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1954 -- (Volume 1)
August 30 (#3; Pamela Nelson in surf at Jones Beach, Long Island);
September 6 (#4; G1b Wolfe Aboard Sloop "White Lie");
September 13 (#5; Race driver Jim Kimberly crossing finish line at Andrews Airforce Base);
October 4 (#8; Joyce Sellers of Colorado Springs on horseback);
October 18 (#10; Steeplechase at Belmont Park);
October 25 (#11; English Setter Retrieving Chinese ringneck Pheasant);
November 1 (#12; Crowd at University of Oklahoma Owen Field);
November 8 (#13; Bob Sylvester Surf casting at Montauk Point, Long Island);
November 15 (#14; Shoveller duck painting by Athos Menaboni);
November 29 (#16; 1900 Peugot driven by H.E.F. Parkinson);
December 6 (#17; African Lion photo by Ylla);
December 20 (#19; Santa Clara's Ken Sears);
December 27 (#20; Swiss Village of Klosters);
1955 -
January 3 (Roger Bannister Passing Landy); 10 (Santa Anita Home Stretch); 17 (Mexican Bullfighter Rafael Rodrigiguez in Ring); 24 (Swedish Gymnishs Doris Hedberg & Maud Karlen); 31 (U.S. Olympic Sking hopeful Jim Kinmot);
February 7 (Figure skater Carol Heiss of Ozone Park, N.Y.); 14 (Great Dane Autopilot); 21 (Betty Di Bugnano in French Bathing suit); 28 (Hialeah track field passing stands);
March 7(U.S. Badminton star Joseph Cameron Alston); 14 (Skier Wallace Werner); 21 (U.S. Shotputter Parry O'Bien); 28 (U.S. Bowling Champ Steve Nagy);
April 25 (Mount Evert's Tenzing Norgay);
May 2 (Forham University Track star Tom Courtney); 9(Ballooning over Valley Forge); 16 (Treeful of birds painting by Arthur Singer); 23 (Zale Parry - Girl Skin Diver);
June 6(Rainbow Trout Leaping); 13 (71-Foot Yawl "Windigo"); 20(U.S. Open Golf Champion Ed Furgol); 27(Duke Snider at Bat);
July 4(Westminister Kennel Club Winner Bulldog Kippax Fearnought); 25(Mountain Climber Marylee Davey in Swiss Town of Zermatt);
August 8 (Archery Champion Ann Marston); 22(Don Newcombe drawn by Robert Riger); 29 (Tennis star Tony Trabert);
September 5(Best Spearfishermen the Pinder Brothers); 12(University of Oklahoma football coach Bud Wilkinson); 19 (Rocky Marciano);
October 3 (Detroit Lions Doak Walker); 10 (Chukar Partridge painting by Athos Menaboni); 17 (Princeton band marching into Palmer Stadium); 31(Pamela Phillips & horse Burnable);
November 7 (University of Maryland Bob Pellegrini); 14 (Top shot Ernest Burton); 21 (Olympic skier Skeeter Werner); 28(Army's Don Holleder);
December 5 (Olympic Fencer Louise Dyer); 12 (Dachshunds Jewell & Adele); 19 (Billy Andre & Josephine Thaler Sking at Stowe); 26 (Jim Swink of TCU);
1956 -
January 16 (Golfer Mike Souchak at Pebble Peach); 23 (Montreal Canadiens Jean Beliveau); 30(Figure Skater Hayes Jenikins & Tenley Albright);
February 6(U.S. Olympic Skier Ralph Miller); 13(Relay runner Charles Maute of Seton Hall); 20(Great White Heron - Birds of the Everglades); 27 (5-Years old activate at Hialeah Park);
March 12(Champion Afghan Taejon of Crown Crest); 19(Champion Marlin Fisherman Alfred Glassell Jr.); 26 (Jim Kimberley at Sebring's international sports car classic);
April 2(Champion swimmer Al Wiggins); 16(Curtis Cup star Barbara Romack); 23 (New York Yankees Billy Martin); 30(Fisherman Lavant Egan catching a Brown Trout);
May 7(Jockey Dave Erb on Needles drawing by Robert Riger); 21(Sprinter John Landy);
June 4(Floyd Patterson); 11(Golfer Sam Snead in Sand Trap);
July 2(Olympic Sprint hopefuls Booby Morrow & Dave Sime); 16(Cincinnati Reds Muslemen Klu, post and Bell); 23(World's fastest Pacer Adios Harry);
August 6(U.S. Olympic diver hopeful Jeanne Stunyo); 13(Skipper Herman Whiton & Sloop "Pathfinder"); 27(Show ring Riders Doris & Ruth Gissy);
September 3(Tennis star from Australia Lew Load); 17(Jockey Willie Hartack); 24(Special football issue);
October 1(World Series, Hope of the New York Yankees Mickey Mantle; with Mailing Label, VG = $22.00) 15(Harold S. Vanderbilt); 22(Maryland Duck Hunter Dr. John Chambers); 29(Fighting Irish Paul Hornung);
November 5(Yale Mascot bulldog handsome Dan IX); 12(Michigan's Tom Maentz & Ron Kramer); 26 (USC crowd performs card stunt for TV);
December 3(N.Y. Giant quarterback Chuck Cornerly); 10(Distance Runners painting by Morton Roberts); 17(Elizabeth guest skiing in Austria); 24(Christmas Bonus issue - Golf, New cars, bowl games);
1957 -
January 7 (Sportsman of the year Bobby Morrow); 14 (Skiers Wes & Betty Lou Sine at Alta Resort in Utah); 21(Ivy League Basketball star Johnny Lee); 28(Boston Bruins watching game from bench - Jack Bionda, Cal Gardner, Allan Stanley, John Pierson & Larry Regan);
February 4(Skipper Hugh Shadelee); 18(Jim Krebs of Southern Methodist);
March 11 (Ben Hogan drawing by Anthony Ravielli ); 18(Detroit Red Wings Gordie Howe & Ted Lindsay); 25(Racing driver Carroll Shelby);
April 129(Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Dan Fullmer);
May 6(Thoroughbred's Calmut's Gen. Duke vs. Bold Ruler vs. Shan Pac); 13(Chicago White Sox Billy Pierce); 20( Gussie Busch & friends at the Bridlespur horse show);
June 3(Brooklyn Dodgers Clem Labine); 10(U.S. Open Defending Champion Gary Middlecoff); 17(Eddie Arcaro front cover & Part 1 of 5 "The art of Race Riding"); 24(Pole Vaulter Bob Gutowski; Eddie Arcaro; Part 2 of 5);
July 1(Yachting Flags; Bob Gutowski; Eddie Arcaro; Part 3 of 5); 8 (Stan Musical & Ted Williams at all-star games; Bob Gutowski; Eddie Arcaro;Part 4 of 5); 15 (Baby Baboon; "Animal Moods color portfolio; Bob Gutowski; Eddie Arcaro;Part 5 of5); 22(New York Yankees Hank Bauer); 29(Floyd Patterson);
August 12 (Champion Hydro racer Russell Schleeh); 26 (Countess Consuelo Crespi at the Venice Lido);
September 23 (1957 football issue);
October 7(Football's Chicago Cardinals Ollie Matson); 14(Bridge Superstar Charles Goren); 21(Mallard Drakes - 1957 Waterfowl season); 28(Autumn leaves in Nova Scotia);
November 25(Denver ski coach Willy Schaeffler drawing by Robert Riger);
December 2(Russia & Physical fitness);
1958 -
February 24(Villanova's Phil Reavis);
March 3 (1958 Spring Training);
April 7(The Masters at Augusta);
May 26(Indy 500 Driver Pat O'Connor);
June 9(U.S. Open Defending Champion Dick Mayer);
July 14(Patricia Meistrell & Puppy drawn by Daniel Schwartz); 21(Chris Von Saltza 14-year-old No.1 U.S. swimmer); 28(Pittsburgh Pirates Frank Thomas);
August 11(Clare Booth Luce underwater adventure); 18(Boxer Roy Harris); 25(Pine Valley's 14th hole);
September 1(Floyd Patterson vs. Roy Harris); 8(Fishing on the Miramichi); 15(British America's cup entry under full sail); 22(1958 football issue); 29(Country stadium painting by Robert Gwathmey);
October 6(Duck decoys in Cape Hatteras); 13(Ohio State marching band); 20(Cliffhanger James McCarthy);
November 10(Runner Herb Elliott) 24(Army backfield Dawkins, Walters, Anderson);
December 1(Skier Pat Saviers & Daughter in Sun Valley); 22(Special Holiday issue);
1959 -
January19(Pheasant shoot in a Nevada Blizzard); 26(Winter racing at Hialeah Park);
February 2(Irish runner Ron Delany); 9(Skiers arriving by train in Colorado);
March 9(Studious golfer Ed Sullivan);30(Golfer Tommy Armour);
April 20(Tennis star Billy Talbert); 27(Kentucky star Billy Talbert);
May 18(U.S. top sailors Bob & Bus Mosbacher); 25(Indy 500 painting by Daniel Schwartz);
June 8(U.S. Open preview - Peter Thomson, Art Wall & Dow Finsterwald);
September 14(Golfer Charlie Coe);
October 19(Autumn at Lime Rock, Connecticut);
November 2(Eldorado country club golf course);
December 14 (Skiing family the Tom Watsons);
1960 -
January 25(Schoolboy hockey at Sokolniki, Russia);
February 8(Westminister champion Bedlington); 15(Russian speed skater Voronin - Winter Olympics preview); 22(Horse Trainer Burch & Sword Dancer); 29(Squaw Valley Olympics opening Day);
March 7(Spring training by Marc Simont); 14(Big Boom in family Bowling); 21(Montreal Canadiens Maurice Richard painting by Russell Hoban); 28(The art of wet fly fishing part 1 of 3);
April 18(World champion swimmer Carin Cone painting by Aaron Shikler); 25(Shotputter Dallas Long);
May 9 (Mort Lund 1,000 Miles by Outboard from Seattle to Alaska); 16(Australia - World's leading sports nation); 23(Bridge champion Charles Goren); 30(Runners - Australia's Elliott & America's Burleson);
July 11(U.S. Olympian Runner Jim Beatty);
August 1(Indiana swimmer Mike Troy);
September 5(Rafer Johnson lead U.S. Olympic team in the opening Ceremonies); 19(Syracuse cheerleader Lois Goetz);
October 17(New look in women's sports clothes); 24(The violent face of pro football);
November 7(Down with gourmets by Stanley Walker);
1961 -
January 16(Boston Celtics Bob Cousy); 30(Safedriving in America);
February 6(Indoor track - Half circus, Half sport); 13(American figure skater Laurence Owen); 27(World bobsled Championships);
March 6 (Spring training); 13(Floyd Patterson painting by Robert Weaver);
April 17 (Golden Gate Fishing painting by Thomas B. Allen); 24(The Amazing hot rod cult);
May 1(Kentucky Derby painting by Daniel Schwartz); 15(Minnesota Twins manager Cookie Lavagetto); 22(Woman snorkling painting by Milton Glaser); 29(Indy 500);
June 5 (The Fascination of ocean racing); 19(U.S. Sprinter Earl Young);
July 3 (Underwater world of the swimmer); 10(World Tennis crisis by Edward Sorel); 17(Soviet high jumper Valeri Brumel);
August 14(USC's Australian swimming star Murray Rose); 21(The best girl golfer Judy Torluemke); 28(Jockey Johnny Sellers);
September 11(Deane Beman golf's amateur champion); 18(Special football issue); 25(Green Bay Packers Bart Starr);
October 2(New York Yankees Roger Maris - World Series Preview); 9(Cincinnati Reds Joey Jay); 16(Oregon State's Terry Baker); 23(Arnett of the Rams); 30 (Wilt Chamberlain & Coach McGuire; Wilt Chamberlain RC First Sports Illustrated); ;
November 6(America's horse Kelso against them all); 13(Heavyweight challenger Tom McNeeley);
December 18 (Green Bay Packers Dan Currie);
1962 -
January 22(Golfer Doug Sanders & wife Joan);
February 19 (Mickey Wright painting by Frank Mullins);
March 12 (Kentucky Derby favourites);
March 19(Surprise bid by OCLA's Bruins);
April 16(Swimmer Donna De Varona);
May 7(The Kentucky Derby painting by Tomi Ungerer);
July 9(America's Cup contender Australia's Gretel); 16(Russian Ter-Ovanesyan); 23(Arizona girl diver Barbara McAlister); 30(St. Louis Cardinals third Baseman Ken Boyer);
August 27(German Tennis beauty Helga Schultze);
October 1(1962 World series); 15(Sonny Gibbs of TCU); 22(Big game hunting in Idaho);
November 5(California gold divers);
December 10(Cotton Nash of Kentucky); 17(New York Giants Frank Gifford); 24(Special issue - The Bold American);
1963 -
January 14(Golfer Phil Rodgers); 28(Detroit Red Wing Howie Young);
February 4(Russian High Jumper Valeri Brumel); 11(Teen ski champion Cathy Nagel); 18(Secrets of the short game); 25(California's Rex Ellsworth);
March 11(U.S. Skier Chuck Ferries painting by Bernard Fuchs);
April 1(10 Color pages preview of the Masters); 15(Two strokes to make you a club champion); 22(World's best Marlin grounds pointing by Robert Peak); 29(Phillie's pitcher Art Mahaffey);
May 6(Kentucky Derby preview - Candy spots breaks from the gate overview); 13 (Be a welcome cruise guest by Roy McKie); 20(The true moral crisis in sport-unemployed footballer Paul Hornung);
June 3(Bob Hope of the Cleveland Indians);
July 1(U.S. Open winner Julius Boros); 8(an easy way to good casting); 22(Cardinals Dick Groat); 29(Sonny Liston);
August 5(Champion Archer Nancy Vonderheide);
September 23(Quarterback George Mira of Miami);
October 7(The Best Deer hunting in North America);
November 11(War against roughness in Pro Football);
1964 -
January 13 (Doc Kearn's own story of the bloody Willard fight);
February 3(Bobby Hull squares off); 10(Olympic ski champion Egon Zimmermann); 17(A New approach to bridge by Charles Goren); 24(Cassius Clay a.k.a. Muhammad Ali);
April 6(Jack Nicklaus);
June 8(Driver A.J. Foyt); 22( Runner Tom O'Hara); 29(U.S. open winner Ken Venturi);
July 6(San Francisco Giants Alvin Dark); 13(Better net play by Bill Talbert);
September 21 (Running back Jimmy Sidle of Auburn);
October 5(The Tokyo Olympics); 12(Illinois linebacker Dick Butkus); 19(Tokyo 1964 the Olympics begin);
November 16(Cassius Clay vs. Sonny Liston);
December 14(Charley Johnson scores against the Browns); 21(Sportsman of the year Ken Venturi);
1965 -
January 11(Texas Ernie Koy); 25(Chicago Blackhawks Bobby Hull);
February 1(Boxer George Chuvalo); 8(Jerry West of the Lakers); 15(The 6th hole; seminale); 22(The best 18 holes in America; the back nine);
March 8(U.S. Skier Billy Kidd); 15(Tony Lema on the Long Irons); 22(Light heavyweight Willie Pastrano); 29(Gail Goodrich scores against Michigan in NCAA final);
April 12(Wilt Chamberlain); 26(Heavyweight challenger Sonny Liston);
May 3(The Kentucky Derby); 10(U.S. Teenage runners Marie Mulder & Janell Smith); 17(Bill Veeck - Explosive new book on baseball); 31(*Indy 500);
June 14(U.S. Open Roughest of Them All); 28(Harvard Rowing coach Harry Parker);
July 5 ( Bill Talbert on serve); 12(L.A. Dodgers Maury Wills);
August 2(Surge in power boating); 16(Y.A. Tittle - My life in pro football); 23(Minnesota Twins Tony Oliva); 30(World's top Miler Michel Jazy of France);
September 6 - Sugar Ray Robinson won't give up); 20(Nebraska fullback Frank Solich); 27(Browns quarterback Frank Ryan);
October 4(Minnesota Twins Zoila Versalles); 11(49'ers Fullback Ken Willard); 18(Tommy Nobis of Texas);
November 15(The World's Best Snow - Western Powder); 29(Baltimore Colts Linebacker Dennis Gaubatz);
December 6(The UCLA Press - how to beat it); 20(Sportsman of the year Sandy Koufax);
1966 -
January 3(The Football bowls); 24(Iowa Challenges in the Big Ten);
February 7(Golfer Billy Casper); 14(Rick Mount of Lebanon, Indiana); 21(Skier Jean-Claude Killy of France); 28(Leo Durocher & Eddie Stanky invades Chicago);
March 7(The Baron of basketball Kentucky's Adolph Rupp); 14(Tennessee track star Richmond Flowers); 28(Harry Flournoy stealing rebound from Pat Riley);
April 18(Phillie's Dick Groat);
May 2(Figure skater Peggy Fleming); 9(Boston Celtics John Havlicek); 16(Kentucky derby Kauai King leads the way); 30(The Indy 500);
June 6(Houston Astros Larry Jackson & Joe Morgan); 20(Record Miler Jim Ryun); 27(Bill Casper at the U.S. Open);
July 4(The thrills & mystery of Ocean sailing); 25(Washington football's Edward Bennett Williams & Otto Graham);
August 1(The exact instant of Jim Ryun record run); 29(Tennis star Arthur Ashe);
October 3 (L.A. Rams quarterback Roman Gabriel throws to Tommy McDonald); 10(Baltimore Orioles Brooks & Frank Robinson); 17(N.Y. Jets Joe Namath); 24(L.A. Lakers Elgin Baylor); 31(Green Bay Packers Bart Starr);
November 7(Notre Dame quarterback Terry Hanratty); 14(Super ski runs; Clay vs. Williams fight preview); 21(Cleveland Browns Ross Fichtner); 28(Notre Dame runs out the Clock against Michigan State);
December 5(College basketball New superstar Lew Alcindor); 12(Patriots Jim Nance touchdown run against Buffalo); 19(Sportsman of the year Jim Ryun);
1967 -
January 2(Nebraska cheerleader Kitty McManus); 9(Green Boy Packers Bart Starr); 16(Swim suit issue - Marilyn Tindall); 30(New York Rangers Rod Gilbert);
February 6(Muhammad Ali double clutch shuffle); 13(San Francisco's Rick Barry); 20(Southern Cal's Bob Seagren); 27(Princeton basketball's Gary Walters & Chris Thomforde);
March 6(Arnold Palmer & wife Winnie); 13(Kansas City pitcher Jim Nash); 27(Skier Jean-Claude Killy);
April 3(UCLA's Lew Alcindor); 10(Master's defending champion Jack Nicklaus); 17(Pirates Maury Wills - Baseball 1967); 24(Rick Barry leads warriors);
May 1(Jim Hall & the Chaparral); 8(White Sox Ken Berry slides to avoid Mickey Mantle's tag); 15(Buzzie Bavasi his inside story of the Dodgers); 22(Sprinters Tommie Smith of San Jose); 29(The Indy 500);
June 5(Detroit Tigers Al Kaline); 12(U.S. Open defending champion Billy Casper); 19(Welter Weight Gypsy Joe Harris);26(Jack Nicklaus breaking U.S. open record);
July 17(Fran Tarkenton quarterback on the run); 24(Summer surfers invade Hawaii); 31(The spitball - who throws it and why);
August 7(Gary Brewer on How to hit the fade); 21(Boston Red Sox Carl Yastrzemski); 28(Intrepid runs for the America's Cup);
September 4(St. Louis Cardinals catcher Tim McCarver); 11(College football fight for No. 1); 18(Los Angeles Rams Tommy Mason); 25(Italian Boxer Nino Benvenuti);
October 2(Texan vs. USC in California); 9(Purue's Mike Phipps); 23(Coming attraction the New Madison Square Gardens); 30(Football Tennessee overwhelms Alabama);
November 13(The French ski scene); 20(USC's O.J. Simpson & UCLA's Gary Beban); 27(St. Louis Cardinals rookie Jim Hart);
December 4(College Basketball issue); 25(Sportsman of the year Carl Yastrzemski);
1968 -
January 8(Green Bay Paackers Chuck Mercein & Oakland Raiders Hewritt Dixon);
February 5(Olympic Skiers Billy Kidd & Jimmy Heuga); 19(Gold Medal figure skater Peggy Fleming); 26(Race driver Curtis Turner);
March 4(LSU's Pistol Pete Maravish); 25(Playgolf my easy way by Julius Boros);
April 15(Baseball issue); 22(Bob Goalby & Roberto De Vicenzo); 29(L.A. Lakers Elgin Baylor & Jerry West);
May 6(New York mets Ron Swoboda); 13(Indy 500 turbine insurrection); 27(Cincinnati Reds Pete Rose);
June 3(Villanova's Dave Patrick);
July 15(Green Bay Packer's Ray Nitschke); 22(Swimmer Mark Spike of Santa Clara);
August 5(Trotting's wonder horse Nevele Pride); 12(Cincinnati Bengals coach Paul Brown); 19(St. Louis Cardinals Curt Flood); 26(Tennis star Rod Laver);
September 2(Boston Red Sox Ken Harrelson); 9(Purdue's Leroy Keyes - College football); 23(Detroit Al Kaline & Denny McLain); 30(Mexico 1968 the Problem Olympics);
October 14(USC's O.J. Simpson); 21(Olympics on the way);
November 4(Earl the Pearl Monroe); 18(Jean-Claude Killy);
December 16 (Baltimore's Volk & Gaubatz; Green Bay's Anderson); 23(Sportsman of the Year Bill Russell)
1969 -
January 13(Swimsuit issue in Puerto Rico); 27(L.A. Lakers Wilt Chamberlain);
February 10(Bud Ogden of Santa Crara); 17(Golfer Bob Lunn at Palm Springs); 24(Basketball Fury in the East);
March 3(Coach Vince Lombardi); 10(Amateur track scandal); 24(Atlanta's Richie Guerin & San Francisco's Jeff Mullins);
April 7(St. Louis Blues Red Berenson); 14(Detroit Tigers catcher Bill Freehan); 21(George Archer wins masters); 28(Boston Celtics Bill Russell);
May 26(The Grizzly Bear - Enemy of Man);
June 2(New Fun on the water with Si-Doo); 9(U.S. Open defending champin Lee Trevino); 23(Drugs-a Threat to Sports); 30(Chicago Cubs Ron Santo);
July 7(Home Run Leader Reggie Jackson); 14(O.J. Simpson in Hollywood);
August 25(O.J. Simpson off and running against Detroit Lions);
September 1(Arnold Palmer turns 40); 8(Chicago's Ernie Banks & Cincinnati Pete Rose); 15(College Football - Ohio State still No.1); 22(N.Y. Jets kicker Jim Turner); 29(Jimmy Jones leads USC over Nebraska);
October 13(Georgia running back Bruce Kemp); 27(Bucks Lew Alcindor);
November 10(Steve Owens of Oklahoma); 17(Skier Astrid Schiller in Italian Mountains);
December 1(LSU's Pistol Pete Maravich); 8(The Knicks Blitz the NBA); 15(Texas Slick Street on his touchdown run);
1970 -
January 5(Osborn dives over Rams for touchdown); 19(Kansas City chiefs quarterback Len Dawson); 26(Bob Cousy upheaval in Cincinnati);
February 2(Enviroments last chance - now); 9(Quarterback Terry Bradshaw); 16(Best High School basketball player Tom McMillen); 23(Baseball's big scandal Denny McLain & the mob);
March 2(New York Rangers on the rampage); 9(Bucks Lew Alcindor); 16(Jimmy Collins, John Vallely, Dan Issel, Bob Lanier); 30(Wicks Outrebounds Gilmore);
April 20(Masters Champion Billy Casper); 27(Lew Alcindor duels Willis Reed);
May 11(David Smith aka Super Hippie); 18(New York Nicks Dave Debusschere); 25(Hank Aaron joins the 3000 club);
June 1(Arnold Palmer); 8(Al Unser coasts to Indy 500 victory);
June 15, 1970 (Volume-32 #24; TIME INC. Pub; Chicago, Illinois, USA; Magazine; 190 Grams; 96 Pages including Covers; ** The Freshman and the Great Guru - STEVE Roland PREFONTAINE Running DISTANCE PRODIGY photo cover and Four Page article by Pat Putnam, with Three Photos inside; Under the guidance of Oregon Track coach Bill Bowerman, 19 Year Old STEVE PREFONTAINE is Running to the Top; ** Wikipedia: Steve Roland "Pre" Prefontaine (January 25, 1951 – May 30, 1975) was an American long-distance runner who from 1973 to 1975 set American records at every distance from 2,000 to 10,000 meters. He competed in the 1972 Summer Olympics, and was preparing for the 1976 Olympics with the Oregon Track Club at the time of his death in 1975. Prefontaine's career, alongside those of Jim Ryun, Frank Shorter, and Bill Rodgers, generated considerable media coverage, which helped inspire the 1970s "running boom." He died at age 24 in an automobile crash near his residence in Eugene, Oregon. One of the premier track meets in the world, the Prefontaine Classic, is held annually in Eugene in his honor. Prefontaine's celebrity and charisma later resulted in two 1990s feature films about his short life. Steve Prefontaine's life story has been detailed in two feature films: 1997's Prefontaine (starring Jared Leto as Prefontaine) and 1998's Without Limits (starring Billy Crudup as Prefontaine), as well as the documentary film Fire on the Track. "Prefontaine" is the fifth track off Madchild's 2013 album "Lawn Mower Man". Minnesota Golden Gopher Head Football Coach P.J. Fleck uses “Prefontaine Pace” among his many motivational sayings. Personal bests: At the time of his death in May 1975, Prefontaine held every American outdoor track record between 2,000 and 10,000 meters. ** // Other Articles incudes; Saints and Sidewalks - Epsom and Belmont, Thoroughbred Horse Racing; ** No One Plays in No Man's Land - Berkeley People's Park and Athletic Fields; Boo-Boo or Baby for Bowie - All-Star Balloting and Baseball commissioner KUHN's Plan; The U.S. Open - Trouble lurks at Hazeltine. Nicklaus reviews the course; Can Trivia Win?; Bloodless Battle on the Blackwater - Irish protesters, want to end privately owned waters, storm a Castle and hold a Fishless Fish-In; A Gumshoe in a Shell Game - Searching for Seashells on a Beach, quart live as a Vigorous sport;
** ( A ) Subscription Mailing Label at Lower Left Cover Corner, VERY GOOD PLUS = $149.00; ** ( B ) Subscription Mailing Label at Lower Left Cover Corner, VERY GOOD = $139.00; ** ( C ) Subscription Mailing Label at Lower Left Cover Corner, Tiny puncture Holes at Upper Middle cover and first few pages inside, 1-1/2" of Pen Writing at bottom middle area of cover, thus G/VG = $125.00;
** ( D ) Scar from Removed Subscription Mailing Label at Lower Left Cover Corner, Magic Tape repairs inside spine to cover, 1/8" x 2" Library stamp on cover, thus G/VG = $125.00;
1970 - JUNE 22(Boston Red Sox Tony Conigliaro); 29(Golfer Tony Jacklin weathers a stormy U.S. open);
July 6(Hammer toss champion George Frenn); 13(Cincinnati Reds catcher Johnny Bench); 27(San Franchcisco Giants Willie Mays);
August 3(USA surprise winner shorter consoles Russia's Mikitenko in Leningrad); 10(Kansas City chiefs Mike Garrett romps over college all-stars); 24(Virginian basketball star Rick Barry); 31(Dallas Cowboys Les Shy on the go against Green Boy);
September 7(New York mets Bud Harrelson); 14(Ole Miss Idol Archie Manning); 28(Baseball managers Murtaugh, Durogher & Hodges);
October 5(College football Colorado Buries Penn State); 12(Detroit Lions Alex Karras); 19(World Series coverage); 26(Robertson drives past Atlanta's Hudson);
November2(Pro Football's Monday night Hex); 16(Basketball San Diego Calvin Murphy); 23(Oakland Raiders George Blanda); 30(UCLA Bruins leader Sidney Wicks);
December 14(Texas Woo Woo Worster on A Rampage); 21(Sportsman of the Year Bobby Orr);
1971 -
January 4(South Carolina's John Roche); 11(Notre Dame's Joe Theismann); 18(Super Bowl - Dallas Cowboys Craig Morton); 25(Baltimore Colts Jim O'Briens super kick);
February 1(Swimsuit issue in the Dominican Republic - Tannia Rubiano); 8(Knicks vs. Bucks playoff review); 15(No.1 pick quarterback Jim Plunkett);22(The Amazing Dr. Meriwether);
March 1(Ali-Frazer painting by Robert Handville); 8(Jack Nicklaus wins another Big One); 15(Joe Frazier knocking down Muhammad Ali); 22(Los Angeles dodges Wes Parker); 29(Phil & Tony Espisito);
April 5(UCLA's Steve Patterson); 12(Baltimore Orioles Boog Powell); 19(Basketball issue); 26(Montreal Canadiens vs. Boston Bruins);
May 3(Oakland A's catcher Dave Duncan & Angels shortstop Jim Fregosi); 10(The Bucks Oscar Robertson); 17(UCLA Twin threat James McAlister); 24(Marty Liquori holds off Jim Ryun); 31(Oakland A's pitcher Vida Blue);
June 7(Al Unser over Pete Revson at Indy 500); 14(Canonero should not have run); 21(New York Mets catcher Jerry Grote); 28(Lee Travino wins U.S. Open for second time);
July 5(Fallen Angel Alex Johnson); 12(Evonne Goolagong wins at Wimbledon); 19(Oakland Raiders George Blanda); 26(Muhammad Ali on the eve of the Ellis fight);
August 2(Kanasa schoolboy basketball Marvel Mike Peterson); 16(Dallas Cowboys overwhelm Los Angeles); 23(Steve McQueen on Motocross cycle); 30(Chicago Cubs pitcher Ferguson Jenkins);
September 6(World's best driver Jackie Stewart); 13(Tommy Casanova of LSU-top 20 college football teams); 20(49'ers quarterback John Brodie); 27(Dodgers & Giants at war again);
October 4(Washington quarterback Sonny Sixkiller); 11(Pittsburgh Steelers mean Joe Greene); 18(Baltimore Orioles Frank Robinson - World series); 25(Bullets Gus Johnson elbows knicks Dave Debusschere);
November 1(Cornell running back Ed Marinaro); 8(Baltimore Colts Norm Bulaich); 25(Sapporo 1972 Olympic scene); 22(Oklahoma s. Nebraska); 29(North Carolina State 7 foot 4 inch Tom Burleson);
December 6(Alabama Challenges Nebraska for No.1); 13(Los Angeles Lakers on top); 20(Sportsman of the Year Lee Travino);
1972 -
January 3(Miami Dolphins kicker Garo Yepremian); 10(Nebraska's Bob Terrio recovers Alabama Fumble); 17(Swimsuit issue in Marina Del Rey - Sheila Roscoe); 24(Dallas Cowboys Walt Garrison - Super Bowl); 31(Olympic speed skater Annie Henning);
February 7(Celtics over the Knicks); 14(Montreal Canadiens goalie Ken Dryden); 21(Marquette Warriors Allie McGuire); 28(A.J. Foyt wins Daytona 500);
March 6(UCLA's center Bill Walton); 13( Cincinnati Reds catcher Johnny Bench); 20(College basketball March madness); 27(Oakland A's Vida Blue);
April 3(UCLA's Bill Walton); 10(St. Louis Cardinals Joe Torre); 17(Jack Nicklaus wins Masters); 24(Los Angeles Lakers scramble backs against Bucks);
May 1(L.A. Dodgers Willie Davis); 8(Boston Bruins Bobby Orr & Tony Espisito); 15(L.A. Lakers Wilt Chamberlain); 22(New York Mets Willie Mays); 29(The Godfather of sports Louie Jacobs);
June 5(Mark Donohue at Indy 500); 12(Chicago White Sox Dick Allen); 19(Chicago Black Hawks Bobby Hull); 26(Jack Nicklaus walks off with the U.S. Open);
July 3(Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Steve Blass); 10(Baltimore Cots Johnny Unitas); 17(Jim Ryun wins the 1500); 24(The Prothro papers - what is a football playbook really worth?); 31( Female jockey sensation Robyn Smith);
August 7(Miami Dolphins dynamic duo of Kiick & Csonka); 14( Chess champion Bobby Fischer); 21(New York Yankees Sparky Lyle & Puppy Little Spark); 28 (1972 Munich Olympics);
September 4(Olympic swimmer Mark Spitz); 11(Nebraska football coach Bob Devaney); 18(Dallas Cowboys Walt Garrison); 25(Boston Red Sox Carlton Fisk);
October 2(Oklahoma crushes Oregon); 9(New York Jets Joe Namath); 16(L.A. Lakers Wilt Chamberlain); 23(Oakland A's pitcher Catfish Hunter wins game 2) 30(North Carolina State Dave & Don Buckey);
November 6(Washington Redskins Larry Brown); 13(Boston Celtics Captain John Havlicek); 20(Alabama Crimson tide's Terry Davis); 27(Ohio University freshman Walter Luckett);
December 4(49'ers quarterback Steve Spurrier); 11(Michigan's Campy Russell); 18(Dallas Cowboys linebacker Lee Roy Jordan); 25(Sportsman of the year John Wooden & sportswoman of the year Billie Jean King);
1973 -
January 8(Miami Dolphins Mercury Morris); 15(Illinois state Doug Collins); 22(Miami quarterback Bob Griese); 29(Swimsuit issue - Dayle Haddon);
February 5(UCLA record busting Walton Gang); 12(Pole Vaulter Steve Smith); 19(Milwaukee Bucks Kareem Abdul - Jabbar); 26(Buffalo Sabres Gil Perreault);
March 5(The Bloody game - Sport hits Broadway); 12(Chicago White Sox Bill Melton); 19(Russian gymnist Olga Korbut tours USA); 26(UCLA's Bill Walton, Providence's Marvin Barnes, Indiana's Steve Downing, Mephis State's Larry Kenon);
April 2(Montreal Canadiens Henri Richard); 9(Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Steve Carlton); 16(New York knicks Earl the Pearl); 23( Muhammad Ali with broken jaw); 30(San Francisco Giants Chris Speier);
May 7(Knicks Walt Frazier & Lakers Jerry West); 14(Mark Spitz marries Suzy Weiner); 21(Tennis clown Bobby Riggs); 28(Women are getting a raw deal);
June 4(Chicago White Sox pitcher Wilbur Wood); 11(Triple Crown threat Secretariat); 18(Heavy weight champ George Foreman); 25(U.S. Open champion Johnny Miller);
July 2(New York Yankees Bobby Murcer & Ron Blomberg); 9(Washington Redskins coach George Allen); 16(Billie Jean King wins at Wimbledon); 23 (British open winner Tom Weiskopf); 30(Boston Red Sox catcher Carlton Fisk);
August 6(Houston All-Star John Matuszak);13(Children & Mini-bikes, too fast too soon?); 20(L.A. Dodgers shortstop Bill Russell & pitcher Claude Osteen); 27(Washington Redskins Duane Thomas);
September 3(Soccer goes American - Philly's Bob Rigby); 10(College football issue); 17(Miami Dolphins rough & ready);24(Pittsburgh Pirates Danny Murtaugh);
October 1(USC's Anthony Davis); 8(Minnesota Vikings quarterback Fran Tarkenton); 15(Basketball's Nate Archibald); 22(Oakland A's Ben Campaneris Sliding under tag on way to first base); 29(O.J. Simpson rushes for the record);
November 5(USC's Anthony Davis stopped at Scrimage); 12(Atlanta Bruins Phil Esposito); 26(North Carolina State David Thompson);
December 3(Alabama Crimson tide); 10(Maryland Len Elmore battles UCLA's Bill Walton); 17(Oakland Raiders Marv Hubbard); 24(Sportsman of the year Jackie Stewart);
1974 --
January 7(Vikings quarterback Fran Tarkenton); 14(New York's Julius Erving); 21(Miami Dolphins Larry Csonka); 28(Swimsuit issue in Puerto Rico-Ann Simonton)
February 4(Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier); 11(Golfer Ben Crenshaw); 18(Boston Celtics John Havicek); 25(UCLA vs. Oregon);
March 4(Tennis star Jimmy Connors); 11(Gordie Howe at age 45); 18(Babe Ruth-the legend comes to life); 25(UCLA vs. North Carolina State - Bill Walton);
April 1(North Carolina State stops UCLA); 8(Cincinnati Reds Pete Rose - baseball 1974);15(Hank Aaron 715 Home Runs); 22(Gary Player wins his second masters); 29(Best schoolboy athlete Utah's Bruce Hardy);
May 6(Philadelphia Flyers Bobby Clarke); 13(Kentucky Derby winner Cannonade); 20(Boston Celtics John Havlicek); 27(L.A. Dodgers Jim Wynn);
June 3(Indy 500 winner Johnny Rutherford);10(U.S. open defending champion Johny Miller); 17(Oakland A's Reggie Jackson); 24(U.S. open champion Hale Irwin);
July 1(Minnesota Twins Rod Carew); 8(Vice-President Gerald Ford "My View of Sport"); 15(Wimbledon winners Jimmy Connors & Chris Evert); 22(St. Louis Cardinals Lou Brock); 29(Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Terry Bradshaw);
August 5(The Pro Football strike); 12(L.A. Dodgers relief pitcher Mike Marshall); 19(Lee Trevino wins the PGA);26(Tennis star John Newcombe);
September 2(Evel Knievel in Snake River Canyon); 9(Ohio State's Archie Griffin); 16(O.J. Simpson - Pro Football); 23(Pittsburgh Steelers Black Quarterback Joe Gilliam); 30(Notre Dame quarterback Tom Clements);
October 7(Oakland A's Cafish Hunter); 14(Basketball's Bill Walton against Kareem Abdul-Jabbar); 21(The California World series - Oakland vs. L.A.); 28(Muhammad Ali & George Foreman by Donald Moss);
November 4(The Oklahoma football controversy); 11(Muhammad Ali vs. George Foreman); 18(Kansas City Chiefs Woody Green); 25(Montreal Canadiens goalie Ken Dryden);
December 2(College Basketball's mad shuffle by Robert Grossman);9(USC's Anthony Davis); 16(Warriors Rick Barry); 23(Sportsman of the year Muhammad Ali);
1975 --
January 6(Pittsburgh Steelers Franco Harris); 13(Bill Tilden - his triumphs & tragedy); 20(Pittsburgh Steelers Quarterback Terry Bradshaw); 27( Swimsuit issue in Cancun - Cheryl Tiegs);
February 3(Hoosiers John Laskowski); 10(L.A. Kings Goalie Rogie Vachon); 17(UCLA's Dave Meyers); 24(Westminister Kennel Club Winner Sir Lancelot of Barvan);
March 3(Cincinnati Reds - Spring Training); 10(Lee Elder heading to the Masters); 17(North Carolina's Phil Ford); 24(Boxer Chuck Wepner); 31(Kentucky Wildcats crash the final four);
April 7(L.A. Dodgers Steve Garvey); 14(World's Strongest Man - U.S.S.R. Vasili Alexeyev); 21(Jack Nicklaus wins his fifth masters); 28(NBA playoffs Washington vs. Buffalo);
May 5(Tennis star Jimmy Connors); 12(Foolish pleasure surges to the finish at Kentucky Derby); 19(A.J. Foyt wins the Pole at Indy 500); 26(Filbert Bayi runs the mile in 3:51);
June 2(Texas Rangers manager Billy Martin); 9(a Pro Football player in Vietnam - Rocky Bleier); 16(California Angels pitcher Nolan Ryan); 23(Soccer star Pele in America); 30(Lou Graham wins U.S. open);
July 7(Boston Red Sox Rookie Fred Lynn); 14(Arthur Ashe beats Jimmy Connors at Wimbledon); 21(New York Mets pitcher Tom Seaver & Baltimore Oriole Pitcher Jim Palmer); 28(New life in the WHL - Csonka, Klick & Warfield);
August 4(New Swimming superstar Tim Shaw); 11(The Baseball Boom); 18(Jack Nicklaus wins PGA); 25(Green Bay Packers new head coach Bart Starr);
September 1(Shotputt'er Brian Oldfield); 8(College Football 1975); 15(Boxing Promoter Don King with Muhammas Ali & Joe Frazier); 22(Pittsburgh Steelers Joe Greene); 29(Notre Dame Quarterback Rick Slager);
October 6(Oakland A's Reggie Jackson); 13(Mohammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier in Manila); 20( Boston Red Sox Luis Tiant & Cincinnati Reds Johnny Bench); 27(Pro Basketball issue - George McGinnis);
November 3(Cincinnati Reds win World Series); 10(Minnesoto Vikings Fran Tarkenton); 17( A Violent Sport turns Vicious - Hockey); 24(Cal's Runningback Chuck Muncie);
December 1(Hoosier's Kent Benson - College Basketball issue); 8(Texas A & M's Bubba Bean); 15(Boxer George Foreman); 22-29(Sportsman of the Year Pete Rose);
1976 --
January 5(Dallas Cowboys Preston Pearson); 12(Pittsburgh Steelers Franso Harris); 19(Swimsuit issue in Baja - Yvette & Yvonne Sylander); 26(Pittsburgh Steelers Lynn Swann);
February 2(U.S. Olympian Skater Sheila Young); 9(Tennessee Basketball stars Ernie Grunfeld & Bernard King);16(Skier Franz Klammer); 23(Philadelphia Flyers Bobby Clarke);
March 1(Muhammad Ali vs. Jean-Pierre Coopman); 8(Buffalo Braves Bob McAdoo); 15(Bill Veech of the White Sox); 22(Tennis Prodigy Tracy Austin); 29(Indiana's Benson Outmuscles Marguette);
April 5(Indiana's Scott May); 12(Special Baseball Issue - Joe Morgan); 19( Ray Floyd wins masters); 26(Tennis star Evonne Goolagong);
May 3(Home Run champ Mike Schmidt); 10(Codero's Bold triumph at the Kentucky Derby); 17(New York nets Julius Erving); 24(Montreal Canadiens Larry Robinson); 31(Speeding Yankees run into sputtering Red Sox);
June 7(Basketball Rookie Alvan Adams battles Dave Cowens); 14(High jumper Dwight Stones); 21(Kansas City Royals George Brett); 28(Baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn);
July 5(Frank Shorter wins the 10,000 meter); 12(San Diego Padres pitcher Randy Jones); 19(U.S. Gold Metal hopefuls Scott May, Shirley Babashoff & Frank Shorter); 26(Montreal Olympics torch ceremony);
August 2(Gymnist Nadia Comaneci); 9(Olympian Bruce Jenner wins Big); 16(Washington Redskins Calvin Hill); 23(Tampa Bay Buccaneers Steve Spurrier); 30(Baseball #1 Free Agent Reggie Jackson);
September 6(Michigan Quarterback Rick Leach); 13(Colts Quaterback Bert Jones); 20(Jimmy Connors wins U.S. Open at Forest Hills); 27(Boxer Ken Norton);
October 4(Maryland Quarterback Mark Manges); 11(Cincinnati Reds George Foster); 18(Minnesota Vikings Chuck Foreman); 25(Pro Basketball 1976 - 1977);
November 1(Cincinnati Reds Johnny Bench); 8(Pittsburgh Running Back Tony Dorsett); 15(Denver Nuggers David Thompson); 22(Chicago bears Walter Payton); 29(Michigan states Rickey Green);
December 6(Pittsburgh Steelers Davis Blocks for Bleier); 13(Portland trail Blazers Bill Walton); 20 - 27(Sportswoman of the Year Chris Evert);
1977 --
Special Issue - (A Year in Sports);
January 3(Oakland Raiders Clarence Davis); 10(Pitt wins - Tony Dorsett); 17(Oakland Raiders bowl over Vikings - Ken Stabler); 24(Swimsuit issue in Maui - Lena Lansbod); 31(LSF's Bill Cartwright);
February 7(Montreal Canadiens Guy Lafleur); 14(L.A. Lakers Kareem Abdul - Jabbar); 21(Inside NBC's Big Olympic TV Deal); 28( Cale Yarborough wins the Daytona 500);
March 7(Jockey Steve Cauthen); 14(L.A. Dodgers Manager Tom Lasorda); 21(Philadelphia 76ers George McGinnis); 28(Texas Rangers Rookie Bomp Willis);
April 4(Marquette's Butch Lee); 11(L.A. Angels Joe Rudi); 18(Tom Watson wins masters at Augusta); 25(Boston Celtics Sidney Wicks);
May 2(New York Yankees Reggie Jackson); 9(Boston Bruins Gerry Cheever & Brad Park); 16( Seattle Slew front & center at Kentucky Derby); 23(Portland Trail Vlazers Bill Walton outduels Kareem Abdul-Jabbar); 30(Pittsburgh Pirates Dave Parker);
June 6(Detroit Tiger Mark Fidrych & Big Bird); 13(Seattle Trail Blazers Bill Walton & Gang); 20(Seattle slew & Jockey Cruguet winning the Triple Crown);27(Cincinnati Red Pitcher Tom Seaver);
July 4(Ted Turner leads the American's Cup); 11(Bjorn Borg wins Wimbledon); 18(Ted Williams & Rod Carew); 25(St. Louis Cardinals Conrad Dobler);
August 1(Down the Colorado Rapids) 8(Middleweight champ Carlos Monzon wins his 83rd in a row); 15(Japanese Baseball slugger Sadaharu Oh); 22(PGA Winner Lanny Wadkins); 29(Philadelphia Phillies Greg Luzinski);
September 5(Notre Dame's Ross Browner); 12(The Big Race - Juantorena beats Boit); 19(Oakland Raiders Kenny Stabler); 26(Boxer Roberto Duran);
October 3(Oklahoma's Billy Sims); 10(Muhammad Ali vs. Earnie Shavers); 17(Denver Broncos nose tackle Rubin Carter); 24(The World Series New York Yankees vs. L.A. Dodgers); 31(Portland Trail Blazers Maurice Lucas);
November 7(Movie "Semi-Tough" cast-Burt Reynolds, Kris Kristofferson & Jill Clayburgh); 14(Belmont race track Bizarre Swindle); 21(AFC vs. NFC); 28(Indiana State Larry Bird);
December 5(Texas Earl Campbell); 12(New York Islanders Bryan Trottier); 19-26(Sportsman of the Year Steve Cauthen);
1978 --
January 2(Oakland Raiders Van Eaghen); 9(Notre Dame's Terry Eurick); 16(Swim Suit Issue Issue in Brazil - Maria Joao); 23(Dallas Cowboys White and Martin Celebrate); 30(Roberto Duran vs. Esteban De Jesus);
February 6(Runner Dick Buerkle); No Date(Special Issue - The Year in Sports); 13(Arkansas Razorbacks Sidney Moncrief); 20(Phoenix Suns Walter Davis); 27(Boxer Leon Spinks);
March 6(Sprinter Houston McTear); 13(Duke's Gene Banks); 20(Kansas City Royals Clint Hurdle); 27(Jack Nicklaus wins the TPC);
April 3(Kentucky Wildcats Goose Givens);10(Minnesota Twins Rod Carew & Cincinnati Reds George Foster); 17(Gary Player wins the Masters); 24(Detroit Tigers pitcher Mark Fidrych);
May 1(Gary Players wins his Third Straight); 8(Washington Bullets Elvin Hayes); 15(Affirmed & Steve Cauthen win Kentucky Derby); 22(Portland Trail blazers Marvin Webster); 29(Montreal Canadiens Ken Dryden);
June 5(Al Unser wins third Indy 500) 12(Heavyweight Champ Ken Norton); 19(Affirmed wins the Belmont and the Triple Crown); 26(Andy North wins the U.S. Open);
July 3(World Cup winner Argentine's Daniel Passarella); 10(Top woman Golfer Nancy Lopez); 17(Is Money ruining Sports?); 24(Jack Nicklaus win British Open); 31(New York Yankees manager Billy Martin);
August 7(Cincinnati Reds Pete Rose hitting streak); 14(Brutality - The Crisis in football); 21(Basketball's Bill Walton shocking decision); 28(Balloon double Eagle II);
September 4(Dallas Cowboys Roger Staubach); 11(Arkansas Calcagni, Cowins & Holtz); 18(Jimmy Connors wins U.S. Open); 25(Muhammad Ali vs. Leon Spinks);
October 2(USC's Charles White); 9(The Ref's-Uproar in the NFL); 16(New York Nicks Marvin Webster); 23(World Series - Yankees vs. Dodgers); 30(New York Marathon winner Bill Rodgers);
November 6(Confessions of a Master Horse Race Fixer); 13(Penn State's Chuck Fusina); 20(Nebraska's Rick Berns); 27(Michigan State Earvin Johnson);
December 4(Houston Oilers rookie Earl Campbell); 11( Winter Sports Special - Climbing a Tower of Ice);18(Davis Cup star John McEnroe); 25(Sportsman of the Year Jack Nicklaus);
1979 --
January 8(Alabama stops Penn State); 15(Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Terry Bradshaw); 22(Ohio State upsets Illinois); 29(Pittsburgh Steelers Rocky Bleier);
February 5(Swim suit issue in Seychelles- Christie Brinkley); 12(Featherweight Champ Danny Lopez); 15(The Year in Sports); 19(Houston Rockets Moses Malone); 26(Eamonn Coghlan shatters the Mile Record);
March 5(Baseball Spring training); 12(North Carolina Dudley Bradley); 19(Chicago White Sox Rookie Harry Chappas); 26(Indiana State Larry Bird);
April 2(Michigan State Earwin Johnson); 9(Boston Red Sox Jim Rice & Pittsburgh Pirates Dave Parker); 16(New York Islanders Denis Potvin); 23(Fuzzy Zoeller wins the Masters); 30(Milwaukee Brewers managers George Bamberger);
May 7(Washington Bullets Elvin Hayes); 14(Spectacular bid wins Kentucky Derby); 21(Soccer star Giorgio Chinaglia); 28(Philadelphia Phillies Pete Rose);
June 4(Tom Watson keeps on winning); 11(Seattle Sonics Gus Williams); 18(Baltimore Orioles manager Earl Weaver); 25(Hale Irwin wins his second U.S. Open);
July 2(Roberto Duran vs. Palomino); 9(Eamonn Coghlan 3:52:.9 Mile); 16(Bjorn Borg wins his fourth Wimbledon); 23(Oakland A's Pitcher Nolan Ryan); 30(Sebastian Coe Smashes the Mile Record);
August 6(Oakland Raiders Quarterback Ken Stabler); 13(Silver Anniversary Issue); 20(San Diego Chargers wide receiver John Jefferson); 27(Baseball's Golden Oldies);
September 3(Houston Oilers Earl Campbell); 10(USC's Charles White & Oklahoma's Billy Sims); 17(Tracy Austin youngest U.S. Open Champion); 24(Fighting Irish Vagas Ferguson);
October 1(Tampa Bay Buccaneers Dewey Selmon); 8(Larry Holmes vs. Earnie Shavers); 15(San Diego's Bill Walton); 22(World Series - Decinces Upends Garner); 29(Bill Rodgers wins Fourth New York Marathon);
November 5(Pittsburgh Steelers Franco Harris); 12(Nebraska Jarvis Redwine, Alabama Steadman Shealy, Ohio State Art Schlichter, Florida State Jimmy Jordan & Houston Delrick Brown); 19(L.A. Lakers Magic Johnson); 26(College Basketball Issue);
December 10(Welterweight Champ Sugar Ray Leonard); 17(Virginia's Ralph Sampson); 24-31(Sportsmen of the Year Terry Bradshaw & Willie Stargell);
1980 --
January 7(Tampa Bay Buccaneers Ricky Bell); 14(Pittsburgh Steelers L.C. Greenwood Tacklin Houston Oilers Dan Pastorini); 21(Gordie Howie going strong at 51); 28(Pittsburgh Steelers John Stallworth super bowl winning catch);
February 4(Swim Suit issue in British Virgin Islands - Christie Brinkley); 11(Winter Olympic Preview - U.S. Speed Skater Eric Heiden); 18(Runner Mary Decker); 25(Winter Olympics - Eric Heiden);
March 3 (Miracle in Ice U.S. Olympic Hockey team wins cover with Centerfold Pinup; with Mailing Label, FN = $22.00) 10(Olympic Golden goalie Jim Craig); 13(The Year in Sports); 17(Maryland's Albert King); 24(Detroit Tigers Rookie Kirk Gibson); 31(Louisville wins the NCAA Title);
April 7(St. Louis Cardinals Keith Hernandez); 14(Muhammad Ali comes back); 21(Seve Ballesteros wins the masters); 28(Boston Celtics Larry Bird against Julius Erving);
May 5(L.A. Lakers Kareem Abdul-Jabbar); 12(Genuine Risk second Filly to win Kentucky Derby); 19(The Student-Athlete Hoax); 26(L.A. Lakers Magic Johnson);
June 2(Johnny Rutherford wins Third Indy 500); 9(Kansas City Royals Darrell Porter); 16(Boxer Roberto Duran); 23(Jack Nicklaus wins fourth U.S. Open); 30(Roberto Duran vs. Sugar Ray Leonard in Montreal);
July 7(Olympic trial 1,500 meter winner Steve Scott); 14(Bjorn Borg wins fifth straight Wimbledon); 21(Philadelphia Phillies Pitcher Steve Carlton); 28(The Olympics Pomp & Protest);
August 4(New York Yankees Reggie Jackson); 11(Olympic 1,500 Meter Champion Sebastian Coe); 18(The Ordeal of J.R. Richard); 25(Baltimore Orioles fight their way back);
September 1(College Football issue - Hugh Green); 8(Pro Football issue); 15(John McEnroe wins U.S. open); 22(Detroit Lions Rookie Billy Sims); 29( Muhammad Ali);
October 6(Montreal Expos Gary Carter); 13(Muhammad Ali- The Last Hurrah); 20(Seattle Sonics Paul Westphal); 27(Philadelphia Phillies Mike Schmidt);
November 3(Alberto Salazar wins New York Marathon); 10(Pittsburgh Steelers L.C. Greenwood); 17(Georgia Running Back Herschel Walker); 24(Sugar Ray Leonard);
December 1(College Basketball issue - Mark Aguire, Ralph Sampson & Albert King); 8(L.A. Rams Quarterback Vince Ferragamo); 15(Golden State Warriors Lloyd Free); 22-29(Sportsmen of the Year the U.S. Olympic Hockey Team);
1981 --
January 5(New York Yankees Dave Winfield); 12(San Diego Chargers Chuck Muncie); 19(Oakland Raiders Mark Van Eeghen); 26(Indiana Coach Bobby Knight);
February 2(Oakland Raiders Rod Martin); 9(Swim Suit Issue in Florida - Christie Brinkley); 12(The Year in Sports); 16(Boston College Point shaving Scheme); 23(A 17-Year old Bobby Carpenter);
March 9(J.R. Richard takes the Mound); 16(Milwaukee Brewers pitcher Rollie Fingers); 23(Arkansas Rolando Blackman); 30(Virginia's Ralph Sampson);
April6(Indiana's Isiah Thomas); 13(Special Baseball issue - George Brett & Mike Schmidt); 20(Tom Watson wins the Masters); 27( Oakland A's Pitchers Rick Langford, Steve McCatty, Brian Kingman, Matt Keough & Mike Norris);
May 4(Heavyweight Gerry Conney); 11(Boston Celtics Kevin McHale & Sixers Maurice Cheeks); 18(L.A. Dodgers Rookie Fernando Valenzuela);25(A.J. Foyt at Indy 500);
June 1(Joe Frazier & son Marvis Frazier); 8(Chicago White Sox Greg Luzinski); 15(Bjorn Borg wins sixth french open); 22( Baseball strike - the walkout the owners provoked); 29(U.S. Open champion David Graham);
July 6(Sugar ray Leonard vs. Ayub Kalule); 13(John McEnroe wins Wimbledon); 20( Montreal Alouettes quarterback Vince Ferragamo); 27(Cincinnati Reds Tom Seaver);
August 3(New England patriots John Hannah); 10(Baseball MVP's Mike Schmidt & George Brett); 17(Montreal Expos Gary Carter); 24(L.A. Rams Wendell Tyler); 31( College Football issue - Herschel Walker);
September 7 (Pro Football Issue - Jim Plunkett); 14(Boxer Thomas Hearns); 21(John McEnroe wins his third U.S. Open); 28(Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Thomas Hearns);
October 5(USC's Marcus Allen); 19(College Football's Texas Corrals Oklahoma); 26( New York Yankees Craig Nettles);
November 2(World Series - New York Yankees vs. L.A. Dodgers); 9(Boston Celtics Larry Bird); 16(Larry Holmes vs. Renaldo Snipes); 30(Alabama Coach Bear Bryant);
December 7(Dallas Cowboys Tony Dorsett); 14(Cincinnati Bengals rookie Cris Collinsworth); 21(49'ers Earl Cooper); 28 - January 4/1982(Sportsman of the Year Sugar Ray Leonard);
1982 --
January 11 (Clemson University Orange Bowl hero Perry Tuttle, Championship 1981-1982 season, NCAA Tigers #1, the Catch that changed his Life; The May 2015 News of Perry Tuttle’s current Macular Degeneration eye condition, says it may cause future blindness; HIGH DEMAND and now TOUGH to FIND issue; = SOLD OUT;
JANUARY - 18(49'ers Dwight Clark); 25(Super Bowl Preview - Joe Montana);
February 1(49'ers Earl Cooper Super Bowl Touchdown); 8(Swim Suit Issue in Kenya - Carol Alt); 10(The Year in Sports); 15(Edmonton Oilers Wayne Gretsky); 22(Milwaukee Bucks Sidney Moncrief);
March 1(Herschel Walker - turned Pro?); 8(Hawaii's Banzai Pipeline); 15(L.A. Angel Reggie Jackson); 22(NCAA Playoffs - Georgetown's Patrick Ewing); 29(North Carolina Sam Perkins);
April 5(North Carolina wins - James Worthy); 12(L.A. Dodgers Steve Garvey); 19(Craig Stadler wins the masters); 26(49'ers Renaldo Nehemiah);
May 3(Seattle Sonics Jack Sikma); 10(L.A. Rams owner Georgia Frontiere & Quarterback Bert Jones); 17(Seattle Mariners pitcher Gaylord Perry); 24(L.A. Lakers Magic Johnson); 31(Sixers Julius Erving);
June 7(Gerry Clooney vs. Larry Homes by Bart Forbes); 14(Special report on Cocaine in the NFL); 21(Larry Holmes pounding Gerry Clooney); 28(Tom Watson U.S. Open Champion);
July 5(Minnesota Twins Rookie Kent Hrbek); 12(Jimmy Connors wins Wimbledon); 19(Philadelphia Phillies Pete Rose & Boston Red Sox Carl Yastrzemski); 26(Record breaking runner Mary Decker Tabb);
August 2(Brom Boom Mancini vs. Ernesto Espana); 9(Atlanta Braves Dale Murphy); 16(Chicago Bears running back Walton Payton); 23(Pittsburgh Steelers Franco Harris); 30(Cleveland Browns linebacker Tom Cousineau);
September 1(The First College & Pro Football Spectacular); 6(Oakland A's Rickey Henderson breaks single season base stealing record); 13(Florida Quarterback Wayne Peace); 20(Jimmy Connors wins U.S. Open); 27(Why the NFL Players called the strike);
October 4(Penn State Quarterback Todd Blackledge); 11(Milwaukee Brewers Robin Yount); 18(Middleweight Champion Marvin Hagler); 25(World Series - St. Louis vs. Milwaukee);
November 1( Philadelphia Sixers Moses Malone); 8(Stanford Quarterback John Elway); 15(Sugar Ray Leonard retiring); 22(Boom Boom Mancini vs. Duk Koo Kim); 29(College Basketball issue - Patrick Ewing & Ralph Sampson);
December 6(Washington Redskins put the Clamps on Philadelphia Eagles); 13( Oakland Raiders Rookie Marcus Allen); 20(Ralph Sampson leads Virginia past Georgeton); 27 - January 3/1983 ( Sportsman of the Year Wayne Gretsky);
1983 --
January 10( Gregg Garrity scores winning touchdown for Penn State); 17( (San Diego rams Chuck Muncie); 24(Miami Dolphins Andra Franklin); 31(Washington Redskins Darryl Grant);
February 7(Washington Redskins John Riggins); 14(Swim Suit issue in Jamaica - Cheryl Tiegs); 16(The year in Sports); 21(Terry Cumming San Diego Clippers Rookie of the Year); 28(Sixers Julius Erving);
March 7 (The USFL's Herschel Walker); 14(Philadelphia Phillys Tony Perez, Pete Rose & Joe Morgan); 21( St. John's Defeats Boston College in Big East Finals); 28(Michael Spinks vs. Dwight Braxton);
4(Montreal Expos Gary Carter); 11(North Carolina State Wins NCAA - Thurl Bailey, Derey Whittenburg, & Sidney Lowe); 18(New York Mets Tom Seaver); 25(Padres Steve Garvey Plays in 1,118th game in a row);
May 2(Boston Celtics Larry Bird); 9(L.A. Lakers Kareem Abdul-Jabbar); 16(Sunny's Halo wins the Kentucky Derby); 23( New York Islanders Billy Smith); 30( Larry Holmes vs. Tim Witherspoon);
June 6(Sixers Moses Malone); 13(Oakland A's Rod Carew); 20(Oklahoma's Marcus Dupree); 27( Roberto Duran Mauls Davey Moore);
July 4(Atlanta Braves Dale Murphy); 11(John McEnroe wins Wimbledon); 18(Toronto Blue Jays Dave Stieb & Montreal Expos Andrea Dawson); 25(Tom Watson wins the British Open);
August 1(New York Jets Richard Todd); 8(Howard Cosell); 15(Denver Broncos Rookie John Elway); 22(U.S. Runner Carl Lewis in Helsinki); 29(Dallas Cowboys Tony Dorsett);
September 1( 1983 College & Pro Football Spectacular); 5(Nebraska's Mike Rozier); 12(Edwin Moses has 87 wins in a row); 19(Martina Navratilova wins U.S. Open); 26(Boston College's Doug Flutie);
October 3(Phillies Steve Carlton wins 300 games); 10(Washington Redskins Joe Washington); 17(L.A. Rams Eric Dickerson); 24(Baltimore Orioles World Series MVP Rick Dempsey); 31(Houston Rockets Rookie Ralph Sampson);
November 7(Roberto Duran & Marvin Hagler); 14(Miami Dolphins rookie Dan Marino); 21(Marvin Hagler beats Roberto Duran);
December 5(Kentucky State's Sam Bowie); 12(Jim Brown comeback at 47?); 19(Washington Redskins John Riggins); December 26 - January 2/1984 (Sportswoman of the Year Mary Decker);
1984 --
January 9(Miami Hurricanes Keith Griffin); 16(Washington Redskins Joe Theismann); 23(Edmonton Oilers Wayne Gretsky); 30(Oakland Raiders Jack Squirek);
February 6(U.S. Olympic hopefuls Tamara McKinney, Rosalynn Summers, Scott Hamilton & Phil Mahre); 8( The Year in Sports); 13(Swim Suit Issue in Aruba - Paulina Portizkova); 20(Olympic Gold Medalist Debbie Armstrong); 27(Olympic downhill champion Bill Johnson);
March 5( L.A. Lakers Magic Johnson); 12( Kansas City Royals George Brett); 19(Georgetown's Patrick Ewing); 26(North Carolina's Sam Perkins);
April 2(Yankees manager Yogi Berra); 9(Georgetown wins NCAA Title); 16(San Diego Padres Rich Gossage & Craig Nettles); 23(New York Mets Darryl Strawberry); 30("An American Tragedy - Coach Bob (Bull) Sullivan);
May 7(New York Knicks Bernard King); 14(New York Islanders Mike Bossy); 21(The Soviet Olympic Boycott); 28(Detroit Tiger Alan Tammell);
June 4(L.A. Lakers Magic Johnson); 11(Chicago Cubs Bull Durham); 18(Martina Navratilova wins French Open); 25(Carl Lewis at Olympic Trials);
July 2(U.S. High Jumper Dwight Stones); 9(John McEnroe wins Wimbledon); 18(Special Preview the 1984 Olympics);30(Pittsburgh Steelers Jack Lambert);
August 6(Olympic Torchbearer Rafer Johnson); 13(Olympian Mary Lou Retton); 20(Carl Lewis wins fourth gold medal); 27(Cincinnati Reds Pete Rose);
September 3(Washington Reskins Joe Theismann); 5(1984 College and Pro Football spectacular - Dan Marino & Bernie Kosar);10(Miami Dolphins Joe Theimann); 17(John McEnroe wins U.S. Open); 24(Chicago Cubs Rick Sutcliffe & New York Mets Dwight Gooden);
October 1(Nebraska's Jeff Smith); *(Denver Broncos Sammy Winder); 15(Chicago Bears Walter Payton breaks rushing record); 22(World series MVP Detroit Tigers Alan Trammell); 29(Bill Russell & Boston Celtics Larry Bird);
November 5(Notre Dame coash Gerry Faust); 12("What's Wrong with the NFL?); 19(Miami Dolphins Mark Duper); 26( Georgetown's Patrick Ewing, John Thompson & President Ronald Reagan);
December 3(Boston College's Doug Flutie); 17(L.A. Rams Eric Dickerson breaks O.J. Simpsons rushing record); 24-31(Sportswoman & Sportsman of the year Mark Lou Retton & Edwin Moses);
1985 --
January 7(Pittsburgh Steelers Walter Abercrombie); 14(Miami Dolphins Dan Marino); 21(49'ers Joe Montana & Miami Dolphins Dan Marino); 28(49'ers Roger Craig);
February 4(St. John's Walter Berry); 11(Swim Suit Issue in Australia - Paulina Porizkova); 18(Edmonton Oilers Wayne Gretzky); 25(Doug Flutie of the USFL Generals);
March 4(Baseball's Millionaires - Top Salaries); 11(Jack Nicklaus son Gary Nicklaus); 18(Baltimore Orioles Fred Lynn); 25(Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays & Peter Ueberroth);
April 1(NCAA Big East - Dwayne McClain, Patrick Ewing, & Chris Mullin); 8(Villanova Ed Pinckney); 15(New York Mets Dwight Gooden); 22(Marvin Hagler TKO's Thomas Hearns); 29 (Pro Wrestler Hulk Hogan; with Mailing Label, FN/VF = $22.00);
May 6(Billy Martin New York Yankees Manager); 13(L.A. Lakers Magic Johnson); 20(New York Knigks Rookie Patrick Ewing); 27(USFL General Herschel Walker);
June 3(Danny Sullivan wins Indy 500); 10(L.A. Lakers Kareem Abdul-Jabbar); 17(L.A. Lakers win NBA Championship - Kareem Abdul Jabbar); 24(Andy North wins U.S. Open);
July 1(Heavyweight Larry Holmes); 8(L.A. Dodgers Fernando Valenzuela); 15(Boris Becker wins Wimbledon at age 17); 22(Oakland Raiders Howie Long); 29(Mary Decker Slaney beat Zola Budd in London);
August 5(L.A. Dodgers Pedgo Guerrero); 12(Dallas Cowboys Tony Dorsett); 19(Cincinnati Reds Pete Rose); 26(Cleveland Browns Bernie Kosar);
September 2(New York Mets Dwight Gooden wins 20); 4(1985 College & Pro Football spectacular - Eric Dickerson & Napoleon McCallum); 9(Bill Elliott Wins Southern 500); 16( Joe Louis by Malcolm T. Liepke); 23(St. Louis Cardinals Ozzie Smith); 30(Michael Spinks Beats Larry Holmes);
October 7(Tennessee's Tony Robinson); 14(College Football coach Eddie Robinson); 21(Chicago Bears Jim McMahon);28(World Series - Cardinals Ozzie Smith);
November 4(Kansas City Royals win World Series); 11( Florida's Ray McDonald & Penn State's D.J. Dozier); 18(Bayou Bengals coach Dale Brown); 20(College Basketball 1985 - 86; UCS's Cheryl Miller & Georgia Tech's Bruce Dalrymple & Mark Price); 25( Chicago Bears Beat Dallas Cowboys 44 to 0);
December 2(Auburn's Bo Jackson, Iowa's Chuck Long and Plymouth's Joe Dudek); 9(Hard Times for Baseball Free Agents - Kirk Gibson); 16(L.A. Raiders Marcus Allen); 23 -30(Sportsman of the Year - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar);
1986 --
January 6(Heavyweight Mike Tyson); 13(New England Patriots Craig James); 20(Chicago Bears Jim McMahon); 27(Chicago Bears Mike Singletary);
February 3(Super Bowl Chicago Bears beats New England Patriots); 10(Swim Suit Issue in Bora Bora - Ella Macpherson); 17(Kansa's Danny Manning); 24("Why TV Sports are in Big Trouble");
March 3(Boston Celtics Larry Bird); 10("Gambling is America's National Pastime?"); 17(Duke's Mark Alarie); 24(Marvin Hagler vs. John Mugabi); 31(The Final Four - LSU, Louisville, Duke & Kansas);
April 7(Louisville Freshman Pervis Ellison); 14(Baseball 1986 - Boston Red Sox Wade Boggs); 21Jack Nicklaus wins his sixth masters); 28(Atlanta Hawks Dominique Wilkins);
May 5(Ernest Hemingway New story "An African Betrayal"); 12(Boston Red Sox Roger Clemens Strikeout record of 20); 19(L.A. Lakers James Worthy); 26(Houston Rockets Akeem Olajuwon);
June 2(Montreal Canadiens win 23rd Stanley Cup); 9(Boston Celtics Larry Bird); 16(Boston Celtics Kevin McHale); 23(U.S. Open Champion Raymond Floyd & Daughter Christina); 30(Maryland Basketball star Len Bias dies of Cocaine);
July 7(World Cup - Argentine Diego Maradona); 14(Bo Jackson chooses Baseball over Football); 21(UFSL's Ji Kelly); 28(New York Yankees Rickey Henderson);
August 4(Troubled Pitcher Oil Can Boyd); 11(The Fridge and too Tall in London); 18(Dallas Cowboys Tony Dorsett); 25(New York Mets Ron Darling);
September 1(Gymnist Kristie Phillips); 3(1986 College & Pro Football Spectacular - Jim McMahon & Brian Bosworth); 8(Sugar Ray Leonard back in boxing); 15(Ivan Lendl wins U.S. Open); 22( Michigan 24 - Notre Dame 23); 29(New York Jets Mark Gastineau and Giants Lawrence Taylor);
October 6(New York Mets Darryl Strawberry); 13(Denver Broncos John Elway); 20(L.A. Angels decides); 27( World Series - Boston Red Sox Jim Rice);
November 3(New York Mets Ray Knight); 10("How to Stop the Injury Plague in the NFL"); 17(Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan); 19(College Basketball 1986 -87 Special Issue - Navy's David Robinson); 24(Miami's Vinny Testaverde);
December 1(Mike Tyson TKO's Trevor Berbick); 8(Chicago Bears Walter Bavaro); 15(New York Giants Mark Bavaro);22-29(Sportsman of the Year Coach Joe Paterno);
1987 --
January 5(Brian Bosworth fails NCAA Drug Tests); 12(Cleveland Browns Ozzie Newssome); 19(Denver Broncos Rich Karlis overtime Kick beats Browns); 26(New York Giants Lawrence Taylor);
February 2(New York Giants Phil Simms); 9(Swim Suit issue in Dominican Republic - Elle MacPherson); 16(President Ronald Reagan & America's Cup winner Dennis Conner); 23(L.A. Lakers Magic Johnson);
March 2(North Carolina's J.R. Reid); 9(Baltimore Orioles Cal Ripken Sr., Ripken Jr. & Billy Ripken); 16("A Bad Trip" by Gary McLain); 23(Indiana Coach Bobby Knight); 30(Marvin Hagler & Sugar Ray Leonard);
April 6(Cleveland Indians JOe Carter & Cory Snyder); 13(Suger Ray Leonard defeats Marvin Hagler); 20(The Salary of every Major League Baseball Player); 27(Milwaukee Brewers Rob Deer);
May 4(Julius Erving retires); 11(Oakland A's Reggie Jackson); 18(Detroit Pistons Isiah Thomas); 25(Cincinnati Reds Erio Davis);
June 1(Edmonton OIlers Wayne Gretsky); 8(Boston Celtics Larry Bird); 15(Lakers & Celtics Chase NBA title); 22(L.A. Lakers Kareem Abdul-Jabbar); 29(Scott Simpson defeats Tom Watson to win U.S. Open);
July 6(One Day in Baseball); 13(Mets Darryl Strawberry & Yankees Don Mattingly); 20(Cubs Andre Dawson being hit in face by pitch); 27(Beware of Pit Bull Terriers);
August 3(Tampa Bay Buccaneers Bookie Vinny Testaverde); 10(Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tucker); 17(Detroit Tiger Alan Trammell); 24(Wounded Chicago Bear JIm McMahon); 31(College Football 1987 - Notre Dame's Tim Brown);
September 7(Southern California's Surfs Up); 9(Pro Football Spectacular 1987 - Giants Mark Bavaro); 14(Double World Champion Jackie Joyner-Kersee); 21(Denver Broncos JOhn Elway); 28(St. Louis Cardinals Ozzie Smith);
October 5(Toronto Blue Jays Lloyd Moseby); 12(Miami's Steve Walsh); 19((Baseball playoffs - Minnesota Twins); 26(Minnesota Twins Dan Gladden);
November 2(World Series Champions Minnesota Twins); 9(Baltimore Colts Eric Dickerson); 16(Oklahoma's Rotnei Anderson); 18(College Basketball 1987 - 1988; Wyoming's Fennis Dembo);20 (USC vs UCLA Showdawn inL.A.; Gary Beban; O.J. Simpson); 23(Washington Redskins Dexter Manly); 30(Oklahoma Sooners wrap up Nebraska and #1);
December 7(Arnold Schwarzenegger); 14(Kansas City Royals & Oakland Raiders Bo Jackson); 21(Sportsmen & Sportswomen of the Year - Athletes who care); December 28 - January 4/1988(Pictures 1987 - Michael Jordan);
1988 --
January 11(Miami wins National Championship); 18(Minnesota Vikings Anthony Carter); 25(Denver Broncos John Elway); 27(Winter Olympics Special Preview Issue);
February 1(Mike Tyson Ko's Larry Holmes); 8(Washington Redskins Doug Williams); 15(Swim Suit Issue in Thailand - Elle MacPherson); 22(Wilt Chamberlain & Bill Russell); 29(Olympic Skating Gold Medalist Brian Boitano);
March 7(L.A. Dodgers Kirk Gibson); 14(MLB Female Umpire Pam Postema); 21(Boston Celtics Larry Bird); 28(Temple's Mark Macon);
April 4(Oakland A's Mark McGwire & San Francisco Giants Will Clark); 11(NCAA Champions Kansas Danny Manning); 18(L.A. Lakers heading to Playoffs); 25(Muhammad Ali & His Entourage today);
May 2(Baltimore Orioles Billy Ripken); 9(Pete Rose suspended for shoving umpire); 16(Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan); 23(L.A. Lakers Magic Johnson); 30(Edmonton Oilers Wayne Gretsky);
June 6(Are Managers & Coaches getting a Raw Deal?);13(Mike Tyson & Robin Givens); 20(Boxer Michael Spinks ); 27(Detroit Pistons vs. L.A. Lakers);
July 4(Mike Tyson beat Michael Spinks in 91 Seconds); 11( New York Mets Darrel Strawberry); 18(Casey at the Bat); 25(U.S. Olympic trials - Florence Griffith Joyner);
August 1(Denver Broncos Tony Dorsett);8(Beer - How it influences the Games we play & watch); 15(Sports in China); 22(L.A. Kings Wayne Gretsky & L.A. Lakers Magic Johnson); 29(Cleveland Browns Bernie Kosar);
September 5(College Football Preview issue); 12(Chicago Bears Jim McMahon); 14(Seoul 1988 Olympics Preview); 19(Steffi Graf wins U.S. Open); 26(Boston Red Sox Dwight Evans);
October 3(Canadian Sprinter Ben Johnson Steroid Scandal); 10(Olympic Medalists Florence Griffith Joyner & Jackie Joyner-Kersee); 17(Oakland A's Jose Canseco); 24(Notre Dame's Tony Rice); 31(L.A. Dodgers Orel Hershier);
November 7(NBA Preview - Utah Jazz Karl Malone); 14(Coaches under Fire - Tom Landry & Chuck Noll); 21(New Orlean Saints stuff the Rams); 28(USC's Rodney Peete);
December 5(Notre Dame's Tony Rice); 12(Sixers Charles Barkley); 19(Sportsman of the Year Orel Hershiser); December 26 - January 2/1989 (Picture 1988);
1989 --
January 9(Notre Dame's Tony Rice); 16(Cincinnati Bengals Ickey Woods); 23(L.A. Lakers Kareem Abdul-Jabbar); 30(Super Bowl MVP 49'ers Jerry Rice);
February 6(Pittsburgh Penguins Mario Lemieux); 13(New York Knicks Patrick Ewing); Special (Swim Suit 25th Anniversary Issue - Kathy Ireland); 20(LSU's Chris Jackson); 27(Oklahoma Sooners Quarterback Charles Thompson arrested for selling Cocaine);
March 6(Boston Red Sox Wade Boggs); 13(Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan); 20(Dallas Cowboys Coach Jimmy Johnson); 27(Tennis Star Steffi Graf);
April 3(Pete Rose under Siege); 5(Baseball 1989 - San Diego Padres Benito Santiago); 10(Wolverines beat Seton Hall in O.T.); 17(Nick Faldo wins the Masters); 24(Offensive lineman Tony Mandarich);
May 1(Texas Rangers Nolan Ryan); 8(Texas High School Pitcher Jon Peters record 51 to 0);15(Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan); 22(Julie Krone best female jockey ever); 29(Kentucky Wildcats shame);
June 5(L.A. Lakers James Worthy); 12(Kansas City Royals Bo Jackson); 19(Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Thomas Hearns); 26(Curtis Strange wins U.S. Open);
July 3(Pete Rose gambling scandal); 10(Giants Rick Reuschel); 17( Heavyweight George Foreman); 24(Wood Bats are Doomed); 31(Tour De France winner Greg Lemond);
August 7(Cincinnati Bengal Boomer Esiason); 14(Michael Jordan playing golf); 21(Dallas Cowboys Troy Aikman); 28(Chris Evert retiring after U.S. Open);
September4(College Football preview 1989 - Frank Bauer); 11(NFL preview - Eagles Randall Cunningham); 18(Boris Becker wins U.S. Open); 25(Notre Dame's Rocket Ismail);
October 2(49'ers Joe Montana); 9(Hockey 1989-1990; Russians Sergei Starikov & Viacheslav Fetisov); 16(Oakland A's Rickey Henderson); 23(Minnesota Vikings Herschel Walker); 30(World Series Earthquake in San Francisco);
November 6(NBA Preview - Michael Jordan & Joe Dumars); 13(Atlanta Falcons Deion Sanders); 15(35th Anniversary Special Issue - Muhammad Ali); 20(Michigan's Rumeal Robinson); 27(Five for the Heisman - Major Harris, Tony Rice, Emmitt Smith, Anthony Thompson & Andre Ware);
December 4(Miami's Steve McGuire); 11( Boston Celtics Larry Bird); 18(A Tribute to Joe Montana, Magic Johnson & Wayne Gretzky); December 25 - January 1/1990 (Sportsman of the Year Greg Lemond);
1990 --
January 8(Miami Quarterback Craig Erickson);15(49'ers Jerry Rice); 22(Denver Broncos John Elway); 29(San Antonio Spurs Rookie David Robinson);
February 5(Super Bowl Champs 49'ers Joe Montana); 12(Swim Suit Issue in the Grenadines - Judit Masco); 19(Buster Douglas KO's Mike Tyson); 26(Heavyweight Champ Buster Douglas);
March 5(Oregon State's Gary Payton); 12(Oakland A's Manager Tony La Russa); 19(13 Year Old Tennis Player Jennifer Capriati); 26(Loyola Marymount's Bo Kimble); 28(Special Issue - 35 Years of covers);
April 2(UNLV Routs Loyola Marymount in Final Four); 9(UNLV beats Duke to win NCAA); 16(L.A. Kings Thomas Sandstrom); 30(#1 NFL Draft Pick Jeff George);
May 7 Seattle Mariners Ken Griffey Jr.); 14(Your Sneakers or Your Life); 21(Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan); 28(San Francisco Giants Will Clark);
June 4(Phillies Lenny Dykstra); 11(Detroit Pistons beat Chicago Bulls); 18(Monica Seles, Jack Nicklaus, George Steinbrenner); 25(Hale Irwin wins U.S. Open);
July 2(Boxer Marvin Hagler in Milan); 9(New York Mets Darryl Strawberry); 16(Martina Navratilova wins ninth Wimbledon); 23(Minor League Baseball Boom 30( Greg Lemond wins another Tour de France);
August 6(Joe Montana football legend); 13(Fan's autograph madness); 20(Oakland A's Jose Canseco); 27(Raiders vs. Cowboys);
September 3(USC's Todd Marinovich); 10(Detroit Lions Barry Sanders); 24(Notre Dame's Rick Mirer);
October 1(Pittsburgh Pirates Bobby Bonilla); 8(Why can't they run like O.J. Simpson); 15(San Diego Chargers Burt Grossman); 22(Oakland A's Dennis Eckersley); 29(Cincinnati Reds Chris Sabo);
November 5(NBA Preview - Detroit Pistons Bill Laimbeer); 12(Georgia Tech's William Bell); 19(College Basketball Preview 1990-91; Stacey Augmon & Larry Johnson); 26(Notre Dame Latest #1 to Fall);
December 3(Earvin Johnson Jr. - Magic Inc.); 10(Heisman winner Ty Detmer); 17(Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan); 24(Sportsman of the Year Joe Montana); December 31 - January 7/1991 (Picture of 1990);
1991 --
January 14(Miami Dolphins Dan Marino); 21(Louisiana State's Shaquille O'Neal); 28(New York Giants Ottis Anderson);
February 4(Super Bowl Champions Giant Everson Walls); 11(Swim Suit Issue in Caicos - Ashley Montana); 25(Notre Dame's Rocket Ismail);
March 4( L.A. Dodgers Darrel Strawberry); 11(Boston Celtics Robert Parish); 18(St. Louis Blue Brett Hull); 25(Mike Tyson TKO's Razor Ruddock);
April 1(The NCAA - Can Kansas?); 8(NCAA Champions Duke's Grant Hill); 15(Baseball 1991 - Texas Rangers Nolan Ryan); 22(Welshman Ian Woosnam wins Masters); 29(Evander Holyfield defents George Foreman);
May 6(Bjorn Borg out of Scandal Ridden Retirement); 13(Boston Red Sox Roger Clemens); 20(U.S. Sprinter Michael Johnson); 27(New York Yankees Mickey Mantle & Roger Maris);
June 24(Is the Fury Gone from Mike Tyson);
July 1(LA Dodgers Orel Hershiser); 8(Former NFL star Lyle Alzado on Steroids); 29(Baltimore Orioles Cal Ripkin Jr. 1500 the Straight Game);
August 5(The Black Athlete); 12(Indianapolis Colts Eric Dickerson); 19(John Daly wins the PGA); 26(College Football 1991 - David Klinger);
September 2(NFL Preview 1991 - Buffalo Bills Bruce Smith); 9(Long Jumper Mike Power 29' 4 1/2"); 16(Jimmy Connors U.S. Open); 23(Michigan's Desmond Howard); 30(L.A. Dodgers Ramon Martinez);
October 7(New Orlean Saints Bobby Hebert); 14(Washington Redskins Gary Clark); 21(Minnesota Twins Kirby Puckett); Fall(25 Unforgettable Moments in Sports - Red Grange); 28(World Series - Twins vs. Braves);
November 4(World Series Champions Minnesota Twins); 11(NBA Preview 1991 - 92; Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen & Phil Jackson); 18(L.A. Lakers Magic Jackson Retires - HIV); 25(College Basketball preview 1991 - 1992; Duke's Christian Laettner);
December 2(Philadelphia Eagles Jim McMahon); 9(Michigan's Desmond Howard); 16(Big Bad Buffalo Bills); 23(Sportsman of the Year Michael Jordan); December 30 - January 6/1992 (The Year in Pictures);
1992 --
January 13(Muhammal Ali turn 50); 20(Buffalo Bills Thurman Thomas); 27(Winter Olympics Preview - U.S. Downhill Racer A.J. Kitt);
February 3(Super Bowl MVP Redskins Mark Rypien); 10(New York Knicks Patrick Ewing); 17(Mike Tyson found guilty of rape); 24(U.S. Speed Skater Bonnie Blair wins Olympic Gold);
March 2(Olympic Gold Medal Figure Skater Kristi Yamaguchi); 9(Swim Suit issue in Lanzarote - Kathy Ireland; Inside article - 16 year old Tiger Woods first PGA); 16(Chicago Cubs 7 million a year Ryne Sandberg); 23(Boston Celtics Larry Bird); 30(Georgia Tech's Malcolm Mackey);
April 6(Baseball 1992 - Twins Kirby Puckett); 13(Duke's Bobby Hurley); 20(Fred Couples wins the masters); 27(Atlanta Braves Deion Sanders);
May 4(Pittsburgh Pirates Barry Bonds); 11(Bulls Michael Jordan & Portland's Clyde Drexler); 18(Baseball 1992 a Comedy of Errors);
June 1(Oakland A's Mark McGwire); 8(Pittsburgh Penguins Mario Lemieux); 22(NBA Champ Michael Jordan); 29(Tom Kite wins U.S. Open);
July 6(Umpire Steve Palermo); 13(Andre Agassi wins Wimbledon); 20(Olympic Preview Jackie Joyner - Kersee);
August 3(Olympic Gold Medalist Swimmer Nelson Diebel); 10(Olympic Gold Medalist Sprinter Gail Devers); 17(Runner Carl Lewis wins two more Gold); 24(Deion Sanders to choose between Braves or Falcones): 31(College Football Preview 1992);
September 7(NFL Preview 1992; 49'ers Jerry Rice); 14(Chicago Bears Jim Harbaugh); 21(Stefan Edberg wins U.S. Open); 28(Green Bay Packers Tony Mandarich);
October 5(Kansas City Royals George Brett); 12(Philadelphia Eagles Randall Cunningham); 19(Pennant Fever - Blue Jays vs. Oakland A's); Fall(Classic All-Time Dream Teams - Willie Mays); 26(World Series - Blue Jays vs. Braves);
November 2(World Series Champions Toronto Blue Jays); 9(Phoenix Suns Charles Barkley); 16(Dallas Cowboys defense); 23(Heavyweight Champ Riddick Bowe); 30(Orlando Magic Rookie Shaquille O'Neal);
December 7(The Carnage Continues - Injuries in the NFL); 14(Retired Larry Bird & Magic Johnson); 21(Sportsman of the Year Arthur Ashe); 28 to January 4/1993(Images of 1992);
1993 --
January 11(Jim Valvano battles cancer); 18( 49'ers Steve Young); 25(Dallas Cowboys Emmitt Smith);
February 1(Buffalo Bills third Superbowl Try); 8(Super Bowl MVP Dallas Cowboys Troy Aikman); 15(Arthur Ashe 1943 - 1993); 22(Swim Suit Issue in Florida Keys - Vendela);
March 1(Yankees owner George Steinbrenner Back from Exile); 8(North Carolina's Brian Reese); 15(Free Agent Reggie White); 22(NY Mets Doc Gooden); 29(Cal's Jason Kidd);
April 5(Baseball Preview 1993 - Expos Larry Walker); 12(NCAA Champions North Carolina); 19(Pittsburgh Penguins Mario Lemieus back from Cancer); 26(Kansas City Chiefs Joe Montana);
May 3(Where have you Gone, Joe Dimaggio?); 10(Toronto Maple Leafs Doug Gilmour); 17(NBA Playoffs - Houston Rockets Hakeem Olajuwon); 24(San Francisco Giants Barry Bonds); 31(NBA Playoffs - Knicks Patrick Ewing);
June 14(Montreal Canadiens win Stanley Cup); 21(Montreal Canadiens Patrick Roy); 28(NBA Champions Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan & Scotty Pippen);
July 5(L.A. Dodgers Rookie Mike Piazza); 12(Cleveland Indians Pitchers Widows Laurie Crews & Patti Olin); 19(The Summer of 68 - Bob Gibson vs. Denny McLain); 26(Greg Norman wins the British Open);
August 2(Denver Broncos John Elway & Nemesis Coach Dan Reeves); 9(The Death of Boston Celtics Reggie Lewis); 16(Nike Boss Phil Knight); 23(Why Mary Pierce fears for her life); 30(College Football Preview 1993 - Florida State Scott Bentley);
September 6(Pro Football Preview 1993 - San Diego Charger Junior Seau); 13(Kansas City Chiefs Joe Montana); 20( Dubious Draw - Pernell Whitaker vs. Julio Cesar Chavez); 27( Atlanta Braves Ron Gant);
October 4(Quarterback Boomer Esiason & Son Gunner); 11(NFL Preview - Chuck Cecil); 11(Canada -- NHL Preview - Canadiens Kirk Muller); 18(Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan retirement); 25(Dallas Cowboys Michael Irvin);
November 1 (World Series Toronto Blue Jays Joe Carter; Scar from Removed Mailing Label, VG/FN = $5.00); 8(NBA Preview 1993 - 94; Alonzo Morning & Bill Russell); 15(Evander Holyfield vs. Riddick Bowe); 22(Notre Dame's Jim Flanigan); 29(Boston College Knocks off Notre Dame);
December 6(Can the Boring NFL be saved?); 13(Indiana Hoosier Damon Bailey); 20(Sportsman of the Year Don Shula); December 27 - January 3/ 1994 (What went right & wrong in 1993);
1994 --
January 10(Florida State Finally Ranked #1); 17( Figure Skater Nancy Kerrigan attacked at Olympic trials); 24(Kansas City Cowboys Emmitt Smith);
February 7(Dallas Cowboys Emmitt Smith); 14(Swim Suit issue - Kathy Ireland, Rachel Hunter & Elle Macpherson); 21(Olympic Gold Medalist downhill skier Tommy Moe); 28(Speed skating champions Dan Jansen & Bonnie Blair);
March 7(San Antonio Spurs David Robinson); 14(Chicago White Sox Rookie Michael Jordan); 21(NCAA Preview - President Bill Clinton); 28(Boston College stuns North Carolina);
April 4(Seattle Marines Ken Griffey Jr.); 11(Arkansas Corliss Williamson); 18(My Life as an Alcoholic by Mickey Mantle); 25(Ohio State Dan Wilkinson);
May 2(Seattle Sonics Gary Payton); 9(Toronto Maple Leafs Felix Potvin); 16(Florida State Tainted Championship); 23(Ugly Baseball Brawls); 30(New York Knicks John Starks);
June 6(Toronto Blue Jays Joe Carter); 13(New York Rangers Mark Messier); 20(Why the NHL is Hot & the NBA is Not); 27(O.J. Simpson murder Charge);
July 4(World Cup 1994 - U.S. Strike Ernie Stewart); 11(Pete Sampras wins Wimbledon); 18(Baltimore Orioles Mike Mussina & Ben McDonald); 25(World Cup winner Brazil);
August 1(Dallas Cowboys Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman, & Coach Barry Switzer); 8(Mariners Ken Griffey Jr. & Chicago White Sox Frank Thomas); 16(40th Anniversary issue); 22( What a finish for Baseball 1994); 29(College Football preview - Arizona #1);
September 5(NFL Preview - Colts Will Wolford); 12(Miami Dolphins Dan Marino); 19(40 for the Ages); 26(Alcorn State's Steve McNair);
October 3(Colorado's Hail Mary Catch shocks Michigan); 10(Welterweight King Pernell Whitaker); 17(San Diego Chargers Natrone Means); 24(Penn State's Freddy Scott); 31(Japanese Baseballs Hisanobu Watanabe);
November 7(NBA Preview 1994-1995; Charles Barkley & Horace Grant); 14(Heavyweight champ George Foreman KO's Michael Moorer); 21(49'ers Pound Cowboys); 28(College Basketball Preview - Felipe Lopez);
December 5(Pittsburgh Steelers Defense); 12(A Week in the Life of the Dallas Cowboys); 19(Sportswoman & Sportsman of the Year - Bonnie Blair & Johann Olav Koss); December 26 - January 2/1995 (49'ers Jerry Rice);
1995 --
January 9(Nebraska coach Tom Osborne); 16(The Real Super Bowl - NFL Championship Dallas vs. 49'ers); 23( 49'ers Steve Young); 30(New Jersey Prima Donna Derrick Coleman);
February 6(Super Bowl MVP 49'ers Steve Young); 13(Orlando Magic Anfernee Handaway); 20(Swim Suit in Bermuda - Daniela); 27Dead end Kids Darryl Strawberry & Dwight Gooden);
March 6(North Carolina's Jerry Stackhouse); 13(The New Andre Agassi); 20(It's Super Michael ... or is it?); 27(Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan out of Retirement);
April 3(The Final Four NCAA); 10(NCAA Champions UCLA's Ed O'Bannon); 17(Ben Crenshaw wins masters); 24(Joe Montana Retires);
May 1(Baseball 1995 - Orioles Cal Ripken Jr.); 8(NBA Playoffs Wild Weekend); 15(Coaches Bobby Cox, Gary Moeller & Dennis Erickson); 22(NBA Playoffs - Shaq vs. Michael Jordan);29(San Antonio spurs Dennis Rodman);
June 5(Detroit Red Wings Sergei Fedorov); 12("Why the University of Miami Should Drop Football"); 19(Houston Rockets Clyde Drexler); 26(NBA draft pick Kevin Garnett); 31(Should we root for Mike Tyson);
July 10((L.A. Dodgers Rookie Hideo Nomo);17(Monica Seles breaks her silences); 24(A Look behind the scenes at Nascar); 31(John Daly wins the British Open);
August 7(Chill in with Cal Ripkin Jr.); 14(Atlanta Braves Greg Maddux); 21(Mickey Mantle); 28(College Football preview 1995 - Keyshawn Johnson);
September 4(NFL Preview 1995 - Dan Marino); 11(Iron Man Cal Ripkin Jr.); 18( Dallas Cowboys Emmitt Jr.); 25(Florida Gators Danny Wuerffel);
October 2(Boston Red Sox Mo Vaughn); 9(Canada -- NHL Preview 1995 - Eric Lindros);9(Dallas Cowboys Deion Sanders); 16(Seattle Mariners Kengriffey Jr.); 30(What became of Bo Jackson);
November 6(World Series Champions Atlanta Braves); 13(Northwestern's Darnell Autry); 20(49'ers Elvis Grbac); 27(St. Louis Blues Coach Mike Keenan);
December 4(Battle for Ownership of the Cleveland Browns); 11(Coaches Pat Riley & Don Shula);18(Sportsman of the Year Cal Ripken Jr.); December 25 - January 1/1996(Nebraska's Tommie Frazier);
1996 --
January 8(Atlanta Olympic Boss Billy Payne); 15(Green Bay Packers Breet Favre); 22((Dallas Cowboys Emmitt Smith);29(Swim Suit Issue in South Africa - Valerica Mazza & Tyra Banks);
February 5(Super Bowl Champions Dallas Cowboys Emmitt Smith); 12(Why Magic Johnson Came Back); 19(College Football signing Day - Marcus Stroud); 26(Kentucky Basketball coach Rick Pitino);
March 4(Chicago Bulls Dennis Rodman); 11(Megadeals - Wayne Gretzky & Neil O'Donnell); 18(Seattle Mariners Jay Buhner & Son Chase); 25(Texas Tech in the Sweet 16);
April 1(Cleveland Indians Manny Walker) 8(Kentucky's Antoine Walker); 15(Female Boxer Christy Martin);22(Greg Norman lets the Masters slip away); 29(San Antonio spurs David Robinson);
May 6(Cleveland Indians Albert Belle); 13(Miami Dolphins Dan Marino & Coach Jimmy Johnson); 20(Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott); 27(Chicago Bulls coach Phil Jackson);
June 3(Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan); 10(Seattle Sonics Gary Payton); 17(NBA Champions Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan); 2(College Basketballs Fiasco - Richie Parker);
July 1(Dallas Cowboys Emmitt Smith); 8(Seattle Mariners Alex Rodiguez); 15(Most hated Football agent Drew Rosenhaus); 22(Olympic preview issue - U.S. Womens Basketball Team); 29(U.S. Gold medalist Tom Dolan);
August 5(USA's Carl Lewis); 12(Runner Michael Johnson); 19(Baseball Hall of Famer Al Simmons 1929); 26(Tennessee's Dayton Manning & Father Archie in 1970);
September 2(Brett Favre, Reggie White & Robert Brookes, Marcus Allen, Neil Smith & Steve Bono); 9(Miami Dolphins Bury Patriots); 16(Nebraska's Ahman Green); 23(Notre Dame's Ron Powlus); 30(25 years its still Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier);
October 7(NHL Preview - Rangers Wayne Gretzky & Mark Messier); 14(Baltimore Orioles Roberto Alomar); 21(World Series Champions Yankees Rookie Iderek Jeter); 28 (Tiger Woods First Two Months as a Pro; with Mailing Label, FN/VF = $12.00)
November 4(Yankees Joe Girardi & John Wetteland); 11(NBA Preview 1996 - Shaq, George Mikan & Kareem Abdul - Jabbar); 18(Evander Holyfield stuns Mike Tyson); 25(Ted Williams at age 78);
December 2(Bearcats Danny Fortson); 9(Florida State's Warrick Dunn); 16(Green Bay Packers Brett Favre); 23(Sportsman of the Year Tiger Woods); December 30 - January 6/1997(John Elway);
1997 --
January 13(Jaguars Mark Brunell & Panthers Kerry Collins); 20(Green Bay Packers Antonio Freeman); 27(Green Bay Packers Brett Favre & Coach Mike Holmgren);
February 3(Super Bowl MVP Packers Desmond Howard); 10(Cleveland Cavaliers Terrell Brandon);17("Blueprints for NFL Success"); 21(Special Swimsuit Double Issue - Tyra Banks); 24(Yankees Derek Jeter & Marineers Alex Rodriguez);
\March 3(Sugar Ray Leonard Returns at age 40); 10("Are the Bulls to Good?"); 17(Stanford's Jamila Wideman daughter of author John Edgar Wideman); 24(Kansas in NCAA Sweet 16); 31(Seattle Mariners Randy Johnson);
April 7(Arizona's Miles Simon); 14(Bigger, Stronger, Faster - Drugs); 21(Tiger Woods wins Masers by 12 strokes); 28("America's top 50 Jock Schools");
May 5(17 Days in May - Jackie Robinson); 12(NBA Playoffs - Utah Jazz Karl Malone); 19(Atlanta Hawks' Steve Smith guarding Michael Jordan); 26(Cincinnati Reds Deion Sanders);
June 2(Detroit Beats Colorado);16(Utah Jazz Karl Malone); 30(Mike Tyson getting ready for Holyfield);
July 7(Mike Tyson biting off a piece of Holyfield's Ear in the Ring); 14(Pete Sampras wins fourth Wimbledon); 21(A Gallery of Unforgettable Portraits - Frank Gifford 1959); 28(San Diego Padres Tony Gwynn);
August 4(49'ers Steve Young); 11(Texas Rangers Pudge Rodriguez);18(New York playgorund Basketball star Booger Smith); 25(Penn State's Joe Jurevicius);
September 1(NFL Previw - Kordell Stewart, Steve McNair, Mark Brunell, Jeff Blake & Vinny Testaverde); 8(49'ers Battered by Bucs); 15(Venus Williams shakes up Tennis); 22(Tennessee's Peyton Manning Gator Bait?); 29(Tampa Bay Buccaneers Rookie Warrick Dunn);
October 6(Tiger Woods & US Team blow it at Ryder Cup); 13(Dallas Cowboys Emmitt Smith); 20(LSU's Kevin Faulk); 27(Coach Larry Bird of the Indiana Pacers);
November 3(World Series Champions Florida Marlins Edgar Renteria); 10(NBA Preview 1997 - 1998 - Grant Hill); 17(College Basketball Preview - Duke's Steve Wojciechowski); 24(Pittsburgh Steelers Jarome Bettis);
December 1(#1 ranked Michigan Flattens Ohio State); 8("Whatever Happened to the White Athlete?"); 15(Warriors Latrell Sprewell); 22(Sportsman of the Year Dean Smith);
1998 --
January 12(49'ers Brent Jones); 19(Green Bay Packers Antonio Freeman); 26(Cyber Gambling - Should it or Can it be stopped);
February 9(Winter Olympics Guide - Figure Skater Michelle Kwan); 20(Swim Suit issue - Heidi Klum); 23(Olympic thrills & spills);
March 2(Tennessee Basketball coach Pat Summitt); 9(Sixers Allen Iverson); 16(NCAA Tournament Guide - Huckies Ricky Moore); 30(Final Four Preview - Kentucky's Nazr Mohammed);
April 6(NCAA Champions Kentucky Wildcats); 13(Tiger Woods with White Tiger); 27 (Magic Johnson & L.A. Lakers Kobe Bryant; with Mailing Label, page 51-52 is missing, rest is VG/FN = $5.00);
May 4(Khalid Minor son of Celtics Greg Minor); 18(Yankees Derek Jeter, Tino Martinez & Mariano Rivera);
June 1(Utah Jazz John Stockton); 29((Chicago Cubs Sammy Sosa);
July 13(Muhammad Ali & Howard Bingham); 20(New Orlean Coach Mike Ditka);
August 3(St. Louis Cardinals Mark McGwire); 10(Houston Astros Randy Johsnon); 17(NFL Preview 1998 - Packers Brett Favre); 24(Babe Ruth); 31(College Football Preview 1998 - Ohio State's Andy Katzenmoyer);
September 7(St. Louis Cardinals Mark McGwire & Batboy Matt McGwire); 14(Mark McGwire & the Record); 21(Chicago Cubs Sammy Sosa in Home Run Race); 28(Denver Broncos Terrell Davis);
October 5(St. Louis Cardinals Mark McGwire hits #70); 12(Yankees rookie Shane Spencer); 19(Kill the umpires! Baseball Postseason);
November 2(World Series Champions New York Yankees); 9(Buffalo Bills Doug Flutie); 16(Texas Ricky Williams); 24(College Basketball Preview - Stanford's Arthur Lee); 30(Denver Broncos John Elway);
December 7(Minnesota Vikings Randall Cunningham) 14(New York Jetscoach Bill Parcells); 21(Sportsmen of the year Mark McGwire & Sammy Sosa);
1999 --
January 11(Fiesta Bowl Hero Peerless Price); 18(New York Jets Keyshawn Johnson); 25(Micheal Jordan biggest hits);
February 1(Denver Broncos Shannon Sharpe); 6(Super Bowl Champions Denver Broncos John Elway); 15(Houston Rockets Scottie Pippen); 22(Duke Center Elton Brand);
March 1(New York Yankees Roger Clemens); 8(L.A. Lakers Dennis Rodman); 15(NCAA Guide - Huskies Khalid El-amin); 22(Miami's Wally Szczerbiak); 29(Baseball Preview 1999 - Dodgers Kevin Brown);
April 5(NCAA Champions Connecticut Ricky Moore); 12(David Duval #1 Golfer); 19(NFL Draft - Tim Couch & Akili Smith);
May 10(Bill Russell); 17(Seattle Mariners Ken Griffey Jr.); 24(Shaq & Ice Cube - Jocks & Rock); 31(Spurs Tim Duncan Denting Kob Bryant);
June 7(New York Knicks Latrell Sprewell); 14(Andre Agassi wins the French Open); 1(New York Yankees Derek Jeter); 28(NBA Finals Spurs vs. Knicks);
July 5(Spurs David Robinson); 12(The Mysterious Sandy Koufax); 19(Brandi Chastain of the US Women's Soccer Team); 26(The Century's Greatest Sports Photos - Ali vs. Liston May 25, 1965);
August 9(Detroit LIons Barry Sanders); 16(College Football review 1999 - Penn State's Lavar Arrington); 23(Tiger Woods wins PGA Championship); 30(NFL Preview 1999 - Jim Brown & Ricky Williams);
September 6(New York Mets Rey Ordonez, John Olerud, Robin Ventura & Edgardo Alfonzo); 13(Child Molesters in Youth Sports); 20(Serena Williams wins the US Open); 27(Crazy Two Weeks in the NFL);
October 4(US Ryder Cup Hero Justin Leonard); 11(Denver Broncos vs. Jets); 18( St. Louis Rams Kurt Warner); 25(Yankees Scott Brosius Collides with Jason Varitek);
November 1(NBA Preview 1999 - 2000); 8(Walter Payton's final days); 15(College Basketball Preview issue - Auburn's Chris Porter); 22(Indianapolis Colts Peyton Manning); 29(Looking Back - 1 20th Century Celebration);
December 6(Virginia Tech's Andre Davis); Winter/1999 (Swim Suit - Rebecca Romijn);
2000 -
January 24(St Louis Rams Isaac Bruce); 31(Tennessee Titans Javon Kearse);
February 21(Cincinnati Reds Ken Griffeys Jr.); 28 (Toronto Raptor Vince Carter; with Mailing Label, FN/VF = $8.00);
March 6(Baseball's National League Central has all the Power Hitters); 13(Chicago White Sox Frank Thomas); 20(Iowa State Marcus Fizer); 27(Baseball Preview 2000 - Red Sox Pedro Martinez);
April 3(Tiger Woods top golfer); 10(Michigan State's Mateen Cleaves); 17(Clippers worst Franchise in sports history); 24(Tampa Bay Buccaneer Keyshawn Johnson);
May 1(Montreal Expos Vladimar Guerrero); 15(Skyrocketing cost at attends Pro Sports); 22(Indiana coach Bob Knight); 29(Portland's Brian Grnat vs. Lakers Kobe Bryant);
June 5(Tennis Hottie Anna Kournikova); 19(New Jersey Devils beat Dallas stars to win Stanley Cup); 26(Tiger Woods wins US Open with Record 15 Shot win);
July 3(Dennis Miller to be on Monday Night Football); 10(Toronto Blue Jays David Wells); 17(Oakland A's Jason Giambi); 24(Cyclist Lance Armstrong); 31(Where are they now? - Refrigerator Perry);
August 14(College Football Preview 2000 - Michael Vick); 21(New YOrk Mets Mike Piazza); 28(Tiger Woods wins PGA Championship);
September 4(San Diego Chargers Ryan Leaf); 11(Complete Guide to Sydney Olympics); 18(Indiana Coach Bob Knight fired! Finally); 25(U.S. Swimming Gold Medalist Megan Quann);
October 2(US Olympian Marion Jones); 9(St. Louis Rams Kurt Warner); 18(Special Olympic Commemorative Issue); Winter/2000 (Swim Suit Issue - Daniela);
2001 --
January 15(Baltimaore Ravens trash talking defense); 29(Tony Siragusa & Michael Strahan);
April 2(The Final Four's Lonny Baxter, Loren Woods, Jason Williams, & Andre Hutson);
September 3(St. Louis Rams Marshall Faulk); Winter/2001 (Swim Suit Issue - Elsa Benitez);
2002 --
July 29(Monday night Football's John Madden); Winter/2002 (Swimsuit Issue - Yamila);
2003 --
January 27(Tampa Bay Buccaneers Warren Sapp & Oakland Raiders Rich Gammon);
February 10(Houston Rockets Yao Ming);
March 24 (2003 NCAA March Madness);
May 12(Kings Bobby Jackson); 26(Serena Williams tennis biggest star);
June 2(New York Yankees Roger Clemens Quest for 300); 30(Where are they now? - Bo Jackson);
August 4(Lance Armstrong wins his fourth Tour De France); 18(Dallas Cowboys coach Bill Parcells); 25(Chicago Cubs Sammy Sosa);
September 1(NFL Preview 2003 - Rams Kurt Warner); 8(Ohio State Craig Krenzel); 15(Buffalo Bills Sam Adams); 22(US Soccer star Mia Hamm); 29(Oregon's Jason Fife);
October 6(Denver Broncos Jake Plummer); 13(Boston Red Sox Pedro Martinez); 20(Oklahoma Sooners Jason White);
November 3(World Series MVP Florida Marlins Josh Beckett); 10(The Covers - all 2,548 of them);
December 1(Michigan Wolverines Chris Perry); December 29 - January5/2004(NBA Rookie Carmelo Anthony);
Winter/2003 (Swim Suit Issue - Petra Nemcova);
2004 --
January 12(Pete Rosa Confesses); 19(NFL Playoffs - Eagles Donovan McNabb); 26(Carolina Panthers Muhsim Muhammad);
February 2(Untold Tales of the Super Bowls); 9(Super Bowl Champions Patriots Tom Brady); 23(New York Yankees Alex Rodiguez);
Winter/2004 (Swim Suit Issue - Veronica Varekova);
2005 --
Winter/2005 (Swim Suit Issue - Carolyn Murphy);
2006 --
January 16(Pittsburgh Steelers Jerome Bettis); 23(Pittsburgh Steelers Ben Roethlisberger); 30(Super Bowl Preview - Steelers Jerome Bettis);
February 13(Super Bowl MVP Steelers Hines Ward); 20(US Snowboards Shaun White); 27(Olympic US Snowboading Medalists - Hannah Teter, Seth Wescott, Shaun White, Danny Kass, Gretchen Bleiler & LIndsey Jacobellis);
1995 --
February ("Greed! I*s Money Ruining Sports?");
October (Miami Dolphins Dan Marino);
1996 --
January (Houston Rockets Hakeem Olajuwon);
July (US Olympians Gail Devers & Grant Hill);
October (Minnesota Vikings Cris Carter);
1997 --
June(WNBA's Rebecca Lobo & Lisa Leslie);
September (Green Bay Brett Favre);
1998 --
March (Detroit Pistons Grant Hill);
2003 -
August (Lance Armstrong going for fifth Tour de France);
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED WOMEN - 2001 (November Snowboarder Tara Dakides);
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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =
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MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa