(A) WESTERN - Mass Market Paperbacks =IN STOCK;
(B) WESTERNS in Mass Market Pulp Digest Magazine format;
(C)AUSTRALIAN Western Digest Novel's
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(A) WESTERN - Mass Market Paperbacks =IN STOCK;
(B) WESTERNS in Mass Market Pulp Digest Magazine format;
(C)AUSTRALIAN Western Digest Novel's
(A) WESTERN - Mass Market Paperbacks =IN STOCK;
--- A ---
ABBEY, EDWARD "Black Sun" *** "The Brave Cowboy"
ABBOTT, JOHN S. C. “The Life of Kit Carson”
ABRAMS, TED E. "Sinfuf Cowboy"
ADAMS, ANDY "The Log of a Cowboy"
ADAMS, CLIFTON -- “The Bade and Harry Cole” *** "Biscuit-Shooter" *** "Concannon" *** "The Dangeous Days of Kiowa Jones" *** "Day of the Gun" *** "Doomsday Creek" *** "Gambling Man" *** "The Grabhorn Bounty" *** "The Hard Time Bunch" *** "Hard Times and Arnie Smith" *** “Hogan's Way” **** "The Hottest Fourth" *** "Killer in Town" *** "The Last Days of Wolf Garnett" *** "The Legend of Lonnie Hall" *** "The Moonlight War" *** "A Noose for the Desperado" *** “Once an Outlaw” *** “Reckless Men” *** "Outlaw Destiny" *** "A Partnership with Death" *** "Reakless Men" *** "Shorty" *** "Stranger in Town" *** "Tragg's Choice"
ADAMS, FRANK R. "Arizona Feud"
ADKINS, ERLE “Dayton's Revenge” *** “Pecos Blood” **** "Three Days to Tuscon"
AHLSWEDE, ANN “The Savage Land”
AINTRY, JACK “Silent Rider”;
ALKMAN, DUNCAN "Calamity Jane and the Lady Wildcats"
ALBERT, MARVIN H. "The Bounty Killer" *** “Clayburn”; *** "Duel at Diablo" *** "The Law and Jake Wade" *** "The Outrage" *** "Posse at High Pass” *** “Rider from Wind River”
ALDRICH, BESS STREETER "A Lantern in her Hand"
ALLEN, ERIC "Black Powder Posse" *** "The Hanging at Whiskey Smith/Marshall From" *** "Whiskey Smith" *** "Hangtree Country" *** "A Killer in Whiskey Smith" *** "Lone Gun" *** "Ramage in Whiskey Smith"
ALLEN, HERVY "Action at Aquila" *** "Bedford Village" *** "The Forest and the Fort"
ALLEN, T.D. "Troubled Border"
ALLISON, SAM "Trouble on Crazyman"
ALTER, JUDY - “Sundance, Butch and Me” (Leisure Pub; 2002; VG/FN = $4);
ALTER, ROBERT EDMOND "The Trail of Billy the Kid"
AMES, FRANCIS "That Callahan Spunk!"
(Series; The Scarlet Riders); "Scarlet Riders - #2 The Return of Cavannagh”; *** "Scarlet Riders - #3 Beyond the Stone Heaps”; *** "Scarlet Riders - #4 Sergeant O'Reilly”; *** "Scarlet Riders - #5 Fort Terror" *** "Scarlet Riders - #6 The Flying Patrol" **** *** "Scarlet Riders - #7 Dead or Alive;
ANDREWS, PATRICK "The Bent Star" *** "The Kiowa Flats Raiders"
ANDREWS, PATRICK E. "Colorado Crossfire”;
ANDREWS, ROBERT HARDY "Great Day in the Morning"
APPEL, ALLAN "Vengeance Valley"
"Ambush Hell" *** "Gunman's Grudge" *** "The Man Who Shot Quantrill" **** Massacre Trail;
ARNOLD, A.J. "Outlaw's Justice"
ARNOLD, ELLIOT "Blood Brothers" *** "Broken Arrow"
"Boss of the Far West" *** "The Buckaroo" *** "The Drifter" ***
"Flaming Guns" *** "The Free Lands" *** "Gunplay at the X-Bar-X" *** "The Gunslinger" *** "Gunsmoke in Nevada" *** "Gunsmoke in Paradise" *** "Gunsmoke Over Utah" *** "Killer's Crossing" *** "The Killer" *** "Lead Hungry Lobos" *** "Nevada" *** "Outlaw Fury" *** "Ride Out for Revenge" *** "Return of the Texan" *** "Sheroff of Lonesome" *** "Silver City Rangers" *** "Sing a Song of Six-Guns" *** "Stirrups in the Dust" *** "The Texan" *** "Thunder Valley" *** "Trigger Man" *** "Trouble at Moon Pass'" *** "Trouble Town" *** "Two-Gun Outlaw" *** "Two-Gun Texan"
“Action At Truxton” *** ”"Canavan's Trail" *** "Requim for a Gun" *** "Ride a Crooked Trail" *** "The Saga of Denny McCune" *** "The Stranger" *** "Three Guns North" *** "Walk Tall, Ride Tall" *** "Westward the Wagons"
ASBURY, HERBERT "The Barbary Coast"
AUBRY, CLAUDE “Agouhanna”
AUSTIN, BRETT "Gambler's Gun Luck"
AUSTIN, FRANK "Triggerman"
AUSTIN, GENE "The Secret Brand" *** "Texan-Killer"
AUSTIN, JIM "Fury" *** “Fury: Blood Ransom” *** “Fury: Last Chance Canyon”
AUTRY, GENE "Gun Smoke Yarns" *** "Western Stories"
AVERY, A.A. "Anything for a Quiet Life"
--- B ---
(Anthology- Western Writers of America (ed) );"Bad Men and Good";
BAILE, TOM - “The Comanche Wars” (Monarch Books Pub; Book #MA357; 1963; inventory #5892-1; As New = $15);
(Series; Cimarron); *** "Cimarron #14 - On the High Plains" *** "Cimarron #17 - And the Comancheros" *** "Cimarron - On a Texas Manhunt"
BAKER, A.A. "A Noose For the Marshall" *** "Ride For Hell"
BALCH, GLENN "Wild Horse Tamer"
"Applegate's Gold" *** "Blizzard Range" *** "Blood and Gold" *** "Fight or Die" *** "Gold in California" *** “Gunman from Texas” *** “Guns of the Lawless”; **** "High Iron" *** "Home to Texas" *** "Loco and the Wolf" *** "The Long Trail Back" *** "The Night Riders" *** "Outlaw Brand" *** "Plunder Canyon" *** "Rawhide Gunman" *** "Roundup" *** "Saddle Tramp" *** "Showdown" *** "Trails of Rage" *** "Trail Town Marshall" *** "Trigge Trail" *** "Trouble on the Massacre" *** "Two-Edged Vengeance" *** "West of Quarantine"
BALLAS, JACK – "Bandido Caballero”; *** “Durango Gunfight”; *** “Gun Boss”; *** “Hanging Valley”; *** “The Hard Land”; *** Iron Horse Warrior”; *** Land Grab”; *** “Power River”; *** The Rugged Trail”; *** “Tomahawk Canyon”; *** Trail Brothers”; *** West of the River”;
BALLENGER, DEAN W. "Gunslinger Justice" *** "The Moneyhanging"
BANKS, RICHARD "Blue Lightning"
BARKER, S. OMAR “SPURS: Western Writers of America”
BARNWELL, J.O. - “Death Rider;
BARON, J.W. "Blaze"
BARRETT, MONTE "Smoke up the Valley" *** "Sun in their Eyes" *** "Tempered Blade"
BARRON, DAVE "Desert Cache"
BARSTOW, CHARLEY "Showdown Country"
BARTON, JACK "Ambush Range" *** "Texas Rawhider"
BARTON, WAYNE - “Ride Down the Wind”
BARTON, WAYNE/ WILLIAMS, STAN - “High Country”; *** “Live by the Gun” **** Manhunt”; **** Warhorse;
BASS, FRANK "The Angry Land"
BEAMAN, J. FRANK "The Dotmakers"
BEAN, AMELIA "The Fued" *** "Time for Outrage"
BEAN, FREDERIC "Lone Wolf”; *** “Range War" *** "Renegade" *** "Santa Fe Showdown"
BEAN, FRED/ THOMPSON, J.M. - “Ghost Riders”;
BECHDOLT, FREDERICK R. "Bold Raiders of the West" *** "Horse Thief Trail"
BECHKO, P.A. "Dead Man's Feud" *** "Night of the Flaming Guns"
"Feud at Devil's River" *** "Never Say Die" *** "Platte Rivercrossing" ***
"Stranger in Dodge" *** "To the Death" *** “A Valley Called Disappointment” *** "The Winds Blow Free"
BELLAH, JAMES WARNER "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"
BENDELL, DON "Blazing Colts” *** “Chief of Scouts” *** Colt” *** “Coyote Run" *** Horse Soldiers; *** Matched Colts; *** “"Warrior"
BENDER, TEXAS, BIX - “Don't Squat with Yer Spurs On!”
"The Avenger" *** "The Big Land" *** "Border Graze" *** "Cherokee Outlet" *** "Crooked River Canyon" *** "The Guns of Ellisworth" *** "Hangman's Knot" *** "Lost Wolf River" *** "Stormy Range" *** “The Texans” *** "Top Hand"
BENSEN, D.R. "Butch and Sundance; The Early Years" **** “Mr. Horn” **** (The Tracker) #4 The Renegade; *** “(The Tracker) #5 Rawhide Moon”
BENTEEN, JOHN *** (Series; FARGO);
*** Fargo #2 - Panama Gold (VG/FN = US$9.00)
*** Fargo #3 - Alaska Steel (VG = US$6.00)
*** Fargo #5 - Wildcatters (VG/FN = US$6.00; VG = $5.00; FA/G = $3.50)
*** Fargo #8 - Valley of Skulls (VG+ = US$14.00)
*** Fargo #12 - Killing Spree (Good = US$13.90)
BENTEEN, JOHN *** (Series; Sundance); "Sundance - "Blood on the Prairie" *** "Sundance - "Bountry Killer" *** "Sundance - "Bring Me His Scalp" *** "Sundance - "The Bronco Trail" *** "Sundance - "Dakota Territory" *** "Sundance - "Deadman's Canyon" *** “Sundance - “Death in the Lava” *** "Sundance - "Manhunt" *** "Sundance - "The Pistoleros" *** "Sundance - "Riding Shotgun" *** "Sundance - "Run for Cover" *** “Sundance - “Silent Enemy” *** “Sundance - “Taps at Little Bighorn” *** "Sundance - "War Party" *** "Sundance - "The Wild Stallions"
BENTEEN, JOHN *** (Assorted); *** "Cuter #2 - "the Gunhawks" *** "- Wolf' Head"
BERGER, FRED "Mojave Gold"
BERGER, THOMAS "Little Big Man"
BERGON, FRANK “The Western Writings of Stephen Crane (Ed.)”
BERRY, DON "A Majority of Scoundrels" *** "Trask"
BEYLE, HENRI “Waterloo”
The Apple Dumpling Gang” **** "Feud Fury" *** "Fletcher" *** "Hangman's Territory" *** "The War on Charity Ross"
BISHOP, CURTIS "Quick Draw" *** “Reach For Your Guns”
(Series; Diamondback);
"Diamondback - #1 Diamondback" *** "Diamondback - #2 Judgement at Poisoned Well" ***
"Diamondback - #3 Snake Eyes" *** "Diamondback - #4 Dead Man's Hand" *** "Diamondback - #6 Shroud of Vengeance" *** "Diamondback - #9 Poison Bay"
BJORGUM, KENNETHL "The Desert Sentinels"
BLACKBURN, GLEN A. "Apache Half-Breed"
BLACKBURN, H.P. "Hell Fire Ranch"
"Broken Arrow Range" *** "Buckskin Man" *** "Companeros" *** "El Segundo" *** "Navajo Canyon" *** "Patron" *** "Ranchero" *** "Raton Pass" *** "Short Grass" *** "Sierra Baron" *** "Yanqui"
BLACKER, IRWIN R. "Westering"
BLAINE, LAWRENCE L. "Frontier Lawyer"
BLAKE, FORRESTER "Johnny Christmas" *** "Wilderness Passage"
BLAKE, MICHAEL "Dances with Wolves"
BLAKELY, MIKE – "The Snowy Range Gang”;
BLASSINGAME, WYATT "This is my Land"
BLEVINS, WINFRED “Charbonneau: Man of Two Dreams” **** "Give Your Heart to the Hawks" **** (River West) #1 The Yellow Stone”;*** (River West) #NN The Snake River”; *** (River's West) #4 “The Power River”
BLOCK, EUGENE B. "Great Train Robberies of the West" (Avon Pub; Book T-398; 1959)
(Series; Quinn's Raiders);
"Quinn's Raiders - #6 Red Bluff Revenge"
(Series; The Pecos Kid);
“Pecos Kid - Devil's Creek Massacre”;
"Pecos Kid - #2 The Reckoning";
“Pecos Kid – Outlaw Hell”;
BODSWORTH, FRED “The Sparrows Fall”;
BOGGS, JOHNNY D. - "Arm of the Banit: The Trial of Frank James”; *** “The Big Fifty”
BOLDREWOOD, ROLE "Robbery Under Arms"
BOND, J. MARK "Half a Treasure"
"Blood on the Land" *** "Bold Passage" *** "Break for the Border" *** "Cast a Long Shadow" *** "Defiance Mountain" *** "The Feud at Spanish Fort" *** "Fort Hogan" *** "Hardrock" *** "Last Stage West" *** Logan's Choice” **** "Lost Stage Valley" *** "Night Raid" *** "Rawhide Guns" *** "Snaketrack" *** "Sound of Gunfire" *** “That Bloody Bozeman Trail / Stagecoach West” *** “Tough Country” *** “Trago”
"Tough Country" *** "Trago"
BONNER, MICHAEL "The Iron Noose" *** "Kennedy's Gold"
BONNER, PARKER "Applegate's Gold" *** "Borders to Cross" *** "Look to Your Guns" *** "Outlaw Brand" *** "Superstition Range" *** "Tough in the Saddle" ;
BOONE, JAMES CALDER – (Remington) #1 West of the Pecos; *** (Remington) #3 Showdown at Comanche Butte; *** (Remington) #5 Wyoming Blood Trail; *** (Remington) #6 Border Trouble;
"Boot Heel Range" *** "The Colorado Gun" *** “Crossfire” *** "Hardcase Hotel" *** "The Man From Dakota" *** "No Spurs for Johnny Loop" *** "One Man Posse" ***
"Return to Apache Springs" *** "Shoot-Out At Twin Buttes" *** "Small Spread" *** "Stage to San Felipe" *** "Stranger in Buffalo Springs" ***
"Triple Cross Trail" *** "Trouble at Tragedy Springs"
BORLAND, HAL “When the Legends Die”;
BOSWORTH, ALLAN R. "Border Roundup" *** "Bury Me Not" *** "Double Deal" *** "The Drifters" *** "Steel to the Sunset"
BOSWORTH, FRANK "Rainy Valley"
BOSWORTH, JIM "The Long Way Home"
BOUMA, J.L. "Border Vengeance" *** "Burning Valley" *** "Danger Trail" *** "Sixgun Mule-Skinner" *** "Texas Spurs"
"The Flying U Strikes" *** "Gun Fight at Horsethief Range" *** "The Haunted Hills" *** "Pirates of the Range" *** "The Whoop-Up Trail"
BOWIE, DAM "Canyon War" *** "Chisum" *** "Thunderhead Range"
BOWMAN, DOUG “The Guns of Billy Free” **** "Sam Curtin"
BOYCE, BURKE "Morning of a Hero"
BOYD, JAMES “Bitter Creek” *** "Long Hunt" (Bantam Pub; 1968);
BOYER, G.C. - “The Return of Morgette”;
BRACCO, E.J. "Boots and Saddles"
(Series; The Kincaids);
"The Kincaids #1 Raging Rivers; *** "The Kincaids #3 Mountain Thunder' *** "The Kincaids #4 Westward Winds"
BRAGG, BILL - "Enemy in Sight" *** "The War Horses"
BRAGG, W.F. - "Guns of Roaring Fork”;
BRAND, MAX (aka; Evan Evans & George Challis; Pseudonym of Frederick Schiller Faust )
"Ambush at Torture Canyon" *** "The Bandit of the Black Hills" *** "Battle's End/ The Three Crosses" *** "The Bells of the San Filipo" *** "Big Game" *** "The Big Trail" *** "Black Jack" *** "Blood on the Trail" *** "The Blue Jay" *** "The Border Bandit" *** "Border Guns" *** "The Border Kid" *** “Brother of the Cheyennes” *** "Brothers on the Trail" *** "Bull Hunter" *** "Cheyenne Gold" *** “Chip Champions a Lady / Forgotten Trasure” *** “Crossroads” *** "Dan Barry's Daughter" *** "Danger Trial" *** "Dead or Alive" *** “Deadwood” *** “Desert Showdow” **** "Destry Rides Again" *** "Devil Horse" *** “Dogs of the Captain” *** "Drifter's Vengeance" *** "The Dude" *** "The False Rider" *** "Fightin' Fool" *** "The Fightin' Four" *** "Fire Brain" *** "Flaming Irons" *** "Frontier Feud" *** "Galloping Broncos" *** "Galloping Danger" *** "The Gambler" *** "The Garden of Eden" *** "The Gentle Desperado; *** "Ghost Rider" *** "Golden Lightning" *** "The Granduca" *** "Gunfighter's Return" **** "Gunman's Gold" *** "Gunman's Legacy" *** "Gunman's Reckoning" *** "The Guns of Dorking Hollow" *** "The Gun Tamer" *** "The Hair-Trigger Kid" *** "Happy Jack" *** "The Happy Valley" *** "Harrigan" *** "Hired Guns" *** "Hunted Riders" *** "The Invisible Outlaw" *** "The Iron Trial" *** "The Jackson Trail" *** "The King Bird Rides" *** "King of the Range" *** "Larramee's Ranch" *** "The Last Showdown" *** "Lawless Land" *** "Law of the Gun" *** "Lone Hand" *** “The Long Chance” *** "The Long Chase" *** "The Longhorn Feud" *** "The Long, Long Trail" *** "Lucky Larribee" *** “The Making of a Gunman” **** "The Man From Mustang" *** "Man From Savage Creek" *** "The Man From the Wilderness" *** "Marbleface" *** "Mighty Lobo" *** "Mistral" *** "Montana Rides" *** "Mountain Guns" *** "Mountain Riders" *** "Mystery Ranch" *** "The Night Horsemen" *** "On the Trail of Four" *** "The Outlaw" *** "Outlaw Breed" *** “Outlaw Crew / The Best Bandit” *** "The Outlaw of Buffalo Flat" *** "Outlaw Rider" *** "Outlaw's Code" *** "Outlaw's Gold" *** "Outlaw Valley" *** "The Phantom Spy" *** "Pillar Mountain" *** "Pleasant Jim" *** "The Rancher's Revenge" *** "Rangeland Avenger" *** "Rawhide Justice" *** "The Rescue of Broken Arrow" *** "The Return of the Rancher" *** "The Reward" *** "Rider of the High Hills" *** "Riders of the Plains" *** "Ride the Wild Trail" *** "Rippon Rides Double" *** "Ronicky Doone's Reward" *** "Rustler's of Beacon Creek" *** "Sawdust and Sixguns" *** "The Seven of Diamonds" *** "The Seventh Man" *** "Seven Trails" *** "The Sheriff Rides" *** "Shotgun Law" *** "Showdown" *** "Silvertip" *** "Silvertip's Chase" *** "Silvertip's Search" *** "Silvertip's Strike" *** "Silvertip's Trap" *** "Singing Guns" *** "Single Jack" *** "Six Golden Angels" *** "Six-Gun Ambush" *** "Six-Gun Legacy" *** "Slow Joe" *** "Smiling Charlie" *** "Smiling Desperado" *** "Smugglers' Trail" *** "The Song of the Whip" *** "South of Rio Grande" *** "Speedy" *** "Steve Train's Ordeal" *** "The Stingaree" *** "The Stolen Stallion" *** "Storm on the Range" *** "Strange Courage" *** "The Stranger" *** "The Streak" *** "Tamer of the Wild" *** "The Tenderfoot" *** "Thunder Moon" *** "Timbal Gulch Trail" *** "Torture Trail" *** "Tradegy Trail" *** "Trailin' " *** "Trail Partners" *** "The Trial to San Triste" *** "Trouble Kid" *** "Trouble Trail" *** "Twenty Notches" *** "The Untamed" *** "Valley of Vanishing Men" *** "Valley Thieves" *** "Valley Vultures" *** "Vengeance Trail" *** "War Party" *** "Way of the Lawless" *** "The White Wolf" *** "Wild Freedom"
BRANDVOLD, PETER – "Blood Mountain”; *** “Once a Marshall”; *** “Once a Renegade”; *** “Once More with a .44”;
“Black Fox” **** "Bloodstorm" *** "The Brannocks" *** "Buck Colter" *** "Cimarron Jordon" *** "Deadwood" *** "A Distant Land" *** “Doc Holliday the Gunfighter” *** "El Paso" *** “El Paso / The Wild Ones” *** "Hangman's Creek" **** “ Jury of Six” *** “Kinch Riley / Indian Territory” **** “Lords of the Land *** "The Manhunter" *** "Mattie Silks" *** "Noble Outlaw" *** “One Last Town” *** "The Savage Land" *** "The Spoilers" *** “Tenbow”; *** "Tombstone" *** "Windward West" **** “You Know my Name”
BRAUTIGAN, RICHARD - “The Hawkline Monster: a Gothic Western”
BREIHAN, CARL W. - "The Day Jesse James Was Killed" *** "Great Gunfighters of the West" *** “Wild Women of the West” (with photos);
BRENNAN, LOUIS A. "The Long Knife" *** "Tree of Arrows"
BRENT, LYNTON WRIGHT "Apache Massacre"
BREWER, GUY – (Diamondback) #1 “Diamondback;
BRICK, JOHN - "Gettyburg" *** "Homer Crist" *** "Jubilee" *** "The Raid" *** "Troubled Spring"
"Cat Eyes" *** "The Kansan" *** "Law Killer" *** "Renegade Brand" *** "The Shoot-out at Sentinel Peak" *** "The Wolf Streak"
"Action at Boundry Peak" *** "Railtown Sheriff" *** "Whispering Canyon"
BROOKER, CLARK "Fight at Sun Mountain" *** "Lone Gun"
BROOKS, BILL “The Last Law There Was” *** “Leaving Cheyenne” *** "Old Times" *** “Vengeance Trail”
BROOMALL, ROBERT W. - "The Bank Robber" *** "Conroy's First Command" *** “Dead Man's Canyon” *** “Dead Man's Crossing” *** "Dead Man's Town"
“Action at Beecher Island” **** "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" *** "Cavalry Scout" *** "Creek Mary's Blood" *** "The Galvanized Yankee" *** "The Girl From Fort Wicked" *** "Greirson's Raid" *** "Killdeer Mountain" *** "Showdown at Little Big Horn" *** “Wounded Knee” *** "Yellowhorse"
BROWN, HARRY "The Stars in Their Courses"
BROWN, JOE DAVID "Stars in my Crown"
BROWN, J.P.S. - " (The Arizona Saga) #2 The Horseman;
BROWN, R.D. "Villa Head"
BROWN, SAM - “The Crime of Coy Bell”;
BROWN, WILL C. - "The Border Jumpers" *** "The Kelly Man" *** "Laredo Road" *** "Man of the West" *** "The Nameless Breed" *** "Think Fast, Ranger!" *** “Trouble on the Brazos”
BROWNE, JOHN ROSS "Apache Country"
BRUCKER, JERRY "Horsethief Canyon"
BRUCKNER, DWIGHT "Hot Lead" **** “The Vengenace Trail”
BRUNDY, CLYDE M. “Grasslands” *** "The Maverick Touch"
BRYANT, WILL "Blue Russell" *** "Escape From Sonora"
(ANONYMOUS) "Buffalo Bill's Tomahawk Duel"
BUEL, J.W. - “The Life and Adventure of Will Bill Hickok”;
BURCHARDT, BILL - “Shotgun Bottom”
BURKE, JAMES LEE "Two for Texas"
BURKE, JOHN "The Trap"
BURLESON, FRANK "Savage Frontier" *** " War Eagles"
BURNETT, W.R. - "Bitter Ground" *** "Mi Amigo" *** "Pale Moon" *** "Sergeants 3"
BUSBEE, JIM "Riding Touch"
BURROWES, MIKE "Deadly Justice"
BURNETTE, ROBERT/ KOSTER, JOHN "The Road to Wounded Knee"
BURNS, PETER – "Violence is the Town”;
BURNS, WALTER NOBLE *** “The Saga if Billy the Kid” *** "Tombstone"
BUSCH, NIVEN "Duel in the Sun" *** "The Furies" *** “Winter Quarters”
--- C ---
CAHILL, A.L. "The 13th Gun"
CAIN, JACKSON "Hangman's Whip" *** "Hellbreak Country" *** "Savage Blood"
CALHOUN, CHAD (Agent Brad Spear) #8 The Demon Girls; (Agent Brad Spear) #10 The Lady Rustler;
CALIN, HAROLD "The Indian Killer" (Leisure Pub; 1973);
CALLAHAN, JOHN "Odds Against the Texan" *** "Ride the Wild Land/ Jernigan"
"The Bastard's Name is War" *** “The Buntline Special”; **** "Crooked Lance" *** "Doc Travis" *** “Eagle Chief” *** "The Grass of Goodnight" *** "Guns of Durango" *** "How the West Was Won" *** "North to Cheyenne" *** "The Spirit Horses" *** "Stringer and the Border War" *** "Spurhead" *** “The Wilderness Seekers”;
CAMERON, OWEN "The Mountains Have no Shadow"
CAMP, WILL “Blood of Texas” **** "Blood Saga” **** “Escape from Silverton” *** “Lone Survivor"
CANNON, FRANK "Bloody Texas Trail" *** "Feud at Sweetwater Creek"
CANTRELL, WADE B. "Sundown Gun"
"Sam Chance" *** "The Trail to Ogallala" *** “The White Man's Raod” **** "Woman Cheif; *** A Woman of the People"
CARDER, MICHAEL "Action at War Bow Valley" *** Return of the Outlaw;
CARPENTER, JOHN JO – Signal Guns at Sunup;
CARRINGTON, G.A. (Arrow and Sabre) #1 Oushata Massacre; *** (Arrow and Sabre) #2 Cavanaugh's Island; *** (Arrow and Sabre) #3 Battle at Thunderhors Mesa”; *** (Arrow and Sabre) #4 Comanche War; *** (Arrow and Sabre) #5 The Templeton Massacre; *** (Arrow and Sabre) #6 Battle of Horetooth Mountain;
CARROLL, CURT "The Golden Herd"
CARTER, FORREST “The Outlaw Josey Wales" *** "The Vengeance Trail of Josey Wales"
CARTER, FRANKLIN – (Rails West!) #3 “Wyoming Territory”;
CASE, DAVID "Black Hats”
CASSADY, CLAUDE "The Man From Tucson"
CASSIDY, GEORGE "King of the Mountain"
"Blood Moon" *** "Brand of Hate" *** "Dakota Boomtown" *** "Escape From Yuma" *** "Guns to Sonora" *** "Guns Talk at Yuma" *** "King of the Frontier" *** "Lobo"
"The Bow and the Lance" *** "Desert Crucible" *** "Town Marshal" *** "The Trouble Shooter"
CATTO, MAX "The Fattest Bank in New Orleans"
CAVANAUGH, JAMES - “The Big Gun”; (Pyramid Pub; Book #G501; 1960; AS NEW = $16);
"A Bargain in Bullets" *** "Carmondy" *** "Devil's Legacy" *** "Hangman's Valley" *** "The Last War Cry" *** "The Professional" *** "Rider From Nowhere"
CHAFFIN, JAMES B. "Guns of Abiline" *** "The Wolfer"
"Forced March to Loon Creek" *** "Last Ride to Los Lobos" *** "The Man from Gunsight" *** "Trumpets of Company K"
CHAMPION, JOHN C. "The Hawks of Noon"
CHAMPLIN, TIM “Dakota Gold” *** "Shadow Catcher" *** "Staghorn"
CHANSLOR, ROY "The Ballad of Cat Ballou" *** "Johnny Guitar"
CHARLES, JAY "Tupelo Gold"
CHASE, BORDEN "Red River" *** "Viva Gringo"
"Ambush at Bedrock" *** "Starlight Basin" *** "The Sudden Guns" *** "Thunder on the Mountain" *** "Wenatchee Bend"
(Series; Blade);
“Blade - #1 The Indian Incident” *** “Blade – The Laredo Assignment” *** "Blade - #3 The Pecos Manhunt" *** "Blade - #9 The Montana Deadlock" *** "Battle Fury" *** Blood on McAllister”; *** Gunsmoke for McAllister; *** Hang McAllister; *** Kill McAllister; McAllister Says No; *** Rage of McAllister; *** Trail of McAllister;
CHRISOMALIS, MARION “Day's End for Gunmen”;
(Series - Justice);
"Justice - #1 Ride Out to Vengeance" ***"Justice - #2 Bad Day at Agua Caiente” ***"Justice - #3 “Ride Clear of Daranga”; ***"Justice - #4 “Ambush in Purgatory”; ***"Justice - #5 “Showdown at Trinidad”; **** "Justice - #6 Shootout at Silver King" *** (Sudden – Western Series by Strange, Oliver) #NN “Apache Fighter”
CLAGETT, JOHN "Rebel" *** "Wilderness Virgin"
CLARK, ANN NOLAN – Medicine Mans Daughter;
CLARK, WALTER VAN TILBURG "The Ox-Bow Incident" *** "The Track of the Cat"
CLAUSSEN, W. EDMUNDS "El Paso" *** "Gun Devil" *** "Rebel's Roundup" *** "Ride the Dark Hills"
CLAY, E. JEFFERSON “Aces Wild/ Badge For Brazos”; **** "Adios, Bandido!/ Desperados on the Loose"
CLAY, WESTON "Gunsmoke Bonanza" (T.V. Boardman Books Pub; Red Arrow Western Book #13; UK/British; 1951; RARE; G = $8);
CLEAVER, VERA AND BILL "Dust of the Earth"
CLIFFORD, JOHN "The Shooting of Storey James" (Ace Pub; #F252; 1962);
Clinton, Jeff. (pseudonym of Jack Miles Bickham) --- EMERALD CANYON. /// Belmont Tower Books., New York, NY, USA., 1975. Soft Cover. Painted Cover Art! (illustrator). First Paperback Ed. & 1st Printing!. 208 pages. >>> Creased covers, thus "Good"; Reading Copy. Inventory # 6844-1 Price: US$ 3.95
Clinton, Jeff. (pseudonym of Jack Miles Bickham) --- KILLER'S CHOICE. (Berkley Medallion #X2156 ); Jim Hatfield / Jack Steiner, Shawnee /// Berkley Medallion Book., Canada, 1972. Soft Cover. Watson - Painted Cover Art (illustrator). PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. 127 pages. >>> Rubber stamp Name at Top of front endpage; Inventory # 6529-2 Book Condition: Very Good. Price: US$ 6.00
Clinton, Jeff. (pseudonym of Jack
Miles Bickham) --- SHOWDOWN AT EMERALD CANYON /// Belmont Tower
Books., New York, NY, USA., 1975. Soft Cover. Painted Cover Art!
(illustrator). First Paperback Ed. & 1st Printing!. 183 pages. >>
Name written on inside front cover. Inventory # 6846-1 Book
Condition: Good to Very Good. Price: US$
Clinton, Jeff. (pseudonym of Jack
Miles Bickham) --- WATCH OUT FOR WILDCAT. (Wildcat O'Shea Western).
/// Book Description: Berkley Medallion Book., Canada, 1973. Soft
Cover. Painted & Line Drawn Cover Art! 1st Canadian Edition By
Publisher. 190 pages. Book Condition: Very Good. Price: US$
Clinton, Jeff. (pseudonym of Jack
Miles Bickham) --- WILDCAT MEETS MISS MELODY. (Wildcat O'Shea
Western). /// Book Description: Berkley Medallion Book., Canada,
1973. Soft Cover. Painted & Line Drawn Cover Art! 2nd Canadian
Edition By Publisher. 189 pages. Inventory # 10249-1 Book Condition:
Good to Very Good. Price: US$
CLOETE, STUART "The Turning Wheels"
CLUMPNER, C.R. "Ketch Rope"
CLUMPNER, MICK "The Half-Breed" *** "Massacre at the Gorge"
CLUNE, FRANK “Ben Hall (Original Title: Wild Colonial Boys)”;
"An Avon Triple Western" *** "Beyond the Wild Missouri" *** "Border Jumper" *** "Branded" *** "Drift Fence" *** "Fast Gun" *** "Gun Grudge" *** "Guns Blaze on Spiderweb Range" *** "Invitation to a Hanging" *** "The Kansas Killers" *** "La Jornada" *** "Law Riders the Range" *** "Man From Montana" *** "Mavericks" ***
"The Night Branders" *** "Partners of the Dim Trails" *** "Ramrod" *** "Reckless" *** "The Ringtailed Rannyhans" *** "Tough Texan" *** "The Way of a Texan"
COBURN, WALT - “An Avon Triple Western: Renegade Legions/ The Lightning Brand/ Kilbourne Brothers, Wolf Hunters” **** “Border Town” **** “Buffalo Run” *** “The Burnt Ranch” **** “El Hombre/ Mann, E.B. - Rustler's Warning” **** “Feud Valley” **** “Gun Grudge” *** “Guns Blaze on Spiderweb Range” **** “Law Rides the Range”; **** “Pardners of the Dim Trails;” *** “The Renegade” *** “The Square Shooter” *** “The Way of a Texan”
COCHRAN, JEFF "Guns of Circle 8"
COCKRELL, AMANDA “The Horse Catcher's Trilogy #1 “When the Horses Came”;
"Badge of a Marshall" *** "The Big Corral" *** "Bitter Creek" *** "Bloody Wyoming" *** “Brand of Iron”; **** "Broken Wheels" *** "The Coming of the Gunman" *** "Disaster Trial" *** "Flame in the Forest" *** "Forbidden River" *** "The Gunhand" *** "The Gunhand/The Renegade" *** “Gun Ranch” *** "Guns Blaze at Sundown" *** "Guns on the Bitterroot" *** "Homestead Range" *** "Iron Horse Country" *** "The Marshal of Deer Creek" *** "Montana's Territory" *** "Once a Sheriff" *** "The Outcasts" *** "The Outcasts/The Ranch at Powder River" *** "Outpost Trail" *** "Outlaw Justice at Hangman's Coulee" *** "Powder Burns" *** "Red Man's Range" *** "Renegade Scout" *** "Shannahan's Feud" *** "Shield For a Killer" *** "The Sheriff From Hell" *** "The Sheriff of Singing River" *** "Son of the Saddle" *** "Star Toter" *** "The Tail Dies at Sundown" *** "Trail North" *** “Trail of the Innocents” *** “Trapper's Rendezvous” *** "Trouble at Sudden Creek" *** "West From Abilene" *** "West from Deadwood/ The Heart of Texas" *** "West of Sundown" *** "West of the Law" *** "Winter Range" *** "Wyoming Ambush"
CODY, JESS – (Jim Steel) #1 “Gold Wagon”; *** (Jim Steel) #2 “Die of Gold” *** (Jim Steel) #6 Aztec Gold;
COLDSMITH, DON "Follow the Wind” *** “Pale Star” *** “Return to the River” **** “Rivers West" **** (Rivers West) #2 “The Smoky Hill” *** “The Sacred Hills” *** "Trial from Taos" *** “World of Silence”
COLE, JACKSON (Pseudonym of A. Leslie Scott)
"Apache Guns" *** "Badmen of Bordertown" *** "Border Hell" *** "Bullets High" ****”Crown for Azora”; *** "Death Rides the Rio" *** "Fast Draw" *** "Free Range" *** "Gun-Down on the Rio" *** "Gun Fight at Deep River" *** "Gunsmoke Empire" *** “Gun Harvest” **** "Guns of El Gato" *** "Guns of Fort Griffen" *** "Guns of Mist River" *** “Gunsmoke Trail” *** “Killer Company” **** “The Hell-Benders” *** "Hell in Paradise" *** "Lobo Colonel" *** "Lost River Loot" *** "Massacre Canyon" *** "Outlaw Empire" *** "Outlaw Hell" *** "Outlaws of the Big Bend" *** "Outlaw Valley" *** "Power of the Range" *** "Range of No Return" *** "Six-Gun Fury" *** "Sixgun Syndicate" *** “The Skeleton Riders” **** “Texas Fists” **** "Texas Fury" *** "Texas Manhunt" *** "Texas Trigger" *** "Tin-Star Target" *** "Trouble Range" *** "Two Guns for Texas" *** "West of the Pecos"
COLE, JUDD – (Cheyenne #1) Arrow Keeper; *** (Cheyenne #2) Death Chant; **** (Cheyenne #3) “Renegade Justice; **** (Cheyenne #5) “Blood on the Plains”; **** (Cheyenne #6 Comanche raid; *** “(Cheyenne) #8 War Party” *** (Cheyenne #9 Pathfinder; *** (Cheyenne #10) “Buffalo Hiders”; *** (Cheyenne #11 Spirit path *** (Cheyenne #12 Mankiller; *** (Cheyenne #16 Orphan Train; *** (Cheyenne #18 Warrior Fury; *** (Cheyenne #22 Desert Manhunt; *** “(Wild Bill) Dead Man's Hand”
COLEMAN, JANE CANDIA - "Borderlands”;
COLLIER, PETER "When Shall They Rest?"
COLT, CLEM "Quick-Trigger Country" *** "Smoke-Wagon Kid" *** "Strawberry Roan" *** "Tough Company"
(Series; The Regulator);
"Regulator - #1 The Regulator; " **** Regulator - #2 “Diablo at Daybreak”; **** "Regulator - #3 Deadly Justice” **** "Regulator - #4 Dead Man's Ride" *** "Regulator - #7 Paradise Mountain” **** "Regulator - #8 Desert Pursuit" **** Regulator - #11 Trail of Death”; “Regulator - #12 Slaughter at Puxico"
COLTER, ELI "Blood on the Range"
COMBS, HARRY “The Legend of the Painted Horse”;
COMPTON, RALPH “Autumn of the Gun” *** “Blood and Gold”; *** “Clarion's Call” *** “The Dawn of Fury” *** “Death Rides a Chestnut Mare (by West, Joseph A.); *** “Demon's Pass” (by Vaughn, Dick); *** Devil's Canyon” *** “Doomsday River” (by West, Joseph A.); *** “Do or Die” (by Robbins, David); “The Killing Season”; *** “Riders of Judgment” (by Cotton, Ralph); *** “Runaway Stage(Vaughan, Robert); *** “The Shadow of a Noose” (Cotton, Ralph); *** “Showdown at Two-Bit Creek” )By West, Joseph A.); *** “Sixguns and Double Eagles”; *** “Sixguns and Double Eagles”; *** *** (Series; The Trial Drive); *** "Trial Drive - #1 The Goodnight Trail”; *** "Trial Drive - #2 The Western Trail" *** "Trial Drive - #3 The Chisholm Trail" *** "Trial Drive - #4 The Bandera Trail”; *** "Trial Drive - #5 The California Trial" *** "Trial Drive - #7 The Virginia City Trail”; *** "Trial Drive - #8 The Dodge City Trail" *** "Trial Drive - #9 The The Oregon Trail”; *** "Trial Drive - #10 The Santa Fe Trail”;*** "Trial Drive - #NN The Deadwood Trail; *** "Trial Drive - #NN The Old Spanish Trail;*** "Trial Drive - #NN Trail to Fort Smith; *** “Train to Durango”;
COMSTOCK, WILL “Red Mountain”;
CONLEY, ROBERT J. "Back to Malachi" *** “Border Line” *** “Captain Dutch” **** “Colfax” **** "Crazy Snake" *** "Geronimo" *** “Go-Ahead Rider” **** “The Long Trail North”; *** "Nickajack" *** “Outside the Law” *** "Quitting Time”; **** “Strange Company" *** To Make a Killing” *** “Zeke Proctor: Cherokee Outlaw”
CONQUEST, NED "The Gun and Glory of Granite Hendley"
CONROY, AL "Clayburn" *** "Last Train to Bannock" *** "The Man in Black" *** "Three Rode North"
"Death Waits at Dakins Station" *** "Four From Gila Bend" *** "The Fourth Gunman" *** "Guns at a Cross; *** “Killer's Corral/ Top Gun From the Dakotas" *** "Outrage at Bearskin Forks" *** "Short-Trigger Man" *** "Steel-Jacket" *** "Top Gun From the Dakotas" *** "Two Pistols South of Deadwood"
CONWAY, JOHN "The Apache Wars" *** "Hard Man From Texas" *** "The Valiant Breed"
"The Apache Fighter" *** "Badman's Holiday” *** Bandit's Trial" *** "Commanche Captives" *** "The Crossing" *** "The Fighting Texan" *** "Fort Starke/ First Command" *** "Frontier Feud" *** "Fury at Painted Rock" *** "Last Command" *** "Lone Hand From Texas" *** "The Outcasts" *** "The Peacemakers" *** "Prairie Guns" *** "Sabrina Kane" *** "The Touch Texan" *** “Trumpets to the West”; "Two Rode Together" *** "The Wind River Kid"
COOKE, JOHN BYRNE "The Snowblind Moon" *** “South of the Border”
COOLIDGE, DAN "Bear Paw" *** "Fighting Men of the West"
COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE "The Deerslayer" *** "The Last of the Mohicans" **** “The Pioneers”
COOPER, JEFFERSON "Arrow in the Hill" *** "The Bloody Sevens"
COOPER, SAUL "The Jayhawkers"
CORBIN, GLENN "Trouble on Big Cat"
CORD, BARRY "Gun Junction”; *** “The Gun-Shy Kid" *** "The Guns of Hammer" *** “Last Stage to Gomorrah” *** "Shadow Valley" *** "Six Bullets Left" *** "Trail Boss from Texas"
CORD, ROSS "Outlaw Gold"
CORLE, EDWIN "Billy the Kid" *** "Mojave; A Book of Stories"
CORT, VAN “Journey of the Gun”;
COTTON, RALPH “Ambush at Shadow Valley” *** “Border Dogs” **** "Dead Man's Canyon” *** “Gun Country” *** “Gun's on the Border” *** “Killing Texas Bob” **** Powder River" *** "Price of a Horse"
"Bigger Than Texas" *** "Firecreek" *** "Gunfight at Razor Edge" *** "The Gunsharp" *** "Moon of Cobre" *** "Make My Coffin Strong" *** "Navajo Blood"
COYNE, BART "Vasquez City"
(Series; Lobo) - "Lobo - #2 Comanche Duel"
CRAIG, PAUL "Gunfighter"
CRANE, STEPHEN "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky"
CRAVEN, MARGARET "I Heard The Owl Call My Name"
CRAWFORD, MAX "Lords of the Plain"
CRIDER, BILL - “Texas Vigilante”
CRISLER, LOIS “Arctic Wild”;
CROCKETT, DAVY "The Life of Davy Crockett"
CROSS, Jed. (Stephen R Winsten);
"Vengeance is Mine" (Popular Library, 1975. Mass Market Paperback; SCARCE; Bounty Hunter, Lew "the Priest" Wetzel; Creased Covers, FA/G, reading copy = $4.00)
CROSS, RALPH "Denton's Army"
CROY, HOMER "He Hanged Them High" **** “Jesse James Was My Neighbor” *** "Last of the Great Outlaws"
CUMMINGS, JACK "Dead Man's Medal" *** "Escape From Yuma" **** Lynch's Revenge” **** “Sereant Gringo”
"The Cheyenne Payoff" *** "Devil's Gold" *** “Die of Gold” *** "Line Rider's Revenge"**** (Series; Agent Brad Spear #1) "The Cheyenne Payoff" **** (Series; Agent Brad Spear #3) "The Tuscon Temptress" *** (SERIES – Chisolm #2 – “Arizona Gunfire”; *** (Series; Outlaws) **** "Outlaws - #4 Avengers"**** "Outlaws - #5 Rio Grande Revenge”; *** (Series; Pony Soldiers) - "Pony Soldiers - *** "Pony Soldiers - #1 “Slaughter at Buffalo Creek”; *** #2 Comanche Massacre" *** "Pony Soldiers - #3 Comanche Moon; *** "Pony Soldiers - #4 Cheyenne Blood Storm”; ***"Pony Soldiers - #5 Sioux Showdown” ***"Pony Soldiers - #6 Sioux Slaughter; *** "Pony Soldiers - #7 Boots and Saddles”; *** "Pony Soldiers - #8 Renegade Army”; *** "Pony Soldiers - #9 Battle Cry”; *** "Pony Soldiers - #10 Fort Blood”; *** "The Silver Mistress" *** "The Tuscon Temptress"
"Border Guns" *** "Buckaroo" *** "Diamond River Range" *** "Gun Bulldogger" *** "Pistol Passport" *** "Quick Triggers" ** "The Ranger Way" *** "Red Range" *** "Riders of the Night" *** "Riding Gun" *** "Spiderweb Trail" *** "Texas Sheriff" *** "Texas Triggers" *** "Trail of the Macaw" *** "Whistling Lead"
CURRY, GENE "Ace in the Hole" *** "Colorado Crossing" *** "A Dirty Way to Die/ Colorada Crossing" *** "Yukon Ride"
"Blood on the Plains" *** “Famous Figures of the Old West” *** "Frontier Massacre" *** "Idaho Raiders" *** "Kansas Marshal" *** "Kit Carson's Way" *** "The Montana Vigilantes" *** "The Morman Trail" *** "On to Cheyenne; *** “Pards of Buffalo Bill" *** "Rampage of Terror" *** "Raiders of the Valley" *** "Riders of Steel" *** "The Rio Kid Rides Again" *** "Valley of Death"
CURTIS, JACK "The Quick and the Dead"
CURWOOD, JAMES OLIVER "Steele of the Royal Mounted"
CUSHMAN, DAN "Badlands Justice" *** “The Fastest Gun” **** "The Long Riders" *** "Montana, Here I Be!" *** "North Fork to Hell" *** "The Ripper from Rawhide" *** "Tall Wyoming"
(Series; Tracker)
"Tracker - #1 The Winning Hand" *** "Tracker - #2 Lincoln County" *** "Tracker - #3 The Blue Cut Job" *** "Tracker - #4 Chinatown Chance" *** "Tracker - #5 The Oklahoma Score" *** "Tracker - #6 The Barbary Coast Tong" *** "Tracker - #7 Huntsville Breakout"
--- D ---
(Series; Buckskin)
"Buckskin - “Blazing Six-Guns”; **** "Buckskin - #NN “Gold Town Gal/ Morgan's Squaw”” *** "Buckskin - #NN Gunpoint/ Lever Action” **** "Buckskin - #NN Return Fire/ Rimpire Revenge” **** "Buckskin - #NN Shotgun!” **** "Buckskin - #NN Winchester Valley/ Gunsmoke Gorge” **** "Buckskin - #23 California Crossfire" *** "Buckskin - #25 Powder Charge" *** "Buckskin - #35 Pistol Whipped” "Buckskin - #235 Hogleg Hell” **** "Buckskin - #37 Colt .45 Vengeance” **** "Buckskin - #41 Gold Town Gal" *** "Buckskin - #NN Remington Ridge/ Shotgun Station" *** (Buckskin Double Edition #NN Silver City Carbine/ California Crossfire);
DALY, KATHLEEN N. "Tonka" *** "Gun Shy" *** "The Last Buffalo"
DANA, MICHAEL - “Beyond the Law”
"The Crossing" *** “The Day the Killers Came” **** "The Hunted" *** "The Land Grabbers" *** "The Man From Yesterday" *** "The Man From Yesterday / The Gunfighters" *** "The Nester" *** "Smoke of the Gun" *** "The Three Sons of Adam Jones" *** "Ute Country" *** "War Party"
DANIELS, NORMAN A. "Blood Trail to Bannack" *** "Showdown"
DAVIS, CLIFF - “The Bushwhackers”
DAVIS, DON "Death on Treasure Trail" *** "Return of the Rio Kid" *** "Rio Kid Justice" *** "Two-Gun Rio Kid"
DAVIS, H.L. "Beulah land" *** "Winds of Morning"
DAVIS, JULIA "No Other White Men"
DAVIS, SHIFF "The Young Gun"
(Series; Long Rider)
"Long Rider - #3 Gold Town" *** "Long Rider - #7 The Ghost Dancers" *** "Long Rider - #11 “The Santa Fe Ring” **** "Long Rider - #12 Killer Mustang" *** "Long Rider - #13 Vengeance Town" *** “Long Rider - #22 Crazy Knife” *** "Long Rider - #27 Wanted Dead or Alive"
'She Came to the Valley"
"The Big Outfit" *** "Canyon Hell" *** "The Crimson Horseshoe" *** "Dead Man Pass" *** "Gunsmoke Graze" *** "Guns on the Santa Fe" *** "The Half-Breed" *** "High Country" *** "The Killers" *** "Long Ride" *** "Man on the Buckskin" *** "The Outlaw of Longbow" *** “A Pride of Men” *** "Renegade Canyon" *** "Royal Gorge" *** "Ruler of the Range" *** "The Savages" *** "The Showdown" *** "The Stagline Feud" *** "The Stirrup Boss" *** "The Texas Slicks" *** "Trail Boss" *** "Treachery at Rock Point" *** "Yancey"
DEAN, DUDLEY "Cross of Rope" *** "The Diehards" *** "Gun the Man Down" *** "The Man From Riondo" *** "Six-Gun Vengeance" *** "Trail of the Hunter"
DEAN, GRAHAM M. - “Riders of the Gabilans”
DEAN, LES "Zorro, the Gay Blade"
DECYR "Vendetta"
DEFELICE, JIM “The Golden Flask” **** “The Silver Bullet”
DE JOURLET, MARIE “Windhaven's Peril”;
DELANO, FRED "Hellgate Canyon"
DELORIA, VINE JR. "Hellgate Canyon"
DEMPSEY, AL - “What Law There Was”
DEMPSEY, HUGH A. - “Charcoal's World”;
DENVER, DRAKE C. "Tinbadge"
DENVER, SHAD "The Sundown Man"
DENVER, SHAD & McKINLEY, BRETT "Sunday in Choctaw County"
DENVER, WALT “Pisolero”
DEROSSO, H.A. "End of the Gun" *** ".44"
DEWLEN, AL "Ride Beyond Vengeance"
DICKS, TERRANCE "The Mounties: The Great March West"
DICKSON, LOVAT "Wilderness Man"
DILLARD, JAMES "The Gold of Oro Fino"
DILLON, JACK "The Spotted Horse"
DILLON, STUART “Spirit's Gold”
DIXON, DOROTHY – (Leather and Lace) #1 The Lavender Blossom; *** (Leather and Lace) #2 The Trembling Heart”;
DIXON, REX "Pocomoto - Pony Express Rider"
DOBIE, J. FRANK "Apache Gold and Yaqui Silver" *** "Coronado's Children" *** "The Mustangs" *** "A Vaquero of the Brush Country"
DOCTOROW, E.L. "Welcome to Hard Times"
DODGE, GIL (pseudonym of Arnold Hano) FLINT (Signet Pub, book #1414; 6/1957; Painted cover; RARE; G/VG = $25)
DONALDS, GORDON "Top Gun" (Crest Books Pub; #S643; Circa 1960);
DONALDSON, FRED "The Crooked Trail" (Leisure Pub; 1983; RARE);
DOUGLAS, THORNE "The Big Drive" *** "Calhoon" *** "Killraine" *** "The Mustrang Men"
DOWDEY, CLIFFORD "The Proud Retreat"
DOWNEY, FAIRFAX - “Indian wars of the U.S. Army (1776 – 1865)”
"Buckskin Affair" *** "Buckskin Empire" *** "Buckskin Meadows" *** "Decision at Broken Buttle" *** "The Desert Hawk" *** "Epitaph for a Marshal" ***
"Fenced Off" *** “Lone Wolf of Drygulch Trail / More Precious than Gold” *** "The Long Trail North" *** "Montana Road" *** "Pay-Off at Black Hawk" *** "Rebel Basin" *** "Stagecoach Kingdom" *** "Sun in their Eyes" ***
"Top Hand With a Gun" *** "Wild Grass"
DRESSER, DAVIS "Death Rides the Pecos" *** "Gunsmoke on the Mesa" *** "Lynch-Rope Law"
DREW, LINCOLN "Rope Ranch" *** "Yellow Rope"
DUGAN, BILL "Duel on the Mesa" *** "Texas Drive"
DUNCAN, TERENCE – (Powell's Army) “8 Rio Renegades”;
DUNCKLEE, JOHN - “Graciela of the Border”;
DURNHAN, JOHN "The Reluctant Partner'
DURNHAM, PHILIP & JONES, EVERETT L. "The Adventures of the Negro Cowboys"
DURST, PAUL "Die, Damn You!"
--- E ---
EAGLE, ROBERT "Bounty Man Kildoon"
EARLY, TOM (Son of Texas)- #1Son of Texas; **** (Son of Texas)- #2 The Raiders; *** (Son of Texas)- #3 The Rebels; *** (Son of Texas)- #4 The Proud; *** (Son of Texas)- #5 The Bold; **** (Son of Texas)- #6 The Defiant;
EATON, FRANK "Pistol Pete"
EBERHART, MIGNON G. - “The Hangman's Whip”;
"Dead Man's Range" *** "Killers Two" *** "Red River Road" *** "Renegade Hills" *** "Saddle Wolves/ Killers Two" *** "The Stranger From Texas" *** "Vengeance Valley" *** "Wildhorse Range"
ECKERT, ALLAN W. - “The Conquerors”; *** “The Court-Martial of Daniel Boone”;
EDMONDS, WALTER D. "The Captive Women"
"Alvin Fog, Texas Danger" *** "Arizona Ranger" *** "Back to the Bloody Border" *** "The Bad Bunch" *** *** "The Big Hunt" *** "Bloody Border”; *** “Calamity Spells Trouble" *** "Cold Deck, Hot Lead" *** "Comanche" *** "Cuchilo" *** “The Devil Gun” *** “The Fastest Gun in Texas” *** "The Floating Outfit" *** “.44 Caliber Man”; *** "The Gentle Giant" *** “Go Back in Hell”; *** "Goodnight's Dream" *** "Gun Wizard" *** “Hell in the Palo Duro”; *** "The Hide and Tallow Men" *** “J. T.'s Ladies Ride Again” *** "The Justice of Company 'Z'" *** "Kaldt Stal" *** "The Making of a Lawman" *** "Mark Counter's Kin" *** "McGraw's Inheritance" *** "Ole Devil's Hands and Feet" *** "The Peacemakers" *** "Point of Contact" *** "Rapido Clint" *** "The Rebel Spy" *** “Renegade” *** "The Rushers" *** "Sidewinder”; **** “Slaughter's Way" *** “Terror Valley” *** “Texas Fury” *** “To Arms! To Arms, In Dixie!”; *** "Trigger Fast" *** “Troubled Range” *** "Under the Stars and Bars" *** “Waco's Badge”; *** “Waco's Debt” *** "White Stallion, Red Mare" *** "Young Ole Devil" *** "The Ysabel Kid"
EDWARDS, HANK “Apache Sundown”; *** "Gray Warrior" **** (Series; The Judge) - "Judge - #9 Border War"
(Series; Searcher); - "Searcher - #3 Tin Badge" *** "Searcher - #7 Stampede" *** "Searcher - #9 Fort Hays Bustout" *** "Searcher - #10 Boom Town”; *** "Searcher - #11 Bloody Sunday”; *** "Searcher - #12 Barbary Coast"
EHLE, JOHN "The Land Breakers"
EHRLICH, JACK "The Laramie River Crossing" *** "Rebellion at Cripple Creek"
EIDSON, TOM “The Last Ride” *** "St. Agnes' Stand"
ELKIN, H.V. "Cutler: Mustang" **** (Cutler) #4 Yellowstone; *** “Eagle Man”
ELLIOT, BEN "Brother badman"
(Series; Lone Star)
"Lone Star - #1 On the Treachery Trail" *** "Lone Star - #2 And The Opium Runners" *** "Lone Star - #3 And The Border Bandi" *** "Lone Star - #4 And The Kansas Wolves" ***"Lone Star - #5 And The Utal Kid" *** "Lone Star - #6 And The Land Grabbers" ***"Lone Star - #7 In the Tall Timber" *** "Lone Star - #8 And the Showdowners" ***"Lone Star - #9 And the Hardrock Payoff" *** "Lone Star - #10 And The Renegade Comanches" *** "Lone Star - #11 On Outlaw Mountain" *** "Lone Star - #12 And the Gold Raiders" *** "Lone Star - #13 “And the Denver Madam” *** "Lone Star - #14 “And the Railroad War” *** "Lone Star - #17 “And the San Antonio Raid” *** "Lone Star - #18 “And the Ghost Pirates” *** "Lone Star - #19 “On the Ouwlhoot Trail” *** "Lone Star - #20 “On the Devil's Trail” *** "Lone Star - #21 “And the Apache Revenge” *** "Lone Star - #22 And the Texas Gambler" *** "Lone Star - #28 And The Mescalero Outlaws" *** *** "Lone Star - #30 “And the School for Outlaws” *** "Lone Star - #32 “And the Moon Trail Feud”**** "Lone Star - #33 And the Rio Grande Bandits" *** *** "Lone Star - #36 “And the Biggest Gun in the West” *** "Lone Star - #40 “And the Alaskan Guns” *** "Lone Star - #41 “And the White River Curse” *** "Lone Star - #42 And the Tombstone Gambler" *** "Lone Star - #43 In Yma" *** *** "Lone Star - #44 “In the Cherokee Strip” *** "Lone Star - #45 And the Oregon Rail Sabotage" *** *** "Lone Star - #48 “And the Land Barons” **** "Lone Star - #49 And the Gulf Pirates" *** "Lone Star - #51 And the Nevada Mustangs" *** *** "Lone Star - #53 “And the Stagecoach War” *** “Lone Star - #56 In the Big Horn Mountains” **** "Lone Star - #58 And the Rustler's Ambush" *** *** "Lone Star - #61 “And the Sky Warriors” *** "Lone Star - #67 “And the Cheyenne Trackdown” *** "Lone Star - #68 “And the Lost Gold Mine” *** "Lone Star - #69 “And the Comancheros” *** "Lone Star - #70 “In the Big Thicket” **** "Lone Star - #71 And The Deadly Stranger" *** "Lone Star - #72 And the Silver Bandits" *** *** "Lone Star - #74 “In the Nig Thicket” *** "Lone Star - #75 “And the Suicide Spread” *** "Lone Star - #78 And The Comstock Cross Fire”; *** "Lone Star - #80 “And the Barbary Killers” **** "Lone Star - #85 And the Diamond Swindlers" *** "Lone Star - #86 And the Texas Killers" *** "Lone Star - #88 And the Shadow Catcher" *** "Lone Star - # 89 And the Gamble of Death”; *** "Lone Star - #91 And the Arizona Gunmen" *** "Lone Star - #92 And The Renegade Ranger" *** "Lone Star - #93 And the Ripper" *** "Lone Star - #97 “And the Bounty Hunters” ***"Lone Star - # 100 and the Cheyenne Showdown” **** "Lone Star - #101 “And the Sierra Sabotage” *** "Lone Star - #103 “And the Oklahoma Ambush” *** "Lone Star - #109 And the Yuma Prison Break" *** Lone Star - #111 And the Deadly Vigilantes" *** "Lone Star - #115 “And the Horse Thieves” *** "Lone Star - #124 “And the Trail of Murder” *** "Lone Star - #125 “And the Wolf Pack” *** "Lone Star - #126 “And the Chicago Showdown” *** "Lone Star - #127 And The Brutus Gang" *** "Lone Star - #128 And the Gold Mine" *** "Lone Star - #131 “On the Hangman's Trail” *** "Lone Star - #135 And The River of No Return" *** "Lone Star - #136 “And the Death Mine” *** "Lone Star - #137 And The Redemption Massacre" *** “Lone Star - #152 And the Bogus Banker”
ELLIS, WILLIAM DONOHUE "Jonathan Blair Bounty Lands Lawyer"
"Beyond the Bitterroots" *** "Deadline at Durango" *** "Gold Brick Range" *** "Gun Law at Laramie" *** "Guns on the Cimarron" *** "Hit the Saddle" *** "The Marked Men" *** "Montana Manhunt; *** Montana Masquerade" *** "Rio Grande Deadline" *** "Roundup on the Picketwire" *** "Saddle Up for Sunlight" *** "The Seven Silver Mountains" *** "Showdown" *** "Wagon Wheel Gap" *** "Wyoming Manhunt"
ELTON, WALLACE - “The Killer Gun”
ELWOOD, MURIAL "Heritage of the River"
ENGLADE, KEN (People of the Plains) #3 “The Soldiers”
"Boss of the Plains" *** "Cowboy, say Your Prayers!" *** "Frenchman's River" *** "Last of the Longhorns" *** "Lobo Law" *** "Longhorn Empire" *** "Outlaw of Horseback" *** "Rider of the Midnight Range" *** "Rustlers' Bend" *** "Rustlers' Moon" *** "The Silver Star" *** "Singing Lariat" *** "War on the Saddle Rock" *** "Watchdog of Thunder River"
ERNENWEIN, LESLIE - “Ambush at Jubilo Junction” *** “Boss of Panamint” **** “Bullet Barricade” **** “Bullet Breed” **** “Boss of Panamint” **** “The Faro Kid” **** “Gunhawk; *** “Gunhawk Harvest” **** “Hell-Town in Texas” **** “High Gun” **** Kinkaid” **** “Mystery” **** “Rampage” **** “Rampage West” **** “Ramrod From Hell” **** “Rebel Yell” **** “Rebel Yell/ Renegade Ramrod” **** “Renegade Ramrod” **** “Rio Renegade” *** “Stamping Ground” *** *** “Trigger Justice” **** Warrior Basin”
ERWIN, CAROL & MILLER, FLOYD "The Orderly Disorderly House"
"Gun man" *** "The Hider" *** "The High Rocks" *** "Mister St. John" *** "The Stranglers" *** "The Wolfer"
EVANS, EVAN – SEE “Brand, Max” for listing....
EVAN, PAUL "Lynch Law"
EVANS, MAX "The Hi Lo Country" *** "The Rounders"
(Series; Longarm)
"Longarm - #1 Longarm" *** "Longarm - #2 On the Border" *** "Longarm - #3 And the Avenging Angels" *** "Longarm - #5 In the Indian Nation" *** "Longarm - #6 And the Loggers" *** "Longarm - #7 And the Highgraders”; *** "Longarm - #8 And the Nesters" *** "Longarm - #10 And the Molly Maguires" *** "Longarm - #11 And the Texas Rangers" *** *** "Longarm - #12 In Lincoln County”; "Longarm - #13 In the Sandhills" *** "Longarm - #15 On the Devil's Tree" *** "Longarm - #16 And the Mounties; ***
"Longarm - #17 And the Bandit Queen" *** "Longarm - #18 On the Yellowstone" *** "Longarm - #19 In the Four Corners" *** "Longarm - #20 Robber's Roost" ***
"Longarm - #21 And the Sheepherders" *** "Longarm - #22 And the Ghost Dancers" *** "Longarm - #23 And the Town Tamers" *** "Longarm - #25 On the Old Mission Trail" *** "Longarm - #26 And the Dragon Hunters" *** "Longarm - #27 And the Rurales" ***"Longarm - #28 On the Humboldt" *** "Longarm - #29 On the Big Muddy" ***
*** "Longarm - #30 South of the Gila” **** "Longarm - #31 In Northfield" *** "Longarm - #33 And the Laredo Loop" *** "Longarm - #34 And the Boot Hillers" *** "Longarm - #35 And the Blue Norther" *** *** "Longarm - #36 On the Sante Fe”; "Longarm - #37 And the Stalking Corpse" *** "Longarm - #38 And the Gold Mine War" ***
"Longarm - #39 And the Devil's Railroad" *** "Longarm - #40 In Silver City" *** "Longarm - #41 On the Barbary Coast" **** "Longarm - #42 And the Moonshiners" ***
"Longarm - #43 In Yuma" *** "Longarm - #44 IN Boulder Canyon" *** "Longarm - #46 And the Great Train Robbery" *** "Longarm - #47 In the Badlands" ***
"Longarm - #48 In the Big Thicket" *** "Longarm - #49 And the Eastern Dudes" *** "Longarm - #50 In the Big Bend" *** "Longarm - #51 And the Snake Dancers" ***
"Longarm - #53 And the Buckskin Rogue" *** "Longarm - #54 And the Calico Kid" ***"Longarm - #55 And the French Actress" *** "Longarm - #57 And the Bounty Hunters" *** "Longarm - #58 In No Man's Land" *** "Longarm - #59 And the Big Outfit" ***"Longarm - #60 And Santa Anna's Gold" **** "Longarm - #61 “And the Custer County War”
*** "Longarm - #62 In Virginia City" *** "Longarm - #63 And the James County War" *** "Longarm - #67 And the Omaha Tinhorns" *** "Longarm - #69 On the Painted desert" *** "Longarm - #71 On the Arkansas Divide" *** "Longarm - #74 And the Durango Payroll" *** "Longarm - #76 On the Nevada Line" ***
"Longarm - #77 And the Blackfoot Guns" *** "Longarm - #78 On the Santa Cruz" ***"Longarm - #79 And the Cowboy's revenge" *** "Longarm - #81 And the Frontier Duchess" *** "Longarm - #82 In the Bitterroots" *** "Longarm - #84 The Stagecoach Bandits" *** "Longarm - #85 And the Big Shoot-out" **** "Longarm - #87 “In the Texas Panhandle” *** "Longarm - #88 And the Rancher's Showdown" *** "Longarm - #89 And the Inland Passage" *** "Longarm - #90 In the Ruby Range Country" *** "Longarm - #92 And the Crooked Railman" **** "Longarm - #93 “On the Siwash Trail” *** "Longarm - #94 And the Runaway Thieves" *** "Longarm - #97 And The Mexican Line-Up" *** "Longarm - #99 And the Desert Spirits" ***"Longarm - #100 On Death Mountain" *** "Longarm - #103 And The Rocky Mountain Chase" *** "Longarm - #104 On the Overland Trail" *** "Longarm - #105 And the Big Posse" *** "Longarm - #106 On Deadman's Trail" **** "Longarm - #108 “And the Blood Harvest” *** "Longarm - #109 And Bloody Trackdown" *** "Longarm - #110 And the Hangman's Vengeacne" *** "Longarm - #111 On the Thunderbird Run" *** "Longarm - #112 And the Utah Killer's" ***
"Longarm - #114 And the Quiet Guns" *** "Longarm - #115 In the Valley of Death" *** "Longarm - #116 And the Blood Bounty" *** "Longarm - #117 And the Treacherous Trial" *** "Longarm - #119 And the Renegade Sergeant" *** "Longarm - #120 In the Sierra Mades" ***"Longarm - #121 And the Medicin Wolf" *** "Longarm - #123 In a Desert Showdown" *** "Longarm - #124 And the Mad Dog Killer" *** "Longarm - #125 And the Hangman's Noose" *** "Longarm - #126 And the Dooomed Witness" *** "Longarm - #127 And the Outlaw Sheriff" *** "Longarm - #128 And the Day of Death" *** "Longarm - #129 And the Rebel Killers" *** "Longarm - #131 In the Clearwaters”; *** "Longarm - #132 And the Redwood Raiders" *** "Longarm - #133 And the Deadly Jailbreak" *** "Longarm - #135 And the Devil's Stagecoach" *** "Longarm - #136 And the Wyoming Bloodbath" *** "Longarm - #137 In the Red Desert" *** "Longarm - #138 And the Crooked Marshal" *** "Longarm - #139 And the Texas Rangers" *** "Longarm - #140 And the Vigilantes”; *** "Longarm - #141 In the Osage Strip" *** "Longarm - #142 And the Lost Mine" *** "Longarm - #143 And the Longley Legend" *** "Longarm - #144 And the Dead Man's Badge" *** "Longarm - #147 In the Mexican Badlands" *** "Longarm - #148 And the Bounty Huntress" ***
"Longarm - #150 And the Skull Canyon Gang" **** "Longarm - #152 “And the River of Death” *** "Longarm - #153 And the Gold Hunters”; *** "Longarm - #159 In the Sierra Oriental" *** "Longarm - #160 And the Gunslicks" *** "Longarm - #161 And the Lady Sheriff" *** "Longarm - #162 Onthe Devil's Highway" *** "Longarm - #164 And the Cheyenne Kid" ***"Longarm - #165 And the Rebel Brand" *** "Longarm - #166 And the Double Eagles" ***"Longarm - #167 And the Fool Killer" *** "Longarm - #169 And the Night Branders" *** "Longarm - #170 And the Taos Terror" *** "Longarm - #171 And the Nevada Swindle" *** *** "Longarm - #172 On the Butterfield Spur”;
"Longarm - #173 And the Diamond Snatchers" *** "Longarm - #175 And the Carnival Killers" *** "Longarm - #176 And the Captive Women" *** "Longarm - #177 In the Cross Fire" *** "Longarm - #179 And the Rebel's Revenge" *** "Longarm - #180 And the dead Ringers" *** "Longarm - #181 And the Bounty of Blood" *** "Longarm - #182 And the Train Robbers" *** "Longarm - #183 On the Fever Coast" *** "Longarm - #189 And the Apache Plunder" *** "Longarm - #190 And the Barbed Wire Bullies" ***
"Longarm - #191 And the Texas Hijackers" *** "Longarm - #192 And the Man-Eaters" *** "Longarm - #194 And the Jerkwater Bustout" *** "Longarm - #200 And the Kansas Killer" *** "Longarm - #202 And the Shivaree Riders" **** *** "Longarm - #205 And the Daughters of Death”; "Longarm - #206 “And the Desert Damsel” *** "Longarm - #216 And the Secret Assassin" *** "Longarm - #217 And the Whiskey Woman”; *** “Longarm - #235 And the Wicked Schoolmarm” *** "Longarm - #236 “And the River Pirates” *** “Longarm - #251 And the Diary of Madame Velvet” *** "Longarm - #259 “And the Black Widow” *** "Longarm - #355 Lognarm and the Mysterious Mr. Jiggs; *** "Longarm - #356 Long arm and the Diamond Sisters; *** "Longarm - #360 Longarm and the Pecos Promenade; *** "Longarm - #374 Longarm and tne Sand Pirates; *** "Longarm - #377 Longarm and the Howling Maniac; *** "Longarm - #378 Longarm and Shotgun Sallie; *** "Longarm - #NN And the Lone Star Bounty" *** "Longarm - #NN And the Lone Star Legend" *** "Longarm - #NN And the Lone Star Mission" "Longarm - #NN “And the Lone Star Rescue” *** "Longarm - #NN And the Lone Star Showdown" *** "Longarm - #NN And the Lone Star Vengeance"
*** Ambush Rider *** Apache Agent *** The Blazing Land *** The Branded Man *** Bullet Brand *** Colorada Crossing *** Fugitive's Canyon *** Highgrader *** The Long Rope *** The Man From Yuma *** Man Without a Gun *** Masacre Creek *** Renegade of Rainbow Basin *** The Settling of the Sage *** Shortgrass *** The Silver Concubine *** The Sundown Kid
EVENS, OWEN - “Chainlink”
EVERETT, WADE *** Broken Gun *** Bullets for the Doctor *** Calvary Recruit *** Chainlink *** First Command *** Fort Starke *** Killer *** Last Scout -*** Shotgun Marshal *** Temporary Duty *** Texas Ranger *** Texas Yankee *** Vengeance *** The Warrior *** The Whiskey Traders
Raven Bravo
EWERT, CHARLES - “No Man's Brother”;
--- F ---
FACKLER, ELI - Seven Rivers
FACKLER, ELIZABETH – Billy the Kid: The Legend of El Chivato *** Blood Kin
FAIRMAN, PAUL W. - The Montana Vixen
FALL, THOMAS – The Ordeal of Running Standing;
FARNSWORTH, JAMES - The Lash of Vengeance
*** Bucko *** California Passage *** Comanch' *** Cross-Fire *** Cross-Fire/ The Renegade *** Death Trap on the Platte *** The Devil's Playground *** Fort Deception *** Gun Hand *** The Lean Rider *** Owlhoot Trial *** Patchsaddle Drive *** Patchsaddle Drive / Shoot Out at Sioux Wells *** Rawhide River *** The Renegade *** Return of the Long Riders *** Ride the Wild Trail *** Santa Fe Wagon Boss *** Shootout at Sioux Wells *** Terror in Eagle Basin *** Treachery Trail *** Trail of the Tattered Star; *** The Walking Hills;
FAST, HOWARD ; *** April Morning *** The Last Frontier
FEAR, WILLIAM H. *** Below the Rio Grande *** Freedom Trail *** Man from Missouri *** The Raw Country *** West of the Frontier
FELDMANN, SUSAN – The Storytelling Stone;
FENADY, ANDREW J. - “Runaways”
FERBER, RICHARD *** Doctor with a Gun *** The Outcast *** The Raiders *** Secret of the Malpais
FERGUSSON, HARVEY *** The Conquest of Don Pedro *** Grant of Kingdom **** Wolf Song
FEUILLE, FRANK ; - The Coton Road
FIELD, PETER ; *** Back Trail to Danger *** Blacksnake Trail *** The Boss of the Lazy 9 *** Breakneck Pass *** Canyon of Death *** Cougar Canyon *** Coyote Gulch *** Death Rides the Night *** Dig the Spurs Deep *** Doctor Two-Guns *** Double-Cross Canyon *** The End of the Trail *** Gambler's Gold *** Guns for Grizzly Flat *** Guns in the Saddle *** Guns Roaring West *** Hangman's Trail *** Hell's Corner *** The Land Grabber *** The Man From Thief River *** Man From Robber's Roost *** Marauders at the Lazy Mare *** Midnight Round-up *** Mustang Mesa *** Outlaw Deputy *** Outlaw Express *** The Outlaw Herd *** Outlaw Hero *** Outlaw of Castle Canyon *** The Outlaw of Eagle's Nest *** Outlaws Three *** Outlaw Valley *** Outlaw Valley Ambush *** Powder Valley Deadlock *** Powder Valley Getaway *** Powder Valley Holdup” **** “Powder Valley Manhunt” *** Powder Valley Pay-Off *** Powder Valley Plunder *** Powder Valley Ransom *** Powder Valley Renegade *** Powder Valley Stampede *** Raiders at Medicine Bow *** Ravaged Range *** Rawhide Rider *** Ride for Trinidad! *** Riders of the Outlaw Trail *** Rimrock Riders *** The Road to Laramie *** Rustler's Rock *** Saddles to Santa Fe! *** Sagebruch Swindle *** Sheriff's Revenge *** The Smoking Iron *** Strike for Tomahawk
*** The Tenderfoot Kid *** Three Guns from Colorado *** Trial from Needle Rock *** Trail South from Powder Valley *** Trail Through Tascosa *** Trial to Troublesome
*** War in the Painted Buttes *** Wild Horse Lightning *** Wolf Pack Trail
FIELDHOUSE, W.L. *** Gun Lust *** Comanchero **** (Klaw #2) Town of Blood;
FINCH, PHILLIP ; - Birthright
FINLAY, LUCILE ; - Grant of Land
FISHER, CLAY (Pseudonym of Henry Wilson Allen; Also writes as Will Henry)
The Apache Kid *** The Big Pasture *** Black Apache *** The Blue Mustang *** The Brass Command *** The Crossing *** Nine Lives West **** Nino *** Outcasts of Canyon Creek *** The Pitchfork Patrol *** Red Blizzard *** Return of the Tall Man *** Santa Fe Passage *** The Tall Men *** War Bonnet *** Yellow Hair *** Yellowstone Kelly
FLEISHCMAN, A.S. ; - Yellowleg
- Bullwhip Griffen
*** Bounty Hunter *** Bounty Hunter/ Blood Money
(Series; Spur);
*** Spur - #NN “Dodge City Doll/ Laramie Lovers” *** Spur - #2 Cathouse Kitten *** Spur - #3 Indian Maid *** Spur - #3(?) St Louis Jezebel
*** Spur - #5 Wyoming Wench *** Spur - #6 Texas Tart *** Spur - #9 Salt Lake Lady *** Spur - #10 Nevada Hussy *** Spur - #11 Nebraska Nymph *** Spur - #13 Red Rock Redhead *** Spur - #16 Rawhider's Woman”; *** Spur - #21 Texas Tease; *** Spur - #24 Dodge City Doll *** Spur - #26 Bodie Beauties; *** Spur - #32 The Miner's Moll *** Spur - #33 Louisiana Lass *** Spur - #35 Wyoming Wildcat *** Spur - #38 Free Press Filly*** Spur - #39 Minetown Mistress*** Spur - #40 Texas Tramp*** Spur - #41 Gold Ledge Gold Diggers*** Spur - #NN Bodie Beauties/ Frisco Foxes*** Spur - #NN Klondike Cuties*** Spur - #NN Mint-Perfect Madam*** Spur - #NN Tall Timber Trollop *** Spur - #NN Wilderness Wanton *** Spur - #NN Indian Maid/ Montana Minx *** Spur - #NN Salt Lake Lady/ Deadridge Doll
FLETCHER, FARRIS – The Texans – Rawhide Country
*** Above the Palo Duro *** Black Boulder Ranch *** The Bloodskinners *** Bloody Rifles *** Bonanza at Wishbone *** Burnt Wagon Ranch *** Callahan Rides Alone *** Deputy's Revenge ***
Fighting Ramrod *** Four Texans North *** Gambler with a Gun **** The Gun Lords of Stirrup Basin *** Gun Luck *** Gunslammer *** Gunsmoke *** Hangman's Range ***
The Hard Riders *** Iron hand *** “John Wesley Hardin, Texas Gunfighter” **** Lobo Valley *** Mad River Guns *** Montana Maverick *** The Outlaw Breed *** Pinon Mesa *** Range War *** Renegade Rifles/ Buckskin Challenge / Gun Quick *** Riders in the Storm *** Riders of Death *** Rifles on the Range *** Rifles on the Rimrock *** Rimrock Renegade *** Rough Country *** Rustler's Trail *** Saddle Pals *** Saddle North/ Gambler With a Gun *** The Saddle Tramps *** The Saddle Wolves *** Scattergun Grass / Double Cross Ranch *** Shadow of my Gun *** Shoot-out Milk River *** Smoky River *** The Tall Texan **** Texas Medico/ Dusty Boots **** *** They Ride with Rifles *** This Grass, This Gun *** Trail to High Pne *** Trail to High Pine/ West of the Barbwire *** Two-Gun Trail *** War on Alkali Creek *** West of Barbwire *** Winchester Wages *** Wyoming Gun Law *** Wyoming Showdown
FLYNN, ROBERT ; - North to Yesterday
FLYNN, T.T. ; *** The Angry Man *** The Man from Nowhere *** Riding High *** Two Faces West
FOLEY, CRAIG ; (Series; The Hangman); Hangman - #3 Air Dance; *** Hangman - #5 Gallows Gal; *** Hangman - #6 Outlaw Rope
FORD, LANE ; - One Minute to Die
FORD, LEWIS ; *** Gunman's Grass *** Maverick Empire
FOREMAN, L.L. ; * Arrow in the Dust *** Decison at Little Big Horn *** Desperado's Gold *** “Gunfire Men” **** Gunning for Trouble *** Gunsmoke Men *** The Jayhawkers *** Lobo Gray *** Lobo Hand *** Longrider *** The Mustang Trail *** The Plundering Gun *** The Quiet Man *** Rawhiders of the Brasada *** The Renegade *** The Return of the Texan *** The Road to San Jacinto *** Rogue's Legacy *** The Silver Flame *** Triple Cross at Trinidad
FORREST, WILLIAMS ; - White Apache
FORESTER,LOGAN A. ; - Proud Land
FOSTER, ALAN DEAN ; - Pale Rider
FOSTER, BENNETT ; *** Badlands *** Barbed Wire *** Blackleg Range *** Bullets for a Badman *** Cow Thief Trail *** Dust of the Trail *** The Kid from Dodge City *** Man Tracks *** The Owl Hoot Trail *** Pay-off at Ladron *** Rider of Rifle Rock *** Seven Slash Range *** Trigger Kid
FOTRE, VINCENT ; - The Trailmakers
FOWLER, KENNETH ; *** Dead Reckoning *** Jackals' Gold *** The Range Bum *** Summon to Silverthorn
FOX. BRIAN ; Return to Sabata
FOX, CLAYTON – The Hard Homesteader; *** Prairie Empire;
FOX, NORMAN A. ; *** Badlands Beyond *** Broken Wagon *** Cactus Cavalier *** The Feathered Sombrero *** Ghostly Hoofbeats *** The Gunsight Kid *** The Hard Pursued *** The Longhorn Legion *** Long Lightning *** Lord Six-Gun *** Night Passage *** The Phantom Spur *** The Rawhide Years *** Reckoning at Rimbow *** Rope the Wind *** Roughshod *** Shawdow on the Range *** Silent in the Saddle *** Six-Gun Syndicate *** Stormy in the West *** Stranger from Arizona *** Tall Man Riding *** The Thristy Land *** The Thundering Trail *** The Trembling Hills *** The Valiant Ones
FOX, CHIEF RED – The Memoirs of Chief Red Fox;
FRANCIS, JOHNNY ; - The Texican
FRANK, LEE ; Kane; *** Kane and The Goldbar Killers *** Kane and the Outlaw Double Cross
FRASER, GORDON H. - Rain of the Desert;
Cry, Coyote *** A Day to Die *** A Gun for Braggs' Woman *** He Rode Alone *** Lawman's Feud *** Look Behind Every Hill / The Big Trouble *** Many Rivers to Cross *** Shining Mountains *** Spur to the Smoke *** The Way Through the Mountains
FRIEND, ED ; *** Alvarez *** The Scalphunters
FRIESEN, PAUL ; - Bitter Body
FRY, ALAN ; - How a People Die
FURMAN, A.L. (ED) ; - Frontier Stories
FUTCH, ALDELL J. ; - Rustler's Justice
--- G ---
GABHART, ANN ; - A Forbidden Yearning
GAGE, JOSEPH ; - Hard Rock Town
GAMBLE, TETON – Diamondback #8
*** Apache Canyon *** Arizona *** The Arizonians *** Bugle and Spur *** Gun Down *** High Storm *** The Last Hard Men *** The Last Outlaw *** Seven Brave Men *** Sliphammer
*** Sweeny's Honor *** Valley of the Shaow *** The Vaquished *** Vultures in the Sun *** War Whoop and Battle Cry *** Wild Times
GARFIELD, BRAIN WYNNE (pseudonym of Brian Francis Wynne Garfield – author of Death Wish & Hopscotch)
*** The Lawbringers *** Vultures in the Sun
GARLAND, BENNETT (pseudonym of Brian Francis Wynne Garfield – author of Death Wish & Hopscotch) *** High Storm *** The Last Outlaw *** Seven Brave Men
GARLAND GEORGE ; The Big Dry *** Bugles and Brass *** Doubtful Valley
GARRISEN, PAUL - Dirk's Revenge;
GARST, SHANNON ; - Buffalo Bill;
GAST, KELLY P. ; Dil Dies Hard
*** Action at Alameda *** Deputy Sheriff *** 5 Card Stud *** Glory Gulch *** High Country Showdown *** the Lawless Land *** McVey's Valley *** Shadow of the Rope *** Shoot to Kill *** A Time to Ride *** The Vengeful Men
GEAR, W. MICHAEL ; - Long Ride Home
(Series; The Scout);
*** The Scout - #NN Redskin Thrust *** The Scout - #17 Breakneck Bawdyhouse *** The Scout - #20 Big Baja Bounty *** The Scout - #23 bedroll Bait
GERSON, NOEL B. ; - Savage Cavalier ;
GESSNER, LYNNE ; - Navajo Slave;
GILES, HASCAL ; - Kansas Trail
GILES, JANICE HOLT ; The Believers *** The Great Adventure **** Hannah Fowler *** Johnny Osage *** The Kentuckians *** Savanna *** Six-Horse Hitch *** Voyage to Santa Fe;
GILL, TOM ; *** The Gay Bandit of the Border *** Guardians of the Desert *** Starlight Pass
GILMAN, DOROTHY - “Girl in Buckskin”
GILMAN, GEORGE G. ; (pseudonym for Terry William Harknett; **Also Writes as; Frank Chandler, David Ford, George G. Gilman, Adam Hardy, Jane Harman, Joseph Hedges, William M. James, Charles R. Pike, William Pine, James Russell, Thomas H. Stone, William Terry)
(Series; Adam Steele); - Adam Steele - #1 (Retitled) The Violent Peace *** Adam Steele - #2 Bounty Hunter *** Adam Steele - #6 The Killing Art *** Adam Steele - #7 Crossfire *** Adam Steele - #8 Comanche Carnage *** Adam Steele - #9 Badge in the Dust *** Adam Steele - #10 The Losers *** Adam Steele - #12 Death Trail ***
Adam Steele - #13 Bloody Border *** Adam Steele - #14 Delta Duel *** Adam Steele - #15 River of Death *** Adam Steele - #17 Satan's Daughter *** Adam Steele - #18 The Hard Way *** Adam Steele - #20 Wanted for Murder *** Adam Steele - #24 Manhunt; *** Adam Steele - #38 High Strakes**** Adam Steele - #42 The Big Gunfight; *** Adam Steele - #44 Code of the West;
(Series; Edge);
Edge - #2 Ten Grand *** Edge - #7 California Kill *** Edge - #8 Hell's Seven *** Edge - #9 Bloody Summer *** Edge - #11 Sioux Uprising *** Edge - #12 Death's Bounty *** Edge - #14 Tiger's Gold *** Edge - #15 Paradise Loses *** Edge - #16 The Final Shot *** Edge - #17 Vengeance Valley *** Edge - #19 Ashes and Dust *** Edge - #20 Sullivan's Law *** Edge - #21 Rhapsody in Red *** Edge - #22 Slaughter Road *** Edge - #23 Echoes of War *** Edge - #24 Slaughterday *** Edge - #25 Violence Trail *** Edge - #26 Savage Dawn *** Edge - #27 Death Drive *** Edge - #28 Eve of Evil *** Edge - #29 The Living, The Dying and the Dead *** Edge - #30 Towering Nightmare *** Edge - #31 The Guilty Ones *** Edge - #32 The Frightened Gun *** Edge - #33 Red Fury *** Edge - #34 A Ride in the Sun *** Edge - #35 Death Deal *** Edge - #36 Town on Trial *** Edge - #37 Vengeance at Vetura *** Edge - #38 Massacre Mission *** Edge - #39 The Prisoner's *** Edge - #40 Montana Melodrama *** Edge - #41 The Killing Claim *** Edge - #43 Arapaho Revenge *** Edge - #44 The Blind Side*** Edge - #45 House on the Range *** Edge - #46 The Godforsaken *** Edge - #48 School for Slaughter *** Edge - #49 Revenge Ride
Gilman, George G. (AKA; Adam Hardy; pseudonym for Terry W Harknett)
(EDGE/ Adam STEELE SERIES) – Two of a Kind (Book #2);
GILMORE, HOBE ; - Bloody Grass
GIPSON, FRED ; - Savage Sam
GLADSON, LESLIE ; - Peace Across the River
GOLDEN, HARRY ; - Forgotten Pioneer
GOLDMAN, WILLIAM ; - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
GOODEN, ARTHUR HENRY ; *** Call of the Range *** Tenderfoot Boss *** Trouble in the Saddle *** The Valley of Dry Bones
GORDON, WALT ; - Boothill Showdown
GORMAN, ED ; “Ghost Town” **** The Sharpshooter
GRANGER, K.R.G. ; *** Devil's Trial *** Tejanos *** Ten Against Ceasar;
GRANT, WILLIAM ; - (Faraday) #3 The Gold Train; **** (Faraday) #4 The Colorado Special; **** (Faraday) #5 The Trackwalker; **** (Faraday) #6 Train of Glory;
GREEN, BEN K. ; - Wild Cow Tales
GREENFIELD, IRVING A. ; *** The Carey Blood *** Carey's Vengeance
GREGORY, JACKSON ; *** Ace in the Hole *** Guardians of the Trail *** Hardcase Range *** The Lone Rider *** The Man From Texas *** Marshal of Sundown *** Powder Smoke *** The Red Law *** Secret Valley *** “The Silver Star” **** Sudden Bill Dorn;
GREY, LOREN ZANE ; *** Ambush for Lassiter *** Lassiter *** Lassiter and the Golden Dragon *** Lassiter's Showdown *** Lassiter Tough
(Series; Zane Grey's);
*** Zane Grey's - Arizona Ames - Gun Trouble in Tonto Basin *** Zane Grey's - Arizona Ames – King of the Outlaw Horde *** Zane Grey's - Buck Duane - King of the Range
*** Zane Grey's - Buck Duane - The Lawless Land *** Zane Grey's - Buck Duane – The Rider of Distant Traits *** Zane Grey's - Laramie Nelson - Lawless Land *** Zane Grey's - Laramie Nelson – The Other Side of Canyon *** Zane Grey's - Nevada Jim Lacy - Beyond the Mogollon Rim *** Zane Grey's - Yaqui - Siege at Forlorn River
*** Arizona Ames *** The Arizona Clan *** Betty Zane *** The Big Land *** Black Mesa *** The Border Legion *** Boulder Dam *** The Call of the Canyon *** Captives of the Desert *** Code of the West *** The Deer Stalker *** Desert Heritage *** The Desert of Wheat *** The Drift Fence *** The Dude Ranger *** Fugitive Trial *** The Hash Knife Outfit *** The Heritage of the Desert *** Horse Heaven Hill *** Knights of the Range *** The Last of the Plainsmen *** The Last Ranger *** The Last Trail *** The Light of Western Stars *** Lone Star Ranger *** Lost Pueblo *** The Lost Wagon Train *** Majestry's Rancho *** The Man of the Forest *** The Mysterious Rider *** Nevada *** Prospector's Gold / Canyon Walls *** Raiders of Spanish Peaks *** The Rainbow Trail *** The Reef Girl *** Riders of the Purple Sage *** Robbers' Roost *** Rogue River Feud *** Round-Up *** Rustlers of Pecos County *** The Secret of ASP Cabin and Other Stories *** Shadow on the Trial *** Shark *** The Sheppard of Guadaloupe *** The Spirit of the Border *** Stairs of Sand *** Stranger From the Tonto *** Sunset Pass *** Tappan's Burro *** 30,000 on the Hoof *** The Thundering Herd *** Thunder Mountain *** To the Last Man *** The Trail Driver *** Twin Sombreros *** Under the Tonto Rim *** The U.P. Trail *** Valley of Wild Horses *** The Vanishing American *** Wanderer of the Wasteland *** Western Union *** West of the Pecos *** Wilderness Trek *** Wildfire *** Wild Horse Mesa *** Wyoming *** Zane Grey's Greatest Western Stories
GRIES, TOM & THOMAS, BOB ; - "Will Penny"
GRINSTEAD, J.E. ; *** The Lightning Kid *** Maverick Guns **** Phantom Rustlers *** Raging Guns *** When Texans Ride
GROSSBACH, ROBERT ; - The Frisco Kid
*** The Buffalo Runners *** Buffalo Spring *** The Child Stealers *** Comanche Captives *** Destiny Valley *** A Far Trumpet *** Flame of the Osage *** The Great Horse Race *** The Land Seekers *** No Bugles, No Glory *** Sun Dance *** Warrior Road
GRUBER, FRANK ; Bitter Sage *** Broken Lance *** Bugles West *** The Bushwhackers *** The Curly Wolf *** The Dawn Riders *** Fighting Man *** Fort Starvation *** Gunsight *** Johnny Vengeance *** The Lone Gunhawk *** Lonesome River *** The Marshal *** Peace Marshal *** Quantrell's Raiders *** Ride to Hell/ Lonesome River
*** The Silver Jackass *** Smoky Road *** Tales of Wells Fargo *** This Gun is Still *** Town Tamer *** Wanted!
GUIRALDES, RICHARDO – Don Segundo Sombra;
*** Bend of the Snake *** A Drum Calls West *** The Hallelujah Trail *** The Hungry Land *** The Land Beyond *** Showdown in the Sun **** A Thousand for the Cariboo *** Northwest Destiny Series #3 “River's End”;
(ANONYMOUS) ; - Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (Avon Pub.)
*** Painted Post Gunplay *** Painted A Post Law *** Painted Post Range *** The Sheriff of Pianted Post ;
GUTHRIE JR, A.B. ; *** The Big It *** The Big Sky *** Fair Land. Fair Land *** Mountain Medicine *** These Thousand Hills *** Trouble at Moon Dance *** The Way West
--- H ---
HAAS, BEN ; - The Foragers
HACKENBERRY, CHARLES ; - I Rode with Jesse James
HAILE, TERENCE ; - Trail's End
HALL, EVAN ; - Logan
HALL, OAKLEY ; Apaches *** The Bad Lands *** Warlock
HALLER, BILL ; - Gunfight at Commanche Creek
*** Boot Hill Silver *** Cimmaron Thunder *** Colorado Creek *** Devil's Canyon *** Double Cross Trail *** The Far Land *** Gringo Gun; *** High Iron *** High Prairie *** The Hostile Hills *** Indian Fighter *** No Range is Free *** Outlaw Guns *** Outlaw Trial *** The Pistoleros *** Rustlers' Canyon *** Shadow of the Big Horn *** Smoky Range *** Spanish Ridge *** Straw Boss *** Wagon Captain *** Winter Ambush
HAMES, J.W. ; - Support Your Local Gunfighter
HAMILTON, DONALD ; *** The Big Country *** Iron Men and Silver Stars *** Mad River *** The Steel Mirror *** Texas Fever
HAMILTON, HARRY ; - Thunder in the Wilderness
HAMILTON, WADE ; *** Cougar Basin *** Longhorn Brand *** Ride the Wild Country *** Rimrock Renegade *** Sagebruch
HAMMONDS, MICHAEL ; *** A Gathering of Wolves *** Incident of the Way to a Killing *** Marshal of Bitterroot
HANING, BOB ; *** The Sheriff of Durango *** Strike at Cripple Creek
HANKINS, R.M. ; *** Ace in the Hole Haggarty *** The Man from Wyoming *** Rio Grande Kid
HANLON, EDWARD S. ; - The Lives That Die
HANO, ARNOLD ; *** Bandolero! *** Western Triggers
HANSEN, RON ; - Desperadoes
HARDIN, CLEMENT ; - The Paxman Feud;
*** Apache Gold *** Apache Trail *** The Black Hills Showdown *** Blood, Sweat and Gold *** Bloody Sands *** Bloody Time in Blacktower *** Bullets, Buzzars, Boxes of Pine **** Carnival of Death *** The Cochise County War *** The Colorado Sting *** Death Lode *** The Ghost Mine *** The Good, The Bad, And the Deadly *** The Great Jewel Robbery *** Gunfire at Spanish Rock *** Hard Chains, Soft Women *** Hellfire Hideaway *** Lead-Lined Coffins *** The Life of John Wesley Hardin **** The Lone Star Massacre *** The Man Who Bit Snakes *** Maximilian's Gold *** Murder on the Rails *** Outlaw Trail *** The Pecos Dollars *** Raider, Ambush Valley *** Raider, The Guns of El Dorado *** Raider, Handman's Law *** Raider's Gold *** Raider's Revene **** Raider, the Pinkerton Killers ***** Raider, Thirst for Vengeance *** San Juan Shootout; *** Saskatchewan Rising *** Sierra Silver *** Snake Tombstones *** Snake River Rescue *** The Spirit and the Flesh **** The Swindler's Trail *** Thirst for Vengence **** Vengenace Valley *** The Wyoming Special
HARKEY, DEE ; - Mean as Hell
HARKERROAD, J.D. ; - Horsethief Trial
HARPER, RICHARD ; - Catamount Brown
HARRIS, JOHN ; - Sunset at Sheba
HARRIS, JOHN & MARGARET ; - Arrow in the Moon **** Chant of the Hawk **** The Medicine Whip;
HARRISON, C. WILLIAM ; *** Barbed Wire Kingdom *** Border Fever *** The Guns of Fort Petticoat *** Gun Trail to Spanish Gold *** High Wire and Hot Lead *** Outlaw of the Natchez Trace *** The Oxbow Kill *** Ride the Wild Wind *** Unarmed Killer *** Valley of Vanished Men
(Series; Cody's Law); *** Cody's Law - #1 Gunmetal Justice *** Cody's Law - #2 Die Lonesome; *** Cody's Law - #3 Border Showdown; **** Cody's Law - #4 Bounty Man *** Cody's Law - #5 Mano a Mano; *** Cody's Law - #6 Renegade Trail; *** Cody's Law - #7 End of the Line; *** Cody's Law - #8 Eagle Pass; **** Cody's Law - #9 The Prisoners *** Cody's Law - #10 A Gallows Waiting *** Cody's Law - #11 Red Moon's Raid;
HART, VIRGIL ; - Silver Mine Trail
HARTE, BRET ; - The Outcasts of Porker Flat
HARTE, BRYCE ; - Creed **** (Creed Series) Creed #2 “Wanted” **** Creed #6 Texan's Honor; **** Creed #9 “Cheyenne Justice”
HARVEY, JAMES ; - Convict Guns
HARVEY, JOHN B. ; (Series; Hart); Hart - #5 Blood on the Border
HASELOFF, C.H.; *** Dead Woman's Trail *** A Killer Comes to Shiloh *** Marauder *** Ride South!
HATTEN, HOMER ; *** Conquest *** Eagle on his Wrist **** Plunder Range **** Westport Landing
HAWK, ALEX (pseudonym of Brian Francis Wynne Garfield – author of Death Wish & Hopscotch) *** Blizzard Hero *** Blood Trail *** Brand Him Gunfighter *** Crossfire *** Half-Breed *** The Hidden Hills *** High Vengeance *** McGee *** Mex *** Tough Town
HAWKES, ZACHARY ; (Series; Fancy Hatch); *** Fancy Hatch - #2 The Case Duece *** Fancy Hatch - #3 Solomon King's Mine *** Fancy Hatch - #4 The Odds Against Sundown
HAWKINS, DOUG – Kit Carson – The Colonel's Daughter; *** Kit Carson – Ghosts of Lodore;
HAWKINS, CLINT ; -Saddle Tramp (Harper Pub; 1991); **** - Saddle Tramp; Gold and Lead; - Saddle Tramp; Bandit's Blood;
HAWKINS, PAUL A. ; The Legend of Ben Tree **** White Moon Tree
HAYCOX, ERNEST ; *** Action by Night *** Action by Night/ Trouble Shooter *** The Adventurers *** Alder Gulch *** The Best Western Stories of *** The Border Trumpet *** Bugles in the Afternoon *** By Rope and Lead *** Canyon Passage *** Chaffee of Roaring Horse *** Clint *** Deep West *** The Earthbreakers *** The Feudist *** Free Grass *** The Grim Canyon *** Guns of the Tom Dee *** Guns Up *** Gun Talk *** Head of the Mountain *** Lone Rider *** Long Storm *** The Man From Montana *** Man in the Saddle *** Murder on the Frontier *** Outlaw *** Pioneer Loves *** Prairie Guns *** Rawhide Range *** Return of a Fighter *** A Rider of the High Mesa *** Riders West *** Rim of the Desert *** Rim of the Desert/ Dead Man Range *** Rough Justice *** Saddle and Ride *** Secret River *** The Silver Desert *** Sixgun Duo *** Stagecoach *** Starlight and Gunflame *** Starlight Rider *** Sundown Jim *** Trail Smoke *** Trail Town *** Trigger Trio *** Trouble Shooter *** Vengeance Trial *** Whispering Range *** The Wild Bunch*** Wipe Out the Brierlys
HAYES, RALPH ; Series; Buffalo Hunter); *** Buffalo Hunter - #1 Hellhole *** Buffalo Hunter - #2 Four Ugly Guns *** Buffalo Hunter - #3 Gun Slammer *** Five Deadly Guns
HAZEN, BARBARA – Davy Crockett Indian Fighter;
HECKLEMANN, CHARLES N. ; *** Bullet Law *** Deputy Marshal *** The Glory Riders *** Guns of Arizona *** Return to Arapahoe *** River Queen *** Six-Gun Outcast *** Stranger From Durango
HEDLEY, WILLIAM ; - Apache Smoke
HEINZMAN, GRORGE ; - Powder River Cowman
HENRY, WILL (Pseudonym of Henry Wilson Allen; Also writes as Clay Fisher)
Alias Butch Cassidy *** The Bear Paw Horses *** Custer's Last Sand *** Chiricahua *** The Day Fort Larking Fell; **** The Feleen Brand *** The Fourth Horseman *** From Where the Sun Now Stands *** The Gates of the Mountains *** I, Tom Horn *** Journey to Shiloh *** The Last Warpath *** MacKenna's Gold *** The North Star *** No Survivors *** One More River to Cross *** Pillars of the Sky *** The Raiders **** Reckoning at Yankee Flat *** Return of the Tall Man *** The Seven Men at Mimbres Springs *** The Squaw Killers *** Web of Gunsmoke *** Who Rides With Wyatt
HERBERT, ARTHUR – Bugles in the Night;
HESS, HARLEY – Grass War;
HEUMAN, WILLIAM ; Captain McRae *** The Girl From Frisco *** Gunhand From Texas *** Heller From Texas *** Keelboats North *** Mulvane on the Prod **** Red Runs the River *** Rimrock Tow *** Then Came Mulvane
HICKOK, WILL ; *** The Restless Gun Trail of the Restless Gun *** Web of Gunsmoke *** Web of Gunsmoke/ Ute Country
HIGHFILL, BYRON PHILIP ; - Mexican Gunhawk (Zebra Pub; 1980; RARE);
HILL, MORGAN ; *** Bandits in Blue *** Dead Man's Noose *** The Last Bullet *** Ten Must Die *** Twin Colts
HILTON, FRANCIS W. ; *** Blazing Trails *** The Long Rope *** Skyline Riders
HINKLE, THOMAS C. ; *** Black Storm *** Mustang
HIRT, DOUGLAS – The Ordeal of Andy Dean;
HOAGLAND, EDWARD ; - Notes From the Century Before
HOBART, DONALD BAYNE ; Desert of Doom *** Guns Along the River *** Iron Horse Gunsmoke
HOBSON, JR., R.P. ; Grass Beyond the Mountains; *** Nothing Too Good For a Cowboy
HODGSON, KEN – The Hell Benders;
*** Bred to Kill *** Dead Man's Gold *** The Legend of Blackjack Sam *** Loco *** Return to Broken Crossing *** Sheriff of Jack Hollow *** Trouble Valley *** The Truth About the Cannonball Kid *** The Valdez Horses *** West of Cheyenne *** Wild Riders *** Wiley's Move *** The Yarborough Brand
*** Adam Gann, Outlaw *** Border bandit *** A Bullet for Mr. Texas *** A Bulleet for Mr. Texas/ The Marshal of Babylon *** Conger's Woman *** The Copper-Dun Stud *** Day of the Hangman *** Dead Gun / The Peace Keeper *** Dead Man on a Black Horse *** Decision at Doubtful Canyon *** Deputy of Violence *** The Devil's Gunhand *** The Doomsday Marshall/ The Doomsday Posse *** The Doomsday Posse *** Feud at Sundown *** The Glory Trial *** A Gun for Silver Rose *** Guns Against the Sun ***
Guns Along the Jicarilla *** The Guns of Stingaree *** The Hangmen of Sansabal *** The Hasty Hangman *** The Hell Born *** The Hell Merchant *** The Hell Road
*** Hell to Hallelujah *** High Green Gun *** Highroller's Man *** Honeymaker's Son *** The Iron Jehu *** Jackman's Wolf *** Jackman's Wolf / The Glory Trail
*** The Last Comanchero *** Last Gun at Cabresto *** The Law and Lynchburg *** Lawman for Slaughter Valley *** Lawman's Choice *** Lead Reckoning *** The Life and Death of Clay Allison
*** The Life and Death of Johnny Ringo *** Longhorn Law *** The Man from Barranca Negra *** The Man Who Killed the Marshal *** Man Without a Gun *** The Marshal of Babylon *** The Moonlighters *** Night Raider *** Omaha Crossing *** The Outlawed *** Outlaw Marshal *** Outlaw's Pledge *** The Outside Gun *** Overkill at Saddlerock
*** Passage to Dodge City *** The Peace Keeper *** Pilgrim *** The Proving Gun *** The Proving Gun/ The Yesterday Rider *** Ragan's Law *** The Raptor's Law *** Rebel Ghost *** Rebel in Yankee Blue *** Rebel Raid *** The Renegade Gun *** The Renegades **** Ride to the Gun *** The Rimrocker *** The Rimrocker/ The Outlawed *** The Scorpion Killers *** The Searching Guns *** The Shotgunner *** The Shotgun Rider *** Showdown on Texas Flat *** Stranger in Apache Basin *** The Texas Bridgade *** Texas Guns *** Texas Lawman *** Three Cross *** Three Cross/ Deputy of Violence *** The Tombstone Trail *** The Trackers *** Trail of the Fresno Kid *** Trial to Tuscon *** Triple Threat *** The Vengeance of Fortuna West *** The Vigilante *** Wolf lwman *** The Wolver *** Wyoming Drifter *** The Yesterday Rider
HOGAN, ROBERT J. ; *** The Challenge of Smoke Wade *** Feud at Sundown *** Killer's Trail *** Night Rider's Moon *** Renegade Guns *** Stampede Canyon *** Texas Guns
HOLDING, JAMES G. ; - Death hunt
HOLLINGHEAD, KYLE ; *** Across the Border *** The Man on the Blood Bay *** Ransome's Debt
*** Apache Desert *** Black Sage *** Bloody Bonanza *** Brandon's Empire *** Catch and Saddle *** Delta Deputy *** Desert Rails *** Destiny Range *** The Distant Vengeance *** Flame of Sunset *** The Fugitive Gun *** Gun Law at Vermillion *** Gunman's Greed *** The Hardest Man in the Sierras *** High Starlight *** Hill Smoke *** The Last Sundown *** The Maverick Star *** Modoc *** Nevada Rampage *** Night Marshal *** Payoff at Pawnee *** The Plunderers *** Range Pirate *** Ride into Gunsmoke **** Rustler's Moon *** Savage Guns *** The Savage Hours *** Shadow of the Rim *** Smoky Pass *** Somewhere They Die *** Summer Range *** Tough Saddle *** Warrior Creek *** Wild Summit *** Wolf Brand/ The Buzzards of Rocky Pass
HOLT, FELIX ; - The Gabriel Horn
HOLT, STEPHEN ; - The Phantom Roan
HOMER, DALE ; - The Trial from Texas
HOPKINS, TOM J. ; *** Buzzard Tracks *** Dead Man's Range *** Outlaw Ambush on the Drumfire Trail *** Range War *** Trail End *** Trail's by Night *** Trouble in Tombstone *** Trouble in Tombstone/ Brand of a Man
*** Apache Kill *** Border Raider *** Born Savage *** Bullet-Brand Empire *** Cry Viva! *** Desert Maverick *** The Gringo Bandit *** Gunfighter's Pay *** Gunfire at Salt Fork *** The Guns of Maccameron *** Hangtree Range *** High Saddle *** Killers Five *** The Last Apaches *** The Last Shoot-Out *** The Laughing Vaquero *** Notched Guns *** Outlaw of Hidden Valley *** Ramrod Vengeance *** The Ranch Cat **** Silver Gulch *** Straight From Boothill *** Trouble Rides Tall
HORAN, JAMES D. ; *** Desperate Men *** The Wild Bunch
HORGAN, PAUL ; - A Distant Trumpet
HOTCHKISS, BILL ; - Mountain Lamb
HOUGH, EMERSON ; *** The Covered Wagon *** North of 36
HOUSE, R. C. ; Requiem for a Rustler;
HOUSTON, JAMES ; - Eagle Sons *** Running West ;
(Series; Easy Company);
*** Easy Company - #1 And the Suicide Boys *** Easy Company - #2 And The Medicine Gun *** Easy Company - #3 And the Green Arrows *** Easy Company - #4 And the White Man's Path *** Easy Company - #5 And the Longhorns *** Easy Company - #6 And the Big Medicine *** Easy Company - #7 In the Black Hills
*** Easy Company - #8 On the Bitter Trail *** Easy Company - #9 In Colter's Hell *** Easy Company - #10 and the Headline Hunter *** Easy Company - #11 And the Engineers *** Easy Company - #12 And the Bloody Flag *** Easy Company - #13 On the Oklahoma Trail *** Easy Company - #14 And the Cherokee Beauty ***
Easy Company - #15 And the Big Blizzard *** Easy Company - #16 And the Long Marchers *** Easy Company - #17 And the Bootleggers *** Easy Company - #18 And the Cardsharps *** Easy Company - #19 And the Indian Doctor *** Easy Company - #20 And the Twilight Sniper *** Easy Company - #21 And the Sheep Ranchers *** Easy Company - #22 At Hat Creek Station *** Easy Company - #23 And the Mystery Trooper *** Easy Company - #24 And the Cow Country Queen *** Easy Company - #25 And the Bible Salesman *** Easy Company - #26 And the Blood Fued *** Easy Company - #27 And the Dog Soldiers *** Easy Company - #28 And the Big Game Hunter *** Easy Company - #29 And the Gypsy Riders *** Easy Company - #30 And the Bullwhackers *** Easy Company - #31 And the Whiskey Train
HOWARD, ROBERT WEST – Hoofbeats of Destiny;
HOWARD, ROBERT WEST/ ARNOLD, OREN ; - Rodeo: Last Frontier of the Old West
HOWARD, VECHEL ; Stage to Painted Creek *** Tall in the West
HOWE, ARTHUR A. ; - Trigger Justice (Vega Book Pub; 1963; RARE; G = $8);
HUBBARD, L. RON ; Buckskin Brigades;
*** Badge for a Gunfighter *** Cowboy *** The Cowboy and the Cossack *** Flaming Lance *** Guns From Thunder Mountain *** Guns of Rio Conchos *** Posse From Hell *** Profiles of the American West *** Rio Conchos *** Seven Ways From Sundown *** Thunder Mountain *** The War Wagon
HUFFINE, WALT ; - Alabam McCall
HUMPHRIES, ADELAIDE ; - A Nurse on Horseback
HUNT, GREG ; *** Borderland **** Borderland - #2 The Exiles *** The Havens Raid **** Ride to Vengeance *** When Legends Die
(Series; White Squaw); White Squaw - #10 Solid as a Rock *** White Squaw - #12 Ball and Chain *** White Squaw - #14 Red Top Tramp*** White Squaw - #15 Here Comes the Bride *** White Squaw - #16 Redskin Rosebud *** White Squaw - #17 Bullwhipped Beauty *
(Head-Hunter) - Head-Hunter - #2 Texas Tumble*** Head-Hunter - #3 Hard-Riding Posse *** Head-Hunter - #4 Sin City *** Head-Hunter - #12 Rough Shaft;
*** Badlands Buccaneer *** The Burning Land *** Death in the Mountain *** Duke **** Gambler's Gun; *** *** Hell Hole *** The Higraders *** Lost Valley *** The Man From Yuma *** The Marshall from Deadwood *** Ride the Wind South *** West of Justice
--- I ---
INGRAM, HUNTER ; *** Border War *** Contested Valley *** The Forbidden Land *** Man Hunt *** The Trespassers
IRONS,OWEN G. ; - Wildstalker
--- J ---
JAKES, JOHN - “In the Big Country”
JAMES, CY ; - The Brave Ride Tall
JAMES, DAN (Pseudonym of James D. Sayers); Gunsmoke Mesa (Dell Pub; 1970);
JAMES, LEIGH FRANKLIN (The Saga of the Southwest) The Saga of the Southwest #2 “Wings of the Hawk” *** The Saga of the Southwest #7 “Quest of the Hawk”;
JAMES, SIMON ; - Across the Great Divide
JAMES, WALTER ; - Dust Devil
JAMES, WILL ; - Home Ranch **** “Smoky”
JAMES, WILLIAM M. ; (pseudonym for Terry William Harknett; **Also Writes as; Frank Chandler, David Ford, George G. Gilman, Adam Hardy, Jane Harman, Joseph Hedges, William M. James, Charles R. Pike, William Pine, James Russell, Thomas H. Stone, William Terry)
(Series; Apache); Apache - #19 Fast Living ;
JANKE, JAMES A. ; - Jeremiah Bacon
JEFFREY, WILLIAM ; - Duel at Gold Buttes
JENISON, DON P. ; *** Homestead Justice *** The Man From Bozeman *** Nightmare Ranch
JENKINS, WILL F. ; - Dallas
JENNINGS, GARY ; *** Sow the Seeds of Hemp *** The Terrible Teague Bunch
JENNINGS, JOHN ; The Strange Brigade;
JESSUP, RICHARD ; *** Chuka *** Comanche Vengeance *** Texas Outlaw
JOHNSON, DOROTHY M. ; *** The Hanging Tree *** Indian Country *** A Man Called Horse
*** Blood Song *** Borderlords *** Buffalo Palace *** Carry the Wind *** A Cold Day in Hell *** Long Winter Gone *** One-Eyed Dream **** Red Cloud's Revenge; *** Shadow Riders *** Sioux Dawn *** The Stalkers *** Whisper of the Wolf;
JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM W. ; Blood Bond; Death in Snake Creek; *** Blood Bond; Devil Creek Crossfire;*** Blood Bond; Gunsmoke and Gold;*** Blood Bond; San Angelo Showdown; *** Blood Bond; Shootout at Gold Creek; *** Blood of Eagles; *** Blood of the Mountain Man; *** Blood Valley *** Code of the Mountain Man; *** Courage of the Mountain Man; *** Cry of Eagles; *** Cunning of the Mountain Man *** Destiny of Eagles; *** Eyes of Eagles; *** The First Mountain Man: Blood on the Divde; *** The First Mountain Man: Forty Guns West;*** Fury of the Mountain Man; *** Honor of the Mountain Man *** Justice of the Mountain Man *** The Last Gunfighter: the Burning;*** The Last Gunfighter: The Drifter;*** The Last Gunfighter: The Forbidden;*** The Last Gunfighter: Ghost Valley;*** The Last Gunfighter: Reprisal; *** The Last Gunfighter: Rescue;*** The Last Mountain Man; *** Rage of Eagles; *** Rage of Eagles; *** Rage of the Mountain Man; *** Revenge of Eagles; *** Scream of Eagles;*** Song of Eagles; *** Talons of Eagles;
JONES, DOUGLAS C. ; *** Arrest Sitting Bull *** A Creek Called Wounded Knee *** Elkhorn Tavern *** Gone The Dreams and Dancing *** The Search for Temperance Moon *** Winding Stair
JONES, MADISON – Forest of the Night
JONES, NARD ; The Scarlet Petticoat
JONES, X. X. ; Broken Lance;
JONS, HAL ; - Mochita Stage
JOSCELYN, ARCHIE ; *** Ambush on Satan's Hill *** Dakota Marshal *** Gunhand's Pay *** High Prairie *** King of Silverhill *** The King of Thunder Valley **** Logan *** Outlaw *** The Man Behind the Star *** Six-Gun Sawbones *** Texas Showdown *** Two-Gun Vengeance *** Vengeance Trail *** Wyoming Outlaw
*** Bad Night at Dry Creek *** Beggar's Gulch *** Bitterroot *** Brazos *** Corrigan *** Crockett of Tennessee *** Devil Wire *** The Hanging at Leadville; *** Mr. Littlejohn *** Snow Sky *** The Treasure of Jericho Mountain
JULIEN, MARTIN ; - Rooster Gogburn
--- K ---
KAMMEN, ROBERT ; *** Big Horn Gunfighter *** Killing Day at Squaw Gap *** Long Henry *** The Oklahombres *** Outside the Law *** Showdown at Lonetree; *** Watcher **** Wind River Kill
Iron Horse, Iron Man (StarBook pub; circa late 1960's; Ben Holliday is the Iron Man, Mid-Pacific railroad is the Iron Horse, Apaches, Indian war; Near FN=$7);
Sixgun Wild (Avon #T-476; 1960; Charlie Gunnison; FN++, Almost New = $14);
KELLAND, CLARENCE BUDINGTON ; *** Arizona *** Desert Law *** Gold *** The Monitor Affair **** Sugarfoot! *** Tombstone
KELLEAM, JOSEPH E. - Blackjack;
KELLER, ALLAN ; - Thunder at Harper's Ferry
(Series; Cimarron);
*** Cimarron - #1 And the Hanging Judge *** Cimarron - #2 Rides the Outlaw Trail *** Cimarron - #3 And the Border Bandits *** Cimarron - #4 In the Cherokee Strip *** Cimarron - #5 And the Elk Soldier *** Cimarron - #7 And the High Rider *** Cimarron - #10 And the Medicine Wolves *** Cimarron - #11 On Hell's Highway *** Cimarron - #12 And the War Women; *** Cimarron - #15 And the Prophet's People *** Cimarron - #20 Andthe Red Earth People *** Cimarron - #21 And the Manhunters *** Cimarron - #22 And the Hired Guns *** Luke Sutton: Gunfighter *** Luke Sutton: Indian Fighter *** Luke Sutton: Outlaw *** Luke Sutton: Outrider
KELLEY, THOMAS P. ; - Rat River Trapper **** Run Indian Run
KELSO, CHUCK ; - The Doom Trail
*** After the Bugles *** Barbed Wire *** Bitter Trail *** Bowie's Mine *** Buffalo Wagons *** Captain's Rangers *** Dark Thicket *** The Day the Cowboys Quit *** Donovan *** Eyes of the Hawk *** Hot Iron *** Llano River *** Manhunters *** Massacre at Goliad *** The Pumpkin Rollers *** Shadow of a Star *** The Texas Rifles *** Wagontongue
KENNEDY, CODY JR. - The Warrior Flame
KENNEDY, MIKE ; Palomino
KENT, W.H.B. ; *** Range Rider *** The Tenderfoot
KERSHAW, HENRY E. - Missouri Son;
KERSHAW, JAKE ; - Gun Wolf
*** Apache Dawn *** The Big Gun *** The Buzzard Guns *** Buzzard Ridge *** The Cougar Basin War *** Dead Man's Trail *** The Dead-Shot Kid *** Feud at Forked River *** Gila Crossing *** Gun Code *** Gunfire Man *** Gun Law *** Gunsmoker Territrory *** Guns of the Barricade Bunch *** Hard Man *** Harsh Reckoning *** Judgment Trail *** Longhorn Stampede *** The Man From Granite *** The Man Who Sold Leadville *** The Man Who Tamed Dodge *** The Man Who Turned Outlaw *** The Men of Moncada *** The Night of the Coyotes *** Rattlesnake *** Renegade Range *** Rider From Texas *** The Saddle Bum *** The Stalkers *** Support Your Local Sheriff *** The Texas Gun *** Traitor Guns *** Wyoming
KILLERMAN, BRICK ; Hell’s Half Acre **** Hot Bullets
KILLDEER, JOHN – (Mountain Majesty) Mountain Majesty #3 “Wilderness Rendezvous” **** Mountain Majesty #4 “Blood Kin”;
KING, CLIVE – The Sound of Propellers
KING, DAVID ; *** Butch Cassidy, The Sundance Kid and the Wild Bunch *** Outlaw Dog *** There Was a Crooked Man
KING, HIRAM ; Dark Trail;
KINKAID, MATT ; *** Hardcase *** The Race of Giants
KIRBY, DAN ; *** Schreiber's Choice *** Showdown at Cibecue Creek
KJELGAARD, JIM ; - Buckskin Brigade
KNIBBS, HENRY HERBERT ; *** The Ridin' Kid From Powder River *** The Tonto Kid
KNIGHT, SPENCER ; - Duel at Freemark
KNOTT, WILL C. ; *** Caulder's Badge
(Series; Golden Hawk);
*** Golden Hawk - #1 Golden Hawk *** Golden Hawk - #3 Grizzly Pass *** Golden Hawk - #4 Hell's Children *** Golden Hawk - #5 Kill Hawk *** Golden Hawk - #6 Scalper's Trail *** Golden Hawk - #7 The Eyes of the Cat *** Golden Hawk - #9 The Searchers *** Kiowa Blood *** Lyncher's Moon *** Red Skies Over Wyoming *** The Return of Zach Stuart *** Stampede *** The Vengeance Seekers *** The Vengeance Seeker #3
KNOX, ALEXANDER ; The Enemy I Kill
KOSSER, MICHAEL (The Last Warriors) The Last Warriors #2 Walks on the Wind; **** The Last Warriors #3 Warrior's Honor;
KRAUZER, STEVEN M. ; *** God's Country *** Winter of the Wolf
KREPPS, ROBERT ; Hour of the Gun *** Stagecoach
KREY, LAURA ; - On the Long Tide
KROEBER, THEODORA – Ishi Last of His Tribe;
KROLL, H.H. ; - Their Ancient Grudge
KYNE, PETER B. ; - Jim The Conqueror
--- L ---
(SERIES – Abilene #1 The Peacemaker; **** Abilene #2 The Sharpshooter **** Abilene #3 The Purcuers; **** Abilene #4 The Night Riders; **** Abilene #5 The Half-Breed; **** Abilene #6 The Halngman; **** Abilene #7 The Prizefighter; **** Abilene #10 The General; **** Abilene #11 The Hellion; **** Abilene #13 The Pistoleer; **** Abilene #14 The Lawman; **** Abilene #15 The Barlow Brides;
LAING, WESLEY ; - Ballard
LAIRD, CHARLTON ; - Thunder on the River
LAKE, STUART N. ; - Wyatt Earp Frontier Marshal (Bantam Giant Pub; #A986; 1952);
LAMB, ELEANOR / STEWART, DOUGLAR ; - Against a Crooked Sky
L'AMOUR, LOUIS ; Benigo Shafter *** Borden Chantry *** Bowdrie *** Bowdrie's law *** Brionne *** The Broken Gun *** Buckskin Run *** The Burning Hills *** The Californios *** Callaghen *** Catlow *** Chancy *** The Cherokee Trail *** Comstock Lode *** Conagher *** Crossfire Trail *** Dark Canyon *** The Daybreakers *** Down the Long Hills *** Dutchman's Flat *** The Empty Land *** Fair Blows the Wind *** Fallon *** The Ferguson Rifle *** The First Fast Draw *** Flint *** Galloway *** Guns of the Timberlands *** Hanging Women Creek *** Haunted Mesa *** Heller With a Gun *** The High Graders *** High Lonesome *** The Hills of Homicide *** Hondo *** How the West was Won *** The Iron Marshal *** Jubal Sackett *** The Key-Lock Man *** Kid Rodelo *** Kilkenny *** Killoe *** Kilrone *** Kiowa Trail *** Last of the Breed *** Last Stand at Papago Wells *** Law of the Desert Born *** The Lonely Men *** Lonely on the Mountain *** The Lonesome Gods *** Long Ride Home *** Lonigan *** The Man Called Noon *** The Man From the Broken Hills *** The Man from Skibbereen *** Matagorda *** Milo Talon *** Mojave Crossing *** The Mountain Valley War *** Mustang Man *** Night Over the Solomons *** North to the Rails *** The Outlaws of Mesquite *** Over on the Dry Side *** Passin' Through *** The Proving Trail *** The Quick and the Dead *** Radigan *** Reilly's Luck *** The Rider of Lost Creek *** The Rider of the Ruby Hills *** Ride the Dark Trail *** Ride the River *** Riding for the Brand *** Rivers West *** Sackett *** The Sackett Brand *** Sackett's Land *** Shalako *** The Shadow Riders; *** Shalako *** Showdown at Yellow Butte *** Silver Canyon *** Sitka *** The Sky-Liners *** Son of a Wanted man *** The Strong Shall Live *** Taggart *** The Tall Stranger *** To Tame a Land *** To the Far Blue Mountains *** The Trail to Crazy Man *** The Trail to Seven Pines *** Treasure Mountain *** Tucker *** Under the Sweetwater Rim *** Utah Blaine *** Valley of the Sun *** The Walking Drum *** War Party *** Warrior's Path *** West From Singapore *** Westward the Tide *** Where the Long Grass Blows *** Yondering
LANAGAN, B.J. (Bushwhackers) Bushwhackers #7 A Time for Killing **** Bushwhackers #8 Death Pass;
LANCASTER, BRUCE ; - Roll, Shenandoah
LAROM, HENRY ; Mountain Pony
LASSITER, KARL – Fast Hand *** The Long Walk **** Warriors of the Plains
LA VANWAY, ED ; - Brand Rider
*** Brand of a Texan *** Bullet Welcome *** Day of the Comancheros *** Edge of the Land *** Gun Fury **** The Lynchers *** Night of the Gunmen *** A Noose for Slattery *** North to Montana *** Saddle Justice *** Slattery #5 Slattery's Gun Says No *** Slattery Stands Alone *** A Texan Comes Riding *** That Man From Texas *** Trial for Tennihan
LAWTON, B.W. (Desperado Series) Desperado - #1 – Desperado **** Desperado - #2 Edge of the Law
LAWTON, HARRY – Tell them Willie Boy Is Here;
LEA, TOM ; - The Wonderful Country
LEAKEY, RICHARD – People of the Lake (With Lewin, Roger);
LEASURE, ROBERT ; - The Crossing Sabers War
(Series; Buckskin); *** Buckskin - #1 Rifle River *** Buckskin - #3 Pistoltown *** Buckskin - #4 Colt Creek *** Buckskin - #5 Gunsight Gap *** Buckskin - #6 Trigger Spring *** Buckskin - #8 Hangfire Hill *** Buckskin - #11 Trigger Guard *** Buckskin - #12 Recoil;
LEDBETTER, SUZANN ; - Redemption Trial
LEDD, PAUL ; (Series, Shelter); *** Shelter - #6 Circus of Death *** Shelter - #21 Shotgun Sugar *** Shelter - #33 Wyoming Wench *** Ute Revenge
LEDERER, PAUL JOSEPH ; Tecumseh ****The Indian Heritage Series - #3 Seminole Skies *** The Indian Heritage Series - #5 The Way of the Wind *** The Indian Heritage Series - #7 – The Far-Dreamer
(Series; Six-Gun Warrior);
*** Six-Gun Warrior - #1 Six-Gun Samurai*** Six-Gun Warrior - #2 Bushido Vengeance*** Six-Gun Warrior - #3 Gundown at Golden Gate ** Six-Gun Warrior - #6 Bushido Lawman
LEE, RANGER ; Outlaws of Ophir Creek
LEE, STEVE (Sloane) Sloane #1 The Man With the Iron Fists; *** (Sloane) Sloane #2 Fistful of Hate;
LEE, WAYNE C. ; *** Die-hard *** Gun Country *** Law of the Lawless **** Petticoat Wagon Train; **** The Violent Man
*** Arizona Coffin *** Blood at Fort Bridger; *** Blood in the Snow;*** Cheyenne Lance/Medicine Wagon *** Fire Along the Big Muddy; *** The Frontiersman; *** Guns of Apache Sprigs *** Seige at Fort Defiance *** Sheriff's Blood *** Showdown at Six-Gun Mine; *** War at Bent's Fort
*** Action at the Bitterroot *** Bandit in Black *** Blood of the West *** Blood on the Range *** Calamity Range/ Valley of Hunted Men *** The Cold Trail *** Colt '60
*** Faces in the Dust *** Fighting Buckaro *** Fighting Sons of Texas *** The Fighting Texan *** Guns in the Valley *** Gunsmoke at Buffalo Basin *** Gun-Whipped *** Hot Triggers *** Idaho *** Law of the Gun *** Law of the Six Gun *** The Man From the Badlands *** The Manhunter *** Montana Man *** Only the Brave *** Outlaw Loot *** Outlaws of Lost River *** Outlaw's Revenge *** Passion in the Dust *** Pistol Law *** Poverty Range *** Renegade Marshal *** Range Justice *** Range War at Keno *** Smoke of the Texan *** Stagecoach to Hellfire Pass *** Texas Vengeance *** Thunderbolt Range *** Thunder Creek Range *** The Tough Texan *** The Tough Texan/ Bandit in Black *** Troubled Range *** The Twisted Trail *** Vultures of Paradise Valley *** West of the Wolverine *** The Young Texan
*** Beyond the Pass *** Big Ugly *** Bitter Journey *** Cassidy *** Fight for the Valley *** Greenhorn Marshal *** Gut Shot *** Hanging at Pulpit Rock *** Law Man *** Tomahawk *** You'll Never Hang Me
LEIGHTON, MARGARET ; - Comanche of the Seventh
LEITHEAD, J. EDWARD ; - Bronc Buckeroo
LEMAY, ALAN ; The Bells of San Juan *** Gunsight Trial *** Hell for Breakfast *** Painted Ponies *** The Searchers *** The Smoky Years *** Thunder in the Dust *** The Unforgiven *** Wild Justice *** Winter Range
LENNIGER, AUGUST (ED.) ; - Western Writers of America Silver Anniversary Anthology
*** The Bounty Hunters *** Escape From Five Shadows *** Forty Lashes Less One *** Gunsights *** Hombre *** Last Stand at Saber River *** The Law of Randado *** The Law of Randado *** Valdez is Coming
LESLIE, FRANK ; The Thunder Riders;
LESLIE, A SCOTT ; *** The Stranger in Boots *** The Texan
LEWELLEN, T.C. The Ruthless Gun;
LEWIS, JACK ; - Vengeance is a Stranger
LEWIS, PRESTON ; - Hard Texas Winter *** Mix-Up at the O. K. Corral;
LEWIS, THOMAS A. ; The guns of cedar Creek
LIEBLIING, HOWARD – The Master Gunfighter
LINFORD, DEE ; - Man Without a Star
LOGAN, FORD ; - Fire in the Desert
LOGAN, JAKE ; Across the Rio Grande
(Series; Slocum); *** Slocum - #20 Dead Man's Hand *** Slocum - #26 Slocum's Rage *** Slocum - #27 Hellfire *** Slocum - #30 Slocum's Flag *** Slocum - #35 Slocum's Run *** Slocum - #36 Outlaw Blood *** Slocum - #37 Blazing Guns *** Slocum - #38 Bloody Trails to Texas *** Slocum - #39 Slocum's Gamble *** Slocum - #41 Slocum's Debt *** Slocum - #43 Slocum and the Mad Major *** Slocum - #44 The Necktie party *** Slocum - #45 The Canyon Bunch *** Slocum - #46 Swamp Foxes *** Slocum - #47 Across the Rio Grande *** Slocum - #51 The Jackson Hole Trouble *** Slocum - #52 Silver City Shootout *** Slocum - #53 Slocum and the Law *** Slocum - #54 Apache Sunrise *** Slocum - #55 Slocum's Justice *** Slocum - #56 Nebraska Burnout *** Slocum - #57 Slocum and the Cattle Queen *** Slocum - #58 Slocum's Woman *** Slocum - #59 Slocum's Command *** Slocum - #60 Slocum Gets Even *** Slocum - #61 Slocum and the Lost Dutchman Mine
*** Slocum - #63 Guns of South Pass *** Slocum - #64 Slocum and the Hatchet Men *** Slocum - #65 Bandit Gold *** Slocum - #66 South of the Border *** Slocum - #67 The Dallas Madam *** Slocum - #68 Texas Showdown *** Slocum - #69 Slocum in Deadwood *** Slocum - #70 Slocum's Winning Hand *** Slocum - #71 Slocum and the Gun-Runners *** Slocum - #72 Slocum's Pride *** Slocum - #73 Slocum's Crime *** Slocum - #74 The Nevada Swindle *** Slocum - #75 Slocum's Good Deed *** Slocum - #76 Slocum's Stampede *** Slocum - #77 Gunplay at Hobbs' Hole *** Slocum - #78 The Journey of Death *** Slocum - #79 Slocum and the Avenging Gun *** Slocum - #80 Slocum Rides Alone *** Slocum - #81 The Sunshine Basin War *** Slocum - #82 Vigilante Justice *** Slocum - #83 Jailbreak Moon *** Slocum - #84 Six-Gun Bride *** Slocum - #85 Mescalero Dawn *** Slocum - #86 Denver Gold *** Slocum - #88 Slocum and the Horse Thieves *** Slocum - #89 Slocum and the Noose of Hell *** Slocum - #90 Cheyenne Bloodbath *** Slocum - #91 The Blackmail Express *** Slocum - #93 Slocum and the Long Wagon Train *** Slocum - #94 Slocum and the Deadly Feud *** Slocum - #95 Rawhide Justice *** Slocum - #98 Slocum and the Arizona Cowboys *** Slocum - #99 Sixgun Cemetery *** Slocum - #100 Slocum's Deadly Game *** Slocum - #102 High, Wide and Deadly *** Slocum - #103 Slocum and the Wild Stallion Chase *** Slocum - #104 Slocum and the Laredo Showdown *** Slocum - #105 Slocum and the Claim Jumpers *** Slocum - #106 Slocum and the Cherokee Manhunt *** Slocum - #107 Sixguns at Silverado *** Slocum - #108 Slocum and the El Paso Blood Feud *** Slocum - #109 Slocum and the Blood Rage *** Slocum - #110 Slocum and the Cracker Creek Killers *** Slocum - #111 Slocum and the Red River Renegades *** Slocum - #112 Slocum and the Gunfighters Greed *** Slocum - #113 Sixgun Law *** Slocum - #114 Slocum and the Arizona Kidnappers *** Slocum - #115 Slocum and the Hanging tree *** Slocum - #116 Slocum and the Abilene Swindle *** Slocum - #117 Blood at the Crossing *** Slocum - #118 Slocum and the Buffalo Hunters *** Slocum - #119 Slocum and the Preacher's Daughter *** Slocum - #120 Slocum and the Gunfighter's Return *** Slocum - #123 Death Trap *** Slocum - #124 Slocum and the Crooked Judge *** Slocum - #126 Slocum and the Outlaw's Trail *** Slocum - #128 Slocum and the Plains Massacre
*** Slocum - #129 Slocum and the Idaho Breakout *** Slocum - #132 Slocum's Debt *** Slocum - #133 Slocum's and the Cattle War *** Slocum - #134 Colorado Killers *** Slocum - #135 Ride to Vengeance *** Slocum - #138 The Wyoming Cattle War *** Slocum - #158 Slocum and the River Chase *** Slocum - #161 Death's Head Trail *** Slocum - #164 Slocum and the Wyoming Frame-up; *** Slocum - #165 San Angelo Shoot-Out *** Slocum - #166 Blood Fever *** Slocum - #169 Virginia City Showdown *** Slocum - #171 Powder River Massacre *** Slocum - #177 Ambush at Apache Rocks *** Slocum - #178 Hell to Midnight *** Slocum - #194 Slocum and the Lady 'Niners *** Slocum - #197 The Silver Stallion *** Slocum - #205 The Lady Gambler *** Slocum - #209 Slocum and the Apache Ransom *** Slocum - #220 Slocum's Inheritance *** Slocum - #Slocum and the Comanche Rescue
*** Slocum - #235 Slocum and the Miner's Justice *** Slocum - #340 Slocum and City Slickers; *** Slocum - #343 Slocum and the Comanche Captive; *** Slocum - #344 Slocum in Shot Creek; *** Slocum - #345 Slocum and the Widow's Range Wars; *** Slocum - #347 Slocum's Four Brides; *** Slocum - #350 Slocum and the Killers; *** Slocum - #351 Slocum and the Tomboy; *** Slocum - #352 Slocum and the Frisby Flats; *** Slocum - #355 Slocum and the Little Britches; *** Slocum - #356 Slocum and the Pearl of the Rio Grande; *** Slocum - #357 Slocum and the Rancher's Daughter; *** Slocum - #358 Slocum and the Bandit Durango; *** Slocum - #359 Slocum's Bar-s Ranch; *** Slocum - #360 Slocum and the El Loco; *** Slocum - #361 Slocum and the Lucky Lady; *** Slocum - #362 Slocum and the Witch of Westlake; *** Slocum - #363 Slocum and the British Bully; *** Slocum - #364 Slocum and the Dynamite Kid *** Slocum - #365 Slocum and the Family Business *** Slocum - #367 Slocum and the Medicine man *** Slocum - #368 Slocum and Belle Starr *** Slocum - #369 Slocum and the Living Dead Man *** Slocum - #370 Slocum and the Four Peaks Range War *** Slocum - #371 Slocum and the Backshooters *** Slocum - #373 Slocum and the Woman Sold to the Comanche *** Slocum - #374 Slocum and the Gift Horse *** Slocum - #375 Slocum's Snake Oil *** Slocum - #384 Slocum and the Dynamite Kid; *** Slocum - #365 Slocum and the Family Business; *** Slocum - #367 Slocum and the Medicine Man; *** Slocum - #368 Slocum and the Belle Starr; *** Slocum - #369 Slocum and the Living Dead Man; *** Slocum - #370 Slocum and the Four Range War; *** Slocum - #371 Slocum and the Backshooters; *** Slocum - #373 Slocum and the Woman Sold to the Comanche; *** Slocum - #374 Slocum and the Gift Horse; *** Slocum - #375 Slocum 's Snake Oil; *** Slocum - #NN - The Comanche's Woman *** Slocum - #NN - Iron Mustang *** Slocum - #NN - North to Dakota *** Slocum - #NN - Ride for Revenge *** Slocum - #NN - Ride, Slocum Ride *** Slocum - #NN - See Texas And Die *** Slocum - #NN - Shotguns From Hell *** Slocum - #NN - Slocum's Fire *** Slocum - #NN - Slocum's Gold *** Slocum - #NN - Slocum's Grave *** Slocum - #NN - Slocum's Revenge *** Slocum - #NN - Slocum's Slaughter *** Slocum - #NN - Slow Death *** Slocum - #NN - White Hell
LOMAX, BLISS ;(aka - Drago, Harry Sinclair)
*** Appointment on the Yellowstone ***COLT COMRADES *** The Fight for the Sweetwater *** Guns Along the Yellowstone *** Gunsmoke and Trail Dust *** Honky-Tonk Woman *** It Happened at Thunder River *** Last Call for a Gunfighter *** The Law Bringers *** The lw Busters *** The Lawless Guns *** The Loner *** The Lost Buckaroo *** Pardners of the Badlands *** The Phantom Corral *** Riders of the Buffalo Grass *** Rusty Guns *** Sagebrush Bandit *** Shadow Mountain *** Stranger with a Gun
(Series; Angel Eyes); *** Angel Eyes - #1 The Miracle of Revenge *** Angel Eyes - 32 Death's Angel *** Angel Eyes - #4 Chinatown Justice *** Angel Eyes - #5 Logan's Army
(Series; Ruff Justice);
*** Ruff Justice - #1 Sudden Thunder *** Ruff Justice - #2 Night of the Apache *** Ruff Justice - #3 Blood on the Moon *** Ruff Justice - #5 Valley of Golden Tombs *** Ruff Justice - #9 Windwolf *** Ruff Justice - #12 Petticoat Express *** Ruff Justice - #13 Powder Lode *** Ruff Justice - #14 The Stone Warriors *** Ruff Justice - #17 Drum Roll
*** Ruff Justice - #18 The Riverboat Queen *** Ruff Justice - #19 Frenchman's Pass *** Ruff Justice - #21 The Denver Duchess *** Ruff Justice - #24 Flame River; *** Ruff Justice - #26 Twisted Arrow *** Ruff Justice - #27 The Thunder Riders
*** Cheyenne War Cry *** Hang the Men High *** The Hard Riders *** Johnny Concho (with Harmon, David); *** Rim of the Caprock *** Short Cut to Red River *** The Twilighters *** West to the Sun *** Wild Country
*** Series; Ash Tallman); *** Ash Tallman - #1 The Highbinders *** Ash Tallman - #2 Crossfire *** Ash Tallman - #3 The Wages of Sin
LOTT, MILTON ; *** Dance Back the Buffalo *** The Last Hunt
LUCAS, WALTER - Blood Red River;
LUCEY, JAMES D. ; - Shackle
LUCKEY, WILLIAM A. ; - Fire Basin
LUPTON, LEONARD ; - Canyon Country
LUTZ, GILES ; The Bleeding Land *** Blood Feud *** The Challenger *** The Demanding Land **** The Echo *** Fight or Run; *** The Fued *** Forked Tongue *** Fort Apache *** The Golden Land *** The Great Railroad War *** The Grudge *** Gun Rich *** Halfway to Hell *** The Hardy Breed *** Killer's Trail *** Law of the Trigger **** *** The Lonely Ride *** The Long Cold Wind *** Lure of the Outlaw Trail **** The Magnificent Failure **** Man on the Run *** Montana Crossing *** My Brother's Keeper **** Nemesis of Circle A *** Night of the Cattlemen *** The Offenders *** Outcast Gun *** The Ragged Edge *** Relentless Gun *** Reprisal! *** The Shoot Out *** Stagecoach to Hell *** Thieves' Brand *** A Time For Vengeance *** To Hell-And Texas *** The Trespassers *** The Trouble Borrower *** The Turn Around *** The Unbeaten *** The Way Homeward *** The Wild Quarry
--- M ---
Action at Arcanum *** Ambush at Scorpion Valley *** Bullet Trail *** California Gunman *** The Comanche Scalp *** The Crimson Quirt *** The Deputy of Carabina *** Fighting Kid from Eldorado *** The Gun Branders *** Hellgate *** Incident at Horcado City *** King of Crazy River *** Lighning Swift *** Marked Deck at Topango Wells *** Mesquiteer Mavericks *** Mascarada Pas *** The Phantom Pass *** Powder Smoke *** Powdersmoke Justice **** Powdersmoke Range *** The Range Kid *** Rebel Ranger *** The Red Rider of Smoky Range *** The Riddle of Ramrod Ridge *** Riders of the Whistling Skull *** Roaring Lead *** The Shadow Rider *** "Shoot Him on Sight!!" *** Showdown Trail *** The Singing Scorpion *** Six-Gun Melody *** Stir Up the Dust *** The Sunrise Guns *** Three-Notch Cameron *** Thunderbird Trail *** Two-Gun Deputy *** The Vanishing Gun-Slinger *** Wheels in the Dust **** Whiplash; *** Wildcat Range;
MACKENZIE, PIERCE ; *** The Fleecing of Fodder City *** Winner Take Nothing
MACLEAN, ALISTAIR ; - Breakheart Pass
MACLEOD, ROBERT ; *** Ambush at Junction Rock *** Apache Tears *** The Appaloosa *** The Californio *** Feather in the Wind *** The Muleskinner *** The Running Gun *** Six Guns South
MADDEN, G. S. ; The Quest;
(Series; Slaughter and Son); Slaughter and Son - #1 Slaughter and Son *** Slaughter and Son - #4 Death in Durango
MANFRED, FREDERICK ; Conquering Horse *** King of Spades *** Lord Grizzly *** The Manly-Hearted Woman *** Riders of Judgement *** Scarlet Plume
MANN, E.B. ;
*** The Avenger/ Colt Crusade *** Buzzards of Apache Gap/ Return of the Gun-Cub *** Dead Man's Gorge *** Killer's Range *** Masked Outlaw / The Gun *** Men of Blood
*** Shootin' Melody *** Stampede *** Trouble for Ben Meldoy *** The Whistler
MANN, E.B. & ARTHUR, BURT (Double novel) ; - Claim Jumpers / Deadman's Gulch
MANN, E.B. & COBURN, WALT (Double novel) ; - Murder Trail / Showdown Mesa **** The Gunners/ Montana Man
American Blood **** Battle of the Teton Basin **** The Black Jacks **** Falconer's Law **** Gun Justice **** Gunmaster **** High Country **** Mountain Courage *** Mountain Massacre *** Mountain Passage ***** Mountain Vengeance **** Texas Bound
MANNING, ROY ; *** Renegade Ranch *** Tangled Trail
MARIUS, RICHARD ; Bound for the Promise Land;
MARKEY, GENE ; - Kingdom of the Spur
(MARGULIES, LEO (ED) ; - Selected Western Stories
MARRIOTT, ALICE ; Plains Indian Mythology (with Rachlin, Carol K.)
MARSHALL, EDISON ; *** Bullets at Clearwater **** The Deputy at Snow Mountain *** Trail's End
MARSHALL, GARY - Down Mexico Way
MARSHAL, MEL ; *** Buffalo *** Buffalo Hunt *** Drift Fence *** Flaasflood *** Gato *** Lannigan's Revenge *** Longhorns North *** Long-Rider *** McQuade *** Two Funerals for Tombstone
MARTIN, CHARLES M. ; - Lost River Buckaroos
*** Boothill Gospel *** Day of Vengeance *** The Deputies from Hell *** The Fastest Gun *** Gunsmoke and Guts *** Gunsmoke Bonanza *** Law for Tombstone *** The Lobo Breed *** Montana Dead-Shot *** Sixgun Helltown *** Tall in the Saddle *** Two-Gun Fury
(Series; Bolt);
*** Bolt - #1 First Blood *** Bolt - #2 Dead Man's Bounty *** Bolt - #3 Showdown at Black Mesa *** Bolt - #5 Shootout at Santa Fe *** Bolt - #6 Tombstone Honeypot
*** Bolt - #7 Rawhide Woman *** Bolt - #8 Hard in the Saddle *** Bolt - #9 Badman's Bordello *** Bolt - #10 Bawdy House Showdown *** Bolt - #11 The Last Bordello
*** Bolt - #18 Queen of Hearts *** Bolt - #20 Six-Guns and Silk *** Bolt - #21 Deadly Withdrawal *** Bolt - #23 Hook or Crook
MARTIN, CY ; - Hell at White Pass
MARTIN, GIL ; *** Bad Times Coming *** Flashflood
MARTIN, LARRY JAY – The Devil's Bounty; *** El Lazo;
MARTY, SID - Men for the Mountains
MASON, CHUCK ; - Hell Branded
MASON, DAN ; (Series; The Ranger); The Ranger - #2 Comanche Raiders *** The Ranger - #8 The End of the Line
MASON, F. VAN WYCK End of Track **** Wild Drum Beat;
(Series; Faro Blake);
*** Faro Blake - #1 The Big Gamble *** Faro Blake - #2 Luck of the Draw *** Faro Blake - #3 Threes are Wild *** Faro Blake - #4 Diamond Flush *** Faro Blake - #5 Riverboat Showdown *** Faro Blake - #6 Four of a Kind *** Faro Blake - #7 Bottom Deal *** Faro Blake - #9 Boomtown Bustout *** Faro Blake - #10 Mexiccan Standoff *** Faro Blake - #11 Six-Gun Poker *** Faro Blake - #12 Devil's Jackpot *** Faro Blake - #13 Fast Shuffle *** Faro Blake - #14 Full House *** Faro Blake - #15 Place Your Bets *** Faro Blake - #16 Stacked Deck *** Faro Blake - #18 High Card *** Faro Blake - #19 Call the Turn *** Faro Blake - #20 Inside Straight *** Faro Blake - #21 Deuces to Open *** Faro Blake - #22 Loaded Dice *** Faro Blake - #23 Long Odds *** Faro Blake - #24 Stagg Night *** Faro Blake - #25 Close to the Vest *** Faro Blake - #28 Cashing In *** Faro Blake - #29 Double or Nothing *** Faro Blake - #30 Devil's Gambi*** *** Faro Blake - #31 Up for Grabs
MASTERSON, J.B. ; *** Rudge
MASTERSON, LOUIS ; *** Blood and Gold *** Bloody Earth *** The Day of Death *** Duel in Tombstone;
MATHESON, RICHARD By the Gun *** The Gunfight **** Shadow on the Sun
MASTERSON, WHIT ; - A Shadow in the Wild
MATHIESON, THEODORE ; - The Nez Perce Indian War
MATTHEWS, GREG ; Heart of the Country *** Power in the Blood
MAULE, HARRY E. (ed); The Pocket Book of Western Stories;
MAYHAR, ARDATH - Island in the Lake
McCAIG, ROBERT ; *** The Burntwood Men *** The Danger Trail *** The Devil's Band *** Drowned Man's Lode *** Haywire Town *** The Shadow Maker *** Toll Mountian
McCARTHY, GARY ; *** Blood Brothers; *** Bordertown Justice *** The Derby Man *** The Gila River *** The Gringo Amigo (Gunsmoke Series) Gunsmoke - #1 Gunsmoke **** Gunsmoke - #2 Dead Man's Witness **** Gunsmoke - #3 Marshal Festus ***** (SERIES – The Horsemen); #1 The Horsemen *** The Horsemen #2 Cherokee Lighthorse; *** The Horsemen #3 Texas Mutangers *** The Horsemen #4 Blue Bullet *** The Horsemen #5 Stallion Valley; **** Mando **** Mustang Fever *** North Chase *** The Pony Express War *** The Rail Warriors **** (SERIES – Rivers West); Rivers West - #3 The Colorado **** Rivers West - #5 The Russian River; Rivers West#7 The American River **** Rivers West #NN The Cimarron River; **** Rivers West #NN The Gila River; *** Showdown at Snakegrass Junction *** Yosemite
McCCORD, JOHN S. ; (SERIES – The Baynes Clan #NN California Eagles; *** The Baynes Clan #NN Montana Horseman; *** The Baynes Clan #NN Nevada Tough; *** The Baynes Clan #NN Texas Comebacker; *** The Baynes Clan #NN Wyoming Giant; *** Walking Hawk;
McCOY, MARSHALL ; Big Lobo *** Justice for Jenner *** The Killers Came at Noon *** Limbo Pass *** A Man Called Drago *** No Gun is Neutal *** Seven Westbound *** Wheels Out of Jericho
McCOY, MAX; I, Quantrill Sons of Fire *** The Wild Rider;
McCOY, RON ; Thieves' Road;
McCREEDE, JESS - Big Horn Massacre *** Colorado Ambush;
McCULLEY, JOHNSTON ; *** The Cougar Kid *** Gunsight Showdown *** Gunsmoke Vengeance! *** The Mark of Zorro
(Series; Carmody);
*** Carmody - Hangtown *** Carmody - Screaming on the Wire *** Carmody - The Slavers *** Carmody - Tall Man Riding *** Carmody - Tough Bullet
(Series Double; Carmody);
- Tough Bullet / The Killers
(Series; Sundance);
*** Sundance - Apache War *** Sundance - #39 Buffalo War *** Sundance - #41 The Cage *** Sundance - Choctaw County War *** Sundance - Drumfire *** Sundance - Gold Strike *** Sundance - Hangman's Knot *** Sundance - The Hunters *** Sundance - #37 Iron Men *** Sundance – The Marauders *** Sundance – The Marauders/Day of the Halfbreeds *** Sundance - The Savage/ Gold Strike *** Sundance - The Savage *** Sundance - Scorpion *** Sundance - Texas Empire *** Sundance – Tough Bullet/ The Killers; *** Sundance - War Trail
McDONALD, M.C. ; -Witch Doctor
(Series; Preacher's Law);
*** Preacher's Law - #1 Widow Maker *** Preacher's Law - NN - Widow Maker / Trail of Death
McELROY, LEE ; - Joe Pepper **** Long Way to Texas;
McGREGOR, DONALD – Renegade Riders;
McGUANE, THOMAS ; - The Missouri Breaks
McGUIRE, TIM – Gold of Cortes *** Nobility;
McLAGLEN, JOHN J. (pseudonym for John Harvey );
(Series; Herne the Hunter); Herne the Hunter - #3 The Black Widow
(Series; The Ramseys);
The Ramseys - #1 The Ramsey; *** The Ramseys - #2 Ramsey's Luck **** The Ramseys - #3 Matt Ramsey; **** The Ramseys - #6 Death Trail **** The Ramseys - #8 The Deadly Stranger **** The Ramseys - #10 Bad Blood **** The Ramseys - #11 Death Hunt **** The Ramseys - #13 Ramsey's Law; *** The Ramseys - #14 Blood Storm **** The Ramseys - #16 Blood Oath***** The Ramseys - #17 Range War
MCMASTERS, JAKE – (White Apache) #3 Warrior Born *** (White Apache) #7 Blood Bounty *** (White Apache) #8 The Trackers *** (White Apache) #10 Hanged!; *** White Apache Bloodbath / Blood Treachery;
McMURTY, LARRY ; *** Anything for Billy *** Folly and Glory *** Sin Killer *** Streets of Laredo
McNICHOLS, CHARLES L. ; - Crazy Weather
MENEGAS, PETER ; - Mrs. Bad Gun
MENSING, STEVE ; - Gold in the Black Hills *** South of Nogales
MEREDITH, SCOTT (ED) ; *** Bar 4 Roundup of Best Western Stories *** Bar 5 Roundup of Best Western Stories *** Bar 6 Roundup of Best Western Stories
MERRIMAN, CHAD ; *** The Avengers *** Blood on the Sun *** Bunch Quitter **** Colorado Gold *** Hard Country *** The Harsh Range *** Mighty Big River *** Snakehead
MICHAELS, DALE ; - The Warring Breed
MILIUS, JOHN ; - The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean
*** Blood for a Dirty Dollar *** Cahill *** The Devil's Dollar Sign
MILLER, JIM ; - Border Marshall *** Comanche Trail;
(Series; The Ex-Rangers);
*** The Ex-Rangers - #2 The Long Rope *** The Ex-Rangers - #3 Hell With the Hide Off *** The Ex-Rangers - #4 Too Many Drifters *** The Ex-Rangers - #6 The 600 Mile Stretch; *** The Ex-Rangers - #10 The Stranger from Nowhere;
(Series; The Long Guns);
*** The Long Guns - NN The Brass *** The Long Guns - NN Spencer's Revenge *** Sunset;
*** The Oldtimers in the Sangre De Cristos;
MILLER, ROD ; Gallows for a Gunman;
MILLER, TEVIS ; - Gun-Play in Killer Canyon;
MILLS, ROBERT E. ; *** The Cheyenne's Woman *** The Kansan's Lady; **** Showdown at Hell's Canyon *** War Flesh and Hot Lead
MITRAHI, J.V. ; - Horse Soldier
MITCHELL, JAY ; - Kansas Blood
(Series; Stagecoach Station);
*** Stagecoach Station - #1 Dodge City *** Stagecoach Station - #2 Laredo *** Stagecoach Station - #3 Cheyenne *** Stagecoach Station - #4 Tombstone **** Stagecoach Station #5 Virginia City **** Stagecoach Station #6 Sante Fe *** Stagecoach Station - #7 Seattle *** Stagecoach Station - #8 Fort Yuma *** Stagecoach Station - #9 Sonora *** Stagecoach Station - #10 Abilene *** Stagecoach Station - #11 Deadwood *** Stagecoach Station - #12 Tucson *** Stagecoach Station - #13 Carson City *** Stagecoach Station - #14 Cimarron *** Stagecoach Station - #15 Wichita *** Stagecoach Station - #16 Mojave *** Stagecoach Station - #17 Durango *** Stagecoach Station - #18 Casa Grande; *** Stagecoach Station - #19 Last Chance *** Stagecoach Station - #20 Leadville *** Stagecoach Station - #22 Devil's Canyon *** Stagecoach Station - #23 El Pso *** Stagecoach Station - #24 Mesa Verde *** Stagecoach Station - #25 San Antonio *** Stagecoach Station #27 Pecos; *** Stagecoach Station #28 El Dorado *** Stagecoach Station - #31 Royal Coach; *** Stagecoach Station - #32 Taos *** Stagecoach Station - #34 Deadman Butte *** Stagecoach Station - #35 Bonanza City *** Stagecoach Station - #36 Casper; *** Stagecoach Station - #38 Grand Teton *** Stagecoach Station - #40 Silverado *** Stagecoach Station - #41 Red Buffalo *** Stagecoach Station - #48 Buffalo Station *** Stagecoach Station - #51 Wild West *** Stagecoach Station - #52 The Last Frontier;
MOBERG, VILHELM ; The Emigrants #1 *** The Emigrants - #2 Unto a Good Land; *** The Emigrants - #3 The Settlers; *** The Emigrants - #4 Last Letter Home; *** A Time on Earth;
MOMADAY, N. SCOTT ; - The Way to Rainy Mountain
MONAGHAN, JAY ; - The Great Rascal
MOORE, ART ; - Trackdown
MOORE, ARTHUR ; Across the Red River *** The Burning Sky *** Dead or Alive *** The Game of Death *** The Kid From Rincon *** Look Down, Look Down *** A Man Called Alamo *** The Outlaws *** The Raiders *** The Ravagers *** Rebel *** Trackdown (Art Moore);
MOORE, LUCIA ; - The Wheel and the Hearth
MOOREHEAD, ALAN ; - Cooper's Creek
MORALES. SEBASTIAN ; *** The Gun Runners *** Trail of Blood
MORAN, MOORE - Across the Mesas;
MORGAN, G.J. ; Border Fury **** Hell on Wheels; **** Trail of Death
MORGAN, LEE - “McMasters”
MULFORD, CLARENCE E. ; *** Bar-20 Days *** Hopalong Cassidy Returns *** Hopalong Cassidy Takes Cards *** The Orphan Outlaw
MULLER, CHARLES G. ; Bloody Sundown;
MURRAY, EARL ; The Horse Ranch *** Mountain Sheriff;
MURRAY, H.S. ; - The Renegades
MYERS, BARRY ; Preacher's Law - #6 Rebel;
MYERS, JOHN MYERS ; *** The Alamo *** Dead Warrior *** Doc Holliday
--- N ---
NAUGHTON, EDMUND ; *** McCabe *** The Pardner
NEIDER, CHARLES ; - The Authentic Death of Hendry Jones ;;
NEIHARDT, JOHN G. ; - Black Elk Speaks **** When the Tree Flowered
NELSON, AL P. ; *** Brand of the Outlaw *** Bullets for Badwater
NEWCOMB, KERRY – Guns of Liberty; *** Jack Iron; *** Only the Gallant; *** Sacred is the Wind; **** Scorpion *** Sword of Venegeance; *** Warriors of the Night;
NEWSOM, ED. ; - Wagons to Tucson
*** Bounty on Bannister *** Broken Spur **** Bullets on the Wind *** Fury at Three Forks *** Guns Along the Wickiup *** Guns of Warbonnet *** The Judas Horse *** The Land Grabbers *** The Manhunters *** Massacre Valley *** Maverick Brand *** On the Dodge *** Range Boss *** Range Tramp *** The Savage Hills *** Six-Gun Gamble *** Syndicate Gun *** Triple Trouble
NICHOLS, JAMES D. ; Bullwhacker
NICHOLS, JAMES AND C. M. ; Bird Hunter;
NO-FRILLS BOOK ; No Frills Book Wesern
NORDYKE, LEWIS – John Wesley Hardin: Texas Gunman;
NORMAN, DAVID ; - The Forty-Niners
NORMAN, JAMES ; Cimarron Trace
NORMAN, MARC - Oklahoma Crude
*** Arizona Renegade *** Bancroft's Banco *** Bancroft's Banco / The Seven Six-Gunners *** Bandido *** Born to Trouble *** Boss Gun *** Breed of the Chaparal *** A Bullet for Billy the Kid; *** *** A Bullet for Billy the Kid / Tough Company *** Cartridge-Case Law *** The Clifton Contract *** The Desert Desperados *** Desert of the Damned *** Frontier Scout *** Gringo *** Gun Feud at Tiedown *** Gun Feud at Tiedown / Rogue's Rendevous *** Gunfighter at the O.K. Corral *** Gunfighter Breed *** Gun-Hunt for the Sundance Kid *** Gunshot Trail *** Gunslick Mountain *** Guns of Arizona *** Guns of Horse Prairie **** Hellbound for Ballarat *** Hideout Mountain *** Hired Hand *** Iron Hand *** Iron Hand / The No-Gun Fighter *** Kelly *** The Killer Breed *** The Last Bullet *** The Lonely Grass *** Long Run *** A Lost Mine Named Salvation *** The Marshal of Pioche *** Maverick Marshal *** Once in the Saddle *** The One-Shot Kid *** The Overlanders *** The Parson Of Gunbarrel Basin *** Pistols for Hire *** Quick-Fire Hombre *** Rafe *** Ramrod Vengeance *** Rider on the Roan *** Riders by Night *** Ride the Wild Plains *** Rugue's Rendezvous
*** Saddle Bow Slim *** Shotgun Law *** Single Action *** Strawberry Roan **** The Sure-Fire Kid/ Wildcats of Tonto Basin **** The Texas Gun *** They Won Thier Spurs *** Thief River *** Tornado on Horseback *** Trial of Lost Skulls *** Trigger-Finger Law *** The Trouble at Pena Blanca *** Trouble at Quinn's Crossing *** Trouble on the Tonto Rim *** Wide Loop *** The Wolf That Rode *** Wolftrap
NYE, NELSON & WARD, BRAD (Double Novel) ; - Maverick Marshal / Thirty Notches
--- O ---
OBETS, BOB ; - Blood Moon Range
O'BRIAN, FRANK (pseudonym of Brian Francis Wynne Garfield – author of Death Wish & Hopscotch) *** Arizona *** Bugle and Spur
O'BRIEN, SALIEE ; - Blood West
O'CONNER, RICHARD ; *** Company Q *** Guns of Chickamuaga *** Pat Garrett *** Wild Bill Hickok
OLIVER, CHAD ; The Wolf is my Brother
OLSEN, D.B.The Night of the Bowstring
OLSEN, T.V.“ *** Canyon of the Gun/ Haven of the Hunted **** “There was a Season”
OLSEN, USTIN ; - Corcho Bliss
*** Arrow in the Sun *** Bitter Grass *** Blizzard Pass *** Bonner's Stallion *** Brand of the Star *** The Burning Sky *** Canyon of the Gun *** Day of the Buzzard *** Eye of the Wolf
*** Gunswift *** The Hard Men *** Haven of the Hunted *** High Lawless *** A Killer is Waiting *** Lone Hand *** A Man Called Brazos *** A Man Called Brazos / Brand of the Star *** The Man From Nowhere *** The Man From Nowhere / Bitter Grass *** A Man Named Yuma *** McGivern/ The Hard Men *** Mission to the West *** Ramrod Rider *** Rattlesnake *** Run to the Mountain *** Run to the Mountain / Day of the Buzzard *** Savage Sierra *** Soldier Blue *** The Stalking Moon *** Summer of the Drums *** Track the Man Down *** Westward They Rode
OLSEN, GENE ; *** Last Night at Black Hammer *** Stampede at Blue Springs
O'MARA, JIM ; *** Guns of Vengenace *** Wall of Guns
O'MEARA, WALTER ; - The Grand Portage
O'REILLY, JACKSON ; - Cheyenne Raiders;
*** Action at three Peaks *** Ambuscade *** Badger *** Bandoleer Crossing *** Battle Royal *** The Big Fifty *** Blackwater *** The Bravados *** Concannon *** Dakota Rifle *** Desperate Rider *** Gold Under Skull Peak *** The Great Bank Robbery *** Gun Hand *** Gunsmoke Over Big Muddy *** Hard Men *** High Vengeance *** The Last Chance *** Latigo *** Legend in the Dust *** Ride West *** Segundo *** The Shotgun Man *** A Texan Came Riding *** Thunder in the Sun **** Thunder on the Buckhorn *** Violence at Sundown *** Violent Country *** Warbonnet Law
(Series; Molly);
*** Molly - #1 Molly and the Gold Baron *** Molly - #2 Molly on the Outlaw Trail *** Molly - #3 Molly and the Indian Agent *** Molly - #4 Molly and the Railroad Tycoon *** Molly - #5 Molly and the Gambler
*** The Bitter Night *** Brand 99; *** Buckaroo's Code *** Buckskin Man *** The Carnady Feud **** Cast a Long Shadow *** The Cattle Queen Feud *** Danger Patrol **** Day of Judgement *** Draw or Drag *** The Dry Gulcher *** Fabulous Gunman *** A Gun for Johnny Deere *** Gunlock *** Hearn's Valley *** The Judas Gun *** The Lone Deputy *** The Long Trail North *** The Mason County War *** Nightmare in Broken Bow *** The Noose *** North to Deadwood *** Red Snow *** Return of the Kid *** Revenge at Crow City *** Ride Into Danger *** The Riders of Carne Cove / Last Cowman of Lost Squaw Valley *** The Snake Stomper *** Standoff at the River *** Steel to the South *** Summer of the Sioux *** Sun on the Wall *** To the Far Mountains *** Tough Hand *** The Trial of Billy Peale *** The Trouble Kid *** Valley of Guns *** Valley of Guns/ Cast a Long Shadow” **** The Violent Land *** War in Sandoval County *** West of the Rimrock **** West of Rimrock/ Draw or Drag;
*** Brush Rider *** Brute Brasada *** Double Eagle *** Golden Empire *** Gun Down in Quintana *** Guns of Spring *** Guns to the Sunset *** A Killer's Bargain *** Kingsnake *** Last-Chance Range **** The Latchy Gun *** The Outlaws *** Pistol Belt *** Rawhider from Texas *** Rebel of Broken Wheel *** Rebel Ramrod *** Red Rock Rifle *** Rifle Pass *** The Sam Houston Story *** Trackdown *** Triple target
OWEN, LEWIS ; - The Indian-Lover
--- P ---
PAINE, LAURAN ; The Bandoleros *** The Horseman *** The Marshal *** The New Mexico Heritage *** Rain Valley *** Skye *** The White Bird
PALMER, BERNARD ; *** Breck's Choice *** Hunted Gun *** Kid Breckenridge;
PARK, C.S. ; *** Showdown at Pistol Flat;
*** The Assassins; *** Blood and Dust *** Distant Thunder *** The Far Battleground *** The Highbinders *** Nighthawk *** One Man's Justice *** The Predator's *** A Score to Settle *** The Searcher *** The Shadow Man *** The Shanghaiers *** Skinner *** The Slavers *** Winter Woman;
PARKER, GEORES ; Guaracha Trail;
PARKHILL, FORBES ; *** The Last of the Indian Wars *** Troopers West
PARKINSON, DAN ; *** Brother Wolf *** Calamity Trail *** Dust on the Wind *** Jubilation Gap *** The Last Long Rifle *** Ride the Devil's Trail *** The Sundown Breed *** Thunderland *** The Westering
PARKMAN, FRANCIS ; - The Oregon Trail
PARSONS, E.M. ; *** The Easy Gun *** Fargo **** Texas Heller
PASHKO, STANLEY (ED) ; - Red Sun at Noon and Other Stories
PATON, CAL ; *** Last Chance *** Silver Heels
*** Ambush at Soda Creek *** The Angry Horsemen *** The Angry Town of Pawnee Bluffs *** Apache Hostage *** Apache Hostage / Law of the Gun *** The Arrogant Guns *** Best of the West - The Law in Cottonwood *** Bones of the Buffalo *** Boothill Deputy *** Bounty Man *** Bounty Man / the Killings at Coyote Springs *** Cheyenne Drums *** The Cheyenne Pool *** A Death in Indian Wells *** Death of a Gunfighter *** Death Rides a Black Horse *** Death Stalks Yellow-Horse *** Five Rode West *** The Gallows at Graneros *** Giant on Horseback *** Guilt of a Killer Town / Massacre Ridge *** The Gun of Jesse Hand *** Guns at Gray Butte *** The Hide Hunters *** Home is the Outlaw *** Hunt the Man Down / Cheyenne Captives **** The Killer From Yuma *** A Killing in Kiowa *** A Killing in Kiowa / The Feud at Chimney Rock *** The law in Cotonwood / Prodigal Gunfigher *** The Lawless Breed *** Law of the Gun *** Lynching at Broken Butte/ Sunblade **** Lynching at Broken Butte *** Man Outgunned *** The Man Who Rode Alone *** Massacre Ridge *** No God In Saguaro *** The Odds Against Circle L *** The Ordeal of Jason Ord *** Outlaw Canyon *** Posse From Poison Creek *** Prodigal Gunfighter *** Proudly They Die *** Pursuit *** Red Runs the River *** The Red Sabbath *** Redskin *** Renegade Gun *** Ride for Vengeance *** Ride the Hot Wind *** The Ruthless Range *** Savage Town *** Sharpshod / They Called Him a Killer *** Six Ways of Dying *** The Star and the Gun *** The Tarnished Star *** The Tired Gun *** Top Man With a Gun *** Track of the Hunter *** The Trials of Judas Wiley *** Two for Vengeance *** Vengeance Rider *** White Warrior **** The Youngerman Guns
PATTERSON, ROD ; - Whip Hand
PAUL, ELLOIT ; - A Ghost Town on the Yellowstone
PAULSEN, GARY ; - Murphy
PAYNE, ROBERT ; - The Chieftan
PAYNE, STEPHEN ; *** Cowboy Stories *** The Pick of the Roundup *** Trail of the Vanishing Ranchers / Room to Swing a Loop
PEACE, FRANK ; - The Brass Brigade
PEARCE, DICK ; *** Hell or High Water *** The Restless Border
PECK, ROBERT NEWTON ; - Eagle Fur **** Fawn
*** Gun Feud at Stampede Valley *** The Lobo Horseman **** Outlaw Vengeance
PEIL, PAUL LESLIE ; *** Comanche Crossing *** Tucson
PENDEXTER, HUGH ; The Flaming Frontier;
PENDLETON, FORD ; Hell Rider *** Outlaw Justice
PENNINGTON, LINK ; (Series; Slade); *** Slade - #2 Escape From Montana *** Slade - #3 Return to Dodge City
PERRY, RICHARD ; The Broken Land;
PETERSON, HAROLD ; The Last of the Mountain Men;
PHILIPS, JUDSON ; Peter Syles Mystery - #5 Hot Summer Killing;
THE PICK OF THE ROUNDUP (Western Writers of America);
PIKE, CHARLES R. ; Jubal Cade Western - #1 The Killing Trail *** Jubal Cade Western - #2 Double Cross
(Series; Kenny Rodgers' The Gambler); *** Kenny Rodgers' The Gambler - Dead Man's Hand *** Kenny Rodgers' The Gambler - Jokers Are Wild
PLENN, J.H. ; - Texas Hellion *** (with Laroche, C.J.) The Fastest Gun in Texas;
POHLE, ROBERT ; - The Fledging Outlaw
POOLE, GARY ; - The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again
POOLE, RICHARD ; *** Gun Vote at Valdoro *** The Peacemaker *** West of Devil's Canyon
POOLE, ROBERT ; *** Sonora Guns;
PORTER, C. FAYNE ; The Battle of the 1,000 Slain
PORTER, DONALD CLAYTON – Pony Express **** (The White Indian Series) The White Indian Series #4 “The Sachem” *** The White Indian Series - #6 Tomahawk **** The White Indian Series #8 “Ambush” **** The White Indian Series #9 “Seneca” **** The White Indian Series #11 “Choctaw”;
PORTER, WILLIAM ; - The Lawbringer
POWELL, JAMES ; *** Deathwind *** Vendetta
POWERS, PAUL S. ; - Six-Gun Doctor (Bantam Pub; Book #832; 1950);
PRATE, KIT ; *** Greenhorn Stampede *** Wild Texas Winds
PRATT, THEODORE ; - Seminole
PREBBLE, JOHN ; - The Buffalo Soldiers **** Spanish Stirrup and Other Stories
PREECE, HAROLD ; - The Dalton Gang
PRESCOTT, JOHN ; *** Guns of Hell Valley *** Ordeal *** Treasure of the Black Hills *** Valley of Wrath *** Wagon Train
PROCTOR, GEO W. ; Comes the Hunter **** Ride for Vengeance
PRONZINI, BILL – The Hangings;
PRONZINI, BILL / GREENBURG, MARTIN H. (ED) ; *** Best of the West III *** Christmas Out West *** The Cowboys *** The Gunfighters The Best of the West *** The Horse Soldiers *** The Texans
PURDUM, HERBERT ; - My Brother John
--- Q ---
QUARLES, JOHNNY ; - Fool's Gold *** Spirit Trail
--- R ---
Arizona Guns *** The Bandit Trail *** Beyond the Rio Grande *** The Big-Town Round-up *** The Black Tolts *** Border Breed *** Bycky Follows a Cold Trail *** Challenge to Danger *** Clattering Hoofs *** Desert Feud *** Dry Bones in the Valley *** Dry Gulch Trail *** Famous Sheriffs and Western Outlaws; *** The Fighting Edge *** A Gun For Tom Fallon *** Gun Showdown *** Gunsight Pass *** Gunsmoke Trail *** Guns of the Frontier *** Hell and High Water *** High Grass Valley *** Ironheart *** Justice Comes to Tomahawk *** King of the Bush *** Man-Size *** Oh, You Tex! *** On the Dodge *** Pistol Pardners *** Powdersmoke Feud *** Powdersmoke Feud / Clattering Hoofs *** Range beyond the Law *** Ranger's Luck *** Reluctant Gunman *** Riders of Buck River *** Ride the River *** The River Bend Feud *** Roaring River *** Run of the Brush *** Rustlers' Gap *** Ruthledge Trails the Ace of Spades *** Saddlebum *** The Sheriff's Son *** Six-Gun Feud *** The Six-Gun Kid *** Sons of the Saddle; *** Square-Shooter *** Steve Yeager *** Texas Breed *** The Texas Kid *** The Tough Tenderfoot *** The Trail of Danger *** Trail's End *** Under Northern Stars *** West of the Law *** Western Stories *** Yukon Trails
RALSTON, W.L. ; - Owlhoot Posse
RAMEY, J.J.R. ; - West of Paradise Run
RAND, MATT ; Gun-Hell at Big Bend *** Seven Seconds to Sundown *** The Sheriff of Hangman's Gulch
(Series; Amos Flagg);
*** Amos Flagg - Bushwhacked *** Amos Flagg - Has His Day *** Amos Flagg - High Gun *** Amos Flagg - Lawman *** Amos Flagg - Rides Out *** Boomer *** Hardcase for Hire *** The Oceola Kid *** Six-Gun Boss
RANDALL, JOSHUA ; (Series; The Bounty Hunter); The Bounty Hunter - #1 Double the Bounty *** The Bounty Hunter - #5 Broadway Bounty;
RANDISI, ROBERT J. - The Ghost with Blue Eyes *** Lancaster's Orphans *** The Lawman *** Miracle of the Jacal *** The Sons of Daniel Shaye **** Targett
RANDOLPH, FORREST A. ; - (Series; The Confederate); The Confederate - #2 Ride Beyond Glory
RAWFORD, W. C. ; Ranger Kirk
RAWHIDERS AND RENEGADES - (Dell D367; August, 1960)
RAY, WESLEY ; *** Damaron's Gun *** Long Day in Latigo
RAYMOND, JOHN ; - Buffalo River
RAYNOLDS, ROBERT ; Brothers in the West;
REASONER, JAMES- The Hunted *** Judgment Day **** Stark's Justice *** Under Outlaw Flags *** The Wilderness Road *** Wind River;
REDGATE, JOHN- Barlow's Kingdom;
REEDER, COLONEL RED ; The Mackenzie Raid;
*** Angel Range *** Lonesome Cowboy *** Richman's Range *** Richman's Range/ (by Ketchum, Philip) Gun Code *** The Sharpshooter *** Sierra Showdown *** Springfield .45 - 70 *** Sunblind Range *** They Don't Shoot Cowards *** The Wild One
REID, DESMOND ; The Babcock Boys
REINFIELD, FRED - Trappers of the West
(Series; The Badge);
*** The Badge - #1 Sundance *** The Badge - #2 The Faceless Man *** The Badge - #3 The Black Coffin *** The Badge - #4 Powder River *** The Badge - #5 London's Revenge *** The Badge - #6 The Showdown *** The Badge - #7 The Imposter *** The Badge - #8 The Stranger *** The Badge - #9 Backlash *** The Badge - #11 Dark Canyon *** The Badge - #13 The Outcast *** The Badge - #18 Cougar *** The Badge - #19 The Gunhawk *** The Badge - #22 Gun Trap
RENO, CLINT ; - Sierra Massacre **** Sun Mountain Slaughter;
RENO, JAMES ; - (SERIES = The Anthem Family #3 Shadow Walker; *** Texas Anthem *** Texas Anthem - #2 Texas Born;
REPP, EARL ; *** Gun Hawk *** Hell in the Saddle
RHODES, EUGENE MANLOVE ; Copper Streak Trail **** The Proud Sheriff *** Sunset Land
RHODES, RICHARD ; - The Ungodly
RICHARDS, DUSTY ; - The Lawless Land;
*** Carikaree Crossfire *** Death Rides the Dondrino *** The Deputy *** The Hard Men *** Hang Your Guns High! *** The Hard Men *** The Kansan *** Lash of Idaho *** Legacy of a Gunfighter *** Mojave Guns *** Montana Bad Man *** Rio Grande Riptide *** The Saga of Simon Fry *** The Utah Kid *** Wyoming Way (SERIES = Lashtrow: Lashrow - #5 Nevada Queen High *** Lashtrow - #7 Staked Plains Rendezvous;
RICHTER, CONRAD ; *** The Lady *** The Light in the Forest *** The Sea of Grass *** The Trees *** Tacy Cromwell
RICO, DON ; - The Last of the Breed (Lancer Pub; 1967);
RIDER, BRETT ; *** Circle C Carries On *** Circle C Moves In *** Death Stalks the Range *** Law of the Gun *** No Benefit of Law
RIEFE, ALAN ; *** A Fire in the Wind *** San Francisco
RIEFE, A.R.- Cheyenne **** Salt Lake City
RIFKIN, SHEPARD ; - Texas, Blood Red
RIGONI, ORLANDO ; Ambuscade *** Drove Rider **** Hunger Range **** Massacre Ranch *** Six-Gun Song *** Twisted Trails *** Western Vengenace
RIGSBY, HOWARD ; - The Lone Gun (Fawcett Gold Medal Pub; #S1369; 1963);
RILLA, WOLF ; - The Dispensable Man
RIPLEY, THOMAS ; - They Died with Their Boots On (Pocket Books Pub; #646; 1950);
RIVERA, PICO ; - The Amigos
ROARKE, MIKE - (The First Frontier) The First Frontier #1 Thunder in the East;
(Series; The Gunsmith);
*** The Gunsmith - #1 Macklin's Women *** The Gunsmith - #2 The Chinese Gunmen *** The Gunsmith - #3 The Woman Hunt *** The Gunsmith - #4 The Guns of Abilene
*** The Gunsmith - #5 Three Guns for Glory *** The Gunsmith - #6 Leadtown *** The Gunsmith - #9 Heavyweight Gun *** The Gunsmith - #10 New Orlean Fire
*** The Gunsmith - #11 One-Handed Gun *** The Gunsmith - #12 The Canadian Payroll *** The Gunsmith - #13 Draw to an Inside Death *** The Gunsmith - #14 Dead Man's Hand *** The Gunsmith - #15 Bandit Gold *** The Gunsmith - #16 Buckskins and Six-Guns *** The Gunsmith - #17 Silver War *** The Gunsmith - #18 High Noon at Lancaster *** The Gunsmith - #19 Bandido Blood *** The Gunsmith - #20 The Dodge City Gang *** The Gunsmith - #22 Bullets and Ballots *** The Gunsmith - #23 The Riverboat Gang *** The Gunsmith - #25 North of the Border *** The Gunsmith - #26 Eagle's Gap *** The Gunsmith - #27 Chinatown Hell *** The Gunsmith - #28 The Panhandle Search *** The Gunsmith - #29 Wildcat Roundup *** The Gunsmith - #30 The Ponderosa War *** The Gunsmith - #31 Trouble Rides a Fast Horse *** The Gunsmith - #32 Dynamite Justice *** The Gunsmith - #33 The Posse *** The Gunsmith - #34 Night of the Gilla *** The Gunsmith - #35 The Bounty Women *** The Gunsmith - #36 Black Pearl Saloon *** The Gunsmith - #37 Gundown in Paradise *** The Gunsmith - #38 King of the Border *** The Gunsmith - #39 The El Paso Salt War *** The Gunsmith - #40 The Ten Pines Killer *** The Gunsmith - #41 hell with a Pisto *** The Gunsmith - #42 The Wyoming Cattle Kill
*** The Gunsmith - #44 The Scarlet Gun *** The Gunsmith - #45 Navaho Devil *** The Gunsmith - #46 Wild Bill's Ghost *** The Gunsmith - #47 The Miner's Showdown
*** The Gunsmith - #48 Archie's Revenge *** The Gunsmith - #49 Showdown in Raton *** The Gunsmith - #50 When Legends Meet *** The Gunsmith - #52 The Diamond Gun *** The Gunsmith - #53 Denver Duo *** The Gunsmith - #54 Hell on Wheels *** The Gunsmith - #55 The legend Maker *** The Gunsmith - #58 The Deadly Healer
*** The Gunsmith - #60 Geronimo's Trail *** The Gunsmith - #61 The Cumstock Gold Fraud *** The Gunsmith - #63 Texas Trackdown; *** The Gunsmith - #64 The Fast Draw League; *** The Gunsmith - #65 Showdown in Rio Malo *** The Gunsmith - #66 Outlaw trail *** The Gunsmith - #67 Homesteader Guns *** The Gunsmith - #68 Five Card Death *** The Gunsmith - #69 Trail Drive to Montana *** The Gunsmith - #72 Daughter of Gold; *** The Gunsmith - #74 Plains Murder; *** The Gunsmith - #76 The Nevada Timber War *** The Gunsmith - #77 New Mexico Showdown *** The Gunsmith - #78 Barbed Wire and Bullets **** The Gunsmith - #83 Texas Ransom *** The Gunsmith #85 Winner Take All *** The Gunsmith - #92 The Arizona Triangle; *** The Gunsmith - #101 Dead Ringer; *** The Gunsmith - #112 Guns Don't Argue *** The Gunsmith - #125 The Godfather *** The Gunsmith - #131 The Witness *** The Gunsmith - #156 Dakota Guns *** The Gunsmith - #161 The Empty Gun *** The Gunsmith - #193 Texas Wind *** The Gunsmith - #194 Massacre at Rock Springs; *** The Gunsmith - #211 Son of a Gunsmith *** The Gunsmith - #220 End of the Trail *** The Gunsmith - #244 The Shadow of the Gunsmith *** The Gunsmith - #246 Dead Man's Eyes *** The Gunsmith - #269 The Hanging Tree *** The Gunsmith - #307 Red River Showdown; *** The Gunsmith - #309 Outlaw's Reckoning; *** The Gunsmith - #310 Way With a Gun; *** The Gunsmith - #311 To Reap and to Sow; *** The Gunsmith - #312 Under a Turquoise Sky; *** The Gunsmith - #313 Wildfire; *** The Gunsmith - #314 Sying Wish;; *** The Gunsmith - #316 Ace in the Hole; *** The Gunsmith - #318 Five Points; *** The Gunsmith - #320 Straw Men; ; *** The Gunsmith - #321 The Greater Evil; *** The Gunsmith - #322 Louisiana Shoot-out; ; *** The Gunsmith - #323 A Daughter's Revenge; ; *** The Gunsmith - #325 Red Water; ; *** The Gunsmith - #326 The Two-Gun Kid; *** The Gunsmith - #328 East of the River; *** The Gunsmith - #329 The Dublin Detective; *** The Gunsmith - #334 Message on the Wind; *** The Gunsmith - #335 Crossing he Line; ; *** The Gunsmith - #336 Bad Business; *** The Gunsmith - #337 Pariah; ; *** The Gunsmith - #339 The Lady Doctor's Alibi; ; *** The Gunsmith - #340 The Bisbee Massacre; *** The Gunsmith - #341 The Bandit Princess;
ROBERTS, MACLENNAN – The Great Locomotive Chase;
ROBERTS, MARK K. - Thunder Hooves
ROBERTS, R.M. ; *** All Our Days *** Smoke Wagon Road
ROBERTS, RICHARD EMERY ; *** Last Frontier *** Second Time Around
ROBERTSON, FRANK C. ; *** Disaster Valley *** Freewater Range *** Lawman's Pay *** The Powder Burner *** Rawhide *** Wanted: Dead or Alive *** Wild Riding Runt
ROBSON, LUCIA ST CLAIR ; - Ride the Wind
ROCK, PHILLIP ; *** The Cheyenne Social Club *** A Gunfight
*** Cowboy *** Hell Creek Cabin *** Home to Texas *** Leaving Kansas *** Old Kyle's Boy **** Old Marsden *** The Outsider; *** Reaching Colorado *** Stillwater Smith **** Trooper Donovan *** Winter Kill; *** The Wrangler;
ROE, KENN SHERWOOD ; *** Coyote Cry *** Moonblood
ROE, VINGIE E. ; *** Smoke Along the Plains *** West of Abilene
ROLAND, DONALD S. ; - Vengeance For Water Valley
ROSEN, KENNETH ; The Man to Send Rain Clouds (Ed.);
ROSS, DAVID WILLIAM ; Beyond the Stars;
ROSS, JIM ; Longhorns North;
ROSS, LILLIAN BUS ; - The Stranger
ROUNTREE, OWEN ; (Series; Cord); *** Cord - Cord *** Cord – The Black Hills Duel *** Cord - Gunman Winter *** Hunt the Man Down *** Cord – King of Colorado *** The Nevada War
RUDOLPH, ALAN / ALTMAN, ROBERT ; - Buffalo Bill and the Indians or Sitting Bull's History Lesson
RUSSELL, ANDY ; Horns in the High Country; *** Trails of a Wilderness Wanderer;
RUSSELL, SHANE ; - Bounty Trail
RUSSELL, SHELDON ; The Savage Trail;
RYAN, RILEY ; - The Dakota Deal
RYERSON, MARTIN ; *** Canyon Fire *** Gunfire at Purgatory Gate *** A Nest of Rattlers
--- S ---
ST. JAMES, DANIEL Brothers in Blood - #1; *** Brothers in Blood - #2 Trackdown; *** Brothers in Blood - #3 Cold Death
ST. PIERRE, DENNIS ; The Marshal;
SALE, RICHARD ; - The White Buffalo
(Series; Hawk); *** Hawk - #1 Hawk *** Hawk - #3 Blood Bait
SANDERS, JACQUIN ; - The Girls from Goldfield
SANDERS, LEONARD ; - The Marshall of Stud Horse Flats;
SANDOZ, MARI ; *** The Battle of Little Bighorn *** The Story Catcher
SANFORD, JOHN A. ; - Song of the Meadowlark
- Cowboy
SAUNDERS, MACK ; - Gun Trail
*** Beyond Wind River *** The Doctor at Coffin Gap *** Doniphan's Ride *** Gun Shy *** The Hide Rustlers *** Land of the Lawless *** Last of the Breed *** Once a Fighter *** Outlaw Thickets *** Return to Warbow *** Shadow Riders of the Yellowstone *** Treasure of the Brasada
*** Blood Valley *** Calamity at Devil's Crossing *** Eagle Trail *** Killers of the Diamond A *** Outlaw Vengenace *** Rustler's Ranch *** Squaw Valley War *** Trouble at Choctaw Bend
SCHAEFER, JACK ; *** The Big Range *** The Canyon *** Company of Cowards *** First Blood **** The Kean Land **** Mavericks *** Shane
SCHOELL, YVONNE ; - The Argonauts
SCHOFIELD, WILLIAM G. ; Ashes in the Wilderness;
SCHOLEFIELD, ALAN ; - Wild Dog Running
The Blaze of Guns *** The Border Terror *** Border Vengeance *** Dead at Sunset *** Dead in Texas *** Death Calls the turn *** Death in the Saddle **** Death on the Rimrock *** Death's Corral *** Death's Harvest *** The Desert Killers *** Doom Trail **** Gun for Hire *** Gun Law *** Gunslick *** Gunsmoke on the Rio Grande *** Gunsmoke Talk *** Horseman of the Shadows *** Hot Lead *** Hot Lead and Cold Nerve *** Killer's Doom **** The Masked Riders *** Maverick Showdown *** Outlaw Gold *** Outlaw Land *** Raiders of the Rio Grand *** Range Ghost *** Rangeland Guns *** Ranger's Revenge * *** The Range Terror *** The Ranger Wins *** The Rattlesnake Bandit *** Red Road of Vengeance*** Rustlers' Guns **** Showdown at Skull Canyon *** Sixguns in a Bloody Dawn *** Skeleton Trail ** Terror Stalks the Border *** Texas Devil **** The Texas Ranger *** Texas Rider *** Tombstone Showdown *** Trail of Blood and Bones *** Trails of Steel *** Wasteland Riders *** West of Laredo;
SCOTT, LESLIE ; (Pseudonym of COLE, Jackson) - - Deadline for Sheriffs ***** Tombstone Showdown
SCOTT, LUKE ; - Savage City
SCOTT, WILLIAM R. ; - Gunslingers Can't Quit
SCULLIN, GEORGE ; - Paint Your Wagon
SEARLES, LIN ; *** Cliff Rider *** Stampede at Hourglass
SEARS, DENNIS T. PATRICK ; - The Lark in the Clear Air
SEELYE, JOHN ; - The Kid;
*** Arizona Jim *** Blood on the Prairie *** Boss of the Lazy Y *** Brannon *** Double Cross Ranch *** Ferguson's Trail *** Gun Blaze Valley **** Gun-Law For Lavercombe **** Gunslammer **** Hellfire **** The Law of the Gun *** The Loner *** The Range Boss **** Revenge Ambush ***** 'Slow Burgess **** Sure Shot *** War on Wishbone Range **** West of Apache Pass;
SEWELL, ANNA ; Black Beauty;
SHANE, STEVE ; - The Shadow Riders
SHANNON, STEVE - The Hell-Fire Kid
SHAPRIO, RICHARD ; - The Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday
SHARP, ALAN ; - The Hired Hand
(Series; Canyon O'Grady);
*** Canyon O'Grady - #2 Silver Slaughter **** Canyon O'Grady - #4 “Shadow Guns *** Canyon O'Grady - #7 The King of Colorada *** Canyon O'Grady - #10 The Great Land Swindle *** Canyon O'Grady - #14 Colonel Death *** Canyon O'Grady - #16 Blood and Gold;*** Canyon O'Grady - #17 The Killers' Club Canyon O'Grady - #18 Blood Bounty *** Canyon O'Grady - #19 Rio Grande Ransom *** Canyon O'Grady - #23 Luisiana Gold Race *** Canyon O'Grady - #25 Rocky Mountain Feud
(Series; The Trailsman);
*** The Trailsman - #1 Seven Wagons West *** The Trailsman - #2 The Hanging Trail *** The Trailsman - #3 Mountain Man Kill *** The Trailsman - #4 The Sundown Searchers
*** The Trailsman - #5 The River Raiders *** The Trailsman - #6 Dakota Wild *** The Trailsman - #7 Wolf Country *** The Trailsman - #8 Six-Gun Drive *** The Trailsman - #9 Dead Man's Saddle *** The Trailsman - #10 Slave Hunter
*** The Trailsman - #11 Montana Maiden *** The Trailsman - #12 Condor Pass *** The Trailsman - #13 Blood Chase *** The Trailsman - #15 The Stalking Horse *** The Trailsman - #17 Ride the Wild Shadow *** The Trailsman - #18 Cry the Cheyenne
*** The Trailsman - #19 Spoon River Stud *** The Trailsman - #20 The Judas Killer *** The Trailsman - #22 Border Arrows *** The Trailsman - #28 Hostage Trail *** The Trailsman - #29 High Mountain Guns *** The Trailsman - #30 White Savage
*** The Trailsman - #32 Apache Gold *** The Trailsman - #34 Sharps Justice *** The Trailsman - #36 The Badge *** The Trailsman - #37 Valley of Death *** The Trailsman - #38 The Lost Patrol *** The Trailsman - #40 The Grizzly Man
*** The Trailsman - #41 The Range Killers *** The Trailsman - #42 Renegade Command *** The Trailsman - #43 Mesquite Manhunt *** The Trailsman - #44 Scorpion Trail
*** The Trailsman - #45 Killer Caravan *** The Trailsman - #46 Hell Town *** The Trailsman - #48 The White Hell Trail *** The Trailsman - #49 The Swamp Slayers
*** The Trailsman - #50 Blood Oath *** The Trailsman - #51 Sioux Captive *** The Trailsman - #52 Posse From Hell *** The Trailsman - #53 Longhorn Guns
*** The Trailsman - #54 Killer Clan *** The Trailsman - #55 Thief River Showdown *** The Trailsman - #56 Guns of Hungry Horse *** The Trailsman - #57 Fortune Riders
*** The Trailsman - #58 Slaughter Express *** The Trailsman - #60 The Wayward Lassie *** The Trailsman - #61 Bullet Caravan *** The Trailsman - #62 Horsethief Crossing
*** The Trailsman - #63 Stagecoach to Hell *** The Trailsman - #64 Fargo's Woman *** The Trailsman - #65 River Kill *** The Trailsman - #67 Manitoba Marauders
*** The Trailsman - #68 Trapper Rampage *** The Trailsman - #70 Hostage Arrows *** The Trailsman - #72 Calico Kill *** The Trailsman - #73 Sante Fe Slaughter
*** The Trailsman - #74 White Hell *** The Trailsman - #75 Colorado Robber *** The Trailsman - #78 Minnesota Missionary *** The Trailsman - #79 Smoky Hell Trail
*** The Trailsman - #81 Twisted Trails *** The Trailsman - #82 Mescalero Mask *** The Trailsman - #83 Dead Man's Forest *** The Trailsman - #84 Utah Slaughter *** The Trailsman - #85 Call of the White Wolf *** The Trailsman - #86 Texas Hell Country *** The Trailsman - #87 Brother Bullets *** The Trailsman - #88 Mexican Massacre
*** The Trailsman - #89 Target Conestoga *** The Trailsman - #90 “Mesabi Huntdown”
*** The Trailsman - #91 Cave of Death *** The Trailsman - #93 The Texas Train *** The Trailsman - #94 Desperate Dispatch *** The Trailsman - #96 Buzzard's Gap *** The Trailsman - #97 Queens High Bid *** The Trailsman - #98 Desert Desperados
*** The Trailsman - #100 “Riverboat Gold” *** The Trailsman - #101 Shoshoni Spirits *** The Trailsman - #103 Secret Six-Guns
*** The Trailsman - #104 Comanche Crossing *** The Trailsman - #105 Black Hills Blood *** The Trailsman - #106 Sierra Shootout *** The Trailsman - #107 Gunsmoke Gulch
*** The Trailsman - #108 Pawnee Bargain *** The Trailsman - #110 Counterfeit Cargo *** The Trailsman - #112 The Doomsday Wagons *** The Trailsman - #116 Kansas Kill *** The Trailsman - #117 Gun Valley *** The Trailsman - #119 Renegade Refles *** The Trailsman - #120 Wyoming Manhunt *** The Trailsman - #121 Redwood Revenge *** The Trailsman - #123 Desert Death *** The Trailsman - #125 Blood Prairie *** The Trailsman - #126 Coins of Death
*** The Trailsman - #127 Nevada Warpath *** The Trailsman - #128 Snake River Butcher *** The Trailsman - #131 Beartown Bloodshed *** The Trailsman - #132 Kentucky Colts
*** The Trailsman - #135 Montana Mayhem *** The Trailsman - #137 Moon Lake Massacre *** The Trailsman - #138 Silver Fury *** The Trailsman - #139 Buffalo Guns; *** The Trailsman - #140 The Killiing Corridor *** The Trailsman - #142 Golden Bullets *** The Trailsman - #143 Deathblow Trail *** The Trailsman - #144 Abilene Ambush *** The Trailsman - #147 Death Trails *** The Trailsman - #149 Springfield Sharpshooters *** The Trailsman - #151 Crowheart's Revenge *** The Trailsman - #152 Prairie Fire *** The Trailsman - #153 Saguaro Showdown *** The Trailsman - #154 Ambush at Skull Pass *** The Trailsman - #157 Ghost Ranch Massacre *** The Trailsman - #159 North Country Guns *** The Trailsman - #160 The Turnado trail *** The Trailsman - #161 Rogue River Feud *** The Trailsman - #162 Revenge at Lost Creek
*** The Trailsman - #163 Yukon Massacre *** The Trailsman - #164 Nez Perce Nightmare *** The Trailsman - #165 Dakota Death House *** The Trailsman - #166 Colorado Carnage
*** The Trailsman - #167 Black Mesa Treachery *** The Trailsman - #`68 Kiowa Command *** The Trailsman - #169 Socorro Slaugher *** The Trailsman - #170 Utah Trackdown *** The Trailsman - #179 Sagebrush Skeletons *** The Trailsman - #183 Bayou Bloodbath *** The Trailsman - #194 Montana Stage *** The Trailsman - #196 Kansas Carnage *** The Trailsman - #197 Utah Uprising *** The Trailsman - #198 Blackgulch Gamble *** The Trailsman - #199 Wyoming Wildcats *** The Trailsman - #200 Sixguns by the Sea *** The Trailsman - #201 Salmon River Rage *** The Trailsman - #203 Silver Hooves *** The Trailsman - #204 Leaveworth Express *** The Trailsman - #211 Badlands Bloodbath *** The Trailsman - #213 Aspache Wells *** The Trailsman - #214 Texas Hellion *** The Trailsman - #216 High Sierra Horror *** The Trailsman - #217 Dakota Deception *** The Trailsman - #218 Pecos Belle Brigade *** The Trailsman - #221 California Crusader; *** The Trailsman - #223 Idaho Ghost Town *** The Trailsman - #241 Texas Blood Money; *** The Trailsman - #295 Oasis of Blood *** The Trailsman - #308 Border Bravados; *** The Trailsman - #311 Idaho Impact; *** The Trailsman - #318 Nevada Nemesis; *** The Trailsman - #319 Louisiana Laydown; *** The Trailsman - #320 Oregon Outrage; *** The Trailsman - #323 Wyoming Death Trap; *** The Trailsman - #324 California Crackdown; *** The Trailsman - #325 Seminole Showdown; *** The Trailsman - #332 Breatooth Incident; *** The Trailsman - #335 Riverboat Rampage; *** The Trailsman - #336 Utah Outlaws; *** The Trailsman - #337 Silver Showdown; *** The Trailsman - #343 Texas Hellions; *** The Trailsman - #NN Woodland Warriors;
SHAW, JOSEPH T. (ED) ; - Spurs West!
SHAW, THOMAS W. ; - A Talent for Trouble
SHEARS, J.A. ; - Fire in the Sky **** Lady with a Gun;
SHELLEY, JOHN ; *** A Gun For Billy Hardin *** Gunpoint; *** Ironhand *** Stallion Soldier
SHELLEY, JOHN & DAVID ; *** Hell-for-Leather Jones *** The Relentless Rider
SHELTON, GENE (Texas Horse Trading Co.) Texas Horse Trading Co. #3 Skull Creek *** Texas Horse Trading Co. #4 “Devil's Deathbed”
SHELTON, JESS ; - Martin's Land
SHERMAN, JORY ; *** The Baron Range *** The Fugitive Gun *** Guman's Curse
(Series; Gunn); *** Gunn - #4 Blood Justice *** Gunn - #24 Frontie Fanny *** Gunn - #25 Trail Tramp *** Hellfire Trail *** Horne's Law *** Winter of the Wolf
(SERIES = Rivers West #NN The Arkansas River;
SHERRY, JOHN ; - The Last Challenge
SHIFLET, KENNETH E. ; - The Valiant Strain
SHIRLEY, GLENN ; - Outlaw Queen
SHIRREFFS, GORDON D. ; The Apache Hunter *** Barbanca *** Blood Justice *** Bold Legend *** The Border Guidon *** Bowman's Kid *** Brasada *** Five Graves to Boot Hill *** Fort Suicide *** Fort Vengeance *** The Ghost Dancers *** The Godless Breed *** Jack of Spades *** Judas Gun *** Last Man Alive *** Last Train From Gun Hill **** Last Train from Gun Hill/The Border Guidon (double) **** *** The Lonely Gun *** The Lone Rifle *** The Lone Rifle / Barranca *** The Manhunter *** The Marauders *** Massacre Creek *** Maximillian's Gold *** Now He Is Legend *** The Proud Gun *** Renegade Lawman *** Renegade's Trail **** Rio Bravo *** Rio Diablo *** Rio Diablo / Top Gun *** Shadow Valley *** Shadow Valley / Fort Vengeance *** Showdown in Sonora *** Slaughter at Broken Bow *** Three From the West *** Too Tough to Die **** The Valiant Bugles *** Voice of the Gun *** The Walking Sands
*** And the Wind Blows Free *** Ambush *** Barren Land Showdown *** Blood on the Moon *** Bold Rider *** Bought with a Gun *** Bounty Guns *** The Branded Man *** Brand of Empire *** Bull-Whip *** Cattle, Guns and Men *** Colt's Law *** Coroner Creek *** Dead Freight for Piute *** Debt of Honor *** Desert Crossing *** The Deserters *** Donovan's Gun *** The Feud at Single Shot *** Fiddlefoot *** First Campaign *** First Claim *** The Guns of Hanging Lake *** Hands Off! *** Hardcase *** Hard Money *** High Vermillion *** King Colt *** Man From the Desert *** The Man from Two Rivers *** A Man Could Get Killed *** The Man on the Blue *** Marauders' Moon *** The Outrider *** Paper Sheriff *** Play a Lone Hand *** The Primrose Try *** Raiders of the Rimrock *** Ramrod *** Raw Land *** Ride the Man Down *** Rimrock *** The Rustlers *** Saddle by Starlight *** Savage Range *** Silver Rock *** The Some-Day Country *** Station West *** The Stalkers *** Summer of the Smoke *** Sunset Graze *** Three for the Money *** Trouble Country *** Trumpets West *** Vengeance Valley *** War on the Cimarron *** The Whip
SHULENBERGER, ARVID ; - Road from the For
SIEGEL, SCOTT ; - (Series; The Warhunter); The Warhunter - #1 Killers' Council **** The Warhunter - #2 Gunmen's Graveyard;
SILVER, ALFRED ; - Lord of the Plains
SINCLAIR, BERTRAND W. ; - Gunpowder Lightning - Wild West
*** Bandido *** Blood Knife *** Blood River *** Gunfighter at Ringo Junction *** Gutshooter *** High Lonesome *** Lassiter *** Lassiter - #17 Blood River *** Lassiter - Brother Gun *** Lassiter - Cattle Baron *** Lassiter - Hangman *** Lassiter - The Man from Del Rio *** Lassiter - Rimfire *** The Man From Cheyenne *** The Man from Lordsburg **** The Man from Tombstone/ Gunfight at Ringo Junction **** Renegade *** Renegade / The Comancheros *** Ride Into Hell *** Sidewinder *** Sundance - #13 Honcho *** Sundance - #12 Renegade;
SMITH, BEN ; *** Gunfighter's Return *** Gunpowder Valley *** Renegade Rider *** Trouble at Brakdam
SMITH, JAMES WOODRUFF ; *** Killer Colt *** The Loner *** To Still the Guns **** To Still the Sun
SMITH, WILLIMA FIELDING ; - The Chronicle of the Diamond Six
SNYDER, CECIL ; - Big with Vengeance
SOMMERS, JEANNE ; The Builders; *** The Conestoga People;
SONNICHSEN, C.L. ; *** Outlaw *** Roy Bean Law of the West Pecos
SOUTHARD, W.W. ; Bitter Pecos *** A Reckoning at Arrowhead *** Season of Vengeance
SPELLMAN, ROGER ; Tall for a Texan / Big Man from Brazos
SPURS: THE BEST OF THE WEST (Western Writers of America)
STANDISH, BUCK ; Brothers of Vengeance;
STANFORD, JACK - “Colorado Gold” **** “Jayhawker Crossing”
STARK, JOSHUA ; - Break the Young Land
STEELE, WILBUR DANIEL ; - That Girl From Mephis
STEELMAN, ROBERT ; *** Ambush at Three Rivers *** Apache Wells *** Dakota Territory *** Winter of the Sioux
STEUER, ARTHUR ; - Rebel Gun (Dell First edition Pub; #A124; 1956);
STEVENS, DAN J. ; *** The Dry Fork Incident *** Hangman's Mesa *** Landgrabbers
STEWARD, DAVENPORT ; *** Rainbow Road *** They Had a Glory
STEWART, FRED M. ; - A Race Against Heaven
STEWART, GEORGE R. ; Ordeal by Hunger;
STEWART, LOGAN ; - War Bonnet Pass
Striker, Fran -- Lone Ranger = SEE T.V. PAPERBACKS.
STONE, GRACE XARING ; - The Cold Journey
STONE, NED ; - Breed
STOVER, HERBERT E. ; The Eagle and the Wind
STOWE, PERRY - Superstition Farm (Dell 10 cent)
STRAIGHT, MICHAEL ; *** Carrington *** A Very Small Remnant
(Series; Sudden) ;
*** Sudden - The Marshal of Lawless *** Sudden – Outlawed **** Sudden #NN “Plays a Hand” *** Sudden - #NN The Law O' the Lariat*** Sudden - #NN Make War *** Sudden - #NN The Range Robbers *** Sudden - #NN Takes the Trail
STREET, JAMES ; - Mingo Dabney
STRONG, ZACHARY ; - Brett Randall, Gambler
*** Bonanza Gulch *** Dusty Wagons *** Edge of the Desert *** Gun Smoke Showdown *** The Lonely Law *** Saddle-Man *** Warrior Creek *** Wire in the Wind
SUMNER, NICK ; *** The Border Queen *** Bullet Brand
SUTTER, LARABIE ; - The White Squaw
SUTTON, STACK ; - Leatherwood
SWANSON, NEIL H. ; *** The Forbidden Ground *** The Silent Drum
--- T ---
TALMY, SHEL ; - "Whadda We Do Bow, Butch?"
TANNER, CLAY ; - Chance ** Chance #1 Chance ***** Chance #3 Dead Man's Hand **** Chance #4 – Gambler's Revenge **** Chance #6 – Mississippi Rogue
TAYLOR, DICK ; - Guns From the East
TAYLOR, GRANT ; - "Whip" Ryder's Way
TEBBEL, JOHN ; *** The Conqueror *** Touched with Fire
TELFAIR, RICHARD ; *** Day of the Gun *** The Secret of Apahce Canyon *** Sundance *** Wyoming Jones
TEMPLE, DAN ; *** Bullet Lease *** Gun and Star *** Outlaw River
TERRY, William (pseudonym for Terry William Harknett; **Also Writes as; Frank Chandler, David Ford, George G. Gilman, Adam Hardy, Jane Harman, Joseph Hedges, William M. James, Charles R. Pike, William Pine, James Russell, Thomas H. Stone, William Terry)
**** A TOWN CALLED BASTARD (1974; New English Library pub; PHOTO front & back covers; MOVIE tie-in edition; the Film Starred; Robert Shaw, Stella Stevens, Telly Savalas & Martin Landau; SCARCE; FN=$14; or G/VG=$7);
THANE, ELSWYTH ; - Yankee Stranger
They Lived by Their Guns - (ARGOSY MAGAZINE; Signet; 1953; "Trumpets West!" by Luke Short; "Renegade" by Tom W. Blackburn; "Trouble at Temescal" by Frank Bonham; "Powder, Shot and Texas Cattle" by Allan R. Bosworth; "The Man at Gantt's Place" by Steve Frazee; Inventory # 9304-2; VG/FN $19);
THOM, JAMES ALEXANDER ; Follow the River *** From Sea to Shining Sea *** Long Knife *** Panther in the Sky
THOMASON, JR, JOHN W. ; *** Gone to Texas *** Lone Star Preacher *** Texas Rebel
THOMPSON, BEN ; *** Gunman's Spawn *** Ride to Hell **** Texas Hellion
THOMPSON, C. HALL ; *** A Gun for Billy Reo *** Under the Badge
(Davy Crockett Series) Davy Crockett #3 “Blood Hunt”;
(Series; Wilderness);
Wilderness - # King of the Mountain *** Wilderness - #2 Lure of the Wild *** “Tomahawk Revenge (Wilderness - #5) *** Wilderness - #7 Vengeance Trail *** Wilderness - #14 Tenderfoot *** Wilderness - #18 Mountain Cat *** Wilderness - #20 Wolf Pack *** Wilderness - #21 “Black Powder” *** Wilderness - #24 Mountain Madness *** Wilderness - #25 Frontier Mayhem *** Wilderness - #26 Blood Feud *** Wilderness - #27 Gold rage*** Wilderness - #30 Savages *** Wilderness - #34 Trackdown *** Wilderness - #42 Flames of Justice *** Wilderness - #49 Wolverine *** Wilderness -Giant Special Edition - “Hawken Fury” **** Giant Special Edition - Prairie Blood **** #NN “The Lost Valley/ Mountain Madness” **** #NN “Trapper's Bloode/ Mountain Cat”
THOMPSON, GENE ; *** The Branded One *** The Deserter *** Wolf Blood
THOMPSON, J.M./ BEAN, FRED “Tombstone”
*** Bitter Water *** Born to Gunsmoke *** Brand of a Man *** Broken Valley *** Forbidden Valley *** Gunman Brand *** King of Abilene *** Outlaw Valley *** Range Drifter *** Rawhide Rider *** Shadow of the Butter *** Sundown Riders *** The Steel Web *** Trouble Rider
(Series; Renegade); Renegade - #9 Hell Raider *** Renegade - #20 Shots at Sunrise
THORSTAD, BRUCE H. ; The Gents *** The Times of Wichita
THURMAN, STEVE ; *** Gun Lightning *** Lightning Gun
THREE COMPLETE WESTERN NOVELS - Yancy, Wes “Gun Bart”/ Jefferson, Ben “Breen Blood”/ Floren, Lee “A Renegade Rides”
TIDYMAN, ERNEST ; - High Plains Drifter (Clint Eastwood);
TILFORD, VAN W. ; - Treasure Trail
TINKLE, LON ; - The Alamo (Signet Pub; #S1776; 1960);
*** Austin Davis *** The Bank Robber *** The Duel *** Hard Luck Money *** The Horse Thieves *** Jailbreak **** *** Mexican Standoff **** Sixkiller *** The Sunshine Killers *** The Texas Bank Robbing Company *** Warner and Laura **** Wilson's Choice *** Wilson's Gold *** Wilson's Revenge *** Wilson's Woman
TOBIN, GREAG ; - Kid Stark
TODD, DALLAS ; - Cathouse Showdown;
TOLBERT, FRANK X. ; - The Staked Plain
*** Border Ambush *** Ghost Mine Gold *** Gold on the Hoof *** Guns of Massacre Gap *** Manhunt West *** The Paintin' Pistoleer *** Prairie Marshal *** Santa Fe Trail *** The Trail of the Iron Horse
TOWNSEND, RAY ; *** Gold Town Gunman *** Saddlebow Rancher *** Sundown Basin *** Stranger From Texas
TRACY, DON ; - Cherokee
TRAEGER, CLAY ; - Gunsmoke Glory (Loadstone Books Pub; 1971; #B-5009; RARE);
TRAVEN, B. ; - March to the Monteria
TRAVERS, WILL ; - Rogue Rancher
TRENT, DOYLE ; *** Fear Town *** Outlaw Justice *** Rustler's Trail
TRIMBLE, LOUIS ; *** Bullets on Bunchgrass *** Crossfire *** The Desperate Deputy of Cougar Hill
*** Gaptown Law *** Gunsmoke Justice *** Holdout in the Diablos *** The Man From Colorado *** Standoff at Massacre / Ther Lonesome Mountains *** Trouble at Gunsight / The Lonesome Mountains *** Valley of Violence
(Series; The Loner);
*** The Loner - #1 Colorado Kill *** The Loner - #2 New Mexico Massacre *** The Wench and the Flame
TRIPLETT, FRANK ; The Life, Times and Treacherous Death of Jesse James;
TUMA, MARVIN ; - Dangerous Guns (Vega Books Pub; #V-W105; 1963; RARE; Good minus = $10);
TURNER, CLAY ; *** Give a Man a Gun *** Gold Goes to the Mountain *** Go West, Ben Gold! *** Wagonmaster *** Wagons West!
TURNER, ROBERT – The Lonely Man;
*** Blood Dance *** Call the Beast Thy Brother *** Destination Doubtful *** Five Days to Salt Lake *** Gunpoint *** The Long Rope **** A Man Called Jeff *** Mayberly's Kill *** The Proud Diggers *** Ride the Vengeance trail *** The Settler *** Shortcut to Devil's Claw; *** The Treasure of Fan-Tan Flat *** War Country
TUSKA, JON ; The Lawless West (ed.) (Louis L'Amour, Zane Grey, Max Brand)
TUTTLE, W.C. ; *** Diamond Hitch *** The Mystery of the Red Triangle *** Shotgun Gold *** Thunderbird Trail *** Trouble at War Eagle / The Redhead of Aztec Wells *** The Trouble Trailer *** Twisted Trails
TYLER, DODGE ; The Lost Wilderness Tales: Dan'l Boone Death at Spanish Wells *** The Lost Wilderness Tales: Dan'l Boone Death Trail *** A River Run Red
(Series; Foxx);
*** Foxx - #1 Foxx! *** Foxx - #2 Foxx's Gold *** Foxx - #3 Foxx Hunting *** Foxx - #4 Foxx's Herd *** Foxx - #5 Foxx's Vixen;
TYRE, ROBERT ; - Saddlebag Surgeon
--- V ---
VAL, JOHN ; - The Dark Throne
*** Apache War Cry *** No Man's Brand *** Outlaws Welcome / The Wolf Slayer *** The Raid at Crazyhorse / The Wild Riders af Savage Valley *** The Wild Rider of Savage Valley
*** Bridal Journey *** The Captive Witch *** The Final Challenge *** The Scarlet Feather *** The Shining Mountains *** The Trembling Earth
VAN SICKLE, DIRCK ; - Montana Gothic
VANWAY, ED LA ; *** Brand Rider *** Lazy H feud
VAUGHAN, CARTER A. ; *** Fortress Fury *** Roanoke Warrior *** The Seneca Hostage *** The Wilderness
VAUGHAN, ROBERT ; - Texas Glory *** The Wild Wild West
VERNAM, GLENN R. ; - The Talking Rifle
VESTAL, STANLEY ; - Dodge City, Queen of Cowtowns *** Warpath
VICTOR, SAM ; (Series; Kilburn); *** Kilburn - #1 Kilburn *** Kilburn - #2 Spikebit *** Kilburn - #4 Wolf Moon *** Kilburn - Posse of Killers
VINCENT, ROBERT ; - The Branded Man
--- W ---
WADE, QUINT ; Colter
WAGNER, SHARON ; - The Chadwicks of Arizona
WAGONER, DAVID ; - Where is my Wandering Boy Tonight?
WAGONER, GREER ; - Last Stage to Benbow
WALDO, ANNA LEE ; - Sacajawes
WALES, MIKE ; (Series; Leatherhand); Leatherhand - #2 Hangman's Legacy *** Leatherhand - #5 Bad Day at Bandera *** Leatherhand - #6 The Magician *** Leatherhand - #8 Dark Nemesis ;
WALKER, DALTON (Shiloh Series ) Shiloh #3 “Blood Tival” *** Shiloh #7 “Vengeance Trail” *** Shiloh #6 “Sidewinder”
WALSH, M.M.B. ; - Dolly Purdo
WALTERS, RICK ; - The Hellions
WARD, BRAD ; *** The Baron of Boot Hill *** The Man From Andersonville *** The Marshal of Medicine Bend *** The Missourian *** Thirty Notches
WARD, DON (ED) ; - Branded West
Ward, Don and Members of the Western Writers of America ; - Hoof Trails and Wagon Tracks
WARD, JONAS ; (pseudonym used by; William ARD & Brian Francis Wynne Garfield ) (Series; Buchanan);
*** Buchanan - Buchanan's Gamble *** Buchanan - Buchanan Gets Mad *** Buchanan #NN- Buchanan's Gun *** Buchanan - Buchanan's Manhunt *** Buchanan - Buchanan on the Prod *** Buchanan - Buchanan on the Run *** Buchanan - Buchanan's revenge *** Buchanan - Buchanan Says No *** Buchanan - Buchanan's Seige *** Buchanan – Buchanan's Stage Line *** Buchanan - Buchanan's Stolen Railway *** Buchanan - Buchanan's Texas Treasure *** Buchanan - Buchanan's War *** Buchanan - The Name's Buchanan
WARREN, CHARLES MARQUIS ; *** Only the Valiant *** Valley of the Shadow
WARREN, M.L. ; Prairie Vengeance
WASHBURN, L.J. “Riders of the Monte”
WATERS, FRANK ; - The Man who Killed the Deer
WAYNE, ERNIE ; - Ramrod From Hell
*** The Bad Man **** Bunch Grass *** By Gun and Spur *** Deadman Junction *** The Gun and the Law *** Gunplay Valley *** The Long Wind **** Pistol Johnny *** Red is the Valley *** Showdown at Stony Crest
WAYNE, JOSEPH ; *** The Snake Stomper *** The Sweet and Bitter Land
WAYNE, LES ; *** Warpaint *** West of Omaha
WEAVER, WARD ; - End of Track
WEBER, CATHERINE ; *** Blackfoot Ambush *** Coulter's Woman
WELLES, KERMIT (Pseudonym of Manning Lee Stokes); Blood on Boot Hill (Pyramid Pub; Book #G563; 1960);
WELLMAN, MANLY WADE - “Fort Sundance”
WELLMAN, PAUL I. ; *** Bronco Apache *** The Comancheros *** Death on the Prairie *** A Dynasty of Western Outlaws; *** The Iron Mistress *** Ride the Red Earth
WELLS, EVELYN ; - Jed Blaine's Woman
*** Day of the Outlaw *** Death in the Desert *** Gun for Sale *** Gunshot Empire *** The Long Noose *** Lord of the Silver Lode *** The Naked Land *** Tarnished Star
*** Tonto Riley *** Vulture's Gold
WEST, CHARLES G. - “Bitter Root” *** Duel at Low Hawk *** Evil Breed
WEST, JESSAMYN ; - The Massacre at Fall Creek (Fawcett Crest Pub; 1976);
WEST, KINGSLEY ; *** Arroyo Hondo *** Comanche River *** Killer's Kingdom *** Ride West to Pueblo *** A Time for Vengenace
WEST, MORRIS ; The Naked Country
*** Battle at Battlesnake Pass *** Battling Buckeroos *** Bucking for Boot Hill *** Bushwack Brand *** The Buzzard's Nest *** Crossfire at Barbed M / Sidewinder Showdown *** Flaming Feud *** Ghost Gold *** The Gun From Nowhere *** Killer's Canyon *** Lobo Lawman *** Lobo of Lynx Valley *** Lone Gun *** Lost Loot of Kittycat Ranch *** The Man at Rope's End *** Payoff at Piute *** The Phantom Pistoleer/ Lost Loot of Kittycat Ranch (double) *** Sagebrush Showdown *** Slick on the Draw *** Spectre Spread
WEST, WARD ; *** Halfway to Timberline *** Trouble Valley Western Stories, the Pocket Book of (Ed - MAULE, HARRY E.);
WESTERN STORIES – The Pocket Book of (Pocket Book 293)
WESTLAND, LYNN ; - The Deda Ride Hard *** The Red Gun
WESTON, COLE ; (Series; Ryder); *** Ryder - #3 Ryder's Army *** Ryder - #8 Blood Vengeance
WESTON, MATT ; (Series; Drifter Morgan); *** Drifter Morgan - #1 Morgan *** Drifter Morgan - #2 Morgan's Revenge
WETMORE, HELEN CODY ; - Buffalo Bill - The Last of the Great Scouts
Dodging Red Cloud *** Downriver *** Montana Hitch *** The Rocky Mountian Company: Fort Dance *** Sam Hook *** Where the River Runs *** Winter Grass *** (SERIES = Rivers West #9 The Two Medicine River; *** Skye's West: Sun River;
WHITE, HARRY ; - Shadow at Noon
WHITE, LESLIE TURNER ; *** Log Jam *** Wagons West
WHITE, M. PAUL ; *** Dead Man's Cache; (Avon Pub; 1984; SCARCE; VG = $6);
WHITINGER, R.D. ; - High Trail
WHITLATCH, JOHN ; *** Frank T.'s Plan *** The Iron Shirt *** Morgan's Rebellion
WHITMAN, S.E. ; *** Captain Apache *** Calvary Raid
WHITSON, DENTON ; - Fair in Love and War
WHITTINGTON, HARRY ; Charro! *** Desert Stake-Out *** Hangrope Town *** High Fury *** Saddle the Storm *** A Trap for Sam Dodge / Valley of Savage Men *** Wild Lonesome
WIDDEMER, MARGARET ; *** The Godlen Wildcat *** Lady of the Mohawks
WILDER, ROBERT ; - A Handful of Men
WILDWEST WEEKLY MAGAZINE PAPERBACK ; *** Green Corn Dance *** The Renegade Pustlers *** Running the Gauntlet *** Young Wild West's Prairie Pioneers
WILLIAMS, COE ; *** Go For Your Gun *** The Plundered Land *** Trouble Trail
WILLOUGHBY, LEE DAVIS (Women Who Won the West) Women Who Won the West #6 “Angelof Hangtown”
WILMETH, JIM ; - Hellfire at Brimstone
WINKLE, D.L. ; *** Double-Barreled Law *** To Die a Branded Man
WINTER, PAT ; River of Destiny;
(Series; Spectros); *** Spectros - #1 Silverado *** Spectros - #4 The Silver Canyo;
WIRE, HAROLD CHANNING ; - Trail Boss of Indian Beef
Comanche Crossing **** North of Esperanza *** Texas Brazos *** The Trident Brand *** Warrior's Road
WISTER, OWEN ; Lin McLean **** The Virginian
WOHL, BURTON ; - Posse
WOLFE, ADOLF HUNGRY ; - The Good Medicine Book
WOLFORD, COLBY ; - Blow-Up at Three Springs
WOLFORD, NELSON AND SHIRLEY ; *** The Long Ride *** The Southern Blade
WOLK, GEORGE ; Jeremiah Painter
WOLLHEIM, DONALD A. ; Aquintet of Sixes (Ed.);
WOODS, E.Z. ; - The Bloody Sands
WOOLARD, JIM R. “Cold Moon”
WORCESTER, DON ; Man on Two Ponies;
WORMSER, RICHARD ; *** Battalion of Saints *** Double Decker *** The Lonesome Quarter *** On the Prod
(Series; The Texians); *** The Texians - #1 The Texians *** The Texians - #2 The Horse Marines *** The Texians - #4 Blood Moon
WYCKOFF, JAMES ; *** Elbow Creek *** John Slaughter's Way **** Rogue Sheriff
WYLER, RICHARD ; *** Incident at Butler's Station *** The Savage Journey
WYNNE, BRIAN (pseudonym of Brian Francis Wynne Garfield – author of Death Wish & Hopscotch) *** Big Country, Big Men *** Brand of the Gun *** The Bravos *** Gundown
WYNNE, FRANK (pseudonym of Brian Francis Wynne Garfield – author of Death Wish & Hopscotch) **** Arizona Rider
--- Y ---
YANCY, WES ; Gun Brat (3 novels with Breed Blood by Jefferson, Ben and A Renegade Rides by Floren, Lee);
YORDAN, PHILIP – Man of the West;
YOUNG, CARTER TRAVIS ; *** The Bitter Iron *** Guns of Darkess *** Long Boots, Hard Boots *** The Pocket Hunters *** Red Grass *** Shadow of a Gun *** Why Did They Kill; *** Winchester Quarantine *** Winter Drift *** Winter of the Coup
YOUNG, GORDON ; *** Fighting Blood *** Guns of the Arrowhead *** Roaring Guns; *** Trouble on the Border
-- Z ---
ZACHARY, ELIZABETH - (The Making of America) The Making of America #7 “The Land Rushers”
ZIMMER, MICHAEL ; Where the Buffalo Roam;
ZOLLINGER, NORMAN ; Corey Lane *** Rage in Chupadera *** Riders to Cibola
(B) WESTERNS in Mass Market PULP DIGEST Magazine format (USA, Canada and UK editions);
----------- ( A ) ------------
ADAMS, FRANK R. - (The Western Novel Classic; #73; 1939; “Gunsight Ranch”);
ALL WESTERN – (Dell Pub; April/June 1950; “The Feudists” by Ernest Haycox”; “Sheriff Trouble” by Eugene Cunningham; “Enchanted Ranch” by Arthur Preston Hankins);
ALL WESTERN – (Dell Pub; August/September 1950; “The Drylanders” by Allan Vaughan Elston; “Loot of the Golden Horn” by Rollin Brown; “Too Bright a Moon” by Bertrand W. Sinclair);
AUTHUR, BURT – (Star Books; Star Guidance, Inc.; 1950; #12; “The Black Rider”);
ARTHUR BERT – (Black Cat Western Series; Crestwood Pub.; 1948; #33; “Gunsmoke in Paraside”);
AUTHUR, BURT – (Star Books; Star Guidance, Inc.; 1950; #11; “Killer's Moon”);
Arthur, Burt. - OUTLAW FURY (Star Book #33; 1952; Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
AUTHUR, BURT – (Star Books; Star Guidance, Inc.; 1952; #34; “Action at Spanish Flat”);
AUTHUR, BURT – (Star Books; Star Guidance, Inc.; 1952; #36; “Two-Gun Outlaw”);
AUTHUR, BURT – (Star Books; Star Guidance, Inc.; 1952; #38; “Gun-Law on the Range”);
AVON WESTERN READER – (Avon Book Company; #3; 1947; “McQuestion Rides” by Ernest Haycox; “Wild Bill Hiccup” by Cornell Woolrich; “Shod Hoofs” by Stephen Payne; “King Copper” by Frank Gruber; “The Postermister of Laurel Run” by Bret Harte; “Magic of a Killer's Name” by Joe Achibald; “The End of the Trail” by William MacLead Raine);
----------- ( B ) ------------
BARDWELL, DENVER – (A Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; #5; 1940; “Coyote Hunter”);
BARDWELL, DENVER – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman; #18; 1940; “Prairie Fire”);
BECHDOLT, FREDERICK – (Century Western; Century Pub.; #81; “Drygulch Canyon”);
Bechdolt, Frederick R. - (The Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; #49; 1937; “Murder at Two Rivers);
Bechdolt, Frederick R. - (The Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; #75; 1932; “Horse Thief Trail”);
Bindloss, Harold. --- THE CATTLE BARON'S DAUGHTER. ( Collins' Shilling Novels Series Book #61 -- UK British Western Pulp Digest Magazine ) Great Britain: W. Collins Sons & Co. / Collins' Shilling Novels. Soft Cover. Good. First British UK Edition. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. 158 pages. NOT Dated, but circa 1910-1920 era! >>> 5-3/4"x8-1/2" size; >>>Early Western Fiction novel set in USA old west, by UK British author. Has 2" tear with tape repair on back cover. Inventory #D31 Price: US$ 20.00;
BLAZING GUNS WESTERN STORY MAGAZINE (Arnold Magazine; April 1957; #4; Nude girl cover; “Funeral at Apache Bend” by Charles A. Stearns; “Unknown Rider” by W.J. Reynolds; Missouri Marauders” by Paul L. Peil; “Bargain Wife” by Bud Kimes; “Maverick Bad Man” by Burt Thomas);
Bosworth, Allan R. - BURY ME NOT (The Western Novel Classic; A Hillman Pub. #92; 1948; Pulp Digest Magazine USA.); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brand, Max. ( Pseudonym of Frederick Faust ), --- THE SEVENTH MAN. ( Western Pulp Digest Magazine ) Micklewright Illustrated Cover Art. London, England, Great Britain, UK: Streamline Pub. Soft Cover. Good to Very Good. First Edition By This Publisher. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 128 pages. SCARCE in this UK edition! NO Year listed, but circa 1940's edition!. Inventory #D46 Price: US$ 9.00 );
Brand, Max. ( Pseudonym of Frederick Faust ), --- (The Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #5; 1929; “The Gun Tamer”);
Brand, Max. ( Pseudonym of Frederick Faust ), --- (The Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #23; 1933; “Brothers on the Trail”);
Brand, Max. ( Pseudonym of Frederick Faust ), --- (The Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #31; 1935; “Hunted Riders”);
Brand, Max. ( Pseudonym of Frederick Faust ), --- (The Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #9; 1926; “Rusters' Range”);
Brand, Max. ( Pseudonym of Frederick Faust ), --- (The Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #18; 1935; “The Seventh of Diamonds”);
BRAGG, W.F. - (Readers Choice Library; 1949; “Smoky Joe”);
----------- ( C ) ------------
CAMERON, CADDO – (Thrilling Novel; Popular Library; 1937; #27; “It's Hell to be a Ranger”);
Carter, Leigh - BRAVO TRAIL (Prize Western Novels #36; 1935; Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
CHAPMAN, ARTHUR (Doubleday Pub.; 1923; “Apache Valley”);
CLAY, HARLAN – (Famous Western; Columbia Pub.; February/1960; Volume 20 #5; “Outlaw Vigilante” );
Clay, Weston - “THE HORSESHOE KID” (A Gunfire Western Novel #29; 1948; Hillman Pub.; Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
COBURN, WALT – Star Books; Star Guidance; 1953; #41; “The Way of a Texan”);
COLT, CLEM – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1947; #9; “Coyote Song”);
COLT, CLEM – (Readers Choice Library; 1938; #29; “Gunsmoke”);
COLTER, ELI – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1947; #107; “Poison Springs”);
COOLIDGE, DANE - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1938; #17; “Comanche Chaser”);
COOLIDGE, DANE - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1938; #30; “Hell's Hip Pocket”);
COOLIDGE, DANE - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1941; #53; “Bear Paw”);
COOLIDGE, DANE - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1948; #58; “Hell in Paradise Valley”);
COOLIDGE, DANE – (Prize Western Novels; Crestwood Pub.; 1947; #23; “Wolf's Candle”);
COOLIDGE, DANE - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1937; #12; “Ranger Two = Rifles”);
CORCORAN, WILLIAM - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1935; #109; “Blow Desert Winds”);
CRAIG, WILLIAM J. - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1940; #87; “The Outlaw Brand”);
CRANE, ROBERT - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections Pub.; 1936; #20; “Stormy Range”);
CRANE, ROBERT - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections Pub.; 1935; #25; “Wild Blood”);
Crane, Stephen - THE BRIDE COMES TO YELLOW SKY (Thrilling Western Magazine; Acme Pub.; Volume 1 #5; Summer 1970; "The Hickory Heart" by William Corcoran; "Macho" by S. Omar Barker; "The Seventh Shot" by Hal K. Wells, "The Black Killer" by Howard E. Morgan; Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
CUMMINS, RALPH – (Doubleday Pub.; 1923; “Sky-High Corral”);
Cunningham, Eugene - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections Pub.; 1939; #38; “Red Range”);
Cunningham, Eugene - “WHISTLING LEAD” (The Western Novel Classic #43 1937 Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
Cunningham, Eugene - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections Pub.; 1938; #48; “Texas Triggers”);
----------- ( D ) ------------
Deming, Kirk - “GRASS MEANS FIGHT” (A Gunfire Western Novel #38; A Hillman Pub.; 1938; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
DEMING, KIRK - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections Pub.; 1938; #102; “Colt Lightnin');
DRAGO, HARRY SINCLAIR – (Thrilling Novels; Popular Pub.; 1935; #21; “Trigger Gospel”);
DRAGO, HARRY SINCLAIR – (Prize Western Novels; Crestwood Pub.; 1949; #30; “Smoke of the .45”);
DRAGO, HARRY SINCLAIR – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1933; #32; “Desert Water”);
Duke, Montana. --- DEADLIGHT AND THE REDSKIN GHOST. (UK Western Pulp Digest Magazine series) #3 in the "Deadlight" Series. London, England, Great Britain, UK: Hamilton & Co. Soft Cover. Very Good. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 112 pages. >>>[Popular UK Author, writes USA Westerns, including the " Deadlight " series] NOT Dated, but Circa 1950's; Inventory #D18-3 Price: US$ 12.00);
Duke, Montana. --- DEADLIGHT AND THE REDSKIN GHOST. (UK Western Pulp Digest Magazine series) #3 in the "Deadlight" Series. Illustrated by Good Girl Art Painted Bondage Cover. London, England, Great Britain, UK: Hamilton & Co. Soft Cover. Very Good. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 112 pages. >>>[Popular UK Author, writes USA Westerns, including the " Deadlight " series] NOT Dated, but Circa 1950's; Inventory #D18-1 Price: US$ 12.00);
----------- ( E ) ------------
ECHOLS, ALLAN K. - (Readers Choice Library; 1950; #5; “The Stranger from Texas”);
Ellis, Larry. -- RUSTLIN' FOOLS. ( Western Pulp Digest Magazine ) #2 in the Private Detective's Larry Ellis & Bunch Wing, in the USA Old West Series. London, England, Great Britain, UK: Hamilton & Co. Soft Cover. VG+. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 112 pages. "All they wanted to do was go home to New York, those two private-eyes, Larry Ellis and his tubby partner, Bunch Wing. Home, where they'd never hear such words as 'cattle,' or 'rustler' again. But the West isn't such an easy place to get away from when there are killers around who are aching to attach you to the nearest tree, very high up." Sequel to "Greenhorns at Greenhide Gulch"; Set in USA Western fiction series, by UK British author. SCARCE! NOT dated, but circa 1950's; Inventory #D45 Price: US$ 17.00 );
Elston, Allan Vaughan - ALL WESTERN Pulp Digest Magazine USA; August/September 1950; Volume 1 #2; Dell Pub; CONTENTS - "The Drylanders" by Alland Vaughan Elston; "Cow-country Crossword" by William Lewis Jr.; "Tout" by Frank Richardson Pierce; "Coat of Arms" by Edith Letts Dunn; "Bucking the Double Arrow" by Harry Sinclair Drago; "Never Ride a Gift Horse" by Allan R. Bosworth; "Too Bright a Moon" by Bertrand W. Sinclair; "Woman of the Western Trail" by W.H. Hutchison; "Loot of the Golden Horn" by Rollin Brown.);
ELSTON, ALLAN VAUGHAN – Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1941; #78; “Come Out and Fight!”);
ERMINE, WILL – (Fighting Western Novel; Novel Selection; 1947; #25; “The Drifting Kid”);
ERMINE, WILL – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1936; #40; “Wind River Outlaw”);
ERMINE, WILL – (Black Cat Western Series; Crestwood Pub.; 1949; #36; “Trail Trouble”);
Ernenwein, L. - “KINCAID OF RED BUTTE” (A Fighting Western Novel #15; Hillman Pub.; Pulp Digest Magazine USA.; 1942);
ERNENWEIN, L. - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1941; #90; “Gunsmoke Galoot”);
----------- ( F ) ------------
FAMOUS WESTERN – (Columbia Pub.; Volume 19 #5; February 1959; “Threat of the Noose” by E.E. Clement; “Reign of Terror” by G. Hastings; “Tough Breed” by Tom Calloway);
FAMOUS WESTERN – (Columbia Pub.; Volume 20 #1; June 1959; “John Wesley Hardin – Mankiller” by Carl Breihan; “Guns in Furnace Valley” by Lauran Paine; “Cue for Gunsmoke” by D.L. Hyde);
FAMOUS WESTERN – (Columbia Pub.; Volume 20 #2; August 1959; “The Pleasant Valley War” by Marc Peterson; “Gunslick Tenderfoot” by Leonard Calhoun; “Rustlin' Gal” by Lauran Paine);
FAMOUS WESTERN – (Columbia Pub.; Volume 20 #6; May 1960; “My Guns are Proof!” by E.E. Clement; “The Riddle of Bushwhack Range” by Elton Webster; “Fifty-Fifty Deal” by Clare Hamilton; “Wanted – Alive!” by Julius Elman; “The Amazing Sam Gillett” by Reuden Jenner);
FAR WEST (Wright Pub.; September/1978; Volume 1 #7; “River Fury” by Stack Sutton; “The Marshal of Sentinel” by Louis L'Amour; “Apache Warpath by Robert Greth; “Jackrabbits” by S. Omar Barker; “Reunion” by Randolph Newman);
Floren, Lee - BLACK GUNSMOKE Original novel not a reprint (A Star Book # 21; 1951;Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
Floren, Lee., --- TWO-GUN TRAIL. ( Star Books. Series, Book #17 -- Western Pulp Digest Magazine ) GIL JONES, Texas Gunslinger & Range war. Illustrated by George Gross Painted Cover Art. USA.: Star Books./Star Guidance Inc. 1951. Soft Cover. Fair to Good. Second Edition. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 130 pages. GIL JONES, Texas Gunslinger, renegade in hostile Yankee territory, & Range war. Tape repair inside, cover creases. Still a nice reading Copy! SCARCE! [2nd edition of this scarce PBO!]. Inventory #D54 Price: US$ 9.00 );
Floren, Lee., --- MAD RIVER GUNS. ( Crestwood / Black Cat Western Series book # 44 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) With Colonel Henry S. Braden, Tortilla Joe & Buck McKee. USA.: Crestwood / Black Cat Western Series book # 44. 1950. Soft Cover. Very Good. First Paperback Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. Writing on first page inside. Inventory #D36-1 Price: US$ 10.00 );
Floren, Lee. -- GUN-SLAMMER. (or Gunslammer ) ( Black Cat Western -- Pulp Digest Magazine Series #42 ) with WEB DRUMMOND. USA.: Crestwood / Black Cat Western Series book # 42. 1945. Soft Cover. Good. First Paperback Ed. & 1st Printing!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. Inventory #D27 Price: US$ 8.00 );
Floren, Lee. --- (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1949; #41; “Milk River Range”);
Floren, Lee. --- (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1945; #43; “The Long S”);
Floren, Lee. --- (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; #51; “Smugglers' Range”);
Floren, Lee. --- GUNS OF POWDER RIVER. ( Prize Western Novels # 40 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) Judge Bates , Tobacco Jones, Nero Bucklin & Square Butte Sheep Ranch series! With Judge Cinchring Thomas. USA.: Crestwood/ Prize Western Novels book # 40, 1947. Soft Cover. Good. First Paperback Ed. & 1st Printing!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. SCARCE!);
Floren, Lee. --- GUNS OF POWDER RIVER. ( Prize Western Novels # 40 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) Judge Bates , Tobacco Jones, Nero Bucklin & Square Butte Sheep Ranch series! With Judge Cinchring Thomas. USA.: Crestwood/ Prize Western Novels book # 40, 1947. Soft Cover. Good. First Paperback Ed. & 1st Printing!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. SCARCE!. Inventory #D29 Price: US$ 15.00);
Floren, Lee. --- MAD RIVER GUNS. ( Crestwood / Black Cat Western Series book # 44 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) With Colonel Henry S. Braden, Tortilla Joe & Buck McKee. USA.: Crestwood / Black Cat Western Series book # 44. 1950. Soft Cover. Good. First Paperback Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. Inventory #D36-2 Price: US$ 7.00);
Floren, Lee - TWO GUN TRAIL (Star Books # 17; Star Guidance Inc Pub.; 1951;Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
Floren, Lee – RUSTLER'S TRAIL (Star Books # 20; Star Guidance Inc Pub.; 1951;Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
Floren, Lee – DEPUTY'S REVENGE (The Long Trail North) (Star Books # 27; Star Guidance Inc Pub.; 1952;Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
Floren, Lee - TWO GUN TRAIL (Star Books # 46; Star Guidance Inc Pub.; 1951, 2nd edition;Pulp Digest Magazine USA.);
Ford, T.W --- THE TRIGGER TRIBE. -- Illustrated Edition. ( Double-Action Series #NN -- Western Pulp Digest Magazine ) USA.: Double-Action Pocketbook./ Columbia Publications. 1955. Soft Cover. Good. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 129 pages. A complete western novel. SCARCE! {NOT listed in Either Hancer nor Warren price guides!} John Pilgrim of Zacotte Prison, outlaws vigilantes & executioners the Hangman Bunch, Finger Haraday, Art McLee, Tex Fish small time Lobo, Cora Poole & Rosita. Inventory #D50 Price: US$ 12.00;);
Foster, Bennett - DUST OF THE TRAIL - A Century Wester #51; Pulp Digest Magazine USA; Doubleday, Doran & Co Pub.; 1941);
FOSTER, BENNETT – (“Powdersmoke Fence”; Western Action Novel; Novel Selection; 1940; #3);
FOX, NORMAN A. - (Thrilling Novels; Popular Novels; 1945; #30; “Thorson of Thunder Gulch”);
Friend, Oscar J. - GUN TRAIL TO GLORY - (Mellifont Wild West Series #92; Mellifont Press, Limited, London, England);
----------- ( G ) ------------
GOODEN, ARTHUR HENRY – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1936; #16; “Smoke Tree Range”);
GOODEN, ARTHUR HENRY – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1937; #4; “Donovan Rides”);
GOODEN, ARTHUR HENRY – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1942; #44; “Roaring River Range”);
Grinstead, J.E --- THE FLYING Y BRAND. ( Black Cat Western Series -- Pulp Digest Magazine #32 ) 1948 ., Illustrated by Herman B. Vestal Cover Art. USA.: Crestwood / Black Cat Western Series. (Mag # 32). 1948. Soft Cover. Very Good. First Paperback Ed. & 1st Printing!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. Inventory #D25 Price: US$ 18.00 ; other copies available = ASK);
GRINSTEAD, J.E. - (Fighting Western Novel; Novel Selection; 1940; #14; “Law of the Trail”);
GRINSTEAD, J.E. - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1941; #97; “The Lightning Kid”);
GREGORY, JACKSON – (Thrilling Novels; Popular Library; 1938; #17; “Man to Man”);
Gruber, Frank – SMOKY ROAD (Readers Choice Library #2; Rinehart & Co, Inc. Pub.; 1949; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Gruber, Frank - BROKEN LANCE (Readers Choice Library #19; Rinehart & Co, Inc. Pub.; 1949; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Gruber, Frank. --- OUTLAW. ( Readers Choice Library series- Book # 13 -- Western Pulp Digest Magazine ) JIM CHAPMAN in Post CIVIL WAR MISSOURI. USA.: St. John Pub Co/ Readers Choice Library - Book # 13. 1950. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. First Edition By This Publisher. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 126 pages. Complete & unabridged! [Dated 1941, but actually issued in 1950] "Jim Chapman's name was feared wherever railroads ran, and banks did business. From one end of the country to the other, from New York to California, he became, at the age of thirty, a legend for fearless cunning and reckless bravery. A man whom even the greatest detective agency could not capture.." >> With 2" of magic tape, for protection, at bottom of spine. Inventory #D39 Price: US$ 12.00 );
Gruber, Frank. --- OUTLAW. ( Readers Choice Library series- Book # 13 -- Western Pulp Digest Magazine ) JIM CHAPMAN in Post CIVIL WAR MISSOURI. USA.: St. John Pub Co/ Readers Choice Library - Book # 13. 1950. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. First Edition By This Publisher. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 126 pages. Complete & unabridged! [Dated 1941, but actually issued in 1950] "Jim Chapman's name was feared wherever railroads ran, and banks did business. From one end of the country to the other, from New York to California, he became, at the age of thirty, a legend for fearless cunning and reckless bravery. A man whom even the greatest detective agency could not capture..");
Gruber, Frank - PEACE MARSHAL (A Century Western ; 1939; Pulp Digest Magazine USA; Malcolm Smith cover);
Gunfire Western Novel #27; Hillman Pub; 1946 ; Pulp Digest Magazine
BlackCat Western Novel #37;1937; Crestwood Pub.; Pulp Digest Magazine
Fighting Western Novel # 24; Hillman Pub.; 1939;Pulp Digest Magazine
GUNN, TOM – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1938; #101; “Painted Post Rustlers”);
Gunsmoke Pulp Digest Magazine (Gunsmoke Pulp Digest Magazine USA August 1953; Volume 1 #2; CONTENTS - NOVELETTE - "Final Payment" by Frank O'Rourke; "Killer" by H.A. DeRosso; SHORT STORIES - "The Hairy Mr. Frailey" by Jack Schaefer; "Scalp Dance" by Bennett Foster; "The Courting Feud" by Bill Gulick; "Homecoming" by Nelson Nye; "The Big Die-Up" by Steve Frazee; "No Guns" by Louis Trimble; "Snowblind" by Evan Hunter; "Incident at the Bar W" by Robert Turner; "Showdown" by Charles Beckman, Jr. FEATURES - "Owlhoot Who's Who" by T.W. Who; "Behind the Badge" by M.L. Powell);
----------- ( H ) ------------
HALE, RANDOLPH – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1940; #79; “The Prodigal Bandit”);
HALEY, GLEN – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1937; #29; “Rustler's Odds”);
HALLERAN, E.E. - (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1947; #28; “Outlaw Guns”);
E.E. -
(Readers Choice Library; #33; “Prairie
Hanson, Joseph V. --- YELLOW DUST. ( Prize Western Novels Series, book # 38 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) USA.: Crestwood Pub./ Prize Western Novels book # 38, 1950. Soft Cover. Good. First Paperback Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. >>SCARCE! >> Title page missing! >> READING COPY!. Inventory #D56-2 Price: US$ 8.00
Hanson, Joseph V. --- YELLOW DUST. ( Prize Western Novels Series, book # 38 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) USA.: Crestwood Pub./ Prize Western Novels book # 38, 1950. Soft Cover. FAIR. First Paperback Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. >>Magic Tape repair & re-Glued pages! >>> SCARCE! >> READING COPY!. Inventory #D56-1 Price: US$ 6.00 );
HARDY, STUART – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1938; #30; “The Miracle at Gopher Creek”);
HARDY, STUART – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1935; #37; “The Man from Nowhere”);
HARDY, STUART – (Prize Western Novel; Crestwod Pub.; 1938; #26; “Trouble From Texas”);
HECKELMANN, CHARLES N. - (Prize Western Novels; Crestwood Pub.; 1946; #21; “Lawless Range”);
HENDERSON, GEORGE C. - (Readers Choice Library; 1935; #26; “The Killers”);
HOFFMAN, W.D. - (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1945; #24; “The Range Rebellion”);
Holt, Tex. --- POINT WEST. ( Crestwood / Prize Western Novels Series book # 33 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) in the City of the Saints, Salt Lake City, Jess Owen & pard Major McCord. USA.: Crestwood / Prize Western Novels book # 33, 1949. Soft Cover. Good to Very Good. First Edition By This Publisher. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. City of the Saints, Salt Lake City, Jess Owen & pard Major McCord. SCARCE!. Inventory #D40 Price: $ 12.00 );
Holt, Tex - “TRAIL OF LOST MEN” (Prize Western Novel #22; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
HOLT, TEX – (Prize Western Novels; Crestwood Pub.; 1948; #24; “Thunder of Hoofs”);
HOPSON, WILLIAM – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #50; “Silver Gulch”);
Horton, Robert J. ( James ) --- “LENNISTER OF BLUE DOME”. ( The " RED " Novels Series Book #17 - UK British Western Pulp Digest Magazine ) London, England, Great Britain, UK: Literary Press. Soft Cover. Good to Very Good. First Paperback Ed. & 1st Printing!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 160 pages. "No one had ever heard a first name applied to him. He was just Lennister. There were many credited with breaking up rustling bands in Wyoming and had done good work as a 'special' agent for various cattleman's associations in the Musselshell country. Now he was hired to put an end to the rustling activities of Bolt Blodgett and his gang of desperadoes on Blue Dome Range, and this proved one of the most perilous adventures of his career." >> NOT Dated, but Circa 1920's! SCARCE! Small piece off back cover. Inventory #D34 Price: US$ 18.00 );
----------- ( J ) ------------
JAMES, DAN – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1936; #7; “Stranger at Storm Ranch”);
JAMES, DAN – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1935; #10; “Gun Thunder”);
JOHNSON, RYERSON – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1946; #69; “South to Sonora”);
Joscelyn, Archie - JUDGE COLT (Prize Western Novel #28; Crestwood Pub.; 1948;Pulp Digest Magazine USA;
Joscelyn, Archie. -- OUTCAST LAW. ( Black Cat Western Series Book #45 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) USA.: Crestwood/ Black Cat Western Series book # 45. 1950. Soft Cover. Fair to Good. First Paperback Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. >> The rich Gold Mines of town of Stardance, ruthless outlaws, Grant Melton trapper & ex-officer, Dawse O'Hara saloon keeper! SCARCE!. Inventory #D38 Price: US$ 12.00 );
Joscelyn, Archie - (Black Cat Western Series; Crestwood Pub.; 1948; #41; “Smoke in the West”);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Century Western; Century Pub.; 1945; “Sign of the Gun”);
Joscelyn, Archie - (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #47; “Boss of the Northern Star”);
Joscelyn, Archie - (Gunfire Western; Hillman Pub.; 1937; #39; “Ranch of the Two Thumbs”);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Star Books; 1950; #7;“Bad Hombre”);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Star Books; 1950; #9 “Border Wolves”);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Star Books; 1951; #13; “Gun-Thunder Valley!”);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Star Books; 1951;#14 “Vengeance Trail!”);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Star Books; 1951; #18;“Wyoming Outlaw”);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Star Books; 1952; #29; “Duel at Killman Creek”);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Star Books; 1952; #32;“Ambush on the Satan's Hill (The Vengeance Trail);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Star Books; 1953; #42“Two-Gun Vengeance”);
Joscelyn, Archie – (Star Books; 1952; #48, 2nd edition; “Texas Revenge”);
Joscelyn, Archie - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; 1951; #111; “Hell for Leather”);
Joscelyn, Archie - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1946; #70; “Death in the Saddle”);
----------- ( K ) ------------
Ketchum, Philip - HELL IS FULL OF HEROES - WESTERN MAGAZINE Pulp Digest Magazine; Bard Pub.; USA April 1957; Volume 3 #2; CONTENTS - "Tramp Gunfighter" by L.L. Foreman; "Hell is full of Heroes" by Philip Ketchum; "Deadline on the Elkhorn" by Ed LaVanway; "Fool's Errand" (short story) by Edward Carr;
KNIGHT, KIM – (Black Cat Western Series; Crestwood Pub.; #39; “Nighthawk's Gold”);
----------- ( L ) ------------
LEE, RANGER – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1938; #45; “Rebel on the Range”);
LEE, RANGER – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman; 1941; #95; “Badland Bill”);
Legner, Louis E. - BLOOD ON THE SAGE (The Western Novel Classic #84; Hillman Pub.; 1937;Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Lehman, Paul Evan - THE SHEEP KILLERS (The Star Books #16; Star Guidance Inc.; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Lehman, Paul Evan – TEXAS VENGENCE (The Star Books #22; 1951;Star Guidance Inc.; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Lehman, Paul Evan – LAW OF THE '45(The Star Books #25; 1952;Star Guidance Inc.; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Lehman, Paul Evan – TEXAS GUNS (Range Justice!) (The Star Books #28; 1952;Star Guidance Inc.; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Lehman, Paul Evan – RUSTLERS OF THE RIO GRANDE (The Star Books #35; 1952; Star Guidance Inc.; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Leinster, Murray – TEXAS GUN SLINGER - (Star Books #1; Star Guidance, Inc Pub.; ; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Leinster, Murray - OUTLAWS GUNS - (Star Books #3; Star Guidance, Inc Pub.; 1950; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Leinster, Murray - OUTLAWS DEPUTY! (Black Sheep) - (Star Books #5; Star Guidance, Inc Pub.; 1950; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
LE MAY, ALAN – (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; 1933; #35; “Murder Range”);
LOMAX, BLISS – (Century Western Novel; Century Pub.; #58; “Gringo Gunfire”);
LOMAX, BLISS – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1946; #21; “The Phantom Corral”);
LOMAX, BLISS – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #37; “Rusty Guns”);
LOMAX, BLISS – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1945; #52; “Outlaw River”);
LOMAX, BLISS – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #63; “Horsethief Creek”);
LOMAX, BLISS – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #66; “Saddle Hawks”);
LOMAX, BLISS – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1936; #96; “Closed Range”);
LOMAX, BLISS – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1937; #103; “Canyon of Golden Skulls”);
LUKE SHORT'S WESTERN Pulp Digest Magazine USA; April - June, 1954; #1; Dell Pub,; CONTENTS - FEATURES STORY - "High Grade" by Luke Short; NOVEL - "The Fourth Horseman" by Will Henry; SHORT STORIES - "Feud in Big Fork" by Ed La Vanway; "Blood Line" by Walt Sheldon; "Escort West" by George C. Appell; ARTICLES - "Singualr Smith" by W.H. Hutchinson; "Faster Than the Eye" by Harold Preece' SPECIAL FEATURES - "The Plains Indians" by Randy Steffen);
LUKE SHORT'S WESTERN Pulp Digest Magazine USA, October - December 1954; #2; Dell Pub.; CONTENTS - FETURE STORY - "Test Pit" by Luke Short; NOVELETTES - "Adios, My Texas" by L.L. Foreman; "Gunpoint" by George C. Appell, "Cactus Dance" by Theodore Sturgeon; SHORT STORIES - "Rope Fever" by S. Omar Barber, "The Money Man" by William Heuman, "A Hearse for Pablo"by Norman S. Hall; "The Chain" by William J. Glynn; "The Marshal and the Mab" by Will C. Brown; ARTICLES - "Discipline of Winter" by W.H. Hutchinson; "She Never Lost English Accent" Chip Chafetz; SPECIAL FEATURES - "The Plains Indians" by Randy Steffen);
----------- ( M ) ------------
MacDONALD, WILLIAM COLT – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1941; #5; “The Battle at Three-Cross”);
MacDONALD, WILLIAM COLT – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1942; #8; “Boomtown Buccaneers”);
MacDONALD, WILLIAM COLT – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1943; #11; “Rebel Ranger”);
MacDONALD, WILLIAM COLT – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1933; #14; “Six-Gun Melody”);
MacDONALD, WILLIAM COLT – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1943; #19; “The Vanishing Gun-Slinger”);
MacDONALD, WILLIAM COLT – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #22; “The Three Mesquiteers”);
MacDONALD, WILLIAM COLT – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1947; #26; “Master of the Mesa”);
MacDonald, William Colt - RENEGADE ROUNDUP (A Century Western # 10; Century Pub.; 1940; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
MacDonald, William Colt – POWDERSMOKE RANGE (A Century Western # 76; Century Pub.; 1934; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
MacDonald, William Colt - THE RIDDLE OF RAMROD RIDGE (A Western Action Novel #2; Hillman Pub.; 1942; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
MacDONALD, WILLIAM COLT – (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; 1940; #37; “Black Sombrero”);
MacLEOD, RAINE WILLAIM – (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections; 1918; #22; “The Sheriff's Son”);
Macleod Raine, William - “IRONHEART” (The Western Novel Classic #28; Novel Selections Inc. Pub.; 1923; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
MacLEOD, RAINE WILLAIM – (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections; 1940; #39; “Trail's End”);
MacLEOD, RAINE WILLAIM – (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections; 1945; #62; “Bullets for the MK”);
MacLEOD, RAINE WILLAIM – (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections; 1938; #47; “On the Dodge”);
MANN, E.B. - “Texas Lightnin' (The Man From Texas)” (Readers Choice Library #6; Rinehart & Co, Inc. Pub.; 1931; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
MANNING, ROY – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub; 1945; #16; “Trigger Trail”);
MANNING, ROY – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1947; #31; “Tangled Trail”);
Martin, Charles M. - THE DEUCE OF DIAMONDS (The Western Novel Classic #94; Hillman Pub.; 1937;Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
McCULLEY, JOHNSON – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #12; “Ghost Bullet Range”);
McCULLEY, JOHNSTON – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1945; #1; “The Cougar Kid”);
McCULLEY, JOHNSTON – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #8; “South of the Pass”);
McCULLEY, JOHNSTON – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1946; #43; “Senor Avalanche”);
McCULLEY, JOHNSTON – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; #49; “Range Lawyer”);
McLEOD, RAINE WILLAIM – (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selections; 1935; #7; “Border Breed”);
MOORE, AMOS – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub; #13; 1942; “Devlin's Day Off”);
MOORE, AMOS – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1934; #93; “Lead Law”);
MOORE, ED - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1940; #81; “Black Gold Stampede”);
Morant, Tom - "BORDER RUFFIANS" POCKET WESTERN Pulp Digest Magazine USA November 1950; Volume 1 #2; Trojan Magazine Inc.; CONTENTS - "Border Russians" by Tom Morant; "Song of Six Guns" by Henry K. Dallett; "Wasteland Wanderer" by John Kane; "Turn of the Trail" by Paul Hanna; "Square Shooter" by Fred Maurel; "Trouble for Dinner" by Ralph S. Douglas; "Owlhoot Apprentice" by Gerald James; "Killer's Law" by Reese Wade; "'Round the Campfire" by Tom Green);
MULFORD, CLARENCE – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub; “The Deputy Sheriff”);
Mulford, Clarence E. - BRING ME HIS EARS (Thrilling Novels #29; Popular Library, Inc. Pub.;1950; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Mulford, Clarence E. - RUSTLERS' VALLEY (Thrilling Novels #20; Popular Library, Inc. Pub.; 1924;Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
MULFORD, CLARENCE – (Thrilling Books; Popular Library; 1933; #11; “Trail Dust”);
----------- ( N ) ------------
NEWLAND, N.M. - (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1948; #23; “Dunn of the Double D”);
NYE, NELSON C. - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #38; “Wild Horse Shorty”);
NYE, NELSON C. - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1946; #41; “Blood of Kings”);
NYE, NELSON C. - (Western Novel Monthly; Avon Pub.; 1949; #1; “The Gun-Wolf of Tubac” (The Barber of Tubac);
----------- ( O ) ------------
OGDEN, GEORGE W. – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1938; #65; “Windy Range”);
OVERHOLSER, WAYNE D. - (Readers Choice Library; #17;1946; “Gun Crazy”);
----------- ( P ) ------------
PAYNE, STEPHEN - (Thrilling Books; Popular Library; 1935; #28; “Riders of the Rocker K”);
PHILLIPS, ERNIE – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1936; #34; “Rustlers of Table Butte”);
PIPES, ANSON - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1941; #33; “Black Creek Buckaroo”);
PITZER, ROBERT CLAIBORNE – (Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; #16; 1940; “Badmen of Elk Head”);
POCKET WESTERN (Trojan Magazine; November/1950; Volume 1 #2; “Border Russians” by Tom Morant; “Soing of Six-Guns” by Henry K. Dallett; “Wasteland Wanderer” by John Kane; “Turn of the Trail” by Paul Hanna; “Square Shooter” by Fred Maurel; “Trouble for Dinner” by Ralph S. Douglas; “”Owlhoot Apprentice” by Gerald James; “Killer's Law” by Reese Wade; “'Round the Campfire” by Tom Green);
----------- ( R ) ------------
THE RED HEAD FROM SUN DOG. ( The " RED "Novels Western Series Book #42 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) Sheriff Brick Davidson, & Silent Slade in Sun Dog City. London, England, Great Britain, UK: Literary Press. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. First Edition THUS!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 160 pages. "Brick Davidson, the sheriff of Sun Dog City, had just pronounced on Silent Slade, his friend, a verdict of 'Guilty' - the death sentence for murder - although he was convinced that Silent was as innocent as he was himself. Imagine the astonishment of the citizens when they awoke next morning to find that Slade had escaped from the condemned cell and that the bars had been filed through from the outside!" >> NOT Dated, but circa 1920's/30's! SCARCE!. Inventory #D41 Price: US$ 35.00 );
REILLY, WILLIAM K. - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; #19; “Miracle Range”);
REPP, ED EARL - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; #19;1936; “Suicide Ranch”);
REAL WESTERN STORIES (Columbia Pub.; Volume 24 #5; February 1959; “The Sundance Kid” by Irving L. Jaffee; “Wipe Out Those Earps!” by Norman Barlow; “The Red Man's Story” by White Eagle; “The Last Laugh” by Frank Penn; “Violent Lnad” by Peter Norerose; “Who Rides With Santa Anna?” by Edward D. Hoch; “Massacra of the Buffalo” by Ben Berkey; “New Angle” by Cleve Curran);
RHODES, EUGENE M. - (Mellifont Wild West Series; “Trusty Knaves”);
Rider, Brett - “BOSS OF THE OK” (A Gunfire Western Novel #25; A Hillman Pub.; 1940; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
RILEY, TEX – (Black Cat Western Series; Crestwood Pub.; 1949; #35; “Bullet Justice”);
RILEY, TEX - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; #98; “The Shootin' Sheriff”);
RISTER, CLAUDE - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1942; #77; “Guns of Ghost Valley”);
RISTER, CLAUDE - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1941; #80; “Red River Gunman”);
ROAN, TOM - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1935; #35; “The Rio Kid”);
ROAN, TOM - (Fighting Western Novel; Novel Selection.; #42; “Gun Lord of Silver River”);
ROBERTSON, FRANK C. - (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1942; #12; “Cowman's Jack-pot”);
ROBERTSON, FRANK C. - (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1943; #15; “Getley's Gold”);
ROBERTSON, FRANK C. - (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1943; #33; “Rope Crazy”);
ROBERTSON, FRANK C. - (Readers Choice Library; #7; 1950; “Six-Gun Law in Wrango”);
Robertson, Frank C. - COW COUNTRY LAW (Thrilling Novels #16; Popular Library Inc.; 1947; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Robertson, Frank C. - THE OUTLAW OF ANTLER (Black Cat Western Series #29; Crestwood Pub.; 1947;Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
ROBERTSON, FRANK C. - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1945; #1; “Round-UP in the River”);
ROBERTSON, FRANK C. - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #51; “The Noose Hangs High”);
ROBERTSON, FRANK C. - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1940; #83; “The Firebrand from Burnt Creek”);
Rubel, James L., --- RENEGADE GUNS. ( Black Cat Western Series book # 43 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) with Rob Farrigan, alias Velvet, alias Baja Kid. Good Girl Art Illustrated Cover! USA.: Crestwood/ Black Cat Western Series book # 43, 1946. Soft Cover. Very Good. First Paperback Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. [Dated 1936, when hardcover was released, this edition was actually released in 1946] Rob Farrigan, alias Velvet, alias Baja Kid. Inventory #D42 Price: US$ 12.00);
----------- ( S ) ------------
SELTZER, CHARLES ALDER – (Fighting Western Novels; Hillman Pub.; 1935; #6; “Silverspurs”);
SELTZER, CHARLES ALDER – (Thrilling Novels; Popular Library; 1922; #14; “Square Deal Sanderson”);
SELTZER, CHARLES ALDER – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1941; #64; “So Long, Sucker”);
SHAPPIRO, HERBERT – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1946; #3; “Two-Gun Texas”);
SHAPPIRO, HERBERT – (Prize Western Novel; Crestwood Pub; 1944; #27; “Silver City Rangers”);
Shappiro, Herbert., --- “TROUBLE AT MOON PASS”. ( Prize Western Novels book # 25 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) Railroad trouble shooter Dan Doran. Illustrated by Herman B. Vestal Cover Art. USA.: Crestwood/ Prize Western Novels book # 25, 1948. Soft Cover. Good to Very Good. First Paperback Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 120 pages. A complete western novel. Raiders, Railroad, cattle country, maverick, trouble shooter Dan Doran, in days when End-of-Steel & Iron Horse were fightin words!. Inventory #D52-1 Price: US$ 9.00 );
SHORT, LUKE – (Century Western; Century Pub.; 1940; #50; “Dead Freight for Piute”);
Short, Luke - “RAIDERS OF THE RIMROCK” (The Western Classic #36; Novel Selections, Inc. Pub.; 1938;Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
SHORT, LUKE – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1940; #40; “War on the Cimarron”);
SHORT, LUKE – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1935; #45; “The Feud at Single Shot”);
Sims, John - OUTLAW OF HIDDEN VALLEY (A Gunfire Western Novel #34; A Hillman Pub.; 1949; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
SINCLAIR, BERTRAND W. - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1927; #112; “Room for the Rolling M”);
SIX-GUN WESTERN ( Trojan Magazine; Volume 3 #5; December 1950; “Guns Claim the Land” by Lloyd Eric Reeve; “Hangman's Gold” by Roy Vicker; “Six-Guns be Damned!” by Frank E. Smith; “Bullets from the Past” by Elmer Kelton; “Fear Pulls the Trigger” by Ralph S. Douglas; “Dead Man's Trap” by Dev Klapp; “Mission of Hat” by Gerald James; “Cow-Country Mail Call” by Dobie Dallas);
SNOW, CHARLES H. - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1946; #36; “The Cowboy From Alamos”);
SNOW, CHARLES H. - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #99; “Horsethief Pass”);
SNOW, CHARLES H. - (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1939; #52; “Outlaws of Sugar Loaf”);
SNOW, CHARLES H. - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1942; #86; “The Brand Stealer”);
STARR, CLAY – (Prize Western Novel; Crestwood Pub.;1949; #32; “Powder Smoke Blood”);
SUMNER, EARL - (Prize Western Novel; Crestwood Pub.;1950; #39; “Trouble Buster”);
----------- ( T ) ------------
THOMAS, LEE – (Gunfire Western Novel; Novel Selection; 1950; #53; “Dusty Boots”);
THRILLING WESTERN MAGAZINE (Health Knowledge Inc.; Volume 1 #5; Summer/1970; “The Hickory Heart” by William Corcoran; “Macho” by Hal K. Wells; “The Seventh Shot” by Hal K. Wells; “Sheelherder” by Cliff Walters; “Dirge of an Indian Mother” by Henry Herbert Knibbs; “Putting Her Eye Out” by John Beams; “The Bride Coimes to Yellow Sky” by Stephen Crane; “The Black Killer” by Howard E. Morgan; “Old-Timers” by Berton Braley);
TOMPKINS, W.A. - (Prize Western Novel; Crestwood Pub.;1940; “Wyoming Trail”);
TRACE, JOHN - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1940; #68; “Rough Mesa”);
TRACE, JOHN - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1941; #71; “Range of Golden Hoofs”);
TRACE, JOHN - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1940; #76; “Trigger Vengeance”);
TRACY, RAY PALMER – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1939; #72; “Gunsmoke in the Hills”);
TROUBLE SHOOTIN' MAN and Other Stories. ( Readers Choice Library Series, Book # 14 -- Western Pulp Digest Magazine ) Plus 4 Bonus Stories; (1) Fury in the Foothills; (2) Dead Man's Due; (3) The Deadly Dugway; (4) Owlhooters' Roost. Robertson, Frank C. USA.: St. John Pub. Co./ Readers Choice Library Series, Book # 14, 1950. Soft Cover. Near FINE. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 127 pages. A complete western novel. >>> PLUS; Other short stories included in this pulp; "Fury in the Foothills", "Dead Man's Due", "The Deadly Dugway", "Owlhooters' Roost". >>> "He was a 'Trouble Shootin' Man', and there was plenty of trouble at the corral. Kirk Daniels might have thought it mere horseplay had it not been for the girl. Girls didn't usually pull six-guns on men just in fun, and there was certainly no laughter on the face of tall, good looking Carol Hardiman. When Philip Bennet (chilled-steel manager of the insurance company foreclosing the Hardiman place) sent Kirk to investigate, he warned Kirk about Carol. 'Her father's wanted for murder, and the gal's pretty desperate, so don't let her pull the wool over your eyes.' But there was more here than met the eye, Kirk thought. Mrs. Wingate wanted to buy the Hardiman place for a song, and she and her sons, Buck and Bert Rodrick, were out for blood. Who had really killed Tom Wingate, and how much did the Chinaman, Sing-high know? Here and in 'The Deadly Dugway' and 'Fury on the Foothills', Frank Robertson sets the stage with blazing guns and mounting action against the colorful background of a violent and bloodthirsty West.". Inventory #D53 Price: US$ 17.00 );
TUTTLE, W.C. - (Gunfire Western Novel; Novel Selection; 1928; #6; “The Morgan Trail”);
Tuttle, W.C. - THE TIN GOD OF TWISTED RIVER (The Western Novel Classic #46; Novel Selections, Inc. Pub.; 1925; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
TUTTLE, W.C. - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #27; “Bluffer's Luck”);
TUTTLE, W.C. - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #33; “Tumbling River Range”);
TUTTLE, W.C. - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #41; “The Keeper of Red Horse Pass”);
TUTTLE, W.C. - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #46; “The Tin God of Twisted River”);
TUTTLE, W.C. - (Western Novel Classic; Novel Selection; #50; “The Dead-Line”);
---------- ( W ) -----------
WEST, TOM – (Fighting Western Novel; Novel Selection; 1947; #11; “Six-Gun Showdown”);
WEST, TOM – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1948; #20; “Spectre Spread”);
WEST, TOM – (Gunfire Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1949; #35; “Botched Brand”);
WEST, TOM – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1945; #56; “Bushwhack Basin”);
WEST, TOM – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1946; #60; “Trouble Trail”);
WEST, TOM – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1946; #74; “Renegade Range”);
WEST, TOM – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #91; “Meddling Maverick”);
WESTERN ACTION (Columbia Pub.; March 1959; Volume 22 #5; “Bad Bella Starr” by Carl Breihan; “Killers Came at Dawn” by Lauran Paine; “Lure of the Klondike” by Reuben Jenner; “Fort Sutter's First Muder Trial” by Evelyn Beasore; “Death of a Gunman” by Ray G. Ellis);
(WESTERN STORY Pulp Digest Magazine USA; June 1945; Volume. CCXIII; #2; CONTENTS - NOVEL - "Bible Ben's Rep" by Walt Coburn; NOVELETTES - "Justice in Cotton Forks" by Jeams Shaffer; "Siwash Savvy" by Frank Richardson Pierce; "Gold Camp Gun Ghost" by M. Howard Lane; SHORT STORIES & FEATURES - "The Jinx of Wrong-Way Charlie" by Jim Kjielgaard; "Rawhide Recipe" by S. Omar Barker; "Mines and Mining" by John A. Thompson; "Halfway to Hell" by Joseph Chadwick; "Range Savvy" by Gene King; "Outlaw Deputy" by Bruce Douglas);
WESTERN STORY Pulp Digest Magazine USA, December 1948; Volume CCXX, #2; Street & Smith Pub.; CONTENTS - NOVELS - "Buch Pilot:" by Frank R. Pierce; "Driftin' South To Trouble:" by Walt Coburn; NOVELETTES - "The Hardest Trail" by Eli Colter; "Drought Burns a Death Brand" by Giff Cheshire; "The Lead Saddle" by C.K. Shaw; SHORT STORIES & FEATURES - "Comanche Code" by Clark Gray; "What's ina Brand?" by Jack Luzzatto; "Silent Witness" by Seth Ranger); "The Tie-fast Men" by S. Omas Barker; "Range Savvy" by Gene King);
WESTERN STORY Pulp Digest Magazine USA, April/1949; Volume CCXX, #6; Street & Smith Pub.; CONTENTS - NOVELS – "Santel of the Sierras” by Tom W. Blackburn; “3-7-77” by Walt Coburn; “A Pilgrim Comes to Coffin Creek” by Michael Trent; “Powdersmoke Prescription” by Ralph Yergen; “Gun Thunder at War Bonnet” by William J. Yergen; “Gun Thunder at War Bonnet” by William J. Glynn; “The Widder's Might” by Howard Haynes; “Rock Cabins” by John A. Thompson; “Range Savvy” by Gene King; “Grubstake Dynamite” by Joseph F. Hook; “What's in a Brand?” by jackLuzzatto; “Bullet Trail” by Emmett J. Powell; “Bankroll” by Seth Ranger; “Where to Go” by John North; “Mines and Mining” by John A. Thompson; “Guns and Gunners” by Captain Philip B. Sharpe);
WESTERN MAGAZINE . ( Pulp Digest Magazine) June 1955. "Firebrand" by Debs Smith. & "His Brother's Gunhand" by Philip Ketchum. Ketchum, Philip. & Lynch, James Charles. - Debs Smith. Morgan Lewis, Cliff Farrell, William Heuman, V.E. Thiessen., Illustrated by Bentley Painted Cover Art. USA.: Bard Pub./ Atlas, 1955. Soft Cover. Good. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 160 pages. Volume 1, No. 1. June 1955. CONTENTS: Novelette - "Firebrand" by Debs Smith. Complete Novel - "His Brother's Gunhand" by Philip Ketchum. Short Stories - 'A Hint of Violence" by Morgan Lewis, "Elkhorn's Last Duel" by James Charles Lynch, "Prairie Treasure" Cliff Farrell, "Outlaw's Girl" by William Heuman, "Sundown Decision" by V.E. Thiessen. Inventory #D78 Price:
US$ 10.00);
WESTERN MAGAZINE – (Bard Pub.; Volume 1 #2; September/1955; “Killer Posse” by J.L. Bouma; “The Fight at Lost Horse Springs” by Gardner F. Fox; “Deadline in Barrio” by L.L. Foreman; “The Rancher's Lady” by Elmore Leonard; “Two-Gun Farewell” by C.S. Park; “Shadow of the Shield” by Ed La Vanway; “Backtrail Blues” by George C. Appell; “Meet Mr. Mule” by C. William Harrison; “Caged” by Debs Smith);
WESTERN MAGAZINE – (Bard Pub.; Volume 2 #3; October/1956; “Gunslingers of the Cibola” by L.L. Foreman; “Trouble with the Tough Toilivers” by Joseph Chadwick; “Dark Kill” by Todhunter Ballard);
WESTERN MAGAZINE – (Bard Pub.; Volume 3 #2; April/1957; “Tramp Gunfighter” by L.L. Foreman; “Hell is Full of Heroes” by Philip Ketchum; “Deadline on the Elkhorn” by Ed LaVanaway; “Fool's Errand” by Edward Carr);
WESTLAND, LYNN – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1944; #26; “Prairie Pinto”);
WESTLAND, LYNN – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1943; #28; “Prentiss of the Box 8”);
WESTLAND, LYNN – (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1945; #40; “Return to the Range”);
Westland, Lynn - BLACK RIVER RANCH (The Western Classic #85; A Hillman Pub.; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Westland, Lynn - OVER THE FRONTIER TRAIL (Prize Western Novels #31; Crestwood Pub.; 1949; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Westland, Lynn – “Prairie Pioneers” (Black cat Western Series #30; Crestwood Pub.;1948; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Westland, Lynn - THE SILVER CAYUSE (Black cat Western Series #34; Crestwood Pub.;1948; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
Westland, Lynn - “SADDLE RIVER SPREAD” (Black cat Western Series #38; Crestwood Pub.;1942; Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
WESTLAND, LYNN – (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1937; #105; “Dakota Marshal”);
WHIPPLE, CHANDLER - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1940; #2; “Under the Mesa Rim”);
WHITE, WILLIAM PATTERSON – (Thrilling Novels; Popular Library; #18; “Guns of Paradise Bend”);
WHITE, WILLIAM PATTERSON – (Thrilling Novels; Popular Library; 1921; #24; “Heart of the Range”);
WHITE, WILLIAM PATTERSON – (Thrilling Novels; Popular Library; 1946; #32; “Hidden Trails”);
WILD WEST SERIES - (Mellifont Wild West Series; Mellifont Press; “Dusty Rivers” by Raymond A Berry; “Under Arizona Stars” by K. Eggleston; “The Holding of Recapture Valley” by Raymond A. Berry; “The Silver Reata” by Philip F. Deere; “Trusty Knaves” by Eugene M. Rhodes; “Crucifixion Range” by J. Samuel Sisco; “The Slash 44” by A.P. Nelson; “Lawless Range” by Stephen Payne);
WILSTACH, JOHN - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1939; #4; “Rope Neckties”; back cover missing);
WIRE, HAROLD CHANNING - (Western Novel Classic; Hillman Pub.; 1934; #89; “Marked Man”);
---------- ( Y ) -----------
Young, Gordon., --- HOLSTER LAW. ( Thrilling Novels /Books Series Book #13 -- Pulp Digest Magazine ) >> Red Clark { fighting Redhead } Western Series Novel. Illustrated by George Rozen Painted Cover! USA.: Thrilling Novels /Books. 1947. Soft Cover. Very Good. First Paperback Ed. & 1st Printing!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 128 pages. Complete & Unabridged. Inventory #D32 Price: US$ 18.00 );
Young, Gordon - GUNMAN FROM TULLUCO (Thrilling Novels #23; Popular Library Pub.;Pulp Digest Magazine USA);
YOUNG, GORDON - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1947; #13; “Red Clark at the Showdown”);
YOUNG, GORDON - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1948; #17; “Quarter Horse”);
YOUNG, GORDON - (Fighting Western Novel; Hillman Pub.; 1943; #30; “Tall in the Saddle”);
YOUNG, GORDON - (Thrilling Novel; Popular Library; 1947; #13; “Holster Law” original titled “Red Clark in Paradise”);
YOUNG, GORDON - (Thrilling Novel; Popular Library; 1948; #23; “Gunman from Tulluco”);
---------- ( Z ) -----------
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 1, No. #5- July, 1947. ( Pulp Digest ) “The Lost Wagon Train” by Zane Grey; “Grandpop's Gold Bricks” by Raymond S. Spears; “Here's Mud in your Ete” by Walker A. Tompkins; “When a Document is Official” Frederic Remington; “Trailing Old Prince” by J.E. Grinstead; “The Passing of Buchshot Roberts” by Carl Smith & Dan Muller; “Mountain Men” by Eric Thane);
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 1, No. #10- December, 1947. ( Pulp Digest ) “Arizona Ames” by Zane Grey; “Grove Girl” by Eugene Cunningham; “Christmas at Singing Coulee” by Frank Richardson Pierce; “The Story of the lucky Louise or, Blood Will Tell” by G. Ezra Dane & Beatrice J. Dane Eugene Manlove Rhodes; “Bell-the-Cat” by Eugene Manlove Rhodes; “Fun in Court” by Mark Twain; “'Old Reliable'” by Edwin L. Sabin; “Pay Rock in the Pass” by Joseph F. Hook; “War on Powder River!” by Carl Smith & Nicholas S. Firfires; “Black Bronc” by Jo Mora; “When the Brush Popped” by J. Frank Dobie; “Trail Pointing East” by Ruel McDaniel; “Death to the Buffalo” by Fremont Sellersbee);
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 1, No.11 -- January, 1948. ( Pulp Digest ) With Zane Grey Novel "The Mysterious Rider". Zane Grey, Harry Sinclair Drago, Edward Parrish Ware, Stephen Payne, Walker A. Tompkins, Bob Beaugrand & Dan Muller, Bruce Nelson, Edwin L. Sabin., Illustrated by Alden S. McWilliams Cover Art. USA.: Dell Publication. 1948. Soft Cover. Fair to Good. First Edition THUS!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 192 pages. Vol. 1, No.11. January/1948. NOVEL - "The Mysterious Rider" by Zane Grey. NOVELETTE - "The Spanish Kid" by Harry Sinclair Drago. SHORT STORIES - "Poor Jack's Pasture" by Edward Parrish Ware, "If the Boot Fits" by Stephen Payne, "Blood's Thicker Than Watermelon" by Walker A. Tompkins. >>>[ PICTURE STORY - "Ranger Captian of the Lone Star State" by Bob Beaugrand & & illustrated in Comic-Book style, sequential Grapic illustration Format by Dan Muller]; FACT FEATURES - "The Whirlwind" by Bruce Nelson, "Lineman Thompson Saves His Scalp" by Edwin L. Sabin. >> Frontpiece art by Al Kortner. Back Cover "the Cougar" painted by Earl Sherwan. >> G to VG copy, but with 5" rip to back cover, repaired inside with magic tape, thus FA to G copy. Inventory #D58 Price: US$ 13.00
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 2, No.2 -- April, 1948. ( Pulp Digest ) “30,000 on the Hoof” by Zane Grey; “I'll Take Sassparilla!” by S. Omar Barker; “The Ranger Way” by Eugene Cunningham; “Woman in Chaps” by Joseph F. Hook; “Final Curtain” by Victor Rousseau; “Lost Lakes of th eTexas Rangers” by Carl Smith & Dan Muller; “The Senorita and the Braymuh” by ??? “Filibustero” by W.H. Hutchinson; “Run, Mules! Run!” by Edwin L. Sabin; “Guitar Croonin' Blues” by C. Wiles Hallock; “Hoss Wrangler” by Dan Muller);
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 2, No.9 -- November, 1948. ( Pulp Digest ) “Riders of the Purple Sage” by Zane Grey; “The Old Home Town” by Raymond S. Spears; “Rain, Rain, Come to Stay!” by Walker A. Tompkions; “Molly” by George Pattullo; “Renegade” by Thomas Thompson; “The Medicine Watch” by Carl Smith & Nicholas S. Firfires; “Bible, Buckskins and Beaver” by W.H. Hutchinson; “The Unworried Waddies” by S. Omar Barker);
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 2, No. #12- February, 1949. ( Pulp Digest ) “The U.P. Trail” by Zane Gray; “Wolf's Nest at Corazon” by S. Omar Barker; “Brimstone Buckaroo” Clark Gray; “Thurdeer Mountain” by Henry Herbert Knibbs; “Miggles – a Western Classic” by Bret Harte; “Cognomen” by W.H. Hutchinson; “Trooper Teal Fires a Shot” by Edwin L. Sabin; “Keep Your Hands Up!” by Nicholas S. Firfires);
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 3, No. #1- March, 1949. ( Pulp Digest ) With the Zane Grey Novel "Twin Sombreros". Zane Grey, Steward Edward White, Giff Cheshire, Tom W. Blackburn, Gene Hammond, James E. Hungerford., Illustrated by George Prout Cover Art. USA.: Dell Publication. 1949. Soft Cover. Very Good. First Edition THUS!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 192 pages. Vol. 3, No. #1. March/1949. NOVEL - "Twin Sombreros" by Zane Grey. NOVELETTE - "The Rawhide" (A Western Classic) by Steward Edward White. SHORT STORIES - "Hell Was Never So Snug" by Giff Cheshire, "The Heretic" by Tom W. Blackburn. FACT FEATURES - "The Long Chase" by Gene Hammond, "Shearing the Shepherd" by James E. Hungerford. Frontpiece art by Babe Jacobson. Back Cover painting "Closing In" by Earl Sherwan. Inventory #D59 Price: US$ 14.00
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 3, No.#3. - May, 1949. ( Pulp Digest ) with "Wildfire" by Zane Grey. Zane Grey, Frank Gruber, Norman A. Fox, Theodore Sturgeon, Walker A. Tompkins, Edwin L. Sabin., Illustrated by Earl Sherwan Painted Cover! USA.: Dell Publication. 1949. Soft Cover. Very Good +. First Edition THUS!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 160 pages. Vol. 3, No. #3. May/1949. NOVEL - "Wildfire" (Cover feature & story) by Zane Grey. NOVELETTE - "Escape" by Frank Gruber. SHORT STORIES - "The Man Who Rode Back" by Norman A. Fox, "Scars" by Theodore Sturgeon, "False Teeth Never Ring True" by Walker A. Tompkins. FACT FEATURE - "The Vow" by Edwin L. Sabin. Inventory #D61 Price: US$ 12.00
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 3, No.11 -- January, 1950. ( Pulp Digest ) To Ride the River With” by William MacLeod Raine; “Silver for Old Abe” by Tom W. Blackburn; “Trouble Man” by Thomas Thompson; “Editor-in-Grief – a “Paintin' Pistoleer” Yarn” by Walker A. Tompkins; “Road Agents' Bonanza” by Edwin L. Sabin; “Gila Monster” by Earl Sherwan; “Easy Does It” by S. Omar Barker);
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 4, No. #4- June, 1950. ( Pulp Digest ) “Fighting Caravans” by Zane Grey; “Wagon-Tongue North” by L.L. Foreman; “Know My Name” by Thomas Thompson; “Place Camp Cleanup” by Joseph F. Hook; “Deadly Dane” by Harold Preece; “Colt Conversion Model” by Randy Steffen);
ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 4, No.9. - November, 1950. ( Pulp Digest ) with "Ride No More' by Frank Gruber. Tom W. Blackburn, Frank Gruber, Walker A. Tompkins, W. Lee Herrington, Raymond S. Spears, Toi Kerttula & D.L. McDonald, W.H. Hutchinson, Randy Steffen, Dan Muller., Illustrated by Earl Sherwan Painted Cover! USA.: Dell Publication. 1950. Soft Cover. FINE. First Edition THUS!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 160 pages. Vol. 4, No.9. November/1950. Complete NOVEL - "Hired Guns and Badlands Beef"(cover feature & story) by Tom W. Blackburn. >>> NOVELETTE - "Ride No More' by Frank Gruber. SHORT STORIES - "Loco Like a Lobo" by Walker A. Tompkins, "Dead Man's Gun" by W. Lee Herrington, "Pensioned Off" by Raymond S. Spears. FACT FEATURES - "Ding Mung, cattle Baron" by Toi Kerttula & D.L. McDonald, "Not Easy Scared" by W.H. Hutchinson. PICTORIAL FEATURES - "Evolution of the Stock saddle" by Randy Steffen, "Trapline" by Dan Muller. >>> Nice Back Cover painted art "Frankie & Johnny" by George Prout !. Inventory #D65 Price: US$ 20.00 );
ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 5, No.2. - April, 1951. ( Pulp Digest ) with novel "The Silver Star" by Harry Sinclair Drago ; Harry Sinclair Drago, Alec Campbell, Les Savage, Jr., S. Omar Barker, C. William Harrison, J. Frank Dobie, Fremout Sellersbee, W.H. Hutchinson., Illustrated by Bob Stanley Painted Cover Art! USA.: Dell Publication. 1951. Soft Cover. Good to Very Good. First Edition THUS!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 160 pages. Vol. 5, No.2. April/1951. Complete NOVEL; "The Silver Star" (cover feature & story) by Harry Sinclair Drago. NOVELETTE - "A Way with Horses" by Alec Campbell. SHORT STORIES - "Dangerous Orders" by Les Savage, Jr., "Notch Crazy" by S. Omar Barker, "Range Primer" by C. William Harrison. FACT FEATURE - "Wagon-Boss Independence" by J. Frank Dobie, "Billy Lowden's Record Ride" by Fremout Sellersbee. FACT-FICTION - "Born to be Drownded" by W.H. Hutchinson. >> Book has a light waterstain. Inventory #D63 Price: US$ 10.00 );
MacLeod Raine, William - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 5, No.4. - June, 1951. ( Pulp Digest ) with "This Nettle Danger" by William MacLeod Raine. William MacLeod Raine, Thomas Thompson, Marvin De Vries, Edwin L. Sabin, Lewis B. Patten, T.J. Kerttula & D.L. McDonald., Illustrated by Nicholas S. Firfires Painted GGA Good Girl Art Cover! USA.: Dell Publication. 1951. Soft Cover. Good to Very Good. First Edition THUS!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 160 pages. Volume 5, No.4. June/1951. NOVEL - "This Nettle Danger" by William MacLeod Raine. NOVELETTE - "The Gunsmoke King Calls Quits" by Thomas Thompson. SHORT STORIES - "Plague Wagon" by Marvin De Vries, "As Good as any Man" by Edwin L. Sabin, "Payday" by Lewis B. Patten. FACT FEATURE - "Hoss Murder" by T.J. Kerttula & D.L. McDonald. >> VG copy, with light waterstain & small tag-pull area on cover, thus G to VG copy!. Inventory #D64 Price: US$ 12.00);
ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 5, No.12 - February 1952. ( Pulp Digest ) Clay Fisher, Thomas Thompson, B. M. Bower, Edwin L. Sabin, Randy Steffen, James Charles Lynch, S. Omar Barker., Illustrated by Bob Stanley Painted Cover Art! USA.: Dell Publication. 1952. Soft Cover. Very Good. First Edition THUS!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. 160 pages. Vol. 5, No.12. February/1952. NOVEL - "War Bonnet" by Clay Fisher. NOVELETTE - "Lobo Blood" by Thomas Thompson. WESTERN CLASSIC - "Music Hath Charms" by B. M. Bower. SHORT STORIES - "The Woman on Wolf Flats" by James Charles Lynch; "Cattymount Cowboys" by S. Omar Barker; FAST FICTION; "Hell's Brew" by Edwin L. Sabin. PICTORIAL FEATURES - "Mules and the West" by Randy Steffen. >> Small store stamp on first page & light creasing on Back cover. Inventory #D67 Price: US$ 12.00);
6, No.4 - June, 1952. ( Pulp Digest ) Illustrated by Bob Stanley
Painted Cover Art! USA.: Dell Publication. 1952. Soft Cover. Good.
First Edition THUS!. Pulp Digest / Paperback. 12mo - over 6¾"
- 7¾" tall. 160 pages. Vol. 6, No.4. June/1952. NOVEL -
"Outlaw Thickets" by Les Savage, Jr. NOVELETTE - "Ride
with the Devil" by Joseph Chadwick. WESTERN CLASSIC -
"Bar-Nothing Red" by Eugene Cunningham. SHORT STORIES -
"Ramshackle Ranch" by S. Omar Barker, "Sam's Son and
Delighted" by Waker A. Tompkins. FACT FEATURE - "Petticoats
and Dairy Mammas" by T.J. Kerttula & D.L. McDonald.
PICTORIAL FEATURE - "The Starr Carbine, Model 1858" by
Randy Steffen. >>> Has 1/2" x 2" writing on cover.
Inventory #D68 Price: US$
Grey, Zane - ZANE GREY'S WESTERN MAGAZINE. Vol. 7, No.9 -- December, 1953. ( Pulp Digest ) “Sunset Pass” by Zane Grey; “Death for a Brave” by Walt Sheldon; “The Sudden Silence” by William Heuman; “Stampede Smell” by Will C. Brown; “Man Hunt” by George C. Appell; “Bullett Lead and Book Learnin'” by Harold Preece; “Chuckwagon King” by S. Omar Barker; “Wapiti” by Earl Sherwan);
(C) AUSTRALIAN Western Digest Novel's
(Mostly 1970 thru early 1980’s era);
*** Classic Australian WESTERN fiction series, with settings in the 1800’s American West. They are getting Scarcer! Approx. 5-¼” x 7-½” Size; Larger pages means more Text per page; Most books in this series have an average of 35,000 Words which is equivalent to 120-150 or more pages in a Normal sized USA paperback; >> Lightweight for Postage purposes, at approx. 65 Grams each! ] >> Story is 94-97 Pages in Length; >>> MOST are Original Warehouse copies, most are UN-Read, with possibly only some minor shelfwear, many are Nearly Like NEW!
Banner, Cleve (aka; Sheldon B. Cole, Roger Green); The DEADLY BREED. ( #360 in LOBO Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Lobo / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1978. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. . (100 pages, including covers); *** WITH; Abbie & Jacob West, Yukon Valley, Job Matchett, Sheriff Clay Cordell of Yukon City, Mark & Felicity Rankine, Deputy Rankine, Dean Kaisler, Golden Palace Saloon, Jeb & Mabel Baulderstone, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW5-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Banner, Cleve (aka; Sheldon B. Cole, Roger Green); The DEADLY BREED. ( #360 in LOBO Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) , Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Lobo / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1978. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. . (100 pages, including covers); *** WITH; Abbie & Jacob West, Yukon Valley, Job Matchett, Sheriff Clay Cordell of Yukon City, Mark & Felicity Rankine, Deputy Rankine, Dean Kaisler, Golden Palace Saloon, Jeb & Mabel Baulderstone, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW5-3
Beaumont, Walt ( Walter ), DEATH STRIKES ONCE. (In a Town Called Serenity...) ( #105 in Cleveland CLASSIC Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980, States"First Published in 1970"; *** WITH; Town Called Serenity, Wild Men, Owlhoot's, San Antonio Texas, Cantina del Pablo, Gunslinger Gil Harshman, (wanted in Oklahoma & Kansas), Santa Teresa, Hondo's Silver Spur Saloon, Sheriff Thad Stringer, Seth Chamberlain, George Monahan, Bluett, Dockerty clan Bunch, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW8-2
Beaumont, Walt ( Walter ), DEATH STRIKES ONCE. (In a Town Called Serenity...) ( #105 in Cleveland CLASSIC Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980, States"First Published in 1970"; *** WITH; Town Called Serenity, Wild Men, Owlhoot's, San Antonio Texas, Cantina del Pablo, Gunslinger Gil Harshman, (wanted in Oklahoma & Kansas), Santa Teresa, Hondo's Silver Spur Saloon, Sheriff Thad Stringer, Seth Chamberlain, George Monahan, Bluett, Dockerty clan Bunch, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW8-3
Beaumont, Walt ( Walter ), FRAMED. ( Hero Turned Outlaw ...) ( #103 in Cleveland CLASSIC Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FINE. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980, States"First Published in 1970"; *** WITH; Kid Rhet Cody, Ty Hogan, Rollin & Sarah White, Sheriff Kurt Sumner, Bar W Ranch, Lerber, El Paso, Odessa, Braganca, art Apache called Obidos, Aub Bronson, Bob Taft, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW10-3); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beaumont, Walt ( Walter ), FRAMED. ( Hero Turned Outlaw ...) ( #103 in Cleveland CLASSIC Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Beaumont, Walt ( Walter ), Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FINE. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980, States"First Published in 1970"; *** WITH; Kid Rhet Cody, Ty Hogan, Rollin & Sarah White, Sheriff Kurt Sumner, Bar W Ranch, Lerber, El Paso, Odessa, Braganca, art Apache called Obidos, Aub Bronson, Bob Taft, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW10-2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beaumont, Walt ( Walter ), RIDE THE WILD WIND. ( #1450 in Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 9.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Bobcat Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FINE. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1968; *** Ex-Soldiers of the Southern Confederate Army of the USA Civil War = Star Challis, Clutch Bayard, Zeke Malone. Bookseller Inventory #AW14-2
Beaumont, Walt ( Walter ), WHEN SATAN RULES. (Rape & Violence in Lawless town) ( #291 in BOBCAT Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 12.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Bobcat Western / Bison Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1967. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); *** WITH; Tobe Midland, Bill Logan, at Yosemite Creek & Hills, Chuck Houston, Vern Dallas, Jake Rankin, Carson City, Luke Kitchener, Chick Haskell, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW16-2
BRADY, ADAM - “Ride for the Devil! (A Hakkuday Western; High Brand Wesern #334);
Chandler, Lee; DEATH RIDES THIS RANGE. - ( #328 in PHOENIX Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 9.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Phoenix Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1973. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. First Edition By This Publisher. . (100 pages, including covers); *** WITH; Devil's Posse, Rip Dorn (killer wanted in Montana & Wyoming), Leet Bowers, Northern Utah, Aspen Falls, Sheriff big Dutch Sutton, Ash Woods, Bell Beaton, deputy Ric Leslie, Henry Martin, deputy Joe Hill, Jim McGarry, Cole james, Bill Ruskin, etc.
Bookseller Inventory
Chandler, Lee; DEATH RIDES THIS RANGE. - ( #1510 in Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 12.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1968; *** WITH; Devil's Posse, Rip Dorn (killer wanted in Montana & Wyoming), Leet Bowers, Northern Utah, Aspen Falls, Sheriff big Dutch Sutton, Ash Woods, Bell Beaton, deputy Ric Leslie, Henry Martin, deputy Joe Hill, Jim McGarry, Cole James, Bill Ruskin, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW17-1
Cordell, Brad., GUNHAWK'S RANGE. ( #1504 in Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 12.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1968; *** With; Rod Connor, Bill Higgens, old Jonas, Teleka Palace saloon, Fletcher, Limpy Brahe, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW29-2
Cordell, Brad., VIGILANTE VENGEANCE. ( #490 in PINTO Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 12.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / PINTO Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1969; *** With; Hangman's Noose cover, Abe Langley, Plough saloon, Abner Springs, Cec Barton, Bart Tracey, Caleb Whitney, Otto Hertz, Circle L ranch, Marshall Denny, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW31-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cordell, Brad., NOW ! ( #390 in BIGHORN Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Cordell, Brad., Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 9.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BIGHORN Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1969; *** With; Tal Jurgen, Timberline, Arizona, Lazy H Ranch, Garnsey Tate, Glenn Murrell, Guy Hollyer, Coyotero County, Sam Simon, Pat O'Hara, Horse corral, Jeff Blade, Cowpuncher's, Mexican, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW30-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cordell, Brad., NOW ! ( #390 in BIGHORN Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 9.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BIGHORN Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1969; *** With; Tal Jurgen, Timberline, Arizona, Lazy H Ranch, Garnsey Tate, Glenn Murrell, Guy Hollyer, Coyotero County, Sam Simon, Pat O'Hara, Horse corral, Jeff Blade, Cowpuncher's, Mexican, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW30-3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Culp, Morgan., JAY RAMON. ( #4 in FARGO CLASSIC Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / FARGO CLASSIC Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. First Edition THUS!. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980; *** With; Joss FARGO bounty hunter, Caplan Valley Saloon, Leif Carson, Duke Bellamy, Tim Horner, Boothill, Lynching hanging, Jeremy, Lucas & Rosanna Faraday, Johnny Laredo, Sangster, Denning, Sheriff Ben Cabot, Ossie Pitt, Ray Ramon, Clem Dussard, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW32-1
Culp, Morgan., JAY RAMON. ( #4 in FARGO CLASSIC Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / FARGO CLASSIC Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. First Edition THUS!. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980; *** With; Joss FARGO bounty hunter, Caplan Valley Saloon, Leif Carson, Duke Bellamy, Tim Horner, Boothill, Lynching hanging, Jeremy, Lucas & Rosanna Faraday, Johnny Laredo, Sangster, Denning, Sheriff Ben Cabot, Ossie Pitt, Ray Ramon, Clem Dussard, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW32-3
Culp, Morgan., TAG KLEIN. ( #3 in FARGO CLASSIC Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / FARGO CLASSIC Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. First Edition THUS!. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980; *** With; Joss FARGO bounty hunter, Caplan Valley Saloon, Lynching hanging, Lucas & Rosanna Faraday, Rico Korda, Tag Klein, Clem Dussard, Sheriff Ben Cabot, Johnny Laredo, Abe Tolliver, Bart Gleeson, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW33-2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Culp, Morgan., TAG KLEIN. ( #3 in FARGO CLASSIC Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / FARGO CLASSIC Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. First Edition THUS!. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980; *** With; Joss FARGO bounty hunter, Caplan Valley Saloon, Lynching hanging, Lucas & Rosanna Faraday, Rico Korda, Tag Klein, Clem Dussard, Sheriff Ben Cabot, Johnny Laredo, Abe Tolliver, Bart Gleeson, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW33-3
Denver, Shad;
GUN PROTEGE (Top Hand Western Pub.; #281 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; Near Fine = US$12) Bookseller Inventory # 6688-1 ;
Denver, Shad. HERE LIES A LOSER. ( #434 in BISON Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 12.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1967. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); *** With; Man's head in Hangman Noose & Grave cover, Ryde Holbe, Bellition Ridge, High Garter Saloon, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW36-1
Denver, Shad. --- “Legacy of Hate” ( #2680 in BISON Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1992. Soft Cover. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers);
Denver, Shad., NONE BUT THE FAST. ( #360 in PHEONIX Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by FABA Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / PHEONIX Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1978. Soft Cover. Very Good. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); *** With; Wayside Creek, Silas & Leanne Rendell, Lobo Tomlinson, Owen Stubbard, Cameron Denis, Lank Heath, Sheriff Fred Elgar, Harvey Poole, Rhett & Andy Baldan, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW39-3
Denver, Shad., NONE BUT THE FAST. ( #360 in PHEONIX Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by FABA Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / PHEONIX Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1978. Soft Cover. Very Good. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); *** With; Wayside Creek, Silas & Leanne Rendell, Lobo Tomlinson, Owen Stubbard, Cameron Denis, Lank Heath, Sheriff Fred Elgar, Harvey Poole, Rhett & Andy Baldan, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW39-2
Denver, Shad., THEY CAME HUNTING. ( #101 in Cleveland CLASSIC Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 8.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FINE. First Edition THUS!. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980, States"First Published in 1970"; *** With; Dan & Anne Thorpe, Josh Denning, Sheriff Al Winthrope, deputy Jim Haring, Burl Lomaz, Harold Wright, Wilbur Springs, Silver Creek, Cheyne, Jed Prescott, Kip Morris, Doc Fisher, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW43-2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Denver, Shad., THEY CAME HUNTING. ( #101 in Cleveland CLASSIC Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) , Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 10.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. First Edition THUS!. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980, States"First Published in 1970"; *** With; Dan & Anne Thorpe, Josh Denning, Sheriff Al Winthrope, deputy Jim Haring, Burl Lomaz, Harold Wright, Wilbur Springs, Silver Creek, Cheyne, Jed Prescott, Kip Morris, Doc Fisher, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW43-3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Denver, Shad., TEHANE'S TERRITORY. = SKULL Cover! ( #287 in IRON HORSE Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) , Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 12.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / IRON HORSE Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1976. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> STATED; "First Edition: 1976"; *** With; Sheriff Bob Frost, Gil & Marjorie Gibson, Bypass County, Jim Tehane, Cam Bradley, Clay Adamson, Bede Knight, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW41-2
Dodge, Emerson., ALL THE BRAVE BANDIDOS. ( #789 in BISON Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited. Soft Cover. Very Good to Fine. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> Not Dated, but Circa 1980, States "First Published in 1960"; *** With; Tucson, Brod January, El Paso, Pancho, Quent Skillmore, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW53-2
Dodge, Emerson., BALLAD OF A BADMAN. ( #1059 in CORONADO Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 12.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / CORONADO Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1976. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); >>> STATED; "First Edition: 1976"; *** With; Wild Men, Taller than most, Law of Fastest, Joker in Poker card game, Pap, Luke, Marty & Vint Ogg, Cannon Ball Cheyenne Trail, Cheyenne Penitentiary, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW54-2
Dodge, Emerson., BLOOD OF THE BRETHREN. ( #361 in PHOENIX Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / PHOENIX Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1987. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); *** With; Hangman's Noose cover, Tom Gannon, Marshall of San Pedro, Woodstock, battle at Resurrection Valley, Roblais Mountains, Brethren, Trinity, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW57-2
Dodge, Emerson., BLOOD OF THE BRETHREN. ( #361 in PHOENIX Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) , Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Price: US$ 6.00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / PHOENIX Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1987. Soft Cover. FN+, Near New. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers); *** With; Hangman's Noose cover, Tom Gannon, Marshall of San Pedro, Woodstock, battle at Resurrection Valley, Roblais Mountains, Brethren, Trinity, etc. Bookseller Inventory #AW57-1
Dodge, Emerson;
BRING ME BELCANNON (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2453 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN+ = US$6) Bookseller Inventory # 6691-1; & # 6691-2;
Dodge, Emerson;
CALL ME KILLER (Iron Horse Western Pub.; #310 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1978; Near Fine = US$6) Bookseller Inventory # 6692-1, # 6692-2, # 6692-3 ;
DODGE, EMERSON. --- “Count Only on Dying” ( #2701 in BISON Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 2002. Soft Cover. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers);
Dodge, Emerson;
THE DEALER ALWAYS WINS (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2446 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; Near Fine = US$6) Bookseller Inventory # 6693-1; #6693-2; #6693-3 ;
DODGE, EMERSON. --- “Let's Drink to Livin'!” ( #2652 in BISON Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1990. Soft Cover. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers);
Dodge, Emerson;
LONE STAR LOBO (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #106; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1970; FN+ = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6698-1; #6698-2; #6698-3 ;
DODGE, EMERSON. --- “Mighty Few Friends” ( #2314 in BISON Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, Soft Cover. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers);
Dodge, Emerson;
RINGO (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #104; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; 1970; FN/VF = US$10) Bookseller Inventory #6700-1, #6700-2 ;
Dodge, Emerson;
THE SIXGUNNERS (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2451 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; Near Fine = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6701-1, #6701-2, #6701-3 ;
Dodge, Emerson;
TO DIE AT BURNING SPUR (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #111; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; 1970; Near Fine = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6704-1, #6704-2, #6704-3 ;
Dodge, Emerson;
WAR GOD HILL (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2448 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VG = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6705-1, #6705-2; #6705-3;
Dodge, Emerson;
WHEN HOLLISTER CAME HOME (Cleveland Western Pub.; #1837 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN/VF = US$12) Bookseller Inventory #6706-1 ;
Dodge, Emerson;
THE YUMA SANCTION ( Cleveland Western # 2289 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; ; Bookseller Inventory # 6707-1 (FNVF $12) ; #6707-2 (VGFN $9)
Grover, Marshall;
DAY OF DOOM (Cleveland Western Pub.; #1466 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN/VF = US$12) Bookseller Inventory # 6708-1;
Grover, Marshall;
SATAN'S SIXGUN (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #112; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN/VF = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6709-1, #6709-2, #6709-3 ;
Hamilton, Kirk;
BRAND OF THE RENEGRADE ( Lobo Western Pub.; #361 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6710-1, #6710-2 #6710-3;
Hamilton, Kirk. --- “Dead Reckoning” ( #1913 in BISON Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1974. Soft Cover. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers);
Hamilton, Kirk;
DEAD RECKONING (Phoenix Western Pub.; #330 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; 1974; FN = US$10) Bookseller Inventory #6711-1, #6711-2;
Hamilton, Kirk;
FIGHT FOR SHILOH (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2449 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; Near Fine = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6712-1, #6712-2, #6712-3 ;
Hamilton, Kirk. --- “Killer on the Loose” ( #2865 in BISON Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1998. Soft Cover. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers);
Hamilton, Kirk;
LIKE A WOLF (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2450 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6713-1, #6713-2, #6713-3;
Hamilton, Kirk;
A LONG WAY FROM TEXAS (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2454 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; Near Fine = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6714-1, #6714-2, #6714-3;
Hamilton, Kirk;
SHILOH'S KIN (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #110; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6715-1, #6715-2, #6715-3;
Iverson, Brett;
NO SHADOWS AT NOON (Bobcat Western Pub.; #442 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6716-1, #6716-2, #6716-3 ;
Jefferson, Ben;
A COFFIN FULL OF GOLD (Arizona Western Pub.; #438 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; 1974; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6717-1, #6717-2, #6717-3;
Jefferson, Ben;
GRINGO (Cleveland Western Pub.; #311 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; 1987; Near Fine = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6718-1, #6718-2, #6718-3;
Jefferson, Ben;
THREE FOR EL CHINO (Bison Western Pub.; #767 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; 1979; Bookseller Inventory #6721-1 (FN $12); #6721-2 (VG $9);
McAllister, Cord;
THE MARSHAL FROM HELL (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #107; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6725-1, #6725-2, #6725-3 ;
McCabe, Cord;
SPUR LINE TO HELL (Cleveland Western Pub.; #1784 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; 1970; FN+ = US$12)Bookseller Inventory #6726-1, #6726-2 ;
McCabe, Cord;
WEB OF GUNSMOKE (Cleveland Western Pub.; #1840 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; 19710; FN+ = US$12) Bookseller Inventory #6727-1;
McCabe, Sundown;
LAST STAGE TO SATAN'S BUTTE (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2460 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6728-1, #6728-2, #6728-3 ;
McCall, Clint;
BEAT THE DEVIL (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #102; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6730-1, #6730-2, #6730-3 ;
McCall, Clint;
STRAWHEAD (Cleveland Western Pub.; #1416 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN/VF = US$14) Bookseller Inventory #6732-1, #6732-2;
McCall, Clint;
THREE FOR HELL! (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #115; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN = US$9) Bookseller Inventory #6734-1, #6734-2 ;
McKinley, Brett;
BALLAD OF A KILLER (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #108; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6735-1, #6735-2, #6735-3;
McKinley, Brett;
CIMARRON SMITH ( Cleveland Western Pub.; #1642 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; Bookseller Inventory #6736-1, #6736-2 (FN+ $12); Bookseller Inventory #6736-3 (Near FN $10);
McKinley, Brett;. --- “Dakonta Gold” ( #1207 in BISON Cleveland Western - Digest Pulp Magazine Series ) Illustrated by Painted Cover Art! Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cleveland Publishing Company / BISON Western / Gordon & Gotch Limited, 1997. Soft Cover. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . (100 pages, including covers);
McKinley, Brett;
THE LAWLESS SUMMER (Bison Western Pub.; #787 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6741-1, #6741-2, #6741-3;
McKinley, Brett;
MAN ENOUGH TO DIE? (Bobcat Western Pub.; #396 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN/VF = US$12) ;
McKinley, Brett;
MANHUNTER'S MESA (Bobcat Western Pub.; #441 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6743-1, #6743-2, #6743-3 ;
McKinley, Brett;
SAM KALIE'S REVENGE (Cleveland "Classic" Western Pub.; #109 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6744-1, #6744-2, #6744-3;
McKinley, Brett;
SWEET TALKIN' DRIFTER (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2447 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; Bookseller Inventory #6746-1 (FN $9); Bookseller Inventory #6746-2, #6746-3 (VG $7);
McLure, Scott;
THE CEDALIA TRAIL (Bison Western Pub.; #543 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; Bookseller Inventory #6747-1 (FN+ $14); Bookseller Inventory # 6747-2 (FN $12) ;
McLure, Scott;
SAGE HEN WORE BLACK (Cleveland Western Pub.; #1684 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$12) Bookseller Inventory #6748-1;
Missouri, Red;
HARD CASE (Tumble Weed Pub.; #311 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; 1987; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6750-1, #6750-2, #6750-3;
Renwick, Walt. A GUN FULL OF HATE. ( Cleveland Peacemaker Western Pulp Digest Magazine #217 ) Price: US$ 15.00 Australia.: Cleveland Pub/ Peacemaker Western. (Mag. # 217). Gordon & Gotch. Soft Cover. Very Good. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . 97 pages. NOT Dated, but circa 1950's; SCARCE!. Bookseller Inventory #D26
Shelton, Cole;
HOT LEAD SHOWDOWN ( Bobcat Western Pub.; #204 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; FN/VF = US$15) Bookseller Inventory #6752-1;
Taggart, Ben, THE DEVIL'S DOZEN, (UK Western Pulp Digest Magazine series) Bighorn Western Book # 360. Price: US$ 12.00 Australia.: Bighorn Western/Cleveland/Gordon & Gotch. Soft Cover. Very Good. PBO (Paperback Original) True First Ed. . 97 pages. NOT Dated, but circa 1950's; RARE book!. Bookseller Inventory #D21
Waring, Brett;
GOLD AT BROKEN STAR (Cleveland Western; #2452 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$6)Bookseller Inventory #6757-1, #6757-2, #6757-3 ;
Waring, Brett;
STRAIGHT OUT OF HELL (Bison Western Pub.; #788 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; VGFN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6758-1, #6758-2, 6758-3;
Waring, Brett;
TAKIN' IT BACK TO SHILOH (Cleveland Western Pub.; #2458 ; Scarce Australia Digest Novel; Circa 1980; Near FN = US$6) Bookseller Inventory #6759-1, #6759-2, #6759-3 ;
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I am Douglas W. Sulipa, an OVERSTREET Comic Book Price Guide SENIOR ADVISOR for 44 years {since Guide #2 way back in 1972); >> Read my Annual OVERSTREET MARKET REPORTS; (Overstreet #45 = AD on pages 228; ** See my 10 Page Market Report on Pages 171-180); (Overstreet #44 = AD on pages 228 & 1092; ** See my 11 Page Market Report on Pages 163-174); (Overstreet #43, Market Report on pages 138-142, AD on page 194); (Overstreet #42 AD on page 188 & 250); (Overstreet #41, AD on page 184 & 236); I am an original member on the Board of Advisors to CBCA {Comic Book Collecting Association} Comic Pros with the common-sense Code of Ethics, in the Comics Community.
We have IN STOCK; [ 1,300,000 COMICS, 1950's thru 2010, & some Older, with 95% of everything ALL Publishers & titles from 1960-2010 ] [250,000 MAGAZINES, ALL types] [250,000 Mass Market PAPERBACKS, ALL types, 1940-1990's] [60,000 Hardcover Books, ALL subjects, from 1900-1990's] [100,000 x 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl LP Records] [40,000 x 45 RPM Vinyl 7” Single Records] [8,000 Music Cassette Tapes] [15,000 VHS Movies] [15,000 POSTERS; MOVIE One Sheets (1950's-1990's), VIDEO Store (1980’s-1990's) & 10,000 Chain store types (1970's-early 1990's)] [VIDEO GAMES; Atari, Coleco, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super-Nintendo, Sega, Genesis, etc] [Digests = Most Comic types, plus a selection of SF, Mystery & many Misc types] & MORE! >> 600,000 Pounds of inventory jam packed into an 8000 Square Foot Warehouse! So much material, we will NEVER get it all catalogued! BUT you can view our HUGE inventory lists at our website = www.dougcomicworld.com
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MAIL ORDER since 1971, with OVER 30,000 DIFFERENT Satisfied Customers, with over 300,000 completed Orders; THANK YOU! ..... Douglas W. Sulipa