SUPER-HERO, Comics & Character - Memorabilia & Collectibles; Price List / FOR SALE;
>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.
They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;
If you see items that interest you, PLEASE;
(1) REQUEST Condition, Price & Confirmation of availability;
(2) IMPORTANT; State PREFERRED Condition; (A) Highest Available Grade; (B) Middle Grade; (C) Lowest grade, cheapest copy;
(3) List up to a MAXIMUM of 30 items that interest you [Pulling, Grading & Pricing items from our GIANT Inventory in our 8000 Square
Foot warehouse, can be EXTREMELY Time Consuming; (So please; Try to send Serious Inquiries & START with your MOST WANTED Items)
IF you make a purchase from the Original 30 or Less item Quoted, we will be very HAPPY to Quote MORE items;
(4) SEND YOUR WANT LIST BY EMAIL to = (Our most efficient method of replying to Quotes);
OR, you can PHONE Us at = 1-204-346-3674 [ We usually CANNOT give an INSTANT & On the Spot Quote, thus EMAIL is usually better]
(5) Once we get your WANT LIST, based on our IN STOCK Inventory Lists, we will be VERY happy to respond with what is in stock,
As Soon As Possible; WE USUALLY REPLY to Inquires in 1-3 DAYS. (Bigger Requests & Time-Consuming Inquires, take longer to respond to);
NOTE; All Items Related to this Category ARE ALREADY LISTED = If you do NOT see it Listed, Then it is NOT in Stock;
(6) PLEASE; Be Sure to let us know which STATE / PROVINCE and COUNTRY the items will ship to, so that we can quote Postage.
(7) MANY Customers have SPAM FILTERS that BLOCK our EMAIL REPLIES, thus it is always a GOOD IDEA to enclose your Complete MAILING ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER;
[ IF your Servers SPAM FILTER Blocks our EMAIL Reply, we can still then answer you by Snail Mail and/or Phone ];
Our Mailing Address;
Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986
Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674
TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686
To see our HOME PAGE (includes HUGE Inventory of about 160+ Categories of ITEMS IN STOCK);
>> The WORLD’S BIGGEST SELECTION, on the entire Internet, on MANY ITEMS;
Please GO TO =
SUPER-HERO, Comics & Character - Memorabilia & Collectibles; Price List / FOR SALE;
Marvel and DC calanders from the '70's;
SUPER DC (comics) 1976 CALENDAR (PXC-1140; Front & Back covers by NEAL ADAMS & Dick Giordano contents as well; DC/ Warner Books Pub.; Spiral Binding ; size 10 ½” x 11 ¾”; Includes; Legion, Superman, Flash, Secret Society of Super-Villians, Green Lantern/Green Arrow, Aquaman, Justice League of America, Shazam, Black Canary- Mary Marvel – Supergirl – Lois Lane – Hawkgirl – Batman & Robin, Superman Christmas; All NEW Adams art for this item; Weight = 220 Grams; VG = $39.00);
Marvel Greetings Cards
(1971; 6”x9-1/4” Full Color; Third Eye Inc Pub; each comes with a color envelope; New York, NY; all SCARCE to RARE; all VF or better; average is VF/NM; many in NM);
#TE-146-M-50; THOR & Don Blake (Jack Kirby Art ?) = $27.00;
#TE-148-M-50; Dadedevil (Colan Art ?) = $27.00;
#TE-154-M-50; KREE SENTRY (Panel from Fantastic Four #64) (Jack KIRBY Art) = $24.00;
#TE-155-M-50; THOR kissing Girl (Jack Kirby Art ?) = $27.00;
#TE-157-M-50; IRON MAN – Right On = $27.00;
#TE-158-M-50; Enchantress (of THOR series) (Jack Kirby Art ?) = $22.00;
#TE-160-M-50; “You Turn me on” = Alien in spaceship = $20.00;
#TE-163-M-50; THOR – The answer at last. (Jack Kirby Art ?) = $27.00;
#TE-164-M-50; “Prepare for Set-Down!” spaceship approaches planet = $20.00;
SUPER-HERO & Character - Toy Vehicles;
Batman - BatCopter (DC; Corgi Junior; 3" Length; 1970's; G/VG $10);
Batman - Batmobile (DC; Corgi Toys; 5" Length; Circa 1970; No figures; VG $29);
Captain America - Blue Porsche-917 Race car (Corgi; 1979; 2-3/4" Length; VG $12);
Captain America - GMC Motor Home (Hot Wheels; 1976; 3" Length; VG $12);
HULK Van (1976; Hot Wheels; 2-1/2" Length; G/VG $10);
Joker - White Ambulance (DC; Corgi Junior; 3" Length; 1970's VG $10);
Shadow DC Helicopter (Madison imports; 5" Length; 1980's Excellent $12);
Shazam - Yellow Race car (DC; Corgi Toys; 3" Length; 1979; G $10);
Silver Surfer - Hatchback truck (Hot Wheels; 2-3/4" Length; 1978/80; VG $15);
Spider-Man Helicopter (Corgi Junior; 3" Length; 1970's Excellent $15);
Superman / Clark Kent "Daily Planet" Van (Corgi Junior; 2-3/4" Length; 1970's Excellent $15);
Superman (Flying figure) - Silver "U.S. Van" (Corgi Junior; 2-3/4" Length; 1978; Excellent $15);
OTHER pre-priced ITEMS;
HULK Sliding Tiles 1978 Game = VG $10.00;
HULK 1979 set of 3 iron-On patches (2"x3") = $12 for Set;
Wonder Woman 1970's Light Switch Cover = $12.00;
Wonder Woman 1977 TV Guide (VF) Rare Canadian Variant edition = $29.00;
Capt America MEAD "Portfolio" (School Folder Cover) with CA #193 cover by KIRBY (1975; writing inside; VG $9);
Capt America MEAD "Portfolio" (School Folder Cover) with CA #193 cover by KIRBY (1975; VF $15);
Avengers MEAD "Portfolio" (School Folder Cover) with Avengers #141 cover (1975; writing inside; VG $9);
HOWARD THE DUCK (Original Newspaper DAILY B&W Comic Strips, and Color Sunday Pages, clipped out of Newspapers;
Script by Steve Gerber & Art by Gene Colan) = all in VG/FN or better (most in FN/VF or better condition);
>>>> [Buy $40-$74 worth = take a 10% Discount; --- Buy $75-$99 worth = take a 15% Discount; --- Buy $100+ worth = take a 20% Discount];
1977; June 6 (B&W Daily Strip #1) = $3.00;
1977; June 7,8,9,10.11 (B&W Daily Strips #2-6) = $2.00 each;
1977; June 12 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip #1) = $5.00;
1977; June 13,14,15,16,17,18 (B&W Daily Strips #7-12) = $1.50 each;
1977; June 19 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip #2) = $4.00;
1977; June 20,21,22,23,24,25 (B&W Daily Strips #13-18) = $1.00 each;
1977; June 26 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip #3) = $3.00;
1977; June 27,28,29,30 (B&W Daily Strips #19-22) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 2,4,5,6,7,8,9 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 3 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip #4) = $2.00;
1977; July 10 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip #5) = $2.00;
1977; July 11,12,13,14,15,16 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 17 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip #6) = $2.00;
1977; July 18,19,20,21,22,23 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 24 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip #7) = $2.00;
1977; July 25,26,27,28,29,30 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 31(Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip #8) = $2.00;
1977; August 2,3,4,5,6 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; August 7 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
1977; August 8,9,10,11,12,13 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; August 14 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
1977; August 15,16,17,19,20 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; August 21 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
1977; August 22,23,24,25,26,27 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; August 28 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
1977; September 4 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
1977; September 5,6,7,8,9,10 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; September 11 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
1977; September 12,13,14,15,16,17 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; September 18 (Color 1/2-Tabloid Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
Spider-Man NEWSPAPER -- B&W DAILY and Weekend Color COMIC STRIPS;
(Original Newspaper DAILY B&W Comic Strips, and Color Sunday Pages, clipped out of Newspapers;
Script by Stan Lee & Art by John Romita) = all in VG/FN or better (most in FN/VF or better condition); Prices in USA funds;
**** SPECIAL NOTE; The COLOR Pages below are DATED as SUNDAY Pages, but were actually printed on Saturday
one day before the date on the actual strips [ Some are Trimmed with the borders still intact, some are NOT trimmed & have extra border]
>>>> Buy $40-$74 worth = take a 10% Discount;
>>>> Buy $75-$150 worth = take a 15% Discount;
>>>> Buy $151.00+ worth = take a 20% Discount;
1977; January 3 (B&W Daily Strip #1; SOLD OUT )
1977; January 4,5,7,8 (B&W Daily Strips #2,3,5,6) = $4.00 each
1977; January 6 (B&W Daily Strips #4) Tear with Tape Repair, GOOD = $2.00;
1977; January 9 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #1; VG/FN) = $15.00;
1977; January 9 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #1; FA/G) = $8.00;
1977; January 10,11,12,13,14,15 (B&W Daily Strips #7-12) = $3.00 each;
1977; January 16 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #2) = $10.00;
1977; January 17,18,19,20,21,22 (B&W Daily Strips #13-18) = $2.50 each;
1977; January 23 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #3) = $7.00;
1977; January 24,25,26,27,28,29, 31 (B&W Daily Strips #19-23) = $2.00 each;
1977; January 30 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #4) = $7.00;
1977; February 1,2,3,4,5 (B&W Daily Strips #24-28) = $1.50 each;
1977; February 6 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #5) = $5.00;
1977; February 7,8,9,10,11,12 (B&W Daily Strips #24-28) = $1.50 each;
1977; February 13 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #6) = $5.00;
1977; February 14,15,16,17,18,19 (B&W Daily Strips #29-34) = $1.50 each;
1977; February 20 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #7) = $5.00;
1977; February 21,22,23,24,25,26,28 (B&W Daily Strips #35-41) = $1.50 each;
1977; February 27 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #8) = $5.00;
1977; March 1,2,3,4,5 (B&W Daily Strips #42-47) = $1.50 each;
1977; March 6 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #9) = $5.00;
1977; March 7,8,9,10,11,12 (B&W Daily Strips #48-53) = $1.50 each;
1977; March 13 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #10) = $5.00;
1977; March 14,15,16,17,18,19 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; March 20 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #11) = $4.00;
1977; March 21,22,23,24,25,26 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; March 27 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #12) = $4.00;
1977; March 28,29,30,31 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; April 1, 2 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; April 3 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #13) SOLD OUT
1977; April 4,5,6,7,8,9 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; April 10 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #14) = $4.00;
1977; April 11,12,13,14,15,16 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; April 17(Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip #15) = $4.00;
1977; April 18,19,20,21,22,23 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; April 24(Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; April 25,26,27,28,29,30 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; May 1 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; May 2,3,4,5,6,7 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; May 8 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; May 9,10,11,12,13,14 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; May 15 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; May 16,17,18,19,20,21 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; May 22 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; May 23,24,25,26,27,28 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; May 29 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; May 30,31 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; June 1,2,3,4 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.50 each;
1977; June 5 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; June 6, 7,8,9,10.11 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; June 12 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; June 13,14,15,16,17,18 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; June 19 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip ) = $3.00;
1977; June 20,21,22,23,24,25 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; June 26 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; June 27,28,29,30 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 1,2 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 3 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; July 4,5,6,7,8,9 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 10 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip ) = $3.00;
1977; July 11,12,13,14,15,16 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 17 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; July 18,19,20,21,22,23 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 24 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip ) = $3.00;
1977; July 25,26,27,28,29,30 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; July 31(Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; August 1,2,3,4,5,6 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; August 7 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; August 8,9,10,11,12,13 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; August 14 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; August 15,16,17,18,19,20 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; August 21 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; August 22,23,24,25,26,27 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; August 28 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; August 29,30,31 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; Sepetember 1,2,3 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; Sepetember 4 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; Sepetember 5,6,7,8,9,10 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; Sepetember 11 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; Sepetember 12,13,14,15,16,17 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; Sepetember 18 (Color Full Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $3.00;
1977; Sepetember 19,20,21,22,23,24 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; Sepetember 25 (Color Half Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
1977; Sepetember 26,27,28,29,30 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; October 1 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; October 2 (Color Half Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
1977; October 3,4,5,6,7,8 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; October 9 (Color Half Tabloid size Sunday page comic Strip) = $2.00;
1977; October 10,11,12,15,22,29 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
1977; November 5,12 (B&W Daily Strips) = $1.00 each;
>>>> SEE ALSO = Spider-Man Complete NEWSPAPER Color SUNDAY COMIC SECTIONS pages) from 9/24/1977 up in TRIB COMIC BOOK = $5.00-8.00 each & Up = see “TRIB COMIC BOOK” on our Webpage; ;
**Stock ITEM #SH-105; (A, B & C) DC HEROES Puffy Stickers (1982; 3-1/2"x7-3/4"; Charan Toy Co; 6 Puffy stickers on EACH card); (A) = [ BLUE color at Top of card; Includes these images, clockwise; Batman/Robin, Superman, Penguin, Robin, Batman, Batman; VF/NM, Still factory sealed in polybag on card = $4.00];
(B) = [ REDcolor at Top of card; Includes these images, clockwise; Superman, Batman, Batman, Joker, Robin, Batman/Robin; VF/NM, Still factory sealed in polybag on card = $4.00];
(C) = [ YELLOW color at Top of card; Includes these images, clockwise; Superman, Batman, Robin, Riddler, Batman, Robin; VF/NM, Still factory sealed in polybag on card = $4.00];
**Stock ITEM #SH-106; Silver FOIL VENDING MACHINE Stickers (1992; Marvel; KODAK paper on Back; 2-1/2"x3-1/2"; Printed with Round Corners; Low distibution; Scarce; ; >>>> MARVEL Characters; Archangel, Beast, Bishop, Black Panther, Capt America, Cyclops (from X-Men; 2 diff), Daredevil, Hulk (2 diff), Human Torch, Imperial Guard, Punisher, Sabretooth, Storm, Wolverine, X-Men; MISC Characters; Calvin & Hobbes, Magnus Robot Fight, Photon; Condition varies from EX to NM; Price = $3.00 each;
**Stock ITEM #SH-108; DC Superheroes Candy Cigarettes Packages;
(A) SUPERMAN (1966; Made in England; Primrose Confectionary; Candy gone; Color images; Side-1; Superman flying; Side-2; Superman breaking chains; Folded Flat, Inner shell = VG; Outer image box = FN; $20.00);
(B) BATMAN with ROBIN (1966; Made in England; Cadet Sweets; Candy gone; Color images of Batman & Robin on both sides; breaking chains; Folded Flat, Inner shell = FN; Outer image box = FN; $20.00);
**Stock ITEM #SH-109; SUPERMAN and FRIENDS GREETING CARDS (1978; MARK-I Pub; Chicago, illinois, USA; Embossed Full Color ALL-NEW images on front of cards; Additional B&W different images inside on most; These are actually quite Beautiful & will delight the fans of the characters depicted; 4" x 9-1/4"; EACH comes with a blank white envelope; UN-USED, VF = US$5.00 each);
#1(Joker, Batman); #2(Superman); #4(Superman); #5(Superman); #6(Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman); #7(Superman, Wonder Woman); #8(Superman); #9(Wonder Woman); #10(Superman, Wonder Woman); #11(Superman); #12(Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Joker); #13(Superman); #14( Wonder Woman); #15(Superman); #16(Superman, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen); #17(Superman); #18(Superman, Wonder Woman); #19(Superman); #20(Wonder Woman); #21(Superman); #23(Batman, Robin); #24(Superman ); #25(Superman);
#26(Batman, Robin); #27(Wonder Woman); #28(Superman); #30(Superman); #31(Superman, Lois Lane); #32(Batman); #33(Superman); #34( Wonder Woman); #35(Wonder Woman);
#36(Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Robin, Joker, Penguin, Riddler); #37(Superman); #38(Batman, Penguin); #39(Superman, Wonder Woman); #40(Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman); #42(Superman); #43(Wonder Woman); #44(Superman); #45(Superman, Clark Kent, Lois Lane); #46(Wonder Woman); #47(Superman, Lois Lane); #48(Wonder Woman);
**Stock ITEM #SH-111; SUPERMAN - Telephone & Address Book, with 1979 Calendar included; (1978; Warner Pub; #97-119; 4-1/4" x 7"; Spiral bound; Scarce; UN-USED; VG $15.00);
**Stock ITEM #SH-112; BATMAN and ROBIN - Fun with Numbers; by Bernard Myers (1978; Tempo Pub; #14429; 68 pages including covers; UN-USED; Scarce; FN $22.00);
**Stock ITEM #SH-113; MARVEL COMIC POSTCARD BOOK (1978) #NN (Full color; New art; VF $25);
DC Comics -- 7-11 PLASTIC SLURPEE "COMIC CUPS"; (1973);
(Getting quite SCARCE to RARE; We only have these as they were buried in STORAGE for over 37+ Years; 5-1/4" Tall Plastic White Cups, with Full Color Character illustrations; Condition grading partly relates to if the illustrations have no, minor, moderate, or heavy wear, plus iif clean/soiled, discolored, chipped etc);
>>>> NOT ALL Conditions Listed below are IN STOCK, please select those you want & list PREFERRED Condition, then contact us = We will CONFIRM what we have in stock; (We have some lower grades, in Fair & Good & damaged, not listed = ASK in interersted);
( 1 ) Alfred (Butler to Bruce Wayne/Batman; SCARCE; FN=$18; FA=$5)
( 2 ) Aqualad (member of the Teen Titans; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 3 ) Aquaman (member of JLA - Justice League of America; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 4 ) Atom (member of JLA - Justice League of America; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 5 ) Batgirl (SCARCE due to High Demand; VF=$25; FN=$20) // (appears VG, but Cracked with Tape repair inside thus G = $7)
( 6 ) Batman (SCARCE due to High Demand; VF=$26; FN=$20; VG=$15)
( 7 ) Brainiac (Superman Villian; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 8 ) Brainiac 5 (member of Legion of Super-Heroes; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 9 ) Bruce Wayne (Secret ID of Batman; SCARCE; VF=$22)
( 10 ) Capt. Boomerang (Flash Villian; SCARCE; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 11 ) Capt. Cold (Flash Villian; SCARCE; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 12 ) Captain Marvel ("Shazam"; main Member of Marvel Family) (VF=$25; FN=$20; VG=$15)
( 13 ) Captain Marvel Jr. ("Shazam Jr"; Member of Marvel Family; SCARCE; VF=$25; FN=$20; VF but cracked thus G = $10);
( 14 ) Catwoman (Batman Villian; SCARCE due to High Demand; VF=$25)
( 15 ) Chameleon Boy (member of Legion of Super-Heroes; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 16 ) Clark Kent (Secret ID of Superman; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 17 ) Commissioner Gordon (regular in Batman titles; SCARCE; VF=$22);
( 18 ) Cosmic Boy (member of Legion of Super-Heroes; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 19 ) Dick Grayson (secret ID of Robin; Batman sidekick & member of Teen Titans; SCARCE; SOLD OUT)
( 20 ) Dr. Fate (member of JSA; SCARCE; VF=$20; FN=$16; VG=$12)
( 21 ) Elongated Man (Flash related; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 22 ) Flash (member of JLA - Justice League of America; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 23 ) Green Arrow (SCARCE; VF=$20; FN=$16; VG=$12)
( 24 ) Green Lantern (member of JLA - Justice League of America; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 25 ) Hawkman (member of JLA - Justice League of America; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 26 ) Heat Wave (Flash Villian; SCARCE; VF=$20; FN=$16; VG=$12)
( 27 ) Hourman (member of JSA; SCARCE; VF=$22; FN=$18; VG=$14)
( 28 ) Jane Clayton (Tarzan's companion; Kubert-a; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 29 ) Jimmy Olsen (Superman's Pal; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 30 ) Joker (Batman Villian; SCARCE due to High Demand; SOLD OUT)
( 31 ) Jonathan Kent (Superman's Earth Father; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 32 ) Kid Flash (member of the Teen Titans; becomes new Flash in Crisis; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 33 ) Lana Lang (Superboy's Girl Friend; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 34 ) Lara & Jor-El (Superman's Krypton Parents; VF=$14; FN=$10; VG=$8)
( 35 ) Lex Luthor (Superman's arch enemy; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 36 ) Lightning Lad (member of Legion of Super-Heroes; SCARCE; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 37 ) Lois Lane (Superman's Girl Friend; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 38 ) Martha Kent (Superman's Earth Mother; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 39 ) Mary Marvel ("Ms. Shazam"; Member of Marvel Family; VF=$14; FN=$10; VG=$8)
( 40 ) Metamorpho (member of Batman & the Outsiders; VF=$14; FN=$10; VG=$8)
( 41 ) Mirror Master (Flash Villian; SCARCE; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 42 ) Mon-El (member of Legion of Super-Heroes; SCARCE; VF=$18; FN=$14)
( 43 ) Mr. Mxyzptlk (Superman's magical enemy & villian; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 44 ) Mr. Tawky Tawny (Shazam / Marvel Family, related character; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 45 ) Penguin (Batman Villian; SCARCE; VF=$20; FN=$16; VG=$12)
( 46 ) Perry White (Superman as Clark Kent's Boss; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 47 ) Riddler (Batman Villian; SCARCE due to High Demand; FN/VF = $22)
( 48 ) Robin (Batman's Sidekick; member of the Teen Titans; SCARCE due to High Demand; VF=$24)
( 49 ) Saturn Girl (member of Legion of Super-Heroes; VF=$16; FN=$12; VG=$9)
( 50 ) Sgt. Rock (Kubert-a; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10);
( 51 ) Speedy (member of the Teen Titans; Sidekick to Green Arrow; VF=$12; FN=$9; VG=$7)
( 52 ) Star Man (member of JSA; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 53 ) Superboy (member of Legion of Super-Heroes; SCARCE; VF=$22; VG=$13)
( 54 ) Supergirl (SCARCE due to High Demand; VF=$25)
( 55 ) Superman (SCARCE due to High Demand; VF=$28; FN=$20)
( 56 ) Tarzan (based on the Edgar Rice Burrourghs character; Kubert-a; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 57 ) Vigilante (SCARCE; VF=$20; FN=$16; VG=$12)
( 58 ) Wildcat (member of JSA; SCARCE; VF=$22; FN=$18; VG=$14)
( 59 ) Wonder Girl (member of Teen Titans; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10)
( 60 ) Wonder Woman (VF=$20; FN=$16; VG=$12)
(Getting quite SCARCE to RARE; We only have these as they were buried in STORAGE for over 35+ Years; 5-1/4" Tall Plastic White Cups, with Full Color Character illustrations; Condition grading partly relates to if the illustrations have no, minor, moderate, or heavy wear, plus iif clean/soiled, discolored, chipped etc); >>>> NOT ALL Conditions Listed below are IN STOCK, please select those you want & list PREFERRED Condition, then contact us = We will CONFIRM what we have in stock; (We have some lower grades, in Fair & Good & damaged, not listed = ASK in interersted);
(1) Amazing Spider-Man - (Romita-a?; VF=$29);
(2) ANGEL - [member of Original X-MEN; VF=$16; VG=$9; G=$6];
(3) BEAST - (member of Original X-MEN; SOLD OUT );
(4) BLACK BOLT [member & leader of Inhumans; Kirby-a; VF=$18; FN=$14];
(5) BLACK PANTHER - [VF=$18; FN=$14];
(6) BLACK KNIGHT - [VF=$12; VG=$7; G,cracked=$5];
(8) CAPTAIN AMERICA - [member of Avengers; SOLD OUT);
(9) CAPTAIN MARVEL [Starlin-a; VF = $18];
(10) CLEA [companion to Dr Strange; SOLD OUT];
(11) CONAN [Barry Smith-Smith-a; VF=$20];
(12) CRYSTAL [Member of Inhumans & Fantastic Four; Kirby-a; VF=$18; VG=$10];
(13) CYCLOPS - [member of Original X-MEN; VF=$18; FN=$14; VG=$10];
(15) DOC SAVAGE [from the Pulps, Paperbacks & Movie; FN/VF=$16];
(16) DOCTOR STRANGE [Brunner-a?; SOLD OUT];
(17) DRACULA [VF=$20];
(18) FALCON [Captain America's partner; SOLD OUT];
(19) HAWKEYE [Member of Avengers; VF=$14];
(20) HERCULES [God from Asgard, Thor related; VF=$18];
(21) HULK#1 [both hands, clenched as fist; VF=$28; FN=$20];
(22) HULK #2 [right hand as fist, & left hand open in front: SOLD OUT];
(23) HULK #3 [both hands open/behind his back; SOLD OUT];
(24) HUMAN TORCH [member of Fantastic Four; SOLD OUT];
(25) INVISIBLE GIRL #1 [member of Fantastic Four; 5 1/4" tall; VF=$14; FN=$10];
(26) INVISIBLE GIRL #2 [member of Fantastic Four; same as #24, but variation = under 5" tall, wider at top; SOLD OUT];
(27) IRON FIST [VF=$14];
(28) KA-ZAR [VF=$16; VG=$9];
(29) KILLRAVEN [Craig Russell-a; VF=$12; FN=$9];
(30) LUKE CAGE POWER-MAN [VF but cracked, thus G = $10];
(31) MEDUSA [member of the Inhumans; VF=$15];
(32) MISTER FANTASTIC [member & leader of Fantastic Four; Kirby-a; VF=$22];
(33) NIGHTHAWK [VF=$22];
(34) ODIN [God from Asgard, Thor related; VF=$20];
(35) QUICK-SILVER [member of Avengers; SOLD OUT];
(36) SCARLET WITCH [member of Avengers; VF=$18];
(37) SHANG CHI, Master of Kung Fu [FN+=$18; VG=$12; VF,small crack=$9; FN, large cracks=$5];
(39) SUPER-STAN [Stan Lee in Spidy costume; VF=$25; FN=$19];
(40) THING #1 [member of Fantastic Four; Two fists above head; VF=$18];
(41) THING #2 [member of Fantastic Four; Two fists, near waist; VF=$24];
(42) THING #3 [member of Fantastic Four; left fist above head, right fist near waist; SOLD OUT];
(43) THOR [FN/VF = $18];
(44) THUNDRA [Fantastic Four related; VF=$16; FN=$12];
(45) TRITON [from Inhumans; Neal Adams-a; SOLD OUT];
(46) VISION [member of Avengers; VF=$16];
(47) WARLOCK [VF=$22];
(48) WATCHER [Kirby-a?; Fantastic Four, Galactus & Silver Surfer related; VF=$16; FN=$12; FN but cracked with piece out thus FAG=$5];
(49) YELLOWJACKET [member of Avengers; aka Ant Man, Giant Man & Henry Pym; SOLD OUT];
OTHER ITEMS of Possible Interest;
*** (ASK more details if interested);
Premium focused on or featuring Red Sonja = Have NEVER had in stock!
Convention Books;
Big Little Books;
Comic/Cartoon Paperbacks;
33-1/3 RPM Records (Marvel, DC, Classics, Disney & others);
BOOK & COMIC Records sets (Marvel, DC, Classics, Disney & others);
>>> ATARI, Intellivision, Coleco & other VIDEO Games of Super-Heroes & Pop Characters!
>>> UK / British 1970's Comics & Hardcover Annuals!
>>> UK / British 1980/81 Comic Digests!
>>> Super-Heroes & Pop Characters PUZZLES;
>>>> Super-Heroes & Pop Characters BOARD GAMES;
>>>> Super-Heroes & Pop Characters GUM CARDS;
HE-MAN - MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE = MINI COMICS from action figures! [Some are common & some are SCARCE! all color! 4"x5-1/4" size];
(A-1) MOTU (1981) = He-Man and the Power Sword (#1 in Series ?; DC Comics Pub Related); = Cover shows He-Man, Skeletor & 2 others with yellow beam shooting from Castle Greyskull! (28 pages including covers; Alcala art; English only; Sold Out);
(A-2) MOTU (1981) = NO TITLE (same as A-1 above, but without title = He-Man and the Power Sword ) (#1 in Series ?); = Cover shows He-Man, Skeletor & 2 others with yellow beam shooting from Castle Greyskull! (28 pages including covers; Alcala art; Bi-Lingual, English/French;
VF$10; VG/FN$6);
(B-1) MOTU (1981) = King of Castle Grayskull (#2 in Series ? ; DC Comics Pub Related); = He-Man riding big green Battle Cat, with axe & sheild, against Skeletor on ground with sword! Teela standing on downed stone creature, & small castle greyskull in background! (24 pages including covers, plus 4 pages ofd ADS = 28 pages total; Alcala art; English only; Sold Out);
(B-2) MOTU (1981) = NO TITLE (same as B-1 above, but without title = = King of Castle Grayskull ) (#2 in Series ?); = He-Man riding big green Battle Cat, with axe & sheild, against Skeletor on ground with sword! Teela standing on downed stone creature, & small castle greyskull in background!
(24 pages including covers; Alcala art; Bi-Lingual, English/French; G$4; FN$7);
(C) Battle in the Clouds! (1981; #3 in Series ? ; DC Comics Pub Related; 24 pages including covers; Alcala art; Bi-Lingual, English/French; FN$6; VG$4);
(D) The Battle of Roboto! (1984; 16 pages including covers; Marx/Houston/Lee Art; English Only; FN/VF$12);
(E) Escape from the Slime Pit! (1985) = Sold Out!
(F) Eye of the Storm! (1985; Multiple Language, English/French/German, etc edition; 64 pages including covers; G $7);
(G) The Fastest draw in the Universe! (1985) = Sold Out;
(H) Grizzlor - The Legend comes Alive! (1984; 32 pages including covers; Bruce W. Timm Art; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; VG/FN $10);
(I) He-Man meets Ram-Man! (1982; DC Comics Pub Related; 20 pages including covers; Mark Texeira Art; English Only; SCARCE; VF$14);
(J-1) Hordak - the Ruthless leaders Revenge! (1984; 32 pages including covers;Art by Houston/Lee ; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; FN/VF$12)
(J-2) Hordak - the Ruthless leaders Revenge! (1984; French only side, english pages missing; G $2)
(K) The Magic Stealer! (#6 in series on cover; 1982; 20 pages including covers; Mark Texeira Art; English Only; SCARCE; DC Comics Pub Related, SOLD OUT);
(L) Mantenna and the Menace of the Evil Horde! (1984; 36 pages including covers; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; G/VG$7; FN/VF$14);
(M-1) Masks of Power! (1983; 32 pages including covers; Alcala Art; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; VG$5; FN$8);
(M-2) Masks of Power! (1983; 16 pages including covers; Alcala Art; French ONLY edition; SCARCE! VF$12);
(N)"The Menace Of Trap Jaw!", (1983, Series 2. SCARCE; DC Comics Pub Related, SOLD OUT);
(O) The Obelisk! (1984) = Sold Out!
(P)"The Ordeal Of Man-E-Faces!", (SCARCE; DC Comics Pub Related, 1983, Series 2. = SOLD OUT);
(Q) The Power of...Point Dread! (1982; #6 in series on cover; 20 pages including covers; Mark Texeira Art; English Only; DC Comics Pub Related, SCARCE; SOLD OUT);
(R-1) Rock People to the Rescue! (1985; Art by Simpson; Multiple Language, English/French/German, etc edition; 64 pages including covers; VG/FN $16);
(R-2) Rock People to the Rescue! (1985; Art by Simpson; 32 pages; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; VG$8);
(S-1) the Secret Liquid of Life! It's He-Man vs Geldor! (1983; Art by Houston & Lee; 32 pages; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; VF$14);
(S-2) the Secret Liquid of Life! It's He-Man vs Geldor! (1983; Art by Houston & Lee; 20 pages; French ONLY edition; SCARCE! VF$12);
(T) Spikor Strikes! (1984; 16pages including covers; Shull/Lee Art; English Only; VG$10);
(U) The Stench of Evil! (1984; 16pages including covers; Marx/Houston/Luth Art; English Only; FN$12);
(V) The Tale of Teela! (#5 in series on cover; DC Comics Pub Related; 1982) = sold out;
(W) Temple of Darkness; He-Man vs Skeletor in... (1983; 16pages including covers; Forton/Houston Art; English Only; FN$12);
(X) The Terror Claws Strike! (1985; He-Man vs Skeletor on cover; Art by Bruce Timm; 32 pages; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; VG/FN$14);
(Y) "The Terror Of Tri-Klops!", 1983, Series 2. DC Comics Pub Related, SCARCE; SOLD OUT;
(Z) The Vengeance of Skeletor! (1981; #4 in Series ?; DC Comics Pub Related); Skeletor & Teela appear; 24 pages including covers; Alcala art; Bi-Lingual, English/French; G$3; VG$5; FN$7; VF$10);
[Some are common & some are SCARCE! all color! 4"x5-1/4" size]
(A) Across the Crystal Barrier! (1985) = sold out;
(B) Adventure of the Blue Diamond! (1984) = sold out;
(C) A Born Champion!(1985) (32 pages including covers; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; G$7);
(D) Disappearing Treasures! (1984) (32 pages including covers; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; G/VG$7);
(E) A Fishy Business! (1986) (32 pages including covers; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; G/VG$7);
(F) The Hidden Symbols Mystery! (1984) (32 pages including covers; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; FN/VF $12);
(G) Journey to Mizar! (1984) (32 pages including covers; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; SOLD OUT );
(H) A Most Unpleasent Present! (1986) (32 pages including covers; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; G/VG$7);
(I) The Story of She-Ra! (#1 in series?) (1984) With 6 page appearance of HE-MAN !!! (32 pages including covers; Bi-Lingual, Flip-Cover edition, one side English & One side French; VG$10);
(J) Where hope has gone! (1986) = sold out;
POWER Record Comics -- Comic Book & Records Sets;
(Peter Pan Pub; 1974-1978; 7"x10" Color Comics, issued with 45-RPM Single Record);
--- ASK ----
COMMEMORATIVE .999 Pure Silver MEDALLION's / COINS - Cartoon Celebrities Series
(all SCARCE to RARE);
[AMC - American Medallion Corp; USA; Medal=.999 Pure SILVER; 1 Troy Ounce; Weight = 31.1 Grams; Diameter=39mm; Edge=Reemed;
Each Coin is within an unopened clear protective Plastic Case around the Coin, Laid into a Tray, within an Outer Box];
ARCHIE (1987; Outer Box=VF+; Coin = Uncirculated, AS NEW; Price = US$95.00);
DICK TRACY (1987; Outer Box=VF/NM; Coin = Uncirculated, AS NEW; Price = US$79.00);
WE ACCEPT payment by;
( 1 ); We accept payment thru PAYPAL (the Most Popular Option) =
( A ) Payments using PAYPAL are to be Sent to
( B ) or Provide us the email address Linked to your PAYPAL Account and ASK us to send a PAYPAL INVOICE;
( C ) If you are NEW to PAYPAL, we can send a PAYPAL INVOICE and Get you Started (Simply Provide us the email address you want to use for PAYPAL)
( 2 ); We gladly accept CREDIT CARD Payments { VISA, American Express and Mastercard };
EMAIL Credit
Card Info; we
highly recommend sending information, split into THREE separate
E-Mail's for safety (Number the emails so we reassemble them in
correct order) (This is very fast & easy; 1000's of
previous customers have paid in this way for many years. This is the
most common & safe method our customers use to make payments);
A ) Send first 8 digits in email #1,
( B ) send second 8 digits in email #2 and
( C ) send EXPIRY DATE, and Security / Validation Code (3 Digit number on the BACK of the Card, if there is one) in email #3;
*** BE SURE to Send your complete SHIPPING address [It is a good idea to include your PHONE number in case problems arise].
*** PLEASE, Double check the numbers before sending (it is very easy to make a single digit error);
>> OR, you can; PHONE it in; ( PHONE; 1-204-346-3674 ); TEXT it in; ( PHONE; 1-204-392-6686 );
( 3 ); MONEY ORDERS, CERTIFIED BANK CHECKS & BANK DRAFTS; [Note; We have a USA Bank Account; THUS we CAN accept USA domestic MONEY ORDER's (7-11, Western union, post office, etc)]; >> For USA buyers = international MO's are NOT required; So do NOT waste money on the extra fees;
** FOREIGN & OVERSEAS orders, MUST send International MONEY ORDERS or BANK DRAFTS only;
( 4 ); WESTERN UNION; They Require that You send the Money in the Currency of the Country it is sent to, thus Convert the USA Funds Total into the current Equivalent in CANADIAN FUNDS; PROVIDE me with your full Name, shipping Address & Local Phone Number; Payment needs to be made to; Doug Sulipa; Send me via WESTERN UNION Tracking Number Information in TWO emails (for SAFETY);
( 5 ); Bank WIRE TRANSFER (Purchases over $500.00); Faster & Easier to Convert the Total to the Equivalent in CANADIAN FUNDS; ASK for FULL Details;
6 ); USA
Funds CASH (Maximum
of $50.00 for safety; We do NOT accept responsibility for LOST
CASH, as we do not know if you
actually sent it; But Note
that 99.9% does arrives
safely; Please send NO money in coins, as it rips envelopes; Many
Overseas Customers have successfully sent Larger amounts of CASH by
or Business CHECKS; [We
accept CHECKS drawn on USA
NAME or your Company name MUST be Printed on the CHECK (generic
Counter Checks are NOT accepted); *** $75.00 or LESS, we ship
immediately; Canada CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 3-4 weeks to
CLEAR, before we will ship; USA CHECKS from $75.01 and UP take 6-8
WEEKS to CLEAR, before we will ship; NO Exceptions, due to many BAD
Note; USA
letters to Canada, need $1.25
in stamps;
to & make payment to;
R5G 1B5
Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674
TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686
Prices in
USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;
I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =
SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;
ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;
Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment
(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit; SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);
Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;
MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa