(A) Underground COMICS (Comix) FOR SALE; >>see MORE Underground Related items in the“ALTERNATIVE /INDEPENDANT COMICS “ Section of our Website
(B) Underground Comic MAGAZINES FOR SALE >>see MORE Underground Related items in the“COMIC Magazines” Section of our Website;
>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.
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(A) Underground COMICS (Comix) >>see MORE Underground Related itemsin the“ALTERNATIVE – independent COMICS “ Section of our Website;
Aardvark (David Faggioli pub) #2(1971; One-Shot; 1st Printing);
ADVENTURES OF CRYSTAL NIGHT (Kitchen Sink; 1980) - #NN(#1; one-shot)
#1 (1972; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Chambers, Metzger, Inwood; VG, 4.0 = $10.00);
#2 (1973; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Chambers, Metzger, Inwood; VF, 8.0 = $15.00);
#2 (1973; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Chambers, Metzger, Inwood; VG, 4.0 = $8.00);
THE ADVENTURES OF OAT WILLIE (Austintatious comics / Rip Off Press Pub.) –
#1(1987; $2.00 Original cover Price; Printing NOT stated – Assumed to be First Print; Gilbert Shelton-c/a; Jaxon, Wilson, Spain, Priest; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
AIR PIRATE FUNNIES (HELL Comics Pub; Un-Authorized WALT DISNEY Parody Comic with LAWSUIT);
#1 (7/1971; FIRST PRINTING; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Cover Titles is MICKY MOUSE Meets the AIR PIRATE FUNNIES; Cover Depicts MICKEY MOUSE Shooting Bullets from a Fighter Plane, with 2 bags of DOPE Tied on the Tail of the Plane; BANNED from future sales and reprinting, after settlement of Disney Co. LAWSUIT; Silly Sympathies presents THE MOUSE story, with MICKEY MOUSE and MINNIE MOUSE Sex Panel, Fighter Planes, PHANTOM BLOT, the Mad GORILLA; Keyhole Komix Presents As You Like It story starring the Nameless PERVERTS (Goofy and Donald Duck); DIRTY DUCK story; DOPIN' DAN story; Silly Sympathies with BUCKEY BUG story, with BUG NUDITY and SEX by Dan O'Neill; Bobby London, Ted Richards,, Gary Hallgren, Dan O'Neill stories and art; Bobby London cover; VG/FN, 5.0 = $119.00);
#2 (8/1971; FIRST PRINTING; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Last issue; Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse on Horses, being held up by the BAT BANDIT Holding 2 Bags of DOPE cover; Silly Sympathies presents THE MOUSE story, with MICKEY MOUSE and MINNIE MOUSE, Fighter Planes, PHANTOM BLOT, the Mad GORILLA and the BAT BANDIT; BANNED from future sales and reprinting, after settlement of Disney Co. LAWSUIT; DIRTY DUCK story; Tortoise and the Hare story; Three Little Pigs story; Zeke Wolf story; BUCKEY (The Bug) GOES WEST Story; Donald Duck with Huey Dewey and Louie Ad on Back cover; SCARCE; Gary Hallgren story, cover and art, Bobby London, Ted Richards,, Dan O'Neill stories and art; FN, 6.0 = $109.00; VG, 4.0 = $79.00);
ALL-ATOMIC COMICS (Educomics Pub., 1976) #NN(1st Printing);
ALL CANADIAN BEAVER COMIX (Last Gasp; Published by Georgia Straight);
#1 (1973; FIRST PRINTING; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Special ORIGIN issue; HAROLD HEDD appears; Brent Boates art; Rand Holmes cover and art; SOLD OUT);
ALL DUCK (Co & Sons) #1(1972; Kinney; VF minus $10)
Mint; 1970-1971) #1(Trina-a; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; SCARCE;
1st Printing; FN/VF = $39);
All-New Underground Comix (Last Gasp pub)
#2 ( 1972; Featuring; HOT CRACKERS #1 inside; 1972; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print);
#3 [ 1973; Featuring; HIGH SCHOOL FUNNIES #1 inside // Flip Book / with MOUNTAIN #1; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price];
#3 [ Featuring; HIGH SCHOOL FUNNIES #1 // Flip Book / with MOUNTAIN #1; 1973; Last Gasp pub; VG $10];
#4 [1973; Featuring; BIG LEAGUE LAFFS (Jim Himes; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price)
#5 [1973; TWO-FISTED ZOMBIES #1; 1973; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price];
Amazing Adult Fantasies (New Paltz Comix) #2(1st Printing);
AMAZON COMICS (Rip Off Press Pub.) - #NN (#1; One-Shot; 1972; Foolbert Sturgeon);
#NN(#1; 1971; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; FN/VF = $15.00);
#2(1972; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; FN = $11.00);
AMPUTEE LOVE (Last Gasp) #1(1975; 1st Printing; Very High Original cover price of $2.00 for the year 1975; Boates-c; Rick & Rene Jensen; ASK)
AN ARMY OF PRINCIPLES (Kitchen Sink Pub.) - #NN (1976);
ANARCHY COMICS (Last Gasp Comix) -
#1 (1st Printing);
#2 (1st Printing; 1979);
ANIMAL BITE COMIX (Everyman Comics Pub., 1979) #1;
ANNIE SPRINKLE IS MISS TIMED (Rip Off Press, 1991) #1,3,4; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
ANOMALY (Bud Plant Pub.; One-Shot as an Underground Comic; Formerly a Fanzine)
#4 (11/1972; FIRST PRINTING; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; RICHARD CORBEN cover and art; FIRST standard comic book format issue; Jan Strnad story; Robert Kline art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $59.00; FN+, 6.5 = $29.00);
Areba Koala (Kep Productions) #1(1977; Price sticker over $0.75 cover price; John Wozniak; FN/VF $9);
ARE YOUR HIGHS GETTING YOU DOWN? (Mary Wings /Last Gasp Comix; 1980-1981) #1(2nd Print; $1.50 Original Cover Price);
ARE YOUR HIGHS GETTING YOU DOWN? (Last Gasp Comix; 1980) #NN(FN $9);
ARIK KHAN (Andromeda Pub., Canadian Comic; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 9/1977-1979) #1-3;
Armageddon (Last Gasp; 1972-1974)
#1(1972; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; SOLD OUT);
#2(1972; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price);
#3 1974; (“666” issue; 1st Print; $1.00 Original Cover Price)
Art & Beauty magazine (Fantagraphics; 1996; Comics Size) #1(2005; 2nd edition; $4.95 cover price; ROBERT CRUMB-c/a; Stiff Covers; VF $12);
ARTISTIC COMICS (Golden Gate / Kitchen Sink Pub.) -
#NN (#1; 1973; Golden Gate Pub One-Shot; 64 Pages; 1st Print; 75 Cents Original Cover Price; Robert Crumb-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18.00)
#NN (#1; One-Shot; 1987; 64 Pages; with $2.50 Original Cover Price; First Kitchen Sink Edition, 3rd Printing overall; Robert Crumb-c/a; VF/NM $7)
AVENGING WORLD (Bruce Hershenson Pub., 1973) #NN(1st Print; 60 Cents Original Cover Price; STEVE DITKO-c/a);
THE BALLOON VENDOR Comix {Overland-Vegetable Stagecoach Presents Comix & Stories from...} (Rip Off Press Pub.) -
#1(1971; One-Shot; 1st Print with GLOSSY-c; Glossy-c; 50 cents Original cover price; Fred Schrier-c/a; Time Machine-s; FN/VF, 7.0 = $15.00; VG/FN=$9.00);
BANZAI! (Kitchen Sink Pub.) - #1 (1978; Beck, Brand, Deitch; FIRST Print; VF $12);
BARBARIAN COMICS (California Comics Pub. / Bob Sidebottom) -
#1(1972; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price);
#2(1973; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; CORBEN-a);
#3(1974; 1st Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price);
THE BARBARIAN (Miller Publishing Co)
#1 (1990; FIRST PRINTING with $1.85 Original cover price; RED VALIRIA vs MEDOUSHIM battle cover and story; [RED SONJA Tribute]; Like MOST comics from Miller Publishing Co, (the Publisher of JONTAR), this one has a Low Print Run and is RARE; ** RED VALIRIA in the Sleeper Awakes; Parodies Lines about; CONAN, Red Sonja, ELRIC, Cimmeria, Tarum, MEDUSA; Appearances by; Hirum the Talking Monkey, Brog the Bear and Wizard Zukla;
Black and White covers and interior, 24 pages; Kenny Moran story, cover and art; ** " KENNY MORAN - Lambiek Comiclopedia", Short Biography; ** KENNY MORAN is comic artist from Winnipeg City, who was part of the 1980s Quebec alternative comics movement. He produced many self-published mini-comics during this decade, such as 'King of Cartoon Ludicrousness' and 'Lil Elzonian Spacenaut', and also contributed to the publications of the Free Kluck collective. ** Under his Kenny Moran Comix imprint, he further made comix like 'Cheyenne the Cimmierian', 'Elf the Barbarian', 'Hidden Planet Nebula', 'Red Valeria', 'Sonya Fox' and 'Kenny'. ** In more recent years, he put out a collection of reprinted mini-comics, titled 'Canada's Comics Group of Seven', 'Canadian Comic Artist Kenny Moran', 'Winnipeg Underground Comix' and 'Elzon, the Complete Chronicles of Nebula, World of Elzon'. Together with some fellow cartoonists, Moran is also a musician in a few bands. ** see; Kenny Moran Comix Photos on Facebook; VF+, 8.5 = $39.00; VF, 8.0 = $29.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00];
BARBARIAN KILLER FUNNIES (Bud Plant Pub., 1974) #1(One-Shot; 1st Print; 75 Cents Original Cover Price);
BARBARIAN WOMEN (California Comics Pub. Bob Sidebottom)
#2 (1/1977; FIRST PRINTING; $2.00 Original Cover Price; 4 page color story by S. Clay Wilson; Ed Watson, Ron Harris and, Chris Metty art; S. Clay Wilson cover and art; NM-, 9.2 = $49.00; Another Copy = ASK)
BAREFOOTZ FUNNIES (Woofnwarp/ Kitchen Sink Pub., 1975) #1;
BATFINK AND RUBIN (Jewish Batman & Robin - Cartoon Comic Parody);
#NN (#1; 1966; One-Shot; Jack Gerber story, cover & art; Frisky Books, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, USA; 5-1/4"x5-1/4" Softcover Paperback Book; Bizarre Humor/Parody of BATMAN & ROBIN as JEWISH Superheores "Batfink & Rubin; 52 pages including covers, stiff covers, on quality paper. SCARCE; By day BATFINK is Seymour Finklestein; Chauncey McRubin is RUBIN the Goy wonder; ** Cartoon / Comic Humor Jokes include; Bar-Mitzvahed humor, Lantzman (SUPERMAN type parody), Sex & Nudity, Fart jokes, Gay humor, Bathroom & Toilet humor, Rebbi, Nudity & more; Something offensive for all; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16.00; FN, 6.0 = $12.00);
BENT (Print Mint pub; B&W UNDERGROUND Comix/Comics; ADULTS ONLY);
#NN (#1; May/1971; One-Shot; 1st Printing; NO Price on Covers; WILSON Copyright 4/1/71 on BACK cover; The CHECKERED DEMON appears; Classic S. CLAY WILSON story, cover & art;
#NN (#1; 1974; 2nd Printing; NO Price on Covers; WILSON Copyright 4/1/71 on inside front cover; One-Shot; The CHECKERED DEMON appears; Classic S. CLAY WILSON story, cover & art;
CRUMB'S...} (Apex
Novelties / Last Gasp / Eco-Funnies Pub.) -
#NN(#1; 2/1979 Comic, 1st Print; $1.00 Original Cover Price; Robert Crumb-c/a);
#NN(#1; 1988 Reprint of the 1979 Comic, with a NEW Cover by CRUMB; FIRST Last Gasp Printing with $2.50 Original Cover Price; Third Printing overall; Robert Crumb-c/a; VF+ = $12);
BEST of ONE HUNDRED CARTOONS by Kenny Moran (K.C. Comics / KennyMoran Comix Pub; B&W; Color cover; Canadian Underground Comic from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; NOT Dated, circa 1980’s; 5-1/2" x 8-1/2"; 28 Pages including covers);
#NN(Story/Cover/art by Kenny Moran; Serially Number #11 in a Limited Edition of only 100 Copies; Each issue had the T-Shirt of the Figure on cover, hand-colored with Color Felt Pen by Moran, shirt is YELLOW on this issues cover; AZREAL the Elzonian Warrior appears; Space Warriors app; SOLD OUT);
the Best of Wonder Warthog; (See = Wonder Wart Hog)
(Bettie Page); BETTY BY THE HOUR (Eros Comix; 1994) - #1(VF, 8.0 = $10.00); #6(VF, 8.0 = $10.00);
BICENTENNIAL GROSS-OUTS (Yentzer and Gonif Comic Prod.)
#1 [July/1976; Uncle Scam-c/s {Zombie Uncle Sam}; William Stout-c/a; Realityland = Adult Walt Disney & Disneyland Spoof = Frankie Rat, Goofball, Dildo Duck, etc; Filipino Massacre; Indian Giver 1763; Roscoe Pitts = Warren Greenwood-a; FN/VF=$14; VG=$9];
BIG APPLE COMIX (1975; Big Apple Prod; B&W Underground comic; Nudity, Adults Only)
#NN (#1; 9/1975; One-Shot; FIRST PRINTING with $1.00 Original Cover Price; Dinosaurs in City cover; WALLY WOOD & Larry Hama cover; ART by; NEAL ADAMS, Kirchner, Mike PLOOG, Schwartzberg, John SEVERIN, Steinberg, Herb TRIMPE, Al Weiss, AL WILLIAMSON and WALLY WOOD; Pinup on BACK cover by Ralph Reese; Archie Goodwin & Al Weiss stories; NM-, 9.2 = $39.00);
BIG ASS COMICS (Rip Off Press Pub.; All ROBERT CRUMB cover & Art) -
#NN(#1; Dated 1969, circa Early 1970’s; 3rd Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Brown Pants & Brownish Green shoes on guy on cover; R. Crumb in Red Box on Cover; GLOSSY Cover with Deeper RED Title; Solid Navy Blue Color Background around Title; Black Felt Pen over 50 Price on cover, VF-, 7.5 = $69.00);
#NN(#1; Dated 1969, circa Early 1970’s; 3rd Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Brown Pants & Brownish Green shoes on guy on cover; R. Crumb in Red Box on Cover; GLOSSY Cover with Deeper RED Title; Solid Navy Blue Color Background around Title; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59.00);
#NN(#1; Dated 1969, circa Early 1970’s; 3rd Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Brown Pants & Brownish Green shoes on guy on cover; R. Crumb in Red Box on Cover; GLOSSY Cover with Deeper RED Title; Solid Navy Blue Color Background around Title; G/VG, 3.0 = $29.00);
#NN(#1; Dated 1969, circa Mid 1970’s; 5th Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Brown Pants & Brownish Green shoes on guy on cover; R. Crumb in Red Box on Cover; GLOSSY Cover with Lighter Spotty RED Title; Spotty Purple & Navy Blue Colored Background around Title; FN/VF, 7.0 = $35.00);
#NN(#1; Dated 1969, circa Mid 1970’s; 7th Printing; 75 Cents Original Cover Price; G, 2.0 = 7.00);
#NN(#1; Last Gasp pub; 11th Printing; $2.50 Cover Price; VG = $5.00);
#2(8/1971; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; No copyright; Glossy-c; Black Felt Pen over 50 Price on cover, VF-, 7.5 = $99.00);
#2(dated as 8/1971; 2nd Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; No copyright; Matte-c; G = $15);
#2(Dated as 8/1971; Third Printing; $0.50 Original Cover Price; Copyright 1971 on Inside Front-c; Glossy-c; VF = $30; VG =$15);
#2 (4th Printing; $0.75 Original Cover Price; Copyright 1971 on Inside Front-c; Glossy-c; VG, 4.0 = $8);
#2 (5th Printing; $0.50 Original Cover Price; Copyright 1971 & Produced by Keith Green on Inside Front-c; Glossy-c; VF = $12);
#2(Last Gasp pub; 1991; 6th Printing; $2.50 Cover Price; VG = $4.00);
BIG DOG FUNNIES (Rip Off Press Pub., 1992) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
BIG LEAGUE LAFFS (Last Gasp Pub.) - #4(1973) = see ALL-NEW
(Bijou / Print Mint /
Kitchen Sink Pub);
#1 (2nd Printing);
(SCARCE; FN/VF = $99);
#1 (1968; 2nd
Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; SCARCE; ½ Page is
Missing inside, rest is G/VG = $15.00);
#2 (1st Printing); (SCARCE; G/VG = $59);
#2(11/1972; 1st Kitchen Sink printing; 3rd Printing overall; Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price);
#3(1969;1st-2nd Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; FN/VF =$62);
#3(1969; 1st-2nd Print; 50 cents
Original Cover Price; VG/FN = $45)
#3 (First
Printing; SCARCE; FN/VF = $55);
#4 (First Printing; SCARCE; FN/VF
= $45);
#5(3/1971; 2nd Print; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Skip Williamson-c/a; Nard N Pat-s = Lynch-a; 1pg CRUMB; Little Lulu parody by Justin Green; FN=$18; VG=$12);
#5(3rd Print; 4/1972; 50 cents
Original Cover Price; Skip Williamson-c/a; Nard N Pat-s = Lynch-a;
1pg CRUMB; Little Lulu parody by Justin Green; FN/VF =$16);
(9/1971; FIRST PRINTING, which does NOT Indicate the Printing; 50
Cents Original Cover Price; NARD N PAT by Jay Lynch; The Kiss-Off by
Justin Green; Skip Williamson art; Robert Crumb cover and art; VF/NM,
9.0 = $69.00; Another Copy = ASK);
#7 (1st Printing);
#7(4/1972; 2nd Printing; 50 Cents
Original Cover Price; FN/VF =$12)
#8 (1st
#8(1973; 2nd Printing; 75 Cents Original Cover Price);
BIJOU Funnies (Cosmic Comics Pub); #6(UK British printing of the Kitchen Sink comic);
BINKY BROWN Meets the Holy VIRGIN MARY (Last Gasp pub);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1972; Justin Green-c; 2nd Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1972; Justin Green-c; 2nd Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; FN $10);
BIZARRE SEX (Kitchen Sink Pub.) -
#1(4/1977; 6th Printing; Giant Penis that invaded New York-c by Kitchen; Incest-s; Green-a; Boxell-a; 75 Cents Original Cover Price; SOLD OUT);
#2(11/1972; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Original Topless Woman Creature giving Birth-c by Boxell; Mermaid-s; Spiegelman-a; Boxell-a; Herring-a; Grisly-a; Green-a; FN/VF = $16.00);
#3(5th Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price; Cockroach making Love to Woman-c by Roberts; Lynch, Green, Roberts, Vosberg & Bharucha-a; SOLD OUT);
#7(1979; 1st Printing; $1.25 Original Cover Price; Gun as Penis-c; Pound, Armstrong, Stiles & Shaw-a);
#7(4/1984; 4th Printing; $2.00 Original Cover Price; Gun as Penis-c; Pound, Armstrong, Stiles & Shaw-a);
BIZARRE SEX (Kitchen Sink Pub.; 1972-1988)
#9 [8/1981; FIRST PRINTING with $1.50 Original Cover Price; ** FIRST Underground Comic appearance of OMAHA the Cat Dancer, 42 page drama; anthropomorphic-funny animals cover and story; ** This IS the 2nd Omaha story and appearance, Omaha first saw the light of day (1st appearance) in the self-published rare comics magazine Vootie #15 from 1979; ** (GPA shows; Bizarre Sex #9 first Print in CGC 8.5 sold for $300.00 on eBay on May 19/2024 and another 8.5 sold for $304.00 on April 29/2024 and CGC 9.4 sold for $660 in 6/2022); Cover colors by Peter Loft. Stories, Cover and art by Reed Waller; AD for Dope Comix #4 on Back cover; Overall VF+, but with 1/2" x 1" Partial Scar from Partially removed price sticker thus FN/VF, 7.0 = $99.00];
#9 (1986; 4th PRINTING with $1.75 Original Cover Price; AD for Dope Comix #4 on Back cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $30.00);
#9 (1986; 5th PRINTING with $2.00 Original Cover Price; AD for Dope Comix #4 on Back cover; FN, 6.0 = $25.00);
#9 (1987; 6th PRINTING with $2.00 Original Cover Price; AD for Kurtzman's Jungle Book on Back cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $25.00);
BLACK and WHITE COMICS (APEX Novelties pub; ADULTS ONLY; B&W Underground Comic);
#NN [#1; One-Shot; 1973; Copyright Listed on interior cover; First Printing with 50 Cents Original Cover Price; ROBERT CRUMB story, cover & art; Includes; ( 1 ) Squirrely the Squirrel; ( 2 ) Namby Pamby and Her Friends; ( 3 ) Patricia Pig Goes Shopping; ( 4 ) Bill the Pill; ; ( 5 ) Big Fine Legs - Mr. Snoid; ( 6 ) Robert Crumb versus The Sisterhood; ( 7 ) Goddamn Blues - Will Shade & Ishman Bracey; RAW Copy = ASK];
BLUE TELLY (UK/British) #2(circa 1990?; X-Rated Strictly Adults Only; Erotic Art; LINGERIE-c/s; Babewatch; High Noon; VF $8);
BOGEY (Vicar's Raw Balls Co. Antonio A. Ghura Pub; UK British B&W Digest sized Comic; 5-3/4" x 8-1/4"; Strictly ADULTS Only)
#2 (1984; LAST issue; 36 pages; Humphrey Bogart-c; Antonio A. Ghura-c/a; Graphic Sex - Jesus/Nun/Pope-s; Werewolf & Poodle; Edgar Allan Poe page; Paul McCartney of the Beatles smoking Marijuana on splash Page; Serially Numbers #159 in an unknown LIMITED Edition; Staples are Rusted, a common Flaw with UK mags because they used IRON instead of Steel staples, otherwise, VF/NM, 9.0 = $17);
BOGEYMAN (SF Comic Co / CO & Sons Pub; 1969-1970);
#3(1970; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; VG/FN = $12.00);
#3(1970; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Another Copy = ASK);
the BOOK OF RAZIEL (Print Mint) #NN(#1; 1969; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; VF $25);
BRAIN FANTASY (Last Gasp pub);
#1(1972; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price);
#2(1974; 1st Printing; 75 Cents Original Cover Price; SOLD OUT);
Bring me Your Love by Charles Bukowski (art by Robert CRUMB; 1990; 6th; FN/VF $6);
BUM WAD - Humor in a Toilet Bowl (Print Mint / Yahoo Pub.) - #1 (1971; Geiser-c; Full Color; 75 cents Original cover price);
The Bunch’s Power Pak Comics (Kitchen Sink/Krupp) #2(1981; Aline Kominsky Crumb; 1st printing; $1.50 cover price; VF=$14.00; FN/VF=$10);
California Comics (California Comics pub) #1 (1st Printing; 1974; VF $9);
CANNIBAL ROMANCE - It came from the ID (Last Gasp / Eco-Funnies Pub.) -
#1(1986; Seda, Mavrides, Robins; ASK);
CANNON (Wally Wood Pub.; 1979; 10" x 12"; NUDITY and GGA Good-Girl-Art; ADULTS ONLY; B&W; 36 Pages; Low Print and Scarce)
#1 (1979; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; VG/FN, 5.0 = $32.00);
#2 (1979; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; VF, 8.0 = $49.00);
#3 (1979; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00);
#4 (1980; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $25.00);
THE CAPTAIN (Print Mint; 1972) #NN(#1; One-Shot; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; VF=$9; FN=$6; VG=$4);
Captain Guts (Print Mint)
#1(1969; 2nd Printing; BLUE Uniform on cover; NO Original Cover Price; FN+ $8);
#1(1969; 2nd Printing; BLUE Uniform on cover; NO Original Cover Price);
#2 (1st Printing);
#3(1972; FIRST Print; 50 cents cover price; ASK)
THE CARTOON HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE (Rip Off Press) - #1(1978; $1.00-c; 1st); #1(reprint), 2-6;
THE CARTOON HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE DELUXE EDITION (Rip Off Press Pub., 1987) #1-6; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
THE CHECKERED DEMON (Last Gasp Comix; S. Clay Wilson-c/a) -
#1(1977; 1st Print; NO price on cover; Oblong comic; VG $11);
#2(1977; 1st Print; $1.00 Original Cover Price; FA/G=$6);
CHEECH WIZARD - Schizophrenia (Last Gasp Comix; 1973; Vaughn BODE-c/a)
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1st Print; 75 cents Original cover price);
CHEECH WIZARD, THE COLLECTED (CO & Sons Pub / Print Mint Pub.)
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 2nd Print; No Logo on-c; 75 cents Original cover price);
CHEECH WIZARD, THE COMPLETE (Rip Off Press Pub.; Vaughn BODE-c/a)
#2(1987), 3(1987);
#4(1987; 1st Print; $2.50-c; FN $6);
CHERRY POPTART (Yetzler and Goniff Pub.; #3 up = Title changes to CHERRY; ADULTS Only; Archie-Type Teenager Sex Parody Comic)
#1 (1985; Second Printing with $2.50 Cover Price; Vampironica Pinup on back-c; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00)
#2 (1985; $2.50-c, 2nd-4th Printing);
CHERRY (Yetzler and Goniff; 1,2 = Formerly Cherry Poptart; #15up = Kitchen Sink Pub.; ADULTS Only; Archie-Type Teenager Sex Parody Comic)
#3 (1986; $2.50-c, FIRST Printing; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24.00);
#4 (1987; $2.50-c, FIRST Printing; VF+, 8.5 = $32.00);
#5 (1987; $2.50-c, FIRST Printing; VF/NM, 9.0 = $32.00);
#6 (1988; $2.50-c, FIRST Printing; VF, 8.0 = $22.00);
#7 (1988; $2.50-c, Back issue AD goes to #7 = FIRST Printing; VF/NM, 9.0 = $26.00);
#9 (1993; $2.95-c = 4th Printing; VF, 8.0 = $13.00);
#16 (11/1994; $2.95-c = FIRST Printing; VF, 8.0 = $15.00);
CHERRY’S JUBILEE (Cherry Comics)
#2 (1992; Cherry Poptart-c/s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24.00);
#3 (1993; Cherry Poptart and PUSSY POSSE-c/s; FN, 6.0 = $12.00);
CHIPS and VANILLA (Kitchen Sink) #1(1988; VF $6)
CHOICE MEATS COMICS (Peanut Juice / Adams Apple pub);
#1 (2nd Printing);
CLASS WAR COMIX (Kitchen Sink Pub.) #1(1979);
Cloud Comix (Kitchen Sink / Cloud Studios Pub) #2 (1st Printing);
Clowns .25 (Yahoo Pub) #NN(1972; 1st Printing);
COBALT BLUE (Powder Comics Pub., 1977) #1;
COCAINE COMIX (Last Gasp Pub.; 1975-1982) -
#1(1975; 1st Print; 75 cents cover price);
#2 (1st Printing);
#3 (1981; Cover
art by Robert Williams; Anthology
of stories; The
first Story was
illustrated by George DiCaprio, the father of Leonardo DiCaprio; SOLD
(1st Printing);
COLOR (Victor Moscoso pub; Dist by Print Mint; B&W Mini DIGEST Sized Comic; 5-1/2"x8-1/2"; 36 pages; Full Color; Berkeley, CA)
*** Looniverse = Olaf Stoop gave us a choice of four strips and Cosmic Comics obviously was the one to go for. Small wonder: later, it turned out Victor Moscoso had originally designed the strip as the storyboard for a never-produced animated cartoon; it was then published in strip format. Which was the first underground strip in full color.
#NN (#1; 1971; First Printing; Comic Format; $1.00 Original Cover Price; SCARCE; Cosmic Comics by Victor Moscoso; VF+, 8.5 = $35.00)
#NN (#1; 1971; First Printing; Comic Format; $1.00 Original Cover Price; SCARCE; Cosmic Comics by Victor Moscoso; VF, 8.0 = $29.00)
Comic Art of Canadian Comic Artist Kenny Moran (K.C. Comics / Kenny Moran Pub; B&W; Color cover; Canadian Underground Comics Magazine from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 8-½”x11”; 156 Pages including covers, with two-sided pages including Loose Certificate of Authenticity);
#NN (#2; 9/2006; Featuring ELF the Barbarian in his search for Valiria; Swamp Woman story; Cheyenne the Cimmerian in Land of Bone; Sonya Fox; Skin vs Bone; Limited Edition of only 26 Lettered Copies, Signed by publisher Kenny Moran; Unread, As New, just as we received direct from publisher = $59.00);
COMMIES FROM MARS (Kitchen Sink/Last Gasp) -
#1(3/1973; 2nd Print; Pages in Correct orderl 50 cents cover price; Adolf HITLER Funnies; Barfootz-s)
#2 (1979; 1st Print with $1.25 Original cover price; Pound painted cover; Boxell, Irons, Wilson, Emerson, Hansen, Leonard;
#3(1980; 1st Print; $1.50 Original cover price);
#6 = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
THE COMPLETE FART and Other Body Emmsions (Kitchen Sink; 1976) - #NN(#1; One-Shot; Marrs-a);
COMPOST COMICS (Self-Published) -
#1(1973; 1st Print; 50 cents cover price; Todd, Reece, Metzger; DR ATOMIC-s);
CONSUMER COMIX (Kitchen Sink) #1 (1975)
Cooty Men's Comics (Print
Mint / Keith Green pub);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1970; SCARCE; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Gorilla Women of the Third Reich / Nazi Amazons-c/s; Robert Williams-c/a);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1970; SCARCE; 2nd Printing; $1.00Original Cover Price; Gorilla Women of the Third Reich / Nazi Amazons-c/s; Robert Williams-c/a; JESUS insert AD Card is still intact; FN/VF = $69);
COPY GUY vs TIME TOILET, the Great Crossover (Green Pen Comics) #NN(#1; 2014; Tory Jacobson; 8 page Mini B&W comic; VF $6.00)
CORN FED Comics (Kim Deitch/Cartoonists Co-Op Press);
#1(1972; 1st Print; 50 cents cover price);
#2(1973; 1st Print; 50 cents cover price);
#NN(#1; July 1977; 1st Print; $1.00 Original cover price; IRONS-c; FN $11);
#2(1st Printing);
Cosmic Capers (Big Muddy Comics) #1(1972; 1st Printing);
Cover-Up Lowdown (Rip Off Press; B&W Mini Comic; 5"x7"; 52 pages) - #1(1977; One-Shot; Flip-Book with 2 covers; 1st Printing; Comic Format; 75 cents Original Cover Price; VF+=$18; FN/VF=$12);
DAFFY QADDAFI – Malice in Wonderland (Comics Unlimited Ltd Pub, of Staten Island, NY) #NN(1986; #1 – One-Shot; PARODY/Spoof/Satire COMIC BOOK of Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi aka El Qadafi, leader of LIBYA since his successful military coup of 1969; Interior Title = "A Dictator's Nightmare in Wonderland; 36 pages including Covers; VF = $20);
DAMSELVIS, Daughter of HELVIS (Fantagraphics; Adults Only; EROS Comix Pub)
#1 (5/1994; J. Michaelvis McCarthy, DAMSELVIS, Daughter of HELVIS; ** The 1994 Low-Budget 67 Minute MOVIE was Written and Directed by John Michael McCarthy, and is Based on this comic, the film follows the adventures of Damselvis.
** Actress Dawn Ashcraft was married to director John Michael McCarthy. ** The Movie Starred; Sherry Lynn Garris as Isla M., Damselvis; ** Portia Jeffries as Black Damselvis; ** Brady Debussey as Helvis; ** Adimu Ajanaku as Black Jesus, Woofmon;
** Darin Lin Wood as Rebelvis; ** Michael C. Moore as Psychedelvis; ** David Atherton as Elvicious; ** Robert Gann as Evel Knievelvis; ** Sherry Lynn Garris as Isla M., aka Damselvis PHOTO Cover from the CULT Movie; ** Adult Fantasy, Reincarnation and Murder, Independent Movie; IMDB review; A Minor masterpiece except for the word minor is inescapably condescending. How about this? It's John Michael McCarthy's FIRST masterpiece.
A rumination on the vast concepts of religion and belief that at the same time reinvents their aspect of spiritualism in such an impossibly elegant way that the viewer is forced onto a journey wherein he creates a pathway for his own trials and tribulations, alongside that of JMM's. At times deviating and at times intersecting, all together these infinite winding strings weave together into a braid, showing for the first time what was previously known as the mystery of God. And all of this done without pretension, with friends as cast members, found locations, local bands for the soundtrack. ** Taglines; Invictus Hubba Hubba; ** CGC; NM/MT, 9.8, with WHITE Pages = $139.00)
DAULBY, DAN. (Canadian Underground Comix Artist) = 1977 ORIGINAL Art., untitled "The FOOF walks his SAUR"; (14" Wide x 19-1/2" Tall; Black Ink on stiff art board, Colored in Pencil Crayons; Artist best know for his "Great Canadian Shimegly Follies" Underground Comix series; Depicts; A Fantasy male "FOOF" figure, walking his big Blue cartoon Dinosaur on a leash, with small castle-like Tower home & forest in background; VG = $90.00)
DEATH RATTLE Volume 2 (Kitchen Sink Pub., 10/85) #1-7,9-13,18; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
DEATH RATTLE Volume 3(Kitchen Sink Pub., 1995) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
DEEP 3D COMIX (Kitchen Sink Press/Krupp Pub; UNDERGROUND COMIC; 1970-1973) -
#1 (Summer 1970; 1st Printing with $0.75 Original cover price; Don Glassford Stories, Art and Cover; Nard n Pat one page 3-D story by Jay Lynch; One of the first Underground comics published by Kitchen Sink & Denis Kitchen; with 3-D Glasses included);
#1 (1973; 3rd Printing with $1.00 Original cover price; Don Glassford Stories, Art and Cover; Nard n Pat one page 3-D story by Jay Lynch; One of the first Underground comics published by Kitchen Sink & Denis Kitchen; with 3-D Glasses included; ASK);
DEMENTED PERVERT (Print Mint) #2(Dave Geiser; 1972; 1st Printing; $0.50 Original cover price);
DESPAIR (Last Gasp / Print Mint Pub.) -
#NN (#1; One-Shot;
ROBERT CRUMB story, cover & art;
GCD Contents;
1. Morbid Sense of Humor
2. It's Really Too Bad
3. The Lighter-Than-Air Boys = Merciful Percival and Seymour "Sy" Klopps
4. ["Just think Edgar! To what great spiritual heights we will soar..."] = Edgar & Maryjane Crump
5. Crime in the Streets = The Manhole Maniacs
6. The Phonus Balonus Blues
7. Where The Action Isn't = Robert Q. Somebody
8. It's the Ruff Tuff Creampuff = Ruff Tuff Creampuff
9. Sleezy Snot Comics - East Side Sorrows = The Old Pooperoo
10. ["Mr. Natural, I'm Horny..."] = Sleezy Snot Comics
11. Booger Buddies = Sleezy Snot Comics
12. ["There she is, fellows! Ah! She'll be so grateful to us!"] = Angelfood McSpade
13. Cum Comics = Spiegal & Schliegal
14. The Same Old Crap = Fuzzy the Bunny
15. Stickman Funnies
16. Caught in the grips of DESPAIR!? = Despair
17. Drawing Cartoons Is Fun!
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1969; 1st Print; no copyright on IFC; First Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; ASK);
#NN (#1; One-Shot; 1971; 2nd-4th Printing are believed to have no distinguished characteristics; With copyright on Inside Front Cover; 50 cents Original Cover Price);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1983; 8th Print?; $1.50-c; FN = $5.00);
DEVIANT SLICE (Print Mint Pub.) -
#NN (#1; 1972; Flip-c of Time mag with Soldier having severed Limbs & Face; 1st Print; 50 cents cover price; Greg Irons & Tom Veitch);
#2(1973; 1st Print; 50 cents cover price; Greg Irons & Tom Veitch-c/a);
DIK SKYCAP (Rip Off Press Pub.; 1991) - #1 = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
DIRT BALL FUNNIES (Kitchen Sink) - #1(1972; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; VF minus $12);
DIRTY DUCK BOOK (Cocoanut Comix; CO & Sons Pub)
#1(12/1971-3/1972; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; Bobby London-c/a);
#1(12/1971-3/1972; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; Bobby London-c/a; FN/VF $15);
#1(12/1971-3/1972; Bobby London-c/a);
DIRTY DUCK = See Also; Misc Comics Mags & National Lampoon;
DIRTY LAUNDRY COMICS (Cartoonist Co-Op Press/ Last Gasp - Eco-Funnies) -
1. Let's Have A Little Talk by Robert Crumb and Aline Kominsky (inside front Cover)
2. Aline 'n' Bob's Funtime Funnies = 33 Page Story by Robert Crumb and Aline Kominsky (Character = Robert Crumb; Aline Kominsky; Ken Weaver; Doctor Timothy Leary)
3. Turnabout's Fair Play by Robert Crumb and Aline Kominsky (Back Cover)
#NN (#1; July 1974; 1st Printing with 75 cents Original cover price; Clothesline cover; Alice Kominsky and ROBERT CRUMB cover & art; ASK)
#NN (#2; 12/1977; 2nd Print; $1.25 Original cover price; Washtub cover; Robert CRUMB cover & art);
D.O.A. COMICS (Saving Grace Pub.) – #1 (1976; $1.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Printing; Scarce Title; Keith Green, Jim Osborne);
Dog Boy (Cat-Head Comics) V.1 #4 (1st Printing);
DOLL (Rip Off Press; 1989) - #1,2,4 = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
DOPE COMIX (Kitchen Sink Pub.; 1978-1984)
#1(1978; 1st Print; $1.00 Original cover price; Cabarga, Kitchen, Beck & Cruse);
#2(10/1978; 1st Print; $1.00 Original cover price;
#3(8/1979; 1st Print; $1.00 Original cover price; Lynch, Steffan, Whitney);
#3(8/1979; 2nd Print; $1.50 Original cover price; Lynch, Steffan, Whitney);
#4(2/1981; 1st Print; $1.50 Original cover price; HOLMES, Kominsky);
DOPIN' DAN (Last Gasp Pub./ Keith Green; 1972-1979) -
#1(1972; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; Ted Richards-c/a; Flenniken, London);
#1(Third Print),
#2(1/1973; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; Ted Richards-c/a);
#3(10/1973; 2nd Print; 75 cents Original cover price; Ted Richards-c/a);
#NN(#4; One-Shot; 1st Print; $1.50 Original cover price; Ted Richards-c/a);
DORMAN'S DOGGIE (Rip Off Press/ Kitchen sink) -
#NN(1979; #1; One-Shot; 1st Print; $1.00 Original cover price; Foolbert Sturgeon-c/a; 1pg app of Dr Feelgood);
DR. ATOMIC (Last Gasp Pub./ ECO Funnies) -
#1 = Dr. Atomic & Marijuana cover & stories
ADULT, Hippie and Drugs Themed Stories;
LARRY S. TODD stories, cover & art
GCD Contents =
1. Dr. Atomic Explores the Universe!
2. Dr. Atomic and His Spaceship = 13 Page Story (Dr. Atomic tries to build a spaceship but his hippie neighbor blows it up.)
3. Dr. Atomic Invents the Iron Pig = 2 Page story (Dr. Atomic's programming for the robot is based on Asimov's three laws of robotics)
4. Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella (Dr. Atomic)
5. The Great Bank Robber (Dr. Atomic)
6. A Horny Old Geezer is He (Dr. Atomic)
7. Divine Comedy (Dr. Atomic)
8. Dr. Atomic Meets the Space Brothers = 10 Page story (Dr. Atomic and his friend go to see the UFO's.)
9. Dr. Atomic's Do-It-Yerself Corner
10. Dr. Atomic Does It Again!
#1 (9/1972; 1st Printing with 50 cents Original cover price; LARRY S. TODD stories, cover & art; ASK);
#1 (1972; 3rd Print; 75 cents Original cover price; ; LARRY S. TODD stories, cover & art);
#2 (1973; 2nd Print; 75 cents Original cover price; ; LARRY S. TODD stories, cover & art);
#3 (1975-1980; LARRY S. TODD stories, cover & art);
#4 (1976-1978; LARRY S. TODD stories, cover & art);
#5 (1979; 1st Printing with $1.25 Original cover price; LARRY S. TODD stories, cover & art);
#6 (1981; 1st Printing with $1.50 Original cover price; LARRY S. TODD stories, cover & art);
DREAMS OF A DOG (Rip Off Press Pub., 1990) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
DROOL (The CO. and Sons Pub./ Cloud Comix) -
#1(1972; Ralph Reese & Larry Hama; P. Bramley, NIXON; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price);
Pub.) -
#NN (#1; One-Shot; 1974; FIRST Printing, with 75 cents
Original cover price; Dave Geiser-c/a; FA/G = $4.00);
DUTCH TREAT (Kitchen Sink Press Pub) #1(1977; 1st Print; $1.00 Original cover price; Geradts, Swarte);
DYNAMITE DAMSELS (Roberta Gregory pub) #NN(#1; 1976)
EATING RAOUL(Films Around the World Pub.) - #NN(1982);
EL PERFECTO Comics (Print Mint Pub.) -
BENEFIT Comic for the TIMOTHY LEARY Defense Fund;
ROBERT CRUMB story cover & art;
Bobby London, Gilbert Shelton, Trina Robbins, Moscoso, Richards, Bill Griffith story & art
#NN (#1; 1973; FIRST Printing with 50 cents Original cover price; ASK);
#NN(#1; 1975; 2nd Print; 75 cents Original cover price; Robert CRUMB-c/a; VG $12);
ELSEWHERE (Starving Artist Press; 1976) #1;
ELZON – The Complete Chronicles of Nebula, World of Elzon (K.C. Comics / Kenny Moran Pub; B&W; Color cover; Canadian Underground Comics Magazine from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 8-½”x11”; 188 Pages including covers, with two-sided pages including Loose Certificate of Authenticity) #NN (#3; 9/2006; Reprints #1 and #2, plus with much Previously UN-Published material; Limited Edition of only 26 Lettered Copies, Signed by publisher/author/artist Kenny Moran Unread, As New, just as we received direct from publisher = $59.00);
ENERGY COMICS (Educomics) - #1(January 1980; FIRST print; Greg Irons pinup; Rifas-a; Farmer-a; 3pgs Robert Crumb-a);
ENIGMA (Enigma / Last Gasp Pub.)- #1(1973; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; Larry Todd-c/a);
ETERNAL COMICS (Last Gasp Pub) #1(1973; stated 1st Printing; NO price on Cover; Thompson, CRUMB, Ginsberg, Griffen);
Even Hitler Had a Girlfriend (Draculina Pub; Underground Comic)
#1 (1994; 1st Printing; Story Adapted from the Cult Film Hit by David Manning; Art by Ronnie Cramer; The MOVIE was Directed by Ronnie Cramer; The MOVIE was written by T.G. Baker & David Manning; The MOVIE Starred; Andren Scott, Sarah Young, Jean Wolf; IMDB = This is the story of Marcus Templeton, a lonely security guard who blows all of his life savings on prostitutes because he is a TOTAL LOSER; RARE; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
E.Z. WOLF (Rip Off Press Pub.) - #1(7/1977; 1st Print Collected thus; 75 cents Original cover price; Ted Richards-c/a);
E.Z. WOLF'S ASTRAL OUTHOUSE (Last Gasp Pub.; B&W Mini Comic; 5-1/4"x7-3/4"; 36 pages) - #NN(#1; 1977; One-Shot; 1st Printing; Comic Format; 75 cents Original Cover Price; by TED RICHARDS; VF/NM, 9.0 = $16; FN=$8);
Facts O' Life Funnies (Rip Off Press)
#NN (#1; 1972; 1st Print; Matte cover with BLUE Beer cans; 50 cents Original cover price; Robert CRUMB, London, Richards, Fountain, Shelton, Flenniken);
#NN (#1; 1972; 2nd Print; Glossy cover with ORANGE Beer cans; 50 cents Original cover price; Robert CRUMB, London, Richards, Fountain, Shelton, Flenniken; NM. 9.4 = $40.00);
FANTAGOR (Rip Off Press/Last Gasp; Underground Comics; RICHARD CORBEN story, cover and art)
#1 (1970; 1st printing was a RARE Self Published FANZINE = SOLD OUT)
#1 (1972; First Last Gasp Printing; 50 cents original cover price; 1970; Second overall printing; RICHARD CORBEN story, cover and art VF, 8.0 = $39.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00);
#2 (1972; First Printing; $1.00 original cover price; RICHARD CORBEN story, cover and art ASK );
#3 (1972; First Printing; 75 cents original cover price; RICHARD CORBEN story, cover and art; VF+, 8.5 = $35.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $22.00)
#4 (1972; First Printing; 75 cents original cover price; RICHARD CORBEN story, cover and art; VF+, 8.5 = $35.00);
Fear and Laughter (Kitchen Sink) #1(1977; 1st Printing with $1.00 cover Price; Geary, Pound, Shaw-a; Stout-c/a; early DAVE STVENS art; SOLD OUT);
FEDS 'N' HEADS Comics (Print Mint Pub);
#NN(#1; circa 1970; First app FREAK BROTHERS; Wonder Wart-Hog-s; Gilbert Shelton-a; 5th Printing; 830 Foldger ave address; 50 cents Original Cover Price printing);
#NN(#1; First app Freak Brothers; Wonder Wart-Hog-s; Gilbert Shelton-a; 2nd/Third ; Printing; 830 Foldger ave address; SCARCE early 35 cents Original Cover Price printing; VG+ = $55);
#NN (#1; First app Freak Brothers; Wonder Wart-Hog-s; Gilbert Shelton-a; 4th Printing);
#NN (#1; First app Freak Brothers; Wonder Wart-Hog-s; Gilbert Shelton-a; 5th Printing);
FEELGOOD Funnies (Rip off Press pub; Grapgic Sex - Strictly Adults Only);
#NN(#1; 5/1972; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; Stack, Gilbert Shelton; Dr Feelgood by Foolbert Sturgeon-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $32);
FELCH CUMICS (Keith Green Pub; B&W Mini Comic; 5"x7"; 36 pages; Strictly ADULTS ONLY - EXTREME GRAPHIC SEX, NUDITY and VIOLENCE);
#1 (1975; One-Shot; Scarce Second Printing of the Mega-Rare & Valuable Edition from Same Year; $1.00 Original Cover Price; Has issue #1 on Cover; PINK GIRL on Cover; Vampires story; S. Clay Wilson, Spain, ROBERT CRUMB, Osborne, Jay Lynch, William Stout art; Robert Williams cover; SCARCE; Rare in High Grade; ASK);
FEVER DREAMS (Kitchen Sink Pub.) -
#1(1972; 1st Print; says printing "54321"; 50 cents Original cover price; CORBEN-c/a);
#1(1972; 2nd Print; says printing "5432"; 50 cents Original cover price; CORBEN-c/a);
#1(1970's; 5th Printing; FN/VF $10);
#1(July/1978; 7th Printing; VF $10);
FIRE SALE (Rip Off Press; 1989) #NN;
FIRE SALE (Rip Off Press Pub., 1989) #NN; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
FIRKIN (Knockabout Comics Pub.) - #3(1990);
FLAMED-OUT FUNNIES {Will Murphy's...} (Rip Off Press - Keith Green; 1975-1976); #2(1976; 1st Print; 75 cents Original cover price);
#1(1975; 75 cents cover price)
#2(75 cents cover price)
FOG CITY COMICS (Stampart Pub; Underground Comic, Adults Only; 1977-1978; Vancouver, BC, Canada);
#1(9/1977; 1st Print; $1.00 Original cover price; Rand HOLMES-c/a; Funny Animals issue; Boates, Newland, Metzger-a; 1st Print; $1.00 Original cover price; SOLD OUT)
#3(1979; 1st Print; 68 pages including covers = GIANT; $2.00 Original cover price; Rand HOLMES-a; SOLD OUT);
Folk Funnies (New Morning Talent Union, Prod Co and Sons Ltd/ Last Gasp distr)
#2(1973; One-Shot - Only issue; 1st printing; $0.50 cover price; Paul MeKenna; Scarce; VF+ $15)
FOOD COMIX(Educomics) - #1(1980);
#1(1975; 1st Print; 75 cents Original cover price; Robert Williams-c/a);
#2(1978; 1st Print);
THE FORTY YEAR OLD HIPPIE (Rip Off Press) - #2(1979; $1.25 Original cover price; 1st Print; Ted Richards-c/a);
FOUR-FISTED TALES (CC - Comics Consortium) #2(1982)
FREAK BROTHERS (Further Adventures of the The Fabulous Furry...) (Rip Off Press Pub.; 1971-2004)
#1 (Collected Adventures of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers);
(10th Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Blue price; VF =
(2nd Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Blue IFC; Glossy-c; VF
= $59)
#2 (Further Adventures of those Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers);
#2 (Further Adventures of those Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers; Second Printing; SCARCE 50 cents Original Cover Price printing; BLUE inside front-c; Glossy-c; classic Gilbert Shelton-c/s; FN = $49);
#3 (a Year Passes like Nothing with the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers ... and Fat Freddy's Cat);
#3(1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; FN/VF $39);
#3(1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; VG $24);
#4 (1975; Brother can you spare 75 cents for the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers?; Scarce FIRST Printing; 75 Cents Original Cover Price; VG = $16; Another Copy = ASK);
#4 (Brother can you spare 75 cents for the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers?);
(2nd Printing; $1.00
Cover Price; FN/VF $15);
2nd Printing; $1.50
Cover Price; VF/NM $15);
(1st Printing; $2.25
Cover Price; VF+ $12);
#10 (1st Printing; $2.25 Original Cover Price; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; SOLD OUT);
#11 (1990; First Printing; $2.50 Original Cover Price; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; VF+ $20.00);
#12 (2006; 4th Printing; $4.95 Original Cover Price; Lower Print Run & Scarcer; VF/NM = $20.00)
#13 (1997,2002,2006; Three Printings = SOLD OUT);
#1-12 (assorted 1st Printings & Reprints) = ASK
(FREAK BROTHERS); ADVENTURES OF FAT FREDDY'S CAT (Rip Off Press Pub.; 1980; B&W Mini Comics; 5" x 8-1/4" Smaller Digest size comics; 52 pages; Gilbert Shelton & Dave Sheridan);
Book #3 (1977; 1st Printing; 75 Cents Original Cover Price; FN = $10.00);
Book #5 (1980; 1st Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price; VG/FN = $8.00);
Fresca Zizis (Last Gasp) #1 (1977; 1st Printing);
FRENCH TICKLERS (Kitchen Sink) #1(10/1989; MOEBIUS; VF/NM $8)
FRESH BLOOD FUNNY BOOK(Last Gasp) - #NN(#1; One-Shot; 1979);
Imports Inc) #1(1972;
1st Print; 75 cents Original cover price; Ozzie & Lotta the Happy
Hippie Honeymooners-c/.s; Donald Duck spoof; Boobs a Lot);
#1 (1972; FIRST Printing, with 50 Cents Original Cover Price;
Two Cats and a Bird in What A World cover & 2-Part, 10 page story & art by R. Old Moneybags Crumb (ROBERT CRUMB)
First appearance of MAUS story = Art Spiegelman story & art;
Wikipedia = A three-page strip called "MAUS" that he made in 1972 in FUNNY AMINALS #1 gave Spiegelman an opportunity to interview his father about his life during World War II. The recorded interviews became the basis for the graphic novel, which Spiegelman began in 1978.
He serialized Maus from 1980 until 1991 as an insert in Raw, an avant-garde comics and graphics magazine published by Spiegelman and his wife, Françoise Mouly, who also appears in Maus. / Maus[a] is a graphic novel by American cartoonist Art Spiegelman, serialized from 1980 to 1991. It depicts Spiegelman interviewing his father about his experiences as a Polish Jew and Holocaust survivor. The work employs postmodern techniques and represents Jews as mice and other Germans and Poles as cats and pigs. Critics have classified Maus as memoir, biography, history, fiction, autobiography, or a mix of genres.
In 1992 MAUS became the first graphic novel to win a PULITZER PRIZE.
Trots and Bonnie in the Working Girl = Shary Flenniken story & art;
Pat the Cat and Fuzzy the Bunny in Double Trouble = Jay Lynch & ROBERT CRUMB story & art;
Captain Flashlight Fights the Animal Cracker Zombies = Michael McMillan story & art;
The Toadette King = Bill Griffith story & art;
Sage Monkey in This Bitter Earth = Justin Green story & art;
Stinky the Pig = Jay Lynch story & art; = SOLD OUT;
FUNNYBOOK (Almighty Pub Co)
#1 (1971; FIRST PRINTING; 50 cents Original Cover Price; FIRST appearance of CHERRY POPTART; Rick Pflug story, cover and art; Larry Welz and Trina Robbins story and art; Gilbert Shelton art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $119.00);
#1(1973; First Printing; Last Gasp - ECO Funnies pub; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Marrs-a);
#1(1973; 2nd Printing; Last Gasp - ECO Funnies pub; 75 cents Original Cover Price; Marrs-a);
#2(1975; 1st Printing; Star Reach pub; $1.00 Original Cover Price; Lee Marrs-a);
#3(1977; 1st Printing; Star Reach pub; $1.25 Original Cover Price; Lee Marrs-a);
GALUMPH (Vast Galumph Complex pub); Volume-10 #2(1973; First Printing; NO Original Cover Price; Sly the Sorcerer-s; Toys-s; the Offering-s; Bode parody; ** Wonder Wart-Hog, Capt Marvel & Wonder Woman parody-s; Resuram-s; 44 pages; FN/VF $12);
Gimme (Head imports) #1 (1972; 1st Printing);
GIRL FIGHT Comics (Print Mint Pub);
#NN(#1; 1972; TRINA-c/a; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price);
#2(1974; TRINA-c/a; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price);
Give Me Liberty! (Rip Off Press) #NN(#1; 1976; 75 cents Original cover price; 1st Printing; Shelton, Richards);
GJDRKZLXCBWQ COMICS - A Gallery of Goney Gags {Basil Wolverton's ...} (Glenn Bray / Wolverton pub; 5" x 7" B&W MINI comic)
#NN (#1; 1973; One-Shot; Gags, Cartoons & Comics; 36 pages; Basil Wolverton story, cover & art; FIRST Printing with 50 cents Original Cover Price; VF, 8.0 = $20.00);
GOD NOSE (Rip Off Press Pub; San Francisco, CA) -
#NN (#1; 8/1969; 44 pages; Jack Jackson-a; Second Printing; PINK Border; NO Original Cover Price; FN $29);
#NN (#1; 1971; FN/VF $29);
#NN (#1; 1971; 44 pages; Jack Jackson-a; 4th Printing; RED Border; 50 cents Original Cover Price);
GOOD JIVE COMIX (Underground; Pooo Bear Prod)
#1(1972; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; Grass Green-c/a; Hobo Hal, Brijit, Wildman);
#2 (1973; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; Grass Green-c/a);
Gory Stories Quarterly (Kenneth J. Krueger/Shroud pub)
#2-1/2(1972; SCARCE; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original cover price; Pound-c; CRUMB, Shaw-a; VF+ $30);
#2-1/2(1972; SCARCE; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original cover price; Pound-c; CRUMB, Shaw-a; VG/FN $16);
GRAPHIC FANTASY (Broadhurst Features Syndicate; B&W; Kennedy Guide says only 500 copies printed)
#1 (6/1971; Original cover price of 75 Cents; UTAH-Man-s; Young-c; Stanley-s; Kurbee/Krowquills-a; H.P.Lovecraft story swipe; Holman-a; MATRIX-s, by Spears & Broadhurst; RARE; ASK);
GREASER COMICS - 50's Comics / Stories to Dull the Imagination (Half-Ass / Rip Off Press Pub.; 1971-72)
#1(1971); #2(7/1972)
#NN(1966; #1; one-shot; 60's Politicians appear as superheroes; Humor/parody; Super-LBJ-c/s; VF minus = $22);
GREATEST DIGGS OF ALL TIME (Rip Off Press Pub., 1991) #1(VF+ $9.00);
Great Diggs of 77 (Rip Off Press Pub., 1977; 5"x8") #NN(#1; 1st only printing; $1.00 cover price; Political Cartoons; 68 pages; FN/VF $12);
Griffith Observatory (Rip Off Press) #1 (1979; 1st Printing);
GRIM WIT (Rip Off Press Last Gasp Pub; Underground comic; 1972-1973);
#1 (1972; FIRST PRINTING, with 50 Cents Original Cover Price and with Rip Off Press LOGO on cover; B&W Black and White interior pages; The Beast of Wolfton, 25 page story; Necromancer, 7 page story; Classic RICHARD CORBEN as GORE stories, front and back covers and interior art; VF+, 8.5 = $69.00);
#1 (6/1973; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; B&W; Last Gasp LOGO on cover = Second Print; Richard CORBEN-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $25.00);
#2 (9/1973; FIRST PRINTING with $1.00 Original Cover Price; FULL COLOR; FIRST appearance of DEN, in classic 15 page story; FIRST Story in the DENSAGA series, with Nude Woman and Dinosaurs; Damsel in Dragon Dress story; DEATH RATTLE Story; Classic RICHARD CORBEN as GORE stories, front and back covers and interior art; Damsel in Dragon Dress, 6 page story by Doug Moench, with RICHARD CORBEN Art; Death Rattle, 8 page story and art by Jack Jackson as Jaxon; ASK);
GRITS (California Grimpet Panel Art Works / BNL Ent Pub) - #1(Brad Leff & Richard Tomasic; Moonshine-s; SF-s; Western-s; Nudity; Institutional Blues-s; VF $12);
GROUND POUND COMIX (Blackthorne Pub., 1/87) #1;
GUANO Comix (Print Mint Pub; 1972; >> #1-3 = formerly College humor mags);
#4(First issue & Only issue thus; 1st Print; 50 cents Original cover price; VF=$15; FN/VF=$12; VG/FN=-$8);
GYRO COMICS (Rip Off Press Pub., 1987) #1-3; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
HARDBOILED ANIMAL COMICS(Brouhaha Studio) - #1(Summer/1982; Art by; Tim Fuller, Bob Vojtko, George Erling, Mark Armstrong, etc; VF $12);
Hard Times (Adam's Apple Dist Co) #NN(#1; one-shot; 1971; 1st Printing; VF $15);
HARLAN ELLISON'S CHOCOLATE ALPHABET (From A to Z in the..) (Last Gasp / Eco Funnies Pub.; 1978) #1(1978; Larry Todd-a; $1.25 Original Cover Price)
HEDD (Last
Gasp Pub.; classic RAND HOLMES cover & art; Strictly ADULTS ONLY;
Underground Comic)
Cover title is "Collected Adventures of Harold Hedd; Third
Printing with $1.25 Original Cover Price; Oversized Treasury sized
10-1/2"x 14" Tabloid; 36 pages; Drugs, Nudity,
RCMP/Mounties; Kerry Drake & Sherlock Holmes parody; Prime
Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau & President Richard Nixon app;
SCARCE due to HIGH DEMAND; SCARCE in Strict VF or Better; NM, 9.4 =
#1 (1973; Cover title is "Collected Adventures of Harold Hedd; Third Printing with $1.25 Original Cover Price; Oversized Treasury sized 10-1/2"x 14" Tabloid; 36 pages; Drugs, Nudity, RCMP/Mounties; Kerry Drake & Sherlock Holmes parody; Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau & President Richard Nixon app; SCARCE due to HIGH DEMAND; SCARCE in Strict VF or Better; NM-, 9.2 = $75.00);
#1 (1973; Cover title is "Collected Adventures of Harold Hedd; Third Printing with $1.25 Original Cover Price; Oversized Treasury sized 10-1/2"x 14" Tabloid; 36 pages; Drugs, Nudity, RCMP/Mounties; Kerry Drake & Sherlock Holmes parody; Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau & President Richard Nixon app; SCARCE due to HIGH DEMAND; SCARCE in Strict VF or Better; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00);
#1 (1973; Cover title is "Collected Adventures of Harold Hedd; Third Printing with $1.25 Original Cover Price; Oversized Treasury sized 10-1/2"x 14" Tabloid; 36 pages; Drugs, Nudity, RCMP/Mounties; Kerry Drake & Sherlock Holmes parody; Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau & President Richard Nixon app; SCARCE due to HIGH DEMAND; SCARCE in Strict VF or Better; VF, 8.0 = $39.00);
#1 (1973; Cover title is "Collected Adventures of Harold Hedd; Third Printing with $1.25 Original Cover Price; Oversized Treasury sized 10-1/2"x 14" Tabloid; 36 pages; Drugs, Nudity, RCMP/Mounties; Kerry Drake & Sherlock Holmes parody; Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau & President Richard Nixon app; SCARCE due to HIGH DEMAND; SCARCE in Strict VF or Better; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00);
#2 (1973; First printing with 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Classic HIPPIE HERO with SUPERB story, cover & art Canadian Underground artist RAND HOLMES; Considered by Many to be in the Top-10 Greatest Underground Comix of ALL-TIME; HAROLD HEDD is the most well-known creation of RAND HOLMES; Winner of the 2007 Canadian Cartoonist Hall of Fame Joe Shuster Hall of Fame AWARD;
#2(1973; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; First printing; VF = $25);
#2(1973; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; First printing);
#2(1973; 75 Cents Original Cover Price; 2nd printing);
#2(dated 1973, but circa late 1970's; 75 Cents Original Cover Price; 2nd to 5th printing; VF/NM, 9.0 = $24);
#2(dated 1973, but circa late 1970's;
75 Cents Original Cover Price; 2nd to 5th printing; FA/G = $5);
#2(dated as 1973, but circa mid 1980's; $1.50 Original Cover
Price; 8th printing; VG/FN = $6);
HAROLD HEDD: HITLER'S COCAINE (Mini / Limited Series; Kitchen Sink Pub., 1984; Full Color) #1(1984; Rand Holmes-c/a; VF = $7.00); #2(1984; Rand Holmes-c/a; VF = $7.00);
HEART (John Aulenta) #NN(#1; one-shot; 1973; FN/VF $8);
HEAVY TRAGI-COMIX (Print Mint Pub.) -
#1(1969; 44 pages; 1st/2nd Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; First printing; all Greg Irons-c/a; FN/VF $35);
#1(1969; 44 pages; 1st/2nd Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; First printing; all Greg Irons-c/a);
Heritage Presents AMORA by GRAY MORROW (Oversize 8" x 15" Fanzine; Heritage Pub);
#NN (1971; 16 pages; GGA Good-Girl-Art by GRAY MORROW; FN/VF, 7.0 = $35.00; VG, 4.0 = $19.00; FA/G, 1.5 = $10.00);
HIDDEN PLANET NEBULA (KC COMICS PRESENTS #1 cover title; 1979; KC Comics Pub; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada);
Volume-1 #1 (1979; FIRST PRINTING; Low Print and RARE; ** Attack of the Tenneera Knights; ** FIRST Published comic by KENNY MORAN; ** FIRST Appearances of; KEN, Patsy, Lendar, City of El3on, El3onians, Planet Nebula, Tenneera Knights, Bantam, Dark Lord; Death of Lendar; KENNY MORAN story and art; Inks by ROLDO Odlor and LEESON; 28 pages including covers; With Portfolio, Warriors of Utomar, 10 pages of Pin-ups including back cover; ** Self-Published Canadian independent Underground comic; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 6-3/4" x 9-1/2" Comic Size; ADULT Contents due to Violence and Nudity; For #2, see magazine sized WORLD OF ELZON; ** NOT YET Listed in the FOLGEL Undergrond Comics Price Guide! // ** Kenny Moran created at least 15 Low Print Run Self-Published Comics and Magazines in the 1979-2006 Time Period (Some items have the Art of Jack D. Zastre, Roldo, Leeson and other Winnipeg Artists) ** " KENNY MORAN - Lambiek Comiclopedia", Short Biography; ** KENNY MORAN is comic artist from Winnipeg City, who was part of the 1980s Quebec alternative comics movement. He produced many self-published mini-comics during this decade, such as 'King of Cartoon Ludicrousness' and 'Lil Elzonian Spacenaut', and also contributed to the publications of the Free Kluck collective. ** Under his Kenny Moran Comix imprint, he further made comix like 'Cheyenne the Cimmierian', 'Elf the Barbarian', 'Hidden Planet Nebula', 'Red Valeria', 'Sonya Fox' and 'Kenny'. ** In more recent years, he put out a collection of reprinted mini-comics, titled 'Canada's Comics Group of Seven', 'Canadian Comic Artist Kenny Moran', 'Winnipeg Underground Comix' and 'Elzon, the Complete Chronicles of Nebula, World of Elzon'. Together with some fellow cartoonists, Moran is also a musician in a few bands. ** see; Kenny Moran Comix Photos on Facebook; ** SCARCE: Signed and serially Numbered at bottom of Splash Page, by Kenny Moran, Limited to 2000 copies, but due to Heavy Damage in Storage, Ken Moran reported that 90% of the Print Run was Destroyed, only about 200 Copies still exist; FN/VF, 7.0 = $32.00; FINE, 6.0 = $25.00; VG, 4.0 = $18.00);
HILLBILLY CAT – Rockabilly issue / Orange issue (K.C. Comics / Kenny Moran Comix Pub; B&W; Color cover; Canadian Underground Comic from Winnipeg, Manitoba); #2 (6-7/1981; 4-¼”x5-½”; MINI-COMIC; 8 Pages including covers; ELVIS PRESLEY Parody-c/s; Including characters similar to World of Elzon in VEMBER*434; Story/Cover/art by Kenny Moran; Limited Edition of approx only 250 Copies; VF = $20.00);
HIT THE ROAD (Print Mint Pub.) -
Volume-1 #1(1971; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; 1st printing; a Comic about Hitchhiking)
Volume-1 #1 (1971; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; 1st printing; a Comic about Hitchhiking; VG/FN $12.00);
HOBO STORIES (Everyman Comics Pub.; 1979) #1
#1(1972; 6th Print; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Robert CRUMB-c/a);
#1(1970's; 12th Print; 75 cents Original Cover Price; Robert CRUMB-c/a; VG/FN $9);
#1(Robert Crumb-c/a; Reprint);
HONKYTONK (Company & Sons Pub); #NN (1970; Says #2 inside but actually a One-Shot; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; First printing; Geiser-c/a);
HONKYTONK SUE, the Queen of Country Swing (Bob Boze Bell Pub.; 1979-1980);
#1(1979; 76 page B&W Comic; 1st appearance of HONKYTONK SUE; Sue takes on MR DISCO and Makes him Look Like a Dork; DOPEROPER backup story; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00);
#2 (1980; Lady Killers form Outer Space; VF+, 8.5= $25.00);
#3 (1980; 68 pages B&W Comic; "Sue gets the BEATLES to Reunite and Convert to Country & Western", about 20 page appearance of the BEATLES; VG/FN, 5.0 = $45.00; VG, 4.0 =$36.00);
#4 (1980; 68 pages B&W Comic; VF+ $30.00);
HORNY BIKER SLUT COMICS (Last Gasp; 1991; Strictly ADULTS Only; Graphic Sex)
#2 (1991; 1st Printing with NO price on cover; VF/NM. 9.0 = $26.00 VF, 8.0 = $18.00);
#3 (1991; 1st Printing with $2.95 price on cover; VF+, 8.5 = $20.00);
HORNY COMIX AND STORIES (Rip Off Press; 1991) #3; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
HOT NADS (Creamy Thighs Enterprises / Antonio A. Ghura Pub; UK British B&W Digest sized Comic; 4-1/2" x 6-1/2"; Strictly ADULTS Only)
#1 (1979; First and Last issue; One-Shot; 36 pages; Mrs Clean {Granny-type Teacher}, the Nemesis of Hard Porn, squirting Acid-Milk from Breasts cover and story; Antonio A. Ghura cover and art; Graphic Sex and Nudity - Heterosexual, Girl/Great Dane, Gay Men; The Iron Lady (Margaret Thatcher) appears on page 20; Old Woman smoking Cannabis Marijuana Cigarette on Back cover; 35 Grams; Overall NM nearly New Un-Read example, but with; Tiny 1/8” x 3/16” Hand-Written 65p price on cover, the One Single Staple is beginning to show slight Rust, a common Flaw with UK mags because they used IRON instead of Steel staples, thus VF/NM, 9.0 = $25.00);
HOT STUF' -- illustrated Science Fiction and Fantasy (Sal Quartuccio / Sal Q Pub.; 1976-1978; 52 Pages; B&W Comic; Quality Paper; Slick Color Covers; 1,2=Formerly a Mag size Fanzine; early DIRECT Market ONLY distribution; Low Print Run & Scarcer; Mature/Adult Themes; Nudity; NO Comics Code; $1.50-$2.00 Original Cover Prices = High for the 1970's);
#1 (Summer/1974; Magazine sized issue; Ken BARR Painted cover; 2 x Richard CORBEN Art Stories = 10 pages total; Rich Buckler art; 11 pages early Pre-Pro Art by GEORGE PEREZ; Ernie Colan art; Dan Recchia, Mike Snyder, Bill Maher art; Kent State Tragedy preview page by NEAL ADAMS; CORBEN back cover; Low Print & SCARCE, High Demand Fanzine; SOLD OUT);
#3 (12/1976; Richard CORBEN painted-c/a; Tim Kirk-a; the Paen, Chess theme-s =Stan Dresser-s/a; Dwellers in the Dark = 11 pgs by CORBEN; Herb Arnold-s/a)
#4 (Spring/1977; Ken Barr painted-c; R. Kline painted back-c; Space Station Dora = J.S. Strnad-s, Robert Kline-a; Vanguard= 10pgs Alex TOTH-s/a; House of Whore Hill = Mike Vosburg-s/a; Herd Arnold illo; Scarcecrow-s= Bil & Nish Maher; Ernie Colan-a; Dr William Stillwell-s/a; Orion-s= 6pgs Gray Morrow-s/a)
#5 (9/1977; Richard CORBEN painted-c);
#6 (Winter/1977; Rich Larson & Steve Fastner painted-c; Rich Larson back-c; Mike Nasser-s/a; Gail Schlesser-s/a; Steve Grant-s; 2 x Rich Larson & Tim Boxell-a; Bil Maher-s/a; MANIMAL-s = Ernie Colan-s/a; Dan Recchia-s/a; Jan Strnad-s);
#7 (1978; Mike KALUTA painted-c; Rich Larson & Steve Fastner painted Back-c; MANIMAL-s = Ernie Colan-s/a; 2 x Bil Maher-s/a; Sonny Trinidad-a; Jan Strnad-s / Rich Larson & Tim Boxell-a; Dan Recchia-s/a; Terry Austin pinup);
#8 (1978; LAST issue; NEAL ADAMS Painted-c; Rich Larson & Tim Boxell back-c; Nish Maher-s/a; Jan Strnad-s / Rich Larson & Tim Boxell-a; Ken Barr-a; MANIMAL-s = Ernie Colan-s/a; Nicola Cuti-s / Charlie Roblin-a);
#1(1973; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; 1st printing; Clyne, Robert CRUMB, Beck & Denis Kitchen-a; ASK);
#1(1973; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; 2nd printing; Clyne, Robert CRUMB, Beck & Denis Kitchen-a; waterstain, VG = $7);
HUP (Last Gasp Eco-Funnies Pub; 1986/1987-1992; humour; Satire-Parody - ADULTS Only Underground Comic; LOW Print Run & Scarcer Title);
#2 (7/1987);
#2(1992; $2.50 Original Cover Price; CRUMB-c/a; all escapist Sex Fantasy issue; VF $10);
#3 (November 1989; ROBERT CRUMB Stories, Cover & Art;
( A ) The Story O' My Life = The Autobiography & ORIGIN of Robert Crumb, his Nanny appears = 8 page Story;
( B ) Nausea Robert Crumb = 9 page story by Crumb & Jean-Paul Sartre, with Robert Crumb art;
( C ) DONALD TRUMP appears in "Point the Finger" by Robert Crumb = 6 page story where Robert Crumb argues with Donald Trump;
Robert Crumb states "Were going to point the Finger at one of the More Visible of the BIG-TIME PREDATORS Who Feed on Society .. This CRASS and VENAL character is SO ARROGANT he SEEKS OUT the Spotlight and Publicly BOASTS of his Disgusting Exploits" .... "One of the Most EVIL MEN ALIVE, Real estate Tycoon DONALD TRUMP";
On page Six of the story Two Girls FLUSH young Billionaire DONALD TRUMP down the TOILET;
( D ) Mr. Natural in He's A Natural Man! = 10 page story, with Flakey Foont & Cheryl Borck the Devil Girl by Robert Crumb;
#3 = SOLD OUT;
#4 (1991/92; LAST issue; G/VG $4; more available = ask);
HYDROGEN BOMB & Biochemical Warfare FUNNIES (Rip Off Press Pub.; 60 pages including covers)
#1 (1970; 1st/Third Printing identical; $1.00 Original cover price; Nixon & Agnew-c; Freak Brothers, Wonder Wart Hog; Gilbert Shelton; Jesus by Foolbert Sturgeon; Darker Blue, Green & Yellow Colors on-c; Glossy-c; 1pg S. Clay Wilson-a; Raw War by Irons; Kim Deitch-a; Jaxon-a; Raw War Comics = Irons-a; Fred Schrier-a; Robert Williams-a;
#1 (early 1970's; 2nd Printing; 50 cents Original cover price; Nixon & Agnew-c; Freak Brothers, Wonder Wart Hog; Gilbert Shelton; Jesus by Foolbert Sturgeon; 1pg S. Clay Wilson-a; Kim Deitch-a; Jaxon-a; Raw War Comics = Irons-a; Fred Schrier-a; Robert Williams-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $29.00);
#1 (early 1970's; 2nd Printing; 50 cents Original cover price; Nixon & Agnew-c; Freak Brothers, Wonder Wart Hog; Gilbert Shelton; Jesus by Foolbert Sturgeon; 1pg S. Clay Wilson-a; Raw War by Irons; Kim Deitch-a; Jaxon-a; Raw War Comics = Irons-a; Fred Schrier-a; Robert Williams-a; VF, 8.0 = $22.00);
#1 (early 1970's; 2nd Printing; 50 cents Original cover price; Nixon & Agnew-c; Freak Brothers, Wonder Wart Hog; Gilbert Shelton; Jesus by Foolbert Sturgeon; 1pg S. Clay Wilson-a; Raw War by Irons; Kim Deitch-a; Jaxon-a; Raw War Comics = Irons-a; Fred Schrier-a; Robert Williams-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18.00; FN=$14);
HYPER COMIX(Kitchen Sink Pub.) - #NN (#1; March/1979; VF+ $12);
ID, {It's The..} (Eros Comix/Fantagraphics)
#1 (5/1990; Robert Crumb-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $25.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00)
#2 (1990; 1st Print; Robert Crumb-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $18.00)
#2 (6/1995; 2nd Print; Robert Crumb-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12.00)
#3 (6/1995; 3rd print; Robert Crumb-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $12.00)
ILLUMINATUS (Rip Off Press Pub., 1987) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
ILIAD II - the Birth (Micmac Comics presents; Ontario, Canada - Canadian) - Volume-1 #1(1986; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; 1st printing)
#NN (1979; 2nd Printing; $1.25 cover price; Phiilip Jose Farmer; VG/FN, 5.0 = $9.00);
IMAGINE (Star Reach Producitons Pub., 4/1978-7/1979; Color and B&W)
#1 (FIRST printing; 4/1978; Orange cover; Flightmare = Neal Adams-s / Cirocco-a; Anticipation = Dave Sim-s /Gasbarri-a; Making It = Lee Marrs; Disputed Sacrifice = Marshall Rogers-a; Nimrod Fusion = Steve Grant-s / Larson-a; Garbage Men =Gene Day-s / Fabio Gasbarri);
#2 (6/1978; Craig Russell-c; Black Crow = Lee Marrs & Mike Vosburg; Speed = Gene Day; Avatar and the Chimera = Craig Russell; Days of Future Past = Gene Day);
#3 (8/1978; Spider Thread based on Atutagama = Masaich Mukaide; Song to aging Children Come = Mike Vosburg; Ersatz = Tribute to Moebius by Lee Marrs; Avatar = Craig Russell; Nebula Gavin's Ring = Mickey Schwaberow; 40 Pages);
#4 (11/1978; Ditko-c; Summoning = Paul Levitz-s / Steve Ditko-a; Cosmix by Dave Sim; A Dream of Milk and Honey by Michael T. Gilbert; Awakening of Tamaki = Lee Marrs-s / Masaichi Mukaide-a);
#5 (4/1979; Gilbert-c; Sprig of Thaxin by Kirchner; Dream of Milk and Honey by Michael T. Gilbert; Larger Magazine size);
#6 (7/1979; Konz-c; Song of Asmondeus = Dean Motter-s / Ken Steacy-a; Salvation by M. Mukaide; Dewcatcher by Konz; Nebula by Michael Schwaberow; Larger Magazine size);
#1(1972; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; 2nd/3rd printing; NO red spots on-c; Colwell-c/a);
#1(1972; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; 2nd/3rd printing; NO red spots on-c; Colwell-c/a; FN/VF $7);
#2(1972; RADICAL ROCK; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; 1st/2nd Print);
#3(1977; $1.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
#4(1977; $1.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
#4(1977); = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
INSECT FEAR (Print Mint Pub.) -
#2(1st/2nd Printing; 3/1970; SCARCE; NO Original Cover Price; Hayes, Green, Osborne; VF $24);
#2(1st/2nd Printing; 3/1970; SCARCE; NO Original Cover Price; Hayes, Green, Osborne);
#3(1972; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Wilson, Jaxon, Brand, Todd; VF=$24; VG/FN=$15);
IT AIN'T ME BABE (Last Gasp Pub.) - #NN (#1; One-Shot; July/ 1970; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Trina Robbins stories/cover/art; Brand & Mendes art; 2nd-3rd Printing with GREEN background & Dark Purple at top of Cover; "Womens Liberation" in thick red Letters on cover; Cover depicts; Olive Oyl, Wonder Woman, Mary Marvel, Little Lulu, Elsie the Cow & Sheena; "Breaking Out"-s featuring Little Lulu, Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Superman, Supergirl, Porky Pig, Witch Hazel; SOLD OUT);
IT'S A DOG'S LIFE (Last Gasp Pub.) - #NN(1982);
JASON MONARCH (Omnibus Pub. Co; 1979) #1
Jesus Comics (Rip Off Press; 1969-1972)
#1 = New Adventures of JESUS (8/1971; stated 2nd Printing; Price is Solid Black; SCARCE; 44 pages; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Frank Stack / Foolbert Sturgeon-c/a);
#1 = New Adventures of JESUS (8/1971;3rd Printing; Price Outlined in BLACK; SCARCE; 44 pages; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Frank Stack / Foolbert Sturgeon-c/a; FN/VF $15);
#NN( #2 in series = JESUS MEETS THE ARMED SERVICES; 1970; 28 pages; 50 cents Original cover price; Foolbert Sturgeon-c/a; FIRST app Dr. Feelgood; CORNER of the Red Chair is YELLOW; AD on inside Back-c is by Gilbert Shelton; First Printing; FN = $50);
#NN( #2 in series = JESUS MEETS THE ARMED SERVICES; 1970; 28 pages; 50 cents Original cover price; Foolbert Sturgeon-c/a; FIRST app Dr. Feelgood; CORNER of the Chair is all RED; AD on inside Back-c is by Rip Off Press; 2nd Printing);
#NN( #2 in series = JESUS MEETS THE ARMED SERVICES; 1970; 28 pages; 50 cents Original cover price; Foolbert Sturgeon-c/a; FIRST app Dr. Feelgood; 9 Covers on inside Back-c is by Rip Off Press; 3rd Printing; AUTOGRAPHED on Cover = "FRANK STACK aka Foolberty Sturgeon" FN/VF $25);
#3 Foolbert Sturgeon's JESUS "Joins the ACADEMIC COMMUNITY" (7/1972; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print; the Debut of Will Hatcher - a Skin Story);
JIMBO (Zongo Comic / Bongo Pub., 1995; Gary Panter)
#1 (1995; Hillbilly Punkers explore the Land Unknown; NM, 9.4 = $49.00; NM-, 9.2 = $36.00; VF, 8.0 = $20.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $15.00; VG, 4.0 = $9.00);
#2 (1995; Peregrinators Flee the Friend Catcher; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00);
JIZ COMICS (Apex Novelties Pub; Underground; 5x7" Mini Comic; Strictly ADULTS ONLY - EXTREME GRAPHIC SEX, NUDITY and VIOLENCE);
#1 (1972; ROBERT CRUMB story, cover & art; Down the Old JISSOM Trail; Spain, Griffin, Wilson, Hayes; SCARCE 2nd Printing with 50 cents original cover price; VF+, 8.5 = $79.00)
JOEL BECK'S COMICS AND STORIES - the Collected Works (Kitchen Sink Press Pub.) -
#NN(#1; 1977; $1.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; FN+=$12);
JUNIOR JACKALOPE(The Nevada City Publishing Co.) -
#1(1982; Crabb)
#1 (1982; 1st Printing; signed &
with 3" x 5" Original Art Sketch by Crabb on inside front
cover; VF $18)
#2 (1983; 1st Printing; signed by Crabb; VF = $10)
#2(1983; O'Neill & Crabman-a; Ronald Reagan back-c; Unicorn Hunt);
Junk Comix (Do City Productions) #NN (#1; 1971; One-Shot; 1st Printing; Tales of Lust; Drugs, Junkies & Addicts);
JUNKWAFFEL(Print Mint Pub; classic VAUGHN BODE stories, covers & Art) -
#1 (1971; FIRST PRINTING; 50 cents Original Cover Price; classic VAUGHN BODE stories, covers and Art; Vaughn Bode and Larry Todd back cover; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00; VG, 4.0 = $15.00);
#2(1972; 50 cents Original cover price; FIRST Printing; VF=$19; VG=$10);
#3(1972; 50 cents Original cover price; FIRST Printing; VG/FN = $10);
#4(1972; 50 cents Original cover price; FIRST Printing; G = $6);
#4(1988; reprint; VG/FN $5);
KANNED KORN KOMIX(Total Entity Pub.) - #NN(1969);
Kingdom of Heaven is Within You Comix, The (Print Mint Pub);
#NN (#1; One-Shot; Spring/1969; First Printing; NO Original Cover Price; John Thompson-a; Guest cameo art by these Artists; William Blake, Robert Crumb, Phil Bowers, Allen Ginsberg, David Moore, Vaughn Bode, Kim Deitch, Trina Robbins, Joel Beck, Rick Griffin, Rat Staff, Ed Sanders, Charles Gaines, Roger Brand, Spain Rodriguez, Berkely Street People; FN/VF, 7.0 = $69);
KOMMA-KAZI KOMICS (Starflower Inc.; M. McGurl & R. Steinitz ) -
#1(1972; NO Original cover price; 1st Print; Nick Love, the Golden Biker-s; VF-, 7.5 = $13); #1(1972; NO Original cover price; 1st Print; Nick Love, the Golden Biker-s; VG/FN = $9);
KNOCKABOUT COMICS(Knockabout Comics Pub.) - #2(1981), 3-6;
KURTZMAN KOMIX (Kitchen Sink) - #NN(#1; One-Shot; September 1976; intro page & small illo by Crumb; Underground with Harvey Kurtzman art; $1.00 Original cover price; 1st Print; VF/NM=$20; VF=$15);
L.A. COMICS (Los Angeles Comic Book Company);
#1(1971; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print);
#2(1974; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print);
LAST GASP COMICS AND STORIES ( Last Gasp; 1995)#3(1995; VF+ = $7.00);
LAUGH IN THE DARK (Last Gasp Pub.; 1971)
#1(1971; 50 cents Original cover price; BLUE-c; 1st Print);
#1(1971; 50 cents Original cover price; PURPLE-c; 2nd Print);
Lean Years (Cartoonist Co-Op Press) #NN(#1; 1974; 1st Printing; Deitch, Trina, Cabarga, Pound);
Left-Field Funnies (Apex Novelties);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; First Printing; 1972; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Bobby London-c; Meron of the Movement-s; Flenniken, Hallgren, Richards-a; Dopin Dan-s; Trots & Bonnie-s; VF/NM = $24);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; First Printing; 1972; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Bobby London-c; Meron of the Movement-s; Flenniken, Hallgren, Richards-a; Dopin Dan-s; Trots & Bonnie-s; VG/FN $12);
Legend of WOLFMAN = see WOLFMAN
Legion of Charlies (Last Gasp); #1(1971; 50 cents Original cover price; Irons, Veitch, Sheridan; 2nd Print; NO hairline mark by Copyright);
Lemme Outa Here! (Print Mint) #NN(#1; 1978; one-shot; 1st Printing; CRUMB, Cominsky, Armstrong, Deitch & Griffith; VF $12);
LIGHT Comitragies (Print Mint Pub)
#NN (#1; 6/1971; FIRST PRINTING; 75 cents Original Cover Price; FULL COLOR; Tom Veitch story; Greg Irons cover and art; Psychedelic Art Comic Pinup pages; Goodreads: The wordless drawings build upon each other sequentially, with psychedelic images cascading out of a human head as if portraying a mind-blowing acid trip, growing more complex until the metamorphosis completely envelopes the head. The progression of images grow darker and more ominous as they lead up to the center spread, where a nuclear cloud punctuates a gruesome nightmare of human carnage, aloofly surveyed by amused political leaders (and the Grim Reaper). The next spread isolates the Grim Reaper on a fierce red background, as if all life has been obliterated in a fiery holocaust. The next series of images portray symbols of menace, conflict and death, growing more monstrous towards the end of the book until another spread depicts an apparition of celestial demons who seem to be rejoicing in victory. The book ends with a defeated, ashen pile of human bones, characterizing the bleak outcome of worldwide war, commemorated by a single red rose stuck into a broken skull. A dismal allegory of the irrevocable consequences of war and nuclear weapons, brilliantly illustrated by Irons. The opening sequence of drawings demonstrate Irons ability to create iconic images, which would serve him well as he built a new career in designing tattoos; NM-, 9.2 = $59.00)
LIKE NOBODY'S BIZNESS Funnies (AA- Adams Apple Dist Co) #NN(#1; One-Shot; 1972; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
LIL ELZONIAN SPACENAUT (K.C. Comics / Kenny Moran Comix Pub; B&W; Color cover; Canadian Underground Comic from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; NOT Dated, circa early 1980’s);
#ZERO (4-¼”x5-½”; MINI-COMIC; 8 Pages including covers; Origin issue; Story/Cover/art by Kenny Moran; Limited Edition of approx only 250 Copies; VF = $30.00);
LITTLE BOOK OF INNER SPACE (Bonkersville Press); #NN(#1; One-Shot; 1972; NO Original cover price; 1st Print; VF=$9; FN=$6; VG=$4);
LITTLE GRETA GARBAGE(Rip Off Press) - #1(June 1990; Spoof of Little Orphan Annie as a HOOKER-c/s; Crabb-c/a; FN/VF=$6; VG/FN=$4)
LITTLE NINA'S WONDERLAND (Comax pub) #1(1990; Butch Burcham-c/a; Sci-Fi & Nudity; FN/VF $5)
LONELY NIGHTS COMICS (Last Gasp) #NN(#1; 1986; Dori Seda-c/a; Scarcer; $2.95-c 2nd print; FN/VF $8)
LOST CAUSE Comix (Lost Cause Pub.; 1976-1980) = ASK
{Lair of Madness} MADNESS (A D.B. FEATURES Pub.; 1973) - #2(1973; RARE; Autographed by Artist Dale Broadhurst on cover; FN/VF $39);
THE MAGICAL NYMPHINI (Rip Off Press; 1991) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
the MAN (Print Mint Pub; The Low Print Rare 1st Printing was from 1966);
#NN (#1; 1972; SECOND PRINTING; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Classic VAUGHN BODE stories, covers and Art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00; FN, 6.0 = $20.00; VG, 4.0 = $14.00)
the MAN (Print Mint Pub);
#NN(#1; 1970's; Print Mint Pub; classic VAUGHN BODE stories, covers & Art; 75 cents Original Cover Price; 3rd Print; FN/VF=$10);
#NN(#1; 1972; Print Mint Pub; classic VAUGHN BODE stories, covers & Art) -
MANHUNT (Print Mint Pub/ Co-Op press);
#NN(#1; 1973; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
#2(1974; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
MAYHEM (Kelva Communications Pub).
#1(Winter 1977; Alex Nino-c; 44 pages; $1.25 Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
#2(1978; Bloodbath Returns; Neal ADAMS-c; $1.25 Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
MENDOCINO FUNNIES (Mendocino Review Pub.; 1975) #1
MEAN BITCH THRILLS (Print Mint Pub.) #NN(#1; 1971; 50 cents Original Cover Price; SPAIN-c/a; 1st/2nd Print);
MEEF COMIX {from Overland-Vegetable Stagecoach Presents...; The International Comix Conspiracy} (Print Mint Pub.) -
#1 (1973; 1st Printing with 50 cents Original cover price; Fred Schrier-c/a; Dave Sheridan-a; VG = $4.00);
Merton of the Movement (Last Gasp) #NN(#1; 1972; 1st Printing; London, Richards, Hallhgren, Richards);
THE MIAMI MICE COMIC (Rip Off Press Pub., 1985) #1-4(VF $3.00 each); = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
MIDDLE CLASS FANTASIES (Keith Green/ Cartoonists Co-Op Press) -
#1(1973; Jerry Lane-a; Marx Brother parody; Lingerie-c; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
#2(1976; $1.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; FN=$6; VG/FN=$5);
"MR. A" Series (DITKO); [ Low Print Runs = all Scarce];
MR. A (Fanzine / Magazine; Ditko, Comic Art Pub., 1973) #1 (Steve DITKO cover, script and art; ASK);
AVENGING WORLD (Bruce Hershenson Pub., 1973) #NN (#2 in the MR. A related Series; Steve DITKO wraparound cover, script and art; ASK);
WHA!?! (Bruce Hershenson Pub., 1975) #3 (MR. A related Series; Steve DITKO cover, script and art; ASK);
Ditko's MR. A (Bruce Hershenson Pub., 1975) #4 (Says MR. A #2 inside; 2nd issue by this Title; LAST issue in Series; Steve DITKO cover, script and art; ASK);
MR. NATURAL(Apex Novelties; Robert CRUMB art) -
#1(circa 1972; with 50 cents Original cover price; 5th Printing);
#1(circa 1972; with 50 cents Original cover price; 6th Printing; VF = $18);
#1(early 1970's; with 75 cents Original cover price; 7th Printing; FA/G $4.00);
#1(mid 1970's; with $1.00 Original cover price; 8th Printing; VF $9.00);
#1(circa 1980; with $1.25 Original cover price; 9th Printing; VG/FN $5.00);
#2(circa 1972; with 50 cents Original cover price; 2nd Printing; with Copyright at bottom of inside front-c);
#2(circa 1972; with 50 cents Original cover price; 2nd Printing; with Copyright at bottom of inside front-c; VG/FN $15);
#2(mid 1970's; with $1.00 Original cover price; 4th Printing = VF $12.00);
#3(3/1977; $1.00 Original cover price; Printing NOT indicated on inside front-c thus 1st Print);
#3(1970's; with $1.00 Original cover price; Third Printing = VF+ $20.00);
#3(1970's; with $1.00 Original cover price; 4th Printing = VF $15.00);
#3(1970; with $2.00 Original cover price; 7th Printing = FN $7.00);
MOD {Tales Mutated for the...} (Kitchen Sink Pub.) - #1(6/1981; Swipes the cover of MAD #1; Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Zippy the Pinhead-s);
MODEL BY DAY (Black Dot Press
Pub/ Rip Off Press)
#1 (1990; $2.50-c; 1st Printing with Black
Dot Press on cover; Story, art and cover by Kevin J. Taylor; FN, 6.0
= $6.00);
#2 (1990; $2.50-c; 1st Printing; Story, art and cover by
Kevin J. Taylor; VG, 4.0 = $5.00);
MOM'S HOMEMADE COMICS (Kitchen Sink Pub.) -
#1(summer/1969; Denis Kitchen-a; 2nd-3rd Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; SCARCE; FN+ $36);
#3(1971; 1st Printing; Denis Kitchen-a; VG/FN $15);
#3(1971; 1st Printing; Denis Kitchen-a)
MONDO SNARFO (Kitchen Sink Pub.) - #1 (9/1978; 2nd Printing = 1st Regular / Non-Deluxe Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price; CRUMB, Beck; FN $9)
MONOLITH (Last Gasp Pub.) - #NN(#1; 1972; One-Shot; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print; TODD, Sutherland, Welz);
(Print Mint / Last Gasp; Metzger-a;
1969-1980; METZGER-a) -
#NN(#1; 1969; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st/2nd Print);
#2(1971; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st/2nd Print);
#3(1973; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print);
#4(1979; $1.25 Original cover price; 1st Print);
MOTHER'S OATS COMIX {Overland-Vegetable Stagecoach Presents...}; (Rip Off Press Pub.) -
#1 (1969; 3rd Print; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Satys "1st Edition" at Bottom of Back-c; Rip Off Press Logo at upper right cover is RED; Balloon with "W'kina Shits fer Brekfast?" on cover has BLUE type; Dealer McDope-s = Dave Sheridan-a; Fred Schrier-a; SOLD OUT);
#2(1970/71; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print; NO copyright infor at bottom of inside front-c; Dealer McDope-s = Dave Sheridan-a; Jaxon-a; Veitch & Irons-a; Fred Schrier-a; FN, 6.0 = $15.00);
#2(1970/71; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print; NO copyright infor at bottom of inside front-c; Dealer McDope-s = Dave Sheridan-a; Jaxon-a; Veitch & Irons-a; Fred Schrier-a; G/VG = $8.00);
#2(1970/71; 50 cents Original Cover
Price; 2nd Print; copyright 1970 at bottom of inside front-c; Dealer
McDope-s = Dave Sheridan-a; Jaxon-a; Veitch & Irons-a; Fred
Schrier-a; FN, 6.0 = $12.00);
#3(1977; Says "1976" at
Top of Cover thus 1st Print; 75 cents Original Cover Price; Dealer
McDope-s = Dave Sheridan-a; Fred Schrier-a; Siegel & Kliban-a; VG
Motor City Comics (Underground comic; Rip Off Press / Last Gasp);
#1(4/1969; copyright at bottom of IFC; Second Printing; Robert Crumb-c/a; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 28 pages; VG/FN = $59);
#1(Robert Crumb-c/a; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Third Printing; 28 pages; Print Mint address on Back-c; FN = $20);
#1(Robert Crumb-c/a; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 4th Printing; 28 pages; VF = $19);
#2 (Second Print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Leonard Goldberg & her Girl Commandos; Simp & Gimp-s; FN/VF = $30);
#2(Third Printing; early 1970's printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 28 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Leonard Goldberg & her Girl Commandos; Simp & Gimp-s; VF = $20.00);
#2(Third Printing; early 1970's printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 28 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Leonard Goldberg & her Girl Commandos; Simp & Gimp-s; VG/FN = $10.00);
#2(Third Printing; early 1970's printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 28 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Leonard Goldberg & her Girl Commandos; Simp & Gimp-s; VG/FN = $15);
#2(Robert Crumb-c/a; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 28 pages; Third Printing; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Leonard Goldberg & her Girl Commandos; Simp & Gimp-s; appears VG, but with Magic Tape repairs to 50% of Inside Spine to cover thus G = $8);
#2(4th Printing; early 1970's printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 28 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Leonard Goldberg & her Girl Commandos; Simp & Gimp-s; VF+ = $20);
MU: THE LAND THAT NEVER WAS (Kitchen Sink Pub., 10/78) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
Mutants of the Metropolis (Los Angels Comic Book C0) #NN #1(1972; one-shot; Sci-Fi; 1st Printing);
MYRON MOOSE FUNNIES (Myron Moose Comic book Works Pub) #1, 2(1973)
Mystic Funnies (Last Gasp/Fantagraphics)
# 2(4/1999; 1st print; $4.95 cover price; Robert CRUMB-c/a; VF/NM = $14);
# 3(3/2002; 1st print; $3.95 cover price; Robert CRUMB-c/a; NM = $14);
NARD N' PAT (Cartoonists Co-Op / Kitchen Sink; Jayzey Lynch) -
#1(1974; FIRST Print with 50 cents Original Cover Price; overall VF+, but with 2" Tear in page 3-4 thus VF- = $12);
#1(1974; 2nd Print with $1.00 Original Cover Price; FN/VF = $8);
#2(June 1981; 52 pages; FIRST Print with $1.75 Original Cover Price);
NEAR MYTHS (Rip Off Press Pub., 1990) #NN; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
NEBULA WORLD OF ELZON, THE (KC COMICS PRESENTS #2 cover title; KC Comics Pub., Canadian independant Underground comic; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; for #1 see "Hidden Planet Nebula"; 8"x10-3/4" Magazine size); ---
Volume-2 #2 (Second & Last issue in series; Signed & serially Numbered, by Kenny Moran, Limited to 500 copies, 1980; Crude art & lame story; SCARCE; Kenny Moran story & art; Also with art by; ROLDO, Jack D. Zastre, & Lawrence Leeson; 36 pages including covers; Wraparound cover, with DINOSAUR back-c; Violence & Nudity; RARE; VF, 8.0= $36.00; FN, 6.0 = $24.00);
NET PROFIT (Michael J Becker) #1(1974; Effort to save the Whales & Dolphins; VF $18)
NEUROCOMICS: Timothy Leary (Last Gasp Pub.) -
#NN (#1; 1979; One-Shot; 1st Print with $1.25 cover price; Based on the Works of Dr Timothy Leary; Pete Von Sholly art; Tim Kummero cover;
THE NEW FUNNY BOOK (Larry Fuller Presents Pub.) #3(1978);
NEW PALTZ COMIX (IRON-SOUL STORIES) (Moods Pub. Empire Pub.) - #3(1977);
NO DUCKS (Last Gasp Pub.; 1977-1979; Anthropomorphic-Funny Animals; ADULTS ONLY)
#1 (1977; First Printing; $1.00 Original cover price; Larson/Boxell-c/a);
#2 (1979; First Printing; $1.25 Original cover price; Leialoha; Mickey Mouse hunting an shooting down Donald Duck with cannon parody painted cover by John Pound; STAR RATS, 6 page Star Wars spoof by George Metzger; Chasney Zweibach in Have Nose - Will Sniff 2 page story by Richard Larson; Large Cow Comix, 6 page story by Hunt Emerson; Stoned Wolf in Curtains, 6 page story by Tim Boxell; The Underground Cafeteria of Hare Cornelius, 4 page story by Steve Leialoha; The Cloven Tree 4 page story by J. Michael Leonard; BUB E., 4 page story by Richard Larson);
NOT QUITE DEAD (Rip Off Press) #4;
NOT QUITE DEAD (Knockabout Comics; England ) - #5 (2005)
NUT RUNNERS (Rip Off Press; 1999) #1,2; = see Alternative Comic on our Site
Occult Laff-Parade (Print Mint Pub)
#1 (1973; FIRST PRINTING; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Satanic Romance, Psychic Commands, Esoteric Tips, Hypnotic, Magickal; Kim Deitch story; Jay Kinney cover and art; Griffin, Green, Sontag, Todd, Hayes; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18.00);
Ogoth and Ugly Boot (Cozmic Comics; UK/British) #NN(#1; One-Shot; 1973; 1st Printing; FN/VF $14);
O.K. Comics (Kitchen Sink pub);
#1(1972; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
#2(1972; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
OKTOBERFEST COMICS (Now and then Publications; Canadian Comic; Kitchener, Ontario, Canada);
#1(Fall 1976; 75 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Printing; 36 pages of early Dave Sim-c/a; Gene Day inks; The Beavers app; Uncle Hans-c/s; VF = $35);
#1(Fall 1976; 75 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Printing; 36 pages of early Dave Sim-c/a; Gene Day inks; The Beavers app; Uncle Hans-c/s; FN/VF = $29);
OMAHA the Cat Dancer (Steeldragon Press; by REED WALLER);
** Later Printings by KITCHEN SINK = See Alternative Comics;
#1 (1986; 2nd Printing; $1.75 Original cover price; VF+, 8.5 = $18.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00);
#2 (1986; 1st Printing; $1.75 Original cover price; 1st KATE WORLEY; VF, 8.0 = $15.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $8.00);
PAGFEEK PAPERS (Kitchen Sink pub) #1(1/1973; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print);
PARANOIA (Company & Sons pub); #1(1972; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Todd, Moondian, Dallas);
PARTY COMICS (Siegel and Simon; 1980) #NN;
PEMMICAN JOURNAL (Pemmican Pub Inc; B&W; Canadian Magazine about Aboriginal / Indians; from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 8-1/2" x 11"; 52 Pages including covers); October 20/1982 (Contains 6 illustrations by Winnipeg / Canadian Underground artist Kenny Moran; SOLD OUT);
the PEOPLE'S COMICS (Golden Gate / Kitchen Sink pub)
#1(9/1972; Golden Gate pub; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print; DEATH of FRITZ the CAT; Robert CRUMB-a; FN/VF $59);
#1(9/1972; Golden Gate pub; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 1st Print; DEATH of FRITZ the CAT; Robert CRUMB-a);
#1(DEATH of FRITZ the CAT; Robert CRUMB-a; 1980's reprint);
PHANTACEA (Jim McPherson Pub; 1977-1980; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) #1-6 = see Comic Magazines on our Site;
PHOEBE AND THE PIGEON PEOPLE (Kitchen Sink; 5-1/4 x 8-1/4" MINI comic; Jay Lynch & Gary Whitney) #1(1979); #2(1980);
PINEAPPLE PERFUME (Carnal Comics) #1(12/1991; VG/FN, 5.0 = $5.00);
PORK (Co-Op Press Pub; B&W Digest sized Mini Comic; 5" x 7"; 36 pages; Strictly ADULTS ONLY - EXTREME GRAPHIC SEX, NUDITY and VIOLENCE);
#1 (1975; One-Shot; FIRST Printing; Comic Format; Says 75 cents at Bottom of Page 2 = FIRST Printing; Vampires story; Classic story, cover & art by S. Clay Wilson; SCARCE; overall VF/NM, but with 1" Glue residue mark from Sticker removal, thus VF, 8.0 = $29);
#1 (1975; One-Shot; FIRST Printing; Comic Format; Says 75 cents at Bottom of Page 2 = FIRST Printing; Vampires story; Classic story, cover & art by S. Clay Wilson; SCARCE; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00);
PORTIA PRINZ of the GLAMAZONS by Richard Howell; (Adults Only)
(Magazine;, Desperado-Eastern Pub., Winter/1976-1977; World's leading Pseudo-Intellectual Super-Heroine)
#1(Winter/1976-1977; FIRST Printing; 24 pages; Scarce; FN $18);
#2(1977; 32 pages; Scarce; VG/FN $14);
Power Comics (Power Comics - 1977)
#1(1st. printing; 68 Pages; a boy & his AARDVARK by Dave SIM; Line-Drawn-c);
#1(3/1977; 68 Pages; Second printing; a boy & his AARDVARK by Dave SIM; Painted-c by Tim Phillips; BLACK Border);
#2(1977; 1st. printing; Cobalt Blue by Gustovich);
#3(10/1977; Nightwitch-c & 29 Page story; Gentle Lady app);
#4(11/1977; Northern Light-c/s; James Craig-a);
#5(12/1977; BLUEBIRD-c/s; Mike Gustovich-c/a; Loebs-a);
POWERHOUSE PEPPER - A TRIBUTE TO BASIL WOLVERTON (Real Free Press pub; Netherlands; English Language);
#NN (#1; 1973; F.2,- Original Cover Price; FIRST PRINTING; BASIL WOLVERTON-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $59.00; VF+, 8.5 = $29.00);
#1(1981; $1.75 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Frank MILLER-c; Perez, Chaykin, Rogers, John BYRNE, Kane, Ordway, THOTH, Staton & Zeck-a; VF $15);
ProJunior (Kitchen Sink) #1 (1970's; 2nd Printing; Lynch-c/a; CRUMB, Wilson, Kitchen, Trina; VG/FN $14);
#3(1974; 75 cents Original Cover Price; Jay Kennedy Guide says it is the 1st-2nd Print; Larry S Todd-a; Story/Cover/Art by Charles Dallas; Ask);
Reach Pub. 7-12/1976)
#1 [7/1976; First Printing; 52 pages including covers; DUCKANEER {Howard the Duck Swipe} cover & 11 Page story by Frank BRUNNER; the Wraith = 5 pages of early Michael T. Gilbert-a; Duckula; E.Z. Wolf by Ted Richards; You-All Gibbon = 7 pages by by Scott Shaw; On the Skids = Chaykin-s, Kupperberg-a; Kosmo Kat = 12 pages by Evanier, with art by Scott Shaw & DAVE STEVENS; First Published PRO Comics Art by DAVE STEVENS];
#1 [10/1976; Second printing; 52 pages including covers; DUCKANEER {Howard the Duck Swipe} cover & 11 Page story by Frank BRUNNER; the Wraith = 5 pages of early Michael T. Gilbert-a; Duckula; E.Z. Wolf by Ted Richards; You-All Gibbon = 7 pages by by Scott Shaw; On the Skids = Chaykin-s, Kupperberg-a; Kosmo Kat = 12 pages by Evanier, with art by Scott Shaw & DAVE STEVENS; First Published PRO Comics Art by DAVE STEVENS];
#2(8/1976; FIRST printing; Rabbit Wonder-c/s by Sergio Aragones & Steve Leialoha; Michael T. Gilbert-a; Kupperberg-a; You-All Gibbon by Scott Shaw);
#3(9/1976; FIRST printing; Dave SIM & Leialoha-c; The Beavers by Dave Sim; Michael T. Gilbert & Shaw-a; Wonder Rabbit meets Barbarian Bunny-s);
#4(10/1976; The Beavers by Dave Sim; Leialoha-c/a; On the Skids by Kupperberg; Oregon Bobcat-s; Michael T. Gilbert-a)
#5(11/1976; The Beavers by Dave Sim; Michael T. Gilbert-a; Oregon Bobcat-s; Planet of the Ducks-s by Macklin)
#6(12/1976; LAST issue; Quark son of Quack by Ted Richards; Ranger Dick Rabbit & Agent John Drake = Leialoha-a; Duckaneer-s = Frank Brunner-a; Lee Marrs-a; Michael T. Gilbert-a);
QUADRANT {Peter Hsu's...} (Quadrant / Fictioneer Pub; #1 = Canadian B&W Magazine Oversized Comic; #2-8 = Comic Size; Don Mills, Ontario, Canada; ADULTS ONLY; Full frontal NUDITY in most issues; Low Print Canadian Underground Comic with great GGA);
#1 (1983; First appearance of HELLRAZOR cover with Story by Tara Balance; First appearance of STARLAB story; Classic PETER HSU TOPLESS NUDE WOMAN GGA Good Girl cover and art; SCARCE; VF+, 8.5 = $75.00);
#4 (circa 1984; First appearance of THE HUMAN FACTOR by Rick Taylor; Second appearance of SLEAZOIDS with PETER HSU story and art; 4th appearance of HELLRAZOR cover with Story by Tara Balance; Classic PETER HSU GGA Good Girl cover and art; $1.95 Original Cover Price; Low Print Run; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#5 (circa 1985; Second appearance of THE HUMAN FACTOR by Rick Taylor; 5th appearance of HELLRAZOR cover with Story by Tara Balance; Classic PETER HSU GGA Good Girl cover and art; $1.95 Original Cover Price; Circulation: only 5000 copies; Low Print Run; VF/NM, 9.0 = $22.00);
#6 (circa 1985; First appearance of THE BIG BOUNCE by Dave Darrigo; 6th appearance of HELLRAZOR cover with Story by Tara Balance; Classic PETER HSU GGA Good Girl cover and art; $1.95 Original Cover Price; Circulation: only 5000 copies; Low Print Run; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00);
#7 (circa 1986; ELF WARRIOR Cover by PETER HSU; First appearance of THE GIRL WHO COULD SEE TOMORROW by Steve Leblanc; 7th appearance of HELLRAZOR story by Tara Balance; Classic PETER HSU cover and art; $1.95 Original Cover Price; Low Print Run; VF/NM, 9.0 = 20.00);
#8 (circa 1986; LAST ISSUE; First appearance of TIME TRIP by Thierry Labrosse; CONCLUSION of the HELLRAZOR SAGA by Tara Balance; Classic PETER HSU GGA Good Girl cover and art; 1.95 Original Cover rice; Low Print Run; VG/FN, 5.0 = $6.00);
RAT FINK COMIX { ED “BIG DADDY” ROTH'S…} (Ed Roth and Starhead Comix; Low Print and Scarce)
#1 (1987; ED “BIG DADDY” ROTH art; VF+, 8.5 = $25.00);
R. CRUMB’S COMICS AND STORIES (Digest Size; Rip Off Press);
#1 (1970; 2nd Print; dated April 1964 on cover with 35 Cents cover price; FRITZ THE CAT = 10 Page Story; ROBERT CRUMB story, cover & art; G/VG, 3.0 = $10.00)
Mint Pub.)
Brand, Spiegelman, Wilson, Griffith & Dallas; 50 cents Original
cover price; 1st Print; VG/FN=$6);
#2(1/1973; Brand, Spiegelman, Wilson, Griffith & Dallas; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print);
#1(1974; NO price on covers; 1st print; Ed Dorn-c/a; illustrated-c; PHOTO Back-c; 2 pages of illustrations inside; Rest it Text & Poetry);
RECUERDEN EL ALAMO (Last Gasp Pub., 1979) #NN(#1; One-Shot; JAXON-s/c/a);
REVOLT - Fanzine of Horrific Art for the Aspiring Imagination! (Magazine; A Simulated Pub; Created and Edited by James Butters; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada);
#2 (Spring 1991; First Printing; SERIALLY NUMBERED Limited Edition of only 100 Copies; 48 Pages; 7" x 8-1/2"; Comics, Pinup Art, Horror, Sci-Fi, illustrated Text Stories; Contents; My Friend Daryl by Skalkhoven; Splashes of Fear; The S.O.W. Lowdown by Ron Lapp; Here are the Tales Destined to REVOLT Centerfold Pinup by Darren Merinox; If You Can't Succeed at Lie by Mike Rypkic; JCB a Gallery! by J. Cenobite; Video that Bleeds (Bride of the Re-Animator, Deranged, The New York Ripper, Santa Sangee) 3 pages by J. Cenobite; Dark Shadow the Demon Slayer silent comics Avenging Death, 3 pages by Pat Cochrane; Roeke, 5 pages of Decapitation, Dismemberment and Violence by Josh Roeke; List of the 36 Films of H.G. Lewis from 1960-1972, one page; Dario Argento Upate - One Page; Suspiria Pinup page; Wraparound cover; RARE; VF, 8.0 = $39.00; FN/VF = $29.00);
RIMSHOT (Rip Off Press Pub., 1990) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
Rip Off Comix (B&W; Rip Off Press pub; classic Underground Comic; With; FREAK BROTHERS, Wonder Wart-Hog, Dopin' Dan, Dr Feelgood, Fat Freddy's Cat; 40 Year Old Hippie, etc);
#1(Manitoba; 1977; 75 Cents Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25);
#1(1977; 75 Cents Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; VF, 8.0 = $18);
#1($1.00 Original Cover Price = Second Printing; FN = $6);
#1($1.25 Original Cover Price = Second Printing; VF = $6);
#2(Manitoba; 75 Cents Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; VF/NM, 9.0 = $15);
#2(75 Cents Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; VG/FN = $6);
#3(Manitoba; 75 Cents Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; VF/NM, 9.0 = $15);
#3($1.25 Original Cover Price = 2nd Printing; Dave Sheridan, Fred Schrier, Shelton, Richards, Griffith, Diggs, Rippee & Leonard; VF+, 8.5 = $8.00);
#4(Manitoba; $1.00 Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; VF/NM, 9.0 = $15);
#4($1.25 Original Cover Price = 2nd Printing; VF+= $9);
#5(Manitoba; $1.25 Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; NM, 9.4 = $30);
#5($1.25 Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; ASK);
#6(1980; 1st Printing; $1.25 Original Cover Price; FN/VF $9);
#7(1980; $1.25 Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; Manitoba; NM, 9.4 = $24);
#7(1980; $1.25 Original Cover Price = FIRST Printing; ASK);
#8(1981; 1st Printing; $1.50 Original Cover Price; FN/VF=$10; VG/FN=$6);
#9(1981; 1st Printing; $1.50 Original Cover Price; VF=$10);
#10(1982; 1st Printing; $1.50 Original Cover Price; ASK);
#4,5,6,7,8,9,10 = VG to VF copies (First Printings) = ASK
RIP OFF COMIX (Magazine;, Rip Off Press Pub., 1982) #11-29 = SEE Listings in”COMIC MAGAZINES”;
Rock 'N' Roll Madness Funnies (Cozmic Comics Pub; UK/British); #2 (1974; IRONS-c; 1st Printing; Dave Gibbons-a; FN $12);
ROCKERS (Rip Off Press Pub., circa 1980's) #2,6,7,8; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
ROGER FNORD (Rip Off Press, 1992) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
ROLDO THE BARBARIAN (Toof Ar-Gon Comix Works; B&W Underground Comic Magazine; J. W. Lake Pub., 1978; 28 pages; B&W; 8" x 10-1/2" Size);
#1 (1978; FIRST PRINTING; One-Shot;
** ROLDO, aka J. W. Lake story, cover & art;
** Rollicking SWORD and SORCERY with a BARBARIAN Comics, by a Locally Known Winnipeg Artist of the 1970’s;
** FOGEL GUIDE Says Print Run of only 5000 Copies (They List the 9.2 Raw copy value at $75.00);
** Low Print Run & SCARCE Canadian Underground Comic; (One of the Most Valuable Underground Comics of the 1970’s);
** Printed Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Most got Discarded over the Years; Very Few copies made it outside MANITOBA);
#1 (1978; ROLDO, aka J. W. Lake cover & art; SIGNED by ROLDO on Splash Page, Autographed in front of me at my Store Signing Session in 1978; FN, 6.0 = $49.00);
#1 (1978; ROLDO, aka J. W. Lake cover & art; SIGNED by ROLDO on Splash Page, Autographed in front of me at my Store Signing Session in 1978; VG, 4.0 = $39.00);
#1 (1978; ROLDO, aka J. W. Lake cover & art; SIGNED by ROLDO on Splash Page, Autographed in front of me at my Store Signing Session in 1978; G/VG, 3.0 = $29.00);
ROWLF (Underground comic; Rip Off Press; classic RICHARD CORBEN story, cover and art)
#NN (#1; 1971; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; FIRST Printing, with WIZARD on Front cover, and ROWLF the Dog-Soldier on Back cover; ** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of ROWLF the Dog-Soldier; ** FIRST appearance of Maryara, Sortrum the Sorceror, Raymon, Demon King Gorgum; ** GCD Synopsis; Maryara, daughter of the revered king of Canis, is extremely fond of Rowlf, her loyal dog and protector. When Maryara is abducted, Rowlf is magically transformed into something more than canine, but less than human, and thus begins his journey to rescue her from the Demon King Gorgum; SOLD OUT);
#NN (#1; 1971; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Second Printing, with Rowlf the Dog-Soldier on Front cover, and WIZARD on Back cover; ** ORIGIN and FIRST appearance of ROWLF the Dog-Soldier; ** FIRST appearance of Maryara, Sortrum the Sorceror, Raymon, Demon King Gorgum; ** GCD Synopsis; Maryara, daughter of the revered king of Canis, is extremely fond of Rowlf, her loyal dog and protector. When Maryara is abducted, Rowlf is magically transformed into something more than canine, but less than human, and thus begins his journey to rescue her from the Demon King Gorgum; VF+, 8.5 = $29.00; VF, 8.0 = $22.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $10.00);
ROXY Funnies (Head Imports)
#1 (1972; FIRST PRINTING; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Art Spiegelman, Skip Williamson, Jay Lynch and Kim Deitch story and art; Jay Lynch cover; Kinney, Hayes; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00; VG, 4.0 = $12.00);
RUBBER DUCK TALES (Print Mint Pub.) -
#1(1971; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print);
#2(1972; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print; Geiser-c/a; Lone Ranger spoof; Shit List)
#2(1972; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print; Geiser-c/a; ERROR EDITION = Printed with DOUBLE Interior Pages; FN = $12)
Sacred and Profane by Justin Green (Last Gasp; 1976; Giant Oversized 10"x14" Treasury Sized Edition;
#NN (#1; Last Gasp; 1976; 1st Printing; Binky Brown returns; We Fellow Travellers; Gates of Purgatory; Rowdy Noody; Sol tours Purgatory & meets Jack Benny; VG/FN, 5.0 = $25.00);
SALLY FORTH {Wallace Wood's...} by Wally WOOD (1976-1979?; Wallace Wood / Jack Robinson Pub; 10”x12” Oversized Magazine / Fanzine; Loaded with Nudity; ADULTS ONLY; B&W; 36 Pages; Low Print and Scarce)
#1 (1976; $3.50 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $89.00; FN, 6.0 = $69.00; VG, 4.0 = $49.00);
#2 (1977; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $79.00);
#3 (1978; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; ASK);
#4 (1979; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; Parodies of King Kong, Mummy, Werewolf, Vampire, etc; WALLY WOOD-s/c/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $69.00);
SALOON (Yahoo Productions);
#NN(#1; 1973; One-Shot; 1st Printing; Geiser-a);
#NN(#1; 1973; One-Shot; 1st Printing; Geiser-a; VG/FN $7);
SAN FRANCISCO Comic Book (San Francisco Comic Book Co / Print Mint Pub);
#2(4/1970; First Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Irons-c/a; Deitch, Spain, CRUMB, Robbins, O'Neill; VF/NM=$99; VF+=$75; FN=$49; VG/FN=$39; VG=$29);
#3(7/1970; First Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Wraparound Robert CRUMB-c; SOLD OUT);
#4(1973; First Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price);
#4(1973; First Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; VF=$18; VG/FN=$12);
#5(1979; Real Psychic Vampire Tales-s; 1st Printing; $1.25 cover price)
#6(1981; Price sticker over $1.50 cover price; 1st Print; Gary Arlington, Joel Beck, Roger Brand, John Burnham, Melinda Gebbie, Justin Green, Hank Kingfish, Chris Mettz, Larry Rippee, Barry Siegel, Bruce Simon, Spain, and Ron Turner; VF = $15);
# 7(1983; $2.00 cover price; 1st Print; Gary Arlington, Terry Boyce, Joel Beck, Roger Brand, John Burnham, Tom Crow, Kim Deitch, Melinda Gebbie, Bill Griffith, Steve Leclair, Willy Murphy, Larry Rippee, Dori Seda, Gilbert Shelton, Barry Siegel, Bruce Simon, and Spain; FN/VF $12);
Savage Humor (Print Mint) #NN(#1; one-shot; 1st Printing; Siegel, Simon, Shaw, Pound);
SCARLETT PILGRIM (Last Gasp) - #NN(1977);
Schizophrenia (Last Gasp) #NN(#1; Vaughn BODE story, cover & art; Cheech Wizard app; 75 cents cover price; First Printing; G/VG $8);
S. Clay Wilson Portfolio Comix (Print Mint Pub; Underground Comic - Adults Only)
#NN (#1; 1970; 1st Printing; NO price; NO Title, NO Indicia; Full page illustrations by S. Clay Wilson; Very Little Text; 28 Pages including Covers; Light Moisture Damage, VG/FN = $32.00)
#NN (#1; 1970; 1st Printing; NO price; NO Title, NO Indicia; Full page illustrations by S. Clay Wilson; Very Little Text; 28 Pages including Covers; Moisture Damage with Wrinkles to covers, G/VG = $18.00)
SCRATCHEZ(SCI-FI ...) (Scratchez Pub.) - #5 (1984; Mike Cody-c/a; MINI comic, 4" x 6-1/2"; 52 pages; VF/NM $10.00); #6(Fall/84),7;
Self-Loathing Comics (Fantagraphics Books);
# 1(11/1998; 2nd print; $3.50 cover
price; Aline Kominski-Crumb & Robert Crumb; NM-, 9.2 = $10);
(1997; 1st print; $3.50 cover price; Aline Kominski-Crumb &
Robert Crumb, Sophie Crumb, Charles Burns, Art Spiegelman; NM, 9.4 =
$12; another copy = ask);
Serious Comics (Cozmic Comics; UK/British) #1 (1975; 1st Printing; Clare Voyant-s; FN $12);
SHORT ORDER Comix (Head Press / Family Fun Pub.)
#1 (1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; 2nd app of MAUS by SPIEGELMAN; Robert CRUMB; Griffith; VF/NM=$22; VG/FN=$12);
#2(1974; First Printing; 40 pages; 75 cents Original Cover Price; Kinney, Green, Murphy, Noonin, Hayes-a; Griffith-c/a; FN $14);
#2(1974; First Printing; 40 pages; 75 cents Original Cover Price; Kinney, Green, Murphy, Noonin, Hayes-a; Griffith-c/a);
SHOW + TELL Comics (Print Mint Pub); #NN(#1; 1973; First Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Justin Green-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $14.00);
SICKO {SAN FRAN ...} (Mats!? & Kent Myers pub) #1(Folded Tabloid Newsprint; 1995; VF $7)
SKULL (UUnderground Comics; Rip Off and Last Gasp pub.)
#1 (1970; 2nd printing, 10-1/4" Tall; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Printing defect on Story Page 7 of the story "The Answer" in which the word "Decadence" is partially covered; SKULL before TAIL; The Answer; The Intruder; Total Fear; Stories and Art by Greg Irons, Dave Sheridan, Jack Jackson, Fred Schrier, and Rory Hayes; VG/FN, 5.0 = $29.00);
#2 (2nd print; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Leather Nun story; Art by RICHARD CORBEN, Greg Irons and Jaxon; Gilbert Shelton cover; G = $7.00);
#2 (1971; Third print; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Leather Nun story; Art by RICHARD CORBEN, Greg Irons and Jaxon; Gilbert Shelton cover; PO Box on inside front Cover & on Back cover; VG/FN = $15.00);
#2 (circa 1972; 4th print; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Leather Nun story; Art by RICHARD CORBEN, Greg Irons and Jaxon; Gilbert Shelton cover);
#2 (5th Printing; Leather Nun story; Art by RICHARD CORBEN, Greg Irons and Jaxon; Gilbert Shelton cover; VF minus, 7.5 = $22.00)
#3 (11/1971; 1st Print; Half way down right edge of Back cover is a Black registration Mark inside a Red Pentagram; NO price on cover; Leather Nun story; Stories and Art by; RICHARD CORBEN, Greg Irons, Tom Veitch, Jack Jackson and Dave Sheridan; ZOMBIE Cover by Spain Rodriguez; ASK);
#3 (1971-1972; Reprint; NO price on cover; ; Leather Nun story; Stories and Art by; RICHARD CORBEN, Greg Irons, Tom Veitch, Jack Jackson and Dave Sheridan; ZOMBIE Cover by Spain Rodriguez; VF+, 8.5 = $25.00; VF, 8.0 = $20.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16.00; FN, 6.0 = $12.00);
#4 (1972; First Printing with 50 cents Original Cover Price; Special H.P. LOVECRAFT issue; Stories and Art by Dave Sheridan, Charles Dallas, Michael C. Smith, Herb Arnold; Cover by Jack Jackson; This issue presents comic adaptations of the H.P. Lovecraft classics: The Hound, The Hairy Claw of Tolen, Cool Air, and Pickman's Model; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16.00; FN, 6.0 = $12.00);
#5 (1972; First Printing with 50 cents Original Cover Price; Comic adaptations of the H.P. LOVECRAFT classic stories; The Rats in the Walls by RICHARD CORBEN, To a Dreamer, by Charles Dallas, The Shadow From the Abyss by Larry Todd, and an original story by Spain Rodriguez; 50 cents Original Cover Price; VF, 8.0 = $20.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16.00; FN, 6.0 = $12.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $10.00);
#6 (1972; First Printing with 50 cents Original Cover Price; Tom Veitch story; Greg Irons cover and art; RICHARD CORBEN Art; VF, 8.0 = $20.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16.00; FN, 6.0 = $12.00);
SLEAZY SCANDALS of the Silver Screen (Cartoonist Co-Op / Kitchen Sink / Hollywood Heritage Press; B&W Mini Comic; 5"x7"; 36 pages)
#1(1977; One-Shot; 1st Printing; 60 cents Original Cover Price; Marilyn Monroe-c; Spain, Deitch, Spiegelman; SCARCE; VF, 8.0 = $39)
SLEAZY SCANDALS OF THE SILVER SCREEN (Kitchen Sink; 1989) - #1 = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
SLOW DEATH (Underground Comics; Last Gasp Pub; Art by; CORBEN, Holmes, Stout, Irons, etc)
#1(First Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Irons-c/a; RED Border; Sheridan, Evans, Shelton, Hayes, Jackson, Deitch, & CRUMB; FN=$69; VG/FN=$59);
#1(Circa 1971; 2nd-4th Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; WHITE Border; IRONS-c/a; 2 pages Mr Natural by Robert CRUMB; FN=$20; G/VG=$10);
#2(1970; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Dave Sheridan, Jack Jackson, Richard Corben; VF=$39; FN/VF=$33);
#2(Circa 1973; 4th Printing; Mind candy for the Masses ad on page 34; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Dave Sheridan, Jack Jackson, Richard Corben);
#2(4th print; Manitoba; $1.00 Original Cover Price; Dave Sheridan, Jack Jackson, Richard Corben; VF+,8.5=$16; VF=$12; FN/VF=$9);
#3(11/1971; FIRST print with Pentagram Logo on front cover; 50 cents original cover price; Dave Sheridan, Jack Jackson; Richard Corben-c/a; FN/VF$19);
#3(Second print; Manitoba; 50 cents original cover price; Over 50,000 Sold Logo; Dave Sheridan, Jack Jackson; Richard Corben-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $19);
#3(2nd print; 50 cents original cover price; Over 50,000 Sold Logo; Dave Sheridan, Jack Jackson; Richard Corben-c/a; FN/VF=$12)
#4(11/1972; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Greg Irons, Jack Jackson; Richard Corben-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $21);
#4(11/1972; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Greg Irons, Jack Jackson; Richard Corben-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $18; VF=$15);
#4(Second Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price; Greg Irons, Jack Jackson; Richard Corben-c/a; FN/VF=$9);
#5 (4/1973; FIRST Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Greg Irons, Richard Corben-a; Rand Holmes-c/a; VF/NM=$22; VF=$18; FN/VF=$15);
#5 (4/1973; 2nd Printing; 75 cents Original Cover Price; Greg Irons, Richard Corben-a; Rand Holmes-c/a; ASK);
#6(1/1974; FIRST Printing; 75 cents Original Cover Price; Rand Holmes-c/a; Jack Jackson, Charles Dallas, George Metzger-a; VF=$18; FN/VF=$15; G=$6);
#7(6/1976; FIRST Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price; William Stout-c; Errol McCarthy, Jack Jackson, Melinda Gebbie, Greg Irons-a; VF=$15; FN/VF=$12);
#8(3/1977; FIRST Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price; William Stout-c; Michael J. Becker, Doug Hansen , Roger Brand, Greg Irons-a;);
#9(8/1978; FIRST Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price; Greg Irons-c/a; Dennis Ellefson, Errol McCarthy, Tim Boxell, Michael J. Becker-a; VF=$15; FN/VF=$12);
#10(11-12/1979; 1st Printing; $1.50 Original Cover Price; CAANCER Special; VF $15);
SLUTBURGER STORIES (Rip Off Press / Drawn & Quarterly Pub., 1990-1991)
#1( Rip Off Press Pub., 1990) = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
#2(2/1991; Drawn & Quarterly Pub., Mary Fleener-c/a; 2nd Print; VF+ $5)
SMILE (Kitchen Sink Pub.), #1(1971; 2nd Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Nixon & John Lennon-c);
SNAPPER (Artists at Large Pub.),
#NN(#1; 1973; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price);
#2 (1975)
SNAPPY SAMMY SMOOT (Kitchen Sink Pub.), #1(1979; 1st Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price);
SNARF (Kitchen Sink Pub.; 1972-1990),
#1(2/1972; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price);
#1(2/1972; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; FN $35);
#2(8/1972; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price);
#3 (11/1972; FIRST PRINTING; 50 cents Original Cover Price; SPIRIT cover by Will Eisner; Ed Goodman story; Denis Kitchen, Pete Poplaski, Peter Loft, Tom Christopher story and art; Boxell, Geradts; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $25.00);
#4(3/1973; 1st Printing; 50 Cents Original Cover Price);
#5(1974; 1st Printing; 65 Cents Original Cover Price);
#6(2/1976; 1st Printing; 75 Cents Original Cover Price);
#7(2/1977; 1st Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price);
#8(10/1978; 1st Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price; ASK);
#9(2/1981; 1st Printing; $1.50 Original Cover Price; FN/VF $8);
#9(2/1981; 1st Printing; $1.50 Original Cover Price);
#10(2/1987; 1st Printing; $2.00 Original Cover Price; VG = $6);
#11 (2/1989; $2.00 Cover Price; 1st Printing; Rand Holmes, R. L. Crabb, Steve Toornman, Joe Matt, P. S. Mueller, Dennis Worden, Howard Cruse, Mark Landman, Burk Sauls; NM-, 9.2 = $14; VF/NM=$10; VF=$8; FN/VF=$6);
#12 (6/1989; $2.00 Cover Price; 1st Printing; Richard Corben, Harvey Pekar, Robert Crumb, Gary Dumm, Foolbert Sturgeon, Howard Cruse, Mark Landman, P. S. Mueller, Jim Siergey, Samuel Beckett, Sharon Clayman, Al Via, Wayne Honath, Steve Toornman, Joe Matt; NM, 9.4 = $14; VF=$8; FN=$5);
#13 (12/1989; $2.00 Cover Price; 1st Printing; John Pound, Joe Matt, Foolbert Sturgeon, Doug Allen, Basil Wolverton, Peter Mueller, Sharon Clayman, Al Via, Jerzy Szostek, Eric Nesheim; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12; VF=$8; FN/VF=$6);
#14 (3/1990; $2.00 Cover Price; 1st Printing; Frank Stack, Edika, Clayman & Via, Mueller, Stiles, Joe Matt, Landman; NM-, 9.2 = $14; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12; VF+=$10; VF=$8; FN/VF=$6);
#15 (10/1990; $2.50 Cover Price; Rather Fight than Switch issue; Edika, Joe Matt, Sala, Bacha, Jablonski, Strom, Stiles, Landman; VF/NM, 9.0 = $12; VF=$8; ; FN/VF=$6; FN=$5);
SNARF (Kitchen Sink Pub.1987)#11-15; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
SNATCH COMICS (1968-1976; APEX Novelties; 36 pages; B&W Mini Comic; 5" x 7"; Strictly ADULTS ONLY Underground Comic);
#NN (#1; No Date; 1972 Printing of the Classic originally from 1968; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Fourth Printing; 4th-5th Printing believed to be indistinguishable, but FOGEL Guide says it is a 4th Printing from 1972 if it has the 50 cents cover price; Mr. Natural & Andy Hard-On appearances; Classic ROBERT CRUMB story, cover & art; S.CLAY WILSON story & art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49.00; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
#2 (No Date; Fogel Guide says from 1969; "Third Printing"; GCD says = 3rd print has 0.50 USD cover price. Has light orange and dark blue cover. Interior sequence moved; Multiple one pages with Classic ROBERT CRUMB story, cover & art; Snoid in Look Out Girls, The Grabbies are Coming = 3 pages Robert Crumb; Cunt Capers = 5 pages S. Clay Wilson story & art; Multiple one pagers by S. Clay Wilson; Rory Hayes art; Victor Moscoso art; ASK);
#3 (1969; Classic ROBERT CRUMB story, cover & art; RARE 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Interior Pages have an Rough Trim, Faint Black Line at bottom of interior pages, thus Rare FIRST Printing; VG/FN, 5.0 = $179.00);
#3 (6/1972; Classic ROBERT CRUMB story, cover & art; GCD says 2nd print June 1972 has 0.50 USD cover price. No rough trimming; Ferdinand Feces in Shit, Hell, Fuck Funnies = 3 pages Robert Williams story & art; Dwarf Revolt Tales = 6 pages by S. Clay Wilson story & art; Victor Moscoso story & art; Snot Nose Harold = 2 pages Rory Hayes story & art; Don't Touch Me = 4 pages Robert Crumb story & art; Paul & Marlon in Bottoms Up (Satire on Paul Newman and Marlon Brando as homosexual lovers) = 2 pages Jim Osbourne story & art; Multiple One Pages by CRUMB, Wilson, Williams & Others; NM-, 9.2 = $52.00; VF+, 8.5 = $35.00; VG = $18.00);
SNOID COMICS (Kitchen Sink) -
#NN(#1; 12/1979; $1.25-c; One-shot; CRUMB-c/a; FN $15);
#NN(#1; 4/1986; $2.00-c; One-shot; CRUMB-c/a; FN/VF $8);
#1(6/1998 reprint; CRUMB-c/a)
SNOT REEL (NO publisher Listed; Probably from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; B&W Mini Comic; 4-1/4" x 5-1/2"; 8 pages)
#NN(#1; No Date; Circa 1980; One-Shot; RARE; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12);
SOFTCORE (Print Mint) - #NN(#1; 1973; 1st Printing; NO Original Price on covers; VF = $12);
SPACED (Comics & Comix pub); #3 (1976; 1st Printing; Giant Oversized 10-1/2"x14" Treasury Sized Edition; Jim Pinkoski-c/a; RARE; G/VG, 3.0 = $39.00);
SPACED OUT (Print Mint) #NN(#1; 1972; Pinkoski, Roach, Byrd, Verreaux-a; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print; Sci-Fi);
SPASM (1973;
Last Gasp pub; Adults Only; Underground comic); -
#1 (1973; FIRST PRINTING with 50 Cents Original Cover Price; Includes; Spasm! Co-incidence; Spirit of '76; Saved; The Enemy; Luce; Deja-Vu; The Bridge; Guarantee; Death; Pinups; JEFF JONES story, cover and art; VF, 8.0 = $29.00; VF-, 7.5 = $24.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $19.00)
THE SPIRIT (Kitchen Sink Pub., 1972) #1(VF $12); #2(VF $10)
STAR REACH (Star Reach Production Pub., 4/1974-10/1979; 16-18 = Magazine sized)
#1 (4/1974; FIRST Printing, with 75 Cents Original Cover Price; 52 pages including Covers; Cody Starbuck front cover by HOWARD CHAYKIN; DEATH Back Cover by JIM STARLIN;
** The Birth of DEATH = 8 pages JIM STARLIN story & art; Death Building = 7 pages JIM STARLIN story, with JIM STARLIN & Al Milgrom art; ** Fish Myths = 2 pages Steve Skeates story & art; ** Suburban Fish = 2 pages Steve Skeates story & art; ** A Tale of Sword and Sorcery = 12 page story by Ed Hicks, with Walt Simonson art; ** Cody Starbuck = 16 pages HOWARD CHAYKIN story & art; ** The Origin of God = 1 page by JIM STARLIN; ASK);
#1 (9/1979; Second Printing, with $1.00 Original Cover Price; 52 pages including Covers; DEATH Front Cover by JIM STARLIN; Cody Starbuck back cover by HOWARD CHAYKIN; ** The Birth of DEATH = 8 pages JIM STARLIN story & art; Death Building = 7 pages JIM STARLIN story, with JIM STARLIN & Al Milgrom art; ** Fish Myths = 2 pages Steve Skeates story & art; ** Suburban Fish = 2 pages Steve Skeates story & art; ** A Tale of Sword and Sorcery = 12 page story by Ed Hicks, with Walt Simonson art; ** Cody Starbuck = 16 pages HOWARD CHAYKIN story & art; ** The Origin of God = 1 page by JIM STARLIN; ASK);
#2 (4/1975; FIRST Printing, with $1.00 Original Cover Price; Stephanie Starr cover by NEAL ADAMS; 52 pages including Covers; FIRST appearance of Stephanie Starr cover & story; ** Stephanie Starr In the Light of Future Days = 20 page story by Mike Friedrich with Dick Giordano art; ** Earthprobe - All A World of Dreamers = 11 page story by Mal Warwick with Lee Marrs art; ** The Return of the Fish = 2 pages Steve Skeates story & art; ** I've Got the Power = 3 pages JIM STARLIN story & art; ** The Visitor = 3 pages JIM STARLIN story, with JIM STARLIN & Al Milgrom art; ** Key Club = 8 pages John Workman story & art; ** Earthprobe: Introducing Nikki & Logan = Back Cover by LEE MARS;ASK);
#2 (10/1976; Second Printing, with $1.25 Original Cover Price; Stephanie Starr cover by NEAL ADAMS; 52 pages including Covers; FIRST appearance of Stephanie Starr cover & story; ** Stephanie Starr In the Light of Future Days = 20 page story by Mike Friedrich with Dick Giordano art; ** Earthprobe - All A World of Dreamers = 11 page story by Mal Warwick with Lee Marrs art; ** The Return of the Fish = 2 pages Steve Skeates story & art; ** I've Got the Power = 3 pages JIM STARLIN story & art; ** The Visitor = 3 pages JIM STARLIN story, with JIM STARLIN & Al Milgrom art; ** Key Club = 8 pages John Workman story & art; ** Earthprobe: Introducing Nikki & Logan = Back Cover by LEE MARS;ASK);
#3 (9/1975; FIRST Printing, with $1.00 Original Cover Price; DRAGONUS wraparound cover by FRANK BRUNNER; FIRST appearance of DRAGONUS; ** DRAGONUS in The Wizard's Venom = 10 page sword and sorcery story & art by FRANK BRUNNER; ** I Hunger and I Wait = 5 page story by Mark A. Worden with Marc Cohen art; ** Earthprobe in On the Shoals of Space = 12 page story by Mal Warwick with Mal Warwick & Lee Marrs art; ** And Sleep the Long Night In Peace = 7 page story by Mal Warwick with Bob Smith & John Workman art; ** Linda Lovecraft in High Priestess of Sexual Fantasy = 9 pages Mike Vosburg story & art; FIRST appearance of Linda Lovecraft; ** Wooden Ships on the Water = 5 page story by Mike Friedrich with Steve Leialoha art; ASK);
#4 (3/1976; 2nd appearance of Cody Starbuck., Linda Lovecraft appearance; Chaykin, Skrenes & Leialoha stories, Chaykin, Vosburg, Leialoha, Marrs &, Workman art, Howard Chaykin cover;
#5 (7/1976; Wraparound Cover by Howard Chaykin. Written by Len Wein, Johnny Achziger, Frank Brunner, John Workman, Lee Marrs and Mary Skrenes. Art by Howard Chaykin, Joe Staton, Frank Brunner, John Workman, Lee Marrs and Mike Vosburg.
#6 (10/1976; ELRIC Cover by Jeff Jones. Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone in"The Prisoner of Pan-Tang by Eric Kimball and Bob Gould; Childsong by Gary Petras, Gene Day and Steve Leialoha; Why Viking Lander/Mars? 2-page poem by Ray Bradbury and Alex Nino; Gods of Mount Olympus story Chapter Two: Zeus and Prometheus by Johnny Achziger and Joe Staton; Out of Space, Out of Time by Gray Lyda.
#7 (1/1977; BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH Wraparound Cover; I'm God = Story by Dave Sim {of CEREBUS the Aarvark fame}, with Fabio Gasbarri art; The Bush by Satoshi Hirota & Mukaide; The Gods of Mount Olympus in Ancient Mythology - Apollo & Artemis = Story by Johnny Achziger, with JOE STATON art; Headtrips = Lee Marrs story & art; My Fears = Jeff Bonivert story & art);
#8 (4/1977; Wraparound Cover by P. Craig Russell. Written by Patrick C. Mason, Ken Steacy, Mal Warwick, Mike Friedrich, Gene Day, Johnny Achziger, John Workman and Cathy Workman. Art by P. Craig Russell, Ken Steacy, Gene Day and John Workman.
#9 (6/1977; The Sacred and the Profane by Ken Steacy wraparound cover & art, with Dean Motter story; Homestone by Barberd, Horne & Bulandi; Seriah & Demon by Mickey Schwaberow; Divine Wind by Gene Day; Worlds Without, Worlds Within by Michael T Gilbert;
#10 (9/1977; Frank Brunner wraparound cover; Mariah by Mike Friedrich and Lee Marrs; The Sacred and the Profane story Dispositio: Pattern of Wounds by Dean Motter and Ken Steacy; Aquarian by Steve Leialoha; Parsifal in Part II: His Temptation by Patrick C. Mason and P. Craig Russell; Linda Lovecraft in Nymphonecromania by Mike Vosburg;
#11 (12/1977; Wraparound Cover by Ken Steacy; The Sacred and the Profane Ellocutio: Plague Fugues by Dean Motter and Ken Steacy; Stark's Quest Tale One: The Sensor by Lee Marrs; Samurai by Gene Day; Tempus Fugit in Out One Era & In the Other by Gray Lyda;
#12 (3/1978; Frank Brunner cover; The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth text story by Roger Zelazny and Gray Morrow; Replay by Michael T. Gilbert; The Old Testament/The New Testament/The Final Testament by Michael Netzer; The Sacred and the Profane in Memoria: Vessels of the Past by Dean Motter and Ken Steacy;
#13 (8/1978; Wraparound Cover by Steve Leialoha; The Sacred and the Profane in Pronunciato: Final Deliverance by Dean Motter and Ken Steacy; The Quicksilver Serpent by Steve Leialoha; Tempus Fugit in Second Venture and Genesis Revisited by Gray Lyda;
#14 (8/1978; Wraparound Cover by Ken Steacy; Stark's Quest in Tale Two: Touching by Lee Marrs; Counterpoint Communion by Dean Motter and Ken Steacy; Tempus Fugit in Genesis Revisited Part 2 by Gray Lyda;
#15 (12/1978; Steve Leialoha wraparound cover; The Mission by Takahiro Isuta and Satoshi Hirota (concepts), Lee Marrs and Masaichi Mukaide; Warriors! by Gene Day; The Quicksilver Serpent Part 2 by Steve Leialoha; Tempus Fugit in Tempus Fugitives by Gray Lyda;
#16 (4/1979; Magazine Size; Wraparound Cover by Paul Rivoche and Ken Steacy; Stark's Quest in Tale Three: Answers by Lee Marrs; Murphy's Law by Ken Steacy, Jeffrey Morgan and Don Marshall;
#17 (7/1979; Magazine Size; RAVEN by Edgar Allan Poe Cover by Jeff Bonivert; The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe adaptation by Jeff Bonivert; Interflight by Stephen Konz; Chilly by George Szostak; GZ-15 by Konz;
#18 (10/1979; Magazine Size; SCARCER LAST ISSUE; Wraparound Cover by Lee Marrs; Stark's Quest in Tale Four: Decision by Lee Marrs; The Soldier Who Guards the Gate of the City Freedom by Masaichi Mukaide; Crashing by Steven Grant and Masaichi Mukaide;
STAR WEEVILS (Rip Off Press; 1978) #NN(#1; One-Shot; J. Michael Leonard)
STAR WEEVILS (Rip Off Press Pub., 1978) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
STRIP AID USA (Last Gasp; 1988; Softcover Trade Paperback; a Collection of cartoon art to Benefit People with Aids; Trina, Feiffer, Xaime, Beto, Sienkiewcz, Sonntag, Mobius; VF+, 8.5 = $15.00);
STRIPS (Rip Off Press Pub., 10/90) #1;
SUBVERT COMICS (Rip Off Press Pub.; Spain Rodriguez stories, covers and art);
#1 (1972; 4th Printing; NO Original Price on covers; 4th print with red background in Trashman logo, No Rip Off Press logo, has matte cover; ORIGIN of Harry Barnes aka TRASHMAN cover and story; TRASHMAN Meets the Fighting She Devils; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00);
#3 (1976; TRASHMAN-c/s; G/VG, 3.0 = $8.00);
Super Soul Comix (Kitchen Sink) #1(1972; Green-c/a; 1st Printing);
SWAMP FEVER (Big Muddy Comics – New Orleans);
#NN(#1; 1972 One-Shot; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Dany Frolich, Pat Kelly, Ned Dameron);
Tales from the Berkeley-Con (Rip Off / Last Gasp Pub) #NN(#1; 1974; One-Shot; Cover says Vol.II No.2; Rand HOLMES Wraparound-c; UG Comic Con Program; Sheridan, Fleisher, Workman, Deitch, Kinney, Shelton, S. Clay Wilson, Alcala, Santos Leialoha, Griffin, Brunner, Starlin, Jaxon; VF=$18; FN=$12)
Tales from the Fridge (Kitchen Sink Pub) #1(6/1973; One-Shot; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; EC Horror Swipe-c/s; Russ Jones; VF $9);
Tales From The Leather Nun (Last Gasp; Underground Comic)
#1 (1970’s; 2nd Printing; 75 Cents Original Cover Price; Spain, Sheridan, Brand & Jaxon-a;FN/VF = $13);
#1 (1980’s?; 7th Printing?; $2.50 Original Cover Price; Spain, Sheridan, Brand & Jaxon-a; FN/VF = $10);
Tales from Ozone (Underground; Print Mint Pub) -
#2(Manitoba; 1970; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; George McShitski-s; Hoodoo Voodoo-s; VF/NM, 9.0 = $29);
#2(1970; 50 Cents Original Cover Price; George McShitski-s; Hoodoo Voodoo-s; FN=$16; VG/FN=$13);
#1(11/1971; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Richard CORBEN; FN/VF, 7.0 = $20);
#1(November/1971; Richard CORBEN);
TALES FROM THE SPHINX (Kitchen Sink / Print Mint Pub.) -
#2(11/1972; First issue; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print; VF minus = $20);
#2(November/1972; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st);
TALES of the ARMORKINS (Company & Sons Pub.) - #1(1972/73; First issue; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print; Todd, Trina);
Tales of Helpless Anger (Helpless Anger Pub; Underground Comic);
#1 (9/1993; 1st Printing; Spectracide; Don Thompson: Former NEGRO; Bill & Al’s Totally Excellent White House Adventure; Miss Lovedoll Beauty Pageant; Hot Tub Homo Party; Terroress; Jeff Siergey, Gordon Spurlock, Jackie Smessert, K.L, and Tom Roberts; RARE; VF, 8.0 = $29.00);
TALES OF JERRY (Hacienda International/ Last Gasp, 1987) #5,6; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
TALES OF TOAD (Print Mint Pub / Cartoonists Co-Op Pub; Underground Comix / Comic Book);
#1 (1970; SCARCE; FIRST PRINTING with 50 cents Original Cover Price; FIRST appearance of MR. TOAD Cover & Stories; BILL GRIFFITH Story, Cover & Art; FN, 5.0 = $69.00);
#2 (1971; SCARCE; FIRST PRINTING with 50 cents Original Cover Price; FIRST appearance ZIPPY the PINHEAD; BILL GRIFFITH Story, Cover & Art; Mr. Toad in Zippy the Funny Pinhead = 2 page story; Mr. Toad with Zippy the Pinhead in It's Just an Act = 6 page story; Mr. Toad with Zippy the Pinhead in Dragnut = 3 page story;
The Toadettes in Picnic Pique = 7 page story; SECOND appearance of MR. TOAD Cover & Stories; VG, 4.0 = $49.00);
#3 (1973; SCARCE; FIRST PRINTING with 50 cents Original Cover Price; SECOND appearance ZIPPY the PINHEAD; BILL GRIFFITH Story, Cover & Art; VG+, 4,5 = $39.00);
Teen-Age Horizons of... Shangrila (Kitchen Sink)
#1(1970; 2nd Printings; Lynch, Kitchen, Mitchell; VF = $12);
#2(1972; 1st Printing; Green, Clyne, Trina, Beck; FN/VF $11);
(Graphic Stories Guild
pub; Former Title = All-Slug Comics); #7
(Spring/1977; $1.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Ken Macklin-c;
Neal ADAMS color pinup; Brent Anderson-a; Scarce; VG/FN $14);
There’s No Business (CCC / Ecco /Harper Collins pub);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 2002; 1st ECCO edition; $7.50 cover price; Text-s by Charles Bukowski; Robert Crumb-c & illstrations; NM = $15);
THRILLING MURDER Comics (San Francisco Comic Book Co; Underground Comic)
#1 (1971; 2nd Printing with Matte-c; CRUMB, Spain, Wilson, Deitch; VF/NM, 9.0 = $10);
#1 (1971; CRUMB, Spain, Wilson, Deitch);
This is Not POLAR FUNNIES (K.C. Comics / Kenny Moran Pub; B&W; Color cover; Canadian Underground Comics Magazine from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 8-½”x11”; 66 Pages including covers, but with one-sided pages) - #NN (#1; 9/2006; Story/Cover/Art by JACK D. ZASTRE; Includes; Bar Wars, Yogi Bear parody, Canine the Barkbarian, the Fix, Naughty Boy featuring Sluff the Barbarian; Comes with Certificate of Authenticity; Limited Edition of only 26 Lettered Copies, Signed by publisher Kenny Moran; Unread, As New, just as we received direct from publisher = $25.00);
THRASHER Comics (High Speed Productions Comics; USA; B&W SKATEBOARDING Comic
Book; all LOW PRINT and SCARCE; Underground ADULT Comic)
#9 (1990; Scarcer LAST issue; Painted cover art; Granny McGurk story;Revenge of the Underground Skate ZOMBIES = E.C. Hudson Story & Art; Ollie Baba and the 43 Thieves = Dan Sites story & art; Bonzo = DM2 story & Art; VF, 8.0 = $35.00);
TIME TWISTED TALES (Rip Off Press; 1986) #NN;
TIME TWISTED TALES (Rip Off Press Pub., 1986) #NN; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
#6 (1987; 2nd Printing; $2.50 cover price; VF/NM, 9.0 = $9.00);
TOE-JAMCOMICS (K.V. Pub.) - #1(1973);
TOONEY LOONS AND MARIJUANA MELODIES (Gold Agrape Presents...; HELL Pub.) - #1(1971; 50 cents original cover price; Kenneth P. Greene; FIRST Print; VF+=$45.00; FN = $29);
#1(1970's; 50 cents original cover price; Kenneth P. Greene; 2nd Print; "K G Comix" Logo at upper Left; FN/VF=$17; FN=$14);
TRINA'S {GIRLS} WOMEN (Kitchen Sink) - #NN (#1; One-Shot; 1976; 75 cents Original cover price; 1st Print);
Trivial Annoyances (Big Muddy Comics) #NN(#1; 1972; G/VG $6);
TRUCKIN' (Print Mint Pub.) -
#1(1972; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print; Metzger);
#2(1972; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st Print; Metzger);
TRUE GLITZ (Rip Off Press pub., 1990) #1; = see Alternative Comic on our Site;
TUFF SHIT Comics (Print Mint Pub.) - #NN(#1; One-Shot; 1972; 50 cents Original cover price; 1st/2nd Print; CRUMB, Welz, Green, Williams; VF $25);
TURNED ON CUTIES (Golden Gate Pub Co)
#NN (#1; 1972; FIRST PRINTING; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Trina, Hayes; Jay Lynch, Robert Crumb, John Peck, Spain Rodriguez, Darby Holms, Art Spiegelman and Daniel Clyne art; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00; VG, 4.0 = $13.00)
2. (TWO) (Keith Green Pub)
#NN (#1; 1975; FIRST PRINTING; 75 cents price on inside front cover; S. Clay Wilson, story, wraparound cover and art; NM-, 9.2 = $59.00; Another copy = ASK)
TWO FOOLS (Industrial Reality/ Last Gasp) -
#NN(#1; One-shot; 1976; Ted Richards & Willy Murphy; $1.00 Original cover price; 1st Print; Industrial Reality Logo-c)
#NN(#1; One-shot; 1976; Ted Richards & Willy Murphy; $1.00 Original cover price; 2nd Print; Last Gasp Logo-c)
UNCLE SHAM (Print Mint Pub.) -
#1 (1971; FIRST Printing, with 50 cents Original cover price; Dave Geiser art; VF = $14.00);
#2 (1971; FIRST Printing, with 50 cents Original cover price; Dave Geiser art; - Disney Parody story; VF = $14.00; FN/VF=$11; VG = $7.00);
UNEEDA Comix (Print Mint)
#NN (#1; 7/1970; 1st-5th Printing, with 50 cents Original cover price; ROBERT CRUMB stories, cover and art; NM-, 9.2 = $59.00; VF/NM, 9.0 = $39.00; VF+ $29.00);
UNDERGROUND CLASSICS (Rip Off Press Pub., Various dates)
#1(2004; Fabulous Furry FREAK BROTHERS No.0; Gilbert Shelton-c/a; VF = $10.00; VG/FN=$5)
#4(Early Work of Greg Irons);
#8(Forty Year Old Hippie-c/s; Ted Richards-c/a);
#10(Jesus-c/s = Foolbert Sturgeon-c/a);
#12(Gilbert Shelton in 3-D; NO Glasses)
UNEEDA Comix (Print Mint) - #NN(#1; 7/1970; 1st-5th Printing, with 50 cents Original cover price; Robert CRUMB-c/a; FN, 6.0 = $18.00);
UP FROM THE DEEP (Rip Off Press)
#1(1971; $1.00 Original cover price stated on inside front-c; SKY on BACK-c is RED thus 2nd Print; CORBEN-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $18);
VOLCANIC NIGHTS {XXXenophile Presents..} (Palliard Press) #1(4/1992; Graphic Sex, Nudity & Lesbians; VF/NM $5)
Vulgar Vince (Throb Comix) #2 (1986; 1st Printing; FN/VF $8);
WEIRD BURLESQUE (Eros Comix) #1(1994; FN/VF, 7.0 = $8.00);
WEIRD TRIPS (Kitchen Sink / Krupp Pub.) - #1(1974; 1st Printing, 65 cents Original cover price; Drugs, Sex, Occult & UFO's);
WEIRDO (Magazine; Last Gasp Pub) = SEE Underground Magazines below;
Wendy Whitebread, Undercover Slut (Eros Comix; $2.95-$3.95 cover price; Graphic Sex - Strictly Adults only)
#1 (11/1990; by Anton Drek; Wendy & Her Untouchables; Officer Pureheart; ASK);
#2 (1992; by Anton Drek; Undercover Slut; Sex Addiction; ASK);
Wet Satin - Women's Erotic Fantasies (Kitchen Sink / Last Gasp)
#1 (1976; Trina-c/a; 1st Printing; VG/FN $8);
#1(1976; Trina-c; 1st Printing);
WHITE COMANCHE (Last Gasp Pub., 1977; Commanche Indian Woman) #1(1st /2nd Printing, $1.00 Original cover price; Jaxon);
Straight Pub.) - #1(1972; Rand HOLMES-c/a; 28 pages; 50 cents
Original cover price; 1st Print; VF/NM = $16; VF=$12);
White Whore Funnies (Ful-Horne Prod/ Last Gasp; Graphic Sex)
#1(Larry Fuller; 1987 Low Print run Reprint / 2nd printing of the 1975 Comic; Cover price $2.50; Racist Black humor; Yentzler & Goniff; Wiley Spade; NM-, 9.2 = $12.00);
the WHOLE FORTY YEAR OLD HIPPIE CATALOG (Rip Off Press) - #NN(#1; 1978; $1.00 Original cover price; 1st Print; Ted Richards-c/a);
WILDMAN (Grass Green’s …) (Megaton Comics Pub; Superhero Parody, Satire, Humor)
#1 (5/1987; First published appearance of YOUNGBLOOD; Full page AD for YOUNGBLOOD in Megaton Special #1 by ROB LIEFELD on inside Back cover, Predated Megaton #8 from 8/1987 by Three Months; ** FIRST appearance of WILDMAN and Rubberroy cover sand story; Wikipedia; Richard Edward "Grass" Green was an African American cartoonist notable for being the first black participant in both the 1960s fan art movement and the 1970s underground comics movement; In the 1960s, Green's Harvey Kurtzman-like zany, action-packed, humorous comics parodies appeared in numerous fanzines. His outrageous 1970s and 1980s underground work used searing humor to expose America's racism and bigotry; GRASS GREEN story, cover and art; VF, 8.0 = $89.00; VF, 8.0 = $75.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59.00)
#2 (ASK)
Wimmen's Comix (Last Gasp / ECO Funnies / Renegade / Rip Off Pub) -
#2 (1st Printing); #3 (1st Printing); #3 (2nd Printing); #7 (1976; 1st Printing); #9 (1st Printing);
Winnipeg Underground Comix (K.C. Comics / Kenny Moran Pub; B&W; Color cover; Canadian Underground Comics Magazine from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 8-½”x11”; 62 Pages including covers, but with one-sided pages; Plus Comes with Loose Certificate of Authenticity makes 64 pages in total)
#1 (9/2006; Story/Cover/Art by KENNY MORAN; Featuring 3 JIM BEAM GANG stories; One story-r from Portland Underground #3; The other 2 stories previously UN-Published; Also with the 1979 UN-Published “Dune Lady”; 6 pages of NUDE Girl “BONDAGE” Pinup pages; 2 pages L’il Elzonian Spacenaut; Limited Edition of only 26 Lettered Copies, Signed by publisher/author/artist Kenny Moran; Unread, As New, just as we received direct from publisher = $25.00);
Wonder Wart Hog - The Best of Wonder Warthog (B&W Underground Comics; Rip Off Press/Print Mint; all are FIRST collected Printings Thus; 1973-1975);
Volume-I (#1; Manitoba; VF, 8.0 = $16);
Volume-I (#1; 10/1973; 1st Printing, 50 cents Original cover price; classic Gilbert Shelton-c/a);
Volume-I (#1; 10/1973; 2nd Printing, 75 cents Original cover price; classic Gilbert Shelton-c/a; FN $8);
Volume-II (#2; 1975; 1st Printing, 75 cents Original cover price; classic Gilbert Shelton-c/a);
Volume-III (#3; dated 1973 but actually 3/1974; 1st Printing, 50 cents Original cover price; classic Gilbert Shelton-c/a);
Volume-III (#3; Manitoba; VF+, 8.5 = $16);
World of ELZON
(K.C. Comics / Kenny Moran Comix Pub; B&W; Color
cover; Canadian Underground Comic from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada;
NOT Dated, circa 1980’s);
#3 (4-¼”x5-½”; MINI-COMIC; 8 Pages including covers; Origin issue; Story/Cover/art by Kenny Moran; Serially Number #100 in a Limited Edition of only 250 Copies; VF = $25.00);
#3 (4-¼”x5-½”; MINI-COMIC; 8 Pages including covers; Origin issue; Story/Cover/art by Kenny Moran; Serially Number #101 in a Limited Edition of only 250 Copies; VF = $20.00);
Sink Pub.)
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 6/1972; 1st Printing, 50 cents Original cover price; Robert CRUMB-c/a);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 6/1972; 1st Printing, 50 cents Original cover price; Robert CRUMB-c/a; VG $20);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 6/1972; 2nd Printing, 50 cents Original cover price; Robert CRUMB-c/a; VF $16);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1972; 2nd Printing, 50 cents Original cover price; Robert CRUMB-c/a);
#NN(#1; 8/1998; Reprint)
YELLOW DOG Comics (Print Mint Pub.; Berkeley, CA; 1968-1973)
20/1968; First Printing; SCARCE; Tabloid Mag Newsprint; 25 cents
Original Cover Price; only 5000 Printed; Wilson, CRUMB, Williams,
Beck, Shelton; VG/FN $25);
First Printing; SCARCE; Tabloid Mag Newsprint; 25 cents Original
Cover Price; only 5000 Printed; Griffin, Shelton, CRUMB, Beck Wilson,
Williams; G = $12)
17/1969; Double issue; First Printing; SCARCE; Tabloid Mag Newsprint;
50 cents Original Cover Price; only 5000 Printed; CRUMB, Williamson,
Beck, Wilson, Greene, Robbins, Bode; G/VG = $16);
#2; Double issue; 1969; 1st-7th Printing; Comic Format; 50 cents
Original Cover Price; CRUMB-c/a)
28/1969; First Printing; Comic Format; 50 cents Original Cover Price;
only 10,000 Printed; Irons, Harvey Kurtzman, Welz, Lynch, Green;
SCARCE; VG $20);
#16 (12/1969; First Printing; Comic Format; 50 cents original cover price; Last Scarce issue in series; only 10,000 Printed; FN $29);
#16 (1969; 50 cents original cover price; Last Scarce issue in series; FN/VF $35) ;
#17 (1970; 1st-4th Print; Comic Format; 50 cents original cover price) ;
#18 (1971; 1st-4th Print; Comic Format; 50 cents original cover price) ;
#19 (1971; inside says #18 - Vol II No 5; Roger Brand-c/a; 1st-2nd Print; 50 cents original cover price; Fred Schrier-a; Untold Story of MR TOAD by Bill Griffith; Trina-a; VF=$15; VG/FN=$9; VG=$7),
#20 (7/1971; First Printing; Comic Format; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Robbins, Griffith, Irons; Mr Toad-s; FN+ $12);
#20 (1971; 1st-2nd Printing; Comic Format; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Robbins, Griffith, Irons; Mr Toad-s);
#21 (1971/72; 1st Printing; Comic Format; 50 cents Original Cover Price);
#23 (1972; 1st Printing; Comic Format; 50 cents Original Cover Price);
#24 (1973; 1st Printing; Comic Format; 50 cents Original Cover Price);
#25 (1973; 1st Printing; Comic Format; 50 cents Original Cover Price);
YOUNG LUST (Company & Sons/Print Mint/Last Gasp Pub; 1970-1993);
#1(1970; 1st Printing; Says 1970 IFC; Griffith, Kinney & Spiegelman; Company & Sons; 50 cents Original cover price; FN+=$45; VG/FN = $36);
#1(1971; 2nd Printing; Says 1971 IFC; Griffith, Kinney & Spiegelman; Company & Sons; 50 cents Original cover price; VF $19);
#1(1971; 3rd Printing; Says 1971 IBC; Griffith, Kinney & Spiegelman; Company & Sons; 50 cents Original cover price; FN/VF = $16.00);
#1(1971; 3rd Printing; Says 1971 IBC; Griffith, Kinney & Spiegelman; Company & Sons; 50 cents Original cover price; FN $14);
#1(Griffith, Kinney & Spiegelman; Company & Sons; Third Printing; 50 cents Original cover price; VG/FN=$12);
#1(11/1974; 7th print; Griffith, Kinney & Spiegelman; 60 cents Original cover price);
#2(1972-1974; 1st print; 50 cents Original cover price; PURPLE Shoes & Moire Curb on-c; FN/VF $29);
#2(1972-1974; 2nd-5th print; 50 cents Original cover price; BROWN Shoes & Fixed Curb on-c);
#2(1974; 6th print; 60 cents Original cover price; BROWN Shoes & Fixed Curb on-c);
#3(1972; 75 cents Original cover price; Panel 2 on Splash page is in a Scroll thus 1st print; First Full Color issue);
#3(1972; 75 cents Original cover
price; Panel 2 on Splash page is in a rectangle thus 2nd print; First
Full Color issue);
#4(11/1974; 1st Printing; $1.00 Original Cover
Price; Full Color);
#5(1977; 1st-3rd Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price; B&W);
#6,8 = See MAGAZINE Section
#7 (1990; 20th Anniversary issue; 7"x10" Size; 1st printing. Cover price $3.50; Jay Kinney, Paul Mavrides, Daniel Clowes, Bill Griffith, Clare Biggs, Michael McMillan, Diane Noomin, Susie Bright, Spain, Phoebe Gloeckner, Hal Robins, Justin Green, Lee Binswanger, Jennifer Camper; NM, 9.4 = $16);
YOUR HYTONE Comix (Apex Novelties)
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Inside Front-c ad for Thrilling Murder, thus 1st Print; Robert CRUMB-c/a; FN/VF $45);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Inside Front-c ad for Thrilling Murder, thus 1st Print; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Price marked out with Black Felt Pen, FN/VF $38);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Inside Front-c ad for Crumb Posters, thus 2nd Print; Robert CRUMB-c/a; VF+ $19);
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Inside Front-c ad for Thrilling Murder, thus 1st Print; Robert CRUMB-c/a; VG/FN = $30);
ZAM (Print Mint pub; B&W Mini Comic; 5"x7"; 36 pages)
#NN( #1; One-Shot; 1974; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Wonder Wart Hog-s by Shelton, S. Clay Wilson & Robert Williams; Spain-a; CRUMB & Moscoso-a; SCARCE; FN/VF, 7.0 = $18)
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1974; 1st Printing; 50 cents Original Cover Price; Wonder Wart Hog-s by Shelton, S. Clay Wilson & Robert Williams; Spain-a; CRUMB & Moscoso-a; SCARCE; VF, 8.0 = $22)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZAP COMIX (Apex Novelties/Print Mint/Last Gasp Pub); >>> [Robert Crumb art= #0,1-3,5-7,9,10; Rick Griffin art= #2,3,6,7; Moreno art= #2,3,5-7,9,10; Gilbert Shelton art= #3,5-7,9,10; Spain art=#6,7,9-11; Robert Williams art= #5-7,9-11; S.Clay Wilson art= #2,3,5-7,9-11]; >>> [ Angel Food McSpade= #2; Angels & Devils-s=#6; Atomic Comics app = #3; Captain Pissgums-s= #3,10; Charley Patton-s by Crumb= #11; Coochy Cooty-s=#5,9,11; Dirty Dog app= #3; Fat Freddy's Cat=#7; Freak Brothers app=#5; Fuzzy the Bunny-s=#5; Hog Ridin' Fools= #2; Itzy & Bitzy app= #0; Freak Out Funnies= #0,1; Hamburger Hi Jinx= #2; Just Us Kids= #1; Keep on Truckin'= #1; Kozmic Kapers= #0; Lester Gass-s=#5; Mr Natural app= #0,1,2,5-7; Trashman-s=#11; Whiteman= #1; Wonder Wart-Hog app= #3,5];
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#0 (Circa Mid-1970's; 7th Printing with 60 cents Original Cover Price; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Meatball = 4 Page Story; Mr. Natural in Death Valley = 5 Page Story; Ducks Yas Yas = 3 Page Story; Freak Out Funnies = 2 Page Story; City of Future = 5 Page Story; VF/NM, 9.0 = $25.00);
#0 (Circa Mid-1970's; 7th Printing with 60 cents Original Cover Price; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Meatball = 4 Page Story; Mr. Natural in Death Valley = 5 Page Story; Ducks Yas Yas = 3 Page Story; Freak Out Funnies = 2 Page Story; City of Future = 5 Page Story; VF-, 7.5 = $18.00);
#0 (Circa Mid-1970's; 7th Printing with 60 cents Original Cover Price; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Meatball = 4 Page Story; Mr. Natural in Death Valley = 5 Page Story; Ducks Yas Yas = 3 Page Story; Freak Out Funnies = 2 Page Story; City of Future = 5 Page Story; FA/G, 1.5 = $5.00);
#1 (Circa 1969-1970; 3rd Printing with No printer name on back cover; SCARCER Early 35 cents Original Cover Price; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Whiteman = 4 Page Story; I'm A Ding Dong Daddy = 2 Page Story; Abstract Expressionist Ultra Super Modernistic Comics = 3 Page Story; Kitchen Kut-Outs! = 2 Page Story; Mr. Natural Visits The City= 6 Page Story; Classic Keep On Truckin'... = 1 Page; Just Us Kids = 2 Page Story; Minor Sticker Residue Mark, Higher Grade = ASK);
#1 (Circa 1969-1970; 3rd Printing with No printer name on back cover; SCARCER Early 35 cents Original Cover Price; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Whiteman = 4 Page Story; I'm A Ding Dong Daddy = 2 Page Story; Abstract Expressionist Ultra Super Modernistic Comics = 3 Page Story; Kitchen Kut-Outs! = 2 Page Story; Mr. Natural Visits The City= 6 Page Story; Classic Keep On Truckin'... = 1 Page; Just Us Kids = 2 Page Story; Magic Tape Repairs inside spine to cover, FA/G, 1.5 = $12.00);
#1 (1975; 4th Printing with 60 cents Original Cover Price; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Whiteman = 4 Page Story; I'm A Ding Dong Daddy = 2 Page Story; Abstract Expressionist Ultra Super Modernistic Comics = 3 Page Story; Kitchen Kut-Outs! = 2 Page Story; Mr. Natural Visits The City= 6 Page Story; Classic Keep On Truckin'... = 1 Page; Just Us Kids = 2 Page Story; Minor Sticker Residue Mark, NM-, 9.2 = $35.00);
#2 (1968; SECOND Printing with 50 cents Original Cover Price; Some have heavy cover stock, most have regular weight cover stock; Head First Strip on page 40 is Correctly Aligned & is NOT Mis-Cut; 52 pages; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Hamburger Hi-jinx featuring Cheesis K. Reist = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; PIG = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; Angelfood McSpade in She's Sock-a-Delic - She's All Heart = 4 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; Hike = 4 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; Luna Toon = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; The Checkered Demon in The Hog Ridin' Fools = 14 Pages S. Clay Wilson-s/a; Bombs Away = 2 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; First appearance of Griffin's angelic and demonic flying eyeballs; Mr. Natural = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; FN+ = $69.00);
#2 (1968; SECOND Printing with 50 cents Original Cover Price; Some have heavy cover stock, most have regular weight cover stock; Head First Strip on page 40 is Correctly Aligned & is NOT Mis-Cut; 52 pages; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Hamburger Hi-jinx featuring Cheesis K. Reist = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; PIG = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; Angelfood McSpade in She's Sock-a-Delic - She's All Heart = 4 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; Hike = 4 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; Luna Toon = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; The Checkered Demon in The Hog Ridin' Fools = 14 Pages S. Clay Wilson-s/a; Bombs Away = 2 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; First appearance of Griffin's angelic and demonic flying eyeballs; Mr. Natural = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; VG+ = $49.00);
#2 (1968; SECOND Printing with 50 cents Original Cover Price; Some have heavy cover stock, most have regular weight cover stock; Head First Strip on page 40 is Correctly Aligned & is NOT Mis-Cut; 52 pages; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Hamburger Hi-jinx featuring Cheesis K. Reist = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; PIG = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; Angelfood McSpade in She's Sock-a-Delic - She's All Heart = 4 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; Hike = 4 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; Luna Toon = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; The Checkered Demon in The Hog Ridin' Fools = 14 Pages S. Clay Wilson-s/a; Bombs Away = 2 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; First appearance of Griffin's angelic and demonic flying eyeballs; Mr. Natural = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; Store Stamp on Cover; G/VG, 3.0 = $39.00);
#2 (1975; THIRD Printing with 75 cents Original Cover Price; Some have heavy cover stock, most have regular weight cover stock; Head First Strip on page 40 is Correctly Aligned & is NOT Mis-Cut; 52 pages; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Hamburger Hi-jinx featuring Cheesis K. Reist = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; PIG = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; Angelfood McSpade in She's Sock-a-Delic - She's All Heart = 4 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; Hike = 4 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; Luna Toon = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; The Checkered Demon in The Hog Ridin' Fools = 14 Pages S. Clay Wilson-s/a; Bombs Away = 2 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; First appearance of Griffin's angelic and demonic flying eyeballs; Mr. Natural = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; NM, 9.4 = $69.00);
#2 (1975; THIRD Printing with 75 cents Original Cover Price; Some have heavy cover stock, most have regular weight cover stock; Head First Strip on page 40 is Correctly Aligned & is NOT Mis-Cut; 52 pages; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Hamburger Hi-jinx featuring Cheesis K. Reist = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; PIG = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; Angelfood McSpade in She's Sock-a-Delic - She's All Heart = 4 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; Hike = 4 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; Luna Toon = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; The Checkered Demon in The Hog Ridin' Fools = 14 Pages S. Clay Wilson-s/a; Bombs Away = 2 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; First appearance of Griffin's angelic and demonic flying eyeballs; Mr. Natural = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; NM-, 9.2 = $49.00);
#2 (1975; THIRD Printing with 75 cents Original Cover Price; Some have heavy cover stock, most have regular weight cover stock; Head First Strip on page 40 is Correctly Aligned & is NOT Mis-Cut; 52 pages; Classic Robert CRUMB story, cover & art; Hamburger Hi-jinx featuring Cheesis K. Reist = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; PIG = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; Angelfood McSpade in She's Sock-a-Delic - She's All Heart = 4 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; Hike = 4 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; Luna Toon = 2 pages Victor Moscoso-c/a; The Checkered Demon in The Hog Ridin' Fools = 14 Pages S. Clay Wilson-s/a; Bombs Away = 2 pages Rick Griffin-s/a; First appearance of Griffin's angelic and demonic flying eyeballs; Mr. Natural = 5 Pages Robert CRUMB-s/a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $17.00);
#3 (1968; First Printing; RARE; Heavy Cover stock; 50 cents Original Cover Price; SHELTON Joins; VG/FN = $180);
#3 (First Printing; RARE; FA/G
#3 (Circa 1969-1970; 2nd Printing; SCARCE; Early 50 cents
Original Cover Price; SHELTON Joins; FA/G $19);
#3 (Second Printing; SCARCE; Early 50 cents Original Cover Price; SHELTON Joins; FLIP Covers; Side-1 cover= Griffin, Side-2 cover= Wilson; VG/FN = $59);
#4 (2nd Printing; SCARCE; Early 50 cents Original Cover Price; VG = $36)
(4th Printing; 75 cents Original Cover Price)
(5/1970; First Printing; SCARCE; 50 cents Original Cover Price; FIRST
WILLIAMS-c; VG minus = $35);
#5 (circa 1970-1972; 2nd Printing; SCARCE; 75 cents Original Cover Price; FIRST WILLIAMS-c);
#6 (1/1973; First Printing; SCARCE; 50 cents Original Cover Price; VG $19);
#6 (circa 1973-1974; 2nd Printing; SCARCE; 75 cents Original Cover Price);
#6 (Apex Novelties Pub; Third Printing; Circa 1980 Reprint; $1.00 Original Cover Price; VG/FN =US$9);
#7 (1974; 1st Printing; SCARCE; 50 cents Original Cover Price; VG/FN=$22; VG=$18);
#8 (1975; 1st Printing; SCARCE; 75 cents Original Cover Price; CRUMB-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $18);
#9 (1978; Print Mint Pub; 1st Printing; $1.00 Original Cover Price);
#10 (Last Gasp Pub; Second Printing; 3/1982; 10,000 Copies Printed; $2.50 Original Cover Price; VG/FN =US$6);
#11 (2/1985; Last Gasp Pub; 1st Printing; 10,000 Copies Printed; $2.50 Original Cover Price; VF=$17);
(1989; NO
price on covers; 1st print; Lower Print & Scarcer High Numbered
issue; Spain Rodriguez-c/a; Rick Griffin, Trashman, Robert Williams,
S. Clay Wilson, Robert Williams, Gilbert Shelton, Victor Moscoso,
Robert Crumb, Rick Griffin, Lully Lulay; VG/FN $12);
$3.95 price on covers; 1st print; Lower Print & Scarcer High
Numbered issue; S. Clay Wilson Wraparound-c & Art; Victor
Moscoso, Spain Rodriguez, Gilbert Shelton, Robert Crumb; SOLD OUT);
#15 (2004; Scarcer LAST issue; $4.95 price on covers; 1st print; Flip-Book with 2 covers; Lower Print & Scarcer High Numbered issue; Robert Crumb, Spain, Paul Mavrides, Victor Moscoso, S. Clay Wilson, Gilbert Shelton, & Robert Williams; New Wonder Wart-Hog-c/s by Gilbert Shelton; SOLD OUT);
#0, 1 thru #11 = Other Reprints (ASK)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZERO (Last Gasp – Warren Greenwood)
#2(3/1975; 1st Print; 75 cents Original Cover Price; Oversized 7"x11"; VG=$5);
#3(Zombies-c; 5/1975);
ZERO ZERO (Fantagraphics Book ) #25 (Winter 1998/99)
ZIPPY Stories (Rip Off Press pub; B&W Mini Comic; 5"x8-1/4"; 52 pages)
#NN(#1; One-Shot; 1977; 1st Mini-Size Printing with RED ink inside; 95 cents Original Cover Price; Zippy the Pinhead & Mr Toad; FN/VF, 7.0 = $22; VG/FN=$14)
(B) Underground COMIC Magazines
>>see MORE Underground Related items in the“COMIC Magazines”
Section of our Website;
THE ADVENTURES OF PROFESSOR THINTWHISTLE AND HIS INCREDIBLE AETHER FLYER (Fantagraphics Books; October 1991) by Dick Lupoff & Steve Stiles, intro by Neil Gaiman;
Amazing Dope Tales (Greg Shaw Pub; San Francisco, CA; Newsprint Magazine, B&W Covers/Interior)
#1 V.2 (Winter/1967; Second State of First Printing; Corrected & properly trimmed; SCARCE; "LSD" mentioned on cover; B&W; 7-1/2" x 10-3/4" size; 24 pages; 25 cents, 35 cents SF Bay Area Original Cover Price; FN/VF $99);
American Splendor (Magazine; Harvey Pekar; 1976-1993)
#2(1977; VF $79);
#3 (1978; 1st Printing; Robert
CRUMB-a; VF $45);
#4 (1979; 1st Printing; Robert CRUMB-c/a; VF/NM
#5 (1980; 1st Printing; Robert
CRUMB-c/a; FN/VF $32);
#7 (1982; 1st Printing; Robert CRUMB-a;
VG/FN $15);
#8 (1983; 1st Printing; Robert CRUMB-a; VF $22);
(1984; 1st Printing; Robert CRUMB-a; VG $10);
#10 (1985; 1st
Printing; VF/NM $22);
#10 (1985; 1st Printing; FN $14);
(1986; 1st Printing; FN $12);
#12 (1987; 1st Printing; Robert CRUMB-a; David Letterman-c; VG/FN $10);
the Comics Revue; (1975-1976;
Underground Comics Magazine; Print Mint pub; Zippy the Pinhead,
Robert CRUMB, etc; 52 pages) -
#1 (Spring/1975; 1st
Robert CRUMB-c/a; Art Spiegelman, Bill Griffith, Willy Murphy, Paul
Krassner, Kim Deitich, Jay Kinney, Giilbert Shelton);
#2 (Summer/1975; 1st Printing; Robert
CRUMB-c/a; Lenny Bruce, Shelton, Deitch, Griffith, Lynch, Spain,
Spiegelman, Green; FN/VF $17; another copy available);
(Fall/1975; 1st Printing; Robert CRUMB-c/a; ZIPPY the PINHEAD part-c
& story; Charles Bukowski, H.P. Lovecraft, Spiegelman, Spain,
Griffith, S. Clay Wilson, Williams, Kominsky, Green; VF $20; another
copy available);
#4 (Winter/1975; Robert CRUMB-c/a; S. Clay Wilson, Griffith, Williams; 1st Printing; $1.25 Original Cover Price = ask);
#5 (Spring/1976; 1st Printing; Lynch-c/a; Robert CRUMB-a; ZIPPY the PINHEAD-s; Checkered Demon-s; Last Days of the third Reich, Griffith, Deitch, S. Clay wilson, Green, Hayes, Spiegelman, Green, spain, Kominsky; ask);
#6 (Summer/1976; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Spiegelman, Griffith, S. Clay Wilson, Deitch, Green, Spain, Kominsky; 1st Printing; $1.50 Original Cover Price; FN/VF $17);
#7 (Fall/1976; 1st Printing; $1.50 Original Cover Price; Deitch, Kominsky, Green, Hayes, Lynch-a; Robert CRUMB sketchbook; Toad & the Madman by Bill Griffith; Vampire Lust by S. Clay Wilson; Disneywold exposed; Tijuana Bibles = Sex Comics of the 30's; Edgar Allan Poe; ASK);
Are We Having Fun Yet? by Bill Griffith -- ISBN # 1-56097-149-5 [Fantagraphics Books; 1994; Softcover Trade Paperback; $12.95 cover price; 132 pages including covers; Zippy The Pinhead-c/s; Fold-Out MAP of Zip World; NM, 9.4 = $18]
BARBARELLA by Jean-Claude Forest (Grove Press, 1968; 8"x11" Softcover Trade Paperback Graphic Novel) #NN(translated into English from the French; Jane Fonda Photo Cover, thus 2nd USA printing; FN/VF, 7.0 = $39);
Best of High Times Comix (High Times Pub; Magazine)
Volume-I (#1; Best of 1974-1976; 1st Printing; I was JFK's Dealer; Tom Robbins on Mushrooms; Lenny Bruce Pot book; Cheech & Chong; Dope Rider; Wallenchinsky; Zippy the Pinhead; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29);
the BEST OF RIP OFF PRESS COMIX ( 1973-1980; Softcover Trade Paperbacks; Rip Off Press pub)
Volume One (#1; 1973; 7-1/2"x10-1/2"; NO price on Cover thus 1st Printing; Crumb, Shelton, Jaxon, Sheridan, Irons, Williams, S. Clay Wilson, Sturgeon, etc; SCARCE; VF/NM. 9.0 = $55);
BEST OF SAN FRANCISCO BALL Comics (Jaundice Press Inc; B&W Adult Comics magazine)
#2(1974; 84 pages; Snoopy, Andy Capp & Shazam-c & stories; *** Sex Parodies include; Shit from ID, TARZAN, Capt Midnight, Plastic man, Ripley's, Sanford & Son, King Kong, Maggie & Jiggs, SHERLOCK HOLMES, Prince Valiant, Dracula, Little Annie Fanny, Frankenstein & Columbo; G/VG = $24);
#9329; collection of Vaughn Bode - Underground / Nude Adult Fantasy
Cartoons from Cavalier Magazine ] by Bode, Vaughn. ////
Books., New York, NY, USA., 1973. Soft Cover. Vaughn Bode - Cartoon
Cover & Interior Art (illustrator). First Collected Edition, PBO
thus!. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" Tall. 132 pages.
"This collection of Vaughn Bode cartoons is culled (and
reformatted) from material originally published in Cavalier magazine
in the early 1970s. A collection of comics originally produced by
Bode for Cavalier Magazine in the 60's and early 70's. "Up from
the underground! The most outrageous, erotic, and mind-boggling
cartoon adventures you'll ever see; SOLD
(BODE, VAUGHN) EROTICA (HC-TB, Last Gasp, 1983) #1;
(BODE, VAUGHN) JUNKWAAFFEL (Last Gasp Pub; Magazine) - #5(1983);
(Bode, Vaughn) Poem Toons (Softcover Trade Paperback; Tundra Pub.) #NN(1989);
BRAINSTORM COMIX (Media & Graphic Eye Ent; UK/British Comics B&W Magazine); #6(Summer 1978; Cover Title = AMAZING ROCK & ROLL ADVENTURES; Indicia Title = ASTOUNDING ROCK & ROLL ADVENTURES; Ace Wimslow Ace ROCK Reporter in The Omega Report-c/s = BRYAN TALBOT cover & 25 Page story; DO-WOP COMICS by BONK; 40 Pages; VG/FN = $22.00);
Canada's Comics Group of Seven - Silver Age Artists Comic Art Workers of Canada by Kenny Moran (K.C. Comics / Kenny Moran Pub; B&W; Color cover; Almost 1" THICK Canadian Underground Comics Magazine from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 8-½”x11”; 408 Pages including covers, Consisting of 204 One-Sided pages including Loose Certificate of Authenticity & Covers; Weight = 1200 Grams)
#NN (2005-2006; ISBN #0-9780142-0-0; >>> Includes; Bibliographical references to Canada's Group of Seven Underground Comics Artists from Winnipeg, mainly focused on Kenny Moran; >>> Contents; Sonja Fox #5, Cheyenne the Cimmerian #5, ELF the Barbarian #6,7,8,9,10,11,13, Red Valiara #8, Nelvana #1,2; **** Chapter-11 contains NELVANA #1 = NELVANA {of the Northern Lights} in "the Snow Giant Sisters" with an All-New 11 page Story & art by Kenny Moran; Chapter-12 contains NELVANA {of the Northern Lights} #2 = NELVANA in "the Snow Giant Sisters" with an All-New 12 page Story & art by Kenny Moran; *** NOTE; Kenny Moran's Story & Art are both Very CRUDE and Amateurish; Includes Previous Published art & much previously UN-Published Art; Limited Edition of only 26 Lettered Copies, Signed by publisher & artist Kenny Moran; VERY RARE; SOLD OUT);
CANNON {Wallace Wood's...} by Wally WOOD (1979; Wallace Wood / Jack Robinson Pub; 10”x12” Oversized Magazine / Fanzine; Loaded with Nudity = Adults Only; 36 pages; B&W);
#1(1979; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; NM-, 9.2 = $52);
#1(1979; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $35);
#2(1979; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; VF+, 8.5 = $30);
#3(1979; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $35);
Cisco Kid (ST - Street Enterpiises Pub; Magazine) #1(3/1973; 1st Printing; Comic Strip reprints; Western-s; FN/VF $12);
COMIX BOOK (1974-1975; Marvel Pub; B&W Underground Comics Magazine; NO Comics Code; 68 pages; Editor = Denis Kitchen; Newsstand Distribution);
#1 (Late 1974; Peter Poplaski-c; *** Stories & Art by; Steve Stiles, Denis Kitchen, Trina Robbins, Art Spiegleman, Bill Sanders, Basil Wolverton, Evert Geradts, Skip Williamson, Kim Deitch, John Pound, Mike Baron, Peter Loft, Ted Richards, Justin Green, Tim Boxell & Scott Shaw; *** Barefootz-s = Howard Cruse-s/a; Myron the Moose-s = Vince Davis-s/a; Binky Brown-s = Justin Green-s/a; VF=$22; FN/VF=$17; FN=$12; VG=$9);
#2 (1/1975; Skip Williamson-c; *** Stories & Art by; Mike Ploog, S. Clay Wilson, Basil Wolverton, Kim Deitch, Sharon Rudahl, Ted Richards, Joel Beck, Skip Williamson, Justin Green, Trina Robbins, Bill Sanders, Willy Murphy, George Pimpleton, Kelly Freas, Bruce Walthers, Leslie Cabarga, Will Fowler, Tim Boxell, Peter Loft. **** Barefootz-s by Howard Cruse; Maus-s by Art Spiegleman; VF=$22; FN/VF=$17; FN=$12; VG=$9);
#3 (VF=$22; FN/VF=$17; FN=$12; VG=$9);
COMIX BOOK (Magazine; 1976; Kitchen Sink; B&W Underground Comics Magazine; DIRECT Only = LOW Distribution);
#4 (2/1976; VF=$24; FN/VF=$18; VG/FN=$12);
#5 (1976; LAST issue; VF=$24; FN/VF=$18; VG/FN=$12);
The Complete FRITZ THE CAT [1978; Belier Press; Comics Graphic Novel Trade PBK by - R. (Robert) CRUMB's; Classic UNDERGROUND Comics; Approx. 128 pages /// weight = 345 grams. " Includes all the Fritz stories and strips ever published, plus many previously unpublished drawings and unfinished strips." Robert Crumb is often considered the MASTER of Underground Comix. CONTENTS - (1) Introduction by R. Crumb; (2) Hey, Ol' Cat!; (3) Cat LIfe; (3) Fritz Comes on Strong; (4) Fred, the Teen-age Pigeon Girl; (5) Fritz Bugs Out; (6) Special Agent for the C.I.A.; (7) What the Hell's Happenings Sweetie?; (8) I Hates Ol' Ladies; (9) Miscellaneous Sketchbook Drawings; (10) Fritz the Cat Doubts his Masculinity; (11) Fritz the Cat; (12) Fritz the No-Good; (13) Fritz the Cat Becomes a Drug Addict; (14) Fritz the Cat, Superstar; (15) Bibliography; Inventory #C069-1; VF = $69.00);
CRUMB, R; SKETCHBOOK Vol. 8, FALL 1970 - FALL 1972 (Softcover Trade Paperback; Fantagraphics Pub.) - #NN(November 2000);
(CRUMB, ROBERT); "Complete Crumb Comics" = trade paperbacks (oversize; Fantagraphics; Weight for Postage = 500 Grams ) Volume 13: The Season of the Snoid (ISBN: 1560972963; Unread VF/NM; US$35);
(CRUMB, R.) WAITING FOR FOOD: RESTAURANT PLACEMAT DRAWINGS 1990 – 1995 (Kitchen Sink; 1995; Hardcover with Dust Jacket);
Czar Chasm (C&T Graphics Pub; Magazine)
#1 (1987; 2nd Printing; Morty the Dog; Geriatricman; Mightyguy; VF $9);
#2 (6/1987; 1st Printing; Draft Dodgers from Outer space; Girl & the Barbarian; Beacon-s; Groovy World Adv of Sneed; FN/VF $7);
DOLL (Softcover Trade Paperback, Rip Off Press Pub., 1989) #NN;
Early Barefootz by Howard Cruse [Fantagraphics Books; 1990; 8-1/2" x 11" Softcover Trade Paperback; $11.95 cover price; 116 pages including covers; Autobiography and B&W cartoons of 1970-1973 period; NM, 9.4 = $15]
EARTH (Magazine; 8-1/2" x 11"; 84 pages); Volume-2 #1(1/1971; War is Inside-c by Bob Zoell, plus 5 pages & Pull-Out Poster; MR NATURAL'S 719th Meditation = 3 page Robert CRUMB-a; Shiggie Otis = 5pg Photo/article; RARE; FN $30);
Edward's Heave Comics (Cozmic Comics UK/British comics Magazine) #NN(#1; One-Shot; 4/1973; 1st Printing; VG $12);
ELRIC (B&W Magazine/Fanzine; Windy City Comix Group) #1(Manitoba; 1973; 32 pages; Adapts Michael Moorcock's "Fall of the Dreaming City"; Steve Grant-s; John Adkins Richardson-a; John BYRNE Back cover = First "Pro" Work?; Lists at $150 in FOGEL Underground Comics Price Guide update; RARE; VF+, 8.5 = $99);
Extra! Commix Volume-1 #1(1969; folded newsprint Tabloid Promo Magazine; 4 pages; Justin Green; Mr Natural by Crumb; Trashman; RARE; VG/FN $39);
THE 50 CENT GUITAR BOOK (Flash Books /Music Sales Corporation; Full Color; 7-1/2" x 10-1/2"; Trade Paperback) - #1 (1974; by Bob Davis & John Adams; ISBN # 0825630509; 98 pages including covers; Includes; Me and Bobby McGee; Blues Walkin' Like a Man; Changes inside the Egg; The ROBERT JOHNSON STORY - King of Delta Blues, The Man & the Myth; The Twelve Bar Blues; Rock N Roll is Comin' my way; SCARCE; VG/FN = $39.00);
Filipino Food by Ed Badajos (Olympia Press) (Oblong Trade Paperback / Magazine) #NN(#1; One-Shot; 1972; 72 pages; SCARCE; 1st Printing; FN+ $49);
THE FIRST KINGDOM (Magazine;, Bud Plant Inc., 1975; JACK KATZ-s/c/a) #1-14,17-24;
FOGEL'S Underground Comix Price Guide - the First Supplment, by Dan Fogel (April/2010; Hippy Comix/Carnal Comics B&W Magazine; 132 pages including Covers; *** Includes; Price Changes since the 2006 Main Guide, 100's of New Listings NOT included in the 2006 Guide; UK Undergrounds = 13 pages of new Listings; Top Grade listed is now 9.2 rather than 9.4, as with Overstreet; MINI COMICS = 44 Pages Section; NEW From Publisher; Limited Print Run of only 1200 Copies; As New; $29.00);
GASM (B&W / COLOR ADULT Science Fiction, Horror & Fantasy Comics Magazine; Stories, Layout & Press Inc, November/1977-June/1978; NUDITY & Sex; NO Comics Code; Circulated by CURTIS; Myron & Irving Fass publishers)
#1 (11/1977; 12 page Color section = Mark Wheatley-s/a; Gene Day-s/a; Letters by DAVE SIM; Workman-a; Charles Dixon-a; SCARCE);
#2 (12/1977; 16 pages in Color; Mark Wheatley-s/a; Gary Winnick-s/a; Girl Named SEXX = Workman-a; Charles Dixon-a; 6pgs Matt Howarth-s/a; Nymphs-s by FredBobb; SCARCE; NOT Listed in Overstreet);
#NN (#3, 2/1978; 16 pages in Color; Hickman-c; Don Lomax-s/a; NAZI SF-s = Gene Day-s/a; Charles Dixon-s/a; BJ Butterfly = Workman-s/a; Frank Cirocco-a; Terminal Geeks-s by Goodman & Sonntag; Mark Wheatley-s/a; Uncommon);
#NN (#4, 4/1978; 16 pages in Color; Gene Day-s/a; Don Lomax-s/a; Mark Wheatley-a; 2 x Richard CORBEN-s/a = 21 pages total; 9 pages ZEN Comics = 1st Pro published Art by Jim / James O'Barr of CROW Fame ?? = Looks like a cross between Crow & Kiss; Workman-a; Uncommon);
#NN (#5, 6/1978; 16 pages in Color; Don Lomax-s/a; Mark Wheatley-s/a; Gene Day-s/a; Gary Winnick-s/a; Marc Hempel-a; 4pgs Howarth-s/a; 16 pages Richard CORBEN-s/a; SCARCE Last issue);
GATES OF EDEN (Magazine;, Fantaco Pub., Slick Adult B&W Magazine; 52 pages)
#1 (1982; Comic Anthology; Mile Kaluta-c; '69 by Jeff JONES; Doctor Feelgood by Foolbert Sturgeon; Also includes art by; Leialoha, Micheal T. Gilbert, Trina Robbins, Fred Hembeck, Foolbert Sturgeon, Lee Mars, P. Craig Russell, Rick Geary, Kim Seitch, Spain, Sharon Rudahl, Gary Gallgren & John Caldwell; Back cover by Rick Griffin; Inside Covers by John Byrne & Jim Starlin; FN = $10.00);
GEORGIA STRAIGHT (11-1/2" x 17" Tabloid Newspaper - Folded to 8-1/2" x 11-1/2" Size; British Columbia, Canada; Vancouver Free Press pub; Underground Culture, Music, Drugs & COMIX);
#277(1-2/1973; FREAK BROTHERS comics; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16);
#425(12/1975-1/1976; Rip Off Comix page with Freak Brothers; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12);
#445(May 20-27/1976; William S. Burroughs on Heroin-c/s; Doobie Brothers; Greenpeace; NO comix; FN, 6.0 = $10);
#452(July 8-15/1976; Hand Gliding in BC-c/s; Talon Books; NO comix; FN/VF, 7.0 = $9);
#509(August 18-25/1977; ELVIS PRESLEY-c/s = King is Dead / Slips from Charts; Letters page illo by Rand Holmes; Fat Freddy's Cat by Shelton; Dorman's Doggie by Foolbert Sturgeon; Forty Year Old Hippie by Richards; FN, 6.0 = $14);
Get Me A Table Without Flies Harry by Bill Griffith [Fantagraphics Books 1990. Softcover Trade Paperback; Oblong 10" x 8" size; $14.95 cover price; Sketchbooks by Bill Griffith - Zippy the Pinhead creator; 164 pages including covers; NM-, 9.2 = $16.00);
GOOD TASTE Funnies (SCREW PRESENTS...; B&W Adult Comics magazine) #NN(#1; NO Date, circa 1975; One-Shot?; John Caldwell-c/a; VG $18);
GREAT CANADIAN SHIMEGLY FOLLIES (Dan Daulby self-published; Winnipeg Manitoba);
#NN [#1; One-Shot; “The 1st Great Canadian Shimegly Follies, a True Canadian Saggy by Dan Daulby & Hugh Roche”; Published by D. Daulby & K. Daulby; 40 Pages including covers; Large Oversized 11" x 17" B&W Comics Magazine on quality paper;
Signed & Serially Numbered #47 Limited Edition of only 1550 Copies by Dan Daulby, & Hugh Roche; Cool Underground Cartoon Style by DAN DAULBY; Includes these comics; (1) 20 different one page Comic Strips of "CENORA", a Truly Wacked Out Fella by DAN DAULBY = Space, Penis & Toilet humor; (2) 3 different one page Comic Strips of Slim & O'Hara, with Opel by DAN DAULBY = CAR Humor; (3) LEONARD = One page Comic Strip by DAN DAULBY = Space Ship & Man in Space; (4) MULCH The Creature who lived in a Toronto Area Trash Can, and a friendly Rat named Modo = 2 page Comic Strip by DAN DAULBY; (5) BEN KOSEBA = 4 pages of Comics by HUGH ROCHE; (6) CRAP APPLES (Talking Turds) = 3 pages of Comics by HUGH ROCHE; // Adults Only, due to Foul language & potentially Offensive Humor; RARE Canadian Underground comic; NOT Listed in the Kennedy Underground Guide; NOT Listed in the Fogel Hippy Comix Underground Guide; ** DAN DAULBY is well-known fine artist, based in Richmond, BC Canada, (he published two issues of “The Great Canadian Shimegly Follies”, his Canadian UNDERGROUND Comic; Information saved hear for posterity and Canadian Underground Historians; SOLD OUT];
GREAT CANADIAN SHIMEGLY FOLLIES (Dan Daulby self-published; Winnipeg Manitoba Canada);
#2 (1978; 8-1/2" x 11" B&W; Eight Pages; A Great Canadian Saggy; Slim & O'Hara, with Opel by DAN DAULBY; DAN DAULBY is well-known fine artist, based in Richmond, BC Canada, (he published two issues of “The Great Canadian Shimegly Follies”, his Canadian UNDERGROUND Comic); RARE Canadian Underground comic; NOT Listed in the Kennedy Underground Guide; NOT Listed in the Fogel Hippy Comix Underground Guide; Low Print and RARE; Very Fine, 8.0 = $29.00
Housebound with Rick Geary [Fantagraphics Books; 1991; 1st printing; $11.95 cover price; 8-1/2" x 11" Softcover Trade Paperback; 100 pages including covers; NM, 9.4 = $15]
How T-Make It as a ROCKSTAR (GASPO / PPC Magazines pub; UK/British; 8-1/2" x 11" Magazine sized; 36 pages; B&W); #NN(#1; 1977; Tony Benyon; SCARCE; FN = $18);
Illustrated Checklist to Underground Comix - Preliminary Edition; 1st Printing. (Adults Material) (Richard Crumb; Archival Press; 1979; $4.50 original cover price) - Book #OS-639-1 (Very Good/Fine; $25.00)
Image (Magazine, San
Francisco Examiner pub); - April 17/1988 (Willie Mays-c; Robert Crumb
article; 1st Printing; G/VG $9);
Image (Magazine, San
Francisco Examiner pub); - June 7/1992 (Underground Comics
Revolution-c/article; 1st Printing; G/VG $7);
Magazine/Fanzine; Galaxy News Service Inc. Pub.)
Volume-1 #1 (1st Printing; Spring/1974; Robert CRUMB cover, art & interview; Neal Adams strike against DC; Harvey Kurtzman interview; VF, 8.0 = $20.00);
Volume-1 #2 (1st Printing; Summer/1974; C.C. Beck-c/a & article; Who Owns Original Art? by Steve DITKO; KURTZMAN interview; VF/NM $20);
Volume-1 #2 (1st Printing; Summer/1974; C.C. Beck-c/a & article; Who Owns Original Art? by Steve DITKO; KURTZMAN interview; overall VF but with mage tape repair to Tear on page 19, thus FN = $12);
Volume-1 #3 (1st Printing; Fall/1974; 12 Pro's Gripe about Comics, including; Steranko, Chaykin, Williamson, Morrow, Adams & Kaluta; C.C. Beck-a & article; Marvel's kung fu comics; VG/FN $9);
Volume-1 #3 (1st Printing; Fall/1974; 12 Pro's Gripe about Comics, including; Steranko, Chaykin, Williamson, Morrow, Adams & Kaluta; C.C. Beck-a & article; Marvel's kung fu comics; VF $15);
JAM - a New Album of Fables (Fragments West pub; B&W Magazine) - #1(1977; One-Shot; $1.50 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Phil Yeh-a; VF, 8.0 = $10);
LAST GASP 1988 CATALOG (Magazine;, Last Gasp Pub., 1988) #NN;
Lowbrow Art of Robert Williams #NN(#1; One-Shot; Trade Paperback/Magazine; Stiff covers; $10.95-c; 1st Printing; VG/FN $36)
MAGIC CARPET (B&W Comics Magazine;, Comics and Comix Pub, 1977-78) -
#1(1977; Bill Blackbeard-s; VOLTAR-c/s; Buccaneers of the Skull Planet-s; Alfredo Alcala-c/a; 52 pages; VF=$14);
#2(1978; 1st Printing; Adam Strange swipe "Alien Confrontation"-c/s by Jim Pinkoski; Brent Anderson-a; VF=$12);
MAN FROM UTOPIA (San Francisco Comic Book Co. ; Griffin cover; 1972) Very Fine 8.0 = $59.00; Very Fine/Near Mint, 9.0 = $79.00
MELOTOONS (Peter Kuper pub; 8-1/2" x 11" B&W Magazine)
#1(1972; $1.00 Original Price; 1st Print; TRUCKIN' Along with Robert CRUMB-c/s; 20 pages; all CRUMB art, with Interview; Mr Natural, Funny Animals & Sketches; Brown color on Heavy Yellow Matt Textured Paper stock covers; VF-, 7.5 = $50);
MONDO 3-D (3-D Zone)
#1 (1992; 3-D Glasses are intact, VF = $18.00)
MR. A (Comic Art Pub; Fanzine / Magazine; Ditko, Comic Art Pub., 8"x11"; B&W)
#1 (1973; Steve DITKO cover, script and art; VF, 8.0 = $45);
New Adventures of Jesus The Second Coming by Frank Stack [2006; Fantagraphics Books; Softcover Trade Paperback; 1st printing. $19.95 cover price; New story by Frank Stack; intro by Robert Crumb; preface by Gilbert Shelton; 164 pages including covers; NM, 9.4 = $22]
O.K. Comic Co; (folded newsprint Tabloid Magazine); Volume-1 #11 (March 15/1973; 1st Printing; SCARCE; Coochy Cooty-c by Williams; Wonder Wart-Hog-s; Shelton-a; Harry the Hop; FN $29);
OOH! (L.A. Star Pub; Newsprint Adult Smut Magazine; California, USA; ; Amateur/ Semi-Pro Mag; 64 pages; Gail Wright);
#17 (1976; Photo cover; Photo's & Underground Style illustrations inside; VG $14)
#19 (1976; illustrated cover; Mostly Photo's inside; G/VG $12);
Peer Pressure (Pure Press / Santa Cruz Entropic Journal pub; Newsprint Magazine); #1(1977; 1st Printing; SCARCE; VF/NM $29);
Pioneers of Country Music
trading cards (Yazoo Records pub; 1985; 1st Printing; 40 Cards in
illustrated Box, all by Robert CRUMB; NM cards in VF box = $19);
PROMETHEAN ENTERPRISES (Underground Related Comics Pro Magazine / Fanzine; Bud Plant, Vandeboncoeur; Major Contribs by R. Crumb & Geo. Metzger, many others);
#5 (1974; 84 pages; Robert Williams-c; Werewolf-s by Bob Inwood; Art by; ROBERT CRUMB, Barr, Brunner, Metzger, Trina Robbins, Alex Nino; ** 18 page Conversation with ROBERT CRUMB, with Photo's & spot illos; VF+, 8.5 = $39.00)
#5 (1974; 84 pages; Robert Williams-c; Werewolf-s by Bob Inwood; Art by; ROBERT CRUMB, Barr, Brunner, Metzger, Trina Robbins, Alex Nino; ** 18 page Conversation with ROBERT CRUMB, with Photo's & spot illos; FN/VF, 7.0 = $29.00)
#5 (1974; 84 pages; Robert Williams-c; Werewolf-s by Bob Inwood; Art by; ROBERT CRUMB, Barr, Brunner, Metzger, Trina Robbins, Alex Nino; ** 18 page Conversation with ROBERT CRUMB, with Photo's & spot illos; VG = $22)
Poor Arnold’s Almanac by Arnold Roth [1998; Fantagraphics Books; Softcover Trade Paperback; 1st printing; $14.95 cover price; includes all 104 Sunday Strips from 1959-1961, plus 5 unpublished Bonus strips; Intro by John Updike; NM, 9.4 = $15]
RAT FINK COMICS (World of Fandom Pub., 1990; Low Print & Scarce); #1 (1990; ED “BIG DADDY” ROTH art);
RAT FINK COMIX { ED “BIG DADDY” ROTH'S…} (Ed Roth & Starhead Comix; Low Print & Scarce) #1 (1987; ED “BIG DADDY” ROTH art);
RAW PURPLE (Beyond the Edge Pub Co Ltd / Antonio A. Ghura Pub; UK British B&W Magazine; Strictly ADULTS Only)
#NN (#1; One-Shot; 1977; "MARIJUANA MADNESS"-c/s; 52 pages; Antonio A. Ghura-c/a; HITLER cameo page; Oliver Jones & his Weird {Talking} Penis-s; Johnnie Goodvibes / Biker-s; DRUGS & Graphic Sex; VF+ = $20);
RIP OFF COMIX (Magazine sized issues; Rip Off Press Pub., 1982-1991)
#11(1982), 12, 16(1987), 17, 20,23,25,27,;
R. Crumb CHECKLIST by Donald Fiene (Boatner Norton Pub; Softcover Trade paperback) - #NN(#1; Fall/1981; 196 pages including covers; $10.95 Original Cover Price; 1st softcover Printing, VG = $35);
Oggie and the Beanstalk by Crumb, Robert. ///// Scrimshaw Press, San
Francisco, California, USA;, 1975. Glossy Cover. ROBERT CRUMB Comics
Cover & Art. (illustrator). First Hardcover Edition. 8vo - over
7¾" - 9¾" tall. Approx. 152 pages including
covers. "Crumb drew this story when he was 19. It was given as a
present for Dana. The sophomoric-romantic work took 6 month of
earnest labor. All the color was done with prismacolor pencils in
1963. Crumb: 'I just want to explain that I drew this story when I
was nineteen years old and still a virgin. Now I am thirty years old
and find the book somewhat adolescent and immature. Personally it
embarrasses me now, but probably a lot of people will like it better
than the stuff I turn out currently. Others, I'm sure will put it
down for being too cute, etc. I've changed a lot and so has my work,
but this does have a certain innocent charm. Dana loved me for
it'.."; Funny Animal FAIRY TALE about a FROG & a giant NAKED
GIRL, told in FULL COLOR graphic Comics Format. Robert Crumb is often
considered the MASTER of Underground Comix. Hardcover.
6/1974; NO Dust Jacket; Book = VG/FN $25);
ROLDO THE BARBARIAN (Toof Ar-Gon Comix Works / J.W. Lake Pub.; 8" x 10-1/2" B&W Comic Magazine; 1978; Scarce Canadian Underground comic; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada);
#1(One-Shot; 1978; Roldo-s/c/a; Low Print Run & SCARCE; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59);
#1(One-Shot; 1978; Roldo-s/c/a; Low Print Run & SCARCE; VG/FN, 5.0 = $39);
Sacred and Profane by Justin Green #NN (#1; Last Gasp; 1976; 1st Printing; Giant Oversized 10"x14" Treasury Sized Edition; Binky Brown returns; We Fellow Travellers; Gates of Purgatory; Rowdy Noody; Sol tours Purgatory & meets Jack Benny; VG/FN $18);
SALLY FORTH {Wallace Wood's...} by Wally WOOD (1976; Wallace Wood / Jack Robinson Pub; 10”x12” Oversized Magazine / Fanzine; Loaded with Nudity = Adults Only; 36 pages; B&W);
#1(1976; $3.50 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; VG, 4.0 = $17.00);
#2(1976; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $35.00);
#3(1978; $4.00 Original Cover Price; 1st Print; Superb GGA / Good Girl Art by Wally WOOD-c/a; NM, 9.4 = $75.00);
Short Order Comix (Family Fun pub; 7-1/2" x 10-3/8" Magazine size) #2 (1974; 1st Printing; Griffith-c/a; Spiegelman, Kinney, Hayes, Green, Murphy, Noomin; FN $14);
SIMPLETON (Underground Comics Tabloid Newspaper fro Seattle);
Volume-1 #2( Fat Freddie's Cat by Shelton; early Burns; DIRTY DUCK-c/s by Bobby London; Freak Brothers; 1970's; VG $18);
Volume-1 #3(1976; Shary Flenniken-c; Freak Brothers by Shelton; Dirty Duck by London; Trots & Bonnie; G/VG $12);
Sin City - Tales of Urban
Paranoia (Cozmic Comics; UK/British) #1(1973; 1st Printing; 2001: a
Haze Odyssey-s; FN $13);
Smile (Kitchen Sink Press; 1970-72 Magazine; 8-1/2" x 10")
#2 (1970; 1st Printing; FN/VF $8);
Spaced (Comics & Comix pub); #3 (1976; 1st Printing; Giant Oversized 10-1/2"x14" Treasury Sized Edition; Jim Pinkoski-c/a; G/VG $10);
STAR FUCKERS (Kennes Pub.; French Language; circa 1990's = ?);
STRIP AID U.S.A. (Last Gasp; 1988; Softcover Trade Paperback; a Collection of cartoon art to Benefit People with Aids);
SUZIE and JONNIE (... the Morrocco Run; Laid-Back Adventures of ...) (Antonio A. Ghura Pub; UK British B&W Magazine; Strictly ADULTS Only)
#NN (#1; One-Shot; 1981; 52 pages; Antonio A. Ghura-c/a; Drugs & Graphic Sex; Old Person smoking Marijuana on Back-c; Staples are starting to Rust, a common Flaw with UK mags because they used IRON instead of Steel staples, otherwise, VF+ = $18);
#NN (#1; One-Shot; 1981; 52 pages; Antonio A. Ghura-c/a; Drugs & Graphic Sex; Old Person smoking Marijuana on Back-c; Staples are starting to Rust, a common Flaw with UK mags because they used IRON instead of Steel staples, otherwise, FN/VF = $12);
Suzie and Jonnie, The Laid-Back Adventures of… (Antonio A. Ghura pub; UK/British; Magazine; 8-1/4" x 11-3/4") #NN(1981; 1st Printing; 52 pages; VG/FN $13);
SuperJesus (Atlantis Pictures Pub; B&W Magazine; Carl Spann, Dexter Kelly & Mike Gill) - #1(1972; Story Told in PHOTO'S with Comic images of Super Jesus; SCARCE; VF+, 8.5 = $22);
Sweeter Gwen: Eric Stanton's Homage to John Willie (Fet-History Pub; 6" x 9" Trade Paperback; 78 Pages)
#NN (2018; by J.W. Stanton; Art by Eric Stanton and Steve Ditko; Eric Stanton's personal favorite comic caper was also a loving (if crackpot) homage to John Willie’s legendary damsel-in-distress creation, Sweet Gwendoline. Stanton delivers a Mad magazine-like sendup of Willie’s original, complete with Will Elder-like funny business. And yet even with all this slapstick, Stanton’s female leads, including the imperious Countess, the pliant Gaga and the innocent Gwen, are as gorgeous as any he’s ever drawn, and the fetish wear, bondage play, and femme-on-femme fights are as rousing as ever. Stanton’s pencils were inked by Steve Ditko, who also contributed some original art, while the two toyed with the creation of Spider-Man in the spring of 1962. This special edition was reconstructed from archival material, correcting earlier printings and designed to display the risqué humor of Stanton's art. NM. 9.4 = $20.00);
THRASHER Comics (High Speed Productions Comics; USA; B&W SKATEBOARDING Comic Book; all LOW PRINT and SCARCE; Underground ADULT Comic) #9 (1990; Scarcer LAST issue; Painted cover art; Granny McGurk story; Revenge of the Underground Skate ZOMBIES = E.C. Hudson Story & Art; Ollie Baba and the 43 Thieves = Dan Sites story & art; Bonzo = DM2 story & Art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $12.00);
VENTURE (Horizon
Zero Graphiques; Editors; Gary Winnick and Frank Cirocco);
#5 (1976; GGA Good Girl Art cover by NEAL ADAMS; Alex Nino back cover; The Triad; War Affair; Rogue World; Brent Anderson, Jeff Jones, Steve Leialoha, Steve Oliff, Tom Orzechowski, Carl Potts, Tony Salmons; FN, 6.0 = $12.00; VG, 4.0 = $9.00);
WEIRDO (Magazine; Last Gasp / ECO Funnies Pub., 1981-1993; Robert CRUMB-c/a in ALL issues)
#1 (Spring, 3/1981; 1st Printing; $2.25 Original Cover Price; 44 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Print Run of 10,000 Copies; Brooke Sheilds back-c by Crumb; VF+, 8.5 = $39.00; VG, 4.0 = $18.00);
#2 (6/1981; 1st Printing; $2.25 Original Cover Price; 44 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Print Run of 10,000 Copies; Spain-a; Harry Robins, Norman Petingill, Aline Kominsky-a; VF, 8.0 = $24.00);
#2 (7/1981; 2nd Printing; $2.25 Original Cover Price; 44 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Print Run of 10,000 Copies; Spain-a; Harry Robins, Norman Petingill, Aline Kominsky-a; VF, 8.0 = $14.00);
#3 (Fall - 11/1981; 2nd Printing; $2.25 Original Cover Price; 44 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Print Run of 10,000 Copies; Max Crumb-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $20.00);
#4 (Winter 1981-1982; 2nd Printing; $2.25 Original Cover Price; 44 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Print Run of 10,000 Copies; Seda, Friedman, Boyce-a; Story of Liddle Brown Rahdin' Hood; SOLD OUT);
#5 (7/1982; 2nd Printing; $2.50 Original Cover Price; 44 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Print Run of 10,000 Copies; Harry S Robins, Macedonio, Friedman, Boyce-a; Story of Liddle Brown Rahdin' Hood; SOLD OUT);
#14 (Fall/1985; 1st Printing; $2.50 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Peter Bagge, S. Clay Wilson-a, Kaz; SOLD OUT);
#15 (Winter/1985-1986; 1st Printing; $2.50 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Peter Bagge, S. Clay Wilson, Deitch; SOLD OUT);
#18 (Fall/1986; 1st Printing; $2.50 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Peter Bagge, SPAIN, Crothers, Dougan, Seda, Aline Kominsky, Noomin-a; SOLD OUT);
#20 (Spring/1987; 1st Printing; $2.95 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Aline Kominsky Crumb, Zingarelli, Tyler, Elle, Dougan, Seda-a; SOLD OUT);
#21 (Fall/1987; 1st Printing; $2.95 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Mickey Rat-s; SOLD OUT);
#22 (Spring/1988; 1st Printing; $2.95 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; SOLD OUT);
#23 (Summer/1988; 1st Printing; $2.95 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Aline Kominsky Crumb-a; BatGirl-s = Jouflas-a; Spain, elle, Deitch-a; SOLD OUT);
#24 (Winter/1988-89; 1st Printing; $2.95 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; Bill Griffith-a; Zippy the Pinhead app; Binky Brown by Justin Green; Adventures of 'Wichita the Rat Dancer by Robert CRUMB; Kim Deitch-a; Kathy Millet-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $30.00; FN/VF, 7.0 = $16.00; FN, 6.0 = $12.00);
#25 (Summer/1989; 1st Printing; UNCOMMON; $2.95 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; SOLD OUT);
#26 (Fall/1989; 1st Printing; UNCOMMON; $2.95 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; VF, 8.0 = $20.00);
#27 (Spring/1990; UNCOMMON 2nd Last issue; 1st Printing; $3.75 Original Cover Price; 52 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; SOLD OUT);
#28 (Summer/1993; 1st Printing; SCARCE LAST issue; $4.95 Original Cover Price; 68 pages; Robert CRUMB-c/a; SOLD OUT);
WITZEND (Magazine; 1-7= Wally / Wallace WOOD Pub.; #8-9 = Bill Pearson / Phil Seuling pub; 11,12 = Bill Pearson / Paragon pub; #10= CPL Gang Pub; 1966-1976; Pro Comics Offset Fanzine/Magazine)
#1 (Manitoba; Summer/1966; Wally WOOD-c/a; Frank FRAZETTA back-c; Savage World" = 8 pages SF comics by Al WILLIAMSON; Cameo-a by KIRBY, Ditko, Torres & Kane; unpublished ERB pinup by Crandall; "Sinner" comics by Ralph Reese; "Animan" = 7 pages comics by Wally WOOD; Moon Critters = 10 pages Gaughan cartoons = ask
#2 (Manitoba; 1967; Wally WOOD-c/a; Reese back-c; "Orion" = 6pg Fantasy comics by Gray Morrow-a; ERB Portfolio = 5 pages Reed Crandall-a; Feeble Fable by Sattler; 2pgs Hey Look by Kurtzman; FRAZETTA centerfold; Midnight Sppecial = 1pg Ditko; 1pg Elder-a; 3pgs Art Spiegelman-a; 2pgs Don martin-a; "Animan" = 9 pages comics by Wally WOOD; 1/2pg Williamson-a; Krenkel cameo-a; Weight= 100 Grams; VF, 8.0 = $75);
#3 (Manitoba; 1967; Wally WOOD-c/a; WILLIAMSON back-c; 2 x Dillons sketches; MR. A = 4 pages comics by Steve DITKO; ERB Portfolio = 4 pages Reed Crandall-a; 3pgs Art Spiegelman-a; 2pgs Hey look by Kurtzman; Invaders = 3pgs Bassford-a; the Chase = 5pgs Roger Brand-a; Pipsqueak Paper = 3 pages WOOD-a; Last Chance = 9 pages comics by Frank FRAZETTA; SOLD OUT);
#4 (Manitoba; 1968; Wally WOOD-c/a; Frank FRAZETTA back-c; Pipsqueak Paper = 4 pages WOOD-a; MR. A = 10 pages comics by Steve DITKO; REJECTS = 3 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; ERB Portfolio = 4 pages Reed Crandall-a; Dillons illo; 3pgs Grass Green-a; 6 pages Fantasy comics by Roger Brand; World of Wizard King = 5 pages Wally WOOD-a; SOLD OUT);
#5 (10/1968; World of Wizard King = 5 pages Wally WOOD-a; JUNKWAFFEL = 4 pages Vaughn BODE-a; 8 pages JAF cartoons; ERB Portfolio = 3 pages Reed Crandall-a; Pipsqueak Paper = 5 pages WOOD-a; TALON prevue = 3 pages STERANKO-c; 8 pgs comics by Roger Brand; Limited Edition of 5000 copies; SOLD OUT);
#6 (Manitoba; Spring/1969; Mike Hinge wraparound-c; ALIEN = 6 pages comics with Jeff JONES-a; 5 page Will EISNER interview with Spirit-a; Qwamb comics = Garika-a; Spawm of Venus = 8 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; Avenging World / Mr A = 10 pages comics by Steve DITKO; Morrow pinup; NM-, 9.2 = $99);
#7 (Manitoba; Spring 1970; 2 Girls in BONDAGE-c, one girl getting brains blown out by Gun = BODE-c; Cobalt 60 = 9 pages comics with Vaughn BODE-a; Kenneth Smith back-c; Avenging World / Mr A = 8 pages comics by Steve DITKO; 6pgs Roger Brand-a; 2 pages WRIGHTSON-a; Mr E = Mr A parody; the Journey = 10 pages Gray Morrow-a; Weight= 150 Grams; VF/NM, 9.0 = $65);
#7 (Spring 1970; 2 Girls in BONDAGE-c, one girl getting brains blown out by Gun = BODE-c; Cobalt 60 = 9 pages comics with Vaughn BODE-a; Kenneth Smith back-c; Avenging World / Mr A = 8 pages comics by Steve DITKO; 6pgs Roger Brand-a; 2 pages WRIGHTSON-a; Mr E = Mr A parody; the Journey = 10 pages Gray Morrow-a; Weight= 150 Grams; VF-, 7.5 = $49);
#7 (Spring 1970; 2 Girls in BONDAGE-c, one girl getting brains blown out by Gun = BODE-c; Cobalt 60 = 9 pages comics with Vaughn BODE-a; Kenneth Smith back-c; Avenging World / Mr A = 8 pages comics by Steve DITKO; 6pgs Roger Brand-a; 2 pages WRIGHTSON-a; Mr E = Mr A parody; the Journey = 10 pages Gray Morrow-a; Weight= 150 Grams; FN/VF, 7.0 = $44);
#8 (Manitoba; Summer/1971; 5 pages Wizard King comics = Wally WOOD-a; 7pgs BARF the Insurance Salesman comics = Reese-a; Foxtale by Nicola Cuti & Stillwell; Edgar Allan Poe’s “City in the Sea” 10 pg story with 9 pages Frank FRAZETTA art; 1pg Dr Suess; 1pg Ditko; Hunting of the Snark = 8pgs John Adkins Richardson-a; VF/NM, 9.0 = $49);
#8 (Summer/1971; 5 pages Wizard King comics = Wally WOOD-a; 7pgs BARF the Insurance Salesman comics = Reese-a; Foxtale by Nicola Cuti & Stillwell; Edgar Allan Poe’s “City in the Sea” 10 pg story with 9 pages Frank FRAZETTA art; 1pg Dr Suess; 1pg Ditko; Hunting of the Snark = 8pgs John Adkins Richardson-a; FN/VF, 7.0 = $36);
#8 (Summer/1971; 5 pages Wizard King comics = Wally WOOD-a; 7pgs BARF the Insurance Salesman comics = Reese-a; Foxtale by Nicola Cuti & Stillwell; Edgar Allan Poe’s “City in the Sea” 10 pg story with 9 pages Frank FRAZETTA art; 1pg Dr Suess; 1pg Ditko; Hunting of the Snark = 8pgs John Adkins Richardson-a; VG/FN, 5.0 = $24);
#9 (Manitoba; 1973; $5.00 original cover price; W.C. FIELDS Cover & Special Issue; Articles with Many Photo’s; Includes “Adversity” Board Game inserts; Painted Cover by JEFF JONES; Plus 8-½”x11” PINUP Insert by Jeff Jones; VF+, 8.0 = $45);
#10 (1976; wraparound cover by Wally WOOD; 1st app KYM in Lost in a Dream = 8 pages comics with Dick Giordano-a; 3974 = 10 pages comics with Alex TOTH-a; 3pgs CHAYKIN-a; Austin pinup; SALLY FORTH = 6 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; P. Craig Russell pinup; Avenging Dodo = 8 pages comics with Mike ZECK-a; Simonson pinup; My Furry World = 10 pages comics, Nicola Cuti-s & Joe Staton-a; Manitoba; VF/NM, 9.0 = $45);
#10 (1976; wraparound cover by Wally WOOD; 1st app KYM in Lost in a Dream = 8 pages comics with Dick Giordano-a; 3974 = 10 pages comics with Alex TOTH-a; 3pgs CHAYKIN-a; Austin pinup; SALLY FORTH = 6 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; P. Craig Russell pinup; Avenging Dodo = 8 pages comics with Mike ZECK-a; Simonson pinup; My Furry World = 10 pages comics, Nicola Cuti-s & Joe Staton-a; Manitoba; VF+, 8.5 = $39);
#10 (1976; wraparound cover by Wally WOOD; 1st app KYM in Lost in a Dream = 8 pages comics with Dick Giordano-a; 3974 = 10 pages comics with Alex TOTH-a; 3pgs CHAYKIN-a; Austin pinup; SALLY FORTH = 6 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; P. Craig Russell pinup; Avenging Dodo = 8 pages comics with Mike ZECK-a; Simonson pinup; My Furry World = 10 pages comics, Nicola Cuti-s & Joe Staton-a; VF-, 7.5 = $29);
#11 (1978; Limited edition of only 3000 copies; Spurt Starling = William Pearson-a; Enormous Slug Suckers from Planet Mars = Pearson-a; 2nd app KYM in Encounter = Pearson-a; Wicked / Wanton / Welcome World of the Wizard king portfolio = 12 pgs Wally WOOD-a; Alley Oop parody; Care & Feeding of Geks = 8 pages comics, Nichola Cuti-s, Mike ZECK-a; SCARCE issue; VF, 8.0 = $29);
#12 (1982; Limited edition of only 5000 copies; FANTASY issue; J.R. Blevins-s; Z.Capistance-a; Al Sirois-s, David Stone-a; PHANTOM pinup by Gray Morrow;Bhob Stewart-s, John Norton-a; Don Martin CF pinup; 1pg DITKO-1; 3rd app KYM in Awakening = Pearson-a; LUNAR TUNES = 12 pages comics with Wally WOOD-a; 1pg Wood memorial; FN/VF, 7.0 = $24);
Young Lust (Magazine; Last Gasp Pub; 1970-1993)
#6 (1980; 1st Printing; TABOO issue; Magazine Sized; 8"x10-3/4"; 52 pages; 1st printing; Sticker over Cover price $2.25; Bill Griffith-c/a; M.K. Brown, Kim Deitch, Melinda Gebbie, Phoebe Gloeckner, Bill Griffith, Greg Irons, Jay Kinney, Paul Mavrides, Michael McMillan, Diane Noomin, Gary Panter, Robert Schwartz, Spain, and Mary Wilshire; SOLD OUT);
#8 (1993; Scarcer LAST issue; Sex Wars issue; 1st printing; Cover price $3.95; Daniel Clowes-c/a;,Jay Kinney, Ned Sonntag, Terry Laban, Paul Mavrides, Bill Griffith, Diane Noomin, Spain, Harry S. Robins, Justin Green, Ace Backwords, Jon Bailiff, Angela Bocage, Charles Burns, Carol Lay, Nenslo, and Robert Triptow; SOLD OUT);
YOW Comics (Last Gasp; Magazine size; B&W);
#1(1978; $2.50-c; all Zippy the Pinhead-c/s with Bill Griffith-c/a; Toad Family app; Little Lulu cameo on cover; FN/VF $15);
#1(1978; $2.50-c; all Zippy the Pinhead-c/s with Bill Griffith-c/a; Toad Family app; Little Lulu cameo on cover; VG/FN $10);
ZIP Comics (Cosmic Comics Pub; Adults Only B&W Comic Magazine; UK British)
#1(1973; 1st Printing, with 20p Original cover price; FN $15);
ZIPPY (Last Gasp pub; B&W Magazine; 1-2 = formerly YOW Comics)
#3 (1980; Zippy the Pinhead-c; 1st Printing; 44 pages including covers; Griffith-c/a; VF $12);
ZIPPY ANNUAL {the Pinhead} (Softcover Trade Paperback; Fantagraphics Pub.) #1(2000);
ZIPPY QUARTERLY {the Pinhead} (Magazine;, Fantagraphics Pub., 1/93) #1(1/1993; "Anarchy in Absurdistan; VF, 8.0 = $10); #2,5-7,9,12,13;
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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com
SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;
ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;
Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment
(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit; SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);
Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;
MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07/16