A) UK MARVEL British comics;

(B) UK MARVEL British comics DIGESTS;


>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.

They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;


If you see items that interest you, PLEASE;

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(2) IMPORTANT; State PREFERRED Condition; (A) Highest Available Grade; (B) Middle Grade; (C) Lowest grade, cheapest copy;

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NOTE; All Items Related to this Category ARE ALREADY LISTED = If you do NOT see it Listed, Then it is NOT in Stock;

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BOX 21986




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UK - BRITISH Comics & Related items = can be found in ALL these

sections on our Website;

( 1 ) British/UK, Australia & Misc Foreign, English Language Comics; (Alan Class, Miller, Rosnock, Spencer, Strato, Top Seller, etc)Reprints of USA SilverAge Cartoon, Horror/SF & TV comics = For Sale doc

( 2 ) COMIC MAGAZINES,(ASSORTED & MISC.)including; FANZINES, Graphic Novels, Hardcover Editions & TRADE Paperbacks & other RELATED COMICS Items; (1940's thru 2004) For Sale doc

( 3 ) UK BRITISH ANNUALS (Comics, Movie, TV, Toys, Westerns, Music)-1950's-1990's For Sale doc

( 4 ) UK BRITISH WAR & Misc Comic Digests - 1950's-1980's For Sale doc

( 5 ) UK British Marvel Pub. - 1960's-1990's Comics & Related For Sale doc

( A ) UK MARVEL British comics;

( B ) UK MARVEL British comics DIGESTS;

( C ) UK-MARVEL -- British Graphic Novels; "CLASSICS Comics";

(A) UK MARVEL British comics;



ACTION FORCE (Weekly, International Heroes) {aka the Original G.I. Joe – European Missions UK series} (UK Marvel; Magazine Sized B&W Weekly Comics Series; LOW PRINT RUNS); >>> British Version of G.I. JOE a Real American Hero (All-New UK Material = Reprinted in the USA as G.I. Joe European Missions); >> Includes; Cobra, Cobra Commander, Snake-Eyes, Destro, Storm Shadow etc.;

**** Wikipedia = Action Force was a brand of European action figures initially based on Action Man in the 1980s. It was also used to introduce G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toys to European markets. Several publishing companies have produced comic books based on the figures. Following the demise of the Battle Action Force strips, a weekly Action Force comic was launched by Marvel UK on 8 March 1987, consisting of reprints of the US G.I. Joe comic book and new UK-exclusive short strips. The G.I. Joe comics were adjusted to fit into the UK strip's continuity and had all references to G.I. Joe replaced with Action Force, and the UK-exclusive strips maintained a separate continuity from the US G.I. Joe comic. The Action Force comic was cancelled in 1988 after fifty issues due to low sales and was replaced with Action Force Monthly, which was itself cancelled after fifteen issues. The Action Force Monthly title printed new stories as well as reprinting stories from the weekly title. The magazine was released in the USA under the title = G.I. Joe – European Missions);


#1 (March 7/1987; Geoff Senior cover art;

This magazine was released in the USA under the title = G.I. Joe – European Missions;

Footloose, Flint & Lady Jaye cover & story;

First Comics appearance of Action Force (Lady Jaye, Flint, Barbecue, Shipwreck & Footloose)

(First story); Action Force in Gun Boat vs Cobra Commander & Destro, with Storm Shadow appearance;

Story by Simon Furman, Art by Kev Hopgood & Mark Farmer;

(Second story); Action Force (Hawk, Flint, Lady Jaye, Beachhead, Stalker) in Best Defense vs Leon Trotsky Brigade of the Fourth International 

with Larry Hama story & Herb Trimpe art;



#14-17 = Cold Comfort: Parts 1-4 (weekly, all June 1987) = Quick Kick solo adventure;  Wikipedia = Quick Kick appears in many issues of the alternate continuity 'Marvel UK' series "Action Force". He rescues his friends from imprisonment on the Argent Oil Platform, a move that fits into Destro's plans to publicly discredit 'Action Force'. He is the focus of a three parter issue where he defies the team to rescue an old friend from a cult. It turns out the man is a leader of a Cobra splinter group and Quick Kick is forced to take the organization down from the inside. The third part has a secondary story where Quick Kick remembers meeting the Marvel Comics martial artists Iron Fist, Elektra, Batroc the Leaper and Shang Chi.  This contradicts regular G.I. Joe continuity as those characters do not exist there.


#50(February 13/1988; LAST ISSUE);


ACTION FORCE SPECIAL  {aka the Original G.I. Joe – European Missions UK series} (Marvel UK Pub; magazine size; Full Color);

>>> British Version of G.I. JOE a Real American Hero (All-New UK Material = Reprinted in the US as G.I. Joe European Missions) >> Includes; Cobra, Cobra Commander, Snake-Eyes, Destro, Storm Shadow etc;

#1(HOLIDAY Special; July/1987; Snake-Eyes alone-c/s; FN/VF = $15.00);

#2(WINTER Special; 10/1987; Buzzer smoking Cigar-c; VG/FN = $10.00);




THE A-TEAM SPECIAL - #2(March/1986);

THE AMAZING X-MEN - #1(February 21/1996),2,16,17;

THE AVENGERS (Weekly) - #2-72,74-99,101-148;



BATTLE TIDE (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 12/1992-3/1993; Wolverine app in all) #1-4; (VF or Better = $2.00 each);

BATTLE TIDE II (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 8-11/1993) #1($2.95-c; VF or Better $3); #2 (HULK-c/app; VF or Better = $3.00 each);


BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD - #2(September 21/ 1994), 3;


BLAKES 7 (October 1981), 2-8,10-12,14-22;

BLOCKBUSTER - #1 (June 1981),3,4,6,7,9;


CAPTAIN AMERICA (UK-Marvel Pub; Weekly) -

#1(February 25/1981; John BYRNE-a; Iron Man-s; Defenders-s; Dazzler-s; with the Bonus gift is missing; VG/FN = $8)


CAPTAIN BRITAIN (1976-1977; Marvel Comics International UK; Great Britain/United Kingdom; First series; Weekly; Magazine Size; Part Color/ Part B&W; ORIGINAL ALL-NEW Material CAPTAIN BRITAIN stories in ALL issues; These were Originally meant for Sale only in the UK, and had only LIMITED Distribution in USA and Canada)

** Rumor has it CAPTAIN BRITAIN might make his MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) DEBUT in ; ( A ) The ETERNALS Movie because BLACK KNIGHT is Already Confirmed; ( B ) In the EXCALIBUR Movie in early Development stages, or in ( C ) the MS. MARVEL Show for Disney Plus TV Streaming;    

** CAPTAIN BRITAIN and the BLACK KNIGHT Movie in Works From Marvel with possible Director Guy Ritchie;

** CAPTAIN BRITAIN Teaser in AVENGERS: ENDGAME Movie; While Captain America and Iron Man are in 1970 to recover the Tesseract and Pym Particles from a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility in New Jersey, Steve finds himself hiding in the office of his former flame and current S.H.I.E.L.D. director, Peggy Carter. Steve is then surprised by Peggy herself, as she walks into an adjoining room with an associate, informing him that an operative named Braddock hasn't checked in. While the figure remains unseen, it is potentially an Easter egg referencing Captain Britain's civilian alter ego, Brian Braddock.

*** Captain Britain is #79 on IGN's 2014 Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;

*** Captain Britain is #34 on IGN's Top 50 AVENGERS of All-Time List;  (One of the Most Under-Rated & Overlooked AVENGERS and Marvel Characters of all-Time)

*** Brian Braddock aka CAPTAIN BRITAIN'S Team affiliations includes; EXCALIBUR (an X-Men Spinoff MUTANTS series), Secret Avengers, MI-13,Excalibur, Captain Britain Corps, Knights of Pendragon, Hellfire Club, New Excalibur, & Illuminati;


#1 (October 13/1976; FIRST appearance and ORIGIN of Brian Braddock aka CAPTAIN BRITAIN cover & story = Part-1 of 2-Part story = Chris Claremont-s, Herb Trimpe/Fred Kida art begins; FIRST appearance of Joshua Stragg aka the Reaver; FIRST appearance of ROMA, Merlin's daughter; Cover by Larry Leiber; Nick Fury SHEILD Comics & Pinup Page by Jim STERANKO; Captain Britain & Fantastic Four Puzzles/Game page by Own McCarron; Fantastic Four-r by John Buscema;  Bonus Insert Mask is MISSING; Overall FN/VF, but with 1” Tear at bottom Left Cover Corner, thus VG/FN, 5.0 = $99.00);

#1 (October 13/1976; FIRST appearance and ORIGIN of Brian Braddock aka CAPTAIN BRITAIN cover & story = Part-1 of 2-Part story = Chris Claremont-s, Herb Trimpe/Fred Kida art begins; FIRST appearance of Joshua Stragg aka the Reaver; FIRST appearance of ROMA, Merlin's daughter; Cover by Larry Leiber; Nick Fury SHEILD Comics & Pinup Page by Jim STERANKO; Captain Britain & Fantastic Four Puzzles/Game page by Own McCarron; Fantastic Four-r by John Buscema;  Bonus Insert Mask is MISSING; Restored with 3 Comic Edges TRIMMED, thus Apparent  FN/VF, 7.0 = $65.00);


CAPTAIN BRITAIN (1976-1977; Marvel Comics International UK; Great Britain/United Kingdom; First series;

#2 (October 20/1976; Origin CAPTAIN BRITAIN Part-II, in From the Holocaust, a Hero; SECOND appearance of Joshua Stragg aka the Reaver and ROMA, Merlin's daughter; Fantastic Four & Annihilus Negative Zone story-r; Fantastic Four centerfold Pinup; Captain America appears in SHEILD story, with JIM STERANKO art-r; Bonus Insert Boomerang);

#3 (October 27/1976;  CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Mayhem on a Monday Morning, New UK Only cover & story; FIRST appearance of Albert Potter aka HURRICANE; FIRST appearance of Dai Thomas, Courtney Ross, Jacko Tanner, Sandy York,  Vixen's men; Fantastic Four in The THING Amok story-r; Captain America appears in SHEILD story, with JIM STERANKO art-r);

#4 (November 03/1976;  CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Hour of the Hurricane, New UK Only cover & story; FIRST Cover appearance, Second overall appearance of Albert Potter aka HURRICANE, cover & story; Captain America appears in SHEILD story, with JIM STERANKO art-r; Fantastic Four, Torch vs Thing battle story-r);

#5 (November 10/1976;  CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Captain Britain Has Been Beaten, New UK Only cover & story; FIRST appearance of Kate Fraser; Third appearance of Albert Potter aka HURRICANE, cover & story;  Captain America & Fantastic Four appears in SHEILD story-r, with JIM STERANKO art; Fantastic Four, Hulk vs Thing battle-r; Color DOCTOR STRANGE Pinup by Budiansky & Adkins);

#6 (November 17/1976;  CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Havoc At Heathrow, New UK Only cover & story; Fourth appearance of Albert Potter aka HURRICANE, cover & story;  Captain America, Yellow Claw appears in SHEILD story-r, with JIM STERANKO art; Fantastic Four, Hulk vs Thing battle-r);

#7 (November 24/1976;  CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Wind of Death, New UK Only cover & story; ORIGIN and Fifth appearance of Albert Potter aka HURRICANE, cover & story; Captain America appears in SHEILD story-r, with JIM STERANKO art; Fantastic Four & Overmind story-r; Howard the Duck Pull-Out & Fold 4 page Centerfold comic-r, by Frank Brunner);


#8 [December 1, 1976; First appearance of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE), the sister of Captain Britain (Brian Braddock), who later goes on to be the X-Men as PSYLOCKE; Olivia Munn played Betsy Braddock aka PSYLOCKE in 20th Century Fox’s The X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Big Screen FILM/MOVIE released in May/2016; Psylocke has appeared in New Mutants, Uncanny X-Men & is now as a Leader in the current & hot Uncanny X-Force series, thus the big Increase in Demand; Probably the RAREST True First appearance of ANY Major Mutant Character of the X-MEN Universe; First appearance of DR. SYNNE; Captain Britain vs DOCTOR SYNNE; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Riot On Regent Street, New UK Only cover & story; *** 43 Year Old Blazing Hot MAJOR Bronze Age KEY issue; SCARCE due to HUGE DEMAND and very LOW supply; The first American appearance MEGGAN and PSYLOCKE was in the Hot Key issue New Mutants Annual #2 from 10/1986; Fantastic Four & Watcher story-r; Captain America appears in SHEILD story-r, with JIM STERANKO art; SOLD OUT];


#9 [December 8, 1976; SECOND appearance of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE),  the sister of Captain Britain (Brian Braddock), who later goes on to be the X-Men as PSYLOCKE; *** PSYLOCKE has appeared in New Mutants, Uncanny X-Men & is now as a Leader in the current & hot Uncanny X-Force series, thus the big Increase in Demand; Silver Surfer cameo; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Demon-Fire / Demon-Creatures of Dr. Synne, New UK Only cover & story;  SECOND appearance of DR. SYNNE cover & story; *** Olivia Munn played Betsy Braddock aka PSYLOCKE in 20th Century Fox’s The X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Big Screen FILM/MOVIE with a release date of May 27, 2016; >>> The first American appearance MEGGAN and PSYLOCKE was in the Hot Key issue New Mutants Annual #2 from 10/1986; Fantastic Four & Over-Mind story-r; Captain America & Yellow Claw appear in SHEILD story-r, with JIM STERANKO art; Full page Color Pinup of INHUMANS]

#10 [December 15, 1986; Captain Britain in Dagger of the Mind =  Chris Claremont story, with HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; FIRST COVER appearance of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE); Captain Britain & Betsy Braddock vs DR. SYNNE cover & story; *** THIRD appearance Overall of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE), the sister of Captain Britain (Brian Braddock), who later goes on to be the X-Men as PSYLOCKE; Olivia Munn played Betsy Braddock aka PSYLOCKE in

 20th Century Fox’s The X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Big Screen FILM/MOVIE released in May/2016; Psylocke has appeared in New Mutants, Uncanny X-Men & is now as a Leader in the current & hot Uncanny X-Force series, thus the big Increase in Demand; THIRD appearance of DR. SYNNE cover & story; The first American appearance MEGGAN and PSYLOCKE was in the Hot Key issue New Mutants Annual #2 from 10/1986; ; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Dagger of the Mind / A House Divided, New UK Only cover & story; 2 pages of Stan Lee with person in Spider-Man costume photo's; ** Also Includes; Fantastic Four in Enter the Watcher = STAN LEE Story with John Buscema & Frank Giacoia art; NICK FURY Agent of SHEILD in Against the Ultimate Annihilator story, with A.I.M. & YELLOW CLAW = JIM STERANKO & Frank Giacoia art; Silver Surfer cameo]

#11 (December 22/1976; Captain Britain in BURN WITCH BURN, all-new Gary Friedrich story, with HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; Captain Britain & Betsy Braddock (Cameo) vs DR. SYNNE story; SECOND COVER appearance of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE); WOMAN in BONDAGE, about to be Burned at Stake cover & story; Ron Wilson & Frank Giacoia cover; *** FOURTH (Cameo) appearance Overall of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE), the sister of Captain Britain (Brian Braddock), who later goes on to be the X-Men as PSYLOCKE; FOURTH appearance of DR. SYNNE; Olivia Munn played Betsy Braddock aka PSYLOCKE in 20th Century Fox’s The X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Big Screen FILM/MOVIE released in May/2016; ** Also Includes; Fantastic Four in Secret of the ETERNALS, STAN LEE & Archie Goodwin Story with John Buscema & Joe Sinnott art; NICK FURY Agent of SHEILD in When Comes Black Noon = A.I.M. & YELLOW CLAW Storyline, JIM STERANKO story with JIM STERANKO & Bill Everett art;  Full Page Color PINUP PAGE featuring; Hulk, Sub-Mariner, Silver Surfer & Galactus);

#12 (December 29/1976; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in To Die a Superhero, All-New UK Only cover & story; WOMAN in BONDAGE, about to be Burned at Stake storyline; FIFTH appearance of DR. SYNNE cover & story; Fantastic Four in Birth of the Overmind story-r; Yellow Claw appears in SHEILD story-r, with JIM STERANKO art; Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America); 

#13 (January 05/1977; Captain Britain in From the Ashes, All-New Gary Friedrich story, with HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; AL MILGROM cover; Captain Britain vs DR. SYNNE cover & story;  DEATH and SIXTH appearance of DR. SYNNE cover & story; ** Also Includes; Fantastic Four in The Alien, the Ally, and Armageddon = Archie Goodwin story, with John Buscema & Joe Sinnott art; ** NICK FURY, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Behold the Savage Sky = A.I.M. & YELLOW CLAW Storyline = JIM STERANKO story with JIM STERANKO & Frank Giacoia art;  Captain Britain FUN PAGE by Owen McCarron; Full Page Color PINUP PAGE featuring = FRIGHTFUL FOUR (Trapster, MEDUSA, Wizard & Sandman); Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#14 (January 12/1977; Captain Britain in The Malevolent Menace of Mastermind, All-New Gary Friedrich story, with HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; Ed Hannigan & Frank Giacoia cover; ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of MASTERMIND cover & Story; Partial ORIGIN of Brian Braddock aka CAPTAIN BRITAIN; The DEATH of Brian Braddock aka CAPTAIN BRITAIN’S PARENTS; Wikipedia = This Mastermind was an alien artificial intelligence that had been built by Captain Britain's father, Doctor James Braddock, Senior. Mastermind lived in the Braddock family's estate & is entrusted with the care of several 'Warpies' (mutated children, some of whom had superpowers)  Mastermind is later reprogrammed by Kang the Conqueror; ** Also Includes = Fantastic Four  in Now Falls the Final Hour, with DR DOOM = Archie Goodwin story, with John Buscema & Joe Sinnott art; ** Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Crushed by the Yellow Claw = A.I.M. & YELLOW CLAW Storyline = JIM STERANKO story with JIM STERANKO & Frank Giacoia art;  Full Page Color PINUP PAGE featuring DOCTOR DOOM and MOLE MAN; Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#15 (January 19/1977; Captain Britain UNMASKED at Last? Captain Britain in Once Upon a Death Wish, All-New Gary Friedrich story, with HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; Ron Wilson & Frank Giacoia cover; Second appearance & apparent DEATH of MASTERMIND;  Steve Rogers aka Captain America, Nick Fury and SHIELD appear; ** Also Includes = Fantastic Four  in Endgame, with DR DOOM, Stranger & Overmind = Archie Goodwin story, with John Buscema & Joe Sinnott art; ** Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in If Deth be My Destiny = JIM STERANKO story with JIM STERANKO & Frank Giacoia art;   Captain Britain FUN PAGE, with Shang Chi Master of Kung Fu by Owen McCarron;  Full Page Color PINUP PAGE featuring = NICK FURY Agent of SHEILD (from Cover of #6) by JIM STERANKO;  Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#16 (January 26/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in A Hero Unmasked, All-New UK Only cover & story; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline;  CAPTAIN AMERICAN vs CAPTAIN BRITAIN Battle cover & story; Dan Adkins & Ron Wilson cover; Gary Friedrich story; HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; Fantastic Four #117-r; SHEILD story-r, with JIM STERANKO art;

#17 (February 02, 1977;  Captain Britain in SHEILD Strikes Out, All-New Gary Friedrich story; Frank Giacoia & Ron Wilson cover;  HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline; CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs NAZI HORDES Battle Cover; Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.  appears; Fantastic Four  in The Answer At Last (with Agatha Harkness, Crystal, Lockjaw & Diablo) = Archie Goodwin story, with John Buscema & Joe Sinnott art; **Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.  in Armageddon (with YELLOW CLAW ad DR DOOM) = JIM STERANKO story with JIM STERANKO & Frank Giacoia art;   Captain Britain FUN PAGE, with Ben Grimm the THING by Owen McCarron;  CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN = B&W PINUP Page by Ad Beeton; Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#18 (February 09, 1977;  Captain Britain in SHEILD Strikes Out & The Revenge of the Red Skull, All-New Gary Friedrich story, with HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; Ron Wilson & Frank Giacoia cover; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline; CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs RED SKULL Battle Cover; INCLUDES; EIGHT-PAGE COLOR INSERT from issue #17; Fantastic Four with Diablo story-r; REED RICHARDS, MR. FANTASTIC Pinup; Yellow Claw appears in SHEILD story-r, with JIM STERANKO art;  Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America); 

#19 (February 16, 1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Two Died With Honour, New UK Only cover & story; FIRST appearance of Lance Hunter, Created by Gary Friedrich & Herb Trimpe; Nick Blood as Lance Hunter debuted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series; Nick Blood as Lance Hunter was set to Co-Star in Marvel's Most Wanted (a Spinoff of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) with Adrianne Palicki as Bobbi Morse aka MOCKINGBIRD, but the Series got Cancelled; Low Print Run, NOT distributed in North America; Overstreet Lists as SCARCE; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline; Fantastic Four with Diablo story-r; Yellow Claw appears in SHEILD story-r, with JIM STERANKO art);

#20 (February 23, 1977;  Captain Britain in While the World Gently Weeps; Frank Giacoia & Ron Wilson cover; Gary Friedrich story; HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art;

All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline; CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs NAZI HORDES Battle Cover; Woman and Man in BONDAGE Cover; Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Prime Minister James Callaghan appear; ADOLPH HITLER Cameo in Picture; Fantastic Four  in Three Stood Together = Roy Thomas story, with John Buscema & Joe Sinnott art; ** Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.  in Earth Death = JIM STERANKO story with JIM STERANKO & Joe Sinnott art;   Captain Britain FUN PAGE, by Owen McCarron;  PINUP PAGE featuring = NICK FURY Agent of SHEILD (from Cover of #7) by JIM STERANKO; CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN = B&W PINUP Page by Ad Beeton; Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#21 (March 02, 1977;  CAPTAIN BRITAIN in They've Kidnapped the Prime Minister, All-New Gary Friedrich story, with HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; Ron Wilson & Frank Giacoia cover; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline; CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs RED SKULL Battle Cover and Story; Nick Fury & Prime Minister James Callaghan appear; Fantastic Four #119-r with Klaw & Black Panther; Spider-Man and Thor story-r;  Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#22 (March 09, 1977;  Captain Britain in Mayhem At Midnight; Frank Giacoia & Larry Lieber cover; Gary Friedrich story; HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline;  CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs RED SKULL Battle Cover;  Nick Fury & Prime Minister James Callaghan appear; Also Includes; Fantastic Four in The Horror That Walks On Air (vs GABRIEL, with Agatha Harkness) =Stan Lee story, with John Buscema & Joe Sinnott art; ** Spider-Man and Thor in The Dark Crystal of Doom = Gerry Conway story with Ross Andru & Jim Mooney art;

Captain Britain FUN PAGE, with BRING ON THE BAD GUYS by Owen McCarron;  Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America); ASK ;

#23 (March 16, 1977;  LAST Newsprint Covers issue; Captain Britain in The Night Big Ben Stood Still; Ron Wilson, John Romita & John Tartaglione cover; Gary Friedrich story; HERB TRIMPE and FRED KIDA Art; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline;  CAPTAIN AMERICAN, CAPTAIN BRITAIN & Prime Minister James Callaghan in BONDAGE, about to be EXECUTED by FIRING SQUAD of RED SKULL & His NAZI HOARDS Cover; Nick Fury & Prime Minister James Callaghan appear;  Also Includes; Fantastic Four in Horn of Doom (vs GABRIEL) = Stan Lee story, with John Buscema & Joe Sinnott art; ** Spider-Man and Thor in Timewar  = Gerry Conway story with Ross Andru & Jim Mooney art; Captain Britain FUN PAGE, by Owen McCarron;  Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#24 (March 23, 1977; First Slick Paper Stock Covers issue; Captain Britain in The Fall of the Fourth Reich?, All-New Gary Friedrich & Larry Lieber story;  Frank Giacoia, Larry Lieber & John Romita cover; John Buscema and Tom Palmer Art; Dum Dum Dugan, Nick Fury & Prime Minister James Callaghan appear;  All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline;  Fantastic Four in The Mysterious Mind-Blowing Secret of Gabriel-r; NICK FURY story with JIM STERANKO art-r; Spider-Man & Iron Man Team-Up story-r; Low Distribution & Scarcer; Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America); Bonus Insert Capt. Britain’s Super-Jet Plane = SOLD OUT)

#25 (March 30, 1977;  Captain Britain in Gathering of Gladiators, All-New Gary Friedrich & Larry Leiber story; JOHN BUSCEMA and FRED KIDA Art; Frank Giacoia & Ron Wilson cover; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Cover and Storyline; CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs RED SKULL Cover & Story; Nick Fury & Prime Minister James Callaghan appear;  Also Includes; Fantastic Four in Angel of Death (vs GABRIEL) = Stan Lee story, with John Buscema & Joe Sinnott art; Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Mystery of the Moors = Jim Steranko story, with Jim Steranko & Dan Adkins art; ** Spider-Man and Iron Man in Terror in the 23rd Century  = Gerry Conway story with Ross Andru & Frank Bolle art; Captain Britain FUN PAGE, by Owen McCarron;  Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#26 (April 06/1977;  CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs RED SKULL Battle cover; Captain Britain in Hickory, Dickory, Death, All-New Gary Friedrich & Larry Leiber story; JOHN BUSCEMA and FRED KIDA Art; Bob Budiansky, Frank Giacoia & Ron Wilson cover; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline; Fantastic Four in Galactus Unleashed story-r;  NICK FURY story with JIM STERANKO art-r; Low Distribution & Scarcer; Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#27 (April 13/1977;  Classic CAPTAIN BRITAIN with Staff and RED SKULL cover; Captain Britain in Will You Never Win?, All-New Gary Friedrich & Larry Leiber story; JOHN BUSCEMA and FRED KIDA Art; Frank Giacoia & Ron Wilson cover;  FIRST appearance of Professor Scott aka Lord Hawk; All-New UK Only CAPTAIN AMERICAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN Team-Up vs RED SKULL and His NAZI HORDES Storyline; Fantastic Four in War for a World story-r;  NICK FURY story with JIM STERANKO art-r; Spider-Man & Human Torch Team-Up Story-r; Low Distribution & Scarcer; Overstreet Lists as LOW PRINT RUN (SCARCE, NOT distributed in USA or CANADA or in North America);

#28 (April 20/1977; Captain Britain All-New UK Only Material cover & story, with Lord Hawk = Gary Friedrich story; Spider-Man and Human Torch Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four Back-Up story; full page BATMAN Corgi ad; ASK);

 #29 (April 27/1977; Captain Britain vs Lord Hawk in Lonely & the Hunted, All-New UK Only Material cover & story = Gary Friedrich story, with John BUSCEMA and Fred Kida art; Spider-Man and Human Torch Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four vs SILVER SURFER-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page BATMAN Corgi ad; Nick Fury, Agent of SHEILD-r Backup Story; FN/VF = $10.00);

#30 (May 4/1977; Captain Britain in Panic in Piccadilly, All-New UK Only Material cover & story, vs Lord Hawk = Gary Friedrich story, with John BUSCEMA and Tom Palmer art; Spider-Man and INHUMANS with Black Bolt Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; Nick Fury, Agent of SHEILD-r Backup Story = STAN LEE story & JIM STERANKO art; Silver Surfer Fun Page; FN/VF = $10.00);

#31 (May 11/1977; Captain Britain in Hostage of the Hawk, All-New UK Only Material cover & story, vs Lord Hawk = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art; Spider-Man and INHUMANS with Black Bolt Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; Nick Fury, Agent of SHEILD-r Backup Story = JIM STERANKO story & art, with Sinnott inks; FN/VF = $10.00);

#32 (May 18/1977; Captain Britain in Only the Strong Survive All-New UK Only Material cover & story, vs Lord Hawk = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art; NICK FURY Pin-Up page by STERANKO; Silver Surfer & Thing cameo on text page; Spider-Man and INHUMANS with Black Bolt Team-Up-r Back-Up story, with KANG the Conqueror appearance, & Avengers cameo; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Roy Thomas story & Frank Springer art; SOLD OUT);

#33 (May 25/1977; ORIGIN of CAPTAIN BRITAIN in A HERO REBORN with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, with MORE DETAILS on His ORIGIN  = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art;  SPIDER-MAN and Marvel Super-Hero Battles Pin-Up page; Spider-Man and the WEREWOLF Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Roy Thomas story & Frank Springer art; FIRST appearance of MARVELON the Super-Villain, on Captain Britain FUN Page by Owen McCarron; New UK Only art Howard the Duck Pinup on Back cover; SOLD OUT);

#34 (June 1/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in Menace of the Mind Monster with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, with MORE DETAILS on His ORIGIN  = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art; Spider-Man and the WEREWOLF Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Stan Lee with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Roy Thomas story & Frank Springer art; Captain Britain FUN Page by Owen McCarron; New UK Only art CAPTAIN AMERICA Pinup on Back cover;  FN/VF = $12.00);

#35 (June 8/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in That Camelot Might Live with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, with MORE DETAILS on His ORIGIN  = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Tom Palmer art; Spider-Man and the WEREWOLF Team-Up-r Back-Up story; Fantastic Four with Doctor Doom-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story;  Ben Grimm the THING FUN Page = by Owen McCarron?;  FN/VF = $12.00);

#36 (June 15/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN in God-War with All-New UK Only Material cover & story = Gary Friedrich story, with Ron Wilson, Budiansky & Fred Kida art; Pablo Marcos cover art; Spider-Man and the Grey Gargoyle-r Back-Up story = Gil Kane art; ORIGIN of Fantastic Four with MOLE MAN-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = JIM STERANKO story & Art, with Tartaglione inks;  Captain Britain FUN Page = by Owen McCarron;  FN/VF = $10.00);

#37 (June 22/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs the Highwayman in the Highwayman came Riding Riding...., with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, FIRST appearance of Highwayman & Munipulator = Len Wein story, with Ron Wilson & Pablo Marcos art; Pablo Marcos cover; Dracula illustration on Text page & Dracula Lives Ad on Back-c; Spider-Man and the Grey Gargoyle-r Back-Up story, with Captain America & Nick Fury = Gil Kane art; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = JIM STERANKO story & Art, with Tartaglione inks;  Captain Britain FUN Page = by Owen McCarron;  FN/VF = $10.00);

#38 (June 29/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs the Highwayman in the Deadly Duel, with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, Second appearance of Highwayman & Munipulator = Budiansky & Lawrence story, with Ron Wilson & Pablo Marcos art; Pablo Marcos cover; CONAN Ad on Back-c; Spider-Man and with Captain America vs Grey Gargoyle-r Back-Up story = Gil Kane art; Fantastic Four-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Thomas & Goodwin story & Frank Springer Art;  Captain Britain FUN 1/2 Page = by Owen McCarron?;  FN/VF = $10.00);

#39 (July 6/1977; Low Print & Scarcer LAST issue; CAPTAIN BRITAIN Continues into Super-Spider-Man with CAPTAIN BRITAIN #231-247 UK Marvel Comics; CAPTAIN BRITAIN vs in a Superhero Gone Mad, with All-New UK Only Material cover & story, Third appearance of Highwayman & Munipulator = Budiansky & Lawrence story, with Ron Wilson & Pablo Marcos art;  CONAN Ad on Back-c; Mister Fantastic / Reed Richards Pin-Up Page = JACK KIRBY Art?? Invisible Woman / Sue Richards Pin-Up Page = JACK KIRBY Art?? Johnny Storm the Human Torch Pin-Up Page; Ben Grimm the Thing Pin-Up Page;  Fantastic Four vs Mole Man-r Back-Up story by Roy Thomas with John BUSCEMA & Sinnott art; full page NICK FURY & Agents of SHEILD-r Backup Story = Thomas & Goodwin story & Frank Springer Art;  Captain Britain FUN 1/2 Page = by Owen McCarron?;  FN/VF = $12.00);

CAPTAIN BRITAIN SUMMER SPECIAL 1980 (Weight = 85 Grams; 52 pages; Captain Britain & Captain America Back cover Pinup by JACK KIRBY = New UK Only art?; Black Knight articles; Black Knight = 8 pages story from #1 in 1955 by Maneely; Doctor Strange & Black Knight-r = Gene Colan-a;  VG = $15.00);

CAPTAIN BRITAIN 1978 Annual [UK / British HARDCOVER; published 12/1977; World Distr Pub; >>> High Quality paper, Full COLOR Hardcover Book with High-Gloss Pictorial Laminated Covers Thus SCARCE in HIGH Grade ]; #NN [Annual #1; One-Shot; 64 pages including covers; Reprints #1-7; Trimpe-a; Claremont-s; Pin-ups of Avengers, Dr Strange & Avengers; VF+=$25; VF=$20; FN/VF=$16; VG/FN=$12];


CAPTAIN BRITAIN Monthly (2nd series; 1/1985-2/1986; ORIGINAL ALL-NEW Material CAPTAIN BRITAIN stories in ALL issues; #1-4=Paragon of Painthorne Street, illustrated Text-s by Alan & Anderson; #5-7= City, illustrated Text-s by Collins & Farmer; #6= Eye Witness, illustrated Text-s by Hunter & Stokes);
CAPTAIN BRITAIN Television / TV SERIES in Early Development Stages; BBC News = Scottish artist Ciara McAvoy has provided a visualisation of a new Captain Britain for the producers & started Rumours of a planned TV series based on the Cult Hero, rebooted for a 21st Century audience, to represent the ideal of Britain and its island heritage, like Robin Hood. CAPTAIN BRITAIN was initially intended to be a British equivalent of Captain America. Tom Hiddleston has been considering to play Captain Britain. Scientist Brian Braddock was revived by the mystical Merlyn and imbued with superhuman powers, Captain Britain Lycra-clad righter of wrongs was born.  Alan Moore wrote Captain Britain stories in the 1980s Television producers Chris Lark and Eleni Larchanidou are working on a Script & Budget to make a TV Series Proposal to Marvel in 2017. Chris Lark wants to redefine Captain Britain for television.

*** Captain Britain is #79 on IGN's 2014 Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;

*** Captain Britain is #34 on IGN's Top 50 AVENGERS of All-Time List; (One of the Most Under-Rated & Overlooked AVENGERS and Marvel Characters of all-Time)

*** Brian Braddock aka CAPTAIN BRITAIN'S Team affiliations includes; EXCALIBUR (an X-Men Spinoff MUTANTS series), Secret Avengers, MI-13,Excalibur, Captain Britain Corps, Knights of Pendragon, Hellfire Club, New Excalibur, & Illuminati;

#1(January/1985; Capt Britain by Jamie Delano & Alan Davis begins; Warworld/Freeball Warriors by Parkhouse begins; Abslom Daak Dalek Killer-r begins; Nightraven-r by Parkhouse & Lloyd begin);

#2, 3(Mike Collins CB Script), 4, 5(Space Thieves by David Harper & Barry Kilson begins),

#8 (8/1985; First appearance of MEGGAN as she transforms from a WEREBEAST to a Super-Heroine-c/s / First time ORIGIN & early appearance of MEGGAN Braddock-c/s nee Puceanu later Gloriana = Human Mutant of Excalibur & MI-13; EARLY appearance of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE); Meggan's first American appearance was in New Mutants Annual #2; Alan Davis-c/a; MEGGAN Braddock was first created in 12/1983 in Mighty World of Marvel #7 as Captain Britain's sister by Alan MOORE and Alan DAVIS; The first American appearance MEGGAN and PSYLOCKE was in the Hot Key issue New Mutants Annual #2 from 10/1986; VF+, 8.5 = $49.00);

#8 (8/1985; First appearance of MEGGAN as she transforms from a WEREBEAST to a Super-Heroine-c/s / First time ORIGIN & early appearance of MEGGAN Braddock-c/s  nee Puceanu later Gloriana = Human Mutant of Excalibur & MI-13; EARLY appearance of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE); Meggan's first American appearance was in New Mutants Annual #2; Alan Davis-c/a; MEGGAN Braddock was first created in 12/1983 in Mighty World of Marvel #7 as Captain Britain's sister by Alan MOORE and Alan DAVIS; The first American appearance MEGGAN and PSYLOCKE was in the Hot Key issue New Mutants Annual #2 from 10/1986; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00);
#9 (9/1985; Second appearance of MEGGAN as a Super-Heroine, Story Continued from #8; early appearance of MEGGAN Braddock-c/s nee Puceanu later Gloriana = Human Mutant of Excalibur & MI-13; EARLY appearance of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE); The first American appearance MEGGAN and PSYLOCKE was in the Hot Key issue New Mutants Annual #2 from 10/1986; Alan Davis-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $19.00);

#9 (9/1985; Second appearance of MEGGAN as a Super-Heroine, Story Continued from #8; early appearance of MEGGAN Braddock-c/s nee Puceanu later Gloriana = Human Mutant of Excalibur & MI-13; EARLY appearance of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE); The first American appearance MEGGAN and PSYLOCKE was in the Hot Key issue New Mutants Annual #2 from 10/1986; Alan Davis-c/a; FN/VF=$15; FN=$12; VG/FN=$10; VG=$8)

#11 (11/1985; Fourth appearance of  MEGGAN Braddock-c/s nee Puceanu later Gloriana = Human Mutant of Excalibur & MI-13, as a Super-Heroine; Alan Davis-a; Nice MEGGAN and Captain Britain PAINTED Cover by Alan Davis; The BONUS INSERT Fold-Out Color Poster, often missing, is still Intact & Originally Attatched; the Fold-Out Color Poster mainly features, MEGGAN and Captain Britain, with the addtion of the rest of the Capt Britain Cast; The first American appearance MEGGAN and PSYLOCKE was in the Hot Key issue New Mutants Annual #2 from 10/1986; the Cherubin by Mike Collins & Mark Farmer; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25.00);

#12(Black Knight by Parkhouse & Stokes begins),

#13 (1/1986; FIRST appearance of Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock (PSYLOCKE) as the Female CAPTAIN BRITAIN Cover and Story; 6th appearance of MEGGAN BraddockCaptain Granbretan Grant Morrison illustrated text-s; Alan Davis-c/a; The first American appearance MEGGAN and PSYLOCKE was in the Hot Key issue New Mutants Annual #2 from 10/1986; SOLD OUT);    

#14(2/1986; LAST issue );

CODENAME: GENETIX (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 2-5/1993) #1-4(1-4=Wolverine-c/s; 3,4=Kazar; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

CONAN - #3(July 29/1994);

CONAN WINTER SPECIAL (Marvel Super Special; 1982) - #3;

Cyberspace 3000 (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 7/1993-2/1994) #1($2.95-c; Galactus-c/s; VF or Better $3); #2-8 (3=Silver Surfer; Galactus; 4=Silver Surfer; 6=Warlock; Thanos; 7=Warlock; Thanos; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

DAREDEVIL WINTER SPECIAL - #NN(1982; 48 pages; Colan-a; original DD/Spider-Man pinup; Weight = 75 Grams; VG/FN = $8);

Dark Angel (1-5= formerly Hell's Angel) (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series) #6-13 (6=Excalibur; #6,10,11=X-Men; 7,8=Psylocke; 10,12=MyS-Tech; VF or Better = $2.00 each); #14-16(Aftermath storyline, Death's Head II; VF or Better = $3.00 each);

Dark Guard (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 10/1993-1/1994; Death's Head II & Killpower) #1-3 (1=Holofoil -c; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

DEATH METAL (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 1-4/1994) #1,2,4; (2=Alpha Flight; VF or Better = $2.50 each);

DEATH'S HEAD (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 12/1988-9/1989) --,#1-8,10 (2=Dragons Claws app; 8=Dr. Who; 9=THING / Ben Grimm-c by Simonson;10=Iron Man 2020-c/s; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

DEATH'S HEAD II (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; 12/1992-3/1994) --,#1-10,13; (1-4=X-Men; 2=Wolverine-c; VF or Better = $2.00 each); #14-16; (14=Blue Foil-c; 15=Wolverine, Captain America; VF or Better = $3.00 each);

DEATH'S HEAD II (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 3-6/1992) #1-4; (2=Fantastic Four; 4=Wolverine,X-Men, Avengers; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

DEATH'S HEAD II AND THE ORIGIN OF DIE CUT (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series) #1 ($2.95-c; VF or Better $3); #2 (VF or Better = $2.00);

DEATH 3 (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 9-12/1993) #1($2.95-c; VF or Better $3); #2-4 (2,3=Ghost Rider; 3=Cable & Hulk; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

DEATH-WREAK (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 1-4/1994) #1-4 (VF or Better = $3.00 each);

DEFENDERS OF THE EARTH SPECIAL (1988) - #1(Flash Gordon, Phantom & Mandrake; Weight = 60 Grams; VG = $6);


DIE CUT (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 11/1993-2/1994) #1-4 (1-2= BEAST from X-Men app; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

DIE CUT vs G-FORCE (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 11-12/1993) #1($2.75-c; VF or Better = $2.50 each); #2(VF $2)

DIGITEK (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 12/1992-3/1993; the Ultimate Computer Warrior) #1-4 (VF or Better = $2.00 each);

DOCTOR WHO CLASSIC COMICS - #1(December/1992),2-4,7,16-19,21,24;


DOCTOR WHO WEEKLY - (Oct 17/79) #1(October 17/1979), 2-10,16,19,21-34; 41,42;

DOCTOR WHO MONTHLY - #45(September/1980),46-51,53-56,58-63,65-69,72-75,78,79,81,82;

DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE - #66,87,90,91,93,95-97,99-107,109-117,119-134,137-150,152-172,174,175,178,182,185,189-194,196,198,200,203,207,209,211,212,214,221,223-226,228-229,231,233,234,236,237,239-241,245,246,148, 251,252,254-256, 258-264,266-268,273,278,279;

DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE - 10th Anniversary Special 1979-89;


Doctor Who Autumn Special (1987; Marvel UK; Weight = 110 Grams; VF+ $9);

Doctor Who 25th Anniversary Special - Souvenir issue (11/1988; Marvel UK; 52 pages; Weight = 125 Grams; VF/NM $10);

Doctor Who - It's Bigger on the Inside (25 Years - Special) by Tim Quinn & Dick Howett (1988; Marvel UK; 70 pages; Weight = 140 Grams; Cartoons, Jokes & Humor; VF+ $10);

DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE - Summer Specials;

Summer Special 1984(Merchandise Special; Weight = 100 Grams; FN/VF $8);

1986(Weight = 100 Grams; VG/FN = $6);

1993(Weight = 140 Grams; Bonus insert POSTER is intact, VF+ = $9);

DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE - Winter Specials;

1977(#1?; Weight = 75 Grams; Board Game centerfold intact; VF = $12);

1981(Weight = 80 Grams; VF = $9);

1985(Weight = 95 Grams; VG minus = $6);

1986(Weight = 90 Grams; VF = $8);

DRACULA LIVES - [#88 up = Combines with Planet of the Apes; October 26/1974),2-38,40,43,46-50,52-66,68-74, 76-86 ,87(June 16/76);

DRAULA SUMMER SPECIAL (Marvel comics; 1982)

EWOKS #1(November 1987);

THE EXPLOITS OF SPIDER-MAN - #4-7,9,11,36(June 28/1995),37;

FANTASTIC (POWER Comics / Odhams Pub; UK/British; 2/1967-10/1968; Classic 1960's Marvel Super-Hero Comics; Magazine Format and Size)

#1 (February 18/1967; SCARCE; 40 pages; THOR, IRON MAN and X-MEN cover and stories; Early Marvel REPRINTS; THOR begins from Journey Into Mystery #83, The Stone Men From Saturn, 13 pages, with Jack Kirby Art;  X-MEN begins from X-MEN #1, 10 pages Part-1, 1st Magneto, with Jack KIRBY art; IRON MAN begins from Tales of Suspense #39, Iron Man is Born, 7 pages, part-1; FIRST appearance of the MISSING LINK, 4 pages, Original UK story, character begins by Alf Wallace, with Luis Bermejo art; Missing Link looks exactly like The Hulk; = SOLD OUT

#2 (Cover story reprints 2nd Thor from Journey Into Mystery #84-c/s, The Mighty Thor vs. The Executioner, KIRBY art; X-MEN #1, 13 pages Part-2, 1st Magneto, with Jack KIRBY art; IRON MAN from Tales of Suspense #39, Iron Man is Born, 6 pages, part-2; Second appearance of the MISSING LINK, 2 pages, Original UK story, character begins by Alf Wallace, with Luis Bermejo art; Missing Link looks exactly like The Hulk;

#3 (X-Men #2 Reprint-c/s, 1st Vanisher, 11 pages part-1; THOR in Journey into Mystery #85-r, 1st LOKI, 13 pages; Tales of Suspense #40-r, 1st Gargantus, 9 pages, part-1;


#29 (September 2/1967; TOS #57-r = First appearance of HAWKEYE-c/s; X-Men vs Sentinals; Thor vs Cobra & Hyde; new UK Art Pinup of HAWKEYE on Back-c);


#45 (12/1967; THOR & LOKI-c/s = KIRBY-c/a; new UK Art Pinup of SCARCECROW on Back-c);


#67 (5/1968; X-MEN vs Spider-Man-c/s; Dr Strange, Avengers, Thor-s; new UK Art Pinup of LIVING LASER on Back-c);


#89 (October 26/1968; Scarcer LAST issue);


#1 (September 28/1977; Weight = 50 Grams; FF with Thundra-s; Origin of Fantastic Four-s = KIRBY-a; Silver Surfer vs Human Torch Pinup page; NO bonus)


FANTASTIC FOUR (1982) - #1-9,11-29;

FANTASY ZONE - #6(March 1990);


FORCES IN COMBAT - #1(May 15/1980),2-12,14-18,20-27,29,31-36;

FRAGGLE ROCK SPECIAL - #NN(March/1986; Jim Henson's Muppets; Weight = 50 Grams; FN = $7);

FRANTIC (CRAZY Magazine reprints; Humor/Parody/Spoof) - (Weight = 60 Grams each);

#1(March/ 1980; Miss Piggy & HULK-c; Dracula, Stuporman, Muppets, Howard the Duck; VF $15);

#2(Star Trek-c/s; Happy Days, Howard the Duck; FN $8);

#3(Fonz, Martian Chronicles, Howard the Duck; VF $12);

#5(HULK, Howard the Duck, Robots; VG/FN $7);

#6(8/1980; Howard the Duck Playduck painted-c & all Howard the Duck issue; FN/VF $9);

#8(Darth Vader-c; Howard the Duck; Star Wars; Teen-HULK; FN $8);

#9(Howard the Duck; American Giggalo; Target Earth = 5pgs DITKO-a; Dukes of Hazzard; FN $8);

#10(12/1980' Obnoxio the Clown painted-c; Stephen King's SHINING; Richie Rich; FN/VF $8);

#11(1/1981; Gene Simmons of KISS action Figure painted-c; Buck Rogers; Spider-Man, Batman, Hulk cameoes; Police Story; McCloud; Creatures in the Volcano = 5 pages of Jack KIRBY / Wally WOOD art; VG/FN $10);

#12(Blues Brothers; Marvel Super-Heroes that didn't quite make it);

#14(3-4/1981; Larry Hagman-c; Dallas-s; Elephant Man-s; SOLD OUT);

#15(Apocalypse Now; KISS, Hulk & Muhammad Ali cameos; TV's Benson; FN/VF $8);

#16(6/1981; Three's Company-c/s; Clash of the Titans; SOLD OUT);

#17(James Bond / Lice & Let Die; Tattletale Heart = Ploog-a; SOLD OUT;


#NN (1979; 52 Pages; SUPERMAN painted cover by Bob Larkin; Mork and Mindy; Superman the Movie; Playbore; TV’s M.A.S.H.; Bionic Woman; Howard the Duck; Batman and Robin);

FURY (Comics Weekly; Sgt. Fury by Kirby, Atlas/ Marvel War Comics etc.; March 16/1977) -

#1 (March 16/1977; SGT. FURY cover & story; Captain Savage in the Last Banzai; Sgt. Fury #2 reprint = 7 Doomed Men = 10 pages JACK KIRBY art; Helpless = 5 pages Al Williamson art; New UK Cover Art of Sgt Fury; Fokker = Bob Powell art; Low Print & Scarce; NO Bonus Gift; FN = $10.00);


FUTURE TENSE - (#1-35= Weekly issues, 32 pages; #36up = Monthly issues, 52 pages);

#1(November 5/1980; Nick Fury-c; Micronauts; Seeker-3000; Paladin; WARLOCK; STAR-LORD; SCARCE BONUS Insert "Build your Own Spaceship" GIFT is still included; VF+=$16; VF=$12);

#1(November 5/1980; Nick Fury-c; Micronauts; Seeker-3000; Paladin; WARLOCK; STAR-LORD; NO Bonus Insert, o/w FN/VF $6);

#2-35(Weekly issues, 32 pages);

#36(August/1981; 1st MONTHLY issue; Slick Cover Begins; 52 page Size Begins; Micronauts-c/s; Star Trek; Rom Spaceknight);

#38-40(Monthly issues, 52 pages);

GENE DOGS (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 10/1993-1/1994) #1($2.95-c; Polybagged with cards; Gene Pool; VF or Better $3); #2-4 (VF or Better = $2.00 each);

GENETIX (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 10/1993-3/1994) #1($2.75-c; Polybagged with cards; Gene Pool; VF or Better $3); #2,4 (VF or Better = $2.00 each);




GUN RUNNER (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 10/1993-2/1994) #1($2.75-c; Polybagged with cards; Gene Pool; Spirit of Vengeance-c/app; VF or Better $3); #2-6 (2=Ghost Rider; VF or Better = $2.00 each);


#2 (April 1995); #5 (July 1995);

HAVOC (Marvel-UK Pub; 36 pages; Color Magazine);

#1(July 13/1991; Deathlok-c/s; Robocop-s; Guice-a; Star Slammers-s = Simonson-a; Ghost Rider-s = Texeira-a; CONAN in Frost Giant's Daughter = Barry Windsor-Smith-a; NO bonus, VF = $7.00)

#1(July 13/1991; Deathlok-c/s; Robocop-s; Guice-a; Star Slammers-s = Simonson-a; Ghost Rider-s = Texeira-a; CONAN in Frost Giant's Daughter Part-1 = Barry Windsor-Smith-a; Magazine=VF; BONUS 16 Page Havoc Booklet still attached to cover = FN/VF; Price = $14.00)

#2(July 20/1991; Ghost Rider-c/s; Texeira-a Deathlok-s; Robocop-s; Guice-a; Star Slammers-s = Simonson-a; CONAN in Frost Giant's Daughter Part-2 = Barry Windsor-Smith-a; NO Bonus, FN/VF = $5);

HELL'S ANGEL (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; Hells Angels LAWSUIT over Title, thus #6 up = becomes DARL ANGEL) #1-5 (#1=12/1992, 1-5=Excalibur & X=Men; VF or Better = $2.00 each);


HULK COMIC (UK British Marvel Magazine; 3/1979-5/1980; Later joins Spiderman Weekly; Later becomes the Incredible Hulk Weekly 2nd series);

#1 (March 7/1979; new UK art cover; 3 page new UK HULK-s by Moore & Dave Gibbons; new UK Black Knight-s by Steve Parkhouse & John Stokes; new UK Nick Fury-s by Steve Moore & Steve Dillon {1st Pro work}; new UK Night Raven-s by Steve Parkhouse & David Lloyd; all BEGIN as Regular series; 1st app ANT-MAN reprint-s from TTA#27 by Stan Lee & Jack KIRBY; Also Includes BONUS 20 page Hulk Sticker Album for Lou Ferrigno PHOTO covers; Counts as TWO comics for Postage Purposes);

HULK COMIC (3/1979-5/1980; Later joins Spiderman Weekly; Later becomes the Incredible Hulk Weekly 2nd series);

 #7 (April 18/1979; HULK cover and story; New 3 page BLACK KNIGHT serialized storyline, with MODRED, and the ORIGIN of the Mysterious WALKER; ANT-MAN vs Comrade X story by Stan Lee with JACK KIRBY art; Nick Fury; ETERNALS by JACK KIRBY; Night Raven; BATMAN Corgi Ad; Star Wars Palitoy ad; VF, 8.0 = $22.00);  

#2-4,7-9,13, 19,27,28,30-31,42,43;


INCREDIBLE HULK (3/1982-/1982; INCREDIBLE HULK WEEKLY ; Formerly Hulk Comic; joins Spider-Man weekly; Marvel-UK Pub; Centerfold Posters are always intact unless stated otherwise; MOST issues have NEW Covers and/or New Centerfold Art by UK Artists NOT seen in USA; Lou Ferrigno and/or Bill Bixby TV features in Most issues);

#1 (March 31/1982; March 31/1982; new color Centerfold Pinup/Poster by Bolland is intact; What If Wolverine/Wendigo-s NO gift; VG/FN $8);

#2(FN/VF $6); #3(FN $5); #4(Thing vs Hulk-c; FN/VF $6); #5(FN/VF $6);

#6(Thing vs Hulk-c; VG/FN $5); #7(May 12th 1982; FN/VF $5); #8(FN/VF $5); #9(FN/VF $5); #10(FN/VF $5);

#11(FN/VF $5); #12(FN/VF $5); #14(FN/VF $5); #15(FN/VF $5);

#16(FN $4); #17(FN $4); #18(FN $4); #19(FN/VF $5); #20(FN $4);

#22(FN/VF $5); #23(FN $4); #24(FN/VF $5); #25(Ghost Rider-c; FN $4);


INCREDIBLE HULK SUMMER SPECIAL - (1989) #NN(Lou Ferrigno & Bill Bixby TV PHOTO-c; HULK vs WOLVERINE BATTLE-s = McFarlane-a);


INDIANA JONES - #1(October 1984),2;


IT'S WICKED #17 (9/September 1989);

INSPECTOR GADGET - #1(October/November 1987);

JAMES BOND JR. - #4(November 1993),5;

KILLPOWER THE EARLY YEARS (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 9-12/1993) #1($2.95-c; Green foil embossed-c; VF = $3); #2-4 (2=Genetix; 3=Punisher; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

KNIGHTS OF PENDRAGON (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 7/1990-12/1991; 1st Series) #1-13, 15-18 (2,3,11,12,18 = Iron Man; 8,9=Spider-Man; 10=BOLTON-c; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

MADBALLS (Cartoon based on Toys) - (Weight = 55 Grams each);

#5(VG $4);#6(G/VG $3); #7(G/VG, NO gift $3);

#8(5/1988; FN/VF, with scarce BONUS Captain Rik sticker package taped to cover as issued $12);

MARVEL ACTION - #1(April/1981; Weight = 50 Grams; New cover art by Alan Davis; Thor, Doctor  Strange & Fantastic Four-c/s; Bonus Sticker is missing)


the MARVEL BUMPER COMIC - (Weight = 60 Grams each);

#26(June 17/1989; HULK-c; Real Ghostbusters; Spider-Man vs Hulk; Willaim Tell; Tom & Jerry; Defenders of the Earth; Spider-Man vs Hulk POSTER is intact; G/VG $6)

#27(Willaim Tell-c/s; partial HULK-c & story; Real Ghostbusters; Spider-Man vs Hulk; Tom & Jerry; Defenders of the Earth; FN $8);

#29(Defenders of the Earth-c/s; Tom & Jerry; Real Ghostbusters; ALF; HULK-s; FN $7);

#30(July 15/1989; Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan of TV's Neighbours Photo-c & article; Tom & Jerry; Real Ghostbusters; HULK-s; Souperman-s; FN/VF $8);

MARVEL COLLECTION (1976; Marvel-UK Bound-Volumes Softcover Trade paperback;

 368 Pages including Covers; Contains 10 rebound comics, with New Outer cover; HULK, Spider-Man, Shang-Chi, Planet of Apes, Dracula, Captain Britain, Avengers, Conan, etc.;

CONTENTS USUALLY VARY inside SAME issue Numbers;

*** Volume-1 (1976; Spider-Man, Hulk and Daredevil new outer cover; Weight = 560 Grams;

( A ) Includes FIRST INVADERS inner Reprint cover and story; ** GD, 2.0 = $29.00;

( B ) Includes HULK vs WENDIGO and FIRST INVADERS and Spider-Man vs Green Goblin inner Reprint cover and stories; ** FA/G, 1.5 = $24.00;

( C ) Includes Spider-Man vs Green Goblin, POTA, Dracula inner Reprint cover and stories ** FAIR, 1.0 = $19.00;

*** Volume-2 (1996; Spider-Man, Hulk and Thor new outer cover; Weight = 460 Grams;

( A ) Includes; Captain Britain #1,2, 3,5, 6, Planet of Apes & Dracula Lives #89.91, 101,108,111 ** VG, 4.0 = $69.00;

( B ) Includes; Captain Britain #3, Planet of Apes & Dracula Lives #112,111,106,109,107,89, Mighty World of Marvel #220,214,217 ** GD, 2.0 = $29.00;

MARVEL COMIC (MARVEL-UK; January 24, 1979 - July 25, 1979; B&W Magazine sized; 24 Pages Newsprint with Color covers and B&W interiors; formerly MIGHTY WORLD OF MARVEL)

#330 (FIRST issue under NEW Title; January 24/1979; HULK-c/s; *** These Series Begin; Daredevil & Black Widow, Skull the Slayer; Dracula, CONAN the Barbarian; Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu by Paul Gulacy; FN/VF, 7.0 = $15.00)

#331 (HULK vs THING Battle-c/s; HULK vs THING Battle-c/s; Daredevil & Black Widow, Skull the Slayer; Dracula, CONAN the Barbarian; Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu by Paul Gulacy; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00)

#332 (HULK-c; HULK vs THING Battle-s; Daredevil & Black Widow, Skull the Slayer; Dracula, CONAN the Barbarian; Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu by Paul Gulacy; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00)

#333 (Godzilla-c/s; Paul Gulacy; Daredevil & Black Widow, Skull the Slayer; Dracula, CONAN the Barbarian; Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu by Paul Gulacy; FN/VF, 7.0 = $9.00)

#334 (Godzilla-c/s; Daredevil & Black Widow, Skull the Slayer; Dracula, CONAN the Barbarian; Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu by Paul Gulacy; FN/VF, 7.0 = $9.00)

#335 (March 28/1979; The X-Men’s WOLVERINE vs HERCULES! At the Sign of the Lion, Sibyl appears, 6 page All-NEW UK Only B&W story by Ken Landgraf and Jo Duffy, with early GEORGE PEREZ art;  This is the First SOLO Wolverine Story at Marvel comics, it Pre-Dates X-Men #133 from May/1980 by 14 Months; This story was later Reprinted in MARVEL TREASURY #26 from July/1980 promoted as an All-New Story: WOLVERINE and HERCULES! At the Sign of the Lion. Story Title altered (Removed "The X-Men's", with "vs" changed to "and"), presented in FULL COLOR for the First Time and in Oversized Format; Story is Reprinted again in Incredible Hulk and Wolverine #1 in 10/1986; ** CONAN vs Living Dead Skeleton Creatures battle cover;  CONAN in The Frost Giant's Daughter, 5 page reprint from Savage Tales #1, with Barry Windsor-Smith art; ** Warren Worthington III aka the ANGEL in Joyride into Jeopardy!, with First appearance of villain Carl Shanken, 5 page All-NEW UK Only B&W story by Scott Edelman, with Brent Anderson and Bob McLeod art, This story was later Reprinted in FULL COLOR in MARVEL TREASURY #27 from 1980 promoted as an All-New Story; ** Scott Summers aka CYCLOPS in Call Him... Cyclops!, 4 pages, reprinted from X-Men #43; ** LOW SURVIVAL RATE thus RARE!! = SOLD OUT); 

#336 (April 4/1979; VISION cover by cover by John Buscema and Craig Russell, reprinted from FOOM #12; VISION in Double Vision, All-New 6 page UK Only story by Tom DeFalco and John Fuller, with art Bruce Patterson, later reprinted in Full color in Tales to Astonish #12 in 11/1980;  CONAN in The Frost Giant's Daughter, Part-2, 6 page reprint from Savage Tales #1, with Barry Windsor-Smith art; Godzilla, 3 pages reprinted from Godzilla #1; Ice Man, 5 page story reprinted from X-Men #47; FN/VF = $18.00)

#338 (GODZILLA-c/s; Dracula, Skull, Conan, Daredevil; FN/VF = $9.00)

#339 (GODZILLA-c/s; Daredevil, Skull the Slayer; Dracula, CONAN, Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu by Paul Gulacy; FN/VF, 7.0 = $8.00)

#340 (GODZILLA-c/s; Daredevil, Skull the Slayer; Dracula, CONAN, Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu by Paul Gulacy; FN/VF, 7.0 = $8.00)

#341 (GODZILLA-c/s; Daredevil, Ms Marvel; Dracula, Skull, CONAN; Name written on cover, FN/VF, 7.0 = $8.00)

#347 (June 20/1979; GODZILLA-c/s; Dracula & Blade, Conan, Skull, Daredevil & Black Widow; FN/VF, 7.0 = $8.00)

MARVEL MADHOUSE - (Not Brand Echh-r; Howard the Duck-c/s; Teen-HULK, etc) (Weight = 60 Grams each);

#2(July 1981; VG $5); #3(VG/FN $6); #4(VF $9); #5(VF $9);

#6(VG $5); #7(VG/FN $6); #8(FN/VF $8); #10(VF $9);

MARVEL SUPER ADVENTURE - #1(May 6/1981), 2-8,10-17,23-26;


MARVEL SUPER-HEROES (1979-1983; 52 pages) - Weight = 85 Grams each;

#353 (9/1979; 1st GIANT issue; AVENGERS cover & story = Graviton appears; Original X-MEN story; Magneto & Black Panther appear; Ms. Marvel story; SOLD OUT);

#356(12/1979; Avengers-c/s; X-Men-c/s; Dr Doom vs Sub-Mariner; PEREZ-a; VF=$7; FN/VF=$6);

#362(Avengers-c/s; X-Men; Champions; PEREZ-c/a; VF=$7);

#364(Avengers-c/s; X-Men; Champions; PEREZ-c/a; Neal ADAMS-a; VF=$7; G/VG=$3);

#366(Avengerss; X-Men-c/s; Champions; Neal ADAMS-c/a; VF=$7);

#367(Avengers-c/s; X-Men; Champions; Neal ADAMS-a; FN $5);

#369(1/1981; Avengers-c/s; X-Men; Champions; Neal ADAMS-a; FN/VF=$6; VG/FN=$4);

#371(Avengers-c/s; X-Men; Champions; Neal ADAMS-a; John BYRNE-a; FN/VF=$6; VG/FN=$4);

#372(Avengers; X-Men; Champions-c/s; Neal ADAMS-a; John BYRNE-a; VF=$7);

#374(Avengers-c/s; X-Men; Champions; Neal ADAMS-a; VF=$7);

#375(Avengers-c/s; X-Men; Champions; John BYRNE-a; FN/VF $6);

#376(Avengers; X-Men; Champions-c/s; John BYRNE-a; FN/VF $6);

MARVEL SUPER HEROES SECRET WARS (1985) #1(Collectors Issue);



MARVEL TEAM-UP - #1(September 11/1980), 2-25;



MELTDOWN - - (Weight = 120 Grams);

#1(8/1991; with 16 page bonus Datafile mag; Akira, Clive Barker's Night Breed, Last American; Weight = 140 Grams; FN/VF $14);

#2(Weight = 130 Grams; Bonus POSTER intact; VF $10); #3(Weight = 130 Grams; Bonus POSTER intact; VF $10);

#4(Weight = 105 Grams; VF $7); #5(Weight = 105 Grams; FN/VF $6); #6(Weight = 110 Grams; FN/VF $6);



(1972-1979; Incredible HULK in all issues; HULK Covers on 90% of issues; Many have UNIQUE UK Covers NOT seen in USA = Some made from Enlarged interior Panels, others are Original UK art); (known Original UK Only JIM STARLIN Cover Art issues= Many/Most #2 thru #27, 44; There may be others)

#1(October 7/1972; SCARCE; UNIQUE UK Cover NOT seen in USA; Fantastic Four #1, Spider-Man from Amazing Fantasy #15 & Incredible Hulk #1 reprints; Issued with SCARCE bonus T-Shirt Transfer; SOLD OUT);


#81(April 20/1974), #82-119;

#120(Jan.18/1975; HULK-c/a; Daredevil-s; Fantastic Four-s = KIRBY-a);


#129 (March 22/1975; Classic cover from Hulk Annual #1 by JIM STERANKO; Hulk vs Inheritor story; Daredevil vs Beetle story; Fantastic Four story with Sandman and Silver Surfer by Stan Lee with JACK KIRBY art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $49.00; VG, 4.0 = $39.00);

#130-137,139,142,143,145-186, 187(May 1/1976; X-MEN begins);


#196 (June 30/1976; WENDIGO vs Hulk battle-c/s = Incredible Hulk #180-r Part-1; with Cover of Hulk #180, Wendigo redrawn, Rock redrawn as a Tree; SOLD OUT);

#197 (July 07/1976; WENDIGO vs Hulk battle-c/s = Incredible Hulk #180-r, Part-2; NEW UK Only Cover art; 1st CAMEO app WOLVERINE on last page; SOLD OUT);

#198 (July 14/1976; 1st full app WOLVERINE, vs Hulk battle-c/s = Incredible Hulk #181-r, Part-1; with Cover of Hulk #181; Wendigo app; SOLD OUT);

#199 (July 21/1976; WENDIGO vs Hulk battle-c/s = Incredible Hulk #181-r; NEW UK Only Cover art; 1st full app WOLVERINE, SOLD OUT);

#200 (July 28/1976; HULK, Conan, Avengers, Daredevil-c/s; Avengers by Neal ADAMS; early WOLVERINE Cameo-r; FN=$8; VG=$5);

#201(Aug.4/1976; HULK-c/s; Avengers by ADAMS; CONAN by Buscema; Daredevil by Colan);

#202-207, 208(Avengers vs Inhumans battle-c/s), #209-230;

#231(PLANET OF THE APES-c/s Begins; SOLD OUT);

#232,234-236,238,239,241-246(PLANET OF THE APES-c/s);

#247-258, 259(Sept.14/1977; Defenders with HULK-c/s; Daredevil-s; Capt Marvel-s; Sgt Fury-s);

#260-287,289,290, 292-298, 302(July 12/1978), 303-320;

#321(HULK-c/s; Daredevil-sl Iron man-s; Fantastic Four-s)

# 322-328 ??? = ASK

#329(1979; LAST issue with this Title),

#330 and UP = TITLE changes to MARVEL COMIC

MIGHTY WORLD OF MARVEL (UK – MONTHLY; 1983; combines with Savage Sword of Conan at #85 up ) #2,6;

MOTORMOUTH (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 6/1992-5/1993; 6up=MOTORMOUTH and KILLPOWER) #1-3 (3=Punisher; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

MOTORMOUTH and KILLPOWER (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 6/1992-5/1993; 1-3=MOTORMOUTH) #4-12 (5=Excalibur; 6-9=Cable; 9=Nick Fury;12=Death's Head II; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

MUPPET BABIES - #56(April/1988);

MYS-TECH WARS (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 3-6/1993; Series includes; Death's Head II, Dark Angel, X-Men, Avengers, Spider-Man, Excalibur, Ghost Rider, Motormouth, Killpower, Psycho Warriors, Warheads, HULK & More) #1-4(VF or Better = $2.00 each);

OVERKILL - #1(April 24/1992), 2-7, 9-17,19,20,22,24,26,28,30,31,34,36-43;

PENDRAGON (KNIGHTS OF) (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 2nd Series; 7/1992-9/1993) #1-15 (1-4= Iron Man; 6-9=Spider-Man; 12=Mys-Tech; 13-5=Death Head II; VF or Better = $2.00 each);


- [British MARVEL UK Pub; B&W Magazine Sized with Color Covers; #88-123 = Combines with DRACULA LIVES; POTA also app in MIGHTY WORLD OF MARVEL #231-246]; Wikipedia = In 1975, Marvel UK's Planet of the Apes comic reprinted Killraven as "Apeslayer", with alterations to substitute the Martians for apes and place the strip in the Planet of the Apes universe.

#1(October 26/1974), 2-57,59-73,75-78,80,81,83,86-87; #88-91,96,98-105,106(October 27/1976), 107-114,116,118,119,121 (#88 Up = These issues are Combined with DRACULA LIVES)

PLASMER (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 11/1993-2/1994) #1($2.50-c; Polybagged with 4 cards; VF $3); #3(Capt America & Silver Surfer; VF or Better = $3.00 each);

POW! (Power Comics) #34(September/1967), #36,38-40,53,57;


[UK-Marvel Pub Magazines; 1989/1990; (#2=48 pages, weight 80 grams) (#3-15=40 pages, weight 70 Grams each) ; (#16-30=32 pages, weight 55 Grams each);

PUNISHER (Marvel Comics UK Ltd; UK / British magazines; #3-15 = 40 Pages; #16-30 = 32 Pages)

#1 (August 5/1989; 64 pages; Mike ZECK-c/a; RoboCop backup-s; Bonus Badge NOT included;

#10(October 7/1989;

#11(New UK Only Painted Cover-a;

#15 (New UK Only Painted Cover-a; Daredevil vs Punisher battle cover; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on Title Logo border, VF = $12.00) 

#16 (New UK Only Painted Cover art; 1” Name written on cover in Pen on “P” in Title on cover, VF = $12.00) 

#17(Kev O'Neill New UK Only Cover-a;

#20(December 16/1989; DAREDEVIL & Punisher Logo-c; New UK Only Cover-a;

#22(New UK Only Cover-a;

#24(New UK Only Painted Cover-a;

#25(KINGPIN & Punisher Chess Game-c; #26(Staz Johnson New UK Only Painted Cover-a;

RAMPAGE weekly (Complete DEFENDERS-c/s every week; HULK app in MOST) - #1(October 19/1977), 2-34;

RAMPAGE Monthly Magazine -(UK-Marvel MAGAZINE; Weight for Postage = 80 Grams each; RAMPAGING HULK Magazine Reprints);

#1(July/1978; RAMPAGING HULK Magazine Reprints BEGIN; Incredible HULK cover & Stories set in early 1960's; Origin HULK; Return of Gargoyle; Defenders-s with Hulk; NOVA-s with Spider-Man, Iron Man & Hulk; Weight = 105 Grams; FN/VF = $20.00);

#2-5 (Incredible HULK cover & Stories; FN/VF = $15.00 each);

RAMPAGE Monthly Magazine - (UK-Marvel MAGAZINE; Weight for Postage = 80 Grams each);

#6-21,24-27 (Incredible HULK cover & Stories; FN/VF = $5.00 each); #27(GVG $3)

RAMPAGE MONTHLY Magazine (Weight for Postage = 80 Grams each);

>>> [ #28-54 = X-MEN, with JOHN BYRNE art; LUKE CAGE = #28-39;

THING (Ben Grimm of FF) Team-Up stories = #28-54;

Timesmasher by Paul Neary & Nick Austin = #40-44; Iron Fist= #45-50 ];

#22; #28 (10/1980; X-MEN covers BEGIN; Luke Cage Power Man vs Fantastic Four story, with Medusa; Thing vs Thing Battle-s; Weight = 85 Grams; ASK)

#29-34,39,45,47(X-Men; May 1982);

#49(July 1982; X-Men-s = John BYRNE-a; THING-s; Iron Fist-c/s = John BYRNE-a);

#50(August 1982; X-Men; Adam Warlock);

#52 (August/ 1982; X-Men);

#53 (November/1982; X-Men);

The REAL GHOSTBUSTERS (Marvel Comics Ltd UK; Magazine Sized British Comic Series, in Color)

#1 (March 26/1988; ** Uncommon to Scarce Key issue; Bonus BADGE is Missing, Good, 2.0 = $8.00);

# 2,4,14-17,24-27,32,41, 48,51,54,59,65,67,70,71,74,81;



ROBOCOP - #1(March/1988);

SAVAGE ACTION (UK MARVEL Comics Pub; British B&W Monthly Magazine);

#1 [11/1980; PUNISHER Painted cover by Bob Larkin; PUNISHER Story (from Marvel Preview #2) with art by Tony DeZuniga; Dominic Fortune Story (from Marvel Preview #2) with art by Howard Chaykin; MOON KNIGHT Story (from HULK Magazine #15) with Bill Sienkiewicz art; The Return of NIGHT-RAVEN = 2 Page TEXT story by Maxwell Storckbridge with ART by D. Ryder & JIM STERANKO; Howard Chaykin frontispiece; ASK];

# 3,4,9,10 = ASK

SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN (1975; FIRST UK series): - #1(March 8/75),3-5,10-12;

Savage Sword of Conan (1977-1985; UK British Marvel Comics Magazine; Second UK Series)

#1 (11/1977; 52 pages;  BORIS VALLEJO Painted Cover; Roy Thomas story; John Buscema & Alfredo Alcala art; Also Includes: Fold-Out Centerfold POSTER by BORIS Vallejo; CONAN Pinup on Back cover by John Buscema; ASK) #2, 3, 5-11, 13-15,17,22, 25-27,35-39, 42-46, 51,53,54-56, 62,66,80,81;

SAVAGE TALES - (K.G. Murray Pub. Co., Australian Marvel Pub., circa 1970's) - #8;

SECRET WARS - #10(September 7 1985);


SECRET WARS II - #35(March 1/1986),46-50,52,55,57-59,61,63,64,78,80;

SECRET WAR II SPECIAL - #1(March/1986),2;

SHADOW RIDERS (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series) #1-4 (#1=Cable; 2=Ghost Rider; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

SLIMER - #1(October 1989);



SPIDER-MAN COMICS WEEKLY; {Marvel UK; 1973-1985} This section For INFRORMATION Purposes ONLY

**** Average WEIGHT for Postage; #1-35(36-40 pages each) = 65 Grams each;

**** Average WEIGHT for Postage; #36-59(32 pages each) = 60 Grams each;

>>> (known Original UK Only JIM STARLIN Cover issues= #3,4,5,6 and 7;

There may be others with early issues with Jim Starlin cover art);

;*** Original UK Cover art (not seen in USA) on Most issues #1-22, plus #51,53,55,59;

*** #1-47 = Newsprint Covers; #48 = Standard Slick Covers;
#2(February 24/1973; Amazing Spider-Man #10-r = Ditko-a; Thor/Jim #84-r = Kirby-a; 40 pages; SOLD OUT);

#3(March 3/1973; original Jim STARLIN UK only cover; Amazing Spider-Man #11-r, Dr Octopus-c/s = Ditko-a; Thor/Jim #85-r = Kirby-a; 40 pages; SOLD OUT);

#6(March 24/1973; original Jim STARLIN UK only cover; Amazing Spider-Man #14-r, Green Goblin-c/s, Hulk app = Ditko-a; Thor/Jim #88-r = Kirby-a; 40 pages; SOLD OUT);

#8(Spider-Man vs Daredevil-c/s = Ditko-a; Thor/Jim #90-r = Leiber-a; 40 pages; SOLD OUT);

#9(April 14/1973; Spider-Man vs Sinister Six-c/s = Ditko-a; Thor/Jim #91-r = Leiber-a; 40 pages; SOLD OUT);

#10(April 21/1973; Spider-Man vs Sinister Six-c/s = Ditko-a; Thor/Jim #92-r = Sinnott-a; 40 pages; SOLD OUT);

#48(Dr Octopus; Standard Slick Covers begin; SOLD OUT);

#50(1974; Dr Octopus; Origin of Iron Man / TOS #39-r; SOLD OUT);


#1-36, 38-45, 47-52,66,93 = SOLD OUT;



#53(Original UK Cover-a; Ka-Zar; early Iron Man-s; Thor-s);

#54(early Iron Man-s; Thor-s);

#55(Original UK Cover-a; early Iron Man-s; Thor-s);

#56(Original UK Cover-a; early Iron Man-s; Thor-s);

#57(early Iron Man-s; Thor-s);

#58(Kingpin; early Iron Man-s; Thor-s);

#59(Original UK Cover-a; early Iron Man-s; Thor-s);

#60(April 6/1974),

#61-65,67-92, 94-100;

#101(Jan 18/1975), 102-156

#157 (LAST issue under this Title);



Super Spider-Man, with the Super Heroes

#158 (OBLONG Format Begins; FIRST issue under this Title)


#168 = SOLD OUT

#171 (May 22/1976; OBLONG Format; Spider-Man vs Green Goblin, Death of Gwen & Green Goblin-c/s; Dr Strange-s; Luke Cage centerfold Pinup; Iron Man, Thor & Dr Doom, Thing & Black Widow;);


#178 (July 7/1976; OBLONG Format; First appearance of PUNISHER-c/s = Amazing Spider-Man #129-r; Dr Strange; Iron Man, Thor, Moon Knight, Thing-s);


#230 (LAST issue under this Title)




Super Spider-Man and Captain Britain (with New material UK only stories = #231-253)

CAPTAIN BRITAIN Television / TV SERIES in Early Development Stages; BBC News = Scottish artist Ciara McAvoy has provided a visualisation of a new Captain Britain for the producers & started Rumours of a planned TV series based on the Cult Hero, rebooted for a 21st Century audience, to represent the ideal of Britain and its island heritage, like Robin Hood. CAPTAIN BRITAIN was initially intended to be a British equivalent of Captain America. Tom Hiddleston has been considering to play Captain Britain. Scientist Brian Braddock was revived by the mystical Merlyn and imbued with superhuman powers, Captain Britain Lycra-clad righter of wrongs was born.  Alan Moore wrote Captain Britain stories in the 1980s Television producers Chris Lark and Eleni Larchanidou are working on a Script & Budget to make a TV Series Proposal to Marvel in 2017. Chris Lark wants to redefine Captain Britain for television.

*** Captain Britain is #79 on IGN's 2014 Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All-Time List;

*** Captain Britain is #34 on IGN's Top 50 AVENGERS of All-Time List; (One of the Most Under-Rated & Overlooked AVENGERS and Marvel Characters of all-Time)

*** Brian Braddock aka CAPTAIN BRITAIN'S Team affiliations includes; EXCALIBUR (an X-Men Spinoff MUTANTS series), Secret Avengers, MI-13,Excalibur, Captain Britain Corps, Knights of Pendragon, Hellfire Club, New Excalibur, & Illuminati;

#231 (July 13/1977; FIRST issue with Title Changed to SUPER SPIDER-MAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN;  New UK Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN Stories BEGIN with this issue; CAPTAIN BRITAIN (1976-1977 UK Marvel; Series That Ended with #39 on July 6/1977) SERIES Combines with Super-Spider-Man and New CAPTAIN BRITAIN Stories Continue in #231-247 of this UK Marvel Comics Series; Classic SPIDER-MAN and CAPTAIN BRITAIN = New Cover Art by Larry Lieber & Frank Giacoia;  ** CAPTAIN BRITAIN in SEA FURY = New Story (Continued from Captain Britain #39) = 7 Pages story by Bob Budiansky & Jim Lawrence, with art by Ron Wilson, Pablo Marcos & Mark Esposito; Captain Britain vs Manipulator & Highwayman; With Appearances by; Brian Braddock as Captain Britain & Queen Elizabeth; ** SPIDER-MAN in KRAVEN Is the HUNTER (from Spectacular Spider-Man #2)  = 12 page story by Gerry Conway with Sal Buscema & Mike Esposito art; ** Captain America Vs. Sub-Mariner (from Avengers #117) = 8 page story by Steve Englehart with Art by Bob Brown, Mike Esposito & Frank McLaughlin; ** Captain America in Enter: The Mandarin (from Captain America #125) = 4 page story by Stan Lee with Gene Colan & Frank Giacoia art; Originally Sold only in Great Britain and UK; ASK);

#232 [July 20/1977; 2nd All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs the Manipulator; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (Kraven the Hunter & Tarantula), Fantastic Four (vs Mole Man); Avengers vs Defenders (HULK vs THOR battle); 2-Page Centerfold Pinup of FANTASTIC FOUR by JACK KIRBY; CONAN & RED SONJA Pinup Ad on Back-c; VF = $9.00];

#233 [July 27/1977; 3rd All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs the Monster from the Murk; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Light Master), Fantastic Four (vs Mole Man); Avengers vs Defenders with Silver Surfer; Dracula & Blade pinup Ad on Back-c; VF = $9.00];

#234 [August 3/1977; 4th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs the Lurker from Loch Ness; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Light Master), Fantastic Four (vs Mole Man); Avengers vs Defenders with Silver Surfer; Avengers vs Defenders Pinup Ad on Back-c; VF = $9.00];

#235 [August 10/1977; 5th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs WEREWOLF; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Stegron the Dinosaur Man), Fantastic Four (with Inhumans); Avengers vs Defenders with Silver Surfer; Captain America & Sgt Fury by JACK KIRBY Pinup Ad on Back-c; VF = $9.00];

#236 [August 17/1977; 6th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs Black Baron; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Stegron the Dinosaur Man), Fantastic Four (enter Thundra, with Frightful Four); Avengers vs Defenders with Silver Surfer; Edgar Rice Burroughs People That Time Forgot movie Photo Pinup Ad on Back-c; VF = $9.00];

#237 [August 24/1977; 7th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs Beast-Man; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Lizard & Stegron the Dinosaur Man), Fantastic Four (Thundra & Frightful Four); Avengers-s with Defenders, Rutland/Halloween; VF = $8.00];

#238 [August 31/1977; 8th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs Monster of Horror House, with DRACULA appearance; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Lizard & Stegron the Dinosaur Man), Fantastic Four (Thundra & Frightful Four); Avengers (vs the Collector); SGT FURY Pinup Ad on Back-c; VF = $8.00];

#239 [September 7/1977; 9th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s in 5 Tickets to Terror, with Dr Claw; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Vulture), Fantastic Four (Thundra & Frightful Four); Avengers (vs the Collector); Shang-Chi Master of Kung-Fu Pinup by Paul Gulacy Ad on Back-c; VF = $8.00];

#240 [September 14/1977; 10th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs Dr Claw & his Monsters; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Vulture & Hitman), Fantastic Four (Inhumans app); Avengers (vs the Zodiac); WARLOCK Pinup by Jim STARLIN? on Back-c; VF = $8.00];

#241 [September 21/1977; 11th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs Dr Claw & his Monsters; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Vulture & Hitman), Fantastic Four (Inhumans & Maximus app); Avengers (vs the Zodiac); DRACULA vs SILVER SURFER Pinup AD by Gene Colan? on Back-c; VF = $8.00];

#242 [September 28/1977; 12th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s; SOLD OUT];

#243 [October 5/1977; 13th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s; SOLD OUT];

#244 [October 12/1977; 14th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs Slaymaster; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Will-O-the-Wisp), Fantastic Four (Thundra app); Avengers (vs the Zodiac); VF = $8.00];

#245 [October 19/1977; 15th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs Slaymaster; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (Will-O-the-Wisp & Spider-Slayer), THOR begins (vs Ulik); Avengers (vs the Zodiac); VF = $8.00];

#246 [October 26/1977; 16th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs Slaymaster, in Tunnels of Terror; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs Will-O-the-Wisp), 2nd THOR issue (vs Ulik); Avengers (vs the Zodiac); VF = $8.00];

#247 [November 2/1977; 17th All-New material UK-Only CAPTAIN BRITAIN-s vs Kharlov, Slaymaster & Giant Robot Octopus; Spider-Man-c/s; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs JJ Jameson - Clone Saga-s), 3rd THOR issue (vs Ulik); Avengers (vs the Zodiac)];

#248 [November 9/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN Meets SPIDER-MAN TEAM-UP-c/s = JOHN BYRNE art; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (vs JJ Jameson - Clone Saga-s), 4th THOR issue (In Hades vs Ulik); Avengers (vs the Zodiac); VF = $9.00];

#249 [November 16/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN Meets SPIDER-MAN TEAM-UP-c/s = JOHN BYRNE art; ** Other Stories include; Spider-Man (Dr Faustus), 5th THOR issue (Troll War); Avengers (Viet Nam, Mantis, the Zodiac); VF = $9.00];


#251 [November 30/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN Meets SPIDER-MAN Story from MARVEL TEAM-UP = JOHN BYRNE art; LOWER PRINT = ASK];

#252 [December 07/1977; CAPTAIN BRITAIN Meets SPIDER-MAN Story from MARVEL TEAM-UP = JOHN BYRNE art; LOWER PRINT = ASK];


**** (INFO ONLY); TITLE CHANGES INCLUDE (this is NOT an In Stock List); Super Spider-Man (Marvel UK Weekly) = #254-310) // Spider-Man Comic = #311-333) // Spectacular Spider-Man Weekly & Marvel Comic = #334 -375) // Spider-Man and Hulk Weekly #376-415, 417-431, 433-437, 439-443, 445-449) // Spider-Man and Hulk Team-Up = #432, 438{July 29, 1981 w/Spider-Man Mask}, 444 // Super Spider-Man TV Comic = #450-474,476-483, 485-490, 492-500, 502, 509, 517 // Spider-Man plus/with the Incredible HULK = #500(1981), 501-503,505, 579-583) //  Spider-Man plus/with Big Ben {the Thing} = #595-598) // Spider-Man = #504,506-508, 510-516, 519-526, 529-541, 543-552)  // Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends = #553{10/12/83}, 554- 578) // Spider-Man = # 584-594, 599-608, 610-617, 619-629, 630{New UK Only Spider-Man story}, 631) // Spider-Man Comic = #634, 635)  // Spidey Comic = 655{Sept, 28, 1985}, 660,661) ** #501-600 = Lower Print & Harder to Find; ** #601-666 = Low Print & SCARCE;  ** MOST issues from #400-666 have ORIGINAL UK Covers, NOT seen in USA;




#255-287,290-297, 299;



#376(May 22/1980; 1st New Look issue);


#428 (Mis-Numbered on cover as #429; May 20/1981; Cover Title = Spider-Man And Hulk Team-Up; Origin and First UK Appearance of The CAT cover and Story, Reprints Part-1 of The CAT #1 with WALLY WOOD art;  The COMING of HYDRO-MAN, First appearance HYDRO-MAN from Amazing Spider-Man #212; HULK vs the War Wagon story; Spider-Man And TIGRA story with JOHN BYRNE art; ASK);

#429 (May 27/1981; Cover Title = Spider-Man And Hulk Team-Up; HULK, Spider-Man and Wood-God cover and story)


#438{Spider-Man and Hulk Team-Up; July 29, 1981; Absorbing Man, Capt America & Scorpion app; bonus Spider-Man Mask is missing; VG/FN = $5.00}


#450(Oct.21/1981; 1st Super Spider-Man TV Comic issue; TV Photo covers begin; 1st partial Color issue)


#500 (10/1982; Spider-Man &HULK-c/s; CLOAK and DAGGER appear; Spider-Man &HULK color centerfold Pinup by AUSTIN is intact);



#524 (March 23, 1983; UK Version of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN#238 with FIRST HOBGOBLIN cover & story; ASK);

#525 (March 30, 1983; HOBGOBLIN cover; New UK cover art by LEACH;);


#607 (October 27/1984; FIRST All-New UK Only SPIDER-MAN Story Series BEGINS, Thunderclap & Assassin-8 appear = Mark Collins-s, Kitson & Mark Farmer-a);


#610 (Nov. 17, 1984; All-New 10 page Spider-Man in Britain story “Death Line” vs Assassin-8 cover & story; Low Print & Scarce; SOLD OUT)

#611-617, 619-624,627-629,635, 660




SPIDER-MAN SUMMER SPECIAL - #NN(1981), #NN(1983), #NN(1984), #NN(1987);



SPIDER-MAN AND ZOIDS (ZOIDS = New UK Only Stories) - #5, 6-14,16-32,34-42,45,47,48,50;


STARBURST (Science Fiction of TV, Movies etc; Magazine, with Comics) - #1(January/1978),2-66,68-99,101-114,116-146,148-166,168-178,180,183-189,191-193,195,197,198,202-205,209-214,216,218,221,224-226, 235,237,238,240,252,255,258,260,263,270,310-312,314,315;

STARBURST SPECIAL - #NN (Winter1987/88), #8(Summer),9,10,11(Monster),12(Summer),13(Star Trek), 14(Yearbook), 15(Monster), 16(Star Trek), 17,18,19,20(Star Trek); 41(Star Trek), 43 (TV Sci-Fi); 46(Yearbook 2000); 47(TV Sci-Fi); 50(Yearbook 2001); 51(TV Special), 53(Slayer), 55(Yearbook 2002); 56(Buffy, Time Travel and the Two Towers); 57(Angel), 60(Angel and Vampires);



STAR WARS WEEKLY (UK British MARVEL COMICS PUB; February 8/1978; #118 up title changes to “EMPIRE STRIKES BACK”);

*** [ GPA shows that in 2014-2015 THREE x Examples of #1 in CGC 9.8 with the SCARCE BONUS, all sold on eBay for $799.00 each];

*** [ GPA shows that in In September 2014 a CGC 9.2 copy of #1 with the SCARCE BONUS, Sold on eBay for $299.00]

*** Lucasfilms has announced the full title of = Star Wars: Episode VII Star Wars: The Force Awakens, with an Opening date of Dec. 18, 2015; The plot is by Sci-Fi master J.J. Abrams; It is one of the Most Highly Anticipated MOVIES of ALL TIME; By the time the Movie Hits Theatre’s in 12/2015,  Speculators are Predicting all of the Most Desirable Collectibles Related to the Original STAR WARS, will Skyrocket into the Stratosphere in Prices;  It takes place about 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi & features the stars of the original series, including franchise veterans; Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker and Warwick Davis, and newcomers John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Lupita Nyong’o and Gwendoline Christie. ****

#1 (February 8/1978; SCARCE Complete with the USED & Punched Out Bonus GIFT Insert Cut-Out Star Wars X-FIGHTER; VG/FN, 5.0 = $75.00);

#2-14, 15(Starlord by JOHN BYRNE begins);

#16-32, 34-44;

#45(Warlock by Jim STARLIN begins);



#52-55,61,63,64,66-69,71,78,80,85, 87,90-92,95,96,130-139;

#140(Monthly issues begin), 141-148,150;


STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI Weekly (UK-Marvel Pub; Weekly) -

#1(June 22/1983; NO bonus; VG = $6),
#2,5,6,8,10-50,52,54,55,61,62, 64-67;

STRIP - #1(February 17/1990),2-12,14-20;

THE SUPER-HEROES (Silver Surfer-c/s = #1-26); - #1(March 8/1975), 2-50;

SUPER-SOLDIERS (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 4-11) #1-6 (3,4=U.S. Agent; 5=Captain America; 6= Origin issue; Nicj Fury app; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

TALES OF TERROR (1978) #4;


TERRIFIC (POWER Comics / Odhams Pub; UK/British; 4/1967-2/1968; Classic 1960's Marvel Super-Hero Comics; Magazine Format and Size)

#2 (April 22/1967; Avengers, Dr Strange, Sub-Mariner, etc),


#23 (Giant-Man reprints begin from TTA #49)

#24-30,32,34,35-37,40, 41

#43 (2/1968; Scarcer LAST issue);

THE THING IS BIG BEN (Marvel-UK Pub; MOST feature NEW Cover-Art, and #1-5 feature New Centerfold Posters, not seen in USA);

#3,#7(VF $5); #8, #11(VF $4); #12(VG/FN $2); #14(VF $4), #15(July 4/1984; Weight = 55 Grams; FN/VF = $5);

Thing is Big Ben Summer 1984 Special (Weight = 140 Grams; VF/NM = $10);


THOR - #3(May 4 1983),5,6,8,10;

THOR AND THE X-MEN - #24,30,;

THUNDERCATS (Marvel UK; British Series);

#5 (April 18/1987; G = $3.00);

#7 (May 2/1987; G/VG = $4.00);

#8 (May 9/1987; VG/FN = $6.00);

#9 (May 16/1987; G/VG = $4.00);

#10 (May 23/1987; VG/FN = $6.00);

#41 (December 26/1987; Spider-Man appears in Power pack-s; Thundercats Centerfold Poster intact; FN = $6.00);

#59 (April 30/1988; Thundercats Centerfold Poster intact; Writing on Back cover, VG/FN = $5.00);

#65 (June 11/1988; Thundercats Centerfold Poster intact; Writing G/VG = $3.00);

#69 (July 9/1988; Thundercats Centerfold Poster intact; Writing FN/VF = $7.00);

#77 (September 3/1988; Centerfold Poster pages 11-14 Missing, rest is G/VG = $1.00);


THE TITANS (Marvel Comics International Pub; UK/British) -

#1(October 25/1975; Captain Marvel vs Sub-Mariner by Drake; Sub-Mariner by Colan; Nick Fury Agent of SHEILD by KIRBY; Origin of Captain America by KIRBY; Inhumans by KIRBY; Weight = 55 Grams; NO Bonus, VG/FN $10);



The TRANSFORMERS (UK/British Marvel Magazine)

>>> DEATH'S HEAD appeared in issues #113,114,117-120,133,134,146-151,221,222,224-228 [Only issues Listed BELOW are IN STOCK]

#13(March 9/1985), 33-40,49,51-53,55-57,59,62-65,67,68,70-73,77-112

#113 (May 16, 1987; FIRST appearance of DEATH'S HEAD,  created by writer Simon Furman and artist Geoff Senior; Death's Head is rumored to be in the next Guardians Of The Galaxy film; Death's Head is a Cyborg bounty hunter that got his start in the UK Transformers comic. He made his way into mainstream Marvel comics and has had different incarnations. He has recently resurfaced as a bounty hunter capturing alien fugitives for SWORD. In the animated film Planet Hulk, numerous Death's Heads appear on Sakaar as the Red King's personal military; Rodimus Prime cover; vs Galvatron; SOLD OUT);

#114, 115;

#116(June 6/1987; VF $8);  #117(DEATH'S HEAD appears; FN $7); #118(DEATH'S HEAD appears; FN/VF $8); 

#119(Iron Man 2020-s; FN/VF $6);  #120(DEATH'S HEAD appears; Iron Man 2020-s; FN/VF $8);

#121(Iron Man 2020-s; FN/VF $6);  #122(July 18/1987; 6 page ACTION FORCE Preview Comic; FN/VF $10);

#123(Iron Man 2020 & Black Costume Spider-Man-s; VG $4);  #124(Iron Man 2020 & Black Costume Spider-Man-s; FN/VF $6);  #125(August 8/1987; Transformers meet ACTION FORCE-c/s; Iron Man 2020 & Black Costume Spider-Man-s; FN/VF $10);

#126(Iron Man-s; FN/VF $6);  #127(Iron Man-s; VF $7); #128(Iron Man-s; FN/VF $6);  #129(Iron Man-s; FN/VF $6);

#130--192,194,196,198, 200,206-213,215-218,220,221,227-229,234-239,


The TRANSFORMERS (UK Marvel British Magazine; 1984-1992)

#321 (August 17/1991; DEATH of a DECEPTICON; New UK Only Painted cover by Stewart Johnson; Bonus Poster detached but still included, FN/VF, 7.0 = $49.00);

#322 (Sold Out);

#324 (September 28/1991; STILL LIFE; New UK Only cover by WILDMAN; MACHINE MAN Backup story with Arno Stark IRON MAN of 2020, art by BARRY WINDSOR SMITH;  VF, 8.0 = $35.00);

#326 (October 26/1991; FALL OUT; EXODUS! Features the Cover from the Low Print and Scarce TRANSFORMERS #77 from the American comic; MACHINE MAN Backup story with art by BARRY WINDSOR SMITH; VF, 8.0 = $35.00);

#327 (November 9/1991; GALVATRON vs MEGATRON; Features the Cover from the Low Print and Scarce TRANSFORMERS #78 from the American comic; MACHINE MAN Backup story with Arno Stark IRON MAN of 2020, art by BARRY WINDSOR SMITH; VG/FN, 5.0 = $18.00);

#328 (November 23/1991; BAD BOYS STICK TOGETHER; SAVAGE CIRCLE; New UK Only cover by WILDMAN; MACHINE MAN Backup story with Arno Stark IRON MAN of 2020, art by BARRY WINDSOR SMITH; FN FN/VF, 7.0 = $35.00);

#329 (December 7/1991; AM I THE LAST AUTOBOT?; Features the Cover from the Low Print and Scarce TRANSFORMERS #79 from the American comic; MACHINE MAN Backup story with art by BARRY WINDSOR SMITH; FN/VF, 7.0 = $49.00);


THE TRANSFORMERS COLLECTED COMICS (UK/British Marvel Magazine) - #3(March/1986), 5,6,9;

ULTIMATE X-MEN (Panini Pub UK Comic Magazine) #16, #21 (11/2004; Daredevil & Wolverine-c);

VALOUR (1980-1981; British / Marvel-UK Pub; 36 Pages; B&W; 8"x11" Magazine size; Featuring; Devil Dinosaur by Jack KIRBY, THOR or Asgard, Doctor Strange & CONAN the Barbarian); Weight for Postage = 50 GRAMS each;
#NN(#1; November 5/1980; Only Oversized issue = 8" x 11-3/4" Size; Devil Dinosaur-c; Asgard-s = Kirby-a; Wally WOOD-a; Still Includes the Scarce BONUS 3-5/8" x 4-7/8" Devil Dinosaur Jigsaw Puzzle with Kirby-a; FN/VF = $18);

#NN(#1; November 5/1980; Only Oversized issue = 8" x 11-3/4" Size; Devil Dinosaur-c; Asgard-s = Kirby-a; Wally WOOD-a; NO Bonus; FN/VF = $8);

#2(THOR-c; Wally WOOD-a; Asgard-s = Kirby-a; NO Bonus; FN/VF $4);

#2(THOR-c; Wally WOOD-a; Asgard-s = Kirby-a; with Bonus);

#3(Wally WOOD-a; Asgard-s = Kirby-a; CONAN-c; NO Bonus; FN/VF $4);

#3(Wally WOOD-a; Asgard-s = Kirby-a; CONAN-c; with Bonus);

#4(Dr Strange-c; FN/VF $4); #5(Devil Dinosaur-c; FN/VF $4); #6(CONAN-c; FN/VF $4);

#7(Dr Strange-c; FN/VF $4); #8(Devil Dinosaur-c; FN/VF $4); #9(Dr Strange-c; FN/VF $4);

#10(CONAN-c; FN/VF $4); #11(Devil Dinosaur-c; FN/VF $4); #12(Dr Strange-c; FN/VF $4);

#13(CONAN-c; FN/VF $4); #14(THOR-c; FN/VF $4); #15(Dr Strange-c; FN/VF $4);

#16(Devil Dinosaur-c; FN/VF $4); #17(CONAN-c; FN/VF $4); #18(Dr Strange-c; FN/VF $4);

#19(March 11/1981; LAST issue; CONAN-c; FN/VF $5);

VISIONARIES -- (Weight = 50 Grams each);

#1(April/1988; Bonus HOLOGRAM attached to cover, FN $12);

#2(FN/VF $5); #3(VF $6); #4(FN/VF $5); #5(VF $6);

WARHEADS (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 6/1992-8/1993) #1-14 (1=Wolverine; 2=SHEILD; 3=Iron Man; 4=X-Force; 5=Cable; 7=Deaths Head; 8=Silver Surfer, Wolverine & X-Men cameo; 9=Wolverine; 10=Dr Strange; 11=Mys-Teck; 14=Zombies; VF or Better = $2.00 each);

WARHEARDS: BACK DAWN (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 7-8/1993) #1($2.95-c; VF $3); #2 (VF or Better = $2.00);

WARRIOR WOMEN SUMMER SPECIAL - (Circa 1980's) #NN(SHANNA-c/s; SShanna portfolio; Femizons; Weight = 85 Grams; FN = $9);

WEREWOLF - NN (1981);

WESTERN GUNFIGHTERS SUMMER SPECIAL - #NN (1979; Caleb Hammer-c/s; 2xMatt Slade-s = Maneely-a; Pony Express = DITKO-a; WILLIAMSON-a; Weight = 80 Grams);

WESTERN GUNFIGHTERS SPECIAL - #NN (1980; Wyatt Earp, Black Mask, Outcast, Fort Rango, Tom Horn, Cactus Jack, Rawhide Kid; ** John Wayne, Arnold Scwartzenegger & Clint Eastwood pinups; 2 x WILLIAMSON-a; Barry Smith-a; 2 x KIRBY-a;Weight = 80 Grams);

WESTERN GUNFIGHTERS WINTER SPECIAL - #NN (Circa 1981; Gunhawk-c/s; Renegades = Sutton-a; Fort Rango = Shores-a; Cheyenne = Maneely-a; Matt Slade-s = Maneely-a; Weight = 80 Grams);

WILD THING (Nikki Doyle) (UK Marvel; ALL-NEW British-ONLY Stories & Art; Full COLOR; Mini / Limited Series; 4-10/1993)

#1($2.50-c; Venom & Carnage; VF $3); #2(Venom & Spider-Man; VF $3); #3-7 (6=Sandman, Hobgoblin & Mysterio-c; VF or Better = $3.00 each);

X-MEN (Marvel-UK; 1994-1995)

#1(October 14/1994; Bagged with bonus Panini Sticker Album; VF/NM, Sealed Polybag = $15);

#1(October 14/1994; Bagged with bonus Panini Sticker Album; VF, opened Polybag = $12);

#2, 3, 4 (all NO bonus) FN = $5.00 each;

#3,4 (with Bonus);

#3(Nov.11/1994; has Bonus X-Men Notebook with image of Wolverine taped to front cover as issued, FN $10)

#4(Nov.25/1994; has Bonus X-Men Badge taped to front cover as issued, VG/FN $9)


X-MEN (THE ORIGINAL;1983) - #2-4,6,7,9-12,14-16;


X-MEN WINTER SPECIAL - (Circa 1981) #NN;

(B) UK MARVEL british comics DIGESTS;

CHILLER POCKET BOOK (1980/1982; Marvel-UK B&W Comics Digest; Tomb of Dracula= #1-8,10-14,16,17,19-26; Satana=1; Ghost Rider= 3-6; Man-Thing= 7-21,23-26; All Man-Thing issues= 9,15,18; 100 Pages= #9,20); #1(1980; Dracula begins; Satana app; G/VG $9.00); #3-5(VG/FN$5; FN/VF$8 each); #6-8(VG/FN$5; FN/VF$7 each); #9(100 Pages; All Man-Thing issue; VG/FN$5; FN/VF$7); #10-19, 21, 24(VG/FN$4; FN/VF$6 each); #20(100 Pages; VG/FN$5; FN/VF$7); #22(all Dracula issue; FN/VF$7); #23(FN/VF$6); #25(Scarcer; FN/VF$9); #26(1982; Scarcer; Dracula vs Werewolf-c/s; VG/FN $8);

CONAN POCKET BOOK (UK Marvel B&W Comics Digest; 5-1/2" x 8" B&W; 52 Pages; 1980-1981; Weight for Postage = 45 Grams each);
#1(1980; Barry Windsor-Smith cover & art begins; Conan the Barbarian #1-2-r; VF/NM = $12); #2-8,11,12(Barry Windsor-Smith art in all);

FANTASTIC FOUR POCKET BOOK (UK Digest Pub.) - #1-15,17-19,21-28;

INCREDIBLE HULK POCKET BOOK (UK Marvel B&W Comics Digest; 5-1/2" x 8" B&W; 52 Pages; 1980-1981; Weight for Postage = 45 Grams each);
#1 (1980; Vintage 1980 UK British REPRINT of the American INCREDIBLE HULK #1 and #2; This UK British Comic DIGEST is MANY TIMES SCARCER than the Original 1970 American Comic; #1 was Originally Published in USA in 5/1962 = FIRST appearance and ORIGIN of Bruce Banner aka the Original Gray skinned INCREDIBLE HULK Cover and Story; (HULK SKIN Color Changed to GREEN for this 1980 Reprint); FIRST appearance of Rick Jones, General Ross & Betty Ross; STAN LEE story; JACK KIRBY and STEVE DITKO cover & art; #2 was Originally Published in USA in 7/1962 = First appearance of the Green Skinned HULK; First appearance of the Green TOAD MEN; STAN LEE story; JACK KIRBY and STEVE DITKO cover & art; *** Current Values of the 1962 Original INCREDIBLE HULK #1 and #2 (even in  Low Grade) are now SKY-HIGH; With this much more UNCOMMON Yet affordable THIRTY SIX YEAR OLD REPRINT, you can own a HIGH GRADE Investment Quality example, without Breaking your Bank Account; FN/VF = $10.00);
#2(1st SA app Ringmaster; Banished to Outer Space-s; Monster and the Machine-s; Jack KIRBY-c/a; Incredible Hulk #3,4-r; 1950's Black Knight-r by Maneely; FN/VF $8);
#3(Special Double Sized 100 Page GIANT issue; Beauty and the Beast-s; 1st app Teen Brigade;Metal Master-s; Jack KIRBY, Steve DITKO-a; Ditko-a; Incredible Hulk #5,6-r; Tales to Astonish #60,61,62,63,64-r; FN/VF $8);
#4(New UK cover art? Tales to Astonish #65,66,67,68,69-r; Steve DITKO-a; Jack KIRBY-a; FN/VF $8);
#5(New UK cover art? Tales to Astonish #70,71,72,73-r; Jack KIRBY-a; FN/VF $8);
#6(Tales to Astonish #74,76,77,78-r; Jack KIRBY & Powell-a; FN/VF $8);
#7(HERCULES vs Hulk Battle-c/s; Tales to Astonish #79,80,81,82-r; Jack KIRBY & Everett-a; 3 page Clash of the Titans Comic Strip ad; FN/VF $8);
#8(Tales to Astonish #83,84,85,86,87-r; Jack KIRBY, Everett, John Buscema-a; VF $9);
#9(New UK cover art? Tales to Astonish #88,89,90,91-r; Gil Kane-a; 1st & 2nd app Abomination; VF $9);
#10(1981; New UK cover art? Hulk vs SILVER SURFER Battle-s; High Evolutionary-s; Tales to Astonish #92,93,94,95-r; Marie Severin-a; FN/VF $8);
#11(Tales to Astonish #96,97,98,99-r; Marie Severin-a; High Evolutionary-s; FN/VF $8);
#12(Tales to Astonish #100,101 & Incredible Hulk #102-r part-1; Sub-Mariner vs Hulk Battle-s = Let There Be Battle; Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Heimdall, and Odin app; Marie Severin & Dan Adkins-a; FN/VF $8);
#13(Incredible Hulk #102-r part-2,103,104-r; Hulk vs RHINO Battle-s; FN/VF $8);

MARVEL CLASSICS COMICS {POCKET BOOK series} (UK Marvel B&W Comics Digest; 5-1/2" x 8" B&W; 52 Pages; 1980-1982; Weight for Postage = 45 Grams each);
#2 Frankenstein (by Mary Shelley; October/1981; VG=$5);
#3 A Christmas Carol (by Charles Dickens; November/1981;
#4 Alice in Wonderland(by Lewis Carroll; VG=$5),
#6 Treasure Island (by Robert Louis Stevenson; December/1981; FN=$7; VG/FN=$6; VG=$5);
#7 The Count of Monte Cristo (by Alexandre Dumas; January/1982;
8 Robinson Crusoe (by Daniel Defoe; January/1982; FN = $7)
#9 Invisible Man (by H.G. Wells;
#10 The First Men in the Moon (by Jules Verne; February/1982;
#11 Food of the Gods (by H.G. Wells; March/1982; FN/VF=$8.50; FN=$7; VG/FN=$6);
#12 Moonstone (by Wilkie Collins; March/1982; SCARCER Last issue; FN/VF=$8.50; FN=$7; VG/FN=$6);

SPIDER-MAN POCKET BOOK (UK Marvel B&W Comics Digest; 5-1/2" x 8" B&W; 52 Pages; 1980-1982; Weight for Postage = 45 Grams each);
#1(1980; Low Print & Scarce; VG = $12.00); #2(ask)

#3(Ka-Zar & Spiderman-c/s), 4(Dr Strange & Spiderman-c/s), 5(Hawkeye & Spiderman-c/s)

#12(Spidy vs Daredevil battle-c/s; 1st app Kraven the Hunter-s; Amazing Spider-Man #15,16-r; DITKO-c/a; VF $9.00);
#13(3rd app Sandman-c/s; Green Goblin-s; Amazing Spider-Man #17,18-r; DITKO-c/a; VF $9.00);
#14(Sandman, Human Torch, Evil Enforcers-c/s; 1st app Scorpion-s; Amazing Spider-Man #19,20-r; DITKO-c/a; 3 page Clash of the Titans Comic Strip ad; VF $9.00);
#15(1st app Beetle-c/s; 1st app Princess Python-s; Amazing Spider-Man #21,22-r; DITKO-c/a; VF $9.00);
#16(Sold Out),

#17(1st cameo app Mary Jane Watson; 1st app Spencer Smythe; 1st Spider Killer-c/s; 4th app Green Goblin; 1st app Crime Master; Amazing Spider-Man #25,26-r; DITKO-c/a; VF $9.00);

#18(sold out);
#19(1st app CAT-c/s; Dr Strange-s; Amazing Spider-Man #25 & Annual #2-r; SOLD OUT);

Star Heroes Pocket Book (UK Marvel B&W Comics Digest; circa 1980-1982);
*** [ #1-11=Battlestar Galactica-s; #1-8=Micronauts; #10,11= X-Men-c/s];
#3(FN/VF=$8); #4(VF=$9; FN=$6; VG=$4.50; G=$3);
#5(VF=$7; FN=$5); #6(VF=$7; FN=$5; VG=$3.50);#7(VF=$5;G=$2.50);#8(VF=$7; FN=$5);
#9(100 pages; 4 page Atlas Horror story "Off Limits"-s with DITKO art; Rest of issue is ALL Battlestar Galactica; VF=$7; FN=$5; VG=$4);
#10(1st X-MEN issue; Reprints Silver Age X-Men #1 with Art by Jack KIRBY; Battlestar Galactica-s; VF=$6; FN=$4);
#11(2nd X-MEN issue; Last issue? Reprints Silver Age X-Men #2 with Art by Jack KIRBY; Battlestar Galactica-s; VF=$7; FN=$5);

The TITANS POCKET BOOK (UK Marvel B&W Comics Digest; 5-1/2" x 8" B&W; 52 Pages; 1980-1981; Weight = 45 Grams each);
#1(1980; Capt America by Jack KIRBY = TOS #61-r; 2nd app of Iron Man vs Gargantus by Jack KIRBY = TOS #40-r; 4th app Iron Man vs Red Barbarian-s = TOS #42-r; 2nd app of Thor vs Executioner by Jack KIRBY = JIM #84-r; VF/NM = $12); #2-9 = ASK;
#10(1981; Iron Man vs Freak-c/s from TOS #75-r; Gene Colan-c/a; Captain America vs Baroc-r from TOS#76; 1st app of Radio-Active Man vs THOR-r from JIM#93 = Jack KIRBY-a; Iron Man vs Ultimo from TOS #76-r; FN/VF $8);
#11(1981; Iron Man vs Ultimo-c/s from TOS #77-r, Gene Colan-a; Mandarin app; Captain America-r from TOS#77,78, Nick Fury app = Jack KIRBY, Romita, Giacoia-a; Thor vs Loki-r from JIM#94 with Odin & Heimdall; FN/VF $8);
#12(10/1981; Iron Man-r from TOS#78; Ultimo & Mandarin app; Iron Man vs Sub-Mariner-c/s from TOS #79-r; Gene Colan-c/a;Thor-r from JIM#95; FN/VF $8);
#13(11/1981; Scarcer LAST issue? Captain America vs Red Skull with 1st & 2nd app Cosmic Cube-r from TOS #79,80 = Jack KIRBY-c/a; Iron Man vs Sub-Mariner-r from TOS #80 and TTA #82; Gene Colan-a; FN/VF $10);

X-MEN POCKET BOOK (UK Marvel B&W Comics Digest; 5-1/2" x 8" B&W; 52 Pages; 1980-1982; #1-11 = formerly Titled "Star Heroes Pocket Book"; Weight = 45 Grams each);
#12(1980; FIRST issue; X-Men #3,4-r; Jack KIRBY-c/a; 1st & 2nd app the Blob; 2nd app Magneto; Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Mastermind & Brotherhood of Evil Mutants app; FN/VF $10);
#13(2nd issue; X-Men #5,6-r; Jack KIRBY-c/a; Magneto,Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Mastermind, Sub-Mariner & Brotherhood of Evil Mutants app; FN/VF $8);
#14(3rd issue; X-Men #7,8-r; Jack KIRBY-c/a; Magneto,Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Mastermind, Blob & Brotherhood of Evil Mutants app; 1st app Cerebro & Unus, the Untouchable; FN/VF $8);
#15(4th issue; X-Men #9,10-r; Jack KIRBY-c/a; AVENGERS & Lucifer app; 1st Silver Age app of Ka-Zar; 1st app Sabu; FN/VF $8);
#16(5th issue; X-Men #11,12-r; Jack KIRBY-c/a; Alex Toth-a; First app Stranger; Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver quit the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants; 1st app Juggernaut-c/s; Origin of Professor X; FN/VF $8);
#17(X-Men #13,14-r; Jack KIRBY-c/a; Human Torch app; 2nd app Juggernaut; 1st app Sentinals-c/s; FN/VF $8);
#20(1981; Scarcer Double-Size 100 Page GIANT issue; X-Men #19,20,21,22-r; 1st app Mimic-c/s; Lucifer, the Blob, and Unus the Untouchable app; 1st app Dominus; Count Nefaria, Plantman, Scarecrow, Porcupine, Eel, & the Unicorn app; Roth & Ayers-c/a; VG/FN $10);
#21(X-Men #23,24-r; Count Nefaria, Plantman, Scarecrow, Porcupine, Eel, & the Unicorn app; Locust app; Roth & Ayers-c/a; FN/VF $8);
#22(X-Men #25,26-r; 1st & 2nd full app El Tigre; Roth & Ayers-c/a; FN/VF $8);
#23(X-Men #27,28-r; 2nd & 3rd app of Mimic; Puppet Master, Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch app; 1st asp of Banshee; FN/VF 8);
#24(X-Men #29,30-r; Super-Adaptoid & Mad Merlin the Warlock app; Roth, Tartaglione & Sparling-a; FN/VF $8);
#25(X-Men #31,32-r; 1st Cobalt Man-c/s; Juggernaut app; Roth/Tartaglione-a; FN/VF $8);
#28(1982; Scarcer LAST issue?; All-New UK Cover ART? X-Men #37,38-r; 1st app Mutant-Master; Changling, Vanisher, Mastermind, Blob & Unus the Untouchable app; Roth & Verpoorten-a; Origin of Professor X; FN/VF=$10;
FN=$8; VG/FN=$7);

YOUNG ROMANCE POCKET BOOK (UK Marvel B&W Comics Digest; 5-1/2" x 8" B&W; 52 Pages; 1980-1981; Although this is a DC Comics Title in the USA, this series Contains mostly reprints from the Bronze Age Marvel Titles "My Love" & "Our Love Strory", plus a few assorted 1950's Atlas/Marvel stories; John Romita, Gene Colam, Dick Ayers, Don Heck & John Buscema art in many issues; Weight for Postage = 45 Grams each; LOW Print Runs on all); #3 (100 Page GIANT issue; Gene Colan-a; Contains the MOD Classic "My Heart Broke in Hollywood" = 7 pages of JIM STERANKO art; FN/VF $13); #4(VF $11); #5(FN/VF $9); #6(Jack KIRBY art; ASK); #8(Jack KIRBY art; FN/VF $11); #9(FN/VF $9); #10(1981; Scarce LAST issue; Hartley & Bill Everett-a; VG/FN $9);


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>> Note; USA letters to Canada, need $1.25 in stamps;
Send to & make payment to;

Doug Sulipa's COMIC WORLD
BOX 21986


Email; dsulipa@gmail.com

Land Line Phone; 1-204-346-3674

TEXT us at; 1-204-392-6686

Website; www.dougcomicworld.com

ALL Prices in USA Funds, Unless otherwise Noted;



I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.



We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7 Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com

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Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;

MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa

