent Cover Price VARIANT edition; FN/VF, 7.0 = $42.00)
#103 (Gold Key; 2/1973; Back to Long Ago!, 20 pages story and art by CARL BARKS; CARL BARKS cover; SCARCE Canadian 20 cent Cover Price VARIANT edition; 6.0 = $27.00)
#142 (7/1977; COVER is flipped mirror image, from Dell Four Color #456; Reprints UNCLE SCROOGE #2 aka Four Color #456 originally from 1953; Uncle Scrooge in BACK TO THE KLONDIKE cover and 27 page story; Appearances by; Uncle Scrooge McDuck; Donald Duck; Huey Duck; Dewey Duck; Louie; FIRST appearance of Glittering Goldie;
FIRST appearance of Blackjack; CGD Synopsis; Scrooge takes pills to restore his failing memory, and immediately recalls the location of bag of nuggets he cached in the Yukon fifty years before. When the ducks arrive in the Klondike, they find that Scrooge's claim has been taken over by Glittering Goldie, a former dance hall girl Scrooge knew in the gold rush days--and who still owes Scrooge a thousand dollars, plus interest. CARL BARKS Story, Cover and 27 pages Art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00; VF, 8.0 = $33.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $22.00);
#147 (12/1977; ** ( A ) Uncle Scrooge in Mythtic Mystery, 14 pages of Story and art by CARL BARKS; Reprinted from UNCLE SCROOGE #34 originally from 1961; Appearances by; Donald Duck, Huey Duck, Dewey Duck, Louie Duck and Uncle Scrooge McDuck; ** ( B ) Uncle Scrooge in Money Bag Goat, 6 pages of Story and art by CARL BARKS; Reprinted from UNCLE SCROOGE #36 originally from 1961; Appearances by; Donald Duck, Huey Duck, Dewey Duck, Louie Duck and Uncle Scrooge McDuck; ** ( C ) Uncle Scrooge in Gift Lion, 4 pages of Story and art by CARL BARKS; Reprinted from UNCLE SCROOGE #35 originally from 1961; Appearances by; The Beagle Boys and Uncle Scrooge McDuck; ** Low Print and SCARCE Canadian 30¢ REVERSE Price Variant Edition; ** The Common USA Edition has a 35¢ Original Cover Price; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00; VF, 8.0 = $33.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $22.00);
#148 (1/1978; CARL BARKS Cover; ** ( A ) Uncle Scrooge in Riches, Riches, Everywhere!, Cover, and 16 pages of Story and art by CARL BARKS; Reprinted from UNCLE SCROOGE #11 originally from 1955; Appearances by; Donald Duck, Huey Duck, Dewey Duck, Louie Duck and Uncle Scrooge McDuck;** ( B ) Huey, Dewey and Louie with Uncle Scrooge in The Slapstick Statue, 10 Page Story with art by Tony Strobl and John Liggera; Reprinted from UNCLE Dell Giant #49 originally from 1961; Appearances by; Uncle Scrooge McDuck; Huey Duck; Dewey Duck; Louie Duck; ** Low Print and SCARCE Canadian 30¢ REVERSE Price Variant Edition; ** The Common USA Edition has a 35¢ Original Cover Price; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00; VF, 8.0 = $33.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $22.00);
#149 (2/1978; FLYING SAUCER Cover; CARL BARKS Cover; ** ( A ) Uncle Scrooge in Lost Beneath the Sea, Cover and 22 pages of Story and art by CARL BARKS; Reprinted from UNCLE SCROOGE #46 originally from 1963; Appearances by; Donald Duck; Uncle Scrooge McDuck; Huey Duck; Dewey Duck; Louie Duck; ** ( B ) Uncle Scrooge in Wheeling and Dealing, 5 Page Story with art by Tony Strobl and Steve Steere; Reprinted from UNCLE SCROOGE #42 originally from 1963; Appearances by; Grandma Duck; Uncle Scrooge McDuck; ** Low Print and SCARCE Canadian 30¢ REVERSE Price Variant Edition;** The Common USA Edition has a 35¢ Original Cover Price; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00; VF, 8.0 = $33.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $22.00);
#194 (3/1982; Whitman; The Inner-Earth Adventure; The Menace of Magica; The Super Marble; On the Safe Side; WHITE Whitman LOGO Variant; VF+, 8.5 = $25.00);
#195 (3/1982; Whitman; Reprints UNCLE SCROOGE #1 aka Four Color #386 from 1952; First feature-length story with Uncle Scrooge as the starring character. Uncle Scrooge in ONLY A POOR OLD MAN Cover and 32 pages of Story and art by CARL BARKS; Appearances by; Dewey Duck; Donald Duck; Huey Duck; Louie Duck; Uncle Scrooge; The Beagle Boys; If you had a fortune of umpteen-centrifugilillion dollars, what would you do with it? ** GCD Synopsis; To keep his money safe from “The Terrible Beagle Boys”, Scrooge moves it to the bottom of a deeply-dredged lake. When the Beagles learn of this by chance, the stage is set for a series of battles fought with “nature”, using environment, topography, and even biology as weapons. The B-Boys use magnified sunlight, bomb-laden fish, trained cormorants, cloud-seeded lightning storms, and genetically-enhanced termites against Scrooge, leading to a memorable climax; VF/NM, 9.0 = $36.00; VF, 8.0 = $24.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18.00);
UNDERDOG (Charlton Pub; 7/1970-1/1972; First Series; based on the Leonardo TTV Animated Cartoons; Frank Johnson-c/a; SCARCE in FN/VF or Better);
#1(7/1970; First app of Underdog; 2 Pinup Pages & 2 Pages to Color are Un-Marked; UFO/Aliens-s; Supersnoot-s; FN/VF, 7.0 = $55);
#6(5/1971; Simon Barsinister-c & booklength 4-Part-s; Centerfold Pinup to Color is Un-Marked; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29);
#8(9/1971; Simon Barsinister-c & booklength 4-Part-s; Pinup to Color is Un-Marked; VF, 8.0 = $39);
UNDERDOG (Gold Key Pub; 3/1975-2/1979; Second Series; based on the Leonardo TTV Animated Cartoons; SCARCE in VF or Better);
#4(12/1975; Simon Barsinister-c /s; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18);
#7(6/1976; WHITMAN Variant Edition; Simon Barsinister-c/s; VF-, 7.5 = $22);
#9(Manitoba; 10/1976; Alien & Ghosts-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $66);
#11(2/1977; UFO/Aliens-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $27);
#14(8/1977; Simon Barsinisters; Hurricane-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $35);
#16(12/1977; FN/VF, 7.0 = $ 16);
#17(2/1978; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16);
#19(6/1978; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16);
#21(10/1978; FN/VF, 7.0 = $17);
UNDERSEA AGENT (Tower Comics Pub; 1/1966-3/1967; all 68 page Giants);
#1 (1/1966; First appearance of Davy Jones the Undersea Agent & Series Begins; FN+, 6.5 = $39.00);
#3 (6/1966; GIL KANE-a; VF-, 7.5 = $34.00);
UNEXPECTED (DC; 1968-1982; formerly Tales of the...; #189 up = combines with Witching Hour & House of Secrets)
#105(2-3/1968; 1st NEW Title issue; Mystery/Horror format begins; VF+, 8.5 = $76);
#122 (12-1970-1/1971; The Phantom of the WOODSTOCK Festival cover and story; Lady Killer; To Die a Dozen Deaths; Scarecrow; George Kashdan and Dave Wood stories; Dick Dillin and WALLY WOOD art; Dick Giordano cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $20.00);
#123(VF, 8.0 = $29); #131(52 page Giant; VF-, 7.5 = $23);
#137(7/1972; VF+, 8.5 = $22);
#142(VF, 8.0 = $20); #145(VF+, 8.5 = $22);
#149(VF, 8.0 = $20); #153(VF/NM, 9.0 = $28);
#158(7-8/1974; 100 Pages; VF/NM, 9.0 = $65);
#159 (9-10/1974; 100 Page Giant; VF, 8.0 = $35);#163(4/1975; VF+, 8.5 = $48); 164(VF, 8.0 = $13);
#189 (2/1979; combines with House of Secrets & Witching House, 68 page Giant "Dollar" Comic Series Begins; Luis Dominguez-c; Art by; Fred Carrillo, Vicente Alcazar, Frank Redondo, E.R. Cruz, Vicatan, Jerry Grandenetti, Nards Cruz & Noly Panaligan, John Calnan, John Albano & Bill Draut, Steve Ditko; VF, 8.0 = $14.00);
#190(3-4/1979; 68 Page Giant; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22); #191(5-6/1979;68 Page Giant; Rogers-a; VF+, 8.5 =$19);
#192 (GIANT; VF+, 8.5 = $18); #196(3/1980; VF+, 8.5 = $10); #198(VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#199(Dracula's Daughter-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#199(6/1980; Dracula's Daughter-c/s; VF+, 8.5 =$10); #200 (7/1980; Return of Johnny Peril, by Tuska; VF+, 8.5 = $11);
#200(7/1980; Manitoba copy; Return of Johnny Peril, by Tuska; VF/NM, 9.0 = $13);
#201(VF+, 8.5 = $10); #202(VF+, 8.5 = $10);
#204(Kubert-c; VF/NM,9.0 = $12); #206(Johnny Peril-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#207(Johnny Peril-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#210(Manitoba; 5/1981; Vampire of the Apes-c/s; Johnny Peril story; Time Warp-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#211(Johnny Peril story; Mummy-c/s; NM-, 9.2= $18); #211(Johnny Peril story; Mummy-c/s;VF/NM, 9.0= $12);
#212(Kaluta-c; VF+, 8.5 = $10); #214(Kubert-c; Last Johnny Peril story; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#216(Vampire vs Samurai-c/s; Kubert-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#217(Abe Lincoln-c/s; Sheldon Mayer-s/a; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#218(1/1982; Alligator-c/s; Medesa-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#219(2/1982; Kubert-c; Devil-s; Giffen-a; NM-, 9.2 = $18)
#220(3/1982; Kubert-c; Santa Claus-s; Troll-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#221(4/1982; Kubert-c; NUDITY panels; Ditko-a;VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#221(4/1982; Kubert-c; NUDITY panels; Ditko-a; NM-, 9.2 = $18); #222(5/1982; LAST issue; Vampire-s; Giffen-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#222(5/1982; LAST issue; Vampire-s; Giffen-a; VF+, 8.5 = $10);
pub; 1977-1982; KUBERT covers on almost all issues);
(4-5/1977; FIRST issue under this new Title; SGT ROCK’S Kid
Brother; Bob Haney story, Dick Ayers & Gerry Talaoc art, Joe
Kubert cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $42.00);
#206 (6-7/1977; BLACK KNIGHT Chess Theme cover; LT. LARRY ROCK; Bob Haney story, Dick Ayers & Gerry Talaoc art, Al Milgrom cover; ASK);
#207 (8-9/1977; Bob Haney story, Dick Ayers & Gerry Talaoc art, Al Milgrom cover; ASK);
#208 (10/1977; Bob Haney story, Dick Ayers & Gerry Talaoc art, Al Milgrom cover; ASK);
#209 (11/1977; American FLAG cover; Bob Haney story, Joe Kubert cover, Dick Ayers & Gerry Talaoc art; ASK);
#210 (12/1977; Master of Torture; Bob Haney story, Dick Ayers & Gerry Talaoc art, Joe Kubert cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00);
#211 (1/1978; Bob Haney & Larry Hama story, Russ Heath art, Joe Kubert cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00; VF, 8.0 = $15.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00);
#212 (2/1978; Bob Haney story, Joe Kubert cover, Dick Ayers & Gerry Talaoc art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00);
#213 (3/1978; Bob Haney & Don Kraar stories, Dick Ayers & Gerry Talaoc art, Joe Kubert cover; ASK)
#214 (4/1978; Mlle Marie cover and appearance; Deadly Reunion; Robert Kanigher story, Dick Ayers & Romeo Tanghal art, Joe Kubert cover; FN, 6.0 = $8.00);
#215 (5/1978; Bob Haney & Bob Toomey stories, Dick Ayers, Gerry Talaoc &, Sandy Plunkett art, Joe Kubert cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00);
#216 (6/1978; Taps at Arlington, Funeral with America FLAG on Coffin cover and story; Bob Haney story, Joe Kubert cover, Dick Ayers & Romeo Tanghal art; VF, 8.0 = $15.00)
#217 (7/1978; ADOLPH HITLER cover and appearance; Bob Haney story, Dick Ayers, Gerry Talaoc &, Bill Draut art, Joe Kubert cover; VF+, 8.5 = $18.00)
#218 (8/1978; ADOLPH HITLER, Hermann Goering and Joseph Goebbels cover and appearance; Bob Haney & Jack Oleck stories, Dick Ayers, Gerry Talaoc &, Maurice Whitman art, Joe Kubert cover; ASK);
#219 (9/1978; 44 page Giant; Funeral for UNKNOWN SOLDIER cover and story; FIVE pages of early FRANK MILLER art; Haney, Maggin & Edelman stories; Ayers, Tanghal, Frank Miller & Carrillo art; Joe Kubert cover; VF, 8.0 = $22.00);
#220(10/1978; 44 page Giant; Kubert-c; VF, 8.0 = $17);
#221(11/1978; 44 page Giant; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24); #221(11/1978; 44 page Giant; VF+, 8.5 = $16);
#222(Manitoba; 12/1978; NM-, 9.2 = $30);#225(VF+, 8.5 = $16); #226(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $30); #226(VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#230(8/1979; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);#230(VF+, 8.5 = $16); #231(VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#232(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $40); #232(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $30); #232(VF/NM, 9.0 = $20); ;
#233(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#233(VF/NM, 9.0 = $20); ; #234(Manitoba; 12/1979; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#236(VF+, 8.5 = $16) #237(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 =
$40); #237(Manitoba; Christmas-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#238(VF/NM, 9.0 = $20); #239(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 =
$30); #243(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#244(Manitoba; Dateline Frontline-s; NM-, 9.2 = $30); #244(Dateline Frontline-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#246(12/1980; vs Rommel-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#247(Manitoba; Warsaw Ghetto-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $30); #247(Warsaw Ghetto-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#248(2/1981; 1st Time ORIGIN Unknown Soldier; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22); #248(2/1981; 1st Time ORIGIN Unknown Soldier; VF+, 8.5 = $18);
#249(3/1981; 1st Time ORIGIN Unknown Soldier Part-2 & First Mission of Unknown Soldier; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22);
#250(Manitoba; 4/1981; Anniversary issue; Sgt, Rock, Haunted Tank, Mlle. Marie & Losers-c/s; Hitler app; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#250(4/1981; Anniversary issue; Sgt, Rock, Haunted Tank, Mlle. Marie & Losers-c/s; Hitler app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#251(Manitoba; 5/1981; ENEMY ACE-c/s Begins; SPLIT covers with Unknown Soldier Begins; Severin-a; Kubert-c; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#251(5/1981; ENEMY ACE-c/s Begins; SPLIT covers with Unknown Soldier Begins; Severin-a; Kubert-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#252(Manitoba; ENEMY ACE & Unknown Soldier-c/s; Severin-a; Kubert-c; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#253(Manitoba; 7/1981; ENEMY ACE & Unknown Soldier, Statue of Liberty-c/s; Severin-a; Kubert-c; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#253(7/1981; ENEMY ACE & Unknown Soldier, Statue of Liberty-c/s; Severin-a; Kubert-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#254(Manitoba; 8/1981; Kubert-c; Dateline Frontline-s; Capt Fear-s=Simonson-a; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#254(8/1981; Kubert-c; Dateline Frontline-s; Capt Fear-s=Simonson-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#255(Manitoba; Kubert-c; Dateline Frontline-s; Capt Fear-s=Simonson-a; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#255(Kubert-c; Dateline Frontline-s; Capt Fear-s=Simonson-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20); ;
#256(Manitoba; 10/1981; Hitler-c/app; Kubert-c; Dateline Frontline-s; Capt Fear-s=Simonson-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#257(Manitoba; 11/1981; Kubert-c; Capt Storm-s; Kanigher's Gallery of War-s; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#258(12/1981; Kubert-c; Capt Storm-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#259(Manitoba; 1/1982; Nazi Gladiator-c/s; Kubert-c; Capt Storm saves John F. Kennedy-s; Kanigher's Gallery of War-s; NM+, 9.6 = $60);
#259(Manitoba; 1/1982; Nazi Gladiator-c/s; Kubert-c; Capt Storm saves John F. Kennedy-s; Kanigher's Gallery of War-s; NM, 9.4 = $40);
#260(Manitoba; 2/1982; ENEMY ACE & Unknown Soldier-c/s; Severin-a; Kubert-c; NM, 9.4 = $40);
#260(Manitoba; 2/1982; ENEMY ACE & Unknown Soldier-c/s; Severin-a; Kubert-c; NM-, 9.2 = $20);
#261(Manitoba; 3/1982; Enemy Ace; Severin-a; Kubert-c; NM, 9.4 = $40);
#261(Manitoba; 3/1982; Enemy Ace; Severin-a; Kubert-c; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#262(Manitoba; 4/1982; vs Hitler-c/s; Return of Steve Savage Balloon Buster-c/s; Return of Tomahawk-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#262(4/1982; vs Hitler-c/s; Return of Steve Savage Balloon Buster-c/s; Return of Tomahawk-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $16);
#263(Manitoba; Death Sub & Skeletons=c/s; Steve Savage Balloon Buster-s; 2nd Tomahawk-s; NM, 9.6 = $60);
#263(Manitoba; Death Sub & Skeletons=c/s; Steve Savage Balloon Buster-s; 2nd Tomahawk-s; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#264(Manitoba; 6/1982; Kubert-c; Steve Savage Balloon Buster-s; 3rd Tomahawk-s; NM+, 9.6 = $60);
#264(Manitoba; 6/1982; Kubert-c; Steve Savage Balloon Buster-s; 3rd Tomahawk-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#265(Manitoba; 7/1982; Enemy Ace vs Baloon Buster = Severin-a; Losers-s = Evans-a; Kubert-c; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#266(Manitoba; Enemy Ace vs Baloon Buster = Severin-a; Viking Commando-s = Evans-a; Kubert-c; NM-, 9.2 = $30);
#267(9/1982; Nazi Circus-c/s; Enemy Ace vs Baloon Buster = Severin-a; Viking Commando-s = Evans-a; Kubert-c; VF+, 8.5 = $16);
#268(Manitoba; 10/1992; LAST issue; DEATH of Unknown Soldier; Suicide DEATH of HITLER-c/s; Kubert-c; Booklength-s; NM, 9.4 = $80);
#268(10/1992; LAST issue; DEATH of Unknown Soldier; Suicide DEATH of HITLER-c/s; Kubert-c; Booklength-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $40);
UNIVERSAL PICTURES PRESENTS DRACULA & the MUMMY (DELL GIANT, 1963; Universal Studio's DOUBLE; Monster Movie Classics) -
#NN (02-530-311a; One-Shot GIANT; VF, 8.0 = $135.00);
UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION (Marvel B&W Comics Magazine; 1975-1976)
#1 (1/1975; 84 pages; Squarebound; Exculsive INTERVIEW with RAY BRADBURY; All-New "Day of the Triffids"; = Kelly Freas Painted UFO Cover , plus 15 page Story adaption; All-New BOB SHAW's "SLOW GLASS" adaption, Colan-a; Maroto pinup-a;! NEAL ADAMS = 8 pages-s/a; FLASH GORDON Parody = 4 pages FRANK BRUNNER-s/a; "Savage World" = Wally Wood story & Al Williamson/Krenkel/Torres/FRAZETTA art = 8 pgs, with A-Bomb panels; Interview with KELLY FREAS = 4 pages with art MIKE KALUTA = 5pgs story/art = Giant Ant horror/SF-s; VF, 8.0 = $26.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18.00);
#2 (3/1975; 84 pages; Square-bound; Classic Sci-Fi WAR and Robot AMERICAN FLAG Painted Cover by Mike / Michael William KALUTA; Alex Nino pinup; ** Prologue = 3 Page Story based on SLOW GLASS by BOB SHAW with story adaption by Tony Isabella with FRANK BRUNNER & Klaus Janson art; ** WAR-TOY (Sci-Fi and WAR with Robot) = 12 Page story by Tony Isabella with GEORGE PEREZ & Rico Rival art; ** There Are No Yesterdays - INTERVIEW with ALFRED BESTER = 4 page article by Denny O'Neil with illustrations by Rick Bryant, Steve Harper & Stanley Pitt; ** ADAM..AND NO EVE = 6 Pages story by ALFRED BESTER, Adated for Comics by Denny O'Neil with Frank Robbins & Jim Mooney art; ** The Hunter And The Hunted = 4 pages with Story & Art by Mike / Michael William KALUTA; ** SF Fans & Hugo awards = 4 page Text article by Don Thompson, with photos of Harlan Ellison & Frank Kelly Freas; ** Specimen = 8 pages with Story & Art by Bruce Jones; ** DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS (Part-2) = 20 Page story by John Wyndham, Conclusion of all-New Adaption made for Comics by Gerry Conway with Rico Rival art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $15.00);
#3 (5/1975; 84 pages; Square-bound; Michael Whelan Painted cover; Frontispiece pinup by Gray Morrow; ** Prologue: The Star-Magi from SLOW GLASS = adaption, based on BOB SHAW with story adaption by Tony Isabella with Gene Colan & Frank Chiaramonte art; ** OCCUPATION FORCE = 5 page story by FRANK HERBERT, Adapted for Comics by Gerry Conway, with GEORGE PEREZ and Klaus Janson art; ** NOT LONG BEFORE THE END = 15 Page story by LARRY NIVEN, Adapted for Comics by Doug Moench, with Vicente Alcazar art; ** Sandworms and Saviors: A Conversation With FRANK HERBERT, Author of DUNE = 7 Pages Article by Ed Leimbacher with Rick Bryant & Ed Hannigan illustrations; ** Gestation = 7 page Story and Art by BRUCE JONES; ** SFWA: The Thing That Spawned Nebulas = 4 page article by Don Thompson with Rick Bryant art; ** REPENT, HARLEQUIN! SAID THE TICKTOCKMAN = 17 Page story by HARLAN ELLISON, Adapted for Comics by Roy Thomas with ALEX NINO art; ** Epilogue = 3 pages stroty by Tony Isabella with Gene Colan & Frank Chiaramonte art; ** The Shape of Things That Came = 2 Pages, Letter Page with Ray Bradbury & Stan Lee photographs; FN/VF, 7.0 = $15.00);
#4 (7/1975; 84 pages; Square-bound; LOST CITY OF MARS Sci-Fi Painted Cover FRANK BRUNNER; Robert L. Kline pinup; ** Prologue: An Official Inquiry = from SLOW GLASS = 3 pages based on BOB SHAW with story adaption by Tony Isabella with Don Heck & Frank Chiaramonte art;** ENCHANTED VILLAGE = 11 page story by A.E. VAN VOGT, Adapted for Comics by Don & Maggie Thompson with Dick Giordano art; ** The Dreaming Kind A Conversation With SF Master Author A.E. van Vogt = 6 Page Interview by Alan Brennert with Rick Bryant & Steve Harper illustrations; ** A VISION OF VENUS = 5 page story by OTIS ADELBERT KLINE, Adapted for Comics by TIM CONRAD story & art; ** Fantastic Worlds = 4 page Article by Don & Maggie Thompson with Rick Bryant illustrations; ** GOOD NEWS FROM THE VATICAN = 7 page story by ROBERT SILVERBERG, Adapted for Comics by Gerry Conway with Adrian Gonzales art; ** Encounter at War = 13 page story by Jan S. Strnad , with RICHARD CORBEN art; ** Kick The Can = 8 pages story & art by Bruce Jones; FN/VF, 7.0 = $15.00);
#5 (9/1975; 76 pages; GGA / Good Girl Art Painted Cover by Puigdomenech; Howard Chaykin frontispiece; ** Prologue = from SLOW GLASS = 2 pages based on BOB SHAW with story adaption by Roy Thomas with Gene Colan & Frank Chiaramonte art; ** Paradise Found = 14 page story by Bruce Jones with Gray Morrow art;
** The Many Many Worlds of Larry Niven = 6 page article by Alan Brennert (INTERVIEW with LARRY NIVEN author of Ringworld, etc) with Eliot R. Brown & Rick Bryant illustrations; ** ALL THE MYRIAD WAYS = 10 page story by LARRY NIVEN, Adapted for Comics by HOWARD CHAYKIN story & art; ** Fantastic Worlds = 3 page Article by Don & Maggie Thompson with MIKE KALUTA illustration; ** ADDICT = 9 page DRUG Story by Don Glut with Virgilio Redondo art; ** Half Life (Sci-Fi) = 10 Page story & art by by John Allison; NM, 9.4 = $59.00; VF+, 8.5 = $25.00);
#6 (11/1975; 76 pages; LAST ISSUE in series; Pat Broderick frontispiece; BEHOLD THE MAN Painted Cover by FRANK BRUNNER; ** Prologue = from SLOW GLASS = 2 pages based on BOB SHAW with story adaption by Roy Thomas with Gene Colan & Dan Adkins art; ** BEHOLD THE MAN = 23 page classic story by MICHAEL MOORCOCK, Adapted for Comics by Doug Moench with ALEX NINO art; ** THRU A GLASS SLOWLY = 4 page Text article by BOB SHAW with Gary Brodsky, Brian Moore & Eliot R. Brown art; ** Old Soldier = 7 pages of Bruce Jones story & art; ** GOD & HELL Mind Games = 10 pages of John Allison story & art; ** Visitation (Witchcraft/UFO/Aliens) = 10 page story by Don Glut, with Ruben Yandoc art; NM, 9.4 = $59.00; VF+, 8.5 = $25.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $15.00);
#1 (1976; 100 pages; Nice DON NEWTON Painted color cover; Rick Bryant frontpiece; "A MARTIAN ODYSSEY" = Adapts STANLEY WEINBAUM = Glut-s/Yandoc-a = 13 pgs; "LAST HORIZON" = INTERVIEW with THEODORE STURGEON; SF story by Bruce Jones, with ALEX NINO-a; SF/giant Lizard story by B.Jones with Alcazar-a; UFO/Alien Lizard story & art by Bruce Jones; SF/Alien story= B.Jones-s & Redondo-a; ARCHIE GOODWIN-s/a in "SINNER"; FREDERIC BROWN's Classic "ARENA" = Adaption, Conway-s & John Buscema/Dick Giordano-a; "Threads" = Alien Invasion-s by Warrick, with Gonzales-a; Michael Kaluta text illos; NM-, 9.2 = $49.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16.00);
UNTOLD LEGEND of the BATMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1980; One of the first DC Limited Series; Script by Len Wein);
#1 (7/1980; First JOHN BYRNE work at DC Comics; ** ORIGIN of Bruce Wayne aka BATMAN; ** JOKER, PENGUIN and RIDDLER cover; ** One of the first DC Limited Series; ** Appearances by; Robin; Alfred Pennyworth; Lew Moxon; Commissioner James Gordon; Joe Chill; Leslie Thompkins (cameo); Philip Wayne; Mrs. Chilton; Harvey Harris; Amos Rexford; Preston Payne aka Clayface; Matt Hagen aka Clayface; Crazy-Quilt; Ra's al Ghul; Killer Moth; Tweedledum; Tweedledee; Two-Face; Scarecrow; Riddler; Penguin; Joker; Dr. Phosphorous; Mad Hatter; Catwoman; Spook; Hugo Strange; Calendar Man; Mr. Freeze; Poison Ivy; Gentleman Ghost; Sensei; Signalman; ** Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne flashback appearances; ** BATMAN, In the Beginning;
** DCD Synopsis; After he receives in the mail the remnants of the Batman costume his father once wore and discovers its empty display case adorned with a threatening note, the Caped Crusader recalls the events that led to his becoming Batman and his earliest cases where he met James Gordon and brought the people responsible for his parents' deaths to justice. Len Wein story; JOHN BYRNE and Jim Aparo art; Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez cover; NM, 9.4 = $50.00; NM-, 9.2 = $37.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25.00);
#2 (8/1980;; Origin of Dick Grayson aka ROBIN; Origin of Alfred Pennyworth; Len Wein story, Jim Aparo art, Garcia Lopez & Dick Giordano cover; NM, 9.4 = $24.00; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#3 (9//1980; Origin of the Batmobile; Origin of the Batmobile Batgirl; Origin of the Batmobile Commissioner Gordon; Origin of the Batmobile Lucius Fox; Len Wein story; Jim Aparo art; Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez cover; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
Unusual Tales (Charlton pub) #48(1/1965; Glossy cover; Genie-s; VF+, 8.5 = $36);
Urth-4 (Continuity/Neal Adams Pub); #1(5/1989; NM, 9.4 = $6); 2(NM, 9.4 = $6);
#3(NM-, 9.2 = $5); 4(VF/NM, 9.0 = $4);
US AGENT (Marvel Comics Pub; 1993; 1st Series; Limited Series)
#1 (6/1993; FIRST Solo Series for John Walker aka the U.S. Agent ; Wyatt Russell will play John Walker aka U.S. AGENT in The FALCON and (Bucky Barnes) the WINTER SOLDIER TV Series, will DEBUT in Fall of 2020, on MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Disney+ Streaming Television Network; US Agent vs SCOURGE, Super-Villain and Mass Murderer; Mark Gruenwald story; M.C. Wyman and Keith Williams art; John Walker, at One Point in Time was a replacement for Captain America; Origin US AGENT in Flashback; ASK);
USAGI YOJIMBO (Fantagraphics Comics 1987-1993; Volume-1)
#1 (July/1987; SECOND Printing; ** First appearance of USAGI YOJIMBO in his Own Title; ** USAGI YOJIMBO has also appeared several times in TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the comic, Two of the Animated Cartoon Series, and the Action Figure Toy Lines; TMNT have also appeared in the Usagi Yojimbo Title;
** FIRST appearance of Waddlewalk in Tinkle Drop backup story by Dennis Fujitake; ** Classic STAN SAKAI story, cover and art;
*** Usagi has also appeared several times in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the comic, all three of the animated series, and their respective toy lines), and the Turtles have appeared in Usagi Yojimbo as well. ** Usagi Yojimbo was ranked #31 on the Greatest Comic Book character List by Empire magazine; ** Usagi Yojimbo was ranked #92 on IGN's list of the top 100 comic book heroes of All-Time; ** Usagi Yojimbo was ranked #43 on Rolling Stone magazines 50 Best Non-Superhero Graphic Novels; ** On February 8, 2018, it was announced that a CGI adaptation of the comics is in the works from Gaumont Animation. On July 15, 2020, Gaumont announced that the series will be released worldwide exclusively on Netflix TV under the title Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles. Production companies Atomic Monster and Dark Horse Entertainment are also partnering with Gaumont, with Mumbai-based studio 88 Pictures handling the CGI animation. The series takes place in the far future and will center on rabbit teenager Yuichi, who is the descendant of Miyamoto Usagi. (SPACE USAGI ??) Doug and Candie Langdale will serve as show-runners on the series; ** SECOND Printing; FN, 6.0 = $59.00);
#3 (10/1987; VF, 8.0 = $16.00);
#5 (1/1988; NM-. 9.2 = $30.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00; VF, 8.0 = $13.00);
#6 (2/1988; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00; VF+, 8.5 = $16.00);
#7 (3/1988; FIRST appearance of SPOT-c/s; ORIGIN of PATRRICK RABBIT backup story by PHIL YEH; VF, 8.0 = $24.00);
#8 (5/1988; NM-. 9.2 = $30.00; VF+, 8.5 = $16.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00);
#10 (8/1988; USAGI YOJIMBO vs LEONARDO of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles BATTLE cover and story; Overall VF, but water-damage with wrinkles to Top 35% of the Cover, thus VG, 4.0 = $12.00);
#14 (1/1989; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00);
#16 (5/1989; Blind Swordpig and SPOT cover & story; NM-. 9.2 = $30.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00);
#17 (7/1989; NM, 9.4 = $40.00);
#19 (12/1989; NM-, 9.2 = $30.00
#20 (2/1990; NM, 9.4 = $40.00);
#1 (11/1989; 52 page Giant; Miyamoto Usagi aka Usagi Yojimbo cover; Cover appears to be a reverse angle shot of Usagi's first appearance on the cover of Albedo #2 from 1984; Tomoe's Story, 20 page all-new story; ** A USAGI COVER GALLERY, with Pinup Pages of the covers of Albedo #2-4, USAGI YOJIMBO Summer Special #1 and Critters #3; Nilson Groundthumper and Hermy in Lost in a Lost City; ** Gnuff in Double Star; ** Usagi Yojimbo in Village of Fear, reprint from Doomsday Squad #3; ** Stan Sakai and Freddy Milton stories and art; Stan Sakai cover; VF, 8.0 = $27.00);
*** CBR Announced; Valiant Entertainment will now finance its own SUPERHERO MOVIES, alongside its comics line, as the Chinese Media Powerhouse DMG Entertainment has partnered with the publisher to create an unprecedented slate of Ambitious VALIANT Comics Related Hollywood MOVIES and TV SERIES over the next several years.
DMG will inject Valiant with an undisclosed amount (over $10 Million) to continue developing its characters across all media channels. DMG will also invest an undisclosed amount (over $100 Million) to produce a slate of Live-Action Films and TV projects. VALIANT already has a number of film projects in development including; HARBINGER and BLOODSHOT set up at Sony Pictures, Plus ARCHER & ARMSTRONG and SHADOWMAN scripted by J. Michael Straczynski. Also in the Works is X-O Manowar; ** PR from Valiant mentions plans for a GLOBAL FOCUS might include these characters in a DMG shared foundation of the first truly international cinematic universe, with the potential to expand the publishers licensing and merchandising into China & East Asia. Wikipedia = In April 2015, Sony Pictures are developing a HARBINGER movie with Original Films' Neal H. Moritz and Toby Jaffe producing with Valiant Entertainment's Dinesh Shamdasan and Eric Heisserer writing the film, whlie Andrea Giannetti will oversee for Sony; potential directors are being kept under wraps for now; SONY and VALIANT will begin with a HARBINGER Movie #1 and #2, and a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger.
ARCHER & ARMSTRONG (Valiant Comics Pub; 1992-1994; 1-12 = Barry Windsor-Smith art);
>>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock) = ASK
Sony Pictures has a ARCHER & ARMSTRONG MOVIE in Development, Scripted by J. Michael Straczynski.
#0 (7/1992; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of ARCHER; FIRST appearance of ARMSTRONG; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; Reese-i assists; NM, 9.4 = $75.00);
#0 (7/1992; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of ARCHER; FIRST appearance of ARMSTRONG; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; Reese-i assists; NM-, 9.2 = $50.00);
#0 (7/1992; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of ARCHER; FIRST appearance of ARMSTRONG; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; Reese-i assists; VF/NM, 9.0 = $36.00);
#0 (7/1992; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of ARCHER; FIRST appearance of ARMSTRONG; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; Reese-i assists; VF+, 8.5 = $30.00);
#0 (7/1992; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of ARCHER; FIRST appearance of ARMSTRONG; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; Reese-i assists; FN/VF, 7.0 = $20.00);
#0 (7/1992; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of ARCHER; FIRST appearance of ARMSTRONG; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; Reese-i assists; FN, 6.0 = $19.00);
#0 (7/1992; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of ARCHER; FIRST appearance of ARMSTRONG; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; Reese-i assists; VG/FN, 5.0 = $15.00);
#1 (8/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Frank MILLER-c; ETERNAL WARRIOR appears; UNITY X-Over; NM+, 9.6 = $45.00);
#1 (8/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Frank MILLER-c; ETERNAL WARRIOR appears; UNITY X-Over; NM, 9.4 = $30.00);
#1 (8/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Frank MILLER-c; ETERNAL WARRIOR appears; UNITY X-Over; VF/NM, 9.0 = $15.00);
#2 (9/1992; SECOND appearance of TUROK in Valiant Universe-c/s; X-O Manowar appears; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Simonson-c; UNITY X-Over; NM,+ 9.6 = $18.00);
#2 (9/1992; SECOND appearance of TUROK in Valiant Universe-c/s; X-O Manowar appears; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Simonson-c; UNITY X-Over; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#2 (9/1992; SECOND appearance of TUROK in Valiant Universe-c/s; X-O Manowar appears; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Simonson-c; UNITY X-Over; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#2 (9/1992; SECOND appearance of TUROK in Valiant Universe-c/s; X-O Manowar appears; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Simonson-c; UNITY X-Over; VF+, 8.5 = $5.00);
#3 (10/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c/a; Pope John Paul II appears; VF+, 8.5 = $5.00);
#4(11/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $15);
#4(11/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $7);
#5(12/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $15); #5(12/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c/a; NM, 9.4 = $10);
#6(1/1993; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $15); #6(1/1993; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c/a; NM, 9.4 = $10);
#7(2/1993; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c; NM+, 9.6 = $12); #7(2/1993; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c; NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#8 (3/1993; 52 page GIANT; $4.50-c; Flip-Book Combined with ETERNAL WARRIOR #8 on Reverse side; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/a & Wraparound-c; First appearance of IVAR the Time Walker; NM-, 9.2 = $10);
#8 (3/1993; 52 page GIANT; $4.50-c; Flip-Book Combined with ETERNAL WARRIOR #8 on Reverse side; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/a & Wraparound-c; First appearance of IVAR the Time Walker; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7);
#8 (3/1993; 52 page GIANT; $4.50-c; Flip-Book Combined with ETERNAL WARRIOR #8 on Reverse side; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/a & Wraparound-c; First appearance of IVAR the Time Walker; VF+, 8.5 = $6);
#9(4/1993; LAYTON-s; Chang-c/a; NM/MT, 9.8 = $10); #9(4/1993; LAYTON-s; Chang-c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $7);
#9(4/1993; LAYTON-s; Chang-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $5); #9(4/1993; LAYTON-s; Chang-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $3);
#10(5/1993; Barry Windsor-Smith-s/c/a; NM, 9.4 = $5);
#11(6/1993; SOLOAR Man of the Atom-c/s; IVAR the Time Walker appears; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $5);
#12(NM-, 9.2 = $3); #13(NM, 9.4 = $4); #14(NM, 9.4 = $4);
#15-25 = ASK
#26 (10/1994; Scarcer LAST issue; CHAOS EFFECT; Double issue; Flip Book with Eternal Warrior #26 on Reverse Side; Chaos Effect Gamma; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00);
#26 (10/1994; Scarcer LAST issue; CHAOS EFFECT; Double issue; Flip Book with Eternal Warrior #26 on Reverse Side; Chaos Effect Gamma; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#26 (10/1994; Scarcer LAST issue; CHAOS EFFECT; Double issue; Flip Book with Eternal Warrior #26 on Reverse Side; Chaos Effect Gamma; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#26 (10/1994; Scarcer LAST issue; CHAOS EFFECT; Double issue; Flip Book with Eternal Warrior #26 on Reverse Side; Chaos Effect Gamma; VF+, 8.5 = $9.00);
ARMORINES (Valiant Pub., 6/1994-6/1995)
#0, 1-11 = ASK
#12 (6/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Low Print Run – Only 26,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#12 (6/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Low Print Run – Only 26,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#12 (6/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Low Print Run – Only 26,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
(Valiant; 1993-1996;
Sony Pictures & Neal Moritz's Original Film of Fast & Furious franchise fame, teamed up to buy rights to a MOVIE based on the Valiant Comics series; SONY and VALIANT will begin with a HARBINGER Movie #1 and #2, and a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger.
>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock) = ASK
#0 (3/1994; Valiant Validated Signature Series; Limited Edition of 2500 copies; with 2 signatures & Certificate of Authenticity) = TWO copies send to CGC for GRADING
#0 (3/1994; wraparound Chromium-c; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#0 (3/1994; wraparound Chromium-c; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#1 (2/1993; Chromium embossed-c by Barry Windsor-Smith; with Bonus Poster; Geoff the Geomancer appears; 1st appearance of Malcolm; NM/MT, 9.8 = $29.00);
#1 (2/1993; Chromium embossed-c by Barry Windsor-Smith; with Bonus Poster; Geoff the Geomancer appears; 1st appearance of Malcolm; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#1 (2/1993; Chromium embossed-c by Barry Windsor-Smith; with Bonus Poster; Geoff the Geomancer appears; 1st appearance of Malcolm; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#2(NM+, 9.6 = $12); #3(NM+, 9.6 = $12);
#6 (7/1993; FIRST appearance of Colin King aka NINJAK; NM+, 9.6 = $44.00)
#6 (7/1993; FIRST appearance of Colin King aka NINJAK; NM-, 9.2 = $22.00)
#7(8/1993; First COSTUME for NINJAK; NM, 9.4 = $6.00);
#4,5,7-46 = ASK
#47(5/1996; Low Print Run; Only 10,000 Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#48 (5/1996; Low Print Run; Only 10,000 Printed; VF, 8.0 = $10.00);
#50 (7/1996; Low Print Run & SCARCE; Only 9,000 Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $39.00)
Yearbook #1(8/1994; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
BLOODSHOT (Acclaim; Volume-2);
>>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock) = ASK
#1-A (7/1997; Only 9,000 Printed; Sal Velluto & Jeff Albrecht-c; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#1-A (7/1997; Only 9,000 Printed; Sal Velluto & Jeff Albrecht-c; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#1-B (7/1997; Only 9,000 Printed; Vince Evans VARIANT-c; SOLD OUT);
#2-15 = ASK
#16(6/1998; LAST issue; Only 5500 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00);
BLOODSHOT Retailer Review Copy (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; Scarce B&W PROMO Giveaway Comic);
Sony Pictures has Two BLOODSHOT MOVIES in Development. SONY and VALIANT will begin with a HARBINGER Movie #1 and #2, and a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger.
Volume-2 #1 (3/1997; Len Kaminski, Sal Velluto & Jeff Albrecht; Approx. Only 5000 Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $59.00);
#NN (#1; 3/1996; One-Shot Giant; LOW PRINT & SCARCE; Only 12,000 Printed; Mike ZECK-a; VF+, 8.5 = $39.00);
Chaos Effect ALPHA – BLUE Cover (Valiant Pub; Color PROMO Giveaway Comic);
Volume-1 #Alpha (1994; Solar, Geomancer, Shadowman, Master Darque, Dr. Mirage, Bloodshot, X-O Manowar, Toyo Harada, Turok, Ninjak; Jerry Ordway-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00);
CHAOS EFFECT OMEGA – GOLD VARIANT Edition (Valiant Comics Pub; Color PROMO Giveaway Comic); Volume-1 #Omega (10-11/1994; Approx. only 5000 Printed) = Sent to CGC for Grading
CONCRETE JUNGLE: The LEGEND of the BLACK LION and the BLACK LION (Acclaim Comics);
#1(April/ 1998; One-Shot; Only 9000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $18);
#1(April/ 1998; One-Shot; Only 9000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $13);
DEATHMATE BLACK (Image/Valiant Pub; Square-Bound Prestige Format Giant) - #NN (#1; 9/1993; First FULL appearance of GEN 13; Brandon Choi & Eric Silvestri story; Brandon Peterson, Jim Lee, Greg Capullo,, Marc Silvestri & Whilce Portacio art; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
DEATHMATE BLACK #NN (9/1993; Valiant/Image; GOLD foil cover; One GOLD copy for every 50 Regular copies printed) = CGC graded 9.6 & 9.4 = ASK;
DEATHMATE BLUE #NN (10/1993; Valiant/Image; Square-Bound Prestige Format Giant; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00);
DEATHMATE BLUE #NN (10/1993; Valiant/Image; Square-Bound Prestige Format Giant; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
DEATHMATE BLUE #NN (10/1993; Valiant/Image; GOLD foil cover; One GOLD copy for every 50 Regular copies printed) = Sent to CGC for Grading
DEATHMATE EPILOGUE #NN (2/1994; Valiant/Image; Silver Foil-c; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
DEATHMATE PREVIEW – Green #NN (Advance Comics; 8 Page PROMO comic; 1993; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
DEATHMATE PREVIEW – Green #NN (Advance Comics; 8 Page PROMO comic; 1993; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
DEATHMATE PREVIEW – Orange #NN (Diamond Previews Mag; 8 Page PROMO comic; 1993; VG/FN = $8.00);
DEATHMATE PREVIEW – Orange #NN (Diamond Previews Mag; 8 Page PROMO comic; 1993; G/VG = $5.00);
DEATHMATE PROLOGUE #NN (9/1994; Valiant/Image; Silver Foil-c; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
DEATHMATE PROLOGUE #NN (9/1994; Valiant/Image; Silver Foil-c; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00);
DEATHMATE PROLOGUE #NN (9/1994; Valiant/Image; Silver Foil-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
DEATHMATE RED #NN (11/1993; Valiant/Image; Square-Bound Prestige Format Giant; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
DEATHMATE TOURBOOK #NN (1993; Valiant/Image; Only 15,000 Printed; SILVER Covers; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00);
DEATHMATE YELLOW #NN (10/1993; Valiant/Image; Square-Bound Prestige Format Giant; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00);
DEATHMATE YELLOW #NN (10/1993; Valiant/Image; Square-Bound Prestige Format Giant; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
DESTROYER - (Valiant Comics Pub)
#0 (4/1995; SCARCE VARIANT with US$2.50 cover price; Very Low Print; Very hard to find, rarely seen in the open market; Only 7500 Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
Doctor Tomorrow (1997-1998; ACCLAIM / Valiant Comics Pub)
#1 (9/1997; Only 14,000 Printed; ASK);
#2-11 = ASK
#12 (4/1998; Only 7,000 Printed; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
VALIANT/ Acclaim COMICS; *** CBR Announced; Valiant Entertainment will now finance its own SUPERHERO MOVIES, alongside its comics line, as the Chinese Media Powerhouse DMG Entertainment has partnered with the publisher to create an unprecedented slate of Ambitious VALIANT Comics Related Hollywood MOVIES and TV SERIES over the next several years.
DMG will inject Valiant with an undisclosed amount (over $10 Million) to continue developing its characters across all media channels. DMG will also invest an undisclosed amount (over $100 Million) to produce a slate of Live-Action Films and TV projects. VALIANT already has a number of film projects in development including; HARBINGER and BLOODSHOT set up at Sony Pictures, Plus ARCHER & ARMSTRONG and SHADOWMAN scripted by J. Michael Straczynski. Also in the Works is X-O Manowar; ** PR from Valiant mentions plans for a GLOBAL FOCUS might include these characters in a DMG shared foundation of the first truly international cinematic universe, with the potential to expand the publishers licensing and merchandising into China & East Asia. Wikipedia = In April 2015, Sony Pictures are developing a HARBINGER movie with Original Films' Neal H. Moritz and Toby Jaffe producing with Valiant Entertainment's Dinesh Shamdasan and Eric Heisserer writing the film, whlie Andrea Giannetti will oversee for Sony; potential directors are being kept under wraps for now; SONY and VALIANT will begin with a HARBINGER Movie #1 and #2, and a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger.
ETERNAL WARRIOR (Valiant Pub; 1992-1996); >>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock)
#1 (8/1992; Frank MILLER-c; UNITY Chapter-2; Epilogue-a by Barry Windsor-Smith; Unity X-Over; ORIGIN of the ETERNAL WARRIOR and ARAM aka ARMSTRONG; Sony Pictures has a ARCHER & ARMSTRONG MOVIE in Development, Scripted by J. Michael Straczynski; NM+, 9.6 = $36.00);
#1 (8/1992; Frank MILLER-c; UNITY Chapter-2; Epilogue-a by Barry Windsor-Smith; Unity X-Over; ORIGIN of the ETERNAL WARRIOR and ARAM aka ARMSTRONG; Sony Pictures has a ARCHER & ARMSTRONG MOVIE in Development, Scripted by J. Michael Straczynski; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
#1 (8/1992; Frank MILLER-c; UNITY Chapter-2; Epilogue-a by Barry Windsor-Smith; Unity X-Over; ORIGIN of the ETERNAL WARRIOR and ARAM aka ARMSTRONG; Sony Pictures has a ARCHER & ARMSTRONG MOVIE in Development, Scripted by J. Michael Straczynski; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00);
#1 (8/1992; Frank MILLER-c; UNITY Chapter-2; Epilogue-a by Barry Windsor-Smith; Unity X-Over; ORIGIN of the ETERNAL WARRIOR and ARAM aka ARMSTRONG; Sony Pictures has a ARCHER & ARMSTRONG MOVIE in Development, Scripted by J. Michael Straczynski; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#1 (8/1992; Frank MILLER-c; UNITY Chapter-2; Epilogue-a by Barry Windsor-Smith; Unity X-Over; ORIGIN of the ETERNAL WARRIOR and ARAM aka ARMSTRONG; Sony Pictures has a ARCHER & ARMSTRONG MOVIE in Development, Scripted by J. Michael Straczynski; VF-, 7.5 = $7.00);
#2(9/1992; Unity X-Over; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7)
#3(10/1992; Archer & Armstrong appear; NM, 9.4 = $14);
#4 (11/1992; First appearance of BLOODSHOT in Cameo on Last Page Sony Pictures has Two BLOODSHOT MOVIES in Development. The HARBINGER & BLOODSHOT Movies will have a sequel and crossover movie, Harbinger Wars, with BLOODSHOT; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00);
#5 (12/1992; Second FULL appearance of BLOODSHOT-c/s; Sony Pictures & Neal Moritz's Original Film of Fast & Furious franchise fame, teamed up to buy rights to a MOVIE based on the Valiant Comics series; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#5 (12/1992; Second FULL appearance of BLOODSHOT-c/s; Sony Pictures & Neal Moritz's Original Film of Fast & Furious franchise fame, teamed up to buy rights to a MOVIE based on the Valiant Comics series; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#5 (12/1992; Second FULL appearance of BLOODSHOT-c/s; Sony Pictures & Neal Moritz's Original Film of Fast & Furious franchise fame, teamed up to buy rights to a MOVIE based on the Valiant Comics series; VF+, 8.5 = $7.00);
#6 (1/1993; Barry Windsor-Smith-c; SECOND appearance of Master Darque; NM-, 9.2 = $7);
#7 (2/1993; Barry Windsor-Smith-c; Early Master Darque; VF, 8.0 = $4);
#9 (4/1993; First Book of Geomancer; ASK);
#10(NM-, 9.2 = $6); #11(NM, 9.4 = $8); #12(NM, 9.4 = $8);
#13(NM-, 9.2 = $6); #14(Bloodshot app; NM, 9.4 = $8);
#8, 15-25 = ASK
#26 (10/1994; Scarcer LAST issue; CHAOS EFFECT; Double issue; Flip Book with Eternal Warrior #26 on Reverse Side; Chaos Effect Gamma; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00);
#26 (10/1994; Scarcer LAST issue; CHAOS EFFECT; Double issue; Flip Book with Eternal Warrior #26 on Reverse Side; Chaos Effect Gamma; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#26 (10/1994; Scarcer LAST issue; CHAOS EFFECT; Double issue; Flip Book with Eternal Warrior #26 on Reverse Side; Chaos Effect Gamma; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#26 (10/1994; Scarcer LAST issue; CHAOS EFFECT; Double issue; Flip Book with Eternal Warrior #26 on Reverse Side; Chaos Effect Gamma; VF+, 8.5 = $9.00);
#50 (3/1996; Scarcer LAST issue; LOW PRINT RUN = Only 14,000 Copies Printed; Geomancer appears;; Jackson Guice-a; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
ETERNAL WARRIOR: FIST AND STEEL (VALIANT Comics Pub; Mini / Limited Series; Valiant Pub., 1996)
#1(5/1996; Only 10,500 Copies Printed; GEOMANCER appears; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#2(6/1996; Only 10,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
ETERNAL WARRIORS: (1997-1998; Acclaim Comics) –
#1-A (TIME AND TRECHERY; June/1997; GREEN Cover with WHITE Title; Only 10,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#1-B (TIME AND TRECHERY; June/1997; ORANGE Cover with BLUE Title; Only 10,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#1-C (TIME AND TRECHERY; June/1997; ORANGE Cover with BLUE Title; Autographed in Silver Ink on Cover by Art Holcomb; Comes with Lone Star Certificate of Authenticity; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00);
#2 (9/1997; DIGITAL ALCHEMY; Only 12,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#3 (12/1997; ARCHER & ARMSTRONG; Only 11,500 Copies Printed; ASK);
#4 (3/1998; BLACK WORKS; Only 9,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#5 (5/1998; MOG; Only 7,500 Copies Printed; SOLD OUT);
#6 (6/1998; IMMORTAL ENEMY; Only 5,000 Copies Printed; SOLD OUT);
ETERNAL WARROR (Time & Treatery) Retailer Review Copy (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; Scarce B&W PROMO Giveaway Comic);
Volume-2 #1 (2/1997;Tropea/Wheatley-a; Only 5000 Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
GEOMANCER (VALIANT Comics Pub; 1994-1995)
#1-7 = ASK
#8 (6/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Only 30,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#8 (6/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Only 30,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#8 (6/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Only 30,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $6.00);
GOAT – H.A.E.D.U.S. (Acclaim; 4/1998)
#1 (4/1998; "Heavily Armored Espionage Deadly Uber Sheep; Low Print; only 9500 printed; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
*** CBR Announced; Valiant Entertainment will now finance its own SUPERHERO MOVIES, alongside its comics line, as the Chinese Media Powerhouse DMG Entertainment has partnered with the publisher to create an unprecedented slate of Ambitious VALIANT Comics Related Hollywood MOVIES and TV SERIES over the next several years.
DMG will inject Valiant with an undisclosed amount (over $10 Million) to continue developing its characters across all media channels. DMG will also invest an undisclosed amount (over $100 Million) to produce a slate of Live-Action Films and TV projects. VALIANT already has a number of film projects in development including; HARBINGER and BLOODSHOT set up at Sony Pictures, Plus ARCHER & ARMSTRONG and SHADOWMAN scripted by J. Michael Straczynski. Also in the Works is X-O Manowar; ** PR from Valiant mentions plans for a GLOBAL FOCUS might include these characters in a DMG shared foundation of the first truly international cinematic universe, with the potential to expand the publishers licensing and merchandising into China & East Asia. Wikipedia = In April 2015, Sony Pictures are developing a HARBINGER movie with Original Films' Neal H. Moritz and Toby Jaffe producing with Valiant Entertainment's Dinesh Shamdasan and Eric Heisserer writing the film, whlie Andrea Giannetti will oversee for Sony; potential directors are being kept under wraps for now; SONY and VALIANT will begin with a HARBINGER Movie #1 and #2, and a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger.
HARBINGER (VALIANT Comics Pub; 1992-1995) >>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock) = ASK
*** Wikipedia = In April 2015, Sony Pictures are developing a HARBINGER movie with Original Films' Neal H. Moritz and Toby Jaffe producing with Valiant Entertainment's Dinesh Shamdasan and Eric Heisserer writing the film, whlie Andrea Giannetti will oversee for Sony; potential directors are being kept under wraps for now. Harbinger will have a sequel and crossover movie, Harbinger Wars, with Bloodshot.
#0 (1992; Prequel to the Series; SCARCE Promotional PINK VARIANT Giveaway, Available only by Redeeming Coupons in #1-6 by Mail-Order; Print Run of Only about 6500 Copies; Image has PINK Sky; Logo is Blue; David Lapham-s/c/a; Terry Austin cover inks; CGC: NM/MT 9.8 with WHITE PAGES = $225.00);
#0 (1992; Prequel to the Series; Giveaway; Second Printing; Blue sky version from Trade Paperback; Austin-c; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#0 (1992; Prequel to the Series; Giveaway; Second Printing; Blue sky version from Trade Paperback; Austin-c; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#0 (1992; Prequel to the Series; Giveaway; Second Printing; Blue sky version from Trade Paperback; Austin-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#0 (1992; Prequel to the Series; Giveaway; Second Printing; Blue sky version from Trade Paperback; Austin-c; VF+, 8.5 = $8.00);
#2 (2/1992; David Lapham & Bob Layton-c; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter-s; With Coupon/Card intact; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $39.00);
#2 (2/1992; David Lapham & Bob Layton-c; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter-s; With Coupon/Card intact; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
#2 (2/1992; David Lapham & Bob Layton-c; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter-s; With Coupon/Card intact; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $19.00);
#3 (3/1992; First appearance of AX and REXO; With Coupon/Card intact; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter-s; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $39.00);
#3 (3/1992; First appearance of AX and REXO; With Coupon/Card intact; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter-s; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
#3 (3/1992; First appearance of AX and REXO; With Coupon/Card intact; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter-s; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $19.00);
#3 (3/1992; First appearance of AX and REXO; With Coupon/Card intact; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter-s; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; Coupon missing, VF+, 8.5 = $10.00)
#4 (4/1992; David Lapham & Kevin Nowlan-c; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter-s; With Coupon/Card intact; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $14);
#5 (5/1992; With Coupon/Card intact; SOLAR, Man of the Atom cover & appearance; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter & Janet Jackson-s; Only 35,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
#5 (5/1992; With Coupon/Card intact; SOLAR, Man of the Atom cover & appearance; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter & Janet Jackson-s; Only 35,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $13.00);
#5 (5/1992; With Coupon/Card intact; SOLAR, Man of the Atom cover & appearance; David Lapham & John Dixon-a; Jim Shooter & Janet Jackson-s; Only 35,000 Copies Printed; FN/VF, 7.0 = $8.00);
#6 (6/1992; With Coupon/Card intact; DEATH of TORQUE; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; NM , 9.4 = $30);
#6 (6/1992; With Coupon/Card intact; DEATH of TORQUE; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; NM- , 9.2 = $22);
#6 (6/1992; With Coupon/Card intact; DEATH of TORQUE; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM , 9.0 = $15);
#6 (6/1992; With Coupon/Card intact; DEATH of TORQUE; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $10);
#7 (7/1992; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#7 (7/1992; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#8 (8/1992; Frank MILLER-c; Unity Chapter-8; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#8 (8/1992; Frank MILLER-c; Unity Chapter-8; VF+, 8.5 = $7.00);
#9 (9/1992; Simonson-c; Unity Chapter-16; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#10 (10/1992; First Short appearance of THE H.A.R.D. CORPS; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#10 (10/1992; First Short appearance of THE H.A.R.D. CORPS; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#11(11/1992; Second short appearance of the H.A.R.D. Corps; NM, 9.4 = $12);
#11(11/1992; Second short appearance of the H.A.R.D. Corps; NM-, 9.2 = $9);
#12 (12/1992; FIRST FULL appearance of the H.A.R.D. Corps; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#12 (12/1992; FIRST FULL appearance of the H.A.R.D. Corps; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#13(1/1993; Miller Dark Knight cover swipe; Elfquest appears; NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#14(Magnus-c/ap; NM-, 9.2 = $6); #15(NM, 9.4 = $8);
#16(NM, 9.4 = $8); #17(NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#18(6/1993; FIRST appearance of SCREEN-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#19(NM+, 9.6 = $12); #20(NM-, 9.2 = $6); #21(NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#22-40 = ASK
#41 (6/1995; LOW Print and SCARCER LAST ISSUE; Only 28,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $45.00);
#1 (8/1994; Only 80,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
#2 (2/1995; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
SONY and VALIANT will begin with a HARBINGER Movie #1 and #2, and a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger.
#1(4/2013; ASK)
THE H.A.R.D. CORPS (Valiant Pub., 12/1992-1995)
#1-29 = ASK
#30(6/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Only 28,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#30(6/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Only 28,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#30(6/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Only 28,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
Iron Man/X-O Manowar (Marvel/VALIANT Pub)
#1 (9/1996; Only 28,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
*** CBR Announced; Valiant Entertainment will now finance its own SUPERHERO MOVIES, alongside its comics line, as the Chinese Media Powerhouse DMG Entertainment has partnered with the publisher to create an unprecedented slate of Ambitious VALIANT Comics Related Hollywood MOVIES and TV SERIES over the next several years.
DMG will inject Valiant with an undisclosed amount (over $10 Million) to continue developing its characters across all media channels. DMG will also invest an undisclosed amount (over $100 Million) to produce a slate of Live-Action Films and TV projects. VALIANT already has a number of film projects in development including; HARBINGER and BLOODSHOT set up at Sony Pictures, Plus ARCHER & ARMSTRONG and SHADOWMAN scripted by J. Michael Straczynski. Also in the Works is X-O Manowar; ** PR from Valiant mentions plans for a GLOBAL FOCUS might include these characters in a DMG shared foundation of the first truly international cinematic universe, with the potential to expand the publishers licensing and merchandising into China & East Asia. Wikipedia = In April 2015, Sony Pictures are developing a HARBINGER movie with Original Films' Neal H. Moritz and Toby Jaffe producing with Valiant Entertainment's Dinesh Shamdasan and Eric Heisserer writing the film, whlie Andrea Giannetti will oversee for Sony; potential directors are being kept under wraps for now; SONY and VALIANT will begin with a HARBINGER Movie #1 and #2, and a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger.
#NN (1994; 8 Page B&W PREVIEW; Color-c; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER (Valiant Comics Pub., 5/1991-1996) >>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock) = ASK
#0 (1992; With Cards/Coupon intact; Paris Cullins & Bob Layton-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; SOLD OUT);
#1 (5/1991; First Copper Age appearance and First Valiant Appearance of MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER; Only 80,000 Copies Printed; With Cards/Coupon intact; Art Nichols & Bob Layton-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; NM, 9.4 = $30.00);
#1 (5/1991; First Copper Age appearance and First Valiant Appearance of MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER; Only 80,000 Copies Printed; With Cards/Coupon intact; Art Nichols & Bob Layton-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; NM-, 9.2 = $22.00);
#1 (5/1991; First Copper Age appearance and First Valiant Appearance of MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER; Only 80,000 Copies Printed; With Cards/Coupon intact; Art Nichols & Bob Layton-c/a; Jim Shooter-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $15.00);
#2 (7/1991; With Cards/Coupon; Only 65,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $21);
#2 (7/1991; With Cards/Coupon; Only 65,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14);
#2 (7/1991; With Cards/Coupon; Only 65,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $12);
#3 (8/1991; With Cards/Coupon; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $28);
#3 (8/1991; With Cards/Coupon; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $21);
#3 (8/1991; With Cards/Coupon; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14);
#4 (9/1991; With Cards/Coupon; RAI Cameo; Only 65,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14);
#4 (9/1991; With Cards/Coupon; RAI Cameo; Only 65,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $12);
#5 (10/1992; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #1 on reverse side; FIRST appearance of RAI, X-O Commander, Slagger, Felina & Grandmother; Only 85,000 Copies Printed; NM , 9.4 =$32.00);
#5 (10/1992; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #1 on reverse side; FIRST appearance of RAI, X-O Commander, Slagger, Felina & Grandmother; Only 85,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
#5 (10/1992; Flip Book, with RAI #1 on reverse side; Only 85,000 Copies Printed; FIRST appearance of RAI, X-O Commander, Slagger, Felina & Grandmother; One of the 4 Cards is Missing, VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#6 (11/1992; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #2 on reverse side; Second appearance of RAI; DR SOLAR-c/s; Only 75,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $28);
#6 (11/1992; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #2 on reverse side; Second appearance of RAI; DR SOLAR-c/s; Only 75,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $21);
#6 (11/1992; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #2 on reverse side; Second appearance of RAI; DR SOLAR-c/s; Only 75,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14);
#7 (12/1992; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #3 on reverse side; Magnus vs RAI-c/s; FIRST appearance of X-O Armour; First appearance of Grand One (Grandmother and 1A merge); Second appearance of Spider Aliens; Only 80,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $66.00)
#7 (12/1992; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #3 on reverse side; Magnus vs RAI-c/s; FIRST appearance of X-O Armour; First appearance of Grand One (Grandmother and 1A merge); Second appearance of Spider Aliens; Only 80,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $33.00);
#7 (12/1992; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #3 on reverse side; Magnus vs RAI-c/s; FIRST appearance of X-O Armour; First appearance of Grand One (Grandmother and 1A merge); Second appearance of Spider Aliens; Only 80,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#8 (1/1993; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #4 on reverse side; Only 80,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $21.00);
#8 (1/1993; With Cards/Coupon; Flip Book, with RAI #4 on reverse side; Only 80,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00);
#9 (2/1993; Only 70,000 Copies Printed; NM , 9.4 = $16); #9 (2/1993; Only 70,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12);
#10 (3/1993; Only 70,000 Copies Printed; NM , 9.4 = $16); #10 (3/1993; Only 70,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12);
#11 (4/1993; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00); #11 (4/1993; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $8.00);
#12 (5/1992; 44 page Giant; First Copper Age appearance and First Appearance of TUROK the Dinosaur Hunter in the Valiant Universe; FIRST appearance of Andar, the Lost Land, Dr. Laslo Noel & Other Robot Fighters; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $40.00);
#12 (5/1992; 44 page Giant; First Copper Age appearance and First Appearance of TUROK the Dinosaur Hunter in the Valiant Universe; FIRST appearance of Andar, the Lost Land, Dr. Laslo Noel & Other Robot Fighters; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $30.00);
#12 (5/1992; 44 page Giant; First Copper Age appearance and First Appearance of TUROK the Dinosaur Hunter in the Valiant Universe; FIRST appearance of Andar, the Lost Land, Dr. Laslo Noel & Other Robot Fighters; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00);
#12 (5/1992; 44 page Giant; First Copper Age appearance and First Appearance of TUROK the Dinosaur Hunter in the Valiant Universe; FIRST appearance of Andar, the Lost Land, Dr. Laslo Noel & Other Robot Fighters; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00);
#13 (6/1993; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#13 (6/1993; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#13 (6/1993; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#61 (1/1996; Only 20,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $24.00); #61 (1/1996; Only 20,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#61 (1/1996; Only 20,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00); #61 (1/1996; Only 20,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#62 (1/1996; Only 20,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $24.00); #62 (1/1996; Only 20,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#63 (2/1996; Only 15,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00); #63 (2/1996; Only 15,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#64 (2/1996; SCARCER LAST Issue; Only 14,000 Copies Printed; VG, 4.0 = $8.00);
MAGNUS Retailer Review Copy (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; Scarce B&W PROMO Giveaway Comic);
Volume-2 #1 (1/1997; Tom Peyer; Only 5000 Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; 1997-1998)
Volume-2 #1-A (1/1997; Tom Peyer; Only 11,000 Printed; ASK);
Volume-2 #1-B (1/1997; Tom Peyer; Only 11,000 Printed; ASK);
Volume-2 #2-17 = ASK
Volume-2 #18 (10/1998; SCARCER LAST Issue; Only 5,500 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
Volume-2 #18 (10/1998; SCARCER LAST Issue; Only 5,500 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $10.00);
MAN of the ATOM a Special Event Retailer Review Copy (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; Scarce B&W PROMO Giveaway Comic);
Volume-1 #1 (1/1997; WARREN ELLIS; Only 5000 Printed) = Sent to CGC for Grading
Man of the Atom (SOLAR) (Acclaim/Valiant; Volume-2 )
#NN (May/1997; Warren Ellis & Darick Robertson; Only 10,000 Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
MASTER DARQUE (Acclaim Comics Pub.)
#1(February/1998; 52 Page GIANT; One-Shot; Only 9000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
NINJAK (Volume-1; VALIANT Comics Pub., 1994-1995)
#1 (2/1994; Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti wraparound chromium cover & interior art; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#1 (2/1994; Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti wraparound chromium cover & interior art; NM-, 9.2 = $7.50);
#1 (2/1994; Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti wraparound chromium cover & interior art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#2-25 = ASK
#26 (11/1995; SCARCER LAST Issue; Only 30,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
NINJAK Volume 2 (Acclaim Comics Pub., 3/1997-2/1998)
#1-11 = ASK
#12(2/1998; LAST issue; Only 7300 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#12(2/1998; LAST issue; Only 7300 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
N.I.O. (Acclaim Comics Pub., 11/1998-2/1999)
>>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock) = ASK
#1 (11/1998; Only 5000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#2 (12/1998; Only 4500 Copies Printed; ASK);
#3 (1/1999; Only 4000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#4 (2/1999; LAST issue; Only 3500 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $21.00);
#4 (2/1999; LAST issue; Only 3500 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00);
Operation: Stormbreaker (VALIANT Comics Pub) #1(7/1997; Only 13,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
Original Doctor Solar (VALIANT Comics Pub) #1(4/1995; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
Original Magnus (VALIANT Comics Pub) #1(4/1995; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
Original Turok (VALIANT Comics Pub) #1(4/1995; Only 45,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
Original Turok (VALIANT Comics Pub) #2(5/1995; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
Outcast Special (VALIANT Comics Pub) #1(12/1995; Only 25,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
PSI-Lords (VALIANT Comics Pub., 1994-1995)
#1-9 = ASK
#10 (6/1995; LAST issue; Only 25,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#10 (6/1995; LAST issue; Only 25,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
PUNX (VALIANT Comics Pub 1995-1996)
#1 (11/1995; Only 45,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#2 (12/1995; Only 30,000 Copies Printed; ASK);)
#3(1/1996; Only 20,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
PUNX Manga Special (VALIANT Comics Pub)
#NN (#1; One-Shot; 3/1996; Only 15,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
QUANTUM and WOODY (Acclaim / Valiant; 1997-2000)
A Quantum & Woody TV Series TV series developed by the Russo Brothers has been announced
Joel McHale is in talks to play Woody Henderson in a live-action TV adaptation of Valiant Entertainment's Quantum & Woody, reports The Wrap. Avengers: Infinity War's directing duo Joe and Anthony Russo are overseeing the project, with Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari writing the pilot and pencilled in as showrunners.
McHale worked previously with the Russos on NBC's Community.
In 2014 Quantum & Woody was Nominated for Five Harvey Awards;
Valiant has yet to secure a broadcast channel to air Quantum & Woody, and no timetable for filming or a release has been given
#1-A (6/1997; Line-Drawn cover; only 8500 printed; ASK)
#1-B (6/1997; PAINTED cover; only 8500 printed; ASK);
#1-B (6/1997; PAINTED cover; only 8500 printed; ASK);
#21 (1-2/2000; Scarce LAST issue; only 6500 printed; NM+, 9.6 = $36.00);
#32 (9/1999; Printed between the releases of #17 and #18; Low print; only 8000 printed; NM, 9.4 = $28.00);
#32 (9/1999; Printed between the releases of #17 and #18; Low print; only 8000 printed; NM-, 9.2 = $21.00);
Quantum and Woody Retailer Review Copy (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; Scarce B&W PROMO Giveaway Comic);
Volume-2 #1 (2/1997; Only 5000 Printed; SOLD OUT);
RAI - Trade Paperback
#NN (12/1993; Reprints Rai #1 through #4. Polybagged with Rai Companion #1. STILL FACTORY sealed in Polybag; Polybag shows some wear; Book & Comic inside appear to be NM, but it is tough to grade them thru the bag, so call it a nice VF/NM, 9.0 = $29.00);
RAI (and the FUTURE FORCE) (VALIANT Comics Pub., 3/1992-1994); >>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock) = ASK
#0 (11/1992; VALIANT comics Pub; First FULL appearance of BLOODSHOT; ORIGIN and First appearance of the New RAI, the Rising Spirit (begins in Rai 9); Sony Pictures & Neal Moritz's Original Film of Fast & Furious franchise fame, Have Teamed up to buy rights to a MOVIE based on the Valiant Comics BLOODSHOT series; Archer & Armstrong, Eternal Warrior, HARBINGER, SOLAR,TUROK & X-O Man-O-War & MANY Valiant Characters appear; FIRST appearance of SOLAR the Destroyer (one panel cameo); Second appearance of HARDCorps; Bob Layton, David Lapham, Jim Shooter, Jon Hartz story; David Lapham & Tom Ryder art; Jim Shooter Cover; Title Later also known as RAI and the FUTURE FORCE; SONY and VALIANT are making a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger; NM, 9.4 = $39.00);
#0 (11/1992; VALIANT comics Pub; First FULL appearance of BLOODSHOT; ORIGIN and First appearance of the New RAI, the Rising Spirit (begins in Rai 9); Sony Pictures & Neal Moritz's Original Film of Fast & Furious franchise fame, Have Teamed up to buy rights to a MOVIE based on the Valiant Comics BLOODSHOT series; Archer & Armstrong, Eternal Warrior, HARBINGER, SOLAR,TUROK & X-O Man-O-War & MANY Valiant Characters appear; FIRST appearance of SOLAR the Destroyer (one panel cameo); Second appearance of HARDCorps; Bob Layton, David Lapham, Jim Shooter, Jon Hartz story; David Lapham & Tom Ryder art; Jim Shooter Cover; Title Later also known as RAI and the FUTURE FORCE; SONY and VALIANT are making a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
#0 (11/1992; VALIANT comics Pub; First FULL appearance of BLOODSHOT; ORIGIN and First appearance of the New RAI, the Rising Spirit (begins in Rai 9); Sony Pictures & Neal Moritz's Original Film of Fast & Furious franchise fame, Have Teamed up to buy rights to a MOVIE based on the Valiant Comics BLOODSHOTseries; Archer & Armstrong, Eternal Warrior, HARBINGER, SOLAR,TUROK & X-O Man-O-War & MANY Valiant Characters appear; FIRST appearance of SOLAR the Destroyer (one panel cameo); Second appearance of HARDCorps; Bob Layton, David Lapham, Jim Shooter, Jon Hartz story; David Lapham & Tom Ryder art; Jim Shooter Cover; Title Later also known as RAI and the FUTURE FORCE; SONY and VALIANT are making a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger; VF, 8.0 = $15.00);
#0 (11/1992; VALIANT comics Pub; First FULL appearance of BLOODSHOT; ORIGIN and First appearance of the New RAI, the Rising Spirit (begins in Rai 9); Sony Pictures & Neal Moritz's Original Film of Fast & Furious franchise fame, Have Teamed up to buy rights to a MOVIE based on the Valiant Comics BLOODSHOTseries; Archer & Armstrong, Eternal Warrior, HARBINGER, SOLAR,TUROK & X-O Man-O-War & MANY Valiant Characters appear; FIRST appearance of SOLAR the Destroyer (one panel cameo); Second appearance of HARDCorps; Bob Layton, David Lapham, Jim Shooter, Jon Hartz story; David Lapham & Tom Ryder art; Jim Shooter Cover; Title Later also known as RAI and the FUTURE FORCE; SONY and VALIANT are making a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00);
#1 (3/1992; First appearance of MAKIKO MINASI; David Lapham & Bob Layton-c; Michelinine-s; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $49.00);
#1 (3/1992; First appearance of MAKIKO MINASI; David Lapham & Bob Layton-c; Michelinine-s; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $22.00);
#1 (3/1992; First appearance of MAKIKO MINASI; David Lapham & Bob Layton-c; Michelinine-s; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; FN/VF, 7.0 = $15.00);
#2 (4/1992; LOW PRINT; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $48.00);
#2 (4/1992; LOW PRINT; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $36.00);
#3 (5/1992; LOW PRINT; Only 38,000 Copies Printed) = SOLD OUT
#4 (6/1992; LOW PRINT; Only 38,000 Copies Printed) = SOLD OUT
#5 (7/1992; LOW PRINT; Only 40,000 Copies Printed) = SOLD OUT
#6(8/1992; ASK); #7(9/1992; ASK);
#8(10/1992; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#9 (5/1993; TITLE Changes to RAI and the FUTURE FORCE; ASK);
#9 (5/1993; TITLE Changes to RAI and the FUTURE FORCE; GOLD EDITION; SCARCE Only 5,000 Copies Printed;) = Sent to CGC for Grading
#11-32 = ASK
#33 (6/1995; Scarce LAST issue; only 35,000 printed; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
#33 (6/1995; Scarce LAST issue; only 35,000 printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#33 (6/1995; Scarce LAST issue; only 35,000 printed; VF+, 8.5 = $10.00);
*** CBR Announced; Valiant Entertainment will now finance its own SUPERHERO MOVIES, alongside its comics line, as the Chinese Media Powerhouse DMG Entertainment has partnered with the publisher to create an unprecedented slate of Ambitious VALIANT Comics Related Hollywood MOVIES and TV SERIES over the next several years.
DMG will inject Valiant with an undisclosed amount (over $10 Million) to continue developing its characters across all media channels. DMG will also invest an undisclosed amount (over $100 Million) to produce a slate of Live-Action Films and TV projects. VALIANT already has a number of film projects in development including; HARBINGER and BLOODSHOT set up at Sony Pictures, Plus ARCHER & ARMSTRONG and SHADOWMAN scripted by J. Michael Straczynski. Also in the Works is X-O Manowar; ** PR from Valiant mentions plans for a GLOBAL FOCUS might include these characters in a DMG shared foundation of the first truly international cinematic universe, with the potential to expand the publishers licensing and merchandising into China & East Asia. Wikipedia = In April 2015, Sony Pictures are developing a HARBINGER movie with Original Films' Neal H. Moritz and Toby Jaffe producing with Valiant Entertainment's Dinesh Shamdasan and Eric Heisserer writing the film, whlie Andrea Giannetti will oversee for Sony; potential directors are being kept under wraps for now; SONY and VALIANT will begin with a HARBINGER Movie #1 and #2, and a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger.
Second Life of Doctor Mirage (VALIANT Comics Pub; 1993-1995)
#1-17 = ASK
#18 (5/1995; Scarce LAST issue; only 33,000 printed; NM-, 9.2 = $13.00);
#18 (5/1995; Scarce LAST issue; only 33,000 printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
Secret Weapons (VALIANT Comics Pub; 1993-1995)
#1-20 = ASK
#21 (5/1995; Scarce LAST issue; only 33,000 printed; NM-, 9.2 = $13.00);
#21 (5/1995; Scarce LAST issue; only 33,000 printed; VF, 8.0 = $7.00);
Secrets of the Valiant Universe (VALIANT Comics Pub; 1994-1995)
#1 (5/1994), 2(10/1994), 3(2/1995) = ASK
SHADOWMAN (VALIANT/ Acclaim Pub., 5/1992-1995)
*** VALIANT already has a SHADOWMAN MOVIE / FILM project in development scripted by J. Michael Straczynski;
#0-A (4/1994; ORIGIN of SHADOWMAN; Wraparound CHROMIUM cover; 200,000 Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00);
#0-A (4/1994; ORIGIN of SHADOWMAN; Wraparound CHROMIUM cover; 200,000 Printed; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#0-B (4/1994; ORIGIN of SHADOWMAN; GOLD VARIANT EDITION of Wraparound CHROMIUM cover; ONLY 5,000 Printed; ASK);
#0-C (4/1994; ORIGIN of SHADOWMAN; SCARCER NON-CHROMIUM Wraparound cover; 85,000 Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $29.00);
#1 (5/1992; Low Print – Only 50,000 Copies Printed; ORIGIN and First FULL Appearance of Jack Boniface aka SHADOWMAN; First appearance of SAMEDI; Spider Alien appears; NM, 9.4 = $59.00);
#1 (5/1992; Low Print – Only 50,000 Copies Printed; ORIGIN and First FULL Appearance of Jack Boniface aka SHADOWMAN; First appearance of SAMEDI; Spider Alien appears; VF+, 8.5 = $26.00);
#2 (6/1992; Second FULL Appearance of Jack Boniface aka SHADOWMAN; FIRST appearance of Nettie; Only 45,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $59.00);
#3 (7/1992; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $30.00);
#4 (8/1992; UNITY Chapter-6; FRANK MILLER-c; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#4 (8/1992; UNITY Chapter-6; FRANK MILLER-c; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00); #4 (8/1992; UNITY Chapter-6; FRANK MILLER-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#5 (9/1992; UNITY Chapter-14; Simonson-c; NM+, 9.6 = $12.00);
#5 (9/1992; UNITY Chapter-14; Simonson-c; NM, 9.4 = $8.00); #5 (9/1992; UNITY Chapter-14; Simonson-c; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00);
#8 (12/1992; First appearance of MASTER DARQUE; Only 85,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00);
#8 (12/1992; First appearance of MASTER DARQUE; Only 85,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#8 (12/1992; First appearance of MASTER DARQUE; Only 85,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#8 (12/1992; First appearance of MASTER DARQUE; Only 85,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5= $8.00);
#6,7,9-40 = ASK
#41 (10/1995; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Only 24,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#41 (10/1995; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Only 24,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#42 (11/1995; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Only 23,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#42 (11/1995; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Only 23,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#43 (12/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Low Print Run & Scarce; Only 22,000 Copies Printed; NM/MT, 9.8 = $59.00);
#43 (12/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Low Print Run & Scarce; Only 22,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $29.00);
#43 (12/1995; Scarcer LAST issue; Low Print Run & Scarce; Only 22,000 Copies Printed; FN/VF, 7.0 = $8.00);
Retailer Review
Copy (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; Scarce B&W PROMO Giveaway Comic);
Volume-1 #1 (11/1996; GARTH ENNIS; Only 5000 Printed; SCARCE; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00);
#NN (#5; 3/1997; James Delano; Only 5000 Printed; SCARCE; NM+, 9.6 = $45.00);
#NN (#5; 3/1997; James Delano; Only 5000 Printed; SCARCE; NM, 9.4 = $30.00);
#NN (#16; 6/1998; James Delano; Only 5000 Printed; SCARCE; NM+, 9.6 = $45.00);
#NN (#16; 6/1998; James Delano; Only 5000 Printed; SCARCE; NM, 9.4 = $30.00);
SHADOWMAN Volume 2 (Acclaim Pub., 3/1997-1998)
>>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock) = ASK
#1-A (3/1997;ASHLEY WOOD-c; Only 22,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#1-A (3/1997;ASHLEY WOOD-c; Only 22,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#1-B (3/1997;VINCE EVANS VARIANT cover depicting BLACK MAN with FACE in Chest; Only 15,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
#1-B (3/1997;VINCE EVANS VARIANT cover depicting BLACK MAN with FACE in Chest; Only 15,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00);
#1-B (3/1997;VINCE EVANS VARIANT cover depicting BLACK MAN with FACE in Chest; Only 15,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $9.00);
#19 (5/1998; Low Print Run & Scarce; Only 7500 Copies Printed; ASK);
#20 (6/1998; LAST issue; Low Print Run & Scarce; Only 7500 Copies Printed; ASK);
SHADOWMAN Volume 3 (Acclaim Pub., 7-12/1999)
#1-A (7/1999; Regular Edition with $3.95 Original Cover Price; Only 5500 Printed; ASK);
#1-B (7/1999; VARIANT with NO Price on Cover; approx. 3000 Printed; SOLD OUT);
#3 (9/1999; Unity 2000 on Flip Side; Unity 2000 Begins Here; LOW print & SCARCE; Only 3500 Printed; ASK);
#5 (11/1999; LOW print & SCARCE; Only 5500 Printed; NM, 9.4 = $33.00);
#5 (11/1999; LOW print & SCARCE; Only 5500 Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $22.00);
#1 (12/1994; Only 50,000 Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00);
#1 (12/1994; Only 50,000 Printed; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#1 (12/1994; Only 50,000 Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00);
*** CBR Announced; Valiant Entertainment will now finance its own SUPERHERO MOVIES, alongside its comics line, as the Chinese Media Powerhouse DMG Entertainment has partnered with the publisher to create an unprecedented slate of Ambitious VALIANT Comics Related Hollywood MOVIES and TV SERIES over the next several years. DMG will inject Valiant with an undisclosed amount (over $10 Million) to continue developing its characters across all media channels. DMG will also invest an undisclosed amount (over $100 Million) to produce a slate of Live-Action Films and TV projects. VALIANT already has a number of film projects in development including; HARBINGER and BLOODSHOT set up at Sony Pictures, Plus ARCHER & ARMSTRONG and SHADOWMAN scripted by J. Michael Straczynski. PR from Valiant mentions plans for a GLOBAL FOCUS might include these characters in a DMG shared foundation of the first truly international cinematic universe, with the potential to expand the publishers licensing and merchandising into China & East
SOLAR, MAN OF THE ATOM (Valiant Comics Pub., 9/1991-1996)
>>> UN-LISTED Issues (Most in Stock) = ASK
#1 (9/1991; First Copper Age appearance and First Valiant Appearance of Dr. Phil Seleski aka SOLAR, without Costume; First appearance of Dr. Erica Pierce & Gayle Nordheim;
Only 85,000 Copies Printed; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $48.00);
#1 (9/1991; First Copper Age appearance and First Valiant Appearance of Dr. Phil Seleski aka SOLAR, without Costume; First appearance of Dr. Erica Pierce & Gayle Nordheim;
Only 85,000 Copies Printed; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $32.00);
#1 (9/1991; First Copper Age appearance and First Valiant Appearance of Dr. Phil Seleski aka SOLAR, without Costume; First appearance of Dr. Erica Pierce & Gayle Nordheim;
Only 85,000 Copies Printed; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
#1 (9/1991; First Copper Age appearance and First Valiant Appearance of Dr. Phil Seleski aka SOLAR, without Costume; First appearance of Dr. Erica Pierce & Gayle Nordheim;
Only 85,000 Copies Printed; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
#2 (10/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; First Appearance of SOLAR, in COSTUME; Only 70,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $21.00);
#2 (10/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; First Appearance of SOLAR, in COSTUME; Only 70,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00);
#2 (10/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; First Appearance of SOLAR, in COSTUME; Only 70,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00);
#3 (11/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; FIRST appearance of TOYO HARADA; FIRST appearance of the HARBINGER Foundation & Erica Pierce; Only 65,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $119.00);
#3 (11/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; FIRST appearance of TOYO HARADA; FIRST appearance of the HARBINGER Foundation & Erica Pierce; Only 65,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $79.00);
#3 (11/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; FIRST appearance of TOYO HARADA; FIRST appearance of the HARBINGER Foundation & Erica Pierce; Only 65,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $59.00);
#3 (11/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; FIRST appearance of TOYO HARADA; FIRST appearance of the HARBINGER Foundation & Erica Pierce; Only 65,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00);
#4 (12/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $26.00);
#4 (12/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
#4 (12/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00);
#4 (12/1991; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#5 (1/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $36.00);
#5 (1/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
#5 (1/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#5 (1/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $10.00);
#6 (2/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00);
#6 (2/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#6 (2/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#6 (2/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 60,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#7 (3/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; SOLAR vs X-O ARMOR Battle-c/s; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $36.00);
#7 (3/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; SOLAR vs X-O ARMOR Battle-c/s; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
#8 (4/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; NM/MT, 9.8 = $39.00);
#8 (4/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $29.00);
#8 (4/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#9 (5/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith-c/a; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $29.00);
#10 (6/1992; FIRST Printing; 52 Page GIANT; First Short appearance of ETERNAL WARRIOR; First Appearance of Geomancers; STIFF GLOSSY BLACK COVERS; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; AUTOGRAPHED on Front Cover by JIM SHOOTER in SILVER INK with Catch a Star CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY; VF+, 8.5 = $45.00);
#10 (6/1992; FIRST Printing; 52 Page GIANT; First Short appearance of ETERNAL WARRIOR; First Appearance of Geomancers; STIFF GLOSSY BLACK COVERS; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; Usual Scuffing to High Gloss covers, thus VF+, 8.5 = $35.00);
#10 (6/1992; FIRST Printing; 52 Page GIANT; First Short appearance of ETERNAL WARRIOR; First Appearance of Geomancers; STIFF GLOSSY BLACK COVERS; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; Usual Scuffing to High Gloss covers, thus VF, 8.0 = $25.00);
#10 (6/1992; FIRST Printing; 52 Page GIANT; First Short appearance of ETERNAL WARRIOR; First Appearance of Geomancers; STIFF GLOSSY BLACK COVERS; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; Usual Scuffing to High Gloss covers, thus FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00);
#10 (6/1992; FIRST Printing; 52 Page GIANT; First Short appearance of ETERNAL WARRIOR; First Appearance of Geomancers; STIFF GLOSSY BLACK COVERS; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; Usual Scuffing to High Gloss covers, thus FN, 6.0 = $14.00);
#10 (6/1992; SCARCER Second Printing; 52 Page GIANT; First Short appearance of ETERNAL WARRIOR; First Appearance of Geomancers; STIFF GLOSSY BLACK COVERS; Only 35,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $32.00);
#10 (6/1992; SCARCER Second Printing; 52 Page GIANT; First Short appearance of ETERNAL WARRIOR; First Appearance of Geomancers; STIFF GLOSSY BLACK COVERS; Only 35,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $18.00);
#11 (7/1992; Steve DITKO-a; First FULL appearance of ETERNAL WARRIOR; Only 85,000 Copies Printed; NM+ , 9.6 = $36.00);
#12 (8/1992; Frank MILLER-c; UNITY X-Over; NM , 9.4 = $10.00);
#12 (8/1992; UNITY X-Over; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00); #12 (8/1992; UNITY X-Over; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#56 (1/1996; Low Print Run; Only 25,000 Copies Printed; NM/MT, 9.8 = $32.00);
#56 (1/1996; Low Print Run; Only 25,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $24.00);
#56 (1/1996; Low Print Run; Only 25,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#56 (1/1996; Low Print Run; Only 25,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#57 (2/1996; Only 21,000 Copies Printed; NM/MT, 9.8 = $32.00);
#57 (2/1996; Only 21,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $24.00);
#57 (2/1996; Only 21,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#57 (2/1996; Only 21,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#57 (2/1996; Only 21,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#58 (2/1996; Only 21,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $24.00);
#58 (2/1996; Only 21,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#58 (2/1996; Only 21,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#58 (2/1996; Only 21,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#59 (3/1996; Low Print & SCARCE; Only 17,000 Copies Printed; NM/MT, 9.8 = $39.00);
#59 (3/1996; Low Print & SCARCE; Only 17,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $29.00);
#59 (3/1996; Low Print & SCARCE; Only 17,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $19.00);
#59 (3/1996; Low Print & SCARCE; Only 17,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $9.00);
#60 (4/1996; SCARCE LAST issue; Only 14,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $39.00);
#60 (4/1996; SCARCE LAST issue; Only 14,000 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $18.00);
#60 (4/1996; SCARCE LAST issue; Only 14,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $14.00);
#1 (11/1997; Only 15,000 Printed; ASK)
SOLAR: Hell on Earth (ACCLAIM Comics Pub; 1-4/1998)
#1 (1/ 1998; Only 14,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
#2 (2/1998; Only 12,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
#3 (3/1998; Only 11,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
#4 (4/1998; Only 10,500 Copies Printed; ASK)
TIMEWALKER (VALIANT Comics Pub; 1994-1996)
#1-14 = ASK
#15 (10/1995; LAST issue in Regular Series; Only 25,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#0 (3/1996; FINAL issue; Post-Regular Series; Only 15,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
TRINITY ANGELS (Acclaim Comics Pub. 1997-1998)
#1-A (5/1995; Only 13,500 Copies Printed; ASK);
#1-B (5/1995; VARIANT cover; Only 9,500 Copies Printed; ASK);
#2-11 = ASK
#12 (2/1998; LAST issue; Only 8200 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#12 (2/1998; LAST issue; Only 8200 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
TROUBLEMAKERS (Acclaim Comics Pub., 4/1997-1998);
#1-A (3/1997; Only 12,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#1-B (4/1997; VARIANT cover; Only 8,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#19 (6/1998; LAST issue; Only 5550 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
TROUBLEMAKERS Retailer Review Copy (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; Scarce B&W PROMO Giveaway Comic);
Volume-1 #1 (11/1996; Fabian Nicieza; Only 5000 Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
TUROK (Acclaim Comics Pub; 3-6/1998),
#1 (3/1998; Only 12,500 Copies Printed; ASK)
#2 (4/1998; Only 9,500 Copies Printed; ASK)
#3 (5/1998; Only 9,000 Copies Printed; SOLD OUT)
#4 (6/1998; Only 8,000 Copies Printed; SOLD OUT)
TUROK: Child of Blood (Acclaim Comics Pub),
#1 (1/1998; Only 11,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
TUROK: Dinosaur Hunter (VALIANT Comics Pub; 1993-1996)
#1 (7/1997; CHROMIUM and FOIL Cover; NM+, 9.6 = $12.00);
#1 (7/1997; CHROMIUM and FOIL Cover; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#1 (7/1997; CHROMIUM and FOIL Cover; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00);
#1 (7/1997; GOLD VARIANT edition; Only 5000 Printed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00);
#2-46 = ASK
#47 (8/1996; SCARCE Low Print LAST issue; Only 13,000 Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $45.00);
TUROK the Empty Souls Retailer Review Copy (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; Scarce B&W PROMO Giveaway Comic);
Volume-1 #1 (11/1996; Fabian Nicieza; Only 5000 Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
TUROK: The Hunted (Acclaim Comics Pub),
#1 (3/1996; Only 18,000 Printed; ASK)
#2 (3/1996; Only 17,000 Printed; ASK)
TUROK: REDPATH (Acclaim Comics Pub), #1 (10/1997; Only 12,600 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
TUROK/ SHADOWMAN (Acclaim Comics) #1 (2/1994; Only 5,600 Copies Printed; ASK)
TUROK: Spring Break (Acclaim Comics Pub), #1 (7/1997; Only 12,500 Copies Printed; ASK)
TUROK: TALES OF THE LOST LAND (Acclaim Comics); #1(April/ 1998; $3.95 Price on Cover; Only 9250 Copies Printed; VF+, 8.5 = $10.00);
TUROK: TIMEWALKER (Mini / Limited Series; Acclaim Comics Pub.);
#1(8/1997; Paul GULACY-a; only 16,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#2(9/1997; Paul GULACY-a; only 14,000 Copies Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
UNITY (Valiant Pub., 8-10/1992)
#0 (8/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith & Bob Layton-a; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00)
#0 (8/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith & Bob Layton-a; NM, 9.4 = $10.00)
#0 (8/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith & Bob Layton-a; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00)
#0 (8/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith & Bob Layton-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00)
#1 (10/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith & Bob Layton-a; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00)
#1 (10/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith & Bob Layton-a; NM, 9.4 = $10.00)
#1 (10/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith & Bob Layton-a; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00)
#1 (10/1992; Barry Windsor-Smith & Bob Layton-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00)
UNITY 2000 (Acclaim Comic; 11/ 1999-1/2000; Shooter, Starlin, & Rubinstein; Valiant's original Universe meets Acclaim's new one) -
#1 (11/1999; LOW print & SCARCE; Only 12,500 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $20.00)
#2 (12/1999; LOW print & SCARCE; Only 10,500 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $39.00)
#3 (1/2000; LOW print & RARE; Only 3,500 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $79.00);
#4,5,6 = NOT Published;
UNITY 2000 Review Book (Acclaim / Valiant Pub; Scarce B&W PROMO Giveaway Comic);
#NN (1999; Shooter, STARLIN, Rubinstein; Only 10,000 Printed; NM-, 9.2 = $30.00);
VALIANT FREE-VIEW (Acclaim Comics Pub; Promotional Giveaway; 20 pages);
#1(5/1995; X-O Manowar, TUROK, Magic the Gathering & Bloodshot-c; >> Also with; Eternal Warriors, Solar, Ninjak; Only 35,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
VALIANT VOICE (Valiant Pub., Promo / Giveaway)
#1(3/1993; SOLAR-c; ASK);
#2-6,14 = ASK
Comics Pub., 4/1995-1996)
#1 (4/1995; Only 55,000 Copies Printed; ASK)
#2-12 = ASK
#13 (11/1996; Scarcer LAST issue; Only 24,000 Copies Printed; NM+ , 9.6 = $27.00);
#13 (11/1996; Scarcer LAST issue; Only 24,000 Copies Printed; NM , 9.4 = $18.00);
#13 (11/1996; Scarcer LAST issue; Only 24,000 Copies Printed; VF/NM , 9.0 = $9.00);
Vintage MAGNUS (1992)
#1 (1/1992; Only 50,000 Printed; ASK)
#2 (2/1992; Only 42,000 Printed; ASK)
#3 (3/1992; Only 38,000 Printed; ASK)
#4 (4/1992; Only 35,000 Printed; ASK)
#1 (2/1995; $2.95 Cover Price; Only 70,000 Printed; ASK);
#1 (2/1995; Scarce VARIANT with $2.50 Cover Price; Only 15,000 Printed; SOLD OUT)
#2 (3/1995; $2.95 Cover Price; ; Only 65,000 Printed; ASK);
#2 (3/1995; Scarce VARIANT with $2.50 Cover Price; Only 10,000 Printed; SOLD OUT)
X-O MANOWAR (Valiant Comics Pub., 2/1992 thru 9/1996)
*** An X-O MANOWAR Movie is in Development;
#1/2 (1994; Wizard Send-Away only edition; with Certificate of Authenticity; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
#0 (8/1993; Wraparound CHROMIUM Cover; NM/MT, 9.8 = $20.00);
#0 (8/1993; Wraparound CHROMIUM Cover; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00);
#1 (2/1992; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of Aric Dacia aka X-O MANOWAR; FIRST appearance of Ken Clarkson & Manowar class X-O Armor; Second appearance of Spider Aliens; FIRST appearance of LYDIA, a Space alien; Only 24,000 Copies Printed; DMG and Sony Pictures have an X-O MANOWAR Movie in Development; Jim Shooter & Steve Englehart story; BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH, Bob Layton & John Holdredge art; Bob Layton cover; Overall NM-, 9.2, but with 1” Split to Spine above Top staple, thus FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00);
#2 (3/1992; Only 45,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
#3 (4/1992; Only 45,000 Copies Printed; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
#4 (5/1992; Only 42,000 Copies Printed; First Appearance of Jack Boniface aka SHADOW-MAN; HARBINGER KIDS appear; SOLD OUT);
#5 (6/1992; Only 45,000 Copies Printed; Barry Windsor-Smith cover; Layton-a; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00);
#6 (7/1992; Only 50,000 Copies Printed; Layton-c; Ditko-a; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#65 (6/1996; Low Print Run; Only 17,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#66 (7/1996; Low Print Run; Only 17,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $24.00);
#67 (8/1996; Low Print Run; Only 16,000 Copies Printed; NM+, 9.6 = $24.00);
#67 (8/1996; Low Print Run; Only 16,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#68 (9/1996; Low Print Run; Only 15,000 Copies Printed; SOLD OUT);
X-O MANOWAR (Valiant Comics Pub., Volume-2; 1996-1998)
#1-A (2/1997; Only 20,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#1-B (2/1997; VARIANT cover; Only 14,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#19 (4/1998; Only 9,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
#20 (5/1998; Only 8,500 Copies Printed; SOLD OUT);
#21 (6/1998; Only 8,500 Copies Printed; ASK);
#1 (9/1996; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; ASK);
*** CBR Announced; Valiant Entertainment will now finance its own SUPERHERO MOVIES, alongside its comics line, as the Chinese Media Powerhouse DMG Entertainment has partnered with the publisher to create an unprecedented slate of Ambitious VALIANT Comics Related Hollywood MOVIES and TV SERIES over the next several years.
DMG will inject Valiant with an undisclosed amount (over $10 Million) to continue developing its characters across all media channels. DMG will also invest an undisclosed amount (over $100 Million) to produce a slate of Live-Action Films and TV projects. VALIANT already has a number of film projects in development including; HARBINGER and BLOODSHOT set up at Sony Pictures, Plus ARCHER & ARMSTRONG and SHADOWMAN scripted by J. Michael Straczynski. Also in the Works is X-O Manowar; ** PR from Valiant mentions plans for a GLOBAL FOCUS might include these characters in a DMG shared foundation of the first truly international cinematic universe, with the potential to expand the publishers licensing and merchandising into China & East Asia. Wikipedia = In April 2015, Sony Pictures are developing a HARBINGER movie with Original Films' Neal H. Moritz and Toby Jaffe producing with Valiant Entertainment's Dinesh Shamdasan and Eric Heisserer writing the film, whlie Andrea Giannetti will oversee for Sony; potential directors are being kept under wraps for now; SONY and VALIANT will begin with a HARBINGER Movie #1 and #2, and a BLOODHOT Movie #1 and #2, followed by a crossover movie, HARBINGER WARS, with both Bloodshot & Harbinger.
(VALLEJO, BORIS) BORIS Volume One (1978; Fanzine/Magazine; B&W; John Taylor Pub; #489 in a Limited Serially Numbered edition of only 3000 Copies; 52 pages; Manitoba; BORIS Interview, with Sketches, Art & Photo's; Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25.00);
VAMPIRELLA (Warren Pub B&W Mag; 1969-1983; B&W Comics Magazine; Scarce in STRICT VF+ or Better)
*** (PANTHA Appears in #30-33,42,44,50,66-68, 70-72,75-82,84,86,87, 89,90,93-99,101-106,108,112);
*** (VAMPIRELLA Appears on Cover= #1, 8, 12, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32-34, 36-38, 41-43, 45-69,71, 73-79, 81-92, 94-98, 100-106, 108, 110)
#2 (11/1969;
** FIRST appearance of EVILY cover & story = VAMPIRELLA's Cousin;
** FIRST and ONLY appearance of DRACULINA = VAMPIRELLA's Blonde Twin
Sister; Interior VAMPIRELLA begins Classic Costume & look, based
on FRANK FRAZETTA Cover from #1; Jerry Grandenetti art; Royer-a;
Forest Ackerman story; William Barry-a, Billy Graham art; =
#3 (1/1970; Vaughn BODE & Larry Todd painted Cover; Forrest J. Ackerson, Don Glut & Al Hewetson stories; ** Includes these Stories; Vampi's Feary Tales: Queen of Outer Space; Evil: Wicked is who Wicked Does; Blast off to a Nightmare; Eleven Footsteps to Lucy Fuhr; I Wake Up...Screaming; Caliegia; Didn't I See You on Television? A Slimy Situation; ** Billy Graham art; TOM SUTTON art; Jack SPARLING art; Dick Piscopo art; Vampi’s Scarlet Letters page Begins; Overstreet Comic Price Lists this as “LOW DISTRIBUTION” = SCARCER issue; FN/VF, 7.0 = $99.00);
#4 (4/1970; Jeff JONES & Vaughn BODE Painted Cover; Frankenstein-s; Sutto, Royer, Sparling-a; VF+, 8.5 = $99.00);
#5 (6/1970; GGA Topless CAVE WOMAN, and CAVE MAN vs DINOSAUR Painted cover by FRANK FRAZETTA; The Satanic Sisterhood of Stonehenge, 1 page Tom Sutton story and art; Craft of a Cat's Eye, 9 page story by Don Glut, with Bill Fraccio and Tony Tallarico art; Scaly Death, 6 page story by Don Glut, with Billy Graham art; An Axe to Grind, 7 pages JEFF JONES story and Art; VF, 8.0 = $79.00;);
#6 (7/1970; KEN KELLY Painted Cover; Grandenetti, Sparling, Royer, Adkins, Bolle-a; VF-, 7.5 = $55.00);
#9 (1/1971; BORIS VALLEJO and WALLY WOOD Cover; Barry Windsor-Smith, WALLY WOOD, Tom Sutton, Barr, Jerry Grandenetti, & Jack Katz art; One page Jeff Jones art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $159.00);
#9 (1/1971; BORIS VALLEJO and WALLY WOOD Cover; Barry Windsor-Smith, WALLY WOOD, Tom Sutton, Barr, Jerry Grandenetti, & Jack Katz art; One page Jeff Jones art; VF+, 8.5 = $99.00);
*** (Pantha App-s= 30-33,42,44,50,66-68, 70-72,75-82,84,86,87, 89,90,93-99,101-106,108,112);
*** (VAMPIRELLA Appears on Cover= #1, 8, 12, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32-34, 36-38, 41-43, 45-69,71, 73-79, 81-92, 94-98, 100-106, 108, 110)
#12 (7/1971; Third Vampirella cover issue; Definitive Vampirella Series by Jose Gonzales begins on Vampirella series; Frank Brunner frontispiece; Gonzales art begins on, Vampirella series. FIRST Manuel Sanjulian cover for Warren. Archie Goodwin story; Wally Wood, Jeffrey Jones, Billy Graham, and Jose Gonzales art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $45.00);
#13 (9/1971; Sanjulian-c; Jose Gonzales, Hickman-a; VF+, 8.5 = $75);
#13 (9/1971; Sanjulian-c; Jose Gonzales, Hickman-a; VF, 8.0 = $49);
#13 (9/1971; Sanjulian-c; Jose Gonzales, Hickman-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $38);
#14 (11/1971; Manuel Sanjulian cover; Tom Sutton frontispiece; Doug Moench biography; Esteban Maroto's first work for Warren; Archie Goodwin story; Esteban Maroto, Glanzman, early Mike Ploog and Jose Gonzalez art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $119.00; VF+, 8.5 = $89.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
#15 (1/1972; Sanjulian-c; Jose Gonzales-a; 1pg Corben-a; VF, 8.0 = $49);
#15 (1/1972; Sanjulian-c; Jose Gonzales-a; 1pg Corben-a; VF-,7.5 = $42);
#15 (1/1972; Sanjulian-c; Jose Gonzales-a; 1pg Corben-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $38);
#16 (4/1972; Sanjulian-c; 1st full Dracula-c/app, 4th Vampirella-c; Maroto, Boyette, Mas, Jose Gonzales-a; ASK);
#17 (6/1972; Enrich-c; Tomb of the Gods by Maroto begins, ends #22; Grandenetti, Jose Gonzales-a; VF-, 7.5 = $38);
#18 (8/1972; Enrich cover; DRACULA cover and story ; 5th Vampirella cover; 2nd full appearance of Dracula in title; Luis Garcia frontispiece; Kevin Pagan biography; Don McGregor and Doug Moench stories; Jose Gonzalez, Esteban Maroto and Felix Mas art; VF, 8.0 = $48.00; FN+, 6.5 = $28.00); #21 (12/1972; Enrich cover; Tomb of the Gods by Esteban Maroto; Dracula story; 76 Pages; Bill DuBay frontispiece; Enrich biography; T. Casey Brennan and Steve Skeates stories; Jose Gonzalez, Mas and Rich Buckler art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $35);
#22(3/1973; Enrich-c; 8-Page Color Insert Preview of Maroto's Classic Dracula; 84pgs; Tomb of the Gods by Maroto; Dracula-s; Mas, Jose Gonzales-a; VF+, 8.5 = $69);
#22( 3/1973; Enrich-c; 8-Page Color Insert Preview of Maroto's Classic Dracula; 84pgs; Tomb of the Gods by Maroto; Dracula-s; Mas, Jose Gonzales-a; VF, 8.0 = $49);
#24 (5/1973; Enrich cover; Gerry Boudreau biography; Vampi's Vault fan page begins; Doug Moench and Bill DuBay stories; Jose Gonzalez, Esteban Maroto, Mas and Auraleon art);
#25 (6/1973; Enrich-c; Maroto, Jose Gonzales-a; 8-Page Color Insert; 68 pages; Vampi on Cocaine-s; VF, 8.0 = $49.00)
#26 (8/1973; Maroto, Escolano / Jose Gonzales-a; 8-Page Color Insert; 68 pages; FN/VF, 7.0 = $27.00);
#27 (9/1973; GOTHIC Painted cover by Enrich; 1973 ANNUAL Yearbook, Mostly Reprints; New 8-Page Color Insert VAMPIRELLA Story; 84 pages; New CAPTURE Board Game on inside covers; Jose Toutain story; Estaban Maroto, Jose Gonzalez, Bill DuBay, Jeff JONES and Wally WOOD art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $33);
#28 (10/1973; Enrich-c; Jose Gonzales-a; 8-Page Color Insert; 84 Pages; Werewolf Board Game inside covers; VF, 8.0 = $38.00);
#29(11/1973; Enrich-c; Jose Gonzales-a; ASK);
#30(1/1974; Enrich-c; Jose Gonzales-a; FIRST appearance of PANTHA; Neal ADAMS Back-c of Luana; VF-, 7.5 = $33.00);
#31[3/1974; FRAZETTA cover; 8-Page Color Insert; 84 Pages; Origin LUANA the Beast Girl-c/s; Luana by Esteban Maroto; 84pgs; CORBEN-a (color); Jose Gonzales-a; VF-, 7.5 = $34];
#32 (4/1974; Enrich-c; PANTHA-s; Jose Gonzales-a; Jeff JONES & Richard CORBEN art; 8-Page Color Insert; VF/NM, 9.0 = $79);
#32 (4/1974; Enrich-c; PANTHA-s; Jose Gonzales-a; Jeff JONES & Richard CORBEN art; 8-Page Color Insert; VF+, 8.5 = $55);
#32 (4/1974; Enrich-c; PANTHA-s; Jose Gonzales-a; Jeff JONES & Richard CORBEN art; 8-Page Color Insert; FN/VF, 7.0 = $28.00);
#33 (5/1974; ENRICH painted cover; 8 page Color insert; CORBEN colors-a; Two Pages of BERNI WRIGHTSON and JEFF JONES art; TOUGH issue in high grades; 76 Pages; Tied with Creepy #62 for the First Pro work at Warren by WRIGHTSON; PANTHA-s; VG/FN, 5.0 = $15.00);
#34(6/1974; Enrich-c; Gonzales-a; 8pg Color Insert; 76 Pages; 1st FLEUR the Witch Woman-s; 6 pgs Berni WRIGHTSON & Jeff JONES-a; ASK);
#35 (8/1974; Enrich cover; Second appearance of FLEUR the Witch Woman story; 8 page color story with art by Felix Mas; Alcazar biography and self-portrait; Bruce Bezaire and Flaxman Leow story; Esteban Maroto, Jose Ortiz and Ramon Torrents art; ASK);
#36(9/1974; Sanjulian-c; 1st app Vampi as Cleopatra Queen of Nile, her Blood Red Queen of Hearts, prelude to later series, 84pgs, 16 pages color insert; 84 Pages; CORBEN colors-a; Maroto-a; ASK);
#37(10/1974; Sanjulian-c; 1974 ANNUAL Yearbook = 50%-r, 100pgs; Queen Cobra-s; Maroto-a; Jose Gonzales-a; VF, 8.0 = $39);
#38(11/1974; Sanjulian-c; 2nd Vampi as Cleopatra Blood Red Queen of Hearts; MUMMY-s; Maroto-a; Jose Gonzales-a; Mayo-a; ASK)
#39(1/1975; Ken Kelly-c; Color DRACULA story = MAROTO-a; Snow White-s = MAROTO-a; VF-, 7.5 = $33);
#40 (3/1975; Enrich cover; 84 Pages; 8-Page Color insert DRACULA story with Esteban Maroto art; One page Bernie Wrightson biography and photo; Budd Lewis and Carl Wessler stories; Jose Gonzalez and Paul Neary art);
; VF+, 8.5 = $55);
#41(4/1974; Enrich-c; DRACULA story = MAROTO-a; 76 Pages; ASK)
#42 (5/1974; Enrich cover; Vampirella story with Jose Gonzales art; PANTHA story; 1974 Warren Creator Awards; Jose Gonzalez frontispiece; Budd Lewis and Gerry Boudreau stories; Esteban Maroto and Luis Garcia art ; VF/NM, but 1" Tear in Back-c thus FN/VF, 7.0 = $24.00);
#43 (6/1975; Ribas cover; 76 Pages; Vampirella story with Jose Gonzales art; Jose Gonzalez frontispiece; Budd Lewis and Gerry Boudreau stories; Luis Garcia and Isidro Mones art; ASK);
#44 (8/1975; Manuel Sanjulian cover; Vampirella story with Jose Gonzales art; Neal Adams frontispiece; Pantha story; Budd Lewis story; Auraleon and Luis Garcia art; ASK);
#45(9/1975; Mayo & Maroto-a; 8-Page Color Insert; ASK);
#47 (12/1975; Enrich cover; Bill DuBay, Gerry Boudreau and Bruce Bezaire stories; Gonzalo Mayo, Luis Bermejo and Ramon Torrents art; VF-, 7.5 = $33.00);
#48(1/1976; Enrich-c; ASK);
#49 (3/1976; Enrich cover; 8-Page Color Insert story; Edgar Allan Poe adaptation; 84 Pages; Blind Priestess, as Vampirella's Nemesis; FIRST Appearance of the Blood Red Queen of Hearts and storyline begins; Christmas issue; Bill DuBay and Budd Lewis stories; Jose Gonzalez, Esteban Maroto and Jose M. Bea art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59);
(4/1976; Sanjulian cover; 68 pages; Five Chapter nearly Book-Length
40 page Vampirella story, with PANTHA and FLEUR appearance; SPIRIT
cameo by Will Eisner; Pendragon story; Jose Gonzalez frontispiece;
Bill DuBay and Roger McKenzie stories; Jeff Jones, Esteban Maroto and
Jose Gonzalez art;
VAMPIRELLA (Warren Pub; 1969-1983; B&W Comics Magazine); *** (Pantha App-s= 30-33,42,44,50,66-68, 70-72,75-82,84,86,87, 89,90,93-99,101-106,108,112; **** VAMPIRELLA Appears on Cover= #1, 8, 12, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32-34, 36-38, 41-43, 45-69,71, 73-79, 81-92, 94-98, 100-106, 108, 110)
*** (Pantha App-s= 30-33,42,44,50,66-68, 70-72,75-82,84,86,87, 89,90,93-99,101-106,108,112);
*** (VAMPIRELLA Appears on Cover= #1, 8, 12, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32-34, 36-38, 41-43, 45-69,71, 73-79, 81-92, 94-98, 100-106, 108, 110)
#51(5/1976; Sanjulian-c; CHAYKIN & Mayo-a; Whitechapel-s; ASK);
#52 (7/1976; ENRICH painted cover; Mayo-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00);
#53(8/1976; Enrich-c; Opium-s; Bruce Jones-s; Jose Gonzales-a; Maroto-a; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
#54(9/1976; Enrich-c; 8-Page Color Insert; 3-Part 42-Page Vampi-s, vs Blood Red Queen of Hearts = Mayo-a; 8pgs color CORBEN-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#54(9/1976; Enrich-c; 8-Page Color Insert; 3-Part 42-Page Vampi-s, vs Blood Red Queen of Hearts = Mayo-a; 8pgs color CORBEN-a; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
#55(10/1976; Sanjulian-c; 1976 YEARBOOK; all Vampi-r issue = all Jose Gonzalez-a; 84 Page Giant; 8-Page Color Insert; VF-, 7.5 = $23.00);
#55(10/1976; Sanjulian-c; 1976 YEARBOOK; all Vampi-r issue = all Jose Gonzalez-a; 84 Page Giant; 8-Page Color Insert; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00);
#56(12/1976; Enrich-c; Gonzalez-a; Bruce Jones-s; Headless Horesman of All-Hallows Eve-s; Gargoyle-s; ASK);
#57 (1.1977; Enrich cover; Bruce Jones and Roger McKenzie stories; Gonzalez, Maroto, Giordano and Infantino art);
#58(3/1977; Super Giant Holiday Special; VF+, 8.5 = $43.00);
#59 (4/1977; Enrich-c; Gonzalez-a; Infantino & NINO-a; Alex Nino's 1st Strip at Warren; 76 Pages; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#59(4/1977; Enrich-c; Gonzalez-a; Infantino & NINO-a; Alex Nino's 1st Strip at Warren; 76 Pages; VF+, 8.5 = $36);
#63(9/1977; 1977 YEARBOOK; Enrich-c; 12 pages Berni WRIGHTSON-a; Gonzalez-a; 92 Pages; Bruce Jones-s; Maroto-a; ASK);
#64(10/1977; Enrich-c; Book-Length VAMPIRELLA 68 Page 7-Part story = Boudreau-s & Gonzalo Mayo-a; ASK);
#65(Manitoba; 12/1977; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Blood Red Queen of Hearts; Gonzalez-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#65(12/1977; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Blood Red Queen of Hearts; Gonzalez-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
#66(1/1978; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Blood Red Queen of Hearts; PANTHA Returns; Gonzalez-a; 2xBruce Jones-s; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
#66(1/1978; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Blood Red Queen of Hearts; PANTHA Returns; Gonzalez-a; 2xBruce Jones-s; VF, 8.0 = $28.00);
#67(Manitoba; 3/1978; 8-Page Color Insert; 76 Pages; First PHOTO-c, with actress/model Barbara Leigh; Gonzalez, Nino, Neary, HEATH, Maroto-a; F/NM, 9.0 = $59.00);
#67(3/1978; 8-Page Color Insert; 76 Pages; First PHOTO-c, with actress/model Barbara Leigh; Gonzalez, Nino, Neary, HEATH, Maroto-a; VF+, 8.5 = $43.00);
#67(3/1978; 8-Page Color Insert; 76 Pages; First PHOTO-c, with actress/model Barbara Leigh; Gonzalez, Nino, Neary, HEATH, Maroto-a; VF, 8.0 = $32.00);
#68(4/1978; Enrich-c; Gonzalez-a; Bruce Jones-s; Maroto-a; FLEUR-s; VF, 8.0 = $28.00);
#69(5/1978; PHOTO-c, with actress/model Barbara Leigh; 76 Pages; Bruce Jones-s; Mayo-a; ASK);
#70 (7/1978; Ken Kelly-c; Mayo-a; ROOK appears in Vampi-s; VF-, 7.5 = $27.00);
#71(8/1978; Barbara Leigh PHOTO-c; SORCERESS-s; Gonzalez-a; Maroto-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00);
#72(9/1978; Enrich-c; Gonzalez-a; Maroto-a; 84 Page Giant; 8-Page Color Insert; VF, 8.0 = $32.00);
#72(9/1978; Enrich-c; Gonzalez-a; Maroto-a; 84 Page Giant; 8-Page Color Insert; VF-, 7.5 = $27.00);
#73(10/1978; Larkin-c; Book-Length VAMPIRELLA 71 Page story = DuBay-s & Gonzalo Mayo-a; ASK)
#74(12/1978; 1978 YEARBOOK; Barbara Leigh PHOTO-c; 40 pages Jose Gonzalez-a; Wolf Hunt-s = Maroto-a; ASK);
#75(1/1976; Gonzalez & McQuaite-c; Gonzalez-a; Sasquatch-s; 76 Pages; ASK);
#76(3/1979; Barbara Leigh PHOTO-c; Gonzalez-a; Pepe Moreno, Mayerick, Nino, & Russ Heath-a; Bruce Jones-s; 84 Page Giant; VF, 8.0 = $32.00);
#76(3/1979; Barbara Leigh PHOTO-c; Gonzalez-a; Pepe Moreno, Mayerick, Nino, & Russ Heath-a; Bruce Jones-s; 84 Page Giant; VF-, 7.5 = $27.00);
#77(4/1979; Barbara Leigh PHOTO-c; 76 Pages; Pepe Moreno, Mayo, & Russ Heath-a; Yeti-s; ASK);
#78(5/1979; Barbara Leigh PHOTO-c; STARLIN & Alcala-a; Mayo, & Russ Heath-a; Bruce Jones-s; ASK);
#79( 7/1979; Mayo-a; Fumetti Photo Novel story; Michael Fleisher-s; Archie Goodwin-s; ASK);
#80(8/1979; Maroto-c; Marcos-a; Bruce Jones-s; Dragon Queen/Cult, Hong Kong-s; Pantha-s; Alien Amazon-s; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
#80(8/1979; Maroto-c; Marcos-a; Bruce Jones-s; Dragon Queen/Cult, Hong Kong-s; Pantha-s; Alien Amazon-s; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
#81 (9/1979; All VAMPIRELLA Special; BONDAGE painted cover by Sanjulian; 84 page Giant, 2 x New stories; DRACULA vs VAMPIRELLA cover & story; Cult of Chaos; PANTHA story; Alien Amazon story; Marcos, Mayo & Gonzales-a; VF, 8.0 = $28.00);
#82(10/1979; Gonzalez-c/a; 84 Page Giant; Pantha-s; Indians/Native American-s; Mermaid-s; UFO-s; Western-s; Brice Jones-s; Mayerick-a; 1st American strip by famed UK Comic & SF Artist Brian Lewis; ASK);
#83(12/1979; Gonzalez & McQuaite-c; 1979 YEARBOOK; Gonzalez-a; Russ HEATH-a; Jeff JONES-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#83(12/1979; Gonzalez & McQuaite-c; 1979 YEARBOOK; Gonzalez-a; Russ HEATH-a; Jeff JONES-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
#83(12/1979; Gonzalez & McQuaite-c; 1979 YEARBOOK; Gonzalez-a; Russ HEATH-a; Jeff JONES-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF, 8.0 = $28.00);
#83(12/1979; Gonzalez & McQuaite-c; 1979 YEARBOOK; Gonzalez-a; Russ HEATH-a; Jeff JONES-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF-, 7.5 = $23.00);
#84(1/1980; Harris-c; PANTHA-s; Nebres-a; Mayerick-a; ASK);
#85 (3/1980; GULACY-c; 84 page Giant, Indians/Native American-s; Photo Backgrounds-s; Nino-a; VF, 8.0 = $28.00);
#86(4/1980; Lindall-c; Mayo-a; Mayerick-a; 76 Pages; Pantha-s; Starpatch, Quark & Mother Blitz-s; Puppeteer-s; ASK);
#87(5/1980; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; All VAMPI issue, Blood Red Queen-r from 60-62,65,66, all Jose Gonzales-a; Pantha-s; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
#88(7/1980; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Tristan app; Nebres-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF, 8.0 = $28.00);
#89(8/1980; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; PANTHA app; Nebres-a; 2xBruce Jones-s; ASK);
#90 (9/1980; VAMPIRELLA GGA Good Girl Art Painted cover by Enrich Torres; Vampirella in The Insane Alchemist; PANTHA in Eye of Incubus; Devil Woman; Dead Ringer; Revenge, Inc. Don Glut and Gerry Boudreau stories; Alfredo Alcala, Rudy Nebres and Pablo Marcos art; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
VAMPIRELLA (Warren Pub; 1969-1983; B&W Comics Magazine); *** (Pantha App-s= 30-33,42,44,50,66-68, 70-72,75-82,84,86,87, 89,90,93-99,101-106,108,112; **** VAMPIRELLA Appears on Cover= #1, 8, 12, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32-34, 36-38, 41-43, 45-69,71, 73-79, 81-92, 94-98, 100-106, 108, 110)
#91(10/1980; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; all Vampi issue-r, with 53 pages of Jose Gonzales-a; Tristan app; Halloween/All-Hallows Eve-s; Headless Horseman-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#91(10/1980; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; all Vampi issue-r, with 53 pages of Jose Gonzales-a; Tristan app; Halloween/All-Hallows Eve-s; Headless Horseman-s; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
#91(10/1980; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; all Vampi issue-r, with 53 pages of Jose Gonzales-a; Tristan app; Halloween/All-Hallows Eve-s; Headless Horseman-s; VF, 8.0 = $28.00);
#92 (12/1980; Enrich-c; Cryssie Collins / Demoness-s; Uncommon issue; Nebres-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00; VF-, 7.5 = $23.00);
#93 (1/1981; Enrich-c; Cassandra St. Knight solo begins, ends #103, New PANTHA solo series begins, ends #108; CobraGoddess-s; Cryssie Collins/Demoness-s; Nudity on cover; Uncommon issue; Nebres, Alcala, Maroto-a; ASK);
#94 (3/1981; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Cassandra St. Knight-s; Cryssie Collins/Demoness; PANTHA-s; Santa-s; Western-s; Nebres, Maroto-a; LAST Squarebound issue; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
#94 (3/1981; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Cassandra St. Knight-s; Cryssie Collins/Demoness; PANTHA-s; Santa-s; Western-s; Nebres, Maroto-a; LAST Squarebound issue; VF, 8.0 = $28.00);
#95 (4/1981; Ken Kelly-c; 76 Pages; Bondage-c; Whipping Panels; Cassandra St. Knight-s; Cryssie Collins/Demoness; PANTHA-s; FOX-s; Vampi in Bondage-c; Nebres-a; NM-, 9.2 = $75.00);
#95 (4/1981; Ken Kelly-c; 76 Pages; Bondage-c; Whipping Panels; Cassandra St. Knight-s; Cryssie Collins/Demoness; PANTHA-s; FOX-s; Vampi in Bondage-c; Nebres-a; VF, 8.0 = $28.00);
#96 (Manitoba; 5/1981; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Cassandra St. Knight-s; Cryssie Collins/Demoness; PANTHA-s; Uncommon issue; Nebres-a; NM-, 9.2 = $75.00);
#96 (5/1981; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Cassandra St. Knight-s; Cryssie Collins/Demoness; PANTHA-s; Uncommon issue; Nebres-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#96 (5/1981; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Cassandra St. Knight-s; Cryssie Collins/Demoness; PANTHA-s; Uncommon issue; Nebres-a; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
#97 (Manitoba; 7/1981; Enrich-c; Uncommon issue; Bruce Jones-s; PANTHA-s; Cassandra St Knight-s; Maroto-a; 76 Pages; Night Full of Zombies-s; Indians/Native American-s; Werewolf-s; Gonzales, Mayo-a; NM-, 9.2 = $75.00);
#97 (7/1981; Enrich-c; Uncommon issue; Bruce Jones-s; PANTHA-s; Cassandra St Knight-s; Maroto-a; 76 Pages; Night Full of Zombies-s; Indians/Native American-s; Werewolf-s; Gonzales, Mayo-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#98 (Manitoba; 8/1981; Enrich-c; Uncommon issue; PANTHA-s; Cassandra St Knight-s; FOX-s; 76 Pages; Night Full of Zombies-s; Dragon-s; Indians/Native American-s; Mayo-a; Maroto-a; NM-, 9.2 = $75.00);
#98 (Manitoba; 8/1981; Enrich-c; Uncommon issue; PANTHA-s; Cassandra St Knight-s; FOX-s; 76 Pages; Night Full of Zombies-s; Dragon-s; Indians/Native American-s; Mayo-a; Maroto-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#99 (Manitoba; 9/1981; Uncommon issue; Sanjulian-c; Mayo-a; Maroto-a; Pantha-s; 76 Pages; Cobra Queen-c; Missing You-s; Night Full of Zombies-s; NM-, 9.2 = $75.00);
#99 (9/1981; Uncommon issue; Sanjulian-c; Mayo-a; Maroto-a; Pantha-s; 76 Pages; Cobra Queen-c; Missing You-s; Night Full of Zombies-s; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
#101 (12/1981; Panaligan-c; New Blood Red Queen of Hearts app; Cassandra St. Knight-s; FOX-s; Night Full of Zombies-s; PANTHA-s; Spanking Panel= 101; Lower Print run & scarcer; Mayo, Scott Hampton-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $85.00);
#101 (12/1981; Panaligan-c; New Blood Red Queen of Hearts app; Cassandra St. Knight-s; FOX-s; Night Full of Zombies-s; PANTHA-s; Spanking Panel= 101; Lower Print run & scarcer; Mayo, Scott Hampton-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00);
#102 (Manitoba; 1/1982; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Blood Red Queen of Hearts; Cassandra St. Knight-s; FOX-s; Night Full of Zombies-s; PANTHA-s; Mythology-s; Lower Print run & scarcer; Mayo & Maroto-a; NM-, 9.2 = $119.00);
#102 (1/1982; Enrich-c; 76 Pages; Blood Red Queen of Hearts; Cassandra St. Knight-s; FOX-s; Night Full of Zombies-s; PANTHA-s; Mythology-s; Lower Print run & scarcer; Mayo & Maroto-a; VF+, 8.5 = $69.00);
#103 (3/1982; Enrich-c; Cassandra St. Knight-s; FOX-s; PANTHA-s; Night Full of Zombies-s; Christmas issue; Gonzales, Maroto-a; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; VF, 8.0 = $44.00);
#103 (3/1982; Enrich-c; Cassandra St. Knight-s; FOX-s; PANTHA-s; Night Full of Zombies-s; Christmas issue; Gonzales, Maroto-a; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; VF-, 7.5 = $34.00);
#104 (Manitoba; 4/1982; Enrich-c; FOX-s; Jeremy-s; Missing You-s; PANTHA-s; Starpatch, Quark & Mother Blitz-s; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Gonzales-a; NM-, 9.2 = $119.00);
#104 (4/1982; Enrich-c; FOX-s; Jeremy-s; Missing You-s; PANTHA-s; Starpatch, Quark & Mother Blitz-s; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Gonzales-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $85.00);
#104 (4/1982; Enrich-c; FOX-s; Jeremy-s; Missing You-s; PANTHA-s; Starpatch, Quark & Mother Blitz-s; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Gonzales-a; VF+, 8.5 = $69.00);
#104 (4/1982; Enrich-c; FOX-s; Jeremy-s; Missing You-s; PANTHA-s; Starpatch, Quark & Mother Blitz-s; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Gonzales-a; VF, 8.0 = $44.00);
#105 (5/1982; Enrich-c; All Vampi issue-r, w PANTHA = 48 Page story with Jose Gonzales-a; Lower Print Run & scarcer; VF, 8.0 = $44.00);
#105 (5/1982; Enrich-c; All Vampi issue-r, w PANTHA = 48 Page story with Jose Gonzales-a; Lower Print Run & scarcer; VF-, 7.5 = $34.00);
#106 (7/1982; Enrich-c; FOX-s; Jeremy-s; Nessie (Loch Ness Monster)-s; PANTHA-s; Missing You-s; Decapitation panel; Tristan app; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Gonzales-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF+, 8.5 = $69.00);
#106 (7/1982; Enrich-c; FOX-s; Jeremy-s; Nessie (Loch Ness Monster)-s; PANTHA-s; Missing You-s; Decapitation panel; Tristan app; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; Gonzales-a; Bruce Jones-s; VF-, 7.5 = $34.00);
#107(8/1972; Sanjulian-c; 1982 YEARBOOK; Special all Esteban MAROTO Art issue; Blood Red Queen of Hearts; Dracula App-s; Snow White-s; UFO-s; Werewolf-s; Lower Print Run & scarcer; VF+, 8.5 = $69.00);
#107(8/1972; Sanjulian-c; 1982 YEARBOOK; Special all Esteban MAROTO Art issue; Blood Red Queen of Hearts; Dracula App-s; Snow White-s; UFO-s; Werewolf-s; Lower Print Run & scarcer; VF, 8.0 = $44.00);
#108 (9/1982; Enrich-c; 84 page Giant, Vampi in Nude/Topless splash page; Alex TOTH-a; FOX-s; Jeremy-s; Sweetwater Nessie (Loch Ness Monster)-s; Lower Print run & scarcer; PANTHA-s; Torpedo-s; Gonzales-a; VF, 8.0 = $44.00);
#108 (9/1982; Enrich-c; 84 page Giant, Vampi in Nude/Topless splash page; Alex TOTH-a; FOX-s; Jeremy-s; Sweetwater Nessie (Loch Ness Monster)-s; Lower Print run & scarcer; PANTHA-s; Torpedo-s; Gonzales-a; VF-, 7.5 = $34.00);
#109 (10/1982; Sanjulian-c; 100 Page Summer Spectacular; All-r, 1xGonzalez-a, o/w all FELIX MAS art {x9} issue; Dorian Gray-s; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; VF+, 8.5 = $69.00);
#109 (10/1982; Sanjulian-c; 100 Page Summer Spectacular; All-r, 1xGonzalez-a, o/w all FELIX MAS art {x9} issue; Dorian Gray-s; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; VF-, 7.5 = $34.00);
#110 (12/1982; Torpedo app; TOTH art, 84 Page Giant; Jeremy-s; Tristan app; Edgar Allen Poe adaption; Lower Print Run & scarcer; VF/NM, 9.0 = $85.00);
#110 (12/1982; Torpedo app; TOTH art, 84 Page Giant; Jeremy-s; Tristan app; Edgar Allen Poe adaption; Lower Print Run & scarcer; VF, 8.0 = $44.00);
#111 (1/1983; Pujolar-c; Giant Collector's edition, All-r; =$2.50-c, 92 pages; Lower Print run & scarcer; 92 page Giant, Gonzales, Neary, Maroto, Infantino & Giordano-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $119.00);
#111 (1/1983; Pujolar-c; Giant Collector's edition, All-r; =$2.50-c, 92 pages; Lower Print run & scarcer; 92 page Giant, Gonzales, Neary, Maroto, Infantino & Giordano-a; VF+, 8.5 = $85.00);
#112 (3/1983; SCARCER LAST Warren issue; 84 Page Giant; FOX-s; PANTHA-s; Torpedo app; Low Print run & scarce; Gonzales, Maroto, Mayo-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $125.00);
#113 (SCARCE; 1987; RETURN and First Harris Issue; Very Low Print Run; BONDAGE-c; MUMMY-s; Gonzalez-a; Brunner-a; Mayo-a; Overall VF+, but with Finger Print Smudges on Edges of Covers, thus FN/VF, 7.0 = $145.00);
#1 (1972; Cover painting, originally intended for Vampirella #1 by ASLAN; New and Definitive Origin Vampirella, with FIRST appearance of TRISTAN, Classic GGA by Jose Gonzales; John R. Cochran story; NEAL ADAMS Reprint from #1; WALLY WOOD Reprint from #9; JEFF JONES Reprint; G/VG, 3.0 = $59.00];
VAMPIRELLA A SCARLET THIRST (Harris Comics Pub; Softcover Trade Paperback)
#NN (#1; 1993; DAVE STEVENS New GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover; ** Sanjulian GGA painted back cover; ** Collects 10 Stories from the classic WARREN Pub. Comic Magazine series; ** 225 Grams; ** 148 Pages including covers; Contents; Vampire of the Nile" from Vampirella #36 by Flaxman Loew & Jose Ortiz; ** The Case of the Connected Clowns and the Collector from Vampirella #71 by Bill DuBay & Jose Gonzalez; ** The Beauty and the Nehemoth from Vampirella #72 by Bill DuBay & Jose Gonzalez; ** The God of Blood from Vampirella #83 by Flaxman Loew & Jose Gonzalez; ** The Betrothed of the Sun-God from Vampirella #83 by Flaxman Loew & Jose Gonzalez; ** Bracelets, Demons, and Death from Vampirella #92 by Rich Margopoulos & Rudy Nebres; ** Death Machine from Vampirella #94 by Rich Margopoulos & Rudy Nebres; ** A Plague of Vampires from Vampirella #95 by Rich Margopoulos & Rudy Nebres; ** The Hound of Hell from Vampirella #96 by Rich Margopoulos & Rudy Nebres; A Feast of Fear from Vampirella #110 by Rich Margopoulos & Jose Gonzales. VF-, 7.5 = $49.00);
#NN (#1; 1993; DAVE STEVENS New GGA Good-Girl-Art Painted cover; ** Sanjulian GGA painted back cover; ** Collects 10 Stories from the classic WARREN Pub. Comic Magazine series; ** 225 Grams; ** 148 Pages including covers; Contents; Vampire of the Nile" from Vampirella #36 by Flaxman Loew & Jose Ortiz; ** The Case of the Connected Clowns and the Collector from Vampirella #71 by Bill DuBay & Jose Gonzalez; ** The Beauty and the Nehemoth from Vampirella #72 by Bill DuBay & Jose Gonzalez; ** The God of Blood from Vampirella #83 by Flaxman Loew & Jose Gonzalez; ** The Betrothed of the Sun-God from Vampirella #83 by Flaxman Loew & Jose Gonzalez; ** Bracelets, Demons, and Death from Vampirella #92 by Rich Margopoulos & Rudy Nebres; ** Death Machine from Vampirella #94 by Rich Margopoulos & Rudy Nebres; ** A Plague of Vampires from Vampirella #95 by Rich Margopoulos & Rudy Nebres; ** The Hound of Hell from Vampirella #96 by Rich Margopoulos & Rudy Nebres; A Feast of Fear from Vampirella #110 by Rich Margopoulos & Jose Gonzales. Magic Tape inside spine to cover, Magic Tape around edges to covers, FA/G, 1.5 = $16.00);
VAMPIRELLA SPECIAL #1 (1977; FULL COLOR on Slick Paper; Sold by MAIL ORDER ONLY; Low Print Run; Regular Softcover Version; VG/FN, 5.0 = $55.00];
VAMPIRELLA: ASCENDING EVIL ASHCAN (Harris Comics; August 1997; Limited Edition)
#1(Written by Grant Morrison with Mark Millar, art by Amanda Connor.Vampirella Ascending Evil Limited ASHCAN Edition; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
VAMPIRELLA: HOLY WAR ASHCAN PREVIEW (Harris Comics; January 1998; Limited Edition)
#1(By Grant Morrrison, Mark Millar, & Louis Small, Jr. NM, 9.4 = $12);
VAMPIRELLA WORLD’S END ASHCAN (Harris Comics; February 1999; Limited Preview Edition)
#NN(b&w preview ASHCAN; David Finch cover; NM+, 9.6 = $12.00);
Vampirella / Lady Death Limited preview ashcan (1/1999; NM+, 9.6 = $20} #NN(1/1999; Louis Small painted-c; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
Novel Series,
Warner Books - Mass Market Paperbacks; New York, USA; Based on the
Warren Comics magazines; PBO = Paperback Originals, all True First
Editions) ***
[RON GOULART Also Writes as; Kenneth Robeson, Zeke Masters, Victor
Appleton II, Laura Lee Hope, Carolyn Keene, Susan Claudia, Howard N.
Lee,Chad Calhoun, Frank S Shawn, Franklin W. Dixon, Con Steffanson,
Joseph Silva, Josephine Kains]; (all
SCARCE in strict VERY FINE 8.0 or Better);
ON ALIEN WINGS; Cult of Chaos / Conrad Van Helsing / Pendragon the
Magician; GGA - Good Girl Art Painted Front & Back Covers; Like
New but with Light Shelfwear/ Rubbing, VF, 8.0 = $29)
VAMPIRELLA (FRENCH Language Series; Printed in Paris France; B&W Comics Magazine)
#23 (1976; 92 pages including Covers; 8 Pages in Color = RICHARD CORBEN art; Steve DITKO-a; Jerry Granenetti-a; Horror Films article with Photo’s; Tom Sutton-a; Price Sticker on Cover, VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
#23 (1976; 92 pages including Covers; 8 Pages in Color = RICHARD CORBEN art; Steve DITKO-a; Jerry Granenetti-a; Horror Films article with Photo’s; Tom Sutton-a; Price Sticker on Cover, FN/VF, 7.0 = $22.00);
#24 (1976; 84 pages including Covers; Horror Films article with Photo’s; THE OMEN Movie article with Photo’s; CLARICE story = 5 pages BERNI WRIGHTSON art; Steve DITKO-a; Tom Sutton-a; John Severin & WALLY WOOD art; 8 Pages of RICHARD CORBEN art; Price Sticker on Cover, VF, 8.0 = $32.00);
VAMPIRELLA UK Magazine series
(1972-1975 ANNUAL series; IPC Magazines Inc Pub.; UK/British series; FULL COLOR, on Slick High Quality Paper; 52 pages including covers; SCARCE even in UK; RARE & NOT distributed in USA and CANADA; 8-¼”x11” Size);
VAMPIRELLA UK MAG #1 [1972; Contents; (1) “The Origin of Vampirella” art by Jose Gonzalez; (2) “Wolf Hunt” art by Esteban Maroto; (3) Horror Story of the Month, illustrated Text-s; “The Call of the Dead” art by ?; (4) The Cry of the Dhampir” art by Auraleon; (5) “As Though They Were Living”; art by RICHARD CORBEN: *** NUDITY, Impalement & Bondage panels; *** With the Front Cover from the USA edition of #12 by Sanjulian; FN/VF, 7.0 = $129.00; FN, 6.0 = $99.00; VG , 4.0 = $69.00);
VAMPIRELLA UK MAG #2 [1973; Contents; (1) Vampirella in “Death’s Dark Angel” art by Jose Gonzales; (2) ”Black and White Vacuum to Blues” art by Esteban Maroto; (3) Vampire Story of the Month, illustrated Text-s; “The Curse of the King of God”; (4) “Death in the Shadows” art by Luis Garcia; (5) “Eye Opener!” art by Auraleon; *** With the Front Cover from the USA edition of #18, with Vampi & Dracula, by by ENRICH; Vampirella in Bondage panels; SOLD OUT);
VAMPIRELLA UK MAG #3 [1974; Contents; (1) Vampirella in “The Lurker in the Deep” art by Jose Gonzalez; (2) ”The Curse”; Art by WALLY WOOD; (3) Vampire Story of the Month, illustrated Text-s; “A Love to the Death... and Beyond”; (4) “The Man Whose Soul was Spoiling!” Art by Fernando Fernandez; (5) “The Witch’s Promise” Story by Gerry Boudreau; art by Auraleon; *** With the Front Cover from the USA edition of #24 by ENRICH; NUDITY Panels; FN, 6.0 = $69.00);
VAMPIRELLA UK MAG #4 [1975; Contents; (1) Vampirella in “Isle of the Huntress!” art by Jose Gonzalez; WEREWOLF appears; DRUG & Hypo Needle story; (2) “Sentence!” art by Jose Bea; (3) Vampire Story of the Month, illustrated Text-s; “Just Wait Little Longer”; (4) “To Kill a God!” art by Wally Wood; (5) Tomb of the Gods series; “A Legend – The Road of the Gods” art by Esteban Maroto; *** With the Front Cover from the USA edition of #30 by ENRICH; NUDITY Panels; FN/VF, 7.0 = $79.00; FN, 6.0 = $69.00
#1 (9/1997; Regular Cover by J. Scott Campbell; ALL PINUPS Art Book; Appearances by; Kabuki, Rascals in Paradise, Savage Dragon, Madman, Pantha, Hellshock, Painkiller Jane, Shi, Body Bags, Monkeyman and O'Brien, Cyberfrog and Salamandroid; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
VAMPIRELLA {MONTHLY} (Harris Comics; 2nd Series; 6/2001-8/2003)
#1-B (6/2001; Scarcer J. Scott Campbell cover; VAMPIRELLA with Multiple Monsters Cover; VF, 8.0 = $15.00);
VAMPIRELLA SUMMER NIGHTS (Harris Comics Pub; Square-Bound Prestige Format; 52 pages including covers)
#1 (8/1992; VAMPIRELLA with Uncle Creepy and Cousin Eerie cover by ART ADAMS; Adam van Helsing and Pendragon appear; Stories by; Kurt Busiek, Steve Englehart; Art by; Dave Cockrum, J.J. Birch, James W. Fry III, Richard Howell; NM-, 9.2 = $13.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
VAMPIRESS CARMILLA (Warrant Publishing; 2020-2024; B&W Comics magazine)
#1 (2021; Ken Kelly cover; NM-, 9.2 = $27.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00);
#3 (July 2021; FRANK FRAZETTA Painted Cover; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00; VF, 8.0 = $9.00);
#4 (September 2021; JEFF JONES Painted Cover; NM, 9.4 = $24.00; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#6 (January 2022; T-REX DINOSAURS and WOMAN in BONDAGE GGA Painted Cover by RICHARD CORBEN; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00);
#7 (March 2022; JEFF JONES GGA Painted Cover; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#9 (July/2022; FRANK FRAZETTA Painted Cover; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00);
#15 (July/2023; FRANK FRAZETTA Apes and Woman GGA Painted Cover; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00);
#20 (May/2024; GGA Good Girl Art with Skelton/Skull Painted Cover by SANJULIAN; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#21 (July/2024; Egyptian Princess GGA Good Girl Art classic Cover by FRANK FRAZETTA; NM, 9.4 = $20.00; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00; VF, 8.0 = $9.00);
2023 ANNUAL (#1; Summer-Fall/2022-Winter/Spring 2023; GGA and SKULL Painted cover by SANJULIAN; NM-, 9.2 = $28.00; VF+, 8.5 = $15.00);
VAMPIRE TALES (MARVEL Comic Pub; B&W Magazines; 1973-1975; Painted covers on all; NO Comics Code);
#1 (1973; ORIGIN and Fourth Appearance of Dr. Michael Morbius aka MORBIUS the Living Vampire; First MORBIUS the Living Vampire SOLO Series begins; MORBIUS THE LIVING VAMPIRE is being developing into a Sony Pictures Live-Action MOVIE / FILM, as part of Sony's cinematic Spider-Verse; FIFTH overall appearance of MORBIUS; Roy Thomas & Steve Gerber stories; Pre-Code WEREWOLF story, Bill Everett art; The VAMPYRE cover & story adapted from the the John Polidori story; Pre-Code SATAN story, VAMPIRE story by Gardner Fox; Esteban Maroto painted cover & interior comics art; Win Mortimer art; Chris Claremont & Mark Evanier Articles;
VF, 8.0 = $149.00; VF-, 7.5 = $119.00; FN+, 6.5 = $89.00);
#2 (10/1973; FIRST appearance of SATANA, the Devil's daughter = Roy Thomas story with John Romita art; Second Solo Story & Sixth appearance for MORBIUS the Living Vampire; MORBIUS THE LIVING VAMPIRE is being developing into a Sony Pictures Live-Action MOVIE / FILM, as part of Sony's cinematic Spider-Verse;** Jim STERANKO art; Gardner Fox story; FIRST appearance of & Origin of Hodiah Twist; SOLD OUT);
#3 (2/1974; ** SATANA in The Kiss of Death, SECOND FULL appearance of SATANA in COMICS, 10 page story by Gerry Conway with Esteban Maroto art (Appearances by; Harry Gotham, Brenner, Ruth Cummins, Doctor Darkos Edge); ** DAIMON will make his DEBUT in the Marvel Cinematic Universe HULU television series HELSTROM as the Son of a Serial Killer and has a Sister named ANA (aka SATANA); ** MORBIUS THE LIVING VAMPIRE Painted cover by Luis Dominguez; ** FIRST MORBIUS the Living Vampire cover issue; ** MORBIUS the Living Vampire in Demon Fire, 12 page story by Don McGregor, with art by Rich Buckler and Klaus Janson; ** MORBIUS THE LIVING VAMPIRE is being developing into a Sony Pictures Live-Action MOVIE FILM, as part of Sony's cinematic Spider-Verse; ** Bat's Belfry, 9 page story by Don McGregor with Vicente Alcazar art; ** Don't Try To Outsmart the Devil, 8 page story by Stan Lee with Carmine Infantino and Gil Kane art (Pre-Code SATAN Horror Reprint Story from Adventures into Terror #13); ** The Collection, 4 page story by Bhob Stewart, with art by Paul Reinman, Russ Jones and Bhob Stewart; VF-, 7.5 = $49.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
#4 (4/ 1974; BORIS Vallejo Painted cover; MORBIUS the Living Vampire story; MORBIUS THE LIVING VAMPIRE is being developing into a Sony Pictures Live-Action MOVIE / FILM, as part of Sony's cinematic Spider-Verse; FIRST one page appearance and intro of LILITH the First Vampire Comic Strip on inside Back cover (Two MONTHS before LILITH Dracula’s Daughter in Giant-Size Chillers #1) = Ernie Chua/Chan art; MORBIUS THE LIVING VAMPIRE Prowls Again = Second story; Stories by; Doug Moench & Don McGregor; ART by; Tom Sutton, Esteban Maroto & Ernie Chan; Vampire test by Chris Claremont; Night of the Snow Vampire cover & story = August Derleth adaption; Pre-Code HORROR Vampire reprint story; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69.00; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00; VF-, 7.5 = $39.00);
#5 (6/1974; Estaban MAROTO Painted cover; ORIGIN of MORBIUS the Living Vampire story; MORBIUS THE LIVING VAMPIRE is being developing into a Sony Pictures Live-Action MOVIE / FILM, as part of Sony's cinematic Spider-Verse; BARSAC the Last of the Living Dead cover & story = adapted from Robert Bloch; Count Yorga on film; ART by; Gil Kane, Ernie Chan, Dick Giordano, Rich Buckler, & Val Mayerik; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $34.00);
#6 (8/1974; LILITH, the Daughter of Dracula GGA / Good Girl Art painted cover BORIS VALLEJO; LILITH, the Daughter of Dracula First FULL SOLO Story & FIRST appearance in this Title; ** LILITH, the Daughter of Dracula in The Axe Man = 10 Page story by Marv Wolfman & Steve Gerber with Bob Brown & Tom Palmer art; Story continues in part from Giant-Size Chillers #1; First appearance of Martin Gold; LILITH is an Under-Valued but important & Long-Lasting FEMALE Anti-Hero/ VILLAIN of the BRONZE Age & Copper AGE of Comics; This first LILITH, was the Daughter of Dracula & was affiliated with SHEILD'S Paranormal Containment Unit; ** Angie's Soul = 8 pages story by Chris Claremont with Andres Balcells art; First appearance of Angie Freeman; Angie Freeman's next appears in Bizarre Adventures #25; ** Blood Death = 8 page story by Doug Moench with Alfredo Alcala art; ** The Color of Crimson Gold = 11 Page story by Doug Moench with Vicente Alcazar art; Dracula illustrated text story adapted from Montague Summers story; Dark Shadows article with Photo's; VF-, 7.5 = $39.00);
#7 (10/1974; Lingerie GGA / Good Girl Art with Skeletons Gothic Painted Cover by JAD / Jose Antonio Domingo; ** MORBIUS the Living Vampire in Where Is Gallows Bend and What the Hell Am I Doing There? = 18 page story by Don McGregor with Tom Sutton art; First appearances of; Mr. Kazarian aka Apocalypse, Phineas T. Coroner, Reaper, and Rigor; ** Sip the Sweet Poison = 8 pages story by Doug Moench with Billy Graham art; ** BATS = 7 page story by Doug Moench with PAUL GULACY & Duffy Vohland art; ** Agents of the High Road = 8 pages story by Doug Moench with Howard Chaykin art; ** Christopher Lee article with Photos; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69.00; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00);
#8 (12/1974; First Solo BLADE the Vampire Slayer story; Vampire Legion appears; MORBIUS the Living Vampire-s; DeZuniga, Vosburg, Staton, Alcala-a; *** BLADE is #63 on IGN's 2014 Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List; BLADE was one of the First BLACK Super-Heroes; *** BLADE went on to star and co-star in several comic book series as well as a Blade Film / MOVIE series (Blade I, Blade II & Blade Trinity) played by Wesley Snipes; At San Diego Comic Con 2014, Snipes told MTV that he's open for returning as Blade; Kirk "Sticky Fingaz" Jones played BLADE in the BLADE TV / Television series; VF+, 8.5 = $149.00; VF, 8.0 = $119.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $89.00);
#9 (2/1975; Lingerie GGA / Good Girl Art Ghost Vampire Girl in LINGERIE Painted Cover by Martí Ripoll; Second Solo BLADE the Vampire Slayer story; ** BLADE the Vampire Slayer in Bloodmoon = 12 page story by Marv Wolfman & Chris Claremont with Tony DeZuniga art; FIRST appearance of Anton Vierken; FIRST appearance of Marguerite D'Alescio; Vampire Legion appears; ** Blood Lunge = 5 page story by Doug Moench with Russ Heath art; ** The Bleeding Time = 10 page story by Carla & Gerry Conway with Virgilio Redondo, Alfredo Alcala & Tony DeZuniga art; ** Blood Stalker = 9 page story by Larry Lieber with Jesus Blasco art; ** Shards of a Crystal Rainbow = 7 page story by Doug Moench with Tony DeZuniga art; Jack the Ripper appears; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00; VF, 8.0 = $49.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
#10 (4/1975; MORBIUS the Living Vampire Cover & 3-Part story; Hescox-c; Trinidad, Vosburg/Nostrand, Alcala-a; Gulacy pinup; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00; VF, 8.0 = $49.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
#11 (6/1975; SCARCER LAST ISSUE; MORBIUS the Living Vampire Cove & 34 page story; Hescox-c; Trinidad-a; Morgana St Clair app; Scarcer LAST issue; VF+, 8.5 = $79.00; VF, 8.0 = $69.00);
VAMPIRE TALES ANNUAL (Marvel Comics Pub; B&W Magazine; 1975; NO Comics Code);
#1 (1975; MORBIUS-c/s; SATANA-s; Larkin-c; Sutton, Alcala, Buckler, Maroto, Heath, Mayerick-a; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00; VF-, 7.5= $39.00);
VAMPUS (Spanish Language Comics B&W Magazine; Warren reprints; Printed in Spain; Ibero Mundial de Ediciones)
#31(Manitoba; 3/1974; Boris Karloff - Los Brujos-c/s; 64 pages; Mummy-s; Werewolf-s; Johnny Craig as Taycee, Buckler, Corben-a; HYDE centerfold pinup by Jose Bea; VF-, 7.5 = $15);
VAULT OF EVIL (Marvel Pub);
#1(2/1973; Werewolf-c; VF, 8.0 = $26); #1(2/1973; Werewolf-c; VF-, 7.5 = $21);
#8(VF, 8.0 = $19);
#9(Manitoba; HEATH-c & 6 pages-a; Wildey-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28);
#16(FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00); #19(VF, 8.0 = $19);
VENOM (Marvel Comics Pub; 2011-2013 series)
#1-A (5/2011; Regular FIRST Printing; Regular WHITE Background Cover by JOE QUESADA; JACK O’LANTERN appears; Rick Remender story; Tony Moore, Sandu Florea & Karl Kesel art; CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $105.00);
#2 (6/2011; FIRST Printing; vs KRAVEN the Hunter; WHITE Background on Cover; Rick Remender story; Tony Moore art; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#3-A (7/2011; FIRST Printing; Regular Cover; JACK O’LANTERN; Web of Death; Rick Remender story; Tom Fowler art; NM+, 9.6 = $12.00);
#4-A (8/2011; FIRST Printing; Regular Cover; vs SPIDER-MAN; The Same Coin; Rick Remender story; Tony Moore art; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#5 (9/2011; FIRST Printing; SPIDER-ISLAND PRELUDE; Father’s Day; Rick Remender story; Tony Moore, Tom Fowler art; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00);
#6 (10/2011; FIRST Printing; Spider-Island, Part 1; Rick Remender story; Tony Moore, Tom Fowler art; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
#7 (11/2011; FIRST Printing; Death of Harrison Thompson; Spider-Island, Part 2; Rick Remender story; Tony Moore, Tom Fowler art; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
#8 (12/2011; FIRST Printing; Rick Remender story; Spider-Island, Part 3; Tony Moore, Tom Fowler art; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
#9-A (1/2012; FIRST Printing; Regular Cover; Spider-Island Aftermath; Death of Hijacker; Capital Punishment; Rick Remender story; Stefano Caselli art; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
#10 (2/2012; FIRST Printing; CAPTAIN AMERICA and FLASH THOMPSON; Road Trip, Part 1; Rick Remender story; Lan Medina art; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
#11 (2/2012; FIRST Printing; JACK O’LANTERN and FLASH THOMPSON; Road Trip, Part 2; Rick Remender story; Lan Medina art; NM, 9.4 = $7.00);
#12-A (3/2012; FIRST Printing; Regular cover; JACK O’LANTERN, RED HULK and TOXIN; Road Trip, Part 3; Rick Remender story; Lan Medina art; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
#13-A (4/2012; FIRST Printing; X-23, Venom, Ghost Rider & Red Hulk = Regular Cover by Stefano Caselli and Frank Martin; FIRST appearance of the Circle of Four with Team members Laura Kinney /X-23, Venom, Ghost Rider (Alejandra) & Red Hulk; Part-1 of 6-Part storyline; Rick Remender story; Tony Moore art; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
#13.1 (4/2012; FIRST Printing; Ghost Rider cover; Part-2 of 6-Part storyline of the CIRCLE OF FOUR with Team members Laura Kinney /X-23, Venom, Ghost Rider & Red Hulk; Rob Williams-s; Lee Garbett-a; Stefano Caselli-c; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#13.3 (4/2012; FIRST Printing; Red Hulk cover; Part-4 of 6-Part storyline of the CIRCLE OF FOUR with Team members Laura Kinney /X-23, Venom, Ghost Rider & Red Hulk; Jeff Parker-s;Julian Tedesco-a; Stefano Caselli-c; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#13.4 (4/2012; FIRST Printing; VENOM Cover; Part-5 of 6-Part storyline of the CIRCLE OF FOUR with Team members Laura Kinney /X-23, Venom, Ghost Rider & Red Hulk; Rick Remender-s; Art by; Lan Medina, Nelson DeCastro, Terry Pallot; Stefano Caselli-c; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00);
#16 (6/2012; Clemency; Rick Remender story; Kev Walker art; NM-, 9.2 = $5.00);
#18 (7/2012; Savage Six, Part 1; JACK O’LANTERN-c/s; Public Enemies; Rick Remender, Cullen Bunn story; Lan Medina art; NM+, 9.6 = $9.00);
#21 (9/2012; Savage Six, Part 4; JACK O’LANTERN-c/s; CRIME MASTER; Best Laid Plans; Rick Remender, Cullen Bunn story; Lan Medina art; NM, 9.4 = $6.00);
#22-A (10/2012; Regular Cover; Father’s Day; Rick Remender story; Declan Shalvey art; NM+, 9.6 = $8.00);
#23-A (10/2012; Regular Cover; Monsters of Evil, Part 1; Cullen Bunn story; Thony Sillas art; NM+, 9.6 = $8.00);
#24-A (11/2012; Regular Cover; HELL-VENOM; Monsters of Evil, Part 2; Cullen Bunn story; Thony Sillas art; NM+, 9.6 = $8.00);
#25 (11/2012; Regular Cover; Monsters of Evil, Part 3; Cullen Bunn story; Thony Sillas art; NM, 9.4 = $6.00);
#26 (12/2012; Minimum CARNAGE, Part 3; The Madman & the Microverse; Cullen Bunn story; Declan Shalvey art; NM+, 9.6 = $12.00);
#27 (1/2013; Regular Cover; Minimum CARNAGE, Part 5; Family Bondage; Cullen Bunn story; Declan Shalvey art; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#27.1 (1/2013; The Evil Inside Us All; Minimum CARNAGE Fallout; Cullen Bunn story; Marco Checchetto art; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
#28 (2/2013; The Land Where the Killers Dwell; Cullen Bunn story; Thony Sillas art; NM+, 9.6 = $8.00);
#29 (2/2013; Alien Nation Rises; Drowning in a Nightmare; Cullen Bunn story; Thony Sillas art; NM+, 9.6 = $8.00);
#30 (3/2013; vs the U-FOES; The Unwanted; Cullen Bunn story; Thony Sillas & Roger Robinson art; NM+, 9.6 = $8.00);
#31 (4/2013; Day One; Cullen Bunn story; Declan Shalvey art; NM+, 9.6 = $9.00);
#32 (5/2013; TOXIN cameo; Toxic Lifestyle; Cullen Bunn story; Declan Shalvey art; NM+, 9.6 = $8.00);
#33 (6/2013; TOXIN-c/s; Monsters Anonymous; Cullen Bunn story; Declan Shalvey art; NM+, 9.6 = $9.00);
#34 (6/2013; TOXIN-c/s; Family Bonding; Cullen Bunn story; Declan Shalvey art; NM, 9.4 = $7.00);
#35 (7/2013; TOXIN-c/s; Night of the Symbiote Slayers; Cullen Bunn story; Declan Shalvey art; NM+, 9.6 = $9.00);
#36 (8/2013; Lord Ogre; Simple; Cullen Bunn story; Pepe Larraz art; NM, 9.4 = $6.00);
#37 (9/2013; Cullen Bunn story; Kim Jacinto art; NM+, 9.6 = $8.00);
#38 (9/2013; FIRST Printing; Andi Benton becomes MANIA, the 1st Female VENOM Symbiote; Cullen Bunn story; Kim Jacinto art; SOLD OUT);
#39 (10/2013; Second Andi Benton as MANIA, the Female VENOM Symbiote; Cullen Bunn story; Kim Jacinto & Mike Henderson art; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00);
#40 (11/2013; DAIMON HELLSTROM; MANIA, Part 1; Andi Benton aka MANIA, the Female VENOM Symbiote; First MANIA on Cover; Cullen Bunn story; Jorge Coelho art; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00);
#41 (11/2013; DAIMON HELLSTROM; MANIA, Part 2; Cullen Bunn story; Jorge Coelho art; NM, 9.4 = $7.00);
#42 (12/2013; LAST issue; CROSSBONES, MANIA, MEPHSTO and the DOA; MANIA, Part 3; Cullen Bunn story; Jorge Coelho art; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
VENOM: Along Came a Spider (Marvel comics Pub; Limited Series)
#1 (1/1996; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#2 (2/1996; VF, 8.0 = $7.00);
#3 (3/1996; VF+, 8.5 = $8.00);
#4 (4/1996; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
VENOM: LETHAL PROTECTOR (Marvel Comics Pub; 1993-1994; Limited Series);
** VENOM: Let There Be CARNAGE Movie-2 by Sony, DEBUTED on September 24/2021, it had a Worldwide Box Office Gross of $506,863,592, one of the Top Earners during its VOVID Pandemic Era THEATRICAL Release;
** The Film STARRED Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock aka VENOM; Woody Harrelson as serial killer Cletus Kasady aka CARNAGE as the primary Villain; Naomie Harris as SHRIEK an additional Villain. ** Michelle Williams returned as ANNE WEYING (aka SHE-VENOM)
** Frances Barrison aka SHRIEK is a sonic-powered accomplice and romantic interest of serial killer Cletus Kasaday, aka Carnage, the monstrous archenemy of Venom. ** SHRIEK has been closely associated with Carnage since her introduction in Spider-Man Unlimited #1 (5/1993) as part of the Maximum Carnage saga.
*** VENOM the MOVIE #1 by Sony Pictures DEBUTED in Big-Screen Theatre’s on October 05/2018;
** VENOM the MOVIE #1 had a Worldwide Box Office Gross of $856,085,151.00 in its 64 Weeks of Release in Theatres;
** Tom Hardy plays Eddie Brock aka VENOM;
** Michelle Williams Plays ANNE WEYING aka SHE-VENOM (the BRIDE of VENOM);
** Michelle Lee plays DONNA DIEGO aka SCREAM;
** Trevor Cole aka RIOT the Symbiote makes his DEBUT as the monstrous antagonist in the VENOM Movie;
** Ruben Fleischer (of Zombieland) is the Director. Alex Kurtzman Director & Screenwriter; Script is by Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinkner;
** Daily Bugle employee Eddie Brock (aka VENOM) is corrupted by an otherworldly Alien Symbiote Black Costume and becomes VENOM the arch-enemy of Spider-Man; ** SONY plans to make VENOM a FRANCHISE SERIES;
#1 (2/1993; FIRST PRINTING; Dark Soul Drifting; FIRST SOLO Series for VENOM; Red Holo-Grafx Foil Enhanced cover; Spider-Man, Ben Urich, The Jury & Diggers appear; David Michelinie story; Mark Bagley, Al Milgrom & Sam de la Rosa art; Mark Bagley & Sam de la Rosa cover; Regular DIRECT Edition; NM, 9.4 = $48.00; NM-, 9.2 = $36.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00; VF+, 8.5 = $20.00; VF, 8.0 = $16.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00)
#1 (2/1993; FIRST PRINTING; Dark Soul Drifting; FIRST SOLO Series for VENOM; Red Holo-Grafx Foil Enhanced cover; Spider-Man, Ben Urich, The Jury & Diggers appear; David Michelinie story; Mark Bagley, Al Milgrom & Sam de la Rosa art; Mark Bagley & Sam de la Rosa cover; RARE Duel Priced USA & Canadian Funds Cover Price “cc” (Curtis Circulation) NEWSSTAND Edition, with BARRCODE in UPC Box; Has “01202” Title Code in place of the UK Price on the Cover (Like Direct Editions); VF/NM, 9.0 = $48.00);
#2 (3/1993; FIRST PRINTING; Regular DIRECT Edition; NM-, 9.2 = $27.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00);
#2 (3/1993; FIRST PRINTING; Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition; VF/NM, 9.0 = $36.00; VG/FN=$10.00; G/VG=$6.00);
#3 (4/1993; FIRST PRINTING; Regular DIRECT Edition; NM-, 9.2 = $27.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00);
#3 (4/1993; FIRST PRINTING; Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition; NM-, 9.2 = $54.00; VG=$8.00);
#4 (5/1993; FIRST PRINTING; Regular DIRECT Edition; ** FIRST Unnamed Cameo appearance of Trevor Cole aka RIOT; ** RIOT the Symbiote makes his DEBUT as the monstrous antagonist in the VENOM Movie; First appearance of Donna Diego aka SCREAM the FEMALE SYMBIOTE cover & story; SCREAM is One of Six SYMBIOTE SPAWNS of VENOM; VENOM & Spider-Man vs SCREAM the Female Symbiote battle cover & story; SCREAM has a Toy-Biz action figure, has been in Video Games Spider-Man, & appears in the Islands of Adventure Theme Park Ride; FIRST Cameo appearance of 4 more VENOM Babies = Life Foundation extracts "seeds" from Venom, makes its own Symbiotes.Mary Jane Watson Parker, Roland Treece & Life Foundation Guards appear; David Michelinie story; Ron Lim, Sam de la Rosa, Al Milgrom art; Mark Bagley & Dan Panosian cover; NM, 9.4 = $36.00);
#4 (5/1993; FIRST PRINTING; ; ** FIRST Unnamed Cameo appearance of Trevor Cole aka RIOT; ** RIOT the Symbiote makes his DEBUT as the monstrous antagonist in the VENOM Movie; First appearance of Donna Diego aka SCREAM the FEMALE SYMBIOTE cover & story; SCREAM is One of Six SYMBIOTE SPAWNS of VENOM; VENOM & Spider-Man vs SCREAM the Female Symbiote battle cover & story; SCREAM has a Toy-Biz action figure, has been in Video Games Spider-Man, & appears in the Islands of Adventure Theme Park Ride; FIRST Cameo appearance of 4 more VENOM Babies = Life Foundation extracts "seeds" from Venom, makes its own Symbiotes.Mary Jane Watson Parker, Roland Treece & Life Foundation Guards appear; David Michelinie story; Ron Lim, Sam de la Rosa, Al Milgrom art; Mark Bagley & Dan Panosian cover; ** SCARCE Duel Priced USA & Canadian Funds Cover Price “cc” (Curtis Circulation) NEWSSTAND Edition, with BARRCODE in UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner; Has “01202” Title Code in place of the UK Price on the Cover (Like Direct Editions); (Approx. 50-100 Times Scarcer in HIGH GRADE than Common DIRECT Editions); VG/FN, 5.0 = $14.00);
#5 (6/1993; FIRST PRINTING; Regular DIRECT Edition; ** FIRST FULL appearance of Trevor Cole aka RIOT; ** RIOT the Symbiote makes his DEBUT as the monstrous antagonist in the VENOM Movie; SECOND appearance of Donna Diego aka SCREAM the FEMALE SYMBIOTE cover & story; Spider-Man appearance; FIRST appearance of Phage, Lasher, Riot & Agony; Regular DIRECT Edition; David Michelinie story; Ron Lim, Sam De La Rosa & Al Milgrom art; Mark Bagley & Sam De La Rosa cover; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#6 (7/1993; FIRST PRINTING; VENOM vs SPIDER-MAN Battles cover and story; Regular DIRECT Edition; David Michelinie story; Ron Lim, Sam De La Rosaart; Mark Bagley & Sam De La Rosa cover; ** NM, 9.4 = $36.00);
VENOM: SINNER TAKES ALL (Marvel Comics Pub; 8-12/1995)
#1 (8/1995; VF+, 8.5 = $10.00);
#2 (9/1995; FIRST cameo appearance of Anne Weying as SHE-VENOM (formerly the BRIDE of VENOM); Anne Weying is the Ex-Wife of EDDIE BROCK (aka VENOM); Anne Weying first appeared as the BRIDE of VENOM first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #375; SIN-EATER appears; JURY Backup story; Larry Hama & Dan Slott stories; Greg Luzniak & Scott Koblish cover & art; NM, 9.4 = $22.00; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00):
#3 (10/1995; FIRST PRINTING; FIRST FULL appearance of Anne Weying as SHE-VENOM (formerly the BRIDE of VENOM); First appearance of SHE-VENOM aka the BRIDE of VENOM on a Comic Cover; Anne Weying is the Ex-Wife of EDDIE BROCK (aka VENOM); Anne Weying first appeared as the BRIDE of VENOM first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #375; Michelle Williams Played ANNE WEYING aka SHE-VENOM (the BRIDE of VENOM) in the VENOM MOVIE; SIN-EATER appears; JURY Backup story; 52 page Giant including Covers; Larry Hama & Dan Slott stories; Greg Luzniak, John Calimee, Ken Branch, Jimmy Palmiotta & Greg Adams art; Greg Luzniak & Scott Koblish cover; NM-, 9.2 = $59.00);
#4(11/1995; NM, 9.4 = $18.00);
#5(12/1995; VF+, 8.5 = $9.00);
VENOM VS CARNAGE (Marvel Comics Pub; 2004; Limited Series)
#3 (11/2004; Second appearance of Patrick Mulligan as the TOXIN Symbiote, the SON of CARNAGE; Black Cat appearance; Clayton Crain cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00)
VIGILANTE (DC Comics Pub; 1983-1988; SPIN-OFF Series from New Teen Titans; see New Teen Titans #23 an New Teen Titans Annual #2)
#1 (11/1983; Adrian Chase as the new VIGILANTE first series Begins; JOSH SEGGARA will play Adrian Chase aka the VIGILANTE in CW Network TV’s the ARROW in Season-Five; Marv Wolfman-s; Keith Pollard-c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $27.00);
#1 (11/1983; Adrian Chase as the new VIGILANTE first series Begins; JOSH SEGGARA will play Adrian Chase aka the VIGILANTE in CW Network TV’s the ARROW in Season-Five; Marv Wolfman-s; Keith Pollard-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#2(1/1984; Marv Wolfman-s; Keith Pollard-c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00);
• the CYBORG (of Teen Titans) Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE starring Ray Fisher is scheduled for release in 2020; Ray Fisher as Victor Stone / CYBORG (of Teen Titans) will Appear in the 2106 Film BATMAN vs SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice
#3(2/1984; Vigilante vs CYCLOPS (from New Teen Titans)-c/s; Marv Wolfman-s; Keith Pollard-c/a; NM/MT, 9.8 = $29.00);
#3(2/1984; Vigilante vs CYCLOPS (from New Teen Titans)-c/s; Marv Wolfman-s; Keith Pollard-c/a; NM+, 9.6 = $21.00);
#3(2/1984; Vigilante vs CYCLOPS (from New Teen Titans)-c/s; Marv Wolfman-s; Keith Pollard-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $14.00);
#3(2/1984; Vigilante vs CYCLOPS (from New Teen Titans)-c/s; Marv Wolfman-s; Keith Pollard-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7.00);
#17(5/1985; ALAN MOORE story;; Jim Baikie-a; Magyar-c; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#17(5/1985; ALAN MOORE story;; Jim Baikie-a; Magyar-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#20(8/1985; Vigilante vs NIGHTWING (from New Teen Titans)-c/s; Marv Wolfman-s; Smith/Magyar-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
VILLAINS UNITED (DC Comics Pub; 7-12/2005; Gail Simone-s; Dale Eaglesham & Wade von Grawbadger-a; J.G. Jones covers);
#1-A (7/2005; First Printing; First appearance new “SECRET SIX” Team of VILLIANS series Begins = BLACK ADAM, Calculator, DEATHSTROKE, Dr. Psycho, Lex Luthor, and TALIA AL GHUL-c/s; CATMAN also Joins the Secret Six in this issue; ** ALSO appearing in this issue; Black Manta, Body Doubles, Bug and Byte, Cheshire, Cheetah, Deadshot, Fadeaway Man, Fatality, Felix Faust, Gentleman Ghost, Gorilla Grodd, Knockout, Lord Satanus, Mike the Parademon, Mockingbird, Mr. Freeze, Multiplex, Phobia, Prometheus, Plasmas, Rag Doll, Shadow Thief, Shrapnel, Scandal Savage; Death of Fiddler; This Villains United incarnation of the Secret Six was rated by GN as the Fourth Best Comic Run of the Decade; Countdown to Infinite Crisis; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#1-A (7/2005; First Printing; First appearance new “SECRET SIX” Team of VILLIANS series Begins = BLACK ADAM, Calculator, DEATHSTROKE, Dr. Psycho, Lex Luthor, and TALIA AL GHUL-c/s; CATMAN also Joins the Secret Six in this issue; ** ALSO appearing in this issue; Black Manta, Body Doubles, Bug and Byte, Cheshire, Cheetah, Deadshot, Fadeaway Man, Fatality, Felix Faust, Gentleman Ghost, Gorilla Grodd, Knockout, Lord Satanus, Mike the Parademon, Mockingbird, Mr. Freeze, Multiplex, Phobia, Prometheus, Plasmas, Rag Doll, Shadow Thief, Shrapnel, Scandal Savage; Death of Fiddler; This Villains United incarnation of the Secret Six was rated by GN as the Fourth Best Comic Run of the Decade; Countdown to Infinite Crisis; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#1-A (7/2005; First Printing; First appearance new “SECRET SIX” Team of VILLIANS series Begins = BLACK ADAM, Calculator, DEATHSTROKE, Dr. Psycho, Lex Luthor, and TALIA AL GHUL-c/s; CATMAN also Joins the Secret Six in this issue; ** ALSO appearing in this issue; Black Manta, Body Doubles, Bug and Byte, Cheshire, Cheetah, Deadshot, Fadeaway Man, Fatality, Felix Faust, Gentleman Ghost, Gorilla Grodd, Knockout, Lord Satanus, Mike the Parademon, Mockingbird, Mr. Freeze, Multiplex, Phobia, Prometheus, Plasmas, Rag Doll, Shadow Thief, Shrapnel, Scandal Savage; Death of Fiddler; This Villains United incarnation of the Secret Six was rated by GN as the Fourth Best Comic Run of the Decade; Countdown to Infinite Crisis; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#1-A (7/2005; First Printing; First appearance new “SECRET SIX” Team of VILLIANS series Begins = BLACK ADAM, Calculator, DEATHSTROKE, Dr. Psycho, Lex Luthor, and TALIA AL GHUL-c/s; CATMAN also Joins the Secret Six in this issue; ** ALSO appearing in this issue; Black Manta, Body Doubles, Bug and Byte, Cheshire, Cheetah, Deadshot, Fadeaway Man, Fatality, Felix Faust, Gentleman Ghost, Gorilla Grodd, Knockout, Lord Satanus, Mike the Parademon, Mockingbird, Mr. Freeze, Multiplex, Phobia, Prometheus, Plasmas, Rag Doll, Shadow Thief, Shrapnel, Scandal Savage; Death of Fiddler; This Villains United incarnation of the Secret Six was rated by GN as the Fourth Best Comic Run of the Decade; Countdown to Infinite Crisis; VF. 8.5 = $8.00);
#1-B (7/2005; Second Printing; First appearance new “SECRET SIX” Team of VILLIANS series Begins = BLACK ADAM, Calculator, DEATHSTROKE, Dr. Psycho, Lex Luthor, and TALIA AL GHUL-c/s; CATMAN also Joins the Secret Six in this issue; ** ALSO appearing in this issue; Black Manta, Body Doubles, Bug and Byte, Cheshire, Cheetah, Deadshot, Fadeaway Man, Fatality, Felix Faust, Gentleman Ghost, Gorilla Grodd, Knockout, Lord Satanus, Mike the Parademon, Mockingbird, Mr. Freeze, Multiplex, Phobia, Prometheus, Plasmas, Rag Doll, Shadow Thief, Shrapnel, Scandal Savage; Death of Fiddler; This Villains United incarnation of the Secret Six was rated by GN as the Fourth Best Comic Run of the Decade; Countdown to Infinite Crisis; ASK)
#1-C (7/2005; Third Printing; First appearance new “SECRET SIX” Team of VILLIANS series Begins = BLACK ADAM, Calculator, DEATHSTROKE, Dr. Psycho, Lex Luthor, and TALIA AL GHUL-c/s; CATMAN also Joins the Secret Six in this issue; ** ALSO appearing in this issue; Black Manta, Body Doubles, Bug and Byte, Cheshire, Cheetah, Deadshot, Fadeaway Man, Fatality, Felix Faust, Gentleman Ghost, Gorilla Grodd, Knockout, Lord Satanus, Mike the Parademon, Mockingbird, Mr. Freeze, Multiplex, Phobia, Prometheus, Plasmas, Rag Doll, Shadow Thief, Shrapnel, Scandal Savage; Death of Fiddler; This Villains United incarnation of the Secret Six was rated by GN as the Fourth Best Comic Run of the Decade; Countdown to Infinite Crisis; ASK)
VISION and the SCARLET WITCH (Volume-1; Marvel Pub; Limited Series; 1982-1983; First Solo SERIES for these AVENGERS members; Quicksilver, VISION and Scarlet Witch appeared in AVENGERS: The Age of Ultron Movie in 2015);
#1 (11/1982; Vision & Scarlet Witch vs Samhain cover & story; Night of the Living Druid / Trick or Treat; GCD Lists these Character appearances = Edwin Jarvis, Robert Frank [the Whizzer], Jack O'Lantern, Goblin, Ghost [Holly LaDonna], Samhain, Avengers [Captain America Hawkeye, Iron Man, Thor & Wonder Man] GCD Lists these Character Flashback appearances = Brotherhood of Evil Mutants [Magneto; Quicksilver], Dredmund Druid [Dredmund Cromwell], Agatha Harkness, GA Human Torch [Jim Hammond], Ultron, X-MEN [Beast, Cyclops, Iceman]; Bill Mantlo story with Rick Leonardi, Ian Akin & Brian Garvey art; Rick Leonardi & Jack Abel cover; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00);
#2 (12/1982; Manitoba; Whizzer-c/s; Nuklo & Future Man appear; NM, 9.4 = $18.00);
#2 (12/1982; Manitoba; Whizzer-c/s; Nuklo & Future Man appear; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#3 (1/1983; Wonder Man, & Grim Reaper-c/s; Avengers app; NM, 9.4 = $18.00);
#3 (1/1983; Wonder Man, & Grim Reaper-c/s; Avengers app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#4 (2/1983; Manitoba; Magneto & Quicksilver-c/s; Wanda / Scarlet Witch learns that MAGNETO is her FATHER; NM, 9.4 = $18.00);
#4 (2/1983; Manitoba; Magneto & Quicksilver-c/s; Wanda / Scarlet Witch learns that MAGNETO is her FATHER; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
VISION and the SCARLET WITCH (Volume-2; Marvel Pub; Limited MAXI Series; 1985-1986; Second Solo SERIES for these AVENGERS members; Quicksilver, VISION and Scarlet Witch appeared in AVENGERS: The Age of Ultron Movie in 2015);
#1 (10/1985; ORIGIN RETOLD; Lovers and Zombies; Avengers West Coast Crossover; 52 page GIANT; AVENGERS, Black Talon & His Zombies, Nekra & Grim Reaper appear; Steve Englehart story; Richard Howell cover & art; ASK);
#2 (11/1985; West Coast Avengers Crossover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#3 (12/1985; Salem Seven Witches; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#4 (1/1986; Mutant Romance Tales - Scarlet Witch is Pregnant; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#5 (2/1986; All Hallow's Eve - Halloween in New Jersey story; Samhain the Druid & Agatha Harkness; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#6 (3/1986; AVENGERS (Captain America, Sub-Mariner, Wasp), Crystal, Doctor Strange, Quicksilver, Magneto appear; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#7 (4/1986; Captain America, Sub-Mariner & Guardsman appear; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#8 (5/1986; Power Man & Quicksilver-c/s; Crystal appears; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#9 (6/1986; Enchantress-c/s; New Orleans Mardi Gras-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#10 (7/1986; Inhumans-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#11 (8/1986; Black Costume Spider-Man-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#12 (9/1986; LAST issue; 52 page GIANT; Vision & Scarlet Witch have Twin Babies = First appearance of Billy & Tommy Williams, they were later absorbed by Mephisto ending their existence; Appearances by: Dr. Strange, Magneto Wonder Man, Crystal, Glamor, Illusion; vs Grim Reaper & Nekra; SOLD OUT);
Visionaries, Knights of the Magical Light (1-6/1988 Marvel/Star Comics pub; Based on the Hasbro Toys & Saturday Morning TV Animated Cartoon)
>>> Hasbro and Paramount Pictures plans to create an interconnected MOVIE UNIVERSE that unites G.I. Joe, Micronauts, Visionaries, M.A.S.K. and ROM Spaceknight.
(Paramount and Hasbro have had success with the Transformers and G.I. Joe franchises); Paramount CEO Brad Grey said “We’re excited to grow our agreement and make even more movies based upon these popular and powerful Hasbro characters and their worlds.”
#1 (1/1988; ASK);
VOLTRON Defender of the Universe (MODERN Comics Pub., 1985)
CBR = VOLTRON will be Rebooted by DreamWorks for Netflix TELEVISION; The Giant Robot from its VOLTRON reboot, called VOLTRON: Legendary Defender; The initial 13 episodes are set to Premiere later in 2016 on the Netflix streaming service. Adapted from a pair of ANIME Series, the hit VOLTRON originally aired in syndication from September 1984 to November 1985, spawning a follow-up series and a seemingly endless parade of merchandise and tie-ins. An animated prequel of sorts, VOLTRON FORCE aired in 2011-2012 on Nicktoons. The new series will center on five Earth teens (Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge and Shiro) who become the last line of defense for Arus and other planets in an intergalactic battle against the evil alien force led by King Zarkon. Lauren Montgomery will be co-executive producer;
#1 (1985; Henry Vogel story; DICK AYERS art; Mac Fury cover; ASK);
#2 (1985; Henry Vogel story; Chuck Wojtkiewicz & Cathy Orlando art; Mac Fury cover; ASK);
#3 (1985; Henry Vogel story; DICK AYERS art; Mac Fury cover; ASK);
VORTEX (Vortex Comics Pub.; Canadian Comic; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 1982)
#1 (1982; Ken Steacy-c; Peter HSU-a; Gene Day Remembrance; Low Print & SCARCE; SOLD OUT);
WACKY WITCH (Gold Key Pub);
#14(4/1974; Western pub File Copy stamps / writing at bottom of Splash Page; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
WALKING DEAD (Aircel / Malibu Comics pub; 9-12/1989; Mini / Limited Series)
#1 (9/1989; Jim W. SOMERVILLE story, cover & art; Classic early Copper Age ZOMBIES Title = Horror, Sci-Fi Series; The First WALKING DEAD comics series, 14 Years before the classic IMAGE Comics series; Low Print Run & Scarce in ANY Grade; NM-, 9.2 = $45.00);
#1 (9/1989; Jim W. SOMERVILLE story, cover & art; Classic early Copper Age ZOMBIES Title = Horror, Sci-Fi Series; The First WALKING DEAD comics series, 14 Years before the classic IMAGE Comics series; Low Print Run & Scarce in ANY Grade; VF/NM, 9.0 = $35.00);
#1 (9/1989; Jim W. SOMERVILLE story, cover & art; Classic early Copper Age ZOMBIES Title = Horror, Sci-Fi Series; The First WALKING DEAD comics series, 14 Years before the classic IMAGE Comics series; Low Print Run & Scarce in ANY Grade; VF+, 8.5 = $26.00);
the WALKING DEAD (Image Pub; 10/2003-2015; Robert Kirkman-s; 1-6=Tony Moore-a; #7 up = Charlie ADLARD-a; RED HOT Series);
*** [Basis for the Highly Rated AMC Hit TV SERIES Created by FRANK DARABONT of Shawshank Redemption fame) & GALE ANN HURD (of Terminator & Aliens fame); TV Series Stars; Andrew Lincoln, Jon Bernthal and Sarah Wayne Callies];
#100-C (7/2012; FIRST appearance of NEGAN; GLEN is Killed; Something to Fear Part-4; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#100-E (7/2012; FIRST appearance of NEGAN; GLEN is Killed; Something to Fear Part-4; NM, 9.4 = $18.00);
#100-F (7/2012; FIRST appearance of NEGAN; GLEN is Killed; Something to Fear Part-4; NM-, 9.2 = $16.00);
#100-G (7/2012; FIRST appearance of NEGAN; GLEN is Killed; Something to Fear Part-4; NM+, 9.6 = $24.00);
#100-H (7/2012; FIRST appearance of NEGAN; GLEN is Killed; Something to Fear Part-4; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00);
#108 (3/2013; FIRST appearance of EZEKIEL and SHIVA; NM, 9.4 = $18.00);
WALLACE WOOD Sketchbook (Bill Crouch Pub; B&W Fanzine/Magazine) #NN (1980; Limited edition of only 1500 copies; 52 pages; Collection of Rare Doodles, Layouts, Sketches, Pencils, etc; Many previously Un-Published; FN/VF = $29);
Wally Wood’s THUNDER AGENTS (Deluxe Comics Pub; Limited / Mini Series; 1984-1985; 52 page Giants; Color; Baxter Paper);
#1(New PEREZ-c/a; VF/NM $5); #2(New PEREZ-c/a; NM $10);
#3(New PEREZ-c; Cockrum, Giffen & Ditko-a; NM $10); #4(New PEREZ-c/a; Buckler, Giffen & Ditko-a; VF+ $4);
#5(New ORDWAY-c/a; Giffen & Lim-a; NM- $7);
the WALT DISNEY BEST COMICS SERIES (1980; Abbeville Press Pub; 7" x 9-3/4" Oblong Hardcovers; 60 pages; Full Color; classic Comic Strip & Comics reprints)
#NN(#6; UNCLE SCROOGE and the SECRET of the OLD CASTLE; Manitoba; FC#189/1948-r; early Scrooge-s; Carl BARKS-s/a; Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
WALT DISNEY CHRISTMAS PARADE (Golden Press Western Pub; 224 Pages; $1.95 original cover price; Softcover Trade Paperback with Stiff Covers)
#11191 (1977; Donald Duck in Christmas in Duckburg, 20 page reprint from CHRISTMAS PARADE #9, by CARL BARKS; Appearances by Donald Duck, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Uncle Scrooge, Ollie Eiderduck, Beagle Boys; ** Scamp in The Generous Pup; ** Lil Bad Wolf in The Missing Package Puzzle; ** Seven Dwarfs in The Diamond Dust Dilemma; **Pluto in Up a Tree; ** Chip N Dale in Up a Tree; ** Daisy Duck and Grandma Duck in The Old-fashioned Way; Scamp in The Generous Pup; ** Lil Bad Wolf in The Missing Package Puzzle; ** Donald Duck in Merry Christmas; ** Micky Mouse in The Party Panic; ** Ludwig Von Drake in Two and One Make Tree; ** Grandma Duck and Gyro Gearloose in the Present Plot; ** Chip N Dale in Yule Log; ** Gladstone Gander in A Matter of Luck; ** Goof and Mickey Mouse in The Iron Horse to Lonesome Gulch or Everything in top shape for the run today, Engineer Mickey?"; ** Donald Duck in The Black Pearls of Tabu Yama or Goodnight! Does that volcano snort and fume like that often?, 18 pages by CARL BARKS, reprint from Christmas in Disneyland #1; Cover Depicts Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Chip N Dale, Uncle Scrooge. Goofy. Minnie Mouse. Pluto. Morty. Ferdie; ** SCARCE Title; NM, 9.4 = $99.00; NM-, 9.2 = $75.00);
Walt Disney Comics Digest (all GOLD KEY Pub issues; 6/1968 - 2/1976 series; MANY Disney Characters in all issues)
>>> [ SCARCE in STRICT VF, 8.0 or Better; RARE in STRICT VF/NM, 9.0 or Better]
*** #4-41 = WEIGHT for Postage is 110 GRAMS each; *** #42-57
#44 (12/1973; special CARL BARKS Donald Duck issue; Reprints Four Color #29,256,275,282; Mummy's Ring, Luck of the North, In Ancient Persia & Pixalated Parrot; NM-, 9.2 = $99.00);
Walt Disney Showcase (Walt Disney; Gold Key; 1970-1980);
#15(Manitoba; 3 Little Pigs, Big & L'il Bad Wolf; 6/1973; VF+, 8.5 = $16);
#17(Manitoba; Mary Poppins; 8/1973; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28);
#22(Manitoba; 6/1974; Unbirthday Party with Alice in Wonderland; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
#26(Manitoba; 12/1974; Lt Robinson Crusoe USN; Dick Van Dycj Photo-c; Bonus 16 Page Fun catalogue AD insert; NM, 9.4 = $35);
#53 (11/1979; 52 page GIANT; The SCARECROW of Romney Marsh; Tales of Texas John Slaughter; ** ( A ) DR. {Doctor} SYN ALIAS THE SCARECROW. (The Wonderful World of Disney - Feature Film / Movie, Based on the Christopher SYN characters in the Book by Russell Thorndike & William Buchanan; Adapts the Walt Disney Film/Movie screenplay by Robert Westerby, Starring Patrick McGoohan; "His name struck fear in the hearts of the king's soldiers. Dressed in tattered clothes and straw, he prowled the countryside with his band of 'Gentlemen.' To the rich, he was a smuggler and a villain. But to the poor, he was a hero! Only his trusted aides, like John Banks, the judge's son, knew his real identity. In the dark of night, from the marshes to the coast, his men would ride. Amidst thundering hooves, all England would hear the fiendish yell of - The Scarecrow!"
WANTED (Top Cow / Image; 2003-2005)
*** [MARK MILLAR is the Creator of KICK-ASS and HIT-GIRL fame & his known for his early work on AUTHORITY beginning on issue #12; Mark Millar has already seen FIVE of his Series Made into Major FIMS / MOVIES = Ultimate Fantastic Four, Civil War, The Secret Service, Wanted, and Kick-Ass, now adding JUPITERS LEGACY and CHRONONAUTS makes it SEVEN Movies to Date];
#1-A (12/2003; the 2008 WANTED MOVIE starring Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman is Based on this Series; ASK)
WANTED the World's Most Dangerous Villains (DC Comics Pub; 1972-1973; Classic Golden Age DC Super-Hero Reprints at an affordable Price)
#1 (7-8/1972; New cover art by Murphy Anderson; Batman #112 reprint = Batman vs Signalman; World's Finest Comics #111 reprint = Green Arrow vs Clock King = Lee Elias art; Green Lantern #1 reprint = Green Lantern vs Puppet Master = Gil Kane & Joe Giella art; VF, 8.0 = $25.00);
#2 (9-10/1972; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Batman #25 reprint = BATMAN vs Penguin & Joker cover & story; Flash #121 Reprint = FLASH vs Trickster cover & story; Stories & Art by Al Schwartz, Jack Burnley, Jerry Robinson, John Broome, Carmine Infantino, and Joe Giella; VF+, 8.5 = $24.00);
#3 (11/1972; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; More Fun Comics #65 reprint = Doctor Fate vs Nyarl-Amen = Howard Sherman-a; Flash Comics #100 reprint = Hawkman & Hawkgirl vs the Human Fly Gang = Joe Kubert-a; Action #69 reprint = Vigilante vs the Dummy = Meskin & Kubert-a; Nick Cardy cover; VF, 8.0 = $17.00);
#4 (12/1972; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; All-American Comics #61 reprint = Green Lantern vs Solomon Grundy; Kid Eternity #15 reprint = Kid Eternity vs Master Man; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26.00);
#4 (12/1972; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; All-American Comics #61 reprint = Green Lantern vs Solomon Grundy; Kid Eternity #15 reprint = Kid Eternity vs Master Man; VF, 8.0 = $17.00);
#5 (1/1973; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Green Lantern #33 reprint = Green Lantern vs Doctor Light = Gil Kane & Sid Green art; Doll Man #15 reprint = Doll Man vs the Man in the Iron Mask (inspiration for Dr Doom??); VF-, 7.5 = $14.00);
#5 (1/1973; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Green Lantern #33 reprint = Green Lantern vs Doctor Light = Gil Kane & Sid Green art; Doll Man #15 reprint = Doll Man vs the Man in the Iron Mask (inspiration for Dr Doom??); VF, 8.0 = $17.00);
#5 (1/1973; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Green Lantern #33 reprint = Green Lantern vs Doctor Light = Gil Kane & Sid Green art; Doll Man #15 reprint = Doll Man vs the Man in the Iron Mask (inspiration for Dr Doom??); VF+, 8.5 = $20.00);
#6 (2/1973; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Adventure Comics #77 reprint = Starman vs the Mist = Jack Burnley art; Sensation Comics #66 reprint = Wild Cat, vs Golden Wasp; Sensation Comics #71 reprint = Sargon the Sorcerer vs Blue Lama; overall VF+, but cover detached at top staple, thus FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00);
#7 (4/1973; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Flash Comics #90 reprint = Hawkman & Hawkgirl vs The Ghost = Joe Kubert art; Adventure Comics #72 reprint = Hourman vs Dr. Glisten by Bernard Bailey; More Fun Comics #76 reprint = Johnny Quick vs Dr. Clever; NM, 9.4 = $52.00);
#7 (4/1973; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Flash Comics #90 reprint = Hawkman & Hawkgirl vs The Ghost = Joe Kubert art; Adventure Comics #72 reprint = Hourman vs Dr. Glisten by Bernard Bailey; More Fun Comics #76 reprint = Johnny Quick vs Dr. Clever; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26.00);
#7 (4/1973; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Flash Comics #90 reprint = Hawkman & Hawkgirl vs The Ghost = Joe Kubert art; Adventure Comics #72 reprint = Hourman vs Dr. Glisten by Bernard Bailey; More Fun Comics #76 reprint = Johnny Quick vs Dr. Clever; VF, 8.0 = $17.00);
#8 (7/1973; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Flash #114 reprint = FLASH vs CAPTAIN COLD = John Broome story, with Carmine Infantino & Murphy Anderson art; More Fun Comics #73 reprint = Doctor Fate vs Mister Who = Gardner Fox story, with Howard Sherman art; NM-, 9.2 = $39.00);
#9 (9/1973; New Cover Art by NICK CARDY; Action Comics #57 reprin t = Superman vs Prankster = Jerry Siegel story; World’s Finest Comics #6 reprint = Sandman & Sandy vs the Nightshade = John Sikela story, with Jack Kirby, and Joe Simon art; NM-, 9.2 = $39.00);
War and Attack (Charlton pub);
#63(12/1967; Boyette-a; LAST issue; VF+, 8.5 = $20);
WARFRONT (Harvey Pub);
#31(11/1957; Powell-a; Palais-a; NM-, 9.2 = $90);
#33(3/1958; the Yalu story; Innocents; Red Traitor; NM-, 9.2 = $90);
#34(9/1958; Mobster Inc-s = POWELL-a; Atomic missile cover; Jack KIRBY-c; FN/VF, 7.0 = $36);
#37(Dynamite Joe-c/s; 9/1966; Lone Tiger-s; 17 pages of Wally WOOD art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $66);
#39(Dynamite Joe-c/s; 2/1967; Lone Tiger-s; 3 pages of Wally WOOD art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $55);
is Hell (Marvel
Comics Pub; 1973-1975);
#1 (1/1973; Art by; Dick Ayers, Bob Powell, George Woodbridge & Al Williamson; Herb Trimpe cover; NM-, 9.2 = $119.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $79.00; VF, 8.0 = $59.00);
#1 (1/1973; Art by; Dick Ayers, Bob Powell, George Woodbridge & Al Williamson; Herb Trimpe cover; ERROR VARIANT; Manufactured with Four Staples; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69.00);
#4 (7/1973; Dick Ayers and Jack Abel cover; Art by: Herb Trimpe, John Romita, Dick Ayers and Jack Abel; ALAMO story; opened CGC copy with blue label included; NM, 9.4 = $49.00);
#5 (9/1973; Herb Trimpe and Frank Giacoia cover; Art by: Herb Trimpe, John Romita, Ron Wilson, Frank Giacoia and Morrie Kuramoto; NM, 9.4 = $49.00);
#7 (6/1974; SGT FURY-c/s; Art by: Jack Kirby, Vince Colletta and Sam Rosen; VF+, 8.5 = $19.00);
#9 [10/1974; FIRST appearance of John Kowalski aka DEATH (later the Phantom Eagle), and Series Begins cover and story; DEATH might appear in the AVENGERS; Infinity War MOVIE with THANOS; ALL-NEW Stories Begin; Tony Isabella & Chris Claremont story; Dick Ayers & Frank Springer art; Gil Kane & Ernie Chan cover; FN+, 6.5 = $99.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $72.00; VG, 4.0 = $59.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $44.00]
#9 [10/1974; FIRST appearance of John Kowalski aka DEATH (later the Phantom Eagle), and Series Begins cover and story; DEATH might appear in the AVENGERS; Infinity War MOVIE with THANOS; ALL-NEW Stories Begin; Tony Isabella & Chris Claremont story; Dick Ayers & Frank Springer art; Gil Kane & Ernie Chan cover; Overall VG+, but with 3/4” x 2” Piece missing off BACK cover & Last page at bottom left cover, thus Good, 2.0 = $32.00]
#11 (2/1975; 3rd appearance of John Kowalski aka DEATH cover and story; Chris Claremont story, Don Perlin & Sal Trapani art, Gil Kane & Tom Palmer cover; VF+, 8.5 = $32.00);
WARLOCK (Marvel Pub; 1972-1976; >>> Josh Brolin will play THANOS in both the Avengers: Age of Ultron and the Guardians of the Galaxy-2 MOVIES);
**** Marvel & Kevin Feige unveiled CAPTAIN MARVEL (Feige confirmed the character will be Carol Danvers formerly Ms. Marvel) as one of their Phase- Big Screen FILMS/MOVIES with a release date of July 6, 2018; (announcements for a writer and director will be released “quite soon.”);
**** Marvel & Kevin Feige unveiled AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part-1 as one of their Phase-3 Big Screen FILMS/MOVIES with a release date of May 4, 2018; **** Marvel unveiled AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part-2 as one of their Phase-3 Big Screen FILMS/MOVIES with a release date of May 3, 2019;
#1 (8/1972; ** ORIGIN of ADAM WARLOCK; ** FIRST Adam WARLOCK Solo Series BEGINS under his own Title; ** ADAM WARLOCK was a HUGE Player in the Classic THANOS SAGA (Many would Rank as the #1 Storyline of Marvel’s Bronze age); ** Will Poulter will play ADAM WARLOCK, a MAJOR DEBUT on May 5/2023, in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 MOVIE, and is expected to eventually battle GALACTUS in a future MCU Film; ** Night of the MAN-BEAST; ** COUNTER-EARTH Storyline; ** Warlock in The Day of the Prophet! Herbert Wyndham aka the High Evolutionary appears; ** First appearance of RAMON; ** First appearance of Astrella Carpenter (the Prophet's Sister); ** Man-Beast Appear disguised as a Prophet; ** Evil New Men Appear (Haukk, Pih-Junn, Kohbra)** Appearances by; David Carter, Jason Grey, Ellie Roberts, Eddie Roberts; ** TOUGH to Find in HIGH GRADE due to the BLACK COLORS on the Cover; Roy Thomas story; GIL KANE and Tom Sutton art; GIL KANE and Joe Sinnott cover; ** VG/FN, 5.0 = $49.00; VG+, 4.5 = $39.00; VG, 4.0 = $29.00);
#2(10/1972 Man-Beast-c/s; Buscema-a; Gil Kane-c; Tom Sutton inks; ASK);
#3(12/1972; Gil Kane-c/a; Tom Sutton inks; Apollo-c/s; ASK);
#4(2/1973; Death of Eddie Roberts; Gil Kane-c/a; Tom Sutton inks; ASK);
#5(4/1973; Gil Kane-c/a; Tom Sutton inks; ASK);
#6(6/1973; Tom Sutton inks; ASK);
#7(8/1973; DR DOOM & Brute-c/s; ASK);
#8(10/973; Arch-Demon-c/s;Bucema-c; Tom Sutton inks; ASK);
#9 (10/1975; Series Begins again; Classic JIM STARLIN Story, Cover & Art BEGINS; Second THANOS Saga begins; Story Continued from Strange Tales #178-181; Warlock gets New Costume; THANOS Cameo; VF+, 8.5 = $44.00);
#9 (10/1975; Series Begins again; Classic JIM STARLIN Story, Cover & Art BEGINS; Second THANOS Saga begins; Story Continued from Strange Tales #178-181; Warlock gets New Costume; THANOS Cameo; VF, 8.0 = $35.00);
#9 (10/1975; Series Begins again; Classic JIM STARLIN Story, Cover & Art BEGINS; Second THANOS Saga begins; Story Continued from Strange Tales #178-181; Warlock gets New Costume; THANOS Cameo; overall VF/NM, but cover detached at Top Staple, thus VF-, 7.5 = $29.00);
#9 (10/1975; Series Begins again; Classic JIM STARLIN Story, Cover & Art BEGINS; Second THANOS Saga begins; Story Continued from Strange Tales #178-181; Warlock gets New Costume; THANOS Cameo; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24.00);
#9 (10/1975; Series Begins again; Classic JIM STARLIN Story, Cover & Art BEGINS; Second THANOS Saga begins; Story Continued from Strange Tales #178-181; Warlock gets New Costume; THANOS Cameo; FN+, 6.5 = $19.00);
#10 (12/1975; ORIGIN of THANOS and GAMORA; GAMORA is a member of the New Guardians of Galaxy appeared in all MCU Guardians of Galaxy Movies and Multiple other MCU Movies; THANOS vs MAGNUS Battle cover and story; FIRST FULL appearance of the IN-BETWEENER (Agent of Lord Chaos and Master Order, two of the universe's principal abstract beings); Appearances by; PIP THE TROLL, GAMORA and Captain Marvel; Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) Retelling Thanos' Story and recap; Villains; Black Knights an General Egeus; Universal Church of Truth appears; DEATH of Matriarch; Appearances by; Zen-Whoberis, Laxidazians, Titanians, Sirusites; WARLOCK in How Strange My Destiny, Part-1! ADAM WARLOCK controls one of the SOUL GEMS Gifted to him in the past by the High Evolutionary; Marv Wolfman story; Classic JIM STARLIN and Steve Leialoha art; Classic JIM STARLIN and Alan Weiss cover; VF+, 8.5 = $63.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00);
#11 (2/1976; THANOS and the In-Betweener appear; DEATH of Adam WARLOCK cover and story; Appearances by; PIP THE TROLL, GAMORA and MAGUS; Villains; Black Knights an General Egeus; WARLOCK in How Strange My Destiny, Part-2! ADAM WARLOCK controls one of the SOUL GEMS Gifted to him in the past by the High Evolutionary; Classic JIM STARLIN story; Classic JIM STARLIN and Steve Leialoha art; Classic JIM STARLIN and Alan Weiss cover; VF+, 8.5 = $47.00; VF-, 7.5 = $28.00);
#12(Classic JIM STARLIN Story, Cover & Art; ASK);
#13(Classic JIM STARLIN Story, Cover & Art; Star-Thief-c/s; ASK);
#14(Classic JIM STARLIN Story, Cover & Art; Origin of the Star Thief-c/s; ASK);
#15(11/1976; LAST issue; Classic JIM STARLIN Story, Cover & Art; THANOS-c/s; ASK);
WARLORD (DC COMICS Pub; 1976-1989; Classic Mike GRELL Sword and Sorcery Fantasy Series; FIRST Series which Lasted 133 issues with 6 Annuals);
Wikipedia; Vietnam War veteran SR-71 pilot Travis Morgan passed through a hole in the Earth's crust while flying over the north pole in 1969 and landed in the underground world of Skartaris, a place strongly reminiscent of Edgar Rice Burroughs's Pellucidar. There Travis, wielding his pistol and joined by Shamballah's Princess (later Queen) Tara, a scantily dressed savage, became The Warlord and fought villains such as the evil sorcerer Deimos as well as various kings. He gained various sidekicks such as Machiste, Shakira, a Russian scientist named Mariah and his magic-wielding daughter Jennifer Morgan. In one story arc, Morgan even becomes the U.S. President in the far future is based upon his creator Mike Grell who was a former member of the Air Force. Grell is caricatured in The Warlord's first appearance, 1st Issue Special #8 and is clearly sporting The Warlord's signature shaggy goatee;
#1 (1-2/1976; FIRST On-Going Series Begins; SECOND appearance of Travis Morgan aka WARLORD; Classic Mike GRELL cover, story & art Begins; WARLORD fights for the freedom of the people of Skartaris; TOUGH to Find in HIGH GRADE due to the BLACK COLORS on the Cover; NM-, 9.2 = $89.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00);
#2 (FIRST Appearance of MACHISTE; VF+, 8.5 = $20.00) ;
#3 (VF+, 8.5 = $12.00) ;
#4 (VF/NM, 9.0 = $15.00);
#5 (Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
#6 (Manitoba; FIRST Appearance of MARIAH; NM-, 9.2 = $15);
#7 (Manitoba; ORIGIN of MACHISTE; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#8 (Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#8 (VF+, 8.5 = $8) ;
#9 (Manitoba; DON’S New Costume; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#10 (12/1977-1/1978; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#10 (Mark's Jeweler insert AD Variant Edition; VF+, 8.5 = $12) ;
#11(ORIGIN; NM, 9.4 = $16; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8);
#12(VF/NM, 9.0 = $7) ;
#13(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $10);
#14(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $14; VF+, 8.5 = $6) ;
#15(Manitoba; TARA returns; Warlord has Son; NM, 9.4 = $14; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7);
#16(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $14; VF+, 8.5 = $6);
#17(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7);
#18(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $10; VF+, 8.5 = $6);
#19(NM, 9.4 = $14; NM-, 9.2 = $10);
#20(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $14; VF+, 8.5 = $6);
#21(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $10; NM-, 9.2 = $7);
#22(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $15; NM-, 9.2 = $7; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5) ;
#23(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $15; NM-, 9.2 = $7);
#24(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $6); #24(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4);
#25(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $6); #25(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4);
#26(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $8); #26(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $6); #26(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4);
#27(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $6); #27(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4);
#28(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $6); #28(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4);
#29(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $8); #29(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#30(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $8); #30(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $6); #30(VF/NM, 9.0 = $4) ;
#31(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $8); #31(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $6);#31(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4)
#32(VF/NM, 9.0 = $5) ;
#33(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $10);
#35(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $10; NM-, 9.2 = $7; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5) ;
#36(NM-, 9.2 = $7; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5) ;
#37 (9/1980; Part-1 of New Origin of OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; OMAC Backup Series BEGINS; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#38 (10/1980; Part-2 of New Origin of OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7.00);
#39 (11/1980; OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7.00) ;
#40 (12/1980; OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00);
#40 (Manitoba; Warlord gets new Costume; OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM, 9.4 = $12);
#41(Manitoba; OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00) ;
#42 (Manitoba; OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM-, 9.2 = $9);
#43 (Manitoba; OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM+, 9.6 = $18; NM, 9.4 = $12; NM-, 9.2 = $9; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6);
#44 (Manitoba; OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM, 9.4 = $12);
#45 (Manitoba; OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM, 9.4 = $12; NM-, 9.2 = $9);
#46 (OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#47 (OMAC the One-Man Army Backup story and art by JIM STARLIN; NM, 9.4 = $12; NM-, 9.2 = $9);
#48 (52 Page Giant; FIRST appearance of ARAK Son of Thunder, in 14 page Bonus Insert Comics; Return of CLAW the Unconquered; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#49(Manitoba; CLAW the Unconquered app; NM, 9.4 = $6);
#50(Death of Aton; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
#51(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $8; NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#52(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#54(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $12; NM, 9.4 = $8; NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#55 (ARION of Lord of Atlantis backup SERIES Begins, ends in #62; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#56 (ARION of Lord of Atlantis backup story; NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#57 (Manitoba; ARION of Lord of Atlantis backup story; NM+, 9.6 = $12; NM, 9.4 = $8; NM-, 9.2 = $6);
#58 (ARION of Lord of Atlantis backup story; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
WAR OF THE GODS (DC Comics Pub; 1991; Limited Series)
Crossover Event Primarily centered on WONDER WOMAN vs CIRCE, intended to celebrate the Wonder Woman 50th anniversary = George Pérez stories, covers, & art;
(25-Part Story; 21 comics Crossover comics, plus this #1-4 Limited Series makes a 25-Part Story in Total)
#1-D [9/1991; DIRECT Edition; ** FIRST Modern Age Appearance of CIRCE; ** 56 pages including Covers; GCD Notes Cover features = Hawkman, Lobo, Demon, Power Girl, Metal Men (Platinum & Mercury), Aquaman, Flash, Dr. Fate, Pariah, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Superman, Robin, Animal Man, Starman, Zatanna, Ice, Troia, Son Of Vulcan, Hawkwoman, Batman, Firestorm; ** George Perez story; George Perez and Cynthia Martin Art; George Perez cover; With Bonus FOUR Color Poster / PIN-UP’S on Slick Paper at Centerfold by George Perez & Chris Sprouse including; Robin, Wonder Woman, Deathstroke the Terminator & Circe; NM-, 9.2 = $36.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00; VF+, 8.5 = $18.00];
#1-N [9/1991; Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with Barcode in UPC Box; ** FIRST Modern Age Appearance of CIRCE; 56 pages including Covers; GCD Notes Cover features = Hawkman, Lobo, Demon, Power Girl, Metal Men (Platinum & Mercury), Aquaman, Flash, Dr. Fate, Pariah, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Superman, Robin, Animal Man, Starman, Zatanna, Ice, Troia, Son Of Vulcan, Hawkwoman, Batman, Firestorm; ** George Perez story; George Perez and Cynthia Martin Art; George Perez cover; With Bonus FOUR Color Poster / PIN-UPS on Slick Paper at Centerfold by George Perez & Chris Sprouse including; Robin, Wonder Woman, Deathstroke the Terminator & Circe; VF-, 7.5 = $14.00];
#2-D [10/1991; DIRECT Edition; 56 pages including Covers; GCD Notes Cover features = Aquaman, Dr. Fate, Firehawk, Superman, Starman, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Geo-Force, Madame Xanadu, Circe; ** George Perez story; George Perez, Russell Braun, Cynthia Martin and Romeo Tanghal art; George Perez cover; With Bonus FOUR Color Poster / PIN-UPS on Slick Paper at Centerfold by George Perez & Chris Sprouse including; Lobo, Fire & Ice & Power Girl, the Harpies and Captain Marvel; YELLOW BORDERS on FRONT Cover; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00];
#3-D [11/1991; Regular DIRECT Edition; Type-1, with NO UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner; 56 pages including Covers; GCD Notes Cover features = Javelin, Ares, Troia, Circe, Animal Man, Dr. Fate, Batman, Silver Swan, Bronze Tiger, Nightshade, Black Adam; ** George Perez story; George Perez., Russell Braun, Pablo Marcos, Scott Hanna and Romeo Tanghal art; George Perez cover; With Bonus FOUR Color Poster / PIN-UPS on Slick Paper at Centerfold by George Perez & Chris Sprouse including; Batman with Joker Two-Face Riddler & Penguin, Hawkwoman & Hawkman, Captain Marvel as Shazam & Mars vs Ares; NM, 9.4 = $12.00];
#3-D [11/1991; Regular DIRECT; Type-1, with NO UPC Box at Lower Left Cover Corner; 56 pages including Covers; GCD Notes Cover features = Javelin, Ares, Troia, Circe, Animal Man, Dr. Fate, Batman, Silver Swan, Bronze Tiger, Nightshade, Black Adam; ** George Perez story; George Perez., Russell Braun, Pablo Marcos, Scott Hanna and Romeo Tanghal art; George Perez cover; With Bonus FOUR Color Poster / PIN-UPS on Slick Paper at Centerfold by George Perez & Chris Sprouse including; Batman with Joker Two-Face Riddler & Penguin, Hawkwoman & Hawkman, Captain Marvel as Shazam & Mars vs Ares; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00];
#3-N [11/1991; Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition with Barcode in UPC Box, Manufactured without PIN-UPS Insert; 52 pages including Covers; GCD Notes Cover features = Javelin, Ares, Troia, Circe, Animal Man, Dr. Fate, Batman, Silver Swan, Bronze Tiger, Nightshade, Black Adam; ** George Perez story; George Perez., Russell Braun, Pablo Marcos, Scott Hanna and Romeo Tanghal art; George Perez cover; ** Has 1-3/4” Wonder Woman Image of Wonder Woman as Logo under number “3” at upper Left cover Corner (NOT on the Direct edition); FN, 6.0 = $5.00];
#4-D [12/1991; Regular DIRECT Edition, with; (1) PIN-UPS Insert; (2) Light Blue BORDERS on Front Cover; (3) Text at Bottom of Cover = “In the Beginning There was the End”; (4) NO UPC Box on Cover; 56 pages including Covers; WONDER WOMAN vs CIRCE battle cover & story; George Perez story; George Perez, Pablo Marcos, Phil Jimenez, Gordon Purcell, Dick Giordano, Frank McLaughlin & Alan Kupperberg art; George Perez cover; With Bonus FOUR Color Poster / PIN-UPS on Slick Paper at Centerfold by George Perez & Chris Sprouse including; Superman, Black Adam, Flash, Troia; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00];
#4-DV [12/1991; VARIANT DIRECT Edition, with; (1) Manufactured without PIN-UPS Insert; (2) NO BORDERS on Front Cover & DARKER BLUE Background; (3) NO Text at Bottom of Cover; (4) With UPC Box at Bottom Middle Cover; 52 pages including Covers; WONDER WOMAN vs CIRCE battle cover & story; George Perez story; George Perez, Pablo Marcos, Phil Jimenez, Gordon Purcell, Dick Giordano, Frank McLaughlin & Alan Kupperberg art; George Perez cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00];
WARREN PRESENTS (Warren Pub; B&W mag; 84 pages; $2.00-c; 1-6,8,9=Squarebound; >> 1= 84 pages; 2= 92 pages; 3-6,13= 76 pages; 8,9= 68 pages; 1/1979 thru 11/1981; #7,10-12 do not exist)
#2 (Manitoba; ROOK, Master of Time issue; 92 pages; Paul GULACY-c; NM, 9.4 = $28),
#3 (Manitoba; Alien Invasions Comix; Infantino, Severin, Sutton, Alex TOTH, Nino & Wally WOOD art; NM, 9.4 = $28),
#5 [Manitoba; Dracula ‘79; Basil Gogos-c; Dracula (Movie & TV) photo’s/article’s; Torres-a; Lugosi; Blackula; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14],
#6 (Manitoba; 10/1979; Strange Stories of Vampires Comix; Adams-a; Sanjulian-c; Severin-a; Torres-a; NM-, 9.2 = $21),
#9 [Manitoba; 11/1980; Empire Encounters Comix; Casares (Pepe Moreno)-a; Star Wars ESB photo’s/article;Bruce Jones-s; NM, 9.4 = $32],
WARRIOR NUN AREALA (Antarctic Press; First Series; 1994-1995; Classic American MANGA Style Comic)
** The WARRIOR NUN (AREALA) NETFLIX TV Series DEBUTED on July 02/2020; The TV Series STARS; Alba Baptista as AVA (WARRIOR NUN); Toya Turneras Shotgun Mary; Kristina Tonteri-Young as Sister Beatrice; Lorena Andrea as Sister Lilith; Tristán Ulloa as Father Vincent; Guiomar Alonso as Areala; The Live-action series based on Ben Dunn's creator-owned series Warrior Nun Areala. The show, with a shortened title of Warrior Nun, is scheduled to have a 10-episode first season from writer/showrunner/executive producer Simon Barry (Ghost Wars, Continuum).
** Inspired by the Manga novels, Warrior Nun revolves around a 19 year-old woman who wakes up in a morgue with a new lease on life and a divine artifact embedded in her back," reads Netflix's description of the series. "She discovers she is now part of an ancient order that has been tasked with fighting demons on Earth, and powerful forces representing both heaven and hell want to find and control her.
#1 (12/1994; FIRST PRINTING with Dec. 1994 Date at upper Left Cover Corner; *** FIRST PRINTING Cover includes a Bloody Sword & a Male Figure standing on a Cross in Left Background; ** Only 40,000 Copies Printed; ** ORIGIN and FIRST FULL Appearance of Sister SHANNON MASTERS as she becomes WARRIOR NUN AREALA; ** WARRIOR NUN AREALA in Gods and Beasts; ** FIRST Appearance of SHOTGUN MARY; ** BEN DUNN Story, Cover & Art; ** WARRIOR NUN (AREALA) Debuted as a NETFLIX TV Series in July/2020;
VF, 8.0 = $65.00);
FN/VF, 7.0 = $49.00);
#2 (2/1995; FIRST PRINTING; Only 30,000 Copies Printed; FN/VF, 7.0 = $5.00);
#3 (4/1995; FIRST PRINTING; Only 40,000 Copies Printed; VF, 8.0 = $6.00);
Comics; 1986-1987; Alan MOORE & Dave Gibbons classic series);
*** WATCHMEN HBO TV Series; HBO confirms it has met with director Zack Snyder about a potential TV SERIES Based on the classic Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons DC WATCHMEN Limited Series = One of the Greatest Comic Series of All-Time; Zack Snyder was the Director of the 2009 WATCHMEN Big Screen MOVIE (Grossed $185.3 million worldwide), and Man of Steel (2013) and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016); CBR = It's also not yet known what this potential "Watchmen" TV series would be: another adaptation of the events of the original story, a prequel along the lines of the "Before Watchmen" series of miniseries that DC released in 2012 or a sequel series.
(LOT-B); Complete WATCHMEN #1-12 = US$199.00;
#1 (9/1986; First appearance of the Watchmen; First appearance of RORSCHACH, Dr. Manhattan, Silk Spectre & Night Owl; First appearance of Watchmen's Arch-Enemy Ozymandias = #21 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Mathew Goode played Ozymandias in the 3/2009 Big Screen Watchmen Movie; Alan MOORE Story; Dave Gibbons cover & art; NM-, 9.2);
#2(NM-, 9.2); #3(NM-, 9.2); #4(NM-, 9.2); #5(NM, 9.4); #6(NM, 9.4); #7(NM-, 9.2); #8(VF/NM, 9.0); #9(VF/NM, 9.0); #10(Lower Print & Scarcer; NM+, 9.6); #11(Lower Print & Scarcer; NM, 9.4); #12(10/1987; LAST issue; Lower Print & Scarcer; NM-, 9.2);
#2 (4/2009; VF/NM, 9.0 = $29.00);
#3 (2010; VF+, 8.5 = $25.00);
WAYWARD (Image Comics; 2014-2015);
#1-H (8/2015; First Printing; PHANTOM COLOR VARIANT; Jim Zub-s; Steven Cummings and John Rauch-a; Great new series from Skullkickers creator Jim Zub; NM+, 9.6 = $12.00);
#1-H (8/2015; First Printing; PHANTOM COLOR VARIANT; Jim Zub-s; Steven Cummings and John Rauch-a; Great new series from Skullkickers creator Jim Zub; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
WEB OF HORROR - America's Nightmare Magazine (Major Magazines Pub; All-New illustrated Weird Tales; 12/1969-4/1970; B&W Magazine; 52 pages; All New material; all with Wraparound Painted covers, front cover Art is the same as the Back cover art, but Back cover has no Text; Getting SCARCER due to HIGH DEMAND)
#1 (12/1969; JEFF JONES Painted covers; ** Intro the WEBSTER, Host of series on inside front cover with BERNI WRIGHTSON art; ** Growth, 6 page story by Nicola Cuti with art by Wayne Howard; ** Blood Thirst, 7 page VAMPIRE story by Terry Bisson with art by Syd Shores; ** The Game That Plays You!, story by Dick Kenson with 6 pages of art by BERNI WRIGHTSON; ** Dead Letter, 6 page story by Terry Bisson, with art by Donald Norman; ** Two-Page Centerfold Comic Art Contest with Ralph Reese art; ** The Skin Eaters, 4 page Barbarian and Aliens story by Terry Bisson with art by Ralph Reese; ** Island of the Walking Dead, ZOMBIES, with Decapitation panel, 11 page story by Carl Dimond with art by Donald Norman; VF, 8.0 = $169.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $129.00; FN, 6.0 = $99.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $75.00);
#2 (2/1970; JEFF JONES Painted covers; ** Mother Toad, 5 page story by Terry Bisson, with art by BERNI WRIGHTSON; ** Ashes to Ashes!, 6 page story by Ron Barlow, with art by Roger Brand; ** Sea of Graves, 7 page story by Otto Binder, with art by MIKE KALUTA; ** Letters to Webster, one page with art by Berni Wrightson and Jeff Jones; ** Two-Page Centerfold Comic Art Contest with MIKE KALUTA art; ** Breathless!, 7 page story by MARV WOLFMAN, with art by BERNI WRIGHTSON; ** The Unmasking, 6 page story by Wilson Shard, with art by Alfred Payan; ** Man-Plant from the Tomb, 6 page story by Otto Binder, with art by Ralph Reese; VF-, 7.5 = $69.00; FN, 6.0 = $49.00 );
#3 [4/1970; LAST ISSUE; ** CURSE OF THE YETI Painted covers by BERNI WRIGHTSON, His First PROFESSIONAL Published Cover; ** Dead End, 6 page story by Otto Binder, art by MIKE KALUTA; ** CURSE OF THE YETI, 7 page story by Otto Binder, art by Ralph Reese; ** Santa's Claws, 7 page story and art by FRANK BRUNNER (Early Art); ** Letters to Webster, 3 pages with art by BERNI WRIGHTSON and Jeff Jones; ** Two-Page Centerfold Comic Art Contest with BERNI WRIGHTSON art; ** Strangers , 7 page VAMPIRE story and art by Syd Shores; ** Point of View, 6 page story and art by Bruce Jones (Ghost written by Buddy Saunders); ** Feed It! , 6 page story by Mike Friedrich, art by BERNI WRIGHTSON; ** Inside front cover by FRANK BRUNNER (Early Art); SCARCEST ISSUE; FN+, 6.5 = $115.00; FN, 6.0 = $89.00];
WEB OF SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1985-1995; Replaces Marvel Team-Up)
The VENOM vs CARNAGE (the MOVIE) by Sony Pictures will DEBUT in Big-Screen Theatre’s on October 05/2018; Tom Hardy will play Eddie Brock aka VENOM; Ruben Fleischer (of Zombieland) is in Talks to be the Director. Alex Kurtzman Director & Screenwriter; Script is by Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinkner; Daily Bugle employee Eddie Brock (aka VENOM) is corrupted by an otherworldly Alien symbiote Black Costume and becomes VENOM the arch-enemy of Spider-Man; SONY is Hoping to launch VENOM as a FRANCHISE SERIES;
#1 (4/1985; Fifth appearance of Spider-Man in BLACK Alien Costume cover & story; Classic CHARLES VESS Painted cover; First appearance of the Vulturions; Louise Simonson story, Greg LaRocque & Jim Mooney art, ASK)
#1 (4/1985; Fifth appearance of Spider-Man in BLACK Alien Costume cover & story; Classic CHARLES VESS Painted cover; First appearance of the Vulturions; Louise Simonson story, Greg LaRocque & Jim Mooney art; Canadian Newsstand Solo 75 Cents Cover Price Variant; ASK);
#2 (5/1985; Second appearance of the Vulturions; First Vulturions cover; KINGPIN appears; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#3 (6/1985; VULTURE-c/s; Third appearance of the Vulturions; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#4 (7/1985; DOCTOR OCTOPUS cover and story; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#5 (8/1985; DOCTOR OCTOPUS cover and story; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#6 (9/1985; Secret Wars II crossover; Beyonder, Power Man and Iron Fist; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#7 (10/1985; HULK X cover and story; Wolverine splash; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#8 (11/1985; Spider-Man in BLACK Alien Costume Cover by Charles Vess; Smithville Thunderbolt; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#9 (12/1985; Spider-Man in BLACK Alien Costume with Smithville Thunderbolt cover and story; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#10 (1/1986; Dominic Fortune and Spider-Man in BLACK Alien Costume Painted cover by Howard Chaykin; ASK)
#18 (9/1986; FIRST appearance of VENOM = behind the scenes, 17 MONTHS before Amazing Spider-Man #298 in 3/1988; NM-, 9.2 = $36);
#18 (9/1986; FIRST appearance of VENOM = behind the scenes, 17 MONTHS before Amazing Spider-Man #298 in 3/1988; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
#18 (9/1986; FIRST appearance of VENOM = behind the scenes, 17 MONTHS before Amazing Spider-Man #298 in 3/1988; VF+, 8.5 = $18);
#19 (10/1986; First appearance of HUMBUG-c/s = a breakout character in 2006 comics; First appearance of SOLO; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
#19 (10/1986; First appearance of HUMBUG-c/s = a breakout character in 2006 comics; First appearance of SOLO; NM-, 9.2 = $7);
#19 (10/1986; First appearance of HUMBUG-c/s = a breakout character in 2006 comics; First appearance of SOLO; NM, 9.4 = $10)
#31 (10/1987; Classic KRAVEN LAST HUNT (aka Fearful Symmetry) storyline, Part-1 of 6-Parts: The Coffin; Story tells the FINAL BATTLE between KRAVEN the Hunter and Spider-Man, Considered to be One of the greatest Spider-Man stories of All-Time; J.M. DeMatteis story; Classic MIKE ZECK & Bob McLeod cover & art; The KRAVEN THE HUNTER (Spider-Man Spinoff) Marvel Movie by Sony will DEBUT on January 13, 2023; DIRECT EDITION; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18.00);
#31 (10/1987;Scarcer NEWSSTAND Edition; FN/VF, 7.0 = $20.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $10.00
#32 (11/1987; Classic KRAVEN LAST HUNT (aka Fearful Symmetry) storyline, Part-4 of 6-Parts: Resurrection; SPIDER-MAN returns from the GRAVE, Tombstone cover and Story; Story tells the FINAL BATTLE between KRAVEN the Hunter and Spider-Man, Considered to be One of the greatest Spider-Man stories of All-Time; Mary Jane (Watson) Parker and VERMIN appear; J.M. DeMatteis story; Classic MIKE ZECK & Bob McLeod cover & art; SOLD OUT);
#97 (2/1993; Part-1 of 4-Part Storyline; FIRST Cameo (One Panel, Half Page) appearance DR. KEVIN TRENCH, becomes NIGHTWATCH in Web of Spider-Man #99; In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Universe; ** Appearance by; BLOOD ROSE, Alfredo Morelli as Richard Fisk Foreigner, Richard & Mary Parker; Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Joe Rubinstein art; Derek Yaniger cover; DIRECT EDITION; NM, 9.4 = $39.00; VF+, 8.5 = $19.00; VF, 8.0 = $16.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00);
#97 (2/1993; Part-1 of 4-Part Storyline; FIRST Cameo (One Panel, Half Page) appearance DR. KEVIN TRENCH, becomes NIGHTWATCH in Web of Spider-Man #99; In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Universe; ** Appearance by; BLOOD ROSE, Alfredo Morelli as Richard Fisk Foreigner, Richard & Mary Parker; Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Joe Rubinstein art; Derek Yaniger cover; Scarcer NEWSSTAND EDITION;FN/VF, 7.0 = $15.00; VG, 4.0 = $7.00);
#98 (3/1993; Part-2 of 4-Part Storyline; FIRST FULL Three Page appearance DR. KEVIN TRENCH, becomes NIGHTWATCH in Web of Spider-Man #99; In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Universe; ** vs Cyber-Hunters cover & story; Appearances by; BLOOD ROSE, Alfredo Morelli as Richard Fisk & Foreigner; ** Spider-Doppelganger & Deathspawn cameos;Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Don Hudson art; Derek Yaniger cover; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00; NM, 9.4 = $12.00; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00 VF, 8.0 = $4.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $3.00);
#99 (4/1993; Part-3 of 4-Part Storyline; FIRST Cameo appearance of NIGHTWATCH in COSTUME; Kevin Trench from issue #97, becomes NIGHTWATCH in this issue; In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Universe; FIRST appearance of the New ENFORCERS (VANISHER, BLITZ, EEL, Dragon Man, Super-Adaptoid & Dreadnought); FIRST appearance of BLITZ cover & story; ** Appearances by; Richard Fisk aka BLOOD ROSE, Alfredo Morelli aka Gauntlet, Richard & Mary Parker & Foreigner; Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Joe Rubinstein art; Derek Yaniger cover; DIRECT EDITION; NM, 9.4 = $36.00; NM-, 9.2 = $27.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00; VF+, 8.5 = $15.00; VF-, 7.5 = $10.00);
#99 (4/1993; Part-3 of 4-Part Storyline; FIRST Cameo appearance of NIGHTWATCH in COSTUME; Kevin Trench from issue #97, becomes NIGHTWATCH in this issue; In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Universe; FIRST appearance of the New ENFORCERS (VANISHER, BLITZ, EEL, Dragon Man, Super-Adaptoid & Dreadnought); FIRST appearance of BLITZ cover & story; ** Appearances by; Richard Fisk aka BLOOD ROSE, Alfredo Morelli aka Gauntlet, Richard & Mary Parker & Foreigner; Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Joe Rubinstein art; Derek Yaniger cover; Scarcer NEWSSTAND EDITION VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#100 (5/1993; Part-4 of 4-Part Storyline; GREEN FOIL Cover; Anniversary issue; ** FIRST appearance of Spider-Man in SPIDER-ARMOR cover & story; ** FIRST appearance of TANGLE; ** FIRST Cameo appearance of THERMITE; ** Appearances by; Nightwatch, Blood Rose, Gauntlet the New ENFORCERS (Vanisher, Eel, Blitz, Dragon Man, Super-Adaptoid, Dreadnought, Plant-Man, Tangle, Thermite Mentallo, Fixer, Mister Fear, & Controller); Terry Kavanagh story; Derek Yaniger, Alex Saviuk, & Joe Rubinstein art; Derek Yaniger cover; *** ORIGIN of NIGHTWATCH = 11 Page SOLO Back-Up Story by Terry Kavanagh with Derek Yaniger art; First appearance & Death of Ashley Croix; FIRST FULL appearance of Kevin Trench as NIGHTWATCH in COSTUME; In March 2018 SPIKE LEE was in Talks to Direct a NIGHTWATCH Movie; One of NIGHTWATCH more prominent roles was in the Maximum Carnage crossover; NIGHTWATCH returned in a 2014-2015 storyline in She-Hulk; NIGHTWATCH is a Notable supporting Character & is expected to appear in Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Universe; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00 VF+, 8.5 = $5.00; VF, 8.0 = $4.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $3.00);
#119 (12/1994; VENOM and Scarlet Spider-c/s; First appearance of KAINE PARKER, aka Parker 3.0, the second Peter Parker Spider-Man Clone; KAINE later becomes Tarantula; KAINE later becomes Scarlet Spider in Scarlet Spider #2 (4/2012); Kaine Joins the New Warriors in 2014; Donna Diego aka SCREAM appears; Marvel subscription insert included; Terry Kavanagh story; Steven Butler & Randy Emberlin art; VF+, 8.5 = $20.00);
Web of Spider-Man (Marvel Comics Pub; 1985-1995; Replaces Marvel Team-Up)
*** VENOM: CARNAGE the MOVIE by Sony Pictures in Development is rumored to have the psychopathic villain known as Carnage; // Daily Bugle employee Eddie Brock is corrupted by an otherworldly symbiote and becomes the archenemy of Spiderman. Alex Kurtzman Director & Screenwriter;
#125 (6/1995; ** 3-D Live-Action Scarlet Spider HOLODISK Cover VARIANT; ** Peter Parker Spider-Man & Gwen Stacy Together Again cover & story; ** Spider-Man in Lives Unlived; ** FIRST Appearance of Phillip Benjamin (Ben) Urich as the new Green Goblin IV; ** Phil Urich later becomes Green Goblin IV in Spectacular Spider-Man #225 (6/1995) ** Phil Urich later becomes Hobgoblin in Amazing Spider-Man #649 (1/2011) ** Phil Urich later becomes Goblin Knight in Superior Spider-Man #16 (10/2013) ** Phil Urich later becomes Goblin King in Amazing Spider-Man Volume-3 #5 (10/2014) ** Appearances by; Ben Reilly, Mary Jane Watson-Parker, Felicia Hardy Black Cat, Gwen Stacy clone, Professor Miles Warren the Jackal clone; Terry Kavanagh story; Steven Butler & Randy Emberlin art; Steven Butler cover; NM. 9.4 = $39.00);
#125 (6/1995; ** 3-D Live-Action Scarlet Spider HOLODISK Cover VARIANT; ** Peter Parker Spider-Man & Gwen Stacy Together Again cover & story; ** Spider-Man in Lives Unlived; ** FIRST Appearance of Phillip Benjamin (Ben) Urich as the new Green Goblin IV; ** Phil Urich later becomes Green Goblin IV in Spectacular Spider-Man #225 (6/1995) ** Phil Urich later becomes Hobgoblin in Amazing Spider-Man #649 (1/2011) ** Phil Urich later becomes Goblin Knight in Superior Spider-Man #16 (10/2013) ** Phil Urich later becomes Goblin King in Amazing Spider-Man Volume-3 #5 (10/2014) ** Appearances by; Ben Reilly, Mary Jane Watson-Parker, Felicia Hardy Black Cat, Gwen Stacy clone, Professor Miles Warren the Jackal clone; Terry Kavanagh story; Steven Butler & Randy Emberlin art; Steven Butler cover; VF/NM. 9.0 = $20.00);
#125 (6/1995; ** 3-D Live-Action Scarlet Spider HOLODISK Cover VARIANT; ** Peter Parker Spider-Man & Gwen Stacy Together Again cover & story; ** Spider-Man in Lives Unlived; ** FIRST Appearance of Phillip Benjamin (Ben) Urich as the new Green Goblin IV; ** Phil Urich later becomes Green Goblin IV in Spectacular Spider-Man #225 (6/1995) ** Phil Urich later becomes Hobgoblin in Amazing Spider-Man #649 (1/2011) ** Phil Urich later becomes Goblin Knight in Superior Spider-Man #16 (10/2013) ** Phil Urich later becomes Goblin King in Amazing Spider-Man Volume-3 #5 (10/2014) ** Appearances by; Ben Reilly, Mary Jane Watson-Parker, Felicia Hardy Black Cat, Gwen Stacy clone, Professor Miles Warren the Jackal clone; Terry Kavanagh story; Steven Butler & Randy Emberlin art; Steven Butler cover; VF+. 8.5 = $17.00);
#125 (6/1995; ** 3-D Live-Action Scarlet Spider HOLODISK Cover VARIANT; ** Peter Parker Spider-Man & Gwen Stacy Together Again cover & story; ** Spider-Man in Lives Unlived; ** FIRST Appearance of Phillip Benjamin (Ben) Urich as the new Green Goblin IV; ** Phil Urich later becomes Green Goblin IV in Spectacular Spider-Man #225 (6/1995) ** Phil Urich later becomes Hobgoblin in Amazing Spider-Man #649 (1/2011) ** Phil Urich later becomes Goblin Knight in Superior Spider-Man #16 (10/2013) ** Phil Urich later becomes Goblin King in Amazing Spider-Man Volume-3 #5 (10/2014) ** Appearances by; Ben Reilly, Mary Jane Watson-Parker, Felicia Hardy Black Cat, Gwen Stacy clone, Professor Miles Warren the Jackal clone; Terry Kavanagh story; Steven Butler & Randy Emberlin art; Steven Butler cover; VF, 8.0 = $15.00);
Web of Spider-Man Annual (Marvel);
#4 (1988; Evolutionary War; First appearance of SLUG, crime-lord of Miami; Origin and First appearance of Cecilia Cardinale aka Poison solo backup story; ASK);
#5 (1989; Atlantis Attacks; Fantastic Four-c/s; Silver Sable solo story; Captain Universe solo story; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
The WEIRD (DC Comics Pub; 4-7/1988; Mini / Limited Series)
#1 (4/1988; 52 Page GIANT; JUSTICE LEAGUE, with Superman, Batman, Blue Beetle & Captain Atom & many other appear; Jim STARLIN story; Berni WRIGHTSON-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#1 (4/1988; 52 Page GIANT; JUSTICE LEAGUE, with Superman, Batman, Blue Beetle & Captain Atom & many other appear; Jim STARLIN story; Berni WRIGHTSON-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#2 (5/1988; 52 Page GIANT; JUSTICE LEAGUE appears; Jim STARLIN story; Berni WRIGHTSON-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#3 (6/1988; 52 Page GIANT; JUSTICE LEAGUE appears; Jim STARLIN story; Berni WRIGHTSON-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#3 (6/1988; 52 Page GIANT; JUSTICE LEAGUE appears; Jim STARLIN story; Berni WRIGHTSON-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#4 (7/1988; 52 Page GIANT; JUSTICE LEAGUE & INFINITY INC appear; Jim STARLIN story; Berni WRIGHTSON-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#4 (7/1988; 52 Page GIANT; JUSTICE LEAGUE & INFINITY INC appear; Jim STARLIN story; Berni WRIGHTSON-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
WEIRD (EERIE Pub; 1966-1981; B&W Comics Magazine; NO Comics Code); Scarce in better than strict VERY FINE condition)
Volume-2, #3(5th issue; 61967; Pre-Code Horror reprints from Voodoo #2,5,16, Haunted Thrills #2,13 & Strange Journey #1; SCARCE; Bob Powell Painted-c; Store Credit NOT accepted on this item; VF, 8.0 = $55.00);
Volume-3, #1(7th issue; 1/1968; Burgos or Powell-c?; Pre-Code Horror reprints from Voodoo #11, Haunted Thrills #10, 12, Fantastic Fears #8,9 & Strange Fantasy #4,7; SCARCE; Bob Powell Painted-c; Store Credit NOT accepted on this item; VF-, 7.5 = $46);
Volume-5 #1 (2/1971; VF+, 8.5 = $65.00); #2 (4/1971; VF+, 8.5 = $65.00)
Volume-7 #3 (4/1973; VF, 8.0 = $44.00) ; #7 (12/1973; VF, 8.0 = $44.00)
Weird Mystery Tales (DC; 1972-1975)
#1 (7-8/1972; 10 pages of Jack KIRBY-a; Berni WRIGHTSON & Kirby splash page; Mike KALUTA-c; VF+, 8.5 = $57.00)
#2(9-10/1972; TITANIC-c/s; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18); #4(VF, 8.0 = $16);
#8 (VF, 8.0 = $16) #10(VF+, 8.5 = $19);
#18(5/1975; Sea Serpent-c/s; Lee Marrs-a;;VF+, 8.5 = $16);
WEIRD TALES OF THE MACABRE (Atlas Seaboard Pub; 1-3/1975; B&W Comics Magazine; NO comics code)
#1 (1/1975; 68 pages including covers; ** Nice JEFF JONES Painted cover; ** The Demon is Dying = 8 pages with Pat Boyette story & art; ** Time Lapse = 8 page story by Augustine Funnell with Leopoldo Duranona art; ** The Many Horrors of Dan Curtis = 7 page article by Gary Gerani with PHOTOS (HAMMER FILMS, Dark Shadows, & Night Stalker etc.); ** A Second Life = 8 pages with Ramon Torrents story & art;** The Cheese Is For The Rats = 9 pages with Francisco Javier González Vilanova story & art;** Tour de Force = 8 page story by Martin Pasko with Leo Summers art;** Speed Demon = 8 pages with Ernie Colon story & art; ** Werewolf, Zombie, Rats & Drag Racing stories; VF-, 7.5 = $45.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $35.00; FN, 6.0 = $26.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $20.00);
#2 (3/1975; LAST ISSUE; Low Print and SCARCE; 68 pages including covers; ** WITCH in BONDAGE Burning at Stake Painted cover by BORIS VALLEJO; **BOG BEAST = 9 page story by Gabriel Levy with Art by Badia Romero; ** Dr Mercurio's Diary = 8 page story by Al Moniz with Art by Xirinius; ** Carrion of the Gods = 8 page story & Art by Pat Boyette; ** Films of Edgar Allan Poe = 8 page article by Carl Macek with Photo's; ** Who Toys With Terror? = 7 page story by George Kashdan with Art by John Severin; ** The Staff of Death = 8 page story & Art by Leo Summers; VF+, 8.5 = $75.00; VF-, 7.5 = $49.00; FN, 6.0 = $32.00);
Weird War Tales (DC pub; 1971-1983);
(Creature Commandos = in most 93 up = WW2 Team, vs NAZI's, with Werewolf, Vampire & Frankenstein-type Monster as Members;#37-124 are still very UNDER-Valued in Overstreet; ***** Creature Commandos = #93,97,100,102,105,108-112,114,116-119,121,124; War that Time Forgot = #94,99,100,103,106,109,120;
G.I. Robot = #101,108,111,113,116-118,120,122); *** [#1-95 = are Uncommon in VF, Hard to Find in VF+, and SCARCE in VF/NM or Better]
#1 (9-10/1971; 52 page Giant; Classic NAZI Skeleton Soldier cover by JOE KUBERT; GCD Notes; ** Let Me Tell You the Things I've Seen = 4 pages Joe Kubert story & art; ** Fort Which Did Not Return = 13 Page story by Robert Kanigher with Russ Heath art; ** The Story Behind the Cover = 3 pages Joe Kubert story & art; ** The End of the Sea Wolf = 6 page story by Bob Haney with Joe Kubert art; ** Baker's Dozen = 10 page Ed Herron story with Irv Novick art; ** You Must Go = 2 pages Joe Kubert story & art; JOE KUBERT story, cover and art; Scarcer Early Bronze Age KEY issue, due to High Demand; FA/G, 1.5 = $24.00);
#4(52 page Giant; Kubert-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $72); #5(52 page Giant; Kubert-c; TOTH-a; Heath-a; FN+, 6.5 = $44); #5(5-6/1972; 52 page Giant; TOTH-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $54);
#6(7-8/1972; Kubert-c; TOTH-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $36); #7(9-10/1972; Kubert-c/a; Heath-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $36);
#8(11/1972; Neal ADAMS-c/a; VF-, 7.5 = $49); #8(11/1972; Neal ADAMS-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $42);
#9(12/1972; Alcala-a; Nino-a; VF, 8.0 = $48); #9(VF-, 7.5 = $43);
#10(1/1973; TOTH-a; VF, 8.0 = $49); #10(1/1973; TOTH-a; FN+, 6.5 = $29);
#11(2/1973; VF, 8.0 = $29); #11(2/1973; VF+, 8.5 = $36); #12(VF, 8.0 = $29);
#14(VF, 8.0 = $29); #15(FN/VF, 7.0 = $18);
#16(Mark Jewelers AD, Variant insert edition; VF, 8.0 = $32);
#18 (10/1973; Arnold Drake and Sheldon Mayer stories; Tony DeZuniga and Gerry Talaoc art;
Soldier vs Living Dead Skelton Warrior over Barbed Wire Fence battle cover by George Evans; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00);
#19(FN/VF, 7.0 = $18);
#20(VF, 8.0 =$29); #20(12/1973; VF+, 8.5 = $36);
#22(FN/VF, 7.0 = $15);#25(5/1974; VF+, 8.5 = $25)
#28(VF, 8.0 = $21);
#32(FN/VF, 7.0 = $15);
#34(VF-, 7.5 = $17); #
#36(Giant; VF-, 7.5 = $19); #37(VF, 8.0 = $12);
#38(FN/VF, 7.0 = $9); #39(7/1975; KUBERT-c; VF+, 8.5 = $15) #39(KUBERT-c; VF, 8.0 = $12);
#44(1-2/1976; KUBERT-c; VF+, 8.5 = $15)
#48(FN/VF, 7.0 = $9); #49(FN/VF, 7.0 = $9);
#51(KUBERT-c; 3/1977; VF+, 8.5 = $14);
#53(VF, 8.0 = $11); #54(VF, 8.0 = $11);
#59(1/1978; VF+, 8.5 = $14);#59(VF/NM, 9.0 = $17)
#62(FN/VF, 7.0 = $8); #63(5/1978; Kubert-c; Skeletons-c; VF+, 8.5 = $14);
#64 (6/1978; First FRANK MILLER art for DC Comics = 6 pages; SCARCER due to HIGH DEMAND; GCD Notes; Deliver Me from D-Day = 6 page story by Wyatt Gwyon with FRANK MILLER & Danny Bulanadi art; The Day after Doomsday = 4 page story by Wyatt Gwyon with Danny Bulanadi art; The Stand-in = 6 page story by Roger McKenzie with Juan Ortiz & Joe Giella art; JOE KUBERT cover; VF, 8.0 = $49.00);
#68 (10/1978; Kubert-c; Frank MILLER-a = 2nd work at DC; Scarce due to High Demand; VG/FN, 5.0 = $14.00)
#70(VF+, 8.5 = $11);
8.5 = $11); #79(Kubert-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $13);#78(NM, 9.4 = $25);
#79(VF+, 8.5 = $11);
#80(KUBERT-c; VF+, 8.5 = $11); #81(FN/VF, 7.0 = $8); #81(VF/NM, 9.0 = $13);#82(VF, 8.0 = $9);
#83(Evans-c; Vampires vs Nazi's-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $13); #83(Evans-c; Vampires vs Nazi's-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $11);
#84(VF, 8.0 = $9);
#85(VF+, 8.5 = $11);
#86(FN/VF, 7.0 = $8);
#87(Kubert-c; Sutton-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $13); #90(NM, 9.4 = $25);
#91(Kubert-c; Sutton-a; VF+, 8.5 = $11);
#92(Manitoba; Kubert-c; Sutton-a; NM-, 9.2 = $19);
#92(Kubert-c; Sutton-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $13); #92(VF+, 8.5 = $11);
#92(Kubert-c; Sutton-a; 15p Variant UK Cover Price issue; Printed in USA; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14);
#93 [11/1980; ** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of The Original CREATURE COMMANDOS TEAM cover and story; ** Set in WORLD WAR TWO, this Team of Monsters fights the NAZI’s; ** Warren Griffith, Lucky Taylor, Lt. Matthew Shrieve and Velcro cover and story; ** FIRST appearance of General Matthew Shrieve the Leader of the Creature Commandos; ** FIRST appearance of Warren Griffith aka WOLFPACK (the WEREWOLF); ** FIRST appearance of Pvt. Elliot Lucky Taylor aka PATCHWORK (the Frankenstein Monster); ** FIRST appearance of Sgt. Vincent Velcro the Scientific VAMPIRE; ** MARC SINGER (Star of Beastmaster Movies #1-3) appears in CW’s ARROW TV Series as General Matthew Shrieve (Creature Commandos Leader); ** Other Members of the Early CREATURE COMMANDOS TEAM Include; J.A.K.E. 1 (Weird War #101) and J.A.K.E. 2 – The first and second G.I. ROBOT and Dr. Myrra Rhodes aka Dr. Medusa the Gorgon (Weird War #110)
J.M. DeMatteis story; Pat Broadrick and Denys Cowan art; JOE KUBERT cover; //// ** CREATURE COMMANDOS is the first TV show to be released in the Gods and Monsters DCU (DC Cinematic Universe); ** CREATURE COMMANDOS, a seven-episode animated series based on the DC Comics team of the same name.
** The CREATURE COMMANDOS are a team put together by Amanda Waller and comprise some of DC’s most monstrous characters.
** James Gunn has written the script for all seven series episodes, which is already in production, the new animated DCU projects aim to feature voice cast members who can also play their characters in Live-Action productions; /// = SOLD OUT;
#94 (12/1980; FIRST PRINTING; First Bronze Age Return of WAR THAT TIME FORGOT Series with TANK vs DINOSAURS cover and story; Bondage cover by JOE KUBERT; GCD Notes; ** War That Time Forgot in The Eye of Hell, 10 page story by Robert Kanigher with Franc Reyes art; ** Hungry for the Kill,2 page story by George Kashdan with Dick Ayers and Dan Adkins art; ** Through the Past...Darkly, 6 page story by J. M. DeMatteis with Gerald Forton art; ** Battle Angel, 6 page story by Robert Kanigher with Fred Carrillo art; Scarcer due to High Demand; VF+, 8.5 = $29.00);
#95 (1/1981; Soldiers vs NAZI Battle cover; Come Play War with Me; The Way of the Horse; The 600 Heads of DEATH, 7 page story with STEVE DITKO art; Between Flesh and Fantasy George Kashdan, Robert Kanigher and J.M. DeMatteis stories; Fred Carrillo and Steve Ditko art; Joe Kubert cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#96 (2/1981;The MUTATION of Pvt. Voight cover and story; Where Hatred Blooms; Hangman’s Knot! The Last Shot Fired; J.M. DeMatteis, George Kashdan and Robert Kanigher stories; Ruben Yandoc and Tenny Henson art; Joe Kubert cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#97 (3/1981; SECOND appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; CREATURE COMMANDOS vs the Faceless Enemy, 8 page story; The Master Infiltrator with Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt appearances in 2-Part 16 page story; J.M. DeMatteis and Bob Rozakis stories; Fred Carrillo and Dan Spiegle art; Ross Andru and Romeo Tanghal cover; ; VF+, 8.5 = $32.00; VF, 8.0 = $27.00);
#98 (4/1981; When Walks the SPHINX (vs NAZI’S) cover and 17 page story; Heal the Hopeless; Ross Andru and Romeo Tanghal cover; Paul Kupperberg, Robert Kanigher and George Kashdan stories; Noly Zamora, Jan Duursema and Romeo Tanghal art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#99 (5/1981; SECOND Return Issue of WAR THAT TIME FORGOT with DINOSAURS cover and story; WAR THAT TIME FORGOT in A Gauntlet of Giants, 8 page story; A Match made in Hell; Man’s Best Friend (Enemy), 5 page story with STEVE DITKO art; Divine Wind; Robert Kanigher story; Dave Cockrum and Jerry Ordway art; STEVE DITKO art; Dave Cockrum and Dick Giordano cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
#100 (6/1981; THIRD appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; CREATURE COMMANDOS enter/invade the WAR THAT TIME FORGOT in DINOSAUR CONVOY cover and 15 page story; THIRD Return Issue of WAR THAT TIME FORGOT; The SCAVENGERS, Civil War in 16th Century JAPAN; Mike W. Barr and Robin Snyder stories; Bob Hall and Trevor Von Eeden art; Joe Kubert cover; VF+, 8.5 = $24.00; FN/VF 7.0 = $14.00);
#101 (7/1981; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of J.A.K.E. 1 the G.I. ROBOT cover and story; GI ROBOT later JOINS the CREATURE COMMANDOS; GI ROBOT was created by Kanigher and Pepe Morino Casaras; GI ROBOT Team affiliations includes; US Army Rangers, Suicide Squad, US Marine Corps, Creature Commandos and Checkmate; Roger McKenzie and George Kashdan stories; Bender, Casaras and Trinidad Jr. art; Ross Andru and Dick Giordano cover; VF-, 7.5 = $30.00; FN/VF 7.0 = $25.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $15.00);
#102 (8/1981; FOURTH appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS vs ADOLPH HITLER cover and story; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00; VF, 8.0 = $16.00);
#103 (9/1981; WAR THAT TIME FORGOT with DINOSAURS cover and story; Submarine vs Sea Serpent; KUBERT-c; Sutton-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00; VF, 8.0 = $9.00);
#104 (10/1981; WAR GAMES cover and story; Secret Enemy; Proxy Court-Martial; Raze the Flag with STEVE DITKO art; Roll for Your Life; VF, 8.0 = $9.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $7.00);
#105 (11/1981; FIFTH appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; ADOLPH HITLER appears; STEVE DITKO art; VF, 8.0 = $16.00);
#106 (12/1981; WAR THAT TIME FORGOT with DINOSAURS cover and story; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00)
#107 (1/1982; AVENGING FURIES, Snake Headed Women vs Nazi’s cover and story; Seize the Time; Last Chance; Turnabout Battle; Death for Hire; Return of Wanderer One; VF+, 8.5 = $10.00; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#108 (2/1982; SIXTH appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; RETURN and SECOND appearance of J.A.K.E. 1 the G.I. ROBOT partial insert cover and story; GI ROBOT later JOINS the CREATURE COMMANDOS; VF+, 8.5 = $18.00);
#109 (3/1982; 7th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; War that Time Forgot-s; FN, 6.0 = $9.00);
#110 (4/1982; FIRST appearance of Myrra Rhodes aka DR MEDUSA, the Female Snake-Haired Freak cover and story; DR MEDUSA Joins CREATURE COMMANDOS; 8th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; VF, 8.0 = $20.00; FN/VF 7.0 = $15.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $9.00);
#111 (5/1982; THIRD appearance and DEATH of J.A.K.E. 1 the G.I. ROBOT cover and story; 9th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; SECOND appearance of Myrra Rhodes aka DR MEDUSA, the Female Snake-Haired Freak cover and story; VF+, 8.5 = $15.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $9.00);
#112 (6/1982; THIRD appearance of Myrra Rhodes aka DR MEDUSA, the Female Snake-Haired Freak cover and story; 10th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; VF, 8.0 = $15.00);
#113 (7/1982; FIRST appearance of J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT cover and story; GI ROBOT later JOINS the CREATURE COMMANDOS; J.A.K.E. 1 the G.I. ROBOT Flashback; J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT 2 vs the SAMURAI ROBOT cover and story; VF+, 8.5 = $20.00)
#114 (8/1982; 11th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS with ADOLPH HITLER cover and story; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00; VF, 8.0 = $12.00);
#115 (9/1982; SECOND appearance of J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT cover and story; ADOLPH HITLER appears; 12th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; ; VF, 8.0 = $12.00);
#116 (10/1982; 13th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; 3rd appearance of J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT cover and story; VF+, 8.5 = $16.00; VF-, 7.5 = $10.00);
#117 (11/1982; 14th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; 4th appearance of J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT cover and story; VF, 8.0 = $12.00);
#117 (11/1982; 14th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; 4th appearance of J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT cover and story; Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Cover Price VARIANT; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00);
#118 (12/1982; 15th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; 5th appearance of J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT cover and story; GIL KANE Cover; NM-, 9.2 = $27.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00);
#118 (12/1982; 15th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; 5th appearance of J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT cover and story; GIL KANE Cover; Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Cover Price VARIANT; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00);
#119 (1/1983; 16th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; VF, 8.0 = $12.00);
#120 (2/1983; J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT in the WAR THAT TIME FORGOT with DINOSAURS cover and story; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00);
#120 (2/1983; J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT in the WAR THAT TIME FORGOT with DINOSAURS cover and story; Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Cover Price VARIANT; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00);
#121 (3/1983; 17th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00; VF+, 8.5 = $15.00);
#121 (3/1983; 17th appearance of the CREATURE COMMANDOS cover and story; Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Cover Price VARIANT; VF, 8.0 = $18.00);
#122 (4/1983; ; J.A.K.E. 2 the G.I. ROBOT 2 vs the SUMO ROBOT cover and story Newton-a; Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Cover Price VARIANT; FN/VF, 7.0 = $13.00);
#123 (5/1983; Captain Spaceman cover and story; The Savage Gods Remain; The Last Lesson; Buckler-a; Kubert-c; NM, 9.4 = $28.00; NM-, 9.2 = $21.00; VF+, 8.5 = $10.00; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#124 (6/1983; LAST issue; Two Men, in Eternal Combat, through Countless Ages, in Old Enemies Never Die cover and story; 18th and LAST, one page appearance of CREATURE COMMANDOS, Team Line-Up includes; Matthew Shrieve, Medusa, Patchwork, Vincent Velcoro, Wolfpack; VF+, 8.5 = $18.00);
#124 (6/1983; LAST issue; Two Men, in Eternal Combat, through Countless Ages, in Old Enemies Never Die cover and story; 18th and LAST, one page appearance of CREATURE COMMANDOS, Team Line-Up includes; Matthew Shrieve, Medusa, Patchwork, Vincent Velcoro, Wolfpack; Canadian Newsstand 75 Cents Cover Price VARIANT; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16.00);
Weird Western Tales (1972-1980; DC Pub; #12-14,16-38=JONAH HEX; #39up=Scalphunter; (1972-1980; DC Pub; #12-14,16-38=JONAH HEX; #39up=Scalphunter; #38 continues into Jonah Hex #1);
#12 (6-7/1972; FIRST issue with NEW Title; 52 page Giant; THIRD appearance of JONAH HEX; El Diablo, Pow Wow Smith & Bat Lash stories; Tony DeZuniga art; Nick Cardy art; Sergio Aragones story; Joe KUBERT cover; NEAL ADAMS and BERNI WRIGHTSON art; High Demand Bronze Age KEY issue; VF/NM, 9.0 = $189.00);
#12 (6-7/1972; FIRST issue with NEW Title; 52 page Giant; THIRD appearance of JONAH HEX; El Diablo, Pow Wow Smith & Bat Lash stories; Tony DeZuniga art; Nick Cardy art; Sergio Aragones story; Joe KUBERT cover; NEAL ADAMS and BERNI WRIGHTSON art; High Demand Bronze Age KEY issue; VF+, 8.5 = $139.00);
#12 (6-7/1972; FIRST issue with NEW Title; 52 page Giant; THIRD appearance of JONAH HEX; El Diablo, Pow Wow Smith & Bat Lash stories; Tony DeZuniga art; Nick Cardy art; Sergio Aragones story; Joe KUBERT cover; NEAL ADAMS and BERNI WRIGHTSON art; High Demand Bronze Age KEY issue; FN/VF, 7.0 = $69.00);
#12 (6-7/1972; FIRST issue with NEW Title; 52 page Giant; THIRD appearance of JONAH HEX; El Diablo, Pow Wow Smith & Bat Lash stories; Tony DeZuniga art; Nick Cardy art; Sergio Aragones story; Joe KUBERT cover; NEAL ADAMS and BERNI WRIGHTSON art; High Demand Bronze Age KEY issue; FINE+, 6.5 = $59.00);
#12 (6-7/1972; FIRST issue with NEW Title; 52 page Giant; THIRD appearance of JONAH HEX; El Diablo, Pow Wow Smith & Bat Lash stories; Tony DeZuniga art; Nick Cardy art; Sergio Aragones story; Joe KUBERT cover; NEAL ADAMS and BERNI WRIGHTSON art; High Demand Bronze Age KEY issue; VG+, 4.5 = $35.00);
#12 (6-7/1972; FIRST issue with NEW Title; 52 page Giant; THIRD appearance of JONAH HEX; El Diablo, Pow Wow Smith & Bat Lash stories; Tony DeZuniga art; Nick Cardy art; Sergio Aragones story; Joe KUBERT cover; NEAL ADAMS and BERNI WRIGHTSON art; High Demand Bronze Age KEY issue; Water Stain on BACK cover, VG, 4.0 = $29.00);
#15 (12/1972-1/1973; no Jonah Hex; Neal ADAMS-c/a; El Diablo-c/s; Gil KANE-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $65);
#15 (12/1972-1/1973; no Jonah Hex; Neal ADAMS-c/a; El Diablo-c/s; Gil KANE-a; FN, 6.0 = $16.00);
#16 (2-3/1973; 6th appearance of JONAH HEX; El Diablo-c/s; Alcala-a; Tony DeZuniga-a; Nick CARDY-c; NM-, 9.2 = $99);
#16 (2-3/1973; 6th appearance of JONAH HEX; El Diablo-c/s; Alcala-a; Tony DeZuniga-a; Nick CARDY-c; VF+, 8.5 = $48);
#16 (2-3/1973; 6th appearance of JONAH HEX; El Diablo-c/s; Alcala-a; Tony DeZuniga-a; Nick CARDY-c; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24.00);
#17 (4-5/1973; 7th appearance of JONAH HEX-c/s; Tony DeZuniga-a; Alcala-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $65);
#17 (4-5/1973; 7th appearance of JONAH HEX-c/s; Tony DeZuniga-a; Alcala-a; FN+, 6.5 = $20.00);
#18 (7-8/1973; FIRST all JONAH HEX cover & story issue, Book-Length Series Begins; Luiz Dominguez-c; Tony DeZuniga-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $95);
#18 (7-8/1973; FIRST all JONAH HEX cover & story issue, Book-Length Series Begins; Luiz Dominguez-c; Tony DeZuniga-a; VF+, 8.5 = $69);
#18 (7-8/1973; FIRST all JONAH HEX cover & story issue, Book-Length Series Begins; Luiz Dominguez-c; Tony DeZuniga-a; FN+, 6.5 = $27.00);
#19 (9-10/1973; Jonah Hex-c/s; Luiz Dominguez-c; Tony DeZuniga-a; Alcala-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $65);
#23(7-8/1974; JONAH HEX-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $50); #23(FN+, 6.5 = $15.00);
#27(3-4/1975; JONAH HEX-c/s; NM, 9.4 = $99);
#30(VF+, 8.5 = $29.00); #31(11-12/1975; JONAH HEX-c/s; Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $76);#31(VF, 8.0 = $19.00);
#34(5-6/1976; JONAH HEX-c/s; Death of a Bounty Hunter; Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $76);
#35(7-8/1976; JONAH HEX-c/s; Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $76);
#36(9-10/1976; JONAH HEX-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $36);
#36(9-10/1976; JONAH HEX-c/s; Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $54);
#38(1-2/1977; Last JONAH HEX issue; Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $54);
#38(1-2/1977; Last JONAH HEX issue; Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $72);
#39 (3-4/1977; ** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of Brian Savage (aka Ke-Woh-No-Tay - He Who Is Less Than Human) aka SCALPHUNTER (Hero of the American Wild West) cover and story;** SCALPHUNTER Team affiliations Includes; Rough Bunch and Black Lantern Corps; GCD Notes; ** When a group of grave-robbers tangle with a band of Kiowa, a passing column of U.S. Cavalry kill all but one of the Kiowa, whom they assume are the aggressors in the fight. The surviving Kiowa, who is called Ke-Woh-No-Tay, is actually the son of Matt Savage, who was kidnapped as an infant. He is re-united with his dying father, but rejects his white heritage and is jailed. He escapes prison and tracks down the grave-robbers, killing all but one, who clears him of wrong-doing in the original conflict. Michael Fleisher story; Dick Ayers and and George Evans art; Jose Garcia-Lopez and George Evans cover; VF-, 7.5 = $14.00);
#40(6/1977; 2nd app Scalphunter; Ayers/Evans-a; Evans-c; VF+, 8.5 = $10);
#43(12/1977; 5th app Scalphunter; Ayers/Evans-a; Evans-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12); #44(2/1978; STARLIN-c; VF+, 8.5 = $10);
#46(VF/NM, 9.0 = $12); #47(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $18); #48(10/1978; 44 pages; Scalphunter/Slaveboat-s/s; 1st app Cinnamon-c/s; Ayers/Evans-a; Giordano-c; VF, 8.0 = $10);
#49(11/1978; 44 pages; 2nd app Cinnamon; Ayers/Dominguez-a; Dominguez-c; Chaykin-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14);
#50(12/1978; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12); #50(12/1978; VF+, 8.5 = $10); #51(VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#52(Manitoba; 2/1979; Bat Lash app; Plot to Kill President Lincoln-s; NM, 9.4 = $24);
#52(2/1979; Bat Lash app; Plot to Kill President Lincoln Part-1 of 2-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#53(3/1979; Scalphunter vs Abe Lincoln-c; Plot to Kill President Lincoln Part-2 of 2-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#54(Manitoba; 4/1979; President Abe Lincoln app; NM, 9.4 = $20); #54(4/1979; President Abe Lincoln app; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#55(Manitoba; Whipping panels; NM, 9.4 = $24); #55(Whipping panels; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#56(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $24); #56(VF/NM, 9.0 = $12); #57(NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#58(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $24); #59(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $36); #59(VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#60(Manitoba; 10/1979; Gangs of Old New York; NM, 9.4 = $24); #60(Gangs of Old New York; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#62(Manitoba; 12/1979; NM-, 9.2 = $18); #63(Manitoba; Trial of Bat Lash-s; NM+, 9.6 = $36);
#63(Manitoba; 1/1980; Trial of Bat Lash-s; NM, 9.4 = $24); #63(1/1980; Trial of Bat Lash-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#64(Manitoba; 2/1980; Batlash-c/s; NM, 9.4 = $24); #64(Manitoba; 2/1980; Batlash-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#64(2/1980; Batlash-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12); #65(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#66(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $24); #66(NM-, 9.2 = $18); #67(Manitoba; Treasure of St. Mary's Part-1 of 2; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#68(Manitoba; Treasure of St. Mary's Part-2 of 2; NM-, 9.2 = $18); #68(Treasure of St. Mary's Part-2 of 2; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#69(Manitoba; 7/1980; Lady in Blue-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $18); #69(7/1980; Lady in Blue-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#70(Manitoba; 8/1980; LAST issue; 8/1980; Lady in Blue app; NM, 9.4 = $32);
#70(8/1980; LAST issue; 8/1980; Lady in Blue app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#71 (3/2010; One-Shot Return issue, 30 Years after the Last issue in Original Series; BLACKEST NIGHT Crossover Storyline; And the South Shall Rise Again; ** DEATH of Joshua Turnbull and Alicia; ** Appearances by; Ray, Simon Stagg, Java, Jensen, Black Lantern Corps, Bat Lash, Firehair, Jonah Hex, Quentin Turnbull, Scalphunter, Brian Savage, Super-Chief, Flying Stag, Trigger Twins, Walt Trigger, Wayne Trigger; ** First Wave character profile and 7 page Preview with; Batman, Doc Savage, Monk, Ham, Long Tom, Renny, Johnny, The Avenger, Spirit, Black Canary, Rima, Anton Colossi, Ferrios; ** Dan Didio story, Benato Arlem art, Bill Sienkiewicz cover; ASK);
#1 (2/2010; VF+, 8.5 = $10.00);
#2 (4/2010; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00);
#3 (7/2010; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#4 (8/2010; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
Weird Wonder Tales (Marvel Pub);
#4(VF, 8.0 = $20); #6(VF+, 8.5 = $24);
#17(VF+, 8.5 = $22);
#19 (12/1976; Second Reprint ever of the scarce & valuable Tales to Astonish #13 = 7 page story "I Challenged...Groot! The Monster from Planet X!" by Jack KIRBY & Ayers = 1st app & ORIGIN of GROOT; GROOT is a member of the New Guardians of the Galaxy the Upcoming Marvel/Disney MOVIE; ASK);
#22(VF/NM, 9.0 = $28);
WEIRD WORLDS (DC Comics Pub; 1972-1974; Edgar Rice Burroughs related)
#1 (8-9/1972; First DC appearance of John Carter, Warlord of Mars Series Begins cover & story; Murphy Anderson art; First DC appearance of David Innes. Pellucidar, World at the Earth’s Core series Begins; Alan Weiss art; Joe Kubert cover; VF+, 8.5 = $26.00);
#2-5 (Edgar Rice Burroughs = John Carter of Mars-s & David Innes/Pellucidar-s) = ASK
#7 (LAST John Carter issue) = ASK
#8 (First appearance of IRON WOLF and Series Begins, by Howard Chaykin) = ASK
#9 = ASK
#10 (10-11/1974; LAST issue; MIKE KALUTA cover; IRON WOLF-c/s) = ASK
WEIRD WORLDS (EERIE Publications; 1970-1971; 52 pages; B&W Horror Comics Magazine; Scarce in better than strict VERY FINE condition);
Volume-1 #10 (12/1970; FIRST issue; Jonny Bruck painted cover of Man vs giant Snake; Space Vampires; Atomic Monsters; Green Horror; Corpse; Art by Ayers, Casadei, Fraga, Gallow, Munoz; Pre-Code Repints from = Mysterious Adventures #9, Strange Worlds #4 & 7, Weird Mysteries #1, Weird Terror #8 & 11; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
Volume-2 #4 (8/1971; Fifth and LAST issue; Jonny Bruck painted cover; Invaders; Strange Spaceship; Horror on Radar; Witches Revenge; Innerspace; Hands of Terror; Cosmic Monster; Pit of Horror; Witchcraft; Art by; Ayers, Burgos, Casadei, Jackson, Reynoso; Pre-Code Reprints from = Chamber of Chills #21 & 24, Haunted Thrills #5 & 6, Planet Comics #72, Weird Tales of the Future #5 & 7; VF, 8.0 = $42.00);
WELCOME BACK KOTTER (DC Comics Pub; 1976-1978; TV Series, Lasted 4 Seasons from 1975-1979, Starring; JOHN TRAVOLTA, Gabe Kaplan, Ron Palillo);
#1 (11/1976; Sweat Hogs and Gabriel Kaplan; Elliott S. Maggin story; Jack Sparling and Bob Oksner art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $29.00);
WEREWOLF BY NIGHT (Marvel; 1972-1977);
#1 (9/1972; First WEREWOLF by NIGHT Solo Title BEGINS: Fourth appearance of Jack Russell aka WEREWOLF BY NIGHT; Story continues from Marvel Spotlight #4, His Own Title Begins; Mike PLOOG Cover & Art; Gerry Conway story; Coming Soon to DISNEY+ TV; ASK);
#2(11/1972; Mike PLOOG-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $99); #2(11/1972; Mike PLOOG-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $69);
#2(11/1972; Mike PLOOG-c/a; VF-, 7.5 = $45); #2(11/1972; Mike PLOOG-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39);
#3(1/1973; Mike PLOOG-c/a; Mad Monk-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69); #3(1/1973; Mike PLOOG-c/a; Mad Monk-c/s; VF, 8.0 = $39);
#4(3/1973; Mike PLOOG-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69); #4(3/1973; Mike PLOOG-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $39);
#5(5/1973; Mike PLOOG-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69);
#5(5/1973; Mike PLOOG-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $39); #5(5/1973; Mike PLOOG-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29);
#7(7/1973; Mike PLOOG-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $39);
#8(8/1973; Mike PLOOG-c; VF+, 8.5 = $39); #8(8/1973; Mike PLOOG-c; FN/VF, 7.0 = $21);
#9(9/1973; Tatterdemalion/Scarecrow-c/s; Tom Sutton-a; VF+, 8.5 = $39);
#9(9/1973; Tatterdemalion/Scarecrow-c/s; Tom Sutton-a; VF, 8.0 =$29);
#10(101/973; Tom Sutton-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 =$21);
#13 (1/1974; FIRST appearance of the Man-Monster TABOO cover and story; FIRST appearance of ALGON and TOPAZ; MIKE PLOOG cover and art; ** The SPLASH Page from this 1974 issue was used for the COVER of WEREWOLF BY NIGHT Volume-3 #1-C from 12/2020 the Mike PLOOG 1:100 VARIANT GGA / Good Girl Art cover; ASK);
#14(Ploog-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $55); #14(Ploog-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $29);
#20(VF+, 8.5 = $29);
#21(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $39); #23(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26); #25(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26);
#26(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26); #26(VF+, 8.5 = $20); #27(VF/NM, 9.0 = $26);
#27(VF+, 8.5 = $20); #28(VF+, 8.5 = $20); #29(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26);
#30(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26); #31(NM-, 9.2 = $39)
#32 (8/1975; First Appearance of MOON KNIGHT cover & story; Jack Russell the Werewolf by Night in The Stalker called Moon Knight; In January 2017, director James Gunn (Guardians of Galaxy) pitched a MOON KNIGHT Film/Movie to Marvel Studios; According to PeeltheOrange's sources, there might be a full NETFLIX TV series in 2018 of Marc Spector MOON KNIGHT with Bushman as the main villain; SCARCE due to HIGH DEMAND and LOW Supply; Doug Moench story; Don Perlin art; Gil Kane cover; SOLD OUT);
#34(VF/NM, 9.0 = $24); #34(VF+, 8.5 = $19); #35(Starlin & WRIGHTSON-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
#35(Starlin & WRIGHTSON-c; VF+, 8.5 = $19); #36(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $36);
#36(VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
#38(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $36); #41(VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
Comics Pub; Mini / LIMITED SERIES; 9-12/1984; Team Members = Iron
Man, TIGRA, Wonder Man, HAWKEYE
#1 (9/1984; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of the WEST COAST AVENGERS; Team Members include; Iron Man, TIGRA, Wonder Man, HAWKEYE & MOCKINGBIRD; Adrianne Palicki played Bobbi Morse aka MOCKINGBIRD, in the 31 Episodes of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series from 2014-2016; Early appearance of Scott Lang as the New ANT-MAN; ** ANT-MAN was a Popular 2015 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with both Scott Lang & Hank Pym; Roger Stern story; Bob Hall & Brett Breeding cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
#3 (11/1984; Manitoba; Iron Man, TIGRA, Wonder Man, HAWKEYE & MOCKINGBIRD; NM+, 9.6 = $18);
#3 (11/1984; Iron Man, TIGRA, Wonder Man, HAWKEYE & MOCKINGBIRD; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#4 (12/1984; Manitoba; Iron Man, TIGRA, Wonder Man, HAWKEYE & MOCKINGBIRD; NM-, 9.2 = $9);
#4 (12/1984; Iron Man, TIGRA, Wonder Man, HAWKEYE & MOCKINGBIRD; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6);
regular Series) =
Regular =
USA Editions;
#1 (10/1985; 52 Page Giant; WEST COAST AVENGERS Teams gets their own On-Going Series; New Team includes; Iron Man, Tigra, Wonder Man, MOCKINGBIRD and HAWKEYE; Adrianne Palicki played Bobbi Morse aka MOCKINGBIRD, in the 31 Episodes of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series from 2014-2016; Henry Pym as Goliath, ULTRON, & Man-Ape appear; Story continues into Vision & Scarlet Witch #1; Steve Englehart story; Al Milgrom & Joe Sinnott cover & art; NM, 9.4 = $32.00);
#1 (10/1985; 52 Page Giant; WEST COAST AVENGERS Teams gets their own On-Going Series; New Team includes; Iron Man, Tigra, Wonder Man, MOCKINGBIRD and HAWKEYE; Adrianne Palicki played Bobbi Morse aka MOCKINGBIRD, in the 31 Episodes of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series from 2014-2016; Henry Pym as Goliath, ULTRON, & Man-Ape appear; Story continues into Vision & Scarlet Witch #1; Steve Englehart story; Al Milgrom & Joe Sinnott cover & art; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
#1 (10/1985; 52 Page Giant; WEST COAST AVENGERS Teams gets their own On-Going Series; New Team includes; Iron Man, Tigra, Wonder Man, MOCKINGBIRD and HAWKEYE; Adrianne Palicki played Bobbi Morse aka MOCKINGBIRD, in the 31 Episodes of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series from 2014-2016; Henry Pym as Goliath, ULTRON, & Man-Ape appear; Story continues into Vision & Scarlet Witch #1; Steve Englehart story; Al Milgrom & Joe Sinnott cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
#2 (VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
#3 (Manitoba; KRAVEN vs Tigra-c/s; NM+, 9.6 = $15);
#4 [1/1986; FIRST appearance of Martin Preston aka Master Pandemonium; WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story; Master Pandemonium was born in Rutland, Vermont and made a pact with Mephisto; In the comics Master Pandemonium then abducted and absorbed Thomas and William, the "children" of the Vision and the Scarlet Witch, who were actually two of the soul fragments he sought; ** Thing and Johnny Carson appearance. Origin of Firebird; West Coast Avengers Team includes; Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Tigra, Mockingbird, Iron Man, Hank Pym; Rangers team Flashback appearanmce (Night Rider, Shooting Star, Texas Twister, Red Wolf, Lobo); Steve Englehart story, Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott cover and art; NM, 9.4 = $18.00];
#5 (Manitoba; Werewolf-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
#6 (Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $10);
#7(Manitoba; Ultron-c/s; NM, 9.4 = $10);
#8(VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
#9 (Origin of Master Pandemonium; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
#10(VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
#11 (Origin of Mockingbird; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
#42 (3/1989; VisionQuest storyline, Part-1, Leads to White Spectral Vision; WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story; One of Our Androids is Missing! ORIGIN OF VISION; GCD Synopsis; Wanda wakes up to find the Vision missing. The compound is then attacked by a fake Ultron robot. Pym finds out someone is behind both the missing Vision, the attack and an attack on the Avengers' computers, wiping away all files related to the Vision. ** West Coast Avengers Team Lineup; Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Tigra, Wonder Man, Wasp, Hank Pym, Vision; FIRST John Byrne on West Coast Avengers; John Byrne story and cover; John Byrne and Mike Machlan art; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#43 (4/1989; VisionQuest storyline, Part-2, Leads to White Spectral Vision; WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story; " VisionQuest" / To Rescue the Vision! GCD Synopsis; Mockingbird returns to tell the Avengers of a group that is behind the kidnapping of Vision. The team finds him, but too late; ** West Coast Avengers Team Lineup; Hawkeye, Wasp, Scarlet Witch, Wonder Man, Hank Pym, Tigra; John Byrne story, cover and art; Mike Machlan art; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#44 (5/1989; VisionQuest storyline, Part-3, Leads to White Spectral Vision; WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story; John Walker U.S. Agent Joins the Team;
West Coast Avengers Team Lineup; Scarlet Witch, Mockingbird, Wonder Man, Dr. Hank Pym, Hawkeye, Tigra, U.S.Agent; ** GCD Synopsis; The Avengers find the Vision dismantled in a government facility. In anger, Scarlet Witch tears it down. Meanwhile, a large group of mutants is being reviewed by a group on a college campus. ** John Byrne story & cover; John Byrne & Mike Machlan art; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#45 (6/1989; FIRST appearance of the WHITE Spectral VISION cover and story; VisionQuest storyline, Part-4; WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story; Avengers #57 cover homage; ORIGIN of Simon Williams aka WONDER MAN; ** West Coast Avengers Team Lineup; U.S.Agent, Wasp, Hawkeye, Dr. Hank Pym, Mockingbird, Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch, Tigra, Vision; ** GCD Synopsis; U.S. Agent and an unemotional Vision return to the group. Simon opens up to Wanda, to no avail. John Byrne story; John Byrne and Mike Machlan art; John Byrne over; ASK):
#46 [7/1986; Franchise-c/s = First appearance of the GREAT LAKES AVENGERS-c/s = First appearances of Big Bertha, Dinah Soar, Doorman, Flatman & Mr. Immortal;; HAWKEYE & MOCKINGBIRD appear; JOHN BYRNE story, cover & art; *** The GREAT LAKES AVENGERS later changes their name top Lightning Rods after Thunderbolts, and finally to the Great Lakes X-MEN; *** GLA & GLX Later Recruits included; SQUIRREL GIRL, Monkey Joe, Grasshopper, Tippy Toe, DEADPOOL & Gravity; VF+, 8.5 = $8.00];
#46 [7/1986; Franchise-c/s = First appearance of the GREAT LAKES AVENGERS-c/s = First appearances of Big Bertha, Dinah Soar, Doorman, Flatman & Mr. Immortal; HAWKEYE & MOCKINGBIRD appear; JOHN BYRNE story, cover & art; *** The GREAT LAKES AVENGERS later changes their name top Lightning Rods after Thunderbolts, and finally to the Great Lakes X-MEN; *** GLA & GLX Later Recruits included; SQUIRREL GIRL, Monkey Joe, Grasshopper, Tippy Toe, DEADPOOL & Gravity; VF, 8.0 = $7.00];
#47 (8/1989; Second appearance of the WHITE Spectral VISION Full White Vision; FIRST "That Which Endures"; WandaVision TV Series TIE-IN story; ** Avengers appear (Black Panther, Captain America, She-Hulk); Appearances by; Jeremiah Random, Thomas Maximoff, William Maximoff; West Coast Avengers Team Lineup; Dr. Hank Pym. Scarlet Witch, Tigra, U.S.Agent, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man; Title becomes "Avengers West Coast", with next issue; ** GCD Synopsis; Wanda is desperate to find a way to restore Vision's personality and turns to Random. Meanwhile, the mystery of their children is growing. John Byrne story and cover; John Byrne & Mike Machlan art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00):
West Coast Avengers Annual (Marvel);
#3 (1988; Evolutionary War; Re-Introducing GIANT MAN cover and story; Moon Knight, Tigra, Mockingbird, Black Panther-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
WESTERN GUNFIGHTERS (Marvel; 1972-1977);
#1 (8/1970; Square-Bound-Giant; NEW and Reprint Stories; Ghost Rider & Gunhawk stories BEGIN; The Coming of Gunhawk = Jerry Siegel-s, Werner Roth / Sal Buscema-a; Tales of Fort Rango = Gary Friedrich-s, Syd Shores-a; Call Them Renegades = Roy Thomas / Mike Friedrich-s, Tom Sutton-a; The Original western GHOST RIDER in Return of the Tarantula = Gary Friedrich-s, Dick Ayers/Tom Sutton-a; Outlaw = Stan Lee-s, Jack Kirby/Dick Ayers-a; There's a Shoot-Out Comin = Stan Lee-s, Sol Brodsky-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00 );
#2 (10/1970; 68 Page Square-Bound Giant; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
#7 (1/1972; 52 Page Square-Bound GIANT; Origin Ghost Rider; Severin-c; Apache Kid-s; Gunhawk-s; VF+, 8.5 = $32.00);
#9 (5/1972; Severin-c; Black Rider; Outlaw Kid; Apache Kid; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28.00);
#11(Manitoba; KIRBY-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28.00);
#13(VF+, 8.5 = $22.00);
#14 (3/1973; classic STERANKO-c; Black Rider-c/s; Apache Kid-s; Matt Slade-s; Rio Kid-s; ASK);
#15(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00);
Western Kid (Marvel Pub; 1971-1972)
#2 (Romita-a; Severin-c; VF, 8.0 = $18);
WESTERN TEAM-UP (Marvel Comics Pub)
#1 (11/1973; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of Cliff Morgan aka DAKOTA KID; Team-Up with Johnny Clay aka RAWHIDE in Ride the Lawless Land Cover and story; Appearances by Nightwind, Colonel Morgan, Wayde Morgan, Rachel Morgan, Lily Lamont, Logan, Rustlers, Luke Thomson; Larry Lieber story and cover; Larry Lieber and Vince Colletta art; Gunsmoke Kid in Secret Weapon, reprint backup story by Jack Oleck from Kid Colt #86 with JACK DAVIS art; LOW PRINT and SCARCE;
( B ) Overall NM, but with moderate Rust Migration around staples, thus VF+, 8.5 = US$45.00; ( C ) Overall VF+, but with moderate Rust Migration around staples, thus VF-, 7.5 = US$25.00; ( D ) FN, 6.0 = US$20.00; ( E ) VG/FN, 5.0 = US$16.00; ( F ) VG+, 4.5 = US$14.00; ( G ) VG, 4.0 = US$12.00; ( H ) G/VG, 3.0 = US$10.00
WHAT IF? (FIRST Series; Marvel Pub; 1977-1984; all GIANTS)
#1 (2/1977; FIRST PRINTING; The FIRST issue in the Original "WHAT IF" Comic Series (Alternative Realities & Imaginary Stories); What if Spider-Man Joined the Fantastic Four? 33 page All-New Story by Roy Thomas; Appearance of; Aunt May Parker, J. Jonah Jameson, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Puppet Master, Red Ghost, Vulture, Watcher; Cameo appearance of; Deathlok, Killraven & Squadron Supreme; Spider-Man Joins the Fantastic Four in the Mainstream Modern Marvel Universe in Amazing Spider-Man #657 from 5/2011; Brief ORIGIN of SPIDER-MAN; Brief ORIGIN of FANTASTIC FOUR; ** The WHAT IF…? the TV SERIES is will DEBUT in the SUMMER of 2021, in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Television Streaming Network; (The first animated show from Marvel Studios); Jim Craig & Pablo Marcos art; John Romita & Joe Sinnott cover; ASK);
#2(1977; HULK; Galactus & Fantastic Four app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25);
#3(6/1977; Original AVENGERS with Hulk; Gil Kane-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $39; VF/NM, 9.0 = $19);
#4(8/1977; INVADERS; VF/NM, 9.0 = $19);
#5(1977; Captain America, Red Skull; NM+, 9.6 = $59);
#6(Fantastic Four; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#7 (2/1978; Spider-Man; First appearance of Betty Brant as the Original SPIDER-GIRL; This issue was printed 12 months after the First appearance of Spider-Woman; Precedes What If #105 first new Spider-Girl from 2/1998 by TWENTY YEARS; According to PeeltheOrange's sources, there might be a full NETFLIX TV series in 2018 of Jessica Drew SPIDER-WOMAN with Madame HYDRA as the main villain; ASK);
#8(1978; Daredevil-c/s Spider-Man app; NM+, 9.6 = $49);
*** [For early Marvel Boy, Marvel Man & QUASAR appearances see = Captain America #217,218,228-230, The Defenders #62-64, Incredible Hulk #232-234, Marvel Super Action #4, Marvel Tales #13-16,19, Marvel Two-in-One #53-58, Spidey Super Stories #31 and What If #9];
#9 (6/1978; ** Fourth BRONZE AGE appearance of Wendell Elvis Vaughn aka MARVEL BOY, Later becomes MARVEL MAN and Finally becomes QUASAR; ** What If... the Avengers Had Been Formed During the 1950's? ** (PROTOTYPE for the AGENTS OF ATLAS TEAM from 2006); ** ORIGIN of the 1950's Avengers, includes: the 3-D Man, Gorilla-Man, The Human Robot and Jimmy Woo (FBI agent), Marvel Boy and Venus; ** Appearance by; Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, Elvis Presley, Jann of the Jungle, Namora, Nikita Kruschev, President Dwight Eisenhower and President Richard Nixon, Watcher, and the Yellow Claw; JACK KIRBY cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
#11 [10/1978; ** What If the original Marvel bullpen (Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Sol Brodsky, Flo Steinberg) had become the Fantastic Four cover and all-new 34 page book-length story; ** Appearances by; Watcher, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Doctor Murrow and Skrulls; ** Jack Kirby story; Jack Kirby & Mike Royer art; Jack Kirby & Joe Sinnott cover; ** Inks by; Mike Royer; Bill Wray; Scott Shaw (many secondary figures and background); Dave Stevens (many secondary figures and background); ** Second Published MARVEL Art by DAVE STEVENS; NM, 9.4 = $28.00; NM-, 9.2 = $21.00];
#12(12/1978; What id Rich Jones became the HULK?; PINK VARIANT = Has 2-1/2" WIDE by 1/8" High PINK Strip at Upper Left Cover rather than Normal Dark BLUE= Approx 50-100 Times Scarcer than Regular edition; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
#12(12/1978; What id Rich Jones became the HULK?; PINK VARIANT = Has 2-1/2" WIDE by 1/8" High PINK Strip at Upper Left Cover rather than Normal Dark BLUE= Approx 50-100 Times Scarcer than Regular edition; VF-, 7.5 = $10);
#14(SGT FURY fought WW2 in Outer Space; NM-, 9.2 = $12); #14(SGT FURY fought WW2 in Outer Space; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14);
#15(7/1979; NOVA-c/s; With; Fantastic Four, Peter Parker, Dr Doom, Red Skull, Kingpin-c/app; Walt Simonson and George PEREZ art; NM, 9.4 = $28; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14);
#16 (8/1979; Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu; pencils by Hoberg, inks by Bill Wray & 4th published Marvel Art by DAVE STEVENS; NM, 9.4 = $28; NM-, 9.2 = $21);
#17(GHOST RIDER, Spider-Woman, Captain Marvel & Son of Satan; NM, 9.4 = $32);
#18(12/1979; Dr Strange disciple of Dormammu; Gillis-s; Sutton-a; NM, 9.4 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = 12);
#20(Avengers & Kree-Skrull War; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#21(Sub-Mariner Married Invisible Girl; Fantastic Four; Spider-Man cameo; NM, 9.4 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#22(Origin Dr Doom; Mephisto; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#23 (10/1980; FIRST PRINTING; ** ( A ) The FIRST Celestial Host; Partial ORIGIN of CELESTIALS (Part of the ETERNALS Universe); Story of the CELESTIALS first Visit to Earth; CELESTIALS appearing include; Gammenon, Ziran the Tester, Nezzar the Calculator, Oneg the Prober; WATCHER appears; 7 Page story by Mark Gruenwald; Art by; Ron Wilson, Chic Stone; ** ( B ) What If HULK had become a BARBARIAN cover & story / What if JARELLA had Not Died; ** Appearances by; Hulk, Watcher, Jarella, Clay Quartermain, Thunderbolt Ross, Betty Ross, Glen Talbot, Hank Pym and Lord Visis; 20 page story by Peter Gillis; Art by; Herb Trimpe and Mike Esposito; ** ( C ) What If AUNT MAY Instead of Her Nephew PETER PARKER Had Been Bitten by That Radioactive SPIDER? 8 page story by Steve Skeates; Art by; Alan Kupperberg; VF/NM, 9.0 = $36.00; VF-, 7.5 = $22.00; FN, 6.0 = $14.00; VG, 4.0 = $10.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $8.00);
#25 (2/1981; THOR & the AVENGERS Battle the Gods; ASK);
#26 (4/1981; Captain America elected president; part BYRNE plot; MAN-THING backup-s; ASK);
#27(7/1981; Frank MILLER-c; PHEONIX had not died; X-MEN & Wolverine-c/s;Galactus & Sentinals app; KREE-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26);
#28(Frank Miller-c/a; Daredevil agent of SHIELD; Sutton-a; GHOST RIDER-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22);
#29(Original AVENGERS with HULK-c/s = Spider-Man, FF & X-Men-c/cameo; Black Bolt & Eternals-s; Sub-Mariner-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#30(12/1981; Spider-Man's Clone Survived; Kingpin app; Inhumans-s; NM, 9.4 = $24);
#31 (2/1982; What If WOLVERINE killed HULK cover and story; X-Men and Magneto appear; SOLD OUT);
#32(AVENGERS & Korvac; BYRNE-a; Galactus app; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#33(Dazzler & Galactus; Iron Man & King Arthur; NM+, 9.6 = $36);
#34(HUMOR issue = Spider-Man, Wolverine, X-Men, FF, Avengers, DD & MOST Major Heroes app; Hembeck, Frank Miller & many others-a; Layton-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#35( Daredevil & Elektra; Frank Miller-a; Death of Yellow Jacket-s = Avengers app; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
#36(Fantastic Four; BYRNE-a; NM, 9.4 = $24);
#37 (2/1983; What If the Thing Had Continues to Mutate? Fantastic Four, Captain America and Giant-Man appear; What If the Beast Had Truly Become a Beast?; OLD X-MEN appear; What If Galactus Had Turned the Silver Surfer Back Into Norrin Radd? Tom DeFalco and David Kraft stories; Arvell Jones and Mike Vosburg art; Ed Hannigan and Joe Rubinstein cover; NM+, 9.6 = $36.00; NM, 9.4 = $24.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00; VF, 8.0 = $8.00; FN, 6.0 = $5.00);
#38(Daredevil, Vision & Scarlet Witch, Captain America-c/s; Red Skull, Kingpin app; NM+, 9.6 = $36; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#39(Manitoba; 6/1983; THOR vs CONAN Battle-c/s; ASK);
#40(Doctor Strange; Guice-a; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#41(Sub-Mariner; ASK)
#42( Invisible Girl Died; Fantastic Four-c/s; NM+, 9.6 = $36);
#43 (2/1984; What If CONAN the Barbarian Stranded in 20th Century; Peter Gillis story; Bob Hall art; Bill Sienkiewicz Painted cover; Doctor Strange, Silver Surfer & Phoenix backup story by Mark Gruenwald with Jack Able & Tom Palmer art; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00);
#44 (Captain America; ASK)
#45(HULK went Berzerk; Sienkiewicz-c; Fantastic Four & Avengers app; ASK);
#46(Spider-Man; Sienkiewicz-c; Green Goblin app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#47(10/1984; LAST issue; Loki became THOR; Sienkiewicz-c; Kelley Jones-a; ASK);
WHAT IF... ? (Marvel Comics Pub; 1989-1998; Second Series);
#49 (5/1993; What If SILVER SURFER Possessed the INFINITY GAUNTLET; Captain America, Mephisto, THANOS, Shalla-Bal & Warlock-c/app;, Doctor Strange & Galactus appear; NM+, 9.6 = $59.00);
#49 (5/1993; What If SILVER SURFER Possessed the INFINITY GAUNTLET; Captain America, Mephisto, THANOS, Shalla-Bal & Warlock-c/app;, Doctor Strange & Galactus appear; NM, 9.4 = $39.00);
#49 (5/1993; What If SILVER SURFER Possessed the INFINITY GAUNTLET; Captain America, Mephisto, THANOS, Shalla-Bal & Warlock-c/app;, Doctor Strange & Galactus appear; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
#49 (5/1993; What If SILVER SURFER Possessed the INFINITY GAUNTLET; Captain America, Mephisto, THANOS, Shalla-Bal & Warlock-c/app;, Doctor Strange & Galactus appear; VF/NM, 9.0 = $19.00);
#51 (7/1993; HOT!! ** Predicted that PUNISHER would become the New CAPTAIN AMERICA; VF, 8.0 = $10);
*** Netflix and Marvel have officially announced a PUNISHER Netflix TV Miniseries is in development, starring JON BERNTHAL (He will reprise his role as Frank Castle aka PUNISHER from Netflix TV’s DAREDEVIL in Season Two); Jeph Loeb as Executive Producer/Head of Marvel Television; Featuring Steve Lightfoot as Showrunner & writer;
(7/1993; HOT!!
** Predicted that PUNISHER would
become the New CAPTAIN AMERICA; VF/NM, 9.0 = $13);
#51 (7/1993;
** Predicted that PUNISHER would
become the New CAPTAIN AMERICA; NM-, 9.2 = $20);
#51 (7/1993; HOT!! ** Predicted that PUNISHER would become the New CAPTAIN AMERICA; NM, 9.4 = $27);
#51 (7/1993; HOT!! ** Predicted that PUNISHER would become the New CAPTAIN AMERICA; NM+, 9.6 = $39);
WHAT IF? PLANET HULK (Marvel Comics Pub);
#1 [12/2007; One-Shot Special; First appearance of SKARR, the Son of HULK as a Baby; Three Tales of Alternative Universe Planet Hulk and World War Hulk Related Storyline on the savage planet of Sakaar; ( 1 ) What If the Hulk Died and Caiera Lived? = 16 Pages; SKARR’S appearance in this What If story predates his first appearance in regular continuity in World War Hulk #5(1/2008) by One Month; GCD = [Story includes Appearances of; Caiera, Korg, Miek, No-Name, Elloe Kaifi, Hiroim, Iron Man, Sentry, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four, Black Bolt, Storm, Black Panther, Doc Samson, Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Power Man & Iron Fist, Ares, Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, Colossus & Skaar]; ( 2 ) What If the Hulk Landed on the Peaceful Planet That Reed Richards Promised? = 20 Pages; ( 3 ) What If Bruce Banner Had Landed on Sakaar Instead of the Hulk = ONE page Spoof by Fred Hembeck; Greg Pak stories; Carlo Pagulayan painted cover; Leonard Kirk, Rafa Sandoval & Fred Hembeck art; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00; VF, 8.0 = $49.00];;
WHAT IF? THOR (MARVEL Comics Pub; One-Shot);
#1 (2/2006; FIRST PRINTING; What If THOR Was the Herald of GALACTUS? FIRST appearance of THOR as the Herald of GALACTUS cover and story; Thor kills NOVA the Herald of GALACTUS and has to replace her to save Asgard; DEATH of SIF and ODIN; Appearances by; Hector Espijo, Balder, Valkyrie, Loki, Frost Giants, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg); ROBERT KIRKMAN story; Michael Avon Oeming cover and art; RED HOT KEY issue; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
WHAT THE?! (Marvel Comics Pub; 1988-1993)
#25(6/1993; X-Men Parody-c; Summer Special; All Mutant Parody issue; 68 page Giant; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00);
WHERE CREATURES ROAM (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1970-1971);
#1(7/1970; Ditko-a; Kirby-a; VF, 8.0 =$36.00); #1(7/1970; Ditko-a; Kirby-a; VF-, 7.5 = $30.00);
#2(9/1970; Ditko-c/a; Kirby-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $45.00); #2(9/1970; Ditko-c/a; Kirby-a; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00);
#3(Kirby-c/a; 2xDitko-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $45.00); #3(Kirby-c/a; 2xDitko-a; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00);
#3(Kirby-c/a; 2xDitko-a; VF, 8.0 =$25.00);
#5(Kirby-c/a; Ditko-a; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00); #5(Kirby-c/a; Ditko-a; VF, 8.0 = $25.00);
WHERE MONSTERS DWELL (MARVEL Comics pub; 1970-1975);
#1(1/1970; 21 pages of KIRBY-a; FN/VF $29.00); #2(KIRBY-c & 21 pages of art; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00)
#2(KIRBY-c & 21 pages of art; VF, 8.0 = $26.00);
#2(KIRBY-c & 21 pages of art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00);
#3(5/1970; 3xKIRBY-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $45.00); #3(5/1970; 3xKIRBY-a; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00);
#4(Ditko-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $45.00); #4(Ditko-a; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00); #4(Ditko-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00);
#5(Kirby-c/a; Ditko-a; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00); #5(Kirby-c/a; Ditko-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00); #6 (VF-, 7.5 = $79);
#7(Kirby-c/a; Ditko-a; NM-, 9.2 = $66.00); #7(Kirby-c/a; Ditko-a; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00); #7(Kirby-c/a; Ditko-a; VF, 8.0 =$25.00);
#8(Wrightson-c?; Kirby-a; 2xDitko-a; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00); #8(Wrightson-c?; Kirby-a; 2xDitko-a; VF, 8.0 = $25.00);
#8(Wrightson-c?; Kirby-a; 2xDitko-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $45.00);
#9(Kirby-a; 2xDitko-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $45); #9(Kirby-a; 2xDitko-a; VF+, 8.5 = $33);
#9(Kirby-a; 2xDitko-a; VF, 8.0 = $25); #9(Kirby-a; 2xDitko-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18);
#11(9/1971; 13pgs Kirby-a; VF+, 8.5 = $28);
#12(52 Page GIANT; VF+, 8.5 = $37.00); #12(52 Page GIANT; VF, 8.0 =$27.00); #12(52 Page GIANT; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19);
#15(new Severin-c; Kirby-a; Buckler-a= new?; VF+, 8.5 = $28.00);
#16(FN/VF, 7.0 = $16); #17(FN/VF, 7.0 = $16); #17(VF/NM, 9.0 = $38.00);
#20(3/1973; VF/NM, 9.0 = $38.00); #20(FN/VF, 7.0 = $16.00);
#21(Reprints, first appears of Fin Fang Foom by Jack Kirby = VF, 8.0 =$26);
#21 (5/1973; Reprints the first appearance of FIN FANG FOOM from Strange Tales #89 by Jack Kirby-c/s; FN/VF, 7.0 = $32.00);
#22(VF, 8.0 =$20.00); #22(FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00); #25(VF+, 8.5 = $24.00);
#24 (10/1973; The Thing from EASTER ISLAND cover & story, STONE MEN Prototype story, from Tales to Astonish #5; JACK KIRBY cover & art; DITKO Art; VF, 8.0 =$20.00);
#25(VF, 8.0 =$20.00); #25(FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00); #26(VF, 8.0 =$20.00); #26(FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00);
#26 (1/1974; Thing Called METALLO cover & story, IRON MAN Prototype story, from Tales of Suspense #16; JACK KIRBY & Ayers cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 =$32.00);
#27(all Kirby-c/a issue; 3/1974; VF+, 8.5 = $24.00); #27(all Kirby-c/a issue; 3/1974; VF, 8.0 =$20.00);
#27(all Kirby-c/a issue; 3/1974; FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00); #28(VF, 8.0 =$20.00);
#30(FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00); #31(FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00);
#34(VF, 8.0 = $20.00); #35(FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00);
#37(FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00); #38(Scarcer last issue = FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00);
WHITMAN COLORING and ACTIVITY BOOKS, & Frame Tray Puzzles; (WESTERN Publishing; Racine, Wisconsin, USA; from the 1967-1979 time period; SCARCE in Un-Marked / Un-Used Condition; RARE in strict VF or Better; This is a very Rare "FIND" of HIGH GRADE Copies);
Amazing SPIDER-MAN in "the Oyster Mystery"; Whitman Coloring Book #1061 (Manitoba; SCARCE; 1976; UnUsed & NOT Colored; NM, 9.4 = $49);
Amazing SPIDER-MAN in "Seeing Double" Whitman Coloring Book #1639 (Manitoba; SCARCE; 1976; UnUsed & NOT Colored; 3/4" Price Sticker on cover, NM+, 9.6 = $49);
AMERICA ON PARADE STICKER FUN {Walt Disney productions} (Whitman Pub. book #2189; 1975; 59 cent-c; Donald Duck, Goofy & Mickey Mouse covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; Rubber stamped as "Whitman Editorial Department" on inside front-c = FILE COPY; VF, 8.0 = $16);
AMERICA ON PARADE STICKER FUN {Walt Disney productions} (Whitman Pub. book #2189; 1975; 69 cent-c; Donald Duck, Goofy & Mickey Mouse covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
BATMAN; Adventures of BATMAN Coloring Book (Whitman #1023; 1966; SCARCE; Batman and Robin in Batmobile cover; Light Dust Shadow at top of Cover, VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
BENJI STICKER FUN {Joe Camp's} (Golden Pub. book #2138-3; 1975; 99 cent-c; PHOTO-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
BIBLE STORIES TO COLOR (Whitman Pub. book #1129; 1968; 29 cent-c; Art by Frank vaughn; Noah in his Ark Painted-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
BLACK HOLE COLOR AND ACTIVITY BOOK {Walt Disney productions} (Whitman Pub. book #1251-5; 1979; 49 cent-c; Painted-c; Photo's on Back-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $32);
BUGS BUNNY COLORING BOOK {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1012-1; dated 1967, but circa 1972; 49 cent-c; Elmer Fudd in Rocket in Space with Bugs Bunny-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $32);
BUGS BUNNY COLORING BOOK {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1052-88; circa 1979; 69 cent-c; Elmer Fudd in Rocket in Space with Bugs Bunny-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $24);
Bugs Bunny Coloring Book {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub #1038; 1977; 39 cent-c; Bugs as Sherlock Holmes Parody, with Elmer Fudd cover & 16 pages inside; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $28);
Bugs Bunny Coloring Book {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub #1032-1; 1977; 49 cent-c; Bugs as Sherlock Holmes Parody, with Elmer Fudd cover & 16 pages inside; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $24);
BUGS BUNNY Frame-Tray Puzzle {Looney Tunes/Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. puzzle #4512C-22; 8" x 11" Size; 1979; illustration depicts; Bugs Bunny & Porky Pig Mountain Climbing; NM, 9.4 still in Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap = $18);
BUGS BUNNY Frame-Tray Puzzle {Looney Tunes/Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. puzzle #4512D; 8" x 11" Size; 1974; illustration depicts; Bugs Bunny as Robin Hood, shooting Carrot as an Arrow on a Bow; NM, 9.4 still in Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap = $18);
BUGS BUNNY and HIS FRIENDS COLORING BOOK {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1638; 1977; 69 cent-c; Yosemite Sam & Bugs Bunny-c, plus Model-T Car with Elmer, Petunia, Porky, Daffy, Tweety, Slyvester & Road Runner; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
BUGS BUNNY and HIS FRIENDS DOT BOOK {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1261-33; 1977; 69 cent-c; Elmer Fudd, Petunia Pig & Bugs Bunny INFINITY-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF+, 8.5 = $18);
BUGS BUNNY PAINT and COLOR BOOK {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1058; 1970; 49 cent-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF-, 7.5 = $16);
DISNEYLAND DOT BOOK {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1284; 1975; 49 cent-c; Mickey, Mortie, Ferdie & Pluto-c; ** Interior appearances by; Uncle Scrooge, Goofy, Country Bear Jamboree, Capt Hook, & Minnie Mouse; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
DISNEY ON PARADE COLORING BOOK {Walt Disney Productions} (Whitman Pub. book #1647; 1973; 59 cent-c; JALOPY-c with cover & appearances by; Goofy, Mickey, Daisy, Donald, Pinoccho, Jiminy Cricket & Mary Poppins; ** Additional Interior appearances by; Merlin, 3 Little Pigs, Lil Wolf, Cinderella, 7 Dwarfs, Jungle book, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $25);
DISNEY ON PARADE COLORING BOOK {Walt Disney Productions} (Whitman Pub. book #1647-21; circa 1979; 79 cent-c; JALOPY-c with cover & appearances by; Goofy, Mickey, Daisy, Donald, Pinoccho, Jiminy Cricket & Mary Poppins; ** Additional Interior appearances by; Merlin, 3 Little Pigs, Lil Wolf, Cinderella, 7 Dwarfs, Jungle book, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $20);
DONALD DUCK COLORING BOOK {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1000-23; 1974; Car & Go-Kart-c with; Mickey, Minney, Mortie, Ferdie, Huey, Dewie, Lewie, Donald, Daisy & Goofy; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
DONALD DUCK COLORING BOOK {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1000-23; 1974; Car & Go-Kart-c with; Mickey, Minney, Mortie, Ferdie, Huey, Dewie, Lewie, Donald, Daisy & Goofy; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18);
DONALD DUCK COLORING BOOK {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1021; 1974; 49 cent-c; Mickey Mouse Club Logo at Mid-Right edge of cover; Car & Go-Kart-c with; Mickey, Minney, Mortie, Ferdie, Huey, Dewie, Lewie, Donald, Daisy & Goofy; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored);
DONALD DUCK DOT BOOK {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1252-3; 1977; 49 cent-c; Donald Duck with Whip as Lion Tamer with Lion-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $25);
DONALD DUCK DOT BOOK {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1268; 1977; 49 cent-c; Donald Duck with Whip as Lion Tamer with Lion-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $22);
DONALD DUCK EYE-POPPER PUZZLES {Walt Disney FUN BOOK} (Whitman Pub. book #1135-6; 1978; 99 cent-c; Donald Duck inside 3-D Puzzle-c; ** Interior appearance by; Goofy, Huey, Dewie, Louis, Daisy, Black Pete; Donald Duck Cut-Out MASK on Back-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
DONALD DUCK the Tailor of Duckburg Sticker Fun (Manitoba; Whitman Pub. #2172-5; Donald Duck, Beagle Boys, Huey, Dewie & Louis-c/s; Uncle Scrooge app; New Comics story to add stickers to; Un-Used; Stickers intact; VF+, 8.5 = $19);
DUDLEY DO-RIGHT Frame-Tray Puzzle {Jay Ward TV Cartoon} (Whitman Pub. puzzle #4515-C; 1972; DUDLEY DO-RIGHT, Snidley Whiplash & Horse Playing Horse Shoes-c; NM, 9.4 still in Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap = $30);
DUDLEY DO-RIGHT Frame-Tray Puzzle {Jay Ward TV Cartoon} (Whitman Pub. puzzle #4515-C; 1972; DUDLEY DO-RIGHT Riding Horse with Nell, Snidley Whiplash trips over Rope between trees on Path-c; NM-, 9.2 still in Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap = $22);
DUDLEY DO-RIGHT Frame-Tray Puzzle {Jay Ward TV Cartoon} (Whitman Pub. puzzle #4334-B; 1976; DUDLEY DO-RIGHT, Snidley Whiplash & Horse Playing Horse Shoes-c; NM, 9.4 still in Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap = $30);
EASY COLOR BOOK (Whitman Pub. book #1058-41; dated 1970, but actually circa 1979; 79 cent-c; Humpty Dumpty, striped Cat & Lady Bug-c, by Jason Lee; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF+, 8.5 = $14);
FAIRY TALES TO COLOR plus Other Story Favorites {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1018; 1973; 49 cent-c; Mickey Mouse Club Logo on cover; Snow White & one of the 3 Little Pigs-c, looking at book with Bambi & Peter and the Wolf with interior stories of same; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $28);
FAIRY TALES TO COLOR plus Other Story Favorites {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1018; 1973; 49 cent-c; Mickey Mouse Club Logo on cover; Snow White & one of the 3 Little Pigs-c, looking at book with Bambi & Peter and the Wolf with interior stories of same; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
FAIRY TALES TO COLOR plus Other Story Favorites {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1050-32; dated 1973, but actually circa 1977; 69 cent-c; Mickey Mouse Club Logo on cover; Snow White & one of the 3 Little Pigs-c, looking at book with Bambi & Peter and the Wolf with interior stories of same; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
GOOFY COLORING BOOK {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #1009; 1972; 39 cent-c; shoulders & Head image of GOOFY, with Green background-c; ** Interior appearances by; Donald, Daisy, Mickey, Minnie, Huey, Dewie, Louie, Uncle Scrooge; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
GOOFY FOLLOW THE DOTS {Walt Disney FUN BOOK} (Whitman Pub. book #1389; 1978; 59 cent-c; GOOFY as Sherlock Holmes, with PLUTO, RED background-c; ** Dandy Detective Disguise Cut-Out Back-c; ** Interior appearances by; Donald, Daisy, Mickey, Minnie, Huey, Dewie, Louie; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $28);
GOOFY FOLLOW THE DOTS {Walt Disney FUN BOOK} (Whitman Pub. book #1389; 1978; 59 cent-c; GOOFY as Sherlock Holmes, with PLUTO, RED background-c; ** Dandy Detective Disguise Cut-Out Back-c; ** Interior appearances by; Donald, Daisy, Mickey, Minnie, Huey, Dewie, Louie; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
GOOFY STICKER FUN {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub. book #2175; 1972; 59 cent-c; GOOFY as Sherlock Holmes, with Ghost-Hunting Kit, eating ice-cream, Green background-c; Sherlock Holmes type Deerstalker Hat Cut-Out Back-c; Haunted House / Ghost Hunting-s; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
HUEY, DEWEY, AND LOUIE Coloring Book {Walt Disney's...; Junior Woodchucks-c/s} (Whitman pub Book #1007-2;1976; 49 cent-c; Camp Woodchuck bus-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $25);
HUEY, DEWEY, AND LOUIE Coloring Book {Walt Disney's...; Junior Woodchucks-c/s} (Whitman pub Book #1049-31; 1976; 69 cent-c; Camp Woodchuck bus-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
HUEY, DEWEY, AND LOUIE Coloring Book {Walt Disney's...; Junior Woodchucks-c/s} (Whitman pub Book #1049-41; dated 1976 but circa 1979; 79 cent-c; Camp Woodchuck bus-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $19);
LASSIE Coloring Book {TV} (Whitman Pub. book #1056; 1973; 39 cent-c; LASSIE with 2 pups in basket Painted-c; RED covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $28);
LASSIE Landslide at Roberts Range a Coloring Book {TV} (Whitman Pub. book #1009; 1979; 49 cent-c; LASSIE in forest, Racoon in Tree Painted-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $22);
LITTLE LULU Frame-Tray Puzzle {Based on the MARGE / Marjorie Henderson Buell Comic Strips & the Dell/Gold Key comics} (Whitman Pub. puzzle #4556; OVERSIZED Puzzle = 11-1/2" x 14-1/2" Size; 1973; Painted illustration depicts; Lulu Moppet & Annie Inch eating Ice Cream, as Tubby Tompkins hides in Tree with Tongs awaiting stealing the Ice Cream; NM-, 9.2 still in Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap, but shink wrap is OPEN at Top Edge = $35);
LITTLE LULU Frame-Tray Puzzle {Based on the MARGE / Marjorie Henderson Buell Comic Strips & the Dell/Gold Key comics} (Whitman Pub. puzzle #4515-E; 1975; Cover depicts; LULU in Chefs hat, about to throe Cream Pie at TUBBY who is swiping NUTS; NM, 9.4 still in Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap = $25);
MICKEY MOUSE Color & Activity Book {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub; book #1260-41; 1978; 79 cent-c; Mickey & Minny on HAWAII Tropical Beach-c/s; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF+, 8.5 = $18);
MICKEY MOUSE CLUB Coloring Book - DISCOVERY DAY {Walt Disney - TV} (Whitman Pub; book #1381; 1977; 49 cent-c; PHOTO-c & 2 different PHOTO's on Back-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF, 8.0 = $16);
MICKEY MOUSE CLUB Coloring Book - DISCOVERY DAY {Walt Disney - TV} (Whitman Pub; book #1381; 1977; 59 cent-c; PHOTO-c & 2 different PHOTO's on Back-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
PINK PANTHER COLORING BOOK {TV & Movie Cartoons} - (Whitman Pub; book #1649-2; 1976; 79 cent-c; PINK PANTHER roasting Hot Dog & Marshmallows-c; YELLOW covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
PINK PANTHER COLORING BOOK {TV & Movie Cartoons} - (Whitman Pub; book #1649-2; 1976; 79 cent-c; PINK PANTHER roasting Hot Dog & Marshmallows-c; YELLOW covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF-, 7.5 = $16);
PINOCCHIO Coloring Book {Walt Disney} (Whitman Pub; book #1043; 1975; 39 cent-c; PINOCCHIO with School Books, holding Jiminy Cricket-c; RED Covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM+, 9.6 = $30);
PINOCCHIO Coloring Book {Walt Disney} (Whitman Pub; book #1045-33; dated 1975 but circa 1978; 69 cent-c; PINOCCHIO with School Books, holding Jiminy Cricket-c; RED Covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF+, 8.5 = $18);
PINOCCHIO Coloring Book {Walt Disney} (Whitman Pub; book #1045-33; dated 1975 but circa 1978; 69 cent-c; PINOCCHIO with School Books, holding Jiminy Cricket-c; RED Covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF-, 7.5 = $14);
PLUTO Coloring Book {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub; book #1070; 1971; 49 cent-c; Mickey with Litter Bag & PLUTO with Pop Bottle-c; ** Interior appearances of; Mickey, Minney, Mortie, Ferdie, Huey, Dewie, Lewie; RED Covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22);
PLUTO Coloring Book {Walt Disney's} (Whitman Pub; book #1070; 1971; 49 cent-c; Mickey with Litter Bag & PLUTO with Pop Bottle-c; ** Interior appearances of; Mickey, Minney, Mortie, Ferdie, Huey, Dewie, Lewie; RED Covers; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF+, 8.5 = $18);
POPEYE Coloring Book (King Features Syndicate) (Whitman pub book #1055-47; 1978; 79 cent-c; Popeye, Swee Pee & DoDo Bird-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
POPEYE Coloring Book (King Features Syndicate) (Whitman pub book #1651-2; dated 1971 but circa 1979; 79 cent-c; Marine Land Show-c with Popeye, Swee Pee, jumping Whale & Olive Oyl; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $30);
POPEYE Coloring Book (King Features Syndicate) (Whitman pub book #1651-2; dated 1971 but circa 1979; 79 cent-c; Marine Land Show-c with Popeye, Swee Pee, jumping Whale & Olive Oyl; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
POPEYE and SWEE'PEA Coloring Book (King Features Syndicate) (Whitman pub book #1007; 1970; 39 cent-c; Popeye riding ROCKET in Space, with BLUTO sitting on MOON, Swee Pee/ Olive Oyl/Wimpy inside Rocket-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $39);
PORKY PIG DOT TO DOT {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1261-31; 1978; 69 cent-c; Porky, Petunia & Bugs Bunny riding Roller Coaster-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
PORKY PIG & PETUNIA a COLORING BOOK {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1643-1; 1979; 79 cent-c; Cover depicts; Porky jogging, Petunia sitting on fence & waving; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $24);
RAGGEDY ANN COLORING BOOK {famous Dolls} - (Whitman Pub; book #1657; 1972; 59 cent-c; Raggedy Ann, Andy, Teddy Bear, Indian Girl & Toy Soldier-c; Cover art by Becky; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $30
RAGGEDY ANN AND ANDY COLORING BOOK - An Airport Adventure {famous Dolls} - (Whitman Pub; book #1028-1; 1978; 49 cent-c; Raggedy Ann & Andy, sitting on Luggage at Airport-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
RAGGEDY ANN and ANDY PAINT and COLOR BOOK {famous Dolls} - (Whitman Pub; book #1650-59; 1969; NO price on cover; Cover & Art by JASON LEE; ** THICK GIANT size Book; Andy painting House, with Raggedy Ann inside holding paint can; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $36);
SUPERMAN, in LUTHOR'S LOST LAND a Book to Color (Whitman #1665; 1975; SCARCE; overall NM-, but residue from removed sticker at top of cover, thus VF+, 8.5= $35.00);
SUPERMAN, The MISSILE BASE MYSTERY Coloring Book (Whitman #1031; 1965; SCARCE; NM-, 9.2 = $59.00);
TWEETY and SYLVESTER DOT BOOK {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1250-22; 1977; 49 cent-c; SYLVESTER watching TWEETY bath in Teacup-c, with RED Background; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
TWEETY and SYLVESTER DOT BOOK {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1261-32; 1977; 69 cent-c; SYLVESTER watching TWEETY bath in Teacup-c, with RED Background; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $20);
TWEETY and SYLVESTER DOT BOOK {Looney Tunes / Warner Bros} (Whitman Pub. book #1261-32; 1977; 69 cent-c; SYLVESTER watching TWEETY bath in Teacup-c, with RED Background; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
UNCLE SCROOGE Coloring Book (Walt Disney's) (Whitman pub, book #1149-32; 1978; 69 cent-c; UNCLE SCROOGE digging up Treasure Chests of Rare Coins, Huey Dewie Louie with Geiger Counter-c; Donald Duck & Beagle Boys app; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $36);
UNCLE SCROOGE FRAME-TRAY PUZZLE (Manitoba; Whitman Pub. puzzle #4510B; 8" x 11" Size; circa 1979; illustration depicts; Scrooge, Huey, Dewie & Louis in space helmets on the Moon with Rocket; NM, 9.4 = $22.00);
WINNIE THE POOH COLORING BOOK AND THINGS TO DO (Walt Disney Presents) (Whitman pub, book #1368; 1976; 59 cent-c; WINNIE THE POOH eating Hunny out of Jar, OWL in Tree-c; *** OWL Cut-Out MASK on Back-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22);
WINNIE THE POOH COLORING BOOK AND THINGS TO DO (Walt Disney Presents) (Whitman pub, book #1368; 1976; 59 cent-c; WINNIE THE POOH eating Hunny out of Jar, OWL in Tree-c; *** OWL Cut-Out MASK on Back-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF+, 8.5 = $18);
WINNIE THE POOH TRACE and COLOR BOOK (Walt Disney Presents) (Whitman pub, book #1625; 1974; 79 cent-c; WINNIE THE POOH & Piglet working on Trace & Color image on a Tree; *** UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM, 9.4 = $26);
WOODSY OWL COLOR BOOK {Environmental Campaign Logo} - (Whitman Pub; book #1019; 1973; 39 cent-c; WOODSY OWL putting "Give a Hoot Don't Pollute" Sign -c in ground, with Ladybug & Groundhog-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
WOODY WOODPECKER (Walter Lantz) (Whitman Pub; book #1056-33; 1978; 69 cent-c; WOODY WOODPECKER reading comic in Hammock, 2 Kids with Circus Sign-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $22);
WOODY WOODPECKER (Walter Lantz) (Whitman Pub; book #1056-33; 1978; 69 cent-c; WOODY WOODPECKER reading comic in Hammock, 2 Kids with Circus Sign-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18);
WOODY WOODPECKER (Walter Lantz) (Whitman Pub; book #1055-48; 1978; 79 cent-c; WOODY WOODPECKER reading comic in Hammock, 2 Kids with Circus Sign-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; NM-, 9.2 = $19);
WOODY WOODPECKER Frame-Tray Puzzle {Walter Lantz Cartoons} (Whitman Pub. puzzle #4515-B; 1974; illustration depicts; 2 Kids in Card pulled by Goat, Woody falling thru Leaves with Rake; NM, 9.4 still in Factory Sealed Shrink Wrap = $20);
ZOO COLORING BOOK (Whitman pub, book #1140; 1969; 29 cent-c; 2 Giraffes behind Metal Fence with Trees-c; UnUsed, UnMarked, UnColored; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18);
WHOA, NELLIE! (Limited Series; Fantagraphics Pub., FEMALE WRESTLERS; Jamie Hernandez story and art)
#1 (7/1996; VF+, 8.5 = $16.00);
#2 (8/1996; MAGGIE appears; VF+, 8.5 = $14.00);
WICKED and the DIVINE (2014-2015; IMAGE Comics Pub; GODS become Teenagers & Pop-Stars)
>>> CBR = Deadline Reports that The Wicked + The Divine (from IMAGE Comics) has been optioned by Universal Television. The adaptation will be produced by Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick's company Milkfed Criminal Masterminds; Announced in February to have a two-year deal with Universal TV and the intent to develop other creators' properties as television series along with their own. "The Wicked + The Divine" focuses on a group of characters called The Pantheon, who receive powers after merging with deities -- a process that also greatly deduces their life expectancy. The series is nominated for three Eisner Awards (to be awarded July 10 at Comic-Con International in San Diego); Best New Series, Best Cover Artist (McKelvie and Wilson) and Best Coloring (Wilson)
#1-A (6/2014; Matthew Wilson and Jamie McKelvie "PINK Human FACE" cover; Kieron Gillen-s; Jamie McKelvie and Matthew Wilson-a; ASK)
#1-B (6/2014; Matthew Wilson and Jamie McKelvie "BLUE Alien FACE" cover; Kieron Gillen-s; Jamie McKelvie and Matthew Wilson-a; ASK)
#1-C (6/2014; Girl Lying on Bed in Bedroom Cover by Bryan O'Malley; Kieron Gillen-s; Jamie McKelvie and Matthew Wilson-a; ASK)
WILD CARDS (1990; Marvel/Epic Comics Pub; $4.50 Original Cover price; Square-bound Prestige Format Giants) ;
*** Wikipedia = In August 2016, it was announced that Universal Cable Productions acquired the rights to create a WILD CARDS TELEVISION series. GEORGE R.R. MARTIN stated that the development was in early stages and that the production was working on choosing characters and stories to adapt. Because of his exclusivity contract with HBO, which airs Game of Thrones based on George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, Martin stated he will not be involved in the adaptation. Snodgrass is to serve as an executive producer. In a blog post, Martin stated that Noveck is also to serve as an executive producer.
*** BASED on the NOVELS edited by George R. R. (Raymond Richard) Martin (of HBO's GAME OF THRONES FAME) and Melinda M. Snodgrass; (31 authors have written for the series of 22 Novels);
*** Wild Cards is a series of science fiction superhero shared universe anthologies, mosaic novels, and solo novels written by a collection of thirty authors referred to as the Wild Cards Trust and edited by George R. R. Martin and Melinda M. Snodgrass. Set largely during an alternate history of post-World War II United States, the series follows humans who contracted the Wild Card virus, an alien virus that rewrites DNA and mutates survivors; those who acquire minor or crippling physical conditions are known as Jokers, and those who acquire superhuman abilities are known as Aces.
#1 (9/1990; ORIGIN issue; Story Adaption by Lewis Shiner, Walton Simons, Melinda Snodgrass & Howard Waldrop; Art by; Harry Candelario, Fred Fredericks, Jackson Guice, Barry Kitson, Marshall Rogers, Keith Williams; Jackson Guice cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $30.00; VF+, 8.5 = $25.00; VF, 8.0 = $20.00);
#2 (10/1990; ORIGIN of Ace Golden Boy & Ace Croyd Crenson; The Archer aka the Yeoman; Jokers aka the Werewolves; Story Adaption by; Lewis Shiner, John J. Miller, Walton Simons & Walter Jon Williams; Art by; Michael Bair, Barry Kitson, Lee Weeks & Tom Yeates; Jackson Guice cover; NM,+ 9.6 = $30.00; NM,- 9.2 = $15.00);
#3 (11/1990; Great and Powerful Turtle & the Jokertown Clinic; Story Adaption by; George R.R. Martin, Gail Gerstner-Miller, Lewis Shiner; Art by; Barry Kitson, Mark Nelson, Larry Stroman, Tim Truman, Keith Williams & Al Williamson; Jackson Guice cover; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#4 (12/1990; Aces, Nats and the Jokers; Story Adaption by; Stephen Leigh, Lewis Shiner & Howard Waldrop. Art by; Fred Fredericks, Barry Kitson, Mickey Ritter, Gray Morrow, Marshall Rogers, John Tartaglione; Jackson Guice cover; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00; NM, 9.4 = $20.00; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
WILDC.A.T.S. ALIENS (Dark Horse-Image Comics)
#1-B (8/1998; VARIANT Cover; 52 pages including covers; Death of Fahrenheit & Winter; Destruction of Skywatch; Warren Ellis story; Chris Sprouse and Kevin Nowlan cover and art; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
WILDC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams (Image Pub., 8/1992-6/1998)
#7 (1/1994; Embossed All-Silver color Cover Scarce VARIANT edition; Jim Lee-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $25.00);
WILDCATS TRILOGY (Image Comics Pub);
#1 (6/1993; Chromium Cover; Grifter appears; WildC.A.T.s Story by Brandon Choi and Dafydd Wyn with Cover & Art by JAE LEE; NM+, 9.6 = $12.00);
#2 (9/1993; WildC.A.T.s in Hell Hath No Fury = Story by Brandon Choi and Dafydd Wyn with Cover & Art by JAE LEE; Daemonites & Grifter appear; Five page preview of WildC.A.T.s Special #1; NM-, 9.2 = $5.00);
#3 (12/1993; WildC.A.T.s in Witches Brew = Story by Brandon Choi and Dafydd Wyn with Cover & Art by JAE LEE; Daemonites, Warblade, Maul, Grifter, Spartan, Zealot, Artemis, and the sisterhood of the Coda appear; Zealot pinup by Mark Beachum; NM, 9.4 = $6.00);
WILD DOG (DC Comics Pub; 9-12/1987; Mini / Limited Series; Wild Dog later had a backup series in Action Comics Weekly);
#1 (9 /1987; FIRST appearance of Jack Wheeler aka WILD DOG; Rick Gonzalez plays Rene Ramirez aka WILD DOG, in CW TV Network's The ARROW in Season-Five and Season-Six; WILD DOG an Ex-NAVY SEAL, is as a new vigilante in Star City, whose reckless and violent nature causes Green Arrow to take him under his wing; In the Comics Jack Wheeler is a former US Marine, turned vigilante in the Quad Cities, armed with a Jatimatic GG-95 PDW & Electrified Shock Gloves; Max Allan Collins story; Terry Beatty & Dick Giordano cover & art; NM, 9.4 = $24.00)
#1 (9 /1987; FIRST appearance of Jack Wheeler aka WILD DOG; Rick Gonzalez plays Rene Ramirez aka WILD DOG, in CW TV Network's The ARROW in Season-Five and Season-Six; WILD DOG an Ex-NAVY SEAL, is as a new vigilante in Star City, whose reckless and violent nature causes Green Arrow to take him under his wing; In the Comics Jack Wheeler is a former US Marine, turned vigilante in the Quad Cities, armed with a Jatimatic GG-95 PDW & Electrified Shock Gloves; Max Allan Collins story; Terry Beatty & Dick Giordano cover & art; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00)
#1 (9 /1987; FIRST appearance of Jack Wheeler aka WILD DOG; Rick Gonzalez plays Rene Ramirez aka WILD DOG, in CW TV Network's The ARROW in Season-Five and Season-Six; WILD DOG an Ex-NAVY SEAL, is as a new vigilante in Star City, whose reckless and violent nature causes Green Arrow to take him under his wing; In the Comics Jack Wheeler is a former US Marine, turned vigilante in the Quad Cities, armed with a Jatimatic GG-95 PDW & Electrified Shock Gloves; Max Allan Collins story; Terry Beatty & Dick Giordano cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00)
WILDMAN (Grass Green’s …) (Megaton Comics Pub; Superhero Parody, Satire, Humor)
#1 (5/1987; First published appearance of YOUNGBLOOD; Full page AD for YOUNGBLOOD in Megaton Special #1 by ROB LIEFELD on inside Back cover, Predated Megaton #8 from 8/1987 by Three Months; ** FIRST appearance of WILDMAN and Rubberroy cover sand story; Wikipedia; Richard Edward "Grass" Green was an African American cartoonist notable for being the first black participant in both the 1960s fan art movement and the 1970s underground comics movement; In the 1960s, Green's Harvey Kurtzman-like zany, action-packed, humorous comics parodies appeared in numerous fanzines. His outrageous 1970s and 1980s underground work used searing humor to expose America's racism and bigotry; GRASS GREEN story, cover and art; VF, 8.0 = $89.00; VF, 8.0 = $75.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59.00)
WILD THING (Nikki Doyle) (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 4-10/1993)
#1 (4/1993; $2.50-c; Venom & Carnage; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00); #1 (4/1993; $2.50-c; Venom & Carnage; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#1 (4/1993; $2.50-c; Venom & Carnage; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00); #2 (5/1993; Venom & Spider-Man; ; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00);
#3 (6/1993; Introduction DEATH DUTY; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00); #4 (7/1993; Dark Thing vs Liddel; VF, 8.0 = $3.00);
#5 (8/1993; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00); #6 (9/1993; The Mind of Mysterio; Sandman, Hobgoblin & Mysterio cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
#7 (10/1993; LAST ISSUE; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
WINNIE THE POOH (1977-1984; 1-17=Gold Key; 18-33=Whitman; WALT DISNEY; Based on the characters created by A.A. MILNE; Scarcer in strict VF or better)
#1 (1/1977; Scarce KEY issue; FIRST appearance of WINNIE THE POOH in Comics, and series Begins; FIRST COMICS appearances of; Tigger, Eeyore, Rabbit, Owl, Piglet, Christopher Robin, Kanga, Roo; All-New Stories, made for Comics; New cover and art by Vic Lockman; A Night in the Hundred Acre Wood; The Pop-Propulsion Expedition; The Heffalump Invasion; An Unhappy Birthday Made Happy; FN/VF, 7.0 = $69.00);
#2(Manitoba; 1977; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26); #3(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $39);
#4(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26); #5(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26); #8(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#11(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $32); #12(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#12(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $32); #13(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16); #14(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#14(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $32); #15(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#16(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $24); #19(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $44); #19(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22);
#23(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24); #24(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $36); #24(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $36);
#25(9/1981; Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $36); #27(Manitoba; 2/1982; WHITE LOGO VARIANT; NM, 9.4 = $59);
#27(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24); #28(Manitoba; 4/1982; NM, 9.4 = $48);
#28(Manitoba; 4/1982; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24); #28(Manitoba; 4/1982; VF+, 8.5 = $19);
(Winnie the Pooh); A Year with Winnie the Pooh - a 1979 Hallmark 13-Month CALENDAR {Walt Disney} (Manitoba; 9x12" Oblong; Hallmark Pub; Toronto, Canada; RARE; all-new Full Color illustrations; Manitoba; VF+, 8.5 = $33.00);
WINNIPEG ART GALLERY PROGRAM (WAG / Winnipeg Art Gallery Pub; Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada; 16 pages; B&W Magazine);
June 1978 (#NN; FIRST PRINTING; ** Preview of the STERANKO GRAPHIC NARRATIVE Original Art Exhibition which OPENED to the Public on June 30/1978; ** Pre-Dates the STERANKO GRAPHIC NARRATIVE Book and The ART EXHIBITION; ** Classic CHANDLER Cover by JIM STERANKO; ** Feature Article; STERANKO: GRAPHIC NARRATIVE = 2 Page Preview by DAVID WAGAR (Curatorial Assistant) with JIM STERANKO illustrations; ** WINNIPEG ART GALLERY Members were invited to a PREVIEW of the EXHIBITION on June 29/1978 PM in the Skylight Lounge; ** the STERANKO GRAPHIC NARRATIVE Book is SCARCE, but this Preview PROGRAM is RARE; NM+, 9.6 = $119.00);
WITCHBLADE (1-9=Image; 10up=Top Cow Pub; 11/1995-Date)
#1(11/1995; 1st Printing; Michael Turner-c/a; NM, 9.4 =$70.00);
#1(NM-, 9.2 =$50.00); #6(NM-, 9.2 = $12.00); #7(NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#8(NM, 9.4 = $16.00); #9-B (Daniel/Conrad/Smith-c; SUNSET variant-c; NM, 9.4 =$20.00);
#10(1st Jackie Estacdo/the Darkness; Turner/Tron/Smith-c; VF+, 8.5 = $12);
Volume-3 #3 (6/1971; VF, 8.0 = $42.00)
WITCHING HOUR (DC Comics Pub; 1969-1978);
#2 (5/1969; NICK CARDY cover; Mordred, Mildred and Cynthia = 3 pages ALEX TOTH and Dick Giordano Framing Sequence art; That's right, Bernard, Scream = 7 pages Jack Sparling art; The Trip of Fools = 7 pages Jose Delbo art; Once Upon a Surprise Ending, 4 pages Jack Sparling art; Fact File #6, one page on Sargon the Sorcerer; VF+, 8.5 = $115.00)
#3 (7/1969; NICK CARDY & Mike Sekowsky cover; ALEX TOTH = 5 Pages Framing Sequence art; The Turn of the Wheel = = 8 pages of ALEX TOTH & Vince Colletta art; And In a Far-Off Land = 8 pages of BERNI WRIGHTSON art; ASK);
#5 (11/1969; NICK CARDY cover; 3 pages ALEX TOTH Framing Sequence art; The Sole Survivor = 7 pages of BERNI WRIGHTSON art; A Guy Can Die Laughing; My, How Small You've Grown Sid Greene art; FINE+, 6.5 = $39.00);
#8 (5/1970; NEAL ADAMS cover; 5 pages NEAL ADAMS Framing Sequence art; Above and Beyond the Call of Duty = 6 pages NEAL ADAMS art; Three Day Free Home Trial = 6 pages NICK CARDY art; ComputERR = 6 pages ALEX TOTH art; Twice-Told Tales: The Sign of the Hook = 2 pages; Centerfold detached at Top Staple, FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
#10 (8-9/1970; NEAL ADAMS cover; Alex Toth and Gray Morrow art; G/VG, 3.0 = $14.00);
#11 (Toth-a; Neal ADAMS-c; ASK);
#13 (3/1971; NEAL ADAMS cover; 4 pages NEAL ADAMS Framing Sequence art; The Maze, 7 page story by Al Gold and Marv Wolfman, with Gray Morrow art; The Accursed Clay, Jack Miller story, with Jack Sparling and Frank Giacoia art; Rush-Hour Ride of Abner Pringle, Len Wein story, with Jose Delbo art; ASK);
#14 (4-5/1971; NEAL ADAMS cover; Gerry Conway story; Jeffrey Jones, Al Williamson and Stanley Pitt art; Overall VF+, but with fingerprint smudges at mid right cover, thus VF-, 7.5 = $49.00)
#15(Morrow-a; Wood-a; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
#17 (10-11/1971; 52 page Giant; George Kashdan, Murray Boltinoff stories; Don Heck and John Calnan art; Nick Cardy cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $22.00);
#18 (12/1971-1/1972; 52 page Giant; Wessler, Haney and Kashdan stories; Grandenetti, Brown, Aparo and Calnan art; Nick Cardy cover; VF+, 8.5 = $42.00);
#22 (8/1972; Murray Boltinoff story; Nick Cardy cover; Win Mortimer, Bob Brown, Dan Adkins and Jack Abel art; FN, 6.0 = $12.00);
#24(VF, 8.0 = $19.00); #25(VF, 8.0 = $19.00); #27(VF, 8.0 = $19.00);
#28 (2/1973; SANTA CLAUS with SKULL Christmas cover; George Kashdan story; Gonzales, Calnan, Yandoc and Talaoc art; Nick Cardy cover; VF+, 8.5 = $29.00);
#29(VF, 8.0 = $19.00);
#30 (4/1973; Carl Wessler story; Nick Cardy cover; Jack Sparling, Adrian Gonzales and, Rico Rival art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $35.00; VF, 8.0 =$19.00);
#32 (7/1973; Nick Cardy cover; VG/FN, 5.0 = $10.00);
#33(8/1973; FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00);
#35 (10/1973; Carl Wessler and George Kashdan stories; Luis Dominguez, Lee Elias &, Norman Maurer art; Nick Cardy cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $14.00);
#36(VF, 8.0 = $19.00); #37(VF, 8.0 = $19.00);
#38(100 Page Giant; VF+, 8.5 = $55);
#38(1/1974; 100 Page Giant; VF, 8.0 = $40);
#39(2/1974; VF+, 8.5 = $24.00); #39(VF, 8.0 = $19.00);
#40(VF, 8.0 = $19.00); #40 (VF+, 8.5 = $24.00);
#41 (4/1974; WITCH with SKULL in Camera cover by Nick Cardy; Carl Wessler stories; E.R. Cruz, Alfredo Alcala, Rico Rival and Buddy Gernale art; VF+, 8.5 = $19.00; VF, 8.0 = $14.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00);
#42(VF+, 8.5 = $19.00); #42(VF, 8.0 = $14.00);
#45(VF+, 8.5 = $19.00); #46(VF, 8.0 = $14.00); #46(VF+, 8.5 = $19.00);
#47(10/1974; Cardy-c; Skeleton-c/s; Nino-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $29.00; VF+, 8.5 = $19.00; VF, 8.0 =$14.00);
#49(VF, 8.0 =$14.00); #50(VF+, 8.5 = $19.00);
#52(VF, 8.0 =$14.00); #53(VF+, 8.5 = $19.00);
#56(VF+, 8.5 = $19.00); #57(VF+, 8.5 = $19.00); #58(VF+, 8.5 = $19.00);
#60(VF/NM, 9.0 = $25.00; VF, 8.0 =$14.00);
#61(VF, 8.0 = $12.00); #62(VF+, 8.5 = $16.00; VF, 8.0 = $12.00);
#66(VF, 8.0 = $12.00); #67(VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#68(VF, 8.0 = $12.00); #70(VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#72(VF, 8.0 = $12.00); #73(VF, 8.0 = $12.00);
#74(VF+, 8.5 = $16.00); #80(VF+, 8.5 = $16.00);
WITZEND (Magazine; 1-7= Wally / Wallace WOOD Pub.; #8-9 = Bill Pearson / Phil Seuling pub; 11,12 = Bill Pearson / Paragon pub; #10= CPL Gang Pub; 1966-1976; Pro Comics Offset Fanzine/Magazine)
#1 (Summer/1966; Wally WOOD-c/a; Frank FRAZETTA back-c; Savage World" = 8 pages SF comics by Al WILLIAMSON; Cameo-a by KIRBY, Ditko, Torres & Kane; unpublished ERB pinup by Crandall; "Sinner" comics by Ralph Reese; "Animan" = 7 pages comics by Wally WOOD; Moon Critters = 10 pages Gaughan cartoons; FN, 6.0 = $69.00);
#2 (Manitoba; 1967; Wally WOOD-c/a; Reese back-c; "Orion" = 6pg Fantasy comics by Gray Morrow-a; ERB Portfolio = 5 pages Reed Crandall-a; Feeble Fable by Sattler; 2pgs Hey Look by Kurtzman; FRAZETTA centerfold; Midnight Sppecial = 1pg Ditko; 1pg Elder-a; 3pgs Art Spiegelman-a; 2pgs Don martin-a; "Animan" = 9 pages comics by Wally WOOD; 1/2pg Williamson-a; Krenkel cameo-a; Weight= 100 Grams; VF, 8.0 = $75);
#6 (Manitoba; Spring/1969; Mike Hinge wraparound-c; ALIEN = 6 pages comics with Jeff JONES-a; 5 page Will EISNER interview with Spirit-a; Qwamb comics = Garika-a; Spawm of Venus = 8 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; Avenging World / Mr A = 10 pages comics by Steve DITKO; Morrow pinup; NM-, 9.2 = $99);
#7 (Manitoba; Spring 1970; 2 Girls in BONDAGE-c, one girl getting brains blown out by Gun = BODE-c; Cobalt 60 = 9 pages comics with Vaughn BODE-a; Kenneth Smith back-c; Avenging World / Mr A = 8 pages comics by Steve DITKO; 6pgs Roger Brand-a; 2 pages WRIGHTSON-a; Mr E = Mr A parody; the Journey = 10 pages Gray Morrow-a; Weight= 150 Grams; VF/NM, 9.0 = $65);
#7 (Spring 1970; 2 Girls in BONDAGE-c, one girl getting brains blown out by Gun = BODE-c; Cobalt 60 = 9 pages comics with Vaughn BODE-a; Kenneth Smith back-c; Avenging World / Mr A = 8 pages comics by Steve DITKO; 6pgs Roger Brand-a; 2 pages WRIGHTSON-a; Mr E = Mr A parody; the Journey = 10 pages Gray Morrow-a; Weight= 150 Grams; VF-, 7.5 = $49);
#7 (Spring 1970; 2 Girls in BONDAGE-c, one girl getting brains blown out by Gun = BODE-c; Cobalt 60 = 9 pages comics with Vaughn BODE-a; Kenneth Smith back-c; Avenging World / Mr A = 8 pages comics by Steve DITKO; 6pgs Roger Brand-a; 2 pages WRIGHTSON-a; Mr E = Mr A parody; the Journey = 10 pages Gray Morrow-a; Weight= 150 Grams; FN/VF, 7.0 = $44);
#8 (Manitoba; Summer/1971; 5 pages Wizard King comics = Wally WOOD-a; 7pgs BARF the Insurance Salesman comics = Reese-a; Foxtale by Nicola Cuti & Stillwell; Edgar Allan Poe’s “City in the Sea” 10 pg story with 9 pages Frank FRAZETTA art; 1pg Dr Suess; 1pg Ditko; Hunting of the Snark = 8pgs John Adkins Richardson-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49);
#8 (Summer/1971; 5 pages Wizard King comics = Wally WOOD-a; 7pgs BARF the Insurance Salesman comics = Reese-a; Foxtale by Nicola Cuti & Stillwell; Edgar Allan Poe’s “City in the Sea” 10 pg story with 9 pages Frank FRAZETTA art; 1pg Dr Suess; 1pg Ditko; Hunting of the Snark = 8pgs John Adkins Richardson-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $36);
#9 (Manitoba; 1973; $5.00 original cover price; W.C. FIELDS Cover & Special Issue; Articles with Many Photo’s; Includes “Adversity” Board Game inserts; Painted Cover by JEFF JONES; Plus 8-½”x11” PINUP Insert by Jeff Jones; VF+, 8.5 = $39);
#10 (1976; wraparound cover by Wally WOOD; 1st app KYM in Lost in a Dream = 8 pages comics with Dick Giordano-a; 3974 = 10 pages comics with Alex TOTH-a; 3pgs CHAYKIN-a; Austin pinup; SALLY FORTH = 6 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; P. Craig Russell pinup; Avenging Dodo = 8 pages comics with Mike ZECK-a; Simonson pinup; My Furry World = 10 pages comics, Nicola Cuti-s & Joe Staton-a; Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $45);
#10 (1976; wraparound cover by Wally WOOD; 1st app KYM in Lost in a Dream = 8 pages comics with Dick Giordano-a; 3974 = 10 pages comics with Alex TOTH-a; 3pgs CHAYKIN-a; Austin pinup; SALLY FORTH = 6 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; P. Craig Russell pinup; Avenging Dodo = 8 pages comics with Mike ZECK-a; Simonson pinup; My Furry World = 10 pages comics, Nicola Cuti-s & Joe Staton-a; Manitoba; VF+, 8.5 = $39);
#10 (1976; wraparound cover by Wally WOOD; 1st app KYM in Lost in a Dream = 8 pages comics with Dick Giordano-a; 3974 = 10 pages comics with Alex TOTH-a; 3pgs CHAYKIN-a; Austin pinup; SALLY FORTH = 6 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; P. Craig Russell pinup; Avenging Dodo = 8 pages comics with Mike ZECK-a; Simonson pinup; My Furry World = 10 pages comics, Nicola Cuti-s & Joe Staton-a; VF-, 7.5 = $29);
#11 (1978; Limited edition of only 3000 copies; Spurt Starling = William Pearson-a; Enormous Slug Suckers from Planet Mars = Pearson-a; 2nd app KYM in Encounter = Pearson-a; Wicked / Wanton / Welcome World of the Wizard king portfolio = 12 pgs Wally WOOD-a; Alley Oop parody; Care & Feeding of Geks = 8 pages comics, Nichola Cuti-s, Mike ZECK-a; SCARCE issue; VF, 8.0 = $29);
#12 (1982; Limited edition of only 5000 copies; FANTASY issue; J.R. Blevins-s; Z.Capistance-a; Al Sirois-s, David Stone-a; PHANTOM pinup by Gray Morrow;Bhob Stewart-s, John Norton-a; Don Martin CF pinup; 1pg DITKO-1; 3rd app KYM in Awakening = Pearson-a; LUNAR TUNES = 12 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; 1pg Wood memorial; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24);
WIZARD (Magazine/Fanzine; Wizard Press; 1991-2009)
#1 (9/1991; Spider-Man cover by TODD MCFARLANE and Spider-Man Centerfold Poster by TODD MCFARLANE; 170 Grams; Overall VF/NM, but with small Half Inch Crease at lower right cover corner thus VF, 8.0 = $99.00);
WOLVERINE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1988-2003; Volume-2)
#88 (12/1994; ** First Meeting and First battle of Wade Wilson aka DEADPOOL vs Logan aka WOLVERINE cover and story; ** Appearances by; Weapon X, Vanessa Carlysle aka Copycat, Garrison Kane and Yolanda; ** Larry Hama story; Adam Kubert, Fabio Laguna, Mark Farmer and Tim Townsend art; Adam Kubert cover; Marvel subscription insert card is intact; VF, 8.0 = $49.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00; FN, 6.0 = $29.00; VG, 4.0 = $19.00);
#125 (6/1998; GIANT; Wolverine confesses that he and Viper are married; Logan's Run!, script by Chris Claremont, pencils by Leinil Francis Yu, inks by Edgar Tadeo and Gerry Alanguilan; Dynamic Forces VARIANT with Exclusive Variant Cover by Jae Lee. Limited Edition Serially Numbered 1692 of only 10,000 copies, includes Certificate of Authenticity; NM, 9.4 = $24.00);
#175 (6/2002; The Logan Files part 3 of 3; Frank Tieri story; Sean Chen and Norm Rapmund art; J.H. Williams III and Jose Villarrubia cover; Dynamic Forces VARIANT, Limited Signed by Frank Tieri and Numbered 0372 of only 1750 Copies, includes Certificate of Authenticity; NM, 9.4 = $36.00);
#181 (11/2002; Painted cover art by Esad Ribic; Frank Tieri story; Sean Chen and Tom Palmer art; Dynamic Forces VARIANT, Limited Signed by Frank Tieri and Numbered 3015 of only 5000 Copies, includes Certificate of Authenticity; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
#127 (8/1998; Sabretooth vs Wolverine battle-c/s; Victor Creed aka Sabretooth Triumphant; Appearances by; Kitty Pryde as Shadowcat, Tai, Matsu'o Tsurayaba, Hydra, The Hand, Bao Tien; ASK)
#128 (9/1998; Appearances by; Sabretooth, Kitty Pryde as Shadowcat, Viper, Jessica Drew, Tyger Tiger, Matsuo Tsurahaba, Hydra, The Hand; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#129 (10/1998; Wendigo vs Wolverine battle-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#130 (Early November/1998; Wendigo-c/s; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#131 (Late November/1998; Appearances by; Viper and Hydra; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#132 (12/1998; A Rage in the Cage; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#133-A (1/1999; Carol Danvers as Warbird-c/s; Great Escape Part-1 of 6-Parts: Losing Control; Powerhouse, Aria and Captain Marvel appear; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#133-B (1/1999; Powerhouse and Carol Danvers as Warbird-c/s; Great Escape Part-1 of 6-Parts: Losing Control; Aria and Captain Marvel appear; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#134 (2/1999; The Marvel Universe vs Wolverine battle-c/s; Vance Astrovik aka Justice, Black Widow, Moon Knight, Vision, U.S.Agent, Firestar, Solo, Darkhawk, Falcon, Cardiac, Rage, Black Cat and Human Torch-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
WOLVERINE Limited Series (9-12/1982; Limited Series; WOLVERINE’S First Solo Series; classic FRANK MILLER story, cover & art) = USA PRINTINGS;
The LOGAN Wolverine MOVIE that DEBUTED in Theatre's in MARCH 2017 was a HUGE HIT Film, with Possibly the Biggest Opening Weekend of the YEAR.
VARIETY = “Logan,” the actor’s (Hugh Jackman) send-off to his signature role, made $152.5 million at the foreign box office in its opening weekend. Combined with its $85.3 million domestic launch, that brings the superhero spinoff’s global gross to a sterling $237.8 million. It marks the third-biggest international opening for Fox, the studio behind the film. The 2017 LOGAN Movie Grossed $616,222,471 Worldwide in the first 19 Weeks;
FIRST PRINTING; First appearance of Lord Shingen Yashida; First
appearance of YUKIO / Earth 616; MARIKO Yashida, Asano Kimura,
Noburu-Hideki appear; *** MARIKO Yashida was portrayed by Tao Okamoto
in the 2013 MOVIE, The Wolverine as Wolverine’s Love interest;
DIRECT Edition with Spider-Man Head in UPC Box; Chris Claremont
story; Classic FRANK MILLER and Joe Rubinstein Cover & Art;
Scarcer USA 60 Cent Newsstand Edition with BAR CODE in UPC
Box; VG/FN, 5.0 =$89.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $59.00);
Mariko Yashida, Yukio, Lord Shingen, The Hand, Katsuyori &
Noburu-Hideki appear; NM-,
9.2 = $55);
Mariko Yashida, Yukio, Lord Shingen, The Hand, Katsuyori &
Noburu-Hideki appear; VF/NM,
9.0 = $40);
(10/1982; Mariko Yashida, Yukio, Lord Shingen, The Hand, Katsuyori &
Noburu-Hideki appear; Canadian Newsstand Solo 75 Cents Cover Price
Variant; VF-, 7.5 = $49.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
#3(11/1982; Yukio kills Asano Kimura; Mariko Yashida & The Hand appear; NM-, 9.2 = $55);
#3(11/1982; Yukio kills Asano Kimura; Mariko Yashida & The Hand appea ; VF/NM, 9.0 = $40);
#3 (11/1982; Yukio kills Asano Kimura; Mariko Yashida & The Hand appear; Canadian Newsstand Solo 75 Cents Cover Price Variant; VF-, 7.5 = $49.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
#4(12/1982; Mariko Yashida, Yukio, the Hand & X-MEN appear; Death of Lord Shingen & Noburu-Hideki; Mariko and Wolverine get engaged, story continues into X-Men #172; VF/NM, 9.0 = $40);
#4 (12/1982; Canadian Newsstand Solo 75 Cents Cover Price Variant; ASK)
WOLVERINE (1988-2003; Marvel Comics Pub; FIRST On-Going Series for Wolverine)
The LOGAN Wolverine MOVIE that DEBUTED in Theatre's in MARCH 2017 was a HUGE HIT Film, with Possibly the Biggest Opening Weekend of the YEAR.
VARIETY = “Logan,” the actor’s (Hugh Jackman) send-off to his signature role, made $152.5 million at the foreign box office in its opening weekend. Combined with its $85.3 million domestic launch, that brings the superhero spinoff’s global gross to a sterling $237.8 million. It marks the third-biggest international opening for Fox, the studio behind the film. The 2017 LOGAN Movie Grossed $616,222,471 Worldwide in the first 19 Weeks;>>> [ Kenuichio Harada the SILVER SAMURAI = main Villain in the 2013 WOLVERINE Movie; Lord Shingen Yashida (Japanese Yakuza Crime Boss & father of SILVER SAMURAI) #2-4 Lord Shingen Yashida & YUKIO / Earth 616 app ]
#1 (11/1988; GCD notes: FIRST appearance of Wolverine as "PATCH”; Wolverine uses the new PATCH identity in Madripoor where he tries to track down the infamous Black Sword of Legend; Wolverine takes down a band of pirates who have captured Mariko's secretary; Death of Noburo Kojima; Lindsay McCabe appears; Wolverine vs Banapar Khan & Black Sword Cult; Chris Claremont story; John Buscema & Al Williamson cover & art; Wolverine Pinup on BACK cover by JOHN BYRNE; ASK) ;
#2 (12/1988; Wolverine vs SILVER SAMURAI Battle cover & story; Chris Claremont story; John Buscema & Klaus Janson art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00) ;
#2 (12/1988; Wolverine vs SILVER SAMURAI Battle cover & story; Chris Claremont story; John Buscema & Klaus Janson art; VF+,8.5 = $15.00)
#2 (12/1988; Wolverine vs SILVER SAMURAI Battle cover & story; Chris Claremont story; John Buscema & Klaus Janson art; VF, 8.0 = $12.00)
#2 (12/1988; Wolverine vs SILVER SAMURAI Battle cover & story; Chris Claremont story; John Buscema & Klaus Janson art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $9.00)
#3 (1/1989; the SILVER SAMURAI appears; Chris Claremont story; John Buscema & Al Williamson art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $13.00);
#4 (2/1989; FIRST appearance of ROUGHOUSE and BLOODSPORT cover & story; Chris Claremont story; John Buscema & Al Williamson art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $7.00);
#5 (3/1989; Chris Claremont story; John Buscema & Al Williamson art; John BOLTON Back cover pinup; NM-, 9.2 = $16.00);
#17 (11/1989; Classic WOLVERINE with CLAWS Cover JOHN BYRNE; JOHN BYRNE art BEGINS; Storm, Gateway, Roughouse and Bloodscream appearance; Daredevil flashback; Archie Goodwin story; John Byrne and Klaus Janson art; John Byrne cover; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
#88 (12/1994; Wade Wilson aka DEADPOOL vs Logan aka WOLVERINE first battle cover and story; Appearances by; Weapon X, Vanessa Carlysle aka Copycat, Garrison Kane and Yolanda; Larry Hama story; Adam Kubert, Fabio Laguna, Mark Farmer and Tim Townsend art; Adam Kubert cover; Marvel subscription insert card is intact; VF/NM, 9.0 = $29.00)
WOLVERINES (Marvel Comics Pub; 2015)
#1-A (3/2015; Regular Cover by Nick Bradshaw; WOLVERINE is DEAD, LOGAN’S LEGACY REMAINS; Shotgun, Neuro, Endo, Skel, Mystique, X-23, Sabretooth, Daken, Lady Deathstrike storyline; Charles Soule story with Nick Bradshaw art; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#1-C (3/2015; 1:20 Retailer Incentive Variant Cover by Salvador Larroca; WOLVERINE is DEAD, LOGAN’S LEGACY REMAINS; Shotgun, Neuro, Endo, Skel, Mystique, X-23, Sabretooth, Daken, Lady Deathstrike storyline; Charles Soule story with Nick Bradshaw art; NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
#1-E (3/2015; Skottie Young Baby Variant Cover; WOLVERINE is DEAD, LOGAN’S LEGACY REMAINS; Shotgun, Neuro, Endo, Skel, Mystique, X-23, Sabretooth, Daken, Lady Deathstrike storyline; Charles Soule story with Nick Bradshaw art; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00);
#2-A (3/2015; Regular Cover by Nick Bradshaw;FIRST cameo Appearance of FANTOMELLE, of the Weapon-X Program, a Black Female, the World’s Most Unstoppable Thief; FIRST Cameo Appearance of Culpepper, of the Weapon-X Program, a sentient FOX who works with Fantomelle as a professional thief; Sinister, Daken, Shogun, Weapon-X crew, X-23, Sabretooth, Mystique and Lady Deathstrike appear; Ray Fawkes story; Alisson Borges art; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#3-A (3/2015; Regular Cover by Andy Clark; FIRST Full Appearance of FANTOMELLE, of the Weapon-X Program, a Black Female, the World’s Most Unstoppable Thief; FIRST Full Appearance of Culpepper, of the Weapon-X Program, a sentient FOX who works with Fantomelle as a professional thief; PUNISHER appears; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
WOLVERINE: the ORIGIN - { Mini / Limited Series; Marvel Pub; 2001-2002; by Paul Jenkins-s; Andy Kubert-a; covers by Joe Quesada);
#1("The Hill"; NM, 9.4 = $60); #1("The Hill"; NM-, 9.2 = $45); #2("Inner Child"; NM, 9.4 = $30);
#3("the Beast Within"; NM, 9.4 = $18); #3("the Beast Within"; NM-, 9.2 = $12);
#4("Heaven & Hell"; NM+, 9.6 = $12); #5("Revelation!"; NM+, 9.6 = $12); #6("Dust to Dust"; NM/MT, 9.8 = $16);
WOLVERINE: ORIGINS (Marvel Comics Pub; 2006-2010)
#10-A (03/2007; FIRST Printing; Wolverine TWO CLAWS Cover by Joe Quesada; 50/50 Variant Cover; FIRST appearance of DAKEN = Wolverine's Son; Omega Red, Jubilee, Dum Dum Dugan & SHIELD appear; "Emusic" 25 Free Songs insert Card is still intact; Daniel Way story; Steve Dillon art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00);
Wolverine Saga (1989 series)
#1(VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00); #2(VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#3(the SILVER SAMURAI appears; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#4(VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#1 (5/2013; First Printing; Paul Cornell-s; Alan Davis-c/a; Hunting Season: Part 1; NM+, 9.6 = $12.00);
#1 (5/2013; First Printing; Paul Cornell-s; Alan Davis-c/a; Hunting Season: Part 1; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#1 (5/2013; First Printing; FORBIDDEN PLANET cover DEADPOOL Cover VARIANT by Salvador Larroca; Hunting Season: Part 1; Paul Cornell-s; Alan Davis-a; ASK);
WOLVERINES (Marvel Comics Pub; 2015)
#1 (3/2015; 1st Printing; Regular Cover; Charles Soule-s; Nick Bradshaw-c/a; Post DEATH OF WOLVERINE, The LOGAN LEGACY and the WEAPON X PROGRAM Storyline; Mystique, X-23, Sabretooth, Daken, Lady Deathstrike appear; ASK);
#1 (3/2015; 1st Printing; HOWARD VARIANT 1:20
#1 (3/2015; 1st Printing; LARROCA WELCOME HOME VARIANT 1:20
#1 (3/2015; 1st Printing; YOUNG VARIANT
#1 (3/2015; 1st Printing; BLANK COVER;
Wolverine: Weapon X (MARVEL Comics Pub; 2009-2010);
#1-A (June, 2009; FIRST Printing; Regular Cover by RON GARNEY; First appearance STRIKEFORCE X; FIRST appearance of MELITA GARNER; Boyd Holbrook has been cast as a Villain in the WOLVERINE-3 Movie = Possibly as Omega Red or Strikeforce X? The Adamantium Men Part-1 of 5-Part-s; JASON AARON & RON GARNEY art; Wikia = Strikeforce X is a team of agents that used humans as test subjects and were given animal-like senses, enhanced strength and reflexes (probably drug-induced), an artificially engineered healing factor (techno-organic), nanites in their blood to help regrow tissue, Adamantium-laced skeletons, claw energy blades, and maybe some bionic implants as well. They are not actually mutants but humans with enhancements given to them; ASK);
#1-B (June, 2009; FIRST Printing; VARIANT Cover by ADAM KUBERT; First appearance STRIKEFORCE X; FIRST appearance of MELITA GARNER; Boyd Holbrook has been cast as a Villain in the WOLVERINE-3 Movie = Possibly as Omega Red or Strikeforce X? The Adamantium Men Part-1 of 5-Part-s; JASON AARON & RON GARNEY art; Wikia = Strikeforce X is a team of agents that used humans as test subjects and were given animal-like senses, enhanced strength and reflexes (probably drug-induced), an artificially engineered healing factor (techno-organic), nanites in their blood to help regrow tissue, Adamantium-laced skeletons, claw energy blades, and maybe some bionic implants as well. They are not actually mutants but humans with enhancements given to them; ASK);
#1-C (June, 2009; FIRST Printing; Limited 1:20 VARIANT Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL; First appearance STRIKEFORCE X; FIRST appearance of MELITA GARNER; Boyd Holbrook has been cast as a Villain in the WOLVERINE-3 Movie = Possibly as Omega Red or Strikeforce X? The Adamantium Men Part-1 of 5-Part-s; JASON AARON & RON GARNEY art; Wikia = Strikeforce X is a team of agents that used humans as test subjects and were given animal-like senses, enhanced strength and reflexes (probably drug-induced), an artificially engineered healing factor (techno-organic), nanites in their blood to help regrow tissue, Adamantium-laced skeletons, claw energy blades, and maybe some bionic implants as well. They are not actually mutants but humans with enhancements given to them; ASK);
#1-D (June, 2009; FIRST Printing; Limited 1:20 VARIANT Cover by ALAN DAVIS; First appearance STRIKEFORCE X; FIRST appearance of MELITA GARNER; Boyd Holbrook has been cast as a Villain in the WOLVERINE-3 Movie = Possibly as Omega Red or Strikeforce X? The Adamantium Men Part-1 of 5-Part-s; JASON AARON & RON GARNEY art; Wikia = Strikeforce X is a team of agents that used humans as test subjects and were given animal-like senses, enhanced strength and reflexes (probably drug-induced), an artificially engineered healing factor (techno-organic), nanites in their blood to help regrow tissue, Adamantium-laced skeletons, claw energy blades, and maybe some bionic implants as well. They are not actually mutants but humans with enhancements given to them; ASK);
#1-E (June, 2009; FIRST Printing; Limited 1:100 VARIANT Cover by ADAM KUBERT; First appearance STRIKEFORCE X; FIRST appearance of MELITA GARNER; Boyd Holbrook has been cast as a Villain in the WOLVERINE-3 Movie = Possibly as Omega Red or Strikeforce X? The Adamantium Men Part-1 of 5-Part-s; JASON AARON & RON GARNEY art; Wikia = Strikeforce X is a team of agents that used humans as test subjects and were given animal-like senses, enhanced strength and reflexes (probably drug-induced), an artificially engineered healing factor (techno-organic), nanites in their blood to help regrow tissue, Adamantium-laced skeletons, claw energy blades, and maybe some bionic implants as well. They are not actually mutants but humans with enhancements given to them; SOLD OUT);
Wolverine: Weapon X (MARVEL Comics Pub; 2009-2010);
#1-F (June, 2009; SECOND Printing VARIANT Cover; First appearance STRIKEFORCE X; FIRST appearance of MELITA GARNER; Boyd Holbrook has been cast as a Villain in the WOLVERINE-3 Movie = Possibly as Omega Red or Strikeforce X? The Adamantium Men Part-1 of 5-Part-s; JASON AARON & RON GARNEY art; Wikia = Strikeforce X is a team of agents that used humans as test subjects and were given animal-like senses, enhanced strength and reflexes (probably drug-induced), an artificially engineered healing factor (techno-organic), nanites in their blood to help regrow tissue, Adamantium-laced skeletons, claw energy blades, and maybe some bionic implants as well. They are not actually mutants but humans with enhancements given to them; ASK);
the WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY (Whitman/Golden Pub., 1978-79; Low Print & SCARCE; 116 pages; Full Color)
#2 (Manitoba, No Date; Circa 1979; Mickey Mouse-c; Stories include; Super Goof, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Junior Woodchucks, Chip N Dale, Goofy, Daisy & Donald, Uncle Scrooge; NM+, 9.6 = $59.00);
#2 (Manitoba, No Date; Circa 1979; Mickey Mouse-c; Stories include; Super Goof, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Junior Woodchucks, Chip N Dale, Goofy, Daisy & Donald, Uncle Scrooge; NM, 9.4 = $39.00);
WONDERFUL WORLD OF MARVEL (Jack Schuster Pub with Doug Fratz; 24 Tabloid sized Pages; 11-1/2" x 15" Tabloid Newspaper Fanzine Magazine, Folded to 7-1/2" x 11-1/2" Size)
#1 (June/1976; Howard the Duck tribute as Howard the Barbarian new art cover by FRANK BRUNNER; Contents; Interview with Howard the Duck by Doug Fratz; Marvel News section, notes changes to creative teams; Howard the Duck tribute pin-up as The Thunder Duck by Gene Day; Comix Section includes; Captain Gonad, Doc Sterling and Force 69, Alien Comix, Little Known Master of Kung Fu; fake Warlock #1 comic book cover featuring Howard the Duck as "Warduck"...Waaugh Foldout cover by Steve Leialoha; Note; a VF example sold for $125 on eBay on December 17/2023; RARE; ** VF, 8.0 = $99.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $79.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $49.00);
WONDER MAN (Marvel Comic Pub; One-Shot Special; 52 page Giant; AVENGERS Member);
#1 (3/1985; 52 Page Giant; ** First SOLO Title for Simon Williams aka WONDER MAN; ** ORIGIN of WONDER MAN is retold; Wonder Man ranks #38 on IGN's List of The Top 50 Avengers; ** WONDER MAN Team affiliations includes; Avengers, Williams Innovations, Defenders, Force Works, S.H.I.E.L.D., Lethal Legion, Masters of Evil, Legion of the Unliving, Revengers; ** Nathan Fillion was set to appear as Simon Williams on movie posters set within Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Fillion released a picture from the film's set that depicted Williams as an actor portraying Arkon. Though his scenes were cut from the movie, the film's director James Gunn acknowledged the character could return in future installments of the MCU franchise; ** New WANDAVISION Featurette Seemingly Teases The MCU Debut Of Wonder Man; ** Early appearance of Scott Lang aka the New ANT-MAN; ** Flashback appearances of The AVENGERS (Beast, Captain America, Giant-Man, Hercules, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Vision, Wasp, Wonder Man as Mr. Muscles, Yellowjacket); ** Flashback appearances of; Black Talon, Calvin Oakly, Dr. Edward Wheetly, Dulcy Kimble, Grim Reaper, Living Laser and Sandman; ** Flashback appearances of; the Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Enchantress, Executioner); ** David Michelinie story; Kerry Gammill & Vince Colletta art; Bill Sienkiewicz painted cover; ASK);
Wonder Wart Hog - The Best of Wonder Warthog
(B&W Underground Comics; Rip Off Press/Print Mint; all are 1st collected Printings Thus; 1973-1975);
Volume-I (#1; Manitoba; VF, 8.0 = $16); Volume-III (#3; Manitoba; VF+, 8.5 = $16);
WONDER WOMAN (DC Comics Pub; Original Series; 1942-1986);
• Gal Gadot played WONDER WOMAN in the BATMAN v SUPERMAN FILM, the WONDER WOMAN SOLO Film & will also appear in the Fall 2017 JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie;
CHRIS PINE (of Star Trek) played Steve Trevor; Ann Wolfe played ARTEMIS; David Thewlis will play Sir Patrick; Robin Wright will play General Antiope; Connie Nielsen will play Queen Hippolyta; Elena Anaya will play Maru / Doctor Poison; Lucy Davis will play Etta Candy;
#154(5/1965; Battle of the Boiling Man-c/s; Andru/Esposito-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $44);
#155 (7/1965; FIRST appearance of MR MONSTER cover and Story; Wonder Woman marries MR MONSTER cover and Story; WONDER GIRL appears; FN+, 6.5 = $39.00);
#159(1/1966; First Silver-Age Origin Wonder Woman; VF-, 7.5 = $65);
#159 (1/1966; FIRST Silver-Age True Secret ORIGIN of WONDER WOMAN; VG/FN, 5.0 = $39.00);
#161(4/1966; Curse of Cleopatra-c/s; Battle Inside of a Brain; Andru/Esposito-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $44);
#167(1/1967; Strange Power of the Magic Lasso-c/s; Secret of Tabu Mt; Andru/Esposito-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $60);
#168(2/1967; Never in a Million Years-c/s; Three Hands on the Magic Lasso; Andru/Esposito-c/a; VF-, 7.5 = $52);
#169(4/1967; Crimson Centipede-c/s; Cage of Doom; Andru/Esposito-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $60);
#170(5/1967; the Wonder Woman GORILLA-c/s; VF-, 7.5 = $52);
#171(8/1967; Terror Trap of the Demon Man-Fish-c/s; Menace of the Mouse Man; Andru/Esposito-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $69);
#173(12/1967; Daring Deception-c/s; Earth's Last Human; VF-, 7.5 = $41);
#175(4/1968; Wonder Woman's Evil Twin-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $69);
#176(Manitoba; 6/1968; Threat of the Triple Stars-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $99);
#177 (8/1968; Classic SUPERGIRL vs WONDER WOMAN Battle-c/s; First & Only appearances of Klamos the Planetary Conqueror & Grok-c/s; Infantino/Novick-c; Bill Finger-s; Mortimer/Abel-a; SCARCE in FN or Better, due to High Demand; FN/VF, 7.0 = $65.00);
#177 (8/1968; Classic SUPERGIRL vs WONDER WOMAN Battle-c/s; First & Only appearances of Klamos the Planetary Conqueror & Grok-c/s; Infantino/Novick-c; Bill Finger-s; Mortimer/Abel-a; SCARCE in FN or Better, due to High Demand; FN, 6.0 = $39.00);
#178 (10/1968; MOD Cover; Wonder Woman's Rival; First appearance of New WONDER WOMAN on cover Only; Appears with Old Costume & Powers inside; Steve Trevor, Roger Seely, Alex Block, Buck & Miss Carvan appearances; Denny O'Neil story, Mike Sekowsky & Dick Giordano cover & art; VG+, 4.5 = $29.00);
#179 (12/1968; CLASSIC Cover; Wonder Woman's Last Battle; First FULL appearance of New WONDER WOMAN without Costume & without Powers thru to #203; FIRST appearance of I-CHING; Steve Trevor & Doctor Cyber appear; Denny O'Neil story, Mike Sekowsky & Dick Giordano cover & art; FN, 6.0 = $49.00);
#179 (12/1968; CLASSIC Cover; Wonder Woman's Last Battle; First FULL appearance of New WONDER WOMAN without Costume & without Powers thru to #203; FIRST appearance of I-CHING; Steve Trevor & Doctor Cyber appear; Denny O'Neil story, Mike Sekowsky & Dick Giordano cover & art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $39.00);
*** [ SUPERGIRL Television Series in works at CBS TV; CBS Gives Series Commitment to Greg Berlanti (Arrow and The Flash producer) and Ali Adler’s Kara Zor-El aka SUPERGIRL from Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television and is exec produced by Berlanti, Adler and Sarah Schechter. ]
#182(6/1969; A Time to Love, a Time to Die; I-Ching app; Sekowsky-a; LAST 12 cent cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $27);
#183(8/1969; Return to Paradise Island; I-Ching app; Sekowsky-a; First 15 cent cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $27);
#186(2/1970; Morgana the Witch; I-Ching app; Sekowsky/Giordano-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $27);
#191(12/1970; Detour 2; I-Ching app; Sekowsky-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $27);
#197(52 page Giant; VF, 8.0 = $36); #198(52 page Giant; FN/VF, 7.0 = $27); #198(52 page Giant; Return to paradise island; Last battle with the God of war; Booklength 37 page story; VF-, 7.5 = $32);
#199(3-4/2972; 52 page Giant; 52 page Giant; Jeff JONES painted cover; VF-, 7.5 = $48);
#199(3-4/2972; 52 page Giant; 52 page Giant; Jeff JONES painted cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39);
WONDER WOMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1942-1986);
The WONDER WOMAN Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE Directed by Patty Jenkins & starring GAL GADOT DEBUT on June 02/ 2017 with a Worldwide BOX OFFICE Gross of $578,303,994 in the first 2-1/2 Weeks; GAL GADOT as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman first appeared in the 2106 Film BATMAN vs SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice;
CHRIS PINE (of Star Trek) played Steve Trevor; Ann Wolfe played ARTEMIS; David Thewlis will play Sir Patrick; Robin Wright will play General Antiope; Connie Nielsen will play Queen Hippolyta; Elena Anaya will play Maru / Doctor Poison; Lucy Davis will play Etta Candy;
#202 (9-10/1972; Wonder Woman vs CATWOMAN cover and story; FIRST appearance of FAFHRD the Barbarian and GRAY MOUSER cover & story; VF+, 8.5 =$69.00);
#205 (3-4/1973; ORIGIN and Second appearance of NUBIA; Classic BONDAGE Cover = Wonder Woman Strapped to BOMB Aimed at New York City cover; HIGH DEMAND KEY issue; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00; VF+, 8.5 = $49.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; VF-, 7.5 = $32.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $27.00; FN, 6.0 = $22.00);
#206 (5-6/1973; WAR of the Wonder-Women; Wonder Woman vs NEBIA Battle to the Death-c/s; BONDAGE cover;FN+, 6.5 = $19.00);
#212(6-7/1974; JLA-c; Cavalier app; VF+, 8.5 = $37);
#213(8-9/1974; Flash-c/app; VF+, 8.5 = $30);
#214(100 Page Giant; VF, 8.0 = $59.00);
#215(Aquaman-c/app; JLA cameo; Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $40);
#216 (2-3/1975; Black Canary-c/app; Batman cameo; VF+, 8.5 = $30);
#217(68 Page Giant; Green Arrow-c/app; Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $60);
#218(Phantom Stranger & Red Tornado-c/app; Statue of Liberty-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $40);
#219(Elongated Man-c/app; VF, 8.0 =$24);
#220(Neal ADAMS art assist; ATOM & Chronos-c/app; VF+, 8.5 = $30);
#221(Manitoba; Hawkman-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28);
#222(Manitoba; BATMAN-c/app; JLA cameo; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28);
#223(Manitoba; Steve Trevor revived as Steve Howard; VF+, 8.5 = $24);
#224(6-7/1976; NM-, 9.2 = $42);
#225 (8-9/1976; MAXIMUS, Emperor of the Hollow Mountain; FN+, 6.5 = $12.00);
#226 (4/2006; Low Print & Scarcer LAST issue; Wonder Woman and Superman FRIENDS OR FOES? cover and story; Greg Rucka story; J.G. Jones painted cover Cliff Richards and Ray Snyder art; ASK)
#228(Manitoba; 1st Red Panzer-c/s; 2/1977; Both GA & SA Wonder Woman Teamup; New WWII Stories begin; VF+, 8.5 = $24);
#229( New WWII-s; VF+, 8.5 = $22);
#230 (4/1977; WONDER WOMAN in The Claws of the Cheetah, 17 page Story by Martin Pasko with Jose Delbo, Martin Pasko & Vince Colletta art; Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez & Vince Colletta cover; WONDER WOMAN vs CHEETAH Battle cover & story; First Last and Only BRONZE AGE appearance of Priscilla Rich aka CHEETAH, in an All-New Story; ** CHEETAH is #69 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All-Time List; ** The WONDER WOMAN #2 SEQUEL Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE will DEBUT on November 01, 2019, directed by Patty Jenkins; Kristen Wiig will play CHEETAH in the Wonder Woman-2 Movie Sequel; VF, 8.0 = $22.00);
#233 (7/1977; New WWII storyline; Jaws of the Leviathan; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28.00);
#234 (8/1977; New WWII storyline; ARMAGEDDON; VF, 8.0 = $18.00);
#235 (9/1977; New WWII storyline; DR. MID-NITE; VF/NM, 9.0 = $28.00);
#236 (10/1977; Wonder Woman vs ARMAGEDDON; New WWII storyline;
#237 (11/1977; New WWII storyline; The SECRET ORIGIN OF WONDER WOMAN; VF+, 8.5 = $26.00);
#238 (12/1977; New WWII storyline; KUNG: Assassin of a Thousand Claws; VF+, 8.5 = $22.00);
#239(Manitoba; Golden Age FLASH-c/s; New WWII-s; VF+, 8.5 = $22);
#241(Manitoba; New WWII-s; intro Bouncer; SPECTRE app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $30; VF+, 8.5 = $24);
#244(Manitoba; Missile fired at White House-c/s; this was HOT during the 9/11 Crisis; NM-, 9.2 = $30; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#245(VF+, 8.5 = $13);
#246(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
#248(Manitoba; 44 pages; Steve Trevor dies; 10/1978; NM-, 9.2 = $45);
WONDER WOMAN (DC Comics Pub; Original Series; 1942-1986); Whitman VARIANTS
#250 (12/1978; Queen Hippolyte and Orana cover and story; Appearances by; Sandra, Neptune, Athena, Aphrodite and Mars; Wonder Woman in Tournament; Jack C. Harris story; Jose Delbo and Joe Giella art; Rich Buckler and Dick Giordano cover; ASK);
#251 (1/1979; Orana vs Wonder Woman battle cover and story; DEATH of ORANA; Appearances by; Queen Hippolyte, Conrad Starfield of NASA, Mrs. Kravitz, Abner; First appearance and Death of Warhead; Wonder Woman in The Name Is Wonder Woman; Jack C. Harris story; Jose Delbo and Vince Colletta art; Ross Andru and Dick Giordano cover; ASK);
#252 (2/1979; Wonder Woman vs Astarte the Empress of the Silver Snake cover and story; Wonder Woman in The Empress of the Silver Snake; Appearances by; Conrad Starfield, General Robert Novack, Queen Hippolyta, and Malania; First appearance of Mike Bailey; First appearance of Stacy Macklin (later Lady Lunar); Jack C. Harris story; Jose Delbo and Joe Giella art; Ross Andru and Dick Giordano cover; ASK);
#255 (5/1979; Wonder Woman vs Bushmaster cover and story; Wonder Woman in Menace of the Mental Murderer; First appearance of Bushmaster cover and story; Appearances by; Conrad Starfield, Morgan Tracy, Dr. Fischer, Doctor Strenzic and Andre; Paul Levitz story; Jose Delbo and Vince Colletta art; Jose Delbo and Dick Giordano cover; ASK);
#258 (8/1979; Wonder Woman vs Major Pierce cover and story; Appearances by; Colonel Grant, Cadet Nelson and General Bradford; Wonder Woman in The Long Grey Line... of Death; ASK);
Paul Levitz plot, Paul Kupperberg story; Jose Delbo and Vince Colletta art; Jose Delbo and Dick Giordano cover;
#260 (10/1979; WOMAN in BONDAGE Handcuffs cover; Wonder Woman in a prison for Super-Villains; The Gods appear (Hercules, Hermes, Mars, Aphrodite and Athena);
Appearances by; Martin Markham, Lance Gardner and Mayor of New York City; Wonder Woman in A Warrior in Chains; Gerry Conwaystory; Jose Delbo and Vince Colletta art; Jose Delbo and Frank Chiaramonte cover; NM, 9.4 = $30; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#261(11/1979; Hercules app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#262(12/1979; Bushmaster app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#264(2/1980; Gaucho-c/s; NM, 9.4 = $32);
#265(3/1980; Dinosaurs-c/s; Wonder Girl solo-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#266(4/1980; Dinosaurs-s; Wonder Girl solo-s; NM+, 9.6 = $48; NM, 9.4 = $32; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
#267(5/1980; Re-Intro & First Bronze Age appearance of ANIMAL MAN-c/s; Part-1 of 2 Parts; NM-, 9.2 = $36; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
#268(6/1980; Re-Intro & Second Bronze Age appearance of ANIMAL MAN-c/s; Part-2 of 2 Parts; NM-, 9.2 = $36; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
#269(7/1980; WW Quits; End & New Beginning for WW; NM-, 9.2 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#270(8/1980; Rebirth on Paradise Island; NM-, 9.2 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16; VF+, 8.5 = $13; VF, 8.0 = $10);
#271(9/1981; HUNTRESS Monthly Series begins; 3rd Life of Steve Trevor; New ORIGIN of Wonder Woman; Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $54; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18);
#272(10/1981; FLAG, Eagle & White House-c; HUNTRESS vs Solomon Grundy Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#273(11/1981; Angle Man-c/s; HUNTRESS vs Solomon Grundy Backup-s; NM, 9.4 = $24; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#274 (12/1980; FIRST appearance and ORIGIN of Deborah Domaine the new Bronze Age version of CHEETAH cover and story; ** WONDER WOMAN in One Super-Villain: Made to Order = 17 Page story by Gerry Conway, with Jose Delbo & Dave Hunt art; KOBRA Cover & appearance; Appearances by: General Darnell, Steve Trevor, Etta Candy; DEATH of Priscilla Rich; Ross Andru & Dick Giordano cover; ** CHEETAH is #69 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Kristen Wiig will play CHEETAH in the Wonder Woman-2 Movie Sequel; ** The WONDER WOMAN #2 SEQUEL Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE will DEBUT on November 01, 2019, directed by Patty Jenkins; Power Girl and Huntress inset image at bottom right cover; HUNTRESS, and Third Life of Steve Trevor Begins; Helena Wayne aka HUNTRESS in The Speaker in the Shadows = 8 Page Story by Paul Levitz, with Joe Staton & Steve Mitchell art; Karen Starr aka POWER GIRL and the THINKER appear; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25; VF+, 8.5 = $20; VF, 8.0 = $16; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12);
#275 (1/1981; SECOND appearance of Deborah Domaine the new Bronze Age version of CHEETAH cover and story; WONDER WOMAN vs CHEETAH Battle cover & story; ** WONDER WOMAN in The Claws of the Cheetah = 17 Page story by Gerry Conway, with Jose Delbo & Dave Hunt art; Appearances by KOBRA, Steve Trevor, Etta Candy & General Riger; ** CHEETAH is #69 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Kristen Wiig will play CHEETAH in the Wonder Woman-2 Movie Sequel; ** The WONDER WOMAN #2 SEQUEL Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE will DEBUT on November 01, 2019, directed by Patty Jenkins; ** Huntress inset image at upper left cover; Helena Wayne aka HUNTRESS in The Thinking Man's Crime = 8 Page Story by Paul Levitz, with Joe Staton & Steve Mitchell art; Karen Starr aka POWER GIRL and the THINKER appear; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25; VF+, 8.5 = $20; VF, 8.0 = $16; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12);
#276(2/1982; KOBRA-c/s; HUNTRESS and POWER GIRL Backup-s; NM, 9.4 = $24; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#277(3/1982; KOBRA-c/s; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#278(4/1982; KOBRA Final Battle vs WW-c/s; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = 18);
#279(5/1980; Lingerie Panels; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#280(6/1981; DEMON-c/s; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM+, 9.6 = $36; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#281(7/1981; Wonder Woman & DEMON split-c/s; HUNTRESS vs the JOKER split-c/s; NM, 9.4 = $32; NM-, 9.2 = $24);
#282(8/1981; Wonder Woman & DEMON split-c/s; HUNTRESS vs the JOKER split-c/s; NM+, 9.6 = $48; NM, 9.4 = $32; NM-, 9.2 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#283(9/1981; PEREZ cover; Wonder Woman and the DEMON split-c/s; HUNTRESS vs the JOKER split- c/s; Huntress NUDE in shower panel; NM-, 9.2 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16);
#284(10/1981; PEREZ cover; Dragon-c/s; HUNTRESS & ROBIN of Earth-2 Team-Up Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#285(11/1981; PEREZ cover; Red Dragon-c/s; HUNTRESS & ROBIN of Earth-2 Team-Up Backup-s; NM+, 9.6 = $36; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#286 (12/1981; Source and Inspiration for ROY LICHTENSTEIN Pop Art = Reflections on the Gift; Be Wonder Woman... and Die! HUNTRESS in Karnage is the Name; Toon Time insert included; Robert Kanigher and Paul Levitz stories; Jose Delbo and Joe Staton art; Ross Andru and Dick Giordano cover; ASK);
WONDER WOMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1942-1986);
#287(1/1982; NEW TEEN TITANS X-OVER & Teamup-c/s; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM+, 9.6 = $30; NM, 9.4 = $20; NM-, 9.2 = $15; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#288(2/1982; FIRST NEW Costume, & New LOGO; New Wonder Woman begins with Roy Thomas-s & Gene COLAN-a; NM-, 9.2 = $15; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#289(3/1982; Capt Wonder & Dr Psycho; HUNTRESS Backup-s; Gene COLAN-a; NM+, 9.6 = $36; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#290(4/1982; Capt Wonder & Silver Swan; HUNTRESS Backup-s; Gene COLAN-a; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#291(5/1982; Part-1 of 3-Parts in Super-Heroines Epic with Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Power Girl, Batgirl, Huntress, Black Canary;COLAN-a; NM, 9.4 = $24);
#292(6/1982; Part-2 of 3-Parts in Super-Heroines Epic with Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Power Girl, Batgirl, Huntress, Black Canary;COLAN-a; NM, 9.4 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#293(7/1982; Part-3 of 3-Parts in Super-Heroines Epic with Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Power Girl, Batgirl, Huntress, Black Canary;COLAN-a; NM, 9.4 = $24; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#294(8/1982; WW vs Blockbuster-c/s; HUNTRESS Backup-s; Gene COLAN-a; Gil KANE-c; NM, 9.4 = $24; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#295(9/1982; HUNTRESS Backup-s; Gene COLAN-a; NM, 9.4 = $24; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#296(10/1982; BONDAGE-c/s; HUNTRESS Backup-s; Gene COLAN-a; NM+, 9.6 = $36; NM, 9.4 = $24; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#297(11/1982; FIRST Appearance of Nikos Aegeus aka Aegeus; FIRST Appearance of Charley Bullock aka BLACKWING; ** 16 Page Bonus Insert of Masters of the Universe; HUNTRESS Backup story; Gene COLAN-a; Mike KALUTA cover; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#298(12/1982; Frank MILLER cover; Skeleton in Bondage-c; HUNTRESS Backup-s; Gene COLAN-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#299(HUNTRESS Backup-s; Gene COLAN-a; NM+, 9.6 = $36; NM, 9.4 = $24; NM-, 9.2 = $12);
#300 [2/1983; 76 Page GIANT Anniversary issue; The FIRST between Superman and Wonder Woman on Page 50 = They embrace and they KISS on the LIPS; (Precedes Action Comics #600 from 5/1988 as other Internet sources Note); Also on that page 50, Wonder Woman's costume is blown off and she is buck NAKED, with her privates are hidden in shadow & behind Torn Clothing; FIRST panel of a Naked Wonder Woman in Comics?? ** FIRST Appearance of Lyta Trevor aka FURY of All-Star Squadron; ORIGIN of Garrett Sanford aka SANDMAN; Wraparound cover by Ed Hannigan & Dick Giordano; NEW TEEN TITIANS, JUSTICE LEAGUE (Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Firestorm Hawkman, Green Arrow. Zatanna. Black Canary & Red Tornado) appear; ** Power Girl, Etta Candy, Queen Hippolyta, Mayor of New York; President of the United States & Golden Age WONDER WOMAN appear; GEORGE PEREZ & MIKE KALUTA Pinups; ** Story by; Roy Thomas, Danette Thomas & Dan Mishkin; ** Art by; Gene Colan, Ross Andru , Dick Giordano, Rich Buckler, Keith Giffen & Others; Golden Age WONDER WOMAN & Steve Trevor revealed as Married; FIRST appearance of Shadow-Thing (Villain); NM-, 9.2 = $36.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00];
WONDER WOMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1942-1986);
>>> [#299-329 = LOWEST Print Runs for this Title (only 73,256 to 52,145) copies each printed];
#301(3/1983; Gene COLAN-a; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM, 9.4 = $20; NM-, 9.2 = $15; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#302(4/1984; Photo background-c; Gene COLAN-a; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $15)
#303(Gene COLAN-a; Gil KANE-c; HUNTRESS Backup-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#304(Gene COLAN-a; HUNTRESS Backup-s; Gil KANE-c; NM-, 9.2 = $15);
#305 (7/1983; First full Modern Bronze Age DC Appearance of CIRCE; (Circe had an Unnamed minor cameo appearance in #302); CIRCE is a Major Villainess and FOE to Wonder Woman and Superman; Wikipedia = CIRCE is Based upon the Greek mythological figure of the same name who imprisoned Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey, she is a wicked sorceress and the recurring foe of Wonder Woman; CIRCE first appeared as a ravishing blonde in 1949 in Wonder Woman #37; CIRCE would make a Silver Age return, going from blonde to raven-haired, to battle Rip Hunter in Showcase #21 in 1959, and vs the Sea Devils in Sea Devils #3; CIRCE had multiple appearances as a foil and sometimes-ally for Superman, Supergirl & Lois Lane stories; Many Predict CIRCE might appear in a Future WONDER WOMAN Movie; ** Dan Mishkin story; Gene COLAN & Frank McLaughlin art; Classic Logo an Lasso cover by Gil KANE; ** HUNTRESS backup story by Joey Cavalieri & Michael Hernandez; ** Wonder Woman pinup by Mike Hernandez and Rick Bryant; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#306 (3/1983; New cover logo; Classic Cover of WONDER WOMAN and her INVISIBLE PLANE; ** HUNTRESS in IT'S MADNESS Backup story by Joey Cavalieri with art by Michael Hernandez and Rick Bryant; HUNTRESS is a Prisoner at the ARKHAM Home for the Criminally INSANE; HUNTRESS is IN BONDAGE in TEN Panels on 4 out 7 pages in the story; ** WONDER WOMAN in Secrets and Suspicions; Dan Mishkin story; Don Heck art; Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $15.00);
#307(Gil KANE-c; HUNTRESS Nudity panels; NM+, 9.6 = $30; NM-, 9.2 = $15);
#308(10/1983; Black Canary app; Elongated Man-c/s; HUNTRESS backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $15; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#309(11/1983; Black Canary -c/s; Elongated Man app; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM+, 9.6 = $30; NM-, 9.2 = $15; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#310 (12/1983; First appearance of Themyscira, previously known as Paradise Island and the Amazon Isles; Paradise Island and the Amazon Isles first appeared in All Star Comics #8. Themyscira is a fictional unitary sovereign city-state and archipelagic island nation appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Both the island and city are named after the mythological city of Themiscyra, the capital of the Amazons in Greek mythology. Themiscyra made its cinematic debut in the 2017 films Wonder Woman and Justice League, and appeared in the 2020 sequel Wonder Woman 1984, set in the DC Extended Universe.; Black Canary and Ares appear; HUNTRESS Backup story; NM, 9.4 = $20.00; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#311(1/1984; Gremlins-c/s; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM, 9.4 = $20; NM-, 9.2 = $15; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#312 (2/1984; Wonder Woman in Escape; Appearances by; Steve Trevor, Glitch, General Darnell, Lisa Abernathy, Major Keith Griggs; ** CIRCE cameo; Escape from Cloud-Cuckoo Land, It Won't Be Easy; Dan Mishkin story; Don Heck art; Gil Kane cover; ** Helena Wayne aka HUNTRESS in The Voice of the People; Huntress vs Earthworm; Appearances by; Terry Marsh and Nedra Borrower; Joey Cavalieri story; Dan Spiegle art; NM+, 9.6 = $36; NM-, 9.2 = $18; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#313(HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM+, 9.6 = $30; NM-, 9.2 = $10);
#314(Gil KANE-c; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM/MT, 9.8 = $40; NM+, 9.6 = $30; NM-, 9.2 = $15; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#315(5/1984; Hall of Mirrors-c/s; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM/MT, 9.8 = $40; NM, 9.4 = $20; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#316(6/1984; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#317(7/1984; Gates of Hades; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#318(8/1984; BONDAGE-c; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM+, 9.6 = $30; NM, 9.4 = $20; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#319(9/1984; Dr Cyber; HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#320(10/1984; Dr Cyber; HUNTRESS Backup-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#321(11/1984; Dr Cyber; Last HUNTRESS Backup-s; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#322(12/1984; Book-Length Wonder Woman stories begin; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#323(2/1985; Etta Candy as Princess of Power; Cheetah-c/app; Capt Wonder app; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#324(4/1984; new Atomic Knight-c/s; NM/MT, 9.8 = $24); #324(4/1984; new Atomic Knight-c/s; NM, 9.4 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#325(5/1984; new Atomic Knight-c/s; NM+, 9.6 = $36; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#326(7/1985; Lower Print & Scarcer issue; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#327(9/1985; CRISIS Crossover issue; NM, 9.4 = $24; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#329(LAST issue; 52 page GIANT; CRISIS X-Over; WEDDING of WW & Steve Trevor; VF/NM, 9.0 = $29.00);
WONDER WOMAN (DC Comics Pub; Second Series; 1987-2006; Post-Crisis On Infinite Earths Copper Age Series);
The WONDER WOMAN June/2017 Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE Directed by Patty Jenkins & starring GAL GADOT was a BIG HIT Earning $223,000,000 Worldwide on the Opening Weekend; GAL GADOT as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman first Appeared in the 2106 Film BATMAN vs SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice; CHRIS PINE (of Star Trek) played Steve Trevor; Ann Wolfe played ARTEMIS; David Thewlis played Sir Patrick; Robin Wright played General Antiope; Connie Nielsen played Queen Hippolyta; Elena Anaya played Maru / Doctor Poison; Lucy Davis played Etta Candy;
#1 (2/1987; Copper Age Wonder Woman Series Begins; New Revised Post-Crisis On Infinite Earths Copper Age ORIGIN of Wonder Woman; The Princess And The Power = Part 1 of 6=Part storyline; Greg Potter story; FIRST Modern appearance of; Themyscira, Gaea’s Girdle, Hippolyte, Ares & The Olympian Gods; Classic GEORGE PEREZ cover & art Begins; Classic GEORGE PEREZ GGA / Good Girl Art cover; Bruce Patterson inks; NO Ads; Wraparound cover; NM, 9.4 = $39.00);
#1 (2/1987; Copper Age Wonder Woman Series Begins; New Revised Post-Crisis On Infinite Earths Copper Age ORIGIN of Wonder Woman; The Princess And The Power = Part 1 of 6=Part storyline; Greg Potter story; FIRST Modern appearance of; Themyscira, Gaea’s Girdle, Hippolyte, Ares & The Olympian Gods; Classic GEORGE PEREZ cover & art Begins; Classic GEORGE PEREZ GGA / Good Girl Art cover; Bruce Patterson inks; NO Ads; Wraparound cover; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
#1 (2/1987; Copper Age Wonder Woman Series Begins; New Revised Post-Crisis On Infinite Earths Copper Age ORIGIN of Wonder Woman; The Princess And The Power = Part 1 of 6=Part storyline; Greg Potter story; FIRST Modern appearance of; Themyscira, Gaea’s Girdle, Hippolyte, Ares & The Olympian Gods; Classic GEORGE PEREZ cover & art Begins; Classic GEORGE PEREZ GGA / Good Girl Art cover; Bruce Patterson inks; NO Ads; Wraparound cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $19.00);
#1 (2/1987; Copper Age Wonder Woman Series Begins; New Revised Post-Crisis On Infinite Earths Copper Age ORIGIN of Wonder Woman; The Princess And The Power = Part 1 of 6=Part storyline; Greg Potter story; FIRST Modern appearance of; Themyscira, Gaea’s Girdle, Hippolyte, Ares & The Olympian Gods; Classic GEORGE PEREZ cover & art Begins; Classic GEORGE PEREZ GGA / Good Girl Art cover; Bruce Patterson inks; NO Ads; Wraparound cover; ** Scarcer CANADIAN Newsstand Solo $1.00 Cover Price VARIANT; VF/NM, 9.0 = $29.00);
#3 (4/1987; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#6 (7/1987; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10 .00);
#7 (8/1987; WONDER WOMAN in REBIRTH; First appearance of Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva the new Copper Age version of CHEETAH; CHEETAH is #69 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Kristen Wiig will play CHEETAH in the Wonder Woman-2 Movie Sequel; ** The WONDER WOMAN #2 SEQUEL Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE will DEBUT on November 01, 2019, directed by Patty Jenkins; LEN WEIN story; GEORGE PEREZ cover; GEORGE PEREZ & Bruce Patterson art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18.00);
#9 (10/1987; FIRST Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva the new Copper Age version of CHEETAH on COVER and Early Copper Age appearance story; CHEETAH is #69 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Kristen Wiig will play CHEETAH in the Wonder Woman-2 Movie Sequel; ** The WONDER WOMAN #2 SEQUEL Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE will DEBUT on November 01, 2019, directed by Patty Jenkins; GEORGE PEREZ cover & art; ASK);
#15 (4/1988; FIRST appearance of Valerie Beaudry aka the SILVER SWAN; CPV - Scarcer CANADIAN NEWSSTAND 75 Cents EDITION with BAR-CODE in UPC Box; FN/VF, 7.0 = $9.00)
#17 (June/1988; FIRST Behind the Scenes, not shown Cameo Modern Age Post-Crisis appearance of Cassandra Colchis aka CIRCE; ** EVA GREEN will play CIRCE in the Wonder Woman: Gods and Monsters Movie which will debut on December 10, 2025, directed by Patty Jenkins, with a $257 Million Budget; ** CIRCE will also in the Justice League III Movie, debuting on March 25, 2026, directed by Zack Snyder, with $210 Million Budget; Wonder Woman in TRACES, Part-1 of 3-Part CIRCE Storyline; ** Appearances by; Steve Trevor, Lieutenant Etta Candy, Vanessa Kapatelis, Eileen, Hippolyte, Menalippe, Hellene, Philippus, Hermes Apollo, Hestia, Aphrodite, Hera, Athena, Artemis, Heracles, Zeus, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Julia Kapatelis, Stavros Christadoulodou, Paul Drivas, Myndi Mayer, Chrissie Fenton and Mikos; GEORGE PEREZ cover and story; GEORGE PEREZ and Dick Giordano art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00; VF, 8.0 = $10.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $8.00; FN, 6.0 = $6.00)
#18 (July 1988; FIRST TIME SEEN image, Second Modern Cameo appearance, of Cassandra Colchis aka CIRCE in Last Panel; ** EVA GREEN will play CIRCE in the Wonder Woman: Gods and Monsters Movie which will debut on December 10, 2025, directed by Patty Jenkins, with a $257 Million Budget; ** CIRCE will also in the Justice League III Movie, debuting on March 25, 2026, directed by Zack Snyder, with $210 Million Budget; Wonder Woman in Creatures of the Dark, Part-2 of 3-Part CIRCE Storyline; Wonder Woman battles CIRCE's Army of MONSTERS; ** Vanessa Kapatelis cover and appearance; ** Appearances by; Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Julia Kapatelis, Stavros Christadoulodou, Demetrios, Theophilus Ventouras, Mikos, Angelina, Katina Leikos, Spiros, Agostos Deneiros, Maria Deneiros, Gregori and Andrea; ** Extra 16-page, "Legend of the Amazons" story; GEORGE PEREZ cover and story; GEORGE PEREZ and Dick Giordano art; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00; VF, 8.0 = $10.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $8.00; FN, 6.0 = $6.00)
#19 (8/1988; FIRST FULL Modern appearance and FIRST COVER appearance of of Cassandra Colchis the Sexy new modern age CIRCE; ** EVA GREEN will play CIRCE in the Wonder Woman: Gods and Monsters Movie which will debut on December 10, 2025, directed by Patty Jenkins, with a $257 Million Budget; ** CIRCE will also in the Justice League III Movie, debuting on March 25, 2026, directed by Zack Snyder, with $210 Million Budget; ** CIRCE and Julia Kapatelis, with Wonder Woman in BONDAGE in CHAINS Classic GGA Good-Girl-Art cover; Wonder Woman in The Witch on the Island, Part-3 of 3-Part CIRCE Storyline; DARKSEID appears; ** Appearances by; Julia Kapatelis, Vanessa Kapatelis, Katina Leikos, Theophilus Ventouras, Gregori, Hecate, Artemis, Demeter, Zeus, Posiedon, Hades, Hera, Artemis, Antiope, Theseus, Mikos and Hermes; GEORGE PEREZ cover, story and art; Regular DIRECT Edition; VF, 8.0 = $14.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00);
#19 (8/1988; Scarcer USA NEWSSTAND Solo 75 Cents Cover Price Edition; FN, 6.0 = $8.00);
#19 (8/1988; SCARCE Canadian NEWSSTAND Solo $1.00 Cover Price VARIANT; VG, 4.0 = $7.00);
#60(11/1991; LOBO-c/a; Last PEREZ-c; Perez-s; War of the Gods X-Over; NM+, 9.6 = $9);
#64(7/1992; Bolland-c; VF, 8.0 = $4.00); #65(8/1992; Bolland-c; FN/VF, 7.0 = $3.00);
#66(9/1992; Bolland-c; VF, 8.0 = $4.00); #67(10/1992; BONDAGE Cover by Bolland; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#69(12/1992; Bolland-c; VF, 8.0 = $4.00); #70(1/1993; Bolland-c; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00);
#71(2/1993; GIRL FIGHT cover by Bolland; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00); #73(4/1993; Bolland-c; VF+, 8.5 = $5.00);
#74(5/1993; Bolland-c; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00); #75(6/1993; Bolland-c; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#76(7/1993; Bolland-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00); #77(8/1993; Bolland-c; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00);
#78(9/1993; Wonder Woman & FLASH cover by Brian Bolland; FLASH appears; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00);
#79(10/1993; Mayfly & FLASH-c/s; Bolland-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#80(11/1993; Bolland-c; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#83(2/1994; BONDAGE GGA Cover by Brian Bolland; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#85 (4/1994; Bolland-c; First MIKE DEODATO Art & Begins as a Regular, most issues thru to #100; Classic BRIAN BOLLAND GGA / Good Girl Art cover; White Magician and Paulie Longo become partners; Wonder Woman in Black, Blind Destiny; Terry Beatty and Kevin Conrad art; William Messner-Loebs story; VF-, 7.5 = $9.00)
#86(5/1994; Brian Bolland cover; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#86(5/1994; Brian Bolland cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#87(6/1994; Rockface & Plasma-c/s; Brian Bolland cover; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#87(6/1994; Rockface & Plasma-c/s; Brian Bolland cover; DC UNIVERSE Logo VARIANT in UPC Box; VF+, 8.5 = $7.00);
#88 (7/1994; Wonder Woman in Dead - Again, with SUPERMAN as Guest Star; Classic SUPERMAN cover by BRIAN BOLLAND; CIRCE appears; Christopher Priest story; John Ross and Ray Kryssing art; ASK);
#90 (9/1994; FIRST appearance of ARTEMIS of Bana-Mighdall; ** Ann Wolfe played ARTEMIS in the 2017 Live-Action WONDER WOMAN Movie; ** ARTEMIS's Team affiliations includes; Amazons, Hellenders, Tartarus, Red Hood and the Outlaws; ** ARTEMIS appears in the March 2009 direct-to-video animated film Wonder Woman voiced by Rosario Dawson; ** ARTEMIS appears in the 2010 animated film Superman/Batman: Apocalypse with Voice of actress Rachel Quaintance; ** ARTEMIS appears in the 2013 animated film Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox; ** Wonder Woman in The Contest: Homeward Gazings - Part 1 of 5-Part storyline; Classic BRIAN BOLLAND GGA / Good Girl Art cover; MIKE DEODATO Art; William Messner-Loebs story; NM, 9.4 = $59.00);
#93 (1/1995; ARTEMIS makes her FIRST appearance in the Outside World as the New Wonder Woman; Artemis as Wonder Woman & Princess Diana cover; HAWKMAN appears; MIKE DEODATO-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $10.00);
#94 (2/1995; Diana as Wonder Woman, POISON IVY and CHESHIRE-c/s; Cheetah appears; Brian Bolland cover; MIKE DEODATO art; SOLD OUT);
#95(3/1995; Diana as Wonder Woman, CHEETAH, POISON IVY and CHESHIRE-c/s; JOKER & White Magician appear; Brian Bolland cover; MIKE DEODATO art; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#96(4/1995; Diana as Wonder Woman vs JOKER cover & story; Cheetah, White Magician & Artemis appear; Brian Bolland cover; MIKE DEODATO art; NM-, 9.2 = $8.00);
#97(5/1995; Female JOKER cover & story; JOKER appears; Cheetah, Pan, White Magician & Artemis appear; Brian Bolland cover; MIKE DEODATO art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#98(6/1995; ARTEMIS as Wonder Woman vs Princess Diana battle cover & story; Brian Bolland cover; MIKE DEODATO art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#99(7/1995; Hippolyte & Princess Diana as Wonder Woman-c/s; Brian Bolland cover; MIKE DEODATO art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
#115(11/1996; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $4.00); #117(1/1997; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $3.00);
#119(3/1997; CHEETAH-c/s; JOHN BYRNE-s/a; Lopez-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
#120(5/1997; 10th Anniversary issue; 52 page GIANT; JOHN BYRNE-s/a; GEORGE PEREZ-c; NM, 9.4 = $6.00);
#122(6/1997; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $3.00);
#124(8/1997; DEMON and ARTEMIS appear; JOHN BYRNE-s/a; Lopez-c; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
#133(5/1998; BYRNE-c/a; Thunderbolt-c/s; Dark Angel & JSA app; NM+, 9.6 = $9.00);
#135(7/1998; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $3.00);
#136(8/1998; JOHN BYRNE-s/c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $3.00);
#139-146, 150,152-159,161, 164,166,168,170-174 (ADAM HUGHES Cover Art issues = ASK)
#151 (12/1999; The PANDORA VIRUS Part-1; Classic ADAM HUGHES GGA / Good Girl Cover Art; VF+, 8.5 = $9.00);
#159 [8/2000; NEW ROAD; GGA (Good Girl Art) Cover by ADAM HUGHES; Appearances by; Wonderdome, Artemis and Wonder Girl; Cameo Appearances by; Batman, Superman, Devastation; FN/VF, 7.0 = $9.00];
#160 (9/2000; vs CLAYFACE and CHEETAH; GGA (Good Girl Art) Cover by ADAM HUGHES; NM-, 9.2 = $14.00);
#165 (2/2001; GODS OF GOTHAM: Part-2 of 4-Parts; GGA (Good Girl Art) Cover by ADAM HUGHES; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#167 (4/2001; GODS OF GOTHAM: Part-4 of 4-Parts; GGA (Good Girl Art) Cover by ADAM HUGHES; NM, 9.2 = $12.00) #169 (6/2001; PARADISE ISLAND LOST Part-2 of 2-Parts; GGA (Good Girl Art) Wraparound Cover by ADAM HUGHES; Phil Jimenez and George Perez story and art; NM, 9.4 = $14.00); |
#175 (Joker's Last Laugh; JIM LEE cover);
#176-178, 184-195 (ADAM HUGHES Cover Art issues = ASK)
#196 (11/2003; Down to Earth Part-1; Publish or Perish; GGA (Good Girl Art) Cover by ADAM HUGHES; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00); #197 [12/2003; The Flash and the Furious / Down to Earth Part Two; FLASH and Wonder Woman GGA (Good Girl Art) Cover by ADAM HUGHES; Appearances by; Jonah McCarthy, Veronica Cale, Doctor Leslie Anderson, Peter Garibaldi, Martin Garibaldi, Doctor Psycho, Ares, Robert Garibaldi, Io, Flash, Todd Gilbert, Kimberly Dunn; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00]; |
#1 (1992; FIRST PRINTING; One-Shot Special; 52 Page GIANT; ** Slade Wilson DEATHSTROKE vs WONDER WOMAN Battle cover and story; Story continued in Wonder Woman #63; ** WONDER WOMAN in Operation: Cheetah Part One = 38 Page All-New Story by William Messner-Loebs; ** Early appearance of Barbara Minerva aka the New Copper Age CHEETAH; ** Appearances by; Julia Kapatelis, Vanessa Kapatelis, Inspector Ed Indelicato, Proteus, Drax & Baron von Nastraed; Jill Thompson & Jay Geldhof art; Jill Thompson & Jerry Ordway cover; ASK);
The WOODS (Boom! Studios Pub; 2014-2015)
*** CBR = UCP / Universal Cable Productions has the rights to adapt THE WOODS into a TV SERIES; The Woods, follows the students and staff of a prep school after they are transported to another planet, is headed to television. In the series, 437 students, 52 teachers and 24 additional staff members disappear from their preparatory high school in suburban Milwaukee. Transported light years away in the primordial forest of another planet, the stranded school faces danger around every turn. The Woods was Boom!'s best-selling comic of 2014 & continues to be the company's second most popular comic behind "Lumberjanes," which is also set to have a film adaptation at Fox. Boom! Studios' CEO Ross Richie and President of Development Stephen Christy will executive produce alongside Josh Levy, Senior Vice President of Television.
#1-A (5/2014; FIRST Printing; Regular Cover by Ramon K. Perez; James Tynion IV story; Michael Dialynas art; ASK);
#1-B (5/2014; FIRST Printing; 1:10 VARIANT Cover by Matthew Woodson; James Tynion IV story; Michael Dialynas art; ASK);
#1-C (5/2014; FIRST Printing; 1:25 Retailer Incentive VARIANT Cover by Paul Duffield; James Tynion IV story; Michael Dialynas art; ASK);
#1-D (5/2014; FIRST Printing; Cards Comics & Collectibles Virgin VARIANT Cover by Ramon K. Perez; James Tynion IV story; Michael Dialynas art; SOLD OUT);
#1-E (5/2014; Second Printing with new VARIANT Cover by Ramon K. Perez; James Tynion IV story; Michael Dialynas art; ASK);
(WOOD, WALLY); WOODWORK (Fanzine/Magazine; Bill Pearson/Bill Crouch Jr pub);
#NN(circa 1980; Wizard King, Animan, Pipsqueak; 48 pages; Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $36);
#NN(circa 1980; Wizard King, Animan, Pipsqueak; 48 pages; Manitoba; VF, 8.0 = $22);
(WOOD, WALLY); the WALLACE WOOD TREASURY (Pure Imagination Pub.; 1980; Fanzine/Magazine; 56 pages including covers)
#NN(Weight = 150 Grams; GGA Bondage-c; Index with many illos; Scarce; Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $44.00);
#NN(Weight = 150 Grams; GGA Bondage-c; Index with many illos; Scarce; Manitoba; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
WORLD OF ADVENTURE (Walt Disney's) (Gold Key; TV);
#1(4/1963; Mooncussers; Captain Nemo; VF+, 8.5 = $32); #2(Johnny Shiloh; Captain Nemo; VF+, 8.5 = $20);
#3(10/1963; Savage Sam; Captain Nemo; VF+, 8.5 = $20);
WORLD OF KRYPTON (Overstreet Notes "THE FIRST COMIC BOOK MINI SERIES" = Limited Series; DC Comics Pub; 7-9/1979; early Limited / Mini Series; Superman related; Ross Andru & Giordano-c; Chaykin & Murphy Anderson-a; FIRST SOLO comic book Limited-Series; see also Krypton Chronicles 1981 Limited Series and Fabulous World of Krypton = 24 Different Back-Up Stories in Superman between #233-375 = the FIRST SOLO Series)
KRYPTON, the Superman prequel TV series has been Greenlighted by the SYFY Channel, starting with an order for the Pilot Episode to Warner Bros. The upcoming SYFY Television drama will take place two generations before the planet before it was destroyed. Krypton will follow Superman's grandfather – whose House of El was ostracized and shamed – as he fights to redeem his family's honor and save his beloved world from chaos," reads the series description by the Network. David S Goyer is the executive producer, and co-write the script along with Ian Goldberg. This will be the first live-action portrayal of Jor-El, the grandfather of Kal-El (Superman) and the network is yet to rope in actors for the series. In an interview with Collider last year, Goyer explained that the show will mostly focus on characters and the culture of the alien planet. Damian Kindler (Sleepy Hollow) will be the showrunner and Colm McCarthy (Peaky Blinders) will direct the pilot. The pair will serve as executive producers. The pilot will be written by Goyer with Ian Goldberg (Once Upon A Time).
#1 (7/1979; KRYPTON TV Series coming to the SYFY Channel; The LIFE STORY of Superman's father JOR-EL begins; Jor-EL marries Lara; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00)
#1 (7/1979; KRYPTON TV Series coming to the SYFY Channel; The LIFE STORY of Superman's father JOR-EL begins; Jor-EL marries Lara; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00)
#2 [8/1979; The City of KANDOR is Stolen (by BRANIAC)-c/s; The Planet is doomed; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00];
#2 [8/1979; The City of KANDOR is Stolen (by BRANIAC)-c/s; The Planet is doomed; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00];
#3 (9/1979; Baby Superman sent to Earth in Rocket from exploding Planet Krypton-c/s; Mon-el appears; Last Days of Krypton; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#3 (9/1979; Baby Superman sent to Earth in Rocket from exploding Planet Krypton-c/s; Mon-el appears; Last Days of Krypton; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
WORLD OF KRYPTON (DC Comics Pub; 12/1987-3/1988; early Limited / Mini Series; Superman related; New Revised Copper Age Story by JOHN BYRNE; BYRNE & SIMONSON-c; Third SOLO comic book Limited-Series; see also Krypton Chronicles 1981 Limited Series and Fabulous World of Krypton = 24 Different Back-Up Stories in Superman between #233-375 = the FIRST SOLO Series)
KRYPTON, the Superman prequel TV series has been Greenlighted by the SYFY Channel, starting with an order for the Pilot Episode to Warner Bros. The upcoming SYFY Television drama will take place two generations before the planet before it was destroyed. Krypton will follow Superman's grandfather – whose House of El was ostracized and shamed – as he fights to redeem his family's honor and save his beloved world from chaos," reads the series description by the Network. David S Goyer is the executive producer, and co-write the script along with Ian Goldberg. This will be the first live-action portrayal of Jor-El, the grandfather of Kal-El (Superman) and the network is yet to rope in actors for the series. In an interview with Collider last year, Goyer explained that the show will mostly focus on characters and the culture of the alien planet. Damian Kindler (Sleepy Hollow) will be the showrunner and Colm McCarthy (Peaky Blinders) will direct the pilot. The pair will serve as executive producers. The pilot will be written by Goyer with Ian Goldberg (Once Upon A Time).
#1 (12/1987; FIRST Appearances of Van-L (ancestor of Kal-El), Ran-L, Eyra, Vara, Ten-R, Nyra, Kan-Z, Kyla, Gan-M, and Han-T; Death of Nyra;KRYPTON TV Series coming to the SYFY Channel; STORY of Superman's parents JOR-EL & LARA, and the CLONE WARS that Destroyed Krypton; JOHN BYRNE-s; BYRNE & SIMONSON-c; Mike Mignola & Rick Bryant-a; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#1 (12/1987; FIRST Appearances of Van-L (ancestor of Kal-El), Ran-L, Eyra, Vara, Ten-R, Nyra, Kan-Z, Kyla, Gan-M, and Han-T; Death of Nyra;KRYPTON TV Series coming to the SYFY Channel; STORY of Superman's parents JOR-EL & LARA, and the CLONE WARS that Destroyed Krypton; JOHN BYRNE-s; BYRNE & SIMONSON-c; Mike Mignola & Rick Bryant-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $6.00);
#2 (1/1988; FIRST Appearances of Black Zero, Sen-M, and League of Light STORY of Superman's parents JOR-EL & LARA, and the CLONE WARS that Destroyed Krypton; JOHN BYRNE-s; BYRNE & SIMONSON-c; Mike Mignola & Rick Bryant-a; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00);
#2 (1/1988; FIRST Appearances of Black Zero, Sen-M, and League of Light STORY of Superman's parents JOR-EL & LARA, and the CLONE WARS that Destroyed Krypton; JOHN BYRNE-s; BYRNE & SIMONSON-c; Mike Mignola & Rick Bryant-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#3 (2/1988; FIRST Appearances of Seyg-El, Nara, and Jan-L; Death of Nara; STORY of Superman's parents JOR-EL & LARA, and the CLONE WARS that Destroyed Krypton; JOHN BYRNE-s; BYRNE & SIMONSON-c; Mike Mignola & Rick Bryant-a; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#3 (2/1988; FIRST Appearances of Seyg-El, Nara, and Jan-L; Death of Nara; STORY of Superman's parents JOR-EL & LARA, and the CLONE WARS that Destroyed Krypton; JOHN BYRNE-s; BYRNE & SIMONSON-c; Mike Mignola & Rick Bryant-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#4 (3/1988; LAST issue; STORY of Superman's parents JOR-EL & LARA, and the CLONE WARS that Destroyed Krypton; JOHN BYRNE-s; BYRNE & SIMONSON-c; Mike Mignola-a; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#4 (3/1988; LAST issue; STORY of Superman's parents JOR-EL & LARA, and the CLONE WARS that Destroyed Krypton; JOHN BYRNE-s; BYRNE & SIMONSON-c; Mike Mignola-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
World of Krypton: The Home of Superman (1982 Tor; Paperback) = ASK
WORLD OF WOOD (Eclipse Comics Pub., Limited Series; 1986-1989)
#1 (5/1986; NUDE Blonde Woman in BONDAGE with Blue Tentacles GGA Good Girl Art cover by DAVE STEVENS; FN, 6.0 = $16.00
WORLD'S FINEST COMICS (DC Comics Pub; 1941-1986; Superman & Batman Team-Up series);
• the BATMAN vs SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE directed by Zack Snyder is scheduled for release in 2016;
**** A New project for a Television, TV SERIES titled "KRYPTON" is attached to Man of Steel writer and producer David Goyer [Given that the Kryptonian lifestyle was explored in Man of Steel, Goyer may be planning on using that as a launch pad for this upcoming series. Krypton will be joining a slew of other current and upcoming comic book-based television series, such as Gotham, Constantine and Riverdale] ****
#111 (8/1960; First appearance William Tockman aka the CLOCK KING in Green Arrow story, created by France Herron and Lee Elias. Clock King is a master planner and sometimes uses clock-themed gadgetry. The Clock King eventually became a member of the Terror Titans, but has become more identified by his appearances in Justice League International and Suicide Squad. Robert Knepper plays Clock King has appeared in CW Network TV's the ARROW, and CW Network TV's the FLASH; has minor Magi Tape repairs inside, thus VG minus, 3.5 = $35.00)
#153 (11/1965; ** The Saga of BATMAN vs SUPERMAN, cover and imaginary story; ** Batman using Kryptonite Batarang against Superman cover; ** With the infamous Batman SLAPPING Robin in the Face panel that has been used in countless MEMES, a notable piece of Pop Culture; ** Superman and Batman, with Robin the Boy Wonder (Story Part-1) in The Clash of Cape and Cowl; ** GPD Notes; Young Bruce Wayne is convinced that Superboy killed his father and vows to become Batman so he can bring him to justice. ** Superman and Batman, with Robin the Boy Wonder (Story Part-2) in DEATH OF A HERO; Batman befriends Superman so that he can take his revenge. Then he teams up with Luthor. Two-Part story by Edmond Hamilton, with Curt Swan and George Klein art; ** The Boy Who Changed the Future, 6 page Sci-Fi story by John Broome, with Bob Oksner and Bernard Sachs art; Curt Swan and Sheldon Moldoff cover; G/VG, 3.0 = $69.00; Good+, 2.5 = $59.00; Good, 2.0 = $45.00; FA/G, 1.5 = $29.00);
#175(5/1968; Superman-Batman Revenge Squads-c/s; Neal Adams-c/a; VF-, 7.5 = $41);
#221(1-2/1974; Sons of Batman & Superman-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $13);
#223(100 Pages; ADAMS-a; Origin of Deadman; Composite, Aquman, Robotman; VF+, 8.5 = $39);
#224 (7-8/1974; 100 Page Giant; VF+, 8.5 = $39); #225 (9-10/1974; 100 Page Giant; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49);
#226 (11-12/1974; 100 Page Giant; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49); #228 (3-4/1975; 100 Page Giant; VF+, 8.5 = $39);
#229 (4/1975; Origin of the Superman/ Batman team; Superman-r; Lex Luthor app; Metamorpho-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#230(Manitoba; 6/1975; 68 page GIANT; Superman Jr & Batman Jr-s; Deadman / Challengers of the Unknown-r = Neal ADAMS-a; Aquaman-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $30);
#231(Manitoba; Flash, Green Arrow, Superman Jr & Batman Jr-c/s; Aquaman app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $);
#232(Manitoba; vs Chang-Shi; NM-, 9.2 = $18); #233(Manitoba; Superman Jr & Batman Jr-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#234(Manitoba; 12/1975; President Gerald Ford app; NM-, 9.2 = $18); #235(Manitoba; 1/1976; NM, 9.4 = $24);
#240(Manitoba; Kandor & President Gerald Ford app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12); #241(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#242(Manitoba; 12/1976; Superman Jr & Batman Jr-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12); #243(Manitoba; Curt Swan-a; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
**** (#244-252=84 Page Giants; #253-260=68 Page Giants);
#244 (4-5/1977; 84 Page “Dollar” Comics Begin; ADAMS-c; Green Arrow, Black Canary, Vigilante & Wonder Woman begin; Superman & Batman-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $16);
#245(6-7/1977; 2nd 84 Page “Dollar” Comic; Superman & Batman-c/s; Green Arrow, Black Canary, Vigilante & Wonder Woman; Neal ADAMS-c; VF, 8.0 = $15);
#246 (8-9/1977; 84 Page “Dollar” Comic; Superman & Batman-c/s; Origin of Vigilante; Green Arrow, Black Canary & Wonder Woman; Neal ADAMS-c; Origin and First Appearance, Baron Blitzkrieg; Jimmy Akingbola willplay Baron Blitzkrieg in CW Network TV's the ARROW in Season-4; Blitzkrieg (aka Baron Reiter) is later the Leader of Shadowspire; Baron Blitzkrieg was a disfigured Nazi officer gaining super powers by German Scientists; During WWII, Blitzkrieg battles the All-Star Squadron. Later, Blitzkrieg joins the Secret Society of Super Villains, but is killed by Superboy-Prime. He was revived during the Blackest Night storyline; FN/VF, 7.0= $17.00);
#246(8-9/1977; 84 Page “Dollar” Comic; Superman & Batman-c/s; Origin of Vigilante; Green Arrow, Black Canary & Wonder Woman; Neal ADAMS-c; Origin and First Appearance, Baron Blitzkrieg; Jimmy Akingbola will play Baron Blitzkrieg in CW Network TV's the ARROW in Season-4; Blitzkrieg (aka Baron Reiter) is later the Leader of Shadowspire; Baron Blitzkrieg was a disfigured Nazi officer gaining super powers by German Scientists; During WWII, Blitzkrieg battles the All-Star Squadron. Later, Blitzkrieg joins the Secret Society of Super Villains, but is killed by Superboy-Prime. He was revived during the Blackest Night storyline VF+, 8.5 = $27);
#246(8-9/1977; 84 Page “Dollar” Comic; Superman & Batman-c/s; Origin of Vigilante; Green Arrow, Black Canary & Wonder Woman; Neal ADAMS-c; Origin and First Appearance, Baron Blitzkrieg; Jimmy Akingbola will play Baron Blitzkrieg in CW Network TV's the ARROW in Season-4; Blitzkrieg (aka Baron Reiter) is later the Leader of Shadowspire; Baron Blitzkrieg was a disfigured Nazi officer gaining super powers by German Scientists; During WWII, Blitzkrieg battles the All-Star Squadron. Later, Blitzkrieg joins the Secret Society of Super Villains, but is killed by Superboy-Prime. He was revived during the Blackest Night storyline VF/NM, 9.0 = $33);
#247(Manitoba; 84 Pages; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20);
#251 (July/1978; GIANT; First appearance of COUNT VERTIGO, last descendant of the royal family of Vlatava, supervillian foe of Green Arrow and Black Canary; Member of Secret Society of Super Villains, Checkmate, Suicide Squad & Injustice Society; First appeared on TV in Batman: The Animated Series; Seth Gabel plays The Count in the ARROW TV Series; ASK)
#255(68 page Giant; Green Arrow, Creeper, Black Canary, SHAZAM; VF+, 8.5 =$10);
WORLD'S FINEST (DC Comics Pub; 1941-1986; Superman & Batman Team-Up series);
• the BATMAN vs SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE directed by Zack Snyder is scheduled for release in 2016;
**** A New project for a Television, TV SERIES titled "KRYPTON" is attached to Man of Steel writer and producer David Goyer [Given that the Kryptonian lifestyle was explored in Man of Steel, Goyer may be planning on using that as a launch pad for this upcoming series. Krypton will be joining a slew of other current and upcoming comic book-based television series, such as Gotham, Constantine and Riverdale] ****
*** [For other Early Bonze Age Appearance of BLACK ADAM see = Adventure Comics Digest #497, ALL-NEW Collector’s Edition #C-58, DC Comics Presents #49, Limited Collectors' Edition #C-39, Shazam from the Forties to the Seventies (1977; Harmony Books), World's Finest Comics #257, 264, 267];
#257 (6-7/1979; The Invincible Man = Third All-New Story Bronze Age appearance of BLACK ADAM appearing as TETH-ADAM; Black Adam is #16 on IGN's #16 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Dwayne “The ROCK” Johnson (of WWE, Scorpion King & Movie Fame) has CONFIRMED he will play Captain Marvel or he Arch-Enemy BLACK ADAM in the 2016 DC Comics MOVIE adaption SHAZAM, currently in Development; 68 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; NM+, 9.6 = $54.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00; VF, 8.0 = $14.00);
#261(Manitoba; 68 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; NM+, 9.6 = $42.00);
#262(Manitoba; 68 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; NM+, 9.6 = $42.00);
#264 (8-9/1980; The Monster Society of Evil Strikes Back! [Mr. Mind; Sivana; Ibac; King Kull; Mister Atom; Black Adam; Oggar] Shazam!; Captain Marvel / comic story / 10 pages; Fourth All-New Story Bronze Age appearance of BLACK ADAM; Black Adam is #16 on IGN's #16 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Dwayne “The ROCK” Johnson (of WWE, Scorpion King & Movie Fame) has CONFIRMED he will play Captain Marvel or he Arch-Enemy BLACK ADAM in the 2016 DC Comics MOVIE adaption SHAZAM, currently in Development; Manitoba; 68 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; 68 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18.00; VF, 8.0 = $14.00; VF-, 7.5 = $12.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00; FN+, 6.5 = $8.00; FN, 6.0 = $7.00);
#265(Manitoba; 68 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; NM+, 9.6 = $42.00);
#266(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $20); #266 (52 page Giant; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Red Tornado, SHAZAM; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12);
#267 (2-3/1981; 52 page “Dollar” GIANT; ** ZATANNA Series BEGINS; SHAZAM story = Assault on the Rock of Eternity = Fifth All-New Story Bronze Age appearance of BLACK ADAM (5 Panels on 2 pages); Black Adam is #16 on IGN's #16 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Dwayne “The ROCK” Johnson (of WWE, Scorpion King & Movie Fame) has CONFIRMED he will play Captain Marvel or he Arch-Enemy BLACK ADAM in the 2016 DC Comics MOVIE adaption SHAZAM, currently in Development; Superman & Batman meet the Challengers of the Unknown-c/s; Black Canary-s = Eeden & Colletta-a; Red Tornado-s; Hawkman & Hawkgirl-s; NM+, 9.6 = $42.00; NM-, 9.2 = $21.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00; VF, 8.0 = $10.00);
#268(Manitoba;52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; NM+, 9.6 = $30);
#269(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; NM+, 9.6 = $30);
#270(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; NM/MT, 9.8 = $40);
#271 (Manitoba; 9/1981; 52 page Giant; Booklength All-New version of ORIGIN of the Superman-Batman Team-c/s; Roy Thomas-s; Rich Buckler-a; Anniversary of the Team issue; NM, 9.4 = $28.00);
#271 (9/1981; 52 page Giant; Booklength All-New version of ORIGIN of the Superman-Batman Team-c/s; Roy Thomas-s; Rich Buckler-a; Anniversary of the Team issue; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00);
#272(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Red Tornado, Shazam; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#272(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Red Tornado, Shazam; NM-, 9.2 = $15);
#273(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Plastic Man, Shazam; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#273(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Plastic Man, Shazam; NM+, 9.6 = $30);
#275(Manitoba; 1/1982; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Zatanna, Shazam; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#275(Manitoba; 1/1982; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Zatanna, Shazam; NM-, 9.2 = $15);
#276 (2/1982; 52 Page Dollar Round-Bound Giant; ** Superman and Batman star "Double X Means Double Death; Mike Barr story, with Rich Buckler and Bob Smith art; ** Green Arrow in Bedlam in the Big House; vs SLINGSHOT; Dinah Laurel Lance aka Black Canary appears; Mike Barr story, with Trevor Von Eeden and Larry Mahlstedt art; ** ZATANNA story; FIRST appearance of DARK ZATANNA; FIRST appearance of Blackwall The Magician; Paul Kupperburg story, with art by Dan Spiegle; ** Hawkman in Sting-ing in the Rain; vs Weather Wizard; Bob Rozakis story, with Carmine Infantino and Rodin Rodriguez art; ** Captain Marvel in Magicians and Mercenaries; Marvel Family appears including; Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel, Jr. and Mary Marvel; E. Nelson Bridwell story , with Don Newton and Dan Adkins art; Comic strip by Fred Hembeck; George Perez cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00; VF, 8.0 = $9.00);
#277 (3/1982; 52 Page Dollar Round-Bound Giant; ** Superman and Batman star in Beasts of Plague; Cary Burkett story, Don Heck and Romeo Tanghal art; ** Green Arrow in Green Arrow Sought for Questioning in Murder; Dinah Laurel Lance aka Black Canary appears; Mike Barr story, with Trevor Von Eeden and Rodin Rodriguez art; ** Zatanna in Doppleganger; Second and LAST appearance of DARK ZATANNA; Second and LAST appearance of Blackwall The Magician; Paul Kupperberg story, with Dan Spiegle art; ** Hawkman in "I Have My Wings and I Must Fly; Bob Rozakis story, with Alex Saviuk and Rodriguez art; ** Captain Marvel Jr. in The Menace of the Moon-Tree' E. Nelson Bridwell story, with Don Newton and Frank Chiaramonte art; 1/3 page Gene Colan biography; Comic strip by Fred Hembeck; George Perez and Bob Smith cover; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00; VF, 8.0 = $9.00);
#279(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Shazam; NM/MT, 9.8 = $40);
#279(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Shazam; NM+, 9.6 = $30);
#280(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Shazam; NM+, 9.6 = $30); ;
#281(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Shazam;NM/MT, 9.8 = $40);
#281(Manitoba; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Green Arrow, Hawkman, Shazam;NM+, 9.6 = $30);
#282(Manitoba; 8/1982; LAST 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Hawkman & Shazam; NM+, 9.6 = $30);
#282(Manitoba; 8/1982; :LAST 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Hawkman & Shazam; NM, 9.4 = $20);
#282(Manitoba; LAST 8/1982; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Hawkman & Shazam; NM-, 9.2 = $15);
#282(8/1982; 52 Page Giant “Dollar” Comic; Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Hawkman & Shazam; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#283(Manitoba; 9/1982; Composite Superman-c/s; Green Arrow-s; NM, 9.4 = $14);
#283(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $10); #284(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $21);
#284(10/1982; Composite Superman & LEGION of Super Heroes-c/s; Giffen-c; NM-, 9.2 = $10);
WORLD'S FINEST (DC Comics Pub; 1941-1986; Superman & Batman Team-Up series);
• the BATMAN vs SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE directed by Zack Snyder is scheduled for release in 2016;
New project for a Television,
attached to Man of Steel writer and producer David Goyer
that the Kryptonian lifestyle was explored in Man of Steel,
Goyer may be planning on using that as a launch pad for this upcoming
series. Krypton will be joining a slew of other current and
upcoming comic book-based television series, such as Gotham,
Constantine and Riverdale]
BATMAN on a Cover by Frank MILLER;
ZATANNA appears; KU KLUX KLAN-c/s; Justice League appears;
#287(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $21);
#288(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $14); #289(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $14); #290(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $21);
#291(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $21); #291(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $14); #292(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $14); #293(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $10);
#294(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7); #295(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $21); #296(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $10);
#297(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7); #298(Manitoba; NM/MT, 9.8 = $28); #299(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $21);
#301(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $9); #302(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $9); #303(Manitoba; NM/MT, 9.8 = $12);
#304(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $9); #305(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $6); #306(Manitoba; VF+, 8.5 = $3);
#308(Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4); #309(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $6); #310(Manitoba; NM/MT, 9.8 = $12);
#311(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $6); #312(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $5); #313(Manitoba; NM+, 9.6 = $9);
#314(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $6); #315(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $5); #316(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $6);
#317(Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $6);#318(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $5); #319(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $5);
#320(Manitoba; VF, 8.0 = $3); #321(Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $5);
WORLDS FINEST (DC Comics Pub; 2012; 3rd Series)
#23 (7/2014; 1st print; FIRST appearance of the New POWER GIRL; Huntress appears; New 52 Crossover; Paul Levitz-s; R. B. Silva & Joe B. Weems-a; Barry Kitson and Jason Wright-c; ASK);
WORLDS UNKNOWN (Marvel Color Comic; 1973-1974)
#1 (5/1973; Coming of the Martians-c/s; Frederick Pohl & Edmond Hamilton; Gil Kane-a; Torres-a; Reese-a; VF, 8.0 = $22.00; VF-, 7.5 = $18.00);
#2 (7/1973; Manitoba; Gun for a Dinosaur-c/s based on L. Sprague de Camp = Mayerik/Chan-a; Doorstep by Keith Laumer = Gil Kane/Sutton-a; NM-, 9.2 =$33.00);
#2 (7/1973; Gun for a Dinosaur-c/s based on L. Sprague de Camp = Mayerik/Chan-a; Doorstep by Keith Laumer = Gil Kane/Sutton-a; VF-, 7.5 = $13.00);
#3 (9/1973; Manitoba; Day the Earth Stood Still, based on by Harry Bates-c/s; Buckler/Romita/Howard-c; Ross Andru/Wayne Howard-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#4 (11/1973; Manitoba; ARENA by Fredric Brown-c/s; Buscema-c/s; Powell-a; NM-, 9.2 =$33.00);
#4 (11/1973; ARENA by Fredric Brown-c/s; Buscema-c/s; Powell-a; VF+, 8.5 = $19.00; VF, 8.0 = $16.00; VF-, 7.5 = $13.00);
#5 (2/1974; Manitoba; Black Destroyer-c/s; A.E. Van Vogt-s; Gil Kane-c; Adkins & Mooney-a; NM-, 9.2 =$33.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#5 (2/1974;Black Destroyer-c/s; A.E. Van Vogt-s; Gil Kane-c; Adkins & Mooney-a; VF+, 8.5 = $19.00; VF-, 7.5 = $13.00);
#6 (4/1974; Theodore Sturgeon's Killdozer; Gil Kane-c; Conway-s; Ayer & Chau-a; VF-, 7.5 = $13.00);
#7 (6/1974; Manitoba; Golden Voyage of Sinbad Movie adaption, Part-1 of 2-Parts; Wein-s; George Tuska & Colletta art; NM-, 9.2 = $33.00);
#7 (6/1974; Golden Voyage of Sinbad Movie adaption, Part-1 of 2-Parts; Wein-s; George Tuska & Colletta art; VF-, 7.5 = $13.00);
#8 (8/1974; LAST issue; Golden Voyage of Sinbad Movie adaption, Part-2 of 2-Parts; Wein-s; George Tuska & Colletta art; Kane-c; VF+, 8.5 = $19.00; VF, 8.0 = $16.00);
WONDER WOMAN (DC Comics Pub; 1942-1986);
• the WONDER WOMAN Big-Screen FILM/MOVIE starring Gal Gadot is scheduled for release in 2017;
#160 (2/1966; Wonder Woman vs CHEETAH Battle-c/s; FIRST Silver Age appearance of CHEETAH-c/s; ** CHEETAH is #69 on IGN's #69 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Amazon of Terror; Return of Dr. Psycho; Ross Andru & Mike Esposito-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $139.00);
WORLD'S FINEST (DC Comics Pub; 1941-1986)
#153 (11/1965; The Saga of BATMAN vs SUPERMAN, cover and imaginary story; Batman using Kryptonite Batarang against Superman cover; With the infamous Batman SLAPPING Robin in the Face panel that has been used in countless MEMES, a notable piece of Pop Culture; Superman and Batman, with Robin the Boy Wonder (Story Part-1) in The Clash of Cape and Cowl; GPD Notes; Young Bruce Wayne is convinced that Superboy killed his father and vows to become Batman so he can bring him to justice.
Superman and Batman, with Robin the Boy Wonder (Story Part-2) in DEATH OF A HERO; Batman befriends Superman so that he can take his revenge. Then he teams up with Luthor. Two-Part story by Edmond Hamilton, with Curt Swan and George Klein art; The Boy Who Changed the Future, 6 page Sci-Fi story by John Broome, with Bob Oksner and Bernard Sachs art; Curt Swan and Sheldon Moldoff cover; G/VG, 3.0 = US$39.00; Good+, 2.5 = US$29.00; Good, 2.0 = US$22.00; FA/G, 1.5 = US$15.00);
WORST FROM MAD (1958-1969; E.C. Comics Pub; Squarebound B&W Parody Magazine);
#2 (1959; Sin-Doll Ella-a; Wally WOOD-a; Don Martin-a; BONUS 33-1/3 RPM "Meet the Staff from Mad" RECORD is detached, but still present; Record is almost always missing & is SCARCE; Record=VG; Comic Mag = VF-, 7.5; Price = $249);
WYNONNA EARP (1996-1997; IMAGE Comics Pub; First Series; Later Revived an IDW Entertainment Series; LOW Print Run);
WYNONNA EARP is a SyFy Channel 13-episode TV SERIES; The First TV Season, Premiered on April 01, 2016. Based on the IDW Publishing comic created by Beau Smith. Melanie Scrofano stars as WYNONNA EARP; Tim Rozon plays Doc Holliday; Shamier Anderson plays the mysterious Agent Dolls. Emily Andras has developed the series for TELEVISION and will serve as executive producer and showrunner. A unique contemporary WESTERN that will bring high octane, full-throttle, SUPERNATURAL action, it follows Wyatt Earp’s great granddaughter as she battles demons and other supernatural beings and uses her unique abilities and a dysfunctional posse of allies to bring the paranormal to justice. Jordy Randall and Tom Cox are executive producing with Andras. Paolo Barzman directed the pilot episode. Wynonna Earp will be produced in Calgary by SEVEN24 Films, with Jordy Randall and Tom Cox as Executive Producers.
IMDB = Based on the IDW Comic (Originally an IMAGE title), Wynonna Earp follows Wyatt Earp's great granddaughter as she battles demons and other creatures. With her unique abilities, and a posse of dysfunctional allies, she's the only thing that can bring the paranormal to justice.
#1 (12/1996; Beau Smith story; Joyce Chin & Mark Irwin art; Joyce Chin & JIM LEE cover; NEAR MINT minus, 9.2 = $32.00);
#1 (12/1996; Beau Smith story; Joyce Chin & Mark Irwin art; Joyce Chin & JIM LEE cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25.00);
#1 (12/1996; Beau Smith story; Joyce Chin & Mark Irwin art; Joyce Chin & JIM LEE cover; VF+, 8.5 = $19.00);
X-CALIBRE (Marvel Comics Pub; 3-6/1995; Mini / Limited Series; Age of Apocalypse) #1(NM, 9.4 = $6.00);
XENOZOIC TALES (Kitchen Sink; 1987-1996; Source for Cadillacs and Dinosaurs)
** Post-Apocalyptic Future storyline; The series won four Harvey Awards and three Eisner Awards. Xenozoic Tales was later reprinted by Marvel under the title Cadillacs and Dinosaurs and spawned the 1993-1994 Animated series on CBS TV, an arcade game from Capcom, a Sega CD video game from Rocket Science Games, action figures, candy bars, and a Twilight 2000 system role-playing game. Series continued as Topps Comics, also used the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs name. **
#1 (2/1987; FIRST Printing with "Past & Future meet in a World Gone Mad" BANNER at top of cover; ** Appearances by; Jack Tenrec, Hannah Dundee, Wrench Terhune; ** An Archipelago of Stone; ** The Opportunists; ** Law of the Land;
GCD Synopsis; Xenozoicum: a bleak future where dinosaurs roam the Earth once more. The poacher Wrench Terhune learns of the impending arrival of an ambassador from the Wassoon tribe. Fearing that the ambassador is out to get him and his gang for the crimes they committed there, Terhune decides to assassinate the ambassador. Rumours about the plot reach Jack "Cadillac" Tenrec, who races against time to find and stop Terhune. The ambassador is a woman, Hannah Dundee, and she decides to stay for a while in the city. Hannah Dundee, the ambassador from the Wassoon tribe, meets Remfro Rynchus, who is very interested in the flying lizards called Zekes. Hannah helps Remfro to establish a Zeke colony on top of a deserted skyscraper. Governor Nock is furious, until he realizes that the reason Hannah did this was to enable the Zekes to warn the fishing boats about approaching predators; MARK SCHULTZ Story, Cover and Art; NM-, 9.2 = $36.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $9.00);
#1 (1/1989; 2nd Printing; SOLD OUT);
#2 (4/1987; ** Rogue; ** Mammoth Pitfall! ** The Rules of the Game; Appearances by; Jack Tenrec, Hannah Dundee, Mustapha Cairo, Director Wister, Strunk; MARK SCHULTZ Story, Cover and Art; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#3 (6/1987; MARK SCHULTZ Story, Cover and Art; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#4 (11/1987; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $5.00; VG, 4.0 = $4.00);
#5 (2/1988; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $5.00);
#6 (5/1988; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; NM, 9.4 = $20.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#7 (10/1988; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00; VF, 8.0 = $8.00);
#8 (1/1989; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00; NM, 9.4 = $20.00; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00; VF+, 8.5 = $9.00; VF, 8.0 = $8.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $7.00; VG, 4.0 = $4.00);
#9 (9/1989; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; NM, 9.4 = $20.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00; VF, 8.0 = $8.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $7.00);
#10 (4/1990; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00; VF+, 8.5 = $9.00; VF, 8.0 = $8.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $7.00);
#11 (4/1991; Low Print Run; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; NM, 9.4 = $20.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00; VF+, 8.5 = $9.00; VF, 8.0 = $8.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $7.00; VG, 4.0 = $4.00);
#12 (4/1992; Low Print Run; CADILLACS & DINOSAURS Banner at Left Edge of Cover BEGINS; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; NM+, 9.6 = $30.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#13 (12/1994; Low Print Run; CADILLACS & DINOSAURS Banner; Cardstock cover; B&W; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $7.00; FN, 6.0 = $6.00);
#14 (10/1996; LAST ISSUE; Low Print and SCARCE; CADILLACS & DINOSAURS Banner; Cardstock cover; MARK SCHULTZ Cover and Story; MARK SCHULTZ and Steve Stiles Art; B&W; NM, 9.4 = $30.00; NM-, 9.2 = $21.00);
X-FACTOR (Marvel Pub; 1986-1998; FIRST Series; Return of the Original X-MEN now as X-Factor, including; Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Ice Man, Jean Grey/Marvel Girl);
*** X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox (the Ninth Film in the X-Men film franchise), Directed by Bryan Singer; The Movie Starred; Jennifer Lawrence as Raven / Mystique, Evan Peters as Quicksilver, Michael Fassbender as Magneto, Channing Tatum as Gambit, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, Ben Hardy as Angel / Archangel, Isaac, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Alexendra Shipp and Kodi Smit-McPhee as a young Nightcrawler & Nicholas Hoult as Beast, Oscar Isaac as En Sabah Nur aka APOCALYPSE & Olivia Munn as Betsy Braddock aka PSYLOCKE;
*** See MARVEL GRAPHIC NOVEL #17 = First {Behind the Scenes} appearance of APOCALYPSE (6/1986);
#1 (2/1986; 52 page Giant; 1st Appearances of Rusty and Cameron Hodge; Return of Jean Grey: Part 3 of 3-Part story - Crossover with Avengers #263 & Fantastic Four #286; CABLE appears as Baby Nathan; Jackson Guice, Bob Layton & Joe Rubinstein art; Walt Simonson cover; NM-, 9.2 = $36.00);
#1 (2/1986; 52 page Giant; 1st Appearances of Rusty and Cameron Hodge; Return of Jean Grey: Part 3 of 3-Part story - Crossover with Avengers #263 & Fantastic Four #286; CABLE appears as Baby Nathan; Jackson Guice, Bob Layton & Joe Rubinstein art; Walt Simonson cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00);
#2 (3/1986; 1st Appearances of Artie and Tower; X-Factor vs TOWER Battle-c/s; Jackson Guice & Bob Layton story & art; Mike Zeck cover; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#2 (3/1986; 1st Appearances of Artie and Tower; X-Factor vs TOWER Battle-c/s; Jackson Guice & Bob Layton story & art; Mike Zeck cover; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#3 (4/1986; Bob Layton-s; Jackson Guice & Joe Rubinstein art; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#3 (4/1986; Bob Layton-s; Jackson Guice & Joe Rubinstein art; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#3 (4/1986; Bob Layton-s; Jackson Guice & Joe Rubinstein art; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#4 (5/1986; 1st Appearances of Frenzy and Timeshadow; X-Factor vs Frenzy-c/s; Bob Layton-s; Keith Pollard & Joe Rubinstein-a; Ron Frenz and Joe Rubinstein-c; NM+, 9.6 = $18.00);
#4 (5/1986; 1st Appearances of Frenzy and Timeshadow; X-Factor vs Frenzy-c/s; Bob Layton-s; Keith Pollard & Joe Rubinstein-a; Ron Frenz and Joe Rubinstein-c; NM, 9.4 = $12.00);
#4 (5/1986; 1st Appearances of Frenzy and Timeshadow; X-Factor vs Frenzy-c/s; Bob Layton-s; Keith Pollard & Joe Rubinstein-a; Ron Frenz and Joe Rubinstein-c; NM-, 9.2 = $9.00);
#5 (6/1986; First brief 2 page appearance of APOCALYPSE; X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; Jackson Guice-a; Original USA DIRECT Edition; NM, 9.4 = $44.00);
#5 (6/1986; First brief 2 page appearance of APOCALYPSE; X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; Jackson Guice-a; Original USA DIRECT Edition; NM-, 9.2 = $33.00);
#5 (6/1986; First brief 2 page appearance of APOCALYPSE; X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; Jackson Guice-a; Original USA DIRECT Edition; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#5 (6/1986; First brief 2 page appearance of APOCALYPSE; X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; Jackson Guice-a; Original USA DIRECT Edition; VF+, 8.5 = $18.00);
#5 (6/1986; First brief 2 page appearance of APOCALYPSE; X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; Jackson Guice-a; Original USA DIRECT Edition; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00; VG/FN=$8; VG=$6.50; G/VG=$5);
#5 (6/1986; First brief 2 page appearance of APOCALYPSE; X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; Jackson Guice-a; SCARCE Canadian Newsstand VARIANT Edition with Single original Cover Price of 95 Cents; ** FN/VF, 7.0 = $18; VG/FN, 5.0 = $15; G/VG, 3.0 = $9);
#6 (July/1986; First FULL appearance of APOCALYPSE; X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; The Alliance of Evil appears with Tower, Stinger & Timeshadow; Louise Simonson-s; Jackson Guice & Bob McLeod art; Ron Drenz & Joe Rubinstein-c; Original USA DIRECT Edition; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59.00);
#6 (July/1986; First FULL appearance of APOCALYPSE; X-MEN: APOCALYPSE was a popular May/2016 Big Screen FILM/MOVIE by 20th Century Fox; Apocalypse is #24 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of ALL-TIME List; The Alliance of Evil appears with Tower, Stinger & Timeshadow; Louise Simonson-s; Jackson Guice & Bob McLeod art; Ron Drenz & Joe Rubinstein-c; Scarcer LOW PRINT Canadian Newsstand Solo 95 cents Cover Price VARIANT edition; VG/FN, 5.0 = $49.00);
#7 (8/1986; 1st Appearances of Skids, Trish Tilby, Bulk, and Glow Worm; The X-Terminators; Louise Simonson-s; Jackson Guice & Joe Rubinstein art; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#8 (9/1986; Freedom Force aka Brotherhood of Evil Mutants-c/s; Louise Simonson-s; Marc Silvestri and Joe Rubinstein art; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#8 (9/1986; Freedom Force aka Brotherhood of Evil Mutants-c/s; Louise Simonson-s; Marc Silvestri and Joe Rubinstein art; NM-, 9.2 = $7.00);
#9 (10/1986; Freedom Force aka Brotherhood of Evil Mutants-c/s; Mutant Massacre with Marauders & Morlocks begins; Louise Simonson-s; Terry Shoemaker & Joe Rubinstein art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#10 (11/1986; Second appearance of APOCALYPSE; Oscar Isaac played En Sabah played En Sabah Nur aka APOCALYPSE in the 2016 X-MEN: Apocalypse MOVIE; SEVENTH appearance of SABRETOOTH; First appearance of SABRETOOTH in an X-MEN / Mutant Universe Related Comic Book; First Mention of PESTILENCE (currently known as PLAGUE, one of the Morlocks), the First HORSEMAN of APOCALYPSE; Marvel 25th Anniversary Cover - The Mutant Massacre "Falling Angel"; Angel's wings are pierced by a Harpoon, starting the Series of Events that Lead to Warren Worthington & part of his Origin & Transformation into the DEATH the Fourth Horseman of APOCALYPSE aka the ARCHANGEL in #23-24; Walt Simonson cover; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#10 (11/1986; Second appearance of APOCALYPSE; Oscar Isaac played En Sabah played En Sabah Nur aka APOCALYPSE in the 2016 X-MEN: Apocalypse MOVIE; SEVENTH appearance of SABRETOOTH; First appearance of SABRETOOTH in an X-MEN / Mutant Universe Related Comic Book; First Mention of PESTILENCE (currently known as PLAGUE, one of the Morlocks), the First HORSEMAN of APOCALYPSE; Marvel 25th Anniversary Cover - The Mutant Massacre "Falling Angel"; Angel's wings are pierced by a Harpoon, starting the Series of Events that Lead to Warren Worthington & part of his Origin & Transformation into the DEATH the Fourth Horseman of APOCALYPSE aka the ARCHANGEL in #23-24; Walt Simonson cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
***[See also; Giant Size Fantastic Four #3(11/1974; For the First Appearance of the Original Marvel Four HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE = Death, War, Famine & Pestilence-c/s = PROTOTYPE for the Modern Copper Age HORSEMEN OF APOCALYPSE that First appear in X-Factor #15; ASK);
#11 [12/1986; Apocalypse Cameo; First appearance of Abraham Lincoln Kieros later becomes WAR, the Second of the Four Horsemen of APOCALYPSE in #15;
Doctors tell Cyclops and Jean that Angel's wings have to be amputated; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#12 [1/1987; Apocalypse Cameo; First appearance of Autumn Rolfson later becomes becomes FAMINE, one of the the Four Horsemen of APOCALYPSE in issue #15; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#13(VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
#14 (3/1987; Apocalypse cameo; Angel, Warren Worthington WINGS are amputated; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
*** [See Uncanny X-MEN #169(5/1983; FIRST appearance of The MORLOCKS including; FIRST appearance of CALLISTO, Masque, Sunder, and PLAGUE (becomes PESTILENCE, one of the Four Horsemen of APOCALYPSE in X-Factor #15);
#15 [4/1987; First Appearance of the Modern Copper Age HORSEMEN of APOCALYPSE = DEATH, FAMINE, PESTILENCE & WAR; First appearance of the Wingless ANGEL = Warren Worthington WING are amputated, as part of his Origin & Transformation into DEATH the Fourth Horseman of APOCALYPSE the ARCHANGEL in #23-24 where he gains Metal wings & razor sharp feathers; X-MEN: Apocalypse MOVIE is in Pre-Production for 2016; First appearance of PESTILENCE formerly known asPLAGUE (see Uncanny X-Men #169) as he becomes the Third Horseman of APOCALYPSE; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#15 [4/1987; First Appearance of the Modern Copper Age HORSEMEN of APOCALYPSE = DEATH, FAMINE, PESTILENCE & WAR; First appearance of the Wingless ANGEL = Warren Worthington WING are amputated, as part of his Origin & Transformation into DEATH the Fourth Horseman of APOCALYPSE the ARCHANGEL in #23-24 where he gains Metal wings & razor sharp feathers; X-MEN: Apocalypse MOVIE is in Pre-Production for 2016; First appearance of PESTILENCE formerly known asPLAGUE (see Uncanny X-Men #169) as he becomes the Third Horseman of APOCALYPSE; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#15 [4/1987; First Appearance of the Modern Copper Age HORSEMEN of APOCALYPSE = DEATH, FAMINE, PESTILENCE & WAR; First appearance of the Wingless ANGEL = Warren Worthington WING are amputated, as part of his Origin & Transformation into DEATH the Fourth Horseman of APOCALYPSE the ARCHANGEL in #23-24 where he gains Metal wings & razor sharp feathers; X-MEN: Apocalypse MOVIE is in Pre-Production for 2016; First appearance of PESTILENCE formerly known asPLAGUE (see Uncanny X-Men #169) as he becomes the Third Horseman of APOCALYPSE; VF+, 8.5 = $8.00; VF, 8.0 = $16.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00);
#17 (6-1987; Cameoes of Apocalypse & of War, Pestilence, & Famine = 3 of the HORSEMAN of APOCALYPSE);
#18(7-1987; Apocalypse Cameo, who begins Angel's transformation into Death aka Archangel)
#21(10-1987; Cameoes of Apocalypse & of War, Pestilence, & Famine = 3 of the HORSEMAN of APOCALYPSE; First Cameo appearance of DEATH aka Archangel, the Fourth Horseman of Apocalypse);
#22(11-1987; Cameoes of Apocalypse & of War, Pestilence, Famine & Death aka Archangel = the Four HORSEMAN of APOCALYPSE);
#23 (12/1987; First brief 6 panel on 2 page appearance of Warren Worthington as the ARCHANGEL aka First appearance of DEATH, the Fourth Horseman ofAPOCALYPSE; 3 panel cameo appearance of APOCALYPSE; Simonson-c/a; Bonus Preview Insert for Excalibur with Fall of the Mutant Checklist CARD AD still intact; VF/NM, 9.0 = $15);
#23 (12/1987; First brief 6 panel on 2 page appearance of Warren Worthington as the ARCHANGEL aka First appearance of DEATH, the Fourth Horseman ofAPOCALYPSE; 3 panel cameo appearance of APOCALYPSE; Simonson-c/a; Bonus Preview Insert for Excalibur with Fall of the Mutant Checklist CARD AD still intact, VF+, 8.5 = $12);
#23 (12/1987; First brief 6 panel on 2 page appearance of Warren Worthington as the ARCHANGEL aka First appearance of DEATH, the Fourth Horseman ofAPOCALYPSE; 3 panel cameo appearance of APOCALYPSE; Simonson-c/a; Bonus Preview Insert for Excalibur with Fall of the Mutant Checklist CARD AD still intact, VF, 8.0 = $10);
#23 (12/1987; First brief 6 panel on 2 page appearance of ARCHANGEL; First appearance of DEATH, the 4th Apocalypse Horseman; 3 panel cameo appearance of APOCALYPSE; #23 (12/1987; First brief 6 panel on 2 page appearance of Warren Worthington as the ARCHANGEL aka First appearance of DEATH, the FourthHorseman of APOCALYPSE; 3 panel cameo appearance of APOCALYPSE; Simonson-c/a; Bonus Preview Insert for Excalibur with Fall of the Mutant Checklist CARD AD still intact, FN/VF, 7.0 = $8);
#23 (12/1987; First brief 6 panel on 2 page appearance of ARCHANGEL; First appearance of DEATH, the 4th Apocalypse Horseman; 3 panel cameo appearance of APOCALYPSE; Simonson-c/a; Bonus Preview Insert for Excalibur with Fall of the Mutant Checklist CARD AD still intact; VG/FN, 5.0 = $5);
#23 (12/1987; First brief 6 panel on 2 page appearance of ARCHANGEL; First appearance of DEATH, the 4th Apocalypse Horseman; 3 panel cameo appearance of APOCALYPSE; #23 (12/1987; First brief 6 panel on 2 page appearance of Warren Worthington as the ARCHANGEL aka First appearance of DEATH, the FourthHorseman of APOCALYPSE; 3 panel cameo appearance of APOCALYPSE; Simonson-c/a; NO Bonus insert CARD AD; VG, 4.0 = $4.00);
#24 (1/1988; First FULL appearance of Warren Worthington as the ARCHANGEL aka First FULL appearance of DEATH, the Fourth Horseman of APOCALYPSE; Classic the FALL OF THE MUTANTS crossover; ORIGIN of APOCALYPSE; Death, Famine, Pestilence & War the Four HORSEMAN of APOCALYPSE appear; Simonson-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $35.00);
#24 (1/1988; First FULL appearance of Warren Worthington as the ARCHANGEL aka First FULL appearance of DEATH, the Fourth Horseman of APOCALYPSE; Classic the FALL OF THE MUTANTS crossover; ORIGIN of APOCALYPSE; Death, Famine, Pestilence & War the Four HORSEMAN of APOCALYPSE appear; VG, 4.0 = $10.00);
#29 (6/1988; FIRST appearance of INFECTIA; ASK);
#41 (6/1989; FIRST appearance of ALCHEMY; ASK);
#67 (6/1991; APOCALYPSE FILES storyline; FIRST appearance of SHINOBI; Baby Nathan aka Cable; ASK);
#68 (7/1991; Conclusion APOCALYPSE FILES storyline; Baby Nathan aka Cable sent to Future to save his Life; Portacio art; Jim Lee story; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#68 (7/1991; Conclusion APOCALYPSE FILES storyline; Baby Nathan aka Cable sent to Future to save his Life; Portacio art; Jim Lee story; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#71 (10/1991; New X-FACTOR TEAM Begins = Havok, Polaris, Strong Guy, Wolfbane & Madrox; STROMAN art Begins; ASK);
#75 (2/1992; Mr Sinister & the Nasty Boys; 52 page Giant; ASK);
#88 (3/1993; FIRST appearance of RANDOM; QUESADA art; ASK);
#96 (11/1993; FIRST appearance of HAVEN; ASK);
#149 (9/1998; Scarcer LAST issue; NM-, 9.2 = $12);
X-FACTOR (Marvel Comics Pub; Third Series; 2006-2013);
#1 (1/2006; FIRST PRINTING - Full Color Cover; Peter David story; Ryan Sook cover & art; Wikipedia; X-Factor Lineup = [Multiple Man [Jamie Madrox]; Wolfsbane [Rahne Sinclair]; Strong Guy [Guido Carosella]; Siryn [Theresa Rourke Cassidy]; M [Monet St. Croix]; Rictor [Julio Esteban Richter]; Layla Miller; ASK]
#1 (1/2006; SECOND PRINTING - VARIANT Black & White Cover; Peter David story; Ryan Sook cover & art; Wikipedia; *** Wikipedia; X-Factor Lineup = [Multiple Man [Jamie Madrox]; Wolfsbane [Rahne Sinclair]; Strong Guy [Guido Carosella]; Siryn [Theresa Rourke Cassidy]; M [Monet St. Croix]; Rictor [Julio Esteban Richter]; Layla Miller; VF, 8.0 = $3.00]
X-Factor Annual (Marvel);
#3 (1988; Evolutionary War; APOCALYPSE vs High Evolutionary battle-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
#4 (1989; Atlantis Attacks; Jean Grey and Beast vs ATTUMA-c/s; Dr Doom vs Magneto, Inferno aftermath story; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
X-FORCE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1991-2002); The X-FORCE Movie/Film is in Production; Mark Millar says they will probably to go back to the beginning, likely the CABLE and DEADPOOL era of X-FORCE; ***** (#1 = ROB LIEFELD art Begins; 52 page Giant, including Covers; Rob Liefeld-c/a; Fabian Nicieza-s; *** Includes; Boom Boom, Cable, Cannonball, Domino, Feral, Forearm, Gideon, G.W. Bridge, Nick Fury, Reaper, Shatterstar, Stryfe, Sunspot, Thumbelina, Warpath, Wildside, Zero; >>> Cable Guide /character profiles of; Deadpool, Feral, Shatterstar, and G.W. Bridge) *****
#1-A (8/1991; Regular Direct Edition with regular image of Captain America in UPC Box on BACK-c; Sixth appearance of X-FORCE and Series Begins; ROB LIEFELD Cover & Art Begins; POLYBAGGED with 1 of 5 Different Marvel Universe Trading Cards; Cable Guide 1 page character profile, Second cameo appearance of DEADPOOL;
The DEADPOOL Movie #1 Debuted in 2016; The DEADPOOL Movie #2 Debuted in 2018; The DEADPOOL Movie #3 is in Production; X-Force Team Begins including = Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral & Boomer; First appearance of of G. W. Bridge; Appearances of: Sunspot, Gideon, Black Tom Cassidy, Stryfe, Mutant Liberation Front = Forearm, Wildside, Reaper, Thumbelina, Zero; Originally Sealed in Factory Polybag with DEADPOOL Card, VF/NM 9.0 or Better = $ask.00);
#1-B (8/1991; Regular Direct Edition with regular image of Capt America in UPC Box on BACK-c; Sixth appearance of X-FORCE and Series Begins; ROB LIEFELD Cover & Art Begins; POLYBAGGED with 1 of 5 Different Marvel Universe Trading Cards; Cable Guide 1 page character profile = Second cameo appearance of DEADPOOL;
The DEADPOOL Movie #1 Debuted in 2016; The DEADPOOL Movie #2 Debuted in 2018; The DEADPOOL Movie #3 is in Production; X-Force Team Begins including = Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral & Boomer; First appearance of of G. W. Bridge; Appearances of: Sunspot, Gideon, Black Tom Cassidy, Stryfe, Mutant Liberation Front = Forearm, Wildside, Reaper, Thumbelina, Zero; Originally Sealed in Factory Polybag with CABLE Card, VF/NM 9.0 or Better = $ask.00);
#1-C (8/1991; Regular Direct Edition with regular image of Capt America in UPC Box on BACK-c; Sixth appearance of X-FORCE and Series Begins; ROB LIEFELD Cover & Art Begins; POLYBAGGED with 1 of 5 Different Marvel Universe Trading Cards; Cable Guide 1 page character profile = Second cameo appearance of DEADPOOL;
The DEADPOOL Movie #1 Debuted in 2016; The DEADPOOL Movie #2 Debuted in 2018; The DEADPOOL Movie #3 is in Production; X-Force Team Begins including = Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral & Boomer; First appearance of of G. W. Bridge; Appearances of: Sunspot, Gideon, Black Tom Cassidy, Stryfe, Mutant Liberation Front = Forearm, Wildside, Reaper, Thumbelina, Zero; Originally Sealed in Factory Polybag with Shatterstar Card, VF/NM 9.0 or Better = $ask.00);
#1-D (8/1991; Regular Direct Edition with regular image of Capt America in UPC Box on BACK-c; Sixth appearance of X-FORCE and Series Begins; ROB LIEFELD Cover & Art Begins; POLYBAGGED with 1 of 5 Different Marvel Universe Trading Cards; Cable Guide 1 page character profile = Second cameo appearance of DEADPOOL;
The DEADPOOL Movie #1 Debuted in 2016; The DEADPOOL Movie #2 Debuted in 2018; The DEADPOOL Movie #3 is in Production; X-Force Team Begins including = Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral & Boomer; First appearance of of G. W. Bridge; Appearances of: Sunspot, Gideon, Black Tom Cassidy, Stryfe, Mutant Liberation Front = Forearm, Wildside, Reaper, Thumbelina, Zero; Originally Sealed in Factory Polybag with Sunsport & Gideon Card, VF/NM 9.0 or Better = $ask.00);
#1-E (8/1991; Regular Direct Edition with regular image of Capt America in UPC Box on BACK-c; Sixth appearance of X-FORCE and Series Begins; ROB LIEFELD Cover & Art Begins; POLYBAGGED with 1 of 5 Different Marvel Universe Trading Cards; Cable Guide 1 page character profile = Second cameo appearance of DEADPOOL;
The DEADPOOL Movie #1 Debuted in 2016; The DEADPOOL Movie #2 Debuted in 2018; The DEADPOOL Movie #3 is in Production; X-Force Team Begins including = Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral & Boomer; First appearance of of G. W. Bridge; Appearances of: Sunspot, Gideon, Black Tom Cassidy, Stryfe, Mutant Liberation Front = Forearm, Wildside, Reaper, Thumbelina, Zero; Originally Sealed in Factory Polybag with X-FORCE TEAM Card with 6 Members, VF/NM 9.0 or Better = $ask.00);
#2 (9/1991; Second FULL appearance of DEADPOOL = Very Under-Valued KEY issue; DEADPOOL Cover & Story; The Big Screen DEADPOOL Movie/Film Debuts in Theaters February 12, 2016; Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath; Boomer; First Appearance of Garrison KANE aka WEAPON X KANE = Rumored to be the MOVIE VILLIAN; *** with appearance of: Commander G. W. Bridge, Juggernaut & Black Tom Cassidy; Weapon-X appears; Fabian Nicieza story; Rob LIEFELD cover & art; NM+, 9.6 = $39.00);
#2 (9/1991; Second FULL appearance of DEADPOOL = Very Under-Valued KEY issue; DEADPOOL Cover & Story; The Big Screen DEADPOOL Movie/Film Debuts in Theaters February 12, 2016; Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath; Boomer; First Appearance of Garrison KANE aka WEAPON X KANE = Rumored to be the MOVIE VILLIAN; *** with appearance of: Commander G. W. Bridge, Juggernaut & Black Tom Cassidy; Weapon-X appears Fabian Nicieza story; Rob LIEFELD cover & art; NM, 9.4 = $29.00);
#2 (9/1991; Second FULL appearance of DEADPOOL = Very Under-Valued KEY issue; DEADPOOL Cover & Story; The Big Screen DEADPOOL Movie/Film Debuts in Theaters February 12, 2016; Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath; Boomer; First Appearance of Garrison KANE aka WEAPON X KANE = Rumored to be the MOVIE VILLIAN; *** with appearance of: Commander G. W. Bridge, Juggernaut & Black Tom Cassidy; Weapon-X appears Fabian Nicieza story; Rob LIEFELD cover & art; NM-, 9.2 = $21.00);
#2 (9/1991; Second FULL appearance of DEADPOOL = Very Under-Valued KEY issue; DEADPOOL Cover & Story; The Big Screen DEADPOOL Movie/Film Debuts in Theaters February 12, 2016; Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath; Boomer; First Appearance of Garrison KANE aka WEAPON X KANE = Rumored to be the MOVIE VILLIAN; *** with appearance of: Commander G. W. Bridge, Juggernaut & Black Tom Cassidy; Weapon-X appear; Fabian Nicieza story; Rob LIEFELD cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00);
#3 (10/1991; Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Boom Boom & Feral; Appearance of: Spider-Man /Peter Parker, Siryn, Sunspot, Gideon, Black Tom Cassidy & Juggernaut, New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants; NM-, 9.2 = $6.00);
#3 (10/1991; Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Boom Boom & Feral; Appearance of: Spider-Man /Peter Parker, Siryn, Sunspot, Gideon, Black Tom Cassidy & Juggernaut, New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
#4 (11/1991; Cameo appearance of DEADPOOL; The DEADPOOL Movie/Film is set to hit Theatre's in 2016; Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral, *** with appearance of: Siryn, Sunspot, Gideon, G. W. Bridge Balaban, Juggernaut & Black Tom Cassidy; Spider-Man appears = Crossover with Spider-Man #16; ; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00)
#4 (11/1991; Cameo appearance of DEADPOOL; The DEADPOOL Movie/Film is set to hit Theatre's in 2016; Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral, *** with appearance of: Siryn, Sunspot, Gideon, G. W. Bridge Balaban, Juggernaut & Black Tom Cassidy; Spider-Man appears = Crossover with Spider-Man #16; ; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00)
#5 (12/1991; Third FULL appearance of DEADPOOL = Very Under-Valued KEY issue; The DEADPOOL Movie/Film is set to hit Theatre's in 2016; Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral, Boom Boom, Siryn; with appearance of: Gideon, Nick Fury, with appearance of: Tolliver, Juggernaut, Black Tom Cassidy, New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants = Toad, Blob, Sauron; First appearance of Tanya Anderssen aka Phantazia; Weapon X cameo; NM, 9.4 = $19.00);
#5 (12/1991; Third FULL appearance of DEADPOOL = Very Under-Valued KEY issue; The DEADPOOL Movie/Film is set to hit Theatre's in 2016; Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral, Boom Boom, Siryn; with appearance of: Gideon, Nick Fury, with appearance of: Tolliver, Juggernaut, Black Tom Cassidy, New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants = Toad, Blob, Sauron; First appearance of Tanya Anderssen aka Phantazia; Weapon X cameo; NM-, 9.2 = $14.00);
#5 (12/1991; Third FULL appearance of DEADPOOL = Very Under-Valued KEY issue; The DEADPOOL Movie/Film is set to hit Theatre's in 2016; Cable, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral, Boom Boom, Siryn; with appearance of: Gideon, Nick Fury, with appearance of: Tolliver, Juggernaut, Black Tom Cassidy, New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants = Toad, Blob, Sauron; First appearance of Tanya Anderssen aka Phantazia; Weapon X cameo; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
#8 (3/1992; FIRST Cameo appearance of NEENA THURMAN the “Real” DOMINO; GCD = Introduction of the real Domino; FIRST appearance of the WILD PACK (Cable, & the real Domino) in Flashback cover & story (includes the real Domino appears here for the first time in a flashback story); The Domino that runs with X-Force from New Mutants #98-X-Force #15 is an agent of Tolliver named Vanessa (later Copycat); Zazie Beetz played DOMINO, a major character in the DEADPOOL #2 MOVIE (2018); In the Film DOMINO is recruited into X-Force by Deadpool to assist him in rescuing the young mutant Russell Collins from the future soldier Cable. DOMINO’S ability is simply described as being LUCKY; First-Time ORIGIN of CABLE; X-Force (Cable; Cannonball; Boom Boom); Appearances by; Grizzly, Kane (Weapon X), & Hammer; FIRST appearance of G. W. Bridge; Villains = Baron Strucker, Hydra, A.I.M. & Sauron; Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza story; Mike Mignola, Rob Liefeld & Bob Wiacek art; Rob Liefeld cover; Overlooked & Under-Valued KEY issue);
#10(5/1992; Weapon-X vs Stryfe battle-c/s; early DEADPOOL Cameo on Last page; NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#11 [6/1992; CGC and CBCS Both Incorrectly call this the FIRST appearance of the “Real” Domino; Early DEADPOOL vs DOMINO (Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT) battle cover & story; Second Cameo appearance of NEENA THURMAN the “Real” DOMINO on Last Page (see #8 for 1st Cameo appearance); (See New Mutants #98 for First brief appearance of DOMINO later revealed to be Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT); GCD = Deadpool invades the X-Force complex to confront "Domino," really his old shapeshifting girlfriend Vanessa who has been spying on Cable and crew; Zazie Beetz played DOMINO, a major character in the DEADPOOL #2 MOVIE (2018); In the Film DOMINO is recruited into X-Force by Deadpool to assist him in rescuing the young mutant Russell Collins from the future soldier Cable. DOMINO’S ability is simply described as being LUCKY; Morena Baccarin played Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT in the 2016 DEADPOOL Movie; Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza story; Mark Pacella & Dan Panosian art; Rob Liefeld & Trevor Scott cover; NM, 9.4 = $30.00];
#11 [6/1992; CGC and CBCS Both Incorrectly call this the FIRST appearance of the “Real” Domino; Early DEADPOOL vs DOMINO (Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT) battle cover & story; Second Cameo appearance of NEENA THURMAN the “Real” DOMINO on Last Page (see #8 for 1st Cameo appearance); (See New Mutants #98 for First brief appearance of DOMINO later revealed to be Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT); GCD = Deadpool invades the X-Force complex to confront "Domino," really his old shapeshifting girlfriend Vanessa who has been spying on Cable and crew; Zazie Beetz played DOMINO, a major character in the DEADPOOL #2 MOVIE (2018); In the Film DOMINO is recruited into X-Force by Deadpool to assist him in rescuing the young mutant Russell Collins from the future soldier Cable. DOMINO’S ability is simply described as being LUCKY; Morena Baccarin played Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT in the 2016 DEADPOOL Movie; Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza story; Mark Pacella & Dan Panosian art; Rob Liefeld & Trevor Scott cover;; NM-, 9.2 = $22.00];
#11 [6/1992; CGC and CBCS Both Incorrectly call this the FIRST appearance of the “Real” Domino; Early DEADPOOL vs DOMINO (Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT) battle cover & story; Second Cameo appearance of NEENA THURMAN the “Real” DOMINO on Last Page (see #8 for 1st Cameo appearance); (See New Mutants #98 for First brief appearance of DOMINO later revealed to be Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT); GCD = Deadpool invades the X-Force complex to confront "Domino," really his old shapeshifting girlfriend Vanessa who has been spying on Cable and crew; Zazie Beetz played DOMINO, a major character in the DEADPOOL #2 MOVIE (2018); In the Film DOMINO is recruited into X-Force by Deadpool to assist him in rescuing the young mutant Russell Collins from the future soldier Cable. DOMINO’S ability is simply described as being LUCKY; Morena Baccarin played Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT in the 2016 DEADPOOL Movie; Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza story; Mark Pacella & Dan Panosian art; Rob Liefeld & Trevor Scott cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $15.00];
#15(10/1992; early DEADPOOL vs Cable battle-c/s; Cable leaves X-Force; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00);
#19 (2/1993; FIRST appearance of Vanessa Geraldine Carlysle as COPYCAT, she Originally appeared in New Mutants #98 as DOMINO; Morena Baccarin will play Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT in the 2016 DEADPOOL Movie, Debuts in Theaters February 12, 2016; Fabian Nicieza story; Greg Capullo & Harry Candelario cover & art; NM, 9.4 = $22.00);
#19 (2/1993; FIRST appearance of Vanessa Geraldine Carlysle as COPYCAT, she Originally appeared in New Mutants #98 as DOMINO; Morena Baccarin will play Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT in the 2016 DEADPOOL Movie, Debuts in Theaters February 12, 2016; Fabian Nicieza story; Greg Capullo & Harry Candelario cover & art; NM-, 9.2 = $15.00);
#19 (2/1993; FIRST appearance of Vanessa Geraldine Carlysle as COPYCAT, she Originally appeared in New Mutants #98 as DOMINO; Morena Baccarin will play Vanessa Carlysle aka COPYCAT in the 2016 DEADPOOL Movie, Debuts in Theaters February 12, 2016; Fabian Nicieza story; Greg Capullo & Harry Candelario cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#23(6/1993; Domino vs DEADPOOL-c/s; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#82 (10/1998; X-FORCE in The Gryphon Agenda = 22 Pages story by John Francis Moore with Jim Cheung & Mark Morales cover & art; ** FIRST FULL appearance JESSE BEDLAM (aka Jesse Aaronson); ** Terry Crews will play BEDLAM in the DEADPOOL 2 Movie which Debuts on May 18/2018; ** BEDLAM'S Team affiliations includes; X-Force, New Hellions and M.U.S.E. (Mutant Underground Support Engine); The X-Force Team includes; Domino, Sunspot, Warpath, Siryn, Dani Moonstar & Meltdown; Gryphon & Domino appear; NM-, 9.2 = $24.00);
#82 (10/1998; X-FORCE in The Gryphon Agenda = 22 Pages story by John Francis Moore with Jim Cheung & Mark Morales cover & art; ** FIRST FULL appearance JESSE BEDLAM (aka Jesse Aaronson); ** Terry Crews will play BEDLAM in the DEADPOOL 2 Movie which Debuts on May 18/2018; ** BEDLAM'S Team affiliations includes; X-Force, New Hellions and M.U.S.E. (Mutant Underground Support Engine); The X-Force Team includes; Domino, Sunspot, Warpath, Siryn, Dani Moonstar & Meltdown; Gryphon & Domino appear; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16.00);
#82 (10/1998; X-FORCE in The Gryphon Agenda = 22 Pages story by John Francis Moore with Jim Cheung & Mark Morales cover & art; ** FIRST FULL appearance JESSE BEDLAM (aka Jesse Aaronson); ** Terry Crews will play BEDLAM in the DEADPOOL 2 Movie which Debuts on May 18/2018; ** BEDLAM'S Team affiliations includes; X-Force, New Hellions and M.U.S.E. (Mutant Underground Support Engine); The X-Force Team includes; Domino, Sunspot, Warpath, Siryn, Dani Moonstar & Meltdown; Gryphon & Domino appear; VF+, 8.5 = US$12.00);
X-FORCE (Marvel Comics Pub; 1991-2002)
*** #116-129 = LOW PRINT and SCARCER
#117 (6/2001; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7.00);
#118 (NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#119 (NM, 9.4 = $10.00);
#120 (11/2001; WOLVERINE-c; NM, 9.4 = $15.00);
#126 (VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00)
#127 (NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#128 (NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
X-MAN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1995-2001);
#1 (March 1995; FIRST appearance of Nathaniel /Nate Grey aka X-MAN cover & story; Jeph Loeb story; Steve Skroce art; X-MAN Team affiliations includes; Brotherhood of Mutants, New Mutants, X-Men, Outcasts; X-MAN Partnerships includes; Madelyne Pryor & Threnody; Wikipedia = X-Man is an alternate version of the regular Marvel Universe hero Cable, hailing from the "Age of Apocalypse" (Earth-295) reality. He is the biological son of his dimension’s Scott Summers and Jean Grey, born of genetic tampering by Mr. Sinister; ASK);
X-MEN (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1963 to Present; Volume-1; Original / First Marvel series; #142 up = TITLE Changes: see UNCANNY X-MEN);
** KA-ZAR is among Marvel Characters considered for MOVIE or TV development [See X-Men #10(3/1965), Daredevil #12-14(1-3/1966), 24(1/1967), Amazing Spider-Man #57-58(2-3/1968), Incredible Hulk #109-111(11/1968-1/1969), X-MEN #62-63(11-12/1969), Astonishing Tales #1-20. KA-ZAR #1-3(1970-71), Savage Tales #1,6-11. Annual #1(1971-1975), Amazing Spider-Man #103-104(12/1971-1/1972), KA-ZAR #1-20(1974-77), KA-ZAR the SAVAGE #1-34(1981-1984)];;
#15 (12/1965; Second appearance of the SENTINALS cover & story; ORIGIN of the Hank McCoy the BEAST; STAN LEE story; JACK KIRBY cover & art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $ASK; G/VG, 3.0 = $ ASK);
#15 (12/1965; Second appearance of the SENTINALS cover & story; ORIGIN of the Hank McCoy the BEAST; STAN LEE story; JACK KIRBY cover & art; Apparent VG/FN, but 3/16" TRIMMED off Top & 1/8" off right edge of entire book = $39.00);
#16 (1/1966; THIRD appearance of the SENTINALS cover & story; STAN LEE story; JACK KIRBY cover & art; FN, 6.0 = $ ASK.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $ ASK);
#17 (2/1966; X-MEN in None Shall Survive; MAGNETO cameo last page; STAN LEE story; JACK KIRBY cover & art; VG, 4.0 = $ ASK);
#18 (3/1966; MAGNETO vs ICE MAN Battle cover & story; Stranger & Toad appear; STAN LEE story; Werner Roth as Jay Gavin cover & art; Dick Ayers inks; FN minus, 5.5 = $ ASK);
#21 (6/1966; Lucifer appearance; Roy Thomas story; Werner Roth and Dick Ayers art; Werner Roth cover; VG/FN, 5.0 = $ ASK);
#21 (6/1966; Lucifer appearance; Roy Thomas story; Werner Roth and Dick Ayers art; Werner Roth cover; Apparent VF/NM, 9.0, restored with Black Color touches to black line on spine, = $125.00);
#22 (7/1966; Count Nefaria, Eel, Unicorn, Porcupine,, Plantman and Scarecrow appearance; Roy Thomas story; Werner Roth and Dick Ayers art; Werner Roth cover; VG/FN, 5.0 = $ ASK);
#23 (8/1966; Count Nefaria, Plantman, Scarecrow, Porcupine, Eel and Unicorn cover and story; Roy Thomas story, Werner Roth and Dick Ayers cover and art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $ ASK);
#24 (9/1966; FIRST appearance of the Doctor August Hopper aka LOCUST-c/s; Roy Thomas story, Werner Roth and Dick Ayers cover and art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $ ASK);
#25 (10/1966; Origin and First appearance of Juan Meroz aka El Tigre-c/s; Roth/Ayers-a; Roy Thomas story, Werner Roth and Dick Ayers art, Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers cover; VG, 4.0 = $ ASK);
#26 (11/1966; Second appearance of Juan Meroz aka El Tigre-c/s; Roy Thomas story, Werner Roth and Dick Ayers cover and art; FN, 6.0 = $ ASK);
#27 [12/1966; SECOND appearance of Calvin Montgomery Rankin aka MIMIC (a Human Mutate) cover and story; ASK];
#28 (1/1969; First appearance of Sean Cassidy aka BANSHEE cover and story; First appearance of THE OGRE; The Factor Three appears; Roy Thomas story; Werner Roth and Dick Ayers art; Werner Roth and John Tartaglione cover; SOLD OUT);
#29 (2/1969; Angel vs Super-Adaptoid battle cover and story; Early appearance of Sean Cassidy aka the MIMIC, he Leaves the X-MEN; Super-Adaptoid appears; X-MEN in When Titans Clash; Roy Thomas story; ASK);
#30 (3/1967; Mad Merlin the Warlock-c/s; THOR cameo; Roy Thomas story; Jack Sparling and John Tartaglione art;, Jack Kirby cover; G/VG, 3.0 = $24.00);
#31(4/1967; Cobalt Man-c/s; Roth/Tartaglione-a; Iron Man & Juggernaut cameo; Adkins-c; ASK);
#32 (5/1967; Early JUGGERNAUT cover & story; Roy Thomas-s; Werner Roth & John Tartaglione-a; Werner Roth-c; SOLD OUT);
#33 (6/1967; Early JUGGERNAUT cover & story; Roth/Tartaglione-a; DR Strange & Ancient One cameo; Gil Kane/Tartaglione-c; FN/VF, 7.0 = $ ASK);
#47(8/1968; Ice Man & Beast vs Maha Yogi-c/s; VF, 8.0 = $ ASK);
#49 (10/1968; Early JIM STERANKO cover at Marvel; FIRST appearance of LORNA DANE aka POLARIS; Emma Dumont will play POLARIS in Fox's TV's Live-Action series The GIFTED; POLARIS’ Team affiliations includes; X-Factor (Serval Industries), X-Factor Investigations, Starjammers, X-Men, X-Factor, Defenders for a Day, The Twelve, Acolytes & Horsemen of Apocalypse; FIRST appearance of MESMERO and the Demi-Men; MESMERO’S Team affiliations includes; Weapon X, Demi-Men & Brotherhood of Mutants; Who Dares Defy the Demi-Men? = Arnold Drake story, with Don Heck, Werner Roth & John Tartaglione art; X-Men vs Cerebro; ORIGIN of the BEAST = Arnold Drake story, with Werner Roth & Verpoorten art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $ ASK);
X-MEN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1963-2011; Original Series)
** (#49 thru #66 are in VERY HIGH DEMAND in All Grades; ** CGC Graded FN or Better copies are Bringing MULTIPLES of Guide and record Prices)
#50 (11/1968; POLARIS Cover; Early JIM STERANKO cover and art; SECOND appearance of LORNA DANE aka POLARIS; Part-1 of MESMERO reveals that LORNA DANE aka POLARIS is MAGNETO’s Daughter; storyline; Emma Dumont will play POLARIS in Fox's TV's Live-Action series The GIFTED; City of Mutants = Arnold Drake story, with Jim Steranko & John Tartaglione art; ORIGIN of Hank McCoy the BEAST backup story = Arnold Drake story, with Werner Roth & John Verpoorten art; ** STERANKO AUTOGRAPH on Title on Cover in Black Sharpie Felt Pen; ** Apparent VG, restored with Glue Repair inside s[pine to cover, ½” x 1-1/2” Piece off Back Cover and last page = $99.00);
#51 (12/1968; FIRST short appearance of ERIC THE RED; Early JIM STERANKO cover and art; The Devil Had a Daughter = Arnold Drake story, with Jim Steranko & John Tartaglione art; THIRD appearance of LORNA DANE aka POLARIS; Part-2 of MESMERO reveals that LORNA DANE aka POLARIS is MAGNETO’s Daughter; storyline; Emma Dumont will play POLARIS in Fox's TV's Live-Action series The GIFTED; X-MEN vs MAGNETO and MESMERO; ** ORIGIN of Hank McCoy the BEAST backup = Arnold Drake story, with Werner Roth & John Tartaglione art; VF-, 7.5 = $149.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $59.00; VG+, 4.5 = $49.00; VG, 4.0 = $39.00);
#53 (2/1969; BLASTAAR cover and story; BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH’s first PRO Comic Book Work in USA; Barry Windsor-Smith and Mike Esposito cover; Barry Windsor-Smith & Mike Esposito (as Michael Dee) art; ORIGIN of Hank McCoy the BEAST backup story = Werner Roth & John Verpoorten art; Marie Severin & Joe Sinnott cover; VG/FN, 5.0 = $59.00; VG+, 4.5 = $52.00);
#54 (3/1969; First appearance of ALEX SUMMERS who later becomes HAVOK; SOLD OUT);
#55 (4/1969; BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH and Vince Colletta cover; SECOND appearance of ALEX SUMMERS who discovers his MUTANT Powers & later becomes HAVOK; Second appearance of Ahmet Abdol the LIVING PHARAOH (becomes the Living Monolith in #56) Storyline; Heck/Roth/Colletta-a; ORIGIN of Warren Worthington aka the ANGEL Back-Up story = Roth/Grainger-a; VG/FN, 5.0 = $59.00; VG+, 4.5 = $52.00; VG, 4.0 = $48.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $39.00);
#56 (5/1969; THIRD appearance of ALEX SUMMERS; First appearance of ALEX SUMMERS as HAVOK, but without the Costume; ** ComicsAlliance ranked HAVOK as #44 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics; ** Lucas Till played ALEX SUMMERS aka HAVOK in these MOVIES; X-Men: First Class (2011), X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), and X-Men: Apocalypse (2016); ** HAVOK's Team affiliations includes; X-Men, Avengers Unity Squad, X-Factor Investigations, Starjammers, X-Factor, Six, Genoshan Magistrates, Defenders for a Day, Brotherhood of Mutants, Dark Descendants; ** Havok generates powerful plasma blasts, an ability he has had difficulty controlling. One of the sons of Corsair, he is the younger brother of the X-Men's Cyclops, and the older brother of Vulcan. He often resents Cyclops's authoritarian attitude and reputation as a model member of the X-Men. His longtime love interest is Polaris; HAVOK later takes over his father's role as leader of the Starjammers to bring Vulcan's reign over the Shi'ar to an end. X-MEN in What Is the Power? ** X-MEN Team Line-Up includes; Cyclops (Scott Summers), Angel (Warren Worthington), Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Iceman (Bobby Drake), Beast (Hank McCoy); Roy Thomas story NEAL ADAMS and Tom Palmer art; NEAL ADAMS cover; FIRST appearance of the LIVING MONOLITH (formerly Ahmet Abdol the Living Pharaoh in #54-55) Storyline; Warren Worthington aka the ANGEL in The Flying A-Bomb!ORIGIN of Warren Worthington aka the ANGEL Back-Up story; Warren Worthington aka the ANGEL Joins the X-MEN; ICEMAN, CYCLOPS and Professor X appear; Second appearance Alma (Warren's landlady); First appearance of Fred (Alma's husband); First appearance of Tom (Pilot); Roy Thomas story; Werner Roth and Sam ainger art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $139.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $69.00);
#59 (8/1969; CYCLOPS the Last X-Man vs the SENTINALS cover & story; FIRST cameo appearance of Dr. Karl Lykos (becomes SAURON in #60); QUICKSILVER, SCARLET WITCH and TOAD appear; Larry Trask & Judge Chalmers appear; SECOND Full appearance of Alex Summers as HAVOK; Classic Roy Thomas story; Classic NEAL ADAMS and Tom Palmer Cover & Art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $69.00; VG, 4.0 = $59.00);
#61 (10/1969; SECOND full appearance of Dr. Karl Lykos as SAURON the Energy Vampire cover & story; Early appearance of LORNA DANE aka POLARIS; Fourth Full appearance of Alex Summers as HAVOK; Second Appearance of Dr. Anderssen & Tanya Anderssen; Classic Roy Thomas story; Classic NEAL ADAMS and Tom Palmer Cover & Art; Overall VF, but with RUSTY STAPLES and Migration, thus FN, 6.0 = $69.00);
#61 (10/1969; SECOND full appearance of Dr. Karl Lykos as SAURON the Energy Vampire cover & story; Early appearance of LORNA DANE aka POLARIS; Fourth Full appearance of Alex Summers as HAVOK; Second Appearance of Dr. Anderssen & Tanya Anderssen; Classic Roy Thomas story; Classic NEAL ADAMS and Tom Palmer Cover & Art; VG, 4.0 = $49.00);
#62 (11/1969; KA-ZAR and ZABU cover and Story; Intro of Savage Land Mutants; First appearance of Max Eisenhardt aka MAGNETO as The Creator; FIRST appearance of the Savage Land Mutates, including the First appearances of; Amphibius, Piper, Gaza, Brainchild, Equilibrius, Barbarus and Lupo; The FIRST Time unmasking of MAGNETO; Early Cameo appearances of LORNA DANE aka POLARIS and Alex Summers aka HAVOK; X-MEN in Strangers ...in a Savage Land; ** X-MEN Team Line-Up includes; Cyclops (Scott Summers), Angel (Warren Worthington), Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Iceman (Bobby Drake), Beast (Hank McCoy); Classic Roy Thomas story;
Classic NEAL ADAMS and Tom Palmer Art; Classic NEAL ADAMS cover; VG/FN, 5.0 = $59.00; VG+, 4.5 = $49.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $29.00);
#63 (12/1969; X-MEN vs Max Eisenhardt aka MAGNETO cover and story; FIRST appearance of Lani Ubana aka LORELEI; SECOND appearance of Max Eisenhardt aka MAGNETO as The Creator; SECOND appearance of the Savage Land Mutates, Appearances by; MAGNETO, KA-ZAR, Zabu, Brainchild, Gaza, Amphibius, Lupo and Barbarus. X-MEN in War in the World Below! / The Triumph of MAGNETO; ** X-MEN Team Line-Up includes; Cyclops (Scott Summers), Angel (Warren Worthington), Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Iceman (Bobby Drake), Beast (Hank McCoy); Roy Thomas story; NEAL ADAMS and Tom Palmer cover and art; Overall NM-, 9.2, but with RUSTY STAPLES and Migration, thus VF-, 7.5 = $79.00);
#64 (1/1970; FIRST appearance of Shiro Yoshida aka SUNFIRE cover & story;; SUNFIRE’S Team affiliations includes; Avengers Unity Squad, X-Men, aka Famine, Horsemen of Apocalypse, Death's Champions, Pacific Overlords, X-Corporation Mumbai, The Twelve, Big Hero 6, Marauders; SUNFIRE has appeared in Various Marvel Animated Cartoon TV Series; Sal Buscema & Tom Palmer cover; Don Heck & Tom Palmer art; G/VG, 3.0 = $129.00);
#65 (2/1970; Z'Nox, Star Spawn cover & story; RETURN of PROFESSOR X; ALEX SUMMERS aks HAVOK & Lorna Dane aka POLARIS appear; Fantastic Four, Chet Huntley & David Brinkley cameo; Before I'd Be Slave = Denny O'Neil story, with NEAL ADAMS & Tom Palmer art; Marie Severin & Tom Palmer cover; Overall NM-, 9.2, but with RUSTY STAPLES and Migration, thus VF-, 7.5 = $99.00);
#65 (2/1970; Z'Nox, Star Spawn cover & story; RETURN of PROFESSOR X; ALEX SUMMERS aks HAVOK & Lorna Dane aka POLARIS appear; Fantastic Four, Chet Huntley & David Brinkley cameo; Before I'd Be Slave = Denny O'Neil story, with NEAL ADAMS & Tom Palmer art; Marie Severin & Tom Palmer cover; Overall FN/VF, 7.0, but with RUSTY STAPLES and Migration, thus FN-, 5.5 = $69.00);
#65 (2/1970; Z'Nox, Star Spawn cover & story; RETURN of PROFESSOR X; ALEX SUMMERS aks HAVOK & Lorna Dane aka POLARIS appear; Fantastic Four, Chet Huntley & David Brinkley cameo; Before I'd Be Slave = Denny O'Neil story, with NEAL ADAMS & Tom Palmer art; Marie Severin & Tom Palmer cover; VG/FN, 5.0 = $59.00; VG+, 4.5 = $49.00);
#65 (2/1970; Z'Nox, Star Spawn cover & story; RETURN of PROFESSOR X; ALEX SUMMERS aks HAVOK & Lorna Dane aka POLARIS appear; Fantastic Four, Chet Huntley & David Brinkley cameo; Before I'd Be Slave = Denny O'Neil story, with NEAL ADAMS & Tom Palmer art; Marie Severin & Tom Palmer cover; Overall FN but with 1” Paper-Pull this VG minus, 3.5 = $39.00);
#65 (2/1970; Z'Nox, Star Spawn cover & story; RETURN of PROFESSOR X; ALEX SUMMERS aks HAVOK & Lorna Dane aka POLARIS appear; Fantastic Four, Chet Huntley & David Brinkley cameo; Before I'd Be Slave = Denny O'Neil story, with NEAL ADAMS & Tom Palmer art; Marie Severin & Tom Palmer cover; Overall VG/FN but with 1”x2” Sticker Residue Stain, plus 6 Puncture Holes thru comic, thus GOOD, 2.0 = $24.00);
#66 (3/1970; LAST new story with Original X-MEN; X-MEN vs HULK Battle cover & story; Marie Severin & Sam Grainger cover; Sal Buscema & Sam Grainger art; Water stain, VG/FN, 5.0 = $89.00);
X-MEN (Marvel Comics Pub; 1963-2011; Original Series);
** (#67-93, the REPRINT issues, Sold Less and were not as saved, thus are growing in DEMAND and Getting Scarcer; ** CGC Graded VF or Better copies are Bringing MULTIPLES of Guide and record Prices)
#67 (12/1970; 52 page Square-Bound GIANT; JUGGERNAUT and Human Torch-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $229.00; VF+, 8.5 = $149.00; VF, 8.0 = $119.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $99.00);
#68 (2/1971; 52 page Square-Bound GIANT; SENTINELS-c/s; VG/FN, 5.0 = $49.00);
#69 (4/1971; 52 page Square-Bound GIANT; MIMIC-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $129.00; FN, 6.0 = $59.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $49.00);
#70 (7/1971; 52 page Square-Bound GIANT; Jack KIRBY-a; SOLD OUT);
#73 (12/1971; SOLD OUT);
#74 (2/1972; CRY HOLOCAUST; VF/NM, 9.0 = $179.00);
#75 (2/1972; Re-Enter MIMIC-c/s; FN+, 6.5 = $59.00; FN, 6.0 = $49.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $39.00);
#76 (6/1972; BANSHEE-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $129.00; FN+, 6.5 = $59.00);
#76 (6/1972; BANSHEE-c/s; VARIANT Edition with 4 page Rare National Diamond Sales Jeweler slick insert AD at centerfold; G/VG, 3.0 = $22.00);
#78 (10/1972; Menace of MERLIN-c/s; VF, 8.0 = $99.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59.00);
#79 (12/1972; Cobalt Man-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $129.00);
#80 (2/1973; JUGGERNAUT-c/s; Beware the Juggernaut, My Son! Reprints X-Men #32; VF+, 8.5 = $149.00; VF, 8.0 = $119.00);
#81 (4/1973; JUGGERNAUT-c/s; Into the Crimson Cosmos! Reprints X-Men #33; VF/NM, 9.0 = $179.00);
#82 (6/1973; Tyrannus Strikes-c/s; War-- In a World of Darkness! Reprints X-Men #34; VF/NM, 9.0 = $179.00; VF+, 8.5 = $129.00; VF, 8.0 = $99.00; VF-, 7.5 = $69.00);
#83 (8/1973; Reprints X-Men #35; First SPIDER-MAN Crossover in Title, cover and story; First appearance of the CHANGELING; BANSHEE appears Along Came a Spider! VF, 8.0 = $99.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $39.00);
#84 (10/1973; MEKANO Lives-c/s; Reprints X-Men #36; VF+, 8.5 = $129.00; VF, 8.0 = $99.00; FN, 6.0 = $39.00);
#85 (12/1973; Master of Factor Three; Reprints X-Men #37; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59.00; FN, 6.0 = $39.00);
#86 (2/1974; Blob & Vanisher-c/s; Reprints X-Men #38; NM-, 9.2 = $269.00 );
#87 (4/1974; Fateful Finale; CYCLOPS and X-Men-c; Reprints X-Men #39; VF/NM, 9.0 = $179.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59.00);
#88 (6/1974; Frankenstein Monster-c/s; Reprints X-Men #40; NM-, 9.2 = $269.00; VF+, 8.5 = $129.00; VF, 8.0 = $99.00);
#89 (8/1974; Sub-Human-c/s; Reprints X-Men #41; VF/NM, 9.0 = $179.00; VF+, 8.5 = $129.00; VF-, 7.5 = $69.00);
#90 (10/1974; Death of Professor X; Reprints X-Men #42; SOLD OUT)
#92 (2/1975; RED RAVEN-c/s; Reprints X-Men #44; VF+, 8.5 = $129.00; VF, 8.0 = $99.00; VF-, 7.5 = $69.00);
#93 (4/1975; Cyclops vs Quicksilver Battle-c/s; Reprints X-Men #45; Overall NM+, but with small crease at bottom right cover, thus NM-, 9.2 = $269.00);
X-MEN (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1963 to Present; Volume-1; Original / First Marvel series; #142 up = TITLE Changes: see UNCANNY X-MEN);
(Uncanny) X-MEN = PRINT RUNS [According to; Standard Catalog of Comic Books, 4th Edition, Krause pub, 2005, by Maggie Thompson & John Miller] #94-96 = 119,231 Copies each Printed // #97-102 = 116,992 Copies each Printed // #103-108 = 123,725 Copies each Printed // #109-116 = 115,260 Copies each Printed // #117-128 = 171,091 Copies each Printed // #129-140 = 191,927 Copies each Printed // #141-152 = 259,007 Copies Printed // #153-164 = 313,225 Copies Printed // #284-295 = 731, 425 Copies Printed //
>>> X-Men (Chris Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin;
#94 (8/1975; NEW
X-MEN Team Begins; Colussus, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird, Storm
& WOLVERINE Join; Angel, Marvel Girl & Iceman quit;
Second New X-MEN issue; Death of Thunderbird; Count Nefaria & the
Ani-Men; Dave Cockrum-a; Gil Kane-c; ASK);
New X-MEN issue; FIRST
appearance of Dr. Moira Kinross MacTaggert
Geneticist and is an expert in mutant affairs & sometimes as a
CIA Agent); Olivia Williams played Dr. Moira MacTaggert
in X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 MOVIE; Rose Byrne played
Dr. Moira MacTaggert in the 2011 X-Men: First Class MOVIE, and again
in the X-Men: Apocalypse 2016 MOVIE; Night of the Demon-c/s; Dave
Cockrum-a; ASK);
appearance of Queen Lilandra
Neramani of
the Shi'ar Empire;
not Shown); Queen
Lilandra is (rumored to be played by Jessica Chastain) will be the
MAIN VILLAIN in The X-MEN: Dark Phoenix MOVIE will DEBUT in
Theatre's on November 02/2018 by Director & Writer Simon
Kinberg; Lilandra
affiliations includes; Shi'ar Imperium & Starjammers; Lilandra
Neramani later Marries Professor Charles Xavier, leader of the X-MEN,
only to have the marriage annulled;
New X-MEN issue; CYCLOPS vs HAVOK battle cover & story; RETURN
OF HAVOK & POLARIS; ERIC the RED appears; My
Brother, My Enemy; Chris Claremont story; Dave Cockrum & Sam
Grainger art; Dave Cockrum & Rich Buckler cover; );
Fifth New X-MEN issue; vs SENTINALS-c/s; Christmas Issue; Dave
Cockrum-a; ASK ;
(6/1976; Sixth New X-MEN
issue; vs SENTINALS-c/s; Dave Cockrum-a; First
cameo appearance of BLACK TOM CASSIDY
shadows); ;
(Thomas Samuel
Eamon Cassidy) is a Marvel Comics supervillain, an enemy of
the X-Men, and archenemy of BANSHEE; In addition
to fighting the X-Men, he has clashed with DEADPOOL a
number of times. Black Tom’s Team affiliation is Brotherhood of
Mutants; Black Tom has been Partners with Juggernaut & Siryn; ASK
X-MEN (MARVEL Comics Pub; 1963 to Present; Volume-1; Original / First Marvel series; #142 up = TITLE Changes: see UNCANNY X-MEN);
X-MEN = PRINT RUNS [According
to; Standard Catalog of Comic Books, 4th Edition, Krause pub, 2005,
by Maggie Thompson & John Miller] #94-96 = 119,231 Copies each
Printed // #97-102 = 116,992 Copies each Printed // #103-108 =
123,725 Copies each Printed // #109-116 = 115,260 Copies each Printed
// #117-128 = 171,091 Copies each Printed // #129-140 = 191,927
Copies each Printed // #141-152 = 259,007 Copies Printed // #153-164
= 313,225 Copies Printed // #284-295 = 731, 425 Copies Printed // >>>
X-Men (Chris
Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED
at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's
Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin;
Part-1 of 3-Part Story; First appearance of Jean Grey becomes
PHEONIX-c/s, 1st app Black Tom Cassidy; Dave Cockrum-a; SOLD
#103(2/1977; Part-3 of 3-Part Story; JUGGERNAUT-c/s; Dave
Cockrum-a; Logan is revealed as Wolverine's name;VF, 8.0 = $56.00;
FN/VF, 7.0 = $42.00);
#104(4/1977; Dave Cockrum-a; vs MAGNETO-c/s; Starjammers cameo; 1st appearance of Corsair & Ch'od of Starjammers; SOLD OUT);
#106(8/1977; Dark Shroud of the Past; Dave Cockrum-a; VF+, 8.5 = $71.00; );
#107 [10/1977; Part 2 of 3-Part Storyline; ** First Full appearance of STARJAMMERS cover & story; ** STARJAMMERS is a Team of Space Pirates, the Members includes; CORSAIR, RAZA, CH’OD and HEPZIBAH; ** Mister Fantastic and Ben Grimm the THING of Fantastic Four Cameo; The STARJAMMERS appeared in X-Men animated series (1992-1997) the Season Three "The Phoenix Saga" 1994 Episode; The X-MEN: Dark Phoenix MOVIE will DEBUT in Theatre's on November 02/2018 by Director & Writer Simon Kinberg; *** FIRST appearance of Kallark aka the GLADIATOR (of the Strontian species); GLADIATOR's Team affiliations includes; Imperial Guard, Annihilators, Dark Guardians & Guardians of the Galaxy; GLADIATOR was created as a Homage to the Philip Wylie GLADIATOR character & DC's Legion of Super-Heroes; Since 1977, GLADIATOR has been periodically featured in X-titles, Fantastic Four, Rom the Spaceknight, Silver Surfer, Nova, and New Warriors. GLADIATOR has played important roles in some of Marvel's major storylines, such as Operation: Galactic Storm (1992), Maximum Security (2001), and War of Kings (2009); Chris Claremont story; Dave Cockrum cover; Dave Cockrum and Dan Green art; SOLD OUT];
>>> X-Men (Chris Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin;
#108(12/1977; Armageddon Now-c/s; 2nd app Starjammers; JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin BEGINS, ends with
#109 (2/1978; First appearance of Weapon Alpha, later becomes VINDICATOR cover & Story; Second JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin art issue; Wolverine's past; SOLD OUT);
#110(4/1978; 3rd JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; vs Warhawk; PHEONIX Joins the X-Men; VG/FN, 5.0 = $18.00);
#111(6/1978; 4th JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; First appearance of Mesmero; VF/NM, 9.0 = $72.00 );
#112(8/1978; 5th JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; PEREZ-c; MAGNETO-c/s; 1st appearance of Asteroid M; VF/NM, 9.0 = $72.00; VF+, 8.5 = $58.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $32.00);
#113(9/1978; 6th JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; MAGNETO-c/s;VF, 8.0 = $44.00);
#114(10/1978; 7th JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; The Day the X-Men Died; VF/NM, 9.0 = $72.00; VF+, 8.5 = $58.00; VF, 8.0 = $44.00; VF-, 7.5 = $32.00);
**** KA-ZAR is
among Marvel Characters being
considered for MOVIE or
TV development = [for
early KA-ZAR appearance See = X-Men
#10(3/1965), Daredevil #12-14(1-3/1966), 24(1/1967), Amazing
Spider-Man #57-58(2-3/1968), Incredible Hulk
#109-111(11/1968-1/1969), X-MEN #62-63(11-12/1969), Astonishing Tales
#1-20. KA-ZAR #1-3(1970-71), Savage Tales #1,5-11.Annual
#1(1971-1975), Amazing Spider-Man #103-104(12/1971-1/1972), KA-ZAR
#1-20(1974-77), KA-ZAR the SAVAGE #1-34(1981-1984)];
8th JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; SAURON-c/s; Ka-Zar & Savage
Land app; VF+, 8.5 = $58.00; VF, 8.0 = $44.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $32.00);
#116(12/1978; 9th JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; Ka-Zar & Savage Land app; VF/NM, 9.0 = $72.00; VF+, 8.5 = $58.00);
#117(1/1979; 10th JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; Psi-War; Origin of Professor X - Charles Xavier; First appearance of Shadow King; VF/NM, 9.0 = $62.00; VF+, 8.5 = $50.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00);
#118 (2/1979; First appearance of MARIKO YASHIDA; WOLVERINE first meets MARIKO; Japanese Storyline for Wolverine begins = Basis for the 2013 WOLVERINE Movie; Mariko & Silver Samurai appeared in the 2013 WOLVERINE Movie; Mariko was the daughter of Shingen Yashida, the half-sister of the Silver Samurai, and cousin of Sunfire and Sunpyre; Upon her father's death, she became head (Oyabun) of his Yakuza crime family, Clan Yashida; Sunfire, Misty Knight & Coleen Wing appear; Moses Magnum cameo; Chris Claremont story; 11th JOHN BYRNE art issue; JOHN BYRNE & Ric Villamonte art; Dave Cockrum & Terry Austin cover; VF+, 8.5 = $65.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $30.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $15.00);
#119 (3/1979;
Twas the Night Before Christmas; ** Colleen
Wing, Misty Knight, Sunfire, &
Moses Magnum appear; JOHN
BYRNE & Terry Austin art; Chris
Claremont-s; Dave Cockrum & Terry Austin-c; VF+, 8.5 = $50.00;
VF, 8.0 = $39.00; VF-, 7.5 = $34.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00);
(5/1979; First Full appearance of ALPHA
FLIGHT Part-2 of 2-Parts;
First appearance of Shaman, Aurora, Northstar,
Snowbird, & Sasquatch; Chris Claremont story; JOHN
BYRNE & Terry Austin art; SOLD OUT);
#122(6/1979; JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; Trial of Colossus, Danger Room-c/s; First appearance of ARCADE;VF+, 8.5 = $45.00; VF, 8.0 = $38.00; VF-, FN, 6.0 = $20.00);
JOHN BYRNE & Terry Austin-a; 2nd appearance of Arcade, first
cover - Murder World-c/s; Spider-Man & Colleen Wing app; VF+, 8.5
= $45.00; VF, 8.0 = $38.00);
#123(7/1979; JOHN BYRNE & Terry
Austin-a; 2nd appearance of Arcade, first cover - Murder World-c/s;
Spider-Man & Colleen Wing app; VF/NM, but cover detached at top
staple thus FN/VF, 7.0 = $26.00);
#124 (8/1979; Storm and Cyclops of X-MEN vs Proletarian cover and story; ** ORIGIN of ARCADE (HITMAN who uses MURDER WORLD to Assassinate Super-Heroes); ** FIRST appearance of Colossus as he becomes Proletarian cover and story; ** Appearances by; Amanda Sefton, Colleen Wing, Betsy Wilford, Miss Locke, Mr. Chambers; ** X-MEN Team Line-Up appearing includes; WOLVERINE, Banshee, Colossus, Cyclops, Storm, and Nightcrawler; ** X-MEN in He Only Laughs When I Hurt! ** X-Men (Chris Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin; ** Only 171,091 Copies Printed (Standard Catalog of Comic Books, 4th Edition) Chris Claremont story; JOHN BYRNE and Terry Austin art; Dave Cockrum and Terry Austin cover; VF+, 8.5 = $49.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00);
#125 (9/1979; RETURN of Jean Grey aka PHEONIX cover and story; ** First Short appearance of Kevin MacTaggert aka Proteus aka MUTANT X (see #119 for 1st Cameo Appearance in Shadow) ** Proteus aka Mutant-X is #77 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time; Inspiration for the MUTANT-X TV Series that Lasted 3-Seasons from 2001-2004; ** VILLAINS Includes; Mastermind, MAGNETO, Jason Wyngarde and Angus MacWhirter possessed by Mutant X; ** First appearance of Master Kyras Shakati (Representative of the commercial guilds) ** X-MEN Team Line-Up appearing includes; WOLVERINE, Banshee, Colossus, Cyclops, Storm, and Nightcrawler; ** Perils of the DANGER ROOM; ** X-MEN in There's Something Awful on Muir Island! ** X-Men (Chris Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin; ** Only 171,091 Copies Printed (Standard Catalog of Comic Books, 4th Edition) Chris Claremont story; JOHN BYRNE and Terry Austin art; Dave Cockrum and Terry Austin cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00)
#126 (10/1979; Classic X-MEN TEAM cover by Cockrum and Austin; ** ORIGIN and First FULL appearance of Kevin MacTaggert aka Proteus aka MUTANT X (see #125 for 1st Short appearance; see #119 for 1st Cameo Appearance in Shadow); ** Proteus aka Mutant-X is #77 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time; Inspiration for the MUTANT-X TV Series that Lasted 3-Seasons from 2001-2004; ** In Search of MUTANT X; ** Jean Grey aka PHEONIX Rejoins X-MEN Team; ** X-MEN Team Line-Up appearing includes; WOLVERINE, Jean Grey aka PHEONIX, Banshee, Colossus, Cyclops, Storm, and Nightcrawler; ** Appearance by; Dr. Moira MacTaggert, Lorna Dane aka Polaris, Alex Summers aka Havok, Jamie Madrox aka Multiple Man, Mastermind, Jason Wyngarde; ** X-MEN in How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth...! ** X-Men (Chris Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin; ** Only 171,091 Copies Printed (Standard Catalog of Comic Books, 4th Edition) Chris Claremont story; JOHN BYRNE and Terry Austin art; Dave Cockrum and Terry Austin cover;
VF+, 8.5 = $49.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; VF-, 7.5 = $29.00);
#127 (11/1979; Second FULL appearance of Kevin MacTaggert aka Proteus aka MUTANT X (X-Men #126 is First FULL appearance; see #125 for 1st Short appearance; see #119 for 1st Cameo Appearance in Shadow); ** Proteus aka Mutant-X is #77 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time; Inspiration for the MUTANT-X TV Series that Lasted 3-Seasons from 2001-2004; ** Appearances by; Dr. Moira MacTaggert, Alex Summers aka Havok, Lorna Dane aka Polaris, Joe MacTaggert; ** First appearance of Culloden Muir; ** First appearance of Holyrood Park; ** First appearance of Queen Street; ** X-MEN Team Line-Up appearing includes; WOLVERINE, Jean Grey aka PHEONIX, Banshee, Colossus, Cyclops, Storm, and Nightcrawler; ** X-MEN in The Quality of Hatred! ** The Power of PROTEUS the Deadliest MUTANT Alive; ** X-Men (Chris Claremont / John Byrne in #108-143) was RANKED at #2 in the TOP TEN 1970's Marvel’s in 2010 by the Comics Bulletin; ** Only 171,091 Copies Printed (Standard Catalog of Comic Books, 4th Edition) Chris Claremont story; JOHN BYRNE and Terry Austin cover and art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69.00; VF+, 8.5 = $49.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; VF-, 7.5 = $29.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24.00);
#127 (11/1979; John BYRNE-c/a; Third appearance of Mutant X = Proteus; *** Proteus aka Mutant-X is #77 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time; Inspiration for the MUTANT-X TV Series that Lasted 3-Seasons from 2001-2004; AUTOGRAPHED by JOHN BYRNE on Splash page inside; VF+, 8.5 = $57.00);
#128 (12/1979; John BYRNE-a; PEREZ & Austin-c; 4th app of Mutant X = Proteus; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69.00; VF+, 8.5 = $55.00; VF, 8.0 = $36.00; FN, 6.0 = $19.00);
#129 (1/1980; SOLD OUT)
#131 (3/1980; First Emma Frost the WHITE QUEEN cover; SECOND appearance of DAZZLER; Dark PHOENIX Saga: Part-3 of 9-Parts; THIRD appearance of KITTY PRYDE and EMMA FROST, the White Queen; JOHN BYRNE cover and Art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $39.00; VG, 4.0 = $32.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $25.00);
#132 (4/1980; Dark PHOENIX Saga: Part-4 of 9-Parts; ** First Full TEAM appearance of the HELLFIRE CLUB; ** First appearance of Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce & Harry Leland; ** First appearance of Tessa aka SAGE; ** Hayley Lovitt plays Tessa aka SAGE in Fox TV’s GIFTED; SAGE’s Team affiliations includes; Multiverse X-Men, X-Treme X-Men, S.W.O.R.D., Exiles, New Excalibur, X-Men, X-Treme Sanctions Executive &The Hellfire Club; JOHN BYRNE cover and Art; VF, 8.0 = $49.00; VG, 4.0 = $19.00);
#133 (5/1980; First WOLVERINE Solo cover; ** WOLVERINE Alone cover and story; Dark PHOENIX Saga: Part-5 of 9-Parts; Jean Grey becomes the BLACK QUEEN; JOHN BYRNE cover and Art; SOLD OUT);
#134 (6/1980; JEAN GREY aka PHEONIX the BLACK QUEEN becomes the DARK PHOENIX cover & story; Classic DARK PHOENIX Saga: Part-6 of 9-Parts; HELLFIRE CLUB appears (Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Harry Leland & Mastermind); ** Chris Claremont Story; ** JOHN BYRNE and Terry Austin cover and art; SOLD OUT);
#135 (7/1980; Dark Phoenix Saga: Part-7 of 9-Parts; Jean Grey the DARK PHOENIX cover and story; FIRST appearance of SENATOR ROBERT KELLY; Reed Richards, Thing, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and Silver Surfer cameos; Chris Claremont story; JOHN BYRNE and Terry Austin cover and art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $29.00);
#136 (8/1980; John BYRNE-c/a; Dark Phoenix Saga: Part-8 of 9-Parts; Cyclops Holding apparently DEAD Jean Grey the DARK PHEONIX-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $89.00; VF+, 8.5 = $49.00);
#137 (9/1980; 52 page Square-Bound Giant; DEATH of Jean Grey the DARK PHEONIX cover & story; Shocking monumental Conclusion to the Dark Phoenix Saga: Part-9 of 9-Parts; The X-MEN: Dark Phoenix MOVIE will DEBUT in Theatre's on November 02/2018 by Director & Writer Simon Kinberg Starring: Sophie Turner as Jean Grey / Pheonix; Jessica Chastain might play the primary villain, Queen Lilandra of the Shi'ar Empire; Also Starring: Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Alexandra Shipp, Tye Sheridan, Nicholas Hoult, and Kodie Smit-McPhee; Queen Lilandra, Gladiator, Imperial Guard & Watcher appear; Classic Chris Claremont and JOHN BYRNE story; Classic JOHN BYRNE and Terry Austin cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $79.00; VF+, 8.5 = $64.00; VF, 8.0 = $49.00);
#138 (10/1980; Aftermath of Phoenix Death; Cyclops leaves X-Men; early app of Dazzler; JOHN BYRNE-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $72.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00;FN, 6.0 = $19.00);
#139 (11/1980; Alpha Flight app; Kitty Pryde joins X-Men; Wolverine gets new Costume; JOHN BYRNE-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $85.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00; VF+, 8.5 = $49.00);
#140 (12/1980; X-Men & Alpha Flight vs Wendigo-c/s; JOHN BYRNE-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $85.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00; VF+, 8.5 = $39.00; VF, 8.0 = $32.00);
#141(1/1981; classic John BYRNE & Terry Austin-c/a; Days of Future Past: Part-1 of 2-Parts in this Post Apocalyptic storyline, alternate future Earth known as Earth-811; Basis for the 2014 X-MEN: Days of Future Past MOVIE; Intro of FUTURE X-MEN and New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants; First appearance of Rachel Summers aka Pheonix II, a short X-Men member, later full member of Excalibur; First appearance of Avalanche, Destiny, Pyro & Senator Kelly; DEATH of Franklin Richards; Mystique appears; ASK);
#142 up = TITLE Changes: see UNCANNY X-MEN
X-Men ANNUAL (Uncanny)
#3 (1979; 52 page Giant; X-MEN vs ARKOM Battle cover & All-New 35 page story; WOLVERINE still in Original Yellow costume cover & story; AVENGERS Cameo (Captain America, Thor & Iron Man); Story takes place between X-Men #124 and 125; Chris Claremont story; FRANK MILLER & Terry Austin cover; GEORGE PEREZ MILLER & Terry Austin art; NM, 9.4 = $79.00);
#3 (1979; 52 page Giant; X-MEN vs ARKOM Battle cover & All-New 35 page story; WOLVERINE still in Original Yellow costume cover & story; AVENGERS Cameo (Captain America, Thor & Iron Man); Story takes place between X-Men #124 and 125; Chris Claremont story; FRANK MILLER & Terry Austin cover; GEORGE PEREZ MILLER & Terry Austin art; NM-, 9.2 = $59.00);
#3 (1979; 52 page Giant; X-MEN vs ARKOM Battle cover & All-New 35 page story; WOLVERINE still in Original Yellow costume cover & story; AVENGERS Cameo (Captain America, Thor & Iron Man); Story takes place between X-Men #124 and 125; Chris Claremont story; FRANK MILLER & Terry Austin cover; GEORGE PEREZ MILLER & Terry Austin art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $45.00);
#3 (1979; 52 page Giant; X-MEN vs ARKOM Battle cover & All-New 35 page story; WOLVERINE still in Original Yellow costume cover & story; AVENGERS Cameo (Captain America, Thor & Iron Man); Story takes place between X-Men #124 and 125; Chris Claremont story; FRANK MILLER & Terry Austin cover; GEORGE PEREZ MILLER & Terry Austin art; VF+, 8.5 = $36.00);
#4(1980; 52 page Giant; Doctor Strange & Wolverine-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $29.00);
#4(1980; 52 page Giant; Doctor Strange & Wolverine-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $19.00);
#10 (1986; FIRST appearance of Original X-BABIES cover & story (X-Men De-Aged into Children = Prototype for the True FIRST appearance of the X-BABIES (Child Clones of the X-Men created by MOJO); LONGSHOT joins the X-MEN partial cover & story; RUMORS are that LONGSHOT might be in a Future Marvel MOVIE; SPIRAL and NEW MUTANTS appear; Short appearance of MAGNETO; Chris Claremont story; ART ADAMS and Terry Austin cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00];
#14 [May/1990; True FIRST FULL appearance of GAMBIT = GAMBIT appears in 15 Panels on 9 Different Pages = Predates Uncanny X-Men #266 from 8/1990 by THREE MONTHS; ** GAMBIT appeared in the X-MEN: Apocalypse the MOVIE, played by Channing Tatum; Taylor Kitsch played GAMBIT in 2009 in the Live-Action X-MEN Origins: WOLVERINE MOVIE; *** The Big-Screen GAMBIT Film/Movie by 20th Century Fox will star Channing Tatum as Remy LeBeau aka GAMBIT; In February 2017 producer Simon Kinberg noted They’ll Probably Start Filming the GAMBIT MOVIE In 2018; The Movie will be directed by Rupert Wyatt; Tatum is set to produce the film with writer & producer Reid Carolin, plus X-Men movie veterans Lauren Schuler Donner and Simon Kinberg; Arthur ADAMS cover & art; 68 page Giant; Fantastic Four, Cable, New Mutants, X-Factor & Ahab appear; Ben Nobel of Rare Comics = (MONTH is NOT Listed on the Comic, but the bar code on the Newsstand Edition of #14 has “05” at the top right of the code, thus we know it was dated MAY); ** DIRECT EDITION, with Spider-Man Face in UPC Box; VF/NM, 9.0 = $69.00; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00];
X-MEN (Marvel Comics Pub; Volume-2; Second Series; 1991-2012)
#1-C (10/1991; Wolverine and Cyclops on cover with pink Logo; Jim Lee art; NM, 9.4 = $36.00)
#4 (1/1992; First appearance of Arkady Rossovich aka OMEGA RED; Part-1 of 2-Part storyline; WOLVERINE old yellow costume returns; In 2009, OMEGA RED was ranked as #95 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book VILLIAN of ALL-TIME Time List; DIRECT Edition; JIM LEE and JOHN BYRNE story; JIM LEE and Scott Williams cover & art; ASK);
#5 (2/1992; First appearance of Christoph Nord aka MAVERICK; WOLVERINE vs OMEGA RED Cover and storyline; Second appearance of Arkady Rossovich aka OMEGA RED; Part-2 of 2-Part storyline; In 2009, OMEGA RED was ranked as #95 on IGN's Greatest Comic Book VILLIAN of ALL-TIME Time List; DIRECT Edition; JIM LEE and JOHN BYRNE story; JIM LEE, Scott Williams, Art Thibert, Bob Wiacek & Joe Rubinstein art; ASK);
#8 (5/1992; First appearance of Bella Donna Boudreaux, created by Lobell & Lee; Léa Seydoux will play Bella Donna Boudreaux in the GAMBIT MOVIE with possible 2018 Release Date; Bella Donna is a Human Mutant & her Team affiliations includes United Guilds & Assassins' Guild; BISHOP vs GAMBIT Battle cover & story; Scott Lobdell-s; JIM LEE-c/a; Ghost Rider appears & story continues into Ghost Rider #26; NM, 9.4 = $16.00);
#8 (5/1992; First appearance of Bella Donna Boudreaux, created by Lobell & Lee; Léa Seydoux will play Bella Donna Boudreaux in the GAMBIT MOVIE with possible 2018 Release Date; Bella Donna is a Human Mutant & her Team affiliations includes United Guilds & Assassins' Guild; BISHOP vs GAMBIT Battle cover & story; Scott Lobdell-s; JIM LEE-c/a; Ghost Rider appears & story continues into Ghost Rider #26; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
#8 (5/1992; First appearance of Bella Donna Boudreaux, created by Lobell & Lee; Léa Seydoux will play Bella Donna Boudreaux in the GAMBIT MOVIE with possible 2018 Release Date; Bella Donna is a Human Mutant & her Team affiliations includes United Guilds & Assassins' Guild; BISHOP vs GAMBIT Battle cover & story; Scott Lobdell-s; JIM LEE-c/a; Ghost Rider appears & story continues into Ghost Rider #26; VF/NM, 9.0 = $8.00);
#114 (7/2001; First Printing; First appearance of Cassandra Nova = #50 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time; Title changes to New X-Men; Grant Morrison stories & Quietly art Begins; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10.00);
#115 (8/2001; First Printing of VARIANT edition with CYCLOPS Cover by Barry Windsor-Smith; Grant Morrison-s; Frank Quietly-a; E Is For Extinction: Part-2 of 3-Part-s; First appearance of Ellie Phimister aka the Negasonic Teenage Warhead = She is a Human Mutant & was a student of Emma Frost; Brianna Hildebrand will play Negasonic Teenage Warhead in the 2016 DEADPOOL Movie; Second appearance of Cassandra Nova; Cassandra Nova is #50 on IGN's Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00)
X-MEN #1 the Best Selling Comic of All Time - 6-1/4" x10" Promo HOLOGRAM CARD (1992 Dealer PROMO Bonus for Ordering Large numbers of Copies of X-Men #1 from the 2nd series from 10/1990; Marvel Pub; HOLOGRAM depicts the Complete fit together covers from X-Men #1a,b,c, & d; SCARE; NM, 9.4 = $19)
X-Men and Captain Universe Sleeping Giants (Marvel Comics Pub)
#1 (12/1994; with "Male" variant of the Captain Universe Card attacted to Cover; Mail-Order Only Exclusive; Hildebrandt Painted-c; The Comic & Card have matching Serial Numbers in this Limited edition; Only 3 Copies so far graded by CGC; ** Nice raw Copy; VF/NM, 9.0 = $159.00)
X-MEN Collectors Edition {Marvel Presents the ...} (UK / British Hardcover ANNUAL; Marvel Comics Int. Ltd./Grandreams-UK Pub; Full Color; High-Gloss covers);
1982 Annual (Manitoba; #1; Published 12/1981; First Story = What is Power?; NEAL ADAMS-c/a; 64 pages including covers; A great way to see these early NEAL ADAMS CLASSIC art issues; Reformatted issues from original 1969 X-Men issues #56-59, so that they are one long continuous story. >>> This is the Classic 4-Part tale of Alex Summers, his origin & leading to issue #58 = the Introduction & ORIGIN of HAVOK, as Alex Summers gains costume & the name. >>> #57= The Living Monolith, formerly Living Pharaoh; #57-59= Judge Chalmers, Sentinels, & Larry Trask; #57,58= Lorna Dane; #58= Banshee, Magneto Robot, Living Monolith; #58,59 = Mesmero; #59= Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch; NM+, 9.6 = $59);
1982 Annual (Manitoba; #1; Published 12/1981; First Story = What is Power?; NEAL ADAMS-c/a; 64 pages including covers; A great way to see these early NEAL ADAMS CLASSIC art issues; Reformatted issues from original 1969 X-Men issues #56-59, so that they are one long continuous story. >>> This is the Classic 4-Part tale of Alex Summers, his origin & leading to issue #58 = the Introduction & ORIGIN of HAVOK, as Alex Summers gains costume & the name. >>> #57= The Living Monolith, formerly Living Pharaoh; #57-59= Judge Chalmers, Sentinels, & Larry Trask; #57,58= Lorna Dane; #58= Banshee, Magneto Robot, Living Monolith; #58,59 = Mesmero; #59= Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch; NM, 9.4 = $39);
(X-MEN): MARVEL COLLECTOR'S EDITION; (Stidex PROMO Giveaway; 20 pages; Color);
Volume-1 #1 (1993; McDaniel/Baskerville-a; "Differences!"; MAGNETO-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $12);
Volume-1 #1 (1993; McDaniel/Baskerville-a; "Differences!"; MAGNETO-c/s; VF+, 8.5 = $8);
X-MEN; DEADLY GENESIS (Marvel Comics Pub; Mini Series; 2005) #1(Dynamic Forces; Serially Numbered #38 of only 299 Copies; Autographed by Ed Brubaker with Certificate of Authenticity; NM+, 9.6 = $15.00);
X-MEN THE HIDDEN YEARS (Marvel Comics Pub; 1999-2001)
#1 (12/1999; 52 Page GIANT; SAVAGE LAND storyline Part-1 of 4-Parts; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5.00);
#2-B (1/2000; Magneto, Girl & Winged Creature VARIANT cover; SAVAGE LAND storyline Part-2 of 4-Parts; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $4.00);
#3 (2/2000; SAVAGE LAND storyline Part-3 of 4-Parts; KA-ZAR appears; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $3.00);
#4 (3/2000; X-MEN vs MAGNETO Battle cover & story; KA-ZAR appears; SAVAGE LAND storyline Part-4 of 4-Parts; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM-, 9.2 = $4.50);
#5 (4/2000; Into the MAELSTROM; Candy Southern appears; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM, 9.4 = $6.00);
#6 (5/2000; 44 Pages; How the X-Men met STORM before Giant Size X-Men #1 storyline, Part-1 of 2-Parts; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; ** Eight Page Comics Insert = Marvel Comics FAST LANE Vol.1 N. 4 = Featuring AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, with Cameos by Avengers & X-Men; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
#7 (6/2000; Behold a GODDESS Rising; STORM cover & story; How the X-Men met STORM before Giant Size X-Men #1 storyline, Part-2 of 2-Parts; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM+, 9.6 = $10.00);
#8 (7/2000; Original X-Men & Fantastic Four cover & story; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM-, 9.2 = $4.50);
#9 (8/2000; Jean Gray in Like PHEONIX cover & story; Fantastic Four cover & story; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM-, 9.2 = $4.50);
#10 (9/2000; An EVIL REBORN; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $3.00);
#11 (10/2000; SENTINALS cover & story JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM, 9.4 = $6.00);
#12 (11/2000; 52 Page GIANT; MAGNETO cover & story; JOHN BYRNE and Tom Palmer art; JOHN BYRNE cover; NM, 9.4 = $8.00);
X-MEN and the Micronauts = USA Editions;
(Marvel; Limited / Mini Series; 1-4/1983; Butch Guice-c/a; Wolverine-c/app in all);
#1(NM-, 9.2 = $6); #2(NM, 9.4 = $8); #3(NM/MT, 9.8 = $16); #4(NM-, 9.2 = $6);
X-MEN: Millennial Visions (MARVEL; 2000-2002)
#NN (8/2000; First Appearance of CORONA (Female Mutant from Earth-1010) CORONA was one of the mutants detected by Cerebro. CORONA is the daughter of Shiro Yoshida aka SUNFIRE; J.H. Williams, Gary Frank, Mat Broome, Art Thibert, Bill Sienkiewicz, Adam Pollina, John Paul Leon, Kilian Plunkett, Sean Chen, Kevin Maguire; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00);
X-O MANOWAR (Valiant Comics Pub., 2/1992 thru 9/1996) = See Listing under “V” for VALIANT/ Acclaim COMICS;
*** Sony Pictures has an X-O MANOWAR Movie is in Development;
XOMBI (DC Milestone Comics 1994-1996; African-American Dakotaverse)
** On August 22, 2020, Reginald Hudlin announced at DC FanDome that a Live-Action STATIC SHOCK movie is in development;
** FANS are Speculating that some of the other Major Dakotaverse characters will Appear (Blood Syndicate, Hardware, ICON, etc.);
** Static has made numerous appearances in other forms of media. The character has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.
** Milestone Media, was founded in 1993 by a coalition of African-American writers and artists, published by DC under the Milestone Comics Logo;
** The Milestone Comics have African-American characters, and the continuity is dubbed as the "Dakotaverse";
** [for other Milestone Comics in stock, see; Hardware, Heroes, Icon, Kobalt, My Name is Holocaust, Shadow Cabinet, Static, Xombi);
#0 (1/1994; LOW PRINT RUN; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00);
#0 (1/1994; LOW PRINT RUN; Overall VF, but Water damage with Wrinkles at top of cover, thus VG/FN, 5.0 = $4.00);
#20 (1/1996; LOW PRINT RUN; VF-, 7.5 = $10.00);
YANG (Charlton Pub; Martial Arts - Kung Fu; Warren Sattler-a)
#3(7/1974; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10) ; #5(11/1974; VF+, 8.5 = $8) ; #11(1/1976; VF+, 8.5 = $8) ;
#12(3/1976; VF, 8.0 = $7) ;
YEAR ONE: BATMAN/ RA'S AL GHUL (DC; Prestige Square-Bound)
#1 (2005; Paul Gulacy-c/s; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
YOGI BEAR (Marvel Pub; Hanna-Barbera; 1977-1979; Newsstand Sales only)
#1(11/1977; Flinstones Backup-s begins; Manitoba; NM-, 9.2 = $45);
YOUNG AVENGERS (Marvel Comics Pub; 2005-2006; ** Info from GCD & Wikipedia; Limited Series)
#2 [5/2005; Sidekicks = Part-2 of 6-Part Storyline; KATE BISHOP and Ant-Man's daughter Cassie Lang Join the YOUNG AVENGERS Team in this issue; ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue includes = Asgardian, Cassie Lang, Kate Bishop, Hulkling, Iron Lad, & Patriot); Iron Lad reveals that he is the 30th century teenage version of Kang the Conqueror. ** Appearances by; Captain America, Iron Man, Jessica Jones, Kang the Conquerer & Vision; Allan Heinberg story; Jim Cheung & John Dell cover & art; ASK];
#3 [6/2005; Sidekicks = Part-3 of 6-Part Storyline; ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue includes = Asgardian, Cassie Lang, Kate Bishop, Hulkling, Iron Lad, & Patriot); ** Appearances by; Captain America, Growing Man, Iron Man, Jessica Jones, Kang the Conquerer & Vision; Allan Heinberg story; Jim Cheung & John Dell cover & art; ASK];
#4 [7/2005; Sidekicks = Part-4 of 6-Part Storyline; First KATE BISHOP in COSTUME as Hawkingbird /Mockingbird; New AVENGERS vs YOUNG AVENGERS; ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue includes = Asgardian, Cassie Lang, Kate Bishop, Hulkling, Iron Lad, & Patriot); ** Appearances by; Captain America, Iron Man, Jessica Jones, Kang the Conquerer; Allan Heinberg story; Jim Cheung & John Dell cover & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $7.00; VF+, 8.5 = $6.00; VF, 8.0 = $6.00);
#5 [8/2005; Sidekicks = Part-5 of 6-Part Storyline; ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue includes = Asgardian, Cassie Lang, Kate Bishop, Hulkling, Iron Lad, & Patriot); ** Appearances by; Captain America, Iron Man, Jessica Jones, Kang the Conquerer & Vision; Allan Heinberg story; Jim Cheung & John Dell cover & art; ASK];
#6 [9/2005; Sidekicks = Part-6 of 6-Part Storyline; FIRST appearance of CASSIE LANG (Ant-Man's daughter) as STATURE; IRON LAD kills Kang the Conqueror, the future version of himself; ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue includes = Asgardian, Cassie Lang, Kate Bishop, Hulkling, Iron Lad, & Patriot); ** Appearances by; Captain America, Iron Man, Jessica Jones, Kang the Conquerer & Vision; Allan Heinberg story; Jim Cheung & John Dell cover & art; SOLD OUT];
#7 [10/2005; Secret Identities Part-1 of 2-Part Storyline; **Avengers Appear (Captain America, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, & Shocker); Stature & Wiccan Join the Young Avengers; ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue = Stature, Patriot, Kate Bishop, Hulkling & Wiccan); Appearances by; Jessica Jones, Isaiah Bradley, Vision & Mr. Hyde; ASK];
#8 [11/2005; Secret Identities Part-2 of 2-Part Storyline; Avengers appear (Captain America, Jessica Jones, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Luke Cage & Vision); ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue = Patriot, Wiccan, Stature, Hulkling, Kate Bishop & Iron Lad); Mister Hyde & Josiah X appear; ASK];
#9 [12/2005; Family Matters part-1 of 4-part Storyline; ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue = Patriot, Stature, Wiccan, Kate Bishop & Hulkling); ** Appearances by; Isaiah Bradley, Captain America, Carol Danvers /Ms. Marvel & Super Skrull; ASK];
#10 [3/2006; Family Matters part-2 of 4-part Storyline; ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue = Kate Bishop, Stature, Patriot, Wiccan, Hulkling); ** Appearances by; Vision, Edwin Jarvis, Tommy Shepherd & Super Skrull; ASK];
#11 [5/2006; Family Matters part-3 of 4-part Storyline; Tommy Shepherd joins the Young Avengers; Hulkling is the son of Captain Marvel (a Kree) and a Skrull Princess; Billy and Tommy figure out that they are the imaginary children of the Scarlet Witch.** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue = Kate Bishop, Wiccan, Hulkling, Patriot, Stature, Vision & Tommy Shepherd); **New Avengers appear (Iron Man, Spider-Woman, Captain America, Spider-Man & Wolverine); Appearances by Super Skrull, Skrulls & Kree; ASK];
#12 (8/2006; Family Matters part-4 of 4-part Storyline; LAST issue; ** FIRST Cover and Cameo Appearance of KATE BISHOP as the new Female HAWKEYE; ** First appearances of Tommy Shepherd as SPEED; ** (Young Avengers Line-Up in this issue = Kate Bishop as Hawkeye, Wiccan, Hulkling, Patriot, Stature, Vision, Speed); ** New Avengers appear (Iron Man, Spider-Woman, Captain America, Spider-Man & Wolverine); Appearances by; Super Skrull, Skrulls, Kree, Isaiah Bradley & Jessica Jones; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25.00; VF+, 8.5 = $20.00; VF, 8.0 = $16.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $7.00);
YOUNG AVENGERS PRESENTS (Marvel Comics Pub; 2008 Mini Limited Series)
#5 (7/2008; Cassie Lang of Ant-Man Movie cover & Story; Cassie Lang has also been known as Ant-Girl, Giant-Girl & Stature; ASK);
YUMMY FUR (Vortex Comics Pub; Toronto, Ontario, Canada Comic; 28 Pages including covers; B&W; CHESTER BROWN is a Cartoonist & Politician from Montreal, Quebec, Canada; CHESTER BROWN has won Four HARVEY Awards & He was inducted into the Canadian Comic Book Creator Hall of Fame in 2011)
*** Wikipedia = Brown at first self-published his work as a minicomic called Yummy Fur beginning in 1983; Toronto publisher Vortex Comics began publishing the series as a comic book in 1986. The content tended towards controversial themes: a distributor and a printer dropped it in the late 1980s, and it has been held up at the Canadian border. Since 1991 Brown has associated himself with Montreal publisher Drawn and Quarterly. Following Louis Riel, Brown ceased serializing his work to publish graphic novels directly.
#1 (12/1986; First Pro Published Comic Work by CHESTER BROWN; First Pro Published edition, collects the Self Published Mini comics #1-3; CHESTER BROWN = story, cover & art; Includes; Walrus Blibber Sandwich; Toilet Paper Revolt; ED the Happy Clown; Bob Crosby and His Electric TV; City Swine; LOW PRINT RUN; VF, 8.0 = $15.00; VF-, 7.5 = $12.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $10.00; FN, 6.0 = $8.00; VG, 4.0 = $5.00);
#2 (1/1987; No date; Says #4 in indicia; First Pro Published edition, collects the Self Published Mini comics #4-6; CHESTER BROWN = story, cover & art; LOW PRINT RUN; ASK);
#3 (2/1987; First Pro Published edition of the Self Published Mini comic #7; CHESTER BROWN = story, cover & art; LOW PRINT RUN; ASK);
ZEN INTERGALACTIC NINJA (Archie Adventure & Zen Comics Pub; Limited / Mini Series; 9-12/1992; by Steve Stern & Dan Cote);
>>> Scarce in VF/NM or Better;
#1(9/1992; 40 Pages including Bonus slick Poster Centerfold; Untold ORIGIN of Zen; NM, 9.4 = $11);
#1(9/1992; 40 Pages including Bonus slick Poster Centerfold; Untold ORIGIN of Zen; NM-, 9.2 = $7);
#1(9/1992; 40 Pages including Bonus slick Poster Centerfold; Untold ORIGIN of Zen; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
#2(10/1992; Ross Andru, Mike Esposito & Will Cypser-a; Rumble in the Rainforest part-1 of 2; NM-, 9.2 = $7);
#3(12/1992; Ross Andru, Mike Esposito & Will Cypser-a; Rumble in the Rainforest part-2 of 2; VF/NM, 9.0 = $5);
ZERO (Image Comics; 2013-2015);
#1 (9/2013; First Printing; Ales Kott Paul Pope PHANTOM VARIANT; A TV SERIES has Been Announced; This PHANTOM VARIANT edition was only available in a few stores and MAY be the smallest print run on this issue; Ales Kot-s; Michael Walsh-a; SAVING THE WORLD. ONE MURDER AT A TIME. NM+, 9.6 = $30.00);
#1 (9/2013; First Printing; Ales Kott Paul Pope PHANTOM VARIANT; A TV SERIES has Been Announced; This PHANTOM VARIANT edition was only available in a few stores and MAY be the smallest print run on this issue; Ales Kot-s; Michael Walsh-a; SAVING THE WORLD. ONE MURDER AT A TIME. NM, 9.4 = $20.00);
ZERO ZERO (Fantagraphics Pub.)
#1 (3-4/1995; 60 Pages including covers; FUNKY Cartoon Stories Told with GRAVE GUSTO by; Gary Panter, J. R. Williams, David Collier, Ted Stearn, Mary Fleener, Frank Stack, Henriette Valium, Kim Deitch, Max Andersson, Pat Moriarity, Mike Diana, David Holzman; VF, 8.0 = $20.00)
ZIGGY Sunday Funnies 1979 CALENDAR (Manitoba; by Tom Wilson; Calton cards Pub.; RARE; all-new Full Color 6-7 Panel Cartoons for each month & Cover; Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $35.00);
ZIPPY QUARTERLY {the Pinhead} (B&W Magazine; Fantagraphics Pub.; 52 pages; Underground Comic);
#1(1/1993; "Anarchy in Absurdistan; Manitoba; VF, 8.0 = $10);
ZORRO (Dell Pub., Walt Disney TV issues; ALL with Guy Williams PHOTO covers; 1958-1961) –
FC #882(TV; TOTH-a; 1958; First DISNEY Zorro; photo-c; overall VF+ example, but with tiny 1/8" Tear at Middle right edge of book, thus VF minus, 7.5 = $90.00);FC #882(TV; TOTH-a; 1958; First DISNEY Zorro; photo-c; FN/VF, 7.0 = $75.00);
A thru C On Our Next High Grade Page
D thru F On Our Next High Grade Page
G thru L On Our Next High Grade Page
M thru R On Our Next High Grade Page
S thru T On Our Next High Grade Page
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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com
SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;
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Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;
MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa
>>> IMPORTANT Notes on the CONDITION of Comic Books;In the current market, about90% of collectors & dealers still grade by 1980's & early 1990's standards. When CGC came along, this has all changed. Comics are now graded by the current MUCH Stricter standards. Prices in the guide are based on the new STRICT standards & not on the "OLD" LOOSER standards. Thus MOST collectors, even 20-40 year veterans,are mis-informed about the grades of items they hold in their collections. MANY people buy off eBay & assume the low standards are the current standards, as bad grading is so widespread on eBay. The best way to get a grasp of the current strict standards is to dabble in a least a few CGC graded books, examine them closely & compare them to books in your collection. Even well meaning veteren dealers are often mistaken about the current Overstreet & CGC standards, many getting an unwelcome suprise when they submit their first few items to CGC. Grading should always be done under a strong light focused directly on the book being examined. Proper grading cannot be done in poor or dull light, as many tiny flaws are missed. Grading should NEVER be done thru a comic bag, the item MUST be removed & closely examined. MOST collectors who bought comics NEW from 1970-1985 and read them once, then bagged & stored them, have in their possession comics in VF to VF/NM average. The main reasons for this include; (1) It was assumed reading once would not lower the grade of the comic. Each comic was NOT treated as if it were a NM Action #1; (2) Strong & very stiff White backing boards were not in common use until the 1990's; Gray Backing boards that only supplied minimal support & often stained the book & bags. Even these bad boards provided SOME protection, BUT were used by perhaps under 25% of dealers & collectors in the 1980's; (3) Most collectors did NOT hand pick the absolute best copy available on day of release, before handling by too many others. Many stores held the new copies for their customers for them, to pick up at a later date. Thus they received random copies often handled several times before they even bought them. (4) Even IF one did manage to HAND PICK their own copies, on day of release, they usually did NOT have enough copies to select from, thus one often had for example 10 copies in VF thru NM- to pick from. Sometimes none of the 10 copies were above VF when new at the location the collectors bought them. (5) In the 1970's & 1980's collectors avoided Factory Flaws if at all possible. Plus many collectors selected copies that were as aligned as best possible at the spine. This selection often meant picking copies with corner dings, hairline stress marks in the spine & copies without razor sharp corners. Unfortunately the opposite in now true in the current market, based on the current CGC & industry standards. Factory flawed Copies with NO stress & razor sharp corners are now much more prized & valuable, than copies with minor stress but no Factory Flaws.
---------- *****11/15*
Condition / Grading
(from Best at top, to worst at bottom);
[Note plus "+" and Minus "-" Grades are not in
common use, except on more expensive comics!]
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
= (10.0 Mint); Absolutely
Flawless in every way. Mostly a fantasy grade. Out of the 30 to 50
BILLION Comics so far Printed, so far only about 1000 Comics in Total
grade a strict 10.0 or Perfect Mint; *** [ Imagine that you had 50
hours to pick the Single Best Copy, out of 5000 Copies on the DAY the
item was printed, THAT copy MIGHT approach MINT; But if you could
find the Tiniest of Flaws, inside or outside, where "It could be
ever so slightly better", then it is NOT Mint. Less than 1 in
5000 collectors,will have a single book in their entire collection
that grades MINT; At this time there is ONLY
ONE comic in the World, Pre-1980 that is considered MINT; The current
market value of a CGC graded 10.0 MT copy, is 50-100 Times Guide 9.2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT- (9.9) =
MINT minus = Virtually FLAWLESS in EVERY Way, inside & outside.
Might have only the tiniest of Flaws, almost microscopic in size, &
not visible to the Human Eye, except to the most
trained experts. [ current market value of a CGC 9.9 MT- copy, is
15-50 Times Guide 9.2 price]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(9.8) = NEAR MINT to MINT;
Only about (1 in 100) to (1 in 1000) Extremely Carefully Hand-Picked
still Brand NEW items can attain this Lofty essentially Flawless
Grade. Only the tiniest of nearly invisible flaws is allowed. The
untrained eye will not be able to see a flaw. [ current market value
of a CGC graded 9.8 NM/MT copy, is about 6-20 Times Guide 9.2 price
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NM+ (9.6) = NEAR MINT
plus; Superb & Almost Flawless example. BETTER than MOST items
when still Brand NEW on the Newsstands;
MOST Brand New comics on day of release are not this high in grade. IF you get to hand-pick the BEST copy available out of about 50 copies upon day
of Release, you will likely have a NM+; [ current
market value of a CGC graded 9.6 NM+ copy, is about 4-10Times Guide
9.2 price]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
= (9.4 Near Mint);
This grade is
NO LONGER listed in the Overstreet Annual Guide, due to the scarcity.
[9.2 is currently the TOP guide grade]
NM copies are almost LIKE NEW, & almost flawless. Most 1976-1985
items are SCARCE in this grade, if Strictly graded. Most 1975 &
Older items are RARE in this grade, if Strictly graded. [Most 1975 &
Older Non-Marvel/DC Super-Hero comics are VERY RARE in this grade,
MANY with NO KNOWN copies in 9.4 condition]; We Rarely use this grade
on our regular inventory, even on Original Un-Used Warehouse copies.
[Unlike many dealers who incorrectly throw the grade around like they
are common. If another dealer is NOT charging a premium for this
grade, it is probably not a "True" NM]; Even MANY older
Pedigree collection & File copies are not this high in grade
[Most older File-Copies are more in the 9.0 condition range]; >>>
Essentially in Hand-Picked AS NEW, Never Read, Never handled &
immediately Bagged and BOARDED Condition; With only the tines of
Flaws, usually not apparent to the Un-Trained Eye. [About 50% of the
BRAND NEW Comics Printed, do not quite Grade STRICTNear Mint, upon
the Day they are released. IF you get to pick the BEST copy available
oot of about 10 copies upon day of Release, you will likely then have
a NM ];[ market value of a CGC graded 9.4 NM Copy, is about 3-6 Times
Guide9.2 price ]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(9.2) = Near Mint minus; Currently the HIGHEST grade listed in the
Overstreet Annual Guide. This is about the AVERAGE
condition for a NON hand-Picked comics that is still Brand-New on day
of release. Flaws usually include;
1-2 NON Sharp corners OR 1-2 very tiny STRESS marks on spine or
elsewhere on comic. **** [ Current market value of a CGC graded 9.2,
NM- Copy, is about2 to4 Times Guide 9.2 price ]
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
(9.0) Very Fine to Near Mint;
>>> This is the condition the average NEW ITEM is in on DAY
2-14afterNew Release (after packing, shipping, sorting& NORMAL
handling by Distributors,Store Keepers & Customers); Flaws
usually include; 1-3 NON Sharp corners
OR 1-4 small STRESS marks on spine or elsewhere on comic. Might have
a small dinged corner. Might have minor spine kinks. Might have MINOR
handling wear or MINOR rubbing or shelf wear. [Often mistaken as NM
or NM+ to the untraine dye]; **** [ current market value of a CGC
graded 9.0, VF/NM Copy, is
about 1.5 to3 Times Guide 9.2 price ]
- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VF+ (8.5) VERY FINE plus; Basically
an overall NM appearance, but with several minor flaws, as described
in the 9.0 description .A Scarce "High Grade" for most 1975
& older item's;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
= (8.0 Very Fine); Nearly
AS NEW copy, usually normal minor handling or shelf wear. Most of our
Un-ReadOriginal Warehouse copies fall in this catagory, usually with
only minor shelf wear. [ This is the AVERAGE grade for an UN-Used
condition example, or moderately well cared for, comic & magazine
of the 1980-1990 period. Most 1980's Collectors did NOT use STIFF
Back-Boards with their comic bags on 1985 & older comics, thus
many small flaws have accumulated on MOST copies on the market &
even in MOST Original Owner collections];
*** [ Many
inexperienced sellers, VERY commonly Mis-Grade FN/VF or VF copies as
NM or "Mint" on eBay; Many INCORRECTLY assume if they
bought it new & are Original Owner, it has to be "Mint"];
A Scarcer "High Grade" for most 1975 & older item's;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VF- (7.5) VERY FINE minus;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FN/VF = (7.0) FINE to VERY
FINE; a Beautiful & WELL Above Average example on most items over
20 years old. The beginning of "Higher Grade" for most
items 1975 & older.
An Un-Common Grade for most 1975 & older
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FN+ = (6.5)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
= (6.0 Fine); Above Average
condition, for any comic Pre-1973; a NICE example. NO major problems.
Nice, Clean, Solid & still very attractive example.
Average Used condition for comics & magazines
of the 1976-1984 period. Possibly an Un-Read Copy, with light
handling, shelfwear, or rubbing wear.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
FN- (5.5)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VG/FN (5.0) = VERY GOOD to FINE!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
VG+ (4.5);
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
= (4.0 Very Good); Decent
average used condition example. No major flaws.
Usually a few Reading Stress Lines, & light edgewear, or minor
creasing at corners. Occasionally only a minor amount of Hidden &
Non-Obvious Magic Tape repairs usually inside the covers;(Magic Tape
is not allowed on FN or higher grades, unless with specific special
mention); AVERAGE
Used Condition Copy, still Collectible & still Attractive with
Nice Eye Appeal. This is the
average condition that 1964-1975 Comics & Magazines are found
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VG- (3.5);
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G/VG = (3.0) GOOD to VERY
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G+ (2.5);
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
= (2.0 Good); Well
Used, but still COMPLETE, & intact, but not badly abused copy;
Great as a still DECENT Reading Copy;
Appears to have been Read lovingly several times. Still relatively
attractive & NOT De-Faced. NO big chucks out,or NO severe damage.
Minor to Moderate amounts of Magic tape Repairs are common &
often present in this grade, but should not detract too much from the
"Look" or appeal of the cover. (Defects
might include, one or more of the
following; Possible Creases to covers, Cover Partly splitting at
spine, light to moderate stains, tears in cover at edges, some
soiling to covers, bumped corners, cover wrinkles, minor small pieces
out, etc);This is the average condition that 1933-1963 Comics,
Magazines & other items are found in.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
G- (1.8);
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FA/G = (1.5) FAIR to GOOD!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
= (1.0 Fair); Very Heavily
Used & "Beat Up" Copy, but
still complete; Cover is no longer
attractive & most wear & tear is usually to the covers.
Interior is typically much better; (Defects
might include, one or more of the
following; Writing, creases, rips, Defaced front cover,Stains, Water
Damage, heavy tape repairs, fragile covers or pages, cover plit
spine, detached cover, possibly 5-15% of cover missing,etc); Still
great as a Cheap Reading Copy!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
= (0.5 Poor); Horrible
condition, nearly destroyed, usually NOT complete, pieces out, badly
defaced, possibly big chunks of cover missing, etc. Special notes &
descriptions usually stated. Often has 3 out of 4 stories complete, &
might be partly readable. Often useful in repairing other copies. A
"filler" copy at best, until a better copy comes along.
>>> IMPORTANT Notes on the CONDITION of Comic Books;In the current market, about 90% of collectors & dealers still grade by 1980's & early 1990's standards. When CGC came along, this has all changed. Comics are now graded by the current MUCH Stricter standards. Prices in the guide are based on the new STRICT standards & not on the "OLD" LOOSER standards. Thus MOST collectors, even 20-40 year veterans,are mis-informed about the grades of items they hold in their collections. MANY people buy off eBay & assume the low standards are the current standards, as bad grading is so widespread on eBay. The best way to get a grasp of the current strict standards is to dabble in a least a few CGC graded books, examine them closely & compare them to books in your collection. Even well meaning Veteren dealers are often mistaken about the current Overstreet & CGC standards, many getting an unwelcome surprise when they submit their first few items to CGC. Grading should always be done under a strong light focused directly on the book being examined. Proper grading cannot be done in poor or dull light, as many tiny flaws are missed. Grading should NEVER be done thru a comic bag, the item MUST be removed & closely examined. MOST collectors who bought comics NEW from 1970-1985 and read them once, then bagged & stored them, have in their possession comics in VF to VF/NM average. The main reasons for this include; (1) It was assumed reading once would not lower the grade of the comic. Each comic was NOT treated as if it were a NM Action #1; (2) Strong & very stiff White backing boards were not in common use until the 1990's; Gray Backing boards that only supplied minimal support & often stained the book & bags. Even these bad boards provided SOME protection, BUT were used by perhaps under 25% of dealers & collectors in the 1980's; (3) Most collectors did NOT hand pick the absolute best copy available on day of release, before handling by too many others. Many stores held the new copies for their customers for them, to pick up at a later date. Thus they received random copies often handled several times before they even bought them. (4) Even IF one did manage to HAND PICK their own copies, on day of release, they usually did NOT have enough copies to select from, thus one often had for example 10 copies in VF thru NM- to pick from. Sometimes none of the 10 copies were above VF when new at the location the collectors bought them. (5) In the 1970's & 1980's collectors avoided Factory Flaws if at all possible. Plus many collectors selected copies that were as aligned as best possible at the spine. This selection often meant picking copies with corner dings, hairline stress marks in the spine & copies without razor sharp corners. Unfortunately the opposite in now true in the current market, based on the current CGC & industry standards. Factory flawed Copies with NO stress & razor sharp corners are now much more prized & valuable, than copies with minor stress but no Factory Flaws.
---------- *****07/2020*