(1) MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense = Mass Market PAPERBACKS FOR SALE;
(2) MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense ANTHOLOGY DIGESTS FOR SALE;
(3) MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense DIGESTS by Single AUTHORS FOR SALE ;

(4) MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense = HARDCOVER & TRADE PAPERBACK BOOKS FOR SALE;


>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.

They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;


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Note; All Listed Prices are in USA FUNDS;

(Or, you can pay in CANADIAN FUNDS, but adding the Current Exchange Rate to the Prices);

(1) - MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense = Mass Market PAPERBACKS ;

(2) - MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense ANTHOLOGY DIGESTS;

(3) - MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense DIGESTS by Single AUTHORS ;

(4) MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense = HARDCOVER & TRADE PAPERBACK BOOKS FOR SALE;


(1) - MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense = Mass Market PAPERBACKS ;

----( A )----

AARONS, EDWARD S. - "Assignment - Afghan Dragon" *** "Assignment - Amazon Queen" *** "Assignment - Ankara" *** "Assignment - Bangkok" *** "Assignment - Black Gold" *** "Assignment - Black Viking" *** "Assignment - Budapest" *** "Assignment - Burma Girl" *** "Assignment - Carlotta Cortez" *** "Assignment - Cong Hai Kill" *** "Assignment - Golden Girl" *** "Assignment - Helene" *** "Assignment - Karachi" *** "Assignment - Lili Lamaris" *** "Assignment - Madeleine" *** "Assignment - Maltese Maiden" *** "Assignment - Manchurian Doll" *** "Assignment - Mara Tirana" *** "Assignment - Mermaid" *** "Assignment - Moon Girl" *** "Assignment - Nuclear Nude" *** "Assignment - Palermo" *** "Assignment - Peking" *** "Assignment - Quayle Question" *** "Assignment - School for Spies" *** "Assignment - Silver Scorpion" *** "Assignment - Sorrento Siren" *** "Assignment - Star Stealer" *** "Assignment - Stella Marni" *** "Assignment - Sulu Sea" *** "Assignment - The Cario Dancers" *** "Assignment - The Girl in the Gondola" *** "Assignment - 13th Princess" *** "Assignment - Tiger Devil" *** "Assignment - To Disaster" *** "Assignment - Tokyo" *** "Assignment - White Rajah" *** "Assignment - Zoraya" *** "Come Back My Love" *** "Death is my Shadow" *** "The Decoy" *** "Don't Cry, Beloved" *** "Escape to Love" *** "Gift of Death" *** "Million Dollar Murder"

ABAGNALE JR., FRANK W. ; with REDDING STAN "Catch me if You Can"

ABBEY, EDWARD "The Monkey Wrench Gang"


"About the Murder of the Circus Queen" *** "The Creeps" *** "Murder of the Clergyman's Mistress"

ABBOTT, JEFF "Promises of Home"

ABBOTT, JOHN "Scimitar"

ABRAHAMS, PETER "The Fury of Rachel Monette" *** "Red Message"

ABRO, BEN – July 14 Assassination;

ADAIR, CHERRY "Hide and Seek”;

ADAIR, JAMES B. "Deepcore"


"The Black Door" *** "Country band" *** "The Private Eye" *** "Sabotage" *** "What Price Murder"

ADAMS, CLIFTON "Gambling Man"

ADAMS, DEBORAH "All the dark Disguises" *** "All the Great Pretenders"

ADAMS, ERIC J.. "Loss of Innocence: a True Story fo Juvenile Murder”;

ADAMS, HAROLD "The Missing Moon"

ADAMS, IAN "End Game in Paris" *** "S Portrait of a Spy"

ADAMS, MORLEY "Mudland”;

ADAMS, SAMUEL HOPKINS "Sunrise to Sunset" *** "Tenderloin"


"Beware the Butcher Bird" *** "A Cat by Any Other Name" *** “A Cat in a Glass House” **** "A Cat in Wolf's Clothing" *** "A Cat of a Different Color"


ADDLEMAN, D.R. "A Contract of Stone"

ADDY, TED "The 'Dutch' Schultz Story"

ADKIN, BILL "Prison at Obregon" *** "The Rivera Collection"

ADLARD, MARK "The Greenlander"

ADLER, ELIZABETH – The Property of a Lady;


"The Henderson Equation" *** "Trans-Siberia Express" *** "Waters of Decision"

AELLEN, RICHARD "Crux” *** “Redeye"


AGETON, ARTHUR A. "The Jungle Seas"

AGNEW, DEREK "Undercover Agent - Narcotics"

AGNEW, SPIRO T. "The Canfield Decision"

AGNIEL, LUCIEN "Code Name: 'Icy"" *** "Pressure Point"


"The Defender - #1The Battle Begins"*** "Surgical Strike - #3 Infiltrator" *** "Track - #1 The Ninety-Nine" *** "Track - #2 Atrocity" *** "Track - #3 The Armageddon Conspiracy" *** "Track - #4 The Hard Way" *** "Track - #5 Origin of a Vendetta" *** "Track - #6 Certain Blood" *** "Track - #7 Master of D.E.A.T.H." ***

"Track - #8 Revenge of the Master" *** "Track - #9 The D.E.A.T.H. Hunters" *** "Track - #10 Cocaine Run"

AHERN, JERRY / AHERN, S.A. "River of Gold" *** Tracl #8 “Revenger of the Master;

AIKEN, JOAN – Night Fall;

AIKMAN, DAVID - ** When the almond Tree Blossoms;

AINSLIE, KENNETH "Pacific Ordeal"


"The Complete Steel" ** Henrietta Who; *** "His Burial Too" *** "A late Phoenix" *** "Last Respects" *** "A Most Contagious Game" *** "Parting Breath" *** "Passing Strange" *** "The Religious Body" *** "Some Die Eloquent" *** "The Stately Home Murder"

ALBANO, PETER "Assault of the Super Carrier" **** “The Seventh Carrier”;

ALBEE, EDWARD- ** The Sand Box and The Death of Bessie Smith; "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"


"Back in the Real Wold" *** "The Gargoyle Conspiracy" *** "Get Off at Babylon" *** "Lie Down With Lions" *** "The Outrage" *** "Party Girl" *** "Tony Rome"

ALBERT, NEIL "Burning March”;

ALBERT, SUSAN WITTIG "Hangman's Root”; *** Lavender Lies”;

ALBRAND, MARTHA- "After Midnight" *** "Desperate Moment" *** "The Linden Affair" *** "No Surrender" *** "Wait for the Dawn" *** Zurich AZ900;

ALCORN, ROBERT HAYDEN "No Bugles for Spies" *** "Spies of the Oss"

ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY "Plots and Counterplots"

ALDERMAN, TOM "Hit and Run"

ALDRIDGE, JAMES - “The Statesman's Game”;

ALDYNE, NATHAN "Canary" *** "Cobalt" *** "Slate" *** "vermilion"

ALEXANDER, DAVID- Coltray *** "Murder Points a Finger" *** "Nomad" *** Switch Back; *** "Tales for a Rainy Night" *** "Terror on Broadway"

ALEXANDER, FRANZ / STAUB, HUGO "The Criminal, The Judge, and the Public"

ALEXANDER, JOAN - ** One Sunny Day;

ALEXANDER, KARL "A Private Investigation"

ALEXANDER, PATRICK "Ryfka" *** "Soldier on the Other Side"

ALEXANDER, SHANA "Anyone's Daughter” *** “Nutcracker"


"The Jungle" *** "The Man with the Golden Arm" *** "The Neon Wilderness" ***

"A Walk on the Wide Side"

ALLAN, FRANCIS "First Come, First Kill"

ALLAN, JOAN "Who's Next?"

ALLAN, NICK "The End Zone'

ALLAN, STELLA '”The Communicating Door” *** An Inside Job"


"All Our Tomorrows" *** "The Alpha List" *** "A Choice of Enemies" *** "Codeword Cromwell" *** “Consequence of Fear” *** Deep Purple" *** "The Judas Factor" *** The Lonely Margins" *** "The Man with the President's Mind" *** "Moscow Quadrille" *** "No Place to Hide" *** “The Only Good German” *** "The Other Side of Silence" *** “Palomino Blonde” **** "Pay Any Price" *** "The Secret Whispers" *** "The Seeds of Treason" *** "Shadow of Shadows" *** Snowball" *** "The Special Collection" *** “”The Twentieth Day of January” **** "A Wilderness of Mirrors"

ALLEG, HENRI "The Question"

ALLEN, BETSY - "The Clue in Blue" *** "The Mystery of the Ruby Queens" *** "Peril in Pink" *** "The Riddle in Red" *** "The Secret of Black Cat Gulch" *** "The Silver Secret" *** "The Yellow Warning"


ALLEN, GARRISON "Baseball Cat”; *** Desert Cat *** Movie Cat;

ALLEN, HENRY W. "Tayopa!"

ALLEN, MABEL ESTHER "Mystery on the Fourteenth Floor"

ALLEN, MICHAEL - “Spence and the Holiday Murders”

ALLEN, PAUL "Apeland”;

ALLEN, RALPH JOSEPH "The Story of Superstition Mountain and the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine"

ALLEN, RICHARD - *** Dragon Skins;

ALLEN, STEVE "Murder in Manhattan"*** “Murder in Vegas”; *** "The Talk Show Murders"

ALLEN, THOMAS B. "Ship of Gold" *** "A Short Life"

ALLINGHAM, MARGERY -"The Beckoning Lady" *** "The Black Dudley Murder" *** "Black Plumes" ***

"The Case of the Late Pig" *** "The China Governess" *** "Coroner's Pidgin" ***

"The Crime at Black Dudley" *** "Dancers in Mourning" *** "Deadly Duo" *** "Death of a Ghost" *** "The Estate of the Beckoning Lady" *** "The Fashion in Shrouds" *** "The Fear Sign" *** "Flowers for the Judge" *** "The Gyrth Chalice Mystery" *** "look to the Lady" ***

"The Mind Readers" *** "More Work for the Undertaker" *** "Mr. Champion and Others" ***

"Mr. Champion: Criminologist" *** "Mystery Mile" *** "No Love Most" *** "Pearls Before Swine" *** "Police at the Funeral" *** "Sweet Dancer" *** "Take Two at Bedtime' *** "Ten Were Missing" *** "Tether's End" *** "The Tiger in the Smoke" *** "Traitor's Purse" *** "Wanted: Someone Innocent"

ALLISON, CLYDE - “Web of Flesh”

ALLNUTT, FRANK - “The Peacemaker”


ALMAN, MICKEY "Date With Danger"

ALTMAN, THOMAS "Black Christmas" *** "The Intruder" *** "Kiss Daddy Goodbye" *** “The True Bride”;

ALVAREZ, A. - Hunt;

ALVERSON, CHARLES "Goodey's Last Stand"

AMBLER, DAIL - “Desert Guerillas”

AMBLER, ERIC - "The Ability to Kill" *** "Background to Danger" *** "The Care of Time" *** "Cause For Alarm" *** "A Coffin for Dimitrios" *** "The dark Frontier" *** "Dirty Story" *** "Doctor Frigo" *** "Epitaph for a Spy" *** "The Intercom Conspiracy" *** "Journey into Fear" *** "A Kind of Anger" *** "The Levanter" *** "The Light of Day" *** "The Night-Comers" *** "Passage of Arms" *** "The Schirmer Inheritance" *** "Send No More Roses" *** "The Siege of the Villa Lipp" *** "To Catch a Spy" *** "Uncommon Danger"

AMERMAN, LOCKHART "Gus in the Heather"

AMERNIC, JERRY "Victims: The Orphans of Justice"

AMES, CLYDE "Bang the Doll Slowly"

Ames, Delano; (Mass Market Paperbacks);

Murder Begins at Home (DELL Pub; Mapback Book #552; 1950; Painted cover art; VG+ = $29);

Murder Begins at Home (DELL Pub; Mapback Book #552; 1950; Painted cover art; G/VG, a few page beginning to come loose, thus FA/G, reading copy = $14); ** Murder, Maestro, Please;

AMES, LESLIE -The Hill of Ashes;

AMES, ROBERT "The Dangerous One" *** "The Devil Drives"


'NO EDITOR' "The Anatomy of Murder"(Short Stories)

ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER P. - The Serpent's Tooth;

ANDERSEN, U.S. "Hard and Fast"

ANDERSON, EDWARD "Thieves Like Us" *** "Your Red Wagon "


ANDERSON, JAMES "The Affair of the Blood-Stained Egg Cosy"

ANDERSON, PATRICK The President's Mistress *** "Sinister Forses”;

AMIS, KINGSLEY "Russian Hide and Seek"

ANDERSON, KENNETH "Nine Maneaters and One Rogue"

ANDERTON, RUSS "Tic-Polanga"


ANDREWS, DIN - “Big Orvie”

ANDREWS, MARK - “Blackout”


C.A.T. #2 – Kidnap Hotel” *** "Track #11 The Ghost Dancers" *** "Track #12 Drug Runner" *** "Track #13 Amazon Gold"

ANDREWS, ROY CHAPMAN "Quest of the Snow Leopard"


"C.A.T. #1 Tower of Blood" *** "C.A.T. #3 Cult of the Damned"

ANDREYEV, LEONID "Seven Who Were Hanged"

ANDRZEYEVSKI, GEORGE – Ashes and Diamonds;

ANGELELLA, MICHAEL - “Trail of Blood”

ANGUS, SYLVIA "Dead to Rites"


ANNE-MARIEL "Rendezvous in Peking"

ANONYMOUS "I, Mobster"

ANSPACHER, CAROLYN "The Trial of Dr. De Kaplany"

ANTHONY, DAVID "The Organization" *** "Stud Game"


"Albatross" *** "The Assassin" *** "The Avenue of the dead" *** "The Company of Saints" ***

"The Defectors" *** "The Grave of Truth" *** The Janus Imperative *** *** "The Legend" *** "No Enemy But Time' ***

"The Occupying Power' *** "The Persian Ransom" *** "The Poellenberg Inheritance" ***

"The Rendezvous" *** "The Silver Falcon" *** The Tamarind Seed;

ANTHONY, LEW "Dreadlock"



"Crook's Hill" *** "From A to Z" *** "The Hatchet Man" *** "Knights of Arabia" *** "Stone Dead" *** "The Strangler" *** "Thugs and Bottles" *** "Tough Justice"



"A Big Man, A Fast Man" *** “Brain Guy” **** "Gold and Flesh" *** "Hell's Kitchen" ***

"Life and Death of a Tough Guy" *** "Plunder" *** "The Raw Edge"

APPEL, WILLIAM "The Watcher Within" *** "Water World"


"Aphrodite Means Death" *** "The Arms of Venus" *** "Barbary Hoard" *** "Grounds for Murder"

ARBOR, JOHN H. "Joe Broderick's Woman"

ARBUCCI, JOHN "Blood of Innocents"

ARCHER, FRANK "The Turquoise Spike"

ARCHER, JEFFREY - As the Crow Flies; **** First Among Equals;**** The Fourth Estate; **** Honor Among Things; **** Kane and Abel; **** A Matter of Honour; *** Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less; *** Paths of Glory **** The Prodigal Daughter; **** A Quiver Full of Arrows; *** Shall We Tell the President? **** Sons of Fortune; *** Twelve Red Herrings **** A Twist in the Tale;

ARCHER, PETER 'The Queen's Courts"

ARD, WILLIAM (also Known as; Jonas Ward, Ben Kerr)

"Deadly Beloved" **** “Give Me This Woman” *** “”Like Ice She Was” **** "Make Mine Mavis" *** Mystery of the Laughing Shadow *** "No Angels for Me" *** "A Private Party" *The Sins of Billy Serene" *** The 3 Investigators Crimebusters #1 “Hot Wheels” *** "You Can't Stop Me" *** "You'll Get Yours"

ARDEN, BARBI "Mystery at Indigo"

ARDIES, TOM "Russian Roulette" *** "This Suitcase is Going to Explode"


ARENT, ARTHUR "Gravedigger's Funeral”;

ARGENT, ARTHUR "Gravedigger's Funeral"

ARFELLI, DANTE "The Girl of the Roman Night"

ARICHA, AMOS "Hour of the Clown" *** "Journey Towards Death" *** "Phoenix"

ARLEO, JOSEPH "The Grand Street Collector"

ARMES, JAY J. / NOLAN, FREDERICK "Jay J. Armes Investigator"

ARMOUR, TOBY 'Blood Tells"

ARMSTRONG, CAMPBELL "Mambo" *** "Mazurka'


'The Albatross" *** "Alibi for Murder" *** "The Balloon Man" *** "The Black-Eyed Stranger" *** "The Case of the Weird Sisters" *** "Catch-as-Catch-Can" *** "The Chocolate Cobweb" *** "A Dram of Poison" *** "The Gift Shop" *** "The Girl With a Secret" *** "The Innocent Flower" *** "Lemon in the Basket" *** "A Little Less Than Kind" *** "Mask of Evil" *** "Mischief" *** "Murder's Nest" *** "The Protege" *** "Seven Seats to the Moon" *** "Something Blue" *** "The Trouble in Thor" *** "The Turret Room" *** "The Unsuspected" *** 'Walk Out on Death" *** "The Witch's House"



"Forests of the Night" *** "A Night of Watching" *** "Rescue!" *** "Walk With the Devil"

ARNOLD, MARGOT "The cape Cod Caper"

ARNOLD, WILLIAM "China Gate" **** “Torch Singer”

ARNSTON, HARRISON "Deadly Evidence" *** "The Third Illusion"

ARONSON, HARVEY "Deal" "Establishment of Innocence" *** "The Killing of Joey Gallo"

ARRIGHI, MEL "Freak-Out" *** "The Hatchet Man"

ARTHUR, DAVID STUART – The Oasis Project;

ARTHUR, FRANK "The Suva Harbour Mystery"

ARTHUR, ROBERT "Cloak and Dagger"

ARVAY, HARRY "Blow the Four Winds" *** "Eleven Bullets for Mohammed" (Ghost written by Gil Brewer); *** “The Moscow Intercept” **** "The Piraelis Plot" *** "Stranglehold" (Ghost written by Gil Brewer);

ASBURY, HERBERT "The Chicago Underworld" *** "The Gangs of New York"

ASHBROOK, H. "The Purple Onion Mystery"

ASHBY, KAY "Crown Valley" *** "Marcadia"

ASHE, GORDON (pseudonym of John Creasey)

"A Promise of Diamonds"

ASHE, MARY ANN "Alas for Her That Met Me!" **** “A Ring of Roses”


ASHFORD, JEFFREY “The Anger of Fear”**** “Consider the Evidence” ** Counsel for the Defence; **** "Enquires Are Coming" ** Enquiries are Continuing; *** "Forget What You Saw" **** “Presumption of Guilt” ** A Recipe for Murder; *** “A Sense of Loyalty” **** Three Layers of Guilt”;

ASHLEY, BERNARD – A Kind of Wild Justice;


ASIMOV, JANET "Mind Transfer"

ASINOF, HINCLE, TURNER "The Ten Second Breakout"

ASKEW, KIM – Surfers of Snow;

ASTLEY, JULIET "The Fall of Midas"

ASTOR, GERALD - “A question of Rape”

ATKINSON, ALEX "Exit Charlie"

ATLEE, PHILIP -"The Black Venus Contract" *** "The Canadian Bomber Contract" *** "The Death Bird Contract" *** "The Fer-De-lance Contract' *** "The Green Wound" *** "The Irish Beauty Contract" *** "The ill Wind Contract" *** "The Judah Lion Contract" *** "The Kiwi Contract" *** "The Kowloon Contract" *** "The Last Domino Contract" *** "The Makassar Strait Contract" *** "The Naked Year" *** "The Paper Pistol Contract" *** "The Rockabye Contract" *** “The Shankill Road Contract”; *** "The Silken Baroness Contract" *** "The Skeleton Coast Contract" *** "The Spice Route Contract" *** "The Star Ruby Contract" *** "The Trembling Earth Contract" *** "The Underground Cities Contract" *** "The White Wolverine Contract"

ATTAWAY, WILLIAM "Blood on the Forget" **** “Touch Kid”





"The Embezzler" *** "The Injustice Collectors" *** "The Partners" *** "Powers of Attorney"

AUDEMARS, PIERRE ** And One for the Dead; “The Bitter Path of Death” **** "Slay Me a Sinner" *** "The Wings of Darkness"

AUEL, JEAN M. - *** The Valley of Horses;

AUGER, MICHEL "The Herion Triangle"

AUGUST, JOHN "Advance Agent" *** "The Woman in the Picture"

AUSTIN, ALEX "Salt and Pepper"

AUSTIN, JOHN "Hollywood's Unsolved Mysteries"


"The Alarming Clock" *** "Assassins Die in Bed"; ** Assassines Don't Die in Bed; *** "Carquake" *** "Dead Game" ** ** Death Dives Deep; ** "The Doomsday Bag" *** "The Fat Death' *** "5-Minute Mysteries" *** "The Girl in the Cockpit"*; ** The Horrible Man; *** Kaleidoscope; ** Little Miss Murder; ** Madame X; ** "The Man From Avon" *** "Meanwhile Back at the Morgue" *** "Missing!" **** "One More Time" *** "Shoot it Again, Sam" *** "Station Six-Sahara"

AVELINE, CLAUDE "The Passenger on the U"


AVERY, A.A. "Anything for a Quiet Life"

AVI "The Man Who Was Poe"

AVNER "Memoirs of an Assassin"

(NO EDITOR) "The Avon Book of Detective and Crime Stories" *** "The Avon Book of Modern Crime Stories"

AWNI, MARGERY -- Silence Over Sinai (Pyramid books Pub; May/1976; A brutal, hair-raising, Novel of ruthless Terrorism in the explosive middle East; RARE Title; G/VG = $19.00);

AXELROD, GEORGE "Blackmailer"

AYER JR., FREDERICK "The Man in the Mirror"

AYLING, KATE – "Who Was Ellen Smith?”

AYRES, NOREEN – A World the Color of Salt;

AYRES, RUBY M. "There was Another"

----( B )----

BABCOCK, DWIGHT B. "Gorgeous Ghoul Murder Case"

BABSON, MARIAN 'The Twelve Deaths of Christmas"



"Blood Will Tell" *** "Coffin Corner" *** "Cop Killer" *** "Corpse Candle" *** "The Corpse with Sticky Fingers' *** "Dead on Arrival" *** "Dead Storage" *** "Dead Wrong" *** "Drop Dead" *** "Give the Little Corpse a Great Big Hand" *** "Murder's Little Helper" *** "The Real Gone Goose" *** "Scared to Death"

BAGDIKIAN, BEN H. "The Shame of Prisons"

BAGGALEY, JAMES "Shadow of the Eagle"


"Bahama Crisis" *** "The Enemy" *** "Flyaway" *** "The Freedom Trap" *** "The Golden Keel" *** "High Citadel" *** "Juggernaut" *** "Landslide" *** "Night of Error" *** "Running Blind" *** "The Snow Tiger" *** "The Spoilers" *** "The Tightrope Men" *** "The Vivero Letter" **** "Wyatt's Hurricane"

BAGLEY, MICHAEL "The Plutonium Factor"

BAHNSON, JR., AGNEW H. "The Stars are too High"

BAHR, EDITH - JANE "A Nice Neighbourhood"

BAILEY,F. LEE "Cleared for the Approach" *** "The Defense Never Rests" *** "Secrets"

BAILEY, JACK H. "The Icarus Complex”;

BAILEY, H.C. "The Bishop's Crime" *** "Mr. Fortune Please"


BAIN, DONALD "The Control of Candy Jones"

BAINBRIDGE, BERYL – The Dressmaker; *** Winter Garden;

BAINBRIDGE, CHUCK "The Hard Corps - #NN The Hard Corps; *** Hard Corps: Beirut Contact *** #4 Slave Trade"

BAIR, PATRICK "Open Your Hand and Close Your Eyes"

BAKER, ELLIOT "Klynt's Law"

BAKER, F. ROBERT "Warhead"

BAKER, HOWARD "The Big Steal" *** "The Cellar Boys" *** The Charge is Treason; *** Every Man an Enemy; ** Sexton Blake the Fugitive; ***"Treason By Truth"

BAKER, IVON "Grave Doubt"

BAKER JR., LEDRU “....And Be My Love” **** "The Cheaters' **** “The Preying Streets”



BAKER, SAMM SINCLAIR "Murder, Very-Dry" *** "One Touch of Blood"

BAKER, W. HOWARD "The Dirty Game" *** "Night of the Wolf" *** "The Rape of Berlin"

BAKOS, SUSAN CRAIN "Appointment for Murder"


"The Anatomy of Villany" *** "The Fall of the Sparrow" *** "Fatal Fascination" *** "Mine Own Executioner" *** "The Small Back Room" *** "A Sort of Traitors"

BALDACCI, DAVID "Absolute Power" *** The Christmas Train; *** Last Man Standing; *** "Saving Faith" *** Simple Genius; *** The Simple Truth; *** "Total Control"

BALDRIDGE, H. DAVID "Shark Attack"

BALDWIN, HANSON W. "Sea Fights and Shipwrecks"

BALDWIN, LINTON - “Sinners' Game”

BAILEY, BRIAN "Montengrin Gold”;


"Chief Tallon and the S.O.R." *** "The First Team" *** "Five Pieces of Jade' *** "In the Heat of the Night" *** "Judo Boy" *** "Last Plane Out" *** Police Chief *** "Rescue Mission"

BALLARD, MIGNON F. "Cry at Dusk"

BALLARD, P.D. "Brothers in Blood" *** "The Death Brokers"



"Chance Elson" *** "Dealing Out Death" *** "Murder Can't Stop" *** "Murder las Vegas Style' *** "Pretty Miss Murder" *** "The Seven Sisters" *** "Three for the Money" *** "Walk in Fear"


"Alberta Alone" *** "The Devil's Lighter" *** "The Judas Conspiracy" *** Manchineel; *** "The Moon Pool" *** "Sacrifice Play"

BALLENGER, DEAN W, - Terror at Sea;


"Beacon in the Night" *** "The Beautiful Trap" *** "The Body in the Bed" *** "The Body Beautiful" *** "The Chinese Mask" *** "The Corsican" *** "The Darkening Door" *** "Heist Me Higher" *** "The Longest Second' *** "Not I, Said the Vixen" *** "Portrait in Smoke" *** "The Source of Fear" *** "The Spy at Angkor Wat" *** "The Spy at Angkor Wat" *** "The Spy in Bangkok" *** "The Spy in the Java Sea" *** "The Spy in the Jungle" *** "The Tooth and the Nail" *** "The Wife of the Red-Haired Man"


'I, The Hangman" *** "The Waters of Madness" *** "Women's Battalion"

BALSAMO, WILL / CARPOZI JR., GEORGE "Always Kill a Brother"

BALSIGER, DAVID – Lincoln Conspiracy (with Sellier jr., Charles E.);

BANDY, FRANKLIN "The Farewell Party"

BANKS, CAROLYN "Death by Dressage" *** Death on the Diagonal *** The Darkroom”;

BANKS, HAROLD K. "The Strangler"

BANKS, OLIVER "The Caravaggio Obsession"

BANKS, RAYMOND "Meet Me In Darkness"


"The Magic Man - #1The Magic Man" *** "The Magic Man - #3 Pipeline From Hell"


"Cadets - #4 Code Name: Stinger" *** "Cadets - #6 Code Name: Warriors" *** "Cadets #9 Code Name: Slingshot"

BANNISTER, PAT "Seven Votes for Death"

(No Editor) "The Bantam Sampler'


"Double Cross" *** "The Phantom Conspiracy" *** "The Secret List of Heinrich Roehm"

BARBER, ROWLAND "The Night They Raided Minsky's"

BARBETTE, J. "Death's Long Shadow" *** "Final Copy"

BARCLAY, IAN "The Crime Minister" *** 'The Crime Minister: Reprisal"

BARFOOT, JOAN "Dancing in the Dark"

BARING-GOULD, W.S. - “Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street”

BARK, CONRARD VOSS - ** See the Living Crocodiles; ** The Shepherd File;


"The Blood of Angels" *** "The Dragon in Spring" *** "The Straw Virgin"

BARKER, ANTHONY "The Man Next to Me"


BARKER,R.E. "Tendency to Corrupt"

BARKER, RICHARD "The Fatal Caress"


"Dragon Rising" *** "Lion's Fire" *** "Ninja Master #3 Borderland of Hell" *** "Ninja Master #4 Million Dollar Massacre" *** "Ninja Master #6 Death's Door" ***

"Ninja Master #7 The Skin Swindle" *** "Ninja Master #8 Only the Good Die” *** "Phoenix Sword" *** "Serpent's Eye"*** "War of the Ninja Master #1 The Kohga Ritual *** War of the Ninja Master #2 The Shibo Discipline **** "War of the Ninja Master #4 The Zakka Slaughter"


BARLAY, STEPHEN "Blockbuster"

BARLING, TOM "Bergman's Blitz”; *** Bikini Red North;

BARLOW, JAMES "The Burden of Proof" *** "The Hour of Maximum Danger" *** "Liner" *** "One Man in the World" *** "The Protagonists" *** "Term of Trial" *** "This Side of the Sky"

BARLOW, JAMES "Troubled Waters"

BARLOW, ROGER "Danger at Mormon Crossing”;

BARNARD, ALLEN "The Harlot Killer"


The Case of the Missing Bronte” *** "Death and the Princess" *** "Death by Sheer Torture" *** "Death of a Mystery Writer" *** Death of a Perfect Mother *** "A Fatal Attachment" *** Fete Fatale”*** Political Suicide; *** “A Scandal in Belgravia”;

BARNES, DALLAS "'See the Woman'" *** "Yesterday is Dead"

BARNES, LINDA "Cities of the Dead” *** “Coyote" *** The Snake Tattoo *** A Trouble of Fools;

BARNES, MARGARET ANNE "Murder in Coweta County"

BARNETT, JAMES "Marked for Destruction"

BARNS, GLENN M. "Deadly Summer" *** "Masquerade in Blue" *** "Only the Losers Win"

BARON, ROBERT "Storm Rider"

BARON, STANLEY "All My Enemies" *** "End of the Line"

BARONE, MIKE "Crazy Joe"

BARR, JUSTIN "Hellinger's Law”;

BARR, ROBERT "The Dark Island" *** "The Edge of the Forest"



BARRETT, MICHAEL DENNIS "Asylum and Circus" *** "The Reward" *** "Task of Destruction"

BARRETT, NEAL JR. "Bad Eye Blues”;


BARRON, D.G. "The Zilov Bombs"

BARRON, HUGH "The Big Score" *** "Bonnie" *** "Fun City"

BARRON, JOHN "KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents" *** "KGB Today"

BARRY, IRIS 'The House of Deadly Night"

BARRY, JEROME "Murder is no Accident"

BARRY JOE ** Three for the Money; 'The Triple Cross"


"The Lone Wolf - #1 Night Raider" *** "The Lone Wolf #5 Havana Hit" *** "The Lone Wolf #11 Detroit Massacre; *** "The Lone Wolf #12 Phoenix Inferno"

BARTH, RICHARD **One Dollar Death; ** "A Ragged Plot”;

BARTHEL, JOAN "A Death in California" *** "A Death in Canaan"

BARTHELME, DONALD - “Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts”


BARTLETT, MARIE "Trooper Down!"

BARTON, BEVERLY – Every Move She makes;

BARTON, GEORGE - “More Real Spies”

BARTRAM, GEORGE "The Aeliam Fragment" *** "A Job Abroad" *** Under the Freeze *** “White Peril”;

BARWICK, JAMES "Shadow of the Wolf"

BAR-ZOHAR, MICHAEL "Brothers” *** The Deadly Document" *** "The Third Truth"

BASILE, GLORIA VITANZA "Global 2000 - #1 Eye of the Eagle" ***

"Global 2000 - #2 The Jakal Helix"

BASINSKY, EARLE "The Big Steal" *** "Death is a Cold, Keen Edge

BASS, MILTON R. - *** The Doctor Who Made House Calls;

BASS, RONALD "The Emerald Illusion" *** "Lime's Crisis"

BATES, H.E. "The Cruise of the Breadwinner and Dear Life" *** "The Purple Plain"

BATTEN, JACK "Crang Plays the Ace" *** "Straight No Chaser"

BATTIN, B.W. "The Creep"

BAUGH, JACK W. / MORGAN, JEFFERSON "Why Have they Taken Our Children?"


BAVIN, BILL "The Extortionists"

BAWDEN, NINA "Devil by the Sea" ** Rebel on a Rock; *** "The Solitary Child"

BAX, ROGER "Disposing of Henry" *** "The Trouble With Murder" *** "Two if By Sea"


"The Affair at Royalties” *** “The Dorothy Parker Murder Case" *** "A Parade of Cockeyed Creatures" *** "A Queer Kind of Death" *** "Swing Low, Sweet Harriet' *** "Topsy and Evil"

BAXTER, JOHN "The Black Yacht" *** "A Foreign Affair" *** "The Hermes Fall"

BAXTER, PHILIP – Critical Mass;

BAXTER, TERRY – Hailstone;

BAYER, WILLIAM "Switch" *** "Wallflower"

BAYNE, NEIL "Inoculate!”;



"Hand of the Mafia" *** "Meet Morocco Jones" *** 'Morocco Jones (Case of the Golden Angel)" *** "The Peeping Tom Murders'


BEACH, EDWARD L. "Cold is the Sea"

BEACH, STEWART "This Week's Stories of Mystery and Suspense (Ed.)"

BEAIRD, DICK "Sweet Revenge"

BEAM, MAURICE "It's a Racket"

BEAN, C.N. - A Soul to Take;

BEARDMORE, GEORGE - ** Lesley's Great Adventure;

BEARE, GEORGE "The Bloody Sun at Noon"

BEASON, DOUG "Strike Eagle"


"Agatha Raison and the Potted Gardener" *** “Agatha Raisin and the Terrible Tourist” *** Agatha Raisin and the Wizard of Evesham *** Death of a Celebrity *** “Death of a Charming Man” *** "Death of a Glutton" *** "Death of a Perfect Wife" *** "Death of a Snob" *** A Highland Christmas;

BEATTY, ELIZABETH "The Jupiter Missile Mystery”;

BEATY, DAVID "Cone of Silence" *** "The Proving Flight"


BECK, K. K. - Young Mrs. Cavendish and the Kaiser's Men;


BECKER, SIDNEY "Law Enforcement Inc."

BECKER, STEPHEN "The Chinese Bandit" *** "A Covenant With Death" *** "Dog Tags" *** "Juice"


BECKET, HENRY S.A. - “The Dictionary of Espionage”


BEECHING, JACK "The Dakota Project"

BEECHCROFT, WILLIAM "Position of Ultimate Trust"


"Coffin for One' *** "Heads off at Midnight" *** "Hell Let Loose" *** "The Nine Waxed Faces"

BEESLY, PATRICK "Very Special Intelligence"

BEEVOR, ANTONY - “The Faustian Pact”

BEHAN, BREANDAN "The Scarpered"

BEHM, MARC "The Eye of the Beholder"

BEHN, NOEL 'Big Stick-up at Brinks!" *** "The Kremlin Letter' *** Seven Silent Men;

BEINHART, LARRY "You Get What you Pay For"

BELBENOIT, RENE "I Escaped from Devil's Island"

BELL, ABBAN "Out of Circulation"

BELL, GERARD "Villains Galore"

BELL, JAY "One More Time"


"Bones in the Barrow" *** "Death at the Medical Board" *** "Death in Retirement" *** "Double Doom" *** "Easy Prey" *** "A Flat Tyre in Fulham" *** "Murder on the Merry-Go-Round" *** "Room for a Body" *** “Stranger on a Cliff” **** "Wolf! Wulf!"

BELL, NEIL "The Truth About my Father" *** "Who Walk in Fear"

BELL, SALLIE LEE "The Barrier' *** "The Long Search"

BELL, VEREEN "'Swamp Water" *** "Trial by Marriage"

BELL, WILLIAM – Forbidden City;

BELLAH, JAMES "Imperial Express" *** "Stood a Man"

BELLAIRS, GEORGE "Corpse at the Carnival"

BELLAMAN, HENRY "Victoria Grandolet"

BELLAMY, JEAN "The Prisoner of Ingecliff"

BELLI, MELVIN M. "'Ready for the Plaintiff!'"

BBELLINI, JON "Child's Prey”;

BELSKY,R.G. "Loverboy"


BENASSI, MARK "The Thor Option"

BENCHLEY, NATHANIEL "Catch a Falling Spy" *** "The Hunter's Moon" *** “The Russians are Coming, The Russians Are Coming”; *** "Sail a Crooked Ship"

BENCHLEY, PETER "The Deep" *** "The Girl of the Sea of Cortez" *** "Island" *** "Jaws"

BENDER JR., WILLIAM "Tokyo Intrigue"

BENEDICT, STEWART H. "The Crime Solvers (Ed.)" *** "Street Beat"

BENET, JAMES "A Private Killing"

BEN-HANAN, ELI "Our Man in Damascus: Elie Cohn"

BENISON, C.C. - Death at Sandringham House;

BENJAMIN, PAUL "Squeeze Play"


BENNETT, FLETCHER "The Way of a Dame'

BENNETT, GEORGE "Turning Point (Ed.)" *** "Great Tales of Action and Adventure (Ed.)"

BENNETT, HAL "Lord of Dark Places"

BENNETT, JANICE - “House of Athena”


"The Birthday Murderer" *** "The Dangling Witness" "The Dark Corridor" *** "Death Grip" *** "Deathman, Do Not Follow Me" *** "The Executioner" *** "The Killing Tree" *** "Murder Money" *** "The Skeleton Man"

BENNETT, KEM "Dangerous Knowledge" *** "The Devil's Current"

BENNETT, LIZA "Madison Avenue Murder"

BENNETT, ROBERT D. "Sector 12"

BEN-PORAT / HABER / SCHIFF "Entebbe Rescue"


"The Affair of the Exotic Dancer" *** "Alibi at Dusk" *** "Beware the Pale Horse" *** "The Black Mirror" *** "The Blonde in Black" *** "Broken Shield" *** "The Burning Fuse" *** The End of Violence" **8 "The Frightened Ladies" *** "The Girl in the Cage" ***

"Lily in her Coffin" *** "The Running Man" *** "Seven Steps East" *** "The Silver Cobweb" *** "Stamped for Murder" *** "Target in Taffeta" *** "The Venus Death"

BENSON, EUGENE P. "The Bulls of Ronda"

BENSON, O.G. "Cain's Woman"


BENTHAM, ALAN "Sex Crimes and Sex Criminals"

BENTLEY, E.C. "The Chill" *** "Trent Intervenes" *** "Trent's Last Case"


"The Floating Dutchman" *** "Inside Information" *** "Third Party Risk" *** "The Tongue-Tied Canary"


"Craig and the Jaguar" *** "Craig and the Tunisian Tangle" *** "A Single Monstrous Act" ***

"Sole Agent"

BERCKMAN, EVELYN "The Crown Estate" *** "The Evil of Time" *** "House of Terror" *** "Stalemate" *** "Wait, Just You Wait' *** "Worse than Murder"

BERG, LOUIS "Prison Nurse"

BERGEN, NOMI "Dreams to Keep"

BERGER, THOMAS "Crazy in Berlin" *** "Reinhart in Love"

BERGMAN, ANDREW – Hollywood and LeVine;

BERGMAN, LEE “Dark Violence” **** "Walk Softly, Walk Deadly"


BERGSTROM, ELAINE "Shattered Glass"

BERKELEY, ANTHONY "The Poisoned Chocolates Case" ***

"Trial and Error"

BERLINER, ROSS "The Manhood Ceremony"

BERMAN, SUSAN "Easy Street"

BERNARD, JUDD "Inside Out"

BERNARD, TREVOR "Brightlight"

BERNAU, GEORGE - “Promises to Keep”

BERNE, KARIN "False Impressions"


BERNHARD, ROBERT "The Ullman Code"


BERNKOPF, JEANNE F. "The Menace Masters (Ed.)"

BERNSTEIN, CARL / WOODWARD, BOB "All the President's Men"

BERRY, JOHN 'Don't Betray Me" *** "The Flute of Love"

BERRY, STEVE - *** The Third Secret;

BERSON, FRED "After the Big House"

BESNARD, MARIE "The Trial of Maire Besnard"

BEST, STAN "The Green Whale of the Amazon"

BESTE, R. VERNON "The Moonbeams"

BESTIC, CAPTAIN A.A. "Kicking Canvas"


BETHANCOURT, T. ERNESTO "Doris Fein: Superspy"

BETTS, DORIS 'Heading West"

BEYER, WILLIAM "Murder Secretary"

BEZZERIDES, A.I. "They Drive by Night" *** "Thieve's Market"


"The Apple Dumpling Gang" *** "Breakfast at Wimbledon" *** "The Invisible Plague" *** "The Regensburg Legacy” *** Twister"

BIER, JESSIE "Trial at Bannock"



"Agony Column" *** "Behind That Curtain" *** "The Black Camel" *** "The Chinese Parrot" *** "The House Without a Key"

BINGHAM, CARSON - “It Happened in Hawaii” *** “The Loves of Dr. Devere” *** * Payola Woman” **** “Run Touch, Run Hard” **** “The Street is my Beat”


"The Double Agent" *** "Fiver Roundabouts to Heaven" *** "A Fragment of Fear" *** "Murder is a Witch" *** "Murder Plan Six" *** "My Name is Michael Sibley" *** "Night's Black Agent" *** "The Paton Street Case" ***

"The Tender Poisoner" *** "The Third Skin"

BINGLEY, MARGARET "Time to Kill" *** "To Die For"

BIRACREE, TOM "The Red Berets" *** "The Torch"

BIRD, BRANDON "Dead and Gone" *** "Death in Four Colors"

BIRD, HEATHER "Conspiracy to Murder" **** “Not Above the Law: The Tragic Story of Joann Wilson and Colin Thatcher”;

BIRD, SARAH McCABE "Do Evil Cheerfully"

BIRKETT, LORD "Six Great Advocates"

BIRMINGHAM, STEPHEN - *** The Grandees;



BISHOP, GEORGE "Destination: Death" *** "Witness to Evil"

BISHOP, JIM "The Day Lincoln was Shot" *** "the Murder Trial of Judge Peel"

BISHOP, LEONARD - “The Butchers”

BISSELL, RICHARD "High Water" *** "A Stretch on the River"

BISSLAND, TED "Buxbaum" *** Death Shift;

BISSOONDATH, NEIL - “A Casual Brutality”

BLACK, CAMPBELL "Asterick Destiny" *** Raiders of the Lost Ark;

BLACK, FREDERICK "Murder at the Met”;

BLACK, GAVIN "The Eyes Around Me" *** "Gale Force" *** "Killer Moon"

BLACK, JOHN D.F. "Trouble Man"


BLACK, LIONEL "The Bait" *** "The Lady is a Spy" *** "The Life and Death of Peter Wade"

BLACK, THOMAS "Million Dollar Murder"

BLACKBURN, BARBARA "City of Forever"

BLACKBURN, JOHN - ** Broken Boy; "Dead Man Running" *** "The Reluctant Spy" *** "A Scent of New-Moon Hay" *** "A Sour Apple Tree" *** "A Wreath of Roses"

BLACKER, IRWIN R. "The Kilroy Gambit"

BLACKMORE, JANE "Tears in Paradise" *** "A Woman on Her Own"

BLACKSTOCK, CHARITY "Dewey Death" *** "The Foggy, Foggy Dew" *** "A House Possessed" *** Mr. Christopoulos;

BLACKSTOCK, LEE "The Woman in the Woods"

BLAIR JR., CLAY "Survive!"


BLAIR, MARCIA 'The Final Fair" *** "The Final Guest" ** The Final Pose; ** The Final Ring; *** "The Final Target"

BLAISDELL, ANNE - ** No Evil Angel;

BLAKE, CHRISTINA "A Fragrant Death"

BLAKE, EDITH "The Making of the Movie JAWS"

BLAKE, ELEANOR "Death Down East"


"The Beast Must Die" *** "The Case of the Abominable Snowman" *** End of Chapter; *** "Head of a Traveller" *** "A Penknife in my Heart" ** The Private Wound; *** "A Question of Proof" *** "The Sad Variety" *** "The Smiler With the Knife' *** "A Tangled Web" *** "There's Trouble Brewing" ** Thou Shell of Death; ***"The Whisper in the Gloom" *** The Widow's Cruise" *** "The Worm of Death"

BLAKE, ROGER "Caper at Canaveral"

BLANC, SUZANNE "The Yellow Villa"

BLANCO, L.W. "Spykill"


BLANKENSHIP, WILLIAM D. "The Leavenworth Irregulars"

BLANKFORT, MICHAEL "Behold the Fire" *** "The Juggler"

BLASHFIELD, JEAN F. - Why They Killed;

BLAUNER, PETER 'The Intruder" *** Man of the Hour;

BLEDSOE, JERRY "Before He Wakes"

BLOCK, LAWRENCE "Not Comin' Home to You”;

BLOCK, THOMAS H. "Skyfall”;

BLOCH, ROBERT – See all Genre Listings in SF, Fantasy & HORROR Paperbacks area of our Website;


"Bengal Fire" *** "Blow-down" *** "Bombay Mail" *** "Death Walks in Marble Halls" *** "Diagnosis: Homicide" *** "Midnight Sailing" *** "Recipe for Homicide" *** "See You at the Morgue" *** "Wives to Run"

BLOCK, C. BURKE "Art for Keeps"

BLOCK, EUGENE B. "Great Train Robberies of the West the Vindicators"


"The Burglar in the Closet" *** "The Burglar in the Library" *** Burglars Can't Be Choosers; *** "The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza' *** "The Cancelled Czech" *** “Deadly Honeymoon” **** "Eight Million Ways to Die" *** "The Girl With the Long Green Heart" *** "In the Midst of Death" *** A Long Line of Dead Men *** Out on the Cutting Edge; *** "The Sins of the Fathers" *** "Sometimes They Bite" *** "The Specialist" *** "A Slab in the Dark" *** "Such Men are Dangerous" *** “Tanner's Tiger” **** "Tanner's Twelve Swinger's" *** "The Thief Who Couldn't Sleep" *** "Time To Murder and Create"

BLOCK, LIBBIE "Bedevilled"

BLOCK, THOMAS H. "Forced Landing" *** "Mayday" *** "Orbit"



BLOOD, MATTHEW "The Avenger"

BLOODWORTH, DENNIS "Any Number Can Play"

BLOOM, HARRY "Whittaker's Wife"

BLOOM, JOHN / ATKINSON, JIM "Evidence of Love"

BLOOM, URSULA "The Girl Who Loved Crippen"

BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT "When Strangers Meet"

BLUM, DEBORAH – Bad Karma: a True Story of Obsession and Murder;

BLUM, HOWARD "Wanted! The Search for Nazis in America"

BLUM, NEIL ELLIOTT "The Hills of Creation"


"Blood Red Gold" *** "He Couldn't Refuse" *** "A Killer in my Mind"

BLUMENFELD, HAROLD 'Sacco and Vanzetti"

BLUMENTHAL, RALPH – Last Days of the Sicilian: The FBI's War Against the Mafia;

BLUNDEN, GODFREY "A Room on the Route"

BOARDMAN, NEIL S. "The Wine of Violence"

BOBKER, LEE R. "The Unicorn Group"

BOCCA, GEOFFREY "Amanda in Spain" *** "Who Killed Sir Harry Oakes?"


BODELSEN, ANDERS "One Down" *** "Think of a Number"

BODEN, HILDA 'The Mystery of Castle Croome"

BODSWORTH, FRED "The Sparrow's fall"

BOGAR, JEFF 'My Gun, Her Body" *** "The Tigress"

BOGARDE, DIRK "A Gentle Occupation" *** "West of Sunset"

BOGDANOVICH, PETER "The Killing of the Unicorn: Dorothy Stratten 1960 - 1980"


BOHLE, EDGAR "The Man Who Disappeared"


BOK, CURTIS "Star Wormwood"

BOLAND, JOHN 'Counterpool"

BOLES, PAUL DARCY - “All that Love Allows”

BOLGER, DANIEL - “Fest of Bones”

BOLITHO, WILLIAM "Murder for Profit"

BONANNO, BILL – Bound by Honor: A Mafioso's Story;

BONANNA, JOSEPH "A Man of Honor"

BOND, EVELYN "House of Shadows" *** "The Venetian Secret"

BOND, LARRY 'Cauldron; *** “Red Phoenix" *** Vortex;

BOND, MICHAEL 'Monsieur Pamplemousse" *** "Monsieur Pamplemousse on the Spot" *** "Monsieur Pamplemousse Stands Firm"

BOND, RAYMOND T. "Handbook for Poisoners"

BOND, WALTER "The Kill Squad"

BONETT, JOHN AND EMERY "Dead Lion" *** "No Grave for a Lady"

BONHAM, FRANK "By Her Own Hand" **** “Durango Street” **** “The Nitty Gritty”

BONINGTON, CHRIS "Annapurna South Face" *** "Everest the Hard Way"


"Dead Reckoning" *** "The King is Dead On Queen Street" *** "A Rope Of Sand"

BONNECARRERE, PAUL "The Golden Triangle" *** "Ultimatum"


BONNER, PAUL HYDE "Ambassador Extraordinary" *** "Hotel Talleyrand"

BOOKER, JEAN - “Mystery House”

BOONE, JACK "Backwoods Woman"

BOORE, W.H. "The Valley and The Shadow"

BOOTH, CHARLES "The General Died at Dawn"

BOOTH, ERNEST "With Sirens Screaming"

BOOTON, KAGE "The Trouble House"

BORDEN, LEE "The Devil's Whisper" **** “The Secret of Sylvia”

BORDEN, MARY "You, the Jury"

BORGENICHT, MIRIAM "Margin for Doubt" *** "Still Life"

BORTHWICK, J.S. "The Case of the Hook-Billed Kites"

BORTON, DELLA "Fade to Black"


BOSANQUET, DAVID 'Escape Through China"

BOSHELL, GORDON "The Mending Money Makers"


BOSWELL, JOHN 'The Blue Pheasant'


"Curriculum of Murder" *** "The Girl in Lover's Lane" *** "The Girl With the Scarlet Brand" *** "Surrender to Love"

BOSWORTH, ALLAN R. - “Only the Brave”

BOSWORTH, JIM "Speed Demon"

BOTEIN, BERNARD "The Prosecutor"

BOTTOME, PHYLLIS "The Mortal Storm"

BOTTUME, CARL "Sailor's Choice"


The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars” *** "The Case of the Crumpled Knave" *** "The Case of the Seven Sneezes" *** "The Case of the Solid Key" *** "The Pocket Book of True Crime Stories (Ed.)" *** "Rocket to the Morgue"

BOULLE, PIERRE – Face of a Hero; *** Saving Face; *** S.O.P.H.I.A.;

BOURGEAU, ART 'The Elvis Murders" *** "A Lonely Way to Die" *** 'The Seduction"

BOURJAILY, VANCE "The Hound of Earth"

BOURKE, SEAN "Springing of George Blake"

BOUTELL, ANITA "Death has a Past"

BOWART, W.H. "Operation Mind Control"

BOWDEN, SUSAN "Say Goodbye to Daddy"

BOWE, BARRY - “Born to be Wild”

BOWEN, GAIL "Deadly Appearances" *** "A Killing Spring" *** "Verdict in Blood" *** “The Wandering Soul Murders”;

BOWEN, JOHN "After the Rain"

BOWEN, PETER – Coyote Wind;

BOWEN, RHYS – Evan's Gate;

BOWEN, ROBERT SIDNEY Hot Rod Rodeo *** "Make Mine Murder" *** "Silent Wings"

BOWEN, WALTER S. / NEAL, HARRY EDWARD "The United States Secret Service"

BOWLES, PAUL "The Delicate Prey" *** "Let it Come Down"

BOWLING, JACKSON M. "In the Line of Fire"

BOWSER, JIM "No Sanctuary"

BOX, EDGAR "Death Before Bedtime" *** "Death in the Fifth Position" *** "Death Likes it Hot"

BOYD, EUNICE MAYS "Murder Wear Mukluks"

BOYD, WILLIAM - *** The New Confessions;

BOYER, RICHARD L. - “The Giant Rat of Sumatra”

BOYER, RICK "The Penny Ferry"


BOYLAN, ELEANOR – Murder Machree;

BOYLE, ANDREW "The Fourth Man"

BOYNE, WALTER J. - “Trophy for Eagles”

BRACKEEN, STEVE "Baby Moll' *** "Danger in my Blood"

BRACKETT, LEIGH - ** An Eye for an Eye;

BRADDON, RUSSELL "The Finalist" *** "Will You Walk a Little Faster?"

BRADFORD, BARBARA TAYLOR - *** Act of Will; *** Emma's Secret; *** Everything to Gain; *** Hold the Dream; *** Love in Another Town; *** Power of a Woman; *** Remember; *** To Be the Best; *** The Triumph of Katie Byrne; *** The Women in His Life; *** A Woman of Substance;

BRADFORD, JOHN S. "Faded Tattoos”;

BRADLEY, DAVID "No Place to Hide"


BRADLEY, MICHAEL "The Blood Bargain" *** "The Corsican Cross" *** "Imprint" ***

"Kill the Hack!" *** "The Man-touche Factor" *** "The Swiss Shot"

BRADY, JAMES "Paris One"

BRADY, LEO "The Edge of Doom"

BRADY, MATT "Take Your Last Look"

BRADY, MICHAEL "American Surrender”; *** “The Coda Alliance"

BRADY, NICHOLAS "Bad Guy" *** "Inside Job" *** "The Master Planner" *** "Shark Fighter"

BRAHAM, HAL "Call Me Deadly"

BRAHMS, CARYL / SIMON S.J. "A Bullet in the Ballet"

BRAINE, JOHN "The Jealous God" *** "The Pious Agent"


BRALY, MALCOLM "The Protector"

BRAMMER, WILLIAM - “The Gay Place”

BRANCATO, ROBIN F. "Blinded by the Light"

BRANCH, PAMELA "Lion in the Cellar" *** "Murder Every Monday" *** "Murder's Little Sister" *** "The Wooden Overcoat"


"Cat and Mouse" *** "Death in High Heels"*** "Green for Danger" ***

"Heads You Lose" *** "Suddenly at his Residence" *** "Tour de Force"

BRAND, MILLEN "The Outward Room"

BRANDEL, MARC "Maniac Rendezvous" *** "The Moron" *** "The Time of the Fire"


BRANDNER, GARY "Cat People" *** "Quintana Roo" *** "The Sterling Standard"

BRANDON, JOSEPH "Paradise in Flames"

BRANDT, ROGER "The Death Connection"

BRANDT, TOM - “Run, Brother, Run!”

BRANNON, W.T. 'The Crooked Cops" *** "'Yellow Kid' Weil-Con Man"

BRANSCUM, ROBBIE "Toby, Granny and George”;

BRANSTON, FRANK "An Up and Coming Man"

BRASHLER, WILLIAM "The Chosen Prey" **** “City Dogs” *** 'The Don"

BRASSELLE, KEEFE "The Cannibals"

BRATTES, LEO "Forbidden"

BRAUDY, SUSAN "Who Killed Sal Mineo?"

BRAUN, HANS MARTIN - ** Flight over the Border;

BRAUN, LILIAN JACKSON – The Cat Who Moved a Mountain; *** The Cat Who Played Post Office; *** The Cat Who Put Four in a Box (Empty Box for Box Set); *** The Cat Who Went Underground;

BRAUN, M.G. "Apostles of Violence" *** "The Girl From Istanbul" *** "Operation Jealousy"


"The Clock Strikes 13" *** "The Danger the Night" *** "Dead Sure" *** "Hardly a Man is Now Alive" *** The Traces of Brillhart" *** "Wilders Walk Away"

BRENNAN, ALICE "Circle of Fear"


"Badge of Honor" **** “Cathy's Way” **** “Doomed Sinner” *** "The Godfather Killer" *** "Insurrection" *** “No Sense of Shame” **** “Sleep with Me!” **** "Third Time Down" **** “The Velvet Rut”

BRENNAN, LOUIS A. "Death at Flood Tide"

BRENT, A.D. "The Organization"

BRENT, MADELEINE "A Heritage of Shadows"


"The Liquidator - #1 The Liquidator" *** "The Liquidator - #2 Contract for a Killing" ***

"The Liquidator - #3 The Cocaine Connection" *** "The Liquidator - #4 Invitation to a Strangling" *** "The Liquidator - #NN The Exchange"

BRENTON, MYRON "The Privacy Invaders"

BRESLER, FENTON "The Chinese Mafia"


"Forsaking all Others" *** ".44" *** "The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight" *** "World Without End, Amen"


BRETT, MARTIN "Blondes are my Trouble" *** "Flee From Terror" *** "Hot Freeze"


"An Ear for Murder" *** "Another Day, Another Stiff" *** "Dead, Upstairs in the Tub" *** "Diecast" *** "The Flight of the Stiff" *** "Jungle" *** "Kill Him Quickly, It's Raining" *** "Lie a Little, Die a Little" *** "Slit My Throat, Gently" *** "Turn Blue, You Murderers" *** "We, the Killers"


"Cast in Order of Disappearance" *** "A Comedian Dies" *** "The Dead Side of the Mike” *** Murder in the Museum *** A Nice Class of Corpse *** “So Much Blood”; *** “Star Trap"

BREWER, GIL Backward Tease” **** "Little Tramp" *** "The Tease" *** "13 French Street" **** “The Vengeful Virgin”


BREZ, E.M. "Those Dark Eyes"

BRIGHTWELL, EMILY "Mrs. Jeffries on the Trail"

BRINK, ANDRE P. - Looking on Darkness;

BRINKLEY, JOEY "The Circus Master's Mission"

BRISTOW, BOB - “Sin Street”

BRITAIN, DAN – Civil War II;

BROCK, STUART "Death is my Lover" *** "Just Around the Coroner" *** "Killer's Choice"


"The Ambassador and the Sky" *** "The Revolution" *** "The Spy" *** "The World of Luke Simpson"

BROOKE, JOSHUA "Just a Little Inconvenience"

BROOKE, RICHARD "The Producer"

BROOKS, WIN "the Shining Tides"

BROPHY, JOHN "Turn the Key Softly" *** "Waterfront"


BROTHERS, WILLIAM P. "Morocco Episode"

BROUWER, SIGMUND "Scarlet Thunder”;

BROWN, ARNOLD R. - *** Lizzie Borden;

BROWN, DANIEL "The Subject of Harry Egypt"

BROWN, CARTER (Pseudonym of Alan Geoffrey Yates; aka; Peter Carter-Brown)

"And the Undead Sing" *** "Angel!" *** "The Angry Amazons" *** "The Aseptic Murders" *** "The Black Lace Hangover" *** "The Blonde" *** "The Blonde / Girl in a Shroud" *** "Blonde on a Broomstick" *** "Blonde on the Rocks" *** "The Body" *** "The Bombshell" ** The Born Loser; *** "The Brazen" *** "The Brazen / The Stripper" *** "The Bump and Grind Murders" *** "Burden of Guilt" *** "Busted Wheeler" *** "Catch Me a Phoenix!" *** "Catch Me A Phoenix! / Nymph to the Slaughter" *** “Charlie Sent Me” **** "Chinese Donavan" *** "The Clown" *** "The Coffin Bird" *** "The Corpse" *** "A Corpse for Christmas" *** "The Coven" *** "The Coven / The Creative Murders' *** "The Creative Murders' *** "The Dame" *** "The Deadly Kitten" *** "Death to a Downbeat' *** "The Deep Cold Green" *** "The Desired" *** "Donavan" *** "The Dream is Deadly" *** "The Dream is Deadly / The Savage Salome" *** "The Dream Merchant" *** "The Dumdum Murder" *** "The Dumdum Murder / The Hellcat" *** "The Early Boyd' *** "The Ever-loving Blues" *** "The Flagellator" *** "The Girl From Outer Space" *** "The Girl Who was Possessed" *** "A Good Year for Dwarfs?" *** "Graves, I Dig!" *** "Graves, i Dig!" *** "The Guilt-Edged Cage" *** "Had I But Groaned" *** "The Hammer of Thor" *** "The Hang-up Kid" *** "hellcat" *** "The Hong Kong Caper" *** "House of Sorcery" *** "the Ice-Cold Nude" *** "The Invisible Flamini" *** "The Iron Maiden" *** "The Jade-Eyed Jungle" *** "The Lady is Available" *** "The Lady is Transparent" *** "Lament for a Lousy Lover" *** "Long Time No Leola" *** "The Lover" *** "The Lover / The Bombshell" *** Lover, Don't Come Back!" *** "The Loving and the Dead" (Signet Pub, book #1654; 5/1959; 1st Printing; GGA {Good Girl Art} Painted cover by Barye Phillips; FN+ near new = $14); *** "Manhattan Cowboy" *** "The Master" *** "The Million Dollar Babe" *** "The Mini-Murders" *** "The Mistress" *** "A Murderer Among Us" *** "Murder in the Family Way" *** "Murder in the Key Club" *** "Murder is a Package Deal" *** "Murder is the Message" *** "Murder on High" *** "Murder Wears a Mantilla." (Signet Pub, book #S2048; 2/1962; 1st Printing; GGA {Good Girl Art} Painted cover by Robert McGinnis; FN = $12); *** "The Myopic Mermaid" *** "Negative in Blue" *** "The Never-Was Girl" *** "Night Wheeler" *** "None But the Lethal heart" *** "No Tears From the Widow" *** "Nude - With a View" *** "Nymph to the Slaughter" *** "Only the Very Rich' *** "The Passionate" *** "The Passionate Pagan" *** "Phreak-Out!" *** "The Pipes are Calling" *** "Play Now - Kill Later" *** "The Plush-lined Coffin" *** "The Pipes are Calling/ The Early Boyd; *** “The Pawnbroker" *** "Remember Maybelle?" *** "The Sad-Eyed Seductress" *** "The Savage Salome" *** "The Scarlet Flush" *** "Seidlitz and the Super-Spy" *** "The Seven Sirens" *** "The Sex Clinic" *** "Sex Trap' *** The Silken Nightmare" *** "The Something Wife" *** "So Move the Body" *** "So What Killed The Vampires?" *** "The Star-Crossed Lover" *** "The Strawberry-Blonde Jungle" *** "The Streaked-Blonde Slave" *** "The Stripper" *** "Suddenly by Violence" *** "The Swingers" *** "Target for Their Dark desire"" *** "The Temptress" *** "Terror Comes Creeping" *** "The Tigress" *** "The Tigress / Angel!" *** "Tomorrow is Murder" *** "True Son of the Beast!" *** "The Unorthodox Corpse" *** "Until Temptation Do Us Part" *** "The Up-Tight Blonde" *** "The Velvet Vixen' *** "The Victim' *** 'Walk Softly, Witch" *** "The Wanton" *** "The Wayward Wahine" *** "Wheeler Fortune" *** "Where Sid Charity Go?" *** "The White Bikini" *** "Who Killed Dr. Sex?' *** "W.H.O.R.E.!" *** "The Wicked Widow" *** "The Wind-Up Doll"

BROWN, DALE "Hammer Heads; *** Sky Masters" *** Tin Man;

BROWN, DAN – Angels & Demons; *** The Da Vinci Code; *** Digital Fortress;

BROWN, ELIZABETH "The Candle of the Wicked"


"The Bloody Moonlight" *** "Death Has Many Doors" *** "The Deep End" *** "The Fabulous Clipjoint" *** "The Far Cry" *** "Madball" *** "Mostly Murder" *** "The Murderers" *** "Night of the Jabberwock" *** "The Screaming Mimi" *** "We All Killed Grandma"

BROWN, GEORGE – The Double Tenth;


BROWN, HIMAN "Strange Tales from CBS Radio Mystery Theatre (Ed)"

BROWN, LORNE AND CAROLINE – An Unaurhorized History of the RCMP;

BROWN, MICHAEL "Marked to Die"


BROWN, RITA MAE AND SNEAKY PIE "Murder at Monticello" *** "Pay Dirt"

BROWN, SANDTA – Exclusive; *** A Kiss Remembered; *** Love Beyond Reason; *** Love's Encore; *** Not Even for Love; *** Play Dirty; *** Standoff; *** Sweet Anger; *** Tiger Prince; *** Tomorrow's Promise; *** White Hot;


"An Act of Passion" *** "Bedeviled" *** "Dark Drums" *** "The Hoods Ride In" *** “The Kept Man” *** "The Lonely Hearts Murders" *** "The Naked Hours" *** “Prison Girl” **** "They Died in the Chair" *** "Witness to Death" *** "Women of Evil"

BROWN, WILLIAM F. "Thursday at Noon"

BROWNE, DOUGLAS G. "Death Wears a Mask"

BROWNE, DOUGLAS G. / TULLETT, E.V. "Bernard Spilsbury"


"11 Harrowhouse" *** "Green Ice" *** "Hazard" *** "Hot Siberian" *** "19 Purchase Street" *** "Slide" *** "Stone 588" *** "West 47th"




BRUCE, J. CAMPBELL "Escape from Alcatraz"

BRUCE, JEAN "Photo Finish" *** "Shock Tactics"

BRUCE, JOHN "Airscream"

BRUCE, LEO "Case for Three Detectives"


BRUNNER, BERNARD "The Face of Night"

BRUNNER, JOHN "Wear the Butchers' Metal"


BRUSSEL M.D., JAMES A. "Casebook of a Crime Psychiatrist"

BRYAN, MICHAEL "Intent to Kill" *** "Murder in Majorca"

BRYANT, MATT "Cue for Murder"

BRYANT, WILL "Blue Russell” *** “Escape from Sonora"

BRYSON, JOHN "A Cry in the Dark" *** Evil Angels;

BUCCHI, KENNETH C. "C.I.A.: Cocaine in America?"


"The Courts of the Morning" *** "Greenmantle" *** "Mountain Meadow" *** "Preston John" *** "The Thirty-Nine Steps" *** "The Three Hostages"

BUCHANAN, EDNA "Margin of Error"

BUCHANAN, JACK – Stone M.I.A. Hunter: Saigon Slaughter;

BUCHANAN, PATRICK "A Murder of Crows; *** “A Parliament of Owls"

BUCHANAN, WILLIAM J. "Present Danger"

BUCHWALD, ART "A Gift from the Boys"

BUCK, FRANK / ANTHONY, EDWARD "Bring 'em Back Alive" *** "Wild Cargo"

BUCK, PETER "The Deadly Birdmen" *** "Operation Icicle" *** "Ready, Aim, Die" *** "School for Slaughter" *** "The Secret of San Felipe" *** "Thirteen for the Kill"


"High Jinx" *** "Saving the Queen" *** "See You Later Alligator" "Stained Glass" *** "The Story of Henri Tod" *** "Who's on First"

BUCKINGHAM, BRUCE "Boiled Alive" *** "Three Bad Nights"

BUCKINGHAM, NANCY "Call of Glengaron"

BUCKLEY JR, WILLIAM - *** See You Later Alligator;

BUELL, JOHN "Playground” *** “The Pyx" *** "The Shrewsdale Exit"

BUFFA, D.W. - “The Defence”


BUGLIOSI, VINCENT, with STADIEM, WILLIAM "Lullaby and Good Night"


BUGLIOSI, VINCENT, with HURWITZ, KEN "Shadow of Cain" *** "Till Death Us Do Part"

BULL, GEOFFREY T. - When Iron Gates Yield;

BULLETT, GERALD "The Jury" *** "The Trouble at Number Seven"

BULLER, HERMAN - “Quebec in Revolt”

BUNCE, FRANK "So Young a Body"

BUNIN, ED "Hack Number 777"

BUNKER, EDWARD "The Animal Factory" *** "No Beast So Fierce" *** "Straight Time"

BUNTING, EVE "A Sudden Silence”;

BURCH, JAMES – Lubyanka;

BURDICK, EUGENE "The Ninth Wave"


BURBRIDGE, PAUL – Lightning Sketches;

BURDEN, PAT "Screaming Bones”;

BURDEN, PETER "Warrior's Son"

BURGESS, ANTHONY "Honey for the bears" *** "Tremor of Intent"


BURKE, J.F. "Death Trick"

BURKE, J.W. / GRACE, EDWARD "Three Day Pass - To Kill"

BURKE, JAMES LEE "Black Cherry Blues" *** "Cadillac Jukebox; *** “Cimarron Rose" *** "Dixie City Jam" *** Heaven's Prisoners;

BURKE, JAN "Bones”;

BURKE, JOHN "The Angry Silence" ** Gossip to the Grave; *** "The System" *** "The Trap"

BURKE, JONATHAN "Goodbye, Gillian"

BURKE, LURTON "The Dam and the River"

BURKE, NOEL "The Shivering Bough"

BURKE, RICHARD "Chinese Red" *** "Here Lies the Body"


BURLAND, BRIAN – The Sailor and the Fox;

BURLESON, CLYDE W. "The Jennifer Project"

BURLEY, W.J. "Death in Willow Patter" *** “Wycliffe and the Cycle of Death” *** *** "Wycliffe and the Scapegoat" ** Wycliffe and the Tangled Web;

BURMEISTER, JON "The Darkling Plain"

BURNETT, GEORGE – The Sheep and the Wolves;

BURNETT, HALLIE "Watch on the Wall"

BURNETT, JOHN "Fire on the Ice"


"The Asphalt Jungle" *** "Dark Hazard" *** "High Sierra" *** "Little Ceasar" ***

"Little Men, Big World" *** "Nobody LIves Forever" *** "Romelle" *** "Round the Clock at Volari's" *** "Tomorrow's Another Day" *** "Underdog" *** "Vanity Row"

BURNHAM, GRACIA – In the Presence of My Enemies (with Merrill, Dean);


"The Alvarez Journal" *** "The Avenging Angel" *** "The Farnsworth Score" *** "Ground Money" *** "Strip Search"

BURNS, ROBERT F. "I am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang"

BURROWS, M.D., RALPH "Vital Signs"

BURT, COMMANDER "Of Scotland Yard"

BURTON, ANNE "The Dear Departed"

BURTON, ANTHONY "The Coventry Option"

BURTON, CARL D. "Satan's Rock"

BUSBY, ROGER "New Face in Hell"

BUSCH, FRANCIS X. "Enemies of the State" *** "Prisoners at the Bar"

BUSCH, NIVEN "The Hate Merchant"


"The Case of the Second Chance" *** "The Case of the Tud or Queen"

BUSH, NANCY - *** Lisa Jackson Wicked Lies;


BUTLER, GERALD "Kiss the Blood Off my Hands" *** "The Lurking Man" *** Slippery Hitch;

BUTLER, GWENDOLINE "A Coffin for the Canary" *** "Coffin's Dark Number" *** "Olivia"

BUTLER, COLONEL JIMMIE H. "The Iskra Incident"


"Italian Assets" *** "Lift-Off at Satan" *** “Sharkbait” *** "South of Hell's Gates' *** "Where all the Girls are Sweeter"


BUTLER, WILLIAM "The Butterfly Revolution"



"The Man in the Sopwith Camel' *** "Remains to be Seen" *** "The Soundless Scream' *** "The Uneasy Sun'

BYRD, ELIZABETH "Rest Without Peace"

BYRNE, ROBERT "Skyscraper"

BYROM, JAMES "Or Be He Dead" *** "Take Only as Directed"

----( C )----

CABLE, GEORGE W. - Strange True Stories of Louisiana;

CADE, STEVEN "Barrington's Woman" *** "Slade's Marauder"

CAESAR, GENE - “Mark of the Hunter”

CAFFERTY, JAKE "Vic Merritt: Man of Justice - #1 Death on the Boardwalk"

CAGIN, SETH/ DRAY, PHILIP – We Are Not Afraid;

CAHILL, MARY "Carpool"

CAHILL, TIM with WING, RUSS "Buried Dreams"


"Almost Midnight" *** "Deathmate" *** "Encounter Three" *** "The Final Countdown" *** "Jericho 52" *** The Last Fathom; *** "Manfac" *** "The Mendelov Conspiracy" *** “Star Bright” *** "Three Corners to Nowhere"


"Afghan Assault" *** "Assault on Fellawi" *** "Assault on Kolchak" *** "Cairo Cabal" *** "Congo War Cry" *** "Dead Sea Submarine" *** "Death Charge" *** "Field of Women” *** The Hot Sun of Africa" *** "A Journey to Orassia" *** "Marseilles" *** "Mindanao Pearl" *** "Rampage" *** "Swamp War" *** Terror in Rio; *** "Tobin's War - #1 Dead Sea Submarine" *** "Tobin's War - #2 Terror in Rio" ** The Walls of Jolo; *** "Who'll Buy My Evil"


"The Butterfly" *** "Double Indemnity" *** "The Embezzler' *** "Galatea" *** "Jealous Woman" *** "Love's Lovely Counterfeit *** "The Magician's Wife" *** "Mignon" *** "Mildred Pierce" *** "The Postman Always Rings Twice"

CAIN, PAUL "Fast One" *** "Seven Slayer"

CAINE, HAMILTON T. "Carpenter, Detective"

CAIRD, JANET "Murder Scholastic"

CAINS, ALISON "Strained Relations"

CALDE, MARK A. "Shadowboxer"

CALEF, NOEL "Frantic"

CALIN, HAROLD "Mercenary: Genesis in the Desert"

CALLAGHAN, MORLEY "Close to the Sun Again" *** "More Joy in Heaven"

CALLAHAN, JAMES "The Carnation Killer"

CALLAHAN, JAY "The Age of Death" *** Night of the Wolf”

CALLENBACH, ERNEST "Ecotopia Emerging"

CALLISON, BRIAN "The Auriga Madness" *** "A Plague of Sailors" *** "Spearfish" ***

"Trapp's Peace" *** "A Web of Salvage"

CALNAN, T.D. "The Reluctant Spy"


"The DNA Business" *** "The Italian Gadget" *** "It's Different Abroad" *** "Take Two Popes"

CAMERON, BRUCE - “The Sins of Maria”


"The Court of the Stone Children" *** "The terrible Churnadryne" *** "The Young Widow"

CAMERON, KATE "Kiss Me Kill Me"



"Barca" *** "Before It's Too Late" *** "Behind the Scarlet Door" *** "California Split" ***

"The Closing Circle" *** "Code Seven" *** "Dekker" *** "The Dragon's Spine" ***

"The Empty Quarter" *** "File on a Missing Redhead" *** "Sky Riders" *** "Tancredi"

CAMERON, OWEN "The Butcher's Wife" *** "Catch a Tiger"


CAMP, WILLIAM - “Night Beat”

CAMPBELL, JOHN T. "Raid on Truman"

CAMPBELL, KAREN "The Broken Spectre" *** "Thunder On Sunday"


CAMPBELL, R. WRIGHT "Honor" *** "The Spy Who Sat and Waited"


CAMPBELL, ROBERT – Juice; *** Junkyard Dog; *** "Nibbled to Death by Ducks"

CAMPER, FRANK "Merc; the Professional”;

CAMPESINO, EL "Life and Death in Soviet Russia"

CANARY, GLEN "The Perfect Plot" *** "A Walk in the Jungle"

CANDY, EDWARD "Bones of Contention" *** "Which Doctor"


CANNAN, JOANNA "Murder Included" *** "The Taste of Murder"

CANNELL, DOROTHY "God Save the Queen" *** "The Thin Woman"


"Bird of Prey" *** "Black Flamingo" *** "The Burning Eye" *** "A Delivery of Furies" ***

"The Chasm" *** “The Doomsday Carrier” *** "Doubled in Diamonds" *** "Fall From Grace" *** "Firecrest" ***

"Flight of the Grey Goose" *** "A Forest of Eyes" *** "The Great Affair" *** "The Hidden Face" *** "The House of the Seven Flies" *** "The Kingsford Mark' *** "The Limbo Line" *** "The Mask of Memory" *** “The Melting Man” **** "Queen's Pawn" *** "The Scorpio Letters" *** "The Whip Hand"

CANNON, FRANK - “Satan in Malibu”


CAPOTE, TRUMAN "In Cold Blood"

CAPTAIN X "Safety last"

CAPUTO, PHILIP "Horn of Africa"

CARCATERRA, LORENZO "Apaches" *** "Sleepers"

CARDEN, PAUL "Four Line Whip"


CAREW, JEAN "Terror at Bramble Tor"

CAREY, CONSTANCE "The Chekhov Proposal"

CAREY, MICHAEL "The Vice Net" *** "Vice-Squad Cop"

CAREY, M. V. - Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in: 'The Secret of the Haunted Mirror';

CAREY, WEBSTER "Part 2 Walking Tall"

CARGOE, RICHARD - “Girl in the Red Dress”

CARIN, MICHAEL "Five Hundred Key"

CARKEET, DAVID "Double Negative”;

CARLETON, BARBEE OLIVER "Mystery of the Witches Bridge"

CARLETON, MARJORIE "One Night of Terror"


CARLINO, LEWIS JOHN "The Brotherhood" *** "The Mechanic"

CARLO, PHILIP "Stolen Flower"

CARLSEN, RUTH and G. ROBERT "52 Miles to Terror"

CARLSON, P.M. - Audition for Murder;


CARLOVA, JOHN - “Adam and Evil”



"Emergency Exit" *** "Money for Murder" *** "Put Out that Star" *** "School for Murder"

CARNEY, DANIEL "Macau" *** "The Whispering Death" **** “The Wild Geese”

CARNEY, THOMAS "Daylight Moon"

CARON, ROGER "Bingo" *** "Go-Boy!" *** "JoJo"

CARPENTER, CARLETON "Games Murderers Play"

CARPENTER, MARGARET "Experiment Perilous"

CARPENTER, SCOTT "The Steel Albatross"



CARR, CALEB "The Alienist" *** "The Angel of Darkness"

CARR, GLYNN "Death Under Snowdon"

CARR, JESS - “Millie and Cleve”


"The Arabian Nights Murder" *** "Below Suspicion" *** "The Blind Barber" *** “The Bride of Newgate” **** "The Burning Court" *** "Captain Cut-Throat" *** "The Case of the Constant Suicides" *** "Castle Skull" *** "The Corpse in the Wax Works" *** "The Crooked Hinge" *** "Dark of the Moon" *** "The Dead Man's Knock" *** "Death Turns the Tables" *** "Death-Watch" *** "The Demoniacs" *** "The Devil in Velvet" *** "The Eight of Swords" *** "The Emperor's Snuff-Box" *** "Fire, Burn" *** "The Four False Weapons" *** "Hag's Nook" *** "He Who Whispers" *** "The House at Satan's Elbow" *** "It Walks by Night' *** "The Lost Gallows" *** "The Mad Hatter Mystery" *** "The Man Who Could Not Shudder" *** "The Men Who Explained Miracles" *** Most Secret *** "The Nine Wrong Answers" *** "Panic in Box G" *** "Patrick Butler for the Defence" *** "Poison in Jest" *** "The Problem of the Green Capsule" *** "The Problem of the Wire Cage" *** "Scandal at High Chimneys" *** "The Sleeping Sphinx" *** "The Third Bullet" *** "The Three Coffins" *** "Tildeath Do Us Part" *** "To Wake the dead" *** "The Waxworks Murder"

CARR, ROBYN "Mind Tryst"

CARR, WILLIAM H.A. "Hollywood Tragedy" *** "Medical Examiner"

CARRIER, ROCH "The Man in the Closet"

CARRIER, WARREN "A Hell of a Murder" **** “The Lost and the Damned”

CARROLL, JAMES "Family Trade" *** "Madonna Red"

CARROLL, ROBERT – A Disappearance;

CARROLL, THOMAS D. "A Plastic Kind of Death"

CARSON, ROBERT - “The Devil's Spawn” **** “End to Innocence” **** “From the Sea and the Jungle” **** “Stranger in Our Midst”

CARSON, DAVE - “Woman Hater”

CARSON, MICHAEL "The Experiment” *** “Pain"

CARSON, ROBERT "The Golden Years Caper"

CARTWRIGHT, GARY "Blood Will Tell"

CARTER, HODDING "The Winds of Fear"

CARTER, JOHN "The Diamond Mercenairies"


"Agent Counter - Agent" *** "The Algarve Affair" *** "The Amazon" *** "Amsterdam" *** "And Next the King" *** "Appointment in Haiphong" *** "The Arab Plague" *** "Assassination Brigade" *** "Assassin: Code Name Vulture" *** "The Assassin Convention" *** "Assignment: Intercept" *** "Assignment: Israel" *** "Assignment: Rio" *** "Assault on England" *** "Aztec Avenger" *** "Berlin" *** "The Berlin Target" *** "The Black Death" *** "Blood of the Falcon" *** "Blood of the Scimitar" *** "Bloodtrial to Mecca" *** "Blood Ultimatum" *** "The Blue Ice Affair" *** "the Bright Blue Death" *** "A Bullet for Fidel" *** "Butcher of Belgrade" *** "The Cairo Mafia" *** "Caribbean Coup" *** "Carnival for Killing" *** "Cauldron of Hell" *** "Checkmate in Rio" *** "The China Doll" *** "The Chinese Paymaster" ***

"The Christmas Kill" *** "Circle of Scorpions" *** "The Cobra Kill" *** "The Code" *** "Code Name: Werewolf" *** "The Coyote Connection" *** "The Cyclops Conspiracy" *** "The Damocles Threat" *** "Danger Key" *** "Day of the Mahdi" *** "Deadly Doubles" ***

"Death Hand Play" *** "Death Message: Oil 74-2" *** "Death Mission: Havana" *** "Death of the Falcon" *** "Death Orbit" *** "The Death's - Head Conspiracy" *** "The Death Strain" *** "The Defector" *** "The Devil's Dozen" *** "The Doomsday Formula" *** "The Doomsday Spore" *** "Double Identity" *** "Dragon Flame" *** "Earthfire North" *** "The Ebony Cross" *** "The Executioners" *** "The Eyes of the Tiger" *** "The Fanatics of Al Asad" *** "the Filthy Five" *** "14 Seconds to Hell" *** "Fraulein Spy" *** "The Golden Serpent" *** "The Greek Summit" *** "The Green Wolf Connection" *** "Hanoi" *** "Hawaii" *** "Hide and Go Die" *** "Hood of Death" *** "Hour of the Wolf" *** "The Human Time Bomb" *** "Ice Trap Terror" *** "Istanbul" *** "The Istanbul Decision" *** "The Jerusalem File" ***

"The Judas Spy" *** "The katmandu Contract" *** "The Killing Ground" *** "A Korean Tiger" *** "The Kremlin File" *** "Last Flight to Moscow" *** "The Last Samurai" *** "The Liquidator" *** "The List" *** "The Living Death" *** "Macao" *** "The Macao Massacre" ***

"The Man who Sold Death" *** "The Mark of the Cosa Nostra" *** "Massacre in Milan" *** "The Mayan Connection" *** "The Mendoza Manuscript" *** "The Mind Killers" *** "The Mind Poisoners" *** "Mission to Venice" *** "Moscow" *** "The Nichovev Plot" ***

"Nick Carter, Detective" *** "Night of the Avenger" *** "The Normandy Code" *** "Norwegian Typhoon" *** "The Nowhere Weapon" *** "The N3 Conspiracy" *** "The Omega Terror" *** "100" *** "Operation Che Guevara' *** "Operation Moon Rocket" *** "Operation Sharkbite; *** Operation Snake" *** Operation Vendetta" *** "Our Agent in Rome is Missing..." *** "The Ouster Conspiracy" *** "The Outback Ghosts" *** "The Pamplona Affair" *** "The Peking Dossier" *** "The Pemex Chart" *** "The Puppet Master" *** "Pursuit: of the Eagle" *** "The Q-Man" *** "Race of Death" *** "The Red Guard" *** "The Redolmo Affair" *** "The Red Rays" *** "Reich Four" *** "Retreat for Death" *** "Revenge of the Generals" *** "Rhodesia" *** "Run, Spy, Run" *** "Safari for Spies" *** "Saigon" *** "San Juan Inferno" *** "The Satan Trap" *** "The Sea Trap" *** "Seven Against Greece" *** "Sign of the Cobra" *** "Six Bloody Summer days" *** "Slaughter Day" *** "The Snake Flag Conspiracy" *** "The Society of Nine" *** "The Solar Menace" *** "The Spanish Connection" *** 'Strike Force Terror" *** "Strike of the Hawk / Double Identity" *** "The Strontium Code" *** "Suicide Seat" *** "Tarantula Strike" *** "target: Doomsday Island" *** "Target Red Star" *** "The Tarlov Cipher" *** "Temple of Fear" *** "Ten Times Dynamite" *** "The Terrible Ones" *** "The 13th Spy" *** "Time Clock of Death" *** "Tropical Deathpact" *** "Trouble in Paradise" *** "Tunnel for Traitors; *** Turkish Bloodbath" *** "The Turncoat" *** "The Ultimate Code" *** "Under the Wall" *** "Vatican Vendetta" *** "The Vengeance Game" *** "The Vulcan Disaster" *** "War From the Clouds" *** "The Weapon of Night" *** "Web of Spies" *** "White Death" *** "The Z Document" *** "Zero-Hour Strike Force"

CARTER, RUBIN "'Hurricane': The Sixteenth Round"

CARTWRIGHT, JUSTIN "The Horse of Darius"

CARVIC, HERON – Picture Miss Seeton; *** "Odds on Miss Seeton" *** "Witch Miss Seaton"

CARYL, WARREN "Whirlpool of Thunder"


"Cody's Army - #1 Cody's Army" *** "Cody's Army - #3 Philippine Hardpunch" *** "Cody's Army - #4 Belfast Blitz” *** Cody's Army - #6 Hellfire in Haiti; *** Cody's Army - #7 Sword of the Prophet;

CASEWIT, CURTIS W. "Accent on Treason"

CASEY, MERVIN "The Mutilators"

CASHMAN, JOHN "The Gentleman From Chicago"

CASKIE, DONALD "The Tartan Pimpernel"



"Bedelia" *** "A Chosen Sparrow" *** "The Dreamers" *** "Evvie" *** "The Husband" *** "Laura" *** "The Weeping and the Laughter"

CASRIEL, DR. DANIEL - “The Story of Shannon” (Narcotics);

CASSIDAY, BRUCE "While Murder Waits"

CASSIDY, GEORGE - “Assignment: Seduction”

CASSILL, R.V. "Doctor Cobb's Game" *** "Dormitory Women"

CASSON, STANLEY "Murder by Burial"

CASTEX, PIERRE "The Nightmare Rally"

CASTLE, FRANK “Lovely and Lethal” **** "The Violent Hours"

CASTLE, JOHN "The Password is Courage"

CASTLE, JOHN / HAILEY, ARTHUR "Flight into Danger"

CATALAN, HENRI "Soeur Angele and the Embarrassed Ladies"

CATHERALL, ARTHUR 'The Strange Intruder"


CATTO, MAX "The Devil at Four O'Clock" *** “The Melody of Sex” *** "Sam Casanova" *** "The Sickle"

CAUDWELL, SARAH "Thus Was Adonis Murdered”;

CAUFFIEL, LOWELL – Masquerade;

CAULFIELD, M.F. - “The Black City”

CAUNITZ, WILLIAM J. "Black Sand" *** "Chains of Command; *** One Police Plaza" *** "Suspects"

CAUSEY, JAMES O. "The Boby Doll Murders" *** "Frenzy"

CAVANAUGH, ARTHUR "The Children Are Gone"

CAVANNA, BETTY "The Black Spanish Mystery"

CAVE, HUGH B. "The Cross on the Drum"

CAVE, PETER "The Dirtiest Picture Postcard" *** "Foxbat" *** "Siege" *** "Truck" **** “West Coast Wildcatting”

CAWLEY, ROBERT "Friend or Foe?" *** "Shockwave"

CAYROL, JEAN "All In a Night"

CECIL, HENRY - "The Asking Price" *** "Full Circle" *** “Much in Evidence” **** "Natural Causes" *** "Portrait of a Judge"

CELINE, LOUIS - FERDINAND "Death on the Instalment Plan"

CENEDELLA, ROBERT "A Little to the East"

CERF, BENNETT "The Unexpected (Ed.)"

CHABER, M.E. *** "All the Way Down" *** "The Day it Rained Diamonds" *** "Don't Get Caught" *** "The Gallows Garden" *** "Green Grow the Graves" *** "A Hearse of Another Color"  *** "The Lady Came to Kill" *** "The Man Inside" *** "A Man in the Middle" ***" "Now it's my Turn"  *** "So Dead the Rose" *** "The Splintered Man" 


CHADWICK, JOSEPH "The Golden Frame" **** “Man Chase”

CHAIS, PAMELA "The Final Cut”

CHALAND, PAUL - “The Witch of Modane”

CHALLIS, MARY "Burden of Proof" *** "Crimes Past"

CHAMBERLAIN, ANNE “Possessed” **** "The Tall Dark Man"

CHAMBERLAIN, WILLIAM "China Strike" **** “Red January”

CHAMBERS, DANA "She'll Be Dead by Morning"

CHAMBERS, PETER "Dames Can be Deadly" ** Murder is for Keeps;


CHAMBERS, WILLIAM E. "Death Toll" *** "The Redemption Factor"

CHAMPAGNE, PAUL "A fair Affair"

CHAMPION, D.L. - “Run the Wild River”

CHANDLER, BRYN "Behind the Badge" *** "The Coral Kill"

CHANDLER, DAVID "The Gangsters" *** "The Glass Totem"


"The Big Sleep" *** "Farewell, my Lovely' *** "The High Window" *** "Killer in the Rain" ***

"The Lady in the Lake" *** "The Little Sister" *** "The Long Goodbye" ***

"The Long Goodbye / Keyhoe: Flying Saucers from Outer Space" *** "Pearls are a Nuisance" *** "Pick-up on Noon Street" *** "Playback" *** "The Simple art of Murder" *** "Trouble is my Business"

CHANG, LEE ** "Kung Fu - #3The Year of the Rat"

CHANSLOR, ROY - “Hazard” **** “The Naked 1” **** “Passion Makers”

CHAPMAN, GIL and ANN "Who's Listening Now?"


CHARLES, HAMPTON "Miss Seeton at the Helm"


"A Clash of Hawks" *** "Cobra Strike" *** "The Flight of the Raven; *** The Hour of the Wolf" *** "The Prey of the Falcon" *** "The Scream of the Dove" *** "Steel Killer"

CHARRIERE, HENRI "Banco" *** "Papilon"

CHARYN, JEROME "Blue Eyes" *** "The Education of Patrick Silver" *** "The Franklin Scare"

CHASE, ALLAN "Shadow of a Hero"

CHASE, GLEN -- (Cherry Delight series) = ASK

CHASE, JAMES HADLEY - The Case of the Strangled Starlet" *** "Consider Yourself Dead" *** "The Dead Stay Dumb';*** "Do Me a Favour-Drop Dead" *** "the Double Shuffle" *** "Eve" *** "Figure It Out For Yourself" *** "The Guilty Are Afraid" *** "Hit and Run" *** "I'll Get You For This" *** "In a Vain Shadow" *** "Miss Shumway Waves a Wand" *** "More Deadly Than the Male" *** "Mu Laugh Comes Last" *** "No Orchids for Miss Blandish" *** "Tell it to the Birds" *** "This is For Real" *** This Way for a Shroud *** "You Can Say That Again" *** "You Have Yourself a Deal" *** "You Never Know With Women" *** "You're Dead Without Money" *** "You're Lonely When You're Dead"

CHASE, PHILIP “Merchants of Death"

CHASE, REBEL - “Campus Jungle”

CHASTAIN, THOMAS "High Voltage" *** "911" *** "Pandora's Box" *** "Vital Statistics"

CHATTERTON, RUTH "Homeward Borne"

CHAYTOR, LEE "A Course in Murder"

CHAZE, ELLIOTT – 'Love on the Rocks” **** “One for the Money”

CHEEVER, JOHN "Bullet Park" *** "Falconer" *** "The Housebreaker of Shady Hill"

CHELTON, JOHN "My Deadly Angel"



"An Affair of Sorcerers" *** "City of Whispering Stone" *** "Shadow of a Broken Man"

CHESSMAN, CARL "Cell 2455, Death Row" *** "The Kid was a Killer"

CHESTER, CHARLIE "'Bannerman'" *** "Symphony and Psychopath"

CHESTER, KATE – Hear No Evil;


"The Amazing Adventures of Father Brown" *** The Club of Queer Trades; *** "The Incredulity of Father Brown" *** "The Innocence of Father Brown" *** "The Man Who was Thursday" *** “The Napoleon of Nottig Hill” **** "The Pocket Book of Father Brown" *** "The Scandal of Father Brown" *** "The Secret of Father Brown" *** "The Wisdom of Father Brown"


"Another Little Drink" *** "Callaghan" *** "Can Ladies Kill?" *** "The Case of the Dark Hero" *** 'Case of the Dark Wanton" *** "Counterspy Murders" *** "Dames Don't Care" *** "Dance Without Music" *** "Dangerous Curves" *** "Dark Bahama" *** "Dark Interlude" *** "The Dark Street" *** "Dark Street Murders" *** "Dark Wanton" *** "Don't Get Me Wrong" *** "Dressed to Kill" *** "I'll Bring Her Back" *** "I'll Say She Does" *** "It Couldn't Matter Less" *** "Lady, Behave!" *** "Ladies Won't Wait" *** "The London Spy Murders" *** "MacTavish" *** "The Man Nobody Saw" *** "Mister Cauttion-Mister Callaghan" ** Never a Dull Moment; *** "Poison Ivy" ** Sinister Errand; *** "Sinister Murders" *** "The Stars Are dark" *** "The Terrible Night" *** "They Never Say When" *** "Try Anything Twice' *** "Undressed To Kill' *** "Uneasy Terms" *** "The Urgent Hangman" *** "Velvet Johnnie" *** "You Can Always Duck" *** "You're Deal, My Lovely" *** "You've Been Troubled"

CHICHESTER, FRANCIS – Along the Clipper Way;

CHIDSEY, DONALD BARR "Panama Passage" *** Survival!;

CHIEL, DEBORAH "The Accused"

CHILD, LEE – 61 Hours;

CHILD, PHILIP "Mr. Ames Against Time"

CHILDERS, ERSKINE "The Riddle of the Sands"



CHITTENDEN, F.A. "Strange Welcome"


CHIU, TONY "Realm Seven"


CHOMLEY, C.H. (Charles Henry; 1868-1942) --- True Story of the Kelly Gang of Bushrangers (Australian Outlaws & Depearados) (Published by the British Australian Ltd; Printed by Metcalfe & Cooper Ltd: 1930; Printed in London, England UK; Digest Sized Mass Market Paperback; 158 pages; Plus 5 pages of full page B&W illustrations by Doug Low; Plus 2 pages of PHOTO's of KELLY GANG, Policemen, etc; MAP of New South Wales & Victoria; Author was acquainted with Friends, Relatives & Victims of the KELLY GANG & had much First Hand Knowledge; Author's Uncle was Cheif of the Victorian Police; Painted Cover art; Extremely RARE Title; Overall G/VG, but with moderate Cover Creasing & Chipped Cover Corners, thus FA/G; Price = $99.00);


CHRISTIAN, JOHN "Five Gates to Armageddon"

CHRISTIAN, NICK "Homicide Zoe 4" *** "Intensive Fear" *** "Ronin"

CHRISTIAN, PETRA "Girls of the Night"


"The A.B.C. Murders" *** "Absent in the Spring" *** "The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding" *** "After the Funeral" *** "An Autobiography" *** "And Then There Were None" *** "Appointment With Death" *** "At Bertram's Hotel" *** "The Big Four" *** "The Body in the Library" *** "The Boomerang Clue" *** "The Burden" *** "By the Pricking of my Thumbs" *** "Cards on the Table" *** "A Caribbean Mystery" *** "The Case of the Moving Finger" *** "Cat Among the Pigeon" *** "The Clocks" *** "Crooked House" *** "Curtain: Poirot's Last Case" *** "A Daughter's a Daughter" *** "Dead Man's Folly" *** "Dead Man's Mirror" *** "Death Comes as the End" *** "Death in the Air" *** "Death on the Nile" *** "Destination Unknown" *** "Easy to Kill" *** "Elephants Can Remember" *** "Endless Night" *** "Evil Under the Sun"


"The Floating Admiral" *** "4.50 From Paddington" *** "Funerals are Fatal" *** "Giant's Bread" *** "The Golden Ball and Other Stories" *** "Hallowe'en Party" *** "Hercules Poirot's Casebook" *** "Hercules Poirot's Christmas" *** "Hickory Dickory Death" *** "Hickory Dickey Dock" *** "A Holiday For Murder" *** "The Hollow" *** "The Hound of Death" *** "The Labors of Hercules" *** "The Man in the Brown Suit" *** "The Mirror Crak'd" *** "The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side" *** "Mr. Parker Pyne, Detective" *** "Miss Marple and Thirteen Problems" ***

"Miss Marple's Final Case" *** More Murder Most Cozy'; *** The Moving Finger" *** "The Mousetrap" *** Mousetrap and Other Plays; *** "Mrs. McGinty's Dead" *** "Murder After Hours" *** "Murder at Hazelmoor" *** "Murder at the Gallop" *** "Murder at the Vicarage" *** "Murder by the Box (4 Book Boxed Set)" *** "Murder in Mesopotamia" *** Murder in Retrospect" *** "Murder in the Calais Coach" *** Murder in the Mews" *** "Murder in Three Acts" *** A Murder Is Announced; *** "A Murder is Easy" *** "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" *** "Murder on the LInks" *** "Murder on the Orient Express" *** "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" *** "The Mysterious Mr. Quin" *** by ROBYNS, GWEN "The Mystery of Agatha Christie" *** "The Mystery of the Blue Train" *** "Nemesis" *** "N or M?" *** "One, Two, Buckle my Shoe" *** "Ordeal by Innocence" *** "An Overdose of Death" *** "The Pale Horse" *** "Parker Pyne Investigates" *** "Partners in Crime" *** "Passenger to Frankfurt" *** "The Patriotic Murders" *** "Peril at End House" *** A Pocket Full of Rye" *** "Poirot Investigates" *** "Poirot Loses a Client" *** "Poirot's Early Cases" *** "Postern of Fate" *** "The Regatta Mystery" *** "Remembered Death" *** "The Rose and Yew Tree" *** "Sad Cypress" *** "The Secret Adversary" *** "The Secret of Chimneys" *** "7 Dials Mystery" *** "The Sittaford Mystery" *** "Sleeping Murder" *** "So Many Steps to Death" *** "Sparkling Cyanide" *** Spider's Web; *** "Surprise! Surprise!" *** "Taken at the Flood" *** "Ten Little Indians" *** "There is a Tide" *** "They Came to Baghdad" *** "They Do It With Mirrors" *** "Third Girl" *** "13 at Dinner" *** "13 for Luck" *** "Three-Act Tragedy" *** "Towards Zero" *** "The Tuesday Club Murders" *** "The Under Dog and Other Stories" *** "Unfinished Portrait" *** "What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw!" *** "Why Didn't They Ask Evans?' *** "Witness for the Prosecution"

CHRISTIE, ROBERT - “Inherit the Night”




"Death at Face Value" *** "A Fete Worse than Death" *** "Mood to Murder" *** "Simply to Die For"

CHRISTOPHER, DAVID "The Samaritan Scheme"

CHRISTOPHER, JOHN "The Caves of Night" *** "No Blade of Grass" *** “The Ragged Edge” **** "A Scent of White Poppies" **** “The White Voyage”

CHUBIN, BARRY "The Feet of a Snake'"


CHURCHILL, JILL "A Farewell to Yarns” *** Grime and Punishment" “In the Still of the Night” *** “A Knife to Remember” *** "A Quiche Before Dying"

CHURCHWARD, JOHN "The Rainbow Deaths"

CHUTE, VERNE "Flight of an Angel" *** "Wayward Angel"

CICELLIS, KAY - “The Day the Fish Came Out”

CIRACI, NORMA - “Detour”

CLAD, NOEL "The Savage"

CLAIRE, EDIE "Never Tease a Siamese”;

CLAMAN, JULIAN "The Malediction”;


The Cardinal of the Kremlin” **** "Clear and Present Danger” *** Debt of Honor" *** "Executive Orers” **** “The Hunt for Red October" *** “Net Force: Hidden Agendas” *** “Net Force” *** Net Force: Point of Inpact; **** "Op-Center" *** "Op-Center: Acts of War" *** “Op-Center: Games of State” *** “Op-Center: Mirror Image” **** "Patriot Games" *** "Power Plays: Bio-Strike” *** "Power Plays: Cold War” *** "Power Plays: Ruthless.com" *** "Power Plays: Zero Hour” *** “Rainbow Six” *** "Red Storm Rising" **** “The Sum of all Fears” *** The Teeth of the Tiger”

CLARINS, DANA "Guilty Party" *** "Woman in the Window"

CLARK, ALAN 'Bargains at Special Prices"

CLARK, CHRISTOPHER - “The Unleashed Will”

CLARK, CONSTANCE - “In the Line of Duty”

CLARK, DOUGLAS "Bitter Water" *** "The Gimmel Flask" *** "Golden Rain"

CLARK, ERIC "Black Gambit"

CLARK, EVERT / HORROCK, NICHOLAS "The Corsican Contract"

CLARK, FORD "The Wicked Walk on Every Side"

CLARK, GORDON - “The Naked Sin”

CLARK, HOWARD "Last Contract"


"All Around the Town' *** All Through the Night; *** "The Anastasia Syndrome and Other Stories" *** Before I Say Good-Bye; *** "The Candle Will Fall" *** Caribbean Blues; *** The Cradle Will Fall; *** "A Cry in the Night" *** Daddy's Little Girl; *** "I'll Be Seeing You" *** "Let Me call You Sweetheart" *** The Lottery Winner; *** "Loves Music, Loves to Dance" *** "Malice Domestic (Ed)" *** "Moonlight Becomes You" *** My Gal Sunday; *** On the Street Where You Live; *** "Remember Me" *** "Silent Night" *** "Stillwatch" *** "A Stranger is Watching" *** Two Little girls in Blue; *** "Weep No More, My Lady" *** "Where are the Children" *** "While My Pretty One Sleeps" *** You Belong to Me;

CLARK, RAMSEY "Crime in America"

CLARK, WALTER VAN TILBURG "The Track of the Cat"

CLARKE, ANNE ** My Search for Ruth; ** "The Mystery Lady"


"Alabam'" *** “The Chastity of Gloria Boyd” **** "Confidential" *** “The Headstrong Young Man” **** “The Housekeeper's Daughter” **** “Joe and Jennie” **** “John Bartel, Jr.” **** "Kelly" *** "Lady Ann" *** "A Lady Named Lou" *** "Louis Beretti" *** "Louis Beretti - New York Hoodlum" *** “Millie's Daughter” **** "Murderer's Holiday" *** "Tawny" **** “That Mrs. Renney”

CLARKE, JOHN - “The Lolita Lovers”

CLARKE, SHAUN "The Exit Club"

CLARKE, T.E.B. - “The Man Who Seduced a Bank”

CLARKSON, WENSLEY "Caged Heat" *** Deadlier than the Male; *** Deadly at Every Stop *** Deadly Seduction; *** "Ideadly Seduction; *** “In the Name of Satan" *** Slave Girls;

CLAUDIA, SUSAN "Mrs. Barthelme's Madness"

CLAY, LEWIS - “The Wanton Hour”

CLAYMORE, TOD "Appointment in New Orleans"

CLAYTON, JOHN BELL "Six Angels at my Back"

CLAYTON, MERLE "Union Station Massacre"

CLEARY, DENIS / MAHER FRANK "The Capricorn" *** "Forests of the Night; *** The Hook"


"The Beaufort Sisters" *** "Dust in the Sun" *** "The Fall of an Eagle' *** "The Faraway Drums" *** "A Flight of Chariots" *** "Forests of the Night; *** The Green Helmet" *** "Helga's Web" *** "The High Commissioner" *** "High Road to China" *** "Man's Estate' *** "North from Thursday" *** "Now and Then, Amen" *** "Peter's Pence" *** "A Very Private War" *** "Vortex" *** "You Can't See Around Corners"


CLEEVE, BRIAN – Counterspy; *** "Dark Blood, Dark Terror" **** “Death of a Painted Lady” *** "Vice Isn't Private" ** Vote X for Treason;

CLEEVES, ANN "Murder in Paradise" *** A Prey to Murder;

CLEMEN, CAROL "The Ariadine Clue"


CLEMENT, FRNACOIS "The Birth of an Island"

CLEMENT, HENRY "Darling Lili" *** "Dillinger" *** "Slaughter" *** "The Sugarland Express"

CLEMENTS, CALVIN "Hell Ship to Kuma"

CLERI, MARIO "Six Graves to Munich"

CLEVELY, HUGH "The Gang-Smasher"

CLEWES, HOWARD "The Long Memory"


"All Men are Lonely Now" *** "Amigo, Amigo" *** "Another Way of Dying" *** "A Battle is Fought to be Won" *** "The Blind Side" *** "Drummer in the Dark" *** The Green Fields of Eden; *** "The Grosvenor Square Goodbye" *** "The Hunting Ground" *** "The Naked Runner" *** "Overdue" *** "The Third Side of the Coin" *** "A Wild Justice"

CLIFTON, BUD "Let Him Go Hang" **** "The Murder Specialist"

CLINE JR., C.TERRY "The Attorney Conspiracy" *** "Cross Current" *** "Death Knell"

CLINE, LINDA “The Ghost of Cramer's Island” **** "Weakfoot"

CLIVE, JOHN "Barossa" *** "The Last Liberator"

CLOETE, STUART "The Curve and the Tusk" **** "Gazella" *** “Mamba” *** "The Mask"

CLOSE, ROBERT S. - “Love Me Sailor”

CLOTHIER, PETER "Chiaroscuro"

CLOUSTON, A.E. "The dangerous Skies"

CLOUTIER, HELEN "Murder, Absolutely Murder"

COATES, ROBERT "The Night Before Dying" *** "Wisteria Cottage"

COBEN, HARLAN "Drop Shot" *** No Second Chance;


"The Babysitter" *** "No Way Home" *** "Sweetheart" *** "The Trespassers" ***

"Voices in the Dark"

COCHRELL, BOYD - “Rage in the Wind”

COCKAIN, FRANK "The Inside Out Man"

CODDINGTON, JOSEPH "Sting of the Scorpion"

CODY, C.S. "Lie Like a Lady"

CODY, JAMES P. - "The D.C. Man - #1 Top Secret Kill" ;

COE, CHARLES FRANCIS "Ashes" *** "Pressure"

COE, TUCKER "Don't Lie to Me" ** "Murder Among Children" *** "Wax Apple"

COEL, MARGARET "The Dream Staler"

COEN, FRANKLIN "The Plunderers"

COFFEY, BRIAN = see Dean KOONTZ "Blood Risk" *** "The Face of Fear"

COGAN, MIKE "Black Rain" *** "Top Gun"

COHANE, M.E. "Murder One"

COHEN, BARNEY "Coliseum"

COHEN, JAMEY "The Night Chasers"

COHEN M.D., LOUIS H. "Murder, Madness and the Law"


"The Corpse That Walked" *** "Dangerous Lady" ** "The Intruder" *** "Lost Lady" *** "Love has No Alibi" *** "Murder in Season" *** "Romance in the First Degree" *** "Sound of Revelry" *** "There's Always Time To Die"

COHEN, STANLEY "Angel Face" *** The Diane Game; *** "330 Park"


COHLER, DAVID KEITH "Freemartin" *** Gamemaker;

COKEN, CAROLYN "The Other David"

COLBURN, LAURA "Death in a Small World"


"The Captain Must Die" *** "Kim" *** "Lament for Julie" *** "Make Mine Vengeance" *** "Run for the Money" *** "Secret of the Second Door" *** "These Lonely, These Dead"

COLE, DAVID "Dragonfly Bones”;

COLEMAN, CLARA "Nightmare in July"

COLEMAN, CLAY "Escape From Lost Island - #1 Stranded!"

COLEMAN, HAYWARD "The Fourth Knife"

COLEMAN, JONATHAN "At Mother's Request" *** "Exit the Rainmaker"

COLEMAN, LONNIE - “Escape the Thunder” **** 'The Sea is a Woman”

COLEMAN, WILLIAM – Chesapeake Charlie and the Bay Bank Robbers; *** Chesapeake Charlie and Blackbeard's Treasure; *** Chesapeake Charlie and the Haunted Ship;


"Dangerous by Nature" *** "Drink to Yesterday" *** "The Fifth Man" *** "Let the Tiger Die" *** "Night Train to Paris" *** "Pray Silence" *** "They Tell no Tales" *** "A Toast to Tomorrow"

COLLANS, DEV / STERLING, STEWART "I Was a House Detective"

COLLE, JOHN – Kingsley's Touch;


COLLIGAN, DOUGLAS "Escape From Death”



COLLINS, ELIZA G.C. "Going, Going, Gone”

COLLINS, FREDERICK L. "The F.B.I. In Peace and War"

COLLINS, LARRY "Fall from Grace"

COLLINS, LARRY / LAPIERRE, DOMINIQUE "The Fifth Horseman" *** "Is Paris Burning?"


"Dead Center" *** "Death Warmed Over" *** "The Fog Comes" *** "Only the Good" *** "The Sister of Cain"


'The Broker" *** "The Broker's Wife" *** "The Dealer" *** "Nolan - #1 Bait Money; *** "Nolan - #2 Blood Money"*** Nolan #5.....Hard Cash (Scarce; VG $10); *** "The Slasher"


"Daylight" *** "In the Line of Fire" *** "No Cure for Death" *** "A Shroud for Aquarius"

COLLINS, MICHAEL "Act of Fear" *** "The Brass Rainbow" *** “Caring the Fire” **** "Minnesota Strip" ** Night of the Toads;

COLLINS, NORMAN "Flames Coming Out of the Top"

COLLINS, ROBERT "The Mystery at the Wildcat Well”

COLLINS, ROBERT G. "Tolerable Levels of Violence"

COLLINS, WILKIE "The Moonstone"


COLOMBO, PAT "Throw Back the Little One"



CONANT, PAUL "Dr. Gatskill's Blue Shoes"

CONANT, SUSAN "A Bite of Death" *** "Ruffly Speaking"

CONDE, NICHOLAS "In the Deep Woods"


Arigato” *** "Death of a Politician" *** “The Ecstasy Business” **** "The Happy Thieves" *** "An Infinity of Mirrors" ***

"The Manchurian Candidate" *** "Mile High" *** "The Oldest Confession" *** "Prizzi's Family" *** "Prizzi's Glory" *** "Prizzi's Honor" *** "Some Angry Angel" *** "The Star Spangled Crunch" *** "The Whisper of the Axe" *** "Winter Kills"

CONNABLE, ALFRED "Twelve Trains to Babylon"

CONNELL, EDWIN '" Had to Kill Her"

CONNELL JR., EVAN S. "The Diary of a Rapist"

CONNELL, VIVIAN "The Dream and the Flesh" *** “The Love Lush” **** "A Man of Parts" *** "Monte Carlo Mission" **** “The Naked Rich”

CONNELLY, MICHAEL – Angels Flight; *** Blood Work;

CONNER, REARDEN "Shake Hands with the Devil"

CONNERS, BERNARD "Don't Embarrass the Bureau" *** "Dancehall"

CONNOLLY, PAUL “Get Out of Town” **** "So Fair, So Evil" *** "Tears are For Angels"

CONNOLLY, RAY "The Sun Place"

CONRAD, BARNABY "The Innocent Villa"

CONRAD, BARNABY / MASTORAKIS, NICO "Keepers of the Secret"

CONRAD, JOSEPH "Heart of Darkness" *** The Nigger of the Narcissus / The End of the Tether; *** "The Secret Agent"


Conroy, Al  (pseudonym of GIL BREWER; 1922-1983) "Soldato - #3 Strangle Hold!" *** "Soldato - #4 Murder Mission!"


"The Chislers" *** "The Looters" *** "Mr. Lucky" *** "Nice Guys Finish Dead" *** "The Roads End"

CONSIDINE, BOB "The Men Who Robbed Brink's"

CONSTANTINE, K.C. "Always a Body to Trade" *** "Upon Some Midnights Clear"

CONTO, WILEY A. - “The Spy who Came to Bed”

CONVERSE, JANE "Hostage Nurse"

CONWAY, JOHN "Hell is my Destination" **** “Love in Suburbia” **** “Madigan's Women” **** “Octroon” **** “A Sin in Time” **** “Woman Breake”

CONWAY, NORMAN "The Omega Operation" *** "Operation: Alpha Death"


ROD DAMON the COXEMAN novels  ** COXEMAN #2 A Hard Act to Follow  // COXEMAN #3 The Billion-Dollar Snatch // COXEMAN #4 The Wham! Bamm! Thank you, Ma'am // COXEMAN #5 It's Getting Harder All the Time // COXEMAN #6 Come One, Come All // COXEMAN #7 Last Licks // COXEMAN #8 Keep it Up, Rod // COXEMAN #9 The Man-Eater // COXEMAN #10 The Best Laid Plans (SOLD OUT) // COXEMAN #11 It's What's Up Front That Counts // COXEMAN #12 Had Any Lately? (SOLD OUT) // COXEMAN #13 Whatever Goes Up // COXEMAN #14 A Good Peace // COXEMAN #15 I'd Rather Fight Than Swish // COXEMAN #16 Just a Silly Millimeter Longer // COXEMAN #17 The Big Broad Jump //  COXEMAN #18 The Sex Machine (SOLD OUT); // COXEMAN #19 The Blow-Your-Mind Job // COXEMAN #20 The Cunning Linguist. (SOLD OUT)  // COXEMAN #21 Will the Real Rod Please Stand Up?" //  COXEMAN #22 All Screwed Up // COXEMAN #23 The Master Baiter' (SOLD OUT) //  COXEMAN #24 Turn the Other Sheik (SOLD OUT) // COXEMAN #25 It's Not How Long You Make It (SOLD OUT) // COXEMAN #26  Son of a Witch // COXEMAN #27 The Penetrator // COXEMAN #28 A Stiff Proposition // COXEMAN #29 (SOLD OUT) // COXEMAN #30 Up and Coming (SOLD OUT) // COXEMAN #31 The Cockeyed Cuties // COXEMAN #32 I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Thing (SOLD OUT); //  COXEMAN #33 Eager Beaver (SOLD OUT); // COXEMAN #34 A Hard Man is Good to Find (SOLD OUT) // COXEMAN #NO NUMBER - The Berlin Wall Affair // COXEMAN #NO NUMBER The Big Freak-Out

"Will the Real Rod Please Stand Up?"


"The FBI Nobody Knows" *** "The Girl in the Death Cell" *** "The Girl on the Lonely Beach" *** "Mafia!"

COOK, KENNETH "Blood House"

COOK, MERCER B. "In Hot Blood"

COOK, NICK "Angel, Archangle"


"Acceptable Risk; *** “Brain" *** "Coma" *** "Fever" *** "Godplayer" **** “Invasion” *** "Mindbend" *** "Mortal Fear" *** "Mutation”; *** “Outbreak" *** "Sphinx" *** "Terminal" *** “The Year of the Intern”

COOK, THOMAS H. "Blood Innocents" *** The Chatham School Affair; *** "Evidence of Blood” *** “Tabernacle"

COOKE, KENNETH "Man on a Raft"

COOKRIDGE, E.H. "The Third Man" *** "Traitor Betrayed"

COOMBS, CHARLES "Mystery of Satellite 7"

COONEY, CAROLINE B. "The Face on the Milk Carton" *** "Losing Christina #3 Fire” *** “Rear-View Mirror" *** The Terrorist; *** “Wanted!”

COONEY, MICHAEL "Ten Days to Oblivion"

COONTS, STEPHEN – Final Flight; *** Hong Kong; *** The Minotaur; *** The Red Horseman;



COOPER, M.K. "Private Lies”;

COOPER, MATTHEW HEALD "When Fish Begin to Smell”;

COOPER, MORTON “Anything for Kick” **** “Come Feed on Me” **** "The Innocent and Willing" **** “The Love Survey” **** “No Angel” **** 'Stop Over” **** “The Unguided Lily”



COOPER, SAUL "Dillinger"

COOPER, TOM "Triad of Knives" *** "War Moon"

COPELAND, BILL "The File on Charlie"


"A Different Kind of Rain" *** "The Pursuit of Agent M" *** "Radius of Action"


'The Apocalypse Brigade" *** "Between the Thunder and the Sun" *** "The Burning Mountain" *** "The Dragon" *** "The Gate of Hell" *** "The Hastings Conspiracy" *** “Night of Fire and Snow” **** "Thirty-Four East"

COPPEL, ALEC "Moment to Moment"

COPPER, BASIL "The Further Adventures of Solar Pons” *** “Shock-Wave"

COPPS, DALE "The World's Greatest Sherlock Holmes Quiz”;

CORBETT, JIM "Man-Eaters of Kumaon"

CORBIN, GARY - ** The Last Time I Saw Mary;

CORDELL, ALEXANDER "The Bright Cantonese"

CORDER, ERIC "The Bite" *** Murder, My Love;

CORDER, E. M. - The Deer Hunter;

COREA, NICHOLAS J. "A Cleaner Breed"

CORES, LUCY "Corpse De Ballet" *** "Painted for the Kill"

COREY, FRANK "By Blood Alone"

CORLE, EDWIN - “Burro Alley”

CORLEY, EDWIN "The Jesus Factor" *** "Seige"

CORMIER, ROBERT "After the First Death” *** “Fade" *** "I Am the Cheese” *** “Tunes for Bears to Dance to"

CORN JR., IRA 'Scalpel"

CORNELL, JAMES - "The Great International Disaster Book"

CORNWELL, BERNARD “Killer's Wake” *** “Sea Lord” **** "Wildtrack"

CORNWELL, PATRICIA – Black Notice; *** The Body Farm; *** "Body of Evidence" *** "Cause of Death" *** "Cruel and Unusual" *** From Potter's Field; *** Portrait of a Killer; **** “Postmortem”


CORREY, LEE "Star Driver"

CORRIS, PETER "The Big Drop" *** "The Greenwich Apartment” *** “Make Me Rich" **** “White Meat”

CORT, NED "Boxer Unit-Oss - #2 Alpine Gambit"



"Dead Men Alive" *** "Feramontov" *** “The Hitler Diamonds” **** "Johnny Goes West" *** "Mountainhead" *** "Shockwave" *** "Timelock" *** "Trieste" *** "Undertow"



COSTIGAN, LEE "Never Kill a Cop' *** "The New Breed"

COTELO, C.S. "White Line Fever"

COTLOW, LEWIS "Amazon Headhunters"

COTTON, JERRY "In the Lion's Den"

COTTON, WILL "The Night was Made for Murder"

COTTRELL, LEONARD - “The Secrets of Tutan Khamen's Tomb”

COUCH, DICK "Silent Descent"

COUGHLIN T. GLEN "The Hero of New York"

COUGHLIN, WILLIAM - “The Grinding Mill”

COULTER, CATHERINE – Blind Side; *** Point Blank; *** Riptide; *** Warrior's Song;

COULTER, STEPHEN "Offshore!" *** "The Soyuz Affair" *** "Threshold"

COUSINS, E.G. "Give Me That Man" *** "Sapphire"

COVINGTON, JAMES "The Operative"

COX, BILL G. "Over the Edge”;



"Death on Location" *** “The 4th of July Kid” *** "Make My Coffin Strong" *** "Murder in Vegas" **** “The Tycoon and the Tigress”


"Alias the Dead" *** "Assignment in Guiana" *** "The Big Gamble" *** "The Camera Clue" *** "The Charred Witness" *** "The Crimson Clue" *** "Dangerous Legacy" *** "Double Identity" *** "Eye Witness" *** "Fashioned for Murder" *** "The Fifth Key" *** "Focus on Murder" ***

"Four Frightened Women" *** "The Frightened Fiance" *** "The Glass Triangle" *** "The Groom Lay Dead" *** "The Hollow Needle" *** "The Impetuous Mistress" *** "Inland Passage" *** "The Jade Venus" *** "The Lady is Afraid" *** "Man on a Rope" *** "Mrs. Murdock Takes a Case" *** "Murder for the Asking" *** "Murder For Two" *** "Murder on Their Minds" *** "Murder with Pictures" *** "Murdock's Acid Test" ***

"Never Bet Your Life" *** "No Time to Kill" *** "One Minute Past Eight" *** "One Murder Too Many" *** "One Way Out" *** "Silent Are the Dead" *** "The Silent Witness" *** "Venturous Lady" *** With Intent to Kill;

COYLE, CLEO – On What Grounds;

COYLE, HAROLD "Against All Enemies; *** Bright Star" *** "Sword Point" *** "The Ten Thousand"

COZENS, W.H. "The Pan Book of Revenge Stories (Ed.)"


CRACIUNAS, SILVIU "The Lost Footsteps"

CRAIG, ALISA - ** The Grub-and-Stakers Move a Mountain; *** A Pint of Murder;

CRAIG, JONATHAN Alley Girl” **** "The Case of the Beautiful Body" *** "Case of the Brazen Beauty" *** "Case of the Cold Coquette" *** "Case of the Laughing Virgin" *** "Case of the Nervous Nude" *** "Case of the Petticoat Murder" *** "Case of the Silent Strangler" *** "Case of the Village Tramp" *** "Come Night, Come Evil" *** “Frenzy” **** "If You Want to See Your Wife Again..." *** "Morgue for Venus" ***

"And Posneer, Richard - The New York Crime Book" *** "So Young, So Wicked"

CRAIG, PHILIP R. "The Double Minded Men"

CRAIG, WILLIAM "The Strasbourg Legacy" *** "The Tashkent Crisis"

CRAIN PH.D., WILLIAM W. "The Psycho Squad"

CRANE, CAROLINE "Summer Girl' *** "Wife Found Slain"

CRANE, FRANCES "Cinnamon Murder" *** "The Golden Box" *** "Murder on the Purple Water' *** "The Yellow Violet"

CRANE, HAMILTON 'Miss Seeton Cracks the Case' *** "Miss Seeton Rules"

CRANE, MILTON "Sins of New York (Ed.)"


"Out of Time' *** "The Paradise Trap" *** "Time Running Out" *** "Tongue of Treason"

CRANE, STEPHEN "The Open Boat"


CRAWFORD, MAX – Waltz Texas;

CRAWFORD, OLIVER "Blood on the Branches" *** "The Execution"

CRAWFORD, WILLIAM - "The Chinese Connection" *** "Stryker - #4 Deadly Alliane"

CREASEY, JOHN (pseudonyms include - Kyle Hunt, Gordon Ashe, J.J. Marric, Robert Caine Frazer, Anthony Morton, Jeremy York, Norman Deane & Westerns by Tex Riley, Ken Ranger or William K Reilly);

"Accident for Inspector West" *** "Affair for the Baron" *** "The Baron and the Beggar" *** "The Baron and the Chinese Puzzle" *** "The Baron and the Missing Old Masters" ***

"The Baron and the Mogul Swords" *** "The Baron and the Stolen Legacy" *** The Baron Branches Out; *** The he Baron Comes Back" *** "The Baron Goes East' *** The Baron – King Maker *** "The Baron on Board" ***

"The Baron Returns" *** "Battle for Inspector West" *** "A Beauty for Inspector West" *** "The Beauty Queen Killer" *** 'The Big Call" *** "The Black Spiders" *** "A Blast of Trumpets" *** "The Blight" *** "The Blind Spot" *** "Blood Red" *** "Books for the Baron" *** "Break the Toff" *** "A Bundle for the Toff" *** "Burgle the Baron" *** "Carriers of Death" *** "The Case Against Paul Raeburn" *** "A Case for Inspector West" *** "The Case of the Innocent Victims" *** "A Clutch of Coppers" *** "The Creepers" ***

"The Crime Haters" *** "Danger for the Baron" *** "The Dark Circle" *** "Dark Peril" *** "Days of Danger" *** "Deaf, Dumb and Blonde" *** "Death by Night" *** "Death From Berlow" *** "Death in Cold Print" *** "Death in Flames" *** "Death in High Places" *** "Death in the Rising Sun" *** "Death of and Assassin" *** "Death of a Postman" *** "Death of a Racehorse' *** "Death Round the Corner" *** "Death Stands By" *** "Department of Death" *** "The Depths" *** "Don't Let Him Kill" *** "Doorway of Death" *** "The Double Frame" *** “The Drought”; *** "The Enemy Within" *** "The Famine" *** "The Figure in the Dusk" *** “Find the Body”; *** "First a Murder" *** "First Came a Murder" *** "Follow the Toff" *** "The Foothills of Fear" *** "Frame the Baron" *** "The Gelignite Gang" *** "Gideon's Art" *** "Gideon's Day" *** "Gideon's Drive" *** "Gideon's Fire" *** "Gideon's Fog" *** "Gideon's Lot" *** "Gideon's March" *** "Gideon's Men" *** "Gideon's Month" ***Gideon's Night”; *** "Gideon's Power" *** "Gideon's Risk" *** Gideon's River; *** *** "Gideon's Sport" *** "Gideon's Staff" *** "Gideon's Week" *** "Give a Man a Gun" *** "Go Away Death" *** "Go Away to Murder" *** "A Gun for Inspector West" *** "Hang the Little Man" *** "Help From the Baron" *** "Here Comes the Toff" *** "Hit and Run" *** "Holiday for Inspector West"; ** The Hounds of Vengeance; *** "The House of the Bears' *** "Hunt the Toff" *** "If Anything Happens to Hester" *** "Incense of Death" *** "The Inferno" *** "Inspector West Alone" *** "Inspector West at Bay" *** "Inspector West Leaves Town" *** "Inspector West Makes Haste" *** "Inspector West Regrets" *** "Inspector West Takes Charge" *** The Insulators” *** “Introducing the Toff” *** "Invitation to Adventure" *** "The Kidnapped Child" *** "Kill Once, Kill Twice" *** "Kill the Toff" *** “The Killers of Innocence” *** "A Kind of Prisoner" *** "Kiss the Toff" *** "A Knife for the Toff" *** "The League of Dark Men" *** 'Let's Kill Uncle Lionel" *** "Look at Murder" *** "Look at Murder" *** "Look Three Ways at Murder" ** Make-Up for the Toff; *** 'The Man I Killed" *** "The Man Who Laughed at Murder" *** "The Man Who Stayed Alive" *** "The Man Who Was Not Himself" *** "A Mask for the Toff" *** “The Mark of the Crescent” *** 'The Masters of Bow Street" *** “Menace” *** "Model for the Toff" *** "Murder Assured" ** Murder in the Family; *** "Murder, London - Australia" *** "Murder, London - Miami" *** "Murder, London - New York" *** "Murder, London - South Africa" *** “Murder Makes Haste” *** "Murder Most Foul" ** Murder Must Wait; *** "Murder on the Line" *** "Murder Tips the Scalpes" *** “Murder With Mushrooms” *** "A Nest of Traitors" *** "Night of the Watchman" *** "No Hurry to Kill" *** "No Need to Die" *** "The Oasis" *** "The Pack of Lies" *** "Parcels for Inspector West" *** “The Peril Ahead” *** "The Plague of Silence" *** "Poison for the Toff" *** Policeman's Dread” *** "Prepare for Action" *** "A Prince for Inspector West"; ** A Promise of Diamonds; *** "A Puzzle in Pearls" *** "Quarrel with Murder" *** "A Rocket for the Toff" *** "Rogues Rampant" *** "Rogues' Ransom" *** "Sabotage" *** "Salute the Toff" ** The Scene of the Crime; *** "A Score for the Toff" *** "A Scream of Murder" *** "Send Superintendent Wes" ** A Shadow of Death; *** "Shadow the Baron" *** "The Silent House" *** "The Sleep" *** "The Smog" *** "So Young to Burn" *** "A Splinter of Glass" *** "Sport for Inspector West" *** "Stars for the Toff" *** "Strike for Death" ** *** "The Terror" *** "Terror by Day" *** "Terror For the Toff" *** "The Terror Trap" *** "Theft of Magna Carta" *** “This Man Did I Kill?” *** "Thunder in Europe" *** "The Toff and the Deadly Parson" *** "The Toff and the Deep Blue Sea" *** “The Toff at the Fair” ***"The Toff and the Golden Boy" *** "The Toff and the Great Illusion" *** “The Toff and the Kidnapped Child” ***"The Toff and the Lady" *** "The Toff and Old Harry" *** "The Toff and the Runaway Bride" *** "The Toff and the Stolen Tresses" *** "The Toff and the Toughs" *** "The Toff at Butlin's" *** "The Toff at the Fair" *** "The Toff Breaks In" *** 'The Toff Goes to Market" *** "The Toff in Town" *** "The Toff in Wax" *** "The Toff in Town" *** "The Toff is Back" *** "The Toff on the Farm" *** "The Toff on Ice" *** "The Toff Proceeds" *** "The Toff Takes Shares" *** "To Kill a Killer" *** "The Touch of Death" *** "Traitor's Doom" *** "Triumph for Inspector West" *** "The Unbegotten" *** "Warn the Baron" *** “'Ware Danger” **** “Why Murder?” *** "Wicked as the Devil"

CREEKMORE, HUBERT - “Cotton Country”

CREWS, HARRY "Karate is a Thing of the Spirit"


"Airframe” *** “Congo" *** "Disclosure" *** "Eaters of the Dead" *** "Five Patients" *** "The Great Train Robbery" *** "Rising Sun" *** "Sphere" **** “Timeline”

CRICHTON, ROBERT "The Great Imposter" *** "The Secret of Santa Vittoria"


"The Donnelly Murders" *** "I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses" *** "Night of the Dragon"

CRIDER, BILL "Cursed to Death"

CRISP, JACK H. "Dragon Spoor" *** "Final Act"

CRISP, N.J. "The Brink" *** "The Gotland Deal" *** “The London Deal”


"Beware of the Trains" *** "Buried for Pleasure" *** "Fen Country" *** "Frequent Hearses" ***

"Holy Disorders" *** "The Long Divorce" *** "Love Lies Bleeding" *** "The Moving Toyshop" *** "Swan Song"

CRIST, JUDITH "The Private Eye, The Cowboy and the Very Naked Girl"

CROALL, JAMES "Fourteen Minutes"

CROFT - COOKE, RUPERT "Paper Albatross"


"The Cask" *** "The Cheyne Mystery" *** "Crime at Guildford" *** "Death of a Train" *** "Fatal Venture" *** "Golden Ashes" *** "The Groote Park Murder" *** "Inspector French's Greatest Case" *** "A Losing Game" *** "The Loss of the Jane Vosper" *** "Murderer's Make Mistakes" *** "Mystery in the Channel" *** "The Pit Prop Syndicate" *** "The Sea Mystery" *** "Silence for the Murderer" *** "Sir John Magill's Last Journey" *** "Tragedy in the Hollow" *** "The 12.30 From Croydon"

CRONIN, A.J. "Grand Canary"

CROOK, MARION "No Safe Place"

CROSBY, JOHN "Contract on the President" *** "Nightfall"


"Death in a Tenured Position" *** "In the Last Analysis" *** "The James Joyce Murder" ***

"No Word from Winifred" *** "Poetic Justice" *** "The Question of Max" *** "The Theban Mysteries" *** "A Trap for Fools"


CROSS, E.B. “The Ninth Dragon” **** "The White Angel"

CROSS, JAMES "The Dark Road"

CROSS, ROGER "The Yorkshire Ripper"

CROSS, WILBUR "Ghost Ship of the Pole”;


CROUSE, RUSSEL "Murder Won't Out"

CROUZAT, HENRI - “Island at the End of the World”

CROWDER, HERBERT "Scimitar" **** “Weatherhawk”

CROWE, JOHN "Another Way to Die"

CRUMLEY, JAMES "The Last Good Kiss" *** "The Wrong Case"

CRUZ, MARK "The Deadly Massage" *** "Dead End"

CUDLIP, DAVID R. "Comparator" *** "Strangers in Blood"


CULLEN, CARTER "The Deadly Chase" *** "Don't Get Caught"

CULLEN, TOM A. "When London Walked in Terror"

CULLEN - TANAKA, JANET M. "Fire Mountain"

CULLINGFORD, GUY "Conjurer's Coffin" **** "The Whipping Boys"

CULVER, EDWARD - “Playhouse of Passion” **** 'She Had to be Loved!”

CUMMINGS JR, JOHN W. - ** The Ultimate Game;


CUMMINS, WALTER - “Temptation”


"The Affair at the Boat Landing" *** "Death Haunts the Dark Lane" *** "The Death of a Worldly Woman"


The Avenger #1 – The Avenger” *** The Avenger #2 Houston Hellground; *** The Avenger #3 Colombia Crackdown” *** Double Penetrator: Mankill Sport / Deep Sea Shootout; *** "The Penetrator - #NN Tokyo Purple / Northwest Contract"


"Alice" *** "The Assassin Who Gave Up His Gun" *** "The Case of the Poisoned Eclairs" *** "Cynthia" *** "Margie" *** "Phyllis" *** "Sally" *** "Samantha" *** "Shirley"

CURLEY, THOMAS "The Crooked Road"

CURRY, AVON "The Fetish Murders"

CURRY, ELLSWORTH - “The Happening”

CURTIS, JACK "Banjo" *** Sons of the Morning;

CURTIS, MIKE - "Midtown North" *** "The Pro - #2 Death in the Crease" *** "The Pro - #3 Strike Zone"

CURTIS, RICHARD HALE – The Barnstormers;

CURTIS, TONY – Kid Andrew Cody & Julie Sparrow;

CURTIS, WADE "Red Dragon"


"Catch a Killer" *** "Danger: Hospital Zone" *** "The Deadly Climate' *** “The Menace Within” *** "Voice Out of Darkness" *** "The WASP" ***

"(What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice?) The Forbidden Garden" *** "Widow's Web"

CURWOOD, JAMES OLIVER "Steele of the Royal Mounted"

CURZON, SAM "'Legs' Diamond"


"The Fabulous Finn" *** "The Half-Caste" *** "Jewel of the Java Sea" *** "Jungle She" ***

"Naked Ebony" *** "On the Make" *** "Opium Flower" *** "Savage Interlude" *** "Stay Away, Joe"


"Blue Gold”; *** “Cyclops" *** "Deep Six" *** "Dragon" *** "Iceberg" *** Inca Gold; *** Lost City; *** "Mayday!" *** "The Mediterranean Caper" *** "Night Probe" *** "Pacific Vortex!" *** "Raise the Titanic!" *** Sahara; *** "Treasure" *** "Vixen 03"


CUTLER, ROLAND "The Gates of Sagittarius" *** "To Kill a King"


"The Specialist - #1 A Talent For Revenge" *** "The Specialist - #2 Manhattan Revenge" *** "The Specialist - #3 Sullivan's Revenge" *** "The Specialist - #4 The Psycho Soldiers" *** "The Specialist - #5 The Maltese Vengeance" *** The Specialist - #6 The Big One *** "The Specialist - #7 The Vendetta" *** "The Specialist - #8 One-Man Army" *** "The Specialist - #9 Vengeance Mountain" *** "The Specialist - #10 Beirut Retaliation" *** "The Specialist - #11 American Vengeance”

---( D )----

DA CRUZ, DANIEL "Deep Kill" *** "Vulcan's Hammer"

DAGMAR - "Swinging Spy - #1 The Spy With the Blue Kazzoo" *** "Swinging Spy - #2 The Spy Who Came in From the Copa"


"The Alpine Escape" *** "Bantam of the Opera" *** "Dune to Death" *** "Holy Terrors" *** Nutty as a Fruitcake”;

DAHL, ROALD "Someone Like You"

DAHLIN, DORIS – The Sit-In Game;

DALBY, RICHARD "Crime for Christmas (Ed.)"


"The Dangerous Edge" *** "A Faint Cold Fear" *** "Hands of a Stranger" *** "Prince of the City" *** "Target Blue" *** "To Kill a Cop" *** "Treasure" *** "Year of the Dragon" *** Wall of Brass;

DALMAS, HERBERT "The Fowler Formula"

DALTON, MARGOT - “Third Choice”


"And Dangerous to Know" *** "Any Shape or Form" *** "Arrow Pointing Nowhere" ***

"The Book of Crime" *** "The Book of the Dead" *** "The Book of the Lion" *** "Deadly Nightshade" *** "Death and Letters" *** "Evidence of Things Seen" *** "The House Without the Door" *** "Murder Listens In" *** "Murder in Volume 2" *** "Night Walk" *** "Nothing Can Rescue Me" *** "Unexpected Night' *** "The Wrong Way Down"


"The Eyes on Utopia Murders" *** "The Hands of Healing Murders"

DAMORE, LEO "In His Garden" *** Senatorial Privilege: The Chappaquiddick Cover-Up;

DAN, URI / MANN, PETER "Carlos Must Die" *** "Ultimatum: PU 94"

DAN, URI / RADLEY, EDWARD "The Eichmann Syndrome"

DANFORTH, HAROLD R. / HORAN, JAMES D. "Big City Crimes" *** "The D.A.'s Man"


DANIELS, DOROTHY – The House of Many Doors; *** The Marble Leaf; *** The Stone House;

DANIELL, MARIA "Fieldwork"


"The Accused" *** “For the Asking” **** "The Girl in 304" *** "House on Greenapple Road" *** "The Snatch"

DANIELS, MARK "The Drug" *** “French Girl in Town” **** “The Hunt Club” **** "Spy for Love"

DANIELS, MAX "Passport to Terror"


"The Baron of Hong Kong" *** "Baron's Mission to Peking" *** "The Captive" *** "The Deadly Game" *** "License to Kill" *** "Lover, Let Me Live!" *** "Operation 'K'" *** Operation T *** "Operation 'VC'" *** "Overkill" *** "The Rape of a Town" *** "Some Die Running" *** "Something Burning" *** "Spy Ghost" *** "Spy Hunt"

DANIELS, PAUL(Pseudonym of Paul W. FAIRMAN, 1916-1977) - "Pattern for Destruction"

DANILOFF, NICHOLAS "Two Lives, One Russia"

DANK, GLORIA "Friends Till the End"

DARIEN, KIM – 'Dark Rapture” **** “Obsession”


"Assignment Tokyo" *** "The Bamboo Bomb" *** "Come Die With Me" *** "Hong Kong Incident" *** "Operation Octopus" *** "Spying Blind" *** "The Sword of Genghis Hell" *** "Throne of Satan"

DARDEN CHRISTOPHER – In Contempt (with WLTER, JESS); *** “Lawless” (with Lochte, Dick);

DASILVA, LEON "Mercenary Green Hell"


DAUGHERTY, KERMIT "Out of the Red Bruch"

DAVENPORT, BASIL "Great Escape (Ed.)"

DAVEY, JOCELYN "Murder in Paradise" *** "A Touch of Stagefright"

DAVID, JAY "The Scarsdale Murder"

DAVIDSON, BILL "Collura: Actor with a Gun"

DAVIDSON, DAVID “The Night is Mine” **** "The Steeper Cliff"

DAVIDSON, DIANE MOTT "The Grilling Season" *** Killer Pancake *** The Main Corpse *** Prume Cut;


"The Chelsea Murders" *** "A Long Way to Shiloh" *** "The Night of Wenceslas" *** "The Sun Chemist"

DAVIDSON, NICOLE "Fan Mail" *** "Winterkill"


DAVIES, JACK "Paper Tiger"

DAVIES, MARTIN "The Gold Machine"

DAVIES, W. X. - Countdown WWIII: Operation Persian Gulf;


"Blind Prophet" *** "A Conspiracy of Eagles" *** "Destroy the Kentucky" *** "The Midnight Partner"

DAVIS, BOB - ** Good-Bye, Bates McGee;

DAVIS, CLYDE BRION "The Rebellion of Leo McGuire"

DAVIS, DON "A Father's Rage" *** The Milwaukee Murders – Nightmare in Apartment 213: The True Story;


"Black Sheep, White Sheep" *** "The Clay Hand" *** "A Death in the Life" *** "Death of an Old Sinner" *** "A Gentleman Called" *** "A Gentle Murderer" *** God Speed the Night; *** "The Habit of Fear" *** "The Judas Cat" *** "Tales for a Stormy Night" *** "A Town of Masks" *** "Where the Dark Streets Go"


"Kiss the Tiger" *** "A Medal for Frankie" *** "The Naked and the Lost" *** "Secret: Hong Kong"

DAVIS, FREDERICK C. "The Deadly Miss Ashley"

DAVIS, GIL "Assignment: Toyko" *** "Valley of the Doles"

DAVIS, GORDON "Counterfeit Kill" *** "I Came to Kill" *** "Where Murder Waits"

DAVIS, JADA M. "One for Hell" (Gold Medal Red Seal Book #24; 12/1952; PBO, paperback original; G/VG = $12);

*** "The Outraged Sect"

DAVIS, JOHN H. - The Kennedy Contract; *** Mafia Kingfish;

DAVIS, JOHN GORDON "Cape of Storms" *** "Levanthian" *** "Years of the Hungry Tiger"

DAVIS, KENN "As October Dies" *** "The Dark Side" *** "The Forza Trap" *** "Words Can Kill"

DAVIS, LINDSAY "Venus in Copper"

DAVIS, M.H. "Eagles"

DAVIS, MAGGIE "Rommil's Gold"


"The Room Upstairs" *** "The Sound of Insects" *** "Three Minutes to Midnight” *** “The Voice on the Telephone"

DAVIS, PHIL "Nemesis"

DAVIS, ROBERT "Partners of Powder Hole"

DAVIS, ROBERT P. "Cat Five" *** "Control Tower" *** "The Pilot"

DAVIS, WADE "The Serpent and the Rainbow"

DAWSON, RICHARD "Red Terror and Green"

DAY, DIANNE – The Bohemian Murders;

DAY, DOUGLAS "Journey of the Wolf"

DAY, GINA "Tell No Tales"

DAY, WILL B. "Bravo 9" *** "The Man From M.O.D."

DAYAN, YAEL – Envy the Frightened; *** "New Face in the Mirror"

(NO AUTHOR) "Dead on Arrival - 10 Great Fact Detective Cases"

DEACON, RICHARD – A History of British Secret Service;

DEAL, BABS H. “Acres of Afternoon” **** 'The Crystal Mouse" *** "Facy's Knell" **** “Night Story” *** “The Walls came Tumbling Down”

DEALS, BORDEN "Killer in the House" ***** “Search for Surrender”


"Bullet Proof" *** "Deadly Contact" *** 'The Devil Threw Dice" *** "Encounter With Evil" *** "Something for the Birds"

DEAN, DUDLEY "Lila my Lovely"

DEAN, ROBERT GEORGE "A Murder by Marriage" *** "Murder in Mink" *** "On Ice"

DEAN, S.F.X. "Ceremony of Innocence *** “Such Pretty Toys"


"Credit for a Murder" *** "Dishonour Among Thieves" *** "The Frightened Fingers" ***

"The Merchant of Murder" *** "Murder After a Fashion" *** "Murder on Delivery" ***

"Price Tag for Murder"

DE ANDREA, WILLIAM L. - “Unholy Moses”

DEANE, JIM "Decoy - #1 The Great Pretender" *** "Decoy - #2 Moon Over Miami"

DEANE, NORMAN (pseudonym of John Creasey)

"Intent to Murder"

DEAR, WILLIAM C. - The Dungeon Master; *** “Please... Don't Kill Me”;

DEAVER, JEFFERY - “The Coffin Dancer” **** “Speaking in Tongues” *** The Stone Monkey;

DE BEKKER, JAY "Keyhole Peeper"


DECKER, JAKE "The Force - #1 Deadly Snow" *** The Force - #4 Death Comes Home"

DEELEY, PETER "The Man-Hunters"

DEFELICE, JIM "Coyote Bird"

DEFELITTA, FRANK "Oktoberfest" *** "Sea Trial"

DEFORD, MIRIAM ALLEN "Murderers Sane and Mad" *** "The Overbury Affair" ***"The Real Bonnie and Clyde" *** The Real Ma Barker;



"Berlin Game" *** "Billion-Dollar Brain" *** "City of Gold" *** "Close-Up" *** "Expensive Place to Die" *** "Fighter" *** "Funeral in Berlin" *** "Game, Set, Match" (3-Book Boxed Set) *** "Goodbye Mickey Mouse" *** Hope; *** "Horse Under Water" *** "The Ipcress File" *** "London Dossier' *** "London Match" *** "Mamista" *** "Mexico Set" *** "Only When I Larf" *** "Spy Hook" *** "Spy Line" *** "Spy Sinker" *** "Spy Story" *** "SS-GB" *** "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Spy" *** "Violent Ward" *** "Winter" *** "XPD" *** "Yesterday's Spy"

DEINDORFER, ROBERT 'True Spy Stories (Ed.)"

DELACORTA "Diva" *** "Luna" *** "Nana"

DELANEY, LAURENCE "The Triton Ultimatum"


DELILLO, DON - “End Zone”

DE LIMA, SIGRID "A Mask of Guilt"

DELMAN, DAVID "The Hard Sell"

DEMILLE, NELSON – Spencerville;

DELUCA, CHARLES "The Sign of the Server"



DEMARCO, GORDON "Frisco Blues"

DE MARIA, ROBERT "Carnival of Angels"

DEMARIS, OVID "The Boardwalk Jungle" *** ""'Candyleg' (Machine Gun McCain)" *** "Captive City" *** "The Contract" *** "The Dillinger Story" *** "The Extortioners" *** "The Gold-Plated Sewer" *** "The Hoods Take Over" *** "The Last Mafioso" *** "The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case" *** "Lucky Luciano" *** "The Lusting Drive" *** "The Organization" *** "The Overlord" ***

"The Parasite" *** "Ricochet" *** "The Slasher"

DEMBY, WILLIAM - “Act of Outrage”

DE MERS, JOE "The Return"

DE MILLE, AGNES "Dance to the Piper"


"By the River Babylon" *** "Cathedral" *** "Charm School" *** "The General's Daughter" *** "The Gold Coast" *** “Plum Island” **** "The Quest" *** "The Talbot Odyssey" **** “Word of Honor”


"Anything But Saintly" *** "Body for Sale" *** "Death of a Pusher" *** "Edge of the Law" ***"Fall Girl" *** "The Gallows in my Garden" *** "Hit and Run" *** "She'll Hate Me Tomorrow" *** "This Game of Murder" *** "This is My Night" *** "Vice-Cop"

DE MONTFORT, GUY "All the Queen's Men ..."

DEMPSEY, AL "The Stendal Raid"




DENIS, JOHN "Alistair MacLean's Air Force One Is Down"

DENISON, MERRILL "Klondike Mike"

DENKER, HENRY "A Place for the Mighty"

DENNING, MARK "Beyond the Prize" *** "Die Fast, Die Happy"


"A Divine Case of Murder" *** "The Next to Last Train Ride" *** "Somebody Just Grabbed Annie!"

DENNIS, RALPH - Mass Market Paperbacks *** Hardman - #2 The Charleston Knife's Back in Town;.*** "Hardman - #12 The Buy Back Blues" (VG/FN $10)

DENNIS, ROBERT C. "Conversations with a Corpse"

DENT, LESTER "Cry at Dusk"

DENTINGER, JANE "First Hit of the Season" *** "Murder on Cue"

DENVER, PAUL "The Last Laugh"

DENZER, PETER W. - “Episode”


DEPEW, WALLY 'Breakaway"


"Arrow - #1 Wine, Woman... and Death" *** "Arrow - #2 Naked Mistress"

DERBY, MARK ** The Bad Step; "The Big Water" *** "Echo of a Bomb" *** "Element of Risk" *** "Malayan Rose" *** "Out of Asia Alive" *** "Woman Hunt"

DERESKE, DAVID - “The Nine Dragon Man”


DERLETH, AUGUST ** The Casebook of Solar Pons; ** The Reminiscences of Solar Pons; "The Return of Solar Pons”;

DE ROO, EDWARD - “The Little Caesars” (Ace D-468);


"The Penetrator - #1 The Target is H" *** "The Penetrator - #2 Blood on the Strip" *** "The Penetrator - #3 Capitol Hell" *** "The Penetrator - #4 Hijacking Manhattan" *** "The Penetrator - #5 Mardi Gras Massacre" *** "The Penetrator - #7 Baja Bandidos" *** "The Penetrator - #8 Northwest Contract" *** "The Penetrator - #9 Dodge City Bombers" *** "The Penetrator - #10 The Hellbomb Flight" **** "The Penetrator - #11 Terror in Taso; *** *** "The Penetrator - #12 Bloody Boston" *** The Penetrator #13 Dixie Death Squad” **** "The Penetrator - #14 Mankill Sport" *** "The Penetrator - #15 The Quebec Connection" *** "The Penetrator - #16 Deepsea Shootout" *** "The Penetrator - #17 Demented Empire" *** "The Penetrator - #18 Countdown to Terror" **** The Penetrator #19 Panama Power Play; *** "The Penetrator - #23 Divine Death" *** "The Penetrator - #25 Floating Death" *** "The Penetrator - #26 Mexican Brown" *** "The Penetrator - #27 The Animal Game" *** "The Penetrator - #28 The Skyhigh Betrayers" *** "The Penetrator - #30 Computer Kill" *** "The Penetrator - #31 Oklahoma Firefight" *** "The Penetrator - #32 Showbiz Wipeout" *** "The Penetrator - #33 Satellite Slaughter" *** "The Penetrator - #34 Death Ray Terror" *** "The Penetrator - #35 Black Massacre" **"The Penetrator - #37 Candidate's Blood" *** "The Penetrator - #38 Hawaiian Trackdown" *** "The Penetrator - #39 Cruise into Chaos" *** "The Penetrator - #40 Assassination Factor" *** "The Penetrator - #41 Hell's Hostages" *** "The Penetrator - #42 INCA Gold Hijack" *** "The Penetrator - #43 Rampage in Rio" *** "The Penetrator - #46 Terrorist Turment" *** "The Penetrator - #47 Orphan Army" *** "The Penetrator - #48 Jungle Blitz" *** "The Penetrator - #50 Neutron Nightmare"

DERSHOWITZ, ALAN M. "Reversal of Fortune"

DES CARS, GUY "The Sorceress”;

DE SIMONE, DONALD "A Kiss on Each Cheek"


DE STEIGUER, WALTER "Jewels for a Shroud"


DE STEFANI, LIVIA - “The Forbidden”



DEUTERMANN, P.T. "Official Privilege" *** "Scorpion in the Sea"


DEVERELL, WILLIAM "The Dance of Shiva" *** "High Crimes" *** "Mecca" **** “Mindfield” *** "Needles"


DE VILLIERS, GERARD (ENGLISH Language Edition, Translated from the FRENCH);

**** Malko - #2 Operation New York (Pinnacle; 1973; Painted cover; SCARCE ENGLISH Language Edition, Translated from the FRENCH; VG = $27.00); ****Malko - #4 Versus the CIA (Pinnacle; 1974; Painted cover; SCARCE ENGLISH Language Edition, Translated from the FRENCH; VG/FN = $30.00); **** Malko - #6 Kill Kissinger (Pinnacle; 1974; Painted cover; SCARCE ENGLISH Language Edition, Translated from the FRENCH; VG/FN = $29.00);

DEVON, D.G. "Precious Objects" *** "Shattered Mask"


DEVON, NICOLA - “House of Illusion”

DEWAR, EVELYN – Perfumes of Arabia;


"And Where She Stops" *** "As Good as Dead" *** "The Brave Bad Girls" *** "The Case of the Murdeded Model" *** "The Chased and the Unchaste" *** "Dame in Danger" *** "Deadline" *** "Don't Cry for Love" *** "Draw the Curtain Close" *** "Every Bet's a Sure Thing" *** "The Girl in the Punchbowl" *** "The Girl With the Sweet Plumb Knees" *** "Go, Honeylou" *** "The Golden Hooligan" *** "Go to Sleep, Jeannie" *** "How Hard to Kill" ** Hunter at Large; *** "The Love - Death Thing" *** "The Mean Streets" *** "My Love is Violent" *** "Nude in Nevada" *** "Only on Tuesdays" *** "Portrait of a Dead Heiress" *** "A Sad Song Singing" *** "A Season for Violence" *** "Too Hot for Hawaii"

DEXTER, BRUCE "I'll Sing You the Death of Bill Brown"

DEXTER, COLIN "Service of All the Dead" *** "The Silent World on Nicholas Quinn" *** "The Way Through the Woods"

DEXTER, PETE "God's Pocket"

DEYNEKA, ANITA "Alexi's Secret Mission"



DIBNER, MARTIN "A God for Tomorrow" *** "Ransom Run"

DIBDIN, MICHAEL "Dirty Tricks"


DICKEY, JAMES "Deliverance"


Death of a Unicorn” *** “The Glass Sided Ants' Nest” **** “King and Joker” **** "The Last House-Party" *** "The Lively Dead” *** The Lizard in the Cup; *** “One Foot in the Grave" *** "The Poison Oracle" *** A Pride of Heroes; *** "Skin Deep" *** "Sleep and His Brother" *** "Tulku” *** “Walking Dead"


"Behind the Crimson Blind" *** Bowstring Murders; ** "The Cavalier's Cup" *** "The Curse of the Bronze Lamp" *** "Death and the Gilded Man" *** "Death in Five Boxes" *** "A Graveyard to Let" *** "He Wouldn't Kill Patience" *** "The Judas Window" *** "My late Wives" *** "Night at the Mocking Widow" *** "Nine-And Death Makes Ten" *** "The Peacock Feather Murders" *** "The Plague Court Murders" *** "The Punch and Judy Murders" *** "The Reader is Warned" *** "The Red Widow Murders" *** "Seeing is Believing" *** "She Died a Lady" *** "The Skeleton in the Clock" *** "The Unicorn Murders" ***

"The White Priory Murders"

DIDELOT, FRANCIS "The Many Ways of Death" *** "The Seventh Juror"

DIECKMANN Jr., ED - “Volcano Mondo”

DIEHL, WILLIAM "Chameleon" *** "Hooligans" *** Primal Fear; *** "Sharky's Machine" *** "Thai House"

DIETER, WILLIAM "Hunter's Orange"

DIETL, BO / GROSS, KEN "One Tough Cop, the Bo Dietl Story"

DIETRICH, ROBERT (E. Howard Hunt) "Angel Eyes" *** "Be my Victim" *** "Curtains for a Lover" *** "End of a Stripper" *** "The House on Q Street" *** "Mistress to Murder" *** "Murder on the Rocks" *** "My Body" *** "Steve Bentley's Calypso Caper"

DIETZ, DENISE – Beat Up a Cookie;

DILLE, FLINT – Agent 13 the Midnight Avenger;

DILLMAN, JOHN – The French Quarter Killers; *** "Unholy Matrimony”

DILLON, EILIS "Death at Crane's Court”;

DILLON, JACK "A Great Day for Dying"


'The Bang Bang Birds" *** "The Great Spy Race" *** "Think Inc."


"The Benedict Arnold Connection" *** "Last Man at Arlington" *** "70 Sutton Place" *** "To the Eagle's Nest"

DINNEEN, JOSEPH F. "The Anatomy of a Crime" *** "The Biggest Holdup" *** "Underworld U.S.A."

DIOLE, PHILIPPE "The Undersea Adventure"

DIPEGO, GERALD "Shadow of the Beast" *** "With a Vengeance"



"Blackmail' *** "Dark Lady" *** "Dead Stop" *** "Find the Woman" *** "The Last Straw" *** "Look Back on Murder" *** "Mrs. Meeker's Money" *** "Night of Clear Choice" *** "No Next of Kin" *** "Room for Murder" *** "Straw Man" *** "That Which is Crooked" *** "Three's a Crowd" *** "Trick or Treat" *** "Who Rides a Tiger"


"The Balcony" *** "Death in the Back Seat" *** "Explosion" *** "The Golden Swan Murder" *** "The Hangman's Tree" *** "Strawstack Murders"

DI TURNO, SADIO G. "Diamond River"


DIXON, H. VERNOR "Something for Nothing" **** “That Girl Marion” (Monarch 261; 1962);

DIXON, MARK "Deadly Force - #2 Special Delivery" *** "Deadly Force - #3 Heartlanders” *** "Deadly Force - #5 Blood Cult” *** Deadly Force - #7 Body Count;




The Church of Dead Girls” ***** "Dancer with One Leg" *** "A Man of Little Evils" *** “ Sara-toga Headhunter” *** "Sara-toga Swimmer"


"Angel's Ransom" *** "Bullets for the Bridgeroom" *** "Death and Taxes" *** "Hooligan" *** It Ain't Hay" *** "The Long Escape" *** "Plunder of the Sun" *** "The Red Tassel" *** "Shear the Black Sheep" ** "To Catch a Thief"

DODSON, KENNETH "Stranger to the Shore"

DOHERTY, PEGGY "Time Bomb and Other Stories (Ed.)"

DOLCI, DANIILO "Report From Palermo"

DOLINER, ROY "On the Edge" *** "Sandra Rifkin's Jewels" ***** “Young Man Willing”

DOLPH, JACK "Murder is Mutuel" *** "Ride the Man Down" *** "The Trail of the Golden Girl"

DON, IAN "Tough Guys"

DONAHUE, JACKSON "The Confessor"

DONALDSON, D.J. "Louisiana Fever"

DONIS, MILES "The Fall of New York"

DONNELLY, DESMOND "The Nearing Storm"

DONOVAN, J.B. "The Laughing Horses”;

DONOVAN, JAMES B. "Strangers on a Bridge"

DONOVAN, ROBERT J. "The Assassins"

DOOLEY, ROGER "Flashback"


DORF, FRAN "A Reasonable Madness"

DORIAN, EDITH "Mystery on Graveyard Head"

DORLAND, MICHAEL "The Double-Cross Circuit"

DORMAN, MICHAEL "The Secret Service Story"

DORTORT, DAVID "Burial of the Fruit"


DOUGHERTY, RICHARD "The Commissioner" *** "Madigan" *** The Rig;

DOUGLAS, BILL "Bloody Precinct"

DOUGLAS, CAROLE NELSON - “Good Night, Mr. Holmes”

DOUGLAS, JOHN / OLSHAKER, MARK "Journey into Darkness" *** "Mindhunter" *** "Un-bomber"

DOUGLAS, JOHNNY "The last Hi-Jack"

DOUGLAS, LAURA “The Mystery of Arrowhead Hill” **** "The Mystery of Crooknose"

DOUGLAS, MALCOLM "Prey by Night" *** "Pure Sweet Hell" *** "Rain of Terror"


DOUGALS, SHANE "The Mercy Heroes" *** "Sky Doctor" *** "Surgeon Suspect"


DOUGLASS, DONALD McNUTT 'Many Brave Hearts" *** "Rebecca's Pride"

DOUGLASS, KEITH "Carrier - #1 Carrier" *** "Carrier - #6 Countdown" *** "Carrier - #9 Arctic Fire"

DOWNING, DAVID "Russian Revolution 1985"

DOWNING, TODD "The Cat Screams"

DOWNING, WARWICK "A Lingering Doubt"

DOWNS, HUNTON "A Compassionate Tiger" *** "The Opium Stratagem"

DOWNS, THOMAS "The Door-to-Door Killer"

DOXEY, WILLIAM "Espionage"

DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - “Adventures of Gerard” *** Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” *** “The Case Book of Sherlock Moles” **** “The Edge of the Unknown” *** The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes” **** “Great Stories of Sherlock Holmes” *** The Hound of the Baskervilles” **** “His Last Row” **** “The Last Row” **** 'The Lost World” ** The Man with the Twisted Lip; **** “The Maracot Deep” **** “The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes” **** “More Exploits of Sherlock Holmes” *** Resurrection de Sherlock Holmes (French); **** “The Return of Gerard” *** “The Return of Sherlock Holmes” **** “Sherlock Holmes: His Most Famous Mysteries” **** “Sherlock Holmes Meets the Sussex Vampire” *** “The Sherlock Holmes Pocket Book” *** “The Sign of the Four” **** “A Study in Scarlet” **** “Tales of Adventure and Medical Life” *** “The Valley of Fear” **** “When the World Screamed” *** “The White Company”

DOYLE, ADRIAN CONAN/ CARR, JOHN DICKSON "The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes”

DOYLE, RICHARD "Deluge" *** "Imperial 109" ***Volcano;


DRACHMAN, THEODORE S. "Addicted to Murder"

DRAKE, ARNOLD "The Steel Noose"

DRAKE, LISA / PENZLER, OTTO "The Medical Center Murders"

DRAPER, ALFRED "Swansong for a Rare Bird"

DRATLER, JAY J. “All for a Woman” **** “Doctor Paradise” **** "The Judas Kiss" *** "The Pitfall"

DRESDEN, THOMAS "Queen's Ransom”

DREW, PATRICIA – Deep in a Dark Country;



"The Barboza Credentials" *** "In Connection with Kilshaw" *** "The Wilby Conspiracy"

DROGE JR., EDWARD F. "The Honor Legion" *** "The Patrolman: A Cop's Story"


"Traveller - #1 First, You Fight" *** "Traveller - #4 To Kill a Shadow" *** "Traveller - #6 Border War *** "Traveller - #11 The Children's Crusade"

DRUMMOND, IVOR "The Tank of Sacred Eels"

DRUMMOND, JUNE – Cable-Car; *** "Drop Dead"


DRURY, ALLEN "Advise and Consent" *** "Capable on Honor" *** "Come Nineveh, Come Tyre" *** "A God Against the Gods" *** "The Hill of Summer" *** "Mark Coffin U.S.S." *** "Preserve and Protect" *** "The Promise of Joy" *** "Return to Thebes" *** "The Roads of Earth" *** "A Sahde of Difference" *** "The Throne of Saturn"


"The Image Makers" *** "Murder in Port Afrique" *** "Port Afrique"

DUANE, ALLAN "The Hadrian Ransom"

DUBINSKY, STEVEN / STANDORA, LEO "Decoy Cop" *** "Decoy Cop, Part II"


"Death is late to Lunch" *** "The Listener" *** "Seeing Red" *** "Shannon Terror"

DUBREUIL, LINDA "Crooked Letter" *** "So dear, So Dearly" *** "Some Call It Perjury"

DUBRO, ROWLAND "King of the Mob"

DU BRUL, JACK B. "Vulcan's Force"

DU CANN, RICHARD "The Art of the Advocate"

DUERRENMATT, FRIEDRICH "The Pledge" *** "Traps"

DUFF, JAMES "Some Die Young" *** "Who Dies There?"

DUFFIELD, ANNE "Fiametta" *** "Forever Tomorrow" *** "The Grand Duchess" **** “The Inscrutable Nymph”

DUFFY, CLINTON T. "88 Men and 2 Women" *** “The Inscrutable Nymph” *** "The San Quentin Story"



DUHART, WILLIAM H. "The Deadly Payoff"

DUKE, MADELAINE "The Borrman Receipt" ** SlipStream; *** "Top Secret Mission"

DUKE, WILL "Fair Prey"

DULAK, TOM "The Stigmata of Dr. Constantine"

DULLES, ALLEN "The Craft of Intelligence" *** "Great True Spy Stories"

DUNCAN, DAVID "Worse Than Murder"

DUNCAN, LOIS "Don't Look Behind You”; *** “Five Were Missing" *** "I Know You Did Last Summer”; *** Killing Mr. Griffin; *** “Ransom” *** “Stranger with my Face" *** "They Never Came Home" **** The Third Eye;

DUNCAN, PETER - “Sweet Cheet” **** “The Telltale Tart”


"Brimstone" *** "Dragons at the Gate" *** "Fire Storm" *** "In the Blood" ***

"The Queen's Messenger" *** "The Serpent's Mark" *** "Temple Dogs"

DUNCAN, THOMAS- Virgo Descending;

DUNDEE, ROBERT 'The Restless Lovers"

DUNDY, ELAINE "The Dud Avocado"

DUNNE, LEE - “The Cabbie Who Came in From the Cold”

DUNHAM, DONALD "Zone of Violence"

DUNLAP, SUSAN – An Equal Opportunity Death; *** As a Favor; *** Diamond in the Buff; *** "Sudden Exposure” *** “Too Close to the Edge”;



DUNN, DOROTHY "Murder's Web"

DUNN, MIKE "Sidewinder" *** "Task Force"

DUNNE, DOMINICK – Another City, Not My Own;

DUNNE, H. P. - Daughter of Darkness;

DUNNE, JOHN GREGORY "True Confessions"

DUNNING, JOHN “Booked to Die” **** “The Bookman's Wake” *** "Deadline" **** “Keller's Bomb”

DUNNING, LAWRENCE – Keller's Bomb; *** "Neutron Two is Critical" *** "Taking Liberty"


DURAND, LOUP "Daddy" *** Jaguar”


DURBRIDGE, FRANCIS "East of Algiers" *** "The Other Man" *** "The Scarf" *** "A Time of Day"

DURHAM, GUY "Stealth"

DURIS, GENE "Real Endlings"

DURRANT, THEO "The Big Fear"

DURRELL, LAWRENCE "The Dark Labyrinth" *** "White Eagles Over Serbia"

DURREN, MATT, FRIEDRICH "End of the Game" *** "The Judge and his Hangman"

DURSTON, P.E.H. - Mortissimo;

DYER, BRIAN - “The Celtic Queen”

DYSON, JOHN "Blue Hurricane"

----( E )----

EARL, LAWRENCE "The Frozen Jungle"

EARLEY, PETE "Family of Spies" *** Prophet of Death (The Mormon Blood Atonement Killings);

EARLY, JACK "Donato and Daughter"

EASTERMAN, DANIEL "Brotherhood of the Tomb" *** "The Ninth Buddha"

EASTMAN, CHARLES "Little Fauss and Big Halsy"


EASTON, LAWRENCE "The Driven Flesh"

EASTWOOD, JAMES "The Chinese Visitor" *** "Come Die With Me" *** "Diamonds are Deadly"

EBEN, LAURENCE - “Shadow Game”


"Alpine Condo Crossfire" *** "Another Man's Murder" *** "Another Woman's House" ***

"Call After Midnight" *** "Casa Madrone" *** "The Case of Susan Dare" *** "The Chiffon Scarf" *** "The Cup, The Blade or the Gun" *** "Danger in the Dark" *** "The Dark Garden" *** "Deadly is the Diamond" *** "Dead Men's Plans" *** "Enemy in the House" *** "Escape the Night" *** "Fair Warning' *** "A Fighting Chance" *** "Five Passengers From Lisbon" *** "From this Dark Stairway" *** "The Glass Slipper" *** "The Hangman's Whip" *** "Hasty Wedding" *** "House of Storm" *** "The House on the Roof" *** "Hunt With the Hounds" *** "Jury of One" *** "The Man Next Door" *** "Man Missing" *** "Message From Hong Kong" *** "The Mystery of Hunting's End" *** Mystery Story Teller; *** "Never Look Back" *** "The Patient In Room 18" *** "Postmark Murder" *** "The Promise of Murder" *** "Run Scared" *** "R.S.V.P. Murder" ***

"Speak No Evil" *** "Unidentified Woman" *** "The Unknown Quantity" *** "While the Patient Slept" *** "The White Dress" *** "Wings of Fear" *** "With This Ring" *** "Witness at Large" *** "Wolf in Man's Clothing" *** "Woman on the Roof"

EBISCH, GLEN "Lou Dunlop: Cliffhanger"

EBY, LOIS / FLEMING, JOHN C. "The Velvet Fleece"

ECHARD, MARGARET "A Man Without Friends" *** "Who Killed Frankie Leash?"

ECKE, WOLFGANG - ** The Magnet Detective Book One;

ECKERT, ALLAN W. "The Scarlet Mansion"

ECO, UMBERTO "Foucault's Pendulum" *** "The Name of the Rose"

EDEN, DOROTHY "Death is a Red Rose" **** The Pretty Ones;

EDEN, MATTHEW "Flight of Hawks"


EDDY, PAUL / POTTER, ELAINE / PAGE, BRUCE – Desination Disaster; *** "Destination Wars"

EDGAR, KEN "Frogs at the Bottom of the Well"

EDGERTON, CLYDE "Killer Diller"

EDGLEY, LESLIE "A Dirty Business"

EDMONS, ANDY "Hot Toddy"

EDMONDSON, G.C. / KOTLAN, C.M. 'The Takeover"

EDWARDS, ALEXANDER "The Black Bird" *** "McQ"

EDWARDS, ANNE 'The Survivors"

EDWARDS, JANE "What Happened to Amy?"

EDWARDS, NICHOLAS - “Arachnophobia”


"John Eagle, Expeditor - #1 Needles of Death" *** "John, Eagle, Expeditor - #3 The Fist of Fatima" *** "John, Eagle, Expeditor - #4 The Fist of Fatima” ** John, Eagle, Expeditor - #5 The Laughing Death; "John, Eagle, Expeditor - #6 The Glyphs of God" *** John Eagle Expeditor - #8 The Death Devils; ** "John, Eagle, Expeditor - #10 The Holocaust Auction" *** John Eagle Expeditor - #11 Poppies of Death; *** "John, Eagle, Expeditor - #12 The Green Goddess"

EDWARDS, PETER – Blood Brothers;

EDWARDS, R.T. / PENZLER, OTTO "Prize Meets Murder"


EFTIMIADES, MARIA "Sins of the Mother"


"Against the Evidence" *** "A Case for Appeal" *** "Detective's Due" *** "The Nameless Ones" *** "Run to Evil" *** "A Serious Investigation" *** "Some Avenger, Rise!" **** 'The Wine of Violence”

EGERTON, DENISE "No Thoroughfare"


EGGINTON, JOYCE "From Cradle to Grave"


"The Black Windmill" *** "The Judas Mandate" *** "Last Post for a Partisan" *** "A Piece of Resistance" *** 'Seven Days to a Killing" *** "Skirmish" *** "State Visit"

EHRLICH, J.W. "A Reasonable Doubt"

EHRLICH, JACK - "Bloody Vengeance" *** "Cry, Baby" *** "The Drowning" **** “The Girl Cage” *** “Parole” *** "Slow Burn"


"the Cult”; *** “First Train to Babylon" *** “Naked Beach” *** "The Savage is Loose" *** "Spin the Glass Web" *** "The Takers"

EHRLICHMAN, JOHN "The Company" *** "Reincarnation in Venice" **** “The Whole Truth”

EINSTEIN, CHARLES "The Blackjack Hijack" *** "The Bloody Spur" *** "Wiretap!"


"Carlos: Terror International" *** "Operation Uranium Ship"

EISINGER, JO – The Walls Came Tumbling Down;

EISNER, SIMON "The Naked Storm"

ELDER, ROB – “Chio 2 the Decoy Man”

ELDIN, PETER - ** The Secret Agent's Handbook;

ELEGANT, ROBERT "A Kind of Treason"

ELIAS, ALBERT J. - The Bowman Test *** "The Sonora Mutation"

ELIAS, DAVID "College Harry"

ELISCO, BEN "On Any Given Sunday"

ELKIN, WINFRED A. "The English Penal System"


ELKINS, MICHAEL "Forged in Fury"

ELLI, FRANK "The Riot"


"The Big Night" *** "The Bind" *** "The Blessington Method" *** "The Eight Circle" *** "House of Cards" *** "The Key to Nicholas Street" *** "The Luxembourg Run" *** "Quiet Horror" *** "Stronghold" *** "The Valentine Estate"


"Exit For a Dame" *** "It's a Crime" *** "Shakedown" *** "Shoot the Works" *** "Stone Cold Dead"

ELLIS, CAROL – My Secret Admirer;

ELLIS, STEVE "Alcatraz Number 1172"

ELLIS, SUMMER LOCKE - “Careful, he Might Hear You”

ELLIOT, JOHN MICHAEL "The Danube Covenant"

ELLIOTT, JOHN "Dragon Feast"

ELLIS, CAROL - “Silent Witness”

ELLIS, GEORGE "A Man Named Jones" *** "The Richer They Are"

ELLIS, JULIE "Walk a Tightrope"

ELLIS, SCOTT 'The Borzoi Control"

ELLSWORTH, HENRY - “21 Sunset Drive (Monarch 397; 1963);

ELMAN, RICHARD "Taxi Driver"

ELMES, GUY "Over a Barrel"

ELLSON, HAL – Nightmare Street; *** Summer Street;

ELSTON, ALLAN VAUGHAN 'Beyond the Bitter Roots"


ELLROY, AJMES "Blood on the Moon" *** "Clandestine" *** "Silent Terror"

EMERICK, LUCILLE “The City Beyond” **** "The Web of Evil"

EMERSON, CHERYL "Treacherous Beauties"

EMERSON, DONALD - ** Span Across a River;

EMERSON, EARL W. - "Nervous Laughter" *** "Poverty Bay"

EMERY, GUY "Front For Murder"


"American Avenger - #1 Beat a Distant Drum" *** "American Avenger - #2 Ride the Tiger" *** "American Avenger - #3 The Devil's Finger" *** "American Avenger - #4 King, Bishop, Knight" *** "American Avenger - #5 Trojan Horse"


"The MS. Squad - #1 Lucky Pierre" *** "The MS. Squad - #2 On the Brink"


ENDORE, GUY "Detour at Night" *** "Nightmare" *** “Werewolf of Paris”

ENEFER, DOUGLAS "The Deadly Quiet" *** "Lakeside Zero" ** The Long Chance;

ENGEL, HOWARD – Mr. Doyle & Dr. Bell *** 'Murder Sees the Light' *** "The Ransom Game" *** "The Suicide Murders"

ENGLADE, KEN "A Family Business” *** Hoffa"

ENGLAND, KEN – Murder in Boston;

ENGLEMAN, PAUL "Murder-In-Law"

ENGLING, RICHARD "Body Mortgage"

ENGLAND, BARRY "Figures in a Landscape"

ENGLISH, ARNOLD "Edge of Violence"

ENGLISH, T.J. "The Westies"

ENGSTRAND, STUART – 'Son of the Giant”

EPSTEIN, EDWARD JAY "Cartel" *** “Inquest: the Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth”


"The Billion Dollar Killing" *** "The lst Days of America" *** “The Last Days of America” *** "The Silver Bears" *** "The Swiss Account"

ERIKSON, NANCY WATSON "Splinters of Fear"

ERIKSON, PAUL "The Dynasty"

ERLER, BOB / SOUTER, JOHN C. "The Catch Me Killer"


ERNST, PAUL 'The Bronze Mermaid" *** "Hangman's Hat"


"Case With Three Husbands" *** "The Disappearing Bridegroom" *** "Harriet Farewell" *** "The Whispering House" *** "The Woman at Belguardo"

ERWIN, ALAN R. "The Power Exchange"

ERTZ, SUSAN "Mary Hallam"

ESSEX, PETER "The Exile"

ESTEVEN, JOHN "While Murder Waits"


"The Glass Highway" *** "The Midnight Man" *** "Motor City Blue" *** "Stress"

ESTOW, DANIEL "The Moment of Fiction"

ETHAN, JOHN B. "The Black Gold Murders" *** "Call Girls For Murder" *** "Murder on Wall Street"

EUSTIS, HELEN "The Fool Killer" *** "The Horizontal Man"

EVANOVICH, JANET – Full House *** High Five;

EVANS, DEAN "This Kill is Mine"

EVANS, HARRIS "The Lovely Agony"

EVANS, JOHNATHAN "The Kremlin Correction" *** "The Sagomi Gambit" *** "The Solitary Man"

EVANS, JOHN "Halo for Satan" *** Halo in Blood; **** "Lona"

EVANS, JOHN P. / MANNION, JOHN B. "A Breach of Fate" *** "The Vanishing Vector"

EVANS, JON – Dark Places;

EVANS, KENNETH L. "A Feast for Spiders"

EVANS, NICHOLAS – The Horse Whisperer; *** The Smoke Jumper;

EVANS, PHILIP - ** The Bodyguard Man;

EVANS, ROSSER "A Feast of Friends"

EVANS, TABOR (Longarm) #4 And the Wendigo; *** #7 and the Highraders; *** #9 and the Hatchet Men; **** #14 In Leadville; *** #16 and the Mounties; *** #24 and the Railroaders; *** #32 and the Golden Lady; *** #45 in Deadwood; *** #52 on the Great Divide; *** #56 And the Outlaw Lawman; *** *** #64 and the Cattle Baron; *** #65 and the Steer Swindlers; *** #66 And the Hangman's Noose; *** #68 And the Desert Duchess; *** #70 on the Ogallala Trail; *** #72 and the Blind Man's Vengeance; *** #73 At Fort Reno; *** #75 West of the Pecos; *** #80 on the Goodnight Trail; *** #86 in the Hard Rock Country; *** #96 and the Bone Skinners; *** #101 and the Cottonwood Curse; *** #102 and the Desperate Manhunt; *** #113 In the Big Burnout;

EVARTS, HAL G. "Smugglers' Road"

EVSLIN, BERNARD - “Merchants of Venice”

EXBRAYAT, CHARLES "A Ravishing Idiot"

EYERLY, JEANNETTE "The Leonardo Touch"


"The Chinese Box" *** "The Lute and the Glove" *** "The Sandlewood Fan"


"Susan Sand Mystery Stories - #1 The Mystery at Hollowheath House" *** "Susan Sand Mystery Stories - #4 The Riddle of Ragged Rock Ridge"

----( F )----

FADIMAN JR., EDWIN "An Act of Violence" *** “The Glass Play-Pen” **** "The 21" Screen"

FAGAN, NORBERT "The Crooked Mile" *** "One Against the Odds"

FAGYAS, M. "Dance of the Assassins" *** "The Fifth Woman"

FAHERTY, ROBERT - “Swamp Babe”

FAIN, WILLIAM - “In Search of Love”


FAIRBAIRN, DOUGLAS "Shoot" *** "Street 8"


"Deadline for Macall" *** "Double the Bluff" *** "No Sleep for Macall" *** "The Pianist Shoots First" *** "Please Kill my Cousin"

FAIRLEIGH, RUNA "An Old-Fashioned Mystery"

FAIRMAN, PAUL "The Joy Wheel" *** "Search for a Dead Nympho" *** "To Catch a Crooked Girl"

FALKIRK, RICHARD "Blackstone" *** "Blackstone's Fancy"

FALKNER, J. MEADE "The Lost Stradivarius" *** "Moonfleet"

FAIRSTEIN, LINDA – The Bone Vault;

FALCONER, COLIN – Rough Justice;

FALSTEIN, LOUIS "Slaughter Street" *** "Sole Survivor" **** “Spring of Desire”

FANCOTT, EDMUND "The Shell Game"

FANGER, HORST "A Life for a Life"

FARAGO, LADISLAS "Aftermath" *** "The Game of the Foxes" *** "Spymaster"

FARBER, JAMES "Blood Island"


"Greenmask" *** "The Shadow of Thirteen" *** "Thirteen Guests" *** "Yellow Devil"

FARLEY, WATLER "The Black Stallion Mystery"

FARNOL, JEFFERY "The Loring Mystery"

FARR, JOHN "She Shark"


"Death on the Sixth Day" *** "How Awful About Allan" *** “Such a Gorgeous Kid Like Me”

FARRELL, GILLIAN B. - Murder and a Muse;

FARREN, JULIAN – 'The Train from Pittsburgh”

FARRER, KATHARINE – The Missing Link;

FARRIMOND, JOHN "Kill Me a Priest"



'The Corpse Next Door" *** “Harrison High” **** "Sharp Practice" *** "Shatter" *** "The Trouble at Harrison High" *** "When Michael Calls"

FARROW, JOHN "City of Ice"

FARSON, NEGLEY "The Way of a Transgressor"


FAST, JULIUS "And Then Murder"

FAUR JR., MICHAEL P. "A Friendly Place to Die"

FAUST, IRVIN "Foreign Devils"


FAUST, RON "The Long Count" *** "Snowkill"

FAVIELL, FRANCES - “A House on the Rhine”


FEARING, KENNETH! "The Big Clock" *** "Cry Killer!" *** "Dagger of the Mind"




"Autopsy" *** "The Dance Card" *** "Death Sails the Bay" *** "Malpractice" **** “Not a Stranger”

FEIDEN, DOUG "The 10,000,000 Dollar Getaway"



FELD, BERNARD "Blood Relations”;

FELDMANIS, ERIK "The Jungle Part I" *** "The Jungle Part II" *** "The Jungle Part III"


FEMLING, JEAN "Getting Mine"

FENADY, ANDREW J. "The Man with Bogart's Face"


Deadlock *** "Death is a Lovely Lady" *** "Death of the Party" *** "Jenny Kissed Me" *** Villianous Company; *** "The Wench is Dead..."

FENNELL, GEORGE "Blood Patrol" *** "Killer Patrol"

FENNERTON, WILLIAM ** The Potentate; "A Touch of Red"

FENTON, EDWARD "The Double Darkness"

FENWICK, E.P. 'An Inconvenient Corpse"

FENWICK, ELIZABETH "The Make-Believe Man"


FERGUSON, JAEN "A Book of Disasters"

FERGUSON, JOHN – The Man in the Dark;

FERGUSON, PAMELA "Dominion" *** "The Olympic Mission"


FERGUSSON, BERNARD "The Rare Adventure"


FERGUSSON, HARVEY "The Conquest of Don Pedro"

FERM, BETTY "Edge of Beauty" *** "Fever Pitch"

FERRARS, E.X. "Frog in the Throat" *** “Hunt the Tortoise” ** The Lying Voices; **** "The March Hare Murders" *** "Rehearsals for Murder" *** "We Haven't Seen her Lately"


"Always Sat Die" *** "Breath of Suspicion" *** "The Clock That Wouldn't Stop" *** "Enough to Kill a Horse" *** "The Small World of Murder" *** "A Stranger and Afraid"

FERRIER, RAY "The Beat Maker"


FERRIS, WALLY "Across 110th"

FICK, CARL "The Danziger Transcript"

FIEDLER, JEAN "When a Sparrow Falls"

FIELD, MEDORA "Blood on her Shoe"


"The Deep End" *** "Don't Cry Now" *** "Kiss Mommy Goodbye" *** "Life Penalty" *** "See Jane Run" *** Whispers and Lies;


FIELDING, WILLIAM H. “Take Me as I Am” *** "The Unpossessed"


FIENNES, RANLOPH "The Feather Men"


FINDER, JOSEPH – Company Man;

FINDLAY, D.K. "King Winter"

FINDLEY, FERGUSON "Murder Makes Me Mad"

FINDLEY, TIMOTHY "Famous Last Words" *** The Last of the Crazy People;

FINNEGAN, ROBERT "The Bandaged Nude" *** "The Lying Ladies" *** "Many a Monster"

FINNEY, JACK "Assault on a Queen" *** "5 Against the House" *** "The House of Numbers" ** The Night People;

FIRESTONE, ROSS "Getting Busted (Ed.)"

FIRTH, ANTHONY "The Limbo Affair" *** "Tall, Balding, Thirty-Five"


'The Bleedin Scissors" *** "The Fast Buck" *** "Fools Walk In" *** "The Girl Between" ***

"Hornet's Nest" *** "House of Flesh" *** "Knee-Deep in Death" *** "The Lady Kills" ***

"More Deaths Than One" *** "Murder in the Rain" *** "The Pigskin Bag" *** "The Restless Hands" *** "Second-Hand Nude" *** "So Wicked my Love" *** "The Spider Lily" *** "Stairway to Death"

FISCHER, MARJORIE "Embarrassment of Riches"

FISH, DONALD "Airline Detective"


"The Bridge That Went Nowhere" *** "The Diamond Bubble" *** "The Fugitive" ***

"The Gold of Troy" *** "The Hochmann Miniatures" *** "Isle of the Snakes" ***

"The Murder League" *** "Pursuit" *** "The Shrunken Head"

FISHER, DAVE "The Incredible Scooter Cops"

FISHER, DAVID E. "Katie's Terror"

FISHER, LAWRENCE "Death by the Day"

FISHER, MICHAEL 'The Captive's" **** “The Voyager”

FISHER, STEVE "Homicide Johnny" *** "No House Limit" *** “The Sheltering Night”

FISHMAN, HAL / SCHIFF, BARRY "Flight 902 is Down"

FISKE, DORSEY "Academic Murder"

FITZGERALD, KEVIN "It's Different in July" *** "A Throne of Bayonets" *** "Trouble in West Two"

FITZGERALD, NIGEL "Midsummer Malice"


FITZGERALD, TOM "A Matter of Scents"

FITZ GIBBON, CONSTANTINE "When the Kissing Had To Stop"

FITZ MAURICE, EUGENE – The Hawkeland Cache;

FITZPATRICK, THOMAS K. - The Blood Circus;



"Death and the Naked Lady" **** “The Lady and the Cheetah” *** "Murder in Monaco" *** "The Paradise Gun" *** "The Persian Cat" *** "Woman of Cairo"

FLAGG, JONAS / GRAVES, GEOFFREY "Seven Days to Disaster"

FLAIR, TERRANCE 'Halfway to Heaven"

FLANAGAN, JIM "The Crossing"

FLANNAGAN, ROY "The Whipping"


"Broken Idols" *** “Counterstrike” **** "Eagles Fly" *** "False Prophets" *** "Gulag" *** "The Hollow Men" ***

"The Kremlin Conspiracy" *** "The Trinity Factor" *** "The Zebra Network"

FLEET, CHARLES - “A Place Like Hessberg”


FLEISHER, SIEGEL – “Down the Dark Street”

FLEISCHMAN, A.S. 'Blood Alley" *** "Danger in Paradise" *** "Look Behind You Lady" *** "Shanghai Flame"

FLEISCHMAN, THEO "Double Exposure"


(James Bond: by Various Authors) "James Bond Casino Royale" "James Bond Diamonds are Forever" *** "James Bond Dr. No" *** "James Bond For Your Eyes Only" *** "James Bond From Russia With Love" ***

"James Bond Goldfinger" *** "James Bond Live and Let Die" ***

"James Bond The Man With the Golden Gun" *** "James Bond Moonraker" ***

"James Bond Octopussy" *** "James Bond On Her Majesty's Secret Service" ***

"James Bond The Spy Who Loved Me" *** "James Bond Thunderball" ***

"James Bond You Only Live Twice"

( James Bond : by Various Authors)

GARDNER, JOHN “Death is Forever”

GARDNER, JOHN "For Special Services"

GARDNER, JOHN "Goldeneye"

GANT, RICHARD "Ian Fleming: The Fantastic 007 Man"

ANTHONY PAUL / FRIEDMAN, J. "Ian Fleming's Incredible Creation"

PELRINE, E & D. "Ian Fleming: Man With Golden Pen"

GARDNER, JOHN "Icebreaker"

PEARSON, JOHN "James Bond the Authorized Biography of 007"

AMIS, KINGSLEY "The James Bond Dossier"

WOOD, CHRISTOPHER "James Bond and Moonraker"

KAPLAN, STUART R. 'James Bond 007 Tarot Book"

WOOD, CHRISTOPHER "James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me"

GARDNER, JOHN "Licence Renewed"

GARDNER, JOHN "Licence to Kill"

PEARSON, JOHN "The Life of Ian Fleming"

GARDNER, JOHN "Nobody Lives Forever"

GARDNER, JOHN "No Deals, Mr. Bond"

SNELLING, O.F. "007 James Bond: A Report"

MOORE, ROGER "Roger Moore as James Bond"

MOORE, ROGER "Roger Moore's James Bond Diary"

GARDNER, JOHN "Role of Honor"

ZEIGER, HENRY A. "The Spy Who Came in With the Gold"

BENSON, RAYMOND "Tomorrow Never Dies"

GARDNER, JOHN "Win, Lose or Die"

BENSON, RAYMOND "The World is Not Enough"


(Non-James Bond Books) "The Diamond Smugglers" *** "Thrilling Cities #1"


"A Daisy Chain for Satan" *** "The Deeds of Dr. Deadcert" *** "Malice Matrimonial" ***

"The Man from Nowhere" *** "The Man Who Looked Back" *** "Midnight Hag" ***

"Nothing is the Number When You Die" *** When I Grow Rich; *** "You Can't Believe Your Eyes"

FLENDER, HAROLD "Rescue in Denmark"

FLETCHER, AARON "Project Jael" *** "The Reckoning"

FLETCHER, H. L. V. - ** Miss Agatha Doubles for Death;

FLETCHER, INGLIS "Raleigh's Den"

FLETCHER, FRANCES – The Murder Sonata;


"... And Presumed Dead" *** "Blindfold" *** "Eighty Dollars to Stamford" *** "The Girl in Cabin B54"

FLETT, ALFRED "Never Shake a Skeleton"

FLOOD, ROBERT J. "The Hit Man"

FLORA, FLETCHER "The Brass Bed" *** “The Hot Shot” **** "Killing Cousins" **** “Lysistrata” *** “Most Up With a Stranger” *** "Park Avenue Tramp" ** Skuldoggery; **** “Wake up with a Stranger” **** “Whispers of the Flesh”


FLOWERS, ANNA "Blind Fury" **** “Bound to Die”

FLOWERS,L CHARLES "It Never Rains in Los Angeles"

FLYNN, ERROL – Showdown;

FLUKE, JOANNE "Cold Judgement"

FLYNN, J.M. "Danger Zone"

FLYNN, JAY 'The Action Man" *** "A Body for McHugh" *** "The Five Faces of Murder" *** “It's Murder McHugh” **** "McHugh" *** "Viva McHugh!"

FLYNN, KEVIN "The Unmasking"

FLYNN, VINCE – Act of Treason; *** Protect and Defend;


"The Girl from Nowhere" *** "Girl on a High Wire" *** "The Shelton Conspiracy" *** "Suffer a Witch" *** "Trust a Woman"


"The Bear Raid" *** "The BIg Needle" *** "A Dangerous Fortune" *** "Eye of the Needle"*** Hornet Flight;

*** "The Key to Rebecca" *** "Lie Down With Lions" *** "The Man From St. Petersburg" ***

"The Modigliani Scandal" *** "Night Over Water" *** "On Wings of Eagles" *** "The Shakeout" *** "Triple" *** Whiteout

FOLLETT, JAMES "The Tiptoe Boys”;

FOLLETT, KEN – The Key to Rebecca; *** The Man from St. Petersburg; *** The Modigliani Scandal; *** Night Over Water;

FONTENAY, CHARLES "The Day the Oceans Overflowed"


FOOTE, ALEXANDER "Story of a Russian Spy"

FOOTE, SHELBY "Follow Me Down"


FORBES, BRYAN "The Endless Game" *** A Song at Twilight;


"Avalanche Express" *** "Double Jeopardy" *** "The Stockholm Syndicate" *** "The Stone Leopard" *** "Target Five" *** "Year of the Golden Ape"

FORBES, J.D. "Murder in Full View"


"A Business of Bodies" *** "Grieve for the Past" *** "It Two of Them are Dead"

FORD, ELIZABETH "Dangerous Holiday"


FORD, HILARY "Bella on the Roof"

FORD, JESSIE HILL "The Liberation of Lord Byron Jones" *** "Mountains of Gilead"


"All for the Love of a Lady" *** "The Bahamas Murder case" *** "Burn Forever" *** "By the Watchman's Clock" *** "The Clue of the Judas Tree" *** "Date with Death" ***"The Devil's Stronghold" *** "False to Any Man" *** "The Girl from the Mimosa Club" *** "Honolulu Murders" *** "ill Met by Moonlight" *** "Invitation to Murder" *** "Murder in Maryland" *** "Murder is the Pay-Off" *** "Murder with Southern Hospitality" *** "Old Lover's Ghost" *** "The Philadelphia Murder Story" *** "Reno Rendezvous" *** "Road to Folly" *** The Simple Way of Poison" *** "Siren in the Night" *** "Three Bright Pebbles" *** "The Town Cried Murder" *** "Trial by Ambush" *** "Washington Whispers Murder" *** "Woman in Black"

FORD, MARCIA - “Prelude to Love”

FORDEN, LESLEY "Glory Gambles"

FORDHAM, PETA - “The Robber's Tale”

FORES, JOHN – No Mercy in the Sky;

FORESTER, BRUCE "Fatal Memory"

FORMAN, JAMES – My Enemy, my Brother;

FORREST, DAVID "The Great Dinosaur Robber"

FORREST, MARYANN – 'Here (Away from it All)”


"A Child's Garden Of Death" *** "A Death at Yew Corner" *** "Who Killed Mr. Garland's Mistress?"

FORREST, WILLIAMS "Last Hope House" **** “The Woman with Claws”

FORRESTER, LARRY "Diamond Beach" *** "Fly For Your Life"


"The Day of the Jackal" *** "The Deceiver" *** "The Devil's Alternative" *** "The Dogs of War" *** The Fist of God; *** "The Fourth Protocol" *** "No Comebacks" *** "The Odessa File" *** "The Shepherd"


"Race Against Time - #1 Revenge in the Silent Tomb" ***

"Race Against Time - #3 Pursuit of the Deadly Diamonds"

FOSBURGH, HUGH "The Hunter" *** "The Sound of White Water"

FOSBURGH, LACEY "Closing Time"

FOSSUM, KARIN "Don't Look Back”;

FOSTER, JOSEPH - “Stephana” (Monarch 138; 1959; cover art by Maguire); **** “Street of the Barefoot Lovers”

FOSTER, RICHARD - “Blonde and Beautiful” **** “The Girl from Easy Street”

FOSTER, TONY "Ransom for a God"

FOWLER, CHRISTOPHER "The Bureau of Lost Souls"

FOWLER, EARLENE "Fool's Puzzle"

FOWLER, GENE "The Great Mouthpiece'

FOWLER, HELEN "The Intruder"


FOWLES, JOHN "The Collector" *** “Daniel Martin” *** “The Ebony Tower” **** "The French Lieutenant's Woman" *** "The Magus"

FOX, ANTHONY "Threat Warning Red"

FOX, GARDNER F. “Creole Woman” ** One Wife's Ways; **** "Scandal in Suburbia" *** "Witness This Woman" **** “Woman of Kali”

FOX, GEORGE "Amok" *** "Earthquake" *** "Warlord's Hill"

FOX, JAMES "White Mischief"

FOX, JAMES M. "Code Three" *** "Crunch" *** "Fatal in Furs" *** "Free Ride" *** "The Gentle Hangman" *** "The Inconvenient Bride" *** "The Iron Virgin" *** "The Lady Regrets" *** "The Scarlet Slippers" **** “A Shroud for Mr. Bundy” *** "The Wheel is Fixed"

FOX, NORMAN "Something's Rotten"

FOX, PAUL "Sailor Town"

FOX, PAULA "Desperate Characters"

FOX, PETER - “Mantis”

FOX, RICHARD "Tunncoat"

FOX, TED "That Girl on the River"

FRALEY, OSCAR "4 Against the Mob" *** "The Last of the Untouchables"

FRAME, BART “Andrea Holland” **** "The Black Satin Jungle" **** “Georgia Girl” **** “Naked Sinner” **** “Sinful”



"The Ambassador's Plot" *** “The Caress of Conquest” *** "Hate is for the Hunted" *** "The Sweet Shame of Fury" *** "To Love and Yet to Die" *** "This Woman is Death"

FRANSIC, CLARE 'Night Sky" **** “Wolf Winter”


"Banker" *** “Blood Sport” **** "Bonecrack" *** "Break In" *** "Comeback" *** "Decider" *** "Driving Force" *** "The Edge" *** "Flying Finish" *** "Forfeit" ***"For Kicks" *** “Great Racing Stories” (with Welcome, John ,ed.) *** "High Stakes" *** "Hot Money" *** "In The Frame" *** "Knock Down" **** "Nerve" *** "Odds Against" *** "Proof" *** "Rat Race" *** "Reflex" *** "Risk" *** Second Wind; *** Shattered; *** "Slay-Ride" *** "Smokescreen" *** "Straight" *** To the Hilt; *** "Trail Run" *** "Twice Shy"


FRANCIS, JEAN - “Coming Again”

FRANCIS, REDFIELD - “Wanton Chick” (Clover Reader 101; 1964);

FRANCOME, JOHN "Dead Ringer" *** “Tip Off”;


FRANK, GEROLD "The Boston Strangler" *** "The Deed"


FRANK, MARTIN M. "Diary of A.D.A."

FRANK, PAT "A Affair of State" *** "Seven Days to Never"

FRANKE, DAVID "The Torture Doctor"


FRANKFORT, ELLEN "Kathy Boudin and the Dance of Death"

FRANKLIN, CHARLES - ** Gallows for a Fool;

FRANKLIN, EUGENE – Murder Trapp;


FRANKLIN, KEITH "Murder at Shirtail Flats"


"The Destructors" *** "The 5th of November" *** "Good Guys Wear Black" *** "99 and 44/100% Dead!"

FRANKS, GEORGINA "Damaged Goods"

FRANSCA, DOM "Vito Genovese: King of Crime"

FRASCA, JOHN "The Mulberry Tree"

FRASER, ANTONIA "Cool Repentance" *** "Quiet as a Nun" *** "A Splash of Red”; *** “ The Wild Island" *** Your Royal Hostage;



"And Kill Once More" *** "Come Back for More" *** "The Dame's the Game" *** "The Dice Spelled Murder"

FRAYN, MICHAEL "The Russian Interpreter"

FRAZEE "Flight 409" *** "The Sky Block"

FRAZER, ANDREW "The Fall of Marty Moon" *** "Find Eileen Hardin- Alive!"

FRAZER, DIANE "A Special Case for Peggy Bruce, R.N."

FRAZER, MARGARET "The Boy's tale”

FRAZER, ROBERT CAINE (pseudonym of John Creasey)

"The Hollywood Hoax" *** "Mark Kilby and the Miami Mob" *** "Mark Kilby and the Secret Syndicate" *** "Mark Kilby Solves a Murder" *** "Mark Kilby Stands Alone" *** "Mark Kilby Takes a Risk"

FREDD, STEPHEN "Serum 2000"

FREDE, RICHARD "Coming Out Party"


FREDERICS, MacDOWELL "Blackwork" *** "Emergency Procedure"

FREDMAN, JOHN "The Fourth Agency"

FREDRICKSON, OLIVE A. / EAST, BEN "The Silence of the North"

FREED, DONALD "The Killing of RFK” *** “The Spymaster"

FREED, DONALD / LANE, MARK "Executive Action"

FREEDMAN, J.F. - Against the Wind; *** The Obstacle Course;

FREEDMAN, NANCY "Joshua Son of None"



"The Back of the North Wind" *** "Because of the Cats" *** "A City Solitary" *** "Double Barrel" *** "The Dresden Gree" *** “Dressing of Diamond” *** Gun Before Butter; *** “The King of the Rainy Country” *** "Lake Isle" *** "Love in Amsterdam" *** "Over the High Side" ***

"Strike Out Where Not Appicable" *** "Tsing-Boum" *** "Valparaiso"

FREEMAN, AUSTIN "The D'Arblay Mystery"

FREEMAN, LUCY "'Before I Kill Again...'" *** "The Dream"


FREEMAN, R. AUSTIN "Dr. Thorndyke's Discovery" *** "Mr. Polton Explains"


The Blind Run” **** “The Button man” **** "Charlie M" *** “Charlie Muffin's Uncle Sam” *** "Charlei Muffin U.S.A." **** “The Choice of Eddie Franks” *** “Deaken's War” **** "Dirty White" *** "Face Me When You Walk Away" *** "The Fix" *** "Goodbye to an Old Friend" *** “KGB” *** “Little Grey Mice” *** “Madrigal For Charlie Muffin” **** "The Man Who Wanted Tomorrow" **** “No Time for Heroes” **** “The Run Around” **** “The Vietnam Legacy”

FREMLIN, CELIA "The Jealous One" *** "Wait for the Wedding"

FRENCH, NICCI "Killing Me Softly”;

FREUCHEN, PETER "Eskimo" **** “The Sea Tyrant”

FREY, STEPHEN W. - The Insider; *** “The Legacy” *** The Protege; **** "The Take Over" *** "The Vulture Fund"

FREYER, FREDERIC "The Case of the Black Hearse"

FREYTAG, JOSEPH "The Mercenary"

FRIEDMAN, MICKEY "The Fault Tree" *** "Venetian Mask"


"Acts of Love Acts of War" *** "Martyrs and Fighters" *** "Rage" *** "Reasonable Doubt"


Come-On Girl” **** “Damned are the Meek” **** "Ex-Con" **** “Fathers and Daughters” **** “The Fly Girls” ***** “Irina” “The Luscious Puritan” **** “Nikki” **** “Nikki Revisited” **** “The revolt of Jill Braddock” *** "The Trouble With Ava" **** “The Troubles of Doctor Cortand” **** “The Way We Love” *** "The Woman and the Prowler"

FRIEDMANN, W. "Law in a Changing Society"

FRIEL, FRANK / GUINTHER, JOHN "Breaking the Mob”

FRISON-ROCHE, R. - “First on the Rope”

FRIZELL, BERNARD "The Grand Defiance" **** “Julie”

FROLIK, JOSEPH - “The Frolik Defective”

FROME, David; [pseudonym of Zenith Jones Browne, a.k.a. "Leslie Ford"]. ** The Black Envelope: Mr. Pinkerton Again!; - "The Man From Scotland Yard" *** "Mr. Pinkerton Finds a Body" *** "Mr. Pinkerton Goes to Scotland Yard"


FRONDORF, SHIRLEY "Death of a 'Jewish American Princess'"


"Invasion U.S.A." *** "Warlord - #1 Warlord" ;



FULFORD, PAUL A. "Who's Got the Bastard Pope?"

FULLER, BLAIR "Forbid me Not"


FULLER, JEAN OVERTON "Born for Sacrifice"

FULLER, JOHN G. "Fever!" *** "We Almost Lost Detroit"

FULLER, ROGER – Fear in a Desert Town;

FULLER, ROY "Fantasy and Fugue" *** "Savage Gold"

FULLER, SAMUEL "Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street"


"Harvard has a Homicide" *** "Keep Cool, Mr. Jones" *** "Reunion With Murder" *** "Three Thirds of a Ghost"

FULLER, WILLIAM - Back Country" *** "Brad Dolan's Blonde Cargo" *** "The Girl in the Frame" *** "Goat Island" *** "Local Talent" *** "Miami Manhunt" *** "The Pace That Kills" *** "Tight Squeeze"


FURMAN, A.L. "The Mystery Companion (Ed)"

FURNEAUX, RUPERT - "Courtroom U.S.A. 1" *** "Courtroom U.S.A.2" *** "The Medical Murderer" *** "Money Pit: The Mystery of Oak Island"

FURST, ALAN "Dark Star" *** "Shadow Trade"

----( G )----

GABY, ALEX "To End the Night"

GADD, IRIS & ROGER – Our Cops: Their Stories;

GADDIS, PEGGY "House of Sinners" **** “Lulie” **** “The Lust Seekers” **** “Luxury Nurse” **** “Painted Lips” **** “Temptation” **** “Unfaithful” **** “The Wild Girls” *** Women of the Evening”

GADDIS, THOMAS E. "Birdman of Alcatraz"

GADNEY, REG "Nightshade"

GAGE, NICHOLAS - "Bones of Contention" *** "The Mafia is Not an Equal Opportunity Employer" *** "Mafia U.S.A."

GAGE, IVY 'Any Statement You Make"

GAILLARD, ROBERT "Marie, the Dance of Death"

GAIMAN, NEIL "Neverwhere”;

GAINES, DIANA "Tasker Martin"


GAINHAM, SARAH - "The Cold Dark Night"

GAIR, MALCOLM "Sapphires on Wednesday"

GALLAGHER, P.B. "Long Night"



GALLICO, PAUL - "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure" *** "The Boy Who Invented the Bubble Gun" *** The Lonely; *** “Love of Seven Dolls” **** "The Poseidon Adventure" *** "Trail by Terror" *** "The Zoo Gang" *** Too Many Ghosts;

GALTON, RAY / SIMPSON, ALAN "The Sky With the Cold Nose"

GALWEY, G.V. "The Lift and the Drop"

GAMMON, DAVID – 'The Secret of Spaniards Rock”

GANN, ERNEST K. - "Band of Brothers" *** "Benjamin Lawless" *** "Blaze of Noon" *** "The High and the Mighty" *** "A Hostage to Fortune" *** "In the Company of Eagles" *** "Island in the Sky" *** "The Magistrate" *** "The Raging Tide" *** "Soldier of Fortune" *** "Twilight for the Gods"

GANT, MATTHEWS "Queen Street"

GARBER, JOSEPH R. "Vertical Run"

GARBO, NORMAN "Cabal" *** "Turner's Wife"


GARDNER, ALAN - “The Hibernation of Ginger Scrubb”

GARDNER, JOHN - ** Amber Nine; ** Founder Member;

GARDINER, DOROTHY "The Seventh Mourner"

GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY(also known as; A.A. FAIR);

"All Grass isn't Green - A.A. Fair" *** "Bachelors Get Lonely – A.A .Fair" *** "Bats Fly at Dusk - A.A. Fair" *** "Bedrooms Have Windows - A.A. Fair" *** "Beware the Curves - A.A. Fair" *** "The Bigger They Come - A.A. Fair" *** "The Case of the Amorous Aunt" *** "The Case of the Angry Mourner" *** "The Case of the Backward Mule" *** "The Case of the Baited Hook" *** "The Case of the Beautiful Beggar' *** "The Case of the Bigamous Spouse" *** "The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde" *** "The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde / Case of the Singing Skirt" *** "The Case of the Blonde Bonanza" *** "The Case of the Borrowed Brunette *** "The Case of the Buried Clock" *** "The Case of the Calendar Girl" *** "The Case of the Careless Kitten" *** "The Case of the Caretaker's cat" *** "The Case of the Cautious Coquette" *** "Counterfeit Eye" *** "The Case of the Crooked Candle" *** "The Case of the Curious Bride" *** "The Case of the Dangerous Dowager" *** "The Case of the Daring Decoy" *** "The Case of the Daring Divorcee" *** "The Case of the Deadly Toy" *** "The Case of the Demure Defendant" *** "The Case of the Drowning Duck" *** "The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito" *** "The Case of the Dubios Bridegroom" *** "The Case of the Duplicate Daughter" *** "The Case of the Duplicate Daughter / case of the Restless Redhead" *** "The Case of the Empty Tin" *** "The Case of the Fabulous Fake" *** "The Case of the Fan-Dancer's Horse" *** "The Case of the Fan-Dancer's Horse / Case of the Hesitant Hostess" *** "The Case of the Fenced-In Woman" *** "The Case of the Fiery Fingers" *** "The Case of the Foot-Loose Doll" *** "The Case of the Forgotten Murder" *** "The Case of the Fugitive Nurse" *** "The Case of the Fugitive Nurse / Case of the Ice-Cold hands" *** "The Case of the Gilded Lily" *** "The Case of the Glamorous Ghost" *** "The Case of the Glamourous Ghost / Case of the Half-Wakened Wife" *** "The Case of the Golddigger's Purse" *** "The Case of the Golddigger's Purse / Case of the Buried Clock" *** "The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister" *** "The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister / Case of the Troubled Trustee" *** "The Case of the Grinning Gorilla" *** "The Case of the Half-Wakened Wife" *** "The Case of the Haunted Husband" *** "The Case of the Horrified Heirs" ***"The Case of the Horrified Heirs / Case of the Lame Canary" *** "The Case of the Howling Dog" *** "The Case of the Howling Dog / Case of the Substitute Face" *** "The Case of the Ice-Cold Hands" *** "The Case of the Irate Witness" *** "The Case of the Lame Canary" *** "The Case of the Lazy Lover" *** "The Case of the Lonely Heiress" ***

"The Case of the Long-Legged Models" *** "The Case of the Lucky Legs" *** "The Case of the Lucky Loser" *** "The Case of the Mischievous Doll" *** "The Case of the Moth-Eaten Mink" *** "The Case of the Musical Cow" *** "The Case of the Mythical Monkeys" *** "The Case of the Mythical Monkeys / Case of the Fabulous Fake" *** "The Case of the Negligent Nymph" *** "The Case of the Nervous Accomplice" *** "The Case of the One-Eyed Witness" *** "The Case of the Perjured Parrot" *** "The Case of the Queenly Contestant" *** "The Case of the Reluctant Model" *** "The Case of the Rolling Bones" *** "The Case of the Runaway Corpse" *** "The Case of the Screaming Woman" *** "The Case of the Shapely Shadow" *** "The Case of the Shoplifter's Shoe" *** "The Case of the Silent Partner" *** "The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece" *** "The Case of the Smoking Chimney" *** "The Case of the Spurious Spinster" *** "The Case of the Stepdaughter's Secret" *** "The Case of the Stepdaughter's Secret / Case of the Amorous Aunt" *** "The Case of the Stuttering Bishop" *** "The Case of the Substitute Face" *** "The Case of the Sulky Girl" *** "The Case of the Sun Bather's Diary" ***

"The Case of the Terrified Typist" *** The Case of the Troubled Trustee; *** "The Case of the Turning Tide" *** "The Case of the Vagabond Virgin" *** "The Case of the Velvet Claws" *** "The Case of the Waylaid Wolf" *** "The Case of the Waylaid Wolf / Case of the Shapely Shadow" *** "The Case of the Worried Waitress" *** "Cats Prowl at Night - A.A. Fair" *** "The Clue of the Forgotten Murder" *** "The Count of Nine - A.A. Fair" ***"The Court of Last Resort" *** "Crows Can't Count - A.A. Fair" *** "Cut Thin to Win - A.A. Fair"** "The D.A. Breaks a Seal" *** "The D.A. Calls a Turn" *** "The D.A. Calls it Murder" *** "The D.A. Cooks a Goose" *** "The D.A. Draws a Circle" ***

"The D.A. Goes to Trial" *** "The D.A. Holds a Candle" *** "The D.A. Takes a Chance" *** Dobbelstenen en Chantage; *** "Double or Quits - A.A. Fair" *** "Fish or Cut Bait - A.A. Fair" *** "Fools Die on Friday - A.A. Fair" *** "Give 'en the Ax - A.A. Fair" *** "Gold Comes in Bricks - A.A. Fair" *** "Kept Women Can't Quit - A.A. Fair" *** La Dangereuse Douairiere; *** "Murder Up my Sleeve" *** "Owls Don't Blink - A.A. Fair" *** "Pass the Gravy - A.A. Fair" *** "Shills Can't Cash Chips – A.A. Fair" *** "Some Slips Don't Show - A.A. Fair" *** "Some Women Won't Wait - A.A. Fair" *** "Spill the Jackpot - A.A. Fair" *** "This is Murder" *** "Top of the Heap - A.A. Fair" *** "Traps Need Fresh Bait" *** "Try Anything Once - A.A. Fair" *** "Turn on the Heat - A.A. Fair" *** "Up For Grabs - A.A. Fair" *** "Windows Wear Weeds - A.A. Fair" *** "You Can Die Laughing - A.A. Fair"


"The Airline Pirates" *** "Amber Nine" *** “The Corner Men” **** "The Dancing Dodo" *** “Freddy's Book” *** "The Garden of Weapons" *** "The Liquidator" *** "Madrigal" *** "The Nostradamus Traitor" *** "The Return of Moriarty" *** "The Revenge of Moriarty" *** "The Secret Generations" *** “The Secret Houses” **** "Scorpius" *** "The Stone Killer" *** "The Sunlight Dialogues" *** "Traitor's Exit" *** "Understrike" *** "The Werewolf Trace" ***

"Win, Lose or Die"

GARDNER, LISA "The Third Victim”

GARNER, HUGH - “Nice Place to Visit” **** “The Us or Them War”



GARFIELD, BRIAN (pseudonym of Brian Francis Wynne Garfield – author of Death Wish & Hopscotch)

"Death Sentence" *** "Death Wish" *** "Deep Cover" *** "The Hit" *** "Hopscotch" *** "Kolchak's Gold" *** "Line of Succession" *** “The Paladin” *** "Recoil" *** "Relentless" *** "The Romanov Succession" *** "The Three Persons Hunt" *** "Tripwire" *** "What of Terry Conniston?'

GARFIELD, LEON "John Diamond"

GARIS, ROGER "Never Take Candy From a Stranger"

GARLAND, RODNEY "The Troubled Midnight"

GARNER, DAVID "This Fell Sergeant"

GARNER, HUGH "Best Stories" *** "Death in Don Mills" *** "Murder Has Your Number" ***

"The Sin Sniper"

GARNER, WILLIAM "Overkill" *** "The Puppet-Masters" *** "Rat's Alley" *** "The Us or Them War"

GARNETT, BILL "Down-Bound Train"


"Killsquard - #1 Counter Attack" *** "Killsquad - #2 Mission Revenge" *** "Killsquad - #3 Lethal Assault" *** "Killsquad - #4 The Juas Soldiers;

GARRETT, RICHARD "True Tales of Detection"

GARRETT, ROBERT - ** Run Down;


GARRISO, JIM "The Star Spangled Contract"

GARRITY, DAVE J. "Dragon Hunt"

GARTH, DAVID “Appointment with Death” **** "Challenge for Three"


"The Ascent of D13” **** “By-Line for Murder"; ** Counterstroke; *** "The Cuckoo Line Affair" *** "Death and the Sky Above" *** "The Far Sands" *** "Frame Up" *** "The Golden Deed" *** "A Hero for Leanda" *** "The House of Soldiers" **** "No Tears for Hilda" **** "The Riddle of Samson" *** "The Sea Monks"

GARVIN, RICHARD M. / ADDEO, EDMOND G. "The Talbot Agreement"

GARWOOD, DARRELL "Under Cover: Thirty-Five Years of C.I.A. Deception”;

GARWOOD, JULIE – Murder List; *** Ransom;

GASH, JONATHAN – Gold from Gemini *** “The Grail Tree” **** “The Judas Pair” **** “Jade Woman” **** “The Vatican Rip”

GATENBY, ROSEMARY - “Hanged for a Sheep” *** “The Nightmare Chrysalis”;

GATTZDEN, MATT "Black Vendetta"


GAULT, BILL "The Convertible Hearse" *** "Death out of Focus" *** "Run, Killer, Run"


"Blood on the Boards" *** "The Bloody Bokhara" ** The Cana Diversion; *** "The Canvas Coffin" *** "The Dead Seed" *** "Don't Cry for Me" *** "Drag Strip" *** "Million Dollar Tramp" *** "Night Lady" *** "Run, Killer, Run" *** "Square in the Middle" *** "The Sweet Blonde Trap" *** "Sweet Wild Wench" *** "Thunder Road" *** “Two-Wheeled Thunder” ****"The Wayward Widow"

GAUNT, JOHN "The Man from Sphere is Galahad Brown"

GAUCH, PATRICIA LEE "Morelli's Game”

GAUNTIER, GENE - “Sporting Lady”

GAVIN, CLARK "Famous Libel and Slander Cases of History"

GAYLORD, OTIS H. "The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond"

GEARON, JOHN "The Velvet Well"

GEDDES, PAUL "Code Name Hangman" *** "The Ottawa Allegation" *** "A November Wind" *** "A Special Kind of Nightmare"

GEER, ANDREW "Canton Barrier" *** "The Sea Chase"

GEHMAN, RICHARD "A Murder in Paradise" **** “A Slander of Witches”

GELB, ALAN LLODY "The Janissary"

GELLHORN, MARTHA “Liana” **** "The Wine of Astonishment"

GENET, JEAN "The Thief's Journey"

GENT, PETER "Texas Celebrity Turkey Trot"


"Deception on his Mind" *** "A Great Deliverance" *** In the Presence of the Enemy; *** "Missing Joseph" *** "Payment in Blood"

GEORGE, PETER "Dr. Strangelove" *** "The Final Steal"

GERALD, FRANCIS "The Justice of Sanders"

GERALD, RON L. "Deadly Aims" *** "Deadly Sights"


GERRITY, DAIVD J. "The Never Contract" *** "The Plastic Man"

GERSHENSON, ALVIN H. 'The Bench is Warped"

GERSON, NOEL B. "Neptune" *** "Temptation to Steal"

GERVAISE, MARY – Ponies and Mysteries;


(NO EDITOR) "Giant Mystery Reader - Avon 1951"

GIBBONS, HARRY "The Hunter Equation"

GIBBS, NANCY/ LACAYO, RICHARD/ MORROW, LANCE/ SMOLOWE, JIM/ BIEMA, DAVID VAN – Mad Genius (The Odyssey, Pursuit, and Capurl of the Un-abomber Suspect);



GIBBS, WILLA "Fruit of Desire"

GIBERSON, DOROTHY "The Echoing Wave"

GIBNEY, BRUCE "The Beauty Queen Miller"

GIBSON, WALTER B. "The Fine Art of Spying"

GIBSON, WILLIAM "Mona Lisa Overdrive"


GIELGUD, VAL "Cat" *** "Gallow's Foot" ** The High Jump;

GIFFIN, WARREN "Hell Hath no Fury"


"The Assassin" *** "The Cavanaugh Quest" *** The First Sacrifice; *** "The Glendower Legacy" *** "Hollywood Gothic" *** "The Wind Chill Factor"


"After the Verdict" *** "And Death Came Too" *** "The Back Stage" *** "A Case for Mr. Crook" *** "Dark Death" *** "Death in the Blackout" *** "Death Lifts the Hatch; *** “He came by Night" *** "LIft Up the Lid" *** "Miss Pinnegar Disappears" *** "Murder by Experts" *** 'Riddle of a Lady" *** "The Spinster's Secret"

GILBERT, EDWIN "The Hot and the Cool" **** “The Squirrel Cage”

GILBERT, ELLIOT "Don't Push Me Around" *** “Too Much Woman” **** "Vice Trap"

GILBERT, MICHAEL 'After the Fine Weather" *** 'Be Shot for Sixpence" *** "The Black Seraphim" ***

"Blood and Judgement" *** "Death has Deep Roots" *** "Death of a Favourite Girl" ***

"The Door Opens" *** "The Empty House" *** "Fear to Tread" ** Flash Point; ** The Killing of Katie Steelstock; *** "Office Party" *** "Sky High" *** "Trouble" ** Vendetta;

GILES, F.T. "The Criminal Law" *** "The Magistrates' Court"

GILES, HENRY - “Harbin's Ridge”

GILES, KENNETH "Death and Mr. Pretty Man" **** “Some Beasts no More”


GILIO, MARIA ESTHER "The Tupamaro Guerrillas"

GILL, B.M. "Dying to Meet You"

GILL, BARTHOLOMEN "McGarr and the Politician's Wife"

GILL, JOHN "The Listener"

GILL, JOSEPHINE "Dead of Summer"

GILLETTE, PAUL "The Chinese Godfather" **** “Super Star”



"The Crossword Mystery" *** "Empress of Corey Island" *** "Little Sally Does it Again"

GILLIAN, MICHAEL "Warrant for a Wanton"

GILLIGAN, EDMUND "The Gaunt Woman"


"The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax" *** The Clairvoyant Countess; *** “The Elusive Mrs. Pollifax” *** "Mrs. Pollifax and the Golden Triangle" *** "Mrs. Pollifax and the Hong Kong Buddha" *** "Mrs. Pollifax and the Lion Killer” *** "Mrs. Pollifax on Safari" *** "Mrs. Pollifax Pursued” *** “A Nun in the Closet” *** "A Palm for Mrs. Pollifax" *** "Uncertain Voyage" *** "The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax"

GILMAN, LASELLE - “Wine of Desire”

GILMAN, MARILYN "Doctor's Hospital"


GILMOUR, H.B. "Fatal Attraction" *** "Windows"


GILROY, FRANK D. "From Noon till Three"

GINGER, RAY "Six Days or Forever?"

GIOVANNETTI, ALBERTO - “Requiem for a Spy”

GIPE, GEORGE "Coney Island Quickstep"


GIRARD, SONNY "Blood of our Fathers"

GIRDNER, JAQUELINE "A Stiff Critique" *** "Tea-Totally Dead"


"A Death for Adonis" *** "A Death for a Doctor" *** "A Death for a Double" *** "A Death for a Dreamer"

GIRVAN, HELEN "Blue Treasure"

GLASS, LESLIE "Buring Time" *** "Hanging Time"

GLASSER, RONALD J. - 365 Days;

GLASSMAN, CARL "Dangerous Lives"

GLAY, GEORGE ALBERT “Gina” **** "Oath of Seven"


"Billy Nevers - #1 Smart Money" *** "Bill Nevers - #2 Fast Money" *** "Bill Nevers - #3 Dirty Money" *** "Billy Nevers - #4 Big Apple Money is Rotten to the Core"

GLEASON, ROBERT "Wrath of God"

GLEMSER, BERNARD "Grand Opening"

GLEMSER, RICHARD – 'The Fly Girls” **** “The P.R. Girls” **** “The Super-Jet Girls”

GLENDINNING, RALPH "Death Match" *** "The Ultimate Game"

GLENDINNING, RICHARD "Carnival Girl" *** "Passion Road" *** 'Retreat into Night”**** "Terror in the Sun" *** "Too Fast We Live"

GLOAG, JOHN "In Camera"

GLOAG, JULIAN – Lost and Found; *** "Our Mother's House" *** "A Sentence of Life"

GLOVER, DOUGLAS H. - “Precious”

GLYN, ANTHONY – The Dragon Variation;

GODDARD, DONALD "Easy Money" *** :Joey" Undercover"

GODDARD, J.R. "The Night Crew" *** "Joey" *** "Undercover"

GODDARD, KENNETH "The Alchemist" *** "Balefire"

GODDARD, ROBERT – Out of the Sun;


"The Blue Hour" *** "The Clay Assassin" *** "Fatal Beauty" *** "The Fifth House" *** "The Gun and Mr. Smith" *** "Nella" *** "The Snake" *** "The Taking of Pelham One Two Three" *** "The Talisman" *** "The Three Worlds of Johnny Handsome" *** "A Thrill A Minute"

GODFREY, ELLEN – By Reason of Doubt;

GODWIN, JOHN "Alcatraz 1868 - 1963" *** "Killers Unknown"


GOFF, MARTYN - ** The Flint Inheritance;


GOLAN, AVIEZER / PINKAS, DANNY "Shula: Code Name the Pearl"

GOLD, DON "The Park"



"Deadly Care" *** "Deadly Medicine" *** "Deadly Practice" *** "Transplant"


"A Deadly Operation" *** "Disposable People" *** "The Karamanov Equations" *** Natural Killers;

GOLDEN, HARRY "A Little Girl is Dead"

GOLDEN, MILTON M. "A Little Girl is Dead"

GOLDEN, MILTON M. "Hollywood, Lawyer"

GOLDENBERG, ELLIOT "The Spy Who Knew Too Much"


GOLDMAN, JAMES "The Man From Greek and Roman Waldorf"


Beat Girl” **** “A Breath of Scandal” **** "Brothers" *** "Control" *** "Heat" **** “The High Cost of Loving” **** “In Search of Gregory” **** “The Intimate Ones” *** "Magic" *** "Marathon Man" **** “The Wife Swappers” **** “The Wild One”

GOLDTHWAITE, EATON K. "Date With Death" *** "Root of Evil" *** "Scarecrow"

GOLIGHTLY, BONNIE - "The Integration of Maybelle Brown" *** "Legend of the Lost" *** "The Shades of Evil"

GONZALES, JOHN "Death for Mr. Big" *** "Follow that Hearse" *** "The Magnificent Moll"

GOODCHILD, GEORGE 'The Efford Tangle"


GOODIS, DAVID --- THE MOON IN THE GUTTER. (Gold Medal Book # 348). Price: US$ 42.00 **** Book Description: Gold Medal Book., Canada., 1953. Soft Cover. Book Condition: Very Good. Good Girl Art Painted Cover! (illustrator). PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 144 pgs. >>> (Gold Medal #348; 1953; PBO = Paperback Original ) >>> "They met on the street of Vagrant Love, the Stevedore & the Girl from Uptown"! >>> "Once in a while on Vernon Street, that blind alley of tired sin and lost hopes, someone reaches for the moon. Like Kerrigan, the stevedore, the old-young man with the strength of three and the secret dreams of a life away from the hell of Vernon Street. He met Loretta Channing, the slummer, the girl who drove an MG down Kerrigan's street. They fell in love and they would have been all right, except for Vernon Street. It stood between them, this crooked length of scarred, cracked asphalt - an abyss that held them worlds apart.". Mass Market Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # 2132-1

GOODIS, DAVID --- NIGHTFALL. (Also released as "Convicted" and as "Dark Chase" ) Price: US$ 49.00 **** Book Description: News Stand Library Pocket Ed., Toronto - Winnipeg, Canada., 1949. Book Condition: Near Good. First Paperback Ed. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. April/49. >>> Also released as Convicted and as Dark Chase! Precedes Lion-133 by 4 years! Perhaps the RAREST of all editions! Top & bottom right corners smoothly cut off book. Appears to be a factory cut! Crude looking, but rare book! (News Stand Library #39). Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # NL-39

GOODIS, DAVID --- NIGHTFALL. (Lion Books #LB 131). >>> [aka, Also Known as "Dark Chase" and "Convicted" and as " Missing Believed Murdered "] Price: US$ 10.00 **** Book Description: LION BOOKS., USA., 1956. Soft Cover. Book Condition: Fair. GGA - Good Girl Art Painted Cover! (illustrator). Second Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" Tall. 158 pgs. [LION Books #LB131; Stated 2nd Lion Books edition; Nov/1956 ] >>> One of the Seminal CLASSIC books, by TOP Cult Author, David Goodis! >>> "My name is Jim Vanning. I have a gun. And I have used it. It I have to, I will use it again. I will use it on them, on the whole gang of them, and I will use it on her, though I love her. They make me do it. They are hunting me, and they want to kill me. Here is the whole of explosive novel on which Columbia Pictures based the dynamic film starring Aldo Ray and Anne Bancroft. a taut, swift and searing drama." This edition has B&W Photo's of Aldo Ray and Anne Bancroft, on the back cover. >>> Accused of a crime he did not commit. He is forced to flee from both the Law & the Underworld. >>> FILM NOIR Jacques Tourneur CLASSIC 1956 Movie! >>> Creasing to covers! Top 1" of Spine missing. Re-Glued; Water stained. Still OK as a Reading copy!. Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # 3552-4
GOODIS, DAVID --- NIGHTFALL. >>> (Priory # 1070). >>> [aka - Also Known as "Dark Chase" and "Convicted" and " Missing Believed Murdered "] Price: US$ 12.00 **** Book Description: Priory Books., England, Great Britian, UK. Soft Cover. Book Condition: Near Very Good. Good Girl Art Photo Cover! (illustrator). First Edition By This Publisher. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 158 pgs. [Priority Books #1070; This book Printed circa 1970; Printed in Israel, but Made for the English Language British/UK Market! Originally NOT for sale in USA! Features a Nice Photo Cover, never seen in USA! ] >>> One of the Seminal CLASSIC books, by TOP Cult Author, David Goodis! >>> "My name is Jim Vanning. I have a gun. And I have used it. It I have to, I will use it again. I will use it on them, on the whole gang of them, and I will use it on her, though I love her. They make me do it. They are hunting me, and they want to kill me. Here is the whole of explosive novel on which Columbia Pictures based the dynamic film starring Aldo Ray and Anne Bancroft. a taut, swift and searing drama." >>> Accused of a crime he did not commit. He is forced to flee from both the Law & the Underworld. >>> FILM NOIR Jacques Tourneur CLASSIC 1956 Movie! >>> Nice copy, with light rubbing Wear to covers. Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # 2134-6
GOODIS, DAVID --- NIGHTFALL. (Lion Books #LB 131). >>> [aka, Also Known as "Dark Chase" and "Convicted" and as " Missing Believed Murdered "] Price: US$ 13.00 **** Book Description: LION BOOKS., USA., 1956. Soft Cover. Book Condition: Fair to Good. GGA - Good Girl Art Painted Cover! (illustrator). Second Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" Tall. 158 pgs. [LION Books #LB131; Stated 2nd Lion Books edition; Nov/1956 ] >>> One of the Seminal CLASSIC books, by TOP Cult Author, David Goodis! >>> "My name is Jim Vanning. I have a gun. And I have used it. It I have to, I will use it again. I will use it on them, on the whole gang of them, and I will use it on her, though I love her. They make me do it. They are hunting me, and they want to kill me. Here is the whole of explosive novel on which Columbia Pictures based the dynamic film starring Aldo Ray and Anne Bancroft. a taut, swift and searing drama." This edition has B&W Photo's of Aldo Ray and Anne Bancroft, on the back cover. >>> Accused of a crime he did not commit. He is forced to flee from both the Law & the Underworld. >>> FILM NOIR Jacques Tourneur CLASSIC 1956 Movie! >>> Creasing to covers! Bottom 1-1/4" of Spine missing. Insides are still quite nice! Still great as a cheap Reading copy!. Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # 3552-3
GOODIS, DAVID --- NIGHTFALL. >>> (Priory # 1070). >>> [aka - Also Known as "Dark Chase" and "Convicted" and " Missing Believed Murdered "] Price: US$ 14.00 **** Book Description: Priory Books., England, Great Britian, UK. Soft Cover. Book Condition: Very Good. Good Girl Art Photo Cover! (illustrator). First Edition By This Publisher. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 158 pgs. [Priority Books #1070; This book Printed circa 1970; Printed in Israel, but Made for the English Language British/UK Market! Originally NOT for sale in USA! Features a Nice Photo Cover, never seen in USA! ] >>> One of the Seminal CLASSIC books, by TOP Cult Author, David Goodis! >>> "My name is Jim Vanning. I have a gun. And I have used it. It I have to, I will use it again. I will use it on them, on the whole gang of them, and I will use it on her, though I love her. They make me do it. They are hunting me, and they want to kill me. Here is the whole of explosive novel on which Columbia Pictures based the dynamic film starring Aldo Ray and Anne Bancroft. a taut, swift and searing drama." >>> Accused of a crime he did not commit. He is forced to flee from both the Law & the Underworld. >>> FILM NOIR Jacques Tourneur CLASSIC 1956 Movie! >>> Nice copy, with light rubbing Wear to covers. Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # 2134-2

GOODIS, DAVID --- NIGHTFALL. By David Goodis -- With; LETHAL LADY. - ROOT OF EVIL. . - Rufus King, Eaton K. Goldthwaite. Price: US$ 15.00 **** Book Description: Detective Book Club., New York, USA., 1948. Cloth. Book Condition: Very Good. Detective Book Club. Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Three Complete stories in one book! (1) "Lethal Lady" by Rufus King (132 pages); (2) "Nightfall" by David Goodis (133 pages); (3) "Root of Evil" by Eaton K. Goldthwaite (167 pages). *** [Book Weight = 500 grams]; Hardcover. Bookseller Inventory # 4443
GOODIS, DAVID --- NIGHTFALL. (Lion Books #LB 131). >>> [aka, Also Known as "Dark Chase" and "Convicted" and as " Missing Believed Murdered "] Price: US$ 16.00 **** Book Description: LION BOOKS., USA., 1956. Soft Cover. Book Condition: Good. GGA - Good Girl Art Painted Cover! (illustrator). Second Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" Tall. 158 pgs. [LION Books #LB131; Stated 2nd Lion Books edition; Nov/1956 ] >>> One of the Seminal CLASSIC books, by TOP Cult Author, David Goodis! >>> "My name is Jim Vanning. I have a gun. And I have used it. It I have to, I will use it again. I will use it on them, on the whole gang of them, and I will use it on her, though I love her. They make me do it. They are hunting me, and they want to kill me. Here is the whole of explosive novel on which Columbia Pictures based the dynamic film starring Aldo Ray and Anne Bancroft. a taut, swift and searing drama." This edition has B&W Photo's of Aldo Ray and Anne Bancroft, on the back cover. >>> Accused of a crime he did not commit. He is forced to flee from both the Law & the Underworld. >>> FILM NOIR Jacques Tourneur CLASSIC 1956 Movie! >>> Creasing to covers! Still a nice Reading copy!. Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # 3552-2

GOODIS, DAVID --- OF MISSING PERSONS. >> (Pocket Book # 833). Price: US$ 75.00 **** Book Description: Pocket Books., USA., 1951. Soft Cover. Book Condition: FN+, Near New. RAY APP - GGA Good Girl Art Painted Cover! (illustrator). First Paperback Ed. & 1st Printing!. 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall. 152 pgs. (Pocket Book # 833; STATED FIRST EDITION; Nov-Dec/1951; First Paperback Printing). "Terrified, Ballard stared at the woman on the ledge. He had to save her. He had to say the right thing. A weird sound came from the crowd in the street. She was ready to leap! As head of the Missing Persons Bureau of a great city, Paul Ballard was in the worst trouble of his life. He had closed the file on Myra Nichol's lost husband. Mrs. Nichols claimed that Ballard had buried the case. Now she threatened suicide. Ballard knew that if she jumped, his department would be rocked by scandal. But what he didn't know was that if he saved her, she would be marked for a different and more horrible death. a murder so sensational that it would have the public screaming for Ballard's blood!" >>> Superb example! An UN-READ Copy! Still retains almost all the HIGH GLOSS to the Covers!. Mass Market Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # 2135-1
GOODIS, DAVID --- STREET OF THE LOST. (Gold Medal Book #652). Price: US$ 45.00 **** Book Description: Gold Medal Book., USA., 1957. Soft Cover. Book Condition: Very Good to Fine. Good Girl Art Painted Cover! (illustrator). Second Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 160 pgs. ( Gold Medal Book #652; March 1957; 2nd Paperback Edition) "This is Ruxton Street. Fat, soiled Hagen rules this street of prostitutes, workers, dope-pushers - and lost souls. Yet people love and live on Ruxton, as they do on any back street in your own home town." One of this Author's SCARCER titles! >>> Beautiful example! Has only light reading stress lines, o/w nice FN or better, with Much of the original Cover Gloss. Overall a Very Nice VG to FN. Paperback. Bookseller Inventory # 2136-2

GOODMAN, DERICK "Crime of Passion" *** "Villainy Unlimited"

GOODMAN, GEORGE "A Killing in the Market"

GOODMAN, JONATHAN "The Art of Murder" *** "The Railway Murders"


GORDON, A.C. "More Solv-a-Crime" *** "Solv-a-Crime"

GORDON, ALEX "The Cipher"

GORDON, ALISON "The Dead Pull Hitter" *** Prairie Hardball *** "Safe at Home"


GORDON, DAN "The Assignment” *** “Murder in the First"


"Flight of the Bat" *** "The Golden Oyster" *** "Leap in the Dark" *** "Star-Raker"

GORDON, ETHEL "The Chaperone"

GORDON, FELICE "The Progress of an Affair"

GORDON, FRITZ "The Flight of a Bamboo Saucer"

GORDON, IAN “After Innocence” **** "The Burden of Guilt" **** “Deep is My Desire” **** “Embassy Girls” **** “The Love Trap” **** “Rebellions Flesh” **** “Too many Men” **** Weekend Wanton”

GORDON, JAMES "The Lust of Private Cooper"

GORDON, NOAH "The Jerusalem Diamond" *** "Night Ward"


"The Big Frame" *** "Captive" *** "Case File: FBI" *** "The Case of the Talking Bug" *** "Experiment in Terror" *** "FBI Story" *** Menace *** "Murder Rides the Campaign Train" ***Night Before the Wedding; *** "Ordeal" *** "Power Play" *** "Undercover Cat Prowls Again"

GORES, JOE "Dead Skip" *** "Final Notice" *** Hammett; *** "A Time of Predators"

GORHAM, CHARLES “Carlotta McBride” **** “The Future Mister Dolan” *** "A Gilded Hearse" **** “Make Me an Offer” **** “Martha Crane”

GORHAM, NICHOLAS “Company Girl” **** "The Cruise" **** “The Men in Her Life”

GORMAN, CAROL "Chelsey and the Green-Haired Kid"

GORMAN, ED – Blood Moon;

GOSCH, MARTIN A. / HAMMER, RICHARD "The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano"

GOSLING, JOHN / CRAIG, DENNIS – The Great Train Robbery;


GOSLING, PAULA "Backlash" *** "Monkey Puzzle" *** "The Zero Trap"

GOTH, LOUIS A. - Red-12;

GOTLIEB, SONDRA "First Lady, Last Lady"





GOUDGE, EILEEN "Who Killed Peggy Sue - #3 If Looks Could Kill"

GOUDGE, ELIZABETH "Linnets and Valerians"



"Capricorn One" *** "Cleopatra Jones" *** "Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold" ** Gadget Man; *** "Ghosting" **** “A Graveyard of My Own” *** "The Hardboiled Dicks (Ed)" *** "If Dying Was All" *** "The Same Lie Twice" ** Suicide, Inc.; *** "Too Sweet to Die"

GOULD, HETWOOD "Fort Apache the Bronx"

GOULD, JUDITH – Too Damn Rich;

GOULDEN, JOSEPH C. "The Death Merchant" *** "The Superlawyers"

GRAAF, PETER "Dust and the Curious Boy" *** "The Sapphire Conference"

GRADY, ERIN – Web of Smoke;


"The Great Pebble Affair" *** "Just a Shot Away" *** "Razor Game" *** Six Days of the Condor; *** "Three Days of the Condor"


"Almost Without Murder" *** "Always Expect the Unexpected" *** "The Long Night"

GRAEME, G.A. - “The Evil Ear”

GRAFTON, C.W. "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" *** "The Rope Began to Hang the Butcher"

GRAFTON, SAMUEL "A Most Contagious Game"

GRAFTON, SUE – A is for Alibi; *** C Is for Corpse; *** O is for Outlaw; *** Q is for Quarry; *** R is for Ricochet;


GRAHAM, CAROLINE "The Killings at Badger's Drift" *** Midsomer Murders;

GRAHAM, DAVID "Down to a Sunless Sea" *** "Sidewall"

GRAHAM, HEATHER – The Dead Room;*** Nightwalker;

GRAHAM, JOHN ALEXANDER – Something in the Air;

GRAHAM, WINSTON "Greek Fire" *** “The Japanese Girl” **** "The Little Walls" *** "Marnie" *** "Night Without Stars; **** “The Sleeping Partner" *** "The Tumbled House" *** "The Walking Stick"

GRAND PRE, DONN R. "Confessions of an Arms Peddler"


"The British Cross" *** "Hemingway's Notebook" *** "Henry McGee in Not Dead”; *** “The Infant of Prague" *** "The Man who Heard to Much" *** "Public Murders" *** "Schism" *** "The Shattered Eye"


GRANT, CHARLES L. Jackals *** "The Last Call of Mourning"

GRANT, DAVID "Emerald Decision" *** "Moscow 5000"

GRANT, JAMES "The Ransom Commando"

GRANT, MAXWELL "Barrier Reef"

GRANT, MICHAEL – Line of Duty;

GRANT, MYRNA - “Vanya”

GRANT, RODERICK "A Private Vendetta" *** "The Stalking of Adrian Lawford"


GRANTLAND, KEITH "Run from the Hunter"

GRAVES, RICHARD L. "The Black Gold of Malaverde" *** C.L.A.W.”

GRAY, ANTHONY "The Penetrators"


"Cavalier Conquest" *** "Conquest Goes West" *** "Conquest in Command" *** "Conquest on the Run" *** "The Lady is Poison" *** "Mr. Ball of Fire"



GRAY, MARTIN/ GALLO, MAX - “For Those I Loved”

GRAY, ROD - ** The Lady Takes it All Off;

GRAYSMITH, ROBERT "The Sleeping Lady" *** "Zodiac"

GRAYSON, RICHARD "The Murders at Impasse Louvain"



GREAT UNSOLVED CRIMES (Dorothy Sayers, A.J. Cronin & Others); (Andrew M. - Fall From Grace); *** Happy Are the Meek; *** Happy Are Those Who Thirst for Justice;

GREEN, ALAN "They Died Laughing" *** "What a Body"

GREEN, CHALMERS "The Scarlet Venus"


GREEN, F.L. "Odd Man Out"



"The Heartless Light" *** "The Hostage Heart" *** "The Last Angry Man" *** “The Lotus Eaters” **** "Tourist"

GREEN, JULIAN "The Dark Journey" **** “Moira”

GREEN, KATE Black Dreams ; *** "Shattered Moon"

GREEN, RICHARD LANCELYN "The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” (ed);

GREEN, THOMAS J. "The Flowered Box”

GREEN, TIM – The Letter of the Law;


"The Man Who Called Himself Devlin" *** "The Plutonium Heist" *** "See How They Run"

GREENAN, RUSSELL H. 'Heart of Gold" *** "The Queen of America"

GREENAWAY, PETER VAN "Take the War to Washington"

GREENBERG, JOANNE – High Crimes and Misdemeanors;

GREENBERG, MARTIN H./ PRONZINI, BILL (eds.) - Locked Room Puzzles; *** Murder Most Delicious *** Women Sleuths;

GREENBERG, MARTIN H./ URBAN, SCOTT H. (eds.) - The Conspiracy Files”

GREENBURG, DAN – The Guardian; *** “Kiss my Firm but Pliant Lips” *** "Love Kills" **** “Scoring”

GREENE, A.C. "The Santa Claus Bank Robbery"


"The Confidential Agent" *** “Doctor Fischer of Geneva or the Bomb Party” *** "A Gun for Sale" *** “Hear of the Matter” *** "The Honourable Consul" *** “The Human Factor” **** "Journey Without Maps" *** "The Man Within" *** "This Gun For Hire" *** “The Power and the Glory” *** "The 3rd Man" *** "The 3rd Man / The Fallen Idol"

GREENE, GRAHAM AND HUGH "The Spy's Bedside Book (Ed)"

GREENE, HARRIS "Cancelled Accounts"

GREENE, HUGH "Further Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (Ed.)" ***

"More Rivals of Sherlock Homes (Ed.)" *** "The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (Ed.)"

GREENE, JOE "The Golden Platter" **** “House of Pleasure”

GREENE, JOSIAH E. "The Man With One Talent"

GREENE, ROBERT W. - The Sting Man;

GREENE, WARD “ Cora Potts” *** "Death in the Deep South" *** “Life and Loves of a Modern Mister Bluebeard”


"Agent Out of Place" *** "Barracuda" *** "Depth Force - #2 Death Dive" *** Depth Force - #6 Sea of Flames *** Depth Force - #7 Deep Kill *** Depth Force - #12 Warmonger; *** Depth Force - #13 Deep Rescue; *** Depth Force - #14 Torpedo Treasure" *** Depth Force - #16 Rig War; *** "High Terror" *** "Julius Ceasar is Alive and Well" *** “Making U-H00” **** “The Pleasure Hunters”*** Tagget;


"Beyond Blame" *** "Death Bed" *** "Fatal Obsession" *** "State's Evidence" *** "Toll Call"


GREENLEE, SAM "Baghad Blues" *** "The Spook Who Sat by the Door"

GREENWOOD, BARBARA "Spy in the Shadows”;

GREENWOOD, JOHN "Mosley by Moonlight"

GREENWOOD, L.B. - “Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Raleigh Legacy” **** “Sherlock Holmes and the Case of Sabina Hall” *** “Sherlock Holmes and the Thistle of Scotland”

GREER, BEN "Halloween"

GREGG, ALAN "The Mystery of Batty Ridge"

GREGG, CICEL FREEMAN "The Ten Black Pearls"

GREGOR, MANFRED "Town Without Pity"

GREGOR, PAUL "Jump into the Sun"

GREGORY, DAN "Three Must Die!"

GREGORY, JACKSON "Mystery at Spanish Hacienda"

GREGORY, SARAH "Public Trust"

GREIG, MAYSIE "Unmarried Couple" *** "Whispers in the Sun"

GRESHAM, ELIZABETH "Puzzle in Patchwork"

GRETH, ROMA "...Now You Don't"

GREW, WILLIAMS "Doubles in Death"

GREY, ANTHONY "The Bulgarian Exclusive" *** "The Chinese Assassin"

GREY, HARRY "Call me Duke" *** "The Hoods" *** "Portrait of a Mobster"

GRIBBLE, LEONARD "Stories of Famous Detectives"

GRICE, JULIA "Jagged Light" *** "Suspicion"

GRIEG, MICHAEL "A Fire in his Hand"

GRIERSON, EDWARD "Reputation for a Song"

GRIFFEN, EDMUND/ DODGE, DANIEL - “Washington Playland”

GRIFFIN, GWYN "By the North Gate" ***** “Shipmaster”

GRIFFIN, MEG "Cradle of Fear”;

GRIFFIN, ROBERT JAMES "Genghis Coppersmith"

GRIFFIN, W.E.B. - The Investigators; *** The Witness;

GRIFFITHS, JOHN "A Loyal and Dedicated Servant" *** "the Memory Man"

GRIMES, LEE "The Ax of Atlantis" *** "The Eye of Shiva"

GRIMES, MARTHA "The Anodyne Necklace" *** "The Dirty Duck" *** "The End of the Pier" *** "The Five Bells and Bladebone" *** "The Horse You Came in On" *** "I am the Only Running Footman" *** "Jerusalem Inn" *** "The Man with a Load of Mischief" *** "The Old Fox Deceiv'd"


"The Brethren” *** The Broker; *** “The Chamber" *** "The Client" *** "The Firm" *** “The King of Torts” *** The Last Juror; *** A Painted House; *** "The Partner" *** "The Pelican Brief" *** "The Rainmaker" *** “The Runaway Jury” *** The Street Lawyer; *** The Summons; *** The Testament; *** "A Time to Kill"


GROGAN, EMMETT "Final Score" **** “Ringolevio”

GROMBACH, JOHN V. "The Great Liquidator"


GROSS, KEN "Hell Bent"

GROSS, MARTIN L. "The Brain Watchers"


GROSSBACH, ROBERT "... And Justice for All" *** "The Cheap Detective"

GROVE, MARJORIE J. "You'll Die Yesterday"

GROVE, WALT "Down" *** “Hell Bent for Danger” *** "The Joy Boys" *** "The Man Who Said No"

GRUBB, DAVIS "Fool's Parade" *** "The Night of the Hunter"


"Bridge of Sand" *** "Brothers of Silence" *** "The Buffalo Box" *** "Die Like a Dog" *** "The Fourth Letter" *** "The French Key Mystery" *** "The Gift Horse" *** "The Gold Gap" *** "The Laughing Fox" *** "The Limping Goose" *** "The Mighty Blockhead" *** "Mood for Murder" *** "The Navy Colt" *** "Run Thief Run" *** "The Silver Jackass" *** "The Silver Tombstone Mystery" *** "Swing Low Swing Dead" *** "The Talking Clock" *** “Twenty Plus Two” *** "The Whispering Master" *** "The Yellow Overcoat"

GRUEN, SARA – Water for Elephants;

GRUENFELD, LEE – Iirreparable Harm;


"Mr. Dynamite - #1 Web of Silence"

GUILD, NICHOLAS "The Berlin Warning" *** "Chain Reaction" *** “The Linz Tattoo” **** "The President's Man" ***

"The Summer Soldier"

GUILLET, EDWIN C. 'The Wake and the Kiss"

GUINN, WILLIAM "Death Lies Deep"


GULLIVER, SAM "The Vulcan Bulletins"

GUNN, VICTOR "Death at Traitor's Gate" *** "Murder at the Motel"

GUNTHER, JOHN "The Bright Nemesis" *** "The Troubled Midnight"

GURNEY, DAVID - “The Necrophiliacs”

GURR, DAVID 'The Action of the Tiger" *** "An American Spy Story" *** "On the Endangered List" *** "Troika" *** 'A Woman Called Scylla"

GUTCHEON, BETH "Still Missing"

GUTHRIE JR., A.B. "Wild Pitch"

GUTTMACHER M.D., MANFRED "The Mind of the Murderer"

GUY, ROSA "The Disappearance"

GWALTNEY, FRANCIS IRBY - “Consent and Desire”

GWINN, WILLIAM - “A Way with Women”

GZOWSKI, PETER "The Sacrament"

----( H )----

HAAS, BEN – Daisy Ganfield; *** "KKK" **** “The Troubled Summer”

HAAS, JOSEPH L. "Vendetta"


HABE, HANS "Agent of the Devil"

HACKETT, PAUL "Obscenity Trial"

HACKFORTH-JONES, GILBERT "An Explosive Situation"

HADDAD, C.A. "The Moroccan"


"Baptism in Blood" *** "Feast of Murder" *** "Festival of Deaths" *** “Fountain of Death” *** "A Great Day for the Deadly" *** A Stillness in Bethlehem;


HADLEY, HAROLD "Come See Them Die"

HADLEY, J.B. "Cobra Strike" *** Viper Squad;

HADOW, MARIA "Paying Guest in Siberia"

HAEDRICH, MARCEL "Crack in the Mirror"

HAGBERG, DAVID “The Capsule” **** "Critical Mass" *** "Desert Fire" *** "Heartland" *** "Twister"

HAGEN, LORINDA "Winter Roses"

HAGGARD, H. RIDER "Allan Quaterman" *** "King Soloman's Mine"

HAGGARD, RAYMOND "Miss Ivory White"


"The Arena" *** "Closed Circuit" *** "The Hard Sell" *** "The High Wire" *** The Median Line; *** "The Powder Barrell" *** "Slow Burner" *** "The Telemann Touch" *** "The Unquiet Sleep" *** "Venetian Blind"

HAGON, PRISCILLA – Castle of Fear;

HAIG, ALEC - ** Flight from Montego Bay;

HAIG-BROWN, R. "The Whale People"

HAILEY, ALEX – Detective;

HAILEY, ARTHUR "Airport" *** “Detective” *** "in High Places" *** "Runaway Zero-Eight"

HAILEY, ARTHUR / CASTLE, JOHN "Flight into Danger"


"Celebrity Murders" *** “Crime Flashback” **** “Multiple Murders II “ **** "True Crime Stories - Book II" *** "True Crime Stories - Book IV"



HALE, JOHN "The Fort" *** "Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry"

HALEY, WENDY - “Shadow Vengeance”

HALKIN, JOHN "Fatal Odds"


"Bishop in Check" *** "Knight Sinister" *** "The Kobra Manifesto" *** "The Mandarin Cypher" *** "The 9th Directive" *** "Pawn in Jeopardy" *** "The Pekin Target" *** "Quiller" *** "The Quiller Memorandum" *** "Quiller's Run" *** "The Scorpion Signal" *** "The Sinkiang Executive" *** "The Striker Portfolio" *** "The Tango Briefing" ***

"The Volcanoes of San Domingo" *** "The Warsaw Document"

HALL, ANGUS "On the Run"

HALL, D.J. "Perilous Sanctuary"

HALL, DOUGLAS - “The Brittle Thread”

HALL, F.H. "In the Lamb-White Days"

HALL, GEOFFREY "Holiday - The End is Known"

HALL, GIMONE "The Blue Taper" *** "The Juliet Room"

HALL, JAMES "Buzz Cut"

HALL, MARY BOWEN "Emma Chizzit and the Sacramento Stalker"

HALL, NEAL – The Deaths of Cindy James;

HALL, O.M. "Murder City"

HALL, PARNELL "Client" *** "Murder"

HALL, NORMAN S. "The Ballon Buster"

HALL, ROBERT LEE "Exit Sherlock Holmes”

HALL, ROGER "You're Stepping on my Cloak and Dagger"

HALLAHAN, WILLIAM H. "Catch Me; Kill Me” *** “The Dead of Winter” *** “Foxcatcher" *** "The Monk" *** "The Trade"

HALLAS, RICHARD "You Play the Black and the Red Comes Up"

HALLERAN, TUCKER "Sudden Death Finish"


"Armed... Dangerous" *** "At the Point of a .38" *** "Before I Wake" *** "Best Detective Stories of the Year 17th Annual (Ed.)" *** "The Blonde Cried Murder" *** "Blood on Biscayne Bay" *** "Blood on the Stars" *** "Blue Murder" ***"Bodies are Where You Find Them" *** "The Body Came Back" *** "Call for Michael Shane" *** "The Careless Corpse" *** "Caught Dead" *** "The Corpse Came Calling" ***

"Count Backwards to Zero" *** "Counterfeit Wife" *** "Dangerous Dames" *** "Date With a Dead Man" *** "Dead Man's Diary" *** "Dead Man's Diary / A taste for Cognac" *** "Death has Three Lives" *** "Die Like a Dog" *** "Dividend on Death" *** "Dolls are Deadly" ***

"Fit to Kill" *** "Fourth Down to Death" *** "Framed in Blood" *** "Guilty as Hell" ***

"Heads You Lose" *** "The Homicidal Virgin" *** "I Come to Kill You" *** "In a Deadly Vein" *** "Kill All the Young Girls" *** "Killers From the Keys" *** "Lady, Be Bad" *** "Marked for Murder" *** "Mermaid on the Rocks" *** "Michael Shayne's Long Chance" *** "Mum's the Word for Murder" *** "Murder and the Married Virgin" *** "Murder and the Wanton Bride" *** "Murder by Proxy" *** "Murder in Haste" *** "Murder in Miami" *** "Murder is My Business" *** "Murder Spins the Wheel" *** "Murder Takes No Holiday" *** "Murder Wear's a Mummer's Mask" *** "Never Kill a Client" *** "Nice Fillies Finish Last" *** "One Night With Nora" *** "Pay-Off in Blood" *** "The Private Practice of Michael Shayne"*** "A Redhead for Mike Shayne" *** "She Woke to Darkness" *** "Shoot the Works" *** "Shoot to Kill" *** "Six Seconds to Kill" *** "So Lush, So Deadly" *** "Stranger in Town" *** "Target: Mike Shayne" *** "A taste for Cognac" *** "A Taste for Violence" *** "This is it, Michael Shayne" *** "Ticket for Death" *** "The Uncomplaining Corpse" *** "Violence is Golden" *** "The Violent World of Michael Shayne" *** "Weep for a Blonde" *** "What Really Happened" *** "When Dorinda Dances" ***

"You Killed Elizabeth"

HALLIDAY, E.M. "The / Gnorant Armies"

HALLIDAY, FRED "Ambler” *** “A Case of Indelicate Champagne" *** "The Chocolate Mousse Murders" *** "Murder in the Kitchen"

HALLIDAY, MICHAEL "Death Out of Darkness" ** The Quiet Fear; *** "Thicker Than Water"

HALPER, ALBERT “Atlantic Avenue” **** "The Chicago Crime Book (Ed.)" **** “Only an Inch from Glory”

HALPERN, JAY "The Jay Unicorn"

HALSTEAD, THAYER "The Godfather Must Live"

HAM, BOB - “(SERIES = Overload #1 Personal War” *** Overload #2 The Wrath” *** Overload #3 Highway Warriors”; *** Overload #5 Atlanta Burn”;*** Overload #8 Ozark Payback *** Overload #12 Vegas Gamble”

HAM, JR., ROSWELL G. "Till the Rafters Ring"

HAMBLY, BARBARA "Graveyard Dust”;

HAMILL, EDSON T. "Ryker: The Sadist”;

HAMILL, PETE "The Deadly Piece" *** "Dirty Laundry" **** “Flesh and Blood”

HAMILTON, ADAM "The Peacemaker - #2 The Yashar Pursuit" ***

HAMILTON, BRUCE "Hanging Judge'


*** "The Ambushers"(Matt Helm #6); ** "Assassins have Starry Eyes" *** "Assignment: Murder" *** "The Betrayers" (1966; Matt Helm #10; Weight = 105 Grams); " *** "Death of a Citizen" (Matt Helm #1); *** "The Detonators" (1985; Matt Helm #22; Weight = 190 Grams; SCARCE); *** "The Devastators" (1965; Matt Helm #9; Weight = 110 Grams); *** *** "The Interlopers" (1969; Matt Helm #12; Weight = 120 Grams); *** "The Intimidates" (1974; Matt Helm #15; Weight = 150 Grams); *** "The Intriguers" (1973; Matt Helm #14; Weight = 110 Grams); *** "Line of Fire" *** "The Menaces" (1968; Matt Helm #11; Weight = 105 Grams); *** "The Mona Intercept" *** "Murderer's Row"(Matt Helm #5); *** "Murder Twice Told" *** "Night Walker" *** "The Poisoners" (1971; Matt Helm #13; Weight = 120 Grams); *** "The Ravagers"(Matt Helm #8); *** "The Removers"(Matt Helm #3); *** "The Shadowers" (1964; Matt Helm #7; Weight = 85 Grams); *** "The Silencers"(Matt Helm #4); *** "The Steel Mirror" *** "The Terminators" (1975; Matt Helm #16; Weight = 115 Grams; Scarcer); ** "The Wrecking Crew" (Matt Helm #2); *** THE DEMOLISHERS. [Matt Helm Series, Book #23] *** "The THREATENERS"(Matt Helm #26; FN=$14; VG/FN=$12); **

HAMILTON, IAN "The Persecutor"


HAMLEY, DENNIS "Death Penalty”;

HAMMER, RICHARD "Hoodlum Empire; The Survival of the Syndicate” (illustrated) *** “The Vatican Connection"


"Blood Money" *** "The Continental Op" *** The Dain Curse" *** "The Glass Key" *** "The Maltese Falcon" ***

"The Maltese Falcon / The Thin Man" *** "A Man called Spade" *** "Nightmare Town" *** "Red Harvest" *** "The Thin Man"


HAMMOND, MARC "Fathom" *** "The Thesus Code"

(NO EDITOR) "A Handful of Hell"

HANDLEY, ALAN "Terror in Times Square"

HANDLER, DAVID "The Woman Who Fell From Grace”

HANLEY, GERALD "The Consul at Sunset" *** “Drinkers of Darkness” *** "The Year of the Lion"

HANLEY, JACK “Let's Make Mary” *** "The Violated One"

HANLON, SEAN "The Cold Front"


"Carlo Gambino: King of the Mafia" *** "The Killers of Murder, Inc." *** "The Opera House Murders" *** "When the Clock Strikes Thirteen"


"The Boy Who Was Buried This Morning" *** "Brandsletter and Others" *** "Fadeout" *** "Gravedigger" *** "Nightwork"

HANSEN, ROBERT P. "Dead Pigeon" *** "Murder is Where You Find It" *** "Trouble Comes Double"

HARBINSON, W.A. - “The Running Man”

HARCOURT, PALMA "At High Risk" *** “Climate for Conspiracy” **** "A fair Exchange” **** “Shadows of Doubt"

HARDIN, PETER "The Frightened Dove" *** "The Hidden Grave"



HARDWICK, MICHAEL - “The Man who Would be King” **** “The Revenge of the Hound”

HARDWICK, MOLLIE “The Bandersnatch” *** "Parson's Pleasure"

HARDY, FRANK "Power Without Glory"


"The Grand Duke and Mr. Pimm" *** "The Nightshade Ring" *** "Requiem for a Redhead" ***

"Show no Mercy"

HARDY, RONALD - “The Face of Jalanath”

HARDY, WILLIAM "The Case of the Missing Coed" ** Lady Killer;


"An English Murder" *** "Best Detective Stories" *** "He should Have Died Hereafter" ***

"Suicide Excepted" *** "Tenant for Death" *** "That Yew Tree's Shade" *** "Tragedy at Law" *** "With a Bare Bodkin"

HARGRAVE, BETTYAN "Shadow of the Tiger"

HARKINS, PHILIP "The Day of the Drag Race" *** "Road Race"

HARKNETT, TERRY "Crown - #3 Bamboo Shoot-Out"

HARLING, ROBERT "The Paper Palace"

HARPER, BRIAN "Deadly Pursuit" *** "Shudder"

HARPER, DANIEL "The Wrong Turn" **** ROSS, COLIN - “Season of Love”

HARPER, DAVID 'The Green Air" *** "The Hanged Men" *** "Hijacked"

HARPER, E.M. "The Assassin"

HARPER, KAREN – The Fyre Mirror;

HARRELL, JANICE "The Secret Diaries - Vol III Escape"

HARRELL, MARK D. "Infiltrators" *** "Night of the Ranger"


HARRINGTON, ALAN "The Revelations of Dr. Modesto" **** 'The Secret Swinger”

HARRINGTON, JOYCE "Dreemz of the Night" *** No One Knows My Name;

HARRINGTON, R.E. "Quintain" *** "The Seven of Swords"


"Mister Target" *** "The Search for Elisabeth Brandt" *** "Trial" ***

"Which the Justice, Which the Thief"

HARRIS, ALFRED "The Joseph File"


HARRIS, EVELYN "Down Among the Dead Men”

HARRIS, JOHN "Getaway" *** "The Mercenaries" *** "Right of Repy" *** "Sunset at Sheba"

HARRIS, JOHN D. "Eye for an Eye"


"The Weird World of Wes Beattie" *** "The Weird World of Wes Beattie / Hair of the Dog'

HARRIS, LEONARD "The Masada Plan"


HARRIS, MICHAEL "Unholy Orders"

HARRIS, REX - “Kanyoko” (Four Square 347; 1961);

HARRIS, RICHARD "Enemies" *** "Honor Bound"

HARRIS, ROBERT "Fatherland"

HARRIS, SARA – The Lords of Hell;


"Black Sunday" *** "Hannibal; *** “Manhunter" *** "Red Dragon" *** "The Silence of the Lambs"

HARRIS, TIMOTHY "Heat Wave" *** "Kid for Hire" *** "Steelyard Blues"

HARRIS, W. - “Saliva”

HARRISON, BARBARA "A Cold Night's Death"

HARRISON, CHIP "Make Out With Murder"

HARRISON, COLIN – Afterburn;

HARRISON, HARRY “Montezuma's Revenge” **** "The QE2 is Missing"


HARRISON, PAYNE "Storming Intrepid"

HARRISON, RAY "Deathwatch"



HARRY, ERIC L. "Arc Light"

HARSH, ALTON "The Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz"

HART, ANNE – 'The Life andTimes of Miss Jane Marple”

HART, CAROLYN"Death in Lovers' Lane”

HART, ELLEN "Hallowed Murder" *** "The Oldest Sin"

HART, FRANCES NOYES 'The Bellamy Trial"

HART, JON "The Mercenaries - #NN Triangle of Death"


HARTLEY, NORMAN "Quicksilver" *** "The Viking Process"


"Dirty Harry - #1 Duel for Cannons" *** Dirty Harry - #6 City of Blood *** Dirty Harry - #10 The Blood of Strangers; *** Dirty Harry - #12 The Dealer of Death;

HARTMANN, MICHAEL "Leap for the Sun" *** "Shadow of the Leopard"

HARVESTER, SIMON - ** Moscow Road; "The Treacherous Road" *** "Unsung Road" *** "Zion Road"

HARVEY, JAMES NEAL – By Reason of Insanity;

HARVEY, J. DOUGLAS "Laughter-Silvered Wings"

HARVEY, JOHN "Amphetamines and Pearls" *** "lonely Hearts"

HARVIN, EMILY "Madwoman?"

HASTINGS, BEVERLY – Don't Talk to Strangers *** "Don't Walk Home Alone"

HASTINGS, JULIET "Deadly Affairs" *** "Intimate Enemies" *** "A Waiting Game"


"Cork and the Serpent" *** "Cork in Bottle" *** "Cork in the Doghouse" *** "Cork on the Water"

HASTINGS, MICHAEL "The Nightcomers" *** "A Spy in Winter"

HASTINGS, PHYLLIS "Scarecrow Lover"



"Angel with Dirty Wings" *** "The Man Without A Face" *** "Some Mischief Still"

HATCH, DENISON "The Fingered City"

HATCH, ERIC "Crockett's Woman" *** "The Delinquent Ghost" *** "Five Nights" *** “The Golden Woman” **** "Road Show"



"The Case of the Invisible Thief" *** The Case of the Kidnapped Shadow *** "The Case of the Maltese Treasure"

HAUSER, THOMAS 'Hanneman's War" *** "Missing" *** "The Trial of Patrolman Thomas Shea"

HAUTZIG, ESTHER "The Endless Steppe"

HAWKE, SIMON "A Mystery of Errors”

HAWKES, ROBERT "Narc - #4 The Delgad Killiings" *** "Narc - #5 Kill the Dragon" *** "Narc - #6 The Beauty Kill" *** "Narc - #8 Death Song"


HAWKINS, BARRY T. "Dark Medicine"

HAWKINS, DEAN "Headman's Holiday"

HAWKINS, JOHN & WARD “A Girl, a Man, and a River” **** "If I Kill Him"

HAWLEY, MICHAEL A. - Double Bluff;




"Act of Rage" *** 'The Desperate Hours" *** "The Long Dark Night' *** "Missing... and Presumed Dead" *** "The Third Day"



Check Force” **** "Check Force - #NN Fires of Hell" *** "Check Force - #NN The Peking Plot" "Cominsec - #2 The Doomsday Conspiracy; *** "Cominsec - #3 The Turkish Mafia Conspiracy"

HAYES, ROY "The Hungarian Game"

HAYES, STEVE – The Osprey Dilemma;

HAYMON, S.T. "Death and the Pregnant Virgin"


HAYS, LEE "Nakia" *** "Once Upon a Time in America" *** Tattoo;


HAZEL, ROBERT "The Lost Year"

HEAD, LEE "The Terrarium"


"The Accomplice" *** "The Cabinda Affair" *** "The Congo Venus" *** "The Devil in the Bush" *** "The Smell of Money"

HEALD, TIM "Blue Blood Will Out"

HEALEY, BEN "The Vespucci Papers" *** "Waiting for a Tiger"

HEAPS, LEO "Hugh Hambleton, Spy" *** "Operation, Morning Light" *** "The Quebes Plot"

HEARD, H.F. "Reply Paid" *** "A Taste for Honey" *** "A Taste for Murder"

HEATH, W.L. "The Good Old Boys” *** “Temptation in a Southern Town" *** "Violent Saturday"


"Act of Violence" *** “The Captain's Lady” **** “Devlin's Triangle” **** “The Dim View” **** "The Einstein Plot" *** "Harry and the Bikini Bandits" *** "The Golden Stag" *** "The Mutilators" *** “A Night Out” **** "The Scarred Man"

HEBDEN, MARK – Pel and the Faceless Corpse;

HEBERDEN, M.V. "Engaged to Murder" *** "They Can't All Be Guilty"

HEBERT, JACQUES "I Accuse the Assassins of Coffin"

HECHT, BEN "Count Bruga" *** "The Florentine Dagger"

HECHT, DANIEL "Skull Session"

HECK, PETER J. "Death on the Mississippi *** “The Prince and the Prosecutor"

HEDDON, JAMES "Love and Bullets"


"The Revengers / Stark - #5 Rainbow Colored Shroud" *** "The Revengers / Stark - #6 Corpse on Ice" *** "The Revengers / Stark - #8 Mexican Mourning" *** "The Revengers / Stark - #9 The Stainless Steel Wreath"

HEFFERNAN, WILLIAM "Acts of Contrition" *** "The Corsican" *** "Ritual" *** “Scarred”

HEIDE, FLORENCE & ROXANNE "Mystery of the Midnight Message” *** “Mystery of the Mummy's Mask" *** Mystery of the Whispering Voice;

HEIMER, MEL "The Girl in Murder Flat"

HELD, PETER (John Holbrook Vance - Jack Vance) – Take my Face;  (Pyramid Books #G327; Rare PBO; 1958; John Floherty GGA Lingerie-c; Inventory #6235-1; VERY GOOD+ = $89.00);


HELLER, LARRY "Body of the Crime" *** "I Get What I Want"

HELMERICKS, HARMON "The Last of the Bush Pilots” (with photos);

HELSETH, HENRY EDWARD 'The Chair for Martin Rome" *** "This Man Dawson"

HELY, ELIZABETH 'I'll be the Judge I'll be the Jury"



HENDERSON, DONALD "Goodbye to Murder"


HENISSART, PAUL "Narrow Exit" *** The Winter Spy;

HENRICK, RICHARD P. “Beneath the Silent Sea" *** "Counterforce" *** "Crimson Tide" *** “Flight of the Condor” *** Ice Wolf” **** "Sea Devil" **** “Silent Warriors” **** “Under the Ice”

HENRY, ALEX "Sexual Strike Force"

HENRY, JOAN "Who Lie in Gaol"

HENRY, O. - Surprises;

HENRY, ROBERT "Crosswind"

HENRY, SUE "Death Takes Passage"

HENSTELL, DIANA "The Other Side"


HERBER, A.P. "Wigs at Work"


HERBERT, JAMES – The Ghosts of Sleath '48;

HERLIHY, JAMES LEO "All Fall Down" / with NOBLE, WILLIAM - “Blue Demin” **** “Midnight Cowboy” *** “A Story That Ends in a Scream”

HERLIN, HANS -Commemorations;

HERMAN JR., RICHARD "Firebreak" *** "Force of Eagles" *** The Warbirds;

HERMANN, WALTER "Operation Intrigue"

HERON, ECHO – Pulse;

HERR, DANN / WELLS, JOEL "Bodies and Soul (Ed.)"

HERRIES, NORMAN "Death for 2 Faces"

HERRING, PETER C. "The Murder Business"

HERRINGTON, LEE "Carry my Coffin Slowly"


'The BIrd in Last Year's Nest" *** "The Hound and the Fox and the Harper" *** "Miro" ***

"Miro Through the Dark and Hairy Wood" *** "The Whore-Mother"

HERSEY, JOHN "The Child Buyer" *** "The Marmot Drive" *** "A Single Pebble"

HERSH, SEYMOUR M. - “The Target is Destroyed”


"Fallout for a Spy" **** "The Spy Who hated Fudge" *** "The Spy who Hated Licorice"

HERSHMAN, MORRIS "Guilty Witness" *** "Target for Terror"

HERST, ROGER E. "Ghost Sub"

HERVEY, EVELYN "The Man of Gold"

HERZOG, ARTHUR "Earthsound" *** "Heat" *** "IQ 83" *** "Orca"


HESKY, OLGA "The Serpent's Smilte" *** "A Time for Treason"

HESLA, STEPHEN – The Hawthorn Conspiracy;


"Closely Akin to Murder" *** Malice Domestic 9; *** “Murder@Maggody.com **** "The Murder at the Murder at the Mimosa Inn" *** "Roll Over and Play Dead"




THE CONQUEROR.*** COUSIN KATE. ** "Death in the Stocks" *** "Detective Unlimited" *** THE GRAND SOPHY. **** "My Lord Jim" *** "No Wind of Blame" *** "Penhallow" . ***** ROYAL ESCAPE. *** "Simon the Coldheart" **** "Why Shoot a Butler?"


"Fatu-hiva" *** "The Kon-Tiki Expedition" *** "The RA Expeditions"

HEYES, DOUGLAS "The Kill" *** "The Kiss-Off"


"Cain's Hundred" *** "Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round" *** "Miami Undercover" *** "Survive!" *** "The Thomas Crown Affair"

HIAASEN, CARL "Double Whammy"

HICHENS, ROBERT – The Paradine Case Volume I; *** The Paradine Case Volume II;

HICKS, LARRY 'Eagle Attack Team - #1 Eagle Attack Team" *** "Eagle Attack Team - #5 Night Strike"


'A Choice of Enemies" *** "Cogan's Trade" *** "The Digger's Game" *** "The Friends of Eddie Coyle" ***”The Friends of Richard Nixon” *** "The Judgement of Deke Hunter" *** "Kennedy for the Defence" *** "Outlaws" *** "The Patriot Game" *** "The Rat on Fire"


"Bloody Passage" *** "Cold Harbour" *** "Confessional" *** "The Dark Side of the Island" *** "Dark Side of the Street" *** "Day of Judgement" *** "East of Desolation" *** "Exocet" *** "Hell is Always Today" *** "Hell is Too Crowded" *** "In the Hour Before Midnight" *** "The Iron Tiger" *** "Keys of Hell" *** "The Last Place God Made" *** "Luciano's Luck" *** "Night Judgement at Sinos" *** "Night of the Fox" *** "On dangerous Ground" *** "Passage by Night" *** "A Prayer for the Dying" *** The President's Daughter; *** "The Savage Day" *** "Sheba" *** "The Sicilian Heritage" *** "Solo" *** "The Testament of Casper Schultz" *** "Toll for the Brave" *** "Touch the Devil" *** “The Violent Enemy” *** "The Wrath of God" *** "Year of the Tiger"

HIGHSMITH, DAVID – “Step Down to Darkness”


"The Black House" *** "The Boy Who Followed Ripley" *** "A Dog's Ransom" *** "Eleven" *** "The Glass Cell" *** "People Who Knock on the Door" *** "The Talented Mr. Ripley"


The Barrabas Fallout *** The Barrabas Fire; *** The Barrabas Raid *** "The Barrabas Sting" *** "The Barrabas Strike" *** "The Barrabas Sweep" *** "Sob's - #1 The Barrabas Run" *** "Sob's - #2 The Plains of Fire" *** "Sob's - #3 Butchers of Eden" *** "Sob's - #5 Gulag War" *** "Sob's - #6 Red Hammer Down" *** Sob's - #7 River of Flesh; *** "Sob's - #10 Vultures of the Horn" *** "Sob's - #11 Agile Retrieval" *** "Sob's - #12 Jihad" *** "Sob's - #13 No Sanctuary" *** "Sob's - #14 Red Vengeance" **** "Sob's - #16 Firestorm U.S.A."*** "Sob's - #22 Kremlin Devils" *** "Sob's - #26 The Barrabas Edge" *** "Sob's - #28 The Barrabas Fallout" *** "Sob's - #33 The Barrabas Kill"

HILDICK, EW "Louie's SOS" *** “A McGurk Mystery #6 The Case of he Secret Scribbler” *** “A McGurk Mystery #11 The Case of the Four Flying Fingers”;

HILL, R. LANCE "The Evil That Men Do" *** "King of White Lady"

HILL, REGINALD "Child's Play" *** “A Clubbable Woman” **** "Deadheads" *** Dialogues of the Dead; *** "Fell of Dark" *** "Ruling Passion" *** "Traitor's Blood"

HILL, REVEREND ALBERT FAY "The North Avenue Irregulars"


"The Blessing Way" *** "Dance Hall of the Dead" *** "The Dark Wind" *** "The Fly on the Wall" *** "People of Darkness" *** "Sacred Clowns" *** The Sinister Pig; *** "A Thief of Time"


HILTON, BRUCE "Highly Irregular"

HILTON, HOWARD H. "The Endless Tunnel"

HILTON, JAMES "Rage in Heaven" *** "So Well Remembered" *** "Time and Time Again" *** "Was It Murder?" *** "Without Armor"

HILTON, JOHN BUXTON – Dead Man's Path; *** Holiday for Murder; *** Playground of Death;

HILTON, JOSEPH "President's Agent" **** “That French Girl”


'All Shot Up" *** "Cast the First Stone" *** “Cotton Comes to Harlem” *** "The Crazy Kill" ***

"For Love of Imabelle" *** "The Heat's On" *** “Pinktoes” **** "The Primitive" *** "The Real Cool Killers" **** “Run Man Run”


Beyond Desire” **** "The Chinese Keyhole" *** "Echo Chambers" *** “I'll Find You” **** "I Have Gloria Kirby" ***

"The Rich and the Damned" *** “The Shame” **** "The Sharp Edge" *** "The 23rd Web" *** "Two Deaths Must Die"

HINE, AL "Juggernaut"

HINES, JACK - “Wolf Dogs of the North”

HINKEMEYER, MICHAEL T. "The Fields of Eden" *** "Lilac Night"

HINTON, NIGEL "Collision Course”

HINTZE, NAOMI A. “Listen, Please Listen” *** “You'll Like My Mother"

HIPP, GEORGE "The Guilt of Michael Pagstt"

HIRSCH, PHIL - "Cop (Ed)" *** "Disasters (Ed)" *** "Fires (Ed)" ** The Killers; *** "The Mafia (Ed)" *** "Medical Nightmares (Ed)" *** "The Racketeers (Ed)" *** "Spy and Counterspy (Ed)" *** "Survival (Ed)"


HIRSCHFELD, BURT - "Bonnie and Clyde" *** “Diana” **** "'Father Pig'" *** "Fun City" *** "Kingpin" *** "The Masters Affair" *** "The Mercenary"


"Anti-Social Registers" *** "A Baker's Dozen of Suspense Stories" *** "Bar the Door's" *** "Behind the Death Ball" *** "The Best of Fiends" *** "Bleeding Hearts" *** "Boys and Ghouls Together" *** "Breaking the Scream Barrier" *** "Clean Crimes and Neat Murders" *** "Coffin Corner" *** "Dates with Death" *** "Death Bag" *** "Death Can Be Beautiful" *** "Death-Mate" *** “Death on Arrival” *** "Don't Look a Gift Shark in the Mouth" *** "Down by the Old Bloodstream" *** "Fear and Trembling" *** "14 of my Favourites in Suspense" *** "14 Suspense Stories to Play Russian Roulette By" *** "Games Killers Play" ***

"Get Me to the Wake on Time" *** "Grave Business" *** "A Hangman's Dozen" *** "Hard Day at the Scaffold" *** "Happiness is a Warm Corpse" *** "Happy Deathday?" *** "A Hearse of a Different Color" *** "Hold Your Breath" *** "I Am Curious (Bloody)" *** "I Want My Mummy" *** "Killers at Large" *** "Let it all Bleed Out" *** "More of my Favourites in Suspense" *** "More Stories for Late at Night" *** "More Stories my Mother Never Told Me" *** "More Stories Not for the Nervous" *** "More Stories to Stay Awake By" *** "Murderers' Row" *** "Murder-go-Round" ***"Murder Racquet" *** "Murders I Fell in Love With" *** "Murders on the Half-Skull" *** "Noose Report" *** "Once upon a Dreadful Time" *** "Rolling Gravestone" *** "Scream Along With Me" **** "16 Skeletons From My Closet" *** “ Sinister Spies” *** "Skull Session" *** "Slay Ride" *** "Speak of the Devil" *** *** "Stories my Mother Never Told Me" *** "Stories Not for the Nervous" *** "Stories to be Read with the Lights On" *** "Stories to Stay Awake By" *** "Terror Time" *** "13 More Stories They Wouldn't Let Me Do On TV" *** "This One Will Kill You" *** "12 Stories for Late at Night" *** "12 Stories They Wouldn't Let Me Do on TV" *** "Witches' Brew"


(Hitchcock, Alfred = Related); the Three Investigators series; - Weight for Postage = 100 Grams each;

(Mass Market Paperbacks; 4" x 7" size; Childrens/Juvenile/Young Adult);

**** (#1 Three Investigators - Crimebusters) Hot Wheels by William Arden (Knopf/Borzoi Sprinter pub; 1989; FN+ $4);

**** (#2 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot by Robert Arthur = SOLD OUT

**** (#3 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy by Robert Arthur = SOLD OUT

**** (#6 Three Investigators) The Secret of Skeleton Island by Robert Arthur (Scholastic Books pub; 1966; VG/FN $6);

**** (#7 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Fiery Eye by Robert Arthur = SOLD OUT

**** (#9 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Screaming Clock by Robert Arthur = ASK

**** (#10 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Moaning Cave by William Arden (Scholastic Books pub; 1968; FN+=$8);

**** (#11 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Talking Skull by Robert Arthur (Scholastic Books pub; 1974; VG $5);

**** (#11 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Talking Skull by Robert Arthur (Scholastic Books pub; 1974; G $3);

**** (#12 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow by William Arden = SOLD OUT

**** (#14 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon by Nick West (Scholastic Books pub; 1970; VG $5);

**** (#19 Three Investigators) The Secret of Phantom Lake by William Arden = SOLD OUT

**** (#20 Three Investigators) The Mystery of Monster Mountain by V.M. Carey = ASK

**** (#21 Three Investigators) The Secret of the Haunted Mirror by V.M. Carey (Scholastic Books pub; 1974; G/VG $5);

**** (#30 Three Investigators) The Secret of Shark Reef by William Arden (Scholastic Books pub; 1979; G/VG $8);

**** (#32 Three Investigators) The Mystery of the Blazing Cliffs by V.M. Carey (Scholastic Books pub; 1981; VG/FN $10);



HITCHENS, BERT AND DOLORES "End of the Line" *** "F.O.B. Murder" *** "The Grudge" *** "The Man Who Followed Women" *** "One-Way Ticket"


"Fools Good" *** "Footsteps in the Night" *** "The man Who Cried All the Way Home" *** "Postscripts to Nightmare" *** "Sleep With Strangers" *** "Stairway to an Empty Room" *** "The Watcher" *** "Widows Won't Wait"

HITT, FRISCO "A Coffin Full of Dreams"

HITT, ORRIE "Add Flesh to the Fire" *** "Four Women" *** "Hot Cargo" *** "I'll Call Every Monday"



HOAG, TAMI – Dark Paradise; *** "Guilty as Sin"; *** Night Sins;


HOBSBAWM, E. J. - Bandits;

HOBSON, LAURA Z. “The Celebrity” **** "Gentleman's Agreement" *** "The Other Father"

HODDER-WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER "Coward's Paradise" *** "Final Approach"

HODEL, MICHAEL P. / WRIGHT, SEAN M. "Enter the Lion"

HODGE, HARRY "Famous Trials II (Ed)"

HODGE, JAMES H. "Famous Trials III (Ed)" *** "Famous Trials 4" *** "Famous Trials 5 (Ed.)" *** "Famous 6 (Ed.)" **** “Famous Trials 10”

HODGE, JANE AIKEN "One Way to Venice”;


"Code Zero - #1 Speedball" *** "Code Zero - #2 Deathride" *** "Code Zero #3 - Operation Barbary Coast"

HOEHLING, A.A. "The Last Voyage of the Lusitania” (with Hoehling, Mary) *** They Sailed Into Oblivion" *** "Who Destroyed the Hindenburg?"

HOFFENBERG, JACK "The Desperate Adversaries" *** "17 Ben Gurion" *** "A Thunder at Dawn"



HOFFER, RICHARD H. / BISHOP, JIM "The Girl in Poison Cottage"

HOFFMAN, PAUL - “Tiger in the Court” *** “What the Hell is Justice?”

HOGAN, CHUCK "The Standoff"

HOGAN, JAMES P. “The Mirror Maze” **** "The Proteus Operation"

HOGSTRAND, OLLE "On the Prime Minister's Account"

HOH, DIANE – Titanic: The Long Night;

HOHIMER, FRANK "The Home Invaders" *** "Thief"

HOLDEN, ANNE "The Witnesses"

HOLDEN, CRAIG "The River Sorrow"

HOLDEN, GENEVIEVE "Something's Happened to Kate"

HOLDEN, LARRY "Crime Cop" *** "Dead Wrong"


HOLDEN, WILLIAM "The Case of the Dead Divorcee"


"The Blank Wall" *** "The Death Wish" *** "Murder is a Kill-Joy" *** "Net of Cobwebs" *** "The Old Battle Ax"

HOLDSTOCK, ROBERT 'The Emerald Forest"

HOLLAND, ISABELLE "The DeMaury Papers" *** "The Long Search; ***** “The Marchington Inheritance"

HOLLAND, REBECCA "Danger on Cue"



HOLLANDS, ERNIE / BRENDEL, DOUG "Prison Chains Broken"




HOLMES, BETH "The Whipping Boy"

HOLMES, DAVID C. "The Velvet Ape"

HOLMES, H.H. "Nine Times Nine"

HOLMES, NANCY "Nobody's Fault"

HOLMES, PAUL "The Candy Murder Case" *** "Retrial: Murder and Dr. Sam Sheppard" **

"The Sheppard Murder Case"

HOLT, A.J. "Watch Me"

HOLT, GAVIN "Ladies in Ermine"

HOLT, HAZEL – Mrs. Malory and Death in Practice; *** "Mrs. Malory's Shortest Journey"

HOLT, HENRY "Calling all Cars" *** "The Whispering Man"


HOLT, SAMUEL "What I Tell You Three Times is False"

HOLTON, LEONARD "Out of the Depths" *** "The Saint Maker"

HOLTZER, SUSAN "Curly Smoke”

HOLZER, ERIKA "Eye for an Eye"


"The Case of the Mexican Knife" *** "The Case of the Unhappy Angles" *** "Dead as a Dummy" *** "The Doctor Died at Dusk" *** "Finders Keepers" *** "The Man Who Didn't Exist" *** "The Man Who Murdered Goliath" *** "The Man Who Murdered Himself" *** "No Hands on the Clock" *** "Stiffs Don't Vote" *** "Then There Were Three"

HOMEWOOD, HARRY "O God of Battles" *** "Torpedo"

HONE, JOSEPH “The Oxford Gambit” **** "The Private Sector" **** 'The Valley of the Fox”

HONEYCOMBE, GORDON "Neither the See Nor the Sand"

HONIG, DONALD "Divide the Night" *** "Sidewalk Ceasar"

HONIG, LOUIS "For Your Eyes Only: Read and Destroy"

HOOD, MARGARET PAGE "The Murders on Fox Island" *** "The Silent Women" **** “Tequila”

HOOD, WILLIAM "Mole; *** Spy Wednesday"

HOOPER, KAY – Whisper of Evil;

HOOVER, THOMAS – Life Blood;

HOPE, FIELDING "Marie Arnaud, Spy"


HORAN, JAMES D. "The Blue Messiah" *** "Desperate Men" *** "The Mob's Man" *** "The New Vigilanties"


HORLER, SYDNEY "Tiger Standish Comes Back" *** "Tiger Standish Takes the Field"

HORNUNG, E.W. "Raffles"

HORNSBY, WENDY "Half a Mind"

HORSTMAN, THOMAS – The Kessler Alliance;


HORVITZ, LESLIE ALAN / GERHARD, H. HARRIS "The Compton Effect" *** "The Donors" *** "Double-Blinded"

HORWITZ, JULIUS “Can I Get There by Candlelight” *** "Natural Enemies"

HOSKINS, ROBERT "Survival Run"

HOSPITAL, JANETTE TURNER – The Tiger in the Tiger Pit;

HOSSENT, HARRY "The Fear Business" *** "Spies Dies at Dawn"


HOTCHNER, A.E. "Missing"

HOUGAN, JIM "Spooks"

HOUGH, RICHARD "Buller's Gun"

HOUGH, S.B. "Mission in Guemo" *** "The Tender Killer"


HOUOT, GEORGES / WILLM. PIERRE "2000 Fathoms Down"

HOUSE, BRANT "Great Trials of Famous Lawyers"

House, Brant -- Secret Agent X Series (Pulp Reprints);

THE TORTURE TRUST . -- SECRET AGENT X series (Book # 1; Corinth Book # - CR122; Inventory # 6434-3; VERY GOOD Minus $18);

THE TORTURE TRUST . -- SECRET AGENT X series (Book # 1; Corinth Book # - CR122; VG/FN $25);

THE TORTURE TRUST . -- SECRET AGENT X series (Book # 1; Corinth Book # - CR122; FN+, Near New $39);

THE TORTURE TRUST . -- SECRET AGENT X series (Book # 1; Corinth Book # - CR122; FN++, Almost New = $45);

SERVANTS OF THE SKULL . -- SECRET AGENT X Series (Book # 2; Corinth Book #R126; Inventory # 6433-2; FN+ $36);

SERVANTS OF THE SKULL . -- SECRET AGENT X Series (Book # 2; Corinth Book #R126; FN++, Almost New = $45);

CURSE OF THE MANDARIN'S FAN. -- SECRET AGENT X series (Book # 3; Corinth Book # - CR130; Inventory # 6938-1; FN+ $39);

CURSE OF THE MANDARIN'S FAN. -- SECRET AGENT X series (Book # 3; Corinth Book # - CR130; Inventory # 6938-2; VG/FN $24);

THE DEATH-TORCH TERROR - SECRET AGENT X series (Book # 5; Corinth Book # - CR138; Inventory # 6937-1; FN $36);

OCTOPUS OF CRIME - SECRET AGENT X series (Book # 6; Corinth Book # - CR142; VG $19);

THE SINISTER SCOURGE. -- SECRET AGENT X series (Book # 7; Corinth Book # - CR146; Inventory # 6936-1; VG/FN $29);

HOUSEHOLD, GEOFFREY "The Adversary" *** "Arabesque" *** "The Courtesy of Death" *** "Dance of the Dwarfs" *** "Fellow Passenger" *** "Hostage: London" *** "The Last Two Weeks of Georges Rivac" *** “Red Anger” **** “Rogue Justice” **** "Rogue Male" *** "A Rough Shoot" *** “The Sending” **** "Watcher in the Shadows"

HOUSTON, JAMES "Ice Swords” *** “Spirit Wrestler" *** "The White Dawn"


HOVING, THOMAS – King of the Confessors;


"The Arm" *** "The Hunters" *** "The Killings" *** "Last Contract" *** "The Last Great Death Stunt" *** "Mark the Sparrow" *** "Summit Kill" *** "Zebra"


HOWARD, HARTLEY - "Assignment K" *** "Bowman at a Venture" *** "Bowman on Broadway" *** "The Bowman Touch" *** "Death of Cecilia" *** "The Last Appointment" *** "The Long Night" *** "No Target for Bowman" *** "Time Bomb"


"Blow out my Torch" *** "Die on Easy Street" *** "I Like It Tough" *** "I'll Get You Yet" *** "Murder Takes a Wife"

HOWARD, KENT – Shooting Made Easy;

HOWARD, LEIGH "Chance Meeting"

HOWARD, LINDA – Kill and Tell;

HOWARD, MUNROE - “Call Him Rod”

HOWARD, VINCE "Countdown for Lisa"

HOWARTH, DAVID "Group Flashing Two"

HOWATCH, SUSAN – Glittering Images;

HOWE, GEORGE "Call It Treason"

HOWE, CLIFF "Scoundrel Fiends and Human Monsters"

HOWE, JAMES "Eat Your Poisons, Dear"

HOWELL, DAVID "Aftershock"

HOWELL, JEAN "The Weapon”

HOWELLS, J. HARVEY "The Big Company Look"

HOWLETT, JOHN "Maximum Credible Accident” *** Tango November"

HOWLEY, BRENDAN "The Stalking Horse"

HOYLE, TREVOR "Rock Fix” *** “Rule of Night"

HOYT, EDWIN P. "The Terrible Voyage"

HOYT, RICHARD - "Trotsky's Run"

HUBANK, ROGER "North Wall"

HUBBARD, MARGARET "Murder Takes the Veil"

HUBBARD, P.M. "Flush as May"

HUBBERLL, NED – The Adventures of Creighton Holmes;

HUBER, FREDERIC VINCENT "Apple Crunch; *** Tandem Rush"

HUBLER, RICHARD G. “The Brass God” *** "The Chase"

HUBNER, JOHN / GRUSON, LESLEY "Monkey on a Stick"

HUDSON, MAGGIE – Nowhere to Run;

HUDSON, NICK – 'The Very Wicked”

HUEBNER, FREDRICK D. "Judgement by Fire"


HUFF, TANYA – Blood Pact;

HUGGETT, RENEE / BERRY PAUL "Daughters of Cain"


HUGGINS, ROY "The Double Take" *** "77 Sunset Strip"



"The Bamboo Blonde" *** "The Body on the Bench" *** "The Candy Kid" *** "The Cross-Eyed Bear Murders" *** The Davidian Report; *** "The Delicate Ape" *** "Dread Journey" *** "The Fallen Sparrow" *** "In a Lonely Place" *** "Ride the Pink Horse" *** "The So Blue Marble"


HUGHES, TERENCE "The Day They Stole the Queen Mary" *** "Queen's Mate"

HUGHES, WILLIAM "Deathsport" *** “Secret Ceremony” **** "See No Evil"

HUGHES, ZACH "Gold Star"

HUGHES, ZACHARY – The Adlon Link;

HUGO, RICHARD "Death and the Good Life"

HUIE, WILLIAM BRADFORD “Hotel Mamie Stover” **** "The Klansman" **** “The Revolt of Mamie Stover” **** “Wolf Whistle”

HULL, HELEN "A Trapping on the Wall"


"Excellent Intentions" *** "The Ghost it Was" *** "Keep it Quiet" *** "The Murder of my Aunt" *** "My Own Murderer"

HULME, KERI – The Bone People;

HUMANA, CHARLES "Blood and Water"

HUME, DORIS "Dark Purpose"

HUMINIK, JOHN "Double Agent"

HUMPHRIES, ADELAIDE "A Nurse on Horseback"


HUMPHREY, WILLIAM "Home From the Hill"



"Bimini Run" *** "From Cuba, With Love" *** "The Gaza Intercept" *** "I Came to Kill" ***

"The Judas Hour" *** "The Kremlin Conspiracy" *** Return from Vorkuta; *** "The Venus Probe" *** "Where Murder Waits" *** "Whisper Her Name"

HUNT, HOWARD "Cruel is the Night" *** "Lovers are Losers" *** "The Violent Ones"

HUNT, KYLE (pseudonym of John Creasey) - Cruel as a Cat”; *** “Cunning as a Fox”; *** "Kill a Wicked Man" *** “Kill Once, Kill Twice” ** Sly as a Serpent; *** “Wicked as the Devil”;


"The Ascent of Everest"

HUNT, MORTON "The Mugging"

HUNT, PETER "Murders at Scandal House" *** "Oscar Slater: The Great Suspect"

HUNTER, ALAN - ** Amorous Leander; "Death on the Heath" *** "Field of Heather" *** "Gently Between Tides" *** "Gently by the Shore" *** Gently Does It; *** "Gently Down the Stream" *** "Gently Go Man" *** "Gently in the Sun" *** "Gently Through the Woods" "Gently to the Summit" *** "Gently Where the Roads Go" *** "Gently with the Innocents" *** "The Honfleur Decision” *** “Landed Gently"

HUNTER, DAVID "Black Friday Coming Down"

HUNTER, EVAN – Lizzie;

HUNTER, HALL "The Bengal Tiger"

HUNTER, J.A. "Hunter"

HUNTER, JACK D. 'The Expendable Spy" *** "Florida is Closed Today" *** "One of Us Works for Them" *** "Spies, Inc." *** "The Terror Alliance"

HUNTER, JIM "The Flame"

HUNTER, JOHN "Dead Man's Gate"

HUNTER, STEPHEN "The Day Before Midnight" *** “The Master Sniper” **** "The Second Saladin" *** "The Spanish Gamit" *** “Time to Hunt”

HUNVALD, HENRY "The Masterpiece of Nice Mr. Breen"

HURD, DOUGLAS/ LAMPORT, STEPHEN – The Palace of Enchantments;


"Send Him Victorious" *** "The Smile on the Face of the Tiger"

HURD, FLORENCE "House of Shadows" *** "Seance for the Dead" *** "Secret of Canfield House"


HURWOOD, BERNHARDT J. “Confessions of a Sex Researcher” *** “Erotica” ****”The Girls, the Massage, and Everything” *** "Kingdom of the Spiders" *** "Rip-Off!"


HUSTMYRE, CHUCK – Killer With a Badge;

HUSTON, H.C. "With Murder for Some"

HUSTON, JAMES W. - “Secret Justice”

HUTCHENS, PAUL – Sugar Creek Gang Teacher Trouble; *** Sugar Creek Gang The Haunted House; *** Sugar Creek Gang The Timber Wolf; *** Sugar Creek Gang with Blue Cow;

HUTSON, SHAUN "Assassin”

HUTTON, W. R. - ** Death at the Golden Cockerel;

HUXLEY, ANN "Four Against the Bank of England”;

HUXLEY, ELSPETH "African Poison Murders" *** "Murder on Safari"

HYDE, ANTHONY "China Lake" *** "The Red Fox"

HYDE, CHRISTOPHER "The Icarus Seal" ** "Jericho Falls" *** "Maxwell's Train" *** "STYX" *** "The Tenth Crusade" *** "The Wave"

HYDE, H. MONTGOMERY "Cynthia" *** "Famous Trial 9: Roger Casement" *** "Room 3603"

HYDE, JOHN "The Prediction"

HYLAND, STANLEY "Who Goes Hang?"

HYMAN, TOM "Giant Killer" *** "Prussian Blue” *** “The Russian Woman" *** "Seven Days to Petrograd"

HYND, ALAN - Brutes, Beasts and Human Fiends" *** "The Case of the Burning Bride" *** "Case of the Lady Who Took a Bath" *** "Great True Detective Mysteries" *** "Murder! Great True Crime Cases" *** "Prescription: Murder" *** "'Til Death Do Us Part"

HYND, NOEL 'False Flags" *** "Revenge" *** "The Sandler Enquiry"

----( I )----


"The Body Missed the Boat" *** "Death Draws the Line" *** "Do Not Murder Before Christmas" *** “The French Touch” **** "Girl Meets Body" *** "A Shot of Murder" **** “A Slight Case of Scandal” *** "What Rhymes with Murder?"

IANNI, FRANCIS A.J. "Black Mafia"

IANNUZZI, JOHN NICHOLAS "Courthouse" *** "Part 35" *** "Sicilian Defence" **** “What's Happening?”

IBUSE, MASUJI – Black Rain;

IGGULDEN, JOHN "Dark Stranger"

ILES, FRANCIS "Before the Fact" *** "Malice Aforethought"

ILES, GREG "Black Cross" *** "Mortal Fear" *** Sleep No More;

ILF, PETROV – “The Twelve Chairs”

ING, DEAN "The Ransom of Black Stealth One" *** "Soft Targets" *** Spooker; *** "Wild Country"

INGE, WILLIAM “A Loss of Roses” **** "Picnic"


INNES, HAMMOND - 'Air Bridge" *** "The Angry Mountain" *** "Atlantic Fury" *** “Attack Alarm” **** "The Big Footprints" *** "The Black Tide" *** "The Blue Ice" *** "Campbell's Kingdom" *** 'Dead and Alive" *** "The Doomed Oasis" *** "Fire in the Snow" *** "Gale Warning" *** "The Golden Soak" *** "Harvest of Journeys" *** "The Killer Mine" *** "The Land God Gave to Cain" *** "Levkas Man" *** "The Lonely Skier" *** "Maddon's Rock" *** "Medusa" *** "North Star" *** "Run By Night" *** "Solomon's Seat" *** "The Strange land" *** "The Stroke Venture" ** The Survivors; *** Target Antarctica; *** "The Trojan Horse" *** "The White South" *** "Wreckers Must Breathe" *** "The Wreck of the Mary Deare"


"The Ampersand Papers” *** An Awkward Lie" *** "Appleby and Honey Bath" *** "The Appleby File" *** "Appleby on Ararat" *** "Appleby's Answer" *** "Appleby's End" *** "The Bloody Wood" *** "Caddleshoe" *** "Carson's Conspiracy" *** 'The Case of Sonja Wayward" *** "A Comedy of Terrors" *** "A Connoisseur's Case" *** "The Crabtree Affair" *** "The Daffodil Affair" *** "Death at the President's Lodging" *** 'Death by Moonlight" *** "Death on a Quiet Day" *** "From London Far" *** "The Gay Phoenix" *** "Hamlet, Revenge!" *** "Hare Sitting Up" *** “Honeybath's Haven” *** The Journeying Boy; **** "The Long Farewell" *** "Lord Mullion's Secret" *** "The Man from the Sea" *** "Money from Holme" *** "Murder is an Art" *** "The New Sonia Wayward" *** "A Night of Errors" *** "Old Hall, New Hall" *** "One Man Show" *** “The Open House” *** "Operation Pax" *** "Picture of Guilt" *** "A Private View" *** "The Secret Vanguard" *** "Seven Suspects" *** "Sheiks and Adders" *** "Stop Press" *** "There Came Both Mist and Snow" *** "The Weight of the Evidence" *** "What Happened at Hazelwood"

INNIS, W. JOE/ BUNTON, BILL "In Pursuit of the Awa Maru”

IRVINE, R.R. "The Face Out Front"


IRVING, CLIFFORD "The Angel of Zin" *** "Daddy's Girl: The Campbell Murder Case" *** "The Death Freak" *** Final Argument; *** "The Thirty-Eighth Floor" *** "Trial"


IRWIN, THEODORE D. "Collusion"

ISAACS, SUSAN "Shining Through"


ISLEIB, ROBERTA – Putt to Death;

ISRAEL, CHARLES E. "The Hostages"

ISRAEL, PETER "The French Kiss"

IVES, JOHN (pseudonym of Brian Francis Wynne Garfield – author of Death Wish & Hopscotch) "The March and Woman"

(NO AUTHOR) "I Worked For Lucky Luciano"

----( J )----

JACCOMA, RICHARD "'Yellow Peril'"

JACK, JEREMIAH "The Parajacker" *** "Train Wreck"

JACKMAN, STUART "The Davidson Affair" *** "The Golden Orphans"

JACKS, JEFF "Find the Don's Daughter"

JACKSON, BASIL "Epicentre" *** "Flameout" *** "Supersonic"

JACKSON, BLYDEN "Operation Burning Candle"

JACKSON, BRUCE "The Programmer"

JACKSON, CHARLES “The Cheat” **** "The Outer Edges"

JACKSON, DELMAR "The Cut of the Ax" *** "The Night is My Undoing"

JACKSON, JOSEPH HENRY "San Francisco Murders (Ed)"

JACKSON, KEN "The Cutting Edge" *** "The Sticking Point"

JACKSON, NORMAN "Fanny Comes Across!"

JACKSON, O.T. "Aftermath"

JACOBS, LEAH - “The Psychiatrist's Wife”

JACOBS, NANCY BAKER "Cradle and All" *** "Daddy's Gone A-Hunting" *** “The Turquoise Tattoo”

JACQUART, JOANNE – 'The Caper: The Monty Lewis Story”

JAEDIKER, KERMIT “Hero's Lust” **** "Tall Dark and Dead"

JAFFE, SUSANNE "The Other Anne Fletcher"

JAHN, MICHAEL "The Olympian Strain”

JAHN, MIKE "Killer on the Heights" *** "Night Rituals"

JAKES, JOHN "The Defiled Sister" *** "Heaven and Hell" *** "Johnny Havoc and the Doll Who Had 'It'" *** "Johnny Havoc Meets Zelda"

JAMES, ANTHONY "A New Look at Capitol Punishment"

JAMES, BILL "Halo Parade"


JAMES, DON - “Dark Hunger”

JAMES, DONALD "The Fall of the Russian Empire" *** "A Spy at Evening"

JAMES, HARRISON "Abduction - Fiction Before Fact"

JAMES, LEIGH "The Capitol Hill Affair" *** "The Chameleon File" *** "The Push-Button Spy"

JAMES, MARY L. "Brandy on the Rocks"


"The Black Tower" *** Certain Justice; *** “Cover Her Face” *** Death of an Expert Witness; **** "Devices and Desires" *** "Innocent Blood" *** "A Mind to Murder" *** "Original Sin" *** Shroud for a Nightingale; *** "The Skull Beneath the Skin" *** "A Taste for Death" *** "Unnatural Causes" *** "An Unsuitable Job for a Woman"

JAMES, PETER "Twilight"

JAMES, ROGER "The High Price of Loving"

JAMESON, STORM ** The Aristide Case; "The Intruder"

JAN, GABRIEL "La Main Du Spectre"

JANCE, J.A. "Failure to Appear" *** "Injustice for All" *** "A More Perfect Union" *** "Name Withheld" *** "Taking the Fifth" *** Toumbstone Courage; **** “Until Proven Guilty” *** Web of Evil;

JANE, MARY C. "Mystery Behind Dark Windows" *** "Mystery in Old Quebec"

JANES, J. ROBERT "The Toy Shop" *** "The Watcher"



"The Affairs of Paula" *** "Becky"*** "Cold Dead Coed" *** "Expectant Nymph" *** "Fanny" *** "Her Weapon is Passion" *** "Hot House" *** "Lover" *** "A Nice Way to Die" *** "A Nympho Named Sylvia" *** "Passionate Playmated"

JANUARY, STEVE - “Rusty Desmond”

JANZEN, TARA – Breaking Loose;

JAPRISOT, SEBASTIEN - "Goodbye, Friend" *** "The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun" *** One Deadly Summer; *** "The Sleeping - Car Murders" *** "Trap for Cinderella"


"The Butcher - #1 Kill Quick or Die" *** "The Butcher - #3 Keepers of Death" *** "The Butcher - #4 Blood Debt" *** "The Butcher - #5 Deadly Deal" *** "The Butcher - #6 Kill Time" *** "The Butcher - #7 Death Race" *** "The Butcher - #8 Fire Bomb" *** "The Butcher - #9 Sealed With Blood" *** The Butcher - #11 Valley of Death; *** "The Butcher - #13 Blood Vengeance" *** "The Butcher - #14 African Contract" *** "The Butcher - #15 Kill Gently, But Sure" *** "The Butcher - #17 The Cubano Caper" *** "The Butcher - #18 The U.N. Affair; *** "The Butcher - #19 Mayday Over Manhattan; *** “The Butcher #20 Hollywood Assassin” **** "The Butcher - #21 Instant Dead" *** "The Butcher - #22 Grecian Bloodbath" *** "The Butcher - #23 Appointment in Iran; *** "The Butcher - #24 Venetian Vendetta" *** "The Butcher - #25 The Corporate Caper" *** "The Butcher - #26 The Terror Truckers" ***"The Butcher - #27 The Judas Judge" *** "The Butcher - #28 September Slaughter" *** "The Butcher - #29 Kill Them Silently" *** "The Butcher - #30 Coffin Corner U.S.A." *** “The Butcher #30 Go Die in Afghanistan” **** "The Butcher - #34 The Man From White Hat"



"Beat Not the Bones" *** "The Brink of Silence" *** "The Fugitive Eye" *** "The Man Who Walked Away" *** "The Yellow Turban"

JECKS, MICHAEL – The Merchant's Partner;

JEFFERIES, RITA "Out of Control”

JEFFREY, ADI-KENT THOMAS – They Dared the Devil's Triangle;

JEFFRIES, RODERIC "Against Time!" ** Dead Against the Lawyers;

JENKINS, CECIL 'Message from Sirius"


JENKINS, GEOFFREY - "A Bridge of Magpies" *** "A Cleft of Stars" *** A Grue of Ice; *** Hunter Killer; *** In Harm's Way; *** "A Ravel of Waters" *** "The River of Diamonds" ** Scend of the Sea; *** "Southtrap" *** "A Twist of Sand" *** The Watering Place of Good Peace;

JENKINS, JERRY B. "Allyson; ** Erin; *** Hilary; *** Janell; *** Margo" *** "Meaghan" *** “Three Days in Winter”

JENNINGS, C.O. "An Ocean Without Shores"

JENNINGS, JOHN "Chronicle of the Calypso, Clipper"

JENNINGS, MAUREEN – Except the Dying;

JEROME, OWEN FOX "The Corpse Awaits"

JESSE, F. TENNYSON "Comments on Cain" *** "Murder and its Motives"

JESSUP, RICHARD "The Deadly Duo" *** "Night Boat to Paris" *** "A Quiet Voyage Home" *** "A Rage to Die" *** Threat;

JEWETT, ELEANORE M. "Mystery of the Mooncusser"

JIWA, SALIM "The Death of Air India 182"

JOBSON, HAMILTON "Smile and be a Villian" *** "Therefore I Killed Him"


JOEY "Hit #29" *** "Killer"



"A Beam of Black Light" *** "Dead on Time" *** "The Disinformer" *** "The Shadow in the Sea" *** "Thirty Days Hath September"

JOHNS, CAPTIAN W.E. "Biggles and the Blue Moon" *** "Biggles in the Jungle" *** “Gimlet Comes Home”

JOHNS, VERONICA PARKER "Murder by the Day"

JOHNSON, B.B. "Mother of the Year"

JOHNSON, DIANE "The Shadow Knows"

JOHNSON, DOLORES – Hung Up to Die;


"Cage Five is Going to Break" *** "The Cardinalli Contract" *** "The Inside Man" *** "Mongo's Back in Town" *** "Silver Street"


JOHNSON, JAMES L. "A Handful of Dominoes" *** The Nine Lives of Alphonse; *** "A Piece of the Moon is Missing"

JOHNSON, KEN "Blue Sunshine"

JOHNSON, MENDAL W. "Let's Go Play at the Adams'"

JOHNSON, RYERSON "Lady in Dread" *** "Naked in the Streets"

JOHNSON, SANDY "The Cuppi" *** "Walk a Winter Beach"

JOHNSON, STANLEY "The Presidential Plot"

JOHNSON, VICTOR H. - “Bold Moment”

JOHNSON, WILLIAM OSCAR "Hammered Gold" *** "The Zero Factor"


JOHNSTON, GEORGE H. "Death Takes Small Bites"

JOHNSTON, MORIA – The Last Nine Minutes;

JOHNSTON, RONALD “The Angey Ocean” **** "Danger at Bravo Key" *** “Paradise Smith” **** "Red Sky in the Morning"

JOHNSTON, VELDA "Along a Dark Path" *** "The Face in the Shadows" *** "The Frenchman" *** The People from the Sea; *** "Shadow Behind the Curtain"

JOHNSTON, WILLIAM "Asylum" *** "Klute"

JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM W. "Bloodland; **** Code Name: Death; **** Code Name: Quickstrike; **** Code Name: Survival; *** The Last of the Dog team; *** "The Sanction"

JONAS, CARL "Snowslide"


JONES, A.E. "Juvenile Delinquency and the Law"


JONES, BRADSHAW "Death on a Pale Horse" *** "The Hamlet Problem"


JONES, CRAIG "Blood Secrets" *** "Fatal Attraction" *** "Too Late to be Good"

JONES, DENNIS "Barbarossa Red" *** "Rubicon One" *** “Russian Spring”

JONES, DENYS 'Look Not Upon Me"

JONES, ELWYN / LLOYD, JOHN "The Ripper File"

JONES, EVAN "High Gear (Ed)"

JONES, FRANK 'Trail of Blood"


JONES, HOWARD "Crime in a Changing Society"

JONES, J. FARRAGUT "The Scourge of Scapa Flow" *** "Waters Dark and Deep"

JONES, JACK "Baja" *** "Journey into Death"

JONES, JAMES "The Pistol" *** "A Touch of Danger"

JONES, JENNIFER "Murder-On-Hudson"

JONES, KEN "The FBI in Action"

JONES, MADISON "A Cry of Absence" *** "I Walk the Line" *** "Season of the Strangler"

JONES, NARD - ** Ride the Dark Storm;


JONES, R. PAGE "The Heisters" *** "Wine of the Generals"

JONES, R.W. "Saving Grave"


JONES, VICTOR "Monument of Terror"

JORDAN, DAVID "Nile Green"

JORDAN, HOPE DAHLE "Haunted Summer” *** Three Desperate Days"

JORDAN, J.A. "Mongaso"

JORDAN, LEONARD "Operation : Perfidia"

JORGENSEN, DAN "Killer Blizzard"

JOSEPH, ALAN "Killers at Sea" *** "Logan"

JOSEPH, MARK "To Kill the Potemkin" *** "Typhoon"

JOSEPH, ROBERT F. "The Aquarius Transfer"

JOYCE, JAMES AVERY "Justice at Work"


JUDD, FRANCIS K. "The Masion of Secrets" *** "The Mysterious Neighbours"

JUDSON, WILLIAM "Alice and Me" ** "Cold River" *** "Kilman's Landing"

JULIAN, ROBERT "Murder in Focus"

JUNIPER, ALEX "A Very Proper Death”;

JUST, WARD “The American Ambassador” *** "A Soldier of the Revolution"

----( K )----

KAHN, DAVID "The Codebreakers"

KAHN, HERMAN "Thinking About the Unthinkable"

KAHN, JAMES – The Echo Vector;

KAHN, JOAN 'Skeleton Keys (Ed)" *** "Some Things Fierce and Fatal (Ed.)"

KAHN, STEVE "The Mall" *** "New York, N.Y. 10022"

KAISER, R. J. - Jane Doe;

KALB, BERNARD & MARVIN "The Last Ambassador"

KALB, MARVIN / KOPPEL, TED "In the National Interest"

KALISH, ROBERT "Bloodmoon"

KALLA, DANIEL – Blood Lies;


"C.B. Greenfield: No Lady in the House" *** "C.B. Greenfield: The Piano Bird” *** "C.B. Greenfield: The Tanglewood Murder" *** "Introducing C.B. Greenfield"

KAMAL, AHMED "High Pressure"


KAMINSKY, STUART M. Catch a Falling Clown; *** "Death of a Russian Priest" *** “Murder on the Yellow Brick Road” **** "Red Chameleon"

KANE, FRANK - "Barely Seen" *** "Bare Trap" *** "Bullet Proof" *** "The Conspirators" *** "Crime of Their Life" *** "Dead Rite" *** "Dead Weight" *** "Due or Die" *** "Espirit De Corpse" *** "The Fatal Foursome" *** "Fatal Undertaking" *** "Final Curtain" *** "Grave Danger" *** "Green Light for Death" *** "The Guilt Edged Frame" *** "Hearse Class Male" *** "Johnny Come Lately" ***"Johnny Liddell's Morgue" *** "Juke Box King" *** "Key Witness" *** "The Lineup" *** "The Living End" *** "Maid in Paris" *** "Margin for Terror" *** "The Mourning After" *** "Poisons Unknown" *** "A Real Gone Guy" *** "Red Hot Ice" *** "Ring-a-Ding-Ding" *** "A Short Bier" *** "Slay Ride" *** "Stacked Deck" *** "Syndicate Girl" *** "Time to Prey" *** "Trigger Mortis" *** "Two to Tangle"

KANE, HENRY - "Armchair in Hell" *** "The Case of the Murdered Madame" *** "Come Kill With Me" *** "A Corpse for Christmas" *** "The Crumpled Cup" *** "Dead in Bed" *** "The Deadly Finger" *** "Death for Sale" *** "Death is the Last Lover" *** "Death of a Dastard" *** "Death on a Flack" *** "Death of a Hooker" *** "Death on the Double" ** Decision; *** "Dirty Gertie" *** "Don't Call Me Madame" *** "Don't Just Die There!" *** "Edge of Panic" *** "Fistful of Death" *** "Frenzy of Evil" *** "The Glow Job" *** "Hang by Your Neck" *** “A Kind of Rape” **** "Kisses of Death" *** "Kiss, Kiss, Kill, Kill" *** "Laughter Came Screaming" *** "Laughter in the Alehouse" *** "Lust of Power" *** "Martinis and Murder" *** "The Midnight Man" *** "The Moonlighter" *** "Murder of the Park Ave. Playgirl" *** "My Business is Murder" *** "My Darlin' Evangeline" *** "The Name is Chambers" *** "Never Give a Millionaire an Even Break" *** "Nobody Loves a Loser" *** "The Perfect Crime" *** "Private Eyeful" *** "Run for Doom" *** "The Schack Job" *** "Sleep Without Dreams" *** "Snatch an Eye" *** 'Too French and Too Deadly" *** "Trinity in Violence" *** "The Tripoli Documents" *** "Two Must Die" *** "Unholy Trio" *** "Until You Are Dead" *** "Who Killed Sweet Sue?"

KANFER, STEFAN "The Eight Sin"

KANON, JOSEPH – The Prodigal Spy;

KANTNER, ROB "Hell's Only Half Full"

KANTO, PETER “Glamour Boy” *** "Gold in Her Eyes" *** “License to Prowl” *** "A Small Slice of Gold" *** “Tomcat” *** 'World Where Sex was Born”

KANTOR, HAL "The $1,000,000.00 Broad"

KANTOR, MACKINLAY "Diversey" *** “Don't Touch Me” *** "Gentle Annie" *** "It's About Crime' *** “Midnight Lace” *** "Signal Thirty-Two"

KAPLAN, ANDREW "Dragonfire" *** "Hour of the Assassins"

KAPLAN, HOWARD "The Damascus Cover"

KARAMASOV, THE BROTHERS – Dostoyevsky / Freud;

KARL, JONATHAN "The Right to Bear Arms"

KARLOVA, IRINA "Dreadful Hollow"


KARNEY, JACK "Cop" *** "Cry, Brother, Cry" *** "Cut Me In" *** "Layout for Murder" **** “Some Like it Tough”

KARP, DAVID "The Big Feeling" *** “Camera” *** “Hardman" **** “One Thing on my Mind”


KARPIS, ALVIN / TRENT, BILL "The Alvin Karpis Story" *** "Public Enemy Number One"


KARTUN, DEREK "Beaver to Fox"

KASTLE, HERBERT "Cross-Country" *** "Death Squard" *** "The Gang" *** "Hot Prowl" *** "Sunset People"

KATA, ELIZABETH - “Someone will Conquer Them”

KATCHER, LEO "The Blind Cave"

KATKOV, NORMAN "Blood and Orchids" **** “Eagle at my Eyes”

KATONA, EDITA - ** Code-Name Marianne;

KATZ, LEONARD "Uncle Frank: Biography of Frank Cotello"

KATZ, ROBERT "The Cassandra Crossing"

KATZ, SHELLEY "Alligator" *** "The Shadow President"

KATZ, WILLIAM "Death Dreams” *** North Star Crusade" *** "Surprise party"

KATZENBACH, JOHN "The Analyst”; *** “In the Heat of the Summer"

KAUFELT, DAVID A. "The Fat Boy Murders" *** "Spare Parts"

KAUFMANN, LANE "Kill the Beloved" *** "The Perfectionist"

KAUFMAN, LENARD "The Color of Green" *** "Jubel's Children" *** "Tender Mercy"



KAVA, ALEX – Split Second;

KAVANAGH, PAUL( Pseudonym for Lawrence Block ) "Such Menare Dangerous" *** "The Triumph of Evil"

KAY, CAMERON "Thieves Fall Out"

KAY, SUSAN – Phantom;

KAY, TERRY "Dark Thirty"

KAYE, M.M. "Death in Cyprus" *** "Death in Kashmir" *** "Death in Kenya" *** "Death in Zanzibar" *** "Shadow of the Moon"

KAZAN, ELIA “America America” **** "The Assassins"

KEANE, CHRISTOPHER "The Crossing" *** "The Heir" *** "The Hunter" *** "The Maximus Zone"

KEANE, JOHN "Sherlock Bones"

KEARNEY, ROBERT "Hole in the Water"

KEATING, H.R.F. - The Bad Detective; *** "Bats Fly Up for Inspector Ghote" *** "Death and the Visiting Firemen" *** Filmi, Filmi, Inspector Ghote; *** Inspector Ghote Breaks an Egg; *** “Inspector Ghote Draws a Line” ***

"Inspector Ghote Goes by Train" *** "Inspector Ghote Hunts the Peacock" ***

"Inspector Ghote Plays a Joker" *** "Inspector Ghote's Good Crusade" *** "Is Skin-Deep, Is Fatal" *** "Murder by Death" *** "The Murder of the Maharajah" *** “Under a Monsoon Cloud” *** "Zen There Was Murder"

KEATING, WILLIAM J. "Slaughter on 10th Avenue"

KEEBLE, JOHN "Yellowfish"

KEEBLE, PETER "Ordeal by Water"


*** "Nancy Drew Files - #1 Secrets Can Kill; ** "Nancy Drew Files - #2 Deadly Intent" *** "Nancy Drew Files - #3 Murder on Ice *** "Nancy Drew Files - #21 Recipe for Murder; *** "Nancy Drew Files - #74 Greek Odyssey" *** "Nancy Drew Files - #77 Danger on Parade" *** "Nancy Drew Files - #79 No Laughing Matter" *** "Nancy Drew Files - #87 Moving Target" *** “Nancy Drew Files #89 Designs in Crime” *** "Nancy Drew Files - #91 If Looks Could Kill" *** *** "Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys Super Mystery; New Year's Evil” *** "The Spider Sapphire Mystery"


Keene, Day; (Pseudonym of Gunard Hjertstedt; AKA= William Richards & Daniel White);

About Doctor Ferrel (Gold Medal #254; 1952; PBO); .

Acapulco G.P.O. (Dell #0019; Circa 1965; G+, but Writing on both covers & title page missing; thus FA/G, reading copy =$ask);

Chicago 11 (Dell #1198; 1966; );

Dead Dolls Don't Talk (Crest #286; 1959; PBO; Photo cover; );

Framed in Guilt (MacFadden Books #60-234; );

Home is the Sailor (Gold Medal #225; 1952; PBO; Front endpage & Title page missing o/w FA/G; reading copy $ask);

Home is the Sailor (Gold Medal #225; 1952; PBO; ;

Homicidal Lady (MacFadden Books #75-359; );

NAKED FURY. ( Berkley Books Pub; # D2020 ); Illustrated by MILO {Good Girl Art} GGA Painted Cover! 1959 First Edition By This Publisher. One of the RAREST of all titles by this popular & collectible author. >>> 1" of Magic Tape repairs to bottom on spine. Thus G/VG; Bookseller Inventory #5422-3 **** To Kiss, or Kill (Gold Medal #206; 1951; Barye Phillips cover; PBO; writing & doodling on last page & inside back cover; ); *** WORLD WITOUT WOMEN;


KEENE, TOM "Earthrace" **** “The Fuse”

KEENE, TOM / HAYNES, BRIAN "Sky Shroud" *** "Spy Ship"

KEENER, JOYCE "Borderline"

KEITGES, JULIE "Dawn and Vengeance”

KEITH, CARLTON "A Gem of a Murder" *** Missing, Presumed Dead”;

KEITH, RONALD A. "Bush Pilot With a Briefcase"

KELLAND, CLARENCE BUDINGTON "Double Treasure" *** "The Great Mail Robbery" *** "The Nameless Corpse"

KELLER, DAN "Flee the Night in Anger"

KELLERMAN, FAYE "Day of Atonement" *** “The Forgotten” *** "Sacred and Profane"; *** Stalker;

KELLERMAN, JONATHAN – A Cold Heart; *** The Conspiracy Club; *** The Murder Book; *** Silent Partner; *** The Web; *** “When the Bough Breaks"

KELLEY, K.P. "The Plot"

KELLEY, LAMAR "That's No Way to Die"

KELLEY, LEO P. "Deadlocked!"


"Bad Men of Canada" *** "The Black Donnellys" *** Rat River Trapper, *** "Vengeance of the Black Donnellys"



KELLY, BILL "Pepperoni Hero #2"

KELLY, F.J. "The Gates of Brass" (Monarch 296; 1963; cover art by Maguire);


"The Mystery Club - #1 Secret Clues" *** "The Mystery Club - #2 Double Danger" *** "The Mystery Club - #3 The Forbidden Island" *** "The Mystery Club - #6 Missing"

KELLY, JACK - “Apalachin; **** “Wild Blonde”

KELLY, JAMES "Music From Another Room"

KELLY, LELIA – Presumption of Guilt;

KELLY, MARY ** Dead Corse; "Dead Cruse" ** Due to a Death; *** "The Spoilt Kill"

KELLY, MARY ANNE "Park Lane South Queens"

KELLY, NORA "In the Shadow of King's”

KELMAN, JUDITH "The House on the Hill; *** “Prime Evil” *** “Someone's Watching" *** "While Angels Sleep"

KELSEY, ROY - “Affair on Board” *** “Amorous Avenger”

KELSTON, ROBERT "Murder's End"


"The Day the Rabbi Resigned”; *** Friday the Rabbi Slept Late" *** "Monday the Rabbi Took Off" *** "The Nine Mile Walk" ***

"One Fine Day the Rabbi Bought a Cross" *** "Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry" *** "Someday the Rabbi Will Leave" *** "Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home" *** "Thursday the Rabbi Walked Out" *** "Tuesday the Rabbi Saw Red" *** "Wednesday the Rabbi Got Wet"

KEMPTON, EDWARD - “Swamp Tease”

KENEALLY, THOMAS "A Place at Whitton" *** "Season in Purgatory"


"Blind Man's Bluff" *** "The Iron Spiders Murder" *** "The Murderer Who Wanted More" *** "Odor of Violets" *** "Reservations for Death" *** "The Whistling Hangman"

KENDRICK, TONY – Two for the Price of One;

KENNEDY, ADAM "Debt of Honor" *** "The Doming Principle" *** "The Killing Season"

KENNEDY, BARBARA "The Uninvited Guest”

KENNEDY, GEORGE "Murder on High" *** "Murder on Location"

KENNEDY, JAY RICHARD "The Chairman" **** “Prince Bart”

KENNEDY, LUDOVIC "Ten Rillington Place" *** "The Trial of Stephen Ward"

KENNEDY, MILWARD "Half-Past Murder"

KENNEDY, STETSON "Passage to Violence"

KENNEDY, WILLIAM P. 'The Masakado Lesson" *** "Toy Soldiers"

KENNETH, JOHN "The Big Question"

KENNEY, SUSAN "Garden of Malice"

KENNY, PAUL "Tanagra Affair" / ST. MOORE A. "Angel Face Tatters the Kimono"


"Blast" *** "The 81st Site" *** “Neon Tough” **** "The Nighttime Guy" *** "The Seven Day Soldiers" ***

"Shanghai Surprise" *** "Stealing Lillian" *** "A Touch One to Lose" *** "Two for the Price of One"

KENT, ARTHUR "Corpse to Cuba" *** "Plant Poppies on my Grave"

KENTON, LARRY "Challenge at Le Mans" *** "The Devil's Ring" *** "Revenge at Indy"

KENYON, MICHAEL "May You Die in Ireland" *** "The Whole Hog"

KEON, MICHAEL "The Durian Tree" *** "The 7th Dawn" *** "The Tiger in Summer"

KERNER, ANNETTE "Woman Detective"

KERNS, PHIL – People's Temple: People's Tomb;

KERR, BEN (pseudonym of William Ard) - "Down I Go"

KERR, G. "Under the Influence"

KERR, JAMES "Emergency Room"

KERR, MICHAEL "Benjamin Seven"

KERR, PHILIP "A Philosophical Investigation"

KERRIGAN, PHILIP "Survival Game"

KERSH, GERALD "The Secret Masters"


KETCHUM, PHILIP "Death in the Library"

KETTLE, MICHAEL – Sidney Reilly;


"At the Blue Gates" *** "The Fleet Hall Inheritance" *** "The Havering Plot" ***

"He Laughed at Murder" *** "Missing From His Home" *** "The Sanfield Scandal" ***

"The Shadow Syndicate" *** "William Cook - Antique Dealer"

KEY, SEAN A. "Cain's Chinese Puzzle"

KEYES, DANIEL "Unveiling Claudia"

KEYES, THOM – The Battle of Disneyland;

KEZER, GLEN 'The Queen is Dead"

KIDEL, BORIS "A Flawed Escape"

KIECOLT-GLASER, JANICE – Unconscious Truths;




"Assault With Intent" *** "Deadline for a Critic" *** "Death Weaars a Red Hat" *** "Kill and Tell" *** "Mind Over Murder" *** "The Rosary Murders" *** "Shadow of Death"

KIERAN, JAMES "Come Murder Me"

KILDUFF, MARSHALL – The Suicide Cult (with Ron Javers);



"They Call me the Mercenary - #1 The Killer Genesis" *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #2 The Slaughter Run" *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #3 Fourth Reich Death Squad" *** They Call Me the Mercenary - #4 The Opium Hunter; *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #5 Canadian Killing Ground" *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #6 Vengeance Army; *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #7 Slave of the Warmonger; *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #8 Assassin's Express” *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #10 Bush Warfare; *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #11 Death Lust!; *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #12 Headshot*** "They Call me the Mercenary - #13 Naked Blade, Naked Gun*** "They Call me the Mercenary - # 16 China Bloodhunt; *** "They Call me the Mercenary - #17 Buckingham Blowout;

KILIAN, CRAWFORD "Icequake" *** "Tsunami"

KILLERMAN, DAN “Hellrider #1 Hellrider”

KIM, RICHARD - “The Innocent”



KIMBOUGH, CASSIE - “Where are my Children?”

KINCAID, D. "Final Verdict"

KNCAID, M.G. "The Last Victim in Glen Ross”


KINDLER, SETH "Mind Games"

KING, FRANCIS "Act of Darkness" *** "The Needle"

KING, HAROLD "Closing Ceremonies" *** "Four Days" *** "Red Alert” *** The Taskmaster"

KING, LAURIE R. "A Monstous Regiment of Women” *** To Play the Fool”


"The Case of the Constant Gold" *** "The Deadly Dove" *** "Holiday Homicide" *** "Murder by Latitude" *** "Murder by the Clock" *** "Murder Challenges Valcour" *** "Murder Masks Miami" *** "Murder on the Yacht" *** "Secret Beyond the Door" *** "Somewhere in this House"

KING-HALL, STEPHEN "Moment of No Return"

KINGSLEY, BETTINA "The Captive" *** The House on the Drive;

KINGSLEY, GERRY "The Cat and the Canary"

KINGSLEY, MICHAEL "Branches of Evil"

KINGSLEY, LAWRENCE "The Red-Light Victim"

KINSLEY, PETER - “Three Cheers for Nothing”

KIPLING, RUDYARD – The Man Who Would Be King;

KIRK, RUSSELL "Old House of Fear"



KIRKPATRICK, SIDNEY D. - A Cast of Killers;

KIRKWOOD, JAMES - “P.S. Your Cat is Dead!”

KIRST, H.H. "Brothers in Arms" *** "The Last Card" *** "A Time for Payment" *** "A Time for Scandal" *** "A Time for Truth"

KITCHIN, C.H.B. "Death of my Aunt"

KITTREDGE, MARY "Desperate Remedy” *** “Murder in Mendacino"

KJELGAARD, JIM "Fire-Hunter"

KLAINER, ALBERT AND JO-ANN "The Judas Gene" *** "The 11th Plague"

KLARE, HUGH J. "Anatomy of Prison"

KLASS, DAVID "Samurai, Inc."


KLAVAN, ANDREW "Don't Say a Word'

KLAWANS, HAROLD L. "The Jerusalem Code"

KLEIMAN,DENA "A Deadly Silence"

KLEIN, ALEXANDER "The Counterfeit Traitor" *** "The Fabulous Rogues" *** "The Magnificent Scoundrels" *** "Rebels, Rogues and Scoundrels"

KLEIN, DANIEL M. - Wavelengths;

KLEIN, DAVE "Blind Side"

KLING, SAMUEL G. "Handy Legal Adviser for Home and Business"

KLINGER, HENRY "Essence of Murder" ** Lust for Murder; *** "Murder Off-Broadway" *** "Wanton for Murder"

KNAPP, GREGORY C. "Stranglehold"


"The Bottom Line" *** "Crossing in Berlin" *** "Dark Horse" *** "Night of Camp David" ***

"Poker Game" *** "Seven Days in May" *** "Trespass" *** "Vanished"

KNERR, MICHAEL E. "The Violent Lady"

KNICKERBOCKER, CHARLES H. - “The Boy Came Back” **** “Juniper Island”




"I'll Kill You Next!" *** "Kiss and Kill" *** "Knife at my Back" *** "Stone Cold Blonde" *** "The Sunburned Corpse" *** "Sugar Shannon" *** "Triple Slay"

KNIGHT, BERNARD – The Noble Outlaw; *** The Poisoned Chalice;

KNIGHT, CLIFFORD "The Affair of th Scarlet Crab"

KNIGHT, DAVID "Farquharson's Physique"

KNIGHT, ERIC "This Above All"



"The Man From T.O.M.C.A.T. - #1 The Dozen Deadly Dragons of Joy" *** "The Man From T.O.M.C.A.T. - #2 The Million Missing Maidens" *** "The Man From T.O.M.C.A.T. - #3 The Terrible Ten" ***

"The Man From T.O.M.C.A.T. - #4 The Dirty Rotten Depriving Ray" *** "The Man From T.O.M.C.A.T. - #5 Tsimmis in Target" *** "The Man From T.O.M.C.A.T. - #6 The Malignant Metaphysical Menace"

KNISTER, BARRY "The Dating Service"

KNOWLTON, ROBERT A. "Court of Crows"

KNOX, ALEXANDER "Night of the White Bear"

KNOX, BILL "Leave it to the Hangman"

KNOX, HUGH - “Cult of Flesh”

KNOX, RONALD "The Three Taps"


KOCH, PETER / HERMAN, KAI "Assault at Mogadishu"

KOENIG, LAIRD "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane; *** “The Neighbour"

KOESTLER, ARTHUR "The Case of the Midwife Toad" *** Darkness at Noon; *** Hanged by the Neck;

KOLAR, JEAN - “Return Fare”

KOLB, KEN "Night Crossing"

KOMAN, VICTOR – The Jehovah Contract;

KONINGSBERGER, HANS – The Revolutionary;

KONKEL, K.G.E. "The Glorious East Wind"

KONRAD, JAMES "Target Amin"

KOPP, SHELDON – The Pickpocket and the Saint;

KORN, JERRY "The Raising of the Queen"

KOSTER, R.M. - “The Prince”

KOURDAKOV, SERGEI "The Persecutor"

KOVALSKY, J.R. 'The Early Days of August"

KOVETZ, DR. ALBERT "The Operation”;

KOWET, DON "The 7th Game"

KOZLENKO, WILLIAM "Acts of Violence (Ed.)"

KRAKAUER, JON - “Into Thin Air”

KRAMER, DALE - “Violent Streets”


Common-Law Wife” **** "The Deadly September" *** "Fair Game" *** "A Flame Too Hot" *** "Kiss Me Quick" **** “Not for a Curse”

KRAMER, PHIL – Weave a Wicked Web;

KRASNER, WILLIAM "The Gambler" *** "Walk the Dark Streets"

KRASNEY, SAMUEL A. "Death Cries in the Street" *** "Homicide West" *** "A Maia for Blondes" *** "Morals Squad" *** "The Rapist"

KRAUSE, CHARLES A. "Guyana Massacre; The Eyewitness Account”;

KREPPS, ROBERT W. "The Big Gamble" *** “Boys' Night Out” *** "Diamond Fever" *** “Fancy” *** "Tell it on the Drums"

KROLL, HARRY HARRISON - “The Brazen Dream” *** “The Smoldering Fire”

KRUGER, MARY "Masterpiece of Murder”;


Bedroom Alibi” *** "A Bullet for a Blonde" *** "If the Shroud Fits" *** "Weave a Wicked Web" ***

"Weep for Willow Green"

KRUSE, JOHN "Red Omega"


KUHNS, WILLIAM "The Reunion"


KUNICZAK, W.S. "The Sempinski Affair"

KUNSTLER, WILLIAM M. "The Minister and the Choir Singer"

KUPFERMAN, THEODORE R. "The Family Legal Adviser"

KURLAND, MICHAEL “The Last President” (with Barton, S.W.) *** "Mission: Third Force"

KURNITZ, HARRY "Invasion of Privacy"

KURTH, ANN "Prescription : Murder"


KUTAK, ROSEMARY "Darkness of Slumber" *** "I Am the Cat"

KUTTNER, HENRY "The Murder of Ann Avery" *** "The Murder of Eleanor Pope"

KWITNY, JONATHAN "Shakedown" *** "The Super Swindlers"

KYLE, DUNCAN - "Black Camelot" *** "A Cage of Ice" *** "Flight into Fear" *** “Green River High” **** "A Raft of Swords" ** The Semonov Impulse; *** Terror's Cradle; *** "Whiteout!"

KYLE, ELISABETH "Love Is for the Living"

KYLE, ROBERT (Pseudonym of Robert Terrall) "Ben Gates is Hot" *** "Blackmail, Inc." *** "The Crooked City" *** "Some Like it Cool" *** “Venus Examined”

KYTLE, RAY "Last Voyage"

----( L )----


"Frenzy" *** "It Always Rains on Sunday" *** "It was Christmas Every Day" *** "Pennygreen Street"

LA CARTE, A. - Crime;


"The Big Bust" *** "The Big Fix" *** “Blonde Bait” *** "Breathe No More, My Lady" *** "Bugged for Murder" ***

"A Deadly Affair" *** "Double Trouble" *** "Enter Without Desire" *** "Go for the Body" ***

"Harlem Underground" *** "In Black and Whitney" *** "Lead With Your Left" *** "The Men from the Boys" *** "Moment of Untruth" *** “Pity the Honest” **** "Room to Swing" *** "Shakedown for Murder" *** "Sin in Their Blood" *** "Sleep in Thunder" *** "Visa to Death" **** The Woman Aroused;

LACROIX, JEAN PAUL "The Innocent Gunman"


"The Bees" *** "The Reluctant Spy" *** "A Silent Kind of War" *** "The Spy Who Didn't" *** "The Spy Who Loved America" *** The Temple At Ilumquh;

LA FOUNTAINE, GEORGE “Flashpoint” *** "Two-Minute Warning"

LA FRANCE, MARSTON "Miami Murder-Go-Round"

LAING, ALEXANDER "The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck"

LAIT, JACK/ MORTIMER, LEE – The Big City After Dark; *** New York Confidential;

LAKE, ALEXANDER "Killers in Africa"

LAKE, M.D. "Grave Choices”

LAMB, ANTONIA "Lady in Shadows"

LAMB, MARGARET "Chains of Gold"


LAMBERT, DEREK "The Great Land” *** “I, Said the Spy" *** "Rough Cut" *** "The Saint Peter's Plot" *** “Vendetta” *** "The Yermakov Transfer"

LAMBERT, ERIC "The Rehabilitated Man"

ALMONT, LANSING "Day of Trinity"

LANCASTER, BRUCE "Bright to the Wanderer" *** "The Secret Road"


"The Alpha Deception; *** The Doomsday Spiral" *** "The Eighth Trumpet" *** "The Gamma Option" *** "Labyrinth" *** "The Lucifer Directive" *** "The Omega Command" *** The Omicron Legion;

LAND, MYRICK "Quicksand" *** "The Search"




LANE, MARK "Rush to Judgement"

LANG, BRAD "Crockett on the Loose"

LANG, JACK “The Hard Case” *** "The Photo Game"


"Binary"(Lange, John) *** "A Case of Need" (Hudson, Jeffery) *** "Easy Go"(Lange, John) *** "Grave Desend" (Lange, John) *** "The Last Tomb (Lange, John) *** "The Venom Business" (Lange, John) *** "Zero Cool (Lange, John)

LANGE, OLIVER "Incident at La Junta" *** “Red Snow” *** “"Vandenberg"

LANGHAM, JAMES R. "Sing a Song of Homicide"

LANGLEY, ADRIA LOCKE - “A Lion is in the Streets”

LANGLEY, BOB "Death Stalk”

LANGLEY, LEE "Dead Center"


"Dark Nantucket Noon" *** "Murder at the Gardner" *** "Natural Enemy"

LANHAM, EDWIN - 'Death in the Wind" *** "Double Jeopardy" *** "Headlined for Murder" *** "Murder on my Street" *** "Politics is Murder" *** "Six Black Camels"


LANSING, ALFRED "Endurance" *** "Shackleton's Valiant Voyage"

LANTIGUA, JOHN "Burn Season"

LAPLANTE, JERRY - "Chameleon - #2 In Gards We Trust"

LA PLANTE, LYDIA "Prime Suspect 3"

LAREDO, JOHNNY "Come and Get Me"

LARGENT, R. KARL "The Prometheus Project" *** "Red Skies"


"The Day I Died" *** "Death is Confidential" *** "Friday for Death" *** "The Girl With the Frightened Eyes" *** “Lady Chatterley's Daughter (ed.)” *** "Win Place and Die!"

LARKIN, R.T. "The Godmother" *** “Honor Thy Godmother” *** "The Raging Flood"


LARSEN, ANITA "Lost... And Never Found II"

LARSEN, GAYLORD "An Educated Death" *** “The Kilbourne Connection” *** "The 180' Murder"

LARSEN, RICHARD W. "Bundy: The Deliberate Stranger"

LARSON, CHARLES "The Chinese Game"

LASHNER, WILLIAM "Hostile Witness"


LASKI, MARGHANITA "The Victorian Chaise Longue"

LASSETER, DON "Dead of Night”

LASSITER, ADAM - "Dennison's War - #NN Dennison's War" *** "Dennison's War - #NN Conte's Run" *** *** "Dennison's War - #NN Hell on Wheels” *** "Dennison's War - #NN Triangle"

LATHAM, AARON "Orchids for Mother"


"The Hook - #1 The Gilded Canary" *** "The Hook - #2 Sight Unseen" ***


"Accounting for Murder" *** "Ashes to Ashes" *** "Banking on Death" *** "By Hook or by Crook" *** "Death Shall Overcome" *** "Double, Double, Oil and Trouble" *** "Going for the Gold" *** "Murder Makes the Wheels go 'Round" *** "Murder to Go" *** "Murder Without Icing" ***

"Pick Up Sticks"


"Black is the Fashion for Dying" *** “Dark Memory” *** "The Dead Don't Care" *** "The Fifth Grave" *** "Headed for a Hearse" *** "The Lady in the Morgue" *** "Sinners and Shrouds"


LATT, MIMI LAVENDA – Powers of Attorney;

LATTIMORE, OWEN "Ordeal by Slander"

LAUMER, KEITH "Fat Chance"


LAURIA, FRANK "The Seth Papers"

LAVALLEE, DAVID "Gray Lady Down"

LAVIGNE, YVES "Hell's Angels" *** "Hell's Angels; Into the Abyss”

LAWRENCE, GIL "Fury with Legs" *** "The Woman Racket"

LAWRENCE, HILDA "Blood Upon the Snow" *** "The Deadly Pavilion" *** "Death of a Doll" *** "The House" *** "The Pavilion" *** "A Time to Die"

LAWRENCE, JEROME / LEE, ROBERT E. "Inherit the Wind"

LAWRENCE, KEITH "Woman in Custody"


LAWRENCE, MICHAEL "Naked and Alone"

LAWRENCE, R.D. "The North Runner"

LAWSON, STEVE "Scorpio”;

LAWTON, HARRY "Tell Them Willie Boy is Here”;

LAYMAN, RICHARD "Out are the Lights"

LEA, J. / YOUNG J. "What is to be Done About Law and Order?"


LEASOR, JAMES - "Green Beach" *** "Passport for a Pilgrim" *** "Passport in Suspense" *** "Passport to Oblivion" *** "Passport to Peril" ** A Week of Love; *** "Where the Spies Are" *** "The Yang Meridian"

LEATHER, EDWIN – The Duveen Letter;

LEAVIS, RONALD "A Voice in Every Wind"

LEBHERZ, RICHARD - “The Altars of the Heart”

LE BRETON, AUGUSTE "The Law of the Streets" *** "Rififi in New York"

LEBRUN, GEORGE P. / RADIN, EDWARD D. "Call Me if it's Murder"


"Call for the Dead" *** "The Honourable Schoolboy" *** "The Little Drummer Girl" *** "The Looking-Glass War" *** "A Murder of Quality" *** "The Naive and Sentimental Lover" ***"The Night Manager" *** "A Perfect Spy" *** "The Russia House" *** "The Secret Pilgrim" *** "A Small Town in Germany" *** "Smiley's People" *** "The Spy Who Came i From the Cold" *** "The Tailor of Panama" *** "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"

LECKIE, KEITH ROSS "The Seventh Gate"

LECLAIRE, ANNE D. "Grace Point"

LE COMBER, BRIAN "Dead Weight" *** "Turn Killer"

LEDBETTER, SUZANN "South of Sanity”

LEE, ALBERT "Crime-Free"

LEE, C.Y. "Madame Goldenflower"

LEE, ELSIE "the Drifting Sands"

LEE, GYPSY ROSE "The G-String Murders" *** "Mother Finds a Body"

LEE, HARPER "To Kill a Mockingbird"

LEE, LINDA "One by One"


"Six-Gun Samurai - #2 Bushido Vengeance" *** "Six-Gun Samurai - #3 Gundown at Golden Gate" *** "Six-Gun Samurai - #4 Kamikaze Justice" *** "Six-Gun Samurai - #5 The Devil's Bowman" ***

"Six-Gun Samurai - #6 Bushido Lawman"

LEE, SARA – Strange Tales from Strangeways;

LEE, STAN "Dunn's Conundrum"


LEE, TED "The Pleasure in Women"

LEEDS, WENDY "The Child Sellers"

LEEK, MARGARET "The Healthy Grave"

LEES, DAN "Zodiac"

LEES, HANNAH "The Dark Device" *** "Prescription for Murder"

LEES, HANNAH / BACHMANN, LAWRENCE "Death in the Doll's House"


LEGER, JACK-ALAIN "Monsignore"


LEHMAN, ERNEST "The French Atlantic Affair"

LEHMANN, G. D. - Danger on the Sunita;


LEICHTER, LARRY R. "Epidemic!"

LEIGHTON, TOM "Night of the Sphinx" *** "The Phoenix Formula"

LEITH, ROD "The Prostitute Murders"

LEJEUNE, ANTHONY "Death of a Pornographer"

LEMARCHAND, ELIZABETH "The Affacombe Affair" *** "Death of an Old Girl" ** The Wheel Turns;

LEMELIN, ROGER "The Crime of Ovide Plouffe"

L'ENGLE, MADELEINE – The Arm of the Starfish;


LEON, DONNA "Death and Judgement”; *** Death in a Strange Country; *** “Through a Glass, Darkly”


LEONARD, ELMORE – Bandits *** Cat Chaser” *** "Elmore Leonard Reader - Avon Presents Selections" *** "Fifty - Two Pickup" *** The Hunted *** Killshot *** La Brava; *** “The Moonshine War” *** "Mr. Majestyk" *** Rum Punch *** "Split Images" *** "Stick” *** Swag *** “The Switch” *** Unknown Man #89;


LEOPOLD, NATHAN "Life + 99 Years"

LERANGIS, PETER - “The Yearbook”

LEROUX, GASTON "Phantom of the Opera"

LESCOART, JOHN T. "Dead Irish" *** "Guilt" *** "The 13th Juror" *** The Vig;

LESLIE, JEAN "The Man Who Held Five Aces"

LESLIE, PETER "The Extremists"

LESSING, DORIS "Briefing for a Descent into Hell" *** The Memoirs of a Survivor;

LESSING LEW - “Deadly Dolly”

LESTER, BURT "Striptease for Murder"


LEUCI, BOB "Captain Butterfly" *** "Doyles Disciples" *** "Odessa Beach"

LEVEY, ROBERT A. "Murder in Lima"

LEVIEN, DAVID – City of the Sun;

LEVIN, IRA "The Boys from Brazil" *** "A Kiss Before Dying" *** "Sliver" *** "This Perfect Day"

LEVIN, MEYER "Compulsion"

LEVINE, ISAAC DON "The Mind of an Assassin"

LEVINE, LARRY "Snowbird"

LEVINE, M. / McNAMEE, G. / GREENBERG, D. "The Tales of Hoffman"


LEVINE, STEPHEN - “Death Row (ed.)”

LEVINSON, SAUL "Murder is Dangerous"


LEVY, STEVEN "Hackers"


"The Enemies Within" *** "Late Payments" *** "Missing Woman" *** "The Next Man" *** "Night Cover" *** "The Way We Die Now"

LEWIS, ARTHUR H. "Copper Beeches"

LEWIS, COLIN "Acid Test"

LEWIS, DAVID "The Omega Assignment" **** “Sexpionage”


"Bennett - #NN Bennett's World" *** "Bennett - #2 Dirty Linen" *** "Bennett - #3 People in Glass Houses" *** "Bennett - #5 Here Today, Dead Tomorrow"

LEWIS, HILDA "The Case of the Little Doctor"

LEWIS, JAMES "The Canary that Died" *** "The Shadows of Death"

LEWIS, JERRY D. "Dealer's Choice (Ed.)"


"The Birthday Murder" *** "Juliet Dies Twice" *** "Meat for Murder" *** "Murder Among Friends"

LEWIS, MARGO "Concept for Murder"

LEWIS, NORMAN "Cuban Passage" *** "The Honorede Society" **** “The Sicilian Specialist” **** “A Small War made to Order”

LEWIS, ROY "A Question of Degree"

LEWIS, SINCLAIR "The Ghost Patrol" *** "It Can't Happen Here"

LEWIS, TED "Billy Rags" *** "Jack Carter and the Mafia Pigeon"

LEWIS, TOM "Game of Honor”;


LEYTON, ELLIOTT Sole Survivor"

L'HEUREUX, MAURICE "Into the Back Country"

LIEBER, JOEL "Deep Blue"


"Brilliant Kids" *** "City of the Dead; **** The Climate of Hell" *** "Crawlspace" *** "The Eighth Square" *** "Nightbloom " *** "Night Call from a Distant Time Zone" *** "Shadow Dancers"

LIDDY, G. GORDON "The Monkee Handlers" *** "Out of Control"

LILLEY, TOM "The 'K' Section"

LINAKIS, STEVEN "In the Spring the War Ended" *** "The Killing Ground"

LINDBLAD, JOHN "The Peking Man" *** "Zap Day"

LINDNER, ROBERT "The Fifty Minute Hour" *** "Rebel Without a Cause"

LINDOP, AUDREY ERSKINE – The Singer Not the Song; *** "Soldier's Daughters Never Cry"

LINDQUIST, DONALD "Berlin Tunnel 21"

LINDSAY, PHILIP - ** The Shadow of the Red Barn;

LINDSEY, DAVID "Black Gold, Red Death" *** "Body of Truth; *** The Color of Night; *** Mercy"

LINDSEY, ROBERT "The Falcon and the Snowman" *** Irresistible Impulse;

LINEDECKER, CLIFFORD L. - Blood in the Sand; *** "Blood Money" *** “Smooth Operator”

LININGTON, ELIZABETH "Greenmask!" *** "Something Wrong"

LINZEE, DAVID "Belgravia" *** "Death in Connecticut" *** "Discretion"


LIPMANS - “House of Evil”


"The Blood of October" *** "E Pluribus Bang!" *** "The Nursery" *** "Salt Mine" *** "Savage Ransom" *** "Tremor Violet" *** “Unholy Mourning” *** "The Voice of Armageddon"


"The Hoodlum" *** "The Kiss of Death" *** "Lincoln McKeever" *** “Malpractice” **** "Murder One" *** "The People Against O'Hara" *** "The Scientists"

LISTON, JACK – “Man Bait”

LISTON, ROBERT A. "Great Detectives" *** "The Seraphim Code"

LITTELL, ROBERT "The Amateur" *** "The Debriefing" *** "The Defection of A.J. Lewinter" *** "The October Circle; *** “The Sisters"


LITTLEFIELD, ANNE "Which Mrs,Bennett?"

LITTLEJOHN, DAVID "The Man Who Killed Mick Jagger"

LITTELL, ROBERT – The Debriefing;


LITVINOFF, EMANUEL "A Death Out of Season" *** "The Lost Europeons"


LIVINGSTON, JACK "Die Again, Macready" *** The Nightmare File;

LLANO, GEORGE A. "Sharks: Attacks on Man"


LLEWELLYN, RICHARD "But We Didn't Get the Fox"

LLEWELLYN, SAM "Devil's Reward"

LLOYD, GEORGINA "Motive to Murder"

LOCHTE, DICK "Sleeping Dog"

LOCKE, DAVID – Guest Shot;


LOCKHART, ROBIN BRUCE "Reilly Ace of Spies”

LOCKRIDGE, FRANCES & RICHARD - "Case of the Murdered Redhead" *** "Dead as a Dinosaur" *** "Death of a Tall Man" *** "Death on the Aisle" *** "The Dishonest Murderer" *** "Hanged for a Sheep" *** "Murder Comes First" *** "Murder has it's Points" *** "Murder in a Hurry" *** "Murder is Served" *** "Murder is Suggested" *** "Murder Out of Turn" *** "Murder Within Murder" *** "Payoff for the Banker" *** "A Pinch of Poison" *** "Untidy Murder" ** Voyage Into Violence;

LOCKWOOD, MARY "The Accessory"

LODER, VERNON "The Shop Window Murders"


"Checkmate" *** "Dead March in Three Keys" *** "The Devil's Own" *** "The Little Wax Doll"

LOGAN, DAN "The Rapist"

LOGAN, TOM – Detroid P. D. - #4 Swords of Samos;

LOGUE, MARY "Red Lake of the Heart"

(NO AUTHOR) "London Mystery Selection No. 118"

LONDON, JACK "The Assassination Bureau, Ltd" *** "The Iron Heel" *** "The Mutiny of the Elsinore"

LONDON, SANDY "Smoke Screen" *** "A Whisper of Treason"


Night Stalkers - #NN Blood Strike; *** Night Stalkers #1 *** Night Stalkers - #3 Twilight Justice; *** "Night Stalkers - #4 Desert Wind" *** "Night Stalkers - #5 Sea Wolf *** Night Stalkers - #6 Shining Path; *** "Night Stalkers - #7 Neptune Thunder; *** "Night Stalkers - #8 Buddha's Crown" *** "Night Stalkers - #9 Avenging Storm"


LONGMAN, M.B. "One Night at Bourbon Annie's"

LONGSTREET, STEPHEN “The Beach House” *** “The Flesh Peddlars” *** “Pedlock at Law; *** The Promoters” *** "Storm Watch" *** “Two Beds for Roxanne” *** “Wild Harvest”

LOOMIS, RAE - “House of Deceit” **** “Luisita” **** “Massage Parlor”

LOPEZ, ENRIQUE HANK "They Lived on Human Flesh"

LOPEZ, HANK – Afro-6;


"And Then Put Out the Light" *** "Fire in the Thatch" *** "I Could Murder Her" *** "The Last Escape"


"And to my Beloved Husband" *** "The Angel of Death" *** "Ask the Rattlesnake" *** "Day of the Arrow" *** "The Dead Men of Sestos" *** "Eye of the Devil" *** "A Mafia Kiss" *** "Nightmare in Dublin" *** "Outside the Law" *** "13" *** "W.I.L. One to Curtis"

LORD, GRAHAM ** Marshmellow Pie; "The Spider and the Fly"

LORD, WALTER "The Night Lives On" *** "A Night to Remember"

LORE, PHILLIPS "The Looking Glass Murders" *** "Murder Behind Closed Doors"

LORENZ, FREDERICK "Hot" *** “Night Never Ends” *** "A Rage at Sea"

LORING, EMILIE "How Can the Heart Forget" *** "The Shadow of Suspicion"

LORTZ, RICHARD - “That Moment of Passion”

LOTH, DAVID "Gold Brick Cassie"

LOTTMAN, EILEEN "The Morning After"

LOTZ, JIM "Killing in Kluane" *** "Murder on the MacKenzie" **** “The Sixth of December”


LOUGHLIN, DAVID "A Private Stair"

LOUIS, JOSEPH "Madelaine"

LOURIE, RICHARD – First Loyalty;

LOVE, EDMUND G. "Arsenic and Red Tape"


LOVELACE, LELAND "Lost Mines and Hidden Treasure"


"Abracadabra" *** "Bertie and the Tinman" *** "The Detective Wore Silk Drawers" *** "The False Inspector Dew" *** "Invitation to a Dynamite Party" *** “Swing, Swing Together” *** "Waxwork"

LOVESTRAND, HAROLD "Hostage in Djakarta"

LOVETT, SARAH "Acquired Motives"

LOW, GLEN "Reckless Virgin"

LOWDEN, DESMOND "Bandersnatch”; *** “Bellman and True"

LOWE, MICK "Conspiracy of Brothers"

LOWE, STEVE "Aurora"

LOWERY, WALTER - “Summer Boy”


LOWRY, MALCOLM - “Under the Volcano”


"The Big Cage" *** "Casualty" *** “Find Me in Fire” **** “The Last Party” *** “New York Call Girl” *** "This is my Night" *** "The Violent Wedding"

LOWTHER, WILLIAM "Arms and the Man"

LUARD, NICHOLAS "Himalaya" *** “The Robespierre Serial” *** "The Shadow Spy" *** "The Warm and Golden War"

LUBER, PHILIP – Deliver us From Evil;

LUCAS, CARY "Unfinished Business"

LUCAS, JAMES "Red Eagle"

LUCENO, JAMES – Head Hunters; *** "Rock Bottom"

Ludlow, Ian (pseudonym of Lee Goldberg) - ".357 Vigilante - #3 White Wash"


"The Apocalypse Watch" *** "The Aquitaine Progression" *** "The Bourne Identity" *** "The Bourne Supremacy" *** "The Bourne Ultimatum" *** "The Chancellor Manuscript" *** "The Cry of the Halidon" *** "The Gemini Contenders" *** The Hades Factor; *** "The Holcroft Covenant" *** "The Icarus Agenda" *** "The Matlock Paper" *** "The Matarese Circle" *** "The Matarese Countdown" *** "The Osterman Weekend" *** The Paris Option; *** "The Parsifal Mosaic" *** "The Rhinemann Exchange" *** "The Road to Gandolfo" *** "The Road to Omaha" *** "The Robert Ludlum Sampler" *** "The Scarlatti Inheritance" *** "The Scorpio Illusion" *** "Trevayne" *** The Tristan Betrayal;

LUKAS, SUSAN "Stereopticon"

LUKE, THOMAS – Phobia;


LUSTBADER, ERIC – “Angel Eyes”;

LUSTGARTEN, EDGAR ** The Business of Murder; "One More Unfortunate" *** "Verdict in Dispute" *** "The Woman in the Case"

LUTHER, RAY "Intermind"

LUTTRELL, WANDA – The House of Elnora Garland;

LUTZ, JOHN – In for the Kill; *** "Jericho Man" *** "Lazarus Man" ** Ride the Lightning; *** "Single White Female" *** "The Truth of the Matter"

LYALL, GAVIN - "Blame the Dead" *** "The Conduct of Major Maxim" *** "Judas Country" *** "Midnight Plus One" *** "The Most Dangerous Game" *** "The Secret Servant" *** "Shooting Script" *** "Uncle Target" *** "Venus with Pistol" *** "The Wrong Side of the Sky"

LYKIARD, ALEXIS "Strange Alphabet"

LYLE, JUDGE JOHN H. "The Dry and Lawless Years"

LYNCH, DAN "Four-Time Loser"


"Bragg - #1 Bragg's Hunch" ****"Bragg - #NN Saudalito” *** “San Quentin”

LYNCH, MIRIAM "Creighton's Castle" *** "Time to Kill"

LYNCH, PATRICK – Figure of 8;

LYNCH, W. WARE "Rape!"

LYNCH, WILLIAM "The Intimate Stranger"

LYNDS, GAYLE – Mosaic;

LYNN, JACK "The Professor" *** "The Turncoat"

LYON, DANA – I'll Be Glad When You're Dead;

LYON, WINSTON "Criminal Court"

LYONS, ARTHUR "All God's Children" *** "The Dead are Discreet"

LYONS, HERBERT "Front Office"

LYONS, NAN & IVAN "Someone is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe"

----( M )----

MAAS, PETER "In a Child's Name" *** “King of the Gypsies” **** "Made in America" *** “Marie: a True Story” *** *** "Serpico" *** "The Valachi Papers"


"Michael Sheriff: The Shield - #1 African Assignment" ***

"Michael Sheriff: The Shield - #3 Is a land Intrigue"

MACALISTER, IAN – Driscoll's Diamonds; *** "Skllark Mission" *** "Strike Force 7" *** "Valley of the Assassins"

MACAO, MARSHALL - "K'ing Kung-Fu - #3 The Rape of Sun Lee Fong" *** "K'ing Kung-Fu - #4 The Kak-Abdullah Conspiracy" *** "K'ing Kung-Fu - #7 Mark of the Vulture"

MACBETH, GEORGE "Cadbury and the Samurai" *** "The Samurai"

MACDONALD, JOHN D. - "All These Condemned" *** "April Evil" *** "Area of Suspicion" *** "Barrier Island" *** "The Beach Girls" *** "Border Town Girl" *** "The Brass Cupcake" *** "Bright Orange for the Shroud" *** "A Bullet for Cinderella" *** "Cancel all our Vows" ***

"Cape Fear" *** "Cinnamon Skin" *** "Clemmie" *** "Condominium" *** "Contrary Pleasure" *** "The Crossroads" *** "Cry Hard, Cry Fast" *** "The Damned" *** "Darker Than Amber" *** "Dead Low Tide" *** "A Deadly Shade of Gold" *** "Deadly Welcome" *** "Death Trap" ***

"The Deceivers" *** "The Deep Blue Good-By" *** "The Dreadful Lemon Sky" *** "Dress Her in Indigo" *** "The Drowner" *** "The Empty Copper Sea" *** "The Empty Trap" *** "The End of the Night" *** "The Executioners" *** "A Flash of Green" ***

"The Girl in the Plain Brown Wrapper" *** "The Girl, the Gold Watch and Everything" *** "The Good Old Stuff" *** "The Green Ripper" *** "The House Guests" *** "I Could Go On Singing" *** "Judge Me Not" *** "A Key to the Suite" *** "The Last one Left" *** "The Lonely Silver Rain" *** "The Long Lavender Look" *** "A Man of Affairs" ** More Good Old Stuff; *** "Murder for the Bride" *** "Murder in the Wind" *** "The Neon Jungle" *** "Nightmare in Pink" *** "Nothing Can Go Wrong" *** "One Fearful Yellow Eye" *** "One Monday We Killed Them All" *** "One More Sunday" *** "The Only Girl in the Game" *** "On the Make" *** "One the Run" *** "Pale Gray for Guilt" *** "Please Write for Details" *** "The Price of Murder" *** "A Purple Place for Dying" *** "The Quick Red Fox" *** "The Scarlet Ruse" *** "Seven" *** "Slam the Big Door" *** "Soft Touch" *** "A Tan and Sandy Silence" *** "The Turquoise Lament" *** "Where is Janice Gantry?" *** "You Live Once" *** "Four Novels of Top-Flight Suspense"(Boxed Set)


"The Barbarous Coast" (Lew Archer) *** "Black Monday" **** “Black Money” (Lew Archer) *** "Blue City" *** "The Blue Hammer" (Lew Archer) *** "The Chill" (Lew Archer) *** "The Dark Tunnel" *** "The Doomsters" (Lew Archer) *** "The Drowning Pool" (Lew Archer) *** "The Far Side of the Dollar" (Lew Archer) *** "The Ferguson Affair" *** "Find a Victim" (Lew Archer) *** "The Galton Case" (Lew Archer) *** "The Goodbye Look" (Lew Archer) *** "Harper" *** "The Instant Enemy" (Lew Archer) *** "The Ivory Grin" (Lew Archer) *** "Marked for Murder" *** "Meet Me At the Morgue" *** "The Moving Target" (Lew Archer) *** "The Name is Archer" (Lew Archer - paperback original containing 7 stories) *** "Sleeping Beauty" (Lew Archer) *** "The Three Roads" *** "Trouble Follows Me" *** "The Underground Man" (Lew Archer - filmed as a television series pilot in 1974) *** "The Way Some People Die" (Lew Archer) *** "The Wycherly Woman" (Lew Archer) *** "The Zebra-Striped Hearse" (Lew Archer)

MACDONALD, PATRICIA J. "Little Sister" *** "Mother's Day”; **** “No Way Home" *** "Stranger in the House" **** “The Unforgiven”


"Death and Chicanery" *** "Guest in the House" *** ""Murder Gone Mad" *** "The RASP" *** "The Pynox Murder Mystery" *** "Warrant for X" *** "The White Crow" *** "X V.Rex"

MACDONALD, A.G. (Rew of the Anaconda)


MACDOUGALL, JAMES K. - The Convert; *** "Death and the Maiden"

MACEWEN, MARY E. "Stories of Suspense (Ed.)"

MACGREGOR, JAMES "When the Ship Sank"

MACGREGOR, ROY "Nightmare in Nagano" *** "The Night They Stole the Stanley Cup" *** "The West Coat Murders"

MACGREGOR, T.J. "Dark Fields" *** "Death Sweet" **** “Kill Flash”



"Above Suspicion" *** "Agent in Place" *** "Assignment in Brittany" *** "Cloak of Darkness" *** "Decision at Delphi" *** "The Double Image" *** "Friends and Lovers" *** "The Hidden Target" *** "Horizon" *** "I and my True Love" *** "Message from Malaga" *** "Neither Five Nor Three" *** "North from Rome" *** "Pray for a Brave Heart" *** "Prelude to Terror" *** "Rest and Be Thankful" *** "Ride a Pale Horse" *** "The Salzburg Connection" *** "The Snare of the Hunter" *** "The Venetian Affair" *** "While Still we Live"

MACIVERS, DONALD "The Cult of Killers"

MACKAY, DONALD "The Cult of Killers"

MACKAY, ALLSTAIR McCOLL "The Triad Conspiracy"



"Cool Sleeps Balaban" *** "Dangerous Silence" *** "The Genial Stranger" *** “I, Spy” *** "The Juryman" *** "Moment of Danger"

MACKIN, RICK – Chopper Cops – Gulf Attack; *** Chopper Cops – Recon Strike Force;

MACKINTOSH, MAY "Appointment in Andalusia”;

MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - "Athabasca" *** "Bear Island" *** "Caravan to Vassares" *** "Circus" *** "The Dark Crusader" *** "Fear is the Key" *** "Floodgate" *** "The Golden Gate" *** "The Golden Rendezvous" *** "Goodbye California" *** "H.M.S. Ulysses" *** "Hostage Tower" *** "Ice Station Zebra" ***

"The Last Frontier" *** "The Lonely Sea" *** "Night Without End" *** "Puppet ona Chain" *** "River of Death" *** "San Andreas" *** "Santorini" *** "The Satan Bug" *** "Seawitch" *** "The Secret Ways" *** "South by Java Head" *** "The Way to Dusty Death" *** "When Eight Bells Toll"


"Air Force One if Down" (Denis, John) *** "Death Train" (MacNeill, Alastair) *** "Night Watch" (MacNeill, Alastair) *** "Red Alert" (MacNeill, Alastair)

MACLEAN, ARTHUR – ** Sexton Blade Library no 5: Slaying of the 16th Floor;


MACLEAN, DON "Pictorial History of the Mafia"

MACLEAN HARRY N. "In Broad Daylight"

MACLEAN, ROBINSON "The Baited Blonde"

MACLEISH, RODERICK "The Man Who Wasn't There"

MACLENNAN, HUGH "Voices in Time"

MACLEOD, CHARLOTTE - "The Bilbao Looking Glass" *** "The Curse of the Giant Hogweed" *** A Dismal Thing to Do; *** "The Family Vault" ***”The Gladstone Bag” *** "Grab Bag" *** “The Grub – and – Stakes Move a Mountain” *** “The Grub – and – Stakes Pinch a Poke *** "The Luck Runs Out" *** “Murder Goes Mumming” *** “An Owl Too Many” *** "The Palace Guard" *** “A Pint of Murder” *** "The Plain Old Man" *** “The Recycled Citizen” *** "Rest You Merry" *** "The Silver Ghost" *** "Something the Cat Dragged In" *** “The Terrible Tide” *** “Trouble in the Brasses” *** “Vane Pursuit” *** "The Withdrawing Room" *** "Wrack and Rune" *** “The Wrong Rite”;


MACNEIL, NEIL - "Death Takes an Option" *** "The Spy Catchers" *** "Third on a Seesaw" *** "Two Guns for Hire"

MACNEILL, ALASTAIR "The devil's Door"


MACPHERSON,TOM "Dragging and Driving”;

MACROSS, ROSS "The Beautiful and Dead"

MACVEIGH, SUE "Murder Under Construction"

MADDOCK, REGINALD "The Dragon in the Garden"

MADISON, ARNOLD "Great Unsolved Cases” *** “Think Wild!"

MAGUIRE, DR. JOSEPH B. "The Sea my Surgery"

MAGUIRE, MICHAEL "Shot Silk" *** "Slaughter Horse"



"The Broken Angel" *** "The Broken Body" *** "The Golden Widow" *** "No Luck for a Lady" *** "Stopover for Murder"

MAHMOODY, BETTY / HOFFER, WILLIAM "Not Without my Daughter"

MAHY, MARGARET – "The Haunting”;

MAILER, NORMAN – Ancient Evenings; *** Maidstone; *** Tough Guys Don't Dance;


"Black Champagne” *** “The Day Khrushchev Panicked" *** "Death's Foot Forward" *** "The Girl from Peking" *** "Kisses from Satan" *** "Miss Turquoise"

MAIR, JOHN "Never Come Back"

MALAMUD, BERNARD 'The Assistant" *** 'The Fixer" **** “Pictures of Fidelman”

MALAREK, VICTOR – Merchants of Misery: Inside Canada's Illegal Drug Scene;

MALCOLM - SMITH, GEORGE "The Trouble with Fidelity"

MALING, ARTHUR "Lucky Devil”;

MALLETTE, GERTRUDE E. - ** Mystery in Blue;

MALLEY, LOUIS "Horns for the Devil" *** "Shadow of the Mafia" *** "Stool Pigeon" **** “Tiger in the Streets”

MALLORY, DREW (pseudonym of Brian Francis Wynne Garfield – author of Death Wish & Hopscotch) "Target Manhattan"

MALLOWE, MIKE – The Meatman;

MALONEY, J.J. - The Chain;

MALONE, MICHAEL "Uncivil Seasons"


"Agents - #1 Trigger Pull" *** "Agents - #2 Pipeline" *** "Agents - 33 Shakedown"

MALONEY, RALPH "The Nixon Recession Caper"

MALRAUX, ANDRE "The Royal Way"



MANDELKAU, JAMIE "Buttons" *** "Harmony Farm"


"Nazi Hunter - #1 Nazi Hunter" *** "Nazi Hunter - #2 Slaughter Summit"

MANDELSBERG, ROSE G. "Unsolved Mysteries (Ed)"

MANING, KYLE - “Z-Comm: Swastika”

MANKIEWWICZ, DON M. "See How They Run" *** "Trial"

MANKOWITZ, WOLF "Raspberry Reich"

MANN, JESSICA - ** Mrs Knox's Profession;

MANN, PATRICK "Dog Day Afternoon" *** "The Vacancy"

MANN, PAUL "The Ganja Coast”

MANN, THOMAS "Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man"

MANNERS, DORINE - “Sin Street”

MANNIN, ETHEL "At Sundown the Tiger"

MANOR, JASON "The Girl in the Red Jaguar" *** "No Halo for Me" *** "Too Dead to Run" *** "The Tramplers"

MANRING, E.H. "Man Alone"

MANSFIELD, PAUL "Final Exposure"


MANSON, WILL ( Pseudonym Of Howard Leroy ) "The Dangerous Ones" *** "The Mathematician" *** "A Talent for Violence" *** "A Very Black Deed"

(NO AUTHOR) "Man Story"

MANWEILERR, ARNOLD "If It Weren't for Sex... I'd Have to Get a Job"


MARASCO, ROBERT "Parlor Games"

MARBLE, M.S. "Die by Night"

MARCH, WILLIAM "The Bad Seed" *** “The Looking Glass” **** “My Brother's Bride”


MARCHETTI, VICTOR / MARKS, JOHN D. '"The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence"


MARCOTT, JAMES "Hard to Kill"

MARCUS, A.A. "Make Way for Murder" *** "Post-Mark Homicide" *** "Walk the Bloody Boulevard"

MARCUS, CARL "Mark Castle-Cable Address: Roma"

MARCUS, GEOFFREY "The Maiden Voyage"

MARCUS, MORTON "The Brezhnev Memo"

MARGOLIN, PHILLIP "The Burning Man" *** "Gone, But Not Forgotten" *** "The Last Innocent Man"

MARIEL, ANNE – Rendezvous in Peking;

MARIN, A.C. "The Clash of Distant Thunder" *** "Risk With the Wind" *** "A Storm of Spears"

MARINER, DAVID "The Beaufort Dossier"

MARINO, JAMES "The Asgard Solution"

MARINO, NICK "City Limits" **** “One Way Street”

MARJOSIBANKS, EDWARD "Famous Trials of Marshall Hall"

MARK, DAVID - “Long Shot”

MARK, TED - "Back Home at the O.R.G.Y." *** Circle of Sin; *** "Dr. Nyet" ***"The Girl From Pussycat" *** "A hard Day's Knight" *** "I Was a Tenny-Bopper for the CIA" *** “Lady Chatterley's Second Lover” **** "The Man from Charisma" *** "The Man From O.R.G.Y." *** "The Midway at Midnight" *** "My Son, The Doule Agent" *** "The 9-Month Caper" *** "The Nude Who Never" *** "The Nude Wore Black" *** "Pussycat, Pussycat!" *** "The Pussycat Transplant" *** "The Real Gone Girls" *** "Right On, Relevant!" ***

"Rip It Off, Relevant!" *** "Room at the Topless" *** "Sex Mates of a Chess Mistress" *** "The Square Root of Sex' *** "A Stroke of Genius" *** "The Ted Mark Reader" *** "This Nude for Hire" *** "Thy Neighbour's Orgy" *** "The Unhatched Egghead"

MARKO, ZEKIAL "Once a Thief"


MARKS, JEFFREY "Canine Crimes"

MARKS, LAURENCE "Always go First Class"


MARKSTEIN, GEORGE - "Chance Awakening" *** "The Cooler" *** "The Goering Testament" *** "The Man from Yesterday" *** "Soul Hunters" *** Traitor;*** "Ultimate Issue"

MARLOWE, DAN - "Backfire" *** "The Fatal Frails" *** "Flashpoint" *** "Killer with a Key" *** "The Name of the Game is"*** "Never Live Twice" *** "One Endless Hour" *** "Operation Breakthrough" *** "Operation Checkmate" *** "Operation Counterpunch" *** "Operation Deathmaker" *** "Operation Drumfire" *** "Operation Endless Hour" *** "Operation Fireball” **** “Operation Flashpoint" *** "Operation Hammerlock" *** "Operation Overkill" *** "Operation Stranglehold" *** "Operation Whiplash" *** "Shake a Crooked Town" *** "Strongarm"

MARLOWE, DEREK "A Dandy in Aspic" *** "The Disappearance"

MARLOWE, HUGH "A Candle for the Dead" *** "Passage by Night"

MARLOWE, STEPHEN - "Danger is My Line" *** "Death is my Comrade" *** "Drum Beat - Berlin" ***

"Drum Beat - Dominique" *** "Drum Beat - Erica" *** "Drum Beat - Madrid" ***

"Drum Beat - Marianne" *** "Francesca" *** "Homicide is my Game" *** "Jeopardy is my Job" *** "Killers are my Meat" *** "Manhunt is my Mission" *** "The Man With No Shroud" ***

"Model for Murder" *** "Murder is my Dish" *** "Peril is my Pay" *** "The Search for Bruno Heidler" *** "The Second Longest Night" *** "The Summit" *** "Terror is my Trade" ***

"Trouble is my Name" *** "Valkyrie Encounter" *** "Violence is my Business"

MARON, MARGARET "Bloody Kin" *** "Bootlegger's Daughter"



"Last Laugh, Mr. Moto" *** "The Last Of Mr. Moto" *** "Ming Yellow" *** "Mr. Moto is so Sorry" *** “Right You Are, Mr. Motto” *** "So Little Time" *** "Stopover: Tokyo" *** "Thank you, Mr. Moto" *** "Think Fast, Mr." *** "Your Turn, Mr. Moto"

MARQUIS, MAX "The Traitor Machine"

Marric, J.J. (Pseudonym for John Creasey; pseudonyms include - Kyle Hunt, Gordon Ashe, J.J. Marric, Robert Caine Frazer, Anthony Morton, Jeremy York, Norman Deane & Westerns by Tex Riley, Ken Ranger or William K Reilly);

"Gideon of Scotland Yard" *** "Gideon's Art" *** "Gideon's Badge" *** "Gideon's Day" *** "Gideon's Drive" *** "Gideon's Fire" *** "Gideon's Fog" *** "Gideon's Lot" *** "Gideon's March" *** "Gideon's Month" *** "Gideon's Night" *** "Gideon's Power" *** "Gideon's Press" *** "Gideon's Ride" *** "Gideon's Risk" *** "Gideon's River" *** "Gideon's Sport" *** "Gideon's Staff" *** "Gideon's Vote" *** "Gideon's Week" *** "Gideon's Wrath" *** "7 Day's to Death"

MARSH, JAMES L. "The Peking Switch"


"Artists in Crime" *** "Clutch of Constables" *** "Colour Scheme" *** "Dead Water" *** "Death and the Dancing Footman" *** "Death at the Bar" *** "Death at the Dolphin" *** "Death in a White Tie" *** "Death in Ecstasy" *** "Death of a Fool" *** "Death of a Peer" ***"Died in the Wool" *** "Enter a Murderer" *** "False Scent" *** "Final Curtain" *** "Grave Mistake" *** "Hand in Glove" *** "Last Ditch" *** "Light Thickens" *** "A Man Lay Dead" ***

"Night at the Vulcan" *** "The Nursing Home Murder" *** "Off With His Head" *** "Opening Night" *** "Overture To Death" *** "Photo Finish" *** "Scales of Justice" *** "Singing In the Shrouds" *** "Spinsters in Jeopardy" *** "Surfeit of Lampreys" *** "Swing Brother Swing" *** "Tied Up In Tinsel" *** "Vintage Murder" *** "When in Rome" *** "A Wreath for Rivera"

MARSHALL, BRUCE "The Divided Lady"


MARSHALL, ROSAMOND "Bond of the Flesh"

MARSHE, RICHARD - “Passion in Panama”

MARSTON, ELSA "The Cliffs of Cairo"

MARTIENSSEN, ANTHONY "Crime and the Police"

MARTIN, A.E. "The Bridal Bed Murders"


"The Crimson Frame" *** “Death for a Hussy” *** "Death on a Ferris Wheel" *** "Fear Comes Calling"

MARTIN, BRIAN "Buxbaum" A Murderous Affair"


MARTIN, DAVID C. - Wilderness of Mirrors;

MARTIN, FREDRIC "The Mystery on Crab-apple Hill"



MARTIN, JAMES E. "The 95 File"

MARTIN, JAY "Fondle With Care"

MARTIN, JOHN BARTLOW "Break Down the Walls" *** "Butcher's Dozen" *** "Jimmy Hoffa's Hot" *** "My Life in Crime" *** "Why Did They Kill?"

MARTIN, LEE "Hacker"

MARTIN, MALACHI "The Final Conclave"

MARTIN, RALPH "The Man who Haunted Himself"

MARTIN, ROBERT "Dark Dream" *** "Sleep, My Love" *** "Tears for the Bride" ***

"The Touch Die Hard" *** "The Widow and the Web"

MARTIN, TREVOR "The Terminal Transfer"

MARTIN, THOM - “Naked When We Die”


MARTIN, WILLIAM "Nerve Endings"

MARTINEZ, AL. "Jigsaw John"

MARTINI, STEVE "Compelling Evidence" *** "The Judge" *** The Jury; *** The Prime Witness; *** "Undue Influence"


MARTON, GEORGE "The Janus Pope”;

MARTON, GEORGE / BURREN, MICHAEL "The Obelisk Conspiracy"

MARY, MUGGABLE – My Life as a Decoy Cop;


MASON, ALEXANDER - ** The Mexican Connection;

MASON, A.E. "At the Villa Rose" *** "The House of the Arrow"

MASON, COLIN "Hostage"

MASON, DAVID "Shadow Over Babylon"


"The China Sea Murders" *** "Dardanelles Derelict" *** "The Deadly Orbit Mission" *** "The Gracious Lily Affair" *** "Himalayan Assignment" *** "Maracaibo Mission" *** "The Multimillion-Dollar Murders" *** "Saigon Singer" *** "Secret Mission to Bangkok" *** "The Singapore Exile Murders" *** "The Sulu Sea Murders" *** "Trouble in Burma" *** "Two Tickets for Tangier" *** "Zanzibar Intrigue"

MASON, LEE W. "Lady of a Thousand Sorrows"


MASON, PETER / BURNS, JOHN "The Book of Criminal Blunders"

MASON, RAYMOND "Forever is Today"


MASON, SARAH J. "Corpse in the Kitchen"



MASTERMAN, J.C. "The Case of the Four Friends"

MASTERMAN - SMITH, VIRGINIA "The Haunted Mansion Mystery"


"TNT - #1 TNT" *** "TNT - #2 The Beast” *** "TNT - #3 Spiral of Death" *** "TNT - #4 The Devil's Claw"

MASTERS, J.D. (STEELE" Series) - #2 "Cold Steel"


"Bhowani Junction" *** "The Breaking Strain" *** "Bugles and a Tiger" *** "Fandango Rock" *** "To the Coral Strand" *** "Trial at Monomer"

MASTERS, PRISCILLA - ** Night Visit;


"A Cry in the Night" *** "The Dark Fantastic" *** "Dead, She Was Beautiful" *** "Evil Come, Evil Go" *** "The Great Train Hijack" *** "A Hammer in His Hand" *** "The Man on a Nylon String" *** "The Man with Two Clocks" *** "Touch of Evil" *** "Warning Shot"

MASTERTON, GRAHAM "Condor" *** "Ikon" *** "Plague" *** "The Sweetman Curve"



"The Big Money" *** "Bury Me Deep" *** "The Last Gamble" *** "The Legacy Lenders" *** "Make a Killing" *** "Murder on Broadway" *** "The Name is Jordan" *** "Send Another Hearse" *** "So Rich, So Lovely, and So dead" *** "Suddenly a Corpse" *** "Tall, Dark and Deadly" *** "You Can't Live Forever"

MATERA, LIA – Designer Crimes; *** Star Witness; *** "Where Lawyers Fear to Tread'


"The Achilles Affair" *** "The Gold of Malabar" *** "The Pass Beyond Kashmir" *** "Snowline" *** The Springers; *** "The White Dacoit" *** "With Extreme Prejudice"

MATHESON, RICHARD "Fury on Sunday"

MATHEWS, FRANCINE "Death in a Mood Indigo"


MATHIESON, THEODORE – The Devil and Ben Franklin;

MATHWESON, JOSEPH - ** Death Turns Right;

MATHIESON, THEODORE "The Devil and Ben Franklin"

MATTHEWS, CLAYTON – Dallas *** Faithless” *** "Hong Kong" *** "The Mendoza File" *** "New Orleans" *** "Nude Running" *** "Nylon Nightmare" *** 'The Promiscuous Doll” **** “A Rage of Desire” **** “The Strange Ways of Love”


"Slam - #1 Force Option" ;

MATTHEWS, JOHN D. "My Name is Violence"

MATTHIESSEN, PETER "At Play in the Fields of the Lord" *** "Blue Meridian” **** “Far Tortuga" *** "The Passionate Seekers" *** "Raditzer" *** “The Year of the Tempest”

MAUGHAM, ROBIN "The Intruder" *** "Man with Two Shadows" *** "November Reef"


MAUND, ALFRED - “The Big Boxcar”

MAURER, DAVID W. "The Big Con"

MAURICE, EUGENE FITZ "The Hawkeland Cache"

MAXFIELD, HENRY S. "The Double Man” *** “Legacy of a Spy"

MAXIM, JOHN "Abel Baker Charley" *** "The Bannerman Effect" *** "Haven” *** “A Matter of Honor"

MAXWELL, A.E. "Just Another Day in Paradise" *** "Money Burns" *** "Steal the Sun'

MAXWELL, EDITH "Game of Truth" *** "Just Dial a Number"

MAXWELL, GAVIN "God Protect me from my Friends"

MAXWELL, HELEN K. - “The Girl in a Mask”

MAXWELL, PATRICIA "Stranger at Plantation Inn"

MAXWELL, PETER "The Insanity Machine" *** "Killfactor Five"


MAY, JONATHAN - ** Confessions from the Beat;

MAYBRICK, JAMES "Jack the Ripper"

MAYBURY, ANNE – Ride a White Dolphin; *** Stay Until Tomorrow;

MAYER, BOB "Operation : Synbat”; **** “Operation Dragon Slim"

MAYER, GARY "Bookie"

MAYFAIR, FRANKLIN "Over my Dead Body"

MAYFIELD, JULIAN "The Hit" **** “The Long Night”

MAYFIELD, SERENA – Stranger in the House;

MAYHEM, VIC "The Bomb Makers"



MAYNARD, NAN "Red Roses Dying"

MAYO, JAMES - "Asking for it" *** "Hammerhead" *** "Let Sleeping Girls Lie" *** "The Man Above Suspicion" *** "The Quickness of the Hand" *** "Sergeant Death" *** "Shamelady"

MAYO, J K - ** The Hunting Season;

MAYSE, ARTHUR "The Desperate Search" *** "Perilous Passage"

MAZER, NORMA FOX & HARRY - "The Solid Gold Kid"

MAZURE, ALFRED - “Welcome Sherazad”

MAZZARO, ED "Bootleg Angel" *** "One Death in the Red"

McALARY, MIKE "Buddy Boys"

McALLISTER, AMANDA "Look Over Your Shoulder"


McARTHUR, ALEXANDER - ** No Bad Money;


"For Murder I Charge More" *** "Of All the Bloody Cheek" *** "Rather a Vicious Gentleman"


McBAIN, ED (Pseudonym of Evan Hunter; also writes as = Richard Marsten, Ezra Hannon, & Hunt Collins)
>>>> MOST Books under the name ED McBAIN, are the "87th Precinct" novel series.
"Blood Relatives" (VG $3.50); *** Candyland (FN+ $4); *** “Criminal Conversation”; (FN $4) *** "Death of a Nurse. (originally Published as Murder in the Navy)." (VG/FN $6); *** "Doors" (Hannon, Ezra) (FA $3); *** "The Empty Hours" (FN++ $24); ***FAT OLLIE'S BOOK. (VG/FN $3.50); *** "Give the Boys a Great Big Hand" (FN+ $17); *** "Goldilocks" (near FN $4); *** "Guns" (G/VG=$2); *** "Hail to the Chief" (G = $2.50); **** "Heat" (G = $2.50); *** "He Who Hesitates" (VG/FN $4);*** A HORSE'S HEAD. (Hunter, Evan)(G/VG $3); *** "Ice" (VG $3.50); *** "I'm Cannon - For Hire (Cannon, Curt) (VG/FN $18); *** JACK & THE BEAN-STALK. (A Matthew Hope Novel); (Book Club Hardcover; FN+; DJ=VG; $9): *** "Killer's Choice" (FN $5); *** "Killer's Payoff" (near FN $6); *** The LAST BEST HOPE. (VG/FN $4);
*** LOVE, DAD. (Hunter, Evan)(VG $4); *** LULLABY (VG/FN $3.50); *** Mary Mary (Book Club Hardcover; FN+; DJ=FN; $10):*** "A Matter of Conviction" (Hunter, Evan)(VG $4); *** "The McBain Brief" (FN $5); *** Mischief (VG/FN $4);*** The Mugger; (VG $3) *** NOBODY KNEW THEY WERE THERE. (Hunter, Evan)(FA $3); **** "The Paper Dragon" (Hunter, Evan) (FA/G $3) *** “Privilieged Conversation”; (Hunter, Evan) (VG/FN $4) *** PUSS IN BOOTS. (a Matthew Hope novel; FLORIDA Slease)(FN $5); *** "Rumplestiltskin" (VG/FN $5); *** "Runaway Black" (G $3.50); *** "The Sentries" (G $3); *** “Ten Plus One” (VG/FN $12); *** THERE WAS A LITTLE GIRL. (Near FN $4); *** Til Death (VG+ $3.50); **** "Tomorrow and Tomorrow" (Collins, Hunt)(G $4);*** "Vanishing Ladies" (VG+ $7);*** Vespers (VG $3.50); *** "Widows"(G=$2.50);


McCAGUE, JAMES P. "The Ivory Legend"

McCALL, ANTHONY "Operation Delta"

McCALL, DINAH – The Perfect Lie;



"The Better Angels" *** "The Last Supper" *** "The Miernik Dossier" *** "The Secret Lovers" *** "The Tears of Autumn"

McCARTHY, DENNIS V.N. / SMITH, PHILIP W. "Protecting the President"

McCARTHY, MARY "Cannibals and Missionaries"

McCARTHY, PAT "America's Bad Men"

McCARY, REED "Kiss and Kill"

McCAY, WILLIAM – The 3 Investigators Crimebusters - #4 Family Business;

McCLELLAN, BILL "Evidence of Murder"

McCLELLAN, SEN JOHN L. "Crime Without Punishment"

McCLEMENT, FRED "Guns in Paradise" *** "Heist" *** “Jet Roulette” *** "Night Murders"

McCLENAGHAN, JACK "Moving Target"

McCLINTICK, DAVID "Indecent Exposure"

McCLINTOCK, NORAH – Scared to Death;


"Before I Die" *** "Cue for Murder" *** "Dance of Death" *** "The Deadly Truth" *** "Do Not Disturb" *** "The Long Body" *** "The Man in the Moonlight" *** "Mister Splitfoot" *** "One That Got Away" *** "Panic" *** "A Question of Time" *** "She Walks Alone" ***

"Through a Glass Darkly" *** "Two-Thirds of a Ghost" *** "Unfinished Crime" *** "Who's Calling?"

McKLOY, HELEN / HALLIDAY, BRETT "Murder, Murder, Murder (Ed)"

McCLURE, JAMES "The Gooseberry Fool" *** "Rogue Eagle" *** “Snake” *** "The Steam Pig"

McCLLUM, R.R. "One of Those Cruises"

McCONNAUGHEY, JAMES "Three for the Money"

McCONNELL, BRIAN "Found Naked and Dead"

McCONNELL, MALCOLM "Clinton is Assigned" *** "Matata"

McCONNER, VINCENT "The French Doll" *** "The Provence Puzzle"

McCORMICK, DONALD "The Identity of Jack the Ripper"

McCOY, ANDREW "Atrocity Week" *** " The Insurrectionist"

McCOY, DEAN "The Wrecker"


"Corruption City" *** “I Should Have Stayed Home” *** "Kiss Tomorrow Good-Bye" *** "No Pockets in a Shroud"

McCRAY, MIKE – Black Berets - #3 The Black Palm; *** The Black Berets - #4 Contract: White Lady; *** The Black Berets - #6 The Death Machine Contract; *** The Black Berets - #13 Blue Water Contract;

McCREADY, JACK - “The Raper”

McCRUM, ROBERT "In the Secret State"


'The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter" *** "Highland Laddie Gone" *** “If I'd Killed Him When I Men Him...” *** "Lovely in her Bones" *** "The Rosewood Casket' *** She Walks These Hills *** “The Windsor Knot” *** "Zombies of the Gene Pool"


McCUNE, NED "The Gateway"

McCurtin, Peter (1929-1997; aka Bruno Rossi and Frank Scarpetta)

Anything Goes” *** "The Assassin - #1 Manhattan Massacre" *** "The Assassin - #2 New Orleans Holocaust" *** "The Assassin - #3 Boston Bust-Out" *** "Cosa Nostra" *** "Escape from Devil's Island" *** "The Exterminator" *** "The Hut" *** Omerta; *** Rockwell" - #NN Ambush at Derati Wells" *** "Soldier of Fortune - #NN Battle Pay" *** Soldier of Fortune - #NN Body Count *** "Soldier of Fortune - #NN The Deadliest Game" *** "Soldier of Fortune - #NN First Blood" *** “Soldier of Fortune #NN – Golden Triangle” **** “Soldier of Fortune #NN – The Guns of Palembang” **** "Soldier of Fortune - #NN Massacre at Umtali” *** "Soldier of Fortune - #NN Operation Hong Kong” **** "The Sun Dance Murders"


"Bluebolt One" *** "The Dead Line" *** "The Man fro Moscow" *** "Redcap" *** "The Screaming Dead Balloons"

McCUTCHEON, HUGH "Suddenly in Vienna"

MCDERMID, VAL – A Place of Execution;


The Buck Passes Flynn” **** "Carioca" *** "Confess Fletch" *** "Fletch" *** "Fletch and the Man Who" *** "Fletch and the Widow Bradley" *** "Fletch's Fortune" *** "Fletch's Moxie" *** "Fletch Won" **** "Flynn" *** "Flynn's In " *** "Running Scared"

McDONALD, HUGH C. "Five Signs from Ruby" ** Letter from Kiev;

McDONALD, N.C. "Fish the Strong Waters"


McDONNEL, GORDON "My Sister, Goodnight"

McDOUGAL, DENNIS "Mother's Day"

McDOUGALD, ROMAN "The Deaths of Lora Karen"

McDOWELL, MICHAEL "Blackwater - #5 The Fortune" *** "Clue"

McERLEAN, SHEILA "Mask of Silence"


McFALL, PATRICIA "Night Butterfly"

McFARLANE, LESLIE - “The Snow Hawk”

McGANN, MICHAEL "The Marauders - #2 Blood Kin"

McGARRITY, MARK – A Passing Advantage;

McGARVEY, PATRICK J. "C.I.A. The Myth and the Madness”;


"Death in a Million Living Rooms" *** "Follow a the Night" *** "Is There a Traitor in the House?" *** "Pick Your Victim" *** "The Seven Deadly Sisters" *** "Stranger with my Face"

McGREE, EDWARD "The Last Ceasar" **** “The Orpheus Circle”

McGHEE, EDWARD / MOORE, ROBIN "The Chinese Ultimatum"

McGIFFIN, JANET "Emergency Murder"

McGILL, GORDON "Spies Like Us"


McGINNIS, ELLEN "The Staasburg Collection"

McGINNISS, JOE "Blind Faith" *** "Cruel Doubt" *** "Fatal Vision"


'The Big Heat" *** "The Caper of the Golden Bulls" *** “Caprifoil” *** "The Crooked Frame" *** "Heaven Ran Last" *** "Killer on the Turnpike" *** "Lie Down, I Want to Talk to You" *** "Margin of Terror" *** "Night Extra" *** "Night of the Juggler" *** "Odds Against Tomorrow" *** "Rogue Cop" *** "Savage Streets" *** "Seven Lies South" *** "The 7th File" *** "Shield for Murder" *** "Very Cold for May" *** "Waterfront Cop" *** "The Whispering Corpse"

McGOVERN, JAMES "The Berlin Couriers" *** "Martin Borman"


'"Murder Movie" *** "The Murders of Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Beale" *** "A Perfect Match"

McGRADY, MIKE - “The Motel Tapes”

McGREGOR, R.J.M. "The Young Detectives"

McGUANE, THOMAS "The Sporting Club"

McGUIRE, ATHA "Homicide Hussy"

McGUIRE, CHRISTINE – Until Justice is Done; *** “Until the Day They Die”


McGURK, SLATER "The Copenhagen Affair"

McHALE, TOM "Farragan's Retreat"


MCINERNY, RALPH "Abracadaver" *** "Her Death of Cold" *** “Second Vespers” *** "The Seventh Station"

McKAY, KENNETH R. "Shadow of the Knife"

McKEE, ALEXANDER "The Golden Wreck"

McKENNEY, KENNETH "The Fire Cloud"

McKENZIE, J. ALEXANDER "The Jordan Intercept" *** "The Rahab Link"

McKERNAN, MAUREEN "The Amazing Crime and Trial of Leopold and Loeb"


MCKIE, RONALD "The Survivors"


"Blue Mascara Tears" *** "Cornered!" *** "The Long Ride" *** "Squeeze Play"

McLACHLAN, IAN "The Seventh Hexagram"

McLAUGHLIN, ROBERT T. "Pending Investigation"

McLAUGHLIN, W. R. D. - Sabatage at Sea!;

McLEAN, ALLAN CAMPBELL "Master of Morgana”;

McLEISH, DOUGAL "The Traitor Game"

McLENDON, JAMES "Deathwork" *** "Eddie Macon's Run"

McMANUS, DOYLE "Free at Last!"


"The Bad-News Man" *** "Better Off Dead" *** "A Dangerous Funeral" *** "The Gift Horse" *** "Strangle Hold"


McNAB, ANDY – Immediate Action; *** “Remote Control”

McNAB, OLIVER "Horror Story"

McNEIL, GERRY / McCONACHIE, BOB "The Great Gold Toothpick caper"

McNEIL, JOHN "The Consultant" *** "Spy Game"

McNEILLY, WILFRED "The Case of the Muckrakers"

McKNIGHT, BOB - “Swamp Sanctuary”

McNULTY, FAITH "The Burning Ben"


"Affair in Tokyo" *** “Big Red's Daughter” **** "Danger for Breakfast" *** "The Face of Evil" *** "The Kingdom of Johnny Cool" *** "The Last Night" *** “No Down Payment” **** "Ripe Fruit" *** “The Wild Party”

McPHAUL, JOHN J. "Chicago City of Sin"

McQUAY, MIKE "Puppetmaster"

McQUINN, DONALD E. "Wake in Darkness"

McSHANE, MARK - "Ill Met by a Fish Shop on George Street" *** "Seance on a Wet Afternoon"

MEAD, MATT "Star Crossed"

MEAD, RUSSELL "The Moses Bottle"

MEADE, RICHARD/ RUTLEDGE, JAY "The Belle From Catscrath”;

MEAKER, MARIJANE "Game of Survival"

MEDVEDEV, ZHORES & ROY "A Question of Madness"

MEGGS, BROWN "The Matter of Paradise" *** "Saturday Games"

MEHLING, HAROLD "Assumption" *** "The Scandalous Scamps"

MEIER, FRANK "Men Under the Sea"

MEIER, LESLIE "Mistletoe Murder”;


MEISELS, HANS "Duel in the Snow" *** "The Man with Three Faces"

MELCHIOR, IB "The Marcus Device" *** “Sleeper Agent” *** "The Tombstone Cipher" *** "The Watchdogs of Abandon"

MELDRUM, JAMES "The Semonov Impulse"


"Farm Girl" (1957; Pyramid Books Giant #532; 4th ed; Nice Jailbait Blonde Lingerie GGA {Good Girl Art} Painted Cover; VG/FN = $8); *** “Mooney” (Popular Library #T391; 1952; 2nd ed; Bob Fink Nude Skinny dipping Woman GGA {Good Girl Art} Painted Cover; VG $5);

MELVILLE, JAMES "The Bogue Buddha” *** “The Death Ceremony"

MELVILLE-ROSS, ANTHONY "Backlash" *** "Blindfold" *** Talon; *** "Tight-Rope"

MENDE, ROBERT - “Tough Kid From Brooklyn”

MENEN, AUBREY "The Prevalence of Witches"

MERCER, CHARLES "Promise Morning" *** "The Reckoning" **** “The Trespassers”


"The Sheriff and the Folsom Man Murders" *** "The Sheriff and the Panhandle Murders"

MEREDITH, SCOTT & SIDNEY "The Best of Manhunt (Ed.)"

MEREK, JACK "Target Stealth"

MERGENDAHL, CHARLES “This Spring of Love” **** "Tiger by the Tail"

MERLE, ROBERT "The Day of the Dolphin"

MERRELL, BARBARA "Sign of Death"

MERRICK, GORDON "The Night and the Naked"

MERRITT, DON "Hatch's Conspiracy" **** “Hatch's Mission”

MERRITT, ROBERT "To the Death"

MERTZ, STEPHEN "Sudden Death"

MERWIN JR., SAM "The Creeping Shadow" *** Knife in My Back;

MESERVEY, RUSS "Masquerade Into Madness"

MESKIL, PAUL S. "The Luparelli Tapes"

MESSICK, HANK "Syndicate Wife"

MESSICK, HANK / NELLIS, JOSEPH L. "The Private Lives of Public People"


"Jefferson Boone Handyman - #1 The Moneta Papers" *** "Jogger's Moon" *** "The Revenger - #1 The Revenger" *** "The Revenger - #2 Fire in the Streets" *** The Revenger - #3 The Vendetta Contract; *** "The Revenger - #4 The Stiletto Signature” *** The Revenger - #6 A Promise for Death;


MEYER, BILL "Ultimatum"

MEYER, GEORGE H. - “Al Capones Devil Driver”

MEYER, LAWRENCE "A Capitol Crime"

MEYER, LYNN "Paperback Thriller"

MEYER, NICHOLAS - “The Seven-per-cent Solution” *** “The West End Horror”

MEYER, PETER "The Yale murder"

MEYERS, ANNETTE "The Deadliest option"

MEYERS, MAAN – The Dutchman; *** The House on Mulberry Street;

MEYNELL, LAURENCE - "The Breaking Point" *** "The Bright Face of Danger" *** "The Frightened Man" *** "The House in Marsh Road" *** "The Lady on Platform One" *** "One Step From Murder" *** "Saturday Out" *** "Strange Landing"

MEYST, LUCILLE – Tyler Lane and the Gold Nugget Mystery;

MIALL, ROBERT "Kill Jason King!"

MICHAEL, MARJORIE "I Married a Hunter"

MICHAELS, BARBARA "Into the Darkness"


MICHEL, M. SCOTT "The Black Key" *** "Sweet Murder" *** "The X-Ray Murders"


MIDDLETON, TED "Operation Toyko"


MIEHE, ULF "A Dead One in Berlin"


MILES, JOHN / MORRIS, TOM "Operation Nightfall"

MILES, KEITH “Bullet Hole”;

MILES, RICHARD “Angel Loves Nobody” *** "The Moonbathers" *** "That Cold Day in the Park"


MILIUS, JOHN "The Wind and the Lion"

MILLAR, JEFF "Private Sector"

MILLARD, JOE "No Law But Their Own" *** "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot"

MILLAR, KENNETH "Blue City" *** "I Die Slowly"


"An Air that Kills"*** "Beyond This Point Are Monsters" *** "Do Evil in Return" *** "The Fiend' *** "How Like an Angel" *** "The Iron Gates" *** "The Listening Walls" *** Spider Webs; **** "Vanish in an Instant" *** "Wall of Eyes"

MILLER, ARTHUR "Focus" *** "The Price"

MILLER, ED MACK "Exile to the Stars"


"The Dream Peddlers" *** "Just so Far" *** "The Savage Streets" *** "Scandal"


MILLER, HUGH "The Dissector" *** "The Rejuvenators" *** "Terminal 3"

MILLER, JOHN "The Chamdo Raid"

MILLER, JOHN RAMSEY “The Last Family”;

MILLER, J.P. - “LIV” *** The Skook;

MILLER, JIMMY - “The Big Win”

MILLER, JUDI – Hush Little Baby; *** "I'll Be Wearing a White Carnation" *** "Save the Last Dance For Me"

MILLER, KENN "Tiger the Lurp Dog".

MILLER, MERLE – A Secret Understanding;


MILLER, ORLO "Death to the Donnellys" *** "The Donnellys Must Be"

MILLER, M.D., TIMOTHY "Practice to Deceive"


"The Big Guy" *** "Branded Women" *** "Calamity Fair" *** "Deadly Weapon" *** "Devil May Care" *** "Fatal Step" *** "The Girl From Midnight" *** "Jungle Heat" *** "The Killer" *** "Killer's Choices" *** "Kitten with a Whip" *** "Mad Baxter" *** "Murder Charge" *** "Shoot to Kill" *** "Sinner Take All" *** "South of the Sun" *** "Stolen Woman" *** "The Tiger's Wife" *** "Uneasy Street" *** "The Way We Live Now"

MILLER, WARREN - “The Cool World”


MILLHISER, MARLYS – Killer Commute;

MILLMAY, JACK "Revelations from the Rag Trade"

MILLS, D.F. "Dark Room"


"Haywire" *** "One Just Man" *** "On the Edge" *** 'The Prosecutor" *** "Report to the Commissioner" *** "The Seventh Power" *** The Under-Ground Empire;

MILLS, JOHN "The October Men"

MILLS, MERVYN "The Long Haul"

MILLS, ROBERT E. "See Jack Run"

MILNE, A.A. "The Red House Mystery"


MILNER, GEORGE "Your Money and Your Life"

MILNER, MICHAEL "Hatari!" **** “Paris When it Sizzles”

MILTON, HENRY A. 'The President is Missing!"

MILTON, JOSEPH (House pseudonym used by Don Rico.)

"Baron Sinister" *** "The Big Blue Death" *** "Operation: World War III" *** "President's Agent"


MILTON, NANCY "The China Option"

MINAHAN, JOHN "Eyewitness” *** “The Great Hotel Robbery" *** "Sorcerer"

MINICK, MICHAEL - “The Kung Fu Avengers”

MINNESOTA FATS - “The Bank Shot”

MIRON, CHARLES "Airport Cop"

MIRVISH, ROBERT F. "The Eternal Voyagers" *** "The Last Capitalist" **** “The Long Watch” **** “Wide-Open Town”

MITCHARD, JACQUELYN "The Deep End of the Ocean"



"Come Away, Death" *** "Death at the Opera" *** "The Devil at Saxon Wall" *** "Faintley Speaking" *** "Here Lies Gloria Mundy" *** "Laurels are Poison" *** "The Longer Bodies" ***

"The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop" *** "The Rising of the Moon" *** "Speedy Death" ***

"Spotted Hemlock" *** "Tom Brown's Body" *** 'The Twelve Horses and the Hangman's Noose" *** "Uncoffin'd Clay" *** "Watson's Choice" *** "Winking at the Brim"

MITCHELL, JAMES – Command and Control – Heavy Hook; *** "Russian Roulette"

MITCHELL, KIRK "Backdraft" *** Blown Away;

MITCHELL, LINDSEY "Official Secrets"

MITCHELL, SCOTT "Deadly Persuasion"

MITCHELL, W.O. "Ladybug, Ladybug..."

MITCHELL, WILL "The Goldfish Murders"

MITFORD, WILLIAM "Lovely She Goes!"

MITGANG, HERBERT "The Montauk Fault"

MIX, TERENCE / ROSEN, VICTOR J. "A Question of Judgement"

MOAN, TERRENCE "The Deadly Frost"

MOCHAN, BEN "Brass Knuckles"


"The Cambri Plot" *** "The Girl From H.A.R.D. - #3 Perfect Assignment"

MOFINA, RICK – No Way Back;

MOGER, ART "Pros and Cons"

MOISE, ANUTZA – A Ransom for Wurmbrand;

MOLDEA, DAN E. "The Hunting of Cain"

MOLE, WILLIAM "The Hammersmith Maggot" *** "Shadow of a Killer" *** "Skin Trap"


MOLL, ELICK "Night Without Sleep"


MONACO, RUCHARD "Unto the Beast"


MONAT, PAWEL / DILLE, JOHN "Spy in the U.S."

MONETTE, PAUL "Scarface"





"Castle Garac" *** Richer Than All His Tribe; *** "The Ship That Died of Shame" *** “The Story of Esther Costello” *** "The Time Before This"

MONSKY, MARK "Looking out for #1"

MONTAGUE, J.J. .—Black Swan (Mystery/Action/Suspense) - #3....French Kiss (Rare; G/VG = $24)


"A Death in China" *** "Powder Burn" *** "Trap Line"

MONTANA, RON "The Cathedral Option" *** "The Sign of the Thunderbird"

MONTECINO, MARCEL – The Crosskiller;

MONTELEONE, THOMAS F. - The Blood of the Lamb;

MONTGOMERY, R.A. "In Search of L.L. Bean" *** "Trio: The Hidden Evil"

MONTROSS, DAVID "Fellow-Traveler"

MOONEY, MICHAEL M. "The Hindenburg"



"An Answer from Limbo" *** “Black Rose” *** “Catholics” *** "Cold Heaven" *** “Fergus” *** "The Great Victorian Collection" *** “I am Mary Dunne” **** “The Kaufman Snatch” *** Lies of Silence; *** The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne;*** "The Mangan Inheritance" *** “A Moment of Love” **** “The Revolution Script” *** “Sailor's Leave”

MOORE, CLAYTON "The Corrupters"

MOORE, DAN TYLER - “The Terrible Gami”

MOORE, EDWARD "Flight 685 is Overdue"

MOORE, KELLY/ REED, DAN – Deadly Medicine;

MOORE, ROBIN "The Big Paddle";

with DIETZ, SUSAN - “Valency Girl”

with McDONALD, HUGH "The Black Sea Caper" *** "Blind Spot" *** "The Devil to Pay"

with FREW, JAMES "Diamond Spitfire" *** "Dubai" *** "The Fifth Estate" *** "Force Nine" *** "The French Connection"

with MACHLIN, MILT "French Connection II"

with HARPER, DAVID "The Last Superbowl"

with COLLINS, JUNE "The Khaki Mafia"

with KAFKA, F.L. "The Narrow Road"

with ROMAIN, NEVILLE H. "Only the Hyenas Laughed"

with DEMPSEY, AL "Phase of Darkness"

with DEMPSEY, AL "Pulsar - #1 The London Switch" *** "Pulsar - #2 The Italian Connection" *** "Search and Destroy"

with MACHLIN, MILT "The Set Up" *** "The Terminal Connection"

with PERDUE, LEW "The Trinity Implusion"

with PERDUE, LEW / ROWE, NICK "The Washington Connection"

MOOREHEAD, ALAN "The Blue Nile" *** "The Traitors" *** "The White Nile"

MOORHOUSE, FRANK – Cult Killers;

MORAN, MIKE - “Double Cross”

MOREHOUSE, DAVID – Phychic Warrior;


MORGAN, ALLAN "Blood - #1 Blood” *** "Blood - #3 The Cat Cay Warrant"

MORGAN, BILL - “Incredible Captures”

MORGAN, DAVID "The Mafia's Virgin Daughter"

MORGAN, DE WOLFE "Great Pyramid Mystery"

MORGAN, HUNTER – She'll Never Know;

MORGAN, JASON "A Warm Bed in Reno"

MORGAN, JOHN S. "The Wolf Strikes"

MORGAN, MICHAEL "The Blondie Body" *** “His Kind of Woman”


MORGAN, WESLEY "The Enforcer"

MORGULAS, JERROLD "The Torquemada Principle" *** "The Twelfth Power of Evil"

MORICE, ANNE – Death In the Round;

MORLEY, CHRITOPHER "The Haunted Bookshop"


"Assumed Identity" *** ""Blood Oath" *** "The Brotherhood of the Rose" *** "The Fifth Profession" *** "First Blood" *** "The Fraternity of the Stone" *** “The League of Night and Fog” *** "Rambo: First Blood Part II" *** "Rambo III" *** "Testament" *** The Totem”

MORRIS, JOHN "The Candywine Development"

MORRIS, LOUIS - “Masterpieces of Adventure”

MORRIS, MICHELLE "If I Should Die Before I Wake"

MORRIS, MIKE "Confirmed Kill"


MORRISON, HENRY "Come Seven (Come Death) (Ed.)"

MORRISON, RAY - Angels Camp”

MORROS, BORIS "My Ten Years as a Counterspy"

MORSE, L.A. "The Big Enchilada" *** "The Old Dick" *** "Sleaze"

MORTIMER, JOHN "Rumpole a La Carte" *** "Rumpole and the Age of Miracles" *** "Rumpole's last Case" **** “Rumpole's Return” **** “The Silver Hook” **** “Summer's Lease” *** “The Trials of Rumpole”

MORTON, ALVIN "Collision Course" *** "Tiger on a Leash"

MORTON, ANTHONY (pseudonym of John Creasey) - - “Black for the Baron” ** Help from the Baron;

MOSCOW, ALAN - “Tiger on a Leash”

MOSELEY, DANA "Dead of Summer"

MOSER, DON / COHEN, JERRY "The Pied Piper of Tucson"

MOSLEY, LEONARD "Duel for Kilimanjaro"


MOSS, ROBERT "Carnival of Sins" *** "Death Beam" *** "Monimbo" *** "Moscow Rules"

MOSTERT, NOEL - “Supership”

MOTLEY, WILLARD “Knock on any Door” **** "Let No Man Write My Epitaphy"

MOUNCE, DAVID R. "Operation Cuttlefish" *** "The Shield Project"

MOWAT, FARLEY "The Serpent's Coil"

MOWERY, WILLIAM BYRON "Tales of the Mounted Police"


"Black Coconut Killings" *** "Dead Men Don't Ski" *** "Death and the Dutch Uncle" *** "Death on the Agenda" *** "Down Among the Dead Men" *** "Falling Star" ***

"Many Deadly Returns" *** "Night Ferry to Death" *** "Who is Simon Warwick?"

MOYNAHAN, BRIAN "Airport International”

MOYZISCH, L.C. - “Operation Cicero”

MUIR, DOUGLAS "American Reich" *** "Midnight Admirals"

MUIR, JEAN - “The Smiling Medusa”

MULGREW, IAN – Who Killed Cindy James?;

MULHOLLAND, P.H. "Calypso Murders"

MULLALLY, FREDERIC - "The Assassins" *** "Man With Tin Trumpet" *** “Marianne”

MULLER, MARCIA – The Cheshire Cat's Eye; *** "The Dangerous Hour” *** “Edwin of the Iron Shoes" *** “Eye of the Storm” *** "The Shape of Dread"*** “The Tree of Death”

MULVIHILL, WILLIAM "The Mantrackers" *** "Sands of the Kalahari"

MUNRO, JAMES "Die Rich Die Happy" *** "The Innocent Bystanders' ***

"The Man Who Sold Death" *** "The Money That Money Can't Buy"

MUNSON, RONALD – Fan Mail; *** Nothing Human;


MURARI, TIMERI "The Oblivion Tapes"

MURCHIE, GUY "The World Aloft”

MURDOCH, DERRICK "Disappearances"

MURDOCH, IRIS "The Black Prince" *** "A Fairly Honourable Defeat" *** "The Time of the Angels" *** "The Unicorn"

MURIE, MARGARET E. "Two in the Far North"

MURPHY, GLORIA "Down Will Come Baby"

MURPHY, HAUGHTON "Murder Keeps a Secret"

MURPHY, JAMES F. JR. "Quonsett”

MURPHY, JOHN "The Gunrunners"

MURPHY, ROBERT FRANKLIN "The Girl Factory - #2 King's Mate"

MURPHY, TOM "Aspen Incident" *** "Auction!" *** "Ballet!" *** "The Panther Throne" **** “Sky High”

MURPHY, WALTER F. "The Roman Enigma"


"The Destroyer - #1 Created, The Destroyer" (Sold Out) *** "The Destroyer - #2 The Death Check" ***

"The Destroyer - #3 Chinese Puzzle" *** "The Destroyer - #4 Mafia Fix" ***

"The Destroyer - #5 Dr. Quake" *** "The Destroyer - #6 Death Therapy" ***

"The Destroyer - #7 Union Bust" *** "The Destroyer - #8 Summit Chase" ***

"The Destroyer - #9 Murder's Shield" *** "The Destroyer - #10 Terror Squad" ***

"The Destroyer - #11 Kill of Cure" *** "The Destroyer - #12 Slave Safari" ***

"The Destroyer - #13 Acid Rock" *** "The Destroyer - #14 Judgement Day" ***

"The Destroyer - #15 Murder Ward" *** "The Destroyer - #16 Oil Slick" ***

"The Destroyer - #17 last War Dance" *** "The Destroyer - #18 Funny Money" ***

"The Destroyer - #19 Holy Terror" *** "The Destroyer - #20 Assassins Play-Off" ***

"The Destroyer - #21 Deadly Seeds" *** "The Destroyer - #22 Brain Drain" ***

"The Destroyer - #23 Child's Play" *** "The Destroyer - #24 King's Curse" ***

"The Destroyer - #25 Sweet Dreams" *** "The Destroyer - #26 In Enemy Hands" ***

"The Destroyer - #28 Ship of Death" ***

"The Destroyer - #29 The Final Death" *** "The Destroyer - #30 Mugger Blood" ***

"The Destroyer - #31 The Head Men" *** "The Destroyer - #32 Killer Chromosomes" ***

"The Destroyer - #33 Voodoo Die" *** "The Destroyer - #34 Chained Reaction" ***

"The Destroyer - #35 Last Call" *** "The Destroyer - #36 Power Play" ***

"The Destroyer - #37 Bottom Line" *** "The Destroyer - #38 Bay City Blast" ***

The Destroyer - #39 Missing Link; ***

"The Destroyer - #40 Dangerous Games" *** "The Destroyer - #41 Firing Line" ***

"The Destroyer - #42 Timber Line" *** "The Destroyer - #43 Midnight Man" ***

"The Destroyer - #44 Balance of Power" *** "The Destroyer - #45 Spoils of War" ***

"The Destroyer - #46 Next of War" *** "The Destroyer - #47 Dying Space" *** "The Destroyer - #49 Skin Deep; *** The Destroyer - #50 Killing Time ***

"The Destroyer - #51 Shock Value" *** "The Destroyer - #52 Fool's Gold" ***

"The Destroyer - #53 Time Trail" *** "The Destroyer - #54 Last Drop" ***

"The Destroyer - #56 Encounter Group" *** "The Destroyer - #57 Date with Death" *** "The Destroyer - #61 Lords of the Earth” *** "The Destroyer - #62The Seventh Stone" ***

"The Destroyer - #63 The Sky is Falling" *** "The Destroyer - #64 The Last Alchemist" *** *** "The Destroyer - #66 Sue Me”

"The Destroyer - #67 Look into my Eyes" ***

"The Destroyer - #69 Blood Ties" *** "The Destroyer - #70 The Eleventh Hour" ***

"The Destroyer - #71 Return Engagement" *** "The Destroyer - #72 Sole Survivor" ***

"The Destroyer - #74 Walking Wounded" ***

"The Destroyer - Author's Choice - Best of : Chinese Puzzle" ***

"The Destroyer - Author's Choice - Best of : Death Therapy" *** “The Destroyer – Author's Choice – Best of #NN Slave Safari” ***

"The Destroyer - Author's Choice - Best of : Terror Squad" *** Leonardo's Law” **** “Trace: and 47 Miles of Rope” *** “Trace: Once a Mutt” **** Trace: Pigs Get Fat;


"Digger - #1 Smoked Out" *** Digger - #2 Fool's Flight" *** "Digger - #3 Dead Letter" *** "Digger - #4 Lucifer's Weekend" *** “Trace and 47 Miles of Rope” *** Trace Pigs Get Fat”

with COCHRAN, MOLLY "Grandmaster" *** "Grandmaster II - High Priest" *** "The Red Moon"

with SAPIR, RICHARD "Remo" *** "Trace: When Elephants Forget"


MURRAY, GARY "Enemies of the State"

MURRAY, JOHN WILSON "Memoirs of a Great Detective"


"The Doctor and the Corpse" *** "Good Luck to the Corpse" *** "The Neat Little Corpse" ***

"The Queen and the Corpse" *** "The Right Honourable Corpse" *** "Royal Bed for a Corpse" *** "The Sunshine Corpse" *** "The Voice of the Corpse"

MURRAY, NORA "I Spied for Stalin"


"The Hard Knocker's Luck" **** "Tip on a Dead Crab" *** "When the Fat Man Sings"


MUSSER, JOE "The Coming World Earthquake”;


MYERS, AMY "Murder in the Limelight"

MYERS, MERRILL A. "Legacy of Tears"


MYERS, TAMAR "Slendor in the Glass”


"The Luxus, Conspiracy" *** "The Salamandra Glass" *** "The Windchime Legacy"

MYLES, SYMON "The Big Apple" *** "The Big Hit" *** "The Big Needle"

MYRER, ANTON - “The Intruder”

----( N )----

NABARRO, DERRICK "The Rod of Anger"

NABB, MAGDELEN "Death in Springtime" *** "Death of a Dutchman"



NAHA, ED "The Suicide Plague"

NANCE, JOHN J. - Final Approach; *** “Pandora's Clock”

NAPIER, GEOFFREY "A Very Special Agent"

NAPIER, MARY – The Budapest Risk;



"Bloodletters and Badmen - Book I" *** "Bloodletters and Badmen - Book II" *** "A Crime Story" *** "The Dark Fountain"

NASH, SIMON "Killed by Scandal"

NATHAN, ROBERT STUART "Amusement Park" *** "Stonecliff" *** "The White Tiger"

NATHANSON, E.M. "The Latecomers"




NAZEL, JOSEPH "My Name is Black"

NEBEL, FREDERICK "Six Deadly Dames"

NEEBEL, RICHARD "The Halo Solution" *** "The Wargamer" *** "The Yunnan Terminus"

NEEL, JANET – Death Among the Dons;


"Death to my Beloved" *** “Dirty Hands” *** "The Japanese Mistress" *** "Lies" *** "A Madness of the Heart" *** "No Certain Life; **** The Ridgway Women" *** "The Smith Conspiracy" *** "The Walter Syndrome"

NEFF, JAMES "Mobbed Up"

NEGGERS, CARLA - “Kiss the Moon”; *** The Widow;


NEIDER, CHARLES "Man Against Nature (Ed.)"

NEIDERMAN, ANDREW "Brainchild" *** "Illusion; *** “Someone's Watching"

NEILL, GENE – I'm Gonna Bury You!;


NELSON, KLONDY / FORD, COREY "Daughter of the Gold Ruch"

NELSON, MARG "Mystery at Little Squaw River”;

NELSON, RICK "The Cop Who Wouldn't Quit"

NESSM ELIOT – The Untouchables (with Fraley, Oscar);

NETZEN, KLAUS - ** The Killers the Winston Churchill Murder;


NEUMAN, WILLIAM I. - An Easy Thing;

NEVILLE, KATHERINE "The Eight" *** "The Magic Circle"

NEVILLE, MARGOT "Murder of a Nymph"




(NO AUTHOR) "The Newgate Clendar"

NEWHAFER, RICHARD "The Golden Jungle" *** “On the Wings of the Storm” *** "Seven Days to Glory" *** "The Violators"

NEWMAN, BERNARD "Silver Greyhound"


"Backfire" *** "Knock-Off" *** "Manana Man" *** "Midtown South; **** Sixth Precinct"


"The Abduction" *** "The Price" *** "Sir, You Bastard" *** "The Split" *** "You Nice Bastard"

NEWMAN, GORDON – Hard Times; *** "The Streetfighter"

NEWMAN, RAYCE - “The Hollywood Connection”

NEWMAN, ROBERT "The Case of the Baker Street Irregular”

NEWTON, MICHAEL – Child of Blood; *** "Vicap - #3 The Necro File" *** "Vicap - #5 Road Kills"

NEWTON, MICHAEL & JUDY ANN – The FBI Most Wanted an Encyclopedia;

NEWTON, MIKE "The Ripper"

NEWTON, SUZANNE – I Will Call It Georgie's Blues;

NEZNANSKY, FRIDRIKH "The Body Sokolniki Park"

NIALL, IAN - “A Tiger Walks”

NIALL, MICHAEL "Bad Day at Black Rock" *** "Run Like a Thief"

NICHOLL, CHARLES "The Fruit Palace”;

NICHOLS, FAN "The Caged" *** "The Girl in the Death Seat" *** "I Know my Love"

NICHOLSON, MICHAEL "The Partridge Kite"

NICKERSON, KATE "Ringside Jezebel"

NICKOLAE, BARBARA "Finders Keepers" *** "Kiss Mommy Goodnight"

NICKOLAY, MICHAEL "Brother and Sister"

NICOLAYSEN, BRUCE "Perilous Passage"


"The Longest Pleasure" *** "Operation Destruct" *** "Operation Neptune"

NICOLSON, ROBERT - “The Whisperers”

NIEDERHOFFER, ARTHUR – Behind the Shield: the Police in Urban Society;


"Dead on the Level" *** "Detour to Death" *** "False Witness" *** "Kind Man" *** "Obit Delayed" *** "Seven Days Before Dying" *** "Sing Me a Murder" *** "The Woman of the Roof"

NIESEWAND, PETER "Fallback" *** "Scimitar"


NIXON, ALLAN "Blessed are the Damend" *** "Garrity" *** "Get Garrity" *** "Item 7" **** “The Last of Vicky”


"A Candidate for Murder" *** "The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore" *** "Secret, Silent Screams" *** "The Specter" *** "Spirit Seeker" *** "The Stalker"


"Between You and Me" *** "The Implosion Conspiracy" *** "The Jury Returns" *** "My Life in Court" *** "Never Plead Guilty"

NOEL, JEFFREY "The Trouble with Game"


"Empire of Evil" *** "Few Die Well" *** "Intrigue in Paris" *** "Prelude to Murder" ***

"Run For Your Life!"


"The Algonquin Project" *** "Brass Target" *** "The Mittenwald Syndicate" ***

"No Place to be a Cop"


"The Dark River" *** "The Hurricane" *** "Men Against the Sea"; *** The Pearl Lagoon;

NORMAN, CHARLES – The Genteel Murderer;

NORMAN, DONALD N. "Thunder Station"

NORMAN, EARL - "Kill me in Yokohama" *** "Kill me in Yoshiwara"

NORMAN, FRANK "Bang to Rights"

NORMAN, GEOFFREY "Midnight Waters"

NORMAN, JAMES "The Nightwalkers"

NORMAN, MARC "Bike Riding in Los Angeles" *** "Fool's Errand' *** "Oklahoma Crude"

NORMAN, MICK "Angels from Hell"

NORRIS, FRANK "The Octopus"

MORRIS, KATHLEEN "Mystery House"

NORST, JOEL "Colors" *** "Lethal Weapon"

NORTH, DARIAN "Bone Deep" *** Criminal Seduction;

NORTH, GIL "The Methods of Sergeant Cluff"


NORTON, OLIVE "Now Lying Dead"

NORWOOD, FRANK – The Pope Must Die;

NOTAR, STEPHEN "The St. James Quest"


NOVAK, ROBERT "The Concrete Cage" ;

NUETZEL, CHARLES "Jungle Jungle" *** "Whodunit? Hollywood Style"

----( O )----

OAKROYD, SIMON "Maybe He's Dead"

OATES, JAYCE CAROL "The Assassins" *** "Mysteries of Winterhurn"

OBOLER, ARCH "House on Fire" *** "Oboler Omnibus"

O'BRIEN, DARCY "Two of a Kind, The Hillside Stranglers"

O'BRIEN, MAUREEN "Close-Up on Death"

O'BRIEN, ROBERT C. "A Report from Group 17"

O'BRIEN, TIM "Northern Lights"



"Brain Wave" *** "The Dead-End Option" *** "The Remington Contract" *** "The Remington Factor" *** "Masked Dog"

O'CALLAGHAN, MAXINE "Death is Forever" *** "Run From Nightmare"


O'CONNELL, CAROL "Judas Child"

O'CONNELL, PAT "Knight Hawk"

O'CONNOR DERMOT "The Slender Chance"

O'CONNOR, FLANNERY "A Good Manis Hard to Find"

O'CONNOR, HARRY "Neighborhood Crime Prevention Tips"


O'CONNOR, PATRICK "Black Tiger at Indianapolis" *** "Mexican Road Race"

O'DELL, J.W. "Loan Shark"

ODELL, WILLIAM C. - The Leather Albatross;

ODENDAAL, FRANCOIS "Challenging the Amazon"

O'DONNELL, EUGENE – The Night Cometh;


"Aftershock" *** "The Baby Merchants" *** "Casual Affairs" *** "Cop Without a Shield" *** "Dial 577 R-A-P-E" *** "Falling Star" *** "Ladykiller" *** "No Business Being a Cop" *** "The Other Side of the Door" *** "The Phone Calls" *** "Used to Kill; **** Wicked Designs"

O'DONNELL, PETER – Dead Man's Handle *** "The Impossible Virgin" *** "Last Day in Limbo" *** "Modesty Blaise" *** "Sabre-Tooth" *** "A Taste for Death"

O/DONOHOE, NICK "Brandy for a Hero" *** "Causeway to the Past" *** "Walk the Dark Bridge" *** “Wind Chill”

O'FAOLAIN, SEAN - “The Heat of the Sun”

O'FARRELL, WILLIAM – Brandy for a Hero; *** Wetback;

OFFORD, LENORE GLEN "My True Love Lies" *** "Skeleton Key" *** "Walking Shadow"

O'FLAHERTY, LIAM "The Informer"

OGAN, GEORGE "To Kill a Judge"

O'GADY, ANNE "The Ibis Seal"

O'GRADY, ROHAN "Let's Kill Uncle"

O'HARA, BORIS "The St. Valentine's Day Massacre"

O'HARA, DENNISON - “The Sky Tramps”

O'HARA, PATRICK "The Red Sailor" *** "The Yangtze Run"

OLAY, LIONEL "The Dark Corners of the Night"

OLCOTT, ANTHONY "May Day in Magadan" *** "Murder at the Red October"

OLDEN, MARC - “Book of Shadows” *** “Poe Must Die”


"Dai-Sho" *** "Gaijin" *** "Girl" *** "Gossip" *** "The Harker File" *** "The Informant"

OLEKSY, WALTER "The Dagger of Death"


OLGIN, M.D., HOWARD A. "Cover Up"

OLIPHANT, B.J. "Dead in the Scrub" *** "The Unexpected Corpse"

OLIVER, MARIE "Death of a Prom Queen"




"The Cat Saw Murder" *** "Dead Babes in the Wood" *** "Death Walks on Cat Feet" *** "Something About Midnight"

OLSEN, GREGG – Abandoned Prayers; *** Bitter Almonds;


"Alphabet Jackson" *** “Charmer; **** “Doc" *** “The Girls in the Office” *** "Have You Seen My Son?" *** "Massy's Game" ***

"The Misbegotten Son”; *** “Missing Persons" *** “Night of the Grizzlies” **** "Night Watch" *** "'Son” - A Psychopath and his Victims" **** “Sweet Street”

OLSEN, OLUF REED "Assignment Spy"


O'MAHONEY, MAURICE "King Squealer: The True Story Of"

O'MALLEY, FRANK "The Best Go First"

O'MALLEY, MARTIN "Gross Misconduct"

O'MARIE, ANNE – Advent of Dying; *** A Novena for Murder;

O'NEAL, RUSSELL "Don't Call Back"

O'NEILL, ARCHIE "The Ginzburg Circle"

ONLEY, DAVID C. "Shuttle"

OPOTOWSKY, STAN – Men Behind Bars;


"The Great Impersonation" *** "The Great Prince Shan" *** "The Lion and the Lamb" *** "Mysterious Mr. Sabin" *** "The Treasure House of Martin Hews"

O'QUINN, ALLEN - "Strangers in my Bed" *** "A Woman for Henry"

ORDE, A.J. "Dead on Sunday"

ORDE, LEWIS "Deadfall; **** “The Difficult Days Ahead" *** "Munich 10"

ORDWAY, PETER "The Face in the Shadows"

O'REILLY, VICTOR "Games of the Hangman" *** Rules of the Hunt;

ORGILL, DOUGLAS "The Days of Darkness"

ORIOL, LAURENCE – A Murder to Make You Grow Up Little Girl; *** "Short Circuit"


"The Abduction of Virginia Lee" *** "Concannon" *** "The Great Bank Robbery" *** "High Dive"

ORSBORNE, CAPT. DOD "Mission Danger"

ORSI, ROBERTO "Rome After Dark"

ORVIS, KENNETH "Night Without Darkness"

OSARAGI, JIRO "Homecoming"

OSBORN, DAVID "The French Decision" *** "Heads; *** “Love and Treason" *** "Open Season"

OSBORN, JR., JOHN JAY "The Man Who Owned New York"


OSBORNE, RICHARD "Basic Instinct"

O'SHAUGHESSY, PERRI "Motion to Supress"

O'SHAUGHNESSY, P. J. - Trauma;


"The Invasion of the Nymphomaniacs" *** "The Nymph Island Affair" *** "Operation Boudoir" *** "Win With Sim"

OSMOND/ HURD "Send Him Victorious” *** “ Scotch on the Rocks" *** “The Smile on the Face of the Tiger”


OSTER, JERRY "Club Dead"

O'SULLIVAN, J.B. "I Die Possessed"

OTFINOSKI, STEVEN "The World's Dearest Days"

OTIS, G.H. "Bourbon Street"

O'TOOLE, GEORGE "An Agent on the Other Side"

OTTENBERG, MIRIAM "The Federal Investigators"

OTTUM, BOB "The Tuesday Blade"

OVALOV, LEV S. "Comrade Spy"

OVERGARD, WILLIAM "The Divide" *** "Pieces of a Hero"

OWEN, BOB "The Soldier"

OWEN, DEAN “Juice Town”(Monarch 290; 1962); **** "The McMasters"

OWEN, RICHARD "The Eye of the Gods"


"Case of the Cop's Wife”; *** “The Deadly Pick-Up" *** "Dressed to Kill" *** "Inquest" *** "Murder Doll" *** "Wake Up and Scream"

----( P )----

PACE, ERIC "Any War Will Do" **** “Saberlegs”

PACE, TOM "Afternoon of a Loser"

PACKARD, REYNOLDS "Low-Down" *** "The Naked Society"


PACKER, JOY "The Dark Curtain" *** "The Man in the Mews"

PACKER, PETER - “Death of the Other Self”

PACKER, PETER / THOMAS, BOB. "The Massie Case"


"Alone at Night" *** "Come Destroy Me" *** "The Damnation of Adam Blessing" *** "Dark Intruder" *** "Dark Surrender" *** "Don't Rely on Gemini" *** “The Evil Friendship” *** "5"45 to Suburbia" *** "The Hare in March" *** "The Thrills Kids" *** "The Twisted Ones" *** "Whisper His Sin" *** "The Young and Violent"

PADGETT, LEWIS "The Day He Died" *** "Murder in Brass"

PAGE, ALAIN "The Hook"

with BRAUN, M.G. "Idolero"


PAGE, KATHERINE HALL – The Body in the Bouillon *** "The Body in the Cast" *** "The Body in the Kelp"

PAGE, MARCO "Fast Company" *** "Reclining Figure" *** "The Shadowy Third"

PAGE, THOMAS "Sigmet Active"

PAIGE, ROBIN – Death at Rottingdean;

PALKA, KURT "Rosegarden"

PALMER, BERNARD "The Hallway Boys and the Missing Film Mystery"

PALMER, BRUCE "The Shattered Affair"


Critical Judgement” **** "Extreme Measures" *** The Fifth Vial; *** "Flashback" *** "Miracle Cure" *** The Second Opinion; *** "Silent Treatment" *** "The Sisterhood" *** The Society;


"Killinger! - #1 The Turquoise/Yellow Case" *** "Killinger! - #2 The Rainbow / Seagreen Case"

PALMER, STUART "Before it's to Late" *** "Four Lost ladies"

with RICE, CRAIG "People vs. Withers and Malone" *** "The Puzzle of the Silver Persian" *** "Unhappy Hooligan"

PALMER, THOMAS "The Transfer"

PALMER, TONY "The Trials of OZ"

PALMERIO, A.J. "Jackey"

PALMQUIST, AL – The Real Centurions;

PALMQUIST, AL / STONE, JOHN "The Minnesota Connection"

PALMTAG, DINAH - “A Place by the Sea”

PANATI, CHARLES "The Pleasuring of Rory Malone"

PANGBORN, EDGAR "The Trial of Callista Blake"

PANTZIARKA, PAN "Games of Deceit"

PAPAZOGLOU, ORANIA "Sweet, Savage Death" *** Wicked, Loving Murder;

PAPE, GORDON / ASPLER, TONY "Chain Reaction" *** "The Scorpion Sanction"

PAPE, RICHARD "Arm Me Audacity"

PARADIS, VINCENT A. "The Cocaine Caper"

PARETSKY, SARA "Bitter Medicine" *** "Blood Shot" *** "Deadlock" *** Indemnity Only”;


PARK, JACQUELINE "Charlie's Back in Town"

PARK, JORDAN “The Man of Cold Rages"

PARKER, ALAN "Bugsy Malone"

PARKER, BARBARA “Criminal Justice; *** “Suspicion of Innocence” *** "Suspicion of Malice"

PARKERM BOB "Crooked Cop"

PARKER, E. / COWAN, N.B. "The True Story of Bonnie and Clyde"

PARKER, F.M. "The Assassins"

PARKER, GEORGE "Guarani Trail"

PARKER, LEE – Donovan's Devils - #2 Blueprint for Execution;

PARKER M.M. "Big Phil's Kid"

PARKER, RICHARD "Only Some Had Guns"

PARKER, ROBERT "Passport to Peril" *** "Ticket to Oblivion"


"All Our Yesterdays" *** Back Story; *** Bad Business; *** "A Catskill Eagle" *** "Ceremony" *** "Chance" *** “Cold Service” *** "Crimson Joy" *** "Double Deuce" *** “Early Autumn” *** "God Save the Child" *** "The Godwulf Manuscript" *** “Mugger Mugger” **** “Hush Money” **** "The Judas Goat" *** “Looking for Rachel Wallace” *** "Mortal Stakes" *** Painted Ladies; *** "Pale Kings and Princes" *** "Poodle Springs" *** "Promised Land" *** "A Savage Place" *** School Days *** "Stardust" *** "Sudden Mischief" *** "Taming a Sea-Horse" *** "Valediction" *** "Walking Shadow" *** "The Widening Gyre" *** “Widow's Walk” *** "Wilderness"

PARKER, T. JEFFERSON "Summer of Fear"

PARKER, TONY "Five Women"

PARKER, TONY / ALERTON, ROBERT "The Courage of his Convictions"

PARKS, GORDON "The Learning Tree"

PARKS, ROGER - ** Line of Fire;

PARMELEE, LUCIUS A. "The Confessions of Bank Swindler"

PARNELL, GEOFF - ** A Day is 26 Hours;


PARRISH, FRANK ** Bait on the Hook; ** Fire in the Barley; "Sting of the Honeybee”;

PASCAL, JOHN & FRANCINE "The Strange Case of Patty Hearst"

PATRICK, BRENNAN "The Night Caller"


"Death and the Maiden" *** "The Girl on the Gallows" *** "The Brindle Nightmare" *** "S.S. Murder"



"Brought in Dead" *** "Comes the Dark Stranger" *** "Cry of the Hunter" *** "Dillinger" ***

"The Graveyard Shift" *** "Sad Wind from the Sea" *** To Catch a King;


PATTERSON, J.H. "The Man-Eaters of Tsavo"

PATTERSON, JAMES – Cat Mouse; *** “Jack and Jill” *** "The Jericho Commandment" *** "The Season of the Machette" *** Step on a Crack (with Ledwidge, Michael) *** "Violets are Blue” *** “When the Wind Blows"

PATTERSON, RICHARD NORTH "Degree of Guilt" **** “Escape the Night” *** “The Outside Man” *** “Private Screening; *** Silent Witness;

PATTI, PAUL 'Silhouettes"

PATTINSON, JAMES "Contact Mr. Delgado" *** "Feast of the Scorpion" *** "The Petronov Plan"

PAUL, BARBARA "A Cadenza for Caruso" *** "Liars and Tyrants and People Who Turn Blue"

PAUL, CHARLOTTE "A Child is Missing" *** The Image *** "Phoenix Island"

PAUL, ELLIOT "Hugger-Mugger in the Louvre" *** "Mayhem in B-Flat" *** "Murder on the Left Bank"


"King on Queen" *** "The Lay of the Land" *** "The Man From S.T.U.D. vs the Mafia" *** "The Solid Gold Screw" *** "3 For and Orgy" ***

"Tool of the Trade"

PAUL, GENE 'The Big Make"

PAUL, HUGO "The Smashers"

PAUL, RAYMOND "The Thomas Street Horror" **** “The Tragedy at Tiverton”

PAULL, JESSYCA "Passport to Danger"


"Compkill" *** "Curse of the Cobra / CB Radio Caper" *** "The Death Specialist" *** "Night Rituals" *** "The Sweeper"

PAYNE, ALAN "This'll Slay You"

PAYNE, LAURENCE "The Nose on my Face" *** "Too Small For His Shoes"

PAYNE, LES / FINDLEY, T. / CRAVEN C. "The Life and Death of the Sea"

PAYNE, RALPH "The Blue Negro"

PEARCE, DONN "Cool Hand Luke"

PEARCE, MICHAEL - ** Dmitri and the One-Legged Lady; ** The Last Cut;

PEARCE, WILLIAM W. "Caught in the Act”;


"The Cops" *** "The Crucifixion of Pete McCabe" *** "The Dangerous Assassins" *** "The Fire-Fighters" *** "Lepke" *** "Our Man Flint" *** "Robin and the 7 Hoods"

PEARLMAN, GILBERT - “The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother”

PEARS, IAIN "Giotto's Hand”;

PEARSON, ANN "Murder by Degrees"

PEARSON, EDMUND "Murders That Baffled the Experts"

PEARSON, RIDLEY “Beyond Recognition” *** Chain of Evidence; **** "Hidden Charges" *** "No Witnesses" *** "Parallel Lies; *** Undercurrents";

PEARSON, RYNE DOUGLAS – October's Ghost;

PEARSON, ROBERT E. "No Share of Glory"

PEARSON, WILLIAM "The Beautiful Frame" *** "Chessplayer" *** "A Fever in the Blood" ***

"Hunt the Man Down" *** "Trial of Honor"


'The Black Tanker" *** "The Jinx Ship' *** "The Ship Without a Crew" *** "Wind in the Rigging"

PEASE, WILLIAM D. "Playing the Dozens" *** "The Race of Innocence"

PECK, IRA – Raid at Entebbe;


"Are You Alone in the House?' *** 'Dreamland Lake" *** "Secrets of the Shopping Mall" **** “Through a Brief Darkness”

PEDLER, KIT / DAVIS, GERRY "Mutant 59 the Plastic Eater"


PEDRICK, JEAN "The Fascination"

PEEBLES, NILES N. "Blood Brother, Blood Brother"


PENDLETON, DON "Ashes to Ashes" *** "Copp in Deep" *** Copp on Ice *** "The Executioner - #1 War Against the Mafia"(sold out) ***

"The Executioner - #2 Death Squad" *** "The Executioner - #3 Battle Mask" ***

"The Executioner - #4 Miami Massacre" *** "The Executioner - #5 Continental Contract" ***

"The Executioner - #6 Assault on Soho" *** "The Executioner - #7 Nightmare in New York" ***

"The Executioner - #8 Chicago Wipe-Out" *** "The Executioner - #9 Vegas Vendetta" ***

"The Executioner - #10 Caribbean Kill" *** "The Executioner - #11 California Hit" ***

"The Executioner - #12 Boston Blitz" *** "The Executioner - #13 Washington I.O.U." ***

"The Executioner - #14 San Diego Siege" *** "The Executioner - #15 Panic in Philly" ***

"The Executioner - #16 Sicilian Slaughter" *** "The Executioner - #17 Jersey Guns" ***

"The Executioner - #18 Texas Storm" *** The Executioner - #19 Detroit Deathwatch; *** "The Executioner - #20 New Orleans Knockout" *** "The Executioner - #21 Firebase Seattle" *** "The Executioner - #22 Hawaiian Hellground" *** "The Executioner - #23 St. Louis Showdown" *** "The Executioner - #24 Canadian Crisis" *** "The Executioner - #25 Colorado Kill-Zone" *** "The Executioner - #26 Acapulco Rampage" *** "The Executioner - #27 Dixie Convoy" *** "The Executioner - #28 Savage Fire" *** "The Executioner - #29 Command Strike" ***

"The Executioner - #30 Cleveland Pipeland" *** "The Executioner - # 31 Arizona Ambush" ***

"The Executioner - #32 Tennessee Smash" *** "The Executioner - #33 Monday's Mob" ***

"The Executioner - #34 Terrible Tuesday" *** "The Executioner - #35 Wednesday's Wrath" ***

"The Executioner - #36 Thermal Thursday" ***"The Executioner - #38 Satan's Sabbath" *** "The Executioner - #39 The New War" ***

"The Executioner - #40 Double Crossfire" *** "The Executioner - #41 The Violent Streets" ***

"The Executioner - #42 The Iranian Hit" *** "The Executioner - #43 Return to Vietnam" ***

"The Executioner - #44 Terrorist Summit" *** "The Executioner - #45 Paramilitary Plot" ***

"The Executioner - #46 Bloodsport" *** "The Executioner - #47 Renegade Agent" ***

"The Executioner - #48 The Libya Connection" *** "The Executioner - #49 Doomsday Disciples" *** "The Executioner - #50 Brothers in Blood" *** "The Executioner - #51 Vulture's Vengeance" *** "The Executioner - #52 Tuscany Terror" *** "The Executioner - #53 The Invisible Assassins" *** "The Executioner - #54 Mountain Rampage" *** "The Executioner - #55 Paradine's Gauntlet" *** "The Executioner - #56 Island Deathtrap" *** "The Executioner - #57 Flesh Wounds" *** "The Executioner - #58 Ambush on Blood River" *** "The Executioner - #59 Crude Kill" *** "The Executioner - #60 Sold for Slaughter" *** "The Executioner - #61 Tiger War" ***

"The Executioner - #62 Day of Mourning" *** "The Executioner - #63 The New War Book" ***

"The Executioner - #64 Dead Man Running" *** "The Executioner - #65 Cambodia Clash" ***

"The Executioner - #66 Orbiting Omega" *** "The Executioner - #67 Beirut payback" ***

"The Executioner - #68 Prairie Fire" *** "The Executioner - #69 Skysweeper" ***

"The Executioner - #70 Ice Cold Kill" *** "The Executioner - #71 Blood Dues" ***

"The Executioner - #72 Hellbinder" *** "The Executioner - #73 Appointment in Kabul" ***

"The Executioner - #74 Savannah Swingsaw" *** "The Executioner - #75 The Bone Yard" ***

"The Executioner - #76 Teheran Wipeout" *** "The Executioner - #77 Hollywood Hell" ***

"The Executioner - #78 Death Games" *** "The Executioner - #79 Death Games" ***

"The Executioner - #79 Council of Kings" *** "The Executioner - #80 Running Hot" ***

"The Executioner - #81 Shock Waves" *** "The Executioner - #82 Hammerhead Reef" ***

"The Executioner - #83 Missouri Deathwatch" *** "The Executioner - #84 Fastburn" ***

"The Executioner - #85 Sunscream" *** "The Executioner - #86 Hell's Gate" *** "The Executioner - #87 Hellfire Crusade" *** "The Executioner - #88 Baltimore Trackdown" *** "The Executioner - #89 Defenders and Believers" *** "The Executioner - #90 Blood Heat Zero" *** "The Executioner - #91 The Trial" *** "The Executioner - #92 Moscow Massacre" *** "The Executioner - #93 The Fire Eaters" *** "The Executioner - #94 Save the Children" *** "The Executioner - #95 Blood an Thunder" *** "The Executioner - #96 Death has a Name" ***

"The Executioner - #97 Meltdown" *** "The Executioner - #98 Black Dice" *** "The Executioner - #99 Code of Dishonor" *** "The Executioner - #100 Blood Testament" *** "The Executioner - #101 Eternal Triangle" *** "The Executioner - #102 Split Image" ***

"The Executioner - #103 Assault on Rome" *** "The Executioner - #104 Devil's Horn" *** "The Executioner - #105 Countdown to Chaos" *** "The Executioner - #106 run to Ground" ***

"The Executioner - #107 American Nightmare" *** "The Executioner - #108 Time to Kill” *** "The Executioner - #110 Trojan Horse" ***

"The Executioner - #111 The Fiery Cross" *** "The Executioner - #112 Blood of the Lion" *** *** "The Executioner - #113 Vietnam Fallout”

"The Executioner - #114 Cold Judgement" *** "The Executioner - #115 Circle of Steel" *** "The Executioner - #116 The Killing Urge" *** "The Executioner - #117 Vendetta in Venice" ***

"The Executioner - #118 Warrior's Revenge" *** "The Executioner - #119 Line of Fire" *** "The Executioner - #120 Border Sweep" *** "The Executioner - #121 Twisted Path" ***

"The Executioner - #122 Desert Strike" *** "The Executioner - #123 War Born" *** "The Executioner - #124 Night Kill" *** "The Executioner - #125 Dead Man's Tale" ***

"The Executioner - #127 Kill Zone" *** "The Executioner - #128 Sudan Slaughter" *** "The Executioner - #130 Dead Line" *** "The Executioner - #131 Ice Wolf" *** "The Executioner - #133 Blood Run" *** "The Executioner - #134 White Line War”; *** "The Executioner - #135 Devil Force" *** "The Executioner - #136 Down and Dirty" *** "The Executioner - #137 Battle Lines" *** "The Executioner - #138 Kill Trap" *** "The Executioner - #139 Cutting Edge" *** "The Executioner - #141 Direct Hit" *** The Executioner - #142 Fatal Error; ***

"The Executioner - #143 Helldust Cruise" *** "The Executioner - #144 Whipsaw" *** "The Executioner - #145 Chicago Payoff" ***

"The Executioner - #146 Deadly Tactics" *** "The Executioner - #148 Deep and Swift" *** "The Executioner - #149 Blood Rules" *** "The Executioner - #150 Death Load" *** "The Executioner - #151 Message to Medellin" *** "The Executioner - #153 Firebase Florida" *** "The Executioner - #154 Night Hit" *** "The Executioner - #159 Steel and Flame" *** "The Executioner - #160 Storm Warning" *** "The Executioner - #166 Assassin's Creed" *** "The Executioner - #167 Double Action"

"The Executioner - #170 Baja Blitz" *** "The Executioner - #172 Fast Strike" *** "The Executioner - #173 Capitol Hit" *** "The Executioner - #175 Battle Ground" ***

"The Executioner - #176 Ransom Run" *** "The Executioner - #177 Evil Code" *** "The Executioner - #178 Black Hand" *** "The Executioner - #179 War Hammer" ***

"The Executioner - #181 Shifting Target" *** "The Executioner - #182 Lethal Agent" *** "The Executioner - #183 Clean Sweep" *** "The Executioner - #184 Death Warrant" ***

"The Executioner - #185 Sudden Fury" *** "The Executioner - #186 Cleansing Flame" *** "The Executioner - #188 War Paint" *** "The Executioner - #189 Wellfire" ***

"The Executioner - #190 Killing Range" *** "The Executioner - #191 Extreme Force" "The Executioner - #193 Hostile Action" ***

"The Executioner - #194 Deadly Contest" * *** "The Executioner - #198 Shoot Down" *** "The Executioner - #199 Rogue Agent" *** "The Executioner - #203 Hard Contact; *** "The Executioner - #204 Rescue Run" *** "The Executioner - #205 Hell Road" *** "The Executioner - #206 Hunting Cry" ***"The Executioner - #208 Death Whisper" *** "The Executioner - #209 Asian Crucible; *** *** "The Executioner - #210 Fire Lash" ***

"The Executioner - #211 Steel Claws" *** "The Executioner - #214 Fission Fury" *** "The Executioner - #216 Death Force" *** "The Executioner - #217 Fight or Die" *** *** "The Executioner - #220 Tiger Stalk ***

"The Executioner - #223 Hour of Conflict" *** *** "The Executioner - #227 Blood Circle;*** "The Executioner - #228 Terminal Option; *** "The Executioner - #230 Deep Attack" *** "The Executioner - #239 Hostile Proximity; *** "The Executioner - #243 Assault Reflex;*** "The Executioner - #250 Warning Shot; *** "The Executioner - #252 Death Line" *** "The Executioner - #266 Ultimate Price; *** The Executioner - #271 Cyberhunt; *** "The Executioner - #282 Jungle Conflict **** “The Executioner #291 Blood Trade” *** "The Executioner – 301 Blast Radius **** “The Executioner #306 Mercy Mission” *** *** "The Executioner – 316 Poison Justice; *** "The Executioner #318 Code of Resistance *** *** "The Executioner -#334 Jungle Justice; *** The Executioner - #336 Homeland Terror; *** The Executioner - #337 Tropic Blast *** The Exicutioner - #338 Nuclear Reaction *** The Executioner - #340 Splinter Cell; **** "The Executioner - #NN Code of Conflict; *** "The Executioner - #NN Showdown; **** "The Executioner - #NN The Executioner's War Book" *** "The Executioner - #NN Storm Burst" *** "The Executioner - #NN Ultimate Game; *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Backlash" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Ambush" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Backlash" *** Mack Bolan - #NN Balistic Force; *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Blockade" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Blood Strike" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Code of Conflict” *** Mack Bolan - #NN Counterblow *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Day of the Vulture" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Dead Center" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Dead Center" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Deadfall" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Death's Head" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Dirty War" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Fire in the Sky" ***

"Mack Bolan - #NN Flash Point" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Flesh and Blood" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Flight 741" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Hardline” *** Mack Bolan - #NN Hellfire Code; *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Hellground" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Inferno" ** "Mack Bolan - #NN Intercept; *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Jungle Law" *** Mack Bolan - #NN The Killing Rule; *** Mack Bolan - #NN Line of Fire; *** Mack Bolan - #NN Point of Betrayal; ** "Mack Bolan - #NN Red Heat ** "Mack Bolan - #NN Red Heat *** Mack Bolan - #NN Renegade; *** Mack Bolan - #NN Resurrection Day; ** "Mack Bolan - #NN Season of Slaughter *** “Mack Bolan #NN Sleepers” *** Mack Bolan - #NN State of Evil; **** “Mark Bolan #NN Stolen Arrows” ** "Mack Bolan - #NN Strike and Retrieve ** "Mack Bolan - #NN Tropic Heat **** "Mack Bolan - #NN Moving Target" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Onslaught" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Rampage" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Resurrection Day" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Rogue Force" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Siege" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Stalk Line" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Stony Man Doctrine" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Sudden Death" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Takedown" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Terminal Velocity" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Thermal Strike" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Tooth and Claw" *** "Mack Bolan - #NN Vendetta" *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #6 Stony Man VI" *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #7 Stony Man VII" *** " *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #9 Strikepoint" *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #12 Blind Eagle" *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #13 Warhead" *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #26 Flashback; *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #32 Law of Last Resort" *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #37 Triple Strike" *** "The Iron Orchid" *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #44 Thirst for Power; *** Mack Bolan Stony Man - #81 Sky Hammer; *** Mack Bolan Stony Man - #82 Vanishing Point *** Mack Bolan Stony Man - #85 Hell Dawn; *** Mack Bolan Stony Man - #88 Starfire *** Mack Bolan Stony Man - #89 Neutron Force; *** "Mack Bolan Stony Man - #NN Stony Man Doctrine”

PENDOWER, JACQUES "Betrayed" *** "Mission I Tunis"

PENKOUSKLY, OLEG "The Penkovskly Papers"

PENN, JOHN "An Ad for Murder”;

PENNINGTON, ROD "Devon's Way - #3 The Star Wars Plot"

PENROSE, BARRY "Stalin's Gold"


"The Brass Chills" *** "The Cannibal Who Overate" *** "Chinese Nightmare" *** "The Creeping Hours" *** "The Day The Children Vanished" *** "The Deadly Joke" *** "The Evil That Men Do" *** "The Gilded Nightmare" *** "Girl Watcher's Funeral" *** "The Golden Trap" *** "Hide Her from Every Eye" *** "The Kingdom of Death" *** "Murder as Usual" *** "Nightmare Time" *** "The Obituary Club" *** "A Plague of Violence" *** "The Shape of Fear" *** "Shadow of Madness" *** "Sniper" *** "The Tarnished Angel" *** "The 24th Horse" *** "Walking Dead Man"

PERCY, DOUGLAS C. "Beyond the Tangled Mountain"

PERCY, WALKER "Lancelot"

PERDUE, LEWIS "The Da Vinci Legacy" *** "The Delphi Betrayal" *** "Queens Gate Reckoning"

PEREIRA, MICHAEL "Brought to Bay"

PERRAULT, E.G. "Spoil!" *** "The Twelfth Mile"




PERRY, ANNE – Crime Through Time *** "Farriers' Lane”; *** “Paragon Walk” *** “Rutland Place" *** "Weighed in the Balance"

PERRY, CHARLES "Portrait of a Young Man Drowning"

PERRY, H.L. "Hurricane of Ice"

PERRY, RITCHIE "Bishop's Pawn" *** “Ticket to Ride”

PERRY, THOMAS “Big Fish” **** "The Butcher's Boy" *** "Metzger's Dog" *** Sleeping Dogs; *** Vanishing Act;

PERRY, WILL "Death of an Informer" **** “Home in the Dark”

PERSICO, JOSEPH "The Spiderweb"

PETERMAN, RUTH "Held for Ransom”

PETERS, BILL - “Die Young”

PETERS, BRYAN "Hong Kong Kill"


"The Camelot Caper" *** "The Dead Sea Cipher" *** "The Love Talker" *** "The Night of Four Hundred Rabbits" *** The Seventh Sinner”


"Dead Man's Ransom" *** "The Devil Novice" *** "An Excellent Mystery" *** "Funeral of Figaro" *** "The Heretic's Apprentice" *** "The Hermit of Eyton Forest" *** "Holiday with Violence" *** "The Knocker on Death's Door" *** "Mourning Raga" *** "A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs" *** "One Corpse to Many" *** "The Piper on the Mountain" *** "The Potter's Field" *** *** “Rainbow's End” *** "The Rose Rent" *** “The Sanctuary Sparrow” *** "The Summer of the Danes"

PETERS, FRITZ "The Descent" *** "Descent to Darkness"

PETERS, L.T. "The 11th Plague"

PETERS, LUDOVIC "Out by the River" *** "A Snatch of Music"

PETERSEN, HERMAN "The D.A.'s Daughter" *** "Old Bones"


"The Smuggler - #3 Murder in Blue" *** "The Smuggler - #4 Mother Luck;*** "The Smuggler - #5 The Crystal Fortress”

PETERSON, KEITH – The Scarred Man;



"Earth Angels" *** "Money Men" *** "One-Shot Deal" *** "Shakedown" *** "To Die in Beverly Hills"


PETRY, ANN – The Narrows;

PETSCHULL, JURGEN "Night Crossing"

PETTIT, MIKE "The Axmann Agenda"

PETTY, BARBARA "Bad Blood" *** "Thrill"

PETTY, JOHN - ** The Last Refuge;

PETROCELLI, ORLANDO R. "Olympia's Inheritance”

PEYTON, K.M. "Prove Yourself a Hero" *** "Sea Fever"

PHILBIN, TOM "Precinct: Siberia" *** "The Yearbook Killer"

PHILBRICK, W.R. 'The Neon Flamingo"

PHILBY, KIM "Mu Silent War"


"Murder Clear, Track Fast" *** "Peter Styles in Action - #1 The Laughter Track" ***

"Peter Styles in Action - #2 The Twisted People" *** "Peter Styles in Action - #3 Black Glass City" *** "Peter Styles in Action - #4 Wings of Madness" ** Peter Styles in Action - #5 Hot Summer Killing; *** "Peter Styles in Action - #6 Thursday Folly"

"Peter Styles in Action - #9 The Vanishing Senator"

PHILLIPS, CAREY "The Cape Cod Caper"

PHILLIPS, CLYDE B. "Somebody Killed Her Husband"

PHILLIPS, DAVID ATLEE – 'The Terror Brigade”

PHILLIPS, EDWARD "Death is Relative" *** "Sunday Best" *** "Sunday's Child"

PHILLIPS, JAMES ATLEE "The Deadly Mermaid" *** "Pagoda" *** "Suitable for Framing"

PHILLIPS, LEON "Split Bamboo"


PHILLIPS, STEVEN “No Heroes, No Villains” **** "Resisting Arrest"

PHILLIPS, VIC "Clowns Wear Guns"

PHILPIN, JOHN / SIERRA, PATRICIA "The Prettiest Feathers"

PHILPOT, OLIVER "Stolen Journey"

PICANO, FELICE "Eyes" *** "The Lure" *** “The Mesmerist”

PICARD, SAM "Dead Man Running-The Notebooks" *** "The Notebooks"

PICKARD, NANCY – Afraid All the Time; *** "But I Wouldn't Want to Die There" *** "Generous Death" *** "I.O.U." *** “Marriage is Murder”


PIERCE, DAVID M. - ** Hear the Wing Blow, Dear...;

PIERCE, RICHARD "Run, Traitor, Run"

PIERSON, JAN - “The Carson Kids and the Mystery of the Cove Point Stallion” **** “The Carson Kids and the Secret of Howling Cove”



"Final Friends - #1 The Party" *** "Final Friends - #2 The Dance" *** "Weekend"

PIKE, GEOFF "Golightly Adrift"

PIKE, ROBERT L. "'Bullitt'" *** "Mute Witness"

PILEGGI, NICHOLAS "Blye, Private Eye" *** "Casino" *** "Wise Guy"

PINCHER, CHAPMAN "The Eye of the Torando" *** "Not With a Bang" ** The Penthouse Conspirators;

PINCHOT, ANN "The Twisted Cross"

PINES, PAUL "The Tin Angel" **** (The Pink Panther by Various Authors) **** with ALBERT, MARVIN "The Pink Panther"

with WALDMAN, FRANK "The Pink Panther Strikes Again" *** "The Return of the Pink Panther" *** (Fotonovel) "The Revenge of the Pink Panther"

PINTO, ORESTE "Spy Catcher" *** "Spy Catcher 2"

PINTORO, JOHN – The Summoning;


"Hanno's Doll" *** "The Innocent" *** "The Motive" *** "The Nanny" *** "The Stand-In"

PIROVOLOS, NICK – Too Mean to Die;

PISTONE, JOSEPH D. "Donnie Brasco" *** “Mobbed Up; a Donnie Brasco Novel”

PITTS, DENIS "The Predator" *** "Rogue Hercules"

PITT, INGRID "Cuckoo Run”

PLAGEMANN, BENTZ "The Boxwood Maze" **** “The Sin Underneath”

PLANTZ, DONALD "Marked for Death"

PLATNICK, KENNETH B. "Great Mysteries of History"


"The Blue Man" *** "The Kissing Gourami" ** "The Pushbutton Butterfly"

PLAYER, ROBERT "Oh! Where Are Bloody Mary's Earrings?"

(NO AUTHOR) "The Pocket Book of Great Detectives" *** "The Pocket Book of Mystery Stories" *** "The Pocket Book of True Crime Stories" *** "The Pocket Mystery Reader"

PLUNKETT, JOHN - “She'll Get Hers”

POLLAND, MADELEINE "The Little Spot of Bother"

POLLITZ JR., EDWARD A. "The Forty-First Thief"

POLLOCK, J.C. "Crossfire" *** "The Dennecker Code"

POLSKY, THOMAS "Curtains for the Copper" *** "Curtains for the Editor"

POOLE, FREDERICK KING "Where Dragons Dwell"

POPE, EDITH "Brutally With Love"

POPKIN, RICHARD H. - The Second Oswald;

POPKIN, ZELDA "Dead Man's Gift" *** "Death Wears a White Gardenia" *** "Murder in the Mist" *** "No Crime for a Lady"

PORGES, IRWIN "The Violent Americans"

PORTER, ANNA "The Bookfair Murders"

PORTER, DONALD "The Day of the Animals"

PORTER, JOYCE - ** Dover and the Unkindest Cut of All;




POST, SAM "The Editor"

POSTGATE, RAYMOND "The Ledger is Kept" *** "Verdict of Twelve"

POTTER, JEREMY "Death in Office" *** "Foul Play" *** "Going West"

POTTER, JERRY ALLEN "Needle" *** "A Talent for Dying"

POTTER, J.L. - “Or Murder for Free”

POTTER, JOHN DEANE “The Crocodile Trembles” **** "Monsters of the Moors"

POTTINGER, STANLEY "The Fourth Procedure"

POTTS, JEAN - "The Diehard" *** "The Evil Wish" *** "Go, Lovely Rose" *** "Lightning Strikes Twice" *** "The Man with the Cane"

POTTS, RICHARD "The Haunted Mine"


POWE, BRUCE "Killing Ground"

POWELL, ANTHONY "From a View To a Death"

POWELL, RICHARD - "Lay That Pistol Down" *** "Masterpiece in Murder" *** "Say it with Bullets" *** "Shell Game" *** "A Shot in the Dark"


"Corpus Delectable" **** “The Girl from Big Pine” *** "The Girl's Number Doesn't Answer" *** "The Killer is Mine" *** "Start Screaming Murder" *** "With a Madman Behind Me"

POWERS, ANNE "The Thousand Fires"

POWERS, ELIZABETH "On Account of Murder"

POWERS, THOMAS "The Man Who Kept the Secrets"

POYER, D.C. "White Continent"

POYER, DAVID "The Med" *** "Winter in the Heart"

POYER, JOE – The Balkan Assighnment *** "The Chinese Agenda" *** "The Day of Reckoning" *** "North Cape" *** "Operation Malacca" *** "The Shooting of the Green" **** “Tunnel War”

PRAGER, J. SIMON "The Newman Factor"


PRALL, ROBERT H. / MOCKRIDGE, NORTON "This is Costello" *** "This is Costello on the Spot"

PRATCHETT, TERRY – Thief of Time;


"Always Leave 'em Dying" *** "Bodies in Bedlam" *** "Case of the Vanishing Beauty" ***

"The Cheim Manuscript" *** "The Cockeyed Corpse" *** "The Comfortable Coffin" ***

"Dagger of Flesh" *** "Dance with the Dead" *** Darling, It's Death; *** "Dead-Bang" *** "Dead Heat" ***

"Dead Man's Walk" *** "Dig That Crazy Grave" *** "Double in Trouble" *** "Everybody had a Gun" *** "Find This Woman" *** "Gat Heat" *** "Have Gat-Will Travel" *** "Joker in the Deck" *** "Kill Him Twice" *** "Kill Me Tomorrow" *** "Kill the Clown" *** "The Kubla Khan Caper" ***

"Lie Down, Killer" *** "The Meandering Corpse" *** "Over Her Dear Body" *** "Pattern for Panic" *** "The Peddler" *** "Ride a High Horse" *** "The Scrambled Yeggs" *** "The Shell Scott Sampler" *** "Shell Scott's Seven Slaughters" *** "Slab Happy" *** "Strip for Murder" *** "The Sure Thing" *** "The Sweet Ride" *** "Take a Murder, Darling" *** "Three's a Shroud" *** "Too Many Crooks" *** "The Trojan Hearse" *** "The Wailing Frail" *** "The Way of a Wanton"

PRATT, THEODORE “The Big Bubble” **** “Cocotte” **** "Danger Trail" *** “The Golden Sorrow” *** "Handsome" *** “Handsome's Seven Women” **** “The Lover's of Pompeii” **** "Mercy Island" *** "My Bride in the Storm" **** “Smash-Up” **** “Thunder Mountain” **** 'The Tormented”

PRENDERGAST, WILLIAM "Calling All Z-Cars" *** "Crime Scene"

PRESCOTT, CASEY "Asset in Black"

PRESCOTT, H. F. M. - Dead and Not Buried;

PRESNELL, FRANK G. "No Mourners Present" *** "Too Hot to Handle"

PRESS, MARGARET "A Scream on the Water"

PRESS, SYLVIA "The Care of Devils"




"Colonel Butler's Wolf" *** "Gunner Kelly" *** "The Labyrinth Makers" *** "October Men" *** "Our Man in Camelot"

PRICE, JOHN-ALLEN "Extinction Cruise"

PRICE, NANCY "Night Woman" *** "Sleeping with the Enemy"

PRICE, RICHARD - “Clockers” *** “The Wanderers”

PRICE, WILLARD "African Adventure” *** “Cannibal Adventure" *** "Underwater Adventure"

PRIEST, LISA "Conspiracy of Silence"

PRIESTLEY, J.B. "Black-Out in Gretley" ** The Carfitt Crisis; *** “The Doomsday Men” ** Let the People Sing; *** "The Old Dark House"

PRITCHARD, BRYAN W. "The Hathaway Decision"

PRITCHETT, ARIADNE "Ghosts of Kings" ** Karamour; *** "The Malpas Legacy"

PRITCHIE, NEIL - “The Savage Kick”

PROCHNAU, WILLIAM "Trinity's Child"

PROCTOR, MAURICE ** Devil's Due; "Hurry the Darkness" *** "Killer at Large" *** "Moonlight Flitting" *** "Pennycross Murders" *** "The Pub Crawler"

PROCTOR, PA/ ROGERS, JOHN G. "Top Cops: Those Who Dare to Care”;

PROCTOR, WILLIAM "The Commune Kidnapping"

PROFFITT, NICHOLAS "The Embassy House"

PROKOSCH, FREDERIC "Nine Days to Mukalla" *** "The Seven Who Fled"

PRON, NICK "Lethal Marriage"

PRONIN, BARBARA "Sing Sweetly to Me"

PRONZINI, BILL - ** Cat's-Paw and Inicident in a Neighborhood Tavern; "Murder in the First Reel (Ed.)" *** "Panic!" *** "Prime Suspects (Ed.)" *** The Running of Beasts;*** "The Snatch" *** "The Stalker" *** "Undercurrent" *** "The Vanished"

PROTESS, DAVID/ WARDEN, ROB – Gone in the Night;

PROVOST, GARY "Across the Border" *** "Fatal Dosage" *** "Without Mercy"

PRUITT, JAMES N. - Swamp Kill;


PUGH, MARSHALL "A Dream of Treason"


PUNSHON, E.R. "Information Received"

PURDY, JAMES "Cabot Wright Begins" **** “Malcolm”

PURTELL, JOSEPH - “The Tiffany Caper”

PUTNAM, SEAN "Bomba Bomba!”

PUZO, MARIO "The Dark Arena" *** "Fools Die" *** "The Fortunate Pilgrim" *** "The Godfather" *** "The Godfather Papers" **** “Inside las Vegas” *** "The Sicilian"


----( Q )----

Q, JOHN "The Bunnies" *** "The Survivor"


QUARRY, NICK "The Hoods Come Calling" *** "Trail of a Tramp" *** "The Vendetta"



"The Adventures of Ellery Queen" *** "The American Gun Mystery" *** "And on the Eighth Day" *** "Blow Hot, Blow Cold" *** "The Blue Movie Murders" *** "Calamity Town" *** "Calendar of Crime" *** "The Case of the Seven Murders" *** "Cat of Many Tails" *** "The Chinese Orange Mystery" *** "Cop Out" *** "The Copper Frame" *** "The Copper Frame / A Room to Die in" *** "A Craving for Violence" *** "Dead Man's Tale" *** "Dead Man's Tale / Death Spins the Platter" *** "Death Spins the Platter" *** "The Devil's Cook" *** "The Devil to Pay" *** "The Door Between" *** The Door Between/ The Devil to Pay; *** "Double, Double" *** "The Dragon's Teeth" *** "The Dragon's Teeth / Calamity Town" *** "Drury lane's last Case" *** "The Dutch Shoe Mystery" *** "The Egyptian Cross Mystery" *** "The Egyptian Cross Mystery / Murder with a Past" *** "Ellery Queen's Award (Ed.)" *** "Ellery Queen's Book of Mystery Stories (Ed.)" *** "Ellery Queen's Crime Carousel (Ed.)" *** "Ellery Queen's Double Dozen (Ed.) " *** "Ellery Queen's International case Book" *** "Ellery Queen's Lethal Black Book (Ed.)" *** "Ellery Queen's Mystery Annual 16th (Ed.)" *** "Ellery Queen's Mystery Bag (Ed.)" *** "Ellery Queen's Mystery Mix (Ed.)" *** Ellery Queen's Mystery Parade; *** Ellery Queen's Poetic Justice *** "Ellery Queen's The Golden 13 (Ed.)" *** "Ellery Queen's 20th Anniversary Annual" *** Ellery Queen's 12; *** "Ellery Queen's Twentieth Century Detective Stories (Ed.)" *** "Face to Face" *** "A Fine and Private Place" *** "A Fine Private Place / The Madman Theory" *** "The Finishing Stroke" *** "The Four of Hearts" *** "The Fourth Side of the Triangle" *** "The French Powder Mystery" *** "The Glass Village" *** "The Golden Goose" *** "The Greek Coffin Mystery" *** "Guess Who's Coming to Kill You" *** "Halfway House" *** "The House of Brass" *** "How Goes the Murder?" *** "Inspector Queen's Own Case" *** "Kill as Directed" *** "The Killer Touch" *** "The Killer Touch / The Devil's Cook" *** "The King is Dead" *** "Kiss and Kill" *** "The Lamp of God" *** "The Last Score" *** "The Last Woman in His Life" *** "Losers, Weepers" *** "The Madman Theory" (written by John Holbrook Vance (Jack Vance)*** "The Murderer is a Fox" *** "Murder with a Past" *** The New Adventures of Elllery Queen; *** "The Origin of Evil" *** "The Player on the Other Side" *** "Q.B.I." *** "The Queen's Award's (Ed.)" *** "Queens Full" *** "The Quick and the Dead" *** "Rogues' Gallery I (Ed.)" *** "The Roman Hat Mystery" *** "A Room to Die in " (written by John Holbrook Vance (Jack Vance)*** "The Scarlet Letters" *** "The Scarlet Letters / The Glass Village" *** "Shoot the Scene" *** "The Siamese Twin Mystery" *** "The Spanish Cape Mystery" *** "A Study in Terror" *** "Ten Days Wonder" *** "Ten Days Wonder / The King is Dead" *** "There was an Old Woman" *** "There was an Old Woman / The Origin of Evil" *** "To Be Read Before Midnight" *** "The Tragedy of X" *** "The Tragedy of Y" *** "The Tragedy of Z" *** "The Vanishing Corpse" *** "The Virgin Heiresses" *** "What's in the Dark" *** "Where is Bianca?" *** "Which Way to Die?" *** "Why So Dead?" *** "Wife or Death" *** "The Woman in the Case"


"The Golden Eagle Mystery" *** "The Green Turtle Mystery" *** "The Mystery of the Merry Magician" *** "The Mystery of the Vanished Victim"


"Black Widow" *** "Family Skeletons" *** "The Fate of the Immodest Blonde" *** "The Follower" *** "Love is a Deadly Weapon" *** "The Man in the Net" *** "My Son, the Murderer" *** "A Puzzle for Fiends" *** "A Puzzle for Fools" *** "Puzzle for Pilgrims" *** "Puzzle for Players" *** "Puzzle for Puppets" *** "Run to Death" *** "Slay the Loose Ladies" *** "Suspicious Circumstances"

QUINN, DERRY "The Limbo Connection"


"The Terminator - #1 Mercenary Kill" *** "The Terminator - #2 Silicon Valley Slaughter" *** "The Terminator - #3 The Kill Squad" *** "The Terminator - #4 Crystal Kill" *** "The Terminator - #5 Chameleon Kill"


"The Human Factor"

QUINNELL, A.J. "In the Name of the Father; *** The Mahdi" *** "Man on Fire" *** "Siege of Silence"

QUIRK, JOHN "The Tournament" **** “The Ultimate Rush”

QUOGAN, ANTHONY "The Touch of the Vanished Hand"

----( R )----


"The Box" *** "A House in Naples" *** "It's my Funeral" *** "Journey into Terror" ** The Out is Death; *** "Stop This Man"

RACE, PHILLIP "Johnny Come Deadly"

RADANO, GENE "Stories Cops Only Tell Each Other" *** "Walking the Beat"

RADFORD, RUBY L. "Crime and Judy"


"Beyond the Law" *** "The Deadly Reasons" *** "Headline Crimes of the Year" *** "12 Against Crime" *** "12 Against the Law" *** "Web of Passion"

RADIN, MAX "The Law and You"

RADLEY, SHEILA "The Chief Inspector's Daughter" *** Death and the Maiden; *** "A Talent for Destruction" *** “This Way Out”

RAE, GEORGE WILLIAMS "Confessions of the Boston Strangler" *** "The Mafia Don"

RAE, HUGH C. "Rock Harvest" *** "Skinner" *** “The Shooting Gallery” *** “ "Sullivan"


RAINEY, RICH "The Protector - #1 Venus Underground" *** "The Protector - #2 The Porn Tapes" *** "The Protector - #3 Hit Parade” *** "The Protector - #5 Nightmare Network"

RAINER, PETER W. "Green Fire"

RALSTON, GILBERT “Ben **** "The Deadly, Deadly Art"

RAMATI, ALEXANDER "The Desperate Ones"


Hawker #1 – Florida Firefight” *** Hawker - #3 Chicago Assault **** "Hawker - #5 Houston Attack" *** Hawker - #6 Vegas Vengeance *** Hawker - #11 Operation Norfolk;

RAMSEY, ERIC “The Hot and Copper Sky” **** "The Kummersdorf Connection"

RAMTHUN, BONNIE – Earthquake Games;


RANDALL, FLORENCE ENGEL - “The Place of Sapphires” *** The Watcher in the Woods;

RANDALL, MARTA "Those Who Favor Fire"


RANDISI, ROBERT J. - Murder and All That Jazz; *** "The Steinway Collection"

RANDLE, KEVIN D. "Dawn of Conflict" *** "Death Before Dishonor"

RANSOME, ARTHUR "Racundra's First Cruise" *** "We Didn't Mean to GO to Sea"


"The Frazer Acquittal" *** "The Men in her Death" *** "Some Must Watch" *** "The Unspeakable"

RASKIN, ELLEN "The Westing Game"

RATHBONE, JULIAN "The Euro-killers” *** “Hand Out" *** "A Spy of the Old School"

RAUCH, CONSTANCE "The Spy on Riverside Drive"

RAVEN, SIMON "Doctors Wear Scarlet"

RAVIN, NEIL "Informed Consent"

RAWLINS, D & B. "Security Is"

RAWSON, TABOR "I Want to Live!"

RAY, ROBERT J. "Dial 'M' for Murdock"

RAYMOND, ERNEST "We, the Accused"

RAYMOND, FAY "Sordid Affair"


RAYTER, JOE "Asking for Trouble" *** "Stab in the Dark" *** "The Victim was Important"

REACH, JAMES "Blind Gambit" *** "The Innocent One" *** "late Last Night"

READ, PIERS PAUL "Alive" *** “The Junkers” **** “Monk Dawson” **** "The Train Robbers" *** "The Upstart"




RECHY, JOHN "The Sexual Outlaw”

(NO AUTHOR) "Red Flannel Pyjamas"

REDGATE, JOHN "The Killing Season"

REDMOND, A.E. "No Exit"

REED, BARRY "No Choice" *** "The Indictment" *** "The Verdict"

REED, ELIOT "The Maras Affair" *** "Tender to Danger"

REED, KATHIE "Forbidden Desire" **** “Shack Woman”

REED, KIT "Tiger Rag"

REED, J.D. & CHRISTINE "Exposure"

REED, MARK – “Sinners Wild”

REES, DILWYN "The Cambridge Murders"

REESE, JOHN "Omar, Fats and Trixie" *** "Pity Us All"


REEVES, JOHN "Murder by Microphone" *** "Murder with Muskets"

REICH, CHRISOPHER – Numbered Account;

REICHS, KATHY "Deja Dead" **** “Fatal Voyage” *** Monday Mourning;

REID, DESMOND "Frenzy in the Flesh" ** Let my People Be;

REID, ED "The Grim Reapers" *** "Mafia" **** “The Mistress and the Mafia”

REID, ED / DEMARIS, OVID 'The Green Felt Jungle"

REID, PHILIP "Harris in Wonderland"

REID, STEPHEN "Jackrabbit Parole”;

REIFFEL, LEONARD – The Contaminant;


"All Concerned Notified" *** "The Canvas Dagger" *** "Compartment K" *** "The Day she Died" *** "The Dead Can Tell" *** "Dead Man Control" *** "Death Demands an Audience" ***

"The Double Man" *** "The Farmhouse" *** "Follow Me" *** "Lament for the Bride" ***

"The Line-Up" *** "McKee of Centre Street" *** "Mourned on Sunday" *** "Mr. Smith's Hat" *** "Murder at Arroways" *** "Murder in the Mews" *** "Name Your Poison" *** "The Opening Door" *** "The Silver Leopard" *** "Staircase 4" *** "Three Women in Black"

REINHARDT, GUENTHER "Crime Without Punishment"

REINSMITH, RICHARD "An Extra Body" *** "The Blonde Target"

REISNER, MARY "Black Hazard” *** “The Hunted"

REITED, M.D., B.P. "The Saturday Night Knife and Gun Club"

REITMAN, BOB "Freedom on Trial"

REMBO, KENT "Visiting Hours"

REMY, JACQUES "Race for Life"

RENAULD, RON "Fade to Black"

RENAY, LIZ "My Face for the World to See"

RENDELL, RUTH – The Best Man to Die; *** "The Bridesmaid" *** "A Fatal Inversion"(with VINE, BARBARA) *** "The Fever tree and Other Stories" *** "From Doom With Death" *** A Guilty Thing Suprised; *** "The House of Stairs" (with VINE, BARBARA) *** A Judgement in Stone *** "The Killing Doll" ***** “King Solomon's Carpet” *** Make Death Love Me *** "Murder Being Once Done" *** A New Lease on Death *** No More Dying Then *** "One Across, Two Down" *** “Some Lie and Some Die” *** The speaker of Mandarin; *** "To Fear a Painted Devil" *** Wolf to the Slaughter;

RENO, MARIE R. "Final Proof"

RENSHAW, ANTHONY "House of Lions"

REPORTERS OF THE OBSEVER - “Siege: Six Days at the Iranian Embassy”

RESKO, JOHN "Reprieve"


"The Crossword Hunt" *** "The Crossword Legacy" *** "The Dead Room; *** Murder Across and Down" ***

"The Seventh Crossword"

RESSLER, ROBERT K. / SHACHTMAN, TOM "Whoever Fights Monsters"


"The Assassin - #1 Justin Perry: The Assassin" *** "The Assassin - #3 Born to Kill" ***

"The Assassin - #5 Stud Service"

REY, PIERRE "The Greek" *** "Out" **** “Out”Advance Reading Copy);

REYNOLD-FOURTON, ALAIN "The Reluctant Assassin"


REYNOLDS, MACK - “Episode on the Riviera” **** “The Kept Woman” **** “A Kiss Before Loving”


REYNOLDS, QUENTIN - "Countroom" *** "Headquarters" *** "He Came Back" *** "I, Willie Sutton" *** "Officially Dead" *** "Smooth and Deadly"

REYNOLDS, WILLIAM J. "The Nebraska Quotient"

RHINEHART, LUKE "Long Voyage Back"

RHODE, JOHN (pseudonym of Cecil John C. Street) -*** Dr. Priestley Investigates (Avon #NN = #5; 1941; FN = $29.00)

*** Dr. Priestley Investigates (Avon #NN = #5; 1941; G, pages 23-26 missing, Xerox replacement pages included = $5.00)

*** Men Die at Cyprus Lodge (1946; Collins Crime Club #C251; UK; near FN = $45);

RHODES, DENYS - “The Syndicate”

RHODES, RICHARD "The Last Safari" *** "The Ungodly"

RHODES, RUSSELL "The STYX Complex" *** "The Third Fury"

RHODES, VIVIAN "Groomed for Murder"



RICE, BERKELEY - “Trafficking”


"The April Robin Murders" *** "The Big Midget Murders" *** "But the Doctor Died" *** "The Corpse Steps Out" *** "The Fourth Postman" *** "Having Wonderful Crime" *** "Home Sweet Homicide" *** "Innocent Bystander" *** "Knocked fora Loop" *** "The Lucky Stiff" *** "My Kingdom for a Hearse" *** "The Name is Malone" *** "The Sunday Pigeon Murders" *** "The Thursday Turkey Murders" *** "Trial by Fury"

RICE, ELMER "Imperial City"


"Jake Strait - #1 Avenging Angel" *** "Jake Strait - #3 Day of Judgement" *** "Jake Strait - #4 twist of Cain"

RICH, KATHLEEN "The Deadly Rose"

RICH, VIRGINIA "The Baked Bean Supper Murders" *** "The Cooking School Murders" ***

"The Nantucket Diet Murders"

RICHARD, ADRIENNE - “Into the Road”

RICHARDS, ALUN "Ennal's Point"


RICHARD, GUY "The Salerno Kill”;

RICHARD, PAUL "Our Space-Craft is Missing"

RICHARDS, ROSS "The Death Seekers" *** "Murder on the Monte"

RICHARDS, TAD "The Killing Place"

RICHARDSON, ROBERT "The Latiner Mercy"

RICHLER, MORDECAI "A Choice of Enemies"

RICHARD, LEE "High on Gold"


"Casey Grant Caper - #1 The Ring-a-Ding Girl" *** "Casey Grant Caper - #2 The Swinging Virgin" *** "Casey Grant Caper - #3 So Sweet, So Deadly" *** "The Daisy Dilemma' *** "The Man fro Pansy" **** “Nikki”

RICKETT, FRANCES "The Prowler" *** "Stalked" *** "Tread Softly"


"Adam's Fall" *** 'Hardly a Man is Now Alive" *** "People in Glass Houses" *** "The Treasure of the Cosa Nostra"

RIDPATH, MICHAEL – The Marketmaker;

RIEFE, ALAN - ** ** Cage - #1 The Lady Killers; "Cage - #2 The Conspirators" *** "Cage - #4 The Silver Puma" *** "Cage - #5 The Bullet-Proof Man" *** "Cage - #6 The Killer with the Golden Touch" *** "Tyger at Bay" *** "Tyger by the Tail"

RIESEBERG, HARRY / MIKALOW A.A. "Fell's Guide to Sunken Treasure Ships of the World"

RIFKIN, SHEPPARD “Desire Island” **** "Ladyfingers" *** "McQuaid"



"As a Man Falls" *** "Kill and Tell' *** "Lucinda" *** "Murder for the Holidays"

RILLA, WOLF "The Chinese Consortium" *** "The Dispensable Man"

RIMMER, ROBERT H. "The Zolotov Affair"


"The After House" *** "The Album' *** "Alibi for Isabel" *** "The Bat" *** "The Breaking Point" *** "The Case of Jeannie Brice" *** "The Circular Staircase" *** "The Confession and Sight Unseen" *** "Dangerous Days" *** "The Doctor" *** "The Door" *** "Episode of the Wandering Knife" ***

"The Frightened Wife" *** "The Great Mistake" *** "Haunted Lady" *** "A Light in the Window" *** "Locked Doors" *** "Lost Ecstasy" *** "The Man in Lower 10" *** "Married People" ***

"Miss Pinkerton" *** "The Red Lamp" *** "Secrets De Perversion" *** "Sight Unseen" ***

"The State vs. Elinor Norton" *** "The Street of Seven Stars" *** "The Swimming Pool" ***

"This Strange Adventure" *** "The Wall" *** "The Window at the White Cat" *** "The Yellow Room"

RING, DOUGLAS - “The Paddler”

RIO, DEL - “Racket Broads”

RIPLEY, AUSTIN "Minute Mysteries"

RIPPON, MARION "The Ninth Tentacle"

RISENHOOVER, C.C. "Blood Bath"


RITTWAGEN M.D., MARJORIE "Sins of Their Fathers"

RITZ, DAVID "Family Blood”;

RIVERE, ALEC -Wantons of Betrayal;

RIVERS, GAYLE "The Specialist"

RIVERS, GAYLE / HUDSON, JAMES "The Five Fingers; *** The Teheran Contract"

RIVETTE, MARC "The Incident"

ROARK, GARLAND "Bay of Traitors" *** "The Coin of Contraband"

ROBARDS, KAREN - “One Summer”

ROBB, CANDACE M. "The Apothecary Rose”;



ROBERTS, JAMES HALL "The February Plan" *** "The Q Document"

ROBERT, JAN "The Judas Sheep"


"Judas Journey" *** "Little Sister" *** "Once a Widow" *** "The Pale Door"

ROBERTS, LES "The Cleveland Connection”

ROBERTS, LILLIAN "Rafferty and the Gold Dust Twins"

ROBERTS, LOWELL  - This Climate of Love;

ROBERTS, MARK K. - (The Liberty Corps #2) Maracaibo Massacre” *** (The Liberty Corps #3 Canal Zone Conquest” **** (Soldier For Hire) #6 Commando Squad” **** (Soldier For Hire) #8 – Jakarta Coup;


ROBERTS, WILLO DAVIS "The Face at the Window"

ROBERTSON, CHARLES – The Children; *** "The Elijah Conspiracy" *** "The Omega Deception" *** "Red Chameleon"


ROBERTSON, DOUGAL "Survive the Savage Sea"

ROBERTSON, MANNING K. - ** Pattern for Survival;


ROBINSON, BUD / AMATEAU, ROD "Where Does It Hurt?'

ROBINSON, DEREK "Rotten with Honor"


ROBINSON, LYNDA S. "Murder in the Place of Anubis"

ROBINSON, PETER "Aftermath” *** “ Cold is the Grave” *** “A Dedicated Man" *** "Final Account; *** “Gallow's View" *** “In a Dry Season” **** "Past Reason Hated"

ROBINSON, ROBERT "Landscape with Dead Dons"

ROBISON, HAROLD R. - “Rat Alley”

ROBITAILLE, J.R. "The Hard Way"

ROBSKY, PAUL / FRALEY, OSCAR "The Last of the Untouchables"

ROBSON, MICHAEL – Holocaust 2000

ROBY, MARY LINN – Dig a Narrow Grave *** "Some Die in Their Beds" *** "Trapped"

ROCHE, ARTHUR SOMERS "The Case Against Mrs. Ames"

ROCK, PHILLIP "Dirty Harry" *** "Tick...Tick...Tick"

RODEN, H.W. "One Angel Less" *** "Wake For a Lady" *** "You Only Hang Once"


ROE, CAROLINE "Remedy for Treason”


"Al Capone" *** "The Climate of Hell” ** Corpse on the Town; *** “Hollow Man" *** "The Mobster" *** "Murder in Manhattan" *** “Ruby Maclaine” **** "Sing Out Sweet Homicide" *** "There Are Dead Men in Manhattan" *** "Tough Cop" *** "Triple Cross" *** "Wine, Women and - Murder"

ROETTER, CHARLES "Self Protection"

ROFFEY, JACK "Hostile Witness"

ROFFMAN, JAN "Mask of Words"

ROGERS, JAMES CASS "Foul Play" *** "Silver Streak"

ROGERS, JOEL TOWNSLEY "Lady with the Dice" *** "The Red Right Hand"

ROGERS, MICHAEL – Forbidden Sequence;


"Omega - #1 War Machine" *** "Omega - #2 Zero Hour" *** "Omega - #3 Target Zone"

ROGERS, SAMUEL "Don't Look Behind You"

ROHDE, WILLIAM L. "The Heel" *** "Help Wanted - For Murder" *** "High Red for Dead" *** “Give Me a Little Something” *** "Murder on the Line"



"Balls!" *** "Exodus-UK" *** "Exoneration" *** "Periscope Red" *** "Separation" *** "Separation Two" *** "Starmageddon; *** Triad" *** "Ultimatum"

ROHMER, SAX - "Brood of the Witch-Queen" *** "Daughter of Fu-Manchu" *** "The Day the World Ended" *** "The Dream Detective" *** "The Drums of Fu-Manchu" *** "Emperor Fu-Manchu" *** "The Fire Goddess" *** "The Golden Scorpion" *** "The Green Eyes of Bast" *** "The Hand of Fu-Manchu" *** "Hangover House" *** "The Insidious Fu-Manchu" *** "The Island of Fu-Manchu" *** "The Mask of Fu-Manchu" *** "Nude in Mink" *** "President Fu-Manchu" *** "The Quest of the Sacred Slipper" *** "Re-enter Fu-Manchu" *** "The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu" *** "The Secret of Holm Peel" *** "Shadow of Fu-Manchu" *** "The Si-Fan Mysteries" *** "Sinister Madonna" *** "Summer" *** Sumuru; *** "The Trial of Fu-Manchu" *** "The Wrath of Fu-Manchu" *** "The Yellow Claw"


ROLFE, EDWIN / FULLER, LESTER "Murder in the Glass Room"

ROLPH, C.H. "The Trial of Lady Chatterley (Ed.)"

ROLT, L.T.C. "Red for Danger"

ROMANO, DON "Mafia: Operation Hijack" *** "Mafia: Operation Loan Shark" **** "Mafia: Operation Porno”


ROME, ANTHONY "Miami Mayhem" *** "My Kind of Game"

RONALD, JAMES "They Can't Hang Me"

RONAN, MARGARET "'The Hindenburg is Burning!'"

RONNS, EDWARD (pseudonym of Edward S. Aarons )-

"Catspaw Ordeal" *** "Dark Destiny" *** "The Decoy" *** "Don't Cry, Beloved" *** "I can't Stop Running" *** 'Say It with Murder" *** "State Department Murders" ** "They All Ran Away"

ROOD, JULIE "Lucky Lady"



"The Blonde Died Dancing" *** "The Frightened Stiff" *** "Made Up to Kill" *** "Requim for a Blonde" *** "Scent of Mystery"

ROOSEVELT, ELLIOTT "The Hyde Park Murder” *** “Murder and the First Lady"

ROOT, PAT "Evil Became Them"

ROOTE, MIKE "Badge 373" *** “Enter the Dragon” **** "Scorpio"


"Death-as in Matador" *** "Renegade Roe - The Emerald Chicks Caper" *** "Renegade Roe - The Red Horse Caper" *** "Reunion"


"Death is a Round Black Ball" *** "One Tear for my Grave" *** "Riddle my This" *** "Slice of Hell"


ROSE, SIR ALEC "My Lively Lady"

ROSEN, FRED - “Needlework”

ROSEN, R.D. - Strike Three, You're Dead;

ROSENBERG, STUART "When the Bough Breaks"


"C.O.B.R.A. - #1 The Heroin Connection" **** "Death Merchant - #2 Operation Overkill" *** "Death Merchant - #3 The Psycho tron Plot" *** "Death Merchant - #4 Chinese Conspiracy" *** "Death Merchant - #5 Satan Strike" ***"Death Merchant - #6 The Albanian Connection" *** "Death Merchant - #7 The Castro File; *** "Death Merchant - #11 Manhattan Wipeout" *** "Death Merchant - #12 The KGB Frame" *** "Death Merchant - #13 The Mato Grosso Horror" *** "Death Merchant - #14 Vengeance of the Golden Hawk" *** "Death Merchant - #15 The Iron Swastika Plot" *** "Death Merchant - #16 Invasion of the Clones" *** "Death Merchant - #17 The Zemlya Expedition" *** "Death Merchant - #18 Nightmare in Algeria" *** "Death Merchant - #19 Armageddon, USA!" *** "Death Merchant - #20 Hell in Hindu Land" *** "Death Merchant - #21 The Pole Star Secret" *** "Death Merchant - #23 The Budapest Action" *** "Death Merchant - #25 The Enigma Project" *** "Death Merchant - #26 The Mexican Hit" ***

"Death Merchant - #27 The Surinam Affair" *** "Death Merchant - #28 Nipponese Nightmare" *** "Death Merchant - #29 Fatal Formula" *** "Death Merchant - #30 Shambhala Strike" *** "Death Merchant - #32 Deadly Manhunt" *** "Death Merchant - #33 Alaska Conspiracy" ***

"Death Merchant - #34 Operation Mind-Murder" *** "Death Merchant - #35 Massacre in Rome" *** "Death Merchant - #36 The Cosmic Reality Kill" *** "Death Merchant - #37 The Bermuda Triangle Action" *** "Death Merchant - #38 The Burning Blue Death" *** "Death Merchant - #40 Blueprint Invisibility" *** "Death Merchant - #41 Shamrock Smash" *** "Death Merchant - #42 High Command Murder" *** "Death Merchant - #43 The Devil's Trashcan" *** "Death Merchant - #44 Island of the Damned" *** "Death Merchant - #45 The Rim of Fire Conspiracy" *** "Death Merchant - #46 Blood Bath" *** "Death Merchant - #47 Operation Skyhook" *** "Death Merchant - #48 The Poisonings War" *** "Death Merchant - #49 Night of the Peacock" *** "Death Merchant - #50 The Hellbomb Theft" *** "Death Merchant - #51 The Inca File" *** "Death Merchant - #54 Apocalyse U.S.A.!" *** "Death Merchant - #55 Slaughter in El Salvador" *** *** "Death Merchant - #56 Afghanistan Crashout; "Death Merchant - #57 The Romanian Operation" *** "Death Merchant - #58 The Silicon Valley Connection" *** "Death Merchant - #59 The Burma Probe" *** "Death Merchant - #60 The Methuselah Factor" *** "Death Merchant - #62 The Soul Search Project" *** "Death Merchant - #63 The Pakistan Mission" *** "Death Merchant - #64 The Atlantean Horror" *** "Death Merchant - #65 Mission Deadly Snow" *** "Death Merchant - #66 The Cobra Chase" *** "Death Merchant - #69 The Miracle Mission" *** "Death Merchant - #70 The Greenland Mystery" *** "Shadow Warrior - #1 The Hong Kong Massacre" *** "Super Death Merchant - #1 Apocalypse"

ROSENBERG, NANCY TAYLOR "California Angel” *** “First Offence”;

ROSENBERG, PHILIP "Contract on Cheery Street”

ROSENBERGER, JOSEPH "Death Merchant #67 Escape from Gulag Taria”

ROSENBLUM, ROBERT "Cover Stories" *** “The Mushroom Cave” *** "The Sweetheart Deal"

ROSENBLUM, JOHN "Nanda Devi - The Tragic Expedition"

ROSMANITH, OLGA "The Long Thrill" *** "Unholy Flame"

ROSS, ANN B. "The Murder Cure"

ROSS, DAN "Fogbound" *** "The Third Spectre"

ROSS, FRANK "Dead Runner" *** "The 65th Tape" *** "Sleeping Dogs"

ROSS, FRED "Jackson Mahaffey"

ROSS, GARY "Always Tip the Dealer" *** “Stung”

ROSS, IAN "Recycled Souls"

ROSS, IVAN T. "Requiem for a Schoolgirl"

ROSS, JONATHAN "The Deadliest Thing You Ever Saw” *** “Diminished by Death"

ROSS, KATE – A Broken Vessel;


"The Assassin" *** "Dynamite Monster Boogie Contest" *** "Freebie and the Bean" ***

"Valley of Death"

ROSS, SAM – The Fortune Machine; *** "He Ran all The Way" *** "The Hustlers" *** "Solomon's Palace" *** "The Tight Corner" *** “You Belong to Me”

ROSS, W.E.D. "The Twilight Web"

ROSSITER, JOHN "The Deadly Gold" *** "The Villians"

ROSSMANN, JOHN F. - The Mind Masters #1

ROST, LEO "Operation casino"

ROSTAND, ROBERT "The Killer Elite" *** "The Vengeance Run' *** "Viper's Game"

ROSTEN, LEO "King Silky!" *** "A Most Private Intrigue" *** "Silky!"

ROSTOV, MARA – Eroica; *** "Night Hunt"

ROTENBERG, DAVID "The Shanghai Murders”;

ROTH, ARTHUR J. "A Terrible Beauty" *** "Two for Survival"


"The Crimson in the Purple" *** "The Musk of Glass" *** "Shadow of a Lady" ***

"The Shocking Secret" *** 'The Sleeper" *** "Too Many Doctors"

ROTHBERG, ABRAHAM "The Thousand Doors"


ROTSSTEIN, AARON NATHAN "Judgement in St. Peter's"


"Eleven Blue Men" *** "Feral" *** "The Incurable Wound" *** "The Last Enemy" ***

"Rooming House"

ROUGHEAD, WILLIAM – Classic Crimes;

ROUGVIE, CAMERON "Medal From Pamplona" *** "Tangier Assignment"

ROURKE, THOMAS - “Thunder Below”

ROVIN, JEFF "The Game"

ROWDEN, DICK "Bright Like Blood"

ROWE, JR., GARY THOMAS "My Undercover Years with the Ku Klux Klan"

ROWE, JAMES N. 'The Judas Squad"

ROWE, JOHN - “Long Live the King”


"Man on a Short Leash" *** "The Miniatures Frame" *** "The Satan Touch" *** "The Stalin Account"

RUARK, ROBERT "Horn of the Hunter" *** "Something of Value"

RUBEL, JAMES L. "No Business for a Lady"


RUBENSTEIN, RICHARD E. - “Great Courtroom Battles”


RUBINSTEIN, RONALD "John Citizen and the Law"


RUDORFF, RAYMOND "The Venice Plot"

RUDOVSKY / BRONSTEIN / KOREN "The Rights of Prisoners"

RUELL, PATRICK "The Castle of the Demon" *** "Dream of Darkness" *** "Red Christmas"

RUESCH, HANS “Back to the Top of the World” **** "The Racer" *** "Top of the World"

RUHEN, OLAF "Harpoon in my Hand"

RULE, ANN – And Never Let Go; *** Empty Promises; *** The End of the Dream; *** Every Breath You Take; *** "If You Really Loved Me" *** The 1-5 Killer; *** "Possession" ***

"A Rose for Her Grave and Other True Cases" *** "Small Sacrifices" *** "The Stranger Beside Me"

RUMANES, GEORGE N. "The Man with the Black Worry Beans"

RUMBELOW – The Complete Jack the Ripper;

RUNYON, CHARLES "The Black Moth"

RUNYON, CHARLES W. "Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die"

RUSHFORD, PARRICIA H. "Too Many Secrets"

RUSHTON, WILLIAM - ** Spy Thatcher;

RUSKIN, RONALD – The Last Panic;

RUSSELL, A.J. "The Devalino Caper"

RUSSELL, JOHN "The Lost God and Other Adventure Stories"

RUSSELL, RAY "The Case Against Satan"

RUSSELL, WILLIAM - “A Wind is Rising”


RUTHERFORD, DOUGLAS - ** The Black Leather Murders; "Comes the Blind Fury" *** "Grand Prix Murder" *** "The Gunshot Grand Prix; *** “Kick Start' *** 'The Long Echo" ***

"Telling of Murder"


RYAN, CHARLES - “Phoenix Strike”

RYAN, CORNELIUS "One Minute to Ditch"

RYAN, J.M. "Mother's Day”;

RYCK, FRNACIS "Green Light, Red Catch" *** "Loaded Gun"

RYDELL, FORBES – If She Should Die;

RYDER, JONATHAN "the Cry of the Halidon" *** “Trevayne”

RYZUK, MARY "The Gainesville Ripper" *** "Thou Shalt Not Kill"

----( S )----

SABBAG, ROBERT "Snowblind"


Chicago Woman” **** "A Dame Called Murder" *** "The Scented Flesh' *** "Sucker Bait" *** "A Time for Murder" ***

"Too Young too Die"

SABER, W.J. "The Devious Defector"

SACKETT, BERT "Sponger's Jinx"

SADLER, BARRY – Run for the Sun;

SADLER, MARK "The Falling Man" *** "Here to Die"

SAGE, DANA "The 22 Brothers"


SAILOR, CHARLES "The Second Son"

SAINT, H.F. "Memoirs of an Invisible Man"

ST. CLAIR, DAVID "Say You Love me Satan"

ST. CLARE, DEXTER – 'Saratoga Mantrap”

SAINT EXUPERY, ANTONIE DE – Wind, Sand and Stars;

ST. CLAIR, LEONARD "Obsessions"

ST. CLAIR, MIKE "Daddy's Gone A-Hunting"

ST. JAMES, BERNARD "April Thirtieth"


"Diabolus" *** "Festival for Spies" *** "The Mongol" Mask" *** "On Hazardous Duty"

ST. JOHN, GENEVIEVE "Death in the Desert" *** The Shadow on Spanish Swamp;

ST. JOHN, WYLLY FOLK "The Mystery Book Mystery"


SAINT-LAURENT, CECIL "The Cautious Maiden"

ST. LOUIS, ROBERT "The Bushido Code"

ST. PIERRE, DENNIS "The Marshal"


SALAS, FLOYD "Tattoo the Wicked Cross”;

SALE, R.T. "The Blackstone Rangers"


"Benefit Performance" *** "Death at Sea" *** "For The President's Eyes Only" *** "Home is the Hangman" *** "Murder at Midnight" *** "Passing Strange"

SALERNO, STEVE "Deadly Blessing"


SALINGER, PIERRE "On Instructions of my Government"

SALISBURY, CAROLA "The Shadowed Spring"

SALISBURY, HARRISON E. - “The Northern Palmyra Affair”

SALISBURY, JOHN "The Babysitters"

SAMPLE, ALBERT RACE "Racehoss, Big Emma's Boy"

SAMPSON, ANTHONY "The Sovereign State of Itt"

SAMSON, JOAN – The Auctioneer;

SAMUELS, CHARLES "Death Was the Bridegroom" *** "The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing"

SAMUELS, CHARLES & LOUISE "The Girl in the House of Hate" *** "Night Fell on Georgia"

SANDBERG, BERENT "Brass Diamonds" *** "The Chinese Spur" *** "The Honeycomb Bid"

SANDBERG, PETER LARS "King's Point" *** "Wolf Mountain"


"Ben Slayton: T-Man - #1 A Clear and Present Danger" *** Ben Slayton: T-Man - #2 Star of Egypt” *** "Ben Slayton: T-Man - *** "Ben Slayton: T-Man - #5 The Bayou Brigade"

SANDERS, ED "The Family"


"The Anderson Tapes" *** "Caper" *** "Capital Crimes" *** "The Case of Lucy Bending" *** "The Dream Lover" *** "The First Deadly Sin" *** "The Fourth Deadly Sin" *** "The Loves of Henry Dancer" *** "Love Songs" *** "The Marlow Chronicles" *** "McNally's Luck" *** McNally's Secret; *** "The Passion of Molly T." *** "The Pleasures of Helen" *** "Private Pleasures" *** "The Second Deadly Sin" *** "The Seduction of Peter S." *** "The Seventh Commandment" *** "The Sixth Commandment" *** "Stolen Blessings" *** "Tales of the Wolf" *** "The Tangent Objective" *** "The Tenth Commandment" *** "The Third Deadly Sin" *** "The Timothy Files" *** "Timothy's Game" *** "The Tomorrow File"

SANDERS, LEONARD "The Eternal Enemies" *** "The Hamlet Warning"

SANDERSON, DOUGLAS "Catch a Fallen Starlet" *** "Night of the Horns"

SANDS, BILL "My Shadow Ran Fast"


SANDFORD, AGNES - “Lost Shepherd”

SANDFORD, JOHN "Easy Prey” **** “Eyes of Prey" *** "Mind Prey; *** “The Night Crew”; *** “Rules of Prey" *** "Sudden Prey"

SANDFORD, JOHN B. "The Hard Guys" *** "Make My Bed in Hell" *** "The Old Man's Place"


SANG, BOB & DUSTY "Deadly Companions"


"8 Doors to Death (Ed.)" *** "8 Keys to Murder (Ed.)" *** "The Award Espionage reader"

SANTIAGO, V.J. - "The Vigilante - #4 Knock, Knock, You're Dead" *** "The Vigilante - #5 Dead End Delivery"


SAPERSTEIN, ALAN "Mom Kills Kids and Self"

SAPINSLEY, ALVIN – Sherlock Holmes in New York;


SAPPER - “The Final Count”

SARGENT, CRAIG – The Savage Stronghold;

SARGENT, PATRICIA "Mortal Encounter"

SARIOLA, MAURI "The Helsinki Affair"

SARLAT, NOAH (ed.) - Sintown U.S.A.;

SATTERTHWAIT, WALTER "The Aegean Affair" *** "Cocaine Blues"

THE SATURDAY EVENING POST "- True Stories of Daring & Adventure;

SAUL, JOHN RALSTON "Baraka" *** "The Birds of Prey" *** “The Next Best Thing” *** "The Paradise Eater"


SAVAGE, C.K. "The Curse of Blood Swamp"

SAVAGE, JACK "Crime of Dr. K"

SAVAGE, JAMES "Girl in a Jam"

SAVAGE, JOHN "A Shady Place to Die"


"Lone Pine Five" *** "The Luck of Sallowby" ** Mystery Mine; *** "Saucers Over the Moor" *** "Sea Witch Comes Home" *** "The Secret of the Gorge" *** "The Secret of Gray Walls" *** "The Secret of the Hidden Pool"

SAX, ANDRE "Salt Cat Bank"

SAXON, PETER "Corruption"

SAXON, VAN "Hollywood Hit Man"

SAWATSKY, JOHN "For Services Rendered" *** "Men in the Shadows"

SAWICKI, STEPHEN "Teach Me to Kill"


"Bushman's Honeymoon" *** "Clouds of Witness" *** "The Documents in the Case" ***

"Five Red Herrings" *** "Gaudy Night" *** "Hangman's Holiday" *** "Have His Carcase" *** "Human and Inhuman Stories (Ed.)" *** "In the Teeth of the Evidence" *** "Lord Peter Views the Body" *** "The Moonstone" *** "Murder Must Advertise" ***

"The Nine Tailors" *** "Striding Folly" *** "Strong Poison" *** "Suspicious Characters" *** "Tales of Detectioin and Mystery (Ed.)" *** "Unnatural Death" *** "The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club" *** "Whose Body?"

Scarpetta, Frank (pseudonym of Peter McCurtin; 1929-1997; aka Bruno Rossi)

"The Marksman - #5 Headhunter" *** "The Marksman - #7 Slaughterhouse" *** "The Marksman - #11 Counterattack" *** "The Marksman - #16 This Animal Must Die" *** "The Marksman - #18 Icepick in the Spine"


SCHECHTER, HAROLD - Deviant (The True Story of Ed Gein);


SCHEIM, DAVID E. - Contract on America;

SCHERF, MARGARET "The Banker's Bones" *** "The Corpse in the Flannel Nightgown"


SCHIDDEL, EDMUND “The Girl with the Golden Yo-Yo” **** “Love in a Hot Climate” **** “The Other Side of the Night” **** "Safari to Dishonor" **** “Scandal's Child” **** “Scratch the Surface” **** “The Swing”

SCHIER, NORMA "Death on the Slopes"

SCHIFF, PEARL "Scollay Square"


SHILLER, LAWRENCE "The Killing of Sharon Tate"

SCHLICK, ROBERT - “Tonight It's Me”


SCHMIDT, DAN – Eagle Force - #2 Death Camp Colombia *** "Eagle Force - #4 Red Firestorm" *** "Eagle Force - #5 Ring of Fire" *** "Eagle Force - #6 Berserker” **** “Eagle Force #8 – Hell March”

SCHNECK, STEPHEN "The Nightclerk"

SCHNEIDER, JOYCE ANNE "Stryker's Children"

SCHNURR, WILLIAM "Johnnie Death"

SCHOENFELD, HOWARD "Let them Eat Bullets"


SCHOFIELD, HAROLD A. "Red Light Red Light"

SCHOLEFIELD, ALAN – Point of Honour;

SCHORR, MARK "Gunpower"

SCHOTT, JOSEPH L. "No Left Turns"

SCHOYER, PRESTON - “The Ringing of the Glass”

SCHRADER, LEONARD "Blue Collar" *** "The Yakuza"


SCHREIBER, LOUIS "Dangerous Games"

SCHROEDER, ANDREAS – Shaking It Rough;

SCHULBERG, BUDD "The Harder They Fall” *** “Waterfront"


SCHURMACHER, EMILE C. "Terror in Algiers"

SCHUTZ, BENJAMIN M. - Embrace the Wolf;

SCHWARTZ, IRVING "Fear in the Night"


SCHWARZ, TED "The Hillside Strangler"


SCOLLAN, E.A. "The Mud Millionaires"

SCOPPETTONE, SANDRA "I'll be Leaving You Always"


"The Gold Crew" *** "The NIghtmare Factor" *** "The Glass Inferno"

SCOTT, ANTHONY "Ladies fo Chance"

SCOTT, CHRIS "To Catch a Spy"

SCOTT, DON "Raker - #2 Tijuana Traffic"

SCOTT, SIR HAROLD "Scotland Yard"



"Normandie Triangle" *** "A pride of Royals" *** "The Shipkiller" *** “Stonedust” *** "The Widow of Desire"



SCOTT, PETER GRAHAM "A Feast of Vultures”

SCOTT, ROBERT L. "Between the Elephant's Eye's"

SCOTT, THURSTON - “I'll Get Mine”

SCOTT, VIRGIL "The Dead Trees Give No Shelter"

SCOTT, VIRGIL / KOSKI, DOMINIC "The Kreutzman Formula" *** "Walk-In"

SCOTT, WILLIAM R. "Hunger Mountain"

SCOTTOLINE, LISA – Mistaken Identity;


SEAGER, ALLAN "Hilda Manning"

SEAMAN, AUGUSTA HUIELL "The Mystery of the Empty Room"

SEAMAN, DONALD “The Bomb That Could Lip Read” *** "The Committee"


"The Big X" *** "Blood Song" *** "The Crowded Sky" *** "Firewind" *** "Jaws 2" *** "Kataki" *** "Never Kill a Cop" *** "Overboard" *** "Pentagon" *** "The Pilgrim Project"

SEARS, WILLIAM "Thief in the Night"

SEDERBERG, ARELO "Casino" *** "How to Kidnap a Millionaire"




"The Beckoning Door" *** "The Chuckling Fingers" *** "The Crying Sisters" *** "The Listening House" *** "The Whispering Cup" *** "The Whistling Shadow"


"The Bearer Plot" *** "The Kiriov Tapes" *** "The Kremlin Control" *** "The Skorpion Dossier"


SELIGSON, TOM "Stalking"

SELWYN, FRANCIS "Sergeant Verity and the Cracksman”; *** “Sergeant Verity and the Imperial Diamond"

SEMYONOV, JULIAN "Tass is Authorized to Announce..."


SERENY, GITTA "The Medallion"

SERLING, ROBERT J. "The President's Plane is Missing" *** "The Probable Cause" *** Wings;



SETH, RONALD – The Executioners;

SETLOWE, RICK "The Brink" *** "The Haunting of Suzanna Blackwell"

SEVERIN, TIM "The Brendan Voyage"


"Stone's the Name - #NN Assignment: Find Cherry" *** "The Cave of the Chinese Skeletons; *** “The Chinese Pleasure Girl" *** "The Frogman Assassination"

SEYMOUR, GERALD – "Archangle" *** Condition Black; *** "The Contract" *** "Field of Blood" *** "The Glory Boys" *** "Harry's Game" *** "Home Run" *** "Kingfisher" *** "Red Fox" *** "A Song in the Morning"


SHABTAI, SABI H. "Five Minutes to Midnight"

SHACKLETON, ERNEST – South the Edurance Expedition;



"The Circle" *** "The Discovery" *** "The Formula" *** "Hustle" *** "Pillars of Fire" *** "Vendetta"

SHAH, DIANE K. "The Mackin Cover"


"Case of the Billion Dollars Body" *** "Lady, Don't Die on my Doorstep" *** "Yell Bloody Murder"

SHANKMAN, SARAH "Impersonal Attractions"


"Appearances of Death" *** “Case Pending” *** "Death of a Busybody" *** "Deuces Wild" ** Double Bluff; *** "Extra Kill" *** "Knave of Hearts" *** "Murder with Love" *** “Spring of Violence” *** "Streets of Death" *** "Whim to Kill"

SHANNON, DORIS – 22 Hallowfield;

SHANNON, JIMMY "The Devil's Passkey"

SHAPIRO, LIONEL "The Sealed Verdict" *** "Torch for a Dark Journey"


SHAPIRO, STANLEY "A Time to Remember"

SHARKEY, JOE "The Inside Story of the John List Murders"

SHARP, MARGERY "The Nutmeg Tree"

SHARP, MARILYN "Masterstroke" *** "Sunflower"

SHARPE, TOM "Porterhouse Blue"

SHAW, ADAM "Sound of Impact"

SHAW, BYNUM "The Nazi Hunter"

SHAW, CHARLES "You're Wrong Delaney"

SHAW, FLOYD "Devil's Daughter"

SHAW, HOWARD – Killing No Murder;

SHAW, JOSEPH T. "The Hard-Boiled Omnibus (Ed.)"

SHAW, ROBIN "Running"

SHAW, WILENE - “Heat Lightning” *** “One Foot in Hell” **** “Ont for Kicks”

SHAWCROSS, TIM – The War Against the Mafia;

SHEARING, JOSEPH ***  Airing in a Closed Carriage (Collier Books #AS274V; NY, USA; 1st Collier paperback Printing; 1962; Based on a Sensational English Murder Trial of 1889; 411 Pages; VG/FN = $9.00); ***  So Evil my Love (Pocket Book #560; 2nd Printing 1/1949; Complete & Unabridged; Poisoning - The Woman's Crime; a Novel of Suspense; 332 Pages; Book is wavy - Does Not Lay Flat, VG = $8.00); *** The Strange Case of Lucile Clery (Pocket Book #592; 2nd Printing 11/1949; Complete & Unabridged; 315 Pages; Based on an Actual Case; Madame & Mosiier Du Boccage; Painted cover art by Louis Glanzman; Overall near FN, but with 2 Vertical Creased in middle of cover thus , VG = $7.00);

SHAYNE, MAGGIE – Blue Twilight;

SHEARING, JOSEPH – The Strange Case of Lucile Clery;


"Calibre .50" *** "Dead Run" *** "The Game of X" *** "Live Gold" *** "Time Limit" *** "White Death"

SHEEHY, GAIL - “Hustling”

SHEERS, JAMES C. "The Counterfeit Courier"

SHEFLER, OSCAR "I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia"


"The Blue Kimono Kill" *** "The House of Happy Mayhem" *** "The Man Who Paid His Way"

SHELDON, WALTER J. "The Red Flower Kill" *** "The Yellow Music Kill"

SHELLY, MIKE "The Last Private Eye in Belfast" *** "The Terror of Her Ways"

SHELLY, GORDON "I Take the Rap"

SHELLEY, SIDNEY - “Francine”

SHEPHERD, ERIC "More Murder in a Nunnery" *** "Murder in a Nunnery"

SHEPHERD, JOHN "Lights, Camera, Murder"


SHER, JULIAN – Until You Are Dead;

SHERIDAN, JACK "Fire in the Flesh" *** "Mamie Brandon" *** "Paradie Motel" *** "Thunderclap"

SHERLOCK, JOHN "The Last Grenade" *** "The Ordeal of Major Grigsby"

SHERMAN, DAN "Dynasty of Spies" *** King Jaguar *** “The Prince of Berlin” **** "Riddle" *** "The Traitor"


SHERMAN, JOAN "Easy Scope"

SHERMAN, JORY (SERIES = Chill #1 Chill; **** Chill #4 Vegas Vampire”; **** Chill #5 The Phenix Man”;

SHERMAN, ROBERT "Picture Mommy Dead"


SHERMAN, ROGER "Beware of the Cat"


SHERRY, EDNA "The Defence Does Not Rest" *** "Murder at Nightfall" *** "Sudden Fear"

SHERWOOD, JOHN "The Half Hunter"

SHIARELLA, ROBERT "Your Sparkle Cavalcade of Death"

SHIPTON, ERIC "Upon that Mountain"

SHIPWAY, GEORGE "The Chilian Club"

SHIRER, WILLIAM L. "Stranger Come Home"

SHIRLEY, GLENN "Born to Kill"

SHIRREFFS, GORDON D. "Legend of the Damned" *** "Mystery of the Haunted Mine"

SHOBIN, DAVID "The Obsession" *** Terminal Condition;

SHORT, SHARON GWYN "Angel's Bidding"

SHREVE, ANITA "Eden Close"

SHRIBER, IONE SANDBERG "As Long as I Live" *** "Family Affair"


SHUBIN, SEYMOUR "Anyone's My Name" *** "The Captain" *** "Holy Secrets"

SHULMAN, IRVING “The Amboy Dukes” **** “College Confidential” **** “Cry Tough!” **** “The Devil's Knee” **** “The Flesh is Real” **** "The Notorious Landlady" **** “Platinum High School”

SHULMAN, MILTON - ** Kill 3;



"The Chequer Board" *** "The Legacy" *** "Lonely Road" *** "Marazan" *** "No Highway" *** "Ordeal" *** "The Rainbow and the Rose" *** "Slide Rule”; *** “So Disdained" *** Stephen Morris;

SIEGEL, BARRY "Actual Innocence" *** ThePerfect Witness;

SIEGEL, JACK "Dawn at Kahlenberg"

SIEVERT, JOHN "C.A.D.S. - #7 Doom Commander" *** "C.A.D.S. - #10 Recon by Fire"

SILBERMAN, CHARLES E. "Criminal Violence, Criminal Justice"


SILLER, VAN "The Widower"


"Bronze Bell" *** "Maracaibo" *** "The Naked City" *** "The Slender Thread" *** "Steel Tiger"

SILLITOE, ALAN ** Guzman, Go Home; "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" *** "A Start in Life"

SILVA, DANIEL – The Unlikely Spy;

SILVER, ALFRED - “Good Time Charlies' Back in Town Again”

SILVER, RICHARD – Captain Shark - #2 Jaws of Death;

SILVER, VICTORIA "Death of a Harvest Freshman" *** "Death of a Radcliffe Roommate"

SILVERMAN, AL "Foster and Laurie"


SILVERMAN, ROBERT "The Cumberland Decision"

SIMCOE, BEN "The Evil That Men Do"


"Act of Passion" *** "A Battle on Nerves / At the 'Gai-Moulin'" *** "Belle" *** The Bells of Bicetre; *** "Black Rain" ***

"The Bottom of the Bottle" *** "Danger Ashore" *** "Danger at Sea" *** “Escape in Vain” **** "The Fourth Simone Omnibus" *** "The Fugitive" *** "The Girl in his Past" *** "The Heart of a Man" *** "The Hitchhiker" *** "In case of Emergency" *** "Inspector Maigret and the Killers" *** "Inspector Maigret in New York's Underworld" *** "Inspector Maigret Investigates" *** "In Two Latitudes" *** "I Take This Woman" *** "The Little Saint" *** "Lost Moorings" *** "Madame Maigret's Own Case" *** "The Magician" *** "Maigret Afraid" *** "Maigret and the Burglar's Wife" *** "Maigret and the Calame Report" *** "Maigret and the Headless Corpse" *** "Maigret and the Hundred Gibbets" *** Maigret and the Madwoman *** "Maigret and the Reluctant Witnesses" *** "Maigret and the Toy Village" *** "Maigret at the Crossroads" *** "Maigret Meets a Milord" *** "Maigret Mystified" *** "Maigret Rents a Room" *** "Maigret Sets a Trap" *** "Maigret's Pickpocket" *** "Maigret Sets a Trap" *** "Maigret Travels South" *** "The Man From Everywhere / Newhaven - Dieppe" *** "The Man Who Watched the Trains go By" *** "The Murderer" **** "No Vacation for Maigret" *** "The Patience of Maigret" *** "Pedigree" *** "Poisoned Relations" *** "The Saint-Fiasco Affair" *** "The Snow Was Black" *** "Strange Inheritance" *** "Strangers i the House" *** "The Watchmaker" *** "The Widow" *** "The Window Over the Way" *** "The Witnesses"


"The Affair of Nina B" *** "The Berlin Connection" *** "The Cain Conspiracy" *** "The Caesar Code" *** "Double Agent Triple Cross" *** "I Confess" *** "It Can't Always be Cavier' ***

"Losers, Weepers" *** "The Monte Cristo Cover-Up" *** "The Sibyl Cipher" *** "The Traitor Blitz" *** "The Wind and the Rain"




SIMMONS, MARY KAY "The Captain's House" *** "The Year of the Rooster"

SIMON, ROGER L. "The Big Fix" *** "California Roll" *** "Wild Turkey"

SIMON, TED "Paxos Tiger”

SIMONS, PAULLINA "Eleven Hours”;


SIMPSON, DOROTHY “Close Her Eyes” **** "Dead on Arrival" *** Last Seen Alive *** "The Night She Died" *** "Puppet for a Corpse"


"Fair Warning" *** "Ghostboat" *** "Severed Ties" *** "Thin Air"

SIMPSON, HOWARD R. "Rendezvous of Newport"

SIMPSON, RONALD "End of a Diplomat"

SIMS, GEORGE ** The End of the Web; "Hunters Point" *** "The Last Best Friend"

SINCLAIR, ANDREW "Cat" *** "Sea of the Dead"

SINCLAIR, DENNIS "The Blood Brothers" *** "The Third Force"

SINCLAIR, JO "Sing at my Wake"

SINCLAIR, MICHAEL "How to Steal a Million" *** "A Long Time Sleeping" *** Wie Klaut Man Eine Million;


SINCLAIR, ROBERT B. "The Eleventh Hour"

SINGER, ISAAC BASHEVIS – The Magician of Lublin;

SINGER, KURT "My Strangest Case (Ed.)" *** "Spies Who Changed History (Ed.)"

SINGER, LOREN "The Parallax View"

SINGER, NORMAN "The Shakedown Kid"

SINGER, SHELLEY "Spit in the Ocean"

SINGERMAN, PHILIP "Prancing Tiger"

SINGLETON, JAMES R. "Edisto Sanctuary"

SINSTADT GERALD "The Fidelio Score" *** "Ship of Spies" *** "Whisper in a Lonely Place"

SIODMAK, CURT "Whomsoever I Shall Kiss"

SIRIS, PETER "The Peking Mandate"


"The Abominable Man" *** "An Investigation of Murder" *** "Cop Killer" *** The Fire Engine That Disappeared; ***

"The Laughing Policeman" *** "The Locked Room" *** "The Man Who Went Up in Smoke" *** "Murder at the Savoy" *** "Rosanna" *** "The Terrorists"


"Soldier for Hire - #1 Zulu Blood" *** "Soldier for Hire - #2 Trojan in Iran" *** "Soldier for Hire - #3 U.N. Sabotage"


SKINNER, MIKE - “Playground of Violence”

SKINNER, TOM "Black and Free"

SKIRROW, DESMOND "I'm Trying to Give It Up"


SKOM, EDITH – The George Eliot Murders;

SLADE, MICHAEL “Evil Eye” *** "Headhunter"

SLATER, HUMPHREY "Conspirator"


"Air Glow Red" *** "Deep Chill" *** "Firespill" *** "Sea Gold" *** "showdown - USA vs. Militia" *** "WWIII; *** WWIII: Arctic Front; *** WWIII:Asian Front” *** “WWIII - Force of Arms" *** WWIII: Rage of Battle; *** WWIII: Warshot;


SLAUGHTER, FRANK G. - Apalache Gold;

SLEATOR, WILLIAM "Blackbriar; **** “House of Stairs" *** "Runs"

SLESAR, HENRY "A Crime for Mothers and Others" *** "The Gray Flannel Shroud" ** The Thing at the Door;

SLOAN, CHRISTOPHER "The Wings of Death"

SLOAN, SUSAN R. "Guilt by Association"

SLOAN, WILLIAM "The Unquiet Corpse"

SMALL, J. WALTER - “The Dance Merchants”



"Reverend Randollph and the Avenging Angel" *** "Reverend Randollph and the Fall From Grace, Inc." *** "Reverend Randollph and the Unholy Bible"

SMITH, CLARK "The Case of Torches" *** "The Deadly Reaper" *** "The Speaking Eye"

SMITH, COLIN "The Cut-Out"

SMITH, DENNIS "The Final Fire" *** "Glitter and Ash" *** "Report from Engine Co.82"

SMITH, DEREK "Hard Cash"

SMITH, DODIE – I Capture the Castle;


"Angola" *** "China Coaster" *** Corsica *** "Corsican Takeover" *** “Death Stalk in Spain” *** "Haitian Vendetta" *** "The Man who Played Thief" *** "The Marseilles Enforcer" *** "Night of the Assassin" *** "Out of the Sea" *** "The Padrone" *** "The Payoff" *** "Peking" *** "Secret Mission: Angola" *** "Secret Mission: Cairo" *** "Secret Mission: Corsica" *** "Secret Mission: Morocco" *** "Secret Mission: Munich" *** "Secret Mission: Peking" *** "Secret Mission: Prague" *** "Secret Mission: Tibet"

SMITH, EDGAR "A Reasonable Doubt"

SMITH, EVELYN E. "Miss Melville Regrets" *** "Miss Melville Returns" *** "Miss Melville's Revenge"

SMITH, F.E. "Lydia Trendennis"

SMITH, FRANC "Harry Vernon at Prep"

SMITH, FRANK "Corpse in Handcuffs" *** “Defectors Are Dead Men” **** "Dragon's Breath" *** "The Traitor Mask"

SMITH, GODFREY "The Flaw in the Crystal"

SMITH, J.C.S. "Jacoby's First Case"

SMITH, Jr., J.V. "Cradle of Fire"

SMITH, JANET L. "Sea of Troubles"

SMITH, JOAN - ** Why Aren't They Screaming?;

SMITH, JOHN "Roiling Thunder"

SMITH, JULIE "The Axeman's Jazz" *** "Hucklenerry Fiend"

SMITH, KAY NOLTE "Country of the Heart"


SMITH, MARK "The Death of the Detective" *** "Toyland"

SMITH, MARTIN CRUZ - "Gorky Park" *** "Gypsy in Amber" *** "The Indians Won" *** "Red Square"

SMITH, MARTIN J. "Time Release"

SMITH, MITCHEL "Daydreams"


SMITH, PETER C. - The Battle of Midway;


SMITH, SCOTT "A Simple Plan"

SMITH, SHELLEY "The Ballad of the Running Man" *** "Come and Be Killed" *** “The Crooked Man” **** "This is the House"

SMITH, SINCLAIR - “The Waitress”

SMITH, TAYLOR – The Best of Enemies;

SMITH, TERRENCE LORE "The Money War" *** "The Thief who Came to Dinner"

SMITH, VERN E. "The Jones Men"

SMITH, WESLEY E. - Mission Impossible;

SMITH, WILBUR "The Diamond Hunters" *** "Elephant Song" *** "The Eye of the Tiger" *** "Hungry as the Sea" **** “The Leopard Hunts in Darkness” *** "The Sunbird" *** "A Time to Die"


SMITH, Z.Z. "A Very Private Island"

SMITHIES, RICHARD H.R. "Death Takes a Gamble" *** "The Shoplifter"


SMYTH, ROBIN "Licensed to Love and Kill"

SNELLING, O.F. "007 James Bond; a Report”;

SNODGRESS, G.M. "The Crestwood Traps"

SNOW, C.P. "A Coat of Varnish" *** "Death Under Sail" *** “The New Men”

SNOW, KATHLEEN "Night Waking"

SNYDER, GENE "Crimson Comes the dawn"

SNYDER, LEONARD "The Velvet Whip"

SOBEOL, DONALD J. "Disaster" *** "More Two-Minute Mysteries" *** Still More Two-Minute Mysteries; *** "Two-Minute Mysteries"



SOHMER, STEVE "Favorite Son"


SOLOMITA, STEPHEN "Forced Entry" *** A Twist of the Knife;

SOBOL, DONALD J. - "Disaster" *** "More Two-Minute Mysteries" *** "Still More Two Minute Mysteries" *** "Two-Minute Mysteries"



SOHMER, STEVE "Favorite Son"


SOLMSSEN, ARTHUR R.G. "Alexander's Feast”;

SOLOMITA, STEPHEN "Forced Entry" *** “A Twist of the Knife”;

SOLOMON, LOUIS J "Great Unsolved Crimes"

SOLTYSIK, FRED "In Search of a Sister"

(NO AUTHOR) "Some Like them Dead"

SONDERN JR., FREDERICK "Brotherhood of Evil: The Mafia"

SONTAG, SUSAN – Death Kit;

SOREN, MARCO "100 Horse"


SOUTER, ERLER "The Catch Me Killer"

SPAFFORD, ROBERT "My Mistress Death"

SPAIN, JOHN "Death is Like That" *** "Dig Me a Grave" *** "The Evil Star"

SPAIN, NANCY "Not Wanted on Voyage"

SPAIN, TERRY 'Time to Kill"

SPANOGLE, JOSHUA – Isolation Ward;

SPARK, MURIEL "The Driver's Seat; *** The Girls of Slender Means; **** “The Mandelbaum Gate" *** Not To Disturb; *** Voices at Play;

SPARROW, GERALD "Opium Venture"



SPENCER, DUNCAN "Love Gone Wrong"

SPENCER, LARRY "The Reporters"

SPENCER, RICK "The Moneymaster" *** The Viking Cipher #2 All that Glitters; *** “The Viking Cipher #3 The Moneymaster”; *** “The Viking Cipher #4 The Terror Merchant”

SPENCER, ROSS H. "The Dada Caper" *** "The Reggis Arms Caper" *** "The Stranger City Caper"

SPENCER, WEN – Tainted Trail;

SPETZ, STEVEN – “Nuke Hill”


"Act of Anger" *** "Black Sheep, Run" *** "Blues for the Prince" *** "The Burned Man" *** "The Day of the Dead" *** "The Golden Door" *** "The Long Green" *** "The Taming of Carney Wilde"

SPIEGEL, MARSHALL – The Cycle Jumpers”

SPIERING, FRANK – Lizzie; *** Prince Jack: The True Story of Jack the Ripper;

SPIESS, GERRY - “Alone Against the Atlantic”

SPIKE, PAUL "Last Rites" *** "The Night Letter"

SPILKEN, ARON/ O'LEARY, ED – “Burning Moon”


"The Big Kill" *** """ "Bloody Sunrise" *** "The Body Lovers" *** "The By-Pass Control" *** "Day of the Guns" *** "Day of the Guns / The Death Dealers" *** "The Day the Sea Rolled Back" *** "The Death Dealers" *** "The Deep" *** "The Delta Factor" *** "The Erection Set” *** "The Girl Hunters" *** "I, the Jury" *** "Killer Mine" *** "Kiss Me, Deadly" *** "The Last Cop Out" *** "The Long Wait" *** "Me, Hood!" *** "My Gun is Quick" *** "One Lonely Night" *** "The Ship That Never Was" *** "The Snake" *** "Survival... Zero" *** "The Tough Guys" *** "The Twisted Thing" *** "Vengeance is Mine"

SPINELLI, MARCOS "The Green Flames" **** “The Lash of Desire”


SPOONER, JOHN D. "The King of Terrors"

SPOTA, LUIS - “The Wounds of Hunger”

SPRAGUE, GRETCHEN "Signpost to Terror"

SPRING, MICHELLE – “Every Breath You Take

SPRINGER, JOHN "Innocent in Alaska"



(NO AUTHOR) "Spy's Guidebook"

SQUIRE, ELIZABETH DANIELS "Who Killed What's-Her-Name?"

STABENOW, DANA – A Cold-Blooded Business;

STACEY, SUSANNAH – Goodbye, Nanny Gray;

STACK, ANDY "True Crime Annuals - #2 The Want-Ad Killer" *** "True Crime Annuals - #3 The 1-5 Killer”;



STADLY, PAT "Black Leather Barbarians"

STAFFORD, PETER "The Man who Loved to Blow up Trains"

STAGG, JAMES "The Sound of Danger"

STAGGE, JONATHAN "Turn of the Table"

STANDISH, CAROLE “Someone is out There”;

STANDISH, ROBERT “Elephant Walk” ** Gentleman of China; **** "Lord and Master" **** “Storm Centre”


STANFORD, DON "Mulligan's Pirates" *** "The Red Car" *** "The Slaughtered Lovelies"



STANLEY, Dr. LEO L. "My Most Unforgettable convicts"

STANLEY, FAY GRISSOM - ** Murder Leaves a Ring;

STANLEY, MICHAEL "The Boomerang Conspiracy" *** "The Swiss Conspiracy"


"The Aquanauts - #2 Ten Seconds to Zero" *** "The Aquanauts - #10 Operation Sea Monster" *** "The Aquanauts - #11 Operation Mermaid" *** Tigerhark #2 – Seek, Strike, and Destroy;

STANTON, PAUL – Village of Stars;

STANWOOD, DONALD A. "The Memory of Eva Ryker"

STARK, JAMES "The Greek Virgin"

Stark, Richard. (pseudonym of Donald E. Westlake)

"The Hunter" *** "The Outfit" *** "Slay-Ground"


"And When She was Bad She Was Murdered" *** "Another Mug for the Bier" *** "The Flypaper War" *** "The Other Body in Grant's Tomb" *** "Requiem in Utopia"

STARKE, ROLAND - “Something Soft”

STARRETT, VINCENT “The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes”;

STAYNES/ STOREY "Body of Opinion"

STEARN, JESS - “Sisters of the Night”

STEBEL, S.T. "The Vorovich Affair"

STED, DON - “A Girl Called Boots”



STEEL, KURT "Judas Incorporated"


"Operation 5 - #NN The Invisible Empire" *** "Operation 5 - #NN The Masked Invasion" *** "Operation 5 - #NN Master of Broken Men" *** "Operation 5 - #NN The Yellow Scourge"

STEELE, MONTE "Sucker, Bait"

STEEVES, HARRISON R. "Good Night, Sheriff"

STEFANSSON, VILHJALMUR "Unsolved Mysteries of the Arctic"

STEIBER, RAYMOND - “A Man of Many Parts”

STEIGER, BRAD "Bizarre Beauties" *** "The Mass Murderer"


"Dead Delight" *** "Death Meets 400 Rabbits" *** "Home and Murder" *** "Moonmilk and Murder" *** "Nowhere" *** "Sitting Up Dead"

STEIN, BEN "The Croesus Conspiracy"

with STEIN, HERBERT "On the Brink"

STEIN, SOL "The Magician" *** "The Resort" *** "The Touch of Treason"

STEINER, BARBARA "The Photographer” **** "The Photographer II: The Dark Room"

STEINER, SUSAN "Library: No Murder Aloud"

STEIRMAN, HY "Cry of the Hawk"

STEPHAN, ENNO "Spies in Ireland"


"Alarm in the Night" *** "Alibi Baby" *** "Down Among the Dead Men" *** "Five Alarm Funeral" *** "The Hotel Murders"

STERLING, THOMAS "The Evil of the Day" *** "The House Without a Door" *** "Murder in Venice"

STERN, DANIEL "Suicide Academy" *** "Who Shall Live, Who Shall Die"

STERN, HERBERT J. "Judgement in Berlin"

STERN, PHILIP VAN DOREN "Advneture Stories (Ed.)" *** "Manhunt"


"The Bright Road to Fear" *** "Flood" ** I Hide We Seek; *** "Merry go Round" *** "Murder in the Walls" ***

"The Search for Tabatha Carr" *** "Snowbound Six" *** "The Tower"

STERN, STUARTL "The Minotaur Factor”;

STEUER, ARTHUR "The Terrible Swift Sword"

STEVEN, STEWART "Operation Splinter Factor"

STEVENS, CARL "Dagger - #1 The Centaur Conspiracy" *** "Dagger - #2 Ride of the Razorback"

STEVENS, CURTIS "The Gravy Train Hit"

STEVENS, DAVID "White for Danger"

STEVENS, GORDON "Peace on Earth" *** "Spider"


"The Anvil Chorus" *** "By Reason of Insanity" *** "Dead City" *** "Go Down Dead" *** "Rat Pack"

STEVENS, TROY "Kiss Her, Kill Her!"

STEVENSON, WILLIAM "Eclipse" *** "Emperor Red" *** "The Ghosts of Africa" ***

"Intrepid's Last Case" *** "90 Minutes Entebbe"

STEVERMER, C.J. "The Duke and the Veil"

STEWARD, HAL D. "Assassins' Hide Away" *** "The Spy and the Pirate Queen"

STEWART, DESMOND "Leopard in the Grass" *** “A Stranger in Eden”

STEWART, EDWARD "Deadly Rich” **** “Launch!" *** "Mortal Grace" *** "Privileged Lives; *** “They've Shot the President's Daughter!"

STEWART, GARY "The Tenth Virgin"

STEWART, GEORGE R. "Fire" *** "Storm"

STEWART, IAN "The Peking Payoff" *** "The Seizing of Singapore"

STEWART, KERRY "Absence of Malice" *** "The Concorde - Airport '79"

STEWART, LINDA "Panic on Page One"


STEWART, SAM "McCoy - The Big Rip-Off" *** "Harry and Walter go to New York"

STEWART, STANLEY "Air Disasters"

STILWELL, HART - “Border City”

STIMSON, ROBERT G. - The Avenger Tapes (with Bellah, James);

STINE, MEGAN & H. WILLIAM – The 3 Investigators Crimebusters #12 Murder To Go;

STINSON, JOSEPH C. "Sudden Impact"

STITT, MILAN "The Runner Stumbles"


"Able Team #1 - Tower of Terror" *** "Able Team #2 - The Hostaged Island" ***

"Able Team #3 - Texas Showdown" *** "Able Team - #4 Amazon Slaughter" ***

"Able Team - #5 Cario Countdown" **** "Able Team - #7 Justice by Fire" *** "Able Team - #8 Army of Devils" *** "Able Team - #9 Kill School" *** "Able Team - #10 Royal Flush" *** "Able Team - #11 Five Rings of Fire" *** "Able Team - #12 Deathbites" *** "Able Team - #13 Scorched Earth" ***

"Able Team - #14 Into the maze" *** "Able Team - #15 They Came to Kill" *** "Able Team - #16 Rain of Doom" *** "Able Team - #17 Fire and Maneuver" ***

"Able Team - #18 Tech War" *** "Able Team - #19 Ironman" *** "Able Team - #20 Shot to Hell" *** "Able Team - #21 Death Strike" *** "Able Team - #22 The World War III Game" *** "Able Team - #23 Fall Back and Kill" *** "Able Team - #24 Blood Gambit" ***

"Able Team - #25 Hard Kill" *** "Able Team - #26The Iron God" *** "Able Team - #27 Cajun Angel" *** "Able Team - #28 Miami Crush" *** "Able Team - #29 Death Ride" ***

"Able Team - #30 Hit and Run" *** "Able Team - #31 Ghost Train" *** "Able Team - #32 Firecross" *** "Able Team - #33 Cowboy's Revenge" *** "Able Team - #34 Clear Shot" *** "Able Team - #35 Strike Force" *** "Able Team - #36 Final Run" *** "Able Team - #37 Red Menace" *** "Able Team - #38 Cold Steel" *** "Able Team - #39 Death Code" *** "Able Team - #40 Blood Mark" *** "Able Team - #41 White Fire" *** "Able Team - #42 Dead Zone" *** Able Team -#43 Kill Orbit; *** "Able Team - #44 Night Heat" *** Able Team - #45 Lethal Trade; *** "Able Team - #46 Counterblow" ***"Able Team - #48 Cult War" *** "Able Team - #49 Duelling Missiles" *** Able Team - #50 Death Hunt; *** "Able Team - #51 Skinwalker" *** "Able Team - #NN Hostile Fire" ***

"Able Team - #NN Mean Streets"

STOCKLEY, GRIF – Expert Testimony;


STOHLMAN, RICHARD "An Overflowing Rain"


""The Crooked Circle" *** "The Grave's in the Meadow" *** "Murder Can't Wait" *** Too Many Murderers; ***

"Undercover of the Night" *** "Winning"

STOKES, ROBERT S. "Walking Wounded"

STONE, ANDREW L. "Cry Terror" *** "The Decks Ran Red" *** "Julie"

STONE, GRACE ZARING - “The Bitter Tea of General Yen”


"The Babe with the Twistable Arm" *** "The Corpse in the Corner Saloon" *** "The Corpse That Refused to Stay Dead" *** "The Corpse Was No Bargain at All" *** "The Funniest Killer in Town" *** "The Girl who Kept Knocking Them Dead" ***

"The Kid was last seen Hanging Ten" *** "The Man Who Had too Much to Lose" *** “The Man Who Looked Death in the Eye” ***

"The Murder That Wouldn't Stay Solved" *** "The Needle That Wouldn't Hold Still" *** "The Real Serendipitous Kill" *** "The Strangler Who Couldn't Let Go" **** “The Swinger Who Swung by the Neck”

STONE, IRVING "Clarence Darrow for the Defence"

STONE, NICK "Kane's War #1 Kane's War” *** Kane's War #2 The Assassin”; *** Kane's War #3 Death Waves;

STONE, PETER "Charade"

STONE, ROBERT "Dog Soldiers" *** "A Flag for Sunrise" *** "A Hall of Mirrors"

STONE, SCOTT C.S. "The Dragon's Eye"


"Fortune - #1 Dead Set" *** "Fortune - #3 Stopover for Murder" *** "Fortune - #4 Black Death" *** "Fortune - #5 Squeeze Play"

STONE, W.G. "The Hate Factory"


STONELEY, JACK "Tunguska - Cauldron of Hell"

STOOKEY, RICHARD "A Still and Woven Blue"

STORER, DOUG "Amazing But True Mysteries”;

STORMER, JOHN A. "The Death of a Nation"

STORY, JACK TREVOR "Mix Me a Person" ** Something for Nothing; *** "The Trouble with Harry"


"And be a Villian" *** "Black Orchids" *** "The Case of the Black Orchids" *** "Champagne for One" *** "Death of a Doxy" *** "The Doorbell Rang" *** "Double for Death" *** "Fer-De-Lance" *** "The Golden Spiders"**** "How Like A God" *** "The Mother Hunt" *** The Mountain Cat Murders *** "Murder in E Minor" (by GOLDBOROUGH, ROBERT) *** "Over my Dead Body" *** "Prisoner's Base" *** "A Prize for Princes" *** "A Right to Die" *** "The Second Confession" *** "The Silent Speaker"

STOVALL, WALTER "Presidential Emergency"

STOWE, JAMES L. "Winter Stalk"

STOWERS, CARLTON – Careless Whispers;

STRACHAN, T.S. "The Short Weekend"

STRALEY, JOHN "The Curious Eat Themselves”;

STRANGE, JOHN STEPHEN "All Men All Liars" *** "Eye Witness"


STRAUSS, THEODORE "Dark Hunger" *** "The Haters"



"Counter Force - #NN Counter Force" *** "Counter Force - #NN The Bloody Rose" *** "Counter Force - #NN The Body Hunters" *** "Counter Force - #NN Death Shuttle" *** "Counter Force - #NN The Karate Killers" *** "Counter Force - #NN Terror for Sale" *** "Hawk - #1 The Deadly Crusader" *** "Hawk - #2 The Mind Twister" *** "Hawk - #3 The Powder Barons" *** "Hawk - #4 The Predators" *** "Hawk - #5 California Shakedown" *** "Hawk - #6 The Seeds of Evil" *** "Hawk - #7 The Death Riders" *** "Hawk - #8 The Enemy Within" *** "Hawk - #9 Down Under and Dirty" *** "Hawk - #10 The Cargo Gods" *** "Hawk - #13 The Hawaiian Takeover" **** Hawk #14 – The Treasure Divers” **** “The Karate Killers” *** The Trident Hijacking;

STREIB, DANIEL T. "Brannon!"

STREIBER, RAYMON "A Man of Many Parts"

STRICKLAND, BRAD "Children of the Knife"

STRIKER, RANDY (Pseudonym for Randy Wayne White)

"MacMorgan - #4 The Dealier SEX " (Signet Pub; 1981; SCARCE in this PBO Edition; VG/FN = $19);

"MacMorgan - #6 Everglades Assault" (Signet Pub; PBO; 1982; RARE; VG/FN $39);

STRONG, TERENCE "The Fifth Hostage" *** "Whisper Who Dares"

STROUD, CARSTEN "The Blue Wall" *** "Close Pursuit" *** "Deadly Force" *** "Sniper's Moon"

STROUP, WILLIAM "The Mark of Pak San Ri"


STUART, ALEX R. - “The Bike From Hell”

STUART, ANNE – Cold As Ice;

STUART, ANTHONY "That Man Gull" *** "Vicious Cirlces"

STUART, IAN "The Dark Crusader" *** "The Satan Bug"

STUART, SIDNEY "Young Dillinger"

STUART, VIVIAN - ** Darnley's Bride;


STUBBS, JEAN – Dear Laura *** "The Golden Crucible”;

STYRON, WILLIAM "Set This House on Fire"

SUDAK, EUNICE "The Icepick in Ollie Birk"

SUGAR, ANDREW "The Enforcer #1 Steel Trap”

SULLIVAN, GEORGE "Great Imposters" *** "Unsolved II": More Famous Real-Life Mysteries"

SULLIVAN, KATHARINE "Girls on Parole”;

SULLIVAN, SEAN MEI "Supermanchu"

SULZBERGER, C.L. "The Tooth Merchant"

SUMMER, ANTHONY/ MANGOLD, TOM "The File on the Tsar”;

SUMMERS, JOHN - “The Disaster”

SUMMERTON, MARGARET "Nightingale at Noon" *** "The Sand Rose"

SUNDOWN, WILL – The Hellbound Train;


(NO AUTHOR) - "Suspense Stories"



SUTHERLAND, ROBERT "The Loon Lake Murders" **** “The Tent of the Wicked”

SUTHERLAND, RONALD "Where Do the MacDonalds Bury Their Dead?"


SUTTON, JEFF "H-Bomb Over America"

SUTTON, JEFFERSON "The Missle Lords"

SUTTON, WILLIE "Where the Money Was"

SWAN, THOMAS "The Da Vinci Deception"

SWANBERG, W.A. "Fact Detective (Ed.)"

SWARTHOUT, GLENDON "Bless the Beasts and Children" *** "Skeleton"

SWAYBILL, ROGER E. "Final Witness'

SWIFT, REBECCA "Project Norouz'

SWIGGETT, HOWARD "The Strongbox"

SWINSON, ARTHUR "Sergeant Cork's Casebook" *** "Sergeant Cork's Second Casebook"

SYDELL, ELEANOR "Diplomatic Immunity"

SYMONS, JULIAN - “The Blackheath Poisonings”



"The Belting Inheritance" ** Bland Beginning; *** "Bloody Murder" *** "The Broken Penny" *** “Bogue's Fortune” *** "The Colour of Murder" *** "A Criminal Comedy" *** "The Detling Secret' *** "the End of Solomon Grundy" ***"The Gigantic Shadow" *** "The Immaterial Murder Case' *** "The Man Who's Dreams Came True" ** The Man Who Lost His Wife; *** "The Man Who Killed Himself" *** "Murder! Murder!" *** "The Narrowing Circle" *** "The Paper Chase" *** "The Plot Against Roger Rider" *** "The Progress of a Crime' *** "Sweet Adelaide" *** "The 31st of February" *** "The Tigers of Subtopia and Other Stories"

SYMONS, R.D. "North by West"

SZANTO, GEORGE "Not Working"

----( T )----

TABLER, MADELINE "Rx for Oblivion"

TABORI, GEORGE "The Good One" *** "The Journey"

TABORI, PAUL "The Doomsday Brain" ** Murder in Majorca; *** "The Torture Machine"

TACK, ALFRED "P.A. to Murder" *** "Return of the Assassin"

TAGGART, DONALD – Reunion of the 108th;


TALBOT, GUY "Meet Chatty Jones"

TALBOT, HAKE "Rim of the Pit"

TALESE, GAY "Honor Thy Father"

TALLBERG, MARTIN "Don Bolles - An Investigation Into his Murder"

TALLMAN, ROBERT "Adios, O'Shaughnessy"


TANENBAUM, ROBERT K. "Falsely Accused" *** "Immoral Certainty"; *** The Piano Teacher *** Reversible Error;

TANNER, JANET "Deception and Desire”;

TANOUS, PETER "The Earhart Mission"


TAPNER, VIC – Cold Rain;

TARRANT, JOHN "The Clauberg Trigger"

TASCHDIAN, CLAIRE "Classified Death"

TASKER PETER "Silent Thunder"

TATTERSALL, JILL "Lyonesse Abbey"

TAUBE, LESTER S. "The Diamond Boomerang"

TAUBES, FRANK "Run... Run... Run"

TAUBMAN, BRYNA - “Hell Hath No Fury; *** “The Preppy Murder Trial”

TAYLOR, ANDREW "Caroline Minuscule" *** "Waiting for the End of the World"

TAYLOR, ANTHONY "Hour of the Scorpion"

TAYLOR, CHARLES D. "Boomer; **** “First Salvo; *** “Sightings" *** 'The Sunset Patriots" *** "War Ship"

TAYLOR, FRANK "House of the Hunter"



TAYLOR, MARY ANN "Red is for Shrouds" *** "Return to Murder"


"Banbury Bog" *** "The Cape Cod Mystery" *** "Criminal C.O.D." *** "The Crimson Patch" *** "Death Lights a Candle" *** "Diplomatic Corpse" *** "Figure Away" *** "Octagon House" *** "Out of Order" *** "Proof of the Pudding" *** "Sandbar Sinister" *** "The Six Iron Spiders" *** "Spring Harrowing"

TAYLOR, RAY WARD "Doomsday Square"

TAYLOR, REX "Michael Collins"

TAYLOR, ROBERT LEWIS "Treasure of Matecumbe"


TAYLOR, SAM S. "No Head for her Pillow" *** 'So Cold, My Bed"

TAYLOR, SAMUEL W. "The Man with My Face"

TAYLOR, THEODORE "The Body Trade" *** The Cay; *** "Sniper" **** "The Weirdo"

TEAGLE, MIKE "Murder in Silk"

TEILHET, DARWIN "The Big Runaround" *** "Dangerous Encounter" *** "The Fear Makers"

TEILHET, HILDEGARDE TOLMAN "Fear is the Hunter" *** "The Rim of Terror"

TEIXEIRA, BERNARDO - “The Fabric of Terror”

TELFAIR, RICHARD [pseud. of Richard Jessup] "The Bloody Medallion" *** "The Corpse That Talked"; *** Target for Tonight;

TELFER, DARIEL "The Caretaker"

TEMPLETON, CHARLES "The Kidnapping of the President"

TERESA, VINCENT "My Life in te Mafia"

TERMAN, DOUGLAS "First Strike" *** "Free Flight" *** “Shell Game” **** "Star Shot"

TERRALL, ROBERT "Madam is Dead"

TERRILL, ROGERS "The Argosy Book of Adventure Stories (Ed.)"

TERRY, MAURY – The Ultimate Evil;

TESSIER, THOMAS – The Nightwalker;

TERROT, CHARLES "Traffic in Innocents”;


"Brat Farrar" *** "The Daughter of Time" *** "The Franchise Affair" *** "The Man in the Queue" *** "Miss PYM Disposes" *** 'A Shilling for Candles" *** "The Singing Sands" *** To Love and Be Wise;

THACKERAY, KIT "Crownbird"

THAMES, C.H. "Blood of my Brother"

THAYER, CHARLES W. "Checkpoint"

THAYER, JAMES STEWART "The Earhart Betrayal" *** "Pursuit" *** “Ringer” **** "The Stettin Secret"

THAYER, STEVE "The Weatherman"

THAYER, TIFFANY "The Illustrious Corps" *** "One Woman"

THEININ, LEV "Diary of a Criminologist"

THEROUX, PAUL "Chicago Loop' *** "The Consul's File" *** "The Family Arsenal" *** "O-Zone"

THEYDON, JOHN "The Secret Service-The V.I.P."

THIESSEN, VAL "My Brother, Cain"

THOM, R. "Bloody Mama"

THOMAS, BOB "Dead Ringer"

THOMAS, CRAIG - "The Bears Tears" *** “A Different War” **** "Emerald Decision" *** "Firefox" *** "Firefox Down" *** "Jade Tiger" *** "Lion's Run" *** Playing with Cobras; *** "Rat Trar" *** "Sea Leopard" *** "Snow Falcon" *** “Wildcat” *** "Wolfsbane"

THOMAS, DYLAN "The Beach of Falesa"

THOMAS, ERIC - “Strip for Murder”

THOMAS, FRANK "Sherlock Holmes and the Golden Bird”; *** Sherlock Holmes and the Sacred Sword;

THOMAS, GORDON "Deadly Perfume"

THOMAS, GORDON / HUTCHINSON, RONALD - ** Turn by the Window;

THOMAS, GORDON / WITTS, MAX MORGAN - "The Day the World Ended" *** "Pontiff" *** "The San Francisco Earthquake" *** "Shipwreak" *** Voyage of the Damned *** "When Time Ran Out"

THOMAS, GRAHAM "Malice in Cornwall"

THOMAS, HENRY/ THOMAS, DANA LEE "Strange Tales and Amazing Frauds”;



*** The Fear Dealers (Bantam Books., New York, NY, USA., 1975. Painted Cover Art! (illustrator). PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 185 pages. "Sensational novel of 5 freaked-out kids on a rampage." >>> Creasing on front cover. Right bottom corner missing on front corner, (1/4" x 1/4").  Good = $12.00) DIRECT Price = $10.20


THOMAS, KENNETH - “The Devil's Mistress” (Cover photo of Brigitte Bardot);

THOMAS, LESLIE “Arthur McCann and All His Woman” *** "Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective" *** "Orange Wednesday"

THOMAS, LOUIS - ** Good Children Don't Kill;

THOMAS, MARTIN "The Hand of Cain"

THOMAS, PAUL "Cargo: Trouble" *** "The Defector"

THOMAS, ROSS - "Briarpatch” *** "Cast a Yellow Shadow" *** "The Cold War Swap" *** "The Singapore Wink"

THOMEY, TEDD - "And Dream of Evil" *** "Flight to Takla-Ma' *** "Jet Pilot; **** “Killer in White" *** "When the Lusting Began"

THOMPSON, ANNE ARMSTRONG "Message from Absalom"

THOMPSON, CARLENE – Black for Remembrance;

THOMPSON, DAVID "Broken English"

THOMPSON, GENE "Murder Mystery”;

THOMPSON, HUNTER S. - “Hell's Angel”

THOMPSON, JEAN "The House of Tomorrow"


"Bad Boy" *** "The Getaway" *** "The Golden Gizmo" *** "The Grifters" *** “The Kill-Off” **** "Nothing More Than Murder" *** "Savage Night" **** The Transgressors;

THOMPSON, JOHN B. “Born to Be made” *** ““Casting Couch” **** “The Eager Ones” **** “The Fourth Woman” **** “Gay Wanton” **** “Girls of the French Quarter” **** "Half-Caste" **** “Hitch-Hike Hussy” **** Kiss or Kill” **** Nude in the Sand” *** “Nymph in Need” **** “The Ravished” **** 'Sandy” **** “Shameless” **** “Shayne” **** “Sinful Virgin” **** “Spawn of the Bayou” **** “Take Me” **** “Tormented”

THOMPSON, JULIAN F. "A Question of Survival"

THOMPSON, RAY – The Number to Call is...;

THOMPSON, STEVEN L. "Countdown to China" *** "Recovery"

THOMPSON, THOMAS "Blood and Money" *** "Lost!" *** Richie; *** Serpentine;

THOMSON, GEORGE MALCOLM "The Robbers Passing By"

THOMSON, JUNE "The Dark Stream" *** "A Dying Fall" *** "To Make a Killing" *** Sound Evidence;

THOMSON, MAYNARD F. "Trade Secrets"

THOREAU, DAVID "City at Bay"

THORN, RONALD SCOTT "The Twin Serpents"

THORNBURG, NEWTON "Cutter and Bone" *** "Knockover" *** "To Die in California"

THORNE, EMILY "Flight Hostess"

THORNE, JIM "The White Hand of Athen"

THORP, DUNCAN "Over the Wall"

THORP, RODERICK "The Circle of Love" *** "The Detective" *** "Devlin" *** "Nothing Lasts Forever" *** "Rainbow Drive" *** "Slaves"

THORPE, EDWARD "The Night I Caught the Santa Fe Chief"

THURMAN, STEVE "'Baby Face' Nelson" *** "'Mad Dog' Cool" **** “Night After Night”

THURSTON, WESLEY S. "The Trumpets of November"




"Big Bucks" *** “Flower Power” **** "Line of Duty" *** "Shaft" *** "Shaft's Big Score"*** "Shaft has a Ball" *** "Starstruck"

TIETJEN, ARTHUR "Soviet Spy Ring"

TIGER, JOHN "Death Hits the Jackpot"

TIIRA, ENSIO "Raft of Despair"

TILLETT, DOROTHY STOCKBRIDGE "The Man Who Killed Fortes-cue"

TILTON, ALICE "Cold Steal"

TINE, ROBERT- "Beverly Hills Cop II" *** The Bodyguard *** "Broken Eagle" *** "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" *** "Hard Target" *** "Last Action Hero" *** "Outbreak" *** "Red Heat"


TIPPETTE, GILES "The Mercenaries"

TISSOT, JOHN "The Ultimate Lie"

TITUS, EVE "Basil and the Lost Colony" *** Basil of Baker Street;

TOBIAS, J. J. - Crime and Industrial Society in the Ninteenth Century;


TOKSON, ELLIOT "Appointment in Calcutta" *** “Cavender's Balkan Quest” **** "The Quintana Inheritance"

TOLAND, JOHN "The Dillinger Days”;

TOMALIN, NICHOLAS / HALL, RON "The Stranger Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst"

TOMERLIN, JOHN "Comeback" *** "Return to Vikki"


TOPOL, ALLAN "A Woman of Valor"

TOPOL, EDWARD "Red Snow" *** "Submarine U-137"


TOPOR, ROLAND "The Tenant"

TORRES, EDWAIN "Carlito's Way" *** "Q and A"


"The Hoods - #2 Bootlegger" *** "The Hoods - #3 The Politician" *** "The Hoods - #4 Dealer"

TOURNEY, LEONARD “Knaves Templar” **** "The Players' Boy is Dead"

TOWNEND, PETER "Fisheye" *** "Out of Focus"

TOWNSEND, ARTHUR H. "Tall Tales That are True"

TOWNSEND, JOHN ROWE "The Intruder" *** "Pirate's Island"

TRACHTMAN, PAULA "Disturb not the Dream"


"Bazzaris" *** "The Big X" *** "Deadly to Bed" *** "The Editor" *** "Fun and Deadly Games" *** "The Hated One" **** “How Sleeps the Beast” *** "Naked She Died" *** “The Strumpet City” **** "White Hell"


TRAIN, ARTHUR "Tutt and Mr. Tutt"

TRAINOR, J.F. "Corona Blue"

TRAUBEL, HELEN "The Metropolitan Opera Murders”

TRAVEN, B. "The Death Ship" *** "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre"


"Anatomy of a Murder" *** “Danny and the Boys” **** "Hornstein's Boy" *** "The Jealous Mistress" *** "Laughing Whitefish" *** "Small Town D.A." *** "Trouble Shooter"

TRAVERS, ROBERT "A Funeral for Sabella" *** "Ten Roads to Hell"

TRAVIS, GRETCHEN "The Cottage" *** Holiday of Fear;

TREAT, LAWRENCE "Big Shot" *** "'Q' as in Quicksand"

TREDREE, H.L. "Blackwater"

TREE, GREGORY "The Case Against Myself"


TREGENZA, MICHAEL - ** Espionage;

TRENCH, JOHN "Dishonoured Bones"

TRENHAILE, JOHN "Blood Rules" *** "The Man Called Kyril" *** “A Means to Evil” *** "Nocturne for the General" *** "A View from the Square"

TRENT, BILL "The Steven Truscott Story"


"The Eiger Sanctino" *** "The Loo Sanction" *** "The Main" *** "Shibumi" *** "The Summer of Katya"

TREVOR, DAN - “The Nigh Whistlers”


"The Damocles Sword" *** "The Fire Raiser" *** "The Flight of the Phoenix" *** "Gale Force" *** "Night Stop" *** "The Paragon" *** "The Penthouse" *** "The Pillars of Midnight" ***

"Seven Witnesses" *** "The V.I.P."

TREVOR, JAMES 'The Savage Game"


"The Antonov Project" *** "Death of a Supertanker" *** "The Moonraker Conspiracy" *** Sea Fever *** "The Soukour Deadline" *** Towards the Tamarind Trees; *** "Two Hours to Darkness" *** "The White Schooner"

TREYNOR, BLAIR "She Ate Her Cake" *** "Silver Doll" *** "Widow's Pique"


TRIMBLE, LOUIS "Girl on a Slay Ride"

TRINIAN, JOHN "The Big Grab" *** "Once a Thief"

TRIPP, MILES "The Claws of God" *** "Five Minutes With a Stranger" **** “Woman at Risk”

TROLLOPE, ANTHONY – Barchester Towers;

TROTT, SUSAN "The Housewife and the Assassin"



Murder at the Kennedy Center" *** "Murder at the National Cathedral" *** “Murder in the C.I.A.” **** "Murder in Georgetown" *** "Murder in the Smithsonian" *** "Murder in the Supreme Court" *** "Murder in the White House" **** "Murder on Embassy Row"



"The Disappearance of Julie Hintz" *** "Draw the Blinds" *** "Why Slug a Postman"

TRUSTMAN, ALAN "Father's Day"

TUCHMAN, BARBARA W. - The Zimmermann Telegram;


"The Chinese Doll" *** "A Procession of the Damned" *** "To Keep or Kill" *** "The Warlock" ** Wild Talent;

TULLETT, TOM "Inside Interpol"


"The FBI's Most Famous Cases" *** "A Race of Rebels" *** "The Super Spies"



TURNBULL, PATRICK "Dead for a Dead Thing' *** "Deep and Crisp and Even" *** "Fair Friday"

TURNER, BILL - “Sex Trap”

TURNER, JOHN “Another Man's Wife” **** “Bondage” *** “By-Line, Mona Knox” **** “Carole Came Back” **** “Christine” **** "Dollar Man" **** “Love Secret” **** “The Sinners” **** “Starlet!” **** “Take Care of Me”

TURNER, RUSSELL "The Short Night"

TURNER, WALLACE "Gamblers' Money"

TURNGREN, ANNETTE "Mystery Walks the Campus"

TUROW, SCOTT "The Burden of Proof" *** "Personal Injuries; *** Pleading Guilty" *** "Presumed Innocent"

TURTLEDOVE, HARRY – Worldwar: In the Balance;

TUTE, WARREN "Leviathan" *** "The Powder Train" *** "The Tarnham Connection"

TYLER, DUNCAN "Red Curtain"

TYLER, JOHN "You Can't Escape Me"


TYLER, W.T. "The Ants of God" *** "The Man who Lost the War" *** "Rogue's March"


----( U )----

UBELAKER, DR. DOUGLAS/ SCAMMELL, HENRY – Bones: a Forensic Detective's Casebook (with Photos);


"The Bait" *** "False Witness" *** "The Investigation" *** "Law and Order" *** "The Ledger" *** "Policewoman" *** "The Witness"

ULLMAN, ALLAN / FLETCHER, LUCILLE "Night Man" *** "Sorry, Wrong Number"

ULLMAN, JAMES MICHAEL "Good Night, Irene" *** "The Neon Haystack"


"Banner in the Sky" *** "The Day on Fire" *** "Fia Fia" *** "River on the Sun" *** "The Sands of Karakorum" *** "Third Man on the Mountain" *** "The White Tower"

ULMER, MARI – Cart of Death;

UNDERWOOD, MICHAEL - "Cause of Death" *** "Reward for a Defector" ** The Shadow Game; *** "A Trout in the Milk" *** "The Unprofessional Spy"

UNEKIS, RICHARD "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" *** "Pursuit"



"The Bachelors of Broken Hill" *** "The Barrakee Mystery" *** "The Battling Prophet" ** The Bone is Pointed; *** "The Bushman Who Came Back" *** "Death of a Lake" *** "Death of a Swagman" *** "The Devil's Steps" *** "The Lkae From Monster" *** "Murder Must Wait" ***

'The Mystery of Swordfish Reef" *** "The New Shoe" *** "Sinister Stones" *** "Venom House" *** "The Widows of Broome" *** "The Will of the Tribe" *** "Winds of Evil" *** "Wings Above the Diamantina"

UPTOWN, PETER "The Eve of April Twenty"



"The Angry Hills" *** "Armageddon" *** "Battle Cry" *** "Exodus" *** "Exodus Revisited" *** "The Haj" *** "Mila 18" *** "Mitla Pass" *** "QB VII" *** "Topaz" *** "Trinity"

USHER, JACK "The Fix" *** "Reason for Murder"

USTINOV, PETER "Krumnagel"

UTTS, THOMAS C. "Korea Blue"

----( V )----

VACHA, ROBERT "The Opec Project" *** Phantoms Over Potsdam;

VACHSS, ANDREW "Flood" *** "Strega"

VAIL, JOHN "Love Isn't for Now"


VALCOUR, GARY F. "The Color of Greed"

VALENTI, MICHAEL "Question of Guilt"

VALENTINE, JO "And Sometimes Death"

VALENTINE, STEVEN "The Black Panther Story"

VALIN, JONATHAN "Final Notice”;


VALLEE, BRIAN "Life with Billy" *** "Pariah"

VALLEY, MEL "Magnum Force"

VAN ARMAN, DEREK "Just Killing Time"

VAN ASH, CAY - “Ten Years Beyond Baker Street”

VAN ATTA, WINFRED "Shock treatment"

VANCE, JOHN HOLBROOK "Bad Ronald" *** "The Fox Valley Murders"


VANCE, WILLIAM “Day of Blood” **** "Homicide Lost"

VANDERCOOK, JOHN "Out for a Killing"

VANDERHAEGHE, GUY - “My Present Age”

VAN DER POST, LAURENS "Flamingo Feather”;

VAN DER ZEE, JOHN "Stateline"


VAN DE WETERING, JANWILLEM "The Blonde Baboon" *** "Death of a Hawker" ***

"The Mind-Murders" *** "Outsider in Amsterdam" *** "Tumbleweed"


"The Benson Murder Case" *** "The Bishop Murder Case" *** "The Canary Murder Case" *** "The Greene Murder Case" *** "The Kennel Murder Case" *** "The Scarab Murder Case" *** "The Smell of Murder"

VAN GREENWAY, PETER ** The Man Who Held the Queen to Randsom and Sents Parliament Packing; "The Medusa Toush"

VAN GULIK, ROBERT "The Chinese Bell Murders" *** "The Chinese Gold Murders" *** "The Chinese Lake Murders" ** The Chinese Maze Murders; *** "The Chinese Nail Murders" *** "The Emperor's Pearl" ** The Haunted Monastery; *** 'The Lacquer Screen" *** ** Murder in Canton; *** The Phantom of the Temple *** "The Red Pavilion" *** "The Willow Pattern"

VAN HEARN, J. - ** Don't Betray Me;


"Black Blade" *** "Black Heart" *** "Jian" *** "The Miko" *** " The Ninja" *** "Shan" *** "Sirens" *** "White Ninja" *** "Zero"

VAN OSDOL, PETER B. "The Anarchy Plot"

VAN OVER, RAYMOND "In a Father's Rage"

VAN RJNDT, PHILIPPE "Blueprint" *** "Come Follow Me" *** "Eclipse" *** Last Message to Berlin; *** "Samaritan" *** "The Telemachus Collection"

VAN NORS, B.L. "End of the River"

VAN SAHER, LILLA - “Macamba”


VARNER, ROY – A Matter of Risk;




VAUGHAN, ROBERT- The Valkyrie Mandate;

VAUS, JIM "Why I Quit Syndicated Crime"

VEDER, BOB - “Playing With Fire”

VELIE, LESTER "Murder Story"

VERCORS "The Murder of the Missing Link" *** "You Shall Know Them"

VERDICK, MARY (ed) "Nine Daring Adventures”;

VEXIN, NOEL "Murder in Montmartre"

VICKER, ANGUS "Fever Heat"


"The Department of Dead Ends" *** "Murdering Mr. Delfrage" *** "Seven Chose Murder"

VIERECK, GEORGE SYLVESTER "Men into Beasts" *** "Nude in the Mirror"

VIERTEL, PETER "White Hunter, Black Heart"

VILLIERS, ALAN "Great Sea Stories (Ed.)"

VINCENT, RICHARD - “Portrait in Black”

VINTER, MICHAEL "A Place of Execution”;

VON BLOCK, B.W. - “Super Detective”

VOYNICH, E.L. - “The Gadfly”

VIORST, JUDITH "Murdering Mr. Monti"

VITARELLI, ROBERT "High and Mighty (Ed.)"

VIZZINI, SAL "Vizzini"

VOGEL, STEVE – Reasonable Doubt;

VOGT, ESTHER LOEWEN – A Trace of Perfume;





"The Age of Spies" *** "Countdown for a Spy" *** "Don't Just Stand There, Do Someone" *** "How to Succeed at Murder Without Really Trying" *** "The Jake of Diamonds" *** "The Jake of Hearts" *** "Just Not Making Mayhem Like They Used To" ***

"Pour a Swindle Through a Loophole" *** "Those Who Prey Together Slay Together" ***

"Who Says a Corpse Has to be Dull" *** "You Can't fo Business With Murder"

VON KONRAT, GEORG "Passport to Truth"



VOWELL, DAVID "The Assassinator"

VULLIAMY, C.E. "Don Among the Dead Men"

----( W )----

WADDELL, MARTINS "Otley Purdued"

WADDAMS, S.M. "Introduction to the Study of Law"

WADE, BOB / MILLER, BILL "Murder-Queen High"

WADE, HARRISON "So Lovely to Kill"

WADE, HENRY "A Dying Fall" *** "Here Comes the Copper" *** "Policeman's Lot"

WADE, HORACE "The Greatest Gambling Stories Ever Told"

WADSWORTH, L.A. "Puzzle of Talking Monkey"

WAER, JACK "Murder in Las Vegas" *** "Sweet and Low-Down"

WAGER, WALTER "Blue Leader" *** "Death Hits the Jackpot" *** "Designated Hitter" *** "Otto's Boy" *** "Sledgehammer" *** “Swap” *** "Telefon" *** "Time of Reckoning" *** "Viper Three"

WAGONER, DAVID "Money Money Money"

WAGNER, GEOFFREY “Born of the Sun” **** "The Dispossessed" **** “Passionate Land” **** “Rage on the Bar” *** “Venables”

WAGNER, SHARON "The Haunted Honeymoon"

WAHLOO, PER The Laughing Policeman; *** "Murder on the Thirty-First Floor"

WAINWRIGHT, JOHN "Dig the Grave and Let Him Lie" ** Landscape with Violence;

WAKEFIELD, JOHN - ** Death the Sure Physician;

WAKEMAN, FREDERIC “Deluxe Tour” **** "A Free Agent" **** “The Hucksters” **** “Naked to my Past”

WALDER, AMELIA ELIZABETH "The Spy on Danger Island” *** “To Catch a Spy"

WALKER, ALICE "Possessing the Secret of Joy"


"Ash" *** "Black Dougal" *** "Cab-Intersec" *** "Diamonds for Moscow" *** "Harry Black" *** "Mallabec" *** "The Storm and the Silence" *** "Where the High Winds Blow" *** Winter of Madness;

WALKER, GREG – (Springblade) #1 – Springblade; *** (Springblade) #2 Machete; *** (Springblade) #3 Stiletto” *** (Springblade) #4 Bowie **** (Springblade) #5 Border Massacre; *** (Springblade) #7 Sentinel”; *** (Springblade) #9 – Storming Iraq;

WALKER, IRMA "The Man in the Driver's Seat"

WALKER, LESLIE "Sudden Fury"

WALKER, MARTIN "The Infiltrator”;


WALKER, ROBERT W. "Darkest Instinct" *** “Primal Instinct” *** "Pure Instinct"

WALKER, ROGER W. "Silent Testimony"

WALKER, SHEL "The Man I Killed"

WALKER, TOM "Fort Apache"

WALKER, WALTER "The Immediate Prospect of Being Hanged"


WALL, ROBERT E. "The Cat and the Rat"

WALL, WILLIAM "Wake Up Dead"

WALLACE, BILL - “Trapped in Death Cave”

WALLACE, C.H. "Crashlanding in the Congo" *** "E.T.A. For Death" *** "Highflight to Hell" *** "Tailwind to Danger"

WALLACE, CLARKE "The Hercules Trust"


"Again Sanders" *** "Again the Ringer" *** "Again the Three" *** "The Angel of Terror" ***

"The Avenger" *** "Big Foot" ** The Black Abbot; *** "Bones" *** "Bosambo of the River" """ *** "The Brigand" *** "The Calender" *** "The Clue of the Silver Key" *** "The Coat of Arms" *** "The Crimson Circle" *** "Der Rote Kreis" *** "Door with Seven Locks" *** "The Double" *** "The Feathered Serpent" *** "Flat 2" *** "The Flying Fifty-Five" *** "The Flying Squad" *** "The Forger" *** "The Four Just Men" *** "The Fourth Plague" *** "The Frightened Lady" *** "The Golden Hades" *** "The Green Archer" *** "The Green Ribbon" ** Grey Timothy; *** "The Hand of Power" *** "The Joker" *** "Keepers of the King's Peace" *** “The Law of Four Just Men” **** "The Lone House Mystery" *** "The Man at the Carlton" *** 'The Man who Knew" *** "The Mixer" ** Mr. J. G. Reeder Returns; *** “The Northing Tramp” *** "On the Spot" *** "Red Aces" *** "The Ringer" *** "The River of Stars" ***

"Room 13" *** "Sanders" *** "The Secret House" *** "The Square Emerald" *** "The Squeaker" *** "Terror Keep" *** “The Three Just Men” **** "The Traitor's Gate" *** "The Tramp'" *** 'The Twister" *** "The Valley of Ghosts" *** "When the Gangs Came to London" *** "The Yellow Snake"


WALLACE, GRAY "The Buddha Stone"

WALLACE, IRVING "The Almighty" *** "The Fan Club" *** "The Man" *** "The R Document" *** 'The Seventh Secret"

WALLACE, MARILYN (ed) "Sisters in Crime 3” *** “Sisters in Crime 4”


Wallace, Robert -- PHANTOM DETECTIVE Series (Pulp Reprints);

THE VAMPIRE MURDERS. ( #1 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency Book # CR101; Inventory # 6451-1; VG $14);

THE DANCING DOLL MURDERS. ( #2 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR102; FINE+, Near New $32)

THE BEAST-KING MURDERS. ( #3 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR103; VG/FN $24)

TYCOON OF CRIME. ( #4 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR104; Near FN $24)

TYCOON OF CRIME. ( #4 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR104; FINE+, Near New $32)

THE BROADWAY MURDERS. ( #5 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR105; FINE+, Near New $32)
DAGGERS OF KALI. ( #6 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR106; Inventory # 6456-1; VG/FN $22)

MURDER UNDER THE BIG TOP. ( #7 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR107; VG/FN $22)
TRAIL TO DEATH. ( #8 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR108; Inventory # 6458-2; FA/G $10)

TRAIL TO DEATH. ( #8 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR108; FN $24)
YELLOW SHADOW OF DEATH.( #9 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR109; Inventory # 6459-2; G $10)

YELLOW SHADOW OF DEATH.( #9 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR109; Inventory # 6459-1; VG/FN $22)

MURDER TRAIL.. ( #10 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR110; Near FN $24)

MURDER TRAIL.. ( #10 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR110; AS NEW $35);
GREEN GLARE MURDERS. ( #11 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR111; Inventory # 6461-1; VG+ $20);

FANGS OF MURDER. ( #12 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR112; near FN $24 ); SKULL Cover;

CURIO MURDERS. ( #13 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR113; near FN $26);

MURDER MONEY. ( #15 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR115; Inventory # 6465-1; VG/FN $22);

MURDER MONEY. ( #15 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR115; Near FN $25);

STONES OF SATAN. ( #17 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR119; VG/FN $24);
THE MELODY MURDERS. ( #18 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR123; Inventory # 6468-1; VG/FN $22);

UNIFORMED KILLERS. ( #19 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR127; Inventory # 6469-2; FA/G $10);

UNIFORMED KILLERS. ( #19 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR127; Inventory # 6469-3; VG- = $18);

THE UNIFORMED KILLERS. ( #19 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR127; FINE++, Almost New $39);

DEATH UNDER CONTRACT. ( #21 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR135; AS NEW $40);
CORPSE PARADE. ( #22 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR139; Inventory # 6471-2; G/VG $14);

THE CORPSE PARADE. ( #22 of The Phantom Detective / Corinth Regency # CR139; FINE+, Near New $36);

WALLANT, EDWARD LEWIS - “The Pawnbroker”



The Bed She Made” **** "A Change in the Wind" *** "Embassy" *** "The Family" *** "Game Plan" *** "'K'" ***

"Number One" *** "The Swiss Bank Connection" *** "Trocadero"


"The Corpse in the Green Pyjamas" *** "The Corpse with the Floating Foot" ***

"The Corpse with the Grimy Glove" *** "Murder at Midnight" *** "Murder at the Keyhole"

WALLINGTON, MARK "The Missing Postman"

WALLIS, DAVE – Only Lovers Left Alive;

WALLIS, RUTH SAWTELL "Blood from a Stone" *** "No Bones About it" *** "Too Many Bones"

WALLMAN, JEFFREY M. "The Spiral Web"

WALPOLE, HUGH "Portrait of a Man With Red Hair"

WALSH, JOHN - “Tears of Rage”

WALSH, PAUL E. "The Murder Room"


WALSH, ROBERT "Violent Hours"

WALSH, THOMAS "The Dark Window" *** "The Eye of the Needle" *** "The Face of the Enemy" *** "Nightmare in Manhattan" *** "The Night Watch" *** "to Hide a Rogue"

WALTERS, MINETTE – The Echo; *** "The Sculptress" *** The Shape of Snakes;

WALTON, BRYCE "Cave of Danger"

WALTON, MARY "For Love of Money"



"The Black Marble" *** "The Blooding" *** "The Blue Knight" *** "The Choirboys" *** "The Delta Star" *** "Finnegan's Week" *** "Fugitive Nights" *** "The Glitter Dome" *** "The Golden Orange" *** "Lines and Shadows" *** "The New Centurions" *** "The Onion Field" *** "The Secrets of Harry Bright" *** "Three Great Best Sellers - Boxed Set"

WARD, BERNIE – Families Who Kill;

WARD, EDMUND "The Baltic Emerald” *** “The Main Chance"

WARD, GREGORY "The Internet Bride”

WARD, ROBERT "The Sandman"

WARE, HARLAN "Come, Fill The Cup"

WARNER, DOUGLAS "Death on a Warm Wind"

WARREN, DOUG "Walking Tall"

WARREN, PAUL "Next Time is for Life"

WARREN, PAULETTE "The Shadowed Staircase"

WARREN, ROBERT PENN - ** Night Rider;


WASHBURN, MARK "The Armageddon Game" *** "Nightwind"

WASHBURN, STAN "Intent to Harm”

WATKINS, LESLIE "The Killing of Idi Amin" **** “The Sleep Walk Killers”

WATKINS, PAUL "My Life With Charles Manson"

WATKINS, RONALD J. - Against Her Will;

WATSON, CLARISSA "The Fourth Stage of Gainsborough Brown"


"Bump in the Night" *** "Coffin, Scarcely Used" *** "Charity Ends at Home" *** "Hopjoy was Here"

WATSON, DR. JOHN H. - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Holmes; *** The Seven-per-Cent Solution; *** Sherlock Holmes vs Dracula;


WATTERS, PAT / GILLERS, STEPHEN "Investigating the FBI (Ed.)"

WAUGH, ALEC “Island in the Sun” **** "The Mule on the Minaret" *** A Spy in the Family;

WAUGH / GREEN BERG / ASIMOV "The Twelve Crimes of Christmas (Ed.)"


"Born Victim" *** "The Con Game" *** "Death and Circumstance' ** The Doria Rafe Case; *** "The Eighth Mrs. Bluebeard" *** "Finish Me Off" ** The Glenna Powers Case; *** "Last Seen Wearing" *** "The Loved One" *** "A Rag and a Bone" *** "Road Block" *** "Run When I Say Go" *** "The Shadow Guest" *** "'30' Manhattan East" *** "The Young Prey"

WAY M.D. / JOHN H. / MILLER, DAIVD C. "Dream Watch"

WAYLAND, PATRICK "Counterstroke"

WEATHERBY, W.J. "Goliath"

WEATHERLY, MAX "The Mantis and the Moth"

WEAVER, MICHAEL “Deceptions” **** "Impulse"

WEAD, DOUG - “The Iran Crisis”

WEBB, DUNCAN "Crime is my Business" *** "Deadline for Crime"

WEBB, FORREST "Brannington's Leopard" *** "Caviar Cruise" *** 'The Snowboys"

WEBB, JACK "The Bad Blonde" *** "The Big Sin" *** "The Brass Halo" *** "The Broken Doll" *** 'The Damned Lovely" *** "The Delicate Darling" *** "The Gilded Witch" *** "Make my Bed Soon" *** "The Naked Angel" *** "One for My Dame"

WEBB, JEAN FRANCIS "Is This Coffin Taken?"

WEBB, JON EDGAR "Four Steps to the Wall"


WEBB, LIONEL "The Violator"

WEBB, MARY "Precious Bane"

WEBB, SHARON "Pestis 18"

WEBER, JOE "Deafcon One" *** "Rules of Engagement" *** "Targets of Opportunity"

WEBER, RUBIN "The Grave-Maker's House"

WEBSTER, DAVID KENYON "Myth and Maneater: The Story of the Shark"

WEEKS, JACK "The Grey Affair" **** “I Detest All my Sins”

WEEKS, WILLIAM RAWLE "Knock and Wait Awhile"


WEIDER, BEN – The Murder of Napoleon;

WEIDMAN, JEROME "A Family Fortune" *** "'I, and I Alone"

WEINER, WILLARD - “Four Boys a Girl and a Gun”

WEINGARTEN, ARTHUR "The Sky is Falling"

WEIR, JOAN – Ski Lodge Mystery;


WEISMAN, JOHN "Evidence"


"The Headhunters - #1 Heroin Triple Cross" *** "The Headhunters - #3 Three Faces of Death"

WEISS, AL / PHILIBIN, TOM "Clan of Death: Ninja"

WEISS, HERMAN "Passion in the Wind"

WEISS, PETER "Marat / Sade"

WEISSMAN, JERRY "The Zodiac Killer"


WELCH, TIMOTHY "The Tennis Murders"

WELCOME, JOHN "Grand National" *** "Run for Cover"

WELLARD, JAMES "Action of the Tiger" **** “Deep is the Night”

WELLES, ORSON "Mr. Arkadin"

WELLMAN, FRANCIS L. "The Art of Cross-Examination"

WELLMAN, MANLY "Find My Killer"; *** Sherlock Holmes's War of the Worlds;

WELLMAN, PAUL I. - The Fiery Flower;

WELLS, ANNA MARY "Murderer's Choice" *** "A Talent for Murder"

WELLS, CHARLIE "The Last Kill" *** "Let the Night Cry"

WELLS, LISA "Magda”;


"The Fog Comes on Little Pig Feet" *** 'The Man in the Woods" *** "When No One was Looking"


"Dead by the Light of the Moon" *** "Murder Most Fouled Up" *** "What Should you Know of Dying?"

WELLS, WILLIAM K. "Effegies"

WELSH, KEN "Dark Deeds"

WEMPE, Irene -- Come to my Funeral;


"The Arlington Inheritance" *** "The Benevent Treasure" *** "The Blind Side" *** "The Case is Closed" *** “The Chinese Shawl" *** "The Clock Strikes Twelve" *** "Dead or Alive" *** "The Fingerprint" *** “The Gazebo” *** "In the Balance" *** "The Ivory Dagger" *** "The Key" *** "Latter End" *** "Lonesome Road" *** "Miss Silver Comes to Stay" *** "Out of the Past" *** “Pilgrim's Rest” *** "Poison in the Pen" *** "Pursuit of a Parcel" *** "Rolling Stone' *** "She Came Back" *** "Silence in Court" *** "The Silent Pool" *** "Spotlight" *** "The Traveller Returns" *** "The Watesplash" *** "Weekend with Death" *** "Wicked Uncle"

WERNER, GEORGE "One Helluva Blow"


WERRY, RICHARD R. "Hammer Me Home" *** "Where Town Begins"

WERTHAM, FREDRIC "Dark Legend" *** "The Show of Violence"

WESLEY, ELIZABETH "Sharon James Free-Lance Photographer"

WESLEY, VALERIE WILSON "When Death Comes Stealing"

WEST, ELLIOT "The Double Trap" *** "Man Running" *** "The Night is a Time for Listening"

WEST, JOHN B. - "An Eye for an Eye" *** "Bullets are my Business" *** "Cobra Venom" *** "Death on the Rocks" *** "Never Kill a Cop" *** "A Taste for Blood"


"The Ambassador" *** "Backlash" *** "The Big Story" *** "Cassidy" *** "The Clowns of God" *** "The Crooked Road" *** "The Devil's Advocate" *** "Gallows on the Sand" *** "Harlequin" *** Lazarus; *** "The Naked Country" *** "The Navigator" *** "Proteus" *** "The Salamander" *** "Summer of the Red Wolf"

WEST, NIGEL "Molehunt"

WEST, REBECCA “The Birds Fall Down” **** "The Meaning of Treason"

WESTALL, ROBERT "Fathom Five" *** “The Machine-Gunners”


WESTERMANN, JOHN – High Crimes; "Sweet Deal"


WESTHEIMER, DAVID "The Avila Gold" *** “Day Into Night” **** "My Sweet Charlie" *** The Olmec Head; **** “The Sexecutives”

WESTLAKE, DONALD E. - "Bank Shot" *** "The Busy Body" *** "Castle in the Air" *** "Cops and Robbers" *** "The Curious Facts Preceding my Execution" *** "Enough" *** "The Fugitive Pigeon" *** "God Save the Mark" *** "The Hot Rock" *** "The Hunter" *** "The Jugger" *** "Kahawa" *** "Killing Time" *** Levine; *** "The Outfit' *** "Slayground" *** "The Smashers" *** Smoke; *** "The Spy in the Ointment"

WESTON, PAUL B. "Muscle on Broadway"


"Avalanche" *** “Hangar 18” (with Sellier, Charles E. jr) *** "Murder by Decree" *** "One Minute to Eternity" *** "The Sting"

WHEAT, CAROLYN "Dead Man's Thoughts”;


Bill for the Use of a Body” **** "Black August" *** 'The Black Baroness" *** "Codeword - Golden Fleece" *** “Curtain of Fear” *** "The Eunuch of Stamboul" *** "Evil in a Mask" *** "The Fabulous Valley" *** "The Forbidden Territory" *** “The Golden Spainard” *** "Gunmen, Gallants and Ghosts" *** "The Island Where Time Stands Still" *** "The KA of Gifford Hillary" *** "The Launching of Roger Brook" *** "The Man who Missed the War" *** "Mayhem in Greece" ** The Quest of Julian Day; *** "The Secret War" *** "Such Power is Dangerous" *** "They Found Atlantis" ***

"Three Inquistive People" *** "Uncharted Seas" *** "Vendetta in Spain" **** “V for Vengeance” *** “The White Witch of the South Seas”;

WHEELER, J. CRAIG "The Krone Experiment"

WHEELER, KEITH "The Last Mayday" **** “The Reef”


"And the Bullets Were made of Lead" *** "The Friendly Persuaders' *** "Ransom" ***

"The Terrorists"

WHELTON, CLARK “CB Baby” *** "Skyjack!"

WHELTON, PAUL "Call the Lady Indiscreet" ** Death and the Devil; *** "In Comes Death" *** "Pardon my Blood"

WHISNANT, SCOTT "Innocent Victims"

WHITE, ALAN - ** Climate of Revolt; *** Kibbutz;

WHITE, ALICEN – Evil That Walks Invisible; *** The Traitor Within;

WHITE, CHARLES - “History of Australian Bushranging Vol. I” **** “History of Australian Bushranging Vol. II”

WHITE, ELLEN EMERSON - “Friends for Life”

WHITE, ETHEL LINDA "Wax" *** "The Wheel Spins" *** "While She Sleeps"

WHITE, JAMES DILLON "The Hound of Heaven" ** The Spoletta Story; *** "Sweet Evil"

WHITE, JOHN "Pole Shift"

WHITE, JON MANCHIP "Mask of Dust" *** "Nightclimber"

WHITE, LIONEL - The House Next Door" *** "Too Young to Die"

WHITE, ROBIN A. "Angle of Attack” *** “The Flight from Winter's Shadow"

WHITE, ROBBDeathwatch *** "Secret Sea";

WHITE, ROBIN A. - Angel of Attack;


"Harm's Way" *** "Higher Authority" *** Private Practices" *** "Privileged Information" ***

"Remote Control"


"S-Com - # Terror in Turin" *** "S-Com - #2 Stars and Swastikas" *** "S-Com #3 - The Battle in Botswana" *** "S-Com #4 - The Fighting Irish" *** "S-Com #5 - The King of Kingston" ;

WHITE, TERI "Triangel"

WHITED, CHARLES – Chiodo Undercover Cop;

WHITEHEAD, DON "Border Guard" *** "The FBI Story" *** "Journey Into Crime"


WHITING, CHARLES "The War in the Shadows" *** "Wolf Hunt"

WHITLATCH, JOHN - "Stunt Man's Holiday" *** "Tanner's Lemming"

WHITNEY, ALEC - ** Every Man Has His Price;


Amethyst Dreams” **** "Black Amber" *** "Blue Fire" *** "Columbella" *** "The Glass Flame" *** "Hunter's Green" *** "Listen for the Whisperer" *** "Lost Island" *** "Mystery of the Black Diamonds" *** "Mystery of the Crimson Ghost" *** "Mystery of the Golden Horn" *** "Mystery of the Haunted Pool" *** "Mystery of the Strange Traveller" *** "Mystery on the Isle of Skye" *** "The Red Carnelian" *** "Secret of the Emerald Star; *** “Secret of Goblin Glen" *** "Secret of Haunted Mesa" *** "Secret of the Samurn Sword; *** “Secret of the Stone Face; *** “Secret of the Tiger's Eye" *** "Seven Tears for Apollo" *** "The Singing Stones" *** "The Vanishing Scarecrow"


WHITMAN, HOWARD "Terror in the Streets"

WHITTEN, LESLIE H. "Progeny of the Adder"

WHITTEMORE, L.H. "Cop!" *** "Peroff" *** "Quin's Shanghai Circus" *** "The Super Cops"


"Connolly's Woman" *** "Fires That Destroy" *** "Mourn the Hangman" *** "A Night for Screaming" *** "Prime Sucker" *** Strangers on Friday (Zenith Book #ZB-30; GGA = Good Girl Art painted-c; 10/1959; First Paperback Printing; FN+, near new = $69); *** "A Ticket to Hell" *** "Web of Murder"

WIBBERLEY, LEONARD ** The Crime of Martin Coverly; "The Epics of Everest"

WICKED, TOM "The Judgement" *** "The Kingpin" *** "A Time to Die"


WIDDER, ARTHUR "Adventures in Black"

WIDMER, HARRY "The Hardboiled Lineup (Ed.)"

WIEBE, RUBY "The Mad Trapper" *** “The Story-Makers”;

WIEGAND, WILLIAM "At Last, Mr. Tolliver"; ** The Incorrigibles;

WIENS, ERNST "Phoenix"

WIESENTHAL, SIMON "The Murderers Among Us"

WIGHTON, CHARLES "Dope International"

WILCOX, COLLIN "Doctor, Lawyer...” **** “Hiding Place" *** "The Third Victim"


WILDE, C.D. "The Super"

WILDE, KELLEY "The Suiting"


WILDEBLOOD, PETER "Against the Law"

WILDER, JOAN "The Jewel of the Nile" *** "Romancing the Stone"

WILDER, ROBERT - "An Affair of Honor" *** “Bright Feather” *** "Flamingo Road" *** "Fruit of the Poppy" *** "A Stranger in my Arms" *** “The Sun is my Shadow” *** “Wait for Tomorrow” *** "Walk With Evil" **** “Written on the Wind”

WILDER, THORTON "The Eighth Day"

WILES, DOMINI ** The Betrayer; *** "Death Flight"

WILHELM, KATE "The Clewiston Test"

WILKINS, ERIC - “The Flesh, Pedlars”

WILKINSON, BURKE “Black Judas” **** "Night of the Short Knives"

WILKINSON, G.K. "Nick the Click"

WILLARD, MILDRED WILDS "The Magic Candy Mystery"


WILLIAMS, ALAN "The Beria Papers" *** "The Purity League" *** "Shah - Mak"

WILLIAMS, BARNABY "Soldiers of God"

WILLIAMS, BEN AMES - "Crucible" *** "Death on a Scurvy Street" *** "The Dreadful Night" *** “Evered” **** "Lady in Peril" *** “Leave Her to Heaven” *** "The Silver Forest" **** “The Strumpet Sea” **** “Valley Vixen”

WILLIAMS, BRAD / EHRLICH, J.W. "A Conflict of Interest"

WILLIAMS, CHARLES - "Many Dimensions"

WILLIAMS, DAVID "Copper, Gold and Treasure" *** “Horns of Ecstasy” **** "Murder for Treasure" *** “Treasure by Degrees”


WILLIAMS, GORDON M. "The Siege of Trencher's Farm" *** "Straw Dogs"

WILLIAMS, HENRY "How to Murder Your Wife"

WILLIAM, J.H. "Elephant Bill" **** “Weirdo Haven”

WILLIAM, J.X. "The Photo Game"

WILLIAMS, JOHN "Hume: Portrait of a Double Murderer"

WILLIAMS, LAWRENCE "The Fiery Furnace"

WILLIAMS, LEN – Justice Deferred;


WILLIAMS, NEAL "Blow Out" *** "Empty Sea"

WILLIAMS, ROBERT V. “The Hard Way” **** "Shake This Town"

WILLIAMS, ROGER M. (ed) "The Super Crooks”


WILLIAMS, WYNN "Take the Money and Die"



WILLIAMSON, MONCRIEFF "Death in the Picture"

WILLIAMSON, TONY "The Connector" *** "Technicians of Death"

WILLIE,ENNIS "Code of Vengeance" *** "Warped Ambitions"

WILLIS, TED “The Buckingham Palace Connection” **** "Man-Eater" *** "Westminster One"

WILLIS, WILLIAM "Damned and the Damned Again"

WILLOCK, COLIN "Death in Covert"

WILLWERTH, JAMES "Badge of Madness" *** "Jone: Portrait of a Mugger"

WILMER, DALE "Dead Fall" *** “Jungle Heat” **** "Memo for Murder"

WILMOT, ROBERT PATRICK "Blood in Your Eye" *** "Murder on Monday"

WILSON, A.N. "Scandal"

WILSON, CHARLES "Fertile Ground"

WILSON, CHESLEY - “Live and Let Live”

WILSON, COLIN – The Black Room; *** "The Glass Cage" *** "The Killer" *** "Necessary Doubt" *** "Ritual in the Dark"

WILSON, COLIN / PITMAN, PAT "Encyclopaedia of Murder"



"Disneyland Hostage" *** "The Ghost of Lunenburg Manor" *** "The Green Gables Detectives" *** The Inuk Mountie Adventure; *** "The Kootenay Kidnapper" *** "The Lost Treasure of Casa Loma" *** "Murder on the Candian" *** The Prairie Dog Conspiracy; *** "Spirit in the Rainforest" *** "Summer of Discovery" *** "Terror in Winnipeg" *** “Vampires of Ottawa” *** "Vancouver Nightmare"

WILSON, F. PAUL "Black Wind" *** "The Select"

WILSON, GAR (with PENDLETON, DON on Numbers 1-3)

"Phoenix Force - #1 Argentine Deadline" *** "Phoenix Force - #2 Guerilla Games" *** "Phoenix Force - #3 Atlantic Scramble" *** "Phoenix Force - #4 Tigers of Justice" *** "Phoenix Force - #5 The Fury Bombs" *** "Phoenix Force - #6 White Hell" *** "Phoenix Force - #8 Aswan Hellbox" *** "Phoenix Force - #9 Ultimate Terror" *** "Phoenix Force - #10 Korean Killground" *** "Phoenix Force - #11 Return to Armageddon" *** "Phoenix Force - #12 The Black Alchemists" *** "Phoenix Force - #13 Harvest Hell" *** "Phoenix Force - #14 Phoenix in Flames" *** "Phoenix Force - #15 The Viper Facotr" *** "Phoenix Force - #16 no Rules, No Referee" *** "Phoenix Force - #17 Welcome to the Feast" *** "Phoenix Force - #18 Night of the Thuggee" *** "Phoenix Force - #19 Sea of Savages" *** "Phoenix Force - #20 Tooth and Claw" *** "Phoenix Force - #21 The Twisted Cross" *** "Phoenix Force - #22 Time Bomb" *** "Phoenix Force - #23 Chip off the Bloc" *** "Phoenix Force - #24 The Doomsday Syndrome" *** "Phoenix Force - #25 Down Under Thunder" *** "Phoenix Force - #26 Hostaged Vatican" *** "Phoenix Force - #27 Weep, Moscow, Weep" *** "Phoenix Force - #28 Slow Death" *** "Phoenix Force - #29 The Nightmare Merchants" *** "Phoenix Force - #30 The Bonn Blitz" *** "Phoenix Force - #31 Terror in the Dark" *** "Phoenix Force - #32 Fair Game" *** "Phoenix Force - #33 Ninja Blood" *** "Phoenix Force - #34 Power Gambit" ***

"Phoenix Force - #35 Kingston Carnage" *** "Phoenix Force - #36 Belgrade Deception" ***

"Phoenix Force - #37 Show of Force" *** "Phoenix Force - #38 Missile Menace" ***

"Phoenix Force - #39 Jungle Sweep" *** "Phoenix Force - #40 Rim of Fire" ***

"Phoenix Force - #41 Amazon Strike" *** "Phoenix Force - #42 China Command" ***

"Phoenix Force - #43 Gulf of Fire" *** "Phoenix Force - #44 Main Offensive" ***

"Phoenix Force - #45 African Burn" *** "Phoenix Force - #46 Iron Claymore" *** "Phoenix Force - #48 Barracuda Run" ***

"Phoenix Force - #49 Salvador Assault" *** "Phoenix Force - #50 Extreme Prejudice" ***

"Phoenix Force - #51 Savage World"

WILSON, JACQUELINE "Let's Pretend" *** "Snap" *** "Truth or Dare"

WILSON, LOUISE "This Stranger, my Son"


The Lovers” **** "My Brother, My Enemy" *** "The Panic-Stricken" *** "Stalk the Hunter"

WILSON, SLOAN "The Greatest Crime" *** "Ice Brothers"

WILSON, STEVE "Dealer's Move"


WILTSE, DAVID "Blown Away; *** Close to the Bone" *** "The Fifth Angel" *** “Prayer for the Dead"

WINCHESTER, STANLEY "A Man with a Knife"



WINDSOR, PATRICIA "Something's Waiting for You, Baker D."

WINGARD, ALAN "The Graffiti Gambit"

WINGFIELD, R.D. "Frost at Christmas" *** "A Touch of Frost"

WINGATE, JOHN "Below the Horizon"


WINN, STEVEN / MERRILL, DAVID "Ted Bundy: the Killer Next Door"

WINNINGTON, ALAN "Berlin Epitaph"


"The Hitman - #1 Chicago Deathwinds"

WINSLOW, PUALINE GLEN "The Brandenburg Hotel" *** "Copper Gold" *** "I, Martha Adams"

WINSOR, ROY "Always Lock Your Bedroom Door" *** "The Corpse That Walked"



"The Adjusters - #1 The ABC Affair" *** "The Adjusters - #2 Assignment to Bahrein" *** "The Adjusters - #3 Doomsday Vendetta" *** "The Adjusters - #4 The Glass Cipher"

WINTERS, J.C. "Berlin Fugue"

WINTERS, JOANNIE - “House of D.E.S.I.R.E.”

WINTERS, JON "The Catenary Exchange" *** "The Drakov Memoranda"

WINTON, JOHN "The Fighting Temeraire"


"The Ball Bearing Run" *** "The Canaris Fragments" *** "The Conscripts" *** "Fives Wild" *** "Hammerstrike" *** "Seven Minutes Past Midnight"

WISE, ARTHUR "Blood Red Rose" *** "The Death's-Head" *** Leatherjacket; ** The Little Fishes;

WISE, DAVID "The Children's Game" *** "Molehunt" *** "Spectrum"

WISE, DAVID / ROSS, THOMAS B. "The Espionage Establishment" *** 'The Invisible Government" *** “The U-2 Affair”;

WISE, WILLIAM "The Amazon Factor"

WISEMAN, THOMAS – The Day Before Sunrise;

WISNER, BILL "Strange Sea Stories and Legends"

WITHERS, E.L. "Diminishing Returns"


WITTING, CLIFFORD "Catt Out of the Bag"


WLASCHIN, KENNETH "The Italian Job" ** To Kill The Pope;


"The Blood Knot" *** "The China Syndrome" **** “A Cold Wind in August” *** "Roller Coaster" *** "The Ten-Tola Bars"

WOLF, GARY "Who Censored Roger Rabbit?"


WOLF, MARI "The Golden Frame"

WOLF, SIMON "Rape Squad"

WOLFE, JOHN "Drilling for Death"

WOLFE, LINDA "Private Practices"

WOLFE, TOM "The Pump House Gang" *** "The Right Stuff"

WOLFE, WINIFRED "Never Step on a Rainbow"

WOLFERT, IRA “Tucker's People” **** "The Underworld"


WOLFSON, VICTOR "Cabral” **** “The Passionate Season”

WOLK, GEORGE "The Man who Dealt inBlood"

WOLPERT, STANLEY "Abroad the Flying Swan" *** "Nine Hours to Rama"

WOLZIEN, VALERIE "A good Year for a Corpse" *** All Hallows' Evil; *** "Murder at the PTA Lucheon" ***

"'Tis the Season to be Murdered" *** "We Wish You a Merry Murder"


WOOD, BARBARA "Hounds and Jackals" *** "The Magdalene Scrolls"

WOOD, BARI / GEASLAND, JACK "Dead Ringers" *** "Twins"

WOOD, CHRISTOPHER "'Taiwan” **** “Terrible Hard', says Alice"

WOOD JR., EDWARD D. - “Killer in Drag”

WOOD, JAMES "The Friday Run"

WOOD, TED "The Killing Starts; *** “Murder on Ice" *** “When the Killing Starts”

WOOD, WILLIAM P. “Court of Honor” **** "Quicksand; **** “Rampage"

WOODARD, E. / BISCHOFF, H.W. "Storehouses of the Snow"

WOODFORD, JACK "Home Away From Home"

WOODHOUSE, MARTIN "Blue Bone" *** "Mama Doll" *** "Tree Frog"

WOODLEY, RICHARD – Conair *** "Dealer"

WOODMAN, MICHAEL – The Medusa Kiss;

WOODS, BRETT "The Britannia Obsession"


WOODS, GRAHAME "Bloody Harvest"


"And Shame the Devil" *** "An Improbable Fiction" *** "Bloody Instructions" ***

"The Case is Altered" *** "Enter Certain Murderers" *** "Most Deadly Hate" *** "Nor LIve so Long" *** "Put Out the Light" *** “Tarry and Be Hanged” *** "They Love Not Poison" *** "The Third Encounter" *** "Though I Know She Lies" *** "The Windy Side of the Law"



WOODS, STUART "Chiefs" *** "Deep Lie" *** "Dirty Work; *** The Short Forever; **** “Under the Lake" *** "White Cargo"

WOODS, WILLIAM - “Manuela”

WOODWARD, BOB "Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981 - 1987"


WOODWARD, LUCY BERTON – Kidnapped in the Yukon;

WOOL, ROBERT "A Ceremony of Innocence"

WOOLF, F.X. "Murder in Space"

WOOLFOLK, DOROTHY "Abbey is Missing" *** "Death of a Dancer" *** "The Girl Cried Murder" *** “Murder, My Dear!” **** "Who Killed Daddy?"

WOOLFOLK, WILLIAM - Hard Core” **** "The Naked Hunter" *** "Opinion of the Court" *** "The Overlords" *** "The President's Doctor" *** "Run While You Can" *** "Thai Game"

WOOLRICH, CORNELL -- Beware the Lady = AKA The Bride Wore Black (Pyramid Pub #80; 1953; VG = US$49); *** “The Black Path of Fear” *** “The Dancing Detective (by William Irish; Popular Pub #309; 1951; VG = US$35); *** Deadly Night Call (by William Irish; AKA; Somebody on the Phone; Graphic Pub #81; 1954) *** Night has a Thousand Eyes (by George Hopley; Dell Pub #679; 1953); *** Phantom Lady (by William Irish)




"The Body Looks Familiar" *** "Drive East on 66" *** "The Invader" *** "A Nice Girl LIke You" *** "The Takeover" *** 'Torn Curtain" *** "The Widow Wore Red"

WORSLEY, F.A. "Shackleton's Boat Journey"


WORTS, GEORGE F. "Overboard"

WOUK, HERMAN "Don't Stop the Carnival” *** “Slattery's Hurricane"


WREN, M.K. "King of the Mountain"

WRIGHT, AUSTIN "Tony and Susan"


"A Body Surrounded by Water" *** "Death by Degrees" *** "Death in the Old Country" *** "The NIght the Gods Smiled" *** "A Question of Murder" *** "A Single Death" *** "Smoke Detector"



"Acts of Murder" *** "A Chill rain in January" *** "Fall from Grace" *** "Prized Possessions" *** "Sleep While I Sing" *** "The Suspect"

WRIGHT, LAURALI "Neighbours”;

WRIGHT, LEE "The Pocket Book of Mystery Stories (Ed.)" *** "Wicked Women (Ed.)"

WRIGHT, NANCY "A Mother's Trial”;

WRIGHT, PETER "Spycatcher"

WRIGHT, RICHARD "One John A. Too Man”

WRIGHT, SEWELL PEASLEE "Chicago Murders (Ed.)"

WRIGHT, THEON "In Search of the Lindberg Baby" *** "Rape in Paradise"

WRIGHT, WILLIAM "The Von Bulow Affair"

WUORIO, EVA-LIS "Explosion!" *** 'The Woman with the Portuguese Basket"

WYATT, GEORGE "The Case of the Counterfeit Coin"

WYDEN, PETER "The Hired Killers"

WTLER, ALLEN "Dead Head”;

WYLIE, JAMES "The Lost Rebellion"


As They Revealed” **** “The Answer" *** “Babes and Sucklings” **** "The Best of Crunch and Des" *** "Corpses at Indian Stones" *** "Danger Mansion" *** "Experiment in Crime" *** "The Murderer Invisible" *** "The Savage Gentleman" *** "The Smuggled Atom Bomb" *** "The Spy Who Spoke Porpoise" **** “They Both Were Naked”

WYND, OSWALD "Death the Red Flower"

WYNNE, GREVILLE - “The Man From Odessa”


----( X )----

Dr. X – Intern;

----( Y )----

YABLONSKY, LEWIS "The Violent Gang"

YAEGER, CARL H. "The Cult Crushers"

YAFFE, JAMES "Nothing But the Night"

YALLOP, DAVID A. "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?"

YAMASAKI, TOYOKO "The Barren Zone"

YANKOWITZ, SUSAN "Silent Witness"

YARBOROUGH, CHARLOTTE "Murder on the Long Straight"

YARDLEY, JAMES "A Kiss a Day Keeps the Corpses Away" *** "Kiss the Boys and Make Them Die"


YARNELL, DUANE "Murder Bait"

YASTROW, SHELBY "Undue Influence"

YATES, DORNFORD "Blind Corner"

YATES, GEORGE WORTHING "The Body That Wasn't Uncle"

YEAGER, DORIAN "Cancellation by Death"


YORK, ANDREW - *** The Eliminator; ** The Predator;

YORK, CAROL BEACH - “Mystery at Dark Wood” *** When Midnight Comes...; *** “Where Evil Is”


"Cast for Death" *** "Find Me a Villian" *** "The Hand of Death" *** "Intimate Kill" *** "Mortal Remains" *** "Safety to the Grave" *** "The Small Hours of the Morning; *** Speak for the Dead"

YORKE, SUSAN "Agency House, Malaya"

YOUNG, DELBERT A. "The Mounties"


YOUNG, GEORGE "Code-Name Caruso"


YOUNG, SCOTT – Murder in a Cold Climate;

YOUNGER, JACK "Rest in Agony"

YUILL, P.B. "Hazell and the Menacing Jester" *** "Hazell and the Three-Card Trick"

YURICK, SOL "Richard A." *** "The Warriors"

----( Z )----

ZACHARY, HUGH “One Day In Hell” **** "To Guard the Right"

ZACKEL, FRED "Cocaine and Blue Eyes"

ZAMMIT, GINA "Nights of Malta'"

ZAMORA, WILLIAM "Blood Family"

ZAREMBA, EVE "A Reason to Kill"


ZATTERIN, UGO - “Revolt of the Sinners”

ZAWADSKY, PATIENCE "Stand-in for Murder"

ZEIGER, HENRY A. "Frank Costello" *** "Sam the Plumber" *** "The Seizing of the Santa Maria"

ZELLERBACH, MERLA "Love in a Dark House"

ZENO - ** Play Dirty;

ZERMATTEN, MAURICE "The Fountain of Arethusa”;

ZHDANOV, ALEKSANDR I. - Shadow of Peril;


ZIGAL, THOMAS "Into Thin Air”;

ZIMMERMAN, BRUCE "Blood Under the Bridge"

ZIMMERMAN, ISIDORE "Punishment Without Crime"

ZIMMERMAN, MARJORIE "The Castle Mystery”;

ZIMPEL, LLODY "Meeting the Bear: Journal of the Black Wars"

ZINDEL, PAUL "The Undertaker's Gone Bananas" *** "When a Darkness Falls"


ZOLAR - “Zolar's Astrological Murder Mysteries”

ZUCKERMAN, AL "The Head of the House"

ZUCKERMAN, IRA "The Godfather Journal"


  1. - MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense ANTHOLOGY DIGESTS;


December 1970


1958 December (Volume 3#12);

1959 February (Volume 4#2 );

1962 July (Volume 7#7 );

1966 January (Volume 11#1 ); March (Volume 11#3 ); June (Volume 11#6 );

1967 May (Volume 12#5 ); September (Volume 12#9 );

1968 May (Volume 13#5 );

1969 January (Volume 14# 1); August (Volume 14# 8);

1970 June (Volume 15#6 ); December (Volume 15# 12);

1971 February; March; April; May; June; August (Volume 16#8 ); October (Volume 16#10 ); November (Volume 16#11 );

1972 June (Volume 17#6 ); August (Volume 17 # 8); October (Volume 17#10 ); November (Volume 17#11 );

1973 January (Volume 18#1 ); February; June; July;

1974 March; April; May (Volume 19#5 ); June; August; September (Volume 19#9 ); October;

1975 April (Volume 20 #4);June (Volume 20#6 ); September (Volume 20# 9); November (Volume 20# 11);

1976 January; February; May; June; July; August; September (Volume 21# 9); November; December (Volume 21#12 );

1977 February (Volume 22#2 ); March (Volume 22# 3); May (Volume 22#5 ); June (Volume 22# 6); July (Volume 22#7 ); August (Volume 22#8 ); September (Volume 22#9 ); October (Volume 22#10 ); November (Volume 22# 11); December;

1978 January (Volume 23#1 ); February (Volume23 #2 ); March (Volume 23#3 ); April (Volume 23#4 ); May (Volume 23# 5); June (Volume 23# 6); October (Volume 23# 10); November (Volume 23#11 );

1979 January (Volume 24# 1); March (Volume 24#3 ); April (Volume 24# 4); May (Volume 24#5 ); June (Volume 24# 6); July (Volume 24# 7); August (Volume 24# 8); November (Volume 24# 11); December (Volume 24# 12);

1980 January 30 (Volume 25#1 ); February 27 (Volume 25# 2); April 23 (Volume 25#4 ); June 18(Volume 25# 6); July 16(Volume 25#7 ); August 13(Volume 25# 8); September 8(Volume 25# 9); October 1(Volume 25#10 ); October 27(Volume 25#11 ); November 19(Volume 25#12 ); December 15(Volume 25# 13);

1981 January7 (Volume 26# 1); February 4(Volume 26# 2); March 4(Volume 26# 3); April 1(Volume 26# 4); April 29(Volume 26# 5); June 24(Volume 26#7 ); July 22(Volume 26# 8); August 19(Volume 26#9 ); September 16(Volume 26# 10); October 14(Volume 26# 11); November 11(Volume 26# 12); December 9(Volume 26# 13);

1982 January 6(Volume 27#1 ); February 3(Volume 27#2 ); May (Volume 27# 5); June (Volume 27 #6);July (Volume 27#7 ); August (Volume 27#8 ); September (Volume 27# 9); Mid-September (Volume 27#10 ); December (Volume 27# 13);

1983 January (Volume 28#1 ); February (Volume 28# 2); March (Volume 28# 3); April (Volume 28# 4); May (Volume 28# 5); June (Volume 28# 6); July (Volume 28# 7); August (Volume 28#8 ); September (Volume 28#9 ); Mid-September (Volume 28# 10); October (Volume 28#11 ); November (Volume 28#12 ); December (Volume 28#13 );

1984 January (Volume 29# 1); February (Volume 29#2 ); April (Volume 29# 4); May (Volume 29#5 ); June (Volume 29# 6); July (Volume 29#7 ); August (Volume 29# 8); October (Volume 29#10 ); November (Volume 29# 11); December (Volume 29# 12); Mid-December (Volume 29 #13);

1985 January (Volume 30# 1); February (Volume 30#2 ); March (Volume 30#3 ); April (Volume 30# 4); May (Volume 30#5 ); July (Volume 30#7 ); August (Volume 30#8 ); October (Volume 30#10 ); November (Volume 30# 11); December (Volume 30#12 ); Mid-December Volume 30 #13);

1986 January (Volume 31#1 ); February (Volume 31# 2); March (Volume 31# 3); April (Volume 31# 4); May (Volume 31#5 ); July (Volume 31#7 ); August (Volume 31#8 ); September (Volume 31#9 ); October (Volume 31#10 ); November (Volume 31#11 ); December (Volume 31#12 ); Mid December (Volume 31 #13);

1987 January (Volume 32#1 ); February (Volume 32# 2); March (Volume 32#3 ); April (Volume 32#4 ); May (Volume 32# 5); June (Volume 32# 6); July (Volume 32# 7); August (Volume 32#8 ); September (Volume 32#9 ); October (Volume 32#10 ); November (Volume 32#11 ); December (Volume 32#12 ); Mid-December (Volume 32 #13);

1988 January (Volume 33# 1); February (Volume 33# 2); March (Volume 33# 3); April (Volume 33#4 ); May (Volume 33#5 ); June (Volume 33#6 ); July (Volume 33#7 ); August (Volume 33#8 ); September (Volume 33#9 ); October (Volume 33#10 ); November (Volume 33#11 ); December (Volume 33#12 ); Mid-December (Volume 33 #13);

1989 January (Volume 34#1 ); February (Volume 34# 2); March (Volume 34# 3); April (Volume 34# 4); May (Volume 34# 5); July (Volume 34# 7); September (Volume 34 #9); October (Volume 34 #10); November (Volume 34#11 ); December (Volume 34 #12);

1990 January (Volume 35# 1); February (Volume 35# 2); March (Volume 35#3 ); April (Volume 35 #4);May (Volume 35#5 ); June (Volume 35 #6);July (Volume 35# 7); August (Volume 35# 8); September (Volume 35# 9); October (Volume 35#10 ); November (Volume 35#11 ); December (Volume 35#12 ); Mid-December (Volume 35#13);

1991 January (Volume 36#1 ); February (Volume 36#2 ); March (Volume 36# 3); April (Volume 36#4 ); May (Volume 36#5 ); June (Volume 36# 6); July (Volume 36#7 ); August (Volume 36#8 ); September (Volume 36#9 ); October (Volume 36# 10); November (Volume 36#11 ); December (Volume 36# 12); Mid-December (Volume 36 #13);

1992 January (Volume 37 #1); February (Volume 37 #2);March (Volume 37# 3); April (Volume 37# 4); June (Volume 37#6 ); July (Volume 37#7 ); August (Volume 37#8 ); September (Volume 37 #9);October (Volume 37#10 ); November (Volume 37 #11);December (Volume 37#12 ); Mid-December (Volume 37 #13);

1993 January (Volume 38#1 ); February (Volume 38# 2); March (Volume 38# 3); April (Volume 38 #4); May (Volume 38 #5);June (Volume 38 #6); July (Volume 38 #7);August (Volume 38#8 ); September (Volume 38 #9); October (Volume 38 #10); November (Volume 38 #11); December (Volume 38 #12);Mid-December (Volume 38#13 );

1994 January (Volume 39# 1); February (Volume 39# 2); March (Volume 39 #3); April (Volume 39 #4); May (Volume 39# 5); August (Volume 39# 8); September (Volume 39# 9); October (Volume 39#10 ); November (Volume 39# 11); December (Volume 39#12 ); Mid-December (Volume 39 #13);

1995 January (Volume 40#1 );February (Volume 40 #2); March (Volume 40#3 ); April (Volume 40# 4); May (Volume 40#5 ); June (Volume 40# 6); August (Volume 40# 8); September (Volume 40#9 ); October (Volume 40 #10);

1996 February (Volume 41 #2); March (Volume 41 #3); May (Volume 41 #5); July (Volume 41 #7);October (Volume 41 #10);November (Volume 41 #11);

1997 November (Volume 42 #11);

1998 January (Volume 43 #1); February (Volume 43 #2);October (Volume 43 #10);December (Volume 43 #12);

1999 January (Volume 44 #1);April (Volume 44 #4); July/August (Volume 44 #7);December (Volume 44 #12);

2000 March (Volume 45 #3);


1979 Spring/Summer (#4);

Fall/ Winter (#7);

1981 Spring/Summer (#8); Fall/Winter (#9);

1982 Spring/Summer (#10); "Fear" (#12);

1983 "Deathreach" (#13); Fall "Borrowers of the Night" (#15); Winter "A Choice of Evils" (#16);

1984 Spring "Mortal Errors" (#17); Summer "Crimewatch" (#18); Winter "Grave Suspicious" (#19);

1986 Summer "Words of Prey" (#21);

1987 Spring/Summer "A Brief Darkness" (#23); Fall/Winter "The Shadow of Silence" (#24);

1988 Winter "Shrouds and Pockets" (#26);


1982 (No Date; No #);


1958 (Fall);


1982 (No date; No #);

AMERICAN AGENT (Republic Features Syndicate Inc.)

1957 Spring (Volume 1 #1; cover Bob Maguire); August (Volume 1 #2);


1973 November (Volume 1#1);

CRIME DIGEST (Davis Pub. Inc.)

1981 October/November (Volume 1#1);

1982 May/June; September/October;


Circa 1950's (No Date No #) = Rare "TRUE" CRIME Anthology (PBO);


1948 June (Annual);


1956 (Volume 1 #4);

ELLERY QUEEN'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE (The American Mercury Inc./ DAVIS / Dell Pub)

= Usually 7-10 Short Stories in EACH issue (most are New);

1942; September (Volume 3 #4; VG $125);

1943; January (Volume 4#1; VG $30); March (Volume 4#3; G/VG $25); July (Volume 4# 7; VG $30);

1943; November (Volume 4# 13; VG/FN $30);

1944; January (Volume 5# 14; Fredric Brown story; VG+ $49);

1944; May (Volume 5# 16; Dashiell Hammett story; FN $39); July (Volume 5#17; Fredric Brown story; Sherlock Holmes cover; VG $39);

1944; September (Volume 5# 18; Woolrich story; VG $25); November (Volume 5# 19; Dashiell Hammett story; VG/FN $29);

1946; February (Volume 7# 27; William Irish story; VG/FN $35); August (Volume 7# 33; John Steinbeck story; VG/FN $35);

1970 February (Volume 55#2 ); May (Volume 55# 5);

1971 May (Volume 58 #1);June (Volume 58 #2);July (Volume 58#3 ); October (Volume 58# 4); November (Volume 58# 5);

1972 January (Volume 59#1 ); March (Volume 59# 3); April (Volume 59#4 ); June (Volume 59# 6); July (Volume 60# 1); August (Volume 60#2 ); October (Volume 60# 4); November (Volume 60#5 ); December (Volume 60#6 );

1973 January (Volume 61#1 ); February (Volume 61# 2); March (Volume 61#3 ); July (Volume 62# 1); August (Volume 62# 2); November (Volume 62# 5); December (Volume 62#6 );

1974 January (Volume 63#1 ); February (Volume 63#2 ); April (Volume 63# 4); May (Volume 63# 5); June (Volume 63# 6); August (Volume 64#2 ); September (Volume 64#3 );

1975 January (Volume 65#1 ); February (Volume 65# 2); March (Volume 65# 3); May (Volume 65#5 ); June (Volume 65#6 ); July (Volume 66#1 ); August (Volume 66#2 ); October (Volume 66#4 ); December (Volume 66# 6);

1976 January (Volume 67#1 ); February (Volume 67#2 ); March (Volume 67# 3); April (Volume 67#4 ); May (Volume 67# 5); June (Volume 67#6 ); July (Volume 68#1 ); August (Volume 68# 2); September (Volume 68#3 ); October (Volume 68# 4); November (Volume 68#4 ); December (Volume 68#6 );

1977 January (Volume 69#1 ); February (Volume 69#2 ); March (Volume 69#3 ); April (Volume 69# 4); May (Volume 69#5 ); June (Volume 69#6 ); July (Volume 70#1 ); August (Volume 70# 2); September (Volume 70#3 ); October (Volume 70#4 ); November (Volume70 # 5); December (Volume 70#6 );

1978 January (Volume 71#1 ); February (Volume 71# 2); March (Volume 71# 3); April (Volume 71#4 ); May (Volume 71# 5); June (Volume 71#6 ); July (Volume 72#1 ); August (Volume 72# 2); September (Volume 72#3 ); October (Volume 72# 4); November (Volume 72#5 ); December (Volume 72# 6);

1979 January (Volume 73#1 ); February (Volume73 # 2); March (Volume 73# 3); April (Volume 73#4 ); May (Volume 73#5 ); June (Volume 73#6 ); July (Volume 74#1 ); August (Volume 74#2 ); September (Volume 74#3 ); October (Volume 74# 4); November (Volume 74# 5); December (Volume 74#6 ); December 17 (Volume 74#7);

1980 January 14 (Volume 75# 1); February 11 (Volume 75# 2); March 10 (Volume 75# 3); April 7(Volume 75# 4); May 5(Volume 75# 5); June 2(Volume 75# 6); June 30 (Volume 75 #7); July 23(Volume 76#1 ); August 18(Volume 76# 2); September 10(Volume 76# 3); October 6(Volume 76#4 ); November 3(Volume 76# 5); December 1 (Volume 76#6 );

1981 January 1(Volume 77# 1); January 28 (Volume 77 #2); February 25(Volume 77# 3); March 25(Volume 77#4 ); April 22(Volume 77#5 ); May 20(Volume 77#6 ); June 17(Volume 77# 7); July 15(Volume 78# 1); August 12(Volume 78# 2); September 9(Volume78 #3 ); October 7(Volume 78#4 ); November 4(Volume 78#5 );

1982 January 27 (Volume 79 #2); February 24(Volume 79#3 ); March 24 (Volume 79 #4); May (Volume 79# 5); June (Volume 79 #6); July (Volume 80#1 ); Mid-July (Volume 80 #2); August (Volume 80# 3); September (Volume 80#4 ); October (Volume 80#5 ); November (Volume 80#6 ); December (Volume 80#7 );

1983 January (Volume 81# 1); March (Volume 81#3 ); April (Volume 81#4 ); May (Volume 81#5 ); June (Volume 81#6 ); July (Volume 82#1 ); Mid-July (Volume 82#2 ); August (Volume 82# 3); September (Volume 82#4 ); November (Volume 82# 6); December (Volume 82 #7);

1984 January (Volume 83#1 ); March (Volume 83#3 ); April (Volume 83#4 ); May (Volume 83#5 ); June (Volume 83#6 ); July (Volume 84#1 ); August (Volume 82#2 ); September (Volume 84#3 ); October (Volume 84#4 ); November (Volume 84 #5);December (Volume 84#6 ); Mid December (Volume 84 #7);

1985 January (Volume 85#1 ); April (Volume 85#4 ); June (Volume 86# 6); July (Volume 86#1 ); August (Volume 86# 2); September (Volume 86#3 ); October (Volume 86#4 ); November (Volume 86# 5); December (Volume 86#6 ); Mid-december (Volume 86 #7);

1986 February (Volume 87 #2);May (Volume 87#5 ); September (Volume 88 #3);October (Volume 88 #4);November (Volume 88#5 ); December (Volume 88#6; photo cover of Loretta Swit );

1987 January (Volume 89#1; photo cover Norman George as Edgar Allan Poe ); February (Volume 89#2; photo cover Judith Crist/ Cynthia Manson ); March (Volume 89# 3; photo cover Robert Barnard); May (Volume 89#5); July (Volume 90#1; photo cover Isaac Asimov ); August (Volume 90#1; photo cover Steve Allen ); September (Volume 90#3; photo cover Tai Ellin ); October (Volume 90#4; photo cover Clark Howard ); November (Volume 90#5); Mid December (Volume 90 #7);

1988 January (Volume 91 #1); February (Volume 91#2);March (Volume 91#3; photo cover Jake "The Snake" Roberts ); April (Volume 91#4); May (Volume 91 #5); July (Volume 92#1; photo cover Michael Crawford as "The Phantom of the Opera" ); September (Volume 92#3); December (Volume 92#6);

1989 January (Volume 93#1; photo cover Pat Morita ); February (Volume 93#2; photo cover Angela Lansbury );April (Volume 93#4; photo cover Ruth Rendell ); June (Volume 93#5);July (Volume 94 #1);November (Volume 94#5; photo cover Simon Brett ); December (Volume 94 #6); Mid December (Volume 94#7);

1990 March (Volume 95#3 ); April (Volume 95#4; photo cover Telly Savalas ); May (Volume 95#5; photo cover Ross Thomas ); June (Volume 95#6; photo cover Phyllis Diller ); August (Volume 96#2); November (Volume 96#5; photo cover Joan Kahn/ John Lutz/ Shirley Baker ); December (Volume 96#6);

1991 January (Volume 97#1; photo cover Bob Golic ); February (Volume 97#2); March (Volume 97 #3);April (Volume 97#4; photo cover Joe Gores ); May (Volume 97#5); June (Volume 97#6);July (Volume 98#1; photo cover John Mortimer ); August (Volume 98#2; photo cover Ann Bayer ); September (Volume 98#3; photo cover Rupert Holmes/ Pamela Brull/ Natalia Nogulich ); October (Volume 98# 4&5; photo cover Andrew Klavan/ Russell Atwood ); November (Volume 98#6; photo cover Kitty Sullivan ); December (Volume 98#8; photo cover Nyree Dixon ); Mid December (Volume 98#9);

1992 January (Volume 99#1; photo cover Charles Keating ); March (Volume 99 #3); April (Volume 99 #4); May (Volume 99#5);June (Volume 99#6; photo cover Andrew Vachss ); July (Volume 100 #1); August (Volume 100#2; photo cover Lynne Barrett ); September (Volume 100 #3); October (Volume 100 #4); November (Volume 100 #5); December (Volume 100#6);Mid December (Volume 100 #7);

1993 January (Volume 101 #1);February (Volume 101#2 ); March (Volume 101#3&4 ); April (Volume 101 #5); May (Volume 101 #6); June (Volume 102 #1);July (Volume 102#2) August (Volume 102#3); September (Volume 102 #4); October (Volume 102 #5);;November (Volume 102#6 ); Mid-December (Volume 102#8 );

1994 January (Volume 103#1 ); February (Volume 103#2; Photo cover Robert Twohy ); March (Volume 103#3&4 ); April (Volume 103#5 ); May (Volume 103#6; photo cover Mary Higgens Clark/ Lois Collins ); June (Volume 104#1) July (Volume 104 #2); August (Volume 104 #3);September (Volume 104 #4);October (Volume 104 #5); November (Volume 104#6); December (Volume 104 #7);;Mid-December (Volume 104#8 );

1995 February (Volume 105#2 ); March (Volume 105#3&4 ); April (Volume 105#5 ); May (Volume 105#6 ); July (Volume 106 #1); August (Volume 106#2 ); September (Volume 106#3 );

1996 January (Volume 107#1 );

1997 July (Volume 109 #1); September / October (Volume 109 #3&4); November (Volume 109 #5);

1998 January (Volume 110 #1);

1999 November (Volume 113 #6);

2004; September/October (Double issue; Whole #757/758; Weight = 175 Grams; G/VG = $6);


1960; Mid-Year (VG/FN $19);

1979 Fall/Winter (Volume 38);

1983 Fall (Volume 47); Winter (Volume 48);

1984 Fall (Volume 50);

1986 Summer (Volume 54); Fall (Volume 55);

1987 Summer (Volume 56); Fall (Volume 57);

1988 Summer (Volume 58); Fall (Volume 59);

1989 Summer (Volume 60);


Amateur in Violence by Michael Gilbert;

The Best Short Stories of 1983;

Earl Stanley Gardner: The Case of the Murderer's Bride; The Amazing Adventures of Lester Leith;

How to Trap a Crook by Julian Symons;

Kindly Dig Your Grave by Stanley Ellin;

Readers' Choice;

The Spy and the Thief by Edward D. Hoch;


1984 December (Volume 1# 1);

1985 May (Volume 1# 3);

1986 February (Volume 1#6 ); April (Volume 2#1 ); August (Volume 2#3 );

October (Volume 2# 4);

FAMOUS DETECTIVE STORIES (Golden Books of American Pub.)

1944 (No Date; No #);

GIRL FROM U.N.C.L.E. MAGAZINE (Leo Margulies Corp. / PDC Pub; Digest);

Volume-1 #1 (12/1966; VG/FN = $25.00); 

Volume-1 #1 (12/1966; SOLD OUT); 

Volume-1 #2 (2/1967; SOLD OUT); 

Volume-1 #3 (4/1967; SOLD OUT); 

Volume-1 #4 (6/1967; SOLD OUT); 

Volume-1 #5 (8/1967; SOLD OUT);

Volume-1 #6 (10/1967; SOLD OUT)

Volume-2 #1 (12/1967; Whole #7; LAST Issue; SOLD OUT);


1958 November (Volume 3#3 );

1959 July (Volume 4#1 );

1960 December (Volume 5#2 );

1961 December (Volume 6# 2);


1954 December (Volume 1# 1);


1955 June (#25);

1956 June (#29); September (#30);

MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. MAGAZINE (Leo Margulies Corp. / PDC Pub; Digest; 24 issue Series);

Volume-1 #1 (2/1966; VGFN = $36.00); 

Volume-1 #3 (4/1966; FN = $19.00); (GOOD $9.)

Volume-1 #4 (5/1966; VG = $11.00); 

Volume-1 #5 (6/1966; near FN = $24.00); 

Volume-1 #6 (7/1966; VG- = $10.00); (VG/FN $16.00)

Volume-2 #1 (8/1966; VG- = $8.00); 

Volume-2 #2 (9/1966; VGFN = $14.00); 

Volume-2 #5 (12/1966; FN = $19.00); (VG+ $12.50);

Volume-2 #5 (12/1966; VG/FN = $14.00); 

Volume-3 #1 (2/1967; VG/FN = $14.00); 

Volume-3 #1 (2/1967; Inventory #2355-3; G/VG = $10.00);

Volume-3 #2 (3/1967; VG- = $11.50);

Volume-3 #3 (4/1967; GD/VG = $9.00);

Volume-3 #4 (5/1967; VG/FN = $14.00);(VG $12.00)

Volume-3 #5 (6/1967; VG+ = $15.00);

Volume-3 #6 (7/1967; VG/FN = $14.00); 
Volume-4 #2 (9/1967; VGFN $14.00);
Volume-4 #3 (10/1967; VG- $23.00);
Volume-4 #4 (11/1967; VG+ $26.00);
Volume-4 #5 (12/1967; NEAR FN $28.00);

MANHUNT (Eagle Pub. Inc.)

1953 March (Volume 1#3 );June (Volume 1# 6); August(Volume 1#8 );

1954 May (Volume 2# 3); June (Volume2 # 4); October (Volume 2#8 );

1955 March (Volume 3 #3, Memento by Erskine Caldwell), April (Volume 3 #4; His Own Hand by Rex Stout); May (Erle Stanley, Bruno Fischer); June(Max Franklin, Mickey Spillane); July (See Him Die by Evan Hunter; Richard Deming); August (Nudists Die Naked by Richard S. Prather; Frank Kane); September (James T. Farrell; Charles Williams);October (Volume 3#10 ); December (Volume 3#12 );

1956 December (Volume 4#12 );

1959 August (Volume 7#4 );

1960 February (Volume 8#1 );

1961 February (Volume 9#1 ); October (Volume 9#5 );

1963 February (Volume 11#1 ); April (Volume 11 #2; Talmage Powell, Richard Stark, Robert McKay, Bernard Epps, Don Lowry; Dave Hill);

1964 November (Volume 12#6 );

1965 December (Volume 13#6 );

1966 April/May (Volume 14#2 ); August/September (Volume 14# 4);

MENACE (St. John Pub. Corp.)

1954 November (Volume 1#1 );


1957 July (Volume 3#2 );

1958 January (Volume 4#1 );

1959 February (Volume 5# 1);


1960 October (Volume 7 #5);

1962 August (Volume 11 #3);

1969 May (Volume 24# 6); August; September, November (Volume 25# 6);

1970 June;

1971 February (Volume 28# 3); March (Volume 28# 4); April (Volume 28#5 ); August; September; October; November (Volume 29#6 ); December (Volume 30#1 );

1972 March; April; August (Volume 31#3 ); September (Volume 31# 4); November; December (Volume 32# 1);

1973 January (Volume 32# 2); June (Volume 33); July (Volume 33#2 );

1974 January (Volume 34#2 ); March (Volume 34#4 );

1975 January (Volume 36#1 );June (Volume 36#6 ); August (Volume 37 #3);November (Volume 37# 5);

1976 May (Volume 38# 5); June (Volume 38#6 ); (August); September (Volume 39#3 ); December (Volume 39#6 );

1977 January (Volume 40#1 ); February (Volume 40#2 ); March (Volume 40#3 ); April (Volume 40#4 ); May (Volume 40# 5); June; September (Volume 41#3 ); October;

1978 January (Volume 42#1 ); May (Volume 42#5 ); July (Volume 42# 7); August (Volume 42# 8); (October); (November); December (Volume 42#12 );

1979 February (Volume 43#2 ); March (Volume 43# 3); April (Volume 43#4 ); June (Volume 43#6 ); July (Volume 43#7 ); August (Volume 43#5 ); September; October; November (Volume 43#11 ); December;

1980 January (Volume 43# 1); February; April; May (Volume 44#5 ); June, July (Volume 44#7 ); August (Volume 44#8 ); September (Volume 44#9 ); October (Volume 44#10 ); November (Volume 44#11 ); December (Volume 44# 12);

1981 January, February, April,May (Volume 45#5 ); June (Volume 45# 6); July, August (Volume 45#8 ); September (Volume 45#9 ); November (Volume 45#11 ); December;

1982 January (Volume 46# 1); February (Volume 46# 2); March (Volume 46#3 ); May (Volume 46#5 ); June; September (Volume 46#9 ); October (Volume 46# 10); November (Volume 46#11 ); December (Volume 46#12 );

1983 January; February (Volume 47# 2); March (Volume 47# 3); April (Volume 47# 4); May (Volume 47#5 ); June (Volume 47#6 ); July, August, September (Volume 47#9 ); October (Volume 47# 10); November (Volume 47# 11); December (Volume 47# 12);

1984 January (Volume 48#1 ); February, March (Volume 48#3 ); April (Volume 48#4 ); May (Volume 48#5 ); June (Volume 48# 6); July (Volume 48#7 ); August (Volume 48#8 ); September (Volume 48# 9); October (Volume 48#10 ); November (Volume 48#11 ); December (Volume 48#12 );

1985 January (Volume 49#1 ); February (Volume 49# 2); March (Volume 49#3 ); April (Volume 49# 4); June; August (Volume 49#8 );


1951 November (Volume 1#1 );


1947 January (Volume 5# 1; Whole number #17; Helen Reilly; Leo Marr; "A Voice Behind Him" by FREDRIC BROWN; G/VG = $35);

MYSTERY DIGEST (Shelton Pub. Corp.)

1959 February (Volume 3#2 );July/August(Volume 3#7 ); November/December (Volume 3#9 );

1960 September/October (Volume 4#5 ); November/December (Volume 4#6 );

MYSTERY MONTHLY (Looking Glass Pub. Inc.)

1976 June (Volume 1#1 ); August (Volume 1# 3);

1977 February (Volume 1#9 );


1963 May (Volume 8#2 );


1954 July (Volume-1 #4; B. Safran GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; All-New Stories by; Charles Beckman Jr, Bryce Walton, Mel Colton, Robert Turner, William Vance, Elston Barrett, Fletcher Flora, George Cassidy, Hayden Howard; 132 pages including covers);


January (#7; Fate Rides the Cyclone by Johnston McCully; R. Van Taylor, August Derleth, Bram Norton);


1953 Spring (Volume 1 #1); June/July(#2); August/September (#3);

1954 January (Volume 1#5 ); July (Volume 2#2 ); November (Volume 2#5 );

1955 February (Volume 3#2 ); March (Volume 3# 3); May (Volume 3# 5); June (Volume3 #6); July (Volume 4# 1); August (Volume 4#2 ); October (Volume 4#4 );

December (Volume 4#6 );

1956 January (Volume 5#1 ); April (Volume 5#4 ); May (Volume 5#5 ); June (Volume 5#6 ); July (Volume 6#1 ); August (Volume 6#2 ); September (Volume 6#3 ); October (Volume 6#4 ); November (Volume 6#5 ); December (Volume 6#6 );

1957 January (Volume 7# 1); February (Volume 7#2 ); March (Volume 7#3 );

April (Volume 7#4 ); June (Volume 7#6 ); July (Volume 8#1 ); September (Volume 8#3 ); October (Volume 8#4 ); November (Volume 8#5 ); December (Volume 8#6 );

1958 January (Volume 9#1 ); February (Volume 9#2 ); March (Volume 9#3 ); April (Volume 9#4 ); May (Volume 9#5 ); June (Volume 9#6 );

August (Volume 10#2 ); September (Volume 10# 3); October (Volume 10# 4); November (Volume 10#5 ); December (Volume 10# 6);

1959 January (Volume 11#1 ); February (Volume 11# 2); March (Volume 11#3 ); April (Volume 11#4; NBC ); May (Volume 11#5 ); June (Volume 11#6 );

October (Volume 12#4 ); November (Volume 12# 5); December (Volume 12#6 );

1960 January (Volume 13#1 ); February (Volume 13#2 ); March (Volume 13#3 ); April (Volume 13# 4); May (Volume 13#5 );

1961 September (Volume 15# 1); December (Volume 15#2 );

1962 January (Volume 15# 3); May (Volume 16#1 ); June (Volume 16#2 ); July (Volume 17# 1); August (Volume 17#2 ); September (Volume 17#3 ); October (Volume 17#4 ); November (Volume 17# 5);

1963 February (Volume 18#2 ); April (Volume 18#4 ); May (Volume 18#5 ); June (Volume 18#6 ); August (Volume 19#2 ); September (Volume 19# 3); October (Volume 19#4 ); November (Volume 19# 5); December (Volume 19# 6);

1964 January (Volume 20#1 ); February (Volume 20# 2); March (Volume 20#3 );

April (Volume 20# 4); May (Volume 20# 5); June (Volume 20# 6); July (Volume 21#1 ); September (Volume 21#2 ); October (Volume 21#3 );

1965 January (Volume 21#5 ); March (Volume 21#6 ); May (Volume 22#2 );

December (Volume 23# 1);

1966 September (Volume 24#2 );

1967 August (Volume 25# 4); September (Volume 25# 5); October (Volume 25#6 );


1962 - May;

THE SAINT'S CHOICE (Bond-Charteris Enterprises)

1945 (#1); (#2); (#9); (#11);


1966 February (Volume 1#1 ); September (Volume 2#2 );


Summer #1; Fall #2; Winter #3; Summer #5; Winter #7; Spring #8; Summer #9; Fall #10; Summer #13; Winter #14; Spring #15; Fall #17


1947 - November;

SUSPENSE (Farrell Pub. Corp.)

1951 Spring (Volume 1#1); Summer (Volume 1 #2); Fall (Volume 1 #3);


1951 October (volume 1 #4);

1953 Spring (Volume 3#2); Summer (Volume 3 #3);

VERDICT (Flying Eagle Pub. Inc.)

1953 September (Volume1 # ?);

WORLD WIDE ADVENTURE (Health Knowledge Inc.)

1968/69 Winter (Volume 1 #5);

(3) - MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense DIGESTS by Single AUTHORS ;

AARONS, EDWARD S. - "Nightmare" (Mercury Mystery #143/ The American Mercury Inc.; 1948);

ABBOT, ANTHONY - "About the Murder of a Startled Lady" (Murder Mystery Monthly #25/ Avon Book Co.; 1944);

ADAMS, CLEVE F. - "And Sudden Death" (Prize Mystery Novels #5/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.; 1943); **** "And Sudden Death" (Mystery Novel of the Month #36/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1942);

ADAMS, EUSTACE L. - "Death Charter" (Adventure Novel Classic #31/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1943);

ALLINGHAM, MARGERY - "Black Plumes" (Bestseller Mystery #33/ The American Mercury Inc.; 1943); **** "Dancers in Mourning" (Jonathan Mystery J32/ Jonathan Press Inc.; 1947); **** "Flowers for the Judge" (Murder Mystery Monthly #35/ Avon Book Co.; 1946); **** "Kingdom of Death" (Bestseller Mystery #856/ The American Mercury Inc.; 1945); **** "Legacy in Blood" (Mercury Mystery #132/ The America Mercury Inc.; circa 1948); **** " Who Killed Chloe?" (Murder Mystery monthly #17/ Avon Book Co.; 1943);

AMOS, ALAN - Jungle Murder (Adventure Novel Classic #24/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1941);

ARMSTRONG, MARGARET - "The Blue Santo Murder Mystery" (Detective Novel Classic #12/ Hillman Periodicals Inc.; 1941); **** "The Man With No Face" (bestseller Mystery #B30/ The American Mercury Inc.; 1943);

AVERY, ROBERT - "The Corpse in Company K" (Mystery Novel Of The Month #37/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1942); **** " - A Murder a Day" (Green Dragon #4/ W.H. Wise and Co.; circa 1940's); **** " - Murder on the Downbeat" (Death House Mystery #3/ W.H. Wise and Co.; 1944);

BABCOCK, DWIGHT V. - "Hannah Says Foul Play!" (Murder Mystery Monthly #38/ Avon Book Co.; 1946);

BAGBY, GEORGE - "A Dirty Way to Die" (Bestseller Mystery #B200/ The American Mercury Inc.; 1955); **** "In Cold Blood" (Bestseller Mystery #B13/ The American Mercury Inc.; 1948);

BALLARD, W.T. - "Say Yes to Murder" (B.D.S. #9/ Sphere Pub. Inc.; 1943);

BARDON, MINNA - "Murder for (Real) Fun" (Black Knight Mysteries #24/ Ideal Dist. Co.; 1947);

BARLAY, BENNETT - Satan Comes Across" (Eerie Series #4; 1945);

BARNS, GLENN M. - "Murder is a Gamble" (Bestseller Mystery #B162/ The American Mercury Inc.; 1952);

BAX, ROGER - "A Grave Case of Murder" (Mercury Mystery #176/ Mercury Pub. Inc.; 1951);

BECHDOLT, FREDERICK R. - "Riot at Red Water" (Adventure Novel Classic #28/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1941);

BELLIVEAU, JOHN EDWARD - "the Coffin Murder Case" (Kingswood House; June 1956 with DustJacket);

BENET, JAMES - "The Knife Behind You" (Bestseller Mystery #B146/ Mercury Pub. Inc.; 1950);

BENJAMIN, EDLA - "Murder Without Make-Up" (Century Mysteries #12/ Century Pub.; 1940);

BENNETT, HALL - "Blonde Peril" (Knickerbocker Pub.; 1947);

BENTON, JOHN L. - "talent for Murder" (Green Dragon #14/ W.H. Wise & Co.; 1945);

BILLANY, DAN - "It Takes a Thief" (Black Cat Detective Series #9/ Crestwood Pub. Inc.; 1944);

BLACK, THOMAS B. - "The 3-13 Murders" (Bestseller Mystery B151/ Mercury Pub. Inc.; circa 1951); **** "The Pinball Murders" (Jonathan Press Mystery N137/ American Mercury Inc.; 1947); **** " - The Whitebird Murders" (Mercury Mystery #123/ The American Mercury Inc.; 1946);

BLAKE, NICHOLAS - "The Beast Must Die" (Black Cat Detective Series #7/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.; 1943);

BLOCH, BLANCHE - "The Bach Festival Murders" (Mercury Myster #90/ The American Mercury Inc.; 1942);

BLOCHMAN, LAWRENCE G. - "Rather Cool for Mayhem" (Bestseller Mystery #140/ Mercury Pub. Inc.; 1950);

BOGART, WILLIAM - "Murder is Forgetful" (Prize Mystery Novels #20/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.; 1946);

BORGENICHT, MIRIAM - "Don't Look Back" (Bestseller Mystery #B205/ Mercury Pub. Inc.; 1956);

BOSWORTH, ALLAN R. - "Full Crash Dive" (Death House Mystery #6/ W.H. Wise and Co.; 1945);

BOUTELL, ANITA - "Cradled in Fear" (Thriller Novel Classic #22/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1942);

BRANSON, H.C. - "Case of the Giant Killer" (Mercury Mystery #117/ American Mercury Inc.; 1944); **** "The Leaden Bubble" (Mercury Mystery #153/ Mercury Pub. Inc.; 1949);

BROOCKS, SCHUYLER - "Murder Makes a Marriage" (Dagger House Mystery #28/ Dagger House Inc.; 1947);

BROWN, GERALD - "Murder in Plain Sight" (Black Cat Detective Series #20/ Crestwood Pub. Co.; 1946); **** "Murder on Beacon Hill" (Hangman's House Mystery #7/ Journal of Living Pub. Corp.; 1941);

BROWN, WENZELL - "Murder Seeks an Agent" (Five Star Mystery #6/ Green Pub. Co.; 1945);

BRUCKER, MARGARETTA - "Murder at Lovers Lake" (Dagger House Mystery #20/ Dagger House Inc.; 1946);

CAIN, JAMES M. - "Double Indemnity" (Murder Mystery Monthly #16/ Avon Book Co.; 1943); **** "The Embezzler" (Murder Mystery Monthly #20/ Avon Books Co.; 1944); **** "Love's Lovely Counterfiet" (Murder Mystery Monthly #44/ Avon Books Co.; 1947);

CALIN, HAL - "Payoff in Blood" (Jonathan Press Mystery #78/ Jonathan Press Inc.; 1954);

CAMERON, DONALD CLOUGH - "Death at Her Elbow" (Green Dragon #20/ W.H. Wise and Co. 1945);

CAMPBELL, ALICE - "Veiled Murder" (Readers Choice Library #23/ St. jon Pub. Co.; 1951);

CARDWELL, ANN - "Crazy to Kill" (Black Cat Detective Series #10/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.; 1944);

CARNI, ROSS - "Against the F.B.I. (Hamilton and Co. Ltd.; 1952);

CARR, JOHN DICKSON - "Death Watch" (Bestseller Mystery B78/ American Mercury Inc.; 1945); **** "The Eight of Swords" (Detective Novel Classic #32/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1943);**** "The Four False Weapons" (Detective Novel Classic #40/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1943); **** "The Three Coffins" (Bestseller Mystery B47/ American Mercury Inc.; 1944);

CARTER, NICK - "Empire of Crime" (Vital Pub. Inc.; 1945); **** "Murder Unlimited" (Vital Pub. Inc.; 1945); **** "Park Avenue Murder!" (Vital Pub. Inc.; 1946);

CASEY, ROBERT J. - "Hot Ice" (Prize Mystery Novels #4/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.; 1943); **** "The Third Owl" (Prize Mystery Novels #9/ Cestwood Pub. Co. Inc.; 1944);

CHAMBERS, DANA - "The Blonde Died First" (Jonathan Press Mystery #58/ Jonathan Press Inc.; 1948); **** "Dear, Dear Woman" (Jonathan Press Mystery #J34/ Jonathan Press Inc.; 1946); **** "The Frightened Man" (Jonathan Press Mystery #J38/ Jonathan Press Inc.; 1946); **** "Rope for an Ape" (Jonathan Press Mystery #63/ Jonathan Press Inc.; 1947); **** "Rope for an Ape (Bestseller Mystery B103/ The American Mercury INc.; 1949); **** "Too Like the Dead" (Bestseller Mystery B133/ American Mercury Inc.; 1948);

CHAMBERS, PHILIP - "Keep It Secrets!" (Sexton Blake Library #489/ Fleetway Pub. Ltd.; January 1962);

CHAMBERS, WHITMAN - "Bright Star of Danger" (Century Adventures #101/ Century Pub.; 1940); **** "Bring Me Another Murder" (Mystery Novel Classic #61/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1942); **** "Dead Men Leave No Fingerprints" (Detective Novel Classics #28/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1943); **** "Murder for a Wanton" (Detective Novel Classic #22/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1943);

CHANDLER, RAYMOND - "Five Sinister Characters" (Murder Mystery Monthly #28/ Avon Book Co.; 1945);

CHARTERIS, LESLIE - "The Ace of Knaves" (Murder Mystery Monthly #22/ Avon Book Co.; 1944); **** "Alias the Saint" (Bonded Mystery #5/ Jacob Pub. Co.; 1945); **** "The Brighter Buccaneer" (Charter Book #26/ Saint Enterprises Inc.); **** "Lady on a Train" (Bonded Mystery #NN/ Jacob Pub. Co.; 1945); **** "Paging the Saint" (Bonded Mystery #7/ Jacob Pub. Co.; 1945); **** "The Saint vs. Scotland yard" (MUrder Mystery Monthly #32/ Avon Book Co.; 1945); **** "The Saint Meets His Match" (Bonded Mystery #14/ Bond - Charters Pub.; 1945);

CHESTER, GILBERT - "The Mystery of the Crashed Air - Liner" (Sexton Blake Library #144/ Amalgamated Press Ltd.; 1950's);

CHEYNEY, PETER - Premediated Murder" (Murder Mystery Monthly #15/ Avon Book Co.; 1943);

CHILDERNESS, GEORGE - "Murder in False Face" (Hangman's House Mystery/ Journal of Living Pub. Corp.; 1943);

CHRISTIAN, KIT - "Death and Bitters" (Detective Novel Classic #36/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1943);

CHRISTIE, AGATHA - "Appointment with Death" (Bestseller Mystery B58/ American Mercury Inc.; 1945); **** "The Boomerang Clue" (Bestseller Mystery B39/ American Mercury Inc.; 1943); **** "Cards onthe Table" (Mercury Mystery N53/ American Mercury Inc.; 1940's); **** "Dead Man's Mirror" (Bestseller Mystery B18/ American Merucry Inc.; 1942;); **** "Death on the Nile" (Mercury Mystery #66/ American Mercury Inc.; 1940's); **** "The Man in the Brown Suit" (Bestseller Mystery B52/ American Mercury Inc.; 1944); **** "Mr. Parker Pyne, Detective" (Bestseller Mystery B79/ American Mercury Inc.; 1946); **** "Murder at Hazelmoor" (Bestseller Mystery B61/ American Mercury Inc.; 1945); **** "The Murder at the Vicarage" (Mercury Mystery #43/ American Mercury Inc.; 1940's); **** "Murder in Mesopotamia" (Mercury Mystery #50/ American Mercury Inc.); ****"Murder in 3 Acts" (Bestseller Mystery B21/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Murder on the Links" (Mercury Mystery N100/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" (Murder Mystery Monthly #26/ Avon Book Co.); **** "N or N?" (Jonathan Press Mystery #J13/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "Partners in Crime" (Bestseller Mystery #B25/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Poirot Investigates" (Bestseller Mystery B43/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Regatta Mystery" (Bestseller Mystery B36/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Secret of Chimneys" (Mercury Mystery #69/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "13 at Dinner" (Mercury Mystery N59/ American Mercury Inc.);

CLARK, PHILIP - "The Dark River" (Bestseller Mystery B119/ American Mercury Inc.);

COLES, MANNING - "The Man in the Green Hat" (Jonathan Press Mystery #90/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "Now or Never" 9Jonathan Press Mystery #62/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "A Toast to Tomorrow" (Mercury Mystery #63/ American Mercury Inc.);

CORNE, M.E. - "Jealousy Pulls the Trigger" (Double Action Detective Novel #3/ Close-Up Inc.);

CREED, WILL - "Death Wears a Green Hat" (Five Star Mystery #42/ Green Pub. Co.);

CRISPIN, EDMUND - "Buried for Pleasure" (Bestseller Mystery #187/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "A Noose for Her" (Mercury Mystery #174/ American Mercury Inc.);

CROSBY, LEE - "Doors to Death" (Thriller Novel Classic #25/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Midsummer Night's Murder" (Select Publications);

CROSSEN, KEN - "The Case of the Phantom Fingerprints" (Vulcan Mystery #5/ Vulcan Publications Inc.); **** "Murder Out of Mind" (Five Star Mystery #2/ Green Pub. Co.);

CUMBERLAND, MARTEN - "The House in the Forest" (Mercury Mystery #169/ American Mercury Inc.);

CUNNINGHAM, A.B. - "The Affair at the Boat Landing (Detective Novel Classic #30/ Novel Selections Inc.) **** "The Cane-Patch Mystery (Detective Novel Classic #42/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Death at 'The Bottoms'" (Detective Novel Classic #20/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "The Strange Death of Manny Square" (Detective Novel Classic #15/ Novel Selections Inc.; 1942);

DAEMER, WILL - "The Case of the Lonely Lovers (Suspense Novel #2/ Farrell Pub. Corp.);

DAIGER, K.S. - "Murder on Ghost Tree Island" (Mystery Novel Classic #51/ Novel Selections Inc.);

DALL, JACK - "Murder Moves On" (Green Dragon #9/ W.H. Wise and Co.);

DALY, ELIZABETH - "The Book of the Crime" (Bestseller Mystery #199/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Deadly Nightshade" (Bestseller Mystery B70/ American Mercury Inc.);

DANIELS, NORMAN A. - "The Mausoleum Key" (Green Dragon #2/ W.H. Wise and Co.);

DAVIS, FREDERICK C. - "Let the Skeletons Rattle (Mystery Novel Classic #78/ Novel Selections Inc.);

DAVIS, MILDRED - "They Buried a Man" (Mercury Mystery #204/ American Mercury Inc.);

DEAN, GREGORY - "Murder on Stilts" (Detective Novel Classics #17/ Novel Selections Inc.);

DEAN, SPENCER - "The Smell of Fear" (Jonathan Press Mystery #**/ Jonathan Press Inc.);

DEBRETT, HAL - "A Lonely Way to Die" (Bestseller Mystery B134/ American Mercury Inc.);

DEMING, RICHARD - "Give the Girl a Gun" (Jonathan Press Mystery #83/ Jonathan Press Inc.) **** "Hand-Picked to Die" (Jonathan Press Mystery #91/ Jonathan Press Inc.);

DENT, LESTER - "Lady to Kill" (Bestseller Mystery B101/ American Mercury Inc.);

DICKSON, CARTER - "The Bowstring Murders" (Jonathan Press Mystery J4/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "The Red Widow Murders" (Jonathan Press Mystery J11/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "The White Priory Murders" (Jonathan Press Mystery J14/ Jonathan Press Inc.);

DILLON, JOHN - "From Dance Hall to White Slavery: Dance Hall Evil in Chicago" (Padell Book and Magazine Co.; 1943);

DISNEY, DORIS MILES - "Death in the Back Seat" (Mercury Mystery #71/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Golden Swan Murder" (Mercury Mystery #54/ American Mercury Inc.);

DODGE, DAVID - "The Long Escape" (Jonathan Press Mystery J95/ Jonathan Press Inc.);

DONAVAN, JOHN - "The Case of the Rusted Room" (Detective Novel Classic #7/ Novel Selections Inc);

DUBOIS, THEODORA - "Death Dines Out" (Prize Mystery Novels #26/ Crestwood Pub. Co.); **** "Murder Strikes and Stomic Unit" (Mystery Novel Classic #96/ Novel Selections Inc.);

DUBOIS, WILLIAM - "The Case of the Haunted Brides" (Mercury Mystery #75/ American Mercury Inc.);

DUNCAN, DAVID - "Sweet and Deadly" (Mercury #134/ American Mercury Inc.);

EBERHART, MIGNON C. - "The Dark Garden" (Best Seller Mystery #49/ American Mercury Inc.); *** "The Glass Slipper" (Mystery Novel Classic #56/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "The White Cockatoo" (Mercury Mystery #88/ American Mercury Inc.);

EBERHARDT, WALTER F. - "A Dagger in the Dark" (Green Pub. Co.);

EDGLEY, LESLIE - "The Angry Heart" (Bestseller Mystery B109/ American Mercury Inc.); **** Fear No More" (Bestseller Mystery B104/ American Mercury Inc.);

EISINGER, JO - "The Walls Came Tumbling Down" (Prize Mystery Novels #24/ W.H. Wise and Co.);

ELLIOTT, BRUCE - "You'll Die Laughing" (Five Star Mystery #3/ Green Pub. Co.);

ERVIN, MARI - "If I Die - It's Murder" (Green Dragon #24/ Ideal Distributing Co.);

ESHLEMAN, JOHN M. - "The Deadly Chase" (Mercury Mystery #201/ American Mercury Inc.);

ESTES, CARROLL COX - "Embrace of Death" (Bestseller Mystery #183/ American Mercury Inc.);

FAIRLIE, GERALD - "Bulldog Drummond on Dartmoor" (Thriller Novel Classic #2/ Novel Selections Inc.);

FARR, JOHN - "Naked Fear" (Jonathan Press Mystery J82/ Jonathan Press Inc.);

FEARING, KENNETH - "Dagger of the Mind" (Bestseller Mystery B67/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Sound of Murder" (Mercury Mystery #173/ American Mercury Inc.);

FENISONG, RUTH - "The Butler Died in Brooklyn" (Mystery Novel Classic #97/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Dead Yesterday" (Bestseller Mystery B168/ American Mercury Inc.);

FINDLEY, FERGUSON - "Dead Ringer" (Bestseller Mystery #160/ American Mercury Inc.);

FISCHER, BRUNO - "The Bleeding Scissors" (Bestseller Mystery #106/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Kill to Fit" (Five Star Mystery #46/ Green Pub. Co.); **** "The Spider Lily" (Jonathan Press Mystery J45/ Jonathan Press Inc.);

FISHER, PHILIP M. - "Vanishing" (Adventure Novel Clasic #42/ Novel Selections Inc.);

FISHER, STEVE - "The Night Before Murder" (Mystery Novel of the Month/ Novel Selections Inc.);

FLEISCHMAN, A.S. - "The Straw Donkey Case" (Prize Mystery Novels #29/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

FOOTNER, HULBERT - "The Death of a Celebrity" (Mystery Novel Classic #52/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Orchids to Murder" (Murder Mystery Monthly #37/ Avon Book Co.);

FOREMAN, L.L. - "Fight to Glory" (Adventure Novel Classic #20/ Novel Selections Inc.);

FOSTER, GERALD - "The Fiend" (Uni-Book #26/ Universal Pub. & Dist. Corp.);

FOSTER, RICHARD - "The Laughing Buddha Murders" (Vulcan Mystery #5/ Vulcan Pub. Inc.);

FOX, JAMES M. - “The Lady Regrets” (Bestseller Mystery #224/ American Mercury Inc.);

FRANCIS, WILLIAM - "Kill or Cure" (Green Pub. Co. #12);

FROST, FREDERICK - "The Bamboo Whistle" (Thriller Novel Classic #12/ Novel Selections Inc.);

GAINES, AUDREY - "The Voodoo Goat" (Black Cat Detective Series #21/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

GARNDER, ERLE STANLEY - "The Case of the Dangerous Dowager" (Mercury Mystery #58/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece" (Bestseller Mystery B19/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Clew of the Forgotten Murder" (Mercury Mystery #62/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The D.A. Draws a Circle" (Mercury Mystery #56/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "This is Murder" (Bestseller Mystery B35/ American Mercury Inc.);

GIBSON, WALTER B. - "Looks that Kill!" (Current Detective Stories Inc.);

GILBERT, ANTHONY - "The Woman in Red" (Mercury Mystery #91/ American Mercury Inc.);

GILL, TOM - "Jungle Harvest" (Adventure Novel Classic #37/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "The Unknown Ranger" (Adventure Novel Classic #19/ Novel Selections Inc.);

GLIDDEN, M.W. - "Come Dwell With Death" (Black Knight #25/ Ideal Dist. Co.);

GODEY, JOHN - "Killer at his Back" (Bestseller Mystery #180/ American Mercury Inc.);

GOLDMAN, LAWRENCE - "Fall Guy for Murder" (Prize Mystery Novels #6/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

GOLDMAN, R.L. - "Death Plays Solitaire" (Green Dragon #10/ W.H. Wise and Co.); **** "Murder Behind the Mike" (Black Knight #18/ Ideal Dist. Co.); **** "Murder Without Motive" (Prize Mystery Novels #16/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.); ***** "The Snatch" (Green Dragon #6/ W.H. Wise and Co.);

GOLLOMB, JOSEPH - "11 True Crimes" (Green Pub. Co.);

THE GORDONS - "FBI Story" (Bestseller Mystery B153/ American Mercury Inc.);

GRAHAM, WINSTON - "Bridge to Vengeance" (Bestseller Mystery B209/ American Mercury Inc.);

GREENE, JOSIAH E. - "The Laughing Loon" (Green Pub. Co.);

GRUBER, FRANK - **** "Fall-Guy for a Killer" (Jonathan Press Mystery #76/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "Hungry Dog Murders" (Murder Mystery Monthly #12/ Avon Book Co.); **** "The Lock and the Key" (Readers Choice Library #15/ St. John Pub. Co.); **** "The Long Arm of Murder" (Jonathan Press Mystery J85/ Jonathan Press Pub. Co.); **** "Simon Lash, Private Detective" (Murder Mystery Monthly #23/ Avon Book Co.);

GUNN, JAMES - "Deadlier Than the Male" (Chartered Mystery #8/ Saint Enterprises Inc.);

HAGGARD, PAUL - "Poison from a Wealthy Widow" (Mystery Novel of the Month/ Novel Selections Inc.);

HALE, CHRISTOPHER - "Dead of Winter" (Detective Novel Classic #39/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Exit Screaming" (Detective Novel Classic #34/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Rumor Hath It" (Detective Novel Classic #51/ Novel Selections Inc.);

HALLERAN, E.E. - "Death Over Moccasin Valley" (Adventure Novel Classic #38/ Novel Selections Inc.);

HAMMETT, DASHIELL - "The Adventures of Sam Spade" (Bestseller Mystery B50/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Continental Op" (Bestseller Mystery B62/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Creeping Siamese" (Jonathan Press Mystery J48/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "They Can Only Hang You Once" (Mercury Mystery N131/ American Mercury Inc.);

HARDINGE, REX - "The Legacy of Hae" (Sexton Blake Library N199; UK); ***** "With Criminal Intent" (Sexton Blake Library N220; UK);

HASTINGS, MACDONALD - "Fish and Kill" (Mercury Mystery N177/ American Mercury Inc.);

HAWKINS, JOHN & WARD - "Broken River" (Adventure Novel Classic N29/ Novel Selections Inc.);

HEAD, MATTHEW - "The Smell of Money" (Mercury Mystery #96/ American Mercury Inc.);

HEARD, H.F. - "A Taste for Honey" (Mercury Mystery #70/ American Mercury Inc.);

HEATH, ERIC - "Murder in the Museum" (Mystery Novel of the Month/ Novel Selections Inc.);

HINCKLEY, JULIAN - "Murder by Schedule" (Golden Willow Mystery #55/ Golden Willow Press Inc.);

HITCHENS, DOLORES - "The Fatal Flirt" (Bestseller Mystery B184/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Terror Lurks in Darkness" (Bestseller Mystery B177/ American Mercury Inc.);

HOBHOUSE, ADAM - "The Hangover Murders" (Mercury Mystery #118/ American Mercury Inc.);

HOGARTH, EMMETT - "The Goose is Cooked" (Bonded Mystery #1/ Anson Bond Pub.);

HOGES, CARL G. - "Crime on my Hands" (Phantom Book #506/ Hanro Corp.);

HOLBROOK, MARION - "Death Writes an Ad" (Mystery Novel Classic #57/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Wanted: A Murderess" (Mystery Novel Classic #63/ Novel Selections Inc.);

HOLDING, ELISABETH SANXAY - "Dark Power" (Black Cat Detective Series #14/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.); **** "Hostess to Murder" (Mystery Novel Classic #58/ Novel Selections Inc.);

HOLLAND, MARTY - "Fallen Angel" (Century Mystery #26/ Century Pub.);

HOLLEY, HELEN - "Blood on the Beach" (Red Dagger Mystery #29/ Dagger House Inc.);

HOLT, ALLISON - "Death for a Hussy" (Red Dagger Mystery #21/ Dagger House INc.);

HOMES, GEOFFREY - "The Man Murdered Himself" (Century Mystery #10/ Century Pub.);

HULTMAN, HELEN JOAN - "Murder in Odd Sizes" (hangman's House Mystery #10/ Journal of Living Pub. Corp.); **** "Murder Rings Twice" (Fingerprint Mystery/ Readers Detective Book Service);

HUNTER, JOHN - "Murder in the Air" (Sexton Blake Library #327; UK); **** "When the Jury Disagreed!" (Sexton Blake Library #223; UK);

HUXLEY, ELSPETH - "Murder on Safari" (Prize Mystery Novel #10/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

INNES, HAMMOND - "The Blue Ice" (Jonathan Press Mystery J60/ Jonathan Press Inc.);

IRISH, WILLIAM (Cornell Woolrich) - "I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes" (Mercury Mystery #82/ American Mercury Inc.);

JARDINE, WARWICK - "Death Her Destination" (Sexton Blake Library #483; UK);

JENKINS, WILL F. - "The Man Who Feared" (Hangman's House Mystery/ Journal of Living Pub. Corp.); **** "The Murder of the U.S.A." (Handi-Book Mystery #62/ Quinn Pub. Co.);

JEROME, OWEN FOX - "Murder as Usual" (Black Cat Detective Series #13/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

JOHNS, VERONICA PARKER - "Shady Doings (Atlas Mystery/ Select Pub. Inc.); **** "The Singing Widow" (Atlas Mystery/ Select Pub. Inc.);

JONES, INIGO - "The Albatross Murders" (Mystery Novel of the Month #33/ Novel Selections Inc.);

KANE, FRANK - "Bullet Proof" (Jonathan Press Mystery J64/ Jonathan Press INc.);

KETCHUM, PHILIP - "Kill at Dusk" (Red Dagger Mystery #23/ Dagger House Inc.);

KEYSTONE, OLIVER - "Major Crime" (Prize Mystery Novels #30/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

KING, HILARY - "The Man From Dieppe" (Sexton Blake Library #268; UK);

KING, RUFUS - 'The Case of the Dowager's Etchings" (Mystery Novel Classic #69/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Murder by Latitude" (Detective Novel Classic #33/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "A Murderer in this House" (Detective Novel Classic #38/ Novel Selections Inc.);

KNIGHT, KATHLEEN MOORE - "Death Came Dancing" (Century Mystery #23/ Century Pub.); **** "Murder for Empire" (Thriller Novel Classic #33/ Novel Selections Inc.);

KOEHLEER, ROBERT PORTNER - "Corpse in the Wind" (Black Knight #15/ W.H. Wise and Co.); **** "Journey to Murder" (Adventure Novel Classic #34/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Steps to Murder" (Detective Novel Classic #27/ Novel Selections Inc.);

KOOTZ - "Puzzle in Paint" (Hangman's House Mystery #2/ Journal of Living Pub. Corp.);

KUMMER, FREDERIC ARNOLD - "The Clue of the Twisted Face" (Detective Novel Classic #10/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "The Scarecrow Murders" (Detective Novel Clasic #6/ Novel Selections Inc.);

LAING, PATRICK - "Murder From the Mind" (Red Dagger Mystery #25/ Dagger House Inc.);

LANDON, HERMAN - "The Owl's Warning" (Green Pub. Co.);

LANGHAM, JAMES R. - "A Pocketful of Clues" (Chartered Mystery #28/ Saint Enterprises Inc.);

LANHAM, EDWIN - "The Case of the Missing Corpse" (Bestseller Mystery B182/ American Mercury Inc.);

LARIAR, LAWRENCE - "He Died Laughing" (Femack Co.);

LATIMER, JONATHAN - "Red Gardenias" (Century Mystery/ Century Pub. Co.);

LAUFERTY, LILIAN - "The 'Hungry House'" (Bonded Mystery #3/ Anson Bond Pub.);

LAWRENCE, HILDA - "Death has Four Hands" (Bestseller Mystery B117/ American Mercury Inc.);

LEE, EDWARD - "Death Goes Fishing" (Thrilling Novel Classic #32/ Novel Selections Inc.);

LEE, GYPSY ROSE - "The G-String Murders" (Bestseller Mystery #42/ American Mercury Inc.);

LEITFRED, ROBERT H. - "The Man Who Murdered Twice" (Green Dragon #21/ Ideal Dist. Co.);

LEONARD, CHARLES L. - "Deadline for Destruction" (Thriller Novel Classic #24/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "The Secret of the Spa" (Thriller Novel Classic #30/ Novel Selections Inc.);

LITVINOFF, IVY - "The Moscow Mystery" (Green Dragon #5/ W.H. Wise And Co.);

LOCKRIDGE, RICHARD & FRANCES - "Trial by Terror' (Mercury Mystery #192/ American Inc.);

LONG, MANNING - "Modeled in Murder" (Margood Pub. Corp.);

LONG, MAX - "Death Goes Native" (Atlas Mystery/ Select Pub. Inc.);

LORD, GARLAND - "Murder with Love" (Green Detective Classic/ Green Pub. Co.);

LOW, GARDNER - "Invitation to Kill" (Prize Mystery Novel #17/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

LYON, DANA - "It's My Own Funeral" (Prize Mystery Novel #27/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

LYTLE, H.M. - "The Tragedies of the White Slaves" (Padell Book & Magazine Co.);

MACE, MERLDA - "Headlong for Murder" (Black Cat Detective Series #15/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

MACVEIGH, SUE - "Grand Central Murder" (Mystery Novel of the Month/ Novel Selections Inc.);

MARLETT, MELBA - "Escape While I Can" (Mystery Novel Classic #72/ Novel Selections Inc.);

MARQUAND, JOHN P. - "Mr. Moto is so Sorry" (Jonathan Press Mystery J49/ Jonathan Press Inc.);

MARSH, NGAIO - "Artists in Crime" (Bestseller Mystery B64/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Bride of Death" (Mercury Mystery #203/ American Mercury Inc.); "A Man Lay Dead" (Jonathan Press Mystery J3/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "Vintage Murder" (Bestseller Mystery B68/ American Mercury Inc.);

MARTIN, A.E. - "The Outsiders" (Mercury Mystery #116/ Americana Mercury Inc.); *** "Sinners Never Die" (Bestseller Mystery B84/ American Mercury Inc.);

MASON, VAN WYCK - "The Budapest Parade Murders" 9Bestseller Mystery B63/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Cairo Garter Murders" (Bestseller Mystery B27/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Hong kong Airbase Murders" (Detective Novel Classic #9/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Sulu Sea Murders" (Century Mystery #21/ Century Pub.);

McCOMBS, R.L.F. - "Clue in Two Flats" (Mystery Novel of the Month #20/ Novel Selections Inc.);

McCLOY, HELEN - "Dance of Death" (Bestseller Mystery B166/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Long Body" (Bestseller Mystery B203/ American Mercury Inc.);

McCULLY, WALBRIDGE - "Blood on Nassau's Moon" (Detective Novel Classic #47/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Death Rides Tandem" (Mystery Novel Classic #84/ Novel Selections Inc.);

McDERMID, FINLAY - "Kiss the Blonde Goodbye" (Bestseller Mystery B102/ American Mercury Inc.);

McKENZIE, A.R. - "Death Gets a Head" (Hangman's House Mystery #5/ Journal of Living Pub. Corp.);

McNEILE, H.C. - "Bulldog Drummond Meets a Murderess" (Thriller Novel Classic #14/ Novel Selections Inc.);

MERRITT, A. - "Burn Witch Burn" (Murder Mystery Monthly #5/ Avon Book Co.); **** "Creep Shadow Creep" (Murder Mystery Monthly #11/ Avon Books Co.); **** "Dwellers in the Mirage" (Murder Mystery Monthly #24/ Avon Books Co.); **** "the Face in the Abyss" (Murder Mystery Monthly #29/ Avon Book Co.); **** "The Metal Monster" (Murder Mystery Monthly #41/ Avon Book Co.); **** "The Moon Pool" (Murder Mystery Monthly #18/ Avon Book Co.); **** "The Ship of Ishtar" (Murder Mystery Monthly #34/ Avon Books Co.); *** "Seven Footprints to Satan" (Murder Mystery Monthly #34/ Avon Books Co.);

MERSEREAU, JOHN - "The Corpse Comes Ashore" (Atlas Mystery/ Zenith Pub. Corp.);

MERWIN, JR. SAM - "Message From a Corpse" (Prize Mystery Novels #2/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

MILLER, SETON L. - 'Singapore" (Century Mystery #37/ Century Pub.);

MONTGOMERY, IONE - "The Golden Dress" (Select Pub. Inc.);

MORTIMER, PETER - "If a Body kill a Body" (Dagger House Mystery #24/ Dagger House Inc.);

MOSHER, J.S. - "Liar Dice" (Mystery Novel of the Month/ Novel Selections Inc.);

NELSON, HUGH LAWRENCE - "Fountain of Death" (Bestseller Mystery B116/ American Mercury Inc.);

NEWELL, AUDREY - "Murder is not Mute" (Mystery Novel Classic #44/ Novel Selections Inc.);

NEWMAN, BERNARD - "The Mussolini Murder Case" (Mystery Novel of the Month/ Novel Selections Inc.);

NONWEILER, ARVILLE - "Murder on the Pike" (Hangman's House Mystery #1/ Journal of Living Pub. Corp.);

O'FARRELL, WILLIAM - "These Arrows Point to Death" (Bestseller Mystery B149/ American Mercury Inc.);

O'HANLON, JAMES - "As Good as Murdered" (Century Mystery #17/ Century Pub.); **** "Murder at Coney Island" (Mystery Novel of the Month #23/ Novel Selections Inc.);

OLSEN, D.B. - "Devious Design" (Bestseller Mystery B120/ American Mercury Inc.);

OURSLER, WILL - "The Trial of Vincent Doon" (Mercury Mystery #86/ American Mercury Inc.);

PARKMAN, SYDNEY - "Out From Shanghai" (Adventure Novel Classic #16/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Ship Ashore (Adventure Novel Classic #40/ Novel Selections Inc.);

PARSONS, ANTHONY - "The Case of the Frightened Man" (Sexton Blake Library #348); **** "The Case of the Six O'Clock Scream" (Sexton Blake Library #340); **** "The Crooks of Tunis" (Sexton Blake Library #344); **** "The Trial of the Missing Scientist" (Sexton Blake Library #341);

PERDUE, VIRGINIA - "The Case of the Foster Father" (Mercury Mystery #92/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "He Fell Down Dead" (Mercury Mystery #80/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Singing Clock" (Mercury #61/ American Mercury INc.);

PEROWNE, BARRY - "10 Words of Poison" (Green Dragon #13/ W.H. Wise & Co.);

PETERSON, HERMAN - "Murder R.F.D." (Euclid Pub. Co. Inc.);

PIPER, EVELYN - "Death of a Nymph" (Mercury Mystery #162/ American Mercury Inc.);

POLSKY, THOMAS - Curtains for the Judge" (Black Cat Detective Series #3/ Cestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

POSTGATE, RAYMOND - "Verdict of Twelve" (Mercury Mystery #65/ American Mercury Inc.);

POWELL, RICHARD - "And Hope to Die" (Mercury Mystery #122/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Shark River" (Bestseller Mystery B125/ American Mercury Inc.);

PROPPER, MILTON - "The Case of the Cheating Bride" (Black Cat Detective Series #5/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.); **** "The Great Insurance Murders" (Prize Mystery Novels #7/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.); **** "The Station Wagon Murder" (Prize Mystery Novels #8/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

PUNSHON, E.R. - "Death in the Chalk Pits" (Mystery Novel of the Month #26/ Novel Selections Inc.);

QUEEN, ELLERY - "The Adventures of Ellery Queen" (Bestseller Library B1; No #/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The American Gun Mystery" (Merucry Mystery #42/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Challenge to the Reader" (Mercury Mystery #68/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Chinese Orange Mystery" (Detective Books D1/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Dragon's Teeth" (Mercury Mystery #57/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Four of Hearts" (Mercury Mystery #47/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The French Powder Mystery" (Jonathan Press Mystery J5/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "Halfway House" (Mercury Mystery #39/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "More Adventures of Ellery Queen" (Bestseller Mystery B3/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Tradegy of Y" (Bestseller Mystery B28/ American Mercury Inc.0;

QUENTIN, PATRICK - "Puzzle for Players" (Handi-Book Mystery #53/ Handi-Books);

RANDOLPH, VANCE/ CLEMENS, NANCY - "The Camp-Meeting Murders" (Prize Mystery Novels #15/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

RANSOME, STEPHEN - "Death Checks In" (Mystery Novel Classic #77/ Novel Selections Inc.);

REED, DAVID V. - "I Thought I'd Die" (Green Dragon #23/ W.H. Wise and Co.); **** "The Thing That Made Love" (Uni-Book #15/ Universal Pub. and Dist. Corp.);

REILLY, HELEN - "All Concerned Notified" (Century Mystery #29/ Century Pub.); **** "Tell Her It's Murder" (Bestseller Mystery B201/ American Mercury Inc.);

REISNER, MARY - 'Shadows on the Wall" (Mystery Novel Classic #66/ Novel Selections Inc.);

RHODE, JOHN (pseudonym of Cecil John C. Street) Digests - "Too Many Suspects" (Mercury Mystery #115/ American Mercury Inc.; VG = $19);

RHODE, JOHN (pseudonym of Cecil John C. Street) - Hardcovers ;

Death on the Boat Train (Collins Crime Club; 1974; Ex-Library with Dust Jacket; G/VG = $125.00)

the Fatal Pool (Geoffrey Bles, London, 1960; 1st edition; Ex-Library with Dust Jacket; G/VG = $39.00)

Twice Dead (Geoffrey Bles, London, 1960; Ex-Library with Dust Jacket; G/VG = $59.00)

RICE, CRAIG - "8 Faces at 3" (Bonded Mystery #13/ Bond-Charteris Pub);

RINEHART, MARY ROBERTS - "The Yellow Room" (Bestseller Mystery B95/ American Mercury Inc.);

ROEBURT, JOHN - "There Are Dead Men in Manhatten" (Red Dagger Mystery #27/ Dagger House Inc.);

ROHMER, SAX - "The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu" (Thriller Novel Classic #4/ Novel Selections Inc.);

ROWE, ANNE - "The Little Dog Barked" (Big Green #5/ Green Pub. Co.);

RUSSELL, ALICE DYAR - "Strangers in the Desert" (Comet Books #15);

RUTLEDGE, NANCY - "Murder for Millions" (Bestseller Mystery B135/ American Mercury Inc.);

RYAN, JESSICA - "Clue of the Frightening Coin" (Mystery Novel Classic #79/ Novel Selections Inc.);

SAXBY, CHARLES - "Death in the Sun" (Green Pub. Co. #10); **** "Death Over Hollywood" (Detective Novel Classic #29/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Murder at the Mike" (Prize Mystery Novels #2/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

SAXON, JOHN A. - "Half Past Mortem" (Bestseller Mystery B145/ American Mercury Inc.);

SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - "In the Teeth of the Evidence" (Bestseller Mystery B20/ American Mercury Inc.);

SEAMAN, AUGUSTA HUIELL - "The Mystery of the Empty Room" (Comet Books #19);

SECRIST, KELLIHER - "Murder Makes By-Lines" (Green Dragon #1/ W.H. Wise & Co.);

SEELEY, MABEL - "The Chuckling Fingers" (Bestseller Mystery B80/ American Mercury Inc.);

SHEARING, JOSEPH - "The Spectral Bride" (Mercury Mystery 99/ American Mercury Inc.);

SHERIDAN, JUANITA - "The Kahuna Killer" (Bestseller Mystery B150/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Mamo Murders" (Bestseller Mystery B155/ American Mercury Inc.);

SHERWOOD, JOHN - "Bruderstein Vanishes" (Mercury Mystery #161/ American Mercury Inc.);

SHORE, JULIAN - "Rattle His Bones" (London Pub. Corp.);

SIDEMAN, ABNER - "Murder on Both Sides" (Joe Moss Mystery);

SILLER, VAN - "Echo of a Bomb" (Mystery Novel Classic #65/ Novel Selections Inc.);

SIMENON, GEORGES - "A Face For a Clue" (Bestseller Mystery B24/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Flemish Shop" (Bestseller Mystery B41/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Maigret Returns" (Jonathan Press Mystery J18/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "Maigret to the Rescue" (Mercury Mystery #89/ American Mercury Inc.);

SIODMAK, CURT - "Donovan's Brain" (Mercury Mystery #87/ American Mercury Inc.);

SMITH, LAURENCE DWIGHT - "The Corpse with the Listening Ear" (Green Dragon No #/ W.H. Wise * Co.);

SPAIN, JOHN - "Death is like That" (Detective Novel Classic #35/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Dig Me a Grave" (Black Cat Detective Series #3/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

SPATZ, H. DONALD - "Murder with long Hair" (Atlas Mystery/ Zenith Pub. Corp.); **** "3 Girls and a Killer" (Red Circle Magazine Inc.);

SPICER, BART - "The Dark Light" (Bestseller Mystery B127/ American Mercury Inc.);

STAGE, JONATHAN - "Death, My Darling Daughters" (Bestseller Mystery B164/ American Mercury Inc.);

STANDISH, RICHARD - "The Case of Sgt. Bill Morden (Sexton Blake Library #85);

STAPLETON, DOUGLAS/ CAREY, HELEN A. - "The Corpse is Indignant" (Five Star Mystery #44);

STEEL, KURT - "Murder Goes to College" (Atlas Mystery/ Cornell Pub. Corp.); **** "The Travelling Corpses" (Crime Novel Selection #2/ Selection Pub. Inc.);

STOKES, MANNING LEE - "The Dying Room" (Mercury Mystery #124/ American Mercury Inc.);

STONE, HAMPTON - "The Corpse Who Had too many Friends" (Bestseller Mystery B173/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Girl With the Hole in Head" (Mercury Mystery #149/ American Mercury Inc.);

STRANGE, JOHN STEPHEN - "Look Your last" (Mercury Mystery #95/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Make My Bed Soon" (Bestseller Mystery B107/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Murder at World's End" (Mystery Novel Clasic #59/ Novel Selections Inc.);

THOMPSON, DONALD - "The Corpse Wore No Shoes" (Eerie Pub. #3);

TRACY, DON - "Last Year's Show" (Black Knight #16/ W.H. Wise & Co.);

TREAT, LAWRENCE - "D as in Dead" (Mercury Mystery #178/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "The Leather Man Murders" (Mystery Novel Classic #68/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "O as in Omen" (Mystery Novel Classic #64/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** V as in Victim" (Bestseller Mystery B178/ American Mercury Inc.);

TREYNOR, ALBERT M. - "Hands Up!" (Adventure Novel Classic #7/ Novel Selections Inc.);

TRIMBLE, LOUIS - "Date for Murder" (Mystery Novel Classic #48/ Novel Selections Inc.); ***8 "Murder Trouble" (Black Cat Detective Series #18/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.); **** "You Can't Kill a Corpse" (Dagger House Mystery #26/ Dagger House Inc.);

TYRER, WALTER - "The Affair of Danny the Dip" (Sexton Blake Library #226); **** "The Clue of the Pin-Up Girl" (Sexton Blake Library #351);

VEILLER, BAYARD - "Bait for a Tiger" (Black Cat Detective Series #2/ Creatwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

VENNING, MICHAEL - "The Man Who Slept All Day" (Bestseller Mystery B97/ American Mercury Inc.);

VINTON, ALDIN - "The Corpse in the Cab" (Hangman's House #9/ Journal of Living Pub. Corp.);

WALES, KIRK - "6 Were to Die" (Black Cat Detective Series #12/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

WALLACE, EDGAR - "On the Spot" (Murder Mystery Monthly #45/ Avon Book Co.);

WALLACE, FRANCIS - "Little Hercules" (Detective Novel Classic #24/ Novel Selections Inc.);

WALLIS, J.H. - "Once Off Guard" (Mercury Mystery #81/ American Mercury Inc.);

WARREN, JAMES - "She Fell Among Actors" (Bestseller Mystery B83/ American Mercury Inc.);

WELLS, CAROLYN - "Murder Will In" (Atlas Mystery/ Gem Pub. Inc.); **** "The Radio Studio Murder" (Detective Novel Classic #5/ Novel Selections Inc.);

WENTWORTH, PATRICIA - "Miss Silver Deals with Death" (Bestseller Mystery B75/ American Mercury Inc.);

WESTON, GARNETT - "The Undertaker Dies" (Mercury Mystery #105/ American Mercury Inc.);

WHEELOCK, DORTHY - "Dead Giveaway" (Bard Pub. Corp.);

WHITE, ETHEL LINA - "While She Sleeps" (Bestseller Mystery B77/ American Mercury Inc.);

WHITE, LESLIE T. - "Vice Squad" (Bestseller Mystery B165/ American Mercury Inc.);

WILDE, PERSIVAL - "Design for Murder" (Detective Novel Classic #13/ Novel Selections Inc.); **** "Mystery Week-End" (Mercury Mystery #76/ American Mercury Inc.); **** "Tinsley's Bones" (Mercury Mystery #83/ American Mercury Inc.);

WILLIAM, PETER - "Death at Abu Mina" (Thriller Novel Classic #35/ Novel Selections Inc.);

WOOD, S. ANDREW - "Sinner's Castle" (Prize Mystery Novels #13/ Crestwood Pub. Co. Inc.);

WOOLRICH, CORNELL - "Black Alibi" (Jonathan Press Mystery J23/ Jonathan Press Inc.); **** "The Black Path of Fear" (Thriller Novel Classic #29/ Novel Selections Inc.);

WYNNE, ANTHONY - "Murder in the Morning" (Detective Novel Classic #14/ Novel Selections Inc.);

VANDERCOOK, JOHN W. - “Murder in Haiti” (Bestseller Mystery #225/ American Mercury Inc.);

YATES, PETER - "Curtain Call for Murder" (Vulcan Mystery #6/ Vulcan Pub. Inc.); **** "Death Comes to Dinner" (Five Star Mystery #4/ Green Pub. Co.); **** "The Dress Circle Murders" (Five Star Mystery #1/ Green Pub. Co.);

YUDKOFF, ALVIN - "Network of Fear" (Bestseller Mystery B194/ American Mercury Inc.);

(4) MYSTERY - Crime, Detective, Action, Adventure & Suspense = HARDCOVER & TRADE PAPERBACK BOOKS FOR SALE;

AAROW, DAVID - State Scarlet (No Dustjacket);

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ANDERSON, ISABEL - Tried in the Fire ( No Dust Jacket);

ANDERSON, J.R.L. - Death in the North Sea ( with Dust Jacket);

ANDERSON, JAMES - Angel of Death ( with Dust Jacket);

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ANDERS, WILLIAM - Old Time Punishments ( Illustrated; with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket; Trade Paperback);

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ANKER, JENS - Two Dead Men (Translated from Danish by Frithjof Toksvig; No Dust Jacket);

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ARTHUR, ROBERT ( ed.) - Thrillers and More Thrillers ( Trade Paperback);

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ASHLEY, STEVEN - Stalking Blind ( with Dust Jacket);

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ASTOR, GERALD - Hot Paper (with Dust Jacket);

AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Embezzler ( No Dust Jacket); *** I Come as a Thief ( with Dust Jacket);

AUERBACH, JESSICA - Catch Your Breath ( with Dust Jacket);

AYER, FREDERICK - The Man in the Mirror (With Dustjacket);

BAER, ROSEMARY - Reflections on the Manson Trial (With Dustjacket);

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BALDACCI, DAVID - Total Control ( with Dust Jacket);

BALHAM, JOE - Regan and the Lebanese Shipment ( with Dust Jacket);

BALL, JOHN - The Cool Cottontail ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Eyes of Buddha ( with Dust Jacket); *** In the Heat of the Night ( Trade Paperback); *** Johnny Get Your Gun ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Kiwi Target ( with Dust Jacket); *** Police Chief ( with Dust Jacket);

BALLARD, J.G. - Crash ( with Dust Jacket);

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BANKS, RUSSELL - Affliction ( Trade Paperback);

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BARK, CONRAD VOSS - Mr. Holmes at Sea ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Shepherd File ( with Dust Jacket);

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BANKS, IAIN - Complicity (trade paperback);

BARCLAY, MAX - Red Mercury (With Dustjacket);

BARNES, HARRY ELMER/ TEETERS, NEGLEY K. - New Horizons in Criminology 3rd Edition ( No Dust Jacket);

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BARNARD, ROBERT - The Bad Samaritan (With Dustjacket);; *** Corpse in a Gilded Cage (With Dustjacket); *** Death and the Chaste Apprentice ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Fatal Attraction (With Dustjacket); *** The Masters of the House (With Dustjacket); *** Out of the Blackout ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Skeleton in the Grass ( with Dust Jacket);

BARON, ALEXANDER - The Lowlife ( with Dust Jacket);

BARR, ROBERT - The Dark Island ( with Dust Jacket);

BARRETT, MARY ELLIN - American Beauty ( with Dust Jacket);

BARRETT, SYLVIA - The Arsenic Milkshake ( with Dust Jacket);

BARRETT, WILLIAM E. - The Shape of Illusion ( with Dust Jacket);

BARRY, JEROME - Malignant Stars ( with Dust Jacket);

BARRY, JOE - The Triple Cross ( with Dust Jacket);

BARTHOLOMEW, CECILIA - Outrun the Dark (with Dust Jacket);

BARTLETT, E.G. - The Case of the Thirteenth Coach ( No Dust Jacket);

BARTRAM, GEORGE - A Job Abroad ( with Dust Jacket);

BAR-ZOHAR, MICHAEL - Brothers ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Deadly Document ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Spy who Died Twice ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Third Truth (With Dustjacket);

BASIL, OTTO - The Twilight Men (with Dust Jacket);

BATES, SANFORD - Prisons and Beyond ( No Dust Jacket);

BAUM, VICKI - Hotel Berlin '43 ( No Dust Jacket); *** Secret Sentence ( No Dust Jacket);

BAXT, GEORGE - Topsy and Evil (No Dust Jacket);

BAZNA, ELYESA - I Was Cicero ( with Dust Jacket);

BEACH, REX - Money Mad (No Dust Jacket);

BEATTY, ELIZABETH - The Jupiter Missle Mystery ( with Dust Jacket);

BEATY, DAVID - The Temple Tree (with Dust Jacket);

BEAUMAN, SALLY - Danger Zone (with Dust Jacket);

BECK, K.K. - Unwanted Attentions (With Dustjacket);

BECKER, SIDNEY - Law Enforcement Inc. ( with Dust Jacket);

BECKER, STEPHEN - The Chinese Bandit (with Dust Jacket); *** A Covenant with Death ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

BEDFORD, SYBILLE - The Trial of Dr. Adams ( Trade Paperback);

BEECHING, JACK - The Dakota Project ( with Dust Jacket);

BEEDING, FRANCIS - The Emerald Clasp (No Dustjacket); *** Murdered: One By One ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Seven Sleepers ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Two Undertakers ( No Dust Jacket);

BEHN, NOEL - The Kremlin Letter ( No Dust Jacket);

BEGLEY, KATHLEEN A. - Deadline (with Dust Jacket);

BELBENOIT, RENE - Dry Guillotine ( No Dust Jacket);

BELL, ERNEST A. - War of the White Slave Trade ( Trade Paperback);

BELL, JOSEPHINE - Death on the Reserve ( with Dust Jacket); *** No Escape ( with Dust Jacket);

BELLAIRS, GEORGE - The Cursing Stones Murder ( with Dust Jacket); *** Intruder in the Dark (with Dust Jacket);

BENCHLEY, PETER - Beast ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Deep (With Dustjacket); *** Island ( with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Jaws ( with Dust Jacket); No Dust Jacket); *** White Shark ( with Dust Jacket);

BEN-HANAN, ELI - Our Man in Damascus ( Trade Paperback);

BENNET, DOROTHEA - The Jigsaw Man ( with Dust Jacket);

BENNETT, JAY - The Birthday Murderer (With Dustjacket); *** The Dangling Witness (With Dustjacket); *** Death is a Silent Room ( with Dust Jacket); *** Say Hello to the Hit Man (With Dustjacket);

BENSON, BEN - Broken Shield ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Burning Fuse ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Running Man (with Dust Jacket); *** Seven Steps East ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Silver Cobweb ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Venus Death ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

BENTLEY, E.C. - Trent's Last Case ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

BENTLEY, JOHN - The Whitney Case ( No Dust Jacket);

BENTLEY, NICOLAS - The Tongue-Tied Canary ( with Dust Jacket);

BENTLEY, PHYLLIS - Ring in the New ( with Dust Jacket);

BENTON, KENNETH - Craig and the Midas Touch ( with Dust Jacket);

BERCKMAN, EVELYN - Blind Girl's Buff ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Evil of Time ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Forth Man on the Rope ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Stake in the Game (with Dust Jacket); *** The Victorian Album (with Dust Jacket); ** The Voice of Air (with Dust Jacket);

BERCUSON, DAVID / WERTHEIMER, DOUGLAS - A trust Betrayed; the Keegstra Affair ( with Dust Jacket);

BERENDT, JOHN - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (with Dust Jacket);

BERGER, ASA - The Mass Comm Murders (trade paperback);

BERGER, THOMAS - The Houseguest ( Trade Paperback); *** Who is Teddy Villanova? (Trade Paperback);

BERKELEY, ANTHONY - The Piccadilly Murder ( No Dust Jacket);

BERNA, PAUL - A Hundred Million Francs ( with Dust Jacket);

BERNARD, DENIS - The Suspended Man (with Dust Jacket);

BERNARD, ROBERT - Deadly Meeting (with Dust Jacket); *** Deadly Takes a Sabbatical ( with Dust Jacket); *** Illegal Entry ( with Dust Jacket);

BEARNAU, GEORGE - Promises to Keep ( with Dust Jacket);

BERNSTEIN, MOREY - The Search for Bridey Murphy (with Dust Jacket);

BERRIDGE, ELIZABETH - Across the Common ( with Dust Jacket);

BERSON, FRED - After the Big House (with Dust Jacket);

BETHANCOURT, T. ERNESTO - Doris Fein: Phantom of the Casino (With Dustjacket);

BIGGERS, EARL DERR - Behind That Curtain ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Black Camel (No Dust Jacket); ** Charlie Chan Carries On ( No Dust Jacket); **** The Chinese Parrot (No Dustjacket); *** The House Without a Key (No Dust Jacket); *** Seven Keys to Baldpate (No Dust Jacket);

BILLING, GRAHAM - The Alpha Trip ( with Dust Jacket);

BIRD, BRANDON - Downbeat for a Dirge ( No Dust Jacket);

BIRMINGHAM, MAISIE - Sleep in a Ditch ( with Dust Jacket);

BIRNIE, LISA HOBBS - A Rock and a Hard Place: Inside Canada's Parole Board ( with Dust Jacket);

BIRKENHEAD, EARL OF - Famous Trials of History ( No Dust Jacket);

BIRKLEY, DOLAN - The Unloved ( with Dust Jacket);

BLACK, GAVIN - The Bitter Tea (with Dust Jacket); *** The Cold Jungle ( with Dust Jacket); *** Dead Man Calling (with Dust Jacket); ** The Eyes Around Me ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Time for Pirates ( with Dust Jacket); *** You Want to Die, Johnny? ( with Dust Jacket);

BLACK, IAN STUART - The Man on the Bridge ( with Dust Jacket);

BLACK, LAURA - Wild Cat ( with Dust Jacket);

BLACK, LIONEL - Breakaway ( with Dust Jacket); *** Flood ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Life and Death of Peter Wade (with Dust Jacket);

BLACKBURN, JOHN - Bound to Kill ( with Dust Jacket); *** Deep Among the Dead Men (with Dust Jacket); *** The Flame and the Wind (with Dust Jacket); *** Murder at Midnight ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Scent of New Mown Hay (with Dust Jacket);

BLACKMAN, MICHAEL - By the Hunter's Moon ( with Dust Jacket);

BLACKSTOCK, CHARITY - Dewey Death (with Dust Jacket);

BLACKSTOCK, TERRI - Justifiable Means (trade paperback); *** The Sun Coast Chronicles: Evidence of Mery/ Justifiable Means/ Ulterior Motives/ Presumption of Guilt (With Dustjacket);

BLAKE, NICHOLAS - End of Chapter ... (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Morning After Death (with Dust Jacket); *** The Sad Variety ( with Dust Jacket);

BLAKER, RICHARD - Oh the Brave Music! (with Dust Jacket);

BLANC, SUZANNE - The Rose Window ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Yellow Villa ( No Dust Jacket);

BLANKENSHIP, WILLIAM D. - The Helix File ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Time of the Cricket (With Dustjacket);

BLATTY, WILLIAM PETER - Legion ( with Dust Jacket); *** Twinkle, Twinkle, "Killer" Kane! ( with Dust Jacket);

BLAUNER, PETER - Slow Motion Riot ( with Dust Jacket);

BLAZER, J.S. - Deal Me Out ( with Dust Jacket);

BLEECK, OLIVER - The Brass Go-Between ( with Dust Jacket); *** No Questions Asked ( No Dust Jacket);

BLINDER, MARTIN - Lovers, Killers, Husbands and Wives ( with Dust Jacket);

BLIZARD, MARIE - Conspiracy of Silence ( with Dust Jacket);

BLOCH, ROBERT - Night-World ( with Dust Jacket);

BLOCHMAN, LAWRENCE G. - Clues for Dr. Coffee ( with Dust Jacket);

BLOCK, LAWRENCE - After the First Death ( with Dust Jacket); *** Burglars Can't Be Choosers (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Burglar Who Traded Ted Williams ( with Dust Jacket); *** Hit Man ( with Dust Jacket);

BLOCK, THOMAS H. - Orbit ( with Dust Jacket);

BLOM K. ARNE - The Moment of Truth ( with Dust Jacket);

BLONDAL, PATRICIA - From Heaven With a Shout ( with Dust Jacket);

BLUMBERG, ABRAHAM S. - Criminal Justice ( Trade Paperback);

BLUNT, DON - Dead Giveaway ( with Dust Jacket);

BLYTH, MYRNA - Cousin Suzanne ( with Dust Jacket);

BODELSEN, ANDERS - One Down ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Straus ( with Dust Jacket);

BOHLE, EDGAR - The Man who Disappeared ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

BOLL, HEINRICH - The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum (With Dustjacket);

BOND, LARRY - Cauldron ( with Dust Jacket); *** red Phoenix ( with Dust Jacket); *** Vortex ( with Dust Jacket);

BONETT, JOHN & EMERY - Better Off Ded ( with Dust Jacket); *** No Grave for a Lady ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** No Time to Kill ( with Dust Jacket); *** This Side Murder? (with Dust Jacket);

BONFIGLIOLI, KYRIL - Mortdecai's Endgame ( with Dust Jacket);

BONNELL, JAMES FRANCIS - Death Flies West (No Dustjacket);

BOOTH, MAUD BALLINGTON - After Prison - What?; ( No Dust Jacket);

BOOTH, PAT - All For Love ( with Dust Jacket);

BOOTHBY, GUY - Pharos the Egyptian ( No Dust Jacket; 1899);

BORDEN, MARY - You, the Jury (No Dust Jacket);

BORDUA, DAVID J. (ED.) - The Police; Six Sociological Essays ( with Dust Jacket);

BORGENIGHT, MIRIAM - Margin for Doubt (with Dust Jacket); *** To Borrow Trouble (with Dust Jacket); *** Undue Influence (With Dustjacket); *** a Very Thin Line ( with Dust Jacket);

BORGES, JORGE LUIS/ BIOY-CASARES, ADOLFO - Six Problems for Don Isidro Parodi (With Dustjacket);

BOSSE, MALCOLM - The Man Who Loved Zoos ( with Dust Jacket);

BOTHWELL, JEAN - Mystery at House - of - the - Fish ( with Dust Jacket);

BOUCHER, ANTHONY (ed.) - Best Detective Stories of the Year 18th Annual Collection ( with Dust Jacket); *** (ed.) Great American Detective Stories ( No Dust Jacket);

BOULLE, PIERRE - An Impartial Eye (with Dust Jacket); *** The Chinese Executioner ( with Dust Jacket);

BOURKE, SEAN - The Springing of George Blake ( with Dust Jacket);

BOWEN, WALTER S./ NEAL, HARRY EDWARD - The United States Secret Service ( w/photos; with Dust Jacket);

BOWLES, PAUL - Let it Come Down (No Dust Jacket);

BOYLE, KAY - Avalanche ( with Dust Jacket);

BRADBURY, WILL - The God Cell ( with Dust Jacket);

BRADDON, RUSSELL - End Play ( with Dust Jacket); ** The Finalists ( with Dust Jacket); *** When the Enemy is Tired ( with Dust Jacket);

BRADLEY, MARY HASTINGS - Murder in the Family ( with Dust Jacket);

BRADLEY, MURIEL - Affair at Ritos Bay ( No Dust Jacket);

BRADY, JOHN - All Souls ( with Dust Jacket); *** Unholy Ground ( with Dust Jacket);

BRADY, LEO - The Edge of Doom (with Dust Jacket);

BRAIN, LEONARD - It's a Free Country ( with Dust Jacket);

BRAINE, JOHN - Finger of Fire ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Vodi);

BRAITHWAITE, MAX - McGruber's Folly (With Dustjacket); *** The Mystery of the Muffled Man ( No Dust Jacket);

BRANCATO, ROBIN F. - Blinded by the Light ( No Dust Jacket);

BRANCH, PAMELA - The Wooden Overcoat ( Trade Paperback);

BRANCH, TAYLOR - The Empire Blues ( with Dust Jacket);

BRAND, MAX - The Phantom Spy ( with Dust Jacket);

BRANDON, JOHN G. - The Pawnshop Murder ( No Dust Jacket);

BRANNIGAN, AUGUSTINE - Crime, Courts and Corrections (Trade Paperback);

BRANON, BILL - Devils Hole (with Dust Jacket);

BRAUN, LILIAN JACKSON - The Cat Who Blew the Whistle (With Dustjacket); *** The Cat who Sang for the Birds ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Cat who Went into the Closet ( with Dust Jacket);

BRAUTIGAN, RICHARD - Dreaming of Babylon ( Trade Paperback); *** Willard and his Bowling Trophies ( with Dust Jacket);

BRAY, CHRISTOPHER - The Scarecrow Man (with Dust Jacket);

BREAN, HERBERT - The Clock Strikes Thirteen ( with Dust Jacket);

BREMER, ARTHUR H. - An Assassin's Diary (with Dust Jacket);

BRENNAN, ANTHONY - The Crazy House (with Dust Jacket);

BRENNAN, FREDERICK HAZLITT - Memo to a Firing Squad ( No Dust Jacket);

BRENT, MADELEINE - Stranger at Wildings ( with Dust Jacket);

BRESLIN, JIMMY - The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

BRESLIN, JIMMY/ SCHAAP, DICK - .44 (No Dustjacket);

BRETT, SIMON - A Shock to the System ( No Dust Jacket); *** Singled OUt (With Dustjacket);

BRICKHILL, PAUL - The Deadline (with Dust Jacket); *** War of Nerves (with Dust Jacket);

BRIDGE, ANN - The Dangerous Island ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Episode at Toledo (with Dust Jacket); *** The Numbered Account ( with Dust Jacket);

BRIDGES, T.C. - The Plunder Pit (No Dust Jacket);

BRIDGES, YSEULT - Saint - With Red Hands? (No Dust Jacket);

BRINTON, HENRY - Apprentice to Fear ( with Dust Jacket); *** Drug on the Market ( with Dust Jacket);

BRISTOW, GWEN/ MANNING, BRUCE - The invisible Host ( No Dust Jacket);

BROCK, ALAN - A Casebook of Crime ( No Dust Jacket);

BROMLEY, GORDON - In the Absence of the Body ( with Dust Jacket);

BROOKMAN, LAURA LOU - Unknown Blond ( with Dust Jacket);

BROWN, CARNABY - The Small Change (with Dust Jacket);

BROWN, DALE - The Tin Vinci Code (With Dustjacket);

BROWN, SANDRA - The Alibi (With Dustjacket); *** Fanta C (With Dustjacket); *** Fat Tuesday (With Dustjacket); *** Hawk O'Toole's Hostage (With Dustjacket); *** Love's Encore (With Dustjacket); *** Standoff (With Dustjacket); *** Unspeakable (With Dustjacket); *** The Witness (With Dustjacket);

BROWNE, DOUGLAS G. - Too Many Cousins ( with Dust Jacket);

BROWNE, GERALD A. - 11 Harrowhouse ( with Dust Jacket); *** Stone 58 ( with Dust Jacket);

BROUWER, SIGMUND - Double Helix ( with Dust Jacket);

BRYAN, CHRISTOPHER - Night of the Wolf ( with Dust Jacket);

BRYAN, MICHAEL - Intent to Kill ( with Dust Jacket);

BUCHAN, JOHN - The Courts of the Morning ( with Dust Jacket); *** Greenmantel ( No Dust Jacket); *** Mr. Standfast ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Three Hostages ( with Dust Jacket);

BUCHAN, STUART - Fleeced ( with Dust Jacket);

BUCHANAN, EDNA - Contents Under Pressure ( with Dust Jacket);

BUCHANAN, PATRICK - A Murder of Crows ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Parliament of Owls (with Dust Jacket); *** A Requiem of Sharks ( with Dust Jacket);

BUCHARD, ROBERT - Thirty Seconds Over New York ( with Dust Jacket);

BUCKLEY, WILLIAM F. (jr.) - Stained Glass ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Tucker's Last Stand (with Dust Jacket);

BUDE, JOHN - Another Man's Shadow ( with Dust Jacket);

BUELL, JOHN - 4 Days ( with Dust Jacket);

BUGLIOSI, VINCENT - Till Death Us Do Part ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

BUGLIOSI, VINCENT/ GENTRY, CURT - Helter Skelter (With Dustjacket);

BUGLIOSI, VINCENT/ HURWITZ, KEN - Shadow of Cain (With Dustjacket);

BULL, R.C. (ed.) - Great Tales of Mystery ( No Dust Jacket);

BUNN, THOMAS - Closing Coasts ( with Dust Jacket);

BURGESS, ANTHONY - Tremor of Intent ( with Dust Jacket);

BURGESS, P.H.E. - Diamonds Unlimited ( with Dust Jacket);

BURKE, J.F. - Death Trick ( with Dust Jacket);

BURKE, JAMES LEE - Burning Angel (With Dustjacket); *** Sunset Limited ( with Dust Jacket);

BURKE, JOHN - The Black Charade ( with Dust Jacket);

BURLEY, W.J. - Death in Stanley Street ( with Dust Jacket); *** To Kill a Cat ( with Dust Jacket); *** Wycliffe in Paul's Court ( with Dust Jacket);

BURMEISTER, JON - Running Scared ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Weather Man City (with Dust Jacket);

BURNETT, W.R. - Dark Hazard ( No Dust Jacket); *** Good-Bye Chicago ( with Dust Jacket);

BURNHAM, HELEN - The Telltale Telegram ( No Dust Jacket);

BURNS, REX - The Farnsworth Score ( with Dust Jacket);

BUTLER, DANIEL/ RAY, ALAN - The World's Dumbest Criminals ( Trade Paperback);

BUTLER, RAGAN - Captain Nash and the Wroth Inheritance ( with Dust Jacket);

BUTTERWORTH, MICHAEL - Festival! ( with Dust Jacket); *** Remains to be Seen ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Uneasy Sun (with Dust Jacket); *** Villa on the Shore ( with Dust Jacket);

BYRNE, ROBERT - Skyscraper (With Dustjacket);

CAILLOU, ALAN - Rampage (No Dustjacket);

CAIN, JAMES M. - Cain X 3; The Postman Always Rings Twice/ Mildred Pierce/ Double Indemnity ( with Dust Jacket); *** For Men Only ( No Dust Jacket);

CALDWELL, DOROTHY - Murder on the House ( with Dust Jacket);

CALLISON, BRIAN - A Web of Salvage ( with Dust Jacket);

CALLWOOD, JUNE - Emma ( with Dust Jacket);

CALMER, NED - Madam Ambassador (with Dust Jacket);

CALVIN, HENRY - Boka Lives! ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Italian Gadget ( with Dust Jacket); *** It's Different Abroad ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Poison Chasers ( No Dust Jacket);

CALVINO, ITALO - If on a Winter's Night a Traveller (trade paperback);

CAMPBELL, KAREN - Death Descending ( with Dust Jacket); *** Thunder on Sunday ( with Dust Jacket); *** Wheel Fortune ( with Dust Jacket); *** Wheel of Fortune ( with Dust Jacket);

CAMPBELL, MARY E. - Scandal Has Two Faces ( No Dust Jacket);

CAMPBELL, R. WRIGHT - Killer of Kings ( with Dust Jacket);

CAMPBELL, RAMSEY - The Nameless ( with Dust Jacket);

CAMPBELL, ROBERT - Nibbled to Death by Ducks ( with Dust Jacket);

CANNELL, DOROTHY - How to Murder Your Mother-in-Law ( with Dust Jacket);

CANNING, VICTOR - Bird of Prey ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Burning Eye ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Delivery of Furies ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Doomsday Carrier (With Dustjacket); *** Doubled in Diamonds (No Dust Jacket); *** The Dragon Tree ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Finger of Saturn (With Dustjacket); *** The Great Affair ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** A Handful of Silver ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Limbo Line (with Dust Jacket); *** The Melting Man (with Dust Jacket); *** Mr. Finchley Goes to Paris ( No Dust Jacket); *** Painted Tent (with Dust Jacket); *** The Rainbird Pattern ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Runaways ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Whip Hand ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

CAPOTE, TRUMAN - In Cold Blood ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

CARATERRA, LORENZO - Sleepers ( with Dust Jacket);

CARLON, PATRICIA - See Nothing... Say Nothing ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Whispering Wall (with Dust Jacket);

CARMICHAEL, HARRY - Alibi ( with Dust Jacket); *** Candles for the Dead ( with Dust Jacket); *** Marked Man ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Quiet Woman ( with Dust Jacket); *** Remote Control ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

CARNEY, OTIS - When the Bough Breaks (No Dustjacket);

CARON, ROGER - Bingo! (With Dustjacket);

CARPENTER, TERERA - Missing Beauty ( with Dust Jacket); *** Mob Girl ( with Dust Jacket);

CARR, A.H.Z. - Finding Manbee ( with Dust Jacket);

CARR, JOHN DICKSON - The Bride of Newgate ( No Dust Jacket); *** Captain Cut-Throat ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Devil in Velvet ( No Dust Jacket); *** four Complete Dr. Fell Mysteries: To Wake the Dead/ The Blind Barber/ The Crooked Hinge/ The Case of the Constant Suicides ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Ghost's High Noon ( with Dust Jacket); ** In Spite of Thunder I No Dust Jacket); *** The Man Who Could Not Shudder ( No Dust Jacket); *** Most Secret ( with Dust Jacket); *** Trio: the Crooked Hinge/ The Case of the Constant Suicides/ The Three Coffins ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

CARRICK, JOHN - The Killer Conference (No Dust Jacket);

CARROLL, JAMES - Family Trade (with Dust Jacket);

CARTER, ANGELA - Honey Buzzard ( with Dust Jacket);

CARTWRIGHT, GARY - Blood Will Tell (With Dustjacket);

CASSILL, R.V. - Doctor Cobb's Game ( with Dust Jacket);

CASSITY, JOHN HOLLAND - The Quality of Murder ( No Dust Jacket);

CASTLE, JOHN - The Seventh Fury (with Dust Jacket);

CATHERALL, ARTHUR - Sicilian Mystery ( No Dust Jacket);

CATLING, GORDON - The Gang on the Broads ( No Dust Jacket);

CATO - Guilty Men (No Dust Jacket);

CATTO, MAX - The Banana Men (with Dust Jacket); ** Sam Casanova ( with Dust Jacket);

CAUNITZ, WILLIAM J. - Cleopatra Gold ( with Dust Jacket);

CAVANNA, BETTY - Mystery of the Emerald Buddha (With Dustjacket);

CAVE, PETER - The New Avengers: The Cybernauts ( with Dust Jacket);

CAVENEY, PHILIP - The Sins of Rachel Ellis ( with Dust Jacket);

CECIL, HENRY - Fathers in Law (With Dustjacket); *** Friends at Court (With Dustjacket); **** The Long Arm (No Dust Jacket);

CHAMBER, M.E. - The Flaming Man (with Dust Jacket); *** The Splintered Man (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Wanted: Dead Men ( with Dust Jacket);

CHALMERS, JOHN W. - Horseman in Scarlet ( with Dust Jacket);

CHAMBERS, PETER - Always Take the Big Ones ( with Dust Jacket); ** The Blonde Wore Black (with Dust Jacket); *** Dames Can Be Deadly (with Dust Jacket);

CHAMBERS, ROBERT W. - In Secret ( Picture Cover); *** The Mystery Lady (No Dust Jacket); *** The Neon Preacher ( with Dust Jacket); *** Secret Service Operation 13 (No Dust Jacket);

CHAMBERS, WHITMAN - The Coast of Intrigue ( No Dust Jacket); *** Murder for a Wanton ( No Dust Jacket);

CHANCE, JOHN NEWTON - The Abel Coincidence ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Canterbury Killgrims ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Farm Villians ( with Dust Jacket); *** Hill Fog ( with Dust Jacket);

CHANDLER, RAYMOND - The Big Sleep (No Dust Jacket); *** Four Complete Philip Marlowe Novels: The Big Sleep/ Farewell my Lovely/ The High Window/ The Lady in the Lake ( with Dust Jacket); *** The High Window (No Dust Jacket); *** The Long Goodbye (No Dust Jacket); *** Playback (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Raymond Chandler Omnibus (No Dust Jacket); *** Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe: A Centennial Celebration (With Dustjacket); *** Red Wind (No Dust Jacket);

CHANUKOFF, LON - Submarine Z-1 (No Dust Jacket);

CHARBONNEAU, JEAN-PIERRE - The Canadian Connection ( with Dust Jacket);

CHARLESTON MURDERS - Regional Murder Series (No Dustjacket);

CHARRIERE, HENRI - Banco ( with Dust Jacket); *** Papillon ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

CHARTERIS, LESLIE - Boodle ( No Dust Jacket); *** Call for the Saint ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Enter the Saint ( with Dust Jacket); Follow the Saint (No Dust Jacket); *** The Last Hero ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Saint and the Fiction Makers ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Saint and the People Importers ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Saint Bids Diamonds ( No Dust Jacket); *** Saint Errant (No Dust Jacket); *** The Saint Goes West (No Dust Jacket); *** The Saint in Europe ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Saint in London (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);*** The Saint in New York (with Dust Jacket);*** The Saint in Guard (No Dust Jacket); *** The Saint in Overboard ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Saint Plays with Fire ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Saint Returns ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Saint Sees It Through ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Saint Steps In (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Vendetta for the Saint ( with Dust Jacket); *** White Rider (With Dustjacket);

CHARYN, JEROME - Blue Eyes ( with Dust Jacket);CHASE, ALLAN - The Five Arrows ( with Dust Jacket);

CHASE, JAMES HADLEY - Have a Change of Scene (With Dustjacket);

CHASTAIN, THOMAS - 911 (With Dustjacket);; *** Pandora's Box ( with Dust Jacket);

CHAZE, ELLIOTT - Goodbye Goliath ( with Dust Jacket); *** Wettermark ( with Dust Jacket);

CHESTERTON, GILBERT K. - The Club of Queer Trades ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Complete Father Brown (With Dustjacket); *** The Father Brown Stories ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Father Brown Omnibus ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Manalive ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Penguin Complete Father Brown (trade paperback); *** The Surprise (Play; Preface by Dorothy L. Sayers);

CHEVIGNY, PAUL - Cops and Robbers ( with Dust Jacket);

CHEYNEY, PETER - Calling Mr. Callaghan (No Dustjacket); *** Dark Bahama ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Dark Street ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Ladies Won't Wait (with Dust Jacket); *** Try Anything Twice ( with Dust Jacket); The Urgent Hangman (No Dust Jacket); *** Velvet Johnnie ( No Dust Jacket); *** You Can Call It a Day ( No Dust Jacket);

CHIDSEY, DONALD BARR - Panama Passage ( with Dust Jacket);

CHILD, LEE - Bad Luck and Trouble (With Dustjacket); *** Killing Floor (with Dust Jacket);

CHILDS, MARQUIS - Taint of Innocence ( with Dust Jacket);

CHIPPERFIELD, JOSEPH E.- The Watcher On the Hills ( with Dust Jacket);

CHRISTIE, AGATHA - The A.B.C. Murders ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Agatha Christie Who's Who (No Dust Jacket); *** And Then Their Were None (No Dust Jacket); *** At Bertram's Hotel ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** By the Pricking of my Thumbs ( with Dust Jacket); *** Cards on the Table (No Dustjacket); *** Cat Among the Pigeons ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Clocks ( with Dust Jacket); *** Crime Collections ( with Dust Jacket); ** Crooked House/ Passenger to Frankfurt (No Dust Jacket); *** Curtain/ The Mysterious Affair at Styles ( with Dust Jacket); *** Curtain ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); ** A Daughter's a Daughter ( with Dust Jacket); *** Death on the Nile (with Dust Jacket); *** Elephants Can Remember ( with Dust Jacket); *** Endless Night ( with Dust Jacket); *** Five Complete Hercule Poirot Novels: Murder on the Orient Express/ Thirteen at Dinner/ The A.B.C. Murder/ Cards on the Table/ Death on the Nile (with Dust Jacket); *** Five Complete Murder Mysteries: The Secret Adversary/ The Murder of Roger Ackroyd/ The Boomerang Clue/ The Moving Finger/ Death Comes as the End (With Dustjacket); *** Five Complete Novels on Murder and Detection: Ten Little Indians/ Peril at End House/ The Murder at Hazelmoor/ Easy to Kill/ Evil Under the Sun ( with Dust Jacket); *** Hallowe'en Party ( with Dust Jacket); *** Hallowe'en / (Kenyon, Michael) - Green Grass ( photo cover) *** Hickory Dickory Death ( No Dust Jacket); ***Make Mine Murder ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Mirror Cracked ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Murder at the Vicarage ( No Dust Jacket); *** 4.50 from Bedside Paddington/ They do it With Mirrors (No Dustjacket); *** Murder-Go-Round (No Dust Jacket); *** Murder in Mesopotamia (No Dust Jacket); *** Murder in Three Act (No Dust Jacket); *** The Murder of Roger Ackroyd ( with Dust Jacket; Trade Paperback); *** The Murder on the Links (with Dust Jacket); *** Murder on the Orient Express ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Mysterious Mr. Quin ( with Dust Jacket); *** Nemesis (with Dust Jacket); *** Nemesis/ The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side ( No Dust Jacket); *** The New Bedside, Bathtub and Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie (trade paperback); *** Ordeal by Innocence ( with Dust Jacket); *** Passenger Full of Rye ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Pocket Full of Rye ( with Dust Jacket); *** Postern of Fate ( with Dust Jacket); *** Six Mary Westmacott Novels: Giants Bread/ Absent in the Spring/ Unfinished Portrait/ The Rose and the Yew Tree/ A Daughter's a Daughter/ the Burden (With Dustjacket); *** Sleeping Murder ( with Dust Jacket); *** Sleeping Murder/ The Murder at the Vicarage ( with Dust Jacket); *** Surprise Endings by Hercule Poirot (No Dustjacket); *** Surprise! Surprise! ( with Dust Jacket); *** They Came to Baghdad ( No Dust Jacket); *** Third Girl (with Dust Jacket); *** Towards Zero (No Dust Jacket); *** Unfinished Portrait (With Dustjacket);

CHRISTIE, KATE - Child's Play ( with Dust Jacket);

CHRISTOPHER, JOHN - Pendulun ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Possessors ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Ragged Edge ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Scent of White Poppies ( with Dust Jacket); *** The White Voyage ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

CILENTO, DIANE - The Manipulator (with Dust Jacket);

CLAIRE, KEITH - The Otherwise Girl (with Dust Jacket);

CLANCY, TOM - Clear and Present Danger (With Dustjacket); *** Debt of Honor (with Dust Jacket); *** Patriot Games (With Dustjacket); *** Red Storm Rising/ The Cardinal of the Kremlin (With Dustjacket); *** The Sum of All Fears (With Dustjacket); *** Without Remorse (With Dustjacket);

CLARK, CAROL HIGGINS - Iced ( with Dust Jacket); *** Snagged (with Dust Jacket); *** Twanged (With Dustjacket);

CLARK, CECIL - B.C. Provincial Police Stories Volume Two (w/photos; tpb);

CLARK, DOUGLAS - Sick to Death (with Dust Jacket); *** Nobody's Perfect (with Dust Jacket);

CLARK, MARY HIGGINS - All Through the Night (With Dustjacket); *** The Anastasia Syndrome and Other Stories (With Dustjacket); *** (ed.) Bad Behavior (With Dustjacket); *** The Cradle Will Fall ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** A Cry in the Night (with Dust Jacket); *** Daddy's Little Girl (With Dustjacket); *** I'll Be Seeing You (with Dust Jacket); *** Let Me Call You Sweetheart ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Lottery Winner ( with Dust Jacket); *** Love's Music, Loves to Dance ( with Dust Jacket); *** Moonlight Becomes You (with Dust Jacket); *** My Gal Sunday (with Dust Jacket); *** Pretend You Don't See Her (with Dust Jacket); *** Remember Me (with Dust Jacket); *** Silent Night (with Dust Jacket); *** Stillwatch (with Dust Jacket); *** A Stranger is Watching (with Dust Jacket); Three Complete Novels: Where Are the Children?/ a Stranger is Watching/ The Cradle will Fall (With Dustjacket); *** Weep no More my Lady ( with Dust Jacket); *** We'll Meet Again (With Dustjacket); *** Where are the Children? (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** While my Pretty One Sleeps ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** You Belong to Me (With Dustjacket);

CLARKE, ANNA - Last Voyage (With Dustjacket); *** Poison Parsley (Trade Paperback);

CLARKE, DONALD HENDERSON - The Housekeeper's Daughter ( with Dust Jacket); *** Kelly (with Dust Jacket); *** A Lady Named Lou (with Dust Jacket); *** Louis Beretti (No Dustjacket); *** Murderer's Holiday ( with Dust Jacket); *** Regards to Broadway (with Dust Jacket); *** Tawny (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

CLARKE, T.E.B. - The Wrong Turning ( with Dust Jacket);


CLASSIC MURDER STORIES (Reader Digest; tpb);

CLEARY, JON - A Flight of Chariots ( with Dust Jacket); *** Masks of the Andes ( with Dust Jacket); *** Seasons of Doubts ( with Dust Jacket);

CLEATON, IRENE - The Outsider ( with Dust Jacket);

CLEAVER, HYLTON - The Secret Service at Greyminster ( No Dust Jacket);

CLEIFE, PHILIP -The Slick and the Dead (with Dust Jacket); *** Tour De Force ( with Dust Jacket);

CLEVELY, HUGH - Somebody Killed Kevin ( with Dust Jacket);

CLIFFORD, FRANCIS - All Men are Lonely Now (with Dust Jacket); *** Another Way of Dying ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Naked Runner (with Dust Jacket); *** Spanish Duet (with Dust Jacket); *** A Wild Justice ( with Dust Jacket);

CLIVE, JOHN - The Last Liberator (with Dust Jacket);

COBB, IRVIN S. - Judge Priest Turns Detective ( with Dust Jacket);

COCKRELL, FRANK & MARIAN - Dark Waters ( No Dust Jacket);

COE, TUCKER - Don't Lie to Me (with Dust Jacket); *** A Jade in Aries (with Dust Jacket); *** Kinds of Love, Kinds of Death ( with Dust Jacket);

COFFMAN, VIRGINIA - From Satan with Love ( with Dust Jacket);

COFFEY, BRIAN - The Face of Fear ( with Dust Jacket);

COHEN, LESTER - Coming Home (No Dust Jacket);

COHEN, OCTAVUS ROY - Love Has No Alibi ( No Dust Jacket);

COHEN, STANLEY - Angel Face ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Diane Game (with Dust Jacket);

COHLER, DAVID KEITH - Freemartin (with Dust Jacket);

COHN, ALFREED/ CHISHOLM, JOE - "Take the Witness!" (No Dust Jacket);

COLBY, MERLE - The Big Secret ( No Dust Jacket);

COLE, G.D.H. - and MARGARET - Dead Man's Watch ( with Dust Jacket);

COLES, MANNING - The Basle Express ( with Dust Jacket); *** Drink to Yesterday ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Exploits of Tommy Hambledon (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Fifth Man (No Dust Jacket); *** No Entry ( with Dust Jacket); *** Not Negotiable ( with Dust Jacket); No Dust Jacket); *** They Tell no Tales ( No Dust Jacket); *** Without Lawful Authority ( No Dust Jacket);

COLFER, EOIN - Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident (trade paperback);

COLIZZI, GIUSEPPE - The Night Has Another Voice ( with Dust Jacket);

COLLIER, PETER - Down River (With Dustjacket);

COLLIN, RICHARD OLIVER - Imbroglio (with Dust Jacket);

COLLINS, ELIZA G.C. - Going, Going Gone (with Dust Jacket);

COLLINS, ERROLL - The Black Dwarf of Mongolia ( with Dust Jacket);

COLLINS, LARRY/ LAPIERRE, DOMINIQUE - The Fifth Horseman ( with Dust Jacket);COLLINS, MICHAEL - Blue Death ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Nightrunners ( No Dust Jacket); *** Shadow of a Tiger ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Silent Scream ( with Dust Jacket); *** Walk a Black Wind (with Dust Jacket);

COLLINS, MAX ALLAN - Murder by the Numbers (With Dustjacket);

COLLINS, STEPHEN - Eye Contact ( with Dust Jacket);

COLLINS, WILKIE - The Moonstone ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Rogue's Life (No Dust Jacket);

COLODNY, LEN/ GETTLIN, ROBERT - Silent Coup ( with Dust Jacket);

COMFORT, IRIS - Echoes of Evil (with Dust Jacket);

CONAWAY, JAMES - World's End ( with Dust Jacket);

CONDON, RICHARD - Money is Love (with Dust Jacket); *** The Oldest Confession ( with Dust Jacket); *** Prizzi's Family ( with Dust Jacket); *** Prizzi's Glory (With Dustjacket);*** The Whisper of the Axe (with Dust Jacket);

CONNELLY, MARC - A Souvenir From Qam ( with Dust Jacket);

CONRAN, SHIRLEY - Tiger Eyes (with Dust Jacket);

CONSTANTINE, K.C. - The Blank Page ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Man Who Liked to Look at Himself ( with Dust Jacket);

CONSTINER, MERLE - Hearse of a Different Color ( No Dust Jacket);

CONWAY, LAURA - The Abbot's House (with Dust Jacket); *** Dark Dream (with Dust Jacket);

CONWAY, PETER - Cradle Snatch ( with Dust Jacket); *** Motive for Revenge ( with Dust Jacket); *** Revised Proof (with Dust Jacket);

CONWAY, W. FRED - Firefighting Lore (trade paperback);

COOK, GRAEME - Air Adventures (With Dustjacket);

COOK, KENNETH - Bloodhouse (with Dust Jacket);

COOK, ROBIN - Acceptable Risk (With Dustjacket); *** Blindsight ( with Dust Jacket); *** Brain ( with Dust Jacket); *** Chromosome 6 (with Dust Jacket); *** Coma (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Contagion ( with Dust Jacket); *** Fatal Cure (with Dust Jacket); *** Godplayer ( with Dust Jacket); *** Mindbend (with Dust Jacket); *** Mortal Fear (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Mutation (with Dust Jacket); *** Outbreak (with Dust Jacket); *** Sphinx (with Dust Jacket); *** Terminal (with Dust Jacket); *** Toxin (With Dustjacket); *** Vital Signs (With Dustjacket);

COOK, THOMAS H. - Breakheart Hill (with Dust Jacket); ** Mortal Memory (with Dust Jacket);

COOKE, G. WALTER - Death is the End ( with Dust Jacket);

COOKSON, CATHERINE - The Harrogate Secret ( No Dust Jacket);

COONTS, STEPHEN - The Minotaur ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Red Horseman ( with Dust Jacket);

COOPER, CRAIG - What's Funny About Murder? (with Dust Jacket); *** Who Killed Honey Bee? (with Dust Jacket);

COOPER, DUFF - Operation Heartbreak ( with Dust Jacket);

COOPER, PARLEY J. - My Lady Evil ( with Dust Jacket);

COPP, DEWITT/ PECK, MARSHALL - Betrayal at the Un (With Dustjacket);

CORBETT, JIM - Man-Eaters of Kumaon ( with Dust Jacket);

CORBETT, SCOTT - The Case of the Silver Skull (with Dust Jacket);

CORBY, JANE - The Shadow and the Fear (with Dust Jacket);

CORDELL, ALEXANDER - The Sinews of Love ( with Dust Jacket);

CORES, LUCY - The Misty Curtain (with Dust Jacket);

CORNWELL, PATRICIA C. -All That Remains (with Dust Jacket); *** The Body Farm (with Dust Jacket); *** Cause of Death (with Dust Jacket); *** Cruel and Unusual (with Dust Jacket); *** Fro Potter's Field ( with Dust Jacket); *** Hornet's Nest (with Dust Jacket);*** Isle of Dogs (With Dustjacket); *** Point of Origin (With Dustjacket); *** Unnatural Exposure (With Dustjacket);

CORRIGAN, MARK - All Brides are Beautiful ( with Dust Jacket);

CORSAUT, ANETA/ SINGER, MUFF/ WAGNER, ROBERT - The Mystery Reader's Quiz Book (Trade Paperback);

CORY, DESMOND - The Circe Complex (with Dust Jacket); *** Take My Drum to England (with Dust Jacket);

COSSU, ANTONIA - The Sardinian Hostage (with Dust Jacket);

COTAYO, NICANOR LEON - Crime in Barbados ( Trade Paperback);

COTLER, GORDON - Mission in Black (with Dust Jacket);

COULTER, CATHERINE - The Maze (With Dustjacket);

COULTER, STEPHEN - Embassy ( with Dust Jacket); *** Threshold (with Dust Jacket);

COUNT, E.W. - The Hundred Percent Squad (with Dust Jacket);

COUPER, ELSPETH - Danger in Scarlet (with Dust Jacket);

COURTIER, S.H. - Ligny's Lake (with Dust Jacket);

COVIN, KELLY - Many Broken Hammers (with Dust Jacket);

COWEN, FRANCES - Honor Bound (With Dustjacket); *** The Secret of Weir House (with Dust Jacket);

COX, FRANK - The Scarlet Claw (No Dust Jacket);

COX, RICHARD - Sam 7 (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

COXE, GEORGE HARMON - The Big Gamble (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Crimson Clue (No Dust Jacket); *** Death at the Isthmus (No Dust Jacket); *** Death Identity (with Dust Jacket); *** Error of Judgment (with Dust Jacket); *** Fenner (with Dust Jacket); *** The Impetuous Mistress (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Inland Passage (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Inside Man (with Dust Jacket); *** The Lady is Afraid ( No Dust Jacket); *** Man on a Rope (with Dust Jacket); *** The Man who Died Twice (with Dust Jacket); *** Mission of Fear (with Dust Jacket); *** Murder on Their Minds (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Never Bet Your Life ( No Dust Jacket); *** One Minute Past Eight (with Dust Jacket); *** One Way Out (with Dust Jacket); *** The Reluctant Heiress (with Dust Jacket); *** The Ring of Truth (with Dust Jacket); *** Slack Tide (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Suddenly a Widow (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Top Assignment (with Dust Jacket); *** Triple Exposure (No Dust Jacket); *** Uninvited Guest (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Window had a Gun (with Dust Jacket); *** Woman with a Gun (with Dust Jacket);

COYLE, HAROLD - Bright Star (with Dust Jacket); *** Team Yankee (with Dust Jacket);

COYNE, JOHN - The Hunting Season (with Dust Jacket);

CRACIUNAS, SILVIU - The Lost Footsteps (with Dust Jacket);

CRAIG, DAVID - A Dead Liberty (with Dust Jacket); *** Double Take (with Dust Jacket); *** The Squeeze (with Dust Jacket); *** A Walk at Night (with Dust Jacket);

CRAIG, JOHN - In Council Rooms Apart (with Dust Jacket); *** The Noronic is Burning! (w/photos; Trade Paperback; No Dust Jacket);

CRAIG, KIT - Twice Burned ( with Dust Jacket);

CRAIG, M.S. - To Play the Fox (with Dust Jacket);

CRAIG, PHILIP - Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn (with Dust Jacket);

CRAIG, WILLIAM - The Tashkent Crisis (with Dust Jacket);

CRANE, CAROLINE - The Girls are Missing (with Dust Jacket); *** Wife Found Slain (with Dust Jacket);

CRANE, FRANCES - Murder in Blue Street (No Dust Jacket);

CRAWFORD, CHRISTINA - Black Widow (with Dust Jacket);

CRAWFORD, STANLEY G. - Gascoyne ( with Dust Jacket);

CREAM OF THE CRIME: The 15th Mystery Writers of America Anthology (With Dustjacket);

CREASEY, JOHN - The Baron and the Chinese Puzzle ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Baron and the Missing Masters ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Baron On Board ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Beauty Queen Killer (with Dust Jacket); Calling the Toff (with Dust Jacket); *** Danger for the Baron (with Dust Jacket); *** Day of Fear (with Dust Jacket); *** Death of a Postman (with Dust Jacket); *** Death of a Racehorse (with Dust Jacket); *** The Dissemblers (with Dust Jacket); *** Elope to Death (with Dust Jacket); *** First a Murder (with Dust Jacket); *** The Flood (No Dust Jacket); *** The Gallows are Waiting (with Dust Jacket); ***Inspector West at Home (with Dust Jacket); *** The Killers of Innocence (with Dust Jacket); *** Let's Kill Uncle Lionel (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** A Life for a Death (with Dust Jacket); *** Make-up for the Toff (with Dust Jacket); *** The Missing Monoplane (No Dust Jacket); ** Model for the Toff (No Dust Jacket); *** Murder, London-New York (with Dust Jacket); *** Parcels for Inspector West (No Dust Jacket); *** A Prince for Inspector West (No Dust Jacket); *** A Six for the Toff (No Dust Jacket); *** The Smog (with Dust Jacket); *** A Splinter of Glass (with Dust Jacket); *** Sport for the Baron (with Dust Jacket); *** So Young to Burn (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Theft of Magna Carta (with Dust Jacket); *** The Toff and Old Harry (with Dust Jacket); *** The Toff and the Dead Man's Finger (with Dust Jacket); *** The Toff and the Runaway Bride (No Dust Jacket); *** The Toff and the Trip-Trip-Triplets (with Dust Jacket); *** The Toff is Back (with Dust Jacket); *** The Trouble at Saxby's (with Dust Jacket); *** The Voiceless Ones (with Dust Jacket); *** Vote for the Toff (with Dust Jacket);

CREEKMORE, BETSEY B. - Dark and Bloody Ground (with Dust Jacket);

CREIGHTON, DONALD - Takeover (No Dust Jacket);

CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Airframe (With Dustjacket); *** A Case of Need (with Dust Jacket); *** Disclosure (with Dust Jacket); *** Eaters of the Dead (with Dust Jacket); *** Five Patients (No Dust Jacket); *** The Great Train Robbery (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** A New Collection of Three Novels: Congo/ Sphere/ Eaters of the Dead (With Dustjacket); *** State of Fear (trade paperback); *** Timeline (With Dustjacket);

CRIME AND CRIMINALS - Opposing Viewpoints (Greenhaven Press; Trade Paperback);

CRISPIN, EDMUND - Love Lies Bleeding (with Dust Jacket);

CROFTS, FREEMAN WILLS - The Cask (with Dust Jacket); *** Death on the Way (with Dust Jacket); *** Man Overboard! (No Dustjacket);

CRONIN, A.J. - Beyond This Place (with Dust Jacket);

CRONIN, MICHAEL - The Con Game (with Dust Jacket); *** Murder Incidental (with Dust Jacket);

CRONLEY, JAY - Quick Change (with Dust Jacket);

CROSBY, JOHN - Dear Judgment (with Dust Jacket);

CROSBY, LEE - Night Attack (No Dust Jacket);

CROSS, AMANDA - The Question of Max (with Dust Jacket); *** Sweet Death, Kind Death (with Dust Jacket);

CROSS, JAMES - To Hell for Half-a-Crown (with Dust Jacket);

CROUDACE, GLYNN - The Scarlet Bikini (with Dust Jacket);

CROW, C.P. - No More Monday Mornings (with Dust Jacket);

CROWE, JOHN - Bloodwater (with Dust Jacket);

CRUMLEY, JAMES - The Mexican Tree Duck (With Dustjacket);

CUDDON, J.A. - The Six Wounds (with Dust Jacket);

CULHANE, CLAIRE - Barred from Prison (Trade Paperback);

CULLEN, ROBERT - The Killer Department (with Dust Jacket);

CULLEN, TOM - The Mild Murderer: The True Story of the Dr. Crippen Case (With Dustjacket); *** A Playful Panther: the Story of J. Maundy Gregory Con Man (with Dust Jacket);

CUNNINGHAM, A.B. - Death Rides a Sorrel Horse ( with Dust Jacket);

CUNNINGHAM, E.V. - Alice ( with Dust Jacket); **** The Assassin Who Gave Up His Gun (With Dustjacket); *** The Case of the Poisoned Eclairs (with Dust Jacket); *** Lydia( with Dust Jacket); **** Margie( with Dust Jacket); **** Samantha( with Dust Jacket); **** Shirley( with Dust Jacket);

CUOMO, GEORGE - Among Thieves ( No Dust Jacket); *** Pieces from a Small Bomb( with Dust Jacket);

CURRIE, BARTON W./ McHUGH, AUGUSTIN - Officer 666 (No Dust Jacket);

CURRIE, HARRY - Debut for a spy ( with Dust Jacket);

CURTISS, URSULA - The Deadly climate ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Face of the Tiger (No Dust Jacket); *** The Forbidden Garden ( with Dust Jacket); **** So Dies the Dreamer ( with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); **** Widow's Web( with Dust Jacket);

CUSSLER, CLIVE - Blue Gold (trade paperback); *** Deep Six ( with Dust Jacket); **** The Sea Hunters (With Dustjacket); *** Serpent (trade paperback); *** Shock Wave( with Dust Jacket);

CUSSLER, CLIVE/ CUSSLER, DIRK - Treasure of Khan (With Dustjacket);

CUTHBERT, MARGARET - The Silent Cradle (With Dustjacket);

DALEY, ROBERT - Hands of a Stranger (With Dustjacket); *** Year of the Dragon( with Dust Jacket);

DALMAS, HERBERT - Exit Screaming( with Dust Jacket); **** The Fowler Formula( with Dust Jacket);

DALY, ELIZABETH - Murders in Volume 2 ( No Dust Jacket);

DANE, CLEMENCE/ SIMPSON, HELEN - Enter Sir John ( with Dust Jacket);


DANIEL, MARK - Pity the Sinner (tab);

DANIELS, HAROLD R. - House on Greenapple Road ( with Dust Jacket);

DARRID, WILLIAM - Solomon Moon ( with Dust Jacket);

DVIDSON, DIANE MOTT - The Grilling Season (Advance Reading Copy; tpb);

DAVIDSON, LIONEL - The Menorah Men ( with Dust Jacket);

DAVIES, L.P. The Alien ( with Dust Jacket); **** Given me back myself( with Dust Jacket); **** The Paper Dolls( with Dust Jacket); **** The Shadow Before( with Dust Jacket); **** The White Room( with Dust Jacket);

DAVIES, LINDA - Nest of Vipers (With Dustjacket); *** Wilderness of Mirrors( with Dust Jacket);

DAVIES, PETE - The Last Election (Trade Paperback);

DAVIS, CLYDE BRION - Playtime is Over (with Dust Jacket);

DAVIS, DOROTHY SALISBURY - Death of an old Sinner( with Dust Jacket); **** Shock Wave( with Dust Jacket);

DAVIS, ELIZABETH - There Was an Old Woman ( with Dust Jacket);

DAVIS, J. MADISON - The Murder of Fra Schutz( with Dust Jacket);

DAVIS, MILDRED - The Third Half( with Dust Jacket); **** Three Minutes to Midnight( with Dust Jacket);

DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING - The Bar Sinister (No Dust Jacket); *** The Scarlet Car/ Princess Aline (No Dust Jacket);

DAWSON, DAVID LAING - Essondale (Trade Paperback);

DAWSON, HELEN - The House in Haven Street ( with Dust Jacket);

DEAKIN, F.W./ STORREY, G.R. - The Case or Richard Sorge( with Dust Jacket);

DEAL, BABS H. - The Walls Came Tumbling Down ( with Dust Jacket);

DEAL, BORDEN - Adventure ( with Dust Jacket);

DEALE,KENNETH E.L. - Memorable Irish Trials( with Dust Jacket);

DEAN, AMBER - The Dower Chest ( with Dust Jacket);*** Wrap it UP ( No Dust Jacket);

DEAN, ROBERT GEORGE - Murder Most Opportune (No Dust Jacket);

DEAN, SPENCER - The Merchant of Murder ( with Dust Jacket);

DEANDREA, WILLIAM L. - Five O'Clock Lightning ( with Dust Jacket);

DEANE, PHILIP - A Time for Treason ( with Dust Jacket);

DEANE,SHIRLEY - Corpses in Corsics (With Dustjacket); *** No Tears for the Dead ( with Dust Jacket);

DEAR, WILLIAM - The Dungeon Master ( with Dust Jacket);

DEAVER, JEFFERY - A Maiden's Grave (With Dustjacket);

DE BILIO, BETH - Vendetta Con Brio ( with Dust Jacket);

DE FELITTA, FRANK - Audrey Rose ( with Dust Jacket); *** Sea Trial (Trade Paperback);

DE FORD, MIRIAM ALLEN - The Overbury Affair ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Theme is Murder ( with Dust Jacket);

DEHAN, RICHARD - Between Two Thieves (No Dust Jacket);

DE HARTOG, JAN - The Lamb's War ( with Dust Jacket);

DE HAVEN, TOM - Jersey Luck ( with Dust Jacket);

DEIGHTON, LEN - Berlin Game ( with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Billion Dollar Brain ( with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** Charity ( with Dust Jacket); *** City of Gold (No Dust Jacket); *** An Expensive Place to Die ( with Dust Jacket); *** Faith ( with Dust Jacket); *** London Match ( with Dust Jacket); *** Spy Line ( with Dust Jacket);*** Spy Story ( with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Violent Ward ( with Dust Jacket); *** Yesterday's Spy ( with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

DEKKER, CARL - Woman in Marble ( with Dust Jacket);

DELILLO, DON - Libra (Trade Paperback);

DELMAN, DAVID - He Who Digs a Grave ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Nice Murderers ( with Dust Jacket);*** A Week to Kill ( with Dust Jacket);

DELVING, MICHAEL - Smiling the Boy Fell Dead ( with Dust Jacket);

DEMIJOHN, THOM - Black Alice ( with Dust Jacket);

DE MILLE, NELSON - Cathedral ( with Dust Jacket);*** The General's Daughter ( with Dust Jacket); *** Spencerville ( with Dust Jacket); *** Word of Honor ( with Dust Jacket);

DEMPSEY, HUGH A. - (ed.) - Men in Scarlet (With Dustjacket);

DENNIS, CHARLES - The Next-To-Last Train Ride ( with Dust Jacket);

DENNIS, PAT - Hotdish to Die For (trade paperback);

DENNIS, ROBERT C. - The Sweat of Fear ( with Dust Jacket);

DENTI DI PIRAJNO, ALBERTO - The Love Song of Mara Lumera ( with Dust Jacket);

DENTON, KIT - The Breaker ( with Dust Jacket);

DENZER, PETER W. - Find the Dreamer Guilty (No Dust Jacket);

DE POLNAY, PETER - The Chains of Pity ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Life of Ease ( with Dust Jacket); *** None Shall Know ( with Dust Jacket);

DERBY, MARK - The Sunlit Ambush ( with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket);

DERSHOWITZ, ALAN M. - The Advocate's Devil ( with Dust Jacket); *** Just Revenge (With Dustjacket);

DETECTIVE BOOK CLUB - All Have 3 Novels and Picture Covers *** Ball, john - A Killing in the Market/ Johnston, Velda - The Hour Before Midnight/ Charteris, Lesie - Send for the Saint; *** Coxe, George Harmon - The Inside Man/ Foley, Rae - One O'Clock at the Gotham/ Disney, Doris Miles - Don't Go into the Woods; *** Creasey, John -Murder with Mushrooms/ Pike, Roberts L. - Bank Job/ Gilbert, Anthony - A Nice Little Killing *** Deighton, Len - Spy Story/ Ferrars, E.X. - Hanged Man's House/ Albrand, Martha - Zurich AZ900; *** Gardner, Erle Stanley - The Case of the Crying Swallow/ Wells, Tobias - The Foo Dog/ Christie, Agatha - Nemesis; *** Gardner, Erle Stanley - The Case of the Fan-Dancer's Horse/ Reilly, Helen - The Silver Leopard/ Block, Libbie - Bedeviled; *** Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay - The Blank Wall/ Gilbert, Anthony - Death in the Wrong Room/ Leonard, Charles - Search for a Scientist; *** *** Macdonald, John D. - The Turquoise Lament/ Johnston, Velda - The White Pavilion/ Marric, J.j. - Gideon's Press *** Pentecost, Hugh - The Judas Freak/ White, Alan - The Long Fuse/ Keating, H.R.F. - Bats Fly Up for Inspector Ghote *** Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Bum/ Waters, T.A. - The Lost Victim/ Hebden, Mark - The Dark Side of the Island *** Simenon,Georges - Maigret Loses His Temper/ Johnston, Velda - I Came to the Highlands/ Garfield, Brian - The Three persons Hunt; *** Simenons, Georges - The Venice Train/ Fish, Robert L. - The Wager/ Marsh, Ngaio - Black as He's Painted; *** Thomson, June - A Dying Fall/ Gollin, James - The Verona Passamezzo/ Lemarchand, Elizabeth - The Affacombe Affair; *** Westlake, Donald - Jimmy the Kid/ Foley, Rae - The Brownstone House/ Westheimer, David - The Olmec Head;

DETZER, KARL W. - True Tales of the D.C.I. (No Dust Jacket; 1925);

DEUTERMANN, P.T. - The Edge of Honor (With Dustjacket);

DEVERELL, WILLIAM - The Dance of Shiva ( with Dust Jacket); *** High Crimes: Special Preview Copy ( Spiral Bound); *** Needles ( with Dust Jacket); *** Street Legal: The Betrayal ( with Dust Jacket);

DEVINE, D.M. - His Own Appointed Day ( with Dust Jacket); *** Illegal Tender ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Royston Affair ( with Dust Jacket);

DEVINE, DOMINIC - This is Your Death ( with Dust Jacket);

DEVON GARY - Wedding Night ( with Dust Jacket);

DE VRIES, JULIAN - The Black Spear ( with Dust Jacket);

DEWEESE, GENE/ COULSON, ROBERT - Now You See It/ Him/ Them... ( with Dust Jacket);

DEWEY,, THOMAS B. - The Case of the Chased and Unchaste (No Dust Jacket); *** Handle with Fear ( with Dust Jacket); ***The Taurus Trip ( with Dust Jacket);

DEWLEN, AL - The Night of the Tiger ( with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Twilight of Honor ( with Dust Jacket);

DEWHURST, EILEEN - Trio in Three Flats ( with Dust Jacket);

DEXTER, COLIN - The Dead of Jericho/ Servico of All the Dead/ The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn ( with Dust Jacket); *** Last Bus to Woodstock ( with Dust Jacket);

DEXTER, TED/ MAKINS, CLIFFORD - Testkill ( with Dust Jacket);

DIBDIN, MICHAEL - And Then You Die (trade paperback);

DIBNER, MARTIN - Ransom Run ( with Dust Jacket);

DICKENS, MONICA - The Happy Prisoner (No Dust Jacket); *** Joy and Josephine ( Trade Paperback); *** My Turn to Make the Tea ( No Dust Jacket); *** One Pair of Hands (Trade Paperback);

DICKEY, JAMES - Deliverance ( with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** To the White Sea ( with Dust Jacket);

DICKINSON, PETER - The Lizard in the Cup ( with Dust Jacket); *** King and Joker ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Old English Peep Show ( with Dust Jacket); *** Perfect Gallows ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Sinful Stones ( with Dust Jacket);*** Sleep and his Brothers ( with Dust Jacket); *** Tulku (With Dustjacket); *** Walking Dead (With Dustjacket);

DICKSON, CARTER - Behind the Crimson Blind (No Dust Jacket); *** The Curse of the Bronze Lamp (No Dustjacket); *** A Graveyard to Let ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Skeleton in the Closet (No Dust Jacket);

DIEHL, WILLIAM - Primal Fear ( with Dust Jacket); *** Show of Evil ( with Dust Jacket); *** Thai Horse ( with Dust Jacket);

DIETER, WILLIAM - Hunter's Orange ( with Dust Jacket);

DILLARD, J.M. - The Fugitive ( with Dust Jacket);

DILLARD, R.H.W. - The book of Changes ( with Dust Jacket);

DIMENT, ADAM - The Dolly, Dolly Spy ( with Dust Jacket);

DIMONA, JOSEPH - To the Eagle's Nest (With Dustjacket);

DINGES, JOHN/ LANDAU, SAUL - Assassination on Embassy Row (trade paperback);

DIOLE, PHILIPPE - Okapi Fever (With Dustjacket);

DIPPER, ALAN - The Hard Trip ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Paradise Formula ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Wave Hangs Dark ( with Dust Jacket);

DISNEY, DORIS MILES - The Day Miss Bessie Lewis Disappeared ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Departure of Mr. Gaudette ( with Dust Jacket); *** Do Not Fold Spindle or Mutilate ( with Dust Jacket); *** Mrs. Meeker's Money ( with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** Straw Man (No Dustjacket); ***Three's a Crowd ( with Dust Jacket); *** Tow Little Children and How They Grew ( with Dust Jacket); *** Voice from the Grave ( with Dust Jacket); *** Who Rides a Tiger (No Dust Jacket);

DIVOMLIKOFF, LAFR - The Traitor ( with Dust Jacket);

DOBKINS, J. DWIGHT/ HEMDRICKS, ROBERT J. - Winnie Ruth Judd: the Trunk Murders ( with Dust Jacket);;

DODGE, DAVID - Carambolia ( with Dust Jacket); *** Plunder of the Sun ( with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

DOLINER, ROY - On the Edge ( with Dust Jacket);

DOLPHIN, REX - Driven to Kill ( with Dust Jacket);

DOLSON, HILDEGARDE - Beauty Sleep ( with Dust Jacket); *** A Dying Fall ( with Dust Jacket);; *** Please Omit Funeral ( with Dust Jacket);*** To Spite Her Face ( with Dust Jacket);

DOMINIC, R.B. - Epitaph for a Lobbyist ( with Dust Jacket); *** Murder in High Place ( with Dust Jacket);*** There is No Justice ( with Dust Jacket);

DONATO, JOE - Tell it to the Mafia (trade paperback);

DONIS,MILES - The Fall of New York ( with Dust Jacket);

DORIAN EDITH - Mystery of Graveyard Head ( with Dust Jacket);

DORLAND, MICHAEL - The Double-cross Curcuit ( with Dust Jacket);

DORRANCE, WARD - The Party at Mrs. Purefoy's ( with Dust Jacket);

DORRIS,MICHAEL/ ERDRICH, LOUISE - The Crown of Columbus ( with Dust Jacket);

DORSEY, TIM - Orange Crush (With Dustjacket);

DOUGHERTY, RICHARD - The Commissioner ( with Dust Jacket);

DOUGLAS, GEORGE - Final Score ( with Dust Jacket);

DOUGLAS, JOHN/ OLSHAKER, MARK - Journey into Darkness ( with Dust Jacket); *** Mindhunter ( with Dust Jacket);

DOUNGLAS, KIRK - Dance with the Devil ( with Dust Jacket);

DOWNING, DAIVD - The Red Eagles ( with Dust Jacket);

DOWNING, WARWICK - The Mountains West of Town ( with Dust Jacket);

DOYLE, ARTHUR CONCAN - Adventures of Gerard ( with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (No Dust Jacket0; *** The Best of Sherlock Holmes ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Boys Sherlock Holmes (No Dust Jacket); ** Beyond the City (picture cover); *** The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes (No Dust Jacket); *** The Complete Sherlock Holmes (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume II (trade paperback); *** Conan Doyle's Best Books Vol I to Vol III (No Dust Jacket); *** The Conan Doyle Stories ( No Dust Jacket); *** Death Wears a White Coat (No Dust Jacket); *** The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes(No Dust Jacket); *** Famous Tales of Sherlock Holmes (No Dust Jacket); *** The Final Adventures fo Sherlock Holmes (With Dustjacket); *** The Hound of the Baskervilles (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** His Last Bow (No Dust Jacket); *** The Illustrated Sherlock Holmes Treasury ( Embossed Cover); ** The Lost World (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (No Dust Jacket); (Trade Paperback); *** Micah Clarke (No Dust Jacket); *** Original Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (No Dust Jacket); *** The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes (with Dust Jacket); *** The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes (trade paperback); *** The Return of Sherlock Holmes(No Dust Jacket); *** Sherlock Holmes the Complete Illustrated Novels (No Dust Jacket); Sherlock Holmes his Most Famous Mysteries (No Dust Jacket); *** Sherlock Holmes Long Stories (No Dust Jacket); Sherlock Holmes My Life and Crimes ( with Dust Jacket); *** Sign of the Four (Painted Cover); (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Sir Nigel (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** A Study in Scarlet (With Dustjacket); *** A treasury of Sherlock Holmes (No Dust Jacket); *** Uncollected Stories (trade paperback); *** The Valley of Fear (No Dust Jacket); *** The Vital Message (No Dust Jacket); *** The White Company (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); (Painted cover);

DOYLE, JAMES - Not Above the Law (with Dust Jacket);

DOYLE, RODDY - A Star Called Henry (With Dustjacket);

DRABEK, JAN - Report on the Death of Rosenkavalier (with Dust Jacket);

DRISCOLL, PETER - IN Connection with Kilshaw (with Dust Jacket);

DRAWN, MERLE - Plowing Up a Snake (with Dust Jacket);

DRUMMOND, CHARLES - Death at the Furlong Post (with Dust Jacket); *** The Odds on Death (with Dust Jacket);

DRUMMOND, IVOR - The Man with the Tiny Head (With Dustjacket); *** The Tank of Sacred Eels (with Dust Jacket);

DRUMMOND, JUNE - Farewell Party (with Dust Jacket); *** Funeral Party (with Dust Jacket); *** Funeral Urn (with Dust Jacket); *** The Saboteurs (with Dust Jacket);

DRURY, ALLEN - Preserve and Protect (with Dust Jacket); *** The Promise of Joy (with Dust Jacket);

DRYER, BERNARD VICTOR - Port Afrique (with Dust Jacket);

DUFF, DOUGLAS V. - Berenger's Toughest Case (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

DULLES, ALLEN (ed) - Great Spy Stories (with Dust Jacket);; *** Great True Spy Stories (with Dust Jacket);

DUMAS, TIMOTHY - Greentown (with Dust Jacket);

DUNCAN, DAVID - The Madrone Tree (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

DUNCAN, ROBERT L. - Fire Storm (with Dust Jacket);

DUNCAN, W. MURDOCH - The Blood Red Leaf (with Dust Jacket);

DUNLAP, SUSAN - High Fall (with Dust Jacket); *** Time Expired (With Dustjacket);

DUNMORE, SPENCER - Collision (with Dust Jacket);

DUNNE, DOMINICK - A Season in Purgatory (with Dust Jacket);

DUNNE, JOHN GREGORY - True Confessions (with Dust Jacket);

DUNNETT, ALASTAIR - No Thanks to the Duke (With Dustjacket);

DUNNETT, DOROTHY - The Photogenic Soprano (with Dust Jacket);

DURBIN CHARLES - Vendetta (with Dust Jacket);

DURBRIDGE, FRANCIS - My Friend Charles (with Dust Jacket);

DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Balthazar (with Dust Jacket);

DUTHIE, ERIC (ed) - Gallery of Rogues (No Dust Jacket);

DWYER, K.R. - Shattered (with Dust Jacket);

EASTERMAN, DANIEL - The Ninth Buddha (With Dustjacket);

EASTWWOD, JAMES - Diamonds are Deadly (with Dust Jacket);

EBERHARDT, MICHAEL C. - Against the law (With Dustjacket); *** Body of a Crime (With Dustjacket);

EBERHART, MIGNON G. - The Chiffon Scarf (with Dust Jacket); *** The Cup, the Blade or the Gun (with Dust Jacket); *** The Dark Garden (No Dust Jacket); *** El Rancho Rio (with Dust Jacket); *** Escape the Night (No Dust Jacket); *** The Glass Slipper (No Dust Jacket); *** The Hangman's Whip (No Dust Jacket); *** Hasty Wedding (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** Man Missing (with Dust Jacket);*** Message from Hong Kong (with Dust Jacket); ***Nine O'Clock Tide (with Dust Jacket); ** The Pattern (No Dust Jacket); *** Tow Little Rich Girls (with Dust Jacket); *** The White Cockatoo (No Dust Jacket);

EBERSOHN, WESSEL - Store Up the Anger (with Dust Jacket);

ECO, UMBERTO - The Name of the Rose (With Dustjacket);

EDEN, DOROTHY - The Pretty Ones (with Dust Jacket); ** The Shadow Wife(No Dust Jacket); *** The Sleeping Bride/ the Deadly Travellers (with Dust Jacket); *** Winterwood (No Dust Jacket);

EDEN, MATTHEW - Conquest Before Autumn (with Dust Jacket); *** Flight of Hawks (with Dust Jacket);

EDQVIST, DAGMAR - Black Sister (with Dust Jacket);

EDWARDS, JAMES G. - F. Corridor (No Dust Jacket);

EGAR, LESLEY - The Blind Search (with Dust Jacket); *** Detective's Due (with Dust Jacket); *** A Dream Apart (with Dust Jacket); *** A Feast of Egan - The Borrowed Alibi/ Run to Evil/ Detective's Due/ The Nameless Ones (With Dustjacket); *** A Serious Investigation (with Dust Jacket); *** The Wine of Violence (with Dust Jacket);

EGLETON, CLIVE - The Judas Mandate (with Dust Jacket); *** Seven Days to Killing (with Dust Jacket); *** Skirmish (with Dust Jacket);

EHRLICH, MAX - Deep is the Blue (with Dust Jacket); *** The Reincarnation of Peter Proud (with Dust Jacket); *** Shaitan (with Dust Jacket);

EHRLICHMAN, JOHN - The China Card (With Dustjacket); *** The Company (with Dust Jacket);

EICHLER, ALFRED - Death of an Ad Man (with Dust Jacket);

EINSTEIN, CHARLES - The Blackjack Hijack (with Dust Jacket);

ELOIT, ANNE - Return to Aylforth (with Dust Jacket); ** Shadows Waiting (with Dust Jacket);

ELKINS, AARON - Curses! (with Dust Jacket);

ELLI, FRANK - The Riot (with Dust Jacket);

ELLIN, STANLEY - The Bind (with Dust Jacket); *** Dreadful Summit (No Dust Jacket); *** The Eighth Circle (with Dust Jacket);

ELLIOTT, JAMES - Cold Cold Heart (with Dust Jacket);

ELLROY, JAMES - The Big Nowhere (with Dust Jacket);

ELLSBERG, COMMANDER EDWARD - Thirty Fathom Deep (No Dustjacket);

ELMAN, RICHARD M. - An Education in Blood (with Dust Jacket);

ELY, DAVID - Mr. Nicholas (With Dustjacket); *** Poor Devils (with Dust Jacket); *** The Tour (with Dust Jacket);

ENGEL, ALAN - Variant (with Dust Jacket);

ENGEL, HOWARD - A Victim Must be Found (With Dustjacket);

EPPERSON, S.K. - The Neighborhood (With Dustjacket);

EPSTEIN, SEYMOUR - Looking for Fred Schmidt (with Dust Jacket);

ERDMAN, PAUL E. - The Billion Dollar Sure Thing (with Dust Jacket); *** The Silver Bears (with Dust Jacket); *** The Swiss Account (With Dustjacket); *** Zero Coupon (with Dust Jacket);

ERSKINE, BARBARA - House of Echoes (With Dustjacket);

ERSKINE, MARGARET - The Brood of Folly (with Dust Jacket); *** The Family at Tammerton (with Dust Jacket); ** No.9 Belmont Square (with Dust Jacket); *** Take a Dark Journey (with Dust Jacket); *** The Woman at Belguardo (with Dust Jacket);

ESHLEMAN, JOHN M. - The Long Chase (with Dust Jacket);

EULO, KEN/ MAUCK, JOE - Claw (with Dust Jacket);

EVANS, ALAN - Bannon (with Dust Jacket);

EVANS, FALLON - Pistons and Pedagogues (with Dust Jacket);

EVANS, HOWEL - The Murder Club (No Dustjacket);

EVARTS, HAL G. - The Purple Eagle Mystery (with Dust Jacket);

EVERITT, BRIDGET - A Cold Front (with Dust Jacket);

FAGYAS, M. - The Devil's Lieutenant (with Dust Jacket); ** The Fifth Woman (with Dust Jacket); *** The Widowmaker (with Dust Jacket);

FAIRLE, GARARD - No Sleep for Macall (No Dust Jacket);

FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - Final Jeopardy (With Dustjacket);

FALKIRK, RICHARD - Beau Blackstone (with Dust Jacket); *** Blackstone and the Scourge of Europe (with Dust Jacket); *** Blackstone's Fancy (with Dust Jacket); *** The Chill Factor (with Dust Jacket); *** The Twisted Wire (with Dust Jacket);

FALL, THOMAS - The Justicer (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

FALLACI, ORIANA - A Man (with Dust Jacket);

FARNOL, JEFFREY - The Loring Mystery (No Dust Jacket);

FARRAR, STEWART - Death in the Wrong Bed (with Dust Jacket);

FARRINGTON, FIELDEN - The Strangers in 7-A (with Dust Jacket);

FARRIS, JOHN - The Captors (with Dust Jacket);

FAST, HOWARD - The Trial of Abigail Goodman (with Dust Jacket);

FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Intruder in the Dust (with Dust Jacket);

FAUST, RON - Tombs of Blue Ice (with Dust Jacket); *** The Wolf in the Clouds (with Dust Jacket);

FEARING, KENNETH - The Big Clock (with Dust Jacket);

FENISON, RUTH - But Not Forgotten (with Dust Jacket); ** Deadlock (with Dust Jacket); *** Miscast for Murder (with Dust Jacket);

FENNERTON, WILLIAM - The Lucifer Cell (with Dust Jacket);

FERGUSON, AUSTIN - Randon Track to Peking (with Dust Jacket);

FERRARS, E.X. - Neck in a Noose (with Dust Jacket);

FERRARS, ELIZABETH - Alibi for a Witch (No Dust Jacket); *** The Cup and the Lip (with Dust Jacket); *** Drowned Rat (with Dust Jacket); ** Hanged Man's House (with Dust Jacket); *** Murders Anonymous (with Dust Jacket); *** No Peace for the Wicked (with Dust Jacket); *** The Small World of Murder (with Dust Jacket); *** A Stranger and Afraid (with Dust Jacket);

FERRIGNO, ROBERT - Dead Man's Dance (with Dust Jacket);

FERRLS, PAUL - High Places (with Dust Jacket);

FERRIS, WALLY - Across 110th (with Dust Jacket);

FIDLER, KATHLEEN - True Tales of Mystery (with Dust Jacket);

FIDLER, RICHARD - RCMP: The Real Subversives (Trade Paperback);

FIEDLER, LESLIE A. - Being Busted (with Dust Jacket);

FIELD, XENIA - Under Lock and Key (with Dust Jacket);

FIELDING, A - Murder in Suffolk (No Dust Jacket); *** Mystery at the Rectory (No Dust Jacket); *** The Westwood Mystery (No Dust Jacket);

FIELDING, GABRIEL - Eight Days (with Dust Jacket);

FIELD, JOY - The Deep End (with Dust Jacket); *** Tell Me No Secrets (with Dust Jacket);

FIENNES, RANULPH - The Secret Hunters (trade paperback);


FIFTY MASTERPIECES OF MYSTERY ( Odhams Press; No Dust Jacket);

FINCH, PHILLIP - F2F (with Dust Jacket);

FINDER, JOSEPH - High Crimes (with Dust Jacket);

FINLAY, IAIN - The Azanian Assignment (with Dust Jacket);

FINNEGAN, ROBERT - Many a Monster (with Dust Jacket);

FINNEY, JACK - Assault on a Queen (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** The Night People (with Dust Jacket);

THE FIRE FIGHTERS OF LONDON IN ACTION ( Illustrated by London Fire Fighters; 1941; tpb);

FIRTH, ANTHONY - Tall, Balding, Thirty-Five (with Dust Jacket);

FISCHER, BRUNO - The Dead Men Grin (with Dust Jacket); *** The Paper Circle (No Dust Jacket);

FISCHER, EDWIN - The Berlin Indictment (with Dust Jacket);

FISH, ROBERT L. - The Bridge That Went Nowhere (with Dust Jacket); *** The Green Hell Treasure (with Dust Jacket); *** The Memoirs of Schlock Homes (With Dustjacket); *** The Xavier Affair (with Dust Jacket);

FISHER, DAVID E. - The Wrong Man (with Dust Jacket);

FISHER, LAWRENCE - Die a Little Every Day (No Dust Jacket);

FISHER, NORMAN - The Last Assignment (with Dust Jacket); *** Walk at a Steady Pace (with Dust Jacket);

FITZGERALD, NIGEL - The Candles are all Out (with Dust Jacket);

FITZ-SIMONS, FOSTER - Bright Leaf (No Dust Jacket);

FLACH, FREDERIC F. - Fridericus (with Dust Jacket);

FLEETWOOD, HUGH - A Conditional Sentence (with Dust Jacket);

FLEMING, BERRY - Colonel Effingham's Raid (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

FLEMING, IAN - Brokenclaw (by Gardner, John; (With Dustjacket); *** Casino Royal (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** Colonel Sun (by Markham, Robert) (with Dust Jacket); *** Diamonds are Forever (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** Doctor No (with Dust Jacket); *** Dr. No/ Moonraker/ Thunderball/ From Russia, with Love/ On Her Majesty's Secret Service/ Goldfinger (with Dust Jacket); *** For Special Services (by Gardner, John) (with Dust Jacket); *** From Russia, With Love (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** Goldfinger (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Icebreaker (by Gardner, John) (with Dust Jacket); *** James Bond: The Authorized Biography of 007 (by Pearson, John) (with Dust Jacket); *** James Bond in the Cinema (by Bresnan, John; with photos; No Dust Jacket); *** James Bond 007 Five Complete Novels: Diamonds are Forever/ From Russia, with Love/ Goldfinger/ Casino Royale/ Live and Let Die (with Dust Jacket); *** License Renewed (with Dust Jacket); *** Live and Let Die (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** The Man with the Golden Gun (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** Moonraker (No Dust Jacket); *** No Deals, Mr Bond ( by Gardner, John); (with Dust Jacket); *** Octopussy (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** On Her Majesty's Secret Service (with Dust Jacket); *** The Spy Who Loved Me (with Dust Jacket); *** Scorpius (by Gardner, John (With Dustjacket); *** Thunderball (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** Thrilling Cities (with Dust Jacket); *** Win, Lose or Die (by Gardner, John) (with Dust Jacket); *** You Only live Twice (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

FLEMING, JOAN - Alas Poor Father! (with Dust Jacket); *** Be a Good Boy (with Dust Jacket); *** The Chill and the Kill (with Dust Jacket); ** Death of a Sardine (with Dust Jacket); ** The Galllows in my Garden (with Dust Jacket); ** Grim Death and the Barrow Boys (with Dust Jacket); *** In the Red (with Dust Jacket); ** Kill or Cure (with Dust Jacket); *** The Merry Widower (with Dust Jacket); *** Midnight Hag (with Dust Jacket);*** No Bones About it (with Dust Jacket); *** Nothing is the Number when You Die (with Dust Jacket); *** When I Grow Rich (with Dust Jacket); *** Young Man, I Think You're Dying (with Dust Jacket);

FLETCHER, COLIN - The Man From the Cave (Trade Paperback);

FLETCHER, DAVID - A Lovable Man (with Dust Jacket);

FLETCHER, J.S. - The Diamond Murders (No Dust Jacket); *** The Mazaroff Mystery (No Dust Jacket);

FLETCHER, LUCILLE - Blindfold (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Strange Blue Yawl (with Dust Jacket);

FLORA, FLETCHER - The Irrepressible Peccadillo (with Dust Jacket);

FLOWER, PAT - Slyboots (with Dust Jacket);

FLOYD, MORDIE - The Secret of Saraband (with Dust Jacket);

FLYNN, BRIAN - The Billiard Room Mystery (No Dust Jacket);

FOLEY, RAE - A Calculated Risk (with Dust Jacket); *** Call it Accident (with Dust Jacket); *** The First Mrs. Winston (With Dustjacket); *** Girl on a High Wire (with Dust Jacket); *** Nightmare House (with Dust Jacket); *** Ominous Star (with Dust Jacket); *** Put Out the Light (with Dust Jacket); *** Wild Night (with Dust Jacket);

FOLLETT, KEN - A Dangerous Fortune (With Dustjacket); *** Eye of the Needle (with Dust Jacket); *** The Key to Rebecca (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Lie Down With Lions(No Dust Jacket); *** The Man From St. Petersburg (with Dust Jacket); *** Night Over Water (With Dustjacket); *** On Wings of Eagles (No Dustjacket); *** A Place Called Freedom (with Dust Jacket); *** Triple (with Dust Jacket);

FOLSOM, ALLAN - The Day After Tomorrow (with Dust Jacket);

FOOTE, HORTON - The Chase (No Dustjacket);

FOOTE-SMITH, ELIZABETH - Never Say Die (with Dust Jacket);

FOOTNER, HULBERT - The Folded Paper Mystery (No Dust Jacket);

FORBES, BRYAN - Familiar Strangers (with Dust Jacket);

FORBES, COLIN - Year of the Golden Ape (with Dust Jacket);

FORBES, STANLEY - True Detective Stories (No Dust Jacket);

FORBES, STANTON - All for One and One for Death (with Dust Jacket); *** If Laurel Shot Hardy the World Would End (with Dust Jacket); *** Relative to Death (with Dust Jacket); *** The Terrors of the Earth (with Dust Jacket); *** Terror Touches Me (with Dust Jacket);

FORD, HILARY - Sarnia (with Dust Jacket);

FORD, LESLIE - By the Watchman's Clock (No Dust Jacket); *** The Clue of the Judas Tree (No Dust Jacket); *** Date with Death (No Dust Jacket); *** False to any Man (No Dust Jacket); *** Invitation to Murder (with Dust Jacket);**** Murder is the Pay-off (No Dust Jacket); *** The Philadelphia Murder Story (with Dust Jacket); *** Trial by Ambush (with Dust Jacket);

FORD, MARY FORKER - Murder, Country Style (with Dust Jacket); *** The Silent Witness (with Dust Jacket); *** Shadow of Murder (with Dust Jacket);

FORMA, WARREN - The Falling Man (with Dust Jacket);

FORMAN, JAMES - The Traitors (with Dust Jacket);

FORREST, RICHARD - The Death in the Willows (with Dust Jacket);

FORSYTH, FREDERICK - The Day of the Jackal (with Dust Jacket); *** The Day of the Jackal/ The Dogs of War (with Dust Jacket); *** The Deceiver (with Dust Jacket); *** The Devil's Alternative (No Dust Jacket); ** The Dogs of War (with Dust Jacket); *** The Odessa File (with Dust Jacket);

FOSBURGH, LACEY - Closing Time ( No Dust Jacket);

FOSSUM, JACK - Cop in the Closet (No Dust Jacket);

FOSTER, MAXIMILIAN - Crooked (No Dust Jacket);

FOSTER, TONY - Zig Zag (with Dust Jacket);

FOUCAULT, MICHAEL - Disipline and Punish: the Birth of the Prison (Trade Paperback);

FOWLES, ANTHONY - Double Feature (with Dust Jacket); *** Dupe Negative (with Dust Jacket);

FOWLES, JOHN - The Collector (with Dust Jacket); *** Daniel Martin (with Dust Jacket); *** The Ebony Tower (with Dust Jacket); *** The French Lieutenant's Woman (with Dust Jacket);

FOWLKES, FRANK - The Peruvian Contracts (with Dust Jacket);

FOX, GEORGE - Amok (with Dust Jacket);

FOX, JAMES M. - The Wheel is Fixed (No Dust Jacket);

FOX, PETER - Mantis (with Dust Jacket);

FAXX, JACK - The Jade Figurine (with Dust Jacket);

FRANCIS, CLARE - Wolf Winter (with Dust Jacket);

FRANCIS, DICK - Banker (with Dust Jacket); *** Blood Sport (with Dust Jacket); *** Bonecrack (with Dust Jacket); *** Break In (with Dust Jacket); *** Come to Grief (with Dust Jacket); *** The Danger ( No Dust Jacket); *** Driving Force (with Dust Jacket); *** The Edge (With Dustjacket); *** Enquiry (with Dust Jacket); ***Flying Finish (with Dust Jacket); *** Forfeit (with Dust Jacket); *** For Kicks (with Dust Jacket); *** Hot Money (with Dust Jacket); *** Nerve (With Dustjacket); *** Rat Race (with Dust Jacket); *** Reflex (No Dust Jacket); *** Risk (with Dust Jacket); ** Slayride (No Dust Jacket); *** Smoke Screen (with Dust Jacket); *** 10 lb. Penalty (with Dust Jacket); (Trade Paperback); *** Trial Run/ Whip Hand/ Twice Shy (With Dustjacket); *** Wild Horses (with Dust Jacket);

FRANK, GERALD - The Boston Strangler (with Dust Jacket);

FRANK, PAT - Hold Back the Night (with Dust Jacket); *** How to Survive the H-Bomb and Why (With Dustjacket);

FRANKAU, PAMELA - Colonel Blessington (With Dustjacket);

FRANKLIN, CHARLES - Death in the East (with Dust Jacket); *** Murder on my Hands (with Dust Jacket); *** Woman in the Case (with Dust Jacket);

FRANKLIN, EDWARD - Man on the Wire (with Dust Jacket);

FRANKLIN, EUGENE - The Money Murders (with Dust Jacket);

FRASE, H. MICHAEL - Fatal Gift (with Dust Jacket);

FRASER, ANTHEA - Breath of Brimstone (with Dust Jacket); *** Laura Possessed (with Dust Jacket);

FRASER, ANTONIA - Jemima Shore's First Case and Other Stories (With Dustjacket); *** Quiet as a Nun (with Dust Jacket);

FRASER, JAMES - Death in a Pheasant's Eye (with Dust Jacket); *** Who Steals my Name...? (with Dust Jacket); *** A Wreath of Lords and Ladies (with Dust Jacket);

FREADERICS, JOCKO - Every Body's Ready to Die (No Dust Jacket);

FREDMAN, JOHN - The False Joanna (with Dust Jacket);

FREDMAN, MIKE - Kisses Leave No Fingerprints (with Dust Jacket);

FREELING, NICOLAS - Aupres De Ma Blondes (with Dust Jacket); *** Because of the Cats (with Dust Jacket); *** Castang's City (with Dust Jacket); *** The Dresden Green (with Dust Jacket); *** A Dressing of Diamond (with Dust Jacket); *** The King of the Rainy Country (with Dust Jacket); *** A Long Silence (with Dust Jacket); *** The Lovely Ladies (with Dust Jacket); *** The Night Lords (with Dust Jacket); *** Over The High Side (with Dust Jacket); *** Question of Loyalty (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Strike Out Where Not Applicable (No Dustjacket); *** Tsing-Boom (with Dust Jacket);

FREEMA, R. AUSTIN - The Mystery of 31 New Inn ( No Dust Jacket); *** The Singing Bone (with Dust Jacket);

FREEMANTLE, BRIAN - Charlie Muffin (No Dustjacket); *** O'Farrell's Law (With Dustjacket); *** The Run Around (With Dustjacket); *** The Steal (With Dustjacket);

FREMLIN, CELIA - Appointment with Yesterday (with Dust Jacket); *** The Jealous One (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** The Trouble Makers (with Dust Jacket); *** Uncle Paul (with Dust Jacket); *** Waiting for the Wedding (with Dust Jacket);

FREUND, PHILIP - The Spymaster (with Dust Jacket);

FRIEDMAN, KINKY - Road Kill (with Dust Jacket);

FRIENDMAN, PHILIP - Inadmissible Evidence (With Dustjacket);

FROST, MARK - The List of 7 (with Dust Jacket);

FRY, PETE - The Yellow Trouser (with Dust Jacket);

FUCHIK, JULIUS - Notes From the Gallows ( Trade Paperback);

FULLER, JOHN G. - The Poison that Fell from the Sky (with Dust Jacket);

FULLER, TIMOTHY - Reunion with Murder (No Dust Jacket);

FULLER, W. HAROLD - Run While the Sun is Hot (With Dustjacket);

FURST, ALAN - Your Day in the Barrel (with Dust Jacket);

FYFIELD, FRANCES - Shadow Play (with Dust Jacket);

GABORIAU, EMILE - The Champdoce Mystery (No Dust Jacket); *** The Mystery of Orcival (No Dust Jacket); *** Widow Lerouge (No Dust Jacket);

GADNEY,REG - Drawn Blanc (with Dust Jacket); *** Somewhere in England (with Dust Jacket);

GAINES, ROBERT - Against the Public Interest (with Dust Jacket); *** The Invisible Evil (with Dust Jacket);

GAIR, MALCOLM - The Burning of Troy (with Dust Jacket);

GAITANO, NICK - Jaded (With Dustjacket);

GAITHER, FRANCES - Double Muscadine (with Dust Jacket);

GALE, JOHN - Death for Short (with Dust Jacket);

GALLAGHER, MARY - Quicksilver (with Dust Jacket);

GALLAGHER, STEPHEN - Nightmare, with Angel (with Dust Jacket);

GALLICO, PAUL - Trial by Terror (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

GANT, JONATHAN - The Long Vendetta (with Dust Jacket);

GANN, ERNEST K. - Of Good and Evil (with Dust Jacket); *** Soldier of Fortune (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

GARBER, JOSEPH R. - Vertical Run (with Dust Jacket);

GARBO, NORMAN/ GOODKIND, HOWARD - Confrontation (with Dust Jacket);

GARD, ROBERT E. - The Big One (No Dust Jacket);

GARDINER, STEPHEN - Death is an Artist (with Dust Jacket);

GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY - The Case of the Backward Mule (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Baited Hook (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Careless Cupid (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Cautious Coquette (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Counterfeit Eye (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Crimson Kiss/ Eberhart, Mignon G. - El Rancho Rio (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Crying Swallow/ Christie, Agatha - Nemesis (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Curious Bride (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Demure Defendant (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Dubious Bridegroom (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Fan-Dancer's Horse(with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Glamorous Ghost (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Horrified Heirs (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Howling Dog (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Ice-Cold Hands (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Irate Witness/ Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Informer (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Irate Witness/ Queen, Ellery - A Fine and Private Place (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Loney Heiress (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Long-Legged Models (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Mischievous Doll/ Fair, A.A. - Shills Can't Cash Chips ( with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Musical Cow (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Mythical Monkeys (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Nervous Accomplice (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Perjured Parrot (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Postponed Murder/ Eberhart, Mignon G. - Murder in Waiting (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Postponed Murder/ Marric, J.J. - Gideon's Men (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Queenly Contestant (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Reluctant Model (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Restless Redhead (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Runaway Corpse (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Shapely Shadow (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Shoplifter's Shoe (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Silent Partner (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece (No Dust Jacket); *** *** The Case of the Sulky Girl (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Terrified Typist (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Vagabond Virgin (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Velvet Claws (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Cops on Campus and Crime in the Streets (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the D.A. Breaks an Egg (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the D.A. Calls it Murder (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the D.A. Draws a Circle (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the D.A. Goes to Trial (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the D.A. Takes a Chance (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Murder Up My Sleeve (No Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Perry Mason Seven Complete Novels: The Case of: the Footloose Dool/ The Glamorous Ghost/ The Long-Legged Models/ The Lucky Loser/ The Screaming Woman/ The Terrified Typist/ The Waylaid Wolf (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Top of the Heap (No Dust Jacket); *** Gold Comes in Bricks (writing as A.A. Fair; No Dustjacket); *** Perry Mason in the Case of Too Many Murders (by Chastain, Thomas) (With Dustjacket); *** Turn on the Heat (writing as A.A. Fair);

GARDNER, JOHN - Brokenclaw (With Dustjacket); **** Death is Forever (With Dustjacket); *** The Liquidator (with Dust Jacket); *** The Man from Barbarossa (With Dustjacket); *** The Quiet Dogs (With Dustjacket); *** The Secret Generation (With Dustjacket); *** Understrike (with Dust Jacket); *** Win, Lose or Die (With Dustjacket);

GARFIELD, BRIAN - Death Sentence (with Dust Jacket); *** Tripwire (with Dust Jacket); *** What of Terry Conniston (with Dust Jacket);

GARIS, LILIAN - Terror at Moaning Cliff (No Dust Jacket);

GARNER, HUGH - Death in Don Mills (with Dust Jacket); *** Murder Has Your Number (with Dust Jacket); *** Violation of the Virgins (with Dust Jacket);

GARNER, WILLIAM - Overkill (with Dust Jacket); *** The Us or Them War (with Dust Jacket);

GARRETT, ROBERT - Run Down (with Dust Jacket); *** Spiral (with Dust Jacket);

GARVE, ANDREW - Boomerang (with Dust Jacket); *** Counterstroke (with Dust Jacket); *** The Cuckoo Line Affair (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Far Sands (with Dust Jacket); *** Frame-Up (with Dust Jacket); **** The Galloway Case (with Dust Jacket); *** The Golden Deed (with Dust Jacket); *** A Hero for Leanda (with Dust Jacket); *** Hide and Go Seek (with Dust Jacket); *** The House of Soldiers (with Dust Jacket); *** The Late Bill Smith (with Dust Jacket); *** The Lester Affair (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** The Long Short Cut (with Dust Jacket); *** The Megstone Plot (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Murderer's Fen (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Narrow Search (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Prisoner's Friend (with Dust Jacket); *** The Sea Monks (with Dust Jacket);

GARWOOD, JULIE - Heartbreaker (With Dustjacket); *** Killjoy (With Dustjacket); *** Mercy (With Dustjacket); *** Ransom (With Dustjacket);

GARY, ROMAIN - Europa (with Dust Jacket);

GASH, JONATHAN - Gold by Gemini (No Dust Jacket); *** The Grail Tree (with Dust Jacket); *** The Very Last Gambado (With Dustjacket);

GATENBY, ROSEMARY - Evil is as Evil Does (with Dust Jacket); *** The Fugitive Affair (with Dust Jacket); *** The Season of Danger (with Dust Jacket);

GAULT, WILLIAM CAMPBELL - Come Die With Me (With Dustjacket); *** Death Out of Focus (with Dust Jacket); *** The Hundred-Dollar Girl (with Dust Jacket);

GEDDES, PAUL - The High Game (with Dust Jacket); *** The Ottawa Allegation (with Dust Jacket); *** A November Wind (with Dust Jacket);

GELBER, JACK - On Ice (with Dust Jacket);

SELLER, STEPHEN - Gad (with Dust Jacket);

GEORGE, ELIZABETH - Missing Joseph (with Dust Jacket);

GEORGE, JONATHAN - The Kill Dog (with Dust Jacket);

GEORGE, THEODORE - The Deadly Homecoming (with Dust Jacket); *** The Murders on the Square (with Dust Jacket);

GERARD, FRANCIS - The Justice of Sanders (No Dust Jacket); *** Secret Sceptre (No Dust Jacket);

GERRITSEN, TESS - Bloodstream (with Dust Jacket); *** Harvest (with Dust Jacket);

GERSON, NOEL B. - Temptation to steal (with Dust Jacket);

GHEORGHIU, C. VIRGIL - The Twenty-Fifth Hour (With Dustjacket);

GIBBS, TONY - Capitol Offense (With Dustjacket);

GIDEON, JOHN - Golden Eyes (with Dust Jacket);

GIELGUD, VAL - IN Such a Night... (with Dust Jacket);

GILBERT, ANTHONY - The Case Against Andrew Fane (No Dust Jacket); *** Death Takes a Wife (with Dust Jacket); **** Missing From Her Home (with Dust Jacket);*** Miss Pinnegar Disappears (with Dust Jacket); *** Murder Comes Home (with Dust Jacket); *** Night Encounter (with Dust Jacket); *** No Dust in the Attic (with Dust Jacket); *** Out for the Kill (with Dust Jacket); *** Passenger to Nowhere (with Dust Jacket); *** Uncertain Death (with Dust Jacket);

GILBERT, EDWIN - The Beautiful Life (with Dust Jacket);

GILBERT, HARRIETT - Given the Ammunition (with Dust Jacket); *** I Know Where I've Been (with Dust Jacket);

GILBERT, MICHAEL - After the Fine Weather (with Dust Jacket); *** The Claimant (with Dust Jacket); *** Close Quarters (with Dust Jacket); The Dust and the Heat (with Dust Jacket); *** The Family Tomb (with Dust Jacket); *** Smallbone Deceased (No Dust Jacket);

GILBERT, SKY - Play Murder (Trade Paperback);

GILES, KENNETH - Death Among the Stars (with Dust Jacket);

GILFORD, C.B. - The Crooked Shamrock (with Dust Jacket);

GILL, B.M. - Death Drop (Trade Paperback);

GILL, BARTHOLOMEW - McGarr and the Politician's Wife (with Dust Jacket);

GILLEN, MOLLIE - Assassination of the Prime Minister (with Dust Jacket);

GILLMORE, RUFUS - The Ebony Bed Murder (with Dust Jacket);

GILLS, JACKSON - The Killers of Starfish (with Dust Jacket);

GILMORE, JOSEPH - Blue Flame (with Dust Jacket);

GINN, R.C.K. - Tyger! Tyger! (with Dust Jacket);

GLANVILLE, BRIAN - The Catacomb (with Dust Jacket);

GLENDINNING, RALPH - The Ultimate Game (with Dust Jacket);

GLESS, ELEANOR GREEN - Murder at Tall Tip (with Dust Jacket);

GODDARD, ANTHEA - The Vienna Pursuit (with Dust Jacket);

GODEY, JOHN - The Snake (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Taking of Pelham one Two Three (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** The Talisman (with Dust Jacket); *** The Three Worlds of Johnny Handsome (with Dust Jacket); *** A Thrill a Minute with Jack Albany (with Dust Jacket);

GOLDBERG, GERALD JAY - The Lynching of Orin Newfield (with Dust Jacket);

GOLDBERG, MARSHALL - The Karamanov Equations (with Dust Jacket);

GOLDING, WILLIAM - Darkness Visible (with Dust Jacket);

GOLDMAN, JAMES - The Man From Greek and Roman (with Dust Jacket);

GOLDMA, WILLIAM - Brothers (with Dust Jacket); *** Heat (with Dust Jacket);

GOLDTHWAITE, EATON K. - The Marble Forest (with Dust Jacket); *** Once You Stop, You're Dead (with Dust Jacket);

GOODCHILD, GEORGE - Jack O'Lanthern (No Dust Jacket);

GOODFIELD, JUNE - Courier to Peking (with Dust Jacket);

GORDON, ALEX - The Cipher (with Dust Jacket);

GORDON, ALEX - Reprisal (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

GORDON, DONALD - Leap in the Dark (with Dust Jacket);

GORDON, ETHEL EDISON - The Birdwatcher (with Dust Jacket);

GORDON, NOAH - The Death Committee (with Dust Jacket);

THE GORDONS - Captive (with Dust Jacket); *** The Case of the Talking Bug (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket); *** Menace (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** Operation Terror (with Dust Jacket); *** Power Play (with Dust Jacket); *** (eds) A Pride of Felons (with Dust Jacket); *** The Tumult and the Joy (With Dustjacket);

GORE, WILLIAM - The Mystery of the Painted Nude (No Dust Jacket);

GORES, JOE - Dead Skip (No Dust Jacket); *** Gone, No Forwarding (with Dust Jacket); *** Hammett (with Dust Jacket);

GORKY, MAXIM - The Sky (No Dust Jacket);

GOSHGARIAN, GARY - Atlantis Fire (with Dust Jacket);

GOSLING, PAULA - A Running Duck (with Dust Jacket);

GOTTLIEB, PAUL - Agency (No Dustjacket);

GOUGH, LAURENCE - Fall Down Easy (with Dust Jacket); *** Serious Crimes (with Dust Jacket);

GOULART, RON (ed) - The Hardboiled Dicks (with Dust Jacket);

GOULD, LOIS - La Presidenta (with Dust Jacket);

GOULDEN, JOSEPH C. - The Death Merchant (with Dust Jacket);

GOULET, PETER - Daughter Fair (with Dust Jacket);

GRADY, JAMES - Steel Town (with Dust Jacket); *** 3 Days of the Condor (with Dust Jacket); *** Thunder (With Dustjacket);

GRAEME, DAVID - The Drums Beat Red (with Dust Jacket);

GRAFTON, C.W. - The Rat Began to Gnaw the Rope (with Dust Jacket); *** The Rope Began to Hang the Butcher (with Dust Jacket);

GRAFTON, SAMUEL - A Most Contagious Game (with Dust Jacket);

GRAFTON, SUE - "A" is for Alibi (with Dust Jacket);(Trade Paperback); *** "I" is for Innocent (with Dust Jacket); *** "J" is for Judgment (with Dust Jacket); *** "L" is for Lawless (with Dust Jacket); *** "Q" is the Quarry (With Dustjacket);

GRAHAM, DAVID - Down to a Sunless Sea (No Dust Jacket);

GRAHAM, JAMES - Bloody Passage (with Dust Jacket); *** The Wrath of God (with Dust Jacket);

GRAHAM, JOHN ALEXANDER - The Aldeburg Cezanne (with Dust Jacket); *** Arthur (with Dust Jacket); *** The Involvement of Arnold Wechsler (with Dust Jacket); *** Something in the Air (with Dust Jacket);

GRAHAM, NEILL - One for the Book (with Dust Jacket); *** Pay Off (with Dust Jacket);

GRAHAM, WINSTON - Angell Pearl and Little God (with Dust Jacket); **** Fortune is a Woman (with Dust Jacket); *** Marnie (with Dust Jacket); *** Night Journey (with Dust Jacket); *** Take My Life (with Dust Jacket); *** The Walking Stick (with Dust Jacket);

GRALAPP, LELAND - Boom! (No Dust Jacket);

GRANT, MAXWELL - Norgil the Magician (with Dust Jacket);

GRAY, BERKELEY - Castle Conquest (with Dust Jacket); *** Conquest Like it Hot (with Dust Jacket); *** Vultures Ltd. (No Dust Jacket);

GRAY, DULCIE - Murder in Mind (with Dust Jacket); *** The Murder of Love (with Dust Jacket); *** No Quarter for a Star (No Dust Jacket); *** Understudy to Murder (with Dust Jacket);

GRAYSON, RICHARD - Play the Roman Fool and Die (with Dust Jacket); *** The Sleeping Lady (with Dust Jacket);

GREAT CASES OF SCOTLAND YARD (Reader's Digest 690 Pages with photos; (With Dustjacket);

GREELEY, ANDREW M. - Happy are the Meek (with Dust Jacket); ** Happy are Those Who Thirst for Justice (with Dust Jacket); *** Irish Whiskey (with Dust Jacket); *** Three Complete Novels the Passover Trilogy: Thy Brother's Wife/ Ascent into Hell/ Lord of the Dance (with Dust Jacket);

GREEN, ALAN - What a Body! (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket);

GREEN, ANNA KATHARINE - The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow (No Dust Jacket); *** Room Number 3 (No Dust Jacket);

GREEN, EDITH PINERO - Rotten Apples (with Dust Jacket); *** Sneaks (with Dust Jacket);

GREEN, F.L. - Odd Man Out (with Dust Jacket);

GREEN, GEORGE DAWES - The Caveman's Valentine (with Dust Jacket); *** The Juror (with Dust Jacket);

GREEN, GERALD - The Hostage Heart (with Dust Jacket);

GREEN, WILLIAM M. - See How They Run (with Dust Jacket); *** Spencer's Bag (with Dust Jacket);

GREENE, GRAHAM - The End of the Affair (No Dust Jacket); *** A Gun for Sale (with Dust Jacket); *** The Honorary Consul (With Dustjacket); *** The Third Man (with Dust Jacket); *** The Third Man/ The Fallen Idol (No Dust Jacket); *** /Greene, Hugh (eds) - Victorian Villainies (Trade Paperback);

GREENE, ROBERT W. - The Sting Man (with Dust Jacket);

GREENLAND, FRANCIS - The Misericordia Drop (with Dust Jacket);

GREGG, CECIL FREEMAN - The Body Behind the Bar (No Dust Jacket); *** Inspector Higgins Goes Fishing (with Dust Jacket);

GREIG, MAYSIE - Every Woman's Man (with Dust Jacket);

GRESCOE, PAUL - Blood Vessel (with Dust Jacket);

GRESHAM, WILLIAM LINDSAY - Nightmare Alley (photo cover);

GRIBBLE, LEONARD R. - The Grand Modena Murder (No Dust Jacket); *** The Stolen Home Secretary (No Dust Jacket); *** Such Woman are Deadly (with Dust Jacket);

GRIERSON, EDWARD - The Massingham Affair (with Dust Jacket);

GRIFFIN, JOHN - Seeds of Destruction (with Dust Jacket);

GRIFFITHS, JOHN - Fatal Prescription (trade paperback); *** The Last Spy (with Dust Jacket);

GRIMES, MARTHA - The Horse You Came in On (with Dust Jacket); *** The Old Contemptibles (with Dust Jacket);

GRIMWOOD, KEN - The Voice Outside (with Dust Jacket);

GRIPPANDO, JAMES - The Pardon (with Dust Jacket);

GRISHAM, JOHN - The Chamber (with Dust Jacket);

GROSMAN, BRIAN A. - Police Command: Decisions and Discretion (trade paperback);

GROSSO, SONNY/ ROSENBERG, PHILIP - Point Blank (with Dust Jacket);

GROTE, JOANN A. - Minnesota Mysteries (trade paperback);

GRUBER, FRANK - The Etruscan Bull (with Dust Jacket); *** Little Hercules (with Dust Jacket); *** Run, Fool, Run (with Dust Jacket);

GRUENFELD, LEE - Irreparable Harm (with Dust Jacket);

GRUPPE, HENRY - The Truxton Cipher (with Dust Jacket);

GUERRIER, DENNIS/ RICHARDS, JOAN - State of Emergency (with Dust Jacket);

GUGLIOTTA, GUY/ LEEN, JEFF - Kings of Cocaine (With Dustjacket);

GURR, DAVID - A Woman Called Scylla (With Dustjacket);

GUTERSON, DAVID - Snow Falling on Cedars (With Dustjacket);

GUTHRIE, A..(jr.) - Wild Pitch (with Dust Jacket);

GUY, DAVID - The Man Who Loved Dirty Books (with Dust Jacket);

HAAS, CHARLIE/ HUNTER, TIM - The Soul Hit (with Dust Jacket);

HABENSTREIT, BARBARA - "To My Brother Who Did a Crime..." (with Dust Jacket);

HADATH, GUNBY - Murder at Three Chimneys (No Dustjacket);

HADDAD, C.A. - Operation Apricot (with Dust Jacket);(No Dust Jacket);

HAGBERG, DAVID - Desert Fire (with Dust Jacket);

HAGGARD, H. RIDER - Allan Quatermain (No Dust Jacket); *** Allan's Wife (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); ** The Ancient Allan (No Dust Jacket); *** Ayesha (with Dust Jacket); *** The Brethren (No Dustjacket); *** Child of Storm (No Dust Jacket); *** Heart of the World (with Dust Jacket); *** King Solomon's Mine (with Dust Jacket); (No Dust Jacket); *** King Solomon's Mines/ She/ Allan Quatermain (with Dust Jacket);*** Queen Sheba's Ring (with Dust Jacket); *** Wisdom's Daughter (No Dust Jacket); *** /Lang, Andrew - The World's Desire (No Dust Jacket);

HAGGARD, WILLIAM - The Antagonists (with Dust Jacket); *** The Arena (with Dust Jacket); *** The Bitter Harvest (with Dust Jacket); *** The High Wire (with Dust Jacket); *** The Powder Barrel (with Dust Jacket); *** The Power House (with Dust Jacket); *** The Protectors (with Dust Jacket); *** Venetian Blind (with Dust Jacket);

HAGGART, RON/ GOLDEN, AUBREY E. - Rumors of War (with Dust Jacket);

HAIG, ALEC - Sign on for Tokyo (with Dust Jacket);

HAILEY, ARTHUR - Detective (with Dust Jacket); *** / Castle, John - Flight into Danger (with Dust Jacket);

HAINES, MAX - Bothersome Bodies (with Dust Jacket); (Trade Paperback) *** Celebrity Murders and Other Nefarious Deeds (with Dust Jacket); *** The Collected Works of Max Haines Volume I; 1977 - 1982 (Trade Paperback); *** Doctors Who Kill (with Dust Jacket); *** Multiple Murderers (with Dust Jacket); *** Murders, Strange But True (with Dust Jacket); *** True Crime Stories Book II (with Dust Jacket);

HAINES, WILLIAM WISTER - The Hon. Rocky Slade (No Dust Jacket);

HAINING, PETER (ed.) - Murder on the Menu (No Dust Jacket);

HALE, GARTH - The Victory of Paul Kent (with Dust Jacket);

HALL, ADAM - The 9th Directive (with Dust Jacket); **** The Quiller Memorandum (with Dust Jacket);*** The Sinkiang Executive (with Dust Jacket); *** The Tango Briefing (with Dust Jacket);

HALL, DOUG - Seconds to Disaster (with Dust Jacket);

HALL, DOUGLAS - The Brittle Thread (with Dust Jacket);

HALL, KAREN - Dark Debts (with Dust Jacket);

HALL, OAKLEY - Ambrose Bierce and te Death of Kings (With Dustjacket);

HALL, PARNELL - Favor (with Dust Jacket);

HALL, PATRICK - The Harp That Once (with Dust Jacket);

HALLAHAN, WILLIAM H. - The Ross Forgery (with Dust Jacket); *** The Search for Joseph Tully (with Dust Jacket);

HALLIDAY, BRETT - The Body Came Back (with Dust Jacket); *** Dividend on Death ( with Dust Jacket); **** Fit to Kill (with Dust Jacket); *** Framed in Blood (No Dust Jacket); *** Hands you Lose (with Dust Jacket); *** Michael Shayne's 50th Case (With Dustjacket); *** a Taste for Violence ( with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** This is it, Michael Shayne (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); ** Weep for a Blonde (With Dustjacket);

HALSEY, WILLIAM F. - Ev Kris Aviation Detective ( No Dust Jacket; with Dust Jacket);

HALSEY, MARGARET - With Malice Toward Some (No Dust Jacket);

HAMBLETON, JACK - Fire in the Valley (With Dustjacket);

HAMILTON, BRUCE -Hanging Judge (No Dust Jacket); *** Too Much of Water (with Dust Jacket);

HAMILTON, DONALD - The Steel Mirror (With Dustjacket);

HAMILTON, NAN - Killer's Rights (No Dust Jacket);

HAMMER, RICHARD - Beyond Obsession (with Dust Jacket); *** The CBC Murder (With Dustjacket);

HAMMETT, DASHIELL - The Big Knockover (With Dustjacket); *** Five, Complete Novels: Red Harvest/ The Dain Curse/ The Maltese Falcon/ The Glass Key/ The Thin Man (with Dust Jacket); *** The Glass Key (with Dust Jacket); *** The Maltese Falcon (No Dust Jacket); *** The Novels of Dashiell Hammett (with Dust Jacket);

HAMMOND, GERALD - Doghouse (With Dustjacket); *** The Revenge Game (with Dust Jacket);

HAMRE, LEIF - Edge of Disaster (with Dust Jacket);

HANNIBAL, EDWARD/ BORIS, ROBERT - Blood Feud (with Dust Jacket);

HANSEN, JOSEPH - Fadeout (with Dust Jacket);

HANSEN, ROBERT P. - Rites of Summer (No Dust Jacket);

HANSKI, EINO. SJOQUIST, ERIC - The Pink War (with Dust Jacket);

HANSON, VIRGINIA - Casual Slaughters ( No Dust Jacket);

HARCOURT, PALMA - A Fair Exchange (with Dust Jacket);

HARDIN, ROBERT - Amateur Hour (with Dust Jacket);

HARDMAN, RIC - Fifteen Flags (with Dust Jacket);

HARDWICK, MICHAEL - Prisoner of the Devil (with Dust Jacket); *** The Private Life of Dr. Watson (with Dust Jacket);

HARDWICK, MICHAEL & MOLLIE - The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes (with Dust Jacket);

HARDWICK, MOLLIE - The Dreaming Damozel (With Dustjacket);

HARDY, WILLIAM - A Little Sin (with Dust Jacket);

HARE, CYRIL - Untimely Death (with Dust Jacket);

HARLING, MICHAEL - The Enormour Shadow (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

HARPER, DAVID - The Hanged Men (with Dust Jacket);

HARPER, STEPHEN - A Necessary End (with Dust Jacket);

HARRINGTON, JOSEPH - Blind Spot (with Dust Jacket); *** The Last Doorbell (No Dust Jacket);

HARRINGTON, WILLIAM - The Jupiter Crisis (with Dust Jacket); *** Mister Target (with Dust Jacket); *** The Power (with Dust Jacket); *** The Search for Elisabeth Brandt (with Dust Jacket); *** Trial (with Dust Jacket); *** Which the Justice, Which the Thief (with Dust Jacket);

HARRIS, ALFRED - Baroni (with Dust Jacket);

HARRIS, CHARLAINE - A Secret Rage (with Dust Jacket);

HARIS, ELLEN - Dying to Get Married (With Dustjacket);

HARRIS, JOHN - The Old Trade of Killing (with Dust Jacket);

HARRIS, JOHN NORMAN - The Weird World of Wes Beattie (No Dust Jacket);

HARRIS, LEONARD - The Masada Plan (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

HARRIS, MARK - Killing Everybody ( with Dust Jacket);

HARRIS, MICHAEL - Justice Denied (with Dust Jacket); *** Unholy Orders (with Dust Jacket);

HARRIS, RICHARD - Enemies (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

HARRIS, ROBERT - Archangel (With Dustjacket); *** Hannibal (With Dustjacket);

HARRIS, ROSEMARY - All My Enemies (with Dust Jacket);

HARRIS, THOMAS - Black Sunday (with Dust Jacket); *** Red Dragon (with Dust Jacket); *** The Silence of the Lambs (with Dust Jacket);

HARRISON, COLIN - Bodies Electric (with Dust Jacket);

HARRISON, ELIZABETH - Corridors of Healing (with Dust Jacket);

HARRISON, JIM - Warlock (trade paperback);

HARRISON, MICHAEL - The World of Sherlock Holmes (with Dust Jacket);

HARRISON, RICHARD - The C.I.D. and the F.B.I. (No Dust Jacket);

HARRISON, SHIRLEY - The Diary of Jack the Ripper (With Dustjacket);

HART, CAROLYN G. - No Easy Answers (with Dust Jacket); *** Rendezvous in Veracruz (with Dust Jacket);

HART, FRANCES NOYES - The Bellamy Trial (No Dust Jacket);

HART-DAVIS, DUFF - Level Five (with Dust Jacket); *** The Megacull (with Dust Jacket);

HARTLEY, NORMAN - Quicksilver (with Dust Jacket);

HARVESTER, SIMON - Assassins Road (with Dust Jacket); *** The Bamboo Screen (with Dust Jacket); *** The Copper Butterfly (with Dust Jacket); *** The Sequins Lost Their Lustre (with Dust Jacket); *** Shadows in a Hidden Land (with Dust Jacket);

HARVISON, C.W. - The Horsemen (with Dust Jacket);

HASHIAN - Shanidar (With Dustjacket);

HASSLER, KENNETH W. - The Multiple Man (with Dust Jacket);

HASTINGS, MACDONALD - Cork on Location (With Dustjacket);

HASTINGS, MICHAEL - The Green Silence (with Dust Jacket);

HASTINGS, ROSLYN S. - Dead Wrong (with Dust Jacket);

HASWELL, JOCK - The Magnet Book of Spies and Spying (trade paperback);

HATCH, DENISON - The Fingered City (with Dust Jacket);

HAUSER, MARIANNE - Prince Ishmael (with Dust Jacket);

HAUSER, THOMAS - Friends (with Dust Jacket);

HAVERS, THE RT. HON THE LORD/ SHANKLAND, PETER/ BARRETT, ANTHONY - The Rattenbury Case (trade paperback);

HAWKEY, RAYMOND/ BINGHAM, ROGER - Wild Card (with Dust Jacket);

HAWORTH, JOHN - Heart of Stone (trade paperback);

HAWTHORNE, JULIAN (ED.) - Lock and Key Library Classic Mystery and detective Stories; Classic French (No Dust Jacket);

HAY, JACOB/ KESHISHIAN, DR. JOHN M. - Autopsy for a Cosmonaut (With Dustjacket);

HAY, L.F. - It Wasn't a Nightmare (with Dust Jacket);

HAYCOX, ERNEST - The Adventurers (No Dust Jacket);

HAYCRAFT, HOWARD (ED.) Five Spy Novels: Oppenheim, E. Phillips - The Great Impersonation/ Buchan, John - Greenmantle/ Ambler, Eric - Epitaph for a Spy / Albrand, Martha - No Surrender/ Coles, Manning - No Entry (with Dust Jacket);

HAYCRAFT, WOWARD/ BEECROFT, JOHN (eds) - Ten Great Mysteries ( with Dust Jacket); **** 3x3 Mystery Omnibus (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** A Treasury of Great Mysteries Volume 1 (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** A Treasury of Great Mysteries Volume 2 (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

HAYES, JOSEPH - The Desperate Hours (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Third Day (No Dust Jacket);

HAYES, STEPHEN K. - Tulku: a Tale of Modern Ninja (trade paperback);

HAYTER, SPARKLE - The Last Manly Man (with Dust Jacket); *** Revenge of the Cootie Girls (with Dust Jacket);

HAYWOOD, CHARLES F. - General Alarm (With Dustjacket);

HAZELGROVE, WILLIAM ELLIOTT - Mica Highways (With Dustjacket);

HEAD, ANN - Everybody Adored Cara (with Dust Jacket);

HEAD, LEE - The Crystal Clear Case (with Dust Jacket);

HEAD, MATTHEW - The Cabinda Affair (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

HEALD, TIM - Blue Blood will Out (with Dust Jacket) *** Deadline (with Dust Jacket); *** Murder at Moosejaw (with Dust Jacket); *** Unbecoming Habits (with Dust Jacket);

HEALEY, BEN - The Terrible Picture (with Dust Jacket); ***The Stone Baby (with Dust Jacket); *** The Vespucci Papers (with Dust Jacket);

HEALY, JEREMIAH - Rescue (with Dust Jacket);

HEAPS, LEO - Operation Morning Light (with Dust Jacket);

HEATH, W.L. - Violent Saturday (No Dust Jacket);

HEBDEN, MARK - The Errant Knight (with Dust Jacket); *** A Killer for the Chairman (with Dust Jacket); *** Mask of Violence (with Dust Jacket);

HEGNER, WILLIAM - Rainbow Land (with Dust Jacket);

HEINS, MARJORIE - Strictly Ghetto Property (with Dust Jacket);

HELBRANT, MAURICE - Narcotic Agent (1941; No Dust Jacket);

HELDMAN, GLADYS M. - The Harmonetics Investigation (No Dust Jacket; with Dust Jacket);

HELM, PETER - A Walk into Murder (with Dust Jacket);

HELMORE, THOMAS - Affair at Q!uala (with Dust Jacket);

HELWIG, DAVID - Old Wars (With Dustjacket);

HEMINGWAY, JOAN / BONNECARRERE, PAUL - Rosebud (with Dust Jacket);

HENDERSON, JAMES - Copperhead (with Dust Jacket);

HENDERSON, LAURENCE - Sitting Target (with Dust Jacket);

HENLE, THEDA O. - Death Files for Congress (with Dust Jacket);

HENRY, CHARLES - The Hostage (with Dust Jacket);

HENSHAW, KEITH - Kath (with Dust Jacket);

HENSLEY, JOE L. - A Killing in Gold (No Dust Jacket); *** Legislative Body (with Dust Jacket);

HENTOFF, NAN - Call the Keeper (with Dust Jacket);

HERBERT A.P. - Holy Deadlock (No Dust Jacket); ** Uncommon Law (with Dust Jacket);

HERLIN, HANS - Commemorations (with Dust Jacket); *** Solo Run (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

HERNDON, ERNEST - Morning Morning True (With Dustjacket);

HERRON, SHAUN - The Bird in Last Year's Nest (with Dust Jacket); *** The Hound and the Fox and the Harper (with Dust Jacket); *** Miro (with Dust Jacket); *** Through the Dark and Hariy Wood (with Dust Jacket);

HERSEY, JOHN - The Child Buyer (No Dust Jacket);; *** My Petition for More Space (with Dust Jacket);

HERZOG, ARTHUR - Make Us Happy (with Dust Jacket);

HESKY, OLGA - The Different Night (with Dust Jacket); *** The Serpent's Smile (with Dust Jacket);

HESS, JOAN - Muletrain to Maggody (With Dustjacket);

HEWISON, WILLIAM - Mindfire (with Dust Jacket);

HEYER, GEORGETTE - Death in the Stocks (with Dust Jacket); *** They Found Him Dead (No Dust Jacket); *** The Unfinished Clue (with Dust Jacket);

HIAASEN, CARL - Stormy Weather (with Dust Jacket); *** Strip Tease (with Dust Jacket);

HICHENS, ROBERT - The Paradine Case ( No Dust Jacket); *** Secret Information ( No Dust Jacket);

HICKLING, HUGH - Lieutenant Okino (with Dust Jacket);

HIGGINBOTHAM, JAY - Fast Train Russia (with Dust Jacket);

HIGGINS, GEORGE V. - The Digger's Game (with Dust Jacket); *** The Friends of Eddie Coyle (with Dust Jacket); *** The Judgment of Deke Hunter (with Dust Jacket); *** The Rat on Fire (with Dust Jacket); *** Two Complete Novels: Cogan's Trade/ a Choice of Enemies (Trade Paperback); *** a Yer or so With Edgar (with Dust Jacket);

HIGGINS, JACK - Angel of Death (with Dust Jacket); *** Confessional (with Dust Jacket); *** Day of Judgment (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** East of Desolation (with Dust Jacket); *** On Dangerous Ground (with Dust Jacket); *** Thunder Point (with Dust Jacket); *** Touch the Devil (with Dust Jacket);

HILDICK, WALLACE - Bracknell's Law (with Dust Jacket); *** Vandals (with Dust Jacket); *** The Weirdown Experiment (With Dustjacket);

HILL, PETER - The Fanatics (with Dust Jacket); *** The Hunters (with Dust Jacket);

HILL, REGINALD - Ruling Passion (with Dust Jacket);

HILLERMAN, TONY - The Blessing Way (with Dust Jacket); ** Coyote Waits (with Dust Jacket); *** Listening Woman (with Dust Jacket); **** Sacred Clowns (with Dust Jacket); *** Talking God (with Dust Jacket);

HILTON, J.B. - Death of an Alderman (with Dust Jacket); *** No Birds Sang (with Dust Jacket);

HIMES, CHESTER - Run Man Run (with Dust Jacket);

HINCHLEY, COL. VERNON - Spy Mysteries Unveiled (with Dust Jacket);

HINES, JOANNA - The Fifth Secret (With Dustjacket);

HINES, T.L. - The Dead Whisper on (trade paperback);

HINTZE, NAOMI A. - You'll Like my Mother (with Dust Jacket);

HINXMAN, MARGARET - The Boy From Nowhere ( photo Cover);

HITCHCOCK, ALFRED - Ghostly Gallery (Trade Paperback); *** Haunted Houseful (Trade Paperback); *** Hitchcock in Prime Time (trade paperback); *** Monster Museum (Trade Paperback); *** Presents my Favorites in Suspense (with Dust Jacket); *** Presents Stories for Late at Night (with Dust Jacket); *** Presents Stories That Scared even Me (with Dust Jacket); *** Presents Stories to be with the Doors Locked (No Dust Jacket); *** Presents Stories to be with the Lights on (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Presents Stories to Stay Awake By (with Dust Jacket); Sinister Spies (Trade Paperback); *** Witch's Brew (Trade Paperback);

HITCHEN'S, BRET AND DOLORES - F.O.B. Murder (No Dust Jacket);*** One-Way Ticket (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

HITCHENS, DOLORES - The Baxter Letters (with Dust Jacket); *** Stairway to an Empty Room (No Dust Jacket);

HOAG, TAMI - Dust to Dust (With Dustjacket); *** Night Sins (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

HOCKING, ANNE - Poison in Paradise (No Dust Jacket); *** Poison is a Bitter Brew (No Dust Jacket);

HOCKING, JOSEPH - The Pomp of Yesterday (No Dust Jacket);

HODDER-WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER - The Egg Shaped Thing (with Dust Jacket); *** The Main Experiment (with Dust Jacket);

HOEG, PETER - Border Liners (With Dustjacket); *** Smilla's Sense of Snow (with Dust Jacket);

HOFFER, WILLIAM - Safed! (With Dustjacket);

HOGAN, CHUCK - The Blood Artists (with Dust Jacket); *** The Standoff (with Dust Jacket);

HOGSTRAND, OLLE - The Gambler (with Dust Jacket);

HOLDEN,ANNE - The Girl on the Beach (With Dustjacket); *** The Witness (with Dust Jacket);

HOLDEN, GENEVIEVE - Don't Go in Alone (with Dust Jacket);

HOLDING, ELISABETH SANXAY - Too Many Bottles (No Dust Jacket);

HOLLAND, ISABELLE - Counterpoint (with Dust Jacket);

HOLLINGSWORTH, JAN - Unspeakable Acts (Trade Paperback);

HOLME, TIMOTHY - The Assisi Murders (With Dustjacket); *** The Neapolitan Streak (with Dust Jacket);

HOLMES, PAUL - The Trials of Dr. Coppolino (No Dust Jacket);

HOLMVIK, O./ FAYE-LUND, H. - Crack of Doom (with Dust Jacket);

HOLT, A.J. - Watch Me (with Dust Jacket);

HOLT, SIMMA - The Devil's Butler (No Dust Jacket);

HOLZER, ERIKA - Eye for an Eye (with Dust Jacket);

HOMES, GEOFFREY - Finders Keepers (No Dust Jacket);

HOPKINS, ROBERT - The Raid on the Villa Joyosa (No Dust Jacket);

HOPPE, JOANNE - The Lesson is Murder (with Dust Jacket);

HORAN, JAMES S. - The Seat of Power (with Dust Jacket);

HORNBLOW, ARTHUR - The Argyle Case (No Dust Jacket);

HORNUNG, E.W. - The Collected Raffles (trade paperback); *** Dead Men Tell No Tales (No Dust Jacket);

HORTELAND, JUAN GARCIA - Summer Storm (with Dust Jacket);

HORTON, SUE - The Billionaire Boys Club (With Dustjacket);

HOSSENT, HARRY - Spies Have No Friends ( No Dust Jacket);

HOUGAN, JIM - Spooks: The Haunting of America - The Private Use of Secret Agents (With Dustjacket);

HOUGH, S.B. - The Bronze Persus (with Dust Jacket);

HOUSEHOLD, GEOFFREY - The Courtesy of Death (with Dust Jacket); *** Doom's Caravan (with Dust Jacket); *** Man Hunt (No Dust Jacket); *** Summon the Bright Water (With Dustjacket); *** Watcher in he Shadows (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket; picture cover);

HOWARD, HARTLEY - Epitaph for Joanna (with Dust Jacket); *** Key to the Morgue (with Dust Jacket); *** Million Dollar Snapshot (with Dust Jacket);

HOWATCH, SUSAN - April's Grave/ Call in the Night (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

HOWE, SIR RONALD - The Pursuit of Crime (with Dust Jacket);

HOWLEY, BRENDAN - The Stalking Horse (With Dustjacket);

HOYLE, FRED - Ossian's Ride (with Dust Jacket);

HOYT, RICHARD - Decoys (with Dust Jacket);

HUBBARD, P.M. - The Causeway (with Dust Jacket); *** The Dancing Man (with Dust Jacket); *** The Graveyard (with Dust Jacket); **** Picture of Millie (with Dust Jacket); **** A Rooted Sorrow (with Dust Jacket);

HUBIN, ALLEN J. (ED.) - Best Detective Stories of the Year 1974 (with Dust Jacket);

HUBNER, JOHN/ GRUSON, LINDSEY - Monkey on a Stick (with Dust Jacket);

HUDSON, JEFFERY - A Case of Need (with Dust Jacket);

HUGHES, DOROTHY B. - The Blackbirder (No Dust Jacket); *** The Davidian Report (No Dust Jacket); *** Ride the Pink Horse (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The So Blue Marble (No Dust Jacket);

HUGHES, ZACH - Tide (with Dust Jacket);

HULL, HELEN - Close Her Pale Blue Eyes (with Dust Jacket);

HULL, RICHARD - The Murder of my Aunt (with Dust Jacket);

HULL, WILLIAM L. - The Struggle for a Soul (No Dust Jacket);

HUME, DAVID - Bullets Bite Deep (No Dust Jacket);

HUME, FERGUS W. - The Piccadilly Puzzle (No Dust Jacket);

HUMES, EDWARD - Buried Secrets (with Dust Jacket);

HUNT, DAVID - Trick of Light (with Dust Jacket);

HUNT, KYLE - A Period of Evil (with Dust Jacket);

HUNTER, ALAN - Gently at a Gallup (with Dust Jacket); *** Gently with Love (with Dust Jacket); *** Gently with the Innocents (with Dust Jacket);

HUNTER, EILEEN - The Profound Attachment (With Dustjacket);

HUNTER, EVAN - Come Winter (with Dust Jacket); *** Criminal Conversation (with Dust Jacket);*** Every Little Crook and Nanny (with Dust Jacket); *** Nobody Knew They Were There (No Dust Jacket);

HUNTER, MOLLIE - The Haunted Mountain (with Dust Jacket);

HUNTER, ROBIN - The Fourth Angel (with Dust Jacket);

HUNTER, STEPHEN - Dirty White Boys (with Dust Jacket);

HUNTER, VESPER - A Head on my Shoulders (with Dust Jacket);

HURD, DOUGLAS/ OSMOND, ANDREW - Scotch on the rock (with Dust Jacket); *** The Smile on the Face of the Tiger (with Dust Jacket);

HURST, RANDLE M. - The Smokejumpers (With Dustjacket);

HURT, FREDA - Dangerous Visit (with Dust Jacket);

HUSTON, FRAN - The Rich Get it All (with Dust Jacket);

HUTCHENS, PAUL - The Mystery of the Marsh (With Dustjacket);

HUTTON, CLAYTON - Official Secret (No Dust Jacket);

HYDE, ANTHONY - China Lake (with Dust Jacket); *** Formosa Straits (with Dust Jacket); *** The Red Fox (with Dust Jacket);

HYDE, CHRISTOPHER - Maxwell's Train (With Dustjacket); *** The Tenth Crusade (with Dust Jacket); *** The Wave (with Dust Jacket);

HYDE, MARGARET O. - Speak out on Rape! (with Dust Jacket);

HYND, ALAN - In Pursuit (with Dust Jacket);

HYND, NOEL - A Room for the Dead (with Dust Jacket);

IGNATIUS, DAVID - Agents of Innocence (with Dust Jacket);

ILES, GREG - Mortal Fear (with Dust Jacket);

INGATE, MARY - This Water Laps Gently (with Dust Jacket);

INGERSOLL, RALPH - Wine of Violence (with Dust Jacket);

INNES, HAMMOND - Air Bridge (No Dust Jacket); *** The Angry Mountain (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Atlantic Fury (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Big Footprints (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Black Tide (With Dustjacket); *** Campbell's Kingdom (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Doomed Oasis (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Golden Soak *** Harvest of Journeys (No Dust Jacket); *** The Land God Gave to Cain (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Levkas Man (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Mary Deare (with Dust Jacket); *** North Star (with Dust Jacket); *** The Wreck of the Mary Deare (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

INNES, MICHAEL - The Ampersand Papers (with Dust Jacket); *** An Awkward Lie (with Dust Jacket); *** A Change of Heir (with Dust Jacket); *** The Crabtree Affair (with Dust Jacket); *** The Gay Phoenix (with Dust Jacket); *** Lament for a Maker (No Dust Jacket); *** One-man Show (with Dust Jacket); *** Operation Pax (No Dust Jacket); *** Silence Observed (with Dust Jacket);

IREY, ELMER L. - The Tax Dodger (With Dustjacket);

IRVING, CLIFFORD/ BURKHOLZ, HERBERT - The Death Freak (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

IRWIN, JOH - The Felon (Trade Paperback);

ISAACS, SUSAN - After All These Years (with Dust Jacket); *** Compromising Positions (with Dust Jacket); **** Magic Hour (with Dust Jacket);

ISELY, REYMOURE KEITH - A Strange Code of Justice (with Dust Jacket);

ISRAEL, CHARLES - The Hostages (with Dust Jacket);

IVES, JOHN - The Marchand Woman (with Dust Jacket);

JACKMAN, STUART - Guns Covered with Flowers (with Dust Jacket);

JACK, OLIVER - Man on a Short Leash (with Dust Jacket);

JACKSON, BASIL - Epicenter (with Dust Jacket); *** Flameout (With Dustjacket);

JACKSON, JON A. - The Diehard (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Hit on the House (trade paperback);

JACKSON, KEN - The Sticking Point (with Dust Jacket);

JACO, CHARLES - Dead Air (with Dust Jacket);

JACOBS, T.C.H. - The Red Net (with Dust Jacket);

JACOBS, JONNIE - Evidence of Guilt (With Dustjacket);

JAEDIKER, KERMIT - Tall, dark and Dead (with Dust Jacket);

JAFFE, RONA - Mazes and Monsters (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

JAGODA, ROBERT - A Friend in Deed (with Dust Jacket);

JAMES, DEAN - Faked to Death (With Dustjacket);

JAMES, DONALD - A Spy at Evening (with Dust Jacket);

JAMES, P.D. - A Certain Justice (With Dustjacket); *** The Children of Men (with Dust Jacket); *** Crime Times Three: Cover Her Face/ A Mind to Murder/ Shroud for a Nightingale (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** A Dalgliesh Trilogy - Shroud for a Nightingale/ The Black Tower/ Death of an Expert Witness (trade paperback); *** Devices and Desires (with Dust Jacket); **** Innocent Blood (with Dust Jacket); *** A Mind to Murder (trade paperback); *** Murder in Triplicate: Unnatural Causes/ An Unsuitable Job for a Woman (with Dust Jacket); *** Original Sin (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The Skull Beneath the Skin (with Dust Jacket); *** Unnatural Causes (with Dust Jacket); *** An Unsuitable Job for a Woman (with Dust Jacket);

JAMESON, STORM - The Artistide Case (with Dust Jacket); *** Last Score (with Dust Jacket); *** The Road from the Monument (with Dust Jacket);

JANES, J. ROBERT - Gypsy (with Dust Jacket);

JANSSON, ROBERT - Meet You in Munich (with Dust Jacket);

JAPRISOT, SEBASTIEN - The Lady in the Car (No Dust Jacket);

JAY, CHARLOTTE - The Voice of the Crab (with Dust Jacket);

JAY, SIMON - Death of a Skin Diver (with Dust Jacket); *** Sleepers Can Kill (with Dust Jacket);

JEFFERSON, PAUL - The Cuban Heel (with Dust Jacket);

JEFFERSON, ROLAND S. - A Card for the Players (with Dust Jacket);

JEFFREYS, DIAMUID - The Bureau (With Dustjacket);

JEFFREYS, J.G. - The Thieftaker (with Dust Jacket);

JENKINS, ELIZABETH - Dr. Gully (with Dust Jacket);

JENKINS, GEOFFREY - A cleft of Stars (with Dust Jacket); *** A Grue of Ice (with Dust Jacket); *** The River of Diamonds (with Dust Jacket);

JENKINS, HERBERT - Malcolm Sage Detective (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

JEPSON, SELWYN - The Angry Millionaire (with Dust Jacket); *** Man Dead (with Dust Jacket);

JEROME, JUDSON - The Fell of Dark (with Dust Jacket);

JESSE, F. TENNYSON - Murder and its Motives (No Dust Jacket);

JESSUP, RICHARD - Foxway (with Dust Jacket); *** The Hot Blue Sea (with Dust Jacket); *** A Quiet Home (with Dust Jacket);

JOEY - Killer (with Dust Jacket);

JOHANSEN, IRIS - And Then You Die... (with Dust Jacket); *** Long After Midnight (with Dust Jacket); *** The Ugly Duckling (with Dust Jacket);

JOHN, OWEN - Thirty Days Hath September (With Dustjacket);

JOHNSON, AUDREY P. - Hush, Winifred is Dead (with Dust Jacket);

JOHNSON, E. RICHARD - Case Load - Maximum (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** The God Keeper (with Dust Jacket); **** The Inside Man (with Dust Jacket); *** The Judas (with Dust Jacket); *** Mongo's Back in Town (with Dust Jacket); *** Silver Street (with Dust Jacket);

JOHNSON, LEE - Heads for Death (with Dust Jacket);

JOHNSON, MENDAL W. - Let's Go Play at the Adams (with Dust Jacket);

JOHNSON, SANDY - The Cuppi (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

JOHNSON, STANLEY - The Doomsday Deposit (With Dustjacket);

JOHNSTON, MADELEINE - Death Casts a Lure (No Dust Jacket);

JOHNSTON, MYSTLE - A Robin Redbreast in a Cage (No Dust Jacket);

JOHNSTON, RONALD - The Black Camels of Qashran (with Dust Jacket); *** The Stowaway (with Dust Jacket);

JOHNSTON, VELDA - The Etruscan Smile (with Dust Jacket); *** The Frenchman (With Dustjacket); *** The Late Mrs Fonsell (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket); *** Masquerade in Venice (No Dust Jacket); *** The People on the Hill (No Dustjacket) *** A Presence in an Empty Room (with Dust Jacket); *** A Rom with Dark Mirrors (with Dust Jacket); *** Voice in the Night (with Dust Jacket);

JONAS, GEORGE/ AMIEL, BARBARA - By Persons Unknown (with Dust Jacket);

JONAS, GEORGE - Vengeance (with Dust Jacket);

JONES, BRADSHAW - Death Deals in Diamonds (with Dust Jacket);

JONES, DENNIS - Rubicon One (with Dust Jacket);

JONES, EDWARD R. - Hacksaw (with Dust Jacket);

JONES, ELWYN - Barlow Comes to Judgment (with Dust Jacket);

JONES, MERVYN - Mr. Armitage Isn't Back Yet (with Dust Jacket);

JONES, PHILIP - The Month of Pearl (with Dust Jacket);

JOSCELYN, ARCHIE - Eric Hearle, Detective (No Dust Jacket); *** The Golden Bowl (No Dustjacket);

JOSS, MORAG - Half Broken Things (With Dustjacket);

JUNGER, SEBASTION - The Perfect Storm (trade paperback);

JUDSON, WILLIAM - Kidman's Landing (with Dust Jacket);

KAHN, JOAN - Hanging by a Thread (No Dust Jacket); *** Chilling and Killing (with Dust Jacket);

KALB, BERNARD & MARVIN - The Last Ambassador (with Dust Jacket);

KALLEN, LUCILLE - C.B. Greenfield: No Lady in the House (with Dust Jacket);

KAMINSKY, STUART - Bullet for a Star (with Dust Jacket); *** Exercise in Terror (with Dust Jacket);

KANE, FRANK - A Real Gone Guy (with Dust Jacket);

KANE, HENRY - Armchair in Hell (with Dust Jacket); *** Conceal and Disguise (with Dust Jacket); *** Hang by Your Neck (with Dust Jacket; No Dust Jacket);

KANON, JOSEPH - Los Alamos (With Dustjacket);

KAPLAN, ARTHUR - A Killing for Charity (with Dust Jacket);

KAPLAN, GEORGE - Big Time Criminals Speak! (Trade Paperback);

KAPLAN, HOWARD - The Damascus Cover (with Dust Jacket);

KAPRALOV, YURI - Castle Dubrava (with Dust Jacket);

KARP, DAVID - All Honorable Men (with Dust Jacket); *** One (with Dust Jacket);

KARPIS, ALVIN - Public Enemy Number One (with Dust Jacket);

KARSKI, JAN - Story of a Secret State (No Dust Jacket);

KARTUN, DEREK - Beaver to Fox (With Dustjacket);

KASSAK, FRED - Come Kill with Me (with Dust Jacket);

KATAEV, VALENTINE - Peace is Where the Tempest Blows (No Dust Jacket);

KATCHA, VAHE - Don't Look Down (No Dust Jacket);

KATKOV, NORMAN - Blood and Orchids (with Dust Jacket);

KATZ, ROBERT - Ziggurat (with Dust Jacket);

KATZ, WILLIAM - Facemaker (with Dust Jacket);

KAYE, BARBARA - Steps in the Dark (with Dust Jacket);

KAYE, M.M. - Death in Zanzibar/ Death in Kenya (with Dust Jacket);

KAYE, MARVIN - Bullets for MacBeth (with Dust Jacket); *** My Son, The Druggist (with Dust Jacket); *** The Soap Opera Slaughters (with Dust Jacket);

KAZAN, ELIA - The Understudy (with Dust Jacket);

KEATING, H.R.F. - Death and the Visiting Firemen (with Dust Jacket); *** Inspector Ghote Plays a Joker (with Dust Jacket); *** Inspector Ghote Trusts the Heart (with Dust Jacket);

KEDDELL, JIM - Red Sea Patrol (with Dust Jacket);

KEENE, TOM/ HAYNES, BRIAN - Sky Shroud (with Dust Jacket);

KEINZLEY, FRANCES - A Time to Pray (with Dust Jacket);

KEITH, CARLTON - The Crayfish Dinner (with Dust Jacket); *** The Hiding-Place (with Dust Jacket); *** Rich Uncle (with Dust Jacket); *** A Taste of Sangria (with Dust Jacket);

KEITH, MARIAN - The Bells of St. Stephen's (No Dust Jacket);

KELLAND, CLARENCE BUDINGTON - Death Keeps a Secret (with Dust Jacket);

KELLER, BEVERLY - The Baghdad Defections (with Dust Jacket);

KELLERMAN, FAYE - Day of Atonement (No Dust Jacket); *** False Prophet (No Dust Jacket); *** Sanctuary (With Dustjacket); *** Serpent's Tooth (With Dustjacket);

KELLERMAN, JONATHAN - Bad Love (with Dust Jacket);

KELLY, MARY - A Cold Coming (With Dustjacket); *** March to the Gallows (With Dustjacket); *** The Twenty-Fifth Hour (With Dustjacket);

KELLY, NORA & WILLIAM - The Royal Canadian Mounted Police(w/dj; tpb);

KELMAN, JUDITH - Fly Away Home (With Dustjacket); *** One Last Kiss (With Dustjacket);

KELSEY, VERA - Whisper Murder! (No Dustjacket);

KEMELMAN, HARRY - Friday the Rabbi Slept Late (No Dustjacket); *** Monday the Rabbi Went Hungry (With Dustjacket); *** Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry (With Dustjacket); *** Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home (With Dustjacket); *** Thursday the Rabbi Walked Out (With Dustjacket); *** Tuesday the Rabbi Saw Red (With Dustjacket); *** Weekend with the Rabbi (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

KENDALL, ELIZABETH - The Phantom Prince ( No Dustjacket);

KENDALL, RALPH S. - The Luck of the Mounted (No Dustjacket);

KENDRICK, BAYNARD H. - Death Beyond the Go-Thru (No Dustjacket); *** Death Knell (No Dustjacket);

KENNEDY, ADAM - The Domino Principle (With Dustjacket);

KENNEDY, LUDOVIC - The Airman and the Carpenter (trade paperback);

KENNEDY, RODERICK STUART - The Road South (No Dustjacket);

KENNEDY, WILLIAM - Billy Phelan's Greatest Game (With Dustjacket);

KENNETT, SHIRLEY - Grey Matter (With Dustjacket);

KENNEY, SUSAN - Graves in Academe (With Dustjacket);

KENRICK, TONY - The Nighttime Guy (With Dustjacket); *** A Tough One to Lose (With Dustjacket);

KENT, ELIZABETH - The House Opposite (No Dustjacket);

KENT, GRAEME - Gypsy's Warning (With Dustjacket);

KENYON, MICHAEL - May You Die in Ireland (With Dustjacket); *** The 100,000 Welcomes (With Dustjacket); *** The Rapist (With Dustjacket); *** The Shooting of Dan McGrew (With Dustjacket);

KERR, SIMON - The Rainbow Singer (With Dustjacket);

KESSEL, JOSEPH - The Bernan Affair (With Dustjacket);

KESSLER RONALD - Moscow Station (With Dustjacket); *** The Spy in the Russian Club (With Dustjacket);

KETTLE, MICHAEL - Solome's Last Veil (With Dustjacket);

KEYES, MICHAEL - The Dead Parrot (No Dustjacket);

KIENZLE, WILLIAM X. - Assault with Intent (With Dustjacket); *** Bishop as Pawn (With Dustjacket); *** Death Wears a Red Hat (With Dustjacket); *** Shadow of Death (With Dustjacket);

KIJEWSKI, KAREN - Copy Kat (With Dustjacket);

KILGALLEN, DOROTHY - Murder One (With Dustjacket);

KILPATRICK, SARAH - Wake All the Dead (With Dustjacket);

KIMBALL, JOE - Secrets of the Congdon Mansion (trade paperback);

KIMBALL, MICHAEL - Undone (With Dustjacket);

KING, FRANCIS - Flights (With Dustjacket);

KING, LAURIE R. - A Letter of Mary (With Dustjacket); *** The Moor (With Dustjacket);

KING, O.B. - Five Million in Cash (No Dustjacket);

KING, RUFUS - The Faces of Danger (With Dustjacket); *** Murder by Latitude (No Dustjacket); *** Murder by the Clock (No Dustjacket);

KING, TERRY JOHNSON - The Neutron Beam Murder (With Dustjacket);

KINGSTON, CHARLES - Six Under Suspicion (With Dustjacket);

KINGSLEY, PETER - Pimpernel Go (With Dustjacket);

KIRKWOOD, JAMES - Some Kind of Hero (With Dustjacket);

KIRST, H.H. - A Time for Scandal (With Dustjacket);

KLAVAN, ANDREW - Face of the Earth (With Dustjacket); *** True Crime (With Dustjacket);

KLEIMAN, DENA - A Deadly Silence (With Dustjacket);

KLEIN, ALEXANDER (ED.) - Grand Deception (With Dustjacket);

KLEIN-HAPARAH, J. - He Who Flees the Lion (With Dustjacket);

KLOSE, KEVIN/ McCOMBS, PHILIP A. - The Typhoon Shipments (With Dustjacket);

KOCH, CHRISTOPHER J. - Highways to a Way (With Dustjacket);

KOCH, C.J. - The Year of Living Dangerously (With Dustjacket);

KOCH, ERIC - The French Kiss (With Dustjacket);

KOCIENIEWSKI, DAVID - The Brass Wall (With Dustjacket);

KOENIG, LAIRD - The Little Girl who Lives Down the Lane (With Dustjacket);

KONING, HANS - The Petersburg - Cannes Express (With Dustjacket);

KOPERWAS, SAM - Easy Money (With Dustjacket);

KORDA, MICHAEL - Worldly Goods (With Dustjacket);

KORMAN, DEE - The Broadbarren Diamond (With Dustjacket);

KOSTER, R.M. - The Prince (With Dustjacket);

KRABBE, TIM - The Vanishing (With Dustjacket);

KNEBEL, FLETCHER - The Bottom Line (With Dustjacket); *** BILEY, CHARLES W. - Seven Days in May (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Trespass (With Dustjacket); *** Vanished (With Dustjacket); *** The Zinzin Road (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

KNICKERBOCKER, CHARLES H. - The Hospital War (With Dustjacket);

KRIEGE, JACK -The System (trade paperback);

KNIGHT, CLIFFORD - The Affair of the Golden Buzzard (No Dustjacket); *** The Affair of the Corpse Escort (With Dustjacket);

KNIGHT, KATHLEEN MOORE - Akin to Murder (No Dustjacket); *** The Clue of the Poor Man's Shilling (No Dustjacket);

KNIGHT, KATHRYN LASKY - Trace Elements (With Dustjacket);

KNIGHTLEY, PHILLIP - The Second Oldest Profession (w/dj; tpb);

KNOWLES, JOHN - Spreading Fires (With Dustjacket);

KNOX, BILL - Figurehead (With Dustjacket); *** The Grey Sentinels (With Dustjacket); *** Leave it to the Hangman (With Dustjacket); *** Little Drops of Blood (With Dustjacket); *** The Scavengers (With Dustjacket); *** Seafire (With Dustjacket); *** The Taste of Proof (With Dustjacket); *** To Kill a Witch (With Dustjacket);

KREISEL, HENRY - The Betrayal (With Dustjacket);

KROPP, LLOYD - Who is Mary Stark? (With Dustjacket);

KRUGER, PAUL - The Bronze Claws (With Dustjacket); *** If the Shroud Fits (With Dustjacket);

KUMIN, MAXINE - The Abduction (With Dustjacket);

KURLAND, MICHAEL - A Gallery of Rogues: Portraits in True Crime (With Dustjacket);

KYLE, DUNCAN - A Cage of Ice (With Dustjacket);

KYTLE, RAY - Fire and Ice (With Dustjacket);

LACROIX, JEAN-PAUL - The Innocent Gunman (With Dustjacket);

LACY, ED - Be Careful How You Live (With Dustjacket);

LA FOUNTAINE, GEORGE - The Scott-Dulap Ring (With Dustjacket);

LAIT, ROBERT - Switched Out (With Dustjacket);

LAMB, G.F. - Modern Adventures in Air and Space (With Dustjacket);

LAMBERT, ERIC - The Rehabilitated Man (With Dustjacket);

LAMBERT, DEREK - Angels in the Snow (With Dustjacket); *** The Red House (With Dustjacket);

LAMP, C.O. - The Return of Glenn Miller (trade paperback);

LANDON, CHRISTOPHER - Unseen Enemy (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

LANE, MARK - Plausible Denial (With Dustjacket); *** Rush to Judgment (With Dustjacket);

LANE, MARGARET - A Calabash of Diamonds (With Dustjacket);

LANHAM, EDWIN - Death of a Corinthian (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

LANGE, JOHN - Binary (With Dustjacket);

LANGLEY, LEE - Dead Center (With Dustjacket);

LARDNER, GEORGE JR. - The Stalking of Kristin (With Dustjacket);

LARSON, CHARLES - The Chinese Game (With Dustjacket); *** Someone's Death (With Dustjacket);

LARSON, ERIK - The Devil in the White City (trade paperback);

LATHEN, EMMA - Banking on Murder (With Dustjacket); *** By Hook or by Crook (With Dustjacket); *** The Longer the Thread (With Dustjacket); *** Murder to Go (With Dustjacket); *** Pick up Sticks (No Dustjacket); *** Sweet and Low (With Dustjacket);

LATT, MIMI LAVENDA - Powers of Attorney (With Dustjacket);

LAUFERTY, LILIAN - The Hungry House (With Dustjacket);

LAURANCE, ALICE/ ASIMOV, ISAAC (EDS.) - Who Done It? (With Dustjacket);

LAVINE, EMANUEL H. - Secrets of the Metropolitan Police (No Dustjacket);

LAW, JANICE - Gemini Trip (With Dustjacket); *** Under Orion (With Dustjacket);

LAWRENCE, ALFRED - Colombo: the Dean's Death (With Dustjacket);

LEASOR, JAMES - The Chinese Widow (With Dustjacket); *** Host of Extras (With Dustjacket); *** Love-All (With Dustjacket); *** Never Had a Spanner on Her (With Dustjacket); *** Passport in Suspense (With Dustjacket); *** Passport to Oblivion (With Dustjacket); *** They Don't Make Them Like That Any More (No Dustjacket); *** A Week of Love (No Dustjacket);

LE BOURDAIS, ISABEL - The Trial of Steven Truscott (w/dj; tpb);

LE CARRE, JOHN - Call for the Dead (With Dustjacket); *** The Honourable Schoolboy ( (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Incongruous Spy (No Dustjacket); *** The Little Drummer Girl (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Looking Glass War (With Dustjacket); *** The Looking Glass War/ A Small Town in Germany (With Dustjacket); *** The Night Manager (w/dj; tpb); *** Our Game (w/dj; tpb); *** A Perfect Spy (No Dustjacket; tpb); *** The Russia House (With Dustjacket); *** The Secret Pilgrim (With Dustjacket); *** A Small Town in Germany (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Smiley's People (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Spy who Came in From the Cold (w/dj; No Dustjacket); ***Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy (With Dustjacket);

LECKIE, KEITH ROSE - The Seventh Gate (With Dustjacket);

LEDREW, F.R. - The Kissinger Complex (With Dustjacket);

LEE, GYPSY ROSE - The G-String Murders (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

LEE, HARPER - To Kill a Mockingbird (No Dustjacket);

LEES, DAN - Rape of a Quiet Town (With Dustjacket);

LEFFLAND, ELLA - Mrs. Munck (With Dustjacket);

LEIB, FRANKLIN ALLEN - Fire Arrow (With Dustjacket);

LEJEUNE, ANTHONY - The Dark Trade (With Dustjacket);

LEMARCHAND, ELIZABETH - Alibi for a Corpse (With Dustjacket); *** Cyanide with Compliments (With Dustjacket); *** Suddenly while Gardening (With Dustjacket); *** Unhapply Returns (No Dustjacket);

LE MAY, ALAN - One of Us is a Murderer ( No Dustjacket);

LEONARD, ELMORE - Bandits (With Dustjacket); *** Get Shorty (With Dustjacket); *** Killshot (With Dustjacket); *** Labrava (With Dustjacket); *** Pronto (With Dustjacket); *** Touch (With Dustjacket);

LEONARD, FRANK - Box 100 (With Dustjacket);

LEONARD, PHYLLIS G. - Prey of the Eagle (With Dustjacket);

LE QUEUX, WILLIAM - The Czar's Spy (No Dustjacket);

LESCROART, JOHN T. - A Certain Justice (With Dustjacket);

LESLIE, PETER - The Gay Deceiver (With Dustjacket);

LETTON, JENNETTE - Cragsmoor (With Dustjacket);

LEVIN, IRA - The Boys from Brazil (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** A Kiss Before Dying (With Dustjacket); *** Sliver (With Dustjacket);

LEVINE, PAUL - Mortal Sin (With Dustjacket);

LEVINE, RICHARD M. - Bad Blood (With Dustjacket);

LEVITT, LEONARD - The Healer (With Dustjacket);

LEWIN, MICHAEL Z. - Ask the Right Question (With Dustjacket); *** Called by a Panther (With Dustjacket); *** Hard Line (With Dustjacket); *** Night Cover (With Dustjacket); *** The Silent Salesmen (With Dustjacket);

LEWIS, ANTHONY - Gideon's Trumpet (With Dustjacket);

LEWIS, FLORA - Red Pawn (With Dustjacket);

LEWIS, LANGE - Juliet Dies Twice (With Dustjacket);

LEWIS, NORMAN - A Small War Made to Order (With Dustjacket);

LEWIS, ROY - A Distant Banner (With Dustjacket); *** The Fenokee Project (With Dustjacket); *** A Lover too Many (With Dustjacket); *** A Part of Virtue (With Dustjacket);

LEYTON, ELLIOTT - Hunting Humans (trade paperback);

LIFSON, DAVID S. - Headless Victory (With Dustjacket);

LINCOLN, VICTORIA - A Private Disgrace (With Dustjacket);

LINDSEY, DAVID - Body of Truth (With Dustjacket); *** In the Lake of the Moon (With Dustjacket); *** Mercy (With Dustjacket);

LINEDECKER, CLIFFORD L. - Babyface killers (w/photos; (With Dustjacket);

LINGARD, JOAN - The File on Fraulein Berg (With Dustjacket);

LININGTON, ELIZABETH - Consequence of Crime (With Dustjacket); *** Crime by Chance (No Dustjacket); *** Greenmask! (With Dustjacket); *** Knave of Hearts (With Dustjacket); *** Perchance of Death (With Dustjacket); *** Practice to Deceive (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Something Wrong (With Dustjacket);

LINKLATER, ERIC - The Corpse on Clapham Common (No Dustjacket);

LIPEZ, RICHARD/ STEIN, PETER - Grand Scam (With Dustjacket);

LIPPINCOTT, DAVID - Salt Mine (With Dustjacket); *** Savage Ransom (With Dustjacket); *** Unholy Mourning (With Dustjacket);

LIPPMAN, LAURA - In a Strange City (With Dustjacket);

LIPSKY, ELEAZAR - Malpractice (With Dustjacket); *** The Scientists (No Dustjacket);

LIPSYTE, MARJORIE - Hot Type (With Dustjacket);

LIRA, GONZALO - Counterparts (With Dustjacket);

LITTELL, ROBERT - The Defection of A.J. Lewinter (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Sweet Reason (With Dustjacket);

LITTLE, CONSTANCE & GWENYTH - The Black Goatee (No Dustjacket); *** The Black Smith (No Dustjacket);

LITNINOFF, EMANUEL - A Death Out of Season (With Dustjacket);

LITZINGER, BOYD - Watch it, Dr. Adrian (With Dustjacket);

LIVINGSTON, NANCY - Death in Close-up (With Dustjacket);

LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - The Night is a Child (With Dustjacket);

LLOYD, A. - The Falcon's Nest (With Dustjacket);

LLOYD, JEREMY - The Further Adventures of Captain Gregory Dangerfield (With Dustjacket);

LOCKE, CLINTON W. - Who Hid the Key (No Dustjacket);

LOCKHART, R.H. BRUCE - British Agent (No Dustjacket);

LOCKRIDGE, ERNEST - Hartspring Blows his Mind (No Dustjacket);

LOCKRIDGE, RICHARD & FRANCES - Accent on Murder (With Dustjacket); *** And Left for Dead (With Dustjacket); *** Catch as Catch Can (With Dustjacket); *** Curtain for a Jester (With Dustjacket); *** Dead as a Dinosaur (With Dustjacket); *** Death and the Gentle Bull (No Dustjacket); *** Death by Association (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Death on the Hour (With Dustjacket); *** The Devious Ones (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Die Laughing (With Dustjacket); *** The Dishonest Murderer (No Dustjacket); *** The Distant Clue (With Dustjacket); *** The Faceless Adversary (With Dustjacket); *** First Come, First Kill (With Dustjacket); *** The Judge is Reversed (With Dustjacket); *** A Key to Death (With Dustjacket); *** Let Dead Enough Alone (No Dustjacket); *** Murder by the Book (With Dustjacket); Murder Can't Wait (With Dustjacket); *** Murder Comes First (No Dustjacket); *** Murder has its Points (With Dustjacket); *** Murder in a Hurry (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Murder in False Face (With Dustjacket); *** Murder is Suggested (With Dustjacket); *** Murder! Murder!! Murder!!! The Norths Meet Murder/ Murder out of Turn/ a Pinch of Poison (With Dustjacket); *** Night of Shadows (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Norths Meet Murder (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Not I, Said the Sparrow (With Dustjacket); *** The Old Die Young (With Dustjacket); *** Or Was He Pushed? (With Dustjacket); *** A Plate of Red Herrings (With Dustjacket); *** Practice to Deceive (With Dustjacket); *** Preach no More (With Dustjacket); *** Show Red for Danger (With Dustjacket); *** Something UP a Sleeve (No Dustjacket); *** Squire of Death (With Dustjacket); *** Stand up and Die (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** A Streak of Light (No Dustjacket); *** The Tangled Cord (With Dustjacket); *** Voyage into Violence (With Dustjacket); *** With One Stone (With Dustjacket); *** With Option to Die (With Dustjacket);

LOCKWOOD, MARY - The Accessory (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

LODWICK, JOHN - Brother Death (With Dustjacket);

LOFTS, NORA - The Claws (With Dustjacket); *** Gad's Hall/ The Haunting of Gad's Hall (With Dustjacket); *** The Little Wax Doll (With Dustjacket); *** The Lute Player (No Dustjacket); *** Out of the Dark (With Dustjacket);

LONG, AMELIA REYNOLDS - The Shakespeare Murders (No Dustjacket);

LONGSTREET, STEPHEN - The Beach House (No Dustjacket); *** The Pedlock Inheritance (With Dustjacket); *** Storm Watch (With Dustjacket);

LONGSTRETH, T. MORRIS - The Silent Force (R.C.M.P. in Action; w/photos; No Dustjacket; 1928);

LORAC, E.C. - Shroud of Darkness (No Dustjacket); ** Speak Justly of the Dead (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

LORAINE, PHILIP - The Angel of Death (With Dustjacket); *** The Break in the Circle (With Dustjacket); *** Nightmare in Dublin (With Dustjacket); *** Photographs Have Been Sent to Your Wife (With Dustjacket); *** White Lie the Dead (No Dustjacket);

LORD, GABRIELLE - Fortress (With Dustjacket);

LORD, GRAHAM - Marshmallow Pie (With Dustjacket); *** The Spider and the Fly (With Dustjacket);

LORD, WALTER - A Night to Remember (With Dustjacket);

LORRIMER, CLARIE - A Voice in the Dark (With Dustjacket);

LOSHAK, DAVID - Partisan (With Dustjacket);

LOTH, DAVID - Crime Lab: Science Turns Detective (With Dustjacket);

LOTHAR, ERNST - The Clairvoyant (No Dustjacket);

LOTZ, WOLFGANG - A Hangbook for Spies (With Dustjacket);

LOURIE, RICHARD - First Loyalty (With Dustjacket);

LOVELL, MARC - The Blind Hypnotist (With Dustjacket); *** The Ghost of Megan (With Dustjacket); *** A Presence in the House (With Dustjacket); *** Spy on the Run (With Dustjacket); *** A Voice from the Living (With Dustjacket);

LOVESEY, PETER - Abracadaver (With Dustjacket); *** Diamond Solitaire (With Dustjacket); ***A Case of Spirits (With Dustjacket); *** Invitation to a Dynamite Party (With Dustjacket); *** Mad Hatter's Holiday (With Dustjacket); *** The Summons (With Dustjacket); *** Swing, Swing Together (With Dustjacket); *** Waxwork (With Dustjacket); *** Wobble to Death (With Dustjacket);

LOVETT, SARAH - Dangerous Attachments (No Dustjacket);

LOWDEN, DESMOND - Boudapesti 3 (With Dustjacket);

LOWE, KENNETH - The Catslyst (With Dustjacket); *** Haze of Evil (No Dustjacket);

LOWELL,J.R. - The Irish Game (With Dustjacket);

LOWRIE, STUART - The Sealed Knot (No Dustjacket);

LUDDECKE, WERNER J. - Thursday at Dawn (With Dustjacket);

LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Aquitaine Progression (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Bourne Identity (With Dustjacket); *** The Bourne Surpremacy (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Bourne Ultimatum (With Dustjacket); *** The Chancellor Manuscript (With Dustjacket); *** The Hades Factor (w/ Lynds, Gayle) (trade paperback); *** The Holcroft Covenant (With Dustjacket); *** The Icarus Agenda (With Dustjacket); *** The Matarese Circle (With Dustjacket); *** The Moscow Vector (trade paperback); *** *** The Parsifal Mosaic (With Dustjacket); *** The Scarlatti Inheritance (With Dustjacket); *** The Scorpio Illusion (With Dustjacket);

LUKEZIC, JOYCE/ SCHWARZ, TED - False Arrest (With Dustjacket);

LUNDE, DONALD T. - Murder and Madness (trade paperback);

LUNDY, MIKE - Raven (With Dustjacket);

LURGAN, LESTER - The League of the Triangel (No Dustjacket);

LUSTGARTEN, EDGAR - One More Unfortunate (With Dustjacket); *** The Woman in the Case (No Dustjacket);

LUTZ, JOHN - Bone Grinder (With Dustjacket); *** The Ex (With Dustjacket);

LYALL, GAVIN - Judas Country (With Dustjacket); *** Midnight Plus One (With Dustjacket); *** The Most Dangerous Game (With Dustjacket); *** Venus with Pistol (With Dustjacket);

LYNCH, PATRICK - Carriers (With Dustjacket);

MAAS, PETER - Killer Spy (With Dustjacket); *** Made in America (With Dustjacket); ** Serpico (With Dustjacket); *** The Valachi Papers(No Dustjacket);

MAASS, JOACHIN - The Gouffee Case (With Dustjacket);

MACAULAY, ROSE - Mystery at Geneva (No Dustjacket);

MACBETH, GEORGE - The Seven Witches (No Dust Jacket);

MACCLURE, VICTOR - Death Behind the Door (No Dustjacket);

MACDONALD, JOHN D. - Barrier Island (With Dust Jacket); **** Cinnamon Skin (w/dj; No Dustjacket);*** Condominium (With Dust Jacket); *** The Empty Copper Sea (With Dustjacket);*** Five Complete Travis McGee Novels - The Dreadful Lemon Sky/ The Empty Copper Sea/ Free Fall in Crimson/ The Green Ripper/ A Tan and Sandy Silence (With Dust Jacket); *** Free Fall in Crimson (With Dustjacket); *** The Green Ripper (With Dustjacket); *** The House Guests (With Dustjacket); *** The Moving Target (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Nightmare in Pink (With Dustjacket); *** One More Sunday (With Dustjacket); *** The Scarlet Ruse and Two Other Great Mysteries (With Dustjacket); *** Shades of Travis McGee (With Dustjacket);

MACDONALD, PHILIP - Death and Chicanery (With Dustjacket); *** The Link (With Dustjacket); *** The List of Adrian Messenger (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** 3 for Midnight: The RASP/ Murder Gone Mad/ The Rynox Murder (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MACDONLAD, ROSS - Archer at Large: The Galton Case/ The Chill/ Black Money (With Dustjacket); *** Archer in Hollywood: The Moving Target/ The Way Some People Die/ The Barbarous Coast (No Dustjacket); *** Archer in Jeopardy: The Doomsters/ The Zebra Striped Hearse/ The Instant Enemy (No Dustjacket); *** The Blue Hammer (With Dustjacket); *** The Far Side of the Dollar (With Dustjacket); ** The goodbye Look (With Dustjacket); *** The Instant Enemy (With Dustjacket); *** Sleeping Beauty (With Dustjacket); *** The Underground Man (With Dustjacket); *** The Wychery Woman (With Dustjacket); *** The Zebra Striped Hearse (With Dustjacket);

MACDONALD, WILLIAM COLT - The Gloved Saskia (With Dustjacket);

MACGRATH, HAROLD - The Man in the Box (picture cover);

MACHEN, ARTHUR - The Strange World of Arthur Machen (With Dustjacket); *** The Terror (With Dustjacket);

MACHRAY, ROBERT - Sentence to Death (embossed);

MACINNES, HELEN - Above Suspicion (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Agent in Place (With Dustjacket); *** Assignment in Brittany (No Dustjacket); *** Assignment Suspense: Above Suspicion/ Horizon/ Assignment Brittany (No Dustjacket); *** The Deadly Decisions (With Dustjacket); *** Decision at Delphi (No Dust Jacket); ** The Double Image (With Dustjacket); ** Friends and Lovers (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Hidden Target (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Horizon (No Dust Jacket); *** Message from Malaga (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** North from Rome (With Dustjacket); *** Prelude to Terror (With Dustjacket); ** Rest and be Thankful (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Salzburg Connection (With Dustjacket); *** The Snare of the Hunter (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Venetian Affair (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** While Still we Live (No Dustjacket);

MACINNIS, JOE - Underwater Man (With Dustjacket);

MACKENZIE, DONALD - Dangerous Silence (With Dustjacket); *** Dead Straight (With Dustjacket); *** The Genial Stranger (With Dustjacket); *** Knife Edge (With Dustjacket); *** The Kyle Contract (With Dustjacket); *** The Lonely Side of the River (With Dustjacket); *** Manhunt (With Dustjacket); *** Postscript to a Dead Letter (No Dustjacket); *** Salute from a Dead Man (With Dustjacket);

MACKENZIE, KENNETH - The Deserter (With Dustjacket);

MACKENZIE, NIGEL - Death in the Smog (With Dustjacket); *** Missing-a Lady (With Dustjacket);

MACKILL'S CHOICE - From Mackill's Magazine (1953; (With Dustjacket);

MACKINNON, ALLAN - Assignment in Iraq (With Dustjacket); *** Cormorant's Island (No Dustjacket); *** Man Overboard (With Dustjacket); *** Murder, Repeat Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Report from Argyll (With Dustjacket); *** Summons from Baghdad (With Dustjacket);

MACKINTOSH, IAN - A Slaying in September (With Dustjacket);

MACKNUTT, M.G. - Death on the Cuff (With Dustjacket);

MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Athabasca (With Dustjacket); *** Bear Island (With Dustjacket); *** Bereneiland (With Dustjacket); *** Break-Heart Pass (With Dustjacket); *** Caravan to Vaccares (With Dustjacket); *** Circus (w/dj; No Dustjacket); **** Fear is the Key (No Dustjacket); *** Floodgate (With Dustjacket); *** Force 10 Frome Novarone (No Dustjacket); *** The Golden Rendezvous (With Dustjacket); *** Goodbye California (With Dustjacket); *** H.M.S. Ulysses (With Dustjacket); *** Ice Station Zebra (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Puppet on a Chain (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Seawitch (With Dustjacket); *** South by Java Head (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Way to Dusty Death (With Dustjacket); *** When Eight Bells Toll (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MACLEAN, ROBINSON - The Baited Blonde (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Touch and the Tender (With Dustjacket);

MACLEOD, CHARLOTTE - Grad Bag (With Dustjacket); *** The Plain Old Man (With Dustjacket); ** Something in the Water (With Dustjacket);

MACLEON, ROBERT - Cave of Bats (With Dustjacket); *** Dragonship (With Dustjacket); *** Paths of Ghosts (With Dustjacket); Place of Mists (With Dustjacket);

MACNEIL, DUNCAN - Wolf in the Fold (With Dustjacket);

MACOMBER, DARIA - A Clearing in the Fog (With Dustjacket);

MACPHERSON, KENNETH - Rome 12 Noon (With Dustjacket);

MADDEN, DAVID - The Beautiful Greed (With Dustjacket);

MAGILL, MARCUS - Murder Out of Tune (No Dustjacket);

MAGGWAN,RONALD - Barracuda (With Dustjacket); *** No Flowers on my Grave (With Dustjacket);

MAGUIRE, MICHAEL - Scratchproof (No Dustjacket);

MAINE, CHARLES ERIC - The Iostope Man (With Dust Jacket); *** The Man Who Couldn't Sleep (With Dust Jacket);

MAINWARING, MARION - Murder in Pastiche (With Dustjacket);

MAJOR, ANDRE - Inspector Therrien (trade paperback); *** The Scarecorws of Saint Emmanuel (With Dust Jacket);

MAKIN, KIRK - Redrum the Innocent (Trade Paperback);

MALAMUD, BERNARD - The Fixer (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MALAREK, VICTOR - Merchants of Misery: Inside Canada's Illegal Drug Scene (With Dust Jacket);

MALCOLM-SMITH, GEORGE - Come Out, Come Out (With Dustjacket); *** The Lady Finger (With Dustjacket);

MALIM, BARBARA - Seven Looked On (No Dustjacket);

MALING, ARTHUR - Bent Man (With Dustjacket); *** Dingdong (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** From Thunder Bay (With Dustjacket); *** The Rheingold Route (No Dustjacket);

MALLET, JACQUELINE - They Can't Hang Me (With Dustjacket);

MALONEY, RALPH - The Nixon Recession Caper (With Dustjacket);

MANCINI, ANTHONY - Minnie Santagelo's Mortal Sin (With Dustjacket);

MANER, WILLIAM - Die of a Rose (With Dustjacket); *** The Image Killer (With Dustjacket);

MANKIEWICZ, DON M. - Trial (With Dustjacket);

MANLEY, SEON/ LEWIS, GOGO - Grande Dames of Detection (With Dustjacket); *** Ladies of Fantasy (With Dustjacket); *** Ladies of the Gothics (With Dustjacket);

MANN, EDWARD/ LEE, JOHN ALAN - The RCMP vs. the People (trade paperback);

MANN, EDWARD ANDREW - The Portals (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MANN, PATRICK - Dog Day Afternoon (With Dustjacket);

MANN, PAUL - The Britannia Contract (With Dustjacket);

MANNERS-SUTTOON, D. - Black God (With Dustjacket);

MAN'S BOOK - Rigby, Ray - The Hill/ Trew, Antony - Smoke Island/ Ross, Ivan T./ The Man Who Would Do Anything (With Dust Jacket);

MAPLES, DR. WILLIAM R./ BROWNING, MICHAEL - Dead Men Do Tell Tales (trade paperback);

MARASCO, ROBERT - Burnt Offerings (With Dustjacket); *** Parlor Games (With Dustjacket);

MARCINKO, RICHARD/ WEISMAN, JOHN - Rogue Warrior: Green Team (With Dustjacket);

MARDER, IRVING - The Paris Bit (With Dustjacket);

MARGOLIN, PHILLIP - The Burning Man (With Dust Jacket); *** Gone But Not Forgotten (With Dustjacket);

MARKS, J.M. - Border Kidnap (With Dustjacket);

MARLOWE, DEREK - A Dandy in Aspic (With Dustjacket); *** Echoes of Celandine (With Dustjacket); *** Nightshade (With Dustjacket); *** Somebody's Sister (With Dustjacket);

MARLOWE, HUGH - A Candle for the Dead (With Dustjacket); *** Seven Pillars to Hell (With Dustjacket);

MARLOWE, PIERS - Promise to Kill (With Dustjacket);

MARLOWE, STEPHEN - The Search for Bruno Heidler (With Dustjacket);

MARON, MARGARET - Bootlegger's Daughter (With Dust Jacket);

MARQUAND, JOHN P. - Ming Yellow (No Dustjacket); *** Mr. Moto Four Complete Novels - Your Turn, Mr Moto/ Think Fast, Mr Moto/ Mr. Moto is So Sorry/ Right You Are, Mr. Moto (With Dust Jacket); *** Mr. Moto's Three Aces (With Dustjacket); *** Point of NO Return (No Dustjacket); *** Thank You, Mr. Moto (No Dustjacket);

MARRIC, J.J. - Gideon's Badge (With Dustjacket); *** Gideon's Day (w/dj; No Dustjacket); ** Gideon's March (With Dustjacket); *** Gideon's Men (With Dustjacket); *** Gideon's Month (With Dustjacket); *** Gideon's Night (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Gideon's Power (No Dustjacket); **** Gideon's Risk (With Dustjacket); *** Gideon's Staff (No Dust Jacket);

MARSH, GAIO - Another Three Act Special (No Dustjacket); *** Black as He's Painted (With Dustjacket); *** Clutch of Constables (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Colour Scheme (No Dustjacket); **** Dead Water (With Dustjacket); *** Death in a White Tie (With Dustjacket); *** Death of a Fool (With Dustjacket); *** Died in the Wool (With Dustjacket); *** Enter a Murderer (No Dustjacket); *** False Scent (With Dustjacket); *** Grave Mistake (With Dustjacket); *** Hand in Glove (With Dustjacket); *** Last Ditch (With Dustjacket); **** Night at the Vulcan (With Dustjacket); *** Surfeit of Lampreys (With Dustjacket); *** Tied up in Tinsel (With Dustjacket); *** When in Rome (With Dustjacket); *** A Wreath for Rivera (No Dustjacket);

MARSH, JOHN - The Brain of Paul Menoloff (With Dust Jacket);

MARCHALL, LOVAT - The Dead are Silent (With Dustjacket); *** Murder Mission (With Dustjacket);

MARSHALL, WILLIAM - Gelignithe (With Dustjacket);

MARSLAND, AMY - Cache-Cache (With Dustjacket);

MARTIN, DESMOND - Presciption for Death (With Dust Jacket);

MARTIN, HANSJORG - Sleeping Girls Don't Lie (With Dustjacket);

MARTIN, IAN KENNEDY - The Manhattan File (With Dustjacket);

MARTIN, ROBERT - Catch a Killer (With Dustjacket); *** Killer Among Us (With Dustjacket);

MARTINI, STEVE - The Judge (With Dust Jacket); *** Prime Witness (With Dustjacket);

MARTYN, DON - No Guest at the Villa (With Dustjacket);

MARTYN, WYNDHAM - Manhunt in Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Murder Island (No Dustjacket);

MASEFIELD, JOHN - The Bird of Dawning (With Dust Jacket);

MASON, A.E.W. - Inspector Hanaud's Investigations (No Dustjacket);

MASON, COLIN - Hostage (With Dustjacket);

MASON, DAVID - Little Brother (With Dustjacket);

MASON, HOWARD - Body Below (With Dustjacket);

MASON, VAN WYCK - Trouble in Burma (With Dustjacket);

MASTERMAN, J.C. - Fate Cannot Harm Me (No Dustjacket);

MASTERSON, WHIT - Evil Come, Evil Go (No Dustjacket); *** The Dark Fantastic (With Dustjacket); *** The Death of Me Yet (With Dustjacket); *** The Gravy Train (With Dustjacket); *** A Shadow in the Wild (With Dustjacket); *** The Undertaker Wind (With Dustjacket);

MASUR, HAROLD Q. - The Big Money (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Last Gamble (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Legacy Lenders (With Dustjacket); *** Make a Killing (With Dustjacket); *** Send Another Hearse (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Suddenly a Corpse (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Tall, Dark and Deadly (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MATHER, ARTHUR - Easy Money (With Dustjacket);

MATHER, BERKELY - The Break (With Dustjacket); *** The Break in the Line (With Dustjacket); *** The Pass Beyond Kashmir (With Dustjacket);

MATHIESON, THEODORE - The Devil and Ben Franklin (With Dustjacket);

MATUSOW, HARVEY - False Witness (No Dustjacket);

MATZ, ESTHER - Trial by Ordeal (trade paperback);

MAUGHAM, ROBIN - The Link (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MAURICE, RENE LOUIS/ FOLLETT, KEN - The Gentlemen of 16 July (With Dust Jacket);

MAVITY, NANCY BARR - The Tule Marsh Murder (No Dustjacket);

MAYBURY, ANNE - The Midnight Dancers (With Dustjacket);

MAYLE, PETER - Anything Considered (Trade Paperback);

MAYLON, B.J. (Pseudonym for Barney Mayes and his wife Joan London, Jack London's older daughter)

 - The Corpse with Knee Action (Phoenix Press, New York, NY, 1940; First edition Hardcover; VERY RARE Mystery Suspense Title; Weight = 435 Grams; No Dust Jacket; Book is overall decent G/VG, with some Soiling to inside Front & Back Covers, but with Corner CHEWED Off, Varied from 1" on Back Cover thru to pages 173-256, with about 1/4" off page 173, thus call it FAIR+, still a decent Reading Copy; Price = $95.00)

MAYO, JAMES - Hammerhead (With Dustjacket); *** Let Sleeping Girls Lie (With Dustjacket); *** The Quickness of the Hand (With Dustjacket);

MAZER, HARRY - The Dollar Man (With Dustjacket);

McBAIN, ED - Beauty and the Beast (With Dust Jacket);; *** Blood Relatives (With Dustjacket); *** Bread (With Dustjacket); *** Eighty Million Eyes (With Dustjacket); *** Ghosts (With Dustjacket); *** Goldilocks (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here! (With Dustjacket); *** Hail to the Chief (With Dustjacket); *** Heat (With Dustjacket); *** Ice (With Dustjacket); *** Jack and the Beanstalk (With Dustjacket); *** Kiss (trade paperback); *** Long Time No See (With Dustjacket); *** Mary, Mary (With Dustjacket); *** Mischief (With Dustjacket); *** Puss in Boots (With Dustjacket); *** Rumplestiltskin (With Dustjacket); *** So Long as You Both Shall Live (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Streets of Gold (writing as Evan Hunter); *** Three Complete 87th Precinct Novels: Tricks/ Ice/ 8 Black Horses (With Dustjacket); *** Three From 87th: Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here!/ Jigsaw/ Fuzz (With Dustjacket); *** Vespers (With Dustjacket); *** Where There's Smoke (With Dustjacket);

McCALL, ANTHONY - Operation Delta (With Dustjacket);

McCAMMON, ROBERT R. - Boy's Life (With Dust Jacket); *** Mystery Walk (No Dust Jacket);

McCARRY, CHARLES - The Secret Lovers (With Dustjacket); *** The Tears of Autumn (With Dustjacket);

McCARTHY, DAVID - Killing at the Big Tree (With Dustjacket);

McCARTHY, GARY - The Derby Man (With Dustjacket);

McCARTHY, JANE - The Dark Deception (With Dustjacket);

McCARTHY, JOHN J. - Fire Fighting: a Practical Guide for Fireman and Auxiliaries ( New York Fire Department; 1942; tpb);

McCLINTICK, DAVID - Swordfish (With Dustjacket);

McCLINTOCK, ALLERDYCE - The Case of the Three Broken Necks (With Dustjacket);

McCLOY, HELEN - Minotaur County (With Dustjacket); *** Mr Splifoot (With Dustjacket); *** A Question of Time (With Dustjacket); *** The Sleepwalker (With Dustjacket); *** The Slayer and the Slain (With Dustjacket);

McCLURE, JAMES - The Blood of an Englishman (With Dustjacket); *** Four and Twenty Virgins (With Dustjacket); *** The Gooseberry Fool (With Dustjacket); *** Rogue Eagle (With Dustjacket); *** Snake (With Dustjacket); *** The Steam Pig (With Dustjacket);

McCONNOR, VINCENT - The French Doll (With Dustjacket);

McCORMACK, WILLIAM - Life on Homicide (With Dustjacket);

McCORMICK, KEN - Sprung: the Release of Willie Calloway (With Dustjacket);

McCOY, ALFRED W. - The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia (w/photos; (With Dustjacket);

McCRUM, ROBERT - In the Secret State (With Dustjacket);

McCRUMB, SHARYN - If I'd Killed Him when I Met Him... (With Dustjacket); *** The Rosewood Casket (With Dust Jacket); *** She Walks These Hills (With Dust Jacket); *** The Wildsor Knot (With Dust Jacket);

McCULLOUGH, DAVID WILLIS (ED.) - Great Detective (With Dustjacket);

McCUTCHAN, PHILIP - The All-Purpose Bodies (With Dustjacket); **** Blackmail North (With Dustjacket); *** Blood Run East (With Dustjacket); *** Bluebolt One (With Dustjacket); *** Coach North (With Dustjacket); *** Gibraltar Road (With Dustjacket); **** The Man From Moscow (With Dustjacket); *** Moscow Coach (With Dustjacket); *** Redcap (With Dustjacket); *** The Screaming Dead Balloons (With Dustjacket); *** Skyprobe (With Dustjacket);

McCUTCHEON, HUGH - The Black Attendant (With Dustjacket); *** Suddenly in Vienna (With Dustjacket);

McDERMID, VAL - The Wire in the Blood (With Dustjacket);

McDONALD, FRANK - Provenance (With Dustjacket);

McDONALD, GREGORY - Fletch Chronicle - Fletch/ Carioca Fletch/ Confess, Fletch (With Dust Jacket); *** Fletch Reflected (With Dust Jacket); *** Fletch, Too (With Dust Jacket); *** Fletch Won (With Dust Jacket); *** Son of Fletch (No Dustjacket);

McDOUGAL, DENNIS - Mother's Day (With Dust Jacket);

McDOWELL, EMMETT - Portrait of a victim (With Dustjacket);

McDOWELL, ROBERT - The Hound's Tooth (With Dustjacket);

McELROY, JOSEPH - Lookout Cartridge (With Dustjacket);

McEVOY, MARJORIE - The White Castello (With Dustjacket);

McEWAN, IAN - The Innocent (Trade Paperback);

McGERR, PATRICIA - For Richer, For Poorer, till Death (With Dustjacket); *** Is There a Traitor in the House? (With Dustjacket); *** Legacy of Danger (With Dustjacket); *** Murder is Absurd (With Dustjacket);

McGEHEE, RALPH W. - Deadly Deceits: my 25 years in the CIA (trade paperback);

McGINLEY, PATRICK - Bogmail (trade paperback);

MCGINNISS, JOE - Blind Faith (With Dustjacket); *** Fatal Vision (With Dustjacket);

McGIRR, EDMUND - An Entry of Death (With Dustjacket); *** No Better Fiend (With Dustjacket);

McGIVERN, WILLIAM P. - The Capper of the Golden Bulls (With Dustjacket); *** A Choice of Assassins (With Dustjacket); *** Lie Down, I Want to Talk to You (With Dustjacket); *** Night Extra (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Police Special (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Road to the Snail (With Dustjacket); *** Rogue Cop (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Seven File (With Dustjacket); *** Seven Lies South (With Dustjacket);

McGUIRE, CHRISTINE - Until Proven Guilty (With Dustjacket);

McGURK, SLATER - The Denmark Bus (With Dustjacket);

McHALE, TOM - Farragan's Retreat (With Dustjacket);

McHUGH, ARONA - The Calling of the Mercenaries (With Dustjacket);

McHUGH, FRANCES Y. - The Pale Pink House (No Dustjacket); *** Summer Velvet (No Dustjacket); *** Window on the Seine (With Dustjacket);

McHUGH, OLIVE DICKERSON - Palace of Sin (No Dustjacket);

McINERNY, RALPH - The Basket Case (No Dust Jacket); **** Bishop as Pawn (No Dustjacket); *** Desert Sinner (With Dustjacket); *** Her Death of Cold (With Dustjacket); *** Jolly Rogerson (With Dustjacket); *** A Loss of Patients (No Dustjacket);

McINNES, GRAHAM - Goodbye Melbourne Twon (With Dustjacket);

McINTOSH, J.T. - A Coat of Blackmail (With Dustjacket); *** The Fittest (No Dustjacket); *** Time for a Change (With Dustjacket);

McINTYRE, JOHN T. - The Museum Murder (No Dustjacket);

McKELWAY, ST. CLAIR - The Edinburgh Caper (No Dustjacket);

McKERNAN, VICTORIA - Crooked Island (With Dust Jacket);

McLACHLAN, IAN - The Seventh Hexagram (With Dustjacket);

McLAUGHLIN, W.R.D. - Sabatage at Sea! (With Dustjacket);

McLEAVE, HUGH - Only Gentlemen Can Play (With Dustjacket); *** Vodka on Ice (With Dustjacket);

McLEISH, DOUGAL - The Traitor Game (With Dustjacket); *** The Valentime Victim (With Dustjacket);

McLENDON, JAMES - Deathwork (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

McMAHON, THOMAS PATRICK - The Hubschamnn Effect (With Dustjacket); *** The Issue of the Bishop's Blood (With Dustjacket);

McMULLEN, MARY - But Nellie Was so Nice (With Dustjacket); ***The Other Shoe (With Dustjacket);

MCMURTRY, LARRY/ OSSANA, DIANA - Pretty Boy Floyd (With Dust Jacket);

McNAMARA, MICHAEL M. - The Dancing Floor (With Dust Jacket);

McNEILE, H.C. - Bulldog Drummond Returns (With Dustjacket);

MCNELL, JAMES - Mettle at Woomera (With Dustjacket);

McSHANE, MARK - The Crimson Madness of Little Doom (With Dustjacket); *** Ill Met by a Fish Shop on George Street (With Dustjacket); *** Lashed but Not Leashed (With Dustjacket); *** Night's Evil (With Dustjacket); *** The Singular Case of the Multiple Dead (With Dustjacket); *** Untimely Ripped (With Dustjacket);

McSHERRY, FRANK D./ WAUGH, CHARLES G./ GREENBERG, MARTIN H. (EDS) - Sunshine Crime (trade paperback);

MEADE, RICHARD - Beyond the Danube (With Dustjacket);

MEGGS, BROWN - The Matter of Paradise (With Dustjacket);

MEIRING, DESMOND - The Wall of Glass (With Dustjacket);

MELHEIM, RICHARD ALAN - Unfinished Business (picture cover);

MELTZER, BRAD - Dead Even (With Dustjacket);

MELVILLE, ANNABELLE M. - Rue the Reservoir (No Dustjacket);

MELVILLE, JENNIE - A Different Kind of Summer (With Dustjacket); *** A New Kind of Killer (With Dustjacket);

MENNINGER, DR. KARL - The Crime of Punishment (trade paperback);

MESSENGER, ELIZABETH - The Tail of the Dozing Cat (With Dustjacket); *** Growing Evil (With Dustjacket);

MESSICK, HANK/ GOLDBLATT, BURT - The Mobs and the Mafia (w/photos; tpb);

MEWSHAW, MICHAEL - Life for Death (No Dustjacket);

MEYER, LAWRENCE - False Front (With Dustjacket);

MEYER, LYNN - Paperback Thriller (With Dust Jacket);

MEYER, NICHOLAS - Confessions of a Homing Pigeon (With Dust Jacket); *** The Seven-per-cent Solution (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MEYERS, ANNETTE - The Big Killing (w/dj)

MEYERS, MANNY - The Last Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe (With Dustjacket);

MEYNELL, LAURENCE - The Suspect Scientist (With Dustjacket); *** Where is She Now? (With Dustjacket);

MICHAEL, BARBARA - The Master of Blacktower (With Dustjacket); *** Stitches in Time (With Dustjacket); *** Vanish Wish the Rose (w/dj)

MIEHE, ULF - Puma (With Dustjacket);

MILCH, DAVID/ CLARKE, DET. BILL - True Blue: The Real Stories Behind NYPD Blue (w/dj)

MILES, JOHN - The Silver Bullet Gang (With Dustjacket); **** /MORRIS, TOM - Operation Nightfall (With Dustjacket);

MILETO, CECILE/ FISHER, DAVE - Louie's Widow (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MILLAR, MARGARET - An Air That Kills (With Dustjacket); *** The Fiend (With Dustjacket); *** The Listening Walls (With Dustjacket); *** A Stranger in my Grave (With Dustjacket);

MILLARD, OSCAR - A Missing Person (With Dustjacket);

MILLER, ORLO - The Donnellys Must Die (trade paperback);

MILLS, JAMES - The Power (With Dustjacket); *** The Prosecutor (With Dustjacket); *** Report to the Commissioner (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MILLS, OSMINGTON - Death Enters the Lists (With Dustjacket); *** Sundry Fell Design (With Dustjacket);

MILNER, GEORGE - The Scarlet Fountains (No Dust Jacket); ** Shark Among Herrings (With Dustjacket);

MIRVISH, ROBERT F. - Point of Impact (With Dustjacket);

MITCHELL, ADRIAN - The Bodyguard (With Dustjacket);

MITCHELL, JAMES - A Red File for Callan (With Dustjacket); *** Smear Job (With Dustjacket);

MITCHELL, KEN - The Con Man (trade paperback);

MITCHELL, SCOTT - Nice Guys Don't Win (With Dustjacket);

MNACKO, LADISLAV - The Taste of Power (With Dustjacket);

MO, TIMOTHY - The Redundancy of Courage (w/dj)

MOFFAT, GWEN - Deviant Death (With Dustjacket); *** Miss Pink at the Edge of the World (With Dustjacket); *** Over the Sea to Death (With Dustjacket);

MOJTABAI, A.G. - A Stopping Place (With Dustjacket);

MONTECINO, MARCEL - The Crosskiller (w/dj)

MONTEILHET, HUBERT - Andromanche or the Inadvertant Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Cupid's Executioners (With Dustjacket); *** Murder at Leisure (With Dustjacket); *** Murder at the Frankfurt Book Fair (With Dustjacket); *** Praying Mantis (With Dustjacket); *** The Road to Hell (With Dustjacket);

MONTROSE, GRAHAM - Angel of Vengeance (With Dustjacket); *** Fanfare for Angel (With Dustjacket); *** Where Angel Treads (With Dustjacket);

MONTROSS, DAVID - Traitor's Wife (With Dustjacket); *** Troika (With Dustjacket);

MOONEY, MICHAEL M. - The Hindenburg (w/dj)

MOORE, BRIAN - Cold Heaven (With Dustjacket); *** Lies of Silence (w/dj) *** The Mangan Inheritance (With Dustjacket); *** The Revolution Script (With Dustjacket);

MOORE, ROBIN - The Country Team (w/dj; No Dustjacket); **** The Fifth Estate (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The French Connection (With Dustjacket); *** /DEMPSEY, AL - Phase of Darkness (With Dustjacket);

MOOSDORF, JOHANNA - Flight to Africa (With Dustjacket);

MORENO, CARLOS MARTINEZ - El Infierno (Trade Paperback);

MORF, GUSTAV - Terror in Quebec (trade paperback);

MORICE, ANNE - Death and the Dutiful Daughter (With Dustjacket); *** Death of a Heavenly Twin (With Dustjacket); *** Murder in Outline (With Dustjacket); *** Murder by Proxy (With Dustjacket);

MORLEY, CHRISTOPHER - The Haunted Bookshoip (No Dustjacket); *** Shadygaff (No Dustjacket);

MOROSO, JOHN A. - The People Against Nancy Preston (No Dustjacket);

MORRELL, DAVID - Assumed Identity (With Dustjacket); *** The Covenant of the Flame (w/dj) *** Extreme Denial (w/dj) *** The Fraternity of the Stone (With Dustjacket); *** First Blood (With Dustjacket);

MORRIS, JOE ALEX - The Birdwatcher (With Dustjacket);

MORRIS, JOHN - The Candywine Development (With Dustjacket); *** Fever Grass (With Dustjacket);

MORRIS, ROGER - The Devil's Butcher Shop (With Dustjacket);

MORRIS, T.B. - Murder on the Loire (With Dustjacket);

MORRIS, WRIGHT - In Orbit (With Dustjacket);

MORRISON, TONI -Paradise (w/dj)

MORROW, SUSAN - Dancing with a Tiger (With Dustjacket); *** The Moonlighters (With Dustjacket); **** The Rules of the Game (With Dustjacket); **** A Season of Evil (With Dustjacket);

MORRISON, ARTHUR - Martin Hewitt Investigator (No Dustjacket);

MORTIMER, JOHN - The First Rumpole Omnibus (With Dustjacket); *** The Oxford Book of Villians (trade paperback); *** Rumpole a La Carte (Trade Paperback); *** The Second Rumpole Omnibus (w/dj)

MORTON, ANTONY - Blood Red (With Dustjacket); *** Deaf, Dumb and Blonde (With Dustjacket); **** The Double Frame (With Dustjacket); *** If Anything Happens to Hester (With Dustjacket);

MOSCOW, ALVIN - Collision Course (w/dj)

MOSS, ROBERT/ DE BORCHGRAVE, ARNAUD - Monimbo (With Dustjacket);

MOSTERT, NOEL - Supership (With Dustjacket);

MOYES, PATRICIA - Dead Men Don't Ski (With Dustjacket); *** Death and the Dutch Uncle (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Down Among the Dead Men (With Dustjacket); *** Johnny Under Ground (With Dustjacket); **** Murder a La Mode (With Dustjacket); *** Murder Fantastical (With Dustjacket); *** Season of Snows and Sins (With Dustjacket); *** A Six Letter Word for Death (With Dustjacket); *** The Sunken Sailor (With Dustjacket); *** Who is Simon Warwick (With Dustjacket);

MULGREW, IAN - Final Payoff (With Dustjacket);

MULHOLLAND, BRENDAN - Almost a Holiday (With Dustjacket); *** The Assassins (With Dustjacket);

MULLER, MARCIA - Edwin of the Iron Shoes (w/dj; No Dustjacket ); *** /PRONZINI, BILL/ GREENBERG, MARTIN H. (eds.) - Lady on the Case (With Dustjacket); *** There's Nothing to be Afraid of (No Dustjacket); *** The Tree of Death (With Dustjacket); *** Wolf in the Shadows (With Dustjacket);

MULLER, MARCIA/ PRONZINI, BILL/ GREENBERG, MARTIN H. (EDS) - Lady on the Case (starring Female Sleuths; (w/dj)

MULLER, MARY - Encounter at Dawn (With Dustjacket);

MUNRO, HUGH - Get Clutha (With Dustjacket); *** Who Told Clutha (With Dustjacket);

MUNRO, JAMES - Die Rich Die Happy (With Dustjacket); *** The Man Who Sold Death (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

MUNSLOW, BRUCE - Joker Take Queen (With Dustjacket);

MURDOCH, IRIS - Bruno's Dream (With Dustjacket); *** The Red and the Green (With Dustjacket); *** A Severed Head (With Dustjacket);

MURPHY, JAMES F. (JR.) - Quonsett (With Dustjacket);

MURRAY, MARION - Fruits of Deception (With Dustjacket);

MURRAY, MAX - The Right Honourable Corpse (No Dustjacket); *** Wait for a Corpse (With Dustjacket);

MURRAY, WILLIAM - When the Fat Man Sings (With Dustjacket);

MURTON, TOM/ HYAMS, JOE - Accomplices to the Crime: The Arkansas Prison Scandal (With Dustjacket);

MYERS, MARTIN - The Assignment (No Dustjacket);

MYNTON, HENRY - The Pachinko Woman (uncorrected Bound Galleys; tpb);

NABB, MARTIN - The Assignment (No Dustjacket);

NABB, MAGDALEN - The Marchal's Own Case (With Dustjacket);

NAIPAUL, SHIVA - Journey to Nowhere (With Dustjacket);

NAIPAUL, V.S. - Guerrillas (With Dustjacket);

NAPIER-ANDREWS, NIGEL - This is the Law? (With Dustjacket);

NASAW, JONATHAN - The World on Blood (With Dustjacket);

NASH, FRANK - The House Cried Murder (With Dustjacket);

NASH, FRANK - The House Cried Murder (With Dustjacket);

NASH, JAY ROBERT - The True rime Quiz Book (With Dustjacket);

NASH, SIMON - Unhallowed Murder (With Dustjacket);

NASTASE, ILIE - Break Point (w/dj)

NAVRATILOVA, MARTINA/ NICKLES, LIZ - The Total Zone (With Dustjacket);

NEAME, ALAN - Maud Noakes, Guerilla (With Dustjacket);

NEELY, RICHARD - The Sexton Women (With Dustjacket); *** The Walter Syndrome (With Dustjacket);

NEIL, ARTHUR FOWLER - Man-Hunters of Scotland Yard (No Dustjacket);

NELSON, HUGH LAWRENCE - Gold in Every Grave (No Dustjacket);

NETTER, GWYNN - Explaining Crime (trade paperback);

NEUFELD, JOHN - Sleep Two, Three, Four! (With Dustjacket);

NEUGEBOREN, JAY - Big Man (With Dustjacket);

NEVILLE, MARGOT - Come, Thick Night (With Dustjacket); *** Murder of a Nymph (No Dustjacket);

NEVINS, FRANCIS M. (JR.) - Publish and Perish (With Dustjacket);

NEWMAN, BERNARD - The Travellling Executioners (With Dustjacket);

NEWMAN, G.F. - Sir, You Bastard (With Dustjacket);

THE NEW WEST - Official Reports Royal North West Mounted Police 1888 - 1889 (Trade Paperback);

NICHOLS, BEVERELY - Cry Havoc! (No Dustjacket); *** Murder by Request (With Dustjacket);

NICHOLS, FAN - Be Silent, Love (With Dustjacket);

NICHOLS, PETER - Patchwork of Death (With Dustjacket);

NICKSON, ELIZABETH - The Monkey Puzzle Tree (Trade Paperback);

NICOLE, CHRISTOPHER - The Longest Pleasure (With Dustjacket); *** Operation Destruct (No Dustjacket); *** Operation Neptune (w/dj)

NIELSEN, HELEN - After Midnight (With Dustjacket); *** The Crime is Murder (With Dustjacket); *** A Killer in the Street (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Shot on Location (With Dustjacket); *** Sing me a Murder (With Dustjacket); ** Verdict Suspended (With Dustjacket);

NIELSEN, TORBEN - An Unsuccessful Man (With Dustjacket);

NIXON, WILLIAM - Strategic Compromise (With Dustjacket);

NIZER, LOUIS - The Implosion Conspiracy (No Dust Jacket); *** My Life in Court (No Dustjacket);

NOGUCHI, DR. THOMAS T. - Coroner (w/dj)

NOLAN, FREDERICK - Kill Petrosino! (With Dustjacket);

NORMAN, FRANK - Too Many Crooks Spoil the Caper (With Dustjacket);

NORRIS, CHARLES G. - Flint (No Dustjacket);

NORRIS, FRANK - At Last to Kiss Amanda (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

NORTH, ERIC - A Chip on my Shoulder (With Dustjacket);

NORTH, GIL - Sergeant Cluff Goes Fishing (With Dustjacket);

NORWOOD, FRANK - The Burning (With Dustjacket);

NOVAK, KAREN - Five Mile House (With Dust Jacket);

O'BRIEN, ANDY - Daredevils of Niagra (With Dust Jacket);

O'BRIEN, DARCY - Two of a Kind (No Dustjacket);

O'BRIEN, MEG - I'll Love You Till I Die (With Dustjacket);

O'BRIEN, ROBERT C. - A Report from Group 17 (With Dustjacket);

O'BRINE, MANNING - Mills (With Dustjacket); *** No Earth for Foxe (With Dustjacket);

O'CONNELL, CAROL - Mallory's Oracle (With Dustjacket); *** The Man Who Cast Two Shadows (With Dustjacket);

O'CONNOR, DERMOT - The Slender Chance (With Dustjacket);

O'DONNELL, LILLIAN - Babes in the Woods (With Dustjacket); *** Death Schoss (With Dustjacket); *** Falling Star (With Dustjacket); *** No Business Being a Cop (With Dustjacket); *** The Phone Calls (With Dustjacket); *** Wicked Designs (With Dustjacket);

O'DONNELL, PETER - Cobra Trap (With Dust Jacket); *** Modesty Blaise (No Dustjacket); *** Sabre-Tooth (With Dustjacket);

OELLRICHS, INEZ - Death in a Chilly Corner (With Dustjacket);

O'FLAHERTY, LIAM - The Assassin (No Dustjacket);

O'FARRELL, WILLIAM - The Devil His Due (With Dustjacket); *** Repeat Performance (With Dustjacket);

O'GRADY, ANNE - Operation Midas (With Dustjacket);

O'GADY, LESLIE - The Artist's Daughter (With Dustjacket);

OLECK, HOWARD - A Singular Fury (With Dustjacket);

OLESKER, HARRY - Impact (With Dustjacket);

OLESKER, J. BRADFORD - The Siege of Superport (With Dustjacket);

OLIVER, LIONEY - Mongolian Interlude (With Dustjacket);

OLIVY, D.J. - Never Ask a Policeman (With Dustjacket);

OLSEN, BRUCE M. - "I Did Not Kill Bob Neville" (With Dustjacket);

OLSEN, GREGG - Abandoned Prayers (With Dustjacket);

OLSEN, JACK - Alphabet Jackson (With Dustjacket); *** "Son" a Psychopath and his Victims (With Dust Jacket);

OLSON, OSCAR - Mountie on Trial (No Dustjacket);

O'MALLEY, PATRICK - The Affair of Chief Strongheart (With Dustjacket); *** The Affair of Jolie Madame (With Dustjacket); *** The Affair of John Donee (With Dustjacket);

O'MARIE, SISTER CAROL ANNE - Murder in Ordinary Time (With Dust Jacket);

OPPENHEIM, E. PHILLIPS - Advice Ltd. (With Dustjacket); *** General Besserley's Puzzle Box (No Dustjacket); *** The Million Pound Deposit (No Dustjacket); *** Murder at Monte Carlo (With Dustjacket); *** Spies and Intrigues: The Oppenheim Secret Service Omnibus (No Dust Jacket); *** The Spymaster (No Dustjacket);

ORDWAY, PETER - Night of Reckoning (With Dustjacket);

O'REILLY, VICTOR - Games of the Hangway (With Dustjacket); *** Rules of the Hunt (With Dustjacket);

ORGILL, DOUGLAS - Man in the Dark (With Dust Jacket);

O'ROURKE, FRANK - The Abduction of Virginia Lee (With Dustjacket); *** A Private Anger/ Flight and Pursuit (With Dustjacket);

ORVIS, KENNETH - The Disinherited (With Dustjacket); *** Night Without Darkness (With Dustjacket);

OSBORNE, RICHARD - Basic Instinct (With Dustjacket);

O'SHAUGHNESSY, PERRI - Motion to Suppress (With Dustjacket);

OSTROVSKY, VICTOR - Lion of Judah (With Dustjacket);

OTTUM, BOB - The Tuesday Blade (With Dustjacket);

OURSLER, FULTON - The Reader's Digest Murder Case (No Dustjacket);

OURSLER, WILL - Departure Delayed (With Dustjacket); *** The Trial of Vincent Doon (No Dustjacket);

OWENS, TOM - Lying Eyes (With Dust Jacket);

PACE, ERIC - Nightingale (With Dust Jacket);

PACE, TOM - Afternoon of a Loser (With Dustjacket); *** Fisherman's Luck (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

PACKARD, FRANK L. - The Further Adventures of Jimmie Dale (With Dustjacket); *** The Four Stragglers (With Dustjacket); *** The Hidden Door (No Dustjacket); *** Jimmie Dale and the Blue Envelope Murder (No Dustjacket); *** The Locked Book (No Dust Jacket); *** The Miracle Man (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Tiger Claws (No Dustjacket); *** The White Moll (No Dustjacket);

PACKER, BERNARD - Caro (With Dustjacket);

PACKER, GEROGE - The Half Man (With Dustjacket);

PADGETT, ABIGAIL - Child of Silence (With Dustjacket);

PAGE, MARCO - Reclining Figure (With Dustjacket);

PALMER, BRUCE - Flesh and Blood (With Dustjacket);

PALMER, MICHAEL - Critical Judgment (With Dustjacket); *** Natural Causes (With Dust Jacket); *** The Patient (With Dust Jacket); *** Silent Treatment (With Dustjacket);

PALMER, STUART - Rook Takes Knight (With Dustjacket); *** Unhappy Hooligan (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

PANATI, CHARLES - Links (With Dustjacket);

PAPE, GORDON/ ASPLER, TONY - Chain Reaction (With Dustjacket);

PAPE, RICHARD - Fortune is my Enemy (With Dustjacket);

PARETSKY, SARA - Bitter Medicine (With Dustjacket); *** Blood Shot (With Dustjacket); *** Tunnel Vision (With Dustjacket);

PARKER, ROBERT - Passport to Peril (No Dustjacket);

PARKER, ROBERT B. - A Catskill Eagle (With Dust Jacket); *** Chance (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Double Deuce (With Dustjacket); ** Pale Kings and Princes (With Dustjacket); *** Paper Doll (With Dustjacket); *** Perchance to Dream (With Dustjacket); *** Playmates (With Dustjacket); **** / CHANDLER, RAYMOND - Poodle Springs (With Dustjacket); *** Potshot (With Dustjacket); *** Promised Land (With Dustjacket); *** Stardust (With Dustjacket); *** Sudden Mischief (With Dustjacket); *** Taming a Seahorse (With Dustjacket); *** Thin Air (With Dustjacket); *** Valediction (With Dustjacket); *** Walking Shadow (With Dustjacket);

PARKER, T. JEFFERSON - Little Saigon (With Dust Jacket); *** Summer of Fear (With Dustjacket);

PARKES, ROGER - The Guardians (With Dustjacket);

PARRISH, FRANK - Bait on the Hook (With Dustjacket); *** Fly in the Cobweb (With Dustjacket); *** Sting of the Honeybee (With Dustjacket);

PASCAL, FRANCINE - Save Johanna! (With Dustjacket);

PATRICK, VINCENT - Family Business (With Dustjacket);

PATTEN, WILLIAM (ed.) - Great Short Stories Volume I Detective Stories (1906; No Dustjacket);

PATTERSON, HARRY - Brought in Dead (With Dustjacket); *** Cry of the Hunter (With Dustjacket); ** Dillinger (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Valhalla Exchange (With Dustjacket);

PATTERSON, JAMES - Along Came a Spider (With Dustjacket); *** Blind Date (With Dustjacket); *** Cat and Mouse (With Dustjacket); *** Hide and Seek (With Dustjacket); *** Jack and Jill (With Dustjacket); *** Kiss the Girls (With Dustjacket); ** Roses are Red (With Dustjacket); **** The Thomas Berryman Numder (With Dust Jacket); ** Virgins (With Dustjacket); *** When the Wind Blows (With Dustjacket);

PATTERSON, JOHN M. - Double Dead (With Dustjacket);

PATTERSON, RICHARD NORTH - Eyes of a Child (With Dustjacket); *** The Final Judgment (With Dustjacket); ** Silent Witness (With Dustjacket);

PATTINSON, JAMES - The Mystery of the "Gregory Kotovsky" (With Dustjacket);

PAUL, BARBARA - The Renewable Virgin (With Dustjacket);

PAULSEN, GARY - Winterkill (With Dustjacket);

PAXTON, LOIS - The Quiet Sound of Fear (With Dustjacket); *** Who Goes There? (With Dustjacket);

PAYES, RACHEL C. - Curiosity Killed Kitty (With Dustjacket); *** Forsythia Finds Murder (With Dustjacket);

PAYNE, LAURENCE - The Nose on my Face (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Spy for Sale (With Dustjacket); *** Too Small for His Shoe (With Dustjacket);

PEARCE, DONN - Pier Head Jump (With Dustjacket);

PEARL, JACK - Victims (With Dustjacket);

PEARSON, DAVID - Kal 007; The Cover-up (With Dust Jacket);

PEARSON, KENNETH/ CONNOR, PATRICIA - The Dorak Affair (With Dustjacket);

PEARSON, RIDLEY - The Angel Maker (With Dustjacket); *** No Witnesses (With Dustjacket); *** Probable Cause (With Dustjacket);

PEARSON, WILLIAM - Hunt the Man Down (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

PEASE, HOWARD - The Jinx Ship (With Dust Jacket); *** Mystery on Telegraph Hill (With Dustjacket); *** The Ship Without a Crew (With Dustjacket);

PEASE, WILLIAM D. - Playing the Dozens (With Dustjacket);

PELTZ, ROSEMONDE S. - Dustman to Ashes (With Dust Jacket);

PENDOWER, JACQUES - Sinister Talent (With Dustjacket); *** Traitor's Island (With Dustjacket);

PENMAN, SHARON KAY - Cruel as the Grave (Trade Paperback);

PENNY, F.E. - The Wishing Stone (No Dustjacket);

PENROSE, BARRIE/ COURTIOUR, ROGER - The Pencourt File (No Dustjacket);

PENTECOST, HUGH - Canceled in Red (No Dust Jacket); *** The Champagne Killer (With Dustjacket); *** Death by Fire (With Dustjacket); *** The Gilded Nightmare (With Dustjacket); *** Girl Watcher's Funeral (With Dustjacket); *** The Shape of Fear (With Dustjacket); *** The 24th Horse (No Dustjacket); *** Where the Snow Was Red (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

PERCY, DOUGLAS C. - Flight to Glory (With Dust Jacket);

PERDUE, VIRGINIA - Alarum and Excursion (No Dustjacket);

PEREIRA, MICHAEL - Equal Antagonisms (With Dustjacket); *** Masqurade (With Dustjacket); *** PIgeon's Blood (With Dustjacket);

PERETTI, FRANK E. - This Present Darkness (trade paperback); *** Piercing the Darkness (Trade Paperback); *** Prophet (Trade Paperback);

PERRAULT, E.G. - Spoil! (With Dustjacket); *** The Twelfth Mile (With Dustjacket);

PERRY, ANNE - Ashworth Hall (With Dustjacket); *** Cain his Brother (With Dustjacket); *** Death by Dickens (With Dust Jacket); *** Farriers' Lane (With Dustjacket); *** The Sins of the Wolf (With Dustjacket);

PERRY, RITCHIE - Holiday with a Vengeance (With Dust Jacket); *** One Good Death Deserves Another (With Dustjacket);

PERRY, ROLAND - Program for a Puppet (With Dustjacket);

PERRY, THOMAS - Big Fish (With Dust Jacket); *** Dance for Dead (With Dustjacket); *** Island (With Dustjacket); *** Vanishing Act (With Dustjacket);

PERTWEE, ROLAND - Interference (With Dust Jacket);

PESEK, LUDEK - An Island for Two (With Dustjacket);

PETER, JOHN - Along That Coast (With Dustjacket);

PETERS, ELIZABETH - The Last Camel Died at Noon (With Dustjacket);

PETERS, ELLIS - Death and the Joyful Woman (With Dustjacket); *** The Devil's Novice (No Dustjacket); *** Funeral of Figaro (With Dustjacket); *** The House of Green Turf (With Dustjacket); *** The Knocker of Death's Door (With Dustjacket); *** The Piper on the Mountain (With Dustjacket);

PETERS, LUDOVIC - Cry Vengeance (With Dustjacket); *** Out by the River (With Dustjacket); *** A Snatch of Music (With Dustjacket); *** Tarakian (With Dustjacket); *** Two Sets of Murder (With Dustjacket);

PETERS, RALPH - Flames of Heaven (With Dustjacket); *** The War in 2020 (With Dust Jacket);

PETERSEN, DAVID M./ TRUZZI, MARCELLO (eds.) - Criminal Life; Views from the Inside (trade paperback);

PETIEVICH, GERALD - To Live and Die in L.A. (With Dustjacket);

PETRIE, RHONA - Despatch of a Dove (With Dustjacket); *** Foreign Bodies (With Dustjacket);

PETTIT, PAUL - The Spaniard (With Dustjacket);

PHILIPS, JUDSON - Backlash (With Dustjacket); *** A Dead Ending (With Dustjacket); *** Death Delivers a Postcard (No Dustjacket); *** Escape a Killer (With Dustjacket); *** Murder as the Curtain Rises (With Dustjacket); ** Nightmare at Dawn (With Dustjacket);

PHILLIPS, ALAN - The Living Legend (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

PHILLIPS, CONRAD - Dolls with Sad Faces (With Dustjacket); *** The Empty Cot (With Dustjacket);

PHILLIPS, JAYNE ANNE - Shelter (With Dustjacket);

PHILLIPS, LEON - Split Bamboo (With Dustjacket);

PHILLIPS, PAT - Invitation to Danger (With Dustjacket);

PICANO, FELICE - The Lure (With Dust Jacket);

PICKARD, NANCY - Confession (With Dustjacket);

PICTON, BERBARD - Mistress Murder (With Dustjacket);

PIKE, ROBERT L. - Bank Job (With Dustjacket); *** Deadline: 2 A.M. (With Dustjacket); *** The Gremlin's Grampa (No Dust Jacket); *** Reardon (With Dustjacket);

PILEGGI, NICHOLAS - Casino (With Dust Jacket);

PINCHER, CHAPMAN - Dirty Tricks (With Dustjacket); *** The Giantkiller (With Dustjacket); *** The Secret Offensive (With Dust Jacket); *** A Web of Deception: The Spycatcher Affair (With Dust Jacket);

PINCKNEY, JOSEPHINE - Great Mischief (With Dust Jacket);

PINTO, ORESTE - Spy-Catcher (w/dj; No Dustjacket );*** The Spycatcher Omnibus (With Dustjacket);

PIPER,EVELYN - Hanno's Doll (With Dustjacket); *** The Naked Murderer (With Dustjacket); *** The Nanny (With Dust Jacket);*** The Stand-In (No Dustjacket);

PITTS, DENIS - The Predator (With Dustjacket); *** Rogue Hercules (With Dust Jacket);

PLAGEMANN, BENTZ - Wolfe's Cloister (With Dustjacket);

PLATT, KIN - The Doomsday Gang

PLATT, R.O. - Letting Blood (With Dust Jacket);

PLEASANTS, W. SHEPARD - The Stingaree Murders (No Dustjacket);

PLUM, MARY - The Killing of Judge MacFarlane (No Dust Jacket);

POLLAND, MADELEINE - Minutes of a Murder (With Dust Jacket); *** Package to Spain (With Dustjacket);

POLLOCK, J.C. - Payback (With Dust Jacket); *** Threat Case (With Dust Jacket);

POLLOCK, ROBERT - Loophole or "How to Rob a Bank" (With Dust Jacket);

POND, RUTH POWER - The Oaks of Bashan (With Dustjacket);

POOLE, JOSEPHINE - Touch and Go (With Dustjacket);

POPKIN, ZELDA - A Death of Innocence (With Dustjacket);

PORTER, ELEANOR H. - Dawn (No Dust Jacket);

PORTER, JOYCE - The Chinks in the Curtain (With Dustjacket); *** Dover Strikes Again (With Dustjacket); *** A Meddler and her Murder (With Dustjacket);

POSTGATE, RAYMOND - Verdict of Twelve (With Dustjacket);

POTTER, JEREMY - The Dance of Death (With Dustjacket); *** Death in Office (With Dustjacket); *** Hazard Chase (With Dustjacket);

POTTINGER, STANLEY - The Fourth Procedure (With Dustjacket);

POTTS, JEAN - An Affair of the Heart (With Dustjacket); *** The Diehart (With Dustjacket); *** The Evil Wish (With Dust Jacket); *** The Footsteps on the Stairs (With Dust Jacket); *** Home is the Prisoner (With Dustjacket); *** The Little Lie (With Dustjacket); *** The Man with the Cane (With Dust Jacket); *** The Only Good Secretary (With Dustjacket); **** The Trash Stealer (With Dust Jacket);

POWELL, RICHARD - False Colors (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** A Shot in the Dark (With Dustjacket); *** Tickets to the Devil (With Dust Jacket);

POWELL, VAN - The Haunted Hanger (No Dustjacket);

POWER, PATRICIA - The Face of the Foe (With Dustjacket);

POWERS, RON - Face Value (With Dust Jacket);

POYER, DAVID - As the Wolf Loves Winter (With Dust Jacket); *** Winter in the Heart (With Dustjacket);

POYER, JOE - The Balker Assignment (No Dustjacket); *** The Chinese Agenda (With Dust Jacket); *** North Cape (With Dustjacket);

PRATHERN RICHARD S. - The Meanderine Corpse (With Dust Jacket); *** Shell Scott's Murder Mix (With Dust Jacket);

PRENDERGAST, WILLIAM - Calling All Z-Cars (With Dust Jacket);

PREJEAN, SISTER HELEN - Dead Man Walking (trade paperback);

PRESCOT, JULIAN - Case for Court (With Dustjacket); *** The Case Re-Opened (With Dustjacket);

PRESTON, RICHARD - The Hot Zone (With Dustjacket);

PRICE, ANTHONY - Colonel Butler's Wolf (No Dustjacket); *** Our Man in Camelot (With Dustjacket);

PRICE, NANCY - Night Woman (With Dustjacket);

PRIESTLEY, BRIAN - Makariri Gold (With Dustjacket);

PRIESTLEY, J.B. - Daylight on Saturday (No Dust Jacket); *** Salt is Leaving (With Dustjacket); *** Saturn Over Water (With Dustjacket);

PRIOR, ALLAN - The Interrogators (With Dust Jacket); *** The Operators (With Dust Jacket);

PRISCO, MICHAELE - A Spiral of Mist (With Dust Jacket);

PROCTER, MAURICE - A Body to Spare (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Devil's Due (With Dustjacket); *** Rogue Running (With Dustjacket);

PRON, NICK/ DONOVAN, KEVIN - Crime Story (With Dust Jacket);

PRONZINI, BILL - Panic! (With Dustjacket); *** The Stalker (With Dustjacket); *** / WILCOX, COLLIN - Twospot (With Dustjacket); *** Undercurrent (No Dustjacket); *** The Vanished (With Dustjacket);

PRONZINI, BILL/ MALZBERG, BARRY N. / GREENBERG, MARTIN H. - (eds.) - Great Tales of Mystery and Suspense (With Dust Jacket);

PROULX, E. ANNIE - Accordion Crimes (Trade Paperback);

PRYOR, ROBERT STONE - Could Iron (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

PUGH, MARCHSELL - Last Place Left (With Dustjacket);

PULLMAN, PHILIP (ed.) - Detective Stories (Trade Paperback); *** The Ruby in the Smoke (Trade Paperback); *** The Shadow in the North (Trade Paperback);

PUNSHON, E.R.- The Bittermeans Mystery (No Dust Jacket);

PURSER, PHILIP - Four Days to the Fireworks (With Dustjacket);

PURTELL, JOSEPH - The Tiffany Caper (With Dustjacket);

PUZO, MARIO - Fools Die (With Dust Jacket); *** The Fourth K (With Dust Jacket); *** The Godfather (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Godfather Papers (With Dustjacket); *** The Sicilian (With Dustjacket);

PYPER, ANDREW - Lost Girls (With Dust Jacket);

QUARTERMAIN, JAMES - The Diamond Hook (With Dustjacket);

QUAYLE, MARILYN T./ NORTHCOTT, NANCY T. - Embrace the Serpent (With Dust Jacket);

QUEEN, ELLERY - The Adventures of Ellery Queen (No Dustjacket); *** The Bizarre Murders (With Dustjacket); *** Calamity Town (No Dustjacket); *** Cat of Many Tailes (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Chinese Orange Mystery (No Dustjacket); *** The Devil to Pay (With Dustjacket); *** Double, Double (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Dragon's Teeth (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Egyptian Cross Mystery (No Dustjacket); *** Ellery Queen, Master Detective (No Dustjacket); *** (ed.) Ellery Queen's Scenes of the Crime (With Dustjacket); *** A Fine and Private Place (With Dustjacket); *** The Finishing Stroke (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Four of Hearts (No Dustjacket); *** The French Powder Mystery (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Glass Village (With Dustjacket); *** Halfway House (No Dustjacket); *** The Hollywood Murders (With Dustjacket); ** The King is Dead (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Last Woman in His Life (With Dustjacket); *** (ed.) A Multitude of Sins (With Dustjacket); *** The Murderer is a Fox (No Dustjacket); *** The New Adventures of Ellery Queen (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Origin of Evil (No Dustjacket); *** The Penthouse Mystery (No Dustjacket); *** The Player on the Other Side (With Dustjacket); *** Prime Crime (With Dust Jacket); *** Queen's Bureau of Investigation (With Dustjacket); *** Secrets of Mystery (With Dust Jacket); *** The Scarlet Letter (With Dustjacket); *** The Siamese Twin Mystery (With Dust Jacket); *** The Spanish Cape Mystery (No Dustjacket); *** Ten Days Wonder (No Dustjacket); *** There Was an old Woman (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** (ed.) To the Queen's Taste (No Dustjacket); *** The Tragedy of Y (No Dustjacket); *** Wrightsville Murders (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

QUEEN, ELLERY JR - The Brown Fox Mystery (With Dust Jacket);

QUENTIN, PATRICK - Black Widow (With Dustjacket); *** The Green-Eyed Monster (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** My Son, the Murderer (With Dustjacket); *** The Ordeal of Mrs. Snow (With Dustjacket); *** A Puzzle for Fools (With Dustjacket); *** Puzzle for Players (No Dustjacket); *** Run to Death (With Dustjacket); *** Shadow of Guilt (With Dustjacket); *** Suspicious Circumstances (With Dustjacket);

QUEST, RODNEY - The Cerebus Murders (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Death of a Sinner (With Dustjacket);

QUILTY, RAFE - The Tenth Sessions (With Dustjacket);

QUINNELL, A.J. - Man of Fire (With Dustjacket); *** Siege of Silence (With Dustjacket);

QUOGAN, ANTHONY - The Fine art of Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Much Improved by Death (With Dustjacket);

RACHLIN, HARVEY - The Making of a Detective (With Dustjacket);

RADER, PAUL - Showdown at Mons Repos (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

RADFORD, E & M.A. - Death of a 'Gentleman' (With Dustjacket); *** The Greedy Killers (With Dustjacket); *** The Hungry Killer (With Dustjacket); *** Mask of Murder (With Dustjacket); *** No Reason for Murder (With Dustjacket);

RADLEY, SHEILA - Death in the Morning (With Dustjacket); *** The Quiet Road to Death (With Dustjacket);

RAE, HUGH C. - The House at Balnesmoor (With Dustjacket); *** Sullivan (With Dustjacket);

RAGOSTA, MILLIE J. - King John's Treasure (With Dustjacket);

RAINE, RICHARD - Bombshell (With Dustjacket);

RAMSAY, DIANA - Descent into the Dark (With Dustjacket); *** A Little Murder Music (With Dustjacket);

RAMUS, DAVID - Thief of Light (With Dustjacket);

RANDALL, ANTHONY A. - Suicide Passage (With Dustjacket);

RANDALL, BOB - The Calling (With Dustjacket); *** The Fan (With Dustjacket);

RANK, MARY O. - A Dream of Falling (With Dustjacket);

RANKIN, IAN - Fleshmarket Close (Trade Paperback);

RANSOME, STEPHEN - Meet in Darkness (With Dustjacket);

RAPOPORT, DAVID C. - Assassination and Terrorism (trade paperback);

RATHBONE, JULIAN - Bloody Marvellous (With Dustjacket); *** Diamonds Bid (With Dustjacket); *** Kill Cure (With Dustjacket);

RATTRAY, SIMON - Dead Silence (No Dustjacket);

RAVEN, CHARLES - Underworld Nights (No Dustjacket);

RAWICZ, SLAVOMIR - The Long Walk (No Dustjacket);

RAYMOND, DIANA - Incident on a Summer's Day (With Dustjacket);

RAYNER, CLAIRE - A Time to Heal (With Dustjacket);

RAYNER, WILLIAM - The Interface Assignment (With Dustjacket);

READ, PIERS PAUL - The Villa Golitsyn (With Dustjacket);

READER'S DIGEST - Anthology of Mystery and Suspense (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Crime Mystery and Detection (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Great Stories of Mystery and Suspense (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror (With Dustjacket); *** High Stakes and Desperate Men (With Dustjacket); *** Modend Classics of Suspense (No Dustjacket);

REAGAN, THOMAS B. - Bank Job (With Dustjacket); *** Blood Money (With Dustjacket); *** The Caper (With Dustjacket);

REDGATE, JOHN - The Killing Season (With Dustjacket);

REDWOOD, ALEC - Mad Dogs and Englishmen (With Dustjacket);

REED, DAVID - 111 Days in Stanleyville (With Dustjacket);

REED, ELOIT - The Maras Affair (No Dustjacket);

REED, ISHMAEL - The Last Days of Louisiana Red (With Dustjacket);

REESE, JOHN - The Looters (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

REEVES, RUTH - Lament for a Lonesome Corpse (No Dustjacket);

REICHS, KATHY - Deja Dead (With Dustjacket);

REIFFEL, LEONARD - The Contaminant (With Dustjacket);

REILLY, HELEN - Follow Me (With Dustjacket); *** The Silver Leopard (No Dustjacket); *** The Thirty-First Bullfinch (No Dustjacket); *** The Velvet Hand (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

REIT, SEYMOUR - The Day They Stole the Mona Lisa (With Dustjacket);

RENDELL, RUTH - The Crocodile Bird (With Dustjacket); *** Death Notes (With Dustjacket); **** Going Wrong (With Dustjacket); *** The Killing Doll (With Dustjacket); *** Master of the Moor (With Dustjacket); *** Road Rage (With Dustjacket); *** Speaker of Mandarin (With Dustjacket); *** Talking to Strange Men (With Dustjacket); *** The Tree of Hands (With Dustjacket);

RENEK, MORRIS - Heck (With Dustjacket);

RESNICOW, HERBERT - The Gold Solution (No Dustjacket);

REVELL, LOUISA - A Party for the Shooting (With Dustjacket);

REYBURN, WALLACE - Three Women (With Dustjacket);

REYNOLDS, BARBARA LEONARD - Alias for Death (With Dustjacket);

REYNOLDS, MACK - The Case of the Little Green Men (No Dustjacket);

REYNOLDS, QUENTIN - The Curtain Rises (No Dust Jacket);

REYNOLDS, RICHARD D. - Cry for War: the Story of Suzan and Michael Carson (trade paperback);

REYNOLDS, WILLIAM - Moving Targets (With Dustjacket);

RHOLE, JOHN - Death at Breakfast (With Dustjacket); *** Death on the Boat Train (With Dustjacket); *** The Fatal Pool (With Dustjacket); *** Open Verdict (With Dustjacket); *** Twice Dead (With Dustjacket); *** The Vanishing Diary (With Dustjacket);

RHODES, EVAN H. - The Carrion Eaters (With Dustjacket);

RHODES, RUSSELL - The Styx Complex (No Dustjacket);

RICE, CRAIG -/ McBAIN, ED - The April Robin Murders (With Dustjacket); *** Knocked for a Loop (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Sunday Pigeon Murders (With Dustjacket); *** The Thursday Turkey Murders (No Dustjacket);

RICH, MEREDITH - Little Sins (With Dust Jacket);

RICHARDS, ALLEN - To Market, To Market (With Dustjacket);

RICHARDS, CLAY - Death of an Angel (With Dustjacket); *** Who Steals my Name (With Dustjacket);

RICHARDSON, ANTHONY - Nick of Notting Hill (With Dustjacket);

RICHARDSON, CARL - The Name of the Game is Death (With Dustjacket);

RICHARDSON, DOUG - Dark Horse (With Dust Jacket);

RICHARDSON, MICHAEL - Maddened by Mystery (With Dustjacket);

RICHARDSON, MOZELLE - The Song of India (With Dustjacket);

RICKETT, FRANCES - The Prowler (With Dustjacket); *** Tread Softly (With Dustjacket);

RICKMAN, PHIL - Curfew (With Dustjacket);

RIDGE, W. PETT - Mrs Galer's Business (No Dustjacket);

RIFKIN, SHEPARD - The Murderer Vine (With Dustjacket);

RIGSBY, HOWARD - The Avenger (With Dustjacket); *** Calliope Reff (With Dustjacket);

RINEHART, MARY ROBERTS - Affinities (No Dustjacket); *** The Amazing Interlude (No Dustjacket); *** Bab: a Sub-Deb (No Dustjacket); *** The Breaking Point (No Dustjacket); *** Dangerous Days (No Dustjacket); *** The Doctor (No Dustjacket); *** The Great Mistake (No Dustjacket); *** Haunted Lady (No Dustjacket); *** K(No Dustjacket); *** Kings, Queens and Pawns (No Dustjacket); *** Long Live the King ( No Dustjacket); *** Lost Ecstasy (No Dustjacket); *** The Mary Roberts Rinehart Crime Book (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** More Tish (No Dustjacket); *** Mysteyr Book (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** A Poor Wise Man (No Dustjacket); *** The Red Lamp (No Dustjacket); *** The State Versus Elinor Norton (No Dust Jacket); *** Tish (No Dustjacket); *** Tish Marches On (No Dustjacket); *** Tish Plays the Game (No Dustjacket); *** Two Flights Up (No Dustjacket); *** The Wall (No Dustjacket); *** When a Man Marries (No Dustjacket); *** The Yellow Room (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

RIPPON, MARIOIN - The Hand of Solange (With Dust Jacket);

RIVERS, ANNE - Payment for Silence (With Dustjacket);

RIVERS, GAYLE - The Specialist (With Dust Jacket);

ROBBINS, CLIFTON - Methylated Murder (No Dustjacket);

ROBERTS, C.E. BECHHOFER - The Trial of Mrs. Duncan (n/cj);

ROBERTS, GILLIAN - The Mummer's Curse (With Dustjacket); *** Philly Stakes (With Dustjacket);

ROBERTS, JAMES HALL - The Q Document (No Dustjacket);

ROBERTS, JAN - The Judas Sheep (With Dustjacket);

ROBERTS, KATHERINE - Center of the Web (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

ROBERTS, LEE - The Case of the Missing Lovers (With Dustjacket); *** Judas Journey (No Dust Jacket); *** Once a Widow (With Dust Jacket);

ROBERTS, THOMAS A. - The Heart of the Dog (With Dustjacket);

ROBERTS, WILLO DAVIS - Expendable (With Dustjacket); **** Key Witness (With Dustjacket);

ROBERTSON, C. - Ventian Mask (With Dustjacket);

ROBERTSON, COLIN - Alibi in Black(With Dustjacket); *** Conflict of Shadows (No Dust Jacket);

ROBERTSON, E. ARNOT The Signport (No Dustjacket);

ROBERTSON, HEATHER -The Flying Bandit (trade paperback);

ROBERTSON, HELEN - The Crystal Gazers (With Dustjacket);

ROBERTSON, JEFFREY - The Ginger Jar (With Dust Jacket);

ROBINSON, L.M. - Frederika and the Convict (With Dustjacket);

ROBINSON, HENRY MORTON - Science versus Crime (No Dustjacket);

ROBINSON, PETER - Dead Right (With Dustjacket); *** Final Account (Trade Paperback); *** The Hanging Valley (Trade Paperback); *** The Summer That Never Was (With Dust Jacket); *** Wednesday's Child (With Dustjacket);

ROBISON, GERDA - Dark Lady (With Dustjacket);

ROBY, MARY LINN - Marsh House (With Dustjacket);

RODEN, H.W. - Too Busy to Die (No Dustjacket);

ROEMER, WILLIAM F. JR. - Accardo the Genuine Godfather (With Dust Jacket);

ROFFMAN, JAN - Ashes in an Urn (With Dustjacket); *** Grave of Green Water (With Dustjacket); *** A Penny for the Guy (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** With Murder in Mind (With Dustjacket);

RODERS, KERK - With Intent to Destroy (No Dustjacket);

ROHMER, RICHARD - Balls! (With Dustjacket); **** Death by Deficit (With Dustjacket); *** Exodus (No Dust Jacket); *** Exxoneration (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Periscope Red (With Dustjacket); *** Retaliation (With Dustjacket); *** Separation (With Dustjacket); *** Triad (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Ultimatum (With Dustjacket);

ROHMER, SAX - The Bat Flies Low (No Dustjacket); *** Bat Wing (No Dustjacket); *** Brood of the Witch-Queen (No Dustjacket); *** Collected Novels - The Hand of Fu Manchu/ The Return of Dr. Manchu/ The Yellow Claw/ Dope (With Dust Jacket); *** Daughter of Fu Manchu (No Dustjacket); *** The Day the World Ended (No Dustjacket); *** Dope (No Dustjacket); *** The Dream Detective (w/dj; tpb); *** The Emperor of America (No Dustjacket); *** Fire-Tongue (No Dustjacket); *** Fu Manchu's Bride (No Dustjacket); *** The Golden Scorpion (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Green Eyes of Bast (No Dustjacket); *** The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu (No Dustjacket); The Hand of Fu Manchu (Trade Paperback);**** The Mask of Fu Manchu (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Mystery of Dr. Fu Manchu (No Dustjacket); *** President Fu Manchu (No Dustjacket); *** The Quest of the Sacred Slipper (With Dustjacket); *** The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu (No Dustjacket); *** The Romance of Sorcery (With Dustjacket); *** Sins of Sumura (No Dustjacket); *** Slaves of Sumuru (No Dustjacket); *** Tales of China Town (With Dustjacket); *** Tales of East and West (With Dust Jacket); *** The Trail of Fu Manchu (No Dustjacket); *** White Velvet (No Dustjacket); *** The Yellow Claw (No Dustjacket);

RONBLOM, H.K. - Wennerstrom the Spy (No Dustjacket);

ROOD, RALPH - The Secret of the Flames (With Dust Jacket);

ROONEY, FRANK - Shadow of God (With Dustjacket);

ROOS, AUDREY AND WILLIAM - A Few Days in Madrid (With Dustjacket);

ROOS, KELLEY - Bad Trip (No Dustjacket); *** Cry in the Night (With Dustjacket); *** Grave Danger (With Dustjacket); *** One False Move (With Dustjacket); *** What Did Hattie See? (With Dustjacket);

ROOSEVELT, ELLIOTT - A First Class Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Murder in the East Room (With Dustjacket); *** Murder in the Red Room (With Dustjacket); *** Murder in the Rose Garden (With Dustjacket); *** Murder in the West Wing (With Dustjacket);

ROSCOE, THEODORE - Only in New England (With Dustjacket);

ROSE, GEOFFREY - Nobody on the Road (With Dustjacket);

ROSEFSKY, ROBERT S. - Frauds, Swindles, and Rackets (With Dustjacket);

ROSENBERG, NANCY TAYLOR - California Angel (With Dustjacket); *** First Offense (With Dustjacket); *** Interest Of Justice (With Dustjacket); *** Trial by Fire (With Dust Jacket);

ROSENBLUM, ROBERT - The Mushroom Cave (With Dustjacket); *** The Sweetheart Deal (With Dustjacket);

ROSENTHAL, A.M. - Thirty-Eight Witnesses (With Dustjacket);

ROSS, ALBERT - If I Knew What I Was Doing... (With Dustjacket);

ROSS, ANGUS - The Ampurias ExchangeI (With Dustjacket);

ROSS, BARNABY - Drury Lane's Last Case (No Dustjacket);

ROSS, DAN - Out Of The Night (With Dustjacket);

ROSS, FRANK - Dead Runner (With Dustjacket);

ROSS, HAL - The Fleur-De-Lys Affair (With Dustjacket);

ROSS, IVAN T. - Old Student Never Die (With Dustjacket); *** Requiem for a Schoolgirl (With Dustjacket);

ROSS, JONATHAN - The Burning of Billy Toober (With Dustjacket);

ROSS, W.E.D. - The Third Spectre (With Dustjacket);

ROSSETTTO, LOUIS JR. - Take-Over (With Dust Jacket);

ROSSITER, JOHN - The Deadly Green (With Dustjacket); *** The Murder Makers (With Dustjacket);

ROSTAND, ROBERT - Viper's Game (With Dustjacket);

ROSTEN, LEO - A Most Private Intrigue (With Dustjacket); *** Silky! (With Dustjacket);

ROTH, HOLLY - Button, Button (With Dustjacket); *** The Content Assignment (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Crimson in the Purple (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Mask of Glass (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Shadow of a Lady (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Sleeper (With Dustjacket); *** The Van Dreisen Affair (With Dustjacket);

ROTHBERG, ABRAHAM - The Hairs of Cain (With Dustjacket); *** The Thousand Doors (With Dustjacket);

ROTHWELL, H.T. - Dive Deep for Dange (With Dustjacket); *** Exit a Spy (With Dust Jacket);

ROTHWELL, UNA - Death on the Run (With Dustjacket);

ROTSSTEIN, AARON NATHAN - Judgment in St Peter's (With Dustjacket);

ROUDYBUSH, ALEXANDRA - Before the Ball was Over (With Dustjacket); *** A Capitol Crime (With Dustjacket); *** A Gastronomic Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Suddenly, in Paris (With Dustjacket); *** A Sybaritic Death (With Dustjacket);

ROUECHE, BERTON - Fago (With Dustjacket); *** Feral (With Dustjacket);

ROUGHEAD, WILLIAM - The Murderer's Companion (No Dustjacket);

ROUGVIE, CAMERON - Tangier Assignment (With Dustjacket);

ROWAN, HESTER - Overture in Paris (With Dustjacket);

ROWLAND, JOHN - A Century of Murder (No Dustjacket); *** Poinsoner in the Dock (With Dustjacket);

ROWLAND, WADE - Making Connections (With Dustjacket);

ROY, ARCHIE - All Evil Shed Away (With Dustjacket); *** The Curtained Sleep (With Dustjacket);

ROYCE, KENNETH - The Day the Wind Dropped (With Dustjacket); *** The Masterpiece Affair (With Dustjacket); *** The Miniatures Frame (With Dust Jacket); *** The Woodcutter Operation (With Dustjacket); *** The XYY Man (With Dust Jacket);

RUD, ANTHONY - The Stuffed Man (With Dustjacket);

RULE, ANN - The Stranger Beside Me (With Dustjacket);

RUMBLELOW, DONALD - Jack the Ripper: the Comple Casebook (With Dust Jacket);

RUPERT, RAPHAEL - A Hidden World (With Dust Jacket);

RUSHMORE, ROBERT - If My Love Leaves Me (With Dustjacket);

RUSHTON, MARTIN - No Through Road (With Dustjacket);

RUSTON, WILLIAM - W.G. Grace's last Case (Trade Paperback);

RUSSELL,CRAIG - Blood Eagle (Trade Paperback);


RUTHERFORD, DOUGLAS - Clear the Fast Lane (With Dustjacket); *** The Gilt-Edged Cockpit (With Dustjacket); *** Skin for Skin (With Dustjacket);

RYAN, J.M. - Mother's Day (With Dustjacket);

RYCK, FRANCIS - Woman Hunt (With Dustjacket);

RYDELL, FORBES - They're Not Home Yet (With Dustjacket);

SABBAG, ROBERT - Snowblind (trade paperback);

SADLER, MARK - Here to Die (With Dustjacket); *** Mirror Image (With Dustjacket);

SAILOR, CHARLES - The Second Son (With Dustjacket);

ST. JAMES, ADELA ROGERS - Final Verdict (With Dustjacket);

SALINGER, PIERRE/ GROSS, LEONARD - Mortal Games (With Dustjacket);

SALISBURY, JOHN - The Baby Sitters (With Dustjacket);

SALLOT, JEFF - Nobody Said No (With Dustjacket);

SAMSON, JOAN - The Auctioneer (With Dust Jacket);

SANDBERG, PETER LARS - Stubb's Run (With Dustjacket);

SANDERS, DOROTHY LUCIE - Monday in Summer (With Dustjacket);

SANDERS, LAWRENCE - Capitol Crimes (With Dustjacket); *** The First Deadly Sin (No Dustjacket); *** McNally's Caper (With Dust Jacket); *** McNally's Luck (With Dust Jacket); *** The Passion of Molly T. (With Dustjacket); *** The Second Deadly Sin (With Dustjacket); *** The Seduction of Peer S. (With Dustjacket); *** The Seventh Commandment (With Dustjacket); *** The Sixth Commandment (With Dustjacket); *** Sullivan's Sting (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Tenth Commandment (With Dustjacket); *** The Third Deadly Sin (With Dustjacket); *** Timothy's Game (With Dustjacket);

SANDERS, MARION K./ EDELSTEIN, MORTIMERS. - The Bride Laughed Once (No Dustjacket);

SANDFORD, JOHN - Mind Prey (With Dustjacket); *** The Night Crew (With Dustjacket); *** Night Prey (With Dustjacket); *** Rules of Prey (With Dustjacket); *** Sudden Prey (With Dustjacket); *** Winter Prey (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

SANGSTER, JIMMY - Foreign Exchange (With Dustjacket); *** Touchfeather, too (With Dustjacket);

SAPIR, RICHARD BEN - The Body (With Dustjacket);

SAPPER - The Black Gang (No Dustjacket); *** Bulldog Drummond (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Bulldog Drummond His Four Rounds with Carl Peterson (No Dustjacket); *** Bulldog Drummond on Dartmoor (by Fairlie, Gerard; (With Dustjacket); *** Bulldag DrummondReturns (No Dustjacket); *** Bulldog Drummond Stands Fast (No Dustjacket); ** The Female of the Species (No Dustjacket); *** The Final Count (No Dustjacket); *** The Finger of Fate (No Dustjacket); *** Knock-out (No Dustjacket); *** Out of the Blue (No Dustjacket); ** The Return of Bulldog Drummond (No Dustjacket); *** The Thrid Round (No Dustjacket); ***The Third Round (No Dustjacket); Tiny Carteret (No Dustjacket);

SARIOLA, MAURI - The Helsinki Affair (With Dustjacket); *** The Torvick Affair (With Dustjacket);

SASSE, CYNTHIA STALTER/ WIDDER, PEGGY MURPHY - The Kirtland Massacre (With Dust Jacket);

SAUL, JOHN RALSTON - The Birds of Prey (With Dustjacket);

SAVA, GEORGE - Every Sweet Hath Its Sour (With Dustjacket);

SAWATAKY, JOHN - For Service Rendered (trade paperback); *** Gouzenko the Untold Story (With Dust Jacket);

SAXON, PETER - The Disorientated Man (With Dustjacket);

SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - Clouds of Witness/ The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Hangman's Holiday (No Dustjacket); *** Lord Peter (trade paperback); *** The Nine Tailors (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Omnibus of Crime (No Dustjacket); *** A Treasury of Sayers Stories (With Dustjacket); *** The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (With Dustjacket); *** Whose (With Dustjacket); *** Whose Body?/ Murder Advertise/ Gaudy Night (With Dust Jacket);

SCARBOROUGH, CHUCK - Aftershock (With Dustjacket);

SCARLETT, ROGER - The Back Bay Murders (No Dustjacket); *** Murder Among the Angells (No Dustjacket);

SCERBANENCO, GIORGIO - Duca and the Milan Milan Murders (With Dust Jacket);

SCHAFER, STEPHEN - The Victim and his Criminal (trade paperback);

SCHERF, MARGARET - The Beautiful Birthday Cake (With Dustjacket); *** The Corse in the Flannel Nightgown (With Dustjacket);

SCHISGAL,MURRAY - Days and Nights of a French Hor Player (With Dustjacket);

SCHOEN, ELIN - Tales of an All-Night Town (With Dustjacket);

SCHOLEFIELD, ALAN - The Eagles of Malice (With Dustjacket);

SCHOLEY, JEAN - The Dead Past (With Dustjacket);

SCHROEDER, ANDREAD - Shaking it Rough: a Prison Memoir (With Dustjacket);

SCHWARZ, TED - The Hillside Strangler (With Dustjacket);

SCHWEITZER, GERTRUDE - The Ledge (With Dustjacket);

SCORTIA, THOMASN./ ROBINSON, FRANK M. - The Glass inferno (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Prometheus Crisis (With Dustjacket);

SCOTT, ANGELICA - For Love of Sarah (With Dustjacket);

SCOTT, BRUCE - The Secret of the Elephant (With Dustjacket);

SCOTT, GAVIN - A Flight of Lies (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

SCOTT, GEORGE D./ TRENT, BILL - Inmate (With Dustjacket);

SCOTT, J.D. - The Pretty Penny (With Dustjacket);

SCOTT, JACK S. - The Bastard's Name was Bristow (With Dustjacket);

SCOTT, JUSTIN - Many Happy Returns (With Dustjacket); *** Normandie Triangle (With Dustjacket); *** Rampage (With Dust Jacket);

SCOTTLEONARD B. - The Iron Men (With Dustjacket);

SCOTT, R.T.M. - The Agony Column Murders (With Dustjacket);

SCOUNDRELS AND SCALAWAGS - Readers's Digest (640 pages; (With Dust Jacket);

SEAMAN, DONALD - The Duel (With Dustjacket);

SEARLS, HANK - Overboard (With Dustjacket);

SEEBER, GERD CHRISTIAN - Patriots (With Dustjacket);

SEELEY, MABEL - The Beckoning Door (No Dustjacket); *** The Chuckling Fingers (No Dustjacket); *** The Crying Sisters (With Dustjacket); *** Eleven Came Back (With Dustjacket); **** The Listening House (With Dustjacket); *** The Whistling Shadow (With Dustjacket);

SEFTON, CATHERINE - The Haunting of Ellen (With Dustjacket);

SELMIER, DEAN/ KRAM, MARK - Blow Away (With Dustjacket);

SEMYONOV, JULYIAN - Petrovka 38 (With Dustjacket);

SETH, RONALD - Anatomy of Spying (With Dustjacket); *** The Spy and the Atom Gun (With Dustjacket);

SEVERN, RICHARD - Blood and Gold (With Dustjacket); *** The Desperate Rendezvous (With Dustjacket);

SEYMOUR, GERLAD - At Close Quarters (With Dustjacket); *** Archangel (With Dust Jacket); *** Condition Black (With Dustjacket); *** The Glory Boys (With Dustjacket); *** The Harrison Affair (No Dust Jacket); *** Harry's Game (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Kingfisher (With Dustjacket); *** Red Fox (With Dustjacket);

SEYMOUR, HENRY - Infernal Idol (With Dustjacket);

SHAFFER, ANTHONY - Sleuth (With Dustjacket);

SHAFFER, RON / KLOSE, KEVIN - Surprise! Surprise! (With Dustjacket);

SHANE, SUSANNAH - Lady in Lilac (With Dustjacket);

SHANNON, DELL - Crime File (With Dustjacket); *** Deuces Wild (With Dustjacket); *** Mark of Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Murder Most Strange (With Dustjacket); *** No Holiday for Crime (No Dustjacket); *** Rain with Violence (With Dustjacket); *** The Ringer (With Dustjacket); *** Shannon's Choice (With Dustjacket); *** *** Spring of Violence (With Dustjacket); *** Streets of Death (With Dust Jacket); *** Unexpected Death (With Dustjacket); *** Whim to Kill (With Dustjacket); *** With Intent to Kill (With Dustjacket);

SHAPIRO, LIONEL - The Sealed Verdict (No Dustjacket); *** Torch for a Dark Journey (No Dustjacket);

SHAPIRO, ROBERT L. - The Search for Justice (With Dustjacket);

SHARP, MARGERY - In Pious Memory (With Dustjacket);

SHARP MARILYN - Falseface (With Dustjacket); *** Masterstroke (With Dustjacket); *** Sunflower (With Dustjacket);

SHARPE, TOM - The Great Pursuit (With Dustjacket);

SHAW, BYNUM - The Nazi Hunter (With Dustjacket);

SHAW, IRWIN - Nightwork (With Dustjacket); *** Runwing (With Dustjacket); *** Tip on a Dead Jockey and Other Stories (With Dustjacket);

SHEARS, RICHARD/ GIDLEY, ISOBELLE - The Rainbow Warrior Affair (trade paperback);

SHECKLEY, ROBERT - The Game of X (With Dustjacket);

SHEDD, MARGARET - A Silence in Bilbao (With Dustjacket);

SHELDON, MICHAEL - The Death of a Leader (With Dustjacket);

SHEDON, SIDNEY - The Doomsday Conspiracy (With Dustjacket); *** If Tomorrow Comes (With Dustjacket); *** Master of the Game (With Dustjacket); *** Memories of Midnight (With Dustjacket); *** The Other Side of Midnight (With Dustjacket); *** Rage of Angels (With Dustjacket); *** The Sands of Time (With Dustjacket); *** The Stars Shine Down (With Dustjacket); *** A Stranger in the Mirror (With Dustjacket); *** Three Complete Novels - Bloodline/ A Stranger in the Mirror/ The Naked Face (With Dust Jacket);

SHELDON, WALT - The Man Who Paid His Way (With Dustjacket);

SHENKIN, ELIZABETH - Midsummer's Nightmare (With Dustjacket);

SHEPPARD, STEPHEN - The Four Hundred (With Dustjacket);

SHERRY, EDNA - Strictly a Loser (With Dustjacket);

SHERWOOD, JOHN - Undiplomatic Exit (With Dustjacket);

SHEWMAKE, GEORGIA M. - Balcony of Evil (With Dustjacket);

SHREVE, ANITA - Eden Close (With Dust Jacket);

SHRIBER, IONE SANDBERG - Invitation to Murder (No Dustjacket);

SHUB, JOYCE - Moscow by Nightmare (With Dustjacket);

SHULMAN,MILTON - Kill3 (With Dustjacket);

SHY, TIMOTHY/ SEARLE, RONALD - The Terror of St. Trinian's (No Dust Jacket);

SHYER, MARLENE - Local Talent (With Dustjacket);

SIGGINS, MAGGIE - Brian and the Boys: a Study of Gang Rape (trade paperback); *** A Canadian Tragedy (With Dustjacket);

SILLER, VAN - A Complete Stranger (With Dustjacket); *** It Had to Be You (With Dustjacket); *** The Lonely Breeze (With Dustjacket);

AIVERMAN, ROBERT/ KENNEDY, LESLIE - Deadly Deeds: murder in Canada (Trade Paperback);

SIMENON, GEORGES - Aunt Jeanne (With Dustjacket); *** The Disappearance of Odile (With Dustjacket); *** The Innocents (With Dustjacket); *** Inspector Maigret and the Killers (No Dustjacket); *** The Magician/ The Widow (No Dustjacket); *** Maigret and the Headless Corpse (With Dustjacket); *** Maigret and the Informer (With Dustjacket); *** Maigret and the Mad Killers (No Dustjacket); *** Maigret and the Madwoman (With Dustjacket); *** Maigret and the Millionaires (With Dustjacket); *** Maigret and the Wine Merchant (With Dustjacket); *** Maigret Hesitates (With Dustjacket); *** Maigret Meets a Milord (trade paperback); *** The Move (With Dust Jacket); **** November (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Rich Man (w/dj; No Dustjacket); ** Tidal Wave (No Dustjacket);

SIMMEL, JOHANNES MARIO - Dear Fatherland (With Dustjacket); *** It Can't Always Be Caviar (With Dustjacket);

SIMON, DAVID - Homicide (With Dustjacket);

SIMONS, ROGER - Death on Display (With Dustjacket); *** Reel of Death (With Dustjacket); *** The Veil of Death (With Dustjacket);

SIJMPSON, DOROTHY - Element of Doubt (With Dustjacket); *** The Night She Died (With Dustjacket);

SIMS, GEORGE - The End of the Web (With Dustjacket); *** Rex Mundi (With Dustjacket); *** The Sand Dollar (With Dustjacket); *** The Terrible Door (With Dustjacket);

SINCLAIR, FIONA - But the Patient Died (With Dustjacket);*** Dead of a Physician (With Dustjacket); *** Scandalize my Name (With Dustjacket);

SINCLAIR, IAIN - Landor's Tower (With Dust Jacket);

SINCLAIR, MICHAEL - Norshag (With Dustjacket); *** Sonntag (With Dustjacket);

SINGER, LOREN - The Parallax View (With Dust Jacket);

SINGER, RANDY - Self Incrimination (Trade Paperback);

SIRICA, JOHN J. - To Set the Record Straight (With Dustjacket);

SJOWALL, MAJ/ WAHLOO, PER - The Abominable Man (With Dustjacket); *** Cop Killer (With Dustjacket); *** The Fire Engine That Disappeared (With Dustjacket); *** The Laughing Policeman (With Dustjacket); *** The Man Who Went up in Smoke (With Dustjacket); *** Murder at the Savoy (With Dustjacket);

SKLEPOWICH, EDWARD - Death in a Serene City (With Dustjacket);

SKYE, MAGGIE - Collections (With Dustjacket);

SLADE, MICHAEL - Ghoul (With Dustjacket);

SLATER, NIGEL - Falcon (With Dustjacket);

SLATTERY, T.P. - They Got to Find Me Guilty Yet (With Dustjacket);

SLAVITT, DAVID R. - Cold Comfort (With Dustjacket);

SLESAR, HENRY - Enter Murderers (With Dustjacket); *** The Gray Flannel Shroud (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

SLOAN, JAMES PARK - The Case History of Comrade V (With Dustjacket);

SLOAN, SUSAN R. - Guilt by Association (With Dustjacket);

SLOANE, WILLIAM - TheEdge of Running Water (With Dustjacket); *** To Walk the Night (With Dustjacket);

SLOTE, ALFRED - Lazarus in Vienna (No Dustjacket);

SMALL, AUSTIN J. - The Avenging Ray (No Dust Jacket);

SMITH, A. DUNCAN (ed.) - Trial of Madeleine Smith (No Dustjacket);

SMITH, CHARLES MERRILL - Reverend Randolph and the Wages of Sin (No Dustjacket);

SMITH, COLIN - The Cut-Out (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, DENNIS - The Final Fire (With Dust Jacket);

SMITH, DODIE - I Capture the Castle (No Dustjacket);

SMITH, EDGAR - A Reasonable Doubt (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, FRANK A. - Corpse in Handcuffs (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, J.C.S. - Nightcap (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, LOU - Primrose the Fourth Man (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, MARTIN - Canto for a Gypsy (With Dustjacket); *** Gypsy in Amber (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, MITCHELL - Karma (With Dust Jacket); *** Sacrifice (With Dust Jacket);

SMITH, MURRAY - Devil's Juggler (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, PERCY - Plutocrats of Crime (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, ROBERT KIMMEL - Ransom (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, ROSAMOND - Soul/ Mate (With Dust Jacket);

SMITH, SCOTT - A Simple Plan (With Dustjacket);

SMITH, SHELLEY - The Ballad of the Running Man (With Dustjacket); *** A Grave Affair (With Dustjacket); *** The Woman in the Sea (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

SMITHIES, RICHARD H.R. - Disposing Mind (With Dustjacket); *** The Shoplifter (With Dustjacket);

SNIDER, PAUL - Edgar Henry (With Dustjacket);

SNOW, KATHLEEN - Night Walking (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

SOHL, JERRY - The Altered Ego (With Dustjacket);

SOHMER, STEVE - Favorite Son (With Dustjacket);

SOLOMON, BRAD - The Open Shadow (With Dustjacket);

SOMERS, PAUL - The Shivering Mountain (With Dustjacket);

SOUTHWORTH, LOUIS - Felon in Disguise (With Dustjacket);

SPAGGIARI, ALBERT - Fric-Frac: The Great Riviera Bank Robber (With Dustjacket);

SPAIN, PETER - Blood Scenario (With Dustjacket);

SPARK, MURIEL - Blood Scenario (With Dustjacket);

SPARK, MURIEL - The Mandelbaum Gate (With Dustjacket); *** Not to Disturb (With Dustjacket);

SPARLING, S.L. - Homing Instinct (With Dustjacket);

SPARROW, JUDGE GERALD - The Great Defamers (With Dustjacket); *** Women Who Murder (With Dustjacket);

SPELLMAN, CATHY CASH - Bless the Child (With Dustjacket);

SPENCE, MICKEY - The Killing Man (With Dust Jacket);

SPENCER, PHILIP - Full Term (With Dustjacket);

SPICER, BART - Black Sheep, Run (No Dustjacket); *** The Golden Door (No Dustjacket); *** The Long Green (No Dustjacket); *** The Taming of Carney Wilde (With Dustjacket);

SPIKE, PAUL - The Night Letter (With Dustjacket);

SPILLANE, MICKEY - The Body Lovers (No Dustjacket); *** Day of the Guns (With Dustjacket); *** The Deep (With Dustjacket); *** Survival Zero (With Dustjacket); *** The Twisted Thing (With Dustjacket);

SPINKS, SARAH - Cardiac Arrest (With Dust Jacket);

SPRAGUE, JOYCE CLAYPOOL - Dynasty of Fear (With Dustjacket);

SPRUILL, STEVEN - My Soul to Take (No Dustjacket);

STADLEY, PAT - Autumn of a Hunter (With Dustjacket);

STAGGE, JOHNATHAN - Death's Old Sweet Song (No Dustjacket);

STALLWOOD, VERONICA - Oxford Mourning (With Dust Jacket);

STAND, MARGARET - Death Came in the Studio (With Dustjacket); *** Death Came with Darkness (With Dustjacket);

STANDFORD, ALFRED - The Mission in Sparrow Bush Lane (With Dustjacket);

STANLEY, FREDERIC ARTHUR - The Third Party (No Dustjacket);

STANWOOD, BROOKS - The Glow (With Dustjacket); *** The Seventh Child (With Dustjacket);

STARRETT, VINCENT (ed.) - Fourteen Gread Detective Stories (No Dustjacket); *** Murder in Peking (No Dustjacket);

STEELE, CHAESTER K. - The Diamond Cross Mystery (No Dustjacket);

STEELE, HARWOOD - The Red Serge (No Dustjacket);

STEHLING, KURT R. - Project Vanguard (No Dustjacket);

STEIN, AARON MARC - Alp Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Blood on the Stars (With Dustjacket); *** Deadly Delight (With Dustjacket); *** Lock and Key (No Dustjacket); *** Moonmilk and Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Snare Andalucian (With Dustjacket);

STEIN, HARRY - Infinity's Child (With Dustjacket); *** The Magic Bullet (With Dustjacket);

STEIN, SOL - The Magician (With Dustjacket); *** The Resort (With Dustjacket); *** The Touch of Treason (With Dust Jacket);

STEINBERG, RICHARD - The Gemini Man (With Dustjacket);

STEINHOUSE, HERBERT - The Time of the Juggernaut (No Dustjacket);

STEPHAN, ENNO - Spies in Ireland (With Dustjacket);

STEPHENSON, RALPH - Spies in Concert (With Dustjacket);

STERLING, STEWART - Candle for a Corpse (With Dustjacket); *** Dead to the World (With Dustjacket); *** Fire on Fear Street (With Dustjacket); *** Too Hot to Handle (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

STERLING, THOMAS - The Evil of the Day (With Dustjacket); *** The House Without a Door (With Dustjacket);

STERN, RICHARD MARTIN - Cry Havoc (With Dustjacket); *** I Hide, We Seek (With Dustjacket); *** The Kessler Legacy (With Dustjacket); *** Merry go Round (With Dustjacket); *** The Search for Tabatha Carr (With Dustjacket); *** These Unlucky Dead (With Dustjacket); *** You Don't Need an Enemy (With Dustjacket);

STEVENS, GORDON - Shadowland (With Dustjacket);

STEVENSON, ANNE - A Relative Stranger (With Dustjacket);

STEVENSON, BURTON E. - The Mystery of the Boule Cabinet (No Dustjacket; 1912);

STEWARD, PAULL - Dangerous Men (No Dust Jacket);

STEWART, EDWART - The Great Los Angeles Fire (With Dust Jacket); *** Launch! (With Dustjacket);

STEWART, FRED MUSTARD - The Titan (With Dust Jacket);

STEWART, J.I.M. - The Bridge at Arta (With Dustjacket); *** The Guardians (With Dustjacket);

STEWART, JOHN - Last Cool Days (With Dustjacket);

STICKGOLD, BOB/ NOBLE, MARK - Gloryhits (With Dustjacket);

STOCKWELL, JOHN - Red Sunset (With Dustjacket);

STOKES, MANNING LEE - The Iron Tiger (No Dustjacket);

STONE, GEORGE - Blizzard (With Dustjacket);

STONE, HAMPTON - The Corpse in the Corner Saloon (No Dustjacket); *** The Needle That Wouldn't Hold Still (With Dust Jacket);

STONE, ROBERT - A Flag for Sunrise (With Dustjacket);

STONE, SCOTT, C.S. - Spies (With Dustjacket);

STONE, ZACHARY - The Modigliani Scandal (With Dustjacket);

STONER, SUZANNA A. - The Legacy of Samuel Brown (With Dustjacket);

STONG, PHIL (ED.) - 25 Modern Stories of Mystery and Imagination (No Dustjacket);

STORM, MICHAEL - Cry Tiger (With Dustjacket);

STORY, JACK TREVOR - Mix Me a Person (With Dustjacket);

STOUT, DAVID/ FURIE RUTH - Hell Gate (With Dustjacket);

STOUT, REX - And Be a Villian (No Dustjacket); *** Death of a Doxy (Trade Paperback); *** Too Many Cooks (No Dust Jacket);

STRAKER, J.F. - A Letter for Obi (With Dustjacket);

STRANGER, JOHN STEPHEN - All Men Are Liars (With Dustjacket); *** For the Hangman (No Dustjacket); *** The Man Who Killed Fortescue (No Dustjacket);

STRATTON, ROY - The Decorated Corpse (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

STRATTON, TED - Tourist Trap (With Dustjacket);

STRAYHORN, S.J. - Black Night (With Dust Jacket);

STRONG, ARTURO CARRILLO - Corrido De Cocaine (With Dust Jacket);

STROUD, CARSTEN - The Blue Wall: Street Cops in Canada (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

STUMBO, BELLA - Until the Twelfth of Never (With Dustjacket);

STURROCK, JEREMY - The Village of Rogues (With Dustjacket);

STYLES, SHOWELL - The Pass of Morning (With Dustjacket);

STYRON, WILLIAM - Jet This House on Fire (No Dust Jacket);

SUCH, PETER - Dolphin's Wife (With Dustjacket);

SUE, EUGENE - Mysteries of Paris (No Dustjacket);

SUESSMUTH, JOSEPH F. - Lockwood (No Dustjacket);

SULLIVAN, GERARD/ ARONSON, HARVEY - High Hopes: the Amityville Murders (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

SULLIVAN, KATHARINE - Girls on Parole (No Dustjacket);

SULLIVAN, TIMOTHY - Unequal Verdicts (No Dustjacket);

SULZBERGER, C.L. - The Tooth Merchant (With Dustjacket);

SUMMERTON, MARGARET - The Sea House (With Dustjacket); *** Theft in Kind (With Dustjacket);

SUMNER, CID RICKETTS - Withdraw Thy Foot (With Dustjacket);

SUTHERLAND, EDWIN H. (ED.) - The Professional Thief (trade paperback); *** White Collar Crime (trade paperback);

SUTHERLAND, RONALD - Where Do the MacDonalds Bury Their Dead? (With Dustjacket);

SUTTON, HENRY - Vector (With Dustjacket);

SVORAY, YARON - Gods of Death (With Dustjacket);

SWARTHOUT, GLENDON - Skeletons (With Dustjacket);

SWIFT, GRAHAM - The Light of Day (With Dust Jacket);

SWINNERTON, FRANK - On the Shady Side (With Dustjacket);

SYMONS, JULIAN - The Belting Inheritance (With Dustjacket); *** The Colour of Murder (With Dustjacket); *** The End of Solomon Grundy? (With Dustjacket); *** The Man Who Killed Himself (With Dustjacket); *** The Man Who Lost His Wife (With Dustjacket); *** The Plain Man (With Dustjacket); *** The Players and the Game (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Progress of a Crime (With Dustjacket);

TAFFRAIL - The Shetland Plan (With Dustjacket);

TAMMUZ, BENJAMIN - Minotaur (With Dustjacket);

TANENBAUM, ROBERT K. - Corruption of Blood (With Dustjacket); *** Justice Denied (With Dust Jacket);

TARMEY, MARTIN - Murphy's Game (With Dustjacket); *** Skinman (With Dustjacket);

TASCHDJIAN, CLAIRE - The Peking Man is Missing (With Dustjacket);

TATE, PETER - Faces in the Flames (No Dustjacket);

TAVIS, ALEC - The Duke's Day (With Dustjacket);

TAYLOR, BERNARD - Sweetheart, Sweetheart (With Dustjacket);

TAYLOR, FREDERICK - The Kinder Garden (With Dustjacket);

TAYLOR, GEORGIA ELIZABETH - The Death of Jason Darby (With Dustjacket);

TAYLOR,H. BALDWIN - The Triumvirate (With Dustjacket);

TAYLOR, PHOEBE ATWOOD - Banbury Bog (With Dustjacket); *** Dead Ernest (With Dustjacket); *** The Deadly Sunshade (With Dustjacket); *** Diplomatic Corpse (With Dustjacket); *** Figure Away (With Dustjacket); *** File for Record (With Dustjacket); *** Going, Going Gone (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Hollow Chest (With Dustjacket); **** The Iron Clew (With Dustjacket); *** The Left Leg (With Dustjacket); *** Octagon House (With Dustjacket); *** The Perennial Boarder (With Dustjacket); ** Proof of the Pudding (With Dustjacket); *** Punch with Care (With Dustjacket); *** The Six Iron Spiders (With Dustjacket); *** The Tinkling Symbol (With Dustjacket);

TAYLOR, THEODORE - The Stalker (With Dustjacket);

TAYLOR, WILLIAM C. - The Yellow Paint War (With Dustjacket);

TEILHET, HILDEGARDE TOLMAN - The Assassins (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Double Agent (No Dustjacket);

TEMPLETON, CHARLES - Act of God (With Dustjacket); *** The Kidnapping of the President (With Dustjacket); *** The Third Temptation (With Dustjacket); *** World of One (With Dustjacket);

TERESA, VINCENT - My Life in the Mafia (No Dustjacket);

TERMAN, DOUGLAS - First Strike (With Dustjacket); *** Shell Game (With Dust Jacket);

TERRALL, ROBERT - They Deal in Death (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

TERRY, MAURY - The Ultimate Evil (With Dustjacket);

TEVIS, WALTER - Mockingbird (With Dustjacket);

TEY, JOSEPHINE - Four Five and Six by Tey (With Dustjacket);

THACKERAY, KIT - Counter Flood (With Dustjacket);

THAYER, CHARLES W. - Checkpoint (With Dustjacket);

THAYER, JAMES STEWART - Ringer (With Dustjacket); *** White Star (With Dustjacket);

THAYER, LEE - Dark of the Moon (No Dustjacket); *** No Holiday for Death (No Dustjacket);

THAYER, TIFFANY - The Illustrious Corpse (No Dustjacket);

THERNSTROM, MELANIE - The Dead Girl (With Dustjacket); *** Halfway Heaven (With Dust Jacket);

THOMAS, CRAIG - Firefox Down (No Dustjacket); *** Jade Tiger (With Dustjacket); *** Playing with Cobras (With Dustjacket); *** Sea Leopard (With Dust Jacket);

THOMAS, DONALD - Captain Wunder (With Dustjacket);

THOMAS, JIM - Cross Purpose (With Dustjacket);

THOMAS, LESLIE - Orange Wednesday (With Dustjacket);

THOMAS, LOWELL - The Wreck of the Dumaru (No Dust Jacket);

THOMAS, MICHAEL M. - Green Monday (With Dust Jacket); *** The Ropespinner Conspiracy (No Dust Jacket); *** Someone Else's Money (With Dustjacket);

THOMAS, ROSS - Cast a Yellow Shadow (With Dustjacket); *** The Cold War Swap (With Dustjacket); *** The Singapore Wink (With Dustjacket);

THOMPSON, ANNE ARMSTRONG - The Swiss Legacy (With Dustjacket);

THOMPSON, CARLENE - Black Remembrance (With Dustjacket);

THOMPSON, ESTELLE - Hunter in the Dark (With Dustjacket); *** A Twig is Bent (With Dustjacket);

THOMPSON, GENE - A Cup of Death (With Dustjacket); *** Nobody Cared for Kate (With Dustjacket);

THOMPSON, HUNTER S. - Hell's Angels (Trade Paperback);

THOMPSON, THOMAS - Blood and Money (With Dustjacket); *** Celebrity (With Dust Jacket); *** Serpentine (With Dustjacket);

THOMSON, BASIL - Mr. Pepper, Investigator (No Dustjacket); *** Richardson's Second Case (No Dustjacket);

THOMSON, JUNE - Not one of Us (With Dustjacket);

THORN, RONALD SCOTT - The Twin Serpents (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

THORNBURG, NEWTON - To Die in California (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

THOR, BRAD - Path of the Assassin (Trade Paperback); *** State of the Union (Trade Paperback);

THORP, RODERICK - The Detective (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Nothing Lasts Forever (With Dustjacket);

THREE FAMOUS MURDER NOVELS: ILES, FRANCIS - Before the Fact/ BENTLEY, E.C. - Trent's Last Case/ MASON, A.E.W. - The House of the Arrow (With Dustjacket);

THURBER, JAMES - Thurber on Crime (With Dustjacket);

THURSTON, TEMPLE - Portrait of a Spy (No Dustjacket);

THWING, EUGENE (ed) - The World's Best One Hundred Detective Stories in Ten Volumes (Vol. 1; No Dustjacket); (Volume 2; No Dustjacket); (Volume 3; No Dustjacket); (Volume 4; No Dustjacket);(Volume 5; No Dustjacket);(Volume 7; No Dustjacket);(Volume 8; No Dustjacket);(Volume 9; w/dj; No Dustjacket);(Volume 10; w/dj; No Dustjacket);

TIDYMAN, ERNEST - Dummy (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Line of Duty (With Dustjacket); *** Shaft Among the Jews (With Dustjacket);

TIMERMAN, JACOBO - Chile Death in the South (With Dustjacket);

TITLE, ELISE - Romeo (With Dustjacket);

TODD, ROBERT HENRY - The Solver of Mysteries and Other Stories (No Dustjacket);

TOLKIN, MICHAEL - Among the Dead (With Dustjacket);

TOMLINSON, GERALD - On a Field of Black (With Dustjacket);

TOPOL, EDWARD - Red Snow (With Dust Jacket);

TOPOR, ROLAND - The Tenant (With Dustjacket);

TORR,DOMINIC - The Treason Line (With Dustjacket);

TOWNEND, PAUL - Died O' Wednesday (With Dustjacket);

TRACEY, GRANT - The Take-Away Girl (With Dustjacket);

TRACY, LOUIS - The Bartlett Mystery (No Dust Jacket);

TRAIN, ARTHUR - Mr. Tutt at his Best (No Dustjacket); *** Mr. Tutt's Case Book (No Dustjacket); *** Mr. Tutt Finds a Way (With Dustjacket); *** Page Mr. Tutt (No Dustjacket); *** The Prisoner at the Ba (No Dustjacket); *** Tutt and Mr. Tutt (No Dustjacket);

TRAUBEL, HELEN - The Metropolitan Opera Murders (With Dustjacket);

TRAUTMAN, KATHLEEN - Bandits at the Pass (With Dustjacket);

TRAVERS, HUGH - Madame Aubry Dines with Death (With Dustjacket);

TRAVER, ROBERT - Anatomy of a Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Laughing Whitefish (With Dustjacket);

TRAVIS, GRETCHEN - She Fell Among Thieves (With Dustjacket);


TREAT, LAWRENCE - H as in Hangman (No Dustjacket); *** Lady, Drop Dead (With Dustjacket);

TREECE, HENRY - Killer in Dark Glasses (With Dustjacket);

TRENCH, JOHN - What Rough Beast (With Dustjacket);

TRENHAILE, JOHN - The Tiger of Desire (With Dustjacket);

TREVANIAN - Four Complete Novels: The Eiger Sanction/ The Loo Sanction/ The Main/ Shibumi (With Dustjacket); *** The Loo Sanction (With Dustjacket); *** The Summer of Katya (With Dustjacket);

TREUER, DAVID - The Hiawatha (With Dust Jacket);

TREVOR, ELLESTON - The Flight of the Phoenix (With Dust Jacket);

TRIPP, MILES - High Heels (With Dustjacket);

TROMAN, MORLEY - The Hill of Sleep (No Dustjacket);

TROY, SIMON - Cease Upon the Midnight (With Dustjacket); *** Don't Play with the Rough Boys (With Dustjacket); *** Drunkard's End (With Dustjacket); *** Second Cousin Removed (With Dustjacket); *** Swift to its Close (With Dustjacket);

TRUE LIFE STORIES OF... Crooks, Con Men and Courtesans (With Dustjacket);

TRUMAN, MARGET - Murder at the National Cathedral (With Dustjacket); *** Murder at the Pentagon (With Dustjacket); *** Murder in the Smithsonian (With Dustjacket);

TRUSS, SELDON - The Bride that Got Away (With Dustjacket); *** False Face (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Other Side of the Wall (With Dustjacket); *** Seven Years Dead (With Dustjacket); *** Technique for Treachery (With Dustjacket); *** The Truth About Claire Veryan (With Dustjacket); *** Walk a Crooked Mile (With Dustjacket);

TRYON, THOMAS - The Night of the Moonbow (With Dust Jacket);

TUCKER, WILSON - Last Stop (With Dustjacket); *** The Warlock (With Dustjacket);

TULLETT, TOM - Inside Dartmoor (With Dustjacket);

TULLY, ANDREW - Supreme Court (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

TURNER, BILL - Another Little Death (With Dustjacket); *** Bound to Die (With Dustjacket);

TURNER, J.V. - Below the Clock (No Dustjacket); *** Death Joins the Party (No Dustjacket);

TURNER, VICKERY - The Testimony of Daniel Pagels (With Dustjacket);

TURNER, WILLIAM PRICE - Another Little Death (With Dustjacket);

TURNGREN, ANNETTE - Mystery Enters the Hospital (No Dustjacket);

TUROW, SCOTT - Pleading Guilty (With Dustjacket); *** Presumed Innocent (With Dustjacket); *** Ultimate Punishment: a Lawyer's Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty (With Dust Jacket);

TYLER, W.T. - The Man who Lost the War (With Dust Jacket);

TYNDALL, JOHN - Death in the Jordan (With Dustjacket);

TYRE, NEDRA - Hall of Death (With Dustjacket);

UHNAK, DOROTHY - False Witness (With Dustjacket); *** The Investigation (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Witness (With Dustjacket);

ULLMAN, JAMES MICHAEL - Good Night, Irene (With Dustjacket); *** The Neon Haystack (With Dustjacket);

ULLMAN, JAMES RAMSEY - The White Tower (No Dustjacket);

UNDERHILL, HAROLD - Jamaica White (With Dustjacket);

UNDERWOOD, MICHAEL - The Anxious Conspirator (With Dustjacket); *** Girl Found Dead (With Dustjacket); *** Goddess of Death (With Dust Jacket); *** The Juror (With Dustjacket); *** Lawful Pursuit (No Dustjacket); *** Menaces, Menaces (With Dustjacket); *** The Shadow Game (With Dustjacket); *** The Silent Liars (With Dustjacket); *** A Trout in the Milk (With Dustjacket); *** The Uninvited Corpse (With Dust Jacket);

UNEKIS, RICHARD - The Chase (With Dustjacket);

UNGER, LISA - Beautiful Lies (Trade Paperback);

UPFIELD, ARTHUR W. - The Devil's Steps (No Dustjacket); *** Sinister Stones (No Dustjacket); *** The Widows of Broome (With Dustjacket);

UPTON, ROBERT - A Golden Fleecing (With Dustjacket); *** Who'd Want to Kill Old George? (With Dustjacket);

URIS, LEON - Armageddon (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Exodus (With Dustjacket); *** The Haj (With Dustjacket); *** Mila 18 (With Dustjacket); *** Mitla Pass (With Dustjacket); *** QB VII (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Trinity (No Dustjacket);

USHER, FRANK - The Man from Moscow (With Dustjacket); *** Stairway to Murder (With Dustjacket);

VACHELL, HORACE ANNESLEY - Watling's for Worth (No Dustjacket);

VALIN, JONATHAN - Dead Letter (No Dust Jacket);

VALLIERES, PIERRE - The Assassination of Pierre Laporte (trade paperback);

VAN ASH, CAY - The Fires of Fu Manchu (With Dust Jacket);

VAN ATTA, WINFRED - Hatchet Man (With Dustjacket); *** Shock Treatment (With Dustjacket);

VANCE, ETHEL - Winter Meeting (No Dust Jacket);

VANCE, JOHN HOLBROOK - The Deadly Isles (With Dustjacket); *** The Fox Valley Murders (With Dustjacket); *** The Man in the Cage (With Dustjacket); *** The Pleasant Grove Murders (With Dustjacket);

VANCE, LOUIS JOSEPH - Encore the Lone Wolf (With Dustjacket);

VANDERCOOK, JOHN W. - Murder in Haiti (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

VAN ER ZEE, JOHN - Stateline (With Dustjacket);

VAN DE WETERING, JANWILLEM - The Maine Massacre and Two Other Great Mysteries (With Dustjacket);

VAN DINE, S.S. - The Benson Murder Case (No Dustjacket); *** The Bishop Murder Case (No Dustjacket); *** The "Canary" Murder Case (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Gracie Allen Murder Case (No Dustjacket); *** The Kennel Murder Case (No Dustjacket); *** Philo Vance Four Complete Novels: The Benson Murder Case/ The "Canary" Murder Case/ The Bishop Murder Case/ The Scarab Murder Case (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** (ed.) The World's Great Detective Stories (No Dustjacket);

VAN GREENAWAY, PETER - Doppleganger (With Dustjacket);

VAN GULIK, ROBERT - The Emperor's Pearl (With Dustjacket); *** The Monkey and the Tiger (With Dustjacket); *** Murder in Canton (With Dustjacket); *** Necklace and Calabash (With Dustjacket); *** The Phantom of the Temple (With Dustjacket);

VAN HOFFMANN, ERIC - A Venom in the Blood (With Dust Jacket);

VANKIN, JONATHAN/ WHALEN, JOHN - The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Times (Trade Paperback);

VAN LUSTBADER, ERIC - Black Heart (With Dustjacket); *** The Kaisho (With Dustjacket); *** The Miko (With Dustjacket); *** The Ninja (No Dustjacket); *** Sirens (With Dustjacket);

VAN RJNDT, PHILIPPE - Blue Print (With Dustjacket); *** Samaritan (With Dustjacket);

VARNAM, JOHN - Death Rehearses (No Dustjacket);

VASILE, NICK - A Member of the Family (With Dustjacket);

VAUS, JIM - Why I Quit... Syndicated Crime (No Dust Jacket);

VEILLER, BAYARD - Within the Law (No Dustjacket);

VERCORS - You Shall Know Them (No Dustjacket);


VERNER, GERALD - Death Set in Diamonds (With Dustjacket); *** Six Men Died (With Dustjacket);

VERRILL, A.H. - Carib Gold (With Dustjacket);

VICKERS, ROY (ed.) - Best Police Stories (With Dustjacket); ***Gold and Wine (With Dustjacket);

VIERTEL, JOSEPH - The Last Temptation (No Dustjacket);

VIGNES, JACQUES - The Page to Survive (With Dustjacket);

VINE, BARBARA - The Brimstone Wedding (With Dust Jacket); *** The Chimney Sweeper's Boy (With Dustjacket); *** A Dark-Adapted Eye (With Dustjacket);

VIPOND, DON - Night of the Shooting Star (With Dustjacket);

VIRGO, SEAN - Selakhi (With Dustjacket);

VIZZINI, SAL - Vizzini (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

VON BLOCK, BELA - The World Rapers (With Dustjacket);

VON DREHLE, DAVID - Among the Lowest of the Dead (With Dustjacket);

WADDEL, MARTIN - Otley (With Dustjacket); *** Otley Pursued (With Dustjacket); *** Otley Victorious (With Dustjacket);

WADE, HENRY - The Lonely Magdalen (With Dustjacket); *** No Friendly Drop (With Dustjacket);

WADE, JONATHAN - Back to Life (With Dustjacket); *** Running Sand (With Dustjacket);

WAER, JACK - 17 And Black (With Dustjacket);

WAGER, WALTER - Sledgehammer (With Dustjacket); *** Telefon (With Dustjacket); *** Viper Three (With Dustjacket);

WAGNER, ELAINE - A Case of Bottled Murder (With Dustjacket);

WAHLOO, PETER - Murder on the 31st Floor (With Dustjacket);

WAINWRIGHT, JOHN - The Crystallised Carbon Pig (With Dustjacket); *** Dig the Grave and Let Him Lie (With Dustjacket); *** Home is the Hunter/ the Big Kayo (With Dustjacket); *** The Take-Over Men (With Dustjacket); *** Web of Silence (With Dustjacket);

WAKEFIELD, H. RUSSELL - Hearken to the Evidence (No Dustjacket);

WAKEFIELD, JOHN - Death the Sure Physician (With Dustjacket);

WALDEN, AMELIA ELIZABETH - To Catch a Spy (With Dustjacket);

WALDRON, SIMON - Hot Ice (With Dustjacket);

WALKER, DAVID - Black Dougal (With Dustjacket);

WALKER, IRA - The Man in the Driver's Seat (With Dustjacket);

WALKER, MARY WILILS - Under the Beetle's Cellar (With Dust Jacket);

WALKER, PETER N. - The Macintyre Plot (With Dustjacket);

WALLACE, BRYAN EDGAR - Murder is not enough (With Dust Jacket);

WALLACE, EDGAR - The Avenger (No Dustjacket); *** Bosambo of the River (No Dust Jacket); *** Captains of Souls (No Dustjacket); *** The Clever One (No Dustjacket); *** The Clue of the Silver Key (No Dustjacket); *** The Crimson Circle (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Devil Man (No Dustjacket); *** The Face in the Night (No Dustjacket); *** The Fellowship of the Frog (No Dustjacket); *** The Flying Fifty-five (With Dustjacket); *** The Flying Squad (No Dustjacket); *** The Four Just Men (No Dustjacket); *** The Fourth Plague (No Dustjacket); *** The goal Breaker (No Dustjacket); *** The Green Ribbon (No Dustjacket); *** The Keepers of the King's Peace (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Law of the Four Just Men (trade paperback); *** Lieutenant Bones (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Mr. Justice Maxwell (No Dustjacket); *** The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder (No Dustjacket); *** The People of he River (With Dustjacket); **** Sanders (With Dustjacket); *** Sanders of the River (With Dustjacket); *** Sandi, the King-Maker (No Dustjacket); *** The Silver Key ( No Dustjacket); *** The Square Emerald (No Dustjacket); *** The Squeaker (No Dustjacket); *** The Terrible People (With Dustjacket); *** Terror Keep (No Dustjacket); *** The Traitor's Gate (No Dustjacket); *** White Face (No Dustjacket);

WALLACE, IRVING - The Celestial Bed (With Dustjacket); *** The Fan Club (With Dust Jacket); *** The Miracle (With Dustjacket); *** The Plot (No Dust Jacket); *** The R Document (With Dustjacket); *** The Seventh Secret (With Dustjacket);

WALLACE, MARILYN - Lost Angel (With Dustjacket); *** A Single Stone (With Dustjacket); *** (ed.) Sisters in Crime (With Dustjacket);

WALLACE, STANLEY J. - Jack Armstrong's Mystery Eye (With Dustjacket);

WALLENSTEIN, MARCEL - Merlin's Forest (With Dustjacket);

WALLER, LESLIE - Tango Havana (With Dustjacket);

WALLER, ROBERT JAMES - Puerto Vallarta Squeeze (With Dustjacket);

WALLING, R.A.J. - The Corpse in the Green Pyjamas (No Dustjacket); *** The Corpse with the Dirty Face (No Dustjacket); *** The Corpse with the Eerie Eye (With Dustjacket); *** Stroke of One (No Dustjacket);

WALLIS, J.H. - The Woman in the Window (photo; dustjacket; Edward G. Robinson and Joan Bennett);

WALLOP, DOUGLAS - Ocean Front (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

WALPOLE, HUGH - The Inquisitor (No Dustjacket);

WALSH, JOHN - Tears of Rage (With Dustjacket);

WALSH, THOMAS - The Dark Window (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Face of the Enemy (With Dustjacket); *** The Night Watch (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Resurrection Man (With Dustjacket); *** The Tenth Point (With Dustjacket); *** A Thief in the Night (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** To Hide a Rogue (With Dustjacket);

WALTERS, HUGH - Operation Columbus (No Dustjacket);

WALTERS. MINETTE - The Dark Room (With Dust Jacket); *** The Devil's Feather (With Dust Jacket);

WALTNER-TOEWS, DAVID - Fear of Landing (With Dust Jacket);

WAMBAUGH, JOSEPH - The Black Marble (With Dustjacket); *** The Blue Knight (With Dustjacket); *** The Choirboys (With Dustjacket); *** The Delta Star (With Dustjacket); *** Echoes in the Darkness (With Dustjacket); *** Finnegan's Week (With Dustjacket); *** Four Complete Novels: The Blue Knight/ The Black Marble/ *** Fugitive Nights (With Dust Jacket); *** The New Centurions/ The Choirboys (No Dustjacket); *** The Golden Orange (With Dustjacket); *** Lines and Shadows (With Dustjacket); *** The New Centurions (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Secret of Harry Bright (With Dustjacket);

WARD, GREGORY - Water Damage (With Dustjacket);

WARD, ROBERT - The Cactus Garden (With Dustjacket);

WARDEN, LEWIS - Murder on Wheels (With Dustjacket);

WARE, LEON - Delta Mystery (With Dustjacket);

WARFIELD, GALLATIN - Silent Son (With Dustjacket);

WARING, M.W. - The Witnesses (No Dust Jacket);

WARNER, DOUGLAS - Death of a Dreamer (With Dustjacket); *** Death on a Warm Mind (With Dustjacket);

WARNER, GERTRUDE CHANDLER - Houseboat Mystery (With Dustjacket);

WARREN, ARNOLD - The Stolen Seaplane (With Dustjacket);

WARREN, JAMES - Cold Steel (With Dustjacket);

WARREN, VERNON - Runaround (With Dustjacket);

WARRINER, TURMAN - The Golden Lantern (With Dustjacket);

WASHBURN, STAN - Intent to Harm (With Dustjacket);

WATKINS, WILLIAM JOHN - Clickwhistle (With Dustjacket);

WATSON, CLARISSA - The Bishop in the Back Seat (With Dustjacket); *** The Fourth Stage of Gainsborough Brown (With Dustjacket);

WATSON, COLIN - Charity Ends at Home (With Dustjacket); *** Hopjoy was Here (With Dustjacket); *** Plaster Sinners (With Dustjacket);

WATSON, DR. JOHN H. - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Holmes (edited by Loren D. Estleman; (With Dust Jacket); *** The West End Horror (edited by Nicholas Meyer; (With Dust Jacket);

WATSON, LYALL - The Romeo Error (With Dustjacket);

WATSON, PATRICK - Zero to Airtime (With Dustjacket);

WAUGH, ALEC - A Spy in the Family (With Dustjacket);

WAUGH, AUBERON - The Last Word; An Eyewitness Account of the Thorpe Trial (With Dust Jacket);

WAUGH, HILLARY - The Con Game (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Death and Circumstance (With Dustjacket); *** The Eighth Mrs. Bluebeard (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Last Seen Wearing... (No Dustjacket); *** The Late Mrs. D. (With Dustjacket); *** (ed.) Merchants of Menace (With Dustjacket); *** The Missing Man (With Dustjacket); *** Prisoner's Plea (With Dustjacket); *** Run When I Say Go (With Dustjacket); *** That Night It Rained (With Dustjacket);

WAY, PETER - Dirty Tricks (With Dustjacket); *** The Kretzmer Syndrome (With Dustjacket);

WAYLAND, PATRICK - The Waiting Game (With Dustjacket);

WEAVER, MICHAEL - Deceptions (With Dustjacket);

WEBB, ANTHONY - Mr. Pendlebury's Hat Trick (No Dustjacket);

WEBB, JACK - Make My Bed Soon (With Dustjacket); *** One For My Dame (With Dustjacket);

WEBER, JOE - Defcon One (With Dust Jacket); *** Shadow Flight (With Dustjacket);

WEBER, KEN - Five-Minute Mysteries (trade paperback);

WEBSTER, NOAH - A Burial in Portugal (With Dustjacket); *** A Pay-Off in Switzerland (With Dustjacket);

WEES, FRANCES SHELLEY - The Country of the Strangers (With Dustjacket); **** Faceless Enemy (With Dustjacket);

WEIL, JOSEPH/ STURGES, PRESTON - Strictly Dishonorable (No Dustjacket);

WEISBECKER, A.C. - Cosmic Banditos (Trade Paperback);

WEISBORD, MERRILY - The Strangest Dream (With Dustjacket);

WEISSMAN, PAUL - Lords of Power (With Dustjacket);

WELCOME, JOHN - (ed.) - Best Secret Service Stories 3 (With Dustjacket); *** Beware of Midnight (With Dustjacket);

WELLARD, JAMES - A Sound of Trumpets (With Dustjacket);

WELLS, CAROLYN - The Doorstep Murders (No Dustjacket); *** Fuller's Earth (No Dustjacket); *** Sleeping Dogs (No Dustjacket);

WELLS, MELANIE - When the Day of Evil Comes (Trade Paperback);

WELLS, TOBIAS - Brenda's Murder (With Dustjacket); *** Dinky Died (With Dustjacket); *** A Matter of Love and Death (With Dustjacket); *** Murder Most Fouled Up (With Dustjacket); *** What Should You Know of Dying? (With Dustjacket); *** The Young Can Die Protesting (With Dustjacket);

WELLS, WILLIAM K. - Effigies (No Dustjacket);

WERLIN, MARVIN & MARK - The Savior (With Dustjacket);

WERTENBAKER, LAEL TUCKER - The Eye of the Lion (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

WERTHAM, DR. FREDRIC - The Show of Violence (No Dust Jacket);

WEST, ELLIOT - Man Running (With Dustjacket); *** The Night is a Time for Listening (With Dustjacket); *** These Lonely Victories (With Dustjacket);

WEST, MORRIS L. - The Devil's Advocate (With Dustjacket); *** Daughter of Silence (No Dustjacket); *** Harlequin (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Lazarus (With Dustjacket); *** The Lovers (With Dustjacket); *** Proteus (With Dustjacket); *** The Salamander (With Dustjacket); *** Summer of the Red Wolf (With Dustjacket); *** The Tower of Babel (With Dustjacket); *** The World is Made of Glass (With Dustjacket);

WEST, NIGEL - MI5 (No Dustjacket);

WEST, PAUL - Caliban's Filibuster (With Dustjacket);

WEST, REBECCA - The Birds Fall Down (With Dustjacket); *** A Train of Powder (With Dustjacket);

WESTALL, ROBERT - The Machine-Gunners (With Dustjacket);

WESTERMAN, JOHN F.C. - The Honor Farm (With Dust Jacket); *** A Mystery of the Air (No Dustjacket);

WESTERMAN, PERCY F. - Sabotage! (No Dustjacket); *** Sleuths of the Air (No Dustjacket);

WESTHEIMER, DAVID - Going Public (With Dustjacket);

WESTLAKE, DONALD E. - The Ax (With Dust Jacket); *** Bank Shot (With Dustjacket); *** Brothers Keepers (With Dust Jacket); *** Cops and Robbers (With Dustjacket); ** Dancing Aztecs (With Dustjacket); *** Don't Ask (With Dustjacket); *** Enough (With Dustjacket); ** The Fugitive Pigeon (With Dustjacket); *** God Save the Mark (With Dustjacket); *** Good Behavior (With Dust Jacket); *** The Hook (With Dust Jacket); *** Killing Time (With Dustjacket); *** Killy (With Dustjacket); *** Pity Him Afterwards (With Dustjacket); *** Sacred Monster (With Dust Jacket); *** Somebody Owes Me Money (With Dustjacket); *** 361 (With Dustjacket); *** Who Stole Sassi Manoon? (With Dustjacket); *** Why Me (With Dust Jacket);

WESTON, CAROLYN - Poor, Poor Ophelia (With Dustjacket); *** Rouse the Demon (With Dustjacket); *** Susannah Screaming (With Dustjacket);

WESTON, GARNETT - The Hidden Portal (No Dustjacket);

WHEATLEY, DENNIS - Codeword - Golden Fleece (No Dustjacket); *** The Irish Witch (With Dustjacket); *** The Island Where Time Stands Still (No Dustjacket); *** The Scarlet Impostor (No Dustjacket); *** Unholy Crusade (With Dustjacket); *** Vendetta in Spain (With Dustjacket);

WHEELER, KEITH - Epitaph for Mister Wynn (With Dustjacket);

WHEELER, PAUL - And the Bulles Were Made of Lead (With Dustjacket);

WHITE, EDMUND - Forgetting Elena (With Dustjacket);

WHITE, JOHN MANCHIP - Nightclimber (With Dustjacket);

WHITE, LIONEL - The Crimshaw Memorandum (With Dustjacket); *** A Grave Undertaking (With Dustjacket); *** The House Next Door (With Dustjacket); *** The House on K Street (With Dustjacket); *** The Merriweather File (With Dustjacket); *** The Money Trap (With Dustjacket); *** Obsession (With Dustjacket); *** The time of Terror (With Dustjacket);

WHITE, R.J. - A Secondhand Tomb (With Dustjacket); *** The Smartest Grave (With Dustjacket);

WHITE, R.J. - A Secondhand Tomb (With Dustjacket); *** The Smartest Grave (With Dustjacket);

WHITEHEAD, DON - The F.B.I. Story (With Dustjacket);

WHITESIDE, THOMAS - An Agent in Place: The Wennerstrom Affair (With Dust Jacket);

WHITESON, LEON - White Snake (With Dustjacket);

WHITMAN, CHARLES - Death Suspended (With Dustjacket);

WHITNEY, PHYLLIS A. - Blue Fire/ Black Amber (No Dustjacket); *** Columbella (With Dustjacket); *** Domino (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Emerald (With Dustjacket); *** Feather on the Moon (With Dust Jacket); *** The Glass Flame (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Golden Unicorn (With Dustjacket); *** Hunter's Green (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Listen for the Whisperer (With Dustjacket); *** Lost Island (With Dustjacket); *** Mystery of the Black Diamonds (Picture Cover); *** Mystery of the Haunted Pool (With Dustjacket); *** Poinciana (With Dustjacket); *** Rainsong (With Dustjacket); *** Sea Jade (No Dustjacket); *** Secret of Goblin Glen (With Dustjacket); *** Secret of the Stone Face (With Dustjacket); *** Silverhill (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Snowfire (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Spindrift (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Star Flight (With Dustjacket); *** Step to the Music (With Dustjacket); *** The Stone Bull (With Dustjacket); *** Thunder Heights/ Window on the Square (With Dustjacket); *** The Turquoise Mask (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** Vermilion (With Dustjacket); *** The Winter People (With Dustjacket);

WHITTEMORE, L.H. - Peroff: The Man Who Knew Too Much (With Dustjacket); *** The Super Cops (With Dustjacket);

WHITTINGTON, HARRY - The Devil Wears Wings (With Dustjacket);

WIBBERLEY, LEONARD - The Crime of Martin Coverly (With Dust Jacket);

WICK, STEVE - Bad Company (With Dustjacket);

WICKWARE, FRANCIS STILL - Dangerous Ground (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

WIGHTON, CHARLES - Pin-Stripe Saboteur (With Dustjacket);

WILCOX, COLLIN - The Black Door (With Dustjacket); *** Dead Center (With Dust Jacket); *** Doctor, Lawyer (With Dustjacket); *** Hiding Place (With Dustjacket); *** Long Way Down (With Dustjacket);

WILDER, ROBERT - Fruit of the Poppy (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

WILKINSON, RODERICK - The Pressure Men (With Dustjacket);

WIKKUAMS, ALAN - The False Beards (With Dustjacket); *** Long Run South (With Dustjacket); *** Shah-Mak (With Dustjacket); *** The Widow's War (With Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, BRAD - Make a Killing (With Dustjacket); *** A Stranger to Herself (With Dustjacket); *** The Well-Dressed Skeleton (With Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, BRAD/ EHRLICH, J.W. - A Conflict of Interest (With Dustjacket); *** A matter of Confidence (With Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, CHARLES - Aground (No Dustjacket); *** Dead Calm (With Dustjacket); *** Man on a Leash (With Dustjacket); *** The Sailcloth Shroud (With Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, EMLYN - Beyond Belief (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, ERIC C. - The Drop In (With Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, GORDON - Big Morning Blues (With Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, ISLWYN - Dangerous Water (With Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, SIDNEY - The Body in the Blue Room (No Dustjacket);

WILLIAMS, VALENTINE - The Knife Behind the Curtain (No Dustjacket); *** Masks off at Midnight (No Dustjacket); *** The Mystery of the Gold Box (No Dustjacket); *** The Spider's Touch (No Dustjacket);

WILLIAMSON, HUGH ROSS - The Silver Bowl (With Dustjacket);

WILLIAMSON, TONY - Counter Strike Entebbe (With Dustjacket);

WILLIS, TED - The Buckingham Palace Connection (With Dustjacket);

WILLOCK, COLIN - The Animal Catchers (With Dust Jacket); *** The Coast of Loneliness (With Dustjacket);

WILLWERTH, JAMES - Badge of Madness (No Dustjacket);

WILSON, COLIN - Lingard (With Dustjacket);

WILSON, COLIN/ PITMAN, PATRICIA - Encyclopedia of Murder (No Dustjacket);

WILSON, ERIC - Cold Midnight in Vieux Quebec (Picture Cover); *** DisneyLand Hostage (picture cover); *** The Ghost of Lunenburg Manor (picture cover); *** The Lost Treasure of Casa Loma (picture cover); *** Murder on the Canadian (picture cover); *** Terror in Winnipeg (With Dustjacket); *** Vampires of Ottawa (picture cover);

WILSON, F.PAUL - Implant (With Dustjacket); *** / COSTELLO, MATTHER J. - Mirage (With Dustjacket);

WILSON, JACQUELINE - Making Hate (With Dustjacket);

WILSON, JAMES Q. - Thinking About Crime (Trade Paperback);

WILSON, JOHN ROWAN - Hall of Mirrors (With Dustjacket); ** Means to an End (No Dustjacket);

WILSON, ROB - Frame-up ti Belize (trade paperback);

WILTSE, DAVID - Bone Deep (With Dustjacket); *** The Edge of Sleep (With Dustjacket); ** Into the Fire (With Dustjacket); *** The Wedding Guest (With Dustjacket);

WINCHELL, PRENTICE - Danger! Detectives Working (With Dustjacket);

WINCHESTER, CLARENCE - Three Men in a Plane (With Dustjacket);

WINDSOR, HUGH - The Source of Death (With Dustjacket);

WINDSOR, PATRICIA - Something's Waiting for You, Baker D. (With Dustjacket);

WINGATE, WILLIAM - Fire Play (With Dustjacket); *** Shotgun (With Dustjacket);

WINN, PATRICK - Postscript to Murder (With Dustjacket);

WINNER, PERCY - Scene in the Ice-Blue Eyes (No Dustjacket);

WINNINGTON, ALAN - Catseyes (With Dustjacket); *** The Fairfax Millions (With Dustjacket);

WINSLOW, PAULINE GLEN - The Rockefeller Gift (With Dustjacket);

WINSOR, DIANA - The Death Convention (With Dustjacket);

WINSTON, DAOMA - The Lotteries (With Dustjacket);

WISE, ARTHUR - Who Killer Enoch Powell? (With Dustjacket);

WISE, LEONARD - The Big Biazarro (With Dustjacket);

WISE, WILLIAM - Killer Smog (With Dustjacket);

WITHERS, E.L. - Diminishing Returns (With Dustjacket); *** Heir Apparent (With Dustjacket);

WITTING, CHARLES - Villainous Saltpetre (With Dustjacket);

WOLFE, BERNARD - In Deep (With Dustjacket);

WOLFE, LINDA - Love Me to Death (With Dustjacket); *** Wasted (With Dustjacket);

WOLFE, KAY/ TAYLOR, SYBIL - The Last Run (With Dustjacket);

WOLFE, WINIFRED - Never Step on Rainbow (With Dust Jacket);

WOLK, GEORGE - 400 Brattle Street (With Dustjacket);

WOLPERT, STANLEY - Nine Hours to Rama (w/dj; No Dustjacket);

WOOD, BARBARA - The Prophetness (With Dustjacket);

WOOD, BARI - Dool's Eyes (With Dustjacket); *** The Killing Gift (w/dj; No Dustjacket); *** The Tribe (With Dustjacket);

WOOD, BARI/ GEASLAND, JACK - Twins (No Dust Jacket);

WOOD, TED - Live Bait (With Dustjacket);

WOODFIN. HENRY - Virginia's Thing (With Dustjacket);

WOODHOUSE, MARTIN - Blue Bone (With Dustjacket); *** Mama Doll (With Dustjacket); *** Phil and Me (With Dustjacket); *** Tree Frog (With Dustjacket);

WOODS, GEORGE - Catch a Killer (trade paperback);

WOODS, SARA - An Improbable Fiction (With Dustjacket); *** Bloody Instructions (With Dustjacket); *** Enter Certain Murders (With Dustjacket); *** Enter the Corpse (No Dust Jacket); *** Exit Murderer (With Dustjacket); *** Past Murderer (With Dustjacket); *** Past Praying for (With Dustjacket); *** Tarry and be Hanged (With Dustjacket); *** Though I Know She Lies (With Dustjacket); *** Trusted Like the Fox (With Dustjacket); *** The Windy Side of the Law (With Dustjacket); *** Yet She Must Die (With Dustjacket);

WOODS, STUART - Choke (With Dust Jacket); *** New York Dead (With Dustjacket);

WOODS, WILLIAM CRAWFORD - The Killing Zone (With Dustjacket);

WOODWARD, BOB - Veil: The Secret Wars of the C.I.A. 1981 - 1987 (With Dust Jacket);

WOODWARD, BOB/ ARMSTRONG, SCOTT - The Brethren (With Dustjacket);

WOOLFOLK, WILLIAM - The Overlords (With Dustjacket);

WOOLRICH, CORNELL - The Black Curtain (No Dustjacket; 1977); *** Phantom Lady (as William Irish);

WOZENCRAFT, KIM - Rush (With Dustjacket);

WREN, M.K. - Oh, Bury Me Not (With Dustjacket);

WRIGHT, ERIC - Death in the Old Country (With Dustjacket); *** The Night of Gods Smiled (No Dust Jacket); *** Smoke Detector (With Dustjacket);

WRIGHT, HAROLD BELL - Exit (With Dustjacket);

WRIGHT, L.R. - Mother Love (With Dustjacket); *** Prized Possessions (With Dustjacket); *** A Touch of Panic (With Dust Jacket);

WRIGHT, PETER - Spycatcher (With Dust Jacket); *** The Spycathcer's Encyclopedia of Espionage (Trade Paperback);

WRIGHT, RICHARD B. - Final Things (With Dustjacket);

WRIGHT, S. FOWLER - Police and Public (trade paperback);

WRIGHT, WADE - Suddenly You're Dead (With Dustjacket); *** Until She Dies (With Dustjacket);

WUORIO, EVA-LIS -- Save Alice! (With Dust Jacket);

WYLIE, PHILIP - The Savage Gentleman (No Dust Jacket); *** Son and Daughters of Mom (With Dust Jacket);

WYLLIE, JOHN - Death is a Drum... Beating Forever (With Dust Jacket); *** A Pocket Full of Dead (With Dust Jacket);

WYND, OSWALD - Death the Red Flower (With Dust Jacket); *** Walk Softly, Men Praying (With Dust Jacket);

WYNNE-JONES, TIM - The Knot (With Dust Jacket);

XENAKIS, FRANCOISE - The Fig Tree (With Dustjacket);

YAFFE, JAMES - Mom Meets Her Maker (With Dust Jacket);

YATES, BROCK - Dead in the Water (With Dust Jacket);

YATES, DORNFORD - Ne-er-Do-Well (With Dustjacket);

YATES, GEORGE WORTHING - If a Body (No Dustjacket); *** There was a Crooked Man (No Dustjacket);

YATES, J. MICHAEL - Line Screw (With Dustjacket);

YGLESIAS, HELEN - Sweetsir (With Dustjacket);

YGLESIAS, RAFAEL - Fearless (With Dustjacket);

YORK, ANDREW- The Co-ordinator (No Dustjacket); *** The Eliminator (With Dustjacket); *** The Eliminator (With Dustjacket); *** The Expurgator (With Dustjacket); *** The Predator (With Dustjacket); *** Tallant for Trouble (With Dustjacket);

YORK, CAROL BEACH - I Will Make You Disappear (With Dustjacket);

YORK, JEREMY - Hide and Kill (With Dustjacket); *** Murder Came Late (With Dustjacket); *** Sentence of Death (With Dustjacket); *** To Kill or Die (With Dustjacket);

YORKE, MARGARET - Cast for Death (With Dustjacket); *** Dangerous to Know (With Dustjacket); *** The Hand of Death (With Dustjacket); *** No Medals for the Major (With Dustjacket);

YOUNG, DESMOND - The Man in the Helmut (With Dust Jacket);

YOUNG, COLLIER - The Todd Dossier (With Dustjacket);

YOUNG, DELBERT A. - The Mounties (With Dustjacket);

YOUNG, EDWARD - The Fifth Passenger (With Dust Jacket);

ZAMORA, WILLIAM - Trial by Your Peers (With Dust Jacket);

ZWEIG,ARNOLD - The Case of Sergeant Grischa (No Dust Jacket);


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( 1 );  We accept payment thru PAYPAL (the Most Popular Option) = www.paypal.com 

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>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986


Email; dsulipa@gmail.com

Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at;  1-204-392-6686

Website; www.dougcomicworld.com

ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com

SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;

ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;



Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

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Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

