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WAR COMICS for sale -
AIR ACE (Street & Smith Pub.) - Volume-2 #8 (3/1945; XP-59 America's great new Jet Propelled Fighter-c/s; Mystery of AMELIA EARHART = 5 page article with 9 Photo's; Midget Submarines vs Battleship Tirpitz; John & Pierre Jeffries of RCAF;Black Mesa Devil Spirts; VF-, 7.5 = $90.00);
Volume-3 #5 (8-9/1946;** ROCKET in Space over MOON cover by Ray Evans; ** Radar Astronomy, cover, art and 13 page story by Ray Evans; ** Operation Crossroads, 5 page text story about Vice Admiral William H. P. Blandy (Story of the Atomic Bomb tests on Bikini Island) ** What's New in the Air World?, 8 page comic story and art by Ray Evans; **Paradise on Earth!, 3 page comic story, The story of Christopher Columbus's 3rd voyage; ** Atomic Age Umbrella, 4 page comic story, A future where the weather can be controlled, art by Charles Payne); Store Stamp on cover and splash page, G/VG, 3.0 = $29.00);
THE AMERICAN AIR FORCES (ME/M.E. - Magazine Enterpirses Pub.; Mostly War in KOREA);
#3(1-2/1945; Japan WAR cover; Good, but Centerfold pages missing= $12.00)
#12(A-1#91; POWELL-c/a; Man against the Sky; Suicide Mission; Scent of Danger; Death Trap; Dirty War; G/VG = $15);
American Graphics (Henry Stewart Inc Pub.; Promotional / Giveaway comic)
#2 [1957; featuring; (A) VICTORY AT NIAGARA; a Johnny Pepper adventure by Hal English; British at Niagara in 1759; and (B) LAURA SECORD, Heroine of the WAR of 1812; Yankees in Ontario; *** Back cover features MAP of area from Fort Niagra to Niagra Falls in Ontario & New York; G/VG = $9.00];
AMERICAN LIBRARY "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo"(David McKay Pub.) - #1(Based on Movie, B&W comic, Pearl Harbor story);
ATTACK! (Youthful Pub.; FIRST Series; all Pre-Code) -
#7 (5/1953; PRE-CODE; Jet fighter-s; Marines; KOREAN WAR RED Commies cover and stories; Bullets for Dessert; Death in the Sky; Return Fight; Combat Pilot; The Battlefield Retriever; Art by; Harry Harrison, Albert Tyler & John Belfi, Bill Fraccio, Paul S. Newman & A. De Keroset; VG/FN, 5.0 = $42.00);
#7 (5/1953; PRE-CODE; Jet fighter-s; Marines; KOREAN WAR RED Commies cover and stories; Bullets for Dessert; Death in the Sky; Return Fight; Combat Pilot; The Battlefield Retriever; Art by; Harry Harrison, Albert Tyler & John Belfi, Bill Fraccio, Paul S. Newman & A. De Keroset; VG, 4.0 = $32.00);
BATTLE ATTACK (Stanmor Pub.) - #1,3(February 1955),7;
BATTLE CRY (Stanmor Pub.) -
#8 (8-9/1953; PRE-CODE; PVT. IKE Begins; A Date with Fifi; Veteran; Twist of the Wrist; Return to Darkness; Operation Rx; Geronimo; Eugene E. Hughes cover and art; G/VG, 3.0 = $18.00);
#14 (9/1954; PRE-CODE; Irv Novick cover; Art by; Ed Smalle, Eugene Hughes, Tony Mortellaro; Pieces out of front & back covers, FA, 1.0 reading copy = $8.00);
#18 (5/1955; Battle of the Desert; Roar in the Sky; Long Toms; Medals are for Maniacs; Good, 2.0 = $14.00);
BATTLE FIRE (Aragon Magazine/Stanmor Pub.) - #1(April 1955),2,3;
BATTLE HEROES (Stanley Pub.; Squarebound Giants; Low print & Scarcer);
#1 (September 1966; Japs; Bunker Hill; Mine Sweeper; Buddha; Blitzkreig);
#2 (November/1966; Gyrenes-s; Sniper-s; Bluff; Navy; Grenade);
BATTLE REPORT (Ajax/Farrell Pub.) - #1 (8/1952; PRE-CODE; . The Terrible Decision; Plague Patrol; Seoul Express; Mass Murder; Tank Duel; apparent FA/G, but Centerfold is missing = $7.00);
BATTLE SQUADRON (Stanmor Pub.;1955) - #3;
BATTLE STORIES (Fawcett Pub.) - #4(July/52), 5,11;
BILL BATTLE (Fawcett Pub.) - #1(October 1952);
CAPTAIN JET (Four Star Pub./ Farrell/Comic Media) - #1(May 1952), 2;
CAPTAIN STEVE SAVAGE (Avon Periodicals) - #4,5(September-October/1955),6,7,8, 9;
DICK WINGATE OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY - (Toby Pub.; Scarce to Rare Canadian VARIANT Edition by SUPER and SUPERIOR Publishers Ltd)
#1 (Circa 1951; RARE, Not Yet Confirmed to EXIST by GCD; G/VG, 3.0 = $18.00)
DON WINSLOW OF THE NAVY (1943-1951; Fawcett Pub.; Scarce to Rare Canadian VARIANT Edition by EXPORT Pub of Canada)
#63 (Circa 11/1948; VG, 4.0 = $35.00);
DON WINSLOW OF THE NAVY (Fawcett Pub.) - #8(October 1943), 26,
#44(4/1947; "Classic Spider cover"; Scorpions Web-c/s; Hollywood-s; Dance-s; Heavy Magic Tape repairs on Spine to cover, FA+ $18); #63;
DON WINSLOW OF THE NAVY (Merwill Pub.) - #8(Oct/43);
FIGHT FOR FREEDOM! (General Comics) - #(No number; 16 pages; Used in POP; Promotional / Giveaway; Dan Barry-c/a; 1951; VF = $36);
FIGHTING AIR FORCE (See “United States”);
FIGHTING LEATHERNECKS (Toby Press Pub.) - #2(April 1952);
FIGHTING UNDERSEA COMMANDOS (Avon Periodicals) - #2,3,5;
FIGHTIN' MARINES (St. John Pub.; #14 Up are published by CHARLTON) - Action Stories of DEVIL-DOGS IN KOREA;
#15 (#1; 8/1951; PRE-CODE; Slightly Larger Size; MATT BAKER Cover; Leatherneck Jack story, The Colonel's Daughter appears, with 8 pages of GGA / Good Girl Art by MATT BAKER; Death Trap at the Han River cover and story; Tripoli Shores Fighting Marine; Tripoli Shores; Fly or Die; SCARCE; ** Worn Copy; Heavy Wear and Tears, Magic Tape Repairs, FAIR, 1.0, reading copy = $67.00);
FLYBOY (Ziff-Davis Pub.) - #1(January/February),2;
FLYING ACES (Key Pub.) - #1,2(September 1955), 5;
FRONTLINE COMBAT (1951-1954; E.C. Comics Pub/EC/Educational Comics; Considered by Most Collectors to be among the Greatest WAR COMICS Series of All-Time);
#9 (11-12/1952; CIVIL WAR Special issue; Kurtzman-c; Wally WOOD, Severin/Elder-a; Bull Run-s = John Severin-a; ABE LINCOLN-s = Jack Davis-a; ½” x 1” piece off middle right edge of cover, Good+, 2.5 = $34.00);
GIGANTIC ADVENTURES (Gordon & Gotch, Melbourne Sydney) - #10;
G.I. IN BATTLE (Ajax Pub.) -
#2 (7/1957; 3/4" x 4-1/2" Piece Missing at Top edge of Back cover, FA+, 1.2 = $5.00);
#3 (8/1957; VG+, 4.5 = $16.00; FA/G, 1.5 = $6.00);
#5 (1/1958; VG, 4.0 = $15.00 );
G.I. JOE (ZIFF-DAVIS Pub; 1951-1957; Volume-2)
#17 (11/1952; Rafael DeSoto Painted cover; 52 pages; PRE-CODE; Outwits STALIN; FAIR, 1.0 = $20.00)
#24 (8/1953; Clarence Doore Painted cover; PRE-CODE; SILENT story; The Yardbirds with DAN DeCARLO art; GD, 2.0 = $29.00)
#28 (1/1954; Clarence Doore Painted cover; PRE-CODE; Art by Irv Novick; The Yardbirds with DAN DeCARLO and Rudy Lapick art; G/VG, 3.0 = $36.00);
#34 (8/1954; Clarence Doore GGA Painted cover; PRE-CODE; Art by Irv Novick; The Yardbirds with DAN DeCARLO and Rudy Lapick art; VG+, 4.5 = $59.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $36.00);
#42 (12/1955; Ernest Schroeder cover; FA/G, 1.5 = $18.00);
HEROIC Comics (Famous Funnies Pub/ Eastern Color Printing Co. Pub);
#34 (January/1946; Harvey K. Fuller Painted cover; VG/FN = $27.00);
#35 (March/1946; Harvey K. Fuller Painted cover; 9 pages ALEX TOTH-a; G = $13.00);
#38(9/1946; Firefighters Painted-c; Sid Greene-a; G/VG = $16.00)
#41 (March/1947; Alex TOTH-a; Graham INGELS-a; Painted-c; overall Good, but with Coupon out of BACK cover thus FA/G = $10.00);
#50 (9/48; Painted-c; Guardineer-a; ALEX TOTH-a; G/VG = $18.00);
#51 (11/48; Kiefer Painted-c; Al Williamson-a; Circus-c/s; G/VG = $18.00);
#61(Everett, Guardineer, Ed Moore, H.G. Peter art; VG/FN = $27.00)
#65 (3/1951; Kiefer Painted-c; Al Williamson/Frank FRAZETTA-a; Evans art; Ed Moore, Guardineer-a; H.G. Peter art; FN = $46.00);
#74 (August; H.C. Kiefer cover; Ed Moore-a; H.G. Peter art; G = $12.00);
#75 (9/1952; 2 pages Frank FRAZETTA-a; G/VG = $16.00);
#77 (11/1952; Kiefer Painted-c; Ed Moore-a; H.G. Peter art; FAIR, no back cover = $4.00);
#79 (1/1953; Kiefer Painted-c; Glanzman-a; 3 x Two page Firefighter stories; G/VG = $16.00);
#89 (1/1954; Pre-Code; Kiefer Painted-c; G/VG = $16.00);
#90 (4/1954; Pre-Code; Painted-c; VG = $22.00);
#90 (4/1954; Pre-Code; Painted-c; G/VG = $16.00);
#95 (2/1955; Last Pre-Code issue; Boy Scouts-c/s; Kiefer Painted cover; G = $12.00);
HOLYOKE ONE-SHOT (Holyoke Pub.) - #9 (1944; Citizen Smith; The Blue Streak; Soloar Legion by Kirby & Strongman, the Perfect Human app; reprints from Crash #4 & 5; Coverless);
JET ACES (Fiction House Magazine) - #2(1952);3(1952),4(Powell cover);
JET FIGHTERS (Standard Magazine) -#7(1953);
JIM RAY'S AVIATION SKETCHBOOK (Vital Pub.) - #1(February 1946);
JOE YANK (Standard Comics/Visual; Korean War with Humor; GGA = Good Girl art in most);
#7 (8/1952; Third appearance of Pinhead Perkins PFC by Dan DeCarlo; Jerry Grandenetti-c; Mike Esposito & Ross Andru-a; VG =$20.00);
#7 (8/1952; Third appearance of Pinhead Perkins PFC by Dan DeCarlo; Jerry Grandenetti-c; Mike Esposito & Ross Andru-a; FA/G =$8.00);
#8 (10/1952; ALEX TOTH-c; Fourth appearance of Pinhead Perkins PFC by Dan DeCarlo; Mike Esposito & Ross Andru-a; Mike Sekowsky-a; JOE YANK meets MISS FOXHOLE of 1952; G/VG=$16.00);
#10 (2/1953; ALEX TOTH-c; 6th appearance of Pinhead Perkins PFC by Dan DeCarlo; Mike Esposito & Ross Andru-a; Mike Sekowsky-a; Magic Tape on some = FA/G = $8.00);
#15 (4/1954; John Celardo & Ross Andru-c; Pinhead Perkins PFC-s; Mike Sekowsky-a; Mike Roy-a; ALEX TOTH illustrations for 2 page text-s; John Celardo; VG = $20.00)
#15 (4/1954; John Celardo & Ross Andru-c; Pinhead Perkins PFC-s; Mike Sekowsky-a; Mike Roy-a; ALEX TOTH illustrations for 2 page text-s; John Celardo; Good+ = $12.00)
MONTY HALL OF THE U.S. MARINES (Toby Press Pub.; 1951-1953; Scarce to Rare Canadian VARIANT Edition by SUPERIOR Publishers Ltd)
#2 (10/1951; PRE COMICS-CODE; 4 pages of GGA Full page PINUP GIRLS by JACK SPARLING; G/VG, 3.0 = $18.00)
#3 (12/1951; PRE COMICS-CODE; 3 pages of GGA Full page PINUP GIRLS by JACK SPARLING; VG+, 4.5 = $24.00)
#8 (10/1952; PRE COMICS-CODE; 5 pages of GGA Full page PINUP GIRLS by JACK SPARLING; G/VG, 3.0 = $15.00)
#10 (2/1953; PRE COMICS-CODE; 2 pages of GGA Full page PINUP GIRLS by JACK SPARLING; VG, 4.0 = $20.00)
NAVY (Stokes Walesby & Theodore Roscoe) - #(No Number, 1958); #NN(1959; History and Tradition);
NAVY PATROL (Key Pub.) - #3 (September 1955);
NAVY TASK FORCE (Aragon Mag.) - #6(October 1955);
SOLDIER COMICS (Fawcett Pub.) - #2(March/1952, 2 pages missing);
SPECTACULAR FEATURE MAGAZINE (Fox Feature Syndicate) - #12( IWO JIMA-c/s, June 1950, FLAG Photo cover);
SUPER GREEN BERET (Tod Holton... ; Lightning Comics/Milson Pub.; LOW Print Run) - #1(April/1967), 2;
TELL IT TO THE MARINES (Toby Press Pub.; 1952-1955; all PRE COMICS-CODE; GGA: Good Girl Art in all; Scarce to Rare Canadian VARIANT Edition by SUPERIOR Publishers Ltd)
#5 (11/1952; Jack Sparling cover and art; Turkish Baths story; Spike and Bat in Mission to Linyu; Spike and Bat in Frisco Hayride; Dowdy's Psychosis; Hand Grenade Hill; Lover O'Leary & his Liberty Belles, Pinup Girls and GGA / Good Girl Art; Paper Sticker on cover, FA/G, 1.5 = $19.00);
#5 (11/1952; Jack Sparling cover and art; Turkish Baths story; Spike and Bat in Mission to Linyu; Spike and Bat in Frisco Hayride; Dowdy's Psychosis; Hand Grenade Hill; Lover O'Leary & his Liberty Belles, Pinup Girls and GGA / Good Girl Art; Paper Sticker on cover, FA/G, 1.5 = $19.00) = second copy in grade
#5 (11/1952; Jack Sparling cover and art; Turkish Baths story; Spike and Bat in Mission to Linyu; Spike and Bat in Frisco Hayride; Dowdy's Psychosis; Hand Grenade Hill; Lover O'Leary & his Liberty Belles, Pinup Girls and GGA / Good Girl Art; Paper Sticker on cover, FAIR 1.0 = $14.00);
#5 (11/1952; Jack Sparling cover and art; Turkish Baths story; Spike and Bat in Mission to Linyu; Spike and Bat in Frisco Hayride; Dowdy's Psychosis; Hand Grenade Hill; Lover O'Leary & his Liberty Belles, Pinup Girls and GGA / Good Girl Art; Pieces out of Cover, PR/FA = $10.00);
#6 (1/1953; Spike and Bat in Hypnotized Hero; Spike and Bat in Week-End in Paris; Spike and Bat in Coney Island Caper; Lover O'Leary & his Liberty Belles, Pinup Girls and GGA / Good Girl Art; Jack Sparling art; Good, 2.0 = $24.00);
TELL IT TO THE MARINES (on the Battlefronts of the World) (Toby Press Pub) = USA Editions;
#8 (7/1954; PRE-CODE; American Soldier in South Korea PHOTO cover; Monty Hall in Skirmish with Death; Monty Hall in The Wild Tiger Hunt; Monty Hall in A Couple of Real Pals; Canarsie in Shore Leave Can Be Murder; Mel Keefer art; G/VG, 3.0 = $25.00);
#10 (11/1954; PRE-CODE; PHOTO cover; Death March; The Man from Ulathi; Uncle Joe Porker First Class; The Gunner and the Kid; William Weltman, Bill Martin art; Magic Tape repairs inside spine to cover, Good, 2.0 = $19.00);
#12 (3/1955; PRE-CODE; TANK BATTLE Cover; Monty Hall in Tanks a Million; Spike and Bat in The Terror of the Deep; The Fighting Leathernecks March On; Monty Hall in The City of Flame; Mel Keefer, Jack Sparling art; Magic Tape repairs inside spine to cover, Good, 2.0 = $19.00);
THIS IS WAR (Standard Pub.) -
#5 (7/1952; PRE-CODE; John Celardo cover; ALEX TOTH and John Celardo art; Rocco Rocke Mastroserio art; G/VG, 3.0 = $32.00);
#7 (1/1953; PRE-CODE; Rocco Rocke Mastroserio cover; Art by; John Celardo, Jerry Grandenetti, Ross Andru & Mike Esposito, Charles Nicholas & George Roussos art; Magic Tape Repairs inside spine to cover, VG, 4.0 = $26.00);
TRUE COMICS AND ADVENTURE STORIES (Parents' Magazine Institute) - #1(1965, Giant, Fighting Hero of Vietnam!);
TWO-FISTED TALES (1950-1955; E.C. Comics Pub/EC/Educational Comics; Considered by Most Collectors to be among the Greatest WAR COMICS Series of All-Time);
#25 (1-2/1952; classic MACHINE GUN cover by Kurtzman; Kurtzman, Severin/Elder, Jack Davis-a; Bunker Hill-s = WALLY WOOD-a; VG, 4.0 = $69.00);
#36 (1/1954; Western-c/s = John Severin-c/a; Jack Davis-a; Reed Crandall-a; Severin/Elder-a; VG, 4.0 = $44.00);
#36 (1/1954; Western-c/s = John Severin-c/a; Jack Davis-a; Reed Crandall-a; Severin/Elder-a; 1” x 2” piece off upper left cover corner, Magic Tape Repairs inside, FAIR+, Reading Copy = $14.00);
#38 (7/1954; JOHN SEVERIN Cover and Art on all 4 Stories; G/VG, 3.0 = $29.00);
#39 (10/1954; JOHN SEVERIN Cover and Art on all 4 Stories; G/VG, 3.0 = $32.00);
UNITED STATES FIGHTING AIR FORCE (SUPERIOR Publishers Ltd of CANADA; New Material Canadian comic; NO American Editions exist) -
#6 (1/1954; FA/G, 1.5 = $10.00);
#16 (9/1955; G/VG, 3.0 = $16.00);
#17 (10/1955; G/VG, 3.0 = $16.00);
#17 (10/1955; G/VG, 3.0 but coverless = $5.00);
#22 (3/1956; G/VG, 3.0 = $16.00);
#23 (4/1956; FN, 6.0 = $32.00)
WAR HEROES (Ace Magazines; Commie Korean War stories)
#2 (7/1952; PRE-CODE; US Soldier throwing exploding Grenade at Commies and Tank cover; Ken Rice, Bill Molno, Robert Turner & Jim McLaughlin, Lou Cameron art; VG, 4.0 = $26.00; Good, 2.0 = $14.00);
#3 (9/1952; PRE-CODE; Exploding Bridge, Commie and Tank cover; Bill Molno, Jim McLaughlin, Mario Rizzi art; G/VG, 3.0 = $18.00);
#4 (10/1952; PRE-CODE; Commie Red patrol and Helicopter rescue cover; The Cause of the Unsmiling Korean; Ken Rice, Bill Molno, Jim McLaughlin, Lou Cameron art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $30.00; VG+, 4.5 = $26.00; FA/G, 1.5 = $10.00);
WAR REPORT (Farrell Pub.)
#1 (9/1952; PRE-CODE; The Dawns Early Light; Missing in Action; Dirty Fighter; I'll Take the Infantry; Operation Bridgehead;
#1 (9/1952; PRE-CODE; The Dawns Early Light; Missing in Action; Dirty Fighter; I'll Take the Infantry; Operation Bridgehead; Minor Magic Tape Repairs inside spine to cover and centerfold, at staples area, VG+, 4.5= $45.00);
WINGS COMICS (Fiction House; Great Art; Nice GGA = Good Girl Art; Includes Bondage panels, NAZI's, etc) -
#50(October 1944) = ASK;
#1 (1951; PRE-CODE; USA Printing; Wally Wood cover and inside front cover; Sid Check art; Pen Writing at Top of cover, GOOD, 2.0 = $29.00);
(WITH THE ..) U.S. PARATROOPS (Avon Periodicals; Rare Canadian VARIANT Edition; PROBABLY by SUPERIOR Publishers Ltd)
#5 (6/1953; PRE-CODE; DESTRUCTION OF KUMJOM; EXTREME VIOLENCE; Everett Raymond Kinstler cover; RARE, Not Yet Confirmed to EXIST by GCD; FAIR, 1.0 = $12.00);
(WITH THE ..) U.S. PARATROOPS (Avon Periodicals) -
#4 (8/1952; PRE-CODE; AIRBORNE ASSAULT ON GENSAN! Three-Part Story is Complete; USA Printing; overall FA/G, but Last page is Missing, affects backup story = $9.00);
YANKS IN BATTLE (Quality Comics) - #3(November 1956),4;
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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com
SEND YOUR WANT LISTS [Please Limit to SERIOUS WANTS & Limit the number of items, to 30 or Less MOST WANTED items; Filling Want Lists is Time Consuming, We reply ASAP;
ORDER Multiple Items ALL from one seller; (1) SAVE on POSTAGE; (2) SAVE TIME locating the items; (3) GET them from a RELIABLE source; (4) Receive Items PROPERLY GRADED by Condition; (5) Satisfaction Always Guaranteed;
Please allow 7-10 DAYS for your Snail Mail LETTERS to arrive since you are sending to Canada. (MOST arrive in 7 days average); We ship Mail orders within 24 hours of Payment
(except weekends), but usually SAME DAY. [Unlike many eBay sellers & our competitors, who can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ship]; >>> [ FED-EX, UPS & other COURIER PARCELS are expensive from Canada = US$100.00 Minimum and UP Required; IF you have a FED-EX or UPS account, we can have charged billed to that account, if you provide the account number. Please triple check the account number]; >> I am a STRICT and accurate CONDITION grader; I do NOT Over-Grade or Under-Grade. I just try to grade as ACCURATELY as the current Professional Dealer market dictates. Unfortunately most sellers DO NOT know how to grade accurately especially when dealing with comic books (which has been my main specialty since 1971). >> I also pack all shipments VERY WELL , to avoid damage in transit; SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; RETURN anything you are NOT happy with; Superb Service for OVER 45 years; For the last 20 Years, our average RETURN RATE is Lower than One-Quarter of ONE PERCENT (most of those were CUSTOMER Errors);
Returned items Must be Postmarked BACK in the Mail within 7 days of the day you received the parcel. Wrap well & clearly, in large letters, on outside of parcel, put Returning Goods to Sender = This is REQUIRED, to avoid Customs Hassles & Long Delays; (The ONLY exception for Returns, is CGC professionally graded comics, these are NOT returnable, as with CGC you know in advance, what you will be getting); WE HAVE an eBay 99.99% SATISFACTION RATE, with over 5000 Positive Feedbacks on eBay;
MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa