TRUE DETECTIVE, Police & Crime Magazines
1940's to 1990's, For Sale ;
>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.
They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;
If you see items that interest you, PLEASE;
(1) REQUEST Condition, Price & Confirmation of availability;
(2) IMPORTANT; State PREFERRED Condition; (A) Highest Available Grade; (B) Middle Grade; (C) Lowest grade, cheapest copy;
(3) List up to a MAXIMUM of 30 items that interest you [Pulling, Grading & Pricing items from our GIANT Inventory in our 8000 Square
Foot warehouse, can be EXTREMELY Time Consuming; (So please; Try to send Serious Inquiries & START with your MOST WANTED Items)
IF you make a purchase from the Original 30 or Less item Quoted, we will be very HAPPY to Quote MORE items;
(4) SEND YOUR WANT LIST BY EMAIL to = (Our most efficient method of replying to Quotes);
OR, you can PHONE Us at = 1-204-346-3674 [ We usually CANNOT give an INSTANT & On the Spot Quote, thus EMAIL is usually better]
(5) Once we get your WANT LIST, based on our IN STOCK Inventory Lists, we will be VERY happy to respond with what is in stock,
As Soon As Possible; WE USUALLY REPLY to Inquires in 1-3 DAYS. (Bigger Requests & Time-Consuming Inquires, take longer to respond to);
NOTE; All Items Related to this Category ARE ALREADY LISTED = If you do NOT see it Listed, Then it is NOT in Stock;
(6) PLEASE; Be Sure to let us know which STATE / PROVINCE and COUNTRY the items will ship to, so that we can quote Postage.
(7) MANY Customers have SPAM FILTERS that BLOCK our EMAIL REPLIES, thus it is always a GOOD IDEA to enclose your Complete MAILING ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER;
[ IF your Servers SPAM FILTER Blocks our EMAIL Reply, we can still then answer you by Snail Mail and/or Phone ];
Our Mailing Address;
Doug Sulipa’s COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986
Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674
TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686
To see our HOME PAGE (includes HUGE Inventory of about 160+ Categories of ITEMS IN STOCK);
>> The WORLD’S BIGGEST SELECTION, on the entire Internet, on MANY ITEMS;
Please GO TO =
PLEASE; DO NOT ASK for True Detective Magazines that ARE NOT LISTED on this Page on our Website;
We Update this Webpage Two to Four Times Per Week. All Listings are CURRENT. [Other than the Rare occasion where we forget to Delete a sold item] New arrivals are Listed as soon as they Come in. We get 100's of Requests for Issues that are NOT Listed on this site. If the TITLE of the Magazine is LISTED, but the DATE you want is NOT Listed, then we DO NOT have it & we can NOT help you. If the TITLE of the True Detective Magazine you want is NOT LISTED, then we DO NOT have it & we can NOT help you. [We do NOT HIDE inventory]; Instead, if NOT LISTED, please SEARCH ELSEWHERE (Like eBay and Google); We DO add new inventory when it comes in, but usually only 1-2 Collections PER YEAR come in. SAVE this SITE address, and RE-CHECK every 2-4 MONTHS to see if any NEW items have been Listed; Thank You! .... Doug Sulipa
Sorry, we DO NOT Search Contents, UNLESS you know the exact TITLE and YEAR where the Article was Published (NOT when the Event took Place);
**** We gets 100's of Requests to
Search the Contents of our 2000+ True Detective
Unfortuntely we cannot do Contents search on our
magazines, as it is far too LABOUR INTENSIVE and ALMOST NEVER comes
up with positive results.
If the specific story searched for is NOT on the Cover or Index page (and they RARELY are), it can take up to 10 Mintues to search thru one single magazine for a name, person, crime, or place. We could easily spend many many hours ($50 to $500+ worth of labour at our cost) of searching for an magazine that sells for $6 to $15 and still come up with NOTHING;
**** The story might NEVER have appeared in the "True Detective" magazine [There are over 100 different magazines very similar to "True Detective" = Such as; CRIME DETECTIVE, DETECTIVE CASES, FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE, INSIDE DETECTIVE, MASTER DETECTIVE, OFFICIAL DETECTIVE STORIES, POLICE GAZETTE, STARTLING DETECTIVE, & Many others); About 75% of these types of requests, the customer ask for "True Detective" magazine not realizing there are over 100
similar titles. What they are actually asking for is the GENRE of "True Detective" style magazines & not the actual "True Detective" Title. For those who ask for an issue of "True Detective" magazine, the chances are about 1 in 100 that they have the Correct Title. There is NO KNOWN DATABASE anywhere on the internet that indexes the Genre of True Detective Style magazines by People, Crime, Name & Places, thus Millions of page by page searches would be required.
**** In Addition (for Example); Just because the event you are looking for took place in (for example) 1938-1941, does not mean there was an article on it and/or that it was published in 1938-1941, almost all the articles are published well after the Trial is Over (Sometimes 5, 10, 25, 50 or even 100 Years after the Event took place)
If the article DOES exist, it could
have appeared in a magazine article anywhere from 1938 thru to 1980
and beyond;
**** If
you can supply us an Exact Magazine Title & Date that
Magazine was published (NOT the date
the event took place) we can check a maximum of 6 issues in our
IN-STOCK Inventory ONLY. If you cannot, we will not able to help you.
Your best hope (if you do NOT know the exact issue) is, to
start an on-line BLOG on (Facebook, a Chatroom or elsewhere), perhaps
someone will find it & be able to ID the exact issue for you.
**** If you do find out the exact date, and we do NOT have it listed, you might be able to get a Photo duplication copy of the Article from the Library of Congress;
Thank You! .... Doug Sulipa
TRUE DETECTIVE, Police & Crime Magazines
1940's to 1990's, For Sale ;
ACTUAL DETECTIVE STORIES (Detective Stories Pub. Co.);
1940 (March);
1941 (December);
1942 (January);(August); (September); (November);
1943 (January); (February);(July); (December);
1941 August;
1949 (March);
1944 – Volume 1 #2(Spring); #4(Winter);
1945 – Volume 1 #5(June);
1946 – April; June;
1950 – June;
1952 – September;
1960 - August
1961 - April
1945 - Volume 1 #2(August);
1946 – February, July, October;
1947 – January;
1947 – Volume 1 #2(February);
1954 – Volume 1 #3;
1957 – Volume 1 #5;
1944 – September;
1953 – May;
1955 – June; August;
1981 #5(September);
BEST DETECTIVE CASES (Globe Communications Corp) -
#24 (1974); #36(1986);#37(1987); #40 (1990); 41(1991), 42(1992), 44(1994), 45(1995);
1953 Fall; Winter;
1954 – (May/June);
1955 – November;
1956 – January;
1944 – August; December;
1945 - #5;
1946 – Autumn;
1947 – Winter;
CLOCK 'N' DAGGER (Natlus, Inc.) Volume 1 #1 (August 1964; James Bond; Kinky Underground; Black Muslim)
1943 June;
1947 – March, October;
1948 – October(Murder of the Winsome Widow PHOTO cover; illustrated with many actual News Photo's; VG, but with 75% of page 29/30 missing = $6)
1949 – March;
1954 – Fall;
CONFIDENTIAL (Confidential Inc.)
1954 – (July)
1956 (MARCH)
1944 – February;
1945 – September; November;
1946 – June;
1947 – May;
1948 – July;
1949 – November;
1957 – March;
January 1961 (cover story = Trial of the murdered Redheads in Washington, D.C. with killer Joseph D. Medley; Wear at cover edges, Good = $10.00)
1971 - October;
1972 October;
1973 April;
1974 - Volume 26 #4 (August )
CONFIDENTIAL DETECTIVE YEARBOOK (Sterling House Pub.) - #9(1964);
CRIME (Countrywide Publications Inc.) - Volume 3 #1(February 1977),
CRIME BEAT (54 Corp. Pub.) -
1992 April (Cher cover), May (Marilyn Monroe Cover), June (John Gotti cover), July, October;
1993 - March, April;
CRIME CONFESSIONS (Crime Confessions Inc.)
1941 (September);
1942 (December);
1943 January (Fragile Pages, FA/G, reading copy = $8.00)
CRIME DETECTIVE (Crime Detective Inc.; New Jersey, USA);
1940 – Volume 2 #6(May);
1941 – February);
1942; (Volume 4 #10; September; G/VG $18), November
1943 – September; October; December;
1944 – Fall;
1945 – Fall; Winter;
1946 – February; June; October;
1947 – January; March; July;
1948 – February; August; October; December;
1951 - August, October;
1952 – December;
1958 – January; July;
1963 - April;
CRIME DETECTIVE (Pontiac Pub.; New York. USA)
1971 March;
1975 - September; December;
CRIME FIGHT (GCR Publishing Group) - Volume 1 #1 (Summer 1985);
CURRENT DETECTIVE (Opportunity Pub. Co.)
1945 – Volume 1 #5(May); (Winter);
1946 – February, Spring, July;
1947 – January
CRIME FILES (Morse Communications)
Volume-1 #2 (11/1970; VG/FN $12);
1953 May;
DARING DETECTIVE (Graphic Arts Corp.)
1942 – January, February, March;
DETECTIVE CASES (Brookside Ent. Inc.)
1959 – February; May;
1962 - April;
DETECTIVE CASES (Globe Communications Corp Pub.) -
1961; August
1972 December;
1973 February;
1978 June;
1984; October,
1984 (February, October, December);
1985 (February, December);
1986 (April, June);
1987 (February, April, October, December);
1989 (April, June, October, December);
1990 (February, April, June, August, October, December);
1991 (February, April, August, October, December);
1992 (February, April, May);
1993; February(VG $6); April(FN/VF $8);
1994; February(G/VG $5); April; June(VF $9); August(G/VG $5; ask); October; December;
1994;September(FN/VF $8); October(FN/VF $8); December(VG/FN, but 15% of cover cut off near top = FA $2);
1995; February; April(VF $4.50); June; December(FN/VF $8);
1996 February; June;
1997 - August;
1999 (June, August (Peter Kurtens – Foulest Sex Killer in History, story spans the years 1897-1931;; G/VG = $6.00);
2000 (April);
DETECTIVE CASES SPECIAL FEATURE (Wm. H. Wise & Co. Editorial; New York, New York; February/1945 );
DETECTIVE DRAGNET (Globe Communications Corp Pub.) -
1971 April;
1972 December;
1973 February;
1977 August;
1985 (April, October);
1986 (August);
1987 (April);
1988; December
1989 (April, June, October, December);
1990 (February, April, June, August, December);
1991 (February, April, October);
1992 (February; April);
1993 (February, April, December);
1994 (February, August, October);
1995 ( December);
1998 (April);
2000 (October);
1941 – (January 25); (February 1); (February 8); (February 15); (February 22); (March 8); (March 15); (April 5); (April 12); (April 19); (May 31); (June 7); (June 14); (July 5); (July 12); (July 19); (July 26); August 2);
1942 – (February 7);
DETECTIVE FILES (Globe Communications Corp Pub.) -
1972 May; November;
1973 January;
1974 July;
1976 – May;
1984 (March);
1985 (July, September);
1986 (January);
1987 (March, May);
1988 (November);
1989 (January, November);
1990 (January, May, September, November);
1991 (January, May, July, September, November);
1992 (January,November);
1993; January (Killing Clown); March(VG/FN $6);
1994; January(FN $7); March(VG $5); May(FN $7); July; November(VF $8; ask);
1995;January(VF $8; ask); March(FN/VF $7); November(FN/VF $7);
1996 (September);
1997 January;
DETECTIVE DRAGNET (Globe Communications Corp Pub.) -
1995 - February; April; August; October;
1996 - August;
DETECTIVE WORLD (Jalart house Inc.) - August 1971;
DETECTIVE WORLD (World at War Pub. Co.)
1945 – September; November;
1946 – January; February; April;
1947 – February;
DETECTIVE YEARBOOK (Magazine Prod. Inc.) 1946; 1947; (1972 September);
EXPOSE DETECTIVE (Skye Publishing Co. Inc.) -
1959 - January;
1962 November (Volume 1 #1);
EYEWITNESS DETECTIVE (Detective News Pub.) 1956 – September;
FAMOUS DETECTIVE CASES (Macfadden) 1935 – Volume 1 #3 (May);
Volume 4 #26( July; Good; $18; C094-1);
Volume 6 #31(April; Good; $16; C095-1);
FEATURE DETECTIVE CASES (Wm. H. Wise and Co.); 1945; 1946;
FIVE-STAR DETECTIVE (Five-Star Magazine Inc.); 1954 – Volume 1 #1 (March); #3 (May);
1940 – October;
1942 – August;
1943 – January; February; March; June; AUGUST, December;
1944 – February; September; November;
1945 – April, June, September, December;
1946 – December;
1947 – March, December;
1948; January; (Volume 11 #12; April; G/VG $12);
1950 – January, August, October;
1951 –May, July, September;
1952 (- March April );
1953 – March, September, October, November December;
1954 – March (B&W PHOTO of GIRL with Cigarette on Cover; The GI’ME Girl and the Double Cross; 100 Pages including covers), April, May, June, September, October ;
1955 – January, February, April August, September;
1956 (February), May;
1957 – January;
1958 – November;
1959 – November, December;
1961 – November,
1962 (March, April, November);
1965 September; November; December;
1966 February; March;
1969 (May, August; October; November);
1970 February; August;
1971 November; December;
1972 May; July; August; September;November;
1973 February; July; August;
1974 – February, July;
1975 - April; August; September;
1976 May;September;
1978 - October;
1979 (June, October; December);
1980 – May;
1981 - August;
1982 (September);
1983 (December);
1984 (February, May, December);
1985 January
1987 August;
1988 (April; May, November, December);
1989 (January, February, March, April, August, September, December);
1990; January(VG/FN $6); March(G/VG $4); April(VG $5); May;
1990; May; July(FN $7); August(VG/FN $6; another copy); September; November(FN $7);
1991; March(FN $7); April(VG/FN $6); September(FN/VF $8);
1992; April(FN $7); June(FN $7); November;
1993; February(VG $5); June(FN/VF $8); September(VG/FN $6); December(FN/VF $8);
1994 (January, April, August; September; November; December);
1995 (January; April);
THE GODFATHERS (Stories, Layouts and Press Inc.) - Volume 1 #4 (July 1978);
GRIPPING DETECTIVE (Close-Up Inc; Printed in USA)
1942 (AUGUST; Oversized 10-1/4” x 13-1/4” Size; Paramour of LUST; PASSION was my Doom; The Love Mistress was Death; TITLE OFF, Top 3-3/4” of Cover is Cut Off and Missing; 1/16” x 3-1/4” Distributor’s Remainder Cut thru magazine, thus FAIR, Reading copy = $10.00)
1941 (November);
1942 (December);
1943 (September; November);
1944 (January (Cover story = Murder for a New Year's Party; Browning Fragile pages, FAIR Reading copy = $8.00) May; June; August);
1954 – Annual;
1955 – Annual;
HEADQUARTERS DETECTIVE (Headquarters Detective Inc.)
1943 – September;
1944 – Fall;
1947 – March, July, December;
1948 –December;
1951; May
1952 – January, June, November;
1955 - November;
HEADQUARTERS DETECTIVE (Globe Communication Corp.) -
1976 (March; November);
1982 (September, November);
1983 (March);
1984 (March, November);
1986 (January; November);
1987 (July);
1988 (January; November);
1989 (January, March);
1990 (January , March, September, November);
1991 (January, March, May, September);
1992; January(VF $8); March(FN/VF $7); May(VF $8); July(VG/FN $5); September(G/VG $4); November(VF $8);
1993 (January, November);
1994; March(G/VG $4); May(FN $6; ask); July; September(VF $8); November(FN/VF $7; ask);
1995 (March, May;September, November);
1997 (November);
1998 (January, March, September);
1999 (May);
2000 July;
2001 (January);
HOMICIDE DETECTIVE (Detective House Inc.)
1957 - March;
HOMICIDE DETECTIVE (Stories, Layout and Press Inc. Pub.) - Volume 2 #3 (May 1978);
1944; November (Volume-2 #2; Riddle of the Half-Shaved Corpse cover & story; VG+ = $18.00);
1945 – December;
1946 – November;
1947 – March, June;
INSIDE DETECTIVE (Inside Detective/ Dell/ RGH Pub.) -
1935 – April;
1936 – March, August (Tear in Cover & first 3 pages, Glue & Magic Tape Repairs, FA/G = $29.00)
1938 June;
1939 – July, November;
1940 - February; June; (November; G $12; FA/G $10);
1941 – March, September, December;
1942 – March, October;
1942; June (KNOCKOUT GIRLS; PHOTO Cover; Interior page edges are Tanned, Fragile and chipping at upper right corners inside, thus GOOD+ = $22.00)
1943 – January, February, March 1943 (The FUEHRER'S FACE, IT'S RED; IOWA'S RIDDLE OF THE DECOY CORPSE = Muscatine, Iowa on April 27/1942; Overall G/VG, but with 4" Tear inside to pages 7-14, thus Good = $12.00); April, May, June, July, September, December;
1944 – April (Volume-19 #4; PHOTO cover; Small piece off upper Right cover corner; Small piece off upper Left BACK cover corner; Still a Nice COVER; Pages tanned at edges; Pages 5-24 are MISSIING; Rest is overall G/VG = $2.00); , May, JULY(Photo cover by Pagano of Girl in Uniform selling War Bonds; Weird Wartime Wrinkles; Chicago Illinois; Dallas Texas; Springfield Massachusetts; Arizona; Crawford Nebraska; Jalisco Mexico; VG = $16.00);
1944; August, September, November;
1945 – February,April (Murder Rides with the V-2; VG/FN = $16.00); May, August, September; November;
1947 – January, April, May, June;
1948 – June, September, October, November;
1949 – April, May, September, November;
1951 – January
1953 -June, July, August,(September; VG $12); Octoebr; December;
1954 – February, April , June, July, August, November;
1955 – January; September;
1956 – May, October;
1960 (January; July);
1961(February, November);
1962 (January, March, June, July, November);
1963 (February, May);
1965 December;
1966 January;
1969 May; June;August;September;December;
1970 January;
1972 March; May; June; July; August; September; October;
1973 February; March; May; August; September; October;
1974 (February; March; September;
1975 January; August;
1976 January; February; April; June;
1977 January;
1978 – November;
1979 - January;
1981 (February, July,August, December);
1982 (April, September, October);
1983 (January, May, July);
1984 (April, July, September, November, December (Double Length Feature = Washington's Green River Killer = 24 Corpses and Still Counting by Jack G. Heise = 10 Page Article with Photo’s; VG = $19.00);
1985; April, August, September
1986 (July;December);
1987 (February, March, June);
1988 (December);
1989 (March); May, July, November;
1990 (January, May, October);
1991 (February, April, June, November);
1992 (January, March, April, May, July, September, November);
1993 (January, April; July; September ; November;
1994 (January, May; July;November);
1995 (January, February; April, September);
1940 (December; Volume 1 #10);
1941 (February; Volume 1 #12); (December);
1942 (January); (February); (December);
1959 July;
LOWDOWN (Patjon Pub.) 1964 (July; Oswald is not Guilty; Liz & Dick; Jane Fonda; Beatles);
MANHUNT (Flying Eagle Pub.) - December 1957;
1942 – May, July;
1943 – February;
1944 – June (Front Cover Missing, rest is G/VG = $7.00) July;
1944; June (Gilded Gyp part-1 by Alan Hynd; Front cover is MISSING, Front Page is Soiled, Rest of Mag is Good, reading copy; Price = $7.50);
1944; July (Uncle Sam War Bond cover; Gilded Gyp part-2 by Alan Hynd; G/VG; Price = $20.00);;
1946; July (Clue in the Dark Room cover & story; Good+; Price = $20.00);
1953 – September;
1954 – January, April, March(Barye-c), May, June, July, November; December;
1955 – April;
1956 – March, April, October, December;
1957 – June;
1959 (April, August, November);
1960 – March, May;
1961 - October;
1962 January;
1963 (February, March, May);
1964 (October);
1966 (February, November);
1970 June;
1971 September; October;
1972 May; July; August; September; December;
1973 January; February; May; September;October;
1974 September;
1975 January; June; October);
1976 (January, May, July, September);
1979 (February, September, November);
1980 – August;
1981 - July;
1982 (October, November);
1983 (January, February);
1984 (February, April, June, July);
1985 (January, February, July);
1986 (December);
1987 (April, June, October);
1988 (October);
1989 (April);
1990 (February, March, April, June, July, October, December);
1991 (March, June, September, December);
1992 (March, May, July, September, November, December);
1993 (February, July, September, November, December);
1994 (February, April, May; December);
1995 (February; April, September);
MISSING (Peer Group Communications Corp.) - 1984 (Volume 1 #1), (Volume 1 #3);
MURDER CASEBOOK (Marshall Cabendish weekly pub) #21(1990; Calvi Affair; Rise & Fall of God's Banker; VG $8)
NAKED TRUTH (Natlus Inc.Pub.) - Volume 1 #2 (September 1964);
National POLICE GAZETTE {magazine}
1974 (November - Raquel Welch cover, December);
1975 (January, February, March, May - Cher/ Johnny Carson cover, June - Ann Margret cover, July - Valerie Perrine cover, August - Raquel Welch cover, December - Cher/ Muhammad Ali/ Lisa Todd cover);
NEW YORK CONFIDENTIAL (Judson Pub.) - Volume 1 #1 (Fall 1959);
1938 (October);
1939 (January) (August);
1940 (February); (March); (May); (June); (August); (October);
1941 (February); (May); (June); (July); (August);
1942 JANUARY (I want the Dame with Two Heads; Find the Redhead for your Cop Killers; Kansas' Bloody Trail of the Runaway Five; When an Ex-Con played Santa Claus; overall VG+, but with; 2" Piece off back cover at upper left corner, 1" Piece off front cover at upper right corner, thus Good = $12.00);
1942 (April); (May); (July); (August); (October); (November); (December);
1943 (September) (October); (November);
1944 (January); (August);
1945 (October); (December);
1946 (January); (February); (March);
1951 (December);
1953 (February); (March);
1954 (January); (March);
1956 (January);
1959 (December);
1960 (February); (March; FA/G = $9); (May);
1961 (April; G = $10); (November);
1962 (February); (March); (July); (October); (December);
1963 (June); (August);
1964 (June); (September);
1965 (January); (April; G = $8);
1969; JANUARY ??? [1969 issue But the Top 2-1/2” is Cut off and missing from the Cover and First page; Previous owner marked it as January/1969? in Pencil; I cannot confirm the January Date; I have sent PHOTOS of the Cover and Contents page (dated 1969) ; Rest of Magazine is G/VG = $12.00 As Is]
1971 September; December;
1972 June; July; August;
1973 March; May; June; August; September;
1974 July;
1975 (April; June);
1976 (February, April, October);
1977 February;
1978 (February, April; July);
1979 – November, December;
1980 January; February; October;
1981 – February; May, June, August; October; November; December;
1982 - February; March; September);
1983 - January; February; April; August; September; November;
1984 January; March, April; May; June; July;
1985 – March; May; June, August; December;
1986 January; April; June; September;
1987 (March, July; October; November, December);
1988 (December);
1989 (January, February, March, May, July);
1990 (January, February, March, May, June, July, August, October);
1991 ( January, June, July);
1992 (December);
1993 (January; February, August, October, December);
1994 (January, February, April, August;December);
1995 (February, April, June; October);
OFFICIAL POLICE (Jalart House Inc.) -
1971; April;
PIONEER PICTURE-STORIES – Volume 1 #8(September 1943; true life story of Timoshenko);
POLICE DETECTIVE (Jalart House Inc./ Rostam Pub.) -
1954 – February, August;
1955 August;
1957 – May;
1965 (April);
1970 – April;
1984 (March,September; November);
1985 (March, May, September, November);
Annual 1985;
POLICE DETECTIVE CASES (Detective House Inc.); 1946 – Volume 1 #4(Summer; #31);
POLICE DETECTIVE YEARBOOK (Best Detective Corp.) 1953;
POLICE FILES (Brookside Corp.) -
1954 (May; Volume 1 #1; VG minus = $25 ); December;
1955 – December;
1956 (June);
1962 (October);
POLICE DRAGNET CASES (Brookside Corp.) -
1956; March(Volume-2 #2);
1962 May;
POLICE FILES (Freeport House Pub.)
1965 August;
REAL CRIME DETECTIVE (Detective House Inc.) 1955 - September;
REAL DETECTIVE (Sensation Magazine Inc.) -
1945 – Winter;
1948 – March, November;
1952 – April, June, August;
1953 – March;
1954 – October;
1957 – October;
1963 – June;
ANNUAL - 1986(Spring)
1934 – OCTOBER (VG/FN = $59.00);
REAL DETECTIVE (The Type Shack Pub.) -
1983 (February, October);
1985 (April, June, October);
Annual - 1984 (Fall), 1984 (Winter), 1985 (Summer);
REAL POLICE STORIES (Fawcett) 1954 – April;
1943 – Volume 1 #7(Summer);
1945 – June (Volume-2 #5; PHOTO cover; overall nice VG/FN, but with 1-1/2" x 2" piece missing off bottom Left cover corner, thus Good+ = $12.00);
1946 – March;
1948 – April;
REWARD (J.B. Pub. Corp); 1956 - January;
SECRET DETECTIVE CASES (Starlike Mag. Inc.) 1943 (February; Volume 1 #12);
SEE (Frederick A. Klein & Maurice Murray)
1959 November;
SENSATION (Sensation Magazine Inc.) 1942 – Volume 1 #6(April); #8(June);
Guide Pub. Inc.; NY, USA)
issue; NO Month Listed; TRUE STORIES with Name Dates & Places;
Front cover is missing, rest is G/VG = $8.00);
1946 - #5;
1955 September;
1946 - #12;
1954 – February, April, August;
1955 – March;
1973 – May; August;
1945 - February;
1945 - #NN;
STARTLING DETECTIVE (Fawcett/ Globe Communications) -
1939 – September (Woman in BONDAGE GGA / Good Girl Art Painted cover; 2” Magic Tape repair on spine, VG minus= $49.00);
1939 – December (GGA / Good Girl Art PHOTO cover; VF= $75.00);
1942 – January, December;
1943 – January, February, July;
1944 – April, May, July, AUGUST (#193; PHOTO cover; Last Date in Horror House - cover & story; Also; We snared the San Jose Bludgeoner; Creasing to Covers, thus G = $14.00)
1946 – December;
1947 - April, May, October; (November;G/VG $12 ), August;
1949 – January, July;
1952 January; March;
1955 – May, September, November;
1956 – April, May, December;
1957 July;
1958 – May;
1963 – November;
1964 – September;
1966 September;
1967 March;
1968 January; March; May; September;
1969 July; September;
1970 January; March; May; July; September; November;
1971 May; July; September; November;
1972 January; March; May; July; November;
1973 January; March; May; November;
1975 January; July;
1976 March; May;
1977 November;
1980 (January, March, November);
1981 November;
1982 (May; September, November);
1983 (July);
1986 (January, March, May, July, September, November);
1987 (March, July, August, September, November);
1988 (May; July; November);
1989 (March, May);
1990 (January, July, September, November);
1991 (January, March, May, July, September);
1992 (January, March, May, July, September, November);
1993 (May, September, November);
1994 (January, March, July; September; November);
1995 (January; May, November);
1996 (March, September);
1998 (March);
2000 July; September;
Volume-#1 #1(1963; G/VG $18);
Volume-#1 #5(1967; G $12); #11(1973)
1988 (#25);
1989 (#26) // 1990(#27) // 1991 (#28) // 1992 (#29) // 1993 (#30) // 1994 (#31) // 1995 (#32); (1996 #33); 1998 (#35);
1944; AUGUST (#193; PHOTO cover; Last Date in Horror House - cover & story; Also; We snared the San Jose Bludgeoner; Creasing to Covers, thus G = $14.00)
STRAND Magazine
issue VIII (6-9/2002; Michael York interview; FN $7);
SUSPENSE (Suspense Pub. Inc.) - Volume 1 #4(September 1959);
TIMELY DETECTIVE CASES (Timely Detective Cases Inc.)
1944 – December;
1945 – March;
1946 – June;
TRUE (Country Press Inc.) 1939 - September;
True Cases of WOMEN IN CRIME (Skye pub)
Volume-#10 #1(7/1955; G/VG $18);
1955; May (overall G/VG, but 1" x 3" Piece out of cover, small pieces cut out of six pages inside, thus FAIR reading copy = $6.00);
1956 September;
TRUE CRIME (Jalart House Inc.) - June 1965;
TRUE CRIME CASES (Your Guide Pub. Inc.);
1954 – May, September, November;
1959 - May;
TRUE CRIME DETECTIVE (Jalart House Inc.) - March 1974;
TRUE DETECTIVE (MacFadden/ TD Pub./ RGH Pub.)
1928; November;
1933; (April);
1939; July;
1940; January; October (Overall G/VG, but Front Cover is Missing = $12.00);
1941;(September, December);
1943; March, June;
1944; June August, December;
1945; January, February, March, May, June (Coverless, reading copy); July,(August; Good = $25.00), September, October (The Black Spider; FA/G, Creasing and Spoiling to covers, Reading Copy = $20.00);
1946; January (Condition: Reading Copy, Front cover is Missing, rest is G/VG = $10.00);
1946; June (Condition: Reading Copy, Front cover is Missing, rest is G/VG = $10.00);
1946; September (Terror on the Delta, Miracle of the FBI, Bloodhound Trail, Tough Girl, Vengeance, Killers Trap; Condition: Reading Copy, Front cover is Missing, rest is G/VG = $10.00);
1946; October (Strange Case of Mr O.X.; Death Decoy; Front cover and Pages 1-2 missing, all interior stories complete; Reading Copy = $10.00);
1946; November (Cover story = Murder of a Pretty Waitress; Also with; At Races with Pinketons, Science Pays G-Man Way, Yellow Kids Money Making Machine, Gambling the Jones way, Highjinks in Hoosegow, Secret Service Trap, Undercover Death, Sinister Mr Siple, Camel-Haired Killer, Trouble on Oiled waters, Case against Zollie; Condition: VG = $30.00);
1946; December (Condition: Reading Copy, Front cover is Missing, rest is G/VG = $10.00);
1947; January, September;
1948; March, August;
1949; September, October (GIRL KILLER; Richard Cardiff Painted cover; VF = $59.00); December;
1950; November, December;
1951; February(G/VG, but Back cover missing = $12.00); April, July, September, October (66 Women and the Montreal Monsters - trapping Canada's most vicious criminals - the Vaillant Brothers; VG+ = $29.00)
1952; April, JUNE (Jail for Jezebel; GGA Good Girl Art painted cover; Slight trimming of cover at right edge, Good+ = $15.00), August; December;
1953; January (Good = $15.00); August, September, October;
1954 – March, July, October, November;
1955 – May, April, June;
1956 (May, November);
1957 – June; July;
1959 – March, August,November (GGA / Good Girl Art painted cover by Joe Little; Long Island's mad Killer; Bus Stop Pickup; Death by the Dozen; Secret Life of Hollywood's Dr Finch);
1960 – April, May;
1961 – September, October November;
1962 – October; November;
1963; January, June, August;
1967 February;
1968 (January; November);
1969 (February, July; August);
1970 May 1970 (Alaska-California-Louisiana Crime Spree, Confessed 6 Slayings. then wanted to be Baptized; Terror Tour of the Connecticut Rape-Killer; Man with the Money Machine by Alan Hynd; Wedding Ring Clue to Ohio Call Girl’s Killing; GGA PHOTO cover of Woman in Red Lingerie with Wedding Veil and GUN, standing over Dead CLOWN);
1970 ( June;July);
1971 (September; December);
1972 May; June; July;
1973 (February; March; July; August; November;);
1974 February; April;
1975 October;
1976 March;
1977 – February; March, July; August; October;
1978 (March, July, September, October; November, December);
1979 (July; August);
1980 – February; August;
1981 – April;
1982 January; February; April;
1984 (February, May; June, December);
1985 (June, July, September, November);
1986 (May; July, September);
1987 (March, April, October);
1988 (March, June, December);
1989 (January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November,December);
1990 (January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November);
1991 (January, March, April, May, July, August, November, December);
1992 (January, March, April, June, August, October, December);
1993 (January, March, June; August, October);
1994 (January,March, April, June, August, December);
1995 (January,March, April; June);
Yearbook - 1992 (#2), 1992 (#2, different), 1992 (#2, different), 1994 (#3);
1932 – January;
1933 – April (Volume-20 #1; Inventory #14312-1; G/VG = $49.00); october;December;
1935 – January, August;
1936 – October;
1938 – June (Volume-30 #3; Inventory #14315-1; VG+ = $49.00);
1939; July
1940 – March, October;
TRUE DETECTIVE (U.K.; Argus Press Ltd.); 1959 – February;
PLEASE; DO NOT ASK for True Detective Magazines that ARE NOT LISTED on this Page on our Website;
We Update this Webpage Two to Four Times Per Week. All Listings are CURRENT. [Other than the Rare occasion where we forget to Delete a sold item] New arrivals are Listed as soon as they Come in. We get 100's of Requests for Issues that are NOT Listed on this site. If the TITLE of the Magazine is LISTED, but the DATE you want is NOT Listed, then we DO NOT have it & we can NOT help you. If the TITLE of the True Detective Magazine you want is NOT LISTED, then we DO NOT have it & we can NOT help you. [We do NOT HIDE inventory]; Instead, if NOT LISTED, please SEARCH ELSEWHERE (Like eBay and Google); We DO add new inventory when it comes in, but usually only 1-2 Collections PER YEAR come in. SAVE this SITE address, and RE-CHECK every 2-4 MONTHS to see if any NEW items have been Listed; Thank You! .... Doug Sulipa
Sorry, we DO NOT Search Contents, UNLESS you know the exact TITLE and YEAR where the Article was Published (NOT when the Event took Place);
**** We gets 100's of Requests to
Search the Contents of our 2000+ True Detective
Unfortuntely we cannot do Contents search on our
magazines, as it is far too LABOUR INTENSIVE and ALMOST NEVER comes
up with positive results.
If the specific story searched for is NOT on the Cover or Index page (and they RARELY are), it can take up to 10 Mintues to search thru one single magazine for a name, person, crime, or place. We could easily spend many many hours ($50 to $500+ worth of labour at our cost) of searching for an magazine that sells for $6 to $15 and still come up with NOTHING;
**** The story might NEVER have appeared in the "True Detective" magazine [There are over 100 different magazines very similar to "True Detective" = Such as; CRIME DETECTIVE, DETECTIVE CASES, FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE, INSIDE DETECTIVE, MASTER DETECTIVE, OFFICIAL DETECTIVE STORIES, POLICE GAZETTE, STARTLING DETECTIVE, & Many others); About 75% of these types of requests, the customer ask for "True Detective" magazine not realizing there are over 100
similar titles. What they are actually asking for is the GENRE of "True Detective" style magazines & not the actual "True Detective" Title. For those who ask for an issue of "True Detective" magazine, the chances are about 1 in 100 that they have the Correct Title. There is NO KNOWN DATABASE anywhere on the internet that indexes the Genre of True Detective Style magazines by People, Crime, Name & Places, thus Millions of page by page searches would be required.
**** In Addition (for Example); Just because the event you are looking for took place in (for example) 1938-1941, does not mean there was an article on it and/or that it was published in 1938-1941, almost all the articles are published well after the Trial is Over (Sometimes 5, 10, 25, 50 or even 100 Years after the Event took place)
If the article DOES exist, it could
have appeared in a magazine article anywhere from 1938 thru to 1980
and beyond;
**** If
you can supply us an Exact Magazine Title & Date that
Magazine was published (NOT the date
the event took place) we can check a maximum of 6 issues in our
IN-STOCK Inventory ONLY. If you cannot, we will not able to help you.
Your best hope (if you do NOT know the exact issue) is, to
start an on-line BLOG on (Facebook, a Chatroom or elsewhere), perhaps
someone will find it & be able to ID the exact issue for you.
**** If you do find out the exact date, and we do NOT have it listed, you might be able to get a Photoduplication copy of the Article from the Library of Congress;
Thank You! .... Doug Sulipa
TRUE FACT CRIME (Best Detective Corp.) 1953 – April;
TRUE HOMICIDE CASES (Detective House Inc.) 1957 – September;
1943 (January); (March); (May);
1945 (may); (June); (September); (November);
1946 (May);
1947 (March);
TRUE MYSTERY (Astro Dist. Corp.)
1953 – October;
1955 – February, August;
Globe Communications)
Volume-1 #1(October; Alan Hynd, Dean Jennings, etc; FN/VF = $69);
Volume-1 #4(March; Alan Hynd, Dean Jennings, etc; overall nice FN,
but Title Off / Top 1/3 of Cover is Missing, Tape repair to cut on
page 1/2 = $12);
1947; Volume-1 #5(April; Alan Hynd, etc; overall
nice VG/FN, but Title Off / Top 1/3 of Cover is Missing, Tape repair
to cut on page 1/2 = $12);
1947; Volume-1 #11 (October; Case of the Furtive Killers by Alan Hynd; PHOTO Cover; overall nice FN, but Title Off / Top 1/3 of Cover is Missing, Tape repair to cut on page 1/2 = $15.00);
1948 – April, May, December;
1952 - March, November;
1954 - (September; G $10;USA; Fawcett/ Globe Communications)
1956 – March; July;
1958 – June;
1959 (June)
1962 December;
1964 (February);
1965; February
1966 (February; June);
1967 August; October;
1968 April; June; August;
1969 August;
1970 February; April; June; October
1971 June; August; October; December;
1972 - February; April; June;August; October;
1973 February; April; June; December;
1974 April; August; December;
1976 April;
1977 June;
1978 October;
1979 June; August; October;
1980 June; August;
1981; October(G $4);
1982 June; August;
(February); June(VG $6); August; October; (December);
1984; (February); June(FN/VF $8);
December(VF $9);
1986; April(VF $9); August(FN/VF $8);
October(VG/FN $6); December(FN/VF $8);
1987; April(FN/VF $7);
June(FN/VF $7); August(FN $6);
1988; August(G/VG $4);
October(G/VG $4); December(G/VG $4);
1989; April;
1990; (April); June(VG/FN $6; another
copy ask); August; October;
1991; February; April(FN/VF $7);
August(VF $8); October(VF $8);
1992; February(FN/VF $6);
April(FN/VF $6); June(FN/VF $6); October(FN $5);
February(FN/VF $6); April(FN $5); June; August(FN $5); October(G/VG
$3.50); December(VG $4);
1994; April; August(FN $5); October(VF
$7); December(VF $7);
1995; February(VF $7; ask); April(FN $5);
December(FN $5);
1996 - August;
1998 (June; August; December);
1999 (February; June);
2000 June;
Yearbook - 1960 (#10);1973 (#23); 1977?(#26) 1978(#27); 1984(#33) // 1985 (#34) // 1989(#38) // 1991(#40) // 1992 (#41) // 1994(#43) // 1995 (#44);
TRUE WEIRD (Weider Periodicals) 1955 – Volume 1 #1(November);
UNCENSORED DETECTIVE (Uncensored Detective Inc.)
1946 – (Volume 1 #11;February 1946; RARE; Overall Very Good Condition, but pages are Browning & missing the Front cover = $8.00); (August);
1947 – August;
1948 – February,;
1951 – March;
1952 – March, June;
VICE SQUAD (Natlus Inc.) 1961 – Volume 1 #2(February);
WANTED (Metal Hammer Communications Pub.) -
Volume 1 #1 (March 1989);
WANTED TRUE DETECTIE CASES ( J.B. Publishing) 1956 April;
WOMEN IN CRIME (Skye Pub. Co. ) -
1956; July(Volume 11 #1);
1958 December
1971 June;
WORLD-CRIME DETECTIVE (Meridian Magazine Inc.) 1953 – Volume 1 #1 (November);
OVERSIZED Magazines;
1941 – June;
1942 – February;
1943 – January;
1939 – November;
1941 – October, November;
1942 – JANUARY (Find the Redhead for your Cop Killers; I want the Dame with Two Heads; Kansas' Bloody Trail of the Runaway Five; When an Ex-Con played Santa Claus; overall VG+, but with; 2" Piece off back cover at upper left corner, 1" Piece off front cover at upper right corner, thus Good = $12.00);
1942 –February;
1944 – March, July;
1945 – March;
1946 – October;
1947 – May, October;
1948 – September;
1949 - June;
{the National} POLICE GAZETTE {magazine} (10-1/2" x 13" Tabloid Newspaper Magazine; Est. 1845; Sports, People, True Adventure, Crime, Boxing, Wrestling, Fishing) ; >>> [ Weight for Postage = 140 Grams each];
1949 (June);
1953 (March, April, June, July, August, September, October, December);
1954 (March, April, May, August, November, December);
1955 (January, May, July, August, December);
1956 (April, May, July, October);
1959 (December);
1960; February (Cover & story feature on; Elvis Presley, Jane Fonda & Fidel Castro; >> Also with; Mighty Jumbo Bear Crusher Wrestling; Beatniks; Maria Callas affair; John L. Sullivan; Bronco Hovath = NHL Hockey; ; VG = US$15.00);
1960; June (Cover & story feature on; Gina Lollobrigida, Ingo Johansson vs Floyd Patterson; >> Also with; Cave Men Fargo Brothers = Wrestling; Fidel Castro; Pearl Starr = Belle Starr's illegitimate daughter; Henry Armstong = boxing; Harry Raymond Pope one-eyed cop hater; G, reading copy = US$12.00);
1960; August (Cover & story feature on; Khrushchev, Aly Khan & Willie Mays; >> Also with; Veronica Lake; Italy's Antonio Barichievich = wrestling; Dope addicts at 16; Boxing fight camps; Harry Thomas vs Joe Louis; Joseph Corbett Jr the terror of San Rafael; Henry Clay Frick; VG/FN = US$18.00);
1960; November (Cover & story feature on; JOHN F. KENNEDY vs Richard NIXON forecast; >> Also with; Sophia Loren; Francis Gary Powers & U-2 Mystery; Bruno Sammartino = wrestling; Senator Estes Kefauver vs Boxing racket; Ernest Tait & thompson machine gun; Football = with photo's of Unitas, Jimmy Brown, Gifford, Bobby Layne, Tittle; John L. Sullivan; 6"x10" Mamie Van Doren photo; Vlad Evanoff hunting; VG/FN = US$18.00);
1960; December (Cover & story feature on; ADOLF HITLER in Argentina >> Also with; May Britt & Sammy Davis Jr.; Fidel Castro; John L. Sullivan; Patterson - Johansson boxing rematch; Louis Cyr Canadian Strongman; Owney Madden gangster; Marilyn MONROE; VG = US$18.00);
1961; February (Cover & story feature on; Princess Grace Kelly, Hockey = Chicago Blackhawk's Red Hay; >> Also with; USSR Red Spy Invaders; Irving Glaubach & other New York cab driver killings; Boxing = Patterson - D'Amato; Bobby Hull; Mickey Cohen gangster; Sexy French starlett = Mylene Demongeot;
John L. Sullivan; Hialeah Horse racing; Pen scribbles on page 19 otherwise VG+ = US$12.00);
1961; April (Cover & story feature on; Adolf Eichmann, Frank Sinatra & Jacqueline Kennedy; >> Also with; sunken Submarine USS Squalus; Boxing = Jose Torres & Joe Shaw; Zsa Zsa Gabor; Belly-Dancing; May Britt & Sammy Davis Jr.; 1860 Boxing = Heenan & Sayers; VG/FN = US$15.00);
1961; October (Cover & story feature on; American NAZI party's George Lincoln Rockwell, the man who want to be Hitler; >> Also with; Mamie Van Doren; Joseph Dischino - Bigamy; Klondike = Booze, Gold & Babes; Bob Cleroux, George Chuvalo, & Patterson; Centerfold = Tough Girls of the Gay '90's; Beau Jack = boxing; VG minus = US$12.00);
1961; December (Cover & story feature on; Elizabeth Taylor, Commies & Secret RED network in our Colleges; >> Also with; Ava Gardner; Kid Paret vs Emile Griffith boxing; full page New York Yankees Team Photo; Jack Sharkey boxing; Manuel Ycaza Horse Racing; FN = US$15.00);
1962; January (Cover & story feature on; Linda Christian, Queen of Diamonds; >> Also with; Joey - Crazy Joe Gallo - Gangland USA; Weird Tattoos; Beachniks; NBA Boston Celtics, Tommy Heinsohn; Doc Irvin C. Scarbeck; Full page photo pinup of Roger Maris; Sumo Wrestling; China Polly = Wom wife in Poker game; hangman John Ellis, maestro of the Gallows; John Morrissey & Yankee Sullivan boxing; FN = US$15.00);
1962; March (Cover & story feature on; Rhonda Fleming; >> Also with; Khrushchev marks Castro for death; Sonny Liston interview; Evelyn Smith & Blanche Dunkel; Heisman Tropy winner, Ernie Davis, full page photo pinup; Hockey's Allan Stanley & Johnny Bower; TWIST dance craze; Henry Hurricane Hank Armstrong vs Lou Ambers boxing; Florida Keys Barracuda fishing; FN = $24.00);
1962; May (Cover & story feature on; Frank Sinatra & Juliet Prose, America's first moonbase; >> Also with; New York Mets, Casey Stengel, George Weiss; Canada's giant mohawk indian, Billy Two Rivers = wrestling; Frank Costello & Underworld; Rev. Frank Siple = murder in Michigan; Willie Pep vs Sandy Saddler boxing; Barry & Brian Brewster mountain climbers; FN = US$15.00);
1962; June (Cover & story feature on; Grace Kelly, Sonny Lison vs Floyd Patterson boxing; >> Also with; Queen Mary rams cruiser Curacoa; Frank Costello & Underworld; Abe Attell boxing; full page photo of Benny Paret vs Emile Griffith boxing; Nazi victim Rudolf Vrba & Eichmann. James LeBouef killing & Sherrif Pecot; John W. Gates plunger = Horse Racing gambler; FN, but 1/4 Back cover missing = US$10.00);
1962; August (Cover & story feature on; BRIGITTE BARDOT; >> Also with; Ann Corio, Burlesque Queen; Richard Hathcock & Cobra Snakes; 1pg "Goodbye, Alcatraz"; Circus Beauty = Herta Klauser; Lorenz Adlon; Will Paret & Emile Griffith; jockey Eddie Arcaro interview = Horse Racing; FN = US$20.00);
1962; September (Cover & story feature on; Liz Taylor & Richard Burton; >> Also with; DOG fighting; Whitey Ford = full page photo pinup; Bob Bo Belinsky Beatnik Los Angeles Angels; corpse of Bernard J. Daugherty in Chicago Plains River & Harvey Church; Fritz von Erich = Wrestling; Boxing = Jim Braddock & Tommy Farr; FN = US$15.00);
1962; November (Cover & story feature on; ADOLF HITLER alive in Argentina? & LIZ TAYLOR; >> Also with; Joseph Moriarty bookie; Casey Stengel & NY Mets; Oregon's Air Bubble Murder = Mrs Ted Bussey murder; Boxing & Gangsters; Wild Men of the Wild West; Mickey Walker vs Jack Sharkey boxing; Yukon Eric vs Killer Kowalski wrestling; VG/FN = US$18.00);
1963; February (Cover & story feature on; KIM NOVAK; >> Also with; Governor Nelson Rockefeller's missing son; Sonny Liston article, with earlay Cassius Clay photo; Wilt the Stilt & Bill Russell = Basketball; Countess Elizabeth Spedding & her Call Girls; full page New York Yankees Team photo; Dr. Robert Soblen runaway Russian spy;
Tragedies in the Gay '90's; Sugar Ray Robinson vs Randy Turpin; VG/FN = US$18.00);
1963; March (Cover & story feature on; SOPHIA LOREN; >> Also with; Fidel Castro; 2pgs = Joe DiMaggio & Marilyn Monroe; 3 pages early CASSIUS CLAY, including a full page photo pinup; Schmeling vs Joe Louis; VG/FN = US$25.00);
1963; April (Cover & story feature on; ADOLF HITLER & LIZ TAYLOR; >> Also with; Martin Bormann's daughter gives proof Hitler is alive; Daniel Lee French - Denver's Midnight Rapist; Gene Fullmer = boxing; Sinful frolics of the Gay '90's; Alfred Hitchcock; Joe Walcott = boxing; jockey Ronnie Ferraro; VG/FN = US$18.00);
1963; May (Cover & story feature on; AVA GARDNER, booze & Scandal; >> Also with; Fidel Castro rapes teen-age beauty; full page with 3 photo's of NY Playboy Club Bunnies; Hamburg Germany's St Pauli - street of Sin; Walla Walla Prison & 16 year old killer Richard Peterson; Maury Wills = 3 pages; Sport of Cock Fighting; Rex Rickard & Dempsey vs Carpentier; FN = US$18.00);
1963; June (Cover & story feature on; DORIS DAY; >> Also with; MARILYN MONROE; Sonny Liston vs Cassius Clay; Liston interview; 1/4 Page photo of Elizabeth Mongomery NUDE under blanket; Yellow Peril, Red China, threatens World; Joe DiMaggio; Circus Tragedies = Mary Lou Lawrence, Flying Wallendas, etc; Bob Fitzsimmons & Jim Corbett boxing; VG/FN = US$22.00);
1965; August (Cover & story feature on; Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin, Liz Taylor & Richard Burton; >> Also with; Russia's Secret Plot; Marine Private Hector A. Cafferata & Red attack on Korean hilltop; Law & Obsene Sex films; Johnny Dundee of New York, vs Criqui = boxing; Kentucky scandal = Fulton Gordon & Archie D. Brown;
Floyd Patterson; G/VG = US$10.00);
1967; June (Cover & story feature on; Castro had John F. Kennedy murdered, RAQUEL WELCH, Adam Clayton Powell; >> Also with; Roger Maris; Cassius Clay; Mickey Walker vs Max Schmeling; VG = US$14.00);
1968; March (Cover & story feature on; SOPHIA LOREN & Jackie Kennedy; >> Also with; 1/2 page photo of Raquel Welch; Roger Touhy & Al Capone; Top 6 Hockey stars of year = Orr, Hull, Keon, Howe, Giacomin & Laperriere; G/VG = US$12.00);
1970 (March);
1973 (December);
1974 (February,June, July, August, September, October);
(Arabarb Pub. Corp Pub.; Oversized 10" x 13" Magazine; 44 Pages including Covers; Weight = 120 Grams each) -
"What' s New, What's Exciting, What's Strange & What's Unbelievable;
>>> Current Events, Curious & Key stories, CRIME, Killers, News, Teen-Agers, Short Stories, etc;
1954; September (Volume-1 #3; How Daddy killed Mommy; Blonde invades Africa; Drunken Red in Berlin; Invitation to Murder; Case history of Call Girl; Nerve Gas; VG/FN = $16);
1954; October (Volume-1 #4; Mickey Rooney; Hold-Up girl turns into a Man; Leonard Moskowitz kidnapped by Harold Jackson & Joseph Lear; Chicago's Clem Graver missing; Police raid Malibu Vice Den; VG = $14);
1955; February (Volume-1 #5; Mother peddles dope, baby high on whiffs; Nudists Mr & Mrs Sunshine at annual Sunbathers con; Wife takes Lover; G/VG = $12);
1955; October (Volume-1 #9; First Mother to become Male by Surgery; Man kills wife & 3 kids; Mamie Van Doren, Bela Lugosi, Bette Davis; What makes a Man molest a child; Eternal Youth possible; FN/VF = $16);
1955; December (Volume-1 #10; full page VAMPIRA photo; Georgia Strong Man; Zsa Zsa Gabor; Sheree North; FN = $14);
1956; February (Volume-1 #11; TV Horror drives Woman insane; full page photo of Olivia de Haviland riding Mule;
Deaf Mute Girl on shooting Orgy; Medical Jekyll & Hyde; Jane Russell; Oversexed money crazy Girl; VG = $10);
1956; April (Volume-1 #12; Liquor brings out Truth says MD; Robert Mitchum; Children of Triple Murder-Suicide;
Boy Girl & Maniac; Rome Rapist marries his 15 year old Gypsy Girl victim; Boy killers; VG/FN = $12);
1956; June (Volume-2 #1; Pregnant assaulted & Strangled; Cancer strikes 32 in 100; Women can bear children
without a Man; VG/FN = $12);
1956; September (Volume-2 #2; Children boss Mom's love life; Johnny Ray; 8 new Ford Millionaires; Inside Nude Photo studio; Kim Novak; Jayne Mansfield; Virginia McKenna;Sandra Dee at 14 years old; G = $8);
1951 (December);
1953 (February, March);
1954 (January);
1956 (June);
1958 (December);
1959 (August, December);
1960 (February, March, May);
1961 (April, November);
1962 (February, March, October, December);
1965 (January, April);
1966 (October);
1969; JANUARY?? (Previous owner marked it as January??? We cannot confirm the January Date; Top 2-1/2” is Cut off the Cover and First page; Rest of magazine is G/VG = $10.00);
TOP SECRET (Top Secret Magazine Pub.) - February 1955;
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*** PLEASE, Double check the numbers before sending (it is very easy to make a single digit error);
>> OR, you can; PHONE it in; ( PHONE; 1-204-346-3674 ); TEXT it in; ( PHONE; 1-204-392-6686 );
( 3 ); MONEY ORDERS, CERTIFIED BANK CHECKS & BANK DRAFTS; [Note; We have a USA Bank Account; THUS we CAN accept USA domestic MONEY ORDER's (7-11, Western union, post office, etc)]; >> For USA buyers = international MO's are NOT required; So do NOT waste money on the extra fees;
** FOREIGN & OVERSEAS orders, MUST send International MONEY ORDERS or BANK DRAFTS only;
( 4 ); WESTERN UNION; They Require that You send the Money in the Currency of the Country it is sent to, thus Convert the USA Funds Total into the current Equivalent in CANADIAN FUNDS; PROVIDE me with your full Name, shipping Address & Local Phone Number; Payment needs to be made to; Doug Sulipa; Send me via WESTERN UNION Tracking Number Information in TWO emails (for SAFETY);
( 5 ); Bank WIRE TRANSFER (Purchases over $500.00); Faster & Easier to Convert the Total to the Equivalent in CANADIAN FUNDS; ASK for FULL Details;
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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website =
SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;
ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;
Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment
(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit; SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);
Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;
MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa