MARVEL, DC, Disney & Misc – TREASURY Editions;
(Giant Tabloid Oversize Color Comics);
>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.
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A ) MARVEL, DC, Disney & Misc – TREASURY Editions;
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DC Comics - National Pub. Treasury Editions;
/ Tabloid editions;
(A) MARVEL, DC, Disney & Misc – TREASURY Editions;
(Giant Tabloid Oversize Color Comics);
MARVEL TREASURY EDITION; (MARVEL Comics Pub; Giant Oversized Comics; 1974-1981);
>>> SCARCE in strict VF+ or Better condition;
>>>> WEIGHT for Postage Purposes = 250 Grams each;
#1 – The Spectacular SPIDER-MAN; (September/1974; 100 Pages including Covers; CLASSIC New Covers by JOHN ROMITA SR; Marvel Super-Heroes #14-r = Sorcerer & the Synthetic Man; Includes Classic Reprints from Amazing Spider-Man; #14-r = First appearance Green Goblin; #8-r = Human Torch; #42-r = John Jameson & Rhino; #90-r = Death of Captain Stacy, Gwen Stacy & Doctor Octopus appear; STAN LEE Stories; Art by JACK KIRBY, STEVE DITKO and GIL KANE);
#2 – The Fabulous FANTASTIC FOUR (12/1974; New JOHN ROMITA SR Cover Art; ** Fantastic Four #6-r = Doctor Doom & Sub-Mariner Team-Up; ** Fantastic Four #11-r = 1st Impossible Man; ** Fantastic Four #48, 49, 50-r = FIRST appearance of SILVER SURFER and GALACTUS; ** STAN LEE Stories; JACK KIRBY Art);
#3 - The Mighty THOR (1974; 100 Pages including Covers; CLASSIC New Covers by JOHN ROMITA SR; Classic Reprints from THOR #125,126,127,128,129,130 & Journey Into Mystery Annual #1; Includes; Hercules, Odin, Balder, Heimdall, Jane Foster, Seidring, Hyppolita, Volstagg, Zeus, Dionysius, Ares & Hermes appear; First appearance of PLUTO; STAN LEE Stories; Classic JACK KIRBY Art);
#4 - CONAN the Barbarian (June 1975; 100 Pages including Covers; 250 Grams; Barry Windsor-Smith cover and art; Roy Thomas stories; Conan the Barbarian #11 reprint: Rogues in the House and Talons of Thak; Savage Tales #2 reprint, in Full Color: RED NAILS; Savage Tales #3 reprint, in Full Color: Lurker in the Catacombs and He Comes from the Dark; NM, 9.4 = $99.00; NM-, 9.2 = $74.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#5 - INCREDIBLE HULK (1975; 100 Pages including Covers; JOHN ROMITA cover; Incredible HULK Reprints; #3 = Origin of the HULK = STAN LEE Story, JACK KIRBY art; Tales to Astonish #79-r = Hercules appears, Jack KIRBY & Bill Everett art; Tales to Astonish #100-r = Hulk vs Sub-Mariner battle, Puppet Master appears; Incredible HULK #139-r = Leader, Rhino, Xeron, Missing Link, Night-Crawler, Mandarin, Sandman, The Glob & Absorbing Man; Incredible HULK #141-r = 1st DOC SAMSON; Marvel Feature #11-r = HULK vs THING Battle, Jim Starlin art; = ASK
#6 – DOCTOR STRANGE (1975; 100 Pages including Covers; Frank Brunner cover; Marvel Premiere #10-r = Frank Brunner Art; NEAL ADAMS art; Strange Tales #111-r = BARON MORDO, STEVE DITKO art; Strange Tales #146-r = STEVE DITKO art; Strange Tales #146-r = ORIGIN of the ANCIENT ONE, Bill Everett art; Strange Tales #157-r = END of the ANCIENT ONE, Marie Severin & Herb Trimpe art; Doctor Strange #170-r = Dan Adkins art; Doctor Strange #177-r = Gene Colan & Tom Palmer art);
#7 – The Mighty AVENGERS (1975; 84 Pages including Covers; JACK KIRBY & Frank Giacoia cover; Thor, Goliath, Wasp, Captain America, Black Panther, Vision, Hawkeye & Iron Man appear on Cover; Avengers #52-r = Goliath, Wasp, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch Black Panther & Grim Reaper; Avengers #57-r = 1st appearance Vision, 1st full appearance Ultron-5, Hawkeye, Goliath, Black Panther, Wasp, Black Widow; Avengers #60-r =Crystal, Fantastic Four Black Knight, Daredevil, X-Men, Dr. Strange, Nick Fury, Black Widow, Spider-Man, Circus of Crime; Avengers #83-r = Lady Liberators (Black Widow, Wasp, Medusa, Enchantress, Scarlet Witch) & Masters of Evil (Klaw, Melter, Radioactive Man & Whirlwind);
#8 - Giant Superhero Holiday Grab-Bag (Spider-Man, Hulk, Nick Fury, etc; SCARCER issue; = ASK
#9 - Giant Superhero Team-Up (1976; THING vs SUB-MARINER; DAREDEVIL vs CAPTAIN AMERICA; SILVER SURFER vs SPIDER-MAN; THOR vs HULK story with JACK KIRBY Art; SCARCER issue; VG, 4.0 = $18.00)
#10 - The Mighty Thor (Thor #154-157-r; Kirby-a; = ASK
#11 – The Fabulous Fantastic Four (Kirby-a; FF-r= #4,23,51,94; Submariner, Dr Doom, Frightful Four; “This Man this Monster” = Classic-s; = ASK
#12 – HOWARD THE DUCK and the DEFENDERS (1976; 84 Pages including Covers; Howard the Duck, Defenders with Doctor Strange, Valkyrie, Hulk & Nighthawk cover & story; Beverly Switzler, Peter Parker aka Spider-Man & Mary Jane Watson appear; ** 27 Page All-New HOWARD THE DUCK and the DEFENDERS story by STEVE GERBER, with Sal Buscema & Klaus Janson art; All-New Cover by Gene Colan, Tom Palmer John Romita; GCD Notes; FIRST appearance of Morton Kribbee aka Black Hole (Villain); FIRST appearance of Olivier Bedwette aka Sitting Bullseye (Villain); FIRST appearance of Matilda von Tromp aka Tillie the Hun (Villain);
FIRST appearance of Fred Hovel aka Spanker (Villain); FIRST appearance of Floyd Mangles aka Dr. Angst (Villain) Synopsis: While Dr. Strange tries to send Howard the Duck back to his home the Defenders are attacked by Dr. Angst and his minions. ALSO INCLUDES; FEAR #19 Reprint = FIRST appearance of HOWARD THE DUCK Giant-Size Man-Thing #4,5 Reprint = FIRST SOLO Stories for HOWARD THE DUCK, with Art by FRANK BRUNNER; ASK);
#13 - Giant Superhero Holiday Grab-Bag (1976; Spider-Man & Thing vs Puppet Master & Mad Thinker; Hulk vs Silver Surfer; Fantastic Four vs Avengers; Vision joins Avengers; Daredevil vs the Ox; Defenders, Champions & Black Panther app; = ASK
#14 - The Sensational Spider-Man (Amazing Spider-Man #100-102-r; 1st Morbius-r; Lizard-c/app; Short appearances of; Kingpin, Dr Octopus, Vulture, etc; = ASK
#15 - Conan the Barbarian (Barry Windsor Smith-a; Neal Adams-a; = ASK
#16 – The Defenders (Defenders #1,4,13,14-r, with Origin; Silver Surfer-c/app; = ASK
#17 – Incredible Hulk (Glob, HAVOK, Rhino & Leader app; Warlock cameo; = ASK
#17 – Incredible Hulk (Glob, HAVOK, Rhino & Leader app; Warlock cameo; Scarce Scarcer WHITMAN Variant Edition; SOLD OUT);
#18 – The Astonishing Spider-Man; (1st Team-Ups, with; X-Men, Ghost Rider & Werewolf; TV Spidy photo’s; = ASK
#18 – The Astonishing Spider-Man = Scarce WHITMAN PUB. Variant Edition; (1st Team-Ups, with; X-Men, Ghost Rider & Werewolf; TV Spidy photo’s; = ASK
#19 – Conan the Barbarian (1978; John Buscema-c/a; Nino-a; Savage Sword of Conan #4,6-r; King Kull-s; Red Sonja-s; Cormac Mac Art-s; = ASK
#20 – The Rampaging Hulk (Abomination, Dr. Doom & Doc Samson app; = ASK
#21 – Fantastic Four (Silver Surfer & Galactus-c/s; SCARCER issue; SOLD OUT );
#22 – The Sensational Spider-Man (= ASK
#23 – Conan the Barbarian (1979; a Witch shall be Born; Travels of Conan & BELIT; 7 pages of new Pinups; 16 pages of CONAN Newspaer Comic Strips in Color; Regular Newsstand Edition;= ASK
#23 – Conan the Barbarian (1979; a Witch shall be Born; Travels of Conan & BELIT; 7 pages of new Pinups; 16 pages of CONAN Newspaer Comic Strips in Color; Scarce early DIRECT VARIANT Edition with Black Diamond around Price; );
#24 – The Rampaging Hulk (84 pages; 1979; ADAM WARLOCK cover and story; INHUMANS appear; Collects Incredible Hulk #175-178 all in one Volume; ** HERCULES (vs Hippolyta) in Welcome to the Hotel Macedonia, All-New 6 Page SOLO story by Mary Jo Duffy and Ricardo Villamointe; ** Man-Brute in the Hidden Land (Black Bolt and the Inhumans) by Roy Thomas, Herb Trimpe, and Jack Abel; ** Crisis on Counter Earth (Man-Beast and New-Men; Warlock cameo) by Gerry Conway, Herb Trimpe, and Jack Abel;** Peril Of the Plural Planet (HULK vs WARLOCK battle story; First actual DEATH of ADAM WARLOCK, Last Panel Only; Man-Beast and the New Men appear) by Gerry Conway, Herb Trimpe, and Jack Abel; ** Triumph of Terra-Two (First actual Death of ADAM WARLOCK; Man-Beast and the New Men appear) by Gerry Conway, Tony Isabella, Herb Trimpe, and Jack Abel); Regular Newsstand Edition; = ASK
#24 – The Rampaging Hulk (84 pages; 1979; ADAM WARLOCK cover and story; INHUMANS appear; Collects Incredible Hulk #175-178 all in one Volume; ** HERCULES (vs Hippolyta) in Welcome to the Hotel Macedonia, All-New 6 Page SOLO story by Mary Jo Duffy and Ricardo Villamointe; ** Man-Brute in the Hidden Land (Black Bolt and the Inhumans) by Roy Thomas, Herb Trimpe, and Jack Abel; ** Crisis on Counter Earth (Man-Beast and New-Men; Warlock cameo) by Gerry Conway, Herb Trimpe, and Jack Abel;** Peril Of the Plural Planet (HULK vs WARLOCK battle story; First actual DEATH of ADAM WARLOCK, Last Panel Only; Man-Beast and the New Men appear) by Gerry Conway, Herb Trimpe, and Jack Abel; ** Triumph of Terra-Two (First actual Death of ADAM WARLOCK; Man-Beast and the New Men appear) by Gerry Conway, Tony Isabella, Herb Trimpe, and Jack Abel); Scarce early DIRECT VARIANT Edition with Black Diamond around Price = ASK);
#25 – Spider-Man vs. The Hulk at the Winter Olympics (All-New-c/s; Mole Man app; = ASK
#26 – The Rampaging Hulk; [July/1980; The X-Men’s WOLVERINE vs HERCULES! At the Sign of the Lion, Sibyl appears, 6 page All-NEW UK Only B&W story by Ken Landgraf and Jo Duffy, with early GEORGE PEREZ art, First appeared in MARVEL COMIC #335 from 3/1979; This is the First SOLO Wolverine Story at Marvel comics, it Pre-Dates X-Men #133 from May/1980 by 14 Months; This story was Reprinted HERE in MARVEL TREASURY #26 from July/1980 promoted as an All-New Story: WOLVERINE and HERCULES! At the Sign of the Lion. Story Title altered (Removed "The X-Men's", with "vs" changed to "and"), presented in FULL COLOR for the First Time and in Oversized Format; Story is Reprinted again in Incredible Hulk and Wolverine #1 in 10/1986; ** New cover by AL MILGROM; HULK, M.O.D.O.K., Harpy and Betty Ross Talbot as HARPY cover and story; Reprints Incredible Hulk #167-170];
#27 – The Sensational Spider-Man (84 pages; HULK-c/app; 5pg All-New ANGEL-s with Brent Anderson-a; Avengers, Iron Man, Kang, Human Torch & Inhumans app; = ASK
#28 – SUPERMAN and SPIDER-MAN (July/1981; Heroes and the Holocaust = ALL-NEW 62 page Book-LENGTH Story; Doctor Doom & Parasite cover & story; ** SUPERMAN vs HULK Partial Story & Back Cover; ** WONDER WOMAN vs SPIDER-MAN Partial Story & Back Cover; ** SUPERMAN and SPIDER-MAN Profiles on inside front Cover = Art by FRANK MILLER, Joe Rubinstein & Bob Wiacek; ** Jim Shooter story, Marv Wolfman plot; ** John Buscema pencils art; ** Inks by; Joe Sinnott, Terry Austin, Klaus Janson, Bob McLeod, Al Milgrom, Steve Leialoha, Walt Simonson, Bob Layton, Brett Breeding, Joe Rubinstein; ** Bob Wiacek John Romita & Bob Larkin painted cover);
Assorted MARVEL Treasury Edition's;
>>>> WEIGHT for Postage Purposes = 250 Grams each;
ANNIE (Marvel Comics Pub; Treasury Edition; LOW PRINT; SCARCE in ANY Grade; RARE in High Grade; 1982)
#NN (#1; One-Shot; OFFICIAL comic adaptation of the 1982 John Huston movie musical ANNIE, starring; Aileen Quinn, Albert Finney, Carol Burnett, Tim Curry, Bernadette Peters; PHOTO-c; Tom DeFalco story; Win Mortimer & Vince Colletta art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $79.00);
#NN (#1; One-Shot; OFFICIAL comic adaptation of the 1982 John Huston movie musical ANNIE, starring; Aileen Quinn, Albert Finney, Carol Burnett, Tim Curry, Bernadette Peters; PHOTO-c; Tom DeFalco story; Win Mortimer & Vince Colletta art; VF+, 8.5 = $69.00);
#NN (#1; One-Shot; OFFICIAL comic adaptation of the 1982 John Huston movie musical ANNIE, starring; Aileen Quinn, Albert Finney, Carol Burnett, Tim Curry, Bernadette Peters; PHOTO-c; Tom DeFalco story; Win Mortimer & Vince Colletta art; VF, 8.0 = $59.00);
#NN (#1; One-Shot; OFFICIAL comic adaptation of the 1982 John Huston movie musical ANNIE, starring; Aileen Quinn, Albert Finney, Carol Burnett, Tim Curry, Bernadette Peters; PHOTO-c; Tom DeFalco story; Win Mortimer & Vince Colletta art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $49.00);
#NN (#1; One-Shot; OFFICIAL comic adaptation of the 1982 John Huston movie musical ANNIE, starring; Aileen Quinn, Albert Finney, Carol Burnett, Tim Curry, Bernadette Peters; PHOTO-c; Tom DeFalco story; Win Mortimer & Vince Colletta art; overall FN/VF, 7.0, but with Black Felt Pen mark thru Price on cover = $39.00);
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA TREASURY (Marvel Comics Super Special #8; Adapts TV show; 1978; Scarcer MARVEL PUB. Edition with SPIDER-MAN LOGO; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00)
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA TREASURY (Marvel Comics Super Special #8; Adapts TV show; MODERN PUB. VARIANT Edition; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24; FN, 6.0 = $18; VG, 4.0 = $12; GD, 2.0 = $9);
BUCK ROGERS (Giant Movie Edition; Photo-c; GK#2-4-r; Western/MARVEL Edition; 1979; #02489 (VF, 8.0 = $28; FN/VF, 7.0 = $20; FN, 6.0 = $15; VG, 4.0 =$10)
BUCK ROGERS (Giant Movie Edition; Photo-c; GK#2-4-r; Scarcer WHITMAN Variant Edition; 1979; #11296; SOLD OUT
CAPTAIN AMERICA'S BICENTENNIAL BATTLES (Marvel Treasury Special Featuring...)
#1 (6/1976; 84 Pages; Appearances by; BUCKY, Adolf Hitler, RED SKULL, Benjamin Franklin, Betsy Ross, Lefty Larkin, Geronimo, John L. Sullivan, John Brown, General Halstead, J. B. Shmeltzer, Melvin Grubber; FIRST appearance of Mister Buda; Captain America transported through time to his days in World War Two; All New JACK KIRBY Book-Length cover and art; Inks by; Barry Windsor-Smith, John Romita, Herb Trimpe, John Verpoorten; VF, 8.0 = $36.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24.00; FN, 6.0 = $16.00);
(Marvel Special Edition Featuring): CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND #1 (on Cover) [WHITMAN EDITION of the Marvel Comics Movie Adaption of the Steven Spielberg film]
Volume-1 #3 = Listed in indicia inside (1978; Movie adaption story by Archie Goodwin; Walt Simonson and Klaus Janson Line-Drawn cover & Interior Art; DIFFERENT Cover from the Marvel Comics Magazine Sized Edition; WHITMAN VARIANT of the 10” x 13” Size TREASURY Format Edition; NM-, 9.2 = $59.00);
Volume-1 #3 = Listed in indicia inside (1978; Movie adaption story by Archie Goodwin; Walt Simonson and Klaus Janson Line-Drawn cover & Interior Art; DIFFERENT Cover from the Marvel Comics Magazine Sized Edition; WHITMAN VARIANT of the 10” x 13” Size TREASURY Format Edition; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24.00);
Volume-1 #3 = Listed in indicia inside (1978; Movie adaption story by Archie Goodwin; Walt Simonson and Klaus Janson Line-Drawn cover & Interior Art; DIFFERENT Cover from the Marvel Comics Magazine Sized Edition; WHITMAN VARIANT of the 10” x 13” Size TREASURY Format Edition; FN, 6.0 = $18.00);
(Marvel Special Edition Featuring): CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND #1 (on Cover) [MARVEL EDITION of the MARVEL Comics Movie Adaption of the Steven Spielberg film]
Volume-1 #3 = Listed in indicia inside (1978; Movie adaption story by Archie Goodwin; Walt Simonson & and Klaus Janson Line-Drawn cover & Interior Art; DIFFERENT Cover from the Marvel Comics Magazine Sized Edition; Regular MARVEL Printing of the 10” x 13” Size TREASURY Format Edition) = SOLD OUT;
Marvel Treasury Special - 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (MARVEL Comics Pub; Giant 10” x 13” Oversized Full Color Comic Magazine)
#1 (1976; 84 pages including Covers; All-New OFFICIAL Comics Adaptation of the Classic 1968 MGM Sci-Fi MOVIE by Stanley Kubrick, based on the Novel by Arthur C. Clarke; 2001: A Space Odyssey Article with photos by Dave Kraft from the MOVIE; FIRST Comics appearance of the Monolith; FIRST Comics appearance of Moonwatcher;
FIRST Comics appearance of Dr. Heywood Floyd; FIRST Comics appearance of Dave Bowman (becomes a Star-Child); FIRST Comics appearance of Hal-9000; JACK KIRBY Story; JACK KIRBY & Frank Giacoia art; JACK KIRBY cover; ** IMDB = "2001" is a story of evolution. Sometime in the distant past, someone or something nudged evolution by placing a monolith on Earth (presumably elsewhere throughout the universe as well). Evolution then enabled humankind to reach the moon's surface, where yet another monolith is found, one that signals the monolith placers that humankind has evolved that far. Now a race begins between computers (HAL) and human (Bowman) to reach the monolith placers. The winner will achieve the next step in evolution, whatever that may be; ASK);
FUNTASTIC WORLD OF HANNA-BARBERA (Marvel Pub; Oversize 10" x 13" TREASURY editions; All-New-c/s; 1977-1978; Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoons; SCARCE in ANY Grade; RARE in better than FN/VF; Low Print; Newsstand Only distribution);
#1 (12/1977; The FLINTSTONES Christmas Party; FN/VF, 7.0 = $45.00; FN, 6.0 = $35.00; FA/G, 1.5 = $16.00);
#2 (3/1978; YOGI BEAR’S Easter Parade; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00; FN, 6.0 = $32.00);
#3 (6/1978; The FLINTSTONES Visit LAFF-A-LYMPICS = most major Hanna-Barbera characters appear; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00; FN, 6.0 = $32.00; VG, 4.0 = $24.00; Good, 2.0 = $18.00; FA, 1.0 = $12.00);
( Marvel Treasury Special ); GIANT SUPERHERO HOLIDAY GRAB-BAG (Marvel Comics Pub)
#1 (1974; Spider-Man, Human Torch, Sub-Mariner, Avengers; Art by; Wally Wood, Gene Colan, Bill Everett & JACK KIRBY; Fantastic Four #25 and #26 Reprints with HULK vs Thing, Fantastic Four & Avengers Battle; NM-, 9.2 = $75.00);
#1 (1974; Spider-Man, Human Torch, Sub-Mariner, Avengers; Art by; Wally Wood, Gene Colan, Bill Everett & JACK KIRBY; Fantastic Four #25 and #26 Reprints with HULK vs Thing, Fantastic Four & Avengers Battle; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#1 (1974; Spider-Man, Human Torch, Sub-Mariner, Avengers; Art by; Wally Wood, Gene Colan, Bill Everett & JACK KIRBY; Fantastic Four #25 and #26 Reprints with HULK vs Thing, Fantastic Four & Avengers Battle; VF+, 8.5 = $39.00);
#1 (1974; Spider-Man, Human Torch, Sub-Mariner, Avengers; Art by; Wally Wood, Gene Colan, Bill Everett & JACK KIRBY; Fantastic Four #25 and #26 Reprints with HULK vs Thing, Fantastic Four & Avengers Battle; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
#1 (1974; Spider-Man, Human Torch, Sub-Mariner, Avengers; Art by; Wally Wood, Gene Colan, Bill Everett & JACK KIRBY; Fantastic Four #25 and #26 Reprints with HULK vs Thing, Fantastic Four & Avengers Battle; FN/VF=$22; FN=$18.00; VG=$12.00);
G.I. JOE, a Real American Hero: Special TREASURY Edition (Marvel Treasury Edition; SCARCE in ANY Grade; RARE in High Grade; 1982)
#1 (1982; "Parkes Run"; 52 pages; SCARCE in ANY Grade; RARE in High Grade; = SOLD OUT
MARVEL SPECIAL EDITION Featuring... THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN (Marvel Comic Pub; Giant Oversized 10” x 13” TREASURY Edition, Full Color Comic Magazine) -
#1 (June/1975; THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN; New Cover Art by John Romita, Joe Sinnott & Marie Severin; ** AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #1 reprint = FIRST appearance of the SINISTER SIX (Dr. Octopus, Kraven, Electro, Mysterio & Sandman) Cover & Story; STAN LEE story, STEVE DITKO art; The SINISTER SIX Movie/Film by SONY Pictures is in Devekopment; IMDB = Six of mankind's greatest enemies form an alliance to destroy New York City and Spider-Man. Screenplay & Directed by Drew Goddard; Stars: Michael Massee; ** AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #6 reprint (21 pages) = First appearance of Curt Connors aka the LIZARD; STAN LEE story, STEVE DITKO art; ** AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #35 reprint (19 pages) = Second appearance of the MOLTEN MAN; STAN LEE story, STEVE DITKO art)
Marvel Treasury of Oz, featuring the Marvelous Land of Oz #1 (1975; John Buscema art; Romita cover; VF=$24; FN/VF=$19; FN=$14; VG=$9);
MGM's Marvelous WIZARD OF OZ (2nd joint MARVEL & DC Pub comic; 84 pages including Covers)
#1 (1975; Adaption of the Classic MGM Movie; Roy Thomas story; John Buscema & Tony DeZuniga art; . Art direction by John Romita; Dedicated in memory of Judy Garland (the original Dorothy); Includes; Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, Wicked Witch of the West & the Wizard of Oz; ASK);
the OFFICIAL MARVEL COMICS TRY-OUT BOOK (Marvel Comics Group Pub; HUGE Oversized 11" x 17" Softcover Trade Paperback; Weight = 575 Grams; SCARCE; RARE in HIGH Grade);
No. 1 (#1; 1983; $12.95 Original Cover Price; by Jim Shooter & Michael Z. Hobson (editors); SPIDER-MAN vs Dr Octopus Battle on cover by John Romita Jr; Spider-Man in Personals = Three page comics story by Jim Shooter in color, with new Art by John Romita Sr & Al Milgrom; PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 36 pages including covers; The Definitive Guide to Submitting Material to Marvel; This Giant Oversized Workbook contains large sample pages to be completed and submitted to Marvel comics in order to try-out to become a Marvel Pro Writer, Scripter, Plotter, Inker, Pencil Artist, Colorist, or Letterer; SOLD OUT);
No. 2 (#2; 10/1996; US$24.95 Original Cover Price; X-MEN with WOLVERINE on cover by Art Thibert; X-MEN in Dreams Die, Legion Quest Part-4 of 4 = Three page comics story by Fabian Gucieza in color, with new Art by Art Thibert Andy Kubert; PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 36 pages including covers; The Definitive Guide to Submitting Material to Marvel; This Giant Oversized Workbook contains large sample pages to be completed and submitted to Marvel comics in order to try-out to become a Marvel Pro Writer, Scripter, Plotter, Inker, Pencil Artist, Colorist, or Letterer; SOLD OUT);
( Marvel Treasury) SAVAGE FISTS OF KUNG-FU (Special Collector's Edition)
#1 (1975; Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu, Iron Fist, Sons of the Tiger, vs FU MANCHU; ** Chapter 1: Iron Fist, 10 page story by Doug Moench, with art by Frank McLaughlin and The Crusty Bunkers (NEAL ADAMS and Dick Giordano); ** Chapter 2: The Sons of the Tiger, 11 page story by Chris Claremont with art by Herb Trimpe;
** Chapter 3: The Hands of Shang Chi, Master of Kung Fu, story by Doug Moench, with art by Mike Vosburg, and Dan Adkins; ** Master of Kung Fu, 11 page story by Steve Englehart and Alan Weiss, with art by Alan Weiss and Al Milgrom; ** The Sons of the Tiger, 15 page story by Gerry Conway with art by Dick Giordano; ** Shang Chi, Master of Kung Fu, 15 page story by Steve Englehart and JIM STARLIN, with art by JIM STARLIN, and Al Milgrom; ** Cover by Gil Kane, John Romita and Dan Atkins; VF, 8.0 = $32.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $26.00; FN, 6.0 = $20.00; VG, 4.0 = $15.00);
( Marvel Treasury) SMURFS {Marvel TREASURY Edition; by PEYO; ISBN #0-939766-15-5; Round-Bound; Oversized 10" x 13" Size; ISBN #0-939766-17-5; Marvel Books Pub; 1982; 68 pages including Covers; SCARCE in ANY Grade; RARE in High Grade; Perhaps the Rarest Marvel Treasury);
#NN (#1-A; One-Shot; NO PRICE on COVER; LOW Print Run and SCARCE; Reprints from Marvel SMURFS #1-3 with All-New PEYO Wraparound Cover Art; VG, 4.0 = $33.00);
#NN (#1-A; One-Shot; VARIANT with $2.50 PRICE on COVER; LOW Print Run and RARE; Reprints from Marvel SMURFS #1-3 with All-New PEYO Wraparound Cover Art; G/VG, 3.0 = $29.00);
The Spectacular Spider-Man (Marvel Special Edition featuring...; 1975) = see marvel Special Edition;
MARVEL SPECIAL EDITION Featuring STAR WARS (Marvel Comic Pub; 1977-1979; Giant Oversized 10” x 13” TREASURY Edition, Full Color Comic Magazine)
#1 (1977; Collects the Marvel Star Wars #1, 2 and 3 into One Giant Full Color Oversized edition;
Includes; REPRINT of #1 (Originally Published in 7/1977; FIRST appearance in Comics (Pre-MOVIE Release) of; Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, & Darth Vader cover & story; Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi and Han Solo appear on Cover Only; FIRST appearance in Comics (Pre-MOVIE Release) of; C-3PO aka Threepio, R2-D2 aka Artoo Deetoo, Grand Moff Tarkin, Admiral Motti, Imperial Storm-Troopers, Tuskan Raiders & Biggs Darklighter; This Classic Comic was on sale in stores before the STAR WARS Movie debuted in Theaters, thus one of the Most desirable of all Star Wars collectibles; Howard Chaykin art; Story adapted from the Novel & Movie by Roy Thomas; Part-1 of the 6-Part Adaption of the Classic First Movie);
Includes; REPRINT of #2 (Originally Published in 8/1977; FIRST appearance in Comics of CHEWBACCA, the Wookie, Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Millennium Falcon, Death Star; FIRST old design comic book appearance of Jabba the Hutt; Howard Chaykin art; Roy Thomas-s);
Includes; REPRINT of #3 (Originally Published in 9/1977; First CHEWBACCA Cover & second appearance in Comics; Battle on the Death Star; Destruction of Alderaan; Six against the Galaxy; Luke Skywalker Han Solo, Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca & Storm-Trooper cover; Howard Chaykin art; Roy Thomas-s);
** #1 (Regular MARVEL PRINTING Edition; NM-, 9.2 = $99.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00; FN, 6.0 = $22.00; VG, 4.0 = $15.00);
** #1 (Scarcer WHITMAN Variant Edition; VF, 8.0 = $45.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $32.00; FN, 6.0 = $26.00; VG, 4.0 = $18.00);
MARVEL SPECIAL EDITION Featuring STAR WARS (Marvel Comic Pub; 1977-1979; Giant Oversized 10” x 13” TREASURY Edition, Full Color Comic Magazine)
#2 (1972; Collects the Marvel Star Wars #4, 5 and 6 into One Giant Full Color Oversized edition;
Includes; Includes; REPRINT of #4 (Originally Published in 10/1977; DEATH of Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi; DARTH VADER, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa & Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi cover & story = BATTLE with Darth Vader to the Death; Luke Skywalker and Han Solo meet Princess Leia Organa; Howard Chaykin art; Roy Thomas-s);
Includes; REPRINT of #5 (Originally Published in 11/1977; First Printing of the Regular Newsstand Edition with 35 Cents Original Cover Price & with UPC Bar Code; Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca & Han Solo cover & story; Luke Skywalker Strikes Again/ Lo, the Moons of Yavin-c/s; Howard Chaykin art; Roy Thomas-s);
Includes; REPRINT of #6 (Originally Published in 12/1977; FIRST PRINTING of the Regular Newsstand Edition with 35 Cents Original Cover Price & with UPC Bar Code; Destruction of the DEATH STAR; Classic DARTH VADER vs LUKE SKYWALKER Battle cover and story; According to GCD / Grand Comics Database & Overstreet, DAVE STEVENS did uncredited inks to the 17 page Story "The Final Chapter"; This makes this the First Published Marvel Art by DAVE STEVENS, and his 2nd ever Published PRO Art, proceeded only by Quack #1 from 7/1976; Roy Thomas story; Pencils by Howard Chaykin & Rick Hoberg; Inks by Bill Wray, Rick Hoberg & DAVE STEVENS;
** #2 (Regular MARVEL PRINTING Edition; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00; FN, 6.0 = $22.00; VG, 4.0 = $15.00);
** #2 (Scarcer WHITMAN Variant Edition; Good, 2.0 = $12.00);
MARVEL SPECIAL EDITION Featuring STAR WARS (Marvel Comic Pub; 1977-1979; Giant Oversized 10” x 13” TREASURY Edition, Full Color Comic Magazine)
#3 (1978; Marvel comics Pub.; 116 pages; Star Wars #1-6-r; LOW Print Run and SCARCE; ASK);
#3 (1978; Whitman Variant; 116 pages; Star Wars #1-6-r; LOW Print Run and SCARCE; ASK);
(STAR WARS); Marvel Special Edition featuring STAR WARS: EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (Giant Oversize TREASURY Edition);
Volume-2 #2 (Spring/1980; (SPRING was March 21 to June 20 in 1980); 1st Treasury Edition, 1st Printing; *** TRUE First MARVEL Comics TREASURY appearance of BOBA FETT ; *** TRUE First MARVEL Comics TREASURY appearance of YODA; *** TRUE First MARVEL Comics TREASURY appearance of Lando Calrissian; ** [This TREASURY was published simultaneously with the STAR WARS: The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Mass Market Paperback #02114; (May/1980; Color; Marvel Illustrated Books #02114) and the Marvel (Comics) Super Special #16 from Spring/1980; All Three were Published SEVEN MONTHS before STAR WARS #42 the Reprint from 12/1980]; ** Luke Skywalker battles Darth Vader; Classic Darth Vader says "I am your father" line; ** This is the Complete EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Story Adaption in ONE Volume (Later REPRINTED in Six Parts in Marvels’ STAR WARS #39-44); ** YODA trains Luke Skywalker on Dagobah; ** Emperor Palpatine speaks as a hologram; Bossk, Dengar, 4-LOM, IG-88B, and the Slave-1 Ship appear; ** HOT KEY issue in the Original Marvel STAR WARS Universe; ** Star Wars Mandalorian TV Series related; ** BOBA FETT is getting his own SOLO Mandalorian TV Series SPINOFF from the Star Wars franchise; The Star Wars Saga Continues! The most eagerly awaited Science-Fantasy film of them all, now in a complete, full-color illustrated version from Marvel Comics; Archie Goodwin story; Bob Larkin painted cover; AL WILLIAMSON and Carlos Garzon art; ** LOW PRINT and one of the SCARCEST of all the Marvel Treasuries; VF+, 8.5 = $119.00; VF-, 7.5 = $99.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $85.00);
SUPERMAN vs. the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: BATTLE of the CENTURY (Marvel and DC Comics Joint Publication; 1976; Oversize Treasury Edition; 100 Pages; SCARCE in STRICT VF+ or better) *** SEE LISTING in DC Comics Below;
Wizard of Oz: = see MGM's Mavelous... (1975);
Yogi Bear's Easter Parade (1978) = see FUNTASTIC WORLD;
** GIANT COMICS TO COLOR SERIES (WHITMAN Pub; 10-3/4 inches x 15 inches; TREASURY Size; MARVEL and DC Comics Characters);
#1642 ** AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in Weather Forecast: DANGER - Giant Comics to Color (1976; MARVEL Whitman Pub; 52 pages; B&W; Original Comics Story in Giant Panels, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; SCARCE in ANY Grade; Many SPIDER-MAN VILLAINS Appear; Giant Cut-Out SPIDER-MAN Mask on Back cover is NOT Cut; Coloring on page 12 only, rest is NOT Colored, GOOD, 2.0 = $39.00);
#1642 ** AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in Weather Forecast: DANGER - Giant Comics to Color (1976; MARVEL Whitman Pub; 52 pages; B&W; Original Comics Story in Giant Panels, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; SCARCE in ANY Grade; Giant Cut-Out SPIDER-MAN Mask on Back cover is NOT Cut; Coloring on page 25-26 and Cover only, rest is NOT Colored, GOOD, 2.0 = $33.00);
#1671 ** BATMAN and Robin Battle the PENGUIN in Four Birds of a Feather - Giant Comics to Color (1976; DC Whitman Pub; 52 pages; B&W; Original Comics Story in Giant Panels, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; Giant Cut-Out BATMAN Mask on Back cover is NOT Cut; SCARCE in ANY Grade; NOT Colored; SOLD OUT);
#1717 ** BATMAN and ROBIN Battle JOKER in Comedy of Tears - Giant Comics to Color (1975; DC Whitman Pub; 52 pages; B&W; Original Comics Story in Giant Panels, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; Giant Cut-Out BATMAN Mask on Back cover is NOT Cut; SCARCE in ANY Grade; NOT Colored; FN/VF, 7.0 = $69.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $39.00);
#1663 **CAPTAIN AMERICA in The Challenge of SUPER SPORT- Giant Comics to Color (1976; MARVEL Whitman Pub; 52 pages; B&W; Original Comics Story in Giant Panels, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; Many MARVEL SUPER-HEROES Appear; SCARCE in ANY Grade; Giant Cut-Out CAPTAIN AMERICA Mask on Back cover is NOT Cut; Coloring on page ONE only, rest is NOT Colored, VG, 4.0 = $39.00);
#1715 ** SHAZAM! (CAPTAIN MARVEL) in Double Trouble - Giant Comics to Color (1975; DC Whitman Pub; Treasury Size; SIVANA and Princess KATINKA appear; 52 pages; B&W; Original Comics Story in Giant Panels, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; Giant Cut-Out CAPTAIN MARVEL Figure on Back cover is NOT Cut; Coloring on page ONE only, rest is NOT Colored, VF, 8.0 = $79.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $69.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $49.00; VG, 4.0 = $39.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $32.00);
#1664 ** SUPERMAN in Brainiac's Biggest Plot Giant Comics to Color (1976; DC Whitman Pub; 52 pages; B&W; "Battles BRAINIAC'S Biggest Plot"; Original Comics Story in Giant Panels, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; Giant Cut-Out SUPREMAN Mask on Back cover is NOT Cut; in ANY Grade; Coloring on Page 4, Rest is NOT Colored; G/VG= $29.00);
#1664 ** SUPERMAN in Brainiac's Biggest Plot Giant Comics to Color (1976; DC Whitman Pub; 52 pages; B&W; "Battles BRAINIAC'S Biggest Plot"; Original Comics Story in Giant Panels, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; Giant Cut-Out SUPERMAN Mask on Back cover is NOT Cut; in ANY Grade; NOT Colored; VF-, 7.5 = $69.00; FA/G = $19.00)
#1716 ** SUPERMAN in Luthor's Lost Land - Giant Comics to Color (1975; DC Whitman Pub; Pub; 11 x 15" Treasury Size; 52 pages; B&W; Book-Length Original Comics 48 page Story with 1-3 Giant Panels per page, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; Giant Cut-Out SUPERMAN Mask on Back cover is NOT Cut; in ANY Grade; NOT COLORED; FN, 6.0 = $49.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $39.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $19.00);
#1714 ** WONDER MOMAN in The Menace of the Mole Men Giant Comics to Color (1975; DC Whitman Pub; Treasury Size; 52 pages; B&W; Original Comics Story in Giant Panels, usually 3 panels per page on most pages; Giant Cut-Out WONDER MOMAN Mask on Back cover is NOT Cut; SCARCE in ANY Grade; SOLD OUT)
(B) DC Comics - National Pub. Treasury Editions;
DC SPECIAL SERIES (DC Comic Pub; Giant Oversized 10” x 13” TREASURY Edition, Full Color Comic Magazine)
#27 (Fall 1981; Marvel and DC Comics Presents BATMAN vs. The Incredible HULK; ALL-NEW Cover and Book-Length 64 page Story; BATMAN and HULK vs JOKER & the Shaper of Worlds; Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez cover; Len Wein story, Dick Giordano & Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Art; CAMEO & Back Cover appearances of; Rhino, Two-Face, Leader, Scarecrow, Abomination; Half page ORIGIN of BATMAN = Len Wein story, Dick Giordano art; Half page ORIGIN of HULK = Len Wein story, Dick Giordano art; SCARCE due to HUGE Demand & LOW Supply; VF+, 8.5 = $199.00;);
[ NOTE; (Limited Collectors Edition = #21-25,27,29,31-52,57,59; *** Famous First Edition = #26,28,30,61;
*** All-New Collectors Edition = #53-56,58,60,62];
#NN [ #C-20 is Implied; #32156 on cover; Christmas 1972; RUDOLPH, The Red Nosed Reindeer ; Sheldon MAYER-a; LOW Print & One of the SCARCEST DC Comics of the entire BRONZE AGE; VG/FN, 5.0 = $115.00];
C-21 - Shazam (summer/1973; Captain Marvel; Captain Marvel Junior/Jr.; TV's Captain Marvel; Mac Raboy-a; C.C. Beck-a);
C-22 - Tarzan (Tarzan #207-210-r; classic KUBERT cover & art; Complete Origin & 1st novel adaption);
C-23 - House of Mystery (Art by; WRIGHTSON, Aragones, Neal ADAMS, Orlando, Wally WOOD, Gil Kane & Alex TOTH; RARE in high Grades, due to deep BLACK COVER Colors);
#C-24 - Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer (Sheldon MAYER-a; LOW Print & SCARCE; SOLD OUT);
C-25 - Batman (Neal ADAMS-c/a; photo's from TV show; GA JOKER story-r; Batman/Enemy Ace-r);
C-26 - Famous First Edition (exact oversize reprint of Action Comics No.1);
C-27 - Shazam! (GA Captain Marvel & Mary Marvel-r; TV's Captain Marvel; C.C. Beck art);
C-28 - Famous First Edition (exact oversize reprint of Detective Comics No.27);
C-29 - Tarzan (Tarzan #219-223-r; classic KUBERT cover & art; Complete Return of Tarzan novel adaption);;
C-30 (#3) (1974; 72 Pages Including Covers; Exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age SENSATION Comics No.1 from 1/1942 with FIRST Solo Story appearance of WONDER WOMAN; Harry G. Peter & Jon L. Blummer cover; Second appearance of WONDER WOMAN, Continued from All-Star Comics #8 = 13 page story by William Moulton Marston as Charles Moulton with H. G. Peter art; Also Includes Stories of; The Gay Ghost & Little Boy Blue; ** FIRST appearance of BLACK PIRATE and Series Begins; ** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of MR TERIFFIC; ** FIRST appearance of WILDCAT; The Slick Glossy Stiff OUTER Cover is SCARCE in HIGH GRADES, due to the Deep BRONZE COLORS);
C-31 (11-12/1974; PAINTED Cover by H.J. WARD; NEAL ADAMS Art; The Case of the Lethal Letters! War in Europe; Insurance Death Racket; The Men Who Had to Guard Superman! A Concept for Superman's Future; Lois Lane's Secret Helper! The Origin of Golden Age Superman)
C-32 - Ghosts (NEW Stories & ART);
#C-33 - Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer (NEW Stories & ART; Sheldon MAYER-a; LOW Print & SCARCE;
C-34 - Christmas With the Super-Heroes (Batman & Teen Titans-r by Neal ADAMS; Un-Published Angel & Ape-s with Wally WOOD art);
C-35 - Shazam! (TV's Captain Marvel, Jackson Bostwick, Photo-c; TV Photo's inside back-c; GA Captain Marvel-r; C.C. Beck art);
C-36 - The Bible (ALL-NEW adaption, beginning with Genisis; Joe KUBERT, Redondo & Mayer-a; Kubert-c);
#C-37 – BATMAN (Special ALL VILLIAN issue) (8-9/1975; Joker, Penguin, Catwoman & Two-Face on cover = NEW Cover Art by JIM APARO; GCD Contents List =
** Batman #8 Reprint = BATMAN vs JOKER in Cross Country Crimes = Bill Finger-s, Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson & George Roussos art; ** Batman #43 Reprint = BATMAN vs PENGUIN in Blackbird of Banditry = Bill Finger story, Jim Mooney & Ray Burnley art; ** Batman #45 Reprint = BATMAN vs CATWOMAN in Lady Rogues = Bill Woolfolk story, Charles Paris art; ** Golden Age 1946 BATMAN Sunday Page strips #138-146 reprint story = BATMAN vs TWO-FACE = Bill Finger story with Jack Burnley & Win Mortimer art; ** World’s Finest #3 Reprint = BATMAN vs SCARECROW = Bill Finger story, with Bob Kane & George Roussos art; BATMAN TV Series VILLIANS Photo on inside Back Cover = Catwoman (Julie Newmar), the Penguin (Burgess Meredith), the Riddler (Frank Gorshin), the Joker (Caesar Romero), Catwoman (Lee Meriwether), Mr. Freeze (George Sanders) & the Mad Hatter (David Wayne);
C-38 - Superman (1pg ADAMS-a; part Photo-c; TV show photo's inside back-c);
#C-39 – SECRET ORIGINS SUPER-VILLIANS (10-11/1975; GCD Contents Listings; *** Cover Depicts = Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Captain Marvel, Flash, Batman, Superman VS. Lex Luthor, the Joker, Captain Cold, Dr. Sivana, Sinestro & the Cheetah; *** Three Pages including Two-Page centerfold Pinup ROGUES GALLERY of SUPER-VILLIANS includes; BLACK ADAM, Mr. Atom; King Kull; Sivana; Aunt Minerva; Terra-Man; The Blockbuster; Poison Ivy; The Scarecrow; Captain Cold; The Catwoman; Captain Boomerang; Mr. Element; The Trickster; Grodd, The Super-Gorilla; The Weather Wizard, Prof. Zoom, the Reverse-Flash; Abra Kadabra; The Mirror Master; The Pied Piper; Mr. Mind; The Top; Heat Wave; IBAC; The Joker; Black Adam; The Penguin; The Riddler; Ra's Al Ghul; Talia; Luthor; Mr. Mxyzptlk; The Toyman New Cover art by Dick Giordano; ** The BLACK ADAM Cameo on page 33 & mention on page 34 is the Second New Art IMAGE of BLACK ADAM in the Bronze Age; Super-Heroes & their ARCH ENEMIES (One Page Text Article) = Wonder Woman; The Cheetah (text origin); Green Lantern; Sinestro (text origin); Hawkman; The Shadow Thief (text origin); The Atom; Chronos (text origin) Classic Reprints includes; ** Adventure Comics #271 reprint = How SUPERBOY Met LEX LUTHOR = Jerry Siegel story with Al Plastino art; ** Detective Comics #168 reprint = Batman in Man behind the RED HOOD, with ORIGIN of the JOKER = Bill Finger story, with Lew Sayre Schwartz & Charles Paris art; ** Showcase #8 reprint = FLASH vs CAPTAIN COLD in the Coldest Man of Earth = John Broome story, with Carmine Infantino & Frank Giacoia art; ** Superman #249 = Superman in the ORIGIN of TERRA-MAN = Cary Bates story, with Dick Dillin & NEAL ADAMS art; ** Whiz Comics #15 reprint = Captain Marvel in ORIGIN of DR SIVANA = Bill Parker story, with C. C. Beck art;
C-40 - Dick Tracy (classic 1943/44 newspaper-r by Chester Gould; with Flattop);
#C-41 – SUPER FRIENDS (12/1975-1/1976; Based on TV cartoon; JLA / JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA Reprints from 1965; New ALEX TOTH Front & Back cover art; (with Curt Swan & George Klein art on Faces); TV CARTOONS the Comic Strips that Move = All New 11 page Article with Framing Sequence ART by ALEX TOTH;
Plus 7 Pages of addition SUPER FRIENDS New Art by ALEX TOTH inside; SCARCER ISSUE; GCD Contents Listings; *** Cover Depicts = Aquaman, Robin, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Marvin, Wendy & Wonderdog; ** Justice League of America #61 reprint = Green Arrow quits the Justice League; Includes; Hawkman; Batman; Wonder Woman; Superman; the Atom; the Flash; Green Lantern; J'onn J'onzz; Green Arrow; the Penguin; Dr. Light; Lex Luthor; the Tattooed Man; Cutlass Charlie; Captain Boomerang; Mr. I. Q.; Plantmaster; Snapper Carr; Doctor Destiny; Marvin (inset); Script: Gardner Fox; E. Nelson Bridwell (insets) Pencils:
Mike Sekowsky; Alex Toth (insets); Inks: Sid Greene; Alex Toth (insets); ** Justice League of America #36 reprint = Superman; Hawkman; the Flash; Green Lantern; Green Arrow; Batman; Brain Storm; the Atom; Aquaman; Wonder Woman; J'onn J'onzz; Justice League of America; Franklin Roosevelt; Helen Keller; Milton; Demosthenes; Beethoven; ** Script: Gardner Fox; E. Nelson Bridwell (insets); Pencils: Mike Sekowsky; Alex Toth (insets); Inks: Bernard Sachs; Alex Toth (insets)
#C-42 RUDOLPH the RED Nosed Reindeer; LOW Print & SCARCER;
C-43 - Christmas with the Super-Heroes (Art by; WRIGHTSON, Simon & Jack KIRBY, Neal ADAMS);
#C-44 - BATMAN (Baffling Mystery Stories) (6-7/1976; Painted Cover of BATMAN with Bat Signal by Wally Fax; Classic BATMAN Pinup on BACK cover; Batman’s Wayne Foundation Building = 2 pages Terry Austin art; ** Batman #31 reprint = Joseph Greene story, with Jerry Robinson & George Roussos art; ** Batman #83 reprint = Batman in Deep-Sea Diver Mystery = Alvin Schwartz story, with ick Sprang & Charles Paris art; ** Detective Comics #329 reprint = Batman in Castle with Wall-to-Wall Danger = John Broome story, with Carmine Infantino & Joe Giella art; ** Detective Comics #397 reprint = Batman in Paint a Picture of Peril = Denny O'Neil story with Dick Giordano & Neal ADAMS art; SCARCER in HIGH Grade due to the Bright WHITE Borders on the Cover);
C-45 - More Secret Origins of Super-Villians (Flash #105-r; GA Wonder Woman, Batman & Catwoman-r);
C-46 - Justice League of America (1963 JLA-r; 3 pages ALEX TOTH art);
C-47 - Superman Salutes the Bicentennial (Tomahawk-r; 2 pages NEW-a);
C-48 - Superman vs Flash (Superman vs Flash race from Superman #199 & Flash #175; 6pgs NEAL ADAMS art);
C-49 - Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes; ("Mordru the Merciless" and "Devil's Jury"; Diagram of Headquarters; Wedding of Bouncing Boy & Duo Damsel 2-page centerfold pinup; New wraparound cover by Grell)
#C-50 – Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer (Sheldon MAYER-a; INSERT POSTER intact at center; LOW Print & SCARCER;
#C-51 - BATMAN (vs RA'S AL GHUL & TALIA AL GHUL cover & Story) (August/1977; 84 pages Including Covers; All-New Wraparound Cover by NEAL ADAMS; ** Batman #232 reprint (FIRST appearance of RA'S AL GHUL) = Batman in Daughter of the Demon with RA'S AL GHUL & TALIA AL GHUL = Denny O'Neil story with Dick Giordano & NEAL ADAMS art; ** Batman #242 reprint = Batman in Bruce Wayne Rest in Peace with RA'S AL GHUL = Denny O'Neil story with Dick Giordano & Irv Novick art; ** Batman #243 reprint = Batman in Lazarus Pit with RA'S AL GHUL = Denny O'Neil story with Dick Giordano & NEAL ADAMS art);
C-52 - Best of DC Volume-1 (NEAL ADAMS cover & art; Alex TOTH-a; KUBERT-a);
#C-53 - Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer (ALL-NEW Stories & Art; Sheldon MAYER-a; LOW Print & SCARCER;
C-54 - Superman vs. Wonder Woman (ALL-NEW Stories & Art);
C-55 - Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (ALL-NEW Stories & Art; Wedding of Lightning Lad & Saturn Girl; MIKE GRELL Cover & Art);
#C-56 - SUPERMAN vs. MUHAMMAD ALI [ 1978; Regular DC edition; FIRST PRINTING; Large Oversized All-New COLOR Comic 10" x 13" Size; 76 Pages including covers, of ALL-NEW Classic NEAL ADAMS covers & ART!!!! >>>Contains 172 CAMEO Character APPEARANCES (with index; writers, artists, personalities, Superheroes), including; Deadman, Ms. Mystic, Plastic Man, Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., Captain Marvel, Challengers of the Unknown, Metal Men, J'onn J'onzz, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Atom, Aquaman, Robin, Black Canary, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Flash, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman, Justice League of America, Teen Titans, Batman, Berni Wrightson, Wally Wood, Gil Kane, Sergio Aragones, Howard Chaykin, Archie Goodwin, Walt Simonson, the Jacksons, Michael Jackson, Cher, Donny & Marie Osmond, Tony Orlando, Wolfman Jack, Frank Sinatra, Ron Howard, Raquel Welch, Wayne Rogers, Liberace, Johnny Carson, Christopher Reeve, Lucille Ball, Sonny Bono, Joe Namath, Andy Warhol, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Gerald R. Ford, William M. (Mad) Gaines, Alfred E. Neuman, Jimmy Carter, Don King, Batgirl, George Foreman, President Jimmy Carter, Adam Strange, Howard Cosell; HOT ITEM, has had a large increase in value in recent years & is a good investment! GET IT NOW! (Can You GUESS who wins the BOXING match??); ** FINE+, 6.5 = $129.00 ];
#C-57 - Welcome Back, Kotter (5/1978; 72 pages including covers; John TRAVOLTA TV series; Includes Unpublished issue #11; Wraparound cover by Bob Oksner; Mark Evanier-s; Ric Estrada & Bob Oksner art; ASK);
#C-58 - Superman Vs. Shazam (4/1978; ALL-NEW Stories & Art; Second All-New Story Bronze Age appearance of BLACK ADAM; Black Adam is #16 on IGN's #16 Top-100 Comic Book Villain Of All Time List; Dwayne “The ROCK” Johnson (of WWE, Scorpion King & Movie Fame) has CONFIRMED he will play Captain Marvel or he Arch-Enemy BLACK ADAM in the 2016 DC Comics MOVIE adaption SHAZAM, currently in Development; Quarrmer, Karmang, Supergirl and Mary Marvel appear; ASK);
#C-59 – BATMAN'S Strangest Cases (1978; 80 pages; Wraparound Cover by Neal Adams and Berni Wrightson; Red Water, Crimson Death, art by Neal Adams; Night of the Bat, Swamp Thing with Batman story, Art by BERNI WRIGHTSON; The Batman Nobody Knows, art by Dick Giordano; The Demon of Gothos Mansion, art by Irv Novick; A Vow From the Grave, art by Neal Adams);
#C-60 - Rudolph's {the Red Nosed Reindeer} Summer Fun; (ALL-NEW Stories & Art; Sheldon MAYER-a; LOW Print & SCARCER; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00; FN, 6.0 = $20.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $15.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $10.00);
C-61 - Famous First Edition (exact oversize reprint of Superman No.1; DC Pub regular edition; New BACK-c by Lopez & Giordano; VF, 8.0 = $36.00; FN/VF = $24.00; FN = $18.00 VG = $12.00);
C-61 - Famous First Edition (exact oversize reprint of Superman No.1; New BACK-c by Lopez & Giordano; Scarce WHITMAN Pub variant edition; FN=$20; VG/FN=$16)
#C-62 – Superman The Movie (1979; 68 pages; ALL-NEW Stories & Art; Photo-c from Movie, plus Photo’s inside; *** All-New Collector's Edition Treasury C-62 features SUPERMAN the Movie #1, the Film introduced General ZOD to the Film Media & General Public; Terence Stamp plays the Phantom Zone Criminal/Villian General Dru-ZOD; DC Special Series #25 Treasury features General ZOD as he went on to appear in Superman-II in 1980; a Ruby-Spears Superman Animated epidode in 1988 had ZOD; Callum Blue played General ZOD in 23 episodes of TV's SMALLVILLE from 2009-2011. Michael Shannon played General ZOD in the 2013 Man of Steel Movie #1; First & second 2-Panel cameo appearance of General ZOD were in Adventure #283, 293; First & Second FULL appearances of General ZOD were in Action Comics #297, 298; See also ACTION Comics #471-473 for FAORA Hu-UL and ZOD; In the eyes of the General Public, General ZOD rivals LEX LUTHOR as the Top Superman Villian in the TV & FILM Media. VF, 8.0 =$20; FN/VF=$16);
Limited Collectors Edition - ALL-NEW Collectors Edition (DC Comics Pub; Giant Oversized DC Treasury Editions; 1973-1979);
Famous First Edition (Scarce to RARE HARDCOVER Editions by LYLE STUART INC; These have High Original Cover Prices of $5.00 each; 1974-1975; Limited Edition HARDCOVER Printings of the DC Comics Giant Oversized Treasury editions; The Comic Inside is an EXACT Duplicate of the Original Golden Age Comic even with Ads; The HARDCOVER Printings Had LOW PRINT RUNS and were Sold Only in Selected Books Stores & to LIBRARY’S);
**** The DUST JACKET’S on These were VERY easily DAMAGED, thus these are EXTRA SCARCE in strict VG/FN or Better condition; (MOST Copies Are Missing the DUST JACKET, or Have TATTERED & TORN Dust Jackets or are Ex-LIBRARY Copies all in LOW GRADE);
(HARDCOVER); Famous First Edition #C-26 (#1) (1974; exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age ACTION COMICS No.1 with FIRST appearance of SUPERMAN; = SOLD OUT);
(HARDCOVER); Famous First Edition #C-26 (#2) (1974; exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age DETECTIVE Comics No.27 with FIRST appearance of BATMAN; = SOLD OUT);
(HARDCOVER); Famous First Edition #C-30 (#3) (1974; exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age SENSATION Comics No.1 from 1/1942 with FIRST appearance of WONDER WOMAN; Harry G. Peter & Jon L. Blummer cover; Second appearance of WONDER WOMAN, Continued from All-Star Comics #8 = 13 page story by William Moulton Marston as Charles Moulton with H. G. Peter art; Also Includes Stories of; The Gay Ghost & Little Boy Blue; ** FIRST appearance of BLACK PIRATE and Series Begins; ** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of MR TERIFFIC; = SOLD OUT
(HARDCOVER ) Famous First Edition #F-4 (10-11/1974; oversize reprint of the Golden Age WHIZ Comics #2 = with with FIRST appearance of the Golden Age CAPTAIN MARVEL; ** ISBN #0-8184-0171-0; Book Condition = VF; DUST JACKET Condition = G/VG; Price = $89.00);
(HARDCOVER ) Famous First Edition #F-5 (BATMAN #1) = NEVER PUBLISHED
(HARDCOVER ) Famous First Edition #F-6 (5/1975; exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age WONDER WOMAN No.1; ** ISBN #0-8184-0218-0; Book = FN/VF; Dust Jacket = 4” x 2” Piece Clipped out and Taped back in from inside, thus GOOD; Price = $35.00);
(HARDCOVER ) Famous First Edition #F-6 (5/1975; exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age WONDER WOMAN No.1; ** ISBN #0-8184-0218-0; EX-LIBRARY COPY; Book = GOOD; Dust Jacket = Piece out at lower right cover, thus FAIR; Price = $18.00);
DC - National Pub, TREASURY editions - assorted;
Amazing World of Superman, Official Metropolis Edition # NN (1973; Origin Superman; Wally WOOD art; INSERT POSTER intact; Printed for Proposed & abandoned THEME PART in City of Metropolis; SCARCE in High Grade, due to Black-c);
Batman: War on Crime #NN (#1; 11/1999; One-Shot, Giant TREASURY Sized Colour Comics Graphic Novel; Paul Dini story; ALEX ROSS Painted Cover & Art);
Famous First Edition (DC Comics Pub; 1974-1979; Giant Oversized 10” x 13” Treasury editions, Full Color Comic Magazines; The Comic Inside is an EXACT Duplicate of the Original Golden Age Comic even with Ads, except that it is Oversized, with a new STIFF Outer Cover Over Top; MANY MANY People have found Copies with Stiff Out Cover Missing & thought they Had the Original comic); **** The HIGH GLOSS Covers Gets Scuffed & Scratched VERY easily, thus these are EXTRA SCARCE in strict VERY FINE or better condition;
C-26 - Famous First Edition (#1) (exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age ACTION COMICS No.1 with FIRST appearance of SUPERMAN; The Slick Glossy Stiff OUTER Cover is SCARCE in HIGH GRADES, due to the Deep GOLD COLORS; ASK);
C-28 - Famous First Edition (#2) (exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age DETECTIVE Comics No.27 with FIRST appearance of BATMAN; The Slick Glossy Stiff OUTER Cover is SCARCE in HIGH GRADES, due to the Deep SILVER COLORS; ASK);
C-30 (#3) (1974; 72 Pages Including Covers; Exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age SENSATION Comics No.1 from 1/1942 with FIRST Solo Story appearance of WONDER WOMAN; Harry G. Peter & Jon L. Blummer cover; Second appearance of WONDER WOMAN, Continued from All-Star Comics #8 = 13 page story by William Moulton Marston as Charles Moulton with H. G. Peter art; Also Includes Stories of; The Gay Ghost & Little Boy Blue; ** FIRST appearance of BLACK PIRATE and Series Begins; ** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of MR TERIFFIC; ** FIRST appearance of WILDCAT; The Slick Glossy Stiff OUTER Cover is SCARCE in HIGH GRADES, due to the Deep BRONZE COLORS);
#F-4 (10-11/1974; oversize reprint of the Golden Age WHIZ Comics #2 = with with FIRST appearance of the Golden Age CAPTAIN MARVEL;The Slick Glossy Stiff OUTER Cover is SCARCE in HIGH GRADES, due to the Deep BLACK COLORS; ASK);
#F-5 (2-3/1975; 72 Pages Including Covers; Exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age BATMAN No.1 from Spring 1940; Classic cover by Bob Kane & Jerry Robinson; ** ORIGIN of BATMAN = 2 page Story by Bill Finger with Bob Kane & Sheldon Moldoff art; ** FIRST appearance of the JOKER = 13 page Story by Bill Finger with Bob Kane & Sheldon Moldoff art; ** The JOKER RETURNS = 13 page Story by Bill Finger with Bob Kane & Sheldon Moldoff art; ** Batman vs Professor Hugo Strange = 12 page Story by Bill Finger with Bob Kane & Sheldon Moldoff art; ** FIRST appearance of Selina Kyle aka the CATWOMAN (the FIRST Villainess in Comics) = 13 page Story by Bill Finger with Bob Kane & Sheldon Moldoff art; The Slick Glossy Stiff OUTER Cover is SCARCE in HIGH GRADES, due to the Deep WHITE COLORS);
#F-6 (4-5/1975; 68 Pages Including Covers; Exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age WONDER WOMAN No.1 from Summer/1942; Classic cover by Harry G. Peter; ** ORIGIN of WONDER WOMAN, History of the Amazons = More Detailed than All-Star #8; William Moulton Marston as Charles Moulton Stories Begin; Harry G. Peter cover & art Begins; ** Ares (Mars), Aphrodite, Hercules, Hippolyte, the Amazons, Steve Trevor & Etta Candy, Mint Candy appearances; The Slick Glossy Stiff OUTER Cover is SCARCE in HIGH GRADES, due to the Deep RED COLORS);
#F-7 (607/1975; 68 Pages Including Covers; Exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age ALL-STAR Comics No.3 from Winter 1940; ** FIRST appearance of the JSA / JUSTICE SOCIETY of AMERICA Team [Johnny Thunder, Dr. Fate [Kent Nelson], Sandman [Wesley Dodds], The Flash [Jay Garrick], Green Lantern [Alan Scott], Hawkman [Carter Hall], Hourman [Rex Tyler], Spectre [Jim Corrigan], The Atom [Al Pratt]]; Classic cover by Everett E. Hibbard; ** STORY by Gardner Fox, Jerry Siegel, Ken Fitch, Sheldon Mayer, Evelyn Gaines, Bill O'Connor; ** ART by; Sheldon Moldoff, Everett E. Hibbard, Bernard Baily, Sheldon Mayer, Chad Grothkopf, Howard Sherman, Ben Flinton & Martin Nodell; The Slick Glossy Stiff OUTER Cover is SCARCE in HIGH GRADES, due to the Deep DARK BLUE COLORS);
#F-8 (exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age FLASH Comics No.1; The Slick Glossy Stiff OUTER Cover is SCARCE in HIGH GRADES, due to the Deep BLUE COLORS; ASK);
#C-61 - Famous First Edition (exact oversize reprint of the Golden Age SUPERMAN No.1; DC Pub regular edition; New BACK-c by Lopez & Giordano; ASK);
#C-61 - (exact oversize reprint of Superman No.1; DC Pub regular edition; New BACK-c by Lopez & Giordano; Scarce WHITMAN Pub variant edition; FN=$24; VG/FN=$18);
HOW TO DRAW SUPERMAN (1998; Walter Foster Book; 44 Pages including covers; Written by Ty Templeton; illustrated by John Delaney & Ron Boyd; 10-14” x 13-3/4”; Water Damage & Creasing to Covers, FA/G, 1.5 = $8.00);
MGM's Marvelous WIZARD OF OZ (2nd joint MARVEL and DC Pub comic; 84 pages including Covers)
#1 (1975; Adaption of the Classic MGM Movie Metro-Goldwyn Mayer's The Wizard of Oz, 72 page Book-Length story; ** Adapting the 1939 film based on the book by L. Frank Baum. Gaspar Saladino is credited on the credits page; Lisa Petergreg on the story itself. ** Dedicated in memory of Judy Garland (the original Dorothy); ** Main Characters; Dorothy Gale (as portrayed by Judy Garland); The Scarecrow (as portrayed by Ray Bolger); The Tin Woodsman (as portrayed by Jack Haley); The Cowardly Lion (as portrayed by Bert Lahr); The Wicked Witch of the West (as portrayed by Margaret Hamilton); and the Wizard of Oz (as portrayed by Frank Morgan); ** Appearances by; Toto; Uncle Henry [Henry Gale]; Antie Em [Emily Gale]; Hunk; Hickory; Zeke; Miss Gulch [Elvira Gulch]; Professor Marvel; Glinda, the Witch of the North; The Munchkins; The Wicked Witch of the East (death); The Wizard; Flying Monkeys; The Winkies; Mrs. Appleby (cameo); Farmer Johnson (cameo); Mr. Lumkin (cameo); ** Additional Articles and PHOTOS includes; The American Grimm, Who's Who in MGM's Oz, Map of the Marvelous Land of Oz, Coming OZtractions, 2 Memorable Scenes from MGM's "Wizard of Oz; ** We're Off to See the Wizard Back Cover Pinup; ** Roy Thomas (adaptation); Noll Langley (screenplay); Florence Ryerson (screenplay); Edgar Allan Wolfe (screenplay); John Buscema and Tony DeZuniga art; Art direction by John Romita);
Superman and his Incredible Fortress of Solitude (DC Special Series #26; Summer/1981);
Superman: Peace of Earth #NN (#1; 11/1998; One-Shot, Giant TREASURY Sized Colour Comics Graphic Novel; Paul Dini story; ALEX ROSS Painted Cover & Art);
SUPERMAN vs. the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: BATTLE of the CENTURY (Marvel and DC Comics Joint Publication; 1976; Oversize Treasury Edition; 100 Pages; SCARCE in STRICT VF+ or better)
#1 (January/1976; The Classic First Ever MARVEL and DC Crossover Story comic; ALL-NEW Story & Art; 100 Pages including Covers; SUPERMAN and SPIDER-MAN Battle LEX LUTHOR and DOCTOR OCTOPUS; One of the MOST Under-Valued Comics of the Entire BRONZE AGE; HIGH DEMAND Bronze Age Classic & Getting Scarcer; GCD Notes; Cover by; Carmine Infantino (roughs), Ross Andru (finished pencils), NEAL ADAMS (Superman redraws) with Dick Giordano inks & Terry Austin inks (backgrounds); GCD Notes; Gerry Conway story; ART by Ross Andru with NEAL ADAMS (Superman redraws), John Romita (some faces) with Dick Giordano inks & Terry Austin inks (backgrounds); NM, 9.4 = $399.00; NM-, 9.2 = $299.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $199.00; VF+, 8.5 = $149.00);
#1 (January/1976; The Classic First Ever MARVEL and DC Crossover Story comic; ALL-NEW Story & Art; 100 Pages including Covers; SUPERMAN and SPIDER-MAN Battle LEX LUTHOR and DOCTOR OCTOPUS; One of the MOST Under-Valued Comics of the Entire BRONZE AGE; HIGH DEMAND Bronze Age Classic & Getting Scarcer; GCD Notes; Cover by; Carmine Infantino (roughs), Ross Andru (finished pencils), NEAL ADAMS (Superman redraws) with Dick Giordano inks & Terry Austin inks (backgrounds); GCD Notes; Gerry Conway story; ART by Ross Andru with NEAL ADAMS (Superman redraws), John Romita (some faces) with Dick Giordano inks & Terry Austin inks (backgrounds); FN/VF, 7.0 = $99.00; FN+, 6.5 = $85.00; GD, 2.0 = $45.00);
Superman II: The Adventure Continues (DC Special Series #25; Summer/1981; Photo-c & Photo's from Movie; Summer/1981; Photo-c & Photo’s from Movie; *** All-New Collector's Edition Treasury C-62 features SUPERMAN the Movie #1, the Film introduced General ZOD to the Film Media & General Public; Terence Stamp plays the Phantom Zone Criminal/Villian General Dru-ZOD; DC Special Series #25 Treasury features General ZOD as he went on to appear in Superman-II in 1980; a Ruby-Spears Superman Animated epidode in 1988 had ZOD; Callum Blue played General ZOD in 23 episodes of TV's SMALLVILLE from 2009-2011. Michael Shannon played General ZOD in the 2013 Man of Steel Movie #1; First & second 2-Panel cameo appearance of General ZOD were in Adventure #283, 293; First & Second FULL appearances of General ZOD were in Action Comics #297, 298; See also ACTION Comics #471-473 for FAORA Hu-UL and ZOD; In the eyes of the General Public, General ZOD rivals LEX LUTHOR as the Top Superman Villian in the TV & FILM Media. NM-, 9.2 = $39; VF+, 8.5 = $22; VF, 8.0 =$18; FN/VF=$14);
WONDER WOMAN: SPIRIT OF TRUTH #NN (#1; 11/2001; One-Shot, Giant TREASURY Sized Colour Comics Graphic Novel; Paul Dini story; ALEX ROSS Painted Cover & Art = SOLD OUT);
( C ) MISC, TREASURY / Tabloid editions;
Christmas and Archie {An Archie Special Edition ...} (Archie / Fawcett Pub; Color; RARE in High Grade);
#1 (1/1975; 68 pages including covers; SCARCE in ANY Grade; VG = $39);
#1 (1/1975; 68 pages including covers; SCARCE in ANY Grade; G/VG, Inside BACK-c is Colored in Felt Pens; Rest of Mag = $29);
CANNON (Wally Wood Pub.; 1979; 10" x 12"; NUDITY and GGA Good-Girl-Art; ADULTS ONLY; B&W; 36 Pages; Low Print and Scarce)
#1 (1979; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; VG/FN, 5.0 = $32.00);
#2 (1979; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; VF, 8.0 = $49.00);
#3 (1979; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
#4 (1980; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $25.00);
EO 3-D Special Souvenir Edition
(Eclipse Comics
#1(Michael Jackson-c/s; Giant Oversized 3-D Comic with Stiff Covers; SOLD OUT);
THE COMPLETE E.C. SEGAR POPEYE VOLUME TWO; SUNDAYS 1932 – 1934 (Fantagraphics Books; 1985);
DESTROY!! (Eclipse Comics Pub; Large 11” x 15” TREASURY Sized edition; B&W; Original Cover price $4.95; 36 Pages including Covers);
Volume-1 #1 [11/1986; One-Shot Special; First appearance of Captain Maximum; Scott McCloud (creator of ZOT) story, cover & art; Spoof of Superhero comics & Jack Kirby Style Art; The LOUDEST comic-book in the UNIVERSE!! PARENTS BEWARE! This Comic-Book is exactly what you think it is: 32 pages of meaningless, overblown violence, mayhem and destruction! (Plus one Naughty Word); SCARCE; SOLD OUT];
Giant Comic Album Series (Modern Promotions Pub / KING Features Syndicate; 1972; 52 pages; Treasury Sized Edition; B&W; SCARCE in ANY Grade; RARE in VF or Better; King Features Syndicate Newspaper Comics Strip reprints);
BARNEY GOOGLE and SNUFFY SMITH Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special; 1972; by Fred Lasswell; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00; FN = $24.00);
BEETLE BAILEY Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special;1972; by MORT WALKER; (VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00);
BEETLE BAILEY Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special;1972; by MORT WALKER; (VF+, 8.5 = $49.00);
BEETLE BAILEY Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special;1972; by MORT WALKER; (FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00; VG/FN = $19.00);
BLONDIE Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special;1972; by CHIC YOUNG; (VF+, 8.5 = $45.00);
BLONDIE Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special;1972; by CHIC YOUNG; (FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00);
FLASH GORDON Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special;1973; Treasury Sized Edition; 52 pages; B&W; SCARCE in ANY Grade; Newspaper Strip-r; DAN BARRY-c/a; VG=$19.00; G=$13.00);
HENRY Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special;1973; by JOHN LINEY; VF, 8.0 = $39.00);
HENRY Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special; 1973; by JOHN LINEY; G/VG = $13.00);
The Katzenjammer Kids Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special;1972; 52 pages; by Joe Musial; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00);
LITTLE IODINE Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special; 1973; by DUNN & EISMAN;G/VG = $13.00);
MANDRAKE the Magician Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special; 1972; by LEE FALK; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00;
MANDRAKE the Magician Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special; 1972; by LEE FALK; VF, 8.0 = $49.00;
MANDRAKE the Magician Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special; 1972; by LEE FALK; G/VG = $16.00);
POPEYE Giant Comic Album #NN(#1 ; One-Shot Special; 1972; by BUD SAGENDORF; VF+, 8.5 = $59.00);
Golden Picture Story Book (Stories) SERIES; (52 pages; 12/1961; Racine Press = Western/Golden/Whitman/Gold Key Pub; 10"x14" Treasury Size; Listed as “All SCARCE" in Overstreet; Stiff but flexible cardboard covers; Full Color; Original stories; all are RARE)
#ST-1 = Golden Picture Story Book of Huckleberry Hound - Huckleberry Hound Chuckleberry Time (12/1961; Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoons; Listed as "SCARCE" in Overstreet; Hokey Wolf, Pixie & Dixie, Quick Draw McGraw, Snooper & Blabber, Augie Doggie; VF, 8.0 = $175.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $135.00);
#ST-2 = Golden Picture Story Book of Yogi Bear - Yogi Bear Yummy Tummy Stories (12/1961; Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoons; Snagglepuss, Yakky Doodle, Quick Draw McGraw, Snooper & Blabber, Augie Doggie; VG/FN, 5.0 = $75.00);
#ST-3 = Golden Picture Story Book of Walt Disney's Babes in Toyland (12/1961; Movie Adaption; ANNETTE FUNICELLO Photo cover; Film/Movie also starred; Ray Bolger, Tommy Sands, Ed Wynn, Tommy Kirk; RARE; SOLD OUT)
#ST-4 = Golden Picture Story Book of DISNEY DUCKS -- Walt Disney's Wonderfuld World of Ducks featuring Ludwig Von Drake; (12/1961; Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge, Donald's Nephews, Grandma Duck, Ludwig Von Drake & Gyro Gearloose stories; VG/FN, 5.0 = $75.00);
Heritage Presents AMORA by GRAY MORROW (Oversize 8" x 15" Fanzine; Heritage Pub);
#NN (1971; 16 pages; GGA Good-Girl-Art by GRAY MORROW; FN/VF, 7.0 = $35.00; VG, 4.0 = $19.00; FA/G, 1.5 = $10.00);
KING KONG (Whitman Pub; 10" x 13" TREASURY SIZE; Uncommon in ANY Grade; SCARCE in High Grade);
#NN (1968; On-sale Date 1968-06-06; Notes from GCD; On-sale date from 1968 Books and Pamphlets, Copyright Office, Library of Congress, reference number A12760; Overstreet Lists a 1968 and a 1978 Printing; GCD Lists a 1968 and a 1976 Printing;
I suspect only ONE Printing Exists, as all copies always look identical; I suspect The Library of Congress copyright is for the Comic Sized Edition; I suspect this was printed circa 1976-1978 to exploit the 1976 Movie starring Jessica Lange, but in error they left the 1968 Date on the Treasury causing all the confusion; The Only date anywhere in the item is 1968, with NO Other Reference Numbers; Movie Adaption; 68 Pages; $1.00 Original Cover Price; ** Appearances by; King Kong; Ann Darrow; Carl Denham; Jack Driscoll; Captain Englehorn; Charles Weston; Lumpy; Jimmy; Joe; ** George Wilson Painted cover; Alberto Giolitti art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $129.00; VF+, 8.5 = $99.00; VF, 8.0 = $79.00);
NEMO; THE CLASSICS COMIC LIBRARY ANNUAL #1 (1985; Fantagraphics Books);
ROCK COMICS (Landgraphics Pub.)
#1 (7-8/1979; 11" x 15" Tabloid Treasury Sized Newspaper; NEAL ADAMS cover; 24 pages; B&W; FIRST appearance of AXE McCORD with his Cosmic Powered guitar VALKYRIE; FIRST appearance of Captain Feedback & the Music Masters; The KING OF PUNK; Ken Landgraf, Gil Armando & Alfredo Alcala art; THOR = 4 page Backup story with NEAL ADAMS art; UN-FOLDED; FN/VF, 7.0 = $69.00; FN, 6.0 = $59.00; VG, 4.0 = $45.00; Good, 2.0 = $29.00);
Sacred and Profane by Justin Green (Last Gasp; 1976; Giant Oversized 10"x14" Treasury Sized Edition;
#NN (#1; Last Gasp; 1976; 1st Printing; Binky Brown returns; We Fellow Travellers; Gates of Purgatory; Rowdy Noody; Sol tours Purgatory & meets Jack Benny; VG/FN, 5.0 = $25.00);
SALLY FORTH {Wallace Wood's...} by Wally WOOD (1976-1979?; Wallace Wood / Jack Robinson Pub; 10”x12” Oversized Magazine / Fanzine; Loaded with Nudity; ADULTS ONLY; B&W; 36 Pages; Low Print and Scarce)
#1 (1976; $3.50 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $89.00; FN, 6.0 = $69.00; VG, 4.0 = $49.00);
#2 (1977; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $79.00);
#3 (1978; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; ASK);
#4 (1979; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; Parodies of King Kong, Mummy, Werewolf, Vampire, etc; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $69.00);
SOJOURN (12" x 17" Tabloid Treasury Size; White Cliffs Pub. Co. Inc. 9-12/1977)
#1 (9/1977; Tor by Joe Kubert; Eddie Race by Doug Wildey; Eagle by John Severin; The Smooth by Dick Giordano; T.C. Mars by Sergio Aragones; Kronos by Lee Elias; Color Poster by Steve Bissette; Oversized, Folded Copies; FN+, 6.5 = $28.00; FN, 6.0 = $22.00; VG, 4.0 = $16.00; Good, 2.0 = $12.00);
#2 (12/1977; Dick Giordano; Doug Wildey; Lee Elias; Joe Kubert; John Severin; Steve Bissette; Harris; Kelley; Sergio Aragones; Oversized, Folded, Good, 2.0 = $12.00; Fair, 1.0 = $8.00);
Spaced (Comics & Comix pub); #3 (1976; 1st Printing; Giant Oversized 10-1/2"x14" Treasury Sized Edition; Jim Pinkoski-c/a; RARE; G/VG, 3.0 = $39.00);
The SPIRIT Coloring Book (1974; Poor House Press; 36 Pages; STIFF cover;; Will Eisner art; all the Great Splash Pages; VG, 3.0 = $20.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $15.00);
STARFIGHTERS (Landgraphics Pub.)
#1 (5-6/1979; 11" x 15" Tabloid Treasury Sized Newspaper; NEAL ADAMS cover; 24 pages; B&W; FIRST appearance of the STARFIGHTERS, Buck Starr, Sheila, Frenchy & Christi = Ken Landgraf-s/a, Gil & Simons inks; Killer Cat of Zerena = Ken Landgraf-s/a, Joseph Rubinstein inks; FIRST appearance of DEBRA STARR Lady Wrestler = Ken Landgraf & Abel; LOW PRINT; UN-Folded, Overall VF+, but Tanning around edges, thus VF-, 7.5 = $69.00);
#1 (5-6/1979; Tabloid Treasury Sized Newspaper; NEAL ADAMS cover; 24 pages; B&W; FIRST appearance of the STARFIGHTERS, Buck Starr, Sheila, Frenchy & Christi = Ken Landgraf-s/a, Gil & Simons inks; Killer Cat of Zerena = Ken Landgraf-s/a, Joseph Rubinstein inks; FIRST appearance of DEBRA STARR Lady Wrestler = Ken Landgraf & Abel; LOW PRINT; UN-Folded, G/VG, 3.0 = $35.00);
STERANKO: History of Comics (Supergraphics Pub; 1970-1972; Oversize Pro Fanzine / Treasury Size; 10-1/2” x 13”);
#1 (1970; New Wraparound Cover by JIM STERANKO featuring over 50 Comic Characters; 88 Pages including Covers; Flash Gordon, Prince Valiant, Terry & Pirates, Tarzan by Hogarth; PULPS = Herop, Horror, Mystery & SF; Superman, Batman, Captain America; 2 x Full page KIRBY pinups; GA TIMELY Super-Heroes; GA DC Super-Heroes; Scarce; Weight = 350 Grams; VG, 3.5 minus = $59.00; Good, 2.0 = $35.00);
#2 (1972; New Wraparound Cover by JIM STERANKO featuring over 50 Comic Characters; 132 Pages including Covers;Fawcett’s Captain Marvel & Marvel Family; GA Fawcett Heroes & Super-Heroes; Blackhawk, Air Fighters, Air Boy,Wings, GA Quality Super-Heroes; Spirit, etc; Weight = 525 Grams; NM-, 9.2 = $99.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $49.00; FN, 6.0 = $39.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $22.00)
WHAM-O GIANT COMICS (1967; HUGE Oversize 14” x 21” color comic. 52 pages. Wham-O Pub);
#1 (1967; Includes; The Origin of Radian = 3pgs Wally Wood-s/a; 1st app TOR Man From Aeons = Lou Fine-a; Young Eagles =WWI Pilots; Experiment In Shock; Kelp People; Mark of the Sun; Unexplored; Menace of the Kaleids – Kaleidoscope of Fear = Ernie Colon-a; 1st app Galaxo the Cosmic Agent; The Unhumans; Stellar Apes; Challenge of Captain Blud; Wrath of Rufus Rottenbad; 1st app Goody Bumpkin = 3pgs Wally Wood-s/a; Captain Valoren – The Toad; Gladiator’s Triumph; Diary of Ty Locke – Condition Red On Vortex Z = 3pgs Warren Tufts-a; Super Sibling; Klunker the Misfit Monster; Origin of Clyde King of the Jungle; Wham-O Fun Factory = 1pg Virgil Partch-a; Bridget and Newton = 1pg John Stanley-s/a; Sorceror’s Apprentice – Melvin the Magician; Wild Earth Child; Helping Handsome; Flabby and Gabby = Ward Kimball-a; Flying Saucer reports; Wraparound-c; SCARCE; Comes Folded, Good+, 2.5 = $49.00; FA/G, 1.5 = $32.00);
WILL EISNER'S HAWKS OF THE SEA 1936–1938 (Kitchen Sink Press; This is the SCARCE Oversized 10" x 14-12" Treasury Sized 1986 Printing; (NOT the 2003 Reprint by Dark Horse); 140 Pages including covers; Landmark Collection of EISNERS first major work; Intro by AL WILLIAMSON; Edited by Dave Schreiner; Overall FN/VF, but with Water Damage at bottom One Inch of Book, thus G/VG, 3.0 = $15.00)
(D) WALT DISNEY - TREASURY / Tabloid editions;
Picture Story Book SERIES;
(52 pages; 12/1961; Racine Press = Western/Golden/Whitman/Gold Key
Pub; 10"x14" Treasury Size; Listed as “All SCARCE"
in Overstreet; Stiff but flexible cardboard covers; Full Color;
Original stories; RARE)
SEE ST-3 and ST-4 above under MISC Treasury's
The JUNGLE BOOK (Walt Disney Presents ...) (Whitman / Gold Key Pub., TREASURY; The Complete Picture Story of the Classic Walt Disney Feature Length Animated Cartoon Movie)-
#1 (1/1968; Whitman #6022-801; 59 cents Original Cover Price; 68 pages; Different covers than 1978 Reprint; Scarce in ANY grade; SOLD OUT);
#1 (6/1978; #12299; $1.00 Original Cover Price; 68 pages; Different covers than 1968 Original; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; VG+, 4.5 = $22.00)
WALT DISNEY PAINT BOOK SERIES (Whitman Pub; No Dates; circa 1975; Printed with Original 1930's copyright dates; 79 cents Original cover price; 52pgs; B&W, Treasury/Tabloid size; With; Coloring Books, illustrated Text stories & COMICS; SCARCE); ** WEIGHT for Postage Purposes = 260 Grams each;
#2052 (Whitman #866-r; "Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck Gag Book"; Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse & Donald Duck cover; VF = $39.00; FN = $29.00);
#2053 (Whitman #677-r; "A Walt Disney Paint Book"; Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto & Donald Duck cover; VF = $39.00; FN = $29.00);
#2054 (Whitman #670-r; "Donald Duck"; Donald Duck cover; VF = $44.00; FN = $33.00);
#2055 (Whitman #627-r; "A Walt Disney Paint Book"; Mickey Mouse cover; VF = $44.00; FN = $33.00);
#2056 (Whitman #660-r; "Silly Symphony Book to Color"; Bucky Bug cover; VF = $36.00; FN = $26.00);
#2057 (Whitman #887-r; "Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck & all Their Pals"; Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck cover; VF = $39.00; FN = $29.00);
WHAM-O GIANT COMICS - World's Largest Comic Book (1967; HUGE Oversize 14” x 21” Color Comic. 52 pages. Wham-O Pub);
#1 [1967; Includes; Origin and FIRST Appearance of Radian, 3 pages of WALLY WOOD story and art; FIRST Appearance of TOR Man From Aeons, Lou Fine art; Young Eagles, WWI Pilots; Experiment In Shock; Kelp People; Mark of the Sun; Unexplored; Menace of the Kaleids – Kaleidoscope of Fear, Ernie Colon art; FIRST Appearance Galaxo the Cosmic Agent; The Unhumans; Stellar Apes; Challenge of Captain Blud; Wrath of Rufus Rottenbad; FIRST Appearance Goody Bumpkin, 3 pages of WALLY WOOD story and art; Captain Valoren – The Toad; Gladiator’s Triumph; Diary of Ty Locke – Condition Red On Vortex Z, 3 pages Warren Tufts art; Super Sibling; Klunker the Misfit Monster; Origin and FIRST Appearance of Clyde King of the Jungle; Wham-O Fun Factory, 1 page Virgil Partch art; Bridget and Newton, 1 page John Stanley story and art; Sorceror’s Apprentice – Melvin the Magician; Wild Earth Child; Helping Handsome; Flabby and Gabby, Ward Kimball art; Flying Saucer reports; Wraparound cover; SCARCE; RARE in Strict FINE or BETTER; ** MOST Copies have Rusty Staples; This Copy has NO Rust on the Staples; All copies I have seen over the last 50 Years have been Folded, most copies are HEAVILY Folded; OVERALL VF+, THIS Example has a LIGHT BEND in the Middle (Only Lightly Folded), thus call it VF-, 7.5 = $149.00];
ZORRO (Walt Disney’s…) (Golden Book Pub);
#6020 (1958; Based on the TV series; 9-3/8” x 12-1/2”; 36 pages including covers; Wraparound Painted cover; Story adapted by Irving Werstein; Art by John Steel; Based on the characters created by Johnston McCulley; FN/VF, 7.0 = $99.00);
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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =
SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;
ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;
Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment
(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit; SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);
Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;
MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa