INVENTORY - PHILOSOPHY Mass Market Paperbacks Books FOR SALE


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INVENTORY - PHILOSOPHY Mass Market Paperbacks Books FOR SALE

PHILOSOPHY Mass Market Paperback Books (Love of Wisdom; Study of the General and Fundamental Questions about Existence, Knowledge, Values, Reason, Mind, and Language); 

The Age of Ideology; The 19th Century Philosophers”; Selected, with Introduction and Commentary by Henry D. Aiken (Mentor Books MD 185);


*** “Aquinas”; by F.C. Copleston; An Introduction to the Medieval Thinker (Pelican Philisophy Series A 349);

*** “An Aquinas Reader; Selections from the Writings of Thomas Aquinas” Edited with an Introduction by Mary T. Clark (Doubleday Image Book);


*** “Ethics” Translated by J.A.K. Thomson (Penguin Classics L 55);

*** “The Politics” Translated with an Introduction by T.A. Sinclair (Penguin Classics);

*** “Aristotle” by Abraham Edel; A Biography and Selections of Writings (The Laurel Great Lives and Thoughts; Dell Books 0272);

*** “Aristotle for Everybody” by Mortimer J. Adler (Bantam Book 26776-0);

*** “Aristotle Selections” Edited by W.D. Ross (Charles Scribner's Sons);

*** “The Pocket Aristotle” Edited with Prefatory Notes by Justin D. Kaplan (Various Printings and Companys);

ARISTOTLE “Politics Books II-V; ST. THOMAS AQUINAS “Treatise on Law” (The Great Books Foundation);

AYER, A.J. “The Problem of Knowledge” An Enquiry into the Main Philosophical Problems that Enter into the Theory of Knowledge (Pelican Philosophy Series A 377);


*** “Francis Bacon; Philosopher of Industrial Science” by Benjamin Farrington; Study of His Life and Writings (Collier Books AS72);

BAILEY, FOSTER “Changing Esoteric Values” (Lucis Pub. Co.);

BARRETT, WILLIAM “Irrational Man; A Study in Existential Philosophy” (Doubleday Anchor A 321);

BENTHAM, JEREMY/ MILL, JOHN STUART ' The Utilitarians; Principles of Morals and Legislation by Jeremy Bentham/ On Liberty and Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill” (Dolphin Book C 265);


*** “Berkeley” by G.J. Warnock; Introduction to the Writings of this Eighteenth Century Irish Philosopher (Pelican Philosophy Series A 286);

BERLIN, ISAIAH “The Age of Enlightenment; the 18th Century Philosophers” Selected, with Introduction and Commentary (Mentor Books MD 172);

BLACKHAM, H.J. “Humanism” (Pelican Book A 930);

BLACKHAM, H.J./ MARTIN, KINGSLEY/ HEPBURN, RONALD/ NOTT, KATHLEEN “Objections to Humanism” (Pelican Books A 765);

BRINTON, CRANE “The Portable Age of Reason Reader” Edited, with an Introduction (Penguin Books/ Viking Portable Library);

*** “The Shaping of the Modern Mind” History of Western Thought from Classical Times to the Present (Mentor Book M 98);


*** “Butler's Moral Philosophy” The Foundation of Ethics as Treated by the Eighteenth Century Bishop (Pelican Philosophy Series A 244);

CAMPBELL, KEITH “Body and Mind” (Doubleday Anchor PP2);

CASSIRER, ERNST “An Essay on Man; an Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture” (Doubleday Anchor Anchor A3);


*** “The Second Ring of Power”;

*** “A Separate Reality; Further Conversations with Don Juan”;

*** “Tales of Power”;

CHILDS, MARQUIS W./ CATER, DOUGLASS “Ethics in a Business Society” The Nature of Moral Values in the Modern World (Mentor Book M 107);

CHRISTIE, STUART/ MELTZER, ALBERT “The Floodgates of Anarchy” An Exposition of Anarchist Theory (Sphere 23167);

COMMAGER, HENRY S. (Editor) “Selections from The Federalist; A Commentary on the Constitution of The United States” (Appleton-Century-Crofts);

COMMINS, SAXE/ LINSCOTT, ROBERT N. (Editors) “Man and Spirit; The Speculative Philosophers” (Washington Square Press W 965);

CORNFORD, F.M. “Before and After Socrates” (Cambridge University Press);


*** The Sayings of Confucius; The Teachings of China's Greatest Sage” a New Translation by James R. Ware (Mentor Book MD 151);

*** “A Short History of Confucian Philosophy” by Liu Wu-Chi (Pelican Book A 333);

CREEL, H.G. “Chinese Thought; from Confucius to Mao Tse-Tung” (Mentor Book MD 269);

CURTIS, MICHAEL (Editor) “The Great Political Theories; From Plato and Aristotle to Locke and Montesquieu” Edited, with Introduction and Commentary (Avon V-2036);

DA VINCI, LEONARDO “Philosophical Diary” (Wisdom Library 53);

DE GEORGE, RICHARD T. (Editor) “Ethics and Society; Original Essays on Contemporary Moral Problems” (Doubleday Anchor A 512);

DEWEY, JOHN “Reconstruction in Philosophy” (Mentor Book M53);

DURANT, WILL “The Story of Philosophy; The Lives and Opinions of the World's Greatest Philosophers from Plato to John Dewey”;

EDWARDS, JONATHAN “Basic Writings” Selected, Edited, amd with a Foreword by Ola Elizabeth Winslow (Signet Classic CT297);


*** “Emerson; A Modern Anthology” Edited by Alfred Kazin and Danial Aaron (Dell Laurel Edition LC116);

EMMETT, E.R. “Learning to Philosophize” Application of Logic and Philosophy in Daily Life (Pelican Book);

FEIBLEMAN, JAMES K. “Understanding Philosophy; A Popular History of Ideas” (Dell 8218);

FLUGEL, J.C. “Man, Morals and Society; A Psycho-Analytical Study” (Pelican Book A 324);

FRANK, PHILIPP “Modern Science and its Philosophy” Scientific Thought and it's Implication to Modern Man (Collier Books BS45);

FRAMKFORT, HENRI/ FRANKFORT, MRS. H.A./ WILSON, JOHN A./ JACOBSON, THORKILD “Brfore Philosophy; The Intellectual Adventure af Anciet Man” Pelican Book A 198);

FREMANTLE, ANNE “The Age of Belief; The Medieval Philosophers” Selected with Introduction and Commentary (Mentor Book MD 126);

*** “This Little Band of Prophets; The British Fabians” (Mentor Book MT266);

GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH “The New Industrial State” (Signet Book Y3637);

GALLIE, W.B. “Peirce and Pragmatism” Theories of the American Thinker (Pelican Book A 254);

GASSET, ORTEGA Y “The Revolt of the Masses”(Mentor Book M49);

GELLNER, ERNEST “Words and Things” Introduction by Bertrand Russell (Pelican Book A926);

GHISELIN, BREWSTER (Editor) “The Creative Process” 38 Essays (mentor Book MT717);

GURDJIEFF, G.I. “Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson; An Objectively Impartial Critism of the Life of Man” (E.P.Dutton D 348);


*** “The Basic Ideas of Alexander Hamilton” Edited by Richard B. Morris (Pocket Library PL-33);

HAMPSHIRE, STUART “The Age of reason; The 17th Century Philosophers” Selected, with Introduction and Commentary (Mentor Book MD 158);

HANNA, THOMAS “The Thought and Art of Albert camus” (Gateway 6053);

HAWTON, HECTOR “Philosophy for Pleasure; An Adventure in Ideas” (Premier Book d75);

HERRIGEL, EUGEN “Zen in the Art of Archery” Vintage Book V-663);

HEESE, HERMANN “My Belief; Essays on Life and Art” Edited and with an Introduction by Theodore Ziolkowski (Triad Panther);


*** “Hobbes” A Critical Exposition by Richard Peters (Pelican Philosophy Series A367);

*** “Leviathan” Political Philosophy (Various);

HOFFER, ERIC “The True Believer” (Mentor Book MP434);

HOFSTADTER, RICHARD “The Age of Reform; From Bryan to F.D.R.” (Vintage Book V-95);


*** “The Holmes Reader” Selected and Edited by Julius J. Marke (Oceana's Docket Books);

HUXLEY, ALDOUS “The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell” (Granada);

HUXLEY, JULIAN “Knowledge, Morality, and Destiny” (Mentor Book MD 303);

HYDE, WILLIAM DE WITT “The Five Great Philosophies of Life” (Collier Books 06599);

JAMES, WILLIAM “Pragmatism and Four Essays from The Meaning of Truth” (Meridian Books M 16);


*** “The Living Thoughts of Thomas Jefferson” Presented by John Dewey (Premier Book d61);

*** “Thomas Jefferson on Democracy” Edited by Saul K. Padover (Pelican Books P13);

JOAD, C.E.M. “Guide to Modern Thought” Pan Books GP 4);


*** “Kant” Introduction to the Philosophy of One of the Greatest Thinkers of the Modern World by S. Korner (Pelican Philosophy Series A338);

KAUFMANN, WALTER “Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sarte” (Meridian Books M 39);


*** “The Jounals of Kierhegaard 1834-1854” Edited and Translated by Alexander Dru (Fontana Books 279);

KING, MARTIN LUTHER JR. “Stride toward Freedom” (Ballantine Books U2208);

KOCKELMANS, JOSEPH J. (Editor) “Contemporary European Ethics; Selected Readings” (1972; Doubleday Anchor A830);

LANGER, SUSANNE K. “Philosophy in a New Key; A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Rite and Art” (Mentor Book M25);


*** “The Way of Life According to Lao Tzu” Translated by Witter Bynner (Capricorn Illustrated Edition CAP 72);

*** “The Way of Life Lao Tzu; Wisdom of Ancient China” Transtated by R.B. Blakney (Mentor Book M129);

LEFF, GORDON “Medieval Thought; From Saint Augustine to Ockham” (Pelican Book A 424);

LIPPMANN, WALTER “The Public Philosophy” (Mentor Book M 174);


*** “Essay Concerning Human Understanding” Preface by Russell Kirk (Gateway Editions 6016

*** “John Locke” A Critical Introduction to The Seventeenth Century Empiricist by D.J.O'Connor (Pelican Book A 267);

*** “Two Treatises of Government” (Dent Dutton 1751);

LUCRETIUS “On the Nature of the Universe” (Penguin Classics);

MANNHEIM, KARL “Ideology and Utopia” (Harvest Book HB 3);

MARITAIN, JACQUES “A Preface to Metaphysics” (Mentor Omega Book MP 403);.


*** “Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy” Edited by Lewis S. Feuer (Doubleday Anchor A185);

*** “An Introduction to Marxism” by Emile Burns (Little New World Paperbacks LNW-9);

*** “Manifesto of the Communist Party” (Progress Publishers);

MCLUHAN, MARSHALL “McLuhan; Pro and Con” Edited by Raymond Rosenthal (Pelican Book);

MEHTA, VED “Fly and the Fly-Bottle” Encounters with Contemporary British Philosophers and Historians (Pelican Book A 723);

MENCIUS “The Sayings of Mencius” Confucian Disciple a New Translation by James R. Ware (Mentor Book MD 307);


*** “John Stuart Mill” An Introduction to the Life and Teachings by Karl Britton (Pelican Philosophy Series A 274);

*** “On Liberty” Edited by Alburey Castell (Crofts Classics);

*** “Utilitarianism; On Liberty; Essay on Bentham” Edited with an Introduction by Mary Warnock (Meridian Books M140);

MILLS, C. WRIGHT “The Marxists” (Dell Laurel Edition LX141);


*** “The Selected Essays of Montaigne” Edited with an Introduction by Lester G. Crocker (Pocket Library PL 520);

*** “Selections from the Essays of Montaigne” Translated abd Edited by Donald M. Frame (Crofts Classics);

MOORE, THOMAS “Utopia” (Penguin Classics);

MUMFORD, LEWIS “The Transformations of Man” (Collier Books AS141X);

MUNITZ, MILTON K. “Space, Time and Creation; Philosophical Aspects of Scientific Cosmology” (Collier Books AS27);


*** “Joyful Wisdom” Introduction by Kurt F. Reinhardt (Frederick Ungar Pub. Co.);

*** “The Philosophy of Nietzsche” Edited with an Introduction by Geoffrey Clive (Mentor Book MQ657);

*** “Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ” (Penguin Classics);

NOWELL-SMITH, P.H. “Ethics” A Study of the Words and Concepts we Use (Pelican Book A 293);

NUCHO, FUAD “Berdyaev's Philosophy; The Existential Paradox of Freedom and Necessity” Introduction by Richard Kroner (Doubleday Anchor A539);


*** “The Living Thoughts of Tom Paine; John Dos Passos Presents” (Premier Book R222); (Fawcett Premier Book T394);

*** “The Rights of Man” (Everyman Paperback 1718);

PASCAL, BLAISE “Pensees” Translated with an Introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer (Penguin Classics);

PASSMORE, JOHN “A Hundred Years of Philosophy” (Pelican Book);

PETERSON, HOUSTON (Editor) “Essays in Philosophy” From David Hume to Bertrand Russell (Pocket Library PL-518);


*** “Dialogues of Plato” Selected with Prefatory Notes by J.D. Kaplan (Various Publishers and Editions);

*** “Great Dialogues of Plato” Modern Translation by W.H.D. Rouse (Mentor Classic);

*** “The Last Days of Socrates” (Penguin Classics);

*** “The Republic” (Penguin Classics);

*** “The Symposium” (Penguin Classics);

*** “Timaeus” (Penguin Classics);

*** “The Wisdom and Ideas of Plato” by Eugene Freeman and David Appel (Premier Book s28);

RADHAKRISHNAN, SARVEPALLI “Selected Writings on Philosophy, Religion, and Culture” Edited by Robert A. McDermott (Dutton Paperback D268);

RAND, AYN “Anthem” (Signet; Various Printings);

*** “Atlas Shrugged” (Signet Q1702);

*** “Capitalism; The Unknown Ideal” (Signet);

*** “For the New Intellectual” (Signet);

*** “The Romantic Manifesto” (Signet);

*** “We the Living” (Signet);

*** “Who is Ayn Rand ?” An Analysis of Ayn Rand's Works by Nathaniel Branden with a Biographical Study by Barbara Branden (Paperback Library 53-286);

REICHENBACH, HANS “The Rise of Scientific Philosophy” (University of California Press);

REPS, PAUL (Compiler) “Zen Flesh, Zen Bones” Zen and Pre-Zen Writings (Various);

RITCHIE, A.D. “Civilization, Science and Religion” (Pelican Book A 135);


*** “The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau” Translated by J.M. Cohen (Penguin Classics L 33 with Dust Jacket);

*** “The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau” Edited, Revised and Prefaced by Lester G. Crocker (Pocket Library P.L. 56);

*** “The Social Contract” Translated and Introduced by Maurice Cranston (PenguinClassics);

RUCKER, RUDY “Infinity and the Mind; The Science and Philosophy of the Infinite” (Bantam Books);

RUNES, DAGOBERT D. “A Dictionary of Thought; From My Writings and My Evenings” (Philosophical Library)

RUSSELL, BERTRAND “Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind” (Avon G 13 Bard 13);

*** “The Conquest of Happiness” (Bantam Books Q6986);

*** “Marriage and Morals” (Unwin Books 13);

*** “Mysticism and Logic” A Collection of Essays (Pelican Books A 270);

SAMUEL, VISCOUNT HERBERT LOUIS “Belief and Action; An Everyday Philosophy” Revised Edition (Pan Books 261);

SANTAYANA, GEORGE “Character and Opinion in the United States” (Doubleday Anchor A 73);

SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL “The Psychology of Imagination” Translated by Bernard Frachtman (Washington Square Press);

SCHWEITZER, ALBERT “Out of My Life and Thought” (Mentor Book MD83);

SEELY, CHARLES S. “Modern Materialism” (Wisdom Library 64);

SHEROVER, CHARLES M. (Editor) “The Development of the Democratic Idea; Readings from Pericles to the Present” Introductions and Postscript (Mentor Book ME1303);

SHERRINGTON, SIR CHARLES “Man on His Nature” Expression of a Biologist's Philosophy (Pelican Book A 322);

SMITH, ADAM “The Wealth of Nations; An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes Book 1” (Gateway Editions 6001);

SNYDER, LOUIS L. “The Age of Reason” (Anvil Books 0006);


*** “Socrates; The Man and His Thoughts” by A.E. Taylor (Doubleday Anchor A9);

SOHL, ROBERT/ CARR, AUDREY (Editors) “The Gospel According to Zen; Beyond the Death of God” (Mentor Book MQ1001);

SOMERVILLE, JOHN/ SANTONI, RONALD E. (Editors) “Social and Political Philosophy” An Anthology of Basic Statements (Doubleday Anchor A 370);

SOROKIN, P.A. “The Crisis of Our Age” A prophetic View of the Future (Dutton Paperback D10);


*** “Spinoza” A General Introduction to the Seventeenth Century Philosopher (Pelican Philosophy Series A253);

STAPLEDON, OLAF “Philosophy and Living Volume 1” (Pelican Book A53);

*** “Philosophy and Living Volume 2” (Pelican Book A54; With Dust Jacket);

STEBBING, L. SUSAN “Philosophy and the Physicists” (Pelican Book A145);

STEVENS, WALLACE “The Necessary Angel; Essays on reality and Imagination” (Vintage Book V 278);

THAYER, H. STANDISH (Editor) “Pragmatism; The Classic Writings” With Introduction and Commentary (Mentor Book MW1006);

THOREAU, HENRY DAVID “The Best of Walden and Civil Disobedience” (Campus Classic/Scholastic TK680);

*** “The Portable Thoreau” Revised Edition; Edited by Carl Bode (Viking Portable Library P 31);

*** “Walden” With Wood-engravings by Ethelbert White (Penguin Illustrated Classics C 4);

*** “Walden, or, Life in the Woods” (Signet Book 747);

*** “Walden and Civil Disobedience” (Airmont CL 83);

*** “Walden and the Famous Essay on Civil Disobedience” (Signet Classic CD32);

*** “Walden; and Other Writings” Edited by Brooks Atkinson (Modern Library T 35);

*** “Walden and Other Writings” Edited by Joseph Wood Krutch (Bantam Books 11585-5);

Three Philosophical Voyages; Cyrano De Bergerac 'Les Etats et Empires de la Lune' and Voltaire 'Candide' and 'Micromegas' in the Original French” Introduction and Notes by Julian Eugene White, Jr. (Dell 8851);

TOYNBEE, ARNOLD J. “Greek Historical Thought” (Mentor Book M72);

TROTSKY, LEON “The Living Thoughts of Karl Marx” Foreword by Sidney Hook (Premier Book d186);

VAN OVER, RAYMOND (Editor) “Taoist Tales” (Mentor Book MJ1250);

WALKER, KENNETH “Meaning and Purpose” Analysis of Scientific Theories ot the Last Hundred Years and Their Impact on Religious Thought and Belief (Pelican Book A 211);

WARNER, REX “The Greek Philosophers” (Mentor Book MD226);

WATTS, ALAN “Does it Matter ? Essays on Man's Relation to Materiality” (Vintage Book V-665);

WATTS, ALAN W. “Nature, Man and Woman” Man's Place in the Natual World (Vintage Book V-592);


*** “The Daniel Webster Reader” Selected and Edited by Bertha Rothe (Docket Series No.5);

WHITE, MORTON “The Age of Analysis; 20th Century Philosophers” Selected with Introduction and Commentary (Mentor Book MD 142);

WHITEHEAD, ALFRED NORTH “Adventures of Ideas; A Brilliant History of Mankind's Great Thoughts” (Mentor Books MD 141);

*** “Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead” As Recorded by Lucien Price (Mentor Book MD 180);

*** “Modes of Thought” (Capricorn Books CAP 5);

WILSON, JOHN/ WILLIAMS, NORMAN/ SUGARMANN, BARRY “Introduction to Moral Education” (Pelican BookA921);

WYLIE, PHILIP “An Essay on Morals” A Bold and Provocative Indictment of Our Modern World (Giant Cardinal Ediot GC-93);



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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



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Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

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Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

