WESTERN (Assorted Publishers) COMICS FOR SALE -
>>>> Below is a Current Inventory List of ITEMS IN STOCK & Ready to Sell.
They are NOT cataloged by price & condition, as we have FAR FAR too many items & they are always changing;
If you see items that interest you, PLEASE;
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(2) IMPORTANT; State PREFERRED Condition; (A) Highest Available Grade; (B) Middle Grade; (C) Lowest grade, cheapest copy;
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OR, you can PHONE Us at = 1-204-346-3674 [ We usually CANNOT give an INSTANT & On the Spot Quote, thus EMAIL is usually better]
(5) Once we get your WANT LIST, based on our IN STOCK Inventory Lists, we will be VERY happy to respond with what is in stock,
As Soon As Possible; WE USUALLY REPLY to Inquires in 1-3 DAYS. (Bigger Requests & Time-Consuming Inquires, take longer to respond to);
NOTE; All Items Related to this Category ARE ALREADY LISTED = If you do NOT see it Listed, Then it is NOT in Stock;
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BOX 21986
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WESTERN comics (Assorted Publishers; other then above publishers) INVENTORY FOR SALE -
APACHE TRAIL (Steinway/American's Best Pub.) - #1(9/1957), 2,3;
APPROVED COMICS (ST John's; Weight = 60 Grams each) -
#1 (3/1954, reprints cover from HAWK #5 & contents of HAWK #1; Painted-c; Tuska & Anderson-a; PR/FA $8.00);
#7 (5/1954; reprints the HAWK #6; nice Painted-c; G/VG $18);
BEST OF THE WEST (ME - Magazine Enterprise; 1951-1954; USA Editions) –
#5 (1952; A-1 #66; Durango Kid, Ghost Rider, Straight Arrow, Tim Holt; G/VG $32);
#8 (A-1 #81; 6/1953; Tim Holt-s; Frank Bolle-a; Straight Arrow-s; Meagher-a; e Ghost Rider-s; Durango Kid-s; Guardineer-a);
#12 (A-1 #103; LAST issue; 4-5/1954; Durango Kid, Red Hawk, Ghost Rider & Red Mask; All-New-s; BOLLE-c/a; Ayers-a; Guardineer-a; FN/VF $72);
BIG TEX (Toby Pub) -
#1 (6/1953; Contains 3 JOHN WAYNE story reprints from John Wayne Comics, but with his name changed to Big Tex; VG+ = $42.00);
BILLY THE KID Adventure Magazine (Toby Press; 1950-1955; Toby Press)
#1 (10/1950; PHOTO cover; 2 pages of FRANK FRAZETTA and AL WILLIAMSON art; FA/G = $32.00);
#2 (PHOTO cover; VG/FN = $39.00)
#6 (8-9/1951; Billy the Kid in Nightmare, 7 page story with Jack Sparling and FRANK FRAZETTA art; PHOTO Cover; Jack Sparling art; G/VG, 3.0 = $29.00);
#7 (10-11/1951; PHOTO Cover; Chief Cackleberry; Jack Sparling art; FN, 6.0 = $32.00; VG = $22.00);
#9 (2-3/1952; PHOTO Cover; Pot-Shot Pete vs. The McYetnit Boys, 5 page story with Harvey Kurtzman art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $55.00; VG/FN, 5.0 = $33.00);
#13 (10-11/1952; "GHOSTS" aka KKK story; Overall GOOD, but Centerfold Missing = $5.00);
#14 (12/1952-1/1953; 2 pages of FRANK FRAZETTA and AL WILLIAMSON art; FN/VF, 7.0 = $59.00);
#15 (2-3/1953; Tom Gill and Vic Herman art; Good, 2.0 = $10.00);
#23 (6-7/1954; Jack Sparling cover and art; The Loan Arranger humor story; VG, 4.0 = $18.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $12.00);
BILLY WEST (Standard Comics)
#5 (2/1950; Women in bondage cover; FN+, 6.5 = $42.00)
#6, 7, 8, 9;
#11,12,16, 18(WOLVERTON-a), 19(WOLVERTON-a);
#24 (52 pages; Vicious Chief Cordlow; Ghost Dance War; 3 pages Wolverton-a; VG+, 4.5 = $35.00; VG minus, 3.5 = $28.00);
#25 (52 pages; Golden Indians; Chief Victorio Apache Terror; Reliapon's Double; 3 pages Wolverton-a; VG, 4.0 = $32.00);
#27(WOLVERTON), 29,34, 37, 38, 44-49, 51(3-D EFFECT story), 52(3-D effect story), 53-57, 59,60;
BLACK HAWK INDIAN TOMAHAWK WAR (Avon Periodicals) - #NN(1951, Kinstler cover, Kit West story);
BLAZING COMICS (Enwil Associates/Rural Home) - #6(Vol.2 #3 inside, April 1945, Indian/Japanese cover, 3 Will Roger stories);
#2 (3/1954; Pre-Code; White Redskin; Lawless Town; Redskin Justice; Mark of a Gunfighter; appears G/VG, but with Magic Tape Repairs inside spine to cover, thus FA/G = $10.00),
#3 (5/1954; Pre-Code; Hangman’s Noose-c; The Feud; The Renegade; Murder at Buzzard Lake; Wagon’s West; FN+, 6.5 = $42.00; VG = $24.00);
BLUE BIRD SHOES #18 (WYATT EARP; Circa early 1960s; VG = $8.00)
BOBBY BENSON'S B-BAR-B RIDERS (ME Pub - Magazine Enterprises; USA Editions; RADIO)
#1(5-6/1950; USA Edition; Lemonade Kid Begins; Powell-a; Overstreet lists as "SCARCE"; G/VG, 3.0 = $79.00; FA/G = $45.00);
#5(Lemonade Kid-c; VG $32), 10(VG $29), 11(FRAZETTA-c; VG = $89.00; FA = $32.00), 16(PHOTO-c; VG+ $32), 18(G/VG $20)
BRICK BRADFORD (King Features SyndicateBest Books/Standard Pub; Classic Newspaper Comic Strip reprints; William Ritt stories, Clarence Gray art);
#7 (2/1949; Third issue; GGA cover by SCHOMBERG; WESTERN Theme issue; FN+, 6.5 = $99.00);
BRONCHO BILL (United Features Syndicate/Standard)
#5(12/1947), 6, 7(Girl in BONDAGE-c), 10, 16;
BUFFALO BILL - The Thrilling Adventures of the Wild Wet's Greatest Hero (Youthful Mag Pub; 1950-1951)
#2 (10/1950; FIRST issue; ** Buffalo Bill in The Kansas Pacific, Gus Schrotter art; ** Wild Bill Hickok Tames Lawless Junction, Robert Q. Sale art; ** Colt 45, 2 page story of the Movie with Photos of Randolph Scott; ** Buffalo Bill's Vengeance, Walter Johnson art; ** Annie Oakley story; G/VG, 3.0 = $30.00)
#3 (12/1950; Second issue; Buffalo Bill vs Indian Knife Fight cover by Walter Johnson; ** Buffalo Bill and the Thieving Sioux, Gus Schrotter art; ** The Six-Gun Printer, Manny Stallman art; ** Buffalo Bill in Concealed Cargo, Walter Johnson art; ** Jim Bridger and the Powder River Massacre, Weltman art; Range Wars, 2 page text story with Two PHOTOS; VG+, 4.5 = $39.00);
#4 (2/1951; Third issue; Walter Johnson cover; ** Buffalo Bill in The War Drums of Doom., John Sink art; ** Grey Wolf in The Call of the Wild, Manny Stallman art;
** Chief Crazy Horse, 2 page text story; ** Buffalo Bill in Massacre at the Devil's Slide, Richard Case art; Wild Bill Doolin in A Date With Death, Stephen Kirkel art;
VG, 4.0 = $32.00);
#8, 9 = ASK
BUSTER CRABBE (Famous Funnies Pub., TV) -
#1(11/1951, FRANK FRAZETTA anti-drug ad, text story about Buster Crabbe & Billy the Kid; VG/FN = $129.00),
CHIEF CRAZY HORSE (Avon Periodical) -
#NN(USA Printing; April 1951; #1; Fawcette cover; Fetterman Massacre-c/s; includes Custer & the Battle of Little Big Horn; G/VG, 3.0 = $49.00),
CISCO KID COMICS (Bernard Bailey/Swappers Quarterly) -
#1[Winter 1944, Faust; Funnyman by Giunta; Cisco Kid (1st app) & Superbaby begins; Giunta cover; G/VG, 3.0 = $85.00];
CISCO KID (WDL Pub., British Ed., B&W) - #11(1953),13,21;
CLAY CODY GUNSLINGER (Pines Comics) - #1(Fall 1957, painted cover);
#3(May 1950; Cody of the Pony Express);
COWBOYS 'N' INJUNS COMICS (Com Pub.) - #1(1946; G/VG, 3.0 = $29.00), 7;
COWPUNCHER (Realistic)
#NN (1953; KINSTLER-c; KUBERT-a; Overll FN/VF, but 1/4" Piece Clipped off upper right cover corner, thus VG/FN = $45.00);
CRACK WESTERN (QUALITY Comics Pub; Two-Gun Lil in all) :
#77(Arizona Raines = 9 pages Paul Gustavson-a; VG+, 4.5 = $27.00);
#82(1/1953; VG, 4.0 = $21.00);
DAN'L BOONE (Sussex Pub.) - #2(10/1955),3, 4, 7,8;
DAVY CROCKETT SAFETY TRAILS (City Service Petroleum Inc giveaway, New York; 1955; 16 pages; 7” x 3 1/2”);
DEAD-EYE WESTERN COMICS ( Hillman Periodicals) -
(Vol. 1 #1; November/December 1948; Krigstein art),
(Vol.1 #3, March-April 1949), (Vol.1 #5; coverless), (Vol.1 #6),(Vol.1 #7),
(Vol.2 #5), (Vol.2 #7), (Vol.2 #8), (Vol.2 #10), (Vol. 3 #1);
DEATH VALLEY (Comic Media, Cowboy & Indians) - #1, 6(8/1954);
DESPERADO (Lev Gleason Pub; USA Editions) #4, 5;
DURANGO KID (Magazine Enterprises; Charles Starlett as..) #23, 25, 26, 30, 40;
EXPLOITS OF DANIEL BOONE (Quality Group Comics) - #1(11/1955); #2(1/1956), 2(Coverless), 4,5;
FARGO KID (PRIZE) V11#3(6-7/1958); V11#5(1958; SEVERIN-c/a)
FIGHTING DAVY CROCKETT (Avon Periodicals) - #9(10-11/1955, Kinstler cover; GD, 2,0);
THE FIGHTIN' TEXAN (St. John Pub.) -
#16(9/1952; TUSKA-a; VG, 4.0 = $26.00);
#17(12/1952, Tuska art, Cameron cover & art; G/VG, 3.0 = $19);
FIREHAIR - Girl of the Golden West / Warrior-Maid of the Wild Dakotas (Fiction House magazines Pub; 1948-1952);
#2 (VG+, 4.5 = $50.00);
#8 (Summer/1951; GGA / Good Girl Art and cover; Maurice Whitman cover; Stories by; John Mitchell as John Starr; Art by; Bob Webb, Jay Disbrow, David Heames; Appears VG, but with; Magic Tape repairs inside spine to cover, Cover detached, Tanned Fragile pages, thus Fair, 1.0, reading copy = $12.00);
#9 (Fall/1951; GGA / Good Girl Art and cover; Maurice Whitman cover; Stories by; John Mitchell as John Starr; Art by; Bob Webb, David Heames; Annie Oakley, 1 page Bio; Magic Tape repairs inside spine to cover and top of spine to Cover, Tanned Fragile pages, thus FA/G, 1.5, reading copy = $16.00);
#9 (Fall/1951; GGA / Good Girl Art and cover; Maurice Whitman cover; Stories by; John Mitchell as John Starr; Art by; Bob Webb, David Heames; Annie Oakley, 1 page Bio; Heavy Magic Tape repairs cover, 1/3 Back cover missing, thus FAIR, 1.0, reading copy = $12.00);
FRONTIER TRAIL (Ajax Pub.) - #6(May/1958);
GERONIMO INDIAN FIGHTER (Avon Periodicals; USA Edition) -
#1(1950; Massacre at San Pedro Pass-c/s; Maneely art, Texas Rangers-r/ Cowpuncher #1; Fawcette cover; MANEELY art; VG, 4.0 = $59.00),
#4(1952; Kinstler-c/a; GD, 2.0 = $20)
GREAT WESTERN (ME) #9 (Straight Arrow, Red Hawk, Durango Kid)
GUNS of FACT and FICTION (M.E. Pub - Magazine Enterprises) - (A-1 Comics series)
A-1 #13(1948; One-Shot; Used in S.O.T.I./Seduction of the Innocent on pg.19; Western-c by Fred Guardineer; Graham Ingels, Frank Bolle & Johnny Craig art; St Valentine's Day MASSACRE-s; 2 x Western-s; 3 x Crime-s; Good Minus = $35.00);
GUNSMOKE (Columbia Broadcasting) - #4(1970, Sweden Ed., photo cover);
GUNSMOKE BLAZING HEROES OF THE WEST (Western Comics; USA Editions) #14,15;
GUNSMOKE TRAIL (Ajax Pub.) - #1(6/1957), 2(8/1957),3;
HAWK - Fighting Marshall of the West (Ziff-Davis/St. John Pub) -
#1(Winter 1951, Tuska & Anderson-a; nice Painted-c; VG/FN, 5.0 = $89.00);
#2(Summer/1952; Kubert,& Infantino art; nice Painted-c; G, with 20% of an AD page missing; stories complete $10);
#3(nice Painted-c; FN minus, 5.5 = $45.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $24.00);
#4(10/1953; PAINTED-c; Al Carreno-a; FN, 6.0 = $49.00; GD, 2.0 = $18.00);
#9 (11/1954; MATT BAKER cover and art; KUBERT art; FA/G, 1.5 = $55.00)
HEROES OF THE WILD FRONTIER (Ace Pub.) - #2(April 1956);
HOOT GIBSON (Fox Feature Syndicate) - #6(July/1950; PHOTO/Painted covers; VG/FN, 5.0 = $63.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $35.00);
HOPALONG CASSIDY (Oms Inraknad, Pris Kr.) -
#1(April 1964, B&W, 52 pages; SWEDISH Language Edition; Writing at top of cover, VG/FN, 5.0 = $49.00);
HOPALONG CASSIDY and the Stagecoach (Doubleday / Samuel Lowe Co Pub)
#511-5(1950; starring William Boyd-c/s; 5”x5” softcover Kids Book; illustrated; Colour; 52 pages; RARE; FN/VF, 7.0 = $45.00);
INDIAN BRAVES (Ace Magazine; 1951; USA Editions) -
#2 (5/1951; Green Arrowhead-c/s; VG/FN, 5.0 = $30.00);
#4 (9/1951; LAST issue; Green Arrowhead-c/s; VG, 4.0 = $23.00);
INDIAN FIGHTER - Exciting INDIAN Adventures of the Roaring West (Youthful Magazines Pub; 1950-1952) -
#2 (7/1950; Woman in BONDAGE-c; Chief RED CLOUD scourge of the White Man-s; Apache Kid-s; WILDEY-c/a; Walter T Johnson-a; 2 pages on Universal's COMMANCHE TERRITORY Movie starring MacDonald Carey as Jim Bowie & Maureen O'Hara= with 2 Photo's from the Film; G/VG = $28.00);
#4 (11/1950; WILDEY-a; Indian Chief cover by Walter T. Johnson; PUMA & the Cheyenne Warpath; Little Bow-s; Geronimo-s; Magic Arrow-s; 2 pages on WINCHESTER 73 Movie starring; James Stewart & Shelley Winters = with 2 Photo's from the Film; G/VG = $27.00);
#7 (5/1951; Tom Horn - Bloodshed at Massacre Valley; General George Crook & the Rouge River War; Stephen Kirkel-a; Pat Masulli-a; 2 page Text-s on the Civil War era Warner Bros DALLAS Movie starring; Gary Cooper & Ruth Roman; Little Eagle-s = Manny Stallman-a; Magic Arrrow-s = S.B. Rosen-a; FN = $49; FA/G = $14);
#8 (7/1951; Goldfarb Baer-c/a; Joaquin Young Great White Chief of the Wilderness; Magic Arrow-s; 2 page Text-s on Buffalo Bill, Daniel Boone & Pawnee Bill; Little Eagle-s = Manny Stallman-a; Wild Bill Hickok-s; VG/FN = $33);
#9 (9/1951; Goldfarb Baer-c/a; Buck Taylor King of the Cowboys-c/s; Magic Arrow-s; 2 page Text-s on KIT CARSON with Photo; Shoshone Vengeance-s; Little Eagle-s; VG/FN = $42; FA/G = $14);
#11 (1/1952; Wild Bill Hickok-c/s; Magic Arrow-s; 2 page Text-s on John P. Clum - Apache Agent with Photo; Iron Mask of the Dakota's = Kirkel-a; Little Eagle-s; FA/G $14);
- Picture Stories of the First Americans
(Fiction House Magazine Pub; 1950-1953; Manzar the White Sioux Indian
Boy, with his girl Red Cloud in all; Long Bow the Blackfoot Boy in
all; Orphan of the Storm – the Cheyenne War Colt Wild Pony in
all; #5-17=Whitman covers)
#2 (1950; Starlight of the Hurons series begins; 52 pages; Manzar the White Indian, Long Bow Blackfoot Boy, Orphan of the Storm, Bride of Doom; VG/FN $48; G/VG $28);
#4 (1950; 52 pages; Manzar the White Indian, Long Bow Blackfoot Boy, Orphan of the Storm, Starlight of the Hurons, Big Medicine, Deersayer King of the Wild; VG $35);
#6 (6/1951; 52 pages; Manzar the White Indian, Long Bow Blackfoot Boy, Orphan of the Storm; Starlight of the Hurons = Woman in BOBDAGE panels; Whale Chief; Tribes of New England; Good+ = $19);
#12 (6/1952; Manzar the White Indian, Long Bow Blackfoot Boy, Orphan of the Storm; Washakie of the Shoshines; FA/G = $12);
Pub.) -
#8 (Circa 1958; No Date; L.B. COLE cover; Mohawk Massacre story; Redskin Raid story; Last of the Mohicans story, by J. Fenimore Cooper; Coup of the Crow story; G/VG, 3.0 = $42.00; Good, 2.0 = $35.00),
JESSE JAMES (Avon Periodical) -
#2(3 x KUBERT-a); #7(Painted-c; Kubert-a; Kinstler-a)
#15, 17
#20 (10-11/1954; Everett Raymond Kinstler cover; Chief Vic, APACHE Massacre; Helltown Holdups! Joe Kubert art = 7 pages; Al Williamson and Frank Frazetta art = 7 pages, Kit West GGA by Larsen = 10 ,pages; VG/FN, 5.0 = $52.00),
#21, 22,24,26 (Scourge of the Border), 28(Reprints most of Red Mountain, Featuring Quantrells Raiders);
JESSE JAMES ANNUAL (Avon Periodical) -
#NN (#1; 1952; 100 Pages; Jesse James brings Six Gun Justice to the west; SCARCE; GD, 2.0 = $45.00)
JIMMY DURANTE (Magazine Enterprises) - #A-1 No.20(Winter 1949, Photo cover; SCARCE; GD, 2.0 = $59.00);
JOHN WAYNE Adventure comics (TOBY Press Pub);
#7(12/1950; JOHN WAYNE Photo-c; 52 pages Giant; ** 2 John Wayne & one other story are Complete; Overall G, but the Frazetta pages 21-32 are missing = $10)
KID COWBOY (Ziff-Davis / St John Pub.; 1950-1954) -
#2(Painted-c), 4(1954, Painted-c), 5,
#8(7-8/1952; PAINTED-c; 3 stories = 21 pages of Al Carreno-a; FN $36
9(Painted-c), 10(Painted-c), 11(Women in Bondage), 13;
KID COWBOY (APROVED Pub.) #4(4/1954; Painted-c)
KIT CARSON (Avon Periodicals) - #6,7,8;
LONE EAGLE (Ajax/Excellent Pub.) - #3(8-9/1954; Woman in bondage on cover);
The Lone Rider (1951-1955; Farrell / AJAX Pub; Golden/SWIFT ARROW, Lone Rider; many issues have KAMEN-ish GGA = Good Girl Art):
+#10(VG/FN $36);
#11(store stamp on BACK-c; FN/VF $44);
#14(FN/VF $44);
#16(store stamp on BACK-c; VF $59);
#17(store stamp on BACK-c; FN/VF $42);
#22(FN $32);
LONG BOW – Indian Boy (Fiction House Pub; Whitman covers on all; 1951-1953);
#3(1951; Four Wolves attacking-c; 4 x Long Bow stories; FN, 6.0 = $36.00; GD, 2.0 = $14.00);
#4(1951; VG+, 4.5 = $26.00);
LUCKY STAR (Nation Wide Pub.; 52 pages Digest Sized; 5" x 7") -
#2(1951; JACK DAVIS art; GD, 2.0 = $18.00),
#3(1951; JACK DAVIS art; VF, 8.0 = $85.00),
#4(1951; JACK DAVIS art; VG, 4.0 = $33.00);
#11(1954; Lucky Star Jeans giveaway; GD, 2.0 = $10.00),
MASKED RANGER (Premiere Magazines Pub)
#1(4/1954; FA/G, centerfold missing, B&W photocopy replacement provided = $24.00);
#4 (1954; GD 2.0 = $10.00);
OUTLAWS Western Crime Stories / Thrilling Western Stories (D.S. Pub.) -
#2(52 pages); #3(52 pages); #4; #6;
Panhandler Pete and Jennifer (J. Charles Laue Pub);
#1 (7/1951; Pre-Code; Early TV Western Comic, Based on the early TV Series starring Johnny Coons & Jennifer Holt; Elizabeth Marshall Holt, made her film debut using the stage name "Jacqueline Holt" in a 1941 western starring Hopalong Cassidy. During the remainder of the 1950s she made occasional guest appearances on television western series such as The Gabby Hayes Show and Tales of Wells Fargo starring Dale Robertson. In 1984, she was posthumously honored by the Golden Boot Awards for her contributions to western cinema. L’il Wigman – INJUN story; Dinosaur story; Bill Newton-c/a; B&W Photo’s on inside front & inside Back covers; VG, 4.0 = $39.00);
PATCHES Comics (Rural/Patches/Orbit Pub); #7 (4/1947; HOPALONG CASSIDY-c/s; FA/G = $20.00)
Prize Comics Western (Prize Pub; Severin-a; Severin/Elder-c=84-99; Severin-a=79,84-86,96,97,100-105; Severin-c=92-119; Severin/Elder-a=87-99,110,111; Mort Meskin-a=114-118; Drifter series=114-119; Mart Bailey-a=79,84,87,90,94; Indian Chief American Eagle-c/s = #85 thru #119; Western SERIES starts at issue #69);
#75 (5-6/1949; Simon and KIRBY cover; FN/VF, 7.0 = $75.00)
#76(7-8/1949; "Canadian Pacific" = Movie adaption; Randolph Scott PHOTO-c; Dusty Ballew, Lazo Kid, Black Bull; Cover Creasing & Magic Tape repairs, but complete = FA/G $16);
#84(11-12/1950; 52 pages; Severin/Elder-c/a; Mart Bailey-a; Stagecoach-c; G/VG $22);
#85 (1-2/1951; FIRST appearance of AMERICAN EAGLE-c/s; SEVERIN art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $69.00);
#86(3-4/1951; 2nd appearance of AMERICAN EAGLE-c/s; SEVERIN art; );
#87(5-6/1951; 52 pages; 3rd appearance of AMERICAN EAGLE-c/s; SEVERIN art; Indian War Dance-c; VF, 8.0 = $89.00);
#87(5-6/1951; 52 pages; 3rd appearance of AMERICAN EAGLE-c/s; SEVERIN art; Indian War Dance-c; FA/G, coupon cut out thus 8% of back cover off; $10);
#90(44 pages; VG $32);
#97(1-2/1953; Mountain Lion-c; Severin/Elder-a; VG/FN $42);
#100(7-8/1953; Anniversary issue; American Eagle, Buck Dolan, Jim Horan, Red Otter, Many Coups, Kansas-Hawk & Laughing Dog-c; G+ $22);
#101(VG $32);
#104(Wild Bill Hickok-s; FN=$46; G=$17);
#105(Coshise-s; VG=$32);
#107(9-10/1954; Classic AMERICAN EAGLE-c/s; Clay Allison-s; FN, 6.0 = $36.00; G/VG, 3.0 = $18.00);
#108(11-12/1954; VG=$25);
#110(Buffalo-c; LAST Pre-Code issue; Barbwire war; Indian Chief American Eagle; Severin/Elder-a; VG $32);
#111(5-6/1955; 1st Comic Code issue; American Eagle-c/s; Severin-c; FN/VF, 7.0 = $69.00; G/VG=$25);
#112(American Eagle-c/s; Severin-c; G/VG=$18);
#114(Forest Fire-c; 1st DRIFTER series issue; FN $32)
#115(store stamp at top of cover, o/w FN $32);
#118(AMERICAN EAGLE; Liberty Belle; Calico Pony; Sioux Indians; VG $22);
#119(11-12/1956; LAST issue; Cougar-s; Lazo Kid/Mexico-s; last Drifter-s; last American Eagle-s; VG=$22);
RED ARROW (X.L. Pub.) - #1(May-June/1951);
RED HAWK (Magazine Enterprise) - #11 (A-1 #90; 1953, Powell cover & art);
RED MASK (Magazine Enterprise) -
#44(10-11/1954; Red Mask in Death at Split Mesa-c/s = 3-D effect story with Frank Bolle art; Red Mask in Gauntlet of Terror-s = 3-D effect story with Frank Bolle art; GHOST RIDER in Dead Man's Son-s = Dick AYERS-a; Red Mask in Death Hat -s = 3-D effect story with Frank Bolle art; Overall G, but with 2-1/2" x 3" Coupons Missing out of BACK Cover & also the Last Page, thus FA = $13.00),
#49 (5-6/1955; The Ghost Rider in Wagon Load of Doom, with Dick Ayers art; Red Mask in Death Wears a Blindfold, 3-D EFFECT story; Red Mask in Beauty and the Beast, 3-D EFFECT story; The Man Who Rescued Red Mask; Red Mask in The Reform of the Black Phantom, 3-D EFFECT story; Gardner Fox story; Frank Bolle cover and art; Overall VG, but with 3-1/2” Tear at upper middle right edge of cover, repaired inside with Magic Tape, thus Good, 2.0 = $22.00);
#50 (7-8/1955; LAST GHOST RIDER issue; The Ghost Rider He Who Laughs, with Dick Ayers art; Red Mask in The Red Wheel, 3-D EFFECT story; Red Mask in The Diggers, 3-D EFFECT story; The Reward for Redmask; Gardner Fox story; Frank Bolle cover and art; Tears and Creasing, Low grade but complete reading copy, FA/G, 1.5 = $17.00);
#51(1st PRESTO KID-c/s);
#52(2nd PRESTO KID-c/s);
#53(3rd PRESTO KID-c/s);
REDSKIN (Thrilling Indian Stories ; Youthful Mag; POLITICALLY INCORRECT TITLE) -
#5, 9,
#10 (6/1952; Redskin-c/s; Pecos Kid text-s; Buffalo Bill-s; Grey Wolf-s; FN, 6.0 = $45);
#11 (8/1952; Redskin-c/s; Buffalo Bill-s; Grey Wolf-s; Battle of Big Rocks-s; Palais-a; 2xWildey-a; VG minus, 3.5 = $26);
#1(2/1953, Billy the Kid), 7;
THE RIDER (Farrell Pub.) - #4(October 1957);
ROBIN HOOD's FRONTIER DAYS (Giveaway; 1956; Painted-c; LAWMEN Western stories; VG $12)
ROUNDUP ...Western Crime Stories (D.S. Pub.) -
#2(9-10/1948, Marijuana drug mention story; VG $36);
SHERIFF BOB DIXON's CHUCK WAGON (Avon Periodicals; CBS-TV / Television comic; USA)
#1(11/1950, Scarce early TV Comic; Kinstler cover & art; Sundance Kid-s; Kinstler-c & art x 3; VG, 4.0 = $39.00);
SILVER KID WESTERN (Key/Stanmor Pub.) - #1(10/1954), 3-5;
STRAIGHT ARROW (1950-1956; ME - Magazine Enterprise Pub; Original INDIAN Hero of RADIO Fame; #1-40 = all PRE-CODE; #2-55=RED HAWK-s; 1-55=Fred MEAGHER-a; 2-55= Bob POWELL-a) -
#2 (4-5/1950; ORIGIN & 1st app RED HAWK & backup series Begins = Bob POWELL-a; G/VG $42)
#5(9/1950; Ghost of Straight Arrow-s; VG $48);
#6(2pg SIOUX text-s; Cheyenne-s; Indian Tribes at War; VG/FN $51);
#6(2pg SIOUX text-s; Cheyenne-s; Indian Tribes at War; G, Centerfold Missing, B&W photocopy replacement pages included $9);
#9(1/1951; Apache terror-s; Magic Plant-s; VG $39);
#21 (1/1952; Origin of the Palimino horse FURY-c/s; VG/FN $57);
#22 (2/1952; FRANK FRAZETTA cover; G/VG, 3.0 = $68.00);
#24 (4-5/1952; Classic 8 page story "The Dragons of Doom" with violent prehistoric Pteradactyls; Buffalo Stampede-c/s; Red Hawk in Beast of the Bloody trail; FN = $55.00 VG+ = $40.00);
#26(FN+, 6.5 = $46.00)
#27(11-12/1952; Four Horsemen of HATE-s; Indian Girl in Bondage panels; FN/VF, 7.0 = $55.00; FN = $39; VG = $27);
#28(1-2/1953; SA vs Pedro Bombo-s; Red Hawk meets the Vikings-s; Return of the Thunderer-s; G $15);
#29(3-4/1953; VG/FN=$33; FA=$10);
#31(7-8/1953; Treasure of Pedro Bomba-s; Red Hawk vs Flying Cat-Woman Pa'aka-s; G $12);
#32(9-10/1953; Man without a Face-c/s; VG/FN $29; GD+, 2.5 = $15.00);
#33(11-12/1953; vs Purple Mask gang-c/s; VG/FN $29);
#34(1-2/1954; Wild west star / Bucking Bronco rodeo-c/s; Madman's Empire; Demon Bear-s; VG/FN $29);
#36(5-6/1954; Red Hawk DRUG story = POWELL-a; VG minus = $20);
#37(7-8/1954; Shaman's Curse-s; Secret of the SECRET CAVE-s; VG/FN=$29; G/VG=$18);
#38(9-10/1954; Woman in BONDAGE panels; Saga of Bent Bow, the Indian Squaw-s; Abominable Snowman-s; FA/G $10);
#39 (11-12/1954; Classic story "The Canyon Beast" = 7 page T-REX Dinosaur-s; Good+, 2.5 = $22);
#40 (12/1954; Classic story "Secret of the Spanish Specters" with Conquistadors' Lost Treasure; Haunted villiage-s; VG $27);
#45(5/1955; Secret Cave-c; Lorelei of the Snows-s; VG $22);
#49(9/1955; Indian Cheif & smoke Signals-c; Will Bill Hickok app; FA $7);
#50(10/1955; Lassooing Buffalo-c/s; Girl from the Desert-s; VG/FN $27);
#51(11/1955; Fangs of Justice-c/s; G $12);
#4(11-12/1955; O.HENRY's TEXAS RANGERS-c/s; KIWANIS Story; Pete Morisi cover and art; Gene Aurty photo cameo on cover; VG/FN, 5.0 = $39.00; VG, 4.0 = $32.00);
SWIFT ARROW (Ajax Pub.) - #2(4-5/1954), 3, 4,5;
SWIFT ARROW'S GUNFIGHTERS (Farrell Pub.) - #4(11/1957);
THE TEXAN (St. John Pub; 1948-1951; USA Printings)
#10 (8/1950; MATT BAKER cover; OVERSIZED issue; Treason Rides the Warpath = 9 pages Howard Larsen art; Cheyenne Joe Cavalry Scout in Red Scalp Magic-s; Prairie Kate-s; RED WOLF in Renegades of Deadfall Canyon = Louis Ravielli art; Good+, 2.5 = $28.00);
#11 (12/1950; MATT BAKER-c/a; GD+, 2.5 = $78.00);
#13 (4/1951; MATT BAKER cover; Hard Knife in Thunder Drowns the War Drums = 8 pages MATT BAKER art; Curse of the Thunder God = 2 pages MATT BAKER-a; Prairie Guns in The Bar-O Outfit = 6 pages MATT BAKER art; Prairie Guns in Abilene - City of Sin = 8 pages MATT BAKER art; VG, 4.0 = $99.00);
#14 (6/1951; MATT BAKER cover; Hard Knife in Ambush at Buffalo Trail = 9 pages MATT BAKER art; Comanche Courage Strikes Back = 7 pages MATT BAKER art; Prairie Guns in Abilene - Death's Roundup = 16 pages MATT BAKER art; Good, 2.0 = $59.00; FA/G, 1.5 = $49.00);
#15 (10/1951; MATT BAKER cover & art; Hard Knife in Twirling Blades Tame Treachery = 8-1/2 pages MATT BAKER art; Terror at Tombstone-s = Enrico Bagnoli-a; Cheyenne Joe in Whistling Arrows Seek Justice = 7 Pages HOWARD LARSEN art; Rustlers Strike It Rich = Doug Wildey art; FA/G, 1.5 = $49.00);
THE TEXAN (Publication Services of Toronto, Canada; From the St. John Pub series, SCARCE to RARE Canadian Variant Editions) -
#9 (Circa 1950; Canadian Variant Edition; MATT BAKER cover; Has the Cover & contents from the American #10; Treason Rides the Warpath = 9 pages Howard Larsen art; Cheyenne Joe Cavalry Scout in Red Scalp Magic-s; Prairie Kate-s; RED WOLF in Renegades of Deadfall Canyon = Louis Ravielli art; VG+, 4.5 = $89.00);
#1(3-4/1948; VG, 4.0 = $39.00);
TEX GRANGER - the Fighting Frontier Sheriff (Parents Magazine/ Commended Pub; 1948-1949) -
#18(9/1948; FIRST issue; 1st appearance of Tex Granger; Kit Carson pinup & illustrated Text-s; Hector-s; VG/FN=$42; VG=$32);
#20(1/1949; 3rd issue; Davy Crockett pinup & illustrated Text-s; Hector-s; Flapjack Smith-a; VG=$22);
#21(3/1949; 4th issue; Fighting Sam Houston of Texas pinup & illustrated Text-s; Hector the Teenage Detective-s; VG/FN=$27; VG=$22);
#22(5/1949; 5th issue; Wild Bill Hickok pinup & illustrated Text-s; Hector the Teenage Detective-s; VF = $59);
#23(July 1949; 6th issue; Tex Granger vs Billy the Kid-c/s; Tim Holt 1pg Bio with illo; Buffalo Bill 1pg comic & illustrated Text-s; Hector-s; 1pg Davy Crockett/Almo comic; G=$12; FA/G=$10);
#24(9/1949; 7th & LAST issue; Hector-s; G=$12);
THRILLING COMICS (Standard Comics)
#75(1/1950), #80
TIM HOLT (ME / M.E. Pub – Magazine Enterprise) -
#19(8-9/1950;; 1st BOLLE line-drawn cover & begins; Bolle-a; Ghost Rider-s; Ayers-a; VG/FN = $33; Good, 2.0 = $15),
#33(Red Mask-c/s; Bolle-c/a; Ghost Rider-s; Ayers-a; G/VG, but with 1” x 4-1/2” Piece missing from upper right corners of first 2 pages inside, thus FA+ = $9);
#41(4-5/1954; SCARCER LAST issue; 3 x 3-D EFFECT stories; Red Mask-c/s; FA/G, No Back Cover, Centerfold missing = $7);
TIM TYLER COWBOY (Standard Comics; USA Edition; Kings Features Syndicate; by Lyman Young) -
#11(11/1948; FIRST issue; G/VG $18);
#16(10/1949; USA Edition; FA/G $8);
#17(USA Edition; Coverless, Fair $4);
WARPATH (Key Pub.) -
#2(January/1955; Hughes cover);
#3(April/1955; women in bondage cover);
WESTERN ADVENTURES COMICS (Ace Magazine - Scarce to RARE Canadian Variant Editions - Trans-Canada News Company Pub);
#1(October 1948, Sheriff Sal = Female Sheriff begins; The Cross-Draw Kid, Sam Bass begin; the Snake of Socorro-s; Wyatt Earp & Clantons-s; G, 2 x Centerfolds missing $6),
WESTERN CRIME-BUSTERS (Trojan Magazines) - #4(April/1951; Zak art cover);
WESTERNER, THE (Wild Bill Pecos) ('Wanted' Comics Group) -
#15 (2nd issue; 8/1948),
#19(3/1949; Chief Crazy Horse, Little Big Horn & Custer; Mort Lawrence-c/a; Meskin-a; G/VG, 3.0 = $18.00);
#22(8/1949), 32-35,37-41;
WESTERN FIGHTERS (Hillman Periodicals) -
Volume-1 #9(8/1949; 52 pages; overall VG minus, but coupon missing out of Back cover, thus GD, 2.0 = $18);
Volume-1 #11 (10/1949; Williamson/Frazetta art; McWilliams art; VG/FN, 5.0 = $99.00),
Volume-2 #1 (12/1949; KRIGSTEIN art; G/VG, 3.0 = $24.00),
Volume-2 #4, 7, 9
Volume-3 #8
Volume-4 #4, 6
WESTERN FRONTIER (P.L. pub.) - #1(5/1951),3(10/1951);
WESTERN LOVE (Feature Pub.; Simon & Kirby art)
Volume-1 #2(WHIP WILSON and RENO BROWN Photo-c; 52 pages; SIMON and KIRBY art; G/VG, 3.0 = $45.00);
WESTERN OUTLAWS (FOX Features) #17(9/1948; CRANDALL-a; WILLIAMSON Text illo; VG/FN, 5.0 = $42.00);
WESTERN ROUGH RIDERS (Gillmor Magazine) - #1(11/1954; G/VG, 3.0 = $18.00); #3,4;
WESTERN THRILLERS (FOX Pub.; USA editions) #3(2/1948; FN/VF = $99.00);
WESTERN TRUE CRIME (Fox Features Synd.)
#15 (8/1948, First issue; Kamen-a; GD, 2.0 = $42.00)
#16 (10/1948, Kamenish-a; headlight panels, VIOLENCE; FN-, 5.5 = $70.00)
#4 (2/1949; Johnny Craig art; FN-, 5.5 = $52.00
WHITE INDIAN (Magazine Enterprises) - #14(A-1, #117; 7-9/1954);
WHITE RIDER AND SUPER HORSE (Novelty-Star Pub./Accepted Pub.) -
#4 (#1; First issue; 9/1950; says #11 inside; Star Pub; L.B. COLE cover; 2 x Bull's-Eye Bill stories; 2 x White Rider & Super Horse stories; Last of the Mohicans story, based on J. Fenimore Cooper, with Howard DeLay art; VG minus, 3.5 = $59.00),
WHITE RIDER and SUPER HORSE (Accepted Pub.; 1950-1951)
#5 (1958? L.B. COLE cover; Bull's-Eye Bill story, with John Daly art; Gold Valley Justice story; White Rider and Super Horse story; Last of the Mohicans story, based on J. Fenimore Cooper, with Howard DeLay art; Good, 2.0 = $25.00);
#5 (1958? L.B. COLE cover; FAIR, 2 x Centerfolds missing = $5.00 buy it for the cover)
WILD BILL HICKOK - Frontier Fighter / Fighting Marshall (AVON Comics Pub; 1949-1956; USA Editions)
#1 (9-10/1949; Frontier Fighter; True Stories from Official Files; Classic "Headlights" GGA Good Girl Art cover by GRAHAM INGELS; **Wild Bill Hickok in The McCallan Gang Fight, 10 pages of Jimmy Thompson art; ** Red Cloud Devil of the Plains, 10 pages Howard Larsen art; **Wild Bill Hickok in The Cheyenne Campaign, 10 pages of Jimmy Thompson art; G/VG, 3.0 = $75.00);
# 7 (5/1951; ** Wild Bill Hickok in Outlaws of Hells Bend with KINSTLER cover and with 7 page story with Howard Larsen art; ** Everett Raymond Kinstler cover and inside front cover; ** Wild Bill Hickok in The Shield of White Eagle, with 7 pages Howard Larsen art; ** Wild Bill Hickok in The Talking Wires, with 7 pages Howard Larsen art;
** The Man from Tombstone, 2 page Text story; ** The Fighting Parson in Queen of Eden, with Jon Small and George Roussos art; VG, 4.0 = $32.00);
#12 (8/1952; Everett Raymond Kinstler cover and inside front cover art; ** Wild Bill Hickok in Killers of Eagle Ridge; ** Wild Bill Hickok in Gunplay at Thunder Gulch; ** Wild Bill Hickok in The Lost Gold Mine; ** Simon Girty in Death at Bloody Fort Corey; HOWARD LARSEN Art; FA/G, 1.5 = $14.00)
#13 (11/1952; Bloody Canyon Massacre; HOWARD LARSEN Art; FA/G, 1.5 = $14.00);
#15 (9/1953; Cherokee Rebellion; HOWARD LARSEN Art; VG, 4.0 = $29.00);
#18 (5-6/1954; Terror of the Medicine Men; KIT WEST GGA story; KINSTLER-c; HOWARD LARSEN Art; Good, 2.0 = $15.00);
#20 (10-11/1954; Indian Raids on the K.P. Railroad; KIT WEST GGA story; KINSTLER-c; HOWARD LARSEN Art; Heavy cover creases, FA, 1.0 = $10.00);
#22 (3/1955; GERONIMO story; KINSTLER-c; HOWARD LARSEN Art; FN, 6.0 = $39.00);
#23 (5-6/1955; Everett Raymond Kinstler cover and art; ** Wild Bill Hickok in Danger Trail; ** Wild Bill Hickok in The Bandits of Devil's Gap; ** The Mask of Charlton
** The Ambush of the Pony Express; HOWARD LARSEN Art; FN, 6.0 = $39.00; VG+, 4.5 = $27.00; FA/G, 1.5 = $11.00);
#23 (5-6/1955; Overall G/VG, but with Heavy Pen Writing on cover, thus FA/G, 1.5 = $11.00);
#24 (8-91955; KINSTLER-c/a; HOWARD LARSEN Art; FN, 6.0 = $39.00; VG, 4.0 = $26.00);
#25 (10-11/1955; KINSTLER cover and 6 pages art; JOE LOUIS 6 page Boxing story; FN, 6.0 = $39.00; VG, 4.0 = $26.00);
#25 (10-11/1955; KINSTLER cover and 6 pages art; JOE LOUIS 6 page Boxing story; Overall GOOD, but Centerfold pages missing = $6.00);
#25 (10-11/1955; KINSTLER cover and 6 pages art; JOE LOUIS 6 page Boxing story; Overall FAIR, but Centerfold pages missing = $4.00);
WILL ROGERS (Fox Features Synd.) -
#5 (6/1950; First issue; PHOTO Covers; VG/FN, 5.0 = $99.00);
#2 (8/1950; PHOTO Covers; G/VG, 3.0 = $45.00);
WYATT EARP (World Distributors) - #10(1957; Great Britain/UK Edition; Hugh O.Brian TV Photo cover; VG = $18.00);
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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
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MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa