Science Fiction Fantasy & Horror Magazine List FOR SALE --

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Science Fiction Fantasy & Horror Magazine List FOR SALE --


**** A ****

ABORIGINAL SCIENCE FICTION (Absolute Entertainment Inc.)

1989 (January/February);


ADASTRA (Rowot Ltd.) - Circa 1980 #9;

THE ADDAMS FAMILY (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) - 1991;

ALGOL (Andrew Porter Pub.) - 1973 #20;

AMAZING CINEMA (Cinema Enterprises Pub.) - 1981 - May #1; June #2; July/August #3;


1991 – June #559;

2000 – Special Edition Spring #601;

AMERICAN FANTASY (Robert and Nancy Garcia Pub.)

1986 Vol.2 #1(Fall);

1987 Vol.2 #2(Winter); Vol.2 #3(Spring);

1988 Vol.2 #5(Winter);

AMRA (G.H. Scithers Pub; 1959-1981; Terminus, Owlswick, and Ft. Mudge Electrick Street Railway Gazette, Philadelphia; Robert E. Howard, Conan the Cimmerian & his Hyborean Age; Fanzine)

#47 (Cover art “Pellucidarian Hunt” by Roy G. Krenkel);

#50 (Cover art “Sorcery” by Dennis N. Smith);

#52 (Cover art “Darkhouse of Alexandria” by Roy G. Krenkel);

#55 (Cover art “Entrance” by Roy G. Krenkel);

#58 (Cover art “Jurassic Scene” by Roy G. Krenkel);

#60 (Cover art “The Aposteosis of St. John (J. Allen that is)” by Roy G. Krenkel);

#61 (Cover art “Contemplative Conan” by B.B. Sams);

#62 (Cover art “The Gorge of the Dragon” by Roy G. Krenkel);

#63 (Cover art “Heroic Fisherman” by Alex Nino);

#64 (Cover art by Ray Garcia Capella);

#65 (Cover art by Phil Hawkins and Roy G. Krenkel);

#66 (Cover art “Auld Dinosaur” by Roy G. Krenkel);

#67 (Cover art by Roy G. Krenkel);

#68 (Cover art by Roy G. Krenkel);

#69 (Cover by Roy G. Krenkel);

#70 (Cover art “Spearman and Dinosaurs” by Roy G. Krenkel;1981; 2nd Last issue);


#4 1974 July (Cover art “Elric in a Charlton Heston mood” by Jim Cawthorn);

ANGEL (Titan Magazines Pub.)

2003 (#1 November/December)

2004 (#3 March/April) (#4 May/June); (#5 July/August); (#6 November/December);

2005 (#7 January/February); (#8 March/April);

ANGEL Yearbook – 2004;

ARQUIVO X AND SERIADOS (Spanish; Mythos Editora Pub.) - 1999 (Volume 1 #4; X-Files);


1978 (Fall, #1);

1979 #2(Spring); #3(Summer); #4(Fall);

AURORA SF (SF Pub.) - 1982 #21(Summer);

**** B ****

BABYLON 5 OFFICIAL FAN CLUB KIT (Pictures, Notes, Various Stuff);

Babylon 5: Official Collector's Magazine #NN(Sendai Media Group pub 1995) Weight = 125 Grams; VF = $8.00



(#1 July; Tracy Scoggins);

(#2 September; Bruce Boxleitner);

(#3 October; Richard Biggs);

(#6 December; Bruce Boxleitner);


(#8 March; Dureena);

(#10 April);

(#11 Early May; Claudia Christian);

(#12 Late May; Peter Woodward);

(#13 June; Gary Cole);

(#14 Juy; G'Kar);

(#15 August);

(#16 October);

(#19 November);

(#18 December; Carrie Dobro);


(#19 January; Michael O'Hare; Front cover Says 1999);

(#20 February);

(#21 March; Mira Furlan);

BATTLEFIELD EARTH (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) - 2000;

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (Grosset and Dunlop Pub.)

- Activity Book (1978);




1978 #1;

THE BATTLESTAR GALACTICA STORYBOOK (MCA Publishing 1979) – Over 100 Full Color Pictures;

THE BAUM BUGLE (International Wizard of OZ Club Inc.)

1966 (Autumn);

BLOODSONGS (Implosion Pub.) - 1997 (#9; Front cover “Ms. Patricia and Her Flies” by Jimmie Arroyo Guzman);

BORDERLAND (Artimus Pub.) - 1986 Vol.1 #4;


1998 (#1 Fall); (#2 Winter);

1999 (#3 Spring); (#4 Summer); (#5 Fall); (#6 Winter);

2000 (#7 Spring); (#8 Summer); (#9 Fall); (#10 Winter);

2001 (#12 Summer);

2002 Volume 5 (#1 March); (#2 April); (#3 May); (#4 June); (#5 December);

2003 Volume 5 (#6 February); (#7 April); (#8 June/July); (#9 August/September); (#10 December);

2004 Volume 5 (#12 April/May); (#13 June/July); (#14 August/September); (#15 October/November); (#16 December);

2005 Volume 5 (#17 February February/March);

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER OFFICIAL MAGAZINE (MVP Licensing Inc.) YEARBOOK – (1998) (Fall 2000); (2002); (2003);

THE BURROUGHS BULLETIN (Vern Coriell Pub.) - Circa ? #10; #20(Fall/1970; The Cave Girl Movie Mystery);

**** C ****

CASTLE OF FRANKENSTEIN (Mostly Text & Photos; some Comics; Gothic Castle Pub; All are SCARCE in Strict FN/VF or Better)

Volume-1 #1(Volume-1 #1; Cover dated 1-2/1962; Actually released in 11/1961; Frankenstein-c; Larry Ivie-c; Frankenstein, Mummy, George Pal's Time Machine, Three Stooges, Jack the Ripper, Mysterians, Boris Karloff; Edagar Allan Poe's Pit & the Pendulaum; FN/VF, 7.0 = $75);

Volume-1 #2(1962; Christopher Lee-c/s; Early years of Frankenstein; Dr Caligari; Hammer's new Phantom of the Opera; Vampires & Capt Marvel; 6 pages of VAMPIRE comics by Larry Ivie; FN/VF, 7.0 = $45; G/VG =$20);

Volume-1 #3(1963; MUMMY-c by Larry Ivie; Forgotten Frankenstein; Frankenstein movie guide; Boris Karloff; Raven, Captain Sindbad, Lon Chaney Jr, Day of the Triffids, Hands of Orlac, Dr Syn, Baby Jane; VF+, with 1" chew at bottom of Spine to cover thus FN/VF = $45);

Volume-1 #4(1963; DRACULA-c; Specail VAMPIRE issue; Lon Chaney Jr story; Frankenstein movie guide; Freaks, Haunting, Blood of Vampire, Kiss of Vampire, Nosferatu, Curse of Vampire, Black Sunday; Legend of Mummy; World of George Pal; VF+, with 1" chew at bottom of Spine to cover thus FN/VF = $30);

Volume-1 #4(1963; FN with Piece off Back Cover = Good = $12);

Volume-1 #4(1963; FA/G, Back Cover is Missing $8);

#5(Volume-2 #1; 1964; Edgar Rice Burroughs' Frankenstein/Monster Men-c/s; Peter Lorre story);

#6(Volume-2 #2; 1965; GORGON photo-c; Hitchcock, Lon Chaney Jr, Dracula, Wolfman);

#7(Volume-2 #3; 1965; Frieda Jackson in Die Monster Die photo-c; Lugosi vs Lee; Karloff);

#8(Volume-2 #4; 1966; Christopher Lee as Dracula photo-c; Lugosi, David McCallum, Fu Manchu, Batman);

#9(Volume-2 #1; 11/1966; Cesar Romero as JOKER photo-c; Batman, Karloff);

#10 = ASK;

#11(Volume-3 #3; 1967; Nimoy as SPOCK photo-c; Star Trek, Dr Faustus; Men behind MARVEL comics; Talk with Christopher Lee);

#12(Volume-3 #4; 1968; SPOCK speaks; Stan Lee interview; Frank Brunner-a; ABC-TV's Spider-Man; Christopher Lee interview; Planet of the Apes);

#13 = ASK;

#14(Volume-4 #2; 1969; SPOCK & KIRK of Star Trek Photo-c; Karloff; Ray Bradbury);

#15(Volume-4 #3; 1970; Beneath the Planet of the Apes; Christopher Lee as Dracula; Frank Brunner-a);

#16(Volume-4 #4; 1971; Satanism & Vampires issue; Ken Kelly painted-c; Barnabas Collins-c; Robert Bloch; "A case of Conscience" = 10 pages of comics, with Early art by BERNI WRIGHTSON);

#17(Volume-5 #1; 10/1971; Magic & Occult issue; Painted-c by Frank Brunner; Mephisto Waltz, Dracula, Harryhausen;

THX-1138; Robert Bloch);

#18(Volume-5 #2; 1972; Frankenstein painted-c, by Ken Kelly; Night of the Living Dead; Robert Bloch; Karloff's last movie; El Topo; John Carradine interview; H.P. Lovecraft on film; Tarzan; Cameo art by; Wally Wood, Roy Krenkel, Jim STERANKO, Neal ADAMS, Ken Barr; Tales from the Crypt EC film);

#19(Volume-5 #3; 1972; Harryhausen; New Hammer films; Clockwork Orange; Dracula today);

#20(Volume-5 #4; Summer/1973; Harryhausen; Vault of Horror EC film; Soylent Green; Vincent Price);

#21,23,24 = ASK;

#22(Volume-6 #2; 1974; EXORCIST-c & Article; interview with Peter Cushing; Zardoz; Mutations; Madhouse; Hell House; Frankenstein TV Movie Guide; SOLD OUT);

#25(Volume-7 #1; 1975; Andy Warhol's Frankenstein & Mel Brooks' Frankenstein; George Pal; Texas Chain Saw Massacre; Phantom of the Paradise; Night Stalker; Wraparound painted-c);

CASTLE OF FRANKENSTEIN (Dennis Druktents Pub.)

#26(Summer 1999; Front cover - The Unused Frankenstein cover by Larry Ivie that was supposed to have appeared on CoF #1; backcover Christopher Lee as the "Creature", not the third eye that seems to be growing on this photo);

#27(Spring 2000; Front cover 1962 Unused variation for issue #2, painting @2000 by Larry Ivie); Inside front & back cover Lon Chaney Jr. as Count Alucard in Son of Dracula materializes in these rare photos);

#28(Summer/2000; Front cover All-New Werewolf Cover @2000 by Larry Ivie; Inside front & back cover Lon Chaney, Jr. is the one and only Wolf Man; Inside backcover Oliver Reed in the Curse of the Werewolf);

#29(Spring/2001; Front cover All-new Mommy cover @2000 by Larry Ivie; Inside front & backcover Karloff as the Mummy):

#30(Summer 2001; front cover The Unknown Frankenstein @2001 by Larry Ivie; Inside front cover Mike Lane in makeup as an "Unknown Frankenstein" in 1958 for a TV series that was never filmed. Mike not only played 2 Frankenstein Monsters in Frankenstein 1970(1958) but also played the Monster on the 1976 TV show The Monster Squad; Inside Back cover Teenage Frankenstein (1957);

#31(Fall 2001; Front cover Fu Manchu Issue @ by Larry Ivie; Inside front cover Boris Karloff in Mask of Fu Manchu (1932), Back cover New "Spine" tingling art by Rick Mountfort that will appear in Torne #4 is shown. Frankenstein Meets Dracula in Castle of Frankenstein presents the New Adventures of Frankenstein Tome #4)

#32(Spring 2022; Front cover Invisiblity by Larry Ivie @2001 by Larry Ivie; Back cover Invisible Man Revealed by Frank Garofolo);

#33(Summer 2002; front cover As the Wolf Man leaps with Dracula from the Florida castle toward the waters below, a bite results in his becoming The Son of Dracula @ 2002 by Larry Ivie; Page 4 Bela Lugosi relaxes on the set of Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein in this rare photo; backcover A classic lobbycard from Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein reproduced for your viewing pleasure.)

#34(Spring/2003; Front cover The Phantom by Larry Ivie; Bakcover Tom Triman's terrifying Frankenstine in the Cemetery diorama);

#35(Spring 2004; Front cover Jekyll & Hyde by Larry Ivie; Inside front & backcover Fredric March as Mr. Hyde!);


(#1; SCARCE; 1967; nice VF copy, but water damage at top, thus VG = $25);

2000 (Summer 2000; Front cover All-new Frankenstein Cover by Larry Ivie; Inside front cover/ Page 3 Rare photo from A7C Meet Frankenstine

CHACAL (Fanzine/Magazine; Nemedian Chronicles Pub. Magazine of Fantasy & SF) -

#1(1976; 60 pages; Hannes Bok, Corben, Fabian, Frazetta, C.L. Moore interview, Robert E. Howard, Reamy, Karl Edward Wagner, Waldrop; Jeff Easley-c & Portfolio);

#2(Spring/1977; 76 pages; Cadigan, Fabian, Frazetta, Robert E. Howard, Steranko, Utley, Karl Edward Wagner, Manly Wade Wellman interview, Phillipe Druillet; Jeff Easley-c; Jim Fitzpatrick Portfolio; Manitoba; VF, 8.0 = $26.00);


CHILLLER MONSTER TALES magazine (M.M. Pub.; Famous Monsters imitator;  Photo’s & Articles; Comic-Type Pinup illos by comic artist Chic Stone)  

Volume 1 #1(8/1966; 68 Pages; Frankenstein, Dracula & Giant Ant Painted-c by Chic Stone; 7 page interior Monster Gallery = Chic Stone-a; Dracula’s Guest; Monster Plants; THEM Giant Ants; House of Frankenstein; Island of Dr Moreau; Day of the Triffids; Murders in the Rue Morgue; VG = $24.00; Another Copy = ASK);


1994 Winter (Volume 1 #1);

#12 (Alex Gordon, Kathleen Hughes, John Carradine, Dr. Shock)

#13 (George Pal, Pamela Duncan, Kelly Hu, Blood Island);

CINEFANTASTIQUE (Frederick S. Clark Pub.)


Volume 1

(#1; Fall; Alan Arkin in “Catch-22”);

(Volume 1 #3; Summer; James Olson “The Andromeda Strain”);


(Volume 1 #2 Winter; Front cover Jonathan Frid, Kathryn Leigh Scott “House of Dark Shadows”;

(Volume 1 #4 Fall; Front cover – Rod Taylor “The Time Machine”);


(Volume 2 #3 Winter Front cover “The Other”; Back cover Robert Mulligan);

(Volume 2 #4 Summer Front cover Stephanie Beacham “... And Now the Screaming Starts”);

(Volume 3 #1 Fall; Christopher Lee);

Volume 3 (#2 Front cover “The Golden Voyage of Sinbad;” Back cover Linda Blair);

(#3 Zardoz; Back cover Fantastic Planet);

(#4 Front cover “The Exorcist”; Back cover “Flesh Gordon”);


Volume 4 -

(#1 Front cover Christopher Lee; Back cover “Phantom of the Paradise”);

(#3 Front cover Films of Terence Fisher; Horror of Dracula);

(#4 Front cover The day the Earth Stood Still; Back cover Linda Carter as Wonder Woman);


Volume 5

(#1 Front cover A Boy and His Dog);

(#2; Logan's Run; Back Cover Flesh Gordon);

(#3 Front cover the Omen);

(#4 Front cover The War of the Worlds; Back cover Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger);


Volume 6

(#2; Front cover Ray Harry Hausen; Back cover Star Wars)p;

(#3 Front cover The Wicker Man);


Volume 7

(#2 Front cover Hans J. Salter);

(#3/4 Front cover Close Encounters of the Third Kind);


Volume 8

(#1 Front cover Preproducing the Primevals; Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings);

(#2/3 Front cover Forbidden Planet);

(#4 Front cover Richard Donner; Back cover Timewarp);


Volume 9

(#1 Front cover Aliens; Back cover Flesh Gordon);

(#3/4 Front cover The Black Hole);

Volume 10

(#1; front cover John Carpenter; back cover Dark Star); SOLD OUT


Volume 10

(#2 Front cover The Birds; Back cover Tippi Hedren);

(#3 Front cover Clash of the Titans);

(#4 Front cover David Cronenberg);

Volume 11

(#1 Front cover Dick Smith);

(#2 Front cover The Filming of Altered States);

(#3 Front cover Conan the Barbarian);

(#4 Front cover Ray Harryhausen);


Volume 12

(#1 Front cover Ghost Story);

(#2/3 Front cover Conan the Barbarian);

(#4 Front cover Paul Schrader);

(#5/6 Front cover Star Trek II; The Wrath of Khan);

Volume 13

(#2,3 Front cover Rob Bottin);


Volume 13

(#4 Front cover The Dark Crystal);

(#5 Front cover Jack Clayton);

(#6/ Volume #1 Front cover #D Effects);

Volume 14

(#2 Front cover The Dead Zone);


Volume 14

(#3 Front cover 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea);

(#4/5; front cover Dune);


Volume 15

(#1 Front cover The Last Star Fighter);

(#2 Front cover Peter Kuran);

(#3 Front cover Tobe Hooper);

(#4 Front cover The Return of the Living Dead);


(#5 Front cover Legend);

Volume 16

(#1 Front cover Psycho III);

(#2 Front cover Highlander);

(#3 Front cover Invaders From Mars);

(#4/5 front cover Alfred Hitchcock);


Volume 17

(#1; front cover Little Shop of Horrors);

(#2; Star Trek 20th Anniversersary Retrospect);

(#3/4; 9.95-c; Front cover Star Trek the Movie Trilogy; VG $8);

(#5 Front cover Ellen Greene, Lyle Conway)

;Volume 18

(#1 Front cover Robocop);


#2/3 Movie Poster Artist of the Fifties);

(#4 H.R. Giger);

(#5 Front cover Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger);


Volume 19

(#1/2; front cover Vincent Prince);

(#3 Front cover Star Trek; The Next Generation);

(#4; front cover The Adventure of Baron Munchausen);

(#5 Front cover Timothy Dalton, Carey Lowell);

Volume 20

(#1/2 Front cover Batman; The Movie);


(#3 Front cover Tales from the Crypt);

(#4 Front cover The Handmaid's Tale);

(#5 Front cover The She-Creature);

Volume 21

(#1 Front cover Robocop 2);

(#1 Front cover Dick Tracy);

(#2 Front cover Star Trek; the Next Generation);

(#3 Front cover Dark Shadows);

(#5 Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2);

(#6 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II);

Volume 22

(#1 Front cover Rocketeer);

(#2 Front cover Star Trek; the Next Generation );

(#3 Front cover Gene Roddenberry);


Volume 22

(#4 Front cover Silence of the Lambs);

(#5 Front cover Star Trek VI);

(#6 Front cover Aliens 3);

Volume 23

(#1 Front cover Evil Dead III );

(#2/3 Front cover Star Trek; the Next Generation);

(#4 Bram Stoker's Dracula);


Volume 23

(#6 Front cover Star Trek; Deep Space Nine);

Volume 24

(#1 Front cover Ren and Stimpy);

(#2 Front cover Jurassic Park);

(#3/4 Front cover Star Trek; the Next Generation);

(#5 Front cover Demolition Man);


(#6/Volume 25 #1; 10.95-c; Front cover Batman from Comics to Movies; FN/VF $11);

Volume 25

(#2 Front cover Babylon 5; Stephen King “The Stand”);

(#3 Front cover The Flintstones);

(#4 Front cover The Shadow);

(#5 Front cover Tim Burton);

1994;  Volume-24 #6 and Volume-25 #1; February 1994; Commemorative Double issue; BATMAN ISSUE; Adam West, Michael Keaton and Animated BATMAN Mask of the Phantasm Painted cover and Articles; 128 Pages including covers;  ** Also with; Hammer Horror; Babylon 5 TV Series; Ren & Stimpy; Coneheads);


Volume 26

(#2 Star Trek VII; Generations);

(#3 Front cover Clive Barker);

(#4 Front cover Stuart Gordon's Shadow over Innsmouth);

(#5 Front cover Judge Dredd);

Volume 27

(#1; front cover X-Files);

(#2 Toy Story);

(#3 Front cover Goldeneye; FN/VF $7);


Volume 27

(#4/5 Front cover Star Trek Voyager);

(#6 Front cover Twelve Monkeys);

(#7 Front cover Species' Sil);

(#8 Front cover Dario Argento Horror's Bloody Artiste);

(#9 James and the Giant Peach);

(#10 Front cover Walt Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame);

(#11/12; 11.95-c; Star Trek the 30th Anniversary; FN/VF $11);

Volume 28

(#1 Front cover = The CROW the City of Angels; FN+ = $8.00);

(#2 Front cover Escape from L.A.);

(#3; front cover The X-Files);

(#4/5 Front cover Star Trek; Deep Space Nine);

(#6 Front cover Star Trek; First Contract);


Volume 28

(#7 Front cover Mars Attacks!);

(#8 Front cover Star Wars the 20th Anniversary);

(#9 Front cover The Special Visual Effects of the Empire Strikes Back);

(#10 Front cover Stuart Gordon's Space Truckers); (#11 Front cover Stephen King's and Shining);

(#12 Front cover Walt Disney's Hercules);

Volume 29

(#1; front cover; Batman and Robin);

(#2 Front cover Jodie Foster in Contact);

(#3 Front cover Todd McFarlane's Spawn);

(#4/5; front cover The X-Files);

(#6/7 Front cover Star Trek Deep Space Nine);

(#8 Front cover Starship Troopers);


Volume 29

(#9 Tomorrow Never Dies);

(#11 Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Sarah Michelle Gellar);

(#12 Front cover Lost in Space);

Volume 30

(#1 Front cover Giger Species 2);

(#2 Front cover x-Files; the Movie);

(#3 Front cover Uma Thurman, Ralph Fiennes in the Avengers);

(#4 Front cover Virus);

(#5/6 Front cover Outer Limits);

(#9/10 Front cover Avery Brooks in Star Trek; Deep Space Nine);

(#11 Front cover Mighty Joe Young);


Volume 30

(#12 Front cover Star Trek; Insurrection);

Volume 31

(#1/2 Front cover Ray Harryhausen);

(#3 ( Front cover Buffy, Vampire Slayer);

(#4 Front cover George Lucas);

(#5 Front cover Xena Warrior Princess);

(#6 Front cover The Mummy);


Volume 31

(#10; front cover The Green Mile);

(#11 Front cover Star Trek Voyager);

(#12/ Volume 32 #1 Front cover Babylon 5);

Volume 32

(#2 Front cover X-Men the Movie);

(#3 Front cover the X-Files);

(#4/5 Front cover Star Trek; Deep Space Nine);


Volume 32

(#6 Front cover Hannibal);

Volume 33

(#1/2 front cover Farscape);

Volume 33

(#4 Front cover Planet of the Apes);

(#5 Front cover Ghosts of Mars);

2003 – (October/November; Alias);

CINE FANTASTIQUE MAD MOVIES (French; ? Pub.); - #56 (Beetlejuice/ Freddy Krueger);


CINEFEX (Don Shay Pub.; 1980 )

#1 (front cover “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”; back cover “Alien”);

#4 (4/1981; front cover “Outland”; back cover “Altered States”);

#5 (front cover “Clash of the Titans”; back cover Caveman”);

#6 (front cover “Dragonslayer”; back cover “Dragonslayer”);

#7 (front cover “King Kong”; back cover “Mighty Joe Young”);

#10 (front cover “Poltergeist; back cover “Firefox”);

#12 (front cover “Something Wicked This Way Comes”; back cover “Krull”);

#13 (7/1983; front cover “The Millenium Falcon from Star Wars”; back cover “The Rancor from Return of The Jedi);

#14 (10/1983; front cover “The Right Stuff”; back cover “Twilight Zone – The Movie”);

#15(King Kong Movie photo cover)

#20 (front cover “2010; Odyssey Two”; back cover “2010; Odyssey Two”);

#22 (front cover “Return to Oz”; back cover “Baby”);

#26 (front cover “Poltergeist II”; back cover “Young Sherlock Holmes”);

#30 (front cover “Little Shop of Horrors”; back cover “The Golden Child”);

#31 (front cover “Spaceballs”; back cover “Spaceballs”);

#37 (front cover “Star Trek the Next Generation”; back cover “The Fly II”);

#41 (front cover “The Joker from Batman”; back cover “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids”);

#44 (front cover “Dick Tracy”; back cover “Always”);

#46 (front cover “Back to the Future”; back cover “Gremlins 2”);

#51 (front cover “The Penguin from Batman Returns”);

#55 (front cover “Jurrasic Park”);

#64 (front cover “Jumanji”);

#65 (front cover “Millenium Falcon”;

#66 (front cover “Dragonheart”);

#83 (front cover “Hollow Man”);

#86 (front cover “Pearl Harbor”);

#89 (front cover “The Fellowship of the Ring”);

#90 (front cover “Yoda in Star Wars Episode II; Attack of the Clones”);

#95 (front cover “The Matrix Reloaded”);

#97 (front cover “Hellboy”);

#98 (front cover “The Day After Tomorrow”);

#99 (front cover “I, Robot”);


CINEMACABRE - an Appreciation of the Fantastic (Digest Magazine) -

#4(1981 Summer; Thre Empire Strikes Back's R2-D2 and Luke Skywalker by Tim Johnson; Interview – John Agar; Interview – Nicholas Meyer);

#6(1984 Summer; Luke Skywalker; “The Shinig” in Retrospect; Interview – Henry Brandon; Interview – Rouben Mamoulian);

#7(1988; Jean Marsh as evil Queen Bavmorda in Willow-c; Leslie Nielsen interview; Bride of Frankenstein; Blood Massacre; VF $10);


(Cinebug Production Inc/ Cinema Ent Pub; Donald Dohler editor; all LOW Print Run & SCARCE;

Weight for Postage = 110 Grams each) - #1(Winter/1972; FN $49); 2(FN/VF $39); 3(1973; FN/VF $35); 4(VF/NM=$49; FN/VF $29);

5(VG/FN $20); 6(FN/VF $24); 7(FN $19); 10(1977; VG/FN $18);


(O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications; 1979) ; Weight for Postage = 75 Grams each)

#1 (front cover “Rocketship X-M”);

#2 (Building Your Spaceship; Step-by-Step Model Techniques);

#3 (Building a Robot);

#4 (Pro Optical Effects);

#5 (Wide Screen; The Ultimate Special Effect);

#6 (Bringing Your Alien to Life; VF=$9; FN=$6; VG=$4);

#7 (Claymation; Making Movie History with Mud and Magic; VF=$9; FN=$6; VG=$4);

#8 (Harryhausen's “Clash of the Titans; VF=$9; FN=$6; VG=$4);

#9 (Animating the Comics “Pogo Comes Alive !”; VF=$9; FN=$6; VG=$4);

#10 (Mastering Mattes; FN=$9; VG=$6);

#11 (Glass Shots; A Pro Trick You Can Do; VF=$9; FN=$6; VG=$4);

#12 (Makeup Magic; Fantast Faces);

#13 (Electronic Special Effects);

#14 (Backyard Space Explorer; VF=$9; FN=$6; VG=$4);

#15 (Miniature Lighting for Spaceship Models; VG/FN = $8);

#16 (Building Your Own Camera Crane; FN/VF=$12; VG/FN=$8);

#17 (Secrets of Graphic Gore; FN=$10; VG=$6);

#18 (A Handy Guide to Making Monsters; FN=$10; G/VG=$5);

#19 (Front Light/Back Light Animation; FN = $10);

#20 (1983; Modular Ball and Socket Armature Parts; VG = $6),

#21 (Create Special Effects at Home);

#22 (Re-Creating Star Wars Creatures);

#23 (Animation with Your Home Computer);

#25 (Shooting Stills);

#26 (Is Stop Motion Dead ?);

#27 (Stop Motion Special);

#28 (Special; Staging Stunts);

#30 (Build Your Own Aerial Brace);

#31 (“The Ten Commandments” The Secret Story Parting the Red Sea);

#32 (“The Ten Commandments” More Secrets Revealed);

#35 (Captain EO);

#36 (“Snow White” st 50 – The Missing Scenes);


CINESCAPE (Sendai Publishing Group)

1994; October (VOLUME 1 #1; Exclusive Preview; Star Trek Generations; With Bonus Poster);

1994; November (front cover “The X-Files”);

1995; July (front cover “Judge Dredd”);

1995; August (front cover “The X-files”);

1995; October (front cover “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine and Star Trek Voyager”);

1995; November (front cover “Peirce Brosnan as James Bond”);

1995; December (front cover “Alien; Resurrection”);

1996; January (front cover “The X-files, American Gothic and Nowhere Man”);

1996; February (Star Wars Forever; The Saga Continues);

1996; April; (front cover “indepedence Day”);

1996; May (A Complete Guide to the Summer's Hottest Movies);

1996; June (front cover “Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible”);

1996; July (front cover “Arnold Schwarzenegger”);

1996; August (front cover “Gillian Anderson – Special X-Files Issue”);

1997; March (front cover “Star Wars”);

1997; May/June (Summer Movie Preview);

1997; September/October (front cover “The X-Files”);

1998; January/February (The Top 10 Sci-Fi TV Episodes of All Time);

1998; March/April (front cover “Star Wars Wars Stormtrooper”);

1998 October 20 (Star Wars Episode One; Vader Speaks; Robot Renaissance)

1999; September/October (front cover “The World is Not Enough”);

2000; January/February (Exclusive X-Men Preview);

2000; November/December (front cover “The X-Files”);

2001; March/April (front cover “Planet of the Apes”);

2001; November (The A-Z Guide to Halloween Horror);

2002; January (2001 a Year in Review);

2002; February (front cover “Wesley Snipes in Blade 2”);

2002; February (front cover “Star Wars Episode II; Attack of the Clones”);

2002; July (The Steven Spielberg Interview);

2002; Sepmtember (front cover “XXX”);

2002 (January); (February); (July); (September);

CINESCAPE INSIDER: STAR WARS AND SCI-FI CINEMA (MVP Entertainment Inc.) - Volume 4 #7(1998);


CLIVE BARKER'S NIGHT BREED CHRONICLES (Titan Books Pub.) - 1990 #NN (February; TPB);

COBBLESTONE (Fragment West Pub.) - 1977 (Winter #28 Volume 2; Conversation with Harlan Ellison/ George Lucas Interview);


1971 -

(#6; The Time Machine);

(#7; Buck Rogers);


(#10; Prince Valiant);

(#11; Dinosaur by Al Williamson);

(#12; “Golden Blood” );

(#13; Saturn);

1972 -

(#14; Space Monster);

(#16; Mars Spacecraft from the Film “War of the Worlds”);

(#17; Captain Kirk, Spock and Bones);

#18; Movie Poster “The Lost Planet”);

Collector's Guide to Monster, Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Magazines (#1) by Bob Michelucci (ISBN: #0-911137-06-8; Imagine, Inc., 2/1988., Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 1988. 6 x 9" Trade Paperback. First Edition. 216 pages; Jack DAVIS Cover;. Perhaps the most Important Early Price Guide on Monster Mags; Includes :Listings for; Castle of Frankenstein, Cinefantastique, Cinefex, Cinemagic, Famous Monsters of Filmland, Fangoria, Fantastic Films, Future, Monster Times, Monster World, Prevue, Screen Thrills, Spacemen, Starburst, Starlog & MANY More mags; Nearly 200 pages of Cover PHOTO's, including 8 pages of Color Plates; VF+, 8.5=$79; FN/VF=$59);

COLOR COLLECTORS GUIDE (Archival Photography) #1(Winter 1990; Forward by Forrest J. Ackerman; Loaded with Color / B&W Photo's of Horror & SF Movie Posters & Lobby Cards; FN/VF $15);


COSMOS (Baronet Publication Co.) - 1977 May(Vol.1 #1); July (Vol.1 #2), September (Vol.1 #3), November (Vol.1 #4);


2003 - #29 October;

2004 - #32 January;

CREATION (Creation Pub.); - 1986 (#NN);

THE CROW; CITY OF ANGELS OFFICIAL MOVIE MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) - (1996);

CULT MOVIES (Cult Movies Pub.)

1995 - #16,17;

1996 - #18;

#27,#28 (20 Million Miles to Earth, Harryhausen; VF = $10.00)

CULT TIMES (Visual Imagination Ltd.) -

1996 May #8, July #10;


(#41 February; Red Dwarf);

(#47 August; Stargate SG-1);

(#51 December; Star Trek; Voyager);


(#54 March; The X-Files);

(#57 June; Farscape);

(#58 July; Amanda Tapping of Stargate SG-1);

(#60 September; Stargate SG-1);

(#62 November; Farsacpe);


(#65 February; The X-Files);

(#69 June; Amanda Tapping);


(#91; Angel);


(July; Stargate SG-1);

(August; Farscape);

(December; Amanda Tapping);


(April; Doctor Who);


(#6; Lost in Space/ The Avengers/ The X-Files);

(#10; Xena; 50 Fantasy Females);



(#23 Buffy the Vampire Slayer);

(#26 Sarah Michelle Gellar/ William Shatner);

(#27 Buffy the Vampire Slayer);;

(#31 Stargate SG-1);

(#35 Stargate SG-1);

(#52 (August/1994);

CULT TV (Future Pub.; British);

1998 (#11; June; 50 Greatest TV Moments of All Time);

**** D ****

THE DARK SIDE (Stray Cat Pub. )

2000 (April/ May; #84; Screamwriters Ernesto Gastaldi; Cushing & Lee; Hammer's Yutte Stensgaard);

DEEP RED MAGAZINE (Fantaco Enterprises Inc.; 1987-1989)
#1(December/1987; Movies with GUTS; Argento's Inferno; Fulci, New Gore FX; Last House on the Left; FN/VF = $16.00);
#2(March/1988; Zombies!, Foreign Gore, Dr. Butcher, Clive Barker raises Hell!, Fanzines A-Z, Horror from Hollywood;  FN/VF = $12.00);
#4(September/1988; Street-wise Monsters of Frank Henenlotter, The Last Cannibal Film you'll ever need to see, Street Trash, Document of the Dead, The Blind Dead;  FN/VF = $12.00);
#6(March/1989; Goblin music to bleed by, Foreign Gore, SPAWN 2, FantaCon '88, Bisette Draws the Line, Splatter art, Director's Fourm, Ninth & Hell Street;  FN/VF = $12.00);

DEMONIQUE -- the JOURNAL OF OBSCURE HORROR CINEMA (Fantaco Enterprises Inc.) - #4(1983; Pasolini's sadistic work of art - SALO, or 120 DAYS OF SODOM and more.; VG = $10)

DIABOLIQUE (Horror Unlimited);

2012 #14(Jan/Feb; “The Innocents” The Many Manifestations; The Changing Roles of Women in Horror; Intervirw – Ian Ogilvy; The Soska Twins on “American Mary”0;

DIMENSAO X (Brazil; Escala Pub.); - 2001; Volume 1 (#1, #3);


Doctor Who; The Companions (Random House; 1986);

Doctor Who; Dimension Four (Nadwas; 1982) - #1 (Doctor Who Fanzine);

Doctor Who; Discovers the Conquerors (Target Books; 1977);

Doctor Who; Discovers Early Man (Target Books; 1977);

Doctor Who; Discovers Prehistoric Animals (Target Books; 1977);

Doctor Who; Discovers Space Travel (Target Books; 1977);

Doctor Who; Discovers Stranger and Mysterious Creatures (Target Books; 1977);

Doctor Who; Dinosaur Book (Target Books; 1976);

Doctor Who; DWB (Gary Leigh Pub.) 1992 - August #104; October #106;

Doctor Who; Files Magazine Spotlight (PSI Movie Press Inc.)

- The First Baker Years Part One (1986);

- The First Baker Years Part Two (1986);

-The pertwee Years (1985);

- Season One: Part I (1986);

- Season One: Part II (1986);

- Season Three: Part I (1986);

- Season Three: Part II (1986);

- Season Six: Part I (1986);

Season Eight (1986);

- The Fourteenth Season (1985);

- The Fourteenth Season (1987; Different cover);

The Fifteenth Season (1985);

- Season Sixteen (circa 1985);

- Season Seventeen (circa 1985);

- The War Games (1986);

- The Wheel in Space (1986);

Doctor Who; In-Vision (Jeremy Benthan Pub.) #19(1989); #21(1989); #31; #39(10/1992); #52(8/1994)

Doctor Who Magazine (Panini Magazines); #378; #391; #411;

Doctor Who; The Making of the Five Doctors (The Doctor Who Appreciation Society Pub.) 1984 (July);

Doctor Who; Monster Book (Target Books Pub.; 1985);

Doctor Who; Radio Times 20TH Anniversary Special #NN;

Doctor Who; Technical Manual (Sphere Books Ltd.; 1983);

Doctor Who; Whovian Times (DWFCA Pub.; Newspaper) 1983 (October; Volume 6);


#1 (October/2005Ms. Doomed Speaks; Richard Matheson; Chris Ryall; F. Paul Wilson; David J. Schow);

#3 (AshleyWood & Jeremy Geddes covers; Robert Bloch,Richard Matheson, David J. Schow, F. Paul Wilson, Ted Adams, Ivan Brandon, Joshua Jabcuga, Christopher Mills, Chris Ryall, Scott Tipton);

#4 (Cover A; Robert Bloch, Richard Matheson, David J. Schow, F. Paul Wilson; art by Dario Brusuela, Toby Cypress, Rufus Dayglo, Ashley Wood);

DRACULA CLASSIC (EERIE pub); #K48482 (1976; One-Shot; 68 pages; all Photo's & Articles; Bela Lugosi-c);

DRACULA; THE COMPLETE VAMPIRE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1992 (Previews of 25 New Fanged Flicks);



DRACULINA (Draculina Pub.) - #27 (1996; Jewel Shepard; Debbie Rochon; Lina Romay; Maila Nurmi; VF = $12.00); #50,51;

DRAGONHEART Press Book (1996) Dennis Quaid, Sean Connery and Dina Meyer

DRAGONTALES (Dragon Pub.) - 1980 August;

DREAMWATCH (Dreamwatch Pub. Ltd.) -


(#1 October);

(#2 November; Jan Chappell);

#3 (12/1994; Sontarans for the ninties; Majel Barrett interview; Dr Who - Planet of Giants; Dark Shadows; Robin of Sherwood; "Man from UNCLE the definitive article"; VF = $8.00);


(#5 January; Christopher Lee in the Tomorrow People);

(#6 February; Captain Kirk);

(#7 March; Tom Baker);

(#8 April; Armin Shimmerman as Quark);

(#10 June; Danny John-Jules);

(#11 July; Lois & Clark);

(#12 August; Batman);

(#14 October; The X-Files);

(#15 November; Doctor Who);

(#16 December; Gillian Anderson);


(#17 January; Robert Beltran);

(#19;March; The X-Files ),

(#20; April; Lois & Clark;

(#21; May; Paul McGann);

(#22; June; Gillian Anderson);

(#23; July; Star Trek at 30);

(#24; August; Babylon 5 );

(#25 September; David Duchovny);

(#26 October; Gillian Anderson);

(#27 November; Borg);

(#28 December; The X-Files);


(#29 January; Patrick Stewart/ Avery Brooks);

(#30 February; Bruce Boxleitner);

(#31 March; Gillian Anderson);


(#42 March; Xena Warrior Princess);


(#61; Sarah Michelle Gellar);


(#67; The X-Files);

(#70 March; Farscape);


(#99; Sarah Michelle Gellar);

(#102; Allison Mack/ David Boreanaz);

(#103; Charisma Carpenter);

(#107; James Masters);

(#110; Stargate SG-1/ Andromeda/ Alias/ Smallville);


(#120; Darth Vader);

(#121; New Season TV);

DREAMWATCH (Titan Magazine Pub.) - 2005 (#7 (May; Evangeline Lilly);

DUNGEON 13 (Jason Simon; Fanzine);

1984 (Vol.3 No.1; Front Cover by Jeff Smith);

DYNATROPE (Robert Franks Pub.) - 1983 (January #5; Doctor Who Fanzine; Print Run of 150);

**** E ****

EAGLE; 1 (Curtis Duckworth Pub.) - 1978 (Volume 1 #6; July/August; Space 1999 Fanzine);

ENLIGHTENMENT (Doctor Who Information Network Pub.); -


(#116 June/July; Dangerous Davison);

(#117 August/ September; The Best of Who);


(#120 February/March; Scream of the Shalka);


(#127 April/May; Revolution 9);

(#128 June/July); Season One);

(#129 September/October; Tennant's Pride);

(#130 October/November; Doctor Who and Doctor Who Fandom for Newbies);

(#131 December; The Christmas Invasion)


(#132 February/March; Who Conquered North America);

(#133 April/May; Doctor Who Fanzine);

EPI-LOG (William E. Anchors, Jr. Pub.)

1990 - Summer #1,

1991 - November #12;

1992 - January #14, July #20, September #22, #24;

1993 - January #26; February #27; March #28, May #30; June #31; November #36;

EPI-LOG JOURNAL (Stephen Cannel Prod.) 1992 September/October (#4);


(ERB - Edgar Rice Burroughs Fanzine/Magazine Size; CAZ - Camille Cazedessus Jr./Opar Press Pub; 8-1/2"x11")

#7(7/1973; John Carter of Mars-c; RARE; 20 pages; color felt pen coloring to cover & 4 pages, rest of mag VG, call it "G" $18)

#8(12/1963; Minor color felt pen coloring to cover & 2 pages, rest of mag VG, call it "G/VG" $22)

ERB-dom (ERB - Edgar Rice Burroughs Fanzine/DIGEST Size; 5-1/2"x8-1/2"; CAZ - Camille Cazedessus Jr./Opar Press Pub)

#30(1970; 44 pages; Stout-a; Barsoom Glossary; Atlantis; VF $15);

#30(1970; 44 pages; Stout-a; Atlantis; VG, writing at top of cover = G $5);

#30(1970; 44 pages; Stout-a; Atlantis; >> Fantasy Collector AD section pages 9-36 Missing, rest is VF = $5);

#31(2/1970; >> Fantasy Collector AD section Missing, rest is VG/FN = $5);

#31(2/1970; VF $12); #42(2/3pg Jeff Jones sketch; VF $12);

#32(3/1970; >> Fantasy Collector AD section Missing, rest is VG/FN = $5);

#38(9/1970; >> Fantasy Collector AD section Missing, rest is VG = $5);

#39(10/1970; bonus Outer shipping envelope=VG; Magazine=VF $12);

#59(6/1972; Jeff Jones-c; VG $7); #67(Tarzan-c; G.M. Farley back-c; John Carter; A.Merritt; VF $9);

#68(Tarzan painted-c; Zdenek Burian-a; Privitera-a; VF $9); ##69(Jungle Girl; VF/NM $11);

#70(5/1973; Tarzan-c; VF+ $10); #70(5/1973; FN/VF $7);

ERB-dom #71 (Part-1 of 3 parts; of "Terrible Tenderfoot" Western Novel-c/s; VF $14);

#71-73 (3 issues as a SET; Complete part-1-3 of "Terrible Tenderfoot" Western Novel-c/s by ERB; #73=LAST Digest Sized issue; 9/1973; FN/VF $50);

ERB-dom (ERB - Edgar Rice Burroughs Fanzine/Magazine Size; 8-1/2"x11"; CAZ - Camille Cazedessus Jr./Opar Press Pub)

#78(color Manning Tarzan strips; Frazetta centerfold; FN/VF $8);

#79(11/1974; John Coleman Burroughs-a; color Manning Tarzan strips; Rubimor-a; Crandall back-c; VF $10);

EUROPEAN TRASH CINEMA (ETC) (Retail Dist.) Volume 2 #1; #9( Anniversary Issue);

EXPLORERS, OFFICIAL MAGAZINE (Comics World Corp.; 1985);

EXTRAPOLATION (Thomas D. Clareson Pub.)

1969 (December);

1970 (May);

**** F ****

FAMOUS 2010 April (Scarlett Johansson);

FANGORIA (O'Quinn Studio's Pub / Starlog Group; 1979-2015; First series);

#1 (8/1979; ** GODZILLA cover; ** Twenty-five Years with GODZILLA article; ** Also includes Foldout GODZILLA Poster; ** FANGORIA Magazines BEGINS, Featuring "Monsters, Aliens and Bizarre Creatures", specializing in HORROR, MONSTER and SLASHER Movies; ** FANGORIA is the Companion Magazine to STARLOG, which Specialized in Science Fiction;  ** FANGORIA and Famous Monsters of Filmland, most people would agree, are the Two MOST Collectible HORROR Theme Magazines of ALL-TIME;  ** Dr. Who article; ** The Amityville Horror article;  ** Lost Aliens of Battlestar Galactica article; ** Tom Savini Makeup Techniques article; ** Photo preview of the ALIEN Movie; ** The Creature from the Black Lagoon, behind-the-scenes article; ** Christopher Lee interview; ** TEXT by; David Hutchison, Sue Roy, Al Taylor, Terry McGinnis, and John Huxley; ASK);

#2 [10/1979; Monster from the PROPHECY cover Photo and Article inside; ( A) The Making of PHANTASM, 4 page article with 6 photos, includes interview with Don Coscarelli the Writer, Director, Cinematographer; ( B ) The HUMANOID, AIP’s Italian Space Opera, with Richard Kiel as Golob, 2 page article with 5 Photos; ( C ) DR. JEKYLL and MR. HYDE: Two Faces of Fright, director Rouben Marmoulian recalls creating the 1932 Fredric March screen classic, 4 page article with 6 Photos; ( D ) DRACULA - Making of the 1979 DRACULA Movie, with Frank Langella and Laurence Olivier, 2 page article with 5 Photos; ( E ) NOSFERATU Arrives, 1922 and 1979 Movies, 4 page article with 7 Photos; ( F ) Interview with Richard Matheson, Master of Fantasy Part-1, 5 page article with 8 Photos; ( G ) DR. WHO's Rogue's Gallery, Article with PHOTOS and Centerfold Fold-Out Poster intact; ( H ) The Forgotten FRANKENSTEIN; Universal's Frankenstein Monster, Robert Florey talks about their Original Plans with Bela Lugosi testing for the Role; 4 Page Article with 8 Photos, includes image of the unused Bela Lugosi as FRANKENSTEIN 1930 Movie Poster; Includes Frankenstein meets the Wolf Man;  ( I ) Interview with Robert Bloch, 5 page article with 5 Photos; ( J ) PROPHECY: The New Breed of Monsters, , 2 page article with 5 Photos; ( K ) MARS ATTACKS THE WORLD; Behind the scenes on George Pal's 1953 classic War of the Worlds, 6 page article with 12 Photos; ( L ) Fantastic Art of CARL LUNDGREN, 2 page article with 1 Photo and 4 painted illustrations];

#3 [12/1979; ( A ) Christopher Lee in Arabian Adventure Photo cover and 4 page Article inside, with 7 Photos; ( B ) The BROOD and Other Terrors, Interview with director David Cronenberg, and 4 page Article inside, with 9 Photos; ( C ) Interview with Richard Matheson, Master of Fantasy Part-2, includes Fantasy Filmography and Television Episode guide, 9 page article with 19 Photos; ( D ) CREATURES Great and Small, the SF Films of JACK ARNOLD with interview, includes Creature from the Black Lagoon and Shrinking Man, 5 page article with 8 Photos; ( E ) Making of It Came from Outer Space, Jack Arnold and Ray Bradbury on the Making of the 3-D Invasion classic, 4-1/2 page article, with 11 photos and illustrations, plus Movie Poster Pinup page; ( F ) ALIEN (Movie #1): SF Filmdom’s mosr fantastic Outer-Space Beast Giant, 2 page article with 3 Phots, plus Giant ALIEN (Movie #1) Centerfold Fold-Out Poster intact; ( G ) Kolchak: The Night Stalker Episode Guide, with Darren McGavin, 7 page Article inside, with 9 Photos; ( H ) STEPHEN KING: Living in Constant Deadly Terror, 4 page Article and INTERVIEW, with 8 Photos and illustrations; ( I ) Fantasticart of Michael Sullivan, Moldel-sculptor, Full-Scale Film Props and Miniature Worlds, 4 page article with 8 Photos and illustrations; ( J ) Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected, 3 page Article inside, with 7 Photos];

#4 [2/1980; Leonard Nimoy as MR. SPOCK of STAR TREK cover Photo; ** ( A ) The Aliens of Star Trek the Motion Picture, 4 page Article inside, with 10 Photos;** ( B ) Caroline Munro interview, Fantasy Films’ FEMME FATAL, 5 page Article, with 8 Photos; ** ( C ) Herschel Gordon Lewis interview, The WIZARD OF GORE, 4 page Article, with 8 Photos;

** ( D ) Don Siegel vs the PODS; Making Invasion of the Body Snatchers, as told by director Don Siegel, 4 page Article, with 9 Photos; ** ( E ) Curse of the Demon, recalled by Dana Andrews, 3 page Article, with 4 Photos; ** ( F ) Dawn of the Warrior Robots (Shogun Warriors, Voltus V, Mazinger Z) 3 page article with 6 illustrations, plus Giant Fold-Out Centerfold Poster; ** ( G ) On the set of Stephen King’s SALEM’S LOT TV Mini-Series, 5 page Article, with 8 Photos; ** ( H ) The Robots of Walt Disney’s BLACK HOLE, 4 page Article, with 7 Photos; ** ( I ) The Great Animated Apes: King Kong, 4-1/3 page Article, with 8 Photos; ** ( J ) Fantasticart of Michael Hague, from Childhood Dreams; 5 page article with 6 Photos and illustrations; Letter from Fred Olen Ray];

#5 (front cover “Saturn 3”; Art by Dennis Anderson; 16-page Posterbook);

#6 (front cover “R2-D2 and C-3PO”; Stephen King and George Romero; A Tribute to Hammer Films Bonus Poster);

#7 (front cover “Jack Nicholson in Stephen King's The Shining”; Alien Creatures of “Galaxina”; The Alfred Hitchcock Legacy);

#8 (front cover “Zombie”; TV Preview “Forve Five”; Fantasy's Friend – George Pal);

#9 (11/1980; ** Pig Mask Killer with Chain-Saw Motel Hell cover and Article; ** The Elephant Man; ** Jamie Lee Curtis in Terror Train; ** The Outer Limits by Leslie Stevens; ** Andre de Toth on House of Wax; ** Thundarr the Barbarian the Animated Cartoon series; ** Paul Blaisdell interview part-2; ** The FIRST issue to Sell Out in FANGORIA's Back Issue Department in the 1980's; ** Considered by MANY to Be the RAREST and Most Valuable Issue in the Entire Series);

#10 (front cover “David Cronenberg's Scanners”; A Farewell to Tex Avery; Dick Smith and “Altered States”);

#11 (front cover “Funhouse”; “Omen 3 – The Final Conflict”; Boorman on “Excalibur”);

#12 (front cover “Friday the 13TH – Part 2”; “Clash of the Titans”; George Romero's “Knightriders”);

#13 (front cover “Dragonslayer”; Interview – George Romero; John Landis on “An American Werewolf in London”);

#14 (front cover “An American Werewolf in London”; John Carpenter on “Halloween 2” and “The Thing”; Stan Winston “Dead and Buried”);

#15 (front cover “Halloween 2”; On the Set of “Swamp Thing”; Incredible Creatures of Harryhausen);

#16 (front cover “Ghost Story”; Creatures of Chris Tucker; The Legendary Dick Smith);

#17 (front cover The Grisly Independents; The Gothic Soap “Dark Shadows”; “Cat People” screenwriter Alan Ormsby);

#18 (front cover “Malcolm McDowell in Cat People”; On the Set of “Creepshow”; “Rest in Peace”; John Carpenter's “The Thing”);

#19 (front cover “”Poltergeist”; Mad Max Returns in “The Road Warrior”; 3-D “Parasite”);

#20 (front cover “Creepshow”; Stephen King and George Romero; Joe Blasco);

#24 (front cover “Xtro”; “The Sender”; Larry Cohen's “Q”; The Grisly FX of Steve Neill);

#25 (front cover “Videodrome”; Tom Savini; Alex Gordon remembers the late Edward D. Wood);

#26 (front cover “The Hunger”; John Caglione “Amityville 2” FX; Ed French; Doug Beswick from “Gumby” to “Videodrome”; Pull-Out Poster #1 “Scream Greats”);

#27 (front cover “Grande Illusions”; Gore and Me by Tom Savini; The Ghastly FX of “Evil Dead”; Pull-Out Poster #2 “Screan Greats – My Bloody Valentine”);

#28 (front cover “Spasms”; On the set of “The Dead Zone” and “Psychp 2”; Pull-Out Poster #3 “Scream Greats – Friday the 13TH Part 2”);

#29 (front cover “Gates of Hell”; Hideous Creatures of “Krull”; “Jaws 3-D”; Pull-Out Poster #4 “Scream Greats – American Werewolf in London”);

#30 (front cover “Twilight Zone”; John Carpenter on “Halloween”; The Weird 3-D World of “Metalstorm”; Pull-Out Poster #5 “Scream Great – The Beast Within”);

#32 (Front cover = Christine, Stephen King novel, director John Carpenter; Scream Greats (pull-out poster #7, Friday the 13th);

#33 (front cover “The Keep”; New Movie Thrillers “Splatter” and “Christine”; Zombie of the Month; Pull-Out Poster #8 “Scream Greats – “The Shining”);

#34 (Front Cover = The Terror of Mutant; Scream Greats = Pull-out poster #9 Videodrome)

#35 (front cover “Ozzy Osbourne's Bark at the Moon”; Stephen King's “Children of the Corn”; Stephen King's “Firestarter”; Interview – Stephen King; “Pull-Out Poster #10 “Scream Greats – Twilight Zone; The Movie”);

#36 (front cover “Friday the 13TH- The Final Chapter”; Stephen King's “Firestarter”; “Ghostbusters”; Pull-Out Poster #11 “Scream Greats - “The Brood”);

#37 (front cover “Gremlins”; “Hills Have Eyes Part 2”; Rick Baker – Apes and Killer Babies; Pull-Out Poster #12 “Scream Greats – Creepshow”);

#38 (front cover “Gremlins director Jon Dante”; Wes Craven on “Hills Have Eyes Part 2”; “Splatter U”; Pull-Out Poster #13 “Scream Greats – Salem's Lot”);

#39 (front cover Televisions “V” Makeup FX; “Ghostbusters” FX; “Gremlins” FX; Pull-Out Poster #14 “Screan Greats – Amityville 3-D”);

#41 (front cover “Torture”; TV's “Tales from the Darkside”; “The Terminator”; Interview – Christopher Lee part 1; Pull-Out Poster #16 “Scream Greats – Motel Hell”); #42(Stephen King & Peter Straub on The Talisman; Body Double; Company of Wolves; Silent Night Deadly Night; Scream Greats #17 Poster);

#43(Day of the Dead; Scream Greats #18 Creepshow poster; House on Haunted Hill; Stephen King Movie Cat's Eye);

#44(Friday the 13th a New Beginning; After the Fall of New York; Scream Greats #19 Friday the 13th a new Beginning Poster);

#45 (front cover “Friday the 13TH; A New Beginning”; TV Horror Vamp – Elvira; “; “Elm Street” Scream Queen; Pull-Out Poster #20 “Scream Greats -Stephen King in Creepshow”);

#46 (front cover “Lifeforce”; “Night of the Living Dead” Book Excerpt; Moist Monster Movie “The Re-Animator”; Pull-Out Poster #21 “Scream Greats – Nightmare on Elm Street”);

#47(front cover = Day of the Dead; Scream Greats = Pull-out Poster #22 The Terminator);

#48 (front cover “Return of the Living Dead”; George Romero on “Day of the Dead”; Stephen King's “Silver Bullet”; Pull-Out Poster #23 - “Scream Greats – Day of the Dead”);


#52((front cover = F/X Monster props & hacked-up dummies; John Carradine exclusive interview);

#53 (Front cover = The British Savini: Blood & gore from overseas);

#55 (front cover “Invaders from Mars”; Clive Barker writing “Books of Blood”; Special “Fly” Preview; “Aliens”);

#57 (front cover “Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2”; Stephen King's Latest Fear Double Feature; Salute to Psychos – Jason, Freddy, Leatherface and Norman Bates);

#60 (front cover “Little Shop of Horrors”; Hollywood's Horror Heroines – Linda Blair, Barbara Crampton, Linda Hamilton, Krysty Swanson and Caroline Williams);

#61 (front cover Rawhead Rex; From Beyond's Brain Eater; Horror Heroes – Dick Smith, John Getz, Dick Miller and Jeff Hogue);

#62 (front cover “Nightmare on Elm Street 3”; Previews in Terror – “Friday the 13TH”, “The Dead Next Door”, “Whisper to a Scream”, “Lost Boys” and “The Gate” = SOLD OUT);

#63 (front cover “Evil Dead II”; The Fall of Hammer Films; Interview – Heather Langenkamp; Previewing “Angel Heart”; “The Haunting of Hamilton High”);

#64 (front cover Freddy Krueger; “The Making of Nightmare on Elm Street 3”; Preview of “House II”; Sam Raimi on “Evil Dead 2”;Tribute to Ed Wood);

#65 (front cover “Predator”; Scary Summer Movie Previews; Sexy Teen Vampires “The Lost Boys”; Clive Barker's “Hellraiser”; Gloria Talbot – Bride of the B's);

#66 (front cover “The Lost Boys”; Special Monster Makeup Issue; Low Budget H.P. Lovecraft “The Farm”; “Argento Uncensored – Uncut Italian Gore);

#68 (front cover Jason; The Behind-the-Mask Story; Jason, Freddy Leatherface and Norman Team Up; “Ghoulies II”; “Pumpkinhead”);

#69 (front cover “Prince of Darkness”; Stephen King's “Running Man”; Damsel VS> Aliens in “Creepozoids”);

#70 (front cover “Pumpkinhead”; “Friday the 13TH – The Series”; Anne Rice's Vampire Secrets; “Living Dead II”);

#71 (front cover “Cellar Dweller”; Wes Craven “Serpent and the Rainbow”; Freddie Francis “Dark Tower”; Happy 20TH Birthday “Night of the Living Dead” part 1);

#72 (front cover “Bad Dreams”; Preview 1988's Goriest Movies; The Untold Story “Brain Damage”; “Poltergeist 3”; On Location with “Dracula's Widow”);

#73 (front cover “Dead Heat”; First Look at “Monkey Shines” and Critters 2”; Britain's “The Dream Demon; Bonus “Slatter” Video Coverage);

#74 (front cover “Critters 2”; It's Here “Friday The 13TH VII”; Meet Jerry's Sister “Fright Night 2”; “Bride of Re-Animator”; “Beetlejuice” Cult Appeal);

#75 (front cover “Phantasm 2”; Complete Summer Splatter Movies Preview; Toy from Hell “Child's Play”; First Photo's from “Hellraiser II”; Traci Lords VS> Aliens “Not of This Earth”);

#76 (front cover “Fright Night 2”; New Freddy Scoop “Nightmare 4”; Phantasm II”);

#77 (front cover “Nightmare on Elm Street 4”; A Bra too Far “Elvira, Mistress of the Dark”; Special Monster FX Issue);

#78 (front cover “Hellraiser II”; David Cronenberg's “Dead Ringers”; John Carpenter's “They Live”; Halloween Movie Countdown);

#79 (front cover “Halloween 4; The Return of Michael Myers”; Vampire Alert “Lair of the White Worm”; Dean Koontz on Screen “Watchers”);

#80 (front cover “I, Madman”; Stephen King's “Pet Cemetary”; Sexy Ashley Laurence “HellBound”; “Living Dead's” Duane Jones his Last Interview);

#81 (front cover “Horror Show”; On the Set Visit to Stephen King's “Pet Cemetary”, “Toxic Avenger II”, “Life on the Edge” and “Monsters”);

#82 (front cover “Night Life”; Clive Barker's Comics “Books of Blood”; Pinhead Unmasked “Hellraiser III” News; “Return of Swamp Thing”);

#83 (front cover “Friday the 13TH”; Special Section on “Friday the 13TH”; Clive Barker's “Bloodbath”; Stephen King's “Pet Cemetary” FX; Terror Toy Rampage “Puppetmaster”);

#84 (front cover “Tales From the Crypt”; Behind the Scenes “”Friday the 13TH TV”; Remaking of “The Pit and the Pendulum”; Summer Splatter Movies Sequels Previews);

#85 (front cover Freddy Krueger; Freddy VS. Jason Issue; First Set Report “A Nightmare on Elm Street 5”; Exclusive Coverage “Friday the 13TH Part 8”; Corman Unleashes “Frankenstein Unbound”);

#86 (front cover “Nightmare on Elm Street 5”; Interview – Robert Englund; Valley Girl Massacre “Phantom of the Mall”; Clive Barker's Nightbreed”; “Friday the 13TH Part 8”);

#87 (front cover Robert Englund “Phantom of the Opera”; Stephen King Speaks; Interview – Clive Barker; Set Visit Gossip “Halloween 5”);

#88 (front cover “Halloween 5”; Inside Story of “Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3”; “Bride of Re-Animator”; Wes Craven's “Shocker”);

#89 (front cover “Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3”; Review of Stephen King's Latest Book “The Dark Half”; Special Edgar Allen Poe Section);

#90 (front cover “Clive Barker's Nightbreed”; Previews 1990's Hottest Horror Films; Interview with Richard Matheson, Joe R. Lansdale and Jess Franco);

#91 (front cover “Bride of Re-Animator”; Greatest Horror Movie Never Made “Shadow Over Innsmouth”; Devil Babysitter “The Guardian”; Killer Worms “Tremors”);

#92 (front cover “Tales From the Darkside; The Movie”; Latest Books from Robert McCammon; “Nightbreed FX);

#93 (front cover “Gremlins 2; The New Batch”; Summer Horror Movies - “Class of 1999”, “Bride of Re-Animator”, “Prom Night III”, “Child's Play 2” and “The Feebles”);

#94 (front cover “The Exorcist III; Legion”; Special Issue – Horror fiends Speak; Cable's Bloodiest Shoe “Tales From the Crypt”; Wild Women, Summer Videos and Cronenberg's “Naked Lunch”);

#95 (front cover “Total Recall”; Rebuilding Murphy “Robocop 2”; Raimi's “Darkman” Unmasked; Rick Baker's Super-Gremlins);

#96 (front cover “Darkman”; First News - “Night of the Living Dead 1990”; Latest Slasher Series “Maniac Cop 2”);

#97 (front cover “Night of the Living Dead”; Stephen King's “Graveyard Shift”; The Cyborg is a Tramp “Eve of Destruction”; Nerds in Hell “Gate II”);

#98 (front cover “Child's Play 2”; Stephen King's TV Miniseries “IT”; Urban Alien Stalker “Predator 2”; Norman as a Kid “Psycho IV”);

#99 (front cover “Predator 2”; Interview – Stephen King; Previews Stephen King's His New Line-up - “Misery”, “Graveyard Shift” and “IT”);


#100 (front cover Special 100TH Terrifying Issue; All-New Exclusive Interviews – Stephen King, Clive Barker, Vincent Price, James Cameron, Wes Craven, John Carpenter etc...);

#101 (front cover Stephen King's “Sometimes They Come Back”; First News “Terminator 2”; The Year's Scariest Film “The Silence of the Lambs”);

#102 (front cover “Dolly Dearest”; Special Women of Horror Issue – Scream Queena Complete Guide A-Z'; Dark Shadows Barbara Steele);

#103 (front cover “Children of the Night”; Special Report on the Future of Horror; Devil's Daughter “Omen IV”; “The Haunted”);

#104 (front cover “Terminator 2”; All New Frights “Tales from the Crypt”; Gore's Early Days “Blood Feast”; Exclusive FX Journal “Bride of Re-Animator”);

#105 (front cover “Body Parts”; Terror Titans – Stephen King, Clive Barker and Dean Koontz; Horror's Hottest Comics “Hellraiser” and Nightbreed”);

#106 (front cover “Cast a Deadly Spell”; Special H.P. Lovecraft Issue; Lovecraft Comics the Weirdest Ever; Chucky Goes to War “Child's Play 3”);

#107 (front cover Freddy Krueger; Freddy's Dead Complete Coverage; Horror Comics Hero “Guyver”; Wes Craven's “People Under the Stairs”);

#108 (front cover “The People Under the Stairs”; “The Addams Family” is Now a Movie; Comics Teen Terror “Evil Ernie”; “Basket Case 3”);

#109 (front cover “The Addams Family”; The People Who Killed Freddy Krueger; Clive Barker talks New Films, Books and Comics; “The Borrower”);

#111 (front cover “Stephen King's “Sleepwalkers”; Stephen King's “The Lawnmower Man”; New Comics “Dark Shadows”; Father Slays Best “Stepfather 3”):

#112 (front cover “Hellraiser III”; Stephen King's “Sleepwalkers” and “The Lawnmower Man”; First News “Aliens 3”; Dan O'Bannon's “The Resurrected”);

#113 (front cover “Aliens 3”; Ivan Raimi's “Army of Darkness”; Interview – Stephen King; “Karen Black Vampire Mom “Children of the Night”);

#117( Serial Killer frtom Hell; Dust Devil; Twin Peaks - the movie too wqeird for TV; Dave Schow chainsaws the censors);

#118 (front cover “Bram Stoker's Dracula”; Interview – Francis Ford Coppola; “Dr. Giggles” Cuts You Up; Jahn Landis “Innocent Blood”; Psycho takes a Wife “Maniac Cop 3”);

#120(Army of Darkness; Oldman & Ryder interview - Dracula; Julian Sands Warlock II; Creature from the Black Lagoon; Scarlett DC's Vampire Slayer);

#121(Stephen King's The Dark Half; Warlock; Dead Alive Peter Jackson; Knight Vampire cop; Body Snatchers);

#122 (front cover “Warlock; The Armageddon”; George Romero and Stephen King'd “The Dark Half”; Wes Craven's “Nightmare on Elm Street 7”; Latest Update “Jason Goes to Hell”; “Return of the Living Dead #”);

#123 (front cover “Ticks”; Stephen King's “Needful Things”; Preview “Jurassic Park”; At Your Door “The Tommyknockers”);

#124 (front cover “Jurassic Park” Exclusive Photos; Stuart Gordon's “Fortress”; Argento's Latest “Trauma”; Serial Killer Stalks “Skinner”);

#125 (front cover “Jason Goes to Hell”; Stephen King's “Needful Things”; The Tall Man Returns “Phantasm III”; Richard Stanley's “Dust Devil”);

#126 (front cover = Jurassic Park; Michael Crichton Speaks; Ilm's Amazing FX secrets; Jason Goes to Hell);

#131 (front cover “Jack Nicholson is “Wolf”; Big Bugs are Back “Skeeter”; Cult Classic “Deranged”; Special Interview – Coffin Joe);

#133(The Stand; review by Douglas Winter; The Crow; Full Moon FX; Tsui Hark speaks HOng Kong Horrors; Beyond Bedlam);

#134 (15th Anniversary Issue; front cover = Summer's Horror Smash! - Wolf Jack Nicholson; Nightmare 7)'

#135 (front cover “Necronomicon”; First News “In the Mouth of Madness”; Special Issue – Horror International; From Russia with Blood “Dark Waters”);

#136 (front cover “In the Mouth of Madness”; First News “Mary Shelley's Frankenstein”; Christopher Walken in “God's Army”; Richard Lynch his Career in Fear);

#137 (front cover Freddy Krueger Wes Kraven's New Nightmare; Stephen King's “The Shawshank Redemption”; Defending Tom Cruise in “Interview With the Vampire”);

#139 (front cover “Interview With the Vampire” Tom Cruise Speaks; Jeff Goldblum's “Hideaway”; Clive Barker's “Lord of Illusions”; New Fright Flicks – Stephen King, Dean Koontz and Clive Barker);

#140 (front cover “Lord of Illusions”; Previews 1995 Horror Lineup - “Demon Night”, Tales From the Crypt”, “Godzilla”, Candyman 2”, Ice Cream Man”, “In the Mouth of Madness”);

#141 (front cover “Hellraiser IV; Bloodline”; Clive Barker's “Lord of Illusion”; Making Lucio Fulci's “The Beyond”; Stephen King's “The Mangler”; Virus Terror “Outbreak”);

#143 (front cover “Village of the Damned”; H.R. Giger's “Species”; Robot Rampage “Evolver”; Story of the Making of “The Tingler”; “Scanners; The Showdown”);

#144 (front cover “H.R. Giger's Species”; Dark Knight Preview “Batman Forever”; The Freddy VS. Jason Movie; Gorilla Warfarw “Congo”);

#145 (front cover “Godzilla” New Movie Interviews and Preview; First News “From Dusk till Dawn”; Review Clive Barker's “Lord of Illusion”);

#146 (front cover “Screamers”; Making “When a Stranger Calls”; Denzel Washington VS. Cyberkiller “Virtuosity”; Clive Barker Speaks);

#147 (front cover “Halloween; The Curse of Michael Myers”; Fear on the Farm “Night of the Scarecrow”; Return of “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”);

#149 (front cover “From Dusk till Dawn”; Eddie Murphy in “Vampire in Brooklyn”; Making “Castle Freak”; New Interviews – Dario Argento, Michele Soavi and Jean Rollin);


#150 (front cover “The Cryptkeeper”; New Interviews – Stephen King, Tom Savini, Christopher Lee and Sam Raimi; Complete Fangoria Index);

#151 (front cover “Tremors 2; Aftershocks”; Stephen King's “Thinner”; Vampire Blowout “From Dusk Till Dawn”; TV's “Poltergeist; The Legacy”);

#153 (front cover “The Craft”; John Carpenter's “Escape From L.A.”; Peter Jackson's “The Frightners”; Dario Argento's “Stendahl Syndrome”);

#154 (front cover “The Frighteners”; Peter Jackson Remakes “King Kong”; Terror Lurks “Within th Rock”; Last Interview – Lucio Fulci);

#156 (front cover “The Island of Dr. Moreau”; Creator Rates “The Crow; City of Angels”; Something's Fishy “Humanoids”; “Tales From the Crypt; Bordello of Blood”);

#157 (front cover “The Dentist”; Swedish Cult “Evil Ed”; Spain's “Sometimes They Come Back Again”);

#158 (front cover “Bad Moon” Exclusive Preview; Wes Craven's “Scream” First News; “Trilogy of Terror 2”; Special Report – Monsters from the Midwest);

#160 (front cover “Relic”; Sexy Sirens – Hong Kong's Hottest Actresses; “Mars Attacks”; First News “Men in Black”);

#161 (front cover “Hemoglobin”; Dean Koontz Speaks New Books and Films; TV's Sexy Stalker “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”; David Lynch's “Lost Highway”;

#165 (front cover “Event Horizon”; Movie Preview “Spawn”; First News Stephen King's “The Night Flier”; “Killer Condom”);

#168 (front cover “Starship Troopers”; First News “Scream 2”; Most Shocking Yet “Alien; Resurrection”; Previews - “I Know What You Did Last Summer”, “Devil's Advocate” and House of Frankenstein”):

#177 (front cover “Phantasm IV; Oblivion”; John Carpenture and Vampires; “Bride Of Chucky”; Jamie Lee Curtis “Halloween” Chronicles);

#178 (front cover “Bride of Chucky”; Kevin Williamson's “The Faculty”; Stephen King's “Apt Pupil”; John Carpenture's Vampires – Stalkers VS. Suckers);

#182 (front cover = The Mummy; classic terror reborn; Dean Koontz - Why my movies stink Idle Hands)

#183 (front cover = Candyman Day of the Dead; Jean Rollin's erotic Vampires);

#184 (20th Anniversary Horror Special; front cover = The Haunting, Steven Spielberg; House Diabolical);

#185 (front cover “Deep Blue Sea”; Gene Simmons KISS and Tell; “The Blair Witch Project”; What a Croc “Lake Placid”);

#189 (front cover = Scream 3 - Wes Craven's final stab; Advance Preview; Tim Burton Sleepy Hollow);

#194 (front cover Hollow Man; Nature on the Rampage; Spiders; Tobe Hooper's Crocodile);

#196 (front cover Jennifer Lopez in “The Cell”; First News and Photos “Hannibal”; More Myths “Urban Lengends; Final Cut”; X-Files Seventh Season Episode Guide; “Cherry Falls”);

#197 (front cover = The Exorcist Returns; Blair Witch 2);

#198 (front cover “Book of Shadows; Blair Witch 2”; First News “House of a 1000 Corpses”; “Heelraiser; Inferno”; Christopher Lambert in “Beowulf”);

#199 (front cover = House of 1000 Corpses; Sam Raimi on Spider-Man);


#200(front cover = 200th Issue; Clive Barker; Sean Cunningham; George Romero; Wes Craven; Dick Smith; Robert Englund; Rick Baker; Tobe Hooper)

#204 (front cover “Jurassic Park 3”; Tim Burton's “Planet of the Apes”; Exclusive Set Visit “Godzilla”; Brendan Fraser “Mummy”);

#205 (front cover Tim Burton's “Planet of the Apes”; John Carpenter's “Ghosts of Mars”; Johnny Depp in “From Hell”; “The Attic Expeditions”);

#206 (front cover “Jeepers Creepers”; Dario Argento's “Sleepless”; First News “Halloween; Homecoming”; Haunting Nicole Kidman “The Others”);

#211 (front cover “Blade II”; The Rock in “The Scorpion King”; H.G. Lewis' “Blood Feast 2”; Zombie Apocalypse “Resident Evil”);

#212 (front cover “Jason; Slaughter in Space”; Interview – Sam Raimi; Japan's Most Twisted Film “Uzumaki”; Robin Willias in “Insomnia”);

#213 (front cover New H.P. Lovecraft Epic “Dagon”; “Spiderman” the Lucio Fulci Connection; Zombie Cult Hit “Versus”; “Eight Legged Freaks”);

#215 (front cover “Feardotcom”; First News “Hellraiser; Hellseeker”; Interview – Robin Williams; David Arquette in “Eight Legged Freaks”);

#216 (front cover “Hannibal”; Preview “Red Dragon”; Controversial Remake “The Ring”; Titanic Terror “Ghost Ship”);

#217 (front cover “Ghost Ship”; “Lord of the Rings” Peter Jackson – Interview; Clive Barker's “Saint Sinner”; “The Ring's” Haunted Heroine);

#218 (front cover “Lord of the Rings; The Two Towers”; Too Shocking for Theaters “My Little Eye”; “Godzilla” Latest and Greatest);

#219 (front cover “Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses”; David Cronenberg's “Spider”; Spanish Stalker “Black Serenade”; “Darkness Falls”);

#220 (front cover “Darkness Falls”; First News Stephen King's “Dreamcatcher”; “Final Destination 2”; “Jeepers Creepers 2”; “Bloody Mallory”);

#222 (front cover “Beyond Re-Animator”; More Future Shocks “The Matrix Reloaded”; Bruce Campbell's “Bubba Ho-Tep”; Undead Asian Invasion “Junk”; “Soft for Digging”);

#224 (front cover “Cabin Fever”; Exclusive Ringside Seat “Freddy VS. Jason”; Sex and Insanity “Love Object”; “Terminator 3”);

#226 (front cover “Jeepers Creepers 2”; Rob Zombie on “House fo 1000 Corpses 2”; This Cast Rots “Cabin Fever”; Special Report “Freddy VS. Jason”);

#227 (front cover Quentin Tarantino “Kill Bill”; First News on New “Dawn of the Dead”; Halle Berry in “Gothika”; Remake “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”);

#228 (front cover “Gothika”; Christopher Lee a Career in Fear; Vampire Cult Classic “Lemora”; “Suspended Animation”; “Visitors”);

#229 (front cover “The Lord of the Rings; Return of the King”; First News and Photos “Hellboy”; New Japanese “Battle Royale” and “Dark Water”);

#231 (front cover “Hellboy”; Set Visit “Van Helsing”; Stephen King's “Secret Windows”; Japanese Sensation “Ju-On”);

#238 (front cover “Seed of Chucky”; Interview – Stephen King; First News and Photos Rob Zombie's “The Devil's Rejects”; Sarah Michelle Gellar and Cast of “The Grudge”);

#239 (front cover “Blade; Trinity”; Japanese Set Visit “Godzilla”; Stephen King Talks more Fright Faves; The Lost “Dark Shadows”);

#240 (front cover “Constantine”; First News and Photos “The Amityville Horror”; Sam Raimi presents “Boogetman”; “Alone in the Dark”);

#243 (front cover “House of Wax”; Set Visit Rob Zombie's “The Devil's Rejects”; New Japanese “Hiruko the Goblin”);

#244 (front cover George A. Romero's “Land of the Dead”; Steven Spielberg's “War of thr Worlds”; Lost Prequel Unveiled “The Exoecist”);

#245 (front cover Rob Zombie's “The Devil's Rejects”; First News and Photos the Rock in “Doom”; From Russia “Night Watch”; King of All Horror Media -Bruce Campbell);

#246 (front cover “Cry Wolf”; First News and Photos “The Fog” and Underworld 2”; Tim Burton's “The Corpse Bride”; Women's Prison Zombies “Shadow; Dead Riot”);

#248 (front cover “Doom”; Year's Scariest Film “Wolf Creek”; Peter Jackson's “King Kong”; First News “Feast”; Twice the Pain “Saw 2”);


#253 (front cover “Silent Hill”; “The Omen” Remake First News and Photos; Stephen King's “Desperation”; “An American Haunting”);

#256 (front cover “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre; The Beginning”; First Looks Guillermo del Toro's “Pan's Labyrinth”; “The Grudge 2”)

#258 (front cover “Saw III”; Snoop Dogg's “Hood of Horror”; Sarah Michelle Gellar in “The Return”; “Black Christmas”; “The Gravediggers”);

#259 (front cover “Pan's Labyrinth”; Master of Horror – Clive Barker's Sex Demon; Dark Horse's “Driftwood”; Korea's Monster Smash “The Host”);

#260 (front cover “The Hills Have Eyes”; First News and Photos “Grindhouse”; Marvel Comic's “Ghost Rider”; Sam Raimi's “The Messengers”);

#264 (front cover Eli Roth's “Hostel II”; “Captivity” Has Horror Gone too Far ?; First News and Photos “Rob Zombie's Halloween”; Fear on the Farm “Black Sheep”);

#266 (front cover “Resident Evil; Extinction”; Interview – Rob Zombie; “Ron Perlman “The Last Winter”; Director Uwe Boll);

#267 (front cover Sam Raimi's “30 Days of Night”; Jigsaw Lives “Saw IV”; Mutant Madness “Wrong Turn 2”; High Seas Horror “The Ferryman”);

#273 (front cover Clive Barker's “The Midnight Meat Train”; Manga Movie Monsters “Death Note”; Asia Argento Bares Her Soul; “Brutal Massacre”;

#275 (front cover “Mirrors”; Del Toro Speaks “Hellboy” and Beyond; Jet Li in “The Mummy 3”; “Lost Boys; “The Tribe”; “Midnight Meat Train”);

#281 (front cover = Last House on the Left; Watchmen FX; Plague Town);

#282 (front cover = Laid to Rest; Terminator Salvation fear the future; Last house on the Left);

#283 (front cover “Drag Me to Hell”; More Gore in 3-D “Scar”; “Pontypool”; “Mum and Dad”; “Terminator; Salvation”);

#284 (30th Anniversary Issue; front cover = Cover by Clive Barker);

#286 (front cover = Jennifer's Body Megan Fox; Halloween II);

#287 (Front cover = Zombieland the ultimate Scream park; Book of Blood Clive Barker);

#288 (front cover = New Moon darker twilight; Saw VI );

#289 (front cover Daybreakers the Future has Fangs; What's Scary by Stephen King);

#290 (front cover = The Wolfman the beast is back; Stephen King exclusive - My Favorite Scary Movies)

#296 (front cover = The Resident Evil Afterlife 3D; Fango FrightFest);

#297 (front cover “The Walking Dead”; Hammer Horror – Barbara Shelley; Victor Crowley “Hatchet II”; “I Spit on Your Grave”; “Saw 3-D”);


#303 (front cover “John Carpenter” by Marvel Artist Nick Percival; Interviews – Nancy Allen, John Carpenter, Rutger Hauer, Dyanne Thorne, Feff Wayne; Previews “Peist”, The Troll Hunter” and “Neverdead”);

#304 (front cover = Tom Savini; John Amplas; HG Lwies; Stephen Spielberg);

#305 (front cover = Amicus Remembered; British Horrow Movies; The Baby Rise of the Planet of the Apes);

#306 (front cover = Creature; Fright Night; Attack the Block; Sissy Spacek);

#307 (front cover = Alice Cooper; Howling; Chromeskull Laid to Rest 2);

#308 (front cover = Dracula 3D; Taste the Blood of Dario Angento);

#309 (David Cronenberg the early years; The Brood; The Corridor);

#310 (front cover “Ghost Rider; Spirit of Vengeance”; New Hammer Horror “The Woman in Black”; Cult Actress Returns – Barbara Crampton);

#311 (front cover = Roger Corman the Poe Cycle; Silent House; Nicolas Cage; Dark Shadows);

#312 (front cover = Evil by Design Cabin in the Woods; Michael Winner; Juan of the Dead; Gothic; Dark Forces British Trash);

#313 (front cover = Dark Shadows; Tim Burton's Gothis Soap Opera; Night Calls to Barbabas Collins ... Vampire)

#314 (front cover = Debbie Rochon - first lady of fear; Devil's Carnival; Prometheus; Video Dead)

#315 (Twin Peaks; David Lynch's Horror Show remembered);

#316 (front cover = Milla Jovovich in 3D; Alice Returns in Resident Evil: Retribution; 3D poster included);

#317 (front cover = Barbara Crampton, Stuart Gordon; Giant Halloween Issue);

#325 (front cover Celebrating the Master of Eurohorror – Jess Franco; Interviews – Jack Taylor and Maria Rohm; “The Conjuring”; “Killer Klowns from Outer Space”);

#328 (front cover Roger Corman on Directing; Oscar Rojo's “Omnivores”; Interviews – Isabel Peppard, Lamberto Bava, Julie Corman; On the Set “Hellbenders”; Preview “Toad Road”; “Oldboy”);

#331 (front cover = Bill Moseley; Leigh Whannell; Billy Zane; Nurse 3D; Willard);

#332 (front cover Scalett Johansson “Under the Skin”; Sex and Death in 1980 “Dressed to Kill” and Cruising”; Evil Reflected in “Oculus”; “Jinn”; The Raid 2”; “Afflicted”);

#333 (front cover = Godzilla; Cruising Wolf Creek 2; American Vampire; Sacrament; The Quiet Ones);

#334 (front cover = Nosferitu the Vampire; Werner Herzog Dissects His Haunting Horror Masterpiece);

#335 (front cover = Phantom of the Paradise; Paul Williams, Gerrit Graham, Jessica Harper revisit De Palma's Classic; Life After Beth);

#336 (front cover = The Evil Within the rebirth of Survival Horror; Alien at 35: H.R. Giger; John Hurt);

#337 (front cover Inside the Dark Mind of Wes Craven; “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Turns 30; Jack Sholder Talks “Nightmare 2”; “Dracula Untold”; The Soska Sisters);

#338 (front cover Norman Redus; Interviews – Anne Rice, Robert Voskanian, George Sluzer; Previews “The Babadook”; “V/H/S; Viral”; “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night”; “The House at the End of Time”);

#339(front cover = John Carpenter; remembering Tim Burton's Ed wood What we do in the Shadows; Don't Blinh fear Clinic);

#340 (front cover = Dario Argento's Phenomena; interviews with Argento, Luigi Cozzi, Sergio Stivaletti, Claudio Simonetti);

#341 (front cover = David Robert Mitchell on his nightmarish new chiller; Music of Rich Vreeeland; Beyond the Reach); Penny Dreadful);

FANGORIA Volume-2 (Fangoria Pub; 2018-2022; Published Quarterly 4 Times per Year)

Volume-2 #2 (January/2019; Front cover = He is Risen! Joe Bob is back; Last podcast on the left - Tom Savini);

Volume-2 #4 ( July/2019; front cover In the Bleak Midsummer; Ari Aster; Jordan Peele; Joe Hill; Damien Echols);

Volume-2 #6 (January/2020; front cover = Season's Bleedings; Joe Begos; Josh Ethier; Robert Eggers talks Christmas Horrors);

Volume-2 #10 (January/2021; front cover = #Justiceformarylou; Foud Footage: the Second Surge);

Volume-2 #11 (April 2021; GODZILLA vs KONG cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $20.00);

Volume-2 #12 (July 2021; CANDYMAN; VF, 8.0 = $24.00);

Volume-2 #13 (October/ 2021; front cover = The Boulet Brothers Dracula; Horror's New Icons take the Main stage; Titane; Chucky; Halloween Kills);

Volume-2 #14 (January/2022; front cover = The Black Phone Long Distance Dead-Ication; Scream: Ghostface; Fango devon Sawa);

Volume-2 #16 (July/2022; front cover Violent Chimp Attack!; Ape's Bloody Rampage caught on Camera in Nope; Kevin Bacon Summer Camp; Stephen Graham Jones tells all);

FANGORIA;; THE BLOODY BEST OF FANGORIA (O'Quinn Studio Inc./Starlog Communications)

#1 (1982; Interviews – Stephen King; John Carpenter; George Romero; Tom Savini etc...; Movies - “Scanners”; “Altered States”; “The Beast Within”; “Friday the 13TH Part 1 and 2 etc...);

#2 (1983; Interviews – David Cronenberg; Elvira; John Carpenter; Dick Smith; Rob Bottin etc...; Movies - “The Thing”; Creepshow”; Texas Chainsaw Massacre”; “Road Warrior” etc...);

#4 (1985; Interview – Stephen King; Movies - “Children of the Corn”; “Night of the Zombies”; “Ghostbusters”; “Frankenstein's Daughter” etc...);

#5 (1986; Interviews – David Cronenberg; John Carpenter; Briab de Palma; Tom Savini; Dick Miller; Movies - “Day of the Dead”; The Re-Animator”; “Dark Shadows”; “Nightmare on Elm Street” etc...);

#7 (1988; Interviews – Robert Englund; Clive Barker; George Romero; Tobe Hooper; H.G. Lewis; Movies – Nightmare on Elm Street 3”; “Lost Boys”; 'Blood Feast” etc...);

#8(10 bloody pages of Freddy Mania; Friday the 13th scrapbook; John Carradine last interview; Wes Craven Freddy)

#9 (1990; Interviews – Robert Englund; Lucio Fulci; Deborah Foreman; Movies - “Pet Sematary”; “Hellraiser”; “Nightbreed”; Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3” etc...);

#10 (1991; Interviews – George Romero; Tobe Hooper; Movies - “Bride of Re-Animator”; “Misery”; Nightbreed”; “Darkman” etc...);

#11 (1992; Interview – Clive Barker; Movies - “Misery”; “People Under the Stairs”; Pit and the Pendulum”; Hellraiser III” etc...);

#12 (1993; Interviews – Clive Barker; Sam Raimi; Julian Sands; Movies - “Candyman”; “Warlock”; “Dead Alive”; “Sleepwalkers”; “Last House on the Left”);

#13 (1994; Interviews – Gloria Stuat; Roger Corman; Movies - “The Dark Half”; “Wolf”; “Return of the Living Dead 3”; “The Stand” etc...);

FANGORIA; HORROR SPECTACULAR (O'Quinn Studio Inc./Starlog Communications)

#1 (1990; Interviews – Clive Barker; Rob Bottin; Zach Galligan; Frank Henenlotter; Complete 1990 Horror Film Coverage; 8 Gruesome Pinups);

#2 (1990; Special Issue Beauties and Beasts; Interviews – Jeffrey Combs; Kevin Yagher; Linnea Quigley; Complete Episode Guide to TV's “Monsters”; 8 Terrifying Pinups);

#3 (1991; Special Issue Horror FX; Previews – The Silence of the Lambs”; “Dark Shadows”; “Popcorn”; Complete Episode Guide TV's “Tales From the Crypt”);

#4 (1991; Interviews – James Cameron; Brinke Stevens; Kevin Bacon; The Comics “Toxic Avenger”; 8 Incredible Pinups);

#5 (1992; “The Addamd Family”; “Freddy's Dead”; “Waxwork II”; Final Season Episode Guide TV's “Monsters”; 8 Gruesome Pinups);

#6 (1992; Interviews – David Cronenberg; Complete Episode Guide TV's “Tales from the Darkside”; The Secrets of “Naked Lunch”; 8 Horrifying Pinups);

#7 (1992; “Alien 3”; Army of Darkness”; Amityville 1992”; “Pet Sematary 2”; New Season Preview TV's “Tales From the Crypt”; 8 Frightful Pinups);

#8 (1993; “Bram Stoker's Dracula”; “Dr. Giggles”; “Innocent Blood”; “hellraiser III”; 8 Horrifying Pinups);

FANGORIA; 101 BEST HORROR MOVIES YOU'VE NEVER SEEN (2003 Three Rivers Press/O'Quinn Studio Inc./Starlod Communications; Softcover Trade Paperback);

FANGORIA; POSTER MAGAZINE (1987 O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications; 10 Fold-out Posters 16” by 22”)

#1 (“Evil Dead”; 'Motel Hell”; “Nightmare on Eln Street 3”; “Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2”; “Re-Animator”; “American Werewolf in London”; “Day of the Dead”; “The Fly”; “Friday the 13TH V”; “Fright Night”);

#2 (“Hellraiser”; “Friday the 13TH VI”; “Rawhead Rex”; “Lost Boys”; “From Beyond”; “Evil Dead II”; “Nightmare on Elm Street 3”; “Aliens”; “Videodrome”; “Dawn of the Dead”);

#4 (“Alien”; “Beetlejuice”; “Freddy's Nighmares”; “Elvira, Mistress of the Dark”; “Monsters”; “The Fly II”; “Leviathan”; “Pet Sematary”; “Horror Show”; “Return of Swamp Thing”);

#5 (“Nightmare on Elm Street 5”; “Phantom of the Opera”; “They Live”; “Halloween 5”; “Shocker”; “Friday the 13TH Part VIII”; “Friday the 13TH; The Series”; “The Howling”; “I, Madman”; “Leatherface; The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3);


#2 (1990; front cover “Jason”);


#1 (1989; front cover “Freddy Krueger);


FANTASTIC FILMS (Blake Pub. Corp.)


#1 (April; “Star Wars”; “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”; “The Day the Earth Stood Still”; With a Multi Movie Poster 22” by 32”);

#2 (June; First Report on the New Super Man Movies; Cartoons of the 1940's; TV of the 1950's; “nterview – Kirk Alyn; With a Superman Poster 22” by 32”);

#3 (August; Spectacular Special Effects Issue; Interviews – Douglas Trumbull; John Dykstra, Susan Sackett, R2D2”; Woody Allen on the UFO Menace; With aPoster of the Special EffectsCover Art);

#4 (October; 'The Lord of the Rings” – A Quick Look at the Upcoming Ralph Bakshi Animated Movie; Animated Version of “Metamorphoses”; Interviws – Harryhausen; Greg Jein; With Poster);

#5 (December; “Battlestar Galactica”; TV's Lamented Prodigy – “The Outer Limits”; The Worlds of Gerry Anderson; With Poster);


#6 (February; “The Lord of the Rings”; Interview – Ralph Bakshi; “Battlestar Galactica” Interviews with Producer Glen Larson, Director Christian Nyby, SPFX Model Maker Ken Larson; With Poster);

#7 (April; “Superman; The Movie” with Christopher Reeves; “The Lord of the Rings”; “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”; “Star Wars” vs “Battlestar Galactica”; With Poster);

#8 (june; “Superman; The Movie” Director Interview – Richard Donner; Interview – Jean Rogers a.k.a. Dale Arden; George Pal's “Conquest of Space”; Robert Altman's “Quintet”; With Poster);

#9 (July; “Dawn of the Dead” George Romero – Interview; Italian Space Opera “Stella Starcrash”; “Buck Rogers”; “Alien” Hardcore Science Fiction Film; With Poster);

#10 (September; “Alien” Screenwriter Dan O'Bannon Talks; Interview Star Trek Director – Robert Wise; “First Men in the Moon”);

#11 (October; “Alien” Director Ridley Scott – Interview part-1; George Pal's “Puppetoons”; The Final Word on Doctor Who; H.R. Giger the Swiss Artist of “Alien”);

#12 (November; “Alien” Director Ridley Scott – Interview part-2; Interview – Sigourney Weaver; Interview – Frank Langella; “This Island Earth”; “Moonraker FX Explained; History of Robots part-1);


#13 (January; “Godzilla” and his Creator Eiji Tsuburaya; Interview – John Badham; Preview “Meteor”; History of Robots part-2 Robots in the Serials; Pulp Science Fiction Art; “Alien” Dissected);

#14 (February; “Star Trek; The Motion Picture” the Designing and Costumes part-1; “Black Hole” Director Gary Nelson – Interview; Charlton Heston talks about Science Fiction Movies; History of Robots part-3 Science Fiction of the 1950's; “Just Imagine” a Science Fiction Musical from 1930's; Fantastic Films of Eugene Lourie part-1 The Beasts from “20,000 Fathoms”);

#15 (March; “Star Trek; The Motion Picture” the Desinging and Costumes part-2;; “Black Hole” the FX; British Comic 2,000 A.D.; Fantastic Films of Eugene Lourie part-2 The Giant Behemoths);

#16 (May; Jack Kirby illustrates Roger Zelazny's “Lord of Light”; Preview - “Saturn 3”; John Carpenter's “The Fog”; History of Robots part-4 The Cybernetic Sixties 1960-1965; Fantastic Films of Eugene Lourie part-3 “Gorgo”);

#17 (July; “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back” the Special Effects, Animating, Screenwriting; TV's “The Prisoner”; Interview – John Carpenter; Fantastic Films of Eugene Lourie part-4 “The Colossal Man” and Undone Projects);

#18 (September; “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back” Interviews with Producer Gary Kurtz and Animator Phil Tippett; The Truth about Dungeons and Dragons; “Twilight Zone” Revisited plus SF Episode Guide; Sexy Space Spoof “Galaxina”; “The Changeling” Movie Thriller that Died before it's Time);

#19 (October; “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back” Interviews with Frank Oz, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Mayhew and Billy Dee Williams; Interview – Roger Corman; New SF Adventure “Battle Beyond the Stars”);

#20 (December; “Star Wars” Speculations on Future Developements; Interview – Mike Jittlov; Interview – Tom Savini; 1933 Movie “Island of Lost Souls”; Saturday Morning Cartoon “Thundarr the Barbarian”);


#21 (January; New “Flash Gordon” Movie; “The Creature from the Black Lagoon” the Man in the Suit Talks; “Forbidden Planet” Retrospective; Movie Sleeper of the Year “Time After Time”);

#22 (February; The Very Best of Fantastic Films; From “Star Wars” to “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back” part-1; “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”; “Alien”; “Lords of the Rings”; “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”);

#23 (April; From “Star Wars” to “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back” part-2; “Flash Gordon” Max Von Sydow – Interview; Terence Fisher the King of Hammer Horror; Ray Walston in “Popeye”);

#24 (June; “Scanners” David Cronenberg – Interview; John Boorman's “Excalibur”; Ringo Starr in “Caveman”; Virgil Vogel's “The Mole People” and “The Land Unknown”; “Omen III; The Final Conflict”);

#25 (August; Christopher Reeves in “Superman II”; Sean Connery in “Outland”; Harrison Ford in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”; “Clash of the Titans” with Harryhauser; Interview – James Earl Jones; Best of the Worst Science Fiction Films “Attack of the 50 FT. Woman”);

#26 (November; “The Heavy Metal Movie”; Interview – Christopher Reeves; “Raiders of the Lost Ark”; “Dragonslayer”; “Escape from New York”; Best of the Worst Science Fiction Films “Reptilicus”);


#27 (January; Previewing “Swamp Thing; The Movie”; The Amazing Art of Jim Steranko – Interview; “The Corman's “Galaxy of Terror Meets Saturday the 14TH”; “Shock Treatment”);

#28 (April; The Mystery Behind “Star Wars; Revenge of the Jedi”; “Time Bandits” Monty Python's Terry Gilliam – Interview;The New Doctor Who (Peter Davison) – Interview; “Hitch Hiker's Guide to The Galaxy” a History);

#29 (June; Arnold Schwarzenegger as “Conan the Barbarian”; “Bladerunner” a Pictorial Preview; Interviews with Ron Cobb on “Conan”, Syd Mead on “Bladerunner”, Jean-Jacques Annaud on “Quest for Fire”,Don Bluth and Dors Lanpher on Animating “The Secret of Nimh”);

#30 (August; Behind the Scene on “Star Trek II; The Wrath of Khan”; “Star Wars; Revenge of the Jedi” Pre-Production Art of Ralph McQuarrie; Interview – Ridley Scott; “Mad Max; The Road Warrior”; “The Sword and Sorcerer”; John Carpenter's “The Thing”; E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial”; “Poltergeist” Frank Marshall – Interview);

#31 (November; Interview – William Shatner; Pictorial Previews of “The Dark Crystal” and “Creepshow”; Steven Speilberg talks about “E.T.”; Douglas Trumbull on “Bladerunner”; Syd Mead on “Tron”; Ron Bottin on “The Thing”;


#33 (May; “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi” the Final Speculations; “”Dark Crystal” Complete Special Effects Story; “Space Hunter in #-D”; “The Last Unicorn”; Interview - David Cronenberg);

#34 (July; “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi” Some of the Secrets Revealed; “Superman III” Pictorial; “Something Wicked this Way Comes” Ray Bradbury – Interview; “Krull”; “The Hunger”);

#35 (September; “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi” 16-pages on the Making of; “The Twilight Zone Movie” Exclusive Report; Interview – Robert Vaughn”War Games” Director John Badham – Interview);

#36 (November; Stephen King's “Cujo” Director Lewis Teague - Interview; Special Effects Monster Photos from “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi”, “Krull”, “Twilight Zone”; Interview – Richard Matheson)


#37 (January; Previews of Stephen King's “Christine” and “The Dead Zone”; “Brainstorm” Richard Yuricich – Interview; Chuck Yeager and Gordon Cooper on “The Right Stuff”);

#38 (March; Gothic Fairy Tale “The Keep”; First Photos from “Dune”; Author Douglas Adams – Interview; Frank Frazetta and Ralph Bakshi's “Fire and Ice”);

#39 (May; Sneak Preview Issue featuring “”Dune”, “Star Trek III”, “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”Greystoke”, “Ice Pirates”, “Splash”; Michael Jackson's “Thriller”);

#40 (July; “Star Trek III” Director Leonard Nimoy – Interview; Behind the Scenes Interviews “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”; Joe Dante the Director of “Gremlins”; Colin Baker the New “Doctor Who”; Helen Slater in “Supergirl”);

#41 (September; Harrison Ford is “Indiana Jones”; First Photos “Conan II”; James Doohan – Interview; “Ghostbusters” Sexy Star Sigouney Weaver; “The Last Starfighter”; “Gremlins”);

#42 (November; “The Last Starfighter” the Future of Special Effects; “Sheena, Queen of the Jungle”; “Conan the Destroyer”; “Buckaroo Banzai”; “The Neverending Story”);


#43 (January; “2010; The Year We Make Contact”; Frank Herbert's “Dune”; Special Effects Nightmare “Dreamscape”; “Supergirl”; “The Ewok Adventure”);

#45 (August; Mel Gibson and Tine Turner in “Mad Max; Beyond Thunderdome”; Previews of “Red Sonja”, “Lifeforce”, “Cocoon”, The Goonies, “Explorers”);

#46 (October; “Back to the Future” Christopher Lloyd; The Making of “Mad Max; Beyond Thunderdome”; Stephen King's “Silver Bullet”; “Day of the Dead”; “The Return of Godzilla”);

FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND #1-190+ = Listed at the WARREN Magazines Link on our Homepage

FANTASTYKA (? Pub.; Foreign Language; ? Polish);

1984 (#19,21,22);

1985 (#36);

1986 (#41,43,50,51);

1987 (#53,57,63);

FANTASY BOOK (Fantasy Book Enterprises Pub.)

1981 (Volume 1 #1; October); (Volume 1 #2l December; Charles Vess cover art);

1983 (May); (August); (December);

1984 (March);

1986 (June); (December);

1987 (March);

FANTASY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM BY ALASTAIR CAMERON (Canadian Science Fiction Association; 1952) - #488 of #500 Copies of the First Edition;

FANTASY CROSSROADS (Stygian Isle Press Pub.)

1978 (June #13); (September #14);

1979 (January #15);

FANTASY EMPIRE (New Media Publishing Inc.; 1983-1984); - #1-15;

FANTASY EMPIRE COLLECTOR'S EDITION (New Media Publishing Inc.; 1983/84); - #1, 3;

FANTASY EMPIRE LTD. (New Media Pub. Inc. Pub.) - 1984 (Volume 1 #1; April); (Volume 1 #2; June);

FANTASY FILM PREVIEW BOOK (Creation Pub.) - 1977 (Christopher Reeve as “Superman” front cover);

FANTASY MODELING (Fantasy Modeling Inc. Pub.)

1980 (Volume 1 #1; Fall); (Volume 1 #2; Winter);

1981 (#3,4,5);

1982 (#6);

FANTASY MONGERS (Weirdbook Press);

#2 (1979; The Magazine for Collectors – Pulps, Books, Fanzines,Paperbacks etc.);

FANTASY NEWSLETTER (Paul and Susan Allen Pub.)

1980 -

(February #21; Cover art by Stephen Fabian);

(March #22; Cover art “An Incident on Barsoom” by Roy G. Krenkel);

(April #23; Cover art “Rescue in Lankhmar” by Stephen Fabian);

(May #24; Cover art “Tower of Power” by Stephen Fabian); (

September #28; Cover art “Jungle Girl” by Stephen Fabian);

(October #29; Cover art “Music” by Roy G. Krenkel);

(November #30; Cover art “Saturday Night” by Real Musgrave);

(December #31; Cover Art “Warrior” by Stephen Fabian);

1981 -

(January #32; Cover art “Midnight Excursion” by Stephen Fabian);

(February #33; Cover art “The Moon's Fire-Eating Daughter” by Thomas Canty);

(March #34; Cover art “Barbarian” by Hank Jankus);

(April #35; Cover art “Rose Princess and the Tiger Lilly” by Richard Salvucci);

(May #36; Cover art “Morthylla” by Stephen Fabian);

(June #37; Cover art “Spellbound” by Real Musgrave);

(July #38; Cover art “Cyn-Laya by the Silver Lake” by Sabrina Jarema);

(August #39; Cover art “The Sacrifice” by Randy Broecker);

(September #40; Wraparound Cover art “Swan Ship” by Stephen Fabian);

(October #41; Cover art “Witchstone” by Robert Arrington);

(November #42; Cover art “Robot and Dragon Playing Chess” by Raul Garcia Capella);

1982 -

(January #44; Cover art “Star of Babalon by Sam Adkins);

(February #45; Cover art “Army of the Woods” by Sabrina Jarema);

1984 Vol.4 #7(July);

FANTAZONE (Tigerbeat Presents Pub.) - 1989 (Summer) #1, #2, #24,;


2002 (#4 January/February); (#10 December/ January 2003; 2 different covers);

2003 (#11 March/April; 2 different covers); #12 April/ May);

FATE MAGAZINE ( Press Books Ltd.; UK)

1954 November (Volume 1 #1);

FEAR (Newsfield Publication)

1988 (July/August #1);(November/December #3);

1989 (January/February #4); (March/April #5); (May/June #6; Anne McCaffrey, Evil Dead III, Linda Blair / Exorcist, Dean Koontz; VF $10); (July #7);(September #9); (November #11);

1990 (January #13); (February #14);

1991 (October #34);

FEMME FATALES The Luscious Ladies of HORROR, Science Fiction & Fantasy (Slick Professional Magazine; Color)

Volume 1 #1 (Summer 1992; Brinke Stevens, Kim Cattrall, Jamie Lee Curtis, Rachel Ward, Linnea Quigley);

Volume 1 (#2 Fall/ 1992; Sybil Danning; Sharon Stone; Brigitte Nielson; Elvira; Carolone Munro; Monique Garielle; Joe Bob Briggs; Delia Sheppard; Kathleen Kinmott; Julie Strain);

Volume 1 (#3; Winter 1992/1993; Michelle Pfeiffer – Catwoman; Kathy Ireland; Elvira; Ingrid Pitt; Vivian Schilling; Lana Clarkson);

Volume 1 #4 (Spring 1993; Traci Lords; Robey; Dee Wallace Stone; Raquel Welch; Suzanne; Debra Lamb);

Volume 2 #1 (Summer 1993; Monique Grassmick; Sarah Douglas; Ava Cadell; Rhonda Shear; Ginger Lynn Allen; Becky Lebeau);

Volume 2 (#2; Fall 1993; Monique Gabrielle; Brinke Stevens; The Women of Dinosaur Island; Sheena Easton; Candice Rialson);

Volume 2 #3 (Winter 1994; Ludie Denier, Tracy Scoggins, Teri Hatcher, Brooke Shields, Rhonda Shear);

Volume 2 (#4; Spring 1994; Debbie Rochon; Rebecca Ferratti; Maryam D'abo; Melanie Shatner; Phyllis Davis);

Volume 3 #1 (Summer 1994; Sally Kirkland, June Wilkinson, Cameron Diaz, Jewel Shephephard, Donna Jason; FN $14);

Volume 3 (#2; Fall 1994; Julie Strain; Kathleen Turner; Vivian Schilling; Shannon Whirry; Action Heroines of Asia);

Volume 3 #3 (Winter 1995; North, Susan Backlinie, Kelly Lebrock, Vanessa Angel, Lois Hamilton);

Volume-3 #4 (Spring/1995; Valentina Vargas, Cenobite in Clive Barker’s Hellraiser. >> : Famke Janssen / Golden Eye; Brigitte Nielsen; VF $9);

Volume 4 (#1 (Summer 1995; Cynthia Rothrock; Bridgette Wilson; Diane Lane; Lara Parker; Linnea Quigley);

Volume 4 (#2; Fall 1995; Jeanne Carmen – 50's Model Turned Actress; Tura Satana; Brinke Stevens; Michelle Bauer; Vampire Vixens from Vixens);

Volume 4 (#3 October 1995; Barbara Leigh – Vampirella; Stella Stevens; Locky Lambert; Tina Desiree Berg; Valerie Leon; Julie Strain – Heavy Metal III);

Volume-4 #4(December/1995; Elvira; Nicole Kidman; Julie Strain = Heavy Metal II; Janet Leigh; VF=$9; FN=$6);

Volume 4 #5 (January 1996; Famke Janssen, Izabella Scorupco, Talisa Soto, Lucy Lawless);

Volume-4 #6(March/1996; Women of Mars Attacks; Rebecca DeMornay, Outer Limits; Roger Corman on women in sci-fi; VF $9);

Volume-4 #7(April/1996; Karen Allen, Margot Kidder; Sean Young, Annette O’Toole; Ladies of Barb Wire; VF $9);

Volume-4 #8(June/1996; Natasha Henstridge – Species; Pam Anderson – Barb Wire; Hilary Swank; Kari Salin – Cybertech PD; VG/FN= $6);


Volume 5 #1 (July 1996; Pamela Green, Pam Anderson, Nicole Eggert, Mary Woronov, Elizabeth Kaitan; );

Volume 5 #2 (August 1996; Pam Grier, Kristy Swanson, Pamela Franklin, Hajime Sorayama's Sexy Robots);

Volume 5 #3 (September 1996; Teri Hatcher, Julia Roberts, Angie Everhart);

Volume 5 #4 (October 1996; Sigourney Weaver, Madeleine Smith, Adrienne Barbeau);

Volume 5 #5 (November 1996; Cristva Turner, Gina Gershon, Joan Severance);

Volume 5 #6 (December 1996; Julie Strain, Alice Krige, Connie Conehead, Darcy Demoss, Laurene Landon);

Volume 5 #7 (January 1997; Elvira A.K.A. Cassandra Petersen, Krista Allen, Sophia Shinas, Thuy Thrang);

Volume 5 #8 (February 1997; Mamie Van Doren, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kari Wuhrer);

Volume-5 #9(March/1997; London Night’s comic book femmes; Carmen Electra, Vanesa Talor; 20 years of Emmanuelle; Geena Davis, Neve Campbell on Wes Craven; Leprechaun IV; VF $9);

Volume-5 #10(April/1997; Heather Elizabeth Parkhurst; Kira Reed; Poltergeist’s Helen Shaver; Lynsette Anthony; Thersa Lynn of Private Parts; Shirley Easton; Candy Clark; Killer Tongue; VF $9);

Volume-5 #11(May/1997; Teri Hatcher cover; Jennifer Lopez, Maria Ford, Susan Swift / Audrey Rose; Girls of Mommy 2; VF $18);

Volume 5 #12 (June 1997; Natasha Henstridge, Cynthia Geary, Alice Krige, Sabrina Lloyd, Kristen Cloke);

Volume-6 #1(July/1997; Hammer Heroines. Catherine Munro. Barbara Shelley. Hazel Court. Ingrid Pitt. Christopher Lee; Sarah Michelle Gellar, Babes of Baywatch Nights; VF $16);

Volume-6 #2(August/1997; Chase Masterson; Star Trek’s Sexy Fifty; Donna D’Errico on Baywatch Nights; Kari Wuhrer on Anaconda; La Femme Nikita; Tia Carrere; VF=$16; FN=$10);

Volume-6 #3(September/1997; Flesh Gordon special edition; Annabeth Gish, Traci Lords, Ungela Brockman; Vixens of The Hunger; Penelope Ann Miller; Tane McClure; Marilyn Chambers; VF $9);

Volume-6 #4(October/1997; Vampire Femmes past & present; Roger Corman; Austin Powers; Uma Thurman – Poison Ivy; Tia Carrere – Kull’s queen; VF $9);

Volume-6 #5(November/1997; Melinda Clarke & Theresa Randle in Spawn; Jayne Mansfield; Top TEN femmes of the 1950’s; Ralph Bakshi on Spicy City; Milla Jovovich – Fifth Element; Juianne Moore – Lost World; VF $9);Volume-6 #6(December/1997; Dina Meyer, Starship Troopers; Femmes of Cannes; Xena’s Hudson Leick. Cameron Diaz; Tammy Lauren; Rose McGowan; VF $9)

Volume-6 #7(January/1998; Elvira; FN $14);

Volume-6 #8(February1998; Ursula Andress / James Bond; 50 Sexiest Jame Bond Girls; Natasha Henstridge, Avenger Diana Rigg; Law & Order’s Cary Lowell, & Margaret Nolan; Angie Dickinson; Kiss me Deadly; Carnival of Souls Remake; VF=$18 );

Volume 6 #9 (March 1998; Lora-Lyn Peterson, Molly Ringwald, Famke Janssen, The Femmes of “Nick Fury”);

Volume-6 #10/11(Double issue; April/1998; tribute to Bettie Page; 50’s Erotica; Karina Lombard, Angie Dickinson, Kiss Me Deadly, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Jennifer Love Hewitt; VF $16);

Volume-6 #12(May/1998; Gillian Anderson; The X-Files; Chase Masterson – DS9’s Leets; Murphy Brown goes Rambo;Fiona Lewis; VF $9);


Volume-7 #1(June/1998; Barbara Carrera and Lynn Holly Johnson. Marta Kristen and Heather Graham from Lost in Space, and B5’s Patricia Tallman; VF $9);

Volume-7 #2(July/1998; Jeri Ryan of Star Trek: Voyager, Natasha Henstridge and Marg Helgenberger or Species 2, Rebecca Hobbs, Sharon Stone, Linda Harrison; VF $35);

Volume-7 #3(August/1998; Bruno Bernard of Hollywood; Tea Leoni, Robbi Chong, the femmes of F/X and Wild Things, and Xena’s Renee O’Connor. VF $9);

Volume-7 #4(September/1998; Ladies of The Avengers – Dianna Rigg, Honor Blackman, Linda Thorson, Joanna Lumley, and Uma Thurman; VF $9);

Volume-7 #5(October/1998; Babes of BUFFY the VAMPIRE SLAYER; VF $35);

Volume-7 #6(November/1998; Vampire Femmes – Sandy King and Anita Hart. Ladies of Halloween H20: Jamie Lee Curtis, Jodi Lynn O’Keefe, Michelle Williams. VF $9);

Volume 7 (#7 December/1998; Elvira; Urban Legend's Foxy Teens; Sandra Bullock; Palymate Shae Marks; Yvonne Craig; Lara Croft Tomb Raider; The Femmes of Mickey Spillane);

Volume-7 #8(1998 ANNUAL; December/1998; Phantasm IV phemmes Cindy Ambuehl, Samantha Phillips, Paula Irvine, Kathy Lester, Gloria Lynn Henry. Jennifer Tilly and Carmen Electra; VF=$9; VG/FN=$5);

Volume 7 (#9 (January 1, 1999; Jennifer Love Hewitt; Traci Lords; Kristin Lehman; Jessica Steen; Amber Smith; Brinke Stevens);

Volume-7 #10(January 22/1999; BATGIRL Cover; Sci-Fi’s all-time 50 Sexiest; Carrie Fisher, Nichelle Nichols, Julie Newmar, Kate Mulgrew, and Jodie Foster; >> Anne Heche – Psycho; Clea Duvall – Faculty; VF $30)

Volume-7 #11(February 12 /1999; Carrie II = Amy Irving; Elizabeth Gracen = Highlander; Terry Moore, Clea Duvall – Faculty; Annabella Sciora, Jane Sibbett, and Diana Dors; Terry Moore – Mighty Joe Young; VF $9);

Volume-7 #12(HBO’s The Sex Files);

Volume-7 #13(March 26/1999; Asia Argento = B Monkey & Phantom of the Opera; Radha Mitchell – Pitch Black; Troma Babes Debbie Rochon, Tiffany Sherpis; Cindy Sherman – Office Killer; VF $9);

Volume-7 #14(April 16/1999; Girls of Free Enterprise; Deborah Van Valkenberg, Peta Wilson; Ladies of Carrie II; Gretchen Mol - 13th Floor; Saffron Burrows – Wing Commander; VF $15);

Volume-7 #15(May 07/1999; Kelly Hu & Martial Law; Tammy Lauren, Black Scorpion, Linda Lawson – Nightr Tide; Elke Somme; VF $18);

Volume-7 #16(May 28/1999; Roger Corman’s Black Scorpion, with Michelle Lintel, Sherrie Rose, Anthena Massey, Lisa Boyle, and Nancy Valen; James Warren – Vampirella; Mimi Rogers; VF $9);

Volume-7 #17(June 18/1999; Carrie Anne Moss / The Matrix; Rachel Weisz, Julie Strain, Sally Kirkland, and Veronica Cartwright; VF $15);


Volume-8 #1(July 9/1999; Carrie Fisher on Princess Leia & Star Wars; .Star Wars Greedo by Maria de Aragon; Austin Powers; Elizabeth Kraft; Francois Yip, Karen Mok – Black Mask; VF $12);

Volume-8 #2(July 30/1999; Denice Duff – Subspecies Vamp; Wild Wild West = Salma Hayek, Musetta Vander; Jacqueline McKenzie = Deep Blue Sea; Barbara Alyn Woods; VF $15);

Volume-8 #3(August 20/1999; Sarah Michelle Gellar cover = vamping for TV & Film – BUFFY the VAMPIRE SLAYER; Sophia Crawfoed on Buffy’s stunts; Nichole DeBoer – Trek’s new trill; Charlize Theron; Mamie Van Doren; Blair Witch – Heather Donahue; VF $25);

Volume-8 #4(September 10/1999; Scream Queens the Musical – Brinke Stevens, Michelle Bauer, Linnea Quiqley; Candyman III; Vanesa Taylor meets Jerry Springer; VF $9);

Volume-8 #5(October 01/1999; Julie Strain in Heavy Metal II: FAKK2; Animating Gen 13; London Knights Supervixens; VF $9);

Volume-8 #6(October 22/1999; XENA Warrior Princess – Lucy Lawless; Ta Carrere – Relic Hunter; Christina Fulton – Lucinda’s Spell; VF $18);

Volume-8 #7(November 12/1999; Heather Langenkamp with Freddy Kruger cover; House on Haunted Hill; Re-Animator; Invasion of the Body Snatchers; Lost Souls; Children of the Corn 666; VF $9);

Volume-8 #8(December 03/1999; Linda Blair Exorcist Babe; Wes Craven; Hellraiser; Dina Meyer goes Bats; Sissy Spacek & Amy Irving on Carrie; VF $9);

Volume-8 #9(January 14/2000; Jame Bond 007 / World is Not Enough; Denise Richards, Sophie Marceau, Serena Scott Thomas, & Maria Grazia Cucinotta; Diamonds are Forever = Lana Wood);

Volume-8 #10(January 14/2000; Sigourney Weaver – Galaxy Quest; Asia Argento; Famke Janssen; Ta Carrere; Dead Hate the Living; VF $14);

Volume 8 (#11; February 4/2000; Brandy Ledford – First Wave; C.C. Costigan; Lori Dawn Messuri; Emmanuelle Beart; Keegan C. Tracy; Claudette Mink; Sexy Lingerie);

Volume 8 (#12; February 25/ 2000; Heather Donahue – Blair Witch Project; Robin Tunney; Angela Bassett; Cameron Diaz; The Bare Wench Project; The Erotic Witch Protect; the Bare Tits Project);

Volume 8 (#13; March 17/ 2000; Neve Campbell – Scream 3; Kristin Cloke – Final Destination; Witchy Women of Witchracft);

Volume 8 (#14; April 7/2000; Jeri Ryan – Star Trek Voyager; Trek's Sexy Fifty; Roxann Dawson; Marina Sirtis; Nana Visitor; Terry Farrell);

Volume 8 (#15; April 28/2000; Kirsten Dunst – From Ann Rice to James O'Barr; Aaliyah and Jet Li – Romeo Must Die; Laurie Fortier; The Cinema's Curvaceous Cavewomen);

Volume 8 (#16; May 19/2000; Shauna O'Brien – Zorrita; Venessa Blair; Erinn Bartlett; Katherine Towne; Lori Heuring; Kim Murphy; Rebecca Grant – Throut and Neck; Kara Styler; Brandy Davis);

Volume 8 (#17; June 9/2000; Gaelle Comparat – Hot Wax Zombie; Monique Parent; Cleopatra 2525; The Babes of Beastmaster; Cult Classic – The Sore Losers);


Volume-9 #1(June 30/2000; Sarah Michelle Gellar as BUFFY the VAMPIRE SLAYER; Marti Noxon = Buffy Producer; Chrisma Carpenter; Kristy Swamson; Eliza Dushku; Sophia Crawford = Buffy Stunts; VF $25);

Volume-9 #2(July 21/2000; Marvel’s X-Men Babes = Famke, Halle, Rebecca; >> Amanda Tapping of Stargate SG-1 and Claudia Jennings; VF $16);

Volume 9 #3 (August 11; Summer Party Massacre; P.J. Soles, Susan Ward 'In Crows', Juillian McWhirter, Vanesa Talor, Griffin Drew; Brinke Stevens; Heidi Kozak, Juliette Cummmins, Marta Kober, Brandi Burkett);

Volume 9 (#4/5; Sepmtember 1/2000; Hammer Vamps; Ingrid Pitt; Martine Beswicke; Veronica Carlson; Caroline Munro; Hazel Court; Valerie Leon; Collinson Twins; Victoria Vetri; Madeline Smith; Yutte Stensgaard);

Volume 9 #6 (October/2000; Lost World Babes;Jennifer O'Dell; Yancy Butler from Witchblade; Rachel Blakely; Delia Sheppard; Jennifer Morrison; Mary Woronov);

Volume-9 #7(November/2000; Dave DeCoteau & Rapid Hearts Pictures, B-bombshells; Michelle Nordin from MTV’s Undressed;Winona Ryder; Jessica Alba – Dark Angel; Stargatew SG1 – Vanessa Angel; VF $6);

Volume-9 #8(December/2000; Kelly Hu cover; Drew Barrymore; Carrie-Anne Moss on Red Planet, and Asia Argento on Scarlet Diva; VF $9);

Volume-9 #9(January/2001; Babes of Dungeons & Dragons = Thora Birch, Kristen Wilson, & Zoe McClellan; Brinke Stevens Stars of Battle Drone; Babes of Dracula 2000; Robin Tunney; Brinke Stevens; Robocop; Crusing Purgatory; VF $9);

Volume-10 #1(March-April/2001; Traci Lords / First Wave; Julianne Moore / Hannibal; Jodie Foster / Silence of the Lambs; VF $9)

Volume-10 #2(May-June//2001; Gena Lee Nolin / Sheena: Queen of the Jungle; Tanya Roberts, Eve Brent, Michelle Yeoh, Lee Meriwether; Josie & the Pussycats; VF $6)

Volume-10 #3(July-August/2001; Debbie Rochon = American Nightmare; Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider; Films of Rolfe Kanefsky; VF $6);

Volume-10 #4(September-October/2001; Pin-up work of Carlos Cartagena; Girls of Fast and the Furious; Karen Black, and Mamie Van Doren; Jessica Alba; the Brotherhood; VF $9);

Volume-10 #5(November/2001; Elvira, Jeepers Creepers, Ginger Snaps; Final Stab; MTV’s Julie Brown; Films of Sam Irvin; VF $9);

Volume-10 #6(December/2001; Women of Asian Cinema; Anime & Asia Pulp Cinema; VF $6);

Volume-11 #1(January/2002; J.R. Bookwalter – King of Guerella Filmaking; Brinke Stevens, Jo Beth Williams, Carla Gugino; VF $9)

Volume-11 #2(February/2002; Doris Wishman; Explotation Cinema; Troma; Jill Haywood; VF $9);

Volume-11 #3(March/2002; Women of MARVEL Comics; Tomb Raider’s Joe Jusko; Elektra’s Brian Michael Bendis; VF $20);

Volume-11 #4(April/2002; Tammi Sutton – Killjoy 2; Becky Lebeau; Matrix – Belinda McClory; Celeste Yarnall; Kathleen Kinmont; VF $9);

Volume-11 #5-6(10th Anniversary Double issue; May/2002; Scream Queen resurrection; Ladies of Horror; VF $20);

Volume-11 #7(June/2002; Women of VIP – Pam Anderson; Kelly Hu – Scorpion King American Pie – Shannon ElizabethV Michelle Yeoh; Return of the Killer Tomatoes; Superman – Phillis Coates; VF $9);

Volume-11 #8(July/2002; Tanya Dempsey; Kirsten Dunst; Tane McClure; Nikki Fritz; Ward Boult; Allison Mack; Devra Mayer; Joyce Meadows; VF $9);

Volume-11 #9(August/2002; Women of RUSS MEYER Films; Retro world of Seduction Cinema; XENA foe Claire Stansfield; VF $20);


Volume-12 #1(March-April/2003; Jennifer Garner; Girls of Charmed; Women of House of the Dead = Erica Durance and Ona Grauer. >>: 69 Sci-Fi Seduction Lines, and 32 Women We’d Like to Clone; VF $9);

Volume-12 #2(May-June/2003; Rebecca Romaijn-Stamos; >> Eliza Dushku, Charisma Carpenter and the Women of ANGEL; Laura Harring, Kelly Goldsmith, Jamie King, Karen Cliche, and the first chapter of Femme Fatales’ exclusive comic The Armageddon Gang; 25 Girls who can Kick Our Ass; Paget Brewster; RARE & High Demand issue; Weight = 200 Grams; VF/NM $25);

Volume-12 #3(July-August; The Women of “Creature Unknown”; 6-pages of Traci Lords);

Volume 13 #3(April/2004; Sarah Michelle Gellar; Donna D'Errico; Mercedes McNab);

Volume 13 (#4; May/2004; Kate Beckinsale; Sophia Bush from One Tree Hill; Jolene Blalock; Tanya Dempsey; Misty Mundae, Linda Park, Elisha Cuthbert; Danny Trejo – ToughLove; Weight = 180 Grams; VF/NM = $9.50);

Volume 13 (#5; June/2004; Kelly Carlson – Nip/ Tuck; Traci Bingham; Rebecca Romijn; Colleen Porch; Heidi Fleiss);

Volume 13 (#6; July/August 2004; Halle Berry – Catwoman; Alexa Davalos; Christina Cox; Mia St. John; Paget Brewster; Traci Bingsham; 25 Sexiest DVD's ever; Weight = 175 Grams; VF/NM = $9.50);

Volume 13 (#7; September/October 2004; Amanda Tapping; Milla Jovovich; Blanchard Ryan; Jennifer Garner – Elektra; Sienna Guillory; Laura Weintraub);

Volume 13 (#8; November/2004; Bai Ling; Jennifer Tilly; Jamie Sweers; Kristanna Loken; 25 Hottest Virtual Vixens);

Volume 14 #1 (March/April 2005; Mircea Monroe; Tara Reid; Jennifer Garner);

Volume 4 #3 (July/August 2005;Stacy Fuson; Katie Holmes; Asia Argento);

FILMFAX (Filmfax Pub.; the magazine of unusual Film & Television; Classic CULT Horror mag; Edited by Michael Stein);

#2 (1986 April; Invaders From Mars);

#5 (1987 January-February; Little Shop of Horrors);

#6 (1987 March-April; Bevery Garland the Queen of the B-Movies);

#14 (1989 March-April; The Marx Brothers);

#22 (1990 September; I Was a Teenage Werewolf)

#33 (1992 June-July; This Island Earth);

#35 (1992 October-November; Frankenstein and Dracula);

#58 (1996 October-1997 January; Elsa Lanchester “The Bride of Frankenstein”);

#67 (1998 June-July; Frankenstein);

#75/76 (1999 October-2000 January; Rod Serling);

#87/88 (2001 October-2002 January; The Mummy);

#92 (2002 August-September; The Green Slime);

#98 (2003 August-September; Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dracula, Frankenstein and The Mummy);

#103 (2004 July-September; Laurie Mitchell “The Queen of Outer Space”);

#104 (2004 October-December; It ! The Terror from Beyond Space);

#105 (2005 January-March; Barbara Leigh the Original “Vampirella” Model);

#106 (2005 April-June; Invaders from Mars);

#107 (2005 July-September; Star Wars);

#110 (2006 April-June; Art of Mike Kaluta);

#114 (2007 April-June; The Visionary Art of Ed Emshwiller);

#116 (2007 October-December; I Was a Teenage Werewolf);

#119 (2008 Winter; The Twilight Zone);



FOR MONSTERS ONLY = See CRACKED's FOR MONSTERS ONLY (in the Cracked & Sick magazines Link on our Homepage)

FRAME (Dr. Who Fanzine) (Frame Pub.)

1987 (Volume 1 #1; February);

1990 (November #16);

1991 (Summer #18);


FRANKENSTEIN CLASSIC (Modern Day / EERIE pub); #02984 (1976; One-Shot; 68 pages; all Photo's & Articles; Karloff as Frankenstein PHOTO-c);


2007 #2(Oliver Reed in “Curse of the Werewolf” art by Arlis);

FREDDY: THE FINAL NIGHTMARE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1991;

F & SF BOOK COMPANY CATALOG (Magazine;, F&SF Book Co. Pub., 1973-1981; all #NN);
Winter 1973-1974 (B&W; 6" x 9" Booklet; List #108; NO illustrations, except on Cover; 16 pages; VG = $10);
1977 Annual List #1 (8-1/2" x 11"; List #119; 56 pages; Color Covers & Centerfold; Cover illo from Donald Grant's Dream of X; Back Cover illo from REH's Marchers from Valhalla; VG/FN = $12);

1980 Annual List #3 (8-1/2" x 11"; 52 pages; Color Covers; C.L. Healy-c; VG = $8);

1981 Annual List #4 (8-1/2" x 11"; 60 pages; Color Covers; Vincent DiFate painted-c; VG= $8);


1998 (November/1999 January (#13 Stargate SG-1);

1999 (October/December (#17 A Century of Science Fiction);

2000 (January/March (#18 Jack and Aliens of Stargate SG-1); (April/June (#19 3rd Rock from the Sun); (October/December (#21 Star Wars Episope II);

2001 (July/September (#22 Big Movies; Lara Croft Tomb Raider); Oct-Dec (#23; Lord of the Rings; VF/NM $7);


FUTURE ((#9 up = FUTURE LIFE; 1978-1981; O'Quinn Studios /Future Magazine Inc)


#1 April (front cover “Preparing a Mars Glider in Earth Orbit” by Chelsey Bonestell; Chelsey Bonestell at 90 his Art and Thoughts; Interview – Frederik Pohl; Interview – Doug Trumbull; How to Market a Myth – The Saga of The Hobbit; Isaac Asimov ' Society in the Future”);

#2 May (front cover “Space Shuttle Launch” Artist Conception; Interview – Arthur C. Clarke; Interview – Dr. Allen J. Hynek; H.G. Wells Future History; Walt Disney's Trip to Tomorrow Land- Space Films of the 1950's; Norman Spinrad's Vision of Our Multi-Media Future);

#3 July (front cover by Boris Vallejo; The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo 9-pages; Interview -Larry Niven; New Animated “Flash Gordon” TV Special; The Science Fiction Movies of Jules Verne; Science Fiction and Fact on Television; Frederik Pohl “Designing Our Future”);

#4 August (front cover “Earth Orbit '98” by Bob McCall; Bob McCall Portfolio; Interview – William F. Nolan; Interview – Alvin Toffler; Prevciew “Star Trek; The Movie”; The World of Science Fiction Pulps; Science Fiction and Fact on Television; Ben Bova “The Military Presence in Space”);

#5 October (front cover “Megalopopolis of the Future” by Shusei Nagaoko and Color Centerfold Poster; Interview – Ray Bradbury; Interview – Steven Spielberg; Movie “Metropolis”; William F. Nolan “From Robots to Androids”);

#6 November (front cover “Battlestar Galactica”; Space and Fantasy Art of Syd Mead; Interview – John Brunner; Interview – Anne McCaffrey; Interview – Christopher Reeves; Ron Miller – Space Artist; TV's “Galactica”; Robert Anton Wilson “Next Stop, Immortality”);


#7 January (front cover “Star Hawks” by Gil Kane and Article; Color Portfolio of the Brothers Hildebrandt; Space and Fantasy Art of John Berkey; Interview – A.E. Van Vogt; “Buck Rogers” on TV; Charles Sheffield “Big Business in Orbit”);

#8 February (front cover “Superman; The Movie”; Space Art by David Hardy and Adolf Schaller; Interview – Jerry Pournelle; New Movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”; Ted White “Future Rock”);

#9 March (front cover “Refueling Space Station” by Vincent DiFate and Interview and Portfolio; Portfolio by Ludek Pesek; Interview – Harlan Ellison; Photo Preview of “Moonraker”; Ray Bradbury's “The Martian Chronicles” Coming to TV; Jacques Cousteau “Can Space Technology Save the Seas ?”);

#10 May (front cover “How to Build a Space Colony”; Portfolio by Syd Mead; Interview – Timothy Leary; On the Set of “Time After Time”; Jane Fonda's “China Syndrome”; Gerard K. O'Neill “How to Build a Space Colony”; Roger Zelzny “Future Crime”);

#11 July (front cover “NASA and Hollywood Search for Aliens”; Portfolio by Chris Foss; “Alien” Bigger than “Star Wars”; Fantastic Color Photos of Jupiter; Designing TV's “Supertrain”; Space Race to Mars; Larry Niven “Riches Beyond Earth”);

#12 August (front cover “James Bond Moonraker”; Porfolio by Jack Olsen; Interview – Robert Silverberg; New Movie “Prophecy”; Alvin Toffler on Learning Tomorrow; Future Climate – Ice Age or Heat Death; Apollo 11 Tenth Anniversary);

#13 September (front cover “New Improved Human”; Portfolio by John Berkey; Interview – Vonda McIntyre; Interview – John Varley; Disney's $17 Million Gamble “Black Hole”; Futures Past – Visions from the 1930's; TV's “Childhood's End”; Brian Aldiss “Evolution of Consciousness”);

#14 November (front cover “Man on Mars by 1988”; Portfolio by Russian Artist Andrei Sokolov; Interview – Frank Herbert; Ray Bradbury's “The Martian Chronicles” on TV; Movie Preview “Time After Time”; “Star Trek” Designing the Movie; A.E. Van Vogt “Future War”);

#15 December (front cover “Return of the Airship”; Portfolio by Duke Lee; Portfolio by Denise Watt-Geiger; “Star Trek” New Faces; Interview – Robert Jastrow; Ursula K. LeGuin's “Lathe of Heaven” on TV; Hollywood Holocaust “Meteor”; Harry Harrison “Future Energy”);


#16 Februaru (front cover “Star Trek's Enterprise”;Portfolio by Jon Lomberg; Portfolio by Robert McCall; “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”; Interview – Theodore Sturgeon; Forecasting the Next Decade – Computer Buying Guide – Two-Way Television – Space Age Games etc...; Robert Sheckley “The Future of Consciousness”);

#17 March (front cover “Dolphin in a Spacesuit” by Rick Sternbach and Portfolio; Portfolio by Paul Lehr; Filming the Future “The Black Hole', “Saturn 3” and Star Trek; The Motion Picture”; Robot Workers Invade Industry; Your Workday in the 21ST Century; Robert Silverberg “Tomorrow”s Cities”);

#18 May (front cover “Sea City”; Portfolio by Don Dixon; Portfolio by Barclay Shaw; Isaac Asimov at 60; Film Preview “Flash Gordon”; Urbanizing the Oceans; Trains of Tomorrow; harles Sheffield “10 Predictions”);

#19 June (front cover “High Tech Mind Expansion”; Porfolio by Morris Scott Dollins; Portfolio by Edward Blair-Wilkins; The Cinema of Nuclear Disaster; “Star Wars” Sequel Special Art Preview; Designer Genes; Norman Spinrad “Drugs of the Future and Future Mind Expanding Drugs”);

#20 August (front cover “R2D2”; Portfolio by Karl Kofoed; Portfolio by Ray Crane; Interview – John Lilly; On the Set of Roger Corman's “Battle Beyond the Stars”; Ray Bradbury Poetry; The Making of “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”; What's Keeping the Space Shuttle Earthbound ?”; New Harlan Ellison Column “An Edge in My Voice”);

#21 September (front cover “The Next Quantum Leap in Human Intelligence”; Portfolio by Ludek Pesek; Portfolio by Steve R. Dodd; Interview – Brian Aldiss;”Galaxina”; Homegrown Robots; Harlan Ellison “I Remember George Pal”);

#22 November (front cover “Carl Sagan's Cosmos”; Portfolio by Adolf Schaller; Portfolio by James L. Cunningham; Interview – Jack Williamson; New Movie “The Final Countdown”; Ron Goulart “The Future of Everything”);

#23 December (front cover “Utopia Videu;Todd Rundgren Touches Off a TV Revolution”; Portfolio by Ron Cobb; Portfolio by Robert J. Rich; Interview – Norman Spinrad; Preview “Starhunt”; Flasy Designs in “Flash Gordon”; James P. Hogan “The Possibilities of Nuclear Power”);


#24 February (front cover “Cryonics Meltdown ?”; Portfolio by John Allison; Portfolio by Kevin Ward; Interview – Gregory Benford; Hi-Tech Moviemaking “Altered States” and “Flash Gordon”; Dr. Timothy Leary “Scientists as Superstars”);

#25 March (front cover “Saturn Photo”; Portfolio by Steve Dodd; Portfolio by Jim Bryant; Interview – Roger Zelazny; Saturn Secrets of an Alien World; EPCOT – Disney's Greatest Dream; A Cosmic Love Story “Altered States”; Isaac Asimov “Revising Our Genetic Patterns”);

#26 May (front cover “Tomorrow's Houses”; Portfolio by Dale M. Figley; Portfolio by Thomas Boud; Interview – Poul Anderson; Interview – Roger Corman; New Movie “Outland”; Women in Science Fiction; G. Harry Stine “Scientists vs Enginners”);

#27 June (front cover “Survivalist”; Portfolio by Ron Miller; Portfolio by Kent Bask; Interview – Petr Beckmann; High Noon in Space “Outland”; “Cloning the Wooly Mammoth; Special Section Living in Space; Harlan Ellison vs The Moral Majority...Round 1; F.M. Esfandiary “Up-Wing Priorities for 2010”);

#28 August (front cover “The Shuttle Era Begins”; Portfolio by David Egge; Interview – Robert L. Forward; Computer Graphicsa the New Art Form; Harlan Ellison vs The Moral Majority...Round 2; Robert A. Heinlein “Over the Rainbow”);

#29 Sepmtember (front cover “Could This be a Cure for Cancer ?”; Portfolio by Keith Page; Portfolio by Kikuo Hayashi; Interview – Robert Anton Wilson; NASA's Eye in the Sky – Building The Hubble Telescope; R_Rated Fantasy “Heavy Metal Movie”; Joe Haldeman “A Prescription for Utopia”);

#30 November (front cover “Russians in Orbit”; Portfolio by Ronald Hall; Portfolio by Janny Wurts; Interview – Gerard K. O'Neill; John Carpenter's “Escape from New York”; The Man Who Lite The World – Nikola Tesla; Jack Williamson “Scientist vs Hurricanes”);

FUTURE FANTASY (Cousins Publications Inc.) - 1978 (February #1); (April #2); (June #3);

FUTURE THREADS (New Media Books Inc.) - 1985;

FXRH (Talos Pub.; Fanzine/Magazine) - 1974 – Spring (Volume 1 #4; Last Issue; Ray Harryhausen Special; 92 pages including covers; SCARCE; VG/FN = $32.00);

**** G ****

GALILEO (Galileo Magazine Pub.)

1976 Volume 1 (#1, 2);

1977 Volume 1 (#3,4,5);

1978 - #6,7,8,9,10;

1979 - #11&12, #13,14,15;

1980 - #16;

GALAXY (Idhhb Inc.) - 1994 (September/October #5);

G-FAN (Daikaiju Pub. ) #61 (March/ April 2003; Godzilla trashes Takashimaya);

GIANTS IN THE EARTH (Palmer Publications Inc.; TPB) - 1973;

GIRLS AND CORPSES (Stephen Mille/ Gunslinger Media Inc.) - Premiere Issue #1(Febraury2007; Sheri Moon Zomibie and Rob, Angels of Death Hell on Wheels);

GODZILLA Press Book (1998) Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno and Maria Pitillo

GORE CREATURES (Gary J. Svenla Pub.) -

1972 (July #21);

1975 (January #23; Monster Movie Posters; Colin Clive 7-pages);

GOREZONE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)

1988 ; #4(November);

1989; #8(July); #10(November);

1990 #12(March); #14(July); #15(September); #16(Winter);

1991 #18(Summer); #19(Fall);

1992 (Winter #20); (Spring #21); #22, #23, #24 (Special #25);

1993 - #26, #27;

GOREZONE (Odyssey Pub. Ltd. U.K.);

#7 ((May 1989; Nightmare 5);

#9 (September 1989; Laughing Dead; Texas Chainsaw Massacre; Dead Pit);

#20 (2007 June);

#21 (2007; July);

#22 (2007; August);

#25 ( Special 1992); Candyman; Dracula; Dr Giggles);Braindead interview);


GOTHIC STORIES (Dell Publishing Co.; 76 Pages; B&W; TEXT stories with Painted illustrations inside; Preceded the Seaboard Gothic Title by over 3 Years;formerly Gothic Romances) 

#4 (May 1971; Ruth Willock, Ursula Curtiss; Agatha Christie);
#6 (September/1971; Gothic Painted cover; Stories by; Jean Francis Webb, Clarissa Ross, Dorothy Eden, Richard Posner; RARE; Multiple Creases to Covers, Good, 2.0, Reading Copy = $35.00);

GRANDE ILLUSIONS (Imagine Inc.; TPB) - 1983;

GUILTY PLEASURES (Threat International Inc.) #1 (Fall/1996; William Lustig interivew; Joan Rollin; Laura Gemser);

**** H ****

HAUNTED TIMES (Ingram Periodicals );

Volume 2 #1 (2007 Winter; Did Demons force Mark David Chapman to Murder John Lennon ?);

Volume 2 #2 (2007 Spring; The Vampire Nation Steps out of the Shadows);

Volume 2 #4 (2007 Fall; Rites of Passage);

Volume 3 #1 (2008 Summer; The Top Haunted Locations Worldwide);

Volume 3 #2 (2008 Fall; No Rest for the Wicked);

Volume 3 #4 (2009 Spring; Ghost Hunter Exposed – Brian Harnois);

Volume 4 #2 (2009 Fall; The Halloween Issue);



HERCULES AND XENA POSTERBOOK (Scholastic Inc.) - 1996 (February);

HERCULES AND XENA YEARBOOK (Topps Publishing Co. Inc) - 1998;

HEROES ON FILM (Draculina Pub.) - 1996(June #3);


THE HIVE BY ROBERTA DEBONO (Ankh Press Pub.) - 1987;


#31 (1994 May);

#34 (1996 June);

#35 (1996 December);

#37 (1997 November); HORROR FAN (Charlotte Magazine Corp.)

1988 (December #1);

1989 (Summer #2); (Fall #3); (Winter #4);

HORROR FAN (Charlotte Magazine Corp.)

1988 (December #1);

1989 (Summer #2); (Fall #3); (Winter #4);

HORROR FX {FANGORIA PRESENTS CINEMAGIC...} (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) - 1989 - #1;

HORRORHOUND (Horrorhound Pub.)

2006/2007 (#4 Winter; Saw);

2007 (#6 Summer; Grindhouse);

2007 (#7 Fall; Eli Roth);

2008 (#10 March/April; Child's Play);

2008 (#12 July/August; Halloween);

2009 (#15 January/February; Voorhees – a History of Violence);

2010 (#25 September/October; The Walking Dead);

2011 (#31 September/October; The Thing);

2012 (#36;  July/August; VF+ = $10.00);

2014 SPRING ANNUAL (25 Years of TV’s Tales From the Crypt; V F+ = $10.00);

2015 (#51 January/February; Tremors);

2016 (#58 March/April; The Ring);

HORROR MONSTERS [Charlton Pub; 1961-1964/65; B&W Magazine; CASH ONLY {No Store Credit accepted} on these scarce Mags; Photo's & Articles of Movie Monsters];

#NN (Volume-1 #1; says "First issue" on cover; 1961; Painted-c by Frank DeMarco; Curse of the Werewolf; Frankenstein; VG/FN $49);

Volume-1 #2(1961; Painted-c by Frank DeMarco; I was a Teenage Werewolf; I was a Teenage Frankenstein; Edgar Allan Poe's Pit & the Pendulum; Gigantis; Weird drawings of Krucher; House of Fright; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59);

Volume-1 #3(1961; Frankenstein painted-c by Frank DeMarco; the Mask; Devil's hand; Bloodlust; the Stein of Frankenbride; Body Snatchers; "Northland Collection" with S&N Certificate of Authenticity; VF, 8.0 = $59);

Volume-1 #4(1962; Lon Chaney Jr's MUMMY's Curse painted cover; Bela Lugosi; Frankenstein Forever; Cat Creeps; Bob Burns, Man of Horror; "Northland Collection" with S&N Certificate of Authenticity; NM-, 9.2 = $99);

Volume-1 #4(1962; Lon Chaney Jr's MUMMY's Curse painted cover; Bela Lugosi; Frankenstein Forever; Cat Creeps; Bob Burns, Man of Horror; VG = $29);

Volume-1 #5(1962; Decapitated Head painted cover; Burn Witch Burn; the Head movie-c/s; Peter Lorre; Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Terror with Vincent Price, Lorre, Rathbone & Debra Paget; VF-, 7.5 = $55);

(Volume-2) #6(1963; Painted-c & stories inside featuring; Frankenstein 1970, Black Zoo, Return of Dracula, Cry of the Wolfman; VF, 8.0 = $59);

(Volume-2) #6(1963; Painted-c & stories inside featuring; Frankenstein 1970, Black Zoo, Return of Dracula, Cry of the Wolfman; FN+, 6.5 = $45);

(Volume-2) #7(Winter/1963; Lon Chaney Sr as Phantom of the Opera Painted-c; Lon Chaney Sr the Man of 1000 Faces; Werewolf in Girls Dorm; Abbot & Costello meet Frankenstein; Man Made Monster; FN/VF, 7.0 = $49);

(Volume-2) #7(Winter/1963; Lon Chaney Sr as Phantom of the Opera Painted-c; Lon Chaney Sr the Man of 1000 Faces; Werewolf in Girls Dorm; Abbot & Costello meet Frankenstein; Man Made Monster; G = $19);

(Volume-3) #8(Summer/1964; Brain that Wouldn't Die Painted-c; Vincent Price in the FLY; Where Nonsters Walk; MUMMY'S-s; Invisible Man; FN+, 6.5 = $45);

(Volume-3) #9(Fall/1964; Neanderthal man from Valley of the Dragons Painted-c; House on Haunted Hill; Lon Chaney in Devil's Messanger; George Zucco; the Black Sleep; Rathbone, Chaney, Lugosi & Carradine; Mothra; FN+, 6.5 = $45);

(Volume-3) #9(Fall/1964; Neanderthal man from Valley of the Dragons Painted-c; House on Haunted Hill; Lon Chaney in Devil's Messanger; George Zucco; the Black Sleep; Rathbone, Chaney, Lugosi & Carradine; Mothra; VG = $29);

(Volume-3) #10(Winter/1964-1965; LAST issue; Painted-c; Dr Kalman; Curse of Frankenstein; Black Sabbath; Frozen Ghost; Monster in the Tomb; Vincent Price; FN/VF, 7.0 = $49);

HORROR MONSTERS Presents BLACK ZOO (Charlton Pub; B&W Magazine)

#NN("1st Edition; Fall 1963; Adapts "Black Zoo" Film with PHOTO's & Word Ballons; G = $20);

THE HORROR SHOW (Phantasm Press Pub.; Weight for Postage = 130 Grams each)

THE HORROR SHOW 1986; Fall; (Volume-4 #4; Includes stories by Steve Resnic Tem, Poppy Z. Brite, Joe R. Lansdale and others; Interviews with; Steve Resnic Tem & T.E.D. Klein; FN=$10; VG=$7; G=$5);

THE HORROR SHOW 1987; January (Volume-5 #1; Interview with Joe R. Lansdale, J.K. Potter. Stories by Elizabeth Massie, Peter Heyrman, Joe R. Lansdale, David Daniel, Bentley Little, Poppy Z. Brite, A.R. Morlan, Paul F. Olson; FN, but small ¼” x 2” sliver off upper Right cover thus G/VG = $7.00);

THE HORROR SHOW 1987; Winter (Volume-5 #5; Interview with Dennis Etchison. Stories by Dennis Etchison, Brian Hodge, Bentley Little, Gary A. Braunbeck, Kevin Lenihan, John Strickland, Larry Tritten, A.R. Morlan, Kevin J. Anderson, G. Wayne Miller; FN+ $10);

HORROR STORIES (Stanley Pub. Inc.) - 1971 October (Volume 1 #7);

HOTDOG (Paragon House Pub.; British); - 2003 (November; #42; Aliens);


THE HOUSE THAT HAMMER BUILT (Pub. Wayne Kinsey, U.K.; The Fanzine that Builds into a Comprehensive Guide to Hammer's Fantasy Filma);

2001 #15(February; Peter Cushing Special Tribute);

**** I ****

IMAGI – MOVIES (Titan Pub) –


(Volume 1 #1; Fall; Max Von Sydow as Stephen King's Leland Gaunt);

(Volume 1 #2; Winter; Mindy Clarke “Return of the Living Dead Part 3”);


(Volume 1 #3 Spring; H.R. Giger);

(Volume 1 #4 Summer; Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer “Wolf”);

(Volume 2 #1 Fall; Nightmare on Elm Street Part VII);

(Volume 2 #2 Winter; Robert Deniro “Frankenstein);


(Volume 2 #3 Spring; Harryhausen);

(Volume 2 #4; Summer; Fant-Asia);

(Fall; Volume 3 #1; Val Kilmer as Batman);

INCREDIBLE SCIENCE FICTION (Science Fantasy Films Classics Inc.) - 1978 (August #1);

INFINITY THE WORLD OF SCI-FI ENTERTAINMENT (Starlite Publications Ltd.) - 1996 (September; #2); (December #5);


INTERZONE (Interzone Pub.)

1987 (Autumn #21);

1988 (Summer #24);

1997 (April #118);

IT'S ONLY A MOVIE! (Michael Flores) - Volume 1 #2(June/ July 1990; Mr Ed the prisoner; the Avenger; My Mother the Car; Dark Shadows; Joe Bob Briggs);

**** J ****


1979 (#12);

1981 (#13);

Jasoomian - # 11 (10/1973; Jesse Santos cover; Art by Alex Nino, Alcala, Redondo; ERB, Hercules; VF =$19);

THE JOURNAL OF FRANKENSTEIN (Dennis Druktenis Pub.) #2(40th Anniversary; January/1999), #3-7;

JUXTAPOZ Art & Culture Magazine #64(5/2006; Nay=than Cabrera on Island of Misfit Toys; FN/VF $8)

**** K ****

KONG {the Most Famous Monster of all Time} [Countrywide pub; 1976];

#K49037(One-Shot; King Kong B&W Magazine by John Thomas Chrurch; all Photo's & Articles; 68 pages; FN $14);

**** L ****

THE LITERARY MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND TERROR (The Fellowship of Odysseans Pub.) - 1973 (#1);



January (#218; Nebula Award Nominations/ “Dune” to Make into Movie/ Jove Books Co. Sold);

February (#219; New Robert Heinlein Novel to be auctioned/ Putnam warehouse flood);

April( #220; Photo of Jupiter close-up/ “The View from SRI Lanka” by Arthur C. Clarke);

May (#221;1979 Nebula Award winners/ Hugo Award nominations);

June (#222; Robert Heilein “Number of the Beast” Sold for Record Amount/ “On writing” by Algis Budrys);

July/August (#223; Ted White to edit Heavy Metal/ Page Cuddy is Avon's new S.F. Editor);

August (#224;1979 Huga Award winners/ World Fantasy nominations/ “Stayin' Alive” by Norman Spinrad);

September (#225; Seacon 37th World Science Fiction Convention/ Kelly Freas quits Starblaze);

October (#226; 1979 World Fantasy Award winners/ interview Betty Ballantine);

November (#227; Robert Sheckley new Fiction Editor of Omni Magazine/ 1979 World Fantasy Convention – Stephen King);

December (#228; Galaxy Magazine sold to Galileo/ “A Chinese Perspective” by Brian Aldiss/ Interview Stanton A. Coblentz);

1980; LOCUS

January (#229; Bay are Meetings Highlight S.F./ American book Awards/ SF in Yugoslavia);

February (#230; 1979 sets book pub. Record/ Harlequin Books to try pub. SF again);

March (#231;1980 Nebula nominations/ Bantam Books recalls Boris Strugatsky novel “The Snail of the Slope”/ Harlan Ellison and Ben Bova Plagiarism suit);

April (#232; 1980 Hugo Award nominations/ Fritz Leiber reviews Fantasy Books – Stephen King);

May (#233; 1980 Nebula Award winners/ Harlan Ellison & Ben Bova win Plagiarism suit);

June (#234; Frank Herbert New Dune Book Sets record for Advance/ Eurocon 5 Held); J

uly (#235; 1980 Lucus Award Resuilts/ Amazing and Fantastic Digests to Merge);

August (#236; Thomas Disch wins 1980 Campbell award/ world fantasy award nominations);

September (#237; 1980 Hugo, Campbell and Gandalf awards/ Noreascon 2 draws records crowds/ “The uncertain edge of reality” by Kate Wilhelm);

October (#238; Galaxy & Galileo Go Under/ 1980 World Fantasy Award winners/ “Not Quite Fantasy Books” by Fritz Leiber);

November( #239; Saturn color cover/ Sixth world Fantasy Convention – Stephen King accepts award);

December/January 1981 (#240;Kris Neville Dies/ Fritz Leiber at 70/ “Agents corner” by Richard Curtis);

1981; LOCUS

February (#241; Twilight Zone Magazine Premieres/ Terry Carr to Edit New Ace Books Specials);

March (#242; 1980 Nebula Award nominations/ The 1980 year in books/”It Takes Guts to Build a Universe” by Paul Preuss);

April (#243; 1981 Hugo Award nominations/ Dell Cancels SF line. “SF in France” by Pascal J. Thomas);

May (#244; 1980 Nebula Award winners/ James Schmitz dies/ first Israeli SF convention);

June (#245; Astounding/ Analog 50th Anniversary/ Isaac Asimov sells new “Foundation” novel);

July (#246; 1980 Locus Awards winners/ George O. Smith dies/ Ace Books win rights to Conan Books);

September (#248; Robert Heinlein sells new novel/ Denver to host Worldcon/ 1981 World Fantasy Award nominations);

October (#249; 1981 Hugo Award winners/ “Speech” by Clifford D. Simak/ Denvention 39th World Science Fiction Convention);

November (#250;Magazine changes – Future Life Folds, Beyond Appears, Twilight Zone & Questar revamped/ “SF in China” by Ye Yong – Lie/ Ace Books start New Juvenile Fantasy Line);

December (#251; World Fantasy Winners/ SF at Frankfurt Book Fair/ Berkeley Expands SF Line);

1982; LOCUS

January (#252, Philip Jose Farmer “Riverworld” to TV/ PBS starts SF TV Series/ George H. Scithers quits Asimov's as Editor);

February (#253; 1981 the Science Fiction year in review/ Anne McCaffrey sells New Dragon Novel);

March (#254; Philip K. Dick “Blade Runner” Movie nears completion/ “Orientation” by Elizabeth Anne Hull”);

April (#255; Philip K. Dick dies/ Frank Herbert sells New “Dune” novel/ Nebula award nominations);

May (#256; Amazing stories sold/ Grosset-Ace sale to Simon and Schuster near/ Philip K. Dick appreciations);

June (#257; 1981 Nebula Awards winners/ Ace Books deal falls through/ Hugo Nominations);

July (#258; Robert A. Heinlein at the A.B.A./ 1982 Locus Awards/ Isaac Asimov “Foundation” Series sold to Del Rey);

August (#259; Harlan Ellison” Spider Kiss” Recalled/ Ace Books sold to Berkeley/ SF in the Soviet Union Part 1);

September (#260; Russell Hoban wins Campbell award/ “A Russian Odyssey” by Arthur C. Clarke);

October (#261; Robert A. Heinlein wins “Tomorrow starts Here” award/ Chicon IV Report/ John Gardner dies);

November #262;

1983; LOCUS

January (#264; “Robert A. Heinlein in China” by Ye Yonglie/ Stephen King gets 1 million advance/ 1982 World Fantasy convention);

February (#265;1982 The Science Fiction year in Review/ Piers Anthony “Night Mare” on Times List/ “SF report from China” by Wu Dingbo);

March (#266; L. Ron Hubbard alive or dead?/ Mack Reynolds dies/ “Soviet Science Fiction: Origin of the Species” by Vladimair Gakov);

April (#267; Mark Marlow Science Fiction collection auction/ “On the Screen” by Craig Miller);

May (#268;Rudy Rucker wins first Philip K. Dick memorial award/ “SF magazines in China” by Ye Yonglie/ 1983 Hugo nominations);

June (#269; Nebula Award winners/ Lisa Goldstein wins Aba Award/ Isaac Asimov “The Robots of Dawn” Sold);

July (#270; 1983 Locus Award winnners / New Fantasy magazine “Imago” to appear/ “Foreign SF in Chinese” by Ye Yonglie/ Zenna Henderson dies);

August (#271; Frank Herbert “Heretics of Dune” Finished – Shooting of “Dune” Movie/ Stephen King at Deepsouthcon 21);

September (#272; Robert A. Heinlein “Job: a Comedy of Justice” finished/ Brian Aldiss wins Campbell Award);

October (#273; 1983 Hugo Award winners/ Constellation 41st World Science Fiction Convention/ World fantasy Award Nominations);

November ( #274; The Once and Future Frederik Pohl/ William Golding wins Nobel Prize/ World Science Fiction Convention review);

December (#275; 1983 World Fantasy awards/ Science Fiction out sells Horror/ British Fantasy Award winners);

1984; LOCUS

January (#276; Chicago 1983 World Fantasy Convention/ 1983 Best year in Science Fiction ever/ Interview Stephen R. Donaldson);

February (#277; 1983 Science Fiction year in review/ interview Anne McFaffrey/ Isaac Asimov recovering from triple bypass);

March (#278; Baen Books first schedule/ interview R.A. Macavoy/ “Chinese SF in Trouble” by Wu Dingbo/ SF in Japan/ “Soviet Science Fiction the Golden Age Part 1” by Vladimir Gakov);

April (#279; Warner Books New SF Line/ Janet Morris & the High Tech now/ “Soviet Science Fiction the Golden Age Part 2” by Vladimir Gakov);

May (#280; interview Brian Aldiss/ Tim Power wins Philip KI. Dick memorial award/ Stephen King article);

June (#281; Nebula award winners/ Norwescon 7/ interview Christopher Priest);

July (#282; Interview Frank Herbert/ 1984 Locus awards/ Chesley Bonestell at 96);

August (#283; Interview Harlan Ellison/ A. Bertram Chandler dies; Jean Auel on her “Earth's Children”);

September (#284;Interview Ursula K. Le Guin/ Gene Wolfe wins Campbell Award);

October (#285; 1984 Hugo winners/ L.A.Con 42nd World Science Fiction Convention/ Interview C.J. Cherryh; Start of color photos on cover);

November (#286; World Fantasy Awards/ Interview Jack Vance/ Clayton Bailey Industrial Dr. Frankenstein);

December (#287; World Fantasy Awards/ Pacific Comics goes Under/ Last report on 42nd World's);

1985; LOCUS

January (#288; Special International Issue/ “SF in France” by Pascal Thomas/ 1984 World Fantasy Convention/ Bantam Spectra – New SF Imprint);

February (#289; 1984 a Great Year for Science Fiction – Cinema, Books, Magazines/ Robert Silverberg on Book Contracts/ “In the Once Upon a Time City” by Samuel R. Delany);

March ( #290; Robin McKinley wins Newbery Award/ Dan Reeder the Seattle Monster Man/ Stephen King admits to Pseudonym);

April (#291; Robert A. Heinlein Million Dollar Advane/ Daw starts hardcover line/ Interview Somtow Sucharitkul);

May (#292; William Gibson wins Philip K. Dick Award/ Ace announces hardcovers/ interview Tim Powers);

June (#293; Nebula Award winners/ Theodore Sturgeon dies/ 1985 Locus Awards);

July (#294; New Magazines on the Way/ Theodore Sturgeon Memoriam / SF at Sf ABA);

August (#295; 1985 World Science Fiction meeting held in Italy/ Major shuffle at Daw Books/ 1985 Metz Festival);

September (#296; Frederik Pohl wins Campbell Award/ interview John Varley/ artist Jack Gaughan dies);

October (#297; 1985 Hugo winners/ Aussieson 2 World Science Fiction Convention/ Interview Lee Harding);

November (#298; Autin, Texas Nasfic & Chili Cookoff/ World Con Photos/ Interview Chad Oliver);

December (#299; 1985 World Fantasy Awards/ Judy-Lynne Del Rey in Coma/ Interview Robert Holdstock/ Interview Barry Hughart);

1986; LOCUS

January (#300; World Fantasy Convention held in Tucson, Arizona/ Robert Graves & Walter Gibson die/ Harlan Ellison quits “Twilight Zone”);

February (#301; 1985 a Record Year in Science Fiction/ Aboriginal SF Magazine in the Works);

March (#302; Frank Herbert dies/ L. Ron Hubbard dies/ News from the Soviet Union);

April (#303; Judy-Lynn Del Rey dies/ Frank Herbert memoriam/ Interview Beth Meacham);

May (#304; SF writers at NASA/ Tim Powers wins Philip K. Dick award/ Manly Wade Wellman dies);

June (#305; 1986 Nebula award winners/ 1985 Lucus awards/ Thomas N. Scortia dies/ “The State of the Art” by Tappan King); J

uly( #306; Clive Barker banking on Blood/ New Orleans low key ABA/ Tappan King New “Twilight Zone” editor/ Science Fiction in Japan);

August (#307; Science Fiction at New Orleans ABA/ interview Jim Baen/ World Science Fiction meets in Canada);

September (#308; David Brin wins Campbell Award/ Robert A. Heinlein sells new book/ Interview Keith Roberts);

October (#309; 1986 Hugo winners/ Atlanta confederation 44th World Science Fiction Convention); N

ovember (#310; Five Views of Confederation/ Major Publishing Changes – Doubleday, Dell, Nal Dutton Sold);

December (#311; World Fantasy Award winners/ Interview Malcolm Edwards/ “On Tour in Yugoslavia” by Joe Haldeman);

1987; LOCUS

January (#312; Rhode Island World Fantasy Convention/ St. Martin's to buy Tor);

February (#313; 1986 Another Record Year for Science Fiction/ John D. MacDonald dies);

March (#314; Nebula Award nominations/ interview Boris Strugatsky/ SF in Sweden);

April (#315;Diane Duane Marries Peter Moorwood/ interview C.J. Cherryh);

May (#316; Terry Carr dies/ James Blaylock wins Philip K. Dick award/ 8th international conference of Fantastic);

June (#317; 1986 Nebula Award winners/ Interview Orson Scott card/ 1987 Eaton conference);

July (#318; James Tiptree Jr. Suicides/ 1987 Locus Awards/ Interview Raymond E. Feist);

August (#319; Robert A. Heinlein at 80/ Locus best All-Time Award/ Interview Piers Anthony);

September (#320; Joan Slonczewski wins Campbell Award/ L. Ron Hubbard controversy continues/ interview Gregory Benford);

October (#321; 1987 Hugo Award winners/ Conspiracy 45th World Science Fiction Convention/ Interview Bob Shaw/ Interview Arkady Strugatsky);

November (#322; Alfred Bester dies/ The nature of Conspiracy World Con);

December (#323; World Fantasy Award winners/ Frankfurt Book Fair/ Patrick Tilley – Mutants & Mysticism);

1988; LOCUS

January (#324; Frank Frazetta in Hollywood/ Part of Forrest J. Ackerman Movie Props ar Auction/ 1987 World Fantasy Con in Nashville);

February (#325;1987 still another record year for Science Fiction publishing/ Randall Garrett dies);

March (#326; Andre Norton stilll spirited at 76/ Lin Carter & C.L. Moore die);

April (#327; 20th Anniversary issue/ interview Clive Barker/ “The British Scene” by Mike Ashley);

May (#328; Patricia Geary wins Philip K. Dick Award/ interview Lewis Shiner/ interview Bruce Sterling);

June (#329;Robert A. Heinlein 1907 – 1988/ Clifford Simak dies);

July (#330; 1987 Nebula Award winners/ Robert A. Heinlein memoriam/ interview Kim Stanley Robinson);

August (#331;1988 Bram Stoker Awards/ 1988 Nebula weekend/ Writers of the future/ Interview Howard Walkrop);

September (#332; 1988 Locus Award/ Interview J.G. Ballard/ Connie Willis wins Campbell Award);

October (#333; 1988 Hugo Award winners/ Nolacon 2 46th World Science Fiction Convention/ Interview Octavia E. Butler);

November (#334;Photos & Reviews of 46th world con/ interview Ursula K. Le Guin);

December (#335; 1988 World Fantasy Award Winners/ Interview Michael Bishop);

1989; LOCUS

January #336;

February #337;

March (#338; interview Terry Prachett/ Jonathan Carroll);

April (#339; interview Diana Wynn Jones/ Mary Gentle);

May (#340; interview Joe Holdeman);

June (#341; interview Brian Aldiss/ George Alec Effinger);

July (#342; Interor Greg Bear);

August (#343; interview Lois McMaster Bujold/Connie Willis);

September (#344; interview Lucius Shepard);

October (#345; interview C.J. Cherryh);

November (#346; interview Frederik Pohl);

December (#347; interview David Brin);

1990; LOCUS

January (#348; interview Ursula K.Le Guin/Charles Sheffield);

February (#349; interview Pat Cadigan);

March (#350; interview Dan Simmons);

April (#351; interview Peter Straub);

May (#351; interview Suzy McKee Charnas/ Walter Jon Williams);

June (#353; interview Stephen R. Donaldson/ Philip Jose Farmer);

July (#354; las Vegas Aba);

August #355; interview Robert Silverberg/ Mike Resnick);

September (#356; interview Kristine Kathryn Rusch/ Megan Lindholm);

October (#357; interview David Wingrove);

November (#358; interview Wolfgang Jeschke);

December (#359; interview Guy Gavriel Kay);

1991; LOCUS

January (#360; interview Jane Yolen/ Cecelia Holland);

February (#361; interview Samuel R. Delany/ Alis A. Rasmussen);

April (#363; interview Ben Bova/ Gordon R. Dickson);

May (#364; interview Dan Simmons/ Bruce Sterling/ William Gibson);

July (#366; interview Terry Bisson);

August (#367; interview Sheri S. Tepper/ Brian Stableford);

September (#368; interview Alan Dean Foster/ Elisabeth Vonarburg);

October (#369; interview Roer Zelazny/ Tom Maddox);

November (#370; interview S.P. Somtow);

December (#371; interview Lisa Goldstein);

1992; LOCUS

January (#372; interview Orson Scott Card/ Kathe Koja);

February (#373; interview Paul J. McAuley/ Allen Steele);

March (#374; interview Joan Vinge/Alexander Jablokov);

April (#375; interview Emma Bull/ Ellen kushner);

May (#376; Isaac Asimov 1920 – 1992);

June (#377; interview Paul Park);

July (#378; interview Connie Willis/ Brian Aldiss);

August (#379; interview Patricia K. McKillip/ Kim Stanley Robinson);

September (#380; interview Suzy McKee Charnas/ Michael Swan Wick);

October (#381; Fritz Leiber 1910 – 1992);

November (#382; interview; pat Cadigan/ Joe Haldeman);

December (#383; interview Lucius Shepard/ Nancy Kress);

1993; LOCUS

January (#384; interview Michael Whelan/ C.J. Cherryh);

February (#385; interview Ron Goulart/ Vincent Di Fate);

March (#386; interview Anne McCaffrey/ James White);

April (#387; interview Harry Turtledove/ Dave Duncan);

May (#388; interview; Poppy Z. Brite/ Ursula K. Le Guin/ Bob Eggleton);

June (#389; Lester Del Rey/ Avram Davidson Pass Away);

July (390; interview Peter S. Beagle/ David Gerrold/ Michaela Roessner);

August (391; interview David Zindell/ John Kessel);

September (#392; interview Karen Joy Fowler/ Neal Barrett Jr.);

October (#393; interview Michael Moorcock);

November (#394; interview; Gregory Benford);

December (#395; interview Maureen F. McHugh/ Jack Williamson);

1994; LOCUS

January (#396; interview Tim Powers/ Peter Straub);

February (#397; interview Terry Brooks);

March (#398; interview John Crowley/ Steve Brust);

April (#399; interview Patricia Anthony/ Mary Rosenblum);

May (#400; interview Joe Haldeman/ Lisa Mason);

June (#401; interview Dan Simmons/ Terry Dowling);

July (#402; interview Sheri S. Tepper/ Tom Shippey);

August (#403; interview Charles Sheffield);

September (#404; interview Greg Bear);

October (#405; interview Nina Kiriki Hoffman/ Delia Sherman);

November (#406; interview Dean Koontz);

December (#407; interview Nancy Collins/ Sean Stewart);

1995; LOCUS

January (#408; interview Tad Williams);

February (#409; interview Jack McDevitt/ Allan Cole/ Chris Bunch);

March (#410; interview Elizabeth Moon/ Wihelmina Baird);

April (#411; interview Clive Barker);

May (#412; interview George R.R. Martin/ Donald E. McQuinn);

June (#413; interview Nancy Springer/ Jack Womack);

July (#414; interview Pat Cadigan/ John Clute);

August (#415; interview Lois McMaster Bujold);

September #416; interview Brian Aldiss/ Kathleen Ann Goonan);

October #417; Interor Elizabeth Hand);

November (#418; Interor Samuel R. Delany/ Brian Jacques);

December (#419; interview Gwyneth Jones/ Kevin J. Anderson);

1996; LOCUS

January (#420; interview C.J. Cherryh/ Paul J. McAuley);

February (#421; interview Alexander Jabokov);

March (#422; interview Kim Stanley Robinson/ Kate Elliott/ Melanie Rawn/ Jennifer Roberson);

April (#23; interview Stephen Baxter/ Robert Holdstock);

May (#424; interview Bruce Sterling/ Sharon Shinn);

June (#425; interview K.W. Jeter/ William Tenn);

July (#426; interview Michael Bishop/ Patricia A. McKillip);

August (#427; interview ray Bradbury/ John Barnes);

September (#428; interview Nicola Griffith/ Walter Jon Williams);

October (#429; interview Frederik Pohl/ Jack Williamson);

November (#430; interview Robert Silverberg);

December #431; interview Paul Preuss/ Joan D. Vinge);

1997; LOCUS

January (#432; interview Connie Willis/ Bradley Denton);

February (#433; interview Larry Niven/ Linda Nagata);

March (#434; interview David Brin/ Michael Kandel);

April (#435; interview Poul Anderson/ Garth Nix);

May (#436; interview Dan Simmons/ Sean Russell);

June (#437; interview Daniel Keyes/ John Kessel);

July (#438; interview Joe Haldeman/ Eric S. Nylund);

August (#439; interview Jane Yolen/ Steven Gould/ Laura J. Mixon);

September (#440; interview Kim Stanley Robinson);

October (#441; interview Elizabeth A. Lynn/ Jonathan Lethem);

November (#442; interview Michael Moorcock/ Algis Budrys);

December (#443; interview Gardner Dozois/ Boris Strugatsky);

1998; LOCUS

January (#444; interview robin Hobb/ Sarah Zettel);

February (#445; interview Vonda N. McIntyre/ Vincent Di Fate);

March (#446; interview Tim Powers/ Michael Swanwick);

April (#447; Tanith Lee/ Robert Reed);

May (#448; interview Peter F. Hamilton/ Joan Aiken);

June (#449; interview S.P. Somtow);

July (#450; interview Stephen Baxter/ Tricia Sullivan);

August (#451; interview James Morrow/ Paul J. McAuley);

September (#452; interview Sheri S. Tepper);

October (#453; interview; Allen Steele/ Nelson Bond);

November (#454; interview Lucy Taylor/ P.D. Cacek);

December (#455; interview Peter Straub/ Charles L. Harness);

1999; LOCUS

January (#456; interview Melissa Scott/ Nalo Hopkinson);

February (#457; interview Norman Spinrad);

March (#458; interview Gaham Wilson/ Sean Stewart);

May (#460; interview Lisa Goldstein/ Jack Dann/ Janeen Webb);

June (#461; interview Frank M. Robinson/ Howard V. Hendrix);

July (#462; interview Pat Murphy/ Karen Joy Fowler);

August (#463; interview Neal Stephenson);

September (# 464; interview Arthur C. Clarke C. Clarke/ Patrick O'Leary);

October (#465; interview Maureen F. McHugh/ katie Waitman);

November (#466; Marion Zimmer Bradley 1930 – 1999; interview Catherine Asaro);

December (#467; interview Terry Pratchett/ Louise Marley; Weight =200 Grams; G, Ex-Library = $3);

2000; LOCUS

January (#468; interview Gregory Benford/ Geoffrey A. Landis);

February (#469; interview Greg Bear);

March (#470; interview Robert Jordan);

April (#471; interview Leo & Diane Dillon);

May (#472; interview Guy Gavriel Kay/ Sean McMullen);

June (#473; interview Octavia E. Butler/ David Zindell);

July (#474; interview Nancy Kress/ David Marusek);

August (#475; interview Brian Aldiss/ Candas Jane Dorey);

September (#476; interview Laurell K. Hamilton/ Terry Bisson);

October (#477; interview Frederik Pohl/ Ken MacLeod);

November (#478; Ben Bova/ Linda Nagata);

December (#478; interview George R.R. Martin/ Philip Pullman);

2001; LOCUS

January (#480; interview Vernor Vinge/ Wil McCarthy);

February (#481; interview Terry Brooks/ Lois Mcmaster Bujold);

March (#482; interview Frank Kelly Freas/ Ellen Datlow);

April (#483; interview Bruce Sterling);

May (#484; interview; John Crowley/ Steven Erikson);

August (#487; interview Bob Eggleton/ Andy Duncan);

September (#488; interview Ursula K. Le Guin);

October (#489; interview Joe Haldeman/ Nalo Hopkinson);

November (#490; interview Lucius Shepard/ Jack Zipes);

December (#491; interview; Shaun Tan/ Walter Mosley);

2002; LOCUS

January (#492; interview Kim Stanley Robinson);

February (#493; interview Tim Powers);

March (#494; interview China Mieville/ jan Siegel);

April (#495; interview Barry Malzberg/ Stephen Baxter);

May (#496; interview Graham Joyce/ Tamora Pierce);

June (#497; interview Paul McAuley/ Nina Kiriki Hoffma);

July (#498; interview Elizabeth Hand/ Kelly Link);

August (#499; interview Kinoko Y. Craft/ Ted Chiang);

October (#501; interview Dan Simmons/ Jeff Vandermeer);

November (#502; interview Betty Ballantine/ James Patrick Kelly);

December (#503; interview Orson Scott card/ Jacqueline Carey);

2003; LOCUS

January (#504; Iterior Connie Willis/ Garth Nix);

February (#505; interview Harry Turtledove/ Robert J. Sawyer);

March (#506; interview Michael Moorcock/ Steven Barnes);

April (#507; interview Ramsey Campbell/ Robert Charles Wilson);

May (#508; interview William Gibson/ Karl Schroeder);

June (#509; interview Charles De Lint/ Kage Baker);

July (#510; interview Alan Moore);

August (#511; interview Alastair Reynolds/ Charles Stross);

September (#512; interview Robert Sheckley/ Paul di Filippo);

October (#513; interview Jonathan Carroll/ Tom Doherty/ Terri Windling);

November (#514; interview Howard Waldrop/ Ian R. MacLeod);

December (#515; interview M. John Harrison/ Jon Courtenay Grimwood);

2004; LOCUS

January (#516; Int. Nancy Farmer/ Gwyneth Jones);

February (#517; int. Spider Robinson/ The Year In Review); March

(##518; Int. Arobert Silverber/ Elizabeth Moon);

April (#519; Int. Guy Gavriel Kay/ Gordon Van Gelder/ Charles Coleman Finlay);

May (#520; Int. Terry Pratchett/ Liz Williams); June

(#521; Int. Michael Swanwick/ Sean Williams);

July (#522; Int. Jeffrey Ford/ Alexander C. Irvine);

August (#523; Int. Neal Stephenson/ Stephen Baxter; Science Fiction Museum);

September (#524; Int. Stephen R. Donaldson/ David G. Hartwell/ Richard K. Morgan);

October (#525; Int. John Varley/ Eileen Gunn; Hugo Award Winners);

November (#526; Int. Anne McCaffrey/ Michael Bichop);

December (#527; Michael Chabon/ Karen Joy Fowler; World Fantasy Award Winners);

2005; LOCUS

January (#528; Int. Cory Doctorow/ Charles Stross; World Fantasy Convention);

February (#529; Int. Neil Gaiman);

March (#530; Int. Clive Barker/ Malcolm Edwards);

April (#531; int.; Susanna Clarke/ Beth Meacham/ Laurel Winter);

May (#532; Int. Sean Stewart/ Chris Robertson/ Rosemary Kirstein);

June (#533; Int; Margo Lanagan/ Cecelia Holland);

July(#534; Int. Lois McMaster Bujold);

August ( #535; Janice Ian - The Songs of S.F.);

September (#536; Int; Rudy Rucker/ Hugo Awards);

October (#537; Int. jack McDeitt);

December ( #539; Int. Robin Hobb/ Paul McCauley);

2006; LOCUS

January (#540; Int. Geoff Ryman/ Dave Duncan/ Canadian S.F./ Robert Sheckley 1928-2005);

February (#541; int. Neil Gaiman/ Terry Pratchett);

March (#542; Int. Robert Jordan; Harry Harrison);

April (#543; Int.; Elizabeth Bear/ Justina Robson);

May (#544; Int. Scott Westerfeld/ Kenneth Oppel/ Holly Black; Young Adult Fiction);

June (#545; Int. Christopher Priest/ Betsy Wollheim/ Jay Lake);

July (#546; Int. Peter Straub/ Joe Hill);

August (#547; Int. Ian McDonald/ John C. Wright);

Septmber (#548; Int. James Patrick Kelly/ Ken Macleod);

October (#549; Int. Paul Park/ Mary Anne Mohanrat; The Hugo Awards);

November (#550; Int. China Mieville);

December (#551; Int. James Morrow; Remembering Jack Williamson);

2007; LOCUS

January (#552; Int. Naomi Novik/ Allen Steele/ Ginjer Buchanan);

February (#553; Int. John Barnes; the Year in Review);

March (#554; Int. Tim Powers/ Ellen Klages);

April (#555; Int. Kim Stanley Robinson/ Mary Rosenblum);

May (#56; Int. Joe R. Lansdale; Horror Special);

June (#557; Int. Nalo Hopkinson/ Holly Phillps);

July (#668; Int. Peter S. Beagle/ Paolo Bacigalupi);

August (#559; Int. John Scalzi; Celebrating Robert A. Heinlain);

September (#560; Int. Guy Gavriel Kay/ Kathleen Ann Goonan);

October (#561; Int.; Bruce Sterling/ Walter John Williams; Hugo Award Winners);

November (#562; William Gibson/ Kelly Link);

December (#563; Int. Elizabeth Hand/ Nnedi Okorafor);

2008; LOCUS

January (#564; Int; Brian Aldiss/ Arthur C. Clarke at 90);

February ( #565; 2007 the Year in Review/ Lucius Shepard/ Maureen F. McHugh / Philip Jose Farmer at 90);

March (#566; Int. Charles Stross/ Peter Watts);

April (#567; Int. Terry Pratchett/ Sarah Monette/ Arthur C. Clarke 1917-2008);

May (#568; Int. Catherynne M. Valente/ Theodora Goss);

June (#569; Int. Daniel Abraham/ Jeffrey Ford);

July ( #570; Int. Garth Nix/ Christopher Barzak);

August (#571; Int. Michael Chabon/ Thomas M. Disch 1940-2008);

September (#572; Int. Neil Stephenson/ Gregory Frost);

October ( #573; Int. Tobias S. Buckell / Ursula K. le Guin);

November ( #574; Int. Greg Bear/ Gardner Dozois);

December ( #575; Int. Vernor Vinge/ Caitlin R. Kiernan);

2009; LOCUS

January (#576; Int. Frederik Pohl/ Daryl Gregory/ Forrest J. Ackerman 1916-2008);

February ( #577; Int. Jonathan Lethem/ Edd Cartier 1914-2008/ Year in Review 2008);

March (#578; Michael Swanwick/ Ken Scholes/ Neil Gaiman);

April (#579; Int. Graham Joyce/ Ekaterina Sedia/ Philip Jose Farmer 1918 - 2009);

May (#580; Int. Patricia Briggs/ Int. Marjorie M. Liu/ J.G. Ballard 1930-2009);

June (#581; Int. Robert Charles Wilson/ Kay Kenyon);

July (#582; Int. Tad Williams & Deborah Beale/ David Eddings 1931-2009);

August ( #583; Charles N. Brown 1937 - 2009/ Mary Robinette Kowal);

September ( #584; Int. John Clute/ Larry Niven);

October ( #585; Int. Connie Willis/ David J. Schwartz);

November ( #586; Int. Cory Doctorow/ 70 Years of A.E. Van Vogt/ Jack Skingstead);

December ( #587; Int. Michael Dirda/ Nina Kiriki Hoffman);

2010; LOCUS

January (#588; Int. Charles Coleman Finlay/ John Crowley/ Robert Holdstock 1948-2009);

February ( #589; Int. Jo Walton/ Int. Felix Gilman/ year in Review 2009);

March ( #590; Int. Samuel R. Delany/ William Tenn 1920 - 2010/ Kage Baker 1952 - 2010);

April ( #591; int. James P. Blaylock/ David Anthony Durham/ Robert T. McCall 1919 - 2010);

May (#592; Poe and the Fan Tas Tic/ Brian Evenson/ George H. Scithers 1929 - 2010);

June ( #593; Frank Frazetta 1928 - 2010/ Kit Reed/ M.K. Hobson);

July ( #594; Int. Laurence Yep/ Jedediah Berry);

August (#595; Int. Patrick Rothfuss/ M.K. Jemisin);

October ( #597; Int. Barry N. Malzberg/ Pulp Fiction - A Round Table Discussion);

November ( #598; Int. Mercedes Lackey/ Greg Van Eekhout / Ralph M. Vicinanza 1950 - 2010; 68th World Science Fiction Convention - Aussiecon 4);

December (#599; Int. Nancy Kress/ Robert V.S. Redick);

2011; LOCUS

January (#600; Int. Robert J. Sawyer/ Science Fiction in the Digital Age);

February ( #601; Int. Alastair Reynolds/ Int. Sharyn November/ The Year iin Review 2010);

March (#602; Int. Gene Wolfe / Int. Alaya Dawn Johnson);

April ( #603; Int. Shaun Tan/ Int. Dani An Eytan Kollin);

May ( #604; Int. David D. Levine/ Theodore Sturgeon/ Diana Wynne Jones 1934 - 2011);

June ( #605; Int. Patricia A. McKillip/ Saladin Ahmed/ Joanna Russ 1937 - 2011);

July ( #606; Int. Lev Grossman/ ted Chiang/ Jeff Jones 1944 - 2011);

August ( #607; Int. Paolo Bacigalupi/ Karen Lord/ Martin H. Greenberg 1941 - 2011);

September ( #608; Int. Jay Lake/ Int. Alex Bledsoe);

October ( #609; Int. Margo Lanagan/ Beth Bernobich);

November ( #610; Int. Geoff Ryman/ Andy Duncan);

December ( #611; Int. Charles Stross/ Gemma Files);

2012; LOCUS

January (#612; Anne McCaffrey 1926 - 2011);

February (#613; Int. Joe Haldeman/ Year in Review 2011);

March ( #614; Int. Paul Di Filippo/ Sarah Pinborough);

April ( #615; Int. Brom/ Moebius 1938 - 2012/ Ralph McQuarrie 1929 - 2012);

May (#616; Int. Seanan McGuire/ Int. Nick Mamatas);

June ( #617; Int. William F. Nolan/ Genevieve Valentine);

July ( #618; Ray Bradbury 1920 - 2012; Int. Holly Black/ Int. Tamora Pierce/ Int. Rae Carson);

August ( #619; Int. Jack Vance/ Int. Ann & Jeff Vangermeer);

September ( #620; Harry Marrison 1925 - 2012/ Int. John Scalzi/ Int. Nancy Pearl);

October ( #621; Int. Kij Johnson/ Int. Stanley Schmidt);

November ( #622; Int. Tim Pratt/ Int. Gregory Benford);

December #623; Int. Elizabeth Bear/ Int. Ted Kosmatka);

2012; LOCUS

January ( #624; Int. Delia Sherman/ Int. James S.A. Corey ( a.k.a.) Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck);

February ( #625; int. Catherynne M. Valente / Int. Brian Slattery/ Year in Review 2013);

March ( (#626; Int. Isobelle Carmody / Int. Lavie Tidhar);

April ( #627; int. Terry Bisson/ Int. Libba Bray);

2013; LOCUS

May (#628; Int. tim Powers/ Int. Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden);

June (#629; Int. Rudy Rucker/ Sofia Samatar);

July ( #630; Int. Neil Gaiman/ Int. Maria Dahvana Headley/ Jack Vance 1916 to 2013/ Iain Banks 1954 - 2013);

August ( #631; Int. Kim Stanley Robinson/ Int. Aliette De Bodard);

September ( #632; Int. Nalo Hopkinson/ Int. Jack Skillingstead);

October (#633; Frederik Pohl 1919 - 2013/ int. Scott Lynch/ Int. G. Willow Wilson);

LORE (Jerry Page Pub.) - 1966 (Volume 1 #7; September; Fanzine);

LOST IN SPACE ANNIVERSAY TRIBUTE (Schuster and Schuster, Inc) - 1987 (Vol.1);


- Fugitives in Space (1987);

- Space Destruction (1987);

War of the Robots (1986);

LOST IN SPACE FOREVER (Bruce Fedow Pub.) - 1975 (August #4);

LOST IN SPACE (Scholastic Inc.) - 1998 (April);

LOVECRAFT, H.P.: HERBERT WEST REANIMATOR (Necronomicon Press Pub.) - 1977;


#21 (1994 Winter; Star Wars' Boba Fett);

#22 (1994 Spring; Special Star Wars Issue);

**** M ****

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome: The Storybook by Ann Matthews

(Simon & Schuster / Wanderer Books, 1985. Soft Cover; Based on the motion picture from Warner Bros. Mel Gibson & Tina Turner; Painted Cover by Amsel from the

Movie Poster; interview has Color Photo's on almost every page);

Magazine Pure Images (Pure Imagination Pub)

Volume-1 #1(Spring/1977; Sindbad and the Eye of the Tiger-c/s; James Bond Spy who :Loved Me; Wizards; Cassandra Crossing; Demon Seed; Survival Run; Colr Farrah Fawcett photo back-c; VF/NM $20);

MAD MONSTERS [Charlton Pub; 1961-1965; B&W Magazine; CASH ONLY {No Store Credit accepted} on these scarce Mags; Photo's & Articles of Movie Monsters];

#1(1961; Steve DITKO-c & 3 pages Satire-a; Konga, Reptilicus, Mummy, Black Sunday; VG = $39);

#1 (2010?; 80 pages; Slick Mag; Color; VF/NM = $10.00)

#2(1961; CREATURE From the BLACK LAGOON Painted cover; Foto-Album Werewolves; Bela Lugosi; Hollywood's House of Horrors; Brides of Dracula; Thing that wouldn't Die; Little Red Riding Hood & the Werewolf = 3 pages of Horror parody comics; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59)

#3(1962; Painted cover; She-Beasts on the Prowl - Female Fiends; Boris Karloff interview; Immortal Monster Cal Tiki; Mysteries of Black Magic; Gorilla my Dreams; Joe Krucher portfolio of Horror; Beast from 20,000 Fathoms; Attack of the Mad Monsters; 3 pages of Horror parody comics by W.E. Kuk; VF, 8.0 = $69)

#4(11/1962; House of Frankenstein; Beast of Yucca Flats; Invason of the Body Snatchers; 3 pages of BEN CASEY parody comics; VF-, 7.5 = $59);

#4(11/1962; House of Frankenstein; Beast of Yucca Flats; Invason of the Body Snatchers; 3 pages of BEN CASEY parody comics; FN/VF, 7.0 = $49)

#5(1963; Lugosi & Chaney in FRANKENSTEIN Meets the WOLF MAN Painted Cover & Article; Three Stooges in Orbit; Journey to the 7th Planet; Abbott & Costello meet the Monsters; Monster Cometh = 3 pages of Horror parody comics; FN/VF, 7.0 = $49)

#6(1963; True Life story of Boris Karloff, Man of a Million Horrors painted cover & article; Hunchback of Notre Dame with Anthony Quinn as Quasimodo; Day of Triffids; Monster on Campus; Black Zoo Party; Horrorwood TV; FN/VF, 7.0 = $49)

#6(1963; True Life story of Boris Karloff, Man of a Million Horrors painted cover & article; Hunchback of Notre Dame with Anthony Quinn as Quasimodo; Day of Triffids; Monster on Campus; Black Zoo Party; Horrorwood TV; VG+ $32);

#7(Spring/1964; I Married a Monster from Outer Space-c; King Kong vs Godzilla; Corridors of Blood; Deadly Mantis; FN+, 6.5 = $39);

#8(Summer/1964; Lon Chamey; the Strangler; Giant Behemoth; Devil Bat; Monster of the Deep; Vampire & the Ballerina; Moon Monsters; VF $49),

#9(Winter/1964; Vincent Price in Masque of the Red Death painted cover & article; Devil Wolf of Shadow Mountain; Goliath & the Vampires; the Bat; John Carradine; VF $49),

#10(Winter/1965; Incredibly Strange Creatures; Cult of Horror; Horror of the Blood Monster; Basil Rathbone; original classic MUMMY; FN/VF, 7.0 = $36);

#10(Winter/1965; Incredibly Strange Creatures; Cult of Horror; Horror of the Blood Monster; Basil Rathbone; original classic MUMMY; G/VG = $19);

MAGICAL BLEND (Magical Blend Pub.) - 1980 - #1, #3(Summer);

MAGICK THEATRE (Raymond F. Young) #7 (1986; Detroit Grind-HOuse Blues; Alex Gordon; Arthur Lennig; Porphyria; Pablo Dominguez; Bill Shelley)



[#1-7=ComixScene; #7-40=MediaScene; #41-92=Prevue; SuperGraphics Pub; #1-40=Tabloid Newspaper Magazine; #41-92= becomes regular Format Magazine]; >>> (Jim Steranko publisher; Newspaper Tabloid Magazine / Fanzine;Originally issued as 11”x17” Flat Tabloid, but made to be Folded in half; Thus Most used copies on the market are Folded; Worth slight premium Un-Folded; Some issues have Two Covers = The 11”x17” Tabloid Cover, plus the 8”x11” Cover Once Folded; Other issues have Two Covers = Section-1 cover & Section-2 cover);

#1 (11-12/1972;Scarce; Doc Savage-c by Steranko; Doc Savage issue; 24 pages; Doc Savage centerfold by Stranko & Ploog; Full page Shadow pinup by Steranko; 1/2pg Tarzan in comics; Full page Thongor pinup by Steranko; Chaykin illo; News with illustrations on Marvel, & DC comics;Stamp & hand written mailing Address, Folded, FN = $45);

#2 (1-2/1973; Big Shazam issue; Shazam-c, ½ page on FOOM; GA Capt Marvel; Marvel & DC Heroes Spider-Man Batman etc cartoon parody centerfold by Steranko; 2 pages Edgar Rice Burrougs novels; Spider Pulps article & pinup; 2 pages on Kitchen Sink;News with illustrations on Marvel, & DC comics; Scarce; Stamp & hand written mailing Address, Folded, FN = $30);

#3 (3-4/1973; all HORROR issue; Dracula-c; Horror comics on the newstand of 1973; Fanzines; Cultism vs Consumerism by Byron Preiss; FROGS = 48 Comic Panels on 2 page centerfold original comic story with no text by STERANKO; Terror Tales Pulps article & pinup; Horror comics of the 1950’s; News with illustrations on Marvel, & DC comics; Scarce; = SOLD OUT);

#4 (DRUGS in Comics; Steranko-c; 5-6/1973; Anti-Drug article with Steranko-s/a; Byron Preiss-s; “The Block”-c & 8 page anti-drug original comic by Steranko; Steranko’s tribute to magician and Shadow author Bruce Elliott; 1/2pg on Marvel B&W Mags; News with illustrations on Marvel, DC, Gold Key & Paperbacks;Folded, FN/VF = $25);

#5 (7-8/1973; Special Double issue; 1st issue with 2 sections;Giant Sword & Sorcery issue; 36 pages; Section-1 = KUBERT Tabloid-c; KIRBY folded-c; exclusive full page Barry Windsor-Smith preliminary no text Conan drawing for his cover painting to Savage Tales #3;News with illustrations on Marvel, DC, Movies& Paperbacks; Section-2 = Steranko Painted-c, Red Sonja back-c by Estaban Maroto; Conan of the Pulps; Jesse Santos full page Pinup & art; Trials of Gold Key’s DAGAR article; 2 page Joan of Arc comics by Wally Wood; original 2 page centerfold poster by Steranko; Evolution of Heroic Fantasy article; Haxtur by Victor de la Fuentes preview; Sword & Sorcery in comics; Scarce issue; Scarce; Stamp & hand written mailing Address, Folded, FN $35);

#5 (7-8/1973; Special Double issue; 1st issue with 2 sections;Giant Sword & Sorcery issue; 36 pages; Section-1 = KUBERT Tabloid-c; KIRBY folded-c; exclusive full page Barry Windsor-Smith peliminary no text Conan drawing for his cover painting to Savage Tales #3;News with illustrations on Marvel, DC, Movies& Paperbacks; Section-2 = Steranko Painted-c, Red Sonja back-c by Estaban Maroto; Conan of the Pulps; Jesse Santos full page Pinup & art; Trials of Gold Key’s DAGAR article; 2 page Joan of Arc comics by Wally Wood; original 2 page centerfold poster by Steranko; Evolution of Heroic Fantasy article; Haxtur by Victor de la Fuentes preview; Sword & Sorcery in comics; Scarce; Folded, FN/VF = $42); #5 (Section-2 ONLY, missing section-1, FN $9)

#6 (7-10/1973; John Carter of Mars issue; 24 pages; article on the Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Mars novels; 2-page Mars World map centerfold, Mars chronology & paperback cover-a; Robert Weinberg on ERB of the Pulps; Scarce illustrations;untold stories on Burroughs heroes; News with illustrations on Marvel, DC & Paperbacks; LAST ISSUE of “Comixscene”; Folded, FN/VF $20);

#7 (11-12/1973; FIRST issue as “Mediascene”; Crime & Violence issue; Clint Eastwood folded-c; GGA Girl Tabloid open cover by Steranko; Don Pendelton interview, Executioner vs Mafia; 24 pages;Max Collins: Confessions of a Crime Writer; Clint Eastwood article;Humphrey Bogart centerfold poster by Steranko; Violent Pulps; News with illustrations on Marvel, DC & Paperbacks; Scarce issue;>>> Folded VF with Mailing Label = $25; >>> Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $30);

#8 (1-2/1974; Pin-Up Girls of 1900-1973; Steranko-c; Vargas/Varga, Petty, Moran, Elvgren; Milton Caniff’s Dragon Lady, Barbarella, BiII Ward’s Torchy, Katy Keene,Girls of the Movies; Betty Grable, Brigitte Bardot, Betty Page & More;Marilyn Monroe centerfold by Steranko; News with illustrations on Marvel, DC & Paperbacks; Scarce; Folded VF with Mailing Label = $39);

#9 (3-4/1974; Special All-Hero issue; Tabloid-c= Doc Savage movie Photo-c & Article; Folded-c= Sean Connery as Zardoz photo-c & Article; Talon original centerfold poster by Steranko; News with illustrations on Marvel, DC & Paperbacks; Flash Gordon, Phantom, ERB Paperbacks; Scarce issue; >>> Folded VF with Mailing Label = $25; >>> Folded FN/VF, NO mailing Label = $25);

 #10 (1974; Science Fiction Double issue; Printed in 2 sections, 36 Pages in Total; Flash Gordon / Planet of the Apes folded-c; Wallace Wood painted-c; STERANKO back-c; Planet of the Apes film series article; Harlan Ellison re the Terminal Man; Sci-Fi on TV; Six Million Dollar Man color centerfold poster by Mike Hinge;EC’s Sci-Fi comics; Robbie:SF strip by Len Brown & Al Williamson; Flash Gordon; Super Science Pulps; Full-page Hunt Bowman poster by Steranko; News with illustrations on Marvel, DC & Paperbacks; Scarce issue; >>> Folded FN/VF, NO mailing Label = $25);

 #11 (1-2/1975; 32 pages; Folded-c= Charles Bronson illo, by Steranko?; Tabloid-c= Towering Inferno, by Steranko?; Return of the Adventure Hero Pulps article = Shadow, Doc Savage, The Avenger,etc;Disaster films = Earthquake, Juggernaut, Towering Inferno, Poseidon Adventure; Behind the scenes at National Lampoon; Leigh Bracket on Planet Stories; 2 pages on Charles Bronson with 19 photo’s; Leigh Bracket’s Stark centerfold poster by Steranko; News with illustrations on Marvel, DC, Atlas/Seaboard, Movies & Paperbacks; >>> Folded VF with Mailing Label = $18; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $25);

 #12 (3-4/1975; Movie GANGSTERS; Folded-c= Roger Moore as James Bond; Tabloid-c of Godfather Part II by Steranko; Making of The Godfather Part II with 19 photo’s; History of the James Bond Films with 20 photo’s & illustrations; Roger Moore and Susannah York in Gold; Mad’s Mort Drucker; Lenny Bruce Article & centerfold Poster by Steranko; Sean Connery in Murder on the Orient Express, with 5 photo’s;News with illustrations on Marvel, DC, Atlas/Seaboard, Movies & Paperbacks; 32 pages; >>> Folded VF with Mailing Label = $15; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $20);

 #13 (5-6/1975; Special Film PREVIE issue; 32 pages; Tabloid-c= Great Waldo Pepper by Steranko; Folded-c= Phantom of the Paradise Photo-c; Articles on;Robert Redford in Great Waldo Pepper, with 7 photo’s & illustrations;Brian DePalma’s Phantom of the Paradise with 9 photo’s; The Legend of Billy Jack, with 7 photo’s & illustrations; One Column previews, with 2-3 Photo’s each on: Warren Beatty and Julie Christie in Shampoo, Burt Reynolds & Cybill Shepherd in At Long Last Love, ERB’s Land that Time Forgot, Stepford Wives, Raquel Welch in Wild Party;; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $20; >>> Folded VF with Mailing Label = $15);

 #14 (7-8/1975; 24 pages; Shadow cover & centerfold paintings by Steranko; Shadow & the great PULP Heroes article; Article on Clint Eastwood in Eiger Sanction with 10 photo’s; the Who’s “Tommy” filmwith Roger Daltrey with 6 photo’s News with illustrations on Marvel, DC, Atlas/Seaboard, Movies & Paperbacks; >> One Column previews, with 2-3 Photo’s each on:Mandingo; Funny Lady; Rosebud; Steppenwolf; Prisoner of Second Avenue; >>> Folded VF with Mailing Label = $15; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $20);

#15 (9-10/1975; Double-Sized COMICS issue; Vaughn Bode; Barry Windsor-Smith article & centerfold Poster; Berni Wrightson; Jack Kirby returns to Marvel; Capt America Bi-Centennial Pinup by Kirby; the Art of Neal Adams; Tarzan pinup by Adams; Scarce issue; = SOLD OUT);

#16 (11-12/1975; Double-Sized COMICS ARTISTS issue; Printed in 2 sections, 36 Pages in Total; Cover #1 by Corben; Cover #2 by Wrightson; Graphic Novel by Richard Corben; Vaughn Bode tribute; Mad’s Jack Davis; Gil Kane’s Flamehorse centerfold Poster; Malcolm McDowell in Royal Flash; Shadow Pulps with 12 vintage covers; Full page Shadow pinup by Steranko; Marvel comics news with illos; 3 page Bernie Wrightson interview with 11 illustrations; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $26; >>> Folded VF, NO Label = $20);

#17 (Correctly dated 1-2/1976 inside & on Cover too; Printed in 2 sections, 36 Pages in Total; AIR WAR in Films, Pulps & Comics issue; Battle Ace-c by Steranko; Section Two-c= Tarzan by FRAZETTA; Edgar Rice Burroughs Portfilio by FRANK FRAZETTA; 4 full page FRAZETTA illos including the cover to section-2; LOGAN RUN film, 2pg Report with 9 Photo’s; Jerry Siegel talks about case against Superman=3pgs; Company of Eagles centerfold poster by Steranko; Scarce issue; First issue to sell out in Supergraphics back issue department back in 1977; UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $39);

#18 (Cover Date = 3-4/1976; MIS-NUMBERED as #17 inside; SHADOW Cover by STERANKO; Printed in 2 sections, 36 Pages in Total; Origins of PULP Heroes;Cover & “How I Paint The Shadow” by Steranko; Shadow in comics, Bob Powell-a; Chandler article & centerfold poster by Steranko; The 50 Rarest Pulps with cover repro; Hitchcock’s Family Plot;Logan’s Run preview; SCARCER issue; Folded, FN/VF = $29.00);

#19 [5-6/1976; 2-Sections, 36 pages;Movie Serial Heroes, with 48photo’s, including; Flash Gordon, Superman, Blackhawk, Captain Marvel, Batman, Spy Smasher, Captain America, Lone Ranger,etc; Ralph Byrd in Dick Tracy Returns serial poster centerfold; Story of Joe Kubert School of Graphic Art; Cover #1= Flash Gordon photo-c; Cover #2= Superman vs. Muhammed Ali by Kubert (not Adams, as in final version); News with illustrations on Marvel, & DC comics; SOLD OUT);

#20 (7-8/1976; SWORD & SORCERY Spectacular issue; 2-Sections, 36 pages;Cover by Neal Adams; Section-2 Conan cover poster by Barry Windsor-Smith; Swords & Sorcery in Film with 20 Photo’s; Color Centerfold Poster by Steranko; First Kingdom with Jack Katz; Wally Wood on Wizard King; “I Created Conan” = 2pgs by Robert E. Howard; Tolkein the Magician of Middle Earth; >>>  SOLD OUT);

#21 (9-10/1976; Special ANIMATION issue; Cover #1=Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck by Chuck Jones; Section-2 cover= John Carter of Mars by Bob Clampett; >>> Great Animators & Cartoon History including; Windsor McCay, Walt Disney, Chuck Jones, Bob Clampett, Ub Iwerks, Tex Avery, Willis O’Brien, Max Fleisher, Little Nemo, Fritz the Cat, Mickey Mouse, Hanna Barbera, Popeye, etc; >> color Looney Tunes centerfold poster; >> Jay Ward & Friends= 2pg article on Rocky & Bullwinkle, etc; King Kong preview with 5 photo’s; Bob Clampett’s animated John Carter of Mars = 3pgs; >> News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; Film Previews; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $16);

#22 (11-12/1976; Sci-Fi Spectacular issue; 2-Sections, 36 pages; Early Pre-Release STAR WARS coverage; Star Wars cover; Making of Star Wars with production & storyboard art, Star Wars Darthvader Centerfold Poster by Ralph McQuarrie; Star Wars Centerfold Poster#2 with 23 Storyboard illos; Roy Thomas on Marvel’s Star Wars adaptation; Art of King Kong with 4 illos; Movie SF heroes; Section-2 cover= Wizards by Bill Stout; Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards; News with illustrations on Marvel,& DC comics; Film Previews; Uncommon issue; >SOLD OUT );

#23 (1-2/1977; 2-Sections, 36 pages; Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman photo & illustrated-c; Section-2 cover= Batman by Steranko; Super WOMEN of TV = Diana Rigg of TV’s Avengers, Charlie’s Angels, Bionic Woman; Article on Philippe Druillet with color centerfold poster; Joe Kubert School of Graphic Art; Once & Future Batman; Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy 5 page interview, re Master of Kung-Fu, & Martial Arts with 9 Gulacy illos; Movie Previews = Superman, Island of Dr Moreau & the Deep; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; Film Previews; Collecting Original Art; >SOLD OUT );

#24 (3-4/1977; Special FANTASY issue; 2-Sections, 36 pages; Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger-c by Steranko; Section-2 cover= Conan by Nebres; >> Screen heroes; Conan, Sinbad, Uiysses, etc; Alfredo Alcala profile with Voltar centerfold poster; ** 2 pages featuring 6 photo’s of 6 different girls as Red Sonja; ** Preview of James Bond in Spy Who Loved Me, Alien Encounters, etc; Metal Messiah = 2pgs with 13 Photo’s of Rock film; Conan Speaks = mediascene interviews CONAN, 3 pages with large STERANKO illo; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $15);

#25 (5-6/1977; Funny Animals issue; Waddler Duck-c by George Chastain; Barrymore Duck centerfold poster by Chastain, plus 5 more pages of Barrymore Duck, spoofing classic films including Citizen Kane, X, Stagecoach, Sherlock Holmes; Italy’s Allegro Non Troppo = Color Back-c pinup; Section-2 cover = full page Carl Barks photo; Steve Gerber on Howard the Duck with full-page pinup by Gene Colan; Carl Barks profile, with 14 illos; Vintage Frank Frazetta text illo funnies of the ‘40s = with 16 illos; 2 page article on Allegro Non Troppo with 16 illos; News with illustrations on Marvel, & DC comics; 2-Sections, 36 pages; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $20);

#26 (7-8/1977; McQuarrie STAR WARS cover; Printed in 2 sections, 36 Pages in Total; Section-2 cover = Superman the Movie;Star Wars That Never Was = original working scripts, behind the scenes, unseen/unused material, with Photo’s & illustrations; Star Wars centerfold poster by Tom Jung; the Art of Star Wars; Profile of Christopher Reeve re Superman film; Superman vs Muhammad Ali article with illos; Spider-Man& HULK on TV; UFO & Alien Encounters article; Druillet’s Lone Sloane on film; 2-Sections, 36 pages; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $15);

#27 (9-10/1977; Serpent Slayer-c by Steranko; Section-2 cover= Steranko Escapes; 2 pgs on Animated magic of Metamorphoses, plus centerfold poster; Centerfold Poster #2 = Buscema’s new CONAN comic strip, with 49 illos; 1-¾ pages on Don McGregor’s Dragonflame, with small Gulacy illo; Tour of Hollywood’s Magic Castle; >> Steranko the Magician = 2-½ page article with 10 Photo’s; Norgil the Magician by Walter Gibson; Harry Houdini as the Man from beyond = with 10 Photo’s; Sword & Sorcey in cinema = Conan, Thongor, Sagan; full page illo “Fate sowing the stars” ad by Barry Windsor-Smith; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; 2-Sections, 36 pages; SCARCE issue; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $22);

#28 (11-12/1977; 2-Sections, 36 pages; Fantasy & SF Spectacular issue;Sentry-c by Kaluta; Guns of Avalon centerfold poster by Gray Morrow; Section-2 cover= Close Encounters poster by Mike Hinge; “PRISONER” = 2 pages of the unfinished JACK KIRBY strip with 19 panels of KIRBY-a; Illustrated Zelazny by Gray Morrow; 5 page Mike Kaluta interview with rare art; Behind-the-scenes coverage of Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Wally Wood 3 page Bucky & the Christmas Caper comic story; 2 pages Elric by Bob Gould and Eric Kimball; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $15);

#29 (1-2/1978; Science Fiction special issue; 2-Sections, 36 pages; Making of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, with Ralph McQuarrie’s Star Warfare cover, Galactica centerfold poster, articles, illos, production art & more; Alien Encounter centerfold poster by Joe Johnston; Preview of Delany and Chaykin’s Empire with Section-2 cover poster; Christopher Reeve in Superman II; Caroline Munro in Starcrash; Neal Adams on comics and copyrights; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $15);

#30 (3-4/1978;all Science Fiction issue; 2-Sections, 36 pages;Star Wars folIow-up & first news of the sequel; Star Wars cover; Section-2 cover = Battlestar Galactica; McQuarrie centerfold poster of Mothership in Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Behind scenes & Making of Battlestar Galactica with McQuarrie portfolio centerfold poster; interview with Star Wars production artist RalphMcQuarrie; 2 page Preview of Jack Kirby and Lee’s Silver Surfer, with 16 Kirby illos; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $14);

#31 (5-6/1978; 2-Sections, 36 pages; Star Trek cover; First preview of Star Trek: The Motion Picture; Color centerfold HULK poster by Adkins; Section-2 cover = Ticktockman by Steranko; 3-D Future by Steranko & Harlan Ellison, with Steranko illos; 4-½ pages on breaking into the comics by Steranko; Roy Thomas on Marvel’s TV heroes with 3 pages Jack Kirby storyboard art ;Sabre 2pg preview by McGregor and Gulacy, with 20 Gulacy illos; Mike Gold on DC explosion; Comic Creators vs establishment; News with illustrations on Marvel,& DC comics; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $19);

#32 (7-8/1978; 2-Sections, 36 pages; Brainstorm by Bryant Eastman cover; Section-2 cover = Princess Aura from Flash Gordon animated TV special; Meteor film centerfold poster by Bob McCalI; Fantasy Film previews; Harry Harrison’s Mechanismo with art by Giger, McQuarrie, Achilleos; Rathole on Park Avenue; 3 pages on breaking into the comics by Steranko, with illos; Flash Gordon animated on TV with photos, storyboards & model sheets;>> DC’s JLA / Justice League of America & other DC Heroes/Villians in pair of Legends of the Superheroes Hanna-Barbera Live-Action TV specials = 1-½ pages with 2 Photo’s, includes; Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Huntress, Black Canary, Capt Marvel, Solomon Grundy, Riddler & More; News with illustrations on Marvel, & DC comics; Scarcer issue; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $24);

#33 (9-10/1978; 2-Sections, 36 pages; ALL-ART POSTER SPECIAL; Color Marvel superheroes centerfold poster with Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, Hulk, etc by Steranko; >>> Full Page illustrations Including; 2x Conan by Barry Windsor-Smith; Voltar by Alfredo Alcala; Spider-Man by Steranko; Nick Fury & Agent of Shield by Steranko; Siegfried by P. Craig Russell; HULK by Nebres; Marcus Boas; Jungle Queen by Steranko; Beauty and the Beast & Sheltered Corner by Jeff Jones; Ghita of Alizarr by Frank Thorne; 3 more Steranko illos; 2 x Berni Wrightson illos;Dan Adkins; 2 x Mike Kaluta illos; Rudy Nebres; >>>> Full page Women of the Ages Ad illo by Frazetta; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $18);

#34 (11-12/1978; 2-Sections, 36 pages; SF PREVIEW issue; Buck Rogers cover & centerfold poster; The Making of Buck Rogers, with 31 Photo’s & illustrations: >> “Meteor” film, with production art & storyboards, 21 Photo’s & illustrations in all; >> Preview remake of H.G.Wells Shape of Things to Come with 23 Photo’s & illustrations; Preview of Time After Time, H.G.Wells vs Jack the Ripper, with 9 photo’s: >>>Art of Joseph Clement Coll, with 13 illustrations; artbook on World of Faeries, with 13 illos; Section-2 cover = Buck Rogers pinup by Bill Stout; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $14);

#35 (1-2/1979;2-Sections, 36 pages; ALIEN Cover & Centerfold Posterby Moebius; Preview & extensive coverage on “ALIEN” with many early Photos & illustrations; Interviews with Dan O’Bannon; Ridley Scott’s storyboards; Pre-production Art by Giger, Ron Cobb; >>> Section-2 cover= Star Wars by Russ Manning; The syndicated Star Wars comic strip, with Russ Manning interview & art; Brothers Hildebrandt; Weirdworld by Buscema; Shogun Warriors toys & cartoons; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $14);

#36 (3-4/1979; 2-Sections, 36 pages; Martian Chronicles cover by Steranko; RAY BRADBURY Martian Chronicles SF TV Mini-Series; The Stars My Destination: interview author Alfred Bester and art & centerfold poster by Chaykin;Art of Buck Rogers = 6 pgs production art of William Stout; Preview of Roger Moore as James Bond in Moonraker,with 10 Photo’s; 2-page section of the unpublished Martian Chronicles newspaper strip by Doug Wildey; Martian Chronicles screenplays; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $14);

#37 (5-6/1979; 2-Sections, 36 pages; Color GGA centerfold poster by Bill Ward; Caroline Munro photo-c & 4 page article with 14 Sexy Photo’s; Comic Girls from Blondie to Torchy by Ward, including; Milton Caniff, Al Capp, Alex Raymond’s women, Frazetta, Robbins, Lubbers, Patterson’s Mamie, etc; Preview of Star Trek: The Movie; >Section-2 photo cover features Rocky Horror Picture Show, plus 3 additional pages with 13 more Photo’s; 2 pages on Virgil Finlay with 6 illustrations; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $14);

#38 (7-8/1979; 2-Sections, 40 pages; 1st coverage of the CONAN movie; CONAN cover by William Stout; CONAN interview with storyboard artist William Stout; CONAN art director Ron Cobb interview with pre-production art & color centerfold Poster; 2 pages on Jack Kirby’s comic adaptation of Disney’s Black Hole, with 12 Kirby illustrations; 21st Century by SF artist Syd Mead; Section-2 cover= Childhood’s End by Neal Adams, plus 5 pages Childhood’s End book to film with Neal Adams pre-production art; The Portfolio Explosion article will art by; Redondo, Frazetta, Stout, Eisner, Wrightson, Barry Windsor-Smith, Nino, Thorne; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; SOLD OUT );

#39 (9-10/1979; 2-Sections, 40 pages; Black Hole cover by Mattingly; Black Hole director Gary Nelson interview; Black Hole storyboards; Black Hole Art of Black Hole & Centerfold poster by Peter Ellenshaw; Section-2 photo cover= Many Faces of Dr. Who, plus 4 page DR WHO article with 23 Photo’s; Michael Moorcock & Chaykin’s Swords of Heaven; P. Craig RusselI interview with 17 illustrations; Preview of Marvel’s Epic illustrated magazine, with art by Jusko,Starlin, Sudam, etc; News with illustrations on Marvel & DC comics; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $14);

#40 (11-12/1979; 2-Sections, 40 pages; ALL-ART POSTER SPECIAL; Scheherezade color-c by Steranko; Color Swords of Heaven Back-c by by Howard Chaykin; Section-2= Conan cover by Neal Adams; Color centerfold poster by Mattingly; Batman parody centerfold poster by Recchia; >>> Full Page illustrations Including; 2x Al Williamson, Richard Corben, 2x Nebres, Sheild Black Hood & Steel Sterling by Novick, Black Cat by Lee Elias, Boyette, Redondo, Batman by Nebres, Heimbach, Steve Fabian, Batman by Frank Miller and Dan Adkins, Spacehawk by Basil Wolverton, Micronauts by Golden, P. Craig Russell, Blonde Phantom by Syd Shores, Jim Fitzpatrick, Sub-Mariner vs Human Torch by Bill Everett, Captain America by Steranko; >>> LAST Tabloid Newspaper Magazine Format; LAST issue as MediaScene; >>> UN-Folded VF, NO mailing Label = $16);

>>> #41-92 becomes PREVUE in Regular Magazine Format = ASK;

MEDIA SIGHT (Media Sight Pub.) - 1983 (Winter #4);

MEDIA SPOTLIGHT (Irjax Enterprises Inc. = STAR TREK and STAR WARS Magazine)

1976 #2(Fall);

1977; #3(March); #4(May); #5(October);

MEGAVORE; THE JOURNAL OF POPULAR FICTION (Grant Thiessen Pub.) - 1980 (August 1; #10); (October 1 ; #11);

MIDNIGHT GRAFFITI (Midnight Graffiti Pub.) - 1988 (June #1) (Fall #2);

MIDNIGHT MARQUEE (Pub. Gary J. Svehla, Baltimore, MD.);

1981 (#30 Fall; “The Howling” Mid-Transformation from Man into Wolf by Bill Nelson);

MIDNIGHT MARQUEE MONSTERS ( Midnight Marquee Press);

#54 (1997; Barbara Shelley – Front Cover and 11-pages);

#64 (2001; Spring; Frankenstein Revisited);

MIRIAD (Miriad Pub.) -

1981 (Autumn #5; Cerebus by Dave Sim); (#6; Winter);

1982 (Spring #7);

MODERN MONSTERS (Prestige Pub; 1966; Photo's & Articles; B&W Magazine)

#3(8/1966; MUMMY painted cover by Larry Byrd; Shadow, House of Usher, Wasp Woman, Elmer Ulmer interview, Cats, Giant Behemoth, Capt Marvel, One Million BC; VG/FN $29); (Another Copy=ASK);

#4(10-11/1966; LAST issue; INVISIBLE MAN painted cover; King bKing, Green Hornet strikes, Spy Smasher, Jack the Giant Killer, Glenn Strange interview, Circus of Fear, Invisible Man, War eagle; FN $32);

MONSTERAMA {FORRST J. ACKERMAN'S...} (1991-1992; Fantagraphics / Gary Groth - Monster Comics Pub; Slick Paper Pro Fanzine B&W Movie Monsters Horror magazine with Photo's & Articles; 68 pages)

#2 (Spring/1992; LAST issue; Many faces of LON CHANEY Painted cover & Article; Bela Lugosi; Boris Karloff; Golem; 4-D Man; Return of Frankenstein; Ygor's Brain - Frankenstein meets Wolf Man; SCARCE; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22);

#2 (Spring/1992; LAST issue; Many faces of LON CHANEY Painted cover & Article; Bela Lugosi; Boris Karloff; Golem; 4-D Man; Return of Frankenstein; Ygor's Brain - Frankenstein meets Wolf Man; SCARCE; VF, 8.0 = $15);

MONSTER BASH ( Creepy Classics Pub.) -

#1 (2004; The Legacy of Frankenstein);

#11 (2011; "Invasion of the Saucer Men"; 1957);

#17 (2012; "Curse of the Werewolf" 1961);

MONSTER FANTASY (Mayfair Publications Inc.; 100 pages including covers; Square-Bound Giant Magazines; All SCARCE in FN/VF or Better) -

Volume-1 #1 (April/1975; 100 pages including covers; VAMPIRE Book Special issue, painted cover by Gentile, and the Legends, Movies and Terrifying Reality; The Real Count Dracula and other Real Vampires; Nosferatu, Lon Chaney, Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee; Horror of Dracula story in Pictures; Hammer and Spaghetti Horror; TV Vampires My Father Peter Lorre, Kathy Lorre interview; Dracula; Latest Frankenstein’s; Young Frankenstein; Monsters of the Deep - Sea Creatures; Monsters of the Sky - Space Ghouls; Phantom of the Opera; Towering Inferno; Phase IV; Vincent Loscalzo, makeup for Werewolf’s; England Horror movies);

Volume-1 #2 (June/1975; Book of the MUMMY, painted cover by Gentile, and Full-Length Bonus in this issue, includes Boris Karloff, Hammer, Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee; Strange Death of Lon Chaney; Satan and Salem - The Witchcraft Movies; Fear of Evil TV series; Elsa Lanchester, Horror’s First Lady, Bride of Frankenstein; The Hindenberg - Disaster Movie; The THING that was Killing the Girls; Rondo Hatton, Monster without Makeup; FREAKS the MGM Movie; Vincent Loscalzo, makeup for Jonathan Frid aka Barnabas Collins of Dark Shadows; Bela Lugosi pinups);

Volume-1 #3 (August/1975; States #4 inside, but actually the 3rd issue; SPACE MONSTER BOOK, painted cover by Gentile; Invasion of the BEM’s; War of the Worlds; Quartermass; This Island Earth - Story in Pictures; Monsters from Outer Limits; Monsters of Star Trek; Robby the Robot; Laird Cregar - Jack the Ripper; Mad Scientists; Lon Chaney, Phantom of the Opera - Story, Synopsis and Stills; Alfred Hitchcock, master of Movie Chills; Barbaralla);

Volume-1 #4 (October/1975; ** Lon Chaney, Frankenstein, Wolfman, Mummy Painted cover by Gentile;  ** Life Story of LON CHANEY JR Special issue, and Full-Length Book Bonus - Wolf Man, Dracula, Frankenstein and Mummy ** ZOMBIE, Movies of the Living Dead; Horror Films of Jack Nicholson; Abbott and Costello meets Monsters; Dinosaur Girls, including Racuel Welch in One Million Years BC, and When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth; Origin of Wolf Man; House of Dark Shadows, Dan Curtis 1970 Film, Complete Story in Stills pictures; William Castles’ BUG);

MONSTER FROM THE VAULT ( Monster From the Vault Pub.) -

Volume 5 #10 (2000; Winter/Spring; Bela Lugosi as “Dracula”; Diane Clare of “Plague of Zombies”);

Volume 15 #27 (2010; Spring; "The Monster of Pierdras Blancas" by Daniel Horne);

Volume 16 #16 (2012; Spring; "Vincent Price as Dr. Anton Phibes" by Daniel Horne);


MONSTERS & IMAGE-MOVIES (Forrest Jackerman's) (New Media Books Inc.; 1985) #1(A Poe Pourri; into by Curt Siodmak);

MONSTERLAND (New Media Pub. Inc; #4 up = Forrest J. Ackerman's Monsterland.)

1984; #1(December; VF = $25.00);

1985; #2(April; Scarcest issue; SOLD OUT);

#3(June; FN = $15.00);

#5(October;FN/VF $12);


1986; #8(March; VF $12);


#10 (June);


#12(August; FN $10);

#13(October; FN+ $12.00);

1987; #16(Spring; G #4);

#17(Spring; Scarcer; FN+ $12);

MONSTER MAG (Top Sellers Ltd.; UK/British Fold-Out Poster Magazine) - 1974 (#13; Giant Christopher Lee as Dracula Poster; ** Also with; Blacula, Torture, Death Curse of tartu; VG = $10.00);

MONSTER MAKER JOURNAL (Davis Enterprises Pub.) - 1995(February #1);

MONSTER MANIA (Renaissance Productions Pub.); -

1967 #2 (1/1967; Tribute to Hammer issue; Prehistoric Dinosaurs and Cavemen Wraparound cover by Frank Frazetta; Movie review of One Million Years B.C.; Magic Tape Repairs to Spine, FA/G, 1.5 = $12.00) #3(April; Peter Cushing photo cover; Mania Film Review; Wolf Man; Monsterdom; Revenge of Frankenstein);

MONSTER PARADE (Magnum Pub.) 1958 September( Volume 2 #6; Revenge of Jukebox Vampire);

MONSTERS (Wonder Books Inc.) - 1965;


Volume 1 #1 (1/1959; RARE; Half Human; Frankenstein 1970; Rodan; the VA<PIRE LEGION Comics Strip; Bellman's Voodoo Head;Revenge of the Were-Thing; VG minus = $149.00);

Volume 1 #2(4/1959; RARE; MUMMY-c; Story of Frankenstein; Undertakers Sideline; Low Priestess of Hell; Monster from Green Hell; 7pgs Comics = Pirates in Curse of the Living Crossbones; Appears VG, but with Magic tape repairs inside spine to cover, thus Good+ = $109.00);

MONSTERSCENE (GOGO Entertainment Group Pub; Monster Comics Pub; Slick Paper Pro Fanzine B&W Movie Monsters Horror magazine with Photo's & Articles; includes BASIL GOGOS Famous Monsters & other Paintings);

#3 (Fall/1994; Christopher Lee as Hammer's DRACULA Painted cover by BASIL GOGOS; Christopher Lee as Hammer's DRACULA article; BASIL GOGOS Portfolio; Frankenstein, Tower of Terror; Bob Burns; White Zombie; Wolff & Byrd Councelers of the Macabre comics by Batton Lash; Lake of Dracula; SCARCE issue; 68 pages; NM-, 9.2 = $35);

#4 (March/1995; Boris Karloff as FRANKENSTEIN Painted cover by BASIL GOGOS = Collage with Dracula, Mummy, Bride of Frankenstain, etc; 84 pages; Frankenstein in the Cinema 1910-1995; Boris KARLOFF interview; BASIL GOGOS Sketchbook; Frankenstein Files; KARLOFF & Universal - the Frankenstein Trilogy; Mary Shelley's Frankenstein film; Wolff & Byrd Councelers of the Macabre comics by Batton Lash; RAREST issue; NM-, 9.2 = $65);

#5 (Summer-Fall/1995; 84 pages; Flip-Book with "Fantastic Monsters of the Films" on Back side; MUMMY painted cover by Preston; Goeore pal; 3-D Horro/SF Films; Route 66; Dawn Age Beasts; Vampire Victims; She-Creature invades TV; VF, 8.0 = $18);

#9 (Fall/1996; FRANKENSTEIN Painted cover by BASIL GOGOS; Abbott & Costello meet Frankenstain; Mad Monster Party & Monsters of Rankin / Bass; Richard Matheson interview; Gamera 2 & Ultraman; Frankenstein & Me; SCARCE issue; 48 pages; NM+, 9.6 = $65);

#9 (Fall/1996; FRANKENSTEIN Painted cover by BASIL GOGOS; Abbott & Costello meet Frankenstain; Mad Monster Party & Monsters of Rankin / Bass; Richard Matheson interview; Gamera 2 & Ultraman; Frankenstein & Me; SCARCE issue; 48 pages; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25);

#10 (Summer/1997; Vincent Price as Abominable Dr Phibes Painted cover by BASIL GOGOS; Dr Phibes article; 6 pages on TV's BUFFY the Vampire Slayer; Horror Hotel; 4 pages on Japanese Monsters; NM-, 9.2 = $29);

MONSTER SCENE JOURNAL (Gogo Entertainment Group Pub.) - 1992 (Volume 1 #1; October);


THE MONSTER TIMES (The Monster Times Pub.; 8-1/2" by 23" Tabloid Newspaper, comes folded to 8-1/2"x11-1/2" size; "the World's first newspaper of Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy; Scarce in VF or better due to the Folded Format and Newsprint Paper; COMICS articles in most issues)

#1 (January 16/1972; King Kong cover by Gray Morrow; 17"x22" Monster-Sized Color centerfold Frankenstein Poster by BERNI WRIGHTSON; Golem, Buck Rogers; The Men Who Saved Kong! Mushroom Monsters! The End of the World!  2 pages Nosferatu comics by BERNI WRIGHTSON; 32 tabloid size pages);

#2 (1972; Star Trek cover, special issue & 17"x22" centerfold Poster by Morrow; Shatner interview; Scarcer issue);

#3 (1972; Bugs on Parade issue; King Kong 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Small Spider-Man image on cover & cameo inside; 1 pg Stan Lee interview; Them; Super-Heroes; 2 pages comics by Richard Buckler & Marv Wolfman; Uncommon issue);

#4 (1972; Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein cover; Green Lantern and Green Arrow by Neal Adams; 2 pages color comics by JEFF JONES; Pulps, Dracula Goes to Court, Tales from the Crypt film; Edgar Allan Poe; Roger Corman);

#5 (3/1972; Creatures from Black Lagoon cover, article and 17" x 22" Giant Color centerfold Poster; Lagoon Creature Confesses! DC's Tarzan of the Apes! The Return of Dr. X! 2 pages comics by JEFF JONES; Star Trek revisited; Edgar Allan Poe; Roger Corman);

#6 (1972; ZOMBIE issue; Dan Green-c & 2 pages comics; EC & Pre-Code Horror comics; Edgar Allan Poe; Roger Corman; BERNI WRIGHTSON = 2 pages on Badtime Stories with art);

#7 (1972; RARE issue; GODZILLA cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; King Kong; Gray Morrow; Spider-Man cameo; King Kong comics parody spoof with Steve Hickman-a= SOLD OUT);

#8 (May 10/1972; All-HAMMER, all-Horror issue; Dracula cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Werewolf; Christopher Lee interview; 2pg Werewolf comics by Carlos Garzon);

#9 (May/1972; Special Sci-Fi issue; UNCOMMON issue; Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, This Island Earth, 2001, EC and Incredible Sci-Fi comix; 3 pages comics with Paul Neary art; The End! This Island Earth! The Making of 2001! Meet the Space Giants! Giant Color 11-1/4” x 16-1/4” Poster Inside);

#10 (May 31/1972; Special EC Comics cover and special issue; SCARCER issue; Bill Gaines and Al Feldstein interviews; Tales from the Crypt 17" x 22" centerfold Poster; Meet Seymour);

#11 (6/1972; Scarce & HOT issue; POTA - Planet of the Apes cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; CONAN/Barry Smith; Dracula interview; Fritz the Cat, Robert Crumb; full page Dracula poster by NEAL ADAMS; 2pgs Horror comics = Dan Green-a = SOLD OUT);

#12 (6/1972; GORGO Apes cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; POTA - Planet of the Apes cover, article; Steranko's History of Comics; movie "Ben"; 2 pages RAT comics = Armstrong-a; Kaluta-a);

#13 (7/1972; SCARCE and HOT issue; Meet Marvel's Marvelous SPIDER-MAN cover, articles, John Romita interview; 17" x 22" SPIDER-MAN color centerfold Poster; UFO; Creators, Monsters & Madmen! Shazam!? The Return of Captain Mar...! UFOs Sighted On TV! The Amazing Colossal Goof - Monstrous Movie Mistakes! Good Vibes from Doctor Phibes - Love means never having to say you're ugly! SCARCER issue);

#14 (9/1972; WEREWOLF cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Peter Cushing interview; Dracula, Godzilla, Lee Falk's Phantom, POTA - Planet of the Apes; "Liana" = 2 pages comics with Bruce Jones art);

#15 (10/1972; Uncommon issue; Vampires in Comics; Valley of Gwangi; Alfred Hitchcock; Godzilla; Blacula); Plant Monsters; Mighty Joe Young; Dr Phibes; Count Yorga; GODZILLA for President 17"x22" centerfold Poster; 2pgs Horror comics);

#16 (11/1972; Attack of the Plant Monsters! Memoirs of Mighty Joe Young! The Return of Doc Phibes and Count Yorga! Plus - Giant Color Poster Inside)

#17 (11/1972; Scarce issue; SCIENCE FICTION issue; Forbidden Planet; Flash Gordon; Rod Serling= SOLD OUT);

#18 (12/1972; Scarce issue; Dracula cover; Monster of Piedras Blancas 17"x22" centerfold Poster; King Kong comics; Perry Rhodan; SOLD OUT );

#19 (2/1973; Dr Death; Dr Shock; Tarantula article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Gargoyles; 2pgs comics = Armstrong-a; EC Comics);

#20 (March/1973; 2pags Comics = JIM STARLIN art; :Scarcer issue; 20 Million Miles to Earth; STAR TREK; "Keep on Trekkin" 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Fu Manchu; 1 page on Warp & NEAL ADAMS= SOLD OUT);

#21 (4/1973; RARE issue; all FRANKENSTEIN issue; SOLD OUT);

#22 (5/1973; Scarcer issue; Vault of Horror; Godzilla vs Ghidrah; 2pgs Horror comics = Janes-a);

#23 (6/1973; Scarce issue; GODZILLA cover & Special issue; NON tabloid regular format issue; 40 pages; "RAT" = 7 pages Comics by SUTTON = SOLD OUT);

#24 (7/1973; Rodan - The Flying Monster! Last of the Planet of the Apes! Return of the History of the Comics! Theatre of Blood! Mad Basil Wolverton! Bonus - Monster-Sized Color Poster Inside! Lon Chaney Jr; 2 pages of WEREWOLF comics with FRANK BRUNNER art; SCARCER issue);

#25 (8/1973; Star Trek; Superman & Batman; Horror Heroines; King Kung Fu; Werewolves on Wheels; the FLY; Shazam & C.C.Beck; Broom Hilda);

#26 (9/1973; Uncommon issue; Destroy all Monsters cover & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Star Trek animated; Superman; Rondo Hatton; 3 pages horror spoof comics bt Dean Latimer);

#27 (10/1973; Uncommon issue; DRACULA cover; All-VAMPIRE issue; Bela Lugosi; Blacula; World’s worst Vampire story; Maroto art; DRACULA 17"x22" centerfold Poster by NEAL ADAMS);

#28 (11/1973; Wolfman Jack; Plastic Man; Hammer's House of Horrors; great Death Scenes; Lon Chaney; Black Scorpion; 2 pages Hunchback of Notre Dame comics by Bill Nelson);

#29 (12/1973; Scarcer issue; 2pgs EC SF comics; Sinbad; House of Frankenstein; Abominable Snowman; TV Catoon guide; Japanese Monsters; Frankenstein 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Godzilla);

#30 (2/1974; WEREWOLF cover; Horror of Party Beach; World’s Worst Comics; I was a Teenage Werewolf; Inferior Five; "I drink your blood & Eat your Skin" 17"x22" centerfold Poster; 2pg Hugo Headstone comics = Bojak-a);

#31 (3/1974; All MARTIAN issue; War of the Worlds; RAY BRADBURY interview; Invaders from Mars comics; 3 Stooges; Martians in comics);

#32 (4/1974; Beast from 20,000 Fathoms cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster;; Bruce Lee; Marvel's Mightiest Monsters; Werewolf of Washington; Mexican Monsters; Questor);

#33 (5/1974; All APES issue; Uncommon issue; POTA - Planet of the Apes cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Kamandi & Jack Kirby; Komga; King Kong; 2 page King Kong parody comics = Hickman-a);

#34 (6/1974; Swamp Thing & Swamp Monsters; Star Trek's Capt Kirk Shatner interview; Star Trek 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Time Machine; underground Horror comics; Zardoz; Female fiends; Wasp Woman);

#35 (7/1974; GODZILLA cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Female fiends; Japanese Monsters; Supernatural Superheroes in comics; FRAZETTA book club at & article);

#36 (8/1974; Curse of WEREWOLF cover; Robot Monsters; Martians Attack cards; Leonard Nimoy interview; Super Heroines; 2 pages Horror/Love comics = Dave Gibbons-a; Mutations);

#37 (12/1974; GAMMERA cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; partial POTA cover - Planet of the Apes on TV; SPECTRE comics; Flesh Gordon);

#38 (1/1975; Sinbad's Golden Voyage cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster;; BLOB maker; Film GIANTS; Makeup Master Roy Ashton interview; CONAN in comics; Mad Ghoul; Capt Video);

#39 (3/1975; GODZILLA cover; Scarcer issue; Double Size issue = Folds out to 16" x 22" Size; Destroy All Monsters 22"x32" centerfold Poster; *** GIANT 16" x 22" Size page, BIO & Large Photo Pinup page each on = Godzilla, King Komg, Dracula, Frankenstein, POTA - Planet of the Apes, Ghidrah, Wolfman, Gammera, Rodan, Mummy & Creature from Black Lagoon);

#40 (4/1975; Dr Spektor & the Monsters; Son of Kong; Fay Wray; Phantom of Opera cover; Bela Lugosi; Caveman/Woman & Dinosaurs 17"x22" centerfold Poster =BRUNNER art; Hugo Headstone comics = Bojak-a);

#41 (5/1975; Frankenstein & Dracual cover; Young Frankenstein; Andy Warhol's Dracula; how to make a MUMMY; 6 Frankenstein's of Filmdon; IT the terror from beyond space article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Werewolf comics; John Zacherly interview);

#42 (7/1975; Godzilla vs Thing; Star Trek; Operator-5; worst Werewolf; Incredible Shrinking Man 2 page photo-novel 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Blood Feast & Herschell Gordon Lewis interview; Horror movie comics);

#43 (9/1975; DEMON issue; Star Trek Capt Kirk; Excorcist; Demon's in comics; Witchcraft; H.P. Lovecraft; Rosemary's Baby);

#44 (11/1975; Scarcer issue; Double Size issue = Folds out to 16" x 22" Size; GODZILA 22"x32" centerfold Poster; *** GIANT 16" x 22" Size page, BIO & Large Photo Pinup page each on = Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, Black Scorpion, King Kong, Dinosaurs, Reptilicus, Giant Behemoth, Gorgo, Godzilla, Valley of the Gwangi, When Dinosaurs ruled the Earth, Land Unknown, Land the Time Forgot);

#45 (1/1976; Scarcer issue; BARBARELLA cover & article; JAWS; King Kong; Shriek of the Mutilated; John Caradine; Bill Shatner; Atlas/Seaboard Comic Monsters; BUG);

#46 (3/1976; All-VAMPIRE & Dracula issue; Christopher Lee interview; Star Trek; Dracula comics; 1/2 page Vampire comic = Gerry Mooney-a);

#47 (5/1976; STAR TREK vs SPACE: 1999 cover & article; Flash Gordon; Uncommon issue; Sci-Fi comics; Metropolis; Thunder Agents);

#48 (July/1976; LAST issue; Scarcer issue; Uncommon issue; Special BIONIC issue; Six Million Dollar Man cover, article & 17"x22" centerfold Poster; Bionic Woman; Deathlok);



#1 (1973; STAR TREK LIVES-c/s; Sci-Fi Super TV Special; UFO, Space Giants, Lost in Space, Outer Limits; Six x STAR TREK Color Portraits inside; VF = $29.00);

MONSTER WORLD (Mayfair Pub. Inc; 100 Pages including covers; SCARCE in VF or Better; #3-8 = titled changes to "QUASIMODO'S MONSTER MAGAZINE");

Volume-1 #1 (March/1975; Painted-c; Dracula-c & Article; Kolchak the Night Stalker = 6 page Articel with 6 Photo's & 1 illo; Jose Delbo bio; 6 pages comics = Delbo-a; Frankenstein through the Years = 12 page Article; Demons; KORG: 70,000 B.C. = 9 page Article with illos by Pay Boyette & Photo's from the Live-Action Hanna-Barbera ABC TV Series; Vampires of the Scrren; Mummy; FN/VF=$18; VG/FN=$12; VG=$10);

Volume-1 #2 (May/1975; Painted-c; Making of King Kong; Phantom of the paradise; Young Frankenstein; Frankenstein & the Monster from Hell; Captain Kronos; House of Whipcord; Vincent Price Unmasked; Lon Chaney, Man of 1000 Faces; Norman Nodel bio; Hydra Horror = 8 pages Comics with Nodel-a; Nightmare Theatre; FN=$14; VG=$10);

MONSTER WORLD #1-10 = See the WARREN Magazines Link on our Homepage


Volume-1 #1 (1965). Original Munsters Episode - Not Seen on TV "The MUNSTERS Go House-Haunting"

Illustrated by Painted Front Cover & PHOTO Back Cover! >>> New York, NY, USA.: Twin Hits. 1965 Soft Cover. Good to Very Good. First Edition By This Publisher. Magazine. 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall. 68 pages including covers;

CONTENTS - (1) Herman Munster - The Story of my Birth;(2) Lily Munster – The Life of a Lady Vampire; (3) Grandpa Munster – Have Crypt, Will Fly; (4) The Munster Brood – One Normal, One?; (5) Brand New Original Munsters Episode – Not Seen on TV “The MUNSTERS Go House-Haunting” ; (6) Behind the Screams with the Munsters; (7) Herman Munster Picks his Favortie Horror Films; (8) Join the Munsters Fan Club; (9) Exclusive! The Munster Family 5 months Pullout Calendar = still INTACT; (10) Yor Own Private Roadmap to Transylvania; (11) Munster Quiz; (12) An Episode in teh Life of Little Eddie; (13) Win a Phone Call from Herman or Lily Munster; (14) The Munster Menu;History of the Munster Family; (16) Grave Jokes You’ll Dig; (17) All About the Munster Koach; (18) A Visit to the Grandpa’s Crypt; (19) The Day Lily Went Shopping; (20) Grandpa Munster in a Time Machine; (21) Teaser Flicks; (22) Munsters Pinup Gallery;

>>>> Over 40 Photo’s & MANY illustrations; [FN/VF=$90; VG/FN=$59; G/VG=$39];

**** N ****

THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN (National Fantasy Fan Federation; Digest Size Fanzine);

1967 February/March (Volume 26 #2);

(Volume 26 #3);

(Volume 26 #4);

(Volume 26 #5; Hugo Gernsback August 16,1884-August 19,1967);

(Volume 26 #7);

NICKELODEON (Nickelodeon Graphic Art Service Pub.) - 1976 (#2);

NORWESCON 5, SEATTLE MARCH 19-21,1982 PROGRAM – Gatefold Front Cover “The Mad Poet” by Michael R. Whelan; Back Cover “Kutath” by Michael R. Whelan;


1993 (October #1);

1995 (#NN);

NOVA (Starshine Design Pub.) - 1989 – Fall (Volume 1 #1)

**** O ****

ODYSSEY (Gambi Pub. Inc.) - 1976 (Spring #1); (Summer #2);

One Hundred Years of Science Fiction illustration 1840-1940 by Anthony Frewin (Pyramid Books, 1975. Soft cover. Trade Paperback; The fusion of fantasy and prediction with science in the last one hundred years gave birth to a unique literary genre. the first comprehensive collection to document fully the rich and rewarding subject of 'future art'. Beginning with the work of Isidore Grandville. Albert Robida. Frank R. Paul. Hans Wessolowski. and a myriad of others. VF+ = $12.00)

ORIENTAL CINEMA (Draculina Pub.) -

1994 August (Volume 3 #3; The Jackie Chan Issue);

1995 (Volume 3 #5; The Hong Kong Gangster Issue);(Volume 3 #9; Jackie Chan)


- Fun and Games (No date);

- The Human Factor (circa 1986);

-Nightmare (No date);

Specimen: Unknown (Circa 1986);

OUTWORLDS (Bill and Joan Bowers; Fanzine);

#19 (1974 First Quarter; Cover art “The Robot, of course...” by Grant Canfield);

#20 (1974 Second Quarter; Cover art by Dan Steffan);

#21/22 (1974; 2 Issues Making Up 1 Double Issue);

#23 (1975; Cover art by Stephen Fabian);

**** P ****

PARSEC (Parsec Pub. Co.) - 2001 (Volume 4 #3; Spring/ Summer; Lisa Ryder “Andromeda”);

PENNY BLOOD (Penny Blood);

#10 (2008 Summer; Dario Argento's Three Mothers Trilogy);


#21 (1997 Winter; Pam Grier);

#24 (1997 Fall; Rasputin – The Mad Monk);

#27 (1998 Summer; The Monster of Piedras Blancas);

#28 (1998 Fall; Phantasm; Oblivion);

#29 (1999 Winter; Razor Blade Smile);

#30 (1999 Spring; Jennifer Tilly “Bride of Chucky”);

#33 (2000 Winter; Phantom of the Opera);

#38 (2001 Spring; Killer Klowns from Outer Space);

#63 (2007 Summer; Kelli Maroney, Catherine Mary Stewart “Night of the Comet”);

#64 (2007 Fall; Vampira The Movie);

#66 (2008 Spring; Christopher Lee as Dracula);

#67 (2008 Summer; Jamie Lee Curtis “Prom Night”);

#68 (2008 Fall; Chandu the Magician);

#78(Genre Gems; behind the Green Slime; Jean Rollin last interview; James Rebhorn character King);

#79(Frank Vincent; Greydon Clark; Richard Gordon's Tower of Evil);

#98(Spring Chills Edition; 80+ new Genre reviews; Edoardo Marcheriti; Eli Roth; The Walking Dead; Doug Seus)

PLANET OF THE APES (Harper Collins Pub.) - 2001 (Leo's Logbook; a Captain's Days in Captivity);

THE PREHISTORIC TIMES (The Prehistoric Times Pub.) - 1996 (May/June #18);

PRIZE GHOST STORIES (League Pub. Inc.) - #NN(#1; 1963; SKULL Photo-c; 15 Horror Stories with Photo's & Illustrations; Man who Died Twice; Voodoo & the Virgin; Phone Call from the Dead; Seduced by an Invisible Lover; Case of the Laughing Coffin; TIGER WOMAN; VG=$32; G/VG = $24);

PSYCHOTRONIC VIDEO magazine #2(Spring/1989); #7(Fall/1990); #10(Summer/1991); #13(Summer/1992);

PULPDOM (C.E. Cazadessus; Fanzine);

2004 #37 (January; Celebrating Frank R. Paul, Howard V. Brown and Hugo Gernsback);

PURE IMAGES (Pure Imagination);

Volume 1 #1 (1977 Spring; Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger);

Volume 2 #1 (1986; “Phantom of the Opera” by Dave Stevens; Back Cover by James Bama for Bantam Books “Murder Melody”);

**** Q ****

QUASIMODO'S MONSTER MAGAZINE (Mayfair Pub. Inc'; all 100 Pages including covers; SCARCE in VF or Better; #1-2 = Formerly titled "MONSTER WORLD");

(Volume-1) #3(July/1975; First issue with new "Quasimodo" Title; Christopher Lee as Vampire cover & interview; Bela Lugosi the Man & Vampire; VF=$20; FN/VF=$16; VG/FN=$12; VG=$10);

(Volume-1) #4(September/1975; Quasimodo cover; Doug McClure in Edgar Rice Burroughs "Land that time forgot" & interview; The Lon Chaney Jr story; Excorcist; Space 1999; Roger Corman; 4 pages Wolfman comics; FN=$14; VG=$10; G/VG=$8);

(Volume-1) #5(November/1975; Space 1999; The Peter Lorre story; Lee Majors of Six Million Dollar Man; CBS radio's Mystery Theatre; Jekyll & Hyde through the years; VF+=$24; VF=$20; VF-=$17; VG/FN=$12);

(Volume-2) #6(February/1976; Boris Karloff; William Shatner of Star Trek; Story of Hammer films; introducing Esmeralda cover & story; Death Race 2000; VF+=$24; VF=$20; VG/FN=$12);

(Volume-2) #7(April/1976; Wolfman cover; Leonard Nimoy - Spock, of Star Trek; D.W.Griffith; 8 pages Parody of Star Trek comics; VF+, 8.5 = $22.00);

(Volume-2) #8(May/1976; MUMMY painted-c; Invisible Man; MUMMY thru the Years; Transylvania; Star Trek; Star Trek vs Space 1999 Parody comics; SHARK Fever; the Spider; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00);


QUESTAR, Science Fiction Fantasy Adventure (William G. Wilson Pub.)

#3 (3/1979);

#4 (8/1979; STAR = 6 pages of comics by STEVE DITKO; Larry Niven & George Romero interviews; Tom Savini profile; Just Imagine: Jeanie = Forrest J Ackerman story, James Warhola art; James Bond, Buck Rogers; Fantasy Film Celebrity Con 78 report. SOLD OUT);

#5 (11/1979; ALIEN the Movie cover & article; Robert Bloch letter; Mike Gornick interview;  Just Imagine: Jeanie = Forrest J Ackerman story, James Warhola art; Kirk Alyn interview, The Rescue = 2 pages of comics by STEVE DITKO; James Bond: Moonraker;  Gene Simmons and Ace Frehley of KISS interview; Star Trek movie preview;  SOLD OUT);

#6 (2/1980; Walt Disney’s BLACK HOLE cover & article; John Norman interview; Frank Langella vs. Bela Lugosi; Don Post & Jack Davis interviews; The Rocky Horror Picture Show; Just Imagine: Jeanie = Forrest J Ackerman story, James Warhola art; Star Trek—The Motion Picture feature; SOLD OUT);

#7 (6/1980);

#8 (8/1980; Volume-2 #4; Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back cover & article;  Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane interview, Robert Bloch interview; Chuck Jones interview; Mark Hamill interview;, Bigfoot Lives;  Just Imagine: Jeanie = Forrest J Ackerman story, James Warhola art; ASK);

#9(10/1980; FRAZETTA-c), 10(12/1980), 11(2/1981; ART of BORIS Vellajo), 12(6/1981), 13(10/1981)

**** R ****

REALMS Magazine (Antope Pub; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 12 page Promo/Giveaway, folded Tabloid Newspaper); -

Volume-2 #42 (Jan.28/1998; Approx 6000 copies printed; Lance Henderickson Millennium cover & article = TV Episode Guide; Star wars, Vampire supplement, Canuck Wolf Comics, M'Bock; VF = US$5.00);

REALMS OF FANTASY (Sovereign Media Co. Inc.)


(December; Cover art “Kai-Feng” by Don Maitz);


(February;Cover art “Dragons Anthology” by Bob Eggleton);

(April; Cover art “Song of Seashell Archives” by Broeck Steadman);

(June; Cover art “Firebrathing Dragon guarding the Stronghold” by Michael Whelan);

(August; Cover art “Darkness at Sethanon” by Don Maitz);

(October; Cover art “War Dragon” by Bob Eggleton);

(December; Cover art “Dragonsbane” by Michael Whelan);


(February; Cover art “The Light Bearer” by Steven Assel);

(April; Cover art “Half-Elf Warrior” by Brom);

(June; Cover art “Valshea the Half-Elf Magic User” by Keith Parkinson);

(August; Cover art “Warrior of Light” by Tim Hildebrandt);

(October;p Cover art “Sundown Brings the Vampire” by Sanjulian);

(December; Cover art “Dragonfire” by Michael Whelan);


(February; Cover art “The Ice Dragon” by Keith Parkinson);

(April; Cover art “Knight at Sunset” by Don Maitz);

(June; Cover art “Warrior riding a Dragon” by Sanjulian);

(August; Cover art “Elric of Melnibone” by Michael Whelan);

(October; Cover art “Raven” by Luis Royo);

(December; Cover art “Wizard's First Rule” by Doug Beekman);


(February; Cover art “Exile's Children” by Stephen Youll);

(April; Cover art “Raven the Warrior Woman” by Luis Royo);

(August; Cover TV's Xena Warrior Princess);

(October; Cover art “Memory in White” by Luis Royo);


(April; Cover art “Dragon” by Boris Vallejo);

(June; Cover art “Sugar Rain” by Gary Ruddel);


(February; Cover art “Multiplied by Ice” by Luis Royo);


(December; Cover art “Warrior Woman in the Rain” by Luis Royo);


(August; Cover art “Fissures of the Breeze” by Luis Royo);

REEL FANTASY (Reel Fantasy Inc. Pub.) - 1978 (Volume 1 #1; January);

REQUIEM (? Pub.; French); - 1974 (Volume 1 #2);

REVENGE OF DRACULA (Eerie Pub. Inc.) - 1977 (Winter);

REVOLT (Simulated Pub.) - 1991 #3(Winter)

RIGEL SCIENCE FICTION (Aesir Press Pub.) - 1983 (Summer #8)


Volume-1 #2(August/1966; Shrunken Head Photo-c; illustrated Text Stories; Text stories with Photo's; "The $120,000,000 Ghost" = 6 page Comics story; Full page illustrations with text, as in newspaper strips; Scarce; VG/FN = $29.00);


2000; #13(January/February; Dead Hate the Living; Zombie; Slipknot; Joe R. Lansdale);

#14(March/April; Troma; Toxic Crusader; Linnea Quigley;);

#15(May/June; Robo Cob; Agathodaimon; Soren Kierkegaard);

#17(September/ October; 3rd Anniversary Halloween issue; Poe, Stephen King, House of Leaves; SOLD OUT);

2001: (March/April; Ginger Snaps; Werewolves; Buckethead;);

2002; (May/June); #29(September/ October; 5th Anniversary Halloween issue; Vincent Price-c; Elvira, Return of Living Dead);

2003; #32(March/April; Ray Bradbury, Freddy vs Jason); #35;


#38(March/April; HELLBOY; Dawn of Dead); #40(July/August; Ju-On, Grudge, Takashi Shimizu, Harryhausen);

#41(September/ October; 7th Anniversary Halloween issue; GIANT; Clive Barker, George Romero;, Friday the 13th, Troma, Ed Wood);

#42(11-12; 30 Years of Texas Chainsaw Massacre-c/s; Rob Zombi; SOLD OUT);


#NN(1-2; Special Collector's Edition; with RUE MORGUE #1-3 from 1997-1998; SOLD OUT);

#43(March; Manson Family, Shudder Pulps;);


#46(June; 100 Years of War of the Worlds; Land of the Dead; SOLD OUT);

#47(Horror from Spain; Nacho Cerda's aftermath; Jess Franco); #49;


#53(January; Roger Corman; SOLD OUT);

#54(March; Hills Have Eyes; Wes Craven; SOLD OUT);

#55(April; Eurotic Horror; Marvel Zombies; Slither; SOLD OUT);

#57;#58(July; Descent; Adrienne Barbeau; Chet Zar; Fantasia 2006)

#59(Takashi Miike; John Carpenter; Pete Walker; SOLD OUT);

#60(September; Godzilla-c; Bollywood; Japanese Lovecraft Lit; SOLD OUT

#61(October; 9th Anniversary Halloween issue; Lucio Fulci; GIANT; SOLD OUT);

#63(December; Pan's Labyrinth; Black Christmas);


#64(1-2; the Host);

#65(March; Phantasm; Hellboy animated; Ghoultown );

#66(April; Planet Terror and Death Proof; Grindhouse);

#71(September; Return of the Living Dead; Death Photography; Hatchet; VF = $10);

#72(October; 10th Anniversary Halloween issue; the Thing; John carpenter; Clive Barker; Black Metal; GIANT; SOLD OUT);

#73(November; Stephen King's the Mist)


#75(1-2; Sweeny Todd; Romero);

#77(April; Vampira-c; SOLD OUT);

#78 (May; French Gore; Mother of Tears; Black Metal)

#79(June; Underage rage in Japan; Lollywood; Decadent Literature);

#82(September; Alice Cooper; Vincent Castiglia; Horror on TV);

 #83(October; 50 Years of Famous Monsters; Forrest J Ackerman; 50 Essential GORE Films; 11th Anniversary Halloween issue; GIANT;);

#84(November; Year of the Vampire); #85; #87; #88;#89


#88(April; Remembering Lux Interior of “The Cramps”; 13 Years of Resident Evil);

#90(June; Ray Harryhausen a Tribute);

#91(Blair Witch Project revisited);

#92(August; The Strain; Travis Louie's Peculiar Portraits);

#93(September; America Werewolf in London);

#94(12th Anniversary Halloween issue; Edgar Allan Poe turns 200; GIANT = $15);

#95(November; Left 4 Dead; Art Inspired by Stephen King);

2010; -

#97(January/February; Daybreakers; interview – Sam Neill; RIP 2009 Year in Review);

#98(March; Paul Naschy Howls; J.K. Potters Grotesque Photo Illustrations);


#101(6/2010; Danzig-c; VG = $7.00; another copy available = ask);

#102(July; REC2 =Unholy Face of New Spanish Horror);

#104 (September; The Walking Dead; 2010 Fantasia Film Festival);

#105(13th Anniversary Halloween issue; PSYCHO turns 200; GIANT; SOLD OUT);

#107(December; Bad Tidings ! Our Anti-Holiday Issue; Classic Poster Art from Hammer; Gore Comic Publishers “Eerie”);


#108(January/February; Black Death – Christopher Smith's Medieval Plague Horror; R.I.P. 2010 Year in Review);

#109(March; “Stake Land” All-American Vampire Apocalypse; Strange Worlds Sensual Cinema);

#115(September; “Dead Island” Zombie Gore Gaming Evolved; Alice Cooper and Bob Ezrin on “Welcome 2 My Nightmare”);


#123(June; The Loved Ones);

#126(September; Brandon Cronenberg's “Antiviral”; Stan Winston Studio);

#128(November; “Prince of Darkness” Turns 25; Antichrist Apocalypse; Silent Hill Revelation);


#130(January/February; John Dies at the End; Gein on Screen; RIP 2012: Blacker than Noir);

#131(March; Arthur Machen at 150; The Lords of Salem – Rob and Sheri Moon Zombie);

#134(June; “Maniac” Elijah Wood and the Team Behind High Tension Re-Envision a Grindhouse Nasty; American Mary);

#135(July; The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh; “The Haunting” co-star Claire Bloom; Bone Caves of Cenral Luzon);

#137(September; “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” Interview – Philip Kaufman; Fantasia Film Festival; Ghoulish Goalies);

#138(50 years of Gore; Carrie; Legacy of Kulls);

#139(November; Hellbenders; Death Customs from Around the World);


#143(April; “Twin Peaks” Interviews with Cast and Crew; Justin Kamerer's Skill for Skull Art);

#145(June; “Wolfcop” Headlines our Tribute to Indie Horror; “From Dusk Till Dawn” The Series);

#147(August; “The Crow” 20 Bittersweet Years; “Behind the Scenes of 40-Year Old “Phantom of the Paradise”);


#152(January/February; New Zealand's “What We Do in the Shadows”; R.I.P. 2014 Year in Review);

#153(March; Gian Monster Man – The Return of Bert I. Gordon; The Grotesque Photos of William Mortensen);

#155(May; “Hannibal” Season Three Preview; Clive Barker Unleashes “The Scarlet Gospels”; Brian Yuzna's “Society”);

**** S ****

SALARIUS (J and R Pub.) - 1987 (March #3); (#4);

SALVAGE-I Poster Book (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications; from the Sci-Fi TV Series that starred; Andy GriffithJoel HigginsTrish Stewart)

1979 (Episode Guide with Cast & Credits; Blueprint of the Vulture; Special Effects; Interview with Mike Allen Ross);

SATELLITE SCIENCE FICTION (Renown Pub.)- 1959 (February);

SCARLET (Scarlett Street Pub.)

#54 (2005; Simone Simon, Chad Allen, Virginia Mayo, Russell Wade);

#55 (Bert I Gordon, Susan Gordon, Kenny Miller, Lyle Talbot);

SCARLET STREET (Scarlet Street Inc.)

1992 Summer(#7; John Moudler-Brown; Vincent Price; Sussex Vampire);

1993 Winter (#9; Joan Bennet - Black Scorpion; Peter Cushing);

Spring (#10; Alligator People; Tommy Kirk, Beverly Garland; Tom Considine);

Summer (#11; Abbott & Costello;; Fantastic Four; Spider Woman);

1994 Summer (#15; Johnny Sheffield; Acquanetta; Cheetah; Hammer Horror strikes back);

(Fall #16; X-File, Night Stalker; Ed Wood; Shock Theater);

1995 (Winter #17; James Dean Exposed; Who killed Teddy Bear; Gary Conway)

Spring; #18; Riddler; Exclusive Batman's Butler Confesses; Black Zoo);

Summer (#19; Summer Movies; Judge Dredd; Blacula; Batman Forever);

Fall (#20; Deborah Kerr in Innocents; Jeremy Brett; Russ Tamblyn; Martin Stephens; David Wayne);

1996 Winter (#21; Hollywood's Rear Window; Jeremy Brett; Pat Hitchcock, Farley Granger, Hillary Brooke);

(#22; The Mole People; The Last Interview – Jeremy Brett);

1996 (#23; Irish McCalla; King Kong; Chris Atkins; Ray Harryhausen);

#24(Mask of Fu Manchu; x-Files; Chinatown; Night Stalker; King Kong vs Godzilla);

1997 (October 15; ?#; cover Michael Rennie & Lock Martin in the Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), Flesh Gordon (1972), Batman and Robin (1997);

1999 (#35; “The Mummy's Curse”; Interviews with – Francis Lederer, Ray Stricklyn and Norma Eberhardt);

1999 (#36; House of Wax; The Secret Life of Vincent Price; Sherlock Holmes);

SCARS MAGAZINE (Scars Magazine);

2007 (Volume 1 #3; Hatchet);

(November/December; Death by Engagement; Gunnar Hansen. Exorcist, Harry Manfredini; Michael Laimo);

SCARY MONSTERS MAGAZINE (Dennis Druktenis Pub.) –

Volume-1 #1 (10/1991; Limited Collector's Edition Magazine);

#2 (1992; The Monster Squad);

#7 (1999 Yearbook; Hammer Horror issue; VF = $12.00)

#13 (2005 Yearbook; Dracula vs Wolfman, with Frankenstein cover; VF = $12.00)

#15 (1995; June; Son of Dracula; VG = $7.00);

#18 (1996; March; Revenge of the Men in the Creature {from the Black Lagoon} Suit; VG = $7.00);

#22 (1997; March; Karloff, Apes, Harryhausen and Zackerley);

#30 (March/2000; Jeepers Creepers Theatre Tribute)

#54 (Kong Memories)

#55 (Dark Shadows);

#82 (4/2012; Outer Limits; Shock Theatre; VF = $10.00)

1999 YEARBOOK: MONSTER MEMORIES - #7 (1999; Hammer Horror);


1977 (Winter #1);

1978 (Spring #2); (July #3); (October #4);

SCIENCE FICTION AGE (Sovereign Media Co. Inc.)


(Volume 1 #1; November; Cover art “Robot Explorer” by Michael Whelan);


(January; Cover art “Interplanetary Mona Lisa” by Jim Burns);

(March; Cover art “Space Traveller” by Les Edwards);

(May; Cover art “Two Warweary Female Starfighters” by Steve Hickman);

(July; Cover art “Mournful Alien Carrying a Dead Human” by Michael Whelan);

(September; Cover art “Humanity's Future Home in Space Station” by John Berkey);

(November; Cover art “A Robot Considering Eternity” by Michael Whelan);


(January; Cover art “Beautiful Female Space Explorer” by Luis Royo);

(March; Cover art “Multi-Level Space Craft” by John Berkey);

(May; Cover art “Future of Space Travel” by Chris Moore);

(July; Cover Computer art “The Face of Tomorrow” by Jim Zuckerman);

(September; Cover art “Manned Space Station” by George Krauter);

(November; Cover art “Faster than Light Space Travel” by John Berkey);


(January; Cover art “Aesha Devora awakened from Cryosuspension” by Broeck Steadman);

(March; Cover art “Baroque Spaceship” by Bob Eggleton);

(May; Cover art “Non Human looking Humanity” by Chris Moore);

(July; Cover art “Space Fleet departing a Defeated Deathstar” by David Mattingly);

(September; Cover art “Space Station keeps an Eye on Alien World” by George Krauter);

(November; Cover art “Trio of Interstellar Craft” by John Berkey);


(January; Cover art “Enter the Traitor” by Chris Moore);

(March; Cover art “The Positronic Man” by Stephen Youll);

(May; Cover art “Spaceship using Chaos Theory Propullsion” by Vincent Di Fate);

(July; Cover art “Deadly Descent” by John Berkey);

(September; Cover art “Starship on Exploration Voyage” by George Krauter);

(November; Cover art “The Last Spaceship Escapes a Dying World” by Chris Moore);


(January; Cover art “Intergalactic Ship Scoops Energy from a Sun” by David Mattingly);

(March; Cover art from Star Wars Novel “Shield of Lies” by Drew Struzan);


(November; Cover art “X-Files Fox Mulder and Dana Scully”);

THE SCIENCE FICTION BOOK CLUB (Science Fiction Book Club);


(June); (July); (August; Cover art by Chris Moore); (September; Cover art by Jim Burns); (October); (November; Cover art by Jael); (December; Cover art by Chiodo); (Summer; Cover art by Siudmak); (Mid-Summer; Cover art by Dennis Nolan); (WinterCover art by John Zelezink);


(January; Cover art by Marc Fishman); (February); (March); (April); (May); (June); (July); (August; Cover Illustration by John Harris); (Sepmtember; Cover art by Tom Canty); (October); (November); (December); (Collector's Issue #1; Cover art by Matt Stawicki); (Collector's Issue #2; Cover art by Donato); (Mid-Winter Special Collectors Issue; Cover art by Luis Royo); (Spring; Cover art by Mark Fishman); (Late Spring); (Summer); (Fall);


(January; Error – Missing Cover Image); (February); March; Cover art by Rick Berry); (April); (May; Cover art by Bruce Jensen); (September); (October); (November): (December): (Collectors Issue; Cover art by Don Maitz); (Summer); (Fall; Cover art by Bruce Jensen); (Winter; Cover art by Donato); (Holiday);


(January; Cover art by Jill Bauman); (February); (March; Cover art by Alan Pollack); (April; Cover art by Darrell K. Sweet); (May); (June; Cover Photo of Stephen King and Jack McDevitt); (July); (August); (September); (October); (November; Cover art by Don Maitz); (December); (New Year's 2001; Cover art by Vincent DiFate); (New Year's 2001); (Spring; Cover art by John Jude Palencar); (Summer): (Fall; Cover art by Greg and Tim Hildebrandt): (Holiday);


(February); (March); (July); (Collector #1); (Spring; Cover art by Stephen Hickman);


1987 (November); (December);

1988 (January); (March); (August); (September);

1989 (April);

1990 (July);

1994 (August);

2000 (June/July); (August/September);

2001 (February);


#1 (1976; Ace Book Index); #2 (Cover of Jack Vance “The Dying Earth”);


1978 (May/June #2);



(#44 Fall; Cover art by Stephen Fabian; Interview – Anne McCaffrey);

(#45 Winter; Cover art by Brad W. Foster; Interview – Terry Carr);

SCIENCE FICTION WORLD (UK; M.S. Pub. Ltd.) - 2000 – June(Volume1 #1); July (Volume 1#2); August (Volume 1 #3);

SCI-FI COLLECTOR (Beckett Pub.) - 1999 (Volume 1 #1; April);

SCI-FI ENTERTAINMENT (Sovereign Media Co. Inc.)

1994 (June; Volume-1 #1; WOLF / Jack Nicholson-c); (August); (December);

1995 (February); April); (June); (August); (October); (December);

1996(February); (April); (August);

1997 (February); (April); (November);

1998 (February); (June); (November);

1999 June (Star Wars)

SCI-FI AND FANTASY MODELS (Next Millennium Pub. Ltd. Pub.) - 1996 (#12 May/June); (#13 July/August);

SCI-FI FLIX (Sovereign Media Co. Inc.) -


1999 (Winter);

SCI-FI INVASION (Wizard Press Pub.)

1997 (Special); (Summer); (Fall);

1998 (Spring); (Summer);

SCI-FI MONTHLY (Sportscene Publishers Ltd.) - 1976 - #1-8;

SCI FI NEWS (Brazil; Meia Sete Design Pub.) -

1997 Volume 1 (#1; September); (#2; October); (#3; November);

1998 (#6; February); (#8; April); (#9; May); (#12; August);

2001 – December;

SCIFINOW (Image Pub.; British);

2007 (#10; Iron Man);

2008 (#13; Battlestar Galactica);



(April; Susan Sarandon as Princess Wensicia);


(October; Angelina Jolie);

(December; Kristin Kreuk);


(February; Jennifer Garner);

(April; Over 100 Great Twists Revealed);


(February; Natalie Portman);


(April; Laura Vandervoort);

(June; Harrison Ford);

SCI-FI TV (Starlog Comm International Inc. Pub.);


(#3; February; Star Trek Voyager);

(#5; June; 7 Days);

(#7; October; Stargate SG-1);

(#8; December; Roswell);

SCI-FI TV FALL PREVIEW (Sovereign Media Co. Inc.) - 1995 – October;

SCI-FI UNIVERSE (H G Publications Inc.)



1996 (December);

1997 (July);

1998 (February); (April);

1999 (June);

SCREAM BEAT (Market Square Prod.) 1996 #2 (Exclusive Scream Queen & Fantasy girl pin-up Issue);

THE SCREAM FACTORY (Deadline Press);

1993 #12 (Autumn; Wes Craven; “Phantom of the Opera” Film and Fiction; Interview and Bibliography – Al Sarrantonio);

SCREAM QUEENS ILLUSTRATED -- SEXY STARLETS (1993-1995; Market Square Productions inc; Slick Paper & Stiff Covers; Pro Fanzine/Magazine COLOR GIRLS & WOMEN of Movie Monsters Horror magazine with Photo's & Articles; ADULTS ONLY = LOTS of NUDE PHOTO'S; 72 pages);

#1 (Fall/1993; Linnea Quigley's SKIN the Book - Hot NUDE Pictorial; Brinke Stevens centerfold & NUDE pictorial; Rhona Shear; John Russo; Zombies invade London; LOW PRINT RUN; RARE Due to HIGH DEMAND; NM-, 9.2 = $99);

#2 (Winter/1993-1994; Monique Gabrielle - Hot NUDE Pictorial; Michelle Baur centerfold & NUDE pictorial; Kent Steine's Hollywood Glamour; John Carpenter's Body Bags; OLIVIA - Fantasy Artist portfolio; NM+, 9.6 = $39; more copies);

#3 (Spring/1994; Covergirl JASAE; Workout with Jasae, Melissa Moore & Veronica Carothers; Stacy Warfel centerfold & NUDE pictorial; Fred Olen Ray & the Girls of BIKINI DRIVE-IN; Terri & Christine - Mom & Daughter Scream Queens; Stars of Night of the cat, plus Director Jay Lind speaks out; NM, 9.4 = $29); #3 (Spring/1994; Covergirl JASAE; Workout with Jasae, Melissa Moore & Veronica Carothers; Stacy Warfel centerfold & NUDE pictorial; Fred Olen Ray & the Girls of BIKINI DRIVE-IN; Terri & Christine - Mom & Daughter Scream Queens; Stars of Night of the cat, plus Director Jay Lind speaks out; VF+ = $19; more copies);

#4 (1994; Melissa Moore cover & NUDE pictorial; JULIE STRAIN centerfold & NUDE pictorial; Joe Mickey's painted ladies; Becky Le Beau & her Soft Bodies; NM, 9.4 = $29; more copies);

#5 (1994 Debbie Dutch's Wild Fantasies cover & NUDE pictorial; Becky LeBeau centerfold & NUDE pictorial; SEX & Special Effects; Fantasy Artist Cylde Caldwell; Golden Girls of Moscow; Bram Stoker's Burial of Rats; NM+, 9.6 = $39; VF/NM, 9.0 = $18; more copies );

#6 (1995; Brinke Stevens cover & NUDE pictorial; Sassy Lee Varga centerfold & NUDE pictorial; filmaker Tom Brown; Larissa - From Russia with Love; Girls of Doublevision; NM, 9.4 = $29; VF, 8.0 = $14 ; more copies);

#7 (1995; JULIE STRAIN cover & NUDE pictorial; Monique Gabrielle the Teen Years centerfold & NUDE pictorial; Naked Horror - NUDE pictorial; RED Lips - Erotic Vampire Fantasy; VF+, 8.5 = $14);

#8 (Marilyn Chambers; Splatter Music; Debbie Rochon);

#9 (1995; Michelle Bauer cover, Interview & NUDE pictorial; Becky Sunshine centerfold & NUDE pictorial; School Girl - NUDE pictorial; Naked Movies - NUDE pictorial; Debbie D ... Legend of the Brown Haired Mermaid; NM-, 9.2 = $22; ; more copies);

#10 (Julia Hayes; Rhonda's Sheer; Cat Woman; Vampire's Lust);

#12(1996; JULIE STRAIN cover with BLACK Background - Julie holding her Breast & Croch; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00);

#12(1996; JULIE STRAIN cover with RED Background - Julie sucking her Middle Finger; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00);

#13(1996; Lorissa McComas; June Wilkinson; VF, 8.0 = $);

#14(1997; Tammy Parks; Julie Strain, Linnea Quigley, Rhonda Shear, Dian Parkinson, Monique Gabrielle; Debbie D and Debbie Dutch; NM-, 9.2 = $18.00);

#14(1997; Tammy Parks; Julie Strain, Linnea Quigley, Rhonda Shear, Dian Parkinson, Monique Gabrielle; Debbie D and Debbie Dutch; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14; ; more copies);

#15(1997; JULIE STRAIN cover; NM-, 9.2 = $16.00; ; more copies);

#17(1997; Cyber-Babes; Countess Vladimira; NM-, 9.2 = $16.00); #17(1997; Cyber-Babes; Countess Vladimira; VF/NM, 9.0 = $13.00);

#18(1998; MONIQUE cover; Chaos Comics; VF/NM, 9.0 = $13.00);

#19(1998; Julie Wallace Topless in Boxing Gloves PHOTO cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $14.00);

#19(1998; Julie Wallace; TopleGirl Wrapped in Black Tape PAINTED cover; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00);

#20(Melissa Wolf & her Sexy Club centerfolds; Glori Anne Centerfold;

#21 (Christine Cavalier; Jennerifr Jenesko)

#22 (Ginger Lynn Allen; De De Lind; Dorian Cleavenger);

#23 (Vamps of E.I. Independent Cinema; Kym Malin; Rick Baker)

SCREAM QUEENS ILLUSTRATED ANNUAL #1 (1998; Tom Savini; Julie Strain; Brinke Stevens; Lorissa McComas; Debbie Rochon; Tammy Parks; Stephanie Beaton; Ginger Lynn);

SCREAM QUEENS ILLUSTRATED POSTERBOOK (Market Square Productions inc; ; Pro Fanzine/Magazine COLOR GIRLS & WOMEN of Movie Monsters Horror magazine with Photo's & Articles; ADULTS ONLY = LOTS of NUDE PHOTO'S; 72 pages); -

#1 (1997; All JULIE STRAIN issue; Folds Out to a 21"x33" Poster; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12);

#1 (1997; All JULIE STRAIN issue; Folds Out to a 21"x33" Poster; VF+, 8.5 = $16; ; more copies);

#2 (1997; All TAMMY PARKS issue; Folds Out to a 21"x33" Poster; VF+, 8.5 = $13);

SCREEM Magazine #4(1994), 8, 9, 11,12,13,#25(2012; Universal Monsters Photo-c; VF/NM = $12);

SCREEN QUEENS ILLUSTRATED Market Square Productions) #1(1999; Night of the Living Dead 30; Julie Strain; Marilyn by Moonlight);

SERENDIPITY (Solarquest Pub.) - 1988 – October (Volume 1 #1);


1985 (April); (May); (June); (July); (August); (September); (October); (November); (December);

S F T V (HJS Publications)

1984 (December #1);

1985 (January #2);

S F T V COLOR POSTER BOOK (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) - 1978 - #1,2,3;


1974 #50;

SFX (SPECIAL EFFECTS) (Starlog Communications International Inc.) - 1992 - #3;

SFX (Future Pub. Ltd.) -

1996 (August #15);

2002 (November; Farscape/ Harry Potter 2);

2004 (April; Sarah Michelle Gellar);(July; (Spider-Man 2);

2008 (February; Primeval); (March; Heroes);

SPECIAL; SFX BABES 2000 (Spring; front cover Sarah Michelle Gellar);

SHADOWS OF... (Dawn Press Inc.) - 1982 (Spring #6);

SHAYOL (Flight Unlimited Inc.)

1977 (#1 November; Cover art “Flight” by Roger Stine);

1978 (#2 February; Interview Tim Kirk);

1980 (#4; Cover art by Roger Stine);

SHE - THE MAGAZINE OF FEMME FATELE CINEMA (Draculina Pub.; 1995) Volume 2 #4 (Marlene Dietrich, Lola Falana, Yung Hung);

SHIVERS (Visual Imagination Ltd.)

1992(October #3);

1993 (March #6); (#32 No date);

#37, #61, #62; (#64; Sarah Michelle Gellar); (#69; The Making of the Modern Vampire); (#116; Sarah Michelle Gellar);

SHRIEK - the Monster Horror Magazine (Robin Bean / House of Horror pub)

#1(May/1965; Horror Hags = Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, & Tallulah Bankhead; Vincent Price; Soverign of the Sinister; Flesh Eathers; Witchcraft; Girl-Vampire; Secret of Blood Island; Die Die my Darling; Harakiri; Painted-c);

#2(October /1965);


#4 (Winter/1967);

SHOCK CINEMA (Steve Puchalski Pub.)


#32 (Ronny Cox, Enrico Colantoni, Bud Smith, Steve Carver, Tim Thomerson);

#36 (Richard Lynch, Richard Rush, Linda Haynes, Jennifer Ashley);

SHOCK XPRESS (Airgedlamh Pub.) - 1988/89 (Winter Vol.2 #5);

SHRIEK! (House of Horror pub.)

1965 #1 (October; Life of Terror Boris Karloff; Vincent price, Dr. Terror's Devil of Darkness);

1966 #3 (Summer; Dracula prince of Darkness, Face of Fu Manchu, Rasputin, Mad Monk, Shriek Exclusive Loneliness of Evil; Onibaba, Psychopath);

S.I.G. (Engale Marketing Pub.) - 1985 (Spring #12);

SILVER SCREEN (Combined with Screenland) [GLOBE Communications Corp Pub; B&W Photo & Articles Magazine];

May 1977(Special HORROR issue; 68 pages; Vincent Price, Fly, etc; the Originals: Frankenstein, Wolfman, Dracula, etc; the Creatures: Godzilla, Cyclops, Gorgo, etc; The Giants: King Kong, etc; the Occult: Excorcist, Crowly, etc; 113 Monster Photo's; VF, 8.0 = $18);

SILVER SCREEN HORROR (Globe Communications Corp) - 1977 (May);

SIRENS OF CINEMA ( Draculina Pub.) 2002 (Yancy Butler; Shu Qi, Kirsten Dunst; Anita Mui; Chona Jason);

SLAUGHTER HOUSE (HCS Assoc.) - 1988 #1,2(Nightmare of Elm Street), 3, 4;


2005 (January; #4; Tom Welling); (March; #5; Lana Lang); (April; #7; Clark Kent); (June; #9; Allison Mack & Erica Durance); (September/ October; #10; Erica Durance); (November/December; #11; Season 5 News);

2006 (January/February; Kristin Kreuk); (May/June; #14; Erica Durance/ Annette O'Toole); (July/August; #15; interviews with entire cast); (September/October; #16; Episode Guide); (November/December; #17; Smallville 101);

2007 (March/April; #19; Tom Welling/. Erica Durance); (May/June; #20; Green Arrow/ Impulse/ Aquaman/ Cyborg); (July/August; #21; Chloe & Jimmy); (September/October; #22; Lex Luther); (November/December; #23; Erica Durance);

2008 (May/June; #26; Justin Hartley);


THE SONIC SCREWDRIVER (Osiris Pub.) - 1986 (Volume 1 #1; Doctor Who Fanzine);

SORCERER'S APPRENTICE (Flying Buffalo Inc.) - 1980 (Fall #8);


1993 (September/October; Volume 2 #5);

1994 (March/April Volume 3 #2); (May/June; Volume 3 #3; Double Issue);

1995 (Volume 4 #18);

SPACE TREK (Stories, Layouts and Press Inc.)

1978 (Winter #1);

1979 (Spring #2); (Summer Vol.2 #2);

SPACE VOYAGER (Argus Specialist Pub.) -

1982 (No Date);

1984 (#12 December/ January 1985);

1985 (#13 February/March); (#15 June/July); (#16 August/September); (#17 October/ November);

SPACE WARS (Stories, layouts and Press Inc.)

1977 (October); (December);

1978 (February); (April); (June); (August); (December);

1979 (March); (May); (July); (September);(November);

March 1980 (Volume-4 #1; DARTH VADER, William Shatner & ALIEN Photo cover; FA/G, Low Grade Reading copy = $5.00);

SPACE WARS HEROES; ANCIENT ASTRONANTS SPECIAL EDITION (Stories, Layouts and Press Inc.) - 1979 (Spring);

SPAWN: OFFICIAL MOVIE MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1997 - #NN;

SPECTRUM (Win-Mill Productions Pub.) -

1995 (Volume 1 #4 July; X-Files);

2002 (#32; November Alias/ Smallville);

SPECIES; OFFICIAL MOVIE MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) - 1995;

THE SPINTRIAN (Speculative Fiction Society Pub.); - 1988 (Volume 1 #1; January Fanzine);

STAR BATTLES (Stories, layouts and Press Inc.)

Volume-1 #4(Winter/1978; Superman & Battlestar Galactica-c/s; Also with; Buck Rogers, Jane Seymour interview; Watership Down; George Romero's Living Dead; VF = $12);

Volume-2 #1(Spring /1979; Star Wars, Superman, Battlestar Galactica-c/s; Day the Earth Stood Still; VF = $12);

Volume-2 #2(Summer/1979;Star Wars Empire Strikes Back-c/s; Also with; Superman II, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Buck Rogers, China Syndrome; VF = $12);

STAR BLASTER (Windsor Communications pub)
Volume-1 #1 (January/1983; E.T. the Extraterrestial, Superman III, Star Wars Return of the Jedi & Star Trek III-c/s; Also with; Rocky; VF = $15);

Volume 1 #2 (September 1984; Gremlins; Conan; Roger More; Kate Capshaw; Dune; 2010; Sheena);

STARBLASTER SPECIAL (Windsor Communications pub)
Volume-1 (August/1986; Darth Vader, Rambo & Indiana Jones-c/s; Also with; Supergirl, James Bond, Spock & Kirk; VF = $14)

Volume-1 (October/1986; all-new Darth Vader, Slyvester Stallone as Cobra & Arnold Schwarznegger as Commando-c/s; Also with; Q gives James Bond 007 secrets; Star Trek IV; VF = $12)

Volume-1 #10 (December/1986; Darth Vader, Superman, Star Wars-c/s; Also with; Aliens, Slyvester Stallone as Cobra, James Bond, Supergirl; VF = $12)

STAR BLAZER (Special) (Liberty Communications Inc.)
1984; (July; Volume-1 #1; Supergirl & Indiana Jones-c; full Indiana Jones painted back-c; FN = $12;
; more copies);

1985; (Spring; Volume-1 #2; Steven Speilberg's INDY III / Indiana Jones issue; also with James Bond; FN = $12);

1984; (November; Volume-1 #3; Star Trek IV & Indiana Jones-c; full Indiana Jones photo back-c; FN = $10);

1985; (January; Volume-1 #4; EWOKS Photo-c; Star Trek photo back-c; Helen Slater Supergirl movie; DUNE vs Star Wars; V - Space Creatures attack;l Arnold Schrarzenegger interview; FN+ = $10);

1985; (Autumn; Volume-1 #5; FIRST BLOOD II Rambo's Revenge & JAMES BOND's Harem Girls-c; FN = $10);

1986 Summer (Rambo; Roger Moore James Bond;)

STARDATE (Associates International Inc.);

1986 (#10 February; Cover art by David Mattingly);

STAR ENCOUNTERS (Stories, Layouts and Press Inc. - Myron & Irving Fass publishers; 68 Pages including Covers) -

Volume-1 #1 (April/1978; 8 pages in color; Super UFO / Close Encounters issue; An Innocent's Vengeance = 6 page Comics story by Steve Clement, with Brian J Buniak art; Underground Comix Review; Astronauts & UFO'S; Mars the Mysterious Planet; LASERIUM The Cosmic Laser Concert; Making of King Kong, Pyramid Power; Inside Star Wars; V isitors from the Stars);

Volume-1 #2 (June/1978;  8 pages in color; Brains and Blobs from Outer Space; Star Wars; Close Encounters; 2001: A Space Odyssey revisited; Rocky Horror Picture Show - Cult Screamer with Meatloaf; Capricorn 1 sneak preview;  War of the Worlds; Professor Quatermass; Destination Moon);

Volume-1 #3 (August/1978; Gene Roddenberry: Beyond Star Trek; preview of Irwin Allen's Swarm; The Films of Ray Bradbury; Tales of Sci-Fi Conventions; Jason and the Argonauts - Ray Harryhausen; Strange Apes in Science Fiction; Screen Adventures of Flash Gordon; The Thing from Another World; Age of the Clone = 3 pages of Comics with GENE DAY story & art);


1980 – Volume 1 (#1; August); October;

STAR FORCE (SJ Publications Inc.)
1980; (October; Volume-1 #2; Star Wars Empire Strikes Back issue; FN/VF=$12; G/VG= $6);

1980; (December; Volume-1 #3; Star Wars issue; VG/FN = $10);
1981; (February; Volume-2 #1; Star Wars issue; G/VG = $6);


2004 (November/December; #1);

2005 (January/February; #2); (March/April; #3); (May/April; #4); (July/August; #5); (September/October; #6);


2005 (November/December; #7);

2006 (January/February; #8); (May/June; #10); (July/August; #11); (September/October; #12); (November/ December); #13);

2007 (January; February; #14); (July/August; #17); (September/October; #18);

2008 (January/February; #20); (July/August; #23);


STAR INVADERS (Liberty Communications Inc.)
1984; (Winter; Volume-1 #2; DUNE & STAR WARS issue; VG/FN, but Centerfold Poster is missing = $5);
1985; (Spring; Volume 1 #3l Dune); (Summer; Volume-1 #4; T2; Terminator II Special Effects issue; FN+ = $12);

STARLOG (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)


#1 August (front cover “Star Trek”; Star Trek Special Section – William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, The Conventions, Complete Filmography; “The Bionic Woman”; “Space 1999” the Second Season; Two New “King Kong” Movies);

#2 November (front cover “Space;1999”; “Space;1999” Special Section – Fall Preview Year 2, Episode Guide, Alpha Data Book; “Logan's Run” 23rd Century World; New Television Season - “Wonder Woman”,”Gemini Man” and “Holmes and Yoyo”; Comics on TV and the Movies);


#3 January (front cover “Star Trek Caricatures by Jack Rickard”; Special Section “Star Trek” Bi-Cenntial-10 Convention; 75 Years of Movie and TV Spaceships; “Space;1999” 6 New Episodes from Season Two; Progress Report “The Six Million Dollar Man”);

#5 May (front cover “Saturn” by Don Dixon and Portfolio of Cosmic Visions; Interview – Don Dixon; 3-D Spectacular Section – From Movies to TV; “UFO” Returns to TV with Complete Episode Guide; “Space;1999” Final Episode of Year Two);

#6 June (front cover George Pal's “Destination Moon”; On the Set Interviews with Cast and Creative Crew of TV's “The Fantastic Journey”; Making of Animated “Star Trek” with Episode Guide; Robert A. Heinlein “The Making of Destination Moon”; “Space;1999” Cancelation);

#7 August (front cover “Star Wars” X-Wing Fighter; Preview of New Movie “Star Wars”; Interview – Allan Scott; “Space;1999” Eagle Blueprints; Saving “Rocketship X-M”;

#8 September (front cover “Model Animation”; Interview – Harlan Ellison; Science Fiction TV Preview; Saturday Morning TV Kid Guide; Another Look at “Star Wars”);

#9 October (front cover TV's “Logan's Run”; Special TV Issue; Interviews – Lynda Carter, Patrick Duffy, Gerry Anderson, William Shatner, Jared Martin, Ivan Goff with Ben Roberts; “Fantastic Journey” Episode Guide);

#10 December (front cover Space Ark from “When Worlds Collide”; Interviews – George Pal, Ray Harryhausen and Ralph Bakshi; Isaac Asimov on Faster than Light Travel);


#11 January (front cover “Makeup Artist Rick Baker”; Preview “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”; “The Prisoner” Examined and Episode Guide; “Superman; The Movie”; TV's “Quark”; TV Update - “Logan's Run”, “Man From Atlantis” and Buck Rogers”; Science Fiction Comics);

#12 March (front cover “Close Encounters Mothership” by Randy Weidner; Interview – Gene Roddenberry; Christopher Lee “Starship Invasion”; Behind the Scenes “Laserblast”; Review “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”; Comic Book Superheroes Tomorrow's TV Superstars; Chesley Bonestell 90 Birthday Tribute);

#13 May (front cover “Surface of Tethys Overlooking Saturn” by Ludek Pesek; Interview – Forrest L. Ackerman; Interview – Dave Prowse; TV's “Logan's Run” Wrap-up and Episode Guide; Horror Fantasy “The Manitou”; George Pal's “The Time Machine”; Walt Disney's Space Shoe of the 1950's);

#14 June (front cover Matte Painting; Interview – Jim Danforth; The Art of Virgil Finlay; Review “Incredible Melting Man”; Review “Capricorn One”; “the Last Voyage of the Starship Enterprise” a Satire);

#15 August (front cover 1950's Space Opera “This Island Earth” and Article with Photos; 16-page Special Section “Twilight Zone”; “Superman” Movie Update; Sword and Sorcery Movie “Thonger; In the Valley of Demons”; 7-Hour TV Movie “Battlestar Galactica”);

#16 September (front cover “Buck Rogers Spaceship” by Bob McCall; Interview – Alan Dean Foster; Interview – Phillip Kaufman; The Films of Bert I. Gordon; “Fantastic Voyage” Revisited);

#17 October (front cover “Battlestar Galactica”; with Bonus Color Poster; Special Fall TV Issue; Interview – Steven Speilberg; Interview – McQuarrie; Marvel's “Dr. Strange” Coming to TV; Special TV Update “Battlestar Galactica”, “Buck Rogers”, “Nova”, “Brave New World”, “Project UFO”; “Star Trek; The Motion Picture” Set to Hit Theaters);

#18 December (front cover “Hollywood Halloween”; Interview – David Hasselhoff; “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back” Producer Gary Kurtz; Review “The Boys from Brazil”; Review “Piranha”; “Battlestar Galactica” Dirk Benedict and Richard Hatch;);


#19 February (front cover “Star Wars TV Special Cantina Reunion”; Interview – Ralph Bakshi; Interview – Roger Corman; Interview – Gil Gerard; Interview – Maren Jensen of “Battlestar Galactica”; “Superman” Movie on the Horizon; Leonard Nimoy “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”);

#20 March (front cover Christopher Reeves as “Superman”; Complete Story of the Movie “Superman”; Interview – Kirk Alyn the Original Superman; Buck Rogers 50th Anniversary; Pam Dawber Talks about Robin Williams and “Mork and Mindy”; Saturday Morning TV “Jason of Star Command”);

#21 April (front cover 'Buck Rogers; The Movie”; “Lost in Space” Episode Guide; Interview – Mark Hamill; Interview – George Romero; Science Fiction Models; Update on the “Buck Rogers; The Movie”);

#22 May (front cover James Bond “Moonraker”; 1979 Science Fiction Movie Previes “Moonraker”, “Aliens”, “Vortex”, “The Shape of Things to Come”; TV Drama “Brave New World” Interview – Lorne Greene; Interview – Noah Hathaway; Science Fiction Cover Artist - Don Maitz);

#23 June (front cover “Alien”; Full Color Preview of “Alien”; Interview – David Prowse; A Review of Black's in Science Fiction Movies and TV; “Doctor Who” on TV in the States and Episode Guide; Film Classic “The Day the Earth Stood Still”; review “Monument”);

#24 July (front cover Science Fiction Spectacular “Superman”,”Mork and Mindy”, “Star Trek; The Movie”, “The Hulk”, Star Wars”, “Alien”, “Battlestar Galactica”, “Space;1999”, “Moonraker”, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, Doctor Who”; Interviews – William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Walter Hill; Science Fiction Toys for the 1980's; Complete Index to Starlog);

#25 August (front cover “The Enterprise”; Interview – Ray Bradbury; Interview – Mike Minor; Progress Report “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”; New Photos “Alien”; How James Arness Became “The Thing”);

#26 September (front cover “The Making of Alien”; Interviews – Ridley Scott and; Interview, H.R. Giger, Bo Brundin; Science Fiction Weapons – With Foldout Blueprint; From Buck Rogers” to...”Buck Rogers – Space Toys from Then Til Now; Gerry Anderson “The Dat After Tomorrow”; “The First Men on the Moon”);

#27 October (front cover “Making the Miniatures – The Opticals Story”; Interview – Nicholas Meyer; Filmation in Outer Space “Flash Gordon”, “Jason of Star Command” and “Mighty Mouse”; “The Martian Chronicles” Ready for TV this Fall; Battlestar Galactica Episode Guide; Touring the Set of “The Black Hole”;”urshurak” an Epic Fantasy by the Brothers Hildebrandt”);

#28 November (front cover “Buck Rogers” The 25th Century Comes to TV; Interview – Herb Jefferson; Interview – Lou Ferrigno; “Wonder Woman Pinups” and Episode Guide; The Latest Pictures of Venus);

#29 December (front cover “Meteor”; “Meteor” Crew Trying to Meet Release Date; Interview Ted Parvin; Erin Gray on the “Buck Rogers” TV Series; Science Fiction Merchandise Guide; The Incredible Shrinking Mork; “Starlust” a Poem Illustrated by Jack Katz);


#30 January (front cover “William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy”; Preview “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”; Interviews with Robert Wise and Harold Michaelson; “The Questor Tapes” Gene Roddenberrt's Lost TV Pilot; Science Fiction Stuntwomen; Walter Koenig's “Chekov's Enterprise” part 1 of 3);

#31 February (front cover “The Black Hole”; Interview – Ron Miller; Interview – Joe Bottoms; Interview – Miklos Rozsa; Latest Rumors on “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”; Walter Koenig's “Chekov's Enterprise” part 2 of 3);

#32 March (front cover “Captain Kirk”; Exclusive “Star Trek” Coverage -Interviews with Artist Andy Probert and Illustrator Maurice Zuberano; Trish Srewart on Women's Roles in Science Fiction Movies and TV; Walter Koenig's “Chekov's Enterprise”; Bonus Flexidisc of Galactic Sound Effects);

#33 April (front cover “Saturn 3”; Behind the Scenes of “Saturn 3” with Interviews with Stanley Donen and Maximilian Schell; “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” Episode Guide; Harlan Ellison on “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”; Analysis of Marvel's “Star Trek” Comic Book);

#34 May (front cover “Battlestar Galactica”; New Faces of “Battlestar Galactica” Robyn Douglass and Robbie Rist; Interview – Irvin Kershner; Reviewing TV's “The Martian Chronicles”; Interview with Tom Baker of “Doctor Who”; Interview with Felix Silla);

#35 June (front cover “Darth Vader”; “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back” Photo Section, Interview with Billy Dee Williams; “The Black Hole” Robots; Animated Science Fiction “Star Blazers”; Preview of “Battle Beyond the Stars”; Interview – Bruce Lansbury);

#36 July (front cover Science Fiction Spectacular “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”, “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”, “Alien”, “Moonraker”, “Battlestar Galactica”, “The Black Hole”, “The Martian Chronicles”, “Doctor Who”, “Saturn 3”, “Buck Rogers”, “Mork and Mindy”; Science Fiction Toys for the 1980's);

#37 August (front cover “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”; Interview – Harrison Ford; Interview - “Star Trek” Persis Khambatta; Ray Harryhausen's Preproduction Art; The Making of “Buck Rogers”; Interview – Terence Dicks);

#38 September (front cover The Mothership from “Close Encouters of the Third Kind”; Interview De Forest Kelley on “Star Trek”; New Films “Galaxina”, “Scared to Death” and “Clash of the Titans”; Spectacular Art By David Mattingly; Retrospective on George Pal; “Buck Rogers” Complete Episode Guide);

#39 October (front cover “Buck Rogers” Gil Gerard; Special TV Issue; Previewing the New “Buck Rogers”; The Return of “The Hulk”, “Mork and Mindy”; “Battlestar Galactica” TV Movies; The Saturday Morning TV Lineup; Frankie Colonials Remembers “Tom Corbett; Space Cadet”; Interview – Fred Freiberger part-1);

#40 November (front cover “Luke Skywalker and Yoda”; Interview – Mark Hamill on the “Star Wars” Trilogy; Gene Roddenberry on “Star Trek”; Interview – Fred Freiberger part-2; Gil Gerard on “Buck Rogers”; Jane Seymour on “Somewhere in Time”);

#41 December (front cover “Ming the Merciless”; Interviews with San 'Flash' Jones and Melody 'Dale' Anderson; Interview – John Carpenter; Mike Kaluta's Designs for “Starstruck”; The History of Science Fiction Comics by Ron Goulart – Part-1 The Beginning);


#42 January (front cover “Klingon Commander”; Interview – Mark Lenard; Interview – Robert Conrad; Interviews with “Doctor Who's Companions Elisabeth Sladen and Ian Marter; Preview “Childhood's End” Neal Adams Preproduction Art; History of Science Fiction Comics by Ron Goulart – Part-2 the 1930's);

#43 February (front cover “Scanners”; David Cronenberg's “Scanners” Starrin Patrick McGoohan; Robert Altman on “Popeye”; Interview – Gary Kurtz; “Hulk” TV Show Episode Guide; “Space Cadet” meets “Space Patrol”; History of Science Fiction Comics by Ron Goulart – Part-3 The Super 40's);

#44 March (front cover “Altered States”; Interview with Bob balabanInterview – Mike Hodges; Disney's “Condorman”; The Fantastic Art of Walter Velez; Science Fiction Films in Production; NASA Saturn Photos part-1; History of Science Fiction Comics by Ron Goulart – Part-4 From “fFlash Gordon” to “Wash Tubbs”);

#45 April (front cover “Buck Rogers New Alien Hero – Hawk”; Interview Thom 'Hawk' Christopher; Preview “Outland”; On the Set of “Escape from New York”; NASA Saturn Photos part-2 Secrets of Saturn's Moons; Special Insert – Fuse Blocks 3-D Modular Construction Kit; History of Science Fiction Comics by Ron Goulart – Part-5 The Big 50's Boom);

#46 May (front cover “Clash of the Titans”; Preview “Clash of the Titans” by Harry Hamlin; “Star Wars” Chapter 4 a New Look; Interview – Joe Alves; New TV Pilot “Greatest American Hero”; Preview “Superman II”; Interview – Blair Brown; History of Science Fiction Comics by Ron Goulart – Part-6 The 60's and 70's);

#47 June (front cover “Superman II”; Interview – Sarah Douglas; Interview – Frances Sternhagen; Interview - “Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy” Douglas Adams; George Takei “A Personal History” part-1; Interview – David A. Kyle; Doctor Goodfellow Rates “Buck Rogers”);

#48 July (front cover 5th Anniversary Spectacular “The Heavy Metal Movie”, “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, “Outland”, “SF Comics”, “Buck Rogers”, “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”, “Altered States”; Interview – Harrison Ford; Interview – George Lucas part-1; Interview – John Carpenter; Interview -Bill Muny; Space Art od Vincent DiFate);

#49 August (front cover James Bond “For Your Eyes Only”; Interview – Derek Meddings; Interview – Kurt Russell with Adrienne Barbeau; Interview – George Lucas part-2; George Takei “A Personal History” part-2; Preview “Mind Warp”);

#50 Sepmtember (front cover “Boba Fett”; Interview - “Boba Fett Unmasked” Jeremy Bulloch; Interview – George Lucas part-3; Interview Steven Speilberg; Interview -Ray Walston; Review “Heavy Metal Movie”; The Six “Doctor Who”; Sean Connery on “Outland”; Lawrence Kasdan Part-1 On Scripting “Raiders of the Lost Ark”);

#51 October (front cover Scriptwriter “Lawrence Kasdan”; Lawrence Kasdan Part-2 Workinf with Lucas on the “Star Wars” Saga; Interview – Ray Harryhausen; Progress Report on the “Batman” movie; Gene Roddenberry on his Other Projects; “Return Match” by Ray Bradbury with Art by Walter Velez; William Shatner Part-1 “The Once and Future Kirk”);

#52 November (front cover Harrison Ford in “Blade Runner” and Sneak Preview; TV's “Powers of Matthew Star”; New Art from H.R. Giger; Darth Vader's Right Hand Man – Julian Glover; Preview “The Creature Wasn't Nice”; William Shatner Part-2 “I am Kirk”);

#53 December (front cover “Heartbeeps” and Story of the Creation of the Robots; Ray Bradbury on his Science Fiction Films Past and Future; Interview – Patrick Mcnee; TV's “The Greatest American Hero” Returns;

Portfolio – Jill Bauman; Gene Winfiels's Exotic Vehicles from “Star Trek” to “Blade Runner”);


#54 January (front cover “Special 3-D” Issue; Interviews - “Greatest American Hero” Robert Culp part-1, Connie Sellecca and Juanita Bartlett with First Season Episode Guide; David Gerrold Interviews Terry Gilliam; “Star Trek” Bloopers part-1; Secrets Behind “Raiders of the Lost Ark” Special Effects; Special 3-D Section; 1982 Science Fiction Feature Film Line-up);

#55 February (front cover “Time Bandits” and “Quest for Fire”; Interviews – Robert Culp part-2; Philip K. Dick; Alan Ladd Jr. and Ed 'UFO” Bishop; Douglas Trumbull on the Set of “Brainstorm”; Color Portfolip of “Time Bandits; “Star Trek” Bloopers part-2; Free Flexi Disc “The Avengers” Original TV Score);

#56 March (front cover “Darth Vader”; Special Effects Secrets from “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”, “War of the Worlds”, “The Time Machine”, '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, “Forbidden Planet”, “Things to Come”, “The Thing”, “This Island Earth”, “The Black Hole” and “The Invisible Man”; “Star Trek” Bloopers part-3; Interview “Modern Problems” Ken Shapiro; “Zardoz” Retrospective; Interview “Heartbeeps” Ken McMillan; Remaking BBC's “Triffids”; Portfolio – Steven Vincent Johnson; Centerfold Pull-Out Poster “2001; A Space Odyssey”);

#57 April (front cover “Person Riding a Giant Lizard” by Ron Cobb; Science Fiction Designer Ron Cobb from “Dark Star” to “Conan”; The Making of “Megaforce”; Fantasy Films Favorite Femme – Caroline Munro; Chesley Bonestell Revisited; “Lost in Space” Robot Returns; Crnterfold Pull-Out Poster “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”);

#58 May (front cover “Harrison Ford in “Blade Runner”; Interview - “Blade Runner” Syd Mead, Hampton Fancher with David Peoples; Interview - “The Thing” Bill Lancaster; The Altare Spaceship from Gerry Anderson's “The Day After Tomorrow”; “Battlestar Galactica” Revisited; “Who Goes There ?” part-1 by John Campbell; Centerfold Pull-Out Poster “Battlestar Galactica”);

#59 June (front cover Arnold Schwarzenegger as “Conan the Barbarian” and Behind the Scenes with Cast and Crew; Filming the “Thing”; Interview – “Cat People” Paul Schrader; Preview “Krull”; New Cast Members “Star Trek; The Vengeance of Khan”; “Who Goes There ?” part-2 by John Canpbell; Centerfold Pull-Out Poster “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”);

#60 July (front cover 6th Anniversary Science Fiction Spectacular “Star Trek II; The Wrath of Khan”, “Tron”, Superman II”, “Blade Runner”, “E.T.” “The Thing”, “Thundarr”; Portfolio – Chris Achilleos; Science Fiction Toys and Games; Starlog Indec Issues #47 to #58; “Who Goes There ?”part-3 conclusion by John Campbell);

#61 August (front cover “Star Trek; The Wrath of Khan” and Behind the Scenes and on the Set; Sneak Preview “Star Wars; Revenge of the Jedi”; Interview – Walter Koenig; Making the “Mad Maz” Sequel “Road Warrior”; “Blade Runner” Sean Young; Interview - “Conan” Sandahl Bergnab; Interview “The Thing” Stuart Cohen; Fantastic Art by Chesley Bonestell);

#62 Sepmtember (front cover “Tron”and Behind the Scenes; Pre-Production Art “Star Wars; Revenge of the Jedi”; Preview “Superman III”; Interview – Ricardo Montalban; “Star Trek”Walter Koenig and James Doohan;Basil Poledouris on Scoring the “Conan” Movie; Peter Davison the New “Doctor Who”; Centerfold Pull-Out Poster Christopher Reeves as “Superman”);

#63 October (front cover “E.T.” and Interview – Steven Spielberg with Carlo Carlo Rambaldi; Interviews – Leonard Nimoy, Kurt Russell and Rutger Hauer; Sneak Previews “Android” and “Beastmaster”; James Horner on Scoring “Star Trek; The Wrath of Khan”);

#64 November (front cover Special “Science Fiction Summer” Wrap-Up Issue “E.T.” and Reviewed by Alan Dean Foster; “Star Trek; The Wrath of Khan” Reviewed by David Gerrold; “The Thing” Reviewed by Alan Spencer; “Road Warrior” Reviewed by Bob Martin; “Blade Runner” Reviewed by Norman Spinrad; “Tron” Reviewed by Ed Naha; “Poltergeist” Reviewed by Ron Goulart; “Conan” Reviewed by Bob Greenberger; On the Scene Report “Ultimate Fantasy”);

#65 December (front cover Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker; Exclusive Interview – Mark Hamill; Arthur C. Clarke Previews “2010; Odyssey Two”; New Art from Tim Hildebrandt “Dungeons and Dragond; Preview “Dark Crystal”; Preview “Dance of the Dwarfs”; Special Effects of “E.T.”; Centerfold Pull-Out Poster “Raiders of the Lost Ark”);


#66 January (front cover “Dark Crystal” and Exclusive Behind the Scenes Interviews; Frank Herbert on the “Dune” Movie; Preview “Twice Upon a Time”; “The Time Tunne” Returns; Interview – Laurs Banks; Frank Marshall the Producer of “E.T.”, “Poltergeist” and “Raiders of the Lost Ark”);

#67 February (front cover “Superman III” and Special Sneak Preview; William Shatner in “Airplane II”; On Location with “Strange Invaders”; “Tron” Revisited; Preview “Warlords of the 21st Century”; Interview – Screenwriter Jack Sowards; Video Game Systems Reviewed; Centerfold Pull-Out Poster “E.T.”);

#68 March (front cover Sean Connery and Roger Moore; Sean Connery in “Never Say Never Again”; Roger Moore in “Octopussy”; Interview with Bond Screenwriter Richard Maibaum; Interview - “Star Trek II” Harve Bennett; On the Set of TV's “Wizards and Warriors”; Disney's EPCOT Center part-1);

#69 April (front cover “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi” and Sneak Preview; Interview – C3PO's Alter Ego Anthony Daniels; Interview – Screenwriter Tom Mankiewicz; Novelist James Khan talks about Writing; Disney”s EPCOT Center part-2; Portfolio Greg Hildebrandt; World Fantasy Convention);

#70 May (front cover “Something Wicked This Way Comes”, “Space Hunter” and “Blue Thunder” and Previews; Return of TV's “Man from U.N.C.L.E.”; “Videodrome” Debbie Harry on Her Film Debut; Interview – Christopher Lee; Disney's EPCOT Center part-3);

#71 June (front cover Hans Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker; Front Cover Fold-Out Death Star Poster; Talking with Carrie Fisher and Director Richard Marquand; Director Jack Clayton on “Something Wicked This Way Comes”; On the Set of “Octopussy”; Interview - “Never Say Never Again” Producer Jack Scharrtzman; TV's “V”;

#72 July (front cover 7th Anniverary Science Fiction Spectacular ”Star Wars; Return of the Jedi”, “Superman III”, “Never Say Never Again”, “Octopussy”, “Blade Runner and “E.T.”; Interview – Mark Hamill part-1; TV's “Knight Rider” and “Tale of the Gold Monkey”; Previewing the New Science Fiction Toys and Games; Interview – William Shatner; June Lockhart from “Lost in Space” to “Strange Invaders”; Excerpt from “A Matter for Men” by David Gerrold part-1 Illustrated by Alex Nino);

#73 August (front cover “Superman III”; Front Cover Fold-Out “Superman” Poster; Writing “Superman III” by Leslie and David Newman; Roy Scheider on “Blue Thunder”; “Superman III” Robert Vaughn; Jason Robards on “Something Wicked This Way Comes”; Cliff Robertson on “Brainstorm”; Lyssette Anthony on “Krull”; Interview – Mark Hamill part-2; “Octopussy” Maud Adams; A Tribute to Roy Krenkel; Excerpt from “A Matter for Men” by David Gerrold part-2 Illustrated by Alex Nino);

#74 September (front cover “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi” and Behind the Scenes with Creature Creators Joe Johnston and Phil Tippett; Front Cover Fold-Out “Barbarella” Poster; Interview – “Blue Thunder” Malcolm McDowell; Exclusive Preview “Wargames”; “Spacehunter” Michael Ironside; Interview - “Never Say Never Again” Writer Lorenzo Semple part-1; That “007” Look part-1 -Interview Maurice Binder; “Jaws 3-D”; Excerpt from “A Matter for Men” by David Gerrold part-3 Illustrated by Alex Nino);

#75 October (front cover “Never Say Never Again”; Front Cover Fold-Out “Twilight Zone the Movie” Poster; Interview - “Never Say Never Again” Writer Lorenzo Semple part-2; That “007” Look part-2 – Interview Maurice Binder part-2; The Forgotten Bonds George Lazenby and Barry Nelson; “I Remember Superman” the Life, Times and Legacy of George Reeves part-1; Interview - “Twilight Zone the Movie” John Lithgow; Nancy Allen on “Strange Invaders” and other Scary Stuff);

#76 November (front cover Special Review Issue “Darth Vader”; “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi” Reviewed by Norman Spinrad; “Twilight Zone the Movie” Reviewed by Ron Goulart; “Spacehunter” Reviewed by David Hutchison; “Something Wicked This Way Comes: Reviewed by Alan Dean Foster; “Superman III” Reviewed by David Gerrold; “Wargames” Reviewed by Robert Bloch; “Krull” Reviewed by Lawrence Watt-Evans; “I Remember Superman” The Life, Times and Legacy of George Reeves part-2; Interview – Sybil Danning; Final Interview – Buster Crabbe; The Art and Mind of Murray Tinkelman);

#77 December (front cover “The Right Stuff”; Front Cover Fold-Out “The Right Stuff” Poster; Behind the Scenes of “The Right Stuff”; Interviews - “Doctor Who” Tom Baker and Lis Sladen; Disney Computer Animation “Brave Little Toaster”; General Chuck Yeager on the “Right Stuff”; Interview - “Brainstorm” Doug Trumbull; “I Remember Superman” the Life, Times and Legacy of George Reeves part-3);


#78 January (front cover “Brainstorm”and Doug Trumbull and Crew inside The Special Effects; Front Cover Fold-Out “The Road Warrior” Poster; Interview – Arthur C. Clarke; “The Right Stuff” Scott Glenn and Lance Henriksen; Director Michael Laughlin Brings Back 1950's Sci-Fi “Strange Invaders”; Disney's “Christmas Carol”; Nick Meyer on “The Day After”; Interview – Lou Ferrigno);

#79 February (front cover “Knight Rider” and Interview – David Hasselhoff; Front Cover Fold-Out “War of the Worlds” Poster; Dennis Quaid talks about “The Right Stuff”; The Return of the Third “Doctor Who” John Pertwee; “Strange Invader” Sexy Alien Fiona Lewis; “Never Say Never Again” How Sean Connery became James Bond Again; TV's Computer Connection “The Whiz Kids”; “Blue Thunder” Candy Clark; Salute to Chesley Bonestell at 96);

#80 March (front cover “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi” and Special Effects part-1; Front Cover Fold-Out “The Day the Earth Stood Still” Poster; Sneak Previews “The Last Starfighter”, “Slapstick” and “Iceman”; On the Set of Leonard Nimoy Directed “Star Trek III; The Search for Spock”; Interview – Billy Dee Williams; Interview - “Doctor Who” his Nemesis Anthony Ainley; Portfolio – Tom Cross);

#81 April (front cover “Greystoke, the Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes” and Interview – Hugh Hudson; Front Cover Fold-Out “Star Trek; The Wrath of Khan” Poster; The Tarzan Chronicles; Interview – Alan Dean Foster; “Dreamscape”; “Samurai Cat” the Fur-ball from Hell; On the Set of “Buckaroo Banzai”);

#82 May (front cover Christopher Lloyd “Star Trek III; The Search for Spock”plus Exclusive Coverage; Front Cover Fold-Out “The Wizard of Oz” Poster; Interview – “Star Wars” Emperor Ian McDiarmid; Max Von Sydow in “Dune”; Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Conan, King of Thieves”; Frozen Bad Taste “The Ice Pirates”; Preview “Supergirl”; TV's “V” the Conclusion; The Man Behind “Doctor Who” Jihn Nathan-Turner);

#83 June (front cover “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”; Front Cover Fold-Out “Alien” Poster; Interview - “Star Trek III” Robin Curtis; TV's “V' Set Visit, Might Not be Over; Interview - “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” Frank Marshall; Preview “Sheena” and All the Issues in Making It; “Supergirl” Special Effects; Fritz Leiber Reviews the State of the Art; Meet Kate Capshaw);

#84 July (front cover 8th Anniverary Science Fiction Spectacular “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”, “Greystoke; The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes”, “Buckaroo Banzai”, “Gremlins”, “2010; Odyssey Two”, “Conan the Destroyer” and Star Trek III; The Search for Spock”; Interview – 9-Year Old Drew Barrymore; Donald Duck Turns 50; Frank Oz the Man Behind Yoda; Interview - “The Last Starfighter” Catherine Mary Stewart; Interview – Leonard Nimoy);

#85 August (front cover Arnold Schwarzenegger “Conan the Destroyer” and Behind the Scenes with Director Richard Fleischer; Front Cover Fold-Out “Blade Runner” Poster; Interview - “2010; Odyssey Two” Peter Hyams; Interview - “The Last Starfighter” Lance Guest; Preview “Ghostbusters”; Preview “Gremlins”; “Muppets Take Manhattan”);

#86 September (front cover Peter Weller and John Lithgow “Buckaroo Banzai”; Interview - “Sheens” Tanya Roberts; Interview - “The Last Starfighter” Dan O'Herlihy; Mark Lenard, Father to Spock; Interview - “The Brother from Another Planet” John Sayles; Famous Hoser Rick Moranis; Chris Columbus on “Grewmlins”; Noah Hathaway in “The Neverending Story”);

#87 October (front cover “Ghostbusters” and the Special Effects; Interview – DeForrest Kelley on “Star Trek III; The Search for Spock” part-1`; Interview - “Darth Vader” David Prowse; On the Set of “2010; Odyssey Two” with Arthur C. Clarke; Interview – Edward Andrews; Interview - “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” Screenwriters Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz; Interview - “Dune” David Lynch; Comic History of “Sheena”; Interview - “Star Wars” Nick Castle);

#88 November (front cover Special Review Issue “Gremlins” Reviewed by Robert Bloch; “Indiana and the Temple of Doom” Reviewed by Alan Dean Foster; “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock” Reviewed by Arthur C. Clarke, Ann Crispin and Howard Weinstein; “Ghostbusters” Reviewed by Ron Goulart; “Conan the Destroyer” Reviewed by Lawrence Watt-Evans; “The Last Starfighter” Reviewed by Theodore Sturgeon; Previews “2010; Odyssey Two”, “Dune” and “1984”; Interview – DeForrest Kelley on “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock” part-2”; Interview – Arnols Schwarzenegger”V” The TV Invasion Continues);


#90 January (front cover Roy Scheider “2010; Odyssey Two”; Interview -”The Brother from Another Planet” Joe Morton; Interview – Screenwriter Stanley Mann; Interview - “Ewok Adventure” John Korty; Interview - “Dune” Dean Stockwell; Interview – Filming “Supergirl” Jeannot Szwarc; Gene Simmons of KISS in “Runaway”; Karen Allen in “Starman”; Interview – Michael Ironside);

#91 February (front cover Sting as Feyd in “Dune” and the other Villains; Interview - “2010; Odyssey Two” Elya Baskin; “Science Fiction According to Monty Python” part-1 by Kim Howard Johnson; Preview “The Stuff”; Interview – Charles Morton Smith; Walter Koenig – American Actor, Heroic Russian; Interview – Michael Crichton; TV Preview “Otherworld”; TV's “V” Special Effects);

#92 March (front cover “Starman” and the Special Effects; Interview – John Carpenter; Front Cover Fold-Out “Star Trek III” Poster; On Location with James Bond “A View to a Kill”; Retrospective “Barbarella” with Jane Fonda and the Comic Adaption; Interview - “Creator” Jeremy Leven; On the Set of “Return to OZ” part-1; Terry Gilliam in “Brazil”; Interview - “Runaway” Tom Selleck);

#93 April (front cover Speeder Bike from “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi”; Front Cover Fold-Out “Star Wars” Poster; Interview - “Ladyhawke” Richard Donner; Simon Jones of “Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”; Interview - “Doctor Who” Janet Fielding; John Lithgow “It's More Fun being a Villian”; TV's “V” Robert Englund; John Hurt of “1984” and “Alien; “Science Fiction According to Monty Python” part-2 by Kim Howard Johnson; Interview - “Baby” Bill Norton; Interview - “Star Wars” Denis Lawson);

#94 May (front cover Rutger Hauer in “Ladyhawke” and the Women Behind the Movie; TV's “V” June Chadwick; Interview - “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” Producer Robert Watts; Interview – James Doohan; TV Preview Producing “Space”I=; Interview - “Baby” William Katt; Interview – Yaphet Kotto);

#95 June (front cover Grace Jones vs Lames Bond in “A View to a Kill”; Filmmaker Jonathan Betuel “My Science Project”; Edward Feldman “Explorers”; On the Set of “Return to OZ” part-2; TV's “V” Frank Ashmore; On Location with “Mad Max; Beyond Thunderdome”; Interview - “Doctor Who” Mary Tamm; Ron Howard's “Cocoon”; Rutger Hauer in “Ladyhawke”; Interview – “Ladyhawke” Matthew Broderick);

#96 July (front cover Special Anniverary Issue – 1985's Hottest Movies; Interview - “Mad Max; Beyond Thunderdome” Tine Turner; Interview – David Rappaport; “Return to OZ” a Travel Book; Interview – Roger Moore; Director Tobe Hooper “Lifeforce”; Interview - “Red Sonja” Brigitte Nielsen; “The Black Cauldron”; Interview - “Cocoon” Richard and Lili Zanuck; Interview - “Goonies” Harvey Bernhard; Interview – Peter Cushing; Interview - “Lost in Space” Jonathan Harris; Walter Lantz “Woody Woodpecker and Me”; Interview - “Monty Python” John Cleese);

#97 August (front cover Mel Gibson in “Mad Max; Beyond Thunderdome” and Interview; Sally Ride leads Women into Space; Interview – Christopher Walken; Interview - “Cocoon” Ron Howard; “Red Sonja” actor Paul Smith; Barret Oliver in “D.A.R.Y.L.”; Preview “Fright Night”; Interview - “Goonies” Richard Donner; Review “Back to the Future”; Interview - Joe Dante's “Explorers” Cast; Steve Railsback in “Lifeforce”; Animating “The Black Cauldron”);

#98 September (front cover River Phoenix in “Explorers”and Director Joe Dante article; Interview - “The Bride” Jennifer Beals; On the Set of “My Science Project”; Profile - “Back to the Future” Michael J. Fox; “Real Genius” Director Martha Coolidge; Anthony Michael Hall in “Weird Science”; Profile - “Ghostbusters” Ernie Hudson; Interview – Tanya Robers; The Star Crossed Lovers of “Cocoon” Tahnee Welch and Steve Guttenberg; Interview - “Goonies” Jeff B. Cohen and Corey Feldman; Interview – George Miller; On the Set of “Warning Sign”);

#99 October (front cover “C-3PO” and Interview – Anthony Daniels; Sneak Preview of Steven Spielberg's TV Series “Amazing Stories”; The Many Faces of Ian Holm; Interview - “Mad Max” Terry Hayes; Interview – Screenwriter Don Jakoby; Re-Entering “The Twilight Zone”; Screenwriter Eric Luke “Explorers”; Profile – Bob Zemeckis; Interview - “James Bond” Albert R. Broccoli; On the Set of “Remo; The First Adventure”);

#100 November (front cover Special 100th Issue; All New Exclusive Interviews – John Carpenter, Peter Cushing, George Lucas, Nichelle Nichols, Leonard Nimoy, Harlan Ellison part-1, Ray Harryhausen, Irwin Allen, Richard Matheson and Gene Roddenberry; The 100 Most Important People in Science Fiction);

#101 December (front cover Ewok “Wicket” and New George Lucas TV Movie “Return of the Ewoks”; Profile – George Takei; Sting, Man, Myth and Monster; Fred Ward as “Reno”; Profile – Kevin Peter Hall; Interview – Harlan Ellison part-2; Meet TV's “The Jetsons”; Profile – Lloyd Alexander; Profile - “Dragonslayer” Hal Barwood; On the Set of “Dream Child”; “Doc Savage” Returns to Radio; Profile – “Legend” Ridley Scott; Profile - “Avengers” Patrick Macnee);


#102 January (front cover Lou Gossett as the Drac in “Enemy Mine” and On Location; Irwin Allen's “Alice in Wonderland”; Interview – Steven Spielberg; “Doctor Who” Peter Davison; Profile – Douglas Adams; Preview - “Clue”; Hollywood Cult Queen Mary Woronov; Profile – Kirstie Alley; Terry Gilliam”s “Brazil” Will it Ever Be Released ?”; Michael Douglas in “The Jewel of the Nile”; Nicholas Rowe and Alan Cox “Young Sherlock Holmes”; Mel Blanc the Soul Classic Cartoons);

#103 February (front cover Daryl Hannah in “Clan of the Cave Bear” and Interview; Special Issue Filmmakers Share Cinema Secrets – Harve Bennett on Producing “Star Trek” - Robin Bottin on Makeup for “Legend” - Wolfgang Petersen on Directing “Enemy Mine” - Elmer Bernstein on Scoring “Ghostbusters”; First Look at “Labyrinth”; Profile – Rutger Hauer);

#104 March (front cover Peter Mayhew as “Chewbacca” and Interview; Joseph Stefano to Bring Back TV's “The Outer Limits”; HBO's “The Ray Bradbury Theater”; New “Invaders from Mars”; On the Set “Highlander”; James Remar “The Clan of the Cave Bear”; Inside the Movie “F/X”; The Unseen “Enemy Mine”; Creator/Producer of TV's “V” Why it Failed; Profile – TV's “Tales of the Gold Monkey” Stephen Collins;

#105 April (front cover Christopher Lambert in “Highlander” and Interview; Untold Tales of “Planet of the Apes”; Complete “V” Episode Guide; Sneak Previews “Aliens”, “Scream Greats”, “Hunter” and “Big Trouble in Little China”; Inside “The Manhattan Project”; Profile - “Legend” Mia Sara; Profile - “Doctor Who” Colin Baker; Japanimation part-1; The Grace and Wit of “Star Trek” Grace Lee Whitney; Jonathan Pryce of “Brazil”; “The Shadow” Creator Walter B. Gibson);

#106 May (front cover Kurt Russell in “Big Trouble in Little China” and On the Set; “Legend” Tim Curry from Rocky Horror to Lord of Darkness; Previews “Aliens”, “Labyrinth”, “Cherry 2000” and “Invaders from Mars”; Terry Jones on Creating the Wonders for “Labyrinth”; “Doctor Who” Terry Nation; Profile – David Brin; Ready ! Steady ! GoBots !; Leonard Nimoy Looks Back at “Star Trek III; The Searchfor Spock”; Profile - “Highlander” Clancy Brown; Japanimation part-2);

#107 June (front cover Jennifer Connelly as Sarah in “Labyrinth” and Sneak Preview part-1; Gale Anne Hurd “Aliens” Producer; Profile – Alexander Courage and the Music of “Star Trek”; The Golden Age of Don Ameche; Ridley Scott on The Nightmare of Fantasy Filming; Profile – Tom Cruise; Interview – Jean M. Auel; David Engelbach on “America 3000”; “The Five Lives of Doctor Who” by Terence Dick);

#108 July (front cover 10th Anniverary Issue”Short Circuit”; David Hedison – Submarine Hero; Rod Taylor - Time Traveling Hero; Kenny Baker - Droid Hero; Kurt Russell - Two-Fisted Hero; Michael Biehn - Futuristic Hero; Martin Landau – Space-Age Hero; The Fantasy Film Worlds of George Pal; Gene Roddenberry Reviews “Star Trek” TV and Films; Profile – Animation Director Chuck Jones; Interview - “Short Circuit” John Badham; Tobe Hooper “Invaders from Mars”Disney's “The Great Mouse Detective” Creators; Profile - “Labyrinth” Jennifer Connelly);

#109 August (front cover Sigourney Weaver in “Aliens” and Interview; John Vcarpenter's “Big Trouble in Little China”; Interview – George Takei; Melanie Griffith – Looking for Love and “Cherry 2000”; Ally Sheedy in “Short Circuit”; Tom Skerritt in “Spacecamp”; Into the “Labyrinth” with Jim Henson; Wes Craven's “Deadly Friend”; “The Flight of the Navigator”; “Solarbabies”; On Location with “Hyper Sapien”);

#110 September (front cover David Cronenberg and “The Fly”; James Cameron on “Aliens”; Leonard Nimoy begins “Star Trek IV; The Voyage Home”; Interview – Ray Bradbury; Filmmaker Nick Castle “The Boy Who Could Fly”; Geena Davis in “The Fly”; Preview “Howard the Duck”; Producer Gary Foster “Short Circuit”; William Dear TV's “Amazing Stories” Episode “Mummy Daddy”);

#111 October (front cover “Howard the Duck” from Comic Book to Cosmic Quacker; Sayurday Morning Cartoon “The Real Ghostbusters”; Chris Columbus “Galaxy High” Animated; Profile - “Doctor Who” Nicholas Courtney; A Day in the Life of a Motion Picture “Star Trek IV; The Voyage Home”; Martin Caidin “Better Living Through Science Fiction”; Special FX Bonus The Movie Magis of Aliens, Boy Who Could Fly, Indiana Jones and Brazil);

#112 November (front cover Kirk, McCoy and Spock “Star Trek” 20th Anniverary Celebration; Interviews – William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley; Behind the Scenes of “Star Trek”; Exclusive “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” Photos and Pinups; Gene Roddenberry and All the Stars Salute “Star Trek”; Jean “Moebius” Giraud “Stripping the light Fantastic”);

#113 December (front cover Rick Moranis and John Candy “The Little Shop of Horrors” and Preview; TV's “Starman”; TV's “The Wizard with David Rappaport; TV's “The Twilight Zone”; Robert Bloch “The Subtle Horrors of Star Trek”; James Doohan on Engineering “The Voyage Home”; Overlooked Classic “Colossus; The Forbin Project”; Sondra Locke on Directing “Ratboy”; “King Kong Lives”; Tribute to Cheslry Bonestell 1888-1986);


#114 January (front cover Leonard Nimoy as “Mr. Spock”; On the “Star Trek IV” Streets of San Francisco; “TV's “ALF” ?”; TV's Robert Hays “Starman”; Guy Williams “Lost in Space”; Animation Director Don Bluth “American Tail”; Superspies and Flying Saucers “Hyper Sapiens”; Leonard Nimoy Acting and Directing “Star Trek IV; The Voyage Home”; Marc Daniels on Directing TV's “Star Trek”; Michael Ritchie “The Golden Child”; Interview – William F. Nolan; Paul Reiser “Aliens”; Memories of Fu Manchu);

#115 February (front cover Jenette Goldstein as Vasquez in “Aliens” and Exclusive Interview; Christopher Reeves the Man Who Would be Superman Again; Interview – Leigh Brackett; Veteran TV Producer Buck Houghton; DeForest Kelley a Part of History; Ted Cassidy – Legendary Big Man; Tom Baker “Doctor Who”; John Carpenter's Terror Tales from Tinseltown; Into the Third Dimension with “Captain EO” Michael Jackson);

#116 March (front cover; The Enterprise; The Women of “Star Trek IV” Nichelle Nichols, Catherine Hicks, Robin Curtis, Majel Barrett and Grace Lee Whitney; Sydney Newman on Creating “Doctor Who”; Entering the 3-D Zone of Comics; TV's “Blake 7” Paul Darrow; Interview – Ray Russell; Animation Voice Master Daws Butler; Journey to a “Journey to the Center of the Earth”);

#117 April (front cover Catherine Mary Stewart as Miranda Dorlac in “Nightflyers”; Adam West – Cursed by the Cowl; Edgar Rice Burroughs “John Carter of Mars”; How Earth Won “The War of the Worlds”; Terry Nation – More “Blake's 7” to Tell ?; Mark Lenard is Spock's Father “Father Knows Best” On the Beat with “Robocop”; Frank Oz “Little Shop of Horrors”; Comics Scene – The Importance of Being “Groo”);

#118 May (front cover Micket Mouse, R2D2 and C3-PO; George Lucas Opens Disney's New Star Tours part-1; Special Report on TV's “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Dorothy Fontana still in Love with “Star Trek”; Jeff Morrow the Man from Metaluna; “Blake's 7” Michael Keating; William Shatner – Captain's log “Star Trek V”; George R.R. Martin “Nightflyers”; “Masters of the Universe”);

#119 June (front cover Christopher Reeves “Superman IV” and On the Set; George Takei “Sulu's Log”; Kerwin Mathews “The Perilous Voyages of Sinbad”; A Day In Metropolis with “Superman IV”; The Set Visit to “Spaceballs”; Doc Savage – The Ghosts in Bronze; Disney's Star Tours part-2);

#121 August (fronr cover Dennis Quaid as Tuck in “Innerspace”; Mel Brooks “Spaceballs” Director; A Conversation with John Lithgow; Karen Allen still Spunky; “Innerspace” Filmmaker Joe Dante; Christopher Reeves the Unmasking of Superman; Peter Weller – Code Name “Robocop”; Lance Henriksen – Call Hin Chameleon Actor; “Blake's 7” Jacqueline Pearce; Animation “Adventures of the Galactic Rangers”);

#122 September (front cover Timothy Dalton as James Bond in “The Living Daylights”; Profile – Martin Short; The New Faces of “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Interview - Mariel Hemingway “Superman IV”; 25 Years of James Bond Films part-1; “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”; Profile – Duncan Regehr: Profile – Daphne Zuniga “Spaceballs”; At Home with “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” part-1);

#123 October (front cover Peter Weller as “Robocop” and the Making of; Nancy Allen is Partnered with “Robocop”; Exclusive Report “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; 25 Years of James Bond Films part-2; Dolph Lundgren “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”; The Sound and Fury of “Superman IV”;

#124 November (front cover TV's “Star Trek; The Next Generation” Cast Photo and Special Section of New and Old; “The Trouble with Golden Ages” by L. Srague de Camp; Gerry Anderson's “Terrahawks”; Review “Like Father Like Son”; Holy Sidekick ! Burt Ward “Robin”; Jamie Gertz in “The Lost Boys”; Vernon Wells the Spectre of Wez; From Russia with Lies – Jeroen Krabbe; Review “World Gone Wild”; Preview “Nightflyers”; Ian Marter “Doctor Who”; TV's John Newland “One Step Beyond” and Episode Guide);

#125 December (front cover Arnold Schwarzenegger as Ben Richards in Stephen King's “The Running Man”; “Star Trek; The Next Generation” Designing the New Enterprise; John Carpenter “How to Survive Hollywood”; James Cameron Answers Readers about “Aliens”; New Spoof of B-Movies “Amazon Women on the Moon”; Bruce Dern in “World Gone Wild”; Preview “The Princess Bride”; Profile – J.M. Dillard; Gerry Anderson's “Space Police”; The Wonderful World of Joseph Barbera; Review “Date with an Angel”);


#126 January (front cover LeVar Burton, Marina Sirtis and Brent Spiner “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Robert Hayes on TV's “Starman”; Jan Chappel “Blake's 7”; Profile – Bill Paxton; Profile - J.G. Ballard and “Empire of the Sun”; Profile – Patrick Macnee; Joseph Pevney – Moments with “Star Trek”; Arnold Schwarzenegger in “The Running Man”; Fantasy Author Lynn Abbey; Marina Sirtis the Empath on “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Profile – Maureen O'Sullivan; Michael Praed “Legends of the Hooded Man”; TV's “Beauty and the Beast”);

#127 February (front cover Steven Spielberg's “Batteries Not Included”; First Look at “Willow”; George Lucas on New Plans for “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones”; Gates McFadden, M.D. Of “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Ray Harryhausen bids Farewell to Film Fantasy; “Doctor Who” Peter Davison's Time Lord Troubles; “Robocop” on the Sequel Beat; Profile – Roger C. Carmel; Tom McLoughlin “Date with an Angel”);

#128 March (front cover Ron Perlman in “TV's “Beauty and the Beast”; Special SF-TV Issue; Re-Opening “The Ray Bradbury Theater”; John de Lancie the Man Who Would be “Q” on “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Profile – William Campbell; I, Robocop – Peter Weller; Science Fiction Author Walter Koenig; Paul Darrow “Blake's 7”; Interview – Alfred Bester; Profile – James Earl Jones; Profile – David Prowse; Mark Strickson “Doctor Who”; TV's “Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future”);

#129 April (front cover TV's “Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future”; Preview “Vice Versa”; Interview – Robert Shayne; Profile – Michael Cavanaugh; Norman Spinrad's “Star Trek” Doomsday Machine; Profile – William Windom; Wil Wheaton “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Hollywood's Oldest Tarzan – Herman Brix; Profile – Ronny Cox; Rene Laloux's “Gandahar”);

#130 May (front cover Denise Crosby “Star Trek; The Next Generation” and Profile; Romantic Fables of “Beauty and the Beast”; Amy Yasbeck of TV's “Splash, Too”; Profile – Billy Barty; Preview “Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure”; Explaining “Beetlejuice”; Judge Reinhold “Vice Versa”; Profile – Caroline Munro; Profile – Keye Luke; The Guest Stars of “Star Trek”; Sally Knyvette “Blake's 7”);

#131 June (front cover Patrick Roach as General Kael in “Willow” and Profile; “Beetlejuice” Geena Davis Favorite Haunts; How to Write for TV's “Beauty and the Beast”; Preview “Critters 2”; Schedule for “Yhe Invaders”; Jack Larson as “Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen”; Interview - “Star Trek; The Next Generation” Jonathan Frakes; Interview – Author Colin Wilson; Robert Hayes TV's “Starman”; Profile – Nancy Springer; Gavan O'Herlihy “Willow”);

#132 July (front cover Val Kilmer as Madmartigan in “Willow; 12th Anniverary Issue; Director Ron Howard's Inside View of “Willow”; Interview – Janet Leigh; Profile – Alan Young; Interview – Les Tremayne; Profile – Russ Tamblyn; Colin Baker “Doctor Who”; Preview “Who Framed Roger Rabbit ?”; Special Effects “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; TV's “Dr. Science”; Profile “Beelejuice” Jeffrey Jones; Interview – Octavia E. Butler; Profile – Katherine Helmond: TV's “Date with an Angel”;

#133 August (front cover Bob Hoskins “Who Framed Roger Rabbir ?”; TV's “War of the Worlds”; Profile – Gale Anne Hurd; Marina Sirtis “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Interview – C.J. Cherryh part-1: Warwick Davis “Willow”; Bob Hoskins on “Who Framed Roger Rabbit ?”; Profile - “V” Jane Badler; Profile – Patrick Culliton; Profile – Roy Dotrice of “Beauty and the Beast”; Preview “Short Circuit 2”);

#134 September (front cover Director Bob Zemeckis “Who Framed Roger Rabbit ?” and Interview; “Denise Crosby explains Why she Left “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Profile - “Short Circuit 2” Kenneth Johnson; Preview “Vibes”; Interview – Rick Overton with Kevin PollockDel Close the Curse of “The Blob”: Sylvester McCoy the New “Doctor Who”; Interview – C.J. Cherryh part-2; James Caan in TV's “Alien Nation”; Profile – Penny Marshall; Isaac Asimov's “Nightfall”; Walter Koenig in “Moontrap”);

#135 October (front cover Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner of “Star Trek; The Next Generation” plus 2nd Season Update; Profile - “Blake's 7” Steven Pacey; Composer Alan Silvestri; Profile -Joanna Cassidy; Uncaging TV's “The Prisoner”; Jean Marsh of “Willow”; Profile – Ian Wolfe; Marta Kristen of TV's “Lost in Space”; Van Williams TV's “Green Hornet”; Susan Oliver talks about “Star Trek”; Interview – Jerry Sohl part-1; Sophie Aldred in “Doctor Who”);

#136 November (front cover Mandy Patinkin TV's “Alien Nation”; Special Fuuny Looking Aliens Issue; New Times in “The Twilight Zone”; Catherine Hicks “Child's Play”; “Star Trek; The Next Generation” Director Rob Bowman; Preview “Mac and Me”; Profile – Mandy Patinkin; John Carpenter's “They Live”; “Star Trek; The Lost Generation” the TV Series That Didn't Happen; Profile – Jock Mahoney; Graham Chapman in TV's “Jake's Journey”; Interview – Jerry Sohl part-2);

#137 December (front cover “War of the Worlds”; Special Alien Invasion Issue; Preview “High Spirits”; Profile – Jean Lorrah; TV Mini Series “Something is Out There”; Preview “Cocoon; The Return”; “War of the Worlds” It's History in All Mediums; Profile – Director Frank Marshall; Tom Steele – King of the Cliffhangers; Eric Menyuk “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; The Trouble with “Short Circuit”; Profile Graham Baker);


#138 January (front cover Michael Dorn as Lt. Worf; Special Klingon Issue; TV's “Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future”; John Colicos - the Quintessntial Klingon; John Larroquette - Klingon Comedian; John Schuck – Klingon of a Thousand Faces; Michael Ansara – Klingon with a Cause; Michael Dorn – Klingon Warrior; Phyllis Coates “Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane” part-1; Jean-Claude Van Damme “Cyborg”; Brian Croucher “Blake's 7”;

#139 February (front cover Cast of “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Casualty of “Star Trek; The Lost Generation” David Gautreaux; The Works Diabolique of Gaston Leroux; Unmasking “The Phantom of the Opera”; Profile -Martin Landau; Interview – Screenwriter Nigel Kneale part-1; Interview – Patrick Stewart; The World's of E.E. “Doc” Smith; Phyllis Coates “Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane” part-2; The Adventures of Superboy; Profile – Gareth Thomas; “Willow” Writer Bob Dolman);

#140 March (front cover Eric Stoltz and Daphne Zuniga “The Fly II” and Preview; To Hell and Back with Authors Janet and Chris Morris; Profile – David Jackson; Rex Reason “This Island Earth”; Profile – Bill Murray; TV Mini Series Failure “Something is Out There”; Profile – Charles McKeown; Interview – Screenwriter Nigel Nkeale; “Star Trek; The Next Generation” Will Wheaton);

#141 April (front cover John Neville as Baron Munchausen; Harve Bennett Previews “Star Trek V”; Profile – Wilfred Brimley; Jared Martin “War of the Worlds”; Interview – Daphne Zuniga; Ship's Doctor Diana Muldaur “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Terry Gilliam's “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”; Interview – Screenwriter Nigel Kneale part-3; Peter David's Novel “Strike Zone”; Interview – Director Nathan Juran; Profile – Amanda Pays);

#142 May (front cover Michael Keaton as “Batman”; Profile – Jeffrey Boam; Profile – Terrylene; Eric Idle – His Mad Universe; First Look at “Second Sight”; Preview “Millennium”; Exclusive Preview “Batman”; Profile – Dick Durock of “Swamp Thing”; Profile – Lynda Mason Green; Muppet Master Jim Henson; Interview – Director Nathan Juran part-2; Preview “Leviathan”; Preview “Deepstar Six”);

#143 June (front coverHarrison Ford as “Indiana Jones”; Profile – Heather Locklear; Profile – Ron Perlman; John Leeson “Doctor Who”; TV's “The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman II”; Writer Tracy Torme “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Profile – DeForest Kelley; Preview “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”; Costuming for Fun and Fandom);

#144 July (front cover William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk; Special 13th Anniverary Issue; Exclusive Interview – William Shatner on “Star Trek V;The Final Frontier” part-1; Writer Count Nikolai Tolstoy on the History of Merlin; Richard Chaves “War of the Worlds”; Martin Kove in TV's “Hard Time on Planer Earth”; Preview “Earth Girls are Easy”; Profile – Alison Doody; Science Fiction Lunch Boxes; Kim Basinger in “Batman”; Preview “The Saga of Erik the Viking”; Review – “Adventures of Baron Munchausen”; Sarah Sutton “Doctor Who”; Interview – Harry Harrison);

#145 August (front cover Michael Keaton as “Batman”; Laurence Luckinbill the Laughing Vulcan as Spock's Brother; Exclusive Interview – William Shatner on “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier” part-2; Director Stuart Gordon's “Robot Jox”; Interview – Timothy Dalton; Profile – Rick Moranis; Director Tim Burton on “Batman”; Interview – Author William Gibson; Profile – John Rhys-Davies; Profile – David Hedison);

#146 September (front cover Jack Nicholson as “The Joker”; Preview “Young Einstein”; Profile – Filmmaker Michael Anderson; Profile – Cesar Romero the Original Joker; Interview – Andre Norton part-1; Preview “The Abyss”; Inside TV's “Max Headroom”; Profile - “War of the Worlds” Philip Akin; James Doohan on “Star Trek”; George Takei on “Star Trek”; James Bond's Final Mission ?”);

#147 October (front cover Brent Spiner as “Data”; Leonard Nimoy Science Officer Log – Selling “Star Trek”; Interview – River Phoenix; The Making of Fredric Brown's “Martians Go Home”; Preview “Martians!!!”; Profile – Writer Melinda Snodgrass; Walter Koening on “Moontrap” and “Star Trek”; Interview – Andre Norton part-2; “Metropolis” the Musical; Danny Elfman's Music of the Dark Knight; Denny Miller on Playing “Tarzan”; “Blake's 7” Episode Guide part-1; Author John Varley waiting For “Air Raid” to be Made as “Millennium”);

#148 November (front cover Richard Chavez of “War of the Worlds”; Interview – Michael Biehn “The Abyss”; The Reluctant Fiend – David Warner; Tony Jay “Beauty and the Beast”; The Many Lives of the Catwoman Julie Newmar; Profile – Peter MacNicol; Profile – Author Craig Shaw Gardner; “Blake's &” Episode Guide part-2Terry Jones on Making “The Saga of Erik the Viking”);

#149 December (front cover Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd in “Back to the Future II” and Exclusive Behind the Scenes; Why “Star Trek V; The Final Frontier” Failed; A Day in Slagtown TV's “Alien Nation”; Profile – Author Connie Willis; Profile – Robert Lansing; Some Call Her Batgirl – Yvonne Craig; Profile – Jeff Corey; Klingon Vixen Spice Williams);


#150 January (front cover Michael J. Fox as “Marty McFly”; Kenneth Johnson on TV's “Alien Nation”; Interview – Ben Bova; Interview – Philip K. Dick; James Cameron “The Abyss”; Bob Zemeckis “Back to the Future II”; Interview – Richard Matheson part-1; Don Bellisario TV's “Quantum Leap”; Interview – Cury Siodmak; Ray Harryhausen's partner Charles H. Schneer part-1; Terry Nation “Doctor Who”);

#152 March (front cover Harrison Ford as “Indiana Jones”; Adrian Paul in TV's “War of the Worlds”; Profile – Jay Acovone “Beauty and the Beast”; Sean Six of “Alien Nation”; Leslie Stevens on the Inner Workings of “The Outer Limits”; Writer Producer Maurice Hurley “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Howard Ashman and Alan Menken the Music of “The Little Mermaid”; Otto Rahn the Real Indiana jones; Preview of Margaret Atwood's “The Handmaid's Tale”; Gareth Hunt of “The New Avengers”; The Worlds of Author Melissa Scott; Profile – Rex Holman; Ray Harryhausen's partner Charles H. Schneer part-3);

#153 April (front cover Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell of TV's “Quantum Leap”; Terri Treas of TV's “Alien Nation”; The Cat with Nine Lives – Lee Merriwether; Catherine Disher of TV's “War of the Worlds”; The Future of “The Ray Bradbury Theater”; Profile – Scott Bakula; Interview – Mala Powers; Artist Darrell Sweet; Kirk's Lost Love – Bibi Besch; “Plan 9 from Outer Space” the Musical; Profile – David Frankham; Edward Albert in TV's “Beauty and the Beast”);

#154 May (front cover “Gemlins 2”; Why CBS Killed “Beauty and the Beast”; The Return of the Other “Marty McFly”; Judith Hoag as April O'Neil in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles”; Profile – Lois McMaster Bujold; Profile – Sally Kellerman; Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Total Recall”; “Gremlins 2” New York Adventure; Preview “Robocop 2”; Rachel Blanchard of TV's “War of the Worlds”; Killer Bunnies from Outer Space in “Space Case”);

#155 June (front cover Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox in “Back to the Future III” and Exclusive Preview; TV's Moon Colony Adventure “Plymouth”; Michele Scarabelli of TV's “Alien Nation”; Interview – Philip Jose Farmer part-1; Writer Peter Filardi “Flatliners”; Profile – Michael Ironside “Total Recall”; Nancy Allen in “Robocop 2”; Profile – Colm Meaney “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Profile – Paul Winfield);

#156 July (front cover Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Total Recall” and Exclusive Interview; Special 14th Anniverary Issue; “Star Trek; The Next Generation” Worf's Klingon Relationship Manual; Salute to the Classic “Forbidden Planet”; “Return to the Forbidden Planet” the Musical; Bob Gale On “Back to the Future II and III”; First Look “Dick Tracy”; Review “Gremlins 2”; Interview – Philip Jose Farmer part-2; Miles O'Keeffe “Tarzan”; TV's “Starman Episode Guide);

#157 August (front cover Peter Weller as “Robocop II” and Interview; They Come Seeking Death “Flatliners”; William Forsythe as Flattop in “Dick Tracy”; Thomas F. Wilsoc on being Biff in “Back to the Future”; Producer Frank Marshall “Arachnophobia”; Profile – Terry Pratchett; Profile – Ray Walston; Director Paul Verhoeven “Totall Recall”; Profile – Ronny Cox; Profile – Scott Paulin; Dreaming up the New Batch “Gremlins 2”;

#158 September (front cover Liam Neeson as “Darkman”; Director Joel Schumacher “Flatliners”; Sharon Stone “Total Recall”; Rachel Ticotin “Total Recall”; Profile – Christopher Lee; Frances McDormand of “Darkman”; Director Irvin Kershner “Robocop 2”; Profile - “Gilligan's Island” Russell Johnson; Profile – Henry Silva; Profile R.G. Armstrong;Craig Baxley's “I Come in Peace”; Interview – Joe Haldeman);

!#159 October (front cover Patrick Stewart as the “Borg; Interview – Fritz Leiber; Profile – Artist Russell Bates; Profile – Author Ardath Mayhar; Director Nicolas Roeg “The Witches”; Michael Pillar on “Star Trek; The Next Generation” Past and Upcoming Seasons; Finally Made “Total Recall”; Writers of “Alien Nation” on its Past and Future; On the Making of TV's “Land of the Giants” part-1; Writer Shimon Wincelberg on TV's “Lost in Space”; Profile – Orson Scott Card; Profile – Walter Jon Williams; Diane Carey and Greg Brodeur write “Star Trek” Novels);

#160 November (front cover John Wesley Shipp as TV's “Flash”; Whoopi Goldberg in “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Profile – Edward Judd; Interview – Kim Hunter of “Planet of the Apes”; Newcomer Cop “Alien Nation”; Child Star Brian Tochi; Renee Soutendijk in “Eve of Destruction”; “Beauty and the Beast” Season of the Beast part-1; On the Making of TV's “Land of the Giants” part-2;


#162 January (front cover LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge; Profile – Author Robert Jordan; “The Quartermass” Director Val Guest part-1; Profile “Predator 2” Kent McCord; Caroline Thompson in “Edward Scissorhands”; Dean Stockwell “Quantum Leap”; Patrick Swayze in “Ghost”; Profile – Liam Sullivan;Profile – Don Matheson of “Land of the Giants”; Larry Drake in “Darkman”;

#163 February (front cover “Harry and the Hendersons”; Billy Mumy of “Lost in Space”; Profile – Robert Brown; Profile – Ritch Brinkley; Interview – Author Elizabeth Scarborough; Gates McFadden in “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; The Man in Monster Suits – Kevin Peter Hall of “Harry and the Hendersons” and “Predator”; The Man Who Killed “Blake's 7” Vere Lorrimer; “The Quartermass” Director Val Guest part-2; Director Adrian Lyne “Jacob's Ladder”);

#164 March (front cover Dan Aykroyd as “Bobo” and John Daveikis as “L'il Debbull” in “Nothing but Trouble”; “Aspects of Frankenstein” by Michael Wolfe; The “Alien Nation” That Might Have Been; “Tarzan” Director Robert Day; Director Tim Burton on “Edward Scissorhands”; Profile – Jerome Bixby; Profile – Richard Denning the Creature Hunter; Director W.D. Richter “Late for Dinner”);

#165 April (front cover “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II”; Profile – Author Phyllis Eisenstein; John Levene “Doctor Who”; “A Clockwork Orange 2004” the Musical; Preview “ The Neverending Story II”; Director Richard Franklin “F/X 2”; Interview – Philip K. Dick; Profile – Director Don Taylor; );

#166 May (front cover Kevin Costner as “Robin Hood; Prince of Thieves” and Preview; Legends of Sherwood Forest from 1377-1991 – Films, TV and Before; On the Set of “Mom and Dad Save the World”; Epic Comics/Marvel 4 Issue Mini-Series “Car Warriors”; Preview “The Rocketeer”; Paige Turco in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II; The Secret of the Ooze”; TV's “War of the Worlds” Episode Guide);

#167 June (front cover “Suburban Commando” and Exclusive Preview with Hulk Hogan; Duel of the Robin Hoods – Kevin Costner vs. Patrick Bergin; Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio in “Robin Hood; Prince of Thieves”; Profile – Author Jennifer Roberson: Jon Pertwee “Doctor Who”; Profile – Julie Adams of “Creature from the Black Lagoon”; Ricou Browning was “The Creature from the Black Lagoon”; Profile – Lori Nelson “Creature Lady”;

#168 July (front cover Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Terminator 2; Judgment Day” and Preview; 15th Anniverary Special Issue; Double Gatefold Cover with All Starlog Covers on One Side and Kevin Costner as “Robin Hood” on the Other Side; Voices of Starlog Past; Screenwriter Pen Densham “Robin Hood; Prince of Thieves”; Innovation Comics “Lost in Space”; Writer Steven Carabatsos “Star Trek”; Profile – Hurd Hatfield; ; Profile – Harry Townes; Profile – Michael Moorcock);

#169 August (front cover Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Terminator 2; Judgment Day” and Exclusive Interview; Profile – Roald Dahl; “The Rocketeer” His Pal Alan Arkin; On the Set of “Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey”; Screenwriter Joe Gannon on “Solar Flare”; Composer Gerald Fried's Long Lost “Star Trek” Scores; “Doctor Who” the Next Generation; Comic Book “Alien Nation”; Preview “Robocop 3”);

#170 Sepmtember (front cover Alex Winter, Keanu Reeves and Bill Sadler in “Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey” and Interview; The Other “Marty McFly” Rides West; Director James Cameron on “Terminator 2; Judgment Day”; Preview “Free-Jack”; Comic Book “Quantum Leap”; Robert Patrick in “Terminator 2; Judgment Day”; The First Ideas for “Star Trek IV; The Voyage Home”; The Lost “Doctor Who” Searching for the Planet Shada; A Brief History of TV's “The Time Tunnel” part-1);

#171 October (front cover “Brent Spiner as “Data” and Interview; “Bill and Ted's Excellent Comic” from Marvel Comics; Profile – Author Fred Saberhagen; John Carpenter's” Memoirs of an Invisible Man”; Terry Gilliam “The Fisher King” with Robin Williams; William Wisher and James Cameron on Writing “Terminator 2; Judgment Day”; A Brief History of TV's “The Time Tunnel” part-2;

#173 December (front cover “Worlds of Star Trek; Next Generation, Classic and VI”; DeForest Kelley on “Srae Trek VI; The Undiscovered Country”; Jonathan Frakes on “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Candid Views from Producer Rick Berman on “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Profile – Teri Garr “Mom and Dad Save the World”; The Science Fiction TV You Didn't See – 35 Years of Unsold TV Pilots; Profile – Carel Struycken “Addams Family”; TV's “Alien Nation” Episode Guide);


#174 January (front cover Dustin Hoffman as “Captain Hook”; Preview of Steven Spielberg's “Hook”; Gene Roddenberry 1921-1991; Patrick Stewart's One Man Show “Dickens”; Farwell to Spock ?; Chuck Pfarrer on Writing “The Thing” Comic Book for Dark Horse Comics; Captain Sulu “Star Trek VI; The Undiscovered Country”; Christopher Lambert in “Highlander II”; TV's “Super Force”; Profile – Writer George Clayton Johnson; Profile – Michael Dante”);

#176 March (front cover Anthony Hopkins as McCandless in “Freejack”; Interviews – Anthony Hopkins and Emilio Estevez “Freejack; “Sci-Fi Channel” Struggling to Debut; Kin Cattrall the New Vulcan Woman; “Forbidden Planet” Comic Book from Innovation; James Doohan “Enterprise” Miracle Worker; Jon Lovitz in “Dick and Marge Save the World”; Profile – Wil Wheaton; Profile – Kathy Ireland; Irwin Allen the Master of Disaster; Profile – Ralph Bellamy);

#177 April (front cover Chevy Chase and Daryl Hannah in “Memoirs of an Invisible Man”; “Tarzan the Warrior” Comic Book from Malibu Comics; John Carpenter's “Memoirs of an Invisible Man”; Screenwriter Ron Shusett “Freejack”; Filmaker Wim Menders “Until the End of the World”; Star Trek Writer Don Mankiewicz; Nicholas Meyer on “Star Trek VI; The Undiscovered Country”; Stephen King's the Lawnmower Man” in Theaters March 13; Director Greg Beeman “Dick and Marge Save the World”);

#178 May (front cover Michael Keaton in “Batman Returns” and Exclusive Preview; Chevy Chase on “Memoirs of an Invisible Man”; Rick Moranis “Honey, I Blew Up the Kid”; Ralph Bakshi's “Cool World”; Preview “Shadowchaser”; On the Set of “Split Second”; TV's “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles”; Inside “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Robert Cornthwaite in “The Thing from Another Planet”; Preview “Universal Soldier”);

#179 June (front cover “Batman” Logo; Storyboard Art for “Alien 3”; Production Designer Bo Welch's Gotham City in “Batman Returns”; Preview “Alien 3”; Doud Phillips TV's Time Tunnel”; Design Portfolio from “Batman Returns”; Rob MacGregor's “Indiana Jones” Paperbacks; Writers Linda Campanelli and Shelly Moore on “Beauty and the Beast”; Profile – Tim Thomerson; Profile – Author Katharine Kerr; Profile – Director Leo Penn; Profile – Herb Kenwith);

#180 July (front cover Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman, Danny DeVito as Penguin and Tim Burton “Batman Returns” and Exclusive Interiew – Tim Burton; 16th Anniversary Special Issue; Godzilla the Big Green Guy; James Darren of TV's “Time Tunnel”; Profile – Mariette Hartley; Profile- “Aliens” Lance Henriksen; Profile – TV Director Gene Nelson; Judi Trott as “Maid Marion” in TV's “Robin of Sherwood”; Interview – “Creature from the Black Lagoon” Ben Chapman”

#181 August (front cover “Honey, I Blew Up the Kid” and Interview with Stuart Gordon; Profile – TV's “Land of the Giants” Deanna Lund; Isaac Asimov Remembered”; Profile - “Universal Soldier” Dolph Lundgren; “Batman Returns” Director Larry Franco; Profile - “Batman Returns” Michael Murphy; “Robocop” Director Fred Dekker; Giant Jellyfish & Time-Lost Dinosaurs TV's “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” part-1; Preview “Stay Tuned”);

#182 Sepmtember (front cover Dolph Lundgren and Jean-Claude Van Damme “Universal Soldier” and Preview; Profile – Lloyd Bridges; Profile – Author Robert Asprin; TV's Newest Space Station “Babylon 5”; Profile – Author Lisa Mason; Profile - “Stay Tuned” Director Peter Hyams; Profile – Author Sharyn McCrumb; William Shatner's “Tek World” Comic Book by Ron Goulart; Interview – “Thunderbirds FAB; The Next Generation” Stage Actors Paul Kent and Wayne Forester; Giant Jellyfish & Monster Whales TV's “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” part-2);

#183 October (front cover Sean Patrick Flannery and Corey Carrier as “Young Indiana Jones” and Profile – Corey Carrier; Profile – Author Chad Oliver; Profile – Danny DeVito; Profile – Michelle Pfeiffer; Profile – Christopher Walken; Profile – Author Tim Powers; Profile – David Igden Stiers; Profile - British Filmmaker Roy Ward Baker; Giant Jellyfish & Alien Invaders” TV's “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” part-3);

#184 November (front cover Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer and Sean Young “Blade Runner” and Special Section of Articles and Interviews; “It ! The Terror from Beyond Space” the Comic Book; Robin Bernhiem of TV's “Quantum Leap”; Profile – TV's “Thunderbirds” and Stingray” Sylvia Anderson; Profile – William Schallert; Profile – Author Stephen Donaldson; New TV Series “Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures”);

#185 December (front cover Richard Moll and Stan Quince of TV's “Highlander” and Preview; Roger Zemeckis “Death Becomes Her”; Francis Ford Coppola's “Bram Stoker's Dracula”; George Hall – The Old Indiana Jones Chronicles; Preview “Body Snatchers”; Profile – Author Robert Sheckley; James Gunn “The Immortal” TV Series and Movie part-1; Ray Bradbury's Stories and Novels in Comic Books and Graphic Novels);


#186 January (front cover Patrick Stewart in “A Christmas Carol” and Exclusive Interview; Profile – Anne Francis of “Forbidden Planet”; Preview “The Muppets Christmas Carol”; Preview TV's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; Preview “Forever Young” with Mel Gibson; Adrian Paul of TV's “Highlander”; Alan Menken on Scoring Disney's “Aladdin”; Profile – Author Timothy Zahn; James Gunn “The Immortal” TV Series and Movie part-2; Review BBC TV's “Red Dwarf”);

#187 February (front cover Cast of TV's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine” and Article; Gordon Scott on his 7 Years as “Tarzan”; Preview TV's “Time Trax”; Profile – Vincent Schiavelli; Profile – Author Glen Cook; Craig Charles of BBC TV's “Red Dwarf”; Robert McCullough's Aliens for TV and Movies; Interview – Producer Jacques Marquette; Irwin Allen's Costume Designer – Paul Zastupnevich):

#188 March (front cover Dale Midkiff in “Time Trax” and Preview and Interview with Harve Bennett; Don Knight of TV's “The Immortal”; “Beauty and the Beast” the Comic Book; TV's “Alien Nation” Coming Out as a Series of Novels; Profile – Andreas Katsulas; Profile – Terry Farrell of TV's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; Profile – Ray Winstone of TV's “Robin of Sherwood”; Profile – Joseph Ruskin; Profile – Richard Moll; Interview – Author Douglas Adams; BBC TV's “The Stranger and Miss Brown”; Chris Barrie of BBC TV's “Red Dwarf”);

#189 April (front cover “Star Trek; The Next Generation”, Star Trek; Deep Space Nine” and Animated “Star Trek”; Jack McGee of TV's “Space Rangers”; Profile – Larry Brody of Animated “Star Trek”; Dale Midkiff of TV's “Time Trax”; Insiders Reveal What Went Wrong with “Star Trek V; The Final Frontier”; “Aliens; Colonial Marines” the Dark Horse Comic Books; Inside TV's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; Hattie Hayridge of BBC TV's “Red Dwarf”; Profile – Robert Patrick; Profile – Arthur Batanides; Screenwriter Nicholas St. John “Body Snatchers”);

#190 May (front cover Armin Shimerman as Quark in TV's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine” and Profile; Walter Koenig's “Raver” the Comic Book; Profile – Daniel Davis “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Profile – Mark Goddard of TV's “Lost in Space”; Profile – Author Anne McCaffrey; Peter Donat of TV's “Time Trax”; Jeff Kaake of TV's “Space Rangers”; Profile – Malachi Throne; Profile – Filmmaker Abel Ferrara “Body Snatchers”; Deborah Watling of “Doctor Who”; Danny John-Jules of BBC TV's “Red Dwarf”);

#191 June (front cover “Jurassic Park” and Exclusive Preview and Cast Information; Rene Auberjonois of TV's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; Profile – Elizabeth Alexander of TV's “Time Trax”; Science Fiction Trading Cards Past and Present; George Lucas on Filmmaking; Profile – Screenwriter James Schmerer “Star Trek” the Animated TV Series; Profile – Author Kim Stanley Robinson; Profile – Claude Earl Jones; Robert Lewin an Early Writer/Producer of “Star Trek; The Next Generation”);

#192 July (front cover Arnold Schwarzenegger and Austin O'Brien in “Last Action Hero” and Exclusive Preview; 17th Anniversary Special Issue; Brent Spiner of TV's “Star Trek;The Next Generation”; Michael Crichton the Curator of “Jurassic Park”; Producer Robert Solo of “Body Snatchers”; Preview “Super Mario Bros.” the Movie; Interview – Author Frederik Pohl; Profile – Screenwriter Jon Povill);

#193 August (front cover “Special Dinosaur Issue”; The Many Faces of Christopher Lloyd; “Dinosaurs for Hire” from Malibu Comics; Arnold Schwarzenegger on Making “Last Action Hero”; The Heroes of “Jurassic Park”; Interview – Screenwriter Charles Bennett; Profile - Director Eugene Lourie; Profile – Art Director/Production Disigner David Snyder);


#198 January (front cover “Worlds of Science Fiction”; Profile – June Lockhart of TV's “Lost in Space”; Profile – Ted Raimi of TV's “seaQuest DSV”; Profile - “Doc Savage” Greatest Artist James Bama; Profile – Lindsay Frost; Mike W. Barr's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine” the Comic Book; Remembering George Pal, Rod Taylor and Alan Young “The Time Machine”; Jackie Lane of TV's “Doctor Who”; Interview – Michael Fox 1940's and 1950's Character Actor);

#200 March (front cover Patrick Stewart, Harrison Ford, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg “Special 200th Issue”; The 200 Most Important People in Science Fiction; Interview – Arthur C. Clarke; Profile – Joe Dante; Profile – Terry Gilliam; Profile – Producer Gale Anne Hurd; Profile – Tim Burton; Profile – Author Ben Bova; Profile – Author William Gibson);

#201 April (front cover Richard Eden as TV's “Robocop” and Preview; Special Robots Issue; Bob May on being “Robbie the Robot” of TV's “Lost in Space”; Jonathan Del Arco on being a Borg in TV's “Star Trek; The Next Generation; Preview BBC TV's “Red Dwarf”; Siddig El Fadil as Bashir on “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; Colin Baker of TV's “Doctor Who”; Interview – Kathleen Crowley; Inside TV's “The X-Files”);

#207 October (front cover MicheleScarabelli and Eric Pierpoint as the Franciscos on TV Movie “Alien Nation; Dark Horizon” and Preview; Jean-Claude Van Damme on “Timecop”; Royce D. Applegate leaving TV's “seaQuest DSV”; Avery Brooks in Command in ”Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; Interview – Authors Michael Moorcock with Tad Williams; TV's “The Invaders” part-2; Profile – Author Bradley Denton);


#212 March (front cover William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Kate Mulgrew and Scott Bakula; Kate Mulgrew of TV's “Star Trek; Voyager; Patrick Stewart reflectong on TV's “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; William Shatner on “TekWar”; Scott Bakula on “Clive Barker's “Lord of Illusion”; Christoer Lambert on “Highlander III; The Final Conflict”; Wyn Davies on TV's “Forever Knight”; Producer David Schwartz on TV's “Beauty and the Beast”; “X-Files” the Comic Book Series; Profile – Jan Merlin of TV's “Tom Corbett; Space Cadet”; Review TV's “Earth 2”);

#218 September (front cover Kevin Costner in “Waterworld” and the Making Of; Jim Carrey as the Riddler in “Batman Forever”; Director Brett Leonard on “Virtuosity” with Denzel Washington; Preview “The Indian in the Cupboard”; FX Stan Winston on “Congo”; Stars tell about Playing with their Own Action Figures; Denise Crosby on Life After TV's “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Interview - “Creature from the Black Lagoon” Producer William Alland part-2; Profile – TV Producer Sutton Roley; Profile – Paul Freeman; Writer Dennis Feldman on “Species”);

#219 October (front cover Leonard Nimoy, Christopher Lloyd, James Calvert and Cynthia Gibb in TV's “Deadly Games” and Preview; George Lucas and Chris Claremont unite for “Shadow Moon”; Profile – Robert Clarke of “The Man from Planet X”; Nicole Eggert in TV's “Amanda and the Alien”; Michael Dorn Joins TV's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; Kevin Costner on “Waterworld”; Naomie Harris in TV's “The Tomorrow People”; Profile – Producer William Alland part-3; “TV's “Lost in Space” part-1; Stephen Furst of TV's “Babylon 5”);

#221 December (front cover “Toy Story” and Inside Story; Brent Spiner on “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; “X-Files” creator Chris Carter; John de Lancie on the Cancellation of TV's “Legend”; Barry Morse of TV's “Space; 1999”; Cynthia Gibb on TV's “Deadly Games”; Profile – Caroline John of “Doctor Who”; Profile – Author Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff; Craig Bieko of American Version of BBC TV's “Red Dwarf”; Preview “Cybertech P.D.”);


#222 January (front cover Bruce Willis in “12 Monkeys” and Preview of Terry Gilliam's Latest Movie; Rene Auberjonois on TV's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; “Terminator” Comics from Malibu Graphics; James Cameron and Jay Cock's “Strange Days”; Lucy Lawless on TV's “Xena; Warrior Princess”; Preview TV Movie “The Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space”; Interview – Marie Windsor; Preview of the TV Mini-Series “The Invaders”; Interview – Dwight Schultz; Garrett Wang of “Star Trek; Voyager”);

#223 February (front cover Peter Weller in “Screamers” and Exclusive Preview; Director Paul Verhoeven of Robert A. Heilein's “Starship Troopers”; Interview – Desmond Llewelyn of “James Bond”; Cereal Heroes – Giveaways in Cereal; preview of Walter Koenig's “Maximum Surge” with Yasmine Bleeth; Michael Hurst of TV's “Hercules; The Legendary Journeys”; Interview – Stella Stevens; Profile – John Crawford; Lanei Chapman of TV's “Space; Above and Beyond”; Roy Thinnes of TV's “The Invaders”;

#224 March (front cover “Star Wars” Rebel Assault II CD-ROM Game and X-Wing Rogue Squadron; Bruce Willis on “12 Monkeys”; Profike – Robin Williams; John Lithgow of TV's “Third Rock from the Sun”; Profile – Author Michael A. Stackpole on “X-Wing Rogue Squadren”; Profile – Victor Lundin of “Robinson Crusoe of Mars”; Preview TV Movie “The Tomorrow Man”; Kristen Cloke of TV's “Space; Above and Beyond”; Interview – Harrison Ford”);

#225 April (front cover TV's “The Osiris Chronicles” and Preview; Joel de la Fuente of TV's “Space; Above and Beyond”; Review of TV's “Sliders”; FX of TV's “Hercules; The Legendary Journeys”; Interview – Mitch Pileggi of TV's “The X-Files”; Kevin Murphy of TV's “Mystery Science Theater 3000”; Profile – Author Paul Cornell of “Doctor Who”; Interview – Michael Ansara; Profile – Author Christopher Rowley; Andrea Thompson on Leaving TV's “Babylon 5”; “Jumanji” Director Joe Johnston; Profile – Christian Tessier of TV's “The Tomorrow People”);

#227 June (front cover Billy Zane as “The Phantom” and Preview; Profile – Colin Meaney of TV's “Star Trek; The Next Generation” and “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; Larry DiTillio of TV's “Babylon 5”; Jennifer Lien of TV's “Star Trek; Voyager”; Paul McGann the New “Doctor Who”; Pamela Anderson of “Barb Wire”; Profile – Author Steve Perry; Profile – Norman Lovett of TV's “Red Dwarf”; Interview – Patricia of “The Fly”; Jim Mallon of TV's “Mystery Science Theater 3000”; TV's “The X-Files” Director Kim Manners; Jon Kroll of TV's “HyperNauts”);

#228 July (front cover 20th Anniversary Double Issue; 1976 to 1996 a Review of each Issue of the Last 20 Years; Robert Justman has Helped Create both TV Series “Star Trek” and “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Jamie Gertz of “Twister”; Jeff Goldblum of “Independence Day”; Kate Mulgrew of TV's “Star Trek; Voyager”; Director Rob Cohen of “Dragonheart”; Writer/Director David Twohy of “The Arrival”; Interview – Director John Frankenheimer; Kristy Swanson of “The Phantom”; Preview Disney's “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”; John Phillip Law of “Barbarrela”; Screenwriter Dan O'Bannon of “Screamers”);

#231 October (front cover “Star Trek 30th Anniversary Salute” with the Casts of The Original, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager; On the Set of “Star Trek; The Next Generation; First Contact”; Jeffrey Hunter the First Captain of “Star Trek”; Entire Cast of “Star Trek; Voyager” Talking about the Series; Cleavant Derricks of TV's Sliders”; TV's “Buck Rogers of the 25th Century” part-1);

#232 November (front cover Cast of TV's “Dark Skies” and Preview; BBC TV's “UFO”; “Independence Day” Director Roland Emmerich; Greg and Tim Hildebrandt on Painting the Latest “Star Wars” Trading Cards; Michael Dorn of “Star Trek; First Contact”; Kurt Russell of “Escape from L.A.”; Ed Wasser of TV's “Babylon 5”; Interview – Randy Stuart of “The Incredible Shrinking Man”; TV's “Buck Rogers of the 25th Century” part-2; Profile – Michael Keaton);


#234 January (front cover Tim Burton's “Mars Attacks” and Preview and Gatefold Poster of the Art; Peter Jurasik of “Babylon 5”; Profile – James Cromwell of “Star Trek; First Contact”; Alfre Woodard of “Star Trek; First Contact”; Megan Gallagher of TV's “Millennium”; Rod Steiger of “Mars Attacks”; Paul Winfield of “Mars Attacks”; Interview – Joyce Taylor of “Atlantis the Lost Continent”; Preview TV's “The Burning Zone”; Interview – The Other Darth Vader, Brock Peters; “Trials and Tribble-ations” by David Gerrold);


#247 February (front cover “Those Alien Women” Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder, Nana Visitor, Mira Furlan and Leni Parker with Exclusive Interviews; Ron Perlman of “Alien; Resurrection”; Interview – James Stewart; Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in “Tomorrow Never Dies”; Profile – David McCallum of TV's “Man from U.N.C.L.E.”; Profile – Ted Raimi of “Xena; Warrior Princess”; Profile – Dirk Benedict of TV's “Battlestar Galactica”; The Incredible Hulk Talks – Lou Ferrigno);

#248 March (front cover Jonathan Harris, Von Flores, Wayne Alexander, William B. Davis and Kevin Costner; Review TV's “Prey”; Profile – Jonathan Harris of TV's “Lost in Space”; Von Flores of TV's “Gene Roddenberry's Earth; Final Conflict”; Profile - Steve Railsback; Making of Michael Crichton's “Sphere”; Wayne Alexander of TV's “Babylon 5”; “The X-Files” Cigarette Smoking Man – William B. Davis; Profile – Eric Menyuk of TV's “Star Trek; The Next Generation”; Profile – Author James Herbert; Preview Kevin Costner's “The Postman”; Filmaker Jean-Pierre Jeunet of “Aliens; Resurrection”; Interview – Alan Caillou);

#249 April (front cover Jeri Ryan and Traci Scoggins; Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine on “Star Trek; Voyager”; Preview “Lost in Space”; Preview TV's “The Babylon Project; Crusade”; Tracy Scoggins new Role on TV's “Babylon 5”; Amanda Tapping in TV's “Stargate SG-1”; Preview TV Movie “Host”; Los Vegas Hilton's “Star Trek; The Experience”; Profile – Louise Sorel; Interview – Debra Paget; Preview “Sphere”; FX Wizard Cameron Daddo; Canceled “Space; Above and Beyond”);

#251 June (front cover Startling “True Facts” Exposed; Hudson Leick as Callisto in TV's “Xena; Warrior Princess”; Matt LeBlanc as Don West in “Lost in Space”; Heather Graham in “Lost in Space”; Shrouded in Secrecy “The X-Files Movie”; Director Mimi Leder on “Deep Impact”; Christopher Judge of TV's “Stargate SG-1”; Preview “Godzilla” American Style; Profile – Steve Holland of TV's “Flash Gordon” and Model for Paperback Art “Doc Savage”; Animated Arthurian Fantasy “Quest for Camelot”; Natasha Henstridge in “SpeciesII”);

#254 September (front cover Uma Thurman as Emma Peel in “The Avengers” and Exclusive Interview with Gatefold Poster; Jessica Steen in “Armageddon”; Terry Farrell on the Death of Dax TV's “Star Trek; Deep Space Nine”; Honor Blackman from “The Avengers” to “Goldfinger”; TV's “The Avengers” Dians Rigg, Linda Thorson and Joanna Lumley; Catherine Zeta Jones in “The Mask of Zorro”; Kirsten Dunst in “Small Soldiers”; Marjorie Monaghan of TV's “Babylon %”; Mitch Pileggi reveals Secrets of “The X-Files”; Director David Nutter of “Disturbing Behavior”; David Hemblen of “Gene Roddenberry's Earth; Final Conflict”);


#258 January (front cover Disney Pixar's “A Bug's Life” and Preview; Justina Vail in TV's “Seven Days”; Jonathan Frakes on Directing “Star Trek; Insurrection”; Patrick Stewart in “Star Trek; Resurrection”; Kurt Russell in “Soldier”; Interview – Joan Weldon of “Them”; Kevin Smith of TV's “Young Hercules”; Matt Frewer in TV's “PSI Factor; Chronicles of the Paranormal”; Paul Johansson in TV's “Highlander; The Raven”);


#274 May (front cover John Travolta in “Battlefield Earth” and Interview and Preview; Preview “Mission to Mars”; Writer Toby Emmerich's “Frequency”; Rob Grant's TV Series “The Strangerers”; Profile – Author Terry Pratchett; Justina Vail of TV's “Seven Days”; Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia in TV's “Angel”; Profile – Claudia Christian of TV's “Babylon 5”; Actor/Director Tim Matheson 's TV Movie “Hell Swarm”; Keith David in “Pitch Black”; Interview – Michael Forest);

#275 June (front cover Gillian Anderson of “The X-Files” and Interview; Jason London in TV Mini-Series “Jason and the Argonauts”; Preview Marvel's “X-Men”; On the Set of TV's “The X-Files”; “Dinosaur” Special Gatefold Preview Poster; On the Set of “Battlefield Earth”; Review of TV's “Now and Again”; Bobbie Phillips in TV Movie “Chameleon III; Dark Angel”; Preview TV's “good vs evil”; Don Davis of TV's “Stargate SG-1”; Don Cheadle on “Mission to Mars”; BBC TV's “Crime Traveller”; Interview – Eve Brent of Jane to Tarzan Fame”;

STARLOG - THE BEST OF; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)

1980 #1 (front cover Mark Hamill as “Luke Skywalker”; TV AND FILM COVERAGE = “Star Wars”; “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”; “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”; “Doctor Who”; “Alien”; “Buck Rogers in the 25th Century”; “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”; “The Black Hole”; “Time After Time”; “The Thing”; “Spectre”; “The Overlords”; INTERVIEWS = Mark Hamill; Leonard Nimoy; Harrison Ford; Frederik Pohl; David Prowse; Tom Baker; Dan O'Bannon; Nicholas Meyer; George Pal; Gil Gerard; Buster Crabbe; Steven Spielberg; Joseph Bottoms; Arthur C. Clarke; SPACE ART = Bob Mccall; Chesley Bonestall; Don Dixon; Ron Miller; David Egge; Frank R. Paul);

1981 #2 (front cover Yoda; TV AND FILM COVERAGE = “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”; “Star Trek; The Motion Picture”; “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”; “The Black Hole”; “Clash of the Titans”; “Raiders of the Lost Ark”; “Conan the Barbarian”; “Battlestar Galactica”; “Tom Corbett Space Cadet”; “Doctor Who”; “Greatest American Hero”; iNTERVIEWS = Harrison Ford; Gene Roddenberry; Harry Hamlin; Lou Ferrigno; Lorne Greene; Brian Johnson; SPACE ART = David Matingly; Don Maitz; SPECIAL FEATURES = Animation; Science Fiction Comics; Science Fiction Radio; Space Stamps; Robots; UFOs);

1983 #4 (front cover Jabba the Hutt; TV AND FILM COVERAGE = “Tron'; “The Phoenix”; “E.T. The Extraterrestrial”; “The Road Warrior”; “Octopussy”; “Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back”; “Strange Invaders”; “Star Trek II; The Wrath of Khan”; “The Heavy Metal Movie”; “Something Wicked This Way Comes”; “V – The Visitors”; “Blade Runner”; “Conan the Barbarian”; “John Carpenter's The Thing”; “Blue Thunder”; “Star Wars; Return of the Jedi”; “Return of Captain Invincible”; INTERVIEWS = Mark Hamill; Ridley Scott; Anthony Daniels; Roger Moore; William Shatner; John Badham; Marc Singer; Steven Spielberg; Harlan Ellison; Kurt Russell; George Miller; June Lockhart; Sandahl Bergman; Norman Spinrad; Christopher Lee; Carlo Rambaldi; Judson Scott; Mel Gibson);

1986 #7 (front cover Various; TV AND FILM COVERAGE = “Mad Max”; “Doctor Who”; “The Right Stuff”; “Short Circuit”; “Aliens”; “Star Trek IV; The Voyage Home”; “Cocoon”; “Back to the Future”; “Blade Runner”; “Splash”; “Dune”; INTERVIEWS = Arnold Schwarzenegger; George Lucas; Steven Spielberg; Leonard Nimoy; Mel Gibson; Michael J. Fox; Daryl Hannah; Rutger Hauer; John Carpenter; Ridley Scott; Roddy McDowall; Kirstie Alley; Sting);

STARLOG - FANTASY WORLDS; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 2001(#1);

STARLOG - 100 YEARS OF SCIENCE FICTION ; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1999(NN);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) FANTASTIC 3-D (1982);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) FANTASTIC WORLDS; 1978 (NN);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) SCIENCE FICTION ALIENS ; 1977 (NN);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) SCIENCE FICTION HEROES ; 1980 (NN);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) Science Fiction TOYS & MODELS - Volume-1 {STARLOG Photo Guidebook} (Starlog Press; 1980; 36 pages; by Stephen J. Sansweet; RAY GUNS, Robots, Action Figures, Flying Saucers & Rocketships-c & vintage Toys articles with Photo's; VG/FN = $15; VG=$12);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) SCEINCE FICTION VILLAINS ; 1980 (NN);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) SCIENCE FICTION WEAPONS ; 1979 (Vol. 1);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) SPACE ART ; 1978 (#NN; TPB);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) SPACESHIPS ; 1977 (#NN);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) SPECIAL EFFECTS ; - (1979; Volume 1); (1980; Vol.2; TPB);

STARLOG - PHOTO GUIDEBOOK; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) TV EPISODE GUIDE – Volume 1 (Science Fiction, Adventure & Superheroes; 1981);

STARLOG - PLATINUM EDITION (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)

1993 (Volume 1);

1994 (Vol.2);

1995(January; Vol.5);

STARLOG - POSTER MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)

1983 (Vol.1);

1985 (Vol.4);

1988 (Special #1);

STARLOG - PRESS CATALOG ; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1980;

STARLOG - SCIENCE FICTION EXPLORER (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) ; 1995 (#9);

STARLOG - SCIENCE FICTION YEARBOOK (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1979 (#1);

STARLOG - SCRAPBOOK (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)

1983 (Vol.2);

1984 (Vol.3);

1987 (Vol.6);

STARLOG SPECTACULAR (1990) (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) #1,4,6;

STARLOG YEARBOOK (1987) (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) #1,4,6,8,9,11,14;

STARLOG BRASIL (? Pub.; Brasil) (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) – 1998 (#8);


#1(12/1976; G/VG $10)

#2(4/1977; VG $12);

#3 (June/1977; number written on cover o/w FN $14);

#4(August/1977; number written on cover o/w VG $10);

#5(October/1977; number written on cover o/w VG $10);

#6(December/1977; number written on cover o/w G/VG $8);


(1974-1978; Listed in the PROMO section of the Overstreet Guide; In Overstreet #35 in Promo section under "Power Record Comics", they are listed on page 307; Peter Pan Records; NEW Material Comics & Stories NOT published elsewhere They were released with a STICKER that had the Price on upper

right cover corner; The Upper Right corner was released from publisher "scored" so that the Merchant could rip or break off the price if they wanted to alter it; MANY copies on the market were remaindered by clipping off the corner, or putting a Die-Cut thru one edge of the book; NONE of these copies are Die-Cut

nor clipped; NM copies are Extremely Rare, as the RECORD leaves dents & creases in the comic; ALL are scarce in Strict VF or better);

(PR-25 - STAR TREK - Passage To Moauv; 1979; PHOTO cover; Comic=VF/NM; Vinyl Record =Unplayed, VF/NM, 9.0 = $39);

(PR-45 - STAR TREK - Dinosaur Planet; 1979; PHOTO cover; Still Factory Sealed in original Cello-Plastix Shrinkwrap, causing a slight curl in the comic over record, on back ONLY, o/w would be higher grade; Record= New Un-Played & Assumed NM, 9.4; Comic= VF/NM, 9.0; = $49);

(PR-46 - STAR TREK - The Robot Masters; 1979; PHOTO cover; Still Factory Sealed in original Cello-Plastix Shrinkwrap, causing a slight curl in the comic over record, on back ONLY, o/w would be higher grade; Record= New Un-Played & Assumed NM, 9.4; Comic= VF/NM, 9.0; = $49);




Inventory #ST-003; GORN Blueprints - General Plans Defense Battlecruiser, Elevations & Deck Plans (Star Trek Blueprints) (1981; Starcraft Reproductions Pub; Strategic Graphic Data; 2 Folded sheets, 9" x 36" in illustrated envelope; Envelope = FN+, Near New; Folded Posters = AS NEW; Inventory #ST-003; Price = $14.00);


Inventory #ST-007; KLINGON DESTROYER K'T'ORR CLASS Interior & Exterior, Starfleet Classified, full Specifications with Interior  and Exterior Detail (Star Trek Blueprints) (Circa 1985?; Starcraft Reproductions Pub; Nine 9-11" X 16" Folded Poster Sheets, in illustrated envelope; Envelope = Original Glue Sealed, with Foxing, thus Near FINE; Folded Posters = AS NEW; Inventory #ST-007; Price = $24.00);


Inventory #ST-012; U.S.S. ENTERPRISE 1701 Bridge Blueprints, shows every Station, includes all Refits accurate Detailed, with bonus Cloth Patch (Star Trek Blueprints) (1990; Starcraft Reproductions Pub; Drawn by Lawrence Miller; Ten 17" x 22" Folded Sheet Posters, in illustrated envelope; with bonus Cloth Patch; Envelope = VG/FN; Folded Posters = FN+, Near New; Inventory #ST-012; Price = $35.00);


Inventory #ST-014; U.S.S. Enterprise, Heavy Cruiser Evolution Blueprints with Complete Data for 10 Starship Classes including bonus Enterprise Legacy 1755-2303 (Star Trek Blueprints) (Circa 1994; Starcraft Reproductions Pub; Three Folded Collectors Folded Sheet Posters, in illustrated envelope; With bonus Enterprise Legacy 1755-2303 Blueprint from Temporal Graphics, thus FOUR FOLDED Posters in All;  Envelope = FN+, Near New; Folded Posters = FN+, Near New; Inventory #ST-014; Price = $25.00);


Inventory #ST-015; Dreadnought Blueprints, of Star Fleet's Largest Starship, U.S.S. Federation Class (Star Trek Blueprints) (1979; New Eye Studio Pub; Ten 8-1/2" X 25" Folded Poster Sheets, in illustrated envelope; Envelope = FN; Folded Posters = FN+, Near New; Inventory #ST-015; Price = $26.00);


Inventory #ST-018; Klingon Scout Vessel, K'TARA, full Interior and Exterior views plus Bridge Detail U.F.P., with Bonus Cloth Patch (Star Trek Blueprints)  (1985; Starcraft Reproductions Pub; Lawrence Miller design; Six 18" X 24" Folded Poster Sheets, in illustrated envelope; with bonus Cloth Patch; Envelope = Still Glue Sealed, VG/FN; Folded Posters = AS NEW; Inventory #ST-018; Price = $29.00);


Inventory #ST-021; Book of Shuttlecraft Galileo Plans, (NCC-1701'7 U.S.S. Enterprise) Interior & Exterior Plans,  with Bonus Cloth UFP Cloth Patch (Star Trek Blueprints)  (Circa 1985?; Starcraft Reproductions Pub; Two 17" X 22" Folded Poster Sheets, in illustrated envelope; with bonus Cloth UFP Patch; Envelope = Still Factory Glue Sealed, FN+, Near New; Folded Posters = AS NEW; Inventory #ST-021; Price = $15.00);


STAR TREK - COLORING BOOK #C1862 (Spock on cover; Saalfield Pub.; 1975);

STAR TREK - COLORING BOOK #C1856 (Spock and Captain Kirk on cover; Saalfield Pub. Co.;1975);


STAR TREK - COLOR AND ACTIVITY BOOK (Merigold Press Pub.) 1982;


STAR TREK - COMIC ALBUM (BBC) (World Distributors Pub.) 1974;

STAR TREK COMMUNICATOR: OFFICIAL FAN CLUB (The Official Fan Club Inc.) - #103(July/August 1995),104,106,107, 114, 119,120,122,123;

STAR TREK - CONVENTION PROGRAM (International Star Trek Convention)

1975 (Star Trek Lives! Philadelphia; International Star Trek Convention; SPOCK Photo-c; FN $25);

STAR TREK : DEEP SPACE NINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) #1(1993),2-16,22;

STAR TREK - ENTERPRISE (HJS Pub.) #8(February 1985);


1984; (May #17); (June #18); (July #19); (August #20); (October #22); (November #23);

1985 (January #25); (February #26); (March #27);






STAR TREK - ENTERPRISE SPECIAL (New Media Pub.) Circa 1979 #1-3;


STAR TREK - V; OFFICIAL MOVIE MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1989;

STAR TREK - FILES MAGAZINES series (PSI FI Movie Press Inc./ Pop Cult Inc/New Media; Designed and Edited by HAL SCHUSTER; Trade Paperback / Magazine/ Fanzines; Loaded with Photo's & Articles)

- Animated Voyages Begin (1985) by John Peel; (VG=$8; G/VG=$6);

- Focus on Chekov --- Flip Book, with - Uhura on Reverse side (1986) by John Peel; VF/NM=$15; VG=$8);

- Harry Mudd File (1987) by Edward Gross; (VF/NM=$20; FN/VF=$15);

- Spotlight on Klingons (1986) by Edward Gross; (VF/NM $15);

- Focus on McCoy (1987) by John Peel; (VF/NM=$15);

- The Monsters and Aliens of Star Trek Volume-1 (1987) by John Peel; (VF+ $15);

- Star Trek That Almost Was (1985) by John Peel; (FN/VF $12);

- Star Trek 20th Anniverary Tribute; the Voyage Continues (1986; 84 pages including covers; VF/NM=$20);

- Star Trek Villains - Computer Menaces (1987; by John Peel; VF/NM $15);

- Star Trek Year Two (1987) by John Peel; (Complete Review & Analysis of the Critical First Voyages; SPOCK Photo-c; 148 Pages; VF/NM $24);

- That Which Survives (1985) by John Peel; (G/VG $7);

- the THOLIAN WEB (1986) by John Peel; (G/VG $7);

- Spotlight on Time Travel (1985) by Ed Gross; (VF/NM $18);

- Focus on Uhura --- Flip Book, with - Chekov on Reverse side (1986) by John Peel; (VF/NM $18);

- Undiscovered Star Trek; Book One (1987) by Edward Gross; (VF/NM $15);

- Undiscovered Star Trek; Book Two - Dagger of the Mind (1987) by John Peel ;VF/NM $18);

- Undiscovered Star Trek; Book Three (1987) by Edward Gross; (VF $15);

- Undiscovered Star Trek; Book Five (1987) by Edward Gross; (VF $15);

- Spotlight on Whom Gods Destroy (1986) by John Peel; (VF/NM $15);


(United Federatoin of Planet and Starfleet Command; SCARCE Fanzine, with many articles & illustrations on STAR TREK; Rudy Link editor; >>>Editiorials, letters, stories, Analysis, Treknology, Trivia etc);

1977 (June; #12; FN/VF $10); (July; #13; FN/VF $10); (August; #14; FN/VF $10);(September; #15; all Art issue; FN/VF $10);

1978 (April #20; FN/VF $10); (April #21; FN/VF $10); (No Date; #26; FN/VF $10);

STAR TREK - GENERATIONS; OFFICIAL MOVIE MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1994 (Regular); (3-D);


STAR TREK GENERATIONS Press Book (1994) Patrick Stewart, William Shatner

STAR TREK - GIANT POSTER BOOK (Paradise Press Inc.; 8-1/2" x 11" Magazine, with great

Photo's & Articles; unfolds to a 22"x34" Color Poster);

- Voyage One (1976; VG $12)

- Voyage Two (1976; FN/VF $14);

- Voyage Three (1976; VG/FN $10);

- Voyage Four (1976; VF=$15; FN/VF=$12);

- Voyage Seven (1977; G/VG $6)

STAR TREK - THE HISTORY OF STAR TREK (Superstar Facts and Pix) (The Sterling

MacFadden Partnership) 1993;

STAR TREK INTRAGALACTIC PUZZLES by James Razzi -- gathered from All Over the Galaxy - Spaced-out Puzzles to Mystify Amuse and Enlighten Star Trek Fans (ISBN: 0553010832; Bantam Books, Inc. 1977, NY, USA, 1977. Soft Cover Trade Paperback; pencil writing on some pages, VG/FN $10)

STAR TREK MAGAZINE (Titan Magazines) #1 (2006 Sept/Oct; Celebrating 40 Years of Star Trek);

STAR TREK - MAPS (Bantam Books Pub) 1980;


STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE the U.S.S. ENTERPRISE PUNCH-OUT BOOK, by Lokvig, Tor and Chuck Murphy (Make your Very Own Starship without Scissors or Glue; Soft Cover Trade Paperback; Wanderer pub; Scarce; FN $25);



STAR TREK - THE NEXT GENERATION MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) #1(1987),2-30;



1993 #46-48,51,56,57,62;



STAR TREK - THE NEXT GENERATION WRITE'S TECHNICAL MANUAL (Paramount Pictures Corp.) 1989 (Third Season);

STAR TREK - THE OFFICERS OF THE BRIDGE [Fanzine, New York, 1976., 1st edition. Souvenir of 1976 Star Trek convention in New York. Articles about the original show's stars and the characters they played. PLUS A portfolio of full page color artwork by noted science fiction artist Kelly Freas of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Bones McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov and Lt. Sulu (based on a scene from the episode The Naked Time). Seven pages in all of fantastic color art. Also photo's from the show and photo's & Biographies of the stars at various Trek conventions; VG/FN $15];

STAR TREK - OFFICIAL FAN CLUB MAGAZINE (Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Pub.)

1986(January/February #48);

1987 (April/May #55); (June/July #56);

1989 (April/May #67); (December/January #71);

1990 (August/September #75);

1991 (August/September #81); (December/January #83);

1992 (March/April #84); (May/June #85); (July/August #86); (September/October #87);

(November/December #88);

1993 (January/February #89); (March/April #90); (May/June #91);

STAR TREK SCENE; (Kevin Cook Pub.; 25 cent cover price; 1973 Fanzine; Spock cover; Articles & illustration; Very Low print run & Scarce; G $10);

STAR TREK - THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK; OFFICIAL MAGAZINE (Starlog Tether Merchandising Group) 1984;


STAR TREK LIVES - STAMPS (Circa mid-1970's; PROMO from International Star Trek convention; SHEET of 36 Yellow colored illustrated STAMPS depicting Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Bones McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov; Measures 6"x9"; VF = $10);

STAR TREK - STAR FLEET TECHNICAL MANUAL by Joseph Franz (Ballantine Books; Trade Paperback; 11/1975; 1st Printing; This is a manual from the "Training Command .Star Fleet Academy." Descriptions of male and female uniforms, shuttlecraft, and various starships. Oversized Softcover/ HC. This edition has the original Plastic casing/folder that the softcover manual sits nside. Very official. It also has the orginal $6.95 price on the front of the plastic folder; Loaded with awesome illustrations; FN $18);

STAR TREK - TOUCHSTONE by ROBYN BERKELEY (Riah Press Pub.; 1990; Trade Paperback NOVEL;

RARE; VF=$30; FN=$24);

STAR TREK - TREK TIMES (Trek Times Pub.; SCARCE Newsprint Fanzine; Photo covers on all; Photo's Articles, Interviews, etc)

1976; #3(August; 32 pages; FN $12); #4(September; 24 pages; FN/VF $12); #5(October; 32 pages; FN $12);

STAR TREK - TREK, the Magazine for Star Trek Fans (G.B. Love Pub.; #1-3= Folded Tabloid Newspaper format; Others= Pro Fanzine format)

1975; #1(24 pages; Scarce; FN $35); #2(24 pages; Photo-c; Scarce; VG $20);

1975; #3(24 pages; Scarce; Fabian-c; VG=$20; G=$13);

1980; (Summer; #16; Uhura photo-c; 40 pages; many Photo's & articles; G/VG $12);

1978; (November; Special #2; Kirk photo-c; Slick paper; 52 pages; many Photo's & articles; FN $25);

STAR TREK - 25th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1991; 100 pages including covers; Slick magazine;. Includes a synopsis of each of the episodes in the original series, much more. LOADED with Full Color Photo's; VF/NM $15);

STAR TREK - THE UNDISCOVERED COUNRTY; OFFICIAL MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1991;

STAR TREK - U.S.S. ENTERPRISE OFFICER'S MANUAL -- Constitution Class NCC-1701 / OM 1701-CEC/REV CLASSIFIED TERRA 2217. by Mandel, Geoffrey and Drexler, Doug (1980; Star Fleet Publications Office/United Federation of Planets Pub; This manual is for eyes of Star Fleet Officers of Lieutenant Grade or above only. It is intended to familiarize new personnel with the critical components and general routine of Constitution and Enterprise Class Starships, and should not supplant other manuals providing more detailed information on Starship Operation. Refer all questions to the Star Fleet Chief of Operations, Star Fleet Command; FN+ $22);

STAR TREK - STAR TREK VOYAGER (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)

1995 (April); (June); (August); (October);

1996(February); (April); (June); (September);

1998 (February); (April); (June); (November);



STAR TREK - WALTER KOENIG FAN CLUB '75 (April/1976 YEARBOOK; 76 pages including covers; Fanzine; Many Photo's, Articles, illustration & letters on KOENIG; Rare; G/VG $22);


STAR TREK - WHO'S WHO IN STAR TREK (by John Townsley; April Pub Inc; 1982; Rare Spiral Bound Fanzine; 40 pages including covers; RARE in this Original Printing; VG/FN $25);


STAR TREK - THE WRATH OF KHAN (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1982;

STAR TREK SCRIPT'S (Fanzines / Magazines; One-Sided pages, with Outer Covers, 3-Ring Binders Holes, held together with Round Head Fasteners);

- By Any Other Name (by D.C. Fontana and Jerome Bixby);

- Catspaw (by Robert Block and D.C. Fontana);

- The City of the Edge of Forever (by Harlan Ellison);

- The Corbomite Maneuver (by Jerry Sohl);

- Court Marshal (by Don M. Mankiewicz & Steven Carabatsoo);

- Dagger of the Mind (by Shimon Wincelberg);

- The Deadly Years (by David P. Harmon);

- Friday's Child (by D.C. Fontana);

- The Galileo Seven (by Shimon Wincelberg & Oliver Crawford);

- The Immunity Syndrome (by Robert Sabaroff);

-  Star Trek: The Motion Picture II, the Undiscovered Country (written by Harve Bennett, with Jack B. Sowards & Samuel A. Peeples; Paramount Pictures; Revised Final Draft; January 18/1982; 120 x One-Sided pages including covers; VF = $15.00);

- Mudd's Women (by Unknown);

- The Naked Time (Part 1) (by John D.F. Black);

- Obession (by Art Wallace;

- Operation - Annihilate! (by D.C. Fontana);

- Return to Genesis (by Harve Bennett);

- The Squire of Gothos (by Paul Schneider);

- This Side of Paradise (formelry "Way of the Spores") (by D.C. Fontana);

- Tomorrow is Yesterday (by D.C. Fontana);

- Star Trek IV: The Trial of James T. Kirk (Story Treatment by John L. Flynn; Second Revision October 1/1984; #129 in a Limited edition Serially Numbered edition of only 500 Copies; 35 x One-Sided pages including covers; Minor staining to covers, thus FN = $12.00);

- The Trouble with Tribbles (by David Gerrold);

- What are Little Girls Made Of (by Robert Bloch);



1983 (August; #21);

1984 (Winter; #23);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COLORING BOOK (Kenner Pub.; Darth Vader Frontcover; #19090; 1982);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COLORING BOOK (Kenner Pub.; Princess Leia Frontcover; #19130; 1980);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COLORING BOOK (Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca; Princess Leia, Han Solo; #19140; 1980);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COLORING BOOK (Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca; R2-D2; #19110; 1980);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COLORING BOOK (Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca; Yoda; #19090; 1982);


THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK NOTEBOOK (Ballantine Pub.; 1980; Diana Attias, Lindsay Smith (eds.);


THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK OFFICIAL POSTER MONTHLY - #1 Back in Action. (Paradise Press Inc.; 1980);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK OFFICIAL POSTER MONTHLY - #2 The Dark Lord; The Forces of the Empire. (Paradise Press Inc.; 1980);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK OFFICIAL POSTER MONTHLY - #3 The Mysteries of Yoda; The Indignites of Artoo. (Paradise Press Inc.; 1980);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK OFFICIAL POSTER MONTHLY - #5 Han Solo – Hero and Scoundrel; Laser Weapons. (Paradise Press Inc.; 1980);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK STORYBOOK (Scholastic Pub.; Full Color Photographs; 1980);

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK STORYBOOK (Scholastic Pub.;1997; by J.J. Gardner; Frontcover Yoda);

FOURTH DRAFT October 24, 1978; EPISODE V OF THE “JOURNAL OF THE WHILLS”; Fourth Draft Shooting Script; (Fanzine/Magazine; One-Sided pages, with Outer Covers, 3-Ring Binders Holes, held together with Round Head Fasteners);

FALL OF THE REPUBLIC MOVIE SCRIPT (Fanzine/Magazine; One-Sided pages, with Outer Covers, 3-Ring Binders Holes, held together with Round Head Fasteners);


RETURN OF THE JEDI COLORING BOOK (Kenner Pub.; Band From the bar; #18410; 1983);


RETURN OF THE JEDI; JEDI COMPENDIUM (Paradise Press Pub.; 1983; 8 color Posters; Jedi Fact File; Behind the Scenes; FN $8);

RETURN OF THE JEDI MOVIE SCRIPT (Fan Club Reproduction Pub.; Episode VII of the “Journal of the Whills”); (Fanzine/Magazine; One-Sided pages, with Outer Covers, 3-Ring Binders Holes, held together with Round Head Fasteners);


RETURN OF THE JEDI POSTER FOLD-OUT FACT SHEET - #1 At Last the Waiting is Over; (Paradise Press Inc.; 1983);

RETURN OF THE JEDI POSTER FOLD-OUT FACT SHEET - #2 Inside Jabba the Hutt's Court! (Paradise Press Inc.; 1983);

RETURN OF THE JEDI POSTER FOLD-OUT FACT SHEET - #3 Double Poster Issue; Close-Up Look at transport and Weapons; (Paradise Press Inc.; 1983);

RETURN OF THE JEDI POSTER FOLD-OUT FACT SHEET - #4 Double Poster Issue; In Depth Look at the Space Battle; (Paradise Press Inc.; 1983);

RETURN OF THE JEDI POSTER SKETCHBOOK (Ballantine Pub.; 1983; by Joe Johnston & Nilo Rodis-Jamero);

RETURN OF THE JEDI; THE STORYBOOK ON THE MOVIE (Scholastic Pub.; 1983; Softcover & Hardcover);

STAR WARES (Topps Pub.; The Catalog of Star Wars, Star Trek Merchandise #5; 1996);

STAR WARES (Topps Pub.; The Catalog of Star Wars, Star Trek Merchandise #6; 1996);

STAR WARES (Topps Pub.; The Catalog of Star Wars, Star Trek Merchandise #9; November/1997);

STAR WARP (Stories, Layouts and Press Inc.) - Volume 1 #4 (Winter 1978; Galactica Fights Star Wars; Return of the Body Snatchers);

THE STAR WARS ALBUM (Ballantine Pub.; 1977);

STAR WARS; ATTACK ON READING Comprehension #1 (Random House Pub.; 1979);

STAR WARS; ATTACK ON READING Comprehension #2 (Random House Pub.; 1979);

STAR WARS BLUEPRINTS (Ballantine Pub.; 1977; Completely detailed designed for the sets and effects; actual size 13-19 inches);

STAR WARS BOBA FETT (Topps Pub.) #NN (1998 One-Shot);

STAR WARS COLORING BOOK (Kenner Pub/ Chewbacca; #38485; 1977);

STAR WARS COLORING BOOK (Kenner Pub/ Luke Skywalker; C-3PO; #38485; 1977);

STAR WARS COLORING BOOK (Kenner Pub/ R2-D2; #38485; 1977);

THE STAR WARS COMPENDIUM (Paradise Press Inc.; 1982);


STAR WARS INSIDER (The Fan Club Inc. Pub)







#93(May/June 2007);

#94(July August 2007);

STAR WARS KIDS (The Fan Club Inc. Pub.; Sampler Issue; September/October/1998);





#17(December/1998-January/1999; with Princess Leia Poster);

#18(February/March/1999; with Ewan McGregor Poster);







#25(April/May/2000; with Mara Jade Poster);



#28(October/November/2000; with Episode II Poster);

#29(December/2000 – January/2001; with Star Wars Classic Villians poster);

#30(Christmas 2000);


#2(1997; Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader);

#3(1977; Han Solo);





THE STAR WARS STORYBOOK (Random House Pub.; 1978; with Full Color Photographs);

STAR WARS TECHNICAL JOURNAL – Volume 1 Of the Planet Tatooine; 1993; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)

STAR WARS TECHNICAL JOURNAL – Volume 2 Of the Imperial Forces; 1994; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)

STAR WARS TECHNICAL JOURNAL – Volume 3 Of the Rebel Forces; 1994; (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications)



THE WORLD OF THE STAR WARS (Paradise Press Inc. Pub); #2 (1981; A Compendium of Fact and Fantasy from Star Wars and the Empire Strikes Back; 28 Pages, Oversized 10-3/4” x 16” Magazine comes Folded to an 8”x 10” Size; MANY PHOTO’s; Includes a Photo of the Bounty Hunters with Boba Fett; 1” Magic Tape repairs to Split, at Upper Corner at Fold,  VG/FN = $10.00);

STAR WARP (Stories, Layouts and Press Inc.)

1978; #1(April); #2(June); #3(August); #4(Winter);

1979; (Spring); (Summer); (Fall);


The Count Down (1986);

STOP MOTION ANIMATION (Cinema Enterprises Pub.)

1980 – (Compiled and Edited by Don Dohler);

SUB-TERRENEA #6(1990; VF/NM $8);

SUPERSTAR FACTS AND PIX (Sterling/Macfadden Pub.)

1994 (#33; Starbase); (#32);

SUPER STAR HEROES -- Ideal All-Star Series; (Ideal Pub. Corp) (Weight for POSTAGE = 125 GRAMS each);

1978; (#2; December; Superman, Spider-Man, Hulk, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Lord of the Rings, Black Cauldron, Star Wars); 1979; (#7; May; Muppet Movie, Star Trek, UFO, Black Hole, Nightwing, Dr Who, Salvage-1);

1979; (#10; October; Star Trek, Superman, Body Snatchers, Doc Savage, HULK, Swartzenegger as Conan, Close Encounters, TV's Brave New World; Mummy movies, Amityville Horror, etc);

1980; (#11; January; Black hole, Meteor, Star Trek TMP, Nosferatu, Time after Time, Arabian Adventure, Buck Rogers);


1995 (July);

**** T ****

TALES FROM THE CRYPT, THE OFFICAL MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) - 1995;

TANGENT (David A. Truesdale Pub.) - 1977 (Winter #6);

TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY; OFFICIAL MOVIE MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) - 1991;

THRILLER (Tempest pub; Weist Guide says that ALL issues are "EXTREMELY RARE in Higher Grades"; Interior Stories are SEX / SATIRE with use of Modeled Photo's; Some Monster Pix);

Volume-1 #2 (5/1962; "Classic" Woman Vampire PHOTO cover; VF+, 8.5 = $199.00);

Volume-1 #3 (7/1962; Screaming Woman threatened by blue-faced monster PHOTO cover; VF, 8.0 = $179.00);


1986 (Vol. 2);

International Rescue (1986);

TIME SCREEN (Engale Marketing Pub.)

1991 (Spring #17);

1992 (Autumn #19);

TOTAL RECALL; THE OFFICIAL MOVIE MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) 1990;

TOXIC HORROR (Starlog Telecommunications/ O'Quinn Studios Pub; Slick COLOR Magazine; Monsters Horror magazine with Photo's & Articles)

#1 (December/1989; Freddy Krugger from Nightmare on Elm Street 5 cover; ** Includes; Frankenstein; Booger Man; Teens Run Wild - Lurid 50's Fiction; Horror Comix; Phantom of the Opera; SOLD OUT);

#2 (2/1990; Toxic Avenger III cover; ** Includes; Club Undead; Stephen King new Novel; Freddy Krugger; Horror Comics; 15 Years of TROMA; VF, 8.0 = $12);

#3 (4/1990; Clive Barker's Night Breed cover; ** Includes; Monster City; Basket case II; Human Fireballs - Tobe Hooper; Toxic Toon Comics; SOLD OUT);

TRASHFIEND – Horror & Exploitation Fare from 1960's & 1970's (Stigmata Press) #3(Barnabus Collins / Dark Shadows-c; VF+ $9);

TRUE TWILIGHT TALES (League Pub. Inc.) #NN(#1; Fall/1963; 15 Horror Stories with Photo's & Illustrations; Case of the Passionate Ghost; Banquet for 11 Corpses; I'm Dead & It's beautiful; Curse of the Violated Virgin; Night Death pitched a No-Hitter; Invisible Scratcher; G/VG $29);

TRUE WEIRD {Stories} .. Strange, Fantastic, True! (Weider Periodicals Inc; Jersey City, NJ, USA; Squarebound; 84 pages including covers; Occult & Fantasy magazine; Text Stories, with either illustrations or Photo's, on almost every page; all Scarce)

Volume 1 #1 (November/ 1955; Man who Lived 4000 Years; Cane Kept on Dancing; Fish with Human Hands)

Volume-1 #2 (February/1956; President Abe Lincoln Painted Cover by Clarence Doore; ** Includes; Rasputiin Death of the Holy Devil, Harry Truman & Lincoln's Ghost, the Fakir who really preformed miracles, Indiana farmer vanished into Space, Weird Tableaus from nowhere, Bell Witch, Zombies' secret hideout, Canada's paradise of Death, Ghost who stopped clocks; FA, Back cover missing $9);

TRUMPET - the Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy Hyperbole (Tom Reamy Trumpet Pub.; SF Fanzine);

#10 (1969; 52 pages; George Barr-c; D. Bruce Berry back-c; Down in Flames by Larry Niven; Gormenghast - a Portfolio by Tim Kirk; Tod Slaughter article by James Michael Martin; Porongraphic Soapbox by Phillis Eisenstein; the CASTLE = 2 pages comics by Stave Kelez; Logic of the Law by Everett E. Smith; Folio by Jim Nielson; Medusa Oblongata by Joseph Jones; Films Revisited = Black Zoo, Hypnotoic Eye, Untamed Women & Assignment Outer Space; small Steve Fabian illo; Wally Wood-a?; VG/FN = $22)

#12 (Summer/1981; 52 pages; Art by Jim Steranko, Doug Potter, Frank Brunner & Jeff Easley, Doug Potter, John Severin; tribute to Tom Reamy; Frank Frazetta & Steve Fabian illos; Solar Wind by Ken Keller; Article by Algis Budrys; the Deep world of William Hope Hodgson's Night Land by Richard Hodgens; Lost City illustrated Text story by Jim Fitzpatrick; unpublished M.M. Moamrath; Franklin Booth - art Retrospective; It Can't happen here by Ronald Anthony Cross; Lin Carter in the Land of Lost Boys by James K. Burk; William Rotsler; VF $18);

TV GREATS; SPACE STARS OF MOVIES AND TV (Sterling's Magazine Inc.) - 1978 (#3);

TV ZONE (Visual Imagination Ltd.)


#1; (September/October; Star Trek/ Doctor Who),


#3; (January/February; Dr Spock);

#5; (April; Tasha Yar);

#6; (May; Doctor Who);

#12; (November; Star Trek; The Next Generation);


(#17; April; The Tripods);

(#25 December; V);


(#27; February; Michael Keating; “Blake's 7”);

(#28; March; Doctor Who/ Avengers);

(#30; May; Doctor Who “The Tomb of the Cybermen”);

(#31; June; Dr. Crusher);

(#32; July; Tom Baker);

(#33; August; Thunderbirds);

(#34; September; Brent Spiner);

(#36; Novmeber; Kristian Schmid);

(#37; December; George Takei);



(#38; January; Doctor Who);

(#39; February; Patrick McGoohan);

(#41; April; Dr. Spock);

(#42; May; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine);

(#44; July; Captain Kirk & Shahna);

(#46; September; Star Trek; Deep Space Nine);


(#50; January; Land of the Giants);

(#52; March; Star Trek; The Next Generation);

(#54; May; New Avengers);

(#55; June; Patrick Stewart/ Avery Brooks);

(#56; July; Doctor Who's Elisabeth Sladen);

(#57; August; Lois & Clark);

(#60; November; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine);


(#63; February; Jon Pertwee The Third Doctor Who);

(#64; March; Star Trek: Voyager);

(#65; April; New Pictures from Lost Doctor Who Story);

(#66; May; Doctor Who);

(#67; June; The X-Files);

(#68; July; Roxanne Biggs-Dawson of Star Trek; Voyager);

(#71; October; X-files);


(#75; February; Claudia Christian of Babylon 5);

(#76; March; The X-Files);

(#78; May; Paul Mogann of Doctor Who);

(#79; June; Jerry Doyle of Babylon 5);

(#81; August; The X-Files);

(#83; October; Babylon 5);

(#84; November; The X-Files);


(#88; March; The X-Files);

(#89; April; Star Trek: Voyager);

(#93; August; Babylon 5);


(#103; June; Stargate SG-1);

(#105; August; Patrick Stewart);


(#111; February; Earth: Final Conflict);


(#123; February; Stargate SG-1);

(#126; May; Charmed);

(#128; July; Star Trek: Voyager);

(#129; August; Farscape);

(#131; October; Andromeda);


(#134; January; Michael Shanks of Stargate SG-1);

(#137; Roxann Dawson of Star Trek: Voyager);

(#140; Doctor Who);


(#150; Angel);

(#154; Jennifer Garner);


(#172; Amanda Tapping);

(#173; Andy Hallett of Angel);

(#177; Stargate SG-1 Atlantis);

(#178; Farscape);

(#179; Doctor Who);

(#182 Farscape);


(#192; Ben Browder of Stargate);

(#194; Amanda Tapping);


(#224; Torchwood);

TV ZONE SPECIAL (Visual Imagination Ltd)

1991(August #2; Star Trek 25th Anniversary);

1992 (April #5; Doctor Who);

1994 (September #14; Doctor Who/ Seaquest DSV);

1996 (May #21; The X-Files);

1997 (March #24; The X-Files);

1998 (June #29; Jeri Ryan of Star Trek: Voyager);

1999 (July #34; Deep Space Nine the Farewell Special);

2000 (August #38; Stargate SG-1 Special); (November #39; Yearbook 2000);

2001 (#42; Stargate SG-1 Special);

2002 (#47; New Season Special);

2003 (#51; Farscape Special); (#53; New Season Special); (#54; Yearbook);

2004 (#55; Stargate SG-1); (#60; Yearbook from Farscape to Stargate);

2005 (#61; Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis); (#67; Stargates);

2008 (#80; Stargate Atlantis);



#4(July; Cover art by Linda Lippa);

(August; Cover art by Tito Salomoni);

(October; Cover art by Tito Salomoni);


(January; Cover art by Carl Chaplin);

(March; Cover art by Tito Salomoni);

(April; Cover art by Kevin Larson);

(May; Cover art by William Stoneham);

(June; Cover art by Malcolm McNeill);

(July; Cover art by David White);

(August; Cover art by Ralph Mercer);

(September; Cover art by James Nazz);

(October; Cover art by Rob Sauber);

(November; Cover art by Bruce Heapps);

(December; Cover art by David Christiana);


(February; Cover art by Walter Velez);

(April; Cover art by Karl Brayman);

(June; Cover art by Artifact);

(August; Cover art by Joe Burleson);

(October; Twilight Zone – The Movie);


(February;Stephen King's “Christine”);

(April; David Patrick Kelly in “Dreamscape”);

(June; William Shatner in “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”);

(August; Cathie Shirriff in “Star Trek III”);

(October; Cover art “The Rocking Horse” by Joe Burleson);

(December; Sting in “Dune”);


(February; Cover art “Stephen King and Peter Straub” by David Shannon);

(April; Cover art “Rod Serling” by Luke Ryan);

(June; Cover art “Jungle Eyes” by Josie Yee);

(August; Cover art by Gahan Wilson);

(October; Cover art “The Vampire Lestat” by Josie Yee);


(April; Interviews with – Peter Straub and Ramsey Campbell);

(June; Richard Matheson and his son Richard Christian Matheson);

(August; Interview – Whitley Streiber);

(October; Interview – T.E.D. Klein);

(December; Interview – Stephen King);


(February; The Best and Worst of 1986);

(April; Cover art “Devil Doll” by David Dircks);

(June; Story and Interview – Clive Barker);

(August; Cover art by Norm Walker);

(October; Cover art by Peter Goodfellow);

(December; Cover art by Mark A. Caparosa);


(February; Cover art by Jim Warren);

(April; Cover art by H.R.Giger);

(June; Cover art by Kelly Freas);

(August; Cover art by Marvin Mattleson);

(October; Cover art by Richard Newton);

(December; Cover art “Rod Serling” by Alan Reingold);


(February; Cover art by Hajime Sorayama);

(April; Cover art by Marvin Mattelson);

(June; Cover art by Gottfried Helnweinn);



2010: THE OFFICIAL ART (Wallaby Books Pub.) 1984 (December; TPB);

**** U ****

UFO UNIVERSE PRESENTS SPACE MONSTERS (Condor Books Pub.) - 1990 (Volume 1 #1; February);

UNDYING MONSTERS ( Undying Monsters) -

#1 (2011; Front cover art by Mark Maddox);

#2 (2011; Fall; Commemorating 100 Years of Vincent Price);

#4 (2012; Spring; "From Hell it Came");

**** V ****


2001 (Glori-Anne Gilbert; Nick Capiot, Savannah Powers, Daniel Hodges, Dina Simmons, Bernie Maniboyat, Patricis Goodman; Lights Camera Vampire – comic book story);

VERTEX MAGAZINE (Mankind Pub. Co.)


Vol.1 #1(April; Interview – Ray Bradbury; Robert A. Heinlein on Science Fiction);

Vol.1 #2(June; Interview – Robert Silverberg);

Vol.1 #3(August; Interview – Poul Anderson);

Vol.1 #4(October; Interview – Frank Herbert);

Vol.1 #5(December; Interviews – Dr. Gregory Benford and Dr. Sidney Coleman; Short Story by Robert A. Heinlein “No Bands Playing”);


Vol.1#6(February; Interview – Philip K. Dick);

Vol.2 #1(April; Interview – Harlan Ellison);

Vol.2 #2(June; Harlan Ellison previews the movie “The Teminal Man”);

Vol.2 #3(August; Interview – Erich von Daniken);

Vol.2#4(October; Interview – William Rotsler);

Vol.2 #5(December; Interview – Ursula K. LeGuin);


Vol.2 #6(February; S-F Retrofire – The Golden Age of Pulps);

Vol.3 #1(April; Interview – Judy Lynn Del Rey);

Vol.3 #2(June; Newspaper Format; Interview – Harry Harrison; Interview – Leonard Nimoy; Harlan Ellison's “In Fear of K”);

the "V" FILES: {FILES MAGAZINE SPOTLIGHT ON...} (PSI FI Movie Press Inc.) Book Six: A New Beginning, by Edward Gross (1986; Detailed Look at 5 Episodes = Liberation Day, Dreadnaught, Breakout, the Deception, the Sanction; ** Plus; Intro & Lesson in History; With 43 Photo's from the TV Series inside; VG = $12.00);

VISIONS (Paranoid Pub) - 1976; (Fall #1);



**** W ****


#1 (Nov/Dec 2012);

#2 (Jan/Feb 2013);

#3 (Spring 2013);

#4 (Summer 2013);

Wasn't the Future Wonderful: A View of Trends and Technology from the 1930's by Tim Onosko (Trade Paperback; E. P. Dutton & Co. , Inc,, New York, NY, 1979. Profusely illustrated in color and black and white. " Taken directly from issues of Popular Mechanics, Popular Science and Modern Mechanix magazines of the 1930s, this book presents an interesting, bizarre and often funny portrait of the future--- in many cases a "future" that never happened: a world of fabulous ocean-going vessels, boxing robots, rocket ships and giant transatlantic airliners with shuffleboards". Softcover. VF = $12.00)

WEIRD WORLDS (Scholastic Magazines Inc) - 1980 #1,5,-8;

WEREWOLVES and VAMPIRES - (Charlton Pub; B&W Magazine) - Volume-1 #1(1962; One-Shot; SCARCE; 68 pages; Dr Baji; I was a Teenage Werewolf; Curse of the Werewolf; Beal Lugosi; VG minus = $35);

WHAT DOES THIS CONVENTION MEAN? - Chicago 1940 World's Science Fiction Convention by Edward E. Smith


WICKED (Fandom Inc) -

2000 (Spring; David Boreanaz);

2001(May/June; Vol.3 #2);

WILLOW; OFFICIAL MAGAZINE (O'Quinn Studio Inc /Starlog Communications) - 1988;


1971(January/February #5); (May #6); (#8);

WIZARD (Alma Hill Pub.) - 1966(May #1); (July #2);

WORLD OF FANDOM (Al Shevy and Chris Mygrant Pub.);

1990 (Spring; Volume 2 #9; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle; the Movie); (Fall/ Winter Volume 2 #11);

1991 (Winter/ Spring; Volume 2 #12; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle); (Summer; Volume 2 #13; Terminator 2); (Fall; Volume 2 #14; Tales from the Crypt);

1993 (Spring Volume 1 #18; Evil Ernie); (Fall Volume 2 #19; Cadillacs and Dinosaurs);

1994 (Summer Volume 2 #21;Mask);

1995 (Winter; Volume 2 #23; Faust by Tim Vigil); (Winter; Volume 2 #25; Nocturnals by Felice Dela Dos Muertos);

1996 (Spring Volume 2 #26; The Crow; City of Angels); (Summer Volume 2 #27; The Island of Dr. Moreau); (Winter Volume 2 #28; 1996/1997 Crimson Ghost Santa);

1997 (Summer Volume 2 #29; Spawn); (Fall; Volume 2 #30; Chaos! Comics by Bernie Wrightson);

1998 (Summer Volume 2 #32; Blade); (Winter/ 1999 Spring; Julie Strain as Bride of Electric Frankenstein);

WORLDS OF HORROR (Eclectic Pub.) - 1989 (August #2);


1973 – Torcon Progress Report Two (Toronto);

1973 – Torcon Progress Report Four (Toronto);

1977 – Suncon Convention Program Book (Miami Beach);

1978 – Iguanacom Convention Program Book (Phoenix);

1979 – Seacon Convention Program Book (Brighton, England);

1980 – Noreason Two Convention Program Book (Boston);

1980 – Noreason Two Progress Report One (Boston);

1980 – Noreason Two Progress Report Two (Boston);

1980 – Noreason Two Progress Report Five (Boston);

1981 – Denvention Two Convention Program (Denver);

1981 – Denvention Two Progress Report (Denver);

1982– Chicon IV Convention Program (Chicago);

1984 – L.A. Con II Convention Program (Los Angeles);

1985 – Aussiecon Two Convention Program (Melbourne);

WRAPPED IN PLASTIC Win-Mill Productions);

#15 (February 1995; Michael J. Anderson – Interview);

#18 (August 1995; mark Frost “Twin Peaks”);

#27 (February 1997; Jack Nance 1943-1996);

**** X ****


1997 (#1);

1998 (#2);

No date (#3);

XENA, WARRIOR PRINCESS/ HERCULES; THE OFFICIAL CATALOG (Davis/ Panzer Merchandising Corp.) - 1999;

THE X-FILES “DARKNESS FALLS” SCRIPT by CHRIS CARTER - (1995; 20th Century Fox Pub.);

THE X-FILES MAGAZINE (The Topps Co. Inc.) - 1996 (Winter #1); (Summer #2);

X-FILES: THE MAKING OF THE X-FILES: FIGHT THE FUTURE (Harper Prism Pub.; 1998; Oversize; TPB);

THE X-FILES; OFFICIAL MAGAZINE (MVP Licensing Inc.) - 1997(#4); 1997 – (Fall); 1998 (Spring; #5); 1999 (Summer #10);

XPOSE (Visual Imagination Pub.)

1996 (December #5; Millennium);

1998 (August #25; Armageddon);

1998(October #27; Earth Final Conflict);

1999 (February #31; Buffy the Vampire Slayer);

2000 (April #44; Bruce Campbell);

2001 (April #55; The Lone Gunmen);

2003 (April #78; Harry Potter; the Prisoner of Azkaban);

2002 (#21; New Season);

(#22; Yearbook 2002-2003);

2004 (#26; a Farewell to... Angel);

XPOSE SPECIAL (1999 #9; New Season Preview Issue); (2000 Spring #11; Xena Warrior Princess);

**** Y ****

YANDRO (Fanzine; Robert and Juanita Coulson);

1974 September;

YESTERDAY (Charles R. Herndon Pub.) - 1970 (#1);

ZOMBIE NATION (Intermedia Outdoors, Inc.);

2013 #2 (Hold 'Em Back);


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Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986



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ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS;  (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180);  (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174);  (Overstreet #43,  Market Report on pages 138-142,  AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41,  AD on page 184 & 236);  I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =

SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;

ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;



Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment

(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit;  SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);  

Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting);  WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

