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(all Religions & Related; Devotional, Inspirational, Spiritual, Theology, Ethics, Morality, Apologetics, Biography, Autobiography, Documentary, Missionary, History, Nuns, Bishops, Priests, Preacher, Devil, Satan, God, Alcoholics, Clergy, Rabbi, Yogi, Crusades, Vatican, Ministry, Armageddon, Apostles, Saints, Angels, Popes, Swami, Budda, Zen, Buddhists, Christian, Catholic, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Jehovah's Witness, Cults, Evangelist, Anglican, Sermons, Cardinals, Jewish, Israel, Hebrew, Jesus Christ, Psychology, Philosophy, Belief & Faith, Methodology, Miracles, Testimonials, Prayers, Prophecy, Prophets, Occult & Mysticism, Afterlife, Nazi's, Churches, Scripture, Gospel, Bible, Bible Studies, Old & New Testaments,
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RELIGION - Mass Market Paperbacks ;
(all Relgions & Related; Devotional, Inspirational, Spiritual, Theology, Ethics, Morality, Apologetics, Biography, Autobiography, Documentary, Missionary, History, Nuns, Bishops, Priests, Preacher, Devil, Satan, God, Alcoholics, Clergy, Rabbi, Yogi, Crusades, Vatican, Ministry, Armageddon, Apostles, Saints, Angels, Popes, Swami, Budda, Zen, Buddists, Christian, Catholic, Presbyterian, Penrecostal, Jehovah's Witness, Cults, Evangelist, Anglican, Sermons, Cardinals, Jewish, Israel, Hebrew, Jesus Christ, Psychology, Philosophy, Belief & Faith, Methodology, Miracles, Testimonials, Prayers, Prophecy, Prophets, Occult & Mysticism, Afterlife, Nazi's, Churches, Scripture, Gospel, Bible, Bible Studies, Old & New Testaments,
and MORE) = For Sale;
--- A,B ---
ABBOTT, WALTER M. (ed.) - The Documents of Vatican II (The Message and Meaning of the Ecumenical council.);
ABRAHAM, KEN - Armed and Dangerous: Straight Answers From the Bible (Answers from the abortion to war.);
ADAIR, JAMES R. - Brothers Black (17 stories of black people, mostly American, doing great tings for God and their own people.);
AFRIKSON - African Adventurers (For African Christians by African Christians in fictional form of factual events.);
ALLNUTT, FRANK - The Force of Star Wars (Unlocking the mystery of the force, an outline of world history that will culminate in invasion fro outer space.);
ALL THE WORLD! (World literature crusade Pub.; what their missionaries are doing and how.);
ALLEGRO, J.M. - The Dead Sea Scrolls (The manuscript discoveries and their significance to the Bible.); *** The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross (Did the Christ figure evolve from a fertility cult?); *
ALLEN, CHARLES A. - God's Psychiatry (Let the Bible help you in your everyday living.); *** The Touch of the Master's Hand (Classic and modern stories of healing.);
A.L.O.E. - The Robber's Cave (A moody press tale of Italy, fictional inspirational);
ANDERSON, BERNHARD W. - The Unfolding Drama of the Bible (Eight studies introducing the Bible as a whole.);
ANGEL, ALFRED – Stop Press! Hugh Redwood's Unfinished Story (Biography of crusading journalist, evangelist, author & broadcaster.);
The Apostles' Creed: an Introduction (Six meditations.);
APPASAMY, A.J. - The Cross is Heaven (The Indian mystic Sadhu Sundar Singh his life and writings.);
ARADI, ZSOLT – The Book of Miracles (The entire panorama of miracles.); *** (with TUCEKI, JAMES I./ O'NEILL, JAMES C.) - Pope John XXIII (Biography;
ARCIC – The Final Report (Anglican – Roman Catholic international commission; Windsor September/ 1981);
ARMSTRONG, KAREN – Beginning the World (Autobiography of the former nun.);
AUCLAIR, MARCELLE – Teresa of Avila (Biography);
AUGSBURGER, DAVID – Be All You Can Be (A guide to maturity in Christ); *** Man Uptight (New angles on tough choices.); *** So What? Everybody's Doing It! (Answers for youths questions about life and Christianity.);
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BACOVCIN, HELEN (translated) – The Way of a Pilgrim, and, the Pilgrim Continues His Way (Story of a 19th century Russian peasant.);
BAIGENT, MICHAEL/ LEIGH, RICHARD/ LINCOLN, HENRY – The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (Illustrated, a modern factual grail quest.); *** The Messianic Legacy (Investigation into the society of the Prieure de Sion); \
BAILEY, FAITH COXE-George Mueller: Youth Rebel in Bristol (Biography for teenagers); *** The Valley and the World: the Story of D.L. Moody (Biography for teenagers);
BAINTON, ROLAND H. - Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther (Biography); *** Sex, Love and Marriage; a Christian Survey;
BAKER, CANON A.E. - William Temple and his Message (Selections from his writings);
BAKKER, JIM – The Big 3 Mountain Movers (Photo cover ; Trust, delight and commit);
BALWIN, MONICA – The called and the Chosen (Fictional story of a young nun by an ex-nun.);
BALDWIN, VIRGINIA & LOUIS – To Marry, With Love (A frank & practical guide to happy marriage.);
BANKS, DONALD – Odd Man Out? (A rich Christian in Africa);
BARCLAY, WILLIAM – (Franco Zeffirelli's) Jesus of Nazareth (Movie adaption of Christ's life); *** More Prayers for the Plain Man (Dailey and special devotions.);
BARKMAN, FRIEDA – Look for the Wonder (A family celebrates its faith.);
BARLOW, SANNA MORRISON – Mountains Singing (The story of gospel recording in the Philippines.);
BARREAU, JEAN-CLAUDE – The Good News of Jesus (Translated by Roma Rudd Turkel; speaking of Jesus as a friend by a friend.);
BARRETT, ETHEL – Sometimes I Fell Like a Blob (What makes a Teen-ager say that); *** There I Stood in all my Splendor (Eight stories of life.); *** Will the Real Phony Please Stand Up (Conversational commentary on James Letter in the New Testament);
BARTON, BRUCE – The Man Nobody Knows (Unconventional interpretation of Jesus the man);
BARTON, CLARA – A Story of the Red Cross (The first twenty-five years as told by it's founder.);
BASHAM, REVEREND DON – Deliver Us From Evil (Truth about a terrifying reality demon – possession); *** Face Up With a Miracle (Autobiography); *** A Handbook on Tongues, Interpretation and Prophecy (Questions and answers on the inspirational gifts of the holy spirit.);
BATES, M. SEARLY – China in Change: an Approach to Understanding (Contemporary history, culture and influence);
BAYCROFT, JOHN – The Anglican Way (A consist introduction);
BAYLES, MICHAEL D. (ed.) Contemporary Unitarianism (A collection of ten papers with Donagan/ J.S. Mills/ R.B. Brandt and others);
BAYLY, JOSEPH – Out of my Mind (Reflecting the rapid changes of the times.);
BEALES, A.C.F. - The Catholic Church and International Order (Teachings of the church on international relations, pub. 1941);
BEAM, MAURICE – Cults in America (Free love, Voodoo, polygamy, Zen Buddhist and others);
THE BEAUTY OF Christmas (Poetry inspired by Christmas);
BELDEN, K.D. - Reflections of Moral Re-Armament (Questioning how radically do we expect God to act in lives and society.);
BEL GEDDES, JOAN – To Barbara wit Love (Prayers and reflections by a believer for a sceptic);
BELL, G.K.A. - The Bishop of Chichester – Christianity and World Order (An attempt to show the necessity of a Christian basis of world order.); *** The Kingship of Christ (An explaination of the purpose and aspirations of the world council of churches; Pub. 1954);
BELL, MARINT – Return of the Wolf (Modern fables, songs, poems and short stories about the scriptures.); *** The Way of the Wolf: The Gospel in New Images (Stories, poems, and thoughts on the parables of Jesus);
BELL, SALLIE LEE – Through Golden Meadows (A novel of a young womans quest for peace.);
BELLOC, HILAIRE – The Path to Rome (A journey on foot from Lorraine, France to Rome; reflections on the Christian traditions of Europe.);
BENNETT, DENNIS J. - Nine O'clock in the Morning (Controversial “Speaking in Tongues” experience in Van Nuys, California; 1960);
BENTON, JOHN "Augie” *** “Debbie” *** "Marji and the Kidnap Plot” *** "Sherri" **** “Where are the Russians?”
BERGER, PETER L. - A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural (Sociology of religion.); *** The Sacred Canopy (Elements of a sociological theory of religion);
BERGERON, HENRI-PAUL – Brother Andre and Wonder Man of Mount Royal (Biography of Montreal's “Little Brother”); *** The Two Sources of Morality and Religion (Modern French classic);
BERNANOS, GEORGES – The Carmelite (Novel of a young nun's struggle with fear of death.); *** The Diary of a Country Priest (Novel of a French village priest.);
BERRIGAN, S.J. DANIEL – No Bars to Manhood (An American Jesuit priest, Chaplain of Cornell University, serving three years for buring draft records in protest against Vietnam.);
BERRY, RUTH MUIRHEAD – High is the Wall (Novel of the problems met by a Protestant wife and her Catholic husband.);
BERTOCCI, PETER A. - Why Believe in God? (For Young and Old, It explains how to have a rational faith.);
THE BIBLE – The Pocket Bible.
BIBLE ANSWERS (Studies in the word of God to light the Christian path.);
BIBLE READINGS FOR THE HOME (300 vital scripture topics in question and answer form.);
BILLHEIMER, PAUL E. - Destines for the Throne (A new look at the Bride of Christ.);
BISHOP, JIM – Go with God (Prayers from all ages and faiths, Protestant, Jewish, Moslem, Hindu and others.); *** The day Christ Died ( The hour by hour account of the last day of Jesus Christ.); *** The Day Christ was Born (A Reverential reconstruciton of the nativity.);
BJORNSTAD, JAMES – Counterfeits at Your Door (Help from God's word for talking with Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons.);
BLACKBURN, E.R. - Short Stories for Christian Reading;
BLESSITT, ARTHUR – Arthur, A Pilgrim (Autobiograpgy; One Man's pilgrimage on foot around the world.); *** Tell the World: a Jesus People Manual (Methods that really work in winning others for Christ.);
BLUMENFELD, GERRY -Ecumania '71 Or Cracks in the Steeple (A collection of Catholic wit and humor.);
BOCK, VAL – Leprosy, Leeches and Love (Autobiography of an Australian nurse working in Papua, New Guinea & Thailand.);
BOCKELMAN, WILFRED – You Can Help Make it Happen (Some of the basic problems of church life.);
BOLDING, JOY – Please Give a Devotion (A varied and pointed series of inspirational devotions and meditations.);
BONHOEFFER, DIETRICH – Letters and Papers from Prison (Smuggled out of a Gestapo prison before being hanged in 1945.); *** The Way to Freedom (Letters, Lectures and Notes from the Collected Works.);
THE BOOK OF MORMON (Taken from the Plates of Nephi.);
THE BOOK OF PRAYERS (Compiled for Protestant Worship.);
BOONE, PAT – Between You, Me and the Gatepost (Advise on from first date to love and marriage.); *** A Miracle a Day Keeps the Devil Away (31 Specific miracles that happened to him, his family and friends.); *** A New Song (Autobiography); *** 'Twixt Twelve and Twenty (Teenage problems answered.);
BORROMEO, SISTER M. CHARLES – The New Nuns (Young radical nuns opinions on problems in the Catholic church.);
BOURDEAUX, MICHAEL – The Evidence that Convicted Aida Skripnikova (Biography of one young woman's resistance to religious persecution to Russia.);
BOURKE, DALE HANSON – Everyday Miracles (Holy moments in a mother's day by senior editor of “Today's Christian Woman” magazine);
BOUQUET, A.C. - Comparative Religion (A survey and comparison of the great religions of the world.); *** Sacred Books of the World (From primitive magic to the hymns and revelations of the twentieth century.):
BOUYER, LOUIS – The Seat of Wisdom (The place of the Virgin Mary in Christian theology.);
BOVET, THEODOR – A Handbook to Marriage (A Swiss doctor relates physical side of marriage to personal love and religious belief.);
BOYD, MALCOLM – Are You Running With Me, Jesus? (A book of uncommon prayer); *** Book of Days (Bold, shocking, challenging thoughts for every day.); *** The Fantasy Worlds of Peter Stone and Other Fables (From offbeat apologetic to satire.);
BRACHER, MARJORY LOUISE – The Anchor of Hope (Meditations for the seriously ill.);
The Bishop of Bradford – What the Church Teaches (A guide for Christian faith; a penguin special 1943.);
BREESE, DAVE – *** Know the Marks of Cults (The 12 basic errors of false religion.);
BRENNEMAN, HELEN GOOD – But not Forsaken (Novel of Mennonite Russian Ukrainians in World War II Europe.); *** Learning to Cope (Inspiring insights by a victim of multiple sclerosis.);
BRINKLEY, WILLIAM – The Deliverance of Sister Cecilia (Biography of a nun wanted by communist police, hiding and running);
BRISCOE, STUART – Bound for Joy (Philippians – Paul's letter from prison.); *** Where was the Church When the Youth Exploded? (Combines Spiritual observations and conclusions about modern youths.);
BROOKS,PHILLIPS – The Duty of the Christian Business Man;
BROOMHALL, A.J. - Time for Action (Christian responsibility to a non-Christian world.);
BROOMHALL, MARSHALL – The Man Who Believed in God, the Story of Hudson Taylor (Biography of a 19th century missionary in China.);
BROTHER, ANDREW – Battle for Africa (The church against the revolution of communists and dictatorship); *** The Ethics of Smuggling (States his case for bringing bibles to communist countries.); *** God's Smuggler (Autobiography);
BROWN, JOAN WINMILL – No Longer Alone (Autobiography of young British actress; with 16 pages of photos from the movie.);
BROWNE, E. MARTIN (ed.) - Religious Drama 2 (21 medieval mystery and morality plays.);
BRUMFIELD, J.C. (Susie & Johnny Stories; from the radio kids' bible club series)
#3 Coals of Fire and Susie; *** #4 The Hand of God and Susie;
BRUNIN, JOHN GILLAND/ CONNOLLY, FRANCIS X. (eds.) Stories of our Centuries by Catholic Authors (25 of the Best Short Stories of the 20th Century);
BRYANT, AL.(ed.) - Poems the Bless (Zondervan Pub.); *** Time Out (Daily devotions for young people.);
BRYANT, ANITA – Amazing Grace (Her witness to Christ .); *** The Anita Bryant Story (The truth behind militant homosexuality.); *** Bless this House (Testament to Christian Marriage); *** Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (Autobiography);
Buddhist Scriptures (Selected and translated by Edward Conze.);
BUNTAIN, MARK – Miracle in the Mirror (Biography of Nita Edwards totally paralysed and instantly healed.);
BURKE, CARL F. - God is the Real, Man (Street gang's retelling of bible stories.) *** Treat Me Cool, Lord (Prayer of kids from street gangs told in their own language.);
BURKE, NORTHCOTE R. - Collector's Items (A fresh look at the collects.);
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--- C,D ---
CADOUX, C.J. - The Life of Jesus (Critical study of the historical evidence.);
CALKIN, RUTH HARMS – Lord it keeps Happening... And Happening (Collection of prayer poems.);
CANNON, BRENDA – Dan and Jack Find a Pal (Novel for young Christians.);
CAPLEY, M.J. - Bible Puzzles and Games (Spire books; 1981);
CAPPER, W. MELVILLE/ WILLIAMS, H. MORGAN – Towards Christian Marriage (Christian approach to the privileges and the responsibilities of sex.);
CAPPS,. CHARLES – Authority: Special Edition Word of Faith Bible School (Prophecy given Capps White teaching his message.); *** Success Motivation (Through the word of Christ helping both financially and physically.); *** The Tongue – a Creative Force (Principle of spiritual law that's been hidden behind religious tradition.);
CARAMAN, PHILIP – Henry Morse: Priest of the Plague and Martyr of England (Historical biography.); *** (ed.) Saints and Ourselves (Personal studies by people from the 4th century to 20th century);
CAREY, GEORGE – The Great God Robbery (Western culture robbery people of the chance for belief.);
CARMICHAEL, JOEL – The Death of Jesus (Is God dead – or is it Jesus?);
CAROTHERS, MERLIN R. - Prison to praise (From a criminal youth to a US army Chaplin through personal revelation.);
CARPENTER, S.C. - Christianity (Outline of the fundamentals and development of the Christian faith and its message to the modern world.);
CASSIDY, MICHAEL – Where are You Taking the World Anyway? (The years between fifteen and twenty-five and the importance of the decisions you make.);
CASTLE, E.B. - Educating the Good Man (Moral education in Christian times.);
Catholic Wit and Wisdom (Lumun Books 1955);
The Catholic Treasury of Wit and Humor (Dell 1140; 1963);
CAVE, PETER – The Judas Freaks (The startling story of the Jesus generation);
CERULLO, MORRIS – Two Men from Eden (The downfall of Adam & the triumph of Jesus.);
CHACOUR, ELIAS (with Hazard, David) Blood Brothers (A Palestinian's autobiographical struggle for reconciliation in the middle east.);
CHAMBERS, OSWALD – Conformed to his Image (Salvation into Christ – likeness by God's grace.);
CHAMPLIN, JOSPH M. - “Don't You Really Love Me?” (Sensitive and forthright discussion of love & sex for the young.);
CHAPIN, ALICE – Bible Promises for Supernatural Living (Topically arranged for everyday problems.);
CHAPMA, J. WILBUR - “And Peter” and Other Sermons (Copyright 1896, some of his favourite sermons.);
CHARPENTIER, LOUIS – The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral (This and other cathedrals were the manifestation of a secret communicated to mankind by occult and mystical means.);
CHESNUT, D. LEE – The Monkey's on the Run, Yes It's About Evolution (Supposed scientific facts supporting creationism);
CRESTERTON, G.K. - The Catholic Church and Conversion (Reason and liberty as the starting point for catholic faith.); *** The Everlasting Man (The sense as wonder at the universe, at God, and man in a sophisticated age of scorn.);
ChristENSON, EVELYN - “Lord, Change Me!” (On changing your attitude and becoming the person you want to be.); *** What Happens When Women Pray (Down to earth, practical and thoroughly biblical teaching on prayer.);
ChristENSON, LARRY – Speaking in Tongues (Its significance for the Church.);
Christian Science Hymnal (Words Only.);
CLARKE, O. FIELDING – For Christ's Sake (A Reply to “Honest to God” by the bishop of Woolwich.);
CLAYPOOL, JOHN – Stages (A Christian look at predictable crisis in the major stages of life.);
The Cloud of Unknowning (Translation by Clifton Wolters of this devotional classic of the English church.);
COLEMAN, ROBERT E. - Life in the Living Word (Bible lessons for growing Christians);
COLSON, CHARLES – The Body; Being Light in Darkness (How the Church can recover her biblical identity); *** Born Again (Autobiography of what really happened to the white house hatchet man of the Watergate scandal.);
CONN, CHARLES PAUL – The New Johnny Cash (Biography of the singer who found an ever greater faith, with photos from the movie.);
CONNOLLY, FRANCIS X. - Wisdom of the Saints (Brief biography's of 28 saints with selections of their writings.);
CONWAY, MSGR. J.D. - Modern Moral Problems (Catholic Viewpoint on controversial issues; copyright 1961);
COOK, GLADYS MOON – Vashti and the Strange God (Novel about young Hindu girl's interest in the Christian faith.);
COOK, ROBERT – Now That I Believe (Written for young people out of his own experience of salvation.);
COOK, STANLEY – An introduction to the Bible (A survey of the History and composition of the old & new testaments in the light of modern knowledge.);
COOPER, MILDRED/ FANNING, MARTHA – What Every Woman Still Knows (The spiritual well being that is the cornerstone of every Christian home.);
COULSON, C.S. - Science and Christian Belief (Study of the relationship of science and Religion);
The Covenant Home Alter; 1976 July/August/ September (Daily devotional);
COWAN, WAYNE H. (ed.) - Facing Protestant – Roman Catholic Tensions (How to think clearly about the issues.);
COX, HARVEY – The Secular City )The emergency of secular urban civilization and the breakdown of tradition religion.);
CRANSTON, RUTH – The Miracle of Lourdes (The complete true story about the world famous shrine.);
CRAWFORD, DON – Miracles in Indonesia (Varying and contradictory opinions among indonesian Christians);
CRAWFORD,PERCY B. - The Art of Fishing of Fishing for Men (Technique & texts found valuable in winning souls for Christ);
CRIST, EVAMAE BARTON – Take This House (Story of a Christian couple who invited nine Vietnamese refugees to share their home.);
CRISWELL, W.A. - Look up Brother! (An assertion of What's right with the Church, the world and ourselves.);
CROUCH, ARCHIE. R. - Rising Through the Dust (The story of the Christian church in China.);
CROWELL, GRACE NOLL – Come see a Man (Meditations and poems of the life of Jesus.);
CRUZ, NICKY – Run Baby Run (Autobiography of New York city street gang member turned crusader.); *** Satan on the Loose (Dramatic crusade against demonic possession in America.);
Crying Wind – Crying Wind (Insights into Christina American Indian culture and cultural barriers.); *** My Searching Heart (Continues the story in 'Crying Wind”);
CUNDIFF, MARGARET – Called to be Me (Reminiscences of Ten years on the parrish staff in North Yorkshire.);
CUNNINGHAM, LOREN/ ROGERS, JANICE – Is That Really You, God? (A novel of a young man hearing the voice of God.);
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DANTE – The Divine Comedy Volume 1: Hell; *** DANTE – The Divine Comedy Volume 2: Purgatory; *** DANTE – The Divine Comedy Volume 3; Paradise; *** DANTY – The Inferno (A journey through Hell);
D'ARCY, M.C. - The Mind and Heart of Love (A study in eros and agape);
D'ARCY, PAULA – Song for Sarah (Autobiography of a young mother's.); *** Tragic Loss of her Daughter and her Faith in God;
DASS, BABA HARI – The Yellow book (The saying of mystic Baba Hari Dass);
DAVEY, CYRIL – The Monk Who Shook the World (The story of Martin Luther);
DAVIDMAN, JOY – Smoke of the Mountain (An interpretation of the ten commandments in term of today.);
DAVID-NEEL, ALEXANDRA – Magic and Mystery in Tibet (An objective account of supernatural experiences.);
DAVIES, A. POWELL – *** The Ten Commandments (Story of a great moral code and how it came to mankind.);
DAVIS, ELISE MILLER – The Answer is God (Dale Evans and Roy Rogers inspiring personal story and the miracle that changed their lives.);
Day by Day: The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students (1977);
DE BLANK, JOOST – This is Conversion (A working handbook on conversion.);
DEEN, EDITH – The Bible's Legacy for Womanhood (The greatest themes of the bible as it pertains to women.);
DEHANN, DR. M.R. - The Chemistry of the Blood (The scientific aspects of the gospel of the grace of God.);
DEKALB, LORIMER – A Stranger from the Past;
DE LIGUON, ST. ALPNONSUS – The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ (A class is in meditations.);
DELL, JACOB A. - I Still Believe in God (An attempt to show that faith in God is reasonable, satisfying and desirable.);
DE MAISTRE, JOSEPH – On God and Society (Essay on the Generative principle of political constitutions and other human institutions.);
DEMON Experiences in Many Lands (Modern Cases of demonic possession in the modern age.);
DE MONTFORT, ST. LOUIS – The Secret of the Rosary (Everything that can be said about the history, uses and form);
DEVOS, RICHARD M. (with Conn, Charles Paul) – Believe! (Co-Founder of Amway tells about being successful with Christ.);
DE WOLF, L. HAROLD – Present Trends in Christian Through (Pro and con introduction to major theological issues.);
DEYNEKA, ANITA – Alexia's Secret Mission (Novel of Christian's in Siberian exile.); *** (with Deyneka, Peter) – Christians in the Shadow of the Kremlin (The truth about life in the spiritually starved Soviet Union.);
DICKIE, R.W. - Presbyterianism Its Origins and Principles;
DI DONATO, PIETRO – Immigrant Saint, the Life of Mother Cabrini (Novelization of only American saint.);
DITTAMI, MARIO L. - “.... I Thee Wed” (Life before & after marriage);
DOBSCHINER, JOHANNA RUTH – Selected to Live (Autobiography of a young Jexish girl during the second World War and her conversion.);
DOWDY, HOMER E. - Christ's Witchdoctor (First hand account of Amazon witchdoctor conversion to now being a jungle missionary.);
DUFFICY, EDWARD – Family Prayer (A collection of Prayer events.);
DUNKERLEY, RODERIC – Beyond the Gospels (Investigation on the life of Christ found outside the gospels.);
DUNN, JERRY G. - God is for the Alcoholic (Autobiography of recovered alcoholic now a Baptist minister.); *** (with Palmer, Bernard) What Will You Have to Drink? (What does theBible have to say about alcohol.);
DU NOUY, LECOMTE – Human Destiny (Science Turning toward the questions of the soul, the existence of God and the spiritual and biological future of man.);
DUNSTAN, J. LESLIE (ed.) - Protestantism (An extensive selection of the most important writing with interpretations.);
DURKSEN, HEDY – Along Highways and hedges (Biography of Joe and Mary Wiebe initiated by the home missions committee of the Manitoba Mennonite Brethren conference.);
DURRELL, LAWRENCE – Pope Joan (Adaption of the Greek classic “Papissa Joanna” the story of the only female pope.);
Dying We Live (Letters written by prisoners in Germany during WWII, on the verge of execution.);
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--- E,F,G ---
EARLE, NICK – What's Wrong with the Church? (Syrvey in the cracks of the fabric of the church of England.);
EDDISON, JOHN – Christian Answers to Contemporary Problems (Practical and moral questions facing today's young.); *** The trobled Mind (A first aid manual for life that offers spiritual and practical advice.);
EDINBOROUGH, ARNOLD – Some Camel ... Some Needle (A Personal Diary written within the framework of a Christian year.);
EDMAN, V. RAYMOND – The Disciplines of Life (The need for discipline in life through scriptures.); *** Sweeter than Honey (Personal devotion, with poems from John Oxenham's “Bees in Amber”);
EDWARDS, JONATHAN – The Life and Diary of David Brainard (Biography of 18th Century Missionary to Indians.);
EGNER, DAVID – The Bear Goes South (When Russia invades Israel according to biblical prophecy.);
EIMSA, LEROY – Winning Ways (The adventure of sharing Christ in a strategic and practical way.);
ELLIOTT, LAWRENCE – I Will be Called John (Biography of Pope John XXIII.);
EPP, MARGARET – The Brannans of Bar Lazy B (Novel for the young); *** Light on Twin Rock (Novel for the young); *** The North Wind and the Caribou (Novel for the young);
EPP, THEODORE H. - 45 Years of Adventuring by Faith (The Story of the Back to the Bible ministry.); *** The Holy Spirit and the Believer (Back to the Bible ministry on controversial matters.); *** How to Resist Satan (A well rounded out Bible presentation of Satan and the forces at his command.); *** Present Labor and Future Rewards (Questions & answers about future judgement, and preparation.); *** The Times of the Gentiles (A study from the Book of Daniel); *** Why do Christians Suffer? (Suffering, its pain, its purpose, and its joy.);
Exodus “Let my People Go” (Exodus in Today's English version.);
EVELY, LOUIS – That Man is You (How to attune our minds with God's);
EVEREST, F. ALTON – The Prior Claim (How nature beats man to many scientific discoveries.);
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FABOER, GEOFFREY – Oxford Apostles (A character study of the oxford movement.);
FABERT, ANDRE – Pope Paul VI (Biography);
FACKRE, GABRIEL – Do and tell: Engagement Evangelism in the '70s (A shift from social concern to personal religious experience.);
FARNHAM, BRUCE – My Big Father (Biography of Beana Araz Turkish Christian in a Moslem world.);
FARRELL, WALTER – The Looking Glass (Diagnosed ailments of modern life and Christian answers.);
FARROW, JOHN – Damien the Leper (Biography of Father Damien 19th century South Sea Islands missionary.); *** Pageant of the Popes (A Frank history of the Papacy);
FENTON, JR., HORACE L. - Myths about Missions (The truth about missionary calling and practices.); *** The Trouble with Barbacles (An Unique and Interesting series of Meditations.);
FEY, HAROLD E. (ed.) How my Mind has Changed (Thirteen distinguished religious thinkers assess the impact of the last decade on their lives and thought.);
FINEGAN, JACK – Questions and answers on Religion (Most often asked by adults and youth.);
FINNEY, CHARLES G. (with SHELHAMER, E.E. (eds.) - Lectures to Professing Christians (Pub. Nazarene Pub. House; 1928);
FISON, J.E. - The Faith of the Bible (Christians and Jews have much to teach each other from ancient biblical faith.);
FITT, A.P. - Life of D.L. Moody (Biography);
FORD, ALVY E. - The Old Testament in Verse (From Genesis to Job.);
FORD, JOHN H. - Husband and Father (Midlife crisis and Christ);
FORD, MARGARET – Even Unto Death (Christian Uganda Martyr Janani Luwum's biography);
FOSDICK, HARRY EMERSON – A Great time to be Alive (Meet and conquer the problems of our troubled times; 1953);
FOSTER, K. NEILL – The Happen Stance (A Canadian evangelist outlines twenty years of ministry.);
FOUARD, ABBE CONSTANT – The Life of Christ (A telling of the life of Jesus Christ);
FOX, EMMET – The Sermon on the Mount (The key to success in life.);
FREED, JOSH – Moonwebs (Deprogramming a Mooney.);
FREMANTLE, ANNE (ed.); - The Greatest Bible Stories (A Catholic anthology from world literature.); *** (ed.) The Social Teachings of the Church (Key pronouncement on Social issues including selections of letters of Pope John XXIII.);
FREUD, SIGMUND – The Future of an Illusion (Concerning of religion and traditional beliefs inhuman development.); *** Moses and Monotheism (Speculation onvarious aspects of religions reliefs.);
FRIESEN, JOHN W. - Religion for people: an alternative (Development and present condition of institutionalized religion in Canada.);
FROST, DR. ROBERT C. - Life's Greatest Discovery (A scientist shares his faith.);
FRY, ChristOPHER – The Bible (Richly illustrated with photographs from the Dino De Laurentiis film.);
FULLER, GEORGE C. - Play it my Way (Sports as a meaning of self expression.);
FURLONG, MONICA – With Love to the Church (Answers to difficulties facing people today.);
FYNN – Mister God, This is Anna (Biography of a young girl and her absolute faith in God.);
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GAER, JOSEPH – How the Great Religions Began (The Founding of Man'[s Faith.);
GALLONIO, FATHER ANTONIO – Torture of the Christian Martyrs (Man's awful lesson of man's inhumanity to man.);
GARAUDY, ROGER – The Alternative Future (A vision of Christian Marxism);
GARBETT, CYRIL – In an Age of Revolution (The present crisis in faith and morals and the Christian answer to it.);
GARDNER, LUCILLE – There is hope (A mother's biography of her daughter's accident and renewal in Christ.);
GARDNER, R.F.R. - Abortion (A Christian gynaecologist examines the medical, social and spiritual issues.);
GARDINER, GEORGE E. - The Corinthian Catastrophe (Immoral and Living in Heretical doctrine.);
GARDINER, HAROLD C. - Catholic Viewpoint of Censorship (Carefully Reasoned and Temperamental approach.);
GARRETT, RANDALL – A Gallery of the Saints (Biographies of the greatest saints of all.);
GAVER, JESSYCA RUSSELL – The Baha'i Faith (A vital new creed that unites all faiths.);
GEANEY, DENNIS L. - You Shall be Witnesses (Book on Catholic spirituality for the layman.);
GEDGE, PAUL – A New Three Hours' Devotion (The seven words and seven sacraments.);
GERARD, JOHN – The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest (Jesuit priest in Elizabethan England.); *** The Hunted Priest (Autobiography.);
GIBB, H.A. R. - Mohammedanism (A study of the origin, meaning and influence of Islam.);
GIBBS, MARK/ MORTON, T. RALPH – God's Frozen People (Tackles some basic questions concerning today's church.); *** God's Lively People (Christian Layman Have to think.);
GIBRAN, KAHIL – The Broken Wings (Christian Insights); *** Mirrors of the Soul (Christian Insights); *** Secrets of th Hearts(Christian Insights); *** Spiritual Sayings of Kahil Gibran (Christian Insights); *** Thoughts and Meditations (Christian Insights); *** The Voice of the Master (Christian Insights);
GILL, DONALD H. - Live, Christian, Live! (A helpful handbook for Christian living.);
GILLQUIST, PETER E. - Love is Now (God's forgiveness in Today's Society.);
GILSON, ETIENNE – The Elements of Christian Philosophy (Key Ideas of the Foundation of St. Thomas Aquinas.);
GINIGER, KENNETH SEEMAN (ed.) - The Compact Treasury of Inspiration (Collection of stories, poems and articles.);
God, Sex and War (Urgent and controversial questions of present day morality.);
GOETRZ, WILLIAM R. - Apocalypse Next (Long Prophesied cataclysmic events are coming upon earth.);
GOLDSMITH, MARTIN – Don't Just Stand There... (Biblical Basis for Outreach Christian programs.);
GOLLANCZ, VICTOR – A Year of Grace (Passages chosen and arranged to express a mood about God and man.);
GOOD, MERLE – These People Mine (Musical about God's Universal truth.);
GORE, BISHOP CHARLES – Belief in God (Reconstruction of belief within the church of England.);
The Gospels (Translated by Ronald Knox);
GOSSETT, DON – There's Dynamite in Praise (How to Get your prayers answered – and then some!);
GRAHAM, BILLY – Angels: God's Secret Agents (Messengers of the Lord who guide and protect.); *** Approaching Hoofbeats: the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Comparing the current world state to the book of revelation.); *** Crusades: 20 Year with Billy Graham (The first 20 years of he Billy Graham evangelistic association.); ( Just as I Am (Autobiobiography.); *** My Answer (Replies to hundreds of soul seaching questions.); *** Peace with God (A clear understanding of a new way of life in Christ.); *** The Secret of Happiness (The key to immediate and enduring happiness for you.); *** World Aflame (The Bible based faith which is the heart of his ministry.);
GRAMS, ARMIN – Changes in Family Life (Christian direction in a rapidly changing society.);
GRANT, MYRNA – Vanya (Biography of a young soldier's persecution for for faith in Russia.);
GRAY, DONALD P. - Where is You God? (If man is to find other men he need's to find God.);
GRAY, JAMES M. - Christian Workers' Commentary on the Whole Bible (Clear explanations of the 66 books of the old & new testament.); *** Satan and the Saint (The present darkness & the coming light.);
GREELEY, ANDREW M. - Letters to Nancy (Moral, spiritual & social issues facing today's youth.);
GREEN, BRYAN – Saints Alive! (What is implied in the demands of Christian discipleship.);
GREEN,.MICHAEL – Man Alive! (An examination of the basic claim the Christ rose from the dead and is alive today.); *** Runaway World (Is Christian belief escapism, or are escapists those who won't face up to evidence for Christian belief.); *** You Must be Joking (Popular excuses for avoiding Jesus Christ.);
GREENSPUN, WILLIAM B./ NORSREN, WILLIAM A. (eds.) Living Room Dialogues (A guide for lay discussion catholic – Orthodox – Protestant );
GREER, E. EUGENE – Toward Physical Excellence for the Glory of God (How Christ exemplified spiritual and physical fitness.);
GREGORY, HORACE/ ZATURENSKA, MARYA (eds.) - The Mentor Book of Religious Verse (Devotional writing in every period of history.);
GREMILLION, JOSEPH – Continuing Christ in the Modern World (Teaching Christian social concepts in the light of Vatican council II.);
GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL – Shaking the Sleeping Beauty (Arousing the church to its mission.);
GROSS, ADARWIN – Your Right to Know (The shortest, straightest route to heaven's doorway.);
GUDER, EIEEN – We're Never Alone (A woman's look to her modern world.);
GUILLAUME, ALFRED – Islam (The traditions & modern reforms in religious laws in Muslim states.);
GUNDERSON, EDITH M. - Molly Ann's Message (A novel for youth.);
GUTZKE, MANFORD GEORGE – Divion, Despair and Hope (Daily devotions and bible studies.); *** A Look at the Book (Daily devotions and studies in the Bible and what it says about itself.); *** Wanderers, Slaves and Kings (God and his people, Adam to Solomon.);
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--- H,I,J,K ---
HADHAM, JOHN – God in a World at War (Practical Christian tought; a penguin special from World War II ); *** Good God (A study of his character & activities.);
HALLESBY, O. - Prayer (Problems & difficulties on this vital subject.); *** Why I am a Christian (For those troubled by uncertainty.);
HALLIDAY, JERRY – Spaced Out and Gathered In (Autobiography of a Jesus freak.);
HAMMARSKJOLD, DAG – Markings (A revealing spiritual self-portrait of a great peacemaker.);
HARKNESS, GEORGIA – Religious Living (How to hold a bital, personal, stabilizing religion.);
HARMER, NEVIN C. - About Myself (Helping youth help themselves in the word of God.); *** I Believe (A Christian faith for youth.);
HARPER, MICHAEL – As at the Beginning (The twentieth century pentecostal revival.); *** Walk in the Spirit (Helping people find the source of power promised by Christ.);
HARRIS, JOHN D. - Junkie Priest (Biography of Father Daniel Egan a New York street priest for drug addicts.);
HARRISON, G.R. (ed.); The Bible for Students of Literature and Art (Biblical subjects most popular with artists.);
HARRISON, MARTIN – Credo (A practical guide to the catholic faith.);
HARVEY, RICHARD H. - 70 Years of Miracles (Autobiography);
HATCH, ALDEN – A Man Named John (Biography of Pope John XXIII);
HAYWARD, PERCY R. - Young People's Prayers (76 various devotions for religion at work in life.);
HEATON, E.W. - The Old Testament Prophets (The teaching and tradition of Hebrew prophets and the significance to the New Testament & twentieth cnetury.);
HEFLEY, JAMES C. - God on the Gridiron (Profiles of many football greats who are Christian.); *** Running with God ( The new Christian prefessional atheles.);
HELSER, ALBERT D. - The Glory of the impossible (Demonstrations of divine power in the Sudan.);
HEMBREE, RON – Mark (Biography of Mark Buntain who runs a mission in Calcutta);
HENDERSON, GLENNA – My Name is Legion (True story of a woman's agonizing struggle with demons and her ultimate deliverance.);
HERBERG, WILL – Protestant – Catholic – Jew (An essay in American Religion sociology.);
HERCUS, JOHN – More Pages from God's Casebook (God's Answers to Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel on the Problem of Being Religious in a Secular society.);
HESSION, ROY – The Calvary Road (The Conception of revival as expressed may come as a surprise.); *** -”When I Saw Him...” (Where revival begins with revelations.);
HEYNE, PAUL T. - The World of Economics (Christian Encounter Series: a Look at American economic order.);
HICK, JOHN – Death and Eternal Life (A textbook on world wide belief.); *** The Existence of God (From Plato to A.J. Ayer on the question “Does God exist?”);
Highways of the Heart (A devotional book based on “The statement of Faith”);
HILLIS, DON W. - Answer to Youth Hangups (By the associate director the evangelical alliance mission.); *** For More Than a Diamond (Romances from real life.);
HILTON, BRUCE – Highly Irregular (A documentary of four men and a twenty year old plane smuggling food into starving biafra.);
HINCKLEY, GORDON B. - Truth restored (A short history of the Mormon religion.);
HOLLANDS, ERNIE (with BRENDEL, DOUG.); Prison Chains Broken (Ministering in today's persons.);
HOLLINGSWORTH, JANE – Discovering the Gospel of Mark (An inter-varsity publication; 1950);
HOLMES, MARJORIE – I've Got to Somebody God (A woman's conversations with God.); *** Nobody Else with Listen (A girl's conversations with God.); *** How Can I Find You, God? (Sharing her paths of prayer, pain and love the lead her to God.); *** To Help You Through the Hurting (A loving guide to faith, hope and healing.); *** Who am I, God? (The doubts, fears, and joys of being a woman.);
HOLT, SIMMA – Terror in the Name of God (Expose of the sons of freedom doukhobors of British Columbia.);
HONG, EDNA – Bright Valley of Love (True story a young boy in Germany's Bethal home for the handicapped and nazis war on the weakest.);
HOOPER, EWAN/ MARVIN, ERNEST – A Man Die (An attempt to show how to Bible is relevant today.);
HOOVER, DORCAS – Awaiting the dawn (True account of the missionary family in Guatemala was attacked by midnight terrorist.);
HOPKINS, JEANNETTE – Fourteen Journeys to Unitarianism (The meaning and function of Unitarianism.);
HORN, HENRY E. - The Christian in Modern Style (A viable pattern of life for the Christian community and self.);
HORN, WILLIAM M. - Grownth in Grace (A manual of adult instruction; Muh Lenberg press; 1951);
HOUGH, ROBERT ERVIN – The Christian After Death (To help the reader face death with Fran Kness, understanding & purpose.);
HOWARD, DOROTHY – No Longer Alone (A New York business woman's odyssey of faith);
HOWELL, ROBERT L. - Fish for my People (Fish is a faith in action ministry group for all);
How to Prepare for Armageddon (Essays featuring Hal Lindsey, David Wilkerson, Johnny Lee & others.);
HUBBARD, DAIVD – Is Life Really Worth Living? (Answers to ten of life's toughest questions); *** Strange Heroes (The truth about the bible's most famous names from Abraham to Zerubbabel);
HUDDLESTON, TREVOR – Naught for your Comfort (His Twelve Years in Sophiatown, Joannesburg 1944 – 1956); *** The True and loving God (Answer to the present day absurdity with Christian truth.);
HUGHES, E.D. - “See What God Has Done” A Story of Grace and Glory (The union gospel mission in Winnipeg, Manitoba's core downtown area.);
HUMBARD, REX – Miracles in my Life (Autobiography of television evangelist.);
HUMBER, THOOMAS – The Sacred Shrond (New Evidence and scientific explanation about the shoud of turin.); *** The Fifth Gospel, the Miracle of the Holy Shroud (Is this a photograph of Jesus?);
HUMPHREYS, Christmas – Buddhism (The history, development and present day teaching of various schools.);
HUNT, GLADYS – Does Anyone Here Know God? (Stories of women whose daily lives are in the presence of God.); *** It's Alive (Help in starting small group bible studies.); *** Ms. Means Myself (Role of being truly free and feminine.);
HUNTER, CHARLES AND FRANCES – The Two Sides of a Coin (Joyful guide to the care & cultivation of a better life.);
HUNTER, JOHN E. - Judges and a Permissive Society (Bible's book of Judges and it's parallel to today's society.); *** Let Us Go On to Maturity (Christians today leading immature, insipid lives need to change.);
HURNARD, HANNAH – Hearing Heart (The secret key to unlock the doubting soul to God's grace.); *** Hind's Feet on High Places (Toward Victory and union with Christ.);
HUTCHENS, PAUL – The Sugar Creek Gang (Novel for youths); *** Terror on the Mountain (Novel for teens);
HUTCHENSON, RICHARD G. - Wheel Within the Wheel (Confronting the management crisis of the pluralistic church.);
HUXLEY, JULIAN – Religion without revelation (A humanistic faith based on man, intelligence, and the scientific method.);
HYBELS, BILL – Caution: Christians Under Construction (A nuts and bolts look at making progress in the Christian life.);
HYMERS, R.L. - Holocaust II (An urgent warning of a soon coming holocaust that will make Hilter's look like child's play.);
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The Inspirational Reader (Over 500 Biblical selections in easy to understand chapters.);
Inspiration Three Volume I (Three famous classics in one book); *** Inspiration Three Volume II (Three famous classics in one book);
IRWIN, JAMES B. - To Rule the Night (Astronaut's Journey to the Moon and his Journey to faith in God.);
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JOBLONSKI, EDWARD – Mary, Mother of Jesus (Portrait of the life and times of the blessed virgin);
JACKMAN, DAVID – Starting as a Student: a Christian Approach (What to expect as a university student.);
JAMES, WILLIAM – The Varieties of Religious Experience (Famous Classic on the psychology of religion).
JAWORSKI, LEON – Crossroads (Watergate Chief prosecutor how his faith guided him through the darkest hours of our nation's history.);
JEFFERSON, TED (with FEDO, MICHAEL W.) - One Bad Dude (Miraculous transformation of a four time loser.);
JEFFERU, R.M.C. - Case Studies in Unity (Successee and failures alike show the interaction of mission and unity.);
JENSEN, IRVING L. - Numbers: Journey to God's Rest-Land (To tell the events in numbers in one story.);
JENSON, ROBIN – Cop-Outs (Be happy, but isn't there more to Christian witness?);
JESUS (From the new testament in today's English version);
Job the Modern Man (Tried and true.);
John, the Gosbel According to ...
JOHNSON, AARON YOUNGBLOOD – The End of Young blood Johnson (Autobiography of a New York junkie pimp.);
JOHNSON, DOUGLAS W./ CORNELL, GEORGE W. - Punctured Preconceptions (What North American Christians think about the church.);
JOHNSON, RUTH I. - Christians you Should Know Agents 13 (13 stories of men and women as agents of God); *** Christians with Courage (Biographies of faithful Christians missionaires, singers, poets); *** Devotions for Early Teens Volume I (60 daily devotions); *** Joy Sparton and the Money Mix-Up (Novel for Youth);
JOHNSTON, LEONARD – Witnesses to God (Points of unity on the journey of faith.);
JONES, E. STANLEY – Abundant Living (Emotional and spiritual fulfilment);
JONES, HOWARD O. - For this Time (A challenge to black & white church in America.);
JONES, RUSSELL BRADLEY – Gold from Golgotha (Examines and carefully analyzes the seven utterances of Christ as he hung from the cross.);
JORGENSEN, JOHANNES – St. Francis of Assis (Biography);
JUDAISM (Extensive selection of Jewish writings.);
JURY, WILFRID & ELSIE McLEOD – Sainte Maire Among the Hurons (The brief & tragic history of Sainte Maire.);
JUSTICE, L.A. - Angel Voices (True stories of everyday people touched by angels.);
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KAUFFMAN, Christman CAROL – For One Moment (Biography of Herbe Englehardt under the evil forces of Nazism.);
KAVANAUGH, JAMES – The Birth of God (Look at the entire religious traditions of the western world.); *** A Modern Priest Looks at his Outdated Church (Biography of a dissatisfied priest.);
KELLER, HELEN – My Religion (Her spiritual odyssey that brought her to her faith.);
KELLER, JAMES – All God's Children (What your schools can do for them.); *** (with ARMSTRONG, RICHARD) – Apostolic Renewal in the Seminary (In the light of Vatican council II.); *** Three Minutes a Day (Christopher thoughts for daily living that have inspired millions.); *** You can Change the World (Individual responsibility and individual initiative.);
KEMPIS, THOMASA – The Imitation of Christ (Becoming more like the master.);
KENNEDY, D. JAMES – This is the Life! (Guideline for Christian church by the pastor of Coral Ridge Prebyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale.);
KENNEDY, EUGENE C. - A Time for Love (The problem of life is the problem of love.);
KENNEDY, JAMES W. - Holy Island (Making lent accessible to anyone.);
KENNEDY, JOHN S. - Light on the Mountain: the Story of Lasalette (A story of the appearance of the blessed virgin.);
KENRICK, BRUCE – Come Out of the Wilderness (An account of his work in West Bengal, India, and East Harlem.);
KIEMEL, ANN – I Love the Word Impossible (Her manifesto told in Poem-prose style.);
KING, JR., MARTIN LUTHER – Strength to Love (A book of sermons on God's divine laws.);
KIRBY, SCOTT – Dating (Guidelines form the bible.);
KIRK, DAVID – Quotations from Chairman Jesus (The words and teachings of Jesus are still being written.);
KISSELL, BARRY – Springtime in the Church (Re-birth for a man and a church, based in Chorleywood, England.);
KITTLER, GLENN D. - The Jesus Kids and their Leaders (A guideposts editor tell the story of the Jesus freaks.); *** The Papal Princes (A history of the sacred college of cardinals.);
KLASSEN, ANNIE – The Tribe of Dan (Autobiography of a family with children of their own & 14 adopted.);
KNIGHT, CHARLES S. - The Bully of Stony Lonesome (Stories for youth.);
KOCH, DR. KURT – Day X (The world situation in the light of the second coming of Christ.);
KOMROFF, manual – Every Man's Bible (Selected & arranged from the King James version.); *** His Great Journey (Life of Christ);
KOOP, C. EVERETT – The Right to Live, the Right to Die (Famous surgeon speaks out about abortion & mercy killing.);
KOPPLIN, DOROTHEA S. - Something to Live By (A Simple philosophy of living cleaned from the greatest inspirational writings.);
KOSSOFF, DAVID – Bible Stories (Retold by a Master Storyteller);
KOURDAKOV, SERGEI – The Persecutor (Autobiography of a man whose job was inflicting terror & suffering on Russian Christians);
KRAJENKE, ROBERT W. - Man Crowned King: the Divine Drama Unfolds from Joshua to Soloman (Edgar Cayce's story of the old testament); *** Man the Messiah: God's Plan Fulfilled (The king's prophets & rebuilders inspired revelation's of man's release from bondage.);
KRISHNAMURTI, J. - Think of These Things (Observations and Explorations of modern man's estate.);
KRISTIAN, HANS (with HUNT, DAVE); - Mission: Possible (Autobiography of a smuggler of Christians out of communist countries.);
KUGLIN, ROBERT J. - I Was the Devils Egg (Autobiography of young troubled man in rural Canada.);
KUHLMAN, KATHRYN – I Believe in Miracles (21 cases of people healed of medically incurable diseases by the power of faith); *** Nothing is Impossible With God (Faith healing);
KUHN, ISOBEL – By Searching (Autobiography);
KUSHNER, HAROLD S. - When Bad Things Happen to Good People (Where is God when you need him most?);
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--- L ---
LAKE, ALEXANDER – You Need Never Walk Alone (Dramatic and inspiring true stories of people who sought and found God.);
LAMONT, BISHOP DONAL – 'Speech From the Dock' (The Bishop who defied the Rhodesian regime; Pub.; 1977);
LANDORF, JOYCE – The Fragrance of Beauty (Practical ways to charm, focusing on the inner you.); *** His Stubborn Love (Her dramatic account of her marriage from disaster to healing resolution.); *** The Richest Lady in Town (God's spiritual inheritance that's inside everyone.);
LARSEN, EARNEST – Good Old Plastic Jesus (A book of poetry with photos from young Christians.);
LARSON, BOB – Rock (The Rock Music world exposed as a culture of occultism, drugs and perverted sex, and how it can influence young peoples minds.);
LARSON, BRUCE – Dare to Live Now! (A warm and challenging affirmation of God's power for living everyday lives.); *** Marriage is For Living (The problems and pitfalls of life together and how to cope with them.);
LARSON,MURIEL – What Happens When Women Believe (Twelve stories of women who overcame tremendous obstracles to fulfillment and answered prayers.);
LASOR, WILLIAM SANFORD – Men Who Knew God (Great personalities of the old testament.);
LASS, ABRAHAM H./ KIREMIDJIAN, DAIVD/ GOLDSTEIN RUTH M. - The Dictionary of Classical, Biblical, and Literary Allusions.;
LAUBACH, FRANK C. - Prayer the Mightiest Force in the World (Thoughts for a thermonuclear age.);
LAWRENCE, BROTHER – The god Illuminated Cook (A new presentation from the book of Kells with illustrations.) *** The Practice of the Presence of God (The 17th century French Monks Letters, Ways and Spiritual principles.);
LAWRENCE, CARL – Sermon on the Mount part I;
LEE, LAUREL – Walking Through the Fire (Autobiography of a mother with Hodgkin's disease with illustrations by the author.);
LEENHOUTS, KEITH J. - A father ... A Son ... and a Three – mile Run (Autobiography of the power of the love of God.);
LEISING, WILLIAM A. -Arctic Wings (Autobiography of a flying missionary in the trackless wastes of the frozen north.);
LENSKI, GERHARD – The Religious Factor: a Sociologist's Enquiry (Intensive study of the extant to which religion affects the daily activity of Jews, Protectants and Catholoics, based on six hundred residents of Detroit.);
LEVITT, KEN (with, ROSEN, CEIL) – Kidnapped for my Faith (Christianity, and his parents attempt to have him deprogrammed.);
LEVITT, ZOLA – The Cairo Connection: Egypt in Prophecy (Prophetic analysis in today's political scene.); *** (with McGANN, DR. D.) - How Did a Fat, Balding, Middle-aged Jew Like You Become a Jesus Freak? (Faith versus scepticism.);
LEWIS, C.S – The Abolition of Man (Reasoned defense of natural law; morality); *** The Four Loves (Affection/ Friendship/ Eros/ Charity); *** Mere Christianity (Modern Revaluations of Christian apologetic s, ethics and theology); *** The Problem of Pain (His view as a layman on the Christian doctrine relating to pain in a Christian world.); *** The Screwtape Letters (Imaginary Letters between a greater & lesser demon.); *** Screwtape proposes a toast and other pieces (an selection of his imagination understanding of morality); *** Surprised by Joy (Autobiography of his early life.);
LEWIS, NORM – Faith promise for World Witness (Outline of a plan for missionary program in a local church.);
LIEBMAN, JOSHUA LOTH – Peace of mind (A blend of the great truths of religion wit modern psychoanalysis.);
LIEGE, P.A. - What is Christian Life? (Reviewing lay spirituality);
LIGHT FOR THE WORLD (A report on the world wide Christian minister to the handicapped.);
LIGHTWOOD, TERESA – Teresa of Siam (Autobiography of a young nun.);
LINKE, MARIA ZEITNER (with HUNT, RUTH – East Wind (Autobiography of a young woman trapped in Hilter's holocaust.);
LINDSAY, MRS. GORDON – my Diary Secrets (Autobiography of wife of founder of Christ for the nations.);
LINK, HENRY C. - The Return to Religion (An everyday religion and personality building program);
LINK, MARK – You (Prayer for beginners and those who have forgotten how.,);
LITTLE, L. GILBERT – Nervouse Christians (How Disturbed and confused Christians can be cured through Christ.);
LITTLE, PAUL E. - Know Why You Believe (An inspiring affirmation on the reasonable of Christian belief; faith based on fact.);
LIVING BOOKS OF MOSES(Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy paraphrased; special crusade edition.);
LIVING LIGHT (Daily Light in today's language from the living bible.);
THE Living Talmud: the Wisdom of the fathers (The teachings of the Jewish sages on the conduct of human life and thought.);
LLOYD-JONES, CHARLES – Great, Dramas and Poems from the Bibles.
LO BELLO, NINO – The Vatican Empire (The Vatican as a centre of high finance and papal wealth.); *** Vatican, U.S.A. (Report on the largest property owwer, the catholic church.);
LOCKERBIE, JEANETTE – A Plate of Hot Toast (Devotional reading for mothers.); *** Time Out for Coffee (Devotional readings for the working woman.);
LOGSDON, S. FRANKLIN – Is the U.S.A. In Prophecy? (A probing & provocative answer); *** Malachi or Sill a Man Rob God? (The message of the book of Malachi.);
LOHKAMP, NICHOLAS – The Commandments and the New Morality (The values and ingredients of Christian morality.);
LONG,JAMES – Life: Jesus-Style (Scaling and understanding the sermon on the mount.);
LONGO, JOAN – I Married a Priest (Autobiography of a Catholic girl who married a parish priest.);
LOOMIS, ALBERTINE – Grapes of Canaan: Hawaii 1820 (The true story of Hawaii's missionaries.);
LOUVEL, FRANCOIS/ PUTZ, LOUIS J. - Sign of life (The seven sacraments from the layman's point of view.);
LOVDAHL, JOHN – Sun in the street (Novel, moody diamond edition; 1971);
LOVESTRAND, HAROLD – Hostage in Djakarta (Autobiography of political prisoner in Indonesia and the faith he held.);
LUCK, G. COLEMAN – Zelcharian (A study of the prophetic visions.);
LUDWIC, CHARLES – Man Eaters and Masai Spears (Novel of the Attempt to take the teaching of Christ to the Masai.); *** Their Finest Hour (A personal look at men and women of God who changed history.);
LUKE – Good News by a man a named Luke (Gospel); *** Toughed by the Fire (Luke and acts in the today's English version.);
LUNDSTROM, LOWELL – Saved for Sure! (How you can know you are); *** The Muslims are Coming (A Review of the revival of militant is lam in the light of bible prophecy.); *** The Wind Whispers Warning (A Review of end time events.);
LUTZER, ERWIN W. - Failure: the Back Door to Success (Positive steps to overcoming the feeling of failure.);
LYALL, LESLIE T. - John Sung: Flame for God in the Far East ( Biography);
LYKE, HELEN B. - The Faith of Abraham (Biography of A.B. Machlin of the American Association for Jewish evangelism);
LYNN JANET (with MERRILL, DEAN) – Peace and Love (Autobiography of figure skater's unshakeable faith on road to stardom.);
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--- M,N ---
MACNEIL, REV. JOHN – The Spirit Filled Life (Minister Christian Classics from 1895.);
MACNUTT, FATHER FRANCIS – Heatling (The most comprehensive book ever written on healing through prayer.);
MAHARISH MAHESH YOGI – Meditations (The key to understanding); *** The Science of Being and art of Living (Techniques of transcendental meditation); *** The Story of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Autobiography edited by Martin Ebon);
MAINS, DAVID R. - Making Church More Enjoyable (One of the chapel talks series.);
MALLORY, JR., DR. JAMES D. - The Kink and I (A psychiatrist's practical and biblical counsel to untwisted living.);
MALZ, BETTY – Super Natural Living (Letting God invade every day of your life.);
MADINO, OG – A Better Way to Live (His own personal story of success featuring 17 rules to live by.); *** The Christ Commission (Novel: an original approach to the soul of Christianity); *** The Greatest Miracle in the World (New secrets for you personal happiness and success.); *** The Greatest Salesman in the World (Wisdom of ten ancient scrolls handed down for thousands of years.); ** The Greatest Success in the World (New Legacy of the Commandments of success.);
MANTLE, J. GREGORY – Beyond Humiliation: The Way of the Cross (A book that deals with man's self-centred ness.);
MARCEL, GABRIEL – Being and having (Christian existentialism);
MARK – Good News by a Man Named mark (Today's English version);
MARSHALL, CATHERINE – Beyond Our Selves (Her Spiritual adventure and personal pilgrimage.); *** The Helper (Clarifies the identities of the holy ghost.); *** Meeting God at Every Turn (Autobiography with twelve life principles.);
*** Something More (In search of a deeper faith.); *** To Live Again (Story of victory over grief and loneliness through faith.);
MARCHALL PETER – Mr. Jones, Meet the Master (A selection of his sermons and prayers.);
MARTIN, DOROTHY (Moody Teen Books - Christian Novels for young Adults) ** A CHAPTER CLOSED FOR PEGGY. ** FAITH AT WORK FOR PEGGY. ** HEART'S SURRENDER FOR PEGGY. ** HOPES FULFILLED FOR PEGGY. ** Light at the Top of the Stairs (Novel about a woman and her struggle to find God amid the drug scene and a broken family.); ** MORE ANSWERS FOR PEGGY. ** A NEW LIFE FOR PEGGY. ** OPEN DOORS FOR PEGGY ** WIDER HORIZON FOR PEGGY.
MARTY, MARTIN E. - You are Promise (A guide to those seeking fulfilment.);
MASON, WILLIAM – A Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God (A Meditation for each day of the year.);
MASSMANN, JOSEPH – Nerves, Temperament and Soul (Self knowledge is basic to a healthy spiritual life.);
MATHEWS, R. ARTHUR – Born for Battle (Studies on Spiritual warfare in today's culture.);
MATHEWS, WENDELL – The World of Painting (How is a Christian to view and evaluate art.);
MATTHEW – Good news by a man named Matthew (In today's English.);
McGOEY, JOHN H. - Nor Scrip Nor Shoes (Autobiography of a missionary priest in China.);
McINTOCH, AMY B. - May Roy Missionary to Kashmir and the Philippines (Autobiography);
McLAREN, ROBERT B. - What's Special About Jesus? (Life and Mission and Eternal Significance of Christ.);
McLELLAN, VERN – Proverbs for People (Illustrated by Nate Owens);
McMILLEN, DR. S.I. - None of these Diseases (Sacred Writings predate modern medicine.);
McPHERSON, ANNA TALBOTT – They dared to be Different (17 biographies of Christians who made a difference.);
MEALING, S.R. (ed.) - The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents: a Selection (One of the earliest accounts of European activity in North America.);
MEHL, ROGER – Images of Man (Comparison of Marxism, Existentialism and Christianity.);
MENTAL HEALTH (Ideas expressed by Christian Science.);
MERTON, THOMAS – The New Man (Meditations of a trappist monk who explores the nature of he soul's identity.); *** No Man is an Island (Meditations on the basic Truths of man's spiritual life.); *** Seeds of Contemplation (Reflections on man's inner life.); *** The Silent Life (Account of all branches of monastic family, first book of it's kind in English.);
MICAH/ HOSEA/ AMOS – Justice Now! (Biblical figures about the injustice in the world.);
MICHAELS, RALPH – Maybe I Sound Like a Nut, But That's the Way I See It (Novel: a young man's struggle toward God.);
MICHAELMORE, PETER – Back to Jesus (The dramatic story of today's rediscovery of Christ.);
MILLER, C. LESTER – Goodbye World (The end of the world as described in the Bible.);
MILLER, ELLA MAY – I am a Woman (The everyday matters of a woman.);
MILLER, JOHN W. - The Christian Way (A guide to the Christian life based onthe sermon onthe mount.);
MILLER, KEITH – The Becomers (Joyous new guide to Christian renewal); *** Habitation of Dragons (Beginning to face your inner demons through the grace of God.); *** A Second Touch (Christianity does not automatically remove life's frustrations, loneliness, anxiety.); *** The Taste of New Wine (An aid to integrite through honesty with yourself and God.);
MOIR, GUTHRIE (ed.) - Why I Believe: Layman on TV (Can an honest person be a Christian today?);
MOISE, ANUTZA – A Ransom for Wurmbrand (A look at their ministry that grew out of their imprison meant in communist held Rumania.);
MONTGOMERY, RUTH – Once There was a Nun (Biographary of Mary McCarran who was a nun until released from her vows to pursue her duties towards her family.);
MOODY, D.L. - Daily Gems (Daily Devotional Book); *** Moody's Latest Sermons (#86; Copyright 1900); *** Moody's Stories (A volume of Anecdotes & Incidents); *** The Overcoming Life (Various Sermons; copyright 1896); *** Prevailing Prayer: What Hinders It? (Copyright 19885); *** Sowing and Reading (Stories & Sermons); *** The Way Home (copyright 1904); *** The Way to God (And How to Find It);
MOORE, BARRY – Crisis at 9:25 (Crisis can come at any Time, and how to look at God for relief.);
MORGAN, DEWI – But God Comes First (A meditation on the The Deum.);
MORRIS, COLIN – Include Me Out! (Confessions of an ecclesiastical coward.);
MORRIS, HARD – Beyond the Barriers (Overcoming hard times through tough faith.);
MARROW, ORD L. - The Puzzles of Job (The questions and answers in Job.);
MOW, ANNA B. - Your Child: From Birth to Rebirth (How to educate your child to be ready for a life with God.);
MUELLER, CHARLES S. - Getting Along (How to live with yourself, God, parents, family and friends; a guide for teenagers.);
MUGGERIDGE, MALCOLM – Jesus Rediscovered (His views and beliefs.); *** Something Beautiful for God (Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her sister of Charity.);
MURCH, JAMES DE FOREST – The Sword and the Trowel: Exile and Restoration (An opportunity to study God's word on a daily basis.);
MURRAY, ANDREW – Abide in Christ (A thirty-one chapter devotional study based on John15:1-12); *** The New Life (A course from spiritual infancy to successful maturity.); *** With Christ in the School of Prayer (Personal classroom in the way of prayer.);
MURRAY, WILLIAM J. - My Life without God (Autobiography.);
MYDANS, SHELLEY – Thomas (Biography of the Archbishop of Canterbury);
MYRA, HAROLD – Elizbeth (Biography of young missionaire who fell deathly ill and the faith she found.); *** The New You (Questions about a newborn way.);
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NARRAMORE, CLYDE M. - How to begin and Improve Family Devotions (Christian psychology series.); *** How to handle Feelings of Depression (Christian psychology series.);
NAVARRA, FERNAND – Noah's Ark: I Touched It (The Motion picture “In search of Noah's ark” is based on this book.);
NEE, WATCHMAN – The Normal Christian Life (Church of God in China.);
NEEDLEMAN, JACOB – Lost Christianity (A journey of rediscovery to the center of Christian experience.);
NEIGHBOUR, RALPH – The Seven last Words of the Church (A personal real awareness of the place and power of God.);
NEIL, WILLIAM – The Plain Man Looks at the Bible (What the Bible is and is not.); *** The Rediscovry of the Bible. (What is the value of the Bible today and how to read it.);
NEILL, STEPHEN – Anglicanism (History and theology of the nature and working of the Anglican communion.); *** Christian Faith Today (A reasoned approach towards solving in understanding Christianity today.); *** What We Know About Jesus (A historical examination of Christ the man.);
NELSON, CARL – Just the Greatest (Christian teachings.);
NELSON, J. ROBERT – Overcoming Christian Divisions (How the Church of Christ fell in divisions and how to heal them.);
NELSON, MARION H. - Why Christians Crack Up! (Emotional disturbances their roots and remedies.);
NEW Delhi Speaks About Christian Witness, Service, Unity. (Airport from the world council of churches.);
NEWLAND, MARY REED – We and our Children (Moulding the child in Christian living.);
NEW Life Study Testament (Gospel echoes team; topical studies.);
NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY – Apologia Pro Vita Sua (Autobiography of his spiritual growth.);
The New Testament (Various Translations.);
NEWTON, REV. JOHN – Out of the Depths (Autobiography.);
NICHOLSON, WILLIAM B. - The Six Miracles of Calvary (Unveiling the story of the resurrection.);
NICOLL, MAURICE – The New Man (An interpretation of some parable and miracles of Christ.);
NILES, D.T. - Reading the Bible Today (How are we today able to read the Bible as the word of God?);
NOBLE, JOHN – I Found God in Soviet Russia (Autobiography of man who spent ten years in Soviet prison.);
NOGAR, RAYMOND J. - The Wisdom of Evolution (An exploration into the facts of evolution and their meaning for Christian thought.);
NOLEN, DR. WILLIAM A. - Healing: a Doctor in Search of a Miracle (Truth about faith healing & psychic surgery.);
NOONAN JR., JOHN T. - Contraception (How the Catholic Church has viewed birth control from earliest times to the present day.);
NORDTVEDT, MATILDA – Defeating despair and depression (In the Lord & his word help with depression.);
NORTHROP, F.S.C. - Man, Nature and God (A quest for life's meaning, an examination of the interrelationship of man's knowledge, beliefs and creative skills.);
Notes on Bible Readings 1987. (International Bible reading.);
NOUWEN, HENRI J.M. - The Way of the Heart (Solitude, silence and prayer in today's hectic world.);
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--- O,P,Q ---
O'BRIEN, JOHN A. - The Road to Damascus (The spiritual pilgrimage of fifteen converts to Catholicism.); *** Roads to Rome (Well known men and woman who converted to Catholicism.);
O'CONNOR, EDWARD D. - The Pentcostal Movement (The definitive study of dynamic rebirth from the standpoint of catholic theology, its meaning in Catholic life and thought today.);
OLSON, ARNOLD – Inside Jerusalem City of Destiny (Bringing together the secular and spiritual aspects of events in 1967 Middle East.);
ONCLIN, WILLY – Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church of Vatican Council II (Commentary);
OOSTERHUIS, HUBB – Your Word is Near (Contemporary Christian prayers.);
ORAISON, MARC – Love or Constraint? (Some psychological aspects of religious educations);
O'REILLY, JAMES P. - The Story of La Salette (Mary's apparition, history, sequels.);
ORTEGA, RUBEN (ed.); - The Jesus People Speak Out! (What do they really believe?);
OSBORN, T.L. - Soul winning Out Where the Sinners Are (Layman write the church's last chapter.);
OSBORNE, CECIL – The Art of Understanding Your Mate (A realistic approach to marriage.);
OTTO, RUDOLF – The Idea of the Holy (An enquiry into the non-rational factor in the idea of the divine and its relation to the rational.);
Our Daily Bread. (March/April/May 1981);
OURSLER, FULTON – Lights Along the Shore (Forty-One Short articles & stories.); *** The Greatest Book Ever Written (The old testament retold in story form); *** The Greatest Faith Ever Known (The story of the apostles.); *** The Greatest Story Ever Told (Re-telling of the life of Christ); *** Modern Parables (Spiritual truths told in terms of modern living.); *** Why I Know There is a God (His own, and others, search for faith.);
OWEN, BOB (with PEDERSON, DUANE) – Jesus is Alive and Well (What Jesus people really believe.);
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PALLENBERG, CORRADO – The Making of a Pope (Biography of Pope Paul VI and the Valican);
PALMER, BERNARD – Danny Orlis and the Big Indian;*** Danny Orlis, Bush Pilot; *** Danny Orlis Changes Schools;*** Danny Orils and Kent's Encounter with the Law; *** Danny Orlis Goes to School; *** Danny Orlis and the Guatemala Adventure*** Danny Orlis and his Big Change*** Danny Orlis and the Hunters *** Danny Orlis and Jim Morgan's Scholarship; *** Danny Orlis Makes the Team; *** Danny Orlis and Marilyn's Great Trail; *** Danny Orlis on the Valiant; *** Danny Orlis Plays Hockey; *** Danny Orlis and the Rock that Talk; ** Danny Orlis, Star Back; *** Danny Orlis stories; *** Danny Orlis and the Strange Forest Fires; *** Danny Orlis on Superstition Mountain; *** Danny Orlis and the Time of Testing; *** Danny and Ron Orlis in the Canadian Wilderness; *** Jim Dunlop and the Secret Rocket Formula; *** Jungle Jim; *** Karen Simms, Private Secretary; *** Lori Adams and the Jungle Search; *** Mickey Turner; *** Mystery of Dungu-Re; *** Silent Thunder; *** Student Nurse; *** Ted and Terri and the Crooked Trapper; *** Trena's Rodeo Rival;
PALMQUIST, AL (with STONE,JOHN ) - The Minnesota Connection (Teenage prostitution and a preacher-cop determined to stop it.);
PARIS, HOWARD – Tuesday Morning Will Be Okay, and Other Cartoons (Religious cartoons.);
PASMA, HENRY K. - God's Picked Young Men (Teachings of young men from the bible.);
PATANJALI – How to Know God (The Yogi aphorisms.);
PATEY, EDWARD – Enquire Within (Questions and answers on faith and conduct.);
PATTERSON, BETSY – The Valley of Vision (Autobiography of a mother who lost her 16 year old daughter to cancer and her spiritual legacy.);
PATTERSON, MARNEY – Dare to Share (Communicating the good news.);
PAUL – The Wisdom of Paul (Words for today from Christ's fiery disciple.);
PAYNE, THOMAS – The Greatest Force on Earth (The power on intensified prayer.);
PEALE, NORMAN VINCENT (with, BLANTON, DR. SMILEY ) - Faith is the Answer (Bringing together science and religion to create new adventures in living.); *** Treasury of Courage and Confidence (A unique collection to lift the spirit & inspire the soul.);
PECK, IRA – The Life and Words of Jesus Christ (The historical aspects of Jesus and his times.);
PEDERSON, DUANE – Jesus People (The truth about the Jesus freaks of the 1960's and 1970's.);
PEITZ, MARIETTA – Journey in the Shadow of Light (Encounters with disabled people in Asia.);
PENNINGTON, M. BASIL – Daily we Touch Him (Practical religious experiences.);
PENN-LEWIS, JESSIE – War on the Saints (A disclosure of the deceptive strategies used by evil spirits against God's people.);
PERRY, MICHAEL C. - The Pattern of Matins and Evensong (To furthern understanding and insights.);
PETERS, JACOBS – Home Run (Real estate agent from Blumenort, Manitoba, explains his faith.);
PETERSEN, BILL – The Last Days of Man (A serious look at our future as events the bible says are omens of the end come to pass.);
PFAU, FATHER RALPH (with HIRCHBERG, AL ) - Prodigal Shepherd (Autobiography of a priest who is a neurotic alcoholic.);
PHILLIPS, J.B. - The Book of Revelation (This version of revelation maintains the poetic feel while rendering it into modern English.); *** For This Day (Words of love and hope to give you strength and inspiration.); *** The Gospels in Modern English (Modern translation of the four gospels.); *** Letters to Young Churchs (The new testament epistles in vigorous, contemporay English.); *** Making Men Whole (A book which comes to grips with personal problems of today.); *** The Young Church in Action (The acts of the apostles in modern English.); *** Your God is Too Small (A clear vision of him who conquered sin, death and hell.);
The Picture Bible For All Ages Volume I Creation (Genesis 1 to Exodus 19); *** The Picture Bible For All Ages Volume 4 the Captivity (Kings 21 to Malachi); *** The Picture Bible For All Ages Volume 5 Jesus (Matthew to John);
PIKE, FREDRICK B. - The Conflict Bewteen Church and State in Latin America (A Borzoi Book on Latin America);
PILKINGTON, ROGER – World Without End (How a scientist looked at his Christian beliefs within the frame work of science.);
PINGEL JR., ALVA F. - Cheerful Thoughts at Dawn (Thoughts, examples and parables to brighten your day.);
PLETT, JAKE – Valley of Shadow (True story of author's wife who was abducted and murdered in Admonton, Alberta, and how he got trough it.);
PLOWMAN, EDWARD E. - The Jesus Movement (An inside look at the ferment in the church today, and what it will meanfor tomorrow.); *** The Underground Church (Accounts of Christian revolutionairies in America.);
Pocket Hymnal (Songs that have made singing history.);
POHL, ALFRED H. - 17 Reasons Why I Left the Tongues Movement (Testimony of what is wrong in the Pentecostal – tongues movement.);
POLLOCK, J.C. - Faith and Freedom in Soviet Russia (A representative look at those Russians who risked their lives for freedom to believe.);
POPE JOHN XXIII – Journal of a Soul (Autobiography);
POPOV, HARALAN – Tortured for his Faith (Autobiography of pastor who spent 13 years in a communist prison.);
POTTER, CHARLES FRANCIS – The Faiths Men Live By (Reference guide to the religions of the world.); *** The Lost Years of Jesus Revealed (Newest revelations of the dead sea scrolls.);
POWELL, JOHN – Fully Human, Fully Alive (A new life through a new vision therapy.); *** A Reason to Live! (A new look at faith in God.); *** Why am I Afraid to Love? (How to open your heart.);
PRABHUPADA, A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI - Bhagavad – Gita As it Is (International Krishna society.); *** Beyond Birth and Death (The basic message.); *** Chant and be Happy... (The story of the Hare Krishna Mantra.); *** Consciousness: The Missing Link (Attempts to explain it.); *** KRSNA (The supreme personality of Godhead.); *** Life comes from Life (A challenge to the Scientific Theory of the Origin of life and the Universe.); *** The Perfection of Yoga (Achieving Happiness.); *** Prabhupada (Biography by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami ); *** Planting the Seed, New York City 1965 – 1966 (Biography by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami ); *** Raja-vidya; The King of Knowledge (More teachings ); *** The Science of Self Realization (Secrets of nature and the universe );
PRICE, EUGENIA – The Burden is Light! (Autobiography of a transformed Pagan who took good at his word.); *** Discoveries (From living her new life in Christ.); *** Make Love Your Aim (Love and freedom being two sides of the same coin.); *** Never a Dull moment (Honest questions by teenagers with honest answers.); *** The Unique World of Women (Intimate Portraits of these bible women); *** What is God Like? (A fresh personal discovery of God.);
PRITCHETT, REUEL B. - with AUKERMAN, DALE ) - On the Ground Floor of Heaven (Memories of a preacher whose every moment was a stepping stone to eternity.);
PROCTOR, WILLIAM – Survival on the Campus (A shield of truth, faith and reason to protect young lives from the assault of doubt.);
Promises for the Golden Years (Verses to fit the elderly.);
THE PSALMS (Various translations.);
PYLE, E.H./ WILLIAMSON, S.G. - Introducing Christianity (Penguin African series.);
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QUESNELL, JOHN G. - The Method of Christ and the Counselor (A atheistically based value system in counselling.); *** Three to Get Ready (A Guide for the engaged.);
QUOIST, MICHEL – The Meaning of Success (Lay Spirituality for the thinking young person.);
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--- R ---
RAHNER, KARL – Free Speech in the Church (The function scope and limitations of public opinion in the church.);
RAMSEY, A.M. - The Resurrection of Christ (A study of the place of the resurrection in Christian life and thought by the archbiship of York.);
RANAGHAN, KEVIN & DOROTHY – Catholic Pentecostals (The full story of the Pentecostal movement in the Catholic church.);
RANDALL, REV. JOHN – Wisdom Instructs Her Children (The power of the spirit and the word.);
RAWLINGS, JAY & MERIDEL – Fishers and Hunters (Their travels to 95 nations to visit Jewish communities to urge them to return to Israel.);
RAYMOND, REV. M. - The Man Who Got Even With God (Biography of a violent cowboy, John Hanning, who became a trappist monk.);
Ready for Sunday PartI: Advent to Trinity (Daily Bible readings and notes for communicants.);
Redemption Songs. (1000 hymns & choruses.);
Redemptorist Father -The Life of Saint Anne (Compiled from ancient sources and pious traditions; illustrated.);
REID, GAVIN – A New Happiness (Christ's pattern for living in today's world.);
REID, JOHN CALVIN – His Story (A chronological account of the life of Jesus.);
REIMER, HENRY E. - Being Born Again by the Word of God (Various conversion & salvation testimonies.);
REINDORP, GEORGE – No Common Task (An outline of a parish priest's job by the provost of Southwark.); *** Over to You (The bishop of guildford on how to get alongside people and answer their questions.);
RELFE, DR. MARY STEWART – When Your Money Fails 666 (The “666” system is here and now.);
RENICH, JILL – To Have and To Hold (The feminine mystique at work in a happy marriage.);
RENON, LOUIS (ed.) Hinduism (Introduction to both the history & structure.);
REPPLIER, AGNES – Junipero Serra (Biography of America's most famous Franciscan Friar in the 18th century.);
RICHARDS, LARRY – Becoming One in the Spirit (Back to the Very Essence of Christianity); *** Born to Grow (How to Gain New Attitudes, Awareness, Patterns of Life for new and used Christians.);
RICHARDS, LAWRENCE O. - 69 Ways to start a Study Group and Keep it Growig (How to achieve a study and growth group.);
RICHARDSON, DON – Peace Child (How the author brought the message of Christ to the stone age Sawi Cannibals of New Guinea; with photos.);
RICKS, CHIP – Beyond the Cloud (Biography of the first US air force woman solo pilot Connie Engel.);
RIDENOUR, FRITZ – How to be a Christian in a UnChristian World (Design for a practical, achievable Christian life style in an increasingly secular society.); *** How to be a Christian Without Being Religious (The book of Romans presented in modern English with contemporary commentary.); *** I'm a Good Man, But (A look at life's hang-ups, their causes, their cures.); *** It All depends (What does the Bible say about the new morality); *** It's Your Move (Is the old testament dull or just undiscovered?); *** So What's the Difference” (A Biblical comparison of Christianity with major religions and cults.); *** Tell it Like It is (How not to be a witless witness.); *** (ed.) Who Says? (Has science proved the Bible obsolete?);
RINALDI, PETER M. - It is the Lord (A study of the Shroud of turin; with photos);
RINKER, ROSALIND – Conversational Prayer (Open up to a Living Faith with simple prayer.); *** Prayer: Conversing with God (Prayer is a dialgue between two persons who love each other.); *** You Can Witness with Confidence (Her Own experiences in faith in Christ.);
RITCHIE, A.D. - Civilization, Science and religion (The relations between dogma and reason through history.);
RITTER, BRUCE – Sometimes God has a Kid's Face (The story of America's exploited street kids.);
ROBERTS, DONALD LLEWELLYN – The Perfect Church (Critiques the contemporary church's preoccupation with methodology.);
ROBERT, ORAL – The Call (Autobiography); *** Don't Give Up! (Jesus will give you that miracle you need!); *** How to Get Through Your Struggles (How you can recieve miracles inyour life.); *** Miracles of Seed-Faith (God's best guarantee to you to meet your needs.); *** 3 Most Important Steps to Your Better Health and Miracle Living (Your life is God's gift to you.);
ROBERTS, PATTI, Ashes to Gold (True story of how her perfect marriage failed.);
ROBERTSON, E.H. - Light in darkness (Intended to help missionary minded groups to direct their discussions.);
ROBERTON, PAT – Answers to 200 of Life's Most Probing Questions (An exciting exploration of the scriptures); *** Shout it from the Housetops (Autobiography);
ROBISON, JAMES – In Search of a Father (Father your children as God fathers you.);
ROBINSON, JOHN A.T. - *** Honest to God (The Need to be Utterly Honest in the face of faith.); *** The New Reformation? (The consequences of the growing theological revolution for the life of the church.);
ROCHE, DOUGLAS J. - The Catholic Revolution (A clear and balanced view of what is happening in the catholic church today.);
RODRIGUEZ, COOKIE (with/ SCHONAUER, BETTY) Please Make me Cry! (Autobiography of David Wilkerson's first female dope addict to kick her habit through his ministry.);
ROGERS, DALE EVANS – Angel Unaware (The story of the life & death of her daughter.); *** Dearest Debbie (in Ai Lee) (A mother's account of the faith that sustained her after her daughter's death.); *** Time Out, Ladies! (The Intimate problems of women.); *** The Woman at the Well (Autobiography);
ROHRBACH, PETER THOMAS – The Search for St. Therese (The true story behind the woman plus x called the greatest saint of modern times.);
ROSE, LOUIS – Faith Healing (An objective appraisal of miraculous cures.);
ROSENTHAL, A.M./ GELB, ARHTUR (eds.) The Pope's Journey to the United States (The historical record of Pope Paul VI written by the New a York times; with photos.);
ROSS, FLOYD H./ HILLS, TYNETTE – The Great Religions by Which Men Live (The book that shows eight ways to God.);
RUSHA, GLADYS – Truth to tell in Borneo (A missionary tells of the difficulties she had to overcome.);
RUSS, MIKE – The Battle for Planet Earth (From Abraham to Armageddon.);
RUSSELL, A.J. (ed.) - God Calling (A daily devotional.);
RUTHERFORD, J.F. - Warning (Two bible treaties on waring and violence.);
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--- S ---
SABIERS, KARL – Where are the Dead? (The Bible answer);
ST. AUGUSTINE – City of God (Great Christian Classic); *** The Confessions of St. Augustine (Great Christian classic.); *** The Essential Augustine (A comprehensive introduction to his wisdom);
St. John of the Cross – Ascent of Mount Carmel (A Masterpiece in the Literature of Mysticism);
ST. JOHN, ROBERT – Tongue of the Prophets (Biography of Eliezer Ben Yehuda, the Jewish Scholar from Lithuania.);
ST. JOHN – STEVAS, NORMAN – The Right to Life (Important Questions and Answers about abortion.);
SAMUEL, VISCOUNT – Belief and Action (An everyday philosophy; Pelican books A56; 1939, with dustjacket);
SANFORD, AGNES – The Healing Light (Now you can know and experience God's laws of healing.);
SAUNDERS, LOWELL – Great Days Ahead (Understanding the promises in the book of revelation.);
SAVOCA, NICK – with, SCHNEIDER, DICK) – Road Block to Moscow (Fifty exuberany young Christians invade Russia to witness for Christ.);
SAWARD, MICHAEL – Cracking the God Code (What Christianity is about, told in ordinary words.);
SCHAEFFER, FRANCIS A. - Escape from Reason (A penetrating analysis of trends in modern thought.);
SCHLINK, BASILEA – You will Never be the Same (Dealing one by one with the sinful traits which mar the Christian's life.);
SCHMIDT, KENNETH R. - The other side (Visions of the rapture and the afterlife.);
SCHNELL, WILLIAM J. - 30 Years a Watchtower Slave (Shacking confessions of a converted Jehovah's Witness and the truth about the inner workings.);
SCHOMP, GERALD – Parent/ Child/ God (Bringing you closr together as God's children.);
SCHONFIELD, DR. HUGH J. - The Passover Plot (A new interpretation of the life and death of Jesus.); *** The Politics of God (Religion is the revolution of the seventies.); SCHOUPPE, FRIAR F.X. - Hell/ How to Avoid Hell (The dogma of hell illustrated by facts take from profane & sacred history.);
SCHULLER, ROBERT H. - Be Happy You Are Loved (How to Discover the Power of Love in you life.); *** You Can Become the Person You Want to Be (Through prayer & possibility thinking.);
SCHULMAN, ARNOLD – Baba (Biography of a India holy man, his life, his work, his miracles.);
SEABURY, RUTH ISABEL – Daughter of Africa (Travels with the African Christian leader Mina Sga.);
SEARS, WILLIAM – Thief in the night (The case of the missing millennium);
SETTEL, T.S. (ed.) - The Faith of Billy Graham (The Living Words and thoughts of America's greatest evangelist.);
SHAFER, LUMAN J. - The Christian Mission in our Day (Copyright 1944: the aims of World Missionary works.);
SHANAHAN, LOUISE – All About Eve... and Adam and Jane and Johnnie (What can Make or Break a home and how the home relates to modern America.);
SHANKARA – Crest Jewel of discrimination (Classic teachings in Jnana Yoga.);
SHA, BRIAN – Night Pastor (The story of Rev. Robert Owen the night pastor of Chicago.)
SHEDD, CHARLIE W. - The Stork is Dead (Putting sexuality in a very positive Christian context.);
SHEEN, FULTON J. - The Divine Romance (The way to peace and happiness.); *** The Eternal Galilean (A life of Christ for the modern world.); *** Go to Heaven (Sets for the positive steps toward living the good life.); *** Life of Christ (Christ as a man, as a teacher, and as the Savior. ) *** Lift up Our Heart (The way to peace of mind and could.); *** Moods and Truths (How to solve the problems of modern living.); *** Peace of Soul (Discussion of vital human problems.); *** Theology for Beginners (A breakdown of the bible and worship in the church.); *** Three to Get Married (An inspiring guide to love and marriage.);
SHELDON, CHARLES M. - In His Steps (Novel);
SHELLEY, BRUCE – Let's face It (Living for Christ in today's world.);
SHERRILL,JOHN – with SHERRILL, ELIZABETH) – The Happiest People on Earth (The long awaited personal story of demos Shakarian within the Pentecostal movement.); *** They Speak with Other Tongues (An age old miracle on the march in a scientific age, and what happened to the reporter in search of its story.);
SHOEMAKER, SAM – Extraordinary Living for Ordinary Men (With the faith that turns the commonplace into an exalted reflection of God.); *** Under New Management (New dimensions to the faith life.);
SIEDELL, BARRY – Gospel Radio (A 20th century tool for a 20th century challenge.);
SIKHAR – Braver Than Gurkhas (Novel based on the Christian church in Nepal.);
SIMON, ARTHUR – Bread for the World (The role of religion & public in the problem of world hunger.);
SIMON, EDITH – The Saints (The early heroes of the Christian faith.);
SIMON, PAUL – World Hunger (An in-depth discussion of this modern issue for concerned Christians.);
SISTER GUS – The New Children (Working in the youth ministry in Cincinnati, Ohio.);
SKINNER, TOM – Black and Free (Autobiography of Harlem's biggest gang leader & his amazing conversion.);
SLOANE, ALLAN – Time to Run (Adaption of the most successful Christian film ever produced.);
SLOYAN, GERALD S. - Christ the Lord (A new approach to Christ and his meaning to today's world.); *** Liturgy in Focus (A study of the meaning of the proper forms of worship in the Catholic church.); *** (ed.) Shaping the Christian Message (Essays in religious education by various contributors.);
SMALL, SWIGHT HERVEY – Design for Christian Marriage (How to make a success of marriage.);
SMITH, CHARLES MERRILL – How to Become a Bishop Without Being Religious (Satire at it's best.);
SMITH, HANNAH WHITALL – The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life (Is your life all you want it to be?);
SMITH, WESLEY E. - Mission Impossible (His story of being a teacher and taking to the streets to try and help out troubled teens.);
SMITH, WILLIAM – Smith's Bible Dictionary (Every subject, person, place and event mentioned in the bible.);
SMOKE, JIM – Growing though Open Windows (New thoughts, new ideals, new awareness of beauty in people, in books, in nature.);
The Song of God; Bhagavad – Gita (The gospel of Hinduism.);
SOPER, DONALD O. - Popular Fallacies About the Christian Faith (Most people today do not believe in Christianity.); ***Practical Christianity Today (The modern implications of the Christian faith.);
SORACI, CARMELO – The Convict and the Stained Glass Windows (Autobiography of New York career criminal who found faith while serving life in prison.);
Speaking of Siva (A collection of free serve lyrics written by four major satins of the great Bhakti protest movement of the Tenth Century.);
SPENCE, HARTZELL – One Foot in Heaven (Autobiography.);
SPIKE, ROBERT W. - Tests of a Living Church (Today's church belongs more “of” than “in” the world.);
SPRAGGETT, ALLEN – The Bishop Pike Story (Biography of the most controversial churchman of our times.); *** Kathryn Kuhlman the Who Believes in Miracles (A fully documented, impartial investigation into the powers of the greatest faith healer since biblical times.);
SPURGEON, CHARLES H. - Faith's Checkbook (Being precious promises arranged for daily use with comments.);
STALEY, VERNON – The Catholic religion (A manual of instructions for members of the Anglican Communion.);
STANCHFIELD, WILMA – Struck by Love (Her story of her ten year search for peace after she and her husband were struck by lightning and the power of God.);
STANFORD, MILES J. - The Principle of Position (Foundations of spiritual growth.);
STAPLETON, RUTH CARTER – The Gift of Inner Healing (When we discover our wills are God's will inner healing begins.);
STEDMAN, RAY C. - Body life (The church comes alive.);
STEINMETZ, URBAN G. - “I Will” (The present and future of Christian marriage.);
STERN, KARL – The Pillar of Fire ( Autobiography of a modern psychiatrist's life and spiritual voyage to Catholicism.);
STEWARD, GWENDA R. - Missionary Stories from Indonesia (About boys and girls.);
STEWART, BRIAN – View from Above (Novel about what can we take into eternity.);
STIBBS, REV A.M. - The Epistles (For the Sundays and principle holy days of the church's year.);
STITCH, WILHELMINA – Where Comfort Is (A biblical anthology.);
STOPFORD, BISHOP ROBERT – None of us Liveth to Himself (The bishop of London's lent book 1964.);
STORMER, JOHN A. - The death of a Nation (America's basic problem is not political but spiritual.);
STORR, VERNON F. - my Faith (A simple statement of the Christian faith,as a liberal evangelical views it.);
The Story of the Prodigal (By various religious authors.);
STOTT, JOHN R.W. - Your Confirmation (The first great milestone which a baptized and Coveted Christian starts.);
STRAUSS, LEHMAN – God's Plan for the Future (Factual look at what God has said will be the events in the final days.);
STROBER, GERALD S. - Graham: a Day in Billy's Life (An inspiring look at the work of Billy Graham.);
STRONG, PATIENCE – The Windows a of Heaven (Short essays for meditation.);
STUBER, STANLEY I. (ed.) - Basic Christian Writings (Ideas That Have Influenced American Protestantism); *** Denominations, How We Got Them (Their origins, beliefs and growth from the division of Christendom to the present day.);
SUENENS, CARDINALLEON JOSEPH – Love and Control (Exposition of the church's teaching on love, marriage, sexual morality.);
SUNDAY Missal, Pray book and Hymnal 1991 (December 2, 1990 – November 24, 1991);
SWANSON, LAWRENCE F. - Evangelism Through Your Church (Practical & usable ideas and examples of evangelical success in church today.);
SWEARER, DONALD K. - Secrets of the Lotus (An introduction to Buddhist meditation of the Zen and Theravada traditions.);
SWENDENBORG, Emanual – Heaven and Hell (17th Century philosopher & theologian's best known work.);
SWEINDOLL, CHARLES R. - Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life (A healthy & balanced diet of hope for the discouraged.);
SWINFORD, BETTY – Mystery of the Bronze Buddha (Novel for Young adults.); *** Mystery of the White Monkeys (Novels for young adults.);
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--- T ---
TALENTINO, JIM – Free Agents (How top athletes in all sports come to fins Christ.);
TAWNEY, R.H. - Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (The study of religious on social issues from the late middle ages to early 18th century.);
TAYLOR, A.E. - Does God Exist? (An essay arguing that it is unbelief, not belief that is unreasonable.);
TAYLOR, MRS. HOWARD – Being the Ranges (The biography of J.O. Fraser and his missionary work with the Lisu tribesmen of China.); *** Borden of Yale (Biography of William Whiting Borden.); *** The Triumph of John and Betty Stam (Biography of missionary Martry's in China.);
TAYLOR, J.V. - Christianity and Politics in Africa (Penguin books WA9; 1937); *** Enough is Enough (Excess is the subject of this book.);
TAYLOR, KENNETH N. - A Living letter for the Children's Hour (Stories for children with questions.); *** Living Letters: the Paraphrased Epistles (The new testament letters in modern languages.); *** Living Prophecies: The Minor Prophets Paraphrased (Including Daniel and the revelation in modern language.);
TEMPLE, WILLIAM (Archbishop of York) – Christianity and Social Order (The role of Christianity in the establishment of a world order based on freedom from want and freedom of thought.); *** (ed.) (Archbishop of Canterbury) Is Christ Divided? (Christ as the one source of hope peace in the world.);
TEMPLETON, CHARLES – Jesus (Synthesizing the gospel into a single biography of the life of Christ.);
TEN BOOM, CORRIE – Prison Letters (Her letter that were her only tie with her loved ones on the outside Hitler's concentration camp.); *** Tramp for the Lord (Autobiography of her postwar years in the service of Christ around the world.);
THIELICKE, HELMUT – How Modern Should Theology Be? (Basic theological issues for today.);
THOMAS, TERRY C. - At Least we Were Married (Author's story of marrying and losing his wife in a car accident on the same day.);
THOMAS, W. IAN – If I Perish, I Perish (Insights into the meaning of Christian commitment.);
THOMPSON, PHYLLIS – Jame Fraser and the King of the Lisu (A China inland mission book.); *** Mister Leprosy (Dr. Stanley Browne's fight against leprosy.); *** Within a Yard of Hell (The story of Sister Gemmel of the church army who opened a rescue shop.);
THORMAN, DONALD J. - The Emerging Layman (The role of the Catholic layman in America.);
TOOMAN, CHARLES L. - That Plot of Ground (Moral dilemmas that face married people.);
TORRES, VICTOR (with WILKERSON, DON ) - Son of Evil Street (Autobiography of a saved addict.);
TORREY, R.A. *** How to Find Fullness of Power (In Christian life and service.);
TOURNIER, DR. PAUL – The Seasons of Life (Nature's eventual renewal, and man's inevitable death.);
TOWNS, DR. JAMES E. - Faith Stronger than Death (How to communicate effectively with a person in grief.);
TOWNSHEAND, GEORGE – The Heart of the Gospels (The unity of purpose of all religion.); *** The promise of All Ages (The Baha'l faith as the fulfilment of Christianity.);
TOZER, A.W. - Gems From Tozer (Selections from his writings into the needs of today's church.);
TRAPP, MARIA AUGUSTA – Yesterday, Today and Forever (The Religious life of the Von Trapp Family.);
TRENCH, SALLY – Bury Me in my Boots (One girl's mission among London's dropout's.);
TRESE, LEO J. - Human but Holy (Religious inspiration and instruction combining psychological principles with theology.);
TREVIVIAN, ROY – What They Believe (Conversations with Malcolm Muggeridge, Kenneth Kaunda, Spike Milligan, Quintan Hogg, Ted Dexter & John Braine.);
TREXLER, EDGAR – The New Face of Missions (We've been perpetuating a romantic image of missions, it's tie to face up to the truth.);
TRINE, RAPH WALDO -In Tune With the Infinite (There is a golden thread that runs through all religions.);
TROBISICH, WLATER – A Baby Just Now? (A Christian perspective on family planning.);
TRUDINGER, RON – Cells for Life (Home groups, God's strategy for church growth.);
TRUEBLOOD, ELTON – Confronting Christ (A series of meditations on the life and teaching of Christ.); *** Foundations for Reconstruction (How to build an enduring moral order, new interpretations of old commandments.);
TRUE Stories from Christian Comics (Brother Andrew, Corrie ten Boom, David Wilkerson.);
TRUNGPA, CHOGYAM – Shambhala; The Sacred Path of the Warrior (A guide to enlightened living from the founder of the Naropa Institute.);
TSAI, ChristIANA – Queen of the Dark Chamber (Autobiography of a Chinese woman doing the Lord's work in China following her conversion.);
TUCKER, J.L. - I Climbed Mount Sinai (Go'd Ten rules for peace of mind.);
TWITCHELL, PAUL (Be STEIGER, BRAD ) In My Soul I Am Free (Biography of Paul Twitchell, prophet, healer, soul traveller.); *** The Spiritual Notebook (The history of man's spiritual progress on this planet, the teachings of Eckankar.);
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--- U,V ---
AN UNKNOWN Christian – The Kneeling Christian (The real success in life through the power of prayer.)
(1975 July/August);
(1981 September/October);
(1982 January/February; May/June);
(1983 July/August);
URICH, NINA S. - Memos From the Kitchen (A parsons wife thoughts to her husbands congregation);
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VACATION Bible Splash (Bible trivia and games for summer fun.);
VACHER, FREDERICK J. - The prophets and the Profits (Is the church a moral force or just a sounding board for the the policies and objectives of big business.);
VAN DEN HEUVEL, ALBERT – Meet the Man (Meditations by the executive secretary of the world council of churches youth department.);
VANDEMAN, GEORGE E. - Look! No Doomsday (Is there something beyond doomsday.);
VAN DER PUY, ABEC. - Let the earth Rejoice (Global outlook in the Psalms.); *** Like a Mighty Army (Examining the first seven chapters of the books of Acts.);
VAN DYKE, DICK – Faith, Hope and hilarity (The funny things kids say about religion; illustrated by Phil Interlandi.);
VAN DYKE, HENRY – The Story of the Other Wise Man (Novel of the Power of Love.);
VAN GORDER,PAUL R. - The Church Stands Corrected (Solutions for today's church problems.);
VAN IMPE, DR. JACK – Bible Headlines (A compilation of current news releases examined in the light of bible prophecy.);
VAN LOON, HENDRIK – The Story of the Bible (Retelling the old and new testaments in story form.);
VANN, GERALD – The Son's Course (What is God like, and how can we find out?);
VAN STRAATEN, WEREFRIED – They call me Bacon Priest (Autobiography of the father who started the international of Christian brotherly love.);
VAN ZELLER, DOM HUBERT – We Live With Our Eyes Open (Stimulating and rewarding meditations on the spiritual life for today's men and woman.); *** We Work While the Light Last (Meditations on contemporary problems.);
VERNEY, STEPHEN – Fire in Convent (Interpreting the significance of convent cathedral.);
VERWER, GEORGE – Literature Evangelism (A manual on how to do it.);
VIDLER, ALEC R. - The Church in an Age of Revolution (The pelican history of the church volume 5.); *** Read, Mark, Lern (The doctor's weekly bible study group inaction.);
VIGEVENO, H.A. - Jesus the Revolutionary (The book unmasks preconceived fantasies and presents the Jesus of the Bible in all his power.); *** A Life, a Cross, and Empty Tomb (Daily devotions and bible studies.); *** The Listener (Some startling viewpoints from various religions and cults.);
VINCENT, JOHN J. - Alternative Church (The story of four Para churches, the open group in London, the Eucharist congregation in Sheffield, the Corrymella community in Northern Ireland, the House church in Clapham.);
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--- w,x,y,z ---
WADE, MARION E. - Meet Mr. Service master (Autobiography of the chairman of the board of directors of the service master corporation.);
WALKER, KENNETH – Meaning and Purpose (Scientific theories and their impact on religious thought and belief.);
WALLIS, ARTHUR – God's Chosen Fast (A spiritual & practical guide to fasting.);
WALLIS, ETHEL E./ BENNETT MARY A. - Two Thousand Tongues to Go (The Wycliffe bible translators throughout the world today.);
WALVOORD, JOHN F. - Armageddon: Oil and the Middle East Crisis (What the bible says about the future of the Middle East and the end of Western civilization.);
WAND, J.W.C. - The Church Today (A brief description of the Christian church in its external variety and its inner unity.);
WANG, MARY – The Chinese Church That Will Not Die (It has been suppressed, but not stopped; Autobiography.); *** Stephen the Chinese Pastor (Biography of pastor who founded the Chinese church in London, and Chinese overseas Christian mission.);
WARD, BARBARA – Faith and Freedom (The history and relationship of political freedom and religious faith.);
WARD, LARRY – And There Will Be Famines (Christian social responsibility and the gospel.);
WARD, HARRIS E.D. - A Nun Goes to the Dogs (Biography of Mother Cecilia Mary, O.S.B. Who does animal welfare work, defying a Vatican command to cease.);
WARE, TIMOTHY – The Orthodox Church (The History and Beliefs of the Eastern Orthodox church.);
WATSON, DAVID – Live a New Life (What God gives us when we become his children.);
WATSON, SYDNEY – In the Twinkling of an Eye (What Happened to all the missing people who suddenly vanished in 19th century England.); *** The Mark of the Beast (A fictional account of the fate of those behind After the rapture.);
WAUGH, EVELYN – Edmond Champion Jesuit and Martyr (Biography.);
WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE – A Plain Man Looks at the Cross (Plumbing the depths of God's great work for men.);
WEBSTER, DOUGLAS – Unchanging Mission (Biblical and contemporary);
WEIGEL, GUSTAVE – Faith and Understanding in America (The Continuing interfaith dialogue between Catholics and Protestants.);
WEIL, SIMONE – Waiting On God (An introduction to this authors writings.);
WEISS, G. ChristIAN – On Being a Real Christian (The need of proper foundation in doctrine and practices.)
WELK, LAWRENCE – This I Believe (His faith in God and America, as inspiring as his music.);
WELLS, H.G. - Crux Ansata (An indictment of the Roman Catholic church.);
WHALE, J.S. - Christian Doctrine (A clear re-statement of the fundamental beliefs of Christians.);
WHITE, ELLEN G. - Cosmic Conflict (Good and evil wage war for planet earth.); *** The Desire of Ages (A deeply spiritual life of Christ.); *** The Great Controversy (Ancient prophecies and their meaning for today & tomorrow.) *** Shelter in the Storm ( In your life a storm is coming & here is the shelter.); *** Will America Survive? (America may not always be free with the coming of therapeutic.);
WHITE, JOHN WESELEY – The Coming World Dictator (Who is he, What's He Like, and When Will He Come to power?); *** Re-Entry (Striking parallels between today's news events and Christ's second coming.); *** The runaway (The story of the prodigal son told in modern language.);
WHITE, MEL – Deceived (The Jonestown tragedy & what every Christian should know.);
WHITESELL, FARIS DANIEL – Great Personal Workers (Examples of personal evangelism.);
WHITNEY, ELEANOR SEARLE – Invitation to Joy; a Personal Story (Autobiography of former wife of Cornelius Vanderbilt.);
WIERSBE, WARREN W. - Be Real (A realistic look at love & right living in a age which knows little of either.); *** Enjoy Your Freedom (A look at freedom from a scriptural point of view.); *** Famous unanswered Prayers (When God says no he has his child's best interest at heart.); *** Five Secrets of Living (Complete instructions for living the abundant life.); *** Meet your Conscience (Increase your knowledge of God & live by godly principles.); *** What Shall We Name the Baby? (A list of Bible Names with their meanings.); *** What to wear to the War (Studies from Ephesians 6);
WIESEL, ELIE - Mass Market Paperbacks; RELIGION & Related;
**** The Accident (1970; Bard/Avon Books; G/VG = $3.00);**** A Beggar in Jerusalem (1971; Avon Books; Inventory # 10690-1,2,3; FN=$5.00; FA/G = $2.00);
**** "Dawn" (1970; Avon Books; G = $2.00);
**** The Gates of the Forest (WWII; Autobiography); (1970; Bard/Avon Books; VG = $4.00);
**** THE JEWS OF SILENCE.- A Personal Report on Soviet JEWRY // Inventory # 10694-1 Book Condition: FINE+, Near New. Price = $4.00
**** NIGHT (circa 1980; Discus/Avon Books; VG = $4.00);
*** "The Testament" (1982; Bantam Books; VG minus = $4.00);
WIESINGER, PASTOR S. - Love is More than Words (An account of 75 years of 'love in action' ministry to the blind, handicapped around the world.);
WILCOX, ROBERT K. - Shroud (The search for the truth about the shroud of turin.);
WILKINSON, DAVID – Beyond the Cross and the Switchblade (A look back at the people in the cross and the switchblade and what they are now doing.); *** The Cross and the Switchblade (Autobiography of his ministry works with the gangs of New York.); *** Hey Pearch ... You're Comin' Through (America's drug addicts & drop-outs, what must be done to save them.); *** The Jesus Person Pocket Promise Book (800 Promises from the word of God.); *** (with MURPHY, PHYLLIS) The Little People (America's forgotten children); *** Man, Have I Got Problems (Leading people through failure to faith and hope.); *** Parents on Trial (Why do kids go wrong?) *** Purple Violet Squish (An encounter with the 'Dropped Out” generation.); *** Racing Toward Judgement (A message of trial and triumph.); *** Twelve Angels from Hell (Twelve drug addicts who found their way to God through the teen challenge ministry.); *** Victory Over Sin and Self (Break sin's grip on your life.); *** The Vision (A terrifying prophecy of doomsday that is starting to happen now.);
WILLIAMS, H.C.N. (ed.) (Provost of Coventry) – A Vision of Duty (Sermons preached in Coventry cathedral.);
WILLIAMS, HOWARD – Down to Earth (What is the creative way of meeting the need for reinterpretation of the life of Christ.);
WILLIAMS, PHILIP – Journey into Mission (The diary of a first time missionary in Japan.);
WILSON, BRYAN – Religion in Secular Society (A sociological comment of England and the United States.);
WILSON, GEORGE M. - Words of Wisdom (From living Psalms and Proverb.);
WILSON, KENNETH L. - Angel at her Shoulder (Biography of Typhoon Lil Dickson and her missionary works in war torn Japan; with photos.);
WILSON DR. WALTER L. - Dr. Wilson's Stories of Soul Winning (Stories of Various Conversions.); *** Remarkable New Stories Told by the Doctor (24 new stories of conversions.);
WINOWSKA, MARIA – The Death Camp Proved Him Real (Biography of Father Maximiliam Kolbe and his time in a concentration camp.);
WISDOM FOR Modern Man (Proverbs & Ecclesiastes);
WOOD, CHARLES ERSKINE SCOTT – Heavenly Discourse (A timeless classic.);
WOOTTON, R.W.F. (ed.) - Jesus More Than a Prophet (Fifteen Muslims tell How they found forgiveness, release and new life in Christianity.);
WOUK, HERMAN – This is my God (A candid personal statement of faith.);
WREN-LEWIS, JOHN – God in a Technological Age (One Man's Theological Pilgrimage in a search for God.);
WRIGHT, NORMAN – Help ... I'm a Camp Counsellor (Helps for Successful Christian camp counselling.);
WURMBRAND, MICHAEL – Christ or the Red Flag (Autobiography of his early life in a communist country.); ***If That Were Christ, Would You Give Him Your Blanket? (Novel of two Chinese Christmas in prison.); *** In God's Underground (Autobiography of playboy turned preacher and his 14 years in communist prison.); *** The Soviet Saints (Reports from the Soviet press about Christians in the Soviet Union.); *** Tortured for Christ (An account of the suffering of members of the underground church behind the iron curtain.);
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YALLOP, DAVID A. - In God''s name (An investigation into the murder of Pope John I.);
YANCEY, PHILIP – Where is God when it hurts? (Coming to terms with the tough times in your life.);
YOUNG, JR., H. CLAUDE – Proclaiming God's Grace and Glory (Mission stories for today.);
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ZIGLAR, ZIG – Confessions of a Happy Christian (Reveals the secrets of his fabulous success.);
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TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686
Prices in
USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;
I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =
SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;
ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;
Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment
(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit; SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);
Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;
MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa